#living trust inheritance tax
Know About the Living Trust Inheritance Tax in the UK
A living trust inheritance tax is a legal arrangement where assets are transferred into a trust during a person's lifetime. This setup allows the person creating the trust to manage or delegate the management of these assets for the benefit of beneficiaries. While living trusts are a useful tool for estate planning, it is essential to understand how they interact with the UK inheritance tax (IHT).
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Living Trust Inheritance tax in the UK is charged at 40% on estates above the nil-rate band. However, when assets are placed into a living trust, they are typically considered a "potentially exempt transfer" (PET) if the settler survives for seven years after making the transfer.
If the settler passes away within this seven-year period, the transferred assets may be subject to inheritance tax, although the tax rate can be reduced on a sliding scale depending on how many years have passed since the transfer.
For trusts created during a settler’s lifetime, there are also periodic charges known as the "ten-year anniversary charges" and "exit charges."
The ten-year anniversary charge occurs every ten years after the trust's creation and is levied at up to 6% of the trust’s value above the nil-rate band.
The exit charge applies when assets are removed from the trust and is proportional to the time elapsed since the last ten-year charge.
Living trusts offer flexibility in managing assets and can provide tax advantages, but they require careful planning to avoid unexpected tax liabilities.
It's advisable for individuals considering a living trust to consult with a financial advisor or tax specialist to navigate the complex inheritance tax landscape and ensure that their estate is managed in the most tax-efficient manner possible.
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bioethicists · 1 year
beer killed my father . he had a disease which destroyed his body and strained his relationships with his wife, his friends, and his children. Alcohol destroys everything it touches, theres a reason you see so many liquor stores in poor neighborhoods. don’t be fucking obtuse. Prohibition obviously doesn’t work, but I wish alcohol was taxed higher. And i want the CEO of Heineken on the guillotine right after Jeff Bezos.
before anything, i want to let you know that i am incredibly sorry about your father. alcohol has decimated entire generations of my family, played a crucial role in the neglectful family structure i spent the first 19 years of my life suffering under, + played a minor but not insignificant role in my brother's death. i would never undermine or dismiss that in anyone.
i used to feel very similarly to you, in large part because my mother is a recovering alcoholic who raised me to believe that alcohol is a magic poison which turns people into monsters + i, being her child, probably inherited a disease which would also turn me into a monster if i chose to drink. it's a deeply painful + understandable response to the pain that alcohol can cause.
my first question is, does alcohol really "destroy everything it touches"? are there not millions of people who engage with alcohol, in varying degrees of recreational use, who experience minimal or no negative impacts? or do you believe that everyone who drinks alcohol in any capacity is experiencing severe destruction in their lives as a result? does the existence of people for whom alcohol enriches their lives (or is a neutral presence) at all invalidate your experience, or your father's?
my second question is, you've identified that there are 'so many liquor stores in poor neighborhoods' (i would add there is a lot of alcohol in rich neighborhoods, just distributed in less stigmatized ways, like boutique wineries + fancy bars), do you think that companies are strategically attempting to create alcohol dependencies among poor people, or do you think that poverty creates the pain, hopelessness, + desperation which can fuel an alcohol habit (which is then exacerbated by intergenerational trauma + community alcohol culture).
i feel no allegiance to liquor companies- they absolutely do make the bulk of their profits off of people who are drinking in a way that is destroying their lives (unsure if i trust the exact scope of the research in that link but i trust the gist). however, liquor companies love the disease model, because it exempts them from responsibility. if alcoholism is truly a genetic disease, then liquor companies, bars, package stores hold no fault in the development of destructive drinking habits + community norms (natasha Schüll discusses this in her book about gambling addiction)- the people were already sick + would be getting it somewhere else, anyway, right? but as you have correctly identified, liquor companies help create the structures which turn alcohol use into an accessible + normalized mode of self-destruction.
my third question is, will taxing liquor help the real problem? yes, it reduces alcohol consumption, but does it reduce addiction? or does it make cheapskates like me say "i'm not fucking paying for that" while individuals who consume alcohol compulsively either eat the cost or turn to more illicit ways of obtaining alcohol. or, rephrased, is the problem that alcohol is too accessible? is alcohol a magical poison which turns 'normal' people into 'alcoholics'? alternatively, is alcoholism a genetic condition, unrelated to any outside circumstances, which is triggered by drinking?
or: is alcoholism one of many ways in which people who are experiencing hopelessness, pain, grief, poverty, trauma, etc use to numb themselves, harm themselves, + make life feel more bearable? at this point, i do believe there is at least a temperament factor which makes people more likely to use substances over other forms of escape (hence why my brother used substances while i turned to anorexia + do not struggle with substance use). are we actually addressing the problem if we make it more expensive (thus, mind you, further impoverishing people with alcohol addictions!)? or are we shifting the pain these people are experiencing to either other avenues (opioids, other drugs, totally different ways of coping which are often just as destructive) or an unregulated, underground alcohol market.
the way you are viewing alcohol, alcohol is a unique substance which is manufacturing or feeding illness in people in order to make them behave in ways which destroy their lives + the lives of others. the way i am viewing it, alcohol is a presence which can fill a void that is being created in people's lives as a response to structural, communal, or social suffering. when alcohol is painted as the cause of this pain, we are able to look the other way from a which world is structured to cause an immense amount of people to suffer needlessly. at the same time, the common sense observation that many of us engage with alcohol in ways which do not destroy our lives, as well as the knowledge that prohibition does not work, prevents the erasure of alcohol from public or private life.
who benefits from the belief that alcohol is a uniquely corrupting substance? what lessons did we actually learn from prohibition- is trying to do it to a lesser degree (make alcohol less accessible) actually going to do anything? when the price of opioids went up due to dea crackdowns, did people stop buying opioids or did the market flood with cheap + deadly fentanyl? is the problem that people are drinking or that they are suffering?
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Show Alicent: Deals with her abuse by the patriarchy by declaring war on her friend for having premarital sex, and works to uphold the patriarchy by usurping the first Queen of Westeros in favour of her serial rapist son. Despite claiming to fear for her children's lives she turns down the peaceful solution of a betrothal, citing disgust at marrying her daughter to a 'common-featured' bastard.
TG Stans: "TB just can't handle complex female characters - in fact when you think about it Alicent is the real feminist character!"
Book Rhaenyra: Upon ascending the throne she has to deal with a war-torn realm, an empty treasury stolen by the greens, and the sickening grief of losing four children. She is faced with the difficult decision of having to raise unpopular taxes while needing to keep the lords on her side - protecting both the fragile stability of her reign and the survival of her remaining children. Under these circumstances she is faced with the dilemma of deciding on the inheritance rights of two girls with younger brothers. Her Hand warns her that deciding in the girls' favour will alienate the lords forever. Her husband insists she should reward two dragonseeds with lordships by serving up the girls to be childbrides. Caught between a rock and a hard place, she placates the lords by deciding in favour of the sons, and placates the dragonseeds by offering them smallholdings on Driftmark instead. The decision backfires as said dragonseeds then turn on her, committing one of the most brutal war crimes of the Dance. This drives Rhaenyra into paranoia over further betrayals and the subsequent danger to her remaining children - made worse by her panicked council and the word of her trusted Mistress of Whispers. In a tragic twist, in her fear and paranoia she is encouraged to suspect the friends of her own deceased son, shattering his legacy of forming the Dragonseeds.
Book Helaena: Jumps out of a window
TG Stans: "And THAT is how you go insane with grief in a nice feminine way!"
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ezekiel-krishna · 6 months
7th Lord in All Houses [ Spouse/Marriage, Partnerships & Public ]
Part 1 .. { Vedic Astrology }
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement (Vedic Astrology)
1st Step ⇨ Go to Vedic Astrology Calculator
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2nd Step ➚ Enter Your Details & Press { Calculate Sidereal Chart }
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3rd Step ⇨ Find the 7th House Ruler as per the {Sign & Symbol}
"Example here , 7th House is Ruled By Libra & Its Lord is Venus which is in 8th House thus Your [ 7th Lord is in the 8th House. ] "
7th Lord in 1st House
Here, the focus is on you when it comes to partnerships, and it all depends on the characteristics of your 7th lord. If you have a malefic planet like Saturn, Mars, Rahu[North Node], or Ketu[South Node] as the lord of your 7th house, and it is positioned in the 1st house, it can be quite challenging. In this situation, you may become a bit selfish, prioritizing your own interests over your spouse's. Partnership and marriage hold great significance for you, as you always seek companionship. You don't want to be alone, and you constantly attract new people into your life whenever you need them. So, how do you find your ideal partner?
