#ln painting series
queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
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Mother of Mine.
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misted-dream · 5 months
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♟️ between heaven and hell ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ bodyguard!winwin x fem!reader ➛ part of the mad city series | go to district V
content | smut, sprinkle of angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, forbidden love but not really, forced proximity, a little bit of miscommunication, yn is mentioned to be shorter than winwin, slow burn?, winwin is kinda a dick at first
warnings | fingering, profanity, mentions of food, mentions of a shooting
word count | 18k
synopsis | being born into a repulsive fortune, your life is threatened more often than not. you’ve grown less and less affected by it throughout the years. however, as the day where you take on your father’s much coveted title looms nearer and nearer, more frequent and dangerous threats draw in. with all the money in the world, is it enough to buy trust?
note | ln stands for last name since yn is addressed by her last name quite a bit in this. the ending is a little bit rushed, pls excuse that and ignore the fact that this basically takes place in a week. what is pacing, idk.
tags @90s-belladonna thank you for supporting me!
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a smattering of rain hits against the arched window pane of the library, filling the room with a soft pitter-patter. usually, from where you are seated, you can look directly into the well-kept and always blossoming garden. now, it’s too dark for you to make out anything but the slightest silhouette of your father’s treasured magnolia tree.
“miss ln?”
you direct your attention away from the book in your hands, and towards the library entrance that you had your back to.
“your father would like to speak with you.”
this late? you thought.
“thank you, priscilla,” you smile and your housemaid dismisses herself with a gentle nod. you glide your extended legs off of the couch and set down your book next to you on the velvet material of the sofa. sliding on your slippers, you make your way out of the library, softly close the door behind you, and amble along the long hallways and down the staircase leading to your father’s office.
you knock twice on the thick wooden doors painted in a pristine white. "come in," your father calls out. you apply pressure to the metal handle, cold to the touch, and the hinges creak slightly.
you greet your father, sat in his usual spot in the middle of the office with a floor-to-ceiling window to his back. then, something else catches your attention. a tall, backlit figure stands broadly next to your father. the room is illuminated by the moonlight and a gold accented lamp in the far corner, barely enough light to see 3 feet out in front of you clearly.
“yn,” your father addresses you faintly. you instinctively go to pull out one of the two leather seats tucked under the large, hand-carved wooden desk, its’ surface littered with documents and fountain pens. as you take a seat, your father begins, “as you know, your succession is planned for a little over a week, if all goes well. taking into account the latest incident, i have decided to take preventative measures to ensure no more dangers come to you during the lead-up.” your father pauses, his palm opens to gesture towards the man standing beside him. “this will be your new personal guard,” the man steps forward, “dong sicheng.”
confusion evidently sits upon your face. you want to flat out ask, ‘why do i need a bodyguard?’ but you bite back your tongue, trying to come up with a more eloquent and precise prod.
the man doesn’t reach his hand out, as you would expect, to introduce himself. he simply voices, “miss ln,” with a curt nod of his head.
you pull your eyes away from your new bodyguard, you still can’t make out too much of what he looks like. “father, i already have personal guards,” you state matter of factly.
“of course,” your father leans back into his chair. “but none of them are with you 24/7. sicheng will be, ensuring no harm comes your way.”
unbelievable. on the surface, it seems like he truly wants you under protection, but you understand your father’s schemes; you understand your father more than anyone else. what he’s really saying is that he has hired this man—dong sicheng—so that you will be put on his watchlist.
your father smiles a gentle smile. “but,” at the very first sound of a protest, the corners of his mouth begins to droop, “if this is about last time—”
with a firm shake of his head, your father cuts you off. “this isn’t negotiable, yn.”
normally, when you would argue things to be your way, your father would at least hear what you have to say. so, to be cut off so bluntly... a pang of helplessness strikes you square in the chest, and your eyes divert towards your new guard.
“i recommend you use your time to get adjusted to this change,” with that, your father dismisses the both of you out of his office.
you shuffle out into the cold, sterile hallways. marble pillars line the walls with ornate sconces attached upon them, each bearing a flickering candle. besides just hearing the firm footsteps of someone else tailing right behind you, you can also feel an almost omniscient presence shadowing you. swiftly, you spin around on your heels only to be met eye level with someone's chest. your guard's. you have to angle your head upwards so that you can look into his eyes; he seems to purposefully ignore your gaze, staring straight at one of the pillars opposite him.
he's undeniably gorgeous. the hallways are more lit up than your father's study, allowing you to examine every detail of your guard's face.
you wait a few seconds before breaking the silence, "are you not going to say anything?"
he drops his focus onto you. coldly, he replies, "that's not what i'm paid to do, miss." he lets his eyes linger on you for a moment longer, before returning to look at nothing.
he can tell that you're clearly annoyed by his response, but he makes no show of it. you continue, "if you're not even going to look at me, how are you going to protect me?"
"is there something i need to protect you from in your own home, miss ln?"
he knows. at least he's alluding to knowing about your last little incident. you curse yourself for being careless in your head. if you hadn't caused a ruckus when you snuck home a few nights ago, you wouldn't have this bizarrely handsome, yet callous man looming over you until your father sees a reason to think otherwise.
"no, i suppose not."
you turn around once more, facing the rest of the hallway. an archway leads to a stately staircase at the end of the corridor. you walk down the hall, trying to dismiss the delayed footsteps behind you, and enter through the archway. the staircase spirals upwards into the corridor connecting the bedrooms; yours and your father's. of course, there are other rooms upstairs, such as the library, the games room, other rooms that you don't concern yourself with too much. a grand piano sits in the centre of the spiralling staircase, its' glossy surface lit up by the moonshine flooding inside through the domed skylight.
you proceed up the stairs, not expecting your bodyguard to follow you up, but he does.
you pause, and look back around for the second time now in the span of less than 10 minutes.
"there aren't guest rooms upstairs," you point out flatly.
he responds, meeting your coldness with his own but only 10 times more intensified, "i won't be requiring one."
puzzled, you ask, "you're not going to be sleeping in my room, are you?" half jokingly, half serious.
"miss ln," he takes one step up on the staircase so that he's at the same level as you, forcing you to tilt your head upwards at him. the heels of his shoes echo loudly on impact against the quartz steps. "there are boundaries i must follow in my duties. so whilst i won't be requiring my own room, i also know not to overstep into your privacy." he scans your face, looking for any hint of understanding. then, he adds plainly, "i will be guarding your bedroom door outside. you can rest assured."
you can feel a sly smirk creeping up onto your face, "shame. here i was thinking that you would follow me everywhere. speaking of," you make an exaggerated movement out of looking down at the watch on your wrist. "i should better shower; it's getting late."
sicheng's face is unfazed but still, you simper, looking pleased with yourself.
he stalks behind you wordlessly as you make the rest of your way up to your bedroom. and sure enough, he stops and stands outside to the right of your door.
"you can't be serious," the thought in your head slips out through your lips.
he doesn't look back. "i'm afraid your father is a vey serious man, miss ln."
how does father expect this man to stand outside of your room all night long? assuming he doesn't sleep, given the 24/7 hour-ness as mentioned in your father's spiel, how will he even have to energy to do his job?
you study the profile of his back for a few seconds before pushing your door closer to the frame, not completely shutting it.
your bedroom connects to an en suite bathroom. to say it's grand is underplaying the extent of luxury which you live in. the room is unnecessarily spacious with marble counters and a tall ceiling with intricately moulded details. a round bathtub sits in the centre, integrated directly into a gazebo-like fixture. a golden chandelier hangs overhead the bathtub, softly lighting up the room, creating a warm atmosphere. to the right side of the tub, facing across from the mirror and the sink, stands a shower area enclosed by frosted glass doors.
you reach for your zipper on the nape of your neck. you slide your thumb underneath the metal tab and begin to pull it down between your fingers. it budges an inch or two before it gets caught onto the fabric of your dress. "ugh," you vocalise. forcibly, you attempt to get the zipper unstuck, tugging and tugging but it won't shift.
you can only think of one solution.
"uh," you call out loud enough so that your bodyguard outside is sure to hear you. you're not quite sure how you should address him; calling him by his name feels weirdly a bit too intimate.
putting you out of your misery, he responds, "yes?" from outside in the halls.
"could you... come in?"
there's a break before he answers back to you. "i'm afraid that's unbecoming of me unless there's an emergency, miss ln."
you roll your eyes, despite knowing he's not there to see. "there is an emergency. will you come in now?"
"...are you decent?" he seems to contemplate his words carefully.
"god, you're frustrating," you blurt out, "yes, i'm decent- who do you think i am?"
there's a brief pause in time before you hear footsteps step into your bedroom. you can see him stop in front of your bathroom doorway in your peripheral.
you look over at him, standing tall and poised with his hands clasped in front of him. "what's the emergency, miss?"
turning your back against him, you sweep your hair over your shoulders, baring your zipper. "i can't get this unstuck."
he doesn't take any steps towards you, "and you needed me to come in for this?"
your patience grows thinner and thinner by the second. "if i could've got it myself, i wouldn't have called for you, would i?"
with this, he takes one... two... and three steps. just three steps before he's in reach of you. you can feel a warmth draw closer to you. turning your head towards your shoulder, you can see him standing behind you in the mirror. without knowing, you hold your breath. he goes to pull gingerly with one hand on the back neckline of your dress, the other trying to unwedge the fabric jammed underneath the zipper. he frees the tab and smoothly, he unzips you down to the middle of your back, stopping himself from releasing the zip all the way down. immediately, he drops his head and removes his hands from your dress while simultaneously taking a large step back from you.
"if that's all, i will leave you to rest for tonight, miss ln." his head is still angled downwards, eyes glued to the bathroom tiling.
you mutter, "thank you," finally taking in a breath again.
he nods, and begins to step backwards out of the bathroom. before he disappears completely from your field of vision, he is stopped by your expulsion of an 'um.'
without a word, he waits for what you have next to say. turning around to face him, he lifts his head and meets your eyes, still as emotionless as they were when you two were on the stairs.
"goodnight, sicheng."
you can see his chest rise, and fall before he speaks again. "goodnight, miss ln."
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there's gentle thumping at the door but you can't be sure. your head and senses are foggy from sleep. your eyelids remain shut, trying to phase out the knocking.
"miss ln?"
for a brief moment, you don't recognise the voice calling out for your name. it is much deeper than the normal voice of your housemaid. your eyes open to a squint to see the morning sun rays surging into your room through the mesh veil of your curtains. another part of the garden can be seen through the windows to the right of your bed.
"miss ln?" sicheng calls out again.
"yes?" groggily, you answer as you push yourself up, propping your back against the cushioned headboard.
"your housemaid informs me that you have errands to run today."
your head snaps, remembering what today is. the gala.
he continues speaking, "i tried to send some of my men to help carry out your errands for you instead, but i was told to get your permission."
you manoeuvre out of your bed, tossing the throw blanket off of you. heading directly for the double doors, you swing them open to find dong sicheng standing right outside with his arms behind him, his head bowed. the sudden movement causes him to jolt his head upwards.
"no, i'll go," you scan him quickly up and down. he's dressed in the exact same outfit as last night, hair still combed over only a bit more disheveled. you want to ask if he really stood outside of your room while you slept throughout the whole night, but you know what he will say. your father never made promises he can't follow up on, mainly because it was never him personally who fulfilled his promises.
sicheng, looking caught offguard for the first time quickly steels his face back again into his trademark stoicness. "then, i shall accompany you." he gives your get-up one swift look down, then back up. "i'm ready whenever you are."
feeling only slightly annoyed at his gesture, you close the door on him and go to get dressed.
sicheng sits next to you in the car. the driver in front seems to pay no attention to his presence. you glance over, trying to make your staring not as conspicuous, but to no avail. his posture is perfectly upright and his hair looks more groomed than when he was stood outside your bedroom door.
"do i look to your standard, miss ln?" it's only when he finishes asking his question that he meets your gaze. it's clear in that moment that he didn't expect an answer to his rhetorical question.
feeling only slightly embarrassed, you lower you eyebrows at him, "do you remember last night when you said you don't get paid to talk?" feigning curiosity with your head tilted to the side.
the slightest smile breaks on his face. "very well," eyes diverting away from you and onto the road out in front through the windshield.
the rest of the ride is silent, which your chauffeur took as a sign to turn on the radio. the first piece that blares out ever so softly is liebestraum no. 3.
the car then comes to a halt in front of a private wine bar. sicheng opens his door and holds onto the handle as he waits for you to shuffle out behind him. then, he shuts it and waves the driver off to a direction. you readjust your outfit from having been sat down.
carefully, you traipse your way towards the entrance of the wine bar, being deliberate to not place a heel down in between the crevices of the cobblestone that lined the courtyard.
"i'm surprised you haven't voiced your displeasure for me going out of the house, yet," you remark, "surely, my father told you i was not to be let out."
for having been against the idea of having a bodyguard just yesterday, you seem to have grown rather used to having sicheng around you rather quickly. you can only hope that he doesn't pick up on this.
"not to be let out without protection, yes."
he's quick on the draw. you pause right in front of the heavy mahogany door, the top of it curved inwards to a sharp point. your eyes gloss over the coffee brown grain pattern before you place a palm onto it and push inwards.
it's been a few hours since you've arrived back home from the wine bar, having picked out the perfect gift for the gala host tonight. sunset falls upon the horizon and that's your cue to start getting ready.
you've always had a habit of putting on your makeup by yourself as opposed to having someone else do it for you. however, that habit doesn't carry over to styling your hair.
you're sat in front of a full length mirror, a baroque style detailing frames the entirety of it. priscilla, one of the housemaids who's similar in age to you, stands behind you, attentively pinning the hair in the back of your head into a detailed updo. you look at your dress in the mirror. the square neckline makes space for your freshwater pearl necklace that glows softly against your skin.
"and... all done," priscilla announces.
you turn your head in the mirror to get a better view of her work, "it's a beautiful job." you stand from your seat, catching her eyes in the reflection, "thank you."
she smiles brightly, her youth glints in her eyes. "here," she looks to the side to grab a pair of long silk gloves, holding it out to you. you pull them over your left hand all the way up to your elbow, then your right, struggling a little over the bandage wrapped around your palm.
after tucking your purse in between your arm and your ribs, you're ready to head out.
sicheng is already in the foyer, waiting for you. when your heels first click against the quartz stairs, his eyes darts toward you at the top of the spiralled staircase. you delicately place a hand on the iron banister and as you make your way down the steps, you glide your gloved palm along the railing.
sicheng watches your every action.
when you reach the bottom of the staircase, you shake your head gently to push back the strands of hairs that had fell in front of your face.
"how do i look?" you ask with a teasing smile.
you can see sicheng's lips part faintly, only for him to clear his throat right after. "as you do normally, miss ln." he subtly straightens his posture and pushes his shoulders back. "after you," he gestures towards the front door.
sicheng pulls open the door closest to you. he extends his palm towards you, with his other hand cradling a small, rectangular wooden box. you take his hand as you lift one foot out of the vehicle and onto the tiled courtyard of the xiao family house.
the butler comes to greet you. you've known him and the family that he works for for as long as you can remember, and seeing him again tonight struck a chord within you. a certain spark of gloom settles inside your stomach when you see him smile, his wrinkles deeper and his hair greyer than you remember.
the butler leads you down the main entrance hall towards the gala that's already well under way behind the closed doors. you've been down these halls more than a handful of time, the same paintings have been hung up on the walls for at least a decade, but the air of elegance and grandeur that the xiao family home exudes never fails to knock your breath out of you.
sicheng notices you seemingly lost in a thought, and before the trio of you reaches the superfluously tall double doors, he quietly utters, "is everything alright?" being mindful and not wanting the butler to overhear if something was amiss.
you glance over your shoulder, out of your trance, "yes."
he doesn't press, anymore. even if he did want to ask more, ask if you were sure, he knew his place, and so he didn't pry further.
the butler pushes open the double doors and a gentle puff of wind blows against you, travelling along with the music to your ears. "enjoy the gala," he smiles, and you return his display of friendliness.
as he walks back down the other direction, sicheng inches ever so slightly closer to you.
the cold and eerily too refined hallway is starkly contrasted by the lively atmosphere of the gala ballroom. attendees are chatting, networking, dancing. they all look extremely distinguished; pearls and diamonds and crystals draped all over them. the chandelier hanging in the middle of the ballroom is glistening, and a small orchestra is performing at one end of the hall.
you pause on top of the stairs for a moment, taking in the scene in front of you, and simultaneously searching for a face. then, you find it.
you begin to make your way down to where everyone else was on the dance floor, and sicheng follows closely behind you. as you weave your way in between the attendees, your senses are hit and overwhelmed with notes upon notes of fragrances. it transitions from roses to vanilla, cedarwood to bergamot. individually, these aromas would typically be more than pleasant, but combined together along with the heat emanating off everyone, it muddled your senses so much that a headache began to creep its way into your temples. it's clear as you manoeuvre your way across the dance floor, that sicheng stood out to everyone as an unusual date of yours. they would flash a faint smile at you then take one, or two glances at the man trailing behind you. guards weren't uncommon, yes, but to bring a personal guard to a gala hosted by a well respected member of the upper echelon? that was uncommon.
finally, you're face to face with the person you've been looking for: the host.
"mrs. xiao."
"yn!" she enthusiastically greets you, a beaming smile on her face. her arms open up and pull you into a warm embrace. "goodness, i haven't seen you in so long!" she expresses as she begins to pull away.
"i know, it's been way too long," you politely respond.
if you were talking to anyone else in this room, you'd be dead before you were caught speaking so casually to them. but you grew up next to mrs. xiao and her family. her son, dejun, was practically your childhood best friend. well, it's hard to tell if a best friend really is a best friend when that was your only option, but nonetheless, your two families were close.
"oh!" you voice as you turn around to sicheng. you stretch your hands towards the wooden box that he was carrying and he places it gently into your palms. "here, i got you some merlot," you turn back around, "i asked barnie at the winery to give me your favourite," a curl stretched your lips taut.
a wave of gratitude washes over mrs. xiao's face. "you're still as thoughtful as ever, yn." she takes the box into her arms, and as if on cue, someone dressed in a neat uniform comes towards mrs. xiao and takes the box away so that she doesn't have to carry it herself for more than a couple of seconds.
and right at the moment, dejun approaches where you are stood in the centre of the ballroom, walking alongside some other guests, one you know, the other you don't.
mrs. xiao turns to him, trying to contain some of her agitation as she mutters, "where have you been this whole night?"
"i've been in here, ma," he responds equally as quiet, but more passive aggressively, disguised with that bright smile of his.
mrs. xiao turns her head away from him with her nose up, trying to swallow down her irritation. "anyway," she breathes out. "dejun, aren't you going to introduce your friends?"
he took that as a sign to do as his mother asked, but not before sighing a shallow breath first. in an instant, he puts on a charming smile. you know he's not doing it for you, he couldn't care less about being charming towards you; both of you knew you would see right through it anyway. "yn, this is rin. rin, yn. and hendery's here as well, i guess," he mutters the last part of his sentence.
you stifle back a smirk at dejun's attempt at humour and extend your palm for a handshake with rin. "it's a pleasure to meet you." she doesn't say anything but shakes your hand gently and mirrors your smile back to you, except hers looks very practiced and unnatural.
mrs. xiao tuts her teeth, so subtly that it's barely audible. she turns her body into you ever so slightly, leaning forward and muttering under her breath into your ear, "i really wish you were here to stop my jun兒 from falling into these circles. look at them, no manners at all."
dejun watches almost awkwardly, then he switches the attention onto you. "what about you, yn? aren't you going to introduce us to your little armpiece?" he cocks his head in sicheng's direction.
mrs. xiao shoots dejun a stern look, one that carries the weight of a thousand words. but in front of such a crowd, the extent of her reprimanding ends at, "don't speak so crass."
dejun only shoots up his eyebrows in response, and sucks in a quiet breath.
"this is dong sicheng," on instinct, your hand sweeps out to the side of you and sicheng nods. "he's the... bodyguard, that my father hired."
"bodyguard, huh?"
"don't start, xiaojun," you try your best to make it seem subtle enough, but dejun chuckles at the sight of you rolling your eyes.
mrs. xiao cuts through the brief pause in conversation, "well, we would love to stay and chat more but i should go greet some of my other guests. you don't mind, yn?"
"no, of course, not."
mrs. xiao gives you one last squeeze before she's off again waving halfway across the room to somebody else, and dejun and his friends trail behind her.
you're about to turn around when a waiter passes by you and sicheng, one hand balancing a tray full of glasses of champagne.
"a drink, miss?"
you pinch the stem of the glass in between your fingers and your thumb. when the waiter offers one to sicheng, he declines.
as you bring your champagne up to your lips, sicheng slips his fingers around the bowl of your glass and forcibly pulls it away from you. "he offered you one," you look at him in disbelief, but he acts as if you didn't say anything.
he hovers the rim of the glass under his nose, swirling the champagne around as he does so. you watch, still half incredulous and half in puzzlement. he brings the rim up against his lips, tipping the glass towards him as he takes the tiniest sip of champagne that you’ve ever seen. as he swallows, he smacks his lips together lightly, then he passes the glass back to you.
“what was that for?” hesitantly, you sit the bowl of the glass back into your palm. you’re not sure if you should sip from the same cup as he did—is that even appropriate in this setting?
“not laced,” he states nonchalantly, eyes darting around the room.
it takes your brain a few seconds to fully process what he just did, and said. “and why would it be laced?” a confusion intertwined with your voice.
sicheng stares at you, not blankly, but not aggressively either. it’s like you can read what he’s doing in his head, going down winding paths to find you an answer, but you can’t read exactly what it is that he’s thinking.
he finally responds after a good few moments of him turning your question over in his head. “you are my responsibility,” he can sense that you are about to object this statement, so he quickly continues. “regardless of what you may think, you are. whatever i do, i do in your best interest. do you understand now?”
truthfully, you want to reply, ‘not quite.’ how does that explain why your drink at a gala held by people you know, people you trust, would be laced?
sicheng leans in close enough so that you can hear him at a whisper, but not so close that people will see and start to speculate. "miss ln, may i remind you you're a successor. i know you've already lived through some threats, but if they were willing to threaten you when you arguably held no power, imagine what they would do if they knew you were taking over your father's position as mayor."
he backs away; face still as cold as steel, not letting anything that he's thinking or feeling show. you can't help but feel a bit shaken at his words. yes, you've received threats before, but they were mostly empty-handed words scribbled on a note. you never thought anything of them, until sicheng said something just now.
"there's no reason people here of all places would want to do anything to me; you're too paranoid." as the words leave your mouth, you can feel your doubt coating your tongue, but you wash it down with some sparkling wine. just a little bit.
sicheng studies your expression for a second, his head tilting slightly to the side. "have you ever heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing, miss ln? maybe you're not paranoid enough," his last word drags off and almost becomes inaudible.
you blink your lashes a couple of times looking up at him, and then an echoing voice pierces right through the ballroom.
"hello everyone! thank you all for attending my little gathering."
both you and sicheng turn your heads to the origin of the sound. mrs. xiao is stood on the little stage that the orchestra has been performing on.
a pleasant smile drawing on her face as she addresses her guests, "it is so great to see so many of you. as you all know, my husband and i-"
the lights cut. the chandelier that was hanging above the dance floor flickers off.
mrs. xiao's voice can be heard again, but this time loudly proclaiming without the help of her microphone over the gasps and murmurs of confusion. "everyone please remain calm—i'm sure the lights will be back on soon."
a sudden pang of fear hits you. your heart thumps faster in your chest, and your breathing becomes shallower and shallower. there's darkness all around you. you try your best to look for, or rather, feel around for sicheng but you remain quiet, knowing it will only add to the chaos. people all around you are shuffling, nudging everyone else. whispers and mumbles all fade into a singular stream of white noise around you. then, you feel a hand grasp on your upper arm. a sense of relief washes over your mind, sicheng. but then, the grasp feels begins to dig deeper and deeper into you, and it becomes clear to you that whatever grasping you isn't a hand. at least, it's not a hand coming into direct contact with you. the fingers digging into your arm are clothed by a silk or sorts; sicheng didn't wear gloves.
you try to free your arm by wrangling it away from whoever it is that has a hold on you. then, in an instant, you feel the hand drop from you so forcibly that it tugged your arm downwards along with it. a new hand has made its way onto you, this time just slightly below your shoulder. you hear a whisper in your ear, "come on, let's go," and the relief you felt earlier resurfaces. this time, it's definitely sicheng's voice.
he takes hold of your wrist, not too tight but just enough to guide you to the exit. as you two are about to head up the stairs to the double doors, the lights flicker back on and mrs. xiao is on stage again.
"there we are. i apologise profusely for that disruption," her hands grip onto the mic stand tightly.
sicheng leads you up the stairs and out the doors without second guessing; everyone else seemed too caught up in the middle of the chaos to notice.
back at your home, you and sicheng enter through your foyer and he's spluttering out orders and demands over the phone. as you pass by the large circular mirror hanging in one of the walls of the foyer, you catch a glimpse of your reflection. you double take. one of your ears are still adorned by the beautiful pearl earring that your father had got you, but your other one is missing.
sicheng gets off of the phone that he's been on since the beginning of the car ride home. then, he notices you staring at your reflection in the mirror. "what's the matter?"
you give a gentle shake of your head, fingers drawing at your bare earlobe, "nothing, just one of my earrings is gone."
"i'll have my men try to find it for you," he responds without missing a beat. "miss ln, are you sure that nothing else happened whilst the lights went out?" his eyebrows curve in a slight s-shape.
"yes, i already told you. someone grabbed me by the arm, but that was it. maybe they just thought i was someone they knew."
sicheng shows no reaction to your theory, "i will have this investigated, miss ln. i advise you to get some rest," he says with a bow of his head.
your nightly routine goes by like a blur. priscilla has been dismissed for the night, so you undo your hair, your gown, and clean off your makeup all by yourself, but your mind isn't fully in the present.
sicheng went off after telling you to get some rest, presumably to inform your father about what'd happened. you don't know for certain if he's still speaking to your father, or if he's standing outside your door right now.
it's not that your mind is dwelling on what happened; in fact, you are precisely thinking of nothing. everything in your vision passes by you like you're watching someone else lead their life. even as you get changed, crawl into bed, and try to drift to sleep.
suddenly, you hear a creak from outside your window. your eyes shoot open. trying your best to calm yourself, you reason that it's probably just mice who'd made their way into your garden. a strong gust of wind blows past. then, silence.
and another creak. all logic and rationale flys out of your mind. the only thing you can think of to do is...
you tried your best to hold your own earlier, down in the foyer, but right now the sense of urgency in your voice betrays you. sicheng bursts into your room, the buttons of the collar of his shirt undone.
"yes, miss ln?"
his eyes are solely focused on you, despite you looking out towards the windows.
"there's... i heard some weird noises," you gesture with your head pointing at the garden.
sicheng follows your gaze, then he looks back at you. he could tell you that you're in your own home, that you're safe, but instead, he walks over to your windows and draws open your curtains. "there's nothing here, miss ln." hoping that he can provide you with some reassurance, he looks back at you, "we've already done a perimeter check, you're safe here, i assure you."
you drop your eyes, responding with a gentle nod of the head.
"i'll be outside," he says as he begins to make his way back to the door.
before he can reach the handle, you stop him, "wait." he looks at you with an expectant expression. "can't you just stay here?"
even though he's a distance away, you notice a flinch in his brows as he registered your words. "i'm afraid that's not appropriate, miss ln." he says this, but he doesn't take another step.
"there," you point towards the sofa chair to the right side of your bed, "at least just stay there." you wanted to add a 'please,' maybe plead with him, but your dignity had to be kept even if you were fearful.
he doesn't protest as much as you thought he would. quietly, he shuts your door and makes his way to the chair.
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your fingers hop from one note to another, pressing down with force and lifting again at the flick of your wrist. a familiar tune emanates throughout the room, rising up to the skylight, then sinking back down again.
your hands dance along the keys of the grand piano at the bottom of your staircase. a bittersweet melody fills your ears, and as you come to a decrescendo in the piece, the faint sound of footsteps through the marble halls overtake your playing. you swiftly turn your head around.
sicheng is stood behind you. under the bright morning light, his cheekbones stand out prominently. "i've been looking for you, miss ln," his chest falls as he says this.
"you dozed off," you turn your attention back to the piano, "i didn't want to wake you."
"i apologise; it won't happen again."
