#loh ocs
faeriegirl · 4 months
You know I love your babies! Tell me anything you wanna blurt out about them, I don't care if it's coherent I'll still be here like:
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My brain is almost always focused on Kanna and her various love interests or adventures atm @7@/// my husband recently showed me his old dnd oc and we both were like "but what if he and kanna kissed"
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His name is Ahort! He's a paladin goody two shoes but Kanna is working on that :)
So that happened! Now I already have a few aus cooking for them, including one where Kanna is a vampire and Ahort is a vampire hunter ~
Also Elo ilysm🩷🩷🩷 I think I need more of your oc content too!!!
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artemisforster · 1 year
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mousart · 1 month
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The people have spoken!
All 18 of them!
The boy will be ginger
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lohlite · 5 months
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Loh The Birthday Bun 2024
It's my birthday! A b-day bunny, that's me! Made it another year somehow, wow! Wanted to draw something cute of my b-day bunny with my partner's bun.  Like. It probably sounds silly or cheesy, but I've been waiting a long time to celebrate my birthday with a partner again. Having someone like this and drawing cute couple stuff again gives me life, hehe. Worked today, but got to draw last night and we both made pics of our buns being cute! Got to have some ice cream cake I was gifted at work and got to have some tasty tacos. A pretty good one.
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lohverse · 6 months
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The sub gif is to captivate you like those baby sensory videos ❤
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audre-falrose · 1 year
I made another oc. A while back someone said (crazed/psychotic cleric) and I went yES-
Also, I like dragons and thought that'd be cool
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Nyx - Child Of Demise
Race: Descendant of Ancient Dragons
Height: 5'6" (168cm)
Birthday/Zodiac: Sept 3rd/Virgo
Values: Freedom
Favorite Food: "Fire Water"
Once a calm minded dragon kin; now a psychotic monster, Nyx survived for hundreds of years enduring the truly horrific curse of darkness. Now the only thing that drives her is vengeance against an unknowable god that wants to plunge humanity into pure chaos.
- cursed by the crawling chaos (pandemonium (that thing that possessed cesaire at the end of extreme))
- acts like the possessed enemies in the WoT storyline (I.E murderous) with the occasional bout of clarity
- knows healing magic (enjoys seeing people in pain and will endlessly heal them while they cry)
- also hates kartis cuz she thought he was actively helping her (we all know he wasn't aware of what cesaire was actually doing)
(Idk how to word this description of her backstory so I also left some notes to help clarify)
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fvturistik · 1 year
This is my oc LOH, her name is Sartiana, the scientist and she is cleric⚡
She's a female and birdkin, live in Varhya and her favourite food is 🍛
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WHAT TF IS A KILOMETER🦅🔥🗣🦅🔥😋🗣🔥🦅🗣🔥🦅🔥🦅🗣
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judithan-xing · 2 years
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Art Summary for 2022
146 Pieces for the year
1 Game Jam published! [Check it out here!]
1 Illustrated Novel published! [Get it here!]
Wordcount: 159,848 [AO3] // 59,905 [Original] // 219,753 [Total]
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wallmouse · 2 years
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It must be fun having a mentor who can travel through mirrors.
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apocalypse360 · 4 months
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OC qna number idk :DD
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artemisforster · 1 year
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(Will post references as soon as I figure out who's the artist if lucky)
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datotherd00d · 1 year
RSA Fanmade Dorms
Thought I should share a fleshed-out(ish) list of dorms that me, @chohouse , and @dizastermango made for Royal Sword Academy. Honesty thought that RSA should get more love (plus it was a lot of fun to make this, especially since I have some OCs that go to RSA). Also I made a Pinterest board for the dorms, the dorm uniforms, and their ceremonial robes.
The overall inspiration of these dorms were the supporting characters in the stories of the Big 7, but it’s the characters that were associated with the heroes. Now with that out of the way, here is the list!
