#little star big planet etc etc
ieatcellphones · 9 months
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dipperscavern · 2 months
"i need to make cregan a father"
THIS 👫🤰👩‍🍼
cregan is so father. like he's got his shit together. he's a calm man. he's so damn loving. loves his sweet wife and loves his little pups :((
we need to talk abt father cregan as much as possible. unfortunately i need to hear every thought in your soul abt this
- 🔄❄️
REVERSE ELSA ANON MY LOVELY !!! the way you read my tags ur such a silly goose
okay buckle up i’m so ready let’s talk about it. cregan is so father material. he’s secure, loving, attentive, calm, and he has his shit together. he’s an authority figure who’s comfortable leading and is used to taking charge & making decisions. he would make such a good father.
like, i can see you not even planning to have kids soon, but then you meet cregan and it all changes. cause you truly have no worries. you’re safe, you’re secure, you have a husband who looks at you like you hung the moon & the stars themselves… a big warm castle (with a big warm husband), ladies in waiting, and masters at arms to train them when they come of age….. literally every resource you could ever want. and it’s all at your disposal.
and even more, you want to make him a father. want to give him a babe. and he wants it even more (hooray!!!!!)
he’s so attentive and doting throughout the pregnancy :(( patient with your mood swings, holding your hair back when you get sick, not eating food that you suddenly can’t stand to be around (the smell makes you shiver in disgust). he’s there for you when your body changes, there when you just don’t feel good/right, and he’s also there when you do. when you’re all smiles and resting a hand on your growing stomach as you stroll the godswood with him.
is there during the entire birth IDGAF!!!! FIGHT ME!!! COME CATCH FHIS FADE okay what the hell is wrong with me just ok
anyways, he’d fetch the maesters/midwives for you when your water breaks (or send someone else if u wanted him close). he’d be there as you labor, helping out where he could — even if it means letting you squeeze his hand so hard it turns purple (he’s not pulling away). i think he’d start out not in the birth room (as per tradition) but the MOMENT he hears you asking for him he’s coming. on his way before you can even finish your sentence. god help the poor soul that tries to keep him away from u
after the babe (or babes) (he refers to them as the pups) were born he’s not letting you lift a finger postpartum. gets up with you during the middle of the night when they cry. as they get older, carrying them around on his shoulders. teaching them to ride a horse, grooming them for rule, training them with a sword etc. sometimes they act out, but as soon as cregan leaves and lord stark enters the room they’re turning their brain on & straightening RIGHT UP
would stare at them all the time, and stare at you. would be in adoration of you, almost keeling over at the idea that you gave him that. you gave him life and beauty because you love him and you wanted to. he just thinks you guys are the prettiest things to walk this planet.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations: No.20
*just based on my opinions, only take what resonates
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I feel like 2nd house overlays can make you overly forgiving towards the person with planets in your 2nd house. It’s a Venusian house and that can bring a sort of desire to see the best in that person (7th can have this effect to a lesser degree imo bc Libra is focused on balance, so there’s affection there but it’s less likely to skew into being overly forgiving)
Chiron in the first can be a very beautiful person when they’ve really healed their wounds. A person who has a sort of glow from their inner light.
Earth moons in general like to receive and give gifts and Capricorn moons tend to be hyper fixated on giving the right gifts to the people they’re close to
5th house Venus could make you more creative in a relationship
7th house venus/Taurus/Libra definitely creates more in a healthy relationship
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Mars conjunct MC could mean being known for a career in violence, like martial artist or action star
Lilith MC could mean success in a taboo career, like s*x work or just some alternative field (I’m a tattoo artist :0)
People with planets conjunct your south node are definitely tied to your past life and may be destined to do certain actions towards/with you
North Node overlays can also be tied to past life but they’re usually here to make sure you grow in some capacity/move towards your destiny.
Your Venus sign could show the most beloved features of your body (Sagittarius Venus- a lot of people may notice your legs, Libra Venus- a lot of people may notice your butt, Virgo Venus- a lot of people may notice your hands, etc)
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Moon conjunct Jupiter could make you very empathetic, could also make people see your emotions as big whenever you express them
Imo Virgo shows where you are a minimalist (Virgo Asc usually has a minimalist approach to fashion/accessories/tattoos/etc, Virgo Venus or Virgo in 11th could point to having a circle of only a few friends, Virgo in 4th could show a minimally decorated home, etc)
Aries risings tend to have big heads/foreheads or their heads are the first things people notice about them (my mom used to get called tweety bird bc she had a big head and a little body which was mean, but so is she so…..)
Pisces moons tend have this look like they could cry at any time (like their eyes always look wet and sad if that makes sense lol)
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Wherever Pluto aspects (trine, Sextile) your personal planets shows where you can be the most transformative (or obsessive/possessive lowkey, especially for harsh aspects like square/oppositions— conjunct feels the intensity of both). Moon can show that your emotions push you to transform, Venus is this for your personal/romantic relationships, Saturn is how you use the lessons it teaches and how it affects your self discipline, etc
Leo in 6th could point to dealing with performance anxiety
Cancer in 8th could point to trauma around family (Scorpio over 4th could point to this too)
Gemini in 8th could point to trauma with neighbors/siblings/cousins/the education system or communication in general (Scorpio over 3rd could point to this too)
Sagittarius in 8th can point to having religious trauma or having intense/taboo experience with religion (Scorpio over 9th could point to this too)
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Capricorn can show where you start to lose yourself and can’t go through with when your stressed (I have Capricorn in 3rd and I literally lose my voice when I internalize stress, it’ll start cracking so fast it’s spooky. Capricorn in 5th could mean you absolutely cannot relax when your stressed. In 6th your health starts to act up immediately and you catch colds. In 1st you may have issues with your skin/breakouts when you’re stressed out.)
Mercury in 12th could stay up all night overthinking or experiencing intrusive thoughts
Virgo moons that oversimplify are underdeveloped
The mother of a Capricorn moon views love as super transactional (like if you don’t give them a hug you don’t love them, instead of the child being a person who deserves their own autonomy)(I was watching Beef and I got frickin triggered when Ali Wong’s character said her daughter was “supposed to love her forever” but wouldn’t give her a hug when Ali wanted her to, so she thought her daughter’s love was conditional— I was like holy sh*t I’ve heard that before!! Lol Saturn moon gang lol)
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thatdepressedtwink · 1 month
Bill was probably considered disabled or blind in the 2nd dimension… think about it. Assuming Bill can’t see from side to side as his eye position was smack dab at the centre of his body looking up into the 3rd dimension with 2D vision. Meaning nobody in his world could see his eye for the nature of its position, they would assume he’s just an eyeless person.
Let me explain this with shitty visual examples:
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Alright! So we got Bill, eye in the centre looking up into the unkown, and some rando with eyes on his side. They’re both in the 2D plane, so let’s see what rando sees.
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This is a terrible artist rendition but this is what rando sees in his perspective, (doesn’t necessarily have to be horizontal, could be vertical) but omit the white lines - that was just to show how flat his world is. As a 2D being, he sees 1 dimensionally.
You can try the same thing, if you take a thin piece of paper - imagine there’s a little stickman of some kind looking at his side - you can lower your head to look at the paper from its side. And you’ll see a flat sheet of paper, like a line, there you are seeing from the stickman’s perspective. Victorian satire book named Flatland describes this pretty well with explained depth perception (not seeing, perceiving) and social customs.
It’s also why we can’t see in 3D but 2D, yes we can perceive depth but that is a trained ability, close one eye and it’s no different than your usual vision aside from depth perception. That’s why when you look at a 2D screen you can see your 3D world normally. A 4D being would be able to see in 3D though, but I digress.
Let’s say another 2D being is looking at this rando, what’s it look like from their perspective?
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Probably something like this.
It’s probably not entirely accurate, the inner workings of a 2D creatures perspective I don’t know but this is about what it be like looking at rando in 2D. The red his body, the red pupil his eye.
Great, now let’s see what Bill Cipher looks like to average flatland citizen (the yellow being Bill):
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Oh uh. Okay.
No eye, what a freak am I right? Yeah, with no eye on the side it’s likely they thought he was born without any at all.
It’s also very possible that Bill couldn’t see anyone in his world too, but I don’t think that’s Hirsch’s intention so I leave it at that.
No wonder, everyone tells you you’re blind, you’re eyeless, that you can’t see, but you can see. Into a higher dimension - the 3rd dimension, with your 2D vision. Did it look beautiful? Was the sky shimmering with stars, infinite possibilities and opportunity? When did you realise you were never blind at all? When did you realise you were seeing the inconceivable? But unable to touch it, did the 3D world beckon you? You felt special, maybe you were desperate for it.
Teasing and abuse consuming you whole till it was the only thing on your mind, you saw more, something more than them, than yourself you have to show them more. Was it on the basis of revenge? Spite? Inspiration? Good intentions or ill will? The first time he saw the faces of his family, was it because he recognised their screams? When you wipe out a dimension you don’t just kill a world you destroy a universe, you erased planets, you drowned out your stars, there’s nothing left to call home now. No matter where you go you’ll be an alien, an alien without a home planet is only a thing. Was it worth it?
It’s a big if to say that Bill was blind in his 2D world. While I don’t think Bill would be able side to side and see his family, friends, members of his community, etc I also don’t think his appearance/biology makes sense for a 2D being so I don’t think it matters. But if they were going for as much realism, this 2D guy should look like a hollow triangle full of hollowed intestines, a brain and an eye, a mouth that functions as both eating function and the waste function. It’d be like being able to see through a human. As a 2D being there is no depth, so why is there an inside guts and an outside skin thing he was when we look at him from our 3D world? We’d see his insides but his 2D friends would only be able to see his skin, like how we do our friends too.
Anyway, that was a useless explanation, just thought it’d be interesting to explain. I really like learning about theoretical higher dimensions and possible life forms.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Outcaste Nakshatras: The Outsiders (part 3)
Here's part 1 and part 2
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The more I study Mleccha nakshatra natives and the art they make, the more I understand how deeply lonely it is to have a Mleccha nak (Bharani, Ashlesha, Vishaka, Shravana) and I really feel for them. To live your whole life feeling misunderstood and othered is so difficult.
The movie Edward Scissorhands is a really good example of the "outcast" trope. The titular character is played by Johnny Depp who has Ashlesha Rising and his love interest is played by Winona Ryder who has Mercury (amatyakaraka) & Venus (atmakaraka) in Vishaka
I find Outcaste nak pairing very interesting because obviously you only feel like you belong/truly feel accepted in the presence of another Outcast.
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Sidharth Malhotra, Vishaka Moon is married to Kiara Advani, who has Mercury & Venus (atmakaraka) in Ashlesha (if you have 2 or more planets in the same nak that energy is very concentrated even if its not your big 3)
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they're both known for being pretty low-key people which is unusual in Bollywood lmao
Sid is an "outsider" which is what we call non-nepo actors in India. imagine the extent of nepotism in cinema in India that its the exception to be an "outsider"lmao. anyway Sid is pretty reserved and introverted and is known for not fitting in with the Bollywood crowd. Kiara is also kinda like that I guess but idk too much about her personality. They both seem happy together tho
Kareena Kapoor, Shravana Moon is married to Saif Ali Khan, Ashlesha Sun & Shravana Moon
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Kareena's parents are famous actors who are separated (her dad was misogynistic and abusive and didn't want women to act) and even tho she's a nepo baby she didn't grow up with the same privileges as others in her famous family. Her elder sister had to drop out of school to support the family by acting as they were raised by a single mom and had fallen on bad times. You can see how the "outcast" themes were present in Kareena's life even though she's a very privileged nepo baby
Saif is also a nepo baby (welcome to bollywood lol) but he married a much older actress when he was 21 and had two kids. they later got divorced and Saif received a ton of bad press for alleged adultery, not getting custody or visitation rights of the kids, not paying child support (the amount was absurdly high tbh) etc he didn't fit in with the other actors of his generation. The media & public went crazy when news of Saif & Kareena getting married came out bc Saif is a divorcee with 2 kids (this stuff is still taboo in India unfortunately) and Kareena is one of the most successful stars of her generation. But they've been married for 10+ yrs and have 2 kids and are as happy as ever.
