#literally its not for animations <3 im just fucking lazy <3
alex-fa-main · 2 years
not me thinking i can use sfm 
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evellys--blog · 4 months
lol more ramblings in the notes, ig they haven’t been daily so far but this is day 2
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cat3ch1sm · 9 months
haii!! i totally get not having any inspo, and my request is kind of (?) niche?? but i was wondering if you had any headcanons about ging freecss, if not kite is also soo babygirl :3 !!!
🌿~ this request is so funny for no reason help me. ive decided to write headcanons about the both of them for this one so enjoy lol :) @ging-pegger the kite im writing about is pre-reincarnation kite btw!
these r just silly random hcs abt the two of them so nothing heavy or anything
🤍𓆩♡𓆪🌲no warnings!
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𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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ging and kite both have the most deviously demonic side eyes of all time for literally no reason. kite doesn’t even realize he does it but ging does it very intentionally
ging mostly didn’t show up to zodiac meetings or other business events mainly because he’s kinda shy, not because he’s irresponsible or lazy
ging is always pissing someone off. usually it’s on purpose. this is canon
during the chimera ant arc kite let gon braid his hair at one point and didn’t take it out for like a week
kite kept getting asked around that same time if he and killua were related because of the hair mainly, but he got really annoyed with it so he just started saying yes
kite used to use the top of ging’s head as an armrest just because he’s tall and ging is short and it would piss ging off so bad
kite got along well with old ladies for some reason. they always told him he’s too skinny and offer him food and he just took it.
also little kids and babies really liked kite. even though he’s deathly thin and has awful dark circles they are inexplicably attracted to him. kite used to avoid them because the toddlers kept trying to climb his legs and would pull on his hair, but later he warmed up to them and started going out of his way to be kind to them. but he only really likes old women and little kids and that’s all
ging hates kids and kids hate ging. that’s it that’s the headcanon
ging is one of those people who is just always in the most random places. imagine you text him or something after not hearing from him for like an hour and he just sends you back a picture of him in some obscure location all the way across the planet. nobody knows how, when, or why he got there but there he is
kite never killed any insect he came across. he has a lot of sympathy for animals and non-human creatures. with the exception of the obvious chimera ants. he would see a snail or something and move out of its way but then ging swoops in seconds later and dropkicks it
ging for whatever reason gets a lot of women. literally no idea why he just has this charm and spontaneous air that attracts people to him. but you definitely don’t want to start anything with him because as it literally goes in the story he just fucks and leaves
kite used to be really into painting and was weirdly good at it despite never actually receiving any lessons. he loved to paint scenery mostly involving water
kite’s hair has pretty much been the length it is in the chimera ant arc since he was like 10. he used to have a problem tripping over it but when he hit his growth spurt it stopped becoming a problem
ging never had an awkward phase growing up. one day he was a little kid and the next day he was a whole man. just like that for no reason
ging likes to turn on shows he knows he doesn’t like just to yell at the television and criticize everything the characters do the whole time
at one point during ging’s time with the zodiacs the public started a rumor that he and pariston were an item and once it reached the zodiacs ging didn’t show up to a single meeting for a month
same thing happened a little bit later except it was cheadle with ging instead and then ging disappeared for like three months
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leefi · 9 months
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere Read-through | Part 1: Chapters 1-14
Part 1: 1-14 | Part 2: 14-22 | Part 3: 22-34 | Part 4: 34-64 | Part 5: 64-80 | Part 6: 81-90 | Part 7: 90-100 | Part 8: 100-127 (caught up here)
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Hi!!!! I've been reading through this webnovel after seeing @ot3's pitch for it and started writing down some thoughts on the characters and worldbuilding and imminent murdering. This story is very, very long and I only reacted up to about chapter 33, so most of my thoughts will involve the worldbuilding and less the murder mystery aspect -- so if you're looking for theorizing you won't find much of that here. Since I'll be continuing eventually, I wanted to post what I did make note of to revisit later!
Most of these are not marked by chapter/section because I was lazy and I'm not sure how easy it will be to follow as a result, but everything is chronological.
everyone here is hijabi mashallah
The visual I'm getting of the solar system/local system/dimension they inhabit is kind of a blend of steampunk and fantasy and uhh some secret third thing. With the walls of their "universe" painted in that puella dollhouse witch lair style. Does the sun bounce around like a screensaver. Does it orbit their earth or is it on a fixed axis flung out into “space”? Does “space” even exist anymore? I’m assuming they’re in an enclosed area that they've created. Do they actively use arcane resources to keep objects (ie star and planets) sustaining themselves, or have they made them self sufficient?
everyone is so mean to Ptolema leave her alone what the fuckk let a bimbo live i want to kill you all you’re so annoying. Ptolema I WOULD be your friend and not ask all these weird ass questions. and we would hold hands and skip and giggle
Yes shes an airhead nepo baby but you guys could try doing anything other than snickering and rolling your eyes whenever she says stupid shit. If she starts arguing back about government war crimes during the Revolution or something then you have my blessing to beat her ass!
I HATE kamsurepa i HATE her i HAYE Her and her stupid ass name
Ran and Su have no chemistry its insane that theyre always hanging out every conversation is like uhhh (awkward silence) (rude comment from Ran) *Su voice* wow she gets me so well. every time they talk im like what the fuck just happened.
