#lois jumped out a window of the daily planet
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I absolutely adore clark omg. so excited at the prospect of working with his crush (*ahem* the love of his life), lois, that he completely blanks over her trying (very obviously and persistently) to get clark and superman in the same room together.
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antebunny · 4 months
go for it, Lois Lane!
Lois has a crush on Clark for six months, two weeks and three days before she asks him out. Not that she’s counting or anything. It feels a little silly to say “crush,” even though that’s what it is. It feels even sillier for a go-getter person like Lois to wait for so long before asking, but really, her reasons are completely logical and totally understandable.
First, she’s friends with Clark for about a year before she considers that he may actually like her back, and he’s only keeping quiet about it because he’s, well, Clark. After that is when the “crush” develops in which Lois continuously overthinks every act of friendship she previously took for granted. 
Second, Lois is the senior at work, even though they’re the same age. For the first couple weeks or so, it was her job to show him the ropes, which makes speculating about a relationship feel inappropriate. Though as far as improprieties go, Lois is not sure this one is even on the list. 
Third, it’s never a good idea to date someone from work. This sticking point holds Lois back for a while until she realizes that Clark is not just a friend from work.
“Uh, where do you want the fridge?” Clark’s voice is muffled from behind the boxed side-by-side refrigerator held precariously in his arms.
It’s move-in day for Lois and her new apartment, and she recruited a bunch of friends to help her. Friends from work, friends from college, people who just happened to be in Metropolis at the right time. Mostly they’re just free labor to her, but Lois bought some very nice wine and snacks to share, and she started off with her closest friends.
“Just put it on the kitchen floor!” Lois calls back.
Clark is one of her favorite friends.
This is the realization that sinks in as Clark settles the refrigerator carefully on the kitchen tiles. Even if one of them quit working at the Daily Planet, Lois is confident that they’d still find time to meet up. They are friends outside of work too.
“Phew!” Clark catches Lois’ eye from across the living room and smiles that goofy smile of his. He rolls his shoulders back as he straightens, but there’s not a hint of sweat as he wipes the back of his hand across his forehead. “That was pretty heavy.”
Lois rolls her eyes fondly. He’s obviously lying; there’s not a hint of perspiration, no heaving chest, or anything other sign of exertion. It’s kind of sweet that he feels the urge to comfort her about the difficulty of lifting her boxes. Unnecessary, as Lois never had any plans to carry it around herself, but sweet nonetheless.
That’s just how Clark is. He’s kind of a coward, but he’s surprisingly strong. And so what if he’s not a daredevil? This isn’t the 1600s. She doesn’t want him to grab a horse and a lance and joust for her honor. He’s thoughtful, he remembers the little things, he respects her, he’s quietly funny, he can cook, and he is genuinely kind-hearted. Of course she likes him. 
One by one, her friends bow out and head home. Ellis helps her get the last rug down, gleefully samples all of her wines, and has to be driven home by Xochitl. Perry swipes a handful of snacks on his way out, Irene takes the subway and a taser, and Meg, self-proclaimed expert bedroom decorator, sets up hangings and decorative pillows until her phone hits 10% battery and she catches a midnight cab home.
In the end, it’s just Lois and Clark, settled in her newly-furnished living room and talking into the wee hours of the morning. Politics, arts, home decor, lead pipes in housing projects, superheroes and the proper way to grill a chicken; Lois will lose her voice before she runs out of conversation topics. She wishes she could have this regularly. Just her and Clark, passing around a bottle of wine or that mysterious red-blue ice cream flavor that Clark likes. 
Clark, Lois knows, lives alone, and it’s so hard for a big guy like him to take the subway at midnight. Still, he’s had a little wine, so it’s not ideal. Maybe that’s why, when Clark eventually slaps his knees and reluctantly says that he should get going, Lois speaks up.
“You could stay.”
Okay, so it’s not the wine that drops her stomach off a cliff when he rises and heads for the door. But in any case, he pauses at her words, and glances at the couch. It’s white and soft, ideal for sleeping, but Lois doesn’t have a change of clothes for him. At least, nothing that fits him. Clark had only intended to help a friend move into her new apartment.
“Do you have a spare blanket?” Clark asks. He tips his head to the side. “For the couch?”
Lois hesitates, still thinking of what he will wear tomorrow (Sunday) even though no one in Metropolis will blink twice at a man walking around in a giant marshmallow costume. Really, she muses, it’s better for him not to wear clothes at all. And then she’s thinking of her nice new bed, which deserves a housewarming party of its own, and maybe it’s the wine, or the lighting, or the (to emulate Clark) gosh-darn genuineness of Clark’s question, but–
“Don’t have to take the couch,” Lois blurts out. “Could come to bed with me.” She’ll blame the wine to the end of time, but her cheeks immediately color deep red. “That’s not how I wanted to say it. I don’t mean just–I like you.”
Oh, this is embarrassing. This is really quite off-game for Pulitzer prize winning journalist Lois Lane. She swears she usually has more game than this.
Clark smiles the crooked little smile of his. “Are you asking me to be your boyfriend, Ms. Lane?”
Well, she always knew that Clark was at least as embarrassing as her. 
Lois tosses her dirty blond hair back, one hand on hip, reclaiming her dignity through performance. “And if I am, Smallville?” 
Clark beams. “Then yes.”
Faster than Lois knew was humanly possible, Clark crosses the space between the front door and the arm of the couch. Lois rises to her feet, vaguely shocked by how much taller Clark is than her when he’s not hunching his shoulders as per usual. The breadth of those shoulders nearly halves when he’s hunching them, too. He hides so much with the way he carries himself. His sense of humor, his silent, steely convictions, his compassion; everything that makes him Clark Kent.
He’s not hiding anything now. Clark bends his head down, a boyish smile on his face. Behind those thick glasses of his, his eyes are shockingly blue. The stubble on his chin brushes against her forehead. He leans in. And all Lois can think is: holy shit, I can’t believe that worked.
Whoever said the course of true love never did run smooth? Lois thinks it’s pretty easy. 
Lois discovers Superman’s weird obsession with her around the same time as she’s learning about the existence of Superman. The Flash has been running (ha) around Central City for a few years now, the Batman is somewhere between urban legend and dangerously real vigilante, and everyone knows Wonder Woman. Superheroes are not uncommon. But Superman is the first one to really stick for Metropolis. And as always, Lois Lane is right on the case. 
She’s worried, now, that her persistent, journalistic pursuit of the guy might have been taken as interest. Perhaps this worry could be interpreted as ego-inflating, i.e. can you believe it? Superman is just soooo obsessed with me. But Lois can safely make this claim from her unwanted vantage point of Superman’s arms.
 He’s saved her from falling to her death, or so he says. Lois doesn’t know that she was truly in danger of falling, but she’s not going to argue with the man when he’s carrying her hundreds of feet over Metropolis. Survival instincts 101: don’t talk back to the only person standing between you and certain death. Thank you for coming to her TED Talk. And please note that this is the first red flag. 
In any case, she sure feels weak in the knees when he sets her down gently on the roof of the Daily Planet. He hovers for a moment longer, about a foot off the rooftop. Like he’s forgotten that people generally like to have conversations eye-to-eye.
“If you ever need me, just give me a shout,” Superman says, in a way that’s probably supposed to be comforting. 
Then he flies off without waiting for a response. So much for having a conversation. But Lois is more preoccupied with the implications of give me a shout. Just how far is his hearing range? Can he hear her if she’s underground? Can he hear her in the office? Is he eavesdropping on the conversations she has with coworkers? 
Lois makes it down to the Daily Planet offices in record time. This is not the first, and, distressingly, probably not the last time that Superman has dropped her off on the rooftop of the Daily Planet. She slinks back into her cubicle, glances left and right, and ignores the knowing looks of her coworkers. 
“Hey, Bea,” Lois rolls her swivel chair backwards and places an arm on the divider of the desk of her colleague, Beatrice Langford. “Superman ever invite you to dinner?”
Bea stares at her blankly. “No? Why?”
“Just curious.” Lois rolls her chair back to her desk.
Lois is pretty sure that Bea is more conventionally attractive than her, though there’s no accounting for taste. True, Lois is the one pursuing his case on the regular, but just about everyone in her office has had an interaction with Superman, and she hasn’t had significantly more than the average. 
Still, she’d probe Bea more if she weren’t so worried about Superman overhearing. That’s another problem: the fear that he could be watching her at anytime. The more she learns about his abilities, the more scared she becomes. He can hear her heartbeat through a skyscraper. He can see through anything, can smash through every material that is commonly found in a major city. Bullets break on his skin. 
And he asked her to dinner, just over a week ago.
Lois turned him down, of course, as politely as she knew how. Worried, again, about antagonizing the person she was stuck on a rooftop with who could fly, shoot lasers with his eyes like he’s in Star Wars without the cool lightsabers, and send her flying off said rooftop with a flick of his pinky finger. 
Superman has never been anything but polite, if somewhat distressed at totally reasonable times. Still, getting asked to dinner by someone like him is what turns his obsession from weird to worrying.
She looks to her left. Ideally, she could talk about this with Clark. But funnily enough, he’s out of the office again.
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Humiliating The Man Of Steel Part 1/2
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Clark Kent has no idea why he woke up at exactly at 11 am on a Sunday morning in the midst of the sunlight.
He finds himself rolling off the bed onto his feet slipping into his slippers he lifts up onto his feet.
Now standing at full length his shadow long in length towers over him as he walks off into the kitchen.
He feels a sense attacking his mind taking the form of constant flashed consistently over powering him.
The power draws him down bending over a headache persisting on he falls to his knees in utter excruciating pain.
His hands immediately reaching for his lean perfectly size forehead starting to shake his head to drown the noise.
The noise is constantly ricocheting over and over again bouncing from side to side of his brain.
He tries to ignore it turning on the television screen a buzzing sound erupts with static sounds and black and white screen.
The pan fell from his hand onto the floor it spins out of control slamming to the floor splashing the bacon and eggs everywhere.
In a instant the light bulb in his mind drains of all energy buzzing out of control it shatter into a million pieces.
The shards spread through remnants of his mind bringing him to a holt the sound calls to him.
His feet are moving automatically without
a second guess propelling him closer and closer to the screen.
He knelt down in front of television screen in truly amazing absolution his body falls back like a rock.
Clark rises to his feet in a zombified state
he races to the window jumping out of the window he launches into the sky.
He flew off soaring in the sky a man views his every move from the giant glass globe of epic proportions.
The sunlight radiating over him shining so brightly energizing him to face whatever foe he dares.
The man smirks in a sexy superhero blue suit, gold mask, gloves and gold boots to match.
He is quite stunning, young, handsome, and nerdy black villain building a collection of hero’s.
At the daily planet Clark sweeps into the main building through a open window and walks into the hallway.
He enters the main office making a bee line to his future wife and co-worker Lois Lanes desk with a wicked smile.
Lois raises upward to his feet staring at him so lovingly, she is unable to see the truth that he is corrupted.
“What’s up Smallville? You are late.” She ask him thinking he is the same guy she always knew.
“I came here for you to give me interview my darling. One that will change the path of this world forever.” Clark whispers.
Lois Lane is a world renown reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper grabbing a pen and pad while a video records them for live tv play back.
Lois is horrified by the strange things Clark is saying about how horrific human lives are and how useless people can be.
Clark floats into the air holding his breath in then using his super breath blow the entirety of this building apart.
Clark laughs evilly letting his voice harshly reverberating through the city in resounding fiery passion of hate. The citizens and a crew of reporters stare in horror.
The fear, screams and the share nightmare of a scene he is witnessing before himself breaks him from his streak of villainy.
Clark freaks out in pain his eyes water then burn up with laser vision shooting towards space and he burst out in a cry.
The tears slowly stream down his face at the sight of Perry, Lois, Jimmy and both of his parents laying lifeless on the floor.
A darkness covers the area in a pitch black cloud of darkness water pours raining down on him.
Clark is snap back to reality to see a young African American man standing on a huge building across from him.
Clark flew over to him landing on the roof top to face him head on standing toe to toe.
“Who are you? Why are you doing this?”
“You figured that out fast, you may call me
Blue Cosmic for now.”
“How did you manipulate me into doing this?”
“You are easily controlled with magic or mind control you fool.”
“Truth be told all I did is unleash the real you from within.”
“You will never control me and you shall never own me.”
“My power is running deep into your blood.”
“Your veins are popping all of your dna is transforming.”
“My influence coursing at super speed into that mind of yours.”
“I no longer need to hold back at least with you than.”
“Feel the pain of thousand suns.”
“I am The Last Son of Krypton.”
“I know all of your tricks now”
“You can’t best me again”
“Are you quite sure about it?”
“Cracking your bones”
“You seem to be embracing the darkness “
“Shut up!”
Superman had enough leaps into the air with one punch he hits me head on sending me flying.
My body due to a punch boroughs a wide hole into a massive rock formation as rubble falls onto me.
He lands on the ground his red boots can be seen from miles away, I punch the rubble till it’s nothing.
Once I am on my feet again Clark positions himself to fight me Instead I snap my fingers with a loud clap to it.
The sound is a rush air pooling to gather past Clark reshaping a portal behind him.
The portal opens up using his own strength against him he drains Clark shoving him into the portal.
Clark is thrust forward into a spiral void of nothingness and everything all at once.
His life plays on constant reminder of what he once had and who he no longer is.
The world hates him now, people are lost in sea to terror and he is at the mercy of this man.
“You poor fool Clark”
“You could have anyone and anything “
“Be a criminal like you”
“I am no criminal “
“No thanks!”
“Even now you resist”
“I will never give in”
“I will never give up”
“Fuck you!”
“Fall into the void”
“Succumb to it”
“Be one with the void”
“No I cannot…I won’t “
“You have no choice “
“I will escape this”
“I will bring you to justice”
“I will win, truth and justice always does.”
Falling from the void Clark lands onto a odd plain of existence where time itself does not exist.
“Welcome Superman!”
“You can’t use your power”
“There is no sun”
“You have been stripped of your power.”
“You fail to be victorious now.”
“All this free will comes crushing you down”
“I am all that encompasses this.”
“This reality can’t hold me back”
“The Man Of Steel can’t be defeated.”
“You have so much more to learn.”
“As if you can teach me”
“Will see bitch.”
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The end
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he1iks · 2 years
Part 2
Clark, Lois, and Jimmy found themselves atop the roof of a generic skyscraper (very illegally) twenty minutes later. A man was there, and he looked nervous- not just about the height.
He jumped as the three reporters clambered over the top of the highest window and onto the roof.
"Why did we have to meet here?" Jimmy asked. "It seems... overly dangerous."
"Had to... had to find a covert location. Luthor has eyes all over the city. This place... it's an old tradition, ever since it was built. No cameras up here, ever. And clearly there aren't any people. Ronald Hart, by the way." The small, mostly bald man chuckled nervously. He looked a bit stressed. You probably can't imagine why.
Clark stayed clear of the edge. He might be able to fly, but he wasn't keen on his friends and Mr. Hart knowing that.
"Mr. Hart, you told us you had concrete proof of corruption at Lexcorp?" Lois asked.
"Yes, that's right." he said, as if he had forgotten for a moment what he was doing on top of an eleven- story skyscraper. He shakily removed a small file folder from the back of his coat. "It's all in here. In you hand now. I need to go."
Even Lois didn't try to pry. They helped him back into the top floor, and all took separate elevators down, except Clark and Lois, since there were only three elevators.
Clark, after tripping and grabbing the elevator handrail for support, cleared his throat awkwardly.
"So... Lois. Any... particular plans this weekend?"
"Not sure." she answered." Depends on what it takes to get the dirt." she pulled out the folder and opened it curiously. As soon as she saw what was inside, she gasped. Quickly, she passed it over to her fellow reporter to show him the shocking news. As soon as they arrived at the first floor, they ran to show Jimmy.
"But..." he said. "This makes no sense. I saw that guy on TV just last week."
"I guess... I guess it wasn't her" Clark answered. They were all much more subdued as they rode the bus back to the Daily Planet.
To be continued.
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marauderundercover · 2 years
Dancing in the Rain
Marinette sits on the couch by the window and pouts. It had started raining the night before, and hadn’t stopped all day. She was so done with the rain. Well, she was done with not being able to go outside and play. That had always been her favorite part of spending a week of the summer at Ma and Pa’s farm. And this year, they were staying for a whole week and a half. But it was still raining.
“Hey Mars. What’s with the pout, kiddo?” Conner asks, walking into the room. Marinette sighs.
“I just wanna play outside. But it’s raining.” She says. Conner raises an eyebrow.
“Haven’t you ever heard of jumping in puddles?” He asks. Marinette pouts.
“Auntie Lois wouldn’t agree to that, and I don’t wanna leave Jon behind.” She says. Jon was only two, and she didn’t wanna leave him out. Plus last time she checked, he was taking a nap. Conner grins.
“Lois is still in town working on that thing for the Daily Planet. Clark actually just left for his own work emergency. Left me in charge.” Conner says, puffing his chest out slightly. Marinette’s eyes widen.
“He left you in charge?” She says. She wasn’t really sure if she should be excited, or worried. Conner nods.
“Yup. And I say it’s fine for all of us to go outside and jump in the puddles.” He says with a firm nod. Marinette grins. She changed her mind, she was ecstatic that Conner was in charge!
“Does Jon have rain boots?” She asks, thinking back to everything her maman had made her pack. Conner frowns.
“Probably?” He says.
“You get his boots, I’ll get mine and then we can go.” Marinette instructs.
“I thought I was the one in charge?” Conner says with a snort. Marinette grins and shrugs before running up the stairs to her room. Quickly grabbing her rain boots, she shoves them onto her feet and hops down the stairs.
“It’s raining.” Jon says grimly, frowning at Conner who was struggling to get the rain boots on him. Marinette crouches down by her little brother, smiling at him.
“Have you ever hopped in a puddle before?” She asks. Jon shrugs.
“I dunno.” He says.
“Well we’re gonna go play in all of the puddles, now.” She says. Jon frowns again, glancing towards the window.
“But, rain.” He says. Marinette nods.
“That’s what makes it fun!” She says. Jon’s frown immediately switches into a wide grin.
“Let’s go!” He cheers, trying to jump out of Conner’s grasp. Conner grunts, trying to hold onto him.
