#lloyd montgomery garmadon x reader
yanderelegoninjago · 6 months
Soft! Lloyd Garmadon Headcanons
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Lloyd is absolutely obsessed with you
You have him putty in your hands
You ask him to jump and he doesn't even think about it; Bro jumps
He's protective over you, especially since so many people want him and his love ones dead
He has nightmares about losing you
Has heart eyes every time he talks/looks at you
Sometimes stutters when around you, because you make it so hard for him to focus
Talks about you to his mother whenever she's around. He just needs everyone to know how he feels
Is always there when you need him
Like scaringly so. It's like he has a sixth sense for when you need him
You make him so happy
Like he can be having a bad day, but then he sees you and it's like all the bad stuff disappears
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
A/N: Ofc!I'll do general character ones, as well as x reader ones :) hope ye likey likey:pp
Lloyd, The Greenest and Geekest mf.
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General character headcanons:
Half Japanese half Chinese
His hair is box blonde dye and you cannot change my mind.
Left handed
Severely dyslexic and hands off all scroll reading and just reading oriented tasks to kai.
Def gen z vibes. Like, the others give off more inbetween z and millenial, so they dont always get his humor. And sometimes he uses that to his advantage and "Speaks in code" (uses as much slang as possible)
Has LED lights in his room set to forest green.
Has given himself a smiley face tattoo.
Cried over a dead goose once.
OK, just to preface i see cole as a stoner of Sorts and uses the excuse "it gets me closer to my element"
With that in mind cole let lloyd try it and now sometimes when he is told to unwind, of feels like he needs to take a chill pill he and Cole spark up
in the beginning of his leader ship role, he used to Say;"kick ass and take names" and if things went wrong he had the fuck it we ball mindset, but got better with time. There are still times they wing it, though.
if he isnt in his gi he almost exclusively wears his pajamas (aka a Hoodie, tshirt and sweats)
Vv tired, and now has a raging addiction to energy drinks due to his lack of Sleep.
He used to eat worms as a kid bc he Thought he it was evil.
Has a eyebrow piercing, and wants a tongue piercing.
Wears "reading" glasses, that he should technically wear all the time because he can't see up close and has a astigmatism,, but he says yolo. Zane then make him contacts after he almost ran into a moving blade and got his head severed.
Adhd and OCD, as well as the normal line up (anxiety, depression, cptsd)
Lloyd in a relationship:
Hes very distant in the beginning, it'll take time to warm up to you.
He tends to be orage cat vibes.
On the cat trend, he gets close for a bit Before becoming distant. Going through waves of affection, kinda.
He hasn't had like, any good relationships in his life so he tries to "protect" himself when he feels he gets to close to you, and so he pulls away.
He does the fuckboy face when your sad bc it makes you laugh, as well as That weird dice roll
He actually does the face/dice roll combo whenever he Sees you as he walks over, it's an inside joke now
primary giving love language: acts of service and quality time
Primary receiving love language: gifts and words of affirmation. But physical touch is also high up there.
Also, not expensive gifts. He hates those. Give him a stick you saw on a walk that made you think of him. He'll cherish it forever. And maybe cry.
He will cry.
will make noises at you and expects a noise in response or he'll be sad.
Also randomly bites you. He's a nommer
also sends you memes throughout the day.
As well as random pictures with the caption;"BABY LOK THIS IS S. US IF WE WHERE *insert whatever item here*
Called you babe, baby, love, shitface, asshole.
Expect kind and loving gentle bullying.
Doesnt know how to express his emotions to just expect him to come up to you, lightly shake your shoulders and aggressively say;"I love you bitch.i ain't Evea gon stop lovin you. Bitchhhhhhh" (vine reference)
Sends you .5 of everyone, himself included. He's addicted to Taking them. You will not get out of it.
Also sometimes just walks around in nyas stilettos for fun.
You two have fashion shows.
You also take over the Living room sometimes and build giant ass forts to watch shitty reality tv in and make fun oF The people
Overall, once he realizes you won't leave he's the most funniest loving chaotic guy.
But expect it to take a hot minute for him to realsie this
give him time,, but also have some deep talks..
Let him vent
and for the love of God don't hurt the baby's heart.
Expect inside jokes
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teeful-corner · 11 months
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ How? .ᐟ. . . (THE FUCK ARE YOU ALIVE!?) Lloyd Garmadon x Reader | Gender Neutral Reader
ੈ˳light Dragons Rising (s1) spoilers, reference to previous seasons; Ghosts of the past come to haunt Lloyd in the future, while somehow also quelling a long-term ache in his heart. ੈ˳tags / warning: implied relationship, death (slightly detailed), dealing of lost and angsty Lloyd, Jay and Cole are still not back :(, not proof read! 4.9k words.
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"Hey Lloyd!" Arin called from the library, catching Lloyd's attention sharply as he tried to pass by. The call didn't seem urgent, yet Lloyd wasn't going to do anything of particular urgency either, so he decided to peak inside; he was also wondering why (and how) Arin was in the Library. Not that it had been locked, or anything of the sort, yet because the Library somewhere that Lloyd would have thought Sora would be, not Arin. Hmm, maybe scratch that. Arin would probably be in the Library if it meant he could learn anything about the ninja. Good dedication, he had to admit, albeit it a tad weird. "Yeah Arin?" Lloyd called back when Arin didn't turn his attention over to him, still engrossed in whatever he was looking at. When Lloyd entered the room, walking over to Arin to peer at the book from behind, he would soon notice it was an old photo album. Zane, Pixel, and Nya used to keep it up to date with adventures and general family outings. "Who's that? I don't think I ever remember a ninja wearing purple on your team before." Arin asked, pausing for a minute before he added on quite proudly. "And I know more about you guys than anyone should know!"
The photo that Arin was looking at was a group photo, one in front of the Monastery before one of the countless times it got burnt down. Sometimes Lloyd couldn't help but wonder why they didn't rebuild the Monastery out of something that was inflammable; though he guessed Master Wu always enjoyed coming back to a Monastery that hadn't changed. And Lloyd had to admit, it was also a nice change of pace of the constant changing world outside. It felt like a part of the chaotic world was standing still; even if that feeling was usually a brief one. Yet, in the photo, Arin would point at a Ninja who was piggy-backing off of Lloyd back. Well, maybe not piggy-backing. It was more of, at the time of the photo, they had jumped onto Lloyd's back and he was in the process of falling down. Meanwhile, Kai had burst out laughing and Nya was elbowing him, rather harshly, with a snicker. Though her efforts were rather targeted as seeing the rest of the team was already bursting out in bubbly laughter. Lloyd swore he could hear all their laughter echo in his pointed ears, like the day had just happened. But he knew he was wrong. His eyes became saddened as much as he tried to smile; if not to soothe Arin, then to soothe himself. "Ah, well, that's the Master of Crystals." Lloyd began to explain to Arin, who craned his neck back to look up at Lloyd. "...um, shoot. What can I say about them?" Lloyd tried not to laugh at his own short comings, a habit that he was constantly teased for yet he couldn't help. "The Master of Crystals?" Arin mumbled in echo to Lloyd's statement. His eyes filtered back down to the frozen photo, taking in how blurry everyone looked from moving. He couldn't help but crack a smile. "You two seem close!" "We were!... we really were." Lloyd's voice drew off a bit, his eyes glancing to the side as he still tried to wrack his mind on what to say. He knew if he said too much he would start crying, yet he also knew that Arin would want to know as much as possible. Yet how could he sum up them in words? That task, Lloyd thought, was impossible. "I wish you could have met them," Lloyd would find himself mumbling. "They were amazing, well as great as a person can be." Lloyd started as Arin turned to face him again, photobook still supported in his hands. "They were rather talented, some of their paintings are actually hung around the Monastery - well those that didn't burn in the fires. They were. . . wonderful, incredibly funny at all the wrong times. Fearless, in their own way, and yet reckless at the same time. Master Wu always scolded them for jumping head first into situations instead of using their head. "They were rather passionate as well, yet somehow managed to be a total introvert; they would not speak to the press, nor anyone they were uncomfortable with. Always gave one of the Ninja this stare that screamed 'help me'. Social awkwardness, that's the word for it." Lloyd couldn't help but smile as memories began to surface themselves after being dormant for years. Arin kept his eyes on Lloyd as he spoke, only occasionally glancing down at the picture to look of the Ninja that Lloyd spoke of. Arin couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't heard of them before. "They were also kind... maybe too kind." Lloyd paused in his speech, he had been rambling for a while before his words fell short. So much so Arin had noticed that Kai stopped to listen from the doorway; he seemed curious on the conversation, yet soon realized who Lloyd was talking about and grew the same solemn look. "What happened to them?" Arin was compelled to ask when he noticed all the past-tense that Lloyd was using when describing the Purple Ninja; furthermore the solemn look that the two grew when speaking about them. Yet, Arin wasn't sure if those looks were because the Ninja got lost during the merge. . . or if something before the merge happened.
The silence was more deafening than a rock-n-roll concert. Arin's brain was flooded with reasons for the sudden silence, ranging from the simplest answer (they were lost in the Merge) and the most complex scenario his brain could possibly think of. He would gingerly close the photo album and try and place it back into the shelf, "We don't have to talk about it if you guys don't want to!" He was quick to rush out. He didn't want to cause any sort of discomfort, and the silence suggested he had; that or he had just resurfaced some horrible memories that were being shoved away. Arin didn't hear when Kai had came over to the two, jumping when he felt the sudden warm hand on his shoulder, and gingerly glancing back over to Kai. He seemed in a much better shape about the question than Lloyd was. Arin knew Kai was trying to offer some sort of smile to soften the anxiousness that coursed through Arin - yet his smile wasn't very convincing. "They gave their life to try and protect us, kid." Kai explained, ruffling Arin's hair in another attempt to soften the mood. Yet, somehow Arin felt worse in hearing the news, turning to look over at Lloyd with apologetic eyes. Lloyd wasn't facing them.
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Sora was quick to pick up on the more solemn mood that Lloyd seemed to be slumped in, not being as attentive during training or flat out spacing out - which tended to cause multiple accidents. Sora knew she wasn't the only one who caught on either. During her training with Nya, the Water Ninja continued glancing back at Lloyd with frowned eyebrows and eyes swimming in worry. Nevertheless, they both saw how careful Arin was around Lloyd, and Sora half wondered if some sort of stress caused Lloyd to crack and snap; she's heard from a few sources that he could have a temper on him. Yet, Nya pointed out how Kai acted around Lloyd and claimed that something happened that wasn't Lloyd snapping at Arin. Something much bigger. "How can something bigger than Lloyd snapping at Arin make Lloyd so. . ." Sora fished for the right word. Distant didn't feel right. ". . .I don't know! Not-Lloyd and Arin so cautious?" Nya glanced over at Sora, lips pierced in a frown, before her eyes returned over to Lloyd, "I don't know, but something did happen. Not Lloyd snapping happen, yet something. I've only seen Lloyd this despondent since-" And Nya stopped, causing Sora's interest to peak. She waiting for Nya to continue, dutifully noticing the rise of suspicion mixed with realization that swirled in Nya's eyes. When Nya did not continue, though, Sora asked with a cocked eyebrow. "Since some big even that caused Lloyd to lose someone close to him, and he somehow still blames himself over all these years?" It was a rhetorical question, laced with some humorous sarcasm, as Sora went back to her work. She was fixing up her mech, trying to add some enhancements on it so it would run smoother. All the while she was also trying to channel her elemental power without Riyu's help. This allowed Riyu to be able to lay in the sun nearby while intensively watching Sora's work, ready to bounce onto his feet if Sora needed his help. Sora noticed the silence from Nya, yet ignored it at first as she tightened a screw. Yet, after the third, the silence got a tad awkward. Sora glanced back at Nya, who was staring at her with a baffled look; almost as though she had seen a ghost. "What. . .?" Sora glanced behind her, seeing if she had missed something. Yet, she only saw her mech and came to the conclusion that she didn't. "How did you?" Nya's posture straightened as Sora glanced back at her. Now Sora was positively confused, "How did I what?" And Nya would roll her wrists, acting like that had carried the answer to Sora's question. It didn't and Sora was left just puzzled. Yet Nya seemed to get the hint that, maybe, Sora didn't know what she was talking about and happened to just take a rather accurate jab in the dark with her rhetorical question. As for Nya shook her head, clearing the baffled look on her face, before actually waving off Sora's puzzled look this time. "Nothing, nothing. I just thought-" And again, Nya wouldn't finish her sentence as her eyes drifted back to Lloyd. Sora would notice as she rubbed her neck, her eyebrows frowning more so than before, and a frown tugging deeper on her lips.
