#little stomp and holler theme for ya
gaytedlasso · 1 year
💛 greetings Elliot! I’ll take one if you’re still doing the mini playlist thing 💐
But of course Jon! Here ya go :)
Broken Bones - KALEO
In Hell I'll Be in Good Company - The Dead South
I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow - The Soggy Bottom Boys
Black Horse and The Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall
link to playlist
send me a 💛 and I'll make you a mini playlist
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shawtygonemad · 3 years
Circle the Drain: Part 1
I'm Not Pretty
Daryl Dixon x Reader
WARNING⚠️: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, sex, mature themes, body image issues, overdose, and basic Walking Dead gore.
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Today just wasn’t my day. My car broke down which made my coworker and I late. It wouldn’t have been too much trouble if our restaurant manager wasn’t a douche. He told us we were getting written up which didn’t put my coworker in high spirits. She frowned and grumbled the entire time I was on the phone with the towing service. They would tow it to the nearest body shop, but it was going to cost most of my paycheck. Then I’d have to pay for the repairs on top of it! I don’t know how I was going to be able to afford to pay my rent after this. 
Thankfully the tow truck offered us a ride to the body shop as well. At least that was a plus. Kayla complained the entire way there. I sighed when I got out of the truck. It was going to be a long day if everything kept up like it was. The door chimed as we walked in through the front entrance. The waiting area and front desk were surrounded by windows that overlooked the parking lot. Behind the front desk you could see the shop where cars were being worked on. The sound of drills filled the air along with the smell of metal and oil. The man working on the car that was up in the air glanced at us at the chime. 
“Dixon! Could ya get that,” he hollered over the noise. 
A few moments went by before a man rounded the corner while wiping his hands on a stained rag. The first thing I noticed was how attractive he was. Maybe not conventionally, but I was instantly drawn to him. He had short dirty blonde hair with a matching goatee. His baby blue eyes landed on us as he approached. Instantly, I felt self-conscious of myself as I usually did around people I found attractive. I wasn’t pretty or skinny like other girls they were usually with. I was definitely nowhere near as good looking as my coworker Kayla. Which is why I prepared myself to hardly get the attention of this man while I talked to him. In most cases they would half listen to me talk while they stared and smiled at whoever I was with. 
“Can I help ya,” he grunted. 
“Uh yeah,” I started off, nervous. “I was the one who called in earlier - about the car being towed…” I trailed off. 
“Overheated engine, right,” he confirmed. 
“Yes,” I agreed. 
“Alright, I’ll take a look,” he said as he grabbed a notepad and pen. “What’s yer name?”
“Y/N L/N,” I told him. 
“Phone number?”
“P/N,” I rattled off to him. 
“Mind hangin’ out around here for ‘bout 15 minutes while I take a look,” he asked. 
“Sure,” I said, a little bashful for having his full attention the entire time. 
Kayla sighed beside me as the man walked away. She didn’t want to wait around for this stuff to happen. If we weren’t going to work then there were plenty of other things she wanted to go and do. I gruffly told her that if she wanted to leave so bad then she should call someone else to come give her a ride. This caused her to stomp her way outside and end up on the phone trying to find someone else to pick her up. I shook my head annoyed while I took a seat. Without realizing it I had taken the seat that had a front row view of the back area, and the man taking a look at my car.
Just the way he moved and worked had me captivated. My friends always joked that I had a thing for blue collar workers. I couldn’t help that they were some of the most hard working people out there. A man who worked hard, knew how to fix things, and wanted to be my equal was something I had always fantasized about. There was also something extra sexy about a man who knew his way around a car. 
I must have been spacing out for a while because the man soon approached me. My head lifted when he stood in front of me. 
“So what’s the damage, doc,” I lamely joked. 
The man smirked at it before speaking. “Ya had a coolin’ system failure which caused the engine to overheat. Yer lucky ya pulled over when ya did. That’s what saved the engine.”
“So it’s fixable,” I asked, hopeful. 
“‘S’real simple. I can have ‘er done in ‘n’ hour,” he told me. 
“What’s the cost…” I hesitantly asked. 
The man quickly threw a glance over his shoulder before turning back to me. 
“This one’s on me,” he told me in a quieter tone. Probably not so loud that he’ll get in trouble for giving away free services. 
My heart skipped a beat at his kindness. This was something that I couldn’t accept though. 
“Oh no! Please, I can pay,” I stuttered out. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“Won’t be no problem,” he reassured me. 
“Please, I would feel horrible if you did this and got reprimanded for it,” I practically begged. His kindness was flattering, but my conscience was getting to me. 
“What’s yer address? ‘M off at 3 and can take yer car to yer place ‘n’ fix it there if it would make ya feel better,” he offered. 
“This is so kind of you, really. I do appreciate it, but you don’t have to go through all this hassle just for me,” I flustered out. 
Instead of answering he just kind of stared at me with expectancy. He was waiting for me to give him my address. This made my heart thump irrationally. Why was he being so nice to me? It wasn’t like I was some gorgeous babe who was given things for free because of her looks. There had to be more to this. However, the longer those baby blue eyes stared at me the quicker my resolve happened. It was like there was a force inside of me that couldn’t say no. That’s what caused me to quickly spill out my address to him as he wrote it down on the notepad. 
“Need me to call ya a ride,” he asked as he looked up from the pad. 
“Oh gosh, no! Thank you. You’ve done more than enough. I don’t live too far from here so I can just walk,” I bashfully told him. 
For the rest of the day that is all I could think about. I was going to have this handsome man coming over to my apartment to fix my car for free. I still couldn’t understand why he would do that. He must want something. The thought of him going through all of this trouble for free made me feel horrible. I had to do something for him. Maybe I could bake for him. Who doesn’t love sweets! I also had some alcohol leftover from a few weekends ago. I could make him some drinks while he worked. Hopefully he liked hard stuff. That’s basically all that I drank. 
My emotions about this upcoming event seemed to be in constant rotation. I was excited to get to hang out with someone other than my coworkers for once. Then I would kill my hopes and remind myself that he was just here to work. But he was doing this for me for free, so perhaps he did want to hang out with me? Then my anxiety about how I looked kicked in. I had to keep telling myself that this wasn’t a date, but I still wanted to look good. I was having some hot guy over! Of course I wanted to look my best and as attractive as possible. My outfit was changed a number of times over the hours due to me not liking how they fit on me. I wanted to feel comfortable and beautiful. Unfortunately, today just wasn’t one of those days where I felt that. 
Around 3 o’clock is when I officially became a nervous wreck. I wasn’t sure what to expect exactly. As I got things ready I kept looking out the window waiting for him. What if he doesn’t show up? What if this was all a joke? It seemed too good to be true. What good looking man would offer to fix my car for free? Even offer to bring it to my place and fix it here! Only now did I start to realize how much of a fool I was. 
The sound of an engine was heard from outside. I peered out the window to see a white truck towing my sad little car behind it. It was him! He was actually here and followed through on his promise. Excitement bubbled back up in me again. I grabbed the tray of brownies, a pitcher of the mixed drink, and some plastic cups. As I went out to greet him he was already unhooking my car into an empty spot. Carefully, I placed the items on a nearby picnic table before approaching him. 
“Hi,” I smiled as I approached. 
“Hey,” he replied. “I should have this done within an hour.”
“Please take your time,” I reassured him. “And uh, I don’t think I ever caught your name.”
“Oh,” he bashfully said. “‘M Daryl.”
“Daryl,” I smiled, liking the sound of his name on my tongue. “Thank you again for doing this. I really appreciate it. I made some brownies and drinks for your troubles.”
“Ya didn’t have to do that,” he blushed, but quickly hid it by digging through his truck for his tools. 
“Well, you didn’t have to tow my car all the way here and fix it for free, but you are anyway,” I chuckled. “I’ll go pour you a glass.”
“Thanks,” he softly said before popping the hood. 
I returned with his cup and passed it to him. “I hope you didn’t have any plans.”
“Trust me, I’d much rather be here than at home, alone,” he told me as he took another sip. That made butterflies flutter in my stomach. “How about you?”
“No. Technically I’m supposed to be at work,” I chuckled. “If i’m being honest, I’ve kinda been looking forward to this all day.”
I’m not sure where the sudden boldness came from. Perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe the fact that I felt like I could tell this guy anything. He glanced over at me from the engine with a raised eyebrow. 
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Blood flushed to my cheeks as he gave me a quick once over. “Yeah,” I stuttered, suddenly losing all of the courage I just had. 
“Don’t know why. I ain’t nothin’ special,” he mumbled as he went back to pulling a plug from the car. 
“You shouldn’t say that about yourself,” I told him. That was one thing I hated most - people talking down on themselves. Even though I was a hypocrite and did it to myself all the time. “I’m sure you’re a great person.” This caused Daryl to scoff. “I’m serious! I can already tell that you have a heart of gold. I mean, you hardly even know me and yet here you are helping me out.”
“Wasn’t just gonna let a pretty girl get overcharged and scammed for a quick fix,” he offhandedly said. 
This made me pause and just stared at him in confusion. Normally, I’m not the one receiving the compliments, so this threw me into a shock. He must have felt my eyes on him.
“What,” he asked. 
“Nothing. It’s just… I don’t normally get compliments. Especially being called pretty,” I mumbled. 
“Why not,” he sounded actually confused. 
“Because I’m not pretty,” I told him like it was obvious. 
He looked at me like I had grown a second head or something. 
“Yer kiddin’,” he asked. “I think yer gorgeous.”
