#literally my first thought when i saw the pandas was that they reminded me of mel and zel
librathefangirl · 10 months
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I saw these pandas in the store the other day and got ✨inspired✨
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miasudare · 2 months
Trailer break-down + Tiny Theories?
So, yes another trailer/teaser has been dropped -> This
So let's go over the check list first (I'm sorry if it's messy, it's really late at night for me)
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These are the 5 follower forms: Check!
Meerkat, Skunk, Panda, Echidna and Camel(?)
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2 outfits for BOTH the lamb and the followers: Check!
Lamb's being the cowboy clothes and this wheat one
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Said outfits on followers + from comics with the backside
5 New decors: Check!
Bamboo walls, Chinese lights, Trees, Pagodas and Flower pots
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2 unique quests being ''Jalala's Followers'' and something that isn't mentioned yet (or I've missed). But I think it might be about one of the npcs. Check?
Now, about pilgrim story:
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This is what our Meerkat friend sees during their flasback moment, which is also the same things our Lamb sees when Clauneck shows them Narinder's card (you can even see both). Somehow, they get to see what Lamb saw. Maybe it's some sort of an astral thing. There's not much I can add, both because we have limited information and my main theories are based around the game itself.
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For a moment if you pay attention, you can see little Chemach, clearly way younger and without her crown/s. We probably will learn what caused her madness and her state of mind, how did she got a crown, how she killed other bearers and basically all about the feather family. From what I could read, it says ''WHY NOT CHEMACH!'' in the dialogue bubble. And she has legs.
The fucking adition
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We have never seen this monster before. It does remind of the massive monster, it's clear that this creature is a spawn from the deepest rings of hell. Or maybe it's a new species of divines being added considering that one has fur and the game doesn't have demons but has angels (???'s babies and the enemy)
This new addition might gave us a new adventure route in the new update, other than purgatory and realms of the bishops. Maybe a realm for sins completely?
Not that divine
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Let's play spot the difference! similarities!
Notice how the white part we thought of their face is just a mask? And the similarity between the 1st and 2nd skull?
Edit: So, the skull does has the name "god_skull" in the files. But I still like to think that guardians are related to the skull.
In my Story theory, which I find absolutely canon, I talked about Aym and Baal being demi-gods. Their fighting is literally same with ''Guardian'' (Baal's three hit melee combo and Aym's fireballs) Which technically means that Guardians ARE part of demi-gods. Sorta?
Even their idles are same!
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And just like I said before, Aym and Baal ARE guardians.
Aym: Guardian/Protector of hell
Baal: Guardian/Protector of heaven
But there is something that takes my attention. Look at guardian's and Baal's weapons. Both are Sun. And, Baal's HP is higher than Aym's. So, does that mean that Aym hasn't fully reached godhood? His scar does match with the Guard's but I doubt it means anything.
Back to the subject, that the theory for Spore Grotto's skull being a God's might be wrong. It may be demi-god's too.
Check my other theories here!
Theory Master post
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Advent ( @squealing-santa )
Panda’s Notes: Was wracking my brain on what to write this year, until I saw an ad. >w< Enjoy this chaos. Happy After Christmas to @vallee-ace and all of you who joined Squealing Santa this year. Remember to give all your love to @hypahticklish for hosting and get ready to see what happens in the new year.
There was no such thing as tradition in the bunker. Then again, it was the first holiday season they’d all spent together here.
Thanksgiving—Friendsgiving—Whatever they’d decided to call it. It went off without a hitch. Nothing day-ruining, at least. A sprinkle-and-icing war or two during dessert-crafting makes for good photos.
Black Friday would be easier for everyone if they had two separate angels that can just zap them in and out of stores. Hell, one of them is even capable of not ruining surprises “for the lols”. Asshole.
Speak of the angel, Sam nearly flinched out of his chair when an ornate wooden, um—cone? Christmas tree. It was kind of a Christmas tree shape—was thumped loudly on the table in front of him.
“Happy Crimbas, Samwich.” Gabriel sneered, hands on his hips like he’d solved the energy crisis.
Sam stared at him for a moment, before looking at the tree. “It is November 28th…” He said slowly, his face stuck between amused and baffled. “We haven’t even gotten our tree up yet. We haven’t even talked about getting one for here.”
“Well, don’t talk about it, because we’re going to. It’s gonna be a big one that fills up that little space near the spiral staircase.” Gabriel tapped Sam lightly on the head with the edge of his hand. “But that’s not important right now. This is for you! Take a look already!”
Sam almost became wary when he said that. The tree did look pretty nice. He’d call it expertly carved; every detail painted intimately; the little ornament shapes and any corners sanded perfectly round and smooth. He would say all that, if it wasn’t for the fact that Gabriel could just conjure any item he could picture in his mind. Still, he couldn’t complain.
It’s the thought that counts. Literally, it seems.
“Have you seriously not noticed?” Gabriel griped, reaching to prod him again.
“Noticed…?” Sam murmured, having reached to nudge one of the ornaments. His eyes widened a bit when he found a tiny ‘9’ etched into it, and when he pulled a bit, a small compartment pulled away from the tree. Gabriel quickly bat his hand away, closing the little door before Sam could see what was inside.
“Is this thing an advent calendar?” Sam thumbed a dog ear into his book before setting it aside to try and examine the tree from other angles.
“Oh, wow, maybe you are the smart one.” The angel taunted, moving to lean on his shoulder.
“I’ll admit it; that’s pretty cool.” He fiddled around the tree looking for numbers, even though Gabriel was strictly keeping him from pulling when he found them. “How do you think of this stuff?”
“Unlike some people, I spend my time thinking about how to enjoy life.” He smirked playfully. “Now then, as you were so polite to remind me: it’s not December yet!” Gabriel tapped the side of the tree with one hand, and it blinked out of existence. “Sneak peek’s over, I’m afraid. Hope you’ll be ready when the surprise hits.”
Gabriel was gone before Sam could ask any more, and Sam chuckled softly and crossed his arms. Well, now he wasn’t interested in reading anymore. Point Angel.
--Day 1--
Sam’s brain practically rattled with the sound of jingle bells way too close to his ear. They were shaken gently—how merciful—but it was still too damn early. He flailed his hand toward the source of the noise, and he received a handful of cold metal, the little openings on the bells nibbling his palm. He opened his eyes groggily, and Gabriel was lying beside him with a Santa hat on with the ugliest Christmas themed pajamas.
“Morning, beanstalk.” He hummed, poking Sam’s nose before getting up.
As his eyes adjusted to being awake, Sam found his room absolutely decked out in decoration. Lights were strung around the ceiling and bedframe along with tinsel and ornaments, and small Christmas rugs were tossed around the empty spaces on the floor.
“I take it today is the first?” He grumbled, yawning as he palmed around for his phone.
“It is! Aren’t you hunter-types supposed to be more aware of things like that?”
Sam rolled his eyes, and Gabriel snapped his fingers. A tray appeared suddenly on the bed, only instead of a lovely breakfast in bed, Sam was presented with the familiar wooden tree on a plate. A cracked plate, because apparently this thing was heavier than it looked. Sam took the tree and turned it in his hands, a fond smile on his face as Gabriel crowded against his side to watch.
The number ‘1’ was etched beside a divot in the base, barely visible with the way it was painted. Sam just barely hooked his fingernail in enough to pull a tiny door, and a piece of paper stuck out of the compartment. It was about the size of a fortune cookie slip, with Christmas greens and reds along the borders and fancy writing that simply said:
“Merry?” Sam read out curiously, flipping the paper over. Yep, that’s all there was.
“Merry, indeed.” Gabriel nodded, and the grin on his face was suddenly devious.
In another snap, the tray and tree were gone, and Gabriel’s hands were on his ribs. They'd barely touched down before they were already scribbling fingers across his shirt.
Now, Sam was more than used to being rudely attacked by off-brand tickle monsters, but today, Gabriel wasn’t going full jumpscare. His hands were gentle, nails just barely grazing as his fingers ran wild. It was shocking more than anything, honestly, and Sam forced himself to believe that the shock overwrote the embarrassment that was coming from the childish, bubbling giggles that were shaking his frame. His legs tangled in the blankets as he kicked and squirmed. Gabriel got onto his knees to chase his torso across the bed, but he didn’t try to pin him down or even drag him back.
“And, stop!” The angel said playfully, grabbing Sam by the arm just as he had wiggled himself to the edge of the bed. “You’re going to hurt yourself if you don’t watch where you’re wriggling, Winchester.” He pat Sam’s back lightly before pulling away from him with a grin.
Sam managed to catch his breath in less than half a minute, watching Gabriel sit up and stretch. That was it?
“Oh?” Gabriel sneered as he turned around.
Shit. Something, something, loose lips and all.
“Someone’s greedy all of a sudden.” The angel leaned into the hunter’s face as he sat up warily, but he only tapped him on the nose with one finger before hopping out of the bed. “But, alas, I’m a man of my word. Ta-ta for now, big boy~”
Sam hardly realized he was staring until the door clicked shut.
He already wasn’t sure he was going to make it to Christmas.
--Day 2--
Their little family was clearing the kitchen after breakfast. Cas was washing the dishes while Sam was hogging the last of the coffee.
“Rough night?” Cas asked, just a bit concerned.
“Nope.” Sam said shortly, putting the pot down and stepping quickly away from the machine while slightly hiding his mug in his hands.
Almost on cue, Dean came shambling into the kitchen; he leaned into Cas’s shoulder, not really kissing, just being there for a moment.
“I saved you some food.” Cas chuckled, shivering at Dean huffed against his neck and wrapped his arms around his waist.
“Don’t worry about it… Just need some coffee.” He grumbled, patting Cas’s stomach before pulling away.
Cas chuckled softly and nodded in understanding.
And then he actually understood.
Sam was already not-hiding in one of the libraries when he barely heard Dean cursing his name, and he snickered to himself as he finished his coffee while refreshing himself on his Latin.
“Wow, I think you might deserve this one today.”
Sam looked over his shoulder when he heard Gabriel’s voice, but when he turned around, that Christmas tree was on the table in front of him. He flinched when hands rested on his shoulders, but he smiled and picked up the wooden tree.
The number ‘2’ was on an ornament, and pulling it dragged a little pin out of the tree. Almost immediately, the little paper wrapped around it unraveled, and Sam managed to pry it away and read it.
“War.” He’d almost stammered as he said it. He looked up at Gabriel, a hint of concern in his eyes.
Gabriel just snickered, and the tree and paper vanished in favor of the single coolest weapon Sam had laid eyes on in a while: A plastic pump-action gun nearly the length of his arm with a belt of bright green darts feeding through it and a red water bottle giving it a satisfying weight. There were little LEDs in round cases dotting the case, and—this thing was just decorated like another Christmas tree.
“You like it~” Gabriel teased. It wasn’t a question, and Sam wouldn’t deny it.
“But, why exactly is today labeled—” It was a stupid question, and Sam was lucky he didn’t get to finish it.
“Charlie!” Kevin was laughing, and footsteps rushed loudly past the door. Sam recognized the sound of whistlers, and he took a few steps toward the loud clacking noises of darts hitting the walls.
“Get back here and face your death, you coward!” She shouted back without skipping a beat.
They had already passed when Sam peeked out into the hall, and he found himself looking back and forth as he plucked a handful of the darts off the floor and fit them into the holster that he definitely wasn’t wearing thirty seconds ago.
“Yeah, those aren’t going to fit in your pocket while you’re running, big guy.” Gabriel said playfully, slipping past Sam while dropping a pair of plastic goggles over his head. He fixed his own pair over his eyes, flaunting his hand before another dart gun appeared in it. “By the way, I told Deano where you were. He’s gonna be looking for this too.”
He snapped his fingers, and a bright green and red bandana tied itself tight around his wrist.
“They all are, actually.” He winked, and suddenly, he was gone.
“Game on, nerds!!” The whole bunker echoed with Gabriel’s voice, and the lights went out.
Sam shivered, and he found himself smiling in the blinking lights on the gun.
And then, some-fucking-how the bandana started playing music. Loudly. Of course.
Sam sprinted in the other direction.
--Day 6--
Sam’s face was buried in his arms at the dining table, and he flinched as nails dragged gently down his back.
“Is somebody feeling sick today?” Gabriel cooed close to his ear, pecking his temple before patting his back.
Sam glared at him. The past three days’ tags had been “Candy”, “Chocolate”, and “Alcohol”. All in a row.
“You know what you did.”
“I am not apologizing for Christmas.” He teased. He snapped his fingers, and Sam huffed as he heard a thump. He blinked as he turned his head.
“Is this thing getting bigger?” He asked warily.
“If it lasts more than four hours, I’ll be concerned.” Gabriel hummed without missing a beat, and he sneered as Sam glared at him again.
Sam nudged the top of the tree with one hand, trying to tip it a bit. Yeah, it was definitely heavier than he remembered. Gabriel leaned on his shoulder, looking down at him.
“Are you going to stare at it the whole time, or are you just waiting for me to make another joke?” He taunted.
Sam huffed and scanned the tree. It kind of felt different too, actually… The edges of the wood sort of flicked under his fingers as if he were brushing over paper.
He found the number ‘6’ on the green part of the tree, and he found it easier to fit his thumb into an edge that revealed a sort of hatch. A rolled piece of paper popped up, and Sam took it just before the tree disappeared. Gabriel pushed himself away as Sam unfurled the slip.
“Tinsel.” Sam chuckled for a moment.
And then there was a garrote around his neck. It was tinsel, obviously. But there was at least a percent of a second where Sam was going to have a heart attack.
“I’m not even pulling on it!” Gabriel laughed, leaning into his back and fluffing the tinsel against the sides of his neck.
“Y-You can’t just scare—” He’d tried to argue, only to nearly bite his tongue when the plastic frills dusted his ears. “Gabriel!”
Gabriel snickered, pressing a kiss behind Sam’s ear as he laughed and grabbed halfheartedly at his new boa. “Aw, c’mon, Sammy, you can fight harder than that!”
“You’re such a prick—!” His voice was caught up in louder laughter as his feet kicked slightly under the table.
--Day 10--
“Son of a—” Dean snarled, pacing near the stairs while glaring at his phone.
“You alright?” Sam asked casually, rummaging through the box of extension cords before looking over the railing.
“The goddamn hardware store cancelled the Christmas tree we ordered.
“Again?!” Charlie griped from under the stairs. “How many stores is that now?”
“Too damn many…” Dean flicked through his phone and growled again. “Everyone’s starting to run out now. Kevin, have you got anything?”
Kevin looked up from some lights he was untangling. “I’ve been trying to ask my mom since Thanksgiving. Every time I ask, something bugs out.”
Dean gripped the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Forget it for now. I’ll try Garth again once all this stuff is up.”
Sam descended the stairs enough to give his brother a reassuring shoulder punch. “Don’t stress out too much, alright? Garth has a way of coming through in the clutch. And if anything does happen, we can ask one of our resident troublemakers.”
“Your troublemaker, maybe.” Dean scoffed, smiling a bit. “If I mention it to Cas, he suddenly has somewhere to be.”
Sam paused for a moment. But he snickered with his brother about how skittish his angel suddenly was before excusing himself to the bathroom.
He actually ended up in his bedroom, which was still decorated with the stuff Gabriel put up on the first. There was also a suspiciously familiar wooden Christmas tree in the corner that came up to his knee.
“Looking for something, Samsquatch?” Gabriel was lounging on Sam’s bed with a Christmas catalogue.
“I might be.” Sam chuckled. He walked over and nudged the book in Gabriel’s hand. “Come on, lay it on me already.”
The angel grinned, resting the book against his chin with a coy gaze. He snapped his fingers though, and the tree was practically on top of his foot. “Well, if you’re gonna be impatient.”
Sam gave him a suspicious glance before kneeling to examine the tree. He had to admit it was a bit easier to look around the thing now that he could see the numbers properly.
The number ‘10’ was on another ornament, and the piece of paper came away easily when the pin was pulled.
“Angel.” The word was barely out of his mouth when he felt the air shift, and before he could move, six brightly feathered wings wrapped themselves around him and yanked him backwards.
The others didn’t even have the decency to send a search party when he started cackling.
--Day 14--
The hunter family returned to the bunker in kind of a storm. Doors were slammed, everyone was separated, and the whole building was silent. Castiel had said a witch was to blame. Some kind of truth curse. Things were said; secrets revealed. The brothers, especially, were hurt the most.
“Hey, Sam.” Gabriel tested his normal tone, but he knew better than to yell.
“Leave me alone, Gabriel. Not in the mood.”
Gabriel hummed, stepping closer to the bed and sinking down beside him. “Listen, um…Today—”
“Look, I know you want to do your present thing before midnight. I’m not up for any dumb games, alright?!”
“I know…” He hesitated to touch him, but he rested  a hand on his shoulder. “That’s why I changed today.”
He snapped his fingers—quietly, somehow—and instead of the tree, Sam only felt a card slipping between his fingers. He growled to himself, but it was already here, so…
“Cuddle…?” Sam glanced over at the angel, and Gabriel shrunk just a bit.
“I, um… It’s up to you, obviously. If you really want to be left alone, I’ll go help with dinner. But, y’know… I’m here. Free hugs and all.”
Sam was quiet for a moment, and he eventually curled up and sighed, reaching to take Gabriel’s hand. “Stay with me?”
Gabriel stayed, squeezing his hand tightly.
Apologies were reluctant and bitter sounding, but the brothers were civil and calm at dinner.
--Day 15--
“Mistletoe…” Sam had woken up to the card taped to his hand. And also a weird headband on his head. A bit of wire dangled a very fake piece of mistletoe right in front of his face.
He’d definitely expected today to be embarrassing with that kind of setup, but now…
He couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or amused.
