#literally brought my muse back to life tbh
hamspamandjamsandwich · 11 months
Kurama is such a complex character, god love him. The way I see him is: I mean he’s literally actually only Yoko Kurama.
“Oh he’s here. He’s me.”
So we have three personas here: Kurama, Yoko Kurama, and Shuuichi Minamino. While he has these three identities, he doesn’t have three personalities. That is to say, he’s one being, two different pieces that merged.
That’s where shit gets really interesting. My interpretation of this is that the merger came packaged with a human soul and body, and that the human parts are what gives him a conscience and a heart and a moral compass, and things such as. I doubt this is an original idea I just wanted to muse lol.
Shuuichi doesn’t bring a different personality. I think Shuuichi provided the things that make us human and a body. Those things are part of the human soul. Empathy, guilt, love. Yoko was always still himself, it’s how Kurama remembers everything, it’s literally just him. He’s simply changed as a person due to being plagued with humanity.
And that’s such a fun idea to me. Yoko Kurama, the legendary bandit, king of thieves—having personality rehab via the human experience. I think it just changed him the way anyone can change, sorta. He begins to feel pretty shitty about the things he’s done and feels guilty about everything with regards to his mother. All this comes together and makes him…a better version of himself? A better person? And I like that.
there is no Shuuichi outside of an adopted persona/identity for Kurama—like I don’t think he brought anything outside of what comes with nature, genetics, and a human soul (which I personally don’t think is the sum of someone’s personality, just what gives them spiritual life? If that makes sense).
But man, it makes me love Kurama so much more when I don’t think of Yoko as a different self or something that can be abandoned, it’s simply a previous version of himself. The past. So I think his 15 years as semi-human simply gave Yoko some insane character development.
Experiencing being unconditionally loved—the very idea that a relationship need not be transactional—being loved beyond what you can do for them. Being loved for existing, and nothing else. I truly think that his humanity responded well to being loved during the “early childhood development” stage and it gives him a way more stable sense of self than he should have tbh
And much like actual prison (or maybe more accurately rehab or inpatient etc), he has nothing but time and passes it by taking up interests and hobbies. He got to find stuff he enjoys about being human and ningenkai. He already liked plants obviously, but it’s so sweet to imagine him really developing an interest in botany and gardening and keeping houseplants etc. Learning to cook with Shiori and actually really liking it—I mean hey he gets to use some of those plants he’s been growing.
Big reader, obviously. He wants to know everything, and he knows so much already, yet humans keep inventing new shit to learn about, so that works out well. School and education get to be competitive sports that he’s the best at, again obviously. All manner of puzzles, games (tabletop and video of course), mystery books and films; if you can analyze it or crack a code somehow, he’s good with it. A real people-watcher, the disdain for humanity begins to fade over time and observation—they’re not so bad after all.
I like that he grows very comfortable in his human form. He’s pretty and appears to really own that (he lucked out there, huh? Incubated in a human that will be so attractive in the future lol), and I think that being raised by his mother (and perhaps this is some of that aforementioned Shuuichi nature) has him “in touch with his feminine side.” So I imagine he doesn’t miss his Yoko body too much, until he suddenly gets it back for a moment and is reminded of how good it felt to be himself. Good in a sinful, hedonistic way, that is. He clearly doesn’t want to be that way, but 1000+ year old habits die hard, right?
Idk I love Yoko Kurama that’s all folks that’s one of my headcanons or maybe it’s actually canon who knows. I just wanted to muse about my favorite kitsune.
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monkeydlesbian · 4 years
this is so random but,,, babysitting fukunaga’s little sister and he just looks at the two of u with the biggest heart eyes,,,that’s all i want tbh
fukunaga shouhei x fem!reader
wc: ROUGHLY 1.6k ???
a/n: BRAINROT!!!!! this is literal brainrot i’m in so much pain i don’t know whether to bite u (affectionately) or kiss u for this. all payne no liam. also i didn’t mean for this to turn into a whole ass fic?? holy fuck i whipped this up in one night LMAO fukunaga brain just took over
warnings: maybe two (2) swear words, the beheading of dolls (just read. it will make sense), reader and fukunaga makeout, NOT PROOFREAD
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You’re not exactly sure what you thought you were getting into when you had agreed to babysit Fukunaga’s little sister with him.
Sure, children are a little fucked up. But that’s why they’re so entertaining, right?
Fukunaga’s little sister is about five years old, and the embodiment of the “weird little girl” stereotype, you’ve come to find out. One minute she’s coloring (inside of the lines; really weird) in her jungle themed coloring book, and then the next she’s asking you if you’d like to watch her take the heads off of her dollies.
At first, you chuckled nervously at her and scratched the back of your neck, spitting out a meek: Yeah... haha... sure...
But then the smile she gives you is bright and toothy (or lack thereof; she had lost one of her front ones last week), grabbing your hand and dragging you towards her room. Your previous apprehension leaves you the moment you remember that you were just like her when you were younger.
No pink and sparkly nail polish, no princess playhouse, just you and the dead mouse you found outside that you had brought into the house. You remember your parents not letting you go outside for a week after that.
“Look, they come off so easy!” She squeals, excited, as she turns to you with the body of a doll in one hand and the head of it in the other. You stare at her for a couple seconds before you’re laughing, loud and genuine with your shoulders shaking and head thrown back.
You’re still laughing when you scoot closer to her on the floor, “Can I try?”
She looks at you with wide eyes and an excited smile, “You wanna rip their heads off with me?”
“Yes, if you wouldn’t mind,” you say politely, a little whimsical and formal, a tone that makes her giggle.
You can almost see her vibrating from where she’s sat on the floor before she jumps up, head and arms buried in the bin with all of her toys before she comes back up, another doll in her hand with an almost manic smile on her face.
She stumbles over to you and sets the doll in your hands. It’s a pretty one, with long brown hair and bright blue eyes. Too bad they won’t be attached to its body anymore.
She squeals and giggles again as you yank it’s head off, a loud popping sound following.
“Wasn’t that fun?!” She asks you, sitting down beside you and leaning her head on your arm.
“Oh yeah!” You confirm, reaching your hand around to pat her hair, giving her a playful scratch on the scalp. “Can the heads go back on, though?”
At that, she sighs, a pitiful sound that makes your heart clench. “No... but Mommy always buys me more! She does get mad at Shouhei when he rips them off with me, though.”
You laugh at the mention of her older brother, your classmate, your friend, the guy you really really like.
“That Shouhei would help you with something like that, wouldn’t he?” You ask, not really searching for an answer. It’s not really a question, honestly. More like a musing, a dreamy sigh that escapes your lips.
“Are you Shouhei’s girlfriend?” She asks suddenly, curious, turning to face you as she places her head in your lap.
You gasp at the question before your cheeks and neck start to heat up, like you stuck your upper body in a furnace.
“N-No!” You say, stuttering at the bluntness of her question.
“Oh,” She says; Disappointment laces her tone. “Well, you should be! He really likes you.”
“H- He what?”
“Yep!” She says, her response really not making any sense, but it makes sense to her. She’s smiling like she knows a secret, one that you happen to not know about.
“I— Well— Okay...” You trail off as you think about the boy in question, probably on the couch reading a book or flipping through the channels of the television to pass the time.
Next thing you know, Fukunaga’s mother is home from work to pick up her daughter and take her to her Jujutsu lessons.
She walks into the foyer and takes her heels off, putting on her slippers, and then she’s smiling. Smiling at the sight of Fukunaga’s very pretty friend fixing the belt of her daughters traditional Gi in the living room. Fukunaga sits on the couch, watching them with a little grin. His mother remembers how fond he is of you.
“Hey, bug! You ready to go?” She asks, her smile growing wider at the sunshiny smile her daughter sends her when you finish with her belt.
“Yep!” She beams, before grunting and planting her feet in a fighting stance in front of you, never faltering as you do the same.
“That was amazing!” She exclaims as she relaxes her body, throwing her arms up in the air as she grins at you.
“Why, thank you! I had a wonderful teacher,” You compliment her, grinning as color starts to bloom on her cheeks. Your grin turns into a watery smile the moment she attaches herself to your side, slinging her arms around your waist and burying her head into your hip.
“‘M g’nna miss you, Miss Y/N,” She mumbles against the fabric of your sweatshirt, squeezing you tight in her little arms.
Fukunaga and his mother nearly melt at the sight in front of them. Fukunaga wears a fond smile, one that makes it look like he’s almost daydreaming.
Except he’s not. It’s real this time.
You chuckle at her before you’re squatting down at her level, her arms dropping to her sides as you hold her face in your hands.
“You’ll see me again, silly,” You tease her, grinning as she scrunches her nose up at you. “I’m gonna be annoying your big brother for the rest of my life, so I’ll be here for a while.”
She giggles at that, “Good! He deserves it. He’s a boy, and boys are smelly.”
“That they are,” You and Fukunaga’s mother say simultaneously. Your eyes grow wide once you meet her own, then laughter rings inside of the living room from the two of you.
You stand up now and accept the hug she gives you when she walks across the room.
“Thanks for helping Shouhei today,” She says with a sigh as you pull away, smiling at the sheepish smile of your own.
“It was my pleasure,” You say as you watch Fukunaga’s sister walk over to her mom and cling to her leg. “We had so much fun!”
“I wouldn’t consider ripping the heads off of dolls to be fun, but I’m sure she really appreciates it. I do too.”
Your cheeks heat up at the praise from your crush’s mother as you fiddle with your fingers nervously. Then, out of the corner of your eye, you see Fukunaga suddenly standing up from his place on the couch and walking over to stand beside you, placing his elbow on your shoulder to lean his weight onto you.
The little girl at her moms side seems to get a little anxious standing there, if the tugging of her blazer was anything to go by.
You say your goodbyes to Fukunaga’s sister and his mom, the two of you waving as they walk out the door together.
The door closes shut and now it’s just you and Fukunaga in the house. Silence fills the living room.
Suddenly, he’s grabbing your hand, leading you towards the couch.
Your eyes grow wide when he sits down and next thing you know, you’re being yanked to sit on his lap.
“F-Fukunaga!” You yelp, heat filling your cheeks at the intimate position he put the two of you in.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” He says, joking and innocent-sounding like he didn’t just place his large hands on your hips, rubbing his thumbs above the soft fabric of your sweatshirt.
“You— I— Wha—?” You seem to short circuit at the way he’s looking up at you, smile fond and eyes soft, like you’ve hung the goddamn moon.
“You’re good with her,” He muses, his hands shifting from your hips and over your skirt to rest on the bit of your thighs that’s exposed. “Not many people are.”
“Well— She’s uh— She was like me as a kid,” You nearly choke on your own words when you feel Fukunaga’s hand squeeze the curve of your knee, hooking his hand under it.
“You ripped the heads off of your dolls too?” He asks, an amused smirk gracing his lips.
You laugh, “No, but I did bring a dead mouse into the house one time. I wasn’t allowed outside for a week.”
This time it’s Fukunaga who laughs, eyes scrunched shut and head thrown back against the couch as his shoulders shake under your hands. You would’ve melted at the sight had you not been laughing too.
“Why haven’t I kissed you yet?” Fukunaga asks suddenly as your laughter dies down. He asks it like the question is dumb, like the answer is stupid.
“Why’re you asking me?” You shoot back with another question, trying your best to keep your composure at the feeling of his hands sliding up and down your thighs, barely slipping underneath your skirt for one quick moment.
He doesn’t respond.
Well, technically he does, if you could classify your eyes fluttering closed, his lips on yours, and a hand cradling the back of your head as a response.
His lips move languidly with yours. He’s warm, and you find yourself sliding further into his lap to push yourself closer to him.
A warm, large hand squeezes one of your thighs from under your skirt and you squeak, jumping in his hold. You feel his lips form a smile against yours and you fight the urge to pull away and smack him.
It’s actually Fukunaga who pulls away, but he doesn’t stay away for long, instead dipping his head down to leave kisses across your neck. They’re as light as a feather, barely there but you let out a soft moan nonetheless.
“Want you around here more,” He whispers against your skin. “She likes you, Mom likes you, I like you...”
“And your dad? The fish?” You joke, squeezing his shoulders when you feel his teeth nip at your neck.
“Why’re you asking how my dad and fish feel about you while I kiss you?” He laughs against your neck, his voice louder this time.
“‘Dunno,” You shrug with a sigh. Another moan leaves your lips when he sucks harshly at the column of your throat. “‘S important for me to know.”
He laughs again, “You’re so— Wow.”
“You think?” You giggle, a teasing lilt to your tone. You yelp when you feel a pinch on your inner thigh, pushing his hand out from under your skirt in retaliation.
“Shut up,” He says, no venom to his words. There never will be.
His lips move back up to your own, instantly slipping his tongue into your mouth.
“I’m supposed to be the funny one here,” He sighs these words against your lips, instantly attaching himself back to you once he’s finished.
“Didn’t say that had to change.”
“Shhh,” He shushes you, his tongue dancing with your own once again. “Just let me kiss you.”
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risingsouls · 3 years
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@viopolis​ asked: 🍎 for Nappa, Raditz and Vegeta
FROOT! || Open!
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?  
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[All things considered, Nappa’s mental health isn’t the worst and he’s a pretty stable individual. Vegeta killing him bothered him for a good bit but he’s sort of decided it isn’t worth losing his mind over. He’ll face that when and if he ever has to (and maybe someday I’ll write something with Nappa and Vegeta having That Talk). Finding the underground fighting ring fairly soon after his revival and beginning to make money on Earth probably helped a lot, even if his intended use for that money changed from purchasing a ship to starting his own gym/dojo/underground fighting ring of his own. It gave him a clear goal and he has come to enjoy his work and life on Earth.
I’ll save time by saying none of these guys have ever been formally diagnosed with any mental illness or condition. I can’t imagine mental health being all that important for Saiyans or the Empire in general. Therefore, they all most definitely have some undiagnosed ones, PTSD being one they all likely share to differing degrees. Otherwise, Nappa is pretty okay? I’m sure he dealt with his own depression and perhaps even some identity troubles after the planet was destroyed, but otherwise, he’s pretty fine mentally these days. Therapy wouldn’t hurt, but I don’t think it is something he NEEDS. He isn’t even all that into killing anymore so that’s progress, right?]
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[Raditz is perhaps a little less stable, but he’s overcome a decent portion of his demons. Due to living a good portion of his life with a couple of bullies that rarely if ever saw much worth in him, he has some pretty potent trust issues that make it difficult for him to form proper relationships no matter how much he may want those connections. Tack on low self-esteem that he tries to cover with false confidence and...you know...dying and being brought back to life can cause some issues for him. He definitely appreciates his second chance, but having a hole shot through you isn’t a pleasant experience and makes for some gnarly nightmares.
As far as what he COULD have, PTSD is very likely as well as depression. Perhaps a bit of abandonment issues in some ways? Therapy or something similar would probably benefit him more than Nappa. He could use someone that just...gives him genuine and considerate attention. To listen without judging because that would be difficult for most normal people since a good chunk of his life was spent murdering by the thousands.]