Typically, you actively search for your spouse, either by physically going out and meeting new people or by utilizing online dating platforms. Through these means, you take control of your desire to find a partner. You are a diligent individual who puts in hard work, whether it's in finding a spouse or running a business. You dedicate your full attention to the task at hand. However, you can be quite demanding of your spouse. With the seventh lord in the first house, you possess a passionate nature. You have an intense desire to have a partner, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. You are a savvy businessperson, making you highly entrepreneurial. However, you may find it challenging to work well with others, so it's likely better for you to work for yourself.
When the 7th lord is positioned in the 1st house, there can be potential business issues within partnerships. However, despite these challenges, there are certain factors that can help maintain a strong relationship. One important aspect is the shared background and similar origins between partners. Coming from the same area or having a similar cultural background can create a sense of unity and understanding. Additionally, building a home together and living under the same roof becomes a top priority, emphasizing the importance of creating a stable and nurturing environment.
It is natural to desire someone who will be there for you and provide support. However, this can sometimes lead to a slight selfishness, as the focus shifts towards personal enjoyment and security. When the 7th lord is a benefic planet like Venus, Moon, Jupiter, or Mercury in the 1st house, it can enhance cooperation, but there may still be a playful tendency present. On the flip side, there is a possibility of being manipulative, rude, and engaging in mind games with your spouse. This behavior poses a genuine threat to the relationship and should be approached with caution. Matters such as joint bank accounts, tax issues, inheritance, and purchasing a house together can become particularly challenging when the 7th lord is in the 1st house.
Interestingly, I have observed that individuals with this placement often live in their partner's property without actually owning it jointly. Negotiating these financial factors requires careful consideration, and sometimes the involvement of in-laws from either side can further complicate the situation. Without trust, genuine sharing, and openness, the relationship can quickly disintegrate. It is important to address any minor health issues that may arise for either partner, as they can potentially escalate into major crises that threaten the stability of the relationship.
7th Lord in 2nd House
When the 7th lord enters the 2nd house, you may find yourself torn between multiple relationships or constantly delaying the decision of choosing the perfect spouse for yourself. However, if this placement is well-aspected, you can expect to experience significant financial gains and enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. Your financial security is closely tied to your marriage, and this placement also enhances your sensuality, making you a passionate and pleasure-seeking individual. Interestingly, you may even meet your future spouse through activities related to the second house, such as dining out or within your close-knit family circle. These early environments and experiences play a significant role in shaping your potential partner.
It is crucial for you to have a strong financial bond with your spouse, as financial security holds great importance to you. You are not willing to enter into any relationship that lacks financial stability, as the mere thought of an uncertain financial future can be quite daunting. It is quite likely that you will find yourself drawn to crisis situations, either by working in professions that deal with them or by attracting a spouse who is involved in such fields. This may include professions like doctors, nurses, counselors, psychotherapists, astrologers, or individuals who work with people going through challenging times.
To safeguard the marriage when the seventh lord is in the second house, engaging in creative activities, sharing hobbies, or learning together is key. These activities will help maintain the relationship. On the other hand, threats to the marriage include traveling to foreign lands separately or pursuing higher education individually. Sometimes, even gurus, teachers, or mentors can negatively impact the relationship.
In order to strengthen the relationship, it is important to involve either your or your spouse's father in a supportive role. Harmony with the father is crucial. Building wealth together and focusing on material growth are essential for the relationship to thrive. Without a sense of material progress, the relationship may struggle. This placement is excellent for business endeavors.
7th Lord in 3rd House
When the 7th lord enters the 3rd house, things can get a little tricky. This house is associated with Mars, making it a competitive and challenging environment, which may not always be conducive to intimate relationships. One thing to watch out for is potential issues with your children or the children in your life, especially your sons.
Interestingly, there is a strong karmic and spiritual connection between you and your partner. You are likely to meet your potential spouse while traveling, studying, pursuing higher education, or in the presence of a guru, teacher, or mentor. These are the environments where you are most likely to find your significant other. The key to a successful relationship in this case is to share a deep spiritual bond. It is important for both of you to have similar philosophies, moral values, and religious beliefs, as this will strengthen your connection. If not, misunderstandings and conflicts may arise.
Interestingly, the people who serve you as subordinates or employees in your home or workplace can actually benefit your relationship. They will help protect the reputation of your relationship, and even having pets together can bring you closer. Engaging in fitness and health activities together can also help solidify your relationship. In fact, you may even meet a potential spouse while participating in these activities. Additionally, younger siblings may play a role in introducing you to a potential partner, as the 3rd house is associated with them.
Even when you are traveling, especially in foreign lands, there is a possibility of meeting a spouse. The deepest desire when the 7th lord is in the 3rd house is to find someone who shares your philosophical understanding and deep religious wisdom. Ultimately, you strive to be dharmic and do the right thing, regardless of how things turn out. When the 7th lord is in the 3rd house, the main threat to the marriage or partnership is the interference of work and career. It's crucial not to mix personal and professional life by discussing your spouse at work. Keeping your relationship private can prevent any potential issues from arising in your career.
Avoid mentioning your partner in any work-related conversations to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life. By following this advice, you can ensure a harmonious and spiritually fulfilling relationship. This placement is particularly beneficial for business individuals, as the 3rd house signifies competition, negotiation, and sales. Those with this placement may excel in sales roles and could find success in foreign markets.
7th Lord in 4th House
When the 7th Lord resides in the 4th house, it signifies that your spouse is somehow influenced by you. You possess a talent for subtly guiding your spouse to look up to you. This doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. In fact, it often results in having a loyal and obedient partner who craves deep emotional security. Your spouse sees you as an authoritative figure and respects you. This dynamic may seem a bit unconventional in terms of gender roles, but it's the reality of the situation. This placement also indicates that you are intelligent and well-organized. It's a great position for those in business, as it enhances your skills and talents, allowing you to excel in your career.
Your ultimate goal is to achieve recognition, success, and status. You are driven and ambitious, and you are likely to attract a spouse who shares these qualities. You are a hard worker and appreciate a partner who is equally dedicated. Chances are, you will meet your spouse while working, regardless of the setting - be it at home, in the office, or elsewhere. One of the key factors that helps you both maintain a strong relationship is venturing into business together. I've witnessed firsthand how this can be an excellent way to nurture and sustain your bond. Engaging in any form of bartering, buying, selling, or simply being in the company of others can often have a positive impact on your relationship.
However, it's important to note that trust and sharing play a crucial role. While some relationships can endure with minimal trust and sharing, this dynamic won't work in this particular scenario. The potential threat to your relationship lies in the influence of social circles, organizations, societies, and even friendships. These external factors can pose a risk to the harmony between you and your spouse. On a different note, a special blessing that arises from this situation is the opportunity to prioritize fitness and healthy eating together, which can work wonders for your relationship.
Nevertheless, if there are any negative aspects at play, you might unintentionally put excessive pressure on your spouse to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This could potentially lead to conflicts, so it's important to be mindful of this dynamic.
...Stay Tuned For Part 2...
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be consider for Accurate Personalized Predictions..
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dailyadventureprompts · 7 months
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Adventure: A visit to Dawdlewall Fortress
Well there goes the neighbourhood... won't be too hard to catch it though....
Meet Clover, She's a primordial spirit of the land, and a very polite one at that. She embodies the place where the ancient mountains meets the lush green of valleys and lakes below, and her name is derived from an ancient elven poetic composition about her that refers to her mowing through the canopy like it was clover in a lawn.
In times of yore, a great hero awoke her to save their home from an invading army, simultaneously breaking the cliff-face free an undauntable defender. In the usual course of things a spirit like clover would have been unsummoned as soon as the crisis had passed, but the hero and all of their neighbours were just so taken with the gentle giant that they decided to let her stay.
Generations later, Clover has become a beloved local icon, gently grazing the surrounding forests while the fortress on her back serves as the region's seat of power. While most rulers of Dawdlewall have tried to live up to the hero's example the most recent; Gottfried Scarlett, Earl of Eastcress has turned out to be a bit of a bastard. Having ascended to rule Dawdlewall through a convoluted inheritance scheme, he intends to use his authority to wring the region dry of riches, backing up his power grab with kaiju sized threats.
