#loki rewrite
lexytoga · 1 month
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"Not what you were expecting huh?"
That au i had where older loki is the one who made the TVA
I just call him king Loki/prime Loki, i will post more about this, i cant write fanfics but i will try XD
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ibenology · 11 months
I am not listening to anyone Loki WAS looking at Mobius when he said “it’s about who”
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sleepsunawareof · 10 months
Well like many, the Loki S2 finale has me still reeling and I have had this little drabble on my brain and had to get it out. I am not really a writer, I've not written a fic since I was a teenager probably lol so be easy on me but alas, I hope this is enjoyed by those who also just couldn't bear the thought of Loki being alone at the end of time forever.
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Description: Loki uses his time slipping abilities to talk to you one last time before making the decision he knows he has to in order to save those he loves. But, you aren't so willing to let him condemn himself to an eternity alone, or yourself to a lifetime without him.
Word Count: 1367
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVENT SEEN LOKI S2 EP6!! Angst, sadness, happy ending mostly
"How are you doing this?", you asked as you watched strands of space and time float around you and Loki throughout A.D Doug's workshop.
"We're outside of time. Darling, I had to see you. I had to speak to you." Loki said, a sorrowful look on his face that you had never seen before. "The Loom, it was a failsafe all along. And no amount of scaling can account for infinite timelines. I thought we had it, I really did", he explained.
"Damnit, we should have known it would be...", you lamented.
"I spent centuries trying to figure it out, and it was all for nothing."
"Centuries?" you questioned.
"It's hard to explain" he responded. "Darling, there are only two options. Go back and kill Sylvie before she kills He Who Remains and allow the Sacred Timeline to continue--"
You cut him off. "You can't Loki! The Sacred Timeline is full of misery, injustice, and sadness - what the TVA stood for under He Who Remains was all wrong! We can't go back to that. And you know you could never kill Sylvie...not after everything we have all been through together."
"I know...", he said, a sad knowing in his voice and his eyes. "But there is one other way."
"And what's that?"
"What? You? I don't understand Loki..." you said cautiously.
"The finite power of a machine can never handle the infinite timelines of a multiverse, but the infinite power of a God can", he said as he watched your face intently for any hint of reaction.
It took a moment as you stared at him, blinking. "Do you mean..." you questioned, as the realization of what he was saying started to set in.
"Yes, my love. Believe me, if there was any other way, I swear I would take it. But there isn't. I know what kind of God I need to be, for you, for all of us. It's the only way."
"Loki, if this is what you have to do, then please, take me with you at least!" you implored.
"My darling y/n, you know I can not do that. I must bear this burden alone, and you must go live your life on the timeline, the one you deserve to have. I could never condemn you to an eternity of solitude at the End of Time", he said sorrowfully.
"But you'll condemn me to a life of solitude on Earth? Loki, I can't live without you. There's no life for me down there if it's not with you! Please, as long as our friends are happy, and I'm with you, that's all I'll need. Please let me go with you!". The last part came out as a sob as your emotions got the best of you. You couldn't believe what he was talking about doing, the sacrifice he planned to make for the ones he loved.
"When I go back there, to that moment in time, you won't remember any of this. You won't know you said you wanted to go with me," he reminded you.
"Loki, every version of me across space and time would go with you. Even into the abyss, if that's where you have to go. I will follow you, I know I will!" you fully sobbed out as you threw your arms around him. The thought of him leaving you was killing you.
"They'll stop you if you try to follow me, you know that" he said, speaking of your friends back at the TVA.
"Then tell them not to Loki! Please, I'm begging. My place is beside you, always and forever, no matter where that place is."
And then Loki was gone and everything turned to spaghetti.
Loki slipped effortlessly back to just the right moment in the Loom control room, having been here in this moment over and over for centuries. This time though, it was different. This time, it was the last time. Loki looked over at you and his friends with a sad and knowing smile on his face. And then with one last look, he turned and ran down the stairs towards the blast doors. He knew he could keep you from following, lock the doors behind him with impenetrable magic. But he also knew that in your heart, you would never want to be without him. You would resent him forever if he left you on Earth alone.
You, Sylvie, and Mobius ran down the stairs after him immediately, but he was already through the airlock doors. The three of you watched Loki open the blast doors with his magic and start to step outside, absent of any protective suit. As you reached out to open the airlock door and go after him, Mobius pulled you back.
"Mobius, I have to go! I have to get to him!!!" you screamed.
