#loki: thor do you pay any attention to your family at all?????
lelliefant · 2 years
If you want to know why the Loki fandom has drifted away, just look at what Disney/Marvel did to him.
He was incredibly powerful—they made him weak and helpless.
He was smarter than everyone else—they made him a fool.
He was a prince—they made him a corporate office drone. They literally put him in a cubicle.
Loki was an alien—they made him an ordinary guy.
He was flamboyant and colorful—they put him in beige. They actually made him act as if he was excited to wear a beige uniform.
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The real Loki would never have tolerated a uniform of any sort, much less something so bland. He was never a soldier or a cog in the wheel. Loki is the piston.
Loki was a deeply wounded, angst-driven son with complex motivations—Disney made him an uncaring narcissist who suddenly sees the error of his ways (in one episode) and has a total personality swipe.
Loki was iconoclastic—they made him ordinary.
They took the most interesting and volatile character in the MCU and warped him into an Everyman role, and somehow everyone bought it. Apparently because they used the same actor with the same face—?
Really think about it. If another actor had started playing Loki for the series, they couldn’t have pulled it off. Series Loki is not the same character as Loki from Thor 1, Avengers 1, and Thor 2. He’s as different as the moviemakers in charge of the productions are. (The directors of Avengers 1 and Thor 2, Joss Whedon and Alan Taylor, simply had the grace and humility to take their cue from the original vision of Kenneth Branagh.)
If you don’t actually pay attention to Loki’s character, motivations, logical action, or his history, and you’re only interested in being entertained, I guess it doesn’t matter. This is just a superhero movie character, so who cares if they turned him inside out to conform with a simpler, less challenging archetype?
He’s their property, after all. They can use him however they want to. If they want to chew him up and spit him out as a naive, lovelorn mensch because that’s the Disney protagonist formula, they can and will. If they want to put him into a buddy-cop procedural, as if he were an ordinary human person whose shtick is a magic kit, they can.
A lot of you who are constantly defending the Loki Series are not really thinking about it. Maybe you’re just happy he has a show to his name. Maybe you don’t care; you just want more “content.” Maybe you don’t want someone spoiling your fun.
Maybe you think you’re being the loyal crowd by “defending” Loki. You’re not seeing that Disney did worse than kill him off—they unmade him. They put the God of Mischief into a blender with the Disney formula, audience response data, standard storytelling tropes, a limited range of plot lines, and a great deal of money, and out came this golem with Loki’s face on it.
You might revile me for saying all this because that’s easier than facing the truth or questioning the Powers That Be. There will always be people who can’t tolerate having their beliefs challenged.
I have seen nastiness on this hellsite toward people who question and protest what the majority accepts—but that’s just a reflection of the real world. It’s never going to work out well for those of us who see things differently and who don’t shut up about it. So, why do we keep annoying everyone with our dissenting opinions?
In my case it’s because I actually do care about Loki. I care enough to tell the unpopular truth, as I see it. Because, to me, Loki isn’t just an MCU character. He is representation.
He was a survivor of abuse and scapegoating by his own family. He was an outsider who defied convention and took on great challenges, despite everyone in his world trying to push him down. He shirked the role he was forced to play and chose to define himself instead. He saw the hate and scorn directed at him from all sides and laughed.
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He struck out on his own into the unknown—which is incredibly hard to do, even if you had been given the support to believe in yourself.
The Loki Series did get one thing right: Loki is a survivor. He’s survived misinterpretations before, and he will survive Disneyfication. Maybe the public will tolerate a warped mischaracterization of him for a while before they lose interest, but the God of Mischief prevails. Thor1 Loki will always be there, smirking triumphantly from the shadows.
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theautisticcentre · 2 years
Shuri x GN! Reader
Summary: While Reader is on their way to the party, Shuri gets a talking to and starts to feel regret for her outburst.
Warnings: Angst, AU, shouting
While you were flying with your family to the Avengers Compound, Shuri was continuing her work in her lab. She was, as always, completely drowned in her work. She hadn't payed a seconds attention on her words towards you an hour earlier, and was instead focusing on her new security cameras, when she heard footsteps nearby.
"I told you I didn't-" She stopped her words of anger when she saw T'Challa and Okoye walking into her lab. "Oh, it's you two. For what reason do I owe this little visit?" T'Challa and Okoye looked at Shuri, their faces stern. "Sister, we must talk." Shuri rolled her eyes and said, "Listen, if it's about Y/N, I promise I'll,"
"It is about Y/P, but it is not like our last talks. We saw Y/P leaving with sadness on his face. What did you say," said a serious Okoye. Shuri, with a twinge of fear, said, "I just told them how annoying they are with their constant pestering with these gifts. And most of them aren't even that good!"
"Shuri!" T'Challa said in utter shock and anger. Shuri soon followed up with, "What?! I work so much and so long for my country, and Y/P comes in and distracts me just so they can bring me...these! I swear, if Y/P didn't distract me, I'd be able to get twice as much work done!"
"Enough!" The three looked to the voice to see Queen Ramonda in the hallway them. She walked into their room, dismissed Okoye, and said her piece to Shuri.
"Shuri, words cannot express my disappointment in you. You are usually much more composed, yet now, your words have dealt as much damage to Y/N as any weapon you can or have made." Shuri angrily asked, "How?! What harm comes from telling the truth?!"
Ramonda kept her composure, and simply gestured to the bracelet you had made for Shuri. "Look at that." Shuri responded, "I did. It's subpar, mother-" "No. REALLY look at it." Shuri reluctantly picked up the bracelet, and analysed it again. "Well...the (colour) fabric used for the ring is a nice look, I'll give Y/P that..."
"The (material) beads added on do complement the fabric, and the heart shapes...are quite nice. OK...it's actually pretty good." Ramonda continued, "Good. Now, look at everything else Y/P's brought you." Shuri looked to her workshop, and soon picked up a necklace you made for her. "This necklace...the (material) used in this makes it gorgeous! And I just left it there?!...Because I was...working..."
Ramonda nodded to T'Challa, as they both saw Shuri start to understand.
"This shirt...I always wanted one of those double sleeve shirts, yet when Y/P made me one...I just...dropped it there." Shuri's stomach started feeling really bad. "This...this golden knife. Y/P made me this for self defense...and I threw it there..."
Finally, she grabbed a photo of you and Shuri at a Christmas festival in New York. "I...I loved that festival...Y/P wanted me to remember, and...and..." Soon after she stopped her sentence, tears started pouring down her face, as she chuckled. "I remember Thor had to hold back Loki when I flustered Y/N..."
"They've done all of this for me, and...I said they weren't good...And I...I told Y/P that Y/P annoyed me..." Shuri fell to her knees, the waterfalls falling from her eyes. "Oh, Bast, what have I done...I've broken Y/P heart...over what?! Over some damn piece of technology?!" She furiously stood up and threw many pieces of her work away, nearly hitting T'Challa with one.
"Now you see, Shuri?" Shuri looked up to her mother, and tearfully said, "Yes, mother...I need to find Y/P, and make it up to Y/P!" She quickly checked the security cameras around Wakanda, and didn't see you anywhere. So she reversed the cameras footage until she saw one recorded when you were blasted out of Wakanda by Bifrost.
"Y/P...Y/P left...Then Y/P's either at New Asgard or New York!" Shuri immediately got out of her chair and left her lab, determined to find you.
End of part 3.
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silverpen-and-paper · 14 days
Hey, Thank you once again for writing out your ask game, even though I have decided to do (what some would probably think is) the insanity method in tackling it all in order, I'm actually enjoying formulating some of my answers in my head before I get to them! I realised that I hadn't asked you anything yet. No pressure at all to answer quickly but my blog today made me wonder about your answer to 2. How did Loki become part of your life?
you’re welcome, and thank you for asking!! warning that this is really, really long
(link to the ask game: https://www.tumblr.com/silverpen-and-paper/760422804601634816/2011-2013-loki-ask-game-i-havent-seen-one)
early 2021: it started with the wandavision series. before then, no one in my family had watched a marvel movie. but the trailer intrigued my parents, and after watching several episodes and liking them, they decided we should try to catch up on the rest of the mcu; yknow, make it a family thing, one-ish movie a week.
i (fourteen at the time) didn’t expect to like marvel. my family started watching wandavision without me, but after they kept saying how good it was, i started watching it too, on my own. they also started watching the other marvel movies without me (i don’t recall the reason, but it was almost definitely my idea). i remember getting ice cream as i watched iron man 1 on my phone, decidedly ignoring whatever marvel movie they were watching in the next room so i wouldn’t get spoiled. pretty soon i got ahead of them, and the family watch nights became my second viewing of the movies.
i had a penpal who was really into marvel movies. her favorite characters were bucky, natasha (i think?), and — drumroll — loki! i don’t remember her telling me any details about them (i think we mostly wrote to each other about warrior cats at the time) but i do remember being excited to see what the big deal with them was. basically, loki was kind of a shiny character from the beginning.
i started watching thor 1 while swinging on the swingset in my backyard. i remember going inside during one of the scenes set in the observatory, thinking something along the lines of “no wonder [penpal’s name] loves loki so much.” unfortunately i don’t remember which scene it was.
i wish i knew exactly why i was drawn to loki out of all other marvel characters, but i have no memories of consciously thinking about it. my best guess is that it had something to do with their situation mirroring my own as a queer person raised in a queerphobic household (discovering you are the thing you & the people around you have been taught to hate). but i was still queerphobic at the time, so if that was the reason, maybe it was subconscious or suppressed. or i just forgot.
i didn’t acknowledge loki as my favorite character for a long time, actually, which might have something to do with me not remembering that. until early 2023(?) i was determined to be Not Cliché and Not Cringe. i often said (to myself, in my daydreams about what i would post on tumblr when i was finally allowed to have an account) that all mcu characters were equally my favorite. yeah, maybe my self-insert daydreams were the most fun when loki was in the scene, but it’s not like they were favorite character or anything (/s)! 
anyway: unfortunately, since i was watching the movies at a pace much faster than the rest of my family (i watched two a day at least once), i didn’t absorb them as much as i wish i would’ve. i was able to remember random facts about them that my family didn’t and make plot/character/etc connections during my rewatches, but if i could do it all over again i would pay more attention.
i remember being ECSTATIC at the loki series trailer. by the time loki series s1 began to release, i think we had just reached falcon & the winter soldier in our mcu watchlist. so pretty much all caught up. i was fifteen by this point.
i was part of some teen forums during that time. there was a loki fan on there who i really admired, who was always changing profile pictures to a new comics loki or loki fanart. in anticipation of the series, that fan made a loki thread. it was my first experience Actually interacting with fandom. previously, i’d relied on google search for grainy fanart and buzzfeed articles for one-sided discussions. i had access to some tumblr — sometimes the actual website until i hit the “make an account” wall, usually screenshots from pinterest — but i never actually Talked to anybody. posting my reactions and thoughts in that loki thread after every episode and discussing the events with the others in the there will always be an experience i treasure.
(funniest occurrence that happened on there was when i found some article theorizing loki & sylvie’s romance before the first episode had even released. it was purely based off of the trailer. i posted the link, paired with some sentence that conveyed the general feeling of an amused “what??????” everyone else’s response was a similar sentiment. one person said “no, i don’t think disney would do something like that.” oh, children…)
i was so excited that when the first episode came out, i woke up extra early to watch it before everybody else in my house. i don’t think i even set an alarm, i was just fueled by pure excitement. i wanted to make sure my first watch could be alone, with no one interrupting or distracting me. i did that with most, if not all, of the rest of the episodes.
and i did enjoy it! i had only watched each of the other movies twice, and i was fifteen, so i didn’t have all the nitpicks i have now. there were some things that bothered me, some inconsistencies i noticed (“why didn’t loki read those papers before they signed them? that seems unusual for them” & “i don’t feel like loki would have risked getting drunk in such a high-stakes situation, but it happened, so i guess loki would??” & “why did loki ask the other lokis if they’ve ever seen a woman variant? isn’t loki supposed to be genderfluid?” — tho i was still queerphobic at the time, so back then i was more confused than bothered by that last one.) but i brushed them off.
i remember a conversation between my mom and i — she remarked on how she thought loki seemed too different in the series, that their personality changed too fast. i parroted the explanation that i’d seen going around online at the time (yknow, the “loki watching those moments of their life all at once speedran their character development” one). my mom didn’t seem fully convinced, but nodded politely. i had a niggling kernel of “this explanation doesn’t make sense to me” in my chest, but i didn’t acknowledge it. acknowledging it would mean disliking the series, and i wanted to like the series. if i disliked it, i would be upset, and i did *not* want to ruin the one thing that was bringing me joy. (it had been quarantine for roughly a year and a half by that time, and to say i hadn’t been coping very well is an understatement.)
after the series ended, i listened to the loki: where mischief lies audiobook. i remember feeling conflicted about it. partially for homophobic reasons, partially for some characterization and worldbuilding qualms. i do want to read it again though, to see how much i like now.
during the months of late 2021, i was depressed — probably clinically?, but i didn’t get a diagnosis, so idk. i think i had been for a while by that point, but those months were particularly bad. loki was a big comfort for me. i didn’t feel fully mentally better until the spring/summer of the following year, when i finally found the argument that convinced me it wasn’t a sin to be queer (🎉). i’d been searching for one for a while. with my mind no longer preoccupied with that and with more distance from the series, i slowly found myself agreeing with criticisms about it that i hadn’t previously.
time skip! autumn 2023, just before s2 began to release:
i had just recently made this tumblr blog. by this time, i did not think the show’s writing was good, but i was still able to enjoy it. as i say in my intro post, i liked the concepts (generally), but hated the execution — for me, my like of the concepts was strong enough that the bad execution didn’t sour it to the point of being unable to watch it. i was excited to see what would happen. partly because i had hope the new directors/writers would retroactively fix some stuff, mostly because i already had some ideas for a rewrite and i wanted to know all the s2 details so i could shuffle & rework them. and i was able to have fun with it for a while! …uuuuntil the finale.
the mounting dread as i watched the finale unfortunately didn’t prepare me enough for the ending. i had expected to be dissatisfied with it, yeah, but in a “well that was fun! :D time to dismember it in my fanfic now” way. i wasn’t expecting it to cost me 10000+ mental health points. (turns out it isn’t good for you when your special interest of multiple years suddenly gets poisoned in a way that makes you start crying whenever you think about it. who knew!)
so after that i had to tediously train myself to stop thinking about it so i could take a break until i felt better. that mostly just consisted of me scrambling to find other hyperfixations that would distract me from thinking about loki.
in mid-july (of this year), i was taking a break from the internet for about a week. my littlest sister and i watched thor 1, the avengers, and thor 2 together. (the rest of our family invited themselves to watch it with us, which was not ideal, but it did give me more people to infodump to afterwards.) that pretty solidly reignited my spinterest, and i’ve had more happy loki thoughts during the time between then and now than i have during the previous twelve months. i also figured out and feel more confident in several of my opinions now.
i also started working on my series rewrite again a few weeks ago. i think finishing it would help me a lot, because i did still get pretty melancholy about that finale once or twice since july, and if i write it all out i can more easily pretend it’s canon instead. plus i think i have some good ideas for it! i probably won’t talk about it unless someone asks me, and i won’t release any chapters unless i’ve completely finished writing it, but i like what i’ve planned for it so far.
so yeah! all caught up now, i think.
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braveclementine · 2 months
Chapter 11
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Hello My Queen." Loki said, coming up behind you to kiss you on the cheek. You turned to face him and he knelt in front of you, placing his hands on the bulge of your stomach, kissing the bump. "Hello my little Princess."
You smiled, brushing his hair back from his face. "Hello Lokes."
He got to his feet, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. "How was your day today?"
"It was good." You said, turning back to the stove where you were in the middle of making dinner.
Dinner was going to be hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Pork and beans along with green beans as vegetables. Dill pickles were in a jar on the table already since you were almost done cooking the meal. Chips were also a part of todays meal and you also had pigs in a blanket for the kids.
"Is the table already set?" You asked as you started to load up the circular patties onto a larger platter.
"Yes, and I've got this." Loki said after you placed the last one on top. He picked the platter up to take it outside.
You grabbed some of the condiments, carrying them out after Loki.
Steve, Clint, Bucky, Sam, Thor, and T'Challa were running around on the grass with Marcel, Vincent, James, and Lloyd shooting water guns at each other. Lloyd wasn't really shooting guns. Thor was showing him how to shoot one though. Lloyd was only two and he was Thor's son. Lloyd Heimdall Marvel. Although his last name could also be Thorson.
And then there was Lloyd's twin-fraternally- sister: Vera Shuri Marvel. T'Challa's daughter. First to have more than one child to his blood.
Of course, all of them treated all of their kids like their own. And to distinguish between fathers, they simply called all of them 'daddy' and then their name. Lucy had a fun habit of calling T'Challa 'Daddy Allalalala.'
Minerva was still living with you guys, though it had been about three years since they had left. Wanda and Vision had twin boys of their own now by the names of Billy and Tommy. So Minerva had been left with you guys while Pietro, Jessie, and Katherine never even came back to visit.
It frustrated you beyond belief, but there wasn't really anything you could do. Minerva was probably better off in your guys' home anyways. She had grown and she really did seem like she was a part of the family.
At the moment, Minerva was sitting at the outdoor eating table next to Tony. He was showing her something he had made and she was listening attentively- or maybe she just liked that it was shiny. Stephen sat next to Tony, a small smile on his face while he rocked Vera in his arms.
Minerva looked up to give you a radiating smile when she saw you. You smiled gently, before moving back into the house.
Once everything was on the table, you took a spot on the other side of Stephen, putting Temperance on your other side and then Fury.
You loved the summer months. It was some of the best times that you had with the family. Plus, it meant you were in the best time of the business.
The others hadn't exactly taken a break from being superheroes, however, they were trying to back away from it, especially with how many kids you guys had now. So, Steve had pitched the idea that they get somewhat normal jobs.
It came from the fact that it just didn't seem fair for Tony to have to pay for everything- even if he didn't mind. And Steve said if they were going to start retiring their weapons, then they needed to get some sort of job to make money.
But you had pitched the idea for running a farm. It had been Elizabeth's original idea and you decided to give it a shot.
The others agreed, and now you were all running a full fledged farm here in Ohio. You had chickens, pigs, cows, sheep, even a couple of goats and some horses. You had both meat and egg chickens, milk and meat cows, and then the goats were for goat milk. The sheep were simply there for wool.
You were growing all sorts of crops like fruits and vegetables. There were also plenty of herbs, along with wheat and a few other products.
For the most part, you turned a lot of the stuff you collected into food or clothing for your own family. But there was still a lot that you ended up sending to market, which was where you made a lot of money.
Tony was good at branding and instead of calling it food from 'Stark Industries', it was known as the 'Avengers Farm'. And wouldn't you rather buy your butter from the Avengers instead of Kroger? 85% of American said yes.
So yeah, quite a bit had changed in your life. A few more kids, less missions, less fighting. Things just seemed more peaceful. Everyone was less stressed out, and it seemed as though everyone was enjoying their lives even more.
Loki was extremely excited about having his own kid. The baby girl in your stomach was the only one in there but Loki couldn't care less. His excitement was enough to kindle your own whenever he was around.
"Come on Tempy, you've got to eat the vegetables." Fury said to the little girl who was turning her nose up at the peas.
"Don't wan pwes." Temperance scrunched her tiny nose up.
"Peas are good for you." Fury said. "All superheroes eat peas, right Tony?"
"Yep!" Tony lied enthusiastically as he despised peas. "Peas are delicious Tempy."
His words worked at least and Temperance reluctantly opened her mouth to let Fury feed her.
Minerva was starting to fall asleep at the table and Tony pushed back to take her to her room.
"I've got her." You said, pushing back from the table, picking her up in your arms.
"You sure?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, of course." You kissed him on the lips and then made your way back into the house. Minerva hadn't quite fallen asleep when you laid her down in her princess bed.
The rooms had been slightly redone with the growing number of kids and the fact that they were growing older. This room was all of the girls and it was designed like a large castle, each small 'tower' having a bed in it.
"Aunty?" Minerva mumbled sleepily as you were going to leave the room again.
"Yes Minnie?"
"Will you tell me about my mama?" She asked.
You smiled sadly and came to sit down on the end of her bed. "What do you want to know?"
"Was she pwetty?"
"She was one of the most beautiful women I ever knew." You responded. "You look a lot like her. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was a very strong woman, but she was also very free with her emotions. You knew exactly when she was in a bad mood because she would show it and you knew when she was happy because she would sing and dance. She loved to cook. She was full of love and joy and she loved Harry Potter. And most of all, she loved you and your father very, very much."
"Did she sing to me?" Minerva asked.
"She did. She had two very special songs that she would sing to you every single night." You responded.
"Can you sing them for me?"
Tears pricked your eyes. "Of course."
You slowly got up off the bed, turning off the lights, setting the purple night light in instead. You tucked her in with the sheets and then sat next to her, hugging her into your side.
"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bride is falling down, My fair Lady. . ."
"How is she?" Tony asked as you settled into his and Stephen's room last night. He was very attentive towards Minerva, whether because she reminded him of himself a little bit, or just because he was a very sensitive man, you weren't sure. Your other soulmates didn't pay her the same attention as the others and both Tony and Stephen tried making up for it.
It wasn't their faults, of course. That was the bond. They took care of their soul kids first. It just worked that way. But you had taken care of her since she was young and that was how it was. But still, every night when you tucked her in, you cursed Pietro for his stupid decision.