“Jon, hey, buddy, kid- hold on, you’ve gotta put your other boot on first.” He says, struggling. Marinette bounces up and down on her heels impatiently, glancing towards the window every couple of seconds. She was pretty sure that if Aunt Lois showed up, she’d stop them. Or her parents, who had gone somewhere once again with Ma and Pa. Finally, finally, Jon’s boots were on and they were able to head outside. Practically throwing the door open, Marinette rushes outside, immediately giggling. Jon squeals as he runs after her, both of them ignoring Conner’s calls for them to slow down. Marinette spots a huge puddle.
“Follow me!” She directs Jon, grabbing his little hand and tugging him along. Stopping at the edge of the puddle, Marinette glances at her little brother. “Ready?” She asks. He nods. “Jump!” She directs, jumping as high as she can. Marinette giggles and Jon squeals as the water splashes up, working with the rain to absolutely soak them.
“Splash again!” Jon requests, looking up at her. Marinette agrees, spotting a puddle closer to Conner.
“Let’s go.” She directs, quickly running at her older brother. Conner’s eyes widen slightly as they jump into the puddle, the water splashing him more than them. Marinette giggles, and Jon joins in.
“Conner all wet!” He laughs, and Marinette grins.
“Maybe this wasn’t the best idea.” Conner says, sighing as he glances down at his wet clothes. Marinette shakes her head.
“No, this was a great idea! It’s the best day ever!” She declares, grinning widely. Who knew rainy days could be so much fun?
And if they were all sick the next day, the adults definitely had an idea as to why.
Tag list: @stainedglassm @kittenmywaythrulife @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @kking13  @toodaloo-kangaroo  @crazylittlemunchkin @buttercupsbitch @jayjayspixiepop @iloontjeboontje  @idontwannaexistsopleasekillme @its-maemain @bookwalmartav
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
Home Is Where The Heart Is
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Summary: When Superman died, Martha lost her son and her home. A friendly neighbor, Sage, took her in and cared for her when she got sick. Clark makes a difficult decision to return home to the Kent farm after breaking up with Lois. Can Sage convince him it was the right decision? Can he show her that running from her past isn’t her only option? 
Warnings: angst, fluff, domestic violence mentioned, break-up mentioned. 
W/C: 7.2k
Rating: M (mature 16+)
Characters: Clark Kent, Martha Kent, OC’s. 
Pairing: Clark Kent (Kal-Al) x OFC
A/N: first time writing for Clark Kent, little nervous about it, but I love this whole thing.
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // @girl-next-door-writes took a look for me too.
Graphics: @myulalie made the beautiful title card. dividers by @firefly-graphics
Master Lists: Main // DC
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Home Is Where The Heart Is
The smell of barley and wheat grew stronger the closer the truck took him to his childhood home. Hickory Lane was as bumpy as ever, and the lack of change made Clark smile. It was nice to know some things remained as they had always been. He thumbed a tune against the side of the door, arm hanging out the open window, his happy mood increasing with each rotation of the wheels. As uneven as the dirt road was, he barely felt it. The new Ford pickup truck, courtesy of Bruce Wayne, was top of the line, and Clark looked forward to using it to its full potential on the Kent Farm.
Dusty heard the truck arrive and pushed the screen door open to stand guard on the porch, barking at the unknown visitor. 
“Hey boy,” Clark called, jumping out of the vehicle and walking to meet the happy dog.
The screen door squeaked again - he’d have to fix that - and he looked away from the overzealous dog to see his mother, followed by an auburn-haired woman, walk onto the porch.
“Clark!” Martha said, smiling happily but with a hint of inconvenience in her tone, “I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.”
His mother wasn’t getting any younger, and he wanted to be there for her in her twilight years to help run the farm. Since Bruce had brought it for them, there was no financial incentive to keep it going. Now, it was simply for the love of what their family had built.
He jogged the distance to the porch and met his mother as she reached the bottom step. 
“I wanted to surprise you,” he told her, enveloping her in a hug.
Being in his mother’s arms, listening to the wildlife chirp and hum combined with the smell of greenery and freshly baked cakes and not car fumes or garbage was overwhelming, and a sigh filled with relief blew strands of his mother’s hair. Yes, he’d definitely made the right decision.
The break-up with Lois hadn’t been easy, though he’d been able to see it a million miles away, even without x-ray vision. She wanted to advance her career, and becoming an editor had taken up most of her time. They had grown apart. It was no one’s fault. It was what it was, but Clark had vowed to live a solitary inconspicuous life. He wouldn’t burden anyone else with keeping his secret or ask them to accept parts of him he wasn’t willing to disclose. Leaving The Daily Planet and New York hadn’t been an easy decision, but the heat from the sun-dried earth, dust kicking up under his feet, and the fresh country air was a beacon that it was the right one.
“It’s good to be home,” he said, reluctantly letting his mother go. Remembering she had company, he climbed the few steps and stretched out his hand with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, that was rude. It’s just good to finally be back.” 
She waved him off, “not at all.”
He took her in as she grasped his hand to shake. She was about his age, perhaps a few years younger, with light auburn hair, the same color as autumn leaves succumbing to winter, reds and browns, with a few grey specks peeking through, but it was the color of her eyes that distracted him from everything else. Her irises were a grey-green color. He was mesmerized for a moment, and it took her heart rate increasing to make him realize how intently he’d been staring.
“Um, sorry,” he said, clearing his throat. “I’m Clark.” 
“Sage,” she said. 
Sage - that explained the color of her eyes.
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” A warm smile pulled at her lips, and she looked down at their clasped hands. A blush crept onto his cheeks as he acknowledged they’d been entwined for entirely too long.  
“Martha’s been chewing your ear off about the prodigal son returning, I bet.”
Sage laughed, and he chuckled as his mother protested before she could confirm or deny the claim. “I’ve done no such thing,” Martha batted his arm when she reached the top of the steps. “I guess I should go make your room up,” she said. There was that ounce of inconvenience in her tone again, but Clark knew she was delighted to have him home. 
“I can make my own bed, Ma.”
“I’m going to leave you two to it,” Sage told them with a chuckle.
“I’ll see you for breakfast tomorrow,” Martha reminded her, heading inside.
“See you then,” Sage called after her as the older woman disappeared into the house. Turning her attention back to Clark, she whispered, “Um, do you have a second?”
Intrigued, he nodded and followed her off the porch toward the old black Jeep. She stopped when she reached the driver’s side and looked back toward the house before turning to face him.
“I know you’ve only just got home and all, but I think there’s something you should know,” she checked over her shoulder again, and he figured she was checking on Martha’s location before she spoke. “Eleven months ago, Martha had a stroke.”
“What?” he asked, shocked and confused.
Sage held her arms out as if to calm him. “She’s okay now, I was with her when it happened, and we caught it in time. The doctor said it was mild. There are no lasting effects, and she’s on medication to help with blood clots, but when it happened, she point blank refused to let me call you...” 
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously but hoped she interpreted it as upset rather than discomfort. His mother had to refuse that he be contacted. After all, he wouldn’t have answered because he was dead. 
“...I don’t know what was going on with the two of you, if you’d had a fight or something, but she said she didn’t want to worry you. I know she’s not planning on telling you now, and maybe I’m overstepping here, but it doesn’t matter,” she ranted, and Clark heard her elevated heartbeat. “I care about her, she’s been good to me, and I don’t mean to step on anyone’s toes or upset anyone, but…”
“Sage,” he said, breaking her rambling thoughts. “You’re not overstepping. whatever it is, I want to know if my mother is sick.” 
She sighed, relieved that he seemed to understand. “She says the medication makes her feel sick and really sleepy. She stopped taking it a few days ago. I told her she should go see the doctor, get it changed to something else, but she’s,” she paused, as if choosing her words, but Clark finished the thought for her. 
“A stubborn woman who thinks she knows better?”
“Exactly,” Sage grinned.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely. He was grateful the woman cared enough for his mother that she risked betraying her confidence to ensure she got the care she needed.
Sage slid into the seat of her car, put her hand on the handle to pull the door closed, but thought better of it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to dump this on you five minutes after you got home,” she winced, regret clear as day on her face. “It’s just, I lost my Dad to a heart attack, and I’m worried about her.”
“Please don’t be sorry,” he smiled and watched her shy away. “I’ll talk to her, and I’m sure between the two of us, we can get her to see sense.”
She nodded, and it was clear the weight she had carried was lighter now she’d shared it with him. He closed her door and watched her drive away before he grabbed a box from the truck bed and headed inside.
Clark found Martha in his bedroom, remaking the bed. She smiled at him when he dropped the box on the chair in the corner. He watched her fluff up his pillows, the content smile still reflected on her weathered face. She looked older, not old, just that the last year had been tough. Losing her son and then her home had taken a visible toll; her eyes still held some of the hardship she’d suffered.
He would spend as much of his time as he could, as much as Martha could stand, assuring her she’d never have to suffer that way again. A parent should never have to bury a child, and he’d be damned if she’d have to do it twice. He also refused to allow her to ignore her health and well-being due to simple stubbornness. 
“Sage seems nice,” he said, a subtle way he hoped to broach the subject of her medical care.
“Oh, she’s wonderful,” Martha cooed. “She was kind enough to take me in when the bank took the farm. I wanted to stay in a motel, but she refused. She has been so good to me.” She stopped her task to turn a bittersweet smile on her son. “She lost her mother when she was young, her father a few years ago, we kind of adopted each other.”
Though thankful she had someone to help her during a difficult time, he hated that she’d had to seek comfort from someone else. Clark closed the distance and wrapped his mother in a tight hug.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Ma.”
“Oh, stop it,” Martha huffed and squirmed out of his arms.
“I’m glad you had her,” Clark said casually as he began unpacking the box. “I’m happy there are people like her left in the world. Someone to give you a home when I couldn’t help and ensure you were taking care of yourself.”
She caught his attempt to be subtle and sighed, standing straight from tucking the corners of his bed down. “Ah, she told you.” 
Clark nodded. “She told me.”
“I’m fine, really,” she insisted, striding from the room as if that were the end of it. 
“Mom,” he warned, following after her. “Sage said you’ve stopped taking your medication.”
“Please don’t make a fuss.”
“Oh, fuss will be made,” he confirmed, trotting down the stairs behind her. “Mom, you need the medication. We can talk to the doctor to get it changed if that’s what you need. But you can’t just stop taking it.”
Stubbornly, she chose to ignore him, filling the kettle with water from the tap and placing it on the stove. He hadn’t expected it to be easy; his mother was a woman of immense pride. 
“Please, Ma,” he sighed. He didn’t want to be manipulative, but he knew the words she’d need to hear to make her see sense, so he uttered them as faintly as he could and still be heard. “I don’t want to have to bury you sooner than your time.” 
“Clark,” she admonished, turning to him. He shrugged and gave a small mirthless smile. “Okay, fine,” she conceded, “I will call the doctor's office and make an appointment.” 
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Sage, a barista slash waitress at The Ross Cafe, enjoyed her job. The locals were all fun characters, and the tourists that stopped off on their travels were always an interesting conversation. But her favorite part of the day was just after closing time, when it was late, and the night beyond the window reflected her image back at her. It gave her a sense of being alone. No cars passed on the quiet street outside, and she didn’t need to worry about what someone might need. Her only thought was cleaning and preparing everything to be ready for the morning shift. 
She liked to clean, everyone who knew her well enough teased her about it, but she didn’t mind. There was something therapeutic about making something shine or seeing the dirt washed away. The final job was to wipe the tables down, place the chairs on top and then mop the floor.
She was in the back, filling a bowl with clean soapy water, ready to make a start on the tables, when she thought she heard a light knock on the front door. It was odd to have a visitor, the opening times were clearly stated on the sign hanging in the window, and she hadn’t found any forgotten property - Mr. Potter had a habit of leaving his hat.
She switched off the faucet, and there was no mistaking the second, harder, more definitive knock. Popping her head around the corner, she saw Clark standing outside the door. His small awkward smile accompanied by a slight wave confirmed he was, in fact, looking for her.
“Hey,” Sage called through the glass while she rushed to disengage the locks. “Is Martha oaky?” she asked once the door no longer muffled her voice.
“Yes. Yes, she’s fine,” he said quickly to assure her. “I just wanted to bring you these,” he explained, lifting the bouquet of flowers she hadn’t noticed he’d been holding until that moment. A small mix of red and orange flowers wrapped in plain white paper. “I spoke to my mom, and she told me everything you’ve done for her, even before the stroke, and they aren’t much, but I wanted to say thank you.”
“They’re lovely, thank you.” She took them from him and pulled them to her nose to smell. “But you really didn’t have to. I promise you Martha has thanked me handsomely in baked goods.”
“The woman loves to bake,” He chuckled.
She liked his smile; it was bright, comforting, and contagious. She had no choice but to return it, but it soon turned to an unsure grimace. “Did you manage to convince Martha to go to the doctor?”
“Yes,” he replied, “she called and made an appointment for Wednesday. I’m going with her.”
“Good, I’m glad. Is she mad at me for telling you?” 
“A little, maybe.” He whispered, “but I’ll protect you from her.”
“Hey,” she scolded lightly, “I would not like to be on the wrong side of Martha.”
Ten seconds of silence passed between them, and Sage was ready to wish him a good night. 
“You, um, need a hand?” he asked, nodding inside.
She held his gaze for a moment; something in it told her it was more than an offer of assistance. “I’m almost done,” she said, “but I’m sure I can find something for you to do.”
He rubbed his hands together, “put me to work.”
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Three consecutive nights Clark had shown up at the coffee shop to help Sage lock up. She didn’t mind; he was easy company. They made small talk, general conversation about the weather, Martha, and the patrons of the cafe. 
It made sense that he felt like a friend to her, Martha constantly spoke about him, and she felt she knew him already. But even if she didn’t, it was easy to see he was hurting. He was seeking distractions, keeping busy, finding something to occupy his thoughts, and though she didn’t want to be presumptuous, it stood to question that Clark would offer his help for a fourth night. 
“I won’t be here tomorrow night,” she told him as she locked the door once they were out on the street. “But I’m sure Danielle will be grateful for the help.” 
“Night off?”
“Yeah.” Clark wasn’t one to pry for information that wasn’t offered, so she added, “I’m going into Metropolis to watch a movie. The movie theatre in town shut down, so I go and watch a double feature once a month. I have to make the long drive worth it.” She shrugged, feeling a little silly. “I’m a movie junkie, the escapism of it all.”
“That’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said genuinely, but it only made her slightly more self-conscious that he’d picked up on it. 
“My-um-Dad,” she cleared her throat of the emotion the memory caused. “We used to go to dinner and a movie together once a month. It was our way of ensuring we kept each other updated on our lives, y’know? He never missed one, always made sure he was available whenever I was.” she smiled fondly, remembering the delight in her Father’s voice whenever she’d call to arrange the evening. “Since he passed, I can’t break the habit.” 
“That’s sweet,” Clark said as they reached their vehicles. “It’s a nice way to honor him.”
“Thanks again for the help,” Sage said as she slipped into the driver's seat of her car. Clark was a gentleman and always waited until she was in her car on her way home before he got into his truck, and it was no different this time. He hung on the open door, and it seemed as if he wanted to say something, so Sage waited. 
“My thing,” he started, eyes staring off into the distance. “To honor my father is to help people.”
“Well,” Sage began when he finally met her eyes again, “if he was anything like Martha, he’s more than proud of you. He’s bragging about you to all the angels and anyone else who’ll listen.” 
He chuckled and nodded, “Goodnight, Sage.” 
“Goodnight, Clark.”
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Sage turned the key in the ignition and the engine ticked but nothing else. She pumped the gas and tried again. Nothing. 
“Not now!” 
She’d given herself enough time to drive to town, eat a late lunch/early dinner and then see two movies. She didn't have time to mess around with her car or call someone to give her a jump. She was already ten minutes off schedule.
“Please come on,” she sighed and turned the key again. The engine ticked over but didn’t jump to life. She growled and leaned forward over the steering wheel to look up at the sky through the windshield. “Dad, if you’re listening, you gotta do something to help me out here!” 
Her wish was granted in the form of Clark’s pickup truck bouncing up the dirt track toward her. What was he doing there? He knew she was going to the movies; she’d told him the previous evening.
Oh god. Martha! 
Panic had her jumping out of the car, narrowly missing hitting Clark’s passenger door as he pulled up beside her.
“Is Martha okay?” she asked as soon as he opened his door.
“She’s fine,” he said, brow creased, and then realization hit, and he looked sincerely apologetic. “Oh, I’m sorry, you thought… No, Marth is fine.” Clark explained, then paused for her to overcome the panic she felt. “I was out on the porch,” he pointed in the direction of the Kent farm two miles to the left, “I saw your car was still here, thought it might have been giving you trouble.”
Clark had needed to give her a jump start the second night he’d helped her clean up the cafe. So he was no stranger to the inconsistencies of her engine. 
“It is,” she said with a heavy sigh. “Think you could get her going for me?”
“Absolutely, but I wouldn’t want you to get stranded, so,” he suggested sheepishly, “can I join you? Only if it’s not a problem. I don’t want to impose or anything.” 
His coyness was adorable, and she wouldn’t have been able to deny him even if she’d wanted to. “I’d love for you to join me. ”
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Sage’s house came into view as Clark guided his truck up the dirt path, and she realized she was disappointed that the night was coming to an end. It hadn’t been a date; she understood that, but she still pondered the best way to say goodnight.
Clark presumably had no idea what he’d done for her; she’d been devastated when her car wouldn’t start. He’d literally been her savior, and though she insisted on paying for the entire night; gas money, dinner, movie tickets, and snacks to thank him, Clark had declined and even tried to pay for her. They’d compromised and split everything down the middle.
The truck came to a stop, and while Sage rummaged in her bag for her keys, Clark was out and moving impossibly fast around the vehicle to open her door for her. 
“Your folks really did raise you right,” she remarked with a soft smile. 
“Yes, they did, Ma’am,” he tipped his imaginary hat and offered his hand to assist her out of the cab of the truck.
“Thank you for today,” she said once she was on solid ground and looking up at him.
“Thank you for letting me tag along.” 
She rolled her eyes and laughed, “you ever just let someone thank you?” 
Clark scrunched his face as if deep in thought, looking off to the left, and then shook his head, “there was that one time in ninety-four, I think. Suzie Jones thanked me for letting her borrow my pen.”
Sage laughed, she liked his sense of humor, and he joined her. His eyes seemed to sparkle, and she wasn’t sure if it was the cordial laughter or the shine of moonlight that captivated her, but he appeared to be as mesmerized in hers as she was in his. She was momentarily lost in the warmth the arctic blue offered, and the patch of brown in the upper left was somehow a perfect imperfection. 
