#little quick rant
haveihitanerve · 7 months
okay so-
i dont know how many germans are on here. much less german readers- but has anyone else read the Woodwalkers series??? Its so fucking good and i am such a sucker for Tikanni and Carags relationship and-ahhhhhhhh. so cute.
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remuspenus · 23 days
also I hate people implying that Patton somehow changed Janus or is the first side Janus actually cares about and is friends with. as if Janus’s love for the other dark sides isn't deeply important to the story as a whole. The fact that Janus’s role as Thomas self care/preservation leads him to care about EVERY aspect of Thomas, including the most unloved parts of himself, the parts that Thomas was desperate to deny and accept. Thomas wasn't ready to accept them yet, but Janus WAS. It's so obvious that the reason Patton and Janus get along is because of the deep care they have towards Thomas and the rest of the sides, not because Patton changed Janus to be more caring or something
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zi1arts · 5 months
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he’s not evil he’s just…silly
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I thought the whole point of the watcher debacle was that we "constructively point out the flaws of their business decision whilst also being understanding that they want to do more with their success because we don't know them as any more than content creators and say how much this will impact their viewership during cost of living crises" not "threaten and bully them and their livelihoods and make them out to be literal villains that need to have their company burn down to make them learn a lesson and throw vile racist abuse at the CEO of the company because them being insensitive and making a mistake even once before wanting to do better makes them irredeemable unforgiveable bastards that don't deserve good things", right?
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flynnarts · 4 months
BWU Fanart / No I’m not Dead
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So I was bored, and I wanted to draw, but had no idea what, so I just went: “Boywithuke, but like. Cat.”
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
YOU’RE SO PRETTY 😭😭😭😭😭 can your bf fight /j
I asked him and he said he's willing to share as long as I promise to come back home to him 💗 !!
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Regarding the recent post:
Killer Queen is too short ranged of a stand to affect most sleuths and it's not in Kira's character to drop Sheer Heart Attack at the police departament and hope.
Kira generally doesn't have many ways to deal with characters that: Work in teams. Work from far away. Have any sort of records showing that they're invastigating him.
The man had to be bailed out by Bites the Dust and still lost Most sleuths wouldn't even let Kira get away for long enough for him to aquire Bites the Dust so that's not even something to consider in most of these cases.
{But you're really ignoring one thing: It can't be detected by anyone but Stand Users. Why would they think they needed to investigate Yoshikage Kira specifically? There's no evidence of the killings, since in canon, even the police didn't try to investigate the mysterious disappearances. The sleuths would mostly not be able to understand that Killer Queen exists, and even if they assumed it was something supernatural, there's still no evidence. And the man managed to impersonate another man in front of his family, landlord, coworkers, and everyone who may have talked to Kosaku on the street, with only the man's child catching on. Had Hayato never thought to set up a camera in his parents' room, Kira would have never been caught at all. And Kira doing poorly against teams of people investigating him doesn't line up when he's gotten away from them twice (he would have escaped Jotaro and Koichi were it not for Act III, and he did escape the entire Duwang Gang when they were chasing him by severing his own hand), plus managing to keep his identity secret from EVERYONE except Hayato until the kid figured out how to use the time-loop to his advantage. You're right that most of the time Killer Queen wouldn't get to Bites the Dust, but it would be because Kira wouldn't need to. He has eliminated people in broad daylight before, and he could do so again when against someone who can't see Stands.}
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“PoStaL D00D WoUlD NeVeR Be LoVeY DoVEy! He’S an AsShOLE!”
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Motherfucker explain the heart-shaped rose petal covered bed and him CUDDLING UP WITH A BABE AND CHAMP
And is the positive part of his dream too
Don’t get me wrong, he is still a jerk. He’s still going to leave dirty dishes everywhere, mutter snarky words on a bad day, push your boundaries on purpose for fun, etc.
But he’s clearly got room in his heart somewhere for someone good. Dude is just not gonna settle for just anyone (especially if almost all people he comes across never fail to have negative experiences)
If he can appreciate his weird Uncle Dad and remember his birthday, then believe me. He definitely would have the capacity to show affection to someone. Most people just aren’t worth the time.
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permanentreverie · 3 months
#ok so mini rant session#i am doing a bit better today - little less distraught over getting fired from a job i thought i was doing pretty good at and i was trying#really hard and genuinely enjoying#and just more baffled because truly i had no warning and i was completely blindsided#i was in the middle of a 3 month trial and i would have a review at the end in which i would be offered a permanent position if it went well#and i thought i was making my way towards that! granted i was still making mistakes but genuinely not of such a great scale i thought it#called for my immediate dismissal#that being said i was still VERY MUCH IN TRAINING. i had only been there A MONTH AND A HALF learning COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEMS#and i was told that i had been there a few weeks already and that i wasn’t catching on quick enough. that there were some areas i was#understanding and others i just simply wasn’t#and i asked what areas specifically so that i could learn more and try harder#and they didn’t give me a specific answer.#ok and so. so. i have this insecurity.#that at first impression people will like me. that they may think i’m pretty or kind or funny or whatever#but then they spend time with me or get to know me and realize that that’s all bullshit.#that i’m actually not pretty and im mean and loud and selfish and lazy and rude and etc etc etc#MASSIVE fucking insecurity in that like that’s why i genuinely don’t have friends or a significant other#and that genuinely i’m just a Bad Person#and when i was fired? i was told ‘a persons true colours show after a few weeks’#so that’s MAJORLY fucking me up.#when i was hired i was boasted to about my boss’s hiring process and how she’s ’only been fooled twice’#and the morning before i was fired in a meeting my supervisor told everyone that i was doing quite well.#so yeah i truly had no fucking warning. at fucking all.#hurt and confused and angry and baffled and did i mention hurt#anyways if you’re still here i’m sorry i know this is not a good look for me
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illdothehotvoice · 13 days
Anyways now that TTYD's remake is out if I see literally anyone get pissy with the next Paper Mario game for "Not being TTYD" and being overly critical of it because it's nothing like TTYD I'm going to be a LITTLE angry. You have your thing let Paper Mario fans have their thing snxbcbdbsbsf.