Su’s internal narration is too self aware for me. it’s like she talks like she knows she’s a character? or something. it's self-deprecating in a very bizarre way
im sorry i don’t know if i can continue with this. i know too many med students irl and these characters are literally pissing me off. compliments to the author for realism you knocked it out of the park
Oh, thank you very much!" Kam said, reverting back to her smiley-diplomatic form for a moment before stepping away from the counter and continuing as she handed us the cards. "...as far as it seems to me, the desire to reproduce is essentially an immature form of pursuing life-extension - this idea that you'll 'live on through your children' that's patently pseudo-mysticism justifying what is ultimately an animal instinct." ⬇️ I’m going to grab her ginger head and swing her around like bowser in mario 64. SHUT UPPPPP SHUT UP please tell me shes the one that dies
You know," I mused idly, my eyes wandering. "I think this is actually the fourth glass ceiling I've seen today." "Mm, it's true that you don't see a lot of women working in Aetheromancy," ⬇️ I know this is a small nitpick but aren’t we really far into the future why do they keep using terms like this 😭 gendered stuff like this still exists billions? trillions? of years into the future?
Why has the disco elysium skill tree randomly started talking to su. Is this her future self nagging her. Is she pulling a han sooyoung. when do we get to the various utsushikome ego deaths
"prosognostic overlap"…do ppl repeat faces? Are most people cloned at this point? What triggered the need for cloning surely medicine is advanced enough that childbirth or test tube babies are feasible? Can bodies be cloned and reinhabited to inhibit aging? Is there some disturbing psychological element to seeing someone with the same face as you? Does it make your brain short circuit? Kam mentioned having children earlier which I assume means people still give birth or have test tube babies, so i don’t know if it’s the result of cloning…but it does sound like a sameface sort of thing. What else would it be if not that though?
Actually, if they’ve figured out teleportation (whatever it was called when they went up the aetherbridge) - let's say they can atomize a body and reforming it elsewhere (though we don't know for sure yet, could also be a fold in spacetime) - transferring consciousness to an empty clone of yourself (and therefore effectively doing away with aging or death wholesale) sounds a lot more efficient and technologically practical than maintaining an organic system that naturally decays. Why keep on finding ways to push the human body past its limits when you could simply transfer a person to a new, identical vessel?
I feel like the key to immortality isn’t maintaining an organic body, which naturally tends towards systems of entropy (being a biological thing, entropy=decay), but rather delineating and separating human consciousness from its host and replicating its original environment perfectly. I’m not talking about making a copy of consciousness, which is just glorified cloning - I’m talking about *transferring* a consciousness.
You could almost call dementia itself the mind's tendency towards its own kind of entropy?
Though if you transfer a consciousness to a younger body, the dementia issue could still potentially remain. Depends on if it the author sees it as a solely physical phenomena (atrophy/buildup of inhibitors of the brain) or there's some metaphysical anomaly about amassing too many memories/"existing" too long in general
The way spellwork is described is really cool and feels super believable. Optimizing multiple concurrent spells into one “function” is intricate and sophisticated, and you have to dedicate a lot of brainpower to doing the math in your head. It’s like they’re coding the real world. I love the way lurina describes this it's awesome.
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majimanowhere · 2 years
It's me again! Thank you for answering to my recent ask!
I would like to request for headcanons for Nishiki, Kiryu and maybe even Ichiban if you write for him (all from yakuza) with a s/o who gifts them a plushie based off what their tattoos represent? Like..for Nishiki a koi, for Kiryu a dragon and for Ichiban a dragonfish (It sounds so cheesy omg)
If the request doesn't vibe with you you can skip it! Again, have a good day or night!
so uh.,,.it’s been several months since this request 😋 sorry for the long wait! i have no excuse i’m just lazy :P
irezumi inspired plushie hcs
okay so these are specifically for y0 nishiki, i feel like kiwami nishiki would just throw the stuffed animal away im sorry 💔
he is going to be so fucking annoying about it
and dramatic
you hand him the koi plushie and his entire face lights up like a little kid
he’s so happy and excited about this damn plushie and it’s so adorable
breaking news grown ass man in the mafia cries over stuffed animal
obv tells kiryu all about it
kiryu tries (keyword) to be a supportive kyodai but in all honesty he doesn’t really care and and if nishiki brings up the mention of that fucking plushie one more time he’s gonna
you hand him the dragon plush and he just kinda
stares at it
he looks very confused
i mean tbh idk what reaction you’d expect but it’s kinda embarrassing none the less
“um., thank you.”
but do not mistake his eccentricity for dislike
he’s a little confused but the spirit is there
he enjoys it very much actually! like way more than you’d think
while communication may not be his strong suit, you can tell his fondness of the stuffed animal by its prominent spot in his apartment/room (depending on when you’re imaging this taking place)
he regularly cleans the shelf the plushie is on making it a dust free display (i don’t think he’d sleep with it sorry </3)
if you tease him about it you might be able to get him to actually admit how much he likes the plushie
“i like it. it’s nice. i like to look at it.”
listen okay it may not be a lot, but it’s better than the initial reaction
he’s literally a child
🤩 emoji irl is the best way to describe his reaction
asks you everything about it like how you got it, where you found it, how much was it, how did you get it customized, etc.
he feels so special it’s actually precious
okay now HE would sleep with it
he’d get shit for it from the others too but he got no shame
if anything ever happened to that plush he would be absolutely DEVESTATED
like the entire party would have to be on board to take care of his depressed, soulless body
please buy him another one
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
went ransacking through my ao3 bookmarks bcs i live vicariously through these when the going gets tough. some of these might have already been recc'ed alrd but im too lazy to check 🫠
The Menagerie by zegez
Tsuna collects everyone as pets, literally, most if not all of them are animals. it's glorious and very cute
Bad Influence by Emric84
Toji and Tsuna meet, what follows is a catastrophe for everyone else. Toji27 is the most left field ship i had ever encountered but by god was it good while it lasted. ABANDONED but had enough content to it BUT STILL GOD IM SO SAD THIS WAS SO GOOD????
body aches by HeavenlyDusk
In which KHR was originally a very different story.
This one is a little heart breaking but also really hopeful bcs tsuna is learning to be more comfortable w/ being Tsuna™ the protagonist while still maintaining some semblance of himself from a past life. its still ongoing but i have it as one of my comfort fics <3
Overcast universe by Ocearna
a khr rewrite where 1827 meet and bond as kids and tsuna getting that cloud influence. cloudysky!tsuna my beloved.