Adventure Hooks:
The party can run into the earl's forces in a number of ways, having set up impromptu toll roads, shaking down local guilds, strong arming tavern staff for free service, ubiquitous "assholes throwing their weight around" type of behaviour. Things inevitably come to a head when the party delve a local dungeon and end up running face to face into the earl's "tax collectors" insisting that they need to pay a "delving fee". A brawl ensues, and the party either find themselves carted off to the Dawdlewall dungeons or on the run with a bounty on their head.
In attempting to fill his treasury as much as possible, Earl Gottfried has ironically made himself tremendously easy to rob. Wagons full of extorted gold make their way across the marshy roads towards the fortress snail. Though well guarded, these trusted troops are overworked and prone to error. Start planning your robinhood ambushes now.
As one of the many privileges granted to him by his new noble title, the Earl has seized control of the ancient hero's staff, which is the only means of communicating with Clover. He's already steered the oblivious primordial to crush a tiny logging hamlet that refused his unjust enchroachment , allowing the denizens to evacuate as a show of his magnanimity (also because it's hard for a giant earth-churning snail to sneak up on anyone). Seizing this staff is the key to kicking Gottfried to the curb (or off the edge of the Fortress, if the party is feeling particularly dramatic) but suddenly puts the heroes in a difficult position. Who can they trust with Clover's titanic power? Do they keep the staff for themselves or use it as a bargaining chip in the power vacuum left by their enemy's departure?
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
What about the Austen heroes?
So the current professions of the Austen heroes are Trust-Fund Baby (Darcy, Bingley, Knightley, Colonel Brandon) and clergyman (Tilney, Ferrars, Bertram) and of course, naval officer (Wentworth).
Darcy's personality and insane degree of stable wealth makes his character pretty hard to write without him being a trust fund baby. So I will not assign him a profession, he's managing the generational family wealth.
George Knightley - runs a small but successful factory that is basically the only industry in his small town. Cash poor because he's always reinvesting in the company. Robert Martin is the floor manager.
Charles Bingley - his father struck it rich in the dot.com era and then died. He's inherited most of the fortune. Has no idea what to do with it, so he's been in university for 6 years.
Colonel Brandon - did four tours in Afghanistan before his brother died and he took over the indebted family chain of hardware stores. He's finally gotten the finances straightened out and the chain is once again profitable (with 100% less tax fraud).
Edward Ferrars - went to a super prestigious university because his mother donated to it, has a degree in Environmental Science much to her chagrin. Wants to work at a non-profit or do his PhD but his mom won't help him with the cost of living so he lives at home, doesn't work, and is miserable.
Edmund Bertram - clergyman or civil servant
Frederick Wentworth - I'm not sure what to do with him, because he needs an uncertain, dangerous career that can also strike rich, not sure if we have a modern analogue... oh it's athlete. He's an athlete who actually made it big and got rich. You pick the sport.
Henry Tilney - this one is so tricky! Because you see Henry Tilney is a nepo baby, but he seems to actually enjoy his profession. So I guess he has a corporate job at Tilney Inc. but he does like it (despite the CEO)
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laryna6 · 8 months
Can you tell me about Miles Vorkosigan? (And also which book to start with)
"Welcome to Barrayar, son. Here you go; have a world of wealth and poverty, wrenching change and rooted history. Have a birth; have two. Have a name. Miles means "soldier", but don't let the power of suggestion overwhelm you. Have a twisted form in a society that loathes and fears the mutations that have been its deepest agony. Have a title, wealth, power, and all the envy and hatred they will draw. Have your body ripped apart and rearranged. Inherit an array of friends and enemies you never made. Have a grandfather from hell. Endure pain, find joy, and make your own meaning, because the universe certainly isn't going to supply it. Always be a moving target. Live. Live. Live."
— Cordelia Vorkosigan to her newborn son Miles, Barrayar
Sci-fi series by Lois McMaster Bujold where the world of Barrayar was cut off from the rest of the galaxy for a long time and also the native plant life is mutagenic, so it became a mother's duty to kill her child at birth if it was a mutant. Also the tax collectors become a military aristocracy.
After recontact (and after a star empire tried to conquer Barrayar and threw a bunch of nukes around before getting finally kicked off the planet, not helping the local fear/hatred of mutations) is the first chronological book in the main series, Shards of Honor, about a survey (and later military) captain from the very liberal Beta Colony. Cordelia ends up marrying a Vor lord, but while she's pregnant there's an attempt to assassinate him with a chemical that as a side effect screws up fetal bone development that hits her too. She refuses to let her kid die and fucks shit up during a civil war to accomplish this in the second book where she's the viewpoint character, Barrayar.
"You're a Betan! You can't do—"
— Vidal Vordarian to Cordelia Vorkosigan, just before she does. Barrayar
However, Miles is still born very short with fragile bones, looking like a mutant despite not technically being one, as a member of a warrior-aristocratic caste, and becomes a master of the Indy Ploy/Xanatos Speed Chess ending up in crazy situations and trying to improv his way out of total disaster and among other things (non-late-arrival spoilers under cut)
takes over a mercenary fleet while pretending to be a clone of himself. The Warrior's Apprentice is the first book about him and the first book published. I love the Cordelia books so I'd start with them, but it's up to you.
They followed me home, Dad. Can I keep them?
— Miles on his new Dendarii Mercenaries. Warrior's Apprentice
Someone actually clones Miles to use the clone to assassinate his dad: by Beta Colony rules on family this makes the clone his brother and Mark is eventually Assimilated. You WILL be unconditionally loved and trusted in this family~
"Miles, what have you done with your baby brother?!"
— What Miles imagines his mother will say about his clone. Brothers In Arms
Miles is kind of manic and it's a lot of fun to see what crazy ploy he's going to go with next. Cordelia sees herself as the Only Sane Woman but between her and Aral it's very obvious where Miles got it from ("Every Vor woman goes to the capital to shop" XD).
"Shopping? That's an offer seldom made to the son of my mother..."
— Miles responding to Ekaterin's invitation. Komarr
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thebelugawhalefriend · 9 months
Yan!Teacher x Reader - Class Pet
CW: NSFW, Fem reader, Male Yandere, Drugging, Kidnapping, Dubcon
Note: Thanks to @yanderenightmare , I was inspired to write a little piece! Please welcome Mr. Florence! This yandere isn't as intense as others but I'll be sure to keep what we love most within him ^^
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Your teacher always had the softest spot for you. Not just your alluring physique or striking gaze, but that bubbly piece of sunshine that was just so excited to come in every day. Unlike highschool, this private class was all about teaching adults the arts. At first you weren't too excited, but the teacher was fun and hey! The class was pretty small and most people were too mature to be caring about high school level drama.
"Oh, not like that, sweetheart!" He quickly picked up the misused tool. Today was a special day, one on one with Mr. Florence. He would usually invite you to these private sessions to help you along with projects, "I know I say art can be done how you want, but usually we don't paint wet clay WITH paint..."
"Oh-" Your cheeks fluster with embarrassment, "I didn't even see the paint on it... Sorry, Mr. Florence..."
He could have sworn his pants grew a little tighter just seeing that sorry face of yours. If your eyes could only meet his, maybe you'd see that desire to ruin you.
"(Y/N), it's quite alright. You didn't know..." He takes a look at your rather stunning art piece, "You're already doing so wonderful, sweets. Look at that! Most people can't sculpt like that right off the bat."
"Really?" The way you perk up at his approval only drives him further into his heated lust. Is it just him or did the room get hotter?
"Yes really. You're a stunning artist, and I'm honored to have you participating in my classes." You couldn't help but notice the sweat that glistened under the florescent lighting. Pale white light isn't too flattering, but paired with that toned dark skin and deep brown eyes? Mr. Florence could honestly quit this hustle and work as a model. Paired with those long dreads pulled back to reveal that well shaped face... It's a wonder how he isn't even married.
"I... Wow, uh, thank you! But I wouldn't have gotten this far without an amazing teacher like you!" Your hand reaches to hold his, some instinct in his mind taking a second look over you. Compared to him, you were easy for the taking. Hopelessly trusting him. "Miss (Y/N), would you like to stop by my place this evening?"
You blink out of surprise, "Like a... Hangout?"
"Yeah. Just the two of us."