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"I LEFT YOU GUYS ALONE FOR ONLY A SECOND!" Kai's shouting filled the court yard as Sora, Arin, Wyldfyre, and Riyu stood away from the gigantic hole in Monastery wall. Kai had gone inside only a a few minutes before a merge portal had appeared right above the Monetary; which both frightened and confused the four, seeing as Lloyd had used the dragon cores a few weeks ago! "It wasn't us!" Arin started, instantly trusting his hands up in the same way a cop would ask you to. Kai gawked at the four before rushing down the Monastery steps as Zane peaked door behind him, confused. Sora was quick to add to Arin's plea for innocence, yet she was cut off by Wyldfyre. "This was not our faults!" Wyldfyre crossed her arms, "Someone just fell out of the sky, crashed, and broke the wall! It was not me this time." Sora resorted just to agreeing with the two at this point. Kai groaned, and Sora wondered if it was out of laziness (for not wanting to deal with another broken Monastery wall) or out of 'I'm going to be killed for leaving you all alone!'. Either way he rushed past the four and over to the wall, but to Riyu's concerned growls, to check out the damage. He drew his sword just encase. "Fell out of the sky? But Lloyd should have stopped the rifts from reopening." Zane said as he walked over to Arin's left, staring at the rubble with confusion before he began to analyze the rubble as Kai began to carefully climb onto of it. "That's what I thought!" Arin shouted, thrusting his hands out at the crashed wall, "but then someone just- FELL FROM THE SKY!" Sora would add, "While being spit out of a rift. Though it disappeared after they got spat out." "Again, none of this was Wyldfyre's fault." Wyldfyre stated again, nodding in agreement to her own statement as though to add value to it. Nya didn't seem too amused as she rushed out with Lloyd to the hole in the wall and the proclamations of rifts and people falling out of them. Kai swore he was getting a headache from listening to Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre explaining the situation again; not from their voices, yet from the sheer annoyance that these rifts were causing trouble again. Especially when they had all thought that they were taken care of. And just as he thought life was getting back to normal, or as normal as life after the Merge could get, life slaps him in the face. Again! Thanks life, you're really helpful. Yet Kai's sour thoughts towards life didn't stop him from checking the rubble and coming to a quick stop after he noticed a familiar gi lying on top of the white stone. His body froze at an instant, the grip on the Monetary wall tightened, both out of fear and unknowing how to process who laid in front of him. "Lloyd-" Kai called into the flurry of voices that tried to figure out what had happened. Gaining no response from Lloyd at first, Kai tried calling him again despite not being able to tear his eyes away from the person. Finally, "LLOYD!" "What?!" Lloyd shouted back to Kai, turning to face the Fire Master both confused and more aggressive than he intended. Though his stance quickly softened as he noticed Kai's face: pale white. A beat. Lloyd gingerly, yet with as much confidence as he could muster, walked over to Kai and where he stood on the rubble. As he approached behind him, Lloyd called out again: "Kai?" Yet the only response he gained was a shaking hand that Kai pointed towards the rubble. Concerned, and with adrenaline now rushing through his blood like crazy (the held silence from the others not helping his nerves at all) Lloyd climbed upon the rubble to come face to face with a haunting face. In an instant, it felt like Lloyd's world was turned upside down as his eyes flickered over every detail of the familiar body that was no longer mangled or torn, no longer gruesomely defiled in the most repulsive way.
Lloyd could still remember how their limbs hung on like strings, or were disconnected entirely. How their blood stained the concrete road blacker than it had been, how the rotting smell filled the streets before the war had ended and they were safe to burry their friend. The details rushed back to Lloyd quicker than he wanted; more graphic than Lloyd remembered it being. The shock, horror, terror, slight disgust all made him recoil away from the stones wall; it forced him to completely turn his back and cup his mouth in fear of puking. His eyes were wide, his pupils shrunk as he tried to get those horrible, god awful memories out of his mind. The smell he remembered that coated the streets hit him, causing him to hunch over. He knew this was all in his head, old trauma resurfacing to bite him in the ass for never fully recovering from that scene. He could hear the voices, panicked and just as disturbed (mostly from the original Ninja) when they realized who laid in the rubble. Lloyd distantly felt a hand on his back, but his mind swirled and circled as he felt like his gut had been punched. "What's going on? What's happening?" Arin panic sounded so far to Lloyd, and Arin seemed further when Lloyd turned to look at his student. Arin grew fearful as he saw the detailed horror on Lloyd. Nya was trying to calm the situation. Zane was examining the body, trying to make sense of what was happening. He first ran a diagnostic and the only words Lloyd picked up were "Alive", "Breathing", "Vital". They weren't mangled and torn and tattered, they breathed and were whole and alive. That was a wild concept to Lloyd, caused his knees to buckle. His hand slid down roughly on the Monastery wall as he crashed to his knees. He was trying to keep the tears from spilling over, hiccupping escaping his throat as he choked back sobs. "Can someone explain to use what's going on?!" Sora shouted as Lloyd balled his hand into a fist against the Monastery. Sora sounded distressed, Lloyd couldn't blame her. He couldn't blame any of the new students for how they felt at the moment, after all this was slowly turning into a shitshow of emotions. Lloyd could feel Nya trying to snap him out of his engrossing thoughts yet the felt all consuming; It's like Lloyd felt everything all at once and yet, somehow, nothing at the same time. He blanked out at the explanation the students were given. He blanked out for a while. He wasn't sure when someone had managed to move him, yet he now sat in the living room of the Monastery with his fists clenching at his pants and this sickening feeling still in his stomach. How can you possibly explain that the fact that someone who had died, gave their life, to protect something greater than them (yet somehow also meaningless after they gave their life) to students who hadn't heard of them before? Lloyd moved his hand to cup his mouth, trying to control his breathing as his eyes zooned out on the floor. His knee bounced now without the weight of his arm. He could hear Nya next to him trying to explain the seemingly impossible to the three students: "A long. . . long, time ago, during one of our last fights with Lord Garmadon, after Harumi had resurrected him, we were almost cornered." Nya explained, "Well, we had been running from their joint forces for a while, taking refugee in abandoned building of Ninjago, yet this time we had no were to truly run. I suggested we split up, confuse Lord Garmadon and Harumi and Lloyd said we needed to all stick together." Nya would pause, allowing Lloyd to notice how she had rambled a little and how Kai had to place a hand on her shoulder. There was a silent nod that was shared from Kai to Nya, something to reassure her. Nya took a deep breath before she continued, "To make a long story short, the Ninja you saw crashing through the wall was the Purple Ninja, Master of Crystals. . . (y/n). "They had, despite much protest, said they would ward off Garmadon and give us a chance to escape; promised that they would meet us back at the base-"
"Garmadon tore her to pieces." The growl in Lloyd's voice didn't go unmissed as he interrupted Nya. His hand pulled down from his mouth, pulling at his skin a little before he rubbed his neck. "Left her to die rotting on the street, limbs hanging on by threads. . ." His statement was followed by silence, stunned if not horrified silence. Lloyd didn't look up at the three students, who sat or stood nearby. He couldn't bare to catch their eyes, to catch the horror that their mind was crafting after the vague description that Lloyd left hanging in the air. The silence was thick, thicker than Lloyd would have wished. "But... but they seemed.. fine?" Arin choked out, trying to get some sort of positivity back into the room; or at least to get some people to start looking on the bright side. Despite the gruesome topic. "We don't know how." Nya answered, shaking her head. "The best explanation would be that she was fixed when their soul moved on to the Departed Realm? But we haven't seen much trace of that realm in the merged... nor have we seen many traces of other realms for souls, like the Cursed Realm." "Yes, and it is rather odd that she would appear now." Zane walked into the room, cleaning his hands with a cleaning cloth. Attention snapped to him in a unsettling way (from his standards) yet he guessed it was just worry for the Ninja he had just been taking care of. "Especially after Lloyd stopped the MergeQuake. We can only hope that means that the Realms are settling into their new place, and returning people to where they're meant to be. Yet, that would not explain how (y/n) managed to resurrect." Zane noticed how Lloyd didn't look in his direction when he spoke, yet he couldn't blame Lloyd, not after all they've been through. Not after all he's been through; Especially since he was the closest to (y/n). "Well, the only thing we can do now is just wait for them to wake up, yeah?" Sora pipped up after a moment and she would receive a nod from Zane. She made sure to think on her next words, as well as her tone, before she crossed her arms, "So then let's go do something! I'm sure your friend wouldn't want to wake up after being dead for so long to see you all depressed!" "OH!" Arin pipped up instantly. "I have just the thing!"
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The smell of some sort of bread was the first thing that came to mind, the second would be the warmth of a weighted cover that was tossed up to my shoulders, and the third would be the softness of the pillow at my head and the mattress under me. The warm and softness coaxed me back to sleep, yet my mind made it feel as though I had been asleep for decades. Decades. A soft murmur escaped my mouth as I rolled onto my side, my brain slowly registering the sounds that echoed from where I laid. The sound of birds nearby, the clattering of pans, the sound of laughter and chatter and talking; Feet on wood floors and sliding doors. The smell of different ingredients mixing with the smell of baking bread or maybe pie. It was like the sweetest dream. I grabbed at my covers and turned again on the mattress below me. It was so tempting to go back to sleep, to let the soft, warm sounds bring me to a dream where I was with everyone again. That was until I had fully registered what was happening. With a quick motion I shoved the blanket off of me, sitting up, and looking around feverously. I stared at the room in front of me, all too familiar and all too haunting. My hands had a mind of their own at they first touched the sheets under me, then my cheeks and face, and slowly my whole body as I began to register something: I was. . . alive? How was this possible? Hadn't I died, oh I don't remember, a few years ago? This shouldn't be possible, it shouldn't-. Thoughts circled around my mind like a storm that could not be tamed, panicked and frightened, terrified and horrific. I tried to remember what I could not, at the time, and my only last thoughts were those of the moments before I had died. The feeling of my bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles all pulling apart are screams ripped out of my throat in a piercing way that still haunting me. The tears that streamed down my cheeks, the pain; oh the unbearable pain, all suffered to make sure that everyone else could hopefully see another day. So Lloyd could see another day. I raised my hand, feeling my damp cheeks. I didn't even realize I had been crying, and I frowned my eyebrows as I couldn't understand whether it was because the memories or the confusion. And I couldn't help but sit on the bed, my bed, as I reeled in all that was happening. I was alive, I was back. Yet was everyone else here? What had happened after I died? Did the resistance work? Is Ninjago City back to how it had been? Is- The thoughts brought me onto my feet and tugged at my gi, taking in a shaky breath as I felt it. My feet guided themselves, my mind in a foggy trance, to the door and out the room, down the hallway of the Monetary while following the sounds of voices and laughter. I was led to the kitchen, were I would stand at the door and look in at the scene: Lloyd, Nya, Zane, Kai, and four people I didn't know; three kids, one frog guy. They all were making Pies, from what I could tell, and they were laughing and smiling and joking. Kai had flicked flour at Nya, who sneezed and glared playfully at Kai. Zane was putting pies into the stove, helping as the kid with pink hair read a book out loud. Lloyd with a kid in orange stood at a counter nearby, seemingly racing to make the pie that the pink-haired kid was shouting. The frog guy stood nearby. I didn't noticed as tears flowed back down my cheeks as I stared at the scene, my mouth slightly agape. Everything seemed so peaceful, so right. I could only guess Jay was in his room changing because there was a massive pile of flour on the floor and on Kai and Lloyd. Cole probably in the bathroom from having eaten too many of the sweets, with all the empty pie tins that laid on the table. Nya was the first to notice me, she was about to throw water at Kai yet paused as her eyes caught a glimpse of me and looked back. I could see the way her eyes widened, realization and relief and overwhelm wash her. All I could give her in response was a small smile, a weak bit of laughter.
There was a brief moment were we just stared at each other, and the next thing I knew Nya had rushed away from her spot and enveloped me in a hug. And I couldn't help but hug her back, feeling tears form in her eyes as I choked on mine. "Oh fuck-" Kai mumbled, and I could only guess he had realized why Nya had not shot him with water and instead rushed towards the door. The room grew quiet, confused then realized, as attention darted over to Nya and I. Lloyd's eyes. Oh, his eyes. Despite the pain that rang through them, they way they scrunched and drew out lines on his face. Despite the way he could only meet my eyes for a few seconds at a time. Despite the way they reddened, looking like he was about to cry. His eyes were still lovely as ever. I tightened my grip on Nya, "What did I miss?" I mumbled softly to the shocked silence. I let out something akin to a airy-chuckle. "Most recently, the ending of MerqeQuakes which occurred when all the realms were merged together into one big realm; before that,-" Zane began to respond yet he stopped himself. He couldn't help but smile, and I swear he was about to cry (if he could). "Actually, that does not matter. What matters now is that you're back... and awake." Nya slowly let go of me, I could feel as she tried to break from my grip and I slowly loosened her. She was smiling, yet she was crying; choking on her own tears. I couldn't help but give Nya one last reassuring squeeze before I slowly moved around her and towards Lloyd. The silence seemed thicker as I reached Lloyd, his hesitance more noticeable as his brows thickened and frowned. A thin frown spread across my lips, I knew what this was about (that much didn't take me being alive for years to know). "Lloyd I-" My voice felt weak as I started, reaching out to Lloyd with my hand yet stopping. I balled it into a fist, seeing Lloyd turn away from me, and slowly dropped my arm back to my side. What words could you say to someone who you betrayed? Nevertheless someone like Lloyd, who's been through so much and the last thing he wanted (I knew) was to see my body on the concrete floor. Blood staining the road. Limps ripped apart by his father. I knew that so much that my last thoughts had been about Lloyd had how he would react when he saw the scene. My mouth twitched as I stood there, next to Lloyd, in silence as my head fell. Sorry was not good enough, it would never be good enough; no apology would be good enough to start trying to make up for the time I had missed. For lying, as I knew that I wouldn't meet them back up. For everything. For leaving him alone and making him bear the world without me for so many years. For not being there for him for whatever he had to go through while I was gone; it had aged him so, I could see the aged pain in his eyes. It would never feel enough. "I'm-" And yet, somehow Lloyd turned to face me. And somehow, he came to embrace me, hugging me tightly as though he were afraid I would die again. And somehow, he managed to be near me after everything I had done. And somehow, I had a feeling, we would slowly get through this. Slowly, I wrapped Lloyd in a hug and gripped onto his gi, just as tightly. I buried my face into his shoulder as he did the same and we just stood there and hugged tightly. And everything felt right, even if it was for a brief moment. Everything felt like it had and how it should here in the Monastery, with Lloyd: It felt like home.