Beginnings and Middles But No Ends In Sight by Ourliazo
Arcobaleno shenanigans before the curse.
in the hearts of men (there be madness) by Silverfox579
YKNOW WHAT'S SOMETHING THAT'S ALWAYS FASCINATED ME IN CANON AFTER I GOT OVER THE ANIME ENOUGH TO NOTICE IT??? THE HYPER DYING WILL MODE PERSONALITY like after the kyaa badass tsuna lets gooo, you start wondering what the fuck is going on there actually bcs basil is not like this,, what goes on here 👀👀
or!! dark!tsuna au-ish in reborn's pov
Bargaining chip by Mina37
like the one before but in xanxus' pov this time
My Sweet Affinity by Chaotic_Roses
criminal minds au featuring tired w/ a mysterious bg leader tsuna, freshly released from prison hitman reborn, intern gokudera, Hana, and scammer kyoko.
[this could've been] a villain's origin story by petroltogo
Tsuna running into and unknowingly helping villains after helping release xanxus from the ice box should've really been the hill where it all went wrong, surprisingly tho, only shenanigans. featuring!! chikusa and tsuna childhood friendship that i very much adore
whisper in my ear (i'll build your dreams on bones) by Silverfox579
or!! the five times the stress of war and battle got to tsuna and wakes up the God in his head. (the last two are spoilers for the manga but hnnnggg i NEED to rec this)
a rose by any other name (would taste just as bitter) by heyimflamel
sealing flames has very, very dangerous repercussions. not only are you sealing this person's will to live but sealing someone w/ sky flames whose purpose is to harmonize? you get something dangerous indeed. dark!tsuna corrupting flames one guardian at a time.
High School Montage by HeavenlyDusk
a montage of vongola tenth gen as they navigate through high school through outsider pov. slice of life-ey and very chaotic (the side story w/ the childhood friends oc my beloved 🫶)
The Boy in the Ice by eloquentelegance
UA has to deal w/ these weirdos lurking around their courtyard all thanks to the mysterious ice pillar that just dropped from the sky w/ a boy frozen inside.
rattle this ghost town by blackkat
Mukuro meets Naruto and spirits him away lmao
Set the Skies Ablaze by cywscross
K(anime) and khr crossover that took me by the neck and never let go. it's essentially discontinued now but the 3 chapters it has??? keeps you coming back in hopes that it does, miraculously, update 🫠
To the Beat of My Own Drum by Seito
College AU where reborn is the normal one and tsuna and his friends bring the chaos in his life. the found family that this fic gives and radiates is so 🫶🫶🫶 like i love it so MUCH
that's it for now bcs im sleepy hehehe
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diorgirl444 · 24 days
hiiii, i just stumbled upon your blog and i would LOVE a matchup (i tried doing them once on my page and i realised i suck at it lmao, so i admire that u can write them so nicely )
as for who - id love to be paired with someone from hp universe, any era<3
anywayyyy, im really bad at talking about myself but ill try my best
im an intj, my sun sign is aquarius, 5’6”, im a girl and i go by she/her, im bisexual but id rather be paired with a guy (if you choose a girl its fine as well)
i have blue eyes, short wavy/curly hair, currently dyed red, im pale as fuck (im literally allergic to the sun), curvy and i have lots of tattoos. my style is very inconsistent, i dress comfy but at the same time kinda goth-ish, alternative? i wear black 99% of the time, lots of silver jewellery, i have my nose pierced too:p i also wear glasses
i am very creative, i paint and draw most of the time. occasionally i write fanfics but then i have long breaks because i get burned out really easily. im lazy, which is not so good, but at the same time i mostly get things done. i am a huge animal lover, i have 2 cats and 3 dogs. im an introvert but when im with my closest friends my extravert side comes out. im a huge people pleaser, sometimes its not good for me but i cant help it. my love language is physical touch and acts of service.
i love art, art galleries, old cemeteries, greek mythology, the sky and sunflowers. i also adore the forest and just nature in general. im obsessed with pretty little shiny rocks.
i hate people who have a problem with minorities and are just nasty beings towards others and animals. i also hate spiders and insects of any kind, thats why i will never set my foot in australia.
oh and i also dont like kids. i dont have this “gift” or whatever. i dont know how to talk to them, how to act around them and how to play with them.
as for my aesthetic? i have no idea, but id go for dark academia/gothic vibes.
if you need to know anything else just dm me! xx and thank you in advance, have a lovely night/day! <33
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your perfect matchup is 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <3
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <3
the first time james sees you he’s completely speechless. you’re chatting with marlene about something in class, absentmindedly playing with your hair and he’s just gulping like a fish. because where have you been all his life? truly the universe has been so cruel in keeping you from him!
but he’s suddenly shy. james has had plenty of luck with girls. he’s a flirt by nature. he knows all the right things to say, the ways to sweep them off their feet. that is before he saw you… he’s now well and truly tongue tied. he’s literally like lying in bed at night planning what he wants to say to you next time he sees you. spoiler alert he just gets scared and watches you from across the great hall like this 🧍
but finally he pulls himself together and approaches you the next time he sees you. you’re sat in the back of the library on a window seat reading through a book you found which explains how the greek gods were actually early forms of wizards and witches, very interesting stuff you know? you don’t even notice him lingering over you till he sort of awkwardly coughs and asks “would you recommend it? the - the book i mean would you recommend it?” he asks and he can feel heat creeping up his neck as you nod and smile up at him. “tell me about it!” he practically spits out in the next second. he’s so embarrassing i love him
you agree because he’s cute and everyone’s always talking about what a nice boy james potter is to you. of course you don’t know that they only do that you because they see the way james looks at you but hey what you don’t know can’t hurt you? so you move along on your seat and james shuffles in beside you. the first thing you notice is how he smells like cinnamon, oranges and something slightly earthy that is just so james. the next thing you notice is the way his knee and his shoulder press against yours on the small window seat. it’s warm and intimate and you feel flustered as you start to explain the greek myths to him. he watches you as you speak, watches the way your lashes brush your cheek, watches the way your lips move as you talk.
