#lol all this is lighting a fire under my ass to actually finish the damn demo so everyone trying it can know what tf is going on shm
retconomics · 5 years
Played your game, bloody intrigued where you're going with it!! Nice way of building suspense and keeping the player in the dark. Also, Nine
NAVGJSCVWJHVBK WHAT THE FUCK O MJY FSBKS GOD THSA okayi m i didn’t expect jhdvadhaksjdejkfkkqhkfb
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i’m… oh man i’m so flattered you tried it out honestly i feel the need to apologize for how unpolished it all is my gosh i wish i’d had more of it actually written out! But thank you so much that means so much coming from you!! I for real stared at my computer monitor for a full minute just short-circuiting when i saw this ask im going nuts over here
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cupidsintern · 3 years
the death of hyacinthus - pt. i
this is my old renaissance au with artist!billy and model!steve so enjoy lol
The light spills out onto the floor before the window, making the worn wood of the floor look bright again, like new. The light doesn't reach Steve though. Billy set up the scene like that on purpose, closer to the center of his studio. No direct light. He wants this to be lit like it's the beginning of twilight. In his head, Hyacinth dies at sunset.
The room is silent, has been for a while, other than birds outside the window, a breeze that made the window tap against itself lightly, and fabric shifting if Steve stirs from where he is at all, draped across this haphazard construction of pillows, blankets, and a bench.
That's the word Billy used; “drape”. When Steve got to the studio Billy was kicking pillows around on his little model platform, trying to get everything set up right, hardly even greeting Steve at all before launching into his explanation of how he wanted Steve to look.
“-and he’s dying, but he’s not dead yet,” Billy walked half a circle around the platform, hands out. “So Apollo would- damn-” A pillow fell over, he pushed it back up. “Would be here. So if you can just sort of drape yourself across right here-”
Steve was stripping off the last of his garments when Billy turned back around.
“Here?” Steve finished kicking his stockings off, crossed to step up onto the platform.
Billy swallowed, looking Steve in the eyes because at least it meant he wouldn't look down, slack jawed. “Yeah, that's- that’s perfect.” Steve was already settling in to sitting down, letting his head fall back against the seat of the bench, throat exposed.
The way he was sitting shifted his weight in his hips more; Billy tried to look critically. Not appreciatively. He shouldn’t be appreciating the son of the nobleman that had decided to be his patron. Not that Steve was even supposed to be modeling for him beyond the two portraits he’d already had done.
“Tip your knee down more,” Billy stepps back, takes in the composition.
Steve drops his knee.
“Turn your head towards me.”
Steve obliges. The line of his nose looks perfect at three quarters.
Billy stepps up to the platform again, pulls some of the fabric forward, lets it fall over Steve's legs more, over his groin- good. Less distracting. More poetic or something- and the line of his thighs beneath the fabric has just the heaviness Billy is looking for. He steps back again.
“What’s the myth again?” Steve’s jaw gains definition when he speaks with his head at this angle.
“The Death of Hyacinthus.”
“I know that part.” Steve rolls his hand a little. “The part before that. How does he die?”
“He- hang on.” Billy steps close again to push things around, make the lines right. “The wind- Zephyr- gets jealous of his beauty. Apollo throws a discus, and Zephyr pushes it off course, so it knocks Hyacinth in the head. Apollo holds him while he dies.” Billy says it all matter-of-factly. He's trying not to get distracted. He picks up Steve's arm to tilt back towards him a little. His skin is warm like the sunlight staining the floor.
“That's sad.” Steve says. His arm feels relaxed in Billy’s grip. “Weren't they close? Apollo and Hyacinth.”
Billy feels a familiar warmth at his neck of this topic. This thing that always comes up when he and Steve are alone. “They were lovers.”
Steve doesn't say anything back to that.
Billy gets the composition mostly how he wants it- and he’ll probably try Steve in a couple different poses, this is only for sketching. He takes ages deciding where to set up to actually draw it- Steve makes fun of him. Billy says he’s not the one naked on a pile of old curtains. That makes Steve laugh. His stomach flexes a little when he laughs.
Billy's glad Steve can be part of his process now.
He gets some general gestures down on paper. He really nails the angle of Steve’s throat- which he's proud of. He needs the arch of the thing to be perfect. And he gets the general idea of Steve's features down quick- he’s drawn Steve's face maybe a thousand times by now. The way his arm falls is tricky- he’ll come back to that in a bit.
Billy looks up at Steve’s voice. He’s sat up a little, something short of coy in his eyes. “I’m cold.” “You’re cold.” Billy says back to him. Because he never does what Steve implies. Only what Steve says.
“Yeah, like you said- I’m bare ass naked on a pile of curtains.”
“Your calling.”
Steve laughs again. “Do you think we could close the door?”
“You. Can you close the door.”
“Who’s the revered artist here?”
“Who’s the patron?”
Billy rolls his eyes, but he drops his chalk into the lip of his easel anyway, walks to pull the door to his studio shut, separating them from the rest of the house. Steve left it open in the first place.
“You’re not my patron.” Billy says when he gets back, picks up to start drawing again.
“I’m close.” Steve only sounds a little superior.
He’s right. He is close to being Billy's patron. He recommended Billy to his family, he talked up Billy’s version of the pieta, he introduced Billy to the Influentials of Florence, got him this nice new studio, set up in one of the family houses. He was only a little superior about it.
Mostly he was nice.
Nice to Billy. Excited about the things he drew, always asking him what he was working on.
Asked to sit for him once, twice, how many more times, he was part of the process now.
This might be what having a muse was, if Billy believed in things like having muses.
Steve scratches the back of his calf with a foot, then sets his legs back down.
“I’m surprised you don’t get bored doing this.” Billy cracks two of the knuckles on his drawing hand, shakes out his wrist. He’s only prying a little.
“I like watching you work,” comes Steve's easy reply.
“Still.” Billy smudges at a stray line with his thumb. “You’re always fidgety at dinners and shit. Not here.”
“Dinners are boring.” Steve sighs.
He had expressed that sentiment before. That he found Billy much more interesting than anything his family ever did. That he’d trade his infinite wealth for the virve Billy so possessed. Only he didn't say it like that. He said “I’d trade all of this shit for whatever makes your art so beautiful.”
And Billy said “You wouldn't want to. Trust me.”
Billy, having seared the image of Steve into his brain by now, was adding more definition in places, really letting his focus slide out of his head.
And it’s quiet for a bit. Billy doesn't notice when the silence breaks- the sound of shifting fabric, bare feet on wood floor-
“Shit, that’s really good.” Steve's voice startles Billy a little, but he doesn’t let it show. Just turns a little abruptly to find Steve leaning over his shoulder.
“Looks just like me.” Steve continued, hovering his fingertips over Billy's rendition of his nose.
“You don’t have to sound so impressed every time.” Billy rolled his eyes, pushing Steve’s hand away.
“Oh, excuse me for showing some enthusiasm.” Steve hummed another laugh, still looking at the paper. He traced a finger absentmindedly down his own flesh-and-blood nose, marveling at the likeness.
Billy couldn't focus enough to continue with Steve so close. Not like he’d never seen Steve in next to nothing before. But this was really and truly nothing. And even naked as the day he was born Steve exuded wealth in just the way he stood. Like clothes were nothing but decoration on something already… beautiful.
“Can you go back to your spot, please?” Billy got out, looking away like he was annoyed.
Steve just smiled at him before padding back to his platform, throwing the fabric back over his legs.
But now the composition was wrong-
“So,” Steve’s voice carried across the sun-soaked chambers. “Why Hyacinth?”
“What do you mean.” Billy was trying desperately to collect his thoughts.
“I mean, he’s dating a god, right? Why him? What's so special about him.”
“He’s beautiful.”
“Well, I mean, he’s a Spartan prince, he’s legendary. Apollo doesn't even really pick him. Hyacinth has, like, a bunch of people to choose from. He picks Apollo.”
Billy can’t draw like this, especially since Steve fucked up the composition- probably on purpose.
Billy gets up with an unintentional little huff and gets close to Steve again, has to adjust his legs again, avoid staring at the pinks that dust Steve’s everywhere-
“You draw me a lot.” Steve interrupts Billy’s train of thought.
Billy looks up, holding Steve’s wrist like it was his own. “You sit for me a lot-”
“What's your favorite part to draw?”
Billy’s breathing feels thicker, like his throat is coated in honey, sweet but hard to breathe. “Of you?” “Yeah.”
“Your nose.” Billy says easily, because it's safe to say.
Steve smiles. “You've said that before.”
“It's true.” Billy prepares to turn away again, to tell Steve they should get more done while there's still daylight.
Steve’s fingers hook against the palm of Billy's hand. This is playing with fire.
Steve lifts Billy's hand up, touches it to the bridge of his nose.
He can feel the sharp bone under his forefinger.
“Where else?”
Billy inhales. It's a feat. “Your jaw.”
Steve pulls Billy's hand down his cheek to touch his jawline. They’ve been avoiding this forever,
“And?” Cliche game of cat and mouse. Right now, Billy’s the mouse.
“Your shoulders.” Billy watches Steve drag his hand down his perfect neck to the slope of his perfect shoulders. “Steve.”
“Billy.” Steve mocks Billy’s warning tone just a little. “Come on, what else?”
Billy swallows again. He doesn't respond he just lets his hand wander lower, lower, down his chest, to his stomach-
Billy stops his hand, pushes back against Steve’s. “I’ve never drawn you nude, if that's what you’re implying.”
“Maybe you should.” Steve’s finger’s slide up Billy's forearm to hook under the edge of his rolled up sleeve.
“I’d need a couple different references...” Billy trails off. He knows Steve is about to kiss him.
It’s still delicious when he does. No number of days, weeks, waiting for one of them to make a move, of thinking what that move would be, what it would feel like, would have prepared Billy for the spit-sweet taste of a first kiss in the late afternoon.
i might do a part ii or just leave it like this lol
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ayzrules · 4 years
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✶ 𝐇𝐗𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒: 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 & 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 & 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   Long story short, I have been thinking about this for wayyyyy too long now and wanted to get some ~thoughts~ & analysis written down! This post is going to be...fairly long, lol. Apologies in advance :D
  Also, if you can’t see the last gif (the one for ‘holy’), click here. Tumblr keeps fucking up the image when i try to upload it :////
  This post is probably going to be about 2/3 yorknew & phantom troupe/kurapika focused, 1/3 chimera ants, maybe with some references to other arcs (including manga-only arcs) mixed in. so, ofc, tons of spoilers ahead! also, i realize that my blog theme is hard to read (and i’m p sure clicking ‘keep reading’ sends you to the og post itself), so i’m linking the post w/ full text copy/pasted in on my art backup side blog (which has a more legible font) here. 
✶ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇   I’m sure absolutely nobody is surprised with me starting here - there is just. SO. MUCH. DEATH. in hxh. & right from the start, one thing I noticed that togashi really emphasized was the #4 and its connection to death. in japanese, chinese, and im p sure some other asian cultures the number 4 is pronounced like the word for death so it’s associated with death in general, and boy oh boy does the ‘deadly number 4′ thing show up E V E R Y W H E R E. we get to the hunter exam, and hisoka is applicant #44. kurapika is #404. i didn’t notice it at first, but this was so intentional holy shit. togashi is NOT SUBTLE.
  So pika & hisoka are, right off the bat, associated with death. okay. and then there are even more clues to drive the point home: hisoka is member #4 in the phantom troupe, kurapika’s birthday is april 4th (aka 4/4). 100% not a coincidence (!!). with hisoka, it’s pretty obvious why togashi’s throwing all this death 444444 stuff around - dude is a psycho murder pedo clown, literally gets off on killing people (and there’s also the fact that judas sits 4th from the left in the last supper painting, and he’s sort of the judas equivalent for the phantom troupe). with kurapika, though, it’s a bit more subtle and woven deeper into his characterization, which i LOVE. togashi puts the mans in blue & gold & white (traditionally ‘pure’ or ‘heavenly’ colors), makes him so fucking kind & so good-hearted.....when he’s not relentlessly pursuing his revenge, ofc. more on this in the next section, but pika = death. togashi has made that v v v clear.
  Backtracking a bit to hisoka, though, I also just wanted to point out the 4 is death symbolism in the fortunes too (GOD i love the fortunes): in one translation, he’s the false fourth moon, and in the og japanese (i think), he’s the false hare (4th in the lunar zodiac or w/e it’s called. i don’t know the japanese cultural influences here, but in the chinese legend that established the zodiac animals, they race across the heavenly river & the top 12 animals got zodiac slots. the hare finished 4th, so it’s #4 in the cycle). 
  And just as a final note, Tserriednich is the fourth prince of the kakin empire, and also another dude who has a hard-on for murder & other gory shit. again: togashi is not subtle with this, lmfao
✶ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘, 𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘   As probably everyone who’s gotten to yorknew knows, togashi is so 0 fucks given when he wants to be. I mean there’s the whole thing where he just. took New York and decided, Yorknew. LMFAO, but also, he made the main antag of that arc be named chrollo lucilfer, sit around in a ruined church, have a reversed cross coat, pale & dark-haired/dark-eyed, generally dressed in dark colors, very terrible murder guy. liiiike......chrollo x devil symbolism game is 1000/10 at this point lmaooo
  And i know absolutely nothing about christianity in general, but pt/kurapika & yorknew arc is just so full of christian imagery/symbolism! one thing that i L O O O O O O V E though is how togashi really blurs the traditional christian-coded good/evil, holy/damned boundaries.
