#literally fully ready to succumb to sleep
majorbisexualpanic · 2 years
ME: *about to go to bed* ah yes i’m going to sleep early tonight and be fully rested for classes tomorrow.
DREAM: *the motherfucker that he is drops these photos unprompted*
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ME: *eyes snap open* something just happened
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runninriot · 3 months
Hold On For All It's Worth
written for @steddiesongfics inspired by the song Empire Now by Hozier
wc: 1971 | rated: M | cw: mental health issues, thinking about death/wanting to be dead, depiction of injuries, blood | tags: post S4V2, Vecna is defeated, everybody lives, hurt/comfort, (implied) friends to lovers | ao3
Eddie should be used to it by now. Should be used to his life being a complete shit show. Always out to get him. Always finding ways to bring him down.
Life was never easy. Sure, it made a turn for the better when Wayne took him in, gave him a safe home and guidance, the kind of fatherly love he’d been missing before – Wayne made his life bearable, good. But even that wasn’t enough to rearrange his stars. Eddie, it seems, was always meant to be a fuck-up. An outsider. Struggling to find his place in this world.
He’s tired oft trying to get back up over and over again, knowing the next bump in the road bringing him down is waiting just around the corner.
Dustin keeps telling him everything will be fine. That he has to be patient, to wait for the wounds to fully heal. Says that the nightmares will eventually stop. That it’ll take some time but eventually, things will be good again.
And Eddie knows he’s not just saying that, that Dustin and his friends have been there multiple times. They’ve fought and lost and they’ve been hurt both physically and mentally and still, they keep going.
Keep taking a step at a time towards normalcy. Holding each other up, finding comfort in their shared experience because it helps to know that they’re not alone in the aftermath of an interdimensional war.
   “You’re no alone, Eddie. We’re always here for you. You’re one of us.”
He knows they mean it. Knows that, once you’ve been part of their suicide squad (like, come on. What else can you call a group of teenagers recklessly going to literal war with creatures that should only exist in fantasy games and books, not real life!?) you’re stuck with them.
It’s something Eddie still has a hard time getting through to his thick head. He’d obviously thought (hoped) that the little shitheads would stick around after everything. But never in a million years had he thought he’d gain more than one new friend. Real ones, like Red and Erica and Robin and... Steve.
They are such a weird group of individuals. Thrown together by accident, really. But they work, somehow. And they are doing their best to convince him that he, too, is part of it now. Part of this strange little family.
And he tries, really, to show appreciation for everything they do - always asking how he is, always looking out for him. Always there when he’s feeling especially down, ready to throw it all out the window because he’s just too fucking tired to deal with anything.
Like today.
He woke up with the worst headache, didn’t get any sleep because whenever he closed his eyes, he was back in that place that nearly cost him his life. Back where those winged demons nearly ate him alive.
Sometimes, he wished they’d finished their job.
Sometimes, he wished Dustin hadn’t come back to sit at his side while he succumbed to the darkness. Because if he hadn’t, Steve would never have found them, wouldn’t have felt the need to carry him out of hell – giving in to his hero complex or whatever it is that turned Steve into this knight in shining armor, summoning inhuman strength to pick up Eddie’s lifeless body while his own body had been weakened by bat bites and sore muscles.
If Steve hadn’t brought him back, Owens’ people wouldn’t have been able to save him. To restart his heart after it had already given up the fight. It should’ve been impossible to bring him back from the dead after being out for too long, after losing too much blood with his organs spilling out of his mangled body. But they refused to give up on him.
Dustin apparently threw a proper fit, fist-swinging and feet-kicking despite his broken leg, when they tried to get him out of the hospital, away from Eddie’s side.
Steve hadn’t let go of him even after heaving his blood-drenched, ripped-apart body onto the hospital bed. Dustin told him they had to physically remove Steve’s tight gripping hand from Eddie’s before they could take him to the ER. Probably frozen in shock because Eddie can only imagine how fucked-up and horrible he must’ve looked.
Nancy and Robin threatened to reveal the government’s secrets to the world if they didn’t at least try. They had enough proof, enough to show for. All it needed was one phone call, one newspaper article to get the ball rolling – Owens knew that.
They’re the reason he’s still alive. The reason he’s forced to go to physical therapy to get his body moving again. The reason for Eddie to wake up drenched in cold sweat almost every night. They’re the reason he’s forced to keep fighting, no matter how tired of it he is.
No matter how much he hates everything about being alive when his legs won’t move and his scars itch and his head pounds and all he wants to do is cry. Cry and scream and ask God or whoever why he can’t just let him have a goddamn moment of peace?
There’s a knock on his door, followed by Wayne’s face poking in through the gap when he opens it slowly.
   “Steve’s here. Can I send him in?”
Eddie wants to say no, doesn’t want Steve to see him like this – bound to the bed because his body refuses to work, with tears his eyes – but he knows it’s useless. Steve would just wait it out, come back in a few hours or maybe keep Wayne some company because the old man has apparently formed some kind of fatherly bond with him over the past weeks, to Eddie’s misfortune.
So, Eddie resigns, grumbles a displeased response before pulling his blanket over his head to hide.
He can hear Steve enter, can hear the door closing behind him and his quiet footsteps as he makes his way over to the bed. The mattress dips and Eddie can feel a hand coming to rest on his shoulder, can feel Steve’s warmth even through the blanket.
   “Hey, Eddie. How are you?”
Eddie wants to laugh, wants to spit out words of frustration, wants to scream at Steve for putting him in this misery. For saving him, for not just letting him rot in hell so he could finally rest in peace. But none of that makes its way out of his mouth because when he opens it, all the pain and frustration and anger bubble up from somewhere deep down, transforming into a pitiful sob.
He cries and cries and cries. His body trembles and it hurts, everything hurts and he can’t stop wishing, begging for it all to stop, for it all to be over.
   “I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to do this anymore. I wish I was dead!”
A hand comes up to grab the edge of his blanket, pulling it slowly down to reveal his scarred face, his messy hair, his swollen eyes. Broken and tired and so sick of his own existence.
   “Eddie?” Steve’s voice is delicate, soft, barely a whisper and Eddie hates himself for how concerned he sounds. Hates himself for putting this on Steve.
Steve shouldn’t have to deal with this mess.
   “Can I- is it okay if I touch you?”
Another desperate sob makes its way out when Eddie nods weakly, feels selfish and greedy for some sort of comfort – whatever Steve is willing to give.
What Eddie doesn’t expect is that Steve shuffles to squeeze himself into the small, empty space beside him, lying there face to face with him, his body so close that – if it weren’t for the blanket – they’d be touching from nose to toe.
Steve wraps one arm around him, the motion bringing him even closer to the other man’s body.
   “It’s okay to be frustrated” Steve whispers. “It’s okay to lose hope sometimes. I get it, Eddie. I know what it feels like to just want to give up. Believe me, I’ve been there more times than I can count.”
Eddie listens, still not able to stop the tears from falling but at least his breathing starts to slow while he focusses on Steve’s voice.
   “I’ve wanted to give up so many times but you know what I learned?”
Eddie shakes his head, his nose brushing Steve’s skin where his face is buried between his neck and shoulder.
   “I learned that, no matter how fucked-up things are, no matter how much you hate everything and everyone, if you’re really true to yourself, you’ll find there’s always, always something worth fighting for. You might not see it right now but it’s there. It’s there and it’s worth to get through the rough days because somewhere down the line, it’s waiting for you with open arms.”
Steve squeezes him, drawing him once again closer into his embrace.
   “But what if I never find it?” Eddie asks through a staggered exhale, hot and damp against Steve’s neck.
   “Maybe you just have to open your eyes and see it for what it’s worth.”
One hand finds his cheek, the one that’s unmarred, and when Steve leans away just enough to make space, he forces him to look up. To find Steve’s warm eyes looking down at him. Smiling, soft and loving in a way that makes Eddie’s heart stutter. Makes his stomach twist into knots when he realises just how close Steve is.
And then it hits him.
All the things he should be grateful for, all the things that are worth the struggle, worth the fight. All the things that he can hold onto on days like today, where the world feels like tumbling down.
The fact that Wayne didn’t have to hold a funeral for him, mourn over an empty coffin, an empty grave because his body had been left to decay in the Upside Down.
The fact that Dustin didn’t have to make true to his enforced promise to take over Eddie’s place at Hellfire, not yet at least.
The fact that Eddie got to see Gareth and Jeff and Zach again.
The fact that he’s breathing and walking and able to play his guitar – even if it’s still hard most days and it’ll take time to fully heal.
The fact that he’s got all these wonderful people in his life, people that care about him, that will always be there to catch him when he falls and help him back up on his feet if he can’t find the strength to do it himself.
People like Dustin and Robin and Steve.
Steve, who doesn’t care about Eddie staining his shirt with tears. Steve, who is holding him, one hand gently rubbing in soothing circles on his back. Steve, who had refused to leave him behind, who had clung to him even when he was technically dead. Steve, who keeps coming back, keeps showing up, keeps pestering Eddie with his annoying care and kindness.
Steve, who-
Who’s leaning in – tentatively, almost like he’s afraid of overstepping a line that was never there because ever since the moment Eddie had held that broken bottle against his throat, he knew there was an undeniable truth taking root in his heart – and kisses him.
Kisses him soft and slow and Eddie-
Eddie kisses him back. Sees, even through his closed eyes, that this right here is worth holding on for. Worth fighting for.
Worth being alive for.
No matter how many bumps are waiting for him on the road ahead – he’ll just take it one step at a time.
And if he stumbles or even falls, Steve will be there waiting with open arms, ready to catch him.
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hellfirelover · 3 years
forever winter (ep. 5)
pairing: fezco x oc (belle)
summary: fezco accidentally meets belle's family
sensitive topics (?): mmm nothing really. family drama
word count: 6k5
links to episodes: episode one : episode two : episode three : episode four
a/n: changed the 'cover' of this from a purple aesthetic to yellow bc i literally equated yellow to love for belle in episode one. so i should have made it yellow this whole time but... alls well that ends well to end up with yellow.
You ever going to let me know you?
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episode song: i'm gonna be (500 miles) - the procalimers - cover by renee dominique
Episode 5: the beginning of a story
Belle tried to sleep in late this morning, but the biological clock inside her trained by early morning school alarms had taken complete control over her system. She awoke at around seven am, catching the time on Fezco's wristwatch that rested on the pillow next to her. The brunette tried to close her eyes again, curling her body closer towards his warm embrace, his chest against her back, his one arm under her and the other draping over her side. Yet, sleep never came again.
So, she tried to be patient and wait for Fezco to wake up. Belle placed her hand on the hand that he had placed on her stomach, interlocking their fingers together as she rubbed her thumb on his knuckles. This only made him pull her in closer. This sleeping embrace no doubt succumbing him to a deeper sleep.
She kept her mind occupied by the thoughts about what happened last night and smiled to herself when thinking about what led to their late-night activities.
Belle had no idea a simple introduction to her new roommate's drug dealer would become such a big part of her life. Who could have guessed that the first week out of her parent's watchful eyes Belle would be driving to a stranger's house party to pick up drugs from another stranger, whose kindness was referenced only by her newly met roommate, before making jello-shots for an upcoming college party? And who would've guessed Belle would spend that whole night talking to this man?
Now, she laid in his bed wearing his clothes, his arms wrapped around her body, his sleepy breaths hitting that nape of her neck. The feeling of his lips resting on her skin reminded Belle of the love marks he left all over her. She examined them more closely in the bathroom before joining Fez for bed. Belle happily ran her eyes over her body and inspected the few bruise-like areas developing quickly at the base of her neck. She ran her fingers across her breasts, tracing the evidence Fez left with his mouth.
She had taken pictures of herself for the future for her to look back on and remind her that it actually happened. Perhaps Fez would also like the reminder as well.
The early morning sun was slipping through the blinds of the bedroom window. The warm winter morning rays sprawled out on top of the couple under the green comforter. The redness of Belle's brunette hair highlighted by the light.
Growing too warm for comfort, as she had a whole human being clung to her under a thick set of blankets while she wore sweats for sleepwear, Belle shuffled out from Fez's cuddle. Careful not to wake him up, she tip-toed on the carpeted floor and closed the bedroom door behind her slowly.
She took her time getting ready for the day. She brushed out her hair and braided it leaving little wisps out of the braid to frame out her face. The braid leaving the neck exposed. Smirking to herself as she did this, secretly wanting Fezco's first view of the day of her to showcase what he had done to her last night. Belle brushed her teeth, having her own toothbrush here from many times that she fell asleep on the couch after getting a little too high.
Belle picked up her now fully charged phone with the goal of visiting her photos app to reminisce on the rawness of it all. Instead, her heart clutched in the middle of her chest at the notifications displayed on the screen on her phone. Her mother had called her seven times, leaving five voice mails, and forty-nine text messages in place.
Not even bothering with going through all the text messages that her mom had spammed her with last night, Belle instantly went to her voicemail.
"Belle, call me. It's about your sister she's gone missing and we haven't heard from her all day. She turned off her location and isn't answering any of my or your father's calls. Matthew and Charlie haven't heard from her either."
"Just got off the phone with Jill's girlfriend. She said the last time she saw her was at dinner at their house she was sure Jill was going back home afterward. Is she with you? Have you talked to her?"
"Belle, I don't know why we got you this phone if you're not going to pick up during an emergency like this! Your little sister is missing!"
"It's been eleven hours without any word from her. Tried making a police report but they won't do anything until twenty-four hours have gone by. When you wake up, I need you to come home."
"If Jill doesn't reach out to us in the next six hours, I'm taking this all to social media since those fuckers won't do anything about it. This is a sixteen-year-old girl, and they can't be bothered until twenty-four hours go by. She could be shipped to some sex slave factory for all we know by then! Please Belle pick up the phone I need to know if you've heard from her. Come home as soon as possible."
Belle walked out of the bathroom; her face stuck on her phone as she navigated her way back into the bedroom while frantically texting her sister.
Fez had woken up in her absence and was resting on the bed as he scrolled through his phone. He looked up at the intruder smiling at her presence, but his face shifted quickly watching as she frantically walked around the room trying to get her stuff together.
"Shit," Belle mumbled as she picked up her still wet clothes that were thrown in the hamper. She threw them back in settling on the fact that she would just wear these sweats back to her house.
"Babe, you good?" Fezco asked, sitting up with worry stretched across his face.
"I - um," Belle stammered, still looking around on the floor to get her stuff together. Where were her keys? Her purse? "Um, I-I need to leave. Um -"
"Hey, hey, hey," Fezco got out of bed and placed his hands on the frantic girl's shoulders. "What's going on? Did I-?"
"No, it's not that," Belle stammered out quickly, her eyes scanned the bed before returning to his face.
No, this had nothing to do with him. Last night was beautiful. His kisses perfection. His hands a work of God. She held no regrets about last night and needed desperately for Fez to know this and not assume her frantic behavior was post-coital regret. Her emotions were furthest from regret about last night.
She tried voicing this out to him, but the only thing that came out of her broken voice was, "My sister, my little sister, she's in-in trouble. I have to go home."
Her vision tunneled as she left the peace of the bedroom. She dialed her sister's phone again as she searched the living room for her purse and keys. The line ended and she re-dialed while throwing the pillows off the couch.
"Belle," Fezco's worried voice caught her attention as the call again went nowhere. She snapped her head to the side and saw him holding out her keys and purse that was resting on the dining room table.
Snatching both her items from his hands, Belle left the place in a daze. She didn't even realize she forgot to say goodbye before she hit the gas pedal. She didn't realize how scared she was about her sister until she realized her car wasn't moving as she forgot to put the keys in the ignition.
Unaware of how far she had gone in her thoughts, Belle jumped at the sound of tapping at her window. Fezco meanwhile had simply just watched as Belle ran around his place her mind in a million places, and it would've been cute to see Belle fumble forgetting to start her car before driving if it weren’t for the circumstances. He was scared for her. Scared of how distraught she was being this morning.
"C'mon, I'm driving you," Fez said through Belle's open window.
"No, I just-"
"Belle get out of the car. You’re not driving."
"You're not driving."
She sat there for a second in the driver's seat, her hand shaking as she held her car keys. Too much was happening. Too much and too fast. Too fast and too scary.
"Okay," her voice barely a whisper as she followed Fez from her car to his.
The trip would only be an hour and a half, two hours tops. It was close enough for a day trip back home, but not close enough to visit all the time. Far away enough to have space, but not far away enough that she felt isolated.
The car ride was silent. The only sound coming from Belle giving him directions and the low music coming from the radio.
As they got on the highway Belle gave her mom a call.
"We found her," there was a joyful cry coming from the other line. "She came home a little while ago."
"Where was she?" A breath of relaxation left her mouth as Belle's whole body relaxed. Fez's hand rested on her thigh, rubbing his thumb up and down in a comforting manner.
"Your little sister was fucking getting drunk with her stupid friends and lost her phone at the park," her mom's joyful voice turned quickly to venom. "Can you believe that fucking shit? She doesn't understand the panic she put me and your father in. I was about to call the police!"
"Where is she now?"
"Locked herself in her room. Won't talk to any of us. She strolled into the house not aware we were looking for her. And after your father chewed her out, she just walked into her room and locked it. Let me tell you she's going to be fucking grounded forever."
Belle allowed herself to let out another breath of relief. She didn't care where her little sister had gone to or what mischief she had gotten herself into. She just cared that Jill was home and safe.
"Fuck, okay," she allowed herself to fall into a limp state of calmness into the passenger seat. She looked over at Fez, his face focused on the road ahead of him. "I was on my way but I -"
"But, what?" her mom interrupted, and Belle silently cursed herself. "If you're already on your way you might as well come. Charlie is already here, and I need someone to get Jill out of her room."
"I -" and Belle stumbled as she couldn’t think of a good excuse to not continue onward. They were already more than halfway there.
"How far away until you get here?"
"Uh, thirty minutes."
"Alright, Dad and Charlie are at the grocery store right now to pick up some bread for french toast. Breakfast should be done by the time you get here."
"Sounds lovely."
Belle said her goodbyes and put her phone back in her bag.
"All good?" Fezco asked, only taking his eyes off the road a few seconds at a time to look at the girl next to him.
She nodded, her attention to the hand that was placed on her thigh. The small physical comfort he provided made her heart swell despite the intense rollercoaster of emotions her sister had just put her through. The hand on her thigh reminded her that she was present in this moment.
"Yeah," she replied and recalled to him what Jill had gotten herself into. "My mom still wants me to come over, though. Maybe help get Jill out of her room."
"This stuff happen a lot?"
Belle furrowed her eyebrows at the question. "What do you mean?"
He went silent trying to form his next sentence correctly and appropriately, a slight nervous twitch from his hand breaking the perception of the hardcore drug dealer Fez sometimes held. "I mean like... Your sister getting in trouble like this and shit."
Belle shrugged, "I mean, Jill's always been a little out there. Probably has been grounded more than any of my siblings combined, and Charlie is a hassle. I just... I think she gets bored and likes to cause destruction."
"Like how?"
Fez was always good at this. It was something that both infuriated and delighted Belle. He was always asking the questions that caused her to share more than she originally planned. Causing her to share things that initially she assumed no one would really care or worry about. It wasn't just the curiosity in his questions, it was the desire to understand the situation or person fully in order to respond appropriately and provide correct comfort. Belle often found herself sharing more than she planned with him. Sometimes these conversations would be goofy. Oftentimes vulnerable.
"Well, her and my parents get in fights a lot. A lot of the time over stupid trivial things."
"Trivial things?"
"Yeah, like her grades or her behavior. Like one day my mom refused to take her out practice driving because she had got a D on her math test. And instead of just accepting her punishment she stole the keys and drove around the neighborhood herself. Ended up hitting a mailbox." Belle laughed at the memory, but Fez's somber face stuck.
"What happened after?"
"Oh, I drove my dad to where the accident happened so he could talk about it with the owner. I drove her back home while my dad followed up with the car Jill dented up."
"How long till she drove again?"
"Well, I just took her out for practice driving after that. Mom was too pissed about the situation and dad gave her too much anxiety when they went out."
"So, you had to fix it," she didn't like the bluntness coming from him.
"I-I suppose."
"And you're fixing this."
Belle didn't say anything. She just stared at him as he kept his eyes on the road. She was beginning to not like the way he was viewing her family situation. Granted most of the time when Belle brought up her family it was while she was under the influence and the topic was always in a rant or vent format. She was beginning to feel too vulnerable having another person learn how her family dynamic worked.
Because the thing about it was Belle didn't mind helping her family when they needed the support. She didn't mind staying close to home after graduating as she saw how much it hurt her mom to have her sons so far away. She didn't mind being a buffer between the mischief her sister got herself into. Belle did her duty as a good daughter and a good sibling. Every family was fucked up and anything to keep the peace Belle would do. It was the least she could do for a family that allowed her into their home.
"Look-" Belle began, as they grew closer and closer to her neighborhood "-I don't mind taking care of my sister if that's what you're getting at."
He looked over and instantly regretted the assumptions he was voicing. He didn't like how stern she was being, especially as the stiffness coming from Belle was due to his poking and prodding. "Nah, ma, it's not like that." He moved his hand to take her hand in his. "I just... whenever you talk about them you get upset."
Belle interlocked her fingers with his. She kept her focus looking out of the window. He was being truthful. Even in their first conversation, Belle confided about why she chose a school slightly far away from her family. How she needed a break from their constant hovering and expectations but felt too bad to go any further away.
"I get that," Belle admitted, "but I got to do what I need to do to keep it all together."
He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it.
Fez drove his car through identical streets. Each road was a carbon copy of the next. All neutral color walls and healthy cut lawns with extravagant flower beds. Though even the flower beds mimicked each other. Yet Belle managed to distinguish it all through the street signs and house numbers and the occasional piece of individuality a household allowed to be seen. It creeped Fez out. He felt like his state of residence sported the same old walls as well, but each was seeped with something different. There were stories to be told and dangers to combat. This housing development seemed too clean and too plain. Too many secrets and not enough accountability. The white picket fence lifestyle he never thought he’d have, and honestly was happy to be without it.
Yet, here he was, driving his girlfriend - or whatever they were - to one of these houses. To the place she lived in for two years when they moved here from Pennsylvania. He wondered if the house her family brought her up in back in Pennsylvania was the same way. He wondered about the house her biological parents raised her in. About the houses she lived during her foster care days. He was about to ask which house she preferred in her childhood when suddenly Belle pointed up the road where a broken-down yellow buggy parked in the driveway laid.