it’s nice to just be listened to for a change so this becomes your pattern. you see a side to james in these afternoon reading sessions that very few people are privy too. the normally loud and cocky potter is gentle and polite. happy to just sit and watch you devotedly. he makes it so natural too so you forget that you’re introverted, you tell him what your favourite things, things that make you angry, your hopes, your dreams everything. and in that time you start to fall for him. you can’t help it he’s so easy to love. you try to hide this new discovery but its hard to go from telling james everything to keeping such a huge secret from him and so he notices the absence. he doesn’t know what it is but he knows you’re keeping something and so he’s hurt if he’s honest.
so you avoid him. you can’t face the sad puppy look on his face it cuts you up and so you pretend you don’t see him waiting for you in the library, pretend you don’t hear the tapping on your door, or the notes stuffed in your pocket. because hopefully he’ll get bored move on and you’ll get over him. but james potter is determined and so enamoured by you that he’ll try one last time. and so he hides a book in your room. the book is his diary with the pages from all his time with you bookmarked. in it are lists of your favourite things, tiny sketches of you, details on how he feels about you and he ends it with “vicky darling i don’t know what i did but please know i’m eternally sorry. you’ve made a mess of me, i’d do anything to just see you again. don’t you know i love you? if you feel the same meet me at our window seat. if i don’t see you there i will accept that you truly don’t feel the same and i will leave you be. yours forever, james” you find yourself wiping tears as you read it realising how silly you’ve been.
and so with haste you race to the window seat in the library and when you see him there all anxious and shy your heart aches. “ you’ve made a mess of me too james” you say softly as you sit beside him and his face lights up. “can i make it better?” he asks huskily and you nod. his hands cup your face as he leans in and kisses you. he tastes like maple syrup, he smells like spices and he feels like home. it’s perfect and as he walks you back to your dorm with a promise of a date in hogsmede and a soft kiss to your forehead you feel giddy as you lay down under the covers that night because james potter loves you and you love him.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <3
golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! okay but seriously you two are the epitome of this trope. not because you’re mean but because james is so extroverted and you’re not so much i think it matches the two do you perfectly.
he makes you go watch his quidditch games. 😭 im sorry they’re probably so boring so like you sit with marlene and dorcas to try and make it more palatable but it is probably still so dull. if it makes it any better he does loads of fancy tricks on his broom so that you think he’s cool though it does come off a bit pathetic. don’t worry though because at the end he’ll ride his broom over to you and kiss you while standing on it.
your reading thing doesn’t stop it’s just that now when you read to him he’ll have his arm around your waist and his free hand will trace hearts on the small sliver of skin that peaks out there between your uniform skirt and shirt. he doesn’t actually disturb you though because he finds it so relaxing to hear your voice. if you want to stop him and kiss him though he’s not gonna complain.
he loves visiting cemeteries with you. you offhandedly mentioned once how you were gonna visit one, you didn’t invite him though because you were worried he’d think it was weird. but then he sort of shyly asks “can i come too?” and you laugh and nod. the two of you pack a picnic and spend the whole day exploring the graveyard with each other in quite intimacy. your hands constantly intertwined as you walk, pausing to pay your respect and the long-forgotten names of the people who laid there and occasionally saying hello to the few ghosts that lingered there. you came across one pair which were an old couple who said you reminded them of theirselves when they were your age which makes the tips of james’s ear turn red.
he brings you any nice rocks he finds. sirius gives him the weirdest look when the marauders are sneaking around at night and james bends down to pick a stone up that he thinks you’d like but james just grins and shrugs his shoulders saying “my girl likes them. what can you do?” the marauders smile at that. they’ve never seen james look so lovesick - it’s very sweet.
you two have matching necklaces. i don’t know why but i just feel this in my core. you found them at an antique shop and yours is a silver moon james is gold sun. because of it when the two of you are together everyone calls the pair of you “solar eclipse” 😭 even did it once when she was telling your friend group off. she was like “where’s solar eclipse?” sirius absolutely pissed himself laughing about that.
james gets rid of spiders for you but not before teasing you a bit. that’s just the kinda of guy he is i’m sorry. he’ll get them gone though for you don’t you worry but only if you promise to kiss him as a thank you after.