  Back to kurapika: he wears gold and blue, his coloring is very stereotypically ‘angelic’, he’s precious and good and kind. his chains are all about ~judgment~ and ~healing~ - some of the chains are also in literal cross shapes, aren’t they? And the chain dagger in his own heart...the imagery is very startlingly similar to the immaculate heart of mary, where the swords stabbing thru the heart apparently represent seven sorrows. IDK much about this stuff other than the visual similarities; literally had to google ‘daggers through heart christianity?’ to even get the name of that thing LOL. anyway, at first, it seems like togashi establishes him as the ‘angel’, the ‘good’, the ‘holy’ in the angel/devil, good/evil, holy/damned dichotomy between him and chrollo.
  But that’s not the end of the story. his entire storyline is driven by a huuuuuuuge giant desire for vengeance, first of all, and then there’s the scarlet eyes, which canonically are seen as demonic/cursed/what have you (according to one of the movies or smth? where they show pika as a 10 y/o?), and then we also have red eyes in modern culture being associated w pretty much the same thing (vampires, anyone?). the fight scene with uvo has everything in b&w besides the blood on his face & his red eyes & the moon (<<< more fortune foreshadowing & symbolism, i love to see it), and there are tonssss of scenes where he has to suppress his rage. so all of that is obviously not very angelic of him i would say LOL. in fact, what i find super interesting is that the scarlet/red eyes (which are ‘demonic’) is actually the driving factor behind his super powerful nen abilities; this ties in so well with the fortunes & death associations imo! the fortunes call him the ‘death-bringer’ in one translation, or ‘half-angel, half-death’, so that’s one side of pika = red eyes = death, but there’s also the fact that emperor time is literally draining his life force. so pika = death for both himself and others namely the pt, question mark?
  Now for chrollo: togashi’s devil symbolism is EXTREMELY overt with him, but i love the subtler jesus references too. the church thing, obviously, and the st. peters cross which is cuz st peter respected jesus too much & didn’t think he was worthy to die in the same way as him (or something like that, i am the most atheist person in the world & hxh is literally my entire christian education pls) but is also used as an anti-christianity symbol these days. bandit’s secret looks like a bible, lbr, and mans has a cross tattoo.
  Other things beyond visuals - 12 spiders, 12 apostles; hisoka’s betrayal, where member #4 can be thought to correspond to judas sitting 4th from left at last supper. and this miiiiight be a bit of a stretch, but i think the meteor city being the place of origin may also play into the blurred line between angel/devil and holy/damned here; meteors are defined as space rocks that are in earth’s atmosphere, becoming incandescent in the process. meteorites are for the kinds that actually reach the ground. and idk, lucifer was cast out of heaven / sky too right? so i think there might be some subtle fallen angel imagery/symbolism playing into the pt as well
✶ 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 (𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒)   Last section yay! i don’t have as much to say about this, besides when i was making chimera ant arc edits & realized that there might have been some subtle gon/meruem parallels???
  So obviously, everyone knows that line killua says to gon - “you are light” - and then i was just remembering that meruem’s name means.... “light that illuminates all” (!!!!). maybe it’s a coincidence, but knowing togashi, i’m leaning towards nahhhh. there HAS TO be some kinda meaning there (!!).
  Going back to the events of the chimera ant arc....ooh boy. let’s see: gon is optimistic & hopeful even in the face of kite potentially being dead, killua says he’s light, they find kite & dude is fucked up, gon is pissed. gets all angry & ~dark~, especially during the palace invasion when he’s staring pitou down as she fixes up komugi. then the actual fight against pitou: more darkness, more anger, but through it all there’s still light, namely his jajanken being very orange & fiery lookin.....and that final sequence, where he puts all his possible nen he’d ever have into his ~final form~ or wahtever & turns into a male version of true form!bisky but dressed in a crop top & short-shorts (i am SCARRED, btw. s c a r r e d !). there’s just huuuge flashes of light as that’s going on, and it reminded me of supernovas or dying stars when i was thinking about it, where the star is like, collapsing under its own weight? & burning thru its own fuel, until there’s nothing left except a dwarf or black hole or what have you. one final, extremely deadly burst of light & energy before death.
  On the meruem side of things: born into a dark cave, exhibits a traditionally evil/cruel/wicked/whatever personality/traits so that has ppl associating him with darkness. then he gets to know komugi, starts to appreciate other aspects of humanity, seems like he could have actually turned into a decent person who doesn’t want to eat everyone - so that’s a ‘path to light’, maybe? - and then the extermination team yeets themselves into the palace, netero takes him out to bumfuck nowhere, they fight. netero’s fighting is just ALL light, from his giant ass golden 100-type guanyin bodhisattva to the poor man’s rose. again, there’s the sense of finality to it all, in a similar vein to dying stars: netero comes in determined to kill meruem no matter what, and we all know netero doesn’t flake. then we see netero get destroyed after the zero hand, and he triggers the rose, and everything is burning & on fire before the flames are put out and all turns dark again.
  But wait!!! pouf & youpi revive meruem and all he does is play gungi with komugi, even with the poison of the rose. he eventually dies, and the gungi pieces in that final shot of them together (i am BAWLING just thinking about it holy shit) has one that’s all white, one that’s a black ring and white inside. i assume all white is for komugi, who has never done ANYTHING wrong in her LIFE, so i like to think that the 2nd one is for meruem - born “into darkness”, literally & figuratively, but he turns something like ‘good’ by the end. it’s interesting how togashi has sort of gone for a bit of a subversion here: the hero going from light to darkness, and the main antag from darkness to light.
✶ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍   AahhhhHHHHHhhh so if you read all the way down here through my LONG rambles, tysm! i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what other people think about all this, and i’ve FOR SURE missed tons and tons of stuff - chimera ants is just. SO MUCH. and i don’t know it as well as yorknew eeek.
  I’m not sure if i’m really ~knowledgeable~ in any other areas relating to hxh, so this might be the only one of these that i do, but i definitely think about some of this - esp all the religious symbolism & #4 stuff - a ton! so in the meantime, if it’s of any interest, i’m just going to shamelessly plug my hxh x religious beliefs/superstitions edit series :D lots of love to all!!!
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
How do you think Joaquins characters would react to that “walk up to your boyfriend naked” challenge lol
And here we are!!! that was fun to write^^ I hope you will like it!
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-        Commodus was working late at night as usual; he was working too much, and you knew how bad it was getting on his mind. The next day he would be grumpy, on the edge, his mind clouded by confusing thoughts and then, the poor man would continuously doze off throughout the day.
-        This time you were decided not to let him work the whole night. You had an idea, that you knew he wouldn’t be able to resist to; he would definitely come to bed with you. You were going to walk to him naked in the middle of his work.
-        So, that night, you crossed the corridors of the palace, completely naked, under the stunned looks of the servants and guards. You grinned, excited to see your Emperor’s reaction.
-        He was in his study, reading some scrolls, his chin resting in his palm; he was bored out of his mind and yet his work had to be done.
-        “Commodus.” You called him as you came into his view “Hmmmm?” he hummed before slowly lifting his head, wondering why you were still up.  
-        You hid your grin as you watch his face; his eyes slightly opening wider than usual, he was stunned but did his best to contain it “Did you cross the whole palace naked?” you nodded. You knew how possessive he was and the simple fact of knowing guards and servants and even slaves had seen you naked was going to make him react.
-        “Come here.” He would ask you calmly but his eyes glowing with possessiveness but saying nothing else; he knew all too well you were the one in control in their relationship and he would love that. Turning in his seat to face you as you arrived next to him. His eyes would detail your body like you were the most beautiful sculpture ever made.
-        “Do you like what you see, Commodus?” you murmured sensually, your hand coming up to stroke his cheek. He closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath at your touch. “Yes, my Empress…” He would wrap his arms around your hips, bringing your body closer to his. Not being able to resist to your body, his mouth lands on your belly, trailing hungry kisses up to your breast.
-        Then, he would get up, aroused, pressing his body against yours and pressing you against the desk, his hands running along your side, hungrily kissing you. And you would let him enjoy just enough to make him crave for you.
-        “Let’s go back to our chambers…” you moaned against his ear. But he would be stubborn “No, let’s stay here…” he breathed against your skin, hoping to have sex in his study before going back to work.
-        No matter how hard it would be for you to resist his skilled tongue, you would gently push him away “No.” you insisted with a grin.
-        “What if I ask as your Emperor?” he tried and you smirked defiantly “The Empress doesn’t take orders from her Emperor…either you come to bed with me and enjoy or you stay with your scrolls…” you replied keeping a sensual tone and starting to walk away.
-        He would sigh and look at the scrolls “Hell with the Senate!” and he would run after you; going back to your chambers together just as you had planned.
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 -        You and Arthur have been intimate for a while now, but you wanted to surprise him, especially for his birthday.
-        You had planned a perfectly sweet birthday to spend with him, but a bit steam will be the cherry on top. You could have surprised him at work, but you preferred much more to surprise him at home, his safe place and your safe place.
-        Arthur was watching Murray on TV; towards the end of the show, you eclipsed to the bedroom to take off your pajama. From the door frame you looked at your boyfriend, a tender smile on your lips as you watched the admiration he had for Murray.
-        You waited for the end credits to roll and approached the sofa again, dancing naked at the rhythm of the music “Artie…got a little surprise for you…”
-        It would take a few seconds for Arthur’s eyes to leave the TV and when they land on you, his jaw would drop, not believing the vision he had in front of him.
-        He would instantly need to touch you, it had remained a habit of his, to make sure you were there; his hand taking yours.
-        As soon as he realizes you are truly here, naked in front of him; his eyes would shine with adoration and he would pull you to him, making you sit on his lap, for at first cuddles and kisses and then sweet love making on the sofa.
-        As for Joker you had decided to distract him from his work because when he was caught up in his schemes, he would literally forget anything else, sometimes even you. He didn’t mean it of course but sometimes it happened.
-        You would arrive in the room where he was with his fellows; completely naked, and not carrying about the other people that could have been there; they knew who you belonged to and none would dare to touch you, they would even look away in fear of reprisal from the clown.
-        Joker is very possessive and easily jealous and at first he would definitely take this as a provocation, his eyes going dark “Everyone out. Now.” He would order them, his eyes never leaving you.
-        “Come here, kitten.” He would order you in a low tone, extending his hand for you to take. And you would obey, coming to sit on his lap.
-        His arms would securely wrap around you, his eyes shamelessly detailing your naked form before looking at you in the eyes, intensely, trying to understand why you had provoked him.
-        But your mischievous smile and confident indicated something else…he would raise an eyebrow “Is that a gift for me?” he would finally ask you, his fingers lightly brushing over your lower back.
-        You slowly nodded, still looking at him in the eyes and he sighed in a mix of relief and contentment “Do you like it?” in return a charming smirk would form on his lips and he didn’t need to talk, you knew exactly what would happen next.
  Bruno Weiss
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 -        You were part of the little group of women of Bruno. The only difference is that you didn’t undress, not anymore.
-        Since, you had become his girlfriend, it was almost unbearable for him to see other men watch you dance. He wished he could offer you a better life, but you couldn’t find another job for now. The other girls were jealous because you had become ‘his little princess’ has they called you. But you didn’t care, you simply had managed to get under his hard shell, there was some goodness in him.
-        It was the afternoon and rehearsals as usual. And you felt like testing Bruno’s reaction, after all he worked with half naked women all day along, you could get jealous too.
-        You would get naked in the dressing room; everyone was backstage or on stage. You partially opened the door, only slightly letting out your head “Bruno!” you called strongly several times, until he would finally came backstage with his usual grumpy air “What is it Y/N? it better be important, we’re in the middle of re-” he wouldn’t finish is sentence as he entered and saw you completely naked.
-        He would close the door behind him, a confused look on his face “Why are you naked?”
-        He would very probably look around, even search through the closets to make sure you weren’t with a secret lover, even thought you had called him but he was a jealous and possessive lover and had stupid ideas going through his mind sometimes.
-        You bit your lower lip and enjoyed the look on his face as he would realize that you wanted to surprise him, and you definitely did. His eyes wider than usual, his mouth slightly agape.
-        “So, what do you think about my little surprise Bruno?” you asked on a sensual tone, slowly approaching him, your hand lingering on his chest. It would take him a few seconds to recompose himself before a suggestive grin formed on his mouth.
-        He would wrap his arms around you, enjoying feeling your bare skin under his fingers and you of his clothes brushing against your naked body.
-        “Rehearsals can wait.” He would finally say not being able to resist you.
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 -        It annoyed you when Charlie played sweet talker with others than you, especially when he got tipsy in a saloon. He didn’t mean it but he was a seducer and even more when he drank.
-        With Eli, the three of you had mingled among the people of this little town to get to the target which gave Charlie even more opportunities to flirt, you knew he wouldn’t go to the point of fucking one of them but still.
-        Thankfully the three of you left the town to head to your camp outside for the night. And Charlie still held onto the saddle, so he wasn’t that drunk. Good, because you had decided it wouldn’t be the end of the night for him, you had a little surprise for him.
-        Eli was the first one asleep, he wasn’t much of a night owl. Charlie was lying down by the fire, staring at the flames and waiting for you to join him in his bunk for the night.
-        You pretended to fix a few things on your horse, whereas you were actually taking off your clothes. When you finally came out from behind your horse, Charlie’s eyes instantly landed on you, he was constantly on his guard, especially when he was on a mission.
-        His eyes would slightly widen and then a grin form on his face, he couldn’t help but giggle “Did I drunk that much?” he would exclaim, shamelessly detailing your naked body.
-        Then, he would remember his brother was there, so he would quickly turn his head towards him, but remember he was asleep. Good, because Charlie was a very possessive guy and he wouldn’t want his brother to see you naked.
-        “Damn, love…your lucky I’m too drunk otherwise…your gorgeous ass would be mine already!” he would say with his charming air, making you chuckle; Charlie had quite an ego.
