ros3ybabe · 15 days
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Daily Check-in: April 14, 2024 🎀
Hello lovelies! Life is looking better again, but omg was Wednesday thru Saturday morning rough for me. Even last night I was crying my eyes out, but things got better today so I am happy. I want to make a small announcement about the future of my blog: I am changing the theme!! I will still be keeping the pinterest-image, pink, girly aesthetic for my more general posts (lists, routines, etc) but for my daily check ins, I will be using photos I take myself (anonymous surroundings, notes, food/drinks, etc) and colors and emojis that compliment the photos! I have been wanting to change the vibe a bit lately to make it more me, more personal, and I think now is the time to do so! I'm excited to start taking my own photos now, that'll be so fun!!
🩷 What I Accomplished:
washed my sheets, towels, blankets, and comforter
washed and put away all laundry
cleaned the bathroom
packed shoes to ship from my depop shop
cooked chicken fettuccine alfredo from scratch (I made the sauce myself too! it was heavy on the parm and some pieces of chicken were salty, but it was so yummy and rich in flavor!)
planned out some of my week
packed my gym bag for tomorrow (I'm gonna start working out again, I'm nervous)
did my guided journal and morning journal
read 3 chapters of The Untethered Soul (interesting so far, going to keep reading to see how I enjoy it)
wrote out my brain dump for the week
reflected on the week + updated with my accountability buddies
bought groceries (time to make smoothies for breaky this week) and toiletries
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
my pasta was super yummy
had a long phone call with my dad (it was a good talk!)
finally read a physical book and not on my ipad
had such a nice, long shower early this morning
confidently planned goals for the week
my psyc assignment got extended til Wednesday for the whole class
found a recipe for avocado protein smoothie (excited to try it)
🩷 Stuff For Tomorrow
make a breakfast smoothie
gym cardio workout
need to ship shoes I sold
need to complete my homework
studying Spanish (have an italki lesson on April 22nd!!)
read some more
studying chemistry in preparation for my finals
No "what needs to go better" for me today, because today was a really good day. I'm feeling better and life itself is working out the way I knew it would. I just gotta trust in the universe more.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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saharathorn · 11 months
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Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) was a British politician who served two terms as prime minister. Born in Bloomsbury, Middlesex to Isaac D’Israeli, an Englishman of Sephardic Jewish descent, and Maria Basevi, a woman of Italian Jewish descent, Disraeli was the first, and to date only Jewish Prime Minister.
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polysprachig · 8 months
So spooky season is practically upon us, and in case anyone learning English in langblr/lingblr/studyblr is interested, I've designed a mini-course on Dracula (5 lessons, 1 hr each) for intermediate to advanced students where we read and discuss Jonathan Harker's Journal. 🏰🧛‍♂️🩸
Link to my italki profile for anyone who's interested
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icecold24k · 22 days
Riding the Waves of Spanish: Progress, Motivation, and an Italki Adventure
Hello everyone! I'm back with yet another update on my journey toward Spanish fluency. This week doesn't have much on the agenda except for diving into some apps and continuing to hone my speaking and listening skills.
I had another hour-long session on Italki with my teacher from Mexico, which went quite well. We focused on listening comprehension, where she'd play various audio clips, and afterward, I'd explain (in Spanish, of course) what I grasped from them. Most of these were news clips, and I feel like I'm really getting the hang of it. Understanding every word in Spanish can be tricky, but I'm reaching a point where I can catch the gist of conversations, which feels like a significant milestone.
My motivation seems to be on the rise, so I'm seizing the opportunity to learn and study as much as possible while riding this wave of enthusiasm. Burnout does hit occasionally, but I remind myself that it's a fleeting phase, and persistence will see me through.
I'm excited about an upcoming vacation next week. I'll have about ten days off work and plan to visit some family living by the beach. This break will also allow me to ramp up my Italki classes and dedicate substantial time to practicing and improving my Spanish listening skills. Italki has been a game-changer for me, and I can't recommend it enough to fellow language learners.
I'll wrap up here. Thanks so much to everyone who's taken the time to follow my updates. Your feedback, tips, and advice mean the world to me, and I'd love to hear what strategies have worked for you in your language learning adventures. Learning a new language is no small feat, and I have immense respect for all of us on this journey. I'm eagerly anticipating my vacation and the extra time it will afford me to edge closer to my goal. Until next time, adiós.