"She asked about her mother again." You sighed.
Minerva knew her parents were gone, but she wanted to know all about them. You supposed it was fair.
"I'll have F.R.I.D.A.Y. find some pictures for her." Tony promised, sliding into bed next to you. Stephen was just finishing up in the bathroom.
"You know she hasn't even met any of her brothers?" You asked angrily. "Skylar, Billy, Tommy, and we both know that they just had a new little girl! It's not fair to her!"
"I know Y/N." Tony sighed, pulling you into a hug.
Stephen came out of the bathroom, turning the lights off as he made his way to the bed. "We'll figured something out darling, you don't have to worry. Besides, Minerva fits into the family well. I don't think Elizabeth would mind us taking care of her daughter."
"I know but. . . I'm afraid when she grows up she'll feel the difference." You admitted.
Neither of them said anything. It was to much to hope that the others would treat her as their own. Soulmate bonds. . . well they just didn't work like that.
Minerva stumbled along on her tiny feet, trying to help you with the laundry as you hung it up on the line. She would pick up a towel out of the basket by your feet and hold it up to you. You'd take it, hang it on the line, and then take the next towel from her.
She was quiet as she helped you, and you enjoyed her presence and her help. It was really adorable to watch, like a baby duckling or something.
You finished hanging up the laundry and then picked up the basket to go back inside. Thor approached you, kissing you and saying, "Do you want to watch something later?"
"I would like that." You said with a smile.
"Up!" Minerva said excitedly. She really liked being on Thor's broad shoulders.
Thor lifted her up to put her on his shoulders before turning back to you. "Do you know what you want to watch or do you want me to pick?"
"Something funny." You said with a smile. "Adam Sandler probably. Or something with Kevin Hart in it."
Suddenly, Thor's hammer shot skywards into Minerva's hands. She lifted it in one hand, grabbing Thor's hair in the other and proclaimed, "mew mew charge!"
Thor just stood there in shock, trying to figure out what had just happened. You gaped, staring at the sight in front of you.
"Well. . . that was interesting." You said. "But Lloyd can pick up the hammer too."
"True." Thor said. "I just did not expect this."
You smiled. "Minnie, give Uncle Thor his hammer back, okay?"
"Mew mew!" She cried happily, before lowering it, "Here Uncwle Twhore."
You giggled quietly as Thor took the hammer back and then lowered Minerva off his shoulders. She ran off on the farm and you and Thor looked at each other again.
"I'll be in the basement at eight." You said, kissing him on the cheek.
"I'll see you later Princesse." Thor smiled, before chasing after Minerva.
"That's awesome!" You said with delight through the phone while you stirred the spaghetti in the pot. "I'm really happy for you guys Y/S/N! So where do you have to move to?"
"Idaho." Y/S/N said glumly. "I mean, the job is great and of course, everything's cheaper there so Ben will make even more money since we won't be spending as much, but still- Idaho?"
"I don't know. It sounds kind've peaceful. Like my house." You said with a smile. "You might like it."
"I'm more of a city girl." Y/S/N sighed. Suddenly, there was loud crying in the background of her phone. "Well, she didn't want to sleep for long."
You laughed. "I'll talk to you later. If you want any help with the move, just let me know. I love you."
"Love you too."
You hung up, placing the phone on the counter as you finished off cooking dinner. You dished out the plates, setting the table, and then called everyone down for dinner.
"Look at these." Steve said with a grin, pulling you back into the kitchen as the others started to sit around the eating table.
He showed you one of the old milk jars that you guys had. He'd tied brown string around it into a bow and then filled it with wild flowers. "Thought you'd like to put these in the bedroom."
"Thank you." You whispered, taking them from him and kissing him.
"Let's eat!" Clint shouted from the other room.
You giggled and the two of you went back out there to join the others.
The kids made a mess, eating the spaghetti and you loved watching their fathers clean then up.
"That's it!" Sam declared, lifting Lloyd out of his seat. "You need a bath."
The two year old squealed, kicking his feet, but Sam wouldn't let him go as he disappeared out of the room.
"So, anything exciting happen today?" Clint asked the kids.
"I lifted mew mew." Minerva stated simply.
The others looked at Thor. "She did what?" Steve asked in surprise.
"I'm so proud of you sweetheart." Tony said, winking at Minerva. "Means you're worthy."
"But did she actually?" Loki asked, a huge grin on his face.
"She did." You confirmed. "It was actually quite adorable."
"I wanna lift mew mew!" Lucy squealed.
You bit your bottom lip. Yeah, that was going to be a problem if they all argued over it.
"Are we weally starting school in Augwust?" Vincent asked excitedly.
"Yeah, but it's a sort of home-school project." T'Challa said.
None of you had felt comfortable about putting the kids in a public school setting, but you had also wanted them to interact with other kids. The win-win solution was a home-schooling program where they met with other home-schooled students three days a week for five hours at a church nearby.
"Alright, c'mon, you guys gotta wash up and then get ready for bed." Fury said twenty minutes later.
They grumbled, but they were good about getting up and doing as they were told- especially if Daddy Fury was the one telling them.
"Mama, come tuck us in!" Lucy begged you.
"Alright, if you're in bed when I come upstairs, I'll tuck you in and sing to you, okay?" You said. She scampered off and you looked over at Thor. "Maybe more like eight thirty."
Thor grinned, "I'll be waiting."
"I thought you were with me tonight." Loki glared at Thor.
"We're watching a movie. I'm still with you tonight, don't worry Lokes." You grinned, before you got up from the table and headed upstairs to where the girls were all waiting in bed.
"Now will you sing to us?" Lucy begged.
"Of course Lucy Loo." You smiled, brushing back her black hair. "Do you know what you want me to sing?"
"The one with the bears!" Temperance giggled from her bed.
"Yeah!" Lucy and Minerva agreed.
'That one is kind've creepy.' You thought, but you didn't say that aloud.
"Alright." You said, turning out the lights.
You headed over to where Vera was already falling fast asleep, kissing her forehead and started to sing,
"If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic
Every teddy bear who's been good is sure of a treat today There's lots of marvelous things to eat and wonderful games to play Beneath the trees where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please That's the way the teddy bears have their picnic
Picnic time for teddy bears The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today Watch them, catch them unawares And see them picnic on their holiday
See them gaily gad about They love to play and shout They never have any cares At six o'clock their mummies and daddies Will take them back home to bed 'Cause they're tired little teddy bears
If you go down in the woods today, you'd better not go alone It's lovely down in the woods today, but safer to stay at home For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic"
They were all fast asleep. You smiled, leaving the room, and closing the door behind you. Then you went downstairs to join Thor and Loki for the movies.
I don't know. This Chapter was kind've everywhere. I was kind've trying to explain what they were doing with their life and also trying to keep the story moving. But I also really wanted to explain why Minerva was still there, etc. I don't know. This wasn't the best chapter. I'll do better- promise.
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
thoughts from today worth repeating:
as in t1, we open with odin telling a story, but this time he isn't telling it to anyone. this is a version of the story he only learns during the events of the film, and we see him learn it. these are words he never actually says to anyone. i don't know what that means but it might be something interesting
frigga and loki always seem to communicate sort of... indirectly. odin overshadows any conversation they have. often, their emotions are redirected through odin - if loki is angry he's angry at odin first and foremost; if frigga wants to reassure loki of her trust/love, she tells him to make odin proud; etc...
loki asks what thor thinks of his imprisonment twice, and neither parent will give him an answer. tbh, i don't think there IS an answer, because i don't think thor was actually part of the conversation. odin didn't ask him, and because he has too much faith in odin to think execution was on the table, he didn't ask odin.
thor mirrors odin's body language, complements him, and smiles/laughs, and odin says he's proud, but they don't touch, odin doesn't greet thor on his return, and odin launches straight into a lecture that could be summed up as "stop having stupid feelings, stop showing stupid feelings, and pay more attention to your duties". :(
thor notably looks sad around children, similar to aou :( but it's not just losing his little brother, it's losing his own innocence etc. he was banished and yes he's come home but he can never Really go home!
jane is pretty much the only person who can make thor fumble his words lol. normally he's much more eloquent than ppl give him credit for, but with her he is A Mess. he has NO IDEA how to talk to an equal in a relationship with no rules!
thor recognises immediately that jane is not in control of the aether and is being hurt by it too <3 jane and loki and bruce. he's consistently compassionate to monsters <3 and even a little sinister in jane's defence here <3
however. he also doesn't consult jane about going to asgard. he just Decides and then she's there. i think he probably does that kind of thing a lot :/
frigga specifically says she is trying to make loki "comfortable". in eternal captivity? like yes technically better than the alternative but god. i love a manipulative enabler <3 i love a fucked up little family <3 this is how it's always been!!!
frigga tells odin he can't lie to her and that she's always looking out for him, then she forms her own plan to gain intel without consulting odin at all. interesting. lokilike? but she isn't actually undermining him at all. she's a functioning cog in the machine.
i do maintain frigga didn't expect to be killed. when she says "i'll never tell you", she expects them to keep pushing and she might even hope to do a reverse interrogation. but they refuse to play mind games, and so she crumbles.
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
thor 3 would've been a thousand times funnier if loki had just. had kids the entire time and never mentioned it. or just assumed everyone already knew
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Everything Comes at a Cost
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!GoddessReader
SMUT featured in flashback blurb.
Quickie—Fingering, Marking, Cursing
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!GoddessReader
No SMUT because…
Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Y/N, Goddess of Life, is faced with a daunting choice as the lives of the people—women—she’s grown to love hangs in the balance. Will she willing pay the ultimate price, or will she let fate run its course?
Angst with sprinkled in fluff 🥺❤️
9,746 Words
•~~~~~~~~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~~~• (Past)
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An inconsolable ache had settled deep within your chest and had remained steadfast for the last week since you'd received the news, which only worked to add to your already heavy heart. Feeling the immense loss of your dearest cousin Loki, while listening to the impending doom the broken shell of a man—Thor—prophesied to the "entirety" of your team remaining on Earth.
Rhodey, and you were all that had remained at the compound most days after the Sokovia Accords aftermath, as you essentially were Switzerland in the whole debacle. That stupid disagreement nearly broke you, as you lost the majority of your found family, and had to say goodbye to the only women you'd ever loved.
Neither one of them ever truly belonging to you, but somehow your heart was theirs.
"Thor, you need to get some rest, if what you say is true then it would be best—."
"No, I must be preparing for the war that's headed our way, round up the team while I'm away Y/N!" He boasts, completely ignoring your logic in favor of some cryptic preparation.
"No, I must be preparing for the war that's headed our way, round up the team while I'm away Y/N!" He boasts, completely ignoring your logic in favor of some cryptic preparation.
You watched as he left almost nearly as fast as he'd arrived, so you instead turn to your closest adversary as of late.
"Alrighty then, looks like it's just the two of us once more." Rhodey humorlessly chuckles, and you turn to him with a guilty, scrunched up expression.
"Spoke too soon did I?" He questions as he realizes what's likely to come from your lips.
"Round up the team, you have the most pull anyways."
"I wouldn't say that..." He lightheartedly interrupts, and you playfully roll your eyes.
"While you do so I'm going to go visit an old friend of mine, one who could possibly provide me with some clarity on what's to come, and how best to stop it."  You continue, and he nods.
Then within a snap you're traveling the limited remains of the bifrost, as you seek out your mother—Freyr. Traveling through the bifrost is rather exhausting, as you're beamed through, having never truly grown accustomed to it no matter how many times you've traveled through it.
"Ahh, if it isn't my dearest daughter, to what do I owe the pleasure of your spontaneous visit? Shouldn't you be with your equally as clueless cousins on that wretched planet Earth. Tragedy really, that you willing dedicate your lives to the feeble existence that is mankind."
"Good to see you too mother, now, on to business. Asgard, as I'm sure you know, has been obliterated, and Loki's life was valiantly lost in said battle. I wish to avenge him, as well as to prevent any further catastrophe if at all possible. So, you're going to provide me with visions of the proposed future, and then I'll be on my way."
"What? No time for tea?" She jests, beckoning you to sit before her as she prepares her station for your desired rituals.
You scoff, then move to sit before your mother, freeing your mind of its stressors in an attempt to allow her in completely.
Natasha enters the compound with swift steps, followed closely by Steve, Sam, Wanda, and an obviously injured Vision. First thing she does is tightly hug Rhodey, but truthfully her heart, much like the Sokovian's, aches to see you.
"Where's Y/N?" The former assassin immediately asks, and Wanda's attention shifts to Rhodey as both of them look at him expectantly.
"She's not here, left a couple of hours ago actually, said she needed to visit an old friend of hers in search of answers to fix this mess."
"When will she be back?" Wanda asks, and Steve clears his throat to try to reroute the conversation back to the synthezoid.
"I'm quite certain Y/N would want our sole focus to be on the crisis at hand. She'll be more than okay, so let's figure out a plan."
Nimble fingers light the match, then with a wave of her hand the flame spreads across the candles surrounding the both of you.
"Like my party trick?" She teases, with an infuriating smirk upon her face.
"Mother..." You groan, and she sighs while cupping your cheeks.
"Darling, can you please act like you don't detest me for at least one moment?"
"I do not detest you mother, I'm just a bit pressed for time, I apologize if it seems as if it's something else, but please can we just get this show on the road?"
Her reply comes in the form of a gentle kiss to your forehead before her forehead takes the place of her lips, and gentle fingers tap at your temple. A sudden rush of energy courses through your head, then swiftly travels through the expanse of your body, and suddenly your thrown into a flash of prophetic imagery.
Vision is forced to be lying flat on a table, even though he believes it best for Wanda to just destroy the stone. The team shuts him down, then prepares for battle as Shuri confirms that she can handle the stone, but she just needs ample time. Within a moments time the image shifts to the battlefield where you see Natasha, and Okoye in trouble before Wanda saves them. Then it moves to them fighting off a rather odd looking alien who was going for Wanda specifically.
Your heart twinges with fear at the notion of either of your girls being in danger.
The scene shifts to Vision kneeled before a trembling Wanda, and every ounce of her grief is present on her face as she is forced to kill the love of her life all in the name of the greater good. It appeared to have all been for not, as they were obviously too late as the scene shifts to Thanos—the mad titan Thor described—using one of the infinity stones to undo all that was done.
The scene swiftly fades into a splattering of dust, as the faces of your friends—beloved—begin to become no more. Fading into another scene where Tony's cradling the disappearing form of the spider-"man" that you've grown to cherish as if he were your own.
Your blood runs cold as this man seems to have taken everything from you in a matter of seconds, as you see all of your friends fading away, but what shocks you most is the lack of sight of yourself.
All too suddenly your thrown through a collection of years, viewing the ways in which everyone's world crumbles, and for the seldom few it actually comes together. Natasha's dull existence breaks your heart, as you feel the weight of the world resting on her shoulders. Her grief is immense, as is Clint's as it shows you what becomes of him without his family.
A fleeting moment of hope flashes before your eyes, warming your heart once you see that Tony had pulled his head out his ass and at the sight of Natasha's following smile. Smiles fade as you watch the two best friends fight to the death for an orange stone, and you're forced to watch as the love of your life dies thinking she is destined to do so in repentance.
All you felt is nauseous when you heard the thud, and have to hear her attempt to explain this away as okay repeating in your mind. Nothing about the situation would be okay... No time is left for you to react before you are witnessing Tony meeting a similar ending.
Everyone seems to move on as best they can, but then a scene shows a very distraught, and more disturbingly alone Wanda. The grief is radiating off of her, a boom of her powers erupts, then before you could see where it leads you felt yourself forcefully being pushed from the visions.
Your mom's hands fall from your temples, and you crumble to your knees as the reality of it all begins to set in. Tears fall freely as you try and process what you just bore witness to, and the sickness in your body spreads throughout as you realize what it is you must do.
"My darling, you're not written into this sequence of events, whatever you do to interfere could be catastrophic." Your mother announces, placing a firm hand to your shoulder, and with that you're mind is settled.
"Well, I'd like to think that what I'm about to do is actually going to prove the opposite mother." You boast, quickly jumping to your feet and moving to wrap her in a tight hug.
"Oh, my sweet girl, interfering with the problems of men has rarely ever worked in our favor, and judging by the nature of your hug, I'm going to conclude this is our last..."
"Always the intuitive one mother, take care of yourself, I love you..."
"Yeah, it's a gift that is more so a burden really. So there's really nothing I can say to sway you in staying here with me where it's safe?"
"Oh mom, safe's never been a route I follow, you know that. Plus, the people I have been blessed to love, and the fate of millions sort of depends on my plan." You conclude, nodding her way with a sad smile to match her own before beaming yourself back to the compound, and then racing off towards the hangar as you hear the jet being started up.
"Friday! Tell them to wait!"
"Of course Miss Y/L/N."
Sprinting leaves you winded, but that's a small price to pay as you barely make it into the jet. The eyes on you hold a slurry of different emotions, but before you can even speak you're being tackled into a hug.
"Y/N... Oh how I've missed you..."
Wanda... The woman of your dreams, partial holder of your heart, who—sadly for you, had handed hers over to the synthezoid.
Wanda and her brother had just arrived at the compound after the battle of Sokovia had destroyed her home, and her gaze had remained on you ever since as you traipsed around the compound healing everyone.
"Hello there, may I help you?" You tease, and her cheeks tint red at being caught.
"Uh- I-I just really wanted to say thank you..."
"Oh. For what?" You feign cluelessness.
"Pietro—you saved his life, and I can't thank you enough."
"Well, you most certainly don't have to thank me sweet girl. I'm a natural healer, it's just my job."
"Still, what you did was nothing short of a miracle, and it deserves immense thanks..."
"Well, in that case, you can thank me by fixing me a nice dinner." You playfully respond, winking her way, and walking off towards your room at the compound before she could even respond.
"Wow sestra, you got it bad..." Pietro mumbles as he approaches her from behind, then she trips him with her red tendrils as he evades her head slap with his fast feet.
"Ello love." You greet the Sokovian in an offensively bad British accent while plopping down beside her and causing her bed to shake.
Her giggles warmed your heart, even if they were uttered to make fun of you. She quickly moved to bookmark her story before she then laid down beside you and you both adjusted until you were face to face.
"Dorogoy, that accent was just horrible." She laughs out after a straight minute of silent eye contact.
"How would you even know?" You grumble, then roll to your back, crossing your arms over your chest, and pouting.
"I watch the Great British Bake Off whenever I'm bored, and even without it I don't live under a rock Y/N/N, plus Vis has a British accent." Wanda playfully relays, nose scrunching up at the way your face contorts so intensely, and she uses her thumb to massage at your furrowed brows.
"Fair enough..." You concede in a tired mumble, sighing as the circling of her thumb works to ease your tensions.
Wanda watches as you slowly drift off to sleep in her bed, she places a lingering kiss to your forehead before picking her book back up, and using her powers to lay a blanket over your body. With every mission that's happened as of late your powers have been in high demand, and you've barely had a chance to recuperate. She'd known you were here to distract her, possibly even help her to destress since Pietro's off on a mission, but she also knew you were exhausted so this outcome truly makes her the happiest.
Ever since the twins arrival a year ago you'd been training with the young witch. Volunteering as such in an attempt to help her to learn how to gain control of her powers. Emotions seemed to have a major play in how her powers surge, and you were trying to find a way to help her temper that.
"Breathe sweet girl, stressing out will just get you nowhere, we'll go again." You gently instruct, as you set up another simulation for her to run through, locking her in with a reassuring smile.
The highly advanced tech is actually able to manifest scenarios that are rooted within one's deepest fears, for Wanda it's almost as if her powers were being used against her.
A scene plays out of her on a mission at a Hydra base with the entirety of the team. Everything had been going well up until she was faced with an ungodly scene of you being tortured. Her objective was to free the hostages, take out Hydra's men, then get back to the jet without losing control. Something in her snapped though when she heard your heart wrenching screams as she tried to wander by.
"Stop it! No!!! No! Please!" She sobs, as your simulated form slumps forward, appearing to her as if you weren't going to survive, and she just loses all semblances of reality at the sight.
The screams were apparent to you from outside the glass she'd been safely encased in. Before you could interfere by pulling her out of the simulation she's already falling to her knees, screaming and shaking while her body becomes encased in red, then she falls over, hitting the ground as her powers burst out and into the glass. Against all common sense you instruct Friday to allow you in, and she reluctantly does so.
"Wanda, darling, come back to me..." You coo, as you pull her sobbing form against you.
Her fists clutch at your shirt, bunching it up, and your heart practically breaks at the sound of her pained sobs.
"Whatever happened, it wasn't real Wanda, you're okay, I promise that you're safe with me love."
Your words seemed to work as her shaking slowly subsided, but her hold on you remained just as tight.
"I-I..." She struggled to speak, as her eyes moved to look directly into yours, and to your complete shock her lips pressed to yours.
A loud clearing of another's throat led to your lips eventually parting, and while you looked at her in a complete daze, her gaze met that of an apparently irate ex-assassin.
"If you two are done, Wanda's got less than sixty seconds until our training starts." Natasha calmly states, but the fire behind her eyes paints a different picture for her feelings.
Wanda jumps up from your lap, leaving you stunned on the ground, and takes off to get to the gym, attempting her best to block out Natasha's murderous thoughts.
Wanda avoided you like the plague for the remainder of the week, you felt hurt, but you completely understood that what happened could've been due to the heat of the moment. Seeing her locking lips with the synthezoid only four days later though essentially shattered your heart.
