#little hoot owl hat
lunnybunny12 · 3 months
Stolas x wife reader (happy families)
(part 1)
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A Goetia party was always a talking point in hell. And for good reason. From kings to lowborns, everyone and anyone from the Goitias were invited.
The hall was practically dripping with wealth. Ladies draped with the finest silks and velvets, in floor-length gowns and sprinkled with jewels and gems. The gentlemen, groomed to perfection, wore luxurious suits with matching: shirts, hats, tailcoats and cloaks. The smell of the fine food, collected from all across the seven rings drifted through the air along with a strong smell of absynthe and incense.
It was a classy affair, at least you would've thought so if you weren't 5 years old. In your little bird brain, you hated these parties. Granted this was your first one but you couldn't imagine anything more boring. So far you have been: stepped on, pushed and pulled in all directions, danced and if you smiled any more your lips would fall apart.
Your mother, on the other hand, lived for them. When you were small your mother would always pawn you off to a babysitter so she could be at a party. Every year she would work for at least a month to prepare for the occasion.
Not a single feather was out of place that night. Her talons and beak were buffed and polished and there wasn't a spec of anything but elegance ( and annoyance) on her.
"(Y/N)! stop fidgeting you'll ruin my dress" she crowed, dragging you behind her.
"But Mama I-"
Your mother sent you a look that choked the words in your throat and bent down to dust off your dress.
"No buts. you be on your best behaviour. I won't have you embarrass me in front of a king"
Faster than you could comprehend, your mother composed herself and shoved you in front of her.
You slammed face-first into something. Tears were pooling at the corners of your eyes when a sweet voice said "Oh goodness, I'm sorry are you alright?
The boy in front of you was around your age maybe a year older. He was an inch or two taller than you and had 2 large, kind, red eyes that met yours.
"This is my daughter (Y/N). Isn't she just... Precious" your mother said pulling her face into the biggest smile you'd ever seen.
Your eyes travelled up to who she was talking to. The man toward over you and your mother. His blood-red eyes stared down at you like he was staring into your soul.
The owl grumbled to himself before planting a fake smile on his face.
"Isn't she darling? Allow me to introduce my son... uh. Fuck, what's your name?"
"Stolas, father."
"STOLAS! of course. My son, Prince Stolas."
The young owl lowered his head earning a slap.
"Don't bow to THAT one. They bow to us." The man hissed.
Your mother grabbed the back of your neck and forced you into a bow, making you slip and fall into Stolas, who caught you.
"(Y/N)!" your mother whispered sharply, tearing you away from Stolas and dragging you behind her.
The whole time you felt your mother's claws dig into your skin making you wince in pain.
Eventually, when your mother let you go you managed to sneak away and scurried to the first place you could find, under a table.
It wasn't the worst place to hide, the tablecloth draped down to the floor on all sides so you couldn't be seen. Through your misty eyes, you'd see shadows pass by. If you weren't so upset you'd actually enjoy your little nook.
"Hello?" someone hooted to you.
You immediately dried your face and tried to stand, hitting your head on the underside of the table.
You locked eyes with the young prince, who by this point was fully under the table with you, and fell face-first to the ground in embarrassment.
Stolas crawled to you with a slight giggle in his voice. "Are you ok?"
"Yes Your Highness I'm fine. My head hurts that's all." You mumbled into the carpet.
"Here let's get you to sit up. I can't really hear you."
Stolas could see that you were upset, your eyes were still puffy and your face was wet.
"Are you sure you're alright?"
You sniffled and fake smiled "Im alright Your Highness"
"Please call me Stolas" he lowered his head to a bow
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natsuki-bakery · 5 days
⁎˚ ఎ Gyro Zeppeli ໒ ˚⁎
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hiiii could you maybe write a oneshot about cg! gyro putting a sleepy little to bed? thank you so so so much !!!!! i hope you are having a good week !!
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The sun had long since dipped below the horizon, leaving the vast plains of the American frontier bathed in soft twilight. The only sounds were the occasional rustle of wind sweeping through the dry grass and the distant hoot of an owl. The Steel Ball Run race had temporarily come to a standstill for the night, and the campfire Zeppeli had set up flickered gently against the cool night air.
Sitting beside the flames was a young regressor, exhausted from the day's events, curled up in a makeshift blanket beside him. Their small, innocent eyes drooped with fatigue, tiny fingers wrapped around the corner of the blanket, grasping for comfort as sleep slowly claimed them...
Gyro, still wearing his broad-brimmed hat, glanced down at you with a soft, almost paternal smile. In this strange race, filled with danger and competition, you were one of the few things that felt like an anchor of simplicity—a reminder that not everything was about fighting, power, or survival
"Come on" Gyro said, his voice a low, soothing rumble, leaning over to adjust the blanket over your shoulders. "It’s about time you went to bed properly, don’t you think ?"
Your eyes fluttered open for a moment, your expression a mix of reluctance and drowsiness. Your little frame curled tighter as you mumbled something unintelligible, too tired to form words properly. Gyro chuckled softly. "No, no. You need some real rest, kid. We’ve got another long day tomorrow." He removed his gloves, his hands rough from years of spinning steel balls, and scooped you into his arms. Despite his strength, his touch was gentle—careful, as if handling something delicate
You stirred slightly, but with Gyro’s calm movements and the way his arms held you securely, you quickly nestled into his chest, your head resting against his shoulder. His broad, steady heartbeat lulled you further into sleep as he stood up and carried you towards the nearby tent
As they approached the tent, Johnny Joestar, his usual partner in the race, gave a brief glance over. His expression was a mixture of amusement and confusion. "Didn’t think you had it in you to play babysitter" Johnny said, his tone playful, though there was genuine respect in his voice. He knew Gyro was much more than the brash, eccentric Italian he often portrayed himself as
"Somebody’s gotta make sure they sleep..." Gyro replied with a grin, though the softness in his voice betrayed the fact that he was more concerned about your well-being than anything else. "You get some rest too. We’ll need it". Johnny simply nodded, not pushing any further
Inside the tent, Gyro carefully laid you down on a small bedroll he had prepared for them. The night air had a slight chill to it, and he made sure the blanket was tucked tightly around you. In the dim light of a nearby lantern, he could see your face relax, finally giving in to the exhaustion of the day. He crouched beside you for a moment, watching the slow, peaceful rise and fall of your chest. In a world filled with spinning steel balls, deadly enemies, and the never-ending competition of the Steel Ball Run, moments like these, quiet and tender, were rare
"Sleep well, piccolo" Gyro whispered, brushing a strand of hair from your face. His voice was low and comforting, almost like a lullaby. "I’ll be here when you wake up". He moved to leave but paused, glancing back one last time. Something about the sight of you, so small and vulnerable, stirred something deep in him, a protective instinct. For all the bravado, for all the talk of honor and duty that came with being a Zeppeli, it was moments like these that reminded him of his true purpose. Healing. Caregiving. Protecting the innocent, no matter the form that took
With a quiet sigh, he leaned back against the side of the tent, sitting cross-legged beside the entrance. The campfire outside still crackled faintly, casting a warm glow that flickered through the canvas walls. Gyro rested his head back, one eye half-closed as he listened to the calm, even breaths of the regressor sleeping beside him. Tomorrow would bring more challenges, more danger, and more of the relentless race. But for now, in the stillness of the night, Gyro allowed himself to relax—if only for a little while. The world outside could wait
As he sat there, keeping watch over the small figure beside him, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Sweet dreams, little one," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sounds of the prairie night.
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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arriansarchive · 4 months
Emma Bloom/Male!Peculiar!Reader
I'm just Ken... where I see love, she sees a friend...
I'm listening to that song and I thought that line fit just a little bit with Reader and Emma in this story
Only that line though
This is set when Abe is with Miss P
This is actually a really old draft from a year ago, but I'm finishing it up to try to get something out
Summary: You're sick of Emma ignoring you for Abe, so you corner her one night to talk.
The night was long, and you were restless in your chair. The owls hooting seemed to lull you to sleep most nights but not this one.
You sat awake at your desk, tapping a pen on the paper. Many normal things happened today, almost too normal.
Emma ignoring you for Abe, Fiona and Hugh doing everything together, Enoch being a prick, Emma ignoring you for Abe.
That sentence made your blood boil over the edge of it's imaginary pot. Abe was a problem for your friendship ever since he arrived at Miss Peregrine's house.
You and Emma had been close friends for many years. You both were basically inseparable. You went to the beach together, you helped her pick out clothes for random events, history work Miss Peregrine assigned, and other.
But then Abe came, and it all went away as quick as a feather being carried through the wind.
Suddenly a light switch being flipped from across the hall sparks your attention. You and Emma's rooms were adjacent to one anothers. That means it could only be Emma.
Whenever Miss Peregrine does sleep, which tonight would be one of those nights, she sleeps heavily, so as long as you didn't make any huge noises you could get out of the house easily. That's what you suspect Emma is doing.
Abe is also a heavy sleep, so you suspect that he wouldn't be coming on this midnight stroll. You would be though.
You shot up from your desk, shoved a few pillows under your blankets, and made for the door, waiting for the right time to follow suit behind Emma.
She was probably heading to the beach, you presumed. Since every time before Abe, you and Emma went out to the beach to just talk and think.
You heard the downstairs door opened and shut quietly then started to slowly peek out your door. The hallway was barren and empty just like you thought.
Your footsteps were light inside of your socks, once you get the the bottom slipping on shoes and a fluffy hat.
The front door opened and closed once more as you exited the desolate, quiet household that in the day was loud and bustling with activity.
The walk to the beach was peaceful for your racing mind. It calmed you down immensely, probably for the better with what your about to talk to Emma about.
The outside ring of the beach was beautiful. The plants displayed out the front always calmed your nerves whenever you happened to be in distress.
Usually whenever Emma and you came here, it was to talk about some stupid new rule or short-lived piece of drama that came about in the house. Enoch picking on Horace, Fiona and Hugh, something like that. Something stupid.
Something stupid that the two of you laughed at.
There was no more laughing between you and her. There was just silence. Where there used to be a bold, strong connection; there was dead quiet, a broken string.
You sighed whenever Emma came into view. A sigh of relief? You'll never know. Her blue dress flowed as her knees were drawn up to her chest, her heading hiding in them. You could tell it was her from her blonde head of hair, a head of hair you'd know anywhere.
"Emma Bloom!" You called out, somewhat teasingly.
She looked up and turned her head on the direction where you were standing, waving your hands like a maniac.
"You." Emma rolled her eyes.
You jogged over to where she sat on the sand and took your rightful place beside her. Whenever you looked into her eyes, you saw they were red and irritated. She had been crying; and, for Emma, that meant something really bad had happened.