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[You really had to put Vegeta in here. What ISN’T wrong with him, tbh? He is very mentally unstable and it takes him YEARS to reach any sort of a semblance of stability. I could write a novel about it all but I’m not going to because I literally looked at the time and realized I should be trying to go to bed whoops.
Anyway, he’s a narcissistic egomaniac who also suffers from some kind of obsessive personality disorder and most definitely depression and PTSD from all that Trauma. Has issues with not having control in a situation to some degree, likely due to basically never having any real control of his life when he served Frieza. He’s also not great with processing any emotion other than anger all that well, which makes creating lasting and meaningful relationships incredibly difficult (but for the most part he doesn’t really care), so very emotionally stunted. I feel like I’m missing a lot here but I think these are the big ones. 
He’s giving me the hard pass on formal therapy, but comfort with the right person he feels comfortable opening up to could potentially help him work through some of his mess. At least make it more manageable.]
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bisluthq · 4 years
Could you explain to me why Dress has gay connotations? I just don’t see it, and it’s been years now.
Yes I can, because that was the song that lead me down this path of sin and insanity. The year was 2017. With more marbles and brain cells and far less COVID, I sat down to listen to the album Reputation. Perhaps I poured a glass of wine first. I don’t recall. I was but a more or less normal, very casual fan who had for many years enjoyed mocking Taylor for her messy ass personal life, supposed hyperconfessionalism and regular PR kerfuffles. One of my best friends and then roommate used to, as I’ve told y’all before, blast Blank Space as a chaos anthem every time we went out. Fundamentally, though I was too cool for Taylor Swift. I was listening for like... general pop culture knowledge because my brain is a treasure trove of entertainment tidbits and gossip. I got through almost the whole album and then I heard the song Dress and I said, “what the fuck did I just listen to?” And I replayed it and I went, “Damn Blank Space. That was gay.”
And that was the fateful day I came to believe in 2+ muses, Gaylor and, I guess, Kaylor as well because my (albeit surface level but even if I’d dug) Googling brought me mostly to supermodel Karlie Kloss’s door.
So why is this song so gay? I’m not even gonna give y’all the Kaylor reading today we’re literally gonna time capsule to 2017 before I knew any of this shit and when the only thing I knew was THIS SONG WAS GAY.
Our secret moments
In a crowded room
They got no idea
About me and you
Okay so they’re out and about. What secret moments? Like looks and stuff? I mean bold of her to assume nobody knows it’s pretty easy to convince people hets are fucking especially if they’re giving each other meaningful looks and shit. Idk like people whisper and gossip about hets just looking at one another all the time. This seems like she’s a bit overconfident in their sneakiness.
There is an indentation
In the shape of you
Made your mark on me
A golden tattoo
Right so whatever is happening between the speaker and the subject of the song has had an impact on her. This isn’t a thirst anthem. Like the secret moments aren’t because they’re just... looking at one another respectfully and kinda doing that “your place or mine” telepathic conversation. No, Tay’s body has a mark, an indentation from the shape of her lover’s body and the whole thing is a golden tattoo - temporary and removable, presumably, shiny and glittery, but visible to the naked eye. So shit’s already gone down. Friends with benefits maybe?
All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah)
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this (ha, ha, ha, ha)
Nah, not simply friends with benefits. This is forbidden, right? Taylor can’t touch her lover. All they have are these secret stolen looks in the crowded room that absolutely nobody can tell mean anything. That... sounds like “gal pals” to lil gay me. Like she can’t touch her lover because it’ll be too obvious but as long as they don’t touch it won’t seem sexual at all. It’s not just that they’re friends and nobody knows there’s more going on, because why can’t they be friendly then? Why are they sharing secret moments but they can’t come close to the point where her hands are literally shaking from staying away? Why can’t she do that good old link arms with her good guy friend especially if they’re out and tipsy? And then it ends off with orgasm noises because... it’s this song so of course it does.
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off (ha, ha, ha)
More nails in the coffin of “friends with benefits” and people just don’t know. This person saying her name makes her world stop. This ties into the forbidden vibe but it’s also so innocuous that it does fuck with the “we’re just friends with benefits but I want more” interpretation that a hetsplanation would require. Like this is clearly a lot more. It’s already a lot more. It’s not that she just wants more, this girlie is gone.
And then we get to my gayest line: “I don’t want you like a best friend.” Now I get saying you don’t want to be “just friends” with a guy. I also do get being best friends with a guy. One of my irl besties is Blank Space Chaos Anthem girlie and the other is a (mostly) straight dude. I also have other straight dude friends like my mate who I was trying to rescue from accidentally having to marry a converting girl a few years back. I’m like a (woke) straight dude whisperer tbh because being friends with me is a big win for their woke credibility and let’s be real I’m 1) irreverent and great fun and 2) give great advice on girls.
Now I can guarantee you my proposition to fucking any of my dude friends from besties to casuals would not be “I don’t want you like a best friend.” They’d be like, “my bitch wut? Are you with Pothead YouTube Ex again? Tell her BE GONE WITCH!” And sure, maybe that’s just me. But if was already fucking a dude I can guarantee you the words “I don’t want you like a best friend” would not exit my mouth. It’s not “I don’t want to be friends” or “I don’t only want to be friends” she says “I don’t want you like a best friend.” The implication is there’s an appropriate way to “want” a friend and the way she wants the person she’s speaking to is not like that. It’s a similie, she’s comparing the subject of the song to a best friend and saying this is not like that. Now, explain to me why that level of clarification is important in a fwb setup? You’re trying to make it more serious, I get it. You don’t want to be “just” friends with benefits (and we know they’re already fucking) I get that too. But why the similie?
Why would a dude you’re fucking ever misunderstand and think you want him like a best friend?
Carve your name into my bedpost
Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off (ha, ha, ha)
I mean again, if we needed clarity on why this is a sex anthem it’s the first line of this song. And she’s saying “have sex with me because I don’t want you like a best friend” again, they’ve already fucked that was established in the first verse. Why would this be stuff you clarify with a dude? Why would a man who is fucking you get the wrong impression and assume you want to be best friends? Not friends. Best friends. Why would he think that?
And then we get the dress line. Now, I know some people are like “I dress up for my boyfriend!” and sure. But let’s all be honest. 85%+ of the time girls of any sexual orientation wear outfits out - and we established this is an out type situation - it’s for other girls to notice their fashion. Come on, you’re not expecting your dude friend to be like, “nice dress, where’d you buy it?” “Oh, this? Hahaha it’s just Zara, they were having a sale. If you hurry you might get one too!” Like there’s something inherently sapphic/feminine about discussions of buying clothing. And come on, fellow queer ladies, clothes is a great way to get a chat going.
In this song, Taylor draws attention to this feminine article of clothing she bought to wear on the night in question and instead of saying “it’s Zara” she goes “I only bought it so you could take it off” - I’m doing an eyebrow wiggle but you can’t see because I’m just text on your screen. Why would you say that to a guy? Like if you did, if you’re that girl why are you holding back from him? Y’all are fucking and you have a massive thing for him. Surely he should know by now? Why is this dress even featuring in the conversation? Like I say bringing up a dress you bought in a conversation about sex feels pretty fucking gay. It’s either a really bizarre and kinda desperate flex which doesn’t really match the sexiness of the song or... it’s gay.
I'm not even going to try
Girl you’ve fucked why is there a point of trying at this stage? Unless you... can’t do this or it feels in some way wrong?
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified
Why the I/we split? Like why is only one of them burned if they were electrified? Sure maybe it’s a fwb thing and he can turn her down for more than sex and friendship but it sounds more like - given the best friends - this is her female friend and she’s maybe uncertain of the other woman’s feelings. This feels - and again we’re not doing a Tay’s personal life reading here - like one of them can be fully destroyed by this but despite that reality they are both lit up and hurt in the process.
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub
You kiss my face and we're both drunk
I mean this isn’t inherently gay it’s just sexy, get it Tay. This sounds hot.
Everyone thinks that they know us
But they know nothing about
All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation
What do they know about you? Like again we’re not doing the Tay reading thing but like what’s the sekrit? She’s fucking her friend? Why don’t they know anything about this? Surely they can imagine it’s a possibility? Like however unlikely, why does nobody know anything about this?
The next chorus is the same as the one above and I still have no hetsplanation for it. Like especially in the broader context of this, again, very gay song.
Then we get a very straight bridge. It’s like it’s from a different song or was written much later:
Flashback when you met me
Your buzz cut and my hair bleached
Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me
Flashback to my mistakes
My rebounds, my earthquakes
Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My hands shake, I can't explain this
Aha, ha, ha, ha
Okay but this is a completely different vibe to the... entire song. The rest of the song was about the other person not being sure and that being the issue. “I don’t want you like a best friend.” So why: “I woke up just in time”? Like “if I get burned at least we were electrified” but then... “I woke up just in time” - is the rest of the song like a weird nightmare? That’s not, to me, enough of an explanation. She spends the whole song in sexy anxiety pining after someone who cares about where and why she bought her dress and then she’s like “you’re everything to me” - it doesn’t make sense.
The rest of the song is the chorus again. As I’ve said, I don’t see a hetsplanation for it.
This is a gay song. The bridge isn’t and the line about the bathtub isn’t inherently. But the rest of this song is gay af.
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varcn · 3 years
    since i’ve been seeing different interpretations of the orichalcos & its effects, i’d just like to get mine out & how i will handle it regarding my muse / on this blog.
     the orichalcos itself is based on the metal ‘orichalcum’, that’s supposed to be the strongest & purest metal that cannot be destroyed. it’s mentioned in stories about atlantis & in the critias, & considered close in value to gold. now, i feel it’s not necessary for me to go into detail about the story of atlantis & how advanced life was before its demise, but the depiction of the orichalcos’ corruption in the series was a result from said darkness ( their arrogance, greed, pride, etc ). it brought it out & it manifested into people turning into literal monsters as to reflect on the outside what lies in the inside.  it doesn’t make you ‘evil’. it brings out the potential of being so. it’s meant to emphasize on that darkness within one’s souls, & the more one tries to suppress it, the more it will manifest while under the effect of the seal. humans are flawed by nature. they’re neither good nor evil, & this is where i want to touch more on doma as a whole & the effects the seal had in the trio.
     the goal was to cleanse the world from evil, which would ultimately be for nothing. dartz could’ve repopulated the world, but it would never be pure, because again, humans are flawed by nature. rafael saw just how easily people could turn their back on him & deemed them as evil, failing to realize that he too, just like dartz, just anyone else, is capable of ‘evil deeds’. it’s why him, along with atem & even dartz were affected greatly by the orichalcos. they all suppressed their darkness & ironically, with the use of the orichalcos, it was brought to light.
    at one point in the series, jounouchi & others accuse varon of brainwashing mai & he insists that none of that took place. that’s both true, but not entirely. mai’s negative emotions were there from the beginning. what the orichalcos did was to ‘bring them to light’ & with that revelation, one can become blind. just like the atlanteans prior to being punished. her arrogance & pride took over any reason.
    then, there are people like amelda, who may recognize others as evil, but doesn’t denounce himself as not. i think that the theme of his deck is a perfect example of that; using a war-themed deck despite his negative views towards it. he fought fire with fire. evil vs evil. i think amelda was aware that he was bad, but deemed people like gozaburo, & by extension, kaiba, as being even worse. his goal wasn’t to live in a world without evil, because he was very willing to die if it meant taking kaiba ( & mokuba ) with him. the orichalcos played a role, certainly, but i think the idea was there.
   * also worth mention that amelda, rafael & varon were all indoctrinated, meaning that not all of their actions / thoughts are a result of the orichalcos.
    & finally, there’s varon. i’ve seen people have this view about him being the ‘less of two evils’, & i’d like to ask  those people, what do you consider evil? because the other two had a goal in mind. they felt justified for what they did. varon didn’t. out of the three, he was the only one that ‘didn’t have much a choice’ & found freedom in joining doma.
    however, i’d like to remind anyone that while dartz intervened in their lives to push them closer to him, there was no way that he could’ve manipulated the situation so perfectly & have varon seek for the men who burned the church & possibly kill them. varon was selfish & violent even before the orichalcos, & i wouldn’t be surprised if he would’ve ended in jail had dartz not been in his life. he has said he’s there for the thrill & shows no care or concern about dartz or their goal. just because he didn’t use the seal against rebecca & otogi doesn’t make him better than the other two, because at the end, they could’ve been souls to feed to the leviathan. varon could’ve easily won & add to their cause, but he didn’t. why? because he doesn’t care about their goal. he was more preoccupied with impressing mai that he showed no hesitation to beat up a 12-year-old girl & otogi in the process, showing no remorse or mercy.  this is why i think out of the three, he was the least affect ( really wasn’t, tbh ). varon recognized he was selfish & embraced the darkness within his soul. if anything, living in said darkness was what pushed him to recognize the light. that, which he assigns to mai, but would later discover it goes beyond that, because i’m convinced he wanted to leave everything behind & ‘be better’ for the sake of someone he cared, since him on his own wasn’t enough.
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bndz · 3 years
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(normani kordei, twenty-two, cisfemale, she/her) * hey, i’m looking for the office of adrianna king. they’re the intern who’s known around the office as the airhead, if that helps? not to be a gossip, but i’ve heard that they’re humorous but talkative, is that true? i also heard that they’re the one who brought her pet fish to work. anyways, here’s the coffee they ordered.
&  i’m  back  at  it  again  with  another  character  !  it  me  ,  tay  !  i  have  another  child  &  her  name  is  adri  .  she’s  my  bubbly  little  baby  &  i  love  her  chatty  ass  down  !  i  have  some  points  about  her  below  &  i  am  so  excited  that  i  got  to  bring  her  here  .  tw  :  religion  ,  homophobia  ,  toxic  parents  &  mentions  of  physical  violence  .
𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒔  !
NAME   :    adrianna  king  . NICKNAMES  :  adri  . GENDER   :   cisfemale  . PRONOUNS   :   she  /  her  /  hers  . AGE   :   twenty-two  (  22  ) BIRTHDAY   :   23  september  . ZODIAC   :   libra  . HOMETOWN  :  miami  ,  florida  . CURRENT  RESIDENCE  : new york city  , new york  . ETHNICITY   :   african-american  . SEXUAL ORIENTATION   :   bisexual  . OCCUPATION  :   intern  .  (  the  art  department  ,  but  more  so  visual  art  )
𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅  !
FAMILY   :  born  &  raised  in  the  city  of  miami  ,  adri  grew  up  in  a  household  that  was  highly  religious  .  her  family  was  heavily  involved  in  the  church  with  her  mother  also  being  a  pastor  herself  .  because  of  this  ,  her  parents  were  very  strict  &  super  controlling  .  they  monitored  almost  everything  surrounding  adri  since  she  was  their  only  child  ,  trying  to  prevent  anything  they  deemed  negative  &  wrong  to  consume  their  daughter  .  
this  caused  for  adri  to  at  first  obey  them  because  she  was  a  child  ,  but  as  she  reached  her  teenage  years  she  saw  how  toxic  her  parents  could  actually  be  .  they  were  the  definition  of  religious  hover  parents  &  it  was  slowly  starting  to  cause  adri  to  resent  them  .  they  would  spend  hours  lecturing  her  if  she  wore  something  they  thought  was  inappropriate  .  they  would  call  her  names  &  say  she  was  being  fast  for  her  age  .  they  would  tell  her  she  was  going  to  go  to  hell  if  she  didn’t  listen  to  the  word  of  god  .  
it  all  came  to  blows  when  adri  was  figuring  out  her  sexuality  .  all  her  life  she  was  told  that  liking  the  same  sex  was  wrong  ,  but  she  was  having  feelings  for  the  same  sex  .  at  first  she  felt  internalized  homophobia  ,  but  as  she  started  to  grow  into  her  own  person  &  renounce  the  teachings  that  were  drilling  into  her  head  ,  she  started  to  accept  herself  .  she  knew  that  her  parents  were  going  to  condemn  her  ,  so  she  didn’t  ever  plan  on  coming  out  until  she  moved  out  .  sadly  ,  her  father  did  a  random  check  of  her  phone  &  found  texts  that  she  didn’t  delete  to  a  girl  she  was  dating  at  the  time  .  it  was  literally  a  shit  show  in  the  king  household  .  slaps  &  many  sessions  of  trying  to  pray  the  gay  away  later  ,  adri  had  to  pretend  as  though  she  was  not  bisexual  .  she  had  to  break  up  with  her  girlfriend  &  was  removed  from  public  school  to  be  home  schooled  at  sixteen  .   to  say  she  hated  her  parents  was  an  understatement  .  
as  the  years  went  on  ,  adrianna  was  counting  down  the  days  until  she  could  be  off  to  college  .  during  her  senior  year  she  applied  to  the  furthest  schools  from  miami  .  she  had  to  beg  her  parents  to  let  her  attend  an  out  of  state  college  ,  but  because  her  act  at  home  was  convincing  ,  they  allowed  her  to  stay  with  her  aunt  in  new  york  to  attend  college  .  they  were  still  going  to  be  as  controlling  as  ever  ,  but  it  was  a  step  closer  towards  freedom  .
SCHOOL   :  adrianna  attended  hofstra  university  &  majored  in  art  .  while  she  was  in  grade  school  ,  adrianna  gravitated  towards  painting  because  it  was  the  best  way  for  her  to  get  what  she  was  feeling  out  .  attending  college  was  the  best  thing  for  her  .  although  her  aunt  was  as  strict  &  religious  as  her  parents  ,  she  used  college  as  a  way  to  wild  out  .  she  was  sneaking  out  easier  because  her  aunt  worked  overnight  shifts  as  an  rn  .  she  was  enjoying  the  ounce  of  freedom  that  she  had  even  if  her  family  was  on  her  neck  24  /  7  .  she  had  a  lot  of  pressure  to  graduate  &  get  a  job  ,  so  that  she  could  live  on  her  own  &  she  knew  that  the  arts  wasn’t  the  best  major  to  find  a  joke  as  quickly  as  she  wanted  .  but  graduation  came  quick  &  adri  was  literally  scrambling  .
MASTER’S  :  after  college  ,  adri  was  literally  running  all  over  nyc  trying  to  look  for  a  job  .  it  took  her  months  to  finally  land  a  job  interview  at  master’s  &  she  honestly  thought  she  flopped  .  when  she  got  the  position  as  an  intern  she  was  literally  over  the  moon  .  she  absolutely  loves  working  at  master’s  &  she’s  hoping  she  can  move  up  the  ranks  .  being  that  she’s  new  at  the  position  ,  she’s  trying  her  best  to  fit  in  &  get  things  done  in  a  timely  manner  .  she  does  struggle  a  bit  because  it’s  her  first  big  girl  job  ,  but  she’s  working  on  it  day  by  day  .
𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !
BUBBLY   :  you  could  easily  describe  her  as  someone  that  lights  up  the  room  with  her  smile  alone  .  adrianna  is  super  cheerful  &  very  positive  majority  of  the  time  .  she  has  a  hint  of  pep  in  her  voice  that  almost  sounds  like  she  talks  with  a  smile  &  she  usually  does  .  she  just  loves  to  talk  &  interact  with  others  .
FLIRTATIOUS  :  due  to  her  personality  ,  adrianna  is  naturally  friendly  &  flirtatious  .  she  will  flirt  with  ya  boo  &  it  won’t  even  be  intentional.  that’s  just  who  she  is  .  some  may  call  her  a  thottie  because  she  does  live  her  best  hot  girl  life  ,  but  she  truly  does  not  care  .  she  does  what  she  wants  because  she’s  poppin’  !  (  see connections  for  some  mess  surrounding  this  trait  )
TALKATIVE   :  honestly  ,  she  will  never  shut  up.  she  talks  very  fast  &  says  a  lot  &  it  can  also  be  alot  .  she  just  loves  to  talk  y’all  .  she  will  talk  anybody’s  ear  off  who  will  listen  .  she  can’t  help  it  .
DITZY   :   def’  has  her  moments  where  she’s  super  lost  .  it  takes  her  a  few  seconds  to  understand  jokes  sometimes  &  can  def’  lose  her  train  of  thought  as  well  .  she  can  be  a  little  dumb  ,  but  she’s  just  all  over  the  place  .  somebody  help  her  ,  please  ! 
in  general  she’s  like  a  bimbo  ,  but  not  to  the  worst  degree  .  she’s  v  aware  &  just  has  her  moments  .  she  doesn’t  like  when  people  try  to  be  condescending  towards  her  because  of  her  personality  ,  so  she  can  get  a  little  defensive  &  snappy  when  pushed  to  that  degree  .  it  takes  her  a  lot  to  snap  ,  so  i  doubt  she  will  be  popping  off  unless  she  is  truly  offended  .  she’s  also  not  that  confrontational  ,  but  if  she  has  to  defend  herself  ,  she  will  .  (  she  lowkey  can  get  creative  tbh  )  she’s  just  here  to  befriend  people  ,  okay  !
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !
001  .  enemies  .  i  feel  like  because  she’s  genuinely  nice  it  would  have  to  be  a  huge  reason  for  her  to  dislike  someone  .  so  ,  pick  your  poison  . 002  .  friends  with  benefits  .  we  always  love  these  ,  don’t  we  ?  she’s  with  all  the  shits  ,  okay  .  head  hot  girl  at  your  service  ! 003  .  exes  .  not  to  be  that  garbage  bag  ,  but  i’m  pretty  positive  adrianna  probably  cheated  on  all  of  her  exes  due  to  boredom  .  she  is  someone  that  needs  change  in  her  life  bc  of  how  she  was  treated  at  home  .  if  she  feels  stagnant  ,  she  will  just  pull  some  bs  like  cheating  &  move  on  to  the  next  .  truly  her  biggest  flaw  &  someone  gotta  smite  her  ass  for  this  fr  ! 004  .  besties  .  someone  give  her  a  baddie  bff  pls  ! 005  .  a  work  boo  .  v  self  explanatory  . 006  .  a  muse  .  since  adri  likes  to  paint  ,  this  could  be  someone  that inspires  her  artwork  or  even  let’s  her  paint  them  on  occasion  . again  ,  i  am  terrible  at  thinking  of  connections  ,  so  i’m  down  for  all  the  plots  !
𝒇𝒖𝒏  𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔  !
001  .  she  is  type  one  diabetic  . 002  .  is  a  huge  bad  bunny  stan  . 003  .  a  bratz  doll  collector  . 004  .  is  into  art  &  loves  to  paint  . 005  .  her  guilty  pleasure  is  watching  bad  girls  club  . 
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yejixan · 3 years
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[ CHAN LEE, HE/THEY, NONBINARY ]  —  [ YE-JIN AN ]  is a child of  [ ZEUS ]  with the power of  [ ELECTROKINSES ] .  they were born in  [ 1997 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2009 ] .  with the change, they  [ GRADUATED FROM ]  the  [ BUSINESS ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ IN THE SQUARE OR WORKING ON THEIR THIRD CUP OF COFFEE OF THE DAY ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the  [ SUN ]  building . 
putting on my clown makeup bc alphonsine was supposed to be my last muse,,,, im the biggest fool around i fear
name: ye-jin an
age: 24
pronouns: he/they
birthday: june 4th
track/job: business & the rec’s lead
sexuality: queer
ethnicity: korean
He’s the product of two selfish and irresponsible individuals, Zeus and An Hyeri. They met on a random night, both with wild and unpredictable nature. One thing led to another and he was born, no tears, just a look of annoyance. Because he had to be brought into a world where he shared the blood with two careless individuals.
He never learned of his father ( better yet, sperm donor ) since his mother didn’t know him. Not like she cared, she was such a flimsy and go with the wind type of woman that it angered Ye-Jin. Constantly coming home late, always drinking, always sleeping, such a messy person, God why him. It was like Hyeri was the child and Ye-Jin was the parent. Her complete opposite, Ye-Jin was strong willed, upfront, mature, and independent. Even as a child he caught the eye of many adults who complimented him for his maturity, saying how they wished their own children were like him. He never liked those compliments because it wasn’t like he was like this on purpose, he had to be. He much rather be outside playing with the other boys his age, he just couldn’t.
Despite his annoyance about his mother and her childish personality, he did love her and couldn’t just leave her. She was a terrible mother but she was still a good person. Her cooking was horrid but it was thought that came with it. She was never around when he got out of school but she always made sure to buy his favorite ice cream every Friday. They couldn’t always hang out but she made an effort to show up for all school events. And whenever the two were spotted in public together, everyone always believed they were more like siblings than a mother and son. Ye-Jin also felt the same way. “Ye-Jin,” she would slur his name after a night of drinking. “You’re a good kid. Mom wouldn’t know what she would do without you.”
Hyeri needed him and in a way he also needed her.
However, their relationship soon collapsed as he turned twelve. Hyeri took the next few days off to go on a camping trip with Ye-Jin. He always wanted to go on one when he was younger but never could because his mother was always working. Until that week where she promised to dedicate all of her time to him. Things were going great, the two were having fun, they were smiling and acting like a normal family. He was at his happiest moment until it transformed into one of his most tragic ones. It was a monster that showed up and attacked the two. Luckily heroes arrived to save them but only when it was too late. Hyeri had been badly injured and Ye-Jin lost his right leg.
After taking the two to the hospital, the heroes told him that he was a demigod just like them, that was why he was attacked. He figured that he was something different after an incident a month ago occurred. Where he learned of his ability on a simple accident from messing around at home with the light board. He never told Hyeri of it because he didn’t want to worry or scare her, unfortunately, he ended up doing just that. When his mother awakened and was told of this new information, she looked at her child with pure horror and fear. As if he was the monster that attacked her. He couldn’t even stay in the same room as her without her shaking uncontrollably or screaming for him to leave. An Hyeri no longer needed him but he needed her more than ever.
The heroes brought up Nemean Lion as a safe haven for him, he’ll receive protection and be surrounded by fellow demigods. He accepted it right away, only to protect his mother from any more monsters. Unfortunately he had to wait a few weeks before boarding a plane to America, a foreign place where he didn’t know the language at all. All he had were the heroes who rescued him and the Greek language that came to him naturally.
Not only that, he had to continue with his rehabilitation in America. He felt even more distant and alone throughout this process, the one parent he used to rely on no longer wanted him. Then there was his father Zeus, the bastard who cursed him. Ye-Jin believed that if it wasn’t for the God’s selfish and reckless nature, none of this would’ve happened. His mother wouldn’t be in the hospital, she would be fine and healthy. As for Ye-Jin? He wouldn’t have been born and he was okay with that. He had given up on life, there was no need for him to continue living anymore. Only one other demigod gave him the hope to keep on going, the reminder that he was needed and that Hyeri will always love him. That soon enough, others will need and love him as well.
That was all a traumatized twelve year old needed to hear before getting his life together.
Once reserved and unable to speak, Ye-Jin snapped back to his usual straightforward and organized self. He made friends, learned how to control his ability, more about the Gods, the monsters, and how to coexist without his right leg. A temporary prosthetic leg was given to him, just to see if he’ll be fine with it. At first, he didn’t wear it unless told to, he kept to the wheelchair given to him. But as the months went on, he was seen using it more before deciding on getting a permanent prosthetic leg.
Ye-Jin never left NL, he had nowhere to go and he really didn’t want to leave. He stayed there and helped out, spending his years as an RA before aiming even higher by running the rec. Some of the money he gets, he would send it to Hyeri. He hasn’t talked to her since, the last he heard of her was that she was staying with his grandparents. An urge to pick up a phone and call her was always there but never enough to actually go through with it. He’ll be fine just sending her money and keeping his distance from her.
wanted connections : : 
the heroes that saved him (1/2) : : ye-jin is very much in debt of these two! they protected not only him but also his mother, so he owes them his life. in his eyes, the can do no wrong. like ever. 
the demigod who gave him the will to live : : now he holds this individual on a high pedestal because when he was at his lowest, they were there for him. literally has their back no matter what
best friend / a trio : : everyone needs a best friend or two, which includes ye-jin. i just want a group who he goes to whenever he’s feeling down or exhausted because of work 
demigods who are on his shit list : : he’s a perfectionist who needs everything to be in the right order, that includes everything that happens in the rec. and knowing the crazy demigods we all have, i’m sure one of them has pissed him off a few times. so he literally has their on his shit list ( it’s in his room! )
hookups : : ye-jin gets around during his freetime, he deserves it tbh 
literally ANYTHING! i’m down for whatever folks
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
can we pls get a scenario of femreader being bffs with gil. like they literally are together for everything to the point ppl say/think they are a couple. but luddy has had a crush since forever on her but ofc puts gils happiness before his. turns out, she returns his feeling too. this could apply to a humanau but you may do as you like tbh your writing is good. stay safe bb and thanks.
💕I love this so much!!! Thank you!!💕
The large blonde grumbled to himself as he scrubbed the dishes. He could hear your melodic laughs from the livingroom as you and Gilbert were having a pillow fight. He felt horrible. You were suppose to be like a sister to him. I mean Gil always referred to you as his sister, so didn’t that technically mean you were his sister too?
He wanted nothing more than for those laughs to be because of him. They were sometimes, but not near enough to his liking. It was so juvenile. Even if you did return his feelings he would feel horrible for stealing his brothers closet friends. But yet another part of him thought about how nice to would be. You and Gil could do your shenanigans when he was doing his paperwork. You could all eat dinner together- expect for when he took you on a date of course.
But yet he didn’t want to cause a divide. What if him and Gil fought? Whose side would you take? He obviously hoped you would take his side considering you would be his girlfriend, but Gil had seniority over him.
No. You are just as close with him as you are with Gilbert. That’s a lie. And the fact that, that is a lie makes his stomach hurt.
“Careful you don’t break that plate. It’s an antique from the 1700s.” Gilbert’s voice rang out. Ludwig jumped and looked over his shoulder.