It was well past dark when you finally made it to his home. An isolated, rural home down a gravel road. Damn, he can afford this kind of land as a private art teacher? Absolutely no way, he has to have some kind of main income bigger than that! Either that or this is inherited land, but even so... The tax on this would be crazy. Stepping out of the taxi, you wave goodbye and take the walk to his front door. And yet, it was already slightly ajar.
"Mr. Florence?" You give the door a soft knock anyways, only for the man himself to open it all the way. "Ah! There's that sweetheart! Please, when we're not in class, call me Kade."
Unlike his sharp and dapper appearance he usually held in class, he wore a well fitting band tee and baggy grey sweats. You couldn't really tell what band he was wearing considering you've never seen the album before, but it made you relieved that he dressed just as casually as you had.
"Come on in, sweetheart. Would you like anything to drink?"
"I'm okay-"
"Aw come on, I can treat you to something! When you're in my house, it should feel like home..."
"Well... Okay, maybe I'll have..." With your choice made known to him, Kade smiles wide and continues to make what you both want. The scent in the room was just about your favorite kind. Odd, considering you've never even told him what that would be. The music playing softly from his speaker in the living room was your favorite album- and is that pillow on his couch a texture you like? Usually people have all kinds of furnishings you don't really like touching... But you were quick to sit right on the couch and cuddle this wonderful feeling pillow. If you knew better, you'd think he was trying to keep you here...
"Loving the pillows? I made the pattern myself with the help of my brother." He beams, placing both of your drinks on the coffee table in front of you both. "Then I should be careful with it- I didn't mean to-" "Hey, it's alright! Accidents can happen... Besides, he'd love to know that his art is being appreciated. We can always make another pillow." His words always had a way of soothing you. Since his serving of your drink is small enough, you finish with barely any time taken.
"Want another, sweets?" He tilts his head, but you shake yours. "I already had my dinner before coming." A bold faced lie, but Kade seems to take it well. Even when your belly rumbles, he doesn't even seem to notice. Past that little smirk he gets when hearing it.
It isn't until a little while later that you grow tired. "I think I have to go, I'm getting a little..." Kade wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest. "It's not a good idea to leave in the dark tired, especially if you took a taxi here. We've been having a problem with violence towards women in those things..." You look up with a little fear in your eyes, "Really? Then you think I should call my family...?"
"No!" He stops himself in his tracks to correct his tone, "You don't have to. I'll let you stay here until you're all rested up."
Your smile returns once more as your eyes flutter close. Your last breaths of freedom drawn into long and soft whispers as you rest.
Morning light peers through dark curtains, alerting your body to wake up. Yet, you found yourself unable to stretch. Behind you, your hands are bound by tight, rough string. Your neck adorns a little yellow collar, attached to the head of the bed by a loose orange rope. At the end stands your teacher, dreadlocks now let down to shadow his face.
"Mr. Florian...?"
"I told you last night, you can call me Kade..."
Oh, you get it now! This is a wet dream! Wet... Nightmare? Well, if this is the case, maybe you could break your chains with your mind! You turn your head to stare intensely at the loose rope holding the collar, but nothing budges. This does, however, draw a laugh from Kade. His eyes are gazing at you with pure adoration.
"You are just adorable, little pet. Do you honestly think staring at the rope will convince me to let you go?"
Kade approaches the foot of the bed, crawling onto it to approach your figure. It's only now you notice that you're reduced to a loose band tee and panties. In a desperate attempt, you try to twist your hands out of your bounds. Shit, this IS real!
"Now don't worry that pretty little head of yours..." The strapping young man shifts to get in between your legs, his hardened tent brushing against the thin fabric of your underwear. "I'll take care of you. My little class pet..."
One of his hands reaches to caress your face, to which you try your hardest to kick him off. "I-I never asked for this! I just wanted to..." He stops you with a soft kiss to your lips, adjusting to have you sitting on his lap. "Sweetheart," He pulls away to look into your eyes, "I know you wanted this. All along you have. How you look at me for all the praise I give you... How you doodle in my class little hearts and stars... Don't go back now that it's happening. Let me care for you."
Before you could utter a word, his lips met yours once again. Gentle yet giant hands work under your shirt to play at your braless breasts. So soft under his touch... No matter your size, he still manages to get his entire hand over your breast for both. Using his thumb to play at your nipples to elicit those sweet sounds from your throat. Your ever relaxing body tells him just how willing you'd be to please him.
"Good girl~" He coos into your ear after pulling away, moving his hips to tease your entrance with his bulge. The mixture of nipple play and grinding has you like putty in his hands. Half lidded eyes once full of fear now laced with lust for him. "K-kade..." You whimper. "What is it, sweetheart? You want to stop?"
That feverish head shaking tells him just what he knows. You want more. He's more than keen to please you, but teasing is just more fun. "Tell me what you want, little pet. I promise I can make it happen~"
"I... Please..."
"Use your big girl words. I know you're a grown woman."
"I-I want you..." You try to make it obvious with as few words as possible, the red of your face making it obvious how much this flusters you.
"Want me to... What?"
"I want you to... To fill me up...!"
"There we go! Was that so hard, sweets?" His teasing smile tells you just how much he enjoys embarrassing you, now slipping your panties to the side while lowering his sweats just enough to reveal his length. His cock throbbed hard with want for you, your eyes looking down with want and fear.
"Wait- Is that... Is that going to fit?"
"I'll take care of you well enough. You'll have to relax for me if you don't want to get hurt..." Kade knows well that it shouldn't do damage. It just boosted his pride to have you worried about it. He lifts you up by the waist and holds you over his size. "Just breathe for me. In and out. I don't want my favorite pet getting hurt now~"
Despite you being over him, Kade still clearly has the power. His grip on your waist kept you sliding onto his size. Halfway through, you whimper as tears prick your eyes. "Come on, sweetheart, I know you can take it all! You're a tough girl, aren't you?" His words try to inspire comfort, but it's clear this was stretching you to your limit. Even with your tears now spilling, Kade still pushes you on. Getting you to his hilt as you pant heavily.
"Aww, you're so cute... I knew you could do it." He pats your head and immediately starts thrusting into your tight hole. It was almost too tight for Kade, but he only found that to be wonderful. He could mould you into his perfect creation. Break your walls and mend them into his perfect cocksleeve. You're going to be his canvas, and he's the painter that won't leave a single spot unpainted.
As for you, your whimpers turned into cries. Not just of pain, but of pleasure. His length ensured every spot is cared for, while one of his fingers reached to find that elusive clit. When he did find it, his middle finger stayed careful to not roughly overstimulate it. Even so, your first orgasm came way before his just by this little affection.
His brown eyes glint with amusement, "Already done? How about another one for me, sweets?" Small cries turned louder as he kept this assault going on your poor pussy. It aches and trembles for him to stop, and yet he simply keeps going. His cool demeanor couldn't tell you if he was even close or just getting started.
Time and time again, you came and came for him. Three orgasms in, he was finally approaching his own. "Fuck-" He curses under his breath, now wrapping both arms around you to pump into you. "Stay like that for me- yeah, like that! You're such a good fucking girl~"
He closes his eyes tight and presses his lips into the skin of your neck, thrusts getting shorter and faster in-between each one. You try your hardest to mutter any words about him cumming inside, but it all falls out as senseless. With one last thrust, bursts of semen rope out of his cock and into your sweet womb. Coating all along the inside and dripping from your hole. A few little thrusts come right after, if only to ensure that all of his white batter successfully made it into your pussy.
"Ahh!~ Aww, fuck, yeah... Such a sweet girl... So tight and good for me... Little pet..." He leans up to kiss your forehead, looking into those eyes of yours. "This was way too good... I think I'll keep you here. Don't worry, you'll be the greatest pet~"
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Dear Resident Rohan Expert:
I'm not sure if you have given any thought to this, but I could sure use your help! What are your thoughts about how Rohan's government is structured, specifically the King's council at Edoras? I have assumed the King rules with full authority, but with the help of a council of advisors... but how do you think those advisors are selected? How many? Are they military men? Nobility? Elected? Appointed? Are they inherited titles?
Any of your thoughts would be appreciated since your grasp of Rohirrim culture is sounder than of anyone around! Thank you in advance! 😊
Ooh, this comes very close to giving me the chance to answer the question, “What was Éomer’s tax policy?” 😂 (Which, as a public policy major, is something I wouldn’t mind knowing about!) I have thought about Rohan’s government, and I hope you find my answer useful or at least interesting—it’s always my goal to live up to the praise you give me and to make my Rohan even close to being as well contextualized as your Mirkwood universe!!!