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©this work belongs to teeful-corner.ᐟ please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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luminiscented · 2 months
Sooo... Smut with Dom! Lloyd×Sub! Fem! Reader... Pretty please 🥺🙏🏻
Time wisely used
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Pairing: Lloyd x Fem! Reader
Type: Oneshot
Rating: Nsfw
Plot: Reader receives a proper response to her little attempt to get handsy under the table during dinner
Warnings: Oral sex m!receiving, brat taming, mentions of a hand job, swearing, ooc (a little bit), no betaa
Author note: I'm sorry for the 2 month delay! I'm really re-exoloring myself atm, I had some auditions and I'm working on an original piece :) I hope you'll like it, anon! <3
"Mm...mhm...yes, beautiful.." Lloyd held your hair in a fist gently while your head bobbed up and down on his length. Your drool was rolling down in beads to the base of his cock as you hummed and took him in your mouth eagerly. Your eyes teared up as he pushed your head down, shoving his cock so deep that it touched the back of your throat. You look up at his warning glare, before nodding and continuing to suck him off, using your hand to rub whatever didn't fit inside your mouth. You let out an apologetic whine as he gripped your hair again in frustration. You love this, you love it when he's on the brink of breaking, don't you, you whore? You love it when he's holding back from choking you with his thick cock.Go faster, pay attention to the slit, lick under the head, kiss the tip...the whole thing..in your mouth.
""Giving me a hand"? During dinner?" Lloyd asked with his teeth gritting and forming a frustrated grimace on his face. You saw him blurry as you forced yourself to look up while you feasted on his cock. You recognized the shine in his eyes. The shine he got when he was mad or passionate or smug...that fucking sparkle made you knees go weak, because there was no knowing how the night was going to end for you..
You moaned happily at his question, whorishly. You nodded as he started to thrust his hips against your mouth, fucking your throat and making you choke.
"In front of everyone?" He asked again, struggling not to go down on you. Not to grab your head and cum deep in your throat as you choke on him, crying and whimpering and looking up at him like you did nothing.
You nodded again. He cupped your cheek, watching you open your mouth wide for him to slap it on your tongue teasingly. You took it in your hand, rubbing it quickly.
"Yes, sir."
"What kind of a whore tries to give her boyfriend a handjob in the middle of dinner?"
Lloyd fisted your hair, you saw the twinkle again. You could swear you're dripping down on the floor already. Your toes curled at the hazy lustful look in his eyes. The desire to tie you down and make you pay for tonight's gig. He started to tease you, rubbing it on your cheek, letting it drip pre-cum all over your soft skin and coat it good.
"I asked you a question."
His stern voice brought you back to earth.
"Me. This whore."
You opened your mouth wide, your sweet expression begging him to put it back between your lips and make you choke on it. Lloyd only rubbed the head on your lower lip.
"I think you're really forgetting your place lately." Lloyd murmured warningly as his fingers rubbed your scalp.
"Were you that horny at dinner or were you just pushing your luck?" He gently gripped your hair again.
You smiled at him softly, knowingly, brattily. You coaxed his hand away from his dick, replacing it with yours and rubbing his length in long slow strokes.
"Pushing my luck, sir." You kissed the leaky tip, gently sucking the pre-cum from the slit, smearing it on your lips and your tongue darting out to lick them.
"Yeah? You think you're going to get far with that?"
You took a breath to answer, before he cut you off by shoving his cock back in your mouth. His hand rested on your cheek as he thrust his hips, fucking your mouth. The tip touched the back of your throat as he looked down at you, biting his soft pink lips, his golden hair sticking to his forehead as the coil in his abdomen tightened. You moaned around Lloyd's cock, your saliva dripping down onto your chin as he used your mouth.
A broken whimper escaped your throat as he pushed down your head, your lips touching the base, your nose buried in his pubes, your eyes watering and rolling back. His red tip pulsed inside your mouth as he spilled his hot cum right down your throat. The green ninja panted as he pulled his length from your mouth, watching his seed glisten on your lips, the experience making you hazy, your face flushing with lust and arousal as you smiled at him pleased with a sweet bratty expression no one can match. You leaned back, your nipples perky and shiny from sweat, your hair clinging to your forehead, fluttering your eyelashes at him, challenging him to show you who you're messing with.
Lloyd followed his uncle's advice for once and that night, he used his time very wisely.
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daisychainsposts · 2 months
Context: Lloyd and his s/o just had a baby and the other ninjas are meeting the baby for the first time
Jay: It’s a boy!
Lloyd: That’s her tail.
Jay: It’s a girl!
(Yes I stole this dialogue from Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Fight me.)
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page-yerin · 1 month
hey!! ( if your still taking requests) could we please have some Lloyd Ninjago dating headcannons? Ty!!
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genre(s): fluff
pairing: lloyd garmadon x reader
trigger warnings: mentions of insomnia & anxiety
a/n: YESYESYES OFC I’M MAKING THIS ANON, I HAVE BEEN WAITINGGGG FOR SOMEONE TO REQ THIS (I usually have no motivation if ppl don’t ask for them) 🥹
anyways, here you go! hope the two of you and anyone else reading enjoys!<33
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☆ omg he’s the absolute cutest :((( (you can probably tell he’s basically my fav by now but i love them all, ANYWAYS)
☆ i feel like lloyd would be really shy and nervous at the beginning
☆ would try really hard to make the relationship work out bc it’s his first time and he had no idea what he’s supposed to be doing
☆ especially after harumi.. ahem.. happened, just give him some time to heal and figure out how a (hopefully) healthy relationship would go
☆ would probably go to kai and/or jay about advice—even nya sometimes (please don’t trust kai with these things, lloyd sksjdjsjs)
☆ would’ve had no idea he was in love with you until the ninjas pointed it out directly
☆ once he starts to get more comfortable with the relationship, he starts let out his more childish side
☆ would absolutely prank you (as a joke obv) just for sillies :p it’s his love language in a way
☆ would not be a pda or physical affection person in general, but my god he is definitely touch starved, PLEASE HUG HIM :’(( (not before i do/j)
☆ he would be so nervous to initiate hugs or cuddles or anything, just let him know that he can if he wants to and that he doesn’t have to be so nervous ushauhajaijaoa
☆ omg please take care of this poor baby :(( you will have to force him to get sleep (insomniac lloyd is so canon) or take a break
☆ on the more serious side, i think he would rant/vent to you sometimes about stress and his anxiety :((((
☆ back to fluff, he would 100% stare at you. not in a creepy way or anything but he’s just admiring you<33 would sososo have heart eyes for you
☆ unconsciously cuddles you while sleeping, he’s such a cutie :((
☆ first to wake up bc of training and yk
☆ honestly think he would be a nose or cheek kisser (just based on a feeling)
☆ oh yeah, and going back to his love language, he would be a more words of affirmation and/or acts of service type<333
☆ guys i love him sm like i cannot, TREAT HIM WELL BECAUSE HE WILL ABSOLUTELY DO THE SAME!!
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kazukazuhas · 1 year
stay with me ✧ lloyd garmadon x reader
✧ synopsis // everyone's watching, but he only sees you in his arms. what is it with fate and wanting him to suffer?
✧ cw // character death ;; blood but no gore ;; angst ;; hurt with no comfort ;; profanity ;; movie!lloyd ;; petnames [baby, love] ;; might be ooc (lemme have garm being human and feeling guilty yk? yk) ;; grieving and mourning ;; crying ;; insecurities
✧ notes // alt title: he's my favourite and i hate how little angst he has, reader is the gray ninja btw. also, garmadon and his army only caused injures and never any deaths.
✧ taglist // @spoopy-fish-writes // @spoops-inliyue ;; @decaffeinatedcloudkryptonite // @shaantiofher ;; @sunangelstears
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no. no.
there's thick tears falling, sliding down his cheeks and falling onto your bloodied gi, the material torn, caked with dust and shards of glass dug into the grey material. it wasn't as grey as before, as grey as it was that morning when you were preparing with him.
the green ninja clung onto your dying body, his leg under both of yours while the other he sat on. his arms tight around your aching form, keeping his love, his life close to him. he felt your pulse fading, the warmth of his sun on his cold days leaving him alone. it was slow, much slower than when he first gathered you in his arms.
"please.. please stay with– me," he cried, sobs wrecking through the rubble and aftermath from garmadon's latest attempt at overthrowing ninjago. he sniffled hard before he pulled away just enough for you to see him through the confines of his dark and green coloured mask. a cough wreaks through your body, causing you to jolt and choke on blood seeping from your lungs, the ninja is quick to ground you when life tries to slip from your grasp. "uh- hey, hey, you're fine.. you're good, i'm— i'm he- here." the green ninja looks miserable even behind that mask.
"my mask–" you tried to sound out, you felt parched and weak, grateful he managed to figure it out quick enough to pull your mask away as gently as he could. a small, pained smile was all you could manage in the midst of recovering from that bloody cough. the boy wiped the tears from your eyes with his thumb, while his own clouded his eyes. "ma and pops must be cryin', yk..?" you pondered, eyes focused on him solely.
you raised a sore hand to his cheek, thumb sliding just under his mask. "o..kay?" you mumbled softly, waiting for his reply with eyes battling to stay open. "yes." he closed his own for a moment, his answer quick and free of any hesitancy. the material of the gi's mask felt nice against your hand, sliding off gently with his help and letting it fall behind him with a soft thud.
you hold his cheek, thanking lloyd mentally for holding it up for you. it hurt. it hurt so much seeing him so wrecked over you.
he deserved so much better, someone that would stay with him, that would treat him better than you are right now. you didn't want to go out without him, you never wanted to.
"lloyd," you called to him, the boy looking at you with tired, red eyes. "sorry baby."
"i forgive you. i will always forgive you," he says through deep breaths, gasping from holding it unconsciously. you smile fondly at that, his willingness to do anything for you. your heart twisted uncomfortably in your chest.
"love– love you, lloyd," you say, each word leaving you slowly and with a soft voice. your hand dropped slightly, but he tightened his grip on it. "i love you so much." your thumb rubs his cheek slowly. "i love– you too, [name]," he manages to get it out, through his tears.
this was hard to stay awake, alive. your heartbeat was too slow and your vision zoned and blacked out more than once. you both knew it was time for you to go, it was time you rest. "m– may i steal your breath away.. one more last time, love?" he half laughs while you processed it slowly. "you do, baby. all the time," you laugh softly before trying hard to focus on him one last time. he smiles, seeing you're still joking around while on your deathbed.
he lays your hand down on your chest, taking his and rubbing the blood from your lips. he smiles one last time. lloyd leans down, holding your cheek tenderly before whispering promises of meeting you again one day against your lips. you smile, your hand holding weakly at his gi while savouring the moments of your life with him.
it was warm, overwhelming almost when he finally kissed you. a gentle warmth signature to him, almost like an open oven after baking. fuck, you'll miss that. you'll miss the messes of flour and smelling of sugar while he kissed with frosting on his lips. like it was now, had he always been so sweet?
you closed your eyes, losing consciousness and feeling. his warmth was faint, until it was nothing.
lloyd buried his head in your shoulder the second your weight laid a little heavier against his arm and your hand dropped from holding his gi. he cried, harder. harder than before, arms squeezing your body.
it didn't matter that there people were watching, it didn't matter that garmadon and his army was still here and watching. it didn't matter that the other ninja were watching, it didn't matter whether his mother was watching nor yours front row at seeing their kid die in the arms of ninjago's most hated.
reality settled in, he didn't want it to.
"lloyd," kai's voice tugs him back from the unforgiving confines his mind. the red ninja's mask long gone, he had his own tears welling in his eyes with small, faint streaks on his cheeks. he pulled lloyd and your body into a tight embrace, his head on lloyd's as he quietly pats his hair, humming lowly. he knew the kid needed someone to ground him and kai wad going to play his role as lloyd's 'older brother', even if it meant he had to mourn his kid sibling's death later.
with soft sniffles and a spaced out face, lloyd notices everyone for the first time while in kai's embrace.
jay held nya while sunk down against his mech, she was still processing the fact you had died, though she had her arms around his waist. whereas jay held onto her as tight as he could with sobs lightly muffled by his mask and her hair. cole sat against kai's mech with his knees up, burying his face in his arms wrapped around them. he occasionally shook from his own tears, he was trying to cope with the loss of his kid 'sibling'. it felt strange seeing him cry. zane sat in his mech, in awe. his face looked genuinely shocked, trying to compute the lost of a friend but he was still affected by it all. hands fiddled lightly with the controls of his mech.
sensei wu stood somewhere in the distance, amongst the people crowded on the less debris covered land. lloyd couldn't figure out what the man felt, from the obscuring of his hat.
but the most interesting was the look on garmadon's face, he wanted to laugh. he knew the rest of his army (and even the citizens of ninjago) were tense from the sudden reveal of their ninja's identity and the fact they actually killed someone. let alone a ninja. but garmadon looked almost horrified at his son.
his son.. he killed his son's lover. it was a surprise his enemy was luh-loyd and from the other of those rainbow coloured ninjas, the boy happened to be dating one of them, the one he actually killed. he felt somewhat guilty of what he did.
lloyd looked away, closing his eyes and laying his head back into kai's chest. "i fucking hate him," the boy mumbled out into his brother's gi. "me too, kid."
he wished it was him instead, because he always wanted the best for you. you deserved it. you deserved more that him, a crappy teenager, garmadon's shitty son. not a strong leader nor a good kid.
he just wished he could be with you again.