-        When you had approached him, he would grab your hand and pulling you towards him and making you fall on top of him.
-        His eyes would follow his fingers as they lightly brush along your skin, glowing under the light of the fire.
-        He would reverse the positions, no matter how much alcohol he drank, he still had strength and precision in his movements. “You’re beautiful.” he would declare, as a matter of fact and he would kill anyone who disagrees.
-        He would place a few sloppy kisses on your face, neck and then chest. Then, he would cover you both with furs. And finally, he would be lying down on top of you, his face buried in your neck, his fingers lightly brushing over your breast and belly, too tired to do anything else but it wasn’t so bad, he loved cuddling with you.
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 -        Joe was peacefully preparing lunch in the kitchen; focused on cutting some vegetables as you quietly got downstairs. You would have wanted to completely surprise him but because of his PTSD, creeping up behind him was a bad idea that could trigger a panic attack or defensive reaction; and that’s not what you wanted, you wanted him to enjoy.
-        You hid your naked body behind the door frame, only letting him see your face “Joe?” you called softly, letting him know your presence.
-        “Hmmm?” he would reply, finally turning to face you, watching you curiously to understand why you were hidden behind the door frame.
-        You would smile sweetly at him and come out, slightly biting your lower lip as you waited for his reaction.
-        He would fully turn towards you, his belly pepper and knife still in hands, as if hypnotized by you; before he snaps of his trance and puts them aside. Then, he would slowly approach you, his eyes fixated on your face.
-        He would stay silent for a bit, not knowing what to say first. You decided to encourage him by speaking first “I wanted to see how you would react if I surprised you like that.” You spoke softly, and it would reassure him, because sometimes he could have trouble to understand some situations.
-        “You look…very beautiful.” He would murmur, before taking you in his arms, fully embracing you in his big arms, to cover you as if to protect you.
-        You would return the hug, burying your face in his neck, enjoying his warmth enveloping you “Thank you, love.”
-        You would exchange a few tender kisses before letting you go back upstairs to put some clothes on and finally share a nice lunch together.
Max California
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-        You were spending the night at Max’s place, you didn’t have much of a plan for the night, probably watching movie snuggled against, listening to him play guitar and sing while drinking a few beers.
-        Max was half-lying on his bed, one leg dangling over the edge, calmly playing a few chords. You were lying down in front of him; your legs entwinned with his as you drank your beer and listened to him.
-        You wondered how he would react if he suddenly saw you naked…you didn’t know why you thought about that, maybe alcohol…he worked in a sex shop and saw naked women all day along, would he be surprised if you appeared naked? Or would he just quickly give you a look before focusing back on his guitar?
-        “I’ll be right back.” You said untangling your legs from his and getting up, heading to the bathroom to undress; he would hum in return, focused on his guitar.
-        As soon as you were undressed, you came back in the living in his room, wondering what he would say. “Hey, sexy boy look up.” You called him with a little grin.
-        He quickly lifted his eyes and when he would noticed you were completely naked, he would slightly arch an eyebrow “Damn baby, I might work surrounded by naked chicks but you are something…” he commented with a little smirk, shamelessly detailing your body.
-        “Really? I don’t look too…ordinary?” you asked him, pleasantly surprised. He chuckled, setting his guitar aside.
-        “Look down there, do I think you look ordinary?” he gestured to his crotch, his leather pants tighter than usual. Your mouth formed a little ‘o’ shape, not expecting such an enthusiastic response.
-        “Come here baby.” He would invite you with a sweet smile, opening his arms to embrace you. You would happily join him, snuggling against him for the night.
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-        You and the Abbe had been secretly having an affair. He was a priest after all and therefore he had to publicly hide his feelings for you, which sometimes could be a bit tough on both minds.
-        But instead of getting stressed out, you decided to tease and surprise him as he worked in his office as he always did, every beginning of the afternoon.
-        It amused you how he didn’t suspect anything because you often came by his side to read a book from his personal library as he worked. He was focused on the letter he was writing, the only noises in the room were his quill on the paper, his calm breathing and your slow steps as you pretended to look at the books.
-        When you were finally behind his back, as quietly as possible you took off your dress and underwear and then, continued to go through his library as if nothing was happening.
-        “I didn’t know that when you confiscated the Marquis’ book you were actually keeping them in your personal library…” you smirked, your innocent priest had a much dirtier mind than you thought.
-        This would make the Abbe instantly react, he lifted his head in your direction, his cheeks red. And his face turned even more red when he would see you were naked.
-        “What are you doing!?” he would exclaim, quickly getting up and coming towards you, taking the curtains hanging by the window nearby to cover you. Completely wrapping you in it which would make you laugh.
-        He would look around as if to make sure the door was closed and that nobody was about to enter. His arms securely wrapped around you to protect your integrity and also because he only wanted you for himself.
-        Still holding you close, he would slowly lift his hand, coming up to your face to gently stroke your cheek, the nervousness of being discovered would be replaced by tenderness, his eyes soft as he looks at you in the eyes.
-        “My beautiful Y/N…” he would murmur lovingly with the softest smile. His eyes slowly traveling down your neck and stopping at the curtain that covered but you could feel how much he wanted to see.
-        Grinning you would open the curtain and wrap it around you both “Don’t worry Abbe, my purity is safe…this is a sight only for you.” You would whisper.
-        As your arms were wrapped around his neck; his fingers would lightly brush over your breast, belly; his feather-like touch giving you goosebumps.
-        His eyes would then lock on your womanhood, he would want you, take you fully and feel, taste your body under his lips.
-        But the Abbe would be a repressed man and his dirtiest thoughts would remain in his mind. He would keep you in his embrace for a few more minutes before parting away from you and helping to dress back up.
-        But that doesn’t mean he pushed you away; as finally the evening would come, he would take you to his room and show you how much he loves you.
  Doc Sportello
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-        You were spending the night at Doc’s place and had went to take a shower, but you knew he would start getting high without you. Which would make it even more fun when you will come out of the bathroom completely naked. Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time you do that, because you and Doc were people naturally walking around the house naked.
-        You came out of the bathroom, droplets of water running along your skin as you walked to the living room. You wondered how would Doc react, if he would react at all.
-        Doc wouldn’t be so surprised, still that doesn’t prevent him from intensely detailing your body. And he would pretty quickly get a hard-on, he couldn’t help it, you drove him crazy.
-        He would lean back on the couch, his joint between his fingers “Why don’t you dress like that more often?” he would tell you meaning to flirt but his face when he was high looked like he was asking the most serious question in the world.
-        “Maybe at home I will.” You smiled mischievously, joining him on the couch.
-        And he would instantly make you lie down, coming on top of you, kissing you passionately, making you giggle.
-        Then, he would offer to share his joint with you, as he often did and sex while being high with Doc was even better.
Freddie Quell
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-        You already spent a significant amount of time naked with Freddie. That man loved sex and even more with you. So, in a way he was very much used to see you naked and even in unusual places like when he came to see you at work and the both of you would get horny and have sex.
-        Still, you wanted to try and surprise him. Freddie was working on a few things in the kitchen, repairing his camera while smoking a cigarette. Focused on his work; you felt him relaxed and calm, it was good to see him like that.
-        As soon as he sees you enter the kitchen naked, he would chuckle, looking at you with a mix of arousal and affection.
-        “Didn’t you get enough this morning?” he would ask you with a smirk, leaving his work, and turning in his chair to face you.
-        “Maybe not…” you would reply on the same tone, playfully turning on yourself to fully show him your body.
-        He wouldn’t wait for you to come to him; he would be the one closing the distance, wrapping his arms around you possessively.
-        Freddie is already horny for you when you are wearing clothes; so naked, you don’t stand a chance, but you don’t mind, quite the contrary. He would cover your face with kisses and then place sloppy kisses down your neck and then breast and you loved Freddie’s kisses.
-        And he would have no intention of letting you go until he’s made love to you “I like your surprises.” He would purr against your lips making you giggle.
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-        Merill was watching TV, watching cartoons for once instead of reality-TV to which he could be a bit addicted to. It always amused you and even more to how much he was fond of watching TV. You wanted to surprise him and make him give-up TV for the night.
-        “Hey Merill…” you called him sweetly as you came into his view; the light of the room was dim, in fact only the flickering one of the TV.
-        As he would turn his face away from the TV, Merill would huff in disbelief, his eyes shining with excitement, his mouth slightly agape, the TV remote falling from his hand.
-        You would come to sit next to him, a pleased smile on your lips as you enjoyed his reaction; then, you would put your legs on his lap.
-        And his hands would instantly come on top of them to caress your skin. And Merill would look at you lovingly “I love you; you know?” and you smiled back in return, slightly pushing on your hands to kiss his lips.
-        “You know what? TV is really boring, why don’t we go elsewhere and hit a home run?” you couldn’t help but giggle at his pun before quickly jumping off his lap to run to the bedroom, very well knowing Merill would be first, he was a very good baseball player after all.
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-        Theodore was currently playing video games in the living room and you enjoyed playing with him most of the time and that one was a really cool adventure game.  You quickly disappeared in another room before reappearing before him, fully naked.
-        “That’s some hot chicks you got there.” Commented the companion from his game; Theodore would make an outraged face “Offline.” Before waving to make the game disappear; the virtual character had seen you naked before your boyfriend.
-        The both of you couldn’t help but burst out laughing it was slightly awkward but funny. And then, Theodore’s gaze would turn very soft, looking at you with infinite tenderness; what a romantic soul he had.
-        “That’s making me feel poetic” he would murmur lovingly, a sweet smile playing on his lips “You are always poetic Theo.” You smiled softly in return, joining him on the couch “But go on, I want to hear what you want to say.” You encouraged him; you loved his poems.
-        And he would really make up a poem for you, it was all so romantic of him. Describing your curves, the tone of your skin with analogies and the emotions that it inspired him. It would make you blush and even more in love with him.
-        He would take you in his arms, tightly hugging you against him, enjoying your warmth, the feeling of your naked skin under his fingers. And could literally spend hours cuddling with you.
Tag list: ‘I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone^^’) @hopelessdisasterr @skaravile @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @beautifulyoungprospect @stellargirlie @rosebloodstuffandthangss @clowndaddyfleck @jaylovesbats @niniitah-ah @dreamingmaria @sagyunaro @just-a-fucking-comedy @spaceinvader @radio-hoo-ha @lady-carnivals-stuff @sierraclegane @legojorny @lemondedeniname @hvproductions @syvellsworld @charlie-sisters @papercut-paranoia @jokerflecker @cigznvalentines @help-i-am-obssessed @arthurfleckjoker2019 @theartistdetective @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend @fleckcmscott @obssessedandthirsty @ridiculousnerd @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @welcometomyhiddlesfandom @sanguinandoscrivo @valentina15 @phoenixbaby88 @captain-el-writes @thedamchii @ninathefandomcollector @kiddastle @lovesickforjoaqvin @joaquins-angel @alexsportello @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero @bring-your-holy-water
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makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor, Mic, and Aizawa finally caught up with Crust and Miruko after 19 years to help deal with the High End Noumus. Aizawa used his quirk on them, but Girl Noumu was able to get away and shoot acid at them all, and that one bone-tentacle-y Noumu was also able to attack Mirko with his quirk. Speaking of Mirko, she spent most of the chapter kicking away at Tomura’s Noumutank like those guys with the battering ram in Beauty and the Beast. Or maybe just kicking it one time very, very slowly while we cut back and forth from the scene. It was hard to tell. But either way, she didn’t quite manage to shatter it and instead just left it all cracked and leaking. Anyway so everyone keeps saying that if Tomura escapes that would be Very Bad, and I’m inclined to agree, especially since Aizawa and Mic are looking all serious and vengeful, and I’m really going to need them to not die, ever.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor helpfully and terrifyingly cauterizes Mirko’s wounds while Aizawa holds off the Noumu with his quirk and buys time for Mic to go after Ujiko and Tomura. Mic and our new optician friend Exress race down the corridor and Mic immediately uses his quirk to shatter Noumuraki’s tank, which is the fastest and most efficient action we have seen in this entire arc so far. Mic then CORDIALLY INTRODUCES UJIKO’S FACE TO HIS FIST, which caused me to have an awakening, but unfortunately the same can’t be said for Tomura, who’s now lying on the ground very much not awake and seemingly dead. So I guess that’s it, guys. Looks like Dabi is the main villain now. Good for you Dabi, those are some pretty big britches to fill. No that wasn’t a crack about your height. God you’re sensitive. And so now we get to wait another two weeks! You know what, let’s just focus on the part where Ujiko got flattened like a paper bag.