I’ve tried to keep a general structure for Rohan’s government in my mind that is at least quasi-related to the way that Anglo Saxon lands were governed, since they were Tolkien’s model. The big deviations are: 1) there is no mixing of religion and government like the Anglo Saxons did, since Rohan has no organized religion; and 2) I like to keep my Rohan government a little more democratic in the sense that everything isn’t based solely on nobility, inheritance or wealth. That’s partly because I don’t vibe with that approach, but also I feel like Tolkien gave us hints that the Rohirrim are pretty laid back about stuff like that anyway (like, Théoden is shockingly casual about the whole issue of royal succession, and he’s totally willing to take advice from guys like Háma or Wídfara even though we have no reason to believe they’re particularly wealthy or elite nobles).
So, the king has ultimate authority in Rohan and, starting with Éomer, that power is equally shared with the queen (I have to believe that he really took in what he learned about Éowyn’s experience in Rohan and would want things to change, starting with his own wife!). The monarchs exercise their authority with the help of a council. That council is comprised of: 1) the advisors of the royal household, a small group that is at Meduseld with the king and queen every day; and 2) the officers of the court, a bigger group who are out in the towns and villages as representatives of the crown. The entire council meets formally a few times a year to discuss and make recommendations on significant issues, though the king and queen can call them more often if needed. And when the officers of the court are back at their homes in between formal council meetings, the advisors of the royal household give the day-to-day advice or handle emergencies that crop up.
The royal household advisors are chosen by the king/queen and would generally include trusted family members as well as others who have distinguished themselves as being particularly skilled in relevant subjects. There would normally be 7 of these, with each specializing in a particular area: defense, diplomacy, justice/law, treasury, trade, infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.) and public welfare (care of orphans, famine relief, what passed for public health in those days). But there could be more or less depending on the priorities of the particular king/queen, and the individual advisors might have their own staffs to help them.
The royal household advisors would often be members of the most prominent families in Rohan, if only because those are the people with the most access to the education and experience needed to become good at these things, but anyone can be chosen. And younger people of any background who are identified as being particularly bright and with a lot of potential might be referred to extra schooling/study with the idea of training them to be advisors, or work for them, in the future. (In my fics, this is how Gríma ended up in an advisor role – he failed out of éored training, but the brilliance of his mind was recognized, he was given the additional education to become an advisor on diplomatic affairs, got too close to Isengard and everything went to hell.) (It’s a good process, even though the one example I’ve just given is one where things did not work out well!)
The officers of the court who are spread throughout the land are chosen by their communities, though the king/queen can refuse to seat one that they don’t like or trust.* The king and queen decide how many officers there are, adding or subtracting as the population shifts, but there are generally 5 each from the West-mark and the East-mark and 3 from Edoras and its surrounding lands. These officers not only sit on the council that helps the king/queen set law and policy, but they’re also the first line administrators who see those policies carried out around the country (so, they hire the tax collectors in Dunharrow or the work crews that build the new road between Aldburg and Grimslade or whatever). That makes them kind of the face of the crown in most parts of Rohan where regular people are never going to see the king or queen (or, at least, not often). They can also draw on the expertise and knowledge of the royal household advisors as needed when carrying out royal policy.
Thank you again for the opportunity to write something that’s probably far too long about a niche topic that I find very interesting!! If anyone has their own ideas and thoughts—either complementary or conflicting—I would love to hear them. More Rohan for everyone! 👑🐎🗡️♥️
*A king/queen should really try to avoid doing this, especially if the person in question is really popular in their community and has any kind of independent power base. Don’t get me started on how Helm Hammerhand really fucked this up with a member of his own council and got a war started as a result.
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knightinink · 1 year
🔥So, Why Dip?☕
Well, I’ll tell ‘ya. Get your blankets & warm drinks, & get ready for a fireside chat with me about why I absolutely, positively, love Dip.
🔥 ☕
Their characters are so interesting to me, because on the surface, they seem like night & day; complete opposites that would never get along with one another. Digging a little deeper into their character, however, reveals that there’s more to them than initially meets the eye.
-Damien Thorn is the angry son of Satan. On the surface, he’s loud, disruptive, & prone to violence. He stands up on tables & desks, throws things & people around with his demonic abilities, & sets things on fire, among many other inferred powers that he inherited from his father.
-Phillip “Pip” Pirrup is an orphaned English boy who came to the little town of South Park from England. On the surface, he’s a very happy-go-lucky kid, always willing to put others before himself, seeming to not have a mean bone in his body (except for maybe during the dodgeball games).
These characters seem like they have nothing in common & would never be seen together, but they go a lot deeper than that, & they are more similar than one might think.
-Damien Thorn is the son of Satan, someone who’s constantly on the move, & thus his son must follow. Because of this, Damien never gets the chance to make & keep friends, resulting in him being a very lonely kid. Someone in Satan’s position has a lot of responsibility; being the ruler of Hell is a very taxing job, & is one that keeps him very busy. When Satan’s not drowning in work, he’s off with his new boyfriend doing who knows what. Between work & his romantic endeavors, Satan has very little time for Damien, resulting in his kid not being payed much attention by the only family member he has, & the only other person he’s really known. Parental involvement is very important for a kid Damien’s age (8yrs), & because he’s not getting it, he acts out to get attention. This has worked for him at home, so he figures it’ll work when he goes to a new school, & behaves in a chaotic manner as mentioned above. He acts this way because he knows that it works to get him the attention he wants (but what he wants is positive attention, & his acting out doesn’t get him that, but at this point he’s desperate & takes what he can get).
-Phillip “Pip” Pirrup was orphaned at a young age, left with only his eldest sister of more than 20yrs to look after him, alongside her husband Joe Gargery. Pip’s sister resents his existence, & makes sure to remind him of this daily, & is verbally, physically, & emotionally abusive towards him. Pip doesn’t seem bothered much by this however, but perhaps maybe he just deals with it by keeping a smile on his face & looking on the bright side of things. Joe is the complete opposite of his wife: none-too bright, but is very caring & emotionally aware, & looks out for Pip whenever he can. Everyone in this little town on the marshes seems to despise Pip as well, (including his short-lived love interest & girlfriend Estella); everyone but Joe, who is a trusted friend to Pip (as well as a father figure for him). Perhaps Joe is why Pip keeps smiling. Throughout the many misfortunes that happen to Pip while living in England, he always keeps his chin up, & he seems to keep this attitude when he comes over to the states. Unfortunately, everyone here despises him as well, or is weirded out by him, as he does not follow “normal” South Park customs at all. He dresses different & talks funny, so he is often resultingly singled-out among his peers & bullied by them (& some of the adults as well!). Learning that he is an orphan only fuels the fire, as he has no parental-figure with him to protect him, thus everyone can pick on him with practically no consequences.
Bottom line, both Pip & Damien are lonely kids who have no friends, no one they can relate to, no stable parental presence, & who seek out attention by acting out or becoming a punching bag.
-When they first meet, Pip tries reaching out to Damien, being a hand he can grab onto being the new kid in town & the new student in class. Pip knows what that’s like & no one ever really came to him to help him feel welcome, so when he has the opportunity to do just that, he takes it. Damien, not really knowing how to interact much with kids his own age, isn’t very friendly towards Pip, but he lets the blond stick around, as he would rather not be alone. Pip gets on his nerves with his cheeriness & optimism, but not enough for the demon to drive him away. This continues on for a few days & they seem to be growing just a little bit closer, but Damien still doesn’t know how to handle any feelings other than anger, so that’s what he barricades himself with. The demon does notice however, that the other boys at school seem a lot more popular than Pip, & his desire to be given attention overrides any other desire he has, resulting in The Dip Firework Incident Of ‘98. The Betrayal.
-As Damien is walking with the other boys to go watch the boxing match between his father & Jesus, the wailing sirens of an ambulance rushing by makes him feel a tightness in his chest, in a way he can’t describe. He doesn’t want to look wimpy in front of his new friends though, so he pushes that feeling down. He doesn’t recognize it nor does he know what it is, but he would later piece together that what he was feeling was regret, remorse, & guilt.