“There’s my house. You can just pull in in front of the buggy.”
“Do you want me to come in or -?”
Belle was already forming the word “no” when Fez suddenly stopped the car. A woman randomly appeared in the front of his car, smiling at the two sitting in the car through the windshield, both of her hands occupied with a gallon bag full of trash. Fez wondered if the older woman knew how close he was to running her over.
The women dropped the bags in the trashcan sitting at the end of the driveway. With free hands she waved at the couple frantically and motioned with her hands to come inside.
“That’s my mom,” Belle said, watching as her mom bounce back to the front door, giving them one last smile and another encouraging wave in before disappearing into the pristine single-family home. “Just park next to the buggy.”
Fezco carefully pulled next to the yellow car. “They still got this?”
“Yeah, it broke down when we drove it all the way to California when we moved here. It was just my dad and me and we of course broke down in bum-fuck nowhere, Idaho. Had to call a tow truck and pay him to drive it and us all the rest of the way here. Cost a shit ton of money, but you know, it’s the family yellow buggy.”
Without another look back at her suitor, Belle exited the car, shortly followed by Fez, and walked promptly through the black painted door.
Commotion broke instantly as they entered the foyer. Crosby, their ten-year-old golden retriever, came bounding for the two of them. He jumped onto Belle, welcoming her back home, and reminding her no matter how old he got the pounced would forever throw her off her balance. Crosby then turned his attention to the unfamiliar man and began sniffing Fez like crazy. He bent down as Crosby was sniffing his shoes and began petting him.
Fez looked up at Belle and had a sudden moment of panic.
“Babe,” he whispered under his breath in warning. He stood up and at once started taking her hair out of braid and moving strands to the forefront of her face and neck. He put up the grey hood of his hoodie she was wearing and tied the ends together allowing only her face and some hair to show.
Belle laughed at his erratic and random actions.
“Your hickies were showing,” he whispered in her ear. She continued to laugh but her face became bright red.
“Hello there!” The woman, Belle’s mom, came out of the kitchen and sauntered over to the couple. Her smile was joker-like. “Belle, I see you brought a friend with you!”
“Uh- yes. This is Fezco.” Belle did not expect to be introducing Fezco so soon and so suddenly. And just the night after he had his hands all over her. Not even 12 hours had passed since their first kiss. They hadn’t even had the opportunity to talk about the situation they were in.
“Nice to meet you, ma'am,” Fezco straightened up his stance and lightly shook her mom’s hand.
Belle didn’t like the calculations going through her mom’s head. Late-night calls ignored. No answer till morning. A strange man driving her when a family emergency is happening. And to top it all off they were both wearing clothes that were better suited for sleeping.
“Come on into the kitchen,” her mom beamed, loving the charming formality coming from the tall man standing in her foyer. “Your father and Charlie are having a french toast cook-off. Very rowdy.”
With another calculating smirk, her mom went back into the kitchen where the clanging of kitchen wear could be heard.
“Your mom seems like a very happy person.”
“I think she’s happy at the aspect that I brought you here.”
Belle could just imagine the stories her mom was cooking up.
The kitchen was just what Fez predicted. Clean and organized just like from an Ikea catalog. Even the messes the two gentlemen were making seemed deliberate to create an ambiance of some sort. Like someone was trying deliberately to sell the domesticated American dream.
Fezco couldn’t help but feel suspicious or feel like this was some sort of setup. It was all too easy. The mom had already liked the image of him in her home. The dad had greeted Fezco with excitement and thanked him for driving his girl home safe. The older brother was trying to secure Fezco’s vote for who had the best French toast. It was too normal, and they were acting too nonchalant with his sudden presence. These were the types of people that usually distrusted him from the beginning. Just from look alone and the way he talked. And Fezco never gave a fuck about other people viewed him to be. But he found himself quickly liking the idea of Belle’s family welcoming him so easily because this was Belle for Christ’s sake.
As soon as Belle finished her second slice of French toast, giving her dad her vote, her mom directed her upstairs to deal with her sister.
“Mom, I’m not going to just leave Fezco down here alone.”
“Honey, shush. Frezco will be fine with us.”
“Mom… it’s Fezco.”
“What did I say?”
“Oh, so no ‘r’.”
Fez gave her a reassuring look, resisting the urge to give her a comforting kiss on the cheek, and took a third helping of French toast.
Belle braced herself for that lay behind the sticker-covered door. Much to their mom’s dismay, the stickers ranged from rainbows to curse worse. From weed leaves and cats. The most accurate representation, in Belle’s opinion, of what kind of person her little sister was.
Jiggling the locked doorknob, she heard her sister yell, “Go away!”
“It’s Belle.”
There was a series of footsteps and a click of the lock. The door opened and Belle pushed herself through. Jill, just like her door, had taken control where she could in this family in her bedroom. The walls were painted black and covered in random scraps of drawings from a notebook and posters of bands and movies. Her bed was filled with an infinite number of pillows. Her closet lay half open with clothes falling out. Her blinds were all the way down and the only things keeping the room lit were the color-changing LED lights bordering the wall. The lights were currently purple.
Jill laid back down on her mountain of pillows with Belle following suit next to her. Her younger sister kept her eyes on the ceiling, but Belle could still see the dark under bags and her red glossy eyes
“So, what happened?” she asked making sure her voice didn’t sound accusing.
The dark, almost black, brunette-haired girl closed her eyes tightly and sucked in a deep breath. “I just hate her so much.”
“Yes!” Jill whined, finally looking Belle in the eyes. She now noticed the smudged mascara. “She’s driving me up a wall. I have enough to worry about with applying for colleges, work, and my social life and mom is fucking still not satisfied with any of it.”
“Jill -“
“It’s not easy for me like it is for you or Matt or even Charlie. I don’t understand anything that is going on in school, they all think I’m just playing stupid when in fact I’m actually stupid.
“There’s always a fight in school and I’m constantly having to pretend to give a shit about who fucked who in my friend group -“ she paused and took in a deep breath “ - like I just hate being here and I hate mom for holding me to expectations that it’s obvious that I can’t handle.”
Belle’s mind raced with memories as Jill vented to her.
The first time Belle played the piano her body filled with joy. Touching the keys and making a melody. It was an instant rush of happiness. The dark memories and the echoing sound of the gunshot finally were subdued by the little white and black keys her fingers hit. But what Belle remembered the most about the day she first played the notes for jingle bells was the proud looks on her new parents’ faces. Belle and her dad would listen to classical piano music on the way to dropping everyone off at their schools. Her mom would listen in on most of her lessons always sneaking Belle a thumbs up when her teacher praised her on her skills. Each day after dinner she would sit on that piano bench playing and playing and perfecting her notes and finger movements. Never stopping until she had gotten it perfect. She needed it perfect.
The attention and praise grew as she began to write and compose her own pieces in high school. Performing them in piano concerts in front of live audiences and competing in tournaments. When they moved here, Belle began playing guitar at her new school. It overtook her and excited her to the possibilities of music outside of classical. Making modern music with lyrics that expresses your soul. In her advanced music composition class, she was introduced to programming and producing software. To her dismay, her parents looked down on anything that wasn't classical. The other instruments wouldn’t get prizes like classical piano did.
So, she continued with piano at home and secretly everything else at school.
She understood the frustration to live into a certain mold. Belle in her goals to get away from her home had also gotten away from the piano. But she also grew frustrated with Jill, because Belle had worked and worked so hard in order to have the skill and kept at it despite the urge to drop it all. What good would a fight do when it was just piano?
“Why the fuck are you wearing your hoody like that?” Jill asked after silence fell from her rant. “You look like tinky-winky.”
Belle pushed her sister and smacked her on the shoulder. “Not coming home the next time you run away.” A pause. “So, what happened when you ran away.”
Jill reluctantly told her story. At the dinner table, their mom had been going over her grades, again. “It was like the fifth time she brought them up in a week and I was sick of it.” Jill left the house and barged into her girlfriend’s family dinner. After eating, and still not wanting to go back home, she caught up with some of her friends and went running around the neighborhood. Drinking at the park, yelling up at the sky, disturbing sleeping neighbors. The angsty teenage stuff. She fell asleep at a friend’s house and woke up early in a panic about where her phone was. Alone, Jill, hungover as hell, retraced her steps until she found her phone at the park. “The only reason I came back home was because I just wanted to throw up in my toilet.”
“Well, you’re certainly handling everything well.”
“So, Fez, what are you up to in life?” James, Belle’s dad, had questioned just as Belle bounded up the stairs. “Tell us about yourself.”
“Uh- well,” the dreaded question. Normally he didn’t care about sharing what he did. He sold drugs; people wanted drugs. What they do with those drugs is none of his business. It’s not McDonald’s fault people got diabetes from their food, not his fault with whatever happens to those who abuse his shit. But looking at the house and the pristine family standing in front of him, he wasn’t sure if Belle would like the idea of them knowing a drug dealer brought their daughter home to them in the early morning hours. “I took over my grandma’s business.”
“What kind of business?” Charlie interjected as he cleaned up the mess from breakfast.
“Convenience shop.”
Fez began to breathe normally again seeing their non-judging faces.
“You make good business?” James asked.
“We make good enough to make profit.”
Belle was still upstairs with her sister. No sign of movement from up there. After a lull of silence Nicole, Belle’s mom came back into the kitchen, her wide smile plastered on her face again as she pulled up her Facebook account on the laptop.
“Fezco,” Nicole took a seat next to her daughter’s new friend and set the laptop on the counter for both to see. “I want to show you some adorable pictures of Belle.”
Charlie barked out a laugh and came running up behind his mom and Fezco to look at the laptop as well. “Yes, let’s show Belle’s new guy friend baby pictures of her.”
Not picking up Charlie’s mean intent for this, Nicole continued through her Facebook to get to the photo folder dedicated to Belle. “Well, we only have pictures of her as little as eight. We do have one of her as a three-year-old sitting on Santa’s lap. Which is the only picture the adoption agency could find for us. But that’s framed and hung up in the bathroom.”
Charlie couldn’t help but laugh again. “Mom, why did you put it in the bathroom?”
“Charlie, shut up.” Nicole snapped, causing Charlie to only laugh harder. “Here Fezco, this is the picture of her the day we picked her up!”
The car was parked on the side of the road, behind them laid the beach. Six individuals stood in front of the car. A tall couple, younger versions of the parents he had just met, stood behind their children. The twins, Charlie and Matt had their lanky arms hung over each other’s shoulders and were giving giant smiles to the camera. Little Jill seemed oblivious that a picture was being taken and stared at the camera with her eyes furrowed as if the sun was blinding her. Then there stood Belle in the middle of it all. She held a soft smile, and her hands were clasped in front of her as she eyed the camera directly.
“Belle told me this story,” Fezco smiled, looking at the picture that displayed one of Belle’s favorite memories. “Told me yellow’s her favorite color cause of this.”
Nicole looked at Fez, her eyes watering, “Did she really say that?”
“Yeah. She loves that yellow buggy.”
Nicole continued to show Fezco pictures and videos she had downloaded onto her account. They were all jumbled about. They would go from one picture of her first day of eighth grade to a picture of her doing her make-up for Junior prom. Each time she told a little story about Belle. Her father too adding his perspective to some of the stories the pictures told. Charlie always trying to add in an embarrassing fun fact about her, causing Nicole to shoo at him.
And the more Nicole went over these pictures and these stories with Fez, the more unrecognizable Belle became to him. Feeling like these pictures and these stories were exposing so much Belle didn’t allow for Fez to see. What frustrated him was that he fell for her more and more after each new story about her past was told of him. It frustrated him that she would want to keep any of this hidden.
“Here’s a picture of Belle winning first place at the classical New Jersey competition -“ “- this trophy she got for writing and performing a piece-“ “-she wasn’t even at the school till junior year but they still wanted her to be class president-“ “-this competition won us a scholarship for her college-“ “-this is the first fish she reeled in-“ “-on the track team-“ “-another performance at another composition competition. I think she only got 3rd place here-“ “-oh here she is at graduation. I wonder if I have her valedictorian speech on here?”
“No, but seriously, why is your hoody so tight around your face?” Jill had come back from the bathroom, washing the tear-stained mascara off her face. “You look like fucking tinky-winky.”
"If I tell you, you have to promise me that you'll talk to mom," Belle said as Jill joined her back on the bed. "She's going to keep Fez and me hostage here until I can promise her I got through to you."
Jill slapped her hand to her mouth in shock, "Fez is here?!"
Belle pulled her hoody string and flung her hair over her shoulders. With her hickies exposed Belle began to convey the events from last night. From the kiss at his store to the shared shower at his place. To now, her showing up in his clothes and him meeting her parents. All in under twenty-four hours.
"And to top it all off he's down there, by himself with mom and dad and Charlie."
Jill didn't even try to hide her laughter. "Belle!" She exclaimed, wiping a tear away and trying her best to calm the smile on her face. "This is the best gift you have ever given me."
"I hate you," Belle put her hood up again and covered her blemished neck with her hair. She stood up from the bed and went for the door. "You coming?"
Jill gave her big sister a solemn smile. "Listen, I just- I can't come down right now. Not with you and Charlie and Fez here. Mom's going to go insane on me and... well... I'll come out of my room today, I promise. Just -"
"I get it. I'll tell her you'll be out soon."
Jill lunged for her sister and hugged her. They looked nothing alike. Belle had golden chestnut hair, a kind face, and piercing green eyes. Jill sported curly black hair, soft brown eyes, and a dusting of freckles over her face. Jill held the features of the family. Belle held the heart of the family.
"Call me after you talk to mom. Okay?" Belle kissed the top of her little sister's head.
"Keep me updated on your boy," Jill couldn't help but joke, desperate to ease the uncomfortable vulnerability.
Belle closed the stickered door behind her and made her way back down the carpeted steps of her home. Walking back into the kitchen to assure her mom that Jill is okay and to give an escape route for Fez from her folks, she stumbled upon her mom, Charlie, and Fez scrolling through pictures of herself as her mom pointed out little details of the said picture and the story behind each photograph. Her father was on the other side laughing at the annoyed look his eldest daughter beheld walking into the show.
Belle cleared her throat and the three turned around. Her mom and brother looking as if they were caught in a crime, Fez with a giant smile on his face.
"Jill said she'll be out sometime today."
Her mom rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like "selfish girl..."
"So," Belle walked over to the three of them and nonchalantly closed the laptop that was showing a picture of her taking swimming lessons in 6th grade. "We are going to head out now. Long ride home and I planned on shopping for school today."
"Getting your textbooks today?" Her dad asked.
"Yeah, and some new notebooks and pens."
"Are we going to have a better semester than last?" Inquired her mom. "You know, Fezco, Belle has such a good heart and such a smart brain. We were so disappointed when hearing that she failed! Our little girl... failing a class. Never thought I'd see the day."
The smile on Fezco's face melted away. The tension in the kitchen was noticeable by all. Belle's dad focused on cleaning the dishes. Charlie left the kitchen. Belle's posture straightened as if she was just stung by a bee at the base of her spine. The only one that seemed unaware of the tension was from the creator of said tension.
"We are going to go," she said stiffly, attempting to ignore her mom's comment.
The car ride home was a silent one again. The couple said their goodbyes before heading back into the car to go home. Fezco kept the radio on low and kept his hand intertwined in hers. Just the same as the car ride to the house.
He waited for her to start the conversation, but Belle was content with the silence. Her eyes never leaving the moving landscapes out of the window. Her hand limply laying in his.
Belle let her mind go into a numb state trying to erase the echo of her mom's parting words, "We were so disappointed..." Not only the words but who she said these words in front of. Yes, Fezco knew about the class she failed but there was more humiliation in being scolded by one's mom in front of someone you were in love with.
Fez's mind was racing from everything he learned about Belle's past.
"You never told me about piano."
Her shoulders tensed.
"Why would I? I don't play anymore."
"Why not? Seems like you were good. Shit, you were winning medals and everything. Why stop?"
She began to bite her nails.
"I just don't play anymore."
The car parked in front of Fezco's place. The engine went quiet.
"That's it? I just don't play anymore."
"Yeah, that's it."
He took the keys out of the ignition.
"I feel like I don't know you," He admitted.
Belle tightened her hold on his hand.
"You don't."
He turned to look at her, but she refused to meet his eyes. They read her too well.
"You ever going to let me know you?"
She dropped her head and stared down at her own lap where their hands lay interlocked with one another. She nodded her head and in a shaking voice she answered, "I'll do my best."
Episode 6: TBD
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dcptcnx · 3 years
a/n: ahh i used to fall asleep at school and my teachers would ask if im okay and like- i said i was, but there are days when i can sleep for a whole day, and not feel rested. a coworker of mine caught me in the restroom today and was like “Tay, you good? you’ve been real sluggish for a few days”im literally just tired. like, i need a proper bed. i sleep best in hotels and i hate that i don’t have those pillows and firm bed =^=
this probably reads like crap bc I’m heavily sleepy and I just wrote as I thought about it. Sleepy gojo is cute. Not sleeping bc you’re not sleeping!
pairing: high school!satoru gojo x reader 
genre: fluff
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Early morning, your phone buzzes with the chime of your alarm, making you groan as you slowly rise from your slumber. You open your eyes, blinking to try and fully wake yourself, but for some reason you feel as if you would just fall back asleep. You couldn’t miss classes today, as you did that yesterday due to the fact you fell back asleep.
‘Satoru is going to scold me I bet…’ you thought to yourself, as you sluggishly maneuver yourself up and out of bed, getting your uniform ready. As you buttoned up your uniform jacket, your phone dinged a couple of times, you sighing as you knew who it could be.
“Y/N you better come today”
“Literally who sleeps ALL DAY?!”
You give yourself one final look in the mirror, only to tiredly rake your appearance, not sure how you’re going to make it through the day. After a while, you made it to the classroom, seeing Shoko, Satoru, and Suguru sitting and chatting, only for it to hush up when Satoru saw you enter the room.
“Y/N! You actually showed up. Get enough sleep?” Satoru asked, getting up from the desk to come meet you at the entrance. You shoot him a glare, but it looked too tired to count as a glare. More like a glance. This action earned a wholehearted laugh to erupt, causing Suguru and Shoko to look at your face to really understand.
You were still really tired.
The class had 2 long tables, though the trio sat together and you opted to sit at the other. Not because you didn’t want to sit with them, you felt as if you were not enough to be considered ‘included’. Of course, you got to your seat, rested your elbow against the table, and perched your chin on your hand, waiting for Yaga to enter.
Yaga began his lectures, which surprised you as the trio stopped looking in your direction. So they didn’t see that you had passed out, during class.
After the lecture, Satoru looked over at your table, eyes widening when he sees your figure slumped over against the table, cheek squished as your face was facing their direction. He chuckled, thinking you looked adorable when you were asleep. Suguru and Shoko left the room to get lunch, leaving Satoru behind, though he didn’t mind. He quietly moved to your table, taking a seat next to you and without hesitation, brought his hand up to gently rub your back.
“Ah, I was worried you weren’t getting enough sleep…” he whispers, still continuing to softly rub circles against your back. He had hoped his actions would help ease whatever body pains you may had been dealing with that would keep you away, and he was happy to help, but he didn’t want you to wake up and ruin that cute face you wore.
After some time of admiration, Satoru leaned his head down to rest against the table, his face mere inches from yours, a soft smile on his features.
“I don’t know how you can sleep all the time like this and not feel rested…it makes me worry for your health…” As Satoru spoke those words, he could feel his eyes begin to droop, before fully succumbing to slumber alongside you.
“So Suguru what do you think we should d-“ Shoko stopped mid sentence as she observed the sight she and Suguru saw upon returning back to the room. She started to giggle before tip toeing alongside Suguru to investigate, and sure enough.
Satoru had fallen asleep next to you, his hand still resting against your back.
“Should we get the marker?” Suguru quietly snickered.
“No…he’s been needing sleep too.”
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To celebrate the end of my social isolation and quarantine week with COVID, here are 6 characters I think would do just fine during a week of isolation and 5 characters that you should be Concerned ™ for:
Survivin’ and Thrivin’:
Chifuyu - We all know this kid loves his manga, and Imma bet he’d love anime too. I could see him binge reading everything he can get his hands on, having an anime marathon, and then watching, like... Transformers. Regardless, he’d be fine.
Pah - Pah seems like an actually pretty chill guy to me. He would probably watch a lot of TV, use an at home gym set if he was feeling well enough, and sleep... a LOT. The one who would really struggle though? Peh. It’s the end of day 4, and Peh is throwing rocks at Pah’s window, blasting music from a boom box, and apologizing for what? He doesn’t know, he just wants Pah to come back out and play. “I’m not mad, you idiot! I’m sick!” “Sick of me?! I’m sorry!” “NO!!!”
Koko - Honestly, his life does not change much. The only difference he notes is that people are finally leaving him the fuck alone, and he’s actually able to get some work done without someone barging in every few minutes. Inui, come get your man and give him some Vitamin D. He needs to be out in the sun with some fresh air. 
Takemitchy - I don’t remember how long he was told to stay at home after that first fight took him out, but he was a Good Boy, and stayed home, read manga, worked on puzzles.. he was doing all the beginning of COVID activities before they were ~cool~. He would be fine.
Souya (Angry) - Souya also seems pretty chill to me, and like the kind of person who needs to recharge his social battery. So a week of being at home, trying out new recipes, watching TV, and laying about actually helps him to relax and get pumped up for when he can go back out and beat someone up again.
BAJI - YES, I STAND BY THIS ONE! We know Baji loves watching dramas with his mom. Like every dedicated drama watcher, he has a “to watch” list a mile long, and he and his mom make incredible headway on it. The make or break moment will come on day 3, when Baji is starting to get antsy and hasn’t fully succumbed to the lazy life style. Fortunately at him, the FIRST phone call his mother made when finding out they would both need to stay at home for the next week was not to her job, but actually to the local animal shelter. She begged them to please call if they had any animals come in that needed extra attention, or better yet, an animal that was hurt and needed nursing back to full health. Right as Baji was about to lose it, the call came. A mother cat had just given birth to 7 kittens, and the shelter simply did not have enough people to look after the kittens and the mother, who was not doing too great. Baji immediately took full ownership of the little family’s health, and nursed every kitten and the mother back to health, even cancelling his plans the following week. He didn’t even realize all of the time that was passing between making sure everyone was fed and watching more dramas. :)
Those Who are Ready to Ask Wakui to Put them Out of their Misery Already:
Nahoya (Smiley) - Unlike his brother, Nahoya is not one with the “kicking it home for a few days” type of lifestyle. His ramen recipes have become even more toxically hot - some to the point where he literally lit the bowls on fire just to feel something. He is a danger to himself and those around him, even more so than COVID. Release him. 