P.S. If you're enjoying my posts and finding them helpful, consider sharing them with friends or on social media. Let's grow this community and support each other in our language learning goals!
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language-fan · 2 years
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greyteagraymatter · 1 year
palavras que aprendi hoje
12.30.22 | 180 Minute Lesson
to glue - colar
to waste - desperdiçar
to threaten - ameaçar
to take over - dominar
to print - imprimir
to intervene - intervir
to interfere - interferir
to lead - levar
to wade through - percorrer
to cope - lidar
to regret - se arrepende
to borrow/to loan - emprestar
to fuck up - fazer merda/fazer estraga
to donate - doar
to hint - insinuar
to enlarge - alargar, dilatar
to invite to go out - convidar pra sair
to sound like - parecer que
interrupted sleep - sono interrompido
the flowers - as flores
the handle - a descarga
Croatia - Croácia
in case - no caso
lazy - preguiçosa
friendly - amigável
advantages - vantagens
my spine - minha coluna
often - frequentemente
knowledge - conhecimentos
understandings - entendidos
misunderstandings - desentendidos
alcoholics - os alcoólatras
all of us - todo mundo
drugstores - farmácias/drogarias
fourth floor - quarto andar
third grade - terceira série
dumb mistakes - erros estúpidos
an essay - uma redação
elementary school - ensino fundamental
citations - citações
coding - codificação
computer science - ciência da computação
briefly - brevemente
master's degree - um mestrado
at least - ao menos
was dropped/kicked out - foi expulsa
the same way - mesmo jeito/mesma maneira
hard-headed/opinionated - cabeça dura
stubborn - teimosa
how nice - que gentil
American Sign Language - língua de sinais americana
the deaf community - a comunidade surda
hearing people - ouvintes
is my window being open too noisy? - É a minha janela aberta tá sendo muito barulhenta?
I didn't say anything - não está mais aqui quem falou
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May 6th, 2023
Cute cats hanging out.
Things I did today:
Two hours of Spanish lessons on italki
20 minutes of Russian on Duolingo
Phone call with a close friend
Listened to my comfort podcast
Planning out my finals week
Song of the day
Без тормозов - Elvira T
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just did a french italki lesson and was trying to explain my time in germany and I kept wanting to say the words in german. aaaahhhhh.
i've been learning french for 19 years (not really speaking it the past 5 years) and german for like 5 years. My brain was just melting lol
if anyone knows how to stop mixing languages, please send help
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bonbonmacaron · 2 years
there’s this girl on insta who’s going to uni in Tokyo and her Japanese is very advanced. she offers Japanese lessons for 48 dollars an hour?! she’s not even a native speaker or certified to teach! and apparently she’s had students before somehow. why wouldn’t you just find an actually certified native speaker on italki for way cheaper?
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giuliaisstudying · 2 years
✨ update ✨
I can't believe that I'm updating my blog after more than a year!!
Well, since April of 2021 I've been working as a language tutor on italki. I teach Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese here.
I also reopened my ig account for languages to post educational content, tips, resources & more. You can search for @polyglotutor or click here.
Thank you everybody 🫶
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okierazorback · 1 year
Nice Compliment?
I have started working with a new iTalki.com teacher on my Spanish language learning journey, a young accordion player – accordions being prominent in Mexican music – from Guadalajara, Mexico.  He has a Masters in French, but teaches Spanish online as there is more demand for it and he can charge more. Besides Spanish and French, he also speaks some Italian and wee bit of Arabic.  While he speaks…
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ros3ybabe · 1 month
Spanish Media/Input Recommendations?
Can you guys comment me some good media/input recommendations for someone learning Mexican/Spain Spanish? I' talking about any and all that you guys find interesting, whether you learned Spanish on your own or it's your native language!
Tv Shows
Youtube channels
Songs/Musical Artists
Favorite Spanish teachers/tutors on Italki
Literally anything!
Thank you guys <3
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lang-learner · 2 years
If anyone is interested in taking Spanish lessons whether it’s conversational or grammar and vocabulary, with me, please let me know and I can send u my italki profile so you can take lessons with me ☀️
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alicevmd · 28 days
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Cet après-midi, grâce au site "italki", que je recommande vivement ! Je participerai à un cours collectif de russe niveau A1 ! :)
Vivement !