-When Satan wins the match & goes back down to Hell, Damien must go with him & leave all of his new friends. As soon as he left the vicinity however, he could just overhear them saying how they felt bad for him, but he was still some weirdo-freaky kid, & they were relieved someone so dangerous was finally leaving & things could go back to normal. Feeling betrayed himself, those feelings from earlier come back, & he doesn’t know what, but something within him is telling him to go find the little British boy & apologize to him, remembering some faint memory of his father once telling him to “treat others how you would want to be treated”, & all Damien wanted right now was to feel better from the betrayal of the other boys, slowly realizing the blond must be feeling the same way. He deserves an apology, at the very least. (this fic details where their relationship is when Damien goes back down to Hell with his father) (tldr; they’re good, Damien felt bad & apologized & Pip forgave him)
-Fast-forwarding to when Pip gets killed by Mecha Streisand-
-To make things more angsty because I always love that, I think Pip would be sent up to Heaven first, adorned with new wings & a halo, & would be awaiting all day among a huge crowd of people to be checked in at the pearly gates. Once it’s finally his turn, however, he is denied entry, & he is crestfallen; he thought he had always been such a good boy while he was alive, he was sure of it! But they point out his count of murder (Miss Havisham), arson (The Satis House), & worst of all, befriending the son of the devil. Before he can get a word in, they rip his wings & halo away from him & -quite literally- kick him out of Heaven & down into Hell. He lands there, wounded, & Satan is immediately notified of a newly arrived Fallen into Hell, & brings Damien along with him (pt3 of this fic!). 
-While Pip’s on the mend, he & Damien spend a lot of time together, & by the time he’s completely healed, the two have become inseparable.
-They finally, finally have someone who will give them the time of day, & be interested in what they have to say!
-As I’ve talked about here a couple times before, my favorite way to characterize Damien is that he puts up an angry, mean front to protect himself from getting hurt, because deep down inside, he’s a very insecure little kid with no one else like him that he can relate to, & he’s very afraid of what could happen if others were to see this side of him; who he really is. He’s often very unsure of himself, seeing who his father is & all the responsibility he’ll have to take on one day. He’s scared of doing the wrong thing, & ending up alone for his entire life, one way or another. While spending time with Pip though, those angry walls start to break down over time, & they eventually fall completely to Pip only, showing him who the real Damien Thorn is. & Pip accepts him completely. With time, Pip also helps Damien to better understand his emotions, & Damien is eternally grateful to him, feeling the best he ever has about himself.
-Pip would also finally  have someone he feels completely safe with, & isn’t someone who’s going to use him like everyone else had. He didn’t come out from the firework incident unscathed, but after Damien is genuinely remorseful & apologetic, Pip forgives him & Damien helps him heal with that aspect of himself. I feel that Pip also puts walls up to protect himself, but in a different way. Pip’s an emotional kid, always has been. He puts others before himself constantly, & all the torment he goes through strains him. He’s someone who cries when he’s alone, & bottles up his emotions to please others. & he cries a lot. Damien is the first one to see him cry in a long time, & despite not really knowing how to act as a shoulder to cry on, he would do his best to help Pip feel better. Damien also teaches Pip how to stand up for himself, or at the very least, to not just take what others do to him laying down.
-They get to see who the other really is; see them vulnerable, at their best & at their worst. They instill a sense of confidence & self-love in each other. They are the first to understand each other, having someone who just gets you in a way that no one has ever achieved before. They finally have found someone who they can just be themselves around, without fear of judgement or ridicule, & their relationship continues to grow each & every day they spend together.
-Bonus Married-Couple Dip!-
-They are able to have wordless conversations by this point, communicating through looks & actions when it works better than words. One thing I really like to focus on is Pip’s burn scars, & how he & Damien navigate them together.
-Pip has :Good days (where he’ll wear one of Damien’s tank tops) :Okay days (maybe a t-shirt or a long-sleeve) :Bad days (long-sleeve, jacket) :& Very bad days (he’s left crying at his appearance, swaddled up in the biggest most covering coat he has with fancy gloves on & a hat).
I detailed this a lot in this fic of mine, how Damien tries his best to make Pip feel better about himself, as his burn scars are something he still gets very insecure about. Damien will always love him unconditionally, though, & he reminds Pip of this every day.
-End Of The Bonus Content-
& that’s why I love Dip, there’s just so much to them that I love. They’re outcasts who stick together through thick-n-thin, someone who holds the other up when they’re down, & someone who they care so so much about. They’ve found more than friendship between them. 
They’ve found family.
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iwcprobateservicesuk · 2 months
Inheritance Tax Planning in the UK – Get Assistance from Specialists
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Inheritance tax is one tax that you can avoid legitimately with careful planning. Many people believe it an unfair tax. They think “Why should one pay tax when one passes away after working all of the life”. Planning correctly can reduce the chances of paying such taxes. Following a few legal steps will provide you with complete assistance. In simple words, getting expert advice on inheritance planning for taxes in legal way can mitigate the tax. It will be better to call the experts from a recognised agency or legal firm, where probate executors and specialists are working. They have expertise and knowledge enough to solve your queries and provide you with complete peace of mind.
Planning and preparation – the two key steps are crucial to avoid inheritance tax. Varied recognised agencies are in this domain providing you complete peace of mind. IWC is a recognised agency where specialists are working in will writing, inheritance tax laws and probate. They can offer inheritance tax planning advice and guidance, suggesting legal ways to offset the liability and avoid inheritance tax. They also work with selected financial advisors to ensure you are using the maximum ways to avoid inheritance tax. With inheritance planning, you will get varied services and solutions.
Will Writing Services, Lasting Power of Attorney, and Gift Allowances
Gift Trusts, Assett Distribution, and Discretionary Trusts
Pilot Trusts, Nil rate band discretionary trust, and Estate Planning
Asset Protection Trusts, Family Settlement Trusts, and IPDI Trusts (immediate post death interest)
Stay in touch with experts at IWC and get precise solutions and support for inheritance planning.
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samkat10423 · 7 months
Sofia Carlton
A long, long time ago - back when the Sims Daily was up and running - we had a challenge to take a sim and help them achieve their LTW. And while you did it, you were supposed to world-hop. The first sim I did this with was River Irish. She was done with her mother and her free-loading friend and obnoxious brat, and just wanted to get the hell out of Sunset Valley. Her mother got her a job interview where she worked, but River blew that off and visited the local criminal warehouse in town. Luckily for her, her new associates needed a sap to take some contraband to Barnacle Bay. And River was all in. She eventually did achieve her LTW, and in the process, visited 3 other worlds. It was way easier than I expected, so when I finished with her, I moved on to another sim. Bebe Hart. (She slept her way to the top of the journalism career).
The third sim I chose to play, was that Paris Hilton wannabee in Twinbrook. She was actually a fun little sim to play. Which is why I decided to give her another go.
In the samkat universe, she was away at Uni when she got word that her parents had died mysteriously in a ski accident while visiting their accountant in Hidden Springs. She of course went back home, only to discover that the family home was being sold for unpaid back taxes. When she tried to call good, old "Uncle Bertie," she got the message, "the number you tried to reach is no longer in service." And when she went to the local bank, she discovered that her trust fund had been looted. With no simoleons or house, she turned to her 'friends' - who suddenly didn't answer the door when she knocked or return her calls.
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Luckily for her, Agnes Crumplebottom called and told her that a long, lost relative had left her a "mansion" in Sunset Valley! All she had to do was come to town, sign some papers, and it was hers!
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She also inherited a car - of sorts.
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Not only that, but the house came with a freeloading stray cat named Jinx.
Even though she has a Uni degree - thanks to Nraas, I gave her one in Fine Arts - she really doesn't have any marketable skills. So, no one wants to hire her. I got rid of some of her EA traits - the snob one that I hate, because all they do is stand in front of the mirror all day and the schmoozer one too, since why would she have had to mooch off others when her family was super rich? - and traded them for some others. I gave her the "shy and proper" ones. The proper one, because she came from 'old money,' and I figured her Southern parents taught her manners. The 'shy' one because she was an only child of older parents. I also gave her the bookworm one, since it helps when you're a writer. Then I got rid of the "lucky" one, since she lost everything, and gave her that "hopeless romantic" one instead.
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Luckily for her, the local library has free computers that she can use to write her tell-all books about her no-good, backstabbing ex-friends. Karma's a bitch!
Anyway, I enrolled her as a writer and plan on having her write to pay the bills. She just finished her first book and it's doing pretty good. She won't be able to buy a computer for home use unti she has 5 writing skill points.
