#lmk sun motif
imminent-danger-came · 2 months
In light of today's eclipse, I am thinking about how the curse blocked out the sun after appearing to MK in 4x06:
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its-malarkey · 8 months
A couple of weeks ago I bothered to spend the time to write out Wukong and Macaque’s leitmotifs because I noticed that they were very similar, differing primarily in that they weren’t identical, but up to a certain point were almost major vs minor versions of each other’s themes (pictured below)
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Again, you can tell they’re not identical on paper, but to the ear they sound very similar, and it’s obviously not a coincidence that they start off with the same rhythm. You apparently can’t add more than one video to a post, so I’ll put the Macaque bit that I clipped and just say that I got Wukong’s from the end credits.
The similarities are notable, again, featuring Wukong in a major key and Macaque in minor key. (The version I wrote out is not in the same key as the clip; it was easier to compare them on paper when I wrote them in the sameish key.)
I’m no music analyst, I just took a year of the required colleges courses for music and switched away from it and still have everything ingrained in my head, so there’s not anything in particular I’m trying to say here, I just go bananas for it every time I hear either theme :))
Edit: I drew this out on FireAlpaca and forgot to mention that earlier. It’s not particularly relevant but I do think it’s funny
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soni-dragon · 1 year
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past friends, one is betrayed/hurt by the other, becomes the villain and is scarred on the right eye… working to heal their relationship (one which is going a lot smoother than the other)
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
ok, ok, so i know we all got “the hero and the warrior” monologue ingrained in our brains and i adore that in shadowpeach fics Macaque and SWK will call each other their “sun” or “moon” bc 🤌🤌🤌🤌 good shit
wouldn’t it be so funny for Macaque to just come up with that for his play. like, sure, ok maybe he thought about it while they were still buddies and wrote it down after their fall out, but like imagine Macaque just creates it for his play (totally not projecting his true feelings there 👀 nah, never) and so when MK references it, SWK is sO confused while Macaque is dying inside because he knows Wukong will ask and he refuses to explain himself, rekindling bonds be damned
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puppyeared · 1 year
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criticaaaaaaaal · 2 years
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mk’s hair wants me dead
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googleitlol · 11 months
Sometimes it feels like the Hero and the Warrior monologue is the LMK equivalent to this one fan animation that every MLP fan knows by heart
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relidraws · 1 month
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welp. profile sheets for vashka and tarbh (my dragon's dogma arisen and pawn respectively). they have been through other games as well, so some of the information isn't specific to dragon's dogma, but most of it is based on those games
the hardest part of this was for sure the weapons. learned a lot working on those designs and i'm really happy with how they came out!
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acoraxia · 7 months
Hii i liked your call out on shadowpeach soo much!! And the azure lion one too!! Keep bringing moree please if you can ówò (i love your artstyle so much!)
I love analyzing characters and putting together whatever the narrative is making them out to be vs what the characters are actually like based on their motifs, goals and overall drives
I don't know if I could analyze any other characters atm though and people are way better at doing analyses for Xiaotian, Xiaojiao and even Red Son.
I might redo my Sun Wukong analysis someday but i wouldn't count on it since LMK keeps taking away everything that makes Sun Wukong Sun Wukong but i'll keep my eye out for any silly characters that i want to dissect >:D
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imminent-danger-came · 8 months
Wukong + Putting His Hand(s) on MK's Shoulder
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serenanymph · 10 months
find the word tag
Thanks for the tag, @loopyhoopywrites! My words were grass, great and grave. Gently tagging @arctic-oceans, @sam-glade @lorenfinch, @muddshadow and @morganwriteblr (+ open tag) for the words summer, smear and smash!
Lights on is at five sharp, and they’re given half an hour before they have to be on the field, breaths misting in the air and hopping on the spot in a desperate attempt to retain some semblance of warmth. Then it’s laps around the freezing circle of dirt peppered by dead grass and scraggly weeds, trying not to trip on the uneven ground when there’s all of three torches lighting up the area and the sun hasn’t even risen. Nozack stands on the sidelines and yells at anyone who so much as slows to a jog, with entire speeches full of encouraging, inspiring comments that include insulting your face, your speed, and your entire family tree.