"You can't! The temporal radiation will kill you if you open that door and go out there, you know that!"
"But it's going to kill HIM!" you cried out as you watched Loki walk out onto the walkway.
But something amazing started to happen. As the temporal energy shredded his TVA clothes away with every passing second, something else began to take it's place. Flowing dark green linen draped his form, traditional and humble shoes appeared on his feet, and a horned crown adorned his head. He looked absolutely Godlike and regal. As Loki walked closer to the Loom - this imperfect piece of machinery that took so much from so many - he lifted his hands, called upon his magic, and destroyed it in a flash of bright green and white light.
Then, there was darkness. Loki wasn't done, though. He reached out to grab a strand of time and suddenly it glowed back to life, his beautiful green magic allowing it to thrive. He grabbed another, and another. You, Mobius, and Sylvie stood silently in the airlock, watching as Loki brought the timelines back to life, one by one, gathering them in his hands. Above him, a chasm opened in the sky, revealing the End of Time. Loki looked back one last time at the 3 of you back in the airlock. He had no idea if you would really come after him like you said - but he wanted to see your face one last time if it was truly to be the last. Your eyes locked, and you knew now that the temporal energy was gone, there was no threat if you left the airlock.
"I have to go with him." you said to Mobius and Sylvie. "His worst fear is to be alone, and he is going to condemn himself to a lifetime of loneliness to save us all!" you said as you opened the door.
"Y/n, please! Stop! You don't know what you're giving yourself to." This time, it was Sylvie who pulled you back, holding your arm so you couldn't run down the walkway.
"Yes, I do. I'm giving myself to love. I'm giving myself to free will, to choice, to hope." you said.
"Sylvie, let her go," Loki called out. "It's going to be okay." he assured.
Sylvie let go of you hesitantly, and you started your walk out to Loki. When you reached him, he could not take your hand, but you took his arm. Together, you began to ascend the invisible stairs to the End of Time as he held the reanimated timelines in his hands. As you both crossed the threshold of the chasm to the End of Time, He Who Remains' throne and the ruins of his citadel came into view. Loki walked forward to the throne, the one he never wanted but was always destined to have. The timelines took on the beautiful form of a tree - Yggdrasil, the tree of life - the tree of the multiverse that Loki would tend to for eternity.
"This is where I'll have to stay forever, darling. I can never leave, never move. Tending to the timelines is my glorious purpose, my eternal burden. Are you truly willing to stay here with me?" he inquired.
"Yes, my love", you answered without hesitation.
"For all time?" He asked.
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lightneverfades · 11 months
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Frostiron AU (Loki: Season 2) | What if Loki time-slips and finds Tony? (Alternative) | Spoilers for Episode 4 & 5!
Part I / Part II / Part III
This is an AU where Loki and Tony were both in a relationship before the whole 2012 events of Avengers (which caused a major schism in their relationship). This Loki never had a chance to apologise before he is brought to the TVA, then told of Tony's inevitable fixed fate in Avengers: End Game.
The events of Season 1 happen, and then Loki is left to deal with his loss. But then at the start of Season 2, Loki starts time-slipping and keeps returning to Tony. Eventually Tony becomes involved in saving the Loom, but they are too late and the Loom explodes, causing all timelines, including Tony's, to reset.
At the end of Episode 5 when the gang is brought back together with the help of OB, they are once more cornered as the universe starts to destroy all the timelines. Loki is forced to see all his friends start to disappear, and then finally Tony - who had played a part in this group of misfits - also disappears before his eyes.
And this is what triggers Loki's evolution, unlocking his ability to control his time slipping.
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in-my-loki-feels · 4 months
Okay, had a lot of thoughts on this subject after chatting with @faux-fm so I'll dump them here. It's ~795 words so I'll put the majority under a readmore.
Imagine the Roxxcart mission going down a slightly different route than it does in the show...
Mobius is just a little faster and in the split second before the Timedoor closes, he jumps through. He lands on the other side, heart pounding, knowing that if he'd been any slower he'd be dead—or worse. He's just realizing he's back at the TVA when he hears the metallic clank of a locker shutting and turns to see Loki standing there, daggers in hand.
"Mobius, I can explain—"
"What the hell were you thinking?" Mobius snaps, still caught in a storm of emotions: frustration from seeing Loki look back and still choose to go through the door, fear from watching all those time charges disappear to who knows where.
"She's here! I had to follow her."
"Who's here?"