This caused my face to redden even further. I wasn’t sure if it was from the flattery of the compliment, or the shameful embarrassment that this could all just be a joke. 
“Why,” I breathed out. “Just look at me.”
“Do ya really think I’m shallow enough to think that different sizes can’t be beautiful,” he asked while bringing his full attention to me. “Cause ‘m not.”
“I’m.. uh.. I don’t know what to say,” I breathed out, speechless. And when I thought this man couldn’t get anymore perfect. 
However, it was his turn to become self-conscious. “But I get it if yer not into someone like me.”
“Someone like you,” I asked, taken aback. “What do you mean?”
“I’m a no good redneck who’s workin’ at a dead end job and is barely even educated. Not to mention I’m a Dixon,” he said like it left a bad taste in his mouth. 
“None of that bothers me,” I told him as I placed a hand on his arm, to which he slightly flinched. 
“Not even if I’m a Dixon,” he asked. 
“I’ve actually never met a Dixon, so you’re the first. I moved here a couple months ago, so I’m completely unbiased to whatever comes with your last name,” I smiled at him. 
“Ya have no idea how happy you just made me,” he gave a small smile.
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Part 2
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shyvioletcat · 5 years
Roommates pregnancy au but it's *Halloween themed*
Am I getting this in by the skin of my teeth? Is it still Halloween in places? I had planned to do it earlier today but it was either write or nap, and nap won.
For the sake of spoilers this happens before the incident but I still hope you enjoy it.
Masterlist for roommate pregnancy au
For the fifth time in 10 minutes there was a knock on the door followed by a muffled call of ‘trick or treat’. Rowan sighed angrily at the intrusion but Aelin swept by behind him towards the front door almost gleefully. “Hi, guys,” Aelin said opening the door. “Wow you all look amazing. Have some candy.” She said the same thing every time she opened the door. Rowan doubted it was actually true. Rowan hadn’t wanted to do Halloween, he wanted to leave the door unadorned and maybe even a no candy sign but Aelin had insisted. After a pretty heated discussion they’d come to a compromise. The door would be decorated and candy would be given out but Aelin had to do it all, Rowan would have no part in it. She also had to take down the decorations before leaving for whatever party she’d be attending tonight, because once she was gone he was not going to be handing anything out. Aelin ran back to her room, obviously to get ready. Rowan went back to his TV show, blocking everything else out. Then before he knew it there was another knock. Rowan paused the TV waiting for the flourish of noise, but Aelin didn’t come out.
“Can you get that one?” Aelin called from her room. “No,” he said back, scrolling aimlessly through his phone, waiting for quiet. “Please?” “That wasn’t the deal,” Rowan called back. The kids knocked again and hollered trick or treat a little louder. “I really don’t want to answer the door to a group of children with my boobs out so could you please get this one,” Aelin practically yelled at him. “Not my problem!” Rowan yelled back. There was an exasperated sound and then stomping and the banging of Aelin’s door being flung open. Rowan turned to see the solution to Aelin’s problem. She’d thrown on a loose sweater, arms folded over her chest. Aelin went through her ritual and closed the door a little harder than she usually did. And then glared at Rowan. “I don’t see a problem,” Rowan said meeting her stare. “The problem is that I had my hair done and was about to put on my dress, but I had to put something on so I didn’t answer the door half naked but didn’t want to disappoint the children so I chucked on the first thing I could find. Which was this. Which ruined my hair.” Rowan looked at her hair, he hadn’t noticed but Aelin had done something to make it look paler, almost white and the braids she had done were now loose and askew. “Well better get to it before there’s another knock,” Rowan said as he resumed his show. As Aelin went past she hissed, “Prick.” The next activity at the door wasn’t a knock from trick or treat-er, but Aedion arriving to pick Aelin up. “Hey man,” Aedion said as he closed the door behind him, he was dressed at Thor, cape and everything. “Hey,” Rowan said back. Despite his less that cordial relationship with Aedion’s cousin, Rowan and Aedion were quite good friends. “Aelin, hurry up!” Aedion called from the kitchen before inspection the fridge. “Shut up Aedion!” Aelin called back. There was a knock on the door and Aedion went to answer it. As he opened it there were audible gasps and a few ‘whoas’ as the kids took Aedion in. “Are you really Thor?” One kid asked. Aedion didn’t miss a beat. “Yes.” There were giggles and squealing then the door was closed. Rowan himself went to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge, as he turned to head back to back to his spot on the lounge Aelin emerged. She was in a dress that had a white pleated skirt that hung low on her hips, it was attached by pieces of what looked like blue leather that crossed over her chest and then fanned out to created a small sleeve. The cups of the dress were the same colour of the skirt but textured to look like dragon scales. The way the dress was cut left Aelin’s sides bare and a diamond cut out over her taut stomach. She was dressed as Daenerys Targaryen. Lorcan’s most often used nickname for his roommate came to Rowan’s mind. Fire-breathing bitch queen. “Put a coat on,” Aedion said from his position by the door. “Don’t be a prude,” Aelin snapped back. “I’m not, its freezing outside,” Aedion said. Aelin sighed. “Ugh fine.” Aelin disappeared back into her room and Rowan heard Aedion step up beside him. Then there was a swift slap to the back of his head. “What – ” Rowan’s hand was immediately over the hurt. Aedion gave him a look. “That’s my cousin. Don’t even go there.” “I didn’t…” but Rowan stopped. Yeah, he had to admit he had been checking her out. Aedion’s look turned knowing. “Alright lets go,” Aelin said with her coat over her arm. She went straight for the door not bothering with goodbyes. Aedion followed Aelin out with a ‘see ya’. With the apartment now to himself Rowan resumed his evening of TV watching. He’d just settled into the perfect spot when there was a knock on the door. Rowan sat up. She didn’t… Aelin had left the decorations up on the door, no doubt on purpose as petty payback from him not getting the door while she was getting ready. Rowan groaned as he got up to answer the door, he put the candy in the bags before the kids even had a chance to say their line, and then he was ripping off the paper pumpkin cut outs and fake spider webs. The kids looked at him a little startled but then ran off to the next door. With the decorations under his arm Rowan stormed to Aelin’s room and scattered them over her bed for her to deal with when she came in wasted at whatever ungodly hour she got in. If she wanted to be petty about this it was fine, so could he.
I know its kinda technically not part of the main story but I’ll tag everyone anyway.
@fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleeping-and-books // @average-girl-at-best // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @ttakeitbacknoww // @tswaney17 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @rowaelinforeverworld // @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter // @they-call-me-cuatro // @musicmaam // @secret-lil-rendez-vous // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @princess-galathynius // @heroesofterrasen // @ladyofstoriesandmusic // @tothestarswholisten // @chemicha // @therapeuticrambling // @mydarlingfireheart // @mybbyfeyre // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @amitynotpity // @loysydark // @queenophelia // @empire-of-wildfire // @crackedship // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @notaddictedtoanything // @sierrareads // @lowhangingtreebranches //
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
Could I request a Nami and Bepo friendship fic with the theme "Mittens," please? I'd just love a cute fic starring my two favorite navigators!
Here it is, lovely! I threw some dashes of LawNa in there just because I know you love them so much LOL. Thanks for the wonderful prompts and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
EDIT: This lovely image was drawn by @searchfortheonepiece whom from this moment forth has all my love and affection. 
Even Polar Bears Need Mittens, Too!
Nami was painfully aware of two things upon waking up that morning. Dirst, the ordinarily comfortable warmth of her bedroom had been replaced by a bitter, breath-fogging chill. Second, the soothing rocking motion of the waves beating upon the Thousand Sunny was eerily absent. Panicked, she threw the covers off herself. She immediately hissed in displeasure and flung the warm, soft blanket back on as the winter air leaped forward to dig into the sensitive bare flesh of her legs with eager teeth. 
She rubbed her palm over her legs to find that goosebumps had already sprouted. Treading more carefully this time, she gathered the comforter around her body to serve as a fluffy shield from the cold and eased out of bed. She hopped around, not wishing to touch the icy wooden floors with her bare feet for too long until she found the slippers she always kept at her bedside. 
After a few minutes of digging, she was able to procure a set of winter gear— slim-fitting, dark jeans, black combat boots, a maroon knitted sweater, a black overcoat inlaid with ginger faux fur, and a pair of maroon gloves with a matching beanie complete with a black pom-pom. Dark colors absorbed the sunlight better and made Nami’s tresses of tangerine hair pop all the more (because a girl always had to consider her image!). 
She walked out into the hall, and it was no wonder it was so cold. Snow flurries buried themselves into her hair, decorating her like glitter, while others spiraled down the current into the hall to flutter lazily down to the iced-over wooden floors. Shivering, she carefully walked up the icy steps out onto the Thousand Sunny’s main deck.
The Grand Line’s unpredictable weather patterns had struck again; the Sunny looked like it had ventured into the Arctic. Snow was steadily falling from the cloudy heavens. It had piled up on the deck about half a foot deep and decorated the balustrade in a fluffy layer. Everything else was completely encased in a sheath of fine, crystalline ice. It wove fern-like patterns within the glass windowpanes, the only reference to the green world in this universe of white and gray and blue.
“Zoro?” she called as she tromped through the snow. Sinking up to her calves, Nami had to take extra-large steps to keep from tripping in the thick icy fluff. The swordsman was often awake in the wee hours of the morning. Yet, he was usually taking an early morning nap around the time the others were awakening, and Nami knew that the dense man could easily sleep through a snowstorm and awaken with hypothermia or frostbite— if he didn’t just wake up a solid blue corpse. 