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- Iterspeculo: Spirit of Carpe Diem
Themed off of The Mad Hatter
Pronounced as “I-ter-speh-coo-loh”
Carpe Diem roughly translates to “Living in the Moment”
The complete opposite of Heartslabyul when it come to organization and tidiness
Basically an eyesore, and constant game of ‘Eye-Spy’
Dorm name was made with: ‘Speculo’ which is Latin for mirror, ‘Iter’ meaning journey, so it completely comes out to ‘Journey (through the) Looking Glass’ 
- Baoheart: Spirit of Mindfulness
 Themed off of Rafiki
Pronounced as “Bau-hart”
This dorm is SO chill and can be wise. They have a lot of relaxing activities like yoga and meditation sessions. Literally living that Hakuna Matata life 
Dorm name revolved around the tree that Rafiki lived in which is a Baobab tree, and the heart because it sounded better and more whimsical than tail or fang lmao
- Plimsoll: Spirit of Sharing
Themed off of Scuttle
Pronounced as “Plim-sl”
Nautical and sea port vibes with this dorm (ngl was hard to figure out, so I mixed it together)
Heavily community based! Everyone helps everyone out because why not? The more the merrier! 
Literally a silly headcanon, but the common room has a deep brown wood flooring to imitate a ship and someone made the joke of it looking like shit, so now everyone calls the common room the “Poop Deck”
Name came from the Plimsoll Line of a ship, which is a mark on the hull of a ship indicating how deep a cargo ship can travel safely to trade goods
- Sadjinn: Spirit of Friendship
Themed off of The Genie
Pronounced as “Sah-jin”
Kind of similar to Scarabia, but it has that overall “goodness” to it
Not as many parties, but still very much so community based
It’s a more creative dorm that leans more into enjoying what you have and making the most out of it with the people you have. Literally if Kalim was a dorm it would be this one.
Also, the Cave of Wonders is where the dorm resides, and it is surrounded by a beautiful oasis and small forest of sorts
Name came from: ‘Sadiq’ meaning friend in Arabic, and a Djinn (Jinn) is another name for the mythical creature of a genie (this is under the pretense of fiction and fantasy rather than the Arabic/Islamic religious aspect of Jinns) 
- Septierre: Spirit of Humility
Themed off of the Seven Dwarves
Pronounced as “Sep-tea-error”
Such a hardworking yet humble dorm. Like omg- this dorm is that meme that is like “It’s not much, but it’s honest work”
Literally all of the produce and materials for the school is from this dorm! The students in this dorm are basically all in agriculture and geology, it is wholesome and very simple living
Mostly flatlands with cottage dorm rooms/dorm housing. It’s cute ngl. A lot of orchards and mines and woodland creatures
Name came from: ‘Septem’ which is Latin for 7, and ‘Pierre’ roughly translates to ‘stone/rock’
- Fulgyros: Spirit of Growth
Themed off of Philoctetes (Phil)
Pronounced as “Fuhl-ger-ose”
Dorm of perseverance and growth (emotionally, physically, and mentally. Literally in every possible aspect)
Basically the gym bros/fraternity of the school lmao, but don’t worry, they’re usually himbos. Just want what’s best for everyone and will help achieve that goal
All Ancient Greece influences, kind of a mix between Mount Olympus and Phil’s home/training area. Ethereal and godly vibes with white and earth tones. One of the more pristine dorms, especially with their mostly white uniforms
Name comes from: ‘Fulger’ which is the Latin root word for ‘lightning’, the suffix ‘-ysos’ from Dionysus who Satyrs would be associated with (along with Pan), and ‘-os’ from mythos
- Rosasci: Spirit of Harmony
Themed off of The Three Fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merrywheather)
Pronounced as “Roh-zeh-see"
Spirit comes from the three fairies working together to raise Aurora despite how chaotic it was. They worked in harmony together and were able to make things work. So that same vibe of responsibility and harmony of oneself and community is prominent in this dorm.
All roses imagery with no thorns. Thorns are a big nono in this dorm
Was another difficult dorm to figure out, but then again this whole school can be viewed as pretentious, so why not add in that overly sweet ‘goody-two-shoes’ aspect lol
However, this dorm is so pretty and very Fairycore with flowy and whimsical uniforms and decorations
Best way to describe the dorm vibe is the Moors in the first and second Maleficent movie
Name came from: ‘Rosaceae’ which is the botanical family name for roses. It’s a simple but pretty name.
- Bonus HCs
Snow White’s Wishing Well is the magical object(?) that sorts students into their dorms
The way it works is that you have to sing a tune or something into the well, and the well sings back to you what dorm you are sorted into. Note that the voice singing back is a collection of voices that are in perfect harmony. It’s creepy if you think about it because do those voices belong to anyone??? Who knows.