“I’m still pretty certain that mistletoe is supposed to be red.” Dean commented with half a grin as he flicked the wire on Sam’s head. This was not the first time he’d brought it up today.
“It’s white.” Sam chuckled, not really looking up from his book this time.
“All those dumb little hats we found back in the day always had red sprigs on them.”
“Holly berries are red.” Kevin called as he grabbed something from the cabinet and ran off. “Mistletoe is white.” In place of a kiss, he tapped his forehead on Sam’s shoulder as he passed.
“Honestly, Winchester, you think the Angel of Christmas wouldn’t know the difference?” Gabriel asked playfully, stepping up from behind Sam and pressing a kiss to his temple.
“Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been full of it.”  
Gabriel gasped, feigning offense, and they proceeded to argue.
Sam just shook his head and smiled to himself.
--Day 19--
“Any word from Garth about the Christmas tree?” Charlie asked softly, watching Dean pace again.
Dean sighed, shaking his head. “Nothing. He said something about being busy in town lately, and I’ve barely heard from him at all besides check-ins.”
Sam sat nearby, keeping his mouth shut.
Earlier, in his room, he’d been met with a tree that now came just under his chin and distinctly smelled of very alive pine despite still looking like a wooden figurine. Gabriel looked very proud of himself and simply motioned for Sam to take his pick.
19 was up toward the top of the tree. A little door opened, and a folded index card practically jumped out as it was freed from the pressure.  The first thing he got upon opening the folds was a burst of confetti in his face. The second thing was an…ache? Something in his head. Like a button press. Like a…switch. And the paper:
“Really?” Sam huffed, a grin on his face as he glanced at Gabriel leaning on his arm.
“Have fun~”
The paper vanished from his hands, and left behind an itch in his fingers. Gabriel, a coward, made himself scarce at the same time.
Back to the living room, around an hour afterward, and Sam was watching Dean and Charlie’s conversation over the edge of his tablet from across the room.
There’s a trick to catching prey, after all. And, also, for waiting out stupid prank curses.
Both come down to opportunity. Or lack thereof.
He had gotten here first in an effort—a hope, maybe—to keep everyone else away from him.
…Buuut, he also could have gone to one of the libraries. No one usually went there.
Dammit Gabriel.
In the middle of this thought, something spiked. Sam tapped his foot, trying to focus on keeping the energy down.
“Sam?” He flinched when he heard Castiel’s voice, and the angel eyed him curiously, having appeared right next to the chair. “Are you alright? You seem…different?”
Sam had looked up at him, and Cas squinted at him as he took half a step back.
“Cas, would you be able to drop in on Garth for us?” Charlie called excitedly, crossing the room at a jog.
Sam tensed, and Cas took his eyes off him for a second too long.
“Wait—” The angel had begun, only for Sam to spring out of the chair and wrap his arms around him. Before anyone could say anything, Castiel broke into loud laughter while Sam’s fingers scribbled under his coat.
“Sam?!” Dean called, chuckling as he stepped closer.
“Stay back!” Sam insisted, despite grinning himself and making quite an effort to wrestle the angel down. “I’m not—Gabriel did this!”
“H-He’s possessed!” Castiel supplied, voice giving way to cackles when Sam dug into his stomach and followed his squirming.
“Should we be worried?” Charlie snickered, stepping back when Sam took a step toward them.
“Please. Mojo or not, I can take Sammy, easy.” Dean snorted, cracking his knuckles as he decided he simply had to save his angel. Not to mention see if he knew how to drive out this so called “possession”:
A Tickle Monster.
Gabriel would.
--Day 23--
“I hate you so much right now.” Sam snickered. The card he’d found today naturally had only one word. And it was “Sweater”.
Gabriel had stuck him in something that felt less like a sweater and more like he’d been lost in the Christmas decorations for 20 years. The sweater was bright reds, silvers, and greens, and fluffy like tinsel. Lights—yes, a string of lights—crisscrossed between the stitches, and each bulb blinked out of sync with every other. There were ornaments hooked all over him and a star stuck firmly on his chest.
“You look adorable, Sammy!” Gabriel said simply, conjuring his own sweater that was equally ugly, but nowhere near as embarrassing.
Sam stuck his tongue out and pouted, allowing Gabriel to push him out by the shoulders.
He commiserated with Castiel in the living room while everyone else was picking the first movie of the day.
He also didn’t see the fun in purposefully wearing the worst sweater imaginable…
But the puppy sweater did suit him somehow.
--Day 24--
“Only one more sleep ‘til Christmas!” Gabriel laughed, throwing himself into Sam’s arms and hugging him tight. Sam chuckled softly and buried his face into his angel’s neck.
“So, do I actually get a present tomorrow, or was this little project of yours the gift?”
Gabriel scoffed, almost leaning away from him. “You really are greedy, aren’t you?” He teased. “Maybe this might be just what you need~”
A card appeared with a flair of Gabriel’s hand, but he hesitated to hand it over.
“Y’know, I have been wondering.” Sam hummed, playfully grabbing at the card as Gabriel dodged him. “I haven’t seen the actual tree in a while, have I?”
“You might see it.” Gabriel hummed, squeaking when the card was snatched from his fingers. He smiled warily as Sam’s face fell at the sight of the card: “All Out”
“Gabriel…” His voice came like a warning. That could mean a few things, after all.
“Yeah… Remember how we had that cuddle session when you were feeling down?” The angel explained. He snapped his fingers as he did, and Sam found himself unable to control himself. He sat down on the bed, and Gabriel followed him as his arms shifted him backwards up to the pillows. “I swapped the cards around since you needed that break early.”
Sam shivered nervously as Gabriel perched on his lap, and he was allowed to move his head to watch Gabriel summon handfuls of feathers and brushes to sort through.
“Unfortunately for you, that was the only break I planned.” He snickered, leaning close to peck his nose. The air shifted as his wings suddenly filled the space. “Good News, though, you’ definitely be tired when we’re done.”
--Day 25--
True to Gabriel’s promise, Sam slept like the dead that night. Awareness returned to him in the form of gentle jingle bells and the soft blinking of the lights around his room. The jingling came from a cute little Christmas clock on his bedside table, and it disappeared with a jangly noise when Sam reached for it.
He chuckled to himself and moved to sit up when he heard something crinkle.
A paper star, with all the awkward creases and imperfections of actually being folded by hand, had been set on his chest, and the number ’25’ was written on it in bold red sharpie. He handled it gently, afraid to crush it the wrong way; he found a gap that he could pull without risking tears, and it led to the star unfolding into a big square card.
Sam smiled, forcing himself out of bed. His body still ached a little from their little session the night before, even though Gabriel “went easy” on him after an hour. A blatant lie, considering the phantom tingles he could still feel across his stomach.
The hallway was still quiet; it was around seven in the morning, but Sam could barely hear things clinking in the kitchen as he started to pass it.
“Sam?” That was Gabriel’s voice. “Hey, wait—”
Sam had sped up a little just to tease him, but he found himself pausing as he came to the common area.
Right against the staircase—practically making it inaccessible with the way it poked through the railings—stood a massive Christmas tree. There were dozens of different ornaments, lights of every color, and pieces of candy and chocolate bars wrapped around the branches on long strings.
“Hey, big guy!” Garth said brightly, looking up from where he was sorting the presents by name and stacking them into shapes. He stepped over the little toy train that was lapping the present pile to give Sam a hug. “I’ve missed you guys so much!”
Sam would never get used to the werewolf strength, but he hugged him back as tight as he could. “You told us you were busy!”
“Uh, yeah, he told you guys he was busy.” Gabriel stepped up beside him with a grin, and Benny followed behind him while licking strawberry jam off his fingers.
“Are you serious?” Sam laughed in disbelief. “This whole time, you—”
“It’s shockingly easy to fake some calls and emails to and from hardware stores, Sam. You underestimate me.”
“A tree that fills up the staircase… Y’know, I had a feeling at the beginning, but it looks better than I thought it would.”
“Aw, stop…” Gabriel practically glowed under the praise. “Let’s not keep everyone else in the dark, then. We need everyone up if we’re doing presents before breakfast!”
“You’d better rush them anyway.” Benny huffed with a smirk. “Those tarts don’t need that long to bake.”
Garth and Gabriel disappeared in their own ways, and it wouldn’t be long before the room was filled with noise as everyone was brought in.
Sam sat on the couch and just stared up at the tree for the length of the quiet. He breathed in the scent of the pine, and on the bright yellow star at the top, he could see the number 25 whenever the light blinked.
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Unorganized RUBY GILLMAN Thought Stew
I originally had a whole post typed out for this... And then it disappeared into the ether, because this fella accidentally hit Control+X... Tumblr, you really gotta work on that, I'm still a little miffed that I lost everything that I wrote here... and I'm rewriting the entire thing verbatim, I know- I should've saved it to a word doc first, which I did with this replacement post... Anyways... Thoughts on the RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN trailer!
Like the "Things I Loved About" posts I did on PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH and STRANGE WORLD, this will be a collection of unorganized thoughts... So, bear with me!
Finally… DreamWorks and Universal reveal that this movie actually exists. I mean, if you looked in the right places, you knew it was a thing. MEET THE GILLMANS was a title you saw, scooper sites had some stuff on it… But strangely, this project was never officially announced to the public until this trailer dropped… A little over 3 months before release. At least with THE BAD GUYS, whose trailer dropped 4 months before it came out, we knew of its existence as an in-development title as far back as the spring of 2018. This is an interesting approach: They’re literally going to marathon-run this film’s marketing campaign. How will it do? Well, I’ll get to that in another post…
First off? Visually? Eye-candy. Colorful as heck. I particularly dig the bioluminescent underwater kingdom, it’s like a mix of sea creature designs and futuristic lightshow aesthetics. Also, that shot of all the jellyfish? Desktop background right there.
You know, to keep waffling on about the underwater world… I’m getting the Aquaria Towers level from SPYRO 2: RIPTO’S RAGE vibes… Heck, I did a whole post on how I’d love to see a SPYRO THE DRAGON movie done in the style of PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH, but that’s another story… But all this neon-like bio-luminescence and the overall design of the architecture is also really making me think of a mid-1990s policy “snipe” for National Amusements theaters. I saw this thing A LOT when I was a child growing up in the late 1990s going to the movies quite frequently (I had seen DreamWorks’ debut films ANTZ and likely THE PRINCE OF EGYPT when they had come out, among others), so it’s burned into my brain. So yeah, this underwater world reminds me of that as well. I dig!
The Krakens themselves have like a squishy, bendy, clay-like look. Almost getting much older claymation vibes, like Gumby.
The rest? The above world has a fun look, as do the human characters. Given that this was directed by Kirk DeMicco, who directed DreamWorks’ own THE CROODS, and then VIVO for Sony Animation, it’s fittingly colorful and vibrant. Some of the human design reminds me of the humans in that movie, too. Lots of unlikely shapes and such. Now if this is still set in Florida as rumored, then it fits, because VIVO was set in Florida as well.
The story itself seems like a cross-genre mesh of different ideas: The mythology of Krakens and mermaids, a teen coming-of-age comedy (DeMicco cited John Hughes influences), a family drama, and a… Kaiju battle action movie? Talk about going all out with your basic premise!
Speaking of which, this isn’t at all like LUCA, which was also about sea monsters blending in with humans in a coastal community. That movie was much more informed by director Enrico Casarosa’s Italian childhood, was set in the early 1960s, and was a much more slice-of-life kind of story. Sorta following the day to day of these three kids in mid-century Italy, with no really larger plot, and stakes that are at their level - which I quite liked about that movie. I also do not understand why a lot of people online are suggesting that it’s derivative of TURNING RED… Did TURNING RED invent the teen/coming-of-age movie or something? Is it because in that movie, Meilin has to hide herself when she morphs into a red panda? That kind of thing has been done before, too. The executions for both are very different, even from this film’s trailer.
The film’s logo is also great. As a graphic designer, I'm gonna nerd out about this for a second: “RUBY GILLMAN” is written in a friendly cursive, almost like the kind you’d see inked onto a high school notebook page. The “TEENAGE KRAKEN” is blockier and bolder, with the “K” letterform forming a tentacle. That is very, very cool and very eye-catching! It’s actually reminiscent of the first logo made for THE MITCHELLS VS. THE MACHINES, where the “MITCHELLS” was in a similar kind of written cursive, and “MACHINES” was solid letterforms, suggesting the rigid and mechanic feel of the robots and devices that become corrupted in that movie. The final logo changes “MITCHELLS” to big capital letters, but it still looks like a notebook-like design (like say, that “S” thing everyone drew in the early 2000s), likely in Katie Mitchell’s notebook (as her art and scribbles are all over the movie, visually), but yeah- The RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN logo has that vibe, and I really dig it. Nice visual contrast of the protagonist’s wants to have a normal teen lifestyle, and her background and heritage.
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I also find it funny that, on land, the antagonistic mermaid Chelsea disguises herself as a redheaded teenager. Some are quick to assume that’s a jab at Disney, or their upcoming remake of THE LITTLE MERMAID, but… It’s likely not much deeper than “Haha, let’s make her a redhead, like Ariel.” Because of how iconic and well-known the 1989 Disney animated film adaptation is, the first thing most folks think of when they hear “mermaid” is a redhead! I’d imagine the character design was locked a while ago, before it was even certain when this would come out. Even then, it’s little more than nothing.
I also noticed that Ruby’s calendar in her bedroom… May. Is that why Chelsea has come to her school? Because it’s Mermay?
I also find it funny that, on land, the antagonistic mermaid Chelsea disguises herself as a redheaded teenager. Some are quick to assume that’s a jab at Disney, or their upcoming remake of THE LITTLE MERMAID, but… It’s likely not much deeper than “Haha, let’s make her a redhead, like Ariel.” Because of how iconic and well-known the 1989 Disney animated film adaptation is, the first thing most folks think of when they hear “mermaid” is a redhead! I’d imagine the character design was locked a while ago, before it was even certain when this would come out. Even then, it’s little more than nothing.
I also noticed that Ruby’s calendar in her bedroom… May. Is that why Chelsea has come to her school to scope out a Kraken? Because it’s Mermay?
So yeah… I am looking forward to this. It’s nice to see a new original DreamWorks movie. In terms of their NOT-sequel movies, this is their first truly original movie, not based on any pre-existing IP or book or story what-have-you, since ABOMINABLE came out in fall 2019… In fact, of the last eight DreamWorks Animation movies… Only ABOMINABLE and THE BAD GUYS were not sequels to any of their previous movies. The studio's new plan, as I have heard once from the trenches, is to have a not-sequel movie and a sequel every calendar year. Last year fit the bill with THE BAD GUYS and PUSS IN BOOTS Dos, this year it’s this movie and TROLLS BAND TOGETHER, next year… KUNG FU PANDA 4 and… Well, who knows. My non-existent money is on RONAN BOYLE… But that’s also another story…
I’m just happy to see that we are indeed getting two DreamWorks movies this year, and one of them is an original… And the original in question looks like a fun time, a mashup of like 3-4 different genres, and boasting a colorful, vibrant, and neat visual style...
In another post, I'll discuss what I think it's box office prospects are. If that interests you, stay tooned, then-
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hugheshugs · 3 years
chai chats | b. boeser
summary: you meet brock at a coffee shop and want to become his friend.
pairing: grumpy!brock x chatterbox!reader
word count: 2.1k
note: i kinda love this one ijwnekssk, maybe i should make it an au?? lmk, hope u enjoy <3
taglist: @heatabovejakey @boeswhore @calemakarjuice @pandas-daisy @rainysuitcaseprunegiant @1-800-iluvhockey @bbrissonn @drei-mrssvechii @idfan21 @thescooby-gang @owenpowersglasses @owenpowerstapejob @this-is-ally-and-im-confused // join my taglist here :)
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you were never one to go to coffee shops. the obvious reason being, you didn't like coffee and you knew you could make tea at home for much cheaper. when you found yourself standing inside a cozy coffee shop around the corner of your apartment building, you couldn't help but wonder what was going on.
frankly, you believed it had something to do with the universe sending something your way. that was in parts true, but rather than something colliding with your bursting rays of sunshine, it was someone.
okay, so he didn't actually collide with you. you saw him sitting by himself in the corner of the room but that didn't matter. you made your way up to him and you know he acknowledged your prescence but he paid no mind to you until you very loudly cleared your throat.
he looked up at you with a bored expression, clearly finding whatever he was looking at on his phone more interesting.
"do you like sharks— i mean, can i sit here?" you fumbled, the words coming out of your mouth before you could process them.
he shrugged and you took that as a, sure, sit here and annoy the shit out of me, so you decided to do exactly that. his eyes focused back on the device in his hand, to which you internally wondered how he could find a screen more interesting than a literal person.
"i noticed you like wearing shorts over tights. interesting combination."
he let out a small sigh, still not giving you the time of day. as if he were a dark figure in a mist of fog, his brooding self interested you more than scared you away. in fact, you became determined to get something out of him.
"what's your name?"
you pursed your lips, looking around for any sign of common interest between you two. he had a small sticker of two dogs stuck on his phone case but you're scared of dogs. the grey hoodie he wore reminded you of the stormy clouds you saw earlier but that didn't tell you if he liked cloud watching like you did.
oh, but what about the logo on his hoodie? you didn't recognize it. there was practically nothing about him that stuck out because he was so.. simple. his gloomy personality seemed to reflect onto every aspect of his life but then again, you only came to this conclusion based on the fact that there was nothing on him or his belongings that told you a single fact about him.
it was when your gaze trickled downwards once more that you had an aha! moment, cheering internally as you finally caught sight of the string of a tea bag hanging out of his cup and being strangled by the lid.