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kazukazuhas copr. 2023 darling
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kywaslost · 1 year
Being Saved - Lloyd Garmadon HC’s
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A/N: I’m really not in the mood to write today, but I’m still avoiding my homework (even though I have 2 homework assignments, 2 tests, and 1 project due today) so here’s this. I’m not feeling Lloyd today but it’s part of writing for everyone on my masterlist so here I go… today’s prompt theme is being rescued. I wrote this kinda taking place around I think season 2, because there’s that whole dark island place and it seemed fitting.d
This is so bad I’m so sorry.
Prompt/s Used: They’re gone now. It’s ok / You’re safe now, I promise
Being Lloyd’s lover means that he will do anything and everything within his power to make sure you are safe and out of harm’s way
Even if you’re also a ninja
But the one time he failed to keep you safe, you’re kidnapped by his father
It took longer than expected to find you, and with the final battle approaching Lloyd was at his wits end
The others had to practically force him to sleep and eat because he was spending all of his time looking for you
But then came time for the team to go the island of darkness to find the temple of light
Lloyd is on edge the entire time, because now it’s been a week and he still has no idea where you are
Until he runs into Garmadon on the beach
They have their whole fight scene, where then Garmadon reveals that he’s hidden you away in his abandoned castle (wasn’t there one in the movie?) 
So now Lloyd’s options are to stop his father before time runs out, or rescue you before your time ends
They already don’t have a game plan for this battle between him and his father, so he decided to look for you
It takes a few hours but he finds you unguarded in the basement of an old, nearly crumpled castle
You’re chained up and blindfolded, and the sight of you reduces Lloyd to tears
He immediately frees you, ripping the blindfold from your eyes and having Cole use his super strength to break the chains off of you
He pulls you into his arms, hugging you as tightly as he can
You’re sobbing into his chest, retelling him and the rest of the team about how had been left in complete darkness for so long, only being fed once a day and feeling unsafe
“You’re safe now, I promise,” Lloyd whispers to you as he presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
You aren’t allowed to participate in the final battle, obviously due to your condition and newly acquired trauma, but he also doesn’t want to leave you alone
So you’re now Lloyd’s motivation for getting this over as quickly and effectively as possible
When everything is said and done, he runs back to you, pulling you into his arms once again
He’s crying, telling you about how he defeated the overlord
“He’s gone now, it’s ok,” he cries into your hair
Even though he wants to catch up with his father, who’s now back and 100% human, Lloyd wants to help you recover first
He won’t let you sleep alone. You’re either in his room or he’s in yours.
He puts you before his father until you’re physically healthy
Keeps you from his father until you feel like you’re ready to meet him
After all, he isn’t the same monster that held you captive, and he’s your boyfriend’s father and you want to get to know him
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yellow-rose-lady · 6 months
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Fanart for @generally-surviving ‘s Awsome fic:
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emininjago · 2 months
Sugary love ———— Lloyd x reader
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𝖲𝗈𝗇𝗀- 𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝗒 𝖫𝖾𝖾𝗁𝗂 
Originally this was posted on my Wattpad (Kaiya_ninjago) as an au one-shot for my Ninjago oc Kaiya Yoshida, however I’ve decided that I’ll upload it to tumblr but turn it into a Lloyd x reader fic, enjoy <3
Key: reader is gender-natural
e/c- eye colour
h/c- hair colour
Y/n- your name
l/n- your last name
The eyes the same hue as e/c captivated him. 
They drew him in commanding him to admire every aspect of them, of the way her h/c haired bounced as she walked through the café trays filled with drinks and sweet treats in hand, how they continually had a smile that felt like the sun was rising whilst they greeted the varying customers, or how he could hear the soles of their converse connecting to the ground as they weaved her way through the café like it was second nature to them. 
Everything y/n did had Lloyd falling more and more in love with the them.
The movement of a hand quickly moving in-front his face brought his attention back to the real world, he had forgotten he wasn’t alone, he forgot he was meant to be hanging out with his friends, and they certainly noticed his day dreaming. He already had a suspicion that they knew what or who was on his mind, and that was something he didn’t want to admit them again so publicly especially not when the person who occupied his thoughts was near.
“Hellooooo earth to hopeless romantic” Kai, the one who had moved his hand infront of Lloyds face spoke up, a sneaky grin on his face as he watched the blond snap himself back to reality. His other friends snickered at Kai’s choice of words, and Lloyd was quick to correct his posture and stare eyes wide at the brunet friend. 
“I am not!” He loudly whispered, his eyes glanced behind him to make sure y/n wasn’t within hearing distance, his cheeks were a faint pink at his friend exclamation of him being a hopeless romantic. Thankfully the person constantly on his mind was preoccupied talking to a customer, dimples on show, laughing at something they had said, he wondered what they had said, wondered when he could hear the sweet symphony of their laugher embracing his ears, wondered when the moment would come for him to be the reason for that symphony.
“Oh so, your mind wasn’t focused on little mr/miss/mx waiter/waitress over there” Jay teased, a sickeningly sweet grin on his face and his eyebrows wiggled mockingly. Lloyd nearly leapt across the table to cover the lightning ninjas mouth, his cheeks darkened at his words and at being bluntly called out by his friends for him daydream. 
“Shush! Shut it, not another word” Lloyd mumbled once again glancing behind him to check that the h/c person hadn’t snuck up behind him and had overheard Jay’s tease. They were still on the opposite side of the room blissfully unaware of the conversation taking place at his table, he wanted it to stay that way. 
The clothed navy blue and white stripped elbow of Nya nudged Jay, a somewhat serious expression explored her features though Lloyd couldn’t help but see the small smirk growing, her cupids bow making itself more apparent “Why don’t you just tell them how you feel dude” 
Colour had never rushed to Lloyds cheeks that quickly before, and it took everything in him not to slam his head onto the table and complain at Nya’s words, that would’ve caused quite a scene and alert y/n to his distress. He’d prefer to deal with his friends teasing than for his crush to see him like this. 
“Yeah sure and while I’m at it, I’ll make a new realm” Lloyd chided, his eyebrows raised mockingly at them whilst his hand lifted his cup of hot chocolate towards his lips. The beverage itself had an outline of a funky looking frog sketched into the chocolate, the sketch wasn’t by choice. All of his friends glanced at each other at his words, only one of them decided to speak up. 
“Technically it isn’t impossible for you to create a new realm, you’re the grandson of the First Spinjitsu Master and are the closest elemental wise in becoming the succeeding…” Zane explained, his tone remained monotone whilst he spoke, his tinted aquamarine Nindroid eyes stared at Lloyd. The rest exchanged a bewildered expression with one another, Nya silently reminded herself that she really needed to upgrade his sarcasm levels cause this was getting embarrassing. 
The grandson in question was quick to intervene his eyes narrowing at the titanium friend, he slowly shaked his head, the hot chocolate carefully placed back onto the table “I was being sarcastic Zane” Lloyd leaned slightly onto the table resting his elbows onto the wooden furniture, he didn’t miss the way the Nindroid silently told him to move his elbows of the table, mother hen. 
“It’d be good to get it off your chest, just gotta rip it of like an old bandaid” Cole encouraged a warm smile explored the earth ninjas face, as well as crumbs from the Black Forest gateau he had been devouring simply moments ago. Lloyd titled his head at Cole’s words, did he compare y/n to a band aid? And an old one at that. 
A loud groan left Kai’s and Jay’s lips both of them squinting their eyes at the ninja with frosting around his lips, Lloyd saw how a few customers in the café slightly turned to look at the infamous ninjas when the noise escaped the fire and lightning ninja.
“Can you stop comparing relationships to an old bandaid!” Jay exclaimed, his face slightly distorted due to the annoyed expression that crossed it. If Lloyd wasn’t exasperated with the ninjas he would’ve taken a photo of Jays to remember the hilarious face he had pulled. Kai leaned over towards Cole and shaked his shoulders slightly quietly mumbling about how that is a horrible expression to use when describing feelings and that he should’ve learnt the first time not to use it. All Lloyd could do was slowly blink at his friends. 
“Not my fault I can’t think of any other sayings!” Cole whisper yelled still being slightly shaken by Kai, Lloyd wanted to curl up into a little tiny ball and disappear under the table never to be seen again. He glanced behind to see that y/n had since moved away from the customer they were talking to and was now out of his line of sight, he could only assume they were now in the kitchen preparing a substance for a customer. The blond released a sigh of relief at the lack of y/n. 
“Boys, back on topic” Nya sternly whispered to them circling them back to the conversation at hand, he would've preferred if the three musketeers had continued their bicker at one another which would’ve dismayed the many customers in the cafe greatly. He wished the conversation didn’t have to turn back to him, not about this topic, he laid his head onto the table his arms being used as a cushion “Lloyd” 
He rapidly shakes his head not wanting to be addressed, especially not when Nya had used such a firm tone at his, as if he was once again a child and she was scolding him for a prank he had pulled or for sneaking out for a mission. Instead she was scolding him for not talking about his romantic feelings for a certain brunette, how times have turned.
“You’re gonna have to confront these feelings sooner or later” The elemental master added when she saw the swift movement of his head, unbeknownst to Lloyd all of them had a growing smirk on their faces. He regretted ever telling them about his crush on y/n, though truth be told they knew before he even told them anything, they had caught him on many occasions being trapped in a daydream admiring the h/c waitress/waiter a lovesick smile on his face. They were all none the wiser how y/n themselves hadn’t picked up on his crush yet. He was that obvious, or were they both that oblivious.
“Not when they’re literally a few feet away” was Lloyds mumbled response, it took two attempts of them all repeating the words in their heads and having a silent conversation with only their eyes to understand what he’d said. Too bad they didn’t have incredible hearing, only Lloyd got blessed with that. He could hear the distant movement of y/n in the kitchen preparing an order and the delicious smell of pastries floated through the air. 
Jay glanced up to stare into the little window that showed the kitchen, he could only see the h/c of y/n’s hair, they were far enough away there’s not a chance they could hear them. The cooper curled ninja leaned closer to Lloyd the sneaky grin still on his face. 
“All the more reasons to talk about them” he quietened his voice into a whisper, the teasing tone of his words flowing easily of his tongue. Lloyd lightly lifted his head up from the table resting it against his crossed elbows, his crimson coloured eyes the same shade as blood narrowed at the lightening ninja. The blond blindly aimed his foot to kick Jay, a pout formed onto the coopers face and he glanced down to the foot that had collided with his under the table “did you seriously just…”
Jay stared at Lloyd with a look of disbelief at the fact that one of his adopted brothers had kicked him, then his disbelief turned into humour. Pulling his head away from Lloyd a snicker escaped his lips and in seconds it turned into laughter tears pricked his eyes as he continued to laugh, Lloyd rested his head back onto the table with a groan. Nya quickly shot Jay a glare that instantly told him to shut up, he did as was instructed however faint snickers found their way to echo across the room he had to cover his mouth with his hand to muffle them. 
“You know Lloyd, Valentine’s Day is coming up” Kai chimed brushing the out of place strand of brunet hair that threatened to ruin his entire hairstyle. A smirk grew on Kai’s face, he stood up from the table and walked over to where Lloyd was sat, shaking his shoulder the same way brothers would. Lloyd weakly pushed Kai away and back into his seat, he wasn’t in the mood for his brotherly actions, nor for trying to understand what he was implying with his sentence. 
Zane who has only then finished his cup of tea, glanced down at Lloyd before speaking a smile much like the teasing expression on the others faces blessed his metallic one “Valentines day; the one day celebration of love, adoration and affection, it is common for individuals whether that be romantic or platonic to ask each-other to be their valentines. However this day is also celebrated to honour the death of Saint Valentine, a martyr who defied Emperor Claudius ban on marriage.” The Nindroid explained his eyes lifting from Lloyd up to the silhouette of y/n who was still in the kitchen, the teasing smile on his face grew “I believe Kai is telling you to ask them to be your valentines” 
That made Lloyd harshly left his head up from the table, his cheeks a dark shade of pink as he returned to his original position, his eyes had also widened at the advice. 
“I beg your…what!” Lloyd exclaimed his voice slightly shaky in shock and embarrassment at what had just been spoken, he could barely comprehend what had been asked of him. He glanced around the room hoping his exclamation and the words of his friends hadn’t been too loud, he didn’t wish for a specific h/c to hear this conversation. 
“Yeah, and if they don’t reciprocate your feelings then you can say you meant it platonically” Cole smiled, hoping this would be seen as encouragement for Lloyd to confess his feelings to the person. It had the opposite effect, Lloyd slowly sank further into his seat a sound closing resembling a whine, that just made him not want to tell them even more. 
The harsh sound of a slap on Cole’s shoulder returned Lloyds attention to his friends, Kai had taken the liberty to smack the earth elemental shoulder an amused expression of disbelief on his face. 
“Dude, you’re not helping!” Kai snippily said shaking his head disappointedly at Cole, what even went through his mind to say that? Kai knew Cole had meant it from the goodness of his heart, but that was not what was needed “that probably made Lloyd not want to confess even more” Cole mumbled a quick apology at Lloyd, mentally face palming himself for even saying those words. 
“I think what Cole is trying to say, is that it’s better for you to try rather than suffer in silence with your feelings. Take a leap of faith” Nya softly spoke her smile aimed at only Lloyd to see, this was an actual smile of encouragement, there was no mocking tone or anything of the sorts and it seemed that the others agreed with her words. Lloyd sighed and adjusted his posture straightening back into his original spot. 
Was he really going to confess his feelings to y/n? And on Valentine’s Day of all days, a day that was merely three days away. The possibility of getting rejected was high and so was the feeling of possibly feeling embarrassed about it, but Nya was right, he had to take a leap of faith.
