#loki: *returns home with sleipnir*
notthesomefather · 10 months
Loki's Journey to Hel
[[A story I wrote for the Godsring's Halloween ritual.]]
It was a hallowed evening and all gods and men had partaken in revelries.  It had been a day of celebrating life and vibrance in Asgard and Midgard alike, yet an ill-humor had befallen the quick-footed Trickster, Loki. 
“It is a sorrowful man, he who welcomes Death,” one God had remarked during the festivities. “Not I to welcome that cold, hungry abyss.”
This aroused the Sly One’s temper.  “My daughter’s halls are as fair as these you call home,” Loki declared.  “If I bring you three gifts from Helheim, you must admit I am correct.”
“Ah, and what use have we for gifts such as this?” they replied.  “What need have we of rot and bone, when the shimmer of vitality here beams so brightly?”
“No morbid gifts will I bring,” Loki promised.  “But they will be such gifts as you have never seen before, not even among all your splendor.”
And so the bet was on.  
Once the lights had been extinguished and the sounds of mirth subsided into gentle snores, Loki began his work.  Loki approached the stables of Odin, wherein slept their child, the Eight-Hoofed Sleipnir.  
“Only you may carry me swiftly between this realm and Helheim,” Loki whispered, “I pray you be swift.  We must return before first light.”
And so they began their journey towards Helheim.  The wind blew more timidly, the stars shown more sparsely, and Loki’s very breath and heartbeat seemed to quiet until only Nothing remained.  On they went through the black stillness until a voice called out.
“Who is he that would enter our hall?” 
“One who would carry on your memory to the gods themselves,” Loki replied.
Before Loki’s eyes a geist appeared, fair of face and steady of speech.  “My memory has long since been lost,” he said forlornly.  “I would appreciate my name being welcomed into the ears of the gods.  What ask you in return?”
“Why, a handshake to seal the agreement,” Loki said.  “Nothing more.”
“It is done.”  The geist told Loki his name, shook the Silver-Tongued one’s hand, and vanished in peace.
Loki and Sleipnir continued on their trek to Helheim.  The blackness had begun to subside into a mist, and the air felt warmer.  On they went through the grey stillness until a voice called out.
“Who is he that would enter our hall?” 
“One who would carry on your memory to the gods themselves,” Loki replied.  Before Loki’s eyes a geist appeared, dark of face and gentle of speech.  
“I have no family left to utter my name,” the geist murmured.  “It would be heartening indeed to hear it from the tongues of gods.  What ask you in return?”
“Why, a dance to seal the agreement,” Loki said.  “Nothing more.”
“It is done.”  The geist took Loki’s hand and they danced upon the air and ground until a sigh of contentment filled the void, and the geist vanished in peace.
And so the Mischief-Maker and his steed rode on until the mist subsided and the air awoke with smells of jasmine, apple blossoms, and grass.  Loki approached a mighty gate until a voice cried out.
“Who is he that would enter my hall?” 
“One who would carry on your glory to the gods themselves,” Loki replied.
There was silence until the Lady of Terrible Beauty herself appeared at the gate.  She stood before her realm yet would not permit her father to come any closer.
“The gods have oft compared my hall to a punishment,” Hel said.  “It would make my heart glad to have them know the truth.  That I welcome all into my hall who have been allowed the gift of rest and calm.  Famine and hunger!  What famine are you to find in my orchards?  What hunger will you see when reunited families and friends toast one another at my tables?  We host those who have come before just as nobly and comfortably as my kin who rule Valhalla and Fólkvangr, this they must know.”
“They shall know it,” Loki promised.
“What ask you in return, Father?”
“Why, a happy sigh to seal the agreement,” Loki said.  “Nothing more.”
And it was so that his daughter smiled and sighed and the two parted ways once more.  Loki and Sleipnir rode back before dawn and found some of the gods still stirring.
“Well?” asked one.  “Have you made it to Helheim?  Have you seen the dullness of Death?”
“On the contrary,” the Silver-Tongued replied.  “It is as I said: the grandeur of Helheim matches that of these halls in Asgard.  Beauty and peace and joy can be found there as much as anywhere else in the nine realms.”
“We don’t admit it so!” cried the gods.
“Then may I remind you of our bargain, dear family,” Loki said.  “Our agreement was that I shall present you with three gifts, the likes of which you’ve never seen, and you shall concede I am right.”
“Let’s have these gifts then,” the gods demanded.
“My first gift is the handshake of a dead man,” Loki said, extending a hand into the air before him.  “My second gift is the footfall of a dead man,” Loki said, extending a foot into the air before him.  “And my third gift is the breath of the dead,” Loki said, blowing into the air before him.  “These three gifts I have brought you, and so you must agree.”
“Tricks and lies!” the gods bellowed.  “You have brought us nothing!”
“I have brought you three things you have never seen.  The fact you don’t see them now either is no matter to our agreement.”
The gods begrudgingly admitted that Loki had won the bet.  Loki spoke the names and tales of the geists he met on his travels, and relayed his daughter’s pleas for understanding.  And so it was that the forgotten were remembered and the reputation of Helheim was seen with more fairness by gods and men alike.
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loki-laufeyson223 · 6 months
A New Heir: Part 2
I'm finally posting the second piece to Loki and Persephone's new beginning! I'm so excited for yalls reactions!
Warnings: Labor, some cussing (idk lol), Loki being the absolute most and best, and tooth-rotting fluff!
Word Count: 1.5k+
“AHHHH!”, I scream in pain. “Darling? Are you alright? Where are you?”, my husband yells from the door, he had just arrived home when the contractions began. “In the bedroom.”, the words barely form from my breathlessness. Loki runs in, worry etched in his face. He picks me up and calls Heimdal and the bright lights of the Bifrost consume us. 
When we land in Asgard, Thor is already at the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge with Loki’s horse, Sleipnir, so he could be the one to bring me to the palace because at the moment he trusted no one, not even his own brother. “Loki, it hurts so bad.”  “I know dearest. We’re almost to the palace, from there the healers and I will do everything in our power to take all of your pain away.”, his voice was coated with worry.
We arrived at the palace and the very moment that Loki dismounts Sleipnir a sharp, searing pain jolts through my body. I fall to the ground before Loki can react. Thor arrives behind us and sees what's happening. “Brother, let me help.”. Thor grabs the things we brought from Midgard necessary for the birth and afterwards, while Loki picks me up and examines my body for any injuries. After he concludes I’m not hurt, we head inside. 
Loki walks at a  steady yet hurried pace, determined to make it to his chambers so he can relieve me of any pain. It hurts him to see me like this. “My son, is it time already?”, Frigga calls, meeting us at Loki’s chambers. “Yes mother. We need the healers immediately.”  “Are you really going to let her give birth on your bed?”  “Yes of course! She’s my wife and we have already decided on it because she wanted to have our child in a place more comfortable for her, not some random room that is cold and sterile.” 
“Yes of course my son, I’m sorry for overstepping.”  “No mother, I’m sorry. This is all quite stressful and it’s getting hard to handle. I’m just trying my best to keep it together for Persephone’s sake.”  “It’s alright son, I understand.”  “Thank you mother.”, Loki gives his mother a thankful smile and she returns his action with a hug given by all mothers to children in times of need. “LOKI!”, Thor calls to his brother from inside the room in front of the bed I’m lying on.
“It’s Persephone, she needs you and the healers. NOW!”  Loki runs in to find me writhing on the bed gripping the sheets in pain. “Mother-”  “I’ve already called the healers, Loki.”  “Well where are they?”  “Right here son. They’ve just arrived.”  The healers rush in and take their places around the bed. They call Loki over to help with the pain lifting magic. Loki’s hand conjures a warm green glow and he spreads the glow over to the healer’s hands for them to add their own measure of power. A sheet of green is held above me and placed on my body. Loki and the healers leave the room to discuss what needs to happen next.
The healers say that Loki cannot be in the room due to the risks of what could happen and they don’t want him to be present. Loki protests and the healers brazenly stand their ground against him. “You will let me in that room with my wife and unborn child or so help me. I will kill you all slowly, intimately in every way you fear. Better yet, if you don’t let me in that room and anything happens to either of them you will never live it down. I will not grant you something as merciful as death, you will live with it for all eternity. You will be reminded that you let the prince’s wife and child die without him seeing them ever again. That will be your reputation for the rest of time until Ragnarok. Now, may I enter the room with my wife?”  “Yes of course my liege.”, the healer said quietly and opened the door for him to enter.
 Loki hurriedly made his way over to the bed and placed his hand on mine on top of my belly. “Hello my dear, are you alright? Has the pain subsided at all? Did the spell work?”  “No, not really. I’ll be alright though. It's nothing I can’t handle.”  “Oh those damn healers. Can’t do anything right. You know that they tried to keep me out of the room?”  “The spell wasn’t the healers fault, it wasn’t anyone's fault. I think that it didn’t work because of the Frost Giant blood honestly or just the simple fact that the baby inherited some of your abilities.”  “Yes, well that does make sense, doesn't it?”, he thinks about it staring off until his attention is turned back towards me when I say his name with a pain laced voice. 
“What’s the matter my love?”  “The baby.”  “What?”  “Get the healers. NOW!”, I yelled in frustration and pain, our son couldn’t wait any longer. Loki called the healers in the room and the one in command took her place to deliver our son. “Alright my lady you need to push on the count of three. One, two, three.”  I push as hard as I can with all the strength I can muster due to the weakened state I’m in. I was pushing for less than ten minutes when the head nurse let me know that I only needed to push one more time until the baby was fully out. I closed my eyes as I pushed once more, feeling Loki tense up at my side. “You did great my lady.”, I hear the healer say and our baby’s cries fill the room and it’s music to our ears. It’s not long after I’m cradling him in my arms Loki and I are sobbing along with him. The healers give us a moment alone with our son before they return asking for a name. “Nafri Adrian Lokison”, my husband and I both answer in unison. “He’s perfect.”, Loki whispers in my ear from his place beside me on his bed. I nuzzle my head into his chest looking down at our son, who is a shade of cobalt blue. His beautiful ruby red eyes stare up into his fathers and mine. I’m thrilled he took after his father so much. The silence is broken when he begins to wail and I can’t get him to calm down. “Let me try something.”, Loki says calmly, taking Narfi into his arms gently as if he’ll break him. I look over and my husband is the same shade of blue as our son with the same ruby red eyes. The cool blue skin is etched with white marks that trail up his arms and neck following up to his face. In his Jotun form Loki holds our son and immediately calms him down. After a while, Loki returns to his pale, velvety skin and so does our son. Narfi begins to cry again and this time Loki hands him over to me. “I think he’s hungry now.”, he says, chuckling a little. I take our son into my arms and reach into the bag beside the bed where I already had bottles prepared, with some extra formula too just in case we were here in Asgard longer then we were already expecting. “Darling.”  “Yes honey?”  “I don’t think you can comprehend just how much I love you and our Narfi. You two are my world and I would do anything for you two.”  “Oh Loki, honey. I don’t mean to steal your thunder but, you two, my dearest husband and son, I love you two so much and I don’t think I could continue living if anything happened to either of you.”, tears are running down my face at this point but they’re not tears of sadness but happiness. “Darling are you alright.”, he said through a cracked and rough voice. I could see tears slowly making their way down his cheeks. “Yes honey. I’m just fine.”, I look down to see that Narfi is no longer eating and is asleep so I pull him away gently and get up and walk across our room to the very extravagant crib, thanks to Frigga’s excitement over his arrival. I lay him down and slowly lay a blanket over his small body. I go to sit back down on the bed when Loki comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He buries his nose into the nape of my neck and inhales deeply. My husband kisses my neck and whispers in my ear, “I love you so much darling. You are truly the strongest, most amazing, and incredible woman I know.”  “I love you too, Loki and I can’t wait to continue living out this life with you.”  “Well I’m glad to hear it. Since Narfi’s finally asleep, what do you think about getting some rest my dear?”, he suggests with a sweet and loving smile. “That sounds wonderful my darling husband.”  We lay down together in the bed, Loki pulling me into his embrace and kissing the top of my head before resting his chin on it. “Goodnight my dove.”  “Goodnight my prince.”
Taglist: @holdmytesseract @asher-england69 @glitterylokislut
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
how many kids does your Loki actually have?
(hi everyone I am right now accepting eLoki’n’kids questions, pre-Elysium, past-Elysium, current-Elysium— pls. please please. pls pls pls pl—)
[prev question over here too!]
WELL i’ve actually been retconning one Elysium-child out of existence (no one cared about him anyway shshsh) and been back and forth with myself on doing that to another one EDIT:AND FINALLY DECIDED TO DEMOTE THE OTHER ONE so the current *but subject to change* count is 13!! ALL accidental it’s worth mentioning dggkfg
(plus - who knows if any more children might be in his future! Who knows!!! anything could happen!! anything at all………………...)
I’ll go through them all in order of oldest to newest!* (weird wording due to* Libby*) Please enjoy this blend of Norse mythy realness & Elysium brand chaos, under the cut cause it’s soooo extremely long of course; I mentioned it at the bottom but special warnings for some Dark Mentions in here of things like child death,/ murder/ miscarriage / & of course less dark but general pregnancy talks—
1- Sleipnir! Loki’s first born, the eldest son, also notably one of just two amongst all of them who has not been able to move into Elysium :(( Sleipnir- true to myth - is an eight legged horse, carried by Loki (in the shape of a horse) after being sired by Entire Horse Svaldifari. it’s… a long ridiculous story that ended up in an oopsie baby spider foal (you can just look up this Norse myth lmao) and that was all well and good until Loki finally returned to Asgard with toddler horse and Odin took him away. This first event - the first of what would be many tragic circumstances to follow surrounding his first six kids - was the start and beginning of Loki’s deep-seated trauma and paranoid caginess surrounding all of his pregnancies/children. to this day Sleipnir remains in service of the Aesir as Odin’s personal stallion, where Elysium can’t just take him since Odin would obviously notice and Loki is technically a wanted escaped fugitive in his home world so 🙃 horrifically sad and traumatizing forever. uhhh anyway!
2- Hela! Loki’s eldest daughter. I literally just drew her yesterday over here!! She’s the other one of all the kids who has not moved to Elysium. Loki is Hela’s mother, & she was sired by the Frost Giantess Angrboda, with whom Loki had begun to rendezvous with solely as an act of general rebellion against well, everyone. Loki uhhhhhh had not expected to somehow get magically pregnant from these encounters, biologically nonsensical as it was, but he’d delightedly rolled with it after the first time (and would return to her twice more hoping for more accidents - and receiving them - before she finally shooed him away). Like I said in her drawing, Hela was half dead once she was born, and half of her decomposes, regenerates, decomposes. As a teenager she and her younger siblings (the next two bullet points) were ripped from Loki by Odin and each respectively banished away in isolation out of fear of their growing powers. Hela is the queen of the Norse Dead and resides in their Underworld of Niflheim, where she has made a home and an obligation for herself that she will not abandon, even for the chance to reunite with her mom :(
3- Fenris! (also known as The Fenris Wolf….. also known as Fen), the former GIANT WOLF born to Loki & Angrboda again, nowadays shapeshifted into your run of the mill big hulking werewolfy Viking. Once again birthed by Loki as a puppy:) before growing extremely big with no sign of stopping. yes wolf-shape-Fen is larger than even Cerberus. Growing up as a gigantic bloodthirsty ravenous wolf but truly just misunderstood and unfairly judged Fen too was separated and banished during Odin’s scourge, imprisoned in isolation on the island of Lyngvi for many many years… until the coming of Ragnarok in ~2014ish (as Eisa and Einmyria were being born) - which Loki during canon Elysium events circumvented by freeing Fen, transforming him into a human shape, finally bringing him home to the Elysium palace. Fen is like ~palace adjacent~ he and his brother Jör are near inseparable and prefer to spend their time roaming the Underworld rather than confining to one place after so many years of being locked up.