Your gasp alerted her to your presence, and her legs traveled at an inhumane speed trying to reach you, but your slammed door told her this wouldn't be a good time. Not that she cared though, so she sat in front of your door, remaining there until you'd finally went to leave your room nearly four hours later.
"Y/N/N.." She whimpers, jumping to her feet, and literally stumbling into you because her legs had long since fallen asleep.
You obviously catch her, locking your bloodshot eyes on her glazed over pair, then you sigh as you work to peel her off of you as she tries to have her hands on you in some form.
"Wanda, I need time, that's all... I understand that it wasn't your intention to hurt me, but it doesn't make the end result any less painful. Vision is a nice —uh— guy, and I hope that he makes you as happy as can be. I've known for awhile now that you'd liked him, I just kinda wish you didn't kiss me first, giving me this false hope. We'll be okay eventually though, training is obviously postponed though as I'm leaving for an undecided amount of time."
You finish your ramblings with a gentle caress of her cheeks, wiping away at the stray tears before you walk away with your duffle slung over your shoulder, and unbeknownst to you—half of her heart. Once you're out of sight she crumbles to her knees, tightly hugging herself as she feels the regret wash over her.
You were off in Asgard helping Thor with his mishaps, helping to break him and Loki out of their intergalactic prison when you got the call that Wanda apparently needed you. Hearing her name after months of being away still stung, but the ways in which your heart had slowly healed helped to ease the pain.
"Steve, what do you mean she won't come out of her room?"
"Look, Y/N, it's been a horrible few months without you here, both women have been rather moody, and Tony's honestly been insufferable."
"Why? Did his bruises have to heal naturally?" You giggle, then make your way to your pod.
"Please say you'll come home, even just for a little bit?" He pleads, your heart warms as he says 'home' so naturally, and you bid him farewell with the promises of your return.
"Oy, where you headed? Are you really leaving me alone with the big oaf?"
"Oh Loki, I envy yours and Thor's relationship, I can just feel the love radiating." You muse with a roll of your eyes before hugging him goodbye.
"Take care of yourself little one." He playfully coos, and you lightly shove him.
"I'm not little.." You groan, and he laughs boisterously at your tantrum.
"Take care Loki, you too Thor! Until we meet again cousins." You say as you enter your pod and set off for Earth.
Once you'd arrived Steve was waiting for you, then he escorted you through the compound, and your heart clenched at the sight of your distraught looking teammates, more specifically the redhead.
You smiled gently at her, feeling lighter once you saw her lips upturning in passing, then the mood drastically dropped the closer you got to Wanda's door.
"Y/N, thank God you're here." Vision whisper shouts, pulling you in for an awkward hug, and you kindly smile at him as he pulls back.
"I'm not sure how much help I'm going to be here, but it can't hurt to try." You humorlessly chuckle out, and he places a firm hand to your shoulder.
"She's in immense pain, and has been ever since you left. I actually believe the only one who can help her is you." He solemnly states, furthering your guilty feelings, but you shake yourself clear of the thoughts.
Everyone clears out of the hallway to give you space, but you run to the kitchen first, making her a heaping pile of pancakes as you assume she hadn't eaten in days.
"Wands..." You say as you knock on the door, barely tapping it three times before it's thrown open.
The sight of the tiny Sokovian woman surrounded by blankets and tissues is honestly heartbreaking. Stepping over the scattered clothes across the floor you eventually make your way to her. Placing the plate of food down on her tray first before you climb into her bed, and simply pull her close.
"Sweet, sweet Wanda, what is this I hear about you not leaving your room?"
She burrows further into you, wrapping her arms tightly around your waist, and you just continue talking.
"That just won't do honey, you need to take care of yourself, and you can start by eating the pancakes I made you."
She nods in the negatory against your chest, you feel her tears soaking through your shirt, and her grip on you somehow tightens.
"Lovebug, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here for you, and apparently the entire team. I heard it's become quite a mess with me gone." You coo, running your hands through her hair, then lightly chuckle when you feel her nod in agreement against your chest.
You aided her shaky body into a seated position, then brought the plate over to her. Leaning against the headboard, you pressed play on the boxset of Bewitched you'd purchased her last Christmas, then spread your legs so that she could sit between them, and lean into you while eating her pancakes.
That night you'd gotten her to take a shower, then she even cuddled up to you on the couch during movie night with the entire team. When you'd gone to place her sleeping form down in her bed she clung to you, so you reluctantly stayed, attempting to apologize to Vision for the intrusion but he waved you off with an appreciative smile.
"Y/N, there's no need to apologize. I knew how much she loved you when we got together, it was a rather long talk actually. I'm not jealous, really, she deserves all the love she can find. I'm just grateful that you'd been able to get through to her... " He genuinely whispers, then places a kiss to her forehead before phasing out of the room.
See, helping Wanda out of her bed was easy, loving her in whatever capacity you were allowed to was honestly like second nature. Losing her once more within the span of forty eight hours though, was unexpected, and more so devastating for your already fragile heart.
"I missed you too Wands.." You relay, with a peck to the crown of her head as you move the both of you back to your feet.
Wanda reluctantly lets you go before moving back to Vision's side, leaving you to lock eyes with the original redhead.
Natasha... The other half of your heart, who's had and cherished the most intimate parts of you, while in turn sharing the barest of hers with you.
"Natasha Romanoff, and you are?" The Avenger asks, as she hasn't been able to pull her eyes off of you since the moment you'd entered the Stark party with Thor.
"Y/N, Goddess of Healing, daughter of Freyr, and cousin to Thor." You greet, taking Natasha's extended hand and lifting it to your lips to place a tender kiss to her knuckles.
She giggles at your elongated introduction, and internally celebrates that you're in fact Thor's cousin, and not his date.
"Well, Y/N, would you like to heal my broken heart?" She jests with a playful laugh to follow, your features immediately soften, and your hands hover over her chest.
"Your heart is definitely in pain, my powers can't heal that though, but maybe a hug can." You offer, immediately pulling her into your warm embrace, and the former assassin shockingly melts into it.
She's never been one for physical affection with strangers, but something about your innocence, and pure intentions thwarts her bodies natural hesitancy.
"Would you like to dance with me?"
Your question follows after you release her, and she happily accepts your extended hand. Natasha spins you around, beaming at the sight of your carefree smile, and she wonders what could come of this if she wasn't so afraid. Sure, you're a stranger, but as every minute passed she found she wanted that to be a statement of the past.
A slow song began to play over the speakers, and Natasha then pulled you closer to her. Hands on your hips guided you until you were flush against her, her lips were ghosting over yours, suddenly her plans for you were clouded by insatiable desire, and her lips promptly pressed against yours.
She giggled at your awestruck face as she pulled back from you, her hand linked to yours before she pulled your innocent form off to her room, excitement flooded her system at the prospects of bringing a pretty thing such as yourself to ruin.
Getting to know you was becoming her favorite past time, picking up on the tiniest of your quirks. Like, how you had to fold your napkins in thirds, or the way you'd only eat a sandwich if it was cut into triangles, or finding out that you hated coffee and would only drink it with a "pound" of sugar in it.
Observing you from afar led her to finding out that you were a very expressive person. Much like Thor, you'd talked with your hands, the gentleness in your words, and the way your face moved always kept her attention. Intimate moments with you always had her immensely aroused when you'd released the simplest of sounds, or your face contorted in pleasure.
Cuddling was another thing you loved that she found through a bit more than observation. You did it with just about anyone in the compound, but the way you cuddled her was always special. Never once did she allude to you that she enjoyed it, but if she was ever willing to be honest with herself, she'd admit to you that being within your embrace is something she craves. That whenever she sees you laying with another it makes her insanely jealous, but she can't do that, she has no right.
Casual, that's what she'd established your relationship as, even if all she wanted was to make you hers. It hurt at first, but having been alive for as long as you'd been, it wasn't all that hard for you to eventually accept it. Love had always evaded you, so for your heart to suddenly be drawn to two women who'd both thrown you the most mixed up signals was a bit alarming.
Natasha watched as Wanda's legs sprawled across your lap as everyone was settling in for movie night. The Sokovian had only just arrived but was stealing all your attention, and it was doing nothing but pissing her off.
"Careful, if you stare any harder you might burn a hole in little miss Sunshine's head."
Natasha lowly growled at Clint for even muttering a word to her when her anger was obviously justified. That was her spot, every movie night up until now she'd sit beside you, tease you relentlessly from beneath a blanket, then later that night she'd worship your body and 'accidentally' fall asleep beside you. Everyone in the compound knew that in unofficial terms, you were Natasha's, but Wanda seemingly didn't care enough to notice.
Natasha walked into the common room with a book and bowl of grapes in her hand having expected it to be empty, but instead she walked in to see you doing a backbend on a yoga mat. She smiled at the sight of your oblivious form, and at the light sound of the playlist she'd made you playing in the background.
"Taking up yoga now are we?"
Startled would be an understatement, as you shriek and collapse to the ground, groaning loudly as your back hit the mat.
"Natty..." You whine, and her giggles just further your pouting expression.
"What have I told you about being aware of your surroundings?" She tuts, then settled her items down before moving to straddle your grounded form.
"And here I thought you were going to help me up." You sarcastically quip with an exaggerated eye roll.
"Where's the fun in that dorogoy?" She asks with a devious smirk, and a playful jab to your ribs.
Your fixed glare in response would honestly be intimidating to most, but to her it's just adorable. She leans down to peck your lips, which you use to your benefit, hooking your legs around her and flipping the both of you over.
"Detka, be careful what you—."
You cut her warning off as you lift her shirt up and blow raspberries against her abdomen, tightening your thighs around her legs, and using your hands to hold her upper body down. Her squeals of enjoyment make your heart flutter, knowing that she's only ever really like this with you.
"You're going to pay for this..." She groans through her laughter, then before she can get the upper hand you distract her with a firm kiss, then jump up to run out of the room.
"I look forward to it." You teasingly shout before slamming your door shut and locking it.
Natasha smiles to herself as she regains her breath, then she takes off towards your room to make good on her promise.
Training with Wanda was grating on the Russian's nerves, since she'd almost always walk in with a wide smile on her face after spending her time with you beforehand. This time the girl was late, not just by sixty seconds either, but it'd been ten minutes she'd been left standing there.
Granted, Wanda wasn't actually late, she just wasn't early and to the assassin that was late. So she marched off in search of the two of you, watching in horror from the doorway as she kissed you. Natasha swiftly interrupted the moment, not even sparing you a glance because the last thing she wanted was to take her anger out on you. She'd instead settled on pummeling the witch in her training, no longer restraining herself, and thinking the most violent of thoughts knowing that the witch would be hearing them.
When she returned to the safety of her room though, all she could do was to break down as she thought about the prospects of you eventually moving on. Vowing right then and there that she'd work towards exclusivity with you, but by the time she'd wanted to broach the subject with you, you'd taken off with Thor.
Wanda and Natasha walked on eggshells around each other for the months that you were gone. Training had halted all together for the witch, and it showed on the Lagos mission. The moment Steve was in danger, Wanda was quick to save him, but without reigning in her emotions she'd tragically blown a floor of a building to smithereens.
Natasha truly felt bad for her, even attempted to pull her from the confines of her room, but it proved pointless as she didn't budge. Vision has the luxury of phasing through the walls, but even he couldn't pull her out of her funk. Finally, the Russian convinced Steve to call you, as you'd left him with your emergency contact information.
Selfishly she'd wanted you back, wanted to see you once more, and to confess to you her feelings, but it was not necessarily in the cards, because shit hit the fan not even a day after you'd returned.
— 🥵
"Natasha, let me come with!" You pleaded, but she just cupped your cheeks, and placed her forehead to yours while letting the proximity soothe her cracking heart.
"Oh detka, I so wish this was just a cute excursion, but I'm going to be on the run and I just can't do that to you."
"Nat, you wouldn't be doing anything to me.. Let me be there with you, we can be on the run together..."
Natasha wants to say yes, God does she want to, but she would never put you through that. She's lived many a life on the run, and she'd genuinely hate for your start together in life to be like this, it simply couldn't be.
"The world needs a hero Y/N/N,  for now that's going to have to be you, and boy are they lucky... I promise I'll be alright, and that we'll be together again one day sweetheart..."
Natasha's time for escaping is limited, knowing all too well that Tony's already given her location up to Ross, but she's never been afraid of risk, and she won't let them stop her from saying a proper goodbye.
All too suddenly your rebuttal is silenced as her lips slam against yours, her hands making quick work of your clothes as she's gently moving your body to the bed. A bittersweet smile takes over her features as she recommits the entirety of your bare body to her memory. Anticipation distracts your mind long enough that you don't hear the snap of a camera, or see the slipping of a polaroid photo into her jeans pocket. Then a second later she's crawling atop you, smiling tenderly as her lips peck yours and begin to trail down your neck.
"Let me show you just how much you mean to me detka..." She mumbles against your collarbones, nipping and sucking harshly at your exposed skin, while her hand slides between your parted legs and her fingers run through your folds.
"Shit... If I wasn't pressed for time I'd simply cherish you for hours my sweetest girl, we'd make up for lost time..." She groans, while moving her mouth back up until her lips are hovering over yours again.
Timing it perfectly, smashing her lips to yours at the exact same moment that her fingers thrust into your pulsing entrance, perfectly catching the languid moan that bellows from your throat.
"Fuck, detka you're so tight." She groans into your mouth, and her pace increases as your walls seem to be doing their best to restrict her movements.
Sloshing sounds, and the smell of sex consume the space around you both, Natasha's sole focus is on just seeing you crumble beneath her one more time. Prayers die on her lips as she listens to your moans, the ones where she's pleading with the world that this won't be it, that this is just another bump in the road of your epic love story.
"You're so fucking hot when you're making all those beautiful noises for me..." She mutters, voice low and dripping with need, as she curls her fingers just right, desperate to see you come undone.
Scraping deliciously against your spongey walls, while her thumb works wonders against your bundle of nerves, successfully pushing you over into the edge of bliss. As your form writhes, and you splutter beneath her, she can't help but to admire your beauty as she hovers above you, and slowly thrusts into you to guide you through your high.
Sweat layers over your skin, glistening just right under her dimly lit room; the rise and fall of your chest moving in sync with your erratic breaths; lips swollen and eyes tightly shut as you work to regain your composure.
Natasha gently removes her fingers from you, groaning as she sees the fruits of her labor coating her fingers, and palm. Eventually, your eyes flutter open to meet hers, and the tenderness that lies beneath her own nearly cracks the suppressed floodgates open.
Natasha retains eye contact with you as she licks her palm clean, then sucks her fingers into her mouth, moaning loudly as your taste finally hits her.
"So sweet... So perfect..." She coos, then traces her pointer finger down your face before lightly gripping your chin, and pushing her lips back on yours for a sweet kiss. 
"Until we meet again my beautiful angel..." She whispers into your ear, rising up to place a firm kiss to your temple, and then all too suddenly she's climbing out of the bed.
"Please, don't go alone, I could go with you..." You weakly plead in a final attempt, walls completely lowered, while your vulnerability is rising to the surface as you watch her moving towards the window.
"Ya lyublyu tebya." She sadly whispers while throwing her bag out before her, then she's climbing out of her bedroom window.
(I love you)
Tears stream down your cheeks as your exhausted, and broken form drifts in and out of sleep in her bed. Surrounded by the memories of your tumultuous string of affairs, her whispered confession continues to ring in your mind; the same one you'd waited all these years to hear, just for it to somehow break your heart instead and leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
Your greeting is cut off as your face is forcefully pulled into her chest, and though she's silent, you know she's crying by the way your suit has a forming wet spot on your shoulder.
"I missed you so much detka..." She whispers against the shell of your ear, you tighten your hold on her to offer her the necessary support.
"And I you..." You coo, then place a kiss to her cheek, finding yourself rather shocked as she turns her face and passionately moves her lips against yours with no intentions of stopping.
Wanda's stomach twists at the sight, but she quickly shakes away the unjust bouts of jealousy, turning her attention back to the Captain who clears his throat once more. Natasha reluctantly releases her grip on you, and places one final peck to your lips before stepping to the side.
"Nice of you to join us." Steve teases, and you make your way over to his open arms.
"So, where were you? Figure anything out that could help us?"
Your mind works in overdrive to ensure Wanda's unable to hear your thoughts, but it doesn't matter all that much when Natasha's gaze fixes in on your sudden tensed state.
"Well, this is going to sound crazy, but Wanda needs to kill Vision." You start, but the Sokovian jumps to her feet, taking up a defensive stance before you can continue.
"That's not exactly what we were looking for Y/N." Steve sighs indignantly, and you steady yourself for the next part.
"Am I allowed to finish, or are we just assuming the worst now?" You groan, and Vision gently smiles your way.
"I told them Y/N, but they just don't seem to understand the bigger picture." He quietly states, clearly drained from the gnarly wound.
You place your hands over him, closing him up, but without draining too much of your power, leaving him still somewhat weakened.
"Oh no Vis, you won't be remaining dead, I'll just use my powers to heal you."
"Y/N, I'm not entirely sure that you'd have the ability to do so, it seems as if it would be too complex since I'm not entirely human." He states, and Bruce adds on:
"Yeah, he's a culmination of Tony, Jarvis, Ultron, and myself all seemingly powered by the mind stone, not exactly your normal flesh and bones."
"Please, do not question me on my own abilities as I am most aware of what I'm capable of." You bite back, unintentionally giving away your irritation, internally cringing at your inability to reel your emotions in.
"I'm not comfortable with it, seems far too unpredictable." Natasha suddenly says, making her way over to you, and protectively wrapping her arms around you.
"Yeah.. I'm with Natasha." Wanda meekly states, and judging by the red in her eyes she'd clearly tried to peer into your blocked off mind.
A long exhale is released from your mouth as you decide it's best to allow them the opportunity to try it their way. Pushing too hard in this moment will only further their suspicions, and if anyone knew the truth you know that they'd shut you down immediately.
"Fine, but if shit hits the fan, as it tends to to when we get together, then promise me that you'll follow my plan as a secondary option." You playfully plead, and the resounding sounds of 'yes' does wonders for the fear in your heart.
"It's settled then." Cap says before settling besides Sam.
Natasha pulls you down to sit beside her, with her head falling against your shoulder and you lay your head atop hers with closed eyes. Uneasiness seeps in your bones as you can feel eyes on you, and you open yours to see the couple both looking to you. Vision's all too knowing gaze locks with yours, and Wanda's worried one patiently waits for your eyes to meet hers.
"Excuse me." You abruptly say, standing to head off to the restroom, Natasha huffs as her body slightly falls, and the team watches you with worried expressions.
Once you enter the bathroom your overwhelming grief came flooding out of you, and you allowed yourself the moment to break.
"It's what's best..." You croak out, once again convincing yourself that the less they know, the better off they all are.
You stand from the toilet, lightly splashing your face with water, then return with a somber smile, taking your place besides Natasha once more.
"Sorry about that sweetheart..." You apologize, placing a chaste kiss to her lips, and Natasha's stomach twists uncomfortably at the salty remnants on your lips.
"Are you okay?"
"Peachy." You quip with an exaggerated wink, and nudge to her side and she just shakes her head at your actions before settling against you once more.
"I love the blonde..." You whisper, and notice the slight smirk on her face.
"I figured you would." She mutters, and your heart flutters as she lifts your arm over her shoulder and genuinely cuddles up to you.
This time your forward focused eyes lock on Wanda's, and if you're not mistaken, you can an almost see a sense of longing behind them before she shakes herself free of your gaze.
As expected, the battlefield is flooded with bloodthirsty aliens, and you're just patiently waiting for your time to come. For a moment it seemed everything was for not until you looked to the sky with an eye roll to follow. Thor, in all his eye patched glory, comes crashing down with a new weapon you can only assume was forged by Eitri.
"Nice entrance cousin." You tease while effortlessly slicing at an incoming alien's jugular, and he smirks your way before trodding forward with a raccoon, and tree trailing behind him.
"Well. At least I can say I've seen it all before I die." You bitterly muse before heading off to the prophesied rendezvous spot, and await Vision to come falling your way.
Without much time spared, Vision comes falling at record speed, fighting off an alien and you graciously step to the side to avoid being crushed. Then with one swift movement you're now swiping alien guts off of your sword.
"Y/N, whatever it is you're planning, there has to be another way..." Vis groans, and you smile sadly at the soon to be man, while helping him to his feet.
"We both know there isn't Vis, I saw what's coming, and if I'm not the one to end this, a lot more catastrophe is to follow..."
"They will be more than distraught, I'm not the best with understanding the complexities of human emotions, but I know you're cherished. I'm for sure more than a fan of your presence."
"I've lived many a millennia my dear friend, and it will always come with losses. Sadly, Wanda's no stranger to it, but yours will quite literally fracture her spirit, so if my sacrifice saves her even a sliver of pain then it's what's best. Also, I love you too buddy..."
Wanda makes her way over with the rest of your team hot on her trails, perplexed expression as she notices your hushed arguing with her partner, tragically a branch beneath her feet halts her from being able to listen in.
"There she is." You beam, then usher her over.
"We're out of time darling." Vision reluctantly goes along with the plan, and you nod from behind her in thanks.
A loud thundering comes from your right, and the speed at which you must move just increased tenfold.
"If this is going to work, everyone needs to be prepared to hold the titan off!" You command into the comms, and without fail the team begins to work tirelessly to do as such.