he writes you love letters weekly. you smile on mondays when his owl flies and drops a cream coloured envelope down on your desk written in james’s scrawling hand. in the letter he incloses what his favourite memories of you he has of the past week be that an outfit he thought was really pretty, a song he heard that made him think of you, or a leaf that he pressed from a forest walk that the two of you went on. he adores you so much it’s unbelievable.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <3
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hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
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co27 · 3 months
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by: @funshinebf woah!! hey!! hi!! :3
a) three ships:
DELLUMBRA. my beloveds forever and ever and ever. an animator put della and penumbra holding hands in the chibi valentines day thing and its the only thing that matters for the rest of time. seeing them never fails to make me the happy smiler
spova... HRHGHGHHGHGHHHHH (STARTS CLAWING AT THE WALLS) im getting a bunch of my irls to watch the show with me and like how do i explain why sparx catching nova in circus of ooze makes me actually start howling in pain. the slow burn... the trust... the botched confessions the loss the self blame. oh god its all just so fucking painful forever ill never be over them
tomshiv :) theyre the perfect eternal punishment for each other and i love seeing them make each other suffer. the dirty talk scene in season 3 permanently altered my brain chemistry and tom wambsgans mr brightside is the greatest video of our generation
a1: bonus ships:
SERIREI :) save me serirei... serirei save me... such a classic i love those crazy businessmen. 2018 serirei was literally the perfect era like you had to be there
joongdok. thousand yard stare. ive been coming around to yoohankim lately too but i feel like a lot of content doesnt really capture what i like about orv so i dont look at or like a lot of the shippy content in the first place
also gibson/sparx
b) first ever ship:
...... :( it was grey/juvia from fairy tail. yandere x tsundere was like elite to me. if i close my eyes and pretend im in a universe where fairy tail is good i can honestly see the vision. the first one that made me really crazy crazy about shipping though was germany and italy from hetalia unfortunately. sorry. and sometimes i fear i may never escape the annoyingly optimistic x grump who secretly likes it trope and its all their fucking fault
c) last song:
hello, i love you by adore delano. SHE JUST GETS ME
d) last movie:
uuhhhh fuck i watch a lot of movies absolutely baked with my friends so its hard to remember. i think everything everywhere all at once :) i sincerely believe it is one of the best movies ever made. STEPHANIE HSU WAS ROBBED AT THE OSCARS
e) currently reading:
cirice by madeline miller, i havent picked it up in months tho... and i keep telling myself im going to start one piece and dungeon meshi but i havent yet #laziness
f) currently watching:
sooo many things but im currently keeping up with season 16 of drag race with my friend. besides that primarily trigun stampede and hannibal because im watching those with my friends. and i count srmthfg again. but also dungeon meshi is on the backburner too. and a million other things like the boys and interview with the vampire... GOD THERES TOO MANY SHOWS GUYS
g) currently consuming:
idk waht this means. if its about eating then i have a big tub of cocktail peanuts that im munching on right now
h) currently craving:
9 people to tag:
um uh um uhhh @godza @morguerue @irradiatedsnakes @faglagomorph @treecakes @itaots @soulreaper @puppetlooselystrung @vampirewings and also anyone else who wants to talk about themselves yay!!! i hope its okay i tagged you heart emoji <3
easily copyable version under the cut for joy and prosperity yay
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by:
a) three ships:
a1: bonus ships:
b) first ever ship:
c) last song:
d) last movie:
e) currently reading:
f) currently watching:
g) currently consuming:
h) currently craving:
9 people to tag:
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screampied · 1 month
so many smut fics end w like oo round 2 ?? haha suggestive everybody asking for pt 2 but like where is the aftercare !!
& i feel like i dont see enough like realistic aftercare which is like whatever its literally hot anime men i could do a whole thing abt specific jjk men aftercare ok what im saying is like really aftercare most the time breathing & like feeling sticky
whispering too but its not like oh u did so good love monologue its just like lazy kisses & whisperinf & not being able to talk & when u do its like i love u or just oh my god or fuck then having to go piss so u dont get a utility idk im being annoying im going to bed if i die before i wake pray the lord my soul to take 🫧
aw i feel you :’) aftercare’s rly the icing on the cake, i need to write aftercare headcanons one day for the men 💓💓💓.
trueeeee !! i feel like each individual character would be so sweet with aftercare. praising you, pampering you afterwards, cleaning you up, taking you for a nice warm bubble bath omg my heart aches. ur not being annoying 👹 aftercare is just as important and i agree <3 !
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spacerockwriting · 7 months
Weekly tag wednesday!
Thank you Sky @skylerwinchester @dynamic-power @energievie @stocious
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?
I don't know??? Ya spacerock's got daddy issues.
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
Giraffes! They're so derp I love them.
what is your Chinese takeout order?
Idk, i don't eat much chinese food. Like, hardly ever. I mostly just eat the fortune cookies they have there.
what's your favourite emoji? Uhh, I'm loving all the ones from the gallafic club.
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
Home theater. Film major here. Love that idea. Also, we just ironically got a green house yesterday for my dads tree obsession.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
Hmmm. Rugrats maybe? Had a shit ton of rugrats dolls and a rugrats birthday party. Rugrats or Blues Clues probably.
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I've been a tumblerina for a while now. Since 11? Then in college I moved to an RP blog, with my main, and a LarryStylinson blog. Had that until mid2013 when Lance and I went to a different South Park RP, along with my main &Larry. Once we broke into Indie RP I created a few more South Park RP blogs, then once Lance passed I slowly stopped using the RP account we associated with each other. Made my HP RP in 2014 after SP shit was getting too cliquey, then just kind of sidebloged all my blogs from there for being lazy. Reattempts at SP RP had attempts, but nothing beats 2013 so -shrug- Nothing will ever beat 2012-13 where the community was there, Gallaclub is the only thing coming close <3
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? Super dressy maybe? I do my best to wear whatever the fuck I want but I'm just, suits and shit aren't gonna be a thing I think. Except like, my wedding if that were to happen.
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Maybe South Park? Hogwarts, too, but lbr fuck JK.
what is your favourite piece of art?
Like ART ART? I like Van Gouh's starry night. My mom went to the interactive exhibit and I love that. (She's also got some starry night socks and stuff. Plus she had a shirt with a van on it that said van go.) I also like Andy Warhol's stuff? Also love seeing greek statues but forever anxious I'm gonna be a clumsy spacerock and knock them over.
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
I've got a cup i bring to work that's Disney 100 and it changes color from blue to purple in the cold. It usually has mountain dew in it. Also I have a REAL waterbottle and its got Shibas on it and counts the level of water to 2 liters. But I hoard cups, always getting souvieneer cups bc im that person.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
Found family is a quiet fav, and sometimes fluff. But mostly I want angst, I want plot.
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
So I carry a bag for work, which has headphones, wallet, work badge, phone, some tangles, squishy giraffe, pens, 2 books: one notebook thing and Heartstopper Volume 4 is in it, and random junk that really needs to be removed lol. Outside of work I just wallet phone the end.
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Hmmm maybe Lip? Or Carl would be funny too, but the Lip and Mickey enemes would be funny.