As for the house, once she gets 3 gardening skill points, she can start cleaning up the yard. And she'll then be able to clear out the vegetation inside. She'll need 3 handiness points before she can start roof repairs and replacing windows. Plus, she'll need painting skill points. Plus to pay for stuff - such as new windows - she'll be able to sell the old stuff, but will still need enough simoleons to make up the difference for the new, replacement items.
After I moved her in, I stole all of her money. Then I went through all the bookcases and sold duplicate copies of books. I also sold all of the paintings and most of the furniture so that she could buy some things for her cat. I let her keep the bed in the master bedroom, the 2 chairs in the library, and the smaller sofa, a chair and coffee table in the living room. I also took all the food out of the frig and had her visit the local greenhouse - that store venue - to pick some free veggies. I figured any food that had been in the frig would have spoiled ages ago. Plus, by making her forage for food, she learned the gardening skill.
I was actually kind of impressed with this little sim. She started picking up all the trash and clothes that had been strewn throughout the house without any prompting from me. Then she went outside and started picking up trash in the yard. I did help her get rid of the cobwebs in the rooms that she cleaned up - since they are deco items and sims can't remove them. But Ieft the ones in the rooms she hadn't cleaned.
Anyway, I'll see how this goes.
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darthxvenus · 1 year
Random Astrology Thoughts #Foe
Contrary to popular belief, Venus in Gemini people can commit to one person and not cheat. It just has to be a hyper stimulating, spontaneous, overactive, and borderline cracked out relationship but it could definitely work. Venus Gemini’s partners have to understand their need for sharing ideas, strong communication, great experiences, and again SPONTANEITY. You can’t bore them, or shall I say “us” hehe 🤭, with doing the same repetitive things everyday. They need to constantly be intrigued by you, learn something from you, share new experiences with you. If you are the type of person who does the same old mundane shit all the time, *cough,cough* earth Venuses, heavy earth or Saturn. Then Venus Gemini people may not be right for you. In fact they’ll probably just piss you off. In a similar sense, Gemini is not an emotionally charged sign. It’s ruler is Mercury: the mind. It will be a relationship grounded in logic first. Gemini is mutable air, air cannot be contained or controlled. You have to give the Gemini the room and freedom to breathe, to air out. Therefore water Venuses or heavy water energy may not be so suitable either with them wanting to hold their partner close and jealously and shit. *cough,cough* Scorpio, Cancer. Fire and air Venuses or people with more of those energies get it, and make a perfect unhinged match for the Venus in Gemini native.
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Mars in first house people can be so incredibly childish. Especially the guys, only they are assholes about it. Even as they age, there remains an air of immaturity somewhere. I don’t think there’s a planetary placement more me, me, me then Mars in the first. Sign placements matter, but even still there is an obnoxious quality about them. Place it in a fire sign and OMG 😑.
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Let’s talk about the Sagittarian laziness. Sure they can be the traveling, adventurers, seeking good times and fun experiences but usually they don’t feel like doing jack shit. They could honestly stay in their homes for days and be hermits and feel perfectly fine. They may mentally travel some place, be on some spiritual journey, or think about planning a trip all on the comfort of their couch. Oh and have you seen the inside of a Sag’s car? Filled with shit, usually useful shit…but some of it can be just plain junk. It’s the Jupiterian “everything in abundance” that can make them wasteful. Saggy’s do like to get out and do everything BIG and in excess when they do, but they can be just as overindulgent in doing absolutely nothing.
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Capricorn Moons are sensitive. They won’t let you know this unless they really trust you, but they are sensitive AF. I’m liable to say more so then Cancer Moons. They’re cry in the corner of a dark closet kind of sensitive. They don’t like to express emotions because they simply fear them. They think hard work, and achievement will heal them when in fact it’s a distraction from their real problems. Ultimately placing one of those little round band-aids on a gushing wound. It’s important they confront their real issues, usually related to their mother, primary care takers, or living situations as a child. Though if you get a Cap Moon to open up to you or just cry and express their deepest self to you they really fucks with you…and you should feel honored.
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The 8th House is the house of the inevitables and the unknown. Taxes, death, inheritance, other peoples money and resources, secrets, mysticism, crisis. People with heavy 8th house placements no it doesn’t mean your gonna die young or some horrible death but usually they venture into careers or are very interested in things relating to the finances of others, death, psychology, magic. Heavy 8th house makes therapist, morticians, stock brokers, investors, psychiatrists, mediums, psychics, astrologers. The 8th house though contrary to beliefs has very little if anything to do with your sexual proclivities. On a basic level that would be the 5th house and where-ever your Mars is and sign placement in your chart.
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The 6th House is everything that you gotta do before you can enter the 7th House. Hence you have to handle 6th house bullshit before you can enter a successful partnership with anyone. The 6th house is daily duties, daily routines, work life, physical health and to an extent with it being the direct opposite of the 12th…your mental health. How are you gonna have a good relationship with your spouse and your mental health is fucked up? How are you gonna be able to run around in the yard with your kids and your physical health is fucked up? How are you gonna have time for the people who love you when your daily routine and schedule is fucked up? Gotta handle those before seeking anyone else out and waisting their time and yours.
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Ultrawealthy Americans enjoy so many ways to avoid taxes that Gary Cohn, former President Donald Trump’s director of the National Economic Council, once wisecracked, “Only morons pay the estate tax.”
On Monday, a group of four Democratic senators urged Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to crack down on a host of specially-designed trusts and financial vehicles that allow the wealthiest individuals to shield their personal fortunes and pass down massive inheritances tax-free.
The letter, from Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Chris Van Hollen, and Sheldon Whitehouse, laid out a series of potential IRS regulations that would make trusts, particularly, less attractive as tax shelters for the 1%.
“Billionaires and multi-millionaires use trusts to shift wealth to their heirs tax-free, dodging federal estate and gift taxes,” the senators wrote. “And they are doing this in the open: Their wealth managers are bragging about how their tax dodging tricks will be more effective in the current economy.”
Only about 0.1% of Americans pay estate taxes, despite thousands of families having fortunes larger than the current $25.48 million exemption.
When President Joe Biden promised on the campaign trail to raise taxes on the richest Americans, it unleashed a race to set up the kinds of legal tax shelters that would protect their inheritable assets from the estate tax.
They feared Biden would lower the estate tax exemption — which Republicans under Trump had raised to its all-time high — and resuscitate proposed IRS rules that make it more difficult to use trusts to avoid taxes on substantial inheritances.
But Democrats dropped their plans to raise inheritance taxes early on in the Biden administration. And in their letter, the lawmakers argued there is far more the IRS can do to crack down on the “shell games” the ultrawealthy use to shield huge generational wealth transfers from taxation.
Popular schemes they highlighted include families using special vehicles, called family limited partnerships, to understate the values of their estates; placing assets that will rise in value, such as a stock portfolio, inside a tax-shielded trust before the price can rebound; and cycling stocks and other assets through a grantor trust to avoid inheritance taxes.
The current economy, where stocks have lost double digits in value, actually supercharges some of these tax shelters because they shield appreciation from taxation.
“As the richest Americans celebrate and take advantage of these favorable tax opportunities, middle-class families struggle with inflation and Republicans threaten austerity measures and the end of Social Security and Medicare,” the lawmakers wrote.
They argued that the Treasury Department could crack down on these tax-avoidance vehicles without action from Congress.
It can revoke a rule that currently exempts transfers between grantors and grantor trusts from taxes, and it can require grantor trusts to hold a minimum value so they would be less useful as a pass-through for avoiding taxes. And it can clarify and rein in the kinds of asset sales and valuation practices tax planners have abused to wedge their clients’ enormous estates into various tax-shielded trusts and partnerships.
“Although the details of various trusts may differ, the result of wealthy individuals transferring millions in assets to heirs tax-free does not,” they continued. “The ultra-wealthy at the top of the socioeconomic ladder live by different rules than the rest of America.”
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timesimmer · 2 months
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History of Aethelmark
The country of Aethelmark was founded by a charismatic warrior known as Aethel the Great in the 9th century. He wanted to unite the warring tribes of the land under his banner. Many legends have been told about Aethel's mystical sword, imbued with the power of the land itself. Using this blade he was able to repel invaders and brokered peace between the tribes. Aethel's legacy lives on in the country's name, Aethelmark, meaning "Aethel's March."
Following unification, Aethelmark entered a golden age of expansion. Aethel's successors, adopting the title of King, commissioned the building of numerous castles and forts throughout the realm, including in the royal families' main seats of power, Eastcliff and Lumenvale. Many prominent noble houses carved out their own fiefdoms, swearing fealty to the crown.