"you need to rest, too," you raise your hands and gently set them on top of the keys, "do you even sleep?"
there's a slight break in between your asking of the question and his answer. "occasionally, but not when i'm supposed to be on duty."
you turn back around, "well, like you said: i'm safe here." you scan him up and down, he's changed out of the outfit he wore to the gala last night, but all his outfits resemble each other. a black button up shirt, a fitted black blazer, black suit paints, a black tie, and a small white brooch on the lapels of his blazer. "do you play?"
he looks to be slightly caught offguard, "no. well, yes but-"
"play something for me."
you shuffle yourself to one side of the bench, making room for sicheng next to you. he slowly walks around and slides into the spot you've made for him. for the first time, you can visibly see that every one of his actions are carried out with hesitation.
his posture is perfect, head slightly tilted downwards and a curve at his wrist as his fingertips lay upon the whites of the piano keys. he clears his throat. then, a single note as he presses down with his index finger. the beginning is slow, slower than the piece was intended to be, but you know what he's playing regardless. nocturne op. 9 no. 1. there's a certain silent agony in the way he punctuates the flow of the melody. the second of the set of nocturnes that chopin had composed has always been regarded as chopin's more famous piece of work over this one. yet, the manner in which sicheng plays this piece makes you wonder why.
the stiffness that was prevalent in his body is now gone, fully immersed in the rhythm. the crescendo comes devastatingly, he leans forward into it, the melody tugging at your chest despite it sounding a bit brighter than the introduction of the piece. you watch in silence as his fingers glide and cross over each other masterfully, a sonorous tone emitting from his movements.
he doesn't finish the piece, but he finds a place to stop after a minute or so of playing.
his fingers linger on the notes as the melody fades out gradually.
"you play beautifully," softly, you remark, "where did you learn?"
he lifts his hands from the keys, clasping them together on his lap. "thank you—my mother taught me."
you watch as he swallows, his adam’s apple dipping slightly. a thought occurs to you. you barely know anything about this man who’s supposed to protect you. maybe that’s for privacy, confidentiality, or security reasons but, there’s a certain yearning in you that wants to find out more about him. after all, trust can’t be built without a foundation. you just don’t know where to prod.
“…and what about your dad?”
sicheng glances over at you, slightly confused at your sudden interest in him. his eyebrows flinch again. “he, uh, used to work for your father. that’s why i’m here. my family owes a lot to your father.”
he gulps again.
you’re not completely sure how to navigate through this conversation. do you ask where his father is now? what if it’s a sensitive spot, why else would sicheng be acting this uncharacteristically. his cold and cool demeanor seemingly melted away. “your father… is he…”
you don’t finish your sentence, but sicheng knows what you’re hinting at. “no, no. he’s just retired. too many injuries on the job.” he clears his throat and stands up from the bench. “sorry, i didn’t mean to intrude on your space, miss ln.” he begins to walk back around the bench.
you can’t help but let out a faint chuckle. “drop the title already. it’s just yn.”
he’s standing tall, hands clasped in front of him, and he purses his lips together. he dips his head rather jerkily, “as you wish.”
then, a ping sounds out.
you pick up your phone that was laid out on the top cover of the piano, and sicheng fishes for his in the inside pockets of his blazer. as he brings out his phone, you begin to hear a vibration sounding out. he holds it in his hand and flashes a quick glance at you, “excuse me,” then he accepts the call. as he brings it up to his ear, he spins on his heel and start to walk off into a distant hallway.
you divert your attention back onto your screen and begin to see messages popping up at the bottom. ones from dejun that read:
"my mum would like to apologise to everyone here about what happened yesterday."
it's sent to the group chat thread that you rarely respond to, though, you do keep up with its messages.
then, another:
"i don't believe in apologies without actions, so you're all cordially invited to come to dreamers' oasis in d119 tomorrow night."
"on me."
the last message was an important detail. you click on the notification bubble and already see others typing in the group chat.
hendery writes, "you are so gonna regret saying that."
a tiny smile creeps its' way onto your face. your thumbs begin moving on the keyboard; hitting send on a message that says, "hendery's going to bankrupt you," which earned you a dislike from dejun.
he ignores your comment, "will you finally be joining us yn? you know, seeing as it's your last week as a free woman."
the last part of his sentence hits you; maybe not to that extreme but it is your last week before you have to take on your father's responsibilities.
every time dejun invites you to a night out, it's most of the time a no brainer and not in a positive way. all the clubs and bars that your friends choose are out of your district's boundaries. and it's not like you didn't have clubs and bars in this district, but the fun ones—as dejun puts it—are only in district 119. you've only taken the risk a couple of times, but now, with especially an extra pair of eagle eyes on you, the possibility of sneaking out is practically 0.
before you can respond, hendery already sent out a message in your place, "have you seen her little boyfriend yesterday? there's no way man."
as much as you want to disagree, you can't. there is no way.
"not my boyfriend," you finally type out.
messages keep popping up on screen, a plan coming together with the people that can go. before you exit out of the thread, you type in "i'll see what i can do," but you stop short of pressing send.
quietly, you head off in the same direction as sicheng, scanning the halls for any sign of him. you're not quite sure what you'll do once you see him. beg him? please let me go out with my friends and get wasted? no. you haven't reached that point, yet; you still have some decorum within you.
you spot him still talking over the phone behind a marble pillar. as silently as possible, you sidle over to where he is, not wanting to disrupt him. once you're close enough, you catch glimpses of his conversation that he's having: "do you understand? whatever you do... we can't let her find out what happened."
your brain made the connect pretty quickly, the 'her' in question had to be you—who else? and what is he keeping from you? he continues speaking but nothing is going through you. all you can think about is, what is he not telling me? as quietly as you came, you retrace your steps back into the piano room.
you'd be lying if you said there wasn't a spark of fury beginning to catch within you. if you are to trust sicheng, why would he purposefully keep something from you? the more you think about it, the more agitated you grew. the fact that he seemed to treat you like a child needing protection every step along the way annoyed you—and what if his intention wasn't to protect you? your head can only spin with theories and speculations.
you unlock your phone again, and hit send on the last message you typed out.
your father wanted to have dinner with you tonight, alongside sicheng, of course. and you know now after sitting down to begin your meal, he really wanted to have dinner with sicheng tonight.
"any updates?" your father directed the inquiry towards your bodyguard.
the three of you are sat on a long, oval table. your father sitting at one end, and you and sicheng sitting across from him, sharing the other end. the candelabra stands in between you and your father in the middle.
"no, not yet, sir. we're still trying to investigate the intent behind yesterday's actions."
he finishes his sentence before continuing to cut into his ribeye. you sit adjacent to him, observing every movement he takes. as he stabs into the meat with his fork and brings it up into his mouth. he sets his fork down on the edge of the plate, bringing the napkin laid flat on his lap up as he chews.
"yn, you're not hungry?" your father's voice booms from across the room, breaking your attention away from sicheng.
you look down at your plate, barely touched aside from you swirling the sauce around. "no, i'm afraid not." you set down the fork that you have been toying with flat on the tablecloth. you pull the napkin from your lap and place it on the other side of your plate. standing up, you voice, "i'm a bit weary tonight." you spot sicheng shifting to get up from his seat in your peripheral, "no, no, please finish dinner. father, would you excuse me?"
"well... of course," with your father's approval, sicheng sits back down. you turn around, the heels you're wearing click at a steady pace as you're headed for the doors.
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you haven't spoken directly to sicheng since dinner last night. the whole of today you spent cooped up in the library. that's not to say that you were being passive, though.
you haven't forgotten about dejun's invitation for drinks tonight—you just needed the perfect cover.
it's around 8pm, your maids have come and gone bringing you food and tea from time to time. you glance at the grandfather clock propped up against the wall in between all the bookshelves.
you slide the book that you've held in your hands back into its spot on the shelf. rather than actually reading it, your eyes have been skimming the pages and the words scattered throughout absent-mindedly. you turn your plan over around in your mind as you did so, and you have been for the past few hours, at least.
you drag your feet over the wooden floorboards of the library and crack open the doors. you peak your head out into the crack, then the rest of your body follows. oddly enough, sicheng isn't standing right in front of the room.
like a stereotypical action movie, you give the hallways a quick glance in one direction, then the other. you've never felt as much like a thief in your own home. sneaking, tiptoeing around the hallways, caution bubbling in every part of you.
when you reach your bedroom doors, footsteps sound behind you.
the looming presence of someone else doesn't speak, the only indication of them even being there is the shadow of them casted over your own feet.
you turn around, and you're met with the face that you've come to expect these past few days. "i'm... having an early night in."
sicheng's expression is unfaltering. the return of his stoicism makes you feel like a schoolchild being reprimanded by some vague authority figure; desperate to give more and more answers, to keep speaking and reasoning.
he watches your frozen body, as if you'd been caught doing something you're not supposed to, when in reality you're just stood outside of the doors to your own bedroom. "just thought i'd tell you," you add.
"well, don't let me stop you." his torso leans forward ever so slightly, the tone of his voice catching on the edge of a faint whisper.
the handle of the door clicks as you push onto it. when you look back to shut it, sicheng repositions himself with his back to the wall that lines the outside of your room.
once you're completely alone, you strip yourself of the sleeping clothes that you'd been wearing for entirety of today immediately and go over to your closet where you'd already hung up an outfit that you picked out last night.
you slip it on hastily: a tight fitting camisole top with a miniskirt, paired with some knee high leather boots and an oversized jacket for warmth. most of this outfit doesn't even look like it belongs to you. the people in your life knows you for wearing pretty dresses and skirts that reach your knees at least, but if tonight's going to be anything close to fun, then you need to look the part. you can't afford sticking out like a sore thumb, especially in district 119.
you'd texted your friends—or rather xiaojun, and his friends—earlier, asking if they could park right outside the gazebo at the far end of the garden, waiting for you to show up. this plan has worked precisely 2 times before with a 100% success rate, and you're counting on it working for a third time.
you would open the doors to your balcony, climb over the balustrade and scale your way downwards on the water pipe right next to your balcony landing. the garden wasn't fenced in like the front of the house. after all, this house was on private land belonging to your father; anyone who tried to trespass would've been seen by at least one person working on the property. so, it was an easy enough escape from the garden compared to your exit route down from your room.
you walk through the gazebo, hands tucked into the pockets of your jacket as you try to shake the cold of the night off of you. dejun's suv is there, headlights off.
they must've seen you even in the dark, because once you're about a step or two away, the passenger door to the suv swings open—dejun himself in the driver's seat.
after finding a quick place to park, you and the group walk a block to where the club is, having had a drink or two on the way here.
the streets are anything but quiet. the heavy void of the sky sits atop the city like a dome, the neon signs colouring the deep blue like a palette of dulled paint. the closer and closer you get to the club, the music already begins to boom from within. laughter erupts from the rest of the group from a joke that you missed.
a pair stands right outside the entrance of the club, one of them leaning against the brick wall whilst the other squats; cigarettes in both their hands. you hold your breath as you walk right into a fresh cloud of smoke, courtesy of the man standing up.
on one hand, you want to let loose tonight; have fun. but on the other, you can't help but wonder if you were meticulous enough, or even at all. there's no guarantee that sicheng wouldn't just open your door and find that you are nowhere within the vicinity. but he wouldn't for no reason, you try to calm your racing mind.
you find yourself at the back of the pack, watching everyone in front of you filter into the entrance, disappearing into the darkness surrounded by a rectangular frame.
dejun is right in front of you, he takes note of your hesitation. he comes back down from the steps leading to the entrance stopping right next to you.
lowering his head, he looks at you through his brows, "don't tell me you're gonna pussy out when you're right outside."
you try to dismiss the doubts flaring around in your head. "you wish. drinks still on you, right?" you shoot him a quick wink, then stride up the steps and like others before you, submerge into the darkness.
and immediately, flashing lights take over the darkness. a neon green fog floats just above the floor. a circular platform stands in the middle of the club with a metal pole going through the centre of it. the club itself is a lot bigger than you'd imagined, given what the exterior of it looked like. circle booths surround the platform and smaller ones are peppered all throughout. the ceiling is tall with decorative vines and ivies hanging from it, not low enough for anyone to reach. 2 bartenders stand behind the bar, busying themselves with orders upon orders for a room of, what looks to be about 200 people. a small, spiralled staircase stands to the right of the bar, leading to what resembles a loft platform with people drinking and laughing up on it.
it's as if your feet are stuck to the ground as you take in the scene before you. dejun places a hand on the small of your back. he utters right by your ear, "come on, that way," as he guides you towards one of the bigger booths right in front of the platform.
you plop down on the red leather couch, warmed against the back of your thigh.
remixes of popular songs blast unapologetically out of the speakers that lined every few inches of the walls. you can hardly hear the people in front of you speaking, debating what drinks to get first. you lean forward, wanting to get an in on what they're discussing. shots, shots, shots. after a word or two from dejun, everyone agrees that they should do shots first. melon flavoured, to be exact.
dejun vanishes into the group of people crowding around the bar.
"so, yn, how's leaving your house for the first time ever?" one of dejun's friends sprouts up.
you can feel your breathing pick up its pace. you weren't expecting much conversation seeing as 'friends' isn't exactly the label you'd put on these people, with the exception being dejun, and maybe hendery.
"great actually, thanks." you slide back into your spot on the booth, only slightly cramped with the amount of people sharing one area.
hendery lands a punch on the guy's arm, "watch how you speak to our princess." a smirk picks up on the guy's lips as hendery finishes his sentence, his tongue poking into the crevice of his cheek.
and just as quickly as the attention turned to you, it leaves you even faster. comments are thrown around about the female bartender.
"hendery, i'll give you £100 if you don't ask for her number tonight," someone chimed.
hendery quickly steals a glance at his phone before returning his eyes to the bettor, "i guess we're not leaving until after midnight, then." he sits back, throwing an arm around the girl next to him.
dejun makes his way back, hands holding as many shots as he could—which was 8. not all of them were filled equally, which you can only assume was attributed to dejun's bumping into people as he was on his way back. the small glasses were filled with a somewhat cloudy liquid. everyone picked up a shot as he set them down on the glass table, including you.
"to xiaojun bankrolling us!" a voice chirped up with a glass in the air. everyone else followed with a chorus of cheers, clinking the shots together before tipping their heads back and downing it.
as you swallow, there's a hint of sweetness from the melon flavour but the vodka is inescapable. you can feel it travel all the way with a burn down your oesophagus until it settles in your stomach, a heat spreading from it.
the overwhelming boom of the music does not phase you anymore. you are past the point of hazy where the only thing you can comprehend is what is immediately happening in front of you. object permanence? gone.
for the past few hours, you and the rest of the group you came here with downed shot after shot, drank beer after beer. no matter how high your tolerance was, tonight definitely pushed you over that line.
"xiaojun!" you shout across to your friend at the bar. he acknowledges you with a quick wave of his hand.
the others have their arms around each other's shoulders, foundering as they approach the exit. you lean against one of the walls right in front of the fog machine, waiting for dejun.
"come on, yn!" one of the girls shout, grabbing your wrist in her hands and linking you to the rest of the group. dejun finally makes his way back over, and instinctually you fling an arm around him, too.
the bunch of you look ridiculous; grown adults stumbling their way out of a club in the dark. half present smiles seemingly glued onto your faces. all of you count together as one by one, you take the couple of steps down onto the pavement.
once back on the street, you open your eyes to more than just a squint. the road looks the same as before. time has no effect on this district, neon signs still alight with strangers roaming the streets at any hour of the day. you bask in the warm orange glow of the lamp post directly above you, and you scan around for dejun's suv.
and that's when you see something across the road.
a tall, lean figure slanted against the hood of a car. you recognise his posture all too well.
oh shit. shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
you'd gotten so carried away tonight that you completely forgot that you weren't even supposed to be here. the drinks flushed every doubt, every worry out of your mind. it is only when your eyes see sicheng standing right across the road from you, and your mind consciously registers that, that every thing you tried to forget comes rushing back to you.
"xiaojun," you mutter under your breath, but he's not entirely in it, either.
sicheng spots the group of you, head tilted, and that's the moment he recognises you, in an outfit he'd never seen you in before, around people that he has seen before. he pushes himself off of the hood and crosses the road. you have exactly 3 seconds before you're done for.
the night is blustery, gentle, but breezy nonetheless. he's wearing a white button up with his sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone. as he's making his way towards you, his hands are tucked into the pockets of his trousers.
sicheng takes 3 steps onto the pavement that you're on, and you are met face to face with the guard that you attempted to escape tonight. he quickly eyes the rest of your group, too drunk to even comprehend what is happening and who he is. a misstep happens and three of them stumble, fall, and stack on top of one another. they laugh it off.
he returns his gaze to you. "miss ln."
it's magical the way you suddenly feel sober. confrontation is one hell of an antidote. "listen," you breathe out. but it's no use, even you know it.
sicheng spares you no pity. "shall we head home?"
you don't know what you prefer: him still being cool and calm and collected, or have him be so seethingly furious with you like your father would be. in that moment, you decide that his reaction is much worse. how can he stand there with the state of you like this and still ask such a question with a steeled face? does he not care?
you look over to dejun, who has now walked around you to help his other friends get up.
trying to make up your mind whether to plead your case in that moment, there is something else that you can decide easier. going home with sicheng. there's no use fighting it, and frankly, you didn't want to. so, you take a step, passing by where sicheng stood in front of you, and then another, and until you're across the road about to get into the car. your friends left on the curb—they'll manage, you figured.
your body can't help but shake as you step into the passenger seat. a jittery feeling overtakes you. do you explain? do you not? what even is the explanation?
sicheng gets into the driver seat. he turns on the engine, back up from the parking spot, and begins to drive off, doing this all without a word.
you steal a glance over at him, not wanting to appear too sheepish. a sudden apologetic sentiment freezes your body, but that same feeling quickly turns sour. you open your mouth to speak, but no noise leaves you. quickly, you snap your head back around and lean against the window. the quietness of the car ride has you feeling all the effects of the events tonight.
"you didn't think i'd know?"
your eyes shift over. sicheng's focus is entirely on the road, hands gripping the steering wheel so hard that the veins on his arms are prominent under the moonlight. he might not sound angry, but his body language gives it away.
"no, i thought..." you take a deep breath in. "i don't know what i thought," you finally admit.
if he'd heard your answer, he gave no indication of it. he continues driving, fingers still clenched tightly around the wheel. his silence lingers around for a good few minutes. no music, nothing; just the sound of the friction of the tyres speeding against tarmac.
"if something had happened to you, do you know what that means? for all of us?" he asks, in a tone that's more or less condescending.
you stay quiet—you didn't see a point in arguing your case. or maybe it was just the alcohol taking the fight out of you, the steady rocking of the ride seem to begin to lull you to sleep.
the rest of the car ride home was silent. sicheng's grip never loosened. and you can tell none of his frustration dissipated by the way he slammed the car door shut.
as noiselessly as possible, the two of you slide in through the main doors into the foyer. you pull on the heels of your boots to take them off, struggling with your balance slightly. as you're about to make your way up to your room with your boots in your hands, sicheng stops you with one statement.
"i won't tell your father."
you turn, feeling a disjointed mix of emotions. you're relieved, but confused...? and grateful, but suspicious. "why?" you bluntly ask, questioning his ulterior motives if he has any.
sicheng takes a deep breath in and rolls his head to his left side. he takes a single step towards you. the rest of the house is dark, the only light being from the two sconces on either sides of the foyer. as he looks into your eyes, his irises are two swirling rings of mystery. you can never guess what he's thinking.
"because it won't look good on either one of us," he whispers. "if you wanted to go out, you could've just told me and i would've helped you," he added, now with a certain softness breaking into his gaze.
your focus shifts from one eye to the other. sicheng can read every wrinkle in your brow and every glint of confusion in your stare. what are you supposed to make of the fact that the man your father hired to watch you like a hawk is willing to help you get up to things your father will never approve of?
"but why?"
it's as if the drinks had broken down your every guard, every filter that you're so used to imposing on yourself. the bluntness in your tone is something even you didn't recognise.
"tonight proved that you would sneak out regardless of circumstances. so, why not tell me so i can at least keep you as safe as i can?"
sicheng finds himself exploring every inch of your face with his gaze, studying the smudged eyeliner and lipstick on you, before meeting your eyes again. he continues, "i have a job to do, you know?"
it seems as though you're not the only one with a broken down barrier. the formality in which he normally speaks with is nowhere to be heard.
"and why should i trust you?" there's an edge in your voice that makes the question come out as offensive. "i can't," you quickly add before he even has a chance to reply.
and now it's his turn to be stumped. your sudden change in attitude evokes a return of the wince in his eyebrows. "what do you mean?" he falters.
"i heard you yesterday." your head shakes, the clear of your eyes glisten with a lack of faith. "what am i supposed to think of you when you're actively hiding something from me?"
it's like a wave of realisation hits sicheng. he recalls the phone call that he took yesterday, and realises what you must've overheard. it takes him a few seconds to collect his thoughts together.
"you can't possibly think that i would want to harm you."
"i don't know you!" you exclaim, maybe a bit too loud for this hour. "you waltz into my life and tell me that you're trying to save me, but i don't know you."
sicheng exhales and drops his head. his chest rises slowly as he takes in a deep lungful of air. "i didn't want to tell you because i didn't want you to feel... betrayed."
your body language communicates all there is to say. you urge him to go on with a shake of your head and a furrowing in your eyebrows.
"we have reason to believe that..." his voice is small, and soft, as if he's laying down cushioning for telling a child that santa claus isn't real. "the person threatening you runs in your immediate coterie."
your friends. that's what he's hinting at, that's what he's explicitly telling you right now. that possibly someone you went out with tonight have reason to threaten you. sicheng thought that telling you now would diffuse the situation, but in fact, it does the opposite.
"isn't that all the more reason for me to know? and you hid it from me for w-"
"yn," he corrects his slip of words, "miss ln." he cuts you off ever so calmly, "i understand that emotions are heightened right now. i think it's best we talk in the morning."
a knot works its way up into your own chest. your frustration is fuelled even more by his coolness. you stare at his ridiculously poised expression, and in that moment, you give up trying to argue.
you finally begin to walk up the stairs, with your boots still in your hands, ready to crash and give out onto your bed.
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you wake up the next morning, or rather the same morning, with a throbbing pain in your head. one of your ears feels blocked and no matter what you do to try and make it so that noise isn't muffled as it filters into your ear, it doesn't work.
in the bathroom, you stare at your reflection and are in shock over how badly you removed your makeup last night. eyeliner stains the corners of your eyelids, patches of concealer are still on the sides of your face. you turn on the faucet, wait for it to become warmer, and scrub the remainder of the products off of your face.
in the midst of washing your face, you realise that you haven't had a proper meal since yesterday afternoon, as signalled by a grumbling in your stomach.
as discreetly as possible, you try to get out of your room, taking a gentle step out onto the hallway. you're not entirely sure why you needed to be stealthy, perhaps it's just the aftereffects of last night.
however, your plan to be concealed quickly falls to shambles as sicheng is, as always, guarding your door outside and your father is walking down the hallway heading in your direction. your heart starts to beat faster and faster; if sicheng didn't stick by his words last night then you are dead for all you know. that conversation you had in the foyer didn't leave your mind even for a second when you tried to fall asleep earlier, and you plan on following up on that talk he offered you.
your father reaches your room and stops to take one look at you.
"goodmorning, father." you utter. a tinge of sheepishness can't help but crawl onto the apples of your cheeks.
"goodmorning, dear," he stretches a warm smile directed towards you, and gives a simple nod of the head to sicheng.
so he didn't lie. that's the first thought following your relief that your father isn't absolutely furious with you. you glance at sicheng as your father walks past you continuing his way down the hallway. he flashes you an expression, one that says, 'what did i tell you?'
sicheng keeps his eyes on your father and as soon as he's out of earshot, he mutters, "surprised?"
a look of almost disbelief takes over you. the nerve on this guy. your heart almost jumped out of your chest and he has the cockiness to make a remark like that.
"stop fucking with me. you still owe me an explanation."
sicheng says with a simple shrug, "i've told you everything i know."
before you can speak back and challenge him, one of your housemaids yell out your name from the foyer.
you quickly make your way downstairs with sicheng following right behind you.
you spot priscilla kneeling down to pick up a package left right in front of the doors to the house. "what is it, priscilla?" you ask, as she begins to stand up again.
"i'm not sure—but it's addressed to you, miss," she responds, reading the tag tied to the parcel with a thin ribbon.
it's odd enough that a package made its way directly onto your doorsteps since the mail that you and your father receive are usually intercepted and collected at the mail room, or placed into your father's study. it's even more strange that it's directly addressed to you with your name typed and printed out in a sans-serif font.
you hold the box in one hand as your other goes to unravel the ribbon. you pull the knot through, and the box undoes itself. the 4 walls fall down revealing another note with your name on it, this time handwritten in a sparkly, gold paint.
you pick the note up and twirl it around with your fingers. sure enough, there's a message for you on the back. it looks like it was typed out on a traditional typewriter, it reads: "next time, i'll have your pretty head along with it" signed with kisses.
you suck in a sharp breath, a shock dawning on you. you look down at the opened box, under the note was a cushioning of tissue paper along with one earring. it took you a few seconds to study the singular earring, then it hits you: the pearl earring that you lost at the gala. your fingers begin to tremble, and sicheng watches as you're overcome with theories and conclusions.
he snatches the note from your hands, eyes scanning every word hastily and sees the earring in the box. it doesn't take him time to put two and two together.
immediately, he voices, "priscilla, did you see who left this outside?"
"no, uh, i opened the door because there was a knock and as soon as i saw the parcel with miss ln's name on it, i called for her." priscilla is evidently taken aback by the sharpness of sicheng's voice. her gestures are overt as she explains the situation.
sicheng pulls his phone out and his thumbs slide over the bottom part of his screen as he swiftly sends out a message.
he turns to you, "i'll go look over security footage right now. yn, go back up to your room." he motions over at priscilla as if to tell her that you needed to be escorted upstairs.
usually, you wouldn't just blindly listen to what anyone tells you, but your mind is running at 100 miles per hour. you recognise that gold paint, the writing, the flicks and hairline strokes that stylised your name. you've received a note from the same person before. only that last time, it wasn't as explicit a threat as it is this time.
you haven't stepped foot out of your room since sicheng told you to go back this morning. your maids have come up with breakfast and lunch earlier, but now it's well past dinner time, and the food outside your door remains untouched. the sky outside is darkening, with some rogue streaks of orange and pink as the sun dips below the horizon.
nonstop, you've been thinking it over and over in your head. putting together what sicheng told you and what you know yourself. someone close enough to you is threatening your life—but why? sure, there's the obvious reason that in a matter of days, you may possibly take over your father's title of mayor, but who would risk so much to send you a petty note? and everyone in your circle has a good enough status; what would they have to gain from this? surely, there's a blind spot that you must be missing.
your train of thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a knock at your door.
"come in!"
sicheng walks in to find you curled up in bed, knees tucked against your chest. he glances backwards briefly before closing the door behind him, "you didn't eat?"
"i'm not hungry."
you notice that he's not wearing his usual attire. a thin t-shirt covers his torso, and his regular slack pants are replaced by loose-fitting joggers. his footsteps are muted as he approaches you. there seems to be a debate in his mind whether or not he should be approaching you as he stops with at least 10 feet of space in between you and him.
"did you need me for something?" you mutter, patience thinning out on the edge of your voice.
you watch as he opens his mouth, but a response fails to be conjured up without a pause. "no, i just wanted to check on you."
you throw your blanket off of your feet and push yourself off the bed. the distance that sicheng left between the two of you disappears as you draw nearer to him.
you're not entirely sure what to do, or what to say. you look up at him and he returns your gaze. a breath hitches within you that you try your best to stifle. a knot forms in your throat and you swallow hard, dropping your eyes from sicheng.
"hey," he murmurs airily, bringing his hand up to your face. sicheng stops just short of cupping your face in his palms. you reach for his hand, taking it into your own, and he takes that as a sign to delicately graze your cheek with the side of his thumb. the lightness of his touch floats over your skin. "you're okay," he reassures you with a whisper.
it's hard to pinpoint what it is that you're feeling. there were books and lessons when you were growing up on how to be well-mannered, how to hone in your etiquettes, but there were never any rulebooks to teach you how to feel. especially, in a situation like this. how do we know if there's a right way to process our complexities?
you lean into sicheng's touch. "what can i do for you right now?" his tone coming off as a genuine offer of comfort, rather than him sounding like he is indebted to you.
finally, you lift your head, eyes running up against sicheng until it lands onto his again. "just stay with me tonight," though you meant it as a statement, bordering on an order, it ekes out of you with an uncertainty.
he nods, mouthing a soft 'okay.'
with his hand in your grip, you lead him to the edge of your bed. you can feel the hesitance in him, but he doesn't outright stop in his tracks. sliding into your covers, you shuffle over to make room for sicheng. admittedly, he didn't think this was what you meant when you asked him to stay with you tonight. he thought that he would just spend another night in the chair next to your bed, like he did before, but no.
you sit up against the headboard.