"The Variant! We were wrong, Mobius. They were never a he, or maybe they were at some point, but the point is the Variant is a she and she's getting away." Loki tries to brush past Mobius but Mobius catches his arm, his grip too tight.
"Please," Loki says, almost desperately. "Trust me."
Mobius searches his face for any hint of subterfuge, then looks down at the daggers Loki hasn't tried to use against him. "Damn it! Okay, let's go."
They rush out of the briefing room, argue briefly over which direction to try, and soon stumble across the first of many Minutemen, slumped or sprawled on the floor, unmoving. Mobius wants to check for a pulse the first time, but Loki is already hurrying down the hall so he has to run again to catch up. Again.
"Loki, slow down," he hisses as they turn a corner. At the end of the hall is an elevator and a cloaked figure, who is just finishing taking out two more Minutemen. When the person straightens, Mobius sees it's a woman wearing a very familiar set of horns, albeit with one broken off.
"Great," she spits when she sees the two of them. "Still following me and you've brought company."
This is them, Mobius realizes. This is the Variant they've been chasing for who knows how long. She unsheathes a short sword with a dark green blade. In a corner of Mobius' mind, he can't help noting that it's a very Loki-like blade. She's also wearing green and gold armor in a very Asgardian style.
"Well? What're you waiting for?" the woman snaps and Mobius realizes she's talking to him. "Not going to sick your dog on me?"
"Now, hang on," Loki starts, then quiets when Mobius steps forward and motions for him to stand down.
"I'm not gonna sick anyone on you," he says to the Variant, "but you have committed a pretty serious list of crimes against the Sacred Timeline, and it's time you answer for that."
She laughs and sneers, "Crimes against the Sacred Timeline. Give me a break." She turns away to press the call elevator button, confident enough to dismiss them.
Loki sucks air through his teeth and lunges forward.
Mobius wants to follow but without a weapon, he knows he'd be in the way. He watches them trade blows, evenly matched to his eyes.
"Look, either you come willingly," Loki snaps, trying to grab her. The Variant reverses out of the hold and lunges with her sword but Loki manages to get behind her and twist her arm back.
"Or you won't," he continues. "Either way, you're going to get me a meeting with the Time-Keepers."
Mobius isn't sure about that, but capturing the TVA's number one Variant at Large would definitely earn him brownie points. He hears footsteps running down the hall towards them and twists to see Ravonna and two more Minutemen on the way. When he faces forward, the Variant has somehow gained the upper-hand and has Loki on his knees, with her sword at his neck.
"Come any closer and I'll kill him," she snaps, as backup arrives.
"Go for it," Von says.
"No!" Mobius is about to argue with Von about why they need Loki alive, when Loki twists to grab something from the Variant. A TemPad. Mobius realizes what will happen a second too late.
Loki's eyes are wide as they lock gazes. There's a frantic look in them, a moment of regret, and then both variants disappear through the Time Door beneath them.
"Loki!" Not again. Mobius rushes forward but the door winks out of existence. "Damn it!" There's no way of knowing which timeline they've gone to.
When Mobius looks up, Von has sent the Minutemen away and is giving him a look that's a mixture of frustration and disappointment.
"I told you," she says and then deactivates the Time Stick. "I have to go inform the Time-Keepers." She stalks off, not turning back even when he calls out to her.
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tangyyrine · 22 days
Help I’m considering making a Loki show rewrite
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loki-ioki · 20 days
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continuing my Terapagos slight redesign. Battle form, still roomba sized
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unityrain24 · 9 months
anyways was thinking of a thor ragnarok rewrite last night as sleep refused to take me. obviously it can't be exactly like actual ragnarok bc marvel/mcu's norse stuff is..nothing like actual norse lore but i figured it could still have some more similarities than what the actual movie did.
(also if i were to rewrite the movie this isn't actually what id do, this was just. idk. what i was thinkin about as i was desperate to actually falll asleep).
anyways i figured this rewrite would actually work best if it rewrote the end of tdw first- loki gets stabbed by kruse and passes out for a while (rather than being able to pick himself back up in secret like what actually happened) and in that time odin senses that loki isn't dead and sends some guards to collect him. since loki technically broke the law *again* (committed treason, escaped jail, etc), he can enforce even more punishment, especially now that frigga is dead and she can't do anything about it. That, combined with some prophecy from midgard (or maybe asgard, idk) as an excuse added justifying reason, he sentences loki to the worst thing he can think up: to be bound against a rock with a snake dripping venom on him, his lips sewn shut so he can never lie again, forced to be in his jotun form, for all of eternity. In the deepest dungeon.