"you like tea!" you perked up, trying not to frown when he made no effort to pay attention to you.
his hand rested loosely on the side of the cup and you thought about what would happen if you stole his drink from him but decided against it. obviously you would have given it back but it seemed a bit bold for a first meeting, even for you.
"i like tea— no, actually i love tea. when i was younger, my grandma used to make me orange pekoe and it was my favourite growing up. it still is, it's really the best tea in the entire world," you continued rambling, not even realizing at what point of your speech he decided to pay attention.
"but then, my mom got this fancy tea kit thingy a couple years ago and i fell absolutely in love with earl grey. like, it's my life now. i don't know if you've had it but it's the best ever, but i just said that about orange pekoe so i guess you shouldn't really take my word for it— well, no, you should take my word for it but i just mean that—"
"where are you going with this?"
you started to choke. your breath got caught in your throat and you began coughing. you tried hiding it, you know, when you drink water and it goes down the wrong pipe but you don't want to be too loud so you let your eyes tear up and turn red while you're in an absurd amount of hidden distress? that didn't work because the man before you knocked the breath out of your lungs just by opening his mouth.
frantically, you grab the water bottle in your bag and chug. the comfort of the cool liquid against your scratched esophagus helped you gather yourself before looking him in the eyes.
"you good?—"
"you can't speak."
"why not?"
your heart skipped a beat, the low hum of his voice sounded like a sweet melody to your ears. it was almost unbearable how much you found yourself loving his voice after he'd spoken merely three sentences to you.
"you're going to make me choke again," you told him.
he set his phone down and folded his hands together, leaning slightly forward on the table to narrow his eyes at you and give you his full attention. "good."
you let out a loud gasp and brought your hand to your chest at his words. "excuse me?"
"i would rather listen to you dying than hear you talk about tea for another ten minutes."
"well thats mean," you pouted and felt a blade in your heart. "i was just trying to find something for us to talk about. you know, so we could be friends."
he gave you an incredulous look. "did it even occur to you, throughout the past 15 minutes of you sitting in front of me without me saying a word, that maybe i don't want to be your friend?"
ouch. that one hurt more than the first one. you weren't usually one to get sad easily but that kind of yanked your heart out of your body and smushed it into pieces. you felt like he threw it onto the cement and stomped on it, using his heel to dig into it with every step.
had it ever occurred to you that people didn't like how much you talked? yes, but you never let it get to you because no one ever said it to your face. it felt like a punch in the gut, only this sensation went down to your toes, back up to your heart and to your head with every second you stayed seated.
"i-i'm sorry," you apologized softly. your head was tilted and your mouth was slightly open as you stared at the man in front of you without a single thought in your mind. "i guess i just never realized that my blabbering is the reason for my lack of relationships. you know, platonic, romantic, familial— god, i'm doing it again."
it didn't take long for you to go quiet after that, which was weird because you were never quiet for longer than two minutes. his words really struck a nerve and he'd have been oblivious if he couldn't tell.
you didn't know why you didn't leave, either. you started thinking about every single friendship, every person you were in the talking stage with, how they all just.. left you. how you began talking more because you thought that would get people to like you but in reality just caused everyone to drift away. it was like you stepped in quicksand, stuck in place with nowhere to go but into the ground. you felt like the world was swallowing you whole.
he didn't want to seem stuck up or anything but he couldn't believe you didn't know who he was. were you messing with him? you seemed so genuine it almost hurt his stone cold heart to believe you were lying. he wouldn't put it past you to be so oblivious to your surroundings. his face was plastered on transit buses, for crying out loud.
the sound caught you off guard and you almost cringed, not expecting it. you blinked at the blue eyes in front of you.
"you asked for my name."
a small smile ghosted upon your lips. had your nonsensical chatter actually worked for a change? you wanted to hold your hand out for him but concluded that would be too formal so you just nodded.
"i'm y/n. sorry for talking your ear off," you apologized sheepishly.
"i'd rather you talk my ear off than choke."
your eyes crinkled at the sides, taking in his words. was that his way of being romantic? because if so, he had a lot to work on.
"i'll just pretend i know what that means.." you trailed off, not wanting to talk too much anymore.
the handsome man you now know as brock, took a long sip of his drink, seeming to be swirling the flavours around his tongue.
"chai's my favourite."
your eyes twinkled. "oh, so we're sharing secrets now?"
"no, that's not what i meant—"
"ah, ah, ah. no take backs! my secret is that i think you're a really cool dude and i wanna be friends with you. how do you feel about that?" you asked, using your hand as a fake microphone and holding it just before his lips.
he looked down at it and back to you, and you could tell there was something going on in his head that he wouldn't dare say out loud. he probably thought you were a crazy person.
just when you started feeling like you were walking on the capilano suspension bridge, he opened his gorgeous mouth. "i feel like that's not a secret."
a hazy feeling shot up your spine when he played along and spoke into your pretend mic. who knew the gloomy cloud had something going for him? his personality was intriguing, something you began to think he didn't put on display for this exact reason. he'd have too many people in his life.
"i think you're really cool," you confessed again, lowering your hand.
confusion ached to take over his features but he held it in, having too much experience with hiding his emotions. what had she found cool about him throughout any of this? if anything, he was as bland as a stale potato chip.
you sensed his bewilderment and made a move to explain yourself, placing your elbow on the table and resting your chin in your hand in hopes of not seeming too interested.
"you're just really.. well, the opposite of me. i find that intriguing 'cause most people seem to be a mix of you and i but.. you're you and i'm me, you know? does that make sense? like, i don't know how to stop talking and you don't seem to like talking too much. most people i know are a mix of that but we aren't."
"you're telling me you don't know anyone as quiet as i am?" he asked slowly, not believing the words coming out of his mouth.
that was something he'd never be able to understand because he knew for a fact that there were lots of people in the world who spoke way less than he did. this only made him curious about you.
"well, considering that i'd been rambling about tea for a whole thirteen minutes before you told me to shut up, yes."
he stared at you for a couple moments, biting the inside of his cheek as you sent a cheeky grin his way. it looked as though he was having an internal debate with himself, and when he closed his discussion and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms to give you an amazing view of his muscular chest (yes, even through the hoodie), you eyes widened and you knew you were on your deathbed.
"i like you," he informed simply, not feeling the need to say anything else.
your eyebrose rose in shock. "huh? you wanna be friends with me—"
"i didn't say that—"
"here, put your number in my phone so we can be buddies!" you said hurriedly, rushing to grab your phone before he could change his mind.
he rubbed his temples, his thoughts full of multiple ways of saying, how the fuck did i end up here? he watched carefully as you slid your phone to him, the blank contact ready for him to put in his info.
was he really going to do this? give his number to a random stranger who could possibly be a crazy fan in disguise and leak it? yes, he was.
for the first time ever, brock didn't know what he was doing, and he couldn't shake the spark of it feeling so right.
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hongjoongsforehead · 3 years
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mommy’s slut
sub!oikawa dom!(f)reader
warnings: mommy kink, choking, omorashi, dacriphilia, spanking, overstimulation, implied oral(f receiving), degradation, dumbification if you squint, slight praise
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oikawa knew he was fucked. literally. he had been teasing you all day. constantly slapping your ass while you guys were out for lunch with his team, grinding on you, kissing your neck, trying to get a rise out of you.
but this. this was your breaking point. you were sitting with the rest of his team, not really listening to their conversation but out of nowhere you hear oikawa say
“i’m obviously the dom in the relationship...”
hearing these words made your head perk up from your phone, you glare at oikawa a silent way of telling him to watch it. he looks back at you for a split second before going right back to the conversation.
“oikawa, watch it”
you gave him another warning but he still wanted to act out and make you seems like a sub.
“y/n i don’t know what you mean, i’m obviously the dom here little cutie”
the rest of his team was laughing at you which only added fuel to the fire that was burning inside of you. without thinking you walked up to oikawa and grabbed his throat barely applying pressure.
“ahh- y/n w-what are you doing?” he gasped
“tell them.” you replied
“tell them what?”
“tell them how much of a little slut you are for me oikawa.” you ordered.
oikawa struggled to release your grip from his throat but that only made you tighten it more.
“ah o-okay fine...i’m your slut y/n” he finally admitted.
you released this throat and he panted, gasping for air. everyone was now looking at you while you gathered your things getting ready to leave iwaizumis house.
they all had their mouths wide open, eyes popped out not expecting to see such a side of you.
“oikawa get your things and get ready to leave.” you told him, he instantly followed your orders.
“bye boys, we will see you next time.”
they all responded with a variation of ‘goodbye.’ although before you could leave the house iwaizumi stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
“y/n, please don’t hurt him too bad, we still have practice tomorrow.” he asks.
“i’ll see what i can do iwa.” you responded nonchalantly.
getting to your car, you turn it on and begin to leave iwaizumis house. the ride back was filled with an uncomfortable silence and every now and then you could see oikawa shift in his seat. stopping at a red light you decide that you want to play with your toy for a little bit.
“when we get home you’re going to go upstairs strip and wait patiently until i get there with you. got it?” you ask
“yes” he responds, barely a whisper
“yes who oikawa?”
“y-yes mommy.”
“good boy.”
once the light turns green you begin driving again, looking over at him every now and then only to see him shifting around him his seat.
you finally arrived at your house, you and oikawa were just sitting in silence when you finally decided to break it.
“go do as i told before your punishment is worse.”
hearing this oikawa got out of the car and rushed into the house looking down the whole time.
after about ten minutes you decide that it’s been long enough, so you get out the car and head towards the door. opening it you walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water when you get an idea. smirking to yourself you refill yours and grabbing another glass of water before walking to your shared bedroom. opening the door you see oikawa sitting on the bed naked and hard, waiting patiently for instruction.
you hand him one of the glasses to which he looks up at you in confusion.
“what am i supposed to do with this mommy?”
“drink it honey.” you reply as if it’s the most obvious thing ever
“but i’m not thirsty mommy...”
“i don’t remember asking all of that my love.”
oikawa looks at you for a little longer before finally decided to follow your orders of drinking the water. he drink about half before handing it back to you, which you deny. you shake your head at him and signal for him to finish the cup. of course he doesn’t know why, but you grabbed one of the largest cups that you had in the kitchen. you were absolutely determined to break him beyond return tonight.
once he finishes the first glass of water you hand him the other, which he didn’t like.
“mommy i’m too full, do i have to drink more?”
he was getting whiny which you knew meant that it wouldn’t take long for him to fully submit to you. without a second thought you bring the cup to his mouth and made him drink, only a little bit spilling past his lips.
once the glass was empty you decided it was time to put your plan into action. you sit down next to oikawa on the bed and instruct him to lay over your lap.
“you get fifteen spanks for embarrassing and teasing me all day. do you remember your safe word baby?”
“yes mommy, i remember.”
“what is it baby?”
“good boy. now you’re going to take your spanks like a good slut and maybe i’ll give a reward.” you told him. you knew that he would be expecting the first hit so you waited a couple minutes before spanking him.
you landed hit after hit on him, with him counting after each one. once you got to fifteen oikawa was sobbing and gripping the bed sheets like his life depended on it.
“are you okay baby? do you need to use your safeword?” you asked because he looked utterly wrecked.
he frantically shook his head no before trying to speak up before realizing that he couldn’t. he put his head back down in embarrassment before trying to speak again with no luck.
you pull him up by his hair making him look at you in the eyes and the sight you saw was enough to have you dripping. his cheeks were stained with tears, his hair was dripping with sweat that would eventually drop onto his face, his tongue was hanging out his mouth causing drool to fall down his chin.
“my pretty baby…looking so wrecked for mommy.” oikawa whined at your words and tried to squirm out of your grip which you didn’t allow.
“you’re embarrassing me mama.” oikawa wouldn’t stop wriggling i’m your grasp until you flipped him over on the bed and held his legs open. you decided that now would be a good time to execute your plan. you place one of your hands on this abdomen above his bladder before applying pressure.
you knew that as soon as you applied the pressure to his stomach oikawa was reminded of the fact that he did in fact have to pee which caused him to fold in on himself and moan loudly. a fter a few seconds went by he unraveled his body and layed back flat on the bed. you moved your hand back down to his throbbing cock and gave him a few slow strokes which had his thighs shaking.
after letting go of his cock you led your hand back up to his bladder area. before pressing down and massaging the area. oikawa was soon letting out loud moans and whimpers at the overwhelming feeling.
“m-mama please…”he was squirming trying to get away from your hands, not wanting to make a mess everywhere.
“please what baby? what does my little whore want from his mommy?” you honestly didn’t know how you were holding yourself together because oikawa was so hot when he begged.
“w-wan’ c-cum first mama. please let me cum mama please.” oikawa was practically sobbing once again, probably harder than before.
“okay slut how do you want mommy to make you cum?” you decided that he’s been through enough teasing and you should finally fulfill his wishes.
“want your hands, m-mouth, anything please just make me cum mommy!” you could tell that he was starting to get bratty again so you decided to take initiative.
you grab oikawa s cock and start stroking him at a fast pace that has him gasping for air. you knew after all this teasing he wouldn’t last long at all, so you leaned your head down to his cock, licking the tip before taking him halfway.
the moans oikawa let out we’re going straight to your core making you want to just forget all about this and fuck your baby until all the both of you saw were stars, but then you remember that you’re supposed to be proving a point so you get back to doing what you were doing, making your baby feel good.
“m-mommy gon’ cum! please let me cum mommy. i’m so close…please!” you pulled off of him but continued to stroke him at a fast pace once again before leaning to his ear and whispering.
“go ahead baby, go ahead and cum for mommy.” and almost as if on command oikawa was cumming all over himself and your hand. he was letting out the most pornographic moans that sounded almost like screams but turned you on nonetheless. his moans consisted of nothing less than screams and chants of ‘mommy’ or ‘feels so good’
you stroked oikawa all the way through his orgasm until he was practically shaking in overstimulation, letting more tears fall at how good all of it felt.
once oikawa came down from his high he noticed that your hand returned back to his stomach over his abdomen when he remembered that he had to pee really badly. and if there’s one thing you know, it’s that you can’t piss and cum at the same time so once one of those things is out the way the other would come rushing to you faster than you’d think.
oikawa was once again whining and squirming in your grip again trying to get your hand off him.
“baby if you want me to stop at all just say so. but if not let me know now because i’m not gonna hold back” you wanted to make sure that he knew that he wasn’t being forced into anything and if he wanted to stop you would be completely okay with that.
oikawa nodded at your words and you let him off the hook with a non verbal answer since he is still kind of dazed from him previous orgasm.
you begin to stroke his cock again while simultaneously pressing on his bladder area knowing that you’ll get the outcome that you are looking for.
you knew it shouldn’t take long because you know oikawa was already close to pissing himself earlier. as you were stimulating these two places on his body he began to shake some more while trying to close his legs together to keep from peeing everywhere.
you forced his legs open again while applying more pressure to the areas before looking up at oikawas face. he was crying again and biting his lip to try to keep his moans and whimpers low.
“yes baby? what is it?” you faked innocence.
“gotta pee mama.” you were cooing at him at this point because he was just so cute, your cute little whore.
“go ahead baby, make another mess for mama.” with that oikawa was doing as told, making a mess of the sheets, himself, and you. moaning the whole time because he finally got the release he was wanting.
once he was finished you quickly got up to go get a towel and some clean clothes to put him in. you got oikawa up and led him to the bathroom to run him a bath.
setting him into the water you let him wash up and relax his muscles for a bit while you go change the sheets, putting the dirty ones in the washing machine.
heading back in the bathroom after hearing oikawa call out for you, you see your baby drying himself off which makes you remember that you never actually got to cum.
thinking nothing of it and just planning to get off with a vibrator once oikawa fell asleep you help him into his clothes before going back into your shared room with him.
getting under the new covers oikawa cuddles up to your body and you press a kiss to his forehead before pressing one to his lips.
you and oikawa indulge in light conversation, mostly oikawa apologizing for acting like a brat earlier and you forgiving him when he realizes that you’ve been rubbing your thighs together about the whole conversation.
he then remembers that you didn’t get to cum during your scene with him. feeling bad he lifts the covers off of your bodies before going between your legs and pulling down your pants and panties.
“what are you doing baby?” you had to ask because you were genuinely confused. had he picked up on how needy you were acting?
“mommy didn’t get to cum, wan’ make mommy cum. please mommy?” he gives you puppy eyes which he knows you can’t resist.
nodding while speaking you say, “go ahead baby, make mommy feel good.” and that was all the confirmation that oikawa needed before going down on your still dripping folds, eating you out in the best way he knew how.
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this took way longer than i anticipated because i simply lost motivation everytime i started writing again but here it is! my sub oikawa fanfiction :)
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deelooc · 4 years
Happy Valentine's day everyone!! So for this occasion i decided to come up with some hcs on how the Jujutsu Kaisen boys would spend Valentine's day with their s/o, having not written some jjk for a while.
Since i wanted to post this on time, i only managed to do Gojo, Nanami, Fushiguro, Itadori, and Inumaki.
Regardless, i hope you enjoy <3
Jujutsu Kaisen Valentine's Day Headcanons              
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❥ To Gojo, Valentine's day must be celebrated. Since the man's got money money, he will not hesitate to buy you the most expensive gifts just because. Watch him show up to your room with a giant teddy bear, several boxes of chocolates (mostly for him to eat), a really pretty necklace he thought would suit you as well as a short tight dress of his choice, and last but not least, a cliché bouquet of your favorite flowers.
❥ "See babe, I am such a good boyfriend. Bet no one else would do this for you, am I right?"
❥ You would then proceed to throw a pillow at him, already used to his cockiness.
❥ After things had settled down, the both of you would be splayed across the bed, munching on the different types of chocolate Gojo had brought home. However, the dumb mf had forgotten to remove a certain note off of one of the boxes. It was your typical Valentine's day cliché note. When he noticed the sour look on your face he proceeded, faking oblivion, "What, is something wrong with the chocolates?"