"you're... comfortable with this?" his voice is softer than dusk.
you nod, and with that, he slowly slides into your bed, a respectable distance between the two of you.
sicheng lays on his back, one hand behind his hand as you shift closer to him. though he tries his best to hide it on his face, the beating of his heart gives him away when you lay a hand over on his chest.
he rolls onto the arm closer to you, now face to face with you on the bed, leaving your hand in front of his chest on the mattress. he looks at you with a lustre in his eyes, the strong arches of his brows soften and his eyelids flutter.
you're close enough that you can hear the rhythm of his breathing and feel the warmth of his body against you. your fingers inch back onto his chest, running over the fabric of his shirt delicately, and onto his jawline. the tips of your index finger skim the contour of his chin, and up along his cheekbone. your eyes follow your fleeting touch against his face when it runs back down to the corner of his lips.
there's a few seconds in between you inching closer and closer to sicheng, and him whispering.
"we can't."
you stop—your breathing stops as well.
though you don't voice it out loud, the look in your eyes expresses every ounce of regret that you feel. your hand stiffens on sicheng's face, your fingers resting on the edge of his jaw.
his gaze flickers in between your eyes and your lips. it stays on your lips for a moment longer.
"i can't kiss you like we're lovers, when we're not."
the last three words slip out from his lips breathier than the rest.
you draw your body even closer to sicheng's, until there's only a sliver of empty space in between you.
"then, don't kiss me."
you plant a soft peck on his bare neck, and he can't bite back the tiny hum he lets slip. your lips stick to the warmth of his skin, a saltiness to it mixed with the clean scent of his cologne. simultaneously, he tucks your hair behind your ear, fingers laid flat on the nape of your neck as he pulls you in closer.
his hand runs down the side of you, finding a spot on your waist which he grips onto tighter. your teeth grazes against a vein in his neck and a groan catches in his throat.
your hips seem to have a mind of their own as they start swaying forwards, colliding with sicheng's thighs. "what are you doing to me?" he mumbles under his breath, so faintly that you nearly couldn't make it out over your own humming against his neck.
sicheng is overtaken by instinct. his hand find its way between your thighs, sliding up and down over the softness of your skin. you can't help the purrs of approval that tumble out of you involuntarily.
his fingers trace soft, soft rings on the inside of your thighs, stopping just an inch below the hem of your shorts. whatever you've started, you needed to have more of it. you pull your lips away from him and wrap your fingers around his wrist that hovered so close to the heat pooling underneath you. if he wasn't going to touch you, you'd rather have him not tease you at all.
sicheng looks at you through half-lidded eyes with a faint tug on his lips, "put my hand where you want it."
you drag his hand an inch upwards, and almost naturally, sicheng finds his fingers slipping under the fabric of your shorts. "fuck," he breathes out. "you're not wearing anything underneath?" you smirk, unable to say anything because if you did, he would know how insane the raspiness in his voice drove you.
the tips of his fingers trace along the folds of your cunt, smearing your wetness all over. your breath escapes you shakily, and he revels at the sight of you. god. he knew you were pretty but you've never looked prettier than when you're squirming under his touch.
he rubs a loose circle around your clit with his middle finger, eyes steadily watching your every expression. your whole body is electrified. you feel as though you've come alive just from his touch. then, he draws another. you sink your teeth down into your bottom lip, trying to keep your breathing at a constant. the hand that you have wrapped around his wrist untightens itself and it runs up sicheng's arm, nails digging themselves into his bicep as his fingers move faster and faster on you.
then, they slow right back down. your eyelids shutter open fully, looking at him watching you with a gentleness.
he eases one finger inside of you, engulfed into your warmth. a gasp falls upon you quickly followed by a moan, which sicheng muffles with his other hand. he shushes, "you can hold it in, can't you?" you nod your head against his hand covering your lips. so badly, you want to just scream out his name, but you can't.
then, he slides another finger inside. the two of them drag up and down your heated walls, coated in a slickness. you struggle to keep from sounding out noises that ultimately gets caught in your throat. you pull his hand down from your mouth, managing a breathy, "fuck, sicheng."
he continues shushing you, balanced out with a subdued, "i know, i know." the length of his fingers carries on diving deeper and deeper into you, his thumb working small loops on your clit. you can't help but grind down against his hand, meeting him halfway with every stroke. your own fingers replaces his thumb, rubbing so relentlessly that it makes you throw your head back.
you begin to feel a tightening in your core. each moan that comes out of you is strained and muffled, your sealed lips pressing together so hard that it starts to become numb. "i'm so close," you try to voice out but a broken string of whimpers fall out instead.
your knees impulsively push themselves together, trapping sicheng's hand in between your thighs. "yeah, like that, baby. just like that," he picks up the pace in which he plunges his fingers in and out of you, "keep it quiet, though, okay?"
at this point, you've lost focus on what he's saying. the only thing on your mind is how good his fingers feel inside of you, and the violent pressure that your own fingers are exerting isn't helping. your arm is starting to ache when you finally begin to feel the release in your core. the knot tied in your stomach falls apart and so do you. your hand stops and grabs onto sicheng's wrist again. each moan that's knocked out of you quickly transitions into you panting for air. all sicheng can do is caress your cheek as you slowly come down and steady yourself again against his embrace.
you lay there next to him as you're catching your breath. sicheng comforts you with words that you can't quite hear. you take his hand up to your face, fully shutting your legs together, and lick the slickness off of his fingers. he watches you with a groan as you take his fingers into the hollows of your cheeks. you pull his hand away slowly, and when your lips close together, he lets go of a deep sigh.
sicheng looks deeply into your eyes, the faintest trace of satisfaction visible on his face. "get some rest now, okay?"
a part of you doesn't want to just stop now, but the other part of you is worn out beyond repair, not just from this. your post-orgasm crash wears over you like a spell putting you to sleep, and you have no will left to fight it. so, before you know it, you drift off to sleep with sicheng's arms wrapped tightly around you and your face pressed up against his chest.
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he wasn't supposed to and he wasn't planning to, but sicheng dozed off last night with you cuddled up against him. the only thought running through his head this morning: i fucked up. and that's only taking into account that he literally slept with you next to him.
the chorus of bird chirps sounds aloud from out in the garden. the bright symphonies fill the morning air.
as slowly as he can, he pulls his arm back from underneath you, a tingling feeling spreading from where your head laid upon it. hushedly, he slides his legs off of the edge of the bed, trying not to wake you. he stands up, and his movements are halted by a hum from you.
your eyes peer open, and sicheng is glancing back at you. "morning," he clears his throat, "i didn't want to wake you."
"it's alright," your voice scratches. you push yourself onto your palms and sit up, straightening your back. "um," you stutter out, looking around your bed to avoid any eye contact. there's an unspoken tension between you and sicheng that you can sense right away.
sicheng presses his thumb into the palm of his opposite hand and echoes your filler words.
you want to ask out loud, 'why is it so awkward?' but that will probably do nothing to help ease the atmosphere.
sicheng breaks the silence, "i shouldn't have... came in last night."
your eyes dart towards him, but he's looking down at your sheets. is it bad that you felt a sinking in your chest right as he said that? you didn't think you regretted what happened, but maybe you should given what sicheng's stance on it is.
"i don't..." you trail off, unable to finish the rest of your thought.
"it was my mistake. we don't... have to talk about it."
"is that what it was to you? a mistake?" words take over you before your rational thinking can catch up. if you really slowed down and thought it over, his words probably didn't warrant as much of a reaction, but in the moment, you're hurt and that's all you can focus on.
"no, i mean," sicheng struggles to find the proper words to expand on his point. as he opens his mouth again to speak, he's interrupted by someone else knocking at your door.
the knock is closely followed by a call out of your name, "miss ln!"
it distracts you from the conversation, but sicheng's comment is actively sitting on the back burner of your mind. "yes?" you return.
"your father has arranged some prior engagements for you. your chauffeur is waiting for whenever you're ready."
you can't help but let out your frustration in the form of a quiet 'ugh,' before going back and thanking the messenger, which they then dismiss themselves.
you're not in the mood for whatever errand your father has arranged for you. one, because your body is so physically tired out for some reason that even getting up out of bed will take a substantial amount of effort, and two, sicheng will follow you to whatever activity and there won't be a conclusion to this conversation you're having because there's no way you're willing to discuss this in public.
sicheng speaks up after the footsteps travel away from outside your bedroom door, "i'll leave you to get ready."
but sicheng completely disregards you, and leaves you alone in your room.
turns out that the 'errand' your father has planned for you was to pick out a few outfits from the atelier. this past week you've been so preoccupied busying yourself with activities that you haven't fully recognised that your father will officially announce you as his successor in a couple days' time. that means more responsibilities, more problems. you don't know if you're fully prepared for it, but it was never up to you; it never has been.
you posed like a mannequin for the seamstress for a good couple of hours. every blazer and every skirt being tailored to fit you perfectly. sicheng sat in the beige couch in the corner watching patiently as she took in your measurements, held up garment after garment up to you in the mirror, and finally was content with what she had created for you.
by the time you were done, you had a handful of bags in each hand, each containing a new bespoke outfit made just for you.
you're walking out of the studio with your new belongings in your hands, sicheng opening the door for you. the designer bids you an affectionate goodbye and you step out onto the concrete, heading for your ride parked in the middle of the lot.
during the whole of this visit, sicheng hasn't said a word to you. and vice versa. so when he's the first to say something, you try to look at him with an indifference in your expression.
"let me carry the bags," he offers.
"i'm alright, thank you."
you'd be lying if you said you weren't at least a little bit upset with him. although you knew there's nothing to be achieved from petty displays of stubbornness, you wanted him to have a taste of his own medicine: his nonchalance, and frankly apathetic attitude.
he doesn't challenge you, perhaps he knows better than to do exactly that. his footsteps trail behind you as you approach the car. your chauffeur pulls open the door to the backseats for you before returning to the driver's seat. sicheng simply observes as you begin to load in the bags, not wanting to tick you off even more by helping.
he catches a flare in the mirror image of the window panes all the way up on the rooftop of a nearby building. he swivels his head around, looking directly at where the spark was in the reflection. his throat tightens.
"yn, get in the car." the calmness in his voice wasn't something you weren't used to, but as you turn and find him fixated at a spot up on a roof, an alarm starts ringing in your head. "now."
you jump up onto the ledge of the footboard and hop inside with a slight panic. sicheng grabs all the remaining bags and throws it in with you. he hastily slams the back door shut and turns his focus towards that same spot again. you can barely see out of the tinted panes, but you think you hear a distant pop and sicheng's body jerks, curving his spine inwards. he clambers into the front seat, a hint of franticness in his movements. the passenger door shuts with a crash and sicheng flings his head back against the headrest.
"drive. go, now." he tells the chauffeur, clearly in a state of confusion, but he listens to sicheng. his voice is weak and breathy, like he just ran a marathon.
you push your way up to the space in between the front seats. "sicheng... what happened?" apprehension sounding out in your words.
he gives a faint shake of the head, his hand gripping tightly onto the fabric over his shoulder as he swallows a lump in his throat. you mutter a faint, 'oh my god,' under your breath as you go to pull his hand away.
sicheng breathes deeper and deeper. you uncover a small hole in his shirt, the edges splayed out with raw threads hanging off of it.
"i'm okay," he exhales. does he know how ridiculous he sounds?
a wave of distress suddenly overtakes you. "you're-"
"don't worry, i'm okay."
half of your mind has gone blank, and the other half is still stuck in 5 minutes ago before whatever happened, happened. words tumble out of you, laced with confusion and unease.
as soon as you arrive home, you barge in telling your housemaids to call over your doctor. sicheng has one arm wrapped around the chauffeur as he inches in with his help, his other arm limp by his side.
everything blurs past you.
sicheng is set down on the long leather couch, laying against the arm as he holds his shoulder. someone pushes past you to tend to sicheng's injuries, and all you can do is stand and stare.
you sit on the other end of the couch watching as the nurse is wrapping bandage around sicheng's shoulder, his torso completely bare. he grunts as she pulls tighter on the strip looping underneath his arm.
"you're lucky it didn't hit you in the ribs, or it'd be a lot worse."
sicheng mutters a soft, 'i know,' sucking in a steady breath.
the bullet sits in a tray next to the couch, completely clean, the light ricochets off of it and it gleams.
you look back over to sicheng, a deep burgundy already seeping its way underneath his skin. if it weren't for the bulletproof undershirt he was wearing, you'd be looking at admitting him into the ER. still, he's not completely devoid of any injuries.
the nurse said that aside from bruising, he had a fracture to his collarbone. "it should heal on its own anywhere in between 6 to 12 weeks."
you nod, and she gives you a brief smile before she helps fasten the sling around sicheng's neck and begins packing up her kit.
several sets of footsteps approach the doorway to the guest room that sicheng was set down in. you don't look over, eyes fixated on sicheng as he winces at any slight movement that he does affecting his injured collarbone.
the footsteps move in closer and closer to you. sicheng hears them as well and opens his eyes. "sir," he manages gravelly.
you and the nurse simultaneously look up, and there you see your father with his assistant a few steps behind him. he nods towards the nurse.
"the doctor couldn't make it on such short notice, but mr. dong's injuries are mild. i've already informed miss ln of mr. dong's condition," the nurse explains to your father.
"thank you for your help," your father tells the nurse. she picks up the kit that she brought with her and bows her head before leaving the room.
the expression on your father's face is ambiguous to say the least.
sicheng takes your father's silence as an opportunity, "i should've been more careful. i'm sorry..."
your father inhales shakily, "it was too close, yes." he looks over at you sitting on the couch, then back at sicheng, "but yn wasn't injured, and i have you to thank for that."
"it's my duty," sicheng simply responds.
your father gives him a satisfied smile. "take some time to rest, i'll have someone else look over your responsibilities for now."
with that, your father and his assistant leaves you and sicheng alone in the guest room, now allocated for his recovery.
you haven't said a word to him since the car ride back.
you sit on the edge of the couch, palms planted flat on either side of you. "does it hurt?" you look over, and sicheng leans on the sofa back, his injured arm suspended in a black mesh sling. his eyes are closed as he takes in a heavy breath after another.
he opens his eyes up to a squint, glancing over at you. "a bit," you think he's gone insane when you see a slight tug at the corner of his mouth.
you shift over towards sicheng, his unwounded shoulder being closer to you. the bandages the nurse had wrapped him up in doesn't entirely cover up his bruising. a gradient of pink, red, and purple spreads over atop his pecs. your fingers trace over his abdomen, hovering when you draw near his injury. "you scared me," you whisper.
"i know," sicheng says, "i'm sorry."
"why would you do that?"
he looks at you, a dazedness in his eyes, "do what?"
"take a bullet like that." you gulp, feeling the coarseness in your throat.
sicheng expels a weak chuckle. "to be honest, i didn't think i would." you peer at him with a tilt of your head. "i was so focused on you not getting hurt, but now that i think about it..."
he trails off.
"what?" you prompt gently.
"i don't think they were aiming at you."
your eyebrows raise themselves gingerly.
"i mean, they had every opportunity to... shoot you, but they didn't. with the time it took me to even notice them, they could've gotten the job done and vanished."
you realise what sicheng's implying. and you suppose he is right. thinking it over in your head, your reaction wasn't the fastest, given the state of shock and confusion that you were in. so, that means they were gunning for sicheng. but why?
he carries on, "and with where the bullet hit me—it was nowhere even near where you were stood." he shakes his head, "it just doesn't make sense."
"so, why?"
"i mean, i don't-"
"no. why would you ever risk yourself like this? a job like this; it surely isn't the first time you got injured."
sicheng looks at your face, so painstakingly close to his. he runs his good hand through your hair, twirling the ends of a strand in between his fingers. "it's not," he smiles weakly, but falls short of an answer to give to you.
you swallow hard. "you know, you've made it clear to me countless times that you're supposed to keep me safe... but who looks after you?"
"i can manage myself."
"i know—you're more than capable. but..." the words you're speaking has to be dragged out of you, a broken intonation. "that's not the same as looking after yourself."
he drops his gaze from yours, fingers now fidgeting and cracking his knuckles as a means of escape from this conversation.
"you don't let me kiss you, you want to forget whatever we did and dismiss it as a mistake. that's fine, but is that what you want, or is it just your guard?"
he turns his head towards yours, but still avoiding eye contact with you. for a moment, you thought he would say something, but he doesn't.
you sigh.
"just let me take care of you while your shoulder heals, okay? i'm here."
you're about to push yourself off of the couch, you lean back, but sicheng holds onto your hand. he draws you in to the spot you were at before. your faces inches apart from each other.
he whispers, his breath warm against your skin, "kiss me."
your heartbeat drums against your lungs. you slide your fingers up onto his face, pulling him in closer. and gently, you oblige.
his lips fit yours perfectly, as if you were both individually sculpted for each other. you try not to lean onto sicheng given his injury, so the most pressure you put on him is through your hands pulling him closer into you. you press your mouth against the softness of his lips, a tenderness to his movements. he breathes your scent in, and it's like it completely soothes the sharpness in his shoulder. you take him in deeper and deeper. his lips had a hint of peppermint to them, but sweeter. he let you utterly devour him against your own lips, fuelling a desire you didn't know you had in you. god, you didn't want to pull away, but your stupid, stupid lungs had to regather some air within them. and you part from him with a gentle smack.
sicheng's eyelids flutter open, like you'd just woken him from a dream. "if your father ever finds out-"
you shush him with a finger up to his mouth. and you attach your lips onto his again.
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you're deep into your sleep when you hear alerts coming in nonstop on your phone. you stayed in sicheng's room with him; he's asleep on the bed and you've decided to give him more room by taking the couch. you open your eyes groggily, the sky outside doesn't make it clear to you what time it is. reaching out onto the coffee table, your phone doesn't stop buzzing in your hand.
the brightness of the screen causes you to squint. messages roll in, from dejun. without reading the notifications first, you click onto the grey bubbles. a litter of text threads open up on your phone. ones reading, "are you okay?" and "i heard what happened," and of the like.
stiffly, you go to type in a response. you tell dejun that you're fine, briefly glossing over the situation.
the second time you wake up this morning is when you hear sicheng talking to someone just outside of his room, the conversation muffled. he shuffles back in and you're more or less glaring at him, unintentionally.
"who was that?" you strain.
"um," he lightly massages the back of his neck. "they... found the shooter. and he talked."
that instantly catches your attention. you sit up straight, and signal to sicheng to take a seat next to you on the couch.
he slowly paces himself over, his back kept upright the entire time as he sits down next to you.
"the shooter is no one special, but," he begins, an almost sheepish look on him, "he told us who sent him. and we think that it's the same person who sent you that note, with your earring."
"who?" you jump in, impatient for him to tell you.
sicheng looks into your eyes for a split second. the sky outside is still dark. half of your face is lit by the orange ember that glows out from the fireplace.
"who?" you repeated, this time a little bit louder.
"i don't know how close you are to her. rin? full name, rina lee. her dad... owed some debts to your father."
your brows furrow. rin? you've only met her once, and that was at mrs. xiao's gala. what would prompt her to threaten you to such an extreme?
"i'm sorry, it must be-"
"no- what else do you know?"
sicheng sucks in a quick breath. "well, it's rumoured that her father, mr. lee, took a loan from your father. it was never paid back... and let's say your father didn't like that."
you didn't know what to make of your emotions—what to make of yourself. did you deserve this?
subconsciously, you start shaking your head lightly. you were in denial, but of what, you didn't know.
"i'm sorry," is all sicheng can say to provide you with some semblance of solace.
"i just..." you breathe out a heavy breath, "i can't believe it."
"i know, but it'll be over, soon. you'll take on your father's role tomorrow, isn't that something to look forward to?" sicheng tries his best to divert your focus away from the news.
you scoff. and then a sigh.
"i guess."
sicheng runs a hand over your head, smoothing over your hair, "let's go back to sleep, it's still early."
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the whole of yesterday you spent getting ready, signing agreements, and attending meeting after meeting with your father. you'd spent the night before tossing and turning, unsure of if you'd be happy with this route that you're headed in.
last night, you were doing the same. tossing, turning, thinking. you never really had a choice, and it's weird how you feel apathetic towards that.
you've always lived comfortably and maybe you're just not ready for that to change yet, that's what you thought to yourself.
you woke up this morning, still a bit shaken up, mind still fuzzied from how your life has spiralled seemingly out of your control over the last week.
and now you're standing behind the drawn back curtain to the balcony, where your father's speech is being broadcasted live.
"serving as mayor to this beautiful district has been one of my greatest prides. but i'm afraid people grow old, and i am experiencing that for myself first hand."
your father's voice wavers, and it stings your cheeks a little.
"nonetheless, i know there has been rumours going around surrounding my retirement. i would like to keep this concise. today, i am officially stepping down as the mayor of district V, and appointing my daughter to serve the rest of my term." he turns towards you, hand stretching out in your direction, and you step out onto the landing.
your father steps aside to grant you some space on the podium. you take a deep breath in, before crouching down slightly to speak into the microphone.
"it is my honour to be appointed the role of mayor for a district as notable and celebrated as district V." you recite the script that your father's assistant had written for you, the syllables drilled into your brain throughout all the practices yesterday.
you remember the words that the assistant had said to you, 'this district's citizens don't care much for politics. they just want to know if they can continue living in their merry way as they did before.'
"i will see to it that this transition is as seamless as possible, and i will do my best to humbly serve each and every citizen to the best of my ability. thank you."
you back away from the podium and disappear off where it is visible on the landing. your father continues on delivering the rest of his spiel.
it's been less than a minute since you've officially accepted your new position, but you can already feel a tightening around your chest. you plop down on a chair all the way on the opposite end of the balcony, thinking it over again. is this what you want?
that's when you catch sicheng peering into the room from the hallway.
"what are you doing here? you should be resting," you jump up onto your feet.
"i didn't get to see you yesterday, so i thought i should at least congratulate you today."
you sigh, and plaster a grin onto your face, "thank you."
sicheng takes one step closer to you. "so, miss mayor, i suppose i'm no longer at your service?"
slowly, you can feel a genuine smile twinging at your lips, "you wish." you swiftly glance over at where your father is, back still facing you. you steal a quick peck from sicheng. he looks at you with his eyes wild.
"what?" you tease.
even though you're not sure the path given to you is what you want, you know that as long as sicheng is by your side, you'll manage to find joy in the little moments. the stolen kisses. and the fleeting glances.
and it's not for ever, anyway. just until this term ends.
"you are now under me," you whisper with a smirk.
humming, he raises his eyebrows with interest. "so, what's the first order of business?"
you roll your eyes. "focus on healing your shoulder up, and then we'll talk."
he leans in closer to your face, a cheeky spark in his eyes. "yes, ma'am."
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© misted-dream 2024
thank you for reading between heaven and hell ! this fic is a part of a series which you can learn more about here ! hope you enjoyed :)
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Pairings: Daisy Jones x reader, Eddie Roundtree x reader
Warnings of the chapter: spoilers of the series and the book, bad grammar, no beta we die like men
Dreams' Marterlist
"On October 4, 1977, Daisy Jones & the Six performed to a sold-out crowd at Soldier Field in Chicago Illinois. They were one of the biggest bands in the world at the time, fresh off their award-winning multiplatinum-selling album "aurora". It would be their last performance. In the 20 years since members of the band and their inner circle have refused to speak on the record about what happened... until now"
"Thanks for accepting this interview, it means a lot to me" Julia said as she entered Y/N´s living room. The space was dark and cozy, only lit up by the fireplace that was on the opposite end of the door. "You deserve to be heard and seen, and I need to know what happened, everyone needs to really"
Julia could sense y/n anxiousness, it was clear to see too, y/n was fidgeting with her hands, touching her hair, and making excuses to not sit down on the sofa and start the interview. Even tho y/n was 43, she was acting like a teenager procrastinating on doing her homework. Julia could perfectly understand her, y/n hadn´t had an interview since the Scandal that came up after the infamous Rolling Stone article that almost ended her career.
"To be honest, I don´t know if it's something I deserve, I´ve been hurt by a lot of people, yes, especially your dad. A big part of the guilt It´s also mine, I was the one that caused myself the most grief... But It is something I need, to finally close that chapter and clear the air " y/n confesses while serving them a cup of tea, her hands finally getting steady.
y/n had that graciousness that comes with being sure of your skin and accepting yourself, something she cannot say when she was younger.
"Do you wanna start somewhere? It´s there something you want me to speak about specifically? Do they even want me here speaking to you? I don´t care about painting a bad image of your dad, but I do care about the rest" y/n finally said, accepting the reality of the impending interview. She sipped her tea like she was preparing for a war to come, holding the cup for dear life.
"They all agreed to tell everything, so don´t inhibit yourself, start from the beginning" Julia said while finished putting up the camera and equipment
y/n inhaled and exhaled
Julia signaled her to start
Y/N Y/LN (sound engineer and producer of The Six, co-owner of Pheonix records): Is this on? Can you hear me? Tommy, can you hear me? (she laughs) That one never gets old, oh, you needed a sound bite, right? (she smiles quietly to herself) You need to understand, It wasn´t easy at the time, being any type of different, it was alienating, othering, you were considered a second-class citizen everywhere, and being surrounded by lucky, privileged people, only made you.... angrier.... because what was our difference really? It wasn't the talent, I was far more talented than the entirety of the six combined, and they can testify to that. It was my sexuality? my skin? my clothes? my size? my gender? my face? my personality? I don´t know, choose your pick, I only knew that instead of helping me, like a family would AND should, daisy jones and the six only brought me down.
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runwayrunway · 11 months
No. 21 - Amakusa Airlines 1999-2012
As a bit of an add-on to my Amakusa Airlines post, I wanted to point out that they did have a pre-dolphin livery. I thought I might as well discuss it in a short post, since Amakusa only has the two liveries but is very creative with them.
While it's true that Amakusa only has one airplane, perhaps surprisingly it wasn't actually always the same airplane. Pictured below is JA81AM, a Bombardier Dash 8 100 series and the inagural member of the Amakusa fleet.
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JA81AM was delivered new to Amakusa in 1999 and served until the very beginning of 2016. If you think she looks like she's wearing the same livery as their current ATR 42, JA01AM, that's because she is. I honestly think the Dash 8 wears it better, which might be because of me preferring the tail design here or because of the Dash 8's very flat underbelly allowing for the fin on the side to be much more clearly visible. (This is just a fundamental difference in the shape of the airframes - as you can see in this picture where it's just barely poking out, the Dash 8 keeps its main gear in the same structure as the engines rather than having a dedicated bay in the bottom of the plane.) That said, the difference is negligible because of how perfect the livery is to begin with.
There aren't that many pictures out there of the airframe in service with Amakusa, but it seems like the modern livery was applied at some point in 2012. This means it's existed for about half the airline's lifespan. I could only find two photographs of the old livery, but that's still an entire two pictures.
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This was the old livery. What do I think?
Obviously it's not as immediately stunningly perfect as the modern livery. That's lightning in a bottle. That's genuinely probably my favorite regional prop livery ever. But this isn't bad at all!
I like the different shades of blue being used. It's not as vivid as the modern one but this dusty blue and white color scheme is really nice and the bit of red is a lovely accent. I think this would be a great scheme for another airline to start using now that it's free.
I really like the tail design here - the three stripes of uneven width. On another livery I think this would be a lovely cheatline but even just as a tail stripe it looks fantastic. I love the dolphin logo as well. The way that the dolphins here leap out of the water is also a delightful nod to the association of dolphins and becoming airborne, adding another layer to the motif beyond the fact that everyone who is familiar with both airplanes and cetaceans kind of agrees that they're the same type of animal.
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I actually think she looks even nicer from below. They really committed to making this a mural. This plane was always gorgeous even if I do prefer the new livery.
Ultimately, Amakusa just has really, really cute planes. I think my only critique is that the outlines for the water are a bit oddly placed and shaped and look more like clouds than waves sometimes.
She gets an A.
It isn't related to the design itself but I sort of love how much the white paint shows off the fact that the Dash 8 has a very sharp nose. I actually really love the Dash 8. That said, the decision to upgrade to the ATR was a completely reasonable one, as the larger capacity means more people get to ride in the lovely plane.
You may be happy to learn, however, that JA81AM is still in the air. From 2017 to 2018 she flew for Norwegian airline FlyViking, a similarly small airline with three Dash 8s, under the name "Gunnhild" and registration LN-FVC. And, since 2021, she has been the sole fleet member of Tanzanian airline Auric Air, who have registered her 5H-MFH. Let's all wish her well as she approaches her 24th year of service. She may not wear the Amakusa livery anymore, but she'll always be a lovely little dolphin jumping through the air to me.
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
Imagine "Star Wars" special edition: songs II.
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Only You.
Imagine you are Obi-Wan Kenoby's rival. 😏
Warnings 1: based on Ellie Goulding's song "Only You".
Warnings 2: don't read it if you are minor.
Warnings 3:.explicit smut and violence.
Anakin is amused when it occurs him that every time you walk into the Jedi Council’s meeting room, Obi-Wan frowns his eyebrows, his eyes conceal poorly the shift of his mood and there is no patience in his remarks.
And by the looks on his Padawan’s face, Obi-Wan senses something comical is about to be said.
“If you could spare me of your nonsenses today, Anakin, I would be very thankful.”
