#lmk if theres anything else i should tag
koheletgirl · 2 years
music by @rismrus
title from the original poster by @beelzeebub
so i asked my dad what he thought of goncharov, and apparently he never saw it but his copy of goodfellas came with some bonus trailers and gonrachov was one of them! took me a while to dig it up but here it is
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almightyhamslice · 1 month
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Hellish Nabnab redesign! I accidentally skipped over him n drew all my naughtified character designs first, but since I procrastinated on posting those it all works out anyway LOL.
In this drawing I primarily wanted to explore the abject misery Nabnab is going through. My depiction of him is half human, though I'm actually unsure if he's human at all in canon-- his case logs only list his genomes as Heteropoda Venatoria n Givanium so, that might literally be it. I think his treatment by the Resort staff and by Banban are made significantly more horrifying if viewing him as a human though, so it's what I stuck with. He is NOT an animal, he is HUMAN, but he has never been treated as such for his inability to speak, his isolation, and his unwillingness to cooperate with his so-called caretakers.
I view his transformation into Hellish form as a sort of 'culmination' of all his prior mistreatment, it's his breaking point. Banban literally backstabs him after apologizing to him for once instead of attacking him, and Nabnab is overcome with uncontainable frustration. As the new givanium solution runs through his veins, he thinks no one he has ever known values him as a person, and he decides to give them what they asked for. He will show the other mascots just how scary of a monster he can be, and make them miss the person he used to be.
Bonus horrid little drawing from when I was brainstorming under the cut:
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I dunno if I'll pursue it but I will say I think it's rlly freaky when normally rigid insects shed their skin and fucking,,, squirm,,, it's rlly creepy lol. Like have you ever seen a stickbug hatch? Don't look it up if you don't like squirmy bugs. Maybe he can be a little squirmy when he first attempts to fight Sir Dadadoo?
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roboticsir · 11 months
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cringetober day 14!
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alltimewhat · 8 months
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when youre bored and you had the worst day ever you can just turn a guy you like into a zombie. its free and they let you do it
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outragedslime · 1 year
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growing up
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junranghae · 1 year
oh im like the only person that watches this but i do want to give a quick content warning! that episode two of Youth Periplous with minghao is focused on a "weight loss challenge." will put further details under the read more
contestants are weighed before and after completing various challenges in order to see who has the greatest difference. said challenges include themes such as restricted eating and exercise with the intent to lose weight.
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o yeah i dont think i ever posted this squirrelflight blingee thing i made w @gekkozilla’s art of her lol
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
For the assumptions game. I’m going to assume you…. Own a crap ton of books!
Lol kinda? I have most of my old textbooks still but I don't have a many novel. My bookshelf has 2 shelves about 75% full
thanks for the ask 🥰
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0rph1x · 2 years
whoever said that the trans experience is beautiful was a fucking liar
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pawzunyan · 1 year
atleast im losing weight. maybe one day i'll see myself pretty (^q^
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gyuswhore · 9 months
Remembrance of Ice
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"Fear does anything but land with precision."
PAIRING: ice king!xu minghao x fem spy!reader
SYNOPSIS: Xu Minghao rules over a land where the sun never rises and crops never grow, shunned by the world for their nature so ruthless it has them caged within their borders.
That is, until you land straight into the dragon's den to find the story untold.
CONTAINS: angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, kinda lore heavy, reader and minghao are in a perpetual spat, talks of military and political power, manipulation (not by minghao), ft. chan
[AN]: MIKA DAY MIKA DAY MIKA DAY except im a day late bc I don't know how to time manage ANYWAY mika my love I hope you enjoy this you mentioned villain hao that one time and I stuck to it praying this is good ksjgnvrkjgn @toruro
id love to turn this into a longer, more detailed fic in the future, I really like this concept and theres loads more I could do with it. lmk if you'd like to see it hehe
edit: had to repost a couple times cuz it wasn't showing in the tags. it still isn't but idc anymore if this only reaches mika then so be it sgnkrtjg
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The cold was the worst. 
Your iced pride had been swallowed down to accept the flimsy cloth the guards that pushed you into this stone dungeon had given you. Not that it was doing much to help you, the thin fabric acting as more of a permeable layer than your gear.
Huddling into yourself, you breathe out warm exhales in the hopes that it’d do something about the face you couldn’t feel anymore. With the sight of your discolouring fingernails, you hope the people in this wretched place would decide what they wanted to do with you before you succumbed to the cold. There’s a bad taste in your mouth at the thought of dying a death like this – that the cold would become your ultimate demise. 