Draken - More specifically ~ the Draken that still lives at the Brothel. I could see an older Draken being chill at the shop, but the Draken that still lives at the brothel would mostly snap by the end of day 4. He would need his “bros”... or the women working would need him to go see his “bros”, because even though they all care about each other... he needs to go. Draken is sick of the perfume, they’re sick of his belching, he’s G2G!
Kazutora - Do not leave him at home with only his thoughts and his parents for a full week. Someone will not be making it out alive. My bet is that Baji does him a solid when he gets the call about the kittens, and invites Tora over to help out. Tora is out the window before Baji’s even finished the situation. 
Hanma - Hanma just doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would do well locked in an apartment for a week straight. He might start breaking shit just for something to clean up and do, but then he’d get annoyed because hey! Who was the dumbass that broke all my plates! Oh wait... By the end of day 2 (yeah... 2), he’d be sneaking out to go ride around on his bike. If it’s only him and the open road, no harm no foul, right?
Hina - This girl is a social butterfly. She would be dying to go see Emma or Takemitchy or hell, maybe even Kisaki, she doesn’t fucking care, as long as it’s someone that’s not her parents and not Naoto. She would be great for the first 4 days, don’t get me wrong. She would finish all of her homework, study for upcoming tests, get a head start on projects and papers... and then at 1:37pm on day 5 she would lose her shit. Ngl, I’d love to see her start a fire, a SMALL one, a “harmless” one, just to trigger the apartment fire alarm system so she has an excuse to go out and see people and maybe make a new friend. This girl slapped Mikey the first time she met him, you’re telling me she’s not brimming with GirlBoss chaos? I love to see it. 
*** Emma - If she was able to self isolate away from her family, this girl would thrive. Yes, she is also quite social, but getting a genuine break from cleaning after the slobs in her family who don’t help with shit? Once she starts feeling like a person, she might do some general cleaning and laundry because she feels guilty for not doing anything the past few days (baby girl, it’s fine, you were sick, let the men step up please, you’re not their maid), but then, I would hope that she would eventually let herself relax and pamper the fuck out of herself. Full facial, manicure, pedicure, watching romance movies, planning dates for her and Draken, everything she’s been wanting to do, but has been too busy for. ON THE OTHERHAND... if she had to self isolate and be forced to look after Mikey, her grandpa, and Shinichiro... poor girl wouldn’t even last as long as Hanma, I don’t care that she has the patience of a saint, someone put her out of her misery Kisaki, I swear to god...
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT127 falling in love with a s/o with a time-consuming job like a lawyer or a doctor
NCT 127 with an s/o who has a time-consuming job
this is so cute, thanks for requesting! i made this in a format in the ways that the boys might show their care when you’re so busy with your job :) long as hell LOL enjoy!!
brief spoilers for shang-chi if you haven’t watched! i just watched it this week lol it was really good
→ TAEIL would direct conversations to a more neutral stance. it’s not that he wants to talk about himself, but sometimes if you don’t want to talk about your case or patients, he easily slips into conversation about theories or his favourite tv show or your rundown of what groceries to take for the next time you head to the supermarket. just really normal small things that take your mind off the stress, especially at night when you’re laying in bed and just before you’re drifting off to sleep, the two of you would engage in a topic that you both know fairly well about and then you’re usually the first to succumb to sleep. taeil purposely picks out topic he knows will excite you (and bc he knows you’re passionate about it, he reads up on it which allows a well-balanced convo). if you’re rambling on about a topic, then he’ll occasionally play the guitar while laying down, just simple melodies that bring a lot of peace to the room.
“wait- how d’you like this melody?” taeil softly says, changing it instantly when you commented on the previous, discordant one. your nod encourages him to carry on with the plucking of his fingers while you yourself continue with your rambles. “so i’m saying right, it seems totally unfair for him, and you’d think that, right? but all he ever does is whine and moan about his misfortunes, plus his character is so terribly written i kinda feel sorry for-“
the halted melody prompts a sharp turn of your turn to the guitar, which you almost collide with, “what?” taeil only shrugs. “nothin’. just like how passionate you get about the show, it’s cute.” your boyfriend smiles after, ignoring how his words affect you and how your cheeks heat up at it.
→ JOHNNY is one to take you out after your work. it’s not to a super intense, high-energy place like a club or anything, but small little dates that won’t take up much time. eating dinner at a restaurant, walk in the park, small cafe trip, strolling through supermarket to make fun of brand names. if you’re too tired that day, he always finds a way to make your time at home fun. from setting up a small karaoke session, to maybe making a pillow fort, to trying out new cuddling positions, he has everything on his mind. always showing you things to cheer you up if you happen, from memes to funny videos. is low-key down for you to review crime/doctor shows too, just to see how accurate they nail it. your time at home is consuming endless pieces of media until your tummies hurt or you’re sniffling at a movie together.
“hold on- lemme show you this video,” johnny’s hand is outstretched to you once he finds the video and your spoon full of food is left near your mouth. you proceed to watch the low quality video which your boyfriend claims to be the funniest video on earth.
W-HOR? WAH? the girl’s finger in the video traces over the word “who” as she struggles to pronounce it, with presumably her sister in the background prompting her. the repeated pronunciation of the word makes you snort, while the wheezing and the loud NO in the background causes you to fully erupt into laughter. johnny simply smiles at another successful attempt to make you smile.
→ YUTA always has a hand on you when you return home. he brings you into a hug, he guides you by your back, you have to eat with one hand bc he can’t keep his hand off of you. he hopes his little touches will ease your tiredness even by a bit and if you don’t want it, he’ll stop, but it’s yuta’s way of showing he cares without words. busy days with yuta usually involve just sitting in silence as you catch up on a show or a series, or even listening to a song in silence and enjoying each other’s company. he will talk if you want to, but if not that’s fine too, preferring more to stroke your hair in silence and think about how much he loves you. becomes very sappy when you’re in the quiet of your room and generally is very fond of the small pockets of time you get to spend before you two fall asleep. likes that you’re so resolute in your job but can be soft around him behind closed doors.
“you comfortable?” yuta calls out, barely above a whisper as he wraps an arm tighter around you. there’s comfortable ministrations that his does with his fingers, massaging the skin under your pajamas while you snuggle deeper into his chest. humming, you tighten your hold around his top.
“i am, yeah,” you can’t care much for the tv show on the screen now, with empty takeout boxes and tissues littering the coffee table. you feel the gentle kiss of yuta on your head before you’re drifting off to dreamland to a scratchy, 60s jazz song playing through the speakers.
→ TAEYONG would always welcome you back with a table set and food ready, always. he knows that food is the way to someone’s heart and you eating his food always makes him happy and offers to clean-up. lets you shower first if you come back together, puts you before himself very often that sometimes you have to tell him to tone it down because you don’t want him ending up more tired than he already is. following up on this, taeyong would show his love by cooking your lunches for you. when he has the time he makes the effort to put it in a nice bento or box for you to eat. he also does the general chores around the house (assuming the two of you live together) so the bed will be a little less messy when you come back, the floor’s cleaner, the countertops aren’t so cluttered with stuff. even if there’s nothing to clean up, he always these small little things before you come back, and even if you don’t notice it, he sees the way you’re able to navigate the space or when you’re more at ease and it makes him smile.
“do you want to shower first?” taeyong calls out softly, admiring the clean house he’s managed to do up before he went to meet you, “i’ll just hang around until you’re done.”
“you need to prioritise yourself too, yong,” you pout, rubbing a hand up and down his forehead as you toe off your shoes, “how ‘bout we shower together? you did clean the house up pretty nicely.” that earns a grin and a kiss from taeyong, who goes straight the prepare the bath. you chuckle, “he’s already forgotten what i’ve told him.”
→ DOYOUNG supports you silently and listens to your day when you return home and talk about your patient or a case you’re working on. he gives you his own input when he sees fit but other than that he wants you to explain the details. being a doctor and lawyer is crazy and hectic and just wants you to know that you’re appreciated in the workforce. the way he might show his love when caring for a busy s/o like you is when he brings you stuff that you might’ve forgotten like an umbrella or your lunch since you were rushing out of the house earlier. he doesn’t mind going the extra mile to you literally bc it’s a win-win! you get your food, he gets to see you, etc. if not he’ll send someone over to pass it to the receptionist, or he’ll make up for it by meeting you outside the office to apologise and then ask you what you wanna do so he can make it up to you.
“did you manage to get the bento i bought you?” doyoung asks worriedly through the phone, holding up a hand to the staff member who was beckoning him to his photoshoot. “you bought so much!” you exclaim, with a shoulder to your ear, phone perched in between, “thank you doyoung.”
“’m sorry i couldn’t come over to give you your lunch today, angel. i’ll see you after you’re done with work, okay?” you smile at that, shooting a quick reply before you delved into your food.
→ JAEHYUN would honestly serve you once you come back from a busy day tbh. where taeyong does the chores around the house, jaehyun helps by doing the chores on YOU and only you. giving you massages, bringing you dinner on a tray, other unsaid things… and maybe even carrying you from room to room lol he’s relentless and just goes you need to rest, lemme help. big gentleman even when you reject him, doing smaller things like constantly checking up on you, pulling the blanket higher onto your body, cuddling you closer to his body when it’s cold. on top of that jaehyun also one that would meet you at your workplace and take you out like johnny, but those dates are extremely chill. he lets you choose, and when you’re not sure, he takes you on a night picnic at the field or a rooftop, just dinner, but outside bc the view is really nice and he likes the way you look even after a long day of working.
“where should we park our mats?” your head moves from left to right, looking for a suitable spot while you tug on jaehyun’s hand. he hums at it, searching for a spot just like you are. the wind’s blowing gently when you settle near a tree, mat occasionally flying up which you counter with your heavy laptop bag.
“any idea where we can get desserts later?” you call out as a half-joke, not expecting jaehyun to pull up his phone to instantly search for a baskin robbins. “there’s one close-by, wait here for a minute and i’ll go get one for you-“ you laugh before pulling him back down, “don’t worry! we’ll go together, plus i don’t want to be left alone.” jaehyun softly smiles, nodding along as he takes out the food he packed.
→ JUNGWOO has similar intentions like johnny, except he would just wanna stay home. where johnny’s goal is to make you laugh, jungwoo just likes doing things together at home. playing board games, folding the clothes together, making dinner together. it’s not that he doesn’t want to do it, but when he’s given free time he sometimes just likes to laze at home and rest from schedules. he sometimes takes himself out of bed to help before you come back but he’s lazy lolol. loves it when you’re both equally tired and living off 5h of sleep. it’s not romanticising the lack of sleep but your schedules just don’t allow you to sleep equal amounts of hours of sleep. through that, you’re at least able to connect over sleepy talk and droopy smiles while you make the bed or assemble a lego piece or playing video games. if jungwoo’s energetic enough he doesn’t mind doing the crazier activities but he generally prefers those activities done in semi-silence while you exchange jokes and funny videos.
“noooo- no! you only need to move three times, you’re cheating-“ jungwoo pouts and moves back your playing avatar back three spaces on the board game. you purse your lips, not expecting him to see it since he was particularly invested in the movie playing on the screen. knowing it was a shitty film, you tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted. with eyes glued to the screen a few seconds earlier, you took your chance to move down one more space in order to get the benefit on the game board.
“you’ll get to buy a house soon, honey,” jungwoo grins cheekily, laughing even more when he’s able to move four steps, landing on the square that you wanted. now it was your turn to pout as he flips the card for property purchases, happily placing it next to his five other houses. “you’re so annoying!” you say as you fall back on the bean bag, but jungwoo doesn’t believe it when he sees a smile poking out from behind the hands shielding your face..
→ MARK sends you a looooot of texts. your convos with him are just him spamming questions or sending you memes. on every platform LMAO he has tweets sent, ig dm’s are blowing up from the weirdass nct memes that some of the fans make, he uses the official nct tiktok account to send you viral trending videos and he’s like we should try this!!!! and it’s a couple doing acrobatics or some shit. he’s crazy. anyway, he just likes to share things with you, from songs, to playlists, to youtube videos or interesting topics like crime psychology or movie theories etc. he knows that you’re hardly going to see it in your job but he sees the way you react across the room when he sends you stuff so he’s sure that you’ll like it after you get off work. sometimes likes to rickroll you, he knows it’s an old trend/troll thing but the thrill of seeing your frustrated replies always make him laugh out loud. when you’re back home, the both of you review whatever you send each other and then laugh together at them.
“hey, babe, check out this video,” mark says in a text, pasting a twitter link to a video. the video starts out interesting enough, mentioning something about a fun fact with stunning visuals has you wanting to learn more. when the guy in the video starts on his first word, the video immediately changes to rick astley with never gonna give you up. you mutter a small fuck under your breath, gaining a bit of attention from your colleagues during lunch break.
under the table, you flip him off in a picture, which he responds with a big smile of his that’s obviously teasing you for falling for it. you’re going to get it when i get back home!!!!! on a new high, you text the message and set your phone down, already excited for the evening where’d you be able to spend your time with him.
→ HAECHAN is a mix of everything kinda. he’d bring you out after work sometimes and other times likes to stay at home, mainly takes you out to eat after work, but that’s the extent of his after-work-escapades, he doesn’t want to tire you out too much. i think one prominent things he likes to do to is vlog to you, send you videos of what he’s doing on set or at home and just treats your convo like a bank for endless videos. y’know how there’s this video feature in telegram? he sends sooo many of those that you have the time of your life watching those on the ride back home. if you have time, you HAVE to facetime him during your lunch break and tell him how you’re doing and how’s your work coming along. do i have to kick someone’s ass for making you feel uncomfortable? is that patient being creepy again? and you have to explain that haechan, no, that patient is an elderly you cannot beat his ass. he’s like i don’t care, creepy dudes are not excused!!! and you can’t help but smile at that. always wants to be talking to you, close to you. if one day, you’re able to bring him to your job, this man follows you around like a lost puppy and just admires what you do, it’s endearing.
“ah, wait- you know how the sister, xia ling was sent to shut down the ten rings army? well… i just reviewed some of the articles and-“ the video cuts into the next one, haechan’s face zoomed in as he looks straight into the camera, “y’know, she might become a villain one day, i don’t know. maybe i should review some of the comics too?”
“anyway! come look at our set for the music video! it’s sexy, outfits are fire, sets are so good, the choreo this time isn’t too hard, either.” haechan asks the other members to wave as he passes them by, no doubt going his own make-up and hair after the others were already done, “okay, gotta go- love you bye!” you smile at that, texting a quick reply before you open up a video of your own, whispering through the speaker with a promise that you’d see him tonight.
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gayboymint · 3 years
blows a kiss to 'elle finds out emmett is spiderman au anon'
When Emmett told people he hadn't slept since '92 it really wasn't too much a stretch of an exaggeration. Besides studying for Harvard, that was the year he fully took on the mantle of Spider-Man. He'd barely slowed down since, somehow he managed to be a crime-fighting vigilante by night and a grade A law student by day. He credited many of his perfect score tests to the fact law was his biggest special interests and he already knew a majority of the material. Not a super power he used against bad guys, but one that had saved his skin in the intense world of Harvard Law School.
Needless to say, a good night's sleep was difficult to come by while balancing being Emmett Forrest and being Spider-Man. Exhaustion always won against him in the end, and this time it he succumbed to it even harder than usual.
He'd narrowly escaped being electrocuted to death and run through with a glider. When Emmett got home he cleaned the worst of the wounds before promptly collapsing onto the small couch in his apartment. He was so out of it he didn't hear the knock on the door, or register the lock being jimmied. His spider-sense didn't alert him until the intruder stood before him.
The beginnings of his name were being uttered when the warning zapped through him. His eyes snapped open and reflexively he flipped off the couch, jumping to the wall, webs ready to shoot.
Emmett's breath caught as he recognized the gentle voice. He wasn't wearing his mask. It was on the arm of the couch.
He dropped to the floor and held out his hands placatingly.
"Elle," he said, taking a step forward. "It's not what-"
He stopped short. It's not what? It's not what it looks like? Yeah, right. He couldn't come up with an excuse for this like he could for cancelling study sessions.
"You're Spider-Man," Elle stated.
Emmett swallowed, then dropped his hands and nodded.
She crossed her arms and bit her lip. "You almost got killed today. Electrocuted."
"Yeah..." Emmett said, not quite sure where she was going with this.
"What kind of fabric is this?" she asked. She moved forward and gripped a piece of ripped fabric.
"I don't know exactly, it's a-"
"Terrible for fighting Maxine Dillion," Elle said.
"I wanted to help her-"
"She doesn't want it. You need something better than this... stuff," Elle said, disdain heavy in the last word, "if you're going to keep trying. I think I can put together something for you."
She walked around the couch to him and examined more of his suit.
"And maybe come up with some kind of armor," she murmured. Suddenly her hands flew to her face. "Emmett, you could have been killed."
Emmett was too stunned to say anything.
"Oh my god," she said.
"Ow!" Emmett exclaimed as she punched his shoulder. "Hey I'm injured."
"I know, you butthead! My best friend is Spider-Man and his suit is terrible. You could have died, when your friend is literally a fashion merchandise major."
"How would that... help?" Emmett asked, confused and feeling a bit lame about it.
"I know fabrics, I can help you find and make something actually decent to fight supervillains in," she said, exasperated.
"So you're not- You're not mad that I'm Spider-Man?"
"No, but I'm upset you didn't tell me. We'll have to talk about it, but you look like shit right now."
"Thanks," Emmett snorted.
He shook his head and smiled to himself as Elle rummaged around his apartment for sweatpants and a tshirt for him, grumbling the whole way.
Over the next few weeks, he and Elle did design a suit with light armor. He marvelled at her skill and the ease with which she put it all together for him. She caught on quickly to how the web-shooters functioned and made it so that the webs shot flawlessly from the gloves. Elle worked with precision and passion and in such a way that Emmett recognized it as a similar way to how he studied and appreciated law. His heart warmed as they worked together and he shared more of his spider life with her.
Over the next few months, Emmett found himself less and less exhausted. Yes, he still came crawling through his window tired and wiped out, but now things were different. He had a functional suit that left him with very few injuries to patch up and his body wasn't using energy to heal what was already healthy.
And now he had Elle. The world seemed much brighter and made him less weary with her sharing his life.
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qyllenhaal · 3 years
❛ Home ❜
Series: The Devil I Know
Senator!Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k~
Summary: Chris makes it back home after time away from Y/n.
warnings: 18+ only!!! Unprotected sex, age gap (reader is in her late 20s), this fic is largely fluff and sleepy sex.
A/N: I have another WIP and hopefully it will be out this coming week.
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After three weeks of in-party fighting, stonewalling, and a lackluster bill passing, Chris needed this. He needed to come home from D.C. and feel Y/n's sweet embrace engulfing him.
His plane landed two hours ago and he was already with her. He was surprised that she was still up, but she was more surprised that he showed up at her door in the late hour.
"What are you doing here? Did you just get in?"
Her voice was scratchy but he found it sexy; along with her pajama shorts and his sweater draping over her body. She's wearing his sweater from college that has his alma mater proudly stitched into it.
She had more questions for him, but he just ignored whatever came out of her mouth as he rolled his suitcase into her apartment. The TV and a small table lamp gave him enough light to see that her coffee table is littered with papers.
"Aren't you tired? Don't you want to go home-"
"Come here girl," he quickly cut her off to grab her arm and pull her into his chest. Y/n stopped firing off her questions and melted into him when she felt just how warm he is. She felt him inhale deeply to take in the scent of her.
Y/n had missed him so damn much. It was tough navigating her days without Chris here. There were no secret texts or notes for her to come to his office. Meetings weren't that fun when there wasn't someone to steal glances at. She missed seeing that look in his eyes that meant he was going to take her on his desk after the meeting was over. Having him stand right here in front of her almost felt surreal.
"I missed you so much. It was hell without you," he whispered into her ear.
Chris wrapped his hands around her waist/ He brought Y/n closer to his body. Both of them know that he didn't just come here to watch TV or "catch-up"; they could do that later.
His hands palmed the exposed part of her ass. He nearly knocked the window out of her when he pressed his lips against hers. Chris moved his lips against her with hunger. The taste of bitter coffee lingered on her lips and he nearly became giddy with excitement because he was finally with her.
Y/n felt his hardened cock press into her front. The desire for him had only doubled since he appeared at her door that it almost made her feral. She was nearly tearing his clothes off. His shirt came over his head and Y/n started fumbling with his belt.
"Be patient Button," he taunted her breathlessly as he stopped her. As much as it would be hot to fuck her against the wall, he was too tired to continue standing up. Besides, nothing would be better than getting a nice ride from her, it would be a treat.
The irony of telling her to be patient while he could be that was not lost on her. He pulled her flimsy shorts down but he kept the sweater on her. He is very possessive over her and seeing her adorn his sweater makes him proud.
Chris sat on her couch and she straddled him. His large hands rested on her sides as she kissed him again.
"I want to feel you inside of me," she whimpered between their rough kisses. "I want to feel you splitting me open."
Chris groaned at her filthy words, wanting the very same thing if not even more than her. The time he finally let her take his cock out of his pants. A dull ache sat in her belly seeing just how hard and thick he is for her. She touched his cock as if it was fire. Pre-cum leaked out from the tip when she gave him a few pumps.
"Let me feel how wet you are," the tone of his voice made his words sound like a demand.
His hand snaked under the oversized sweater on her so he could feel how slick she was. Something about feeling the wetness on his hand that made him turn primal. What he really wanted to do was flip her onto her back and fuck her into the couch. He may be too tired now, but he has plenty of time now that he's back home.
Y/n didn't stop kissing him even though she was finally sinking down on his cock. Her gasp turned into moans muffled by his mouth. There was a slight discomfort as she filled herself to the brim with him but that didn't stop her from bouncing up and down on his cock. He helped her out by thrusting up into her. His hips moved sloppily but Y/n kept a steady rhythm.
A hand slipped under her shirt and Chris cupped her breast. His thumb ran along the ridges of her hardening nipple. Her cries of pleasure vibrated against his mouth and she began to swirl her hips against him.
"Fuck," Chris pulled away from her lips and buried his face into her neck. How much he missed her and how it feels so good to be inside of her overwhelmed him. He kissed her warm skin in all the places he knows she loves so much.