Natasha goes to run passed you, but suddenly squeals as she is pulled into your body for a brief, yet passionate kiss.
"Not that I'm complaining detka, but we're kinda mid battle." She breathes against your lips, a ghost of a smirk clearly present, and you lightly chuckle.
"Well, the kiss was for good luck." You relay, and she leans forward to kiss you once more.
"I love you Natty.." You whisper against her lips, she gasps lightly before pressing her lips firmly against yours in silent admittance, then she runs away from you with a wide smile. 
You turn to see Wanda's powers are surging from her hands, using what appears to be all of her energy to blast a hole into the head of the man she loves. Trembling lip, accompanied by her shaking hands, is all you need to affirm your decision here. Vision's body hits the ground, and your movements are rather swift. Wrapping your arms around her waist, you pull her close, then gently place a kiss to her cheek.
"I love you Wands." You whisper before dropping to your knees, and shielding yourselves while focusing all of your energy on Vision's body, as you breathe your life into him.
Wanda's body is frozen as she let's your ominous confession wash over her. Immense rage consumes her as she understands that you're not coming home with her, and she turns to face the mad titan who'd finally arrived before her.
"You're taking everything from me!" She seethes, then begins throwing her energy balls at the man.
"It's for the best." He condescends while waving his hand around to turn them into nothing more than bubbles.
He clearly underestimated her determination though, as his words further fuel her rage. Then she swiftly throws him back, and the sheer force of her power renders his access to the stones rather useless.
Everything is fading into black rather quickly for you, but you persevere until you finally hear the man below you gasp. His eyes immediately line with tears as he sees your nearly lifeless eyes, then your body collapses and the protective sphere around you falls.
"No!" Vision shouts as he jumps to his knees and makes his way to your side, lightly shaking you but it's to no avail as you slowly blink, and your breaths remain shallow.
Wanda's focus drops from the titan as she turns to see you lying still beneath him, a broken sob falls from her and she collapses to the ground. The faint sounds of feet stomping the ground doesn't even seem to register in her mind as she begins to mourn your life.
"I understand your grief child." Thanos proclaims with a light grip to her head, then he raises his hand in an attempt to reconfigure the stone, but his attempts prove fruitless.
"What did you do?" He seethes, anger falling to you, lifting your nearly dead form from the ground he holds you up by your throat, and you weakly smile his way.
"Simply put, I rewrote history with my own life. In doing so I made the reversal of time, and the obtaining of the mind stone impossible... You'll never win Thanos, and you'll never be a God." You weakly monologue, coughing ensuing as he starts to squeeze what little life remained in you, but your body quickly falls, as Thanos's head rolls.
Wanda catches you with her powers, then scoots over to lay her head on your abdomen, while she just sobs her apologies against you. Natasha's hand clutches at her stomach as the nausea sets in, not understanding how she didn't register your whispered confession as a cheap attempt at a goodbye.
"No.. You can't go, we were just getting started Y/N/N, we have so much life left to live together... I spent so much time being scared, but I'm here now! I'm here... I-I love you too.. Please, I need you. Don't leave me..." She sobs, then places her tear stained lips to your cracked set, and you weakly pout to meet her kiss.
"I'll always be with you Natty... Surely we'll meet again my loves, find me in the afterlife..." You whisper against her face, with your limp hand falling atop Wanda's head as it falls from Nat's cheek.
The entirety of the people on the battlefield take a knee, and your closest teammates faces are shining with fresh hot tears. Vision's first to pull Wanda from you, and directly against his chest, and she desperately clings to him. Steve steps in a few minutes later to pull Natasha away, but her response is pure resistance, as she thrashes in his hold, and her pained screams just don't stop.
"No! I'm not leaving her! Put me down Rogers! She needs me... Please! This can't be it for us!"
Thor approaches you last, cupping your average sized face between his monster sized hands, and he just takes a moment to silently cry before he scoops your limp body up to place down in the jet.
"Always had to be the best of us didn't you little one... Please say hello to Loki for me..." He chokes out, then works to pull himself together as he enters the eerily quiet jet.
Tony's booming voice is heard in the common room as he's shouting praises, followed by the wizard, and your precious Spiderling.
"Why so glum, did we not just win?" He beams, looking around the room as he naturally takes a silent roll call.
"Where's the walking hospital?"
The continued silence, and sight of Natasha is more of an answer than any words would've been, and he stumbles backwards as it hits him.
"Y/N's—, she—, you said it was the only way!" He shouts, while jabbing his pointer finger into the sorcerer's chest, while Peter's now sobbing form gets pulled into Natasha's embrace.
"I can assure you all, this isn't how it was meant to go... None of the timelines I saw ever included the one you speak of as Y/N. My handing over of the time stone was pivotal to defeating Thanos in the long run, and let's not forget, saving you from an untimely death."
"You, you just gave him the time stone?!" Wanda growls, hands immediately encased in a layer of red as she stands to face the outsider, and no one's making a move to stop her, not even Vision.
"Sir, it appears that Y/N had sent me an encrypted file, I've worked through the codes to see it's a video, would you like me to play it?" Friday cuts through, timing rather perfectly, as if she'd just been sitting on the file while she waited for a tumultuous moment.
"Play it." Natasha immediately croaks out, shocking the entire room as she'd been eerily silent since Steve had to carry her off the jet.
"As you wish Miss Romanoff."
"Ello there my darlings... You're all currently sat in the jet unaware of what's to come, well most of you... I'm certain a couple of you've figured it out. Anywho, this is my final bouts of wisdom, so listen up. All of you've done your job, so if you wish to retire, do it. I'm actually begging you to, your bodies are aging, at this rate you're going you'll all have arthritis soon, and I'm not there to heal you..."
"Now, Tony, please congratulate Pepper for me on the bundle of joy. Oh yeah, spoiler alert, you're going to be a dad! Kiss that pretty baby on the cheeks for me, and hold them close. Thanks for allowing me a place to stay, and affording me my found family, and for playing the part of annoying brother so well."
"Steve, Buck—Confess your love for one another, and go live a life you were always meant to. I know a thing or two about unrequited love, and it's absolutely insane for you two to continue on the way you are."
"Peter, I love you, go be great kid... Just please learn a lesson from the rest of us, and don't let the superhero gig hold you back from living a fulfilling life. Protect your innocence, and love with everything in you."
"Thor, my beautiful man-child of a cousin. You've more than paid your dues, so please, pass on the title to Valkyrie, and set off on a journey of discovery. You're more than the hero you'd been prophesied to be, find a new purpose, and live for me please. Also, yes, I'll tell Loki you said hi."
"Wanda, we never got our chance to shine together—I hold no regrets, because yours and Vision's love story is truly one for the books. Love is hard to come by, and just being able to feel it has the power to be enough for some of us, I promise loving you was one of the greatest joys of my life. Seeing you smile was always enough, and I'm hopeful that in due time your smile will burn just as brightly as it once did.... Vision, take care of our girl, and thank you for never holding my love for her against me, it was truly an honor to know you."
"Natasha, my first ever Earthly friend, whom I'd initially mistaken for an angel—rightfully so too, because that's what you truly are. Your beauty knows no bounds, and your heart, though you won't agree, is as pure as can be. Most importantly to me though Natasha, is that you're the derzhatel' moyego serdtsa.
Ty pokazal mne zhizn', dostoynuyu zhizni, Net. Khotya ty byl napugan, ty vse zhe pozvolil mne lyubit' tebya, i ya khochu poblagodarit' tebya. Lyubit' tebya, dazhe izdaleka, sdelalo menya samym schastlivym, kakim ya kogda-libo byl, i ya prozhil dovol'no dolgoye vremya, milaya devochka. Bud'te schastlivy, potomu chto vy etogo dostoyny.
Vse v poryadke, milaya. Vy svobodny i zasluzhivayete togo, chtoby byt'. YA tebya lyublyu. Be great, and please tell Yelena I'm sorry I never got to meet her..."
(... holder of my heart. —
You showed me a life worth living Nat. Though you were scared, you still allowed me to love you, and I want to thank you. Loving you, even from afar, made me the happiest I've ever been, and I've lived quite a long time sweet girl. Be happy, because you deserve it.
It's okay sweetheart. You're free, and deserve to be. I love you.)
I'm not going to tell you guys what I saw, that would just be unfair to burden any of your souls with the guilt, because in the end this was my choice, and my sacrifice to make. Just know it was so much bigger than Vision, your sorcerer friend knows what I'm talking about. Until we meet again my compadres, take care of yourselves, and please remember, you all deserve to be happy!
Tata for now...
You finish your video off with a tip of your invisible hat, a kiss blown, and a trail of tears wiped away.
Not a face in the room was dry as the video had concluded, and slowly the occupants of the room filtered out on their journeys to grieve.
That same night Natasha stumbles into your room with a bottle of vodka in her hand, and she's slightly startled—not shocked—at the sight of Wanda's slumped form sat upon your bed.
"I-I can go if you want." Wanda stutters, but Natasha just waves her off, instead of replying she simply passes over the bottle and Wanda immediately takes a swig.
As she violently coughs, having never been much of a drinker, she can't help but to bittersweetly imagine your laughing form there to mock her. Curiously, she observes the stumbling woman stood before her. Natasha stands on her tippy toes, having to do so since you'd apparently placed your hoodies out of reach. Sloppily she tosses one over to the witch, before slipping herself into your most used one, and she chokes back a sob as your scent surrounds her.
Wanda graciously throws it over her body as she closes her eyes, vividly imagining your warm embrace, and crying once more. Honestly, she's not even sure if it's been long enough since her last set of tears to classify this as a repeat offense instead of just a continuing one.
"I loved her so much..." Natasha whispers over their collective sobs into the otherwise silent room.
Wanda's hand immediately moves across the bed to link with hers, and squeezes it tightly. They might've always been at odds over you, but in the end they both loved you to no end. Wholeheartedly so, and in a moment like this there's no more rivalry, just a shared grief.
"Me too Nat, she was truly the best of us, just a perfect culmination of all that was right in the world, and she somehow loved me..." Wanda chokes out, as her sobs just seemingly intensify.
"She loved us enough to give her life up... I cornered the wizard before he left, turns out I was going to die, Tony too, and you were going to lose your entire mind..."
"Bold of her to assume I wouldn't lose it over her..."
"I just want to go back, to be selfish and say yes, and let her come with me on the run... I came home excited to finally have my chance with her, and now I've lost it once again."
"Tell me about it... I got to experience an everlasting love, while she just got left behind. I'm grateful she saved Vis, but part of me wishes she'd just been selfish just this once..."
Natasha hums in agreement, no longer able to contain the entirety of her emotions, and Wanda's quick to follow in her lead. So, the redheads cry themselves to sleep while wrapped up in your hoodies, hands securely intertwined, and a shared dream of just being able to see you again.
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supermarvel-fics · 2 years
word count: 3,500
pairing: loki x gn!reader (established relationship)
cw: mild swearing
summary: you spend your one day off with your boyfriend, Loki, and you come to find that he has a cute little quirk when he reads.
this little story is really tickles with no plot, I just really loved the idea of the reader receiving feather light tickles because that's what I crave. hope you enjoy!
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Sundays were your favorite days. It was the one day you got to relax after a long week of training and going out to complete missions. You loved those days, too, of course. Living out your dream alongside your very best friends was something you’d never take for granted, but there were times that all you wanted to do was watch a movie or read a book and not be interrupted.
On most days, attempting to find a quiet place in the tower was next to impossible with all of the heroes, scientists, and other employees working and/or living there. The only room that was subject to solitude was your own, and even then, you often got a knock at your door when someone needed your assistance with something.
But on Sundays, most everyone was out and about doing their own things. Nat spent her day with Clint and his family, teaching Lila how to defend herself should she need it. Thor traveled to New Asgard to help in any way he can. Peter went back home to Queens, having dinner with his Aunt and spending time with his friends.
The compound was your home. You didn’t have a family to go home to for the holidays nor did you have friends outside of work. Not that you would complain—the Avengers were your family and your friends. You loved them with all of your heart.
Some a little more than others.
You strolled through the halls of the tower, relishing in the way you could hear the echo of your own footsteps. A small smile rose to your face as you came upon the entrance to the common room, spotting the back of one very familiar God’s head. You could see that he had a book in his hand which meant he was in his own little world, paying very little attention to what was happening around him. Perfect.
You and Loki had taken a fancy to each other fairly quickly after you’d moved into the compound. It started off with glances across the room; Loki would watch as you smiled and laughed with your other teammates. And though he’d never admit it, Loki’s heart melted at the sight.
Truthfully, you knew he was staring at you, so each time the two of you were in the same room, you would do things to deliberately grab his attention. It was a little game to you—one that he didn’t catch on to for close to a week.
“You’re doing it on purpose, aren’t you?” the God voiced from behind you once everyone else had left the conference room. You smirked as you gathered the information given to you into a blue folder.
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, Loki. Could you be more specific?” You jested back. Loki narrowed his eyes at the back of your head and for a moment, you swore you could feel it as if he were shooting lasers from them.
“If you think I didn’t notice your little tactic to try and get my focus onto you, then you’d be sorely mistaken,” Loki crossed his arms over his chest, clearly offput by your feigned ignorance. You silently chuckled, scooping up your belongings before swiveling around to face the brooding man.
“I can’t believe it took you until today to finally figure it out,” You blinked up at him. Your gaze locked onto his and Gods his eyes were beautiful. The way they sparkled like the sea when the light hit them just right was enough to make you fall weak. Loki raised an eyebrow, snapping you out of your trance.
“Beg pardon?”
“Loki, I’ve been trying to get your attention for a week,” You giggled. “I saw you staring at me at my first mission briefing.”
Loki’s expression fostered confusion, then slowly morphed into recognition. “So, yesterday in the kitchen?”
“Yep,” you said, popping the ‘p’ for emphasis. You let a smug grin come to your face and Loki followed suit.
“Honestly, agent, if you’d taking a liking to me, all you had to do was say so,” He took a step closer, towering over your small physique. You didn’t back down or cower away; you simply lifted your chin and tilted your head.
“Says the 1,000-year-old God who caught feelings for me, a weak mortal, the second I walked through the door of the compound,” You winked at him cheekily before swerving around his stance to exit the room. You rotated again, walking backwards away from him. “If you wanted to get to know me, all you had to do was ask.”
And with that, you left Loki standing there wondering how you had the gall to be so forward. He found that he liked that about you—how you didn’t shy away from him or ignore him completely. It fueled him, really. It was why the next day, he asked you out on a date.
Loki never said it was a date, but what else would you call a trip out of the tower to eat brunch so you could learn more about one another?
5 more outings, 3 nights where you stayed up until the sun was due to rise, and a mission gone awry later, Loki held you close and kissed you until there wasn’t a breath left in your body. He wrapped his arms around you and whispered that he could never bear to lose you. Over and over, he reminded you that you stole his heart in a way he never thought possible.
It had been half a year since then and every day, you fell deeper in love with the handsome prince. He cared for you in ways you’d never been privy to before and perhaps it had to do with the fact that he was not of Earth, but that didn’t matter to you. Loki was treasure and you found him when you needed him most.
But what you loved more than your intimate moments together, were the playful moods the two of you would get into.
It was no secret that Loki had a specialty in creating mischief—often playing a harmless prank on you just to make you laugh. He just hadn’t expected you to retaliate. From then on, it became war; shoelaces tied together, disorganizing a bookshelf, changing bedsheets and pillowcases to a bright pink color.
Upon seeing your dazed and distracted partner, you tiptoed up to the back of the couch, planning to scare him senseless. As quietly as you could, you sucked in a deep breath prior to leaning close to Loki’s ear and—
“You should never try and sneak up on a God, you know,” a rich baritone voice stated from behind you. You let out a shriek, turning around while clutching your chest to see Loki looming over you. Your widened eyes shot from him back over to the couch where the Loki you had attempted to scare had vanished. You twisted your head back to the real Loki, glaring at him not-so-menacingly.
“You and your damn clones. I thought we agreed that you weren’t allowed to use your Seidr,” You growled. Loki stepped forward, gathering up your hands in his and swiping his thumb along the backs of them.
“That was before you decided to play dirty. Don’t think I forgot about you tampering with my shampoo,” He scolded half-heartedly. He leaned closer, pressing his soft lips to your forehead.
“You and I both know that you needed to be brought down a peg after you rearranged all of my bedroom furniture.” Loki hummed and shrugged, with a satisfying smirk plastered on his face. You chuckled before rising on your toes to kiss him firmly on the lips. “I thought you were going with your brother to New Asgard today. What gives?”
Loki furrowed his brows. “My, my, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think that you despised my presence here in the tower.” He released your hands and began walking out of the common area. “No matter. I’m sure I can find something to do elsewhere.”
“Loki, you know that’s not what I meant!” You giggled, marching towards him to pull him back. He reluctantly let you, knowing it was all fun and games. “I just meant I wasn’t planning on seeing you today. I’m glad you’re here.”
You wrapped your arms around Loki’s waist, squeezing him into a tight hug. He reciprocated it, lowly laughing in response. “Yes, well, I was going to accompany him today, but we got into an argument and he is quite unbearable when he believes that he is right, so I resorted to staying here.” He kissed the top of your head. “I’d much rather be here with you anyway.”
You sighed in contentment, tilting your head up to look at him. Loki wasted no time in giving you another peck, this time on the lips.
“So, what were your plans for the day?” Loki continued.
“I was coming in here to watch a movie, but you’re reading, so I think I’ll just sit with you, if that’s okay,” You smiled shyly at him. He brushed a piece of hair out of your face, placing it behind your ear.
“Nonsense, darling. You can still watch your movie. You know I’m dead to the world once I have a book in front of me. It won’t bother me a bit.”
“You’re sure?”
“Positive,” Loki grinned. He walked around the couch with you in tow, then sat down, pulling you into his side. He passed you the television remote as you snuggled into him. Once you were comfortable, he conjured up his book out of thin air, flipping it open with his Seidr.
You stayed just like that, in a state of pure bliss, for close to an hour before you got tugged out of it by the faintest tingling sensation on your ribs. You looked down to see Loki’s index finger drawing circles over your shirt.
You smiled, not entirely sure if it was because of the feeling or the act itself, as you slowly peered up at him. He didn’t notice, of course, because he was well into the climax of his story, so you just shifted a bit in his hold and attempted to turn your attention back to the movie.
Your repositioning caused him to cease his finger for a moment, but once you settled back down, you felt it again. You bit the inside of your cheek, willing yourself not to laugh or move.
You had somehow gone this entire 6-month span without letting Loki know that you were ticklish. Insufferably so, since his one finger drawing shapes on your ribs was making you want to crawl out of your skin.
It’s not that you didn’t want him to know. You weren’t keeping it from him, per se, but you knew that once he figured it out, you’d never be able to go another day without him trying to tickle you. Not that it would be a bad thing considering how much you cherished how playful he was with you.
It’s also not as if his touch was unwelcome. If you weren’t so damn ticklish, you could probably melt right into it. But the way his fingernail was lightly dragging across one of your most ticklish spots was enough to force you to release a breath you’d been holding and move your arm so it covered your ribs.
Loki’s hand relocated farther down, resting on that place where your belly met your side. You took a quick glance back up at him, seeing that he was still emersed in his book.
How cute is that?
You realized that he most likely had no idea what he was doing—almost as if his hand wasn’t attached to his body. You’d always loved that about Loki; how when he became so engrossed in a story, that it was close to impossible to pull him out of his lulled state.
So, when his hand started up again, this time at your belly and with an added middle finger, you didn’t have the heart to tell him to stop no matter how much it tickled.
You pressed your lips together into a tight smile, balling your hands into fists and burying your face into Loki’s chest. You gave up on watching the movie because all you could think about was keeping your squirming at bay so you didn’t disturb him.
Your abdomen tensed under his touch when his nails travelled too close to your waistline and your breathing hitched in your throat. You had to move. You had to. There was no way you could keep up this façade for much longer.
You played it off as a yawn—stretching your arms and legs out, then snuggling into his side a bit more.
“Are you alright?” Loki asked you, breaking away from his book. Shit. You gazed up at him, an apologetic smile on your face.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I just wanted to get more comfortable,” You placed your hand on his chest. “I’m good, now.”
He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead before turning back to his copy of Macbeth. You let out a sigh of relief once you realized his fingers had stopped brushing against your side. You took the time to relax, finally putting your concentration back on the movie. Luckily it was one you’d seen plenty of times because you’d missed a small portion of it when you were struggling to control your reactions.
A minute or two went by, then you let out a small squeak when Loki’s fingers proceeded to make lazy shapes across your belly again. You had to hold yourself back from audibly groaning because this time, all 5 of his fingers had joined in.
You subtly covered your mouth with your hand and shut your eyes, praying to any God that could hear that he’d quit before it became too much and you gave yourself away with your laughter.
Sure, you could tell him to stop or reach out and cover his hand with your own, but Loki’s adorable absentminded ministrations outweighed your ticklish predicament. Plus, you knew better than to outwardly tell the God of Mischief that he was tickling you.
Again and again, he swirled his fingertips across your tummy, agonizingly slow and painfully gentle. Unfortunately, you jolted particularly hard when his pinky grazed your hipbone, pulling him away from his Shakespearean play once more.
“Darling, are you positive you’re alright?” He placed a steady hand on your hip and rubbed up and down.
“I swear I’m okay! I just had a muscle spasm,” You lied. Loki scrunched his eyebrows together and hummed. You gave him another polite smile prior to releasing a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding and turning your eyes back to the movie.