4- Jörmundgandr! (also known as The World Serpent, The Midgard Serpent….. and also known as Jör) - the former GIGANTIC SEA SERPENT born ALSO to Loki and Angrboda, the last of their children before they “broke up” (had they even been dating??) Like By the time Jör was born - again to Loki yes as a big snake even then but. Quite a bit Smaller thank god. - Angrboda was finally like Jesus christ ENOUGH stop using me to sire children leave me alone??? and that was the End of that relationship or lack thereof. Jör was the last of the three kids that Odin banished away at once, he was thrown into The oceans of Midgard (EARTH) to wrap around the world nine times, ending with swallowing his own tail in one big ouroboros……. Like his older brother, Jör was freed and transformed humanoid to prevent Ragnarok in 2014 and lives Elysium-adjacent with Fen. Fun fact Jör was friends with mermaid Glaukos even as a big snake - from living in the oceans! Glaukos was able to reunite them when Loki first fell to Elysium yaaay. Also. it’s worth mentioning that even humanoid Jör is constantly biting his nails some things don’t change…. The ouroboros continues……
5 & 6- Vali and Nari! Who I just drew as teeny newborns over here and whomst I have drawn many MANY times. Normal human shapes except in the modern day Elysium canon….. they’re ghosties, eternally ten years old :(((( Loki carried the twins too though they’ve always called him father; their mother was the goddess Sigyn, nowadays Loki’s Big Ex (one of em.) after being Loki’s longest committed relationship, wife adjacent. the twins were conceived by accident of course very shortly after their previous three siblings were taken away, but Loki & Sigyn had been in a relationship for QUITE some time before that, as she’d acted as step parent to the trio since their early childhood. When Loki killed Balder as revenge for the loss of the trio, Odin magically bewitched ten year old Vali and Nari to kill each other and left their horrific remains for Loki to find (enough left for Loki to enchant the pieces himself and sEE WHAT HAD HAPPENED AND BY WHO).
This was one of the most horrifying and traumatizing things to have ever happened to Loki, now SIX losses of his beloved children— a catalyst for his period of supervillainry in which we allll know what happened. Sigyn also left him - an incredibly ugly breakup that didn’t help anything, as she’d blamed him fully for their deaths. When Loki ended up in Elysium, Tory transferred their ghosts from one Underworld to another and reunited them at long last :’)) finally the beginning of a happy ending!! As cheerful ghosts, solidified and recolored by their new bestest friend Meli (the goddess of ghosts) the twins DO live a happy and fulfilling life, and their return to his arms was the biggest step to Loki in Elysium finally starting to pull himself together. yay!!! and now the Elysium continuation kids!
7- Fjöer! son of Loki and Laphi, Loki’s first baby in the Elysium palace! Fjoer is half owl like his dad Laphi and is the shape of a big blue feathered. uh. thing. Fjöer like alllll the rest of them was an oopsie baby, after screwing arounddd and finding himself pregnant in the palace wth NO idea who the other parent could be. Loki panicked and ran away, preferring ALWAYS to be pregnant alone anyway (leaving secret instructions to find him just with Vali and Nari, though Epi was able to contact him through dreams.). Within a month Loki had given birth to… an entire bird’s EGG, narrowing the other parent down to ONE specific half-owl-god lmAO. He returned to the palace at that point, and Fjöer hatched two months later. Fjöer was actually the first cross couple baby of all the palace let alone with Loki (lmao look at us now!) but Laphi and Jesse took this in stride especially once Laphi’s owl-parent instincts took over. Fun fact!! Fjöer speaks only in chirpy bird talk, but all of his siblings and parents can understand him seamlessly! NO ONE ELSE, THOUGH
8- Rane! Daughter of Loki and…….. hmmm redacted due to in-progress retconning.(also she has never had a twin shhhhhhhhhhhgg). Let’s call her Flower Nymph for now. Rane’s humanoid but the first of Loki’s kids to LOOK and act Jotunn, as she came preloaded with a super low body temp and ice powers (which she hardly uses in favor of playing with mortal card tricks as a better form of magic), and was powerful enough in utero to knock all of Loki’s magic haywire. Soooooo back when Loki had left with Fjöer in utero, he’d somehow befriended a stray Flower Nymph residing newly in the palace, detached from everyone else; Vali and Nari had brought her to him to make friends lmao. what followed for the next few years was a friendship turned sort of romance, as she was COMPLETELY in love with him - he was not - he humored her for a while - it was a bad pairing all around - finally they broke up. They…. hooked up a few more times against their better judgement. Aaaand of course then Loki found out he was pregnant.
Loki’s relationship story with Flower Nymph is in the process of major retconning but they remain NOT together as a couple, just finally friends after many years of turmoil, and Rane shares split custody between the two of them (most of her time with Loki in the oalace). MOST fun fact about Rane of all time is!! she was actually born IN the avengers tower😈😇 which is a whole other story that I will not include here bc this length is so stupid already but. lmao! This is also Loki’s least favorite fact
9 & 10- Eisa and Einmyria! …Haha oh boy. they are Loki’s daughters with TORY, and the first EVER babies who Loki didn’t carry himself - while Loki was about eight months pregnant with Rane, on accident he had knocked up Tory, who had given birth to baby Raz himself not long before. Eisa is made out of molten lava - Einmyria is made out of smoldering ash. Before I talk about All this here is a DISCLAIMER that everything is fine with them and everyone NOW in terms of coparenting and a happy family!! but the series of events surrounding their surprise conception and birth was nothing but CHAOS. Maci had allowed Loki to sleep with Tory one time - NOT GET HIM PREGNANT, and she was BEYOND furious. Generally Maci AND ALSO TORY are NOT calm people they are both Very quick to anger!! Loki, bugging out of his mind from not carrying the babies himself, also feeling cornered from Maci meltdown rage and Tory’s anger and panic, responded to all of this by- perpetuating an all out war right back at them.
from all angles there was SO much screaming and yelling and fighting and custody battling— For like a solid four months of Tory’s pregnancy there was just utter turmoil, including events such as Tory fully leaving the palace (falling ill as the babies powers surged too strong for him to handle and returning); separately Maci leaving the palace in a fit and returning when Tory got sick; then separately again Loki himself getting kicked OUT of the palace after another explosive blowup— Tory and Loki PUNCHED EACH OTHER AT ONE POINT — oh my god it was a dramatic NIGHTMARE. You have to remember back then Loki and Maci HAAAATED EACH OTHER!! But finally tempers cooled and everyone calmed down, agreed to coparent and make nice for the babies’ sake, Tory allowed Loki to name the twins himself, everything was fine.
Everything is fine today! lol Maci was so bitchy about the kids and took one look at them and fell in love so bonus babies no issues. All that fuss and for nothing. …. By the way during Tory’s pregnancy with them had been when Thanatos had escaped and been exploded by Loki, and THEN— due to the stress of all these events of the past year— Ragnarok was triggered to begin. right around when Tory’s water broke (prematurely). Oops. Just uhh Loki things. This is when Fen and Jör came to the palace though!
11- Vrykolakas! Aka Vryk. Most of you probably know Vryk cause this was around the time I had started updating everyone on Elysium goings ons! Vryk is Loki and Epi’s son - sired by Loki and carried by Epi, and his claim to quirky fame is his action of traumatically dying in utero, and then clawing his way back out of his own grave to carry on forever undead. Vryk’s conception also came with a great deal of drama even before Epi had miscarried him. Epi and Loki (&Eury) slept together with the intention of possibly getting Loki pregnant, whatever happens happens, new free baby since Epi and Eury’s previous pregnancies had not been easy for either of them, but it was a panicky shock when Epi ended up pregnant instead. (None of Loki’s genetics or biology make any sense lol.) Though Maci and Loki had been playing nice with Eisa and Einmyria by then, Maci immediately started a fight with Loki with the misguided intention of protecting Epi who was terrified to be pregnant - to which of course Loki retaliAted back at her and ALLL THE DRAMA OF PREVIOUS STARTED UP ALL OVER AGAIN. Epi ended up barring both of them from being near him and hid in Chal’s house - this was when all that was going on too! - until unexpectedly miscarrying.
This was devastating of course I mean do I even need to say that. Aaughhhhh god and- Loki had lost so many children before, but never in this way, and he reeled as well. With even worse emotions at play now and those previous tensions only Barely having been smoothed, Loki and Epi got into a vicious fight - but reconcilied soon after over Vryk’s coffin. Aaaand then Vryk came back to life later that week and was fine ever after :)
Fun fact Vryk was the FINAL actual key for Maci and Loki to actually finally start to tolerate each other with any degree of warmth - for the reason OF warmth, actually. Vryk, being DEAD, does not give off body heat, and cried for days and days straight with no one able to tell what was wrong…. Until Maci, fire goddess, picked him up and immediately got him to stop. Vryk has always called Maci Mama :) shockingly Loki did not kill her over this— if only because Vryk would cry any time Maci put him down OR Loki left the room. They had no choice but to be together AHH lmao once again everything is fine now but! harrowing series of events!!
12- Sæunn! Sæ is the current youngest of all of Loki’s children right now! Also appearing Jotunn-like, Sae’s most exciting feature is the ability to turn into a giant squid for NO reason, an ability only recently discovered. She is the daughter of Loki and Jesse (yknow. Laphi’s husband. whoopsies.) Jesse and Loki hooked up, on birth control bc Loki had too many fucking kids. Because Loki is Loki, that birth control did not work on Jesse And!!! Jesse found himself pregnant!’ The big thing about the birth of Sæunn is that - Before Jesse had ended up pregnant Loki had thought he’d been handling processing the events of Vryk’s almost loss quite well but suddenly having another baby IN someone else right after he’d watched Epi lose Vryk made Loki twitch out of his mind a little bit. He drove Jesse absolutely crazy treating him like he was made of glass for all nine months even with Jesse’s assurances that everything was totally fine. In fact the ONLY unusual thing about Sæ before she was born was that Jesse was inexplicably drawn to water and the pools the entire time. Otherwise the whole pregnancy was healthy and uneventful! Six years later (she’s six now!) the reason for that became extremely clear…. Squiddy :)
however. honestly. a quick aside. lmao the REAL lasting result of Sæunn’s birth was that Loki ended up taking like a three year celibacy hiatus due to EVERY FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL failing either him or any of his partners and oh my god this is so many babies back to back to back. celibacy in the… loosest sense of the word as Loki can just make clones of himself so 🙄 lol. up until - what with Maci being naturally infertile - well. was it possible she was the ONLY person Loki could actually sleep with without knocking up!!? yes😈 hence Loki’s long-standing grudge against her finally snapping, leading into that very first time in 2021…… and then, the next year! everyone discovering an,,, herbal birth control dealio….. that not only did successfully prevent pregnancies in Loki due to trial and error but also doubled as a….. sex pollen-esque aphrodisiac…… whose consensual yet probably hilariously irresponsible use by ALL parties can probably be single-handedly blamed for the blossoming of THE NOT THROUPLE DYNAMIC that we are dealing with today SO LMAO UHH— thanks Jesse and Saeunn?? ANYWAY-
FINALLY the last Lokikid currently is! of course! drumroll!!
13- Libitina! Aka LIBBY who we all know and love! Yes, Chal’s Libby! Most people say that Loki adopted Libby but Loki’s adamant that he gave birth to her and— he kinda did. Technically chronologically, Libby fits in before Vryk, because she was “born” when Chal was first caught by the palace and everyone discovered that she was sleep deprivedly hallucinating an entire girl as her best friend and conscience. When Chal healed her sleep deprivation and thus lost Libby, Loki was commissioned by Ty and Bel to bring her formally to life straight out of Chal’s head, and the real tangible Libby was created! Even from that moment they’d all joked that Loki was Libby’s mom. However it was some time later - hence this chronological timeframe - that Libby clarified with Loki— hey, ARE you my mom? “Do you want me to be?” “…yes?” “Then yes :)” and since then Loki has unequivocally treated Libby completely like one of his own.
Actually secretly Loki had wanted to formally adopt Chal too, he’d been the one in the first place who’d found Chal floundering around and had pushed most strongly For her rehab. but Chal and Loki’s relationship had never been parental or close due to both of them being little shits - in different ways. For that matter - When Tory and Maci (Maci and Chal are little shits in the SAME way) formally adopted Chal, they’d actually tried to loop Libby in, which is the exact moment they discovered that unbeknownst to anyone that Libby and Loki HAD established a parental bond and Loki refused to “toss her aside” to them (Libby didn’t even know this had come up Loki shut it down SO immediately 😅). So!!’ Libby Lokidottir!!! Even though no one will ever be closer to her than Chal is, Libby HAS been wholeheartedly welcomed and embraced by all of her Lokikid siblings, who are all completely ride or die for each other and Libby is no exception. She loves them and has so much love to give! And they all love her back!!
It is Chal’s sulky belief that Libby appears to have joined a cult and you know what? The Lokikid clan is. not far off.
thank you for joining me on this EXCEPTIONALLY LONG essay journey this was an absolute delight to write up. I’ve drawn all these guys except for Sleipnir so feel free to ask for links and pics if u wanna see any of them!! And so, Loki’s lucky 13!
only time will tell if the count will ever increase! like I said… anything could happen, even though Loki hasn’t been pregnant for SO long (since Rane a decade ago!!) and he IS on working birth control right now so…… but who knows!! WHOOOO KNOWS—
EDIT now after some retconny decisions have indeed been made: a previous version of this post included Kaia, formerly known as daughter of Loki and [REDACTED NYMPH] hut this is no longer! Despite being close with her half sister Rane and by extension, step-parent-ish Loki (for a time, ssssssort of,, sort of, it’s complicated), Kaia is no longer not one of Loki’s kids but simply the biological daughter of [NYMPH] and a Lampade, since they can. just. do that✨ gender notwithstanding✨ she was conceived and born roughly around the same exact time as Vryk was and though she’s completely offscreen, [NYMPH’s] pregnancy with her was enough of an emotional weakness for Loki for him to distance himself from the Chal debacle at the time for her safety. Addendum needs to be placed here, in my opinion, since kAia has previously been included in all Lokikid lineups! sorry for the demotion bby girl but she’s more interesting that way!!
phew thank u again If you actually made it to the very bottom. If you can’t tell. I like to write just a bit…,,
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
I have you || Chapter Fourteen ||
Hello to those who tuned in and welcome back to I have you!
The link to my main masterlist is ~~here~~
The link to my I have you masterlist and previous chapters is ~here~
Chapter Thirteen | Masterlist | Chapter Fifteen
Please comment and reblog, it means a lot!
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After a month of adjustment, Loki had organised a day when he would finally move away from Asgard to your kingdom. He would not join you on the throne until the next spring, as was tradition in your world. You and Serenity were very serious girls when it came to their beliefs on marriage.   
Serenity wanted to remain unmarried for the longest possible time. You would marry Loki tomorrow had you not been raised to tradition.  
Frigga was sad to see her beloved child move away but she knew that if Loki stayed, he would not be able to give his children all the best possible childhood while still stuck in a place that held so many bad memories. Frigga knew that Loki wanted to give his children the best possible childhood and he couldn’t do that in Asgard.   
Standing on the Bifrost, Loki turned to her mother and smiled lovingly at her, walking over and allowing Frigga to embrace her as if she was young again. Loki felt safe in her mother’s arms and smiled to herself when Frigga’s gentle caress went into her hair. The hug lasted for as long as they could manage before Loki reluctantly pulled away and smiled sheepishly at Frigga before returning to your side.   
Silently, Sleipnir walked up to Frigga and tugged on her skirts and she looked down at him curiously before picking him up with a small smile on her face, “hello, little Prince! Just remember that you are always welcome in Asgard as much as Loki is, okay? You are welcome here now; you are no longer feared.”  
The reassurance made Sleipnir grin and hug Frigga tighter, wrapping his little arms around Frigga’s neck with a gentle smile, careful not to harm his loving grandmother. The young boy now understood why Loki loved her so much and, when he was walking back to you, Fenrir and his mummy, he turned to wave at Frigga one last time.  
“Wait!” Came a call from half-way down the Bifrost as Heimdall was about to open it. Thor came into the observatory and stood in front of Loki with a frown, “sister do not leave just yet! I still need you to guide me!”  
Loki stared at her brother for a moment before shaking her head and patting his shoulder gently, looking up into the deep eyes of her brother, “if you needed me, Thor, you would still be five hundred years old and unable to hold a broadsword,” Loki joked, and Thor laughed softly as he stared down at his little sister.  
“How do I know that you will not try to take over Midgard again, sister?” Thor murmured and Loki laughed before hugging Thor tight. The siblings held each other for a long moment, a small smile playing on both of their lips as they embraced.  
When they broke away, Loki shrugged and looked over to you, “you’ll just have to trust Y/N when she says that I’m completely past that. I’m going to miss you, Thor,” Loki mumbled and if he heard Thor’s surprised sob, he never made a single remark.  
After the Bifrost opened and the small family landed on Midgard’s Moon, Loki looked up at the sky with tearful eyes and said his final blessing to Thor’s time on the throne before linking hands with you and walking into the castle, narrowly avoiding the two pets that you lived with; a direwolf named Kosmo and a border collie from Midgard named Lassie.   