"What's wrong with you?" You said awkwardly.
You were never good at heartfelt conversations. You thought that was what Emma loved about you until Abe, heartwarming pep-talks Abe, came about.
"You wouldn't care. You don't like him anyways." She sighed and rubbed her eyes again.
You looked away from her and sighed. "I might not like him, but I still want to know what's ailing your heart, love."
She sniffled. "I'll tell you if you promise to never call me that ever again."
Nodding your head, you smile softly. "Deal."
Emma began to explain to you that Abe was planning to go join some mame-shift, hollow-hunters army that sent him a letter a few days ago.
"-and that would leave me alone." She finished.
You almost scoffed but managed to keep it inside, though maybe not your sour expression. She looked over at you, needing somebody to give her some advice.
"My advice to you, Emma, is to look around you at the people who really care about you." You sighed. "I've been right here for weeks, knowing he'd eventually leave you, but you've glazed past me every time."
She huffed and got up from her position on the sand to storm away. "I knew you'd do this. You make everything all about yourself!"
You looked up and started to call after her, but you felt it would do no good. Once Emma got set on something, she wouldn't change her mind. It was something you loved about her.
Supposing you'd just walk back to the house, you got up from your seat. Maybe it would take Abe leaving for her to realize what she had. Maybe you would wait until then.
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totaled-drama · 1 year
also i anon here frequently so.
- 🍰 cake anon moment
Hi :) Thank you for showing an interest!! I appreciate it :D
-They met when they were 4.
-They’re both 9 years old, but Wayne is about a month older than Raj.
-Their personalities are pretty much the same as they are in canon, they’re just more outwardly emotional.
-If they’re separated for long periods of time, they WILL cry.
-Wayne gives Raj piggyback rides all the time.
-They both look up to Lightning and Svetlana SO much. They are constantly asking them questions and clinging to them.
-Wayne likes to give Raj his hat sometimes. He’s very attached to his hat (it was given to him by his older brother), and Raj is the only other person who’s allowed to wear it.
-After the Cassowaries incident, they’re even MORE attached to each other, if that was even possible.
-They still do the hooting thing!! Their favorite cartoon has a snow owl in it. :)
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emilykat-artblog18 · 10 months
Tillie’s Travels: Far From Port
(chapter 5)
.:: Missing Tug ::.
Meanwhile in Bigg City Port…
The storm had long passed in Bigg City Port but it had caused a great amount of trouble throughout the port.
Luckily all of my tugs had survived the ordeal, but there was plenty of work for them to do that day.
“The railway bridge down the canal has collapsed during the storm so Big Mac, Warrior, you two are to help with repairing it with Mighty Mo.”
“Right away Captain,” Warrior affirmed,
“Meanwhile Top Hat, you’re to report to the Railhead and help with taking away any destroyed rolling stock to Burke and Blair’s yard.”
Top Hat hooted his whistle and departed from the Star Pier,
“O.J and Sunshine, you two are to head up River to help Billy Shoepack and Little Ditcher clear any fallen trees and to see if Boomer made it through just fine afterwards you’re to go dredging in the estuary, the dump, and the quarry in case any rocks or garbage were blown into the water,”
“Yes sir!” Sunshine chirped and followed O.J to the Up River canal.
“and finally as for you Ten Cents,”
“Yes Captain Star?” Ten Cents acknowledged,
“You and Tillie are to head to the various piers in the harbor and help retrieve or take away any cargo that may have been tossed or destroyed by the storm.”
“Right then sir,” and Ten Cents headed off to the Coal Depot to reload on coal and to tell Tillie their jobs that day.
When Ten Cents arrived however, Tillie wasn’t there.
“Strange,” Ten Cents commented.
At that moment Tianna, a J50, came puffing up with a very anxious look.
“Did Tillie return to the Railhead last night?” Ten Cents puzzled,
Tianna frowned, “No, did she not end up morning at the Star dock with the rest of you tugs?”
“No, I’m afraid she didn’t,” Ten Cents faltered, “Maybe she ended up mooring off somewhere else when the storm hit.”
“Hope you find her soon!” Tianna called worryingly as Ten Cents headed to the Railhead.
At the Railhead, Ten Cents found Top Hat waiting with Frank and Eddie as Little Owl shunted cars onto the two rail barges.
“Ten Cents, have you not found Tillie yet? You two have plenty of jobs to do today,” Top Hat huffed.
“I know Top Hat, I haven’t found her yet but I was wondering, when was the last time you last saw her?” Ten Cents quizzed.
Top Hat thought for a moment, “Well, the last time I saw Tillie, she was taking her barges to the Melon Produce Warehouse. She said that it was her last delivery.
“Is that all?” Ten Cents quizzed,
“If I knew anything else I’d tell you.” Top Hat replied bluntly.
“Alright, thanks anyways.” Ten Cents sighed
Ten Cents departed from Railhead and made his way to the Melon Produce Warehouse. When he arrived, it was in quite a state: cargo had been blown off the quay and into the surrounding water, Tillie’s barges were tied in their place despite the mess however. But there wasn’t any sign of Tillie anywhere and Ten Cents was getting more worried for her.
“Where could she be?” Ten Cents pondered as he helped to retrieve any spilled cargo out of the water.
As Ten Cents finished he spotted something differently colored floating on top some splintered wood aways from him, he chugged up to it and realized it was a torn piece of a light lavender ribbon.
“That’s… That’s Tillie’s ribbon.” Ten Cents examined, looking up to the direction of where the ribbon went out in the open ocean, Ten Cents felt his boiler churn.
His crew grabbed the ribbon and in order to make haste he headed out to Dem Der rocks.
When Ten Cents arrived at Dem Der rocks, he looked around and breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t see Tillie holed on the rocks but it didn’t make any sense to him.
If she wasn’t swept onto the rocks from the storm, where else could she have been? As Ten Cents turned back to port he heard a foghorn.
He looked where he heard it and saw it was coming from Lillie Lightship.
“Lillie?” Ten Cents uttered.
“Ten Cents!” Lillie shouted trying to get his attention.
Ten Cents’s boiler bubbled and he hurried over to Lillie; As he drew closer he noticed that she looked distressed, her mascara was running as if she had been crying the whole evening.
“Lillie! Lillie what’s the matter? Are you sinking again?” Ten Cents panted out of breath.
“No, it’s not that, Ten Cents, but something awful happened last night!” Lillie wept
“What? What happened..?” Ten Cents plead.
“It’s Tillie… she was swept out to sea by the storm.” Lillie blubbered.
The news hit Ten Cents hard like a stone.
“I saw her being taken away by the currents, I tried to radio for help but… a ferocious wave swept Tillie away into the open ocean. I couldn’t make it to her if I tried… it was too late, all I could do was listen to her cries for help… I’m very sorry” Lillie lamented on the verge of tears.
Ten Cents comforted Lillie the best he could, he felt bad for Lillie but he knew he had to tell me immediately about what happened to Tillie.
Ten Cents chugged as fast as he could back to the pier. I practically could hear him panting outside my office. I went to my megaphone and called out to him,
“What’s the rush, Ten Cents?”
“Captain, Tillie’s been swept out to sea!” Ten Cents cried in exhaustion.
“Oh dear, well… I’m afraid there’s not much we can do at the moment, Ten Cents. Hercules is away working in another port and communications with other harbors are down due to trees taking out the power lines at Control. You’ll just have to carry out your duties on your own until all these inconveniences are rectified.”
Ten Cents didn’t like the sound of this but what more could be done? As he worked he thought long and hard about the current circumstances, as he was helping to clean up a pier, O.J. paddled over to him,
“Penny for your thoughts?” he queried.
Ten Cents told him what happened to Tillie and the old paddle wheeler listened closely.
“Oh dear… and there’s nothing that can be done to get Tillie back?” O.J. added,
“Not at the moment. With communications down and Hercules not around there’s nothing anyone can do, but I can't just sit here and not do anything either. Tillie’s probably out there by herself in who knows where.” Ten Cents maintained,
“And what are you going to do then, lad?” O.J. quizzed,
“Well… this might sound crazy but, I was thinking of going out to find her on my own.” declared Ten Cents
O.J. was taken aback, “Are you sure about it lad?”
“Yes, I'm sure. If no one else can, I can at least try.” affirmed Ten Cents
“Ten Cents, while I appreciate your bravery and persistence to bring Tillie back, I don’t think it’s possible to do it on your own. How would you even know where Tillie ended up or if she even did end up anywhere at all?”
“I’ll ask Lillie where she saw her swept away, then I’ll travel to the nearest port and ask around, if she’s not there then I’ll travel to the next until I reach the last possible port,” Ten Cents explained
“and if she isn’t there...” he began again before O.J. interrupted him
“It's a bold plan Ten Cents, but you couldn’t possibly last the journey out there, not without enough coal or water.”
“Then I’ll… borrow some barges here and load up on more at the ports” Ten Cents persisted
O.J was about to interject again but Ten Cents cut him off before he could.
“Even if she’s nowhere, at least I tried. And if I run out of coal and water along the way or back, so be it, I’ll still try to find a way to press on” Ten Cents vowed
O.J didn’t know what to say, he took a deep breath and chose his last words carefully.
“Alright lad, as long as you know what you’re doing, then I wish you luck.” OJ said before heading back to work.
Ten Cents continued his work as usual but throughout the day he slowly began putting his plan into action.
Ten Cents had put the first step of his plan into action. He had to be careful the best he could as if he was caught taking barges, much like Zebedee did once during the high wind season, he’d be in big trouble. Ironically though he went to the coal depot and picked up a coal barge, as he was turning to leave he heard an engine whistling trying to get his attention.
“Hey Ten Cents, where are you off to? Have you found Tillie yet?” Tianna called with a slight panic in her voice.
Ten Cents stopped and tried to think of what to say, “Uh… no I’m afraid I haven’t,” he started, Tianna’s face fell, “The truth is she had been pulled out to sea, once communications with the other ports are back on, Captain Starr will send Hercules to go searching for her” Ten Cents reassured her.
This managed to put Tianna’s mind at ease for a moment, “Okay then Ten Cents,” Tianna said with a small smile, “But where are you going with that coal barge? I thought you were scheduled to help clean up the harbor”.
“I uh… Captain Starr wanted me to take coal to one of the factories. He said it was important,” Ten Cents fumbled.
“Alright then, well good luck with that, I hope Tillie gets found soon though,” Tianna said finally.
“So do I…” Ten Cents said as he headed to the waterworks for a water barge. Little did he know however that another tug was watching him from afar.
Ten Cents crept into the waterworks and tied onto one of the water barges near the dock. As he was about to pull away he heard a voice,
“Where do you think you’re going with that?”