Thankfully, it seemed the chill had roused him plenty. He came stomping through the snow dressed in a coat, though the lout insisted on keeping his chest bared to the unforgiving winter’s bite. Sanji, with a small snow shovel propped on his shoulder and wearing a blue winter coat lined with cotton, came tromping along after him.
“Nami-swan! Please tell me you know when this damn blizzard is gonna end!” 
“Why does that matter? We can just sail out of it,” Nami shrugged. 
“Not exactly,” Zoro grunted and gestured to the railing of the ship. Nami sloughed through the snow until she got to the edge of the boat and immediately groaned in annoyance. The sea was frozen over in a solid block of ice. Even if they attacked it with pickaxes and tried to coax the Sunny to the faint line of warm blue water hovering at the ice’s edge, it would take days to do so. Nami grimaced at the thought. Who knows how long that’ll take, and it’s cold as balls out here! 
“Guess we’ll just have to suffer,” she moaned. Raucous laughter at the end of the deck caught her attention; she turned to see Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy gathering up little handfuls of snow and flinging them in each other’s faces. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth; they were idiots sometimes, but it always did do her heart good to see them having some good plain fun.
“Hey, why don’t you make us all some hot chocolate?” she called to Sanji. “I’ll see if Law is okay in the submarine, too.” 
While the cook tossed heart eyes her way and dashed off to cater to her whim, Nami walked the edge of the boat until she reached the place that the Polar Tang moored against the Sunny.
After the business in Wano, the Straw Hats and Heart Pirates’ alliance had decided to appreciate their company a little longer (which was more Luffy’s doing than Law’s). Franky had rigged up a handy contraption to allow the submarine to the Sunny without damaging it when they were fully underway, and by combining the natural sailing capability with the submarine’s engine, they had improved their speed by fifty percent as well. 
“Law? Hey, are you guys popsicles in there?” she called as she climbed down the set of ladder rungs leading to the submarine. The soles of her boots striking the surface of the uppermost deck made dull clunking noises. She walked across the deck to the door, preparing to knock, but was startled when it was suddenly thrust open. She instinctively jumped backward.
She pinwheeled as she lost her balance and tipped back, but before she could land on her behind, the submarine’s captain grabbed her firmly by the elbow and hooked his foot under one of hers to brace her. He held her up by the strength of one arm, which brought a hint of rose to Nami’s cheeks and reminded her once more of how strong Law was even though he hid all his muscles under that long coat of his.
“Careful, Nami-ya. I wouldn’t want you hitting that pretty head of yours.” 
Nami’s relationship with Law was an interesting one; one never knew what would come out of their mouths, whether it be purred compliments or insulting jibes. They yipped at each other like a couple of cunning foxes in a perpetual game that dangerously bordered on courtship; it was not uncommon that their words and looks mirrored those of two individuals in a saucy game of “hard-to-get.” 
Sure enough, his mouth curled in that undeniable smirk that just begged Nami to retort with some minxy jibe, but with the persistent cold seeping beneath her coat to nibble at her skin, she decided to save it. Using Law’s grip as a bracer, she straightened herself up and ensured that she had a solid stance on the ice. It was only then that she could get a good look at him and see that he too was not immune to the brisk weather, as he had zipped his coat up to hide his sprawling tattoos and had white gloves on his hands. 
“So, I imagine that we won’t be escaping this climate anytime soon,” he guessed with one glance at the surrounding ice.
“Nope.” She glanced up at the sky to analyze the speed of the clouds. “The system is moving pretty slowly, so I guess that we’ll be trapped in this ice storm for at least a few days or so.”
“Damn… It’s taking our heating system all it can to keep all the metalworks from freezing over…”
Before the two of them could exchange any more words, a snowball exploded in Law’s face and sent him shooting back into the depths of the Polar Tang. The furry bulk of the arriving Bepo provided a soft landing, thankfully. Nami made no attempt to stifle her laughter as the Surgeon of Death came stalking back out, shaking snow out of his face and hair. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who had flung it at him, either. “Straw Hat-ya, you imbecile, now is not the time for games!”
“Trafalguy! Come have a snowball fight with us!”
“Did you not hear me?!”
“A snowball fight?! We wanna play!” came the simultaneous chiming of Penguin and Shachi from the entryway, and Law let out a strangled urk! as the two boys muscles past him to scamper out onto the deck of the Polar Tang. They slid around on the ice like a couple of buffoons for a few minutes trying to reach the ladder, eventually resorting to easing over on their hands and knees.
“Aw, come on, Law, they’re just having fun. We might as well play in the snow; there’s nothing better to do,” she smiled as she listened to his crewmates’ raucous hoots and hollers of laughter drift down from the Thousand Sunny with the occasional stray snowball.
“I don’t play, Nami-ya.”
“Law! Will you come build a snowman with me?” 
As Chopper’s innocent sing-song voice preceded his little furry form and hopeful eyes peeking over the railing of the Sunny, Nami watched Law’s body stiffen. He flushed pink and pulled down his hat, mumbling under his breath for a moment, before he thickly called up, “I’m coming, Chopper-ya…” 
Nami chuckled heartily as she watched Law Room himself up beside Chopper, who jumped up and down and hugged his arm elatedly. Not even the Surgeon of Death can say no to our sweet little Chopper.
The navigator turned her head as the polar bear Mink abruptly addressed her.
“What’s up, Bepo?” His watery black eyes could not bear to meet hers but flickered downward to train on the intricate icy patterns adorning the wood. His nails clicked lightly as he tapped them together in a nervous fidget. “Would you mind teaching me more about maps?” 
Nami blinked slightly in confusion. In the time that the two crews had spent together, the talented cartographer had been sharing her knowledge of maps with him. Still, she wasn’t sure why he wanted to do such an everyday activity when the opportunity to do something new and fun had presented itself.
“Wouldn’t you like to come play in the snow with us, Bepo?” she suggested with a bright smile. The poor thing couldn’t blush, but she could tell that he was embarrassed from the way he flattened his ears to his head and twitched his massive body.
“I can’t… My paws get cold.” 
Nami had no idea how a polar bear’s paws could freeze but considering the circus troupe of colorful people she sailed with, anything was possible. 
“Everyone else can play just fine because they have mittens, but we’ve never been able to find any in my size,” he lamented while holding up his clawed paws. Naturally, no market would sell mittens for a bear. Poor thing! He doesn’t deserve to have to sit out while everyone else has fun! Nami thought as a pang of pity pierced her heart. She grinned brightly and reached up to grab one of his furry paws with both of her hands.
“Don’t worry, Bepo! Come with me. I’ll whip up some mittens for you!” she assured him before whirling on her heel and pulling him across the deck of the Polar Tang. The bear just silently shuffled along behind her. 
She trekked back through the snow covering the spacious deck of the Sunny. It was falling so heavily that the small trench she had produced just a few minutes ago had already largely filled, forcing Nami to track a new path through the thick fluff. The layer had already thickened up to her knees. Nami pulled out her Climatact to help shovel the snow to wither side to help clear her way, but only with marginal improvement; very soon, her arms were aching. 
“Jeez! You wouldn’t think snow would be so heavy. I’ll have to get Franky to shovel some of this stuff off before our deck collapses!” she panted. Bepo, despite his bulk, seemed to have no problem pushing through the snow; after a moment of watching her struggle, he let out a nervous mumble before lightly tapping her on the shoulder. Nami paused to turn around, leaning on her Climatact for support. His tiny ears fluttered, and his little nails clicked together as he considered something silently for a moment. Then, to Nami’s surprise, he leaned down to pull her gently into his big furry arms.
“U-um, I thought it would be easier this way…” he admitted shyly while scratching the side of his head with one claw. Nami beamed, wrapped her slim arms around his thick neck, and nuzzled her nose into his fluffy cheek.
“How considerate! Thank you, Bepo.” She felt the bear’s skin warm as he did the Mink equivalent of blushing, and his words were an incoherent gush of mumbles. Feeling a burning gaze, Nami glanced over her shoulder to see Law staring intently from across the deck. 
“Jealous?” she called over while sticking out her tongue. Law snorted in derision and pulled his hat down over his face, but Nami could see the haze of pink over his cheeks. “Don’t worry, Law, I’m sure Bepo would carry you too if you asked him!” she laughed while rubbing the top of Bepo’s head through his hat.
“Ugh, Nami-ya, that’s not what I—” he snapped at her, then flushed further. Grumbling under his breath, he whirled around to instead re-focus his energy on the half-finished snowman that Chopper was molding with his hooves. Nami laughed mischievously again before looking back at the polar bear, who was just trying to pretend that Nami hadn’t been so boldly flirting with his captain.
“Mittens, right? Let’s go!”
Bepo carried her the last leg across the deck in record time. He gently set her down on the steps once they arrived, and Nami carefully picked her way down them, holding one hand against the frosty wall to aid her balance. She would hate to ungracefully slip and tumble down the stairs to earn herself a bruised bottom or sprained ankle on a day that promised a lot of fun. 
She led Bepo to her and Robin’s room. His massive frame barely was able to squeeze through the threshold, and he took up a large amount of space, requiring Nami to navigate around him as she searched her belongings for old clothes that she could retrofit into a pair of mittens for him.
“I’m sorry if I’m in the way…” he sighed apologetically and resorted to his nervous tick again. Nami smiled brightly up at him as she rifled through one of her trunks of sweaters.