Thor obviously doesn't know about any of this, because he thinks loki dead.
so loki is taken, bound to a rock (idk if it's really work to have him bound with organs tho, since he doesn't have children in the mcu. maybe it's his..pet's? or maybe just chain. idk.), a snake coiled above him, seiðr bound, lips sewn shut, and his æsir form taken. He is completely alone, save the guards outside the chamber.
i don't really ship logyn in the mcu, (bc she doesn't exist in the mcu and their relationship feels to me like it would span for several centuries prior, so just randomly introducing her in one movie would seem strange to me), but i follow some people who do, so i wondered how i could incorporate that anyways, and make it not seem too strange.
Sigyn is one of the guards who has a shift guarding loki's chambers. She feels awful about it though, and eventually decides she has to do something to help. She ventures into the chamber and decides to catch the dripping venom with her helmet.
She also tries to cut the stitches from lokis lips, but when one string is cut, it doubles and repierces the skin, now twice the strength. She tries again, cutting them all at once this time (rather than individually), and grabs them all at once and pulls them out before they can multiply and repair themselves (luckily this time it works). She almost regrets it, though, as now she has to hear loki scream himself hoarse, and she can't do anything else to ease the pain.
she stays for several weeks/months/idk, holding the helmet above loki, having to empty it every so often. Perhaps she gets to know loki in this time, perhaps she doesn't. Perhaps she notices a certain brand on his shoulder, perhaps she does not. Perhaps she knew loki vaguely before, and now muses to herself what could have possibly changed him. Perhaps she didn't know him before, and doesn't muse. I don't know. But eventually she decides she needs to find and tell thor.
as hard as it is, she leaves loki to suffer alone (she tries to see if she can leave the helmet or fashion some contraption to make sure the poison cannot get in his eyes, but she cannot). After some searching and asking, she finds the mourning sullen prince thor and tells him what has occurred. Thor, now filled with joy, rage, guilt, horror, and sadness, breaks loki out with sigyn.
Loki is a mess. He has gone blind- whether temporarily or permanently is unknown- and has visible burns from the acid venom. His hairs a mess and his skin sweaty and thin. You can see his rib cage with how thin he's become. He wasn't allowed much clothes at the start of his punishment, but what few he had have been burned by the venom as well. He can't walk. He's barely conscious, and what little bit he is is just filled with delirium. They basically have to carry him.
They hide away from asgard (or at least the palace). And then ragnarok gets unleashed and they have to fix it etc and in the end they realize that it wasn't literally loki's being freed that incited ragnarok, but it was necessary for him to be freed so they could help stop/fix it/lessen the damage etc idk i was pretty tired at this point i wasn't thinking of details. anyways
idk if that made any sense lol but i'll tag the logyn people i follow/was thinking of
@therese-lokidottir @jonquilclegane @cosmic0artist
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sylviesilvertongue · 2 years
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Just so you know. I’m still working on it.
Happy Valentine’s Day
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panxramic · 21 days
Goddess of Mischief and the God of Thunder
Chayanne and Tallulah except they’re Thor and Loki
Chayanne quietly leans up against the wall. Beside him Lullah was inputting a code that she had stolen from the GrandMaster into the door.
There were a lot of things swirling in Chayanne’s mind. After everything that had happened, losing their dad Phil and finding out they have an evil older brother, being with Lullah again after he thought she was dead was just another slap in the face, but one he was unfortunately used to. How many times will they go through this? How many times will he chase after his own sister just for her to stab him in the back and lie again? There’s a war going on at home and he has to get back, no matter how little it seems Lullah seems to care.
After a bit more silence he spoke up, “Hey so… listen uh… we should talk.”
Lullah stopped in her tracks. “I disagree.” She continued on with the passcode, “Open communication was never our family's forte.”
“Yeah you have no idea.” Both walked into the next room lazer guns drawn. “Been quite the revelation since we last spoke.”
A hoard of soldiers awaited them on the other side of the door.
“Hallo.” Chayanne smiled at them.
“Hola.” Lullah followed.
They both opened fire as everyone dropped to the floor. A string of stray lazers bounced off the walls and a yell from down the hall could be heard. As the first room of soldiers went down another group marched in guns already drawn. Chayanne and Lullah quickly dodged behind two pillars on the opposite side of the room.