Ten Cents turned towards where he heard the voice and then he froze. It was Zorran.
“Shouldn’t you be clearing the docks with that other switcher friend of yours?” Zorran snarled.
“Uh no, Captain Starr took me off that for another job.” Ten Cents quivered.
“I see, did it require you to deliver water and coal to a client?” Zorran added
“Yeah.” Ten Cents replied.
“You’re lying, No one’s been giving out orders because the telegraphs are down because of the storm last night.” Zorran snapped.
Ten Cents went pale.
“I’ll be sure to report this to your Captain. I’m sure he won’t be pleased to hear one of his tugs have committed mutiny.”
“Now wait just a minute Zorran, I-”
Ten Cents was interrupted by the sound of a horn and the humming of an engine approaching. Zorran too was silent,
“Now what’s going on here huh?” quizzed Jacob,
Jacob was a Diesel Tug built at Lucky’s Yard. He did odd jobs around the port but he had no allegiance to the Stars or the Z-stacks.
Zorran scowled, “None of your business Jacob.”
“Well I’m here, so it is my business. Unless you don’t want to have a problem, you’d clear out of here.” Jacob said bluntly.
Zorran scoffed and then he puffed slowly away.
“Thank you for that Jacob, I’ll be on my way now,” Ten Cents sighed.
“Not so fast,” Jacob said, blocking Ten Cents’ way.
“You’ve gotta tell me what's the deal with that load of yours”
“Yeah? And what if I don’t?” Ten Cents growled.
“I’ll report your thefts to the coast guard. He won’t be pleased with this, nor will Captain Starr when he finds out,” Jacob dagged.
Ten Cents gave in and told Jacob his plan. The Diesel Tug was perplexed by it all,
“There, can I go now?” Ten Cents hissed.
“Not yet.” Jacob smirked,
“I must commemorate your willingness to go out and search for your work colleague as stupid as it may be. It’s no loss if you wind up lost with her, however I’ll keep this a secret under one condition:”
Jacob paused.
“Yeah? What?” Ten Cents queried.
“You let me do all your jobs in your absence.” Jacob finished.
Ten Cents was worried. He didn’t want anyone else to know he was leaving to find Tillie. He didn’t know if he could trust Jacob but what choice did he have?
“Alright Jacob, you have my permission,” Ten Cents caved.
“Good. Leave these barges with me, I’ll meet you at Burke and Blair’s yard tonight to give them to you” Diesel instructed.
“Why there?” asked Ten Cents.
“It’s the most discreet place for you to depart from. Not to mention, you have work to finish today.” Jacob explained.
“Oh uh alright then.”
The two parted ways, as Ten Cents went to see Lillie.
“The storm swept her northward,” Lillie explained through her streaking make-up,
“I only hope she’s alright.”
“So do I,” Ten Cents said before steaming back to Port.
Ten Cents helped Sunshine dredge in the estuary for the rest of the day. He didn’t talk much during the operation, he was beginning to have doubts about his decisions; Not just to go out to look for Tillie but to give his work to Jacob to keep his plan a secret.
“Everything alright Ten Cents?” Sunshine puzzled.
“Not really,” Ten Cents sighed, “Sunshine, if you had to do a good thing at the cost of something bad would you do it?”
Sunshine pondered for a moment, “Well it depends I suppose. How beneficial would this good thing be, and what would the cost be?”
“It benefits you and our fleet personally, but it costs well… I don’t know, it's hard to explain” Ten Cents stammered.
Sunshine conceded, “So something similar to what happened a couple 4th Julys ago?”
“Well yeah,” Ten Cents admitted, “We could’ve gotten into a lot of trouble with the Navy for that maneuver”
“Indeed, but we didn’t and you know why?”
Ten Cents was about to reply but Sunshine interjected, “Because Captain Starr understood our intentions and he forgave us.”
Ten Cents added, “And you said before that that friends are valuable”
“Not sure what that’s got anything to do with this conversation but if the good thing is as important as our mates then I’d say it’s worth doing” Sunshine smiled.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Ten Cents said, “thank you Sunshine”.
“Any time Ten Cents.” Sunshine winked.
That night Ten Cents crept out of the dock and steamed towards Burke and Blair’s yard where he found Jacob.
“It's all here for ya,” Jacob called in a hushed voice,
Ten Cents mosied over to his “borrowed” barges.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to show up. Do you know how hard it was to sneak these things here without those two demons knowing?” Jacob huffed.
“Well I’m here now and I’m going through with this” Ten Cents retorted.
“You do know you’re going to be in trouble regardless if you come back with that friend of yours right?” Jacob quizzed.
Ten Cents shot him a dirty look,
“I’m just saying,” Jacob sighed, “This friend of yours must mean a lot to you if you’re willing to do this.”
“She does,” Ten Cents admitted,
Jacob gagged “You’ve got a lot of guts, a stupid kind of guts but guts nonetheless. Good luck out there.”
Ten Cents headed out of the port; he didn't know whether or not to be thankful or slightly suspicious about Jacob but he knew he had to do one thing, find and bring home Tillie.
[End of Chapter 5]
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scarletlizzard · 6 months
I know nothing whatsoever about astrology, but from what I’ve gathered, Pisces cry all of the time, is that right?
Oh yes, tea and crumpets galore, except I wasn’t in England, so less tea and fewer crumpets.
Darn, you’ll have to keep me hidden away behind the emoji, what a shame hm?
P.S. You’re practically an owl, you’re such a hoot.
P.P.S. Hat pic? Studying. Stalking. Groaning. You’re hot.
Hahah yes, I think because Pisces are generally so emotional! Do you cry a lot, little Brit? 👀
I should've assumed that! Well, wherever you were, I hope it was the most wonderful day celebrating you 😊
Oh yes, you'll be staying hidden behind your little 🫖! (Unless you didn't want to, of course, but, you know)
P.S. I am at the office trying SO hard not to laugh as hard as I want to right now. You're the bloody hoot!!
P.P.S. Hm, you saw? Blushing, melting, groaning. You're hotter.
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Empires smp has been great! (out of context festival episode moments, not in order, and some of the quotes are paraphrased)
whatever mythical sausage’s entire ep was honestly that man makes me insane
”I see GrEaT dAnGeR~“
false and jimmy getting along
”I’m single now so~”
pixlriffs falling into a ravine and finding a skeleton horse down there??
”deals off, sorry :( <3”
false is shy and uncertain but her little “go gem!” gave me life
”you can also wear it as a hat” “aw!”
”so he spits not-“ gets cut off because we are at least trying to keep the server rating down (eyes scott and sausage and joel)
”~the spirits call to me~“
”yeah, take your top off!” “joel???”
...the rift...why...also sausage did you have to make thirteen teleport noises at the end of your episode for each of the hermits that went through, huh?
”discount toys from the sexy man~“ “wait who’s the sexy man?” “right there~” “gem?”
the whole dragon egg thing lmao
”I know your secret!” “shut up don’t tell people’s secrets!”
”who is he? I’ve never heard of him!” “him, from earlier!” “Oh, it’s the bard guy!” “the bard!” “can you start already?” “get on with it!” “hurry up!” “where are the snowballs?”
”they should kiss!”
”what’s the internet?”
”gamers - I mean ladies and gentlemen”
”why were you guys fighting?” “well..” “over you!”
false’s compliment for the sheriff being “...I like your hat?” she is so awkward I love it
also scott and gem putting nice compliments for jimmy
”I’m aN OwL???! hoot.”
”Have a golden carrot. you’re a good boy, yes you are, yes you are. the sheriff is corrupt.”
jimmy called hermès stupid and got two shot by joel and sausage
“we sent them on missions. willingly.”
”I didn’t know I had such good friends around these parts“ “eh?” “I’m in your will”
...just joel and sausage bringing hermès around with them the whole festival and having him participate
”this was great!” “that was weird”
...owen the llama
anyways I would love false and gem’s perspective on all of this since it seemed like false was awkward and gem was wonderful but I’ll wait, for Oli’s perspective too
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littlebosslady7 · 2 years
read The Home We Built. Can you describe Grey Hunt manor more?
Sure. That story is here. I know this probably or rather most definitely isn't architecturally sensical or sound, but to be fair, it changes depending on what fits in the story.
The outside is painted in gray of course, archery range off to the side. The front door, just a single door, blue. We enter through the foyer. Sometimes the walls are plain white or a pale yellow in my mind. There's a chandelier with a wood frame and elven crystals that appear branch like.
The living room has various paintings of snowdrops and blue roses done by both Percy and Keyleth. There's racks on the wall for Vex, Wolfe, and Leona to hang their bows, arrows, quivers, and whatnots. It's never used by Vex or the kids. LOL. They have a family portrait comissioned by a young artist named Genevive above the fireplace.
The kitchen has arched, rounded windows that allow for a lot of natural light. They have a massive kitchen island, the best quality stove, and a new fangled tall ice box. The door to that looks more like wood paneling. They have a nook with a round table by the window. Arrowheads, nicks on the island, and a few old food stains when the kids didn't want to eat their vegetables give the kitchen some character.
The hallway has each of the kids rooms'. Vesper's room is a lot of pinks and lavenders. She has huge parchment posters of her favorite musical artists of a pink troll, a purple tiefling, and a blue orc in a newsboy cap. All either old timey typewriter or calligraphy font.
The twins, they share. They argue about wanting to their own rooms on occasion, but to honest neither can sleep without Wolfe's snoring or the quiet little hoots, mid-slumber wing flaps from Leona's snow owl. They do have a deep purple curtain divider for privacy. Their walls are a rich coffee mocha color. Their parents decided that so there would be no arguments. Wolfe's side has a couple fencing trophies. Books on werewolves. Crude, for a 13-14 yr old wolf drawings under his bed. He has a few crude pamphlets/comic strips he stole from Uncle Scanlan. Men, women, NB individuals posing a bit too sexy. He thinks he can hide it well, but Vex and Percy catch on it and find it when they're with their tutors. Leona has archery trophies and a couple medals on their nightstand. They have books on fey and a series about a fairy/changeling royal romace on their shelves. Their floor is covered in multi-colored bowties, arrow parts, and dusty glasses cleaner clothes. Wolfe's is even worse. The boy leaves leftover food breakfast in bowls by his alarm clock.
Danny has mint green walls, a warm mural of a cherry tree and a friendly raven in it designed by Auntie Kiki. He has a toy box filled with various animal plushes and wooden airships/carriages. He has what starts out as the size of a doggy bed for Charlie, but eventually the cub needs let's say a sturdy twin bed. Percy and Vex ocassionally take away his lock picking kit he got from Auntie Pike, but a 4 year old boy and his trusty bear have ways.