Anakin chuckles.
“I didn’t even say anything.”
“You were about to. I know you. If there is something you cannot do is stay quiet for a very long time.”
He continuously chuckles, much to Obi-Wan’s annoyance. It doesn’t really help his mood that you, dressed in black leather, decide to stop by.
You are very much aware that he doesn’t like you—he can’t disguise well enough his rolling of eyes everytime you make a suggestion, or when you open your mouth to say anything at all; at first it hurt you because you couldn’t figure the reason, but after a while you just decided to make his life a hell for compensation—so you place your hands around your hips and smirk:
“What’s up, old man? Still working on what kind of half truths are you delivering the council today?”
Obi-Wan scoffs at you.
“Better be a man of half truths than being a delusional like you, Y/N.”
“Your sarcasm is always appreciated, Master Kenobi. Had I known I needed one, I’d gladly have asked for it.” You curtsy in another display of a disdain that became so characteristically attributed to you. “Have a good day.”
Anakin’s eyes move from one to another in a clearly entertained expression in his face. Obi-Wan’s eyes narrow as you walk away.
“What’s with you and Y/N?” He inquires. “Master, what has she done to deserve your hatred?”
Obi-Wan gives a knowing look at his Padawan.
“I don’t hate anyone, Anakin. Remember that…”
“…fear leads to hate and hate leads to suffering. The whole dark side thing. I get it. This does not answer my question, though.”
“And why should I give you any explanation of a matter you cannot understand? Come now, Anakin. The meeting is about to start and I pray you stop babbling. This is not the moment nor the time.”
Anakin struggles to wipe a smirk out of his lips.
“As you wish, Master.”
How it all begin (I) : Obi-Wan’s POV.
You have just been knighted Jedi after going through a series of trials. Obi-Wan comes to know about Y/N Y/LN’s abilities, who earned a comparison to master Windu, whom had trained you.
In fact, for someone whose master was regarded for being rather too serious to the point of sounding insipid at times, you were very full of yourself and carried graciously with a smile on your lips.
If at first his eyes glued on you, noticing the shades of y/c that paint your long hair; if he seems to notice that black leather looks good in you; if he seems to find that your curves make you hotter than any woman his eyes came to known… he denies every bit of it the moment he is perplexed by your annoying behavior, that is to say: your pride, your bad timing in making jokes of questionable taste, your sharp tongue, your sarcasm, your stubbornness, to list a few.
It does not really help him that when the two of you get a mission together, you seem to do well where the enemies you have to battle together easily knock him down.
Obi-Wan is not usually overpowered in battlefield, though the mission is difficult after all—a peaceful diplomacy gathering that ends up in anything but what you are expecting to achieve—and yet something about you easily handling the situation irritates him.
“This is not the Jedi way, General Y/N.” He is telling you right as you two are fighting a terrorist group. You have been bold enough to tease your enemies, bringing them to you. They work in a similar manner to the terrorists exiled from Mandalorian although they hardly work moved by the same purpose. “Can’t you see we are outnumbered here? We don’t have a higher ground.”
You smirk at him, aware that your manner of dealing with situations hardly involves using the tactic of getting to know the field first, ask questions second and get into action third. Hence why he seems to grow displeased with you at your every move.
“If you have a better option than attack and defense whilst we can, please, Obi-Wan, I am all ears.”
He doesn’t like the tone you use when speaking to him.
“We should be calculating a rote to…”
“You are always calculating something!” You interrupt him. “We are doing things my way this time.”
His patience is being tested. His temper is about to come in a series of tantrums. But Obi-Wan takes a very deep breath and puts in an effort in not doing so.
“Last time we did, we got badly injured!” He exclaims, referencing to the first mission you went together at Mustafar.
“Getting hurt is part of the mission”, you point your index finger to his chest. “And we did succeed if I remember correctly.”
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Obi-Wan heavily sighs. “We are doing what is appropriate, not what might mislead us into eminent death. How can we be useful dying? Forgive me if I fail to see our results when we are DEAD AND GONE!”
You are about to yell him in turn, but turns out he is right this time and there is no time to put in argument. He knows he’s hurt your pride and in other circumstances would have apologized for it, though the truth is that he is upset with you so he does not feel the need to apologize.
How it all begin (II): Your POV.
The mission ends with relatively success after a lot of fighting and reluctant resolution to work together. But neither seems particularly interested in engaging in other missions together.
You do try to approach him after that disaster, though, now that you are calmer. You acknowledge that most times your hot headed breaks through your self control and risks the mission.
But there is something in his expression that you capture in his eyes that makes you hesitate. You can tell the smile on his lips died once you crossed that door.
Nonetheless, your conscience urges you to try. It is better for you to try than to living wondering what could have happened if you did not.
“Hm, Master Kenobi?” You reluctantly make him turn at you. “May we speak?”
“Yes, General Y/LN? I believe my time is short, but of course.”
The two of you are in the corner of the room, you open your mouth but you struggle to speak. Obi-Wan waits with his eyebrows raised. It’s when you swallow your pride and apologize at long last after how you poorly conducted the mission.
Whatever suspicious there is in his eyes seems to dissipate as he places his hand over your shoulder and gives it a squeeze.
“Oh, do not worry about it. It happens. I do appreciate you coming for me, though. That is very considerate.” And here he is inclined to apologize too.
You smile to each other and everything seems settled. But peace is not destined to last. During the next week, as you are practicing in the red room, the competition rises again.
You try not to notice his well builded muscles, nor let your eyes scan his short ginger hair, his locks dropping on his face; you refuse to linger your gaze in his blue eyes. You would not admit to yourself he is quite… dashing to behold.
The impression does not stay for long. As you join him in the trains, he begins to criticize some of your moves. It starts to annoy you, but when you manage to knock him down, you flash a smirk at him:
“You were saying?” You point your saber to his neck before helping him stand. “Just admit it I am very good in what I do.”
“I think you praise yourself a little too high, General Y/LN.” He side smirks at you. “And you should do well in displaying more humility. It is not the Jedi way to be arrogant. It may be your fall.”
You narrow your eyes at him. In a sudden awareness of your sentiments, it comes to your perception that he affects you. To avoid letting it going further, you say:
“Of all people, Kenobi, you are the least appropriated to lecture me about humility. You are just as arrogant as I. Otherwise you’d have not wasted your time telling me all about it.”
You know you are touching a nerve, you know you might incur in another fight. It is what you want to push him away.
And of course he falls into your trap.
“What are you saying? I only want the best for you.”
“No, you don’t.” You smirk mischievously at him. “You just want to feel better for yourself with that savior complex most of us do.”
He raises his arms up to the air and shoots a glare at you.
“Seriously, Y/N. Must you always make this about yourself? You are so irritating!”
“As you are so temperamental.”
And then you finally part ways. Ever since you restored the old rivalry, making sure to tease him as annoying as you can be, you are dragged into an endless competition with Obi-Wan whenever you are forced to participate in a mission with him and his Padawan.
That is how you swear you heard Anakin saying once:
“By the Maker, the two of you sound like an old couple bickering at each other!”
“You shush, young man.” You tell him. “You have no idea what you are talking about.”
Anakin limits himself to smirk at you in response, ignoring Obi-Wan’s shake of head.
It all works well, though, until the clone wars happen.
Present Days•
Obi-Wan’s POV.
Without his realization, his blue eyes follow you. He notices your hair is shorter, falling over your shoulders, tied in braid. You are discussing with Master Windu about your recent return from planet Y/C and more than likely you are reporting to him your success in it.
He studies your features: no sign of cockiness in your manners, no smile displayed in your lips, nothing that indicates your usual hot temper nor your weird sense of humor.
Over your shoulders, a brown cape slips, omitting your curves. His mind is suddenly wondering what is like to remove your top when Anakin clears his throat.
“Ahem. You are staring… Again.” Obi-Wan sees a smirk on Anakin’s lips. “Honestly, Master, can you be less obvious? For someone so strict, you are quite breaking the rules.”
He rolls his eyes.
“I am not going to lecture you today about your manners, Anakin. Maker, I am patient.”
Anakin laughs.
“Ah-ha. You should tell Y/N how you feel. I think you’d be surprised to know she corresponds you.”
The Master has the decency to blush. But instead of answering him, he shakes his head and moves to a different topic.
“Where is Ahsoka, by the way?”
All the whilst he engages in conversations with Anakin, he is somewhat distracted when you leave the room under an apparent distress. You seem to sense his gaze following you, so when you turn your head, Obi-Wan is busted. You give him a quick side smirk before disappearing.
“….you are not listening.” Anakin heavily sighs. “Honestly, I am done with you today. You better tell her how you feel otherwise I might.”
He scoffs at him.
“What? No! Shut up and concentrate on the mission, Anakin.”
Anakin is still amused at his cost, but says nothing. It is only then that Obi-Wan is summoned by Master Windu, which forces them to go to separate ways.
“Greetings Master Kenobi.”
How such a man can train Y/N is a question I might never get an answer.
“Greetings, my friend. I pray to find you well this day?” He inquires as they begin to pace outside.
“I am rather preoccupied with Y/N. She’s to be acknowledged a Jedi Master soon”, Windu confides.
Obi-Wan knows that he has to be reasonable when comforting his fellow Jedi and not letting his feelings misguide him to pride.
“She is a great Jedi. I am sure everything will be fine. She is only…eh…how can I put it?”
“Overconfident?” Windu shakes his head but the younger male believes to spot a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. Or is he seeing things where there is none? “A trait I’ve been trying in vain to wipe out, but…”
Obi-Wan struggles to keep his face composed.
“I’d rather say temperamental, there is nothing wrong with being confident. Though if you think this is what worries you, I can go to a mission with her and…”
“Oh she has already left.” He mentions casually. “Y/N is always after missions. This is something that also worries me, Obi-Wan.”
“I will talk to her about it.” He promises the other male.
Windu nods his head.
“I appreciate it.” He gives then a look that Obi-Wan is not quite sure how to interpret. “She is very sweet tempered. She just needs more friends to help shape her path.”
“Of course.”
After this conversation, Obi-Wan is forced to admit how little he knows you; how he allowed himself to rather judge you instead to get to know you better.
Your POV.
Of all people, you don’t expect Obi-Wan Kenobi to greet you as soon as you land.
“You don’t look well”, he tells you, concerned. You turn your head to see the expression on his face. “What?”
“You are difficult to understand at times”, you say.
You not only look physically battered —with a few scars here and there, acquired after a difficult battle with an army of droids sent to chase you by Dooku—, you are also emotionally in pieces.
“Me?” He is astonished by how you speak.
“Yes, you.”
Now you stop by an empty corridor. Your hair is a mess and you suspect you might have twisted a wrist. But your insecurities are taking the best of you.
“Why do you hate me, Kenobi? I know I can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but honestly am I this difficult to bear?”
You realize you are exposing yourself too much, so you just turn your back on him and move to your quarters. You do need a shower, and it’s all you think about before Obi-Wan surprises you by pulling you into his arms.
And right in the corridor of the temple, he kisses you. It knocks your guard down as you realize this is what you’ve been aching for and only now you are fully acknowledging it.
After the initial shock, your eyes close and you melt in his kiss. As you rest your hands over his shoulders, you can tell he relaxes at last when you correspond it. You smile at that observation, feeling his beard tingling against your skin. You like the grip around your waist, how he pulls you into him.
But you reluctantly part it to catch your breath. Your hands cup his face, gently stroking his cheeks before going to play with his hair, which is a tad longer now.
“So, what kind of answer should I interpret after that?”
Obi-Wan chuckles.
“The one that tells you how much I feel for you.”
“You are not going to be straight about it, will you?“
He smiles at you, staring at you with such an adoration that makes your knees go weak. The Jedi leans his cheek against yours, pressing soft kisses to it before doing the same to your lips.
“Let me tend your wounds, my darling.” He says it when looking at you. “Though you are the ache of my heart, the only one that I could never fight without incurring myself into an endless torment.”
Your are flustered by his words, suddenly shy. Your eyes now concentrate at how your fingers look for his and his for yours, locking together in an spontaneous gesture.
“You make me speechless, my dearest heart.” You raise your gaze carefully only to see he’s been patiently waiting for you. You smile naturally, without second thoughts. “I love you, Obi-Wan.”
He rests his foreheads against yours.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Whatever your souls are made of, you know it’s made of the same thing. And it is as evident in your eyes and it is in his.
Obi-Wan’s POV.
Once he hears about how you have been severely injured after a difficult battle against Dooku, he rushes to your side.
You are about to leave the medical station after two months spent to amend a broken bone and other bruises that you feel like they are delaying you.
“My love!” Obi-Wan is careful in holding you close. “What happened? Are you well? How are you feeling?”
He watches you giggle in response.
“I am leaving the hospital. You find me well, in fact. Just the usual result of a long battle.” You greet him discreetly by holding hands. Your relationship is secret so you have to be careful. “I just feel frustrated for being this delayed. Maker knows I am better fit for the field than staying in bed.”
He presses a kiss over your temple, not minding the indiscretion. Obi-Wan remains anxious as he leads you back to your quarters.
“You still didn’t tell me what happened, dear heart.”
You smile in secrecy at his concern before telling him about the mission you’ve been assigned to. Obi-Wan is listening attentively, frowning lightly in concern.
Once you enter your quarters and he follows you, the door closes and he says:
“Let me see your bruises.” He asks, taking a seat at a random chair. As you lift your blouse slightly, showing him the scars you got in your back and the swellings in your skin, he sighs heavily. “By the Maker. How on earth are you so careless, Y/N?”
You laugh heartily at his preoccupation before sitting on his lap. Obi-Wan’s eyes slowly swift from tender to desire as you lean so close to him.
“This is who I’ve always been: born for action, my love.” You smile at him, your hands cupping his cheek before you kiss his lips.
He sighs again before chuckling against your lips, his hands going up and down your back. A shiver assaults you when he slowly rests his fingertips right at your back, under your blouse.
“You will be the death of me”, he whispers, before starting to kiss your jawline and move to your neck. Obi-Wan smiles when sensing your arousal.
“Easier to say you’ll be mine”, you answer back with a smirk leaning into his touch.
He contemplates the sentiments that rise in your eyes, admiring the color that paints your irises, all the while he untangles your braid. Obi-Wan likes your hair wild and loose.
You lock gazes with him, your hands playing with his hair before moving down to his neck.
“Am I?”
He carefully lifts you and leads you back to your bed, and you only comply with it. Obi-Wan is careful to you as he begins to remove your shirt. His eyes are filled with sudden want, desiring you. You smirk at him, enjoying how he glances at you.
“I need you.”
You lean to kiss his lips. It’s a fervent, passionate one. It makes you feverish and you find yourself craving for his touch, your womanhood pulsing before starting to get yourself wet.
Obi-Wan feels you, him too bent to the same appetite that comes intently. He removes his shirt and a blush paints his cheeks when you cast him an indecent look.
“You know I can read your thoughts, dear one.” He chuckles when leaning to kiss your neck, his hands going from your shoulders to your arms before resting on your hips, starting to unbutton your pants.
“I’ve never meant to hide them from you.” You say, tilting your head to your left and sighing in pleasure as his tongue paces slowly to your exposed skin.
He is very attentive to you, his eyes capturing every move your body makes, every shiver that responds his teasing. He then removes your undergarments.
“You are beautiful.” Obi-Wan says in such an intimate tone that you blush. It makes him smile to know at long last the secrets you’ve been keeping in your heart. The longing that unites one to another is about to be consumed at last. “Maker, you are. I’ve never met any beautiful lass before…”
“Not even that Mandalorian duchess?” You tease, but he reads you well enough to capture the hidden meanings of your words.
He is playing with your hair before resting his hands over your breasts. Obi-Wan likes to hear the sounds that come out of you when he starts to touch you.
“Jealous are we now?” He chuckles, leaning forward to kiss your cheek before moving to bite your earlobe. “My eyes and heart have always been yours to command. I fear you’ve known it even before our relationship started since you play with me easily…”
“You are the enemy of my reason, Obi-Wan Kenobi”, you moan loudly as he starts to kissing your chest.
“Am I?”, he whispers against your skin as he holds your back when he finally engulfs each nipple in his skillful tongue.
“Oh fuck!”, you cry out in response to his tender kisses, so divine that you believe to have left your body. “Obi!”
He hold you against him, taking his time. The warmth in your body, the hardening nipples that he bites and gently twirl under his tongue, the manner with which you give in arouse him to the point his erection becomes unbearable to hold back. But he does because, as promised, he is looking after you.
Your knees go week when he starts to kiss your belly. Obi-Wan looks up at you all the while his hands run now up and high your thighs, slowly parting them.
“Yes?” He says with malice in his eyes, resting one hand in your hip meanwhile he finally inserts one finger in you. “All this wet for me, my love? Have you missed me this much?”
Obi-Wan looks at you with the devotion of a lover, his chest swells at the idea of how much power he has over you. When looking into your thoughts, which you almost unconsciously project, he sees the longing, the wanting, the needs you’ve struggled to suppress.
And he now intends to let these go tonight, mesmerizes he is by how you throw your head back, trying to find something to keep your balance.
“Yes, only you make me this wet.” You gasp, squirming under his touch. “Oh goddamnit, Obi-Wan.”
“Whatever have I done?” He inquires cynically, smirking as he watches you coming undone.
And as you are unable to respond him, because your legs begin to get heavy, a shiver runs over your spine and an unbearable heat burns you, he knows you are coming. And he wants you to do so in his mouth.
You don’t have any time to complain about the removal of his fingers because you are not only dizzy with how crazy he makes you, but when he uses his mouth… you explode.
He is on his knees for you, his tongue indencently finding a way to dominate your clitoris, drinking you like a thirst man in desert who finally finds water at long last. He is slow, enjoying the burn he gives you.
The sounds are loud in your quarters, but neither mind that. The darkness there is in it makes all the more proper, adding an aura of sensuality to such an intimate scene.
And from the moment you burst again, squirming the way he wants you to, he rises and is gladly laying you down, when he is surprised by you.
“I can’t with you, Obi-Wan.” You kiss his lips feverish and he smirks as you do. Before he knows it, your hand is going right to relieve the pressure on his pants.
Your POV.
You are a mess, ruined by this man whom you once despised—and desired in the same measure, now you know. You love him with all your heart and it is only fair that you seek to pleasure him in turn.
“What are you doing?” He asks, his breath short cut as you feel his manhood pumping right into your hand. “Y/N, there is no need to…”
It makes you hot to hear him moaning your name like that. It makes you wet again, but this time it’s about him, not you.
“Showing you what you do to me…”
Obi-Wan is now on his elbows, eyes shut as you treat him right. Having removed his pants, he is complete bare before your eyes, a sight you gladly behold.
As you continuously massage his erect manhood, stroking it up and down, using your thumb to the tip of it in circular moves, you use your free hand to caress his strong thighs, resting it in his belly.
Your eyes drink in the view of this man, nude before you, moaning in such a manner that your juices begin to drop in your legs.
“Is it good, my darling?“, you inquire him softly, leaning forward to kiss his neck, leaving bruises in his skin as you bite gently.
His hands are gripping the sheets of your bed, already ruining it as you mess with him. He groans in gritted teeth:
“Y-Yes. Oh, Maker. You are doing so well.”
You smile pleasantly at yourself. As you start to kiss him downwards, he opens his eyes, breathing in anticipation.
“Dear heart, you do not have to do this…” He mutters under his breath. “It’s all…”
His words are lost in space and you cannot help but take pride in how you make him feel. It is so damn hot how he is under your care right now… But you are patient. You want to reward him for every single thing he gave you.
“I want to.” You are now exactly where you want to. When his eyes encounter yours, you read his darkest unspoken wishes. “Your naivety does not fool me, love. Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? To tame like this?”
He is on his elbows again, struggling to keep himself composed. As he adjusts to make this better for you, you slip gently to the floor as he seats on the edge of bed.
There is thunder in his blue eyes and you are right into it. You tease him by slowing down the rhythm with which you stroke his manhood, licking it gently, making it thus a torture for him.
“You want me in the dark, don’t you? Right where you are too.” He groans in response as you do the same thing again. He is pulsing against you, aching for you, craving for you. “Only you to make me go on my knees. Only you… to make me so alive.”
His eyes darken with lust as a result with your words.
“You are awaking the beast within me, love. You better let it repressed.”
You side smirk at him.
“I don’t think neither of us want it remain so, do we?”
Just like that, you take it with your mouth and he howls in pleasure. It makes you feel good, he sees it by the reactions of your body, which only further arouses him.
Unspeakable thoughts flow from one to the other in a deep connection that bonds your souls into a very passionated moment. You want him to come undone like he did to you, you want to make him a mess.
And this is the only start. Because you don’t see any gentleness residing in his blue eyes the moment he takes a hold in your hair and your eyes lock gazes again. The moment where he sets his seed in you is where every control is lost for good.
It feels so good when you ride him. Your head drops back as he holds your back, thrusting slowly and intently right into you. His lips pursuit every inch of your skin, not satisfied until your moans grow louder. Clearly, you are careless, forgetting where you two are.
You play with his hair and when he makes you look back at him, there is love in each other’s features.
“I love you, dear heart”, he whispers against your mouth, gently bitting your bottom lip. “So much. I cannot live without your touch, your body, your soul. Fuck, I am consumed by you.”
You chuckle light at his swearing, seeing he rarely does so. But your face brightens at his words, how breathlessly they are spoken. It makes your wall clench tight around his cock. He feels it and it turns him on further.
“I love you, Obi.” You moan softly in response. Your hands slip to his back, digging your nails against his skin, which earns a hiss of him. “I’ve loved you before and I love you still. You are my other half, without which I can never be truly complete.”
And it is how professing nude vows, so significantly because how crude they are due to the spontaneity they are spoken, you and him reach to the climax together. Synchronized as only the two of you can be.
Later that night, when the drunkenness state of the lovemaking leaves you both and you are breathlessly contemplating the ceiling, you are taken by a sort of premonition.
Curiously enough, Obi-Wan senses it too. He turns at you and says:
“I… I just happen to have noticed we did not think straight in doing it. I mean”, he is quick to correct himself upon the look at your face, “to say that we didn’t use protection.”
Your face goes pink, but when turning at your elbows.
“Well… I don’t regret it, do you?”
He chuckles, looking at you with tenderness. Whatever there is in his face, it soon dissipates. Obi-Wan leans to hold you against him.
“I have nothing to reconsider, dear heart.” He knows you like the pet name and uses it again, smiling at you. “You know that. Whatever the future holds for us it can only be good.”
You beam delightedly.
“Who knew we’d come this far eh?”
He laughs heartily.
“Who knew indeed…”
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the-marron · 1 year
Historical Guardian Fic Recs
This list is shorter than I thought it would be, that’s why it mixes Guardian and Weilan derivs.
Guardian AUs:
wait for it, wait  by sarahyyy
Angst, unspecified period. A tragic romance between a courtier and a general.
The Crimson Lotus  by bonibaru
Longfic, inspired by The Scarlet Pimpernel, with espionage, double identities, etc. One of fandom classics.
Luolin (Luo Fei/Lin Nansheng Detective L x The Rebel crossover)
We Both Know How This Ends  by  MoDaoZuHolyShit
China in 1950s, the fallout after the Rebel canon featuring an old love and the grey reality of the beginning era. Angst, Politics, amazing writing  
Kiss Away Your Tears by xiermifen
Long fic, which takes a few liberties with Detective L and the Rebel canon but delivers some of my favourite Luolin scenes to date and introduced me to the ship in the first place 🥺.
Warning for Chen Moqun/Lin Nansheng at the beginning.
No shame in having loved by ForErusSake                
Follows the story of the Rebel, with added Luo Fei into the mix, observing LNS through a series of meetings. Atmospheric, sad, but with an optimistic ending.
Warning for CMQ/LNS      
Weilan derivatives:
An official’s position is one of an emaciated steed: On a high stage, where icy tears are difficult to shed | 一任宫长骁瘦 台高冰泪难流   by  MoDaoZuHolyShit, Qi Heng/Bo Li, Ancient China   
A short story about two childhood sweethearts meeting on two opposite sides of the war.            
Bai Qi's gamble by  mici_micelle, Ying Ji/Bai Qi, unspecified               
It’s not very specific in terms of when exactly it takes place, but the fic makes a nice use of Bai Qi being an actual general during Ying Ji’s rule, and the idea behind the fic is great. Angst, politics
the pair of lovebirds that Loneliness painted by djjdkim.  Feng Yong/Chi Rui, WWII
Arranged marriage, jealousy and the war in the background: I enjoy this story a lot (though it’s not entirely accurate, being on the more optimistic side.)
Clockworks and Cold Steel  by  MoDaoZuHolyShit, Lin Nansheng/Yang Xiuxian,  Shanghai 1930s and onwards, WIP
Following the canon of the Rebel, adding YXX for more intrigue, mystery and romance - it’s amazing, even though still in progress. Includes art and it so well-written ❤
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moccaexe · 2 years
Just finished volume 2 of Otherside Picnic
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I ended up liking it even more than the first one.
I think I like the series much better when it leans more into the overarching sci-fi elements rather the episodic horror ones.
The Bird in the Box chapter in particular was great. The actual underlying plot seems to be unraveling faster than I was expecting so I'm excited to see what's coming next.
I love the chuu2 terminology of choice and how it contrasts with Sorawo’s milquetoast names she gives to some of the otherside elements. Stuff like the Dark Science Association and Ultrablue Landscape vs simply “the Otherside” or “the Man’s World”, lol.
Kozakura is the best she fires up all my PROTECC instincts. Everyone treats the poor girl like garbage give her a break. 
I must say, of the main duo I didn't expect Sorawo to be the one who ignites in me the most feelings of moe. The mix between a super wishy-washy shy type while also being a cynical, guarded tsundere works great. Every moment where she lowers her guard and lets herself be more honest with Toriko is too precious. And she also has the cute fang normally reserved for genki characters, 10/10 design choice. Such gap moe...
Sorawo's PoV sings the praises of Toriko's appeal but you kinda end up siding with Toriko when she calls Sorawo cute, lol. I wish there was a chapter from Toriko's PoV just to see how Sorawo comes off without being privy to her thoughts.
I can safely say this is among my favorite LN series I’ve read, up there with FMP, Haruhi and Monogatari. I love the urban horror/sci-fi coat of paint and of course, cute girls and yuri always helps. Action scenes that don’t involve boring game mechanics that go on for countless pages are always a plus as well (looking at you, Log Horizon >.>;; ).
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knightyoomyoui · 2 years
TWICE x Reader: “Doughnut”- PART 5
This one-shot will be more different than the others because I tried out a new writing style and introduced a format change. Since I began this series from the third person point of view, I had to continue and end it in the same way, so we'll also return there for a time. Just wanted to let yall know too that the previous Momo x Reader one-shot, "Silent Peach," exceeded Mina x Reader's "The Other Side" one-shot in terms of Tumblr post reactions!
Previously on "Doughnut" PART 4
“Anyways, uhh Tzuyu called me earlier.", she said. She took a seat on the couch which you did the same to make yourself comfortable.
"What did she say?"
"Just some update about you and even me. That was our first conversation we had since 2 years so we needed it.", she said, making you understand.
"Told her that you also want to talk to her, and she gladly accepted. And I knew it."
"What do you mean?", you once again asked her confusedly.
"I won't say it, but trust me... after what I heard, you'll feel bad for her very much. So please, let her explain herself and listen to her without holding grudges in your heart.", she pleaded for you.
"I won't. That's all I needed, anyways.", you said, shaking your head, making a vow to Chaeyoung that she believed and accepted. She doesn't want to know that her two best friends had reconnected only to have a major fight. She wanted this conversation to be smooth and uncomplicated this time, ignoring what had happened in the past and enlighten what really was behind of it.
You sighed and looked around Chaeyoung's house while having the image of the woman you'll be meeting next after a long time.
"Well then, tell Tzuyu I'll meet her. Name the place and time."
Right now, you're waiting for someone outside your house. You even had the opportunity to say hello to Mina, your neighbor and childhood friend, when she stepped outside to walk her dog Ray. She sent you off with well wishes after hearing that you were waiting for a ride, and you know she's probably wondering why you need one when you have a car of your own. However, the real reason is that you just feel like going to work today and want to give your car a "break." Because of it, Mina even made fun of you for being a "caring" owner, which made the two of you laugh. Now it has been 30 minutes since you started standing like a lightpost in front of your residence, the time has finally come for some black car to arrive and stop in front of you.
???: "So you're the one, Ms. Chou is talking about?", the unknown man asked you after he rolled the window of his car down. You heard that he mentioned the surname of Tzuyu so immediately guessed that he's Tzuyu's personal driver.
You: "Yes, I'm YN/LN."
"Kwon Soobin. Ms. Chou's butler. Hop in, sir.", He motioned for you to get in the car, which you did. A little while later, he restarted the engine and drove the two of you to Tzuyu's house.