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b1mbodoll · 7 months
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melina-mellow · 1 year
Venti fans lowkey kinda annoying tbh (tho this can be said about literally all the character's fans as well) this is drama is from twttr so it's obviously going to be very stupid.
None of the events feature their nation's Archon much in them. The test of courage event didn't feature Ei even with her connections to the Yokai, Zhongli wasn't involved much in Lantern Rite expect in the beginning and the epilogue even though it had to do with Guizhong... The Archons just cameos because the story being told in these events isn't about them! (We do get to learn some nifty lore about them here and there, but the spotlight is on the characters who the story is about)
Collei's struggles with anxiety and her selfworth... Her finding someone she is comfortable with and can understand her, the adorable dynamic between Cyno, Tighnari and Collei... It was all really well done and they portrayed amazingly.
The Archons are all important characters, they all have some stake in the long run and have big roles to play in the story. So I'm okay with them not being the focus of these events, not everything revolves around them.
But events like these? They give the smaller, less important characters to a time shine.. It really fleshes these characters out, it makes them less "one note" Makes them feel like actual characters, and I appreciate the Hyv goes out of their way to do this tbh. They could have just left them undeveloped but they took the time and effort to flesh them out.
So for the Venti fans out there; have some patience, your funky little bard is probably one the most important characters in this game right now... It's okay for these small limited events to focus on less important characters who don't get their time to shine for once.
Or you can continue malding and make things not fun for others... You do you.
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Okay is anyone that happens to be good at developing websites willing to make a site just like Pinterest but...not, like, a piece of crap? So it's not monetized or sold for money or any of that. Simply a place to save cute pictures/art to collections you have.
You can archive them if you're not into that media anymore instead of deleting them and having to wait a whole week for them to be deleted permanently. Credit is required on anything reposted and there's a whole team of people in charge of making sure original images are shared.
Instead of putting a blanket on content unsuitable for children, have another small team of people in charge of making sure the user is an adult and let them save adult content. And if it's harmful, those same people will remove the pin itself, not just a search vaguely related to it. My only fear in this would be people coming in that are nothing like us and essentially trying to turn it into Pinterest Part 2 lmao.
As much as I don't think this will ever happen, I am currently feeling the downfall of Pinterest at this very moment so I'd LOVE to see what people think of an alternative specifically for the Weird Tumblr User variety.
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nozomi-kaizoku · 1 month
I love how normal people are out partying and shit meanwhile I'm over here fantasizing about an Au where these mfs are all friends going on silly little misadventures together
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sylvrn · 2 years
this is kind of out of the blue, but if you have chronic pain/illness and have taken NSAIDS for a long time (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) please watch out for stomach ulcers!
my mom has had issues with endo for several years and we just thought it was the worst coincidence that she got bad enough pain to warrant going to the ER on my birthday two years in a row, but it turns out that she took more NSAID painkillers so we could enjoy my birthday (😭) and it made her existing (not yet diagnosed at the time) stomach ulcer much worse. the kicker is that she had asked if she might have an ulcer the year before, but the doctors dismissed it (using year-old test results 🙄), so we started pursuing the much less likely diagnosis of thoracic endo instead (breathing problems and pain fit the bill)...
now that she's finally gotten surgery for her endo her pain related to that has improved a lot, but the ulcer is still a huge problem (pain+breathing problems+unable to walk for a long time+the one medicine that is helping with her endo-related problems makes the stupid ulcer worse), and with the healthcare system as it is it's taking forever to get it even checked on... at this point we think she'll probably need surgery again to fix the ulcer (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) please watch out for ulcers in advance if you can!
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
wouldn't it be funny if I could write again lollollol........
#got a very sweet comment on a fic today and I was like oh my god. oh my goddddddd. ppl *still* like my stuff.#ppl still like my silly little stupid little stuff that I had stupid silly fin working on & it's dumb and silly but I shared it!#and ppl like it!#and I'm like not pushing myself anymore. like before I was kinda trying to force shit to happen#like sitting in bed with an open notebook/laptop like CREATE BITCH!#and I'm not doing that anymore lol and being on my meds has really made me feel SO much better#but also like I just don't.... have any ideas anymore. can't rotate blorbo like a rotisserie chicken anymore#I lay down to go to sleep now and because my body is not operating under severe extreme toxic anxiety levels anymore#I just fckn fall asleep. like I'm OUT. good night. sleepin. snoozin. zonked. 7+ hours.#no more blorbo thoughts at the end of the day I'm TIRED and my brain FINALLY shuts off#I hope one day I'll write again. I had so much fun with it. I have had a couple Thoughts#since I have been on my meds#but they're nothing more than a few quick sentences scrawled in a notebook.#it's like I'm doing so much other stuff and having fun in other ways and SLEEPING FINLALLY SWEET GOD ALMIGHTY#there's just like zero processing left for original blorbo ideas#this doesn't make sense and I bet you were all relieved cause I haven't ranted in tags in like months but hahaha#🤡 I STAY HONKIN'!!!! 🤡#(I'm actually really in a really good place mentally rn I promise like the best I've felt in years I'm just ahhh!! tonight lol)#erin explains it all
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