Gwen has white walls with the mural of the two moons Catha and Ruidus. She has lots of fun baby books, rattles that change color, teething rings shaped like various animals -- bears, bees, lizard bee ect. She has blocks in the Infernal alphabet and bracelets, hats, and old clothes from Aunt Zee and Uncle Kash's twin girls. Her crib has little bite marks, especially when her fangs popped out. Her mobile has the stars.
Percy and Vex's master bedroom has their massive king sized bed, but honestly it's a bit more lumpy on Percy's side cuz Vex likes to spoon with both her legs tangled around him and her ear pressed to his left pec. They have Percy's short swords above their bed, which Vex isn't always fond of. Though they have come in handy. But it's a better, tamer visual of what they used to have before kids. A painting done by Percy in silhouette of Vex naked. Percy just saves that for his sketchbook now. They have a bed for Trinket that the kids will sometimes use. Lots of long cushions and sleeping bags tucked away in the closet for the kids. Their walls are cream colored. They have a little purple love seat, blue throw pillows, and a little table/tea cart for any warm drink.
Master closet is self explanatory. His and hers side. Massive dresser in the center with a few locked drawers for sexier things/hidden weapons.
Balcony on Vex's side of the room cuz she likes nature.
Second level has Percy and Vex's home office/study/quiet space. The walls are lined with tall shelves of books about various creatures, magical fauna surrounding the Parchwood. There's a secret short door for Trinket. Percy has his telescope in there. Vex has a few maps from her scouting. They have 2 separate desk where they go over the kids' schoolwork and expenses for the castle.
Percy's workshop covered in gears, tools, ect. He has a bunch of the kid's drawings, a small vase of seasonal flowers from Keyleth, letters piled from Pike and Scanlan, a long assembly desk, a literal drawing board, and there's a dropdown couch/sofa bed tucked away in a tall metal cabinet.
Pantry is self explanatory. They do have canned doughs from Pike, healthy cereals, fresh herbs, and veg. They also occasionally store a few gifts they hate in there.
Laundry room self explanatory, though they do have huge basins with enchanted washboards.
Vex and Percy have a spare room on the lower level, where they spar. They fence for fun, or honestly they do calming breathing exercises. Can't let those battle senses dull in times in peace.
Their bathroom not as spacious as the castle, but decent copper tub, chamber pot with a beaded cord to flush their waste.
The backyard has a swingset, sandbox, and a moderately sized airship (play house). A few of the kitchen staff live in a small, but easily livable bungalow between the lake and farm.
Lastly, they have secret doors that connect to various rooms.
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snowdrrops · 1 year
feat. : haino/cytham wc: 1k summary: cyno is being followed. haitham helps him catch the culprit. they fall in love while doing so.
read it on ao3 here ! this would be a multi chapter fic :)
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1: once, twice, thrice.
Cyno notices how it only ever happens when he's alone.
The very first time it had happened was when he heard the rustling of footsteps against the desert sand after he'd just slaughtered a camp of eremites, leaving not even a single one alive. 
He scanned his surroundings quickly with his polearm at the ready to attack any incoming opponents. There weren't any structures to hide his attackers from view, so this would be a lot easier for Cyno to deal with. Or so he thought.
Cyno waited and waited, but nothing ever came. His ears couldn't have deceived him, could they? He had honed his senses to perfection during his years of training to become the General Mahamatra. It was impossible for him to make a mistake.
Everything was in clear view, but there were no opponents in sight.
In the end, he decides to leave after an hour of waiting for nothing.
Deep down, he knew that something- or someone was out there. But once is an accident, after all. Cyno doesn't think too much into it. 
Two weeks have passed. 
The second time, he had just left Tighnari’s place after a scrumptious dinner. Cyno left his jackal hat and weapon at home, and he donned his famous black cloak and a dagger that he hid in the inner pocket, just in case. 
He was thinking about the tasks that await him in the duration of the next week, when an owl hooted as it flew overhead.
Immediately, his body tensed and he paused in his tracks.
It was hard to identify where the sound had come from, since it had overlapped with the hooting. Amidst the crickets and the wind blowing, he hears it again. 
The sharpening of a sword against a rock.
Cyno looks around a little frantically. He's practically defenseless with just a dagger, plus the fact that he had no idea where his opponent was. He felt a pair of eyes on him, watching him from the dark.
If the opponent attacked now, Cyno would be at the losing end. 
In a subtle and swift motion, he pulled his dagger out. 
“I know you're there, so do come out soon,” he said drily. 
A crack of a tree branch sounded from his left at the very same time he hears the grass shuffle from his right. 
There was more than one attacker, and Cyno was bound to get injured. He didn't see this attack coming at all.
The voice relieved the tension Cyno held from a few moments ago. He turned around to meet Haitham's confused gaze, heart rate slowing down at the sight of someone familiar. 
Haitham's eyes latched onto the dagger in Cyno’s hands, and the dots in his head seem to connect.
“What happened?” he asked softly, closing some of the distance between them.
The attackers were probably listening in, so Cyno takes Haitham's hand and started tapping against Haitham's wrist. 
Recognition flickered on his face as well as a hint of a smirk, but that faded away when he saw the serious look in Cyno’s expression, mixed with a little bit of uncertainty.
Of all people, the General Mahamatra should be the one who was never unsure of anything.
Attackers hidden in the dark. They're in different positions. We wait for them to strike.
They stood there in the dark, holding each other’s gaze for way too long. Haitham hadn't seen this side of Cyno in his life. He doesn't think he would have the opportunity to ever again after that day.
Cyno felt like an idiot. Five hours they waited, and yet nothing. The sun has risen by the time they decide to leave.
He thought Haitham probably viewed him as a paranoid bastard then, for wasting his time and making him stand for hours on end. He knew how the man had zero tolerance for nonsense.
“Sorry, I don't know what happened back there,” Cyno said once they had walked a safe distance away and were certain that they weren't not being followed. 
Haitham doesn't give a response 
“It's reasonable if you're vexed,” Cyno added after some silence. 
“I believe you.” 
Cyno’s gaze darted up at Haitham, shocked and strangely relieved.
“This isn't the first time this has happened, is it?” Haitham asked, meeting his eye.
Cyno looked away in embarrassment.
“Will you be okay on your own?” is not the question Cyno had expected. He brushed it off as gratitude when he realised his heart skipped a beat. 
Nevertheless, he nodded and smiled softly at the other man. “I can handle this.”
When they reached the city, Haitham gave Cyno’s hand a soft squeeze before leaving. It's only then he realised they must've been holding hands for the whole journey to the city. 
Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern.
It's a little over a week after he has parted ways with Haitham. He stands at his front door, fishing the keys out of his pocket when he spots a bloodstain on the carpet.
As far as he knew, he was the only one who occupied that floor. And the stain wasn't there when he went to work in the morning. 
Scenarios dance through his mind. A robbery, perhaps. Cyno hopes that that was the case, because he doesn't want to deal with the possibility of something far more sinister. 
He isn't all that shocked when he opened his apartment door.
Windows shattered, papers all over the place and cabinets opened. 
And the unmistakable sound of… music?
Cyno's brow furrows and he makes his way to the living room first, where he finds his safe opened and empty. There aren't any dents on it, which only means that the perpetrator knew the safe password. 
A chill goes down his spine.
He's still examining the damage done when the music abruptly stops.
He freezes mid-movement as well, waiting for something to happen. 
…And it continues. 
Cyno stands up, careful not to make a sound. But before he can decide what to do next, he hears fast footsteps from behind him.
He gets ready to dodge and fight back, but one pair of footsteps turns into three. 
Confused, he takes a few quick steps forward while looking back at the attackers. 
Big mistake, because his head slams right into a metal pole.
Cyno blacks out.
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kumeko · 2 years
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A/N: For the @nostringsdetached! I really should write some solo ship pieces for these guys one day. I’d like to try going to one of these camping spots, the videos looked nice.
Like a normal person, Zen didn’t like the cold. Why would he? Even in Seoul, it seeped into his bones, nipping at his fingers and ears until he was just red in ways that make-up couldn’t fix. At least he hadn’t been born in a frigid country like Canada or Russia. He would have died after one winter. As it was, he bundled up with a scarf, a hat, gloves, three layers of shirts, and a jacket whenever he went out.
For this precise reason, he wasn’t sure why he had agreed to winter camping. Summer? No problem, there was something utterly romantic about lying on the grass, his two girlfriends curled up in his arms as they searched for constellations. The cicadas would chirp, owls hoot, and with a little candlelight, it would make the perfect date.
In the winter? There was only a light dusting of snow in November, but there was absolutely nothing charming about lying in three fat snow jackets, unable to so much as touch, let alone snuggle. Even worse, he was certain they’d run the risk of dying of hypothermia if they even tried.
Zen glared at the bright blue sky. At four, the sun was already starting to lower. They couldn’t even enjoy the afternoon and evening properly in the winter. It truly was the worst season.
“Found it!” Jaehee announced triumphantly, cutting through his thoughts.
Zen looked down, focusing on the path ahead of him. Despite his confusion over the whole concept, there were apparently enough people interested in winter camping in Seoul that the Nanji Hangang Citizens park actually had a space set up for it. Not only that, they actually had a whole section filled with tents set up, for those interested but lacking the gear.
At least they didn’t have to actually buy equipment for this. Their budget was thin enough between the three of them. Besides, Zen was positive Jaehee and MC would both try this once and realize how ridiculous it was after. Now they wouldn’t have to resell any gear.
“Ohhhh!” Impressed, MC left his side and hurried along the path to Jaehee. Her short brown hair peeked out of the edges of her blue hat. “I expected this, but it’s a lot nicer than I thought.”
Begrudgingly, Zen had to agree. He hadn’t expected much, but the sight before him surpassed his meager hopes. There was a large tan tent along the riverbank, with a small coal barbeque set up a short distance away. Two chairs were set in the front, a perfect set up if they were a couple and not a trio. “It’s not bad.”
“Isn’t it?” Jaehee smiled proudly, clasping her wrist as she watched MC investigate the tent. Her hair swayed in the chilly breeze. “I didn’t think there’d be a spot so close to home for this.”
“I knew you’d find something.” MC poked her head out of the tent, looking like an adorable groundhog. Her brown nose was a dark red as the wind nipped at her. She smiled brightly at Jaehee. “You always do.”
Zen exhaled softly. Honestly, what was he doing, thinking these dark thoughts, feeling grumpy about something his two sweethearts had organized? Of course he knew why he was winter camping: they wanted to. And he had never learned to say no to them.
He hoped he never would.