Clark moved slowly, his head dipping toward her, making her freeze to the spot. He kissed her cheek, the scratch of his stubbled chin tickled, and she shivered, rather than pulling away. “Goodnight, Sage,” he whispered against her skin. 
“Goodnight, Clark,” she said just as quietly and reluctantly stepped around him to make her way to the door.
“Are you at work tomorrow?” he called as she climbed the few steps onto the porch.
“Yeah, I’m closing as usual.” 
“See you at ten then,” he said when she turned to look at him. 
“I’ll save you a slice of cake.” 
His smile reached his eyes, and even from a distance, they sparkled. “Chocolate, please.”
“Like I didn’t already know,” she chuckled and pushed the key into the lock. 
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A Few Weeks Later. 
Despite the late hour in which he finally got to bed, Clark was up and in the shower at six. He’d followed what had become his routine, helping Martha during the day and assisting Sage in the evening.
Long after she’d locked the cafe doors to the public, they were still talking about nothing and everything; light subjects that had been covered and sometimes subjects that delved a little deeper. For the first time since meeting her, Clark had felt real guilt that she didn’t know who he truly was, Kal Al. But he’d pushed past it and focused on enjoying her company, which wasn’t hard to do.
It was Wednesday; Sage would be over by six-thirty for breakfast with Martha, as was the ladies' routine. Though Clark would deny it when Martha ultimately remarked on it, he wanted to look fresh and smell good for Sage’s arrival. As to not look too eager, he made his way downstairs at six-forty and expected to hear the two women chatting, but there were no voices, and only his mother’s and Dusty’s heartbeats could be heard.
“Mom,” Clark asked, stepping out onto the porch to stand beside her. 
“Was Sage okay last night?” Martha asked, eyes fixed on the empty driveway. “It’s not like her to be late.” 
“She was fine,” he confirmed, “said she’d be round at six-thirty.” 
Martha checked her watch and scowled as if the device was lying to her. “Can you go over and check on her?” 
“Ma,” Clark chuckled, “she’s ten minutes late. Maybe she overslept; we didn’t get home until late.”
“Clark,” Martha scolded, “indulge your mother, please. She’s never late. She lives by the motto; ‘if you’re not ten minutes early, then you're late’. This isn’t like her at all.”
Sensing and seeing Martha’s worry for the woman, Clark chose not to protest any further. He closed his eyes and focused his senses. In his mind's eyes, he followed the dirt path to the main road, and his enhanced hearing picked up the roll of a semi truck’s wheels on the asphalt but no other cars. He traced the journey Sage would take with both his mind and ears. It wasn’t until he reached her front door that he heard her elevated heartbeat and the sizzle of bacon in a pan. And wait...another heartbeat and running water. 
“There’s someone else there,” Clark explained to his mom, eyes still closed. “In the shower, humming a song.” 
“What song?” Martha asked, and Clark felt the concern jolt through him when she wrapped her hand around his wrist. “What song, Clark?”
“Stairway to Heaven, I think.” 
“Oh god,” she shook his arm, and he took the cue to open his eyes. “Clark, you have to get over there right now. He found her.” 
“Who found her?” 
“Her husband,” Martha explained.
“Her what?” 
“Clark, listen to me. He’s a bad man; he’s going to hurt her if he hasn’t already. Please, you have to go over there. Make an excuse about worrying that her car acted up again and do not leave her alone with him.”
“Okay, okay,” he conceded and raced inside to grab his car keys.
The shower shut off when he was half a mile away, and he pushed his foot down so hard on the accelerator that the metal beneath it creaked, but he eased off before it went through the floor.
Her husband.
Sage was married? That was news to him. She’d mentioned a past relationship that went sour, but she’d never mentioned a husband.
The truck had barely stopped before Sage was racing down the porch steps, with frantic worry in her eyes and soap suds on her hands still.
Her left eye was swollen, a nasty bruise steadily forming over the bridge of her nose, and a small cut on her bottom lip looked angry and sore. “Clark, you have to leave,” she said, pushing the truck door closed before he could get his leg out.
“What’s going on? What happened to your eye?” He asked, feigning innocence.
“Please, Clark,” she begged, tears distorting her eyes. “You can’t be here. I need you to leave. Apologize to Martha for me, but please, you need to go.”
The second heartbeat he’d detected and continued to trace walked down the internal stairs. “Sage,” he tried again to push the door open, and she shoved it closed. “What…”
“He can’t see you,” she fretted, and her heart accelerated as the panic built. She couldn’t have known, but Clark heard the source of her anguish grow closer, and Sage turned to the sound of the screen door creaking open.
“Adam,” she said, smiling tightly and finally walking away from the car to allow Clark to exit. “This is Clark, the neighbor I told you about, from the Kent farm.” 
Adam disregarded Sage and kept his focus on Clark. The grin he gave was anything but friendly and loaded with irritation. “Little early for a visit, isn’t it?”
“Seems I’m too late,” Clark noted, walking closer. “You do that to her eye?”
“She’s clumsy,” Adam shrugged, “fell down the stairs. Lucky I was here, could have knocked herself unconscious.”
“Sage,” said Clark, grabbing her elbow to stop her from taking the first step up onto the porch. “Go see Martha,” he demanded and pushed the keys to his truck into the palm of her hand. 
“I’m fine, honestly. You can go.” She tried to smile, but it tugged on the cut of her lip, and it fell before it wholly formed.
“What’s your problem, dude?” Adam asked, arms folded over his chest and leaning against the porch post, a smug snake-like smirk on his lips. “You heard her; she’s fine.” 
She was anything but fine. Even without his enhanced senses, Clark would have been able to tell she was utterly petrified not only for herself but for him too.
“I don’t want any trouble Clark, please.”
“Go now,” he commanded, holding her eyes, “I’ll be right there.”
Adam had evidently had enough of the interference and swaggered down the steps, “I think she wants you to leave.” 
Clark stood tall, put Sage behind him, and took a step forward. “Believe me,” Clark cautioned, jaw clenching, “you don’t want to do this. Walk away, and I won’t hurt you.”
The other man didn’t take the warning seriously, and though his fist hit its target, Clark’s face, it served to do nothing but hurt Adam’s hand. Merely for effect, Clark jerked his head to the side, but he’d barely felt the connection.
Adam yelled and shook his hand as if to shake the feeling back into it. Clark hoped he’d broken a few bones. He stood straight again and focused on Sage. She was still afraid, but there was a smidge of joy seeing Adam dance around clutching his hand.
“You broke my hand,” Adam cried, and Clark took immense pleasure in seeing the pain was enough to bring tears to his eyes.
“You broke your own hand,” Sage defended, and as unnecessary as it was, Clark admired her courage in supporting him.
“You’ve got three minutes to get whatever crap you bought with you and get outta here,” Clark explained to the asshole that could barely be called a man. “Or I can have the county sheriff’s escort you out of town. Your choice.”
“I don’t have a car.” 
If Sage had known who he truly was, Clark would have happily flown Adam to the other side of the planet. “So get walking,” suggested Clark. 
“Take my car,” Sage suggested, and the desperation in her voice was distressing. She was eager for the man to leave so much so she’d give up her only mode of transport to have him gone. “Just please, Adam, leave me alone.” 
Adam looked from her to Clark, weighing his options. 
Clark cocked his brow, an invitation for Adam to argue. Part of him wanted Adam to protest or throw another punch so he would be further justified in showing him what a real beating felt like. But violence wasn’t the answer, especially when Clark knew he could quite easily kill the man.
“Sage,” he said pointedly, “we’re late for breakfast.” He took her hand and led her to his truck. He checked over his shoulder, and Adam had made the wise decision to do as he’d been ordered and was headed back into Sage’s house. “Oh, and Adam, if there is even a speck of dust in the wrong place when she returns, I’ll be coming to find you.”
The short ride from Sage’s to the Kent Farm was made in bleak silence. Clark kept his eyes on the road ahead; an unnerving focus Sage had never seen before. His jaw was clenched tight, and she worried he was holding back anger. Anger that he’d had to rescue her or disappointment that she’d lied to him.
She believed she’d upset him, and that irked her more than anything. 
“I’m sorry.” Worried that Dusty’s barking at their arrival had drowned her out, she cleared her throat and said it louder. “I’m sorry, Clark.” 
“What for?” he asked, and confusion knitted his brow as he put the truck into park. 
“Everything, I should’ve told you about him.” 
He twisted in his seat to face her. “Sage, you don’t owe me anything. But I thought,” he shook his head and corrected himself, “I just wish you’d trusted me with it.” 
“It wasn’t about trust,” she sighed. “I’m embarrassed. I didn’t like the idea of you thinking I’m some battered woman who needs to be handled like precious glass.” 
“I’d never think that of you.” 
The sincerity in his eyes made her believe him. “I meant to tell you. But the last few weeks, all the time we’ve spent together, I haven’t felt that carefree and alive in such a long time. I just wanted to keep that as long as I could, and it’s not exactly a great conversation starter; oh, by the way, I’m married, and my husband used to beat me. Wanna grab dinner?”
Martha appeared on the porch beyond the windshield, and Sage gave her a small wave to reassure her she was okay.
“Let’s go get some breakfast,” Clark suggested.
“I’d like to explain,” she told him, watching his mother realize they needed a moment and turn to go back into the house. “If you want to know.”
“I want to know everything you want me to know.” 
“It was a whirlwind romance,” she smiled mirthlessly. “He swept me off my feet, and two months after we met, we were married. Less than a year after he got the ring on my finger, he hit me for the first time. He was drunk, said it was stress ‘cause he’d lost his job, and of course, he was sorry, and he’d never do it again.” she rolled her eyes and shook her head. Clark’s jaw clenched, and she heard the scrape of his teeth. “I foolishly believed him.”
“You're not a fool,” he reprimanded. “You gave him the benefit of the doubt.” 
She loved that he wanted to defend her actions and assure her he didn’t think she was an idiot even if she felt like one. “A few months later, he did it again, totally sober that time, and I walked out with only the clothes on my back. I stayed in a women’s shelter for a while. I didn’t realize it at the time, but he’d isolated me from my friends. I had no one. I tried to get a restraining order, but no one believed me. Adam didn’t have a history of violence, I’d never reported him before, and there was a rumor around town he’d been sleeping with our neighbor.” 
His lips pursed into a straight line, and he understood where her story was heading. “So they just assumed you were a woman scorned trying to get back at him.”
“Exactly. A couple of weeks later, I got the call to say my Dad had had a heart attack, so I raced back here. It’s been two years, and I haven’t heard from Adam or seen him. A few days ago, I got an email from a lawyer asking where to send divorce papers. I was an idiot. I saw a way to wash my hands clean of him, so I replied. That must be how he found me.”
“I have a few friends in law enforcement, contacts from my time at the Daily Planet. I’m going to make some calls, make sure he leaves town.”
She smiled sheepishly, “please don’t call in any favors for me. I, um,” she wrung her hands nervously. “I’m gonna sell my Dad’s place, go somewhere he can’t find me.” 
“What?” Clark practically yelled, and she winced. “No, Sage,” he grabbed her dancing hands and tugged to make her twist to face him better. “You can’t let him run you out of your home!”
Tears clouded her vision, and she sniffed back a sob before it broke free. “I don’t have a choice. I know him, Clark; you’ve bruised his ego. He won’t give up. He’ll be back, and he’ll just be smarter about it next time.”
“Let me make some calls, and I promise I can make it so he won’t bother you anymore. Give me a couple of days; please don’t make any decisions just yet.” 
Sage waited a beat, wondering what he could possibly do, but the determination and belief in his eyes made her nod. “Yeah, okay.”
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Passing the Kent farm on her route home, a sad sigh deflated Sage’s lungs, and she felt an odd pang of grief in her chest. It had been a week since the Adam incident and, not coincidentally, a week since she’d seen Clark. She’d been for breakfast with Martha; it was Wednesday, and she wasn’t about to change her routine because she felt awkward. But Clark had been absent, and Martha hadn’t given any explanation for his absence. 
Sage hadn’t questioned it; she understood Clark putting some distance between them. She had baggage, baggage that had shown up on her doorstep. She couldn’t blame him for not wanting to deal with her psychotic ex-husband. Clark had baggage, too, he wore his broken heart on his sleeve, and she’d thought, for a time, it had been mending. Clark’s smiles seemed brighter, and more genuine the more time they spent together. But perhaps her secret had ruined that. When she really got down to the bare bones of the situation and admitted it to herself, she had lied to Clark. That was no way to start a relationship, romantic or otherwise.
Clark’s pickup truck was parked in her front yard, and when she looked, he was sitting on the top of her porch steps, waiting for her from the small wave he gave her.
She shut off the engine of her car and took a deep breath. Clark was a gentleman, Martha had raised him right, and Sage worried that his perfect upbringing meant the conversation that was about to take place would be heartbreaking. He would want to explain in person that he would need to take a step back from the friendship they had formed. 
Sage was no stranger to heartbreak or the end of relationships, and with a quick ‘might as well get it over with’ pep talk, she got out of the car and made her way over to Clark. He remained seated, but his smile was inviting and genuine. 
“Haven’t seen you for a while,” she said but hadn’t meant it to sound as accusatory as it did. 
He gave a slight nod of acknowledgment, “I’ve been busy. But I can explain it all,” he said, standing and dusting off his jeans, “but you’d need to come somewhere with me.”
She frowned suspiciously at him as he approached and held out his hand as an invitation.
“Please,” he asked, so sincerely her breath caught in her throat. 
“Okay, very mysterious, but I’ll follow you.”
Sage had been suspicious of his request, and he supposed she had every right to be; nevertheless, she allowed him to lead her to his truck and got in willingly enough. He could have told her the reason for his absence, but he wanted the gratification of seeing her face when she saw it.
He turned onto the Kent farm, and she looked over at him, “you’ve been busy working on the farm?” she asked, though he heard the uncertainty in her tone.
“I’ve been here,” Clark said, “but not exactly working on the farm. Do you trust me?” 
It took her less than a heartbeat to answer, “yes.” 
“Close your eyes.”
Her heart rate accelerated, but she did as he asked, and he couldn’t stop the happy smile that spread to his eyes. The road smoothed out as they grew closer, and he parked the truck next to the barn, still out of view of the surprise. 
“I’m going to come round and get you out,” he explained, “keep your eyes closed.” 
“Clark,” she complained, but her lips twitched up and down a few times as she fought back a smile. “What’s going on?”
He used his superior speed to race around the vehicle, and she gasped in surprise when she heard the door open. “Sorry,” he said, taking her hand and gently guiding her out of the car. “A few steps, and I’ll tell you when you can open your eyes.”
He helped Sage to the side of the barn, and now that he was about to reveal the surprise, nerves fizzed in his stomach. He took a deep breath to combat them in the same movement as releasing her hand to stand in front of her.
“Okay, you can open your eyes,” he instructed and waited for her to slowly peel them open. The barn concealed his scheme still, and he began explaining, “I’ve been planning it for months, working on it whenever I could, in between being at the cafe with you or helping Ma.”
Sage kept her eyes on him while he spoke but took the cue to follow him when he started walking backward. When she passed the edge of the barn, he spread his arms wide and watched with delight as her eyes grew bigger, and a surprised gasp made her mouth gape open until she covered it with her hand. 
Clark had erected a large movie screen in an unused field on the farm. He’d asked Martha about it, and she’d thought it was a wonderful idea, something for all of the community, not just Sage.
“You’re very own movie theatre,” he said, as tears made her eyes shimmer like crystals in sunlight. “I wanted to smooth out the ground, lay a proper floor down, scatter some beanbags around, get a few deckchairs or something.” she nodded along with his ideas, her eyes fixed on the space as if envisioning it as he spoke. “But when Adam showed up, and you mentioned leaving, I knew I had to finish it, sooner rather than later. I wanted to give you a reason to stay.”
She choked back a cry and smiled, but the emotion overwhelmed her, and she burst into tears before she could speak. 
Clark quickly enveloped her in a hug. “Please tell me those are happy tears.” 
She nodded, her hair tickling his chin where she’d buried her head in the crook of his neck. He felt her wet tears drip onto the collar of his t-shirt while she drew in breaths to steady her voice. “I didn’t need a reason to stay,” she mumbled against his skin, “you’re reason enough.” 
Her heart pulsed a little faster, but even if he weren’t able to hear it, he’d have felt the panic in her tensed muscles.
“I mean you and Martha,” Sage corrected, wriggling out his embrace. “Us together, all of us,” she fumbled over her words, and her cheeks began to match the color of her hair. It might have been one of the most adorable things Clark had ever seen. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, taking a deep breath, “I mean our friendship. Having you as a friend is reason enough to stay.”
Clark chuckled, cupping her face with his large hands. “I know exactly what you mean,” he said softly, drawing her closer to press his lips to hers.
She responded immediately, her hands gripped his waist, and she rose to the tips of her toes to get closer to him. She tasted like his favorite chocolate cake from the cafe, and he envisioned her eating it alone while she waited for him to show up as he had before.
He hummed delightedly as he pulled back, grinning down at her, and he waited while she took a deep breath and then opened her eyes. “Maybe that’s more reason for you to stay?” 
She nodded enthusiastically, “yes, definitely. But do it again just so I can be sure.”
He chuckled but obliged and kissed her again.
Clark’s decision to go home hadn’t been an easy one to make but feeling Sage melt into him, he knew he’d made the right one.
----- look a handy reblog button....
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eartht137 · 3 years
Hello and greetings to anyone that gets to read this. It is my first story. I wanted to try and see how this was received before continuing so please feel free to let me know how you like it. Please be easy on me it is my first one I am new to this, but I hope you like it. Its a bit slow right now but I swear the chapters will get going as we go along on this ride together. Okay *curvies* love ya! Enjoy!
Dark Clark Kent x (Black)!Plus Size Reader
SUMMARY: (I suck at them but here goes) After working miserable unfulfilling jobs, you decide to go back to school to pursue your dream in writing. You get the very handsome, very smart Mr. Kent as your English/Literature Professor. You've always stayed to yourself preferring to have your alone time and focus on your writing. Mr. Kent comes in to shake that way of thinking up and its all with your best interest at heart (well his best interest at heart){Cheesy, am I right?}
"For the weekend's assignment. Something very simple, almost high school level. Don't complicate it." Mr. Kent said dragging his feet to tell you all what the stupid assignment was.
"Get to the point." You thought out loud as you rested your head in your hand. He glared at you for moment before continuing. You felt your face flush, because-'no way he heard me' you thought.
