#if anyone wants to know about the sources i used. my inbox is open
koheletgirl · 2 years
music by @caramiaaddio
poster by @beelzeebub
guys i can't believe they dropped the 50th anniversary trailer today oh my god
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sugrhigh · 8 months
ALL YOURS - ( roomie!matt pt 5 )
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summary- you and your roommate matt have been sleeping together for a minute now, but neither one of you wants to ask the other what it means. feelings come to fruition one night at a party and the dynamics of your relationship change once again.
warnings- nsfw content ahead people so read at ur own risk, swearing, drug/alcohol use, dom!matt kinda, unprotected sex, it’s straight up smut at the end so fr don’t read it if u don’t want to!
roomie!matt x fem!reader
a/n: THIS IS TECHNICALLY PART 5 OF THE ROOMIE!MATT TEXT SERIES so if you haven’t read those you might be a bit confused. link to the master list is here.
strap in because it’s kinda long so i hope u guys love this final chapter as much as i do <3 inbox is always open xo
rain patters against the windows mercilessly as the tv drones on, interrupted only by booming thunder every few minutes.
its late in the day now, and the cloud coverage makes it extra gloomy, even with interior lights on. not that this bothers you.
storms have always been a source of comfort in your eyes. something about them makes you feel safe, reminds you that the world is far bigger than whatever is worrying you.
“oh, i’ve been meaning to ask if you’re still seeing that guy. what’s his name again?” nick asks from beside you, scrolling mindlessly on his phone as he slumps against the couch.
you’ve been sitting like this for hours together, rotting in his living room while it continues to pour outside.
“it’s luke, and no, i’m not talking to him anymore.” you reply, trying to sound as casual as possible.
he looks up at you now, clearly a bit shocked to be hearing this. “please tell me it’s not because of my bitch ass brother.”
you bark out a laugh before you can stop yourself, mostly due to the fact that it’s absolutely because of matt. just not for the reason he thinks.
“as if. it was my decision, don’t worry.”
this is only half true. you did cut the poor guy off, but only because matt had essentially instructed you to do so before you guys had sex for the first time a month ago.
and then you hooked up again. and again. and a couple more times after that. neither of you could stop coming back for more apparently.
none of your friends know yet. as much as you want to be honest with them, you haven’t really talked about the details of this little situation. you’re almost positive matt hasn’t been seeing anyone else, but you also haven’t outright asked.
and there’s no use telling everyone about something that might not even be real.
“what made you do that? was the sex bad? is he an asshole?” nick interrogates further, clicking his phone off so his full attention is on you.
you can’t tell if he’s suspicious or if you’re just genuinely paranoid, but you don’t like this line of questioning either way.
“no he’s fine, he just wasn’t doing it. and his breath always smelled for some reason.” you’re lying through your teeth, but his face morphs into an expression of disgust like he’s buying it.
“ew, major turn off.”
“you’re telling me.”
nick sighs and snuggles further into the cushions, resting his head on your shoulder as he stares at the tv.
“well for what it’s worth, i’m sorry it didn’t work out. but who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone sexy at nathan’s tomorrow.” he says.
“yeah, maybe.” you feed into the hypothetical, even though you know that won’t be happening.
at least not if matt sturniolo has a say in it.
your music is playing softly over the speaker as you get ready, perched in front of your vanity like a doll. you’ve just finished your makeup when you hear a singular tap on the door.
“can you hurry it up in here?” matt calls as he pushes it open slightly.
you find it funny that he’s always sure to knock, ever since he walked in on you naked that fateful afternoon. even though you’re literally sleeping together now, he makes it a point to not invade your privacy.
“can’t rush perfection, matthew.” you taunt him as you put your palette and brushes back in their rightful place.
he moves further into your room, walking over to stand behind you. he’s dressed up in jeans and that black muscle tee you love so much, tattoos on display as his hands go to knead your shoulders lightly.
“you do look amazing.” he compliments.
“likewise.” you reply before meeting his searing gaze in the reflection of the mirror.
he increases his pressure slightly, digging his fingers into your neck in a steady pattern. you already know what he’s angling at and he hasn’t even spoken.
“you know, we could just stay home.” matt suggests with a smirk.
“c’mon, we can’t keep ditching our friends. they’re gonna get suspicious at some point.” you shake your head and stand up, because the massage is starting to feel a little too good.
“nobody cared when we left early last time.”
you cross your arms over your chest and turn to give him a pointed look. “because you convinced them that i was sick.”
“so i’ll just tell them a different lie.” he shrugs.
“oh my god, i am going to this party with or without you, so you better make up your mind before the uber gets here.” you say over your shoulder, headed out of your room toward the stairs.
“such a brat.” he grumbles, but you hear him following you regardless.
“only for you.”
two hours later you’re standing in the middle of nathan’s living room, dancing along with the typical crowd. nick and madi are on either side of you, both bopping around drunkenly to the beat.
you’ve had three shitty drinks at this point and your head feels a bit fuzzy. you’re positive your cheeks are flushed, which is actually kind of nice.
matt was with you minutes earlier, but he’s ventured off to get another drink. it’s selfish that you miss him every second he’s not around.
it’s just nice having him by your side. sure, it was kind of casual at first, and you didn’t think it was going to develop so quickly. but now whatever is going on between you means a whole lot more.
you like when he asks you to spend the night in his room, or when he saves the last can of redbull for you so you don’t go to work without caffeine. you like that he’s been replacing the flowers he got you every time they start die, the way he insists on driving you places even if it’s out of his way.
you just like him, and it’s more than casual. at least it is to you, and you can’t imagine that at this point he doesn’t feel the same.
but you don’t want to be the one to try and put a label on it. quite frankly, it scares the shit out of you, and you’re still not drunk enough to keep thinking about it in the middle of this party.
you see chris a few feet away against the wall, beer in his hand as he chats animatedly with nathan. you know he has what you’re looking for, so you shout that you’ll be back and head their direction.
they both smile at you as you approach, almost perfectly in sync.
“what’s up!” chris leans down a bit so you can hear him better.
“do you still have that joint you mentioned earlier?” you ask into his ear.
he nods happily, and nathan shoots you both a questioning glance. by the looks of his sleepy eyes, he’s probably already crossed.
“we’re going to smoke!” you fill him in, motioning toward the front door.
nathan nods and tells you he’ll stay back, so the two of you shuffle your way out of the living room, trying to avoid bumping into as many people as possible.
you pass the kitchen, and as your eyes scan the people you spot matt huddled in the corner. he’s talking to a very obviously enthusiastic girl, one that you don’t recognize. your stomach drops at the sight of them, and you hate it.
he doesn’t see you, so you turn your head and keep following behind chris. he’ll stop talking to her soon. he’ll probably even come looking for you instead.
the crowd thins as out by the door, and the two of your step out into the fresh air moments later. the street is relatively quiet, and once the door is shut the noise of the party is muffled. there’s nobody else outside, and you’re grateful.
the other townhouses stare at you as chris crosses the short driveway so he can hide underneath the tree in the yard. you follow his lead, watching as he fishes the lighter and joint out of his front pocket.
“keeping it handy, huh?” you joke.
“you caught me at the right time, i just packed it upstairs.” he smiles before putting it between his lips.
the flame burns the end as he takes a hit, exhaling up toward the sky. you pass it back and forth in silence, both enjoying the momentary break from socialization.
chris clears his throat a minute later, nudging at the grass with his toe absentmindedly. “so, i have a question to ask you.”
he looks over so he can hand the joint back, and your hands shake ever so slightly as you reach out to take it.
“i think matt is seeing someone. do you know anything about that?” he asks bluntly.
you try to remain calm as you shake your head at him, though it seems impossible. you aren’t prepared for this at all.
“uh, no?”
chris smiles just a little bit, like he’s already got you right where he wants you. “so he doesn’t bring anyone over? it’s just the two of you?”
your narrow your eyes at him. “just ask what you want to ask.”
“are you guys together?”
there it is. you were expecting it this time, and it still makes your stomach flip.
“no. i mean, kind of? we’re not like, dating. we’re just…uh…hooking up.” you’re trying so hard to figure out how to put it that it sounds horrible.
he just laughs. “no you’re not. that kid is in love with you.”
your jaw drops slightly in surprise, and this only makes chris chuckle harder.
“what the fuck are you talking about?” you ask him once he finally calms down.
“i’ve seen how he’s acting lately. so fucking goofy, like he’s got his head in the clouds. he only ever gets all dopey like that when he really likes someone, and i kind of suspected it was you.”
it’s hard to find any words. there’s simply nothing on your brain, no coherent thought to be found. chris gives you a playful nudge.
“it’s okay, i won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to. but i think you feel the same.” he makes a guess, and he’s very accurate.
you look away as you take your final hit, trying to decide how you want to respond. you exhale the smoke and pass the remainder of the joint back to him.
“okay, you got me. i do want it to be like, a real relationship. and i’ll talk to him about it soon, i promise. just please don’t tell anyone until i do.” you plead.
he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug. you relax into him, and you have to admit you’re a bit relieved that at least somebody knows now.
“of course not. i’m here to support you both whenever you’re ready. everyone else will be too.”
“thank you. that makes me feel a lot better, seriously.” you say truthfully as he pulls away.
“good.” he nods in satisfaction, giving you a loopy grin.
“i’ve mooched enough, so i’m gonna go back inside, but thanks again. i owe you a blunt for the reality check.” you point a finger at him as you back up off of the grass.
“i’ll never turn that down.”
the high has taken over as you spin around to walk normally, and it’s nearly impossible to stop smiling. having confirmation that you’re not crazy for feeling the way that you do is wonderful.
you head back inside the house, almost positive that you’d find matt hanging out somewhere with your friends.
but as you pass the kitchen again, you spot him in the same place, leaned up against the end of the counter with a solo cup in hand. it seems like the girl is even closer than she was before.
your face falls immediately. it makes you angry that it’s been so long and he still hasn’t told her to get lost yet. if he wants to be all possessive over you, then you shouldn’t have to act so cool for him.
you’re certainly not feeling collected right now. and he deserves to know that.
you wedge your way around the people chatting and pouring themselves drinks without a second thought. matt sees you coming before you actually reach him, and he looks confused by your irritated expression.
you wrap your fingers around his arm wordlessly, right in the middle of the nameless girl’s sentence. he doesn’t put up a fight. in fact, he’s practically hot on your heels as you pull him back toward the hall.