This time, Loki refrained from continuing his story. He kept turning the pages magically, as he had been the past hour, but only to make you believe he’d gone back to reading. Instead, his eyes watched you. He kept a firm hand on your side, noticing how you visibly relaxed into his touch. Then, experimentally, he lifted his palm and stroked his nails across your belly, smirking when you grimaced aloud and bit on one of your knuckles to stop yourself from laughing.
He kept his fingers moving, savoring the way you hid behind your hands every time he brushed over a sensitive spot. After a few minutes of watching you make an effort to hold in your reactions, Loki decided that he’d much rather hear you laugh.
Without warning, the God slid his hand down to your hip and fluttered his fingers there, honing in on the spot that made you twitch in the first place. You couldn’t help the melodic giggle that rose from your throat, your hand instinctively shooting down to grab Loki’s.
“All this time getting to know each other and you never once mentioned that you were ticklish,” Loki stated as he flicked his wrist, making his book disappear. He snatched his hand out of your grasp and shot it up to your ribs, wiggling his torturous digits over the fabric of your shirt.
You squealed and clamped your arm down to your side. “Ihihit nehever came uhuhup!”
Loki reached over with his right arm now that his book was gone and gathered your wrists together, holding them to your chest. Then, he lightened his touch, scratching his first two fingers back and forth across a terribly sensitive rib, chuckling darkly at how that seemed to almost incapacitate you.
You squirmed into him, attempting to evade his nails, but it only egged him on.
“Really, darling, this is quite adorable. Almost as adorable as you trying not to laugh earlier,” Loki taunted. You let out a strangled gasp which quickly turned into a shriek and a bout of laughter as he moved his hand closer to the front of your ribs, directly above your navel.
“Yohou- you- AH! You were dohoing it ohohon puhurpose?” You stammered out through giggles. Loki flitted his two fingers even lower, now dancing above the waistline of your shorts. You jolted again, leaning your head back onto your lover’s shoulder and cackled hysterically as you accepted your fate.
“Not at first, no. I was unaware that I was tickling you, but it was this spot riiiigghhtt here,” Loki sang as he sped up his fingers, adding the other three to cover more skin, “that gave you away.”
“Oh, my. If this is your reaction to such a light touch, then I shudder to think about what this might do,” Loki punctuated the word with a couple of harsh squeezes to your hipbone. Your laughter pitched up an octave, then you pulled your knees into your chest as far as they’d go, blocking him from tickling you further.
Loki retracted his hand from your hip and let go of your bound wrists, having a quick laugh at your expense. He lovingly stroked your leg and placed a peck to the top of your head. “That was endearing.”
You heaved out a few breaths before responding. “You’re never going to let me know peace, are you?”
“Of course I will, love,” Loki chuckled. “At least once a week.”
You whirled your upper body around as much as you could to face him, eyes widened in panic. “Once a week?!”
“Relax, my dear, I’m only joking,” he replied, placing a ticklish pinch to your side. “How about twice a week? By the looks of it, you seemed to have enjoyed it considering how long you held out.”
You giggled, not quite sure if it was because of his small quip or the squeeze. Probably both. Still, you rolled your eyes playfully and settled back into his side. Loki let silence overcome the two of you for a moment before speaking up.
“Why did you hold out so long? I could tell towards the end that it was becoming a bit much for you,” He noted. Your face burned red and it was almost as if Loki could feel it through his usual Asgardian outerwear because he had to clarify. “Do you like it?”
“N-no! I- well, I mean I don’t hate it, but- I like- UGH!” You stuttered, hiding your face into his chest again. Loki didn’t tease you for your extremely flustered state. Instead, he waited for you to calm down. “I like it when we get into playful moods like this. I like being close to you,” you said, muffled into his shirt.
Loki ran his fingers through your hair, smiling fondly even though you weren’t able to see him. “That’s completely understandable. I only ask because I’d never want to push your boundaries. I love having you close, too.”
You glanced up at him, finally seeing the grin overtaking his face and gave him one back. “That’s not the real reason I let you keep going, though.”
“It’s not?” Loki raised an eyebrow. You shook your head. “Then, why, pray tell, would you subject yourself to such ‘torture’ as you Midgardians call it?”
You giggled softly, bringing a hand up to rub your thumb across his jaw. “Because you’re really cute when you’re off in your own little world.”
Loki’s eyes dilated, then. He was caught off guard by your compliment and mistakenly let a faint blush grace his cheeks. You, of course, noticed immediately.
“Aw, you’re blushing!” You teased the God, kissing his left cheekbone. Loki scowled at you, though there was no meaning in it, then it hurriedly transformed into a smirk.
“And you look cute when you’re laughing!” He jested back before wrapping his arms around your torso and digging his fingers into your belly. You instantly roared in loud laughter, trying not to squirm or push him away to let him know that this kind of playfulness was always welcome.
Loki eventually relented when he noticed you started hiccupping through your giggles to get more oxygen into your lungs. He rubbed the residual tingling feeling away from your belly and once your breathing steadied, you melted into his side, falling asleep to the beat of Loki’s heart.
Yeah, you wouldn’t mind spending every Sunday just like this.
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leakyrocktarot · 3 years
🌱🐼🌱𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘌𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘋𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶 🌱🐼🌱
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The way a deity contacts you is special to that deity and will always find a way to you even if you ignore the signs at first, they will contact you until you figure out who it is and then you can decide whether or not you want to work with them.
Seeing very specific signs and synchronicities multiple times can definitely be a sign that someone is trying to talk to you, however it can be a spirit guide, entities, the universe, spirit, entities, so it's somewhat hard to tell if a deity is trying to contact you but after a while it gets easier. The first thing you want to do is pay very close attention to the signs that you are seeing . Specific signs relate too specific deities however some do cross over. For example a few signs a person who has the interest of Athena will see a lot of signs to do with hunting such as a bow and arrow, wolves, owls, snakes, armor, helmets, spears, especially things related to her mythology. With all of that being said, some signs do cross over for example Apollo, her brother also sports the bow and arrow, pythons, ravens, etc.
For the most part, the deity might visit you in a dream, a vision, or you'd see a lot more content about them like a random post about Thor on instagram, or a weirdly elaborate woven blanket with the likes of Zeus for sale at ross. Anyhow you look at it your deity will reach out to you in every way possible.
So now that you've figured out which deity is calling you, how do you answer them? Well first, you may want to look deeper into their mythology, many deities take that as an interest of you wanting to work with them, but don't be afraid the contract isn't signed yet. What you want to do is figure out what kind of deity they are, what they stand for, what they despise, what they specialize in, and especially any possible reasons for why they want to work with you. A perfect example is Loki, the god of mischief. He loves to cause chaos and minor (large) inconveniences to others but not without a cause. For the most part he would want to work with someone who is having a hard time in life I think especially in family matters. The most important thing to know about Loki is to keep him happy, basically by doing things he wants like lighting a candle or leaving him an offering at his alter. Of course doing your own research is more important that me just telling you what the gods are like because my version of Loki will definitely be a different version of your Loki because of our needs being vastly different.
So you've completed all of your research, what next? Next is vetting the deity. If you don't do divination, maybe this whole process isn't for you but if you do divination keep going. You're going to want to thoroughly vet the entity that is trying to connect to you because many lower vibrational spirits do attempt to trick people into contracts by disguising themselves as deities and that's not something you want to deal with. Use your cars, use the pendulum, use your crystals, use your crystal ball, use your scrying mirror, use all forms of divination and cleansing methods you have available to make sure that entity is for sure who they say they are. Don't be afraid of the deity losing interest, they see it as you being careful and are respectful of the process. Next is building an altar, again every deity is different and through your research you should be able to find instructions to build an altar but for learning purposes, my alter only requires the candle related to my deities favorite thing, an offering bowl or plate, a designated corner or table, and an offering of one of your deities favorite things. What you'd need to do next depends massively on the deity but starting off by praying to them is always a good start. Mention that you've seen their signs and have taken up an interest and state the honor of working with them. Light their candle and give them the offering. You'll know if it worked if you start to see the signs even more, when they reach out, or if you have a specific dream of them.
What next you ask? That's up to the deity! Next would come when they reach out to accept you, you will have the chance to tell them what you're looking for assuming they don't already know and they will begin working with you literally that second. A deity can help you gain confidence, make strides in your spiritual journey, and many other things as long as it aligns with who they are and what they do. As long as you make offerings, light their candles, and be respectful they will keep working with you. Once the goal is complete they will do some sort of a goodbye ceremony where they just- say goodbye, congratulate you on your progress and wish you luck and let you know that you can still contact them if anything. Usually a deity leaving is a very and I mean very emotional experience, and most people often bargain and cry which is ok that is your emotion but, keep in mind that they are not full gone they still watch over and protect you and while they may not be there they still are around. Some deities do stay for life, and some do get passed on to your children if you decide to have them and that just means that you are fully the child of that deity, not saying that the deity birthed you, but saying that your family has a long history of worshiping that deity.
As some ending notes I think it's good to list some of the benefits of working with deities, especially for those who have an affinity to the spirit world as in those who do honest divination, witchcraft, and people who can connect to the 5D.
Deities never judge. They never get jealous when you work with other deities they in fact encourage it however if two deities do not get along or their mythology clashes like Medusa and Poseidon keep them as far away as possible because so much as leaving their altar in the same room can be disastrous as they'd try to kill each other. They are highly specialized and can do wonders for your specific needs. They act as a magical buff for any spell or protection ward you do. They seek the wellness of their worshipers so unless they think you need to have a lesson they don't like to see you suffer therefore they will step in as much as they can.
Lastly, of course you can choose a deity you want to work with but if it is your first time working with deities or you aren't well versed in deity work, please do not go for high strung super strict and super demanding deities. Go for the more easy going ones because you are likely to make many mistakes your first go around and it's much better to have a forgiving deity instead of having a deity that if angered will have you swallowed whole by spiders in your sleep.
Have fun working with your deity and good luck on your journeys!
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imagineyourworld · 2 years
Could you do Valkyrie x reader Secret relationship
Sure thing! I love this trope for her <3
Your dad, an ambassador for whichever country you're from, forces you to come to new Asgard with him, saying that it would be valuable family time, something you know just isn't true because from experience you know he'll spend the entire time working and you'll just be on your own. The first couple of days are alright. You walk around town, get to see all the sights and watch the play about Thor, Loki, and Hela a couple of times while eating all kinds of different Asgardian foods. But after a few days you start to get bored. New Asgard may be a tourist attraction, but there's only so much one can do, especially alone. So after a long and boring morning at your hotel you decide to get out and just wander about. That's when you quite literally run into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. You're instantly convinced that she's some goddess, no mortal woman could look like that, or have arms like that. You apologise for running into her over and over again, but to your relief she seems amused rather than mad. The two of you start a conversation, she tells you that she lives in New Asgard and about some hidden spots you have to visit while you're there. She even offers to take you to some of those spots if you have a minute, and just as you're about to agree your phone rings. It's your dad, asking to have dinner with you, and no matter how much you want to, you simply cannot refuse. You ask the woman if you could take a rain check, and lucky for you she agrees. Just as she turns around to be on her way you remember that you don't even know her name. "Brunhilde," she calls over her shoulder before disappearing in a crowd.
The two of you meet again the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. It's at sunset, sitting in a hidden cave, that she kisses you for the first time. It's a whirlwind romance and you find yourself falling for this stunning woman you only met a couple of days ago. But the bliss doesn't last long. Just a few days later your dad makes you tag along to some dinner hosted by the king, and just imagine your shock when you enter the room and find none other than Brunhilde sitting on the throne. The two of you make it through dinner, but as soon as the opportunity presents itself she drags you into the hallway. You're both shocked, confused, maybe even slightly hurt. And yet neither of you want to let go of the other, of what you had built together in the last couple of days, so you agree to keep on dating in secret.
It's quite exciting, running around, hoping no one catches you, sneaking into her house late at night and out again the next morning before your dad notices that you're missing. And though neither of you want to admit it you both know that this can't go on forever. Reality finally catches up to you when your visit comes to an end. You both agree that it is better to break up now, for both of you to return to your lives, that it would hurt less, even though you know that you've fallen for King Valkyrie the moment you first ran into her. Back home you're feeling terrible. You miss her, miss her like crazy, and everyone around you notices that something is wrong, but no matter how they beg you to tell them what's the matter, you can't. Valkyrie isn't any better. She can't pay attention to any meeting, can't sleep, she begins to drown her sorrows in alcohol once again. In the end it's none other than Thor who finally catches on to her broken heart and convinces her that if she really likes you then she should do something about it. And why did the two of you even feel the need to keep your relationship a secret? Sure there would be talk, but people would always find something to talk about. And so it happens that one of your coworkers tells you that the King of New Asgard is there to see you. You follow your coworker, who leads you outside where Valkyrie is standing next to a beautiful winged white horse, a single flower in her hand. "I like you, I like you a lot, and I don't know where this will go, but I know that I want you in my life. Screw all this secrecy, I want to tell everyone that you're mine and I'm yours. If you'll have me that is." You don't know what to say, so you do the first thing that comes to mind; you run up to her and kiss her, not caring that there are people around, probably filming the whole thing. The time for secrets is over.
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Can't Keep a Secret
Word count: 4300
Warnings: tickling, fluff, reader with an inability to keep secrets, reader with a crush on a certain god of mischief
I'm so excited for 100 followers!! I didn't expect so many people to actually be interested in my writing when I started posting 🥰
This one is based on @atlas-of-the-universe's request here for a fic where Loki tickles the reader to get information of some kind 😉 I hope this is what you were looking for!
This one also has a little more crushing/romantic fluff than some of my other fics at the end, so if you're not into that just skip that part. As always, completely SFW!
* * *
No one ever seemed to do anything nice for Loki. So, when Thor approached you to ask if you’d help him and the others plan a surprise birthday party for his brother, you wholeheartedly agreed to assist. As the Avengers’ best party planner, you jumped at the chance to start brainstorming ideas to make this party the best Loki had ever experienced – including on Asgard. And, if it meant he’d pay a little extra attention to you, well… that was an added bonus.
The only problem was – you were terrible at keeping secrets.
It wasn’t as if you went around spilling the details when someone asked you not to tell the others about something. You knew enough not to just blurt out the fact that you were planning a party. Unfortunately, though, you had a tendency to let your feelings show in your facial expressions. Trying to keep secrets made you anxious, knowing you’d been the one to accidentally say just a little bit too much in the past and ruined other surprises.
The fact that you were the worst secret keeper was no… secret, for lack of a better word. Your teammates frequently exploited this fact when they wanted to know what you were hiding from them. Tony, especially, loved to talk circles around you until he could get you to trip up and give some detail away. On the other hand, they also tried not to let you in on too many details when they were planning a surprise for one of the other team members.
This time, you were determined not to give anything away. You were thrilled that the team was finally going to do something special for Loki, and you were NOT going to ruin it by spilling the beans to the trickster. Thor was probably one of the more trusting members of the Avengers, and he assured you when he asked you to help with the party that he had faith you wouldn’t screw up (quite literally in those words).
You started researching online to get some ideas. This party had to live up to the standards of an Asgardian prince, so you couldn’t just order a few pizzas and beer and call it a party. Plus, Tony had offered to pay for the whole thing (you suspected he felt guilty for having accidentally blasted Loki through a wall in the training room with his new Ironman suit the week prior) so your funds were basically limitless.
Inevitably, though, you were bound to run into situations where you had to spend time with the raven-haired god without allowing yourself to let any details slip.
The moment Loki first started to suspect you were hiding something was when he walked in on a conversation you were having with Thor in the kitchen. You had been asking him about the Asgardian mead his brother loved so much and wanted to know if he could manage to get some here on Midgard for the party.
“What is it about the Asgardian mead that you like so much better than standard alcohol?” you inquired curiously.
“Ha! That is a very funny question, Lady Y/N,” Thor laughed heartily. “As if any Midgardian liquor could so much as hold a candle to the spirits we drink on Asgard.”
“Hey! I enjoy my tequila! Margaritas are arguably a delicious alcoholic beverage,” you bantered.
“You truly believe this ‘margarita’ as you call it could compare to the smooth, sophisticated taste of an Asgardian mead?” Thor countered.
“I must agree with my brother on this one – I have seen this ‘margarita’ drink you speak of, and it is highly unlikely to be superior to Asgardian spirits.”
You gasped involuntarily when you heard Loki’s voice in the doorway, spinning around to face him with a look of bewilderment on your face. He cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow as he scrutinized your expression.
“Oh, hey Loki! Didn’t see you there,” you greeted, trying to lean casually against the counter you were standing beside.
“Yes… it appears you didn’t. You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.” Loki folded his arms across his chest, eyeing you intently. “What was it that brought you to the subject of Asgardian liquor?”
“Oh, that? Well…”
“I was just informing Lady Y/N that I have been feeling a bit nostalgic thinking about the celebrations we had on Asgard, when we would drink heartily with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three,” Thor cut in, quickly interrupting you mid-sentence. “Brother, you must recall the time you had a bit too much while drinking with us and…”
“I believe that’s quite enough nostalgia for one evening, dear brother,” Loki cut in, appearing almost frantic as he glanced quickly at you before turning back to glare at the elder Asgardian. “Stark asked me to inform you he requires your assistance in the laboratory. You’ll need to continue this conversation another time.”
“Ah, yes, alright then. Another time,” Thor agreed, winking at you before he exited the kitchen. Loki followed close behind, but not before giving you one last calculating glance before he crossed through the doorway and out of sight. You let out a breath of relief, hoping he hadn’t thought much of the conversation.
You noticed, though, that Loki started conveniently popping up around you more often after that incident. Maybe he didn’t want Thor to have the opportunity to tell you about whatever embarrassing story had occurred when they were younger, you thought. Regardless, it meant that you had to be extremely cautious about doing any planning for the party in any of the common areas.
The second time you nearly let something slip was during a hushed conversation in the training room with Peter after one of your sparring matches. He had pulled you aside after training to ask your opinion about whether he should ask his friend MJ to attend the party with him. He’d had a crush on the girl for quite some time, and now that she knew his secret identity he thought it might be time to introduce her to his Avengers family.
“I’m nervous she might not want to come, but I think it would be a great chance for her to meet everyone when the focus would be on someone else,” he explained. You hiked your backpack up onto your shoulder with your training gear and made your way toward the door to the training room with Peter by your side.
“Why wouldn’t she want to come? From what you’ve told me, she seems to be more of a social butterfly than you are, even,” you asked.
“Yeah… you’re right, I’m probably overthinking this, aren’t I?” he chuckled. “I just don’t want to screw things up!”
“What are you screwing up this time, spiderling?”
You stopped short as you heard Loki’s voice from behind you, making your heart leap into your throat. You turned around, trying not to look startled.
“Oh, Peter wants his friend MJ to attend… a training session with us!” you fibbed, trying to think quickly. “You know, so he can show her his Spider-Man moves!”
“Yeah! That’s right,” Peter agreed, nodding vigorously. “I’m going to go call her right now, thanks Y/N!” Peter scurried off down the hallway, leaving you standing with a somewhat skeptical looking god of mischief.
“Why was Peter asking you about inviting a friend to his training? Would he not have asked Stark?” Loki inquired. You shrugged in a non-committal way.
“Who knows? Anyway, uh, it was nice talking to you, but I’ve got to get going… big assignment to finish up tonight, can’t really stop and chat. See you later!” you blurted, not waiting for a response as you hurried toward your room. Phew, that was close, you thought to yourself, hoping he hadn’t been standing behind you for too long.
Later that week, you found yourself alone in the common room while watching television. You pulled out your laptop during one of the commercials and started searching the internet for caterers, hoping to find something fancy enough to appeal to an Asgardian god. You had thought that everyone else was out for the day, so you weren’t overly concerned about anyone seeing what you were doing.
“What mindless reality television show are you watching today?” The smooth, baritone voice caused you to jerk your head up from your laptop screen and instinctively slam it shut. He hadn’t even been standing behind you to see what you were searching – it was purely on reflex that you closed the computer. Loki raised his eyebrows at you. “I see you aren’t really watching anything, are you? What is it you were viewing on your computer?”
“Nothing! I mean, nothing exciting, really. Just some old photos that I was trying to sort through,” you stammered, standing up with the laptop clutched to your chest. “You can have the TV if you want, though. I have to go… work on that assignment some more. I was just taking a break. It’s almost done!” Loki opened his mouth as if to say something, but you didn’t wait around to let him ask any more questions that might make you give away something you shouldn’t. You spent the rest of the evening in your room, avoiding the trickster at all costs.
The next morning, after getting ready for the day, you grabbed some breakfast before heading back to your room to continue to do some additional party planning research where Loki wouldn’t walk in on you unexpectedly. You shoved the last bite of one of Thor’s pop-tarts that you’d stolen into your mouth as you approached your door, opening it and walking toward your desk where your laptop sat. You always left the door slightly ajar when you were in your room, and so you were quite surprised when you heard the door thump shut behind you, the lock clicking into place.
“You’ve been hiding something from me.”
You stopped dead in your tracks, your heart pounding in your chest. You turned around slowly, staring wide-eyed at the god of mischief now standing in your bedroom between you and your only exit. His hands were clasped behind his back, his blue-green eyes gleaming ominously as he stared you down.
“Oh, hey Loki! What brings you to my room?” you asked, trying to sound casual.