"I wanna cum so bad," she whined.
Chris looked up at her, deep into her eyes, and held her face. She slowed down her movements and focused on taking him deep inside of her.
"Missed feeling you so tight around me. Can I cum inside of you? Are you going to let me cum inside of you?"
Y/n nodded frantically before resting her forehead against his. The closeness and bond she felt with him almost brought a tear to her eye. His desires are felt and equally shared too. Just as much as he loved her warmth, she loved the feeling of his thick cock spearing her open. Every time he slid home inside of her and his tip poked her cervix, she felt delirious. He continued to spear her open with every blissful inch of his thick cock.
"Please cum inside...I missed you so much," she quietly sobbed.
She was spent, physically and emotionally. Her sleep schedule had gotten completely out of whack and her performance at work suffered because of it; deadlines were missed and papers were filled out haphazardly. It was somewhat embarrassing to admit, but seeing, or at least talking to Chris is a part of her daily routine. The absence of him disturbed her routine which resulted in staying up until the sun began to rise and buying too much coffee for her own good.
Y/n would never admit it though. She'd never admit it to Chris's face because she does not like having dependence on him. He was like a boyfriend, he even referred to himself as such, but she did not have the privilege of even holding his hand in public. It is absolutely unfair she can't scream out to the world that she is in love with him.
"I'm close," he whispered hastily into her ear. She closed her eyes and waited to feel his essence blessing her insides.
Chris's grip on her could not get any tighter as his levels of desire began to boil over. He feels lucky to be sliding into her slick heat once again. He's utterly possessive of her. The reason for why she is wet and crying into the crack of his neck is solely because of him.
She smells so good, just like the shampoo she uses. He almost becomes lightheaded with lust that turns his thrust sloppy. The grip he had on her became even tighter and he pounded away, his length rubbing against every sensitive spot inside of her to create the sweetest friction.
"I'm gonna give it all to you," he grunted, his accent as thick as can be. The increasing gruffness of his voice scratched a certain itch inside of her. And the stubble of his bear literally scratched the skin of her cheek.
He slowed down, nearly coming to a halt, as he began to release inside of her. Feeling him spilling inside of her made her sex contract around him. Her walls milked him as she began to cum just from feeling the warm sensation. His grip on him loosened and she fully sank down on him. The blunt tip of his cock hit her cervix, sending shivers down her spine. How she feels can only be compared to an intense, euphoric sensation.
Her orgasm hit her just seconds after his. Feeling his warmth inside of her really sent her over the sharp edge and diving head first into total pleasure. He didn't have to move anymore to know that he's still giving all that's left of his energy to feel good.
"I missed you...all of you," he whispered against her damp neck. He grabbed at her sides as if he was ready to go again.
"I'm so tired," she managed to say. Her nights have been so restless. Right now is the first time she has felt like her energy has been spent completely.
"I know, Button. Lay your head against my chest."
She listened even though her alarm for work is going to go off any minute now. Instead of worrying, she let herself be lulled by the sound of his heartbeat and succumbed to sleep.
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writertitan · 4 years
The Swan
pairing: levi x reader
word count: 2398
themes: musician!reader, v soft levi, just fluff, Levi’s POV
requested by anon
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The day Historia was crowned was important to Levi for two reasons. One was that, of course, he felt a surge of pride at one of his cadets rising to her full potential and becoming queen. He had always been slightly concerned about Historia; she was small - even smaller than him - and admittedly, he’d always viewed her as the weakest of them.
The second reason that day was so important to him was a reason he wasn’t quite ready to come to terms with. 
That day was the day he’d noticed you. Noticed you fully. 
You had always kept to yourself and Levi hadn’t chosen you to be on his squad. He barely had time to keep track of his own squad, let alone remember all the other scouts. Not that there were many scouts left. Still, you’d joined right before this entire mess had happened. Most of those who had been around before knowledge of titans being humans were dwindling off now. Except for you. 
But you being a survivor wasn’t what had caught Levi’s attention. In fact, you hadn’t even been the one to catch his attention. Not literally, not physically. 
After the coronation, Levi had stepped away, just for a breather and to take a break from socializing. It was exhausting, being around so many people, and being around so much celebration. 
He walked down this hall and that one, turning corners and essentially losing himself in a maze. There wasn’t a soul in sight. 
And that’s when he heard it. Very soft and faint at first, and growing stronger as he made his way down the empty hallway. Someone was playing notes on a piano, and beautifully so. Levi couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard music like this, where it wasn’t being played by some drunk outside at the markets, or being played in jest on base by slapping pots and pans and bringing out a worn out guitar. 
Soldiers didn’t get to hear refined music like this. So, Levi stopped. He stopped walking once he was right outside the door to the room where the music was. He stopped and he listened. It was so...rejuvenating. The exhaustion and stress he felt seeped away just the slightest bit, but it was enough. 
Out of curiosity, he leaned in just the slightest bit to peek his head into the room and figure out who was playing the piano like that. To his complete and utter surprise, he knew who you were immediately, even though you looked...different. 
There was the you that he had seen in passing at base. The you who saluted him and carried an air of respectfulness. The you who gave respect and followed orders and did what a soldier did. 
And then there was this you. The you Levi would have never thought you to be. The you that demanded respect instead of gave it, just from the way you poised yourself over the black and white keys and moved purposefully, eyes closed and face peaceful but concentrated. He barely recognized you and yet he knew exactly who you were.
He shrunk back into the shadows and leaned against the stone wall, his head resting against it as he let himself, for once, relax. 
Each time you stopped playing, letting the last notes die out and fade away, Levi felt his heart sink in an unfamiliar way, only to swell in his chest when a new song began playing from your fingertips. He stayed like that all night, slumped against a wall and out of view while you played song after song as the night wore on.
Even though he understood that eventually you had to stop and everyone had to leave, it still pained him when you stopped for good, the dying song accompanied by the scraping of the bench you sat on moving on the wood floors as you shifted to stand up. Levi sighed to himself and let reality creep back into his mind. The stress that had melted away was slowly weighing back on his shoulders, and made him feel heavy again. 
He was gone before you left the room. 
After that, Levi couldn’t stop watching you. It was like you made music with everything you did. He noticed how you’d hum a tune to your horse. He noticed how you even managed to form some sort of gentle melody just tapping your fingers against a table. 
You were constantly making music. He heard music whenever he was around you now. It was starting to get ridiculous, because it wasn’t like anything had changed, really. You still greeted him the same way, treated him the same way, acted and performed the same way. You had absolutely no idea that Levi had changed towards you. 
He was good at keeping his distance, at masking all of his inner thoughts and feelings. That’s what he was good at. And he was good at convincing himself that his choices were sound. Maybe he’d just been a little drunk that night and your music had moved him because of that. There was nothing different about you. You were just another soldier. He didn’t know you. 
But why did it feel like he knew you? Why was he catching himself being more observant? The tune you hummed to your horse never changed. When you’d been put on stable duty, that was when another tune escaped you. He’d only caught it while passing by the stables, but he immediately noticed it was different. 
He also noticed how you stopped and listened to the musicians at the markets when you’d all ridden into town for some supplies. He saw the way you eyed the man with the fiddle, your eyes watching the way his hands produced music from it in an almost careless fashion. The music Levi once thought was atrocious was of course still not as good as the music you had brought into his life, these drunken fools were still atrocious in some sense, but now he listened to it differently. It wasn’t that bad. Not when it had you smiling. 
It drove Levi crazy that you still looked at him the same way when he was bursting at the seams with wanting to tell you his big secret. You looked at him the same, you talked to him the same. All surface level. Levi often caught himself staring at you. And, when he had a few minutes of spare time, he filled those few precious minutes with thoughts of you and what it would be like for you to look at him so serenely, the way you did when you made all that music. 
He hoped he wasn’t being too obvious. He had honestly convinced himself that he was the same as always and nobody knew his little secret. It didn’t matter that he was gentler with you, went out of his way sometimes just to say hello to you, made sure you were eating enough and sleeping enough. You didn’t notice, which calmed him down and also made him a little crazy. Although it was better, easier this way, he still hated that he couldn’t tell you what was happening to him. How could he tell you that he was constantly thinking about you, even when he wasn’t supposed to? How could he tell you that those songs you hummed were stuck in his mind? How could he tell you that he loved music now because of you? 
There was an irrational part of his brain that screamed at him to tell you, but it was not as strong as his rational parts that told him to never even take the opportunity should it arise. 
Levi was sure his rational brain was winning. Until the day he sat down next to you in the mess hall and handed you his bread when he saw you giving half of yours to Sasha. 
“Don’t starve yourself,” was all he said, and fought the twitch in his lips when you replied with, “I could say the same to you, Captain.” 
He ate quietly beside you, heart thumping wildly in his chest the entire time. He’d never said so many words to you all in one breath. 
It had taken so much work and, truth be told, he almost didn’t give it to you. Levi felt the rational part of him slowly succumbing to...hope? And he understood why so many people clung to this feeling. 
He hoped that if he gave you this gift, you would see. You would be able to understand what he was feeling and thinking and fighting himself about. And maybe, just maybe, you would be flattered. Maybe you would be willing to reciprocate. 
But Levi found himself not caring about what the endgame would be as he walked to your room, gift clutched tightly and clumsily in one hand as he knocked on your door. After a moment of waiting, he deflated, wondering where you could be right now. It was evening, after supper, and there was some down time to be had tonight. Could you have gone out, were you with someone els-
Then suddenly, you were there, surprise etched on your face at the sight in front of you. Levi hid his gift behind his back just in time, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever been this nervous. Had he ever been this nervous? 
“Captain,” you greeted him, voice trailing off so it sounded more like a question. And then a real question. “Can I help you with something?” 
A real conversation. Levi hadn’t really prepared himself for this. Whatever he’d planned on saying was suddenly forgotten and he cursed his now completely irrational brain. 
“I got you something,” he managed to say, shifting uncomfortably and no longer able to meet your eyes. He pulled out his gift from behind his back to show you, eyes snapping to your face at the gasp that came from your mouth. 
The look in your eyes was enough to make the whole endeavor worth it. But the way you were so gentle with taking it from his hands and examining it closely, it made any regret, any hesitance, leave his body. 
You scrunched up your nose and looked at him, violin close to your chest as you almost cradled it. 
“Captain, this looks expensive...I can’t accept it. Where did you get it?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” he assured you almost instantly, panicked at the thought of you not keeping his gift to you. “Really, nobody wanted the damn thing. I thought you’d like it.” 
“How did you know I could play the violin?” you asked him, genuinely curious. 
Levi gulped. He hadn’t known for sure, had only guessed based on one encounter, and hoped that you’d at least just like the gift. So, he told the truth as best as he could without incriminating himself. 
“I saw you eyeing one of those musicians at the market once, the one that always plays that goddamn fiddle,” Levi explained, voice as stiff as his body. “Figured maybe you knew a thing or two…” 
You broke out into a smile then, though it was bashful, and Levi looked away again before his face got too hot and he flushed in a way that gave him away. If you noticed anything amiss, you said nothing. 
“Thank you...this is the best gift,” you said earnestly, then paused, voice growing soft as you asked, “Would you like to hear a little something? I haven’t played in years so I can’t promise it’ll be any good. But maybe you could critique me.”
“I’d love to.” The words came out of his mouth before you could even finish what you were saying. 
You let him in your room and closed the door behind him, and suddenly, the atmosphere was much more intimate. Levi tugged at his collar, wondering why it was so hot all of a sudden, but kept a polite distance as he settled into a chair by the corner and you surprisingly got comfortable in the middle of your room. Levi didn’t know much about music, but figured it would have been more comfortable to sit down or something. 
When you started playing, it was a song he’d never heard before. Hadn’t heard you play it on the piano before, hadn’t heard you hum it or drum it with your fingers before. It was new. And it was beautiful. 
This was the song that told him he was in love. How silly was that? 
But he listened, enraptured by the way you put your heart into every note. He took note of how your eyes closed in that way that was somehow familiar to him now and how your brows furrowed slightly in concentration. But you still managed to look so serene. 
He never took your eyes off you. Levi watched you play out the entire song, feeling his heart move with the strings. You played his heart like you played the violin, in the most purposeful and melodic way. It was pure music. 
Even when you stopped playing and got a little shy, the confidence in the musician version of yourself slipping away, Levi didn’t look away. He was in awe and didn’t care if it showed on his face. 
“You’re not rusty,” he promised you. “You’re incredible.” He meant it in more than one way. 
He wouldn’t have been able to know the way your heart swelled at the sweet words of praise. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
He stood up slowly, not wanting to invade your privacy any longer, but stopped at your door and turned to look at you, that damned nervousness seeping back into his veins. 
“Do you think...do you think I could hear you play more often?” he asked you, the words forcing themselves out before he could catch them. But who was he kidding? He didn’t want to stop himself from asking. 
He didn’t fail to notice the way you brightened at his question. He was relieved at the eager nod. 
“Anytime,” you replied. Then you held up the violin; you held it so gracefully, and knew exactly how to handle it. Levi warmed at the sight. “And thanks again for this gift...I love it, Captain.” 
“Levi. Just Levi,” he corrected you. And you gave him a grin. 
“I love it...Levi.” 
It was music to his ears. 
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Saving Grace (Alpha!Thor x Omega!Reader)
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summary: when an Avenger literally falls out of the sky and into your life, you take it upon yourself to nurse him back to health. It is easier said than done when you must hide your true nature from the blond god
It was a quiet night. Most nights were, but sometimes you could hear the faint howling of wolves or the scurrying of some smaller animal outside the cottage. The kettle on the stove was starting to let out a soft whistle, and you knew that it would be ready soon. You could hear a faint rumble from outside, but you paid the thunder no mind.
Your garden could use some rain. You started to undress, staring at the clawfoot tub in the corner with longing. You could practically feel the heated water warming your skin as you watched the steam rise from it while nearing it. You sank into it with a soft sigh, closing your eyes and leaning your head back as you relaxed.
You’d spent most of the day outside, planting some more fruits and vegetables that you’d bought from town. You didn’t get done until late, but that was your fault for waking up much later than you had expected. You were still getting used to the time change and lack of technology, despite how long it’d been since you’d moved here.
You swallowed as you thought of your family and friends and the life you’d left behind. The loneliness of your solitude made your heart clench, but you told yourself that it was for the better. It was safer than the alternative, safer than becoming nothing more than a warm body to some chauvinistic alpha who didn’t value you beyond what was in between your legs.
Both of your parents had been betas. They had often told you they’d thought you’d be no different, but they were wrong. You all were. As soon as you had turned 18, you had experienced the worst pain imaginable that came with your first heat. Your parents had been horrified, distraught even. You had always been their little girl, and the thought of you eventually submitting yourself to an alpha was too much for them.
You had been taken out of school halfway through your senior year, homeschooled through the rest. You hadn’t gone to a campus, instead taking your college courses online. You had never left the house. Instead, you had stayed locked away for years per your parents’ orders…and you didn’t mind.
Growing up, not only had you heard the stories of horrid alphas from your parents, but you’d seen some of the behaviors yourself. You saw how they acted, especially around omegas, how they carried themselves, how they took pride in the emotions they evoked from unmated omegas. You would never forget when a girl in your class had presented during junior year at 16 years old, how the few alpha boys who’d presented early had reacted. How one of the teachers had even reacted…
A shiver ran over you as you recalled that day…how scared that girl had been…how completely unrestrained those alphas had acted… It was a miracle that some other teachers and the school nurse had gotten her off the school grounds unscathed. You knew they weren’t all like that. Even if you’d like to believe so, statistically speaking, they couldn’t all be like that. But enough of them were to scare you.
So when your parents had suggested locking you inside the house for God knows how long, you did not oppose. You were all too happy to stay inside…safe and independent as you possibly could be under the circumstances. However, everything changed when your father died.
It had only been a few months after he died when you experienced one of your heats…the worst you’d ever been through. You couldn’t even recall it, blocking most of it out due to the trauma and pain. You did recall how scared your mother had been though. How worried she had been that you would not make it, that what you normally did to get you through your heats was no longer working. Reluctantly, she began to accept that you would need an alpha after all.
You had begged for otherwise, crying even, and she had cried too, but you could see the genuine fear for your life in her eyes. You had brought up the idea of suppressants, but you had known her answer before she even opened her mouth. They had always been adamantly against them due to the side effects, side effects that you had never given a flying hoot about.
She was determined to find you a nice alpha who would treat you right, who could be trusted with your life and care. You had begged her to reconsider, and she had promised to think about it, but deep down, you knew that her mind was made up. It had taken you less than a day to take her card and buy a plane ticket to Norway. Another two to transfer as much money as you could into an account your parents had opened for you forever ago but had never used. The same day you packed a single bag was the same night you had snuck out to catch the flight.
You were in Norway an entire month before finding a man who sold suppressants. You’d bought as many as possible in bulk, fortune enough to get enough to last for half a year. You’d been in Norway for a year and had only ventured out to buy from him twice. He was a beta and American, and you wondered how much business he got. How many omegas had the same idea as you to hide in the rural land of a foreign country?
The thunder outside rumbled louder now, much louder, and you pulled yourself from the tub just as the kettle began to scream inside the house. You wrapped your towel around you before going to turn it off. It was then that the outside was lit up by lightning, but it flashed in such a way that startled you. You turned to look out of the window, the outside so bright that you could’ve mistaken it for day time.
You heard something hit the ground hard, bringing lightning with it as it struck the earth, shaking the cottage. It was dark again, but you could see a rather large shape prone on the ground outside of your cottage. Your brows furrowed, and you hurried to put on a t-shirt and some pajama bottoms. Hesitantly, you went to open the door, and you gasped as you realized the figure was a man.
Confusion tore through you, but you ran outside anyway. It was lightly raining now, dampening your clothes and hair as you neared him. His golden hair haloed around his head, facial hair consistent and tasteful, and for some reason, he was familiar to you in the darkness. You knelt beside him, looking him over. The only light was the faint light from inside your house that stretched from the window and open door.
You couldn’t see much, but he eventually groaned. He started to sit up, and you recoiled a bit, but he groaned in pain as he did so. He was clearly hurt, and considering you were sure he fell from the sky, that didn’t surprise you.
“Can you stand?”
He mumbled something, and you couldn’t make it out, but he attempted to stand anyway. You helped him up, and it was then, when you were so close, that you recognized him. Your eyes widened, and you rushed to get him inside. It was pouring now.
When you both stumbled inside, you were able to see that he was hurt…badly. Blood soaked the front of his shirt, some more on his arms and neck area, but it seemed that his stomach was the worst of it. Miraculously, you were able to help him to your bed, the queen-sized furniture looking much smaller with his large frame on it. He passed out almost as soon as his back hit the mattress.
You blinked, staring at him in both awe and fear. He was as large and imposing as you always thought he’d be, hair golden and features sharp. You reminded yourself that he was injured, and you struggled to get his shirt off. You recalled seeing him on the news a few times before you’d left, fighting alongside other heroes like Captain America and Iron-Man. You also recalled that he was an alpha.
As you cleaned him up, you also reminded yourself that he was a hero. That he was one of the good guys and his presentation did not negate that. The cut on his stomach wasn’t deep, he’d lost more blood than anything, but you still thought it needed to be stitched. The problem with that was you were in a small cottage practically in the middle of nowhere.
You had a first aid kit lying around and was able to stem the bleeding with some bandages. It would have to do until he woke up. It hadn’t fully hit you yet that a superhero, a god, was lying in your bed, injured. You didn’t know if he was hurt anywhere else, but you decided you weren’t going to check. You’d wait for him to wake. You simply stared at him for a while, unsure of what to do before deciding to sit down in the rocking chair in the corner.
Your emotions were at war with themselves, and you didn’t know how to proceed. This man was a stranger, an alpha at that, and that made you nervous. You couldn’t ignore the small twinge of fear you felt at being in his presence. Sure, you had been on suppressants for a year, but your paranoia couldn’t be helped. On the other hand, he was a hero, loved by all. He was meant to protect, and part of you thought you should feel safer with him in your house.
You didn’t know how long you stared at him, tense and afraid and confused, but you eventually felt your head lolling. The rain outside was soothing, and it calmed your nerves, relaxing you. You succumbed to some much-needed sleep.
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You woke up to the sound of a loud deep groan. You stirred a bit, back aching as you moved, confusion filling you. You heard the sound again, and when you blinked your eyes open, it took a moment for your memory to return.
You had an Avenger in your bed.
You sat up as he finally stirred, eyes blinking open to stare up at the ceiling. You glanced outside to see that you’d both slept the night through. You were a bit surprised with yourself that you had grown relaxed enough around him to even fall asleep, let alone sleep so soundly. You winced when you stood, and the movement drew his attention to you. You froze when his bright eyes landed on you, but he didn’t look alarmed…or even worried for that matter.
Why would he? You weren’t a threat in the slightest and he clearly knew that.
“Where am I?” he wondered, pushing himself up to a sitting position.
You reached out before pulling your hands back, unsure if you should help him.
“You’re in Norway,” you answered. “Flekkefjord to be exact.”
His gaze descended, and you followed it to his stomach. The bandages you put over his stomach were lightly stained with blood, but you were relieved to see that you were right: the wound wasn’t that bad. He ran his hand over his abdomen before lifting his gaze to you.
“You bandaged me.”
His voice was deep, like it was full of thunder, and the low timber warmed your body in the way a blanket would. It was strange.
“You were bleeding. I didn’t check to see if you were hurt anywhere else,” you gestured to his bottom half. “I would let you do that when you woke up…”
He pressed his hand to his head, groaning again as he moved to stand. You jumped into action, reaching out to see if he needed help, but he gently waved you off. You swallowed as you eyed him, his large build making your already small cottage look miniscule. He looked around with a hum.
“You fell out of the sky,” you quietly began in case he couldn’t remember. “You almost hit my house…”
He looked at you again, face genuinely apologetic.
“I am sorry,” he apologized although there was no need. “I was…”
He trailed off, seeming to be thinking hard before he slowly rested his hands on his waist, letting out a heavy sigh.
“Loki,” he whispered, disdain and disappointment coloring his tone.
That name was not unfamiliar to you. It wasn’t unfamiliar to anyone who lived in New York for a time or kept up with the news. Your eyes widened, and Thor noticed.
“He will not come here,” he hurried to assure you. “I swear it, Lady…”
You blinked before answering him.
“Y/N,” you told him.
He eyed you for a moment, quickly running his eyes over your frame, and you swallowed under the scrutiny. His nostrils flared.