“uh—hey! we were talking bitch!” she shouts after you.
“don’t care.” you don’t even give her the satisfaction of making eye contact.
there’s really no point. matt is trailing behind you like a puppy, and that’s all that matters. he clearly doesn’t want to be there any more than you want him to.
“what’s going on?” he asks as you maneuver around the outside of the crowded living room, making a beeline for the staircase.
it’s taped off to everyone except your group, in case of emergency.
this feels like one, considering you don’t even care if anyone sees you together. you don’t respond, you just let go of his hand and step over the thin barrier, glancing behind you to see if he’ll follow.
there’s a curious look in his eye, but he does the same.
you continue up the stairs, making sure he has the perfect view of your ass as you go. you can literally feel him staring, which only stokes the fire.
“are you taunting me right now?” matt asks as you reach the second floor.
this makes you pause, and you turn around so you can wrap your hand in his shirt. you yank him into the bathroom, slapping the light switch on with your free hand.
you close the door behind you, which suppresses the booming sound of nathan’s music playing through the speakers.
“what the hell is this?” you uncurl your fist and shove his chest to put some space between you.
his eyebrows shoot up in surprise as he regains his balance and sets his cup down on the counter. you realize you probably spilled some of it by dragging him around, but that’s not your main focus right now.
“what do you mean?”
“don’t you dare play dumb. you can’t stand it when anyone else even breathes near me, so why would you think that i would be okay watching you flirt with some random girl for fifteen minutes? you either want me or you fucking don’t, matt.” you spit, crossing your arms over your chest defensively.
it’s shocking that you’re being this honest with him, but you’re faded and you’ve been pushed beyond your limit.
no use tip-toeing around it now.
“you think just because she came up to me that somehow means i don’t want you?” he asks, and there’s more of an edge to his tone now.
“how am i supposed to know? we haven’t talked about it, whatever this is.” you wave your hand back and forth between the two of you.
a look of understanding passes over his face. “oh, this is about labels, huh?”
this infuriates you more, because that’s not even the point you’re trying to make. he’s aggravatingly calm right now, like he’s so sure of himself.
“look, if you don’t want to be in a real relationship with me, then fine. i don’t care. but i’m not gonna keep exclusively sleeping with just you if that’s the case.”
matt is silent for a moment, eyes darting across your face. you can see him gazing at your lips, and it drives you crazy.
he takes one step forward, staring you down with those pretty blue eyes. even though your height different is relatively small, it still feels like he’s towering above you.
“are you really trying to tell me you wouldn’t care at all if i wanted to see other people?” he asks quietly.
his face is so close, and you breathe in his familiar smoky cologne. it’s dizzying, being this overwhelmingly attracted to someone.
“of course i’d be upset, but there’s not much i can do about it if you don’t feel the same.” your voice is hushed now too, and you wish you didn’t sound so weak.
matt cups your chin gently with one hand, forcing you to keep your focus on him. your heart is slamming against your ribcage now, begging for some kind of relief.
“i want to be with you so bad that it kills me.” he finally admits.
it’s your turn to be stunned, and you stay completely still as his thumb grazes over your bottom lip slowly.
“i had this whole thing planned, i was going to take you to a fancy little restaurant and ask you out like a gentleman. but you just couldn’t wait, could you?” his voice is husky, pupils blown out in lust.
“i…really?” you ask breathlessly.
“really. so what do you think? you wanna be mine?” he goads with a smirk, gripping your face a bit tighter.
it’s normally hard to swallow your pride, especially with matt, but you’re so vulnerable in this moment you can’t tell him anything besides the truth.
“i do.”
“good, because you already are.” he growls before closing the gap between you, lips crashing against yours.
he tastes sweet, like the soda he’s been mixing with vodka all night. it’s a pleasant mess of teeth and tongue as you deepen the kiss, passionate in a way that you’ve never experienced with him before.
his hands travel down to grab at your hips, pressing against you so your lower back bumps against the sink. you tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling enough to elicit a groan.
it vibrates against your mouth, and you feel yourself throb just from that little noise alone. he’s normally not very vocal, but you bring it out of him.
matt’s hands slide up your body, finding their way under the hem of your sheer lace top. his cold rings press against your stomach as he slowly inches higher, leaving goosebumps in their wake. you let go of him, throwing your hands upwards so he can peel the shirt over your head.
“so fucking pretty, just for me.” matt praises as he tucks your hair behind your ear, attaching his lips to your neck seconds later.
you tilt your head back to give him a better angle, sighing in pleasure as he nips at the soft skin. one hand is feeling up your chest as his teeth dig into your collar, tongue sliding over the marks he’s leaving in an attempt to soothe the irritated areas.
you move your own fingers down between both of your bodies, ghosting them over the crotch of his jeans, palming him just a bit. his dick is already straining against your hand, and he hisses a string of curses into your shoulder.
“no more teasing tonight, i need you now.” he grumbles, already out of breath as his hands travel to undo the button of your pants.
you take the lead and slide them down yourself, tearing your thin panties off with them because you want him just as much. it doesn’t seem fair that you’re the only one exposed, so you tug his muscle tee upwards in desperation.
matt doesn’t protest, he just tosses it to the floor with the rest of your discarded clothes. you let your fingers rake over his skin, down his abdomen and over his happy trail until your fingers meet the waistline of his jeans.
you glance up at him through your lashes as you unbuckle his belt, entirely naked now, and he swears he could finish just by looking at you.
the sensation of your hands skimming against his thighs as you drag his jeans and boxers to his ankles makes him twitch. nobody has ever turned him on the way you do, and it’s frightening how good you make him feel.
but you always enjoy everything just as much, because he’s the best dick you’ve ever had. perfect length, enough girth to stretch you out, and he knows exactly how to move to your liking. matt even keeps it trimmed nicely.
the tip glistens with precum, and you pull your hair back with one hand like you’re getting ready to put it in your mouth.
“no, stand back up baby.” he instructs, and the commanding note in his voice makes you push yourself off your knees, extending to your full height.
matt turns you around so you’re facing the mirror, one hand on your side and the other on your back as he forces you to bend at the waist. your forearms press flat against the cool marble counter, and the assertiveness of it all sends a jolt of excitement right to your core.
his palm comes down on the curve of your ass without warning, just hard enough to sting. you let out a whimper, arching your back more as you gaze at him through the reflection.
he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, smoothing his hand over the place he just hit. his eyes are so dark, so full of desire that it just solidifies the way you feel about him.
“you like that? you want me to be rough?” matt leans over you, cock pressed against you as he speaks into your ear.
“please.” you whine, shifting your hips to try and feel more of him, to feel anything.
he stops your movements immediately and smacks your ass again, this time on the opposite side. it makes you groan in delight, almost involuntarily.
“you’re gonna look at yourself while i fuck you, got it princess?” he says, backing up just a bit so he can take his dick into his own hand and pump a few times.
you nod as you feel him line himself up at your entrance, and you know that at this angle you’re perfectly on display for him.
he pushes himself inside of you in one fluid motion, and you gasp as his fingers squeeze your hip. matt doesn’t give you time to adjust to him like normal. instead he immediately starts to pick up speed, wrapping your hair in his free hand so you can’t look anywhere else besides in front of you.
your lips are parted as you moan, eyes fluttering at the stimulation. you can hear matt grunting behind you, a deliciously dirty sound.
“look at how pretty you are, taking me so well. all fucking mine.” he marvels, rocking your body against him even harder.
skin slaps together, and his pace is making your legs tremble. you can feel the party raging on underneath you, and it’s strangely even hotter in this setting.
“shit, you fill me up so good matt.” you tell him, catching his eyes for a second before he throws his head back.
he’s hitting it so well, and you can feel yourself tightening around him with every stroke. it’s turning him into an even bigger mess.
“god, if you keep that up i’m not gonna last much longer.” he warns, bucking his hips into you at a slightly different angle.
you cry out at the new sensation, a guttural noise that you didn’t even know you could make.
“i’m so close, right there babe.”
matt listens perfectly, using the hand on your waist to guide you so that you bounce against his thighs in the same spot. you’re a whining mess, and you can’t keep looking in the mirror.
you feel the tears as your eyes screw shut. the fire in your stomach is growing, spreading throughout your whole body. he tugs your roots a little bit more.
“come all over my dick, pretty girl. it’s all yours.”
his words are what send you over the edge, and your body shudders as you feel yourself giving in to the high, releasing all over him.
“fuck, matt, stay inside.” you pant, and he groans loudly.
two more sloppy strokes and you feel him tense, filling you up as he finishes. matt lets go of your hair, dragging his fingers along your shoulders, you back. you look so fucked out, makeup smudged slightly under your eyes, and you both love it.
he pulls out slowly, giving you one last tiny pat on your ass.
you’ve both got stars in your eyes as you stand, and you can feel the wetness pool against your thighs. thank god you’re on birth control. this was a special occasion anyways.
you turn, and matt immediately pulls you in for a kiss. you smile slightly, because you can’t help it.
“come on, i need to get cleaned up.” you pull away slightly.
“fine.” he sighs, but he lets you go regardless.
you wipe yourself off with some toilet paper quickly and flush it while he redresses. you two have been missing for minute now.
you guess it doesn’t really matter. sure, you should probably be discrete about having sex around your friends. but you’re also together. officially.
“so, does this mean i can tell the other girls in your dms to fuck off?” you joke as you put your underwear back on, shimmying into your jeans next.