“Okay…okay I’ll try” Lloyd mumbled, a small smile forming on his face as his cheeks flushed a pinkish colour, he couldn’t believe he was admitting out-loud to them that he’ll try and confess to them on valentines. He couldn’t believe he was even thinking about verbalising his feelings of infatuation to the brunette that was constantly on his mind. 
Jay leaned over towards him, his eyes held a teasing gleam to them as he leaned close to Lloyd and smirked. His expression made Lloyd incredibly uncomfortable “and you know, it’ll be a cute story to tell your kids that you got with them on valentines day” 
Lloyd shot up from the chair in record speed, his eyes widening at the statement and his cheeks became so much more darker. He glanced behind him watching as y/n walked out of the kitchen tray in hand with sweet treats on and walked towards a table, this time when he glanced y/n looked back at him smiling warmly at him before continuing their walk to the table. Lloyd cheeks were burning at that. 
“I’m waiting… outside” Lloyd quickly spoke shuffling out from his chair, tucking the chair back into the table and slowly walked away towards the exit of the café. His cup of hot chocolate remained half empty and the ninjas exploded into silent laughter. 
Y/n could only spare Lloyd a single glance of confusion wondering what had made him look so on edge when they stared at him. The blond never wanted them to know about the conversation he and his friends just had, though it did achieve one thing. 
He was going to ask y/n l/n to be his valentines, to confess his feelings of unbridled love to them, and that scared him to pieces. 
Lloyd stared down at the sketchbook on his desk, the book with the engraved leather binding of his name making it look ancient and lost in time seemed to merely reflect his own stressed expression. This book held all of his most recent sketches the faint lines of where his pencil had touched the paper hidden within, in a way this sketchbook held all of his secrets, his passions, his beliefs, how he views the world. There were various sketches dotted in the books paper of his surroundings, of the people around him, of the pets that have graced the monastery over the years, only one of these sketches had blush decorating his cheek. 
He flipped open the book instantly finding the page he desired, he remembers the day he drew that page as if it had happened yesterday. It was a rainy afternoon, water droplets cascading down the cafés window in groups, the café itself was relatively quiet most of the customers were inside to hide away from the rain. Y/n waltz around the room drinks and food in hand warmly welcoming people onto the quaint building to conceal themselves from the increasing storm. It had been by chance that Lloyd had ended up in the café, the dim lights softening the atmosphere around him, it was the type of atmosphere that if you weren’t careful you’d fall asleep in an instant.
His eyes fluttered across the room taking in his surroundings, though his gaze always returned to a certain brunette, his pencil brushed along the paper trying to capture the way in which the light of the candles decorated Y/n’s face, how their hair was a bit out of place, how their eyes held a softness to them whilst they talked to their customers, he tried to capture all of these little details onto the paper. 
The page he was staring at was a portrait of y/n, their contagious smile frozen in time and their eyes squinted slightly in laughter all captured onto the page forever inscribed onto it. His smile, a Duchenne smile decorated his lips his finger lowering to the paper and stroking the cheek of the drawn y/n. 
“What are you looking at Lloyd?” A voice from behind him brought him away from his thoughts, quickly he turned around to come face to face with purple eyes staring at him, her head titled in question, though a somewhat teasing smile was on her metallic face. Pixel was in the doorway of his room, he didn’t even realise nor hear anyone approaching, was he that stuck in his daydream. 
A sheepish expression dawned his face, his cheeks decorated in a blush pink colour, Lloyd quickly cleared his throat his eyes glimpsing behind him he instantly saw the page of y/n’s portrait on full display, if Pixel even steps slightly around him she would come face to face with the portrait. 
He quickly rushed to shut the book slamming it shut while Pixel’s confused expression seemed to spread. Lloyds cheeks continued to glow in its pink delight “Pix, hey!” his hand laid against the book while he turned around again to face her, he attempted to muster up the most convincing smile she would ever see. 
“Why did you slam the book?” Pixel took a step further into the room keeping the shoji door slightly ajar, one of her silver eyebrows raised as she look from Lloyd to where his hand disappeared behind him. The grip of Lloyds hand tightened around the leather bound object. 
“no reason, so uh need anything” Lloyd quickly replied his cheeks continued to be painted in blush, all he wanted to do was answer Pixels inquiry if she had one and then she’ll leave, he could only handle being embarrassed once today, he didn’t need it twice.
The samurai warrior stepped beside Lloyd her eyes glancing down at the book that his hand was covering, anyone could tell it was his sketchbook the leather bound around it and the fact that he was being quite protective of it gave all the clarification needed. Lloyd sighed at that, his fingers tapping against the material surrounding the sketch book, it had quite the harsh touch to it but was soothing nevertheless. 
“Zane informed me of the conversation had at the café” Pixel explained, smile on her face, her eyes never left where the sketchbook was embracing the outside of it. She always found Lloyds book to be special, always found it showed her glimpses into how he sees the world and others, on the rare occasions she’s been able to get a peak at the sketches within it always amazed her just how detailed they were. How the hands of a fighter could create something so beautiful, though that might’ve been the First Spinjitsu masters family genes shining through “are you really going to ask y/n to be your valentines?”
Of course Zane had already ratted him out to the nindroids significant other, that shouldn’t have surprise him, that in a way didn’t surprise him, he was expecting Pixel to mention something about the café. 
“Maybe, I don’t…I don’t know” Lloyd’s gaze diverted to the ground not wanting Pixel to see any more of the blush coating his cheeks. Slowly he lifted the sketch book up from the table and rested it against his chest, his arms crossing over it to create a protective shield around it, shielding it away from the prying eyes. 
“That sketchbook of yours has always intrigued me” Pixel pointed to the book in his grasp, a smile on her face while doing so, she could only guess that there was a sketch of a one y/n l/n engraved into the page “I believe they would enjoy it” 
Those were the last words Pixel spoke to the blond sending him a quick smile her lips curving upwards, she swiftly left the room after her smile as if she hadn’t just left Lloyd speechless with her words or that she hadn’t just given Lloyd an idea on how to ask y/n to be his valentines. Slowly he settled his sketchbook back onto the desk and once again found his desired page, he quickly grabbed a pencil from his desk draw which sat on the desk and began to scribble down onto the page a quick sentence. 
‘‘Y/n, will you be my valentines?’ 
He stared hard at the page, debating whether or not to gently tear the beautiful/handsome sketch of y/n out of his sketchbook, the decision weighed heavily on him disagreeing whether or not he should take a chance or remain a coward and leave it in the book. Lloyd didn’t realise that through his debate in his mind he had already teared the page out of his sketchbook, the decision had been made.
Slowly he folded the page, the pencil stained paper getting smaller after every fold, Lloyd fiddled with the sketch his mind still racing on why did he allow the ninjas to coheres him to ask y/n out so easily, he’d never asked anyone out before, never had to bare his romantic feelings out to someone, Cole was right though even if his confession to y/n went poorly he could easily say it was meant platonically. 
He placed the paper onto his desk, the folded paper standing out like a sore thumb compared to everything else, tomorrow he’d give y/n the note, tomorrow the question on the paper would be answered. That knowledge frightened him. 
“Lloyd mission time!” Cole called out to Lloyd as he passed by the now open shoji doors that connected his bedroom to the Monastery corridor. The blond was already a-dawning his signature Green GI, where one of the sleeves were brown whilst the rest was a dark green. Lloyd sighed and glanced one more time at the folded paper. 
He rushed out the room, his mind already fixating on the upcoming mission, though the paper and y/n remained in the back of his mind. 
They always found a way back into the four front of his mind throughout the mission. 
The café had never felt so silent before, even with Lloyds incredible hearing there was not a sound of customers chatting to be heard, the distant sound of a radio playing faint jazz music echoed across the room. It was just after the lunch rush and only a few patrons were in the café most of them being elderly citizens enjoying their own company, Lloyd must’ve been the youngest person in that café as he admired the decor that surrounded the walls and how the faint pinks and yellows mixed perfectly to make such a calming atmosphere. 
He stood beside the door, the slightly broken bell singing on his arrival, Lloyd wasn’t going to be here for long, all he needed to do was hand y/n the note wait for their response and then leave. His hand fidgeted with the folded note that was concealed in his Green hoodie, rocking on his heel as he heard the faint laughter of y/n from the kitchen.
Soon they walked out of the kitchen and to the counter, a wide smile on their face. Lloyd took that moment to admire he features, to admire her h/c hair which had been tossed into a high ponytail/or however your hair normally looks to avoid it from ruining the batter, their front hair hiding parts of their alluring e/c eyes that they had to sweep away to put her eyes on full display once again, a cream coloured apron tightened around their waist and the faint smell of pastries drifted into his direction. In his eyes y/n was the definition of perfect, and if he could he’d admire them the entire day, for the rest of his life if he could. 
Y/n turned their head when they felt eyes staring at them and they flinched slightly at seeing Lloyd standing silently beside the door, he sheepishly smiled at them causing a chuckle to smoothly leave their lips “you really do live up to your profession, don’t you?” They jokingly shakes their head and a smile once again graced their lips, Lloyd wished he could ingrain that smile into his brain. 
“What can I say, it’s part of the job description” The blond took that as his cue to walk up to the counter, the awkward smile still remaining on his lips while the paper continued to be fidgeted with in his hand. This was going surprisingly better than he had thought, though he didn’t plan on accidentally frightening them, he forgot just how quiet he could be. 
“Mhm, nearly gave me a heart attack” y/n grabbed a rag from the side and began wiping down the counter, a half smile still on their lips even when doing this mundane job, they glanced up to their blond haired friend who still looked slightly on edge, they decided to ask about his uneasiness in a bit “on pick up duty again? Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you have to order your stuff first before coming in to grab it, my boss almost threw a fit the last time you came without ordering first and I just gave you the food.” A smirked grew on y/n’s lips before they lowered her voice into a whisper and added “though I can always sneak you a little something from behind the counter” 
Lloyd shakes his head at y/n’s word, the nervousness leaving his body for a brief moment he chucked at their words, the h/c raised an eyebrow at Lloyd not fully believing his head shake. 
“Really, well that surprises me” y/n mumbled, finishing with the rag and placing it back onto the side of the counter, they rested her body weight onto the black serving counter. He fidgeted with the paper once again before quickly signing, a confused expression found its way ontop y/n’s face tilting their head slightly at his tense stance. 
“Are you…busy?” He quietly asked his question sounding more like a mumble than actual words, the fidgeting of the paper in his pocket increased and y/n placed a hand onto his clothed shoulder to calm him. It didn’t calm him, not in the slightest, the action made him think that his heart had skipped a beat and pink coated his cheeks. 
“No I’m not busy, is everything okay Lloyd?” Y/n softly responds with a question of their own, keeping their hand firmly on his shoulder and rubbing her thumb gently across it, they were no doubt going to be the death on him, if was so then he didn’t mind going to an early grave. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay just wanted to…” Slowly he began to pull out the folded paper his palms sweating while doing so he hid the paper away from their eye-line, there was no doubt that the paper was getting slightly wet from his palm. He cut himself off halfway, swallowing loudly and running over the words in his head one last time. Y/n patiently waited for him to continue. 
Steadily he opened his mouth preparing himself to pass y/n the folded paper and final have his question answered, that didn’t happen, one of the customers decided at that moment to come up to the counter “excuse me, are you busy?” The h/c glanced at Lloyd quickly an apologetic look in their eyes before mouthing the word sorry and removing their hand from his shoulder focusing their attention onto the customer.
Lloyd stood there crestfallen, was that a sign from the First Spinjitsu Master that it wasn’t worth asking them, that it wasn’t meant to be. He stared harshly at the ground slowly shaking his head at himself, at his stupidity, why did he even think to trust his friends, why didn’t he decline their idea immediately and never even think about asking y/n to be his valentines, it was a stupid thought really that he’d even have the courage to ask them. Lloyd shoved the paper back into his hoodie pocket his arms hanging limply at his side. 
A few minutes later and the customer retreated back to their table, a few minutes too late for Lloyd he’d already scrapped the idea of asking y/n to be his, scrapped the idea of giving them the folded paper. Quickly y/n returned their attention back onto their crimson eyed friend an apologetic smile on their face. 
“Sorry about that, what did you want to say Loy?” Y/n rubbed the back of their neck in sympathy and properly stared at Lloyd, only then did they notice the annoyed expression on his face and the slight scowl that made its way onto his lips, what had happened in those minutes that had made him look so upset.
“Nothing important” Lloyd monotonously responded, his voice quiet and his eyes refused to meet her staring anywhere but at her. Quickly he turned away from them and walked towards the door “better let you get back to work” 
Y/n opened their mouth to speak, to try and stop him from leaving and for them to understand what had happened, however he was already out of the café door it swinging harshly open and walking out of the café swiftly away from her, the bell nearly broke of from its stand as he exited. The few customers stared at his loud exit in confusion, the most confused of them all was Y/n themself, quietly blinked at the door before opening the flat of the counter to go and adjust the bell back to its normal place. 
Once they had walked out from behind the counter did their eyes catch the sight of a folded and slight crumpled paper on the floor, in curiosity y/n crouched onto the ground and picked up the paper walking with it in hand as they made their way to the bell. They didn’t know where it had come from and it felt wrong them for to go snooping at other peoples belongings, but they really wanted to know what was on it. 
Slowly they opened the folded paper and they were instantly meet with themselves, or at least a sketched version of themselves. Y/n marvelled at the drawing, they weren’t a massive art fan but everything about this sketch drew them in, the way whoever drew them captured them blew their breath away, it was mesmerising. Their eyes scanned the sketch searching for some type of initial that would reveal of the mystery of who’d drew this for them, the art style seemed recognisable to them for some reason but she couldn’t understand why, only when their eyes caught sight of the scribbled writing did they know who it was. 