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icecold24k · 25 days
Checking In: My Spanish Learning Journey Continues!
Hey everyone,
I'm back with another update on my Spanish learning journey. This week's blog might be a bit shorter, but I wanted to keep the momentum going and hold myself accountable for making progress.
On Saturday, I had an hour-long class on Italki with my teacher from Colombia. She's absolutely amazing and incredibly patient, especially when I struggle to find the right words. It's strange—I feel like I can speak Spanish fairly well, but as soon as I'm in a Zoom class with her, my mind goes blank, and I stumble over my words. Maybe it's because I'm speaking to a native speaker, or maybe it's just nerves. They say practice makes perfect, though, so I'm confident that with time, it'll all come together.
Now, let's talk about some struggles. My main challenge right now is keeping my motivation up. I've invested so much time in learning Spanish and have made significant progress, but some days, it's really hard to stay motivated. Some days, I wake up feeling super motivated, ready to spend the entire day learning and studying. Other days, I can barely muster the energy for a quick 3-minute lesson on Duolingo just to keep my streak alive. Is this normal? Can anyone relate?
Regardless, I'm determined to keep learning and refuse to give up until I reach the highest level of fluency I possibly can. I'm eager to hear your input and tips on your language learning journey. Share your success stories and tell me how you stayed motivated throughout the process. I welcome all input and feedback with open arms.
To everyone who's taken the time to read my blog, thank you sincerely. Your support means the world to me. I'm excited to continue learning Spanish and sharing these updates with you all. And to everyone else out there learning another language, I wish you all the success in the world. I know firsthand that this journey is difficult and long, but hang in there.
Adiós until next time!
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naughtprincipal · 2 months
Exploring the Impact of iTalki in the UAE
In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to communicate in multiple languages has become a valuable asset. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), known for its diverse population and global outlook, has embraced the importance of language proficiency. Among the myriad platforms facilitating language learning, iTalki stands out as a dynamic tool reshaping the landscape of language education in the UAE.
iTal​ki, an innovative online language learning platform, has garnered significant attention worldwide, including in the UAE. With its user-friendly interface and diverse range of language instructors, iTalki has become a go-to resource for language enthusiasts and learners alike in the Emirates.
The allure of iTalki lies in its versatility. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, there's something for everyone. The platform offers personalized one-on-one lessons tailored to individual needs and learning styles. This personalized approach fosters a conducive environment for effective language acquisition, allowing learners to progress at their own pace.
One of the key features that sets iTalki apart is its global community of language instructors. In the UAE, learners have access to a diverse pool of certified tutors hailing from different corners of the world. This multicultural aspect not only enhances the learning experience but also provides learners with insights into various cultures and linguistic nuances.
The flexibility offered by iTalki is another aspect that resonates with learners in the UAE. In a bustling cosmopolitan environment like Dubai or Abu Dhabi, where time is often a scarce commodity, iTalki's flexible scheduling allows learners to fit language lessons seamlessly into their busy lifestyles. Whether it's early morning sessions before work or late-night lessons after a long day, iTalki accommodates diverse schedules, making language learning accessible to all.
Furthermore, iTalki transcends geographical boundaries, making it particularly appealing in a country as diverse as the UAE. Regardless of whether you reside in bustling urban centers or remote desert communities, as long as you have an internet connection, the world of language learning is at your fingertips. This accessibility has democratized language education, empowering individuals from all walks of life to embark on their linguistic journeys.
The benefits of iTalki extend beyond mere language proficiency. In the UAE, where multiculturalism is celebrated, iTalki serves as a bridge connecting people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Through language exchange programs and cultural immersion experiences, learners in the UAE have the opportunity to engage with individuals from across the globe, fostering cross-cultural understanding and empathy.
Moreover, iTalki's interactive platform transcends traditional classroom settings, offering a dynamic learning environment conducive to active participation and engagement. Through live video sessions, interactive exercises, and real-time feedback, learners in the UAE are immersed in an enriching linguistic experience that goes beyond textbooks and rote memorization.
As the UAE continues to position itself as a global hub for innovation and knowledge, the role of language proficiency cannot be overstated. In an increasingly interconnected world, proficiency in multiple languages opens doors to new opportunities, both professionally and personally. With iTalki at the forefront of language education in the UAE, learners are equipped with the tools and resources needed to navigate the complexities of a multilingual world.
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