“you can honestly tell them whatever you want.” matt runs a hand through his hair, smiling at you like a fucking goofball.
you’re just situating your shirt into place when the door comes swinging open, revealing a very drunk nathan. you and matt freeze, completely unsure what to do.
his eyes go wide as he realizes what’s going on, mouth hanging open like he can’t believe it.
“woah. no fucking way”
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thegreatestsandwich · 2 years
You fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme (Namor x f!reader)
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(I swear to God, this man is everything and I love him so much that the fact there is so few fics about him is a sin)
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Pairing: Namor x F!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Only Namor can appease your greatest fear.
Warning: Nothing really, well I really don’t think there is a warning, just fluff or my idea of fluff
A/N: Hi! I guess I’m still in need to have more fics of this man, I know I know, but I can’t stop! And this is going to be my fic for this week, sadly I’m entering my last two weeks of school so the projects are driving me crazy, I hope I can have a bit of time to answer your comments or write your requests (my inbox is open by the way, so if you have an idea, tell me about it!)
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received!  
In reina - my queen
Ba'ax yaan ma'alo'ob tu láakal? - Is everything alright?
In reina, táan a uts, le paalo' ma'alob - My queen, you're fine, the child is fine
Múusik’ - Breathe
Ba'ax ku máan k'aas yéetel le reina - Something is wrong with the queen
Cha' k - Leave us
Cha' k, waal mía, le yaan in wáantik bejla'e' - Leave us, my child, I will help her now
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You bit your lip, a bit guilty as your thoughts pulled you away from the conversation with the older women from Talokan. You were getting frustrated trying to craft a simple basket. Apparently it was a tradition for new mothers to create one for your unborn child, a token of love.
You hated it. Your hands couldn’t move right, it was like that basket wanted you to fail from the very beginning. You could feel the eyes of the older women at your disastrous creation, too fearful to say anything to their queen, to the one that was carrying the heir of their K’uk’ulkan.
Your hands trembled a little as you put the basket on the floor, it gently float a bit against the waters but you were too frustrated to care. A fluttered in your stomach made you gasp, eyes opening in surprise at the feeling. You abruptly stood up, your eyes looking at your abandoned basket.
“In reina?” My queen. One of the women tried to gain your attention, but you were too scared to move. “Ba'ax yaan ma'alo'ob tu láakal?”  Is everything alright?
You kept quiet, your hands resting over the curved mound of your stomach. Something is wrong. You could feel the baby move but, wasn’t it a bit too early for that? Hot tears began burnin your eyes, caused by the confusion. Where was he?
You didn’t move, debating what to do, the women circled around you, a few of them touching your shoulders gently, trying to ease you, but you were far too gone to care. Confusion turned into worry, the tears falling freely as the flutter happened again, more of a tiny kick, you closed your eyes, too frightened to understand what was happening.
“In reina, táan a uts, le paalo' ma'alob.” My queen, you're fine, the child is fine. Soft hands cradled your face, forcing you to look at her. “Múusik'.” Breathe. She inhaled deeply, trying to force you to copy her movements.
You couldn’t focus on her, panic set deep inside you, the only response was to pushed her far from you and swam away. The screams were making you nervous, your eyes trying to find your husband, anyone that could help you. You clashed against someone, their hands carefully gripping your arms gently,
“In reina?” Namora asked you confuse, trying to understand what was happening. “ Ba'ax yaan ma'alo'ob tu láakal?”  Is everything alright?
“My husband.” You tried to get away from her. “I-I…need to find him.” You didn’t even noticing that you switched languages, too scare to notice.
Namora glanced down at your body, trying to locate the source of your distress, her eyes looking at your stomach, and she understood. With a nod, she held you closer to her body, pushing away any other talokanil away from you.
Your legs felt like they were filled with sand as you force your steps to match the ones from Namora, you manage to caught a glimpse of your husband sparing with the other ones, completely absorbed on that activity. You leaned against Namora and she held you, helping you to keep moving, determined to get you to Namor, no matter the cost.
“K’uk’ulkan!” Namora screamed but was ignored. She growled in annoyance, slowing down her rhythm, she gently sat you against one of the pillars, swimming harshly until she stood in front of Namor, catching the spear he threw to Attuma. “K’uk’ulkan,” She huffed annoyed. “Ba'ax ku máan k'aas yéetel le reina.” Something is wrong with the queen. Her head nodded towards your direction.
Namor’s gaze quickly turned towards you, seeing you completely in distress. “Cha' k.” Leave us. He told the others, he grabbed Namora’s arm, gratefully nodding for her assistance. Her eyes turned to you, hesitating to leave you alone in that state. Namor noticed. “Namora, cha' k, waal mía, le yaan in wáantik bejla'e'” Leave us, my child, I will help her now. He gently told her.
She nodded before swimming away.
He swam to you, kneeling on the floor and carefully guiding your head to look at him. “What happened, my love?” He spoke in English, fully understanding that you were not in the right set of mind to speak his language. “Talk to me.”
You hesitated, looking uncertain, “The baby.” You whispered. “Something is wrong with the baby.”
Namor nodded grimly, his arms grabbing both of your thighs and carefully standing up. “Let us go somewhere more private, we’ll worry about anything else when you breath some air.” You closed your eyes, hiding your head against his neck. Namor held you closer to his body as he ascended to the cave. You felt his hands shake against your body but decided to stay quiet. Walking out of the water and gently putting you on the bed, Namor decided to kneeled in front of you, taking away any part of clothing that prevented him of inspection ting your stomach.
“Tell me.” He softly said, his eyes searching yours for answers. “What happened?”
“I-I…” Your voice shook with fear, real raw terror.
His gaze lowered down your body to your round stomach. He hummed, motioning for you to continue. His hand laid flat on your stomach.
“There is something wrong.” You hiccupped. “I don’t understand what is happening.” You grabbed the hand that laid on your stomach, trying to find any comfort.
Namor’s face inched closer until he pressed his forehead against it, both of his hands gently gripping your hips as he nuzzled your belly.
“K’uk’ulkan?” You were frozen.
He began humming a soft tune, pressing his cheek to your skin. “My mother used to hum this song when I was afraid as a child, it always calmed me down.” He lifted his chin, eyes opening. The most beautiful dark irises looking at you, and only you. “I am here.”
You breathed a little easier and tried to calm down as you relax against him.
“I am the father of this child.” He whispered to you. “Whatever fear you have, I am here to help you scare it away.”
Your eyes filled with tears, “I…”
“You are not alone in this.” He placed his forehead against your stomach once again. “I am here.”
Namor’s calloused fingers caressed the skin over your stomach, so warm and so gentle that you closed your eyes at the feeling. He rubbed his nose against your stomach and began to hum again. The baby kicked in response. His fingers lowered and he lightly gripped your hips. “Was that the thing you felt?” He whispered.
“Yes.” You whispered back, “I thought something was wrong.”
Namor smiled, “That was our child trying to say hello to their beautiful mother.” He placed a kiss on your stomach. “But I believe, their strength manage to scare you a bit.”
You stayed still, allowing him to enjoy the awe of this beautiful moment. His fingers moved upwards, gently cradling your face with both of his hands, tugging you until he manage to kiss your lips. Your eyes closed at the action, your hands holding his forearms. Namor rested his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry for scaring you.” You whispered against his lips. “I didn’t know what was happening, everything was too much that it scared me.”
“Want to tell me about it?” He asked, not opening his eyes.
“Just that stupid basked that I cannot manage to finish.” You sniffled, tears still falling from your eyes. “The older women were judging me.”
He gently laughed. “I can help you finish it.” He nudge his nose with yours. “I am good with my hands after all.” You laughed, trying to push him away but he only smiled in response, hugging you tighter. “I am here.” He repeated, placing another kiss on your lips. “We are in this together, I got you, everything will work out. I swear it on my life.”
And you believe him
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 months
All The Things I Did (4): The Only Thing That I See
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a/n: ok this is the one i warned you guys was horny but i'm sure its actually to our benefit. this is setting up the next couple big plot pieces: harding's arrival and his past with cass, john demoting himself to fly again, cass' next mission and a whole lot more. happy to chat about any of it//we had a great little sleepover in my inbox and i saved a couple to answer over the next few days. more interludes in the chute, submissions still open, and a new masterpost pinned to my blog. happy reading!
When Mary knocked on Cass’ door before the sun was out and warned her it was pancakes for breakfast, it meant the men were flying today. She was looking forward to this raid in particular as the coordinates for the U-boat pens had been passed to her by a new potential source during a previous trip to Belgium. Surveillance planes had confirmed their location but it meant that Colonel Huglin would want her to brief prior to wheels up. John wasn’t flying but he would be watching. She wanted to impress him. Offer him a little bit of insight into the work that she did. Show him the bumps and bruises were worth it if it brought the war to an end even a moment sooner.
He wasn’t outside waiting for her to get breakfast and her heart fell but she knew he was busy. A piece of her was curious what John Egan, Air Exec behaved like. She imagined he was more stoic and held quite the presence. Or maybe he was exactly the same and more of a pain in the Colonel’s side than anything else. Cass smiled to herself as she walked toward the HQ offices. Yeah, that definitely seemed more like her John.
He was rifling through papers when she entered the bullpen, calling out headings to the navigators and dodging orderlies delivering cups of coffee. She dropped her jacket off at her desk without anyone noticing and approached the map with small airplanes meant to simulate the raid. 
“A few degrees to the east, gentleman. Otherwise, you’ll miss the last loading dock.” Her fingers nudged the group of planes in the correct direction then she stepped back and let the stares wash over her. Deep breaths, Cass. You know you’re right.
“Gentlemen, surely you’ve all at least heard of Lieutenant Cooper. She is the one responsible for locating these pens for today’s raid.” Some of them nodded with respect, others rolled their eyes or scoffed. Most of them seemed ambivalent. 
“I’ll be at my desk should any questions arise, Colonel.” Yet all of them could agree on staring at her backside as she walked away. 
“You make a habit out of embarrassing the brass the morning of a raid?” She paused her typing with a smile and walked around her desk to meet him in the doorway. There were wildflowers behind his back and she gripped his chin to pull him down for a kiss. 