❥ He would then confess to you that all of these different boxes of chocolates were actually gifts from his fangirls. "I was nice enough to share them with you babe, you don't have to be mad."
❥ Now let's be honest, Gojo is a busy man, being the strongest jujutsu sorcerer and all. So of course, you are going to end up getting dragged to watch him exorcise a curse. "Come on babe, cheer me on!" You would then awkwardly cheer him on, making sure to take note of this situation to get back at him later.
❥ At the end of the day, to make things better in his opinion, Gojo would take you to the most expensive restaurant he could find in order for him to make it up to you. Though according to him, he bought the dress just for this part of the night. Everything ends up going well (i mean, as well as they could go with Gojo of all people).
❥ Expect him to be horny after coming back home. Actually, the alcohol he had back at the restaurant got to his head easily so as soon as you noticed, you made sure to get going since your boyfriend has no shame and would literally grope you in front of a whole audience.
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❥ As it may seem, Nanami isn't a huge fan of this whole Valentine's day thing. In his opinion, people who use this specific day to show their love are simply "foolish", as he likes to put it.
❥ However, when he sees the dull look on your face after hearing what he said, he takes a little mind note that he should actually put in some effort to make this day sort of special.
❥ Throughout the day, you would give him the cold shoulder, trying to make him feel guilty for what he did and rethink his choice. But what you didn't know was that Nanami already gave in to planning a little something for the both of you. It wasn't much, but it was all he could come up with at the last minute.
❥ You had already planned to not go to work that day just so you could spend time with your lover. However, you did end up going in order for you to get your mind off things. Nanami saw this as a great opportunity to start off with this plan.
❥ He went out and bought your favorite scented candle, a new fuzzy blanket, some wine, and a special something he had been planning to do for a while.
❥ When you got back home, you were surprised to see the fireplace lit up, two glasses of wine set out on the table, dimmed lights, and a scented candle set in the middle of your small coffee table near the fireplace. There were cushions on the ground, indicating that this was where you were supposed to sit.
❥ Nanami suddenly popped out of nowhere, blushing like crazy since this was his first time doing something like this (you being his first s/o and all). You were confused about this whole situation but your thoughts were interrupted as your lover gently took your hand and lead you to the cushions placed on the ground.
❥ The both of you ended up drinking wine, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket, and cuddling by the fireplace. At the end of the night, Nanami took the opportunity to reveal the "special something" he had bought you earlier. Surprise surprise, it was an engagement ring. He ended up proposing to you right then and there. Leave it to Nanami to be unintentionally cheesy while mocking others for it.
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❥ Being with Fushiguro, everything in your relationship has always been more reserved for as long as you could remember. So, Valentine's day wasn't any different for the both of you and you were okay with it.
❥ You being the more outgoing one in the relationship, decided to take the first step and showed up to your boyfriend's dorm in the morning with some ginger muffins you had baked earlier.
❥ He was pretty groggy and seemed annoyed (having just woken up). However, he pulled you in for a hug to show you his appreciation. Fushiguro then lets you in to his dorm room and you end up having the muffins for breakfast while spending the day indoors.
❥ You had planned a little self-care day for the both of you, wanting to do something lowkey and not really lovey dovey. You had to tie your boyfriend's messy hair into a little bun in order for you to spread the face mask on his face. Thinking that you were too focused on the task at hand, Fushiguro would be staring at your "concentration face" with a look of pure adoration on his face. Once you notice this you would go ahead and say, "What's wrong 'gumi, anything on my face?", just to make him more flustered.
❥ He would instantly look away, trying to hide the intense blush that was starting to show on his face. You also had previously taken notice that his ears turn especially red when he's embarrassed (adorable).
❥ Since he's never done something like this before, when it's his turn to apply the face mask on your face, he becomes a bit agitated not knowing what to do next. So to make things easier for him, you propped yourself up on the bathroom counter and taught him how to properly apply the product. He was a bit slow, but props to him for at least trying.
❥ The day ended with the both of you cuddling on his bed, with cups of tea you had made after rinsing the face masks off. (he may or may not have brought out his divine dog since you love it so much)
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❥ With this ray of sunshine, not a day goes by where you feel your relationship is lacking from any aspect. So for Valentine's day, Itadori had planned a little arcade/karaoke date for the both of you to enjoy.
❥ The day had started off with your overly excited boyfriend giving you your part of the matching rings he bought. (It's a pretty cheesy idea, but the boy is trying his best okay😩) This results in you hugging him until he can't breathe anymore, appreciating the fact that he was considerate enough to think of something like this.
❥ You then end up getting dragged to the arcade, which was your first stop of the day. The both of you were usually pretty competitive, so this time wasn't going to be any different. You ended up trying every game available, from air hockey to dance dance revolution, trying desperately to beat one another.
❥ To your surprise, Itadori was actually really good at dance dance revolution, this obviously meaning that he won the round. However, you ended up beating him at basketball which shocked him since he never knew you could score this much. To make things more interesting, he decided to suggest, "The winner gets the loser to do anything they want, kay?". This of course fired you up even more, determined on getting your boyfriend to do whatever you had in mind.
❥ You ended up winning, causing Itadori to whine like a child. Your request was simple; earlier, you had spotted an axolotl plushie in one of the claw machines and you were motivated to get it since it reminded you of your very own boyfriend. "Don't worry, Yuuji. My request is pretty simple actually. Let's see if you can get me that axolotl plushie, deal?"
❥ He was pretty relieved to hear that you weren't going to make him do something crazy, so he concentrated very hard on trying to get you that plushie. After several tries and almost going broke over this one machine, your boyfriend ended up grabbing the prize for you. You ended up naming it Yuuji, of course.
❥ When night time came around, the both of you ended up at a karaoke place. Itadori had of course picked out "Body" by Megan Thee Stallion. He nailed it of course. You bet that Gojo would be somewhere amongst the crowd, filming this moment to send it on the group chat. The night ended with ordering a pizza and somehow ending up at the beach playing tag??
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❥ A Valentine's date with Inumaki would be like any other, yet it's special to you since you don't go out very often; your dates usually consist of staying at home and watching movies together.
❥ So in order for him to make it up to you, your boyfriend had planned a simple day out; grabbing some ice cream and watching the sunset. He avoided you the whole day since he was kind of nervous (that's an understatement) about what he had planned, unsure if you were going to like it or not.
❥ You were furious with your boyfriend for ignoring you today of all days. However, once he showed up at your dorm room with a small panda plushie and your favorite drink, you instantly forgot what he had done.
❥ "Toge~ why would you ignore me for the whole day? You can't expect me to forgive you right after show-"
❥ He ended up cutting you off with a kiss and a small "bonito flakes", scared that he would somehow hurt you with his cursed speech ability. Though that was enough for you to know that he was apologizing sincerely.
❥ Inumaki ended up dragging you to a small ice cream parlor you've never been to by the beach. You both ended up getting your favorite ice cream flavors and walking over to the sandy shore, making sure to take your shoes off before getting them filled with sand. Your boyfriend had brought a cute picnic blanket with him that had little onigiri all over it.
❥ You both ended up spending the rest of your time together with your head on his shoulder and his head on yours, all the while gazing at the beautiful sunset displayed in front of you. Few words were exchanged, but that's what you both preferred; it showed how sincere the words you would rarely speak were.
❥ Little did you both know, Panda, Maki, and Fushiguro were all watching you and Inumaki, making sure to catch some photos of you to embarrass you with later.
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how would they react if S / O would die? Plis?
Y'all- I'm not ready- I know I have answered a similar ask, but this will not stop me. These will be short unless my brain decides to go 50 MPH!
TW: Scenerios based around the death of a loved one.
Allies and Axis: Reaction to their S/O's death!
If it was a natural death, and a fulfilling relationship he'd have not only taken care of their graves, but decides to be their main caretaker as well.
He tries really hard not to cry, but he does, and is immediately searching for England for support.
He can't simply admit to how great the pain is, but how amazing and happy, and proud he is another thing.
Does nothing but talk about them in a good light.
And one talks badly about them, and they will get shit down.
Looking after their resting place has become very therapeutic.
He decorates their grave for any holiday
When their anniversary, birthday, or a major special event comes around, he makes sure to leave behind a small trinket he knows his S/O would love.
If his lover dies due to an unnatural event, he will be very agressive for a while.
Until one day he breaks down and just sobs In front of the others.
It will make everyone kind of uncomfortable, but England is there to take him away and tall him through it.
After that he slowly bounces back, not wanting his S/O to have the chance to see him break like that.
He does become a little wiser, and starts holding people's opinions and Requests with more respect as well.
Natural death or not, he will get drunk, and sob for a few days.
France and America have to drag him out of the house, and he's just kind of miserable?
He only snaps out of it when France mentions how out of Character he is, and how he's surprised his S/O ever fell for him if he's like this.
Does a 180 in like, three days.
Makes monthly trips to their grave, and sometimes does so at night.
Has perfected a spell that summons their ghost, but it only works during a full moon.
And it only lasts for 5 minutes.
And it doesn't always work.
So even with his best efforts he hardly sees them anyway.
But he promised his beloved he would keep their Spirit alive in his waking life.
He becomes so much more calm, and patient after a year or so.
He's taken a lesson from this that everything is fleeting, and it's better to take in all the moments as they come.
He likes to bring a radio and book to the gravesight and just read to them.
He claims he can feel their smile when he does.
He has an extremely long grieving period.
We're talking a couple of years for him to move on.
If it was a natural cause he tries his best but his home feels so empty without them.
Someone suggested putting up pictures of them in places he spends most, and it kind of works.
If anyone visits him, chances are they'll catch him talking to those pictures, and it's kind of sad. Like in a sobering way.
The main thing that helps him get over it is the stuff that was left behind.
Books, plushies, perfumes/cologne, anything he can use to immerse himself in them is kept and stored away.
He only ever looks at it when he really, really misses them. Even if he needs it for a good cry.
Their grave has Panda's and their favorite animal cuddling on the stone. A Request by his S/O.
If they pass from unnatural causes he's seeking out revenge in whatever form he can get.
Someone is really going to have to restrain him, so Russia is involved if anyone catches wind of his schemes.
He will barricade himself in his S/O's room, and refuse to leave, and will barely eat.
Japan is the only person he will talk to, and when he does it's not very much.
The only way to snap him out of it is to physically drag him out in public, and he can and will run off at the first sight of another couple.
Once he starts thinking about all the good memories he has, he starts to feel better and recover.
He's surprisingly the most at peace of his S/O passes away naturally.
He's not exactly in pain over it, but he smiles and talks as if his S/O was there, and listening.
He actually has a Matryoshka of his S/O that has a wedding ring attached to it.
Even if his S/O didn't marry him he still wanted them to keep it, just because he felt they deserved to be reminded of just how much he loves them.
He's also calmed down significantly, and Pretty much vowed to love his life for his S/O.
The others originally thought he'd have snapped, but he's now magically everyone's therapist???
Turns out all the time he spent with his S/O wasn't meaningless fluffy feelings.
He was also proud of himself for allowing them in, and being able to take his walls down.
But if it was unnatural causes, that's when he snaps.
Best way to stop him?
"What would S/O think!?"
He'd get really depressed and dissapointed at that point.
He will spend a good couple weeks at their grave apologizing. Both for not being able to protect him, and losing his control, breaking an important Promise.
He gets over it after a couple months. It's best to just let him be until he does.
He was mostly in shock. More so if they dies from an unnatural cause.
He'd be more snappy towards everyone, but is quick to apologize.
The others understand and even when he snaps they know why, and feel mostly helpless.
He tends to storm out of the meetings when the others get too rowdy, and won't go back in until they settle down.
He works out more, and Russia could have sworn he saw Ludwig lip his car over one day.
Has many breakdowns
His brother literally has to slap it out of him and force him to realize how out of it he is.
He cries that night in his brothers shoulder.
Austria is second to the rescue, and help Germany find ways to cope.
The two of them together are successful at helping Germany find some inner peace over it, and he starts a small garden in honor of his lover.
He is going to cry for the first couple of nights, but doesn't regret a single night spent with them.
He knew it was going to hurt, and he just let's it happen.
No shame, no overthinking, he just cries to get it out of his system, even if it's just a little.
He thinks of all the times his S/O got him out of his shell, and blushes at the times they made him feel most alive.
You can tell when he thinks of them by the peaceful smile on his face.
He dares not touch their room, and sometimes sleeps in it, simply because it helps him sleep at night.
He has dreams about them when he's in there.
Likes to think that's them saying hi from the afterlife, and if it is he doesn't want them to ever stop.
Any unnatural causes will make him seem cold for a few weeks, but Italy manages to get through to him.
Watching Italy prance around almost reminds him of how happy his S/O made him feel. They made him want to prance around, and he almost regrets not doing so.
Another one who is surprisingly full of happy tears and smiles.
He knows they're in a good place, and is just to overwhelmed with pride and happiness to be sad.
It still hurts, but thinking about them makes him so giddy, and smile.
They were his drug, and his cure.
So it was only logical to keep marching on as the one thing his S/O loved the most. Himself!
Though if it was an unnatural cause, he won't be sleeping properly for a while.
Japan and Germany actually have to keep an eye on him, Because his exhausted state has almost caused a few accidents, involving himself, and sometimes those around him.
When he does manage to sleep finally (thank you Japan and China for teaching him guided meditations) He's out for almost a whole day.
Germany goes out of his way to make something Italy and his S/O ate a lot.
Italy winds up crying and frowning. Surprisingly became extremely withdrawn when Germany tried to comfort him
But he recovers after eating and is able to smile bit by bit.
So, turns out my brain did want to go 50 MPH and make these longer than planned! Yay-
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Not the End | Kuroo Tetsuro
Pairing: Kuroo x Reader (female)
Genre: heart warming fluff tehe
Author’s Note: Literally one of my most favorite things I have ever written so I really hope you guys like it too~!! 🥺🥰🥰time to embrace canon kuroo and make more fluff, even if it means breaking a 4th wall or 5th wall- dedicated to haikyuu, thank you for everything
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He knocked repeatedly on the door as clouds casted by in the sky, blocking out the sweltering summer sun
He wore a white oversized t-shirt with the periodic table on it and black jeans
“Where is she?” He thought to himself as he spammed your doorbell, hearing the chime echo inside yet there was no movement to be seen
He glanced at his watch seeing the time
He fortunately came early but if you didn’t come out now, the window of extra time would be shutting
He was growing just the tiniest bit antsy since he had been dreaming about this date for so long and now that it was summer and volleyball was over, he had the time
Tickets were hard to get for these museums he had planned and he had a whole day planned down to every hour
It was early in summer so it was perfect, not too scorching hot
He couldn’t wait anymore and pulled out your spare key from your flowerpot, putting it back neatly as if it was never touched
“Y/N?” He called, his strong voice echoing into what seemed like an empty house
He slipped out of his shoes and made his way upstairs, almost always finding you there if you never answered the door, his calls, or anything
Your bedroom was like your sanctum having all that you needed- an air con fan, tv, surround sound, and most importantly, your bed that you had all to yourself
approaching your bedroom, the door cracked open, he could hear the faintest sound of music playing 
“Oya?” He knocked on your bedroom door as he pushed it open, relieved to find you
But he didn’t know how to feel seeing you curled up wearing his stolen hoodie, still in bed when you knew about the time for today’s events
“Hey, what’s up? We have to get to the station-“ he paused when he saw you look up to him, uncurling your face from your pillow
Your eyes were red and cheeks tear stained, matching your pillow cover that you hugged
“K-Kuroo...” you sobbed, inching yourself in your little ball form toward him as he sat on the edge of your bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight
“W-what is it?” He was surprised as you laid your head on his lap
His mind went frantic as he went through your messages in his head, trying to remember if it was a certain day he missed- it wasn’t anyone that he knew of’s birthday, not an anniversary date or anything
Why were you so heartbroken?
Your eyes glistened from the sunlight in the room as you teared up once again, little wet drops forming on his jeans
“R-remember that manga and anime I was watching?” You sniffled as you sat up, your pillow in your lap and your fingers playing with the hem of it. “The volleyball one?”
“Yeah, did a character die or something?” He tried to make light of the situation and it worked, just the slightest but your emotions were getting the best of you
“No, but the last chapter of the manga came out…” tears dripped off your chin as you swallowed a hardened lump in your throat, the words aching as you spoke
listening carefully, he could hear you were listening to a slowed down version of one of the opening themes- he only knew this because of how many times you would put on the themes while riding in the car
but this was the slowed down version, or as you called it the “moonlight version,” and it was setting the mood for you, making you more sad 
Kuroo remembered the day back in junior high/ end of grade school when you started following this manga about volleyball
“You need to stop listening to this, it’s just making you sadder,” he laughed awkwardly, pausing the song that was playing on loop. he knew this volleyball anime/manga meant the world to you, but not like this 
Your eyes lit up when you read or talked about it to him and he asked you why not play for the girls’ team but you settled on being the manager for Nekoma instead, wanting to cheer them on and also being with kuroo and kenma and all your other close friends on the team 
It made him feel like you loved the show and manga more than him sometimes and it kinda hurt since they were fictional characters and he was your boyfriend, a real life actual volleyball player
“All the characters got their story, they grew above and beyond, and the main character was finally able to make it to the world stage with his partner from the high school team and- “ your voice cracked as you spoke, the wound reopening, fresh in your chest as everything you read, everything you watched, all the glorious moments came rushing through your mind
Everything you fell in love with for the past eight years came rushing back and you loved it all so much, it made you so warm but it also hurt thinking about how there wouldn’t be any more to it
You wanted to curl into a hole and rewatch and reread everything as much as you could
No more chapters, most likely no more official arts- all you had left was the animated show that would be continuing and finishing in a couple months
“Kuroo, I don’t want it to end,” you sobbed, your hair falling, hiding your face
He didn’t miss how your knuckles turned white as you gripping your pillow, only able to imagine the heartache you were feeling
he knew very well how much this all meant to you, all the rants and extensive conversations you had with him, begging him to watch the show- especially because of a bed headed character that was just like him 
you reminded him so much of kenma- you talked, read, and watched everything about this story like kenma when he got a new game or was watching hinata play volleyball
You want to see more, hear more of the voice actors, the characters growing. You want to be beside all of them and see their story to the very end
All the antics between the characters that made you break into a smile or fits of giggles, all the cheers made for the different teams in your manga/anime- all were so addicting
“Hey, shhh,” he pulled you gently into his embrace, one hand holding the back of your head, the other rubbing down your back. “I know you don’t but all good things must come to an end, right?”  