Also, students arrive to RSA in a brilliant, blinding white, pumpkin carriage drawn by horses, pegasi, unicorns, even comically large seahorses/dolphins, you name it! It’s magic- anything is possible.
Honestly think of the flying carriages in Sophia the First, and bam it’s that, but a white pumpkin! 
Everyone is alert and awake during their journey to the school, with various magical accommodations to make the trip as pleasant as possible. Hungry or thirsty? No worries, a menu with simple summoning spells fixes that. Bored? Don’t sweat- free wifi in the carriage AND a hidden movie screen to watch the latest block buster starring Vil Schoenheit  and Neige LeBlanche. It’s basically a first class seat on a magical airplane. Straight up comfort.
However, once you do arrive to the school and land, your luggage disappears (of course there is a notice before you land). Once you get your dorm and room assigned, your luggage will already be there waiting for you
Students are dropped off towards the back of the castle where staff greets the new students on the outskirts of a whimsical tree line. Upon crossing into the forest, students are magically dressed in their ceremonial robes and matching makeup . They all flood into a large whimsical pavilion full of seats (think of the one from Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses) that surrounds a very well known wishing well
After the ceremony, the headmaster opens portals to the Heart of the Castle where the main portals are.
RSA has a similar portal system to NRC, but the room is full of really pretty ports that fit the decorum of each dorm/school location. It’s located in the heart of the castle, which is easy access for the students and staff
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That is basically all of the headcanons I had, and I hope it helps in any creativity process, or was enjoyable! Let me know if you want any more HCs or have any comments, questions, or concerns! It was a blast making this!
Also! If you want to use any of this for OCs or fanfics, please go ahead!! Just please link this post and like/reblog 🖤 I appreciate those who want to use this! Thank you!
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lohlite · 1 year
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Golden Friendship - Birthday Gift
A birthday gift for my longtime bestest friend Ambunny! Happy Birthday!!! This felt like a milestone time to celebrate, and I wanted to put together something thoughtful to highlight a little bit of how I feel about this person that has been in my life for so long.  To me birthdays are very special, because it's the day you appear in this world, making it possible to make such a long and valuable friendship. I of course want to celebrate the existence of someone so important to me! Thank you for being there my friend. I love you and hope to always be a good friend to you as long as time allows. Here's to many more birthdays to celebrate!
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lohverse · 6 months
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She has 99 problems and a bitch is like 5?? Of them?? Maybe??
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audre-falrose · 1 year
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Name: Alexandra Monroe
Race: Elf
Height: 5'8" (173cm)
Birthday/Zodiac: April 5th/Aries
Values: "Changing the system"
Favorite Food: Red Wine
The blaring lights and sounds of the High Roller Casino will draw anyone in with the glitz and glamor. Elves and humans from far and wide gather to achieve a sort of thrill that only a bit of gambling can fix. There's been a rumor going around that "The Don" and her associates provide "other services." For a small fee of course.
Another rumor is that Archmage Lucilicca and "The Don" are well acquainted and can be seen on occasion "sharing a drink" together. Said Archmage will vehemently deny the claims of course, but The Don herself tends to say otherwise.
Without coat
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yume-tsuki · 7 months
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Sketchs from Jan and Febr
I was baking a cake with my sister and Niece and wanted to doodle it with Percy/Nasiens/Anne and Loh
-DonnyxTioreh and baby Ethelred (I also love Donnyx Anne so much 😆💖; Perciens too of course)💖💖
-And well my darling said Tristi looks like Inuyasha here 🤣so InuTristi
Zeldi with both of his kids after I doodled him only with my fanchara for once😇 sometimes I think some are forgetting that there is something like OC or fanworks and they are just for fun I wonder how this would feel if they got thrown back to a time everyone had fancharas
-Bedivere's fear Ones Nanashi tried to 'heal' his student from his fear of darkness. But the little one panicked heavily and Nanashi had to come rescue him again…
-random Gawain with baby Mordred
x3 I always wanted to draw my mer-babies of Hisui x Suika from my #drstone fanfiction and well I already love them so much 💖💖🥹 I still think about names x3 but all of them are girls except the second who is a boy 💖😆 may I'll do an extra chapter ones
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