After traversing and turning through a few streets and highways, you and Mr. Kwon have arrived. You two had just entered a large black gate that displayed a magnificent mansion surrounded by a lush landscape.
Mr. Kwon stopped the car in front of the mansion.
Mr. Kwon: "We're now here, sir."
YN: "Thank you." We both hopped off the car and now we are standing right in front of the main  entrance.
YN: "Uhh, should I... go in?" You spoke while appearing disturbed and a little tight because your mind was starting to wander, which was keeping you from doing what you needed to do next.
Mr. Kwon: "Oh, it appears that Ms. Chou isn't inside," he stated as he began to scan the interior of the home with his head cocked back and forth in search of Tzuyu.
Mr. Kwon: "Come, stay in the living room while I call her." You followed his command and both of you started to step inside and walk through the hallway with such a clean surface of the floor, colorful painted wall with some picture frames containing mostly paintings.
You reached what it seems to be the dining room and then took a seat at the fine black leather covered huge couch in front of you as Mr. Kwon remains standing and looked around more.
Mr. Kwon: "Ms. Chou! Your visitor has just arrived! He yelled throughout the area. You two suddenly heard a girlish voice coming from upstairs as it swiftly reacted to Mr. Kwon's shout of search.
Tzuyu: "I'll come in a second, thanks Mr. Kwon!" Her voice still gives these tangled and messy feeling cursing through your nerves. It still sure feels unreal having her presence again after being gone for 2 years after she left you alone, giving you the most painful experience in a relationship out of all the girls you'd love before.
Mr. Kwon: "With all pleasure, Ms. Chou." He took it as a note in his mind. He still stood silently and both of us waited for this woman I'm scheduled to meet today with.
A little while afterwards, Tzuyu headed downstairs. She is dressed in a pink dress that accentuates her body's hourglass shape nicely. She stares at you, the person who is only observing her, with a mixture of emotions on your face.
Mr. Kwon: "Should I prepare a lunch for the two of you, Miss?". he asked Tzuyu who just had her final step downstairs.
Tzuyu: “Ye-” Before she was about to speak, you interrupted her.
YN: "It's fine. I already ate. A glass of juice will be fine already." You said with a small smile as you looked to Mr. Kwon.
Tzuyu: "You heard him, mister. I'll take it too." She then pointed you with her thumb.
Mr. Kwon: "Alright, I'll be heading to the kitchen." He bowed to Tzuyu before walking to the kitchen and leaving the two of us alone here in the living room. The first moment you had being together since years ago.
Tzuyu: "YN... you came." She said with all of her courage as she went a bit closer near to you and stood up inches away from your side.
YN: "Yeah. We needed this anyways." I looked at her with my half forced smile.
Tzuyu: "Again, thanks for accepting my invitation. I was not expecting you will but... I'm glad I made you to do it.", She murmured as she stroked her right arm to help her feel less anxious.
She couldn't help but smile broadly when she finally had the chance to do this after receiving a call from Chaeyoung informing her that you would allow her to speak this time.
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YN: "And I hope I won't regret it. I came here, hoping I'm not wasting my time here... so you better be." Your tone became serious as you said all of those to Tzuyu with still your straight face. Tzuyu then became alarmed.
Tzuyu: "I promise, you won't." She stated. She was secretly hoping that what you're going to hear wouldn't convince you to reconsider coming here. She is aware that what she did was difficult to accept and forgive, but right now, all she really wants is for you to comprehend.
A short while later, Mr. Kwon reappears holding two glasses and an orange juice jug. As we started to take some glass to relieve our thirst, we turned to face him with appreciative eyes.
Mr. Kwon: "Enjoy your drinks."
Tzuyu: "Thanks, Mr. Kwon."
Mr. Kwon: "Now go take your time together, I'll be going outside." Mr. Kwon heads outside, leaving the two of you to start their long awaited conversation. You took a sip of the juice first and taste it's sweetness before finally able to start talking.
YN: "Chaeyoung told me I should listen to you, about your reason... which I didn't heard from you completely since you left me." You said to her. Still the sharpness and the small grunts between those words remains whenever you speak about it.  Every time you recalled the event that altered the bond and level of intimacy between the two of you, it caused Tzuyu to observe that you are still maintaining this boiling blood more.
YN: "I didn't want to let you, actually, because the anger and pain I feel whenever I hear your name that brings back what you did to me that night still remains on me." You finally mentioned what Tzuyu is observing from you, making it wrech her heart slightly since she's literally hearing it from you time.
YN:  “Now we're here alone, i'm giving you the freedom to say all what you want for me to understand. And don't worry, I promised to Chaeyoung that I will control myself.” You said, patting your middle chest as your way to point out yourself to her.
Tzuyu: "O-okay..."
YN: "So tell me with all honesty, what really happened that night? Did you really do it?" You prepared to listen intently to this beautiful tall woman with brown hair who was once yours by crossing your arms and leaning back on the couch. Tzuyu chose to sit on the opposite side from you because she could sense your anticipation as you stared at her.
Tzuyu: "I didn't cheated on you, YN. I-it was my parents who made me look like I did it." She slightly avoided your gaze and tilted her head sideways as she said that next sentence.
YN: "Wait, what? How could they do that? You asked her in disbelief, immediately made you furrow your eyebrows and squint your eyes at her in confusion.
YN: "There's no way. Th- they... But, they are- they approve about us-wait what's going on? Tzuyu?"You spoke while making certain gestures that made it clear how astonished and perplexed you were by what Tzuyu had told you. You were simply tapping your forehead or rubbing your temple while gazing in every other direction. Tzuyu: "It was just an act, YN. We thought they support our relationship but I found out that no. They didn't at all." She said,shaking her head as her tone goes lower and lower, showing a glimpse of how much that revelation affected her painfully.
Tzuyu: "It hurts me when they can just say it all too easy that they were just pretending to make me happy even though they only made it worse." She said, her starting to have some cracks. She heaved a huge sigh after.
YN: T-then what did they do? You asked her curiously. You haven't even noticing to yourself that after you listened to her so far, your fists are clenching hard and your teeths are slightly grinding at each other. Then suddenly the image of that moment where you first entered Tzuyu's house and met her parents with all smiles but mixed with nervouness appeared in your mind.
You just can't believed not only did they fooled Tzuyu at that night, but you too.
Tzuyu: “They just unfolded the masks they're wearing that time to me one day. I was in all confusion that time, it's like they're not my parents I'm talking with.” She said as she started to get some flashbacks when she remembered how they said it to her in an instant that they were actually against you for their daughter while she's just staring at them in disbelief, shock and pain.
Tzuyu: "They went straight talked to me about this... plan of theirs for our business, saying that they set me for an arranged marriage."
YN: "Huh?" You looked at her even more intently as you slowly moved yourself away from leaning at the back of the couch to sit and place your both arm on the top of your knees.
Tzuyu: "It was their strategy to built a stronger bond and more successful future between the companies my family and the other one they're friends with. I said no, ofcourse." She said as she even managed to let out a small smile beforr quickly faded away when she looked at you after. Your heart became touched when you learned that Tzuyu somehow tried to be against their will and prefer each other's true love for each other.
Tzuyu: "I can't let that happen when I'm literally in love with you back then. And the way how I look at my parents who are loving, caring and supportive to me all changed in a snap when they said no and even threatened both of us that they will ruin our lives with their power." She said while staring at the expensive purple colored carpet laid beneath her. She remembers how it looked they just compleely changed personality in front of her that up to this day, the parents she once knew never came back then. Her father was pointing at her with all strictness while threatening her aboit you with his deep menacing voice.
YN: "So... what did you do? You said yes?"
Tzuyu: "I'm sorry. I didn't want it at all, I have no other choice YN. I was afraid." She started to get choked in her shsky breaths as the streams of tears finally started to get out of her eyes. You felt sorry instead of being angry about her decision because you can clearly see in her eyes how much she was forced to do what she thinks is not good to follow at all.
Tzuyu: "I can't go with you being miserable. I don't want to be a burden with you." She shook her head while having this crying expression in her face. You gulped hardly as the emotions are starting to get you too.
YN: "What are you saying, Tzu? I was your boyfriend, you know I should do everything for my woman and that's my part." You said to her while she's crying. Your voice is trembling even more.
YN: "You will never gonna be like that to me because every thing I'll do for you will always gonna be worth it because... I'm doing it for the one I love. It's simple as that." You managed to show some softness in your voice as you also started to release the first set of your teardrops flowing down to your cheeks.
YN: "But I can't blame you. You needed to maintain the precious life your family was giving to you. Who am I to reject it too, I was only loving you... but they're the one who raised you. You heaved a sigh.
YN: "So what happened next?"
Tzuyu: "After I accept, they were about happy about it. Ofcourse, they don't care if I'm against it, they were just thinking about their selves after all. I met the son of the family they're friends with, where they set me up to be his girlfriend and future wife.” Although she was hesitant to tell you about her first meeting with the man who would become her fiancé because she feared it would offend you further, she had to do it for the sake of the truth. As for you, your heart is suddenly filled with the bittersweet emotion she had imagined. Her thoughts had come true. When Tzuyu mentioned that she fought for the two of you, your heart grew fonder. However, as soon as she revealed that her controlling parents helped her find the "selected and rightful" lover to be with, your heart began to weaken.
Tzuyu: "That's the start where I stopped meeting you because they won't let me anymore... but still, myself who's deeply in love with you still tried to go and say goodbye to you, only for me to end up failing over and over again until they completely had enough of it. I just realized that the more I keep fighting for us, the more I spread us away from each other." She recalled how her mother had smacked her in the face when she had tried to contact you and your pals via her phone in order to learn more about you. Unfortunately, you damaged your phone number at the time and had to replace it when you were devastated to learn that she had moved to the United States with her reported boyfriend.
After that, her father took her phone and deleted all of the contacts with the people Tzuyu had grown close to, including you.
Tzuyu: "We moved to States, along with my fiancé's family. That's the time I finally lost every special person in my life. They started their goal for the company and us, even though I know they're just doing it for the business. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you as what everyone say." Tzuyu recalled the periods when she had to attend every gathering or meeting to discuss a variety of issues related to the future of their business and her position within the company once the marriage had eventually been finalized. Every time she was in those situations, she was itching to plug her ears so she wouldn't have to listen to any of the nonsense or meaningless stuff they said.
Tzuyu: "Even if I'm away back then and when were not together, I still manage to try link us back together where I want to immerse myself in the afterglow of our memories." Before that cruel end you two faced and met that shattered everything for the two of you, you two gazed at each other and then began to reminisce all of the wonderful memories you two had made just for each other. You felt a little bit relieved about it.
Tzuyu: " Then I tried to think of ways to stop this madness I'm living in and reconnect with you again, so I thought of some plans to do so."
YN: "How did you made it back here in Korea?"
Tzuyu: Because of my fiancé, Taehyung. But don't get it wrong, he helped me because we both share the same opinion and plans about what our families doing. You raised your eyebrow at that.
Tzuyu: "I learned that he's not even interested at all too and he doesn't like me because he has someone else with him, but just like me... he had to let him go to protect him."
YN: "Him?" You confusedly asked.
Tzuyu: "Well, Taehyung is actually gay and he has a boyfriend named Jungkook that's why." You formed an "o" shape with that info. Tzuyu relates to your reaction but hers was even more shocking as she gasped when Taehyung said that to her during their conversation. He even showed a picture of them together to show how much he's proud and love him so much while he's introducing Jungkook to her.
YN: "Where is he now? Are you two still close?"
Tzuyu: "Yup, he's living with him as of now. He sometimes visit here to check on me which I do the same."
YN: "Oh okay." With that, your thoughts and impressions about Tzuyu's fiancé who turned out to be her friend Taehyung suddenly changed in a snap. Instead of being irritated and fuming with anger, you even wanted to thank him for helping and supporting Tzuyu about going away from her family whom at once, she looked up into.
YN: "What about your each other's parents?"
Tzuyu: "We have no other option but to finally choose the right thing to do, which is to end our connections with them. They're still arrogant and selfish, and we're tired of dealing with it so with the combined courage of me and Taehyung, we decided to leave them and finally focus on each other's interest again." She recalled the commotion that ensued when she and Taehyung clashed with their families, who were furious with them for trying to terminate their agreements and quit the company permanently.
Tzuyu: "And that leads me back to you, YN. Because I still love you till this day. And right now, at this very moment... I take this opportunity to say the only words I could give for you after everything we've been through. I'm sorry. For everything.” Her whole body is trembling as the tears started to overflow again in her reddish eyes.
Tzuyu: "I hope you can forgive me. I did my best to convince you with the truth you've been wanting to know so please, believe me." You two fell into a silent space. You didn't need to repeat everything Tzuyu said to your mind just to process what you heard from her. You completely understood all and... it was all clear and reasonable. It satisfied you. The longing of seeing and searching for the truth well for you, it finally paid off.
So with that said, you must give her what she deserves after taking this chance bravely just to end your nightmares once and for all.
You stood up and Tzuyu got surprised and shocked when she felt the couch sinked more due to the increased weight. Now you were sitting beside her and without any further breaks, you grabbed her shoulder and pulled her towards you to cuddle. She even lets out a loud sobs in your shoulder as you started to get teared up too.
YN: "I forgive you, Tzu." You breathily said to her. Tzuyu's cries became quite mixed with joy and success when she heard that.
YN: "And I'm sorry too. I should've remained fighting for the two of us back, even if I join and suffer with you. I instead chose to be completely blinded by the lies I received from everyone. Such a shame for me to realize that I was the one who actually let go instead of you, now knowing that after all this time you're still attached to me and I don't. I wasn't the only victim here at all." You said as  you couldn't imagine the additional suffering and deprivation that Tzuyu had to go through in order to reconnect with you and return to your arms, while you, on the other hand, were able to leave her without much thought after being quickly tricked and manipulated by the lies her parents told. You did this because you believed that she had done the same thing through the "cheating" revelation even though, in reality, she had not been caught.
YN: "God, I feel so angry with myself." You started to pull your hair in frustration, but Tzuyu took your hand away and put it back within hers to prevent you from injuring yourself. Your hold on her body tightened, but she didn't feel any pain from it; only safe and securedness.  "I... I thought of you wrong, Tzuyu. I really do. I just let myself blinded by the lies completely and not remained my focus at our love for each other. You know, if I didn't, I could've done everything to find and save you. So, Tzuyu... do you forgive me too?"You asked her to receive the same thing you wanted to know from her after the own fault you shared to her which you were clueless that you don't even need to do those all along.
Tzuyu: "Y-yes... Yes, I do YN." You felt her head move as she nodded. "I m-missed you so much, YN. T-thank you. You don't know how much I needed this so bad... to be with you again." She said in between sobs that despite her tears getting your clothing wet and stained, you continued to soothe her despite this. After, you gave a sweet smile.
YN: "Same, Tzuyu. Welcome back. I missed you, too."Both of you took a moment to savor each other's warm embrace, something you hadn't had in a while, and then you two became silent. Tzuyu quietly freed herself from your arms, satisfied.
Tzuyu: "Sorry if I was hugging you too long." She said, embarrassed.
YN: "Aish, Tzuyu. No need to apologize for that. I'm not complaining at all." Tzuyu shivered at your gestures as you reached into your pocket for a handkerchief and gently cleaned her tear-stained face.
YN: "This closure of us today made us feel really good, isn't it? Our problems that's been haunting our minds for 2 years has finally swept away because of this moment." You said as you keep on erasing all the wetness in her face to slowly regain her fixed look after being ruined by her sobs.
Tzuyu: "And we should thank Chaeyoung really bad for this. She's the one who actually made us link back together." She said, both of you went to chuckle.
YN: "Well, Chaeyoung is our loyal friend. She said she doesn't want this mess to last longer so... yeah. She really did made me want to talk to you." You shrugged.
Tzuyu: "By the way, about what I heard about Chae... are you okay? For sure, your breakup with-"
As soon as you realized she had brought up that subject as your next topic together, you stopped her. You interrupted her and gave her the honest answer to her inquiry since you didn't want to talk about it any longer.
YN: “We're all good now, Tzu. She's with someone else she thinks who's better than me and I'm happy for her.” You gave her a small smile. "Although the way how she ended our relationship still breaks my heart until now. ", and your grin changed into a fake one as you said that.
Tzuyu: "I'm sorry to hear that, YN. But I'm glad you're doing your best to move on.", she gave you a cheerful and sweet smile, expanding her fluffy pinkish cheeks. You appreciated her kind words. "So... uhh, do you mind if we go for a house trip?"
YN: "Oh sure, no problem.", then both of you stood up from the couch and started walking around to roam the insides of Tzuyu's humble abode. "Your place is great by the way. Did you bought these?"
Tzuyu: "Yup but Taehyung contributed a bit. Part of his help which I can't decline anymore cause he hated it.", you let out an "oh".
YN: "How much is this?", you said as you looked upwards to the huge ceiling of the lobby where a long curvy staircase that leads to the second floor  placed beside.
Tzuyu: "Why? You're gonna buy it?", she joked , scoffing and smirking at you.
YN: "Yah, you really think I'm rich as you?", you chuckled, which earned a laughter coming from her. "Hell nah, I own a doughnut shop as a business yet still I can't afford to improve it.", you scratched your nape.
Tzuyu: "I can help you if you want?", she glanced sidewards at you.
YN: "No, it's fine. Keep it to yourself. Use it to something important to you.", you shyly declined, feeling embarassed that you are just gonna make her spend money for you which you don't even know if you can repay it back.
Tzuyu: "That's why I'm offering it to you. You're important to me, YN.", she looked at you straight in the eye. It caught your attention because of how bright and sparkling its black orbs were as they stared at you as though trying to captivate and draw you into the black hole. She was pouting at you as well, which made her even cuter.
YN: "Well that's sweet. But, are you really sure about this?", you worriedly asked her.
Tzuyu: "Mmhhmm. I only need an answer.", she nodded as she is still looking at you seriously, waiting for what she wanted to hear.
YN: "Okay, then it's a yes.", you sighed.
Tzuyu: "Good, just tell me whenever you need it.", she grinned brightly at you which you did the same and you nodded. You were feeling thankful for Tzuyu at this blessing. "By the way, we bought this for around 1.30 billion won."
YN: "Wow.", you gasped.
Tzuyu: "So, let's start. Well, here's my-",and the two of you immediately began touring the house. Tzuyu gave you a tour of all the rooms and spaces in this building. With each of these, there is no longer anything to say save "expensive, spectacular, orderly, and fashionable.
Tzuyu: "And lastly, this is my garden.", she opened the glass slide door, revealing a huge garden maze covered entirely with snow. A fountain can also be seen in the center.
YN: "Wow. It almost looks like a park.", you described the place as you roam your eyes around while having your jaws dropped.
Tzuyu: "This is where I mostly come when I want to relax. I do love being in bed but still nothing can beat the refreshing feeling of breathing in a fresh air, right?", she said as she placed her entangled hands behind her back.
YN: "Facts."
Tzuyu: "I also planted some of my favorite flowers here but sadly so far it's being covered in snow.", she frowned. She stepped forward near a bush that's been covered by snow and took a handful of it.
YN: "I can come here again when the winter's over though.", you said to her.
Tzuyu: "Promise?", she looked up at you, her face enlightened when she heard that this will not gonna only a one-time visit.
YN: "Promise.", you said, grinning at her as you observed her giggling with delight as she did one of the things you loved about her the most, particularly when you two were dating. She always enjoys adorably shaking her body while raising her hands just above her jawline and grinning hugely.
Then, all of a sudden, you two heard music coming from inside. Since it is definitely being played on the speaker, both of you can still hear it to some extent because it was fairly loud.
Tzuyu: "It's Mr. Kwon who did it. Hehe, he loves music that's why.", she explained what we just noticed.
YN: "Take On Me huh? He does have a great taste.", you said as you slowly bopped your head to the song's groovy pace and rhythm. Your body then started to synchronize and connect with the way your head was moving after that.
Tzuyu: "What are you doing?", she hilariously asked you as she watched you dance.
YN: "Cmon, it's impossible not to dance with this song.", you said as you continued moving your body to follow the flow of this masterpiece you're listening with her  "Join me.", you offered her your free hand and she shyly accepts, now each other's hands are holding one another. You can feel to each selves that your hands are quite shaking due to nervousness and awkwardness slowly building up to each other.
You didn't mind it instead as you started to groove more and unshameful showed Tzuyu some funny moves of yours while dancing.
Tzuyu: "Oh my god, what do you call those moves? HAHAHAH", she looked at you as if she's judging your apperance disgustingly and puzzedly.
YN: "I don't know, it's so unique that I don't even have a name for it yet.", you faked a laughed and winked at her, not being aware that you made her blush while she rolled her eyes at your pun.
As the song about to end, you grabbed Tzuyu's arms and then spinned together with smile on each other's faces.
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You both got dizzy, Tzuyu crashed onto your body. Now your distance with her just an inches away from each other.
Tzuyu: "You dummy... what's with the spin?!", she lightly hits you with her hand to your chest while having her eye largened at what you just did. "God, my head is like going upside down.", she grabbed both sides of her head and kept it still as her way to regain her balance.
YN: "HAHAHAH sorry, I just wanted to do it.", you fakedly apologized to her by the way you let out that laugh in the beginning.
Tzuyu: "You really love to tease me aren't ya?", she glared at you and furrowed her eyebrows. Now her hands were curled and formed like a ball as she placed it on each sides of her waists.
YN: "No i'm not!", you tried to fight back but Tzuyu just hits you with her hand sending a bit of a tingling feeling in the skin of your shoulder.
YN: "Hey, what's that for?", you confusedly asked her.
Tzuyu: "That's for making me dizzy!"
YN: "Alright alright I already said sorry okay? Stop being mad at me you giant Yoda. You okay? ", you asked her what's wrong whe she just halted in front of you while keeping her sight at your face. You didn't even tell that her gaze was secretly going down to stare at your lips until what she did next send chills down to your spine.
Tzuyu immediately kissed you in the lips and went away with a pop sound. You just stood there, clueless what did she just do to you.
YN: "T-Tzuyu?", you mumbled while still standing like a statue.
Tzuyu: "Sorry, I-I just wanted to do it too.", she said as she flipped back some strands of her hair behind her ear. She raised her head again and looked at you. She placed her hands as her fingertips tracing the smooth texture of your face as you keep on watching her while she spoke to you.
"YN... I love you. I still do. You never left my heart and mind even if I'm away from you.I hope you don't mind that I'm gonna do my best to make you love me again the same as before. I'm just retrieving back the one thing that was taken from me which I never lost in the first place.", she said to you her confession and then gave you a heartwarming smile that is close enough to that level of sweetness Tzuyu always gave to you before every single day whenever you two meet.
Even though you are happy at this callbacks, it was then mixed once again with sadness, worried and anxious.
YN: "I'm not completely ready to be in love again with somebody else, Tzu. My heart is not entirely well yet. So if you can wait, I appreciate the patience.", you said, hoping for her to understand.
Tzuyu: "Don't worry, then I'll just spend my time also waiting by helping you heal your heart.", She smiled at you and put her hand on your chest to feel the rise and fall of your skin caused by the beats of your heart, which was once only sync in rhythm with hers.
You gave her a grateful smile. Then you heard the alarm on your watch go off. It appears that you glanced at it to check the time and felt alarmed when you saw it.
YN: "Oh uhm, I need to go. I still have a scheduled meeting to attend with.", you excused yourself to her as you about to take a leave now in her place.
Tzuyu: "Sure.", she nodded. The two of you went back inside the house and walked towards back to the front door.
Tzuyu: "Thank you so much again for the time we had today, YN. It completed my day already.", she grabbed your hand and gently patted the top of it.
YN: "Same as well, Tzu. I'm glad we're finally all too well now. More memories to come for us!", she nodded in glee. You invited her for another hug which she accepts before you finally stepped out of her house.
Tzuyu: "Bye!!! Be safe!", you waved your hand at her as you and Mr. Kwon entered the car once again and drove back to your place.
Tzuyu: "God, I love him so much.", she murmured to herself while she's pressing the hand she used to squeeze and pat your hand in her chest and let her heartbeat vibrates onto it.
It's been an hour after Mr. Kwon dropped you off back in your house after staying in Tzuyu's mansion. You thanked him for his service which he gladly appreciated.
You took some rest inside your place before suiting up again because you have another scheduled meeting with someone else and now, you're with this woman who waited in front of your house for you to come out and both travel through the shop.
Bang Chan: "Yo boss! Who is this?", Chan asked you as he noticed already the elegant figure of this woman standing beside you.
YN: "Our new baker in the shop.", you smirked at your joke.
Mina: "E-ehh?", she startled in confusion at your words. You just laughed a little along with Bang Chan then she playfully pushed you slightly away from her.
YN: "Just kidding, I know you still prefer to be a doctor.", you said between your laughter. "Anyways, meet my friend Myoui Mina. Mina, this is Christopher Bang or as what I and we around here call him, Bang Chan. He's my trusted friend and manager of the shop.", you said as you introduced the two of them together at each other.
Bang Chan: "Nice to meet you, noona!", he offered a handshake to her which she accepts.
Mina: "Nice to meet you too!"
YN: "I brought her here for some... private baking class.", you explained to Chan about the reason why Mina's following and sticking beside you.
Bang Chan: "Ahh, I see. Have fun you two!", you just nodded and gave him a fistbump. You and Mina then went ahead to the kitchen at the back.
YN: "So welcome to my beloved kitchen.", you said as you showed her your crowded kitchen, where your bakers were calmly preparing some pastries to bake. You name it: cake, donuts, and various bread varieties. Some are also preparing coffee and other beverages that customers outside have ordered.
Mina: "Woah it looks so clean. You do really are complete with the equipments.", she said in admiration while looking around the place.
YN: "Told you. So... hey, shall we start baking? ", you looked at her and you saw her respond with a nod.
The two of you started baking the first product came up in your mind: a one layered small cake. After the long process of preparing, building and designing it, the two of you finished and both presented each others work.
YN: "And there you have it. Our one layered caramel cake for today's lesson.", you patted off the flour and other mess in your hands as you looked proudly at your work placed beside Mina's.
Mina: "The difference of the way our cakes appear.", She chuckled as she looked back and forth between your cake and hers, noticing the obvious difference between them: Hers has a slightly less smooth texture and a slightly out-of-place structure.
YN: "It's fine. You're still a beginner anyways. Honestly, you did great on designing the layers huh. Not bad.", you said, nodding while pouting your lower lip to express how impressed you were.
Mina: "Thanks.", she blushed at your comment.
YN: "But let's find out how does it taste.", You then reached for your fork and took a mouthful of Mina's caramel cake after carefully picking a slice with it. Mina is simply watching you nervously while you evaluate and make a silent decision about how you will assess the cake's flavor as you consume it.
Mina: "How's it?", she asked you as you finally finished swallowing the slice you chewed.
YN: "It was good, delicious. Still lacking with something but anyways you just started learning today so I'll give it 8/10 overall.", you said, smiling at her.
Mina: "Yay! I really tried not to disappoint you.", she said happily, raising her fists then she gave a small clap as she enjoyed your reaction to her work.
YN: "And congrats, you didn't.", after you just finished your words, all of you inside the kitchen heard some shouting from the dining section of the shop outside. You and Mina furrowed each others eyebrows, confused at what's happening there.
YN: "What the-"
Mina: "That's coming from outside."
YN: "Yeah I can tell it...", Bang Chan then ran inside and approached you and Mina with a panic on his face.
Bang Chan: "BOSS! WE HAVE A PROBLEM.", That alone is an indication that true chaos is occurring and needs to be immediately put to an end. You, Mina, and Bang Chan instantly left the kitchen.
YN: "W-what's going on here?!", you loudly asked as you walked near along with Bang Chan at the one you spotted which was a customer and your employee staring off at each other with pure upset and anger displayed in their faces. Mina on the other hand, stayed near at the cashier to just watch what's going on right now.
Customer: "YOUR STUPID EMPLOYEE HERE ACCIDENTALLY POURED ME A DRINK!!!", she then showed to you the large stain of smoothie in her shirt. Bang Chan formed an "o" on his mouth while you quickly gazed over your employee who seems all unbothered at what he did to your customer.
Employee: "I'M SORRY OKAY? I WAS GONNA GIVE YOU ANOTHER ONE SO THAT YOU CAN SHUT UP AND STOP CRYING ABOUT IT.", he said back, apologizing at her but in a rude way still. You were just stunned at how disgusting the behavior of your employee just showed to everyone.
Bang Chan and Mina: "Wow.", the only word they both used to react.
Customer: EXCUSE ME?
YN: "Wonpil?! What did you just said to her?", you asked her with an animalistic grunt mixed in the tone of your voice as you started to get upset and irritated at the attitude of your employee which name revealed to be Wonpil.
Wonpil: "I didn't know you were kinda deaf too, boss. Too bad, I don't want to repeat again.", he just lets out a huff of air. Your lips started to twitch in displeasure.