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Even Kareena's longterm ex-boyfriend, Shahid Kapoor was a Mleccha caste nak guy (he has Vishaka Moon)
Expanding on the outcast tropes, Shahid's parents separated when he was young and he saw little of his biological father. He had to work very hard for very long to break into the industry and even now, he's not really given his due as an actor.
Alia Bhatt, Shravana Rising is married to Ranbir Kapoor, Shravana Moon
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their marriage seems hella toxic to me ngl BUT they've both had similar childhoods.
Alia & Ranbir are both nepo babies (welcome to bollywood), Alia is like a tier 3 nepo (her father is a notoriously controversial filmmaker) whilst Ranbir is like a tier 1 nepo (he is a 4th generation actor from the biggest film family in India) however both their parents had unhappy marriages, and both of them had abusive fathers. trauma bonding, mayhaps? they're both also extremely close to their mothers as well (Moon dominant people often tend to be)
Its another example of Outcaste naks bonding over their shared experiences/feelings of being the outcast.
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all members of Blackpink have an Outcaste nakshatra in their chart that is prominent in some way.
Jisoo- Shravana Moon, Venus in Vishaka (darakaraka), Ketu in Bharani
Rose- Venus conjunct Jupiter (debilitated) in Shravana
Jennie- Vishaka Moon, Mars in Shravana
Lisa- Jupiter in Shravana (debilitated), Swati Moon (Swati is a Shudra nak, which is the lowest caste so the themes are similar to that of outcaste naks)
This is interesting to me because BP is the biggest girl group of all time yet they are also probably disproportionately hated for things they cant even control. they were mismanaged by a shitty ass company with very few comebacks and barely got to display their true calibre as artists and their media interactions, promos, other activities etc were severely controlled and restricted. all of this is to say that despite being the most successful group their actual experiences are far from sunshine and roses. they were treated like outcasts by their company and the industry and fans. they trained for 4-6 years, enduring a brutal and toxic system, worked very hard with what they were given, with 0 creative liberty to come this far im glad theyre pursuing solo careers now and hope to see them thrive<333
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the movie Lost in Translation is a good example of two outcasts/lonely people who find comfort in each other
Bill Murray is Shravana Moon and Scarlett Johansson is Vishaka Moon
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Sridevi, Ashlesha Sun & Rising and Boney Kapoor, Vishaka Sun & Mercury
So they had a really fcked up marriage that I won't get into but they were both people who felt like outcasts in their lives. Sridevi grew up with a stepfather and was pushed into acting by her mother when she was 3-4 years old (she's like an Indian Judy Garland tbh) who deprived her of formal education and a normal life so that she'd be the family cash cow. Being South Indian, she also found it hard to fit in among Bollywood folks as she initially spoke neither Hindi nor English. Boney's the ugly duckling of his family and his younger brother is one of the most famous/iconic actors ever, he had to become a movie producer since his brothers became actors and his father (who was a movie producer) thought it would be better if he stayed behind the scenes. themes of exclusion and outcast-ness crop up in their lives and in the lives of all the people I mention here.
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Lady Bird is a good example of a movie about a female teenage outcast. The titular character is played by Saoirse Ronan, who has Bharani Moon
Recently I came across the content creator, Alana Lintao who often makes shorts about social behaviour. This one in particular stood out to me because its literally about one person being excluded by a group of friends or being treated like "the other".
Alana plays the excluded friend in this short as well. She has Bharani Sun, Swati Moon and Mercury in Revati amatyakaraka (Swati & Revati are both Shudra naks)
Outcaste naks are vilified and crucified for mistakes others get away with.
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Janet Jackson, Vishaka Rising & Ketu
Janet's career took a hit and her life took a tumultuous turn after the Superbowl incident. She did not deserve all the vitriol she received then especially considering how so many others get away with wayyy worse
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon gets hated on for absolutely nothing
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Lana Del Rey, Ashlesha Moon, Vishaka Rising (&stellium)
Lana does say dumb things from time to time but she gets soooo much unnecessary hate
I have noticed how Outcaste nakshatras often tend to have really difficult childhood experiences
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Jeanette McCurdy- Ardra sun, Bharani Moon & Pushya Rising
Jeanette opens up about her abusive mother and terrible childhood in her memoir. I mention her other placements as well because I've noticed that both Ardra & Pushya natives also experience abuse in their early lives
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Britney Spears, Shravana Moon
she has endured so much abuse from so many people including her family. i wish her peace.
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Wheein, Vishaka Moon grew up with a single mother and later after she made her debut her estranged father tried to borrow money from people under her name?? there was a minor scandal about it many years ago. She also grew up quite lower middle class if not poor.
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David Bowie, Shravana Rising
Bowie once said, "“It wasn’t a particularly happy childhood, my parents were cold emotionally. There weren’t many hugs. I always craved affection because of that.”
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Cole & Dylan Sprouse, Ashlesha Sun
Speaking on the Call Her Daddy podcast, he explained that their mother's issues with mental health and addiction contributed to her being "financially the most irresponsible woman ever." He said that when their dad was given forced custody when the boys were 10, their mom had already spent everything they'd earned from their early acting jobs. Though their dad wanted them to be "normal kids," he ultimately decided that the boys' acting careers were a financial necessity.
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Ariel Winter, Shravana Sun
Ariel Winter has spoken out about how acting wasn't her choice, but it was her mother's. Ariel shared that her mother, Crystal Workman, had dreams of being an actor herself. Ariel said that with Crystal as her stage mom, she dealt with a lot of abuse and exploitation.
Once Ariel's acting career began, she said her mom put her on a strict diet and neglected her education. Her mother also had her dress in outfits that sexualized her. Ariel claimed her mom put her in “the smallest miniskirts, sailor suits, low-cut things, the shortest dresses you’ve ever seen. People thought I was 24 when I was 12. If there was going to be a nude scene when I was that age, my mother would have a thousand percent said yes.”
Now Bollywood is an industry run by film dynasties, its very rare for someone from the outside to break in and make it big. Being an "Outsider" is very difficult, people bully you, try to sabotage your career, try to isolate you etc etc, needless to say its not for the faint of heart. So lets take a look at some of the most successful "Outsiders" in Bollywood who made it big without any family in the business
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ofc we have to start with the most successful outsider of all time, Shahrukh Khan, Shravana Moon
he truly came from nothing (father died when he was a teenager, mother died before he made his debut, has a sister with special needs who he has taken care of his entire life) and became the biggest star in the world.
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Akshay Kumar, Vishaka Moon, he was a martial artist, chef, waiter and worked numerous odd jobs before he started modelling in his late 20s and later started acting and today he has a net worth of $340 million
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Anushka Sharma, Bharani Sun
her life is truly a case of being lucky af, she was a model and by the age of 19-20 she was cast in a film opposite Shahrukh Khan aka the biggest actor in the country produced by YRF, one of the biggest film production companies in India. its truly a fairy tale because neither can Anushka act nor is she gifted in any other way (bad dancer, heck she was even an awful model) but she's incredibly successful in every way and is now married to the (former) Captain of the Indian cricket team
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Deepika Padukone, Shravana Rising
she is from a privileged background (her dad's a renowned badminton player) but she worked very very hard to get where she is today and has had more career longevity than just about any other actress.
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Bipasha Basu & John Abraham, Bharani Moon
they were both a hot couple who were really popular in the 2000s
there are many other successful Outsiders but they don't have outcaste naks lol, these are the only ones i can think of rn :/
i hope this post was informative<33
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Ramble about if I were an alien and had a lil one. Just cause I can and am obsessed with the idea of being an alien 💫
✨I wish I were an alien on a big ship just floating through space, passing through colourful gas clouds and watching the stars. I’d love to have multiple arms and a tail I could flick around and hold things with. With multiple arms I could hold a little one while doing other things like watering the many plants inside the ship! I would probably hate other people touching my tail but would happily let a little one hold it! Ideally they’d hold one of my many hands though :3✨
🌒I’d have a nursery for them attached to my room so I could check on them during the “night.” It would have a star themed mobile above the cot and a lot of books on the bookshelf about space, other alien species and planets - but they’d all be kiddie books so my baby could easily understand.🌒
💤I’d hold their hand while we explore different planets with the rest of the crew. I’d probably be the live-in gardener - gotta keep all the plants on the ship alive for everyone’s mental health and so we can use them as food/medicine. Oh! I’d definitely grow a little bioluminescence (glows in the dark) plant in my baby’s nursery so it could be a nightlight for them! Gotta keep the bad dreams away somehow 💤
🔭We could collect stickers and every planet we go to we can put a sticker from that planet into a book/passport! And of course, we’d have to take tons and tons of photos of all these planets, cultures and other beautiful things we see.🔭
🫧With my multiple hands I’d learn how to do really calming/hypnotic movements to help my lil one fall asleep and just to generally entertain them! I’d even wear glow in the dark nail polish for it!🫧
Brrrrrrrrrrrr, aliens!
What would you do if you were a space travelling alien? What would you look like? What would be your favourite thing to do (explore new plants, learn about new animals, watch the stars, play in different streams, go floating in zero gravity etc)?
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darkspellmaster · 3 months
Wish is just a normal Disney film just like all the rest.
Wish is actually a damn good movie, there I said it!
I'm going to start by saying this much, it's very odd to me that so many people are now screaming for a love story from Disney, when not even five or ten years ago there was shouting from the roof tops about Disney doing TOO MUCH romance. For the longest time it was "I wish Disney wouldn't do pairings" "Ugh another romance, can't the princess not." Etc. Now everyone wants one, even though Romance isn't really as big a Disney trope as people think.
Actually let's go through the animated catalogue and see how frequently the love story is centered as the main conflict and asperation to the character. In this case it's the key thing, not a 'Oh they happen to like each other in the end' situation, it's THE thing, the point of the movie is their romance. Then let's see how many have it as the secondary aspect, and let's see how many have it as not important at all. (And we're talking romantic love, not family love)
Romance (Total number: 15)
Snow White, Lady and the Tramp, The Aristocats, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Secondary Characters hook up so this is a weird one), Doug's First Movie, Tarzan, Lizzie McGuire the Movie, Enchanted, The Princess and the Frog (Only from Naveen's POV), Tangled (could be seen as secondary too)
Secondary (Total Number: 25)
Fantasia, Bambi, Make Mine Music, Fun and Fancy Free , Melody Time, The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, Cinderella Sleeping Beauty
One Hundred and One Dalmatians , Robin Hood, The Rescuers , The Fox and the Hound , Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Rescuers Down under
The Nightmare before Christmas, The Lion King ,Hercules ,Mulan ,Fantasia 2000 , Dinosaur, Atlantis the Lost Empire , Meet the Robinsons , Frankenweenie ,Frozen, , Strange World
Not in it at all (Total Number: 42 -including Wish)
Pinocchio, The Reluctant Dragon, Dumbo, Saludos Amigos, Victory through Air power, Three Caballeros, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan
Sword in the Stone, The Jungle Book, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Black Cauldron, The Great Mouse Detective
Oliver and Company, Ducktales the Treasure of the lost lamp, A Goofy Movie, James and the Giant Peach, The Tigger Movie
The Emperor's new Groove, Recess School's out, Return to Neverland, Lilo and Stich, Treasure Planet, The Jungle Book 2
Piglet's big Movie, Brother Bear, Teacher's Pet, Home on the Range, Pooh's Heffalump Movie, Chicken Little, The Wild
Bolt, Winnie the Pooh, Wreck it Ralph, Big Hero 6, Zootopia, Moana, Wreck it Ralph 2, Frozen 2, Raya and the Last Dragon, Encanto, Wish
These are just the animated not live action, and not live action with animation movies. All in all it's more common to see a Disney film with NO romance in it at all then a romantic one.