“Sorry.” Ludwig grumbled. The Prussian hummed and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
“You good?” The Prussian mumbled. He assumed he asked quietly because he didn’t want you to hear. The blonde nodded, not looking at his brother. “You could tell me you know.”
‘No I can’t.’ Ludwig thought. The blonde finally looked over at him and nodded his head so Gilbert would leave him alone. The Prussian gave him the familiar look of ‘this conversation isn’t over’ and popped back into the livingroom with you. Ludwig finally finished the dishes and decided it was time to take the dogs for a nightly walk. He usually just lets them out the back door but decided he needed to get out of the house.
“I’m going with you!” Gilbert shouted as Ludwig threw on his coat. Ludwig groaned, but maybe it meant you would come along too.
“You two have fun! I’m going to go take a shower and get ready for bed.” You laughed, throwing the throw pillow back on the couch.
“Who invited you to stay the night?” Gilbert teased poking your side.
“Shut up!” You laughed. You paused for a moment and bent down petting Berlitz head. “You take good care of them! Don’t let anyone attack them at night.” You laughed as the dog seemed to understand you, because he nodded his head. “Have fun!” You shouted before running up the stairs.
The two brothers were just about to leave when you poked your head out from the top of the stairs. “Wait! Ludwig can I use your shower? Gilbert’s is disgusting! I promise to leave it nice and clean!”
That did more to the blonde than you will ever know. First of all, you naked. Second of all, naked in a space he is also naked in. Third of all, you’re gonna be naked. The blonde swallowed thickly trying so hard to stop the blood rushing to his head I’ll let you decide which one sorry.
“That’s fine.” He cringed when that came out as a squeak. Flashing him a smile your head disappeared up the stairs.
Ludwig quickly opened the front door enjoying the way the freezing cold chilled his overheated body. Blackie yelped even though he was wearing a little doggy coat and Aster pulled at her lease wanting to see if there was any ice she could play with on the ground. Gilbert closed the door behind him and took Aster’s lease from Ludwigs hand, knowing she was more than enough of a handful and she’s gils favorite.
“So what am I going to have to do to get you to talk?” Gilbert mused, nudging his brother with his elbow.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Ludwig stated. His tone was perfectly normal but Gil could see straight through him.
“Does this have anything to do with your undying love for my best friend?” Ludwig choked on his spit and he stopped in his tracks.
“How did you know about that?” Ludwig quickly grimaced when he realized how easily he gave that away.
“It’s so obvious! I’ve known you since you were this tall.” Gilbert placed his hand against the middle part of his thigh. “I see the way your eyes get all mushy when you see her and that stupid tiny smile that is on your face.”
Ludwig groaned and ran a hand down his face, continuing to walk. “How long have you known?”
“Since you’ve started liking her! At first I thought it was gross because she is toooo young for you.” Gilbert teased.
“Everyone on this earth is too young for us.”
“Thats a sad fact, especially if you’re with an older woman- because then you realize you are actually older than her.” Gilbert sighed.
“You are speaking from experience.”
“Well I’ve had a lot of experience.” Gilbert chuckled. It was silent for a moment. “You know she likes you too.”
“What?!?” Ludwig glared at his brother stopping his walk once more. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to make sure you were both right for each other. You are both the two most important people in my life. I didn’t want her to hurt you or you to hurt her. But you two would be really good together and I would make a great uncle.” Despite Gilberts joking attitude his words made Ludwig smile.
“I know it could put you in a bad situation. I mean what if things don’t work out?” The blonde mused, sighing when he realized he had to pick up his dogs poop.
“I’ll just stay out of your guys relationship! from this day on you can’t come to me for advice and she can’t come to me for advice! So that way I’m not in the center if things go badly. But you do have to know that if this happens and both of you break up- which won’t happen because you two belong together, she is still going to be my best friend and you will have to see her.”
“Like you could stay out of it.” Ludwig grumbled throwing the doggy bag away. “But honestly that’s a risk I’m willing to take, if she is of course.”
“We could have so much fun! We could all go camping, and hiking and work out together. We’ll be like a big happy family.” The thought of all of that made excitement bubble up in Ludwigs chest replacing the uncertainty.
He absolutely adores you. He would rather date you for a week and have you hate him forever than not even try to date at all. You two worked so well together too. Before he could get to far along in his daydream Ludwig thought of something.
“How do you know she likes me?” The question caused a loud laugh to escape the Prussian.
“I always had a small suspicion, but remember Alfred’s party a while back, when he made us play 7 minutes in heaven?” Ludwig hummed recalling that night. He actually liked that party because you got a little too tipsy and hung onto his arm, so you wouldn’t fall. He loved the fact that you trusted him even in your drunken slur. “Well I asked her why she didn’t put anything in the hat and she said it was because you didn’t put anything in the hat. And you were the only one she would want to be in the closet with.” Ludwig smiled wider than he should have at that statement.
“See that’s what I’m talking about.” Gilbert laughed, pointing at him. “That lovesick grin.” Gilbert made a sound of disgust before turing around heading back to the house. “But I’m happy. You’ve never looked at anything like that and you’re my little brother. I want nothing more than for you to be happy.”
Ludwig blushed and rolled his eyes.
-back inside! Sorry this is so long!-
“Thanks again for letting me use your shower.” You smiled flopping down on the couch.
“It’s nothing. If you want to put some stuff in there I don’t mind. I’ve never been in his bathroom but I’ve heard the horror stories.” Ludwig chuckled. You laughed along with him.
“Thanks Ludbug. I will move some stuff in there tomorrow.” You joked. But you were also serious. Deadly serious. “How was your walk?” You asked. You laid down on the couch causing your feet to press against the outside of his thigh. You didn’t want to be a creep but you also hoped he wouldn’t move away. He blushed and you suddenly felt like you shouldn’t have brought it up. But before Ludwig could anwser Gilbert came trotting down the stairs in a dress shirt and nice slackes. The first few buttons were undone and his hair was gelled nicely.
“Awww does someone have a date? Why didn’t you tell me?!” You sat up quickly. You rolled so your legs were under your butt but this new postition caused your shoulder to almost hit Ludwigs.
“It’s not a date! Francis, Toni and Alfred called. They invited you too but I already said you were asleep.” You breathed a sigh of relief. You hated going out with all of them by yourself. They always got a little too drunk and being the only girl made you a little uncomfy- unless Lud was there of course. He always kept you safe. Like this one time a guy tried to slip you a roofie and Ludwig caught it before you did. He completely knocked they guy out in one punch and turned him over to the police. You shook yourself out of the daydream and stared at noticed that both brothers were looking at you expectantly.
“What?” You asked.
“Is that okay?” Gilbert repeated. He had a small smirk on his face like he knew where your mind went, but knowing him he probably did.
“Of course it’s okay!” You assured.
“Have fun you two!” Gilbert shouted as he walked out the door.
“Car keys!” You and Ludwig shouted in unison. You both blushed and looked at each other. The albino rushed in and grabbed his keys from the front table and turned back around, smiling to himself.
“Did he seem weird to you?” You questioned. You unconsciously leaned closer to Ludwig.
“He’s always weird.” He chuckled. He threw his arm back over the couch, causing you to realize what you did. You felt a little hurt think he didn’t want you to be near him.
“Sorry!” You yelped, scooting away from him.
“Nein!” His voice boomed causing you to jump. “Sorry I-I don’t mind.”
“Really?” You wanted to slap yourself. You sounded like a stupid high school girl. You both leaned back up in the couch and stared at the blank TV. “Can I ask you something?” You turned so you were facing him. He nodded and adjusted so he was turned towards you as well.
“Do you have a crush on anyone?” You needed to know. He stiffened and adverted his eyes away from you.
“Ja.” He replied softly. He looked back at you and stared directly into your eyes.
“Do you?” He leaned a little closer to you and something in your body told you he knew.
“Ja.” You giggled copying his accent. You moved a little closer so your forehead bumped against his. His eyes softened and his hand went up and he stroked your cheek with the back of his pointer finger. The little action caused your heart to melt.
You both smiled lightly before finally capturing each other’s lips in a kiss.
And neither of you noticed the very teary eyed Prussian in the doorway.
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amyscascadingtabs · 4 years
2020 in writing
tagged by the wonderful @feeisamarshmallow and @b99peraltiago! thank you, this took me seriously three hours but it was fun. 
tagging whoever has three hours to spare!! but i’d love to see @amydancepants-peralta, @letsperaltiago, @johnny-and-dora, and @fezzle do this, although no pressure because this took me the entire evening. 
1. List of works published this year
oh god this is going to take forever...
i’ll walk through hell with you, chapter 5, 6 & 7
all the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
a single kiss and i’m under your spell
paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans
dust off your highest hopes
i can’t see the future, but i know that it’s there
look now, the sky is gold
look at where we are, look at where we started
bracing for the winds i always summon
just know that i’m already home
there’s magic everywhere you go
we’ve found a love to cross the ages
all my days, i’ll know your face
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
(three times ‘cause) i’ve waited my whole life
if devotion is a river, then i’m floating away
when all your heroes get tired (i’ll be something better yet)
i am not a stranger to the dark
in the cracks of light, i dreamed of you
rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky
21 works!! 
2. Work you are most proud of (and why)
I am really really proud of finishing i’ll walk through hell with you, that’s still one of the highlights in my writing “career”. bracing for the winds i always summon and (three times ‘cause) i’ve waited my whole life, because they were both longer works with a lot of introspection that focused a lot on jake and amy’s feelings about upcoming parenthood. especially the last one I still love dearly. i’m also really proud of the fics i wrote all from rosa’s perspective (paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans and when all your heroes get tired (i’ll be something better yet)).
3. Work you are least proud of (and why)
none! I guess a few of them are shorter and written way quicker than some others, but I always take that into consideration when “evaluating” how proud I am of them so no. personally, I’m proud of everything in different ways. 
4. A favourite except of your writing
referring to the creator tag meme for this where I posted excerpts from the five works I’m most proud of!
5. Share or describe a favourite review you received
questions like these remind me that I need to start saving my favorite reviews somewhere! that’s a goal for 2021, haha. but every comment that have listed their favorite moments in the fic I reread like five times over and smile every time, and all the comments people left me on the last chapter of i’ll walk through hell with you were so wonderful. and the rosa fic. and the -
you know what, I just started reading through old comments and I can’t pick one, it feels too unfair to all the other incredible ones I ’ve gotten. so. all of them!!!! I love you guys!!
I will mention this one that someone sent me in the middle of summer, during a period when I wasn’t writing or publishing so it ended up meaning that much more for that reason as well. comment on look at where we are, look at where we started (in the brief period of time when we thought peraltiago baby would be named Leo)
“Idk why, but the way Jake was talking to Leo made me wonder if my parents ever talked to me like that right after I was born. I've been told the story of my birth every birthday since I was born, so I know it by heart, but despite the countless Peraltiago baby fics and other fandom baby fics I've read, this is the one that made me wonder what my parents were thinking when I was born. And then it made me wonder what I'm gonna think when I give birth to a kid, or if I adopt a kid.” like, I was just so floored that something I wrote made someone reflect so deeply on their own life. and I want to underline that I have so so many favourite reviews but yes, this one stuck with me!
6. A time when writing was really, really hard
this summer was the hardest it’s ever been. first the (rightful) hesitance and reflection that followed the BLM protests and then some trauma and deep depression added onto that for me was… yeah. it took a really long time to find real joy in it again. 
7. A scene of characters you wrote that surprised you
Jake and Rosa’s friendship in i am not a stranger to the dark! I’ve written a bit of Rosa and Amy and feel quite comfortable with their friendship and dynamic but far less of Jake and Rosa! 
“At least this is still way better than... that.” “Literally everything is better than prison.” “True that.” Rosa looks up at the tv, realizing she’s missed at least ten minutes of the movie already. “I’m glad we got out.” “Sometimes it still feels like a part of me didn't,” Jake says, quietly. “You ever feel that way?” “Sometimes,” she admits. “We did, though. That's what's important.”
Rosa can hear someone talking in the background on the other end, and Jake mumbling something back in reply. “I have to go,” he tells her, and it makes her a little sad, because he's good company. “I can't miss dinner. Wouldn't want to piss off the entirety of my fiancées family before I’ve even married her, right?”
8. How did you grow as a writer this year?
I wrote more Rosa! that’s probably the single thing which helped me grow most, because she’s arguably a much harder character to write than Jake and Amy, since most of the time you really have no clue what she’s thinking. I have to think a lot harder about how Rosa thinks and feels and reacts to things and I feel like that makes me a better writer overall. 
9. How do you hope to grow next year?
I don’t have any big expectations tbh. I know next year is going to take so much of my energy “”professionally”” or well, study-wise, so I think it’s the wrong year to set ambitious creative writing goals for me. then there’s also the inevitable fact that I’ve written a whopping ninety-nine stories for this show now and I’m always asking myself for how long it will last. there was a point in april-may where I thought it was going to be the end and during the entire summer as well. so… we’ll see. I don’t have any WIP I’m aching to finish right now. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta of cheerleader or muse etc. etc.)?
@fezzle, @johnny-and-dora, @vernonfielding, @amydancepants-peralta, @feeisamarshmallow, @amazingsantiago and @letsperaltiago all deserve their own shoutouts here for various reasons!! (if you want to know more about why just message me!) 
11. Anything from real life show up in your writing this year?
always, in different ways in how I relate to the characters and different feelings and moments and experiences that would take way too long to explain. but if I could choose one fic it would be paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans. I worked through a lot of feelings about a breakup I went through in this one and they were ones I hadn’t really had the chance to let myself feel before writing this. It isn’t similar to how my breakup went, at least I didn’t mean for it to be and haven’t put any intentional similarities in there (although I guess there are a few if you look for them) but some of the things Rosa thinks, says and feels after being broken up with were quite personal. i am not a stranger to the dark and the way it focuses on healing after trauma was also partly personal although way much less obviously so because the experiences are quite different lol.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers?
make writer friends! talk to other writers! you’ll both learn so much and it makes writing and developing fics so much more fun!
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year
I currently have zero WIP and zero real plans so genuinely who knows. all depends on what my life will look like and what s8 will bring us! 
14. If you could recommend only one work from yourself published this year
all the favourite five, but maybe when all your heroes get tired (i’ll be something better yet). I think it’s a great complement to the Rosa and Amy action we saw in season 7 and it has a lot of peraltiago from someone else’s viewpoint as well. 
15. Year word count
are you kidding meeeee okay here we go.
okay, so adding everything I’ve published this year together… 111 283 words.
😳 😳 😳 
additional trivia: the shortest fic was 651 words (evermore), the longest if you exclude the three chapters of i’ll walk through hell with you (they are 24.6k together though) (three times ‘cause) i’ve waited my whole life, and the average word count for a fic of mine this year was 5 299 or 4 838 words, depending on whether you count the chapters of i’ll walk through hell with you as one or three works. that makes sense because i feel like i’ve written a loot of fics around that length this year! 