“There’s nothing to apologize for, Bepo. You’re never a bother!” It was no secret that he was a little insecure, and so Nami always tried to do her best to encourage him. He smiled shyly and shuffled his feet, indicating that Nami’s compliments were warming him a little. 
“Ah-ha!” she cried merrily as she procured a lovely yellow wool sweater patterned with black stripes. “It’ll match your jumpsuit, too!” she grinned as she poked at the jolly roger emblazoned on the fabric as she passed him. She walked over to a small sewing machine situated on a table in the corner. 
With how much Nami loved clothes and saving money, she of course knew how to sew, and with the boys tearing their clothes to shreds all the time, she had invested in the small machine to make quick work of the many repair jobs. Bepo lumbered over to stand over her shoulder to watch her work, ears fluttering in curiosity; smiling, Nami leaned back so that he could observe her handiwork.
“You’re going to make mittens from that sweater?”
“Mhmm. There’s no sense in letting this fabric just collect dust,” Nami nodded as she cut out the patterns of the mittens using a large pair of shearing scissors. Tossing the rest of the fabric aside into a little basket for later use, she turned on the sewing machine and put the fabric in place. She felt Bepo release an awed breath over her shoulder as the needle began punching thread into them at high speeds. 
Nami’s nimble fingers guided the fabric to form the seams. In no time at all, she had produced one bear-sized pair of mittens, complete with holes in the fingertips so his claws wouldn’t shred the fabric. His ears flattened to his head as she whirled around in her little stool to hold them up. “Here you go! Try those on.” He very gently took the mittens in his paws before slipping them on, pushing his claws through the added holes and flexing his hands experimentally. He then gave Nami a huge smile that crinkled his already small eyes.
“Thank you, Nami! They’re wonderful! Now I can play in the snow too!” he rejoiced and jumped from foot to foot. Nami giggled and stood up from her chair.
“I’m so glad you like them.” 
“Nami! Will you make snow angels with me?!”
“Of course!” She grinned, then gasped in alarm as Bepo suddenly took off to squeeze out of the doorway and hurry up the steps. “Hey! Not so fast; you’ll fa—” 
She heard a startled yelp followed by a series of rapid thunks that could only be the polar bear Mink tumbling down the stairs. 
She exhaled deeply with a wan smile, shaking her head before walking out to see if he was all right. She found him on his back at the base of the steps in the process of rolling over; it seemed the fall didn’t do much, as he immediately scrambled back to his paws and went shambling up the stairs with an excited, impatient, “Come on, come on!”
“I’m coming!” she assured with another laugh and carefully followed him back up to the winter wonderland that the Sunny had become. For the next several days, the two crews busied themselves with all sorts of winter revelry, and Bepo made sure he showed everybody the marvelous mittens that the gracious Nami had made for him…
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Welcome to the Neighborhood - Chapter 3/ The Baby Shower - Drakgo Fiction
@sweet-or-sarcastic // @anavrp // @sophiecooper18 // @random-emerald-thoughts // @benjimators // @marvelousavengfulslytherin // @littlevirago // @evielovesfood // @dianenguyenbjh // @brianaisontheinterwebs // @saultnpeppah // @poisonivy123 // @dragonrider167 // @dangerouswxmen // @galevwide // @disneyevilprincessblog
Shego was nearing the end of her pregnancy when she finally conceded to having a baby shower thrown for her.
She still felt self-conscious and uncomfortable about being pregnant. She never really wanted kids or imagined she would have kids until things got serious with Drakken. Shego felt like pregnancy wasn’t in her nature, but there she was, seven and a half months pregnant with a baby girl to be named Rhea.
Just as uncomfortable as she was mentally, she was physically. Shego wasn’t sure she could go through this again. Just because she didn’t have a period didn’t mean she didn’t bleed from somewhere else! More than once she had to deal with a nose bleed and even her gums bled at one point! She was still nauseous and always hot. She felt as big as a house. She hated it! She hated being pregnant! If anyone thought she was caustic before…
Her work life may be the only thing that was faring well in her eyes. Just around her third month, Shego was granted maternity leave. Her job was too dangerous for a pregnant woman. Thus, she went back to her old stomping grounds, substitute teaching. And okay, maybe this time around she enjoyed the littler kids more than the older.
Shego often caught herself wondering about the child growing inside her when substituting for the lower grades. She liked the way one student had her hair done and would have to remember it for Rhea. She wondered if Rhea would be the bubbly little girl with bright eyes or the quiet reader with a thirst for words. Inevitably, she would run into trouble makers whose parents let them get away with far too much and say to herself Rhea will not be like that.
Jill and Savannah, her longest friends, constantly pestered Shego about letting one of them throw her a baby shower. Shego never saw the point of a shower. Rhea had everything she needed already, and everyone (that Shego wanted) would be at the hospital when she was born. A shower felt like she was showing off she was pregnant and felt greedy to her.
Then, her own mother took things into her hands. Shego literally received an invitation to her own baby shower in the mail.
It wasn’t that Shego was estranged from her mother like she was her father. On the contrary, they spoke daily, and she had an amazing relationship with her mother. Her mother, Kate, simply knew her daughter well enough to know that if there was to be a shower, she’d have to take it into her own hands. With the help of Jill, Savannah and her son-in-law, the shower was planned behind Shego’s back. The only thing Shego did for the shower was to make a post on the neighborhood Facebook group to warn everyone that the neighborhood may be a bit crowded car-wise but that she would make sure it wouldn’t be an issue. Yeah, she may be a former villain, but she hated it when people were inconsiderate.
Shego sighed and admitted defeat. Apparently, Drew wanted to throw one and Rhea was just as much his as she was hers and Shego couldn’t deny him anything.
The guest list was short. Just the parents to be, Jill, Savannah, Kate and Drakken’s mother, Miriam. Shego’s brothers were invited, but none wanted to risk getting their heads bitten off by their hormonal sister for not using a coaster.
Kate also knew her daughter well enough to know that Shego would be unlikely to participate in any games or activities that weren’t Cards Against Humanity or something just as politically incorrect. She herself conceded, planning a simple dinner and gifts party, though she was willing to bet she could get Drew to bob for pacifiers.
Shego did allow decorations which matched the theme of Rhea’s nursery; Starry Night by Van Gogh. Her room was painted deep blue with gold stars and glitter in the paint and fairy lights. The motif spread out into the living room with blue and gold crepe paper and streamers.
Kate did make her daughter wear a plastic tiara and sash for the party which Shego only put up a minor fuss about. She bribed Stephanie with the promise of a full month of early morning childcare for Rhea’s first month of life in Stephanie wore them.
Just as dessert was about to be served, there was a knock at the door. Drakken and Shego stood to answer the door, with Kate behind them. Shego peaked out a nearby window and sighed.
“Who’s that?” Kate asked.
Shego groaned, “Our annoying neighbor, Janice. She tries to get us to go to church with her, like, every Sunday.”
“I’ll take care of her,” Drakken said, his napkin still tucked into his collar, before he opened the door.
“Hello, Janice. We’re in the middle of our baby shower. Can we do this later?” He asked, eager to get back to the table a second helping. He noticed Jill eying the last dinner roll and she noticed that he noticed.
“Oh, it won’t take long,” Janice said as the party gathered behind the once evil doctor and sidekick. “I saw your post on the Facebook and thought I should bring over my homemade lemon squares!” Janice beamed. Drakken wasted no time in grabbing one for each hand and chomping down, “I make them with Youthful Essential Oil’s lemon oil!”
Drakken grimaced once the taste got to him, “Tastes like perfume. Why not use the actual lemon?”
Janice’s face deflated, she clearly never thought of that.
Drakken kept eating, “Yeah, these are terrible.” He started smacking like a toothless duck and grimacing at the taste but continued taking bites. “They taste like my grandma’s perfume.”
Savannah took a tiny piece and gagged, “It tastes like literal bile!” She said with her hand over her mouth.
Mama Lipsky shoved herself between her son and Shego. “Ya gotta get lemons from the orchard off highway 51.”
“Well, I don’t know what is sprayed all of those lemons. Pesticides and such.” Janice argued, holding her dish of perfumy lemon squares protectively.
“That’s Old Man Jenkin’s orchard. Everyone knows he’s been using natural stuff to get rid of pests since forever.” Jill said peaking from the back. “Like ladybugs and whatnot.”
“Who knows what’s in that bottle,” Shego said, “Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA. They can put anything in there. They aren’t even cleared to go on your skin, let alone in your mouth.”
Shego looked to Drakken, starting on his third piece. She shrugged, he was a lost cause anyway.
“Well, I guess it’s an acquired taste. Stephanie, I would love to host a pox party for your little one, my Jeremiah still needs to get the virus!” She said excitedly, “Oh I have so much to share you with you about those nasty vaccines!”
“You don’t vaccinate!?” Shego yelled. In fear of catching anything that could harm Rhea, she covered her mouth and nose in precaution. She hid behind her husband as a human shield. At this point, looking idiotic in a plastic tiara and sash were the least of Shego’s worries.
“I remember getting the smallpox vaccine in 1967 when I was a little girl. I still have the scar!” Mama Lipsky said proudly. “Have you ever seen someone with smallpox? It’s not a pretty sight.” She chided Janice.
Janice began to stumble over her words, trying to preach her message. “The science just isn’t there.”
“My husband is a scientist!” Shego screeched, her free fist clenched, still covering her mouth and nose.