Still, mysterious new arrivals or not, lessons are lessons, and lessons must continue. Mama picks up the book full of great-great-great-grandmama’s notes and carries on: magic items, the difference between lesser artifacts and capital ‘A’ Artifacts, one kind requiring power sources but never taking Bonds; the other requiring Bonds but never power sources. Madge shoots more looks out the window and trades glances with Zephyr and vibrates in her seat until she finally bursts. “Mama, why did you allow humans inside?” Mama hesitates. “How did –” She looks towards Zephyr, gaze softening with realization. “Of course. The Eye of Klysmos sees all.”
(en)grave(d) [does this count????]
“I’ll come back. You know I will.” “But what if you don’t –” “Okay,” [Zephyr] says again. He takes a deep breath, reaches up to the gleaming metal pin in his hair – silver, engraved with wind motifs, something her and Kas had worked on cleaning and restoring and polishing for months – and pulls it free of his dark curls. Ruffles [Madge's] hair and clips it on, shoving several strands of her fringe to the side. “Here. How about this, then? Now I have two reaaaaally important things I need to come back for. So, you keep this safe for me” – another hair ruffle, she sniffles – “and I’ll go get Kas, and I’ll be back in no time for you.” He tilts his head to the side, amends, “Both of you. Got it?”
beast taglist (lmk if you want to be +/-): @sapphos-scientist, @allianaavelinjackson, @arctic-oceans, @space-writes, @reneesbooks
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Pounding my fist on the floor and crying over how light hearted and happy and full of care Mac sounds in the “quit it, eat your dang peach XD” “mm, you’re a peach” like what the heck, illegal levels of soft cuteness and happy sunshine days and fur ruffles from these monkeys, they SHOULD pile him with baby monkeys, you can’t go on without cuddlessss, I need shadowpeach hug, I need the tail wrapping around each other for comfort, furry creatures NEED their physical contact and purring and grooming or whatever, also MK cackling over the “bud” comment like yeah, more live reaction to these crazy monkeys please, surprised to hear it? XD it gets tossed around so casually on a normal day, yep your mentor used to call him that too! Wowza, yes he said it to the edgy one. The reaction is akin to someone naming a big black scary dog something like Princess Razzlemuffin Sparkles.
ah, Macky all happy and comfy before disaster struck :) getting fat on fruit just like that but forever :) little did he know—
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icy-watch · 2 months
Me, sitting here refreshing the page for when you find out: OHOHO I SURE HOPE YOU REMEMBER WHAT I SAID ABOUT PAUSING THE QUICK FRAMES BECAUSE HOOOO BOY IS THERE A JUICY IMPLICATION IN THIS EPISODE- both of them need therapy so bad…I also want you to think back to a certain S1 ep 9 where a certain monkey’s illusions wore off and we could see his blind eye, poor plinko monkey 😔 this show is NOT going to leave his eye alone. Or well, him entirely. Also, it’s suuuuper funny that you watch this today because of the eclipse, this ep is sun/moon themed, Macaque literally showed up during an eclipse back in S1, and the storyboard artist for LMK tweeted about the sun/moon being LMK fans for this exact reason hehe. The Sun and the Moon were like the Hero and the Warrior (joke) I hit the fics before I got to seeing this episode and I thought it was kinda cringe and sappy how much these motifs were used like what is UP with “my sun/my moonlight” writing sentences using them as name replacement when narrating exposition, like I know tumblr likes their coded characters but dang. This was overkill because why did the entirety of ao3 hop on this train? And then I watched Shadow Play and it was a moment of “oh okay so it’s his fault.” And then. “Wait the heck you mean this is canon?”
Lmao! The eclipse was totally that day, wasn't it? ← Completely forgot about it irl and comments on how it was abnormally dark. And, 2 days prior, joked with my cousin and his wife that they could eat during the eclipse bc it wouldn't break any rules of Ramadan
Oh, that's interesting. Funny how they put that in during his first appearance.
Also, super funny that you thought it was fanon. Believable but still lol
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andro-dino · 1 year
for ezekial and luther 1,2,28 .... and ykw fuck it 11
Do they have any motifs?
Luther has 2 kinda. One was a little intentional the other just kinda came as a bonus. His main one is like, angelic imagery. That’s mostly from one of the first scenes of the story I came up with, where Ezekial is first brought to see Luther, who’s standing above him with light shining from behind him, and that with his hair kind of creates a halo kind of look and Ezekial remarks to himself that he looks like an angel. And yk, that whole like, white/light blue being angelic/pure idea with his color palette also kinda reflects that, which is both reflective and subversive to his character. Reflective in that it shows how he likes to be extremely clean and put together, but subverts how he’s involved with very dark things. His other motif only just occurred to me, that being space/moons. His planet and moon earrings weren’t really meant to be anything more than a cool design choice, but I realized that a lot of scenes I’ve pictured where he’s more vulnerable and open are at night and/or under the moonlight, so that motif has become a bit important to his character. You could also definitely draw some sun and moon imagery with him and Ezekial from that.