Their breath hitched as they caught sight of Lloyds name at the end of the six letter question, their cheeks becoming a rosy pink hue that there was no doubt that if any of the customers even glanced over at them then they’d be confused by their expression. That was what he had wanted to ask, that was why he was so quick to leave, that was why he looked so nervous, their entire interaction with Lloyd made so much more sense. They softly smiled at the sketch and refolded it placing it into their apron pocket, they had some planning to do, and they couldn’t wait for Lloyds next visit to the café, they only hoped it would be before Valentine’s Day. 
Lloyd didn’t notice that the sketch was no longer in his hoodie pocket until the very next day. 
Lloyd was practically dragged once again to the café, this time however it was by his mother insisting that this was what he needed to get him out of his funk. He blankly stared at his mother in annoyance, he didn’t tell her that the reason he was in his funk was because he was going to ask y/n to be his valentines in that very café but the universe clearly didn’t give him any signs that he should, he didn’t dare tell his mother that reason, that would’ve only given her more reason to bring him here. 
“I’m not in a funk mum” Lloyd harshly whispered to his mother the moment she opened the café door, the bell announcing his arrival, his eyes glancing to the floor the moment he saw y/n h/c hair. Mistako guided the two of them to an empty table, a warm smile on her face while she adjusted her glasses. 
“Nonsense, you normally love going to this café. Gets you right out of your sour moods” His mother beamed picking up a menu from the table to scan over the items on offer. Yeah, normally it would help his sour moods but not when the person he wanted to ask to be his valentines is in his vicinity, it was the day before Valentine’s Day and he had lost his sketch, those three factors did not equal a perfect place to help him “what do you want son? I’ll be paying” 
“Debating whether or not to pick the most expensive item for revenge on you dragging me here” Lloyd chided in a mumble, his eyes narrowing when his mother passed him a menu, she lightly smacked him on the back of the head and huff leaving her lips, the café certainly hadn’t fixed his mood, she didn’t even know what had made him so prickly. 
“Behave you” Mistako strictly whispered with a raise of her eyebrow, from the corner of her eye she could see y/n making their way to the table notepad in hand. Maybe they’ll be able to right her son’s sour mood, Mistako didn’t notice how Lloyd swiftly turned his attention away from the approaching y/n nor the pink that dusted his cheeks. 
“Long time no see, what’ll it be?” Y/n smiled at the two of them, their smile lingering longer at Lloyd than at his grey haired mother, their eyes closing slightly in delight. Mistako was quick to say her order and was about to poke her son to tell him to say his own order, however y/n had already spoken again “your usual Lloyd?” 
The way their question seemed to easily leave their lips left his cheeks rising in blush more, his eyes turning to glance at them slowly he began nodding his head “uh…yeah…yeah I’ll have that” he kept it brief and quickly turned his gaze back to the closed door, it was difficult trying to ignore the person you’re hopelessly crushing on, his mother once again lifted an eyebrow at his nervous and swift tone but she never commented on it. 
Y/n smiled and walked away claiming the orders will be out shortly, it was once again only Lloyd and Mistako at the table. 
“What was that about?” She humorously asked the moment y/n had disappeared into the kitchen, the older women moved the menu out of Lloyds hand and to the side of the table, a quiet laugh leaving her lips at his pink cheeks, she never realised Lloyd had a crush on y/n, now she was more glad that she had brought Lloyd here. 
“Not important mum” Lloyd quickly whispered, his eyes wide as the words flowed from his mouth and he rested his head onto his elbow, his eyes glued to the door once again avoiding any eye-contact from his mother or from y/n. Mistako opened her mouth once again wanting to add onto her previous statement, though the quick glare her son gave her quickly prompted her not to and to instead sit there quietly and wait for their beverages 
Ten minutes later and y/n returned two drinks in hand for the two Garmadon family members, the warm smile persisted on their lips even when they placed the drinks down for the respective person. Lloyd glanced down at his hot chocolate expecting some sort of disfigured drawing of a type of animal, only this time it was none of the sorts, instead on the top of his cup sketched into it via cream was a heart, must’ve been a valentine special for the day before and on Valentine’s Day. 
“Oh Lloyd” y/n spoke reaching into the packet of their apron and grabbing out a familiar piece of folded paper, Lloyd froze the moment he saw that paper, of course he’d left it here, of course they’d seen it, he didn’t want them to see it anymore, he didn’t want to feel the taste of embarrassment, of humiliation. The h/c placed it beside Lloyds hot chocolate “You left this here a few days ago” 
Lloyd wanted to bang his head onto that very table, he wanted to run out of that café with what little dignity he had left, he wanted to rip that paper into a million tiny pieces. Y/n didn’t stay for long after they gave Lloyd his folded paper back smiling warmly at him before going back to the counter, he could still feel her gaze even when she was no longer beside him. 
The blond let out a slight groan at the folded paper picking it up from the table and holding it in his hand, he narrowed his eyes at it as if scolding the paper for falling onto the floor and ending up in y/n’s hand. Mistako glanced down at the paper to her son silently telling asking him what on earth was that paper for, he never responded. 
With a quick movement of his fingers he unfolded the paper, he might as well see if the sketch was still intact even if the small question that laid unanswered on it would haunt him. Slowly but cautiously he unfolded the paper, the sketched eyes of y/n staring at him, he unknowingly smiled at being reunited with the sketch though as his eyes surveyed the page he noticed that something had been added, his eyes widened when he realised what it was. 
‘Yes, I’d love to ♡︎’ 
In seconds he was quickly placing the paper back onto the table, his mother raising an eyebrow at him at his fast reaction unaware of what was on the paper. 
“They said yes” Lloyd whispered in disbelief, pink slowly becoming more evident on his cheeks and the tip of his ears, once again he grabbed ahold of the pencil stained paper and looked over her written reply, he saw that underneath their name y/n had written down a number, their number, he had y/n number “oh my wojira” Lloyd sank into his seat, a dreamy smile on his face while his hot chocolate became forgotten, he couldn’t believe he had a valentines, that Y/n L/N was his valentines.
Lloyd glanced behind him and there they were smiling at his reaction, their own blush decorating their face, they lifted their hand up to her ear and did the call me sign. He sheepishly smiled at her rubbing the back of his neck, guess he was no longer free tomorrow, tomorrow he was with y/n, on a date. 
He was going to cherish that sketch forever 
Green machine: 
Guess who’s got a valentine!
sent 11:30am
You all owe me £10 
sent 11:31
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yanderelegoninjago · 4 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
Anon: Can I please get Movie Lloyd x fem reader? When he gets jealous. Because the guy begins to flirt with his girl. (The reader isn’t with Lloyd yet.) And Lloyd is a bit of a Yandere. But, not completely
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Lloyd didn't have many friends, because of his father. So, when he met you and you were friendly, he thought he won the lottery or maybe that you weren't real. But you were real! And you were well liked among your peers. [Unlike Lloyd]
Though, there was a part of Lloyd that felt that maybe it was all some joke. Like maybe you didn't actually like him. He never told you about these fears, in fear of sounding crazy, but he couldn't make the thoughts disappear. And these fear came into a boil when he saw a guy flirting with you at a party.
The party was originally for the team to meet up- They had used this party as an excuse to hide the fact that they were meeting up. It would have looked suspicious if a group of teens who never talked were meeting up in secret.
But back to the topic at hand. The voices of his teammates blurred and he couldn't hear them. His attentions was focused on you and whoever was talking to you. Why were they talking to you and why did he feel this terrible feeling.
Suddenly his feet where moving and he didn't even realize it. By the time he approach you, he didn't know what to say. Thankfully, the guy who had been flirting with you was annoyed by Lloyd's presence.
"Uh, call me." He said, waving bye to you.
You waved back, but the minute he was gone, you rolled your eyes.
"Thank god you showed up, that guy wouldn't leave me alone."
Lloyd shyly smiles, before sighing, "Yeah, of course, no problem."
"Besides, why would I want some loser flirting with me when I already like another loser."
"You like someone? A loser? Who??" He asked accusingly, causing you to give him a deadpan stare.
"Nevermind, Lloyd. Let's go."
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
Begging on my kneesssss
Llyod headcanons of him x reader who loves to mand handle people and can do it easily.
I'm talking randomly sprints in his direction picks him up and spins him around like it's nothing at all, like he weighs as much as a feather. I love spinning people around.
Hunka hunka Strong make him go brrrrr
Twas not expecting that
bro lowkey looks like a twink bc He Has more lean muscle whereas kai and Cole go for power lift.
Same goes with jay, him and lloyd go to up the stats in strength and agility to not get stuck between shit.
So when you also look so unassuming of raw strength
And then suddenly just
Pick him up?
Boy is flustereddd (and maybe more than that-)
Like he literally giggles and kicks his feet.
Your now required to give him at least 1 piggy back a week.
Also, he loves to be bridal carried.
Honestly, man's loves it.
More than he feels he should
He demands your weight routine if you lift.
if you do lift, he also demands you work out with him.
And use him as a weight.
all in all, super into strong partner.
Becomes obsessed with your strength for a while and just has you hold random heavy shit to see your max.
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jamanakaivillage · 9 months
🎕 !! — Ninjago-corner Tee's Lego Ninjago corner
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🎕 !! — INTRO
This blog is a extension of @teeful-corner, in which fanfictions for Ninjago will be posted (as well as any Ninjago related content). It will not constantly get updated, and will fluctuate with my own interest in Lego Ninjago.
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🎕 !! — LINKS
○ !- Master list ○ !- Tag list (t.b.a) ○ !- Tee's Hub
○ !- Lloyd Garmadon ○ !- Morro ○ !- Kai ○ !- Nya ○ !- Cole ○ !- Jay ○ !- Zane ○ !- Pixal ○ !- etc; don't be afraid to ask
○ !- Oneshots (mostly) ○ !- Headcannons ○ !- Multi-part Fics (rarely) ○ !- Fluff, Hurt, Hurt-Comfort ○ !- Gore, Violence
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🎕 !! —All fanfictions under this blog belongs to @jamanakaivillage, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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luminiscented · 5 months
Llyod x reader? Llyod is crushing on reader, his bestfriend, but can't tell if he is. So when reader confesses he rejects her, and Jay comforts reader? Maybee Jay has a crush on reader and nows how it feels to be rejected??👀
Apples (pt.1 of Hunger)
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Summary: You confess to Lloyd, but you're met with an unspecified answer. Jay offers his shoulder for support (and his love)
Pairing: Lloyd x Fem! Reader; Jay x fem! Reader
Status: Pining
Type: series
Warnings: Drinking; swearing; told in 3rd person, but it mixes in with the reader's inner world; no use of Y/N; no beta
Note: That was fun to make!! Thank you for the request anon and sorry for the wait! I decided to make this a series! I think the story was supposed to be a bit more light, but I decided to take a more deep approach with it! Hope you like it <3
You and Lloyd sat on a bench outside, shoulder to shoulder, watching kids play in the distance after a difficult and exhausting day. You hugged your legs close to your body as you leaned on him. You took a bite of the apple in your hand, holding the piece between your teeth before taking it in your hand and lifting it up to his lips. Your fingertips brushed against the plump pink flesh for a second and you felt your chest growing warm and heavy. His hand ghosted over yours over and over again. It brushed against your waist, but it didn't dare to lay on your skin. A strange energy was going through your bodies. It was something sweet and shy and... distrusting. You needed that hollow and depth in your chest to be expressed, to be heard and satisfied. You needed his hands to embrace you and you needed to embrace him too. You longed for more than just a friendly hug after worrying you'll never see him again after every mission. You wanted him to squeeze you in his arms, break your bones even from his tight grip. But that's weird, isn't it? You were hungry for him in such a pretty way, it was so delicate. It's like the love described in children's books. It's so innocent in a way. You took a bite from the fruit, watching it get brown in the parts you didn't pay attention to. You bit down a piece for him.
Your mind scattered. You stared down at the red dust on the ground that coated the grifers of your sneakers. The children's chatter brought you back to reality every once in a while.
"I love you." You spoke in a tired voice, in all seriousness. He let out a sigh as he leaned back on the bench.
You stood there, the weight of your words heavy in the air, mingling with the fading warmth of the day. Lloyd's silence was deafening, a stark contrast to the playful laughter of the children in the distance. What were they laughing about again?
The apple browned in forgotten places. Uncertainty gnawed at you. What made you say that? The dust on your sneakers seemed to mock your confusion, grounding you in the reality of the moment. "I love you," you repeated, your voice barely above a whisper. Lloyd's response hung in the air, a void where words should have been. His hand on your shoulder offered little solace, he seeked comfort in you, a feeble attempt to bridge the growing distance between you. You don't get it. He doesn't either. Didn't. Still doesn't.
He was tired, you were tired, you were feeling too weak to expect anything from him, let alone feel anything intense. Lloyd tried to think of anything to say to you, but his mind gave up on him. He couldn't even form a sentence. For gods- why did you even say that...
"Don't worry 'bout it.." You murmured. Jesus, he didn't even look at you. You stood up and you threw the apple in the trash bin. "See you at home." You started rushing towards an open space to get your dragon. Each step felt like a burden, dragging you further away from the warmth you craved. The weight of his silence pressed upon you, suffocating any hope that lingered in the air. Why did you walk so fast? Why did you leave? Why did you say all of this in the first place?
