livinglanguages · 4 years
Hey guys, it's me, Julen. So I have told you about how I lost access to my account because of google authenticator and I am no longer able to log in. Now I am sick and tired of constantly being ignored by tumblr and their shit helpdesk and therefore decided to create a new Langblr. This is where you guys come in. I'd very much appreciate it if my awesome followers, you guys, could please share my new blog and follow me, so everybody knows that I am back on tumblr. My new account will be called @vox-romanica. Thank you guys so so much, I really appreciate any bit of help and any reblog I can get :)
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spiritofstbarth · 5 years
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How did four distinct languages come to be used on such a small island? Between 1986 and 2009, linguist and author Julianne Maher conducted extensive research into the nature of the language and dialects used by native St Barth speakers. . Read more about 'Living Languages' featured in issue n•3 at www.issuu.com/spiritofstbarth . Pourquoi 4 langues bien distinctes sont-elles utilisées, à differents niveaux, sur une île de si petite envergure ? Entre 1986 et 2009, Julianne Maher mit en place des recherches concernant la nature et les origines des différents langages et dialectes utilisés par les St-Barth natifs. . Lisez l'article 'Langues Vivantes' dans notre édition n•3 en suivant le lien www.issuu.com/spiritofstbarth . Map by @rachelyallop . #stbarth #stbarths #stbarts #sbh #spiritofstbarthmagazine #authenticstbarth #sebmartinon #ouanalao #spiritofstbarth #saintbarth #livinglanguage #antanlontan #stbarthslife #stbarthspirit (à St. Barths) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rRfvQlzeT/?igshid=1co44dyjvht25
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gasstationb · 4 years
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“In every important way we are such secrets from one another, and I do believe that there is a separate language in each of us, also a separate aesthetics and a separate jurisprudence. Every single one of us is a little civilization built on the ruins of any number of preceding civilizations, but with our own variant notions of what is beautiful and what is acceptable - which, I hasten to add, we generally do not satisfy and by which we struggle to live. We take fortuitous resemblances among us to be actual likeness, because those around us have also fallen heir to the same customs, trade in the same coin, acknowledge, more or less, the same notions of decency and sanity. But all that really just allows us to coexist with the inviolable, intraversable, and utterly vast spaces between us.” ― Marilynne Robinson, who receives the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for her novel “Gilead” on April 4, 2005. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesmarilynnerobinson . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #marilynnerobinson #gilead #pulitzerprize #livinglanguage #secret #oursecret https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kakBFhuYa/?igshid=18vkvb6mke8af
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pure-light · 5 years
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I’ve just decided that JBONNE is a word. I like this word. I may or may not say it a lot now. but nini is still my favorite word. #livinglanguage #thailand #sahainan_permaculture_organic_farm https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNSpCrBk51/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w2pjxukqgahr
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therussianmajor · 4 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @h-dgp to name the top places I want to go to in my lifetime (and why if you want).
0. I am counting these as “0″ because I have already been here but I desperately want to go back. Madrid and Berlin.
1. Oslo, Norway. I am Norwegian by blood, my great-grandparents immigrated here and spoke Norwegian, but unfortunately my parents and (I think) my grandparents do not speak it at all, so it was not passed down to me :(. I’ve found out I have a ton of cousins there by doing 23andme so I would love to maybe meet a few of them. I would also love the chance to seriously study Norwegian.
2. Montreal, Canada. I would love to explore the city (and its food) and speak French with people who are not French [jk I love the French. I visited Clermont-Ferrand in Auvergne for a month once and I was great, but I have terrible memories of Paris and I just asdklfjkljsdklaf Paris is bad. The Louvre is good, but Paris is bad and I would love to experience a large French-speaking city (Clermont-Ferrand is tiny) that is Not Paris.]
3. Kyiv, Ukraine. I was recently told by a professor to “maybe consider taking out your explicit Ukrainian nationalist opinions from this academic paper” so I would love to experience this country I’ve come to care so much about. I would also love the chance to study Ukrainian.
4. Edinburgh, Scotland. I am looking at attending a master’s program here and I would love to visit the city. From what I’ve heard, I would love the academic culture there and I know I would love the weather.
5. Munich, Germany. German language. German bois. Need I say more? No? Okay, I will anyway. They also have one of the top three Indo-European Studies programs in the world.
ahhhh I’m terrible at tagging people. The second I go to tag people I forget all of my mutuals, so if I forget to tag you, I’m sorry!! Don’t hate me!! I love you!!
