mjgwcns · 1 year
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happy pride month to them!!!
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seek--rest · 9 months
it's been a hot minute since i've done a seek rec post and I rarely ever do one for (1) specific fic but this one is just too good to pass up.
If you haven't read This Love by @the--journeys you are missing out!!!!!!! It's Liz/MJ during the HOCO era with the tags showing that it's going to lead through / post NWH. It's 21k of gals being pals, of yearning and longing, and it was so very delicious to me specifically!!!!!
ao3 user thejourneys thank you for writing the good food please never stop!!!!
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Liz and MJ: A History
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the--journeys · 5 months
double shop talk Tuesday: DAREDEVIL?????? Also: what sparked your interest in writing fic?
re: Daredevil:
I am so incredibly (actual years and years) behind when it comes to DD. Definitely need to brush up on literally everything about that world before I'd be comfortable trying to write any sort of fic involving those characters but! I have always had a soft spot for Matty murdy, so we will see!
re: writing fic:
You know how they say that a serial killer's first victim tells you the most about them? I sometimes feel like the same thing might apply to a fan fiction writer and their first fic lol. "This Love" came about because a few friends randomly picked sm: homecoming for movie night and I couldn't help but wonder about the idea of LizMJ. Dusted off Ao3 for the first time since the og PJO days literal years ago, only to find that no one had really run with that idea in the way I was imagining it. After a few weeks of thinking about it (and reading some other lovely sm fics) I was like...I guess I could try and do it??
This Love is not even close to technically perfect, but it (unintentionally) has a lot of me in it. I had such a good time writing it that I decided to keep trying this new thing out, and...the rest is history, I guess?
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lizallanosborn · 8 months
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 for the ship meme ^_^
❤️ a favorite ship
riddlecat, poly coffee bean gang + Liz.. riddlebatcat, nine/tenrose.q have become very fond of chameleon and mysterio due to a friend.. Diana and Cheetah.
🧡 a favorite friendship
Jonah and Robbie tbh.. Jimmy and Clark. Flint and Sable's old friendship.
💛 a favorite familial relationship
Normie and his relationship with both Harry and Liz. Harry for obvious reasons but I don't see as many people bring up his relationship with Liz.. both their little guy. And it's not a good relationship obviously but Normies complicated relationship with his grandpa. Rotating it in my mind.
Flint and Keemia.. holding them. Um, Bruce and Dick and Dick and Alfred. Dick and Damis relationship as well .
💚 a ship that you think deserves more love
Lizharry and their rollercoaster of a relationship. Lizmj... Diana and Cheetah. Again.
I am like one of three Crystal (Dream-Spider) and Peter shippers.
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alexeishostakoff · 6 years
can’t believe that after peter left homecoming mj comforted liz and they danced and fell in love, it was truly iconic
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lizmj + instagram
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yenneferw · 6 years
ok but why didn’t lizmj ever get bigger!! they are the softest wlws in the mcu and no one can convince me otherwise... bc listen mj always compliments how pretty her gf is and liz always does the same and they sit together on the bus on the way to the academic decathlon and hold hands and liz posts really sappy and cute and gay pics of the two of them on her instagram all the time, and mj mostly just posts pictures of her cat and politics but she always comments hearts or “ily” on liz’s pics of herself or of them.... 
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hufflepuffthor · 7 years
Could you do a lizmj headcanon thing ??? ily mare 💞💞💞
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ok so
when mj joins acadec she had no idea the pretty upperclassman (liz) she always saw in the hallways was gonna be there
but mj, dear mj, unlike peter, is very good (or at least, marginally better) at hiding her crushes! so she treats liz like she does everyone else, but maybe a little bit better bc literally it’s impossible to be any sort of mean to Liz mcfreakin’ Allan 
and she thinks liz is straight anyways but ohohohohoho that shit ain’t true
and mj, being new to the school, has no idea that liz is out and proud until one of the other upperclassmen she talks to is like
“i wonder who liz is asking to the sadie hawkins dance? i know she said she was asking this girl but she never told me who.”
michelle straight up freezes, like, she’s hella observant, how did this get past her
“what? liz likes girls?”
cue upperclassman friend turning around and going like “wait, u didn’t know? i thought u were aware of like, everything ever.”
“apparently NOT THIS”
so mj keeps staring at liz, and let’s pretend liz never left and mj knows peter is spiderman
“dude,,, why are you staring at liz so much? do you think she’s a superhero too?” ned, trying to whisper, but he and peter are shit at secrets
“yeah i have good reason to believe liz is actually black widow.”