He glanced at his watch just the slightest bit, seeing the time, relieved to know he still had enough
“Look on the bright side; you were able to read and watch it while it was still being made, you got to anticipate the next chapter and episode, seeing all the characters develop and become great people who’ve had such a great impact on your life.”
He pulled you back and wiped your tears away on your cheek
“This may be the end of the story, but it’s not the end for you; everything will live on inside of you, right?” He held your face in his hands, making sure his words got to you
“It won’t be the end of your life, or any of your favorite characters’. The story you were presented with came to an end but their lives are still going, just like yours.”
You buried yourself into his arms, muffling your cries into his neck as he chuckled, holding you
“Come on, get dressed and I’ll make sure all this sadness you’re feeling will go away. I’ll be the wind that’ll shift the storm cloud brewing above your head,” he stood up, still holding you and setting your feet on the ground
“I won’t let you be sad, not on my watch, chibi-chan,” he looked down to you with a smile as he pat your head. “Your body won’t even realize L-trytophan’s being converted into L-5OH-trytophan, converting serotonin by an aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase.”
The gawk you had made him let out his hyena laugh, just hurting his pride ever so slightly that he had made one of the smoothest lines in love-history and you didn’t even swoon
“I’m gonna make happy chemical in your body make your heart go doki doki,” he put simply to which you nodded, breaking in to a laugh, calling him a nerd under your breath as you changed
But he was your nerd, and he was right 
No matter where you were in life, you got to have this special manga and story in your life and experience it first-hand whereas others were missing it
Everyone lives on, even if you can’t see them
Thank you, Furudate, for bringing Haikyuu into this world <3
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @sam-ate-giorno​​​ @1-800-wholesome​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan
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puckinghell · 4 years
The Plus One Pact | William Nylander | Part 5
Summary: Your ex is getting married, and you don’t have a date, which means the unavoidable “why don’t you have a boyfriend” question is about to haunt you for the rest of eternity. But then there’s Will, who could be the answer to all your problems. A simple business pact, no feelings involved: that won’t be hard for you, because you really don’t like him anyways. Except pacts were made to be broken… or something. Right?
Note: This is part 5. Click here for part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
When you wake up, there’s something heavy draped across your chest, and everything around you is warm.
It takes a few minutes, for everything to get back, and until you can fully open your eyes. You didn’t bother taking off your mascara – were a little preoccupied – and you’re paying for that, now.
You don’t regret anything from last night, though.
Finally, you shift so you can look beside you. You’re laying on your back and Willy is pulled up against your side, lips resting against the naked skin of your shoulder. His arm is across your body, effectively pinning you to the mattrass, as if he subconsiously tried to stop you from leaving.
He doesn’t have to worry about that.
He looks peaceful, his blond hair spread across the pillow, his eyelashes fluttered shut against his cheekbones. The rise and fall of his chest is steady with every breath he takes.
Last night comes back in flashes; lips pressed against your collarbone, your fingers curling in his hair. Your heels kicked out in the hallway, his back bumping into the wall. Cursing, laughter. His hands all over your body, with just the right amount of pressure. The way he looked like he’d never seen anything so beautiful before. The way he’d blushed when you told him that you hadn’t, either.
The question, when it was silent and dark in the room, just the sound of catching breaths.
Willy’s immediate answer, unwavering and steady. “Always.”
Your alarm clock tells you it’s past 9 am, now, but you know neither of you have anything important today, so you’re more than content to press your nose against Willy’s scalp. It smells nice; familiar. He hums in response, but you don’t think he’s awake, not really.
Then, your phone buzzes.
At first, you think about ignoring it. It’s only 9am, after all, and there’s nothing that you can think of being that important. It’s probably just Zach, asking if you got home safe.
God, you’re gonna have to tell Zach what happened. He’s gonna be so smug about it; you’ll never hear the end of it.
But then your phone buzzes again, and again, and you think about Noah’s wedding. It could be your sister again, bothering you about it, or maybe your parents. Besides, the buzzing is making Willy stir, and you really don’t want to wake him up.
He’s been looking tired, the season running him down, and you’re not taking away any sleep that he could potentially get.
You carefully unwrap Willy’s arm from around you, which earns you another not-really-awake hum, this time one that sounds a little annoyed, and manage to grab your phone from your nightstand.
The words on your screen almost seem fake, but once you read them properly, you kinda feel like the room is spinning.
3 missed calls, and a text. 
From: Noah Daniels
I’m outside your apartment, can you let me in?
What in the actual fricking heavens...
With surprising clarity, your brain immediately realizes that you have two options now. You can go let him in, and talk to literally the last person on earth you wanna talk to, or you can not let him in, and risk your entire family screaming at you.
Besides, you’re supposed to be at this guy’s wedding in two days. So maybe only one option, then.
Your heart is beating way too fast, but you very slowly start the task of getting yourself out of bed without waking Will. It’s hard, to leave him there, and the thought flashes through your mind what would happen if he woke up, but he looks pretty knocked out so you decide not to worry about that.
You’ve got enough to worry about.
You throw on the first clothes you can find and try to make as little noise as you can while getting out the bedroom. Will stirs a few times, but his breathing remains even.
You really hadn’t wanted the first time you saw your ex to be like this, looking like a drowned panda wearing old sweatpants and – is that Will’s shirt, you grabbed?
But you guess you’ve learned nothing ever goes the way you want it to, with Noah.
When you open your front door, you almost expect him not to be there. Surely he was kidding, or sent that text to the wrong phone number, or it was a dare.
But no. He’s there, standing with his hands in his pockets and a hint of a smile on his face. He looks the same as he did back then, which throws you a little.
“Hi, Y/N,” he says, his voice soft. “I hope it’s not inconvenient, I was just in the neighborhood.”
“Uhm,” you bring out. It’s really inconvenient, but for some reason, the words can’t pass your lips.
“Can I come in? I wanted to talk about something, I guess.”
Great, now your nerves are truly flying at an all time high. Wordlessly, you step aside, and he takes the invitation for what it is and moves through your living room like he owns it, sitting on the couch without being asked. He doesn’t take off his shoes. It unnerves you, which is stupid, because Will doesn’t take off his shoes, either, and that hasn’t bothered you.
“You look…” Noah starts, pauses. Then settles on: “Different.”
“So do you,” you say, which is a lie, but you don’t really know what else to say. You could offer him coffee, but you find yourself not wanting to, so you cross your arms and stay standing in the middle of the living room.
“What did you wanna talk about, Noah?”
Noah sighs. “Straight into it. You never had a lot of time for small talk.”
You’re not sure if it’s meant to sound offensive, but it does. Maybe everything he says sounds offensive to you, now.
How did you ever love this guy?
“Well, as you wish.” Noah’s hands are folded in his lap. The engagement ring is shiny on his finger. “I’m getting married in two days, and you’ll be at the wedding. So I just wanted to make sure there weren’t any problems.”
Something in your brain short circuits. “Problems?”
Noah sighs again. It reminds you of the way your mom used to sigh when you were a little kid and you wouldn’t put on your shoes fast enough.
“Obviously things didn’t end great between us…”
Yeah, because you cheated. You don’t say it.
“And your sister told me you had some reservations about coming.”
That bitch.
“So I just wanted to make sure you weren’t, like, still in love with me.” He says it as if the thought amuses him. But he doesn’t look like he’s joking, and a storm is brewing in your mind. “Cause I know our relationship meant a little more to you than to me, and for that, I do apologize. But I don’t think it would’ve ever gone anywhere, anyway, you know? What we had was more of like, a summer fling.”
It’s like there’s wind whistling in your ear, but there’s no windows open in your apartment.
“A summer fling?” you repeat, a little dumbfoundedly. “We were together for four years.”
“A very long summer?” Noah offers, and you can tell by the smirk on his face he thinks he’s truly being funny.
“You cheated on me.” It’s the first time, you think, you’ve ever said those words to him, but you can’t keep them in now.
Noah’s face falls. “Hardly,” he says. “I just knew immediately that Betty was the one for me. I had to act on that, you understand that, right? I told you right after.”
Still counts as cheating. You don’t say that, either. Instead, you say: “You begged me to take you back.”
“That’s not how I remember it.”
You want to laugh. How else could he remember that night?
He stood on your porch in the darkness and said: “Look, I know it was stupid, but I’m young, and I don’t know anything about anything. I just know I miss you. The worst thing that I ever did was what I did to you, and I just want to make it up to you.”
You said: “Go fuck yourself”, slammed the door in his face and cried yourself to sleep for the next four months.
It’s not worth it, though, and it hits you how much you’ve changed. Because there was a time when you wouldn’t have had the strength to send him away, where this would’ve made you feel something. Frustration, sadness, anger. Hope, even.
It doesn’t, now. There’s not even the dull ache of being the one that was cheated on. There’s just indifference.
It feels like closure. 
“Look, Noah,” you say, “it doesn’t really matter. There’s not gonna be any problems at your wedding, okay? I’m just there because my mom wants me to be. I’ll keep quiet.” You smile, and you’re sure it looks fake but Noah doesn’t seem to notice.
“Okay,” he says. “If you say so, I believe you.” He stands up, clearly ready to go now that his worries have been soothed, then walks to the door and you watch as his hand lands on the doorknob. At the last moment, he turns around.
“I knew you understood, back then,” he says. The smile on his face is a little too sharp and pointed to be genuine. “You’re just not really the kinda girl guys end up marrying, you know?”
You’re still staring at him with your mouth open when the front door slams behind him.
Suddenly, you hear a different voice.
“Nice guy, that.”
You turn around to find Willy leaning in the doorway to your bedroom, fully clothed now. His arms are crossed and he’s frowning.
“You invite him over?”
“What?” Now you’re frowning, too. “What the fuck, Will, of course I didn’t. He just showed up.”
An unwelcome feeling is starting to creep up your spine, tingling through your skin like the most unpleasant current.
What if Noah is right?
What if this isn’t anything special to Will, what if he’s just passing the time until something better comes along? You’ve never seen him pick up many girls but looking like that, surely he does, and you think of his cocky attitude that bothered you so much before you really knew him, think of the way he was used to everyone loving him.
What if you’re just a conquest to him, to show himself that he can still get people to love him? What if you didn’t get to know the real him, but simply walked straight into his trap?
What if none of this is real and he’s going to go run off to someone else, because you’re just not that kinda girl.
“Do you think he’s right?” you blurt out, before thinking it through.
You really should’ve thought it through.
“Do you think I’m not the kinda girl guys end up marrying?”
Will’s eyes widen, and you see his hands clench where they’re wrapped around himself. Something clicks in his jaw. 
“Are you fucking serious?” he says, and he sounds upset. And angry. Really, really angry. “You really think I would be here if I did?”
You don’t answer. No, you don’t really think that. You think Will is better than that. But something inside of you is gnawing at your conscious, because if someone had asked you that question last month, you would’ve absolutely thought that.
“You do,” Will says, and he sounds like he almost can’t believe it. “You think I’m that kinda guy, still. You said you got to know me, but you still think I would be here and have sex with you and tell you all those things I told you if I didn’t mean them.”
When he says it like that, it sounds stupid, and doubt is starting to rise in your chest.
“No, Will, I didn’t mean it like…”
“But you did.” Will pushes himself away from the doorway, stalks towards his shoes and shoves his feet in. Instantly, you start to panic.
He’s leaving.
“Will, come on…”
“No.” Willy looks up, and there’s nothing but pure hurt in his eyes. It cuts like a knife, because you put that there, and you never wanted to be the reason for his hurt. 
 “You know what the funny thing is, Y/N? I’ve never thought anything bad of you. I liked you as soon as Zach introduced us. I thought we could be friends. But you were always so… judgmental, and you always rolled your eyes at me so I figured I shouldn’t bother, and that hurt, because I liked you even when you didn’t like me. And now you’re accusing me of thinking something so awful of you, when I only ever though the best, and when all you’ve ever done is think the worst of me.” 
He’s grabbing his jacket as he talks, stalks towards the door and you know there’s nothing you can do or say to stop him, not when you’ve hurt him like this.
Willy stops at the door, like Noah did. But he’s not smiling, no sharp amusement in his eyes. Only pain. Only sorrow.
“I always liked you, and you always disliked me. For no reason at all. And now, after everything, you still don’t like me, and the worst thing is, I still like you.”
The door falls quietly into the lock behind him, nothing like the way it slammed behind Noah - everything around you shatters, anyway.
He’s not coming you text Zach.
Zach is currently at a restaurant with his entire family in law, but he still answers right away. He’s truly been your rock, the past few days, even if he did also tell you how stupid you’ve been.
You already knew that, though.
He promised, didn’t he? He’ll come.
He won’t, though, and you can’t even blame him for it. If you were Willy, you wouldn’t come to the wedding either.
You’re standing in front of the church. Your family already spotted you, tried to get you to come inside with them, but you couldn’t. Not when there was still the slightest chance, when you still had the tiniest sliver of hope that he would be there.
“I’m just waiting for someone,” you had said, and your sister had given you a look of pity.
You kinda wanted to bite her head off, except you really didn’t have the energy anymore.
The ceremony is about to begin. If Will doesn’t show up, like, right now, he’s not coming.
He’s not coming.
Against everything you knew, you’d still hoped.
Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice.
Your eyes widen as you swirl around, but it really is who you thought you heard, her hair curled and wearing the most beautiful sundress. “Ellie? What are you doing here?”
Ellie laughs. “Your sister invited me. Said you could use some friendly faces in the crowd.” She frowns. “Aren’t you supposed to be inside? I thought I was running really late.”
“You are.” You sigh, and suddenly you feel like you could cry. You haven’t really cried, yet, refused to cry over Will when what you had was so new and uncertain. It’s not like you got dumped, for crying out loud.
If you’re never together, you can’t get dumped. So why does it feel exactly like that, then?
“Hey, what’s going on? You don’t look so good.” Ellie looks genuinely worried and that nearly pushes you over the edge; you let yourself sit down on the steps before the church.
The street is empty. The ceremony is starting, and he isn’t here. 
Ellie takes her seat next to you and waits patiently for you to talk. You want to, you need someone to talk to who doesn’t know Willy like Zach does, who might not judge you the way you’re sure Zach had – although he’d hidden it well, being too good a friend to be angry with you. 
It’s just hard to get the words out, is all.
“Remember Will?” you ask. Ellie smiles at the memory.
“The hot guy you brought to the last wedding we were at? That spent the entire evening shooting heart eyes at you while you ignored him? Yes, I remember.”
The guy who did what now?
I’ve liked you since Zach introduced us.
“Yeah, well.” You sigh. “I kinda fucked that one up.”
And so you tell her everything.
You tell her about the pressure of being single while Noah got married, how much you hate your family asking you those questions with pity in their eyes. About how Will promised to be your plus one if you were his; about the pact you made, the only rule that that was all it was.
You tell her you didn’t like Will, at first, but that’s because you didn’t understand him, and maybe, selfishly, because you knew how much you would like him, if you tried to understand him, and you were too scared to get hurt.
About how that happened, anyway; he wiggled his way into your heart with witty remarks and honest eyes, shy glances and the brightest smile you’ve ever seen.
About how finally, you gave in to the desire to kiss him. About how it had been magical, until Noah showed up.
How, just momentarily, you’d doubted him, because Noah’s words rang harshly in your ears and you don’t think the scars he left fully healed, no matter how many stars Will had drawn around them.
About how he immediately crawled back into his shell.
“I don’t think it’s so easy for him to let people in,” you tell her. “And he let me in and I immediately broke his trust.”
Ellie shrugs. “You were scared and hurt and you lashed out. It wasn’t a good decision, but if he likes you as much as he says he does, it won’t be the end of everything. You’ve gotta talk to him.”
“I know.” You stare at the stone of the curb in front of you. The sun makes it look strangely bright; it’s a beautiful day for a wedding. “I was scared to do that, too.”
“Yeah, but, sometimes scary things are worth it.” Ellie is looking at you, clearly trying to find something there. “Honestly, the way you’re talking about him? It sounds like he might be worth it.”
“It doesn’t matter, now.” The look on Ellie’s face tells you you sound exactly as pathetic as you think you do. “He’s not here, so he clearly wants nothing to do with me. Zach said he’d come, you know, because he promised and apparently he never breaks a promise.” You laugh, a little humorlessly. “I can’t even blame him for that, after what I said to him. But I didn’t mean it, El.”
“I know,” Ellie says softly. “But he doesn’t know that, Y/N. I’m not the person you need to be telling that to.”  
You sigh. Maybe you should, but you can’t, not right now, and you don’t think it would really matter anyway. 
“We should go inside, probably.”
“Yeah.” Ellie helps you up and tightly wraps her arm around your waist, like a crutch for you to lean on, and starts to lead you inside. One more time, you look behind you onto the empty street.
But there’s nobody there, so you enter the church.