“Yeah, vaccines have proven their merit, like, a million times over by now. Anyone who says otherwise is falling for pseudoscience and dribble.” Drakken said as he began to pull apart an oily lemon square in his hand, “Can I use this as cologne?” He asked Janice seriously.
“Lady, what do you do for a living?” Jill asked, her hands on her hips, “Where’s your degree?”
“Okay, that’s enough of this,” Kate said, wrangling everyone back inside.
Shego broke away from her mother’s guiding arm, “I don’t want you or any of your little toxic cretins around my family!” She hollered, “I will call the CDC to tent your ugly ass house of biological horrors!”
Drakken quickly scooped his wife up and closed the door.
“Steph, what did I tell you about antagonizing the neighbors? This was supposed to be a fresh start!” Drakken whined.
“Oh yeah, I’m antagonizing. Don’t come crying to me if Rhea is born with toes on her forehead because of those idiots!”
“Well, you did say that your neighbor Michael’s shoes were last season,” Savannah said, deliberately riling her friend up.
“Well, they were ugly!”
“Let’s have cake and ice cream!” Kate announced, trying to break up the tension.
The ruckus died down with the addition of dessert and the party resumed.
Drakken and Shego were cuddled on the couch, his arms around her as she leaned on him and her legs kicked up on the cushions. Everyone was in a deep discussion about what kind of parents they’d be as the couple laughed and enjoyed the company.
“Steph’s totally gonna be one of the tiger moms, but not like the crazy strict kind.” Jill said, adamantly, “the kind that goes Hulk if someone bothers their kids.” Still holding her plate of cake and chocolate ice cream, she flexed her arms and frowned deeply, her voice growling, “You hurt my kids! I hurt you! Roar!”
Shego laughed and rolled her eyes, playing the ends of her hair.
“Well, my Drewbie will be an excellent father!” Mama Lipsky smiled.
Then, there was another knock at the door.
Shego’s hands instantly flared green, “If that Karen Hun Bot is back you’ll have to squeegee her off the sidewalk after I’m done with her!” She yelled, standing up as fast as she could (which wasn’t really that fast anymore) and waddling to the door.
She threw open the door about to yell, “WHA -oh.”
On the doorstep stood more neighbors, Juliet with the elderly Miss Hazel on her arm, a small quilt slung over Juliet’s free arm.
“Janice get to ya first?” Juliet teased.
“You have no idea. C’mon in. Want some cake and ice cream?” Shego asked.
Of all the neighbors, Shego liked Juliet and Miss Hazel the best. Both were independent who didn’t take shit from anyone. Miss Hazel was wise and friendly and Shego could bitch about others with Juliet.
“No thank you, dear.” Hazel said, “We just popped over to give our congratulations and our presents.”
Juliet took a cookie that Mama Lipsky made as everyone sat back down.
“I hope this works with your color scheme,” Hazel said, offering the quilt to Shego.
“That’s why you asked me about the colors!” Drakken said in sudden understanding, snapping his fingers.
Hazel grinned and nodded.
The quilt was the size for a baby and simple with wisteria blossoms on the corners. “Is this for us?” Shego asked, hoping she was not misunderstanding and making herself look like a greedy fool.
“Indeed, it is.” Hazel answered, “I’ve been watching the wisteria you planted. I’m glad they’ve taken off so well.”
“It’s my favorite flower,” Shego was genuinely appreciative. “You really didn’t have to go through all the trouble…” She had only spoken to Hazel a few times. It was mostly Drew who knew her as he helped install her video doorbell, remote controlled and adaptive technologies that would help her remain independent. It was a win-win for him; he got to tinker and was paid in baked goods.
“It’s no trouble, darling,” Hazel said with a dismissive wave of her age gnarled hand. “It gave me something to do with my time. Every baby needs a handmade blanket.”
Juliet herself gifted several boxes of diapers and burp rags as well as a few new toys and treats for Commodore Puddles so he wouldn’t feel left out and act up.
The night ended with Shego realizing that neighborhoods and baby showers weren’t that bad.
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tappity-tap · 8 years
<< COVER || PART II >> Story Rating: M Chapter Warnings: Mild suggestive themes, alcohol. [This chapter is sfw]
“Oi, I’ll see ya guys off. It’s the 6th’s senkaimon, after all.”
The four people he was addressing-Ichigo, Inoue, Sado, and Ishida-stopped walking and looked at him, surprised. Ichigo tilted his head. “Oh. Uh, thanks, Renji.” The others nodded their agreement and continued onward.
With a pointed glance back as if to say “I’ve got this,” Renji followed behind and left Rukia to silently observe their retreating backs.
His actions did not surprise her in the least. They had been quietly discussing a certain matter with each other all evening and she had a feeling she knew exactly what he was planning on doing about it. Rukia considered her hunch confirmed when he returned to the table several minutes later unaccompanied and looking slightly more confident than before.
She asked him anyways. “You said something to him, didn’t you?”
“Hey, I just did what had to be done. The kid needs a push every once ‘n a while.” Renji put on an air of aloofness and pretended to fix his finely tailored haori with a casual shrug, the same action he’d repeated frequently throughout the day.
“Don’t I know it,” Rukia snorted as he plunked himself down onto the plush seat beside her. “So how did she respond when he told her?”
This time, he was forced to adjust his coat for real. “Eh, he didn’t tell her he loved her right there, but lookin’ at her face I think she might’ve figured it out. He asked her to ‘make time for him’ to ‘discuss something important.’ Subtle, right?” Renji finished straightening the hem and it fanned out over the back of his cushion.
Then as if to spite it all, he crossed his arms behind his head and reclined into a sloppy posture that visually contradicted the elegance and sophistication of his formalwear. “So…how long’re we talkin’? A year? Two? Five?” He thought for a second and snickered, “3 months?”
Rukia scoffed and swatted Renjij’s side. “Three months? Do you really have that little confidence in them?”
He batted away her second swipe and caught the third and fourth in each hand. “Ow! Hey! Not how long they’ll last! How long before they get to this point!” Even in the midst of their struggle he managed to gesture between the two of them. The action flung the sleeve of her magnificently embroidered kimono up before her eyes and suddenly their surroundings came clearly into focus.
Under them, a thin carpet of petals and leaves dislodged from the meticulously manicured branches that spread over the courtyard in a weaving canopy of color. Around them, smells of delicious food still lingered and the fumes from the lanterns gradually blazing to life as the sun sank below the rooftops grew thick. Above them, curtains of hanging gossamer streamers and strings of tiny folded paper cranes rustled softly with every small disturbance in the breeze. In front of them, a lacquered oak table adorned with sprigs of tiny flowers and empty plates.
This point…
The scuffling stopped. They blinked at each other.
Slowly, Rukia’s arms slackened as Renji’s grip on her fists went soft. His thick fingers gently jimmied under and around hers until their hands knitted together, palm-to-palm.
“Hey,” Renji whispered warmly. Tender, even. “How ya feelin’, Mrs. Abarai?”
Rukia flushed from his intimate affections and the use of her new name. “Renji! Not in front of everyone!” she protested, though there was no denying they made her heart soar in a very pleasant way.
He released her hands and leaned over until his forehead nearly touched hers. “No one’s payin’ attention to us, they’re too busy gettin’ boozed up while they can. See?” One long finger placed itself on her chin and turned her head slightly to the side.
Rukia glanced around. This was true. Filled with vibrant music and laughter in the hours before, the venue was nearly silent and empty now, save for the stragglers taking advantage of the last morsels of food and drink in the 15 minutes before the banquet officially ended. Not that she minded, though. It was not every day that most of them got to dine on such high-class fare, after all.
Several pieces of black hair in her line of vision were suddenly lifted and swept away. She raised her eyebrow at the culprit. “What are you doing?”
Renji carefully tucked the strands behind her ear. Putting on a devilish grin, he curved his hands around the sides of her head and ran his thumbs over her still very red cheeks. “Tryin’ to give my wife a proper kiss,” he replied, demeanor ripe with mischievous intent.
Rukia’s stomach gave an abrupt lurch. Her hands immediately flew to his chest to prevent him from leaning forward any further. “RENJI!” she sputtered, mortified, “W-we can’t do that! I mean…we can…it’s just…it’s not that I don’t want to…but not here! It’s too embarrassing!”
His hands dropped to her shoulders. Renji’s features scrunched in confusion and it looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh at her. “Rukia, we already kissed here. Before the banquet. In front of everyone. You were fine then.”
“Th-that’s different. It was a required part of the ceremony to make everything official,” she grumbled and attempted to concentrate on anything but the nearness of his handsome face to her own, which currently felt like it would burst into flames any second.
He stared. Then his chest lurched under her hands and he finally released a stifled bark of laughter. Even as she scowled crossly at him, Renji slid his arms around her until she relented and rested her heated face on the cool fabric of his silk kimono. “You can be so silly sometimes, Rukia.” he whispered to the top of her head, though not without fondness.
Normally Rukia wouldn’t be up for such an open physical display of their romantic feelings for each other in public, but as it was their wedding day she supposed she could let this instance go. Besides, she was already wrapped in his warm embrace and moving now would only expose her to the rapidly chilling air.
“I mean it, Renji,” she muttered thickly into his chest, “you know I like kissing you. “
“I know. ‘An I like kissin’ you.” Renji brushed his fingers through her hair, lightly.
Her grip on the front of his clothes tightened. “I want to kiss you.”
A chuckle. “Again, same.”