Jaehee was here, MC was here—there was nothing else he needed to feel happy about the situation. Even if the cold seeped into his bones. Even if his nose felt stuffy. This whole situation was going to be hell on his skincare regime, but there was no point in doing it every day if he couldn’t afford to take a night off.
“She’s right, you did a good job,” Zen praised, wrapping an arm around Jaehee’s shoulder and pulling her close. He pressed a light kiss on her forehead, a spot he could still reach despite how bundled up they were.
She squeaked, surprised. Even now, months after they’d started their arrangement, she never knew how to react to his or MC’s displays of affection, even more so when they were public. At least she’d stopped shying away from them. Face red, she clutched the edge of his jacket and leaned into him. “I-It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.” Still lying flat on the ground, half in the tent, half out, MC crossed her arms and pillowed her head in the crux. She sighed blissfully. “You know, it’s a lot warmer in here than I expected.”
“It is?” Suspicious, Zen leaned into the tent. She was right. It was oddly warm in there. Not hot enough to remove all of their layers, but enough that he didn’t need to wear his jacket when he slept.
Maybe they could actually cuddle tonight. Now, that was an uplifting thought.
“I guess we don’t have to go home tonight then,” he murmured, slightly disappointed. It had been worth a shot.
“It’ll be perfectly fine. They have a heater attached to keep things warm.” MC laughed, her eyes crinkling just so as she looked up at him. He wanted to kiss her nose. Affectionately, she teased, “Scaredy-cat.”
Zen shivered automatically. It was entirely psychological, he knew. It was impossible to allergically react to something that wasn’t there. Yet, he could already feel the goosebumps spread across his arm, his nose tickled in the memory, and his hands were itchy. “Don’t say cat, please,” he begged, leaning against the tent weakly.
“Sorry, sorry.” She didn’t sound contrite at all as she patted his leg.
“We are set to go.” They both looked up to find Jaehee back in business mode, a gloved finger pushing up her glasses as she stood like the career woman she was. As usual, she was at her best when she was in command. “We need to get everything ready before the sun sets.”
Zen glanced up. Already, the sky was painted a rosy pink, the sun starting its daily descent. They didn’t have much time.
“You two, get the food prepped and ready to go. I’ll start the barbeque and set out my kettle for the hot chocolate.” Jaehee’s cheeks were flushed, excitement driving her in a way he rarely got to see. If she’d just leave her damned job with Jumin, he was certain he’d see her like this every day.
Then again, ever since MC had somewhat blackmailed the evil bastard, Jaehee had stopped coming home exhausted, so he took his minor victories where they came. 
“I thought the staff would start the barbeque.” Zen paused before rubbing his neck. For all of his exercise routines and motorcycle escapades, he had never actually been much of an outdoor person. This was the first time he’d actually handled a campsite on his own. “It doesn’t take much to start a barbeque, right?”
“If we had gone to the other location, they would have.” Jaehee hummed happily, not minding the extra work. Of course she didn’t. She was a workaholic to her core. “This one has a coal barbeque and I wanted to try it out.”
“Coal?” MC asked as she crawled out of the tent reluctantly. She zipped up the tent before any more hot air could escape.
Jaehee gestured at the barbeque beside her. Now that Zen was paying attention, he could see that the whole thing was a lot more rectangular and flatter than he was used to. The grill was set to the side and a pile of coals were stacked like a mini hill in the center.
“It takes a little longer to set these up, but the taste is amazing. And…” She dragged out the last syllable as she pulled out a bag of wood chips from her pocket. “I wanted to try this.”
MC plucked the bag, turning it over in her hands. Bemused, she asked, “Should we use actual logs?”
“That’ll take even longer and is harder to control.” Zen could almost see her eyes flash as Jaehee pulled out her notebook. He had to admit that the emojis Luciel had made for them were entirely apt—Jaehee really resembled one of hers right now as she flipped through to a bookmarked page. “Woodchips, however, provide the right flavouring without adding in those issues.”
It was just like Jaehee to geek out on something like this—when she’d first started researching coffee, it hadn’t been uncommon to find her buried in library books as she learned the most obscure methods of brewing.
Still, the light was dim as it was. Zen gently pried the notebook out of her hands before she could finish reading all of her notes. Closing it, he tapped her on the head tenderly. “No reading in this light. We don’t want your eyesight getting worse.”
“R-right.” Embarrassed, Jaehee flushed.
Zen patted the spot he bumped before setting aside her notebook in one of their bags. “We can look at it tomorrow.”
“We shouldn’t have our phones either, tonight,” MC chimed in, pulling out her own and turning it off.
“Nothing to get between us, right, princess?” Zen carelessly pulled out his phone and turned it off. He had little need for it, not with them around.
“That’s a good idea.” Jaehee stared at her phone as though it were alive, talking to her in a language only she could hear. “But what if he calls?”
Zen couldn’t help it. His lips curled in disgust. He could live to be eighty and still have this reaction, no matter how much Jumin had helped him or his darlings. There was just something instinctual about his hate. In a past life, they must have been sworn enemies. “I’ll yell at him.”
MC elbowed him. With the amount of padding between them, it was more of a symbolic gesture than an actual pain. “Zen.”
Part of him wished she’d never become friends with the jerk. It was bad enough that they were all in the same group, let alone her dealing with him privately. He couldn’t deny the curl of jealousy whenever he saw MC getting along with the others—he’d seen the way they’d all talked to her, the way they looked at her.
It was entirely in his imagination, but that didn’t help his feelings at all. The only good thing was that he was already used to the group dynamics with Jaehee, or he would be in a constant state of nerves.
Turning to Jaehee, MC gently clasped her hands and pried the phone out. “It’ll be fine. He won’t call until tomorrow evening.”
“But…” Jaehee clung to the phone, her fingers locking it tight like a bear trap.
“Even if he does, Luciel and Yoosung agreed to cover,” MC added cheerfully, though her smile was chilling.
Zen burst into laughter. He wasn’t sure what deal with the devil she made for that to happen, but it was definitely worth it. “That’s worse than me yelling.”
He could just imagine the chaos. Hopefully Luciel would actually kidnap that damned cat while he was at it.
“Is it?” MC grinned mischievously as she stepped back, Jaehee’s phone in her hands now. She dumped it unceremoniously in another bag.
“What about photos?” Jaehee asked in a last-ditch attempt to save her phone. “We can’t take any now.”
“I got that covered.” MC triumphantly pulled out a small digital camera, holding it above her head like a prize. “Ta-dah!”
Zen hadn’t seen one of those in ages. Almost everyone used their phone now, and he had nearly forgotten there were other options. “You were prepared for this.”
“I was excited.” MC bobbed happily as she handed the phone over to Jaehee. “It’s not every day we get to have a sleepover.”
Jaehee fiddled with the camera, her fingers running over the buttons before holding it up and snapping a quick picture of them. Studying the shot on the screen, she nodded approvingly. “This will do.”
“Not quite.” After taking the camera, Zen wrapped an arm around both of his girls, pulling them close. Their shoulders bumped, hair mixing together, and he took a selfie before they could react. “This is better.”
“Maybe I should have just given it to you.” MC leaned up, pecking him on the cheek. His finger pressed the shutter again automatically.
Jaehee stared at her empty hand, as though remembering the weight of the camera, before sighing. “I can’t use it anyways. I need to get that fire going.”
“And we need to cook.” MC hummed as she pulled open the cooler they’d packed before they’d left. Inside were several containers, some with pre-cut vegetables and marinated meat, others with the small extras they had to set up now.
“Right.” Zen raised the camera, taking a photo of MC as she pulled off lids. He took another of Jaehee as she lit the coals, the small flicker of a flame slowly growing stronger as she fanned it. It had been a mistake to bring a camera, let alone give him it. All he wanted to do now was take photos and honestly, who could blame him? His ladies were beautiful. He wanted to spoil them. Even in the ordinary, they were eye-catching.
Noticing that she was alone, MC looked up as he snapped another one. Her ears turned red as she frowned. “Zen, we need to make dinner.”
“Right.” Her reaction was adorable. Zen snapped one last photo before setting down the camera. The lighting was getting bad anyways, the sky growing dark as the sun all but disappeared. Around them, the small flames of distant barbeques flickered, and lamps lit up to give them just enough light to see by.
There weren’t that many people around them. It was a nice change from their summer camping trips, when there were as many campers as there were mosquitos. Their voices would fill the air, making it hard to think, let alone talk.
Now, there were only quiet murmurs filling the air, a sound as soft as a gurgling river. In the silence, Zen felt hyper aware of everything—of how Jaehee’s hair brushed her nape, of how MC’s leg pressed against his as they stood side by side cutting, of how easy it was to close the gap between either of his two loves.
At one point, he might have joked about turning into a beast. Zen couldn’t say it now. He felt more like a puppy than a wolf. It was a good thing the lights were dim; his face felt hot and he didn’t want to know just how red he’d turned.
He forced a question, trying to distract his mind. “How did you convince Yoosung and Luciel to help?”
“I was wondering that too,” Jaehee added as she stoked the coals. She leaned back, grabbing a cut zucchini to test on the grill. “Nothing illegal, I hope.”
“I’m not as bad as Luciel.” MC laughed, her knife work steady as she sliced an eggplant. “There was a raid event on the game we’re playing, and they needed a third. I needed a favour. It all worked out.”
Jaehee frowned, not liking where this was going. “Just make sure not to game too much.”
“It’s a little too late for that.” MC adjusted her hat. “But I’ll try not to next time.”
“Did you not get enough sleep, babe?” Zen asked, concerned as he peered down at her face. Her eyes didn’t seem puffy nor were her eye bags that dark.
“More than enough last night.” She winked, leaning over him as she stole one of his cut cucumbers. Her hair tickled his nose. Zen tried not to stiffen. MC was always casual with her touches, stepping into his space like it was nothing, and he never knew how to react.
He was not sure how he had ever considered himself a beast, sometimes. It was all he could do to keep his composure from a simple touch.
“I think it’s hot enough. Could you taste test?” Jaehee asked, holding out the zucchini with her chopsticks. Her ears were red as she looked up at him expectantly.
It was far easier to deal with Jaehee’s shy advances. Zen kept his eyes on her as he accepted the offering, leaning forward as he bit the vegetable. For his services, he was rewarded with an even brighter blush.
“Let me try.” MC stole the rest and licked her lips. “Perfect.” She leaned over, pecking Jaehee’s cheek. “Absolutely perfect.”
Jaehee made a pleased sound as she picked up the Tupperware containing their marinated beef. MC picked another one and stood next to her. Zen snapped another picture as the pair started to carefully arrange dinner to cook, more than content to just watch as his ladies quietly chatted.