The croning of the metal doors of your prison wrench open in what feels like a deafening sound, the screech having you throw the flimsy blanket off your body in haste. You would not be seen taking advantage of their supposed kindness. 
The two guards that trudge in are quick to tell you to stand. You nearly laugh at the prospect of doing anything they ask. 
“What do you want?” your voice has eroded to a brassy sound. 
“Stand up,” the guard repeats, his face covered in the black balaclava that wraps around everything but spares his eyes. Cold, dark, soulless. 
Your pride screamed to refute. But you were at a dead end, and perhaps it was time to accept it. Eyeing the weapons strapped to both their waists, moreso the lack thereof of your own, you make the first attempt to pull yourself up. It’s difficult, you find, needing a moment to regain your senses before pushing up completely. You tried not to show it, not wanting to look weak in front of the very people you need to show strength. 
“Hands,” the other guard gruffs out. 
You hesitate before bringing your shivering wrists forward, cursing yourself for not being able to control your own body. The cuffs they bind to your wrists are somehow even colder, and you have to consciously bite back a cursed wince. 
Your resolve begins to truly thin when you struggle to simply take a few steps forward, the muscles in your legs frozen like everything else in the room. You manage to not fall. A commendable feat when your goals went from overtaking a couple of (very armed) guards to simply not falling over like a newborn fawn. 
You feel them lightly shove you out the gates, something you should not have struggled to recover from from, but alas, you can only grit your already ground teeth as you try to not tip over entirely. The halls of the dungeons are made of the same gray concrete as your cell, the tight corridor leading you out into an only slightly larger hall with a single door at the seemingly dead end. 
The large brass handle with the distinct reptile circling its expanse stares at you. You are forced to consider the idea that these may be your final breaths. 
One of the guards squeezes out into the hall and approaches the door, three sharp knocks to the wood before you hear a muffled “come in.”
Your feet remain planted to the floor as you feel another push of the guard that remains behind you, urging you forward as the other one stands at the door, expecting you to walk inside. Perhaps some would classify this as a moment of weakness, especially when all you’ve been taught is to face death with anything but fear. But it seeps into your bones regardless. 
You wonder if all those stories you were told of fearless soldiers and sheilds of humans were as lionhearted in their final moments as the storytellers claimed, as brave as the legends that followed. 
You considered yourself one of the best in your field, most of your peers agreed. And yet, that moment of hesitancy in the face of potential death caged you in an unimaginable retaliance. What on Earth was wrong with you? 
And so you moved forward, one foot in front of the other with resilience fueled by pure outrage at your own feeble mind. You would do as you were taught, you would march into the mouth of the dragon because you were not allowed to fear death. You refused to meet your end as a coward. 
The cuffs that encase your wrists burn at the skin as you walk into the room. It’s small, small enough to force you and the two guards to shift closer to keep from the man that stands across the room. 
You almost don’t notice him, which alarms you immensely. Regardless of the stark black attire that matches the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the tiny room, the man seems to blend into the shadows, becoming part of the walls. His back faces you as he looks out the window, like he’s invigorated with the snow that drifts to the earth. 
It’s nighttime. It’s always night time here. 
“The prisoner, sire,” the one in your left gruffs out. 
The man at the window turns to face you, the sight of his face causing you to bite back a gasp. 
His skin is the same colour as the snowflakes that fall behind him, near glistening white. It seems to make every other feature of his face stand out in earnest; the black of his eyes, the crimson of his lips, the dark of his hair. 
He’s gorgeous, you decide, but you also decide that you may be about to die at his hands. 
There’s also the matter of how he was addressed by the goons that flank you. Unless sire means something else in this godforsaken land, you should have realized who this is by now. 
Xu Minghao’s expression remains unchanged, the mild disinterest evident as he barely glances at you before taking a seat at the makeshift office area in the middle of the room. He leans back against the plush, finally regarding the other people in the room with words. 
“You can leave.” 
You hear the guards begin to file out the room. 
“Ah—take off the restraints before you go. And shut the door.” 
You want to describe what his voice sounds like, and while indifferent to another, it’s like a million icicles plunging into your eardrums. It isn’t until the guard blocks your view to unlock you that you realize how strained your eyes were, like it was draining to simply look at him. 
When both guards have left the vicinity, doors closed with a deep thud, you set yourself in steel. Just because he was about to kill you didn't mean you were about to make it easy for him. 