YN: "You better watch your damn mouth while talking to me.", You glared angrily at him while giving him  the death stare. You hoped he wouldn't try to push you away because you were somewhat concerned about what may happen if you were brought by your provoke.
Bang Chan: What the hell is wrong with y- wait... why do you have an alcohol smell?", he asked as he stepped forward closely to Wonpil and grabbed his arm tightly to warn him, which made him notice something.
Customer: "Wow. Do you let this type of behavior of your employee to continue doing a service in your business, mister?", your customer asked you in disbelief as all you can do is to look at her back, feeling ashamed at yourself for this idiot beside you.
YN: "N-no. I deeply am sorry, miss. I really didn't know about this.", you apologetically said to the customer.
Bang Chan: "He's saying the truth, maam. In fact, this one right here just started his shift late and... didn't even bother to talk to me.", he then gave a sharp glare at Wonpil who's still standing calmly and containing himself not to get whole irritated at the combined complaint of his fault. "Well uhm, how about this-" Bang Chan starts making suggestions to the customer, who thankfully accepts it. After the customer had left with a new t- shirt gave by Bang Chan, you gestured for everyone to continue eating an apologized for the disturbance caused by your drunk employee. You pulled Wonpil with you through your office to talk with him. Mina just watched and got worried at the seriousness of your expression while Bang Chan just silently followed you.
YN: "What you did back there earlier is clearly very rude, irresponsible and most notably such a very unacceptable behavior you showed earlier.", you said as you keep slamming your hand onto the desk. " What the hell are you thinking, Wonpil? You're drunk in alcohol and even dared to show up here in my shop, even worse... late? That's it.", you faced him, trying to dig his soul deep down to the bottom of the ground at your intimidating stare.
"Because of what you did today that effectively broke some rules here, you're fired."
Wonpil: "W-wait, boss. D-don't fire me please. I-i'm sorry... m-my rent owner is already about to kick me out of the apartment so that's why I drink-"
YN: "I understand your problem but seriously, you don't even need to bring it also here, cause also a bigger problem and affect my shop's reputation with it.", you pointed to the outside then pinched and massaged the top of the bridge of your nose. "I'm sorry but you should pack your things and get out.", you gestured for him to go away.
Wonpil: "N-no... No WAIT! BOSS! NO... PLEASE DON'T! I NEED THIS JOB!", he started to change back and make his disgusting behavior he showed earlier to disappear just to convince you to give him a chance still. But you just completely refuse, you do not tolerate this kind of action from any of your employee... even if Bang Chan also who is your friend.
Bang Chan: "Don't worry about him, boss. I got this. Focus back on Mina there.", he whispered to you and gestured his head to Mina who is curiously looking at waiting for you at one of the seats.
YN: "Thanks, Chan.", you smiled which Chan just replied with a nod. You walked back to approach the elegant penguin sitting alone.
Mina: "Hey."
YN: "Hi. Uhh, sorry for the mess back there. I made you wait.", you embarassingly apologized to Mina. Right at the moment, Bang Chan called the guards to escort Wonpil out of the shop.
Mina: "It's fine. You made me impressed anyways on how great of a boss you are.", the two of you chuckled. "You did the right thing."
YN: Thanks. Well that's my job anyways. I should take care both my customers and employees.", you smiled confidently at her which made her admire you secretly at your kind-hearted personality. "Shall we go now?"
Mina: "O-okay."
You two exit the shop and drive away with your car. After minutes of travel, you two finally reached Mina's house.
YN: "I hope you enjoyed today, Mina.", you said after you stopped exactly in front of her residence.
Mina: "I did.", she gave you her gummy smile. What happened next is that she fall and halted at your stare to her which made her remember again the another reason of having her time with you today.
She's gonna confess her feelings to you. She wants to try, and it doesn't matter to her if the outcome breaks her heart; after all, it's simply karma for her to think and believe since you admitted to her back in high school that she had you go through the same thing when she rejected yours. Mina: "Uhm, YN..."
YN: "Hmm?", you reacted at her mention of your name.
Mina: "I... l-.... I lo-"
YN: "Are you okay?", you worriedly asked her.
Mina: "I- I... I loved the cake we made. " ,she sighed internally.
YN: "Me too. Don't worry, we'll bake more next time.", you grinned at her. She opened the door quickly and peeked at the window from outside.
Mina: "T-thanks, YN!"
YN: "You too, Mina!", You bid her farewell by waving. You restarted your car's engine and drove back to the store, leaving Mina home alone to enter. She forcefully tangles her hair as she shuts the door, hitting her forehead repeatedly out of frustration.
Mina: "AGH WHY I CAN'T SAY IT TO HIM!", she said with a groan while stomping in annoyance at her failed confession for you. ---------------------------
You entered JYP Entertainment and went to the receptionist lady to ask your concern.
Lady Receptionist: "Good morning, sir! Welcome to JYP Entertainment, how can I help you?"
YN: "Hello, good morning. I'll just deliver this to Ms. Im Nayeon. Where is the Madonna Dance Practice Room here?", you asked as you showed to her a box of doughnuts you're holding.
Lady Receptionist: "At the 5th floor, right hallway, second room sir.", she stated the direction where your meeting place with Nayeon is.
YN: "Thank you.", you bowed your head a little to the receptionist to show gratitude and respect for her service.
The elevator took you to the fifth story, where it then turned you into the right hallway. A white door with a picture of Madonna and the name "Madonna Dance Room" printed above it appeared next. After you knocked, the door opened to show Nayeon, who was dressed in a basic t-shirt, black leggings, and white Fila shoes. She appears to be practicing right now based on how sweaty she is.
YN:  "Hello.", you smiled at her.
Nayeon: "Oh YN! You're finally here!",  She quickly pressed her body into yours, which you gratefully embraced as a hug. Although she may be perspiring, her aroma is unbelievably pleasant. It smelled like a cross between baby powder and perfume.
YN: "Here's your doughnuts.", you showed her clearly the box of doughnuts you're holding. She then grinned, showing her bunny teeth.
Nayeon: "Thank you! You can come in!", she stepped aside, giving you the way inside.
YN: "Sure."
Nayeon: "How's your day?", she asked you as she grabbed the bag placed on top of the cabinet.
YN: "Fine, had a problem at the shop yesterday but I figured it all out now.", you said after taking a seat at one of the average sized black couch available here.
Nayeon: "Why what happened there?", she curiously asked.
YN: "Fired an employee. Improper behavior reasons."
Nayeon: "Oh... okay.", she nodded. She then lend to you her money as her payment for the doughnuts she ordered. You tooked it and thanked her.
Nayeon: "Ooh your doughnuts are mouth watering, YN! Does it have new flavors here?", she said as she started opening the box, revealing many different types and designs of freshly baked doughnuts inside.
YN: "None so far. I'll about to add some next week but if you want to try it, i'll give it to you."
Nayeon: "Ofcourse I want some. Just inform me okay?"
YN: "Okay.", You gave her a smile. After checking anything on your phone for a while, you unexpectedly failed to notice Nayeon's approaching presence. She was standing in front of you when you turned to look at her and saw the doughnut she was holding out to you.
Nayeon: "Do you want some?"
YN: "I'm good. It's all yours, Nayeon.", you respectfully rejected her offer.
Nayeon: "Okayyy~", she then took a bit on it, presenting to you how a bunny eats a doughnut. You can see her pinchable chubby cheeks rising every chew she makes.
YN: "What is your schedule right now?"
Nayeon: "Dance choreo practice so far. Preparing for my upcoming album. Do you want to see it?", she bounced her eyebrows.
YN: "Oh, okay. Sure. It's a pleasure for me to be the first one outside the company who'll know about it.", you sheepishly smiled.
Nayeon: "Well then. Just zip your mouth and enjoy what you'll see, okay?", she smirked, patting your head and left a pinch on your cheek as she went onto her cellphone to play her song that's being kept as a single so far to the public, especially to her fans.
She then went to the center of the room and started dancing in front of you, who's not aware that the concept of Nayeon's upcoming comeback is actually sexy.
Nayeon did some of the moves with more flow to tease you. She crawled to the floor, spin her head to make her hair fly in the air and look at you seductively; earning a huge gulp from you.
She turned back and squatted, then glanced at you as she rotated her head sideways and swayed her hips while showcasing her perfectly round shaped ass. It feels like you're burning inside the room but the temperature is not even cold since it has an aircon turned on. Well, all you can blame is this friend and ex-girlfriend of yours who's dancing dangerously and so attractingly to impress you; not knowing that she's performing it with all her best to flirt with you.
She laid on the floor sexily, her front body met the surface and then banged her fist repeatedly on the floor while her waist and ass are going up and down in the air.
Dude, you just wanna say goodluck already to the public and to her fans already when Nayeon released her performance video of this upcoming singles of her. You can barely contain the hotness of this lady in front you, how could the others who admire her as an idol won't do the same too?
After she danced, the song finished and you were just left completely speechless at what you just saw.
Nayeon: "Well, did you liked it YN?~", she asked in a singsong tone while she's in the middle of her catching of breath due to how quite of exhausting her choreo is.
YN: "I-it's great. Wow... I didn't know that's the other s-side of yours I'll be seeing.", you chuckled nervously, trying to contain your embarassment and unstable self right now.
Nayeon: "Sorry. I just thought it would be better if I turn it into a surprise you know, since it's you I'm the one whom I'll be showing it into... and the only one I'll be willing to do it the most too~", she chuckled and even bite her lower lip at you. You were starting to ask rapid questions of why? in your head. The first one is definitely being "why is she being like this to you right now?".
She walked towards you and stood beside you. Nayeon: "You're going all red now, YN.", she cupped your chin and turned your face to hers.
YN: "S-sorry... I'm just so embarassed right now. I'm not really used into this.", you said as you try to avoid Nayeon's alluring gaze. Your heartbeat is starting to increase rapidly.
Nayeon: "Well I could make you try more if you'll... let.. me~ ", then your eyes widened as Nayeon starts to push her face closer and closer onto yours, going in now to attempt for a kiss. You remembered exactly the time when she just left you out of nowhere with a peck on your cheek during the school's event and left you wondering what was that for?
And now the question reappeared in your mind but now that she's being obvious already, it looks like you kinda now what could be the answer.
YN: "Nayeon... the kiss you did last time means something, isn't it?", you asked her, stopping her from successfully connecting her lips to yours. She opened her eyes and wandered her sight around your own pair.
Nayeon: "Mmmhmm... you noticed it now don't you? Yes, it does. And it's funny how that's the one I'd able to make you realize what I feel for you even though since the very first time we met again at the shop, it was there all along.", she said to you as her hand went to your hair and started stroking it. You got it right now that she do have keeping a secret to you, and that centered most about her feelings for you.
Nayeon: "My love for you, YN. I want to try to bring back what we had before... to try fix my mistakes, to get what I want... to show how could we become better this time.. but too bad, I know I can't. You're already taken. I'm not the type of person who ruins relationships.", her expression turned serious as she lets out a sigh of disappointment at the truth she's having a problem with.
YN: "Actually, R-ryujin and I are... over.", you said between your stutters, you don't mean any other meaning to that. You just want to clarify and correct some things to her.
Nayeon: "Eh? Really? When? What happened?", she started a streak of questions in her surprise.
YN: "A Week ago. Found someone better.", you gave her a bittersweet smile.
Nayeon: "Tsk. She just wasted a very boyfriend material like you, YN. She doesn't see your worth to the fullest.", it hit you right in the feels. Nayeon then cupped both sides of your face, looking at you with concern. "Are you fine now?"
YN: "I am."
Nayeon: "Well, good. So... uhh, about my confession..."
YN: "It's fine. Nayeon, I don't reject you.", you said, giving her a calm smile so that she can ease down the nervousness in her. "Although you can't expect any response about what are my feelings too so far. I'm...still thinking about what will happen to me when it comes to these thing. If I fall for you, will I never gonna be the same again?", you said to hee anxiously.
Nayeon: "It's fine, YN. Take your time. Don't rush. Just the fact that you finally know my unvanished love for you is enough for me already. I just hope it would turn out more than that one day, and I'll do my best this time to prove you wrong that you'll gonna be better instead when you're with me.", she assured you with a smile. "Thank you, YN."
YN: “You're welcome.", After you finished speaking to her, you noticed something that caused you to freeze in place. Nayeon begins to worry why you aren't moving, and you can see a mixture of shock and embarrassment on your face as you turn to face another direction.
Your gaze landed on the door, where Jihyo was standing there with her hair perfectly tied, donning a white jacket, gray jogging pants, and pink rubbershoes. Jihyo gazed at Nayeon while she shared the same expression with the direction at where you are gazing. She then turned away from you. You simply hoped Jihyo wouldn't have a different perspective on this.
YN: "J-jihyo?", you said her name with your trembling voice.
Nayeon: "O-oh... hi J-Jihyo...", she bowed in front her shyly.
Jihyo: Hi. S-sorry to interrupt your m-moment.", you saw her gulp. "I-i'm just shocked that you're here, YN."
YN: "I just delivered some doughnuts to Nayeon here.", you said, pointing the doughnuts placed on the couch.
Nayeon: "Y-yes."
Jihyo: "O-oh... okay. Enjoy, Nayeon.", it took her 2nd try to smile.
Nayeon: "T-thanks, Jihyo."
YN: "I'll get going now.", You replied as you swiftly rose to your feet to remove the building tension between the two, which you had seen was due to a situation that left you feeling awkward and perplexed.
In response, Nayeon simply nodded and smiled. She bowed and waved her hands in the air. Jihyo catches you as you're ready to leave the room and gives you a surprise embrace. You fail to see that Jihyo purposefully scowled at Nayeon, who was beginning to feel a little jealous of what she was seeing, before wrapping her hands tightly around your back.
Jihyo: "I miss you already.", she said with her muffled voice as her face is buried in the crook of your neck.
YN: "Aww, someone wants me to come in her place. Hmm."
Jihyo: "You got it.", you felt your neck vibrated as she chuckled.
YN: "Alright, Friday night. We'll do movie marathon."
Jihyo: "Okayyy! Be safe, okay? God, I love your scent so much.", she went away from your hug and looked at you with her gummy smile of excitement.
YN: "Bye Jihyo.", you just chuckled at her compliment of your smell.
Jihyo: "Bye, YN!"
You then finally walked away and went inside the elevator, leaving Nayeon and Jihyo alone awkwardly.
Jihyo: "F-fighting for today, Nayeon!", she looked at Nayeon, a bit troubled at what she's doing.
Nayeon: "Y-yes, you too... Jihyo.", she forcefully smiled at Jihyo. As Jihyo vanished in her sight, Nayeon's expression changed into a serious one. ------------------------------
You returned back to your shop and opened the glass door. You saw your manager Bang Chan serving a customer in the counter.
Bang Chan: "Hey, boss!", he greeted you.
YN: "Good, eveni-", you were about to greet back when suddenly both you and Chan heard someone from a distance calling your name.
Sana: "YNNNNNN!!!!!!!!", She rushed in your direction, oblivious to the looks of the customers she agitated with her loud, small-pitched voice. She tightly embraced you with her body locking into yours. Sana compressed your body so tightly that it is becoming more difficult for you to breathe.
YN: "Oh, hey S-Sana..."
Bang Chan: "Hey, sis. Take it easy. You just caught the eyes of the people here. Also, we don't want YN to die here in the shop, don't we?", he gently tapped Sana's shoulder and escorted to take out her step-sister slowly from your grasp.
Sana: "Hehe.. sorry. I MISSED YOU SO MUCHHH!!", she said as she grabbed both of your arms while jumping happily like a little kid who just treated by her parents to go to a mall in return of her good grades.
YN: "Aww I missed you too, Sha.", you can't help but to smile at how adorable she is.
Sana: "Hey, you! Give us some food. We need to talk now.", she instructed her step brother Chan portraying like a strict and intimidating boss she is.
Bang Chan: "Ooookkkaayyy maam. Sheesh.", both of you chuckled at how hilarious and bubbly Sana today. She grabbed your hand in a rush and pulled you with her to follow her.
She took the seat first and followed you with her eyes as you're about to take the seat in front of her.
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Sana: "I'm really sorry if I didn't get to visit here. My schedules are really stacked up these past days and I just had here finally be able to walk around free since it's all about to be cleared up.", she said apologetically.
YN: "No worries, Sana. I won't disappear, anyways. I'll be right here, Okay? I will just be here always and you can come here to see whenever you want.", you assured her by comforting her with no worries.
Sana: "Promise you won't go, YN?", she pouted at you with her puppy eyes. Oh god, this shiba inu lookinh princess in front of you is slowly killing you with her adorable acts.
YN: "Promise."
Sana: "Aaaa you're so cute.", after that Bang Chan serves the ones Sana ordered for you both. He left you two again and you started to gain focus on Sana refilling her cup with coffee but you weren't aware that she's looking at you with her lovingly eyes.
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"Anyways, let's go to the next thing why I want us to talk.", her smile starts to fade away.
YN: "Sure."
Sana: "Is that true that your girlfriend left you and broke my YN's heart?", she asked and looked at you intently, her worried expression is the first thing that's clearly visible in her right now.
YN: "Yes. But you don't need to w-", before you were about to finish her line, she interrupted you.
Sana: "Don't need to worry? YN, you don't know how BADLY I WORRIED ABOUT YOU, WHERE ALL I WANTED WAS TO JUST ESCAPE MY STAFFS THERE JUST TO COME HERE AND CHECK ON YOU!!!", her voice raised and all you had to do was look at her in shock, being perplexed as to why she started acting more differently. She seemed to be abruptly shifting her personality. It brings to memory what transpired the last time you sat and interacted with Momo here.
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YN: "Sana... it's fine now, okay? I appreciate the concern. Atleast it's over now right?", you grabbed her hand and gently massaged it to calm her down.
Sana: "Yeah you're right. But i'm really sorry. It's just... I don't want anyone to hurt you. I don't want anyone to make you cry and devastate you. YN you deserved better! Not what you received from her!", You became even more concerned about her when she began to tremble since she appeared to be about to lose control of her emotions. You were anxious to assist her.
YN: "Sana... calm down. Please. Okay? Don't cry more.", She quickly nodded and sniffed, and as you continued to seem worried, the first tears started to fall from her eyes. You didn't anticipate Sana to carry this one close to her heart given your experience with sadness caused on by Ryujin's actions.
Sana: "I'm really sorry... I-I can't help it. It just hurts me so much me knowing that she disrespected your love and even broke your trust. She failed to meet my expectations for you. I just wanted you to be happy and contented with someone else... even if it breaks my heart knowing I'm not the source of it.", she said her reasons why she's acting this way. You got quite confused what does she meant at those last words.
Sana: "I can't risk seeing the one that makes me happy lose it's smile and have his world turn dark."
YN: "Sana."
Sana: "You're just that too special to me, YN. That's why I wanted the best for you, is because I simply love you.", She stated as she took your hand and gently handled it to show how she had grown to love you. You now know another explanation for why Sana was vulnerable to harm. You initially assumed that it was because she is a friend who is incredibly caring, thoughtful, vocal, and passionate and who just wants the best for the people she loves in her life.
You just shockingly faced her,  while at the same time you're more confused at one thing.
YN: "W-why? Of all the guys out there why me? I just don't get it? What's with me that makes you fall in love with?"
Sana: "The way how with just everything you do, it takes my breath away. The way how we're together, it instantly make me happy and complete. I could go on and on, YN.", she tried to smile for you despite her face is being bathed with tears right now. She started to wiped it all with her tissue. "But to sum it all to up, I just love that you exist."
YN: "I'm sorry, Sana but... I can't give you any answer so far about your feelings.", you bowed your head, showing how sorry you are for doing this. You stated it carefully so that you can avoid making Sana hurt more. "You see, I'm still not fully prepared to love somebody again. I had 4 girlfriends already and what I experienced recently was already for me to be traumatized of being a failure. I'm still scared to love somebody again and if I might choose you, I don't want you to leave because I didn't became the boyfriend you wanted me to be.", you said as you connected your gaze again with Sana, showing how much you care for her.
Sana: "It's fine, YN. If that so, then let me help you face your fears. I'll show you that not every one is like her. I promise, with me... I'll do everything to prove that I deserve your love.", she said as she played again with your hands, tracing your skin with her fingertips. "I won't expect anything from you because having you near me is already enough for be to be contented."
YN: "Okay. Thank you, Sana. I admire your courage to share your feelings for me.", you just smiled at her understanding she truly is.
Sana: "Hehe did I do well, YN? My face is stained and wet with my tears.", she then laughed, changing back to the original vibe she had early when she approached you.
YN: "You still look beautiful when you cry, Sana.", you saw her blush. You didn't intended to play with her feelings, you are just being honest.  "O-oh uhm by the way. Good luck too."
Sana: "Thanks, YN. Okay, let's change the topic. Are you free tomorrow?", she asked you curiously.
YN: "Eh? W-why?", you took a bite at your food.
Sana: "I just want to invite you to attend the fashion show I'm attending with. It will be held at Jeju by the way and I know it's not that near here so I asked you first if...", you didn't waited for her to finish as you gave her answer already that you know already she's expecting to have.
YN: "I'm in."
Sana: "Really? THAT'S GREAT! SEE YOU TOMORROW, YN! ",  she energetically reacted.
YN: "You too, Sana.", you smiled, finally relieved that she's back to okay now after that dramatic moment you two have just now.
Sana: "As much as I want to spend time with you more, I think we should just continue this tomorrow. I should go home and rest. Bye, YN!", she bid her goodbye at you after she finished her coffee and saw some vision of herself wearing her outfit for tomorrow at the fashion show on the TV screen, which she thought that it's probably a reminder to herself that she must rest early for tomorrow.
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YN: "Bye, Sana.", she stood up and went to the counter to greet her brother too.
Sana: "Channie!!! I'll be heading home now, ok? I'll prepare dinner there for you!"
Bang Chan: "Thank you, noona! Be safe!", and after that Sana finally went outside and entered her car parked in front of the shop.
You walked at the counter and watched Sana's car drive away from your shop through your glass door. Bang Chan then quickly took your attention.
Bang Chan: "She confessed isn't she?", he asked even though he's not looking at you.
YN:"Yeah, wait... you know about this?", you got surprised, raising your eyebrows at him.
Bang Chan: "Yup. She was planning it these past few days, actually."
YN: "I didn't rejected her, don't worry."
Bang Chan: "Good. I'm just glad you're giving noona a chance to make you fall for her too. She loves you so much, YN.", he smiled at you and closed the logbook he's writing at.
YN: "I know, but I'm worried for the two of us.", you sighed and slumped your shoulders.
Bang Chan: "Why?", he asked you curiously.
YN: "It's not gonna be easy for the two of us, knowing that I'm the one who's gonna decide while Sana joins the others who also doing moves now to steal my heart.", you said to him as you remembered Nayeon, Momo, Sana and Tzuyu confessing their love for you. -------------------------- (THE NEXT DAY)
You awakened early in the morning and went already to your shop which is still closed so far. You are waiting along with your car beside you, waiting for Sana to meet you again.
More than 30 minutes passed and a black van arrived in front of you. You walked near to the door, and Sana opened the tinted window to see you clearly.
Sana: "Good morning, YN!", she greeted you. It was not that full of energy since she looks like she's somewhat still sleepy after waking up early too.
YN: "Good morning too."
Sana: "You can follow our van on the way to the airport so that it's just easy for you to go.", she said to you. You just nodded while listening to her. "Oh, uhh by the way... YN let me introduce you to my friend from work who's also joining as a model for the brand we're endorsing.", she said as she turned her head to the other side looking at another mysterious figure beside her that caught your attention who may that be since that person is being covered by Sana and the darkness inside the van.
Sana: "YN, meet Kim-",
YN: "DAHYUN?!", you exclaimed her name in shock as Sana moved away a bit to reveal Dahyun, who moved forward and looked at you with disbelief and shyness in her face.
Dahyun: "YN.", she also said your name embarassingly while Sana was just left speechless as she looked at both you and Dahyun, confused how did the two of you know each other.
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qqchurch · 4 months
ohhh, that's one of the things that annoyed me so much with that stupid misogynist LN I read:
the author presented having empathy to the "enemy" as something completely idiotic and delusional even if the "enemy" was shown to be a mindless being capable of only hostility, and by doing so they paint the strawman female character they were using as nothing but a vapid bitch that has a break from reality
it's so dumb because it's done with so little nuance and just 100% having a caricature to bash on, when there's other ways to have a pacifistic character and show that there's a time and place for going "let's stop fighting and talk it out", but i guess the point was just to have the MC and his new Top Martial Artist buddy to be all macho and rescue everyone while having the whiny female character be brutalized >.>
just suddenly remembered how Hibiki Symphogear's series-wide arc of accepting that people will still fight even if they're willing to talk, and having that same trope be caricaturized for some guy's "Hard Man Making Hard Choices" macho fantasy is AUGHHHH
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queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
About that: I decided that I'll be posting a LN inspired painting every week, starting today, until I run out of ideas!
I'm planning to do this until at least the end of September - LN has helped me improve in every aspect of the art forms I practice, but I want to improve MORE
Every Wednesday will be painting day, so stay tuned if you want <3
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stockton-ca · 1 year
Things to Do in Stockton CA
The city of Stockton, California is home to a series of traveler places, parks, and celebrations. Whether you're preparing a journey or are simply searching for things to do with the household, you can find plenty to keep everyone disorderly.
The Haggin Museum is a great location to go to. It lies in Achievement Park and holds more than 2 hundred forty art work. Visitors will likewise find Japanese woodblock prints, illuminated manuscripts, and other artifacts. This museum is complimentary to participate in.
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You can likewise take a look at the Kid's Museum Of Stockton, which has a range of interactive exhibits and screens. It's likewise a remarkable location to read more about the city's history.
There are numerous museums in Stockton CA. The Haggin Museum, which opened in 1931, has a fantastic collection of artifacts and works by American and around the world artists. These consist of the best collection of Albert Bierstadt paintings. Other areas include an antique combine harvester, a brought back tractor, and a significant collection of J.C. Leyendecker's illustrations.
The city of Stockton has a long and many farming customized. If you have an interest in discovering more about the location's food and farming, you can go to the Stockton Accredited Farmers' Market. Regional veggies and fruit is utilized at helpful expenses.
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The city of Stockton CA has numerous marinas. While you're there, you can similarly take in a computer game at the Stockton Kings, which is an NBA G League group. Throughout the season, they play computer game at the Stockton Arena.
If you have an interest in shopping, have a look at the Marvel Mile, which is a pedestrian-friendly area of Pacific Possibility in Downtown Stockton. There are stores, dining facilities, and clubs here. A lot of the dining facilities use an excellent choice of food and house-made sodas.
When you're in the area, you need to also have a look at the Downtown Asian Farmers' Market, which is the earliest outdoors market in the state. It uses local veggies and fruit and other Asian items.
You may similarly delight in Pixie Woods, a theme park in Stockton. The park includes a series of flights and tourist locations, consisting of a merry-go-round, a pirate ship, a Pixie Express train flight, a dragon water play area, and a terrific forest. Guests will also get to ride the Pixie Queen Boat through the Pirate Lagoon.
The city of Stockton has lots to utilize visitors, nonetheless you'll require to make your own strategies. There are numerous things to do, including a variety of celebrations, museums, and parks. Make certain to call ahead to find the opening hours of each place. Take a look at evaluations of the Stockton destinations prior to your go to, to ensure you delight in.
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Among the most remarkable locations in Stockton is the Wat Dhammararam Buddhist Temple. This temple is distinct due to the fact that it was founded by Cambodian refugees. Here, you can see more than 90 statues of spiritual figures, and see the amazing temple building. In April, you can go to the temple's Cambodian New Year event.
The city of Stockton has good deals of parks and marinas, in addition to museums. You can discover more about the city's history at the Haggin Museum or the Kid's Museum.
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RenewMD Beauty and Wellness, a Medical Spa in Stockton 3133 W March Ln Suite 1040A, Stockton, CA 95219 +1 209-952-2251 https://renewmdwellness.com/stockton-beauty-and-wellness-medical-spa/ Tuesday- Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm,
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
assistance please! | e.kirishima.
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♡ pairing: eijirou kirishima x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 6.6K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: workplace!au, internship!au, fluff + smut.
♡ summary: eijirou kirishima loved being an intern, he had great co-workers, had a shot at his dream job, his boss had taken quite liking to him and of course, being the favourite intern had many, many perks.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut,  ( kirishima is in his twenties ), power dynamics, sub top!kirishima + power bottom!reader,   heavy!praise kink, heavy!miss + mommy kink, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, kids ), oral ( female receiving ), squirting, tummy bulges, cumplay, creampie.