“Good morning, Major.” John hummed with pleasure before going back in for one, two, three more kisses. 
“Morning, doll.” His voice was huskier at this hour than she was used to. It sparked right between her legs. “You thought I forgot?” He produced the flowers from behind his back and handed them to her. As she did every morning, she brought them to her nose and blushed like a schoolgirl. 
“First mission as Air Exec. Wouldn’t have blamed you if you did.” John stepped deeper into her office, closing the door behind him, as she tucked the latest bouquet into a vase on her desk that was already filled with his previous gifts. 
“Would feel better if I was going up as a squadron commander.” 
“You would say that.” Cass jumped up onto her desk, welcoming John between her legs with some light scratches on the back of his neck. “I, for one, am happy you’ve got two feet on the ground today.”
“That’s very selfish of you, Lieutenant Cooper.” He stepped closer and kissed her slow. Deliberate. Decisive. Dangerous. He kissed her like he flew. “I’ll stop flying when you stop spooking.”
“But then I wouldn’t get to see you all hot and bothered over my well being again.” John licked his lips as she fiddled with the knot of his tie. Cass wasn’t sure what was coming over her if not, just simply, the allure of John Egan. They had claimed each other publicly. All that was left was privately. 
“Did that turn you on, Cass?” She nodded, pressing her chest against his as her tongue slipped between his lips and stirred an ache within him. “Do you like that they could walk in on us at any time?”
“Fuck, John.” Her lips moved to the column of his throat and he groaned at the nipping of her teeth. She was tempted to have him take her right there on the desk. He was tempted too. Wanted to rip those thin, tantalizing panty hose from her legs and hike her skirt around her waist. Had fantasized how soft the skin of her thighs would be. What she would taste like. How she would sound as he worked her over the edge again and again and again. 
“Cass, baby, I want you so bad.” She was intoxicating. A siren at sea. At this moment, he was powerless to deny her anything. 
“Then take me, sir.” God, he could die a happy man. He was pushing her skirt up her legs, Cass spreading them wider as she leaned back onto the desk and pulled John down with her when there was a knock on the door. 
“Major Egan? Lieutenant Cooper?” Cass collapsed onto her back, panting with pent up tension, John catching himself with his hands on either side of her head. 
“Just a minute,” John called. He dropped his sweaty forehead to her shoulder in defeat before standing to his full height. His mouth ran dry with a tease of lace, Cass tugging her skirt down to hide it from his starving eyes. 
“You like lace. Noted.”
“I think I’d like anything that was on you.” He grabbed her hands and tugged her closer. “Or off you.” No longer able to control herself around John Egan, she stood on his toes and pressed up into his lips once more. 
“Major Egan-”
“Jesus fucking Christ!” John stormed to the door and threw it open. “Private, I said we needed a minute.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” Cass chuckled as he scurried away, adjusting her jacket and grabbing her briefing materials from the drawer. 
“Don’t go scaring them, John. We need young men to want to stay in.” 
“He’ll be fine. I’ll apologize when your spell has worn off a bit.” 
“Oh? There you go with that witch motif again.” He followed her out of the office, out of the building and into the daylight. 
“Has to be some kind of explanation for the way you’ve got me wrapped your finger like this.” She stopped and turned to face him.
“Maybe it’s love, Major.” His retort went right back down his throat. How the fuck did she know? He had tried to say it the other night but had since thought better of it. He couldn’t risk scaring her off. 
“Maybe.” She read the yes behind his maybe. 
“Maybe,” she repeated, whispering. “We should go inside.” John nodded, stepping closer and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I just need one more minute.” It was a moment John had never really thought about. The moment you realize the woman you love, loves you right back. He wanted to engrave it in his mind, heart and soul. Never forget this feeling with her. Carry it with him until he didn’t have to be afraid of losing it anymore. “Cass? You mean a lot to me, you know that?” 
“We’ll make it through this, John. Together.” He kissed her one last time before heading, because how could he help himself, the sound of together silencing all the doubt in his mind. If only for a little while.
Cass sat quietly along the side of the room as Colonel Huglin unveiled the target for today’s mission and the unfortunate low-low position that the 100th would take. She looked around and tried to read if any of the men seemed nervous or had any understanding of what was about to happen to them. They were doing a good job of keeping it all at bay. 
Eventually her eyes landed on John as they always did. He had recovered from their earlier tryst remarkably quickly. Cass was nearly positive she would need to replace her undergarments at the first available instance. Looking at him now only added to her need to shift and adjust in her seat. Back home, men were either ruggedly handsome and good with their hands or politely coiffed and intellectually impressive. For John Egan to somehow embody both was a figment of all her desires. 
He caught her staring out of the corner of his eyes. Offered her a smirk and would have blown a kiss if he wasn’t sitting in the front row. As if she could read his mind, she blew a kiss of her own. John pretended to catch it and slip it into his pocket. 
“Our intelligence officer, Lieutenant Cooper, will take it from here before Captain Becker delivers the weather.” Cass stood to the sound of whistles and cheers, a low chant of ‘Spook’ spreading throughout the room. John smiled but kept his decorum. Though that blush on her cheeks was going to make him go mad.
“Thank you for the warm welcome, gentlemen. Lights please.” The room plunged into darkness save for the screen she was using to deliver her brief. “Please note there are both naval and ground based anti-aircraft assets located along the Frisian Islands. Towards the mainland, you can expect concentrated flak from here all the way down to Bremen. Sources tell me they are radar enabled so they will have the capability to track you.” A hand shot up in the crowd.
“Ma’am? What kind of artillery are we looking at?” 
“88 and 105.” She paused to see if there was follow up before continuing. “The most important aspect is your target to the northwest of Bremen if I could have the target map, please.”
There were no further questions, John standing to the side while she presented the bombardiers and navigators with supplemental files for the run. She didn’t offer them luck or tell them to fly safe. Just told them to remember their training and stick to the headings she had given them. Anything else would be empty words.
“I think they were very thoroughly briefed, don’t you?” Cass laughed as she gathered her maps and placed them back in her folder. 
“Surprised I do more than run around Europe and get shot?” John looked at his shoes sheepishly but his jovial tone seemed to have slipped away.
“Shouldn’t joke about getting shot, Cass. Kind of scared me when that happened.” She touched his cheek gently. 
“Once they all take off and you’re done being a leader of men, you can sit and read my report if you like. I’m positive your imagination is worse than the truth.” At least, she hoped it was. “You should go talk to Buck. Give him some parting thoughts.”
“You’re the one who told me there are no words to describe it.”
“Not to warn him or guide him. Just remind him why he’s going up there today and why he will again every time after.” His smile was tight lipped. Her words were very carefully chosen to not reflect the truly dire nature of their circumstances. He appreciated her for it. She held onto that quality as long as she could. Beyond the German surrender and the atomic bomb and the curiosity with what came next. But one day she would have to break. And she knew John would be there. He’d always be there. Had to.
It was a couple hours later when he found her again. She looked like she was fighting sleep from behind her typewriter. John couldn’t help but admire the sight, almost regretting the gentle rap of his knuckles on her door. 
“Leader of men here for Lieutenant Cooper.” She acknowledged his presence with a smile but kept her chin in her hand. “One plane back with mechanical issues. Just a waiting game.” 
“You’re not good at patiently waiting, are you?” 
“I think I’m being pretty patient with you. With us,” he added as he motioned around them. “An impatient man would have taken advantage of your offer this morning.” Cass scoffed and sat up. Good. John liked when she was at her full capacity to spar with him. Sometimes, he said something just to get her to banter. 
“You only didn’t because of that poor man that knocked on the door!”
“Well, he’s not here now.” 
“So, what’s stopping you?” She looked at him expectantly. As if she was actually curious if he would just sweep her desk clean and take her right then and there. She would let him. 
“Time. Need to make sure there’s no limit to how long I can take.” Cass liked the sound of that. John taking his time to work her up and up then over. Not just once. Maybe not even twice. She knew what she would be thinking about all night.
“A consolation prize then?” There was a red folder dangling from her fingertips. “It can’t leave this room.” John took it, taking a seat with enough distance from her to keep his head clear of sinful thoughts. 
She typed away quietly as he read, something domestic about the whole thing that made them both incandescently happy, only the occasional grunt of concern or impressed hum slipping from his mouth. 
“They teach you how to do all this at spook school?” 
“Most of it. Some just has to be instinctual. Kind of like your piloting. There is only so much to learn in a training environment before the real thing has to take place.” He looked down and reread the lines about the information she had received. How she had written the tangible impact these identifiers would have on the war. Wanted to skip over the part where the local police followed her after her meeting. How they turned her in and she took a beating but convinced the interrogators she was just lost. How she made her tourniquet out of ripped cotton and a stick. 
“Cass, you’re fucking incredible, you know that?” 
“It’s always nice to have a handsome man tell me.” Their thoughts matching, she met him on the other side of her desk and accepted his kiss eagerly. 
“We always find ourselves here,” he said with a sigh, her cheek fitting in his palm and his thumb resting on the top of her cheekbone. 
“Are you complaining?” 
“Never.” He leaned back in, ready to seal the world off once more, when the sirens ran off. The planes were back. And with them, the real world.
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nook-kid · 2 months
Crediting Gifs — A Guide
nook-kid's guide for the agere community !
tagging @bunnelbaby for reach, hope that's okay, Bunny ! :)
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Heya everyone ! I know the agere community is big on giving credit when using people's icons, banners, etc. but I've noticing a lack of the same effort/energy when it comes to crediting gifs, and as someone who runs a stimboard blog it kinda irks me, so here's my attempt at a guide for how to properly credit gifs !
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❓️ — Why Should You Credit Gifs?
- Because those gifs were created by someone in their own time with their own energy, just like a piece of art or a moodboard.
- Stealing isn't okay, and that includes stealing gifs !
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❓️ — You Don't Have An Excuse.