You wonder why a king was meddling to discard a mere enemy officer, but if you knew anything of their bloodthirst, this was a form of amusement. 
“Well?” you say, your voice still bare-there. 
“Take a seat.” He means the lone chair that stands on your side of the table. 
His eyebrows shoot up, “No?”
You stare at him, and it's the first time he’s looked at you for more than three seconds. 
“No,” you reiterate. “If you’d like to eliminate me, I’d suggest we cut to the chase. I don’t want your bleak hospitality.”
“Are you offering your head?”
“I’m asking you to quit the niceties. We know what you are.”
He studies you for a moment before continuing quietly, “Who is we?”
Your jaw is set as you calm yourself down, “The people who keep coming into your barren lands, only to never return. My people.”
“Your people that keep invading this barren land, only to find out that actions have consequences?”
“The mere thought of us is a consequence for you vermin,” you spit.
“Your people, you had said?” There’s a strange hint of jest in his voice, and it only infuriates you even more. 
“Yes,” you breathe out. 
“Your people who have not once attempted to negotiate your release from us vermin, I thought your people were known for your camaraderie. Especially for such an important soldier, do they truly consider you that disposable? ”
The low fester of embers had now ignited into a full flame, the rage becoming near indescribable. Aside from how heinous, you had underestimated how infuriating his kind could be. 
“You know nothing of me!” your voice is loud, your own shade of venom that laces your tongue. 
And then he says your name. 
You falter. 
He shouldn’t know that. You don’t have a nametag, nothing to identify you on any record, anywhere. And yet, you know what you’ve heard is your name that fell from his lips, undeniably so. 
He continues with the faintest sneer, “Captain of the SUN team, first in line from your peers for a promotion, and of course, right hand of your idiotic General of the Army.” 
You can't be sure if you’re shivering from the cold or the rage that courses through every vein in your body. Perhaps it was the latter as you feel your mind shortcircuit at the sight of his smug face. 
And, of course, with the way you lunge. 
It takes barely a second for your numb fingers to reach his pristine throat, curling with the need to rupture his airways beyond measure. It also takes him barely a second to step out of the way, causing you to thud into the table, fingers faltering as they grasp onto nothing. 
The air is knocked out of your chest, and you don’t realize what’s happened. He’s quick, and you’re out of shape. He’s on the other side of the table, hands in his pockets as he stares at your weak attempts at regaining your bearings. 
“This is the problem with your people. Why must your first response to any confrontation be to fight to the death?”
Leaping over the table, you attempt to corner him against the wall, only to find him leap over to the other side of the table when you advance, switching your initial spots. It might have even been laughable if you weren’t so heated, like children running around in circles in a lethal game of tag. 
He takes advantage of yet another moment of weakness you’ve shown, pushing the separating table directly into you, forcing you back as you stumble to hit the window. The opening is just enough to fit your waist, with no room for your legs to leap back over, locked in at the sides of the table that effectively cages your body between wood and glass. 
Your first instinct is to push the wretched thing back, but you realize very quickly that you can’t. It shouldn’t explain how he was able to cage you in a place like this, especially with his scrawny build. Unless he’s locked it in place somehow, you wouldn’t put it past him.
“What the fuck?” you gasp out to mostly yourself. 
“You’ve weakened, little soldier. I heard you were better than this.” 
“Let me go so I can prove it to you then,” you spit, still fruitlessly struggling against your prison. 
“Had your chance,” he states, hands in his pockets, an eyebrow cocked. “Of course, fear does anything but land with precision. I wouldn’t hold it against you.”
“What makes you think I’m scared of you?” 
“Oh, you are such a simpleton,” he narrows his eyes. 
“You haven’t been talking about anything of substance for someone who doesn’t claim to be scared. What’s holding you?” you gruff. 
He stares for a moment like he’s studying you. For some reason, your struggling falters, his piercing gaze leaving you wondering what he had up his sleeve. 
“You know you are weak. Your strength isn’t nearly where it had been when you arrived. I’ve also been told you’ve been starving yourself.”
“I said I don’t want your hospitality!”
“You were supposedly indifferent to everyone in the room, including the guards, but you kept your eyes on me like a hawk. The first mention out your mouth was of death.”
“Was I supposed to expect compassion?” you mock, but the desperation lingers in your voice. 
“Can’t be helping knowing nobody is looking for you,” he finishes. 
“Because you would’ve sent me on my way home if they were? Don’t make me laugh.” 
“Quite right, yes.”
“Like you did with the other soldiers that seemingly disappear in your lands?”