“Let’s end this little charade, hmm?” He took a few slow paces forward into the room, closing the distance between the two of you. “It’s become clear to me over the last week that you have knowledge of some information that you do not want me to become aware of. I’d like you to tell me what it is.” His tone was calm; low, but dangerous. You swallowed hard.
“Loki, I-I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t have any secrets.” You took a step back from the advancing Asgardian, your back meeting the cold, hard wood of your desk behind you.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is up to you,” he threatened, stepping even closer so he was only a foot away from where you stood trapped against your desk. “Tell me what it is you’re hiding, or I will… coerce you into talking.”
“Coerce me? Heh, what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked nervously, your hands gripping the desk behind you.
“I have my ways. I am the god of mischief, after all.” Loki stood in front of you unmoving, a barrier holding you hostage against your desk.
“Even if I did have something to hide, you wouldn’t hurt me. Your brother would kill you,” you warned.
“I never suggested I would hurt you, darling. I would never do such a thing.” He took the slightest step closer. “You seem tense. Am I making you nervous?”
“Good.” A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. “Have you decided, then? Will we be doing this the easy way or the hard way?”
“I told you, I have nothing to hide,” you insisted.
“Very well then. We’ll do this the hard way.” Quickly, you darted around Loki toward the door, trying to make your escape. He was faster, though, catching you with an arm around your waist and dragging you back so your back was against his chest. “Tell me, darling…” he growled in your ear, making you shiver, “… are you… ticklish?”
“Wha-“ you opened your mouth to protest but stopped speaking as you felt gentle scratching on your side. You shook your head quickly, suppressing the giggles that were threatening to rise out of your throat. If you stood still long enough, maybe he would give up.
“Do you think you’re fooling me by not allowing yourself to laugh? I felt you tense up immediately the moment I touched you.” He tightened his grip, wrapping both arms around your waist and digging his fingers into your sides. You snorted at the sudden sensation, doubling over to try to fight your way out of his grasp. “As I suspected. You are extraordinarily ticklish.”
“S-shut up, Loki!” you demanded, your muscles relaxing as his fingers stilled against your sides. He released you, allowing you to turn and face him but still standing in between you and the door.
“Now then – are you going to tell me what it is you’re hiding? Or do I need to tickle you until you are begging for mercy?”
You felt your face flush with heat. You’d been tickled before, certainly, but only for a few seconds at a time, and never as a means to pry information from you. Truthfully, though, you were enjoying this playful side of Loki. You were also determined not to tell him about the party – it would be so much more fun if it were a surprise, and he deserved to have fun. You braced yourself, folding your arms defiantly across your chest.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
Before you could react, Loki had tackled you, and you found yourself flat on the floor with your wrists pinned over your head. Your heart hammered against your ribcage as the dark-haired Asgardian loomed over you, his smirk growing wider.
“I see you’ve made your choice, then. But I should warn you – I don’t do mercy.” The fingertips of his free hand connected with your belly, lightly tracing the soft skin through your shirt. You turned your head so you wouldn’t have to look at him, his knowing stare making it more difficult to prevent yourself from laughing. Slowly, he applied more pressure until he was clawing at your belly with all five fingers, varying between the center and sides and analyzing your expression to evaluate your response.
“I-I’m telling y-you, t-there’s nothing to t-tell,” you insisted, jolting a little each time his fingers found a particularly sensitive spot.
“Unfortunately, I don’t believe you.” He shifted his attack to your side, his fingers spidering gradually up your ribcage. Your nerves were alight with ticklish shocks, helpless giggles now bubbling out of your chest.
“W-whyhyhy don’t you believe mehehe?” you asked, your tone starting to sound more desperate.
“You’re not exactly subtle. It’s rather obvious when you’re trying to keep a secret.” Loki was now scratching in between your upper ribs, and your giggles were evolving into desperate laughter. “I see this is becoming more challenging for you. I wonder – should I try to identify all of your weak spots? Surely one of them will get you talking.”
“NOHOHO LOKI!” you pleaded, thrashing to try to free your wrists from his grasp.
“You’ll need to provide me some information, then. What was it you were really discussing with my brother the other night?”
“HE TOHOHOLD YOU!!” You shrieked as Loki’s fingers found purchase under one of your arms, your feet pounding against the floor in desperation.
“Honestly, Y/N, I didn’t believe a word either of you said.” His fingertips grazed the underside of your upper arm, tracing from your elbow down to your underarm and back up again. You hadn’t realized how ticklish the soft skin of your arm could be, but his maddeningly light touch had you writhing to try to evade his fingers.
“STAHAHAP THAT!” you begged, yanking at your restrained wrists to try to lower your arms. Even before you were in this weakened state, the god of mischief was stronger than you.
“Then talk.”
“Aha!” he exclaimed suddenly, lifting his fingers away from your arm. You sucked in air desperately, letting out the residual giggles as he allowed you a moment to recover. “You ARE hiding something! You’ve given yourself away.”
“I… but… no I didn’t!” you pouted. He chuckled, a genuine grin spreading across his face at your adorable, disappointed frown.
“It’s too late now. You may as well tell me your secret.”
“I won’t tell! I’ll never tell!” you barked, a sudden surge of bravery rushing through you.
“I’m afraid I must continue, then,” he stated, feigning pity. “Why don’t you tell me where else you are ticklish instead?”
“What? No! I won’t tell you that either!”
“Fine. It’s much more amusing for me to locate your weak spots myself anyway.” Loki released your wrists and in the same motion reached behind him to squeeze above your knees with both hands. You yelped at the unexpected touch, trying with difficulty to sit up now that your arms were free. You reached toward Loki’s sides to try to retaliate but he was too perceptive, grabbing a wrist in each hand using his cat-like reflexes. “You don’t want to do that, darling,” he warned.
“Oh, but I think I do,” you argued, trying your hardest to break free of his grip. He wrestled with you for a moment, successfully forcing you onto your stomach so you could no longer sit up and try to counterattack.
“Now then – where were we?” he huffed as he sat himself down on the back of your legs, pinning you in place. You lifted your upper body up onto your elbows and turned to look at him, keeping a close eye on his hands. “Ah, that’s right. You were about to tell me what you were discussing with the spiderling the other day.”
“No I was-“ your retort died in your mouth as Loki’s fingertips touched down on the backs of your knees. “L-Loki, hold on, don’t you even think about it.”
“Why? Too sensitive?” he teased, tracing one finger along the tendon in the back of your knee. You let out a squeal, only egging him on as he began to flutter his fingers against the thin skin there.
“You hardly sound threatening when you’re giggling like a child,” he taunted, tracing along the skin on the inner sides of your knees. You reached back desperately with one hand while holding yourself up with the other elbow, trying to grab hold of his tickling fingers. He snickered at your feeble attempts, reaching up quickly to slide his fingers under your arm so your elbow would buckle beneath your torso before returning his attention to your knees. “This could all stop if you’d just tell me what your secret is.”
At this point, you’d come to the embarrassing realization that you were actually having fun, despite your abdominal muscles aching from laughing so hard. You were also still determined to keep the party a secret, if not for you then for Loki’s own good. You picked yourself back up onto your elbows so you could turn and look back at him defiantly.
“No!” you declared.
“No? I see I must not be trying hard enough, then. Let’s try somewhere else, shall we?” Loki shifted his weight so he could pin your legs down with his shin, his gaze turning down toward your socked feet.
“Don’t… you… dare!” you warned, noticing where his line of sight was directed. He placed his fingertips teasingly against the soles of your feet, maintaining eye contact with you, eyes glowing with mischief.
“I’ll give you one final chance. Spill,” he ordered. You merely smirked back at him.
“Make me.”
Without another word, Loki sprang back into action, his torturous fingertips skimming along the soles of your feet. Frantic giggles spilled from your lips as you tried jerking your feet away from his touch without success.
“I’d wager you’re regretting what you said now, aren’t you?” he goaded, scratching under your toes with one finger on each foot. Your giggles pitched up as you curled your toes to prevent him from reaching the sensitive skin. “Are you prepared to talk now?”
“NEHEHEVER!!” you screeched, still determined to win. Eventually he’d get tired of this and give up, right?
“Then I’m afraid you leave me no choice.” You practically screamed in ticklish agony as his fingers once again connected with your ribs, darting rapidly up and down your sides and under your arms, scribbling into the small of your back, fluttering against the sides of your neck and behind your ears, never staying in one place long enough to grow accustomed to the sensation. Your laughter fell silent as you tapped your hand hard on the floor, signaling you were giving up. Seeing your signal, Loki’s fingers stilled against you, still pressed gently into your sides as a warning that he could start right back up again at any moment. “Talk.”
“I will… alright… just… just give me a sec,” you huffed, your chest heaving with exertion. Your mind was racing, trying to come up with a plausible lie that would satisfy the god of lies. Your heart sank as you realized you couldn’t possibly come up with something in the next ten seconds that would fool him. It had to be the truth. “I’ll tell you, but you have to swear to me you won’t tell your brother that I told you.”
“That depends on what it is you’re about to tell me,” Loki bantered.
“No, I’m serious!” Loki shifted so his weight was no longer pressed on your legs, and you turned over into a seated position on the floor. “Promise me you won’t tell.”
“Fine. I promise. Now tell me.” You took a deep breath.
“We’re planning a party. For you. It was supposed to be a surprise.”
Loki was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. His blue-green eyes searched yours as if trying to find any hint of a lie in your face. His face softened a bit as he began to realize you were actually telling the truth.
“What for?” he asked, his tone flat.
“For your birthday.”
“We don’t celebrate birthdays on Asgard, we have far too many of them to be excited for them.”
“Ugh, Loki, don’t you get it? Thor wanted to do something nice for you! I wanted to do something nice for you!” You held his gaze, trying to prove to him you still weren’t lying.
“You wanted to do something for me?” His voice was low, but there was something different about his tone; something you hadn’t heard before. Hope? Excitement? You averted your gaze down to the floor, poking at the fibers in the carpet with your finger.
“Yeah, I did. You deserve something nice. You’ve come a long way since New York. And you’re… a good friend.” You felt heat rush to your face. You’d nearly revealed another secret, one you had no intention of telling him today. Or ever. Unfortunately, Loki was perceptive.
“That sounded like another lie, Y/N,” he stated ominously. You risked a glance up at him, seeing a smirk slowly spreading across his face.
“What?! No, it’s not!” you argued, the warmth in your face spreading to your ears.
“Haven’t you learned not to lie to me by now?” Loki suddenly grabbed hold of your waist, dragging you closer to him. “Or do I need to repeat the lesson?” His fingers latched onto your ribcage, squeezing and kneading with maddening precision. Still exhausted from the previous attack, you immediately caved.
“ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I like you, ok??” Loki stopped tickling you, not yet releasing you from his grasp. You covered your flushed face with your hands. “Happy now?”
Loki pried your hands gently away from your face, tilting your chin up with his finger. His eyes were softer than you’d ever seen them before as he gazed at you, a small smile on his face. With a surge of confidence, you closed the gap between your faces, pressing your lips to his. He kissed you back, gently but passionately all at once. When he finally pulled away, he grinned at you.
“Yes, I am happy,” he said simply. You smiled shyly back at him.
“Good.” You hardened your expression a bit, although admittedly it was hard to wipe the smile off your face. “You still have to act surprised. I can’t have people thinking I can’t keep a secret.” Loki laughed at that, his voice rumbling in his chest.
“But you can’t, darling.” He gave you one last poke in the side, eliciting a whine from you. “I’ll do my best to act surprised. I am the god of lies, after all. I should be able to put on a convincing display.”
“Good.” You allowed him to help you to your feet before shooing him out the door. “Now, get out of my room. I still have planning to do.”
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled, stopping in the doorway to look at you. “I’ll go, but only if you’ll have dinner with me tonight.”
“Only if you don’t tickle me,” you countered.
“Sorry, love, but I can’t make any promises,” he replied, winking. You sighed, smiling at him.
“I guess I’ll take my chances then.”
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mygodyouredivine · 3 years
Something About You
Summary: After you joined the Avengers, you had quickly bonded with all the team members and accepted even Loki. Loki finds himself drawn to you and develops a begrudging fondness for you. He doesn't realize just how deep that affection was rooted until you are injured on a mission.
Characters: Loki Laufeyson/(f)Reader
Warnings: mostly none, minor injury (nothing graphic), minor angst
Word Count: 2965
Notes: Hi! This is my first ever fanfiction and the first time I’m posting on tumblr! I’ve read many (many, many, many) Loki/Reader fics and I wanted to give it a try to see if I could write a short interaction between Loki and the reader. Please forgive me for any spelling/grammar mistakes, and if you enjoyed, any feedback/comments would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
Loki despised the Avengers. It was impossible to miss the distrustful looks thrown his way, the way the air shifted uncomfortably when he entered a room, or the thinly veiled jabs at his loyalty despite him living in the compound for well over a year. However, their treatment of him wasn’t the source of his contempt. It was you, and for all the Norns he couldn’t determine why. 
You had moved into the compound a few weeks after he had and every single occupant of the tower had been immediately infatuated with your charm. Not that Loki could blame them. You maintained a sense of innocence he could hardly believe, especially due to your history. He didn’t know much about you, but you had been rescued - and then recruited - into the Avengers after all. A tragic backstory was practically a prerequisite. You were also contradictory; for though you exuded innocence, there was also a complexity and rage that simmered underneath your skin. During missions, you were a force not to be underestimated - you stuck down enemies with a certainty and ease that even Loki respected. But in the safety and comfort of the tower, you were, for lack of a more eloquent term, adorable . Walking around in oversized Midgardian articles of clothing and fuzzy socks that often sported cartoonish designs of various animals, you almost appeared soft. Paired with your bright, but not blinding, personality, it only made sense that the others warmed to you so quickly.
Stark was the first to fall under your spell, pampering you with his latest inventions before showing anyone else. Loki supposed it had to do with your genuine enthusiasm when Stark talked, and the team had quickly learned that besides Pepper, you were one of the only people who could persuade Stark to venture from his lab to get the rest that all mortals needed. Rogers had been next. It wasn’t hard to see why the Captain had taken such a quick liking to you. Loki personally believed Rogers only saw the innocence and not the complexity, but that innocence had apparently activated his protective mode, for the Captain was oh-so-careful whenever he reluctantly sent you on any missions. Next, it had been Banner. You and the shy doctor had bonded over your shared love of quiet relaxed conversation and he could often find you in Banner’s labs, assisting him with various mundane tasks. You had even swayed the ever-suspicious Widow. How you did so, Loki had no idea. Even now, months later, the Widow only gazed upon him with open hostility. Finally, his oaf of a brother Thor. Thor had loved you from the first time he met you, but that was no surprise. What was surprising was how you tolerated his boisterous brother’s extroverted and often over-enthusiastic nature with a never ending well of patience. He could see how you flinched when Thor would sometimes talk too loudly, but you were always quick to cover it up with a smile and a hug for the oaf. 
Loki noticed that like many Midgardians, you seemed to crave touch. Even among the highly suspicious Avengers, they all seemed to trust you intimately. Stark, who, putting it lightly, was not a hugger, seemed to enjoy the occasional brush of your fingers across his arm. Rogers loved to ruffle your hair whenever he saw you, his large hand continuously running through your soft locks during meetings. Loki wondered briefly what it would be like to feel your silky strands of hair between his fingers, to have you sigh contentedly and close your eyes while he wove intricate braids into your hair. He didn’t know. The only one besides Rogers who touched your hair was the Widow, and you could both often be found brushing and braiding each other’s hair. With Banner, you seemed to be fond of side hugs, quickly smooshing the entire side of your body against his, and with Thor, well, you seemed to be the most comfortable with his brother. Your customary greeting was a hug, and it often annoyed him when his brother would abandon whatever interaction he was having with Loki to embrace you and spin you around while you giggled with a childlike glee. During the weekly movie nights, you could usually be found next to Thor, curled next to him with one of his arms thrown haphazardly behind your shoulders. Loki hated it. 
When you had first moved into the compound, you had been cautious around all of your new companions. Slowly, that careful apprehension had faded away, and you had become an integral part of their family, while Loki had remained an outsider. He had tried to hate you, and for a time, he was successful. He looked down upon your openness, your softness, and categorized it as a weakness. Over time, he began to see your courage and ability to trust as a strength and as a sign that you were truly comfortable with all the occupants of the tower, and he admired it, rather against his will. 
Though Loki refused to admit it to himself, his fascination with you had nothing to do with how the others saw you; Loki couldn’t care less about the opinions of Midgardians. Except you. There was something about you that drew Loki to you, for when he noticed you were relaxed with all of your roommates, he was startled to see that it included him. Not to say he was your favorite by any chance, or that you paid special attention to him, but he was excruciatingly aware of your perfectly average treatment of him. The way your eyes met his without flinching and how your body refused to tense when he entered a room and the way you didn’t hesitate before contentedly dropping into a seat next to him made him feel accepted. Though his pride prevented him from acknowledging it, acceptance was one thing Loki strived for but could never reach, regardless of his Silvertongue or magic, charm or tricks. But with you, Loki didn’t have to strive for acceptance, he simply was. As uncomfortable as it made him, Loki begrudgingly began to develop a fondness for you.
Not only did your laid-back treatment of Loki prompt him to lower his defenses around you, your complete and inherent trust in him pleased him immensely. He wasn’t talking about you sharing all your deepest and darkest secrets with him, but rather the way you trusted he wouldn’t hurt you or betray the Avengers. Occasionally Loki would unintentionally hear snippets of conversation between ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ making jabs regarding his ability to be trusted and simply at his expense, but you were never a part of the unpleasant discussions. In fact, Loki would often see you frowning disapprovingly at whomever had made the disparaging comment, and while the others’ opinion of Loki did not matter to him whatsoever, seeing your discontent had him appreciating you even more. More than how you acted when Loki wasn’t present, Loki still mostly enjoyed the interactions you did have with him. Loki typically hated movie nights as he was forced to suffer through the combined presence of all the people who disliked him crammed into a single room. He constantly craved to distance himself from everyone, including you, until he had experienced your closeness for himself. Though it was unbearably harder to see you interacting so affectionately with Thor after he knew just how intoxicating you were, the times you would touch him always kept his negative feelings at bay. On the rare occasions when you weren’t glued to Thor’s side during movie nights, you opted to sit next to him. More often than not, you ended up falling asleep, either right next to him, or on him, though that seldom ever happened. The few times it did, Loki found himself paying even less attention to whatever repetitive and predictable Midgardian film was playing and focusing on you. The steady rise and fall of your breaths against his skin, the warmth your body radiated, contrasting deliciously with his own icy interior, and the unpredictable actions you took in your sleep, such as the occasional tightening of your fingers on his chest or the charming way you enticingly nuzzled your cheek into him. Whenever you feel asleep on him, Loki would take extreme care to keep his breaths as even as possible to not disturb you. He once mustered up the courage to drape his arm across your slumbering form, and you had sighed ever so softly and only burrowed deeper into his side. When you woke up, you always looked mortified and apologized profusely, as if Loki could ever be displeased by your actions. Unbeknownst to you, the moments you spend curled up next to him warmed him during the days you were absent or off on missions.
He doubted you knew how much you mattered to him, and he himself didn’t understand just how deep he cared for you, until he almost lost you. You were on a mission with Thor and the Widow and were supposed to be back a week ago. Various complications had arisen, and while worry grew within Loki, he pushed it deep within himself as missions rarely did go completely smoothly. However, his sleep quality, while usually less restful when you were not within the compound, deteriorated at a rapid pace, and he found himself in the kitchen making tea when the Quinjet returned, announcing your return. Loki immediately knew something was off, for he did not hear any quiet chatter or soft laughter that usually accompanied you, Thor, and the Widow. Convincing himself that he had nothing better to do, Loki had gone up to the roof with the intent of offering his brother tea as a guise to check on you. The sight Loki was met with had his fingers tightening on the mug and his teeth being grinded so hard he could almost hear it. For there Thor was, leaving the Quinjet with you held in his arms and the Widow prancing along behind. A concoction of emotions began boiling within Loki: confusion, hurt, anger, disgust. As Loki continued to watch from the shadow of the roof, his revulsion only increased as Thor lowered his face to yours in a disgustingly sweet manner and whispered in your ear. However, as Thor and the Widow drew closer to where Loki was standing, he began to pick up on the oddity of the situation. Why would Thor be carrying you in his arms? The Widow was not prancing, she was running. Why was she running? Why were you still limp? Was that blood? Loki quickly emerged from his corner and walked forward towards you. The sight he was met with had the tea in his hands dropping to the floor and shattering with a crash that Loki couldn’t hear. In fact, he couldn’t hear anything but a distant buzzing surrounding him, for you were there, lying in Thor’s arms with your eyes closed, skin sickly pale but shining with sweat, hair matted, and coated in blood that seemed to ooze from your body. Without a word, Loki had teleported all of you into the doctor’s lab. 
As Thor positioned you gently down onto the bed and the Widow ran to summon the healers, Loki could only focus on you. Your breaths, so solid against his side a few days ago, were erratic and thin, your chest barely rising at all. Your fingers twitched, not in the peaceful way they had against his chest, but painfully. Your brows furrowed and you whimpered pathetically. Loki’s heart shattered. Under any other circumstance, he would have immediately demanded what had happened, but he could not tear his eyes from you. Oh, you precious little mortal. Loki had forgotten how frail Midgardians were and how easily you could break, how utterly short your existences were. He reached towards your fragile form, carefully brushing your tangled hair away from your face. He poured his seidr into you, praying to all the Norns - Hel, even to Odin - that you would survive this ordeal, all the while cursing himself for not going with you, for allowing you to become injured to such an extent, and for not practicing healing magic when he had a change. His desperate attempt to heal you and self loathing was cut short by the arrival of doctors, nurses, and the other Avengers, all wildy alert after receiving news of your injury. Loki allowed himself to be jostled away while medical personnel surrounded you as the others began questioning Thor and the Widow on how you had arrived in this condition. 