“ned she has a crush on liz”
“no i dont fuck off”
“karen told me ur heartbeat sped up whenever she was around and said she ships it” liz’s heartbeat speeds up too but peter’s a lil shit
mj honey when an ai ships u and ur crush it’s obviously meant to be
so what happens is, you guessed it, mj doesn’t do shit bc “lmao liz allan wouldn’t ask me of all people out, probably someone all cool and nice and not a self made social outcast”
but it turns out,,, liz dOES like her, and is tryna drop hints, but mj keeps misinterpreting them as just being nice
(bonus fact: they text really often and it’s usually either academic memes or liz going like YOU GO !! SLAY !! KICK THE GOV’T’S ASS SWEETIE !! whenever michelle sends her pics from protests and stuff). don’t u just love supportive gf’s?)
one day after acadec practice the day b4 the dance
liz is outside sitting on the bench looking hella sad and shit
and mj’s like, “what’s wrong?” she hopes it doesn’t come off as too awkward
“well, uh, i tried to drop hints to someone that i liked them so i could ask them to the dance, but they didn’t really respond.” 
wow this person must be a whole dumbass to not like liz “angel on earth” allan 
“who’s the lucky guy?” mj asks, knowing full well what her upperclassman friend told her
liz laughed drily “girl, actually.” hearing these words actually come out of liz’s mouth made her extra shooketh
“it’s probably too late now. i guess i’ll just go alone.”
“uhhhhm, i wasn’t planning on going but if u want someone to go with-?”
liz looks up at her w puppy dog eyes (if liz allan looked at me like that i would faint bc im a W e a k Bisexual)
“it was actually you i was planning on asking”
what. the. fuck.
but in one magical glorious moment, mj makes the smart decision and says, “if you ask me right now, i’ll say yes~”
and liz breaks into the widest grin, and it’s heart eyes motherfucker time
slowly she says “okay. michelle jones, i’ve liked you for months, do you want to go to the sadie hawkins dance with me?”
“hmm.. let me think about it.” cue liz laughing again, a pure amazing angelic musical Sound. “hell yes.”
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Liz/MJ dance blurb?
•okay wtf I’m so excited to write about this•two LITERAL GODDESSES???? TOGETHER??????•HEADS UP I GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY ITS NOT REALLY A BLURB ANYMORE•so Michelle wasn’t usually one to get distracted by something as trivial as good looks•in fact she made a point of scoffing whenever someone mentioned anyone’s “hotness factor”•but then one day in the hallway she accidentally made eye contact with possibly THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL SHE HAD EVER SEEN•she was so flustered she couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the day aw•once she first spotted Liz, she started noticing her all over the school•(Liz was the reason Michelle joined the decathlon team)•because ofc Liz was beautiful but she was hella smart too?? •Michelle cannot cope with all the perfection wow she’s in love •she started taking a very exact route to all of her classes so as to see Liz as often as possible •but she’s NOT stalking her•(she’s totally stalking her)•meanwhile Liz is definitely crushing on this adorable dork with frizzy hair and snarky comments•I mean who doesn’t want a tall sarcastic gf tbh•you know that scene where Peter’s dreamily staring at Liz and she catches his eye and smiles?•she wasn’t looking at Peter… •so Michelle is volunteering to sell homecoming tickets in the lobby after school with Ned—gotta get those service hours amiright•Liz waits until the crowd around the ticket table has moved on and shyly approaches Michelle •"Um, two tickets please" she asks softly•Michelle’s heart plummets•she should have expected that someone as intelligent and popular and beautiful as Liz would already have someone taking her to the dance•"Oh, uh, yeah. Of course.“ Michelle says, ripping two tickets off of the spool and handing them over•Liz totally didn’t internally scream when their hands brushed nope•"Are you going with anyone?” Ned cut in suddenly, glancing at Michelle•(cause you know Ned was definitely Michelle’s wingman 100%)•Liz blushed as she reached for her wallet. “I’m actually going to ask them later. I guess it depends on if she says yes.”•Ned nudged Michelle not-so-discreetly•Michelle kicked him under the table•Liz handed Ned the money, which he places in the metal box he had been fiercely guarding all afternoon (it’s my responsibility to make sure a jerk like Flash doesn’t come along and take it Michelle)•"Good luck then!“ Ned says cheerfully. As she walked away Liz could hear them loudly whispering•"SHE SAID IT WAS A SHE!”•"NED OH MY GOD"•the next day Michelle was at school extra early to study in the library for the decathlon tournament•as she opened her locker something small and pale pink floated down onto the tile floor; a homecoming ticket•she picked it up and turned it over, reading: “Michelle, Homecoming?”•a voice behind her cleared its throat hesitantly and she turned to find Liz waiting nervously•"…so?“ she said after a beat•Michelle’s lil heart nearly bursts out of her chest•"YES YES OH MY GOSH YES” Michelle exclaimed and threw her arms around Liz•"pick me up around 7?“ asked Liz when Michelle had finally let go, grinning ear to ear•Michelle closed her locker and quickly slipped the ticket safely into her backpack. Lacing her fingers through Liz’s own, they began making their way down the hallway •"Absolutely”•“Michelle would you maybe walk me to class?”•Michelle smiled and tightened her fingers around Liz’s hand•"call me MJ"
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holyhexes · 3 years
the lack of lizmj content... heartbreaking.