It would be nice if they could do this every day. Make dinner, make breakfast, be the last person they saw at night and the first in the morning. He wasn’t sure where this desire came from, only that curled in him. They had been dating for a year now. It wasn’t too early to ask them to move in with him—his basement was small, cramped, and crowded, but it would also be cozy. 
Noticing his absence, MC looked over her shoulder, her brow raised. “Zen? Come closer, the fire’s warm.”
Obligingly, he slipped in between them. The fire flickered, warming his face, but Zen realized he didn’t need it. At some point, he had stopped feeling the cold.  He wrapped an arm around their waists, pulling them close.
Maybe he’d ask tomorrow, when the sun was up—he wanted to see their expressions.
For now, though, he was more than content to just stay like this.
Perhaps winter camping wasn’t so bad after all.
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alispangles · 21 hours
The Adventures of Tiffany Faewyf
The Night
Tiffany shuddered as she took in her surroundings. She'd never stayed so late in the forest, it felt so different in the darkness. The willow trees seemed to loom over her and the stillness seemed so much more unsettling.
She felt her pulse quicken as she began thinking of every possible evil that could be waiting for her. Even worse, she couldn't get her bearings without the sun, she had almost no idea of the way to walk to get back home now.
Gathering up her things, placing her lute back in its box and stowing her now empty food bag, she picked up her cloak and shook it off. She shivered to hear the echo of the fabric bouncing around the glade. Slowly, tentatively, she put it round herself and fixed the clasp about her neck. Picking up her things, she walked off.
She knew the brook was on the far side from where she came in so, keeping it always behind her, she began to walk through the trees. High above, owls hooted and all around her she could hear scurrying and rustling in the brush. Minutes seemed to turn to hours as she made her way forwards. In time though, through the dullness, lit by the moonlight, she saw another clearing up ahead! She smiled.
She would be home soon, she could ... but no, this wasn't her home. In fact, this wasn't any home.
The break in the trees gave way to a road. Thick, course gravel set into the ground about ten feet across and disappearing off into the darkness in both directions. She must be on the market road. Though she seldom used it, she had been out this way before, meeting deliveries and sending her surplus off with the trade carts.
The sharp stones were tough under her feet and she stifled more than one squeak as she tried to walk on it in her bare feet. She gave up and stuck to the tree line beside it, looking back and forth as she went in case a rider or a cart might come by. At last she came to a trivia where the road, forking off in two other directions, was marked in its centre with a tall wooden signpost. She walked up to it and, going up on tiptoe and craning her neck, read the signs high above her.
She pouted, pulling her cloak tighter around her. She had been walking the wrong way, she needed to go back down the road she had just come up. She took a deep breath. Things weren't too bad and she seemed to be alone, she just needed to follow the road as far as ... she froze. Someone was laughing.
Keeping her back to the post, she looked around, the laughter seemed to echo wildly. No, it wasn't echoing, there was more than one voice. From each corner, men were stepping out of the darkness. They wore dark leather jerkins and wide tricorn hats. Their faces were covered and their hands were gloved. They each wore a pair of tall black boots and at their sides hung knives and daggers.
“What do we have here, then?“ One of them spoke. Tiffany shivered. “Why if it don't look like a frightened little rabbit. Got gold on you, have you, bunny girl?“ The men laughed.
“Please, no, I haven't ...“ she stuttered.
“Hey, boss, I know her!“ Another of the men shouted. “That's the one who lives in the farm by the wood. You know, plays with the fairies in the forest.“
The leader chuckled.
“Oh,“ he said mockingly, “we got ourselves a fairy-wife, have we? Lonely life, playing with folk tales and old wives stories, I bet you haven't been with a man in years, have you girlie?“ He stood over her, pulling down his mask to reveal a grin that glinted with the hint of gold in the moonlight.
“Please, I just want to ...“ She made to leave but was quickly blocked as he placed an arm around her waist.
“No, no, not so fast fairy-girl.“ He leered. “See, there's a toll for using this road at night. The lads and I have expenses, you see, we need money to cover costs.“
“I haven't got any ...“
“What about this?“ He fingered a necklace that hung at Tiffany's neck. Her hand came up quickly to cover it.
“No, please, not that. It's ... precious.“
The leader laughed a deep, mocking laugh. His men joined in.
“Girlie, that's why we're wanting it! We like precious things, they sell well. Still,“ he cocked his head to one side, “it doesn't do to upset a lady.“ His hand moved around her, his palm taking in her curves. “I'm sure we can work out a deal though. My boys and I have other needs.“
The men chuckled.
Tiffany pleaded as she was thrown and spun between the men. They grabbed at her and laughed, pulling her cloak from her and causing her to drop her things. At last she found herself back with the leader, his rough hands holding her tight at the waist as she struggled in vain to run away.
“Left your fairy prince behind, I see, Faewyf!“ He laughed. “Well, don't worry, we'll keep you warm til he comes back!“
He kissed her roughly, plunging his tongue against hers, then threw her down to the ground. Her palms ached as she tried to catch herself but scraped them on the gravel. Tears began to roll down her face as she closed her eyes tight and waited.
She listened as he unbuckled his belt.
Time seemed to stop.
She heard a gasp come from one of the other men though. Opening one eye slightly, she saw a bright light in the darkness. A burning torch, hurled from out the shadows, was spinning and arching its way between her and the leader of the ruffians. He shut his own eyes, blinded for a moment by the brightness of the flame as the torch bounced on the ground beside the sign-post. It lit the whole area and for a moment the man looked almost comical, standing there with his breeches halfway down his legs, hanging over the tops of his tall boots as he tried to shield his eyes.
“What's going on ... ?“ He started to say, but never finished his sentence. A fist came up hard and punched him squarely in the side of the head. The tall man fumbled and tripped, falling hard on the ground as a brown-booted foot kicked him hard on his naked arse, knocking him down onto his chest as he cursed.
Tiffany watched in amazement. A figure dressed in a long, green tunic and wearing tarnished steel armour, was fighting its way through the band of ruffians. The men all drew daggers from their belts as the newcomer whirled, pulling two swords from its belt and knocking several of their hands hard with the pommels sending their blades falling from their grips onto the gravel road by their feet.
The men didn't stop to think though. As one man they charged inwards towards the figure, fists raised, snarling. The stranger lowered onto bent knees, building energy as it then sprung up and spun in the air, the two swords whirring fast. There was a slashing noise and several of the men found their waistlines slacken as their belts split in two. Grabbing at their breeches, the men began to back away.
Again the swords spun, flashing in the torch-light, as the pommels were brought down hard on the heads of two of the nearest ruffians. They tumbled to the ground and began to crawl away. The others, seeing the way the wind was blowing, soon followed, half running, half stumbling into the darkness, clutching their slashed clothing as they went.
“Get up, boy.“ The stranger kicked the fallen leader. Tiffany almost laughed, the fallen man was shivering! She watched as another swift kick from behind brought him to attention. The stranger whispered something in the man's ear and he began to run along after his men.
Tiffany stayed where she was, sitting on the ground, as she watched the figure collect up two or three of the fallen weapons. Each was examined closely in the torch light. Each and every was then thrown away, discarded, into the foliage of the tree-line as one might a piece of rubbish,
Finally, the figure walked over to Tiffany. A gloved hand was extended to her. Trembling slightly, she took it and found herself lifted effortlessly back to standing. She looked up at the face of her rescuer. Long brown hair, tied at the back of a head, its face covered with a scarf of black silk. Tiffany lifted a hand to the material and lowered it.
“Thank you ... ma'am?“ She said in surprise as she found herself looking upon the face of a woman. The tall, athletic build gave way to a soft but weather-beaten face. Multiple small scars told a story of a life well-fought. Brown eyes looked on Tiffany kindly.
“Susan,“ the warrior said, bowing, “and you are ... Faewyf?“
“Tiffany.“ Tiffany curtsied. “Oh!“ She saw, as her head lowered, a patch of fresh blood on Susan's arm. “Did they ... ?“
Susan looked down at her own arm and laughed.
“One of the little wasps had a sting, it seems!“ She smiled at Tiffany. “Still, a wasp sting never worried me!“
Tiffany blushed. “Please,“ she said, “I have ... I could ... may I dress it for you? It's the least I could do really. My home isn't far from here.“
Susan looked Tiffany up and down. Such a small creature to be out alone. Delicate, slender, clever fingers, if anyone could patch her up round here then it was certainly her.
She bent down and picked up the torch, still burning with it's yellow-orange light.
“Please,“ she smiled, “show me the way!“
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 3 months
Bunny uh wait did they just saves us from that youngooes as soon the three Pokémon turns to them with happy expression on they faces bunny thanks for saving us just now little guys I’m really appreciate that thank you aren’t you guys just adorable specially the owl
*The owl happily hoots at Bunny in response as a man with a man bun and a small goatee wearing an open lab coat and a hat appears on the scene.*
???: Hey there, cousins! You guys okay? I saw you get attacked like that!
0 notes
reviviscencegruiform · 9 months
Were one to peer out the window, nothing seemed out of the ordinary; whatever lay outside the orphanage walls stood there, as it always had. But when the door opened, when those inside moved outside, things shifted (did they? were they always like this?).
A stretch of land as far as a child could dream spread out from the threshold of the door, glittering with fresh snow and an array of gentle light. Dotting the landscape were trees, boughs heavy with snow and gumdrops, interspersed with small clusters of tiny fairy houses. Each was decorated with little candies and twinkling lights that danced in time to the soft music that filtered through the air. Snowy animals; rabbits and birds and reindeer frolicked, an owl hooting softly as it ruffled icy feathers.
Larger buildings were also scattered about, gleaming a rainbow of colours as the light scattered across the ice they were carved from. Places for games and puppet shows, places to rest and take in the scenery. Stands of candies and savoury pies, mugs of hot cocoa somehow unaffected by the chill of the supports they rested on. An upright hare, dressed in winter finery and ready to greet each folk, stood next to a stall laden with hats, coats, scarves, and mittens; each bundle with a tag attached that had a child's name written in delicate calligraphy.
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Merr Chrustmus everyone
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sunspray-peak · 1 year
Ch. 32: Morning to Midnight Pt. 2
Something was gnawing at Achilles after Shane left. He had tried to pick up his story where he had left off, but found that the words—which had flowed so easily just six hours ago—were now dammed shut. And he was starting to get a headache… figures.
Perhaps he ought to take a leaf out of the book he had shared with Elliott at the end of last summer and… take a bit of a break.
He and Alex had missed their morning jog today, as Achilles had had to prepare for school. In retrospect, it probably would’ve been a good way to get out his nervous energy. Alas. Hindsight was 20/20.