You had saved Kosmo from a burning building back in your home. He was just nine weeks old and suffering when you found him and brought him back to full health with the help of Serenity. Serenity had her doubts about the wolf but when presented with the only other pup of the litter, a runt, albino, she fell in love instantly and agreed to nurse them back to health.   
Lassie was saved off a street on Midgard after being abandoned by her other family. She was only about a year old when you found her and somehow, you related to the young pup thanks to your own abandoning. Your father rightfully abandoned you to save you, but you still held a grudge. You still kept in touch with your father yet Serenity was adored by the man. Lassie's black and white coat enchanted you and made you love the small pup even more and you just couldn’t see why her old owners would abandon her.   
The two pups skidded across the marble floor and you giggled in delight when you saw your beloved Lassie look around in confusion because she had missed her cuddle target but when she saw you again, she quickly got to her paws and ran over to you and ran between your legs in an eight motion.  
“Mummy is happy to see you too, pupper! My cute little fluffy girl!” you squealed and kissed all over the dog’s face with a smile.   
Loki watched awkwardly, holding Sleipnir in her arms as she watched you reunite with her pups. Fenrir looked at the dog and wolf curiously before a giant smirk appeared on his lips and he shifted into his wolf form, making sure to be a bit smaller so that he didn’t destroy the foyer. Kosmo took one look at Fenrir, looked over to Lassie and huffed before retreating through a door much to Fenrir’s amusement.  
Loki sighed and shook her head affectionately at her son before shrugging and walking over to you and kissing you gently, “come, love, weren’t you going to show us around your beautiful castle?”  
You turned your head to look at Loki before it clicked in your mind and you grinned sheepishly, “oh, yes! Much has changed since the last time you came to stay here! One thing, your room here hasn’t been changed but I thought you might appreciate all your clothes being transferred into my room.”  
Loki smiled lovingly and kissed your cheek before nodding and walking over to the shoe rack and taking off her black heels, smiling lovingly when she sees that she still has her designated clothes hook to match. Shrugging off the green furry coat that Frigga had made for her, Loki smiled lovingly at the marble walls and the carvings that she and you had made every time they had a date. Things were easier back before Thor was announced as Crown Prince, Loki had been able to breathe better without that knowledge.  
“Your mind is your greatest poison, my love, I can hear the way you begin to doubt yourself,” you whispered as you walked up to her and wrapped your arms around her waist and Loki giggled in response before sighing.  
She had missed this, just the quiet between her and you that had always felt the most comfortable when wrapped in either of their arms. You smiled softly as you stroked Loki’s stomach gently and you breathed out a laugh, “you know? I am the pregnant one and yet, I am treating you as if you were in my place.”  
Loki snorted and got out of your arms before walking behind you and picking you up bridal style, the bump of your belly evident now that your body was folded like this. You looked perfect when holding Loki’s baby, why hadn’t she gotten her beloved pregnant before this? With a jolt, Loki remembered that almost two years ago, she had indeed almost had a baby with you. Odin prevented that while tossing Loki from the Bifrost.  
Loki frowned as she held you tighter to her while thinking about how her Kingdom was before her fall. Suddenly, an idea sprung to mind, and Loki looked deep into your eyes while smiling, “let's bring those who are loyal only to me here to the Moon! That way, Thor won’t get such a backlash and your kingdom will thrive with people again. Let’s face it, the Moon has been way too barren since the Moon War of 1852.”  
You sighed sadly and nodded as you looked out at the city that used to be bustling with merchants, lords and commoners that made the Moon your home. You hadn’t thought that your home would look like this ever, your mother had kept the Castle in pristine condition until the war and now that she was dead, the Moon lost its beauty. “Yeah,” you mumbled, your arms wrapping around yourself with a deep frown, “we’ll even bring the little girl you made friends with, she looked so happy to study magic.”  
“Little Estrid?” Loki mumbled, looking through her broken mind to find the little girl who had welcomed her into her village, “she had powerful seiðr and I am very proud of her growth. She deserves to know all of her magic.”   
You smiled softly and shrugged before turning your gaze to the green planet that belonged to your sister, “think that Jörmungandr is really there? Serenity told man tales about him on Midgard, but I didn’t know if she was telling the truth.”  
“She was telling the truth, Y/N. I trust that she is telling the truth and Jörmungandr is alive on Midgard waiting for me,” Loki breathed, unable to imagine a world where his son died before he could ever meet the poor boy.    
Loki sighed sadly and his hand flashed green before his clothes changed to a simple tunic and leggings, his boots replaced with green slippers and his hair became braided in a way that was traditional to Asgard. He longed to go to Midgard immediately to get his son, but you had convinced him to wait until tomorrow.  
The day was spent with Sleipnir and Fenrir getting settled into their home, occasional screaming of arguments sounding throughout the silent halls as they fought over bedrooms. With a smile, Loki sipped his cup of tea and allowed this new feeling of love to consume him.
An hour later, Loki opened a meeting room door and stepped into the room, smiling politely when he saw Healer Falanson waiting for him. Upon hearing the door opening, Falanson looked up from his files and greeted Loki with a warm smile, "Loki, do come in."
The God took a seat on the chair opposite the Healer and sighed, pushing away his nerves before looking directly at Falanson. "I'm ready," he whispered softly, his hands trembling as he struggled to carry on looking at the Healer, "to tell you about what happened after the Bifrost."
Falanson immediately straightened and placed his file down to lean forward in his chair. "Go on," the Healer gently urged the Prince, his smile comforting him while the God attempted to find the right words.
With a sigh, Loki's hands lit up green and an image appeared above his palms. Falanson watched with intrigue as his story played out through his illusion, occasionally checking up on how Loki was feeling. Halfway through, the Healer saw Loki struggling to watch so he gently raised a hand and smiled before whispering, "let's leave it here."
"But-" Loki began to protest but Falanson interrupted gently.
"Your trauma from this event is still fresh, my Prince, we can continue when you are ready. Today is not that day," the healer smiled at Loki and saw the disappointment in his eyes, "forgive me, my Prince, I just think you need to rest. This last year has been so difficult for you and your mental state."
Loki sighed and leaned back in his chest, running his fingers through his hair. "Alright then," Loki relented, standing from his chair and smiling at the healer, "I will send you a letter when I am ready to meet again."
When the sun rose the next day, Loki left for Midgard with you, leaving Sleipnir in the care of his eldest brother. Loki trusted Fenrir not to burn the castle down, as he had promised. Then again, he was a Lokison for a reason. Son of the God of Lies.   
Appearing on the shores of Norway, you cooed at the pleasant atmosphere and your shirt and leggings melted away into a lovely blue sundress with white sandals and a beach hat. Loki smiled at your attention to the view as he looked out at the ocean. He was here to find his son; he didn’t care if his best outfit got ruined when he walked into that water. Cold or not, he was getting his son.  
While you stayed on the shore of the Norwegian beach, Loki waded into the shallows of the ocean. Taking a deep breath, Loki dived under the water and used his seiðr to make sure that breath lasted him as long as it needed to. Loki swam beyond how far you could see and when he knew he was totally surrounded by ocean, no sign of the Norwegian coast in sight. He would not let his body go into panic, regulating his breathing and taking a deep breath again before sinking underwater and reaching out, opening his seiðr to his surroundings, allowing any magical creatures to find him.   
He had created the spell a century after Jörmungandr had been banished. He knew that one day he would need to find his son so he set out to make a spell that will help his son find him.   
And so, Loki waited. Underwater, in the dark and completely alone. All he could hear was the water affecting the sound of his heartbeat and after a while, he was thrown out of the water and high into the air. Quickly using seiðr to stabilise himself in the air, Loki looked down at the ocean only to see a ginormous serpent’s head staring back at him.   
“Is it too much to ask that I am left alone? I asked over and over again to other pitiful visitors. Why can’t mortals leave me to my exile?” The giant serpent, his son, spoke in a rumbling voice that moved the ocean around his scales.  
Loki frowned as he took a look at his son. He had grown in four hundred years; he could tell but he could also see that he had not been given the correct nutrients that he needed to grow bigger before this age. Nutrients that he would have gotten from Angrboða. Loki lowered himself to be at eye-level with his son and he smiled sadly, “I am here to say that you have been freed from your exile. I am here to collect my son now that the Allfather is dead.”  
“You jest!” the snake snarled and its grand tail lifted from the ocean, ready to swat Loki away but the God held it down with his seiðr and Jörmungandr stared at him in surprise, “I have not been overpowered before! Who are you? My father cannot visit me! Instead, he sends…”  
“Queen Serenity of Midgard, I know,” Loki replied and smiled lovingly at his son, who looked stunned by the confident response.  
Jörmungandr considered this tiny man, how he had the same eyes as this man and how Serenity had once told him what his father looked like. This man looked exactly how Serenity had once thought to describe him, he was someone who looked like he could both seduce a woman into submission but also lead an army into a glorious battle if he so needed. Serenity had come to him after the battle of New York to ramble about how the God had taken over, leading an invasion of Chitauri in his wake.   
“My son… if I have brought you too much pain by my being here then I shall respect your wish for privacy if you so need it. I know that you have been stuck here for centuries, you had to hatch quickly and alone… Your mother and I wished for you to hatch with us but Odin was far too quick on his trek to get rid of my child,” Loki sighed and reached his hand out to hold his sons enormous head in his tiny hands, but he had to lower his hands when Jörmungandr flinched away from the offer.  
The giant snake considered the explanation before rising as high as his body could out of the water, making sure that Loki was stood on his head before he turned and started to swim towards the shore. The giant snake made great time for getting to shore, arriving in under fifteen minutes. You were waiting on the shore for Loki to return and you backed away on instinct when you saw the giant form of Jörmungandr, but you regained yourself, wading into the shallows to meet your fiancé and his second son.   
Once Loki was lowered onto the shore, Jörmungandr turned to disappear beyond the waves but was stopped when Loki gained his voice and called to him, “you’re leaving? My son, I hoped I had convinced you. I want you to come home with me, please,” the God sighed and lowered his head as a way to brace himself for rejection.  
Jörmungandr turned to glare at Loki but he sighed and laid his head on the beach, looking up at his father with deepening sadness, “the ocean is all I have ever known, father, what more am I without it?”  
What more than that? Hissed in Loki’s brain, a recollection of his argument with Odin in the vaults before his time as King. Loki sighed and realised that this was the Norns gift to him, to give Jörmungandr the answer that he, himself, wanted to hear all those years past.   
“What are you without it? Jörmungandr, you would be the same... no matter where you live or what you look like... always know that you are my son! I love you and your brothers and sister... I left you to your fate here... I couldn’t stop it so let me stop it now by you coming home with me. Please, my son? Let me be the father to you that Odin never was for me,” Loki begged, walking up to Jörmungandr and stroking the beautiful scales on his nose.  
The giant serpent gave a shuddering sigh in relief, happy to be reassured by his father, showing that he was loved beyond his might and size as a Midgard serpent, destined to destroy Asgard. In his father's eyes, he was just Jörmungandr Lokison.   
“I want to come home,” came the begging reply from the snake before he even realised it, “please let me come home.”  
Loki released a laugh of relief before activating his seiðr to access Jörmungandr’s dormant shapeshifting ability, turning his son into the eight-Midgardian-year old that he was. Upon seeing his boy kneeling before him, looking so similar to how Angrboða had looked, Loki choked on a sob and pulled him into his arms. The boy took a while to get past the shock but when he did, he hugged Loki tight and nuzzled his head into his father’s neck.  
You smiled as you walked up to the parent and child, kneeling beside them as the water seeped into their clothes, none of them caring in that moment of peace. You broke yourself from the moment long enough to make sure that you gave Jörmungandr a suitable blue Aesir tunic and leather pants for his dignity while you kept to your part of the embrace.   
Jörmungandr turned his head to the new arrival and stared at you with obvious curiosity, “who are you? How do you know my father?”  
You smiled kindly and rubbed Jörmungandr’s back, “I am Y/N Y/L/N... I am your father’s soulmate. I may not be Angrboða but... if you could one day see me as your mother, I would be beyond happy.”  
The boy considered you before nodding his head and reaching out for you, smiling when you took him from Loki and encased him in your own bear hug, “I didn’t know my birth mother. You are my mother... I accept you.”  
Tears sprung into your eyes and you smiled brightly, kissing the boy’s head before standing up, holding Jörmungandr on your hip and offering Loki your free hand, which was instantly taken.   
Loki was about to teleport all of them back to the Moon Kingdom before Jörmungandr spoke up, his voice small and nervous, “can we camp here for the night? I want to stay by the sea, just for one more night.”  
Who were they to say no? Loki guided you and Jörmungandr up the cliff and they set up a tent big enough for five people right near the edge, pinning it to the ground. With reassurance that he would be back, Loki left the tent and disappeared from view.   
Left alone with a woman he had never met before but had readily accepted as his mother, Jörmungandr gazed over at her with masked curiosity. What made her so special as to grab his father’s attention?
You quickly caught him staring and smiled fondly, walking over to him and sitting beside him before staring up at the stars, “they’re beautiful. I remember growing up and mapping every single star, it all fascinated me. Then I spent more time in Asgard, with your father... I got so used to their stars and constellations... Seeing my own again is... somehow strange,” you murmured more to yourself than to Jörmungandr, but he listened anyway.  
“I bet the view of Asgard’s stars is much better than these Midgardian ones. I recall when I was little, I used to swim to the surface and look to the stars... I knew I had a family somewhere and they wanted me. I held onto that hope, but it faded as time went by. I had to hide in the deepest depths of this planet so Midgardians could not find me and experiment. I was scared for hundreds of years until they stopped fishing in my territory when my venom came in,” the young boy smiled up at the stars, “I bit one fellow by accident... he was diving too low for my liking, so I playfully nipped his leg. He didn’t make it to the surface. I only wanted to scare him!”  
You watched Jörmungandr with a frown before running your nails through his silver and black locks, “I understand. Midgardians tend to kill what they don’t understand. If that man hadn’t died, he would have killed you, even if you were being mischievous. But just remember that you shouldn’t abuse your venom, either.”  
Jörmungandr nodded before smiling up at you, resting his head on your shoulder and staring up at the sky, “I tried it on a mouse, earlier. It seems that I lose my venom when I take this form. I’m glad for that, I wouldn’t want to hurt you or father.”  
“I’m sure we’d understand if you did it accidentally, Jörmungandr. Loki, especially! He’d be so surprised to see you having such a talent that I doubt he would even be mad if he saw your venom,” you gushed and the boy’s cheeks reddened at the praise from his new mother and he shuffled a little closer to you, seeking your comfort.   
Jörmungandr hadn’t expected that, following the sunset, he would have a family when he woke up this morning. He has resigned himself to an idle exploration of the Midgardian oceans that he had toured constantly for the past four hundred years. But now that the sun was set, Jörmungandr found himself even happier than he had ever felt before.  
“I’m back,” came the familiar voice of Loki behind the two and when Jörmungandr turned to look at Loki, he saw a small child in his father’s arms with a boy standing by his side who seemed to be older than him but not by much.   
Jörmungandr nervously got to his feet and stood just a few meters away from Loki and the other children, unsure whether it was alright for him to go to them and embrace them. With a push from you, he stepped forward and smiled uncertainly at the boys that he supposed were his brothers, “a pleasure. I am Jörmungandr Lokison. You both are...?”  
The elder of the two boys gazed at Jörmungandr as if trying to determine friend or foe before smiling and walking over to him, engulfing him in a gentle hug, “I am Fenrir Lokison. It’s a pleasure to meet my younger brother, at last.”  
Jörmungandr smiled weakly and hugged his elder brother tight before feeling a tug on his pant leg and when he looked down, he smiled at his younger brother, “why hello there! And what is your name?”  
Sleipnir giggled at the attention and squealed when he was lifted into Jörmungandr’s arms, “my name is Sleipnir Lokison! It’s very nice to meet you, Jörmy!”  
Laughing at the new nickname, Jörmungandr rubbed Sleipnir’s back as he looked over at Loki with a lopsided grin, “how big is our family, father? Is this it? Are we whole again?”  
That made Loki frown and the boy knew instantly that their little family wasn’t full yet, they needed someone more. Resignedly, Loki sat on the grass and stared out to the ocean and the darkening sky meeting it, his boys following soon after and sitting on all sides of him.  
“We have... we have one left...” Loki murmured, and a tear escaped his eye as he thought back to his beautiful Hel.   
“Then we will find her, father, and we will make her feel welcome in our home again,” Fenrir promised and held Loki’s hand tight with a deep frown on his face, “we will not stop until we find our little sister and keep her safe!”  