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
Hmmm. I dunno. AU's maybe?
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
Yeah, if he tries to|has too. But it's very awkward and Ian gets a kick out of him trying.
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
The OG? Probably Carl. But they all get a killing bat as a housewarming gift for the nostalia. Every house gets a Gallagher killing bat, even Fiona's house in Florida.
I'm a day late so tagging everyone else.
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desiresign · 7 months
tell me about kasen annnnnd yuuma and enoko :3
KASEN!! is gods favorite hypocrite. shes often a character that comes up when i think of characters i consider among my top faves. however, im thinking i should really reread her manga. it is really good but also really long...
i think about yoshika x kasen a normal and reasonable amount. (lie) graaaa the tragic yuri
also i think some people are kinda annoying about her but touhoublr's been kind of annoying with a bunch of characters lately.
enoko. enoko is new but also has interesting lore that she knew marisa when she was a little kid comforting her crying in the forest all the time. which is so sweet! i hope more characters come in to give up tidbits about characters backstories by having someone else know them.
other than that though, enoko is actually my least favorite of the th19 cast. its ironic because when the cover was leaked, the whole "holy crap, is that one with bear traps on her hands!?" was really cool and i looked forward to. but now...shes just doggy.
yuuma meanwhile is a true raymondcore creautre.
she got TWO new potential yuri candidates in touhou 19.
we got lazy and chill yuri. if you pair her with chiyari. just two bums doing fuck all.
we got tragic and furry yuri. if you pair her with ran. which im most interested in exploring, ebcause its so interesting for both characters. a professional, no nonsense shikigami like ran, who is technically like, not even really her own person anymore, whose animal self/true self once had conenctions with those in the beast realm, with yuuma, with all of those we now know as the leaders of their factions. just me typing about it you can tell i prefer this one. like you meet your old partner after so many years and they literally arent themself anymore and yet the deepest part in them of their remaining self sees you, recognizes you...
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jellyaibo · 2 years
ok so disclaimer: i literally started writing this almost immediately after i woke up so there will be a bunch of typos which i dont bother fixing cuz im still very tired
had a dream where tpot 3 came out and i think it was 2 hours long and it was this HUGE bfdi finale video that had ALL the bfb characters (except…the tpot guys???? excluding 2 they were here at some point i think) i remember not watching the whole thing cuz it was fucking late at night so i skipped to near the end but right before i did there was this ?? intro to the episode where its just cary in front of a greenscreen thianking everyone who watched battle for dream island and when he said this an image was shown on screen that looked like the "I HATE CHOCOLATE" lady from asoingbob. anyways before ihe could continue i skipped REALLY far in the video where 4 and x have everyone gathered by a stage
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(drew this on my phone sorry it looks like dogshit i didnt feel like redrawing it SKDJHFSDJF)
he was gonna reveal…something?? but before that he started doing this REALLY sarcastic and 4th wall breaking speech that basically made fun of the osc and people that didn't like post split??? it was so fuckunf weird it felt like cary/michael/whoever wrote this was having a breakdown while writing yhat. but thankfully it was just a joke thing and all the contestants hated him for that because i think at some point during the speech 4 started making fun of them too??? i swear they described everyone as "marketable disney stereotypes" and went off abt each one like. ok
while listing off each contestants flaws on stage, loser suddenly TRIES TO interrupt 4 multiple times but it doesn't rlly work out (plus her voice is different?? kinda… i described it as "more manly and…hunk-y sounding" so take that wgat you will)
anyways loser was fed up w this and stands up to 4 and getd all of the other contestants to GET THEIR FUVKING ASS so all the contestants get up onto the stage and start destroying the thing that was under that tarp (it was some kind of bad machine thing?) and the whole time this was happening 4 was just going "ohhhh oh nooo" in the most deadpan monotone voice possible. and ooohh this descrution scene ends with loser flinging himself AND CAKE up into the air like this was some anime shit and she slammed into the machine with one fist while holding cake in the other arm. this made me fucking get out of my bed and start punching shit (very positive) oh my god i was freaking the fuck out here
i remember i coudlnt stop replaying that scene NOT ONLY CUZ IT WAS THE FIRST LOSER & CAKE INTERACTION IN . A FUCKING WHILE but i also wanted to take a screenshot of cake's face cuz he had the funniest expression (too lazy to draw it but he was blushing SO MUCH and also screaming cuz he was falling w loser) BUT I COULDNT TAKE A GOOD FUCKING SCREENSHOT SO. MOST OF THE REST OF THIS DREAM WAS ME ANXIOUSLY TRYING TO GET A SCREENSHOT OF THIS FUCKING THIGN. oh yeah also cake's design was slightly different, he just had a white (or light yellow) center rather than a darker brown one.
then after i THINK i managed to grab a screenshot i went on a rant w lan abot how forced??? loser's little arc felt cuz there was no buildup ig and i just ended up complaining abt post splt and how bad jnjs writing was
THE END thats all i remember, i woke up drenched in fcking sweat at 2 am cuz of this (/hj itsalso just really hot in my room)
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shameboree · 2 years
hey kels i was scrolling through my dash and then i caught a glimpse of your new fallon drawing and i want you to know that i went absolutely buckwild and then i scrolled further to see the whole drawing and i'm pretty sure i squealed. kels ever since ive started following you and your art and fallon have slowly nestled yourself inside my brain its amazing how excited i get whenever u upload a new drawing. also ive noticed that i'm slowly but surely starting to sound more and more unhinged and wild like you. how the fuck do you have so much influence on me. 
ALSO i love the new fallon drawing!! you are so right blue gold and white are just her colours they fit her v well!! and i love how much texture you used throughout the whole drawing and her shoes are AWESOME!! also love the whole winter fairy-ish vibe <3
ALSO i was wondering if you could like sort of,, idk explain your drawing process on this drawing? like if you did the colouring first or the lineart and stuff bc i just love how it turned out and id love to try something similar!!