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asocier · 3 years
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          here’s my big “a lot of my muses like space but not in the same way” post i’ve mentioned before. this probably isn’t gonna be the most formal headcanon post bc i honestly cant give a damn right now to write it eloquently but i still wanna put it out there.
          so my biggest space nerd is aito, and i think he’s like the most “traditional” space nerd since he has a genuine love of space in all of its forms. stars, the moon, the sun, planets, nebulas, nasa, the aliens — literally anything space related will catch aito’s attention. and yeah, i did mention aliens. because aito’s an unironic believer. or rather, he’s a very hopeful scientist keeping very close tabs on space news in hopes there’s evidence of life in space. a lot of aito’s love of space is backed up by him knowing a shit ton about space factual too, which is why in some verses where he’s a professor, he’ll teach the astronomy classes in addition to his typical physics ones. 
          cedric is, perhaps surprising to a lot of people, also a space nerd. similarly to aito, he’s very interested in the facts about space, though he doesn’t delve as much into space research as aito and typically sticks to like, more trivia based facts. as a kid, space actually brought a lot of comfort to cedric and he’d often sneak up to the roof or just hang out in the balcony to look at the stars. he’d check out a lot of books about space, and he’s most knowledgeable about constellations and the moon whereas aito has very general space knowledge. it’s takes longer for people to realize cedric enjoys space bc he doesn’t really talk about it a lot but if you hang out with him you’ll start to pick up on it. 
         leah has a fairly aesthetic appreciation for space. she loves being able to see the moon, and she likes the aesthetic of stars, and by that i mean like the five-pointed stars as opposed to like actual, hot ball of gas stars. leah’s connection to space mostly comes from her interest in astrology, and though she doesn’t live her life strictly by astrology, she keeps up with it a lot and finds it fun. constellations, planets, the sun, and the moon appeal to her in the astrological sense then, and she doesn’t really know a lot of space facts aside from the basics. also, shoutout to topaxi verse for solidifying this part of leah’s personalty tbh stars and the moon really take on new meaning when it comes to that verse. also, broadening this up to other celestial bodies, leah is really drawn to the daytime sky as well, especially when there are pretty clouds in the sky. 
          emile and alison also share a very aesthetic appreciation for space and the sky. emile particularly enjoys looking at the night sky when he goes camping since he can see so much more than when he’s in the city, and alison is fond of sunlight and the early mornings. alison and emile are pretty inspired by nature in general, so in that regard, that’s how their interest in space and the sky manifests.
          and finally, nate and grace don’t really have a distinct interest in anything celestial. it’s cool and all for them, but it’s nothing for them to write home about. kind of indifferent tbh compared to the rest. 
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iwrestlenow · 3 years
Many More To Die, Chapter 12
TITLE: Many More To Die (Chapter 12)
FANDOM: Sanders Sides (Necromancer AU)
SUMMARY: While the assassin makes another attempt on Roman's life, the necromancers find help from an unexpected source--and an all too brief reunion between Logan and Roman has some disturbing results.
SHIPS: Logince (Logan/Roman), Moceit (Patton/Janus) and Dukexiety (Remus/Virgil)
WARNINGS: None really, not this time.
Told you this one would come faster. XD It's bigger than most, because the next one is gonna be a whopper--and also, the next installment will be the last! But fear not: I'm already planning a sequel.
...and tbh, I can't stop writing these adorable jerks so you'll get lots more stories outta me. :P
NOTES: This is based on the gorgeous piece of art by @gretacticdraws that can be found here. I ended up writing a ficlet for it, and then my brain got swallowed up. Breathe at me wrong, and I’ll write more…hell, who am I kidding? I’ll write more anyway because this? Is self indulgent drivel. XD
Also located at AO3 over here.
1022, A.A.
“Pass the glue?”
Logan blinked, slowly looking up from his jacket to gradually focus on Roman's face. Watching him rise from something that had swallowed his whole attention was hopelessly adorable—a thing he could never tell Logan to his face, but could never hide the smile that crept across his face when he watched Logan surface like a pearl diver.
He saw the moment Logan's face shifted, the moment he finally returned to reality. Scanning the craft supplies scattered on the riverbank around them, he located the glue pot and passed it to Roman with a curious frown.
“What are you gluing?” he asked.
Roman held up the white mask he'd selected to go with his costume for the final night of the Festival that Logan had invited him to.
“Feathers! I want to be one of those things you showed me in the graveyard—the creatures etched on the one tombstone?”
“Angels.” Logan reminded him. “You know their wings go on their back, not their face.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “I know that, Starlight. I can't exactly get a pair of wings for my costume on such short notice, though, so I...Logan?”
Roman set his mask down, scooting closer to the other boy with a cold lick of concern in his belly. Logan was staring at him with an intensity that made him want to squirm, and his face had gone completely ashen.
“What's wrong?” Roman asked, reaching for his hand. “Logan, are you all right?”
Logan blinked, drawing a trembling breath before briskly shaking his head as if to clear it.
“I—yes, I am fine. I just...” He trailed off, and that look was on Roman again.
“Why did you call me Starlight?”
Roman couldn't stop himself from frowning, confused. Gesturing to the jacket in Logan's lap, he shrugged.
“The beads you're sewing onto it—it looks like the night sky. It's—it's just a nickname, like Specs. I won't use it anymore if it bothers you.”
“No,” Logan insisted, “it is perfectly acceptable, it's just...it surprised me, that's all. Starlight is actually the name I use for the Festival. As I told you, we forsake our identities at the celebration, so we all use different names. Mine is—is Starlight.”
Roman watched Logan blink, and would have accused Logan of lying except that Logan never lied. He took things too literally, he was just...not the kind of person who did it. Not with Roman, at least. So if he said he was fine...
So why did he look like his whole world had been shaken?
“...Muse.” Roman spoke before he could think about it.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Muse.” he repeated, feeling confident about the decision. “That'll be my name for the evening. Muse.”
Logan just stared at him for a long moment before huffing, shaking his head as he scooted across the grass until he was leaning against Roman's side, shoulder pressed to Roman's arm.
“You're not required to do it. You're not part of the tribe.” Logan pointed out.
“It's your tribe, though—and I don't want to be disrespectful.” Roman insisted, reaching for the bag of feathers Logan had brought for their costume work. “Besides, I...I like it. I understand it. It's all to make the dead feel less alone, isn't it? I want to help.”
Roman focused very hard on picking the feathers he wanted to glue to his mask...and tried not to pay attention to the way Logan's head tipped to rest against his shoulder and just stayed that way for a very long time.
1033, A.A.
“So that's how you did it—this is a problem.”
Roman blinked, shaking his head. He hadn't lost consciousness, he was certain of it.
...well, relatively certain.
Glancing around, Roman realized he was in his father's bedchamber, held fast by a palace guard on either side. He tried to tug free, but they held him fast, staring straight ahead with glassy, unfocused eyes and blank expressions.
“Don't bother—I've been rotating soldiers through dungeon detail for years. Nearly all of them are mine now.”
Roman's chest seized with cold, cloying horror and disbelief. He could feel warmth in the hands that held him, see their chests rising and falling with breath...
He turned to the man standing before him—salt and pepper hair and overly tanned features, with piercing blue eyes Roman was starting to realize he should have known on sight.
Colonel Mori—if only he'd remembered before this moment...
“The same curse you used on my father, I take it?” he asked, proud of how level his voice came out, clear and firm.
“Something like that.” Mori replied, idly tossing a familiar ring into the air, catching it, and repeating the action with casual thoughtlessness. “It's always been a specialty of mine—generational curses. You only have to curse a single man, and an entire bloodline or brotherhood will fall...would, at least,
if not for you and that idiot progeny of mine.”
Roman wasn't aware that he'd lunged until he had one guard's arm around his throat to hold him back. He'd actually slipped free, and found it hard to breathe until he consciously stopped trying to wrestle free of his captors.
“Logan is not an idiot.” he snarled. “He's stronger than all of us—he's the best man I have ever known.”
And just like that, he was aware of all the memories that infernal talisman had been holding back—the stolen moments, the beauty of learning new things about Logan's people...the purity of that young love that had been stolen from him.
He thought of Logan now, that lean and handsome face hardened by ten years of imprisonment...and how it opened up to him the night before, how Logan tucked against him in his sleep and clung to every touch like it would be taken away from him, just as he had when they first met...
Mori's hands were suddenly on him, gripping his chin and yanking his hair until Roman was staring directly into his eyes.
“Logan Crofter is a good man—and that is his downfall.” Mori spat as his eyes began to glow with an unholy orange light. “Good men have too many rules and too many weaknesses.”
Roman tried to shake his head, but couldn't fend off the impossible grip of the necromancer before him, the light of his gaze causing a slow, dull throb through his skull.
“Decent men have rules to keep them decent. Evil men like you have rules so they can revel in breaking them.” Roman replied flatly. “Good men don't need rules. They simply choose and act.”
The pain in his head grew, forcing Roman to close his eyes—but the light was still there, behind his lids and in his brain, turning the dull throb into a burn.
“So I'm looking forward, Colonel, to watching you face a good man with no rules—and nothing to lose.”
Mori's laughter was grating in his ears as Roman slowly began to lose the ability to think coherently.
“He has one thing, Your Highness...he has you. And I'm going to make sure he comes to find you so I can get what I want: the soul of another Lazari.”
There was some shuffling, a voice—and Roman's blood ran cold as he hung helpless in the grip of a guard and lost his hold on reality.
“Remy Somnum! Bring me Lord Janus. It's high time I added his life to my collection.”
“Yes, Master.”
********** 1023, A.A.
“You're certain this is where it is?”
Roman nodded as he finally opened the padlock on the door of the long abandoned storeroom, deeep in the bowels of the palace dungeons. “The locator spell Remus gave me works. He knows more about magic than half the court mages, even if he can't use it.”
“Picking locks as well.” Logan observed with a raised eyebrow.
Glancing over his shoulder at Logan, Roman just grinned at his expression.
“Remus didn't teach me that.” he declared, pushing the door open and ushering Logan in ahead of him. “If I'm going to be king one day, I shan't rely on anyone else to rescue me—what if I have to break free of some prison or shackles?”
Logan stepped into the room ahead of him, but immediately stopped and turned to face him, looking at Roman with blue eyes that glittered with something Roman couldn't name, something that made it hard to breathe.
It happened so fast he almost couldn't process it—Logan's hands in his tunic, the sudden feel of warmth crowding his front...
The soft, firm, smacking press of a kiss to his mouth that made his heart, and the rest of the world, stop.
For long moments, they just stared at each other, Logan seemingly reeling as much as Logan was.
“I...I am—I'm—apologies.” Logan stammered, trying to busy himself with straightening his tie instead of holding onto Roman's tunic. “I did not mean...that is to say—I just—your intellectual moments, they just—you're so—and I--”
Roman snatched up Logan's hand, pressing his lips to the back of it. He could feel Logan trembling, and Roman felt his heart tremble in sync with it.
“Me, too, Starlight.”
For a second they just stood there, Logan's hand in his, and Roman's heart...
He had never, not once in his short fourteen years of life, ever felt so tranquil or so powerful, and definitely not both at the same time.
Roman forced himself to be the strong one, releasing Logan's hand so he could shut the door and finally take proper stock of the room.
There was barely any light through the bars on the small window in the door, but Logan moved forward with purpose, locating a torch and lighting it with some spell Roman didn't recognize—one that ignited a dazzling blue-white flame that was far clearer and brighter than the golden flicker of normal torchlight.
The layer of dust covering everything in the room was so thick Roman could feel the urge to cough bubbling in his throat just from breathing the air. The walls were lined with bookshelves, and could have made it easy to mistake the space for a library save for the fact that there were very few books on any of those shelves.
“It's like some kind of storeroom.” Logan observed. “That, or...perhaps a trophy room?”
“I told you,” Roman reminded him, “this palace is full of hidden nooks and crevices—places to hide, or to hide something you don't want anyone else to find. I hardly ever notice this door, but the locator spell sure did.”
“So...who does this belong to?” Logan wondered aloud, venturing over to one of the shelving units that had a few books scattered throughout. “And if these are trophies, what are they trophies of?”
Roman wondered the same thing, so intensely it took him a moment to realize Logan was no longer by his side. Shaking himself, Roman crossed the room carefully, painfully aware of the layer of dust his feet were disturbing as he came to stand beside Logan in front of the shelf. His eyes scanned over the objects and books displayed there until...
“Here!” he suddenly blurted, reaching up to pluck a book off the shelf. “This binding matches the Tomes in the palace library.”
Passing the small, leatherbound volume to Logan, he watched as Logan ran his fingers over the cover with a strangely thoughtful look, head cocked just slightly before he opened the volume.
“Is that it?” he asked hopefully. “The geneaology?”
Logan stared at the first page, shaking his head. “No...I mean, it is one of the Tomes, the one you likely said would have the magical bloodlines of the royal family, but—Roman, this was hidden for a reason. It's one of the Forbidden Tomes.”
“What?! Weren't those lost before the fall of the Animator?”
“Affirmative...this one, however, is quite new. Old still, mind you, but maybe two hundred years old at the most.” Logan looked up at Roman, eyes wide.
“I think this volume is a reconstruction.”
That rattled around in Roman's head, untethered and incomprehensible. “Who would be old enough to be able to rewrite one of the Forbidden Tomes? And how do you know how old this book is?”
Logan just stared at it...then flipped a couple of pages before going weirdly still.
“I can...it's an incorrect description, but I can hear it. The Tomes are written in mystical dialects, languages laden with power. My power.”
He lifted his head, meeting Roman's gaze head on with an intensity that stole Roman's breath.
“The mystical dialect this book was composed in is Mairome—the language of necromancy.”
Roman couldn't get his voice to work for a long moment as Logan turned back to the Tome and began reading, eyes flicking back and forth at a speed that was vaguely dizzying, trying to consume every nuance of the page, drinking it all in.
“What...what does it say?” he finally managed to ask aloud.
Logan didn't answer for a long moment. He shut the book gently, his gaze cast downwards.
“It says,” Logan finally answered, “that King Thomas Roman I is the name of the Animator.”
“...that can't be true. That...that means...”
“It means that the king did not slay the Animator—it means your ancestor assassinated the king. It means the Necromata have a legitimate claim to the throne.”
Roman ran his hands over his face, dizzy with the onslaught of information. “Who knew this that they had to take this book from the palace library and hide it here?”
“I think I know that, too.” Logan croaked, handing the book to Roman. “Start here—you should be able to read it.”
Roman accepted the book and peered at the page. Most of the text was a blurry mess of gently glowing lines and strange symbols, but some of the words were written in clear, plain English in various parts of the page.
When he was done, he passed the book back to Logan, reeling.
“Mori...I know that name.” Roman realized. “What are these?”
“They are the True Names of the monarchy.” Logan replied. “I know the name as well—it is the name of the man who tried to kill me when we first met.”
“...you never told me that.”
“I did not know his place among the palace guard—if he was someone close to you, I feared for your safety if he knew you were aware of his crimes.”