“And, um…” A quick peek around his arm confirmed no one was within earshot. Her heart thudded and she began nervously fiddling with the edges of his haori. “There are…other things…” she admitted, hesitantly, as flashes of a recent dream replayed in her mind.
The hand caressing her hair paused mid-stroke. “…Ohhh?”
Renji sounded calm and collected, but Rukia knew underneath that cool exterior his heartbeat was also picking up in tempo. She could feel it even through the heavy layers of cloth separating them.
Before she could gather up the courage to say any more, a rowdy chorus of wolf whistles erupted close by. One of the perpetrators hollered out, “Oiiii ‘fore ya get too busy over there, we’re splittin’!”
Rukia yelped and leapt up, nearly knocking Renji over. “We were not doing anything!” she declared fiercely to the pack of 11th Division elites in front of them as their heckling turned to snickering.
Renji, who had stayed behind to nurse the spot on his face where one of Rukia’s massive sleeves had whacked him, glared up at them. “’An even if we were…screw you all. You coulda left without interruptin’ us.”
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“Oh, but a good guest always says goodbye to their host. We were just trying to be good guests.” Yumichika flippantly tossed his hair and flashed the couple a cheeky grin. Another round of snickering ran through the group.
Renji finally got up from his seat, still rubbing his chin. “Yeah, I bet you were,” he muttered under his breath.
“Ahhh, sorry we disturbed ya at a bad time, Renji.” Ikkaku stepped forward to clap him heavily on the shoulder. The strong smell of alcohol followed. “We’ll let you ‘an Rukia-chan get back t’yer…uh…tête-à-tête.” He nodded solemnly and shuffled back with a flop of his hand that could have been an attempt at a salute. More titters arose as the group departed en masse.
Rukia huffed and crossed her arms. “We weren’t doing anything,” she insisted again even though they had already moved out of earshot.
“Yeah. Bastards.” Renji scowled at the stumbling squad. He folded his hands together behind his neck and shook his head. “Shoulda banned ‘em from the liquor.”
As if to validate his remorse, a voice behind them slurred loudly.
“Kuchiiikiiii! Reeeenjiiiii!”
“And they’re not the only ones,” Rukia stated dryly before she suddenly found herself being pulled along, half her face squished against something large and soft covered in lavender fabric.
“H-hey, Rangiku-san.” Renji’s reply came out in a strangled croak, no doubt from the slender arm flung tightly around his neck that he was trying to (unsuccessfully) pry off. “Enjoyin’ yourself?”
Rangiku grinned widely and tossed her head, smacking the exposed side of Rukia’s face with several locks of long blond hair. “Yeeeah! How could you tell?” The sake bottle next to Rukia’s ear sloshed noisily.
Renji finally broke free from her hold and straightened up to adjust his clothing. “Just a hunch.” He kept stride next to Rangiku and eyed her carefully, likely waiting for an opening to liberate Rukia as well.
“I hate to leave such a nice party…your brother throws nice parties.” This was directed at Rukia, still pinned to her side. “Buuuut Captain said he’s had enough and needs to go to sleep now. I think it’s past his bedtime.” Rangiku leaned towards Renji and loudly whispered the last part.
“Matsumoto! That is not what I said!”
A very irate Captain Hitsugaya stomped up beside Rangiku and grasped her wrist. In one fluid motion, he somehow freed Rukia and started pulling his lieutenant down the pathway to the large ornate gates leading outside. “We’re leaving because you’ve had enough and you need to go to sleep.”
“But I’m fiiiine,” Rangiku protested. Yet pout as she did, she obediently trudged along behind her captain.
Hitsugaya nodded back to Renji, who had immediately flown to Rukia’s side once she was released. “Abarai.” He looked at Rukia and gave her a nod also. “Kuchiki. I wish you both well.”
Renji and Rukia bowed simultaneously. “Thank you, Captain Hitsugaya.”
The sake bottle came dangerously close to flying out of Rangiku’s hand as she waved cheerfully. “Bye-bye! Have lots of fun tonight, you hear?” She then thrust it at them with a deliberate jab and scowled in a comically threatening manner, “Renji, you make sure she’s thoroughly satisfied or I’m going to-”
“Ah, here, Rangiku-san, I’ll carry that for you!”
A figure seemingly materialized out of nowhere and swiped the bottle from her floundering hand before it could cause any destruction.
“Ohhh, thank you Hinamori!” Rangiku chirped to the girl grasping her elbow.
As Hinamori helped Captain Hitsugaya lead his sloshed subordinate away, she called over her shoulder, “Thank you for inviting us, Abarai-kun, Kuchiki-san! We had a lovely time. Congratulations to you both!”
Hinamori’s own captain strolled past the couple after his lieutenant and gave a nonchalant flick of his wrist. “Eh. What Momo said.” He paused before adding slyly, “And I guess what Matsumoto said, too.”
It took a moment for Renji and Rukia to recall just what that was. This time, it actually sank in. Color rapidly filled their cheeks as they somehow managed to fumble through what barely passed for respectful bows.
“U-understood! Th-thank you for coming, Captain Hirako!” both of them sputtered simultaneously. The captain’s toothy grin flashed brightly and vanished from their sights.
The rest of their loitering guests started slowly filtering past them, signaling the party had formally come to a close. All offered kind (and in the case of their closer acquaintances, occasionally suggestive) words of farewell and congratulations to the couple as they left the scene.
Soon, only one remained.
“Captain.” Renji greeted his approaching superior respectfully with a deep bow at his waist.
“We are not in uniform, Renji. There is no need to be so formal.” Byakuya stopped just short of them on the path and directed his sight to the sinking sun on the horizon. “Especially with family.”
Renji straightened up and blinked in surprise. “Er…right, um, Bya-I mean, Kuchiki…san…ma?” he stammered awkwardly and cringed before making his final hasty correction, “Yes...Captain.”
The corners of her brother’s mouth moved up slightly before he addressed her. “Rukia.”
Rukia stepped to his side. “Yes, Nii-sama?”
He stood silently for a moment, continuing to gaze at the sunset as if unsure what to say next. Then his eyes closed and a subtle sigh left him. “I arranged to have the rest of the new furnishings delivered during the ceremony. You should find everything in order when you arrive home.”
She knew this already but still bowed her head in a show of gratitude. “Thank you, Nii-sama.”
Byakuya continued, “If there is anything else you need, I will be more than happy to provide it. My only condition is…” he hesitated then.
Rukia lifted her head after several tense seconds ticked by and watched the features of his profile clench and unclench multiple times. She could feel something significant was about to happen.
The instant he finally looked down at her, the stoic hardness ever present in his face suddenly lifted and a transformation occurred right in front of her eyes. Before her stood a man she had never seen, softer and much younger in appearance, but Rukia knew who he was right away. This was the Kuchiki Byakuya from 60 years ago; The Byakuya who had loved, and been loved by, her sister. When he spoke his voice did not waver or break yet it overflowed with the same crushing sadness that swam in the depths of his gaze.
“Do not take this for granted, Rukia.”
Anyone outside the situation would have read this as the head of the Kuchiki clan warning his relative not to take advantage of his generosity, and yes, he still could have been saying that. What his words truly meant, however, was not lost on her, and Rukia’s heart swelled with emotion. The tears she had been holding back all day finally loosened and she drew in a trembling breath. “I won’t, Nii-sama,” she promised him, and meant it with every fiber of her being.
Then as quickly as the apparition from the past appeared, he vanished. The Byakuya of the present now turned on his heel and adjusted his sleeve. “I will take my leave now. I bid you goodnight.”
Rukia quickly wiped the back of her palm across her eyes and dipped down as he strolled away. “Goodnight, Nii-sama.”
Byakuya stopped when he was shoulder to shoulder with Renji, who stood transfixed by what he just witnessed. Neither man looked at the other or said a word as the last rays of sunlight disappeared over the horizon. Darkness began to settle over the Seireitei.
After a beat of careful consideration, Byakuya lifted his chin and spoke with a pinch more inflection than usual in his standard monotone.
“Try not to disappoint her, Renji.”
He resumed his departure. Renji’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.
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Author’s Notes: You know a creator has done a good job making varied and dynamic characters when they’re this much fun to write interactions for. *thumbs up in Kubo’s direction* Hopefully how I chose to set up the wedding venue doesn’t clash too much with novel canon. @_@
The first few chapters are Rukia’s POV but worry not! Renji gets his fair share of POV time as well. This deviates in the final chapter when the narration shifts to Ichigo and focuses more on his relationship with Orihime.
Continued in [Part II - The Threshold]
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I Don’t Want This Night To End
Characters: Dean x Reader
Summary: Each New Years Eve is magical but how much can one night change your life?
Word Count: 4470 words
Prompt: First meet, first kiss, new years resolution.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic brought to you from the laptops of @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester and @girl-next-door-writes.  This is our entry for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  Kari’s New Years Quickie Challenge. It is the first part in a mini-series and we have LOVED writing it so we appreciate any feedback and hope you enjoy.
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Part 1
31st December Present Day
Sitting alone at the small formica table, his hands around the mug of luke-warm coffee, his eyes flickering to his phone which was set beside his drink.  The cafe was a bustle of activity all around him with people in animated conversations, mostly about their plans for that evening but it was almost like he was sat in a bubble of silence.  He had no plans for New Years Eve.  He hadn’t for the past few years.  Absentmindedly taking a sip of the cooling beverage his eyes checked the time on his phone once more and a frown appeared on his face making the casual observer feel he could possibly be the most heartbreakingly beautiful man to ever hold a coffee.  Waving the waitress away with a sad smile as she offered a refill he ran a hand over the back of his neck as he thought about everything that had led him here.