"I want you all to write me a paper on...one thing you like about yourself and why." He rushed out. "I want you all to be as genuine as possible, if you're going to be journalists you have to capture your audience. If you can sell yourself, then you can sell a story. If you're a snooze fest......I honestly don't know what to tell you" He chuckled
Everyone groaned because why???
"Due next Monday on the dot. NO EXCEPTIONS!" He belted. "If you don't have your paper on Monday, you will stand up and give a 5 minute speech on said topic."
'What kind of teenage topic is this?' You thought.
"Don't give me lip guys, you signed up for this. I didn't make you do anything." He said pointing at all of you. "No complaining. Monday! Class dismissed." He announced causing everyone to scatter. You were just about out the door when he stopped you.
"Y/n, can you stay back for bit?"
"Yeah sure." You immediately got nervous. You weren't used to being singled out, you always managed to stay below the radar. You'd figured out ways to stay out of sight out of mind after always being criticized by your family, so getting asked to stay back wasn't a normal thing. You braced yourself for the "you can do better speech" and hoped it wouldn't take too long. You watched as the room emptied and he gathered his stuff.
"Come on, lets step into my office." He said leading the way with his hands full. "Have a seat." he said motioning to the chair in front of his desk. you sat feeling butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Literally everyone would've given anything to be where you were. Mr. Kent was almost mythical. You didn't know a day where you didn't think 'DAMN that man know he fine!' And you knew he knew it.
"Bet you think I'm gonna talk about your grades." he chuckled. "While I do require your improvement,"
'Require?' you thought hoping your face didn't covey your attitude.
"I wanted to talk about something else."
"I've notice, you're very um...to yourself, is everything-"
'Oh there it is.'
"Mr. Kent, please don't analyze me. I am a whole different breed of human. I don't do people."
"I'm sorry?" he asked tilting his head.
"I just value my alone time. You can't have that with people."
"You can still have space with other people in your life." he said shaking his head at you.
"I didn't say space, I said alone time, and that's not the same. That's still with people. Like, no." you said crossing you arms.
He stared at your for a second, the he began to laugh, and rub his eyes. "You really are something."
"Mm-hmm its true."
"I'm just saying its healthy to get out and socialize every once and awhile, not all the time, I mean-don't you get lonely sometimes?
"No, not really. I mean don't give me wrong I'm human. I get the urge to hang out, then I do, then I remember why I didn't want to do it in the first place." you said realizing you were almost ranting. He eyed you as if he didn't believe you.
"I tell you what, I know you say you're fine, but for my sanity, can we be friends? You know just someone to check on you, make sure you're okay? If-if you hate it by the end of the week then I'll let it go."
"Mr. Kent, no offense, but why do you care? I mean, you have your own life, I'm sure you got a nice family you should be there for, so like....I'm gonna need a it all to make sense."
"Its mean, don't get me wrong I enjoy solitude too, and its not because I don't like people," he chuckled, "but I know what its like to sometimes need someone I could just talk to when I really needed it most and not having it. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Its funny because it would always lead me home."
"Well that's the difference between you and me, there is no going back." you sighed. You contemplated it 'It couldn't hurt could it?' "Okay."
"We can be friends." you resigned.
"Great!" he said clapping his hands together.
"Only til the end of the week." You said standing stretching. "So we good? Can I go?"
"Actually, what are you doing tonight? I mean, my ma is cooking dinner and-"
"Okay anything food related, I'm down." You cut him off.
"Good, well I'll pick you up at 6?"
"Yeah sure." You said trying to get away.
"Uh, Y/n?"
"Yes?" You asked sweetly.
"I'm going to need your address." He said knowing you knew he needed it.
You gave you your information and booked it out of there. You immediately went home and took a nap. The whole ordeal was a bit draining for you.
It was your phones constant vibrating that woke you out of a deep sleep. You let it ring a few more times before picking it up.
"What?" You groaned into the phone.
"Y/n are ready? I'm like 15 minutes away." Mr. Kent asked.
"Ready for what?"
"Food? Food! Oh shit!" You said jumping up remembering dinner plans. "I'll be ready when you get here." You said quickly hanging up and rushing to get ready. By the time you felt you looked decent enough, he called and told he was there. When you walked out to meet him, you saw his girlfriend was with him and you put on a small smile. 'Of course he has a girlfriend, why wouldn't he. Still a bummer though, oh well.' you thought to yourself as you walked toward them.
"Y/n this is Lois, Lois this is Y/n. Lois is one of the top editors at the Daily Planet." He bragged, and you immediately got nervous. You'd read her work and you'd give to be as good, even better at writing.
"It really is nice to meet you, Clark speaks very highly of you and your writing." she said smiling.
"Really? I mean writing is my passion, I'm aspiring to get at least in the door. I'm not an editor or professor, but I think I'm okay." You said realizing you were babbling on because of your anxiety.
"Be confident in your work. It shows when you really mean what you're writing about. It also shows when you're doubting yourself." She said smiling at you. You immediately liked her and hoped to get to know her for advice sometime. You all got in and they fell into easy chatter along the way. Every now and again they'd touch on a topic you'd find interesting or be excited about, and you'd really get into it, smiling and being expressive. You'd catch Clark staring at you, a bit shocked at how much you had to say after months of being so quiet, and you'd retreat like a turtle back into your shell. You tried to not enjoy being around them, but every now and again, you liked talking to people on your level. Every now and again, you'd get lost in the breeze of the night air. You'd look out and get lost looking at the stars and the moon out of the open window of the moving car. You get so lost you forgot the other two people in the car and you'd miss the glances Clark took at you through the rearview mirror. When you all arrived at his moms farm you practically gawked at all the land around. You driven by open field and corn fields, you'd never actually gotten to see it up close.
As you all got out, his mom stepped out and waved at you.
"Well, looks like we got extra family tonight." she said smiling. You immediately felt a bit awkward. "Oh dear don't be shy, any friend of Clark is family." She said pulling you into a big hug.
"Thank you for having me Mrs. Kent." You said smiling.
"No go on now you just call me Martha." she said smiling and leading you inside. "You two come along, you know the routine." She said waving Lois and Clark inside. Dinner was great, you even found yourself laughing out loud. It exhilarated you and scared you to have such a good time around other people. You almost, ALMOST, didn't want the night to end, but you missed your bed. As if reading your mind, Clark announced it was time to leave.
"Looks like someone is ready for bed." He chuckled.
"Yep, I miss my solitude." You said stretching. Clark shook his head at you.
"What?" You asked innocently.
You said your final farewells and got in the car heading home. The ride home was peaceful, there was a calm silence between you three and you smiled watching the love exchanges between the two. You could see how much he loved her and you could understand why, Lois was beautiful woman. Your mind jumped from reasons you weren't in a relationship, to the assignment Clark had given you for the weekend. One thing you like about yourself? That topic was always hard for you and you couldn't even begin to find the words to start. Over the years you'd tried hard to accept yourself, love yourself, and be who you were unapologetically, but the moment you got to the threshold of truly giving yourself a chance, all of the criticism, judgment, and years of being invalidated filled you with fear and dread and you'd go back to your shell and do what you did best. Stay in your own bubble. Tears stung your eyes as you tried to stomp down the voices of doubt and resentment, 'It's okay, I'm good, I do what I have to and I'm happy with it. I'm at peace.' you thought to yourself over and over.
"You okay?" Clarks deep voice full of concerned pulled you from your thoughts and you shook you head to bring yourself back to reality.
"Yeah, just trying to stay awake." you said avoiding his gaze. The ride continued in silence and you couldn't help but drift off. One moment you were letting the ride soothe you to sleep and the next you heard a voice cooing you to sleep.
"Shh shh shh it's okay" Clark whispered. You couldn't help but cover your eyes. You were in Clark's arms as he carried you to the apartment.
"Woah," you said trying to get out of his arms. He gently placed you on your feet like a flower.
"Hey, its okay, calm down." He said gently rubbing your arms.
"S-sorry, I've just never-"
"Had anyone carry you before." He said finishing your sentence. You shifted feeling a bit awkward.
"Well, thanks for dinner. Thanks Lois!" You waved at her before going to your door. "Goodnight." you said one last time as you got inside. During the weekend you were extremely restless and was finding it hard to concentrate long enough to work on your assignment. Even when you sat waiting for words to form in your mind you eventually got busy doing something different. The night before class, you had an idea pop in your head, and you decided to go for it. You just hoped it would all make sense, it was the only think your mind focused on.
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EDIT: Just posted it on AO3 under the same username and title given here! It's a bit more edited but still not technically beta read.
Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2 Spoilers
Mini Fix-it fic, feat. The "Byler" Scene and The Stack of Unsent Letters (tm)
Title: When You're Different
Alternate Title: Queer-bait Me Again and I'll Adopt Your Children and Turn Them Gay Myself
by Me (TheFruitAndItsMysteries)
The dialogue, up to a certain point is word-for-word from the show itself. And its not beta read.
At first, there was no sound but music playing, aside from the sounds of driving on the open desert road, of course. It was Reggae, the music; not bad, but not something Will would find himself listening to on his own accord. The atmosphere in the van was tense with everyone collectively worrying about Eleven, and Will worrying about something else too. He couldn't tell right now if this was awkward, or if he was awkward, but regardless he didn't like the silence.
That's when Argyle effectively broke the silence in the van after a chunky 30 minutes of Reggae and the sound of Jonathan lightly tapping himself to stay awake. Something about dominoes falling, but mostly something about Nevada! When did they get to Nevada? I mean, Will had been looking out the window sure, for no particular reason probably (or something like that), but he hadn't actually read the signs. He had been too focused on trying to, well, act 'normal'. As in, not thinking about how worried Mike probably was; or how Mike is so scared right now; or if he were to comfort Mike, how would would he be able to do so in a way that wouldn't seem- that wouldn't scare him away, or freak him out. or something.
But, thank God, he was able to use Argyle's observation as a jumping off point, "Well, how far is Nina from Vegas?" He turned a little to face Mike.
"From Vegas?" Mike also seemed eager for the break in possibly-awkward silence, "Um, as long as Suzie's coordinates are right, about another 90 miles. Why?" Mike stayed sitting the way he was, but turned his head towards Will.
"Well, once we save her, El, we should stop on the way back! El could make us, like, super Rick, and we'd never have to work." Will started smiling, showing excitement, he looked at Mike "We could just play D&D and and Nintendo for the rest of our lives."
"Yeah. Totally." Mike responded flatly. He didn't seem in the mood for joking around right now. Will immediately noticed, turning to face him a bit more.
"We're gonna make it, Mike. She's gonna be okay." He reassured, concerned.
"Yeah, I know. I... Know she is." Mike responded quickly, sounding confident in his words at first, then, "But..." he continued, "But what if after all this is over, she- she doesn't need me anymore?"
Ahh, so this is what he was worrying about. El's stup- *ahem* El's... important... feelings towards him. It is good to know that Mike has enough confidence in her ability to not worry about whether or not she'd be okay though; kinda sweet. almost. Either way, Will did what he thought best in the moment; well, what he does best too: help in the ways he can.
"No, o-of course she'll need you." He reassured Mike, trying to catch his eye contact, "She'll always need you, Mike."
"I keep telling myself that, but I..." He looked everywhere but Will, "I don't believe it." He finally looked at will... "I mean, she's special," He didn't hold eye contact for long -- or couldn't -- "She was born special.
"Maybe I was one of the first people to realize that. But the truth is, when I stumbled on her in the woods, she just needed someone." He was starting to talk faster now, spiralling: "It's not fate. It's... it's not destiny. It's just simple dumb luck. And one day she's gonna realize I'm just some random nerd that got lucky that Superman landed on his doorstep. I mean, at least Lois Lane is an ace reporter for the Daily Planet, right? But..." he scoffs, shifting in his seat. He was frustrated, with himself Will realized, which is absolutely absurd when he thinks about it because Mike is- well, Mike is the coolest, bravest, and most importantly, the kindest person he knows. He isn't just 'some random nerd' he's- he's Mike, the heart. Will's not sure how else to describe it, but... he knows it.
And Mike should know it too.
"No," He shouldn't be apologizing. Believe it or not, feelings dont stop just because it's the end of the world, and they're still important.
"No, I... it's so stupid, given everything that going on. Its just... I- I don't know, I just.. uh-"
"You're scared of losing her." Will finished for him [Tender, emotional music playing]. Even though he knew it, it still felt like a punch to the gut to say it. Mike looked at him, for the first time really since the start of this conversation... you know what, screw it, "Can I show you something?"
Will felt a bit unsure about what he was going to do. But, he had been preparing for this, mentally that is, and now felt like as good a time as any so he figured...
He picked up the rolled up artwork and,, hesitated. When he realized that he had already committed, he felt a surge of confidence as he handed the painting to Mike. He watched nervously as Mike unrolled it in his hands, glancing between Mike and the painting.
The painting was... well, for starters, some of his best work. He probably wouldn't have given it to Mike if it weren't honestly. And he made sure that there were no visible flaws before calling it the final product; by that I mean that you should see how many drafts and scrapped versions there have been. The painting was also a, uh, part of him per se. It's cheesy but, the painting was a part of his soul, or life, or-or being that was so important, and he needed to express that in a way that he just couldn't with anything other than what had become his passion.
He looked as Mike chuckled, "This is amazing! Did you paint this?"
Will was so relieved that his painting was recieved well. He let out a huff as he smiled while answering, "Yeah. Yeah. I mean..." still, he reminded himself that he shouldn't get his hopes up, it's still not... safe to do so. But he pressed on, "I mean.. I mean, El asked me to. She commissioned it, basically. I mean, she told me what to draw." He looked around as he talked, not quite sure how big the next step in conversation should be.
Then, Jonathan started to notice what was going on. With Will at least.
That's when Will realized it was time to say more words before they were back to awkward silence, "Anyway, my point is," He leaned a bit closer to see the painting while Mike was holding it, he started pointing to the various focal points of the piece, "see how you're leading us here? You're guiding the whole party, inspiring us. That... that's what you do. And see your coat of arms here?" He looked at Mike to gage his reaction before moving on, somewhat more cautiously, "It's a heart. And I know it's sort of on the nose, but that's what holds this party together. Heart."
Mike seemed to be listening intently to what he was saying, so he took that as a sign to continue explaining, "Because, I mean, without heart, we'd all fall apart." He looked into Mike's eyes and faltered for a split second, "Even El." He remembered that this isn't supposed to be about what he thinks of Mike, that's not- he doesn't think that's what'll help Mike right now. "Especially El." So he sticks to just focusing on El, because Mike won't get anything else.
"These past few months, she's been lost without you." He started looking out the window so that maybe Mike wouldn't notice that he was getting emotional, "It's just, she's so different from other people, and..." he swallowed, and hesitantly continued, "when you're... when you're different, sometimes... you feel like a mistake." Will felt more tears come to his eyes, refusing to let them fall just yet. He just needed to get to the end of this conversation, just needed to make Mike feel better, and needed to get this off his chest (one way or another).
He turned back to look at Mike, hoping that will stop him from crying. Mike was already looking at him, so he continued, trying to get everything out as fast as possible so he can go back to looking anywhere but him, "But, you make her feel like she's not a mistake at all. Like she's better for being different," El. This is about El. Not him. Right? "And that gives her the courage to fight on." El. "If she was mean to you," not Will; this isn't about you, he would understand, Will, "or it seemed like I-she was pushing you away," Just don't say anything stupid- "It's because I'm scared of losing-" shit. Don't say anything stupid like that, shit, shit, shit, "She, she's scared of losing you." He tried to go on, "L-like you're scared of losing her."
Mike was giving him a puzzled look now. Will tried to backtrack now, feeling uncomfortable under his best friend's gaze, "I mean, I'm scared of losing you too, we are best friends after all, but-" He exhaled a breath, "that... isn't what's important righ now," he said quieter. Mike was still looking at him though.
"No, what's important is that you know that El is gonna be okay, and that she does miss you. And everything will work out for you in the end, like it always does." He added a quick smile before he looked back out the window, feeling nothing but anxiety and dread.
"Will... you weren't talking about El, were you." It sounded more like a statement than a question. Mike reached out to put his hand on Will's arm, hesitating for a second before following through with the action.
Will could feel his tears start to fall, still looking out the window, "What?" He questioned as he turned to look at Mike.
"That whole speech, that wasn't about El," Mike looked down at his hand sitting on Will's arm. Will looked at it too, Mike's hand.
Before Will could respond, Mike started again, "You know," he swallowed, "Eleven and I, we had an argument before she left." Will didn't respond to this, so Mike decided to continue, "She... got mad at me because I wouldn't- I couldn't tell her that I loved her. And- but, that sounded ridiculous because I had remembered writing it thousands of times, yaknow, 'love, Mike' 'love, Mike' but..." he looked back up at Will, "I didn't send them. Because... they weren't for," He paused, "They weren't for El."
He started to pull back his hand on Will's arm, but faltered when Will asked quietly, his tears having stopped, "Who, uhm... who were they for?" He wasn't looking at Mike, although his head was still vaguely turned towards him. He didn't want to look; didn't want to see Mike see him like this; didn't want to... get his hopes up, or anything. Even after a small, "Look at me." He still didn't.
He watched his periphery as, in a single motion, Mike turned himself to look at him, and leaned his head near his, trying to catch his eye.
Mike kept talking, but at a more quiet level than before, "Will, I need to know." Mike was looking at his fidgeting hands that had made it back into his lap, "Were you talking about El?"
"No." He exhaled shakily; he finally moved his head to look into Mike's eyes, and as he did he felt soft pressure on his lips.
Mike was... kissing him. And Will kissed him back.
It was probably only for a second but, even so.
When they parted, Will kept his eyes closed and didn't move until Mike chuckled, "You can open your eyes now, man." He was blushing when Will looked at him.
"They were for you, by the way." Mike added, smiling.
"What were?" He asked, giggling a bit.
"The letters. That I signed with 'love, Mike'." Mike looked down nervously, but Will swiftly moved forward to hug him. A tight hug, too.
One that they had waited for;
That they craved;
That they needed.
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greycappedjester · 3 years
If there were to be a DC Au for Haikyuu!! characters, who do you think each character would be?
Hmmm, good question. Off the top of my head?
Bokuto--Superman with Akaashi as a very exasperated Lois Lane and the rest of Fukurodani as the Daily Planet that simultaneously (a) pretending that they haven't figured out Bokuto's secret identity years ago and (b) covering for him hardcore to make sure no one else figures it out. Featuring Konoha as Jimmy Olson with a very snarky relationship with Akaashi.