“Corporal Mori...he's a member of the dungeon guard.” Roman murmured. “My brother and I used to sneak into the dungeons to play at adventuring when we were little—he was a new private back then, and cruel to both of us. But...Logan?”
“The name in there, below Thomas Roman I. Is that the Animator's son?”
Logan swallowed thickly. “It is.”
“But...but his True Name is Crofter...that's your last name.”
“Affirmative. At least...it was. Just as Mori's name was once Thomas Roman Sanders.”
Roman couldn't speak around the sudden tightness in his throat. Instead, Logan spoke for him.
“The Animator...he's not your ancestor, Roman—he's mine.”
Then the door of the storage room opened, slamming against the pile of detritus behind it.
Roman froze. Logan, however, snatched the book and rose.
“I'll lead him away—get back to your rooms at once, and look after Virgil.”
He was cut off by another abrupt kiss, this one on the cheek.
“We'll get out of this, one way or another. I swear it on the Spider's Thread.”
Then Logan was gone, diving between the legs of the figure in the doorway to lead him away from Roman's location.
********** 1033, A.A.
Patton looked up from where he was crouched beside Logan's prone, writhing body. Logan's eyes had rolled back into his head and he was muttering incoherently while he twitched and twisted with an agony Patton could only guess at.
The voice that had spoken aloud belonged to a prison mage he recognized. The man was tall, dark, and tanned. He was handsome, mostly—he always wore dark glasses that hid his eyes, so it was difficult to be sure.
“What're you doing here, Somnum?” Remus asked sharply. He was awfully fast, next to Virgil one minute and the next standing beside Janus in front of Logan's prone form so Patton could only see Master Somnum through the space between their shoulders.
“Remy—the name's Remy, you fuckin' killjoys.” the mage sighed. “Will you just move already? Patton can vouch for me.”
“I can?” He asked uncertainly. Patton's nostrils flared on reflex, trying to scent the air—and immediately felt his magic rise, all animal instinct and threat.
The smell of death, old and ripe, was on the air. Not the smell of corpses or long settled dust, but death, fresh damp grave dirt and sticky in his lungs like worms crawling.
Patton turned to Virgil, crouched beside him, and put a hand on his shoulder. Virgil just looked at him, then at Remus and Remy, and nodded before focusing on his brother again.
Patton stood and came to stand next to Remus. He could feel more than hear the subsonic hiss building in the back of Janus's throat nearby, and found his gaze to reassure him before he faced the prison mage.
“He knows my True Name.” Patton admitted. “Janus can confirm it...but how?”
Remy didn't answer right away. He just stared at Patton, making him feel squirmy stomach and trembly. Breathing felt...not hard, but strange, and he wasn't sure if he liked it--
Reaching up, Remy removed his dark glasses.
“'Cause mine's Graymalkin.” he replied softly.
“What does that mean?” Virgil snapped testily. “Quoting Macbeth at each other won't--”
Patton didn't hear the rest. As far as he knew, Black Dogs and Heralds couldn't fly, but he couldn't feel the floor under his feet anymore...
...oh. Oh, he couldn't feel any of his legs anymore. The world was spinning, too—kind of like playing Statue Maker as a boy, grabbing his friends' hands and spinning, spinning, spinning before he had to stop and strike a pose--
Patton blinked, and suddenly drew a deep, shuddering breath into his lungs before he started coughing. He—oh, he hadn't been breathing. That wasn't remotely good, willikers!
As he tried to get his breathing normalized, Patton found he was on the floor, being cradled in Janus's arms. His forehead was tucked against the scaled side of his neck, a lovely contrast of cool scales over warm skin and so much softer than anyone would think scales could be. As Patton calmed, he drifted, and gently rubbed his forehead against those scales, sighing at the soothing texture of their satiny surface brushing his skin, the edges gently catching in ways that sent pleasant little buzzes of sensation  from his forehead to skitter over his scalp.
Finally, he lifted his head—and found Remy kneeling in front of them, staring at Patton.
His eyes were pure onyx, from sclera to pupil—solid black orbs in his head, barely glinting in the light of the room. They were the eyes of a hijacked body, a resurrection gone wrong. The owner of the body was gone, and another soul had taken its place.
A soul Patton was fairly certain he knew.
“Patton?” Janus's voice, a question.
Slowly, Patton nodded.
Remy sagged visibly in relief. “You remember...Paddy, I'm a Reaper. I can help Logan. Will you let me?”
Feeling more like himself, Patton nodded again. Without thinking, he twisted and tipped his head up to kiss Janus's cheek before he got shakily to his feet.
“Virgil, Remy's gonna help.” he announced, still watching Remy with a secret fear that this would be a dream and that he'd vanish.
“Fuck you. I don't--”
“He's my brother. Please, Virge.”
There was silence for several moments, but then Remy was moving off some indication from Virgil, and Patton twisted to watch Remy drop to his knees at Logan's side. He touched his forehead, taking his hand and watching him closely.
“Motherfucker knows the only real way to kill a Lazari, and he's using the king to do it.” Remy muttered. “Let's see...nerd's Claim is holding, that's good, but his mind won't hold up under the Baccanal...lemme see, gurl...”
Remy shut his eyes, bowing his head. As he did, Patton suddenly felt a gust of warm air touching the back of his neck, making him flinch and whip his head around.
“Easy, Sin-ammon Roll.”
Prince Remus was there, his hand a buzzing gnat in Patton's awareness as it sat on his shoulder. He was watching Patton with a look he couldn't read—his features were like Janus's, well schooled into calm lines, but his eyes were clouded with some very turbulent emotion.
“Is the prison mage really your brother?”
Patton opened his mouth to answer, but no sound was coming out. The words were all there, but they were sort of...clogging in his throat, too many coming too fast, all fighting to escape at the same time. Fortunately, Janus's arms were suddenly there again, wrapped around his waist, cradling Patton back against his chest, warm warm warm and comforting in their familiarity.
“Patton was four years old when his brother died.” Janus stepped in. “Remington Morell was not quite fourteen—essentially executed in the street. Patton told me when they were children...their mother loved the Scottish play. Quoted it all the time--'I come, Graymalkin' when Remy called for her, 'Paddock calls' when Patton would cry.”
“...but the kid died.”
“Yes, but...it's the black eyes. They indicate the presence of a Raptor.”
“Like the dinosaur?” Remus asked.
“Like a body thief—a soul that hijacks a coprse during a botched resurrection.” Janus sighed, rolling his eyes as Patton twisted his head to look up at him.
“Ohhhh, I mean—wow.”
“Lucky for me, children age in Shadow.” Remy's voice piped up. Refocusing on Logan, Patton realized his best friend wasn't writhing and muttering anymore, just...laying there, asleep. Seemingly, anyway.
“What'd you do?” he asked, gently removing himself from the circle of Janus's arms to move towards Remy as he stood.
“Guided Logan to the Loom of Memory.” he replied. “It'll protect him for a while, and let him communicate with Roman if I'm right about how those two are bound—Mori's got the king under the Baccanal.”
“Cursing him with madness?” Patton breathed, his stomach churning with horror as he covered his mouth with both hands. “That's forbidden, Remoo.”
“Yeah, well, the Animator ain't known for playing by the rules, gurl.” Remy replied with a shrug. “So burning away a man's mind, one layer at a time until he's a drooling vegetable? Totally on the table.”
Patton felt something loosen in his chest as he grinned up at the other man. “You really are Remy, aren't you?”
Remy opened his mouth, brow furrowed with confusion—then understanding filled his features and he grinned, laughing. “Ah, geez—Remoo. You started calling me that when you were two 'cause you couldn't say Remington.”
“It's the only thing I remember really well.” Patton admitted, rushing forward to fling his arms around Remy with a choked laugh that quickly melted to tears.
“Mom and Pop kept your Vigil every Festival—but I never stopped.” he giggled wetly. “Every day—I had an altar in my room...”
“I know.” Remy soothed, holding onto Patton tight and reaching up to tousle his curls in a manner that Patton didn't recognize, but still felt weirdly familiar. “I heard you. Why do you think I snuck back when I realized you were in trouble?”
Patton pressed his face into Remy's shoulder. The smell of the mage's trade clung to him, acid and alcohol and herbs, but under that was something that set of primal echoes in Patton's head of family home safe loved, loamy earth and fresh rain.
Remy held on tight, just for a few seconds, but when he pulled back Patton felt steadier than he had in a very long time.
“We need to get the Lazari outta here.” Remy instructed. “It's a long story, but I was sent here to drag Lord Scaly off for execution. Plans changed, now I'm takin' you all somewhere safe.”
“Where's that?” Virgil asked, flinching when Remus swooped in to gather Logan up into his arms before Virgil could.
“Long story, tell you when we get there. Everyone move.”
********** When Logan opened his eyes, he was home.
It was a very familiar part of his home, however—none other than his childhood bed, wrapped in a familiar pair of arms.
Lifting his head, he had to fight not to lose his composure when he saw Roman's face. His head was nestled into Logan's pillow, features slack with repose...
Then tense, a low noise of distress rumbling in his chest, vibrating against Logan and shooting straight to his marrow.
Reaching out, Logan dug his fingers in beneath Roman's ribs. Fortunately it worked: immediately, Roman woke up with a squeal that was wholly undignified, and melted immediately into giggling he promptly cut off.
“Roman, it's okay...shhhh, you are safe. It's Logan, I'm here.”
Roman stared at him with a blank, unfocused look that scared Logan—actual fear he could not deny any longer, cold and cloying and sticking to the inside of his chest. Those green eyes were glassy and unseeing...they did not know him.
Very deliberately, Logan reached for Roman's hand, meshing their fingers together. He held them up in Roman's eyeline.
“Hold on...do not let go.”
That struck a chord, bringing some focus back to Roman's eyes. After a moment that stretched into eternity, Logan felt Roman's fingers tighten around his. Roman stared at their joined hands, mouth working soundlessly...
“I...never have.” Roman finally replied. “I never will.”
Logan's throat closed up, his eyes burning.
“Swear it on the Spider's Thread?” He hated how small his voice sounded, how desperate.
Recognition finally sparked in Roman's eyes.
Logan lost control then, flinging himself into Roman's arms. Roman let himself be bowled over onto his back, let Logan stretch out atop his body, press his face into the curve of Roman's neck, and just held on tight as Logan wept for the first time in ten years. Deep, heaving, wretched sobs that Roman soothed him through, a hand running over his back, Roman's deep and beautiful voice murmuring soothing nonsense directly into his ear.
Time passed. The slow, steady rhythm of Roman's fingers gradually smoothed the jagged edges until he could reach out and touch them without getting cut open again.
“Did you know?” Logan finally asked, lifting his head to meet Roman's gaze.
Roman stared back up at him, uncomprehending as his fingers drifted up to caress Logan's cheek. Logan found himself unable to resist leaning into the tender touch.
“Did I know what?”
“That day by the river—before the Festival. Did you know that you changed my True Name.”
“...not until we found the Tome. I...suspected something happened, but wasn't sure until we read about your grandfather.”
“What about later? When you came to me in my cell and gave me my new Name?”
“I...I'm not sure. I know I wasn't supposed to remember what you were to me, but...”
But he had. Reaching up to catch the hand Roman still had pressed to his cheek, Logan felt like he understood. Not really, but...but that was the point.
Roman never should have remembered enough to care about Logan, yet he'd come to find him, and helped him in his moment of need.
“I think,” Logan began hesitantly, “that it is as Grandpap often says. The stuff of Shadow—the things we are not allowed to know.”
Roman frowned pensively. His brow furrowed with it, and Logan let himself surrender to the temptation of bowing his head and kissing that line away.
“Miracles.” Roman murmured. “Shadow brought to the light.”
Logan made a sound of affirmation, nose brushing along Roman's hairline.
“Or an outsider brought to the Loom of Memory.”
Roman shifted under him, seeking out Logan's gaze with wide, curious green eyes.
“Is that where we are?” he asked, awestruck.
Logan nodded, running his fingers through Roman's hair.
“It is...and time moves differently here.” he explained, mouth hovering over Roman's.
Time Logan was going to take...because if Logan was Lazari, that meant he had power. If he was descended from the Animator, the First and most powerful, he had more power still. If he was bound, soul to soul, to the ruler of all the Kingdoms, Logan had power beyond magic.
He had all the power, maybe more, of his ancestor. Power enough to corrupt.
So he allowed it to corrupt him. He let himself be ruthlessly selfish.
He was not going to allow Roman to be taken from him again.
Never again.
********** He expected to feel a warm, strong pair of arms around him when he rose from a deep and restful slumber...but instead, his groggy mind was rattled by voices.
“So you've just been...what? Fooling him into thinking you were zombified? That's hot, don't get me wrong, but I don't see how he'd buy it.”
“Gurl, greedy men are dumber than a bag of hair—ain't that right, Emi?”
“Eh—yes, sweetheart. Basically, anyway. It takes a great deal of focus and power to control as many dead as Mori currently is.”
“That's why our people don't normally do it—raising a corpse is way different from resurrecting someone to life. Grandpap told Logan off for even suggesting the raising of more than two corpses at the same time. It's doable, but I think five is the limit before you risk madness under the weight of all those deaths.”
“So these are really zombies? Not people he resurrected? Gosh, that's just...scary.”
“Easy, baby brother—none of 'em are coming the fuck near you. That's why I got a heart-healer on my side...they don't tell people that they study necromancy on the side, y'know.”
“Remy, please. We don't...er...well, we don't study all of necromancy. Just necromatic theory—its relation to the mind. The function of the Cleansing, body theft, the psychological toll of magic...that's sort of how Remy and I met. I'm a bit of a bookworm...”
“Shhhh, he's waking up!”
Finally opening his eyes, he moved to sit up, reaching, fumbling until strong fingers caught his.
“It's okay, Loganberry—you're fine.”
“Logan—where is he?”
That was the moment he froze, his question coming out...strange. Deep, but not deep enough, well enunciated but too stiff.
That was his voice...but it wasn't his voice saying Logan's name.
“...something's wrong.”
He looked around in confusion. Something was wrong with his eyes, the world fuzzy and haloed in blurs of color. He could recognize Remus only from the color of his tunic and the sound of his voice.
“Remus? What's happening?”
“Hold on—Virgil, his glasses.”
He didn't wear glasses, what the--
Then a pair was being set on his face, and the world suddenly came into painful focus. He was laying on a low couch in one of the palace offices. Remy and the heart-healer, Emile Picani, stood off to one side. Virgil and Remus knelt by his side now, with Janus and Patton wrapped around each other by the window.
Trembling, he lifted his hands in front of his face.
Pale. Slim. Long, lean fingers that had run through his hair so greedily, touched him so tenderly, blunt nails scoring skin in the depths of his mind...
Lowering Logan's hands—now his hands—Roman looked into his twin brother's eyes, into the face that he shared with him.
Or had at the start of the day.
“Please tell me that my brother did not just swap bodies with the fucking king?” Virgil squeaked, looking visibly ill as he swallowed thickly.
Roman, wearing Logan's skin, nodded slowly.
“I think he did,” Roman replied, “and in doing so...he just gave Mori exactly what he wanted.”