31st December 2006
The house was an assault on the senses in every way possible.  A sea of bodies filling every inch of space, the deep bass of the music vibrating through the floorboards, the overpowering smells of cheap beer and even cheaper aftershave so strong she could almost taste them.  She didn’t want to be here.  The lights were too low, the rooms to crowded with intoxicated people dressed in ridiculous costumes  and she really wasn’t in the mood to socialise.  Unfortunately her roommates didn’t agree and had insisted she join them, costume and all.  Adjusting her wig she allowed Charlie to drag her further into the house, just hoping her recently ex boyfriend wasn’t lurking somewhere.  
Gabriel had decided to throw a New Years Eve party which was more than okay for him. It made getting laid even more easier than before. Being friends with the host had huge perks, like knowing where everything was and not having the responsibility of hosting so you could get away with anything. Specially if it was Gabe’s party. He leaned against the makeshift bar while sipping on his beer as he scanned the crowd and his eyes landed on a girl with bright eyes who seemed like this was the last place she wanted to be at. He let his eyes travel up her legs and took another sip from the beer in his hand. “She is pretty hot,” came a voice from behind him and Dean rolled his eyes,
“Jess know you check out other women?” he asked dryly, his lips turning up in a slight smirk as the girl finally looked at him.
She felt ridiculous but as she looked around she realised hers was far from the most outlandish costume at the party. The girls were all variations on a slutty theme, there were scantily clad cats, bunnies, she was sure she had spotted some kind of owl costume which made her Wonder Woman ensemble seem conservative in comparison.  She had counted at least 5 Han Solo’s and a couple of James Bonds before her eyes landed on Batman and she quirked an eyebrow.  “I’m gonna grab a drink.” she hollered at Charlie who simply nodded before disappearing into the crowd.  Pushing her way past several sweaty bodies she finally got to the bar and assessed her options.
Dean grinned a little as he watched the girl dressed as Wonder Woman make her towards him and he was so fucking glad he went with batman instead of Han Solo who seemed to be the popular option for the night. “I would get lost if I were you, Sam.”Dean said barely glancing at his brother who was shaking his head at him,
“Don't do anything I wouldn't,”he clapped back making Dean snort as he finally glanced back at his brother,
“That doesn't really leave me with that many options, does it, Sammy?”he said with a smirk to which Sam’s only reply was his bitch face before he slinked away just as the girl reached the bar.
“So my choices are warm beer, warm beer or some dodgy looking punch.” She muttered to herself before grabbing a bottle.  She nodded to Batman before one of the many Harrison Ford wannabes leant on the bar beside her, a real shit eating grin on his face and it took all she had not to punch him.  Rolling her eyes she prepared herself for the inevitable line.  “No, it didn’t hurt when I fell from heaven, I don’t have a run in my tights and I am damned certain my outfit would not look good on your bedroom floor so unless you have something that is actually interesting or entertaining then I suggest you walk away you scruffy looking nerf herder.” Finally turning to look at him she raised her eyebrows challengingly as he opened and closed his mouth a few times before walking away.  “That’s what I thought.” she murmured knocking back a liberal swig of the cheap beer in her hand pulling a face of disgust.  “Damn this is fucking awful.”  
“I’d go for the shots if I were you.”Dean said with a smirk as he watched her shoot down the rather sad attempt to get her.
She turned back to Batman,  “Did you say something about shots?”
“Well, after that I think you would need something a little stronger than beer.”he said with a grin as he asked for six shots from Benny who was on the alcohol duty for the night. “Thanks man.”he said nodding at his friend before passing half shots to the girl. “Here’s to some better pickup lines?” he said with a grin as he clinked his glass with hers and downed the drink. “I am guessing you are new to this particular circuit? I haven't seen you around before.”he said just as someone jumped on his back taking him by surprise. “For fucks sake!” he groaned before the familiar voice of Charlie registered.
“I see you’ve met my friend.” Your roommate grinned down at you from her position on Batmans back and you couldn’t stop a chuckle escaping your lips as you shook your head at her.
“How do you know, like, everyone?  Seriously?  Everywhere we go she just knows people.”
“You are crazy you know that? I could have punched you!”he said dryly only for Charlie to grin down at him. “You sure she is your friend? I mean you don't party and well--Charlie here can barely stay in for one night.”he said with a grin which turned to a groan as the red head nudged him with her elbow  rather roughly.   
Picking up a shot she knock it back, enjoying the heat of the alcohol slipping down her throat. “As for your question Batboy, I’m just not a party girl type.  Too many drunken idiots who think a ‘good time’ is throwing a girl some crappy chat up line designed to make her melt into a simpering puddle allowing him to grab her ass.”  Picking up the second shot she knocked it back just as quick as the first.  Sure, she sounded bitter but that’s what happens when you get your heart stomped on right?  She couldn’t believe you had wasted two years of her life on Luke just for him to ditch her for some Sorority party girl.  Well fuck him.  Picking up the last of the shots she raised the glass to her companions before downing it, shaking her head as it hit its mark.  
“Looks like you’re gonna have to up your game for this one.” Charlie whispered in his ear before climbing down and shooting him a wink.  
Dean raised an eyebrow at Charlie questioningly as he heard the Wonder Girl go on about guys and didn't take a genius to realise that she must have had a bad experience of some sort recently. “So are you here with someone or can I try those lame pick up line on you?”he asked with a cheeky grin ignoring what Charlie had just whispered in his ear before slipping away.
“Does that ever work? Hang on, no, I know that they work but does that ever work on anyone you want for more than a few hours?”  She looked at him appraisingly, his costume was good, the mask hid his face leaving just that strong jaw and those hauntingly beautiful green eyes.  Rolling her eyes she figured he was probably one of those pretty boy, love ya and leave ya types and once he realised she wasn’t gonna roll over for him he would lose interest and go chasing some other girl.  Catching Benny’s eye she smiled sweetly at him. “You got any vodka back there honey? A girl could die of thirst here.” she shot him a wink and smiled to herself when he scurried off to find her some.  
“I doubt anyone is looking for a serious relationship at a party where everyone is too drunk to remember the night.”he said dryly as he threw back the remaining shots one after the other.
“So you one of the party monsters then?  I’ve not really been part of the scene, you’re more likely to find me in the library.  Hey is that Sam Winchester over there?” her face lit up with a smile when she recognised the incredibly tall boy, at last someone she actually knew.  “He’s like my unofficial study buddy.” she explained seeing the curiosity in her companion's eyes.  “So come on then, hit me with your best line, let’s get it over with.”
“I am not exactly a regular but I know the host and well, I wasn't dumb enough to pass up the chance to dress up in my true identity.”he said with a grin which flattered a little when she followed her gaze. “You know Sammy? Study partner? Well why hasn't he introduced us before?” Dean said his nose scrunching a little. “Do you really want the answer to that man?”asked Gabriel as he stopped after hearing the question and turned his attention to the girl in front of them. “Your humble host.”he said bowing dramatically before taking her hand and pressing a kiss to it making Dean roll his eyes. That was the moment when they heard a loud crash making them all jump and Gabriel scurrying off promising to be back soon. “Sam’s my brother.”he said at her questioning look. “My best line? Sure you can handle it?”he asked with a smirk which turned to a grin when she rolled her eyes. He crooked his fingers asking her to come closer. “Pie is my second favourite thing to eat in bed.”he whispered in her ear before pulling back and looking at her innocently but his eyes probably gave him away.
Her brow furrowed and her nose scrunched as she tried to figure out what he had just said. “Why would you be eating...oh!” The realisation hit her and she broke out into uncontrollable, genuine laughter.  Nodding her head she smiled at him brightly, “I'll give you that one Batboy.”
Dean couldn't help but smirk at her as she tried to work out what he meant and when the realisation hit her, a laugh escaped his. Not the fake one but a real one with her whole body shaking and he realised he liked the sound of it. “Or I could give one to you?”he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, a grin on his lips.
“Double vodka and lemonade for the lady.” A smooth southern accent interrupted and she turned to Benny, taking the drink he offered.
“Thanks sugar.” Turning back to her companion she shrugged, “Best to keep the guy supplying the drinks on side.  So, you’re Sam's brother?  He never mentioned… Oh, you're the womanising, junk food eating, whiskey drinking slacker.  Huh. Thought you'd be taller.” She took a sip of her drink, looking up at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Dean watched her take her drink from Benny who threw a wink at him once her back was to her and he grinned back. “That would be me. He forgot to add I am better looking, more fun and really really good in bed.”he said winking at her not really showing how he exactly felt. Of course he wasn't a smart ass who was in law school but he was doing pretty good himself. He had often wondered about what Sam actually thought of him and he just found out apparently. That didn't really sit well with him. He knew how his father felt but he had always thought Sam would be proud of him and that would have been enough for him. He was about to ask for a whiskey but before he could the glass was in front of him as Benny gave him a weird look and he flashed his confident smirk at him. No point in ruining everyone's new years eve.
She rolled her eyes and just like that her defenses were back up.  This guy thought she was that easy huh? A bit of flattery, a joke or two to make her laugh and her panties would just drop off.  She found herself feeling disappointed,  part of her had hoped he was different. Taking a sip of her drink she looked out across the room, “There are plenty of girls here who would love to test that, there's a blonde over their checking you out right now.  Throw her a few lines and I guarantee you won't be sleeping alone tonight.” She mused.  Maybe Charlie was right, maybe she needed to get back on the horse but not this one.  There was something dangerously appealing about Batman and she couldn’t afford to become infatuated with such a player.  No, she needed a distraction and as she caught their host undressing her with his eyes she knew she had found one.