♡ author’s note(s): hihi everyone!! today i present to you my contribution to the bnharem on the job collab! i had a lot of fun playing with different dyanimics in this fic, i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!! make sure you chek out the other works from the other amazing creators!! <3
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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“oi! ‘shima! you’re needed in the boss’ office right away, she’s got important business for ya!, wants t’have a word. now.”
eijirou ducks his head politely in a sign of gratitude, thanking his co-worker and superior, keigo— for the heads up. keigo, or better known as hawks around the office ( for his fast speeds in completing work and luring lonely interns into his bed ), was a nice guy— second to the lady in charge and way too chatty. he was a bit of an air head, got the job done when it needed to be but that’s what kirishima was for, the replacement while keigo took his vacation time in the middle of the year like an idiot.
he wasn’t too sure why you kept the blonde around, he supposed it was because he was pretty but eijirou wouldn’t dare question you— he needed this internship if he was going to make it big in the sports news reporting scene. he’d been majoring in sports and healthcare at college, two years away from graduating when the opportunity to work for yn ln, one of the biggest sports journalists in japan had landed right in his lap. of course he was going to take it, of course he was going to do everything he could not to fuck it up.
in the cubicles beside him, the other interns try to muffle their giggles and titters of curious laughter as the red head gathers himself for the meeting.
“oooo, i wonder what you did this time,” kaminari teases from the right, leaning over his side of the cubicle to fiddle with the odd bits on kirishima’s desk. denki kaminari was another person kirishima wondered how the hell he got into the programme, but then again he was pretty to look at and brought a lighter air to boring office days.
“nothing! i’m innocent!” eijirou defends, hands releasing his files to fly up in defence.
the other interns, going by the names of mina ashido, kyouka jirou and hanta sero snicker amongst themselves at the interaction.
“don’t believe it, s’obviously more than nothin’ if you’re always getting called down’ta the boss lady’s office.” bakugou, another intern, grunts out with his nose deep buried in files for upcoming reports. he was a little too rough for the journalism lifestyle but got the job done. his attitude wasn’t for everyone. “they’re probably fuckin’.”
mina giggles and kirishima steps out into the paths between desks. “don’t be such a sourpuss ‘suki, just ‘cause you’re not her favourite.”
a lose ‘shut up’ is huffed, before katsuki turns to face his taller, buffer companion. “just don’t be late, bunch of us are goin’ for lunch later.” he adds and turns back to his paperwork.
“affirmative, catch ya later!”
the group waves the red head off as he heads to the elevator directing him to the main floor— this is where all the higher ups worked. the journey wasn’t unfamiliar to the intern, he wasn’t like the others and had the steps to your office memorised by heart. sometimes it was like walking home, to his comfort and sanctuary away from the stressors of work and the outside world— he knew that was bad, but you were so kind, such a sweet and understanding boss he couldn’t help but develop some level of comfort towards you.
to most, it seemed like eijirou kirishima was just unbelievably close to his boss, that you’d taken him under your wing.
he however, knew what you had, meant more.
a fluttering warmth spreads across the intern’s chest as he approaches the door to your main office and he knocks. behind it lay mountains of secrets upon secrets, things that kirishima knows about you that no one else does. the walls have hidden words, written across them in fonts of passion and admiration and it’s all that he can think about. you’re all that he can think about, and it’s still wrong. there’s a shuffling deep in the room and some flitters of paper here and there before your soft, velveteen voice breaks through the barrier between you. the one thing keeping you apart.
“come in,” you call smoothly and kirishima follows your orders swiftly, if not eagerly, entering the four walls of your office. ruby eyes dart across the room to locate your position and his heart skips a beat when he finds you, body leaning over your dark oak desk, papers scattered across it while you frantically sift through numbers and stocks and nonsense way above the level of a journalism intern. but even amongst the chaos, you’re beautiful— eyes sparkling with productivity, lined in little flecks across the colour of your orbs. the way you dress never fails to steal away eijirou’s breath— a tight fitting leather skirt that hugs your mature curves and a white blouse with the bottoms popped open— just enough for him to get a peek at your cleavage.
the poor intern has to hold himself back from blurring the lines of work and pleasure to shove himself deep into your chest, suck and lick at your plush breasts until he was high off the taste of your skin. but he wouldn’t do that, yet. not without your permission. “oh eiji baby, there you are!” you coo to the red head, bright smile stretching across blood diamond painted lips. you cross the room in three short strides, tall black heels clacking against the smooth white marble until you’re standing in front of and looking up at kirishima. “was starting to think keigo had ditzed like a pretty boy and had forgotten to send you my way, darling.”
eijirou’s cheeks flame at the smoothness in your syrupy voice, like sweet honey to his hears, the pet name striking a familiar heat deep within him. you always had a way with your words— enticing, almost like a siren calling out to him despite the taboo aura that surrounded what you had. whatever it was— he just knew it was more than your typical boss-intern relationship.
“even if he had, ‘m more than happy to be of service to you ma’am,” he responds almost a little too quickly, large hand rubbing the back of his neck and tugging at his baby hairs to ground himself.
you cock your head, eyes sparkling with mischief. “always such a helpful, good boy eijirou,” you hum, lips pulling into a devilish red smile and the praise causing a new spark of lustful electricity to crackle through the air. “i could use a little assistance, please, i have this awful meeting with the board today, spent all night preparing and couldn’t go home, i could use some stress relief,”
kirishima’s gaze becomes hooded as he looks down at you, a familiar and bright desire burning in the pits of his stomach. “oh yeah? sucks that the paperwork kept you up all night ma’am…” he trails off, choosing to let his fingers dance up and down your sides— snaking an arm around your waist to pull you into him. you couldn’t or you wouldn’t go home. he’s not sure if he cares about the answer right now— not when you tremble in his grip, itching for something, anything from him. “how long do you reckon we have ms. ln?”
“ten to fifteen minutes sweetheart, give or take,”
you grin widens, taking an impossibly closer step to your intern— pressing the swell of your breasts against his hard chest. he can feel your nipples pebbling through your blouse, almost visible behind the white fabric and god the way you look up at him— he can no longer wait, he needs you. right here and right now.
“will you be needing my assistance throughout, ma’am?” kirishima asks, voice dropping a few octaves until it falls into a low growl.
“i expect it. you are my intern after all.”
the words laced with deep huskiness, the proximity of your bodies and the rising heat in the room is what leads you both to tumble into the next series of events. before he can’t register it, your mouths are slotted together in a fast paced and sloppy kiss, kirishima’s body manoeuvres you around the office, marking out a familiar pathway to your desk—his tongue remains sliding over yours in rapid movements as he commits your taste to memory, refreshing those from the last time he had you like this. yet every time you kiss and his tongue glides over yours, you taste sweeter than before; like peaches and morning coffee— you feel softer in his grip, every dip and curve to your body like it was built for him.
eijirou can't stop thinking of that last time, tucked away in your office after dark when your dainty hands pawed desperately at his hips to bring him closer or scratched at his back from sheer pleasure— kirishima wants to see you like that against, using his own hands to tear through your shirt and send buttons flying across the room. something in him just wants to do good for you, have you ache for him and earn himself some of your sweet praise. even as you step and stumble towards your work desk, the red-head lets his lips break away from yours, connected by a string of your own saliva before he drops to your neck, lapping tracks over your skin with the temptation to bite down and paint it shades of deep purple and blue.
but there are rules that you both have in place; ways to keep what you have a secret and hidden away from the public eye so that you don’t lose all that you’ve worked for and so kirishima can keep being your precious little intern.
“jump for me, please ma’am,” he whispers heavily into the junction between your neck and your shoulders, breath laboured and warm against your skin that begins to shine with light perspiration. mindlessly, you follow his orders, jumping up while your fingers curl into the mass of red on kirishima’s head and ankles lock around his waist—his hands meet the backs of your doughy thighs, squeezing the flesh between calloused digits while you toe off your heels.
“eiji, you’re so good,” you manage between feather light breaths as they clatter to the floor as the pair of you somehow make your way to the desk chair, pushing and tearing the clothes from one another’s bodies— including your crisp shirt. now seated and left in nothing but your bra, you tug harshly at your intern’s locks and bring his mouth down to yours, allowing them to move together in a dirty, messy kiss. there’s barely any time for you both to mess around, for him to tease you until your limit and you’re crying out for any type of touch from him, so eijirou quickly
flips down your bra, exposing your chest to cool, air conditioned air—not even bothering to unclip the material as his fingers descend on your nipple, pulling and twisting them until your back arches from the stimulation. “hurry, please eijirou,”
obedient as ever, your favourite boy drops to his knees in front of the chair you stay slumped in and with his height, he still manages to tower over you, practically at eye level with hunger framing the ruby of his own. large hands knead at your plush thighs, hiking your skirt up and up to give you room to spread your thighs, cunt growing sticky from anticipation— all from a few measly touches in familiar places. but this is kirishima, and he knows how your body works from countless hours spent after the office closes up— using one another to blow off extra steam. he knows just what makes you tick and moan his name.
logically, eijirou knows that your meeting could start at any minute and even though you’re both in a stickler for time, he still wants to get a taste at your skin before devouring your most intimate parts. he’ll make time to explore every part of you, to assist you in your stress relief. “‘m sorry miss, yn,” he whines needily, watching your chest rise and fall with want, feeling your body heat up and twitch from the ghost of his fingertips across your blemished skin. “gotta have a taste of you before the real deal, hope’ya don’t mind…”
latching onto the left mound of flesh at your exposed chest, kirishima sinks the point of his teeth into the area around your nipple— just enough to graze your skin and pull a sweet mewl from your mouth. you’re both lucky for the soundproof walls, your head thrown back in a lewd moan he lets his pink tongue roll over your bud in vicious circles. heavy, fat globs of saliva pool over the pink muscle, pouring down kirishima’s chin and painting your skin with a slick shine. “h-how...how could i mind angel, not when you treat me s’good,” you heave, vision fading in and out due to the overwhelming amount of pleasure flashing through your body in waves of hotness. “always doin’ so well for me eiji, aren’t you such a good boy?”
“yes ma’am,” the intern confirms with a erogenous slur, pacified and content on his knees for you— sucking, licking and biting at your chest to his heart’s content. “‘m your good boy,” he corrects you, however. eijirou feels most happy when grazing his tongue over the swell of your breasts, watching your face carefully for any twitches of delirium, it lets him know how hot aroused he makes you feel— that knowledge shoots straight to his cock, rock hard in his slacks while the redhead watches his boss writhe in her seat all for his eyes only.
such a dazzling view, and it’s all for fucking him.
your perfectly manicured nails run through red hair, scratching deliciously at his scalp until you’re forcing his head back and pulling kirishima off of your breast with a pop. “as much as i love seeing a pretty boy suck on my tits like a baby, we’re pressed for time angel, gonna need you to speed it up a little,” despite the softness to your face and the sudden evenness to the tone of your voice, the words that you speak to eijirou are vulgar, nasty, and turn him on to his wits end. “want you to eat me out eiji, can you do that for me?”
shaking his head, yes, beautiful claret eyes shining with acquiescence, kirishima wipes the spit from his chin with the back of his hand— like the tainted, dirty intern he is. you sigh down at him salaciously, ready to tear his innocence apart all over again. eijirou was always so willing to please, both in his work and behind closed doors— you would be a fool to not take advantage of that. with brute force, your intern forces your legs apart, eyes rolling back in his skull from the scent of your sex, dripping with your juices right through your underwear and stockings. overexcited, he rips through the flimsy material at your cunt, exposing your panties for him to see.
“you’re so...so wet ms.ln,” kirishima comments observantly, not even bothering to pull your stockings the rest of the way down your legs, instead opting to pull on the whole until it’s wide enough for his mouth to fit. “smell s’good, bet you taste even better,” there’s a patch on the crotch of your panties, darker than the rest of the material from where you leak and without a second thought, the red head instantly surges forward to lick a stripe over it, letting out a choked gripe as the taste of your cream from over the fabric invades his tongue.
you let out a shrill cry, hips jumping up at the first brush of his tongue against your untouched, clothed pussy. you wriggle even as kirishima holds you down, needing the heat of his mouth against you before your meeting starts. but he’s so good, so well trained, reaching up to your hips to yank your panties down in one fluid motion. leaning forward, kirishima savagely buries his face between your doughy thighs, hiking them over his shoulders from beneath the desk. his nose bumps against your clit, swollen from the lack of touch as he greedily inhales your scent once more— without warning, the intern kicks a stripe up the length of your pussy, sucking your juices into his mouth and smiling against your heat.
“d-don’t tease baby, be good for me,” you remind kirishima, your body trembles with anticipation, craving an orgasm to expel the stress of your work days out. the boy between your legs only hums, the sound running straight though cunt and vibrating against it, causing you to gush and spill your arousal out onto the leather seat beneath your cheeks. eijirou feasts on the slick that seeps from your fluttering hole, gliding his tongue up and down your sex, allowing the occasional pressure from his nose to stimulate your bundle of nerves.
the pads of his thighs burn marks into your legs, using them as leverage to pull your heated core further into his mouth, “can’t help it ma’am, y’got such a pretty pussy...s’only right that i worship you…” eijirou breaths right against your puffy folds, eyes trained on the way your hole clenches around nothing. a primal urge flares in his chest, a desire— no, a need— to see you filled with something, any part of him that can make you see stars and fuck you dumb. “‘m sorry, ‘m sorry you jus look s’fucking pretty miss…”
attaching his lips to your clit, the redhead pushes the spit gathered on his tongue right over your sloppy sit, hazy ruby stare watching as his saliva mixes with your juices and slides over your empty hole. he follows the oozing trail with his tongue, lapping it up and spewing it back into your sex until the pink muscle slips past your entrance— slipping inside of you with no prior warnings. your knuckles that grasp the arms of the chair as you’re spoiled between your legs by your top intern, his hands snaking their way around the tops of your thighs to spread your sticky pussy lips apart in order to bring more of you to the cool air of the office.
“you like this don’cha? dirty little boy,” you tease the poor boy, watching as his cheeks flame with embarrassment. “being a naughty little intern between your boss’ thighs all to keep on pleasing  her, keep your position at her company, huh? fuck eiji, you just love miss riding your naughty tongue—ohmygod—“
the way you sound, voice smooth like chocolate over the obscene slurping that fills the thats air heavy with the scent of sex and, makes eijirou’s cock jump up, precum oozing from his tip as he begins to rut against the hard floor beneath your desk. he makes an attempt to respond, but your thighs lock his head in place and his words come out muffled against your core. “mph, luh it, you’re s’sexy, please ma’am—“ he mumbles sordidly against you, practically humping the ground at your feet as you pick on him.
for a brief moment, kirishima pulls away to watch you roll your hips into nothing, hot tears beginning to brew into our hooded eyes from the satisfaction he brings you with every flick and flit of his tongue against where you need him most. written in your eyes is the command to keep going, your hands twistingly sharply in red roots to bring the intern back to your sluice, spasming cunt. so he does as he’s told, shoving his tongue deep inside your ribbed, iron hot walls and dragging tip along them to collect and taste strings of your viscous juices.
biting your lip, you do your best to hold back a voracious howl, bucking your hips feverishly into your intern’s face and staining his cheeks with everything that you have— he thrusts his tongue into you to the pace of your own hips, moaning against your slippery slit until your eyes are rolling. “gonna cum from this eiji, from you eatin’ me out like this...jus need a little more— need your fingers pretty boy,” you can feel the twist of the knot in your lower tummy starting to unravel, signifying your oncoming high, and the room starts to spin while kirishima eats you out with new vigour.
“yeah? miss? you’re gonna cum for me?” the intern practically whines and pulls his tongue from your hear, almost crying as his hips thump against the floor desperate for friction. “wanna see you come undone s’bad, please cum for me, please, please—“ eijirou chants, replacing his tongue with two of his thick digits, watching as your slick cunt stretches around them accommodatingly. he jackhammers them inside of you, grunting lowly underneath the slaps of his palm against the meat of your ass, as he returns to your clit to suckle on it hungrily. his fingers curl instantly in search for the spongy spot inside of you— bearing down hard against it once it’s located.
“oh—hah, right there baby— right fuckin’ there—!” you squeal, only egging him on as white starts to cloud your vision, everything sounds so nasty and wet, while eijirou stimulates both of your pleasure spots. it becomes hard to breath, legs wobbling around his broad shoulders, but your intern doesn’t let up, determined to bring you to cloud nine.
“that’s it ma’am, right there—you’re almost there, can feel you clenching around my fingers...please cum, fuck i want your cum, wanna taste you so bad, cum. cum. cum!” and that’s all it takes, eijirou’s pleading voice between your thick thighs to make the coil inside you snap and for your orgasm to wash over you. you convulse in your chair, nectar gushing freely from your raw and overstimulated cunt, spewing all over the redheads face as he continued to lap at your clit to ride out your high.
but he doesn’t stop there, scissoring his fingers deep within your velvet walls as you continue to cum, making you shake your head and wail from the high levels of ecstasy.
“please eiji—n’more, can’t, no—“
“you can miss, i know you can—fuck you look so pretty when you’re about to squirt for me, please…”
as quickly as your first high ended, another one comes crashing over you in harsh waves— rocking your world as clear liquid floods from your pussy— the sheer force of you squirting, pushing kirishima’s fingers out from your tight, sappy hole. your release hits the floor with a crude slap, both of you moaning loudly almost for the whole world to hear. he doesn’t stop sucking, clearing up your pretty cunt even as you fade in and out of consciousness from pleasure— he stays lapping at you with burning, languid strokes of his tongue between your folds even as you weakly attempt to answer the phone now ringing from your desk.
clearing your throat, you muster up the strength to sound professional over the line before picking up the phone and bringing it towards your ear. “good afternoon, this is yn ln of shinku sports reports, bringing you the latest sporting news, how may i help you?”
‘this is the board, we need to discuss this month's stocks and reports.’
from the corner of your eye, you can see kirishima rise from his place underneath your desk— standing tall over you once more while you converse with the directors on the other end of the phone. as quietly as he can, the redhead tears through the buttons on his shirt in a similar way to you, prior to you fucking and unbuckles his slacks. he pulls down his boxers and pants in one go, revealing his thick, hard girth that stands tall and slaps against his stomach— tip an angry shade of red as precum smears across his lower belly.
you nod into the phone, forgetting that the board can’t see you as kirishima lifts you from the chair and lays you on your back across the desk littered with unread papers. “ah yes, i’ve been expecting a call from you…” you whisper so quietly instead, not caring if they’ve missed what you said. you’re hardly paying attention, choosing to wrap a fist around eijirou’s cock, slickly pumping him to prepare him to take you— he parts your thighs, eyes closing and body shuddering above you while you continue to converse with the board.
spreading the droplets of precum across his slit and iron hot tip, kirishima takes his cock from your grasp— heavily slapping it against your sensitive and swollen clit to see you jolt up the desk. “gonna fuck you so good miss, jus’ be good ‘n stay quiet for me okay?” he says, a whimper catching in the tail end of his words. you nod to him, rushed and way too eager, laying your head back on the hard wood your swimming gaze settles on kirishima as he taps the head of his cock against your hole, teasingly pushing it just past your entrance before withdrawing again.
‘ms. ln, are you still there? we really are pressed for time so we would love to start by discussing interviews for the next issue—‘
you forget that you’re still connected on the line, settling for wriggling impatiently underneath your intern, who’s caramel tinted skin glistens with sweat and his cheeks begin to flush with unadulterated desire— all from watching the way your puffy folds lube up his shaft with every push through them. you can see him losing his resolve, just as sensitive as you since he’s been holding back an orgasm and without the hint of a warning, eijirou’s hips jump forward and drive his cock into the deepest parts of your sex— brushing against your cervix. you gasp out in surprise, finally losing focus and barely manage a more comprehensive response to the board you have waiting on the line. “y-yes!— yes, yes, i’m still here… you may proceed with the meeting.”
he’s big, bigger than anyone you’ve ever had— and you’d seen a lot being a woman of your caliber this high up in the industry...but no one could compare to the way your sweet, doe eyed gentlemanly little intern filled you up, fat cock stretching your walls even with the shallow thrusts into your cunt he gives you to adjust. the weight of his girth sits heavily inside you, twitching as kirishima slides into you easily due to the stickiness lining your gummy walls, breath shaky and uneven as he holds out for you during this time. you can tell the poor boy isn’t going to last long, fingers sinking into your thighs with a harsh grip while he tries to hold himself back.
such a good boy, always waiting for your every command.
‘so we’d like to talk about the main feature for next month’s issue, do you have anyone in mind?’
the monotone voice of the board member is drowned about by kirishima’s shaky breaths above you, his pleading puppy dog eyes while he stills himself inside your spasming, puckered hole— he waits for permission, following orders like a trained pet even though he can hardly stand it, overwhelmed by the flutter of your sex around him and heat from your body despite thrown over the desk. “y-you’re s’warm...god ma’am...need to—need to move,” the redhead huffs weakly in order to keep himself quiet, a line of sweat dotting his brow. “please,”
you sit up on the desk, legs locking around his slender waist to draw him closer, sheathing more of the poor boy inside of you until he’s completely bottomed out and balls deep inside your pretty cunt. he drops his neck to your shoulder, tongue lolling over your salt licked skin before biting down to pacify himself, sharp teeth almost drawing blood while you adjust the cord of the phone. “i was thinking…thinking that we got the hockey player— the oylmpic champion…” your eyes drift to kirishima’s complacent face, giving him a nod to start moving while he sucks another bruise further down his onto your collarbone. “t-touya...touya todoroki—!”
you hiccup but play it off with a cough when kirishima pulls back his hips, so far that his girth completely leaves you, before he drives himself forward with one powerful thrust and fills you right up again. looking down, you see him bulge in your tummy, the line of his girth prominent against your body— slightly dwarfed in kirishima’s arms. you rock your hips, coaxing your intern into your warmth to help him build up a momentum of thrusts.
‘sounds like a good choice, do we have anyone who could interview him? i believe we can have PR set up an interview this week.’
the desk creaks below you, hard wood groaning along with the red head who hides himself in your neck, squeaking pathetically as he moves inside of you— precum smearing along your gummy walls that welcome his hardened shaft. your pussy opens up for eijirou like it’s welcoming him home, still growing used to the pleasure-filled burn and stretch of him pushing in and out of you. the nerves on his head catch amongst your inner ridges, making his toned body shake in ecstasy.
“m-ma’am, feel s’fucking good, so fucking good...” your intern hums against your salty skin mawkishly, large palms dropping to the flesh of your ass— kneading it to bring you closer to his body— cock barely leaving you due to your proximity. with slow strokes, eijirou fills you up, painting you with what leaks from his tip— prodding at your cervix and brushing up against your sweet spot in ways that make sweet nectar dribble from your hole.
your digits curl in his hair once more, the phone slipping from between your neck and creating rustling on your end. “eijirou,” you sigh breathily, humping back his cock while you squeeze around him selfishly, keeping your intern inside of you. “i-i mean eijirou kirishima, he’s an intern— such a… a good one at that…”
a immodest whimper brews in the base of eijirou’s throat, bubbling against his bruised lips  while you shower him with praise, indirect to him, hand snaking up to the back of your neck— tangling in your baby hairs as he pulls you up to a sloppy kiss, slotting your mouths together and running his tongue over yours. “f-fuck mommy, ‘m i your good boy? please tell me yes, fuck, yn— ma’am,”
kirishima’s voice rises in octave as it does devoir and pathos, vulnerability stays written across his handsome features as he succumbs to the mind break the heat of your damp, creamy core as he fucks into you. you throb at his use of mommy, shakily pulling the phone away from your ear to reach up to his own, nipping the earlobe and tugging on it gently. “you’re my good boy baby, keep being good eiji, be quiet...you gotta stay quiet if you want to keep fucking mommy okay? you wanna cum inside me right?” you say, words aberrant and low toned  on your tongue, your intern hisses and whines in response— nodding his head again and letting out a barely coherent ‘yes’. “then shh, baby, let mommy talk yeah?”
“hm’kay,” he babbles, dropping his ruby framed gaze to where your bodies meet, hiking your skirt further up your thighs to get a better view of your cunt staining his heavy balls with a layer of your slick.
‘ms. ln, are you sure that you want an intern to cover this case—’ the board begins to ask you, muffled from the distance away from you both.
picking up the phone again, you pull the line towards you again— mindful of capturing eijirou’s weak little mewls over the device as he languidly pumps himself in and out of you. “i know what i—fuck, what i want. eijirou, will be—oh— on the case. that's final.” you huff, watching your intern fall into a pussyhaze, his precious mind fogging with thoughts of only painting you white inside and out as a reward for helping relieve you of stress. the slow roll of his hips into yours are accompanied by the soft slaps of his skin against your own, wet and sticky— determination to make you feel good crackling across his mind.
‘there’s no need to curse, ma’am, do you need a moment to recollect yourself before we proceed with discussing the other features.’
“i’m fucking fine,” you growl, in anger or need you don’t know. but kirishima frowns, you can feel it as he start nosing up your cheek— swiping his tongue over areas of skin he hasn’t touched just yet— he grunts possessively , unhappy with the use of your title coming from anyone other than him. to prove his point, he pushes your thighs wider apart, letting you drip all over the documents sitting below your ass and ruining the ink— important or not he starts a brutal pace into your cunt and presses down on your tummy so you can feel exactly where eijirou is inside you and know that only he can make you feel this way.
“i’m fine. keep going.” you grit your teeth, biting your lip to hold down your panting— again you don’t know who you’re speaking to. your intern who slows the movement of his hips, postponing in and out of your tightened hole, clamping down on him eagerly or the stupid board member giving you grief on the phone.
they proceed to talk, barking out suggestions to your sports magazine, that you hate— even considering bringing in good for nothing athletes who’d treated you like shit in the past, and you’d sworn to never work for them again.
but it’s almost silly, how kirishima lets out small moans of mommy and ma’am, trying to keep your attention on him like you would give up grinding down on your intern’s dick for some prissy member of the board over the phone— but you love the slight possession eijirou has over you, moulding your iron hot walls into the shape of his fat dick that presses up against your pleasure spots, makes you convulse and drawl and become addicted to everything that is him. eijirou kirishima.
“takin’ me so good, so well ma’am...don’t think i can hold on anymore…please,” eijirou warns you, losing control of his body as he takes you for his own like he’s done many times before after hours— your gazes lock, you can see his desperation to ruin you, moan for you despite the people on the phone and the people outside your office.
if he grows too loud, he could give you away— they could be listening in to your poor needy little intern humping you like a feral dog and whining your name. and as much as that thought makes your hole spasm around his fat cock, make his thrusts stutter and eyes screw shut while you moan in sweet, almost silent harmony, you love your job and so weakly, you take two of your fingers, shoving them deep into eijirou’s mouth as it hangs open in heavy pants of warm air. you press down on his wet tongue, fucking into his mouth in tune with the pace of his hips plunging deep within your walls, churning up your syrupy and sticky insides.
“keep quiet, baby,”  you hiss to the redhead, who’s eyes start to brim with fresh hot tears from the overwhelming pleasure. “let mommy take care of this, yeah? finish up so you can let it all out on me.”
he sucks on your fingers to calm himself down, shallow breathing while he paws at the flesh on your sides and circles his hips into yours— letting his leaky tip bare down on your sweet spot and forcing the air out of your body. white hot pleasure flashes through your bloodstream, replacing any air of professionalism flooding through them. you can’t, you physically cannot hold back either of your orgasms— you can’t concentrate as your mind starts to fall away with the world and your gaze hones in on the way kirishima takes your fingers in his hot mouth so deep in an attempt to hush himself.
the coil in your tummy begins to unwind and the room swims once more. ‘ms.ln is everything okay over there— we need to progress with his meeting if we’re—‘ the annoying board member sounds underneath kirishima’s sloppy groans, saliva dribbling down the sides of his mouth. your dirty, good boy.
“i’m going to need to take a rain—hah— a rain check on this meeting. you’ll hear from me when my interns and i are ready—“ you huff, cutting the staff off and quickly throwing the phone onto the hook, you’ll have keigo deal with the consequences later but for now you focus on kirishima who picks you up by the ass, lifting you up and down on his cock in frantic movements as he finally loses all connections to his control. “ohmygod—eiji baby, slow—fuck, down—“
he shakes his head, latching onto your collar bone as he revels in the way you leak down his shaft and drip between his balls, lewd squelching sounds fluttering through the air hot, sex scented air at full volume. “‘m sorry ma’am— i can’t… i’m really close, i really need’ta cum...please ma’am...mommy, i’ve been good—please let me cum...“ eijirou groans heartily, from deep in his chest as if he’s finally releasing what he’s been holding back— arms flexing and the sweat from his body slicking up your own.
limbs shaking you wrap your arms around his shoulders and press your foreheads against one another, while you nod. he worked so hard to make you feel good, all day long to do the best job that he can— pressing small kisses to his lips encouragingly. “you can do it baby, one last thing for me— fill me up eiji, cum for me.” you whisper between bites and sucks on his lower lip, lined with a vibrant shade of red.