Loki smiled in relief at the knowledge that he will not be doing this alone and he stroked his children’s hair before guiding them inside the tent. After tucking Sleipnir into bed and kissing his head, he headed to the doorway of Fenrir and Jörmungandr’s room since they insisted, they must sleep in the same room.   
“Comfy?” Loki asked and they both nodded, making Loki smile and he dipped down to kiss their heads and even chuckled at their playful attempt to get away from his love, “goodnight boys.”  
“G’night, papa,” came the reply from both of them and Loki froze for a moment before smiling and walking away into the master bedroom of the tent.  
Getting into bed beside you, Loki nuzzled his head into your neck and his hand took its place on your stomach. Instinctively, you ran your nails through his hair with a gentle smile as if you knew that Loki was beyond content with his life right now. He had you. You had him. They had their children. Life was almost fixed for the both of them.  
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210 @just-someone11
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
My Peter Lokison AU
Loki's eldest child is Sleipnir, who was sired by a Midgardian stallion and birthed by Loki in the form of a mare.
At some point Loki "ran away from home" to another planet where he met Angrboda and had three children with her: from eldest to youngest, Fenris, Jörmungandr, and Hela. Loki and Angrboda were both magically powerful beings which ended up mixing in interesting ways with their children! Fenris is a giant wolf, Jörmungandr a giant serpent. Hela is humanoid like her parents and was even more magically powerful.
Loki and Angrboda raised their children for years with Odin unaware of it until he received a prophecy warning that the three would be his downfall and cause the end of the world. Prophecies don't always come true but Odin didn't want to take the chance. He tracked Loki's new family down and imprisoned and banished his children in various ways.
Frigga and Thor both tried to talk Odin out of it but didn't succeed.
Fenris was brought to Asgard where he was tricked into letting himself be restrained in a dungeon under the guise of a test of strength.
Jörmungandr was banished to Midgard, landing and staying in the waters.
Hela was banished to the realm(s) of the dead, which transformed her into a being that was neither alive nor dead.
Loki was forcibly brought back to Asgard where everyone pretended nothing had happened (publicly at least).
(Plot hole because I can't decide what happened with Angrboda.)
Hela's new state of being and talent with magic enables her to tap into the threads of the universe that allow the dead to contact the living and manipulate them in such a way that she forms a permanent psychic link with Loki and her siblings (including Sleipnir).
This helps the banished and separated family stay relatively sane but they're unable to do anything about their situation.
Peter's birth
Many, many years later, Loki "runs away from home" again, this time to Midgard, where he lives in the form of a Midgardian woman.
He becomes pregnant from a one-night stand. The pregnancy wasn't planned but he was happy to have another child.
After Peter's birth, Loki happily raised him for a couple years. But at that point, Frigga unexpectedly visited him, telling him that Odin wanted him back on Asgard and it wasn't a request that could be denied.
Loki resigned himself to returning but didn't want Odin anywhere near Peter after what he did to his other children.
Frigga agreed and Loki trusted her much more than Odin so she took Peter and left him to be found by a Midgardian couple who could raise and care for him. Said couple was of course Richard and Mary Parker.
Peter never fully felt abandoned as he had inherited his family's psychic link. Despite distance, he could talk with his mother and his siblings every day.
Sadly, Peter's adoptive parents died when he was still a young child. He was taken in and adopted by his adoptive uncle and aunt, Benjamin and May Parker.
MCU happenings
After the events of the first Thor movie, Loki stops responding to any of his children. Hela can tell the link isn't broken, but Loki is effectively closed off from them now.
After several happy years being raised by his aunt and uncle, Peter has to deal with another family tragedy as Benjamin dies.
He's surviving and loving despite it all.
Radioactive spider bite happens and Peter's superhero life begins.
After the events of Civil War, as he's spending more time with Tony, knowing how much Tony was hurt by Steve keeping secrets from him, Peter reveals his parentage to Tony and explains his psychic link with his siblings and that he's in frequent contact with them, but not his mother (not by his choice).
With it finally out in the open with someone, Tony starts getting somewhat familiar with Peter's siblings in a secondhand way as Peter now regularly mentions and talks about them.
(He ends up telling Ned and May too, after they find out about him being Spider-Man, because what use is more secrets?)
At some point Thor returns to Midgard and meets Peter and the family ties are revealed. He's very happy to have another nibling, though he's still filled with guilt for failing to help Fenris, Jörmungandr, and Hela. He starts spending a lot of time on Midgard, bonding with Peter (and his other niblings secondhand).
The events of the first Doctor Strange movie happen and the universe cracking fuckery ended up inadvertently breaking Hela's banishment and transporting her to New York.
She allows herself to be "contained" by Stephen at the Sanctum but refused to tell anything and requests/demands to see Tony Stark.
Stephen grumpily acquiesces and retrieves Tony to bring to her (what a first meeting to have, but hey, it's better than meeting right before a world destroyer arrives).
Once she's met Tony and it's explained who she is, Stephen somewhat reluctantly agrees to let her be as she claims to have no desire (or even the ability) to endanger this world, and simply wants to see her younger brother.
Tony takes her to his home in Stark Tower and invites Peter over to finally have the siblings meet face to face.
Hela's a permanent presence now. She alternates living in Stark Tower and living with Peter and May (more often the Tower as May's apartment has limited space.)
Hela and Thor are reunited now too. Hela's not interested in any grudges so they get to build their family bond too.
Jörmungandr has been on Midgard this whole time but doesn't see the others in person much. She sticks to the deep waters, away from busy civilization. She's very much in contact with them through their link though.
Events vaguely similar to the first part of the Ragnarok movie happen, Odin dies on Midgard in the presence of Thor and Loki. He regrets what he did to his grandchildren and breaks Fenris and Jörmungandr's banishments.
After Odin's death, Thor beseeches Loki to stay with him on Midgard, telling him of his meeting Peter and Hela's arrival and stay on the planet. Loki can live with his family again if he lets himself.
Hela sensed Odin dying but only arrived after he had already passed. Her arrival at the scene helps convince Loki to try living again with his family.
Hela forgives Loki for his ignoring of his children for years but also makes it clear that she won't stand for him hurting Peter again and if he wants to reunite with Peter, he needs to stay in Peter's life.
Peter's just happy to have his mother back.
Loki ends up living at Stark Tower too which is... interesting. He and Tony basically both agree to try and get along for Peter's sake.
Things go surprisingly well and Tony, Thor, Rhodey, and Loki basically end up being a bit of an Avengers revival, with Peter joining in at times (to Tony's dismay and Thor and Loki's delight).
Thanos is still on his world balancing mission and Bruce still knows and comes to warn Stephen (I don't have a specific storyline here, Bruce was still in space and ended up crossing paths with Thanos and knowing of his plan).
Stephen summons the new Avengers, plus Hela, minus Peter.
Canon Infinity War stuff happens but Bruce does now get encouragement from Hela to contact Steve. She asks him to ask Steve if he knows where Nick Fury is, but Steve isn't able to help. Hela's able to find out herself through her tapping into the universal threads but that takes a bit of work so she tried the easy way first.
Hela is able to locate and contact Fury, fills him in as quickly as she can, and tells him to contact Carol and request her help with Thanos.
Hela's usually unable (literally unable) to interfere in the affairs of the living because of her state of being and universal laws, but she gets involved now. It's quite a frightening moment for the others, as it becomes clear just how serious the situation is if she's getting involved. (It basically counts as divine intervention.)
Fenris and Sleipnir are brought to Midgard to help in the fight against Thanos's army. Sleipnir, Fenris, Jörmungandr, Hela, Thor, and Loki are all there for the battle in Wakanda.
The battle starts before Carol arrives but she makes it and helps turn the tide as well.
Hela's able to be transported to Titan by Stephen using Peter's genetic connection with her.
Thanos is successfully defeated before he can perform the Snap.
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
Tales of Asgard
Series 2, Episode 6
The Death of Balder
Balder the Brave is plagued by bad dreams. World ending dreams, fratricidal dreams, dreams of pain and suffering. One night he dreams of his own death. He keeps trying to pass them off as nothing but Nanna knows better. She goes with him to see Frigga.
Frigga tries to ease his fears but admits the she has also had the dream of his death.
Troubled, she speaks to Odin who resolves to investigate. He disguises himself as Wanderer, son of Warrior. He asks for a seer, an interpreter of dreams. They say there was a wise woman who could have helped you but she is dead. He is directed to a grave site near Niflheim. He casts runes and incants etc, eventually raising a spirit.
She tells him that Balder is coming to the land of the dead.
He asks how, she tells him only something small will hurt him
He asks who, she tells him only someone innocent.
She sees he is not Wanderer, son of Warrior. He is Odin.
He sees she is not the wise woman. She is Angraboda who laid with Loki and birthed Jormungundr, the world serpent.
She says like father like son (hinting that she is the mother of one of his children, revealed in Ragnarok to be Hela, his secret first child).
She disappears.
He returns and tells all to Balder and Nanna outside their home. Frigga has a plan! She will ask all things to swear not to hurt Balder (spoiler alert - she forgets mistletoe).
The others are sceptical so she demonstrates by slinging a stone at Balder. It changes course and flies around him. They laugh.
Volstagg sees and has a try. He calls Hogun and Fandral. Fandral tries. Hogun thinks it's a stupid thing to do, so sits with Sif and Nanna.
Soon the whole royal court and a few others are all having a go using more dangerous methods. Some one has brought mead. Nanna is worried and starts asking them to stop. Balder thinks it's all hilarious.
Loki stands, a contemptuous look on his face. He then spies Frigga talking worriedly to Odin and sneaks over disguised as an old woman. He hears her saying that she forgot mistletoe. Odin says don't worry it's so small and insignificant. She vows to ride to the nearest patch anyway. Odin says take Sleipnir. Of course, when she gets there, Sleipnir is gone. She borrows Gullenbursti and rides to the patch but the patch is gone. She realises and rides back as fast as she can.
We see Loki approach Hodr who is blind asking people what is going on, but they are all too busy playing their new game and many are a bit drunk.
Loki asks why he doesn't join in the fun. He says he can't aim and has no weapon. Loki hands him mistletoe transmuted into a spear. He lines him up and helps him throw then vanishes.
The spear, of course, kills Balder. The merriment dies down as he falls. Nanna screams. Silence.
Hodr asks what's happening, does Balder think it's funny. Nanna asks if Hodr threw the spear. He says yes, did it work? Nanna pulls out a dagger. Odin says no, think of the consequences. She does. Hodr dies without being able to name Loki. She turns the blade on herself. Frigga says no, think of your son. Balder wouldn't want this. She does it anyway. The gods are stunned.
They can't believe Hodr would harm anybody, let alone Balder. And they are shocked at Nanna's reaction. Odin remembers the old lady behind him when they talked about mistletoe. He had never seen her before. Sif hesitantly says she saw Loki with Hodr just before but didn't see the weapon (she knows he will be punished severely if not killed).
Odin orders Loki found. The Einherjar (Cpt Harokin, Tyr etc), Volstagg and Hogun are all too happy to go Loki hunting. Odin allows it. Thor objects, still not believing Loki could truly kill his brother. Frigga says you must have proof. They go anyway.
Odin says we have work to do. He sends Fandral with Sleipnir (fast combo) to Niflheim to plead for Balder's return with the goddess of death. She (Hela, though she doesn't reveal her identity to Fandral) says she'll let Balder go back if all living things in Asgard weep for him. The Einherjar, Sif and the Warriors Three all go about making sure all living things weep for Balder (not hard, everything loved him). But one ornery old Asgardian lady flat out refuses. Of course this was Loki in disguise (Hela knew this would happen and revels in Odin's distress). They later suspect as much but have no proof. Again.
Balder and Nanna's funeral scene (we'll cut Thor's Dwarf murder that is actually for real in the Norse legend).
Someone surely mourns for Hodr as most of the gods believe it was Loki. They are simply waiting for proof. And he is about to give it to them.
They retire to Volstagg's (Aegir in the norse legends) hall to drink from the magically replenishing kettle. The wake in Asgard is sacred (sacred drinking!) meaning no quarrels. Emboldened by this knowledge, Loki gatecrashes. He speaks to Hogun (Eldir in the legend), who is helping serve.
Loki (already drunk): Good evening my fine fellow! What occupies the great Asgardian gods this evening.
Hogun: This is Balder's wake. Your brother's wake.
L: Yes, yes I know all that. But what are the gods discussing over their mead?
H: They mostly speak of Balder...also of weapons and their prowess in war. No one here has anything friendly to say about you.
"Loki says that he will go into the feast, and that, before the end of the feast, he will induce quarrelling among the gods, and "mix their mead with malice". Hogun responds that "if shouting and fighting you pour out on" to the gods, "they'll wipe it off on you". Loki then enters the hall, and everyone there falls silent upon noticing him." (source - Wikipedia)
Fandral (Fimafeng in the legend), also serving, tells him that he is not welcome.
Loki rages at him and insults him.
The gods nearby stick up for the two servers that confronted Loki and says that they are fine servers and Loki pulls a knife on Fandral who is nearby.
Frigga shames him into putting it away.
He does so, mumbling that he "couldn't bear to hear it".
"Breaking the silence, Loki says that, thirsty, he had come to these halls from a long way away to ask the gods for a drink of "the famous mead". Calling the gods arrogant, Loki asks why they are unable to speak, and demands that they assign him a seat and a place for him at the feast, or tell him to leave. Hogun (The skaldic god Bragi in the legend) is the first to respond to Loki by telling him that Loki will not have a seat and place assigned to him by the gods at the feast, for the gods know what men they should invite.
Loki does not respond to Hogun directly, but instead directs his attention to Odin, and states..."
(source - Wikipedia)
L: Do you remember, Odin, when in bygone days
You treated me as your son?
Am I not to be seated at my own brother's wake?
O: ...Let the wolf's father be seated.
(In the Norse legend, Loki is literally the wolf's father. Here it is a jab at the dramatic scenes after Fenrir's capture).
Odin has Thor pour out a drink for Loki. Loki toasts all the gods naming Hogun as an exception.
He then goes on to insult a great number of gods whilst taking care not to make it a quarrel.
Loki, in his own personal hell here, takes his anger and guilt out on all the other gods.
Everyone is greatly offended, not to mention mostly convinced of Loki's guilt.
Frigga tries to shame Loki again, asking him what Balder would think of all this if he were here.
“Ah! Frigg,” said Loki scathingly, “I can see you’d like to know more about my skills. It was I who fixed things so that you’ll never again welcome Balder home.” (source - https://thenorsegods.com/lokis-flyting/)
Pandemonium. Odin shouts for order. He will not have Balder's wake sullied.
"Freyja replies that Loki is lying, that he just wants to "yelp about wicked things" that gods and goddesses are furious with him, and that he will go home thwarted. In response, Loki calls Freyja a malicious witch, and claims that Freyja was once astride her brother Freyr, when all of the other laughing gods surprised her and Freyja then farted." (source - Wikipedia)
Different gods try to get him to shut up and he offends them all in return. He says Njörd slept with his sister too, that Frey bought his wife, reminds Skadi that he was chiefly responsible for the death of her father, and that Heimdall can never sleep or sit (even though he's sitting now).
Sif tries to make peace by refilling his drink and he infers that he slept with her. She goes to smack him but Volstagg catches the fist and says not here, not now.
Thor can't take it any more. He believed in Loki until the last but now he sees the truth. Loki killed Balder.
Thor: ...if it weren't for the sacred nature of this night...I should break every bone in your body and it still would not be enough.
“Look everyone!” cried Loki, unabashed. “Here’s the Son of Asgard (NB changed from Son of Earth)! What a blustering bully you are, Thor." (source - https://thenorsegods.com/lokis-flyting/)
T: I shall not loose Mjölnir, not for your sake, but for Balder's.
For your admission, you know we will come for you. We will be here till morning, you have the night to do as you please. Use it wisely.
"Loki raised one hand and shook his head. “I’ve shown the gods and sons of gods the sharp edge of my thoughts. But because of you and you alone, I think I’ll take my leave now. I know all about your strength.”
Loki paused and looked defiantly around him and then addressed self to his host. “You’ve brewed fine ale, Volstagg, but you’ll never hold another feast such as this.” Loki’s voice was rising. “Flickering flames will gorge on this hall and gut it and destroy everything you own; your body will be flayed by fire.”
Loki turned and was gone and his terrible words still echoed round walls. For a long time the gods and goddesses and elves stared into their ale, shaken and grieving. In silence they sat, and in silence they rose and left Aegir’s hall."
(source - https://thenorsegods.com/lokis-flyting/)
Odin orders Sigyn released thinking that her presence will draw him to the family home. It will, but not for the reasons Odin suspects.