Jogging at night was a peculiar thing. Achilles rarely ever did it; he was, after all, a morning person. It was cooler, of course, and obviously darker. But it was the different sounds of the night that Achilles felt transformed the landscape the most—chirping crickets in lieu of chattering squirrels, the hoot of owls instead of twittering robins.
The world felt smaller once the sun went down.  
Out of habit, he followed his old route before he had revised it with Alex. Down through Cindersap, turning east past Marnie’s ranch into Pelican Town. From there, north through the community center, past the parking lot and the railroad, up into the low mountains and finally, to the mines.
He stopped.
It was far too quiet for him to be mistaking the voices for anything else. Whispers. Murmurs at the back of his head, urging him forward into the black, black cavern.
One step forward. Then another. He had nearly crossed the threshold into the mines when a firm hand on his shoulder broke the spell. He jumped, ready to fight.
“Who’s there?”
It was hard to see under the half moon. There were no street lamps this far out of town.
“My name is Marlon,” came a voice, low and gruff. “Why don’t we have a chat?”
Achilles had never visited the Adventurer’s Guild—why would he, he wasn’t an adventurer. Never had been. Nevertheless, he had let this mysterious Marlon lead him further east of the mines—a bit of a hike for someone who seemed to have had a bad limp—to a cozy little cabin with a quilted bed, a bearskin rug, and a rip roaring fireplace.
He had seen Marlon before at a few of the festivals, but they had never spoken. The man was hard to miss, with his mop of grey hair, eyepatch, and, most strikingly, missing arm.
“That’s Gil,” Marlon said, shooting a nod at a thickly bearded man in a red pork pie hat dozing in a rocking chair by the fire. “We own this here Adventurer’s Guild.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Achilles said, extending a hand to Gil, who didn’t respond.
“Mm. Pay him no mind… here, take a seat, let me get you something to drink…”
Achilles sat on a wooden stool in the corner as Marlon grabbed two tankards of ale from the kitchen and set them on the round table.
He also brought back with him a tiny bottle filled with a strange, purple liquid.
“You’ve been enchanted, son,” Marlon said, pouring the liquid into one of the tankards and handing it to Achilles.
Achilles didn’t touch his drink. “Pardon?”
“Be around his magic as much as I have, and you begin to recognize the signs. Wasn’t a big enchantment, I don’t think, but if you want it to go away, I suggest you drink that drink. Then again… perhaps you’re happier not knowing…”
“I apologize, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Marlon sighed. “You have any run ins with that Rasmodius lately? Wizard put a spell on you, son.”
“A spell? On me? Why would he have—” Wait a minute.
When was the last time he had seen Rasmodius? Achilles had visited him, at his tower to discuss… something. Something important? Something about spirits or something about…
“…the mines. I think it was something about… the mines.”
That bastard had put a spell on him! Why Achilles oughta—
A strange cough, that may have been a laugh, came from the back Marlon’s throat. “You remembering now? Bits and pieces? Yeah. Could speed up that there process if you just drink that up. I promise it’s not poison.”
Emboldened by his sudden rage, Achilles downed the ale.
The effects were instantaneous—Corvus, the spirits of evil, all of it—the memories came rushing back in a flood.
Marlon only watched Achilles impassively. “Yep,” he muttered, taking a swig of his own just as Achilles leapt to his feet.
“The mines—we have to get to the bottom of the mines by Spirit’s Eve, there’s—there’s a portal or something we have to destroy, we have to stop the evil spirits—”
“Slow down, son.” Marlon held up a hand. “You take a breath, now. I already know ‘bout what’s going on down there. Have known for quite some time, really, been trying to do something about it these last couple years… well, more than these last couple years…”
“The Wizard though… he said…” What had he said? That afternoon, when he’d enchanted Achilles. “He said not to worry? He said he had a plan—”
“He also bewitched you, so who are you gonna trust here? Nah.” Marlon shook his head. “If we wait for Rasmodius, we’ll be waiting the rest of our lives, son… I’ve long learned you can’t depend on cowards like him. Gil and I’ve had take matters into our own hands.”
More pieces were continuing to fit themselves together as Achilles sorted through these sudden spotlighted memories. One memory in particular began to shine differently under this new light, and as if prodded with a taser, he jolted up.  
Marlon merely continued to gaze at him, expressionless.
“You’ve been training Abigail. Abigail’s been going into the mines to—to find this Portal, or whatever. To destroy it.”
A stiff nod.
There is already one undertaking the task. That’s what Corvus had said. He must’ve been referring to Abigail.
Marlon waved for him to sit back down. “You know what a Portal is, son?”
“I… I tried researching it, it’s just a doorway, right? From the Spirit Plane to our Plane?”
Marlon nodded. “Portals have been around far longer than any of us. Thousands of years old— hundreds of thousands of years, maybe since the beginning of time. A way to travel directly between the Spirit Plane and the Physical Plane without going through the Astral. But they were all destroyed after the Spirit Wars. Or so they thought, I guess…
“After that, the only way to travel across was through them Elemental Walls. And even then, you need approval from the Arcane Council or something like that, and from what I understand, that happens ‘bout once in a blue moon. Had to be that way, you understand? Don’t want no more war, this made sure the Planes were kept nice and separate. Spirits can’t stick their noses into our stuff, we don’t stick ours in theirs.
“But Portals. They’re not like the Walls, they ain’t man made, ain’t regulated. Old magic, they be. That’s why they had to be destroyed back then. But now that we know there is one… well, the spirits just’ve been having a field day. They’re using that them Portal down there to get into our Plane easy peasy. Causing a lot of trouble, and more’s just on the horizon. See how that’s a problem? See why we gotta destroy it?”
Achilles nodded. “I- I think I’m supposed to help Abigail— destroy it. But does she need help?”
She had seemed so cool and confident just the other day when Achilles and Alex had bumped into her—sure, some scrapes and bruises and burns, but she seemed to be holding her own well enough down there if she was still in one piece and able to whistle about it all.
Marlon sighed. “I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that… I can only say that you are one of five in this town who could help her, should she want it.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Only a select few members of this town are capable of seeing the mines truly for what they are—a damned hole, rotting with evil spirits. It has nothing to do with ability, nothing to do with skill. Only blood. Only those directly descended from the original inhabitants of Stardew Valley have the potential to connect with these particular spirits in some unique way or form.
“Abigail is one, through her mother, Caroline. Alex is one as well, through his grandmother. Shane and Lewis, too. Myself and Gil. And you.”  
“That’s nine people. You said five.”
“Well, we’re not going to throw Evelyn down the mines now, are we, son? Or Lewis, though we all may want to… And Gil and I? Well. We’ve been there once before, son. Look at us. We’re in no condition to go again…”
Achilles spared another glance at Gil who, still dozing in the rocking chair, didn’t seem to have even stirred at his name.
“You’ve been down there before? What happened?”
Marlon shook his head. “That’s a story for another time.”
Well all right then… Then again, judging by his and Gil’s condition, it was likely a traumatizing story. Perhaps it was best not to push.
“I’ve been on the hunt for a suitable, shall we say, candidate, for lack of a better word, for many a year now…” Marlon continued, thumbing the handle of his ale. “As I’m sure you already know, everyone connects to the spirits differently… Sometimes the gift skips generations all together—I found that likely was the case for Shane. He’s never showed any what sort of connection to them spirits.
“Alex, of course, would have been the most natural choice to go down the mines, strong lad that he is. It was a real blow to learn the spirits had such a bad reaction to his psyche. Was the same way with his grandma. And one’s gotta not only be strong of arm, but strong of mind down there…
“As for you, son—well, I left an invitation in your mail box back in the Spring after I had heard you had been seeing them forest spirits. But you never stopped by the guild, and, well—I didn’t want to press. You can’t very well force someone to risk their own life, can you now? I figured you just weren’t interested.”
This was news to Achilles. Had he known, way back in the Spring—would he have gone for it? But what even was “it,” really?
“I must’ve… missed your letter.” Maybe it was finally time to start checking his mail…
“I’ve been peculiarly lucky with young Abigail,” Marlon mused. He began to tap his dirty fingernails against the side of the plastic tankard. “Girl’s been real enthusiastic, and her connection to the spirits is ‘specially strong. Those magical gifts of hers are real well suited for the task at hand, they’re very grounded in the physical, but even so, the further she descends into the mines, the more I worry… and now that it’s Fall… well. You said it yourself, son. We’re running out of time if we want to get it done this year.”
“Perhaps I can talk to the Wizard,” Achilles offered. Oh yeah, and get your memory all futzed up again, huh? “Does he know Abigail’s doing this—perhaps if he realizes the stakes that are at play, the risk Abigail is taking—”
“It’s no use,” Marlon said, impatiently waving his hand as if he were swatting a fly. “I’ve tried to tell him—we made a deal once, to keep each other informed. I’ve even made the trek all the way out to Cindersap to that damn tower of his, me and my bad leg and all, to try to talk to him face to face but he never sees me… our history… it goes back too far… No. There’s too much pain there…”
Well, Achilles supposed now was “another time,” as Marlon launched into his story.
“The original Adventurer’s Guild trio was me, Gil, and Mona. Mona Jasper. Like Gil and I—and like you—ol’ Mona could trace her bloodline directly to the original founding members of Stardew. But back in those days, we didn’t know anything about the mines. We were just out there doing some good ol’ fashioned adventuring.
“She was able to communicate with spirits naturally, much like yourself, from what I understand. But Mona also possessed a physical connection, like Abigail, that allowed her to sense and track and interact with their presence. It’s a rare thing to have both, but it does happen… even rarer to know you have both. Then again, Mona herself was a rare thing in a number of ways…
“She practiced magic. Studied it, made sure to learn and cultivate and practice the many magical gifts she wasn’t born with. Became a bit of a jack of all trades—you see, Mona was more than just an adventurer. She was a scholar. Always reading the history books, making records of her own….
“And it’s because of that that she was the first to map out precisely where them keystones for the Walls stood in Stardew Valley—Cindersap Forest where Rasmodius went and built his tower, the mines, the land where the community center now stands, and… well I forget the rest, it was never my specialty… but all places steeped in ancient magic and used by the old mages to help build and hold up the Wall.
“Mona pieced together that there was something real bad starting to leak from them mountains. Bad spirits coming into our Plane—but how?
“Now hear me, son. This is when Mona realized—the Elemental Walls should be impossible to break through. In order to destroy one, it’s gotta be weakened on both sides: in the Astral Plane and in the Plane the Wall’s protectin.’ The Astral Plane side of things is a mess and has been for centuries, but it never mattered. How can a wall be damaged from the inside if a Spirit can’t get inside anyway?”