“Nobody asked, so we did not deliver.” 
“Lies!” It comes out as a near scream.
You think of all the stretched months that turned into inevitable years trying to retrieve your lost manpower. Of course, your higher-ups asked for hostage negotiations, did everything in their power to bring them home. 
Fitting for the man in front of you to deny it, but infuriating nonetheless. 
“And you’re wildly defensive,” he sighs. “You’re scared. Of being in enemy territory, of dying, of being alone. One or the other, that’s for you to decide.”
You want to scream again. 
“They lied to you, soldier. And I may be a villain in your self-written history books, but you will come to know of the harsh truth, from me or anybody else. You should know what exactly it is that you’re fighting for.” 
“What are you yapping about?”
He turns back around, moving to the door before rapping a knock. The guards re-enter the room.
“Take her to base.”
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He stands at the entrance of the tent, speaking to somebody in armor with a solemn expression. He turns around at the sound of his name, catching sight of you walking up. 
He breaks out into a smile at the sight of you, eyes going wide as he excuses himself to sprint over. You’re not quite sure if the fatigue is causing you to hallucinate, but with the way his face becomes clearer with every step he takes, you have to convince yourself that you’re not. 
As appropriate as it is to slam into him in a hug, considering you thought he was dead mere seconds ago, you can’t see yourself caring. 
“They told me it was you that arrived,” he says. 
“Oh my god, I thought you were dead. Everybody thought you were dead. How are you here?” you breathe into his ear. 
He pulls away slowly, and you note how he doesn’t meet your eyes. 
“There’s a lot to unpack here. Let’s get you cleaned up first.” 
A lot to unpack there was, you realize, as the guards leave you with Chan when said to. The questions doubled when you entered the significantly warmer tent to find it swarming with familiar faces, busy working on tables littered with charts and papers, military symbols drifting overhead. 
Chan is quick to let you know that none of the ‘fallen’ soldiers were missing at all. In fact, were stationed here at this military base. 
Your gaping mouth renders no response as he fishes you both through the hustle and bustle of the industrial canopies, destination unknown. As much as you’d kick yourself for your lack of vigilance, you find yourself trusting him to take you wherever, your mind preoccupied with trying to absorb every detail of your environment.
If this was what sensory overload was, you’re not sure you like it blocking your thinking capabilities this much.
He lets you into another tent, littered with trunks and equipment, lit with a couple hardworking oil lamps. He goes to rummaging in random trunks as you watch. 
“What is this place?”
“Inventory. Clothes and a bunch of other stuff,” he says as he throws you a pile of fabric. “Here, change into this, it’s warmer.”
He leaves you alone in the tent to change, which you do quickly to meet him again outside. Moving the flap of the tent away, you find him out in the snow waiting.
It isn’t until you’ve adequately cornered him that you can ask. “Chan, are being held here against your will? Is everybody here—”
“Wait, hold,” he holds a hand up to silence you. “Just—let me explain.”
You’re rendered silent in a corner of this base camp, albeit a little warmer than when you came in with the effective coat you’re now shrouded in. Other than being lost in a mine of confusion, you notice the calculated expression on Chan’s face when you bring it up. Like he didn’t know how you’d react.
“There’s been a lot of lies our entire life. One’s that we didn’t realize till we landed here,” he starts, facing the endless plane of snow to the East.
“What on Earth are you talking about?” you ask, keeping your eyes steady on him.
“These people aren’t cruel, nor are they the animals we’ve been told they are,”
“Chan, what is wrong with you?” you take a step back in mild exasperation. 
“Listen, this sounds insane, but it’s only because we’ve been brought up to believe anything the government told us, anything our superiors drilled into our heads. I’d started having doubts while we were still home—”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Nobody wanted to tell you anything. You were more loyal to the General than you were to yourself!”
“I—because…” you falter. He was right. 
“They’ve taken advantage of the way this land refuses to retaliate. We’ve been in the wrong this whole time.”
“I don’t know what it is that they’ve been feeding you for so long, but this isn’t the Chan that left home all those months ago.”
“You’re right,” you hear, but it’s not Chan. 
Whipping your head around, you find the overlord himself walking to where you were. 
“Apologies for interrupting, but I think you’re needed back there, Chan,” Minghao informs him as he regards him.
You whip back around to Chan, “Wait, you can’t just—”
“Listen, it’s going to take you a little bit, but I promise you’ll see what I mean,” he reiterates. 