You reached your room and you locked up. You slid down the wood to a deep squat as you stared blankly at the things in front of you. You couldn't even think about that.. situation? No. Uh- what happened. It's a proper way to describe..that. After an hour of mindless vegetation around your room, you crawled out to get the leftover vodka from Kai's birthday to drown your sorrows and to numb every logic thought.
You sat in the bathtub with a shot glass accompanying you. You stared down at the glass bottle and you looked at your distorted face in the reflection. Were you getting brown? That would be a pity. You filled the glass halfway with the the false belief that "this was the last one" and you downed it. The alcohol slid down your throat, it burned your insides, but it didn't burn your thoughts. Just made them weird and distorted and out of place. What the actual fuck did you just do today? Yes, what the actual fuck was that? Jesus Christ, pour another, pouranotherpouranother-
The bathroom door opened and you braced yourself for whoever you may have to kick out. You saw a blue outline and a tuft of brown curly hair before Jay stepped in fully. His expression was blurry in your intoxicated state, how did you even tell it was him? THE BLUE. The blue. Of course, yes . You must have looked at him with your genuine intent to kick him out, because that blurry expression did say something. And it was something. Else. Fuck it, you're going to be throwing up your internal organs in an hour, who cares about his dumb expression?
Jay sat down at the edge of the tub, you pulled your blanket over yourself a little in shame. He pulled the bottle out of your arms. You didn't protest. Drank enough, you said it yourself.
"What's up...?" He asked warily.
"Mnothin'.." You slurred out.
At that word, he slid down to sit with you in the tub, his legs hanging out. You looked at him guiltily, like a kid who did something against their parents will.
"I told him I love him." You mouthed the words quietly as if hoping he wouldn't hear. You scooted over to him and you cuddled up to him. He embraced you silently. He kissed the top of your head sweetly. The rejection didn't hurt as much as the hunger did. You had started to need Lloyd long ago. Just as Jay needed you. In the same way he craved your warmth and your sweetness. It was almost the same. Yet that man held you in your sorrow. It was his sorrow too, you know that, right? He held you through it and for a few moments, he made you feel loved, the same way you imagined Lloyd making you feel loved. He held you so tenderly and he kissed your head so gently. Maybe it was that crap in your system, but you leaned in more, you asked for more like a little feral animal. You let yourself shed a few tears on his neck. You satisfied his need in a way. It was almost the same as... having you. He just needed to pretend a little. It was almost as good. He leaned in and he kissed your forehead. The silence was comforting. He understood. He let you embrace your emotions to the best of your abilities.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Jay spoke after a few minutes of counting the tiles in the bathroom. "Shit happens. I get it."
"You've done stupid crap like that?" You murmured groggily.
"Mhm. Confessing to a person who doesn't love you back is a must do. You should cross it off your bucket list." He tried to make a joke to lighten up the mood, but that brought upon you an urge to lick the empty vodka bottle for a stray drop of alcohol and then throw up all over the bathroom floor.
"Too soon?"
"Mhm." You nodded as you scooted closer in his arms.
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daisychainsposts · 5 months
It would be a funny visual gag if there was a flashback to the first time since Lloyd’s eyes turned green due to his element and the ninjas needed to disguise themselves. Then we see Lloyd in the background trying to use contact lenses but they just immediately evaporate.
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Uncle x Papa – Nephew!Kid!Lloyd x Adopted Son!Morro x Father!Uncle!Male!Reader (Ninjago)
Part 3
WARNING!: Mention of rape, kidnapping and murder, mention of abandonment, mention of close to death encounter, Angered Morro AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!
“Morro is still around ?! I thought...after all these years of him not returning...he died.”, Wu muttered.
“No he is alive.”
“Describe him to me.”
“Black hair with a green strand in it, forest green eyes, wears gray and green clothes, has some weird symbol on his clothes, like we have on ours, spiked eyebrows on the ends.”, Cole described.
“That...that is him...”, Wu muttered.
“And M/n ?”, Zane pressed.
“He...was my Brother. Garmadon’s and my Brother. After a few events, he moved out and I never knew where he went.”, he answered.
Kai covered Jay’s mouth and shook his head. He didn’t want them to tell Wu that Lloyd was with them.
“My sister has a date with Morro.”, Kai informed.
Wu looked at him in surprise.
“She does ? Who made the first move ?”,  he asked.
“Morro did.”, Zane answered.
He looked even more shocked.
“That is impossible. He would NEVER have time for such things. He was always way too busy to prove me wrong... Did he change ?”, Wu was in deep thoughts.
So what Morro said was true. Wu did know them and the proving part seemed to be right too. Kai was ready to stalk his Sister tomorrow.
-The next day after Lunch-
M/n gave Morro a small basket for a picnic and told them both to be careful in the woods. Then they left and they found Nya. Morro landed behind her and Lloyd got down.
“Hello, Nya.”, Morro greeted.
She turned around and smiled.
“Hello, Morro and Lloyd.”, she replied.
Nya was dressed up in nice clothes, but not too nice, in case she gets dirty. Morro and Lloyd just the same.
“You look charming, Nya.”, Morro complimented.
“Thank you, you look nice as well.”, she replied.
Lloyd looked at Nya in awe, but shook his head and stuck his tongue out, looking away.
“Eww, girls...”, Lloyd muttered.
Morro lightly smacked the back of Lloyd’s head.
“Hey !”, he protested.
Morro smirked.
“You are such a terrible Cousin. Not even trying to be happy for your Cousin.”, Morro said dramatically.
Lloyd hugged him tightly.
“She is stealing the attention away from me. You are supposed to pay attention to me, Bubba.”, Lloyd said.
Morro looked at Lloyd in shock.
“Bubba ?”, he asked.
“I see you more like a Brother....is that wrong ?”, he asked.
Morro thought about it and then shook his head.
“No, no it isn’t. You just caught me off guard, little Buddy.”
“Okay.”, he said and snuggled deeper into Morro’s side.
He looked at Nya.
“Shall we get going ? I know a perfect spot to watch the sunset.”, Morro suggested.
“Sure. Do you want me to carry the basket ?”, she asked.
Morro looked at Lloyd and sighed.
“I guess I have to ask that of you, so this bundle of attention, will get soaked in enough of it for later.”, Morro said jokingly.
Lloyd smiled and hugged him tighter. She took the basket and Morro picked Lloyd up, who wrapped his tiny arms around Morro’s neck and hid his face in Morro’s chest.
“He seems to like you a lot.”, Nya stated.
“He does. He liked me since I can remember.”, Morro explained.
“And when was that ?”, she asked.
“Oh, when Lloyd was a Baby still. Garmadon needed a break sometimes and I took care of Lloyd then. I fed him, I changed his nappies, I played with him, I spent time with him. Yes, it sounds like much, but really, his Dad worked himself to the bone for him. He passed out from exhaustion, because he barely slept. It got to a point that whenever he saw me or Garmadon entering he was giggling happily and just wanted attention.”, Morro explained, having a sparkle in his eyes when he recalled the memories.
Nya found the sparkle pretty.
“Enough about me though. What about you ? Tell me how you are related to such a Meanie.”, Morro started.
“I don’t know sometimes, myself. Kai has been like this, since we lost our parents. We were still kids when they left and never came back. We still have Father’s blacksmith and a picture of them. Since then, Kai has been overprotective of me, because I was the younger sibling and I am a female.”, she explained a bit annoyed.
Morro smiled.
“He is only looking out for you. He wasn’t THAT wrong, Nya. There are people that would use your body for their own pleasures. Females, no matter if they can fight or not, are the most endangered of getting kidnapped and disgraced. He is not that wrong to look out for you.”, Morro stated softly.
“How do you know ?”, she asked.
Morro frowned and looked at Lloyd, who seemed to be asleep.
“I saw such things happen when I was a child. I grew up on the streets, until Wu found me. Well, he caught me going through his trash to find something to eat. He gave me fresh food instead and took me under his wing. But...it doesn’t fix the damage that I have gotten on the streets. I heard the screaming, the begging for mercy. I heard how men cussed out homeless women and continued to use them... I saw some men ambushing women that could fight, how they dragged them into dark alleyways and did it... I couldn’t do anything back then. I was a small kid, that couldn’t even fight or speak properly....”, he said saddened.
Nya stared at Morro in shock as she heard that.
“Wait, if Wu took you in, why do you hate him so much ?”, she asked.
Morro’s eyes darkened and he frowned deeply.
“I admit that he took me in, fed me, kept me around, cared for me and trained me. But...he did a big mistake and it damaged me for years. Did he tell you about the Prophecy ?”, Morro asked.
“The Green ninja thing ? Yeah, the others are fighting of who it will be of them. Sensei forgot to take the scroll out of the pocket, on Kai’s Dragon. It fell out and they fight since then.”, she said annoyed.
Morro nodded.
“That is what he made me believe in.”, he told her lowly.
“What ?”
“I found out that I could do an impressive thing. Wu instantly jumped to the conclusion that I am the Green Ninja. He trained me for it, I broke my limbs for it, I didn’t stop working hard for it...I never wanted to disappoint him. As a homeless, weak child, it meant the world to me. I wanted to be it, so no one can hurt anyone anymore. I didn’t even notice how I slipped from being kind and helpful, to aggressive and angry. Wu never told me, so I would notice, he just told me to stop training, which fueled my anger just more. Then at some point, we tried to determine if I was the Chosen One, but the Golden Weapons didn’t react. I wasn’t ready to give up as fast as Wu did. I insisted on trying more, but he denied me over and over. He talked into my head that I was the Green Ninja and suddenly he said that I wasn’t. After a while I left the Monastery and was trying to prove him wrong. I went on a hunt for something that could have killed me. Garmadon and M/n looked for me, while Wu never did, nor did he try to stop me from leaving. They saved me just in time, before I could have most possibly burned to death. Since then, I stayed with them. He hates M/n and blamed him for his wrongs with me, he banished Garmadon, he never visited Lloyd...Do I have to add anything else ?”, Morro asked, unusually calm.
Nya stared at Morro in absolute shock. Then she looked down, feeling guilty.
“I...I’m sorry that I asked... I ruined the good mood, didn’t I ?”, she asked softly.
Morro looked at her, eyes wide.
“No, no, you didn’t. Honestly, yes I still get cold when I think about it, but you can be lucky that I am not as aggressive anymore about it. The first two years, I was a ball of anger and rage. I destroyed my room a lot and almost tore down our house, just thinking about it. Papa helped me to recover. He helped me to get my anger under control. I don’t get angered easily anymore.”
“Almost tore the house down ?”, Nya asked concerned.
Morro looked at her and then smiled.
“Your friends didn’t figure it out ?”, he asked.
“Figure out what ?”, she asked.
Morro came close to her ear and whispered.
“I am the Elemental Master of Wind.”
Then he pulled back and she looked at him in shock.
“No way !”, she said.
“I could make us both fly, but I am unsure how you would react and the forest is a bad spot to do that too. Lloyd and I fly a lot, our home is pretty far away from Ninjago itself.”
She looked at Morro in awe.
“Maybe next time we meet up, you could chose a spot to show me ?”, she asked.
He gave her a small smile.
With that they continued walking, telling a few jokes and past childhood events, making each other laugh. Nya liked Morro’s laugh.
“No way !”, she laughed out.
“Oh yes.”, Morro chuckled out.
“You really did that ?”
“Papa always understood a little joke, other than Wu. Me kicking him in the ass was just meant in good fun and M/n understood that. He chased my ass for hours to repay the kindness to me.”, Morro chuckled out.
Nya laughed.
“M/n sounds like a fun person.”, she said after they calmed down.
“Papa is a very calm, collected and funny person, besides you make him mad.”
“Did you ever make him mad ?”
“A few times. I hate his anger directed at me, it scares me. He was always angry when I was mean to someone as I was so obsessed to become the Green Ninja. He was pissed when I refused to sleep and trained instead, he was angry when he saved my ass from my Death Trap and since then he forbid me to talk about the Chosen One ever again. I only told you, so you know why I don’t like Wu anymore. Lloyd is not allowed to know about the Green Ninja thing, otherwise he could turn out like I did...”
She looked at him with understanding.
“Like the other four fight each other right now.”, she said saddened.
Morro shrugged his shoulders.
“As long as they argue about it and fight each other, none of them is going to be worthy. Maybe none of them ever will be. I mean, who has a brain, can already guess who could be the Chosen One and it ain’t me.”
“What do you mean ?”, Nya asked.
Morro looked at her conflicted and the shook his head.
“Another time. I don’t want Wu to know. He...he will then suddenly act like he cares.”, Morro muttered out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. He really doesn’t want anything to do with Sensei Wu. They continued to walk and soon enough they arrived at a big tree.
“If we climb this one, we will see the sun going under. Do you want to take a break first and eat something ? I brought some food and drinks in the basket.”, Morro offered.
“Sure.”, she said with a smile.
Morro woke up Lloyd and he looked at him with bleary eyes.
“Hum...?”, Lloyd asked.
“Food ? I bet Papa packed some sweets for you.”, Morro said.
Lloyd woke up at that and Morro put him down chuckling. He took the basket from Nya and took out the blanket that his Papa put inside. Lloyd helped him to put it properly on the ground, then everyone sat down and Morro pulled out some packed up cupcakes, that his Dad, Lloyd and him made together yesterday.
“Apple cupcakes. I hope you are not allergic to them, Nya.”
“No, no. I am only allergic to perfume.”, Nya said.
“Got it then, no perfume, only deo.”, Morro replied, noting down to never use perfume near Nya.
She smiled and took the one Morro handed to her, then he looked around and found a lollipop for Lloyd, he gave it to Lloyd.