“cummin’, cummin’...miss yn, mommy—!” and then his hips come to a halt, his dick pulsing as waves of his cream line your insides with an opaque white, thick and seeping down your thighs. his fingers drop to your sensitive cunt, slipping quick circles over your swollen clit to bring you to your high. his cock never stops pumping in and out of you, pushing his seed further into your sex while you writhe and fall over the edge into your orgasm— gushing so hard you force him out of plugged and full hole.
losing his strength, kirishima collapses on top of you, pressing out both to the hard wood seat which you’re surprised  is still standing, his lips pressing fleeting kisses across your face and neck while you both come back down to earth.
and then he looks up at you with a weak smile, “did i do good?” he asks you lazily and almost sleepily— refusing to budge from laying atop you and almost crushing you with his weight.
pushing back his hair to soothe him. “always eiji, you’re not my favourite intern for nothing,” you coo at him, pulling him up to press your lips to him in a soft kiss.
“i sure hope you don’t have any other favourites, i want to be the only one who assists you like this,” kirishima says, remaining tangled with you for a moment more in your office, content with snuggling into your exposed and bruised side.
you share a sleepy giggle, intending to clean up later— eijirou completely forgetting about the lunch he’d promised the other interns after your meeting.
oh well, assisting you was a much better treat than spending time with any one else.
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3desiderium3 · 3 years
For your love
chapter three - Rotten Wine
[ series masterlist ]
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pairings : reader x damiano david
story summary : damiano and reader are in very loving relationship that sometimes almost too quickly becomes too toxic for anyone likings
chapter warning (s) : yelling , angst , manipulation , guilt tripping , mind games , toxic behavior , manipulative behavior , strong language
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Saturday morning. Special saturday morning.
Today marks exactly a whole week of Y/N and Damiano not fighting. No yelling , no crying , no sleepless nights , no pushing out of the doorway , no drinking to wash away the sins , no mental damage , no nothing.
Instead of all that , they went on a museum date on Friday , they had a picnic day on Wednesday , Y/N bought him the pearly earrings he has been eyeing on for a while , Damiano made breakfast every day for them , Y/N went out in town to frame some of their pictures they took on their previous vacations . They had a few pamper nights in a row , painting each others nails , putting on face and hair masks and even those weird feet one ! Drinking wine and dancing slowly with some slow music. Damiano singing to Y/N more than 2 times a day.
They made love every night.
It was a dream.
Both of them secretly hoping that this dream won't turn into a nightmare.
Y/N was in kitchen cutting some strawberries for the cake she planned on bringing on tonight's gathering at Victoria's house. Ethan and Thomas where coming as well.
Damiano was still sleeping. Y/N was glowing from happiness and joy. She was so in love with him. She had a smile on her bright shiny face for 7 days in a row , her eyes seemed warmer and more calm , her posture was less tensed and she even smoked less.
While she was busy chopping the reddish fruit under her delicate fingers , the room suddenly felt warmer and creamy cinnamon smell filled it.
Damiano had this weird thing about him that often put Y/Ns mind on wander. It was the way his scent and his aura color changed during his mood swings.
Even if it was not visible to human eye , Y/N swore she could see that dim cloud surrounding his body and changing color in some situations.
His scent was natural , depending on the occasion it was sometimes too strong or it could barely be felt.
When he was happy he was shining deep orange tone with the scent of light cinnamon and lemon ice cream.
When he was sad his color was indigo and he left a strong scent of mint and lime.
When he was angry which is often , he gave of wine crimson vibrations and poisnosly sharp smell of rotten wine.
As for the matter of speaking , when lust would take over him and his senses he smelled sweet like rotting roses and he was gleaming in deep burgundy color.
Just like now he was filling the room with the smell of lemon ice cream and cinnamon.
A pair of slender , sun kissed arms wrapped themselves firmly around Y/N's shoulders and chest .
Damiano's warm , naked chest pressed against Y/N's back pushed her slightly to the edge of the kitchen counter. Closing the gap between her and that cold marble.
His lips found their was to gently kiss the lovely delicate neck of hers. Cracking a sly smile upon seeing some of the soft bruises he left on her neck previous night.
"Morning mio amore." Y/N's lover whispered in her ear. His voice was low , golden , filled with care and adoration.
A huge grin appeared on Y/N's face , turning her head to her left side to kiss Damiano's temple.
"Morning love. It was about time you wake. " His raspy chuckles sent shivers down her spine. " It was , but you have no idea how sad it made me to realize I woke up without you by my side. "
Oh what a sweet talker he was..
"Why don't we go back to bed hmm amore? We have a whole day ahead for us." Damiano nuzzled his face into her neck giving it multiple pecks.
" I need to finish this cake first , after it we can do whatever." " You plan on bringing the strawberry cake tonight?" " Yes.. Why?"
Y/N frowned , she turned around slowly hoping that her boyfriend was playing jokes with her. But he had the same confused expression on his morning face.
" Well... My mom is allergic to strawberries I thought you knew that already?" " Why would your mom be there??"
Damiano stepped back a bit clearly confused.
" Why would she be in her own house? I don't know she is living there I suppose."
Y/N blinked. More than once. Is there some sort of a plan she forgot about? Her mind racing now already , trying to remember all of his family members birthdays and important anniversaries .
" Did you forget the plans we arranged for tonight Y/N?" Damiano asked , now with much more serious tone , his face was not so relaxed and it seemed like the air got thicker and it was harder do breath. The look he gave her was chilling.
' Oh not this shit again.. Are we really going to fight now?? And for what?? '
"I understood that we are going to stay in tonight with Vic and the boys at her place?"
" No. We promised my parents we are going to dine out with them. Did you seriously forgot?!"
He half shouted leaving poor Y/N confused and in slight shock. Why was he getting mad at her for such nonsense? Was he waiting for the right timing just to start an argument?
" I am sorry but I do not remember , you ever telling me that we are seeing your folks. "
" Cause you never fucking listen to me maybe."
He walked over the small coffee table in living room to grab his pack of cigarettes' and a lighter. Taking one in his fingers and placing it between his lips lighting it and taking one long drag. The slow smoke coming out of his nose and hardly parted lips.
" Not just that you never fucking listen but you also never fucking care to remember the important stuff I have! "
Okay what the actual fuck.
Y/N though while her eyes went wide from shock under the furrowed eyebrows and clenched jaw.
This was some sort of a set up. She clearly remember that he never mentioned that to her before.
And both of them knew very fucking well that she would never in her life forget something that's important to him.
" You are obviously pissed at me right now for whatever reason that you have so I will let you be. When you get your shit together you can talk to me. " Y/N said with her head held high.
She was not gonna let him ruin this day. Instead she continued to make her cake. She needed to focus on something else than his deep dark eyes filled with fire from the thrones of hell burning inside of them.
The room smelled like rotten wine.
" What's the problem Damiano. Are you mad at me for not remembering something you never told me?"
He huffed , aggressively shaking ashes off his cig into the ashtray on the coffee table.
" And don't even try ruining my mood , I was perfectly fine before you woke up , I had a wonderful morning thanks for asking. "
" Are you seriously gonna jump on my nerves with that attitude Y/N? "
" That's what you are asking me to do. If you just admit that you forgot to tell me about plans with your parents we are gonna end the day in peace. "
" You are beyond fucking sweet and so beyond fucking dumb if you expect me to stay calm and be in peace with you. You are so ungrateful and so disrespectful towards me . "
Y/N felt like crying , her hands slightly shaking while wiping the fruits into cream . Why now? Why today? Why did he decided to start all this now?
" I am not believing my eyes now , instead of showing me that I am wrong and that you are not ungrateful , you are standing right here and not even bothering to listen what I have to say! "
" I don't wanna hear your crap Damiano! I am trying to maintain the fucking peace in this relationship while you are constantly the one to break it! "
Damiano also felt like crying. Cause Y/N was right. He did forgot to tell her they where invited to go out with their parents , he was in fact mainly responsible for each of their fights. But was he ever going to admit that he is wrong? No.
Instead of trying to process something she is saying to him right now , or trying to apologize , he stood up from the chair he was sitting on , his mouth placed in a smirk , his gaze piercingly cold despite his hot temper.
Damiano walked up to her standing beside her like an annoying child blocking her movements.
" I am sensing slight disobedience in your tone amore.. Now I think we should start again. You are gonna apolo - " " I will certainly not fucking apologize for anything ! Especially not dealing up with your egoistic ass Damiano!"
Y/N was yelling at him. Not able to handle this pressure of rotten wine.
She was tired again. Everything was pale and grey again. She swore that even the sun outside stopped shining. She was tired again from having to deal with a fucking brick wall.
He was just torturing her. For what? His ego.
He was watching her from above , still smirking with his arms crossed . He adored seeing her shake from rage. She was so obedient and so desperate for home peace that she tried doing everything she could to hold herself back.
" You know what Y/N , if you just once , just for once stopped playing a fucking victim then ma- "
She screamed. Y/N Y/LN fucking screamed at Damiano David with all the fore she had in her lungs. Inside her ears it was ringing and she didn't realize that she dropped one bowl at the counter , which just provided clacking noises.
Complete silence that smelled like rotten wine.
Damiano took whatever he could feel under his fingers which was on Y/N's unfortune a bowl filled with cake whipping cream . He gripped it firmly before smashing it in one stir way right beside her.
Y/N was standing paralyzed her eyes watering and palms visibly shaking. She was watching Damiano straight into his deep dark eyes which showed no emotion.
" Once you accept your place and know your role and once you admit you are fucking wrong ,we can talk properly. " That was all he said as that sly half smile never left the corner of his lips.
He passed her by walking to their bedroom.
No other sounds or words left.
Y/N grabbed the edge of the counter , holding herself steady so she wouldn't fall. Her mind racing. Legs shaking. Heart beating mad.
'So this is the man I wanna marry? The man I want to have family with?'
The one who just throw an heavy object right beside her head?
The one who attacks her for his mistakes?
Her legs finally gave her away. She couldn't stand straight , crying all the tears she never knew she had. Y/N hugged her knees and placed her head temple on them. What a lovely Saturday morning.
She stayed there on the floor crying for at least thirty minutes. With running nose and sobs that turned into whimpers and hiccups.
She regretted ever talking back to him . She should've simply agree that she forgot what she didn't even knew. A few times thinking and trying to remember if by any chance she did forgot about that plan.
But no. She couldn't remember. She lost all hope she had.
When she felt like she could stand again she stood up not quit bothering to clean up the white and beige mess on the floor. She skipped it skillfully directing herself to their bedroom.
'Think about all the times this has happened before , think about all other times when he was guilt tripping you and using you to water up his garden of ego. '
Y/N entered their shared room where her lover was in. Laying on his back on a bed surrounded by soft cloudy cotton sheets. His arms and hands behind his head . His eyes looking her up and down with a cold expression while behind them a fire from the throne of hell was burning.
The room stopped smelling like rotten wine.
It was smelling very little like the mint and lime.
Slow raindrops hitting the huge windows gently , the sky changed from golden to silver.
" I-I am sorry.. Plea-ase don't be m-mad at me.. " She managed to choke out this apology.
Wishing that she was the one hearing it.
Wishing she didn't have to pray away his sins.
He tapped the place for her to lay beside him.
He made her a bed of thorns. In which this gentle rose was supposed to blossom.
" Ti amo amore mio . "
Oh that silly word she always get instead of apology. Like it would fix something.
She laid down beside him , placing her head on his chest , her left leg in between his and her left arm around his torso.
One of his hands playing with her hair while the other caressed her arm.
His eyes becoming glassy as bitter drops of shame and regret left them.
Both of these lovers crying in each others arms purposely. Eager to be taken care of.
And not being able to stay on the calm shore cause the violence is the only way they know how to love.
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Love Conquers All (The Originals)
(Y/N) means your name and (Y/LN) means your last name.
Warnings: none. Angst and fluff all the way.
Summary: Dad!Klaus. (Y/N) finds out that you are pregnant and runs away from Klaus. After five years of avoiding him, Freya discovers your secret and it will all be revealed in time. At last, love will conquer all.
“Hope, you need to be really good.” There was a very good chance that your hyper active daughter will get distracted in the end. But if this plan works then it would be one of the best day of your lives.
Your first daughter was an accident (no regrets there) but after you married the love of your life, you wanted to expand your family. Both of you have been trying from the past year but were met with disappointment at the end of every month. This was going to be so much different from your first pregnancy because your partner will be by your side this time.
“Love, where are you?” Calling out from the hallway, you could hear Klaus’s footsteps coming towards you.
“Hope, I am going to distract your dad. Just remember your part please and finish your drawing quickly.” Intercepting your husband midway, you started talking to him about Hope’s upcoming play in her school and both of your participation at the ticket booth. Klaus protested because he found all the other parents annoying. The great Klaus Mikaelson had a reputation to uphold. But you just giggled quietly because you remembered him in a pink tiara acting as a princess with Hope just last night.
When you thought that enough time had passed by, you gently ushered Klaus in the room. “Surprise!” Your voice died down in your throat when you saw the startled face of your little munchkin smeared in yellow frosting.
“What is this? ‘E are pect?” The writing on the mini cupcakes was destroyed by the little devil perched on the coffee table.
“Hope! I told you I would give you the cupcakes afterwards,”
“Mommy, Mr Fluffs ate the icing. I told him not to.” She hid her hands behind her back and gave you her puppy dog eyes.
“What’s going on?” Klaus interjected before you became distracted by the argument.
“I will deal with you later but now show Daddy your card.” She slowly hopped off the table and extended her card that now had yellow imprints on it. Klaus always savored moments like these because he had missed a huge part of her life. And soon his little girl will transform in to a moody teenager who is too cool for her old man.
He recognised the three stick figures that were hastily drawn on the pink paper but there was another small one on the side of the paper.
“Who is the fourth one, baby?” He bent down to her level and tried to decipher the glittery mess.
“Read the card, daddy!” She pointed her chubby, little finger towards the end of the paper. As his eyes skimmed over the scribbled handwriting, a gasp escaped his soft lips. Written were the words, “I am going to be a big sister”.
“Is this-? You are-?” The Klaus Mikaelson was reduced to a sputtering mess and when he saw tears in your eyes, he immediately lifted you off the ground, “We are going to be parents again.” Klaus’s happiness knew no bounds and you both were just basking in each others presence.
Munching sounds from somewhere behind you took you out of your bubble. “Hope Andrea Mikaelson, stop eating the cupcakes!”
“It’s okay, (Y/N). Let her enjoy this moment as well.”
“She will get a sugar rush and I am not dealing with it.” Your pregnancy hormones were going haywire and you already knew that this baby will be a lot different from your elder daughter.
“Okay, darling. No more sweets for the whole week.” Picking his daughter up, he took her to get cleaned up and easily slipped in to his dad mode. This baby was going to be a new chapter in your lives and you were excited for it.
--------1 and a half year later--------
“Hope, stop trying to put glitter on your brother.” Klaus was running after his two munchkins but Hope had a mind of her own. She put a freezing spell on James and dumped the pink glitter on him. Little Jamie was terrified the instant he couldn’t move his chubby little feet. The nine month old let out a piercing wail and blasted her sister across the couch.
“What is happening here?” You came in the moment you heard your children crying on the top of their lungs. They both had been a handful from the very start and their powers are uncontrollable now. Sure, Freya is helping them rein their powers but it was not helping.
Klaus was rocking Hope gently in his arms while nursing the cut on her forehead. Immediately, you went to your sobbing infant and picked him up. The glitter transferred to your clothes as he clinged on to you like a Koala. “Hope, why would you do this?” You asked flustered.
“He destroyed my painting for Daddy.” Exclaiming it with tears flowing through her eyes, she laid her head on her father’s shoulder.
“Mistake.” Jamie hiccuped and you gently rubbed his back. Slowly, Hope’s cut healed and your husband let out a sigh of relief. He can not bear to see anything to happen to his family. One time, he went ballistic on Freya when James got stung by a wasp. She just shut him up with a sleeping spell and boy, was Klaus mad.
“Honey, give me Jamie. I’ll shower him while you both go change.” Klaus took charge of the situation because he knew that they were all going to be late for the fourth of July dinner at Kol’s house. He would rather send some alone time with his family but you insist on socialising.
“I have left out his red and blue onesie on the bed.” You called out after your two boys and a soft giggle was sent your way.
You all got ready with Hope wearing a blue white striped summer dress with her pink pumps and you in a maroon dress with intricate lacing. Klaus had opted for a simple white button down with khaki pants. And the casual look just made him more appealing.
The kids went in to the living room to play with their toys, the feud between them long forgotten. Klaus took you in his arms as you were giving a final touch to your makeup. He gazed at you through the mirror while you gently laid your head on his shoulder.
“I am so lucky to have you. You are my saving grace and thank you for the two little munchkins.”Klaus was truly thankful to have you in his life and the thousand years of misery has finally paid off.
“I am just as grateful for you, trust me.”
“I love you, baby and this all is going to stay the same.” Gently, he turned you around and pecked your lips.
“I love you too and is that a promise, Mr Mikaelson?”
“Always and Forever. Now, let’s get going.” You both went out and strapped the kids in to the car for the long 30 minutes ride.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N : This series has officially come to an end. Really enjoyed writing this. When I first came up with the plot I really didn’t wasn't sure if I wanted to complete it. Thank you to each one of you for giving your love and support to this series. Hope you like this. Let me know what you think.
P.S. If you want to send blurb requests based on the series (dad!Klaus) I'm more than eager to write so send me your ideas. I would love it❤️
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bidokja · 2 years
Would you recommend reading the LN or manga of sss class?
Short answer: Yes. :^)
Real (and long) answer: I'm always partial to reading web novels instead of/before manhwas, but in this case the score is a bit more even. Still, I'd choose the novel if I was going to keep up with just one. Not because it's further along or easier for me to immerse myself in (though that's definitely a plus), but because it's got some of the most genuinely achingly beautiful writing I've read. Also, I'm the type that paints a picture of what I'm reading in my head so that can directly conflict with the manhwa/comic sometimes. It's MY mind's eye and I get to choose the atmospheric vibes...People say "a picture is worth a thousand words" but I honestly think that depends on the picture and the words, and the SSSRH web novel is extremely good at making use of emotionally impactful imagery and symbolism.
It also helps that the web novel translator(s) do an amazing job. They know how to strike a balance and keep things immersive for English readers while still keeping true to important cultural context. All too often translators will focus too much on one aspect of translation rather than striking a balance. They'll try and be as one-to-one word-for-word accurate as possible, but this will inevitably break immersion with both the need for a ton of footnotes to explain what the original phrase is supposed to convey and the fact that languages will always end up sounding disjointed when you try and do that. They don't flow as naturally as they would in their original syntax if you just go one word or sentence at a time and connect the dots. There's also some who try and make things...not quite anglicized (though some also do that) but definitely Westernized. They'll completely switch out cultural references and idioms and names in an attempt to make things flow easier for a Western/English-based audience, but this ends up neglecting or outright omitting important depth and context (for emotional impact, character motivation, plot choices, etc) that can only come from properly conveying the impact and intent from the culture of origin. The translator(s) for SSSRH know when to focus on flow and when to focus on impact, and how to properly merge the two.
Even if the translator was bad or it was copy-paste MTL-ed though, I think the writing would still shine through, especially in specific moments. Like. It's just that good. It makes me go a little insane with just how well the writer conveys the emotions carried in each scene.
...ANYWAYS. All of that being said, the manhwa does a wonderful job of making scenes Hit exactly when they're supposed to. It stays true to the web novel while bringing in the unique advantages of a visual medium. It's more concise due to several sentences or even paragraphs being conveyed in single panels at times, but it knows when to slow down and let things sink in so you can feel the weight. The art style is also really nice and easy to follow, and matches the vibes of the series fairly well! I give it a 4/5, but that is 1000% only because I've been spoiled by Villain Initialization's art style and downright inventive paneling, so I can't bring myself to give anything else a 5/5 in that department. (Sorry for boosting my niche manhua obsession on an SSSRH post 😔😔😔). PLUS not everyone does the mind's eye thing, so the text-based medium of the novel could hold less appeal due to that, and the manhwa would be much more immersive of an experience!
TL;DR: I prefer the novel, but it's up to your preferences, really! This is one case where the different versions are pretty on par with each other. I am sorry I went on and on only to say this in the end..hsjdhsk
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bts-reveries · 4 years
mini me | finale
(images at the end~)
almost 2 months later~
Today was finally Taehyung’s exhibition. Well, the exhibition of self love done by multiple artists, but we’ll just be paying attention to Taehyung’s today. 
The whole group was ready, excited, and so so so so proud of Uncle Taetae! You, especially, couldn’t wait to see how Taehyung painted you. You never got to see the finished product, nor all the other paintings he had done. You were curious to see how they looked, you knew they were going to be great. 
“When can we go inside?” Soojin whined, the entire group was outside the building, the first ones in line actually, waiting to enter the exhibition that was opening in ten minutes. 
“You have to be patient,” Minseok tells his sister, he checks the small watch on his wrist. “We still have to wait a bit.” Soojin pouts, turning around and reaching up, wanting to be carried by her dad.
“Aigoo Soojin-ah,” Jin says, leaning down to pick up his daughter. “Are your legs hurting from standing so long?” Soojin nods, leaning her head onto Jin’s shoulder. He rested his head against hers. “Well we’ll be in soon, just hold on a bit longer.” He says, rubbing her back. 
“Didn’t he paint you too?” Namjoon asked you, he was holding Moonji the same way Seokjin was. You nod.
“Yeah and I didn’t get to see it. So he painted you? Did he show you the end results?” You ask him. Namjoon laughs, shaking his head no. 
“Didn’t show me anything. I know he painted Sarang too, and Yoongi hyung, and himself.” 
“Ah,” you say, “so the single parents.” 
“You have to love yourself first before you love anyone else,” Namjoon tells you. You’re sure he has that in one of the books he previously wrote. “Especially since we have our own kids to take care of and love, we have to make sure we have our own selves taken care of first. Taehyung thought it was perfect for the theme of self love.”
“Hey!” Taehyung yells, waving to all of you when you finally were able to go into the building. 
“Daddy!” Youngjae yells, running towards Taehyung. A huge smile spread across Taehyung’s face as he kneels down to catch Youngjae’s hug. 
“Hey buddy!” He says, hugging him tightly, and standing straight whilst carrying him up. 
“Where’s your paintings?” Youngjae asks him. Taehyung turns around and points.
“Down that hallway is my part of the exhibition,” he tells him.
“Then what are we waiting for?” Jungkook says, walking past the two. 
“I can’t wait to see your paintings Uncle Tae!” Huimang says excitedly, pulling her mom’s hand towards the direction of where Taehyung pointed. Everyone seems to just walk past the two, either saying they’re proud of Taehyung, excited to see his work, or giving him pats on his back. 
“Hey,” you say, being the last one left. You put a hand on his arm, standing on your toes to give him a kiss. 
“I’m excited-- well, kinda scared to see your paintings actually,” you laugh. His eyes widened.
“What? Why?” You laugh at his reaction, shaking your head.
“I don’t know, what if you made me look nicer than I actually do,” you say with a small laugh. 
“Trust me babe, no one can capture your beauty on anything,” Taehyung tells you with a little wink. “Now let’s go catch up with everyone.”
With Youngjae on Taehyung’s hip, and his other hand holding yours, the three of you enter his part of the exhibition. 
Before your eyes could land on any art pieces hung onto the wall, your heart was melting at the sight of all your nieces and nephews looking at their favorite uncle’s hard work. They were all so smiley, and for little kids, they all looked so proud. Not only them, but their parents as well.
Jimin was carrying Mingyu, pointing to him and explaining the art on the wall. Namjoon was reading the descriptions of the paintings to Moonji. Minseok was holding his two siblings' hands, explaining to the both of them who each of the paintings were. Hana was taking a picture of her dad next to the portrait of him. You’ve seen Yoongi happy plenty of times, but this time, he was glowing a little different. 
“Mommy that’s you!” Huimang yells, running to the other side of the room. 
Jungkook on the other hand had his camera with him, and he captured every little moment that was going on. 
“Let me show you yours,” Taehyung tells you, pulling you to the back of the room. 
“Wow,” you say as you see his painting of you. You wondered if this is how everyone sees you, or just how you look in his eyes.
“Do you like it?” Taehyung asks you. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it, your eyes landing on the small description on the bottom of the canvas.
[ Purple Love
I will trust and love you for a long time
Though life brings heartache and doubt, the power of love can overcome all of life’s hardships. 
Ln Yn. A young, single mother who learned to love herself first in order to give her whole heart to the sweetest boy in the world. Although she needed no one to raise her son with, as she was capable of anything she put her heart to, by loving herself, she was able to love others. Her son, her new friends who are now family, and, possibly, her son’s future father. ]
After you have finished reading the little description, you turn towards Taehyung with slightly shiny eyes. 
“It’s nothing big,” Taehyung says, you furrow your brows together. “But I got you this small ring, and I was hoping one day I can replace it with a better, prettier ring, an engagement ring, and then a wedding ring,” he says nervously, holding up a ring to you. It was a dainty ring with a small, diamond heart in the center. In your favorite color. Purple.
“I know,” he laughs, “it’s kind of fast, but it’s just a promise ring--”
“I love it,” you tell him, putting both of your hands to his. Youngjae was now standing in front of the painting, trying to read the words on the description, sounding it all out. He was in his own little world. 
Taehyung smiles, putting the ring on your finger, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a chaste kiss.
“I swear I’ll get you a better ring,” he laughs, you shake your head.
“I don’t care,” you tell him. “I’ll love it either way.”
It’s been an hour or so into the exhibition, everyone was going around and checking out the other works of the other artists. Youngjae was walking around the same area, not wanting to go off with everyone else. 
Your head whips towards him as he lets out a small gasp. 
“Daddy!” He yells, Taehyung turns around as he heard Youngjae calling him, but to both of you’s surprise, it was his other dad. Youngdo. 
“Hey son,” he says, kneeling down and hugging Youngjae. 
“You made it!” Youngjae says happily. 
“Oh-- Youngdo,” you say, walking up to him. Taehyung hesitates whether or not he should come along with you. 
“Hey, how are you?” Youngdo asks, as he stands upright. The two of you have seen each other a few times since your closure, but it was all brief moments like picking up Youngjae or dropping him off at each other’s house. 
“Doing well, how about you? What have you been up to?” You ask politely, at this time you felt Taehyung’s presence next to you. 
“I’m actually seeing someone now,” Youngdo says. “Nothing too serious yet, just on our third date.” He then turns to Taehyung, smiling at him. “Youngjae has been telling me about your exhibition and not to miss it,” he says, extending his hand out to Taehyung. “It looks great.” Taehyung smirks a little, taking his hand and shaking it.
“Thank you.”
While Youngjae went around the exhibition with his dad, you and Taehyung stayed at his section. 
“So have you gotten any offers yet?” You asked him as you both stood near the entrance of his exhibition, looking over the people who were looking at Taehyung’s artwork. He looks down at you and nods.
“I got a few numbers, some projects they want me to work on,” he smiles. “I’m excited. This is probably the peak of my career.” 
“Yay! We should celebrate later~” You exclaim, tugging on his arm. He laughs at your cute reaction.
“Okay okay okay,” he laughs, “we will. There’s actually an after party for all the artists and their family and friends. We can do that if you want to?”
“Oh yeah! That’d be fun~ Do we need any babysitters?”
“Actually, I think we should be good. It’s family friendly,” he tells you, looking over at Youngjae who was taking a selfie with his dad by one of the paintings.
“We should invite Youngdo to stay for it too,” he tells you, you looked at him confused, “Youngjae would want both his dads to be with him, don’t you think?”
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mini me
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ finale ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
pairings: artist!taehyung x singlemom!reader
a/n: officially the end! i hope you all liked this series, can’t believe we’re already moving on to the last two of the series!!🥺🥺🥺🥺
i know we wanted to also have a part where it’s youngdo and youngjae but i will do that for a drabble (you’ll be able to see that on the drabbles part of the tmbmil masterlist, which is the very bottom)
taglist: @heartfeltscribblings @taexmichi @prdshobi @smarshere @i-swear-im-a-soft-stan @igotarmyofarohas @butterflylion @miagracegrande @casspirit0705 @ephyra1230 @cosmicdaylight @bbyjoonies @betysotelo18 @strwberry-jam @rjsmochii @chocobetterknot @notmontae97 @alpaca1612 @yoongistruth @dragonqueen01 @silentlyimpractical @hecticwonderer @joanc24 @angjeon @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @sweetmoonlight9  @samros95 @dreamcatcherjiah @sonderkook @taekookcaneatme @listless-losers @kookietsukkie @goldenchemistry @salty-for-suga @peoplejustcanthandlemywierdness @softboyfriendtae @raplineh0e @ess-place @callmepaopao @ggukvii @ramyagovindraj @yoongiverse @mipetronella @cloudy-skys @jikachoo @nxtrogers @kookoo-kachoo @taestannie @hispoutylips @hallofbtsmasterlist
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