“This is absurd—” you start again but are cut off by him again. He lurches forward, grasping both your wrists in his, forcing you to pay attention to him. 
“Do you trust me?”
“Answer the question. Do you trust me?”
You stare at him, stumped for a moment. Did you trust him? Five months ago, before he left, you would’ve said yes in a heartbeat. Yet, now you find yourself hesitating. 
“Yes. I trust you,” you decide out loud. 
“Then give it time. You’re shaken, you’re exhausted, you’re confused. You’ll make your decision yourself when you see for yourself.”
He watches your shoulders droop ever so slightly, a clear sign of your surrender. “Fine.”
You turn back to find the other man long gone, the vast expanse of snow and darkness engulfing the plane that leads to the congregation of tents. Chan begins to lead you back, mumbling about how he needs to get back inside. 
It’s during your trudge that you realize there’s something that still bugs you, supposing you’d get your answer if you asked him. 
“What’s the king doing meddling in military bases and war prisoners?” you begrudgingly ask.
“He’s very… hands-on, I guess. He cares about what happens around here, his land, his people.” 
“Like a normal ruler?” you mumble in annoyance.
“When was the last time you saw the General leave his office?” 
You haven’t. 
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A month. That’s how long you’ve been at this base camp. 
Enlightenment may be an understatement to what this place is giving you, absurdities that they call the truth. Absurdities, as you may have called them a moon ago. 
This barren country did not have a military, you were told. These makeshift headquarters were made to keep up with the endless external aggressions from the other side. 
“They’re all people given the choice to stay. We needed the manpower. Military precision was never our forte,” Minghao explains. 
You hate how he has an answer to every critical question of yours, how you’ve gone past thinking this was some elaborate, well-thought-out story to put your guard down, to put everyone’s guard down. 
Sitting at this wooden table with maps and charts littering the surface, he looks you down from the other end. Chan remains silent next to you, knowing that if you asked, he would’ve given you the same response. 
“So you’re trying to build an army? To what, retaliate?” Your arms remain crossed over your middle.
“We cannot retaliate,” Chan says. 
“The difference in military power is too much, anyway. We can’t fight something that fights us in different ways,” Minghao finishes. He looks stressed, pinching the bridge of his nose. You watch him drag a chair to sit down. 
The majority of camp was resting for the day, leaving the base relatively empty save for the three of you. 
“Different ways?” you question.
You watch him close his eyes, running a hand over his face. “Chan, you told me she was smart.” 
“She’s having a harder time adjusting than I thought she would,” he chuckles humourlessly in response. 
“Are you gonna tell me, or do I have to take another month to figure it out on my own?” you snap. 
“What have you been told about our borders? Why is this land the way that it is,” Minghao starts. 
You don’t have an answer because you’ve never been told. The general was forever adamant that a land and its people were interconnected, that Minghao’s nation was as ruthless as the land itself was. 
“What about what you thought?” he tries again. 
“Nature’s weird, I don’t know,” you huff. 
“You were so loyal to a man that had no rhyme to his reason. How blind did you have to be—”
“Keep to the question,” you monotone.
He exhales before continuing. “This land is the incarnation of balance. It might not look like it, but we play the most important role in making sure your nations remain stable.” 
“Regular communities cannot survive in this weather, the livestock perishes, and crops cannot grow. Everything that makes humanity thrive remains absent here.” Minghao places his elbows on the table, hands clasped together. “But it remains like this here so the rest of the world can foster humanity; that’s the purpose of this land.” 
“A sacrifice of sorts,” Chan adds quietly. 
“My land remains lifeless so others may thrive,” Minghao finishes. 
“Why…why this land?” you question after a few beats. 
He leans back against his chair, “I don’t know. Perhaps my ancestors were cursed. Perhaps this is just what this land was made to do. All I know is that my mother and father left me the job of ensuring this place is protected, as their mother and father taught them. All for the sake of keeping balance.” 
It was wildly ironic that a place that was the definition of extreme was seemingly also harboring the balance to this world, but you found no jest in his words. You had also learned that it was the more unbelievable things here that would turn out to be most true, so you let yourself believe in whatever lore you had just unlocked. 
“So you can’t retaliate,” you echo. 
“Not if we wish to keep the peace, no.”
Chan chimes in this time, “This is all really just a misunderstanding that’s fallen into the wrong hands. The General’s a bloodthirsty fuck; this is just an excuse for him to retain power and satisfy all his sick fantasies.”
“How do we fix this then?” you dare to ask.