• "Credit to the creator / credit to Pinterest" ARE NOT okay to do. All the gifs on Pinterest are already stolen (most from here) and the creators themselves are also from here, so there's no reason to use that for sourcing !
• "I couldn't find the source" then either don't use that gif OR go to a reliable blog (see❓️— good blogs for sourcing) and search for it / a similar one there !
• "I'll post now and credit later" NOOO. As someone with memory loss/issues, trust me when I say you most likely will not remember. Keep that board in your drafts until you've credited all your gifs or don't post it at all.
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• "I don't have the spoons / am in a smaller headspace / etc." As a disabled regressor myself, neither of those are good excuses. If you can download a gif and insert it into a post, you can copy a link and give credit. /gen
• "People are harassing me to credit the creators, so I refuse!" Harrassing others isn't nice, but neither is stealing. If someone tells you to credit a gif, or even tells you it's theirs, then listen to them ! Be the bigger (haha) person and show kindness and respect to those who create the gifs you use !
❓️ — How To Save A Source
• save them in your notes app, a Google doc or in your Tumblr drafts !
• To copy a source, click the three dots at the top of a post, then click 'copy link'
• insert the link into whatever you're using to save them, and either add the gift or make a note so you know which one it belongs to !
• See the links under "❓️— More Reading" for more detailed / better worded guides
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❓️ — Good Blogs For Sourcing
• Here are some blogs that post gifs they make + include the sources they made them from, as well as a few archive blogs made specifically to help source !
• @/heartnosekid, @/bloomics, @/gaystims, @/talos-stims, @/stimboardboy, @/gottastim, @/snakes-stims, @/helium-stims
• @stimsblr (me), @/stimgifarchive, @/thegentlesourcerer, @/old-web-stims
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❓️ — More Reading
• Here are some other posts from stimblr creators going over this same topic + some of their guides for sourcing !
• @/sillystimmings sourcing guide
• @/deadboystims tips + @/heartnosekid's add-on
• @/stimboardboy's video tutorial on how to source on mobile
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If anyone had any questions about this, my inbox + messages are open ! Just keep it polite !
If any of this is worded weird or comes off as rude, I apologize ! I'm not great with words but this problem has been bothering me for a while and I wanted to try and get the word out !
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33 notes · View notes
Have you got any advice/resources for non US writers trying to write something set in America? The internet is so US centric that it’s kind of tricky to find research sources that don’t assume you know a lot of things already, making it difficult to work out cultural differences I should be aware of, or to find points of reference I can properly understand. I need a part of my story to take place in the US and I want it to fee asl accurate as I can get it (but I can’t afford to fly over)
Non-U.S. Writer Setting Story in U.S.
I don't know of any resources dedicated specifically to non-U.S. writers who want to set their story in the U.S., but keep an eye on the comments in case anyone knows of any.
The cultural differences you'll need to be aware of depends on your own culture, where in the U.S. your story is set, and who the specific characters are, as many places in the U.S. culturally diverse.
Google Searches - Specific Google searches may be your best bet. Like, for example, "What are some cultural differences between Tokyo, Japan and Atlanta, Georgia?" You can also try something like, "What is the cultural makeup of Atlanta, Georgia" (for example) and then research those specific cultures. And, to get a feel for the general city/state/regional culture, you can try searches like, "What is the culture of Atlanta, Georgia" or "What is the culture of Georgia, U.S.A. like?"
Groups and Forums - Groups and forums (such as on Facebook, Discord, and different web sites) can be a great way to chat with others about specific topics. If you can find travel groups/forums based in your country, you might be able to find posts about traveling to the location of your story setting. Or, you could post and ask if anyone from your country has traveled there and what it was like.
Blogs, Vlogs, and Articles - You can also look for travel blogs written by travelers from your country, as well as travel vlogs on YouTube, to see if they have gone to the location of your story setting. Travel articles in online travel magazines published in your country are another option.
Location-Based Web Sites - Most towns, cities, counties, states, and regions have their own web sites and web-based travel guides geared toward visitors. For example, if you Google, "Visit Atlanta, Georgia, U.S." the first hit is a web site called "Discover Atlanta," which features information about things to do, popular events, areas of the city, getting around, and more. In fact, under their "visitor guides," they have a guide specific to international visitors available in multiple languages. Odds are, other big cities as well as states will have something similar.
My post Setting Your Story in an Unfamiliar Place has some other general suggestions that might be of help. You can also send your questions here, and I can do my best to answer them as will others in the community who are from/familiar with the location of your story.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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lady-phasma · 4 months
Auntie, I held out so much hope. But they really are cutting nettles, and giving her storyline to Rhaena, aren’t they? I’m so disappointed.
Hi anon! I took my time with this ask because I needed to think. I have watched every frame of this trailer while making gifs and I don't know that I'm convinced one way or the other. I was with you 100% when I first saw your ask in my inbox. Disappointed. But we didn't think Nettles would be introduced in season two. So I don't want to be that quick to write her off as lost (despite my lack of confidence in some of the show's creators).
I'm not going to try and comfort us by saying we don't have conclusive evidence. But I do have to remind myself (and everyone else has to hear it): we may get four seasons and this is the trailer for the second season (all 8 episodes). They only have about 200 pages of source material for four season, they need every bit of it.
But I'm curious if this is your source:
I'm with OP - it better be! And I think it is. So, the image on the left is fan art. That dragon, or one like, it isn't in the trailer. I think all of the dragons in the trailer have been identified and Sheepstealer isn't among them.
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I edited two parts of the trailer together for this gif and Rhaena isn't connected to the shot over the forest. However, that doesn't mean that she's connected to the shot over the battlefield either. Just because they edited the trailer to have her appear to look up at this particular dragon doesn't mean it was this one. I am convinced that is Baela on Moondancer.
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Am I trying to give you (and myself and anyone who reads this) false hope? Of course not. We also don't know how Morning will fit in. If Rhaena eventually ends up riding Morning, then why give Sheepstealer away? Maybe if she never got her own dragon I could understand the plot device lazy writers could use by giving her Sheepstealer.
Every last Nettles stan wants her on screen. Even if we disagree with ships or characterizations, one thing I love about the Nettles community is how much we support her. She will be an asset to this series if they include her. If they don't, they will lose a lot of respect. I am going to keep an open mind, enjoy my dragon soap opera, and hope we see her in season three or four. I'm dubious but four season is a long time, anon.
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Dwelling in the Night, Part Two: Neck and Neck
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Series Masterlist
Pt. 1 - Pt. 3 Pt. 4
Summary: The MoonKnight system continues to have run-ins with the shadowy figure that they've come to nickname The Silhouette, lurking and dealing with crime in the same area that they do. There's more communication between the two vigilantes but still no answered questions. Simply just a mutual respect for each other despite the different methods they use. A the same time, Steven tells more about their new neighbor Y/N, and even shows them a few things. However, it seems like the more Steven gets to know them, the stranger they seem. And Jake seems to be picking up on a few things in both cases.  
Warnings: The reader (Y/N) is a vampire and their source of sustenance is criminals. The action of said method and thus killing is never written or depicted, only implied. Reader lying to the boys. Mention of Harrow. The boys kind of, technically, break into the reader's apartment if you squint. It's not depicted but the reader is in the coffin that was mentioned in the original writing, aka part one, so possibly a claustrophobia warning. The reader, in their lying, claims to be on a liquid diet and also lies saying that it's doctor ordered, so if you have any medical traumas involving diets then a warning for that. 
Author’s Snip: No one asked for a part two to the original, I just came up with the idea of adding to it. I'm aware that I still have the Unexpected Addition mini-series and have yet to work further on part three of that but I just wanted to self-indulge considering my love for vampire content and more so my desire to see more vampire content where it is the reader who is the vampire of the story. So yeah. I would gladly make more with this idea but if you all would be so kind as to put your ideas in my inbox once I open up requests again, which MAY be soon. No promises though.
Notes: When I was proofreading this I found that some parts of the story were copied into other places which was so fucking weird. I felt like I was going insane. I think I fixed it and got rid of the extra, but if anything loops, that's why.
Anyways this intro is really long, I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2300~
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  There was a rhythm to the Silhouette, as the boys have named them,’s work when they looked at everything more deeply. They once a month and go for more dangerous criminals like muggers and potential assailants. They also usually stick to a particular block that has an issue with a higher crime rate. At least they used to stick to one specific block until they found another body, with the signature bitten throat, sitting hidden next to a garbage dumpster in an alleyway. 
  Marc and the rest of the system groaned together when the signs of the Silhouette started coming up. They figured that they would stay and deal with the crooks on their block while Moonknight did the rest of the city. But it seems that they weren’t free of crossing paths with this ‘fellow vigilante’ anytime soon. 
  And low and behold, here they are now in an alleyway with Moonknight, Marc, standing on the brick ground and Silhouette standing in the cover of the shadows that the lights couldn’t pierce through. The only difference this time around is that there’s no victim or dead, or just scared shitless, criminal that the other bumped into. 
  “Why the hell are you here?” Marc questioned, holding a stance that was both meant to be imposing and signaling that he was over these types of meetings. “I’m picking off perps. Same as you.” the Silhouette explains. “I thought you had your block? Why’d you move over here?” Marc demanded quickly after the figure spoke. “The criminals have dried up. There’s hardly anyone who lurks around there now, so I have to move spots.” the Silhouette explains matter-of-factually. “Gee, I wonder why,” Marc mutters under his breath before speaking to them again. “What’s your deal anyway, huh? ‘You some type of type of righteous maniac? You seem to have a theme with taking all these bastards’ blood.” Marc questions again. 
  “I need the blood. I take blood from dangerous criminals to make the means of getting it slightly more ethical.” the Silhouette claims as they stare back at Marc with their faint glowing eyes, “Do some good with the dirty.” they phrase. 