Sigyn is duly released to the family home. She suspects that her release is a ruse. Her mother is upstairs caring for her two sons, Narfi and Váli. Loki is brooding down by the fire. He is using nettle yarn to make a net. There is silence for a while. Then...
S: What did Lorelei whisper to you when you left me in the dungeon?
(Quick flash of Lorelei whispering)
L: ...(Loki bristles)
S: What are you doing?
L: ...
S: Are you making something?
L (without looking up): Yes, obviously I'm making something...
S: Won't you tell me what it is?
L: No.
S: Where are the boys?
L: ...
S: Loki!
L: Upstairs. With your mother.
S: ...
L: ...
S: Lorelei enjoyed talking about Asgard's pain...
L: ...
S: ...because of Karnilla's invasion.
L: ...
S: I know that Karnilla took you as her prisoner.
L: ...
S: She told you didn't she? You know my secret.
L: ...
S: You are angry because you think that my love is a lie.
L: ...
S: I liked you first!
L: I am trying to concentrate.
S: I knew I needed to learn more about sorcery to hold your interest and it is like she knew-
L: I don't care
S: She came to me and taught me all the things she thought you would be interested in-
L: I don't care!
S: And I taught them to you!
L: I DON'T CARE! (goes to leave)
S: Wait! Listen! Karnilla thought it too great a risk to be in Asgard, so she showed me ways to leave. Ways without being seen by Heimdall...
Loki: Tell me more.
Cut upstairs to Sigyn's mum, one of the boys tells her that some people are coming. She shouts down that some people are coming.
Sigyn says go, he throws his creation into the fire and goes without saying what his escape plan is. Out the back, he jumps into Franang's Falls whilst turning into a silver salmon.
When Thor and Sif (taking the place of a god called Kvasir in the legends) arrive at Sigyn's home, there is, at first glance, no sign of Loki. They give Sigyn to the Einherjar to hold but leave the boys with her mother (in the legends they meet a gruesome end because of their father's crimes). They grill her about Loki's escape plan but she tells them he deliberately told her nothing so she there was no chance of betrayal.
Sif spies the ashes of Loki's creation and deduces that it was a net. Loki was trying to figure out how his plan might be foiled so he must have...turned into a fish. He is probably hoping they will leave without discovering his plan as he will have to jump up the waterfall otherwise. Sif has them recreate the net and they cast it in repeatedly to force Loki's hand. It works and he leaps over the net and tries desperately to get up the falls where Thor catches him (he really is a good fisherman!).
"The gods brought their net, and they wrapped it tightly around the fish and carried it between them. The salmon began to drown in the air, gasping for water, and then it thrashed and twitched, and now they were carrying a panting Loki.
"What are you doing?" he asked. "Where are you taking me?"
Thor just shook his head and grunted, and did not reply. Loki asked the other gods, but none of them would tell him what was happening, and none of them would meet his eye." (source - Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology)
They take him and Sigyn to a cave where Odin is waiting. They bind Loki to some rocks. Skadi brings a large serpent which they bind above Loki. Odin explains that the (figurative) poison that Sigyn has been pouring into Loki's ear has led to all this (eg family dysfunction, treason...fratricide). She will now be responsible for preventing the poison from pouring into his ear, he says as he hands her a bowl.
Sigyn: What will I do when the bowl is full?
Odin: Empty it.
S: But the poison will fall on him then.
No answer.
S (realises that's the point): How long?
O: One. Thousand. Years.
As Skadi is preparing the serpent for this end (ie binding it so the fangs are exposed). Loki laments his fate.
Odin (furious): You killed my son! You are lucky I don't have your children tear eachother's guts out in front of you!
(A reference to the gruesome fate of Loki's sons mentioned above)
Loki: I am your son!
O: You are no son of mine.
L: Where is mother? Does she know about -
The first drip of poison lands in Loki's ear. His scream is deafening, agonising. All the gods wince, save Odin who looks on grimly. Sigyn immediately begins to catch the drips.
Sigyn: Please! I think Lorelei had something to do with it!
Thor: Save your lies witch. No one believes them.
S: Loki came to see me in the dungeon, I think she whispered to him on the way out.
T (wry laugh): Loki wasn't allowed to hear any more of your treasonous poison.
Volstagg: No men were allowed near Lorelei.
S: He's a shapeshifter, you fool!
O: Enough.
S: Lady Sif, please. You know what Lorelei is like. I swear it in truth!
O: Enough!
S: Ask Frigga!
The gods all leave. Save Odin. When the others are gone he tells Sigyn she can leave any time she pleases. He adds that she cannot free him as he is bound with Gleipnir (the same type of ribbon that Fenrir is bound with). Loki tries to plead with him as he leaves but there is no mercy. The bowl is filling up.
Despite the Warriors Three trying to dissuade her and making sure Thor doesn't find out and think she's been fooled by Sigyn's ruse, Sif talks to Frigga.
Frigga senses that there may be something in this (she has a limited ability as a seer). Sigyn seemingly gets thrown back in the dungeon saying they used her to trick Loki. She laments Loki's fate and blames Karnilla and carefully questions how Lorelei discovered her power and how it works and strokes her ego etc etc. And she laments and questions and cajoles and tricks until Lorelei slips up and essentially admits her part and her and Sigyn's connection to Karnilla. "Sigyn" then becomes Frigga and tells the female guards who were waiting outside to come and put the newly invented Asgardian collar on her (the wearer cannot speak).
We then see Thor brooding into the middle distance. Sif suddenly approaches and tells Thor all. He Mjölnirs over to Loki's prison cave, winces at a Loki scream, tries to dismiss the guards, fails, barges in anyway, tries to undo Gleipnir and fight off the guards at the same time, he can't. Sigyn is shocked but continues to hold the bowl. Thor is getting dangerously close to decking the Einherjar guards when Frigga arrives on Sleipnir and harangues the guards for not obeying a prince of Asgard and tells them about the new evidence. Thor uses the distraction to try and undo Loki's bonds again but between his high stress level and his big meaty hands and the enchantment on the ribbon he can't do it. He gets Sigyn to swap with him and she proves more up to the task, releasing him as Frigga uses magic to release the enchantment on the ribbon. He obviously needs medical assistance. Frigga says Eir is coming. Sigyn holds him. Thor is so very sorry.
Some time has passed. Sigyn broods out of the window at the family home. Her boys come to comfort her.
Odin sits stony faced on his throne with no joyful courtiers about him.
Frigga grooms Sleipnir and gives him a cuddle.
Sif and the Warriors Three sit by the fountain where they told tall tales in s1. The Warriors Three are telling tall tales again, especially Volstagg, to the amusement of the people nearby. Thor's response is quite muted.
Sif slides up and guesses that he's still thinking of Loki. She points out that Loki has been watching them from the shadows the whole time. Thor thanks her again for going to Frigga, otherwise Loki's screams would still be echoing across Asgard. She says she may not be fond of Loki but she couldn't see someone suffer like that if they might be innocent. If that term can apply to Loki. She still doesn't trust him. But he is Thor's brother...
We cut to Loki watching. Thor comes to join him. Hands him a tankard and pours a drink for him.
They discuss how everything is different now from when they were boys. They talk about some of their past adventures, and for a moment they feel happy and nostalgic. Then Loki falls silent.
Thor: How is the ear?
Loki: It's nearly healed...
T: ...Have you managed to see Sigyn recently?
L: ...After everything that has happened, everything we put eachother through, what Karnilla put us through...we can no longer look eachother in the eye...
My children have become strangers to me. I hear mother visits them though.
T: (nods)...
L: ...
T: ...Has mother has found a cure for Lorelei's enchantment yet?
L: ... ... ...
T: Ah. Not yet.
L: ...
T: ...We may never know exactly what Lorelei said to you...
(FLASHBACK to the whisper:-
Lorelei: Loki...you served me before, remember?
I heard you complaining about Balder. You want him dead, don't you? Me too. Kill him, it will be our little secret...don't tell...)
T (continuing): ...not being able to tell anyone that it wasn't really you, that someone forced you to kill your brother, to make sure that he stayed dead...
L (tears in eyes): ...
T: ...I'm sorry I stopped believing in you brother.
L: ...
T: ...
L: ...
(Thor tops up Loki's drink)
T (mock conspiritorially): You know Sif still doesn't trust you?
L: Why doesn't that surprise me?
T: She never really has since you cut off her hair...
L: ...(smirks)...(smirk fades)
T: ...
L: ...Perhaps she's right. Maybe I can't be trusted...
T: You can always be trusted...(Odin impression) for an easy answer, a clever trick, a chance for mischief.
L (turns into Odin): While you are too brash and think winning battles will make you worthy (turns back).
(They laugh)
L (proposing a toast): To glorious purpose!
T: Glorious purpose!
(They drink. Loki has a mischievous look in his eye.)
NB These actions, their consequences, Loki's treatment by Odin and the rest of the court (including Thor sometimes), and the brutal punishment for him and Sigyn (which breaks their relationship to smithereens) all feed in to his persona at the beginning of the first Thor movie.
He will have been out of his prison for some time but will obviously still be bitter despite his sort of exoneration.
Important things to remember going forward:
Volstagg and Sif are brother/sister.
In Thor: Ragnarök, Jormungundr will try to kill Hela out of loyalty to their father, but she kills them first. She then uses their poison to destroy Thor's eye (in the norse legend the serpent poisons Thor at Ragnarök).
Odin falls into his final Odinsleep instead of twinkling away when Hela is released (he is simply too weak to keep her in the underworld, not dead). Loki sucks up to the Grandmaster so he'll keep the sleeping Odin safe. There can be some high jinks with a sleeping Odin, like Weekend at Bernie's or something. Odin awakes in time for the Rainbow Bridge battle and is mauled by a vengeful Fenrir whilst protecting his sons. Hulk takes on Fenrir, but it is too late for Odin who dies with pride in his sons (In the norse legend Fenrir kills Odin at Ragnarök).
Fenrir was Loki's pup not Hela's but was locked up with Hela's already dead berserkers and starved to death. This is a pleasant surprise to Hela, who revives him and uses his hatred of the Asgardians and Odin in particular to set him up as a formidable weapon.
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
thor 3 would've been a thousand times funnier if loki had just. had kids the entire time and never mentioned it. or just assumed everyone already knew
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Needle in a haystack
Loki x female Asgardian reader
Contains smut
Today was the day. Loki was finally returning home from Midgard. Excitedly, you jumped out of bed and bathed ensuring that you used the most fragrant of essential oils. The thought of Loki complimenting your scent made you giggle to yourself. That’s what he always did, he’d stand behind you in front of the mirror and lightly trail his hands over your body as his lips came into contact with your neck. Every delicate touch left you sighing contently as if it was the first time you had ever been touched. He’d take a moment to praise how sweet you smelt ensuring that next time he smelt you, only the fragrance of him and your love lingered.
Last time you had properly seen Loki, he ensured that he’d bed you “proper and thorough” once he was back in Asgard and today you were hoping that he’d fulfil that promise.
Joyfully you made your way down towards the breakfast buffet which had somehow tripled in size from what it usually was every morning. You sat with the queen sharing your joint elation that Loki was finally returning. She was of course happy that both princes would be back in Asgard but you didn’t much care for Thor beyond polite greetings and the few times that your encounters would go beyond a simple hello. The person you were really excited to see was your trickster, practically itching for it.
Once the king had gotten word that the princes had finally arrived back in Asgard, you were the first to squeal as you rushed towards the palace entrance and waited for them to arrive. You didn’t have to wait long as the sound of two horses galloping came into focus. Suddenly you felt nervous as if this was the first time you had seen Loki. As soon as your eyes fell on his face you could tell he was already grinning. His inky locks, although slightly longer now, were almost trailing behind him as he cut through the air on Sleipnir who you had had the pleasure of looking after whilst he was away. Once he reached you, you tried to contain your eagerness to finally hug him as he greeted his parents, seemingly also doing the same as he glanced at you before quickly looking away.
“Lady y/n.” Thor greeted with a wide smile, picking your hand up as he quickly kissed it.
“Hello Thor, welcome home.” You smiled back at him before he passed you.
“Inamorata.” Loki purred, kneeling down as he picked up your other hand before bringing your index finger to his lips and taking it into his mouth as his eyes focused on yours.
“Lokii.” You gasped, aware of his parents behind him luckily not focusing on his actions. Slowly releasing your finger, Loki turned your hand over before placing a kiss on your palm. “Hello darling.” He finished, standing to his feet as Frigga made her way towards you both.
“You and Thor take the horses back and then join us for the rest of breakfast.” She instructed. Loki stood next to you, hand finding your lower back before he moved it lower and lower before squeezing.
“No need!” You jumped, looking at Thor who had begun to lead his horse “I’ll take yours.”
“Are you sure I don’t mind—” Thor began.
“Y/n said she’d do it brother.” Loki interrupted “I’m sure she’s perfectly capable of riding, in fact, I’m certain.”
You swatted his side as you continued looking innocently at Thor who then allowed you to take his horse.
“You are most kind.” Thor nodded curtly.
“Do hurry, the chefs have prepared your favourite.” Frigga spoke before you and Loki began to make your ways towards the stables.
“So they’ve served my y/n on a platter have they.” Loki smirked, walking alongside you with his horse.
“Do try to contain yourself at least until after breakfast.” You chuckled, sparing a quick glance at him almost left breathless as you took his features in. It was like he had grown even more handsome in his absence. You felt slightly shy again.
“Now where’s the fun in that?” He grinned, stopping his movements when you both arrived at the stables “what’s stopping us right now?”
Your breath hitched as you looked up at him. You had forgotten how honey laced his voice was. He could have told you to jump off of a cliff with that voice and you’d happily summersault off of it without a look back.
“I really have missed you.” You uttered, still facing him.
“Oh you have no idea.” He said coyly before pulling you towards him and crashing his lips onto yours. No time for delicacy when you haven’t seen the love of your life in what felt like a lifetime. You kissed him back, putting a hand at the back of his neck as you pulled him closer to you, revelling in the feeling of his body finally against yours again. His hands roamed your sides, one hand finding the hem of your dress before he begun inching it upwards. Your skin tingled with anticipation feeling the back of his hand against your bare upper thigh. He continued lifting it higher as well as well as one of your legs before the sound of a horse neighing brought you both back to reality. Like naughty teenagers, you both jumped away from one another, catching your breaths as if the horses were Lokis parents. In your flustered state, you smoothed down your dress, avoiding Lokis gaze as you opened the doors to the stables and guided the horses in.
“Luckily they didn’t gallop away.” You laughed, closing the gate.
“They’re good horses, very well trained.” Loki smiled “I assume it was you who kept Sleipnir well groomed?”
In all honesty, there was something special about that horse, it made you feel closer to Loki. You didn’t know whether it was it’s obsidian mane or it’s patience with you but spending time with it made you feel comforted.
“Yes it was.” You nodded proudly.
“Thank you, I was hoping you would. Sleipnir doesn’t seem to get on well with others in the palace although he’s exceptionally calm with you.” Loki thanked you sincerely.
“He’s a good boy.” You smiled.
“Not your only one.” Loki teased.
“Oh stop.” You laughed, swatting his side again.
“Oh please y/n, let me be your good boy.” He continued.
“Wanna be my good boy?” You questioned, biting your lip causing Loki to nod “then let’s go to breakfast and then we’ll have the whole day to spend together.”
“Not fair, you tricked me.” Loki tutted.
“Breakfast first.”
“No, you first, breakfast later.” He proposed, making his way closer towards you before placing a kiss on your neck.
“We can’t.” You murmured, closing your eyes as Loki continued to kiss your neck, moving your hair to the side and allowing himself further access.
“You smell divine.” He praised before sucking your neck causing you to have to bite your lip, stifling a moan. You wrapped your arms around him, allowing him press himself closer to you. Lokis lips found yours again as he began guiding you backwards as you absentmindedly followed until the back of your legs hit something prickly. Reaching backwards, you felt that you had come into contact with a haystack. Lifting you, Loki sat you on top of it as he made his way between your legs.
“Not hereee.” You reluctantly interrupted aware that you were probably not hidden “what if the horses see?”
Smiling against your lips first, Loki pulled away to talk.
“They’re not looking, they’re not even facing us. Look for yourself.” He said standing to the side. Peaking over his shoulder, you could see the horses a good distance away from you both and definitely not facing you. “Satisfied?”
“Not yet.” You spoke before pulling Loki back down towards you and kissing him deeply. His hands once again found the hem of your dress as he pulled it up. His fingers brushed against your silk underwear causing you to shiver. It had been so long, so, so long.