“But the Portal…”
Marlon snapped his fingers. “You got it, son. The Portal. Them evil spirits were leaching into our Plane through that and we didn’t even know. They were supposed to all be destroyed… but them spirits were leaking through, and because of that, were able to destroy the keystone at the mines, thereby weakening the Wall something terrible…
“But unlike the Walls, Portals are also tethers. Lucky for us. Means you can’t venture too far from where the Portal you come through is unless you’re real powerful. It’s why the mine fell so fast, but it’s taken years for them to take down the community center, only the strongest of ‘em can venture that far from the Portal. But as the Walls grow weaker, the evil spirits grow stronger… the junimos are still fightin’ back, but I don’t know how much longer they’ve got it in them… And if that falls, well… I fear for the Valley.
“Anyway, Mona decided we’d have to destroy the Portal once and for all. But she couldn’t go down alone to fix it though—she wasn’t powerful enough. Who was?
“So we went together. Mona, Gil, and I—we began to clear the mines, digging our way deeper and deeper. I know you’ve been down there once before, but you don’t understand. What you saw? Doesn’t hold a candle to what we had to deal with, son. Near impossible to navigate—there was no elevator. Every day, we had to start from the top and try to get down as far as we could as fast as we could. The monsters were worse back then. The spirits even more so.
“On a good day, we’d hit the 50s or 60s—sometimes the trapdoors would remain in the same place, or the floors would remain clear. Those were the lucky days. But more often than not, we’d be starting from scratch every day, unless we were brave enough to stay the night. We spent a week down there once, the things we saw…” Marlon shuddered. “Never again.”
Achilles interrupted Marlon here. “That’s insane— what happened, how’d you get an elevator?”
At these words, a shadow crossed Marlon’s face, and his one eye darkened. He dragged his fingernails against the wooden table.
“He arrived out of nowhere one day. Bidin’ his time for nearly a year until comin’ to us saying he had… heard through the grapevine that something was happening in this here Valley and thought we’d need his help.
“And you know what? He did help. At first. I’ll give him some credit—he started joining us, and we were able to make more progress. He was able to make the mines more navigable, I’ll give him that. He created the elevator system; it couldn’t send us beyond where we had already dug, but at least it meant we didn’t have to start from the beginning every day.
“But then we reached the 100th floor and everything changed.
“Now Rasmodius was getting cocky… arrogant prick, started saying that he didn’t need us, that we might as well just leave it all up to him to save the day.
“We had an argument that night… it was late. And nearly Spirit’s Eve.
“Now you have to understand—it’s a tricky, tricky balance. From Mona’s research, you’ve got to time it so you reach the bottom the week of Spirit’s Eve when the Walls are at their weakest—need them weak so that people like us who ain’t no freak prodigies in magic can interact better with all things Spirit Plane. That includes the Portal.
“But if you wait too long—the closer and closer to Spirit’s Eve you get, the more the balance of power shifts towards the spirits. So the best time to go is Fall 22. And the worst is Fall 27. You got it? And once it hits Winter, well, you’re out of luck. The mine resets itself, almost. You gotta start back at the top. Start all over.
“We had reached the 100th floor on Fall 26. It was bad. Real bad. We told Rasmodius it was too dangerous, too close to Spirit’s Eve, who knew how many more floors there were? We were real tired—we said to him, why don’t we start again next season. We’ll be better prepared, we’ll have a functioning elevator.
“But he didn’t listen… so the night before Spirit’s Eve—”
“So Spirit’s Eve Eve?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Please continue.”
“So the night before Spirit’s Eve, Rasmodius went down without us. His gifts were different from ours—he’s not from the Valley, he’d never have been able to beat the mines himself. But he was a mad man, absolutely convinced he was destined to save Stardew on his own. And so he went down alone.
“Now Gil and I would’ve been fine leaving him for dead,” Marlon spat. “But not Mona—no, she raced down as soon as she caught wind of his plans, and, well, we were the Adventurer’s Guild. We couldn’t leave her. So Gil and I quickly followed…”
Marlon closed his good eye here. A pause. A deep, deep, rattling breath. Knuckles white as they shook in their grip of the edge of the table.
“It was the worst swarm that we’d ever seen. Gil and I, we just weren’t prepared—we didn’t have as much magic in us as Mona or Rasmodius. Within seconds, Gil was knocked out cold. Brain damage.” Marlon looked over at his companion. “Hasn’t been the same since. Falls dead asleep at random hours, real bad migraines… it’s a hard life.
“Me? Lost my arm, very near lost my leg to them terrible spirits and a misplaced bomb. Magic was swirling everywhere. Couldn’t see. It was over in minutes. It’s a wonder we got out at all… We came to in the hospital. Mona wasn’t there. Just Rasmodius. He said she had stayed behind, told him to get Gil and I out…
“And you can’t help but wonder… did she stay behind? Or had Rasmodius left her? We put up a gravestone… but there’s no body there. Suffice to say… something happened that night. Who it was—or what it was—only Rasmodius and Mona know and one isn’t sharing and the other isn’t here to share.”
Marlon sighed, shaking his head as he took another swig of ale to steady himself.
“But over the next few months, as Gil and I recovered—we realized records were disappearing. Most of Mona’s journals, all her records of the mines, her research, all gone. Destroyed? I don’t know. But I’ve long suspected Rasmodius… nobody else had any reason to meddle… why he did it, I don’t know. To stop other folks from trying? Makes you wonder what really happened that night…
“Interestingly, the worst of the monsters and spirits have drawn back since that night. There are fewer monsters in general, really, from what I’ve been able to piece together from Abigail and a couple of trips I tried to take in the years after. The elevator was damaged—overridden by bad spirit magic, my guess, which is why I suspect it works the way it does now, all gotta be on one floor for it to work. But, hey. It still works, and that’s what matters… why that all is, the easier monsters and stuff, I don’t know. I’d like to think it’s Mona. Somewhere down there still, working her magic as much as she can.
“Abigail’s been able to make pretty steady progress day by day. If you’re interested in helping, I can train both you and her, though it’s rather late in the game. She’s been doing good work, but another body can only help, can’t it? No chance you’re good with a sword?”
“Ah… I used to be a nationally ranked fencer, but I suppose they’re not really the same, are they?”
Achilles bit his lip. Mona had, presumably, died. Gil and Marlon permanently disabled. Sure, things down in the mines seemed to be going dandier than they had 40 years ago, but even still…“I’ll… think about it.”
Marlon nodded, his face still rough as stone. “We can always push to next year… though Abigail’s made such good progress, it’d be a real shame. And the spirits are closing in more and more with each passing day… I’m just nervous for her. If she reaches Level 100. Things may be real better so far, but after that… she’ll be in brand new territory. What’s down there? What’s left from our last trip 40 years ago? Anything?”
Then again, leaving Abigail out to dry seemed rather cruel. Although on the other hand, how helpful would Achilles be really? A season was scarcely enough time to learn how to use a sword.
But didn’t Corvus say in some roundabout way that this was… for lack of a better word… his destiny? Didn’t the Wizard even, once upon a time, say that perhaps the Valley would need him?
But dying?
What was he willing to pay for having a purpose? Is this what he really wanted? He ought to want it—the quest, the glory, the goal. But thinking of descending below ground to battle monsters only made him nauseous.
“Do you think you really need me? Not a leading question… just want… your thoughts. Corvus said that the task would need two people—”
“Ah. Some… shadow spirit I met in a cave at Sunspray.”
At this, Marlon narrowed his eye. “You spoke to a shadow brute?”
“Interesting… I’ll have to chat with Gil about that, that stuff was always more up his alley… I don’t know what this “needing two people” is all about, but we can always use the help. But as I said earlier, I don’t believe in tellin’ someone they oughta risk their life…. the decision is yours. If you don’t want to participate, that’s your right. But you stay close, you hear?”
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Go To Sleep
A/N: So, this is an OLD little ramble I did several years ago. It is still a favorite of mine and I wanted to share. You could say this is a self insert. I used female pronouns, but if anyone would like I can try gender neutral and he pronouns as well
The owl hooted in the dead of the night, waking her from her sleep. She opened her eyes and looked about into the darkness. Everything was still, save for the horses shuffling every now and then, her breathing, and her partner's light snoring. She sighed and laid back down on her makeshift bed roll. The chill of the night bit through the wool blanket wrapped around her body. The fire had died hours ago. There was no heat to be had from it.
She shivered and rolled over onto her side facing the cold fire pit. On the other side was her travelling partner. He seemed to be fast asleep. His hat was down over his face. The wool poncho he wore and his blanket were draped over his tall figure. How was the chill of night not bothering him? "What are you still doing awake?" The crisp, baritone voice of her partner asked. This caused her to jump and gasp from her to place on the ground. Through the darkness she could just barely see him remove his had from his sun-kissed skin.
"I woke up because of a damned owl. Now it's too cold to get back to sleep," she answered sheepishly and buried her head further into her saddle, which she used as a makeshift pillow. A deep chuckle emanated from him as he shuffled over in his makeshift bed roll.
"Come 'ere," he ordered. At first she was hesitant to get up from her spot on the hard ground, but she did as she was told. Bringing the blanket with her, she moved to his side. One of his muscles arms snaked around her waist, taking her by surprise and pulling her down to his side. With practically no wiggle room, she was forced to lay her head and part of her upper body on his broad chest. Her left arm was draped over him.
There she lay, stock still beside of him. "I don't bite, you know," he said to her as he places his hat back over his face. She looked up at him through dark lashes. In the moonlight, he looked almost as if he wasn't there. He was so strange to her. Eventually she relaxed and curled into his side, sharing body heat. Beneath his arm and her blanket, she was finally able to find sleep again.
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championofapollo · 2 years
So, I see a lot of things where Lydia and Stiles have a little girl who has a head of red hair and goes around stealing her grandfather's keys.
But Iii want to see Derek and Stiles adopting a little girl who's sarcastic and mischivious. She likes to steal her grandfather's hats, really likes Stiles' jeep and hopes to be able to drive it one day, average in her studies, an expert on mythical creatures, and a BIG Harry Potter nerd. 'Calls Stiles and Derek her Moony and Paddy(kid's version of Padfoot), didn't give a hoot that Derek is a werewolf cause she just thought of Remus. Stiles never quite understood why he had to be called Moony. Derek just says it's because he's a moon eyed dandy. When she gets older, she might even help out with police cases and get called in to see if it was a mythical creature attack or just a normal animal.
Derek: Have you done your homework?
Sevyn: ...Nooo
Derek: *glare*
Sevyn: You know I always do my work at night!
Derek: You're a human, not an owl
Sevyn: Can't I wait till Moony gets home?
Derek: No. Go do your work
Sevyn: Don't be such a sourwolf *huffs*
I present to you, Adeline "Sevyn" Hale(spells out ash cause she's a handful of magic pixie dust)
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