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maydayparkers · 4 years
wow can’t believe they published this in 2004!!
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gaykoriandrs · 7 years
i saw smhoco and it was beautful
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mcu-headcanons · 5 years
Fav Marvel ship that never happened? For me I love CaptainRomanoff and Spideychelle
Those are good ones!!! My favorites are probably buckynat, thorbruce, bugborg, peterned, lizmj, and ironpanther, but I have a lot more 😂
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iamnesta · 7 years
💜 an appreciation post 💜
hey guys! i’ve been meaning to make an appreciation post for all of the wonderful people i’ve met via tumblr for quite some time now, so why not make one now? you guys were so kind to me yesterday, and it meant so much to me that many of you reached out to wish me happy birthday... y’all are amazing, and i love each and every one of you. i am eternally grateful for all of my followers, but i would like to make a couple honorable mentions: (i’m really sorry if i forgot anyone)
@arachnid-kid -- isabel, we haven’t been mutuals for very long, but you seem super sweet. also jacob batalon is my spirit animal and deserves more love... so thank you for loving him
@canadianbooklove -- i don’t know who you are but you wished me happy birthday yesterday, so... thank you, ily
@emmcfrxst / @orgcnamidala -- pascale, you were the first person on tumblr that i truly admired, and i still can’t believe that i finally found the courage to talk to you. you’re amazingly kind and absolutely gorgeous and even tho we don’t talk very often, i hope you know that i love you and consider you a friend :’)
@highfaenesta -- hey, sabah! we’re mutuals and you seem really cool so... thanks for following me, haha
@hollandwritings -- we hardly ever talk but damn!!! your writing is so so good!!! seriously i hope that one day my writing is even half as good as yours
@honestholland -- alright, here we go: jacky, you are my best friend and i am so so lucky to have you. thank god tom did that GQ shoot, otherwise i would have never reblogged your post, you would have never messaged me, and an epic friendship would never have been born. you are kind, hilarious, beautiful, and just... awesome in every way. you are the jacob to my tom... thank you for being my friend ILY
@hufflepuffholland -- charissa, i have said this before and i will say it again: you are my role model and i aspire to be as amazing as you are. your kindness gives me hope that the world isn’t so terrible, and your writing is addictive to read. i love you so freakin much, maybe even more than i love zendaya (which is a lot)
@illvrians -- thank you talya for welcoming me into the acotar fandom and being so nice to me!! we don’t talk very often, but i still consider you one of my friends and i hope that we can chat more in the future! 
@lady-yrenewestfall -- molly, you are an absolute gem and i love you so, so much. you’ve never stopped believing in me and are always the first to send me kind words when i need them. love you 💜
@prettylilparker -- your blog is literally goals and i can’t believe i wasn’t following you until today?? thank you for wishing me happy birthday yesterday, let’s be friends 
@queen-archeron -- anna, you’re so nice and cool and gorgeous?? wow? your blog is also goals, i think you were probably one of the first people i followed after becoming completely obsessed with acotar. ily
@sleepymarvel -- ahh i just followed you and i love your blog. let’s talk about marvel and stranger things... also thanks for wishing me hbd yesterday :’)
@songbirdsbooks -- niraja, you’re so sweet and i love talking with you! i know i’m frequently busy and don’t always contribute to the discord chat, but i am so excited to be working with you and the others on the acotar network! 