“I’ve been looking forward to this for so long.” He almost groaned, continuing to move his fingers over your clothed core, definitely leaving a wet patch as you moaned against his lips.
“Same baby, same.” You spoke desperately, wanting to feel him inside of you.
“Baby? And here I was thinking I was your good boy.” He sniggered, one hand reaching for his belt before he unbuckled it, freeing his cock. Reaching forwards, your hand made contact with his length before you ran your hand over it, feeling it growing under your touch. You lifted your hips as Lokis hands began to pull your underwear down ensuring that your dress was still underneath you to shield your legs from the needles of hay. Finally bare, his fingers glided through your wet folds before his thumb rubbed quick circles on your clit.
“No more teasing.” You insisted, spreading Lokis precum across his shaft.
“Very well.” He sighed dramatically as he guided himself towards your entrance. Before you had time for a witty quip, Loki was thrusting inside of you. Your head fell backwards as your fingers dug into his shoulders.
“Norns” you exhaled, it was as if you were a virgin again.
“Such a tight little thing.” Loki grinned as he pulled out before entering you again.
“Oh goddsss.” You moaned, eyes tightly closed as Loki slowly moved in and out of you. Soon enough, Loki had developed a steady pace, leisurely thrusting in and out of you as his lips remained either on yours or on your neck. You fought your hardest to contain your moans, not wanting to draw attention to you both.
“You’re doing so good, so good for me darling.” Loki praised, whispering into your ear before nibbling at your earlobe as you held him against you, wrapping your legs around him not wanting him to be out of you for too long. Waves upon waves of pleasure overcame you as Loki reached between you both before playing with your clit.
“Lokiii I’m so closeee don’t stopp.” You begged as Loki increased his pace, slamming into you as he chased his own release.
“I can feel your walls clenching around me. It’s okay, you can let go.” He spoke softly, lips moving from your neck to your forehead where he placed a lingering kiss, his own eyes falling closed in ecstasy.
“Gods I love you!” You near screamed, your climax hitting you as your lips searched for Lokis again. He kissed you sloppily, movements desperate before you felt him throbbing inside of you, coating your walls as he thrusted a few more times.
Resting his head on your shoulder, Loki caught his breath back as you both rode through your highs. Once you had drifted back down from cloud nine, you looked over Lokis shoulder at the horses who were still looking away from you both as one ate and the other drank water. You’d definitely ensure that this particular haystack was discarded.
“Now we can go to breakfast.” Loki broke the silence, pulling out of you before kissing you again. “I really have missed you.”
“Me too.”
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A/N: decided that I’m not ficced out 🤣 hope you liked! P2?
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Do you think Loki owns the Sleipnir toy just because of the name?
Look at me Nonnie. Are you looking? Look into my eyes. 👁️👄👁️
If that's not Jotun!Loki's dick, I don't know what fucking is. It's absolutely a perfect choice for our icy prince.
You were supposed to see him like this. This wasn't supposed to happen. No one was supposed to know.
Loki's green smoke of magic poofed instantly when he saw you standing in the bathroom doorway. You weren't supposed to be home for another two hours. He should have had plenty of time to take his ice bath in his true, beastly form. Loki couldn't read the look on your face, the blank expression on your face revealing nothing. The longer you stared the more his human skin began to turn pink just like it should, though he could barely tell it was cold. Your mouth opened, maybe like you would scream, but then it snapped shut and you rushed from the bathroom.
He waited for the sound of the apartment door to slam shut. Surely you were running away, or at the very least going to shout for the other Avengers. Though you hadn't spilled the secret that he was here in the compound, you hadn't told anyone about your relationship with him, in fact, your ability to weave an illusion seemed to rival his own when it came to your relationship.
When no door slammed shut, when no alarms were triggered, when no boots thundered into the small bathroom, Loki finally got up. A flick of his wrist and evidence of the bath was gone and his "house clothes" as you called them covered him. It felt strange creeping around a place he had so loosely called home for months. He found you in the kitchen, Stark tablet close to your face. You were looking at some sort of dark website.
"Darling, my beloved-"
You squealed, throwing the tablet across the room. Loki watched the device crash into the wall by your television, a dent forming in the drywall. Your hands covered your face. He went to pick up the device off the floor and found it completely intake. Well he couldn't deny Stark's ability to create durable technology.
"I'm sorry," you rushed and snatched the tablet from him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your private time. We just finished up with the debriefing early and I wanted to make sure we actually spent time together during your visit this time."
Loki stared at you in shock for a moment, "I feel like I should be asking if you are well considering what you saw?"
"What? Thor's told everyone you're blue. We all know, I guess. I wasn't exactly expecting see you naked in an ice bath, but eh?" You shrugged.
That was the end of Loki's visit to the compound. He'd promised to return as quickly as he could, but Thor had to be set straight first. When he did return a week later, the dent in your wall caught his eye. He'd been so caught up in the shocking revelation that you accepted him, he brushed over your intense reaction. You seemed to be out, so he took the time to go through your tablet.
Loki wasn't one to be embarrassed. He truly thought he had seen it all, but the website you were looking at was certainly... Something. A page you had bookmarked had him blushing. Him! The god of mischief. As much as he would deny it to anyone else, the thought of you taking him in his true form was delicious. He conjured the toy you had saved and placed in the freezer. Now he just had to wait.
It wasn't a long wait, before you were storming into your apartment. You took one look at him lounging on your sofa and pointed at him.
"You wanna fuck some stress out?"
"When you put it to eloquently, Darling, how could I say no?"
You were on him instantly, straddling his lap and pushing your tongue down his throat. This wasn't your normal behaviour, but he wasn't about to voice a complaint. You wanted some stress relief and he was happy to provide it.
"I would like to try something," Loki smirked as you kissed his neck, gasping slightly when you bit his neck.
"Whatever you want, but I am not in the mood to be teased," you panted against his neck.
You kissed him again, fingers digging into his scalp. Loki surged forward, standing up with your legs now firmly wrapped around his waist. He held tight to your ass, enjoying the way you tried to mould yourself to him. The pitiful little noise you made when he set you the cool counter top only made him smirk.
"This is what you want to try?" You huffed.
"No, Love," he flicked his wrist and your clothes evaporated. "You have been looking at some terribly naughty things and since you've been truly a most wonderful pet for me recently, I've decided to give one of those naughty things, sort of."
"And how would you know what I've been looking at?" You teased, biting your lip playfully.
Loki kissed you again and commanded you to close your eyes. He retrieved the toy cock from the freezer, chilling it further with a frosty breath. He knows he can't touch you with his true form, but he was more than happy to indulge your fantasy a little more. He pressed the tip of the toy your bottom lip.
"Loki," you gasped, eyes widening when you saw the toy. "Loki."
"It is surprisingly accurate," he mused, trailing the toy down to your nipples, watching them pebble instantly, goosebumps erupting over your body. "Do you want to know how it feels stretching you open? What it would be like if I fucked you with out my illusion? Do you crave that side me, my love?"
"Yes," you grabbed the toy and brought it back to your mouth.
Loki smirked, red eyes piercing you, "then you shall have it, Pet."
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strawwritesfic · 3 years
Loki Laufesyson x Female!Pregnant!Midgardian!Reader: Where Gods Do Fear to Tread [Ch. 2]
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Summary: Falling for an ego maniac from another realm wasn’t the hard part. Having that ego manic from another realm’s baby was.
Challenge: “9 Months” challenge by crackleviolet on Lunaescence Archive -- “Normal”/Happy Pregnancy
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T (sexual references; pregnancy; pregnancy symptoms; foul language; crude humor; references to divorce; references to   Sleipnir; references to Svaðilfari; set post-Avengers (2012); exiled!Loki; not canon compliant; Avengers Tower; Avengers as Found Family; Natasha & Reader Friendship; Clint & Reader friendship; Steve & Reader friendship)
Pairing(s): Loki/Female!Midgardian!Reader; past!Loki/Svaðilfari;   Thor/Jane; Tony/Pepper; Clint/Natasha
Tag List: @lokiprompts​, @sititran​
Master List
Chapter 2: Finding Out
The fear Natasha put into you certainly did the trick: You went straight from coffee to the nearest drugstore. Just picking up the pregnancy test box and taking it through the checkout line made you want to cry, but you got through the ordeal by reminding yourself that she could quite easily kick your face in if you refused to do what she said. That thought alone was enough, or so you believed. As the day went on, the plastic bag containing your test seemed to grow heavier and heavier until you got home, and it took all your strength just to stuff it in the back of your closet.
Loki didn’t ask, and so you did not explain. You ignored Natasha’s texts and calls all week, telling yourself that this was all just some mistake. Work was stressful, or you weren’t eating enough, or you were terribly ill. Any day now, your period was going to return with a vengeance to stain all the unprotected panties you wore in the hopes of tricking the blood and cramps into appearing. Any day now, before Natasha finally made good on her threat to call your home phone or put in a personal appearance. But days came and went, and before you knew it, you had less than twelve hours before you were scheduled to see her again.
“For the last time, Thor, there are no goals in football.”
You also had no way of taking the test that night, even if you wanted to. Your apartment living room was packed for the usual Sunday night game. Thor, large as ever, took up the most space just by sitting in the armchair. Clint sat at the bar in the kitchen, eating what snacks he had salvaged from Thor’s first collection of food that night. Loki was on the couch with you, but several feet away, as though touching you in front of his brother would make him look weak. Bruce and Tony, as per the norm, had come up with some excuse as to why they couldn’t come.
Natasha never came, and she never bothered with excuses. That night she was still definitely present. You were not much of a sports girl yourself, but focusing was even more difficult than usual that evening. Every other second, your phone lit up with a new text message. Putting it on silent only made you more fearful that someone would ask what you were up to.
Did you tell him? she asked for the eighteenth time.
While Thor and Loki continued to bicker–good-naturedly, on Thor’s part–about the football scoring system, you risked answering her: For the last time, no!
Did you even check like I told you to?
I’ve been busy!
Yes, you seemed really busy when you were modeling for Steve’s picture three days ago.
Just because my life isn’t as exciting as yours doesn’t mean that I’m not busy!
No, but it does make it look like you’re a coward.
You scoffed at that, stuffed your phone into a back pocket, and returned to feigning interest in what was on the television screen. Loki was watching as well, eyes narrowed as the players resumed stampeding across the field. Admittedly, when Clint had first suggested football games as a sort of man’s night out–code word for “babysitting Loki”–you hadn’t thought it was going to work. But Loki actually seemed interested after the first few games, especially if his recent fights with Thor over penalties were any indication.
Speaking of Clint, Natasha was being a pest again: Do you want me to text Clint and have HIM ask Loki?
Your heart nearly stopped in its tracks. Maybe it was just your imagination, but you thought you could feel Clint’s eyes boring into the back of your head. Thankfully, that very moment, whichever team Thor was rooting for scored another touchdown, causing your apartment to erupt in cheers and complaints.
You promised not to tell! you typed back hastily.
I promised not to tell if you’d start taking care of things. You haven’t.
Strangely, the room started spinning shortly after you read Natasha’s latest text. Your breath burned in your chest. Black spots crawled across your eyes. The hand around your phone felt oddly cold and distant and then–
“[Name]. Are you alright?”
Your head snapped up. Loki had not moved from his spot in the opposite corner of the couch, but his attention had turned to you. All the blood  drained tangibly from your face. Without speaking, you looked over at Clint, who was watching the entire affair with a frown. Had Natasha already texted him? The question got stuck in your throat.
“[Name],” Loki repeated, but you did not allow him to finish his sentence. You leaped to your feet before he could.
“I don’t feel very well,” you said, your voice very high-pitched.
This was not even a lie. You’d be very impressed if you didn’t vomit all over the couch, which was, of course, just what you wanted to do in front of your sort-of-divine boyfriend. As all three men stared at you, you started to back away toward the hall.
“If you are not feeling well, perhaps we should leave,” Thor said, looking to Clint for confirmation.
You couldn’t bear to see or hear Clint’s reaction, so you spoke over it: “No! No, you guys stay. I’m just going to go lay down for a few minutes, okay?”
Loki gaped at you. Your ditching him on game night, leaving him alone with Clint and Thor, was a betrayal the likes of which you had not yet managed–unless he counted the pregnancy, which he probably would. But what could you do? You couldn’t stay there and throw up in front of two superheroes!
Besides, your phone was flashing again, which meant Natasha was still attempting communication. It was now or never when it came to your test if you wanted to keep her from spilling the beans. At least Thor and Clint’s presence would distract Loki from what you were really up to.
“No,” he said when you threw him a look of great remorse. “They should leave. If you’re sick, there’s no point in them staying to aggravate your illness.”
Thor opened his mouth, presumably to agree.
“I’m fine!” you nearly shouted. “I just need to lie down for a minute. Come tell me what the final score is!”
You sprinted down the hallway before anyone could voice further protest. Well, Loki would probably protest further, but you felt as though you’d insisted enough that Thor would refuse to leave. Sometimes his weirdly ingrained chivalry was helpful. Most of the time it wasn’t, but at least in this case it could buy you some time.
The test box was still in your closet, so you had to retrieve that before things could get any worse. Your bare toes stuck to the hall carpet and your equally sweaty palms nearly dropped the box. When you got back into the hallway, though, there was at least one spot of relief: Clint and Thor had stayed, and no one sounded as though they were talking about your suspicious behavior.
“Why do they not just destroy the ball and prevent it being stolen?”
“Thor, you understand nothing about football.”
Maybe you would have laughed, had it been any other night. As it was, all you could manage was swallowing down another volley of nausea as you quietly pulled the bathroom door shut behind you. Then you were alone–or alone as anyone could be with three men a few feet away screaming at a couple of sports teams that couldn’t hear them.
By then, each of your limbs was shaking. You collapsed onto the lip of the bathtub and stared at the box. The notification light on your phone continued to blink-blink-blink, and you could not take it anymore. With a groan of frustration, you tossed the device into the towel cabinet under the sink so that you could pay better attention to opening your box.
Inside were two white sticks with screens and a semi-thick pamphlet of instructions. Your mouth went entirely dry when you caught sight of the pamphlet. What kind of test was this? Should you have studied?
Another bout of tears threatened to overwhelm you; you had to put everything down to push it away. When you had, you didn’t feel much more clear-minded, unfortunately, but you knew what had to be done. If you showed up for coffee tomorrow without doing this, Natasha would probably snap your neck. It wasn’t like Clint would report your murder to the authorities or anything.
Your nerves were barely present, but you forced yourself to read the instructions before they left you again. They weren’t exactly what you expected.
“I have to pee on it?”
The stick in your other hand had no comfort to offer. It was, after all, made to be peed on, and you were only prolonging fulfilling its life’s purpose. Fantastic. Not only was it probable that someone would kill you no matter what the test said, you also had to pee on the damn thing. They couldn’t have thought of a less disgusting way to tell if a woman was pregnant?
But you got up and opened the stupid toilet to stare into its watery depths. For a split second, you wished you weren’t going to do the deed alone. There was no one to ask to be there with you, though. You couldn’t ask Loki, and the thought of peeing in front of Natasha was somehow worse. With a shaky breath, you turned, pulled down your pants and undergarments, and crouched, holding the test awkwardly underneath you.
For a long while, no urine came. Your heart throbbed in your chest and neck and throat. Any of the people in your apartment might need to use the restroom soon, in which case you were both flat out of luck. At this rate, you wouldn’t pee again until next November.
“Come on,” you hissed at your bladder. “Come on!”
But your bladder didn’t listen. You shifted and squeezed; a bead of sweat ran down your brow. Finally, after what felt like twenty minutes, liquid began to trickle out of you. You released a long held breath as you counted off the seconds: One, two, three, four, five. Done.
You took the stick out of the flow, wiped, adjusted yourself, then paused. Three agonizing minutes were required of you before the test would tell you whether or not your life was over. The stick was still covered in pee, and you weren’t sure if you could rinse it in sink without ruining the test. One had been stressful enough; you certainly didn’t want to take the second one. But three minutes of standing over a toilet! Could things get any worse?
They most definitely could. Thor could walk in, or Clint, or Loki, or even Natasha. The thought was not comforting, but neither was your pleading “just say negative” to an inanimate object. “I really can’t afford this right now. Just be a good test and tell me no, okay?”
Three minutes ticked off more slowly than waiting for yourself to pee in the first place. Your head whipped this way and that as you listened intently for the sound of footsteps outside. It did not come, so you screwed up your eyes as the time drew close. It was going to say no. Of course it was going to say no. You weren’t ready to be a mother, and your body would know that. Everything was going to be–
“+.” That was what the stick said. You rubbed your eyes with the hand not preoccupied by holding a pee-covered life-ruiner, but the plus sign stayed very clearly there, as though burned into your retinas. A quavering hand lifted to cover your mouth, but even that did not stifle your sob. You threw the stick into the trash, curled into yourself, and cried.