“Lady Y/N,” he eventually said, resting a hand on your shoulder.
A twinge of discomfort registered in your gut before you noticed him sway slightly. You reached out, placing a hand on his arm and the other on his back as you helped him turn around.
“I don’t think you should be standing.”
“Nonsense,” he chuckled, but sat down anyway. “I am feeling a bit faint is all. Loki did more damage than I initially thought he would.”
You helped him lean back against the headboard, ignoring his inquiring gaze.
“I cleaned the wounds, but if you want a proper bath I can leave for a while. I should probably go into town and get some things for you anyway. I don’t know how long it’ll take for you to fully heal, but it shouldn’t take any longer than a week or so.”
He hummed in agreement.
“You do not seem at all bothered that I fell out of the sky and into your lawn,” he acknowledged.
The corner of your lip curved upwards ever so slightly.
“I was more concerned with your wellbeing at first, but once I recognized you it suddenly made a lot more sense,” you replied.
“Yes, I seem to have a habit of falling out of the sky,” he murmured, sounding a bit annoyed by that.
You turned away from him.
“Let me run you a bath,” you said, nearing the tub. “…and then I’ll get some things from town.”
It didn’t take long for hot water to fill the bathtub, and you suddenly wondered how this giant of a god was going to fit inside. You almost wanted to stick around, sure it would be comical to witness, but truth be told you wanted to get away from him for a bit.
You threw on a jacket and some shoes, realizing that you wouldn’t be able to change into something more presentable, not with Thor here. You worriedly eyed him as you neared the door, and he waved you off.
“I will make it in and out of the bath just fine, Lady Y/N,” he told you.
You pursed your lips before nodding and leaving, feeling his inquiring gaze on you until you shut the door behind you.  
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“Your hands are divinely touched, Lady Y/N,” Thor praised.
You threw him a small smile, embarrassment heating your face at his compliment. You both were seated at the table, eating some soup you’d just made. You made sure it included plenty of meat. The blond Avenger had been recuperating at your house for a few days, and in that time, you’d learned quite a bit about him. Notably, that he loved to eat. Especially meat.
“It’s nothing special,” you quietly replied.
“You do that a lot,” he suddenly said.
You frowned at him, pausing in your movements.
“Do what?” you wondered.
“Downplay your talents. You did it the other day when I complimented you on your help with my wound,” he explained.
You didn’t know what to say to that, unaware that you were even doing it. Part of you recognized why though. His compliments and praises made you preen, the omega qualities in you that you’d suppressed for so long rearing their ugly heads. Aside from high school and the occasional passerby in town, you did not interact with alphas. Ever.
You liked his compliments, but you didn’t at the same time. They spoke to a part of you that you wished didn’t exist. Ever since he’d literally fallen into your life, you’d had to up your suppressant intake. You knew the dangers that lied with that, but you didn’t care. Besides, it wasn’t going to be a long-term thing. Just until he was fully healed…
“I hadn’t noticed,” you honestly told him.
You could feel his gaze on you, and when you looked up, you found his brows furrowed. There was that curiosity again, like he was trying to figure you out, and that put you on edge. It seemed like he was always trying to figure you out, eying you and sniffing around you when he thought you didn’t notice. You didn’t think he meant any harm by it, but it still bothered you. He was an alpha, and he couldn’t pick up a scent from you that told him your presentation. You knew that it put his nerves on edge. He’s a hero, a good guy. You had to remind yourself of that. You could trust him, and in a few days, he’d be gone anyway.
“You are all alone out here. Why? Where is your family?”
You set your spoon down.
“My father died some years ago. My mother and the rest of my relatives are back in the states. I just like the solitude,” you shrugged.
It was a lie, and you hoped that he could not tell. He continued to eye you with a hum.
“…but you are completely alone. Surely you get…lonely…”
Again, you shrugged.
“I like being alone,” you simply told him with a small smile.
He returned it, but it did not reach his eyes.
“I am almost healed. It just pains me to leave a fine lady such as yourself out here all alone,” he said.
“That’s sweet, Thor, but I’ve been here for a year now. I’m perfectly happy…and safe.”
You avoided his eyes as you continued eating. You didn’t like all of this questioning, it made you nervous, made your heart race and blood pump faster.
“How’s your stomach?” you asked him, changing the subject.
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and you pretended not to notice.
“It is healing well. I shall help you with the bandages tonight,” he answered.
You stood, grabbing your bowl.
“Are you done?”
“I am,” he said with a grin, watching as you cleared his side of the table.
You heard him stand as you set the dishes in the sink.
“I shall step outside for a stroll. Work to get my strength back,” he told you.
“Okay,” you called over your shoulder, relief coursing through you when he exited.
He always stepped outside for a while so you could bathe. You were sure that he did enjoy being outside, exercising a bit to regain his health, but you also figured it was not needed. You were grateful he awarded you the privacy. It was also when you took the time to take your suppressants. You were downing them twice a day since he’d arrived, just to be on the safe side, and where as you would normally just take them in the early hours of the morning, you now had to sneak them in during the evening too.
The steaming water soothed you, took your mind off of your present worries for a while. You reminded yourself that they wouldn’t last for much longer. You also had to keep reminding yourself that Thor was one of the heroes. He wasn’t like the alphas your parents told you about…or those boys in high school… He was one of the good ones.
You didn’t linger in the water, and you quickly dried yourself after stepping out. You hurried to get dressed, rushing to grab your pills before Thor reentered. You had just swallowed it down with a glass of water when the door opened. You were nonchalant as you closed the bottle back, shooting him a small smile as you went to put them back into your cabinet.
“I’m feeling almost as good as new. Healthy as a horse,” he chuckled. “Tony said that once…”
You laughed with him. Despite your paranoia, Thor was very easy to get along with. He had such a kind easygoing nature, and it was why you were so inclined to trust him. You suddenly thought about something, something you hadn’t considered before, and your heart skipped a beat.
“Do you think they’re looking for you?” you kept your tone light.
He talked about the other Avengers quite often, and it definitely seemed like they would be searching for him. You didn’t need anyone else discovering you.
“More than likely,” he answered as you faced him with new bandages. “…but I shall not remain here for much longer. I shall soon be out of your hair, Lady Y/N.”
You threw him a crooked smile before looking away when he removed his shirt, sitting down.
“You can just call me Y/N. I’ve told you that,” you murmured as you approached him.
His chest shook as he laughed, and you swiftly removed the old bandage. You frowned a bit, noticing that he was practically healed. However, you were no doctor. Thor clearly must still be in some sort of pain and discomfort, so you moved to get some cream to rub over his stomach. You could feel his eyes on you.
“Are you ill, Lady Y/N?”
You briefly glanced up at him and found his gaze on you, blue eyes inquiring. There was something else there, hiding within the curiosity that you could not name.
“No, why do you ask?”
“I saw you ingesting some medicine just before I came in. I want to make sure that you are well…”
Your heart skipped a beat, but you kept your face neutral and voice light as you chuckled.
“It’s just for headaches. I get terrible migraines, and a few years ago it became severe enough where I was prescribed medicine for it. Nothing to worry about,” you told him with a soft smile.
He returned it when you caught his gaze, but again, it did not reach his eyes.
“There! All done,” you said.
He stood, and you stumbled back, unsure if you would ever get used to the sheer size of him. You watched as he began grabbing the blankets and some pillows.
“You really should sleep in the bed, you know,” you sighed. “I really don’t mind sleeping on the floor…”
“Nonsense! I am almost well. You are doing much for me already, the least I can do is let you have your bed,” he replied.
It was similar to what he’d said the third night when he insisted you take the bed. You exhaled in defeat, but eventually nodded. It was almost crazy how quickly you’d grown to be comfortable around the blond Avenger. You didn’t think the paranoia would ever go away, a product of your upbringing, but a good portion of you felt safe around him.
You slid into your bed with ease as he made himself comfortable on the floor beside you. The first two nights, you couldn’t even relax enough to go to sleep until he was, but your body sagged with fatigue as soon as you made yourself comfortable. Sleep claimed you almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
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Thor was awake before you when you finally stirred. The smell of bacon and eggs in the air took you by surprise, and you sat up with a confused smile. You didn’t even know he knew how to use the stove, but you were pleasantly surprised, nonetheless.
“Good morning, Lady Y/N,” he boomed.
“Morning,” you mumbled as you got out of bed.
“This is my show of gratitude for being such a hospitable host,” he said as you neared him. “Sit.”
The command shot straight through you, and you frowned at him, only briefly, but eventually you sat. A plate was sat before you not long after, and you eyed the food, stomach growling.
“I didn’t know you could cook,” you told him as he sat down across from you.
He threw you a playful wink, golden locks brushing his shoulders.
“There are a great many things you do not know of me.”
You chuckled before digging in. You glanced out of the window, noticing the clear sky.
“I believe I shall take my leave tomorrow,” he suddenly said.
You returned your gaze to him, somehow simultaneously relieved and disappointed.
“You’re feeling much better then…”
“I am. It is thanks to you,” he sincerely replied. “I would very much like to spend the day helping you. Whether it be going into town or in the garden.”
You smiled at him.
The rest of breakfast passed in a comfortable silence. You were all too happy to admit that Thor cooked better than you did. It was enjoyable, and yet, you kept feeling like you were forgetting something. When Thor stood to clear the table, he lingered by your chair. You looked up when his hand landed on your shoulder. You tensed, but his thumb brushed over a place where your shoulder met your neck, and you instinctively relaxed.
“So which shall it be first?”
You were momentarily dazed, blinded by his grin before blinking.
“Uh…the m-market. I need more seeds,” you quietly told him.
He nodded and moved away. It took a moment for you to clear your head. Another to realize he’d eventually stepped out to allow you to get dressed. You did so quickly, still feeling a nagging in your mind that was trying to remind you of something very important.
Thor’s “disguise” in town merely consisted of a dark hoodie and some shades. He didn’t stray from you the entire time, and his constant presence brought out conflicting emotions in you. His hovering unnerved you, but something in your stomach fluttered every time his arm brushed along yours or he touched your shoulder with his hand.
He didn’t relent when you made it back to your cottage. His constant touches and praises were making your heart race. Thor was attractive, anyone could see that, and it wasn’t like you hadn’t noticed, but you found yourself eyeing him more than usual. You found yourself inhaling his scent at times. You didn’t understand where this had come from…until you were soaking in the hot water that night.
You sat up with a shock, water splashing as you stared at the wall in front of you with wide eyes. Your heart felt like it was going jump out of your throat as your eyes slowly trailed to your cabinet. Hurriedly you jumped out of the tub, almost tripping in the process. Water splashed everywhere as you wrapped the towel around you and ran to the cabinet.
Everything was suddenly making sense. You normally took them first thing in the morning, before Thor even woke up, but he’d woken up first this morning and it had slipped your mind. You surmised that your double dosages were the only thing keeping your body somewhat under control. You couldn’t believe that you had forgotten to take them this morning. You couldn’t believe that…they weren’t here.
Frantic, you pushed other bottles and glasses around, but your eyes weren’t playing tricks. They were gone. You heard the door open behind you, and your stomach dropped to your stomach. You spun around to find Thor leaning against the doorjamb, your pills in his hand. He turned them over, eyeing them as he let out a low hum.
“Do you know how dangerous these are?”
You didn’t know what to say, mouth opening and closing.
“Do you have any idea what these do to you?”
Anger coated his tone, and you couldn’t hold in the whimper that climbed out of your throat at his ire. His eyes met yours, and your lower back hit the sink.
“Thor,” you quietly pleaded, all of your parents’ warnings hitting you at once.
He stepped inside, and you flinched.
“I won’t expose you,” he murmured, and you didn’t know if you should be relieved or not. “I would never do that.”
His eyes softened, and your shoulders sagged. Your relief was short lived when he marched towards you though. Frightened, you stumbled away from him, only to realize too late what he was actually doing.
“No,” you cried as he poured them down the sink, reaching for his hand.
He caught yours in an iron grip, pulling you against him. Your lip trembled as he looked down his nose at you, inhaling. You felt warm, and you tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let you.
“…but I don’t want you taking those anymore.”
You glared at him, and a low rumble sounded from within his chest, eating away at your annoyance. Your face fell, tears in your eyes before you eventually nodded. He was leaving tomorrow… After that, you could do whatever you want.
“Okay,” you whispered.
His jaw clenched, and one of his hands came up to rest in the crook of your neck, drawing patterns into the skin.
“Promise me…omega,” he softly said.
A shiver ran down your spine at the command…at what he’d called you. No one had ever referred to you as that before, and it made your stomach clench.
“I promise.”
His eyes narrowed, and for some reason he didn’t seem satisfied, but he relented. His hands landed on your bare shoulders, and you found yourself leaning towards him.
“Get dressed, omega, and get some rest.”
You watched as he left the cottage to give you privacy. Shaky, you eventually dressed yourself. No matter how hard you tried, your hands wouldn’t stop trembling. Thor knew…and he’d gotten rid of your suppressants. You were beyond terrified, but Thor said he wouldn’t out you. To be honest, you could get into a lot of trouble for what you had done, so you wanted to believe him.
It was quiet when he returned, the air tense. You nervously eyed him, and Thor noticed. He heaved a sigh, resting his hand on your head, stroking your hair. It was oddly relaxing.
“It is late, and you must rest. You are safe with me…”
His blue eyes met yours as you mulled over his words. In the days you’d known him, he had never once made you feel unsafe. So, against the odd feeling in your gut, you nodded and made your way to your bed. You could hear Thor gathering his own pillows and such as you made yourself comfortable.
It took you forever to fall asleep, heart racing at the knowledge that this alpha had found you out and gotten rid of your suppressants. That you were alone with him. He’s a hero, one of the good guys. You repeated that to yourself over and over again until you finally drifted into sleep.
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It was sometime in the night when you were pulled from sleep. You didn’t know why, but you could faintly feel movement, the bed moving with it. You didn’t understand what was happening at first, not until you felt hands on you. You murmured incoherently, stirring, but your own movements were somewhat restricted. A heat surrounded you that wasn’t your own.
You felt…caged in.
You blinked, eyes fluttering open as your blurry vision finally cleared, colors and shapes separating to make up what was before you. You felt hot, much too hot to be considered normal. You moved again, leg dragging along the bed, but something prevented you from moving them completely. Your own eyes focused in on blue ones, and you gasped.
“Thor,” you mumbled, confusion and sleep still fogging your brain. “What…?”
He shushed you, and his lips brushed against your own. You couldn’t comprehend that your mouth was moving against his, tentatively…unsure. His lips were soft, pillowy even, and you absentmindedly wondered if kissing was always like this. It grew heated, his mouth pressing against yours, almost harshly, and that was when reality hit.
With a horrified yelp, you finally moved to shove against him. It was futile, and you knew this. Thor was a god, literally, and he had the physique of one. Tears kissed your eyes as he didn’t move, instead pressing himself against you more firmly. You protested against his lips.
“Thor-! Stop, stop,” you gasped.
His hands kneaded any part of you they could reach. You were crying now as he tore at your clothes, the sound of tearing fabric reaching your ears. This couldn’t be happening. He was one of the good ones…
“You’ve been poisoning yourself for a year,” he murmured, voice deep and pained.
You shivered beneath him when the cold air hit you, but he was quick to envelope you in his arms. It was then that you realized he was naked, had been since before you awoke it seemed. You felt like you were going to be sick, but that primal part of you, the one that your genetic makeup controlled, did not hold the same sentiments.
“I do not even want to imagine what you have done to your body…my little omega,” he whispered into the darkness.
You frantically shook your head at that, hitting against him now.
“Thor, p-please,” you begged, voice horse. “You said…you said I was safe with you.”
Your tone was accusatory, anger at both him and you filling you. Your parents had been right. They had always been right, and you had even seen it for yourself. Why did you allow yourself to trust him?
The moonlight shed some light into the cottage through the window, and you could see a frown on his handsome features.
“You are safe with me. I shall take care of you from now on…like you should have been cared for all this time,” he responded.
“No, no!”
You punched his chest, nails digging into his skin, and he hissed, eyes flashing dangerously. In one swift movement, he’d flipped you, pressing your chest into the mattress. One hand was pushing into your back while the other pinned one of your wrists down.
You cried harder when his legs made a home in between yours, spreading them apart. You could feel him hard and throbbing against the back of your thigh, and you shook beneath him. He gently shushed you, but it did no good.
You were growing hotter by the minute, and even though you hadn’t experienced one in over a year, you knew what was happening to you. You could feel yourself growing slick, your core hot and aching for only what an alpha could give you.
His lips grazed your cheek as he leaned over you, rubbing the tip of his cock against your wet folds. His chest vibrated against your back, soothing sounds leaving his lips, and you fought against the feeling that threatened to wash over you. You opened your mouth to plead with him, but the only thing that escaped your lips was a pained gasp as he thrust into you.
You whimpered, more tears falling over and nails digging into the pillows. You attempted to crawl away from the pain, away from him, but he followed, twitching inside of you as he did so. His blond hair kissed your cheek as he pressed his forearms into the bed beside your head, caging you in.
You couldn’t feel anything but him, smell anything but him. His presence was everywhere, and it was getting harder to resist your own instincts. You whimpered again as he started to move, fresh tears spilling over.
“It’s okay,” he whispered. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you, my sweet omega.”
You shuddered, clenching around him, and he hissed. Your eyelashes fluttered, feeling as if you could feel him in your stomach. His thrusts were slow and purposeful, each pull of his cock pulling a whine from you. You pressed your forehead against the pillow, breath shallow and lips trembling as you fought between what you wanted and what your body wanted.
The bed began to shake as he started to speed up, and the intensity made you flinch, attempting to get away again. His other hand grabbed your other wrist, and he completely fell against you, rendering you immobile as he rutted into you. Unintelligible noises escaped you, and you realized that you could do nothing but lay there and take his cock.
The noises your slick core made in the quiet cottage embarrassed you, heat flooding your cheeks. Thor moaned above you, lost in the feel of your velvet walls clenching around him again and again. It was only when his teeth grazed along your throat did you start to struggle again.
“No, no,” you screamed, attempting to push your elbows against him.
He only shushed you in what was meant to be a soothing tone. Against your will, you could feel yourself beginning to shake, body seizing up in a way you had never experienced. It was in that moment did you feel his teeth sink into the skin of your neck, where it connected with your shoulder. You screamed again, the yell dying down into sobs as you felt a thin line of blood crawl down your skin. Even worse, you could feel him swelling inside of you.
You wanted to try and crawl away again, away from him and the pain, but you knew how stupid that would be with Thor knotted inside of you. You were practically hysterical now, chest heaving and vision blurry as he remained inside of you. He finally pulled his face away, and you couldn’t hold in the whimper. He ran his tongue over your neck, humming.
Sleep crawled along the peripheral of your mind, and you didn’t know whether to fight against it or accept it with open arms. You didn’t know whether you wanted to fight to get away or give up and come to terms with your new harsh reality. The latter was starting to win.
“I shall have to get Bruce to look over you and make sure you did not do permanent damage to yourself,” he murmured against your skin.
You groaned in response, both the physical and mental assault taking a toll on you.
“Your little cottage shall remain here. We can come to visit and vacation from time to time. I shall want to bask in these memories in the future…”
“Thor,” you pleaded, still unable to move with him inside of you.
“…I am your alpha now. No more of that vile poison and no more fending for yourself. You belong to me now.”
You felt yourself drifting, blinking at the wall, and his lips brushed against yours.
“I shall take care of you as you took care of me.”
tags: @nerdygirl8203​ @xoxabs88xox​ @mcudarklibrary​ @darkficreposter​ @villanellevi​ @readermia​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nickyl316h​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @ne-gans​ @
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writing-imagines · 4 years
Jackson’s Favorite Trader // An Ellie Williams imagine
Request: Since you said you wanted more ellie requests I thought I send one in so how about a Reader x ellie where R is like the one every girl likes and they're really cool and confident and ellie is just head over heels for them it's cute and fluffy
Warnings: none, just fluff and some angst if you squint hard enough
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Saying you were tired was an understatement. Your eyelids felt like they weighed a hundred pounds each, taking a single step felt like running a marathon, and your shoulders felt like they had the literal weight of the world on them. Even though you were exhausted you still put on a happy face for everyone.
The trading trip hadn’t gone as planned, resulting in you coming back nearly empty handed and fully experienced in being caught in a life or death situation. The freezing cold temperatures and seemingly endless amount of snowfall didn’t help either. You replayed the trip in your head, wondering what Tommy and Maria would say about the lack of supplies.
“Y/n is back!” A high pitched voice called out the second you walked out of the stables, effectively pulling you out of your thoughts. You looked up from the snow covered ground to see a small group of children sprinting towards you. You instantly smiled when you saw the kids running towards you, knowing exactly what they wanted.
“Did you get us any candy?” A little redhead girl asked while excitedly jumping up and down.
“Yeah, did you get us any candy, y/n?” A smaller boy with green eyes asked while tugging on your jacket.
“What about crayons?” A little blonde girl asked and tugged at your jeans.
“No candy or crayons, kiddos. But I did manage to get you these.” You reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out three small wooden race cars. The kid’s eyes all widened as you held the cars out for them to take. They each grabbed one and smiled as if they had just received a puppy.
“Thanks, y/n! You’re the best!” The little boy threw his arms around your legs before quickly running back towards town. The little girls also gave you a quick ‘thanks’ before following the little boy. You felt a warm feeling form in your chest as you watched them run away. There was something about seeing people smile in the terrible world that made you happy.
You continued your journey to Main Street, practically following the kid’s footprints. As you rounded the corner of the tailor’s shop, an oh so familiar voice called out for you.
“Y/n!” You quickly turned your head towards the sound of the voice to see Jesse making a beeline towards you. His smile was bigger than all of the kid’s smiles combined.
“Well, well, well. Look who decided to come back to Jackson. The whole town thought you abandoned us for Rockwell.” Your best friend pulled you into a hug and lifted you off the ground for a moment. You would never admit it, since it would only grow Jesse’s ego, but you actually really missed him.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily. I would have been back sooner, but things went a little haywire once I crossed the river outside Charlottesville.” You pulled away from the hug and immediately noticed Jesse’s furrowed eyebrows.
“What happened?” You looked away from your friend’s eyes and nervously bit your lip. You really didn’t want to relive that part of the trip, but you knew Jesse would pry if you didn’t.