  Marc sits with that for a moment, not sure how to feel about what they just said. It feels familiar to Harrow’s ideals, but at the same time, this person isn’t making a cult and planning on making a ‘perfect and pure’ world. Instead, they’re just picking off some unpleasant bits that cruise around the streets at night. But it’s not exactly the same as their Moonknight work either. Marc, Steven, and Jake have a job of protecting those who wander and roam under the moon. This person sounds more like that of a mutual symbiotic relationship. Like how a bird can get something out of picking the ticks off of an animal's back, you, apparently, get something out of taking the blood from the crooks that dwell on a block. 
  “Can I ask what you do with all that blood?” Marc’s morbid curiosity makes him ask. “Can I ask how you got into your role as a hero of the night and moon?” the Silhouette asks back, the tone of their voice indicating that they were echoing him. “I don’t have to tell you anything. It’s none of your concern.” Marc replies. “Then it’s the same answer for you from me.” they quip back. “That’s not really on the same level…” Steven comments from the back of Marc’s mind, to which Marc just repeats back to the Silhouette. “I’m not doing anything bad with it. I can assure you that.” the Silhouette responds. 
  ”So should we just ask them the obvious question, or…?” Jake budded in from the reflection of a puddle. “No. We are not. That’s a stupid question.” Marc says glancing at his alter with a volume that was meant to go unheard, but judging by the confused movements of the Silhouette’s eyes, they still heard it. “Don’t pay attention to that,” he tells the figure.
  “Is this the part where I disappear into the darkness of this alley? Or would you like to chat more?” the Silhouette asks with a tone has Marc imagining the cheeky smirk on their face. “Depends. Have you gotten your criminal killing done?” he remarks. “I almost got one but I think they saw me for a second and decided to leave instead of do anything.” the shadowy figure mentions, “And you seem to be calling dibs at the moment. So I think I’ll do my work some other time.” they claim.
  “It was nice talking to you.” the Silhouette says before stepping back into the deeper shadows and disappearing into what was thin air yet again.
"Oh bugger," Steven muttered under his breath, drawing the rest of the system's attention. "What's the matter?" Marc asked. "I completely forgot that they sleep during the day and I've went and opened their door." Steven explains, referring to none other than you. "I just wanted to return the book that they gave me. I should have waited." he scolds himself.
"Well, might as well go in anyways in case you did wake them up," Marc says, "It's probably for the best since I don't see a key in your hand, so that means they had the door unlocked." he points out in addition.
Steven huffed and took a deep breath before opening the door again and stepping in. But as he looked around for what he was expecting to be you sleeping in your bed, he found no one and nothing around. Steven lets go of his breath, glad that he didn't actually disturb you like he thought he did.
"Well, this is kind of worse. Their door is unlocked and they aren't even home. Good thing it's just us." Marc comments.
"Is that a fucking coffin in their living room?" Jake asks.
Steven looks over to see the same coffin you showed him when he helped you drag in your bed frame set a while back. "Oh, yeah. It's part of their aesthetic decor. Isn't it interesting? " Steven said. "They use it like a coffee table." the Brit explains as he walks closer to the hunk of wood.
"It's a coffee-in table. If you will." Steven jokes, making the rest groan at the pun.
"It's genuine though. They said they got it from a funeral place that was selling old ones that they still had in their inventory." Steven mentions as he crouches down so Marc and Jake can get a closer look. "See. Real wood and everything." he adds as he knocks on the scratched polished wood.
"Freaky." Marc comments, both admiring and slightly weirded out by the choice of furniture. "What do they have inside?" Jake asks. "It's empty." Steven answers, "But I'm sure they could store loads of things in there." he assures.
Steven gets back up and places the book he borrowed from you on top of the coffin before he walks towards a desk and writes on a sticky note writing "Thank you for the book! But you should really be careful and lock your door when you leave. I accidentally opened it when trying to give this back. -Steven" and placing it on top of the coffin too.
"Open some curtains before you leave, Steven. It's so dark in here." Marc comments, but Steven refuses, "No. I've already gone touching enough of their stuff without them even being here.".
"I've even let myself in without asking or having a key." he adds.
Jake wasn't typically the brains or the planner of any of the tasks the system gets up to. He's usually the backup for when things get too much for Marc and Steven. But that doesn't mean he's an idiot, quite the opposite actually, he's often the one who notices patterns and themes that the other two don't pick up on. They call him paranoid when he points it out or thinks he's being an asshole and making snarky jokes.
But when Jake senses something, he investigates it, thoroughly.
Jake might not be able to control the front as well as Marc can, but when he's there, he can stay via focusing on something, and the others can co-front. Which makes way for Steven to see Jake at their desk looking through things like newspaper clippings and what seem to be notes.
The clippings had the same topic judging by their headlines. New Hero or New Threat?, The Killer of Killers, Brutal Killings Scare off Crime, Questionable Hero in the Shadows, Nighttime Duo?, Silhouette Follows Crime to New Hunting Grounds.
"You're looking into our acquaintance?" Steven questions. "I just want to understand what exactly their deal is," Jake answers. "We heard them and Marc's conversation. They don't want to disclose that even if it's strange and disturbing." Steven reminds, but Jake shifts in his chair unsatisfied with that answer.
"I think I already know what they do with it anyway." Jake claims. "Jake, mate. Don't tell me you're starting to think what I think you're thinking." Steven remarks. "What do you think I'm thinking?" Jake inquires. "You know what I think you're imagining." Steven exudes, "You're thinking that they're some type of vampire or something silly like that.".
Jake looks for any surface that might reflect this fellow alter on it, landing on the reflection from the glass pencil holder. "Do you not believe in vampires?" Jake asks as if Steven should. Steven rolls his eyes at such a dumb-sounding question. "Of course not? How the bloody hell do you?" Steven exclaims.
"Steven, mí amigo. We're the alters of a guy who's died and came back from the dead two separate times, which he can see in his reflections. And we work for a god of the moon and have fought a former worker of his who could kill using magic." Jake lists off all while looking directly at the Brit in his appearance in said reflection so that he can prove his point. "And you don't think that there is a chance that maybe, just maybe, other forms of the paranormal also exist?" Jake comes back around.
Steven looked back at Jake, realizing how dumb his stance on not thinking vampires exist is now. "Okay. So maybe they are." Steven says, "But why are you so concerned about it? It seems like they're just feeding themself." he asks.
"I just feel a bit off about the fact that it seems like their work in killing criminals is only backed by the fact that they can use it to get their food," Jake answers. "What happens when the crime pool dries up completely? Who will they bite the throats of next?" Jake inquired, making a new point. "Just want to make sure we know who we're dealing with then." Jake concludes.
The sudden knock on the door causes the two of them to jump a bit. "Who the hell could that be?" Jake grumbles. "Are you expecting anybody?" Jake asks but Steven shakes his head. Jake gets up once a second knock comes, heading towards that door. "Who is it?" Jake calls.
Your voice answers from the other side.
"Oh shit." Jake whispers before switching out with Steven.
Steven unlatches and unlocks the door to show you standing just beyond the door frame. "Hello." he greets, "What brings you over here?".
"They needed to check my smoke detectors with the fire alarm check." you explain, "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you or if you're busy. I just have nowhere else to really go while they check them out and I don't want to be in the same room as they do all that." you explain further.
"Oh," Steven chimes, "No problem. I don't mind you spending some time here." he smiles. "Come on in." Steven says as he walks away from the frame to let you in.
He walks deeper into his flat as you come inside. "Would you like something? A snack? Some tea, even though it's too early for that." he offers. "No. I'm fine." you say as you look around and get a good look as you slowly stride on the same path into his flat. "It might be a bit of a mess. I wasn't expecting anyone to come over today." Steven apologizes as he puts away Jake's notes and newspaper clippings into a drawer.
"It's no proble-" you speak, but stop mid-sentence and make a face. "What's the matter?" Steven worries. "Nothing. It's just..." you say as you stand in his living room, "Did you eat some garlic earlier." you ask.
"I did. I had some garlic bread last night with my dinner. Is it still around?" Steven answers as he opens up a window near the kitchen to make the remaining air get out. "It is." you confirm, "Sorry. I just have a sensitive sense of smell and garlic is just a really strong smell so it makes me pause when I smell it." you explain. "It's okay," Steven remarks, "In all honesty, I don't care for the smell much either." he adds.
"I'm making something nice for dinner tonight. You're welcome to join me, I'm able to make enough for two." Steven offers again. "No. It's fine. I have a strict diet." you say. "Oh, if you're vegan it's perfectly fine. So am I." Steven tries to say but you cut him off. "No. Like..." you stammer, "I'm on a liquid diet. Doctor's orders." you explain.
"Oh. I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Steven apologized. "I hope it's nothing serious." he concerns.
"Judging by how pale they are, it looks like they need to eat some meat." Jake mutters.
"Come to look at them, they look like they match the decor of their place a bit too well." he thinks, but Steven, again, brushes him off.
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mychlapci · 4 hours
Sowwy I keep putting weird pet content in da royal inbox I'm on a weird kick anyway- (again spoilers for anyone reading da comic)
Most fucked up way for the ll crew to figure out who the pet is is when they run in with the djd again and minimus recognises that the pet is in heat. Mims being a turbofox means he's hardwired to be extra sensitive to the pheromones of other foxes. He wouldn't know who it is. But maybe the ambus family were like the last known turbofox alts out there? Maybe they were that rare? Maybe even just the tiniest sliver of a possibility that it could be someone he knows makes him seek it out?
Especially after rewind has asked him about dominus before. Maybe he can't help it. He has to know.
Gawsh logistically what if this happens on the necrobot planet. Mims having to sneak out of the fortress just to trace the scent. He's not been in his true alt mode for millenia probably. It feels weird, stiff, but oddly freeing at the same time. It gives him a better sense of smell, so he uses it to track the scent.
The fear that strikes him when he realises he tracks it down to one of the djd bases. Unsure if it's better or worse to find out if whoever this scent belongs to is a member of the djd or is currently a prisoner. The absolute hubris of sneaking into the base on his own.