How long you lay on the bathroom floor, you didn’t know. Eventually your tears subsided and the raging horror in your chest faded into numbness. You should have been planning what to say and how to say it, when to tell your parents, when to tell his parents, the rulers of some space kingdom you’d never even visited who would probably want to chop your head off for having premarital sex with their son. But you just couldn’t think. All you could do was stare until someone rapped on the door.
“[Name]? Are you in there?”
“Y-Yes!” You quickly sat up and rubbed away the last signs of your sobbing from your face, and not a moment too soon.
Loki opened the door–you really needed to fix that lock, if you lived long enough to figure out how–and took a half-step inside. “What are you doing on the floor?”
He opened his mouth, clearly confused, then must have thought better of saying whatever it was that he had been planning to say. “Look, Thor and Clint are finally leaving. Do you want to come see them off?”
You took a big, deep breath. However you were supposed to tell him, you couldn’t that night. Natasha would just have to get Clint to shoot you in the morning, and maybe that was for the best after all. Wanting one more night with Loki where he didn’t hate you meant you couldn’t exactly allow Clint to see the truth on your face so soon.
“No,” you rasped as you shook your head.
Loki lifted his eyes to the ceiling. “Neither do I.”
But he left without further interrogation, and, much as you wanted to stay on that floor for the next few days, his absence gave you time enough to gather the rest of your pregnancy test things and hide them. Maybe you could still see the shattered remains of your life in the trashcan underneath the kitchen sink, but Loki wouldn’t. Taking that garbage out was your job.
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Sometimes Friend - 14
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The Sometimes Friend:  A Loki Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Loki x OFC (Svana)
Word Count:  2016
Warnings:  smut (m/f, rough sex, anal sex, oral sex)
Synopsis:  Sometimes at odds, sometimes friends, sometimes lovers, Loki and Svana share a bond that stretches millennia and few truly understand.  This is their story.
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Chapter 14
Loki’s stay in the dungeons was not a long one.  When a breakout was coordinated by Malekith the Accursed that ended up with the murder of Frigga, Thor had come and broken him free.  Loki’s guilt over being the cause of what happened to his mother meant he was also as driven to stop the dark elf from destroying the nine realms, something that he wouldn’t have cared anything about even a week earlier.
So when it came to giving his life to stop the plans of the one who really caused the death of his mother - Loki laid it down readily.  Besides; dying a hero might make the sting of grief worse for both his father and Thor.
Svana heard all these proceedings through rumors and visions.  The Convergence was important to the seidr and even in her self-imposed exile, as the worlds came into alignment Svana sought out her sisters.
The coven was alive with the craft when she arrived, and she was welcomed in readily.  Nectar was consumed and smoke inhaled, the coven soon became an orgy of both the sexual and magic nature.  Svana saw visions of Frigga dying, the ether filling a mortal woman, an epic battle between worlds, and the death of her friend - yet again.  She saw worlds ending, and worlds surviving.  Kings falling and kings rising.  It became unclear what was real and what wasn’t only that the magic that flowed between the thin veil between the words was more powerful than anything she had ever experienced.
When the convergence ended and Svana came down from her extreme high, she returned to her home knowing that Asgard was still here, but unsure which of her visions were true or not.  She couldn’t even remember what all her visions were.  Still, she planned to go into grieving.  It would not take much to find out if Frigga and Loki were dead and there was something about those visions that had stood out above all the others.  She knew they were true like she knew her name.
She arrived back at her cabin still feeling dazed and slightly fuzzy and managed to walk straight into the ambush.  Four guards were rooting through her things as she came out into the clearing, and sitting atop the great steed Sleipnir, was Odin himself.  The Allfather spotted her at once and pointed Gungnir at her.  “Seize her!”
She ran, though she knew it was useless.  Even if she did outrun the guards on foot there was no outrunning the eight-legged horse.  They were on her almost immediately, one guard wrapping his arms around her waist and hoisting her up as she railed against him.  All she could think was now that Frigga was gone, Odin had come to collect some debts.
“Let me go!” she shouted as she flailed against him.
“Take her into her cabin,” Odin ordered as she was carried back to the clearing.  “Bind her if she keeps struggling.”
They dragged her inside and threw her down on her kitchen chair.  She jumped up immediately and grabbed a kitchen knife, swinging out at the guard.  He hit her in the face, sending her reeling.  “So we’re doing this the hard way?” he growled, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her back to the chair.  She kicked and clawed at him, but it was no use.  He threw her back into the chair and bound her to it, her arms pinned behind her back and her legs strapped to the legs of the chair.  She continued to struggle as Odin stepped through the door.
“Leave us,” Odin ordered.
The guard nodded and left the cottage, closing the door.  “If you're going to kill me, just do it.  Stop dragging it out, you sociopath,” Svana hissed.
“Now why would I do that?” Odin asked, stepping towards her.  There was a shimmer over his body, and the illusion dropped.  Standing in front of her was not the large and imposing form of the Allfather, but the tall and slender frame of Loki.
“Loki!” she shouted.
“Shhh…” Loki hissed, crouching in front of her and drawing a knife from the air itself.  “Do you want to give the game away so early into playing?”
“I had a vision, Loki,” Svana whispered.  “You were killed on Svartalfheim.”
“I very nearly was,” he chuckled as he cut away the ropes.  “You should have heard the speech I made to Thor.  It was quite eloquent.  I might have to write it down.  It should be recorded.”
When her hands were free she launched herself at Loki, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and burying her face in his neck.
“Settle down, Svana,” Loki scolded as he wrapped his arms around her.  “I am still angry with you.”
“What happened?  How are you here?  Where is Odin?” Svana said, ignoring him.
“I saved all the realms, Svana,” Loki said, pulling back to look at her.  “And while Thor was tidying up the loose ends, I wiped my father’s memory and sent him to Midgard to live out his life while I rule in his stead.  Thor believes that I am dead and father still rules here so he has gone back to Midgard to be with his beloved.  Everyone gets a happy ending.”
Svana smiled and shook her head.  “You did it, Loki.  You’re king.”
He smiled and stood.  “Come home with me.  Help me rule.”
“I thought you were still angry at me,” Svana teased.
“I am,” Loki agreed.  “But I trust no one the way I trust you.  Sif and the warriors three still reside in the palace.  And Heimdall still sees all.  I will need to convince them to leave.  Perhaps I shall send them on tasks that have no resolution.”
“Sif you should send on a quest,” Svana agreed.  “Hogun would serve better as the head of your army.  He takes his assignments very seriously.”
“See,” Loki said.  “Already plotting, just as I knew you would.  Come with me.”
She stood and nodded.  “Of course, but won’t it be suspicious?”
“My father was an old whore,” Loki said, and Svana nearly choked holding back her laughter.  “I will tell them you have agreed to be my consort as penance for your crimes.  I will whisper to the most trusted how I like your tight young quim and that you remind me of Frigga in her youth.  I think I can sell that in his grief he would turn to such for solace.”
“That is disgusting, Loki,” Svana deadpanned.  “But I see it has merit.”
Loki approached her slowly, wrapping his arm around her waist and drawing her close.  His free hand slipped between her legs and he began to massage her cunt.  “You do not like Odin talking about how tight your sex is?”
“No,” she growled, spreading her legs slightly.  “Nor do I like you comparing me to your mother.”
Loki chuckled and leaned down, capturing her lips and kissing her passionately.  Svana wrapped her arms around him and melted into it.  She was hardly lacking for sexual attention, but the familiar touch of his lips felt like home.  She’d missed it, and him.
He ran his hand up to her chest and tore away the roughly sewn furs that covered her breasts.  
She gasped and gripped his shoulders.  “Loki,” she whispered.  “Should we be doing this while the guards are waiting?”
“Odin should claim his prize before bringing it back to the palace, don’t you think?”  Loki purred.
She smirked and smacked him on the arm.  He caught her wrist, spinning her so her back was flush to his chest and he could grind against her ass.  He held her close, gripping a breast with one hand and roughly massaging it as he slipped his hand under her skirt and began to finger her clit.
“Don’t scream out my name,” Loki whispered against her ear as tendrils of pleasure spread out through her, and her cunt began to drip.
She shook her head.  “I won’t.”
“Good,” he growled and shoved her so she was bent over the table.
He crouched behind her, prying her ass cheeks apart and spitting on her asshole before his tongue darted out and swirled around her cunt.  Svana gripped the edge of the table and spread her legs wider, letting Loki access all of her.  His tongue swirled around tasting all of her.  He could smell the sex on her and it just added to the tart and acrid flavor of her cunt, making him moan loudly.  He sucked greedily on her folds and dipped his tongue inside her.  As he began to focus on her clit, he thrust two fingers inside her fucking her with them as her core muscles tightened around them.
Heat coiled through her veins making his skin prickle and her hair stand on end.  As Loki’s fingers thrust in and out, he curled them and began hitting her g-spot again and again.  She shuddered as each thrust of his fingers sent a current surging through her.  Her legs began to tremble and she writhed on the table, biting into her fist as she gripped the table.  Loki corkscrewed her wrist and with a loud cry, she came, her legs slipping out from under her.
Loki stood and unfastened his breaches as Svana lay on the table catching her breath.  He pushed them down just enough to free his already rock-hard cock and he pumped it a few times, tapping the head on her ass.  “Maybe I should claim this ass as recompense for your betrayal, Svana,” he growled.
Svana wriggled on the table.  “Yes, my king.  Take it.”
Loki groaned and from the same place he had drawn the blade from he produced a vial of oil.  He used it first to coat his cock, and then drizzled some over her ass, pushing a long slender finger into the tight hole.  Svana mewled and tried to relax as the soft pinch in her ass.  She reached between her legs and rubbed her clit and Loki teased the head of his cock over her asshole.  With a slow thrust forward he began to sink in.
She cried out as the stretch and burn, and bit down into her fist again.  He went slow, but with such little preparation, it was still painful to take.  When he was halfway in, her ring muscle gave and she managed to relax enough to allow him to thrust in completely.  He gave her a moment to adjust, letting her finger her clit and bring pleasure along with the pain, and when he felt her relax, he started to thrust.
He did not go easy on her.  Each thrust of his hips he pulled out almost all the way before slamming back in.  The table squeaked on the floor as it was shoved forward under the force.  Tears pricked Svana’s eyes but the mixture of pleasure and pain became something wholly new.  She moaned and began to bounce back against him, wanting more and harder.  Loki was happy to comply, railing into her so hard and fast that sweat began to bead on his brow.
His balls began to tighten as his release neared and with a roar he thrust hard forward and released he came, his cock pulsing inside her as he released.  As he came, and his cock softened slightly it took the edge off the pain and a jolt passed through Svana.  The hot ball of pressure inside her released as her own orgasm hit and she screamed out as her body seized up with it.
Loki slipped from her and watched his seed drip from her aching hole.  His teeth grazed over his bottom lip as he took in the erotic sight of the friend he has missed so much.  He cast his illusion again, disguising himself as his father, and spanked Svana hard.
“Pack your things,” he said.  “We are going home.”
Svana stood a little shakily and straightened her skirts.  “Yes, my king.”
Both Loki and Svana liked how that sounded.
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July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 18 • How does Loki stand in terms of gender and sexuality? (Historical and/or UPG)
“A heart ate Loki,-- | in the embers it lay,
And half-cooked found he | the woman's heart;--
With child from the woman | Lopt soon was,
And thence among men | came the monsters all.”*
{{*Hyndluljóð (The Poem of Hyndla), Poetic Edda}}
Loki is famous for being a shapeshifter, and shifting through genders is one of his abilities for sure. In the myths he is usually described as male, and a very handsome one too, but there are a few exceptions. In Þrymskviða (“The Lay of Thrym”), Thor and Loki pretend to be Freyja and her handmaiden to get Mjölnir back from Jötunn king Thrym. Thor is in disguise and keeps his pronouns, but for Loki the text uses female pronouns when in disguise, which suggests a slightly deeper transformation on his (her) behalf. Another famous example you might be familiar with: in Gylfaginning (“The Beguiling of Gylfi”), Loki turns himself into a mare to lure the stallion Svaðilfœri away from his work. They run away together, and when Loki returns to Ásgarðr he is pregnant with Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse destined to become Óðinn’s steed. Speaking of Óðinn, it’s good ol’ Grímnir himself to reveal, in the Lokasenna, that Loki spent 8 years in a cave as a milkmaid tending cows, and there gave birth to a number of children while in female form. Curiously enough, Loki reminds Óðinn that he spent quite some time among men “in witch’s guise” as well. So you see, even the mighty Óðinn is not strictly male, according to such myths. What does it tell us? That these two are blood brothers for a reason, just for a start. Then, it gives us lots of food for thought.
Last but not least, the one that for me is among the most fascinating episodes in all of Norse mythology. In the above mentioned Hyndluljóð, Loki eats the heart of a woman and then gives birth to monstrous children. As the story goes, an evil woman (a “witch”) had been burnt (three times?) by the Æsir. Is she Gullveig? Is Gullveig Angrboða? Not the place to discuss this. What matters here is, her heart survived, half-burnt. Loki finds it and eats it - but why? Is it a metaphor of the crematory Fire? Maybe there is a deeper reason in the fact that the heart was considered the home of the principle of life and of the soul itself, so by eating the woman’s heart Loki was probably able to absorb her female magic and wisdom… So much so that he then gives birth to children, monstrous ones of course - much like their siblings born from him and Angrboða. Or maybe, just maybe, such monstrous children are a metaphor for magical powers and actions that were believed to be evil as the tales were being written down later in time? Who knows… who knows… 
In my personal experience, Loki remains mainly male. I call him Faðir (father), and refer to him with male pronouns, but as you can see using female or neutral ones is not wrong at all. 
I’m sorry there’s not enough space here to discuss these themes in a more elaborate ways, there would be plenty to say, but I hope I gave you some interesting hints to think about.
Art: The God of Mischief by NickRoblesArt
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gideonaweaponachild · 3 years
Traumas for the Odinsbrood kids in my “au” in order of age
Hela: She was Odin’s loyal daughter she didn’t complain when he took a new wife, or when he revoked her mother’s title as queen of asgard. When he complained about her lack of an heir she named her twin younger brothers Baldur and Hodur. But after Loki had been brought home he got rid of her, war was less popular with the asgardians so he told her to invade another realm then decreed that they would be peaceful from now on. It was enough to arrest her.
Baldur: He was a soldier from a young age, but he hated war, and when Thor and Tyr were born he was tasked with caring from them and training them, same with Loki. The man was a seidrmadr, a powerful one, this combated his blonde looks and charismatic nature in Odin’s eye. But as long as he was obedient to Odin it was fine. Of course his loyalty would always lay with his family. Odin had banished Tyr and Hodur, and was planning on killing all of Loki’s six children. So Baldur abdicated and left behind his wife and five year old son, there is not a day that goes by where he doesn’t think of them. His loyalties won out.
Hodur: He was born blind and with powerful seidr, but he at heart, was a warrior. So he tried to join the army but was not allowed, however his sister, Hela, decided to train him. And in the end they broke off and founded the Valkyries, for women and seidrmadr. When Hela was banished he was ousted from his role. Odin was waiting to banish him, the prince had never been subservient and odin hated it. Odin had hid all allergies of his children. From even his other children. So Loki picked up hodur’s arrows from a bush that had mistletoe in it. Hodur sneezed and his always perfect shot was put off. He hit Baldur right above his heart. The man slept for a week. And Hodur was banished to Midgard.
Thor: He has no memory of his brothers who raised him. Or of his own twin Tyr. Or of Loki’s wives and his children. He doesn’t understand why Odin so suddenly started mistreating Loki, for some of his memories of Hodur and Baldur had them replaced by Odin and Frigga.
Tyr: He fell in love with a frost giant, Loki’s eldest son with Angrboda. His loyalties would always be with his troops and Fenrir was one of them, so were Sleipnir and Narfi two others of Loki’s children. So when Odin locked up Fenrir, he fought his father, losing his hand in the process.