Konoha: Hey, didn't our totally normal reporter Bokuto just jump out a window?
Akaashi: *sighs* yes.
Konoha: Aren't we on the fiftieth floor?
Akaashi *larger sigh, chugs coffee* yes.
Konoha: Just saying, because ya know that's a totally normal reporter thing to do
Akaashi: Konoha.
Konoha: Yep?
Akaashi: Shut up.
Iwaizumi as Batman with Oikawa as Catwoman. Matsukawa and Hanamaki splitting their time as Robin but it's very unclear on if they're sidekicks to Iwaizumi, Oikawa, or just doing this to fuck with both of them. (Yahaba and Mad Dog would totally make a great Tim and Jason dynamic, just saying)
Tendou as the Riddler, rest of Shiratorizawa as (less threatening than DC canon) Batman Rogues. Gonna say Semi for Scarecrow, Ohira as Mr. Freeze, Shirabu for Two Face, maybe Yamagata as Bane. Goshiki's just there as Unamed Minion #5 ("Guys, I wanted a cool name!" "Pfft, not until you're older, Unnamed Minion #5.") Ushijima is Posion Ivy, of course.
Shimizu as Wonder Woman, Yachi as her protege
Kuroo as Green Arrow with Kenma as a even-more-done-with-you-people Oracle (gonna go with Oracle in the Green Arrow family rather than Batfam in this AU cause it just works better)
Yudai Hyakuzawa as Martian Manhunter. I can't explain why it just fits.
Suga as Aquaman (but more in a Mera badass water magic way than typical Aquaman) I'm also going to adapt Mera's backstory for him so...raised to be Atantis' greatest enemy and somehow ended up as Atlantis' King instead--up to you how that happened.
Noya as the Flash. Asahi as the former Flash who lost his superspeed and got majorly almost fatally injured that needed advanced cybernetic surgery to make sure he survived. Asahi is taking Cyborg's role.
Daichi, Tanaka, and Ennoshita as Green Lanterns. Daichi is the older one that was believed to be dead for awhile before he came back. Ennoshita and Tanaka fill the bickering opposites-attract partnership role (like Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner in....was it Green Lanterns Corp? series. I'm too lazy to check titles rn)
Korai Hoshiumi as Hawkman.
Kageyama, I'll be honest I'm struggling hard with. Let's see....ya know, screw it, I'm going to go with a redeemed villain-hero Cheshire. That would be fun and fit his angst/redemption mood. He would rock the whole ex-assassin vibes. Mix of Cheshire, Damian, and Cass.
Hinata is Starfire, no questions asked.
Missing a lot, but that's what I got for now.
(Hmm, Atsumu and Osamu as adult Wonder Twins where Osamu has quit superhero business and Atsumu still loves it so is trying to figure out how to make it work on his own. Rest of Inarizaki is also obscure, some retired, some active Silver Age-ish heroes. Only one I can really come up with rn is Suna as the Question, I'm thinking Aran is also a hero but dang I'm not coming up with a fitting one rn)
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superman86to99 · 4 years
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Superman #84 (December 1993)
Superman takes a short Paris vacation! Like, one day short. What's the worst that could happen?
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Oh, man.
So, for the past few issues, we've been hearing about children being abducted in Metropolis. Now we see that they're being kept inside a giant toy house by some creepy bald man in Quasimodo clothes who seems to be obsessed with toys -- a "Man of Toys," if you will. Side note: no wonder the children haven't been found... all the articles about them are just gibberish! (See clip below.)
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The kidnapper thinks that these kids' parents don't deserve them, and that they're much better off here, in an underground hideout with a man who threatens to starve them if they don't play with him. (And I do mean literally play, with action figures and stuff.) Meanwhile, as these children cry for help, Superman is having the time of his life. While helping move a stranded ship with some huge-ass chains, Superman spots a sunken galleon with a treasure chest inside and fantasizes about keeping the booty...
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...before turning it over to the authorities anyway, the big boy scout. Then, he wakes up Lois at 6 AM and tells her they should go to Paris right now, which usually means your significant other is having a mental breakdown, but in this case they can actually do it. And so, after deciding that he deserves to use his powers for fun every once in a while, Superman and Lois drop everything and fly to France with super-speed for the rest of the day/issue.
Anyway: back to the child abduction! Cat Grant and her son Adam attend a Halloween party at Adam's school, but there's a disturbed weirdo in a hideous costume lurking among the crowd. Yes, I'm talking about Jimmy Olsen in his Turtle Boy suit.
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Shortly after that, a guy in a dinosaur costume (see, all the creeps are dressed as reptiles) lures Adam out of the party with the promise of "superb video games." What child could resist that? Of course, that turns out to be the kidnapper and Adam ends up in his hideout along with the rest of the missing children and, worst of all, not a single "Lextendo" console.
The kidnapper gets angry at Adam when he refers to the toys at the hideout as "old-fashioned junk" (he was REALLY looking forward to those video games), and even angrier when Adam tries to free the other kids. Adam is brave and puts up a good fight, but...
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And those were Adam Morgan's final words. "Uh-oh."
Next, we have a pretty harrowing scene of Detective Turpin letting Cat know Adam’s body was found, and Jimmy and Perry White taking her to the morgue to identify the body (most people probably wouldn't bring their former boss to something like that, but Perry sadly knows more than most about losing a kid). As for Lois and Clark, they were gone so long that the Daily Planet had time to print a headline about the murders. The issue ends when the lovebirds walk into the office smiling like two people who just spent the night fooling around in Paris... only to feel like jackasses when they find out what happened.
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To be continued!
And that's it for little Adam Morgan who, unlike the also tragically diseased Jerry White, didn't even get any post-death appearances. Adam went from a little kid scared of Superman, to a huge brat, to a character who was approaching likeability as of last week. That's why I hate it when DC kills off young characters like Adam or Liam Harper: in long-form storytelling, children represent potential. Look at how much Wally West or Dick Grayson evolved over the years compared to their mentors! Sure, there's a huge probability that Adam would have ended up disappearing from comics for 25 years anyway, but who knows, maybe we'd now know him as Teen Gangbuster or something. GangbusTEEN.
This issue also represents a turning point for the kidnapper, who is never named or seen clearly in the story itself but I don't think I'm shocking anyone by spoiling the fact that he's Toyman (it's in the cover, for one thing). In his last two appearances before this storyline, Toyman helped Superman save some kids from Sleez and looked genuinely sad to learn about Superman's death, so this is a pretty dramatic change for the character. We'll find out why he went from big softy to child killer in Superman #85 (but don't get your hopes up).
The most disturbing part of the issue, all things considered, is still the part where Toyman climbs into a giant crib and hugs a huge stuffed bunny. Look at serial killer Tommy Pickles here:
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Don Sparrow says:  “Even with the upgrade, Toyman is still just a man in a suit, a common complaint about Superman’s rogues gallery.” Funny you should say that, because I JUST shared an old Wizard interview in our Twitter in which Dan Jurgens talks about how Doomsday came out of his frustration with the fact that most Superman villains are dudes in suits (plus other interesting tidbits from the era, like how it was actually Roger Stern’s idea to bring back Hank Henshaw, so check out that link!).
Don again: “The entire Superman storyline of this issue feels like filler. Diving for buried treasure and soaring off to Paris -- it all feels like wasted time next to the Adam storyline.” I have a theory that the entire ship sequence is there as an excuse to put Superman in those big chains and make that Spawn joke (which I didn’t get until now, since I’ve always read this issue in Spanish).
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Superman says that pulling that big ship was "a little easier than expected" -- that's either another hint that there's something going on with Superman's powers since he came back, or a subtle dig at the state of American ship manufacturing.
Another adorable "window tap" scene for the books, and this is the sexiest one so far. Is it me or has Jurgens started copying more than just Teri Hatcher's hairdo from Lois & Clark? (For anyone who thinks Lois has gotten implants, I refer you to this clip.)
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While in Paris, Lois asks Clark if he's ever wondered what would happen if his rocket had landed in other countries. Don: “Clark’s conversation with Lois sounds like a bunch of concepts for Elseworlds stories. We eventually would see a Russian Superman, and a British Superman, but not yet the French Superman. (Hire us, DC!)” Yep, got my French Superman pitch ready, Jim Lee. Or just let us do Russian Superman again, since Red Son wasn’t even the first time you published that idea.
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Don once more: “Another thing that makes no sense about the ‘new’ Toyman is his resentment of technological toys—when in previous appearances he himself had deadly high-tech toys to vex Superman over the years.” I especially resent his hatred of video game consoles. Incidentally, I wonder what types of games are available for Adam’s beloved Lextendo. Star Lex 64? Mega Man Lex? Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles & Lex?
No one is more upset at Lois and Clark for going AWOL than Whit. NO ONE. He's so furious that his usually grey mustache turned black.
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As always, shout out to our patrons, Aaron, Murray Qualie, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Samuel Doran, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush and Raphael Fischer! Last month’s exclusive Patreon article was about the recently unearthed sequel to Superman 64 for the PlayStation, featuring Metallo, Parasite, and Lois looking even hotter than in this issue:
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Hot damn. Find out more at https://www.patreon.com/superman86to99!
And believe it or not, Don Sparrow has even more to say about this issue. Read his section after the jump:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow​):
I should start off my section with a big caveat:  I flat out hate this issue. There were several weird decisions made in the post-Death-and-Return era (most of them along the same lines of making the Superman titles more grim-and-gritty), and this story was one of the worst of them.  My theory is that, despite the praise and record-breaking sales of the Death and Return storyline, the Superman creative team felt pressure to have more extreme storylines, perhaps in response to the wildly successful Image books coming out at the time.  Between this story, and the upcoming “Spilled Blood” storyline, the Super books take a hard—but temporary--turn into more violent and upsetting storytelling—even though these stories are by the same writers as the previous few years. While death has always been a part of comics, and Superman comics was no exception, there is a jarring glibness and unfeeling toward the way violence is handled in these pages that is quite different from the stories that preceded it.  It’s made all the more jarring by the fact that well-established personalities suddenly veer wildly out of character, Toyman chief among them.  
We start with the cover, and while it is technically well-drawn (by the familiar team of Jurgens and Breeding) it’s also a very upsetting visual.  I think they should have gone with the pieta type pose with Adam and Superman, OR the scary badass bowie-knife Toyman (who apparently has a Cheshire cat smile now) but not both.  But the cover is a good hint at the tonal dissonance of the comic within.
We open with a splash of the now-extreme 90s looking Toyman, with his serial killer shaved head and spooky cloak, ignoring the pleas of hungry kids he has locked up in a tiny jail cell for days at a time (if that sentence doesn’t ring alarm bells for how wrong this is for a Superman story, I don’t know what will). For much of the issue Toyman’s eyes are obscured by glare on his lenses, further de-humanizing a character who was once one of Superman’s more empathetic bad guys.
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We cut to Superman tugboating a huge tanker with giant chains and it’s a cool visual (one repeated in the Batman V Superman film).  It feels especially out of place to focus on, given how upsetting this issue is otherwise, but throughout the whole comic, Lois is drawn smoking hot, especially on the two page spread on pages 9-10.
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The scenes depicting the actual murder, while still wildly out of place in a Superman comic, are well done, and give a real sense of darkness and menace, which I suppose is the intent.  Perhaps my least favourite visual is the Big Bird stuffie, silently bearing witness to what’s about to occur.
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The edges of the panels on get more slashy and off-kilter (to me, looking very much like the layouts more typically seen in Image comics of the day) and I suppose I appreciate the restraint of how little Dan Jurgens shows of the death of a child, showing only a bloody slash on a black background.  This is still a pretty baroque image for a Superman comic, but certainly less violent than it could be, given what is happening.
Cat Grant’s silent horror is well staged, and powerful in its way.   Lastly, Clark Kent bending in sorrow and regret is a powerful image.
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While this issue is handled marginally better, and more maturely than other comics on the shelf at this time, I still believe it is one of the biggest mistakes of the era.  Giving a long-established character an unceremonious death for shock value is gross on its own, but making it a child definitely crosses a line for me.  Making it worse is that, while the Toyman is a criminal and a killer, he has shown in past issues (a similar kidnapping storyline involving Sleez) that he genuinely cares for the well-being of children.  So for a long-time reader, this also felt like a betrayal of a long-established, fully developed character.   Adding to the ugliness of this is that Adam dies heroically, trying to free the children who have been caged, unfed, for days, but even in that regard, he fails.  The headline at the end of the issue confirms all the children are dead.  Adam’s death did not buy the other kids enough time to get away. It was all for nothing. Had Adam died, but the other children lived, maybe this issue wouldn’t leave quite as bad a taste. [Max: It’s weird because it’s all told in a way where it’s told in a way where it would make sense, narratively and within the story universe, that the other kids survived, but then it’s almost casually revealed that nope, they died too. A scene of one of the kids relaying Adam’s heroism to Cat in a future issue would have gone a long way.]
Superman doesn’t come off well in these pages, either.  It’s honestly the type of story they should just stay away from, because the more you think about all the calamity that is going on around the clock, the less defensible the whole Clark Kent persona becomes. Superman carving out time to romance his fiancée directly led to the preventable deaths of innocent children—how do you come back from that?
I’m always looking for hints that perhaps Jimmy or Perry know Superman’s secret identity deep down, and Jimmy’s anger at Lois and Clark on their return to the Daily Planet offices would seem to give that theory some credence, as he’s as angry at them as if he knew Clark really were Superman.  Either that, or he’s ticked that it fell to him, and none of them to escort Cat into the morgue. [Max: Has this issue finally converted you to the “Jimmy is terrible” side now, Don?]
I don’t think I’m the only one who disliked the new Toyman—SPOILERS BE HERE: years later, in Action Comics #865, Geoff Johns retconned this whole story, reverting Schott into the criminal who over-relates to kids, rather than the child-killer of this story.  Apparently the infantile Schott, who speaks to “Mother” a la Norman Bates, is a robot so lifelike it fools even Superman, and the “Mother” he’s constantly replying to was the real Winslow Schott trying to recall the malfunctioning robot. [Max: That’s one Geoff Johns retcon I really didn’t mind, even if it felt kind of derivative of his similar “all the Brainiacs are robots made by the real Brainiac” reveal.]
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gainaxvel3o · 4 years
The Imaginary Love Lives of Superman #1: Lois Lane
Picture this in your head: Lois Lane, world renowned ace reporter, winner of several pulitzer prizes, the woman who landed an interview with the Man of Tomorrow himself, stuck in the middle of her worst case scenario.
"The Daily Planet's revenue has increased since last September everyone. It's definitely going to help overhaul our computer software. Ever since Livewire messed around with the offices last tuesday the computers have been out of whack-"
A long boring staff meeting.
She checked her phone again. Five minutes. Days like these leave Lois wishing she had installed a bed in the office. Perry wouldn't have allowed such a thing of course, but the thought sounded immensely appealing, especially when she had to hear hours upon hours of boring speeches on stocks or whatever was being discussed. She should be out there chasing a story. That's where she truly belonged.
'Four minutes,' Lois noticed from her watch. 'God I wish it'd go faster.'
There were a lot of things Lois could be doing right now. She could be writing an exposé on the latest real estate scam in the eastern seaboard, or uncover the latest controversy at Metropolis Airlines, or break into LexCorp to see if Lex would agree to an interview. She probably would get in trouble for that last part but it would have been preferable than this.
'Three minutes.'
Her thoughts turned to her husband. Clark Kent, that infuriatingly charming dope of a man who by all accounts should have barely been able to see outside his own glasses much less become her competitor for the title of star reporter for the Daily Planet. Yet he did, sometimes even outdoing her in the process! It was maddening how a farm boy from Smallville drove her crazy.
'Two minutes.'
Then again, she married the big lug. Maybe Clark had some charm to him. The "aw shucks ma nice guy" routine probably started her fondness, but that wasn't the full picture. It was only one side of the equation. She kept waffling between Clark and the other guy for years because neither had a complete story.
Clark was an awkward, if friendly guy from work. The other guy was practically a larger than life godling. Somewhere between these two was a full man, one who had the courage to show her all of himself at his most vulnerable. The revelation was the moment she decided to marry him for sure.
'Only one minute... Eh, he'll catch me.'
"Anyone have ideas on how to- Lois? Lois Lane what are you doing?!"
Lois jumped out of the window without a care in the world. She'll make an excuse later, right now Lois could feel arms wrapping around her legs and back.
She turned to her husband. Clark Kent wasn't just Clark Kent. He was also Superman, the Man of Tomorrow. The man of her dreams. The man who was also giving her a disappointed look.
"Timed it just right Smallville." Lois smirked. "Would you care for an interview?"
He rolled his eyes. "It was really boring for you wasn't it? Alright. There was something in the Fortress I wanted to show you anyway."
She hugged her man close, as the pair flew off together. Only an hour later did Lois realized her light jacket wasn't going to do much in the arctic. Oh well, she supposed that would be her karma.
Author's Notes:
Inspired by Everybody Loves Spidey by Maximus Reborn, I decided to do a collection of one shots for pairings with Superman. They range from canonical (no way Lois or Lana are going to be left out) to non canonical (I thought of doing something with Hawkgirl or Catwoman for instance). You could request some that I haven't considered!
There are only three rules: No incest (so Supergirl/Power Girl are out) no underage characters (Mary Batson is definitely out), and no female versions of male characters (so if someone asks for Batman, they get Batman. Not a female Bruce Wayne). There are some characters that I may decide not to do anything with for personal reasons.
The first one shot is of course with Lois. It's a no brainer, they're the original Superhero pair, they're married with a son right now. There's a reason why it was Lois who headlined her own title as "Superman's Girlfriend". I adore them!
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majingojira · 5 years
Superman Real-Time Aging Timeline
As a followup to my Batman Timeline, here’s Superman!  
After this, it’s either Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, or The Flash, but I don’t think any of them will be this complex.  After all, it’s Superman! 
A thing to understand, just as a general rule, there are other Kryptonian and Kryptonian like species running around.  Sort of.  There are basic species and then several derivatives, which have since become their own cultures, but all hold to the same general roots of which Kryptonians are a part of.  These include, but are not limited to: The Kree, The Kherubim, The Viltrumites, and The Daxamites.  There are others, of course, but that should give you an idea of what’s out there in the vast reaches of the universe.  
As before, I won’t really go into villains that much (unless people ask me to do a quick rundown, at which point I’ll do my best).  