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Hi!! Would you be willing to do another spin-off for I Need You?? If so could you write about their wedding day? Thank you in advance!! (:
I’M ALWAYS UP FOR WRITING I NEED YOU SPIN-OFFS - I feel like we could do a whole series of wedding spin-offs for it tbh (also should I give them their own separate masterlist or nah?), either way, this is her getting dressed and getting a letter from Calum
I Need You
“Y/N/N! I have something for you!” Mali announced cheerfully, walking into Y/N’s dressing room. The bride turned to look at her future sister-in-law with a cheerful, yet slightly nervous grin on her face. 
“Oh, you look gorgeous!” Joy exclaimed, entering into the room behind her daughter and clasping her hands in front of her face.
“Doesn’t she just?” Y/N’s mother agreed, joining Calum’s mother, standing by her side and offering her a glass of champagne.
“Thank you,” Y/N said softly before turning her attention back to Mali. 
“Cal wanted me to pass this on to you,” she said, holding out a white envelope, addressed with her name on it in Calum’s messy hand.
Y/N nodded, turning over the envelope and sliding her finger under the flap, opening it, unsure of what her fiancé may have written inside.
Dear Nibbles,
I’m writing this with the guys around me, all getting into their suits, preparing for the wedding - our wedding.
The truth of it is, that it’s strange not having had any contact with you for the past two days - it’s literally been two days, not even that long, and yet I think I’m physically aching to be with you again. 
We’ve been together as a couple for eleven years, and I’ve known you for bordering thirteen and, since we got together (and correct me if I’m wrong (though you know I’m never wrong)), I haven’t gone a day without having some form of communication with you. 
Be it calling you, texting you, snapchatting you, sending you memes or photos of dogs or videos of the guys doing random shit, I’ve spoken to you every day for the past eleven years. Even during our fights, they’ve never gotten to the point which I’ve gone a full 24 hours without you.
What I’m trying to say here, Nib,  is that I don’t know how to function without you anymore. You’re my life raft, my tether, my muse, my home, all that cheesy shit that I never thought in a million years I’d be caught saying (and by ‘in a million years’ I mean before I met you, as back then, I still thought girls had cooties - which they definitely do, I can’t believe I let you pull the wool over my eyes). I know it took me a while to get around to actually proposing (trust me, I’ve had a proper earful about that from not only the guys but also from Mali, my parents and your family as well) but, it was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.
Essentially, I love you more than should be legally allowed. And sitting here, watching Mikey, Ash and Luke tying their ties and showing the most horrific old photos of the two of us, has just made me realise how much I love you all over again. 
I know most people are nervous on their wedding day, the whole ‘spending your whole life with one person’ perhaps being a little daunting but I don’t have any of that. How can I be nervous about spending my life with you, when you are my life, my reason for being. 
I love you, and I can’t wait to see you coming down the aisle,
Cal xx
“Is everything alright?” Mali’s voice was gentle and Y/N felt one of her best friends and bridesmaids brushing away a tear she didn’t know that Calum’s letter had brought to her eyes.
Y/N choked out a laugh and nodded, sniffing.
“Yeah - do... do any of you have some paper?”
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5sos soft blurbs plz
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yoongirk · 4 years
Goodbye & I Love You All ;;
Okay, I don’t know how to start this off so I’m just going to jump right into it.
First I just want to start off by saying thank you to the rkmods for everything y’all ever did for rookies, all of the hard work you did over the years to make this rp amazing! I wasn’t here as soon as rookies opened (I joined in like 2015 or 2016 I think????) but I was here for a little while back then before I had to leave due to having my daughter back in 2017 because I had to focus on being a mom at the time and couldn’t balance rping with that though either way I still thought about rookies even while I was away. I remember when I first brought Bora in, she was such a mess at the time but she started to change because of all the great people she met in her life at the time. Hell, I even had Jinhwan, Kei.... I believe even Seungkwan at one time... Rookies was and always will be like a second family to me, it’s where I met so many great people and made so many great friends that I love and will never forget, some of which I still talk to even when I had taken a break from rping.
Once I got my real life shit sorted out and started getting back into the rp community and all, Rookies was still on my mind and in the end I rejoined a few months ago with Yoongi and even tried to bring back Bora as well, though rl got in the way again and they had to both be let go....again. This time I tried with Yoongi for my 3rd time and even though I was slow with getting back with others (thanks to work aldkfjldfkj) and even slow with doing the few replies I had, I was starting to slowly get back into the flow with what was going on here. I’m sorry towards those that literally waited FOREVER for me to even reply to dm’s this time but I had some health issues and because of that I just didn’t have the motivation to really even do anything. I literally forced myself to even get on and do a single post for not only Yoongi but also my other muses in other rp’s as well because again I was going through so much over the past few weeks that made it impossible for me to even really get that needed motivation to do things.
If I hadn’t had to leave a few years ago Bora would have probably still been in Royal Entertainment as the self-proclaimed ‘Rap Queen’. lol She was honestly one of my favorite muses tbh because she had so much character development that happened, from being closed off, to opening up and even finding a bit of romance for a short while, to becoming a public trainee at the time (even though she screwed up on that before she had been announced because that’s just how she was orz), even to her opening up to more people other than her small group of friends she had. She was always the more ‘tomboy’ type who legit called males who were older than her ‘hyung’ rather than ‘oppa’ because she hated that word the most and thought it was cringy. lol
I had so many plans for Yoongi this time around though, I wanted to have him as this fuckboy who eventually down the line changed once he met more people but now that it’s all coming to an end (I’m legit crying rn while typing all of this) we’ll just say that this is exactly what happened with him. He’ll probably continue his YouTube/TikTok career.
I want to also thank all of the people I met in the past and even now who were so kind towards me, who put up with my dumb self and just were super sweet. I really will miss rookies so much no matter how much time passes. This was my very first ever tumblr rp I ever joined and honestly if it weren’t for rookies I probably would have never actually done tumblr rping at all actually. I love each and everyone of you, even those I never got the chance to even speak with, and I hope that we can all somehow still keep in contact with one another despite rookies closing down! <3 If anyone would like to chat you can always reach me on twitter (@EmDoesRP)!
Hopefully we’ll get to meet somewhere else in the future, some of you are already in other rps that I’m currently in, and we can interact then! <3 <3
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polyhexianchicken · 3 years
1. At what age did you start RPing, 4. What made you choose this muse?, 29. What are your honest thought about your muse’s canon? 38. what’s the best inspiration for your muse?
1. Ooohhh... Think.. probably with 10? Granted it was in some roleplay online games that I randomly stumbled across.. but that kickstarted my love for rp definitely :D
4. OoH WHERE to start!!
I.. hm. Okay, so starting out in IDW, I was completely infatuated with Cyclonus. (Tbh, I think I just really love purple guys and doubled with skull like features- heh👀 still would love to be his friend ahdhajshajhs)
Whirl, Whirl became my fondest love though the more and more I read about him. It started with some analyses of his behaviours on Tumblr that I read, and then me going back over the comics, and reading his wiki- Whirl's just really, bloody, FASCINATING.
Like, one's first introduction is downright dark as all hell, Whirl genuinely trying to kill himself in a very manic display. A few glimpses of his unstable mental health here and there- a few pinpointers at the bullying he was recieving in the Lost Light ( I mean, the entire crew sans Rodimus showed up at that theme night wanting to punch Whirl), or Rung endorsing his self harming and not stopping him-
I wanted to understand how and why it brought him to how he is today. And my mind kinda wandered akdjjash canon adjacant of course, but to me, Whirl is a deeply, deeply broken mech that is an example of what happens when you destroy the wrong pacifist- all he wanted was to be a watchmaker, and he was a good one, but he was beaten down to his very last will until he ultimately snapped, seeing only that violence was the answer for everything, and that was his life motto then. He hadn't done anything violent or wrong, yet was punished so extremely brutally and literally everwhere he goes, he's met with aprehension and hate- hate for what he has become at the hands of his supposed family, and not hating those who hurt him. That would break anyone, knowing that literally nobody is willing or wants to even understand him anymore. So naturally, he resorted to what made him survive the Dead End: Violence, being crazy and unpredictable with no heed for anybody else.
I also really loved his nature, his more kindhearted side. He's a mischievous gremlin with a soft spark underneath that shell- but it's under such heavy locks not even he knows anymore how to unlock it. And I wanted to try my hand at someone moraly gray with a heavy mischievous side.... and, I also wanted to have Whirl get his friends and family and maybe even a partner like I think he deserves. I am also soo fascinated with how the Empurata Procedure would / affect/s Whirl, alienating him from others and rendering him utterly unreadable and depriving him of any social affection.. incredibly cruel for his species.
Because if Whirl had perhaps been shown compassion at any point, he could've turned out much much differently, and with each day he gets compassion and love, he's slowly regaining his old self again, and learning to let his titanium heavily guarded walls down.
29. Absoloutly love it! I really only tweaked a few details, like how he got to the Senate and when and how he changed his name.. I just loove that he wanted to be a watchmaker, and what happened to him up until the Lost Light!
Granted, I believe that Whirl still has good in him, and that his chaotic, suicidial and violent side is a huge cry for help, while in the comics it's more of 'he chooses to be this because he is just that batshit crazy'.
38. Music, and John Mulaney here and there. Angsty music absoloutely fuuelllsss me and my Whirl muse :3< i have so so so many angst ideas, and I really do want to respectfully explore Whirl's more mental health history alongside his suicidial tendencies, but I also really don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable. Whirl is my muse to have fun, but equally, I'm completely fascinating and very keen on understanding what makes him tick.
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et-lesailes · 5 years
laundry room
pairing: ex!tony x reader
word count: 3200
summary: you and tony are fresh out of a very long and serious relationship, only having broken up about a week prior. thankfully you are on good terms and even friends, but you are currently living in his house while you are working on packing up your things to eventually move out. you didn’t think it would be too hard for both of you to be on your best behavior, but clearly you were wrong.
themes: smuuuuuuuuuut. daddy kink
taglist: @sebabestianstan101, @pining-and-tired, @gogomez-509, @a-distantdreamer, @malthestorytellerblog, @rainbowkisses31, @melannie77, @gigistorm, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @isthiskaii, @taylorswiftloverforever13, @hulksmashin-bannerpackin
note: yeah idk i’ve had muse for this for a while and so here it is, my first tony x reader fic!! hopefully i can slowly work my way through the rest of the avengers (most likely just the male ones bc i’m not really good at writing girl on girl stuff tbh) ! also sorry this hasn’t been proofread i’m too tired and need to go to bed lmao. pls let me know what you think thoughh
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It was awkward living in the home of your ex-boyfriend, but not as much as it could have been considering Tony Stark’s home was huge. You practically had your own separate wing for God’s sake, and despite now being exes after nearly three years of dating, the two of you were actually on quite good terms. 
The break up had been mutual. It had gradually been getting more and more painfully obvious that the only thing keeping the two of you together was wonderful, rough, and heated sex. There were no more long, late night conversations in his lab, no more fun and social outings to all types of conventions and galas and events he helped fund, no more date nights at your favorite burger joint. Even the hugs and kisses felt bland and forced. It was sad and scary to suddenly be single again after having been convinced for so long that Tony was going to be your husband one day, but you knew you would be alright. The two of you had shared a surprisingly mature conversation about the matter; he was just as heartbroken as you were, but he told you that he would always love you, even if it may be in a different way than before. 
For the most part, you did not see much of each other despite staying in the same home. He was often working, as were you, and during the nights he would be slaving away in his lab on God knows what. The only reason you were still there was because you were still in the process of moving your things out; you would stay at your friend’s place until you found an apartment of your own. Tony had offered to buy you a place himself, but you had assured him it was alright. The two of you may have been friends, but you did not want to have to rely on him. 
You had stepped out of the shower, wrapping your towel around your figure when you realized you had completely forgotten to get your laundry. Stepping out into your bedroom, you practically ransacked the dresser looking for something, but to no avail. A lot of your clothes were already packed up in boxes and ready to be moved. With a light sigh, you headed for the laundry room, holding your towel around yourself. It was around 9 PM, meaning Tony would most likely still be at work anyways. Not that this was anything he hadn’t seen before. 
Too lazy to retrieve all of your clothes, you simply pulled out what you needed. A bra, thong, tank, and sleep shorts-- nothing fancy, and besides, most if not all of this would probably come off by the time you were ready to sleep, anyways. It was then you heard Tony’s voice from the hallway, his footsteps approaching the laundry room probably having seen the light turned on. “Hey, Y/N, I’m glad I caught ya-- I wanted to talk to you abo-” he began, then instantly paused when he stepped inside the room, brown eyes now focused on your towel wearing frame. “Oh. Well, hello to you too.” He muttered, and you bit your lip, laughing awkwardly. “Sorry, forgot my clothes. Here, I’ll just go change and then--” you started to say, but as you were trying to move around him you dropped one of the articles of clothing in your hand; looking down, you scoffed silently in disbelief. Of course it happened to be the thong. “I’m just gonna….” you trailed off and laughed again but leaned over to pick it up, trying to hold your towel up despite your hand holding onto your clothes. For once, Tony was completely silent, and this was slightly concerning. When you straightened up, however, it was easy to see why. You knew that look in his eyes, and you knew why it was there. He really was not the type to get so worked up or turned on easily, but you supposed it had been difficult for both of you going from fucking every single day to having to take matters into your own hands (literally). You cleared your throat once you straightened back up. 
“Did you need anything?” you asked, trying to make this strange experience as casual as possible. He kept his eyes on you, now taking a step closer as his teeth pulled on his lower lip. “No, but fuck, now I do…” You knew this expression even better than the first, and it made you slightly press your thighs together underneath the towel. “What is it…?” you asked, though your voice was soft and distracted, your hand clenching your clothes tighter. He was now standing directly in front of you, barely leaving any space between your bodies as he looked down at you with lust filled, desperate eyes. “Jesus Christ, Y/N, don’t act like you don’t know how much I want you right now…” 
His words sent shivers down your spine. You knew where this was headed, and your more rational side could try to interfere all it wanted, but you knew it would not succeed. “One time can’t hurt… right…?” you whispered, and a wide smirk crossed his lips. Before you knew it, you were being pulled into his body, his lips crashing against yours in an incredibly rough and familiar kiss. Your tight fist immediately relaxed, dropping the clothes you had originally been so determined to put on. You brought your arms around his neck and he lifted you up to sit on top of the washing machine, not breaking the kiss for even a second. “Fuck,” a growl of a curse uttered forth from his lips, and the husky tone in itself was enough to make you wet combined with the sinful way his tongue worked around yours. “It’s been too damn long…”
“We… broke up… a week ago, Tony…” you reminded him with breathless giggles in between kisses, wrapping your legs around the man’s waist tightly to keep him close to you. He smirked and bit down on your lower lip, barely tugging with his teeth. “My statement still stands,” he murmured, giving your kiss swollen lips yet another peck before running his hand up under your towel to rub your inner thigh. “I just miss this perfect body so damn much.” He paused as he pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, barely wrinkling his nose as if thoughtful. “And you in general, I suppose.” He joked in typical sarcastic Tony fashion, and you laughed, teasingly playing with the hem of your towel. “I think you need to get undressed a little more,” you whispered, nodding towards his fully clothed body. “This doesn't seem very fair.” He simply smirked as he suddenly grabbed the towel, tugging it off of you with one rough movement and haphazardly tossing it aside. “Life’s not fair, sweet cheeks.” He made a point to bring his hand down to your ass to squeeze as he said this before peppering your neck in kisses and nibbles, other hand moving to grope your soft breast. You let out a moan as you arched your back towards him, whining softly as his fingers teased your sensitive nipple, his tongue tracing hot circles over your skin while his teeth left dark marks behind. You knew the others would give you shit for the hickeys if they ever saw them, but at the same time, they had probably practically been placing bets on the fact that you and Tony would most likely hook up again after breaking up. 