“We can’t,” Minghao says. “Not right now, at least. If we want to make a move, we have to grow as an entity. What your General doesn’t understand is how he’s feeding his own enemy whenever he sends some poor soldier our way.” 
“That’s what everyone’s been working on. The SUN team is nearly complete with you here. We need to equip everyone here with skills more than anything,” Chan says. 
“And then?” 
“And then we let the General know who’s side we’re really on.”
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Xu Minghao had a very peculiar way as King. 
Other than remaining in the same bunkers as the rest of the population, you don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone besides the guards address him as sovereign. He sat with everyone during mealtimes, spoke to everyone like a friend, yet remained the one in charge. 
Over the months, you remained the last newcomer of the bunch, learning slowly but surely of your new truth. That was, until your sixth month. 
It happened during breakfast, walking out into the dark sky to greet the person Minghao had told you was the newest aggravated prisoner. You knew her from headquarters, having seen her multiple times as she trained, but never learned her name. Her brows unfurrow slightly at the sight of you, recognizing you immediately. 
You try to stay as others who remain familiar to the newcomer speak to her, adding where your credibility was due. You underestimated how difficult it would be, not because she was being frustrating, but because she was frustrated. 
With every surge of exasperation she showed, every snarky remark to words of reason, you saw yourself. A strange, heavy feeling sets itself in your chest, making it difficult to speak, difficult to simply stand there as you watch her ideologies rendered as lies. 
So you excuse yourself, moving out of the way into the snow you’d learned to make a confidant instead of an irritation. It wasn’t strange to find somebody contemplating alone in the snow, the constant darkness ready to keep everyone company. 
You aren’t sure what it is that you want to contemplate, but simply sitting in the snow helps, allowing you to remain unstimulated. The weird feeling remained, but what also remained was your brain's inability to distinguish one from the other. 
You don’t know how long you had been sitting there, but are aware of the lighter sheen of blue that the sky has turned into when you hear trudging behind you. You turn to find Minghao approaching, halting a foot away. 
“Did you see the newcomer?” he asks.
“Yeah. They’re handling it, she’ll be fine.”
It falls silent once more. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t warmed up to the man in the past months, perhaps even enough to call yourself friends. Chan had quite the role to play in that. 
He invites himself to sit next to you in the snow, letting out a deep exhale that fogs the air. “I wanted to ask if you were okay.” 
You’re stumped. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well…” he chortles. “You’ve been sitting here for a good three hours, so I only thought it was natural to assume.”
“It’s not good to assume.”
“And that you can’t be doing too well seeing the newcomer.”
“...Got me,” you whisper, still gazing into the far-off mountains. 
“You can talk about it if you want,” he offers. 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you sigh.
“Or is there too much to talk about?” he raises a brow. 
You’ve turned to look at him at this point, making out his facial features with the low light of the lamps that burn in the distance. 
“How do you do that?”
“Know what I’m thinking about.”
“You’re easier to read than you think,” he chuckles. “Why? D’you think I’m reading your mind?”
“Seems like it sometimes.”
“Do you miss home?” he asks, albeit a little cautiously. 
“I do. I miss what it meant to me. I don’t think I could go back and feel the same way, though,” you answer. If he was trying to get you to open up, he was succeeding. 
“Why’s that?” 
You snort, “Obvious, isn’t it? Can’t call a place full of lies home. I can’t believe I let them manipulate me to that extent.” 
You think of the mental turmoil on the girl's face. 
“It wasn’t your fault. You were doing what you taught.”
“Other people found holes in the story, though. They saw the beginnings of what was really happening. I was so blind, they couldn’t even try to talk me out of it.”
“You can’t keep blaming yourself. It was the General’s job to be conniving. What use if his right hand could see through it. With how long it took you to come around, it only shows how dangerous he is.”
You remain silent as you absorb his words. There was truth to them, but you find it hard to dissolve it into your mindset. 
“What matters is you're here now, that you chose the truth despite what you’d grown to learn.” He’s staring right at you when he says it, something you find as you look up to do the same. 
There’s a lurch in your stomach, one that has your cheeks burning despite the temperature. 
“How do you not hate any of these people? How do you not hate me? We’re the reason your people are so detested,” your voice comes out shaky, yet thick with a weird mix of emotions. 
“I hate the ones that choose to be like this despite knowing what the truth is.”
“Like the General?”
“Like the General.” 
It’s silent as you watch him gaze into your soul, an uncomfortable feeling yet one that stops you from looking away. 
You want to kiss him. 