Ezekial doesn’t really have concrete motifs in the same way Luther does. There’s a couple reoccurring ideas that surround him, like scarring, loneliness, and loyalty, but I haven’t really given him strong specific motifs. I guess the main one that you could argue for that I’ve been thinking about lately is kind of like, wearing over time. That applies to the story and their dynamic at large, but specifically with Ezekial, there’s a lot of focus with him having to accept that things are not the same as they once were, as well as visually, his design changes and wears with time, both with him getting more and more scars and with his clothes gradually becoming more scuffed and dirty with the more experience he has. This also juxtaposes Luther, whose design is very clean and sharp and put together.
Describe their voice. Do they have a voice claim?
I always struggle finding voice claims for my characters bc I have such a specific vision in my head that nothing feels completely right for them, but I’ll try to get as close as I can.
For Ezekial, my first thought was Aoba from the beastars dub (I think. I was specifically thinking of the “hey, legoshi already knows her name!” line and I’m pretty sure that’s aoba but idk). Looking up a couple voices, I think also a bit of Ash from fantastic mr fox, though very slightly lower for both of those. Also also a smiiiidge of mk from lmk. Just a bit. The idea for him is to have a voice that’s very smooth and nice, pretty average tbh, and usually very bright but occasionally able to slip into a darker tone. Idk though, I feel like he’s really hard to place and I don’t even know if I really like any of these all that much for him, but it’s the best I got 😭
Luther’s voice I imagine closer to the lower end but also not particularly deep, very soft and level, kind of that back of the throat kind of sound. It’s really dumb but specifically I thought of that one clip that’s like “SHUT UP. SHUT UP. IM GONNA KILL THE NEXT PERSON I SEE I SWEAR TO GOD” but JUST for him yelling. The line I was imagining him saying in that tone was “Don’t you get it!?” and it works oddly well. Otherwise, it’s kinda like a mix between lilac cookie’s eng voice and sal fisher. Another one I found specifically looking at voice claim compilations that’s random as fuck is Wesley Gibson from wanted??? no idea who that is or what that’s about but I think his voice fits really really well for Luther.
Are they a dog or a cat person?
Ezekial likes both and he wouldn’t be able to choose, though probably leans a little more to dogs.
Luther you’d think would be more of a cat person, given his everything, but he actually prefers dogs because they’re easier to train and more obedient. He doesn’t dislike cats though.
Have they ever fallen in love and with whom?
I mean, there is a LOT of longing between these two, especially on Ezekial’s end. He’s been in love Luther since they were really young but I think he didn’t really realize that for a long time. At some point it kinda registered for him but even then I don’t think he ever really said it out loud to himself. It was never really some big revelation or anything, just kind of putting a word to a feeling that’s always been there.
And I’m not gonna lie and say the feeling isn’t reciprocated, but that’s something Luther hasn’t thought about in years and still hasn’t yet to really understand himself. The mix of emotional suppression and catholic guilt made a cocktail of self denial and inability to really accept that thought when he was younger, and in the present it’s far worse and far more repressed, and he has a long way to go before anything begins to change with that.
It’s actually interesting because this is also a scene I thought of pretty recently. After their reunion, once the tension has settled past the initial Luther-being-willing-to-kick-Ezekial-across-the-floor-without-a-second-glance phase, one of the conversations they end up having is Ezekial asking Luther if he’s dated anyone since he last saw him, to which Luther respond “I don’t think you could really call it that.” He asks the same question back at Ezekial and Ezekial responds “Yeah, I don’t think those really count either.” And that surprises Luther and he give a little “Huh.” And Ezekial asks what that’s about but Luther just says it’s none of his concern (really he’s surprised because Ezekial’s always kinda been a romantic, and he’s dated a couple people before when they were younger. “And I mean, Ezekial’s an attractive guy, and he would probably be a good partner, how has he not had any good relationships since high school?” (<- clueless))
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
make a pkmn card for ummm. sun wukong
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(clarifying that this is all for LMK and not JTTW) WAHBAM (I don't remember how to spell that exclamation). I ALREADY HAVE ONE
I change it up on ocassion, sometimes I swap Ambipom for Infernape because Infernape is designed based on Sun Wukong. However, I give him either shiny Infernape or Ambipom to represent Macaque, and instead give Macaque an Infernape to represent Sun Wukong. Wukong DOES have a big ego but I don't think he'd have a Pokemon based off of him just for no reason.