Another thing to note is that, for the purposes of the crossover timeline, things are a lot less powerful than the comics would have you believe.  A lot of people who engage in crossover timeline work tend to work from a “World Outside Your Window” approach.  So, while weird things happen, they aren’t well known or accepted.  
But we live at a time when flat-earthers and all sorts of reality denial run rampant.  
But the short of it is, ya know how the Golden Age Superman couldn’t fly and could only jump 1/8th of a mile? That’s basically where we are at.  Artillery shells can harm him, but bullets can’t.  He has amazing senses and laser-eyes, but only his descendants who study advanced Chi-altering martial arts can exceed the limits of flesh and they are the ones who truly fly.    
This is also why things that would normally be a joke for Superman to face in a crossover turn out to be actual threats.  
But the comics do exaggerate in part to inflate Superman’s abilities to avoid conflicts if at all possible.  Yes, as Watson to Holmes, DC is to Superman as far as this timeline is concerned.  So, we get to take everything with a grain of salt. 
I mean, remember last time when Cass pissed of the editors? Same deal. 
Okay?  Here we go! 
The Crisis: The Crisis is an Even that is, was, and will occur across the multiverse (or segments of it).  It occasionally seeps into time and space at different points.  Since we are here, it can be assumed that the villain was defeated.  It’s a weird time-space thing.  
Pre-history: A humanoid space-faring race suffers through many rises and falls over several thousands of years of development.  This leaves strange pockets where their descendants become their own race on different planets.  Krypton was one such planet.  A heavy gravity mining colony orbiting a red sun.  The species race, now called Kryptonians, managed to maintain some technology of their glory days but did not explore much outside their homeworld.  They augmented themselves into a race of “Supermen” to survive the harsh environment of the planet and the dangers of mining.  This included nanites which acted as solar energy storage for emergency lighting and welding.  However, the mining had begun destabilizing the planet...
1894 - Hugo Danner born. 
Lex Luthor born.
1900 - The overlord Shao Khan (a.k.a. Mongul) of another realm known as “Outworld” challengers Earth to Mortal Kombat for control over its lands.  He is tricked into doing this, as Earth isn’t another realm, but a whole planet that he could not absorb into his own even if he tried.  For the next 10 years, champions are selected to battle his champions.  10 victories on one side will ‘seed’ territory to the other.  Or, so Shao Khan thinks. 
1910 - Hugo Danner fathers Arnold “Iron” Munroe.  
1916 - Kal-El is born. 
1917 - The destruction of Krypton, leaving only a handful of survivors.  Among them are Kal-EL and the city-ship Argo.  Kal-El is found on earth by the Kent family who adopts him and names him Clark. 
The Argo City ship is affected by space-time and moves slower than Kal-El’s warp rocket.  As it travels to “Pick Up” the stray (Kal’s rocket), they encounter a parasitoid alien life form (”Xenomorph”)that manages to slaughter many of the Kryptonians after assimilating their genetics. Kara Zor-El is the only survivor and manages to destroy Argo before heading to the only family she has left.  The time-dilation effects mean she still thinks of Kal would be a defenseless baby.  (modified Superman vs Aliens) 
1930 - Clark Kent’s growing powers truly start to develop.  He helps out in secret most of the time with the odd ‘disaster’ or two.
Hugo Danner fakes his death.  
1932 - On a visit to New York for the first time, Clark runs into an early instance of true “Supercrime.”  A group of criminals uses terrifying prototype mecha to cause all kinds of hell for law enforcement and people alike.  The young Clark does his best to put a stop to them, but the true end for the gang comes from in a hail of bullets from the vigilante known as The Spider. (Satan’s Murder Machines/Superman (Comic Strip) “The Bandit Raiders of Metropolis”)   
1937 - Clark Kent moves to New York City, THE Metropolis, to work at the Daily Star paper (later renamed the Daily Planet).  He also debuts as Superman later in the year. 
1938 -  The Sarmaks of Mars, responsible for the 1898 invasion of earth, land a small invasion force in New Jersey.  The Military is brought in to put it down, but are unable to accomplish much until a “Man of Action” (Superman) appears and routs the Invaders as they reach the edge of the Hudson River. (The War of the Worlds/It’s That Time Again 3: Even More New Stories of Old-Time Radio  “War Between Two Worlds”/Superman: War of the Worlds).  The event is broadcast partly by Orson Wells but is forced to say that it was all a Halloween radio play by a group of “government agents.” (Funny story, James Moriarity formed a group to aid the Martian Invasion and the thing went so badly for him that he created an organization specifically to make sure no one ever found out how big a mistake he made which eventually evolved into a general ‘coverup’ NGO.  Nothing is more fragile than the ego).  
1939 - Lex Luthor and Superman begin their rivalry.  But at the time it is overshadowed by the so-called “Ultra-Humanite” who desired a new body to host his amazing mind.  Superman and Batman meet for the first time stopping one of the Ultra-Humanite’s plans. 
1940 -  The Masked Vigilante Boom of the 1940s begins in earnest, with many people taking to vigilantism to battle crime. Black Canary and Green Arrow get their start among many others.
The Rocketeer: The Cargo of Doom - The Rocketeer deals with people smuggling animals from Skull Island, Superman lends a hand with the Megaprimatus kong brought with them that the comics later dub “Titano.”
The first Toyman, Winslow Schott, starts bothering people. 
1941 - Formation of the Justice Society.  As a social club for vigilantes and superhumans to unwind in.  They mostly share stories and shoot the breeze, but occasionally teamed up for larger missions, especially when America entered WWII. But it’s primary purpose is networking and recovery.
Many of the Fleischer Superman cartoons occur around this time, except when noted. 
1942 - All-New Collectors’ Edition #c-54 “Superman vs Wonder Woman” - Diana of Themyscira learns about the Manhattan Project and is utterly horrified.  Clark and Diana have a confrontation about it, that does get briefly physical.  They put their differences aside afterward (the threat of a Nazi bomb is a good reason to do so), but Diana starts to grow warry of the American Government. 
1943 - Puck first bothers Superman as Mister Mxyzptlk.  
Clark learns the full story of Krypton and first encounters Kryptonite (World’s Finest #271)
1944 - Superman creates his own “Fortress of Solitude” to hold dangerous things he encountered before it evolved into a general “Home Away from Home” he could visit. 
1945 - The Last Days of the JSA
1946 - Alexis Luthor, son of Lex Luthor, is born.  
1948 - Superman: Terror on the Midway/Mighty Joe Young - A large gorilla is brought from Africa to perform at a nightclub in Los Angeles.  Lois is doing a report on it for the Planet when three drunks manage to get backstage and manage to both get the gorilla, Joe, drunk, but harass him to the point he breaks out of his cage.  The gorilla goes on the rampage, breaking lions out of their cages as he does so.  Lois helps people escape as Clark changes into Superman to subdue the Lions.  He also assists in getting Joe back into his cage as the police arrive to shoot what lions Clark had not yet rounded up.  When the incident goes to court, Clark covers the case. The court, however, rules to have Joe destroyed.  His owner, the nightclub owner, and several others sympathetic to joe engineer his escape -- only to be stymied by a burning orphanage.  Joe’s rescue of the orphans, Superman rounding up the drunks who sparked the conflagration, and Clark’s editorials sway public opinion and Joe is brought back to Africa.  
Clark Kent and Lois Lane wed.  
The House of Un-American Activities starts to target Costumed Vigilantes.  The Justice Society disbanded in response.  Diana Trevor, Wonder Woman, starts working from inside the system to counter McArthy and J. Edgar Hoover.  Subtly and openly, be it the Holiday Girls (secretaries make excellent spies) or secretly abetting other superhumans. Still, most costumed vigilantes retire at this point.  As for the rest… Some are apprehended, others sign up with the government, and others still are killed in FBI Raids.  
As Superheroes are under fire from the government, several class-action lawsuits also hound more public figures of superheroes, and only a few survive with their reputations and resources intact.
1949 - Joel Kent is born to Clark and Lois Lane-Kent.  Clark scales back his Superman work to take spend more time with his family. Joel is born without Superman’s fantastic abilities, but he is better than average almost everywhere else.  
1950 - Jonathan Kent jr. was born to Clark and Lois Lane-Kent.  Jonathan, however, is closer to his father than his brother. This causes some animosity between the boys as they grow older. 
1952 - Richard Tyler, Hourman, is arrested as part of the FBI crackdown on costumed vigilantes.  Very few remain active.  Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Shadow, and The Avenger are the most prominent.  Superman and Wonder Woman working with the Government, The Shadow, the Avenger, and Batman operating outside the law.  
1953 - The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms/Superman “The Arctic Giant”/Batman #104 “The Creature from 20,000 Fathoms”  – A prehistoric monster is awakened by nuclear testing in the arctic and proceeds to swim down to New York, sinking ships along the way. Superman confronts the beast as it lands in New York, driving it off for a moment before the military arrives to deal with the creature. When they manage to injure the creature with an anti-tank weapon, they release a deadly bacterial agent among the populous. Batman (Bruce Wayne) is able to deduce a method for dealing with the agent and the creature hosting it: radiation treatments.  The man who first saw the creature manages to introduce a radioactive isotope to the monster’s system. The creature dies from its wounds in the midst of a roller coaster fire at Coney Island. The film omits the interference of costumed vigilantes, the Batman story, in particular, doing its best to be as far off as possible to the point where it doesn’t even make sense as a Batman story. 
Clark Kent becomes the editor of the Daily Planet after Perry White retires. 
1955-1975 - The Vietnam War. 
1955 - John Henry Irons is born. 
John Wilson and his family are lynched. He survives, dons a mask and grabbing a hammer, he hunts the Klan as the vigilante John Henry.  
David Xanatos born. 
1956 - Clark Kent first discovers the Phantom Zone Projector, a device from his homeworld, and learns of the various criminals held in there, such as Faora and General Zod.  Some of which escape from time to time.  
1958 - John Wilson is killed, but his legend as the civil rights defending, Klan smashing vigilante John Henry endures.  
The malicious data life form known as Brainiac firsts demonstrates an interest in Earth.  
1959 - The Centre incident occurs.  (DC: The New Frontier)
Diana Trevor works out a government organization to better employ multi-mystery-man operations in the future with her at the head and thus limiting access to their identities or technologies by the other branches.  This is often called “The Justice League” or “The Avengers” among other things.  The laws about costumed vigilantism are changed somewhat.  
Kara Zor-El’s rocket finally lands on earth.  The press dubs her “Supergirl” when she joins in the “Family Business” and, being from a highly enlightened society that’s generally moved beyond barriers of gender or race, is extremely frustrated by the primitive mudball that is 1960s earth. 
1960 - Wilson Fisk, who often claims to be a son of Lex Luthor, becomes the “Kingpin of Crime.”
1961 - The first appearance of the Parasite.  
1963 - Incredible Hulk vs Superman - Superman attempts to apprehend the Incredible Hulk, but finds more dangerous foes about. 
1964 - The children and relatives of many World War II heroes; including Jennifer-Lynn Scott (Jade), Iron Munro, Dee Tyler (Phantom Lady II), Tsunami (Miya Shimada, a Deep One), and Artemis Crock (Tigress II, daughter of Paula Brooks, Tigress I) among others; form a short-lived adventuring group called the Young All-Stars or All-Star Squadron. An adventure to the Maple White’s Lost World and meeting Hugo Danner (and his superhuman progeny) ends the team.  Hugo Danner survives the encounter but is left brain-damaged.  His later rampages are given the moniker of “Bizarro.”
Alex Luthor ‘takes over’ as the primary Luthor giving Clark and his family hell. 
1965 - To battle monstrous threats, robotic sentries dubbed “Sentinels” or, more aggressively, “Terminators” are created.  Though defeated early in their lifespan, they are often re-created in various models.  The Data Life Forms these shells attract are often genocidal and highly dangerous.  This is the start of the aggressive timeline of the rogue A.I. known as “Skynet” that continually attempts to ensure its creation and the destruction of humanity. 
1966 - Kara Zor-El changes her moniker to “Power Femme” to coincide with the feminist movement she supports.  The press still calls her “Power Girl.”  She sometimes shows up to aid protests and has several clashes with the police.  And by clashes, I mean “People hurt themselves trying to hurt her while she protects as many as she can.”  It doesn’t help as much as she’d like. 
Darkseid first shows an interest in earth. 
Natalia Luthor, a niece of Alex Luthor, finds herself involved in her uncle’s business when she clashes with Supergirl. 
1969 - Lois Lane passes away.  
1970-1971 - Joel serves in Vietnam, and is generally horrified at what happens.  he does his best to help where he can, but the system works against him.  He rescues many people, one of them, Mei-Li, eventually becomes his wife.  Together, they have a son.  They name him Conner Kent.  The experience mellows him significantly.  He reconciles with his brother. 
1970 - The Kent State Massacre occurs.  Kara takes it very hard, having missed the protest to deal with other disasters.  
Jack Nimball takes over as the second Toyman. 
1972-1977 - A covert war against various demonic and subterranean attackers is waged primarily across east Asia, the front line of defense being various ‘Super-Robots’ such as Mazinger Z and Getter Robo.  These use a modified ‘spirit engine’ to essentially use raw willpower to make up for what the technology lacked, but it had terrible side effects and the technology was eventually abandoned, if not outright banned. It is likely these helped in the creation of the Biomegas.  
1972 - Lex Luthor passes away.  
1973 - Diana Prince/Wonder Woman and Clark Kent take the time to comfort each other after the deaths of their spouses.  This results in the birth of Athena Prince/Eiko Megami.  She is raised primarily in Japan for the education system.  Her power is best described as “Ungodly.”
Birth of Biko Daitokuji/Kiri Fujikawa, daughter of Tony Stark and Rumiko Daitokuji/Fujikawa (last name dependent on adaptation).  They do not marry but keep open ties to each other.
1974 - Jonathan Kent takes over primarily as “Superman II” Though Clark still helps out where he can. 
1975-1984 - The Biomega War is waged in Japan and in its coastal waters.  It appears to end with the death of Doctor Shinka in 1984.  Parts of him, however, survive, and biomega drones, beasts, and kaiju occasionally rise up from the depths after his defeat.  They appear to be derived from the Centre.  
1975 - Karen Kent Jr, named for her aunt, is born to Joel Kent and Carol Star-Kent.
David Xanatos receives instructions on how to become rich from his future self, as well as the coins to do it.  
Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man: A Duel of Titans - Superman (Clark Kent) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) are tricked into fighting each other by their foes, Doctor Octopus and Lex Luthor. The two heroes quickly team up and defeat the evildoers.  
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #9 “Truth, Justice, and Scooby Snacks” - Clark Kent brings in Mysteries Inc. to help solve a haunting at the Daily Planet. 
1977 - Jonathan Kent trains with Muhammad Ali to better handle opponents who are as strong or stronger than himself.  
1980 - The being known as Lobo first appears on earth.  
Shao Khan challenges earth to Mortal Kombat and picks up an unexpected “Kombatant” - Jonathan Kent.  Appalled by the entire thing, he, as Superman, smashes not just the competition, but the entire contest of Mortal Kombat that cycle.  The whole thing is thrown out, but Shao Khan is infuriated by this insult.  Since the contest is considered a wash, his win streak remains unbroken...
Spider-Man and Superman: The Heroes and the Holocaust - Doctor Doom has a plan, involving the Parasite, Wonder Woman (Diana), The Hulk, and Superman (Clark).  The timely interference of Spider-Man, however, disrupts his plans for world conquest.  
1982 - Natasha Irons, daughter of John Henry Irons, is born.  
The first true Arm Slave, the M4, is developed.  Military use of giant robots (they tend to max out at 8 to 10m tall without exotic materials).  
David Xanatos has his first clash with Superman in one of his dealings.  The comics dub him “Lex Luthor” in many of his appearances. 
Superman has his first encounter with a Banshee.  
1983 - The “Doomsday Plan” to destroy several different superheroes begins forming.  It culminates in elements from Project Metalbeast/Weapon X and Project Cyborg being applied to the original Mr. Hyde and lacing his body with radioactive substances such as Kryptonite.  They dub this creature “Doomsday.”
The Terminator - The Skynet timeline sends two robotic assassins after its greatest foes.  Against John Connor, it sends a T-800 Terminator. Against the Academy of the Strange/The X-Men/The Doom Patrol, it sends TN-001 Nimrod.  
1984 - Superman Annual #11 “For the Man Who Has Everything” - Shao Khan/Mongul attempts to get revenge on Superman, but is stopped by the combined efforts of Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin.  
1986 - Doomsday is unleashed.  Superman I and Power Girl I are crippled.  Superman II is killed.  The monster is killed and, in the light of the full moon, Hyde rejects the implants and continues on his horrible path restored to his former pre Doomsday glory.  In the wake of the tragedy, Conner Kent tries to fill in for his Uncle and Grandfather and is dubbed “Superboy.”  John Henry Irons creates a powered armor for himself and helps out as “The Man of Steel” or just “Steel.”   The Skynet timeline also sends an agent, a “Cyborg Superman” to try and defeat its future foe.  
1987 - Biko Daitkouji gains a controlling interest in her father’s company. 
Project A-Ko - The daughter of Superman and Wonder Woman, under the pseudonym “Eiko Megami”, or just A-Ko, enrolls herself in a Japanese school, where she meets up with (and gets into a rivalry with) “Biko Daitokuji”, the daughter of Tony Stark.  An intense rivalry develops over a ‘friendship’ one has and the other desires.  It eventually devolves into a routine of Biko building a large machine or powered armor and getting into a fight with Eiko before school on a regular basis.  Even an alien invasion (a single rescue ship causing havoc over one city) goes unnoticed until the target of their friendship is revealed to be their target.  They put aside their differences briefly to get her back.  The alien ship is crippled and can’t leave without heavy repairs.  The aliens may be the Zentradi from the Macross series – the all-female Meltrandi side of their species at least.  Its timeline placement is only here due to another crossover cameo and it may be set in the year 2009, but the only real available/likely time for both the character parentage to occur places it here.  The newspaper her father is seen reading contains a reference to the Fleischer Superman short “The Bulleteers”.
Project A-Ko: The Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group – 3 weeks after the events of Project A-Ko, during summer break, Biko and Eiko continue their rivalry as Biko’s father’s company tries to find the alien ship and raid it for technology.  Unfortunately, every agency imaginable interested in alien technology trips over themselves trying to get the technology, and they end up with nothing once they anger Biko.   The aliens once again manage to escape and hide amongst the populace, resigning their fate to earth until rescue can come.  Eiko’s father is once again seen reading a “Daily Plenet” newspaper with a story discussing another Fleischer Superman short (the very first one, in fact).