so this is the chapter that was originally scheduled to be released on Kacchan’s birthday, but what are the odds he’s not even in it. how do you all think the traffic light trio is doing. this has been the world’s longest evacuation. or do you think they already finished a long time ago and are just hanging out now and being all “can’t wait to hear back from everyone else, I’m sure they’re all fine and dandy.” which would be funny, you see, because everyone else actually isn’t fine and dandy at all! do you get it. ahaha jokes
anyway so this chapter is titled “the three of us”, so I’m guessing there’s more Aizawa/Mic/Shirakumo angst on the horizon! so you’re just going to keep on assaulting my battered heart then, Horikoshi. cool. coolcoolcoolcoolcool
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fffff -- okay well whatever!! it’s a manga!! she’ll be fine! they have manga science! Recovery Girl can heal her legs and her side and everything else, and get her a nice new robot arm, and she’ll have a cool scar on her ear. happy thoughts happy thoughts
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IS HE TALKING TO ME OR HER. I FEEL LIKE HE’S TALKING TO ME. don’t worry Endeavor I will look away for this part
lol excuse me what now
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5 minutes?? by whose reckoning, exactly?? jesus christ. I bet if he turned his flames off we’d learn that he has grown a whole new actual beard. Endeavor. civilizations have risen and fallen. okay you know what, new theory, Ujiko’s basement lair is somehow running on Narnia time
OH MY FEELS HE SAYS HE OWES HER A DEBT AFTER KYUSHU. referring of course to when she showed up out of the blue to save his ass from Dabi. anyways though how nice of him to express his gratitude by setting all of her wounds on fire
I guess we can stand down from red alert now though since Mirko is clearly going to be just fine
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somehow she has more calm while getting her horrific injuries cauterized than I do when trying to decide whether or not to sell electronic turnips in a video game
wuh oh
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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HE’S A BARREL OF LAUGHS. actually no that’s a lie, you definitely would have had and did have more fun while fighting Mirko
also, this angle of Endeavor’s face, though
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god damn it as per usual I have no idea what is going on in action panels even when I stare at them intensely for a full minute or more
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I don’t even remember how many Noumus are left at this point now. who’s that sunfish-looking one on the right near Mic?? is he a new one?? is that Crust jumping around in the middle, or is he the one standing near the sunfish Noumu? who is it that’s firing that laser or whatnot in the middle?? did this big Noumu in the foreground on the left just get decapitated??
honestly it seems like they almost have things under control at long last. Aizawa and Mic should just head after Ujiko is already and leave the rest of them to it
so Mirko is now giving them all the details about Tomura and how he’s currently chilling out floating in his sensory deprivation tank
and she’s all DON’T LET SHIGARAKI WAKE UP as if she wasn’t the one trying to smash the capsule open in the previous chapter?? or did she assume he would just sleep through all that lol
also the High Ends have apparently still not completely woken up themselves yet. guess we should be grateful
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if Aizawa Shouta ever cuts his hair I will declare a national day of mourning
anyways though, reinforcements! about fucking time
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did anyone else immediately blink right after reading that last sentence, and then feel a profound gratitude for being able to blink freely at will. holy shit. blinking is so great
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what happens if he has to sneeze?? oh my god. and what the fuck why is this a one-man show anyway, where the hell is your husband
okay there he is
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“I’m here, too,” says Vision Hero: Exress. and so he is. so what kind of quirk do you have, then, x-ray vision? really hope not, no offense. just don’t see how that would exactly be useful right now. or maybe it’s laser vision, in which case yeah okay we can work with that. you heard the man, go on ahead then
this motherfucker is still alive?!
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I really cannot express enough just how steep of a cliff Endeavor has fallen off of in this arc. he has not done a single useful thing aside from the cauterizing. so now it’s up to Eyeballs Hero: Sees Real Good to hopefully somehow oneshot this guy whom the number one hero barely managed to scratch
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CRUST ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING. took me a minute to realize he was shouting “go” in that speech bubble, as opposed to randomly screeching out his age, 60
Mic and Aizawa are so hot but I’m feeling such impending doom right now
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-- oh no. oh fuck. I just realized -- why are they splitting them up?? sir that’s his emotional support hero
ffff for reals though I feel like Mic doesn’t have the same plot protection as Shouta. and I also feel like this is a very stupid decision in general, and that the guy who can cancel out quirks should be included in the group of people rushing in to capture the scary big bad whose quirk is an insta-kill. but what do I know, I’m just a regular person who didn’t go to hero school and get their hero MBA so MAYBE I’M WRONG. but am I
oh shit oh shit oh shit
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not really clear on what Mic is doing here since he should in theory just be running like a normal person, but I can’t complain much about the dynamic pose. and meanwhile Ujiko has finally snapped to the fact that he should have woken Tomura up a good half hour ago!
and on top of all that, it sounds like they didn’t destroy all of their supervillain research data either, so if he does manage to escape we could be right back to square one before long. good thing they definitely positively won’t let him escape!!
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nghhh everything’s shattering all dramatically and in slow motion
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swear to god if this chapter ends with Tomura opening his eyes while we cut to another two week break, I will... ... ...well I guess I’m about to find out though because that’s exactly what’s going to happen isn’t it
(ETA: if you can sleep through Present Mic’s attack you can really sleep through anything huh.)
lol but first
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sploosh. down he goes. timber. still a sleepy boi. I take a nap right here
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1) the fuck is he doing, 2) is this the first time we’ve seen Aizawa call Mic by his name??, and 3) WHAT DID I TELL YOU THOUGH
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UNDONE BY AIZAWA’S SOFT EXPRESSION AND WISTFUL EYES NOOOO I lied I am not a stone at all I am a big squishy marshmallow of feels oh fuck
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he straight up ENDED HIS LIFE. holy shit. 4/24/2020. the day I was sexually attracted to Present Mic
anyways now back to your regularly scheduled sad feelings at the reminder of the fact that yep, Ujiko and all of his fucked up experimenting absolutely did make Aizawa cry. not that I’m saying that’s a crime of even greater magnitude than all his other crimes of kidnapping and torture and research using human children. I absolutely am not saying that. just implying it. in a joking manner. semi-joking. partially. kind of
(ETA: also, belated shout out to the fact that his excuse for doing it was so he could verify that it wasn’t another clone. and since it’s Present Mic, there’s a 74% chance he screamed out “CLONE CHECK!” in English too, which, bless.)
I know there’s a particular side of fandom that largely thinks that all heroes are Garbage Scum, but I mean, look at this scene though of Gazerbeam crouching down to gingerly check Tomura’s vitals. idk, I thought this was surprisingly gentle
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I should probably be more concerned about that statement, but truth be told, I’m much more anxious about Gazerbeam going the way of his namesake shortly henceforth. please be careful please I know he looks all floppy and wounded and surprisingly vulnerable --
-- okay, very surprisingly vulnerable --
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I really do have a thing for the hair covering the eyes huh. I’m learning things about myself!
but still! he could basically just blink at you at this point and you would turn to dust, Gazerbeam. DUST. ASHES. DEBRIS SCATTERED TO THE WINDS
wow apparently that space tube was doing a lot more than I thought
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mhmm. sure. Horikoshi. dude, I can see you sitting there shaking with barely suppressed laughter. did you really think this would get us to let our guards down. are we a joke to you. did you think we would just be all “oh gosh I guess he really is dead then, wow, what a twist”
oh!! the reinforcements!!
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did you hear that guys. it’s done. the heroes won and Tomura is dead and it’s really over just like that. what a positive ending for everyone. except Tomura I guess
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I’ve said before that U.A. needs to add a course about tempting fate to their curriculum, and I stand by that. this is absurd. it’s like y’all want to die
oh look at that Endeavor finally killed one
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was that really so hard. could you not have done that earlier
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“what if... I dragged it out so much that the dragging-out was the cliffhanger?” that’s some galaxy brain you got there dude. let’s just end the chapter on that WHY NOT
anyway. so there you have it guys. just look how dead he is. that’s the smile of someone who is absolutely, certainly, one hundred percent dead. look at him, all at peace. definitely not gonna finally wake up two weeks from now and properly introduce himself to our new friend Gazerbeam and my new we’re-just-trying-something-out-and-taking-it-slow-and-we’ll-see-where-it-goes boyfriend Present Mic!
lol I can’t lie, these last couple chapters have tested my patience a bit! fortunately this chapter had many saving graces in the form of Mirko, Aizawa, Mic, and for reals though Gazerbeam whom I genuinely did grow attached to almost immediately for reasons beyond my grasping. but I’m starting to get an inkling that Horikoshi is just incapable of pacing himself well whenever the story moves to a basement. or maybe I’m just cranky on account of being holed up in lockdown since time immemorial and only getting my new BnHA fix every other week! maybe, that could be it. maybe. ah well. at least Present Mic punched Ujiko in the fucking face
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Future Tyler/Husband Tyler/Daddy Tyler.  PART 1
Okay...so here it goes...
I’m working on a multichapter thing.  It be won’t be a finished and polished product for a while and I’m writing it in chunks. It basically will flash back to the past, include the present (movie time line), and the future.  I can’t guarantee he will always be happy Tyler and husband Tyler and daddy Tyler and his ending will be one percent rainbows and unicorns, but damn it, the guy deserves a good ending of some kind! He is too good to be taken out by that little shit!
So here is a stitch of my Tyler Rake universe. In the future. About a year following the events in Extraction. The OC does a have a name but I am not revealing it until I post present (movie line) chapters.
However, I do need your guys help!
I need suggestions for a baby girl name. First and second. That sounds really good with the last name Rake. I’m counting on y’all lol
Comment if you want. Message me too.  I love meeting new people and chatting about fics and anything else your heart desires!
I hope you enjoy :)
Oh! And I said I would tag @c-a-v-a-l-r-y  (who honestly really encouraged me to post and do happy husband/daddy Tyler) and @alievans007
It's been just shy of twelve months and his instincts are still keen; nerves rash and fresh,  body and mind always on high alert.  The proof to the old adage that old habits really do die hard.
A journey to the very brink of death.  Weeks of lying in a hospital bed teetering on the threshold of this life and the next.  Countless agonizing hours of rehab and physical therapy just to relearn the basics and get back onto his weary and battered feet.  Once he was home nothing had been able to slow him down. He threw everything he had into healing. Every ounce of mind, body, and spirit. Pushing himself past the warnings and the limits that the doctors and specialists had set for him. Ignoring the advice on not to push himself too hard, too fast.   He felt as if he didn't have a choice. He no longer just had himself to take care.  But another human being with one on the way that needed him to take care of them. Provide for them.  Protect them.  So he had pushed himself to the brink of both exhaustion and physical and emotional collapse.  Eventually finding himself back at at the gym and packing on the weight and muscle. Anxious for some semblance of the man he used to be.
He hears the soft rustle of blankets though the monitor on the nightstand and his eyes immediately snap open.  Sleep was a strange beast for him these days;  nights where he could fall into a peaceful slumber and stay there until sunlight was streaming through the window, others where the pain was all encompassing and nauseating and he couldn't get comfortable,  and those where he was haunted by the demons of his past.  The latter didn't come nearly as often as they did.  He'd managed to find some hint of internal peace with the things he had done and witnessed.  Once in a while he'd find himself back on that bridge.  Assaulted by the smells of gun powder and lead. The acrid taste of blood on his lips.  And he'd hear his voice and feel her hands; the way she cradled his face in them, the way she'd pulled his nearly lifeless body tight against her, feel those tears that feel on his skin.  Thankfully he'd awaken and quickly discover that he was in the safety and comfort of his own home. His own bed. And he'd watch her as she slept;  the way the moonlight painted her smooth skin in an ethereal glow, the slight smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth.  He'd watch her and listen to her breathe and he'd remind himself of just how far he had come.  Gratitude spreading through him like a slow burning fire.  Thankful for the second chance that he'd been given. For the love that he'd found during one of the darkest and most difficult periods of his life.  She'd given him a reason.  A purpose.  And he wasn't going to take that for granted.
He groans as he rolls over onto his back.  The pain isn't as bad tonight.  There were times he could barely even move. Where the agony made him dizzy and nauseous and even the simplest of tasks seemed impossible to preform.  Tonight it's a dull ache; a nagging pain that has settled deep into his bones and his joints but he has learned to deal with.  Placing his hands behind his head, he waits and listens. The lights from the monitor dancing across the ceiling as  life stirs in the room across the hall. He's gotten used to it; the little noises, the soft sighs, the slight fussing before she settles herself back to sleep. It wasn't his first rodeo after all; not his first foray into fatherhood.  But it is the first time he's been able to be more hands on. Put his be all and end all into the nurturing.  And this time he knows he will get it right.  He's determined to make amends for the mistakes of his past.  Moving on didn't mean forgetting.  It didn't mean that the love and regret and the guilt weren't still there, lingering just under  the surface. Sometimes the greatest homage to the dead was how the living continued.  How they made up for the bad decisions they made and how those decisions had...in the end...helped shape them into a better person.  
The sounds through the monitor continue and he sits up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and giving his body and brain time to adjust to full consciousness.  Running his hands through his hair and over his tired face, fingers brushing against the various scars that serve as a lasting memory of his former life.  A pair of sweats sit in a discarded pile by the bed and he reaches for them; softly muttering profanities at the various cracks and pops that his body makes at the simple task of pulling on his pants.  Scar tissue, arthritis, remnants of shrapnel and bullets that couldn't safely be removed. All working together to be a complete pain in his ass.  His wife moves behind him.  Sighing loudly and contently as she rolls over onto her side. Not waking as her hand instinctively reaching out for him; finger tips brushing against his back just as he stands up.  
He is out the door and in the hall before the first shrill cry erupts. Yawning and stretching noisily as he steps into the nursery. A cheerful room with soft yellow walls,  pink, white, and purple stripped curtains and natural wood furniture.  Teddy bears and dolls staring down at him from the perches on the shelves on the wall, accompanied by framed photos of baby animals and Disney characters. He'd never pictured himself a 'girl dad'; frilly dresses and the tiny socks with the lace around the ankles, and the little headbands that served no other purpose than being cute.  He was rough and tumble. Always had been, even from an early age.  So when he'd found out he was having a daughter he'd been terrified. He didn't know the first thing about taking care of little girls and doing their hair and healing their broken hearts.  And for the first time in his life was actually scared of something.  Or someone.  A being that hadn't even been born yet but was already making a huge impact on his life.
“You'll be fine,” his wife had assured him when he'd expressed his concern. Watching from the couch as she stood at the kitchen table folding laundry. Including a newly purchased outfit and those tiny teeny socks that she had purchased just hours ago.  She was so beautiful. Standing there with that chestnut hair tumbling down to her waist, her belly swollen with their child. HIS child.  A child that had been conceived in the midst of all the chaos and uncertainty.  “You've ridden this particular bike before,” she'd reminded him. “This isn't your first time going through this.”