I tag: @livinglanguages @athenastudying @lagom-languages @clandestine-intestine @balkanica @mollymooon and whoever else wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me! I’d love to see your responses so be sure to tag me at the top!
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Japanese. It will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! if you have any issues or things to add, please reply to this post!
language faq
learning profile
overview of japanese dialects
playlist of samples
starter guide by /r/learnjapanese
the japanese language [video]
the japanese language by mit
total beginner’s guide
why learning japanese is easy
world atlas of language structures
flewent [chrome]
pibo [ios]
simply learn
maggie sensei
the japanese page
book recommendations
book recommendations by @nihilistens-luftslott​
a textbook of colloquial japanese (1907) [scans]
colloquial - japanese: the complete course for beginners [scans]
fsi - japanese: familiarization & short-term training [pdf]
genki self-study room / genki supplemental material
i kinda like languages [audio course]
japanese lesson from basics
living language - japanese complete course: the basics [scans]
mangolanguages [english loanwords] [mimetic words]
nhk world
pimsleur 1 [pdf]
cultural & historical info
acultura’s culture tag
heartful dictionary
jim breen
learn with oliver
shirabe jisho [app]
grammar books & guides
100 bite-sized grammar points
a dictionary of intermediate japanese grammar [pdf]
an introduction to japanese: syntax, grammar & language
diego collado’s grammar of the japanese language
george washington university - visualizing japanese grammar
grammar cheatsheet
japanese grammar guide - tae kim [pdf]
overview of japanese grammar
practice makes perfect: complete japanese grammar [scans]
grammar points
adjectives / adjectives / adjectives / equivalents of adjectives
asking questions
demonstratives / demonstrative forms / demonstrative pronouns
expressing state-of-being
if, when and other uncertainties
prefixes and suffixes
pronouns / personal pronouns
sentence structure
subjects & deletions
word order
honorific language
basics of honorifics
formal introductions in japanese
forms of keigo
guide to honorifics
honorifics for phone calls
overview of honorific speech
overview of honorific suffixes
politeness guide
tips for responding to your manager
jplt info [standardized test for proficiency in japanese]
information on the jplt
kana & kanji => [post here]
listening practice 
librivox [audiobook library]
list of free audiobooks
listening practice recommendations by @japanese-randomstuff
lyricstraining [learn through music videos]
transcribing drills
book of common prayer
children’s books forever! [children’s library]
loyal books [library & audiobooks]
Quran [pdf]
overview of japanese literature
poetry international web [poetry library with translations]
poetry library - university of virginia
project gutenberg [virtual library]
reading and translation practice
read real japanese: short stories by contemporary writers [pdf]
universal declaration of human rights
free streaming links
hirogaru-nihongo [topical videos & articles]
khan academy
ted talks
movie & tv recommendations
japanese kids’ cartoon recommendations by fluentu
music recommendations
disney songs [youtube playlist]
non-pop music recommendations by lingualift
spotify playlist by @polyglotinthemaking-blog
ann [youtube]
bbc [youtube]
newspaper map
newspaper recommendations by MIT
online newspaper links
talkinjapan [youtube]
tomonews [youtube]
a dictionary of japanese particles - sue a. kawashima [pdf]
basic particles
collection of particles
difference between wa and ga
emphatic particles
list of particles
overview of japanese particles
particles cheat sheet [pdf]
sentence ending
topic marker
wa, mo, ga, wo, na, no [pdf]
phrasebooks & travel guides
a handbook of common japanese phrases - sanseido [pdf]
everyday japanese phrases - wikiversity
fodor’s travel
in-flight japanese: learn before you land [pdf]
japanese phrases for travelers
japanese to-go - livinglanguage [pdf]
loecsen [audio phrasebook]
the quick and dirty guid to japanese - tad perry
one minute japanese
podcast recommendations by nihongo pera pera
a report of the standford phonology archive [scans]
ipa key
japanese pronunciation for communication - waseda university [mooc]
overview of japanese phonology
overview of rendaku
pitch accent
pronunciation dictionary - forvo
pronunciation guide - lingualift
pronunciation guide - rocketlanguages
pronunciation guide - wikibooks
sound symbolism
quizzes & exercises
grammar quizzes
listening comprehension exercises
proficiency test - manythings
proficiency test - tanos
proficiency test - transparent
quia [flash games]
quizzes - goethe-verlag
quizzes - iteslj
sign-reading exercises
tongue twisters
vocabulary games - babadum
vocabulary games - digitaldialects
music radio stations list
radio in tokyo
social media
speaking tips
a guide to speaking colloquial japanese by @jibunstudies
are you listening to me? the japanese art of aizuchi
body language and gestures
figure of speech index
idioms - languagerealm
overview of aizuchi [interjections to confirm you are listening]
proverbs - languagerealm
proverbs - wikipedia
proverbs - wikiquote
slang - languagerealm
slang glossary - angelfire
slang glossary - coolslang
speech styles
different ways to say “I”
feminine vs. masculine speech
overview of the gender differences in spoken japanese
overview of uchi-soto [in-group vs. out-group speech]
schoolgirl slang
shounen protagonists
tumblrs => [post here]
common verbs
conjugations cheatsheet
conjugation table
conjugator - japaneseverbconjugator
conjugator - verbix
form: potential / potential
form: volitional
list of verbs with conjugations and example sentences
overview of verb conjugation
simultaneous action
vocabulary => [post here]
writing tips
designer fonts
letter writing expressions
japanese from zero
learn japanese from the streets [playlist]
let’s learn japanese basic 1 [playlist]
tae kim
that japanese man yuta
the travel linguist [playlist]
5K notes · View notes
mojapolskakrew · 7 years
Cześć! Вітаю!