Superman vs Predator - When the “Predator” self-destructs, his ship does not. when an alert signal is sent, another Predator comes to earth to clean up the mess but finds humans using the technology to insidious ends, as well as a worthy opponent: Superman (Conner Kent).  In his first real big case, Conner is kept off-balance by the experienced hunter, but the plot is foiled and Conner manages to defeat the predator.  
1988 - Karen Kent Jr. starts acting as Supergirl II. “Cir-El” is created by a cloning project.
Biko Daitokuji, in an effort to impress someone, starts acting more heroically and takes the moniker “Iron Woman” (as the band Iron Maiden didn’t want the name on a superhero).   She also sometimes refers to herself as “Rescue.”
Project A-Ko: Cinderella Rhapsody – Biko and Eiko clash again over summer break, but this time over a guy.  Ciko, the girl who had their ‘friendship’ earlier, feels left out until it turns out the guy Eiko and Biko are chasing likes Ciko instead of them.  The JSDF is called out over the two girl’s squabbling, including weapons employed against the Frankenstein Brothers Sanda and Gaira (War of the Gargantuas). A brief appearance from the leads of the anime/manga Yawara! The Fashionable Judo Girl occurs in one scene where Eiko is working at a fast-food restaurant.  They were customers. 
1990 - Project A-Ko: Final – Kei’s arranged marriage drives Eiko and Biko into more of a tiff than usual, but they are left to themselves when a battle group of ships finally come to rescue the trapped aliens and their princess Ciko.  She is taken back home and the fleet leaves.
Mortal Kombat - Shao Khan is defeated in Mortal Kombat.  
Superman and Batman vs Aliens and Predator - This story is a mess, but here’s what is known from it: Batman (Bruce Wayne Jr.) and Superman (Connor Kent) are drawn into the ritual hunting of some Xenomorphs by Predators on earth.  It goes sideways, Batman and Superman intervene and help the predators get back home with a “And Don’t come back!” message.  The Predators take it as a challenge. 
1991 - Mortal Kombat II - Shao Khan decides to just invade the earth anyway.  He does so while EIko Megami is on vacation.  The Invasion ends swiftly and Shao Khan slain.  This forces a change in how the magical realms handle their conflicts.  A year later, the Unseelie Accords are adopted by most major supernatural ‘nations’.  
1994 - Karen Kent Jr. becomes Power Woman/Power Girl II. Conner Kent becomes “Superman” in the public eye at long last. 
Arm Slave technology filters down to the public sector.  Heavy construction mecha, known as Labors begin to see use in Japan and later the United States.  These machines are 6 to 10 meters in height.
1995 - The first known instance of Labor-based crime occurs.  After this, police forces with heavy labor use in their districts adopt Special Vehicles Units, police squads that pilot labors, to counter labor crime.  These “Patrol Labors” eventually get nicknamed “Patlabor” Military contractors see this as an excellent testing bed for many technologies that would later be employed on military labors and arm slaves.
Conner Kent and Cassandra Sandsmark wed, but she keeps her name as is. 
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Superman vs Terminator - Parallel to the events of T2, Terminators are sent after another foe Skynet foresees--Superman (Conner Kent).  Working together with Sarah and John Connor, Superman is able to put down the threat from the Skynet timeline, as well as finish it off in the future.   At least, one future...
Shock-Jock Leslie Willis becomes Livewire. 
1996 - An angel with the ‘human’ identity of Linda Danvers aids the Super-family and becomes known as Supergirl III.
Buffy Anne Summers is called as the next Vampire Slayer.   
Wilson Fisk passes away, and his mantle as Kingpin of Crime is taken up by “Gentleman” Johnny Marcone.  
The formation of “Young Justice” - a friendly hangout of many second and third-generation superhumans.  Members include Conner Kent, Cassandra Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Carrie Kelly, Helena Bertinelli Jr, and Bart Allen.  With many others joining the group as time goes on.  Their exploits are occasionally disseminated as either the “JLA” or “Young Justice” depending on the tone of the adventure. 
1997 - David Xanatos, after marrying and having a son, reforms. 
1998 -  Superman/Gen13 
Savage Dragon/Superman -  Superman III (Conner Kent) and Savage Dragon work together on a case in Chicago involving criminals being mind-controlled by parasitic worms. 
Superman/Savage Dragon - Superman and Savage Dragon battle a New God known as Killroy.  
1999 - The third generation of Arm Slaves begins the prototyping phase.  The development of the Lambda Driver alters the development of this mech.  Many of the early bits of technology are taken from prototyping the technologies in police Labor units.
The vampire known as Angel sets up “Angel Investigations” to help the helpless.
Hiro Okuamura attempts to be a “Heroic” Toyman.
JLA/Witchblade - Sarah Pezzini, wielder of the Witchblade, goes to the “Justice League” for help understanding her artifact (primarily Cassie Sandsmark).  The Witchblade then jumps around the group’s female members to find ‘better’ hosts before Sarah shames it into coming back to her.  
2000 - Linda, has taken to calling herself “Lee” leaves the material world behind and moves to the mystical between-worlds city of Bette Noir and eventually becomes its ‘mayor’.  
Conner Kent and Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder Woman III have a son together, Jon Kent III.  
Natasha Irons takes over her father’s mantle as Steel II.   
Superman III (Conner Kent) confronts the darker actions of his contemporaries who call themselves “The Authority” ... and schools them.  (“What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice and The American Way?”)
2003 - Cir-El/Mia Kent is adopted by Conner Kent and Cassandra Sandsmark, starts operating as Supergirl IV.
Sunnydale is destroyed and the number of Vampire Slayers goes from a single lineage to over 2000 at any one time. 
The Darkness/Superman - Superman confronts the current wielder of the Darkness, Jackie Escatato.  
JLA/Cyberfoce - An informal group of heroes aid a covert cyborg team with some cyborg-zombies.  
2004 - Fallen Angel Reborn- In order to regain her lost powers, the Old One in a Human Shell, Illyria, travels to Bette Noir to reclaim her icons, and battles Lee the Fallen Angel for them.  Illyria learns something about her new state and accepts that she, herself, has changed. 
The Circle of Black Thorn (also known as The Pride) and Wolfram & Hart are defeated by a group of Runaways, the vampire Angel and his allies.  Angel and his cohorts are caught in a temporal loop as punishment while the children escape.  Massive destruction is initially wrought, but undone via time loop. Many people in LA have vague memories of what happened, eventually leading to the production of the film “Last Angel in Hell” starring Nicholas Cage. 
DC Comics insists Mia wear a blond wig to better display the “Iconic” supergirl.  She really doesn’t like the new look.  
2005-2015 - The Biomega Kaiju menace trickles through with various attacks until it comes to a head in 2015 when it revives the Centre.  The beast is destroyed, ending the Biomega threat...for now. (Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire, Pacific Rim)
2008 - The Cellphone camera becomes common.  This means that supernatural events are part of common knowledge, but a combination of factors (not lining up with common religious beliefs, the “Somebody Else’s Problem Field”, charlatans continuing to operate regardless, etc) mean that while people ‘know’ they don’t really do much about it, deny its existence, or think of them in completely wrongheaded ways.
Livewire’s powers are finally put under control and she is allowed to perform “Community Service” with her abilities as a hero.  
2010 - Jon Kent starts adventuring as Superboy III.  
And that’s where things have left off.  
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siremasterlawrence · 5 years
Clark Kent’s Super Resurrection
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Clark Kent was helpless for the first time ever as he rush through the daily Planet.
Every room, hallway, elevator, and staircase was fill up.
He was not able to become Superman as he watches an onslaught.
He was the intended target along with Louis, and Jimmy.
“What am I to do?” Clark says anxiety setting in.
“This can’t be the end.” He says fighting back.
“Look up.” A voice says out loud causing a buzz in Clark’s ear.
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He looks up catching the twinkling light in the mirror.
Raising upwards he stands walking over to brace the sink.
The mirror begins to liquify as hand reaches out to him.
In Kryptonian trance he lifts his hand to meet it.
The hand touches his face as his shirt right and left.
Suddenlzzy, Clark settles back a bit as the hand fades.
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A man jumps out of the bathroom mirror to face him.
“Master Lawrence.” Clark repeats back to me.
“Trying to fight it Clark?” I say scoffing at his pathetic attempt.
“Rise to your feet.” I command him as he obeys.
“You won’t get away with this?” He stubbornly says.
“Time to teach you a lesson.” I say angrily at him
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I look outside the window to see a crowd of people
I close my eyes imagining a evil Superman for me
Clark drops to his knees in panic, all of my evil thought enter his.
He holds his hand with one hand, pounding the ground with other.
“Noooooooooooooo.” His last words before he sighs falls face forward.
He ascends to the air flying through the roof.
He reaches his desk unleashing his x-ray all
The Daily planet, it’s workers and the people down below were all goners.
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My image appears floating high above the city
“You did this?” Clark shouts at me in deep rage
He tries to hit, his fist moving right through my image.
“Amazing right?” I ask him rhetorically at his own expense.
“Hologram?” He questions me having enough
“Answer me.”he yells even more, my real form materializes.
I punch him so he can’t react evading all of his moves.
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“Poor Clark can’t beat me.” I taunt him again
His super speed hit overdrive chasing after me.
I go flying like a insane individual back to my palace.
He marvels at my disappearance within the fog.
“Oh great! it’s magic.” He knows his weakness is upon him.
An yet he chooses to embrace it for my down fall.
My plan was unfurl for the world to see a simple reaction.
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A mirror image of his beloved Metropolis stops him in his tracks.
My laughter has no bounds awaiting his ones realization.
Clark smiles, the most important people in his life.
He flys to them, they take his hand leading him in.
“Game, Match and Set.” I say lowering the lever.
“Poor delusional sap.” I think as the machine goes to work.
The fog dissipates as reality comes back to him
“What the?” He yells trying to unsuccessfully escape.
“Super reinforcing Kryptonite glass.” I inform him
My laughter rises in Togo enjoyment of being the one.
The one who succeeds where all other’s failed his crushing defeat.
“Lois, Jimmy, Mom, Dad, Perry.....NOOO.” Clark yells.
“Don’t worry that pretty head of yours.” I add
The glass pod flashes strobes of light project to his eyes.
The pod spins over an over again strapping his body in.
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Stretching myself I suit up with mic I hand and ear pieces well in place.
“Commence Supervillain Enhancement.” I begin instructing the system.
The pod fills up with a mixture of steam,water and a weird formula.
The gage shows me his will breaking a bit a time
Till there was non left an his mind is reform to my purposes.
He wakes up breaking through the pod turning to me.
“Master Lawrence, I am ready.” He says to me.
“Excellent! I respond.” He smiles wickedly
I kiss him on the lips as he moans in pleasure.
The end.
More to come
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Be My Lois Lane (Marichat May) Chapter 4: Birthday
"You're sure the Miraculous magic is strong enough to disguise my voice?" Adrien asked Plagg.
"Look, kid, I may be weakened without my other half, but I'm not some frail, sickly little thing like the Peacock, okay?" Plagg gulped down a Camembert wedge in one piece and laid on his back on the couch, rubbing his belly. "I still don't get why you have to call her again. You just saw her a couple of hours ago."
"As Adrien. I'm calling her as Chat."
"But why?"
"She's the one who decides what the public thinks about me. It'd be nice to start off on a better foot than what she thinks of me so far."
Plagg gave a dramatic sigh. "Let's get this over with."
Adrien transformed, put the scrap of paper with Marinette's phone number in his pocket, crept out of his window, and bounded out into the night.
Earlier that day
Adrien stepped into the coffee shop and knew he had to get decaf. He was practically vibrating out of his skin. Marinette might be able to find Ladybug! He had to ask her still, but that’s why they were having this meetup.
He spotted Marinette in line for coffee and joined her.
"Thanks for meeting me," Adrien said.
"Any friend of Nino's is a friend of mine," she said.
"That's my line!"
They reached the counter and a man with shocking red hair greeted them.
"Marinette! I didn't know you were coming here today!"
"I texted Marc!"
"They're always forgetting their phone."
"Adrien, this is Nathaniel. He, his partner Marc, Nino, and I all went to high school together. We were the nerdy art kids. Nath, this is Nino's friend from work, Adrien."
They exchanged greetings and coffee orders, and Adrien and Marinette went to claim a table.
"Nath and Marc opened this place a couple of years ago," Marinette said. "Marc was still in the middle of their business degree when they did."
"I like the superhero theme," Adrien said, glancing around at the murals on the walls.
"Business really picked up after that stupid alley cat started running around." She wrinkled her nose. "They even have that awful picture from the paper hanging behind the counter."
"I'm telling you, it's not a bad picture of you," Adrien said, trying not to smirk.
"Here you go," Nath said, bringing their drinks over personally. "And a muffin for the birthday girl. I didn't make cupcakes this morning because I didn't think I'd see you today."
"You don't need to give me a muffin-" Nath had started walking away, hands covering his ears, pretending he couldn't hear her. "Thank you! Dork."
Marinette turned back to Adrien, ducking her head a little. Her cheeks had more pink than a moment before, and Adrien found himself smiling at her shyness.
"Happy birthday," he said.
"Thank you." She started picking at her muffin. "So, you were kinda vague in your messages about what I could help you with. What's up?"
Adrien took a breath. The jitters came back in full force. "You are the first person I really know with investigative skills who is also part of the fashion scene in Paris."
Marinette's eyebrows drew together. “Okay…”
“I want to find someone.”
Marinette's heart rate picked up. She was already trying very hard to play it cool. A literal supermodel had asked her to coffee for help with a vague problem. Now she was finally getting to know what she could do, and honestly, she was excited. There would be some jumping up and down and screaming and dancing Shadow around the apartment later.
"There's a designer I met a few months ago. I don't know her name. I can't really look for her myself because I don't want word getting around that I'm looking for her. So I was hoping, if you don't mind, you would help me? I would pay you for your time, of course."
A sense of cold dread started trickling down her spine. She tried to convince herself it was just the air conditioning.
"I, uh, I can probably help. I'd feel bad taking your money, though, because I'm just starting out." Adrien started to protest, but she cut him off with a raised hand. "I insist! It'll be a favor for a new friend, okay?"
Adrien hesitated, then nodded, a small smile on his face. "Okay. But I'll owe you a big favor in return, alright?"
"That works for me! So, who are you looking for?"
His smile grew. "Her name is Ladybug."
It wasn't the air conditioning.
"What do I do? Why did I say yes? This is a disaster!"
Marinette was pacing her apartment, Shadow following her and living up to his name. She had her phone to her ear, and the other was waving wildly.
"Why is this a disaster?" Alya asked. "A hot, rich guy in your chosen field of work wants to find you. And don't think you're getting out of explaining to me why you didn't tell me about the hours you spent flirting with Adrien Agreste right after it happened."
"Uh, my mom was in the hospital?" She stopped walking and Shadow took advantage to wind around her legs, mewling at her.
"Oh, yeah, that was awful. How's she doing?"
"Really well. She says hi, by the way."
"Aw, I need to stop by the bakery and give her a hug. So why didn't you tell me at any point in the last six months after we knew your mom would be okay?"
Marinette whined in annoyance. "Because... I don't know! It was just such a nice moment, and I figured I would never meet him again, so I just wanted to, like, hold on to it for myself." She sat where she was, in the middle of the floor, and pulled Shadow onto her lap. "And now I've met him again, and we're kinda becoming friends, and he wants me to find... myself."
Alya's voice had softened after that rant. "And again I ask: that's a problem why?"
"Remember why I transferred to your university and hid my real name from everyone I could?"
"Oof. Yeah. The design thief. What's she got to do with Adrien?"
"The first company she went to when trying to drive me out of fashion was the Gabriel brand. She works there now. If Adrien's trying to get Ladybug to work for Gabriel, I'll be ruined when they figure out that Ladybug is me. Oh! Or what if his father wanted him to look for Ladybug to drive her out of business? My shop is small, but it could be seen as competition. Or maybe-"
"Woah, Marinette, chill! You don't know that any of that is true."
Shadow's ears perked up suddenly. He dove off Marinette's lap and sat in front of the sliding glass door to the fourth-floor balcony, staring into the darkness with the same intensity he gave the youtube video of birds Marinette liked to play for him.
"I don't know that it's not, either. I'm not risking my business. The online boutique is doing well, and at this rate, I'll have enough saved up to open a small physical store at the end of next year."
"What if he's asking about Ladybug because he enjoyed talking to you at that fashion show? What if you're his Cinderella?"
Marinette snorted. "Yeah, that'll be the day."
Marinette's phone beeped. She pulled it away from her ear and found an unknown number on call waiting.
"Hey, Al? Mind if we talk more tomorrow? I've got another call."
The girls said goodnight and Marinette took the incoming call.
"Miss Dupain-Cheng. It's nice to hear your voice under less un-fur-tunate circumstances than those of our first meeting."
Marinette frowned. Who in the world was calling her to deliver bad cat puns at quarter past eleven at night?
"I'm sorry," she started, "who is-"
"Oh, how rude of me," the caller interrupted. "This is your friendly neighborhood superhero."
Marinette blinked a few times. Was this a prank? Had Chloe found her phone number and gotten some guy to pretend to be Chat Noir?
"You're telling me that you're Chat Noir?"
"Yes. And you're Marinette! Now that we've straightened that out-"
"Who put you up to this?" she interrupted. "My first guess is Chloe, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the others in the department at work thought this would be funny."
"I- what? No, it's really me."
"Why would I believe that?" She got as close to crossing her arms as she could while holding the phone to her ear. "You're the hero of Paris, and known to be wary of the press. Why would you call me up out of the blue if you really were Chat Noir?"
"I... okay," he said, speech slowing, "I didn't plan on having to convince you of who I am. What would convince you of who I am?"
"What did you say to the guy you rescued me from? Right when you showed up? Only Chat would know that."
"That... why did you have an answer for that so quickly? Do you think up ways to make people you meet prove they're who they are often?"
"Sounds like you're stalling."
"I'm not-! Okay, let me think. He was... some kind of banana... fruit salad guy... I said something about you being too pink and not a good accessory for his outfit, I think? This was a week ago, so I don't remember exactly."
Marinette hummed, pursing her lips. Was there any chance someone had overheard them? Probably not. So that meant-
"Holy crap, Chat Noir called me on my cell phone."
Chat laughed. "You believe me now?"