The thought alone has you jumping in place, shaking off the way your body seems to have seized up. You move your knees away in blatant ignorance, looking at anything but his face. 
“What?” he asks at your sudden change in behavior.
“Nothing!” you say, a little too loud to be considered casual. 
“Why’d you move away?” 
“I didn’t!” Of course, you realize how stupid you sound. You huff as you continue, “Just—I don’t know!”
“You don’t know what?” 
“Goodness, you need to learn to drop things.”
“Not when it involves me,” he says.
“Who says it involves you?”
“Do we need to go over this again?” 
You look at him in question, only to realize he could read you just as well as he could at any other instance. 
“You’re not gonna like it,” you finally say. 
“Try me.”
“Would you hate me if I said I wanted to kiss you?”
He pauses for an agonizing few moments, ones that make you feel like erupting into a ball of fire that could melt all the snow in the land. Your numb fingers fidget with each other, hating yourself as soon as the words come out of your mouth. 
Minghao uses his mouth in ways other than words when you feel it against your lips. It takes you a moment to realize what’s happening and another to let your body take control.
He’s kissing you so painfully slow it has you wondering if you’re imagining it, the feeling of his surprisingly warm lips on your frozen ones. You pull away for a moment, a question ringing in your mind. 
“I’m not making a mistake, am I?” you breathe into his mouth. 
“Absolutely not,” he says, diving back in with a force not present before. 
You throw your arms around him in instinct to keep yourself from falling back onto the snow in his newfound enthusiasm. Not that you can find yourself complaining, especially not when his tongue prods against your bottom lip, urging you to open up for him. 
You let him pull you closer, let him explore your mouth, let him hold you as you give yourself up to the feelings that now, after so long, have finally boiled over.
You’re both breathless when you pull away, remaining in each other’s arms as you gain your bearings. 
“Figured it out, did you?” he asks with the slightest smirk. 
Of course, with every passing instance that he’s reminded you of the mental walls you don’t seem to have with him, this was perhaps his end goal. You want to ask when he figured out you liked him before, wondering if he had known before you had in the first place. 
He doesn’t let you, though, as his smiling lips meet yours again, chasing the feeling that's come forth after months of waiting. 
You’ll find out the run down soon enough. For now, you give into him, believing in your ice-cold heart that Xu Minghao would never lie to you. 
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Taglist: @weird-bookworm @rubyreduji @vampirexlotita @simqly-yunjin @tomodachiii
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txcspikes · 15 days
HELLOOO my name is sholto young pokeballer and i like pokemon. is that obvious in a world of them anwayyyysss im justa bba transfer student and im gonna shitpost. cause i got nothing else going on in my life rn uuhhh feel free to talk to me or if you see me in the hallways. not gonna face reveal on this account so unless you know me by name or gliscord yhen you wont know me period
oh uuhhh she/he/they/it iddccc
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about the mun!!!
you can call me adon or guy!!! guy is more the silly nickname but i truly dont mind what you call me ^_^
i go by he/him strictly but you can freeball with neos if you want
ive been into pokemon since i can remember :3 b/w was my first games, but ive played back to emerald and ive played the entire sv dlc and all!!!
since orion is more lore-heavy, and colress is a Grown Man i decided to make this account for some more shitposty things ........ if you ever want to do some kinda lore with them lmk!!!!!
pelipper mail/malice: ☑️
musharna mail/malice: ☑️
mystery gifts: ☑️
magic anon: ☑️
in character anon hate: ☑️
please remember that if any of the mails/anons oversteps my boundaries, then i probably wont respond.
this is also pretty important to say: i dont care WHO interacts with me. fallers, sapients, eebydeebys, hybrids, ocs, self-inserts, in-game characters, i LOVE interaction. i respond to anything i see as fast as i can and unless its weird or stepping beyond my boundaries i WILL interact back!!!!!
that being said, i should establish some things
- mod is 15, sholto is 17! nothing nsfw. suggestive jokes i really dont care but hes 17 so you should know the boundaries for that
- any rotumblr blog is allowed to interact (back). literally anyone. you want a sapient pokemon to talk to sholto?? he'll answer!! want an eeby deeby to roleplay with sholto?? ill respond!! even fallers or such, (as my own bff literally has two faller blogs LOL) asks, anons, general questions, spam mail, ask games, interaction is always allowed!!!!