In the 12th century, Aethelmark erupted into chaos. King Edgar the Ruthless known for his harsh taxation and iron fist, sparked outrage among the nobility. Lord Uhtred of Dunwic, a charismatic and powerful noble, rallied other houses under the banner of rebellion. the country was plunged into civil war, with battles raging across Aethelmark. The war finally ended with a hard-fought victory for King Edgar. However, the rebellion left deep scars, sowing distrust between the crown and the nobility.
Even into the 13th century, kings of the Stagfield house have made sure to always have a watchful eye over the nobility to make sure that there were no other signs of war. The previous king, Agan, was able to keep both the nobles and smallfolk happy and at peace during his reign.
Aethelmark Geography
Eastcliff: nestled amidst a tapestry of rolling green hills, lush farmland, and fields of golden wheat. Crystal-clear water defines Eastcliff with its sparkling waterfalls that tumble down moss-covered cliffs. In the center of this village is the royal castle. Built from grey stone and adorned with fluttering banners, the castle dominates the skyline.
Lumenvale: Towering honey-colored stone buildings line the winding streets. The beauty of this town lies in its intricate tapestry of waterways. Several rivers snake through the town center and weave between buildings, creating a network of picturesque bridges and quaint water mills. The scent of freshly baked bread from numerous bakeries mingles with the damp earth. The sound of laughter spills out from the taverns as lively music and discussions fill the air. The summer home of the royal family stands guard over the town. Its grand halls echo with laughter and hold a distinct air of power.
Aethelmark functions as a feudal monarchy. The king reigns supreme, wielding ultimate executive, legislative, and judicial power. His word is law throughout the land. The king relies on a trusted council of advisors to help him to make decisions.
The King's Council includes high-ranking members of the clergy, powerful nobles, and royal officials.
The nobility forms the backbone of Aethelmark's power structure. These land-owning lords swear fealty to the King, providing him with military support and a share of the taxes collected from their lands in exchange for protection and the right to govern their own domains.
The line of succession follows a male-preference primogeniture. The eldest son of the King inherits the throne upon his death. If the King has no sons, the crown passes to his closest male relative.
House of Wessex (871 - 1016 century)
House of Dunwic (1016 - 1066 century)
House of Godwin (1066 - 1154)
House of Stagfield (1154 - Present)
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
So here I am, feel free to ignore if I'm breaking any boundaries.
 Your story actually made me think of Tim’s process through the trauma and mainly how he processes most adult things. I do like soft, hurt, self-sacrificing Tim like any hot, red blooded fan, of course.
But let me argue that Tim Drake is not a child child, he has been his own responsible adult since he was six. He learned budgeting and bills and taxes and stranger danger and all the things adults eventually teach children from TV/the internet and he is not ashamed of it.
Kinda that when Jack and Janet left him alone with a housekeepr, he basically parentified himself.
So in comes the 12/13 year old who sees Batman tiptoeing the edge and goes: I can fix this dude so hard!
And yeah, Bruce is almost lost to his grief and barely conscious of the utter shitshow around him, “sure, whatever kid, be Robin, but train with other adults, I’m too broken hearted to adult right now. Oh, you learned from Alfred and Dick, great, Imma teach you and oh, you disappeared for a while, huh, you got even better, I wonder what you did, well whatever let’s go on patrol.”
And years pass, Bruce heals, he gets his family back, he gains allies and perspective.
And maybe one day he is high as a kite on some scarecrow or ivy drug or whatever, he beat the villain, he did the justice, weee~
And he realizes he is home and Tim’s tiny hand is pulling hin towards the bathroom and he is confused.
Tim, on the other hand, is so used to Bruce’s shit, that he simply taps him on the back of the knees to make him kneel by the toilet bowl and goes: “Okay, you feel up to puking on your own or should I make you?”
And Bruce is even more confused because his children usually weren’t like this, they were soft and depended on his stability, none of his children should see him this vulnerable.
And maybe he takes a little too long to reply because suddenly Tim is shoving two fingers down his throat while holding the back of his head and suddenly Bruce is vomiting and Tim pats his heaving back and makes sure none of it goes in his  hair while TSKING because “Really Bruce? Don’t be a baby, my hand can’t hurt that much, I’m like 13.”
And Bruce, for once, realizes he is not the parent in this relationship and he is not sure how it happened.
You can extrapolate Bruce Mommy/Daddy-issues Wayne would definitely fall for that scarily inteligent teen that has become his highly unimpressed new mommy if you like.
Or he simply tries (and fails) to parent this child who somehow doesn’t need him like Dick and Jason and Damian ever did and he is frightened that if Tim doesn’t need him he will leave.
Which is why Tim gets more benefits than Dick and Jason ever did at his age COMBINED.
A car? You got it.
A Ducatti? Red, black or both?
Your own team instead of integrating you to Dick’s? SURE THING!
It is quite telling that even if Dick is Bruce’s oldest adopted child and the one he is trusting the mission to, TIM is the one who is supposed to inherit the company and thus Batman’s biggest source of income and Bruce’s charity and social justice pet projects in case of Bruce’s death.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just read the comment you left on ‘here cometh the iceman’ and i cannot tell you how happy i was to be greeted by this in my inbox!!!!!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍!!!!
i love your tim HC so much because it reallly does align with how he behaves so often! tim is a child who has, often, had to parent himself. in the comics it’s implied that the majority of his developmental years in school were spent in boarding schools where his only supervisors were teachers and the few adults whose job were to look out for them. but even then tim would’ve had to learn how to deal with a lot of things himself- he had to put himself to bed, decide what and how to regulate his diet, how to deal with interpersonal issues along with any tension that came with living with another kid his age. tim is essentially a young adult in a child’s body. and to contrast that is bruce. who arguably, while he is an adult, lacks a lot of the landmark developmental milestones that tim has already had (through no choice of his own). 
bruce has alfred as a kind of crutch so many of the “adult” things tim experienced were things he never learned or developed the skills for. hence why when they came together, tim who was the more responsible, mature, and developed “adult” took care of bruce. it’s such an upside down pineapple situation where bruce is the grown up but the child and tim is the child but the grown up. so tim caring for bruce like when he gets poisoned and needs to vomit, tim treats him like a child who has swallowed something he wasn’t supposed to. he falls into caring for bruce like it’s a routine and bruce is struck with the realization of what had been happening while his head was buried in the sand from his grief.
bruce has sooo many hangups about his parents and their deaths, his relationship with them has guided so much of his life and how he expresses (or doesn’t express) his love. alfred had cared for and loved him but always maintained him an arm’s length away perhaos out of respect for bruce and the relationship he had with his parents. but tim! tim treats him in that soft way his mother did, taking a rag and dabbing away the sweat from his brow when bruce starts sweating buckets after vomiting. so many things tim does for him reminds bruce so starkly of his mother and father and it kind of makes him uncomfortable but that feeling gets trampled by and is the reason he never puts a stop to it - he likes it. he likes being doted on and cared for, he like that tim feeds him warm broths, oatmeals, and chicken soup. he likes that tim presses featherlight kisses to his scrapes and cleaned wounds. with tim there’s no expectation of him to make the first move, be responsible, or be the parent. not like there was with jason or dick.
but there’s also the fact that bruce no longer offers something to tim. safety, protection, etc. the things you expect from a parent. tim doesn’t want them, in fact he’s the one who provides them because bruce startles awake from a bad dream and tim is already there to comfort him.
bruce attempting to become the parent in their dynamic similarly failing leaves him scrambling and leaves him scared about the fact that tim could leave him.
this fundamentally changing their dynamic is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its why tim gets more leeway than the others, why he’s treated differently and “allowed” so much independence. i think if jason and dick weren’t so preoccupied with their own lives and issues they might stop and be like “hey wtfff”.
tim and bruce’s relationship and dynamic is one of the most fascinating to me because the two of them are mirrors, foils, and almost caricatures of each other in some cases. the two of them share so much in common but are also fundamentally different people. if tim had been in bruce’s shoes from birth he would’ve likely followed the same path but been different. same with bruce. if he had been the little idealistic boy whose parents more or less neglected him, he would’ve followed the same path as tim had but been....different. the two of them are such good characters, their shared history and dynamic is fascinating and thank you so much for this really good deep dive into their character and relationship!!!!!!! it’s so good!!!!!!!!!!!!
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