“A horde came through and I had to hide in an abandoned hunter’s cabin until it passed. It took two days I think.” Jesse’s face fell before he let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that alone, y/n. I should have gone with you.” Your best friend dropped his head, obviously frustrated that he didn’t go with you on the trip. Not wanting him to feel bad, you placed a supportive hand on Jesse’s shoulder.
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up. I came back in one piece, didn’t I?” Jesse raised his head, his sad expression was replaced with a slight smile.
“Yeah, you did.” You allowed your hand to drop back to your side as Jesse’s smile grew a little more.
“Then there’s nothing to feel bad about, Jesse. If anything, discovering the horde is a good thing. I’ll tell Tommy about it and he can warn the patrols to stay away from that part of the river.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. But I’m definitely tagging along next time, okay?”
“We’ll see about that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find Tommy.”
“No, I’ll find Tommy and tell him. It’s the least I can do.” You opened your mouth to protest, but allowed your lips to press together again. Normally you would protest and insist on telling Tommy yourself, but you were growing more exhausted by the minute.
“Okay. Remember, it traveled-”
“On the other side of the river outside Charlotteville. I got it, y/n. Now, go home and get some sleep.” Jesse playfully slapped your shoulder, effectively bringing smiles to both your faces.
“Thanks, Jesse. I appreciate it.” You waved goodbye to your friend and spun around on her heels to continue the journey home.
You only made it a few steps down the Main Street before people started noticing your return home. Constant strings of “Y/n is back!”, “look who it is!”, and “welcome home!” rang out as you made your way home. Of course, you gave every passer by a smile and wave to let them know you appreciated their warm welcome home.
By the time you reached your shared home, technically garage, you were running on fumes, your whole body feeling ready to give out. The moment you stepped through the door you took your coat off and kicked your boots off, fully prepared to climb into bed.
“You’re back.” An almost shocked voice said from the other side of the room. Your head shot up from your feet to see your girlfriend standing in the kitchen area, fully dressed in her usual patrol clothes. The sight brought a smile to your face.
“Yeah, I am.” You barely got the words out before Ellie strutted to you and threw her arms around your shoulders.
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again, y/n. I thought something bad happened.” Ellie pulled away just enough to cup your face, her thumbs running over your cheek bones.
“I’m sorry. I got caught up with...some stuff.” Ellie’s face fell at your words. She knew whenever you were “caught up” with something it wasn’t good.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I was really fucking worried.”
“I know and I’m sorry, babe.” You tightened your hold around her waist, effectively pulling Ellie flush against you. You two stood in silence for a while, simply enjoying the feeling of being back in each other’s arms. The peaceful silence was inevitably broken by a deep yawn that slipped out of you.
“Someone sounds tired.” Ellie said with a small laugh. She pulled away, making you instantly miss her touch and warmth.
“Yeah, I’m just a little tired though. I did only travel from one side of the county to the other and back. No biggie.” You shrugged your shoulders and watched as your girlfriend rolled her eyes at you.
“Okay, smart ass. Go change and lay down.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
You quickly placed a soft kiss on your girlfriend’s cheek before making your way over to the dresser. With little care, you picked out a fresh pair of clothes and quickly discarded your cold wet ones. As you changed you looked over your shoulder, wondering if Ellie was watching you. Usually after you returned from a long trade, Ellie would watch you like a hawk. Sure enough, she was watching you, but from the comfort of the bed.
“What are you doing?” You asked as you slipped an oversized shirt over your head. Ellie watched contently as you slid on an old pair of sweatpants.
“Waiting for you to get in bed, duh.”
“Don’t you have patrol this morning?” You asked before climbing into bed and facing your girlfriend.
“I do, but I can be late.” Ellie draped an arm over your side and pulled you closer to her. You raised your eyebrows with a questioning look.
“Can you now?”
“I think Maria will understand this time.”
“If you say so. Just don’t blame me when she lectures you about responsibility.” You chuckled as your eyes threatened to flutter shut.
“I won’t. Now, get some sleep.”
You didn’t respond, instead you nuzzled your face in Ellie’s neck. Before you fell into a very much needed deep sleep, you felt Ellie hold you a little tighter and place a soft kiss on your head.
“I love you.” She whispered, unintentionally keeping you awake for a few moments.
“Love you too, El.” You mumbled before finally succumbing to exhaustion. While you slept peacefully all Ellie could think about was how relieved she was that you were finally home, in the safety of her arms.
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imalemonthatrants · 3 years
Alien Invasion Apocalypse AU LawZo
Detailed summary fic style, because I can't write full fics without wanting to die. This one is pretty fragmented with my ideas, so it'll be choppy. I just wanted to put out my dark!Law and Zoro fic. Alien!Law and Human!Zoro
Part one, cause I didn't realize I was going to write such a long fucking world building opening. Dark Lawzo should be found in part two. I will admit, it does seem pretty zolu in this though.
Earth was invaded by aliens when Zoro was 18 and chilling at Luffy's place, a promise to the younger boy's older brothers to take care of Luffy until they came back. Not that Zoro needed to make that type of promise, as he saw the excitable, straw hat wearing boy as his own younger brother, but sometimes, it's the words being said that make his resolve that much stronger.
And his resolve to take care of Luffy and make sure he stayed safe and alive in the midst of an alien fucking apocalypse had to be strong when it came to the crazy boy.
At first, Zoro convinced Luffy to wait at home, in the throes of their city where the aliens have yet to descend to, that's protected by policemen and army men and all that jazz. It worked well for about a week before Luffy declared that they should just go to Ace and Sabo instead. Two people that were in two very different locations.
It didn't help that civilian communication lines have gone completely down, leaving them in the dark of how the two brothers were doing. And Zoro, though he KNEW that staying in a well guarded and protected place was the best course of action, was also secretly worried for the two men. Anyways, Luffy had him watching his back, and there's no way Zoro would let Luffy die in any way, shape, or form without him dying first. And he doesn't plan on dying.
So they leave. Literally having to sneak out the city turned base with a food supply that Zoro clumsily gathered and in an old beat up car. Luffy, of course the shitty brat, goes through what Zoro had thought would be a week's worth of food within a day, they're fucking lost as all hell, because the GPS obviously doesn't work, what with satellites being taken over by aliens, and neither of them really knew which way to go, and aliens could be at the next fucking exits they take, ready to kill and murder them or capture and enslave them or whatever the fuck the aliens were doing with humans. Fuck if Zoro knew at that time.
How they got from that fucked situation to it being a year later, Zoro, 19, Luffy, a young 17, and somehow, the kid is a beacon of HOPE to humanity in a world on the brink of destruction against another species far superior in all ways to humans. Through that year of struggle, as they go from city to city, war zone to war zone, trying to find Ace and Sabo, who's fled their original location as it was one of the first places to be attacked, Zoro's stuck by his promise without a hint of hesitation.
He's taken plasma bullet after plasma bullet for the younger boy. Clashed plasma swords (that he's looted or snatched off of unsuspecting aliens) against plasma swords aimed at his precious best friend's neck. He's learned to keep one eye open in the nights, as both of them slept like the dead, and grew experienced in battle, in fights against creatures physically stronger and faster than him. He's broken bone after bone, bled out pint after pint of blood, but he never hesitated to follow Luffy into battle. Doesn't hesitate to go through with Luffy's definitely-not-a-plan-but-Luffy-says-it-is plans and fully supported the straw hat wearing boy through all his choices.
But even then, Zoro knew that Luffy was wearing down. Through their travels, they've met people after people, saved hundreds and lost handfuls, and all of them grew to rely on the never faltering smile that was etched onto Luffy's face. But Zoro knew Luffy, and despite the insanity and seemingly unstoppable force that the boy portrayed, Luffy was still that.
A young boy.
And the fact that they've yet to see or hear about his older brothers were beginning to weigh on the boy. It's there, lingering in Luffy's eyes, when he's staring up at the skies, away from prying eyes. Luffy, no matter how naive he acted or seemed, knew what he meant to their current growing army. He was their source of strength, their rock, the anchor to weigh them on rocky ocean waves, and him showing weakness would only incite fear and incertainty.
One night, long after a wild party thrown for another close victory in a skirmish against the aliens, Luffy had shuffled over to his side. ("Zoro, let's have a sleepover!" Luffy said with his usual odd laugh. It's not much a sleepover, considering they've been sleeping next to each other for the past year, but Zoro lets the younger boy call it that.) Even though there was plenty of room to camp out in the worn and battered building, Luffy had slid his bedroll next to Zoro's, connecting the two with the zippers and slipping in to curl next to him.
Surprisingly, Luffy doesn't chatter away like he always did until he fell asleep. The boy doesn't fall asleep, either. Zoro knew Luffy wasn't asleep because they've slept next to each more times within the past year than they had in the other remaining 10 years that he's known the kid. He's stayed awake from the pain of his injuries, listening to his very much alive and mostly unharmed best friend breath in and out, a snore often times breaking the rhythm, and occasionally, some sleep talk.
So it doesn't surprise him when he felt Luffy's fingers grip onto his tattered shirt, head bowed against his back.
"...Do you think Ace and Sabo are alive?" Luffy asked quietly, then and there, his voice so weak, so fearful, that Zoro could be told it was someone else other than Luffy, and he'd probably believe them.
But Zoro knew that this was Luffy. And if he were to be honest, he would tell the boy that he didn't know, that with how the world was currently there was a high chance that they weren't. But he doesn't. Instead, he told him,
"Of course."
Because who was Luffy to rely on if not for him, the boy's best friend and the one who's followed him throughout this entire journey through a time of chaos and danger.
Luffy chuckled into his shirt, grip relaxing, the tension leaving his body.
"If Zoro says so, then it has to be true." Luffy said sleepily, his voice so calm and serene that Zoro doesn't regret lying. "Zoro never lies to me."
Even with those words slipping out of the boy's lips as he went to sleep, Zoro does not regret. Instead, he simply believed in his own words, silently reminding himself of a promise to two men and pressing himself back against the younger boy as he fell into a light sleep.
It was weeks later, when their close victories were slowly becoming closer and closer to losses. Not quite losses, as at the end of the battles, it is they that come out on top, the aliens forced to retreat back instead of scouring the area for stragglers to kill or enslave. But the increasing number of casualties, the way the aliens were beginning to become stronger and more powerful than before, now with unique abilities that Zoro had believed only to have existed in fiction, and the way Luffy was beginning to exit battle more and more battered, as Zoro is unable to defend the boy's back as much due to the increasingly difficult opponents, told a different story.
Then it finally happened. The end of yet another close battle, Luffy, weak and wobbly, perhaps from lost of blood and blows to the head. A falling water tower loosened by the battle around them. Zoro doesn't hesitate, as always. Doesn't hesitate to rush over, forcing his battered and destroyed body over to knock the boy out of the way pounds of falling steel.
A broken corner of a steel plate jammed into his body, knocking him down to his back. He's clumsily trying to resist the weight of gravity and steel with his arms, trying to stop the mess from completely cutting him in two and he could feel muscles and tendons and ligaments snapping, bones succumbing to a weight that his battered body could not longer support. Vaguely, he could feel support pipes stabbing through him like a pin cushion in his stomach and his thighs and something crushing parts of his ankles, guaranteeing that he would not walk out of this alive.
There's water, too. Dripping onto his face, but Zoro wondered if it was sweat or blood, and knew for a fact that the warm liquid he felt pooling under him was his own blood.
When everything finally settled, when the fog of exhaustion clears a little to every single bit of his body screaming of pain, he made of Luffy's voice. Shrill, distressed. He could hear the boy banging at the steel that's piled on top of him, could feel parts shifting, making him wanting to scream as metal dug deeper into his body with every movement.
"ZORO." He could hear Luffy scream. The boy repeated it over and over, and Zoro gritted his teeth, because moments before this, he saw the telltale signs of reinforcements coming in. Enemy reinforcements.
"Luffy." Zoro forced out, his voice more steady than he had expected.
"Zoro, you're okay!" Luffy replied back. "You're okay. I'm going to get you out of this." And Zoro gritted his teeth at the relief in the boy's voice, glad that the other cannot see the state his body was in.
"No, Luf." Zoro said. "You have to go."
"...What?" Luffy said, small and frightened.
"Luffy, you have to get away." Zoro repeated.
"No!" He could hear the boy scream, anger and desperation in his voice. "No! I'm not leaving you here! I can get you out!" The metal moved some more and Zoro held back his scream, even as tears pricked at his eyes, blurring his vision more than it already was.
"Luffy." Zoro choked out. "There are more coming. I saw them."
"It's fine! I can beat them." Luffy shouted. "I can get you out of this!" The metal shuffled more violently, stars dancing in Zoro's vision.
"Luffy, no." He gasped out. "You can't stay. Everyone needs you, Luf. You need to get them out of here."
And this paused Luffy. Zoro knew it would, because he knew Luffy felt responsible for the lives standing behind him. A responsibility Zoro never wanted to use against the young boy. But he had to, to get Luffy to live.
"...I can't leave you here." He heard Luffy whisper. And Zoro squeezed his eyes shut, guilt hurting him far more than the physical injuries that he had.
"I can get out of here on my own." Zoro lied.
"You're lying." Luffy said, his voice shaking. Zoro forced out a laugh.
"When have I ever lied to you?" Zoro said. Luffy doesn't respond, and Zoro pushed once more.
"Just go on ahead, I'll be right behind you."
"...You promise?" Luffy asked, voice as small and weak as the night of their sleepover many nights ago.
"Yes." Zoro said, without hesitation. "I promise."
There was the sound of shuffling, but to Zoro's luck, no shifting of the metal.
"You promised, Zoro." Luffy said, his voice low. "So I better see you again." And then there's the sound of Luffy's footsteps as it grew quieter and quieter as the boy went further and further away.
No doubt, Luffy would try to come back with others, but Zoro is also damn sure that they'll stop Luffy from doing so, because they've probably seen the signs of reinforcements coming in as well.
And because Zoro promised Luffy, he truly did try to escape his steel cage. He forced the snapped muscles and crushed bones of his arms to uselessly push at the steel plate stuck jabbed into his body. Even as it caused the feeling of blood to pool more and more underneath him. Even as his vision goes black for brief moments from the pain. Because as long as he was still breathing, he had to try.
He doesn't know long he had left. Doesn't know how long it'll be for the alien reinforcement to arrive and cut out his possible escape, despite his inability to move anything. He does know when they arrive, though, because he could feel the strange pressure the stronger ones emitted, oddly enough, gathering around him. There's the faint murmur of alien language, that's mostly drowned out of the sound of his own gasping breaths, as he felt his body slowly give up despite his urging not to. And that's all he remembered as he felt the spike of the deadly pressure sending him into what he thought would be eternal darkness.
Zoro doesn't expect to wake up, later on, well and alive, chained naked onto a cold, steel table. Nor the inhuman golden eyes staring coldly at him as he awoke.
"For a human," the alien said, shocking Zoro as he never expected them to speak their language, "you're rather durable." The humanoid creature walked over to him, a needle filled with an unknown substance in their claws. "Perhaps my efforts in keeping you alive will reward me with a subject that won't die within minutes."
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zims-left-shoe · 4 years
Hello, I had a really cute idea for a request if you dont mind. Since it's been lockdown and stuff could I get a Zim x S/o where they're finally able to see eachother after isolation. Bonus for fluff if that's ok with you?
This request??? Amazing. Absolute perfection. And of course there’s going to be fluff!! Chaotic and feral Zim is great, but I love me some soft Zim.
Oh, and there’s no specific age here. Could be high school, could be adults, I’ll leave that up to the reader.
Blinking furiously, your eyes eventually settled on a squint as your phone cast painfully bright light into your face. The surrounding comfort of darkness was fended off by the harsh screen you continued to stare at. Nothing had changed in the past hour, nothing new was written. You weren't sure what you were hoping for. 
A simple 'FINE' within a chat bubble marked the end of your conversation. Normally, you would snicker to yourself about how he flat out refused to write in lowercase, but the anxiety gnawing at your stomach prevented you from doing so. 
Sighing, you rolled onto your side, hanging half off the bed in order to plug your phone in for the night. After that was accomplished, you flopped onto your back, staring into the black abyss that was your bedroom ceiling.
Quarantine had been a lot more difficult than you had originally thought. At first it was fun, you could be as much of an introvert as you wanted and could take care of your responsibilities on your own time and schedule, for the most part anyway. But once the weeks turned into months, and those months began to increase exponentially, it became a problem. Going just a bit stir crazy was bad enough, but the worst part was being unable to see Zim.
Again, at first, you didn't think it would be such a bad thing. He tended to get a bit clingy and possessive, so you thought a little me time would do you some good. But as time stretched onward, you realized that you missed the little roach bastard more than you had anticipated. 
Of course you couldn't see him, considering not only the high human-to-human spread, but neither of you were quite sure to the extent Irkens would be affected, if it would be much more dangerous for Zim than an average human. As if that factor wasn't bad enough, Zim was already a huge germaphobe, so he rejected the idea of even socially-distanced hangouts with masks and all that.
So, being responsible and considerate, you had agreed to stick to text communication. It was fine at first, and you both talked regularly. Until about a month ago. Your worries began at the occurrence of two solid weeks of radio silence. Assuming the best, you waved it off as maybe he went to space and therefore couldn't get Earth cell reception. Finally, he had contacted you again, but brushed off any questions regarding the period of being off the grid. However, any response he gave you was short and simple, often a yes or no without elaboration, even to prompts where those answers weren't even valid. 
This is where the unease began. Your mind began to run rampant with thoughts on the matter. What if he had gotten tired of you? The reasonable person inside of you told you that if that was indeed the case, then his loss, but that didn't mean you had to be happy about it. Just when you would convince yourself everything was fine, you managed to come back with something else, always a variation of the last negative thought. What if he had realized that he liked being alone, that he missed being a lone wolf soldier focused on destroying the world with no one to care about? You could never fully refute that one. After all, was a genetically modified alien soldier truly content being tied down by something such as a relationship?
The only thing that brought you any solace was that he had reached out to you that morning, requesting your presence at his base. Things had gotten better, allowing for the two of you to meet with contact, person to person. Well, person to Irken. Of course, your brain wouldn't let you enjoy that. It just had to spin some tale that would send you into a spiral of dread. Now, as you laid in your bed, sheets bunched in your fists, you were convinced that he wished to break up with you. Well, at least he had the decency to do so in person, if that even was the case.
You wanted nothing more than to be overjoyed that you would finally be able to see him after all this time. You had become quite attached to Zim, more than you ever would like to admit. You should be filled with excitement. However, you felt nothing but a sinking feeling that made your skin crawl. 
"Just...please let me have a good night's sleep, would you?" You pleaded with your mind, shifting onto your side to face your wall, letting your eyes shut tight.
(more under the cut)
Unfortunately, you and your brain have two very different ways of defining 'a good night's sleep'. Trudging into the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead, you couldn't hold back the massive yawn. Stretching, about ten different joints popped as you remembered tossing and turning for a majority of the night. The worst part was the two or so hour period of staring blankly at the ceiling, mind racing with ideas of nothing at all. 
Staring at your reflection in the mirror revealed you to be looking like hell...and not on wheels. More like hell discarded on the side of the road next to an empty shopping bag. Dark circles rested under your eyes, which weren't only from the previous night. Your sleep schedule had been almost non-existent thanks to quarantine, some nights you wouldn't surrender to slumber until three in the morning, and other days you would succumb to sleep's tantalizing claws at four pm. 
Not to mention that you could barely remember the last time you had worn anything but pajamas or sweats. Groaning, you pulled on presentable clothes, as if this was the largest inconvenience you could ever be faced with. Not that Zim would care, but you didn't want to be shown up in the outfit department by a being from beyond who wore the same saturated pink military uniform every day. 
You didn't even bother to glance at the time, it wouldn't matter. Either way, Zim would most likely chide you for being late, even if you were an hour early. You weren't sure if the construct of time even existed in the reality that was Zim's mind. Now that you thought about it, you couldn't say for certain if you had even set a specific time arrangement. All you had agreed upon was to be there some time in the morning.
It didn't matter regardless, he would be there whenever you decided to show up. He hadn't left his base once for the duration of quarantine. Zim had patience when it came to being cooped up for long periods of time, you would give him that much. It was about the only time he had patience, but it counted nonetheless. 
That negative feeling wouldn't cease tugging at you as you meandered your way to Zim's base, quite literally dragging your feet down the sidewalk. Occasionally, you would come across a stray stone or pinecone, and you'd strike out with a half-hearted kick, watching it skitter across the pavement.
The entire walk was forgettable, and you had made the trek enough times for your brain to transition into autopilot until you made it to the fence line. The first few times you went to his place were unsettling. Now, you were completely unfazed as the security gnomes eyed you when you padded up the sidewalk, approaching the door. Their beady laser eyes tracked your every breath, but by this point you were unbothered. Besides, you were fairly sure that Zim had put you on the white list, so they shouldn't shoot at you unless it was a direct order.
You pressed the doorbell, folding your hands neatly in front of you as you waited for Zim to answer, scrambling to get a heartfelt speech together in your head. Whatever string of words you had managed to stitch together was thrown out the window when the door swung open, revealing a very animated GIR decked out in his doggy disguise. He frantically waved a black 'paw' to you, a grin splitting his face.
"Hi, Sparky!!" He hollered in your face, greeting you with a name that wasn't yours, per usual. Before you could even open your mouth to respond, he began talking again, in very much an outside voice. A chip right off the old Irken block. "Didja bring the pizza?!" The little robot inspected your arms curiously, stepping around you to make sure you weren't hiding the greasy pie behind your back. 
"I, uh, wasn't aware I was supposed to be bringing pizza." You knew this was just an instance of GIR being GIR, but you went along with it anyway. He couldn't help himself, it was just the way he was wired. Or, maybe it was the fact that his brains consisted of useless pocket junk. It didn't really matter. GIR moved back to stand obediently in the doorway, you peering around the frame to see if Zim was anywhere to be found. He wasn't, which only made the nerves worse. Despite your worry, you kept your voice even and neutral. "May I come in?"
"Mhm!" He hummed, jumping aside to let you in. You closed the door behind you, standing around awkwardly for a moment before turning back to GIR, who was already shimmying out of his doggy suit.
"Do you know where Zim is?" Something seemed to click with GIR, however, it was not something that would answer your question. The poor robot burst into tears, which also wasn't out of the ordinary, falling face first into the floor and pounding his metal claw on the tile.