He’s not coming, anyway. 
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ninggvang · 3 years
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Pronouns : she/her
Warning : none
Summary : You aren't really todo's type but you managed to catch his interest in you.
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It was the day before The Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event. Unlucky for you, you weren't included in the event, you are somewhat just a stand-by person. Megumi would try to steal glances on you time to time and you would catch him on the act. But anyways back to the present.
Nobara and Megumi, where at the vending machine, trying to get some refreshments after some training. They felt two persons presence besides them, as they stole glances they saw a girl with short hair and and a long turtle neck dress, and a guy with a muscular build with a scar on his face. “What are you doing here, Zenin-senpai?” Nobara furrowed her eyebrows, hearing another zenin in the boy's mouth. “Oh, she's one, too?” The brunette asks. Then added: “They do seem similar. Are they sisters?” The green head girl then answered. “You make me sound the same as Maki.” She then places her hand on her face and winks. “Call me Mai.”
You and the other second years hurried up to go to the two first years, after knowing that two of the Kyoto students came here to harass them. “(Y/N)! You come with me, okay?” Maki demands, to be honest the girl didn't even reply to that, she just hurriedly run. You and Toge immediately arrive at the scene, toge had to stop the bigger man from beating up the poor first year. “Aoi Todo, right?” You spoke bluntly, checking megumi's wound. The female let out a sigh and ball her fist, everyone was just watching at this point. No one have ever seen the second year, (y/n) this furious.
“May I remind you that fushiguro is a human not a..” The unexpected then flash before their eyes, (y/n) had punched todo's face, his nose started bleeding and his cheeks where red. “Fushiguro is not a curse. Let me remind you that.” (Y/N) grab the ravennette's arm and walk away, while the muscular man just stood there, shock on what happened. “Hey! What's your name?!” Todo immediately yelled before you could completely disappear on his sight. You turn your head and smirk. “(Full name). Stuck it up in your mind, big guy.” Then went away with the injured fushiguro.
You just sit at a chair, waiting for fushiguro to get all patched up when maki sat next to you. At first (y/n) assumed that maki was also waiting for fushiguro but no, she packed up all her pride and spoke to her. “You sure have the guts, (y/n).” Maki smiles, looking at your (color) eyes and smirk. “I mean nobara would have done the same if your sister wasn't there.” Spreading your arms and tilting your head backwards. “Sigh.. Do you want to train with us later?” The green haired babe stood up and looks at me for the final time, i wasn't hesitant so i accepted the invitation.
I sat next to inumaki, who is just watching at the two fight. I felt someone tugging my shirt multiple times, my hand reached out to theirs and stare at his beautiful purple eyes. “Yes, inumaki?” The boy avoided gaze at me and points at something— no, it's someone. “Oh!” I immediately stood up and run towards the guy, it was Noritoshi Kamo. “Boo!” The older man got startled by my childish act, he sure will die from a heart attack when you're around. “(Y/N)! Please refrain yourself from doing that around me.” “Okay! So what brings you here big brother?” few people know about you being a Kamo clan, those few peoples are Gojo Satoru, Maki Zen'in, Toge Inumaki, Yuta Okkotsu, Panda and the school faculties. The rest doesn’t know about it because you use the surname 'Arlert' in Public. “I heard from Mai. That you punched Todo real hard.. So i decided to check up on you. Are you hurt anywhere? Did he threaten you or something? You sure do have alot of guts to do that.” He sighed, examining my body.
“I'm fine! And he never done those things. He just asked about my name and that's all.” She smiles nervously, avoiding his brother's suspicion. “If you say so.. I have to go now. Take care, okay?” The female nods and immediately wave her arms up, bidding her goodbye to Kamo. “Mai, sure is a pain in the ass.” Maki spoke behind the girl unconsciously. “EHH—?! M-maki! Please do not creep up on me like that.” Letting out a sigh in relief, knowing it was just her friend, Maki. “Sorry. Couldn't help myself, and also sorry about my little sister with her loud mouth.” (Color) eyes just stared at the girl with those caring gaze, her eyes closed and smile. “It's alright. I mean if it was someone else, they could have also done the same!” Attempting to make the older woman feel a bit relieve. “Oi! Toge, panda. It's getting dark! We should head back now.” Maki yells at the two, she grabs my hand and started heading back.
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The stand-by lady is now standing next to fushiguro, she wanted to sleep more since she wasn't really included but it would be rude of her if she didn't show up. “Where's gojo-sensei?” I ask to the ravennette next to me, he just stared at me and smile. “Who knows?” I waited patiently, then there we saw utahime and her students. “So, Where's that idiot?” She asks. Kamo kept glancing at me, making sure that I'm alright without him. “Sorry for the wait!” Everyone turned around just to meet a child like man, heading straight towards us with a luggage. “Hey.. Uhmm.. (y/n)..?” A slow and nervous voice mutters behind me, I turn my head around just meet eye contact with the one they call todo
Not gonna lie, this man is huge. He is bigger than me. “Do you need anything, todo?” I furrowed my brows, he replied with a nod then grabs my hand. “Let's go somewhere private.” He spoke as he glances back to the crowd, still focusing to gojo and itadori. We started walking away the crowd and somewhere more quiet and peaceful, surely the girl is distracted by it's surroundings. “So.. I wanted to ask you something..” He mutters, which made me curious on to what he was going to ask me. “Sure.. Ask them away!” Giving him a thumbs up.
“Will you go out with me?” What? Did i heard that shit right?? (Y/N) just stood there, shock to what the boy said. “Can you repeat what you said?” Trying to process what she really heard, she made him say it again.
“i said Will you go out with me, (y/n)?” This time clearly, she heard it loud and clear. Her face started to heat up and her mind started screaming mentally “Sure!” She blurted, her heart beating extremely fast, todo at first was shock to the answer, the girl didn't even hesitated to say yes to the question.
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End of scenario 1
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Note : i am literally abt to have a mental breakdown because it didn't actually save the fucking last part ✋😭 I THOUGHT I HAD COMPLETELY SAVED THE LAST PART,, NOOO THAT SHIT WAS LONG ASF IM SOBBING. REALLY SORRY,, but i ain't adding that shit up again,, im changing it. 😒 The next scenario is abt the kyoto Goodwill event and your date with todo—!
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Just A Friend
Wow. I’m so, so grateful for the lovely response to chapter 1 of this story. I’ve never had so many notes on one of my posts before, so many, many thanks to everyone who took the time to read, like, reblog and comment on it. i do appreciate it
Thanks also to @wickedgoodbooks for the beta
Previous chapter
Chapter 2: From Scrubs to Sauvignon
Sunlight streaming through the shutters wakes me before the alarm. After the previous seventy two hours with too much alcohol, not enough sleep and shared hotel rooms, last night’s sleep was a solid nine and a half hours and I feel so much better for it.
Trying, for a moment at least, to ignore both the demands of my bladder and my desperate need for caffeine, I gaze up at the ceiling and contemplate the surgery ahead of me. Whilst it’s a comparatively routine procedure for me, I always think about the families — parents, grandparents, siblings. It’s an anxious time for them, never routine, a step into the unknown and they are putting their trust in me to look after their precious child. Their faith in me is something I take very seriously.
I have a ritual I follow every time before theatre. I take a few minutes to close my eyes and let the procedure play inside my head, my hands echoing the images in my brain. I trace the path my scalpel will take on the skin; I position, in mid air, the locations of the clamps; I work with my imaginary mallet and chisel honing the bone, the X-ray images clear in my head.
By the time I’ve finished closing the incision, the demands of my bladder can no longer be ignored. That’s my cue to get out of bed and start my day.
Before I put my scrubs on, I pay a visit to the side room where Robbie, my seven year old patient has spent the night. His parents have already given consent for the operation, but I like to go and do a final check.
Robbie is sitting up in bed, a bit subdued but in good health. His mother is sitting expectantly, nervously playing with the skin around her nails. The foldaway bed has already been put away, but, judging by her red rimmed eyes, I don’t think it got much use. Robbie’s father follows me into the room, two coffees in his hands.
“Sorry, Doctor Claire,” he nods at the coffee. “I didna get ye one. D’ye want one?”
I let the doctor reference pass. As a surgeon, my title is no longer doctor. Officially, I am Miss Beauchamp, but prefer my juvenile patients to call me Claire. Quite a lot of the parents seem to call me Doctor Claire. I suppose they like the reassurance that I am actually a proper doctor.
“No, thanks.” I smile. “Are we all set then?”
They nod nervously.
“Aye,” Robbie’s father agrees. “We need tae get it done.”
“How long will it take?” Robbie’s mother looks directly at me, wanting a definitive answer.
I hesitate. I don’t like to give precise times. If the surgery goes longer then parents start to fear the worst, and that’s not always the case. So I give a vague answer. “‘Till lunchtime… you could always go and sit outside in the little garden, it’s a lovely day.”
His mother looks down at her hands and shakes her head. “No, I want tae be right here …”
She doesn’t finish her sentence, but she doesn’t have to. I know exactly what she’s thinking.
I turn to Robbie, blissfully unaware of his parents’ thoughts. He beckons me to him.
“When I wakes up,” he begins in a stage whisper. “Can I have a treat?”
“What sort of treat did you have in mind?”
“Can I have a MacDonald’s? But no’ a kid’s meal. I’ve never had a Big Mac.”
I glance at his parents who nod at me before I whisper back, “Of course you can, but don’t let nurse Geillis see, will you? She can be ever so naughty. She’ll be trying to steal your chips away, if you’re not careful.”
And with that, I stroke Robbie’s little cheek before saying my goodbyes and head out to get changed.
Robbie’s surgery went to plan, no nasty surprises or tricky complications. I call in to check on Robbie’s parents before they head to recovery. They look totally different to when I saw them this morning. Still worn out of course, I don’t think they’ll sleep properly until their little lad is home with them, but their faces shine with sheer relief. I have warned them about the long road ahead, with many hours of physiotherapy and exercises, but, for today, I’ll let them have their moment of pure happiness. Reality will hit them again soon enough.
As I leave the waiting room, making my farewells, Robbie’s dad thanks me once more. I can tell he’s unsure whether hugging me is appropriate or not, so he settles for a handshake. His wife has no such qualms, wrapping me tightly in a hug, whispering her thanks until her husband reminds her that they need to be with their son. I point the way and head down to the nurses station.
Geillis is sitting there, looking very busy on the computer. I pull up a chair and sit next to her. The screen is filled with images of our weekend in Barcelona.
“What?” She looks at me as if I’ve accused her of something. “I’m on ma lunch, aren’t I?”
“How was your night then?”
Geillis beams from ear to ear— she’s like the cat who got the cream. “Nay bad, nay bad at all. After two nights away, Dougal realises what he’s got wi’ me, and he dinna hesitate tae show me, if ye ken what I mean?”
She winks at a poor medical student, who blushes and busies himself with a set of medical notes.
“Geillis,” I warn. “Behave yourself.”
“Anyway, pet, how was yer evening? Another tryst wi’ Professor Randall?” Her face says it all. Geillis thinks about as much of Frank as he does of her. Literally the only thing they have in common is me, and it’s getting pretty wearing.
“No, I was worn out and— oh, that reminds me.” I fumble in my pocket for my phone as I carry on talking. “I’ve got someone else’s suitcase. I hope they’ve got mine.”
I glance at the screen. Two missed calls and one message. All from the same number. All from the number I called last night, the James-Fraser-isn’t-here-don’t-call-again-ever number. Looks like this James Fraser has a jealous or suspicious wife-partner-girlfriend-housekeeper.
“Catch up later, Geillis, I need to deal with this.”
I rush back to my office to try and sort the suitcase problem out.
The message is brief and to the point.
Hi, Jamie Fraser here. I think I have your case too. Can we arrange a swap? I live in Glasgow. Hopefully you too. Where and when? I’m free after 5 today.
After five will work for me too, I just need to pop home and pick up his case. Now, based on his wardrobe choices and his one message to me, he doesn’t actually seem like an axe murderer or sex pervert, but you can’t really tell, so I think about a public location.
How about the benches by the cafe at Kelvingrove Park? 5:30? Claire Beauchamp
A couple of minutes later his reply appears on my screen.
Fine. See you then.  I’ll be the one wheeling a black Samsonite. JF
It’s another glorious sunny day here in Glasgow. Just ideal for going for a stroll in the park. I do feel a bit conspicuous with a suitcase trailing along behind me — kind of like an upmarket bag lady.
There are no other suitcases around, so I perch on a bench. I fire a quick message to Geillis, just so that she knows where to direct the police if I disappear and then wait. It’s not too bad waiting. The sun is still warm, so I stretch my legs out trying for a tan. With my eyes closed, I lift my face up to soak up the rays. I may get panda eyes with my sunglasses on, but I don’t really care. The warmth is so good and I can feel myself relaxing totally —
I am conscious of a shadow across my face. I open my eyes and quickly stand up.
He’s tall. That’s the first thing I notice. A good few inches taller than me, and I’m 5 feet 9. And broad. Broad enough to block my sun. His hair is red, very red and the sun behind him creates a fiery corona around his head.
He’s a Viking. A Viking in a navy blue suit and a crisp white shirt. How many of those white shirts does he own, I wonder?
“Claire Beauchamp, I presume. I recognise the case. That red ribbon on the handle, such a unique idea.”
He smiles, a lopsided half grin and holds out his hand for me to shake. “Jamie Fraser.”
“Claire Beauchamp,” I say somewhat unnecessarily as we shake hands.
He sits down. “So,” he begins politely. “I hope ye havena come far out of yer way.”
I join him on the bench.
“No,” I gesture vaguely to my right. “I live not too far from here. How about you?”
That lopsided grin appears again. “Nah,” he gestures to his left. “No’ too far at all.”
There’s an awkward moment of silence. We are not really here for small talk, but is it too rude to just dive in and do the swap?
“So,” Jamie breaks the silence. “About the cases…”
Apparently it’s not too rude.
“I ken ye have ma case there, on account of ma contact details being in it, but what about this one? How do I ken this is yers? Black Samsonites with wee red ribbons seem to be awfa common ‘round here. As proof, can ye mebbe tell me something that’s in it? Something identifiable?”
And at this, my mind goes blank, what did I pack?
“Er, denim shorts… black flip flops… white vest—”
“Weel, they’re all verra common. Is there anything a wee bit more… unique?”
Is it my imagination or is there a twinkle in his clear blue eyes as he says this? And then I remember exactly what’s in my case and start to blush.
“There may be some hen party bits and pieces in there too. It was my friend’s hen weekend, so I think there may be some, er, stuff from that, you know, er, handcuffs… shot glasses…”
He puts me out of my misery. “Och, that’s fine. It’s yers, right enough. Here ye go.”
And we do the exchange, just like in the spy movies. Except in those, the cases are filled with bank notes and the top secret blueprints for a submarine base, and not white dress shirts and an assortment of shot glasses shaped like penises.
Our phones beep practically simultaneously. I pull mine out of my pocket. Jamie does the same and glances at his phone.
Mine is a text from Frank confirming tonight’s arrangements “I’d better go. Plans for tonight, you know.”
“Snap. Plans here as well.”
“Goodbye then. I’m not sure whose fault it was, the mixup at the airport. So why don’t we both say sorry, or neither of us?” I suggest as I stand up and smooth the creases from my skirt.
“Sounds good tae me. How about neither?” He smiles again. “Ms Claire Beauchamp, nice to meet you.”
“Mr Jamie Fraser, likewise I’m sure.”
And with that we head off, me to the right and Jamie Fraser to the left.
Frank had said 7:30, and, sure enough, at 7:28 my intercom buzzes and I let Frank in. He arrives at my door carrying a large bunch of lilies and roses. No, not a bunch, I can’t describe it as a bunch… carrying a large bouquet of lilies and roses, beautifully arranged and hand-tied. Clearly not a supermarket purchase. Nor is the wine he also hands to me. A chilled bottle of my favourite Sauvignon Blanc, only available from quality wine merchants in the city.
Frank can be incredibly thoughtful and generous, and I am suitably grateful. I pop the flowers into the kitchen sink while I try to locate a vase big enough to hold them.  He walks in as I’m scrabbling around on my hands and knees, bum in the air, head buried in the cupboard under the sink.
“So what are we having for dinner?” He asks as he pours the wine. “Are you cooking?”
I emerge victorious, having found the vase wedged between a bottle of sink unblocker and an unused can of spray starch.
“Dinner?” He repeats, helping me to my feet.
“I’ve not had a chance to cook. I told you about the suitcase confusion, didn’t I?  Well, I had to get that sorted. I thought we could have something delivered. That’s ok, isn’t it?”
“I’m sure that will be fine, darling. What would you like?”
What would I like? What I would really like would be a huge, great pizza full of carbs and grease and pepperoni and cheese that pulls into strands when you try to take a slice. And to sit on the floor with the pizza box between us watching Netflix and drinking beer.
But, that is clearly a rhetorical question.
“Thai?” Frank doesn’t wait for my answer.
Thai is the only acceptable takeaway in Frank’s eyes, eaten at a table, on proper plates. I nod my agreement. After all, he’s brought me wonderful flowers, and a gorgeous bottle of wine. He deserves to have the choice. And I can have pizza with my friends any time.
“You ring the order through then, while I arrange these beautiful flowers.” I say and kiss his cheek.
And that is our evening sorted - takeaway, a couple of glasses of wine, Newsnight on the television and then to bed for a bit of sex.
So, that’s food, drink, mind and body all sorted. I should go to sleep feeling satisfied with everything. I should… shouldn’t I?