“That was different.  That was a boy.  This is a girl.  This is dresses and pig tails and tea parties and make up and other boys.”
“Tyler, that's years down the road. You can't worry about that stuff.  Make up and boys? You can't dwell on what she's going to be like when she's a teenager.”
“I sure bloody well can. Because knowing my luck she'll end up  just like her mother. Full of piss and vinegar and all kinds of trouble.”
“You always did know how to get yourself into heaps of it,” she'd smirked, and tossed a pair of balled up socks in his direction, just missing his head.   “But you always managed to get yourself out of it too.”
“I knew you were trouble from the very second I met you, you know,” he'd said, as he got off the couch and wandered over to where she was so diligently working.  Liking the way that simple white gold wedding band looked on her finger.  He still hadn't gotten used to; it had only been a few months and even with that life growing in her belly, they were still very much enjoying being newlyweds.  He liked it. Being a husband.  He liked the simplicity and the comforts that came with the little things that took up their new life.  Household chores and preparing meals and sharing a bed with the same warm body and beautiful face each and every day. Mundane to some.  A welcome change and relief to him.
“I wasn't the one with the reputation for being difficult,” she'd reminded him.  “I wasn't the one who was like a bear with a sole asshole even on his best days.”
“Yet here you are. Playing house with me. A good little wife.  Giving me babies. So I must have done something right, huh?” he'd playfully nudged her with his elbow.  “You stuck around. Through thick or thin. I put you through a lot of shit and agony and here you are. Here WE are.”
“You can't get rid of me that easily, Tyler Rake. You think you would have realized that by now.”
“Getting rid of you is the last thing I ever want.”
They'd stood in companionable silence; working quickly and efficiently together. Little boring tasks that they almost never got to experience.  He'd never take things like that for granted again.  And he'd grabbed a pair of her underwear from the fresh pile and hooking them around his finger, grinned as he swung them around.
“How'd we ever graduate to these, huh? These are not what I remember you wearing. You weren't wearing any the first time we...well...you know...”
“You're such a pig,” she'd grumbled, and tried to snatch them away. Frowning when he held them high above his head. Not an easy reach for a woman that only stood five foot three.  “What is wrong with you? Seriously.”
“I thought you were trouble the second I met you. The way you shook my hand. The way you smiled at me.  But I knew it for sure when I had you pinned against that wall and I put my hand down your shorts and realized that you weren't any underwear.  Remember that? That first time? I knew I was in trouble but I didn't want to stop. I couldn't stop.  I was surprised you were such a kinky little thing.”
“You've got issues.  What is your major malfunction?”
“Nothing wrong with a little visit to the past.  Especially when it involves being naked.”
“Would you stop?” she'd perched herself on her tip toes and frantically tried to grab the offending piece of clothing from his grasp. “What's gotten into you?”
“It's what hasn't gotten into you in a while,” he'd retorted, laughing when she'd directed a slap to his gut, his arms circling her waist when she'd lost her balance and tumbled into him.  And they'd stood like that; her head against his chest, his eyes closed and his chin resting on the top of her head.  Loving all those things about her that had become so familiar and comforting to him. The lingering scent of coconut shampoo that clung to her hair,  the feel of her heart beating against him,  those small and soft hands stroking up and down his back.  This woman...the one that had seen him at his most fragile...who he owed his life to.
Her hands were on the back of his shoulders when she'd pulled away and looked up at him. Her eyes sparkling as she smiled.  A smile he had once thought he'd never see again.  
“I love you,” he'd told her. Three words that he had always hesitated on uttering before but now couldn't say enough. If Gaspar was still around he'd call him soft.  Tell him he was whipped and a pussy and needed to get his balls back. But he wasn't around anymore.  
A lot of people weren't.
“I know,” she'd said.  “But not nearly as much as I love you.”
“Hey, this isn't a competition. And if it was, I'd win. I always do.”
“You have a very overinflated sense of yourself,” she'd chided.  
He was her rock. He knew that.  Even when he was still recovering and he was nothing more than a mere fraction of the man he once was. Even when she had to help nurse him back to health and  he'd had to trust her completely with even the mundane things like feeding himself and brushing his teeth. But she'd stuck by him. Even when he felt humiliated that he even needed help with such things. Embarrassed that she was seeing him so vulnerable.  Allowing her to see his tears of anger, frustration, and pain.  She'd always said that he was the only one that made her feel safe and secure. Protected.  Even when he wasn't at his best.  
“Shit...” she'd grimaced when the baby had kicked her especially hard.  Eyes closing and her forehead falling onto his chest.
“Even I felt that one,”  he'd move one hand from her waist to her ever growing stomach.  Marvelling at the way he could feel their baby...his baby...moving inside of her.  It may not have been his first time.  Not his first child.  But he was determined to enjoy every second of it and not take a single moment for granted.   “See what I mean? Trouble just like her mom.  Feisty as all hell. A boy wouldn't cause this many issues.”
“Boys come with a whole shit load of issues. After all, it was a boy that got me into this situation in the first place.”
“Come on now, I wasn't the only one that was having all the fun. You seemed to be enjoying yourself too. I didn't make this baby all on my own, you know.”
“It was fun,” she'd admitted. “It always is.”
“Yeah. It most definitely is.”
One of her hands came down to rest on top of his  and they stood there together, feeling their child moving inside of her. Marvelling at all the kicks and wriggles.  At the miracle that they had created. All because two people fell in love during the entirely wrong time and in the entirely wrong place.
“You need to take it easy there, sweetheart,” he'd spoken to his daughter, his hand moving in slow, comforting circles. “Go easy on your mum, okay? Daddy's already put her through enough to last a lifetime.”
“She listens to you already.  She likes your voice.”
“Already takes after her mother. Isn't that one of the first things you said you liked about me? My voice?”
“It does funny things to my insides. Even now.”
“I like doing funny things to your insides,” he'd dropped a kiss on the top of her head and she'd looked up at him once again.
“I think we should go to bed.”
“It's only eight thirty.”
“I don't mean to sleep. I mean to do other things. Fun things.  Things that help you sleep better.”
A slow grin had spread across his face.
He didn't need to be told twice.
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definitelynottony · 5 years
Hi! Could you do prompts #20 and #43??? :)
Of course! This definitely turned into something way longer than I thought it would have lol. The whole story is kind of Billy's way of comforting Steve after their fight but then I added a little bit more at the end to really imply the prompt. Hope you enjoy it! 
#20: "How the fuck do you keep getting in my house?"
#43: comfort after a fight
Steve suddenly woke from yet another good dream turned bad. Body hot and slick from sweat, not sure if that's from the good part or the bad parts though. He even left his bat by his bed tonight for some comfort but it didn't help. Maybe it's due to the fact that he had that fight with Nance today? Or cause the kids have been talking about all that D&D crap lately? Or possibly, probably, it's definitely Billy's fault. 
Billy Hargrove, god seriously even thinking about him right now sends a chill through Steve. A hurricane in his gut, sets a fire loose in his veins. What he would do if he was here right now, the asshole.
They had that fight only a couple months back now, in November. Ever since then Billy had been, well… Let's just say entirely too friendly. The entire thing left Steve with whiplash. Steve never knew what he was going to get. Some days Billy would ignore him, which would have been fine with Steve. Especially considering he had to get stitches from that damn plate to his head. But it was the other days that got him, those days where Billy would just watch him. Or when he'd corner him when he was alone, in the locker room or in the parking lot. The first time it was to apologize. Whether it was a bat almost crushing his balls or a miraculous change of heart, Billy did apologize to Steve for that night. Said something along the lines of:
"It wasn't anything personal Harrington. I was angry to begin with and you were a pretty punching bag. When you hit back and I saw that fire in ya I- I just got carried away. Okay. I'm sorry, alright?" 
Needless to say Steve was so taken aback from the whole outburst that he basically just nodded in understanding. I mean the guy apologized, right? That's what Steve was waiting for (wasn't holding his breath but hopeful?) Plus he sort of just like...complimented him in a weird roundabout way so, yeah. That was that. There was no further discussion, no let's shake hands or let's be friends from now on. Just radio silence for a solid week afterwards.
But then it started, Billy that is. Billy started this new game of cat and mouse, hot and cold. Whatever you want to call it. He drove Steve bonkers with it. In the beginning he waited until he was alone and just started talking. Like they were friends?
"Good game Harrington. You're jump shots were fire today. And your defense game, you're finally planting your feet huh?." 
"Uh. Yeah, thanks man. You too I guess, good game." 
And that chatter slowly turned into Billy finding him in the hallway:
"Yo Harrington, you dropped this."
"Oh, thanks. Uh, wait this isn't mi-" 
Billy had left before Steve finished. Billy handed him a folded note, 'Under bleachers. 1:15'. Steve read it a few times with furrowed brows. This was either the part where Billy finishes the job and kills him or… well Steve didn't have an alternative but at 1:10 he made his way outside to the bleachers. It was his free period so it was either catching up on homework or quenching his curiosity. 
"So why exactly am I here?" Steve confronted Billy who was sitting stretch out smoking. He didn't respond to the brunette, just smirked and held out the joint. Steve starred between the roll and Billy but he shrugged and sat beside him and took it.
"I seriously don't get you Hargrove." 
"Nothing to get man. Told ya it was nothing personal." 
"Yeah but even before that shit you were like, I don't know, hassling me." 
"Cause you're fun to mess with princess. You make it too easy man. And the way your face gets, and your eyes get all wide. The shit was priceless pretty boy." 
Steve passed the joint back, 
"Whatever man. Fuck you." 
"That a threat or are you offering Harrington?" 
Steve choked on the smoke, eyes like saucers staring at Billy. The blonde smirked with sharp teeth before laughing, 
"See, too easy." 
"Yeah, no, fuck off man." But Steve kind of laughed too, not that he would admit it. Billy knocked into his shoulder before passing the joint back. 
Then that sort of became their thing. Billy would toss his head to Steve in passing or he would stop him and just tease him or compliment him. But that bitterness, the bite that was there before the showdown wasn't there. It was like a completely different person. Or more like Billy was the same person, he just stopped being an ass to Steve. Cause to everyone else, especially Tommy, he was still that brash jerk. 
"Hey Harrington! Think with all daddy's money you could just pay people to be your friends instead of being Wheeler's and Byers' little bitch." Tommy H. taunted. 
"Seriously Tommy, shut the fuck up." Steve flipped him off trying to walk away from the whole situation. 
"Hey Hall! You'd think with a mother like yours you'd have a bigger dick, but I guess you'll just never be half the man she is." 
Billy joined Steve's side. That little comment earned him a crowd's worth of 'oo's' and snickers from their peers. Tommy flipped Billy off and tucked his tail. More importantly it earned Billy a smirk and side glance from Steve. 
"You didn't have to do that. I know you and Tommy were friends or whatever." Steve stopped when they reached the BMW. 
"Didn't do nothing pretty boy. Plus Tommy and I were never friends. Can barely stand that guy man. You, you and me are friends." Billy stated as if he was saying 'the sky is blue' or 'water is wet'. So matter of fact that Steve almost believed him. 
"We're not friends though?" 
"Wow Stevie, you wound me. I share with you my weed and defend your honor, let you copy my homework and you just toss me aside like the broccoli they give you with Chinese take out." 
That sarcasm earned Billy a full on laugh, and it was beautiful. Steve bit his smile back and just shook his head. 
"You're actually crazy Hargrove." 
"And you're actually gorgeous Harrington." 
Steve blinked waiting for the punchline but Billy just kept smirking that sharp grin, licked his lips and Steve totally watched as he did it. 
"Thought we were just stating facts amigo." 
"Oh, uh… you- you're not so bad yourself? I guess?" Steve floundered but Billy seemed to take it in stride. 
"Come on princess. Take me back to your place and I'll ignore your horrible compliment skills and share more of my weed with you." 
Billy invited himself and got into Steve's car.
So he guess they were friends now? 
Fast forward two months to the present day Steve, sweating and huffing out of a bad dream. A dream that started with him making out nice as can be with his lover, that turned to Nancy yelling at him for being with said lover to Nancy and his boyfriend getting eaten by demidogs. He woke out of  the nightmare but it's a bang from downstairs that actually woke him up. So he grabs the nail bat and heads down the staircase. He'd probably be more hesitant if he didn't already have a hunch as to what the noise was, or more appropriately who was making it.
"That you Hargrove?" Steve squinted his eyes in the darkness of his kitchen before switching on the light.
"Yeah it's me pretty boy, don't cream your pants."
"Dude, I could have killed you." 
"Yeah, you say that every time man. But, like, your catchphrase is getting kind of old fast especially since you haven't actually killed me yet." 
"Well maybe if you stopped sneaking into my damn house I wouldn't have to keep saying it! This is like the fifth time Billy! How the fuck do you keep getting in my house?"
"It really ain't that hard princess. Those locks on the windows ain't much ya'know. Just takes a pocket knife and some lean muscles." 
"You're serious? You know you're literally confessing to breaking and entering." 
"Didn't break anything." 
"What was that bang then?" 
"That was your care package." 
"Care- what? Billy why did you bring me a fucking care package at two in the morning?" Steve asked with little patience. 
"Jesus. I just wanted to be a good fucking boyfriend and comfort you man. Heard you and Wheeler had a fight earlier at lunch. Figured you'd be all bent out of shape about it." 
And they might have only been together for a month now but Billy seems to get Steve so well. He sighed before leaning the bat against the wall. 
"So what did you bring me?" He grinned crowding into Billy's space. Billy wrapped his arms around Steve's trimmed waist. 
"Me, I'm your care package." 
"God, I need to get better locks." Steve groaned into Billy shoulder.
"Or you can just give me some keys." 