Now, Loki sat by your bedside, where he had resided ever since they had stabilized your condition. He refused to budge, plainly ignoring anyone who tried to take his place and brushing off Thor’s half-hearted attempts to get him to eat. No, Loki spent all his time here, watching you for any sign of recovery and ensuring that your breaths kept coming. Your clothes had been changed. You were no longer wearing your bloodied uniform, but a set of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt taken out of your bedroom. Your body had been cleaned and hair had been brushed. You looked so peaceful, just laying there on the crisp white sheets. Your eyelids fluttering randomly and the occasional wince and groan were the only signs of life you exhibited. Your body convulses, and your face tenses as sweat begins to bead across your forehead. Loki recognized these symptoms all too well. You were having a nightmare. 
“Darling? Darling do you think you could wake up? I know you can. Come on, you can do it.” 
Loki whispered encouragement into your unconscious body, hoping he could rouse you from whatever torment your subconscious decided to inflict upon you. Surprisingly, you do awake, though it was not with the grace he typically saw from you. Instead, your eyes jolted open with a start and you immediately attempted to sit up, falling back down onto your back as your injury took over you. Your eyes were clouded as a result of the medication the doctors had pumped you with and your lips were chapped. Your hair framed your face haphazardly as a result of your incessant twitching from the nightmare. Your eyebags were prominent and half of your body and face still swollen. Norns, Loki thought he had never seen anything so beautiful. 
Seeing him, your half alert face breaks into a genuine smile and Loki hands you a glass of water, prompting you to greedily gulp all the liquid down.  
“Loki?” , you croak. “I'm cold.”
Loki’s relief at your awakening is palpable, and he immediately shrugs off his hoodie and bundles you up in the dark green (and insanely soft) fabric. His heart seems infinitely lighter as you look up at him wearing his ridiculously large hoodie and softens when you lay back down and burrow yourself into the fabric. You looked so small there in the hospital bed, your body still recovering and drowning in dark green cotton, and Loki has a sudden desire to brush his lips against the top of your head. Justifying his actions of simply that of a concerned friend, Loki gives into his want. The instant his lips come into contact with your skin, Loki never wants to let you go. The warmness of you seeps into him and fills a void within himself he didn’t even know he had. But Loki lets go, and you sigh happily. Looking down at your now sleeping figure, Loki decides to alert the others. As much as the Avengers dislike him, he does not take joy in witnessing their restlessness as they wallow in guilt. Moving away from you, Loki is stopped by your voice. 
“Don’t go.” , your sleepy voice whispers, “Please don’t go. Don’t leave me.”
Though he wasn’t sure of the exact details of your past or what experiences prompted you to ask him to stay, but in that moment Loki vowed to completely annihilate not only those who put you in your current state, but also any being who had ever dared to harm you in any way, even if he had to track down the man who had cut in front of you when you were in line getting coffee for the team a few weeks ago. Your eyes look at him with sadness and pleading within that whatever miniscule amount of conviction within Loki dissipates. He quickly returns to your bedside, dragging the chair closer to you. Selfishly, Loki wants to touch you again, so he reaches out a hand to close your eyelids. 
“Shh. It’s okay love. I’m not going anywhere. I won’t leave you. I promise. Try to get some rest. I’ll be right here.”
“Thank you. You’re the best you know. You’re my favorite,” you mutter almost incoherently as you doze off again. As he moves his hand away from your face, you grimace and grab his hand before he can pull back entirely. Your fingers intertwine with his as you bring it back to you. Turning onto your side, you pull your connected hands back up to your face and cuddle with it. You. Cuddling. With him. “Thought you said you weren’t going to leave,” you mutter as you frown, “Lokiii” you drawl. You smile then, and truly drift off.
Something inside Loki cracks. He had been suppressing and denying it for weeks, months now even, but he could no longer run from the realization that his heart belonged to you. Looking at your sleeping form, willingly grasping onto him even though you knew his history and all that he had done, Loki finally let himself believe he might not need to run anymore. 
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part V
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults, mildly dubious kissing.
Words: 1414.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
"What's on your mind?" Thor asked you casually, but you could see he was a little concerned with you constantly clenching your phone in case Loki would write something more.
You knew he wouldn't want to talk about yesterday's incident again, so you simply laughed it off and said something about exams coming closer. Naturally, Thor didn't believe you, but he left you to your thoughts.
You wondered if it were Bucky who really beaten those guys to the point they had to be taken by an ambulance. Technically, both Steve and Thor could do it too, considering their physic, but Steve would hardly risk it, caring about his reputation too much, and Thor had neither scratches nor any other marks on his hands, and it would be impossible if he was fighting.
That is, if only both of them didn't ask their friends to do their job for them. You could easily imagine Steve looking at others beating those delinquents.
Shit, it was getting really scary. You wondered if it was better to leave things as they were rather than ask someone for help.
Anyway, at least now you felt relatively safe: although you still didn't know a lot about Thor, you'd rather believe he was a just a guy who loved sports, hanging out with his friends, and skipping half of his classes "because studying sucks". He was from an average family, a catholic, and didn't seem to have any dangerous hobbies apart from doing some boxing when he was younger. Overall, just your regular team captain. You hoped there was nothing more to it.
Since Thor was having his usual training in academy’s sports hall, he asked if you'd prefer to stay there instead of returning to the dorm. Since the locks would only be changed an hour later, you decided it was better to stay with him: surely, no one would do anything to you in the presence of a whole basketball team?
When the two of you showed up in the sports hall, the other players met you with somewhat ambiguous smiles, nudging each other and acting like idiots around you. Thor had definitely told them about his new girlfriend, and you felt very awkward.
"Stop harassing her! She's shy, don't you see?" He flicked them off jokingly, telling you to go sit on a bench and then disappearing in the men's room along with the other guys who, apparently, wanted all the juicy details about your relationships.
You hoped he had a good story to tell because you didn't think of one, actually. Damn, you needed to make up something for each of the guys to make it look genuine for the others. Why didn't you think of it earlier?
As a result, you didn’t spend the time studying on a bench while the guys played, your thoughts constantly waving off to how you could meet Thor without making it suspicious for his friends. He seemed to be constantly surrounded by them, so it was no easy task, and you were mad at yourself for not inventing a story earlier. You should have spoken to Steve about it when you had a chance.
From time to time being distracted by guys' loud voices, you smiled at Thor and did your best to pretend you wanted to watch him play. At any other time it would be really cool - the man looked like a god in his basketball uniform - but now your mind was too preoccupied with other things for you to pay real attention to the game. When they finished, it had already been dark outside, and you were waiting for Thor to take a shower and change impatiently.
"Did you like it?" He asked you with a huge smile on his face, and you felt guilty, chewing your lips.
"Of course. You guys play like pros." Turning away so he wouldn't see your face, you made yourself sound cheerful. "I know nothing of basketball, but I'm sure the game next month gonna be awesome."
"I promise you gonna like it! I'll give you my t-shirt with our team's emblem, you'll have so much fun!"
Excited, he started talking again, and you felt slightly better he didn't mind you not really paying attention to the training today. Thor was very easy to talk to, and you were relieved, not having to focus on all this madness again.
But the closer you were to the dorm, the darker your thoughts were. Tomorrow you were going to be handed over to Peter, a guy who Steve said was once blackmailing somebody, and the thought made you feel nauseated. Was it really true? How could Steve ask a blackmailer for help? How could he trust him? Or did he say that just because he didn't like Peter and didn't want you to trust him? You’d prefer it was the latter. Anyway, how did Steve learn about the whole blackmail thing? No, he probably invented all of it himself just to scare you because he clearly didn’t like Peter.
"Thor, can I ask you a question?" You muttered, still unsure if you should talk about it.
"I've heard Peter was blackmailing someone. Is it true?"
You could see the guy was taken aback as if he had never head anything like that before. Shit, it was a mistake to ask him.
"That's bullshit, I'm sure. Peter's a good kid." Furrowing his brows, Thor looked at you like he couldn't believe you'd ask him something like that. "Is it Loki telling you this? Man, I love him, but he's paranoid, don't listen to the things he says."
"Oh, you know Loki?" You sent him a surprised look.
"Yeah, we're distant relatives. He was my best friend when we were kids."
Getting silent, he kept walking, looking at the road, his face concerned, but you didn't dare disturbing him. What was he thinking of you now? You hoped he knew you were just very nervous about all this, knowing so little about the guys who decided to help you out. You just wished Thor wouldn’t think you were ungrateful, but, apparently, now he did.
If Peter really didn't do anything, you probably looked awful in Thor's eyes, and it made you mad at yourself. How could you screw it up with someone as friendly as Thor?
"I'm sorry for saying something like that. I just... don't really know you guys, and it's a little scary to be around someone you don't know at all - especially here, in the academy." You muttered under your breath, staring at the little pebbles beneath your feet. “Blackmail, beating... it doesn’t sound too nice.”
You heard the man in front of you sighing, “It doesn’t. But we’re not that bad, you know. I swear. No one would do anything of the kind.”
“Well, then, what is your opinion on the others? The other four?” Asking carefully, you hoped he wouldn’t get upset. In the end, you only wanted to know who of them was safe to talk to, whom to seek protection from.
Stopping in front of the dorm - as an excellent athlete who received a scholarship from the academy, he lived in a separate dorm for exceptional students - Thor cocked his head to the side, thinking, while you stared at his face. Suddenly thinking he looked incredibly handsome, you started chewing your lips again, feeling very self-conscious around him.
“They all are alright, I guess. Steve gives me creeps sometimes, but that’s because he’s a control freak, can’t have anything not going according to his plans. Although Loki likes thinking he’s smarter than others, he’s not bad. Barnes’s not bad too, and Peter’s just a loud kid, that’s all.” Scratching his three days beard, Thor mused, smiling at you unexpectedly. “What, are you starting an investigation of your own? Wanna track down those weirdos who did that to you?”
All of a sudden you saw something changing in his eyes, something strange flashing in them like as if for a quick moment you caught a glimpse of someone else, someone like the other Thor hiding behind a façade of a fun-loving, stand-up guy, and for a second you got frightened with the sudden change.
“You’re a smart one. You’ll figure out what to do.” He whispered, stepping closer to you, his wide, rough palms caressing your cheeks when he kissed you ardently, burning your lips, crushing them with his when you just stood there and let him.
Part VI
Tags: @finleyjayne​ @alexakeyloveloki​   @helenaeisenhower​ @villanellevi​ @hurricanerin​ @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @navegandoaciegas​ @rosalynshields​ @brattycherub​ @sllooney​ @angrythingstarlight​ @lookiamtrying​ @buckysbunny​ @soleil-dor​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @dillybuggg​ @literate-lamb​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @jaysayey​ @megzdoodle​ @gotnofucks​ @lux-ravenwolf​ @ximebebx​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @sourpatchspinster​ @biiskuitx​ @iheartsebandchris​ @lovelydarkdaydream​ @illyrianprincess​ @vampirestrawberries​ @stupendouslovegardener​ @goodgodimaweirdperson​ @frontmanash​ @freya-heya​ @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos​
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kayxleeee · 3 years
Loki Laufeyson:Delusions (Loki x Reader)
Warning: NONE! Slight Mean + Sad Loki
A/N: Love this one! I always feel so bad for Loki in Thor The Dark World :(
Summary: After Loki returns to Asgard he is immediately sent to prison for his crimes on Earth. Unfortunate events occur when Asgard is under attack and you just want nothing more than to check in on your beloved.
Word Count: 2k+
*NOT MY GIF* Do not copy my work
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The news of Loki return to Asgard was both worrisome and exciting. There were rumors being spread about that he was returning as a fugitive for the destruction of not only earth, but the crimes that he had committed against  Asgard. You of course found yourself just happy to know that he was alive. He may not had been well, but sure he was very much alive.
Living. Breathing. Speaking.
Out of all Thor’s closest friends, you and Loki bounded the most, which caused you solely, to develop feelings for him. These feelings would lead to a sever fallout between you and your warrior companions. With Loki’s criminal accusations, hate and critism came from many, especially from Sif and Fandral. For you to still think highly of him,--well you were considered a traitor in their eyes.
When he returned you were forbidden to pay him any visits. Odin also ordered that the only visitors Loki received were of kin and even those visits were kept very minimal. Now with the unbearable news of Frigga’s death you worried about his sanity even more than before.
The queen has been deceased for a few days now, Thor was easily consoled  by Jane’s presents and the support of the Asgardian people who were also mourning their queen. However no one was concerned for the fallen prince, except for you. You knew that his crimes were severe, but nothing was more torturous than knowing of your mothers death and there is nothing for you to do because you are locked away without even the slightest hope of saying goodbye.
For days you try to receive information on the location of where Loki was being held. You are a warrior of Asgard, you should have known these things, but because of your so-called bias-ness for the Prince of Mischief you weren’t allowed. Your inquiries about Loki’s whereabouts in the palace were extremely noticeable and you received a lot of animosity for it, especially from Lady Sif. She called you stupid and selfish for wanting to see him. You were also accused of not having any dignity or self respect. No one would tell you directly where Loki was being held, but with enough sneaking around the palace, you finally over heard a few guards speaking of his whereabouts.
With the common criminals.
You have been watching two sets of guards for more than an hour. You wanted to  slip past them undetected, but you needed to wait for the perfect moment. You weren't one of the most skilled warriors in fighting but you were known for your intelligence and abilities to be clever in any situation. The plan was for you to create a diversion to get the guards away from the staircase leading down to the dungeons.  You knew that since the palace had been attacked from the inside out the guards would be on high alert. You cast a large stone, breaking a window to which the guards attention is drawn to the noise. They run into the direction of the shattering glass. As you sneak past them, the memories of Stif warning you fills your mind as you flip into the entrance running down the concrete staircase as quickly as possible.
“It’ll be the last thing you do” She threatened.
“He is a prisoner, he knows his crime.” She scoffed
“If you go to him, we will know where your loyalties lie.”
“Loki cares nothing about you, he is a man who cares simply for himself.”
You reach the bottom of the large steps, hoping you were turning down the correct corridor as you ran quickly. You notice on your way that the majority of the cells are completely empty. This worried you, but did not stop you from searching for him. You luckily reach his location without any mishaps.
“Loki!” You announce breathlessly watching as he paced around the small room with his back turned away from you.
His cell was tidy, clean as if he had not touched a single thing. He had all of his things that brought him comfort; fancy furniture, books, papers, and pens. You knew that Loki loved to read because the two of you spent the majority’s of your time together in the library. You felt at ease knowing that he at least had that. This was of course curtsy of the Queen; she asked for these items. Although he was being punished, the only thing she wanted for her dear son was that he was comfortable in his confinement no matter what he had done.
“What is it ?!” He snapped turning around to face you. He took heed in your presence and then pressed his lips into a thin line. “Ah, Lady (Y/n).” He greets you calmly, then an amused grin appears on his face. “Here to tell me the mighty King has passed on too?”
His comment took you by surprise, you assumed he would be just as grateful to see you, as you were to see him.
“Don’t be so morbid Loki!” You cut him off with offense frowning your face in confusion. “With the news of your mother passing, I would think you’d have far-more compassion for your family, for Asgard.”
“My family.” He repeats, mocking your charismatic tone placing his hand over his chest. “My Family is not here on Asgard. My family are no more than those disgusting vile creatures you fight and kill.”
“Loki I know you’re hurting, I know you have all this anger built up, but you have to know that you do have family and loved ones here on Asgard.” You say subtlety hinting at yourself. “I did not come here to be mocked.” You say in a calming voice as he walks over to you.
You place a hand on the enchanted glass as you look up to his figure continuing to speak. “I am not one for your dramatics, I just wanted to see how you were holding up.”
“Holding up?” He lets out a malice laugh. “Ha! Holding up?! I am locked in a cage like an animal!”
You slam your fist against the glass in annoyance realizing your loving reunion was falling flat. You did not come here to argue with this man, you didn’t even plan far enough to think of exactly what you wanted to say, but it was never envisioned like this.
“And who’s fault is that Loki?! Who’s fault!?” You snap matching his dramatic tone.
“My own! For trusting idiots!” He yells back and you can’t help but think what idiots he were referring to. He continues,  “Why are you even down here, Odin forbade anyone from seeing me, you can’t be THAT stupid. Or perhaps you want to cast more stones?”
“Cast stones?— I came here as a friend Loki. All this worrying I did for you, all the tears and regrets. I risked my own life and freedom by coming down here” You scoff rolling your eyes at his demeanor. “Just to be spat on by you?”
“Better I to you, then you to me.” He laughs.
“That is your problem, you always think people want to hurt you just as bad as you want to hurt them! Look at you and your brother, he mourned you, we all did, and you go and do this? Destroy and take over the only place he loves. What did you gain?!”
“Oh bullshit! That place was nothing, but a pathetic little wasteland! They needed ORDER.”
“They needed no such thing Loki, YOU needed a sense of belonging.” You say with emphasis.
“My god you’re just as delusional as my brother .” He laughs.
“Delusional?!” You yell.
“Yes.” He says calmly, pleased at how angry he was making you. He walks away and sits on his couch crossing his legs and resting his arms on top of them. “D-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l, delusional.”
As he walked away you noticed a single error in his walk as if it all was an illusion. Something that only someone who knew Loki would catch if they payed close enough attention.
“Enough, no more illusions Loki. Show me your true state, I know you are not this heartless. The only person who stands here delusional is you!”
With that, what you thought was the real Loki fades away in shimmers. A much sadder scene formed before you. The cell becomes a mess, with the once neat furniture, either broken or distorted across the room. The scuff marks on the walls concluded that he had thrown the furniture with immense force. His beloved books were ripped and torn to shreds, and his once neat clothes tattered and disheveled. Your eyes meet his saddened pale figure sitting on the floor near something he recently broken. Fresh blood oozes down his foot as the glass that was lodge in him is discarded next to him on the floor.
“IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED TO SEE!? A BROKEN MAN YOU SEE !?” His unruly hair falls into his face as he screams at the top of his lungs, veins bulging from his neck.
You immediately go to the side panel that unlocks the cell, running to his aid. You kneel beside him where there is not much debris, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. He barriers himself deep into your neck letting out a silent sob. You hold him close as if you never wanted to let him go.
“I am here Loki.” You whisper to him placing a kiss to the top of his head.
You have never in your seen the Prince so weak, so fragile, so upset, so venerable. This all must have taken a huge toll on him, you couldn’t imagine what he was going through.
“ I did not want this for myself, I did not want this, not for her.” He says lowly as his voice breaks.
“I know.” You rub his back softly. “But you have to know that she loved you unconditionally with all her being, Loki.”
“I-, I don’t believe that.” He sighs with a hint of hesitation in his voice. “No one could ever.”
“That should not be hard to believe because I do, I love you too, I love you unconditionally.”
“You love me?” Asked confused he pulls away from your embrace looking at you with puffy red eyes.
“Yes.” You admit.
“You surely love as a friend correct?” He questions with squinted eyes.
“More.” You place a hand on his cheek giving him a small reassuring smile. “I’ve always loved you Loki, more than a companion, way before any of this.”
He places his hand over yours, giving you a weak smile, then leans in to kiss you. You were surprised , but quickly adapted the new feeling. The kiss was sweet and slow, so slow it felt as if time had stopped. He pulls away resting his forehead against yours.
“This probably is the best news I’ve received all week.” He says with a light chuckle. "I'm so sorry."
You smile pecking his lips once more before speaking again.
“I hope you know that for me to love you unconditionally, that I know who you are deep down. I know you aren’t all bad. I know that you had your reasons for going to earth and ruining New York, just as you had reasons for all the mayhem you have created. What was it ?” You say attempting to have him open up more.
“My reasoning ?” He asked in an unsure voice. “ I do not know.” He concluded turning way to look forward as if he was thinking.
“I find that very hard to believe Loki.” You say resting your head on his shoulder, taking his hand. “But I’m here whenever you’re ready to open up.”
It was true, you never thought Loki was all bad, you knew that there had to be reasons behind his mischief and misunderstanding. A few minutes passed of the two of you just being in one another’s presents. You imagined in other circumstances, this is how Thor felt when he Jane, as if nothing else matter other than the fact that they had each other.
“It…. His name was Thanos, after I fell from the birfrost—” He finally spoke, but it was short lived.
“(Y/n)!” You hear Thor shout from the other end of the cell interrupting. He states at the two of you intensely.
“Thor it is not what is seems.” You say imagining Lady Sif would soon be on her was as well.
“You are not in trouble (Y/n), but I need to speak to my brother, alone.”
You turn your attention back to Loki and he nods patting your hand. The two of you get up and Loki weakly walks you over to the entrance of the cell that you  previously came through.
“We can talk later, you know I’ll be here.” He looks at you with a knowing grin placing another kiss on your lips, before Turing to his brother.