- i love character events and planning. if you have an idea for a small event between our characters, or a type of relationship they have, anything, please let me know!!! my discord is adonciant and you can add me (im not always active, so ill try and accept any friend requests or such as fast as i can) OOORR you can just dm me on here!!! preferably keep it to orion, so dont go messaging my other blogs about anything unless we have already messaged on a regular basis ^_^
- i (accidentally) do long threads of reblogs/interactions. i swear none of it is purposeful, i just happen to interact back if i get no indicator of an ending conversation. if you want, you can make an ooc tag to tell me to stop reblogging back or anything. these threads do not get tagged with anything, either.
- theres little content warnings to the blog. mostly because i plan for this to be more shitposty as i said but of course that can change with the course of time. especially if you want to plan lore with them!!!! pleeassee tell me i am ALWAYS open to lore and would LOVE to have some plans for him. lets say for now just a content warning of family angst. more are to be added if any should be added
- my main is @adonciant ! likes and follows come from there!
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Say Their Names/Remember
Once again, poetry! This one has two names cause I couldn’t decide, haha. I will always regret not keeping track of the resources I used for this, but here’s some that i still have, if anyone wants: x, x, x, x
I’d also suggest looking into the people listed in the poem, if that’s your kind of thing.
(I put most of it under a cut because it’s pretty long)
hhhh please reblog this (but no reposting please!!) ive been on and off working on it since june this is my child and itd be nice if it was spread
Say Their Names/Remember
poem by Stardust (stardustanddaffodils.tumblr.com)
please do not steal or repost!
Emmett Till
Died August 28, 1955
Age 14
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Oscar Grant
Died January 1, 2009
Age 22
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Trayvon Martin
Died February 26, 2012
Age 17
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Jason Harrison
Died June 14, 2014
Age 38
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Eric Garner
Died July 17, 2014
Age 43
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Laquan McDonald
Died October 20, 2014
Age 17
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Tamir Rice
Died November 22, 2014
Age 12
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Freddie Gray
Died April 19, 2015
Age 25
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Alton Sterling
Died July 5, 2016
Age 37
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Philando Castile
Died July 6, 2016
Age 32
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Tashii Brown Farmer
Died May 14, 2017
Age 40
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Kristina Curry
Died May 23, 2019
Age 16
Black, female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Jashon Johnson
Died June 8, 2019
Age 16
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Kennedi Powell
Died June 9, 2019
Age 3
Black, female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Byron Williams
Died September 5, 2019
Age 50
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Ahmaud Arbery
Died February 23, 2020
Age 25
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Breonna Taylor
Died March 13, 2020
Age 26
Black, female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Monika Diamond
Died March 18, 2020
Age 34
Black, trans female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Nina Pop
Died May 3, 2020
Age 28
Black, trans female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Sean Reed
Died May 6, 2020
Age 21
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
George Floyd
Died May 25, 2020
Age 46
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Tony McDade
Died May 27, 2020
Age 38
Black, trans male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Dominique Fells
Died June 9, 2020
Age 27
Black, trans female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Riah Milton
Died June 9, 2020
Age 25
Black, trans female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Brayla Stone
Died June 25, 2020
Age 17
Black, trans female, human
Deserved to live
Say her name
And remember
Casey Goodson Jr.
Died December 4, 2020
Age 23
Black, male, human
Deserved to live
Say his name
And remember
Countless people
Died because of police brutality, murder
Died because of hatred
Age too young to die
Deserved to live
Say their names
And remember
Insert your name here
Died not yet
Age alive
Deserves to live
A life free of
Fear and injustice and discrimination and oppression
Deserves to live
A life not haunted by
The deaths of your kin
Say their names
Learn their stories
Then write your own
And always, always
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chriskreider · 4 years
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i know @hockeyheart and a few others made posts about the NHL’s fucked up injury compilation (which they have since deleted) but here are some tweets from Rick Westhead about some other painkiller stories from the NHL. [x, x, x, x]
the common painkiller shot Toradol is also said to be as potent as morphine, and a look into its usage in the NFL can be read about here. a formal investigation into the long term effects of using this drug has not been conducted, and many former players have felt ill-informed of how dramatic the after effects can be. 
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windmillwizard · 3 years
what are you being haunted by?
you're being haunted, and you don't know what by? we're here to help. a haunting is difficult to identify, and even more difficult to dispel. please answer these questions carefully, and to the best of your knowledge, so that we may use the data to increase the chances of your continued survival. you may begin.
(a 16 question long horror uquiz. content warnings for: references to death and violence, blood, surreality and generally unsettling themes.)
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mchi-art · 3 years
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Whatever you’re looking for is lost forever.
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