Хто ти? / Kto jesteś?
Вітаю! Мене звуть Юльоша (Юлёша) або Юлен (@livinglanguages — це мій інший мовний блог). Мені 21 рок и я з Німеччини та Іспанії а зараз я живу в Німеччині. Мої рідні мови — іспанська, англійська, та німецька.
Cześć! Jestem Juliosza lub Julen (@livinglanguages jest mój drugi blog językowy). Mam 21 lat i pochodzę z Niemiec a Hiszpanii, a żyję w Niemczech. Moje języki ojczyste to niemiecki, angielski i hiszpański.
Чому хочешь вивчати цю мову? / Dlaczego chcesz uczyć się tego języka?
Моє прізвище — польське. Це тому що частина моєї родини з Щеціна але ніхто не розмовляє польською мовую. Може бути, що це так тому що Щецін був частиною Німеччини багато років.
Moje nazwisko to polski. To dlatego, że część mojej rodziny pochodzi ze Szczecina, ale nikt nie mówi po polsku. Może dlatego, że Szczecin był przez wiele lat częścią Niemiec.
Чому пишиш це по-українськи а по-польськи? / Dlaczego piszesz to po ukraińsku i po polsku?
Ну, друзі. Як ви, можливо, знаєте, я вже вивчаю українську та російську мови. На українській мові є багато польських слів. Тому думаю що мені буде легше вивчати цю мову якщо я використовую українську мову.
Jak może być wiecie, uczę się ukraińskiego i rosyjskiego. W języku ukraińskim jest wiele polskich słów. Dlatego myślę, że łatwiej mi będzie uczyć się tego języka, jeśli używam języka ukraińskiego.
А це все! To jest wszystko! :)
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hi do you recommend me any blogs to learn German?? I'm a very begginer btw I don't know much stuffs about german! Thanks!
Hi! :) One blog you should definitely check out is @languageoclock, who has some really amazing German resources! And I believe @livinglanguages is a native speaker? (correct me if im wrong lol) There’s also @lets-study-german, @daysofdeutsch, and @deutschtraining that have vocabulary and grammar posts :)
Good luck with German!!
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penguinlang · 7 years
Hi! I'm looking for some new langblrs to follow. Could you recommend some, please?
I didn’t get a notification for this so sorry if you asked me this ages ago! 
In no particular order
@leeaagaeilge @mikiloveslanguages @sprich-sprach @advice-to-revise @languagesandchill @thelovinglinguist @lalinguistique @spartanlangblr @sadies-langblr @katlearnslanguages @languagesandfrens @ramblingsofalinguist @languagesordie @havingfunlearninglanguages @polnitsch @wonderful-language-sounds @studytolive @apolyglotwannabe @tapaighandeis @langsandlit @malteseboy @lipwigvonmoist @silver-studies@unclepolyglot @icantlearngerman @thestrugglingpolyglot @foxlanguages @languageboutique @languageduck @languageundliebe @organizedstudy @hillanguages @languagemoose @livinglanguages @historyandlanguages @onceuponapolyglot @modernprophet @wanderlustlanguages @languages-and-tea @languagesanddoggos @languagetrash @rahaflearns @languagegirl @rusalochkaa @linguafreund @linguisticsqueen @polysprachig @language-amante @zromanova @gayforlangs @chloestudiessometimes @lemonadeandlanguages @langsandculture @sprachtraeume @suplanguages @languagemoon @languageoclock @thelanguagesnerd
Hope this helps!