"Not happening Hargrove." He lifted his head just to roll his eyes at the blonde.
"What, you don't trust me? That's-" 
"Do you ever stop talking?" 
"Mmm- make me princess." 
"I thought you said you came here to make me feel better." 
"Oh I am. I'm gonna make you feel so good baby." 
Billy growled low, that heat resettled into Steve's body. It hypnotized Steve, forced him to surge into a heated kiss that Billy instantly returned.
"Well what are you waiting for? You know the way around Hargrove."
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Uhhh I read all your Cal writings and I am in love!! May I request something for Cal? Maybe with S3 and S40??
Aw, thanks so much, anon; I’m super glad that you really like them! I’d love to do your request as well (even if writing ‘Daddy’ makes me wither from shyness), so thank you for requesting and I hope you can add this to your list of Cal fics that you love!
And, p.s., this is a bit long so beware lol
S3: “I mean, I’ve never been called ‘Daddy’ before, but I can’t say I don’t like it when you call me that…”
S40: “You’re gonna make me–ah, fuck!”
MC could hardly breathe in the air surrounding her, the crisp and refreshing nature overlapped by the abrupt burst of smoke and fire in the atmosphere. A gun smokes with the succession of one bullet, then two, then three, until the resonating bang is all MC’s ears ring to. She claps her hands over her eardrums as Cal fires a few more. She stays like that, a startled figure on the sidelines, until the lack of blasting gunfire finally reaches her. Cal was finished, the hand wielding the gun now at his side, the barrel pointed harmlessly at the floor. That made some--though not all--of MC’s trepidation recede. His gaze is rampant on her and that familiar sense of “he’s watching to see my reaction to his grand achievement” falls over her. Once his palpable smirk dawns, MC’s eyes swing away to the target a long distance away, bullet holes and tears made by an influx of bullet holes scarring the dummy ahead. Cal’s malevolent blue eyes glitter with satisfaction as he turns to MC and places the gun in her hands. Despite the cold weight of the pistol and the sickening feel of it in her palm, Cal’s touch is a soft remedy that consoles her and she struggles to stay focused when he squeezes her fingers. “Now you try,” he keens, tender and warm, too affectionate to be intentional, “aim for the next one over and see if you can do better than me.”
She was still new to the idea of using an actual gun on actual living things. Lessons had been rickety following the consistent demon attacks and the looming presence of Alejandro over their shoulders, but Cal had kept persisting. He kept coaxing MC into the shooting range for more practice despite her evident hesitation. “Just think of this as some sort of cheesy life lesson, okay? Like... be prepared for whatever happens, or, get ready to use a gun if a demon approaches you. Y’know, those sorts of lessons.” Cal had said when MC first voiced her misgivings. A weird coil of warmth twirls around in the base of ribs and she prays that it wasn’t the feeling that comes after a pleasant memory was reminisced. She took a breath and raised the weapon, ignoring the lingering warmth in her chest. Whatever it was, it wasn’t welcome. Cal’s gaze was a pressure on her shoulders that she tried to ignore as she hooked her finger around the trigger.
A bullet flies through the air with a staggering clap and dives into the dummy’s left hip, just shy of passing into the wall behind it. Her eyes were squeezed shut so her temporary victory wasn’t something she knew until MC heard Cal applaud slowly. “Not too bad,” he says, signature smirk blatant on his lips, “for a rookie. Unfortunately, that shot wouldn’t kick a demon down so you’re about as good as dead.” The amusement and snark that he emits is poisoning as MC rolls her eyes, scowling at the ground. Did he have to be a smart-ass about it? She heaves a groan and aims the gun once again, grumbling under her breath, “yes sir.”
The second shot sails past the dummy and just misses its shoulder. By just an inch or two. She sags in defeat. Why did she have to suck so bad in front of Cal? The scowl on her face deepens as she senses Cal’s smug smirk on her back, almost like he could pick apart her thoughts and understand them. “Don’t say a word,” MC snarls as she tries her best to avoid his eyes and scrutiny she was under. A moment passes, filled with deafening and suspenseful silence...
“...after this session, I’ll make sure to have your funeral costs covered. Just in case.”
She shoves her elbow in his ribs as he snickers. “And you’d be okay with me dying?!” MC gives him a scolding, almost condescending glower as he mindlessly massages his ribs--right where she elbowed him. “Last time I checked, you’re the one who insists on teaching me!” His expression dilates a few degrees and a quiet hint of worry and disdain flood his eyes. Hell, even a waft of offense breezes through, as if her just making that accusation was insulting. Like the notion that he didn’t care for her was something to make Cal defensive. MC had been thinking about those pure blue eyes for so long that she had a picture in her mind for whatever emotion filled them next. For this, MC imagined an ocean plagued with pollution...why was her heart suddenly beating so fast? “No, I wouldn’t be,” his soft voice and serious tone sway her a little and MC has to reinforce her stubbornness before she falters, “that’s why I’m teaching you, MC. To prevent that from happening.” The trick shooter holds her searching gaze for all of another second before tearing his eyes away. He fixates on the pretty-much-uninjured dummy and gestures with his chin, arms crossed over his chest. “You’re getting there,” he pats her shoulder and it feels like he was being condescending to her, “but I do believe in your ability to be better--no matter how scarce that ability might be.”
MC scoffs, “what are you, my daddy or something? Seriously, I don’t need your cute little words of encouragement to do better.” Her words rush out in a mindless quip and she moves on autopilot: lifting her arm, pointing the gun accordingly, checking to assure she’s gripping the damn thing right... What MC’s autopilot fails to detect is the furiously-blushing Cal to her side, his gaze to the side and his hand ruffling through his hair awkwardly. He was stunned at her word choice in more ways than one. Her “daddy”? His “cute little words of encouragement���? The silence is a time bomb ticking in his head, awkward and loud in duet with the blooding roaring in his ears. Did she not understand what she just said? MC finally, after a few more painstaking moments on Cal’s end, swivels her head to see what he’s gone so oddly quiet about and discovers the color in his face, on the tips of his ears... She blinks, completely baffled. “What’s up with you?” He doesn’t respond immediately, his mouth parting like there were words ready to be said but just couldn’t leave. It only furthered her confusion. “Spit it out already, Cal.” She demands, a stern frown following her words.
“...do you ever even hear half the things you say?” Cal asks, a genuine lilt to his tone, his eyes perpetually soft and rigid with bashfulness. He looked shy, which was a look she saw rarely embellishing his features. Cal seemed to always have a mask in place and a blush of steel, one that only danced out whenever something truly undeniable happen. She doesn’t respond right away, her frown creasing her cheeks and wrinkling her nose. What was he talking about? Her mind rewinds their entire conversation and then, in unison with her falling frown, her face burns with the words she said to him waltzing in circles in her mind. “I didn’t--it wasn’t-! I was-!” She feels her tongue tangle in her mouth as she tries to defend herself, the tint in her face deepening. “...you’re the worst.” MC relents. The shy barrier of his expression doesn’t wane or dilute seemingly at all. In fact, it seems to strengthen as he opens his mouth again.
“I mean, I’ve never been called ‘Daddy’ before, but I can’t say I don’t like it when you call me that...”
MC considers self-destructing as her face flames even more like she was already on a timer, just ticking down the seconds. She shoves his shoulder like her life depended on it--if she was about to combust, then her life did depend on it after all. “Shut up!” Her expression squeezes into a pout as she whines this, her heart pounding so fast that she could hear it in her ears, “you are so dirty that it’s not even funny!” MC’s abrupt reaction must coral his snark out again because the shy smile on his face flips into a smirk and he snickers, lightly driving his elbow into her arm. The carefree attitude he chauffeurs does little to tranquilize her shame and embarrassment. “Hey! Don’t blame me for taking things you say so literally,” Cal says this as he safely removes the pistol from MC’s possession--just for good measure, “there’s always so much blabber coming from that mouth anyway.” He punctuates his point by poking his finger into her cheek, to which she swats away.
“Can we just focus on the lesson?!”
“Of course, who ever said I wasn’t? You’re the one talking about ‘daddies’ over here, MC.” Cal barely pronounces her name before he gets a fist pushed into his bicep, followed by his own light laughter.
“Cal! You’re just as guilty as I am!”
“I doubt that. You are far more distracting than I could ever be.”
“Idiot,” MC roughly bumps into his side, face now scrunched in a scowl.
“Jerk,” Cal reciprocates, grinning.
Tiny little quips follow into their session as MC attempts to lampoon the dummy with bullets in areas Cal would consider a ‘take-out zone’. She attempts again and again, her results varying in rapid degrees, before she slings her last shot. The bullet zips through into the crook of the dummy’s supposed elbow which is in the outskirts of a take-out zone, according to Cal. The circus performer is a statue to her side, quiet when she’s aiming and annoying when she misses. This final shot draws a dull snort out of him and he gives her a slow clap, mocking her. She both thanks and curses the pistol for no longer having any ammunition.  
“Wow, somehow you did even worse. You would be definitely be a goner if we were actually in danger.” He critiques, vapid and sly, before the pistol is suddenly wrenched from her hand and she’s yanked backwards--right into Cal’s chest. She squeals out of surprise, yelping when she notices how tight his arms were around her waist and how his breath billowed against her nape. His laughter, alluring and soothing, sounds just behind her ear and she tries hard to not shiver at the whisper of it. The warmth of his body and the corded expanse of his arms and chest surround her, blanketing her in a Cal-fitted sheet. MC finds her heart pounding as he play fights with her and pretends to overthrow her, drag her away like a demon would. “Get off! I get it!” MC shrieks as he heaves her off the ground, casually holding her high enough to avoid enough the tips of her shoes from touching the ground. “Get what? I’m a demon, not your instructor. The only thing you’ll get from me is an ass-kicking!”
MC smirks as she swings a faulty kick to his side. “Isn’t that supposed to be my line, demon?” She teases easily, her hair swinging into her face as she spins out of his grip. Cal’s grin is challenging and ripe with glee as he lunges for her again. “No, only the person who can actually kick asses can have that line, and I do believe that person-” the gunslinger wraps her in his arms and secures her to his chest, close and tight enough to render her squirming as useless “-is me.” Her eyes snap up to meet his and once they do, it’s like a puzzle piece clicking into place, the pigments of their eyes losing their humorous glint. Suddenly, Cal’s grin fades from his features and the previous elation of a challenge rots away as well, leaving nothing but an undecipherable expression. A book she couldn’t understand, a language she didn’t speak but she yearned to learn. Their heavy, synchronized breathing and faint flush in their faces only add to this, becoming the tool to etch all of this in his gaze. His blue eyes dart to her lips when she parts them and her heart stomps in her chest. She registers the cradle of his arms and the minor proximity between them, the calming touch of his skin and the brittle vulnerability set in his gaze. Surreal was the feeling thrumming in her bones, daunting and deep. Insides, there was an amusement park alive and kicking, the adrenaline-provoked screams dancing in her stomach when Cal’s face becomes red and the coasters swooning when her mind imagines closing the distance between them.
That thought, however, is stolen as fast as her breath when Cal suddenly whirls MC against the wall, his grin choking the sentiment that had been collecting in his expression. “Stalling me, eh?” His lips move harmoniously and it’s hard not to glance down as he speaks, MC discovers. “I admit, you had me for a second there.” The smug warble of his voice seemed miles apart from the softness that had engulfed his eyes just moments before; it was like MC was talking to a whole different person. She knows she should respond, say something smart back, but her entire body, mind, and spirit were hyper-focused on how she was cornered by Cal’s body. She tried to not blush harder at the faint puff of his breath to her lips. She attempts to calm her raging heart and stave the desire leaking into her bloodstream, fueling the rest of her alike with the same blood that colored her skin and pumped rapidly in her heart.
MC tries... and fails.
The last thing she sees, imprinted in her mind’s eye, was Cal’s figure alight with the glow of fluorescent lights as she kissed his smirking lips.
Then quite literally, her body was alight with Cal’s hands traveling all over her skin, shedding layers upon layers of clothes as he proceeds. She didn’t even know when everything escalated--she just knew the feel of his kiss and the languid discovery of his hands. A nexus of passion strengthened and renewed with each touch, each kiss, each breathless retort or mindless quip... This was what intimacy was with Cal, right? Being so deprived of his touch to fold when he does and to feel that desire flow between each other; a river of lust, a stream of passion. MC drowns herself in that river, letting it wash over her as Cal kisses her again and again, something bubbling between them... When she came to her senses, she was still pressed to the wall, her clothes an abandoned heap on the floor along with Cal’s, whose defined body was pinned to hers.
Everything else was silent, a wasteland of nothingness, except for the thrilled pants of Cal and MC as they hold each other in the dark. Fervent warmth was exchanged at their skin and friction was created with their limbs. An ocean’s worth of desire peers at her, searching and needing and wishing--could he hear her heart racing this fast against him? “You... you understand what I mean when I say ‘distracting’? This--you--are distracting, MC.” Cal’s raspy, low voice husks over the intense jump of his chest. Even in the shadows, she could faintly see the pink infecting his face. MC found it hard to breathe even though Cal’s body wasn’t crushed against her. Her lungs failed her when he mentioned how distracting she was, when she glanced at the brunette curls adhered to his forehead from the sweat gathered on his skin. Had he always been this beautiful? Words congregate and knot in her throat, a ribbon of unspoken feelings and libido all threaded into one, so instead of responding with anything verbal at all, she smashes her mouth to his and kisses him with those unsaid words.