AW!!! i am so hype for my awful girl to be Enjoyed so much!! she is my favorite dressup doll i love to play barbies with her most of all heheh. also i am THRILLED that my Unhinged and Unwell nature have rubbed off on u. i know i am a Strong personality and it makes me V POLARIZING (i am either LOVED or LOATHED i havent met many ppl who are just like meh abt me. i am an Experience) and its always a DELIGHT when someone finds my feral animal traits endearing or positive and kind of picks up on them. i think because life is short that we should all be as bananas as we please at any point in time. PURE ID HERE BABY
AND TY TY!! my girl has a strong aesthetic and this piece kind of went a liiiiittle against some of that (its a lot of hard angles vs i normally give her a lot of ovals and rounded edges) but for the setting its appropriate bc im trying to give her a bit more of a """"harsh"""" or """"severe"""" vibe (like as harsh and severe as she can possibly look which isnt very). i LOVE to use texture brushes they are such an easy way to get out of drawing details myself because i am SO lazy!!
okay i “”answered”” this i GUESS technically because i typed words in response but its a whole lot of jack shit so like. here ya go. SORRY PAL. 
here are some more shoes as u can see i basically draw her in the same ones always except when i draw her in a plugsuit
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OKAY THE DRAW IN QUESTION i kind of cheated on bc i literally just traced over one of my older draws i did for a very obscure au i made of who made me a princess (i am always doing such ridiculously niche shit i love to sit in my little sandbox and have no one else understand my barbie rps) BUT the process is the same as basically every draw i do like this. it is very simple so dont worry (or do, maybe)
i use 1-3 layers at a time and then immediately merge when i feel like im done and LIVE W MY MISTAKES if not!! anyway prepare to be massively underwhelmed heh
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this is so funny i cant believe i literally traced my own drawing im a fuckin FRAUD im the laziest bitch i know. anyway. my sketches are way messier than this but it always starts out either scratch ass lines or color blocking w this bright ass magenta bc thats what feels right!!!!!!
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HERES THE LAYERS I USED LOL i do all textures n shit as a clipping mask so actually i used 4 layers for this bc id set down one texture or pattern that was gonna overlap on a diff layer so i wouldnt have to work harder to erase and then BLINDLY MERGED to make things more difficult if actually i fucked up before that!!! work smarter not harder except when it is absolutely braindead to do otherwise is my motto
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IF IM DOIN SMTH NICER like this then i usually make sure all my lines connect (this is also why i do a lot of angles and simple clear shapes when i draw) so i can set that layer as reference and USE THE FUCKING FILL TOOL BAYBEEEEE!!!!! this also makes it easier to fuck around with COLOR imho bc you can just rapidly swatch with zero efforts. i Love to take shortcuts. i Love to be lazy. i HIGHLY rec this, if i have colored smth that stays in the lines then its bc i connected the lineart and used the bucket fill underneath. if my lines dont connect sometimes ill make a temp line and erase after i filled. im dedicated. ALSO u can see here that my patterns layer is all overlapping and fucked up bc i didnt check and erase fully but i use p limited palettes in general so... IT DIDNT MATTER THIS TIME!!!!!!!!. 
anyway after all that i lock the lineart layer if i havent already and color some of the lines for some PIZAZZ. easy way to immediately fake effort i do love to do that
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 i do all of my fucking draws on the same canvas bc im a horrible little beast, so the only reason i didnt erase the sketch and use it for the colors layer was bc there were others on that layer already and i didnt wanna scoot them so i could cap the finished draw. i did NOT connect my lines for this one i colored like a toddler. who gives a shit we all die in the end anyway!!! 
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YOU DIDNT ASK FOR THIS BUT LINELESS MY LOVE... i just color blocked for this one alas i do not have process caps, i will do that next time i draw i guess if anyone wants that!!? i typically only use a single layer for lineless- block out the shape, alpha lock, then color and carve from there. EASY PEASY!! ive shown it before but i spent all my formative draw years on v limited feature programs (mspaint, oekaki, TEGAKI MOST OF ALL) so i dont explore tools much and do what seems easiest and most intuitive to me... im sorry i dont have any sick tricks or real process i am but a feral little clown drawing in the DIRT. also here is the tegaki overlay i use whenever i am Blocked or fatigued w procreate layout. it makes me feel NOSTALGIC and INSPIRED so i do this instead of like, actually getting on tegs2
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this ended up long as fuck and FOR WHAT?? its just 10 images and several paragraphs of “sorry im the laziest fucker ALIVE”
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surpriserose · 1 year
3, 7, 16, 19 for jojo :]
3 screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I mean christ what do you even pick for jojo no one is normal plus i mean memory bad so i dont know if i even have a specific example dhhshshshsjs
Actually can i cheat this one is twitter but it was this guy being like ew the stone ocean anime is so lazy theyre using CG ANIMATION EWWWW but specifically talking about lang wrangler like shut up who cares cg animation isn't bad on principle and its totally fine to use it like im in agreement that that shit didnt look good but its not like using cg animation is like...a sin man like the fucking opening is cg and it looks great! They just didnt care for lang wranglers animation and i dont blame them tbh he sucks ^_^
7 what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
...........entire golden wind cast like okay i dont HATE them but no one does anything interesting with them or lets them be little freaks like they are in canon you know? Plus i mean the oversaturation of part 5 stuff alone is kind of gausbsjsbwos
16 you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
So i dont hate this i mean i literally just dont understand the impluse to flesh out yukako? Like i guess j do i love people who flesh out ignored female characters but also shes like...just a yandere cut out i dont understand what people see there but more power to them i guess? Vdushsisksks
19 you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Man...its anasui im sorry he sucks i do hate him if i think about his character seriously but i cant lie i love making him a pathetic loser everyone hates and that makes me not write him off entirely you know? Like idk that feels like kind of a cop out but anasui as the friend everyone hates is enjoyable sorry to have fanon brain for a moment sygdudhsisdbdksk
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garoujo · 2 years
ugh emmie i LOVE YOU i wanna live on your shelves you’re so cool😭 im tryna have a collection like yours 🥺 you’re also elitist bc you like bleach??????? BIG PURRRR
anyway that’s not even what i came here for, i came here to expand on that one thirst you received about garou & him loving the smell of you😩😩😩😩it automatically gave me ‘scent kink’ and i cannot stop thinking about it (i also have a separate hc that garou is a chubby chaser, but more on that later). just imagine though:
when you come out of the shower, your skin humid and body dripping wet, and your boyfriend lay comfortably in your bed (with nothing but grey sweats might i add) reading through a book he picked up on the way to your place. you bit your lip to contain your already budding arousal, eager to hurry up in the bathroom so you can hop in bed to cuddle with your monster of a man, but before you could even reach for your favorite brand of lotion , garou is already behind you, his taut, ripped abdomen pressing against the rolls of your back. your towel slipped and soon forgotten at your ankles. you let out a yelp, arching your spine when you feel his rough, cold hands on your figure, eventually making their way down to your hips. giving them a light squeeze, he puts his face in the crook of your neck and inhales deeply. once, twice , thrice, he was addicted to the smell of you. although he’d grown to prefer your more…natural aromas, like when you got back from the gym for example, this was great too.
he wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever .
you sighed and relaxed in his hold, letting his hands roam once more across the fields that were your flesh, their second destination landed each palm on either one of your breasts, large, soft and round. your nipples were at his mercy in an instant, they perked at attention as soon as he was only a centimeters away from them. “fucking missed these beauties,” he mumbled more to himself against your collarbone. he alternated between leaving wet kisses and taking a large whiffs of your scent; it calmed him.
you whined, “mm, garou at least let me put a shirt on. o-or some panties.”
he replied to you with a grunted no, reluctantly removing one hand and let it trail down your cute tummy, before he went to cup your naked cunt your sex having a mind of its own and already wet for him as soon as he made contact. “how am i supposed to feel this cute little pussy with all that other stuff in the way?”
that was the convincing you need.
the two of you didn’t have sex, both of you admittedly too lazy for it, so you instead settled to cockwarm him. with his body heat radiating into your own, and the soft blanket draped over you, you were out like a light in an instant. with a kiss on your cheek, garou fell asleep with his face in its rightful position: in the crease of your neck and shoulder, when he can breath in your essence all night long <3
nonono ily moar!!!! (>< ) pls come live on my shelves u will make them look so pretty <3 afgajaka i have a spending problem ‘n it accumulated severely over the past year sob — help omg yes bleach is like my fave anime of all time,, i adore it sm i wish the fandom was more alive but ‘m so excited for it to return!!!
naurrrrr i’ve been so severely obsessed w garou since i finished the opm anime like a few months ago (duh garoujo, garou + gojo) but i literally read the manga ‘n everything just so i could see more of him obsessed!!! he’s so big ‘n strong it makes my knees quiver + my thighs spread sob (ᵔ.ᵔ) <3
omg stop cause that was so much softer than expected but i am still ahfhakaka obsessed!!! he’s literally everything, i’ve literally had a google doc that only has the words ‘scent kink — garou’ in it for months ToT big lover man with all those muscles,, bet he’s so warm and his cock is so fat and feels so good when he bullies it in your pussy — he’s a lil mean but doesn’t mean to be,, always tries his best not to hurt you but he’s just so strong <3
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gam3bo1-movedagain · 1 year
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     ᘛ⁐ᕐᐷ 🧀   𓈒ㅤ⋅          ﹙@womansound﹚        :        friends ( beta ver. ) headcanons        ,        from this ask meme        !
🍧        :        who    gets    to    pick    where    to    eat    ?
anthony. do i have to explain why (NEVER RIP BTW!!!!!) sometimes adam picks too :) ant fr has a Neverending list of restaurants he wnts to take everyone to (its a V Organised colour-coded excel document)
🦩         :        who    do    they    like    making    fun    of    ?
good question! depends on everyone's mood x but tbh i feel like andrew and juno get shat on the most 😭 ok! i have thoughts! punch me in th face if im wrong x mac and tate seem like the type to clown typos (anthony is usually the victim </3) like they'd be SOOOOO annoying they'll keep spamming the gc w the typo until ant's like "ENOUGH!" i know thered b jokes about beau's accent too 😭 also i wouldnt call it "making fun" per se but i know evry1 (minnie) would be like "juno mybe try pulling the stick out your ass" MSNBCSDMNC + hc : tate fell for a robux gift card scam once and he will Never ever ever ever hear the end of it
👙          :        what    emoji    would    your    characters    use    to    describe    each    other    ?
this is hard 2 answer but from My Muses' end it consists of: 🍔 (greasy) 👯‍♂️ (it's always a party when they hang out x) 🤬 (not a day goes by w/out somebody arguing) 🏡 (home <3) 🐒 (theyre a bunch of animals)
👛          :        who    takes    the    most    pictures    ––    bonus:    who    is    the    designated    photographer    for    that    character’s    pictures    ?
oh boy ... tate <3 for obvious reasons ( bc spiderman Hello ) and he brings his little camera evrywhere <3 probably has a box of films he has yet to develop ... he prefers being behind the camera + seeing every1 happy makes Him happy but maybe <3 minnie snaps candid shots of him from time to time
🧠          :        who    leaves    voicemails    /    voice    messages    ?
i feel like... mcbonalds would fr start arguments in the gc like everybody else would just wake up to +99 voice msg notifications and its literally just beau and mac Fighting </3 but i can also see andrew doing it when he gets too lazy to type esp since. he never shuts the fuck up! MNSDBMCNDB
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