So why is it that people keep saying, but we're missing the romance, it's because of the fact that most of the time the Parks and other media pair the characters together. Take Peter pan, in the movie, the boy is utterly oblivious to Wendy's affections, to the point of pissing her off enough that she leaves the party that the tribe is hosting. In the parks, and other media (the plays, other movies) the romance is in your face, because people want them to be a couple, but in the movie itself you never see it.
Star, based on the making of book, was supposed to be a younger version of Asha's grandfather, which fits the theming of the movie. However, from what I understand, one of the reasons why they went against is was because it was hitting to close to Genie in the shape shifting. On top of that, the character of Star, seems heavily inspired by the art work of William Joyce, who created Night Light.
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This is him and Katherine (Future Mother Goose) who is basically Star in a lot of ways. He lights the night to keep the nightmares away. These two eventually grow up (He remembers He's jack frost) and they end up as a couple.
It would be apping off of that story, and sadly people didn't give the William Joyce movie Meet the Robinsons a chance (don't sleep on that folks please! It is a good story.)
Also straight up give more love to the Guardian's of Childhood, you'll be happy while you read it.
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I'm not saying don't ship it, what I am saying is that please don't go saying this was planned when it really wasn't. That was supposed to be her grandfather there.
And I'm not against the art work, I find it very cute and sweet and lover the designs. But I do think that the whole, "WE WERE ROBBED!" thing isn't being at all fair to the creative team behind this story, as again, *points up* they were following the tradition of a story that doesn't have a love interest, which is the vast majority of the stories that they tell.
Wish perfectly falls in line also with Disney's normal length of animated movies.
Wish was 1 hours and 35 minutes
The movie that came out before it clocked in at
Strange World = 1 hours and 42 minutes
Moana = 1 hours and 47 minutes
Frozen = 1 hours and 42 minutes
This Hour long movie thing started really with Atlantis the Lost Empire = 1 hours and 36 minutes
While Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Mulan, Lilo and Stitch all clock in around =1 hour and 30 at most, some are even less than that. Wish's run time is equal to that of Atlantis, or Aladdin, or Treasure planet. So I'm a bit perplexed on the "It's too short" thing. Maybe growing up just before and during the days of Little Mermaid and Aladdin made me like the shorter tales.
Which is another point. With a shorter movie, you never get complete backstory. It's a fairy tale! I mean, look at Little Mermaid. Seriously can you Name any of her sisters from the opening song.
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Like seriously, I don't really know a lot of people who can tell me anything about Aquatica, for example. Unless you actually read the books or watched the TV show. And before then we had nothing. Nothing on her mom, nothing on her sisters.
Then there's the town Belle comes from, what do we know about it? Not much, not even who governs the damn thing. Howe about Aladdin before the TV series and King of thieves cleared up everything. We didn't know who his parents were, nor Jasmine's mom. Hell we still don't know anything about Cinderella's father from the animated movie.
Point being, a lot of information, much like Wish, got cut for time. In Snow white we were supposed to be given a longer back story for her father and mother, that was cut due to it being to long, it's in the golden book though. Prince Florian (Yes that is his name) was supposed to have Prince Phillips escape, but it was deemed to hard to animate at the time.
Also there was one that was dancing on the clouds, with STARS, around them that looks very much like you know, our Star.
So basically, he's a nod to what could have been for Snow White all those years ago. Cut for time.
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Aladdin had a whole cut song because they chopped his mother out as she was supposed to play a part in the movie and help her son with the Genie.
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Zena is her name and she was cut to streamline the film.
Maid Marian in the original Robin Hood was supposed to protect him after his plunge into the water, and protect him from King John while he's threatening her. King Richard appears in the end and scares him into stopping but she's willing to take a dagger to the chest to protect Robin.
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This is when Richard meets Robin with Marian telling him all about what happened.
All Disney movies change. Isabel in Encanto was supposed to have a nerdy boyfriend that the family disapproved of.
Hell, Frozen was at one point going to be the Bad guy wins the guy, the hero (Gerta) that we followed all the way to the end rooting for her, was supposed to be a gold digger, and Kai was supposed to say "Nah, I'm gonna stick with the Snow Queen" because she's sad and your a bitch. (Thanks Eisner, I hate it!)
So yeah, there's probably A whole lot of cut content that was supposed to go in, but to streamline it to 95 minutes, you have to cut! At least it's not what happened to the Black Cauldron. No I will never forgive Katzenburg for that travesty!
Disney always used Popular Music over Broadway
Honestly this is the one complaint that I hear that kills me the most about this movie, that the studio went with a pop music team. As if this is not a common thing for Disney movies!
Fun fact, the team behind most of the musical scores up until the 1960s were all composers and musicians that wrote songs for the radio. Or song writers that did radio music. If I listed every single one we'd be here for ages.
The Sherman brothers actually wrote pop tunes for the Teen sweetheart Annette Funicello and several other well known singers and actors of movies.
The first major Broadway group was Ashman and Menken, Followed by Miranda, and the Lopez's. Most, if not all of the biggest Disney songs were written by pop songwriters, whos goal it was to get that song played on the radio.
Hell The Lion King, Tarzan, The Emperors New Groove, and Treasure planet to name a few were all done by Pop musicians. I didn't hear complaining about it back then! What's the difference now? Because the team is not Elton freaking John, or Sting?
All of Oliver and Company was pop songs. Several movies didn't have songs, or only had one.
If we're going to celebrate a studio that helped bring an artform out of it's infancy and show that you could do a full movie of animated pictures where you get emotions out of it, we need to celebrate all aspects, and that includes things we may not realize are kind of unique.
When Hercules and Hunchback came out, people complained about them not being "Traditional" Disney. It was Gospel, it was too dark, or in the case of Tarzan, why are we following a boy, or Treasure planet, "Yuck a space story". Now people adore these movies. People who grew up with them want to celebrate them, and sometimes they don't realize that they were once derided as hard or harder than Wish is being right now.
I just wish that people would give these movies a chance rather than not let the creatives tell their story. We had a whole damn section of 2D animation in Strange World! No one talked about it! No one went "More of this please". Give me these stories, let me enjoy a original fairy tale, because if we keep rehashing things, there's going to be little to celebrate when the next 10 or 20 years rolls around.
Sorry for the kinda rant. This has just been on my nerves for a while.
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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Hello! Welcome back to some obersvations for the month of May! I've been super inspired since I've started working in a new firm and got to meet many new colleges. So I hope you enjoy the content and always feel free to comment your opinions and observations!
These are my personal, subjective views on some placements and signs. If you disagree, feel free to discuss it down below and not take everything personally.
With that being said, let's get started!
These people just sniff out each other the second they lock eyes with one another. It's this familiar family they all crave to feel and it's finally in front of their face. They feel at peace and at home with other Pisces dominant people. They have these glossy eyes filled with mystery and warmth. Every Pisces Sun/Rising/Dominant person I've met has some sort of artistic talent, that being: painting, drawing, sculpting, writing, play any instrument..etc. They are so in tune with the details of life others strive to see. I also think they can be such big day dreamers, introverts and tragically lovley people.
This placement can seem very distant, raw and viewed as a lonely wolf but on the contrary it's a whole different story. Aquarius rules the 11th house, which is the house of community, society, shortly speaking friendships. So having a Moon in this sign really means having a collective feeling with others and wanting to socialize. On the other hand Aqarius is ruled by Saturn, a cold and restrictive planet of time, so Aquariuans don't want to rush things nor spend their time on irrelevant people. By doing so they can seem to cut people off quickly and start over or to overly bond with someone and become obsessed, since putting so much effort and love into them. They want to be seem as rigid and cold to mask their openness and emotional demeanor. When they get hurt they shut off, write it off and try to ignore it, even though deep inside it hurts for a very long time, but they just try as hard as they can to forget.
Chiron, the healing healer. Cursed with a wound never to be patched up again, but at the same time giving the knowledge to others how to continue with their wounds. Scorpio Chirons are constitley shamed for their sexual energy surrounding them, so most of the time they cover up and try to hide underneath it. They attract a lot of perverted minds to the table by just breathing. This can also indicate a very empathetic and intuitive person who feels absolutely every thing and can/wants to help others, but by doing so breaks themself down a lot of the time. They also have strong trust issues, may abuse their power, can have low self estem, can be frightful and nervous people. When they open up their heart more and let go is when the healing truly happens. They are more wise than they think, but they cannot see it always threw the anxious attitude and self sabotaging persona.
They attract and love water signs. They crave deep connections, star gazing, physical touch, nurturing their partner, tender, sweet and innocent love. These people like to pit their partner on a pedestal and become a little obsessed with them. They want them to be the center of their universe and also want that in return. Cancer is also symbolically connected to the Mother archetype, the womb, birth...etc, having Cancer in the 5th house of romance and relationships means these people really have that motherly instinct and adore when their partner is family oriented of hands on with kids. They love rainy days filled with the smell of baked goods in the arms of their loved one. They want a Romeo and Juliet kind of love.
Now I've grown up with two Sag Moons in my house hold, one being my brother and the other being my father and they are so alike it's hilarious. I've also had 2 very close friends with this placement and again the similarities are off the rails. Firstly they need to always be on the run, optionally having a job which includes a lot of travel or just changing jobs in different places. Secondly, they are so angry when things don't go their way, but they do cool down quite quickly, the most out of the 3 fire Moons. They are also so good in finding solutions with different people and I different situations. They also love to have many hobbies, are known to be book worms and can flow with any conversation quite well. They are also huge extroverts and the goofy bunch. This doesn't apply that much if the native has a lot of 8th house placements, Pluto aspects with personal planets or a 12th house Moon/Sun/Stellium.
It's really hard for Air dominant people to relate to others. They are just overly detached and see everything threw a realist prism. It can be a little annoying to be honest, especially for fire and water signs, who are just passionate and act a lot how they feel.
Here's me again, bashing on Gemini Venuses...but I just can't help it. The Venus sign that I meet and attract the most. From all the people that remarried, had a lot of partners, Venus in Gemini takes the cake. But what I do respect about them is they will not stay in something they're unhappy with for a long time, they have very high standards and will not dumb them down for anyone. They will always find something better and more exiting and that's why they are known to "change" partners and be "promiscuous". Yep, many are jealous of them at the end of the day aswell.
I've never met a Libra rising that doesn't have q nice behind! I know that sounds kinda creepy, but it's true. Since Libra rules the lower back, they all have a more rounder rear. The also have amazing skin most of the time. A very plump and glowy face.