“I want a cupcake too.”, he told Morro after he took the candy.
Morro reached back into the basket and gave Lloyd one, who eagerly took a bite and hummed.
“You can’t even wait for me to have one too...”, Morro pouted.
Lloyd looked at Morro with big eyes and swallowed.
“Oh, sorry ! I just got so excited to taste one.”, Lloyd apologized.
“It’s fine, Lloyd.”
Morro then took one out too and together they ate them. Nya had to admit, she liked them.
“Who made them ? They are awesome.”, she asked.
“We all made them. Papa, Lloyd and me. Papa cut the apples and put them in the oven, Lloyd and I peeled the apples and washed them, then we made the batter.”, Morro answered.
Lloyd nodded at that eagerly.
“My Uncle is the best ! He is almost like Dad ! I might not remember much of him...due to how young I was when I lost him..., but I remember how he always made me and Morro some delicious food, when M/n was away ! His chicken recipes were the best !”, Lloyd said.
Morro nodded his head.
“That is right. Uncle Garmadon’s chicken thighs were the best food. The meat was always well done, the skin was seasoned well and very crispy too and the sauce he made for the chicken meat was also great. My favorite dish he made.”
“The chicken and rice dish was delicious too ! With the yellow sauce, you remember, Bubba ?”
“Ah, yes. The chicken curry with rice dish. Uncle Garmadon left out the Pineapples, because I am allergic to them and Lloyd doesn’t like them anyways.”
“You are allergic to Pineapples ?”
Morro nodded.
“My airways close up when I eat Pineapple and I need a vaccination to make it stop. Papa has some in case of emergencies.”
“Huh... Alright, so when I ever cook, no Pineapples.”
Morro chuckled and nodded. Lloyd looked at Morro.
“Bubba ? Am I allergic to something ?”, Lloyd asked.
“I hope not. Your Father has no allergies as much as I know. I don’t know about your Mother though, Lloyd.”, Morro replied.
Lloyd looked away.
“I don’t have a Mother, Bubba. You KNOW that.”
Nya looked at Lloyd with big eyes, then at Morro.
“Fine, then the person that carried you around and birthed you.”, Morro corrected himself.
With that Lloyd got up and looked around, leaving Morro and Nya alone.
“He doesn’t have a Mother ?”, she asked.
“She left Garmadon and him as Lloyd was still just a Baby. She never showed her face, so Lloyd started to say that he doesn’t have a Mother. Whoever his Mom was, Lloyd pretty much disowned her as his Mother.”, Morro explained.
“Oh... I am so sorry for asking.”
“It’s fine. You didn’t know.”, he said.
-Time skip-
After they ate and climbed the tree, they were already about to witness the sunset. Nya couldn’t lie, it was beautiful from up on the tree. Morro gave her a kind smile and they continued to watch it.
After the sunset was over, Morro walked Nya home, left Lloyd at the beginning of the many stairs up, brought Nya up all the stairs to the Monastery and froze as he saw that Wu was waiting for her. Wu stared at him and Morro stared back. Nya was surprised that Sensei Wu stood there and worried for Morro’s reaction.
“It really is you, Morro.”, Wu then got out.
Nya could hear a bit of emotion coming from him. Happiness and sadness. Probably because Morro didn’t come back to him. Morro glared at him and clenched his hands into fists.
“Don’t pretend like you suddenly care, Wu. I hate pretenders.”, Morro growled out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. She never heard that darkness in his tone before.
“What do you mean, Morro ? I left the doors open for you to come back. I...I thought I lost you for good.”
“You did. I am surprised you left the doors open. You knew how thick skulled I was. You should have stopped me or at least came looking for me. Funny that Garmadon and M/n did that, but not YOU. The person, who claimed to care about me, oh so much. Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Wu looked away in guilt.
“I’m sorry I let you down, Morro.”
“You are only sorry for letting me down, by not looking for me ?”, Morro asked harshly.
The other Ninja appeared and Kai jumped over the wall, without anyone noticing and let it seem like he just left the house, trying to find out what this rocus was about.
Wu looked at Morro, confused.
“Y...Yes ?”
Nya and Kai knew that was the wrong answer for Morro. The other Ninja saw her and Morro suddenly and they saw how angry Morro was with Wu.
“How about you are sorry for corrupting me ?! How about you are sorry, for fucking up my unstable psychological state ?! How about you are sorry for almost letting me DIE ?! How about you are sorry for making me believe in LIES for YEARS ?! How about you are sorry for BLAMING MY PAPA for YOUR own mistakes ?!”, Morro yelled at him angered.
Each question that Morro asked outraged, he seemed to get more pissed off and Nya was worried. He said he had anger issues before, but now under control. But Sensei Wu seemed to be a trigger.
The Ninja visibly shrunk into each other, while Wu backed away from Morro slightly, who came closer with every question.
“How did I corrupt you ? What lies did I make you believe in ?”, Wu asked in disbelief.
“You never said that I COULD be the Green Ninja ! That there is a slight CHANCE I COULD be. You always said that I AM and that I WILL be ! It destroyed my psychological state ! You made me believe that I AM the Green Ninja and not that I COULD be ! That is a difference, WU ! You made me believe that you LOVED me as your own kid, for all the things you did with and for me ! You told me you cared about me like I was YOUR Son ! But as soon as I lost sight of what was important, you let me leave and walk right into my own DEATH ! WHAT A FATHER ARE YOU ?! YOU ABANDONED ME IN A TIME OF NEED !”, Morro yelled into Wu’s face, tears of anger and betrayal running down his face.
The Ninja’s eyes widened in shock and they stared at Wu, who was just as shocked. Morro wiped his tears and scoffed, looking at Wu with disgust.
“What does it matter, you don’t care anyways.”, he said, coldly.
“SHUT UP ! I don’t want to hear your half assed excuses !”, Morro yelled back.
“Morro ?”, Nya asked softly.
He turned to her. She could see all the emotions swarming in his eyes. She slowly approached him and pulled him into a hug. Morro stiffened up for a slight bit, then hugged back, tightly.
“Sorry, if I scared you, Nya.”, Morro apologized.
“It’s okay. I understand...”, she replied.
“I soured the evening...”, Morro said with slight sadness.
“It’s fine. We both didn’t know that Sensei Wu would be here. Thank you for walking me home.”, she said softly.
“No problem. Do you want to meet up tomorrow again ? I know a place. We could meet in Jamanakai.”, Morro offered softly.
“Sure. What time ?”
“One PM ?”
“Okay. I will be there.”, she replied.
Morro smiled and kissed her cheek quickly. She froze and blushed.
“I’ll see you then.”
“Morro, stay please.”, Wu said softly.
He turned around to his former Sensei.
“Never. I live with Papa. He would be worried sick and I do NOT like you all that much anymore.”, Morro pointed out.
Nya pulled Morro into a hug, his back to her front.
“Your Dad is probably worried sick right now. You should get going. No need to get into any trouble with him, right Morro ?”, Nya asked.
He knew what she was trying. She wanted him to leave before they both escalate into a fight and M/n would be mad at Morro, while Lloyd would be scared. Nya was smart to act like this. He pecked her cheek again.
“Okay, I will leave. Until tomorrow, Dollface.”, Morro said and then left.
Nya blushed brightly at that pet name. As soon as Morro was out of sight, he used the Wind and flew down the rest of the stairs. Lloyd waited there, with his flashlight.
“Let’s go home, shall we ?”, Morro asked.
Lloyd looked at him and nodded. Morro picked him up and then they both froze.
“Morro ! Come back, please !”, Wu called.
They saw him running down the stairs. Morro cursed and put Lloyd down.
“Hide in the dark, no flashlight. He can’t see you, Lloyd.”
He nodded and did as Morro told. Then Wu was in front of him. Morro glared.
“What part of NEVER did you not hear ?”, Morro asked.
“I want to make it up to you. Your Father can move in too.”, Wu offered.
“He won’t want to. Why would he come back to you ? After everything you did to him ?”, Morro asked darkly.
“I figured that M/n, my Brother, is your Father now, but please. I really want to make it up to you.”
“How can you make something up to me ? I can’t even look at you, without getting angered. Just because I can control my anger better, doesn’t that mean that, I am not very close to punch you.”
Wu stared at him in shock.
“You have your little Noobs to take care of. So leave me alone.”, Morro stated coldly.
Morro turned his back to Wu and took a few steps away from him.
“Do you want me, to beg you, to forgive me ?”, Wu asked sullenly.
Morro froze up at that and turned around, caught off guard.
“What ? No ! I just don’t want to be near YOU ! How can I be near you, if I just want to beat the living shit out of you ?! Wu, YOU broke my trust in you ! YOU left me, I just did the final step for you ! You left me, BEFORE I even left the Monastery ! Trust was hard to built up, but it is easily shattered. You shattered my trust in you. I am pissed off with you, for everything you did and continue to do. Thanks to you, Lloyd won’t have a Mother nor a Father now. M/n told me everything about Lloyd. Garmadon went to him after his wife left him with Lloyd, as a Baby. Where have YOU been ? Why did Garmadon search for Papa, if he had YOU ? You weren’t all THAT trustworthy, huh ? Your OWN BROTHER didn’t TRUST you. That says something, don’t you think ?”, Morro pressed.
Wu looked down in sadness.
“Is Lloyd with you two ?”, he asked.
“No, he is not. Garmadon sent him off somewhere. We have no idea where he is, nor can we ask Garmadon. And guess who’s fault that is AGAIN. YOURS. We saw you two fighting. We saw how you let him fall. If Lloyd ever finds out about this, he will be very much against you. I think that is your special talent, you MAKE the VILLANS and Papa CLEANS your shit up.”
Wu looked at Morro as he said that. Morro triggered Wu’s own anger.
“M/n is a good for nothing Brother ! He left us ! He didn’t help in the wars we had ! You know NOTHING, Morro !”, he yelled angered.
Lloyd stared at Wu in fright and anger. His Uncle, M/n, was NOT useless !
The Wind whipped around behind Morro. He was losing control this time and Lloyd grabbed onto something already, lying on the ground too, like Morro taught him, in emergency cases like this.
Wu shut up at that and his eyes widened, anger gone.
“I...I said that...?”, Wu asked in shock.
Morro was too angry to calm down.
Nya was now there too, like the others. She stared at the Wind behind Morro, that seemed to be raging. Then she stared at Morro and reached him without problems. Wu did trigger Morro’s dangerous side.
She made him focus on her and her only.
“Morro, look at me. Hey ! Eyes up here.”, she coached him.
He snapped his eyes at her face, rage evident in them.
“Calm down. I know it’s easier said than done, but you are losing control. Snap out of it.”, she said softly.
Morro stared at her, but his eyes showed shock. He seemed to realize it, thanks to her.
“Take deep breaths and calm down slowly.”, she instructed.
Morro did exactly that and soon was as calm as a cat again. He hugged Nya tightly.
“Thank you...”, he whispered.
She hugged him back.
“No problem. Grab Lloyd and go.”, she said softly.
Morro nodded, glared at Wu, pecked Nya’s cheek again and then ran into the darkness. He snatched Lloyd and then flew away in the darkness.
“Morro ! WAIT !”, Wu yelled, trying to stop him from leaving.
Nya blocked Wu’s way and shook her head.
“Enough, Sensei. You made him angry enough for tonight.”, she said and then glared at the four Ninja.
“WHO snitched on me and Morro having a date on the Sensei ?!”, she asked pissed off.
“It was Kai ! He snitched !”, Cole and Jay quickly answered.
Kai looked at them with betrayal. Zane only nodded as they gave Kai out. She glared at her Brother.
“Look, Kai, I know you are only looking out for me and try to protect me, but I do not tolerate you snitching on me. Morro is a very nice guy, even though he has his own imperfections. He is save as long as people like Sensei Wu don’t piss him off. So please stop from trying to make Morro hate me.”, she said.
Kai looked at Nya in guilt.
“I know now that he is a nice fella...”, he said softly.
Everyone looked at him in confusion.
“Kai...what did you do ?”, Nya asked.
“I...I followed you and Morro around....I just wanted to make sure that he won’t hurt you. I heard everything you talked about and saw everything too. I’m sorry...”, Kai said softly.
Nya looked at him with disbelief, while the others just stared at him gob smacked. Nya took a deep breath and then approached her Brother, slapped him hard in the face and then pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too, Brother. But seriously now, stop stalking us.”, she said softly.
Kai nodded and hugged her back.
“He is dangerous. I don’t think he is interested in you, Nya. That is not Morro’s thing.”, Wu warned.
She looked at him with a slight glare.
“How long has it been that you saw him, Sensei ?”, she snapped.
He looked nervously around.
“Uhm...Almost eight years...”, he admitted.
“In eight years a lot can change.”, she sassed.
“But not Morro. You don’t understand. He is very obsessed with proving me wrong of something that he isn’t.”
“He gave up on it. He told me that, into my face. Get your info refreshed.”, Nya countered.
Kai nodded.
“She is right. He said that he gave up on it. He doesn’t care anymore.”, Kai said.
Wu looked at them.
“That is so...unlike him...”
Nya shook her head.
“For you maybe, but honestly ? I bet M/n and Garmadon had to give him therapy to get back on track. He was anger issued, was believing lies you told him, became obsessed with something you made him believe in and had a close to death experience, he barely escaped from. This calls, for therapy, to me, honestly.”
With that she left and went back up the stairs into the Monastery, with the other Ninja following. Wu stayed there rooted in place and looked at the ground.
‘Did M/n really fix, what I might have broke, inside Morro ? Am I really...that blind and bad ?’
To be continued...
Masterlist HERE !
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