And finally when he pinpoints the scent, as he sneaks through the vents and finally pokes his snout out a little opening where the source of the scent is, he sees it. The pet. Drooling, slobbering all over itself, whimpering and wriggling and presenting its swollen valve to its sick master.
The thoughts are slow to come together. Gears turning in Minimus' processor but not quite meshing properly, clicking and jumping and refusing to move as they should. Maybe it's because he doesn't want them to. Maybe he doesn't want to come to the realisation that that thing isn't a sparkeater. But he does. He realises that thing is undoubtedly in heat. That thing is undoubtedly a turbofox. And just as he realises which turbofox it is, he's watching as Kaon leans over the pet, stroking his sparking servos over the pet's bucking hips, before clicking his interface panels open and shoving his spike in in one smooth stroke, making the pet howl
OUUhhh my god,,,.. Minimus finding out who the Pet really is by smelling his heat is so nasty. He knows he smells a turbofox, but he can’t believe it. He almost wants to deny it again as he watches Kaon slide his spike into the Pet’s swollen, aching valve. mhmm that’s Dominus, right there, howling for his master. mhmm
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pseudowho · 2 months
hi mrs haitch, found your nanami donesticity series recently & spiraled down the rabbit hole of your fics. i do not regret it all; your writing is lovely. thanks for sharing them.
i wanted to ask your input (if you have any) on overcoming the feeling of not being capable enough to shoulder the responsibilities & burdens of adulthood. i grew up being left to fend for myself as a child, which kickstarted a cycle of being perceived as independent so much so that when i struggled, no one really believed me and labeled it as attention seeking behavior so i just figure things out alone. now that i’m a fully fledged adult in my 20s, i find myself being scared of not knowing things everyone should already know by now like which credit card to open, what to consider in making financial decisions, etc. & mostly i just feel small & alone to not have anyone around i can go to, things it seems like people know because someone taught them.
i hope this ask isn’t too heavy & feel free to negate it if it is. i just wanted to say before i go how much i love the community you’ve built. it makes me feel warm to read the interactions on here whether it’s you with mr haitch or your readers. reading the comments on your works always make me laugh one way or another. thank you for this space. i hope you and your family are always well. x
Hey! I'm glad you've enjoyed them, thank you so much for reading 😭💕 sorry it's taken me a few days to get to this Inbox, I've been ill!
Firstly, I'm sorry for your rough childhood. Secondly, I know the feeling very well.
But thirdly, and most importantly, in a positive instead of dismissive way, you are capable enough. You've already proven this, by coming to me with this Ask. You have thought critically about the current limitations of your abilities, identified the gaps in your knowledge, and then sought help/research. This level of critical thinking alone, marks you as capable.
Identifying yourself as 'not capable', small and alone, is important; but it's more important what you decide to do, from here. Do you remain under that umbrella, and minimise your attempts to try to learn and do new, unknown things, for fear of failure? Or do you use that critical thinking brain that you've proven to me you have, to risk 'failure' and move forwards?
Adults are never 'fully-fledged'. We are constantly growing and learning. We live in a beautiful age of knowledge, the acquisition of which is exceptionally easier than it was years ago. There are information sources out there. There absolutely are. Financial advisors post in forums and blogs. People who are years on from where you are now, offer their history as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. I absolutely believe you can find much of the information you're looking for.
Plus, another thing you need to accept, as one who has gone through this herself, is that trying to do this without someone holding your hand is like not having a safety net. You are reliant on you. Now, I've long since given up being reliant on myself making me feel scared. Now that I've gone through what you have, made mistakes, and grown, knowing it's all down to me makes me feel powerful. Once you research, try your best, and find you're more capable than you believed, it's like a fucking superpower.
I actually tend to find that individuals who have needed to teach themselves these things, once they get through the wringer, are more tough and resourceful than their counterparts whose families have held their hand through every difficulty.
This isn't me advocating for suffering for the sake of "toughening up" ("it never did me any harm" etc etc and all that shit). Not at all. It would be a wonderful world if we all had the support we needed to feel safe early on. I don't believe that 'character building' provides justification for suffering, and anyone who believes that is a cunt, frankly.
But, in the light of the world as it is...some of us, like me and you, do not have the support, and we may suffer. It's what we choose to do with this, that makes us who we are. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, we are like teabags; we only know how strong we are, when we're placed in hot water.
What I say to my women, when they tell me they can't do it (usually while pushing a baby out), is this:
Don't get sad. Get strong.
You have a choice now, and it will define you-- you can remain under your belief that you are not capable (when I know you are), and sink. Or you can research, bother people, use your brain to learn, and make hard choices, and swim.
You have come to a brutal believer in being the best you can be. I aggressively want you to fulfil the finest parts of your personality. And I don't think you should do it without support.
I hope desperately that you find your people. If you can be brave and go forth with the knowledge that you will grow and fail at the same time, in a few years, you may well be as fucking annoying as me.
I could apologise for being a savagely belligerent motivator, or, I could just say.
Best of luck little one. Try so hard. I believe in you.
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-- Haitch xxx
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koheletgirl · 2 years
music by @rismrus
title from the original poster by @beelzeebub
so i asked my dad what he thought of goncharov, and apparently he never saw it but his copy of goodfellas came with some bonus trailers and gonrachov was one of them! took me a while to dig it up but here it is
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lostamongthestarz · 7 months
Can you please write gearhead (the batman 2004 version idk if there's others) x trans male reader? 🙏🙏 My love for this man is too strong.
I got you, I will write as much Gearhead as you want my friend.
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Nathan finch/Gearhead x trans!male reader Fandom: The batman 2004 Character: Gearhead/Nathan Finch warnings: None ════ ⋆★⋆ ═══ ❗❗FEM READERS DO NOT INTERACT, DO NOT FETISHIZE MY WRITING, I WRITE THESE HEADCANONS FOR MY FELLOW TRANS MEN❗❗ ════ ⋆★⋆ ═══
Nathan is a cocky man - his ego is through the roof. He is 100% confident in himself. but when it comes to you? he's a lovesick fool.
he's not that romantic of a person but he's got sweet names he likes to use for you.
My boy
☆--> Nathan is 100% jealous - he's got anger issues and that's the source of the jealous.
☆--> he 100% calls you his boy when talking about you to anyone. he gets pissed at anyone who even thinks about trying something.
☆--> When you two are out in public, he has to have an arm either around your waist or around your shoulder. PDA is a big part of dating Nathan - outside or inside the comfort of your own home. ☆--> with his nanotechnology he's constantly needing updates and upgrades - he'd fall even deeper in love with you if you code/ know your way around coding
☆--> He's clingy even when you guys are relaxing at home, he wants to hold you 24/7. Goodluck getting up in the middle of the night and untangling yourself from his embrace.
════ ⋆★⋆ ═══
Feel free to request other characters <3
My inbox is open 💌 Requests open <3
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b1adie · 1 year
ADRIENE ANGELVIRUS xxiv × mirror pronouns × aro lesbo
… or just adriene, or adri…
this is a sideblog, main is a secret ^_^
uid: 604304306 (north america)
please don’t send me fetish content, especially if you are on anon, a minor, or have no age listed. tbh don’t send me any nsfw unless you’re an adult and i’ve asked
i would appreciate if you could avoid tagging my posts with anything like ‘daddy/mommy’ even in a joking way, unless you are using it only as a parental term. keep in mind that i’m a real guy and have to see all of your tags…
don’t comment sinophobic stuff on my posts (ie. “they’ll never make a gay relationship canon because its a chinese game” etc). don’t do any bigoted stuff really but thats the one i’ve mainly seen
if you want to repost some of my stuff, if it’s just a text post edited onto a pic, credit isn’t required (but still appreciated)! if it’s anything more complex, please do credit me, preferably with a link back to the original post. i spend way longer on my silly little edits than you’d expect.
you’re welcome to dm me, but please keep in mind that we start off as strangers, so something you think is funny could be misconstrued as rude or confusing on my end. tone indicators are absolutely fine to use if you’d like. conversely, feel free to ask me for clarification on anything you need, i don’t mind! i know i can be hard to read sometimes.
i’d also prefer you have an age (or at least age range or indicator like minor, 20+, etc) listed if you dm me, but obviously you don’t need to tell anyone anything. that’s just for my own personal comfort. i’m fine being friends with anyone, but a friendship with a high schooler would look a lot different than a friendship with someone around my own age.
if you make/find any art or content about worm theory you have to show it to me asap
(something about genshin impact or wuthering waves or zenless zone zero)
please send that to my genshin blog or my wuthering waves blog OR my zenless zone zero blog instead! (@nabumalikata + @threnodian + @nicoledemaras)
(any lore question)
if i know it i’ll go find the source for you. if i don’t know, you can ask anyway and there’s a good chance i’ll go hunt down some answers for you. i love lore. i know everything
how do you make your (edits/gifs/etc)?
for silly edits usually just picsart, but procreate for the more intense ones. gifs i use a yt downloader site, then capcut to edit, then ezgif. videos either splice or capcut. glitters i made a tutorial here, but like, my method is really complicated since i’m always on my phone, so there’s probably an easier way if you have a pc…
can you make a gif/edit/glitter of this?
probably! be specific with what you want— send me pictures or direct links if you can. requests are always open, just keep in mind i may not do every single one i get (but i do tend to do them all eventually).
why didn’t you answer my ask yet?
sometimes i see an ask pop up in my activity feed so i answer it right away. otherwise it has to wait til i decide to open my inbox. if it’s an ask that requires some time, like asking about lore or builds or opinions, it’ll probably take me longer to get to. i’m a busy guy, i work 13 hour shifts irl and have chronic hand tendonitis which makes typing hard. ofc if you’re worried tumblr ate your ask, you’re fine to send another, just please don’t be rude or pushy about it, i promise i’ll get around to it ^^;
(worm theory) actually the noblesse worm died because it had so much knowledge so ratio cant be—
he’s a new worm. aha’s second worm. and, the first worm didnt die because it had too much knowledge, it died because aha took its power away.
do you ship (xyz) / how do you feel about (ship)?
probably sure + fine. i can pretty much get behind anything, i’m a multishipper, fine with poly and switching and whatever. the exceptions are child x adult and shipping family members in a romantic or sexual way. 👎.
this thing you said was incorrect!
woops! it happens. bring a source if you’re gonna correct me though— not cuz i don’t believe you, but because i love being right and need to be right next time. if this is about a theory, though, well… sometimes theories dont turn out right. its not MY fault hsr wasn’t cool enough to make Something Unto Death the corrupted remnant of Mikhail’s soul. whatever… my theory is just better than canon
you tagged a post with (character) but they’re not in it!
ah man. i mass tagged everything and am gradually going back and fixing it… send me a link to the post and i’ll edit it!
i’ll add more as i think of it…
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fushiglow · 6 months
Hi! I would just like to say that I love your writing and the stories that you've chosen to tell (specifically over the threshold but that SW AU too, even just from that lil snippet) the way you write is so immersive to me? I don't know how you do it and I admire you immensely for it. Everything is crafted so brilliantly, the setting, the characterization, the dialogue. There's no stutter or awkwardness in the way everything flows that takes you out of the moment.