Dean followed her gaze as he sipped on his whiskey and shrugged. “Probably, but something tells me you need the distraction more than her.”he said with a small smile before glancing at her as he sipped on his drink. She was right, the girl was totally, his type and he probably won't have to work hard on getting laid but for some reason he couldn't take eyes off this girl.
“And you think you're the guy to distract me?  Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but if you’re looking to get laid then you're gonna have to find another target.”  She winked at Gabe across the room and took a sip of her drink, avoiding looking at Batman.  If she slept with him tonight then she would want more and he didn't seem the type, especially with what Sam had told her about him.  No, she needed no emotional attachment and, unfortunately, she was already quite taken with the caped crusader.
“Hey, I never said I would be the guy. I just stated that you look like you need distraction. I’d be happy to help. If you ask nicely. Maybe buy me a drink.”he said with a smirk as he followed her gaze and couldn't help but scowl. Great. Fucking great. He was going to be cockblocked by Gabriel. That is all he needed in his life. Who needed enemies when there were friends like this.
“I’ll happily ‘buy’ you a drink, it’s kinda a free bar.” she chuckled as she turned her attention back to see his jaw set and she wondered why he was so tense.  “Looks like you could do with a distraction too.  And as long as we’re clear that you’re not getting into my panties this evening then I am happy to hang out with you.  We superheroes should stick together.” she nudged his shoulder with hers before turning to lean over the makeshift bar and smiling brightly at Benny.  “Could me and my Justice League colleague here get another round of shots please sugar?” She felt a hand on her ass and she froze.  
“Damn baby, I just couldn’t resist.  Have you been sitting on sugar because that is one sweet ass.” An unfamiliar voice hummed in her ear and she very carefully stood up, taking this jerks hand from her posterior and bent his fingers back.  
“There are soooo many thing wrong with what you have just done.  On NO planet is it okay to touch a girl without her permission are we clear?  Now I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to anything other than my ass but I’d like to point out my boyfriend right here, he’s Batman and I’d say there’s a damn good chance if you don’t start apologising and swear on whatever you hold dear, and I’m guessing here that would be your dick, that you will NEVER treat another girl like that again, well, he’s gonna kick your ass.” She let go of the idiot and just hoped her drinking buddy would play along.
Dean hadn't been paying attention which turned out to be a mistake as someone grabbed wonder girl but apparently she didn't need any help as she pretty much scared the guy shitless. “Babe, I think you are doing fine without me but you know just to be sure I am going to escort this gentleman, a term I am using rather loosely, out of here before he ends up grabbing someone else’s ass and then I end up making sure he never is able to attend a party again.”he said dryly as he threw his arm around the guy and tightened his arm around his neck. To anyone else it would have looked like two friends having fun. “Next time I see you anywhere near her I am gonna make sure you can't even lift a finger forget anything else. Get out.”he said pushing him out the door and kicking it close.
“Hey, missed me?”he asked sliding back on the spot he had earlier vacated with a cheeky grin on his face. “That was fucking hot. I would have sat back and enjoyed you beating him up if we weren't at a party.”
The incident had actually shaken her and although she had this tough exterior that was just a front.  She was glad when he returned, feeling safer with him there knowing that he would watch her back.  “And here was me thinking you would leap in to defend my honour.” Raising her eyebrows at him she tried to stop her hand from shaking as she picked up a shot and downed it.  
“I would have had you needed the back up. Played the hero and swept you off your feet but you just had to play wonder woman and ruin my plans.”he said with a grin which flattered a little as he noticed her hand shaking and he scooted closer to her, their shoulders were brushing and he hoped that the little physical contact would reassure her. “Nothing would have happened. I am right here. I threw him out personally.”he said as he watched her throw back the shot after shot.
“So it’s nearly midnight.” she stated as she slammed the shot glass down on the bar and picked up another.  “You got any deep and meaningful resolutions from the coming year?” raising her glass at him she knocked the tequila back and shook her head with a shudder as the alcohol hit her.  
He let out a snort at her question, “You have been talking to me for like an hour. What do you think?”he asked before a laugh escaped his lips at the expression on her face. “Okay, fine. What do you think should be my new years resolution?”
Standing in front of him she moved closer, her eyes searching his as their noses almost touched.  A gentle smirk appearing on her face as she leaned back.  “I think your resolution should be to believe in yourself a little more.  Yeah, I know you’ve got this whole ‘Look at me, I’m sexy and funny and a playboy’ thing going for you but I think that’s bull.  Then again, what do I know?  I’ve only just met you.”  She shrugged.  Maybe she just hoped he was deeper than he appeared.  There was definitely something different about him but she couldn’t place it, wasn’t sure she wanted to place it.  “Come on then, do me, what should mine be?”
“You think that's Bull? Well, either you are smarter than everyone I know or really really bad at Reading people.”he said his eyes searching hers wondering what made her think that. No one could really go that deep with him with how high his walls were but somehow she had managed to dig in that deep with one hour of him hitting at her. He was either really bad at his game tonight or she was way smarter than anyone he knew that included Sam because even his brother didn't know exactly what went on his brain. “Your new years resolution? Hmmm,”he hummed as he leaned closer to her, his eyes meeting her eyes for a moment as he decided to actually tell her what he thought instead of throwing out another cheeky pick up line at her. “Take more risks. The things you could actually achieve if you did. Also, you sell yourself short. Don't. You are more amazing than you seem to realise.”he said softly with a small genuine smile on his face which just widened a little as he saw a little surprise settle on her face. It was barely there for a few seconds before her mask was on but enough for him to notice.
She had been expecting another line but what he said hit a nerve.  Her self esteem had taken a beating recently and she was feeling anything but amazing.  Tilting her head she smiled at him. “Oh you are good.  Damn, you nearly had me then.  I can see why you’re so successful with the women.” She shook her head.  “I assume by ‘take more risks’ you mean with you?  And as for amazing, I think you know me about as well as I know you.” Her eyes met his and she felt a fluttering in her stomach.
“I meant what I said. As for taking the risk with, sure, why not? Have to start somewhere but I meant generally. If I wanted to throw a line at you I would have said your new years resolution should be me.”he said with a cheeky grin, “Yeah but I am guessing we both hit it too close to home.”
Looking out across the room again searching for any reason not avoid looking at him she cursed herself.  She had been single for three weeks, there was no way she was about to fall for some smooth talking masked man on New Years Eve.  Really she should make her excuses and go find someone else to talk to but she couldn’t pull herself away.  “Maybe we should move away from the bar?  If I stay here I’m just gonna end up far too drunk then you’re gonna have to find Charlie to carry me home.”
He nodding at her as he finished his drink before guiding her out, his hand on her lower back as the weaved through the crowd and he opened the door to the backyard where they could talk easily considering the music wasn't too loud out there even if it was a little chilly and maybe watch some fireworks when the clock struck midnight.
The cool air hit her and she shivered.  Maybe this hadn’t been the best idea but as she leaned over the railing of the deck she felt herself sobering up a little.  Pulling her cape around her shoulders in an attempt to fight off the cold she found herself leaning into her companion, glad of his body heat.  “Would you look at that, I don’t have to yell at you anymore to be heard.” she hummed, resting her head on his shoulder.  There were a few couples making out but generally there was a peaceful calm as she looked up at the sky.  “You think somewhere there’s another Wonder Woman and Batman looking up at the stars right now?” her question was quiet and she didn’t really expect him to answer.  There was an air of expectancy and when the music cut inside they could hear their benevolent host announcing it was very nearly midnight.  
“Maybe but I am damn sure there isn’t another wonder woman who looks as hot as you do.”he said slipping his hand into hers as he found himself looking forward to spend some time with her. Not just because he wanted her in his bed but further than that. She made him curious which was a rare thing and he couldn’t help but wonder why had his brother not made a move yet considering they were study partners. He looked down at her as Gabriel started the countdown.
Ten. Nine.
She was looking back at him and even she couldn't deny that there was something between them. She may not say it with words but her eyes said it.
Eight. Seven.
He knew he wanted to kiss her. More than anyone he had ever wanted to kiss in a long time and it made feel vulnerable in a way he didn't like.
Six. Five.
She felt her heart beginning to race and her lips parted slightly as she tried to control her breathing.  The way he was looking at her made her nervous and she felt herself drawn towards him.
Four. Three.
Her chest was pressed up against his and she could feel his breathing was as ragged as hers.  Tilting her head slightly her eyes flitted to his lips and then back to those beautiful green eyes.
Two. One.
He licked his lips, feeling a little nervous for the first time in years as he tucked away a strand of her hair before cupping her face with one of his hands before he leaned down and slowly pressed his lips to hers in soft kiss just as the firecrackers went off behind them but he was barely paying any attention to the sky as different kind of fireworks went off the moment her lips started moving against his and he hesitantly deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking her lower lip, his grip on her hand tightening a little as her lips parted for him and he let out a soft growl wanting to just press her against the wall not wanting the night to end.
“Happy New Year, Wonder girl.”he whispered against her lips before pressing his lips against hers again.
Tag List:  @castielohcastiel @cojootromuelle @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @chaos-and-the-calm67 @its-my-perky-nipples @mysaintsasinner
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