This can indicate a very cloudy person. They can be very inactive and procrastinate a lot, but at the same time be highly intelligent and artsy people. I mean Neptune does feel at home in the 12 house, so in my opinion if you're going to have any planet in this house, Neptune it is.
Now, I know it's such a strange placement to bash since this is a very fond placement to me and close to my heart. But I've noticed a lot of men having this placement can be confused with this feminine energy in their chart. They are very beautiful, don't get me wrong, but when this placement is mixed with a water sun/moon and a fire Mars it's a death penalty. They know they're  beautiful and girls get caught up in that trap of emotional intelligence and an attractive face. They also can be a little shallow. I've seen many guys leave the girl they have the most in common with for just a pretty face so they can show her off as a trophy and then go after the other, but still message and crave the one they truly felt something.
The thing that gets them the most if a fruity and playful perfume, long bouncy hair and back scratches...trust me.
A lot goes on in a day of a person who has this aspect. In one corner ypu want to achieve everything and anything, work your ass of and show your strong ego. In the other corner you are so sick of being the more responsible person and want to just run away. They also have an intense feeling about failure. They should lean from it, not run away.
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littlest-nightingale · 9 months
CG! Tenth Doctor headcannons because I continue to not be immune (please help)
Very very silly, obviously, world's silliest cg!
Big on physical affection. Always giving hugs, kisses on the forehead, holding hands, etc
Always has exactly what his little one needs tucked away in the pockets of his jacket
Despite not having any money, he still spoils you. Best not to ask questions
So very gentle. He may be all over the place bouncing off the walls but he's so so careful with his little one. The last thing he wants is to hurt you.
Always checking in to make sure you're alright, physically and emotionally. He couldn't bear seeing you upset.
Gets a bit emotional from time to time. He's been a father before, and well.. it didn't end well. Even though you're not actually a child, just a regressor, he sees bits of them in you sometimes.
He worries quite a lot, sometimes in an overbearing way but he means well
Often forgets that while infodumping on you is fun when you're big, little you isn't going to understand it quite as well
Lets you help him fix up the TARDIS. Never anything big, but it makes you feel smart and important, so he always finds a little job for ya
Doesn't actually take you anywhere while regressed, it's a bit too risky. But occasionally, if he knows for certain that you'll be safe, he'll take you.
Lots of looking at star systems. Like, just stargazing out the door of the TARDIS. He tells you about everything he knows about that system in simple enough terms for you to understand.
Who needs books for a bedtime story when the Doctor is hundreds of years old? He has so many stories, about so many different creatures and planets and cultures that he could probably talk for days and still have plenty more to go.
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iheartjohnlennon · 7 months
The Beatles NSFW Alphabet - John
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A is for Aftercare (How he treats you after sex, what happens after sex, etc...)
• John is an absolute sweetheart.
• After sex he's all quiet, attentive and mellow. He talks to you without really talking to you. 
• He comes down hard from his orgasms, feeling as though you and him are the only ones on planet earth.
• He's definitely a cuddler too - big spoon.
John turned to you, his hair dishevelled, his face flushed. You were the same, though you looked a lot more messy. 
His cock was still slightly hard and in his fist, but he wanted to rest.
"You okay?" He breathed. 
"Yeah," you smiled.
John slowly shifted around to hold you in his arms. His chest warm against your back. Naked and satisfied.
B is for Body part (His favourite body part of yours)
• John loves your legs and your hips and your feet. Every inch, from your hips to your soles. 
• He loves them because he likes interacting with them in various scenarios.
• When he's holding your hips to fuck into you as you ride him...when he lifts you by your legs...when you playfully wrap around each other...when he kisses and licks your toes...
• Yes, your legs are very versatile for him.
C is for Cum (Where and why he likes to cum) 
• Facials are most definitely his go to.
• John loves cumming on your face more than anything, it's degrading yet loving.
• He loves how he can see your eyes looking right at him as he does so.
He usually slaps the tip against your cheek, grinning as he sees his semen dripping to your lips and chin. If he’s feeling caring, he’ll use his thumb to wipe it off, before pressing it to your lips.
How sweet.
D is for Dirty secret (Something filthy that he did/or does/or wants to do behind your back.)
• John takes pictures of you, explicit ones.
• Sometimes he's fooling around. You're both out of it. But you're so out of it you forget he takes them. He doesn't forget though.
• Sometimes he takes them secretly, through a slightly open door as you undress…
• He's your own personal voyeur. You never even notice. 
• He keeps the pictures safe, admires them every so often and rubs himself off to them like the man that he is. It's his collection of sorts. 
• John thinks you're absolutely gorgeous, you are gorgeous. He imagines you being on the cover of Playboy or something, but his jealousy and possessiveness would never allow you to be seen by masses of men.
John turned away to retrieve his camera from the bedside table.
"Let's capture this moment, love," he whispered, his lips grazing against yours. 
Your vision was hazy.
"Oh, that's a bit filthy isn't it, John?" You said, sighing. 
John smirked, the corners of his mouth quivering. He liked you like this. 
"Filthy? Well, that's the whole idea." He whispered, sitting up. 
He pulled your bra down further, your nipples were perfectly exposed now, he laid quick kisses against them. 
You were an absolute vision to him.
Laying on his silk hotel sheets, drinking, smoking and eating yourself blind - all simultaneously.
And he was definitely ready to have you afterwards. 
Your laughter bubbled over as you teased, "I hope you're not planning to sell these to the papers."
He chuckled nervously, he had thought about it before - just a little fantasy.
The camera clicked in one hand, his cock was being rubbed through his boxers in the other. 
"No," he breathed, palming himself harder.
"This is just for our little memory vault. These photos are like all our other photos, right?"
John massaged his balls, eager to cum.
"You're the star here." He groaned. 
You giggled.
"Me, a star? Oh, stop it, you're making me blush."
John grinned, adjusting the camera.
"Blush harder. Now, can you slip out of your skirt for me, lovely?"
You did so, and slowly. It slipped off your hips nicely, leaving your bottom half only in your knickers. 
"You're so demanding, Johnny."
With a sly wink, John retorted, "Demanding? Maybe a bit. But you can handle it, can't you, hm?"
And so the camera clicked, again.
E is for Experience (How experienced is he?) 
• John lost his virginity to some whore in Liverpool well before he was eighteen. So he lost it well before he legally even could. 
• He knows enough, he knows a lot in fact, way more than you do definitely.
• He knows enough to please you more than you can please him.
• He loves teasing you about it, saying how much of a square you used to be.
• Something about your lack of experience is hot, especially because it makes him feel in control. 
F is for Favourite position (How he loves to fuck you.)
• John loves cowgirl. 
• He loves when you ride him, your hands flat on his chest.
• The sight of you on top of him just really does it for him. His hands get to roam every where.
• And though it seems like you're in control, he'll often grab your hips and thrust himself up and down, fucking into you. 
• If he's feeling energetic, sometimes he'll flip you onto your back so he can finish in missionary. His head deep in the crook of your neck as he gets closer.
G is for Goofy (How silly is he during sex?) 
• John likes making jokes here and there. He's funny, even in something as serious as sex.
• You'll moan "Yess" and he'll moan "Yess" right back - mocking you.
John will ask "Just like that?" when he knows he's really hitting the spot. He'll ask you questions he knows you can barely answer as your being fucked.
And when you moan something that isn't his name like, "Oh, God." He'll reply, "My name's John, thanks."
He's just a goofy guy. 
G is also for Goal (What's his goal and/or dream in relation to sex.) 
• John's goal is to have you in as many places as possible, places within reason of course. 
• He'll challenge you as well, whispering into your ear, "Do you think we could fuck here without being heard?" or "You'd look so pretty bent over that, y'know."
• He's had you in the classic places, like a car, a broom closet - but that just isn't enough for him.
• John won't stop until he makes you cum in as many places as possible.
H is for Hair (How well groomed he is, does the carpet match the drapes, etc..)
• John doesn't particularly care for grooming and he can't be bothered to regularly trim, shave or whatever.
• If he ever does do anything to his pubes, just know he was definitely fucking bored. 
I is for Intimacy (How romantic he is during sex, etc..)
• John just isn't the type for candles or music or rose petals. He just wants to get right to it. 
• Though, if it's a special occasion like Valentine's day or your birthday or something, he'll put in the effort to serenade you and fuck you on a bed of roses.
• Though he may say some things that are sweet and fluffy, the only thing he needs to show you is his cock, that's his romantic gesture. 
J is for Jack off (Masturbation headcanon) 
• John occasionally rubs himself off when he doesn't have access to a cunt.
• He thinks of you deeply whenever he does so, cumming hard all over his fist. 
• It’s annoying to do, because nothing feels better than your vagina- but if he uses his imagination ( or those dirty photos he’s taken ) jacking off is the best feeling ever.
K is for Kink (One or more of their kinks in relation to you) 
• John has a moderate pain kink and he's definitely the sadist in most situations, the giver.
• If you ask him to hit you (erotically) he'll do it, hesitantly but happily.
• John has a mommy kink (duh).
• He'll suck your tits and get you to cradle his head whilst he does so. Sometimes he calls you the m-word...mother.
• John has feet kink...
• He likes when you paint your toe nails nice colours. He's like massaging your feet. He's taken your toes into his mouth a lot of times.
L is for Location (Favourite places to do the deed) 
• John loves obscure and semi-public places way more than a mere bed. 
• So places like broom closets, a car, a park - all that jazz.
• He enjoys the risk and the fun involved in those places. 
M is for Motivation (What turns them on about you, gets him hard, makes him cum, etc..) 
• Your voice turns him on the most, before and during sex. Especially when he knows you want it bad.
• Your little moans before your orgasm, those get him there. 
N is for No (Turn offs, what pisses him off, etc..) 
• When you argue earlier in the day, like a proper bad argument, that turns him off for the rest of the day.
• When you can't resolve your issues he doesn't even look at you. He feels detached from you almost.
O is for Oral sex (Does he prefer giving or receiving? How does he give, how does he receive?) 
• John 100% prefers both, he just can't choose between the two. Both bring him immense joy and pleasure.
• He eats you out nicely, enthusiastically. He usually doesn't make you orgasm with just that, it's just a fun, little extra to him.
• Prepare to have your mouth absolutely run through when you're sucking John's cock. No part of his cock is left unlicked or unsucked or untouched by you.
P is for Pace (Fast or slow? Rough or sensual?) 
• His pace is gradual and building.
• He starts slow, then gets faster when he's about to make the both of you cum.
• John leaves being rough for when he's hate or jealous fucking you.
Q is for Quickie (His opinion on quickies, how often they happen, etc..)
• He's not opposed to them, he quite enjoys them actually, but of course he'd prefer having you all by himself with all the time in the world. 
• They happen when you're both drunk or high, it's a moment of irresponsibility. 
• Or they happen when you both haven't seen each other in a while and you just can't wait.
R is for Risk (What kind of risks will they take)
• He'll take public risks, so sex in public. He finds it thrilling, you know, the thought of getting heard and caught. 
• He gets off on someone hearing, someone being a voyeur. 
S is for Stamina (How many rounds he can last, how quickly can they cum, etc..)
• John can last one round but it's a nice length, 20 minutes minimum. 
• He doesn't cum too quick, well, depending on the situation, if he has to cum quick he will, so if you're having a quickie.
• But yeah, he doesn't cum too quickly, so expect that twenty minutes of that cock.
T is for Toys (Does he own toys, use them, what kind of toys, etc?) 