“Fuck me,” you suddenly begged, rolling your hips and clenching your thighs together to appease the wet heat between them. “Please, Tony, I need you so fucking bad.” He groaned simply from hearing your words, pulling back to make direct eye contact as he brought his fingers up your thigh to rub against your wet folds. “How bad?” he asked innocently, and as frustrated as you were, you had known this was coming. Tony was not the type to let up teasing so easily, even if it was torture for him too. “Fuck, Tony, I’ve been... thinking about you every single night... since we broke up,” you admitted in a half whimper, only slightly distracted by his fingers teasing your entrance. “And I- I’m tired of.. using my own fingers… or the toys you bought me…”
“Now I spent good money on those toys, baby doll.” He spoke as if reprimanding you, eyebrow raised slightly. “Would you rather Daddy use them on you?” He pushed a finger inside you, pumping deeply already as he tilted his head. “Or is this enough for you? Let’s see how many times Daddy can make his little cock slut cum for him before he fucks you nice and hard, yeah?” You let out a desperate moan as you rolled your hips further, legs now relaxed on either side of him but spread slightly to give him room, one hand holding the edge of the washing machine. You loved when he became authoritative like this, even when his already arrogant air about him was increased. He used two fingers to rub against your folds slowly but roughly, applying just the perfect amount of pressure making you mewl in a needy sense of pleasure as you gazed up into his eyes. “M-more,” you begged, and his dark smirk grew, his eyes fixed on yours. “I don’t even know if you need more, to be honest,” he replied nonchalantly, moving to start rubbing your clit. “I think you’re going to come undone for me right fucking now.” You gasped as he teased your sensitive bundle of nerves, fingers moving in circular motions knowing just exactly the pace you liked it. “D-Daddy! Fuck, I’m gonna….” He chuckled lowly, using his other hand to roll your nipple between his fingers. “Already, baby girl? And to think you were greedy to ask Daddy for more.” You gasped as you released, your cheeks practically pink and your eyes round as you watched him taste you off his fingers. 
“God I missed how addictive you taste.” He admitted, sighing deeply before suddenly bringing his fingers back down, rubbing again. You widened your eyes, instinctively reaching down to grab his wrist. “Wh-what are you doing?” you asked in breathy whimpers, already feeling oversensitive. He arched an eyebrow as he slowly pushed a finger inside, your hold on his wrist having no effect on him whatsoever as he began to pump slowly. “Making you come again, duh. Have a problem with that, sugar? You did ask me for more, didn’t you?” You let out a soft whine, unsure if it was out of feeling overwhelmed or pleasured, biting on your lip harshly. “Daddy…” 
He suddenly grabbed your hip with his other hand, scooting you further back on the washing machine, “Lean back against the wall,” he demanded, taking the initiative to lightly press you back himself until your back was leaned against the wall, your body naturally arched towards him with the way you were positioned. He continued pumping for a few moments and you moaned louder, feeling your legs shudder. “Daddy..!” you cried out from the stimulus, and he pushed another finger inside, watching you closely and breathless from being so turned on. However, just when you were about to come…..
“You know what?” He suddenly withdrew his fingers, giving you a devious smile as he licked at them again, taking in your shocked expression and even whine of disappointment. “I need a more direct approach.” Grabbing a hold of your thighs, he spread them apart and leaned down, swiping his tongue across your heated sex. You immediately took hold of his hair, fingers entangled in the chocolate brown strands as he moved his tongue to toy with the hood of your clit, a string of moans escaping your parted lips. When he pushed his tongue inside your entrance, you remembered just why it had been so damn hard to break up with him. Even the tiniest movements had your mind hazing, your grip on his locks tightening as you felt his beard rub up against your skin. It was almost infuriating how good at this he was, and your back was arched so incredibly towards him you would probably need a chiropractor in the near future. He gripped your thighs so hard you knew there would be bruises by the morning, but that was the least of your concern. Moving one hand so that he could stimulate your clit once again, he plunged his tongue deeper inside you, taking his time to lick all around. You were sighing in content as you tilted your head back, grinding yourself against his fingers; and then he pulled back for a second, gazing up at you to take in your lust filled expression, groaning to himself before dipping his head back down. His tongue found your clit again, flicking at it with the perfect amount of force, knowing just how to play with it; he practically knew its shape by heart, and he knew just how to move it around to drive you crazy. It was when he used his lips as a suction that you knew you were reaching your limit, unsure how you had even lasted this long to begin with. “Daddy!” you moaned as you came again, watching turned on as he lapped up every single bit of your release into his greedy mouth, practically unable to catch your breath.
“Do I taste good?” you whispered innocently, and he smirked, straightening up again as he yanked you to his body, returning you back to the edge of the washing machine. “Why don’t you find out yourself.” He kissed you again with even more passion than before and you gasped against his lips, bringing your arms around his neck to keep him close while you hitched your legs up around his waist. You felt his clothed bulge press against your bare thigh and you found yourself grinding against it, whining from feeling overstimulated but unable to help but want it. “Fuck me,” you pleaded again, and this time he did not argue. He hastily unzipped his pants, kicking them off before removing his boxer briefs. Jerking your body even closer to the edge of the appliance, he moved one hand to hold the back of your neck, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t take your eyes off me, doll,” he commanded, and you immediately nodded. “Y-Yes sir.” He smirked, scoffing lowly from being so aroused just from hearing the term of authority, guiding himself to rub his tip against your already sensitive folds. Pushing himself inside, you shivered upon hearing his husky groans, moving your hands to hold his biceps as he started moving his hips. “Mmm..! You’re so…. So big….” you moaned as you rocked your own hips in sync with his, tilting your head back feeling your damp hair from your shower fall lower onto your bare back. He smirked weakly as he began thrusting even harder, moving his hands to grasp your legs and push them back so you were even more spread for him as you sat atop the washing machine, beginning to move even faster. “God… Dammit…” he grunted, still maintaining eye contact with you, loving how pleasured and out of breath you seemed already. “You look even more sexy when you’re taking Daddy’s big cock… holy shit I’m never going to find a better fuck than you, I swear.” The praise only turned you on even more; you had always felt genuinely happy when you could go above and beyond when it came to satisfying Tony’s needs, and a more selfish part of you was a little pleased that he could admit himself that he would never be able to find anyone like you. He pushed himself even deeper, loving to hear your moans becoming louder and louder, bouncing off the walls of the relatively small room, not giving a shit if they traveled through the vents-- no one was there to hear them, anyways, though Tony had to admit such a factor would make this even hotter. 
He was moving with such vigor and speed that you weren’t expecting him to abruptly pull out, but it was only to put you in a different position-- before you knew it, you were suddenly placed on the ground again, feet on the floor but facing the washing machine. Bending you over, he thrust himself right back into your tight entrance, groaning as his hands held your waist. You were nearly screaming in delight as you held the edges of the washing machine, cheek pressed against the cool surface, too overwhelmed to even lift your head. However, his hands reached around to lift your upper body slightly, only to grab your breasts he loved so much, playing with and bouncing them around even though the force of his thrusts was already rocking your body hard. The sound of skin slapping only increased arousal, and once he hit your g-spot, you knew you were about to be sent over the edge. 
“Come for me, darling,” he hissed into your ear knowingly, nibbling on the tip of it sensually; you sometimes hated how well he knew your body, but how could he not at this point? The two of you had been having sex for years. You let yourself release, your chest heaving from how breathless you were, whimpering as you felt him come inside you. He often had when the two of you were dating, considering you were on birth control, and so you were not so worried about it now; if anything, it felt good, and you let out a slow and somewhat shaky sigh as you let your body relax, straightening up as he pulled out of you. Turning around, you gave him a breathess smile, barely chewing on your lower lip. “That… was definitely not part of our whole break up plan,” you murmured, and he chuckled huskily, leaning down to pull his underwear and pants up again. “No, no it was not, but what’s the fun in having a plan, really?” Still, he sighed, running his fingers through his hair afterwards as he picked up your towel from the floor to gently wrap it around your frame. “We’ll work on it. Alright? We’ll be fine. No harm in, you know, fucking like rabbits every now and then.” You scoffed as you playfully gave his chest a light shove, but couldn’t help but smile, especially upon seeing his own cross his lips. “We can’t do this anymore, Tony,” you insisted, even though your own tone sounded like you couldn’t even fully convince yourself. “We’re gonna be good. Starting now.” You bent over to pick up your clothes from the floor before stepping around him, making your way to the room you were sleeping in. He followed after you with a loud sigh, but suddenly reached forward to give your ass a slap underneath the towel. You squealed and turned your head back, looking at him in shock.
He gave you a nonchalant grin but lifted his hands up in defense. “Right. Starting now.”
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msublake · 4 years
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HELLO EVERYONE !  ♥ i’m faye ( she/her ) and this is my little fireball blake jung. it feels like i have been waiting forever to join ( literally have been wanting to since the first week mokseong opened ), so i am super excited to finally be able to bring her here! she’s a  💦 suseong  💦 sophomore majoring in pre law and minoring in creative writing. known for her short-fuse cute face, she’s honestly just trying to live her best life at mokseong. sadly, i have been slacking and failed to get her full profile up by her acceptance. however, i do have her STUDENT PROFILE up that has a a little bit of information! i do plan on finishing up her main profile soon and getting some open plots up, but in the meantime you can take a peak under the read more to learn more about miss blake and contact me for plotting either here, on twitter (foxglves), discord (𝙁𝘼𝙔𝙀.#7009)
tw: mentions of adoption, divorce, self-loathing, bullying.
okay so i’m going to try and keep this short. story starts in COUPEVILLE, WASHINGTON where her father, ERIC JUNG, is born and raised. he’s an outcast cause he’s a lil quirky but he befriends another little boy who is also socially excluded. turns out this little boy is a wizard yayyyyy and this absolutely fascinating to her father. basically this is what starts his obsession with magic.
fast forwards a few years and he marries a nice lady named MICHELLE. she’s a lot more quiet and reserved than he is, but they think they’re the perfect pair. she’s a mortician and he’s a writer for the newspaper, but also runs a blog where he rants and raves about magic. a mortician and the local weirdo who is obsessed with magic? needless to say, they quickly became notorious in their town.
after years of being unable to conceive, the couple adopt a baby girl who they name JUNG BARAM, but she just goes by BLAKE. as their only child, she is the apple of their eye. they think she is so smart, so sweet, so special, and come to find out they’re not exactly wrong. 
she’s SIX when she presents magical abilities. she gets inspired by the fairy godmother from cinderella and suddenly all her clothes start flying around her room as she sings   bibbidi bobbidi boo! 
her mother is shook but her father is like  👀👀👀👀
now that they know she’s a wizard, her father is so obsessed with her. like to an unhealthy level. she’s not allowed to play with other children without supervision, can’t go out anywhere with her dad without him trying to get her to do something crazy. blake is now the topic of his blog continuously, which earns her teasing from her classmates. 
now she hates the magic that once made her feel special because she’s getting bullied for it and her dad is an obsessed weirdo. her parents also divorce when she’s EIGHT YEARS OLD because her mother can’t handle the person her father has become. 
her mother easily wins custody of blake and the two move to SEATTLE to start over. while her mother did want a life free of bullying and judgmental eyes, she also brought them to seattle in hopes of finding someone who could understand blake. her mother didn’t exactly hate her daughter, she still loved her, but she feared what she could not control. 
the search brought them to @msuastrid​ ‘s family where blake would grow to love and appreciate herself a bit more. while her faith hadn’t been completely restored, the family taught her to value her magic and this was a huge inspiration to her. 
enrolls in ILVERMORNY when it’s about that time and she thrives there. she loved exploring her capabilities and found her inspiration to be a wizarding lawyer here ( idk maybe saw some important lawyer woman and she got Inspired ).
most of her adult personality developed there
now comes her entrance to MOKSEONG in 2019. chose the school to get away and hopefully start a successful life. she wants to find a sense of belonging here and just basically live her best life tbh
personality wise she is firecracker. definitely a bit quirky like her father and has loads of energy. even when she’s angry she’s smiling!! which is admittedly a bit scary
on the top of anger, blake here has quite the temper. while she’s overall easy to get along with, she’s easy to anger although she quickly gets over it. this paired with impatience is never good. 
very kind, would give you the shirt off her back.
LOATHES bullying of any kind. if she catches you just teasing your friend out of love, be careful she may cause a scene if she even thinks there’s any malice.
acts like she’s so confident in her abilities and every aspect of her life, but in reality she has a lot of self-loathing. fears failure so much she studies her ass off and sacrifices a lot of sleep. but this in turn actually makes her pretty smart so 🤘🤘🤘
( she may do your homework if you ask and compensate kindly wink wink )
also doesn’t talk about her parents really. she’s lowkey still embarrassed of her dad so if you ever catch wind of that situation, do not bring it up.
party animal then, party animal now
will try anything once HONESTLY
very chaotic. she exhausts me
fellow ilvermorny alumns???? lets goooooo
was a more popular girl, either by association with @msuastrid​ or just her personality tbh she was a pretty girl with a wild streak and attracted all sorts of people. very much a social butterfly. 
on the topic of ilvermorny, she was kind of notorious for having bad taste in men/women. so hey you got a muse that could be labeled as a shitty ex??? let’s fucking go. she probably wasn’t the best partner either tbh
longs for a sense of belonging so she has a bunchhhhh of acquaintances. really wants close friends she could call her family ya know?
also she’s a waitress at borealis bar so gimme regulars and irritating drunks/flirts!! or the sad ones she can comfort
SPECIFIC WANTED CONNECTION: when she entered mokseong, she wanted to start over and get rid of any reputations she had at ilvermorny. butttt she kind of messed that up when she dated a specific someone her freshman year (2019) and it didn’t end well ( per usual ). so gimme a “shitty” ex from last year please!!! can be further discussed
after that breakup, she decided to focus on her studies bc f that
also has a good social media presence,,, i’ll be working on her accounts later
maybe some cousin plots???? people from her hometown??? old bullies??? 
a freshman she’s taken under her wing because “i’ve always wanted a younger sibling!!”
also “our cats have great chemistry, they’re married now”
okay that’s enough
i love you all  🥺
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