Cal’s mouth was still fervent and silky as it embraced her own, again and again, the furnace of heat between them unyielding. She could feel the gentle swipe of his hands up her torso, the way he presses his palm gingerly to her flesh like she was a treasure worth salvaging, and the sensual pattern of his fingertips smoothing over her. All of it made the furnace in her lower belly seem to explode and catch fire, somehow much hotter than it should’ve been possible. His small groan chases that rush of sparks in MC and their kiss was deepening, the passion intensifying. His teeth rake against her bottom lip but she hardly minds the sting. One of her hands card through the mishap of curls on his head while one of his travels up her thigh sinuously. MC’s heart rate hiccuped when she felt his need for her against her skin and her legs, off of reflex, clutch him closer to her. It was all MC could do but burrow in his strong embrace and relish in the friction of his flesh, the sensation of his fingers touching her, the solitude she felt wedged to the wall. They don’t even part to join their bodies, connecting themselves together in more than just their lips.
They didn’t need to; their two-person orchestra required no conductor.
When they come together, it’s an indescribable feeling made inexpiable with the council of emotions churning in her chest--it feels so good to become one. She delights in the sharp inhale near her ear and the slight grunt that he elicits, the sound resonating inside her. Cal was making it harder and harder to not lose that little scrap of self-control that she was still clinging to. His kiss turns rough, his touch spreads fire all over her skin. They move in brittle harmony, more of it powered by the desperate jerks of their hips. She held onto his broad shoulders and let her noises of ecstasy melt on his tongue, allowing him to swallow the vibration and the dull hum in his throat.
“You’re gonna make me--ah, fuck!”
MC’s thoughts divorced from coherency and soon she was bubbled in this constant rhythm of pleasure to notice anything else. Nothing but Cal and his desire for her, the gentle embrace he soaked her in, the taunting sounds he made for her ears only. All of the heat he gave her and all of the kisses he placed on her parted lips. Seconds blur together and before she feels she can even properly breathe, they were toppling over an edge and they were falling together. When the blissful flog clears in her mind, MC finds herself still against the wall with Cal’s lithe form pressed to her skin. His mouth is against her pulse as he continues to press a chain of kisses up her neck, the soft curls on his head brushing her chin. She was captivated in the soft and nurturing way he touches her, worships her, that it wasn’t easy to just pull away. Neither of them speak and they don’t have to.
She smothered herself in his arms and returned the sincere kiss he plants on her mouth. MC allows him to hold her tight, even for just those few extra moments, wanting to relish in the feeling of having Cal North to herself.
Maybe she should’ve been more respectful of her feelings and the welfare of her heart, but she felt like this was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up.
Like a trip to see the Pyramids of Giza: she just didn’t get to do that very often at all.
Or in this context, Caleb North.
Thank you again for your request! I’m so sorry for the long delay, I really enjoyed writing this for you though!
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sighingsiren-tales · 5 years
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Artist: V of BTS 
Length: 5.1 k
Genre: Smut, Angst (slight),
A/N: Lol, okay so I started this last night and finished it this morning. I’ve been super inspired as of lately. It was just a little one shot and it ranks at number 4 of my favorite smuts. My other favorites will be released soon. Enjoy~
Also! If you want to make a moodboard of this one shot, please do so and tag me!
Songs I listened to while making this  (CLICK THE LINKS BECAUSE WHOO BOY)
Singularity by (Live) V of BTS (when V comes out at the beginning of the fic)
House of Cards (Live)- BTS
“Baby c’mon!” You called, tugging on your boyfriends hand to pull him into the circus tent.
You wanted good seats; Since this was the first time in a while that you had gone to a circus you wanted to experience it properly. You boyfriend, Jumin, said nothing but simply trailed behind you. You excitedly went ahead, walking up the ramp and then heading down the stairs quickly so that you could be right in front. You looked back at Jumin who looked totally uninterested and you huffed, annoyed at his lack of enthusiasm. Sitting down with your cotton candy, you relished in how close you were, wiggling around in your seat as you tried to contain your excitement. Jumin pulled out his phone, playing some game that you were, unfortunately, familiar with as you rolled your eyes. Pulling out your phone you decided to send your best friend, Duhi, a quick text.
To Favorite Jackass❤️~
8:58P.M.Jumin is actually getting on my nerves. He hasn’t paid me any type of attention  : (
Pressing send, you locked your phone again just as the lights dimmed. You damn near squealed as you leaned forward, pushing yourself to the edge of your seat so that you could see. You felt the bass vibrate your seat as someone with a deep and melodic voice comparable to that of honey began to sing. You watched in earnest as beautiful woman after beautiful woman came out, dressed in fitting and absolutely gorgeous pant suits. You could see the gold-chain bralettes under their suit jackets that were left unopened and they seemed to glide across the floor effortlessly in heels, their routine flawless. You saw the spotlight shift over to a man, who was holding a microphone and looking at the audience as if he wanted to devour them. You heard the women in the audience holler and you leaned forward a bit, a hand on your chest as he came into full view. He had dark hair that fell into his eyes in such a sinful way that you had to remind yourself who was next to you. He continued singing, his dark cape trailing behind him. His suit jacket was buttoned right underneath his rib cage giving a gorgeous peak at his chest. Lord, who was this seducer? He walked forward, stopping right in front of where you were sitting and making direct eye contact as he continued his song. The women nearby began to scream and you understood exactly why; His sexual energy was absolutely off the charts. You couldn’t seem to take your eyes from him and he left you with a lasting glance and a smirk as he turned to go back to the center of the stage. Once the song ended, you made sure to cheer your loudest, as did the majority of the audience. He and his entourage of gorgeous women bowed before he took a step forward.
“So I’ll take that as you’re ready” He commented, to which the audience roared loudly.
He chuckled, the sound alone causing your stomach to flip nervously. Taking a quick peek, over at Jumin, you saw that he was still looking at his stupid phone which nearly sent you into a rage had you not minded where you were. Rolling your eyes, you watched as the ringleader moved from side to side, asking the audience which side was loudest.
“Ladies, tell me” There was a pause before he leaned forward and asked.
“Do you scream that loud for your man, or is it just for me?” You felt your face heat up almost immediately as you chuckled.
You can see why the tickets say 18+ now. Looking over at Jumin, you leaned over and laid your head on his shoulder, feeling a bit bad that you weren’t paying him too much attention. He shrugged you off, which hurt quite a bit.
“Hold on babe, I gotta beat this level and my teammates are ass”.
“Take all the goddamn time you need” You huffed, rather annoyed as you straightened and leaned away from him. He was really getting closer and closer to being on your shitlist every second.
“By the way, just so you know what name to scream, my name is V” He spoke smoothly into the mic and, once again, he captured your attention.
He introduced the next act, which was the tightrope walkers and you watched in awe as they speedily set up the rope and the net underneath. The R&B song that began to play had you moving in your seat as the right rope walked began to walk across the small rope in sky high heels and a bodysuit that sparkled in the light beautifully. Quite often the crowd gasped as she lifted her leg straight in the air and gracefully placed it back down as she moved sexily to the music. Even on a tightrope, she moved her hips with such a sway that you couldn’t help but be entranced. She was soon joined by another woman who was just as gorgeous, outfitted in a long sleeve leotard adorned by rhinestones. Their small encounters as well as little, less than innocent movements made the men, and some of the women, in the audience go wild. But all too soon, it was over and the next act was on-The elephants. The ringleader, V, who came back with an outfit change that left you drooling, introduced the elephants who came in easily. You smiled at the gentle giants who carried their riders with absolute grace and poise. You watched the tricks that they performed it’s earnest, cheering loudly whenever it was completed. However, that act came and went as well and the next one was here. V came back with two other men who accompanied him, both in motor suits. The women once again cheered as V introduced the men.
“This is Jimin” The shorter one stepped forward, giving a sly smirk.
“If I'm not available and you want someone to make you scream, call him” The women in the crowd went wild and the girl next to who, whom you didn’t know from a hole in a wall, grasped your hands excitedly.
You laughed at her reaction before grasping her hands back since you were gonna have fun with someone tonight.
“Are they even real?” She asked over the roar of the crowd.
“Right?!” You exclaimed before turning your attention back to the stage.
“And, if you want an overachiever who’s probably going to have you tapping out, that’s what my boy Jungkook is here for”.
Jungkook stepped forward, smiling a bit and looking out into the crowd. In a matter of seconds, Jimin took the mic.
“Now, I know V told you my name, but I want to hear you say it. What’s my name?” He asked, holding out the mic to us.
The audience screams of “Jimin” had your chest vibrating with how loud it was. Jimin chuckled adorably, smiling before sitting on his motorcycle and putting on his helmet.
“That’s not fair. I want to hear you say my name, not his” Jungkook pouted.
The girl next to you grabbed your hands again and you giggled excitedly with her as the crowd screamed Jungkook’s name. Jungkook laughed before sitting on his motorcycle and putting on his helmet before riding towards the humongous metal circle that the crew had to have set up when no one was looking. V watched them leave before speaking.
“You know at the end of the day” Your heart stopped as his eyes connected with yours.
“You’re mine, right?” The women in the crowd went wild, once more, and you found yourself starstruck.
Did he seriously just look at you or did you imagine that? God you hoped you didn’t imagine that. Wait wait, what were you saying you had a boyfriend and, looking over, you saw him asleep. You looked at him in absolute disbelief before swallowing your anger and returning your attention to the gravity defying, nail biting motor tricks that Jimin and Jungkook were performing. As they were let out the cage, they rode right over to the ramps that ended in rings of fire which seemed to light upon Jimin’s command. They cleared the ramps flawlessly, receiving huge cheers from the audience as they entertained us. When they had finished their act, they smiled, taking off his helmets and shaking out their hair before bowing before the audience. The audience went wild, cheering as loudly as they could as the two walked off to where you assumed the backstage area was. The lights darkened considerable as the next thing the audience saw was flashes of lights, that only allowed for bits and pieces to be seen before V was before us again, this time with another handsome man by his side. With a quick head motion he asked “missed me?”, to which the crowd lost their minds.
“He told me how amazing the crowd was but damn” The man next to him whistled, before giving a 1000 watt smile that you swore could murder the sun. Exactly what kind of circus was this again? You didn’t even have time to think about it as the unknown man spoke again.
“How you doing gorgeous, I’m Jhope” He spoke smoothly, the energy in his voice causing the girl next to you who was holding your hand to scream even louder than before.
God knows how you didn’t notice but right next to the next were two massive tigers as well as men in black surrounding the back of the stage. You looked on in awe because god damn were those tigers huge but V and Jhope seemed totally unbothered.
“For this act, we’re gonna need a volunteer each” The crowd, as well as yourself, screamed as loud as they could.
You and the girl next to you waved your hands like crazy to try and be noticed. V looked over the audience once, then twice before his eyes locked on yours. Your heart skipped a beat as he nudged Hoseok and called one of the men to look after the animal. He began walking in your direction, security following, and, walking right over to you, standing on the stairs up and holding out his hand. You took it without any hesitation, making sure to step on Jumin’s foot as to wake him up as you went down. He woke up, quite disoriented to the view of your walking away from him with another man. The crowd screamed seeing you walk down the stairs with V. Covering his mic, he asked “Was that your boyfriend? The idiot sleeping?”.
You nodded begrudgingly to which he tsked and shook his head.
“With you in those shorts, I’d be anything but asleep. On my knees maybe, but not asleep” You looked over at him in surprise and he winked before turning around to the audience.
“Jhope?” V asked and Jhope  pointed towards the girl you were right next to, wiggling his finger for her to come down.
“That one right there. The one you sat next to. Yeah, you. C’mere”.
You looked up to see her reaction and she was losing her mind, bounding down the stairs excitedly as he ran to the ring. The girl climbed on stage with help from security before walking over to Jhope. Your eyes scanned the audience just to see Jumin looking down at you with a glare. You internally scoffed. You felt V’s hand on the small of your back and you looked up at him as he smiled down at you.
“Scared of tigers?” He asked loud enough for the mic to catch it.
You shook your head.
“I like a little danger”.
He tsked.
“You gotta speak into the mic honey, otherwise they can’t hear you. Here, let me help” He leaned in closer, letting the mic that was near his mouth brush against yours.
The audience screamed, loudly.
“Now, what were you saying?” He asked, his voice low and sensual in a way that made the audience lose their minds.
You looked into his eyes, steeling your resolve.
“I like a little danger”.
His gaze shifted downward for a bit, letting his tongue peek out to wet his bottom lip.
“You scared honey?” Jhope asked the girl next to you.
The animal shifted for a moment and she squealed, causing everyone to laugh.
“Awww” Jhope pulled her close, tilting her head up so she had to look into his eyes as he said: “I’ll protect you”.
What type of circus was this?
“Turn around for me honey” He spoke before walking over to the Tiger next to him.
“This, ladies and gentlemen, is TanTan. I’ve had him trained since he was a cub. Isn’t that right, Tannie?” V leaned dangerously close to his face and Tannie let out a slight mewl sound, nudging himself against him.
“And this, is Rose” J-hope introduced before pulling the redhead closer to him.
“She’s a shy, sweet lil thing, so you’ll like each other” He assured her.
You switched your gaze from V to Tantan who was staring at you intently. He cocked his head to the side when you looked at him and you gave the animal a slight wave. Tannie raised from his sitting position, walking over towards you and nudged your waist with his head. The nudge definitely moved you a bit and you laughed at his display. V walked over towards Tantan, patting the area above his tail and he sat.
“Stand in front of him” He instructed, to which you did.
“Now” V looked up at you with mischief in his eye.
“Hold up your hands”.
The second you held up your hands, Tantan looked up, leaning back on his hind paws and lightly touching his front paws to your hands. You squealed in delight at the animal looked at you in confusion.
“Good boy Tannie” You cooed to him to which he began making a sound like a motor-purring you assumed.
He walked forward, nudging against you against. This time, however, he pulled you forward with a paw on your ass, nudging his head into your belly. You giggled as the audience awed. V walked over to you, standing behind you just as the tiger dropped his paw.