• John personally doesn't own toys because he wouldn't be able to get over the embarrassment of buying and owning them.
• He does try to coax you into buying them for yourself though, he would like watching you use them on yourself.
U is for Unfair (How much does he like to tease you, how does he tease you, etc..) 
• John isn't that unfair. He's not the type to edge you or delay orgasm. 
• Verbal teasing 100% though. 
• And he teases you before he fucks you anyways. So by kissing and rubbing you in areas that make you want more...neck...clit.
V is for Volume (How loud is he, what noises does he make, what does he say, etc..) 
• John groans like a wild animal, he's talkative as well, loves making little comments before and during and after. 
• People can definitely hear him through the walls.
W is for Wildcard (Random sexual headcanon) 
• Lennon loves a good roleplay situation - anything sexy. Nurse and patient, teacher and student, etc…
• He has such a big ego, so he particularly likes when you pretend to be some beatlemaniac.
• Yeah, he always cums so fucking hard during your little role plays.
You screeched, feet stomping in place as you jump and giggle like a virgin schoolgirl.
John can’t help but look annoyed, his brows lowering as he quickly looks around. 
You just blew his fucking cover with your high pitched squeals and your bouncing up and down.
Oh, how he hated these types of fans.
“Yes! Yes! It is, oh my GOD.” 
You all but scream, throwing yourself on the man.
He doesn’t stifle the annoyed groan that leaves his mouth, sounding like some primal snarl deep in his throat. 
“If I fuck you in the bathroom will you leave me alone and stay quiet?”
X is for X-ray (His cock) 
• A bit above average, so...6 inches and he's not circumcised and his balls are massive.
• He has a good girth as well. John's penis is quite proportionate!! 
• He has a bush because he very rarely shaves or cuts.
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Uuuuuurgghhh, I want him and his cock so horrendously. 
Y is for Yearning (His sex drive, how much do they want you?) 
• He wants you whenever you're both most available, both physically and emotionally. 
• John most definitely has a high libido. Sex and you occupy his mind at the same time, everywhere.
Z is for Zzz (Sleep afterwards?)
• John doesn't get excessively tired but he does feel it. 
• His after sex sleep depends on you. If you're sleepy, he'll settle and sleep, if you want to stay up, then he's good with that as well.
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wheeboo · 9 months
a letter to 2023 . . .
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hello everyone! we have reached the end of the year, and therefore here is a letter to 2023, and to literally all of you as well. this is gonna be a bit long so bare with me oops.
this year tested me. i completed high school, started university, realised that this is it, i'm a grown-up now. i cried, had sleepless nights, and had moments that felt too heavy to bare; but most importantly, i smiled, laughed, and probably felt the most joy i've had in the longest time.
i joined this place three years ago, but didn't start posting until the summer of this year. i didn't have high expectations, especially since i knew this place was vastly larger than any other platform i dedicate myself to, yet here i am! in the midst of publishing silly little writings and dumping my innermost thoughts, i found my happy place.
i did not expect to grow this much: making over 1.6k followers, posted 67 unique works, meet lots of new people whom i can call my friends, and of course, grow into the person i am now, and i couldn't be more thankful to all those who have shown their support for me 💞
firstly, i would love to spread love to my moot group and server, the people who i can share countless laughter with for hours on end 𑁋 @slytherinshua @blue-jisungs @fairyhaos @eternalgyu @haecien @weird-bookworm @etherealyoungk @idubiluv @wqnwoos @kyeomyun @hannyoontify @rubywonu @icyminghao @mirxzii @hannieheartuu 𑁋 for being the most amazing, most talented, and most hilarious human beings on the planet. thank you to all of you, i love you all so much 🫶
then to the rest of my moots, those who i talk to on here, discord, simply through interactions, or those who i haven't gotten to talk to much but would love to 𑁋 @toruro @hanverse @trblsvt @haowrld @planetkiimchi @rubyreduji @mesanthropi @boosari @the-therapist-needs-therapy @ryuwonieebae @odxrilove @ressonancee @reivrze @jeonwon-wonwoo @welcometomyoasis @amxlia-stars @kyrjnie @freshmint54 @babyleostuff @mangocustard16 @phenomenalgirl9 @hanggarae 𑁋 i wish you all a lot of love for the new year and i can't wait to interact more!! you all make this place a little more bearable each day. thank you for all that you do 💞
and finally, to my lovely followers (flowers 🤭) readers, and anons, i don't have enough thank yous to say thank you for all your support, whether you liked, reblogged, commented, followed, etc. thank you to those who have bloomed with me since the beginning, and thank you to those who have recently planted their little seedling in my garden 🥹💖. you all have helped me grow as a writer, as a person, and as a part of this wonderful (and hellish) community. your encouragement, feedback, and presence have meant the world to me. it's heartwarming to see this lil garden of my thoughts and emotions bloom and resonate with you, and i'm grateful to have you all as part of this journey!! 💐
with that, i wish you all a happy new year!! even if you don't celebrate it as big as others, i hope your 2024 is filled with lots of love, laughter, and simply just happiness. let's all bloom and flourish together!!! cheers to a new years and to new wonderful memories 🥂💓🫶
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zee-stars · 1 year
The ego's giving you their sweaters
Includes: Actor Mark, Darkiplier, Yancy, Illinois, Space Mark, Damien, Heist Mark, Date Mark, Wilford
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Actor Mark:
He forced you to wear one of his sweaters. He would hide yours just so he could give you one of his.
He is a jealous prick so he definitely likes you wearing his stuff so people know you are his.
I feel like his would be the most comfortable cause he would spend all his money just to make sure he could give you the best.
Tbh his would smell like makeup wipes and strong expensive calone cause he would pour that shit on there.
Overall 9/10 cause at least the smell would last long 🤷‍♀️
Tbh he probably doesn't have very many hoodies.
The only one he owns is probably a plain black one that's kinda worn down.
But like say one day you're cold and complaining about it and he just throws it at you and is like "stfu"
Warm on the inside, soft fabric on the outside 👌👌
I think its an overall 10/10 cause idk its just perfect.
I think he probably only have 1 hoodie cause he is in prison but he also like owns the place... so he could probably get more if he needed too.
But like he has one that is his og one. I think its like black and has some cool design on it that's kinda worn down cause he's had it so long.
It smells exactly like him and he likes to wear it for comfort. But he would easily give it to you.
One day your complaining that it's cold, next minute his giving you the sweater.
Its super comfy and also smells exactly like him so def 10/10
Man has one sweater and it is almost disgusting.
You saw him wear it once on a colder night. It was covered in stains, small holes everywhere and stitches. It doesn't smell bad and it felt soft when you touched it.
One night you and him are under the stars and you are freezing. to the point your shaking. He sees you by the fire all wrapped up in a blanket and he takes off the hoodie and gives it to you.
Claims that he's a big boy and doesn't need a sweater to keep him warm
Five minutes later hes clinging to you wrapped up under a blanket and as close to the fire you can be without burning.
8/10 cause the stains.
Space Mark:
Tbh if he saw you in his hoodie he would probably faint.
Its not so much a hoodie it's more like a jacket. Like yk those sports team type jackets, if you dont google it and i'll make sense.
Anyways its amazing, kinda fuzzy on the inside and it has like patches on it of things he likes. Stars, planets, chica, etc.
He doesn't wear it often cause he is usually in his space uniform.
But one night you and him are enjoying a nice sunset together (after the events of iswm) and he notices you shiver.
So he runs back to his room and comes back with two cups of coffee and his jacket.
It smells like him, has coffee and some grease stains on it. Very comfy and a little big.
10/10 love it.
This is before wkm obv
He has like an entire closet section just for sweaters and hoodies
one day you're spending the evening at his place. during dinner Damien was his usual clumsy self (he def was) and spilled something on you. You ask to use his shower and had forgotten to pack an extra set of clothes.
So he offers you some of his. He gives you a hoodie and sweatpants that match and let me tell you. That is some of the comfyist shit you're ever gonna wear
I just feel like he is the master of comfort and just always has the comfyist clothes.
10/10 for my boy dames
Heist Mark:
Im like imagining the most detailed scene rn
Like yk when you choose the car in the heist and you fall asleep and he makes you breakfast?
that but the night before when you're falling asleep you get cold and he gives you his sweater and you're like "where tf did you get this?" but put it on anyway.
its honestly pretty comfy and keeps you pretty warm. He also secretly loves seeing you in his hoodie (remember this is right before he asked you on the date ;)
9/10 prob a basic ass hoodie but comfy and warm, serves its purpose.
Date Mark:
Another very detailed scene
we aren't gonna be basic and have it be during the movie no no, it's gonna be during the vanilla ice cream ending.
You and him are eating ice cream together and it makes you cold. So what else would a gentleman like him do than give you the jacket he was wearing.
tbh not super comfy, its part of a suit :/
so like... 6/10? it was nice of him but not comfy or warm so...
Come on guys yk i wouldnt forget about my little willy would you?
Tbh he has the best hoodies 1000%
He rocks the pink and all of his hoodies are pink and they look amazing!!
Also they def smell like cotton candy or some other sweet.
(they might also have a few blood stains but who cares)
anyways.... imagine you and him go out to a party or something.
some dumb guy spills a drink on your and wilford just like pulls out a hoodie randomly and like takes you to the bathroom to put it on
side note no one ever hears from that guy again but like...... thats totally unrelated...
but its comfy, smells good, looks good, 100000/10 fr fr
wilford is simply the best
I hope you enjoyed this and im def down to write more things like this if anyone has any ideas!! my request are always open
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sun-stricken · 8 months
Headcannoms about friendship between Bickslow and Gray? I like to think after the fighting festival he really tries to make it up to Gray.
Gray: ‘we’re chill. It’s fine.’
Bickslow: ‘my babies will now perform a dance of apology’
Also a scenario I’d like to share!
Lucy: hey, Gray I picked up your mail. Why do you have a letter from a modelling agency?
Gray: oh that. I don’t know they just keep sending me them even though I’ve told them no.
Lucy: you’ve turned them down repeatedly?! *while crying inside*
Gray: yeah? It’s weird ‘cause I didn’t even apply.
Lucy: Lucy kick!
i for some reason hadn’t considered the idea of them having a close friendship, but i am now so here! a gift !
i had so much fun with this
* my personal hc is that Bickslows dolls feel a lot of what he himself feels, and also theyre kinda like birds
* so they too try to make it up to Gray, they bring him little things they find, such as shiny rocks, pins, and other tiny objects they find
* Bickslow just nods in approval from the sidelines when they bring them to Gray
* They were both fairly awkward with each other post festival but after Bickslow gave Gray an honest apology they began to turn over a new leaf
* people find the friendship strange tbh, Gray is known as this vaguely calm and like, super normal guy, and Bickslow is just— not
* theyre surprisingly comfortable with each other
* they dont hang out a lot outside the guild, but thats not to say they dont ever,
* While they dont work the best together and it took a while be able to fight along side on another,
* If the Thunder Legion and Team Natsu have to pair up usually they do bc they’re comfortable with each other and trust can go a long way
* theyre both texting fiends, like its a problem how much they message their friends, so when they found out the other was the same oh my god was it a train wreck
* their conversations can go for hours and if you read through them youd probably have an aneurysm because the topics make no sense and Bix doesn’t even try to spell correctly
* They have gotten close and friendly but that doesnt mean theu ever know what to expect from the other, their opinions and thoughts are so different from each other, if rhey ever have the same idea its like all the stars and planet’s have aligned and world is about to end
* Bickslows hair is naturally black and Gray helped him dye it once and they deadass looked they walk out the smurf set for weeks, Bix’s bathroom looked like they murdered a hundred of them
* Gray has an affinity for collecting hand weapons (swords, spears, bows, etc) while Bickslow likes taking apart and building old bombs (actual explosive grenades, land mines, smoke/flash grenades)
* they bonded over it and talked about it in public and terrified about 20 people rhat were in earshot
* theyre both a big hit with kids
* Bickslow gets added to the long list of people who barge into Gray house unannounced
* a lot of the time they will talk (coughcomplaincough) about two different things in the same convo
* Bickslow: the cops were at my door again last night because of the inactive grenade i threw in the fountain, woke me up and everything
* Gray: ugh, i hate that, Natsu blew up a building again and Erza yelled at the both of us
* Bickslow: thats so rude, do you think i should make another one and send it to them?