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flyjm3691-blog · 4 years
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How important are listening skills in French?🤔⁠ ⁠ If you'd ask me the most important skill you need to learn any language, I, without a shadow of a doubt would say listening. ⁠ ⁠ It seems weird to people that I place so much emphasis on listening especially at the beginning stages of learning French but hear me out. ⁠ ⁠ What do babies do for a year? They just listen!!!!!⁠ ⁠ Now, I'm not saying that you have to listen for a year to be able to learn French, not at all. ⁠ ⁠ However. listening is indeed the most underrated skill and yet the most important one. ⁠ ⁠ If I needed to assign a percentage to skills in French it would go like this: ⁠ ⁠ 40% listening⁠ 30% speaking⁠ 20% Writing ⁠ 10% grammar and vocab⁠ ⁠ You should be spending the majority of your time listening and speaking and sprinkling in writing, grammar and vocab. ⁠ ⁠ All of them are important skills in French but if you want to learn fast, your best bet is to focus on listening and speaking.⁠ ⁠ Again with the baby analogy but it's so true that it bears repeating. ⁠ ⁠ Babies are absorbing everything they see and listen to for a year, then they start to babble a couple of words and they don't care if they are mispronouncing them. ⁠ ⁠ They want to finally speak. They are eager to speak! ⁠ ⁠ When they finally start 'writing' it's just not legible and you won't see a toddler complaining about forgetting to put the gender and number on a noun right? ⁠ ⁠ Then my advice to you is to listen as much as you can, speak as much as you possibly can and forget about mispronouncing words or not writing perfectly. Who cares? Probably just you...⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #foreignlanguages #foreignlanguage #languagelearning #languages #languagelover #frenchlanguage #languagelover #languagelovers #languagecourse #frenchblogger #instafrench #languagestudy #frenchaddict #french #polyglot #polyglots #languageteacher #languageschool #duolingo #assimil #anki #fluent #fluenz #memrise #italki #rossetastone #imafrenchie #languagegoals #livinglanguages #learnforeignlanguages https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfwNFulPNh/?igshid=ngkgncgks2g1
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livinglanguages · 4 years
Hey guys @livinglanguages is back!
I've been absent for ages so I'm assuming you might have some questions for me and this is your chance to ask them because I am terribly bored and ready to answer anything :)
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phungthaihy · 4 years
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Autodidact Learning Strategies - John 3:16 http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Autodidact Learning Strategies R... #clt #communicaitvelanguageteaching #communicative #confidence #emotionalintelligence #energyhealing #john316 #koine #leadership #learningstrategies #lifecoaching #livinggreek #livinglanguage #memory #mindfulness #neuro-linguisticprogramming #neuroscience #parenting #personaldevelopment #personalproductivity #publicspeaking #reiki #restoredkoine #restoredkoinepronunciation #speedreading #stocktrading #technicalanalysis
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jamies-langblr · 7 years
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9 pictures that describe me ib: @livinglanguages
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ourspanishblog · 7 years
Hello! 😊 Is there any difference in saying "te quiero" vs "te amo" to someone?
¡Hola! In Latin America we use “te quiero” to show affection to friends, parents, family members, the person that we like, pets, etc.
But, “te amo” is something much more serious and deeper. We say “te amo” to the person we’re truly in love with or to family members that we really love. 
Saying “te amo” to a friend depends on the person. I think more affectionate people could say “te amo” to a friend, but less expressive people wouldn’t do it. Some couples say “te amo” to each other even if they have been dating for just 2 days. Singers, actors, public people say “¡Los amo!” to show affection to their fans or followers.
In Spain, “te quiero” can mean both, a phrase of affection or true love, depending on the context. They say it to friends, family, girlfriend/boyfriend, they’re spouse, etc. Saying “te amo” in Spain is too corny or cheesy. They use it, but it’s less common than in Latin America. Whereas in Latin America, saying “te quiero” to your true love could be interpreted as you don’t really love her/him enough to say “te amo”.
So, this post created a lot opinions.1) When I say Latin America it’s most countries in Latin America, it was a mistake to generalize that way.