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aqvarius · 4 years
Top 5 fav hlitf cgs?
thanks for this ask!! ahh it was so hard to narrow it down to 5 but i will try my best (with some bonuses bc... how could i not). i’m not going to include vip room CGs here even tho there are a couple of them that i adore too. also i can’t believe i’m not including the soma coming out of the shower CG that i love enough to have made my icon for a very long time now... but that just goes to show how much i love these ones. 
5. are you bullying my aide?
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okay so i’m cheating right off the bat and decided to group these two in one category bc they’re like conceptually the same CG lmao. i made a post before about loving instructors getting furious at people trying to hurt you in the sunset. and the fact that two of my absolute fave LIs of all time get these gorgeous fury CGs makes me infinitely happy alskdfls. the sad thing is that there’s an error in soma’s route so the CG doesn’t actually appear in-game...  anyway you know i love seeing cool love interests get mad so these two CGs are a perfect depiction of that.
4. i’ll take compensation
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who doesn’t love this scene and CG!! and the in-game version as well where his eyes are open bc he was surprised. i love it so much. that entire ending was so good, with the mc being the Best Senpai Ever? and she tries to blow his socks off with a kiss but then he just grabs her butt and goes in deeper? we stan a tie-grabbing mc. i only wish there was a CG for that elevator kiss too in the sequel(?). 
3. it reminded me of ugly cat
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honestly i love all of goto’s s3 CGs bc they are all just so pretty and i love the one as well where tsugaru is joking about him and usa being a couple and goto gets pissed. but this one is just so... pure and soft???? it’s so rare to see goto all relaxed and smiley and i just love it soooo much. also does anyone else find that his smile in this CG is so similar to chiba’s smiling sprite? ughhh this is so freaking cute i physically can’t look at it for too long otherwise i get overwhelmed with feelings. oh and also that cat is so weird looking lmao
2. please... let me be with you
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one of my favourite moments of all time. look how stunned kaga looks (but also... how pretty is he here... and how pretty is she.... season 3 CGs are so top quality). the fact that she’s hopped up on painkillers but they’re just fading off so she’s already starting to feel pain again and kaga is already kind of angsting over everything that happened on the case and then tsugaru is taking her home while kaga can’t even speak to her bc of office rules. and she just runs back to the office by herself even tho she’s already starting to feel the pain in her gunshot wound and just bursts into the office and yanks his cigarette out of his mouth and kisses him? and says even if you don’t want me, i want to be with you. honestly this whole moment is like freaking kdrama level dramatic and romantic and i love it so much. it’s like... the perfect moment combined with the prettiest CG. kaga’s pov of this scene makes it EVEN BETTER because he’s literally smitten with her, like he wants her so badly and then she just magically appears in front of him and kisses the life out of him, just as he was thinking about how much he needs her. right at the moment when he’s feeling the most empty, the most hollow, like his entire career in public safety amounted to nothing, she comes back to him. and then there’s that line of his, where he talks about love so fierce that he can’t breathe around it filling his chest and honestly it gets me every single time (also bc i can relate to that feeling lmao) but basically kaga/mc is my favourite couple and this moment and CG are just like... exactly what i love the most about them as a pair. ALSO i love her hair and that gold pin hahaha i want it. 
1.5 did i or did i not say you were forbidden from acting rashly?
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how could i not include this one as a bonus? i’ve been in love with this CG from the very first time i laid eyes on it back in 2018. no context (at the time i think soma’s graduation hadn’t even come out in l365 so we hadn’t even seen his short hair sprite in the intl app), no idea what was even happening in this scene, and yet i was immediately struck by the dangerous look in his eye and that little smile, and also just like... getting to see him in a tshirt and hoodie is so rare? i’m p certain that outfit is just recycled ayumu sprite’s casual clothes. anyway, knowing the context behind this CG makes it 10000x better for me. i wrote this in my unpublished review of soma’s battlefield route but i genuinely believe we’re seeing this CG from his mc’s eyes and that’s what tokito really looked like in that moment - with soma’s face, his hair, his expressions, his hands, his voice. our poor, sweet mc had been suffering for so long to the point where even toru and ayumu noticed that she hadn’t smiled in forever and were trying to cheer her up (and momose too later!!). for me, this CG represents the absolutely heartbreaking sense of delusion that soma’s mc feels in this route, and the way that she keeps trying so hard to project soma onto tokito because of her grief. i genuinely felt like in that moment, she physically saw soma coming to her rescue, like her desires manifest into a delusion. also, this CG comes at an absolutely amazing time bc we had been deprived of seeing soma for like 60% of the route and then we get this CG and suddenly everything is better for a short moment, and then everything goes back to normal and you really get a sense of how upsetting life has been for his mc.
1. come now, love. tell me what you desire
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i love this CG. i love it so so so so so much. firstly, i love the look of it. both soma and his mc just look so attractive?? soma’s muscles?? in his shoulders and back especially?! his mc has commented on his shoulderblades and back muscles before which have been honed through kendo practice so i’m very happy to get to see them. the actual text says that the mc is naked but here she’s still wearing a sundress, but she just looks so pretty and like she’s feeling unbelievably good? anyway i scream bc even soma’s hands look good and they still kept that one piece of hair that he has that sticks up lmao what’s gravity anyway? anyway, beyond the sensuality of the image (and also his tongue... and his sweat...), there’s just so much meaning behind it? like yes, it’s very hot and sensual and the dialogue that goes with this scene is unbelievably sexy, but this scene is just super meaningful bc it’s part of their recovery as a couple. they’re on this secret holiday in okinawa and they’re reconnecting after their trauma and idk it’s just so intimate. we really get to see the mc from soma’s eyes and we get to see how he is the only one who can see her weakness behind that strong face of hers, but also how he sees her strength in recovery? the way he describes that scene where she’s in this gorgeous white swimsuit with a sheer coverup and then picks a brown swim float so she can sit atop it on the waves and say “don’t i look like a doughnut?” despite having a literal near-death experience in the sea not too long before honestly had me falling head over heels in love with her, and it really made me understand exactly what he loves about her, and how much he just adores her. anyway this is me gushing over that special story, but what i mean is that the ending of his battlefield in combination with this special story sets up the beginning of soma and his mc’s healing as a couple, and it culminates in this scene. soma is kind of similar to kaga in the sense that they both actually demonstrate their feelings the most honestly through physical means, and here you can just see how palpable the desperation is. they desire each other so intensely and intimately and having this moment for the two of them to share is so significant for their recovery. you can just see how much soma needs to show her that he’s here, he’s really, physically here with her, and he’ll never leave her alone ever again, and he’s so sorry for all the pain she’s had to go through. you can see the way he’s telling her that with his body and with the way he talks to her and is just so himself in bed. there are really parallels between their first night together and this scene (mostly like... him asking her to tell him what she wants lol) and it just makes me so EMOTIONAL. 
no, that was just my top five solo (or li/mc) CGs. i also need to give my top five fave group/multiple character CGs lmao.
in no particular order:
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what can i say? it’s just so beautiful, and every single expression and pose is just so suited for each character i’m in love. 
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frankly no real reason for this one aside from the fact that we get to see goto and subaru in yukata and subaru always looks soooo freaking good in hlitf CGs and also goto’s hand is on subaru’s chest and you know we ship gobaru in this house
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the third anniversary substory CGs are just amazing (you’ll see the full one in a bit and it’s WILD) but honestly i just need everyone to see this one bc it’s just gorgeous. look at ishigami and kaga and look at how inhuman they look, all sweaty and tired from being in panda mascot costumes. kaga with his sleeves rolled up literally has me salivating. look at PRETTY their faces and muscles are... anyway, this CG has me as thirsty as ishigami guzzling that bottle of water.......... 
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i said it was in no particular order but i just need to say that this one is my actual favourite bc it has EVERYONE. and look at how gorgeous they all look.... every single one of them with their hair pushed back ;alskdjfalsk WHO??? WHO LET THIS HAPPEN? NAMBA’S GLOVE? KAGA AND GOTO’S MATCHING SCOWLS? THE ANGLE OF SOMA’S HEAD? TSUGARU’S TONGUE? and also the way his legs are positioned?!?!?! also i love swishy hair ayumu and hide with his leg crossed the other way from kaga and also i’ve never seen toru look this attractive it’s very unfair. 
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the sheer amount of chaotic energy in this one is just wonderful and i love all the details. you all know namba is DAY DRUNK. goto and toru in that signature headlock position, ayumu being a lil shit and putting wasabi in all the cupcakes and ISHIGAMI AND KAGA FALLING FOR IT AND SUFFERING??? LOOK AT THEIR SUFFERING FACES JUST LOOK. and you just KNOW that soma is going to suffer the same fate oh sweet mercy this is like “famous last pictures” level of good. also they’re all wearing new clothes which i love sooooo much. i wanna see ayumu in that orange sweater more often and also army green shirt kaga with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms with that look on his face. have i ever been more in love? no. 
finally, here’s my ultimate favourite favourite group image of all time! not a CG but it’s the header that i use on the mobile version of my blog:
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they’re all looking so happily/fondly over at YOU (hlitf mc who fell asleep) and wondering what you’re dreaming about/saying that you’re dreaming about them. and they all just love and adore you so much. the amount of affection in this one image is unreal and also momose is in it ialskfjsd i just.............. am the SOFTEST for this one. 
anyway sorry that (1) it took so long for me to answer this, bc i had to spend ages thinking about it alongside being busy with life stuff and (2) that i went on for so long and did not pick 5 CGs but rather... 12....... but these are my faves!! thank you so much for the ask! 
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yourdorkiness · 4 years
My Opinions On Jujutsu Kaisen That Literally Nobody Asked For
I finished binging the Jujutsu Kaisen manga in 48 hours. I am having some expresso, because I’m depresso.
Here’s a Sad Stitch to show you how I feel.
(And of course, warnings for discussion/ranting/kinda meta on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga below the cut, so please read at your own discretion!)
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Sukuna is truly a Bastard™, along with Mahito. 
I just- *cries in Shibuya Arc aka PAIN*
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*Pulls out megaphone* Nanamin. 
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That’s all folks. Thanks for reading, have a nice day!
(Just kidding!)
Ugh, NANAMIN 👏 WHAT 👏 A 👏 MAN 😭 😭 😭 😭 I became a certified Nanami stan once I saw the tired business man aesthetic (plus, his words about how work is shit? Truer words have never been spoken), and his little speech about adults and responsibility, how children no matter their circumstances are still children, and should be given the opportunity to act as such. Because, YES, FINALLY, A RESPONSIBLE ADULT WITH THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL aka the voice of Kenjiro Tsuda
Anyways, I love how the Jujutsu Kaisen manga shows that adults can handle things, and that is A-OKAY!!! If Jujutsu Tech follows the Japanese school system, Yuji is a first year in high school, so he’s probably 15 or 16 years old, way too early to go through Shibuya level of trauma (though, I think anybody is too young to have to go through what happened to Yuji in Shibuya). 
Children should have the privilege to be children. That doesn’t mean coddling, it means that children should have plenty of time to experience new things, enjoy being a child, and I’m so happy Nanami says this! 
In conclusion, Nanami deserves happiness and a vacation to Kuantan 🥺
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YOSHINO JUNPEI!!! He and his mom deserve happiness, they’re both precious beans. I didn’t even realize Junpei was dead until 5+ chapters later. But it was too late, for I had already gotten attached!!! *cue curse worthy screeching* 
I was so excited for Junpei to join Jujutsu Tech, too! I had this whole headcanon of Junpei being HAPPY again, talking about movies with Yuji, interacting with the other first years, him seeing Panda for the first time!!! The thing was, back then, it wasn’t headcanon! I thought it was going to be facts, until Gege said ‘lol, you thought, peasant’, before spitting on any hope of mine for a happy Junpei.
(On a completely different tangent, I would be SO psyched if I got to meet a talking panda, we could act out all of “Kung Fu Panda” together, especially the chopstick scene, and maybe we could go to a zoo, just to mess with the zookeepers about a honest to god PANDA walking on its hind legs around the zoo)
‘If Junpei had lived’ is a phrase I think about a lot, and I think that is why the “Young Fish and Reverse Punishment” arc  was so crucial to the story and yet so tragic. 
Junpei has so much potential to be happy, and then he didn’t get the happiness he deserves. It really sets the tone, the high stakes to the whole manga, for we see the amount of damage a curse inflicts on somebody who could be in a situation like Junpei. 
As the readers, we understand the reasoning behind Junpei’s ideology, sympathizing with him as we see what horrible torment he has to go through. That very first scene of this arc, where the bullies made him eat the cockroach and BURNED HIM WITH A LIT CIGARETTE, and the teacher who saw all of this happening, JUST TURNS AWAY!!! It was haunting. But finally, finally, we get a light at the tunnel for Junpei in the form of our lord and saviour, the cinnamon roll of cinnamon rolls, Itadori Yuji. HERE is a person who is able to connect with Junpei, who wouldn’t dismiss how Junpei’s circumstances or feelings. and then Junpei dies.
(look at this cute face, how could you Mahito?!)
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Also, the symbolism in the opening? The Junpei fish ENLARGING??? HNKDJSFLJDSF JUNPEI NOOO-
Also ALSO (sorry this is the last ‘also’), did we ever learn if Junpei was a sorcerer, or was he a window that possessed enough talent to summon a shikigami? I at first thought Junpei was a window, since he was able to see Mahito, and was hoping that we’d get a more detailed explanation of what windows actually do. (Do they just wander around Tokyo, or wherever they live, and act all ‘La Dee Da, just living my regular, normal life, oOOHHH is that a special grade? Tell that to the sorcerers, maybe I’ll get a bonus!’ Is their life basically a demented version of Pokemon Go? I have so many questions-)
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All the villains were well written, and had super cool character designs. My top three villains other than Sukuna, my top three villains are Geto, and Mahito.
Geto’s backstory in the Hidden Inventory arc was so incredibly written, I especially liked the way Gege wrote how Getou’s righteous ideals gradually deteriorating throughout the Hidden Inventory arc as he realizes the depth of the curses of humanity, the dark hatred the “weak” hold towards things they have no understanding of. (i.e. Riko’s death by the Star Religious Group, Haibara’s death, and finally the villagers ignorant treatment and abuse towards Geto’s twins, Mimiko and Nanako, beating and imprisoning them for “causing” the deaths of the villagers) Geto’s chilling charisma and the reasoning behind his actions as a villain makes him a top tier villain in my eyes. 
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As for Mahito, I love to hate him, and that why I think he is a great antagonist. I guess I’ve just been seeing a lot of villains that because of their tragic backstories, the readers or characters sympathize with them and rationalising their actions, turning the villain into a flaky antihero of lesser impact. It’s very refreshing to have a villain who is just pure evil. 
I think that Mahito fulfilled his purpose as an antagonist very well; his twisted ideals on the worth of human life foiling Itadori’s own ideals of giving others a “proper death”, the curse making Yuji continuously adapt both physically and mentally to defeat him. Physically, by learning new spells and techniques to defeat Mahito, such as the Black Flash (and possibly his own cursed technique! The weird “Past That Never Happened” in the fights with Choso and Todo), or mentally, by questioning his ideals, such as what exactly is a “proper death”, after Yuji had to kill the transfigured humans. 
(Ew look at this worm.)
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Some Honorable Mentions of Good Villains IMO: Jogo, because I find his ideals of curses, who stem from the true emotions of hatred and fear, being superior yet suppressed by the emotionally faceted humans is definitely fascinating, and eerily reminds me of Geto’s hatred towards non sorcerers.  Dagon was pretty cute in his Cursed Womb stage, and I really liked Hanami because the eldritch environmentalist aesthetic is pretty coolio  👌 .
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How do Inumaki children learn to speak if all the adults barely talk, only saying inane words like “salmon” and NOT ACTUALLY meaning “salmon, the fish” but an adult secret code for a definition that you might not even know?? Or do the adults just charmspeak the kids, like “SPEAK small child, and have full language comprehension, O tiny ball of pudge!” and boom! Babies talking in complete sentences, maybe understanding weird adult customs. Will the child know when then adult actually mean salmon, the fish, and not the code word salmon?
Let’s assume that Inumaki clan children from learning to speak to four or six years old will be able to speak normally until the clan technique sets in (because that’s when the jjk wiki says cursed techniques kick in). How do you explain to a toddler: “Hey sweetie, happy birthday, have a present! Oh, by the way, those cool tattoos of yours mean that you can’t talk normally to anybody anymore, EVER. Only using these specific words as code to mean these specific meanings, restricting any chance of normal interactions with non-sorcerers if by some inane chance you DON’T want to become a child soldier jujutsu sorcerer. Welp, guess you have to become a jujutsu sorcerer now! Make sure to restrict your choice of words, you could kill somebody! Have fun playing with your Legos honey, welcome to adult life.” Like, EXCUSE ME? 
You can’t tell mw a four year old is expected to understand that (or didn’t kill somebody by accident via cursed speech. That MUST have happened at least once). 
This is all an elaborate way of saying please give us Inumaki backstory, I’m very curious.
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Anyways, thank you for reading my post, and I hope you have a nice day!
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randomly-a-fan · 3 years
Ferris Wheel Nightmare
Sequel to ‘IT’ Needs Advice, Where the ‘Star’ Falls and Friendships’ Strength (Malon and Archie’s Story) 
*A little before the Ferris Wheel incident*
Aquarius and MJ were finished with their conversation and thought of fetching their kids. “Just remember for all the things he does for you…” MJ reminded. Aquarius nodded with a half-smile, while not being sure if Pennywise will forgive her.