* Gray: totally, she knew it wasnt me but i still got scolded
so happy ppl have realized how pretty Gray is, now we’re gonna talk abt it bc im an overachiever
* Hes been scouted by plenty of different modeling agencies over the years, which really boosted his ego but very quickly became annoying as hell bc he never even applied
* He gets a couple a month, and he accepted once just to get them off his back and found it really embarrassing bc he was everywhere
* his friends in and outside the guild bought the magazines he was featured in and teased him mercilessly and he never stepped foot in another agency ever again
* Hes really photogenic but hates gets his photo taken, most of the pictures hes in ‘willingly’ hes glaring at the camera
* he now just blocks the numbers they call him on and throws out the letter they send him, if they stop him on the street he will walk away before the conversation even starts
* when Lucy found out something inside her died a little
* she pestered him about it and said she’ll go with him! he wont even have to take the money for it! she’ll take it! 😁
* she gets shot down every time but that doesnt mean she quit trying
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kirbsmakemesmile · 2 months
I finally finished my Kirby gijinkaverse lore 😧
Remember, if you ask one question about the lore stuff after reading it all, I will draw one doodle of one character of your choice 😊😊😊
Send the questions through my ask box and your character request through my dms please!!!
Ok! Here we go! 😊😊 (please dont mind any typos)
Slight Tw: some described g0re, and implied plans of sui during one part
Ok let’s do this ok guys
Origins of Nightmare:
Nightmare was the original dark matter, and was always around because of peoples bad dreams. The thing is, they never fueled his growth because the fountain of dreams and the star rod was what kept him from becoming a huge threat. But, as generations had passed, the fountain of dreams became less of an important protective device, and more of a relic or a roadside attraction, to put it bluntly. The people had lost the knowledge of its meaning and didn’t value their peace anymore and they took it for granted, not even really acknowledging how good they had it. Anyway, a long time passed and nightmare is a puny threat to everyone, and he’s tired of it, so with what little power he’s saved up from aaallll that time saving up on bad dreams, he makes his move. He goes to popstar and shatters the star rod completely. And since the people didn’t acknowledge the importance of the star rod anymore, he went by basically unnoticed the whole time, and this began the start of chaos across the universe. Since nightmare grew to such a ginormous threat after the destruction of the star rod, the people figured they needed something big to defeat him too, and they created the GSA (Galaxy Soldier Army) and the star rod finally became a completely forgotten weapon.
Star rod and star people :
Nightmare became very successful in his plan to take over the universe at first, but because the star people (Kirby, Mk, etc.) were directly connected to the star rod (meaning they wish through the star rod, and so genetically they are connected) This is what made them a difficult species for nightmare to defeat because of the sheer power they had. (Unlike other species that would just wish on any shooting star and not the star rod) But the destruction of the star rod also had an effect on that too. The star rod allowed for wishing to be a very safe and reliable process, being able to wish any planet, any location, anytime.But without the star rod, you were not guaranteed this kind of safety, and now the children could be in danger during that process, sometimes even accidentally making wishes Wishing is a force of nature so the wish isn’t granted by a certain being, it just happens, the star rod kept that force in balance so without star rod it’s out of balance now. The wishing system is super screwed up so any large amount of emotion being said out loud could cause a wish. And the only reason why the babies of the star people were still being born with such power was because their parents still contained that star rod gene in them, so it still passed on through the wishing process. So in order for Nightmare to win, he had to destroy this species from the inside out.
Creation of Meta Knight:
Nightmares target became the firstborn child to the heads of the GSA (Sir Arthur and Lydia). So after the wish was made and the star had fallen to the ground, he made his move. He kidnapped the baby and took him to be experimented on. He turned him into a tracking device/ ambush plan, and gave him powerful, unnatural features that no other star person had. Nightmare later returned the baby to his parents, to be raised until the time was right for his plan to begin. He was raised along with three other siblings and was treated as a normal part of the family, so he never felt out of place. This was exactly what nightmare wanted
Nightmare’s plan:
At 25, Meta knight learned his true identity, through a vision from nightmare. He learned that he was a pawn to be used for nightmare’s efforts, and would be the downfall of the GSA. After finding out the truth, meta knight left the base feeling that he would be a disgrace to the GSA, and also out of fear that staying any longer would facilitate nightmare even more. However, this only opened the door. After he left, Nightmare took the opportunity to ambush the head GSA base and completely destroy it, as well as sending more beasts to meta knight after he had left to force him to return again in seek of refuge. Upon returning he saw that the base was completely destroyed and by leaving, he allowed that to happen (nightmare knew that if he didn’t leave, the ambush would be unsuccessful because the experiments he did on him made him a very skilled fighter, and nightmare needed that for his own gain, but against him he would not win). His family was nowhere to be found and neither were the other soldiers. So in this moment, nightmare physically appeared to him and tried to convince meta knight to join him. But after he refused, he took his eyes… (I’m sorry I don’t know how to describe it but he left him like severely injured like he actually ripped through his face and he was like horribly like lacerated on his face it was really bad and he was blinded like permanently).
Meta knight’s recovery:
He was left there for a while and he would’ve died, if he wasn’t found by two warriors (Jecra and Garlude) that came looking for others after surviving the ambush attack. They had their kids (Joe and Sirica) with them and were preparing things to to leave the planet with anyone they found. When they found him, they carried him into the ship and headed to one of the only peaceful planets left in the universe, Popstar. There, they cared for his wounds and helped him heal from actually being horribly ripped up and yeah.
Evil moment before warp saves him:
(Tw: implied plans of suicide in this part) After Meta knight was mostly recovered, he could only really see light, shadows, and vague shapes. His wounds had started the healing process and he was able to move around, so he left to the very edge of the woods, and he stayed there all day waiting until night. He contemplated the many things he had lost, his family was gone, his health and his vision had deteriorated, and the only life he had ever known turned out to be a lie. He went there in a bad mental state and didn’t think things could get better, so he planned to try and you know… yeah. After standing there for so long he broke down and he started like actually losing is like yelling like you are loud dude… basically just pouring out his heart in that moment of like sadness and confusion and wanting something to change the course of his life.
Warp star and star rod:
Now before I get back to the story I need to explain a little about warp. Warp star is a sentient being like galaxia, and she is also dually the star rod. After being broken, she had to be regenerated again because it’s just a law of nature, she exists with the universe no matter what, so she will always come back even if it’s in a different form. In order for her to be reborn though, she had to heal, and this process took years and years of regeneration. And for her to even be born, she had to choose a star person to be born with and to be her guardian for life, Kirby. This meant they both would rely on each other for power in the beginning stages of life (like how some sharks are born with a yolk sac, both rely on each other to an extent the shark needs food and the sac needs blood flow ☝️🤓). Anyways, Kirby and warp would be born together and that made Kirby her guardian, she is his galaxia.
Okay so remember how I said the wishing system was screwed up because warp wasn’t there to keep it in balance YOULL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENS 😧😧 When Meta knight started pouring out his heart, it was read as a wish, and so Kirby was sent down to him, and he accidentally made a wish.😧 Kirby was born with warp star in his hands and they relied on each other as a source of power. So meta knight found the fallen star and realized exactly what had happened.
Post wish stuff:
After hearing him out in the forest, Jecra and Garlude were able to find him and Kirby and took them back home to be taken care of. They helped him raise Kirby in the beginning stages, and helped fashion a visor to be put in his mask that allowed him to see light and shapes in a little higher definition, which helped him navigate better and see Kirby a little more.
First 5 years:
For the first 5 years in cappytown raising Kirby, things go very smoothly. Meta knight starts training with Kirby in order for him to get his agility and skill back, and hoping that Kirby may learn from him as well. He has learned about Kirby’s copy abilities, and has become a fully involved father in Kirby’s life. (He’s so devoted because while it seemed that this was another stumbling block in his life, it was exactly what he wished for in the sense that he wanted something to happen that would completely change the course of his life) Also in cappytown, Dedede has barely become king and is just now learning to handle the throne (this is important for later)
After 5 years:
After a long and peaceful 5 years living with his son in cappytown, Meta knight received a notice from the GSA notifying former soldiers and warriors that their presence was needed urgently for the next attempt to to defeat nightmare. They claimed that the GSA had made changes to its system to ensure a “safer” environment for people with kids and were convinced that this time they would win against nightmare. Feeling obligated, and also a little hopeful of maybe seeing his family again, he left with Kirby to help the cause.
The issue with the GSA:
After the ambush at the head base of the GSA it seemed that Sir Arthur and the rest of meta knights family had perished during the ambush, but it’s actually all the contrary. When the ambush happened they were able to escape using one of the ships, and they left to one of the only other peaceful planets in the universe, Ripplestar. But because meta knight had left before the ambush, they couldn’t find him, and assumed that he died during the attack as well. So why didn’t they come back to help this second time? Arthur’s leadership in the GSA prevented people from serving that had small children, or people that physically could not serve, and he just had a very good handle on the leadership in the GSA, because he knew that yes the cause was good, but soldiers are still people, not machines. He valued everyone and after the ambush he felt he had failed the GSA in the sense that some fault in his leadership allowed for the ambush to happen, so he resigned his position to take care of his family, and removed himself from the GSA entirely. So what’s the deal with the GSA now? This new system that made the GSA a “safer environment” was really all just propaganda to get as many people to fight for freedom in the universe. And while in theory yes it’s good, like let’s get people to fight for the good, they forgot the importance of valuing each soldier as a person, and they really only just needed numbers. So what they did for people with kids was, they created a ship that would send your kid into space for years, until the war was finally over. The kids would be in cryo sleep the entire time until their ship was programmed to land, and when they landed they would be granted the knowledge of what happened to their family/ parents.
2nd war:
When Meta knight arrived to serve in the 2nd war, he realized what would happen and had no other choice but to rely on the GSA’s technology to protect Kirby. The second way started out promising, but turned out to be the most unsuccessful attempt yet. By pushing their soldiers to the limit, they overworked them and it was just bad. That’s why there were so little survivors in the end.
Let me pose to you this situation okay, we have Garlude, and she is the best warrior okay (it literally says that in the anime) and we have another really good warrior, Meta knight, and they’re both gonna get this legendary sword okay. Logically Garlude would not lose, and she would get the sword right? At least that’s what everyone was thinking right. Anyways, when they get there, they start fighting this monster to get the sword and he gets caught and is about to die, but this gives Garlude an opportunity to grab Galaxia to retrieve it successfully, but through trying to get Galaxia, she finds out the sword was not meant for her, she gets shocked and realizes Galaxia was meant for him. Unfortunately she has no other choice but to grab the sword and use it to help meta knight, because he’s losing really bad. So she sacrifices herself by using the sword to free meta knight, and she’s electrocuted. While this didn’t kill her at first, it made her extremely weak, and vulnerable to the monster, ultimately leading to her demise. So when Meta knight, a great warrior but not the best, comes back with Galaxia but no Garlude, don’t you think rumors would start? I think it’s worth thinking about. This is how Sirica, got the wrong idea about meta knight, and how Nightmare continued reminding Meta knight of his purpose and how he would always be used against the GSA and the warriors no matter what. He was the cause of one of his closest friends’ death.