"That boy missed you so much!! He so sad, he even cried!! He loves youuu...!" He wailed, loud enough to draw Minimoose into the room who offered a soft and sad 'Nyah', seemingly agreeing with the statement. You couldn't confirm, since only Zim and GIR were fluent in the language you lovingly called 'Moosinese'. Tears continued to stream down the robot's metal face as he screamed, Minimoose resting a comforting purple nub on his back.
"Is that true?" Your response was calm, having dealt with GIR's outbursts many a time. You couldn't attest to the accuracy of his words, considering correct information was almost similar to a Russian roulette wheel when it came to GIR. 
And as if nothing had ever happened, the robot immediately perked up, popping up to his feet with a smile, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. "Yep!! Master's been down in the base the whole time!! Just sittin' there all shmoopy-like!" A giggle followed, pushing his previous bout of sadness into the past.
"Nyah!" Minimoose showed you a bucktooth grin as he looked to you purposefully. 
"Really? Fascinating." Again, you couldn't speak Moosinese, but still, you nodded. The purple moose appeared to be satisfied with your response, floating off to who knows where.
"You wanna come play with the piggy with me?!" GIR bounced up and down, eager to drag you off to roll around on the floor and have a tea party with whatever pig he had brought home this week. 
"Maybe some other time, GIR." You weren't opposed to spending time with the little robot, but he wasn't exactly who you were here to see. He didn't seem offended, all he did was shrug his metal shoulders.
"Okie dokie!" He brought his claw up to his forehead in a salute, turning away from you and making a mad dash to the kitchen. You heard a noisy metallic clang echo from the kitchen, and you didn't need to witness the event to visualize GIR smacking face-first into the cabinet.
"Careful, GIR! My milk squid experiment is in there!" A familiar voice rang out from the kitchen, and two immediate questions sprung to mind. The first was why in the name of anything would you keep milk in the cabinet (even if it related to a squid)? The second being just what in the hell had he been doing all this time?
The whiny complaints had quieted to low grumbles as just the alien you wanted to see paced into the living room, eyes cast downwards, antennae drooping. The words that had been forming in your throat were choked into barely a squeak when you got a closer look at him. Zim still didn't seem to notice you, red bug eyes trained on the tile, hands clasped behind his back. That wasn't the surprising bit. A jacket you thought you had lost some time ago was thrown on over his invader uniform. You couldn't remember if maybe you had left it there or maybe Zim had taken without your knowledge, but either way, he was swimming in it. The sleeves were rolled up to meet his wrists, gloved hands peeking out from the fabric. Most of the jacket itself was well past his thighs, stopping just above the knee. It had been just a bit big on you, so of course it would be massive on him. You felt any unease you were feeling immediately leave at the sight. Clearly, he hadn't been enjoying the separation as much as you thought.
"I was wondering where that coat went." A chuckle slipped past your lips. Finally, Zim seemed to notice you, head snapping in your direction, antennae perking up to attention. 
"Eh?" He didn't quite register your phrase, almost as if he had been wearing your coat for so long that he had forgotten it wasn't a part of his usual attire. "Y/n, I don't-" Zim looked down at himself, finally realizing why you were staring at him like that. He wriggled out of the jacket faster than you could gush about how adorable it was, throwing it forcefully behind the couch. "YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!!" He shrieked, pointing a clawed finger at you, antennae flattening against his head in curt embarrassment. 
"So, you like my stuff, huh?" You asked cheekily, relishing in his refusal to look at you as he unknowingly clutched the hem of his invader uniform, scuffling his boots on the tile. You couldn't help but snicker. It wasn't often Zim would let himself be sheepish, since he normally knew nothing of shame.
"Nonsense!" He waved a hand dismissively, eyes still refusing to meet yours, although without his contacts, it was a bit hard to tell where exactly he was looking if his head wasn't turned. Crossing his arms tight to his chest, he wracked his brain for possible excuses. "I was just, er, working on repairs and didn't want to get my clothes dirty! Yes! I found this filthy piece of clothing and figured it would suffice." You rolled your eyes, knowing full well he would never admit to the true motivations behind his actions.
Lucky for you, someone else chimed in to voice your exact thoughts. "That's a lie." The computer spoke up from nowhere in particular, monotone voice bringing a growl to rise from Zim's throat. 
"YOU'RE LYING!! There is no evidence of this!" The Irken jabbed a claw up towards the direction of the many cables and wires strung across the ceiling. This wouldn't be the first time you've witnessed him get into a spat with his computer. They could be quite entertaining to watch, actually. 
"Proof." The computer said in a matter-of-fact tone, the gargantuan TV screen buzzing to life, static clearing to reveal a recording of internal base camera feed. The date was in Irken, but you were wise enough to surmise that it was from some time over the quarantine. 
The screen displays Zim begrudgingly wandering over to the voot cruiser in the hangar. In the video feed, he looks decently depressed, antennae slack and hanging limp, posture slouched. He climbed into the ship, looking for something. Whatever it was, his search came to an unresolved end as he lifted your jacket from the seat. Apparently, you had left it in there the last time he had taken you for a flight. His eyes darted around to make sure he wasn't being watched, slipping on the coat and hugging his arms to his chest. The sleeves extended well past his hands. He brought them to his face, sniffing them. A delighted smile ghosted his mouth as he rubbed the sleeves against his face.
"Why would you record that?!" His voice cracked at the end, and you were trying your best to hold in a laugh as the TV faded back to static for a split second before opening on another instance.
This time the video depicted GIR and Zim sprawled out on the couch, watching something on the TV. Zim was wrapped in your coat as if it were a blanket, seeming to be content enough with it. GIR had reached out a claw for the article of clothing, wishing to share. Zim hissed, yanking the coat away from his grip, swiping a clawed hand out like a cat. Clearly, he wanted it all to himself. 
This time you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. You tried to apologize, especially since the Irken standing next to you looked absolutely horrified. You were sure he felt his dignity had just faded away right along with the video feed.
"Oh, and my personal favorite." The computer added helpfully as yet another recording presented itself on the TV. This one was a bit tougher to make out. 
Zim was down in the depths of the base, and much was dark, the only light being cast from a large monitor just off screen. You were able to see Zim, sitting on the floor, sporting your jacket. He stared longingly at the sleeves that covered his hands. After a moment he shoved his face into his arms and knees as tears slipped down his face. You could only make out the tears due to the light being thrown from the monitor, making them glisten like jewels. Separation appeared to be much harder on him than you had thought. Maybe that was why he had been ignoring you, although it seemed counterproductive. It was possible that texting you made him miss you more.
Zim was not amused in the slightest by this particular clip. He stamped his foot on the tile, making frenzied cutting motions with his arms.
"COMPUTER!!!" His voice was high in volume, but a nervous chuckle laced each syllable. "I think that is quite enough!" 
The computer groaned, cutting the feed back to static, eventually switching the TV off completely. "I was just trying to be accurate."
"You only seem to care about accuracy when it is of no benefit to Zim!!" You could only imagine what was going through Zim's head in the moment, because from the outside, he was a ball of red hot rage. However, the computer was having none of his antics, going dormant once more.
"Zim? You're up here." You raised a hand above your head to indicate his anger level. "I need you to be down here." You lowered your hand to your abdomen, knowing that was a complete stretch to ask for. Especially since he was so upset he was stringing together curses in Irken. He would only speak in his native tongue around you when he was incredibly furious. His teeth were gritted tightly, foot tapping audibly on the tile.
"That damn computer." His growl was closer to that of a feral animal, and although he was calm enough to speak in English, he still required some de-escalation. 
"Relax, we'll just pretend it never happened."
"Good. Forget about those recordings." His eyes were narrowed, but he was relenting his irritation.
"What recordings?" You shrugged, a smile playing at the corners of your mouth. Zim seemed appeased, and in a split second, all of his anger was gone and replaced by something else entirely. All the fight seemed to leave his body as he looked to you, red eyes softening completely when they caught your own. He seemed relieved to see you, as if being away was one of the hardest things he had been through in years.
Wordlessly, he strode over to you, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into your chest. Soft Zim was a rare occurrence, but these moments were something you absolutely treasured. It almost made the months of isolation worth it. 
You returned the action, and the second you put your arms around him, every muscle in his body relaxed. It was a bit strange, really. To have a hardened alien soldier all but melt in your arms. He wrapped his legs around you as well, clinging to you like a koala. It wasn't hard to maintain balance since he really wasn't all that heavy.
"Couch." He mumbled, his chin resting on your shoulder as his arms were draped around your neck, your own arms supporting him under his legs. A chuckle fell from your lips at his behavior. At first it seemed like he had no energy, but in reality, it was closer to him being soothed by your presence. You were about the only living creature, scratch that, the only thing in the entire universe that could ease him like this; even he wasn't sure why you had this effect on him.
"Sure thing." You walked him over to the couch, using one arm to snag your jacket off the floor before sinking down into the cushions. There was a bit of a strange smell emanating from where you sat, most likely due to GIR spilling countless snacks, messes that weren't completely cleaned up. It wasn't super potent, and in that particular moment, it wasn't one of your concerns.
As you sat on the couch, Zim remained cuddled into you. A snicker slipped out as you tossed your coat over him as if it were a blanket. At first you assumed he would protest, proclaiming that he wasn't cold, nor a weak little smeet who needs to be cared for. So when he removed his arms from you, you were bracing yourself for a lecture and/or rant. However, all he did was tuck the jacket around him better, silently snaking his arms back around you afterward.
"You really did miss me, huh?" It was a redundant question, since without even saying, you both were aware of the answer. Still, you wished to hear him say it. It would put you in good spirits. 
"Your absence was...not pleasant." His voice was uncharacteristically hushed, muffled by your clothes. His words were chosen delicately, as they always were when he didn't want to admit to something that he knew to be true. 
"So you missed me." The smile that was spread on your face shone through your voice. 
"If that is what you would like to think." Zim made an attempt at being snarky, but any mockery in his words was half-hearted at best. Breathing a sigh, you let your head fall back against the back of the couch. You knew full well that was the best you could hope to glean from him, even in his current subdued state.
"For the record, I missed you too."
"As you should. Zim is very great." Looking down, you were met with a sight that melted your heart. The coat still wrapped around him, arms still clinging to you as if you would walk out any minute. Zim's eyes were closed as he laid his head in your lap, quiet purrs rising from his throat as your fingers absentmindedly played with his antennae. You almost thought he would fall asleep. 
"I know. You're the coolest Irken I know." You may have only known one, but still. Zim was pretty amazing in your book, despite being a self-absorbed idiot at times. A pleasant silence settled over the room for a moment as you continued to twirl his antennae between your fingers.
His eyes still closed, Zim spoke again, mumbling, "Zim's next plan is to eradicate these abhorrent human pandemics." The words slurred together a bit, and although you knew Irkens to not sleep due to lack of biological necessity, whenever he was completely relaxed, he tended to get drowsy. 
"Good luck with that. I support your efforts one hundred percent." Despite the first statement harboring a twinge of sarcasm, the second was completely genuine. 
"Does Zim detect a hint of ridicule?" His words may have been a challenge, but not a single eye opened even a crack, not a single muscle in his body so much as twitching.
"All I'm saying is I haven't seen much progress on your original plan of eradicating the humans, and it's been how many years?" 
"Quiet or I'll steal another one of your inferior human zip-cloth thingies." He may not have technically stolen the first one, but you had to make a mental note to keep track of your jackets and hoodies. Or at the very least, make sure to keep the ones you wore often out of reach. You supposed in the end it didn't really matter. You would know where to find them if they did happen to go missing. And besides, he did look rather cute in them. 
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erin-bo-berin · 5 years
Day Off
Not going to lie, I picked the gif for this fic simply because of his bedhead, but that’s besides the point. This was inspired by the episode Saturday where he had the day off work, just this is way more smutty and a tad bit fluffy. Hope you enjoy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: M (smut)
Word Count: 4,261
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“Did you say a day off?” 
You pause your drying of a plate, turning toward your boyfriend with an arched brow.
Spencer sat at the island eating his dinner—late as usual, while you emptied the dishwasher in preparation to load it again.
“Yup,” he mumbled, his mouth full of food as he scarfed down his first helping of your infamous Mexican chili lime chicken.
“Spence, do you even know what to do with yourself with a day off of work?”
You turn your back to him again as you resume drying dishes, bending down to retrieve another plate.
“Not really,” he shrugged, “What do you want to do?”
“Stay in bed all day honestly,” you chuckled, glancing at the time.
It was nearly midnight, a common time for him to be having his dinner when he was actually in town. You would often stay awake just to spend some time with him.
Working in the FBI meant Spencer worked many long days, leaving very little time for you two to be together. As a writer, it wasn’t unusual for you to get very little sleep between staying up to spend time with him and writing. It was difficult, both the crazy sleep schedule and your relationship, but you made it work.
A smirk graced his face as he took another bite.
“Sounds good to me.”
You’re not sure what time it is when you wake the next morning, but you automatically know something is different.
For one, Spencer isn’t beside you.
He’s under the covers.
Your silk nightgown has been pushed up to your stomach, your underwear pulled down around your ankles.
You’ve quite literally woke up with his head between your legs.
“Morning babe,” he grins against your thigh before kissing it gently.
You move the sheet so you can see him and he peers up at you innocently.
His brown curls are in a tousled array on his head, clearly from sleeping; the several days worth of scruff you’d been nagging him to shave suddenly ten times sexier than you’d even realized. 
There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes and a small smile on his lips. Your stomach flips, your arousal forming deep within you at the sight. 
“What are you doing?”
His lips move closer to your inner thigh, leaving gentle kisses before he answers.
“You said you wanted to stay in bed, so I thought I’d make that possible.”
He kisses your slit gently, teasing you just enough, making you bite your lip.
“Besides, it’s not like we get to do this everyday,” he answered.
His tongue glides up your slit, making you inhale sharply before you can answer him.
Your voice quivers, the anticipation apparent in the one word.
A quiet moan escapes your lips when his tongue flicks your clit. He’s always good at knowing what you want, even if he liked to tease you and make you wait for it.
His touch leaves you completely and you groan unable to believe that he’s worked you up just to mess with you. 
“Now, now, sweetheart. Patience is important.” 
You half wish you could knock the smirk off his face, but he’s so sexy and adorable at the same time that you can’t find the energy to care. It’s been only minutes since you’ve woken, but now you’re fully awake and throbbing with a ravenous desire, ready for him to do whatever he’s planning to, with you.
His hands splay over your thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze before he leans down, his tongue delving deep within you. You curse, your body already trembling in reaction to his mouth. 
He recedes a few moments later, hands gliding up over your stomach and under your nightgown until they’ve reached your breasts. His mouth returns to your clit, flicking it repeatedly, his hands massaging at the same time.
“Fuck, Spence,” you moan, your head falling back against your pillow.
One hand covers his on your breast, rubbing the mound simultaneously with his hand while the other tangles in his hair as he tantalizes you with his mouth.
His lips enclosed around it, sucking gently before adding more pressure, occasionally alternating between licks and flicks against it. You know he can hear your increasing moans, your release building in the depths of you.
“Don’t stop, Spencer,” you half whine, half moan, inadvertently pushing his head closer to you.
The tension has built up quickly this time, partially from the excitement of this out of the ordinary intimacy. You can feel the sensation deep within you like a balloon filled with too much air, ready to pop. You’ll be damned if he’s gonna stop on you now. 
He hums against you at your warning and you fall over the edge, your eyes squeezing shut and your legs tightening around his neck. 
Your breathing is ragged as you untangle from one another and he pulls your underwear back up in place, kissing your stomach softly. 
His hands gently pull your sleeping attire back down to cover you and climbs back up to the top of the bed. Pushing a strand of hair out of your face, he kisses your forehead.
“What a wake up call,” you murmur, sleepy all over again, “What time is it?”
“Still early. Around 6:30. Sorry, force of habit,” he chuckles, pulling the covers over you.
“Go back to sleep, okay?”
You nod, succumbing to your drowsiness. You feel his lips on your cheek as you shut your eyes and eventually fall back asleep.
You wake to a gentle shake of your shoulder. You’re not sure how much later it is, but the smell of fresh made pancakes fills your nostrils.
“Up for some breakfast in bed?” Spencer grins, holding a plate of pancakes out to you.
Your brows raise and you take the plate from him, sitting up and setting it in your lap. They’re chocolate chip, with no syrup, just butter and a tad of whipped cream, your favorite.
“Did you make these?” you asked.
You pick up the fork and take a bite, closing your eyes in bliss at the warm, chocolaty, delicacy.
“Why yes, I did.”
He grinned, sliding into bed next to you, with his own plate.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Spence, but I didn’t even know you knew how to make pancakes.”
He full on laughs, almost choking on his bite.
“Hey, I’m not that terrible of a cook!”
“Well, you just don’t cook that much is what I meant,” you said, “Really though, who taught you?”
“Okay JJ and Garcia may have helped once, but that’s all I’m saying.”
You snicker, taking another bite.
“Regardless, these are amazing.”
“Thank you,” he beamed, stealing a finger swipe of your whipped cream.
You pretend to act offended, but you’re still smiling. It’s not often that you get to spend mornings like this and it’s extremely nice.
“Now, what show would you like to binge? I know you said you need to catch up on a few of your shows.”
You looked at him like he’d suddenly grown wings and started flying.
“What’s all this? First a sexy wake up call, breakfast in bed and now I get to pick the show?”
“I told you, it’s your day in bed and it’s all about pleasing you,” Spencer said pecking your cheek.
His lips moved just slightly towards your ear, his hand sliding across your thigh.
“In more ways than just one,” his words come huskily in your ear.
Then he pulls back, as if he didn’t just give you chills from head to toe, resuming to eat his pancakes.
“Besides,” he continues, obliviously, “You deserve this, Y/N. You’ve put up with so much with me and work. Cancelled plans, always traveling, late nights. I wanted to spoil you.”
You smile, watching him eat, awed at how sweet he was and you tell him so, thanking him.
“Anything for my best girl.”
He picks up the remote, turning on Netflix.
“So, Law and Order: SVU or The Walking Dead?”
“The Walking Dead,” you answer immediately.
“Good. I don’t know how you can watch SVU, I see enough of that stuff at work,” he shakes his head.
You smile to yourself. That was precisely why you chose what you did.
“Never thought I’d be watching a former cop kill zombies on my day off,” Spencer mused.
“Walkers,” you correct him from the other end of the bed.
You’d made yourself comfortable, laying on your stomach towards the end of the bed, half lying on the pillow that you were clutching to your chest. Spencer sat against the headboard, his hands behind his head, watching with you.
You both still remained in your pajamas, your dirty breakfast dishes on the nightstand, forgotten. 
He nudged your leg with his foot.
“Hey, don’t tease me. I don’t usually have time to keep up with shows.”
“Besides, when you’re having writer’s block or procrastinating writing, you always turn to Netflix.”
He moves down the bed towards you, hands sliding up your arms and on your shoulders as he kisses your cheek.
“Guilty,” you mumbled.
His hands start massaging your shoulders gently for a few seconds.
“Mmm, that feels good.”
“Dang, baby, you’re tense.”
He frowns, his fingers rubbing with a tad more pressure.
“Book deadlines are stressing me lately. I just barely made this last one,” you groan, partly from the thought and partly from his hands ridding the knots in your neck and shoulders.
“Well why don’t we just relax you then, hmm?”
His hands move under your nightie, massaging your back, paying special attention to all the places where the stress had seemed to knot your muscles.
“Dear God, what aren’t you good at, Spencer?” you mumbled.
“Singing. But that doesn’t stop me from doing it.”
You laugh, distracted enough to the point that you didn’t even realize his hands had moved to your legs, massaging your calves one by one. 
With hands spread across the backs of your thighs, he rubs gently up them before moving straight toward your once again throbbing core. He smirks when you start to squirm, knowing just exactly what you want him to do.
He decides to tease you instead.
His fingers trace patterns on the inside of your thighs, amazed at just how soft your skin is. One finger slides slowly along the fabric of your panties, the cute black lace ones he always says he loves to see you in.
You whimper, craving his touch even more now. You’re about to voice your need, when you feel his fingers hook into the waistband of the garment and tug it down your legs. At this point, you have no idea what to expect.
He wastes no time, sliding one finger inside you, eliciting a moan. He takes his time, tantalizing you with his slow movements. His knuckle rubs the inside of you before he doubles the digits, leaning over you, kissing the back of your neck.
You’re not forming coherent thoughts and your strangled moans are mixed with whimpers of his name and broken curses.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whimper as his thumb circles your clit.
It’s not even noon yet and your second orgasm of the day is looming. 
“Would the lady like to cum again?” Spencer mumbles into your neck.
“Yes, god, yes,” you moan, his words almost sending you spiraling, your adrenaline spiked, ready to fall over the edge.
Your moans are muffled in the pillow as his fingers move swifter and faster. Your back arches into him as you break like fragile glass underneath him, your hands gripping the pillow at the overwhelming sensation.
You’d think you’d be spent after the earth shattering climaxes, twice, but you sit up, turning back to him, his own arousal quite evident by now. You pull the nightie over your head, letting it fall where it may before crawling towards him.
Who knew one day off did so much for your libido?
You kiss him fervently, your lips hot against his, moving at a rapid pace. Your hands are busy freeing him of his pajamas while his roam every inch of your exposed skin. Your groan interrupts the kiss as he pinches your nipple between his fingertips, hands covering your breasts.
You get the buttons on his pajama shirt undone while his lips ravish your neck and you push it off him. Leaning forward your lips press against his collarbone making him groan.
It’s one place you know that gets him instantly hard, something you accidentally discovered once. 
He lifts his hips in aid as you pull the last two remaining articles of clothing off him at once. You’re both ready and eager, with no time to waste.
“Y/N, God, baby girl,” Spencer groans as you sink down on him.
Your heart flutters a bit at the sentiment. It’s not often he calls you baby girl and when he does, it’s usually during sex. Somehow, it makes the nickname even more special to you.
His lips collide with yours as your hips begin rocking against his. You gasp softly when you feel his hands on your ass, squeezing gently. 
“Naughty boy,” you giggle, nipping his jaw.
“Yet I’m the agent here,” he grins, when you pull back to look down at him.
Your hips jerk slightly when he hits a sensitive spot of yours and he groans deep in his throat, his tongue moving over his lips and eyes sliding closed.
His hands guide you on him and soon you’re both breathing hard between mixed moans and breathless curses. You bend backwards, head and back leaning away from him. He uses the opportunity, with one hand splayed across your back, to thrust harder into you, bringing you both that much closer to succumbing to your ecstasy.
“Spenc-er,” you moan brokenly, more than ready to let him make you see stars.