2) About Spain perspective. I share here with you the response of @languages-and-tea​ to @studytolive: 
Okay so @studytolive this is how I see it. Te amo is kind of cheesy and some people could laugh at you if they know you use it (young people that is) but to be honest, it is a deeper and more serious thing to say to your partner. Te quiero is not as lightly used with just anyone, although we do use it sometimes with friends and family members (also depends on the person like, a lot). So then when you use te quiero with your partner is like, yeah, okay, I love you; but if you say te amo, unless it’s this young people who just love each other the day they get together and it’s just rainbows and butterflies until next month when they’ll hate each other ( @livinglanguages please tell me you know who those people are 🙌🏻). Those people are seen as cheesy but because they are exaggerating. However, if someone more mature says te amo, in that case it’s something super serious. Like if I say it to my boyfriend, or viceversa, that is really deep and serious and not necessarily that cheesy. This explanation is a mess but I hope you can understand lol 
So, in conclusion: Saying “te quiero” or “te amo” depends on everything! 
The kind of person you are & the kind of person you’re talking with. 
The context & the intention.
The country, region, area, etc. 
But something that we all agree with is that “te amo” is a deeper feeling. So it can either sound very serious, or very cheesy depending on… again, everything.So, if you have Spanish speaking friends and you want to tell them something nice, go with “te quiero”.If you’re dating a Spanish speaking person, go with “te quiero”. Later on you’ll know more about them, they’re country, their culture and everything so you will be able to decide wether keep using “te quiero” or start using “te amo” 
So go, love the world. And if someone gives you a weird look for saying “te quiero” or “te amo” you can always say that you’re a foreigner and you’re learning. ;)
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therussianmajor · 6 years
Tips on writing in Cyrillic cursive? Please and thanks.
if you scribble chances are it’ll look right. jk but honestly I’m not sure? I’ve never not written in cursive in Russian so I don’t really have tips on learning it. Maybe @properrussian or @pycckuu or @livinglanguages or @tchaikovskaya or @umnaya-devushka or @languagesetc or @lizlovely (and I’m sure I’m missing 8998274235 other blogs that I follow that could help)?
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Romanian. it will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! if you have any issues or things to add, please reply to this post!
7 interesting facts about the romanian language [video]
about world languages
fun facts
“in romanian, we don’t say...”
introduction by ayearinlanguage
overview of the history of romanian
playlist of samples
romanian language fun facts [video]
romanian: the forgotten romance language [video]
world atlas of language structures
keyboard - branah
keyboard - typeit
orthography guide
overview of the romanian alphabet
unicode codes [pdf]
colloquial - romanian [pdf with audio]
peace corps
peace corps - limba româna: pre service training language manual [scans]
teach yourself - romanian [pdf with audio]
cultural & historical info
acultura’s culture tag
overview of romanian names
grammar books & guides
overview of romanian grammar
peace corps - grammar workbook [pdf]
romanian: an essential grammar [pdf]
stand alone romanian grammar [pdf]
grammar points
articles / article [chart]
nouns / overview of romanian nouns
parts of speech
pronouns / pronouns [chart]
listening practice
librivox [audiobook library]
lyrikline [poetry library]
biblior.net [virtual library]
children’s books library
list of romanian-language poets
poezii romanesh [poetry library]
project gutenberg [virtual library
Quran [scans]
ted talks
movie & tv recommendations
music recommendations
disney songs [youtube playlist]
music recommendations by @livinglanguages
romanian hits 2018 [youtube playlist]
radio free europe
phrasebooks & travel guides
loecsen [audio phrasebook]
a report from the stanford phonology archive [scans]
forvo [pronunciation dictionary]
how to roll your r’s
ipa key
overview of romanian morphology
overview of romanian phonology
quizzes & exercises
babadum [vocab games]
digital dialects [games]
internetpolyglot [vocab quizzes]
iteslj [vocab quizzes]
radio links
social media
learn romanian [discord]
speaking tips
profanity [glossary] / overview of profanity
special topics
“in romanian we don’t say...”
list of given names
conjugation tables - cactus2000
conjugator - verbix
irregular participles
overview of romanian verbs
past tense
2017 protests
animals / wildlife
babadada [vocabulary tool]
frequency lists
greetings / greetings
numbers / numbering system / numbers
science fields
swadesh list
top 88 vocabularies [scans]
kids learn romanian [playlist]
learn romanian
learn romanian - language beat [playlist]
learn romanian with nico
romanian audio course for beginners [playlist]
romanian hub
romanian with gia
160 notes · View notes