She covered her face with her free hand. "Yes. Sorry I bidn't delieve you- Sorry I didn't believe you!" Curse that nervous stumbling of her tongue! "So, Chat Noir. What can I help you with?"
"A little birdie told me that you're the new Chat Noir reporter for The Daily Planet," he said. "I got curious. Cats and curiosity, you know? So I figured I'd give you a call, get to know you a little."
"Do you have an in at the paper?" she asked.
"Yes, I'm your new reporter. That stupid picture of you saving me got me pigeon-holed into reporting on you instead of the position I actually wanted."
"Hmm. You sound, purr-haps, unhappy with this assignment?"
She sighed. "It's not you. It's that there was another job I liked better. And, from the little research I've managed to do on you so far, you've avoided or turned down literally every interview, picture, or question since you showed up. Sounds like I won't be getting many quotes from you, which makes my job harder."
"I am sorry about that. I take my job very seriously, so I don’t want the distraction of interviews, and I very much don’t want my hero life and personal life at any risk of mixing."
"Then why did you call? If you're not going to work with me, why take the time to hunt down my phone number?"
"I told you, curiosity."
"You know I could probably write about six articles from this conversation alone, right?"
He gave a small laugh. "Oh, but my research on you didn't stop at your phone number, Princess. You're not the type to print something I haven't okayed. You put the 'integrity' in 'journalistic integrity' from what I hear."
"Princess? Are you serious with that nickname?"
"Hmm, maybe not. I'll think of some others."
Her instincts were still nagging at her. "And you really called just to test out your theory that I'm a good person?"
"Okay, you got me," he said. "My research also found out another little fact about you."
"And what's that?"
"Go out on your balcony."
He laughed again. "Just do it, please?"
Marinette scooped Shadow up from where he was napping in front of the door and held him to her chest so he couldn't get into trouble on the balcony. She pinned her phone between her ear and her shoulder and opened the door.
"Look down."
At first, she thought he meant down on the ground, stories below. Then her eyes fell on something shiny on the floor of the balcony near the bars. She picked it up and took it inside, setting Shadow down while she stared at the item in her hands.
"What is this?" she asked.
"Open it."
She opened the box wrapped in silver paper. Inside was a beautiful, high-quality notebook- just the right size for a reporter to keep in her purse- and a fancy pen that felt just right in her hand.
"I- why did- thank you?" She shook her head. "Why the gift?"
"A reporter needs a good notebook and pen," he said. "And I'm sure you know that cats like leaving 'gifts' for people." That got a small chuckle out of her. "But I dropped it off because of that detail I found out about you." He paused, and she turned to squint out the balcony door into the dark streets below. "Happy birthday, Marinette."
She frowned at the box in her hands. "Wait, how did you-"
He hung up.
Marinette sighed and sat on the floor again, petting a sleepy Shadow where he had curled next to the couch. "He's clever," she said. "If he's going to be difficult about interviews, then I'm going to have to be clever to get what I need so I can write about him."
Shadow stretched, yawned, and got up to walk away.
"This job might be a little bit fun after all."
She opened her journal, uncapped her pen, and started taking notes. She wouldn't use anything from his phone call in any articles, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to save the information for her own use.
Chat replayed his conversation with Marinette in his head, hand still on the phone he had just placed back on the receiver, and let himself smile. He would remain a mystery to the city in all the important ways- who he was, where he lived, who was important to him- but Marinette would probably be good for his image overall. She didn't really hate him, as she had tried to convince Adrien earlier that day, and last week at the fashion show. One phone call, one small gift, and she sounded much less angry.
At home, Adrien fed Plagg and settled down with a book. He was just getting to the good part when Plagg floated over the pages to sit blocking his view of the words.
"So, did that conversation go as you planned?" Plagg asked.
"Yeah, it pretty much did," he said. "She could be a very useful ally." He tried to hide a smile as he brushed Plagg out of the way of his book. "And it sounds like she'll have some fun with the job, now that she knows getting information from me will be a challenge."
Plagg sighed. "So long as I get my cheese, you can flirt and play games with Reporter Girl as much as you want."
Adrien rolled his eyes and gave Plagg another piece of cheese. "Maybe I will. I think we'd both enjoy a game of... cat and mouse."
Plagg gave a long-suffering sigh. It was always like this before his Chat identified his Ladybug. Hopefully, these kids will figure it out quickly. If only for his sanity.
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exposestruth · 5 years
@smallvxlle​​ said : 5 times kissed!!! / @kryptonbound said : five times kissed but for u and jo bc i want to see the cuteness :/
     being queen industries’ ceo was not a risky profession, on the contrary. but the cut on oliver’s arm told a different story. until it clicked on her head, the faceless photos jimmy had taken of green arrow. it couldn’t be possible. it was IMPOSSIBLE. wasn’t it? amongst the chaos in her brain, she couldn’t make her mind. she knew in her heart this could be true but she didn’t want to believe. it made sense but all she wanted was to forget. clark was right though, she couldn’t forget it. she had to be sure. so when he offered to help to dismask green arrow, lois took it as if her life depended on it. little did she knew that both oliver and clark were working together on this. what they failed to prevent was lois’ impulsiveness and creativity. green arrow would never let her see his face, whether he was oliver or not. kissing him by surprise sounded like the right thing at the time. “ your secret is safe with me, oliver. “  and before the fake green arrow could disappear, she jumped on him and pressed her lips against his. he hesitated, and then kissed back. and for a second, she didn’t want to let go. his lips felt like a perfect fit. felt like — NOT oliver’s. still with her lips pressed on his, she opens her eyes and his features are different than what she expected. he’s still familiar... and then oliver’s voice in the background brings her back to reality. it’s not oliver. her instinct reaction is to slap his face but as quickly as her response, he flees the scene, leaving her wonder where she has seen him before.
     she no longer lived at the kent farm but the amount of time she spent there could fool anyone. living with chloe in the talon’s apartment was great. they were like sisters but both of them were busy. and none knew exactly how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. there was always coffee in the house, leftovers from takeout as well. home made meals? it was not a concept they could bring to life. because of that, game nights had become a ritual in the kent house during the weekends. they used to mix up teams, it lowered the chances of cheating or vice. lois’ idea, of course. clark kent would rather have lana or his best friend by his side but tonight he was stuck with lois as a partner. surprisingly, they were unstoppable together. it was the third time in a row that clark had guessed lois’ charade in pictionary. a loud yes is heard, the taste of victory drawing a big smile on her lips. and before anyone could realize what had happened, lois rushes towards clark, takes his face on her hands and leaves a kiss on his forehead. “ see? i told you i was good at this. you only lose when you don’t have a good matching partner, smallville. “   sitting next to him, awkwardness slowly embraces the air. catching his eye, she knows she should have stayed quiet. bless chloe for catching their attention back to the game.
      if someone had told any of them that they’d end up working together, side by side, they would laugh it out. what a nightmare! and yet, lois had been the one to give clark the daily planet’s job application. and he had managed to land the job right next to her. the signs were there all along. but they kept ignoring them. being co-workers and partners had brought them CLOSER than ever before. the usual bickering became too playful for just friends. it was their thing. the longing gaze when the other wasn’t looking, the extra touch to prove a point, the sharing stories that they could handle easily on their own. there was something there, something more.
     she is rambling, something about the new story they were about to break. there were lots of times clark didn’t understand what she was talking about, even with his superhearing. her thought process was too fast for any human to comprehend. and with that comes a fast pacing that he has no other choice than to tag along. she goes into the copy room, ordering everyone in the room to leave by a hand gesture and grabs the documents she had sent to the printer. she keeps talking, about the corrupt senator they are about to expose and before she can make a question —— he presses a kiss on her rosy lips. she is caught by surprise, but her lips follow his. her hands that stopped unconsciously on his chest  s l o w l y  move up, fingers running through his hair as her body is pressed against his. he moves to her jawline, then down to her neck and she gasps for air, adrenaline rushing through her veins and she brings him closer. she wants M O R E. and then a door opens and shuts with a bang. her eyes open and she finds herself in her own bed.  wait, what?   “ lois! sorry, did i wake you? i thought you were already at the planet. “  chloe’s voice brings her back to r e a l i t y.  she looks at the alarm clock in her bedside table and immediately sits up.    FUCK! another dream about clark kent?!  when would these dreams stop getting her late to work??
     he is sat on the sofa, worried eyes locked on the tv. lois gazes in his direction, observing his uptight posture as one hand runs down his face. the vra has taken a toll on him. she can see him struggle, debating whether he should join oliver and sign it or fight it alongside her. it’s a decision she can’t make for him but she hopes he knows he is not alone. crossing the room, she turns off the television, catching his eye as she sits on his lap and his body loosens. a hand strokes his dark hair gently, the silence taking over the room. they stay like that for a little while, no words needed to understand one another. they’re one and the same now, breathing at the same harmony. she then leans in and lands him a tender kiss. resting her forehead on his, she whispers, as if she’s singing him a lullaby. “ you’re NOT alone, clark. we will fight this and we will win. “
     mornings had never been lois’ strong suit. she was a night owl since she was kid, always too energetic to go to bed. which would only mean being late in the morning. growing up, that never changed. she thought it would all change when the kids came to the picture but lucky for her, lois had married a SUPER! clark would take care of everything in the morning if it meant his wife would have a few more minutes of sleep. god knew she wasn’t very good at it.
      at the sound of jon playing with krypto downstairs, she opened one eye before the other. the sun coming through the window, warming her face. GOD, for how long did she sleep in?   “ clark? “   a mumble, searching for her husband’s certainty that she still had time before taking a car to work was out of question.    “ we’re still on time. “    she exhales relief, staying in bed for another second. she smells eggs, bacon, pancakes! what has she done to deserve a husband like clark kent? she gets up, choosing the first outfit that came to her reach and by the time she is ready, ella enters in the bedroom and curls up in her leg.  “ daddy got you ready too! “  she picks her up and lifts her baby girl off the ground, a bright smile greeting her daughter. a longer look at the red and blue blended in her clothes make her heart skip a beat.   “ or maybe not. let’s go baby girl. fashion sense clearly skipped a generation with your father. “    there’s an audible laughter downstairs and she smiles.  after changing ella to a more suitable, less super outfit, she arrives at the kitchen, with the youngest of the kents on her hip.  “ morning! “   she kisses jon in the top of his head as he finishes his breakfast, making her way towards clark.   “ i’ve told you, red and blue are never a good combination unless you’re a pilot with a cape. “    they both lean in, lips parted ready to meet when a high pitch EW echoes in the kitchen. lois can’t stop but laugh at the disgusted voice of her own son. jon had gotten a habit of stopping his parents from kissing, something that was hilarious to her. it made their mornings that much funnier. she steals clark a kiss anyway, their son covering his eyes with his little hands and she turns around to grab a pancake which she eats quickly.  “ chop chop, we need to get going. go grab your backpack, jon. “    he does as he’s told, clark grabs the breakfast bag he had prepared for her to eat on their way to the daily planet while she picks the coffee cup, ready to go. purse, keys: check. not that mr. kent would let her forget. and they leave the house, jon flying towards the car, ella already asleep on lois’ shoulder and she holds her husband’s hand. life has never been better.
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intergalactic-zoo · 5 years
"Come with us now on a far journey, a journey that takes us millions of miles from the Earth, where many years ago the planet Krypton burned like a green star in the endless heavens." Today this series makes its first foray off of the comic page and into the vast multimedia landscape of Superman adaptations. "The Adventures of Superman" followed shows like "The Lone Ranger" and "Dragnet" in making the leap from the radio to the television, and I'd venture to say that nowhere is that more apparent than in this first episode. Creative Team: Tommy Carr, Robert Maxwell, Whitney Ellsworth, George Reeves, Phyllis Coates, Jack Larson, John Hamilton, Herbert Rawlinson, Stuart Randall, Aline Towne, Frances Morris, Danni Sue Nolan, Tom Fadden, Robert Rockwell, and Jeffrey Silver. All-Star Summary: Doomed planet. Desperate scientist. Last hope. Courageous couple. 
Key Elements: The distant planet Krypton was home to an advanced civilization of supermen, at the peak of human perfection. The scientist Jor-El has been brought before a council to explain destructive events that have been happening around the planet. He reveals that the planet is doomed to explode in the near future. The Council dismisses his conclusions and warnings as the ravings of a madman, and scoff at his plan to use rockets to evacuate the population to the planet Earth.
Jor-El returns to his lab, where he adds fuel to his model rocket. He plans to test it, and if it arrives on Earth safely, he'll build one large enough to take himself, his wife Lara, and his infant son Kal-El to safety. But when the tremors grow stronger, Jor-El realizes that the planet is in its last moments. The model ship is large enough for one passenger; Jor-El tells Lara to go, but she refuses, saying if any of them are to survive, it should be their child. They put the baby in the rocket and launch it toward Earth, just before Krypton finally explodes. On Earth, Eben and Sarah Kent see a rocket crash as they are driving down a country road. Eben hears a baby crying inside the flaming ship and rescues it. Neither the child nor his blanket were burned by the fire. The rocket is destroyed, leaving no trace behind. The Kents decide to keep the baby and raise him as their own son, Clark. As Clark grows, he discovers that he has amazing powers that set him apart from other people, like super-strength, super-speed, and X-ray vision. Ma Kent tells him the story of how they found and rescued him. When Clark is 25 years old, his father dies of a sudden heart attack. Ma encourages him to leave town for Metropolis, and to use his amazing powers to help people. She even made him an indestructible costume out of the blankets he was wrapped in as a baby. He resolves to keep his identity secret by acting timid and wearing glasses. He takes a job at the Daily Planet, a great metropolitan newspaper, so that he'll be able to learn about emergencies quickly. He meets Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, and Lois Lane, who is immediately suspicious of Clark.
And when emergencies occur, he's there to save the day—as Superman!
Interesting Deviations: Here, it's not the Science Council that hears Jor-El's predictions, but the governing council, meeting in the Temple of Wisdom. The Council specifically commissioned Jor-El's research in this version, which may not be an explicit departure from other origins, but certainly feels like one in spirit. Krypton's fate is due to its sun drawing the planet closer, which honestly feels more realistic than the usual exploding core. It makes sense for the described disasters like volcanoes and earthquakes to result from changes in tidal forces as Krypton's orbit decays and the sun's gravitational pull exerts a greater influence. How much of that was known in 1952, and how much was just good sci-fi guesswork, I can't say. I also can't say that an explosion is likely to result from this process either, but certainly being torn apart might. Talking with Lara, Jor-El notes that despite the clouds, there's been a strange glow in the west, and Lara complains about the oppressive heat, asking if it's due to the planet getting closer to the sun. Maybe it's just because it's black-and-white television, but I was immediately reminded of the "Twilight Zone" episode "Midnight Sun," except that aired nine years after this. One really interesting, minor variation between the different retellings is who Jor-El intends to send in the rocket. Occasionally it's Kal-El from the start, sometimes both Lara and Kal-El. Here, Jor-El initially suggests that Lara go alone, then that the rocket might be large enough for both her and Kal-El, but she refuses both times. "I'd be lost on a new world without you, Jor-El." The Kents here, as in the radio show's (lost, to my knowledge) second version of the origin and the Kirk Alyn serials, are Eben and Sarah. To my knowledge, these names never made the jump to the comics.
There's a lovely exchange here, where Sarah says "Eben! You can't do nothin', you'll get burned!" and Eben replies "Gotta do somethin'," before throwing dirt at the hatch to put out the fire. If I may read too far into things, Superman's parents in this segment illustrate the two most important aspects of his character: hope even in the bleakest situations, and using whatever power you have to do whatever good you can. The Kents discuss bringing the child to an orphanage, but decide that nobody would believe their story. Interestingly, this bears a lot of resemblance to how the story would go in the post-Crisis age. The classic image of Clark demonstrating his powers is lifting a heavy object—often a tractor or a couch—to retrieve a ball. It's interesting, then, that these early versions often go for the X-ray vision instead. The radio program's second version of the origin story has a part titled "Eben Kent Dies in a Fire," so his heart attack is likely a departure from that story. We see the name Smallville for the first time in this story at the bus depot. The name's been in the comics since at least 1949, but I'd be interested to know if it had shown up in the serials or radio show before this. Notably, despite "Smallville" being the setting of Superboy's adventures for at least a few years in the comics, there's no indication that Superboy existed in this continuity.
Clark is unable to get an interview with Perry the traditional way, so he tries slipping into Perry's office through the window, using a ledge outside the building. It's a bold move, but maybe not one that suits that whole "mild-mannered" demeanor. An emergency interrupts his impromptu interview—a blimp was unable to land, and now a man is hanging from its cable—and Perry sends Lois and Jimmy to cover it. Notably, he tells them to have a couple of photographers dispatched, which suggests that Jimmy hasn't taken that job yet. Superman's first rescue is the man who'd been dangling from the rope. In his interview, he says it was a "super-guy," but Clark had already beaten him to the punch with the headline.
Additional Commentary: The opening narration is taken verbatim from the first episode of the radio show, "The Baby from Krypton," and much of what happens on Krypton follows pretty close to the original radio script, including the presence of Ro-Zan and Jor-El's "solar calculations." 
Jor-El, played by Robert Rockwell, looks eerily like Norm Macdonald.
And Lara, Aline Towne, looks pretty sultry.
I think this shot is extremely interesting, given how clear it is that Lara is holding a sack rather than a baby. The blanket fell away to expose the sack as she moved, and she tries to cover it back up in a way that looks natural, but it's interesting to see that this didn't merit another take.
Take a look at that superdrool. When they cut away from this close-up shot, it becomes clear that the baby was probably never even on the Krypton set.
Rockwell and Towne really sell the desperation of the moment. The baby is not on-hand for the rocket crash scene, as a stunt-sack clearly fills in again. I suppose this was the era before high-definition TVs and pause buttons; if I were watching this on a 12-inch screen via antenna, I probably wouldn't notice the difference. Eventually they do transition to having the baby in the scene. When twelve-year-old Clark asks why he's different from the other boys, Sarah expresses that she was concerned that he was coming down with the measles. I guess it's nice that that's a relevant concern again. George Reeves looks very Elvis Presley here.
Angry, shouty Perry White here is pretty clearly a major inspiration for J. Jonah Jameson, and a nice illustration of how, once JJJ exists as the apotheosis of that archetype, Perry is left a little rudderless as a character.
The Rocket: A classic sci-fi rocket, but not much distinctive about it. And it ultimately falls apart like it's made of cardboard. Two exploding Kryptons.
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