I just really wanted to tell you that, and I look forward to reading anything you write in the future!
Hopefully that didn't come off too awkwardly, I'm very out of practice trying to make new friends. If you're interested in chatting more or even if you just need a beta reader, feel free to drop me a line! 😁
Don't think I haven't noticed that you're always there cheering me on, I'm incredibly grateful! Honestly, it's been on my mental to-do list to reach out to you, but things have been a little wild online and offline recently so I never got round to it — I'm sorry ♥️
Thank you so much for your lovely compliments, I'm blushing! I also really appreciate you dropping into my inbox to say hello, I've followed you back and I'd love to chat more — your ask got me thinking about this though!
In truth, although I feel like SUCH a dick saying this, it's been getting harder and harder to stay on top of online interactions. It used to be a little easier to build two-way relationships on here, but as my notifications get busier, I worry that I don't show enough gratitude to the people who consistently have my back. It's actually a fairly big source of anxiety for me, so I try not to let myself spiral into unhelpful thinking about it most of the time because otherwise I become paralysed by it!
For that reason, people are ALWAYS welcome to strike up a conversation with me! This is an open invitation to anyone reading to slide into my DMs or my ask box any time they want to say hello, there's absolutely no need to feel shy! I am an autistic disaster in any and all social situations, so I'm definitely not going to judge because I know how intimidating this stuff can get.
Sorry for using your ask to go off about all of that, but it seemed like a good opportunity to address it! ♥️
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issylra · 2 years
Tumblr dropped my ask along with a chunk of your response in my inbox, so it's at least partially salvageable. 🍀 Here's the ask: Hey
I want to dump into your head an idea for the “Nightmares” bingo square. Or just babble about dreamling in your inbox without a reason. If you don’t mind. --
I don't think Morpheus would ever suggest taking Hob’s nightmares away, ‘cause he knows better than anyone how important they are. For an immortal man to live without nightmares would mean becoming insanely miserable or a monster. Probably both.
And after 1889 one of Hob’s recurring nightmares was, of course, Morpheus leaving for good because Hob said or did something, confronted him somehow. In his dreams reasons, as well as decorations, changed. The guilt and Dream’s retreating back, though, were always a constant.
It doesn’t matter if Dream knew about these nightmares before his imprisonment. He built a wall, he never peeked into the cracks. 2022 was when things became complicated.
After the reunion in ep. 6 they started — tentatively! baby steps — to build a relationship. Friendship, most probably, but the one when people actually know each other. It's a good starting point for something more. For them, though, it was still a summit to climb.
Dream being Dream never explained what he is. However, this time he gave Hob the name — Morpheus, and when Hob asked “so, the god of sleep?” he just smirked and stated something in line with “I’m no god, Hob”. And of course, Hob interpreted it as a "no, I'm not a god and don't have anything to do with sleep, try again later".
At some point, Dream felt the pull — Hob was dreaming about him. Maybe he tried to not give in, at first. Or maybe he headed the call the first time he felt it — no matter. The part that matters is that Dream was expecting something nice, or absurd, or maybe even a wet dream — but landed in the middle of a nightmare. A nightmare, where the source of Hob’s turmoil wore his, Dreams, face.
Dream didn't stop that nightmare. He took a place of his apparition — it felt right. Or at least less wrong than just observing his friend's suffering or leaving his friend there alone. And then Dream allowed the nightmare to run its course. It was the first, but definitely not the last time it happened.
After all, nightmares are a tool for healing and growth. And however it may hurt, if Hob needed to face his fear of driving Dream away, needed to overcome that fear, then he needed to endure the nightmares. There could be no healthy relationship of any sort between two individuals if one of them is fearful of driving the other away so easily. So randomly.
In the meantime, in Waking Dream made a point of softening the nighttime blows. He started visiting Hob after especially harsh ones. Not always on the same day, but soon enough that it still helped to soothe Hob's nervousness if it persisted. He didn’t want Hob to make a connection between him and his recurring nightmares, but he tried to cut the unneeded suffering when he could.
During their meetings, Dream would sometimes arrange an opening for Hob to confront him, to say something that could potentially aggravate him. And every time Hob would stop himself. He would bite his tongue, change the topic, or laugh it off. But sometimes these kinds of openings occured naturally, both of them oblivious until too late, until Dream — hackles raised, terse words on the tip of his tongue — would freeze in realization and Hob would use the pause to somehow diffuse the situation.
There's a climax, somewhere. Nightmares are an effective tool, and when paired with an anchor to remind the dreamer what's real, they could help overcome anything. __ And your reply:
This is so amazing, thank you for taking the time to send it to me! Honestly, there's so much I want to say to this, but my brain feels like soup, so bear with me. I may not manage.
I love Hob having a bit of a thing™️ about Dream leaving him. I've read a few fics that tackle it (Giving Sanctuary being the first one that springs to mind) and it hits so, so well. Hob in present day having a bit of a complex as they get closer that he might say or do the wrong thing one day, see Dream storm off again and leave him behind. Pair that with Dream being a terrible communicator, and not explaining much of anything to Hob, let alone that their missed meeting was not actually Hob's fault.
There's something also kind of funny (and sad) about Dream trying to help by giving Hob openings to confront him, but actually just making Hob walk on eggshells constantly. In the nightmare scenario, I could totally see that coming to a head. Instead of being like "so, I've realized my past actions have had a lasting effect on your psyche and I would like to reassure you that I have no intention of leaving again" it's "my past mistakes are haunting your sleeping hours so I've decided to sprinkle a bit of trauma into your waking hours too, just to keep you on your toes!"
Classic Dream in that the easiest course of action is just to talk, but let's make things needlessly complicated (and worse) instead. Even with the very best of intentions.
Anyway, I really do love this. It's exactly the kind of conflict I enjoy writing. When two people don't fit together like perfect puzzle peices, and
Very happy that this wasn't lost in the void forever.
I think the rest of what I was saying is basically that I really enjoy reading/writing about characters that don't necessarily fit together in all ways, working out how to smooth away their harsher edges for each other. This scenario would be perfect for that because it hits on so many of both Dream and Hob's character weaknesses at once.
Again I have to thank you for sharing, because this is excellent inspiration!
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Do you have any tips about writing a dark comedy?
Thanks! :)
Dark Comedy Tips
*** Content warning for dark themes and references to methods of unaliving ***
1 - Employ Well-Timed "Gallows Humor" - Gallows humor is humor that treats serious, frightening, or painful subject matter in a light or satirical way.
One of my favorite uses of gallows humor is a literal one, and it happened in real life. Upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence--which was treason against the English crown--Benjamin Franklin reportedly quipped, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
The musical 1776 drew the gallows humor out from there...
Hancock: Alright, step right up, gentlemen. Don't miss your chance to commit treason. Franklin: Hancock is right. This document is our passport to the gallows. But there's no backing out now, for if we do not hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately. Hancock: Gentlemen, forgive me if I don't join in the merriment, but if we are arrested now, my name is still the only one on the damn thing!
This scene qualifies as dark humor/gallows humor because there was a very real threat that these men would be punished--perhaps even hung--for their participation in the revolution and declaring independence from the British crown. Despite the very real threat, they're making jokes about it.
2 - Be Thoughtful About Jokes and Timing - It's super important, though, to be thoughtful about the types of jokes you make and the timing. Moments of real tragedy, where the reader is likely to be really upset, are not usually the best time or source for dark humor.
So, for example, the above scene from 1776 wouldn't have hit right if they'd just learned that one of the other congressmen had in fact just lost their life at the gallows.
And don't be an edgelord. Dark humor isn't about making deliberately outrageous jokes in an attempt to shock or offend people. You don't want to be heavy-handed.
3 - Meaning Matters - Ultimately, you want to avoid making jokes for the sake of making jokes. The goal with the humor is to hold up a mirror to how effed up the situation is. Franklin's quip about the Declaration of Independence being a "passport to the gallows" for anyone who signed it illustrates how truly absurd it is that simply signing a piece of paper to declare independence from a parent nation would be reason enough to end someone's life. It's a lot more nuanced than that, probably, but you get the point.
So, think about what you want the reader to take away from the story. What are you trying to say? What does it all mean? The bulk of your jokes should be building upon or delivering that message in some way.
4 - The More Absurd the Better - Absurdity based in reality is another common element of dark humor. Over-the-top escalation of conflict, boundaries pushed to their plausibly ridiculous limits, preposterous plot twists, logical conclusions taken to illogical places, and brutal emotional honesty... Hyperbole can be an effective tool to illustrate the absolute nonsense that is so much of human existence.
5 - Consistency is Key - Last but not least, it's important to be consistent. Dark humor isn't something you introduce suddenly. It should be there from the beginning, in whatever capacity it can be, so as not to give the reader tonal whiplash. They should know right from the start that this is a dark comedy. Your really want the dark and light elements to be woven seamlessly together.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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