Only moments later you’re coming apart at his mercy, your moans loud enough to drown out the tv, which still happens to be playing on Netflix.
Spencer unravels not far behind you, his hair now a mess, his forehead glistening with perspiration, but a pure look of bliss etches his features. The look is still there minutes later after you’ve moved off of him and he lays down beside you, facing you.
You look over his shoulder at the clock that reads 12:07 p.m.
“Three orgasms by lunchtime. Now that’s what I call service.”
He snorts, smirking satisfactorily. He pushes a stray piece of hair from your face, cupping your cheek before pulling your face to his, kissing you sweetly.
It’s not even ten minutes later that you’re both asleep, your body folded perfectly into his.
Late afternoon light streams through the curtains of the bedroom when you open your eyes. 
You sit up carefully, not to wake Spencer who is still sleeping peacefully. With a glance at the clock, you see it’s almost 4. Netflix had stopped playing episodes long ago and returned to the home screen.
Seeing as you’re already naked, you decide you might as well get a shower. You sit up on the side of the bed and you hear Spencer stir behind you.
His arms are reaching for you, his eyes half open.
“Where are you going?”
His voice was still thick with sleep and you smile, taking in his even more so disheveled hair and sleep voice as he rubs his eyes.
“I was gonna hop in the shower.”
“Can I come?” he smirks up at you, propping his head up with his arm.
“Spencer, I refuse to have shower sex. I’d rather not break a bone.”
He laughs, sitting up.
“I just meant it will save water. You know the average American actually uses 17.2 gallons of water in an average shower time of 8.2 minutes, so technically we would be saving water.”
You chuckle. Spencer Reid, part time sex god, full time genius, but you loved him for it. You’re still convinced his knowledge is a huge reason why he’s so good in bed; you wouldn’t be surprised.
“Okay come on,” you grin, heading towards the bathroom.
You’ve just turned on the water to warm up when you feel arms around your waist. He rests his chin on the top of your head before kissing it.
“I love you.”
You smile, your hands resting on his arms.
“I love you too, Spence.”
“Spencer, I swear!”
He laughs as he flicks some of the shower water your way. It was like bathing with a toddler.
Your face breaks into a grin when you catch him off guard with a flick of water back at him.
“Pay back!”
He picks you up, spinning you around to set you on the other side of the shower, but almost slips in the process. You’re squealing and laughing at the same time, holding on to him tightly so you don’t fall. He’s laughing so hard, his eyes have scrunched into tiny slits. You love when he smiles so big that that happens. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen him this happy.
Your laughter dies down and he leans in, kissing you. He may have kissed you a million times already today, but each kiss has left you weak in the knees. You stand there pressed against the shower wall, the water beating against his back and kiss him like you’ve never kissed him before.
He insists on helping you wash yourself.
He takes the bar of soap, lathering it first over your back and down your arms, then turning you to face him and doing the same for your front half.
There’s nothing sexual about it, his touch is gentle and caring as if you’re the most precious piece of china he’d ever laid his hands on.
His hands work the shampoo into your hair, fingertips rubbing your scalp gently. His lips twitch with laughter and you look up at him quizzically.
You feel his hands messing with your hair and soon realize he’s trying to make it stand up with shampoo still in it.
“Very funny,” your own mouth turns up in a grin, unable to even complain; he was just too adorable for his own good.
Your own soapy hands run along his skin, the shower water washing them away almost as soon as they touch his body. You stand on your tiptoes, tongue poked out of the corner of your mouth in concentration as you try to reach his hair. This only makes him smile at your perseverance.
“I got it, hun.”
After your shower—which was much longer than Spencer’s statistic of 8 minutes—you both decide to order a pizza.
The two of you are seated in bed, clothed in fluffy, warm robes chowing down on pizza. You aren’t talking, but it’s a comfortable silence. He’s reading a book and you scroll through social media, just enjoying each other’s presence. A bottle of wine that you cracked open earlier sits on your nightstand next to your glass, his own glass in his hand.
He puts his book aside and looks over at you, speaking only when he sees you pick up your own glass of wine.
“I say we make a toast,” he said, “To days off. Today has been so amazing and I think it’s done me a lot of good.”
You smile, knowing it has.
“To days off.”
Your glasses clink and you take another sip, setting it back on the nightstand. You rest your head on his shoulder and he rests his head on the top of yours. You really hate to see this day end. His fingers trace lazy patterns on the back of your hand and you watch, mesmerized.
“I don’t think I’ve thought about work at all today,” he said.
“When have you had time to?” you snicker, “You have been a tad bit busy.”
You feel his amused grin against your hair.
“Maybe just a tad.”
It’s quiet for a beat, until you speak again.
Something in your voice makes him pull away and look down at you.
“I know your job is busy and work is unpredictable, but do you think, if it’s possible that you could take more days off here and there? It doesn’t have to be super often. I’ve just missed you so much and today has been so wonderful. Sometimes it’s so hard to be without you and it hurts so much how much I miss you.”
You quieten your rambling, feeling ashamed that you’d even ask him such a thing. His work was incredibly important. He helped people, saved lives. Who were you to ask him to take time off to spend it with you when he could be helping others?
Noticing your sudden silence, he frowns. Tipping your chin up with his finger, his eyes search your face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I shouldn’t even be asking. You have people to catch, lives to save and here I am asking if we can spend more time together. I’d just be taking you away from work for selfish reasons.”
“Y/N,” Spencer’s tone is firm, “Yes, work is important but so are you. I can’t expect you to be the only one to make this relationship work. I know we’re in a unique situation with my FBI career, but that doesn’t mean you come second to it. I’d love to be able to spend more time with you and I’d be happy to see what strings I can pull.”
The corner of your mouth quirks and you try to contain your smile.
“Y/N, I know we aren’t perfect, but I’m willing to do anything in my power to keep you. Besides, time off now and then would be good for me as well. You’ll be so sick of spending time with me,” he joked.
“Never,” you breathe as he bends over you, placing his lips on top of his.
You scoot further down on the bed as he climbs over you, his hands untying the belt of your robe. 
The intimacy is a complete 180 from earlier. This time it’s slow and you’re letting yourselves take time to enjoy one another, as if you have all the time in the world.
Spencer kisses every inch of skin exposed as he slowly pulls off your robe. First your shoulders, your collarbones, down your chest and across your stomach.
“I do believe you’re quite pulchritudinous,” he whispered, glancing up at you.
“I’m..what?” you question, dumbfounded.
“Another word for beautiful, my dear.”
His tone was neither condescending nor mean, just matter of fact. He loved showing off his brain, but it was even sexier when it was in the bedroom.
You feel your blush across your entire body and you bite your lip shyly. Your hand moves over his cheek, his stubble slightly scratchy against your hand. His thumbs rub gently across the skin on your hips as he watches you taking him in.
Your hands reach to loosen his own robe belt and he sits back to rid of it before hovering over you again.
His kiss is light as air as he enters you, his hand covering your own and lacing your fingers together with his. His hips move slowly, there being no rush this time around. Your hand moves over the back of his head, through his hair, both of your quiet moans interrupting the kiss.
If earlier was to be described as wild and lust crazed, this was to be described as sweet and affectionate. 
“God, I love you,” he breathed, watching you as he moved within you slowly.
Your hands move down his back, needing more and you tell him so.
“S-Spencer,” you whimper, teeth scraping over your bottom lip, your impending high still too far away for your liking.
Repositioning your hips, his movements gain speed, his kisses tracing down your jaw. His hand is still in yours and you grip his hand tighter. You’re as close as two could possibly get, yet you feel like you can’t possibly get close enough. 
Whether he’s conscious of it or not, his tongue peeks out of the corner of his mouth, all of his attention and determination on pleasing you. 
Your nails rake gently down his back and he groans feeling you clench around him, his own curses growing louder.
“Shit, shit, shit, oh baby,” he groans lowly, coming apart slowly.
He can’t take his eyes off you, the way your skin glows from the slight sweat on your face. The way your lips part in ecstasy at almost any move he makes and the way that you’re so beautiful as you’re unraveling underneath him, vulnerable and so perfect to him.
Afterwards, it takes a few minutes before either of you move. You are completely spent after the days’ activities and you grin lazily up at him.
“Was four orgasms a part of your plan for today too?”
“No, but you gotta admit it was some great improvisation on my part,” he teased.
When you’re settled next to each other again, he pulls the sheet over you both before pulling you into his arms. 
It’s barely 8 ‘o clock, but an early night sounds good right about now. Tomorrow it’s back to the real world. Crime fighting for him, novel writing for you.
But you still have tonight and that’s more than enough.
His voice is the last thing you hear before you drift off to dreamland.
“Goodnight, my love.”
Tag List: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​
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all-le-smut · 4 years
The prompt/lurker anon who hopes they don’t come across as pushy, and is paranoid about tumblr eatings asks: third prompt idea, we see a lot of marionette/ puppet imagery with Janus. How would it look for him to literally puppeteer another side with hypnosis? Would he use his voice or conjure strings, would he freeze/move them around? Bonus points if they’re into it but too embarrassed to say. Love your work, I hope others are inspired to send in prompts!
A Good Puppet 
Summary: Janus starts puppeteering the sides around the house to do his bidding. It starts out innocent, but as the sides start to...like it, it happens more often and gets more heated.
Warnings: Control, puppet, hypnosis, smut
Janus had a hold on the sides, and they had no idea. At any point, he could force their bodies to move a certain way, to do a certain thing. Often, he would make little yellow strings appear onto them, just to remind them that Janus was in control. Sometimes they would be completely in trance, blissfully unaware of anything they were doing at the moment, but sometimes... Janus let them stay awake, aware of what was happening. Just to let them enjoy it a little bit more. After each session, though, he made them forget. But today... today was different.
It was early in the morning. Janus was slithering his way through the halls, deciding which side should be his first victim. After not much thought at all, and going off of pure lust and want, he chose Patton.
He whisked his way into Patton’s room, where the gleeful side was sleeping. Upon having Janus enter his room, he took in a deep breath and stretched. He groggily blinked his eyes open and smiled when he saw Janus.
“Oh, good morning!” he greeted. “What’s up?”
“Stand,” Janus commanded.
Patton blinked, slightly taken aback. “I--what?”
“I said...” Janus stretched out his hand towards Patton, and yellow strings formed around Patton’s wrists and ankles. “Stand.” Janus lifted his hand higher in a graceful sweeping motion, and the strings pulled Patton to his feet.
“Woah! What the--” Patton was cut off when Janus closed his hand into a fist, and Patton’s hand was forced over his mouth.
“Good puppets don’t talk.” Janus grunted. He spun around, his cape drifting in the sudden force of the wind. “Follow.” Janus motioned his hand towards the exit to Patton’s room, and the strings brought him along. Patton looked scared, and yet... slightly allured.
Next was Logan’s room. Janus wanted to see the smug look on Logan’s face be wiped away when he realized that all of his control had been stripped away. The thought made Janus happy, and horny.
Janus and his new puppet entered Logan’s room. Logan was reading quietly and didn’t look up when the two sides entered.
“What do you want?” Logan muttered.
“Look at me,” Janus growled.
“Why?” Logan retorted, keeping his eyes glued to his pages.
“Because you want to look at me,” Janus waved his hand through the air, and those same yellow strings emerged to wrap tightly around Logan’s head and forced his gaze upwards. He looked confused. “It’s so nice to look at me.”
Logan was already trying to fight the chords bound to him, but more strings came to bind his arms and legs. “Janus, I don’t think--”
“Shh,” Janus made a flicking motion with his fingers, and almost immediately Logan’s eyes went crossed and his lips started to leak with drool. “Good puppets don’t need to think. Come along, we’ve got more marionettes to collect.”
Logan nodded obediently and stood. He started following Janus just as Patton was.
“Janus, why are you doing this?” Patton whispered fearfully. “What are you planning to do?”
Janus chuckled. “I just want to have a little fun is all. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have fun too.”
Roman was up next, but they didn’t need to enter his room. Roman met with them in the hallway, immediately suspicious and concerned when he saw the ropes on his friends. “What the hell? Deceit, what is this?!”
Janus shrugged. “Just a little game. Wanna play?”
At that, Roman was infuriated. “How dare you?! Let them go this instant!” Roman went to reach for his sword, but those same strings stopped his arm.
“Or else what, Roman?” Janus teased. “Were you going to fight me?”
Roman was trying with all his might to pull against the ropes and reach his sword, but it was to no avail. “Oh, you bet your ass I’ll fight you!” His unchained hand balled into a fist and swung around in an attempt to punch Janus.
Patton cried out in horror, Logan remained ignorant, and Janus didn’t flinch. Roman’s fist was near inches from his scaly face and yet, the punch had stopped mid-strike thanks to Janus’s trusty strings.
“How silly. Didn’t you know?” Janus purred.
“Know what?” Roman spat.
Janus leaned in to whisper his next sentence into Roman’s ear. “Good puppets don’t need to move on their own.”
And just like that, Roman was just as helpless to Janus’s puppeteering as the two others were. As much as he fought, his strength was nothing compared to the hypnotic binds wrapped around his body. At last, Roman let his arms go slack as to save his strength for a later fight.
Next would have been Virgil, but Janus found Remus and Virgil arguing in the living room. Virgil was sitting on the couch, muttering to himself furiously while Remus screeched about who knew what. Once Janus entered the room and his puppets followed, Roman called out.
“Virgil!” Only one word escaped Roman’s lips before Janus shut him up. Virgil immediately turned his attention to the newly arrived sides and stood up in a panic.
“What the hell...?” he whispered.
Remus looked at all of the tied up sides and started to clap his hands happily. “Oh, we’re doing this again! This is going to be fun. Janus, you know how I like it~” Remus cooed.
Janus rolled his eyes and, with a wave of his hand, strings appeared around Remus’s neck, wrists, ankles, and dick. The yellow rope yanked the duke’s already hard member out of his pants harshly, which made the duke giggle.
Virgil started trying to back away, but Janus simply laughed and reached out his hand to the anxious side. The yellow strings bound themselves around Virgil’s legs, tying them together so that he could not walk, and around his wrists.
“Tsk tsk. Good puppets don’t run, Virgil,” Janus purred. Virgil hissed at him and Janus just smiled.
Now that he had the whole gang, he would waste no time. He parted his jaws and licked his lips, keeping hard eye contact with Virgil. “You are my good puppet.”
As soon as those words hit the air, all five of the tied up sides stood up straight and their cocks began to harden on command. “What the fuck?!” Virgil yelled.
Janus smirked. “Virgil, why don’t you just...” Janus motioned his hand towards Roman. “Go over there.”
Virgil began to move, the strings forcing him forwards. He shuffled towards Roman, who was stuck with his chest puffed out and pants tightening quickly around his hips. Once Virgil was in front of Roman, Janus let his hand drop, making Virgil fall to his knees. Now, Virgil’s nose was a mere breath away from Roman’s stiff dick. Virgil swallowed hard, starting to shake with anticipation as his own cock fought its fabric confinement.
“Eager, are we?” Janus teased. “Well, you will just have to stay there for a moment. I have to set everyone else up as well. Speaking of which, Logan,” Janus waved his hand and Logan’s blank eyes stared up at his puppeteer. “Why don’t you go over to Remus there?”
“I get Logan this time?!” Remus cheered happily.
Logan stumbled his way over to the duke, who was grinding against the air. Janus moved both of his hands in an attempt to get Logan into the position he wanted. First, the pants needed to come off. Then, the boxers. Then, to force Remus’s arms underneath Logan’s naked legs and lift him, placing his twitching hole right on top of the duke's tip.
“Good. Now stay in that position.” Janus commanded. Remus whined but didn’t argue.
“Now, Patton-”
“I’m gonna fuck you, right?” Patton sounded... eager. Excited. Janus chuckled.
“You wish, baby, but no. I want you to go right here,” Janus swept his hand towards Virgil, and Patton moved there accordingly. Janus positioned him right behind Virgil. He maneuvered his hands to slip off Virgil’s skinny jeans and revealing Virgil’s pale ass. The strings made Patton’s hands pull out his long, hard member and get ready. With one final addition of Virgil being made to take out Roman’s dick, everything was ready.
“When I snap my fingers, you will all be fully awake, fully aware, fully in control... and so fucking horny,” Janus growled. “Are you ready, my puppets?”
Janus was greeted with eager silence, which made him smile. “Good,” he whispered. “Now, three, two, one...”
Logan blinked and took a deep breath in as he was snapped out of his mindless trance, only to be immediately greeted with Remus’s thick cock penetrating him hard and fast. He couldn’t help but let out a high pitched moan of surprise and cling to the duke for balance.
Virgil took Roman into his mouth. He licked and sucked and blew, teasing Roman’s wet tip and panting on his twitching shaft. Patton shoved his own member into Virgil’s hole without warning, and the sudden mix of pleasure and pressure caused Virgil to deepthroat all of Roman at once. Roman let out a deep growl.
“Mmm, yesyesyes, oh fuck yes.” Roman groaned.
“Hah, hah, hah, hah...” Patton panted.
“Mmm, mwah, mmmmmammm.” Virgil murmured around Roman’s cock.
“Ahh, mm, ahh-aAHH~” Logan squealed.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck, yes baby, fuck~” Remus spat blissfully.
Janus was left to watch his work. He was pleased, and he jerked himself off as he watched everyone he knew succumb to their deepest desires... all thanks to Janus. And the best part? Janus would have them remember all of this.
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reyesstrand · 4 years
81 and 87, please!! have an awesome day! (these are for the tarlos prompts btw)
thank you for the prompt, i hope you enjoy! have a great day!! 💗 
feel free to send me a number from this list if you want to! read on AO3 here!! 
TK has come to realize that Carlos might be one of the most romantic people he’s ever met. 
In all of his relationships, TK was always the one putting in the most effort; he would be the one setting up dates and he remembered anniversaries and would always be running on fumes as he tried to show his boyfriends an outpouring of love that was never fully matched by them. But Carlos has swept him off his feet since they first met and it’s almost overwhelming when it comes to how open Carlos is with his feelings. At first, it made TK want to run because he couldn’t do it again — he wasn’t ready to crack open his heart to someone else at the risk of it getting broken. Now, he can’t imagine giving up the happiness he feels. It isn’t perfect, because nothing is, and there’s days where TK retreats into his thoughts and feels restless with urges he refuses to succumb to, but the team is always there for him; Carlos is always there for him, no matter what. And TK wants nothing more than to show him how much he appreciates it. How much he appreciates him. 
The perfect opportunity comes when they happen to share a night off together at the end of the week. TK jumps on the chance to impress his boyfriend; he plans a nice dinner at one of the fancier restaurants he’s found in his trips around town, as he tries to grow familiar with Austin. He plans a delivery of flowers to Carlos’ house and feels a sense of nervous energy passing over him as he spends the day getting ready. He wakes up with a dull headache and chills, but thinks nothing of it as he finishes the last few hours of his shift, before running home to change. TK rotates through multiple outfits; some are more practical for the weather, but others are more flattering, and living through New York winters leaves TK confident in his decision to go with the black jeans and thin patterned button-down, which he rolls the sleeves to as he anxiously waits to leave. 
His dad comes home and jokes with him about a curfew, even though it’s become more and more typical for TK to spend his nights off at Carlos’ place. TK waves goodbye to him, rolling his eyes when he gets yet another response that is really serious, but cloaked in his dad’s light-hearted tone of voice as he’s told to stay safe. TK actually feels giddy as he leaves the house, ready to be the one to sweep Carlos off his feet for once. 
It turns out that TK’s body just wants to betray him. 
“Ugh, I’m sorry,” TK says, for probably the fiftieth time, as Carlos deftly guides him through crowds of locals and tourists alike. They’d made it to the restaurant, and even ordered appetizers, but TK started coughing, and the chills came back, and when Carlos had looked at him with those concerned eyes of his and pressed a palm to TK’s forehead, he immediately declared that TK was burning up and he was taking him home. 
“It’s not your fault that you’re sick, Ty,” Carlos pulls him closer to his side, running a hand up and down his arm. “Here, you’re feverish and it’s cold, you should take my jacket.” 
TK opens his mouth to protest, but he has to admit the extra layer of clothing is fucking amazing as Carlos settles the coat over his shoulders. “Thanks.”
“Don’t be upset,” Carlos whispers, once they get back to the car. Of course he was able to pick up on the emotional turmoil going on in TK's head. 
“I just wanted to have a nice night to show you how much I—” TK stops, for a moment, before he takes a breath and says it: “How much I love you.” 
“I love you, too. I don’t need anything extravagant, Ty,” Carlos says, threading their fingers together. “I just need you.” 
TK gives him a look, vaguely wondering if Carlos can actually hear his heartbeat from where he’s sitting or if he’s starting to go a little delirious from his cold. He finally chuckles, and asks: “How the hell do you do that?”
“What?” Carlos asks, though the corner of his mouth is turned up as he drives them back to his place. 
“You’re just…” TK trails off, shaking his head a bit as he smiles, too. “You’re so adorable.” 
Carlos blushes a bit, but he gestures toward his front door as they pull up in front of his house. “You’re not so bad yourself, baby.”
TK follows his gaze and sees at least a dozen bouquets of various flowers left near the front door, which is definitely more than he ordered but he’s happy with the mistake because Carlos lights up at the sight of them. And TK definitely isn’t mad at the sight of his boyfriend with his arms full of flowers in every hue of yellow and pink and red, and he demands to take a photo before he slumps into the house and drops onto the couch. 
Even though he doesn’t want to, he definitely feels the pull to fall asleep as his eyelids grow heavier. 
“I’m making this up to you,” TK says, once Carlos has put all of those flowers on the table and come to sit down next to him. Carlos hands him a couple Tylenol and TK hesitates for a brief moment before downing them, as he then moves to settle in close. 
“You really don’t have to,” Carlos insists, and TK hums and presses a quick kiss to his cheek before settling with his head on his boyfriend’s lap, immediately feeling a sense of calm as Carlos starts running his fingers through his hair. 
“I want to, when I’m not literally dying,” TK murmurs, leaning into Carlos’ touch. Carlos snorts a bit and continues with the gentle touches, practically lulling him to sleep. The jacket that Carlos gave him is just too big around the shoulders to be stupidly comfortable, and TK burrows into it as an added layer of love and warmth. “You’re never getting this back, by the way.” 
TK’s already mostly asleep as Carlos sweetly whispers, “that’s more than okay with me,” before he fondly looks down at his boyfriend, and leans back to get comfortable, more than happy to spend the night caring for the person he loves the most. 
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