@spidey-darling -- gracie, i will attempt to write this in french but don’t judge me if when it’s incorrect... nous ne parlons pas souvent mais je t’aime et je veux être ton amie! tu es très gentille et ton blog est génial alors... nous pourrait peut-être parlons plus souvent à l’avenir? 
@spideyfloof / @catulae -- mare, you are my favorite person ever and i absolutely love talking to you... also thank you for introducing me to lizmj because that is my new otp and i will love my two girlfriends until the end of time
@throne-of-ashes-and-beauty -- thanks for wishing me hbd yesterday, it meant a lot to me :’)  ...also i too am cassian trash, let’s fangirl about our fave illyrian general
@toaster-strudel1234 -- i’ve seen that you like/reblog some of my posts as well as comment/send me asks, so i just want to say thank you?? for following me? wow you’re amazing ily 
@trasholland / @punkroella -- l i s t e n ,,,, kat you are destined to marry one of the holland brothers and you had better invite me to the wedding otherwise i will disown you. in all seriousness, you’re a wonderful friend i love chatting/fangirling with you and we still need to watch a very potter musical!!!
@winterparker -- karla, you! are! amazing!!!! and ily!! you’re so so nice and i hope you’re having a wonderful day... (also, you’re seeing thor: ragnarok again?! lucky!! it’s soooo good omg)
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gaynedleeds-archive · 7 years
(also requested by @spidergweb​. thanks girls!!)
who hogs the duvet- peter
definitely peter and ned tries to be annoyed with him but he looks so peaceful and calm for once that he just smiles and scoots closer to him
who texts/rings to check how their day is going- ned
ned checks in on peter all the time, especially about spiderman stuff but also just to wish him good luck on a test or ask how his day is going
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts- ned
they both have to get creative with their gifts bc they’re broke teens with no money but ned always outdoes himself in terms of thoughtfulness and peter thinks he really has the best boyfriend ever
who gets up first in the morning- ned
peter is always sleep deprived so waking up in the morning isn’t easy for him 
who cries at movies- peter
peter cries super easily at movies and then denies it when ned mentions it 
who gives unprompted massages- ned
sometimes when he knows peter’s had a long day ned likes to rub his back and tell him he’s proud of him. peter doesn’t know how he got so lucky
who fusses over the other when they’re sick- peter
does peter even get sick?? anyway i imagine him dropping everything to bring ned soup or medicine or just keep him company and ned’s like “dude it’s just a cold go back to school dumbass” but secretly he thinks it’s super sweet 
who has the most embarrassing taste in music- peter
i don’t have any reasoning behind this other than peter just looks like he listens to garbage 
who collects something unusual- peter 
not sure how unusual this is but it’s basically canon in the movie that peter collects star wars action figures and i love it
who takes the longest to get ready- ned
peter is absolutely the kind of person to just throw on clothes and run out the door without looking in the mirror so… ned it is. plus his hats ned is a style icon!!!
who is the most tidy and organized- ned
like… we’ve seen peter’s room it can only go up from there
who gets most excited about the holidays- ned
ned loves the holidays and makes peter participate in all the cliches with him (movie marathons, hot chocolate, ice skating, etc.)
who is the big spoon/little spoon
ned is the big spoon, peter is the little spoon (just picture it, they’re adorable)
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports- peter
peter gets v into the trash talk and ned just rolls his eyes at how lame his boyfriend is
who starts the most arguments- peter
i can totally picture peter drawing out some petty disagreement and neds like ?? dude you’re still talking about that
who suggests that they buy a pet- peter
give this boy a dog
what couple traditions they have
movie marathons with lots of cuddling, ice cream dates after school events, peter stealing ned’s jackets, etc.
what tv shows they watch together
community (they argue over who’s troy and who’s abed), parks and rec, brooklyn nine nine, clone wars/rebels, star trek probably
what other couple they hang out with- lizmj
they go on lots of double dates with liz and mj, mainly to the movies but sometimes liz plans something that sounds lame (like roller skating or w/e) but they go along with it and end up having a blast 
how they spend time together as a couple
they’re together a lot, but most of it is spent doing homework, on spiderman stuff, or hanging out around peter’s apartment
who made the first move- peter
peter blurts out his feelings and gets all flustered and starts apologizing and ned just kisses him to shut him up
who brings flowers home- both
they both love giving each other little surprises but i imagine ned brings peter like a full bouquet and peter will pull a single crumpled rose out of his backpack like “here you go ily babe” 
who is the best cook- ned
peter is as bad at cooking as aunt may
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