Chayanne glanced over at her, she caught his eye, “Phil brought us together,” she turned to look back into the room before dodging back, nearly being missed by a blast, “ it’s almost poetic that his death should split us apart.”
One last look and the pair were marching back into the room side by side. Chayanne taking care of the ones in front and Lullah watching their backs as more soldiers ran in. They circled the room quickly and effectively getting to the other side where another input awaited. The goddess dropped her gun to use the code and behind her, Chayanne continued to fire.
“We might as well be strangers now.” She put in the code to the door closing them off from the soldiers behind, “Two kids of the crown… set adrift.”
Another door opens in front and a soldier walks out, gun pointed at Tallulah’s face. She raises her hands and backs up as the soldier follows suit. Right as he passes through Chayanne jumps from the side disarming him and knocking him out to the ground.
“Thought you didn’t want to talk about it?”
Lullah stopped to think for a second. No, she didn’t want to talk about it.
“Here’s the thing,” she began as she followed behind him. “I’m probably better off staying here on Sakaar,” she says as they both enter and ride up the elevator of the GrandMaster’s tower.
All too quickly Chayanne replied, “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
Lullah was taken aback, her face twisting into one of confusion and curiosity, “Did you just agree with me?” This wasn’t the response she was expecting.
“Come on, this place is perfect for you.” A couple of years ago he probably would’ve thought differently. A couple months ago he probably would’ve asked her to come with him. “It’s savage, chaotic, lawless, hermanita you’re gonna do great here.”
“Do you truly think so little of me?”
There was a pause as Chayanne looked over into her eyes, she could see a wash of sincerity as he spoke with adoration, “Lullah, I thought the world of you.”
“I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever but… at the end of the day you’re you and I’m me.” Tallulah looks down as a feeling of sadness washes over her, Chayanne continues, “I don’t know maybe there is still good in you but let’s be honest our paths diverged a long time ago.”
It took Chayanne a long time to realize that. There’s only so much pleading he can do, and there's only so much fighting he can take. He’s mourned his little sister too many times and every time he does try to reach for her and pull her back into the light she loses her way. He tries to help, but all they ever do is hurt each other. If she doesn’t want to stay, then he has to let her go.
Lullah nods her head slowly, she’s in disbelief. He’s tricking her… he’s doing it on purpose. “Yeah… It’s probably for the best that we never see each other again.” That should sting him, that should cause a reaction.
“That’s what you always wanted.” He says instead. Chayanne knows her games, he knows how she uses words to hurt him and get what she wants. He turns to give her a cheeky smile, does she really want to stay?
Tallulah takes a deep breath, yeah… that’s what she has always wanted. So why is she sad her brother isn’t asking her to stay? Why does it hurt? This is her chance to start over, to live outside of her brother’s shadow. She can finally be on her own, alone.
She’s going to be alone.
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 months
but unlike AO3's tagging system i do kind of consider TVA!Loki and Movies!Loki to be separate characters, similar to how Alligator!Loki and Sylvie are, to the point where i at first actually assumed everyone in the fandom (both the series-specific one and the mcu) would think the same on this topic especially since that series was about alternate universes and their associated different versions of characters.
so in my innocent imagined world there were - for instance - no long posts about how the main Loki in the series was "OOC" because well it's a different guy of course he's not the exactly same as that other guy. though there would i am sure be equally long posts comparing and contrasting and declaring one superior to the other, and doubtless people would argue about whether an alternate version was what the existing fanbase had wanted from the series and whether it was a good idea generally. so in my little bizarro-world the discourse is a bit different (as befits an alternate universe).
so like i still think of them as separate characters, but i am at least aware now that this is apparently an odd view of the situation somehow.
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lexytoga · 23 days
Just been reading Loki comics, and I am starting to think to for my rewrite Sylvie will be more like enchantress and Lorelei
I love Sylvie and lady Loki but Sylvie would have been better if she was enchantress and it would make more sense for Loki to kiss her (don't worry it's a side relationship, he was stressed and just trying to distract himself that he really loves mobius-)
Sylvie is good but she could have been better, the best way just is just not making a loki variant, I don't think it will make that much a change, she is gonna be more of a enchantress variant who learnt there magic from their timeline Loki.
She is gonna be like Sylvie lushton. Rest are same she gets taken away by the TVA cause of knowledge of Loki and his magic
Again in the ao3 I write i might change some things so it makes sense
I gonna say this that Loki rewrite is based on comics like "journey into mystery: fear it self" and "agent of Asgard" and also the even siege of Asgard for old Loki with my own spin on it-
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
Like imagine an AU where Loki actually loves his kids.