The reasonings for all of these Pokemon (besides Ambipom) are because they are themed around the sun! The sun is a very important motif for Sun Wukong in LEGO Monkie Kid. I'm sure you could make a more nuanced team but I'm a sucker for making him sun-themed
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Here's Macaques also! I would like to be clear that, pre-fallout with Wukong, he has a Cresselia instead of Darkrai.
Both of them are also probably surrounded by lots of monkey Pokemon but they aren't on their teams.
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myromanholidays · 3 years
I typed out a huge ass post at 4am trying to do a favorite mv analysis but I'm incapable of coherent thought so here we go -
The constant morphing between members implies they’re all the same person. Didn’t check for daylight rings or garlic references.
Bathroom saga - jaehyun is bitten and the transformation begins, yuta’s eyes change, jungwoo is surrounded by broken glass bc maybe he panicked/got frustrated over not being able to see his reflection, yuta holds his breath in the murky bath water could be to die and complete the transformation or something to do with the “story of favorite” teasers like trying to wake up from a dream or being reunited with his lover. Need to watch again to see what taeil did in the bathroom scenes.
This sequence makes sense to me except there’s Parthenon style pillars and Greco-Roman marble busts and statues (of Atlas and a woman, prolly someone hot but fatal lmao) in two different sets. For them to be in both ancient civilization and early 20th C film noir type locations, shouldn’t they already be transformed? Possibly Jungwoo’s heart was only beating bc of the butterfly, not bc he’s human (so memories of his past love make him feel alive or want to be alive? The symbolic butterfly defrosted his icy stone heart and the red veins/blue arteries meant *angsty longing* overcoming unalivelihood?)
The sequences on the cliffs are gorgeous - haechan ofc dissipates into rose petals when the sunlight breaks through the clouds but it makes me wonder if the butterfly tornado around jungwoo and Doyoung was supposed to protect them from the sun or transform them into haechan or represent them engulfed in their feelings for whatever the butterfly denotes and choosing to die on the mountaintop for it? It’s the only instance of more than one member in the same place at once aside from dance sequences. Are they in the same spot, experiencing the same thing, but separated by time?
Roses. I’m always gonna think of taeyong first but regardless, rose bushes + floating petals spreading across the aurora borealis place as the sunlight grew stronger during the dance break implies the vamps might have passed away (is the sleeping set the other side or did the butterflies somehow make them immune?). The aggressive electronica prolly symbolizes their fighting spirit but need to rewatch for more rose moments or lyrics tie ins
I noted some stuff about the aurora borealis set and the starry sky (johnny with the curly hair and the shooting stars 🤌) but tbh like most of this post, nothing of substance.
No idea what the dead tree place Taeyong and Mark were in is but it looks cool af. Noticed the apples motif from taeyong’s hacker shoot and SuperM teaser (mark singing let’s go everywhere after pilot played in the countdown live, yes I cry over SuperM crumbs 😭), the heart balloons (?) seem wrapped in twine that makes abstract crosses (yes this is a stretch) or have sew on patches and I think taeyong and mark were the only ones shown with fangs and biting at the camera. Who knows, maybe it’s a greenhouse the artificial UV rays make them aggressive lmao I’m sure there’s some deeper metaphor for the dead tree and another specific tie in to marklore but lmk what
The mv starts and ends in the same place, taeyong sitting up and swallowing (?) the butterfly then lying back down, so it’s not too much to say “it was all a dream” but tbh I doubt it. To flip things up, instead of love in some form motivating them, what if the butterflies actually subdue/doom them? The butterfly keeps taeyong asleep, turns jungwoo’s heart to stone, leads Johnny to starry ends, passes in the bg of the second chorus in the aurora borealis stage which turns into the rose/sunlight filled stage during the bridge? That’s in line with the “this love is destructive” theme in the lyrics.
I’m a working woman so imma stop here but someone with a brain larger than a pea, pls help 🙏
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