Loki: Of what you know there is more. Loki had once run away with the ward of Queen Farbauti of Jotunheim, Angrboda, they had asked Loki’s father if they could marry and he said no, so they ran away, they were both only fifteen and they had three kids together, Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel. Five years passed, and Odin found them. He killed Angrboda in front of Fenrir, Loki ran in front of their son and caught the blade before it severed Fenrir’s head. Odin banished Jormungandr to midgard, he was three years old, and Hel was banished to Nifleheim, she was two. Fenrir the oldest at four, was chosen by Tyr to be one of his warriors, the two would fall in love over a thousand years later. So Loki returned home and four hundred years later they fell in love again and married Sigyn, before they had any children, Odin requested that they distract the stallion Svadilfari, so they did, and they got r*ped by that horse, and ended up pregnant with Sleipnir. Who Sigyn raised as her own, they had twin sons, Narfi and Vali, after an incident that left Baldur hospitalized, Loki was arrested and Vali was turned into a wolf and was forced to kill Narfi, except Sigyn stepped in dying at the hands of her youngest son. Odin tied Loki to a rock with Sigyn’s intestine, and put a snake above him, who dripped poison into their eyes. They screamed to the sky. After Baldur’s deal, Loki was one of the few allowed to keep their memory of the past, to be tortured by knowing what most of asgard did not. But that is not the end of their trauma, thrice they fell into bed with Thor, First in 1794, Jack was born in 1795, Loki left him with a woman who’d they had saved the daughter of. Second in 1824, Else was born in July of 1825, they left her with a king of a country called “Arendelle” where the queen had almost died in labor. Loki had saved her and her daughter and asked for Else to be cared for, they did to the best of their ability. Third in 2018, they left the statesman when Thanos, arrived time stopped by Heimdall and Nanna (Baldur’s wife) they told them to save their children, so they did, facing thanos with a physical clone of themself, to trick them all into thinking them dead. Gideon and Astrid were born on december 2nd 2018
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likeitloveitblogit · 3 years
Jotunnary Day 1: Yule
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Jotunnary 2022 Masterlist
To start out the month, I really struggled to come up with a story idea for the prompt “Yule”. Finally I decided I am actually just going to give some ideas about how I think Loki would have celebrated Yule/ The Wild Hunt at different points in his life.
I’ve mentioned this before but in the mythology Loki actually gave birth to an eight legged horse named Sleipnir (long story). And in the traditional tellings of the Wild Hunt which is part of the origins of Yule, Odin rides this horse around the world delivering gifts to children and terrorizing anyone who was wondering around outside. This is part of what led to our modern idea of Santa Claus.
For the Loki that exists within my story, I do not imagine that he gave birth to Sleipnir, but I do imagine that Odin did participate in the Wild Hunt, and then in Yule traditions as human history progressed. After the holidays became modernized and christianized, Odin had already grown bored of Midgard and stopped partaking.
While Loki was a young boy, he would beg to be taken along on the hunt. Loki thought that it would be so cool to travel on flying horseback and tour different realms with his father. Odin told him repeatedly that it was unsafe and forbade both Loki and Thor from joining. But of course they eventually found a way to seek out and join the hunt anyway. It was fun at first flying through the night, but after a while they came across a group that got trapped out at night. Odin and the rest of the hunt were truly cruel, Thor thought it was funny but it frightened Loki. Once the hunt was finally over and they all returned home Odin walked over to them and they realized he had known all along. Loki was crying and Odin made a point of telling Loki that he best not try and join again if he was going to be so sensitive. Loki never joined the hunt again, making a point of having something else much more important to do instead.
Over time the traditional hunt slowly went out of fashion and was replaced with Yule traditions on Earth. And with a month of revels and partying on Asgard. Loki would make an appearance at the parties but he was never one for getting drunk the way that Thor and his friends would. If he was able Loki would sneak away during the month he would visit Midgard checking in on villages that had been visited by the hunt he attended. Loki would never admit to it, but he did his best to keep track of the descendants of those villagers and ensure that they were doing well. Leaving small gifts for them, or using a bit of magic to keep their yule log burning strong all night. As families grew and spread to wider areas, Loki focused specifically on finding families that needed extra help.
Once back at the palace Loki actually enjoyed it most when Frigga would create beautiful wreaths and garlands from clippings from the royal gardens and Loki would help her to hang them throughout the palace. During the time when Loki was pretending to be Odin, he would have made sure to pay tribute to Frigga by ensuring the gardners kept up the tradition. Loki would have demanded that all of the gardens were perfectly maintained all year round and especially during the yule time. Those who were not able to figure out that Odin was actually Loki, wondered why Odin had suddenly taken to walking in the gardens at night. Those that dared to spy on him, would hear Odin/Loki talking, speaking as if Frigga was still there, telling her about his day.
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ragnarokkvaa · 3 years
Chaos Rising - A Loki x Wanda fanfic
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The young Midgardian witchling upon his door brings with unbridled surprise within Loki; tempered quickly. It is but a brief play across his visage. How she found him when he’d thought he’d covered his tracks well was …beyond him. She stands before him, sleeves of her black sweatshirt balled into her fists; backpack hanging from her left shoulder frayed.
Loki watches wordlessly as she shifts her weight; the weathered wood underfoot creaking slightly with the shift of weight; her auburn hair hanging free down her back and over her shoulders, drifting across her face with the soft whispering of the chilling Norwegian wind.
It carries with the slightly salty tang of the sea, the sharp scent of evergreens and the soft floral scent of her perfume.
“Loki.” She says his name again and it breaks him from the spell of revere he’d been under.
“How did you find me?” Though there’d been some suspicion that the people of the small fishing village a few miles of the wilderness he claimed as home might be aware of who he was, if there was truth they did not dare speak it.
He’d done a fairly good job of hiding post-blip when he escaped Thanos’ destruction of their vessel …and during the blip and post-everyone’s return. Though the magic that hung in the air even now was sharp and metallic and somehow sweet like burnt sugar leaves a bad aftertaste in his mouth, Loki had deigned not to come out of hiding.
There was a peacefulness to Norway — he can see it now — why this was the place Odin came to die once free of his spell. There was old magic saturating the earth here that called to him, the lingering of devotion that he’d once sought so desperately and greedily; that soothed his wildest impulses like the lullabies Frigga had lulled him to sleep with as a small, fussy infant.
He watches as the Sorceress — for he can sense that she has come into her own — bites her bottom lip; marred by worrying it as she does now. “Your magic.” She admits, blinking her wide eyes at him; doe-like. Soft. As beautiful and wild as the seas of Norway.
That Loki notices this is slightly jarring; but what is even more jarring to him is that her explanation makes perfect sense to him. She is the master of chaotic magic — he can almost taste it; as sweet and tempting to him as spun candy floss. Her magic speaks to his own; a soulsong that he cannot begin to understand.
She is quiet for a few moments more, seeming desperate to look at anything but him. “Can I come in?” She asks then, when it is apparent that he cannot fathom the why.
“Of course.” Loki replies softly, stepping aside so his lean, tall frame was no longer blocking the rune carved doorway to his home.
That is how Wanda Maximoff came to stay with him; denying his offer to take her to New Asgard with the firmly rooted belief that Thor and Brunnhilde would take her in. Whether it was a lack of trust in herself or not Loki cannot be sure but finds himself caring less and less as Wanda’s presence begins to, as the weeks swell into months, bring comfort.
They take it slow: she does not ask how he is still alive and he does not ask what has caused the grief that haunts her gaze, that causes her mind to wander in what he believes mortals call ‘thousand yard stare’ when they sit before the fire. This unspoken agreement is comfortable despite that it leaves Loki maddeningly curious.
Imagine, he thinks one day as he neatly skins a large fish one of the villager’s sons had brought in exchange for a small talisman carved from the branch of an ash tree — a pale imitation of Sleipnir whom has been glamoured so that his extra four legs are unseen; him being curious about a Midgardian.
As unlikely as he’d always thought he would find it: it was nevertheless true. Especially when he caught her humming soft and foreign lullabies to herself; that he assumes as her comfort ‘round him grew became full-fledged lullabies sung in Sokovian as she cooked paprikash from ingredients they bought at the village market.
“That’s a lovely song.” Loki remarks as they stand side-by-side at the cabin’s kitchen counter: him slicing up chicken as she tends to the egg noodles boiling in a pot on the gas stove.
Wanda is so quiet for a moment that Loki cannot help but think he’s overstepped. “My mother used to sing it to me when I was a child.” She tells him after a long moment of silence filled with the splice of knife thru meat and the soft sound of bubbling water. “And I sang it for my boys.”
Surprise draws Loki’s eyebrows up — he had not known she had children. He suspects, quick as he is, that something happened to them as they had not been with her when she’d first appeared on his doorstep …nor had they appeared at all; and she speaks with grief, the lulling lilt of her voice carrying her Sokovian accent — which he’s learned came out when she spoke of her family, of her home. Which, was rare. Or when she was angry with him; which was not all that rare at all.
It happened on occasion. Typically, when they were training and Loki pushed her too far, or when she’d get riled about the fact that he had yet to tell Thor he was still alive — and had been the whole time.
“Where are they? Your sons?” Loki asks hesitantly, watching her hands carefully as she pauses stirring the noodles. A muscle in her jaw jumps and she gives a sharp tilt of her head; which is usually a good indication that Loki’d crossed that invisible boundary line.
“They’re gone. They were …” Wanda struggles, her voice thick with emotion and her accent brought to the surface with her grief. “…never real.” Loki looks away the second he sees a tear slide down her cheek; leaving a glistening trail of her sorrow. It feels private; that moment. Like he was glimpsing at something he had no business seeing.
“I’m …sorry.” He offers, unsure what else to say and hating that it seems so feeble. He quietly scoops the sliced chicken between his hand and the flat edge of the knife and drops it in a frying pan, focusing on the sizzle as he turns and washes his hands.
He dries them hastily off on the kitchen towel and feels his breath leave his lips in a soft rush as he turns to see her standing, wooden spoon immobile in her left hand; her right hand balled up in the sleeve of her shirt, pressed against her mouth as pained sobs wracked her body.
“Wanda?” Loki was no stranger to grief — far from it; and he liked to credit himself as being better with emotions than Thor but finds himself reaching out to her; placing his hand on her upper arm. He doesn’t try to tell her that it would be alright …because would it? He couldn’t say; and Loki was never a fan of false platitudes.
He could feel her magic; seething within her. Connected to her emotions as it was and with her little bit of training its still reactive. Working to protect her as if it were her armor — as Frigga had once described magic to Loki as a small child.
His own magic works to subdue her’s, keeping it from lashing out in her grief.
Wanda was getting better — stronger — but she still had a ways to go before she mastered it. She was a fast learner, which Loki was grateful for, but he lacked his mother’s finesse with lessons, and if he was being honest her saintly patience.
Even so, he was grateful that they discovered their magic did not reject each other like opposing magnets …which Loki suspected was because their magic was both borne of chaos. That strange soulsong that only their magic could recognize; complimentary …and if combined? Loki shuddered to think of it.
The God of mischief feels his muscles pull taunt as he tenses the second Wanda steps closer to him and presses her face against his chest, the spoon clattering to the floor as she clings to him. Loki isn’t sure what makes him draw in a deep breath and press a kiss to the top of her head as he held her. Soft.
The instinctual urge to push her away was strong; Loki’s natural defense to any time he started to let himself be emotionally vulnerable in any degree with anyone …but —
this time, with her: he resists.
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thisisntcanon · 3 years
In My Victory, Just Remember Me
“Trú has children, Allfather!” Loki practically screeches at the man in charge as he follows him down a grand hall. “Fjársvika has just found a home of her own on Midgard. In Norway. Surely you wouldn’t deprive them of the lives they lead.”
“Know your place, Loki.” He narrows an eye. “You are a prince and my son, and”
“I’m just as much your son as Hela is your daughter!”
Odin freezes, mid-step. “Where did you hear that name?”
“I live in the palace library, Allfather.” Loki hisses. “Did you really think I wouldn’t dig into my ‘family’ history at any point?”
“It is uncouth to research your parentage in the”
“It is uncouth to let your oldest son bully your youngest son and not tell either of them that one is adopted, and they have another fucking disowned sister in another fucking realm in”
Loki’s rant is cut short as Odin slaps him across the face. The older man seems horrified at the aspect and tries to rein in, but Loki spits out a little blood and is too far gone.
“No. Don’t touch me. I’m going to grab a few things, and I am joining Hela!”
Loki vanishes before Odin can say anything. He leaves his leadership staff in his chambers with a note claiming Frigga has been promoted to leader. He sets some of his clothes and books into his pocket dimension and teleports to the royal stables. He moves straight toward the king’s steed and waves a lighting show of sparks over the forever young horse. The horse falls asleep and a glamour drops, revealing a young boy, roughly the age of a four-year-old in Midgard. He checks for guard and sorts through the stall.
Loki collects the stash of golden apples and a favored blanket. He sets the fruits in the pocket dimension and swathes the young boy in the blanket. They teleport through the secret tunnels, so they don’t need to cross the Bifrost. It’s challenging, but he can’t risk someone finding out about the boy. They travel to Midgard, the Scottish Highlands in particular. Loki casts a silent spell around Loch Ness, keeping humanity from coming closer and seeing anything they shouldn’t. He sets the boy on the ground, checking that he’s still sleeping.
“Won’t be long now,” He mutters to himself. Loki collects himself and places his hands below the surface of the water. “Jormungandr. Prins af sjó. Gætið gráts míns. Birtast á undan mér. Vinsamlegast. Hlustaðu á röddina mína.”
A low rumble shakes the ground and is heard through a sudden fog that appears just above the sea level. Loki gasps when he feels his seidr mixing with the swirling mass.
“Ég heyri í þér, faðir. Af hverju ertu kominn?”
“Jormungandr…” Loki begins crying upon hearing the voice amidst the growling. “My son… meet me at the surface. Ég ætla að losa þig.”
The sounds cease, and the rumbling abruptly stops. Loki holds his breath, nervous that he’s gone too far, that he’s been gone too long, that it’s too painful to be there. As he freely cries, the serpent slowly emerges from the lake.
“Father. Það er sannarlega þú.”
“Did you believe I was an illusion?” Loki asks hoarsely, reaching out.
Jor leans into the touch and lets out a stilted sigh. His eyes flicker behind his father, to the sleeping figure.
“You found Sleipnir… you… you can change me? Syndir mínar hafa verið fyrirgefnar?”
Loki cries harder at the mention of sins. “You have committed no sins, my boy.”
Jor melts into the touch, and Loki mixes their seidr to break the glamour. The serpent becomes an eight-year-old – in Midgardian years – child. Loki clones Sleipnir’s blanket to swathe in his older son. Jor accepts the blanket and then clings to his dad. Loki accepts the embrace and collects Sleipnir before transporting them to the Scandinavian mountain caves in Norway.
“Where will we stay, Father?” Jor asks as they trek to a specific cave in the Northernmost region. “Surely we cannot return to Asgard?”
Loki shakes his head. “We will stay in a city called New York.”
Jor smiles. “I have heard of this place. The ferðamenn speak of it.”
“Yes, I imagine they would. Tell me, Jor, do the tourists ever mention a baráttuhópur called the Avengers?”
His eyes brighten. “Oh, yes! The skipstjóri from the 1940s has a marvelous shield. I would love to see it in action.”
The god of mischief clicks his tongue knowingly. “Ah, Captain Rogers. Yes, I believe he lives in the Tower.”
“Will we visit this Turninn, Father?”
He nods. “For you, my child.”
They reach the designated cavern, and Loki hands Sleipnir to his other son. “Guard him. I must de-ice Narvi.”
Jormungandr opens his mouth to question the existence of his youngest brother, presumably to question that he’s still alive, but Loki shushes him with a look. He carefully steps into the ice cavern: the walls and surrounding features are made of Midgardian ice, though the ice bear secured in the wall in back is encased in cryogenic Udgårdian ice. New tears threaten to spill as Loki focuses all his energy through his hands and the solid yellow light. He securely carves the ice bear from the wall, pulling his child free from the curse.
“Narvi, my child.” Loki whispers to the small bundle in his arms.
Narvi has icy white hair and appears to be merely two years. He doesn’t respond to his father as he’s fallen unconscious. Loki leans into the solid heartbeat and carries him to the other boys. Sleipnir clings to Jormungandr in his sleep state, and Loki brings them close.
“Is he frozen?” Jor asks gently.
Loki nods with a frown. “Yes… perhaps we should seek shelter with óvinurinn minn.”
Jor looks at him in confusion. “In Asgard?”
“Midgard.” Loki corrects him. “When we arrive, I’ll shroud you while I have words with him.”
Jor nods reluctantly and tightens his grip on both Sleipnir and Loki. Loki does the same and teleports them into Stark Tower, in the open area by the bar. He exhales sharply when none of the Avengers are in sight. For what it’s worth, alarms fail to erupt as well. Loki relaxes his hold and enchants the Tower. He looks up to the ceiling.
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