Tbh, I wish that was the route Rick went with him. Rick seems to just have an aversion to having villains love their kids even when they cannonically (in myth) are good parents! Like Nyx and Gaia are all stated to be loving mothers yet HoO (and i heard TSATS too?) has them see their kids as expendable?
And do you know how much drama and angst it could bring? For both sides? Like that's Samirah and Alex's MOM/DAD they're fighting. Thats Loki's kids he's fighting!
And I wonder how much would actually change in the books if Loki isnt pure fucking evil and is actually a good parent?
Anyone have ideas?
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theangrykimchi · 8 months
For the Thorki kiss number 33 please 🙏
I had such a hard time deciding which premise I wanted for this kiss it was insane lol I hope you will like some canon-adjacent thoughts 🥰
“-the righteousness surging! Hey, do you want to have a rousing discussion about truth? Honor? Patriotism? God bless Amer–hmpf!”
Loki lets the Captain’s Glamour drop as he gets knocked back against a pillar, Thor's massive hand pressing against his mouth to shut him up. He thrashes a little at the sudden manhandling but it's mostly for show. Loki knows this. Thor also knows this, because as soon as Loki grabs his hand Thor retracts it.
“What?” snarls Loki, more irritated by the fact Thor gave up so easily than being handled in that way by him.
Thor takes away his hand resting on the side of Loki’s neck and along with it his warmth, and steps back, silent and somber like a stone statue. He isn't even looking at him and that stokes the fires of Loki's ire. He keeps quiet, though, when he notices the guards passing by them some feet down the hall, subconsciously moving closer to Thor. The last thing he'd want right now would be to be thrown back in his cell before getting to have some fun, so he waits until the guards have vanished down another corridor, before he speaks.
“You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My daggers–something.”
Thor finally looks at him, scowling—Loki doesn't care, elation fluttering in his gut—and pulls something metallic from inside his drab cape.
“At last,” Loki smiles widely, offering his hands for the weapon to be placed inside them, “a little common sens-...”
A pair of seidr-dampening handcuffs locks around his wrists and it's Loki's turn to scowl now, raising his hands between them, glaring at Thor.
“I thought you liked tricks.” Thor chuckles and is about to walk away when, in a motion quick as lightning, Loki throws his arms above and over his brother's head and pulls him close by the neck, bringing their mouths together in a forceful kiss that doesn't last more than a few seconds. Thor’s hand slaps against his lean chest in reflex, pushing him back against the wall again, growling. “Loki–”
“I do like tricks. Especially ones played at your expense.” Loki purrs and locks his hands firmly behind Thor's neck, tangling his fingers in long, blond strands of hair. Thor doesn't come easier when Loki pulls him close this time but their lips come together in another kiss that doesn't last longer than the last. The third, though, this one does last longer and the flutter in Loki's belly turns into a blizzard as Thor loses himself into the silky side, the familiar taste for a few moments more.
When he speaks, his voice has lowered, got raspier, sending sparks down Loki's spine to his toes for hearing it like that again after all this time, filled with want. “There's no time for your games, brother.”
A long leg wraps around Thor's hip, keeping him firmly pressed against Loki, their manhoods rubbing together through layers of clothing.
“This is where you are mistaken, dear Thor, there's always time for a little fun to be had.”
Those massive hands finally return to Loki's body, one pressing bruises above his hipbone and the other cradling his neck. So fiercely. So tenderly.
“This doesn't change anything, I'm still angry at you,” Thor whispers before Loki seals their mouths together in a biting, unforgiving kiss that leaves them seeking more and more when it's over.
They don't pull apart until a commotion from down the hall compels them to do so, Loki already thinking of how he's going to tease his brother into ravishing his mouth again at the first possible moment when a hard slap makes his head turn. With his lips still tingling and bruised from their kisses, it takes every little ounce of self-control in him not to start laughing at Thor's new amore’s face.
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single-snail · 11 months
the marvel intro for the finale should be only loki to make up for the fact he hasn’t been in it
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lokittystuckinatree · 9 months
I will never forgive Marvel for how they first cowardly played down Loki (and Sylvie’s) queer identities and then retconned and wasted the potential of their romance and I will never trust the MCU again
My former comfort ship now only makes me mad and sad and frustrated
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