Jecra’s death was a statement from Nightmare to Meta knight, once again reminding him who he really was. Jecra was kidnapped during an attack by some of nightmares beasts, and he was turned evil by nightmare. Upon returning, meta knight realized exactly what had happened to him and it was like looking in a mirror, he saw what nightmare had planned for him, and desperately tried snapping Jecra out of it, but it didn’t work. Meta knight had no other choice but to go against Jecra in battle. This resulted in him having to kill his only other friend left. Once again making him the cause of his friends’ death. All of because nightmare never wanted him to forget his identity and purpose.
After the second war:
At the end of the second war, most of the warriors in the GSA had died and there were very few survivors, including Meta Knight. He escaped and once again headed to popstar to seek refuge. This is basically where the anime starts
The show is basically what this time was like from Kirby’s point of view, he sees dedede and a scary tyrannical leader and the one that orders the monsters, and everything is very “kids show” through his eyes, which isn’t necessarily how it happened.
King dedede had been king for about 9 years, but his leadership has been questionable, but he was doing everything in his power to keep the peace the cappytown even if it meant doing things that were wrong. King dedede filtered what could and couldn’t be seen by the cappies, basically making them ignorant to the whole war that’s going on. I guess like all of this just to say that the show is like a very kid like depiction of what actually happened.
Kirby returns to popstar:
About a year after meta knight had returned to popstar after escaping, Kirby’s ship crash landed in cappy town. (during this year that meta knight spent in Cappytown by himself, he became very close with tiff, because she was interested in who he really was as a star warrior. She disagreed with King Dededes method of leading, and she actually wanted to know what was going on, so that’s why him and tiff are very close) The whole plot of the anime continues during this time, and since Meta knight had barely returned from such a traumatic war, he felt that he wasn’t capable of taking care of Kirby anymore and that’s why they’re not very close during the show at all.
Even though the show depicts Sirica coming after knuckle Joe, I do what I want and I say she arrived before Joe did. When she arrived we all know what happens we’ve seen the show, she thinks meta knight killed her mother which isn’t true and the show kind of brushes over it, that’s not what happened. After their conflict, he fully describes the story like he zones out and starts retelling everything like it happened and it’s kind of difficult to hear for everyone, but it gives Sirica the reassurance that her mother died a hero and for the greater good. She does not leave right after this, she stays in cappytown for a while, because I don’t think she would leave I think she wants to hear more about her mom and the only guy that knows a lot about her is Mk so it only makes sense.
Similarly to Siricas conflict with meta knight, knuckle Joe comes to cappytown seeking the warrior who killed his father, we know how it goes we’ve seen it. And just like last time after their conflict, he fully retells the story, except this one is particularly more difficult for him to tell, because he actually did kill his father. Since nightmare made him one of his pawns and made him fully evil, meta knight had no other choice but to you know like… yeah. So after zoning out again and telling the story in full detail it’s very difficult for everyone to grasp, knuckle Joe does get the closure he needed, but the people (WHO DIDNT REALLY EVEN KNIW A WAR WAS GOING ON) hear that meta knight actually had a crazy war story and was a crazy fighter, and that’s how this persona of meta knight started being built up even more and people thought of him as like wow so fighter like he’s so noble and so cool. Basically treating him like a fictional character now instead of an actual dude.
Joe and Sirica:
After staying in cappytown for a while, learning about their parents and how they cared for injured soldiers, and were very noble people, they left into space to find survivors from the war, and other star warriors, to help with the final battle against nightmare that would be coming very soon.
KRBAY finale:
As the show nears its end, there’s a bit of foreshadowing that comes from meta knight, where he says Kirby will soon be going up against an even bigger foe, and the next episode starts the finale. That means he knew that Kirby would have to fight nightmare very soon, how did he know that?? Basically nightmare gave him a vision and this was like the worst thing nightmare had in store for him, in that vision he told meta knight that now Kirby would be going up against him whether he liked it or not, and he was going to take what was most important in his life, Kirby. (It’s not like super important to know this but I thought it was cool so i out it in) ANYWAYS, the finale starts and meta knight, sword, blade, Kirby, king dedede, and Tiff (she snuck on board) head into space to fight nightmare. They get there and yeah we all know what happens, and then they get surrounded by a bunch of nightmares ships. And that’s when they notice three of the ships actually helping them out. And then it’s like big reveal, it’s Joe, Sirica, and Sir Arthur and his family WHAAATTTT 😧😧😧 I THOUGHT THEY DIED (that’s his brain)
He kind of disassociates during the rest of this battle just because so much has happened and he knows what going to happen and it’s just a lot, which is why his reaction to seeing his family again is so like 😮 instead of actually freaking out. Ok let’s fast forward to the end okay.
Final battle with nightmare:
Finally we get to this final battle with nightmare, and in the show it depicts tiff being the one that gets taken by nightmare and Kirby goes after her, but I honestly think that it would just be a lot more meaningful if it was meta knight just because this final battle represents his fear of nightmare, controlling his life, and just always being around, so for the sake of this story, I’m changing it to that. Anyways, as Kirby is going after them to save meta knight, this is basically meta knights worst nightmare come true, and his fear is what is fueling nightmare at this very last battle to make him look much bigger and stronger. This is all kind of like a show to make the person fighting him think that they need a huge arsenal to defeat him, when in reality, all they need is the star rod. So at the end when Kirby reveals that he is the guardian of the star rod, that’s how he’s able to defeat nightmare. By using the only thing that could defeat him, he destroyed nightmare forever in an instant. In the show, nightmares defeat is only shown for a very small portion of the entire finale, which I think really drives the point home that nightmare was all show. He played this role of being a huge threat to hide the fact that he had such a big weakness.
Post nightmare’s defeat:
After successfully, defeating nightmare, and nightmare enterprises, everyone returned home safe, and meta knight and Kirby left Cappy town to go and see his family after all these years. They spent about six months visiting and came back to Cappytown after that.
Meta knights revenge:
After returning to Cappy town from visiting his family, he came back to a completely different town. While in many aspects, Cappytown had improved, for example, king dededes leadership, media, and education had improved. Many of the cappies continued to choose to be ingnorant to the efforts of the GSA and basically all the crazy war stuff that had happened. They treated star Warriors as fictional characters to put it bluntly, and didn’t value the freedom that they had even during the wars. One example I can give you of the Cappies ignorance to everything that was going on, is in one of the episodes where they collect little figures of some of the star warriors and soldiers, they collect these figures and don’t even know their actual names. (There was even a collectible of Jecra and like it’s kind of messed up like why are you making a marketable figure of a man that died???) It’s just very representative of how they view star warriors as a whole, just a collectible or a character. So when Meta knight had arrived to Cappy town, the people treated him like he was a celebrity and people fawned over him and made merchandise off of him and it was just really weird. This really irked him, and he kind of lost it, because a couple years ago when he lived there and he was going through things, nobody cared about him except tiff, but now since he’s a “hero” everyone loves him and idolizes him just because he lives in their town. So, his solution? IM GONNA TAKE OVER THIS ENTIRE PLACE AND IM GONNA MAKE THESE PEOPLE STOP BEING SO IGNORANT AND LAZY AND SEE WHAT I AND A BUNCH OF OTHER WARRIORS WENT THROUGH 🐺🐺🐺🐺 (this entire invasion is really just a manic episode, he completely loses it and it’s just all build up from all the crap he’s had to deal with from the cappies) During this time is when we really get to see the true power nightmare gave him though. Similarly to the evil frog thing from that one episode, he goes into this trance like state where all he can do is wreak havoc and he can’t recognize anyone he’s up against. So when Kirby goes to fight him, meta knight doesn’t recognize him, and that’s why he’s so brutal.
After meta knights revenge:
Afterwards, tiff finds him on shore and she is really disappointed. She and him end up talking things over and it’s end up okay but she realizes that he still has very serious issues to deal with. He gets fired from working for dedede, and gets a slap on the wrist but otherwise is fine (dedede didn’t want conflict so he chose this route to keep everyone happy) The people recognize that he’s also a person too, but still idolize him, and honestly this kind of raises his ego. (Until he gets humbled later) After all the games happen up until planet robobot, and that’s when it gets crazy 😧
Susie haltmann:
After being stuck in an alternate dimension since her childhood, Susie finally escapes when a rift is opened, and she finds herself on popstar. (That happens right as Magolor loses and vanishes to that dimension, they like switch spots) With no idea where she is, she steals a star ship from a garage of what seems to be some celebrity or something, idk they had a lot of cars and ships (you’ll never guess who METAKNIGHT OMG yeah) and she heads into space to find her father again. After finding haltmann works, she goes inside to see her father again after all these years, but he doesn’t remember her. Desperately she tries to make him remember, but nothing works. She ends up resorting to being a secretary, hoping maybe one day her father will recognize her again, and plotting to steal the machine that stole her father from her. She’s forced to work in a company she knows is corrupt, just to try to get her dad to remember her.
Planet Robobot:
After getting captured by someone as he entered haltmann works, Meta knight waited in a room for a representative to come talk to him, enter Susie Haltmann. Susie explains a new program called the “Mechanization program”, a new experimental initiative, which gave the person robotic armor that worked with the body to make them more efficient in fighting, and overall just an upgrade to an organic body. Two things to keep in mind though, one, Susie wasn’t really trying to do anything drastic, all she was trying to do was do something big enough in the company to impress her father so that maybe he would remember her, and two, Meta knight had recently (in previous games) been shown to be obsessed with improving his fighting skills, fighting on his own to prove his strength, and proving he’s the greatest warrior ever ( amazing mirror, meta knightmare ultra, etc.) so to him, this program sounded like free plastic surgery to hi so obviously he said yes. Before starting the mechanization process, he had to have a checkup, to make sure his health was up to par, which is how she found out he was blind.
Meta knights’ sight regained:
Before the mechanization started, Susie had to fix his eyes. She replaced them with robotic prosthetics that would help the mecha armor navigate, and after years of being blind, he would finally be able to see again. (His eyes turn yellow permanently after this game so it’s like proof) After surgery, he was extremely overwhelmed, and tried escaping to see Kirby and all his other loved ones, but since he had already signed the contract, she couldn’t let him leave, and the mechanization process continued.
Technically he wasn’t turned into a cyborg, the mechanization process was more like giving the person mechanization armor that moved for them, meaning the person didn’t have to really even move, and the armor would control the person inside. The person inside acted as more of a skeleton. So the armor wasn’t a part of you (like she didn’t rip him apart and replace his entire body with robot ( except for his eyes but she just freaking made him see again so pllplppt)), it was more of an add on. (In the game the armor is completely off by the next cutscene so yeah no it wasn’t crazy cyborg stuff sorry) When he fought Kirby, he unfortunately couldn’t see him yet, because the program in the mech suit completely took over his vision, so he didn’t see Kirby until the very end.