You nod turning away to leave the two alone to talk. You had hopes that one day you and Loki could somehow be together, and finish that conversation, but today was clearly not that day.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Can you write one where the Rogers is assigning a new recruit to each avenger for training? Loki gets the new girl and he’s irritated thinking she’s just some normal human that hasn’t a clue how to fight properly because of her petite size. When it comes time for them to spar, she gives him hell. She fights with swords and is very skilled in the art. He says something to piss her off and she ends up blasting him away with powers she never told anyone about. Loki realizes what she is since he knows the magic she used. She’s part light elf but being half human she was abandoned and left to die just like Loki was. They end up bonding and work together on the team.
A/N: I hope you like it! I didn't focus a whole ton of them working together, but I feel like you get the point. It's a bit longer than my other one shots.
The Moon And Her Darkness
Summary: Y/N, the newest avenger, starts her first day of training. An unimpressed Loki’s doubts are proved to be wrong when she reveals herself to be stronger than he knew.
Word count: 2744
Warnings: angst, dick Loki
Forever Tags: @mm2305
Your blood pumps fast through your body as you stare at the raven haired god. Ever since you joined the team, he’s been giving you dirty looks and eye rolls. You tried to not pay attention to it since you know of his past (and have been warned by Tony), but as the newest Avenger trying to prove herself, you find yourself longing for his approval.
It has been a week since Nicky Fury showed up at your home, extracting you from it, and throwing you into the lion's den you called the Avengers. You never signed up for it, but given that you were on the government’s radar for a long time, you’re not surprised. A couple mishaps here and there made them take you on their own terms. They’ve decided that having super powers is not something to be normalized and that you couldn’t live like a normal civilian.
Although you want to be home, the Avengers have already shown to be a great family. Nat and Wanda have already taken you shopping while Steve gave you a tour of the tower. As far as the others, they have been out of sight. Bucky avoids everyone, Sam with him because they’re glued to the hip, and Tony is somewhere else working on new technology with Bruce. Clint? Thor? Who even knows. You’ve been thankful for the attention they have given you.
Except for Loki.
You remember the attack in New York and you won’t lie when saying that approaching the god is intimidating. He stands with great pride and power, it’s hard not to feel small, but when he stares at you the way he does, it’s harder. He doesn’t stop looking at you as if you were a rat he found in a sandwich. Disposable. Replaceable. Disgusting. You don’t expect much from the God being that he’s only staying here out of punishment for the attacks, but you had hoped for a little something more. Even a prank or two.
When Steve told you that you were going to start training, you expected hand to hand combat like the rest, not whatever involves Loki being in the gym at the same time as the two of you. He hasn’t said a word, but just stared at you as Steve goes over some basic disabling techniques and defense. Most of it is already burned in your brain from your childhood, being a warrior and all, but you still manage to learn some new things.
But learning as to why Loki is there, that still remains unclear. Everytime you throw a punch or try to block one of Steve’s, Loki scoffs at you and rolls his eyes. He looks completely relaxed on a bench in the room, yet he could not be looking at you with a more tense gaze. He looks worried, as if you’re going to get beaten to a pulp.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” You yell at him.
Panting, you block Steve’s last hit and turn to the younger Odinson.
“Oh, don’t sorry me. Cut the crap, Loki. What’s up?”
“I believe the sky is.”
You grab a knife off the wall and aim it in his direction, startling him slightly but not even shocking Steve.
“You stare at me with daggers in your eyes and judge my every move. You have yet to even talk to me since I joined the team. What do you have against me, you ass?”
“Shut it, Steve!” You yell, quickly aiming the dagger at him before returning to Loki, “You. Talk.”
“It’s just pathetic, that’s all.”
“Pathetic? You’re calling me pathetic?”
You start to charge at Loki, but Steve quickly wraps his arm around your waist, holding you back from gutting the god.
“Y/N, I wanted you to spar with him after me,” he cuts in.
“And why would I do that?”
“Because he's a skilled fighter who matches your level.”
“Oh, so I spar with the tricker who decides I’m too pathetic to fight. He’s going to teleport or some shit and stab me like he does with Thor.” Loki’s eyebrows raise at the mention of Thor getting stabbed. “Yes, I’ve heard the stories. I’m not that naive, Steve.”
“I won’t leave you alone with him. I’ll be here to watch and guide.”
“What do you know about fighting with me? I have magic beyond belief” Loki asks the both of you.
“I know more than you think,” I spit, turning back to Steve, “Can we do something else?”
“Well, you coud-”
“I am not sparing with Loki.”
“Okay, then how about weapons? Whatever one you want to start with?”
Loki scoffs again at the mention of you fighting any other way than hand to hand combat. He’s lucky you’re on the same team as him or else you would have decapitated him by now just because of annoyance. How can a man so attractive be so obnoxious?
You walk over to the wall of weapons were Steve and quietly discuss which ones you’ll practice with. He recommends knives so you can spar with Natasha when he’s gone, but the swords are more up your alley. They remind you of your childhood, the weapon of your people. Some days, you miss them, but you know they are fighting their own battle that is too dangerous for you.
Picking up the swords, Steve warns you he is not good which makes Loki laugh again. He has the right to this time because how do you practice with a man who doesn’t know what he’s doing. You can’t last ten minutes with Cap before you’re tired of his flailing. He’s really not good.
“Loki, you wouldn’t happen to know how to use swords would you?”
“I have some experience. Asgard knights and Valkyrie used them, we were forced to learn.”
He stands and takes Steve’s sword from him. Turning to you, he smirks, taking you in. Your frame looks so small compared to his, nothing but a mortal. He’s never admit it, but he finds you slightly adorable, in a helpless baby sort of way. You take proper stance and stare at Loki dead in the eye, determined to prove him wrong.
The two of you run at each other, swinging at any unblocked area you can, yet never hitting. He blocks your swing, pushing you back but not down. Looking up at him, you scream and run, thrusting your sword towards his neck and legs. He blocks you again, but not without stumbling. Before he’s able to get up, you land a blow right to his chest, knocking the air out of him. He hooks his foot around your leg and flips the two of you over so he hovers above you, sword to throat.
“I’ll admit it, you are good, but not great,” he laughs.
He stands up and walks off, setting the swords back on their holder on the wall. You gradually stand up, fury in your bones for the way he speaks to you.
“You… are irritable!” You yell.
Right before Loki gets to the door, he turns to face you. Steve rushes to your side.
“Y/N, stop. He’s not worth it.”
“Oh, he’s not worth it, alright,” you mutter to Steve, “He’s not worth the pride. The praise. Whatever the ‘glorious purpose’ he thinks he has. He’s just an insecure little boy who needs to prove himself over others, make them feel small so he feels superior. Just a bully.”
“I’d watch your tongue,” Loki warns.
“Or else what? You’ll challenge me to a words competition? See who has the best insults or can sound like the biggest douche because I think we all know who would win! Another check mark for your book of things you’re better at than ‘midgardians’ or ‘mortals’ or whatever degrading nickname you think of next.”
Loki’s chest heaves in anger. You’ve never seen someone so angry or heard anyone yelling at you with concern like Steve. Nothing he says registers in your head as Loki’s daring looks fill your mind. You’d almost be scared if you didn’t know he’s full of empty threats. Just a scared little god boy.
“You imbecile, think you can scare me?”
“Actually, I think anything can.”
“I can take words from someone who does not know me, but to be called a coward is not something I take lightly.”
“So what are you going to do about it? Huh?”
“Nothing, I don’t waste my time on people like you.”
“Oh, people like me? Because the great Frost Giant Asgardian is sooo superior.”
“Don’t you ever say that.”
Loki rushes to your side, grabbing you by the throat and lifting you up against the wall.
“Loki, stop it!” Steve yells.
“This is not about you, Rodgers. I suggest you leave before getting in the crossfire.”
“I can’t do that. The safety of this team-”
“Is your priority. I know you are honorable, but I highly suggest you leave.”
Steve hesitates at the sound of you gasping for air. You cling onto Loki’s hand, tightly wound around your throat. His veins pop out of his hand like a dehydrated man. Steve looks back at you, eyes now closed to focus on your breathing.
“Put her down first,” Steve orders.
“Fine, always have to be the hero.”
Loki sets you down and your body goes numb. Everything hurts, your throat swelling. You gasp for all the air you can, feeling it go down your throat and enter your lungs. It’s fresh, comforting, healing. Leaning your head back against the wall, you barely open your eyes to see Steve by your side.
“Are you okay?”
Not energized enough to speak yet, you nod your head and place your hand on his shoulder. Steve looks over at you with worry before turning back to Loki.
“Leave, now.”
Loki turns to walk away, but doesn’t. He stands there to listen to you and Steve. At this point, neither of you care. You’re too focused on not dying.
“Can you breathe?” Steve asks.
You nod your head.
“I can get you help. We have a hospital room.”
“No,” you choke, “I’m fine. I just need a moment.”
Steve nods, but doesn’t listen. He gets up and leaves the room, rushing down the hallways to get a nurse, leaving you alone with Loki.
“Why haven’t you left?”
“No reason.”
“Please, just go. I’m tired of fighting. You’ve done enough.”
Loki turns to look at you. You look weak, but actually weak this time. The purple tint to your skin is fading as your lungs self regenerate as you keep breathing. Gripping onto the wall behind you, you stand up. Your knees are weak, making you wobble as you do. You’re not lying. You’re tired of Loki. You’ve barely spoken to the man and he’s made two attempts on your life in ten minutes. Sure, you teased him, but doesn’t he deserve it for being an ass.
“Weak.” He mutters.
That was the last straw. You look up at him. He stares at you as if the devil himself has entered you and your eyes glow bright red, but you know what is wrong. Holding out your hand towards Loki. A glow erupts from behind you, bright yet dark. It’s dark blue like the night sky and Loki watches it in awe. In seconds, Loki’s body is flung through the training room doors, blasting him into the wall of the hallways. He feels his rib breaking, his head hitting the wall. He yells out in pain as you slowly approach him, the anger seeping through.
“Never call me weak.”
Loki flips his head up to look at you, shock running through his body. At the sound of his body collapsing, the other Avengers come running forward. They look upon the sight of you towering over the trickster god with a look they’ve never seen before. Ethereal. Godly. You look as if you’re a queen staring at her peasant handmaid. Anger. Controlling. Power.
“What the-” Bucky mutters.
“You,” Loki gasps.
He struggles to stand as the team tries to help but he refuses. You two locked eyes but nothing was said. “You’re an elf.”
Everyone looks back at you with confused faces, but you don’t say anything. Your body goes hot at the mention of the word ‘elf’. The fire inside you fades out as anxiety places it, waiting for Loki to continue.
“I knew if someone was here to figure it out it’d be you,” you whisper.
“Light elf yes?”
“Yes, moon elf to be exact.”
“How are you here? Aren’t the-”
“Yes, they’re away. I was left to die. Our town got ransacked, everyone fled. No one stopped for me.”
“Then how are you here?”
“The Air elves. They got word of what happened and came. Found me. Took me back, but-”
“You weren’t suited. They found out.”
There’s a moment of silence between you and the god. His eyes shine with sadness, tears coming to the corners. He looks at you with great pity as the wall inside you breaks.
“Can someone explain what’s happening?” Steve asks.
“Can you tell?” You ask Loki.
He nods, “Yes. Y/N is a moon elf, a tribe of light elves. They’re as high up as Asgard in the nine realms, powerful warriors. They’ve been at the center of every creature out there. People have been after them for their weapons, gems, and wealth. A landmark for every thief and warrior in the universe.”
“My town was destroyed when I was a little girl. Nobody wanted me because I was a child. I was a burden to them.”
“She was left for dead to be found by the Air Elves. Another tribe. Not as powerful. But they didn’t want her and there’s only one reason why they wouldn’t want a moon elf. She’s a half-breed.”
“Moon elves are the only ones who tolerate them. Half human, half elf. Considering many of them come from moon elves, they’re not despised, but Air Elves.”
“They dropped you off on Midgard to be picked up by someone else. I assume you hid your powers?” “I had to. I acted out once when I was little and my parents freaked out. They sent me away. I lived in a orphanage before some group took me, trained me, helped me hone in my powers. They saved me.”
“Until you got to old and left.”
“Didn’t know where to go. I became a waitress at some back alley bar, lived above it in an apartment with my manager. Lived paycheck to paycheck.”
“Nicky Fury came to me. I was on SHIELD’s radar and they wanted me on the Avengers.”
The room goes silent. Throughout your talking you missed the way Loki got considerably closer to you. You practically stand right under his nose. Loki raises his hands and places them on your shoulders, getting your attention. You two look each other in the eye for a long moment.
“I am… so sorry.”
You feel the tears forming in your eyes as Loki pulls you into his chest, holding you by your waist. The team watches in awe as the closed off god embraces you. Slowly, everyone leaves you two in the hallway. An hour goes by as you cry in Loki’s eyes.
Eventually, Loki picks you up bridal style and brings you to your bedroom. He helps you get dressed for the night and settled in bed before you grab his hand, making him turn back to face you. His eyes are no longer riddled with anger or hatred, but kindness and pity. He looks at you like you’re a little lamb to be protected.
“Yes, darling?”
“Stay with me?”
He nods before undressing and getting in bed with you. He pulls you close, your head leaning on his chest, and places an arm around your waist.
Every night goes on like this. No matter what happened in the day, even if you two got into an argument, Loki always found his way back by your side in your bed. You would have never expect it from how he treated you at first, but after the last few months since you met him, you find yourself growing closer to the god.
Loki slips into your bed for what feels like the 1482nd time. Resting your head on his chest, Loki pulls you close to his body.
“Goodnight, darling.”
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all night
Pairings - Loki x Reader x Bucky
Word Count - 1824
Warnings - MFM threesome, exhibitionism, oral (m and f receiving), voyeurism, basically PWP
A/N - It's been a whole month since I started to post fics, there's a whole Discord Family to thank for their support and advice. I especially want to thank @buckyownsmylife for beta reading and helping me almost everyday @bestofbucky for doing the same. This is totally self serving and is literally PWP but I have zero shame. Thanks to @angrythingstarlight for the gif!
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Sitting in the common room with the rest of the team while the movie plays you feel easily distracted, you can’t quite put your finger on it but something feels off. You’re just grabbing your popcorn when you see it, the flash of lightning outside, announcing Thor’s entrance, closely followed by the more discreet green flash at the end of the corridor.
Getting up, you walk to the kitchen, smiling at your friends and grabbing a drink to ease your nerves. You didn’t want to do anything with Loki tonight but he knows you? too well and he always manages to talk you into bed.
Thor picks you up in a bone crushing hug a moment later, telling you how much he missed you and almost begging you to make the hot chocolate that he loves so much. You stand talking at the counter for 15 mins while he drinks, catching up and just enjoying talking to him when you feel a cool but pleasant feeling rubbing around your clit.
Standing up straight and adjusting yourself subtly, the feeling reduces but never fully goes away. You go back to talking about Thor’s latest adventure and the feeling comes back, this time stronger and more distracting. Excusing yourself, you go to find the man you absolutely know is responsible, you sit down next to him, raising your eyebrow and moaning softly when he uses his magic once again, only this time making you feel full and needy for him. Groaning at the smirk on his face you grab his arm and ask him to stop before it gets too good and your friends all get to witness something they really shouldn’t.
“Are you sure you really want me to stop, little one?” He whispers in your ear, licking around the shell and using his magic to make your whole body feel tingly. You look across the room and your eyes land on him, the reason you don’t want things to go as they usually do when the brothers visit. You know he’s watching you too, out of the corner of his eye, you can see his jaw clench and his fists tighten as he tries to remain calm.
The two of you had been trying to organise a date for the last two weeks but life just kept happening and this was the first night off either of you had in a long time. Not wanting your friends to know about it until there was something to know, you both decided to wait until people were more distracted.
Following your gaze across the room, Loki realises what’s going on and chuckles low in your ear. “So you’re interested in soldiers now, is that right, little one?”. You look up at him flushed with embarrassment and nod your head, he smiles and suddenly stops what he’s doing, a whine slipping out of your mouth at the sudden loss of feeling. He grabs some popcorn, eating a few pieces before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and whispers, “He’s listening to us right now, aren’t you, Sergeant Barnes?” Surprisingly you see a small nod from him and slap Loki’s chest when you feel a chuckle vibrate through him.
“How about we put on a little show for the Sergeant? Show him what he’s missing out by wasting time and not having you in his bed right now.” You look over at Bucky, then at Loki and a devious smirk crosses your face. You nod ever so slightly, a movement he picks up on easily, and with a little flick of his wrist you start to feel good again.
Warmth floods your whole body, setting you on fire, all of your nerves seem to be stimulated at once. Remembering where you are, you grip the armrest with one hand, squeezing it and regulating your breathing so you don’t moan out loud. You forget that you’re playing with the god of mischief, a fact that you’re reminded of when he watches you taking your deep slow breaths and he adds that feeling of fullness back again.
You squeak out a little moan and look around to see if anyone has noticed but your eyes, as they always do, land on Bucky. He’s still watching you out of the corner of his eye, biting his lip and clenching his fist. You feel a sense of pride wash over you thinking you could have this effect on him but it doesn’t last long.
Loki doesn’t much like you being distracted and before you can object you’re laying down on your bed, hands tied to the headboard and the god standing at the foot of the bed watching you. “Loki what are you doing?” he holds a finger in the air, silently asking you to wait. Watching him closely you’re about to protest when you hear your door swing open, you watch as Bucky walks round the corner, looking at the scene in front of him and taking a seat in the corner of the room.
“Please continue,” he motions to Loki, raising his eyebrow and challenging you both to stop. You grip the headboard as best you can while your wrists are bound and moan out as he continues to use his magic on you, closing your eyes and arching your back into the feeling, you can feel your underwear sticking to you as your juices soak into them. He brings you to the edge in a matter of moments, your throat sore from the moaning, you whine when he stops and look up at him.
“Loki, please,” you beg, but he's barely paying you any attention. Instead his eyes are on the soldier sitting in the corner, currently fighting against the tightness in his sweatpants as he watches you. Loki rolls his eyes then grins as one of his clones stands behind him, gripping his shoulders and whispering in his ear. You have no idea what's happening but you feel the familiar tingle start to build up again, chanting his name as you writhe on the bed, you turn to look at Bucky and are shocked to see him with his head thrown back, hands in his hair moaning out.
Your orgasm rushes through you and you scream out for Loki, hearing Bucky doing the same, your hands are suddenly freed and you feel almost boneless. You catch your breath as you sit up and motion both men to join you on the bed. Bucky almost looks shy as he walks over slowly and lays down next to you. “I didn’t even have to take your clothes away and look at you both, already so satisfied. The night is just beginning though, my little pets.” Leaning forward, he grips Bucky's hair at the roots and pulls him close, kissing him firmly and pushing his tongue in while you watch. “We are going to have so much fun tonight, little ones,” he says, using his magic to remove everyone’s clothes in a flash, both men turn to look at you and each lean down, kissing your neck and collarbone, their hands exploring your body as they settle in beside you.
You close your eyes and just relax, letting the two of them explore their way down your body. Suddenly, you feel Loki get off the bed, opening your eyes you pout at him when he sits in the seat previously occupied by the man currently easing his way between your legs. “Let me watch, just imagine i’m not here.” You almost go to protest but you feel two metal fingers work into you and you turn to the smiling man looking at you, his eyes almost a different colour as he stares up at you, curling his fingers just right, a twinkle in his eyes as your thighs tremble around him.
“Focus on me, doll.” You can’t take your eyes away from him as he dips his head down, gently licking your clit while continuing to push his fingers in and out. Laying back, you pinch and pull on your nipples when you feel your hands being pulled up and above your head. Looking over at Loki, he smirks and shakes his head, raising his eyebrow as if daring you to complain. Smiling at him, you’re used to how controlling he can be in the bedroom, you lay your head back down but squeak out in surprise a moment later when Bucky nips at your thigh. “I asked you to focus on me.” He smirks up at you when you clench at his firm tone.
Pulling his fingers out and sitting back, watching you squirm for him, he sucks them one by one. “Mmm delicious doll, tell me what you want.” You try to speak but your words won’t come out, both of you look over at Loki and he just shrugs before shushing you, gloating at your frustration before releasing your wrists and standing up, stalking over to you both and standing on the edge of the bed, he tilts your chin up and looks in your eyes.
“How about you show the Sergeant how good you are with this pretty little mouth while I have some fun of my own.” He leans down, kissing you and biting your bottom lip before you get on all fours, crawling into position in front of Bucky.
You smile up at him before licking his precum, moaning as you feel Loki pushing into you from behind. Between Loki thrusting forward and Bucky pushing deeper into your mouth, you’ve never felt fuller, focusing on breathing and not choking, you get distracted bythe noise you can hear above you. Trying to look up as best you can, you get a glimpse of the two men kissing before Loki holds your head in place, you focus on the cock in your mouth, clenching when you hear one of them moaning. “Oh, did you like that, little one?” Loki leans down and strokes your face gently. “You like the idea of us together?”.
Noddingas well as you can, he kisses your cheek before standing back up, gripping your hips and pounding into you. Every thrust pushes your head further down on Bucky’s member until your nose is touching his pelvis, drool running down your chin, you feel him spill down your throat with a loud moan before pulling back. You suck in a deep breath and moan out as the magic silencing you is lifted, it doesn’t take much longer before you cum hard, gripping the blanket beneath you and almost screaming at the sensation.
Laying down on the bed to calm yourself, Loki leans over the top of you, kissing you and almost certainly tasting Bucky on your tongue. Laying down next to you both, he passes out bottles of water and relaxes for a moment, taking a drink before turning on his side to face you. “Drink up doll, you’re going to need your energy”.
Part 2 - all day is here
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