Away from the crowd, Pennywise was hiding in the bushes in his Robert Bob Gray form, so no one will recognize him. Pennywise noticed that Jason was chicken-out; he did not like the disguise that Pennywise picked out for him. “Jason come on! You agreed that you support me through this.” Pennywise exclaimed in a loud whisper. “I feel utterly ridiculous!” Jason loudly whispered from his mind. Pennywise chuckled, “you don’t have to whisper in your head, only I can hear your thoughts. Now quit being such a sissy and come out of hiding…” Pennywise encouraged. Jason nervously came out of hiding, wearing a hoodie, which can easily tare if he flexed, and bootie shorts. Pennywise could not help but laugh from his throat; it’s almost as if he made Jason look like that on purpose. “I really hated the outfit you picked; this hoodie is too tight, I’m afraid they’re going to tare off.” Jason complained. “Then don’t flex, besides, this is the twenty-first century, women love big strong hard butted men… I’m trying to make you stand out… in a good way…” Pennywise ‘sort of’ complimented. Jason rolled his eyes before nodding, since he sort of knew he was only trying to ‘help’.
When the girls were at the Clown Show, they didn’t see their kids. “I should have known that Archie would wander off; he never likes to stay in the same spot for a long period of time.” Aquarius explained as she knew her son’s ways. “I’m sure we’ll find them, I know your son, he’s a sweetheart and a dear to Malon.” MJ admitted to boost Aquarius’s system. As the girls went out to look for their kids, they’ve heard a loud commotion over by the Ferris Wheel, “What’s going on?” MJ asked. “Looks like there’s been an accident. We got to get the kids out of here, we don’t want them to get traumatized by the sight.” Aquarius thought worriedly. 
Jason was looking around the carnival, he’s never seen a carnival before, since his mom never took him out in public in all his life. “You’ve never been to a carnival, have you?” Pennywise assumed. Jason shook his head ‘no’. But before he could explain, he heard some cries over at the Ferris Wheel. Jason has the ability to see from afar distance since he was used to seeing victims from far distances. He saw that the Ferris Wheel was broken and some people are stuck. But what shocked him the most is when he saw his daughter on the tilted seat, along with Pennywise’s son. “Pennywise, your son is up there with my daughter!” Jason exclaimed in his head. Pennywise looked over towards the Ferris Wheel and saw where he was looking at. Pennywise was going to make his move until Jason moved ahead in a fast pace; since his daughter is in danger, he tends to find the strength to run faster. 
At the Ferris Wheel, Malon has been screaming and crying in fear for help. “Malon, calm down, a sudden move might break the box seat!” Archie exclaimed for Malon to hear. Malon clings to Archie while crying. Archie felt very uncomfortable, but he knew he had to try to calm Malon down. The people were waiting behind the caution tape watching in horror. The rescue crew of the fair are willing to save the people on the lower and high box, but they couldn’t help Malon and Archie at the middle high end, since their wires can’t reach that high; so they have to wait for the fire brigade to come rescue the two kids.
Meanwhile, Jason was at the scene under the Ferris Wheel, worrying for his daughter and Pennywise’s son. Pennywise came rushing from behind. “Too bad humans can’t teleport… I would have come in a snap…” Pennywise gasped. They both want to save their own kids, but they need to work as a team. “Can you climb?” Jason asked in his head as he got a plan. Pennywise knew exactly what he was thinking… literally… So they both go on either side and climb the Ferris Wheel.
The people were panicking as they saw the two guys climbing the wheel. When Aquarius and MJ came to the scene; not realizing who the crazy climbers are, they noticed who was up the highest box. “MALON.” “ARCHIE.” The two ladies cried as they saw their children stuck up on the Ferris Wheel. Worse to come is that the box tilted further, which causes Malon’s panda to fall off. “Pandy!” Malon cried as she jolted to try to catch it, “MALON NO!” Archie yelled as he grabbed her hand before she falls to her possible death; now Malon is hanging with Archie trying his hardest to hang on. MJ screamed in panic when she saw Malon dangling up there. “Someone PLEASE… DO SOMETHING!” MJ begged and yelled at the security. “Ma’am, please remain calm, we’re doing everything we can…” “My baby girl is HANGING!” MJ shouted. 
While the security people try to hold the people back, Jason and Pennywise were close to their kids. Malon was crying in fear. “Don’t let me fall Archie!” Malon cried up to Archie. “I will never let go… I’d fall with you if you fall!” Archie responded while sweating. Then he noticed a big hooded man in bootie shorts, Malon couldn’t recognize him at first until a gust of wind blew his hood off. “Daddy?” Then her hand is starting to slip out of Archie’s sweaty hand. Fortunately, Jason grabbed his daughter in time. Malon cling to her daddy with her arms and legs wrapped around him. While Archie sighed in relief, the box creaked more and is about to fall. “Archie… Take my hand, hurry!” Pennywise called over. Archie couldn’t recognize the human man, but he’s not going to think twice. After Pennywise grabbed his son’s arm, the box snapped and fell to the ground; that fall would have killed them if Jason and Pennywise hadn’t come to their rescue. 
Everyone cheered and applauded when they saw that the children are safe. MJ and Aquarius cried and hugged with happy tears before they rushed over to their children. After Jason and Pennywise took their children down, Archie and Malon were still crying as they were traumatized by the event. “It’s okay son… Daddy’s here…” Pennywise said. Archie looked up in confusion, until Pennywise’s face appeared briefly. “Dad!” Archie exclaimed with happy tears. Jason was hugging his daughter while tearing up, Malon was amazed that her dad came out in public… in a very awkward getup. It was all cut short when Aquarius and MJ rushed over to their kids. MJ hugged her daughter while crying, “Malon, I thought I lost you…” MJ cried. “I’m sorry mom.” Malon apologized, even though she didn’t do anything wrong. Aquarius hugged her son tight, then Archie asked his mom a question. “Am I in trouble mommy?” Archie asked. Aquarius shook her head with tears and hugged her son again.
MJ looked up at the muscular man, which turns out to be her lover, Jason. She’s not going to ask questions about his getup, she just clings into her husband and hugged him tight. “My hero…” MJ said in a calm tone before she kissed him passionately. Pennywise nervously walked over to Aquarius while twiddling his thumbs. Aquarius looked up at the human figure which turns out it was IT. “Penny?” Pennywise raised a hand to tell her to let him speak first. “Star my darling…” Then he got down to his knees to Star’s height. “I’ve been a fool for keeping the necklace sensor a secret… You’re right, couples don’t keep secrets from lovers… Yet, I kept that a secret from a woman I loved… I’m not going to make you come back to me… For you, I’m going to let you choose… But I want you to know that I really missed your beautiful laugh and puns… I don’t know how I can continue existing without you in my life… And I’m telling the truth…” Pennywise said as he laid a hand on her shoulder. Aquarius cried before she responded. “Penny… I must admit… I realize that if you haven’t found out that I was in the wrong arms of a clown, I could have been violated… I was just too blinded to see the facts from your point of view… I’m sorry my love.” Aquarius admits. The two lovers stared at each other and hugged each other before they kissed. “Will you have me back?” Aquarius asked as a rhetorical question. “If I must… I think that can be arranged.” Pennywise winked. 
After the family exits for home, Pennywise rushed over to Jason. “Hey Jay! I just wanted to say thank you, and for not killing me with your machete. Thanks to you, I got my family back.” Pennywise thanked. Jason just nods as he didn’t want to wake Malon up who is sleeping in his arms. “I see you want to take your family home… I understand… If you want me to erase Malon’s memory from this terrifying event, I can come by tomorrow to hear your thoughts on your decision.” Pennywise offered. Jason isn’t sure at first, but since his daughter was in a life-threatening situation, she’ll probably be too scared to go out and enjoy life; just like him when he’s too afraid to be near water, he didn’t want her to end up like he did, so he has a lot of thinking to do tonight.  What would you choose?
Ending Coming Soon      
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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We were set.
Steve and Robin locked up Scoops and the four of us made our way back up to the roof, with Erica staying inside the back of Scoops with the open vent that she would soon be crawling through. She had a walkie talkie on her and a headset that had flashlights attached, and her backpack too.
The four of us sat waiting on the roof until the loading had finished for the night. When the coast was finally clear Robin got the walkie ready.
"Erica, do you copy?"
In an instant the crackly voice of Erica came over the airwaves, "Mhmm, I copy. You nerds in position or what?"
"Yeah we're in position," Robin responded looking over to me with a slight nod, "It's all quiet here so you've got the green light."
I was positioned between Robin and Steve with Dust on the other side of Steve with his trusty binoculars stuck to his face keeping an eye out.
The evening was warm but I felt like I was boiling alive because of the stress and adrenaline. We were finally going to get some answers.
"Green light, roger that," Erica responded.
I exhaled quietly as Erica and Robin continued talking for a moment, Steve nudged me, I turned slowly to look over at him.
"You okay," he asked worriedly.
I bit my lip, "I guess? It's just...nerve wracking."
He nodded once, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, he opened it again a second later, "We're gonna be okay," he murmured.
I smiled back nervously, "I know," I said with a nod before turning to look out at the loading doors.
We all sat in silence. It was painful. My mind was racing about all the things could have happened to Erica. Was she okay? Was she close to the room? How would we explain to her parents and Lucas if anything happened to her?
It felt like it was becoming harder to breath for a minute because of my thoughts running rampant. I put my hands down on the bare legs to try and get them to stop shaking.
Steve's hand covered mine in an instant, I didn't even turn to look at him, my eyes staying trained on the loading dock, still fearful for Erica. I gripped his hand back to let him know that I appreciated it.
"All right nerds," Ericas staticky voice came through, "I'm there."
I looked next to me at Robin who brought the walkie talkie back up to her mouth, "Do you-do you see anything?"
"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about," she responded.
"Any guards?"
"Booby traps?" Robin teased.
"If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps wouldn't they?" Erica sassed to us.
"Thank you for that," Robin replied sarcastically.
I breathed out a tiny laugh and looked over towards Steve and saw him looking down at me. I smiled briefly at him, which he reciprocated, and looked past him to Dustin who still had the binoculars up.
I looked back to Robin and began biting at my nails, waiting for Erica to say something else.
"I'm in."
I sighed and ran a hand down my face, "Holy shit," I groaned.
"Oh, God," Steve sighed running his unoccupied hand through his hair.
Suddenly...the doors to the room opened up and Erica came walking out like nothing had happened.
I felt myself literally deflate as some of the anxiety left my body just by seeing her in one piece. Steve squeezed my hand, and I looked up to him, only to see him with a gentle smile on his face.
"In and out?" I reminded him.
"In and out," he confirmed.
"Free ice cream for life!" I looked over to Erica and saw her standing in front of the doors with a hand on her hip and her other hand being used to punctuate her words to us.
I grinned down at her before we all started getting up to go and meet her, with Steve helping me to stand. I let go of his hand once we were up and we made our way, very quickly, to the loading dock to meet the little ninja.
"Great job, Erica," I told her once we reached her.
"I know," she responded with a smile.
I rolled my eyes with a small smile and put an arm around her shoulder, "You earned that ice cream, kid."
We walked into the room altogether. There was a box for Imperial Panda on the table in the room that Steve went to immediately. Dustin took out a pocket knife and handed it to Steve, he flipped it open, before dragging the blade across the tape holding the box closed.
Steve handed the knife back to Dustin and opened the flaps of the box where a silver metal box with a handle was inside. We all looked down at it, but none of us knew what it was.
Steve didn't hesitate, he put his hand in and turned the handle, air hissing as he did so. He lifted the lid off and smoke or steam came drifting out fo the box
There were now four handles, I was assuming each pulled up something. I obviously just didn't know what.
"That's definitely not Chinese food," Steve mumbled.
Steve put the other lid on another box before he looked over to the rest of us and put his hands up, "Maybe you guys should stand back."
Robin, Erica and I immediately took a few steps back but Dustin stayed next to Steve.
"No," Dustin said simply.
"Dustin," I said reaching for him.
Steve put his hand on Dustin's shoulder, "Just stand back, okay?"
I stepped forward and gripped his shoulder, "Dustin, come here," I told him.
He looked at me for a second before facing Steve again, "No! No! If you die, I die."
Steve looked over Dustin's head to me, my eyes were wide and something about Dustin saying that really made my stomach flop.
Dustin really cared for Steve, and I knew Steve cared about him too. They really were best friends. I could see that now.
I sighed and stood next to Dustin, "Open it, Steve," I whispered.
I looked over at Steve and his eyes were pleading, he looked between me and the area where Robin and Erica were. I caught his eye long enough to shake my head.
"Open it," I repeated.
His jaw clenched as he nodded, reaching into the box and turning the handle on one of them. He pulled it up and air hissed out of it again with more steam or smoke.
It was a container with bright green liquid inside of it with bubbles throughout.
"What in the world?" I whispered as I gazed it it.
He held it up high so we could all get a good look at it.
"What the hell?" Steve whispered.
"What is it?" Robin asked.
Suddenly the room...shifted.
"Was that just me or did the room just move?" Dustin asked, looking up to Steve, who still had the container in his hand.
"It definitely moved," I stated.
I could hear the sounds around us, it sounded like a roller coaster getting started up. Gears spinning getting ready for movement.
"You know what? Let just grab that and go," Robin said sternly, reaching for the glowing green container.
Dustin turned behind us and went to the keypad and began pressing the button that said, 'OPEN DOOR.'
I took a step back with Robin and Erica as I watched my brother.
"Which one do I press, Erica?" he demanded.
"Just press the damn button, nerd," she instructed, as Robin zipped up her backpack where, I'm guessing, she put the unknown substance.
He groaned, "Which one?" he demanded again, "I'm pressing the button, ok?"
"Press open door!"
"I'm pressing open door!"
Steve stepped up to the keypad, "Just-press the other button," he told Dustin nudging him aside so he could look at the keypad.
"Let Erica in and she'll press the right one," I told them both as Erica stepped up to the two guys.
Steve and Dustin continued to bicker and press all different buttons on the pad. My heart rate was increasing and I thought I was going to pass out.
This wasn't part of the plan. In and out. That was it. We should have been long gone by now. But now we were trapped in this room and for all we knew the next person that would come in was the Russian spy who guards the door.
We were basically fucked.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a rolling door come down quickly and slam shut , effectively sealing us in the room more than we were a moment ago.
I looked from the door to the other four who were all wide eyed and terrified.
The room suddenly shifted and the lights flickered. My stomach felt like it was dropping. I'm not sure who screamed first but it was suddenly all I could hear around me.
I looked up at one of the corners and saw lights flashing as we went by them. By then it clicked. We were dropping down. We were in a Goddamn elevator.
"Dustin," I yelled.
My brother look at me from where he was next to the button pad, "Stay there!"
As soon as I was getting the words out though, he had turned to the buttons, pressing in vain hoping one would work.
"We're going down! We're going down!" Steve yelled.
"Yeah no shit, Harrington!" Robin yelled back to him.
"Why won't the buttons work? Dustin screamed.
Erica went over to the buttons and began hitting them too. I tried to walk over to Dustin, but I lost my footing with the movements of the elevator, in turn making me fall over onto Steve, who had reached his arms out to grab me. He pulled me into him, trying to help me get myself balanced.
"You okay?" he asked me, worry evident in his voice.
"Fine," I said as I put my hand on his arms to keep myself upright.
I stared at him and saw that he looked very fearful, "It's okay," I said to try to calm him, like I would do for Dustin, "it's gonna be okay."
He nodded once at me, "We're gonna get out of here."
I nodded back to him, "I know."
I let go of him and went to my brother, putting my arms around him, "Holy shit, Lou," he cried.
"We're gonna be fine, Dust. I promise," I told him.
The elevator slammed against the ground, sending us all either down or backwards. I fell to the ground with Dustin on top of me.
I groaned at the sudden weight being pushed on me by Dustin. He jumped off of me quickly, "Sorry, Lou! Are you okay?" he asked, offering me a hand as I nodded my head accepting his hand.
"My groin!" Steve complained with a groan, "It fell on my groin. Dustin get this off of me!"
I looked from my spot next to the buttons and saw Steve with a fallen box on top of him.
"Robin, Erica you guys okay?" I asked, rubbing the small of my back to try to stop the stinging sensation.
"Not really," Robin answered.
Erica just huffed.
"Steve you okay?" Robin asked as she rubbed her head.
"Yeah, I'm great now that I know Russians can't design elevators!" he yelled, making me go wide eyed.
Steve went over to the buttons and began pressing things, "Steve, they're not working," I said with a sigh.
"They're buttons," he said glancing at me, "they have to do something!"
"Yeah, if we had a keycard!" Robin exclaimed.
"What?" I asked.
"It's an electronic lock," she said, "same as the loading dock door if we don't have a keycard it won't open," she explained as she walked towards Steve, "meaning-"
"We're stuck," I finished her sentence.
Steve flipped the button pad door closed and groaned again.
"Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tinas-and Tina always covers for me," Erica began scolding us, "but if I'm not home in time for Uncle Jacks party tomorrow and my mom finds out you four are responsible she's gonna hunt you down one by one and slit your throats!"
That's all it took for Steve to truly snap, "I dont care about Tina! Or Uncle Jacks party! Your moms not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!"
I reached out a hand and gently touched Steve's forearm, "Steve," I whispered.
We needed to try to be calm to figure this out. Steve flipping shit, while warranted, wasn't going to help get us out.
His shoulders relaxed once I touched him he turned to look at me and sighed before stepping back to stand next to me. I dropped my hand from his arm.
"Hey," Dustin said, "what if we climbed out?" he said pointing to the roof where I could see a door that would lead us to the outside of the room.
Steve was gone from my side in an instant as he and Dustin climbed up and out quickly.
"That won't work," I whispered.
"We're too far down," Robin agreed.
Dustin and Steve we're back in the room within a moment and said the same thing that Robin and I stated.
I made eye contact with Steve, all we could offer each other were bewildered looks. We were, quite literally, starting from the ground up. We needed a new plan and we needed it fast.
Title credit to REO Speedwagon and gif credit to owner
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