End of robobot:
After fighting star dream and winning, he saved Kirby and they both land safely on popstar once again. Kirby doesn’t realize at first that Meta knight can see him, and meta knight stays very silent for a while taking it all in, but when Kirby finally realizes, it’s really sweet and they hug and cry and it’s just like GHHHHUHHVHJHHH 😢😢😭😭
From this point on, meta knight slows down a lot and stops trying to be insanely like in gonna be the best and I have to be strong and yeah, he retires from being a warrior like that, and spends time taking in what he hasn’t been able to see for almost 20 years.
Meta knight and Susie:
During his mechanization process, he became very good friends with Susie. Since she had just recently come back from an alternate dimension, he was the first person she could talk to, and they both had very similar traumas that they could bond over (losing their family for an extended time, feeling isolated, being related to a very bad person/ being, etc.) and meta knight felt he had, and always would have, an eternal debt to her for giving him his vision back. So there was never really intense conflict between them, they were just friends, until having to be separated at the very end.
After robobot:
After a much needed break, meta knight became a lot more peaceful and appreciated his family and his life a lot more, he finally felt truly happy and optimistic towards life in general. As for Susie, she did continue her fathers legacy by mechanizing different planets and people, but not in the way it seemed. She helped bring clean energy to different planets that needed help after haltmann works damaging their ecosystems, and she provided prosthetics for people who needed them, and helped many people regain their vision and hearing. (The reason why she was made to look like a bad guy is because since the people of popstar found out that she turned THEIR PRECIOUS META KNIGHT into a cyborg, they immediately assumed the worst and twisted her story around to make her look like she was a horrible person like her dad, which was just not true)
Star allies:
Star allies is really when Meta knight and Susie grew close. Finally being able to work on the same team helped them become even better friends, bond over shared experiences, and eventually lead to their relationship. They found someone they could truly talk about their trauma with, and it was just really great all around and it’s just sweet okay they both get their happy ending.
Forgotten land:
During forgotten land, meta knight has truly settled down and retired from his life of fighting like crazy and being crazy fighter
( I mean unless in one of the next games he comes out of retirement but we’ll see) and he focused on the slower life, he settled down with Susie, they wished for a kid, and life is really good. He will always continue to train Kirby, and anyone else, but after years of so many traumatic things happening to him, he’s now able to relax and heal from it all. 😊😊
Mk 25- Kirby is born
Mk 30 K 5- Mk called back to the second war
Mk 34- he comes back to popstar after the second war
Mk 35 K 6- Kirby returns to popstar (Kirby only aged one year during cryo sleep, so he should be 10 but he’s physically)
Mk 37 K 8- when the show ends and they fight nightmare
Mk 38 K 9- when meta knights revenge happens
Mk 44 K 13- when robobot happens
Mk 46 K 15- star allies and forgotten land
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The Tale of Young Fisher (The Little King)
King Fisher Saga (Part 1)
The kingdom of Patchland used to be part of the galaxy's system until Fluff's father (King Fisher) hid it away... And thus, the kingdom of Patchland became a legend. It was a kingdom where poverty didn't exist, no one ever went hungry, and the people were always happy... It had been lost for ages until a certain pink puffball found their way in. (Kirby's Epic Yarn.)
In the past Patchland itself was never really taken seriously...
It was in the far reaches of the galaxy, the place itself was not technologically advanced, the people had absolutely no fighting ability & very little magic ability. The rest of the galaxy could not take the place seriously. (Plus, it was filled with happy-go-lucky yarned people... so yeah, it was seen as a laughing stock... )
It was something King Tulle (Fisher's father) couldn't accept. He tried so hard to get into the galaxy's inner circle (their ver. paraliment)... he was enamored with joining the big leagues. Tulle convinced his people (& son) that this was necessary for the betterment of everyone in the kingdom. No being able to see that the kingdom was fine & prosperous just the way it was.
While Tulle spent his days trying to get accepted into the elites, ignoring his royal responsibilities.... Leaving a young Prince Fisher in charge of carrying out his father's duties. The people of Patchland... felt sorry for the young prince... while Tulle was their king in name, the citizens saw Fisher as their true king. (They knew who was really taking care of them.)
Fisher tried his best to get his father's love & validation by being the dutiful son. He even used all his resources to learn magic (self-taught light mage) in hopes of impressing his father, but he was never going to get it. King Tulle only saw Fisher as his successor... nothing more. King Tulle quite literally died trying... (ignoring his health & well-being).
And thus, it passed down his ambitions to Fisher... who felt that it was his duty to finish his father's unfinished work. Fisher tirelessly studied the culture of other planets & galaxies to find a way to make the Galactic Council see Patchland's worthiness.
Which was difficult because each planet had its own different set of values & virtues he needed something big to please all of them. And realized the one they all had in common was money.
Patchland had an untapped source of raw crystals and materials (cloth & such). Which held a bit of magic in them. So he figured the best way was marketing & trade. He created a series of enchanted fabrics and cloth he'd marked off.
(Ex. capes that would increase HP, a coat of chain mail to increase defense, etc.)
King Fisher was a brilliant businessman; he slowly introduced his product into the galaxy & mapped it out to trickle down to the top. (Basically a self-made man.) Eventually, getting supporters who wanted to move his products, creating the galactic trade route.
Patchland's exports and goods became extremely popular. And now the higher-up planets that once looked down on his little humble star system wanted to trade with them. Causing to sees him & his people to be seen in a new light.
Seeing his homeland as something to be admired, "Wow. Patchland must be a great place..." The people had long accepted that they weren't the most advanced corner of that galaxy (which they were fine with...) But now... the citizens of Patchland feel a sense of pride in themselves.
Fisher felt that this was all the recognition needed; after all those wretched days alone, studying & working on his craft had finally paid off... Seeing the confidence and self-worth it brought to his people... the joy it brought them.
(Navievly Fisher thought "this was what his father was talking about in what the kingdom need... " Well, It wasn't... truthfully Tulle sought glory for himself, while Fisher did it for his people & his father(Tulle)...
Fisher couldn't help but imagine what'd be like once he was able to secure a place in the elite council. The joy it would bring to him and his people... (well, it wouldn't.)
Then, the war with Nightmare broke out & soon, the galactic council & the GSA approached Fisher...They offered him a seat in the government should he choose to get involved and fund their efforts. Raising his kingdom's status (as well as his own), along with turning a profit for his goods to a wider market on a galactic scale. And protection from Nigthmare's forces as well... giving his kingdom top priority! Basically, he became the master of the coin... (Game of Thrones ref.)
He had finally accomplished what his father's dream... But at a cost.
These higher-ups didn't just want his products. The upper crusts of the galaxy were using Fisher's trade route to smuggle goods and would hide them in the fabrics he traded with. And not only that but weapons as well...
When Fisher first raised concerns his colleagues merely said, "This is just how the world works... you wanna fit in don't you..." There was an underlying fear this could all his success easily taken away. He knew far too well that they only valued him & his kingdom could give them.
Foolishly optimistic, he thought, "I'm sure it's for good reason" or "We're in a war, it makes sense..." He had worked so hard for this for so long that he just couldn't risk this. Soon, his passion project... became more of a smuggling operation.
Of course, Fisher felt guilty... at first, but it was all drowned out the more & more he did it. He was enamored and captivated by this new life at the top. Being swayed by their compliments & sweet words, he started willingly to impress his new peers. The praise he was getting (even more than his own father did...), how could he refuse.
Slowly, forgetting the values of virtues and the kind nature of his kingdom. He became jaded, losing his gratification for his work... the more his business became... a business. Back then, Fisher was truly at his happiest when he saw his work bring smiles to others... but now work was just work.
Despite this, Fisher still remained a great king... Some of the people in his kingdom were worried about getting involved with outer planets, but that all changed when the war with Nightmare started... His people weren't fighters... and Nightmare was coming after everyone in the galaxy. Making the citizens of Patchland nervous... they'd be slaughtered for sure! Then, when Fisher presented them with outside protection... with the new title he gained, and all their worries from before vanished.
"Wow, we shouldn't have doubted our king, he knows what he's doing!"
Plus, he had been looking after them since he was a child; Fisher was just doing what he had to for their kingdom.
The people were happy, but they started to notice their king would spend less time in his own home. But every time he did he showed them a (fake) smiling face, and everything was fine: he was just doing fine (he was just dying on the inside). And so the people were blissfully unaware of it all. They were happy, untouched by the war,... not knowing their once good-natured beloved king was lost in the world of the corrupt and greedy.
To be continued...
King Tulle's obsession with getting to the elites comes from a place of wanting to "prove them wrong" mentality. I also wanted to show how (in KBASW)... if your star system was considered unadvanced you're shunned from society.
Named Fluff's grandfather Tulle because... he's a tool.
Fisher's corruption is very similar to the Onceler from the Lorax movie. (And yes, I used Onceler simp in my middle school years... please don't judge.)
A well-meaning, adorkable, sweet boy... becomes a greedy, selfish man who sells his soul & morals to get recognition. But unlike the Onceler... There is no joy in it... become rather lifeless going through the motions. (similar to his Arthurian counterpart Fisher, King during his time of being injured...)
Very much based him on Robin Williams's telling of the Fisher King.
(Plus, I love this movie so much...)
Truthfully, he has the same journey as P.T. from The Greatest Showman. That's why Fisher's Theme is "From Now On."
Fisher learns his lesson just in time... which will be in part two.
(The Grand Escape of King Fisher & the Crowning of a Fool)
Stay Tuned~
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thewriterowl · 4 months
hi just saw this post abt Luke not knowing what a mandalorian is 🤝 din not knowing what a jedi is and even tho i loveeee this trope.. what abt peli! she’s seen a bunch and even cobb knew abt mandalorians… especially since the covert was in a sandy planet coincidentally…. i kinda think that Luke and his uncle and aunt have def seen mandalorians and probably don’t mess w and tell Luke abt how they could be dangerous etc… Luke would def know………..i think…. But!! What do u think?!?? I love ur hcs and fics 💘💘💘
Hello! Oh I would love to do a head-cannon! It feels like it's been a while since I've done one :D
So, I feel that Luke may know the term Mandalorian and/or has seen some of their armor in the city because Tatooine is a big draw for bounty-hunters and on the run criminals. It is something just in the line of his vision but he probably knows little to nothing about them.
We know he was very adventurous and very drawn to those who would hold stories about their time in the stars, but I think with Beru and Owen's protectiveness he wasn't always brave enough to approach others. I still see him as someone who carries guilt a bit and even though he can be a whiny brat at times (especially in his teen years) he doesn't want to do things that are against Owen and Beru's wishes. We know he could've snuck out of that farm (he did it in the comics when he was about 8, I believe, and maybe a few other times) but he truly loved his aunt and uncle and wanted to leave with their approval. He tries to find things out to some degree (as we see about his father) but still seems to hold himself back. So, is he ware of a culture that wears armor and seem to make great bounty-hunters? Very possible. Does he know anything other than that? Nope.
Like it could very well be an equivalent of Din finding out about "magic sorcerers" from the Armorer.
It's honestly funny, cause it's alluded to that Din's Tribe is very traditional and full of stories and history...they have a Vizsla (either adopted or blood related) in their midst...they follow the Way...she is aware of the Darksaber and what it means...I am surprised how little he is aware of Jedi considering there is quite a bit intertwined with them.
But in the end, Din and Luke are just scrambling to fill in the blanks of each other cause they have NO clue.
I think that post could be read of:
Din - "I have no idea what Jedi are."
Luke - "Honestly...I don't fully know either at this point."
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