“Not fair, how’d he get to do that first?” He teased, covering his mic.
You chuckled, before leaning forward the petting Tannie where every cat liked to be petted-the spot between the ears and the eyes.
The audience awed at the interaction as the show continued. V and Jhope continued to help you and your new female friend with the tigers, including giving them hugs playing fetch with them. The audience graciously gave you two a hand as V and Jhope escorted you back to your seats, where your less than pleased boyfriend was waiting.
“Do you know how dangerous what you just did was?” He whisper yelled.
You scoffed.
“Funny, I didn’t think you’d look up from your phone long enough to know that I was in danger” You sneered.
You ignored him as you continued to watch the rest of the show, which you thoroughly enjoyed. You also noticed that V frequently kept his eyes in your section and the two of you met eyes more than once. Was he...was he looking at you? The girl next to you, who’s name you learned was Jisoo, leaned over.
“He hasn’t stopped looking at you since we’ve come back up here” She whispered.
“I wish” You sighed dreamily to which she responded: “He is!”.
All too soon, the show was over and you, as well as the rest of the audience, were screaming happily to show their content and amazement with the show. 
“Hope to see you soon” V spoke and, with a wink, the tent darkened. 
As people began to leave, your boyfriend grabbed your hand.
“Babe,” You turned to face him before  you made your way up the steps, expecting an apology for his behavior.
Jumin approached you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“So, do you think we can stop by the arcade tent before we go? I really want to try this new version of fortnite that they have”.
He can not be fucking serious. Pushing away from him you muttered a “do what you want” and made your way down the stairs.Your phone buzzed incessantly as you made your way to the bathroom to freshen up. You didn’t bother to pick it up until you were washing your hands.
From Jumin❤️
11:04 PM: Are you angry?
11:05 PM: Cause I don’t see why
11:07 PM: You don’t like fortnite so I’ll go play by myself while you just chill for a bit.
11:08 PM: I don’t see the issue.
You try your best not to slam your phone down onto the bathroom counter. He was truly a fucking idiot. Shaking your head, you dried your hands and made your way to the cotton candy tent, getting a huge one for yourself before standing over by the arcade tent and waiting for your boyfriend. You felt someone tap your shoulder and turning around, you were pleasantly surprised to see V, hiding his famous face under a hat.
“Shh” V spoke while holding a finger to his lips before grabbing your hand and leading you away from the main crowd, bringing you around the huge tent and towards some of the back ones. He brought you to one of the biggest smaller tents, pushing past the black velvet flaps and letting you into his space which, quite frankly, looked a bit too nice to be in a tent. Throwing his hat off and shaking his hair out, he addressed you with a smile.
“I couldn’t just let you leave with that jackass. That’s borderline child abuse” He proclaimed.
You chuckled.
“How old do you think I am?” You questioned with a hand on your hip.
“Old enough, I hope” He responded, flashing you an adorable smile.
“21, 22 in 3 months” You clarified to which his smile got wider.
“Do you suppose I stay you with you?” You asked sarcastically, in reference to his earlier statement.
“Why not? Numb nuts out there is too busy sticking his dick in fortnite” V joked.
You groaned, shifting your weight as you angrily munched on more of your cotton candy.
“Trust me, I’m painfully aware”.
Stepping forwards, he took a piece of your cotton candy before holding out his hand for you to shake.
“I’m Taehyung” He introduced himself formally, to which you returned the favor.
He nodded, calling your name cute.
“I really loved the show today” You gushed.
He looked up from what looked like his dressing station.
You nodded.
“I could barely take my eyes away from it. TanTan is quite the charmer” You joked.
Taehyung puffed his chest out with pride.
“He gets it from his Daddy”.
You giggled.
“What Tiger did you fuck?”.
He shrugged exaggeratedly.
“Hey, look, I’m popular with all the ladies and. it just so happens that that particular tiger and I had a connection”.
He stepped towards you, this time much closer than before and taking a piece of your cotton candy and holding it out for you to eat, which, you did. He took another piece but his gaze was fixated on you and only you as he ate it. Gently taking the cotton candy from your hands, he placed it on a napkin on the dresser before turning his attention back to you. He leaned forward.
“Tell me to stop if I’m making you uncomfortable”.
“You’re not”,
He placed a hand on your waist and pulled you in real close.
“Tell me to stop if I’m going too far”.
“You’re not going far enough” You muttered against his lips.
He pulled away, sharply. The fire in his eyes told you everything you needed to know about where this evening was going.
“Tell me you want it” Taehyung spoke darkly.
You decided to play coy.
“Hmm” You sounded as you pulled one strap of your bodysuit down.
“And what is it?” You questioned.
Taehyung held out his arms.
“Why don’t you come and find out?”.
Letting the other strap fall, you found yourself walking towards Taehyung with one thing on your mind and, trust and believe, it wasn’t Jumin. Reaching him, you let your hands roam over his chest, passing over his shoulders and looping around his neck. You leaned in, brushing your hips against his neck as you pushed yourself up against him.
He leaned down in your ear, letting an arm loop around your hips.
“You seem like a good girl, upper middle class, maybe a little prissy so let me warn you now; I’m nasty darling. Nothing like your little boy toy out there” His voice was dark and oh so promising.
You hum in delight, practically purring against his neck as you moved to unbutton his satin shirt. You unbuttoned the first one and then the second, lingering at the third as he watched you. Leaning forward you kissed your way down his chest, unbuttoning his shirt as you went along, trailing your hands first along his stomach and then his thick thighs encased by those dark colored pants. Pulling you up, he grabbed you by your jaw and kissed you deeply, maybe even a little sloppy and you loved it. You tilted your head back, letting him take control of the kiss before you felt him drop down.He sat on the bed, legs open.
“Finish what you started but on your knees” He commanded.
“Mm, gladly” You spoke.
You undid his button and his zipper, not having patience enough to pull his pants and briefs the rest of the way down you simply fished his erection out of his pants. You groaned at the sight of it, feeling your lower stomach tremble as you leaned towards it. You immediately put your mouth on the head and Taehyung hissed. You teased him with kitten licks as your mouth got wetter before you began to deepthroat him. You heard a low groan come from him and you hummed around him as you felt him hit the back of your throat. You could see the thick coating of your saliva on his cock and it only turned you on more. You felt drips of your arousal spill out onto your bodysuit as a reaction. Gazing up at him, you let your tongue flick along the shaft.
“Spit on your hand” he commanded, voice rough.
You happily obliged, doing as he asked before letting your hand twist around him tightly. He let out a low moan and it fueled you to go faster. Leaning down you spit on the head which made him groan loudly. You moved your hand and your head in rhythm, letting it go up and down as the same time all the while you relished in Taehyung’s groans and curses. Taking him all into your mouth, you let the tip hit the back of your throat a couple times before pulling away, a thin trail of saliva connecting you and his erection. Looking at you, he paused for all of two seconds before he let out a gruff “on the bed”. You were happy to oblige, standing from your place slowly and making your way to the bed. You crawled on the bed, savoring the soft feel of the sheets and the mattress, as well as giving him a good view of your ass, before he flipped you over. You barely had time to speak before he was kissing you, deeply and madly. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you let him take control. Taking a hand and letting it wrap around your throat, the base of the thumb brushing against your windpipe, he pulled back a bit.
“Stick out your tongue” He commanded.
“Only if you promise to put yours to good use” You whispered.
You stuck out your tongue just as he chuckled, watching you with dark, lustful eyes,
“That’s my favorite part”.
He sucked your tongue into his mouth, eliciting a moan from you just as his fingers nimbly undid the buttons of your shorts and pushed them down your legs. He pulled back just to see the bodysuit you were wearing, to which, he bit his lip and let out a low whistle.
“Now I see why Jimin likes these things” He commented but you could barely get a laugh out before his skilled fingers were pushing past the bodysuit and sinking into your wetness. He easily slipped two and you whined lowly as he began to move his fingers. He let them move slow, stroking your walls teasingly.
“You’re so wet” He whispered in your ear.
You moaned grabbing at his arm to keep him where we was.
“I know he didn’t get you this wet” He whispered into your ear.
“He didn’t” You whispered back.
Abruptly, he pulling his two fingers out before rubbing them on your lips. You held his gaze as he pushed those same fingers into your mouth, watching as you sucked on them earnestly. Pulling his fingers from your mouth, he undid the bodysuit before moving down. He hooked his arms under your thighs and the last thing you saw before his face was buried between them was a smirk. You felt your back arch the second he kissed your lips, sloppily. You whined as he pushed his tongue past your lips, curling it every so often to drive you wild. You moaned his name loudly, arching again as he began to suck on your clit. It didn’t stop there as he pushed a finger in, then two; driving his fingers deeper and deeper. You were trying your best not to scream, moaning loudly as you pleaded and pleaded with Taehyung. Grabbing his dark locks you pulled him closer as you begged him not to stop. You heard, and felt him chuckle, as he flicked his tongue across your clit. Just when you felt you were about to cum, Taehyung stopped. You were about to tell him off before you saw him pushing his pants and briefs down his legs, throwing his shirt over to the other side of the tent too. You were about to take off the body suit before a hand over your own stopped you.
“That stays on” He demanded.
You nodded, biting your lip as he grabbed at your thigh. He tentatively lifted it higher and higher, watching it surprise as you got it over his shoulder.
“I like that” He responded darkly before letting the head go back and forth against your folds.
He hissed as you pushed back against the sheets.
“Y-you’re, hmm, not gonna put anything on?” You stuttered to ask.
He paused.
“Do I need to?”.
You shook your head.
“Then why should I?” Just as he said that, he slipped in, causing you to gasp sharply.
He was so thick and it stretched you well beyond anything that you had ever been given before.
“To think, with a pussy this tight and this wet, he wasn’t paying you any attention” He groaned, giving a shallow thrust.
“Mmm, treat it right then” You said breathily.
“Watch me do it” He spoke harshly, although there was no real malice in his voice.
You looked down to watch Taehyung pull out slow and slide in fast. You watched the pattern he created intently, capturing your bottom lip between your teeth as Taehyung drove himself deeper and deeper in your heat.
“Taehyung, you’re thick” You whined, pushing against the sheets and gripping at them as he picked up speed.
“I know baby, I know” He leaned down, flicking his tongue against your neck.
“But goddamn you take dick so good. I want you to watch because, fuck, I shouldn’t be the only one seeing this beauty”.
You let your other leg spread so that you could let him in more to which he cursed and began to buck into you. His fingers deftly pulled down the neckline of your bodysuit and he was flicking his tongue around your bipolar in seconds. You felt the sensation heighten and you gripped at his back.
“Mark it” He husked to which you pushed your nails in and, much to your surprise, you were rewarded with a moan.
“Taehyung let me be on top” You whined, causing him to slowly come to a stop.
In a quick motion, he flipped you two so that you were not hovering over his dick. He let his hands interlock behind his head, looking on in amusement.
“Go on” he encouraged.
You braced your hands on his chest and sank down slowly. His eyes darkened considerably as he watched you slowly move up and down on his cock. His hands moved from behind his head to your waist as he began to move you back and forth on his cock. He threw his head back as you sped up, letting out a few light moans as he praised you.
“Just like that baby, shit”.
You started to bounce on it, knowing that you wouldn’t last long with the feeling of your high fast approaching.
“Fuck, I’mma cum get off it” He spoke in between gritted teeth.
You smirked through your own pleasure. You hadn’t gotten the chance to tell him you were on birth control but you damn sure gonna show him. You began to move faster, letting out loud moans that rivaled his own.
“Oh fuck, baby c’mon, get up” He instructed.
Leaning down so your breasts were against his chest you whispered right in his ear.
“Cum inside, mm. I’m on birth con-” You were cut off by your own moans since that was all it took for Taehyung to lose it
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pounded into you from below. Taehyung was hitting your g-spot and your clit at the same time and you weren’t too sure you knew your own name. In fact, he was fucking you so good that all you were able to say was his name; Thats all that was going through your mind: Taehyung. 
“You close?” He asked breathily.
“Yeah” You moaned, light and airy.
“Let me cum inside that pussy” He husked in your ear.
You began to move your hips to get your both to come quicker.
“You gonna let me?” He asked, loved your hair to kiss your neck.  
Taehyung chuckled before letting out a low hum. He pushed in deeper than you had ever felt, hitting your g spot over and over and over again.
“Tae-Taehyung I’m gonna-”.
“Me too baby, fuck, me too” He let out a few more hard thrusts, although the first one was what really had you coming undone, screaming his name into the summer night air.
“Shit, Imma cum. Take it darling” He husked, grabbing your hips and holding them down as you felt him release thick ropes of his cum inside of you.
You collapsed on top of him, breathing hard, as was he. He chuckled, moving his hair away from his face.
“Fuck him, you’re staying with me tonight. I’ll get you some clothes later” He declared.
You let out a sound to show that you agreed before snuggling into him. Taehyung pulled a thin sheet up over you too, wrapping an arm around your waist as you both drifted off to sleep. 
Yeah, this circus is getting a 10 star yelp review.
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risottostitties · 5 years
Secret Santa!
I’m back from vacation woo!
This is a secret santa thing I participated in with @staruplatinum‘s discord. This is actually for @staruplatinum because I was her secret santa lol. I hope you enjoy it! I tried my best I promise!
Please check the tags before reading
It was the third day in a row that Abbacchio had been awoken by the sound of vomiting from the bathroom connected to the room he shared with Nina. While normally such a sound wasn’t new to him, they both enjoyed their alcohol a bit too much if he was being honest, they hadn’t had any the previous night. Or the night before, out of concern that she might be getting sick. So the fact that Nina was waking up in the morning and immediately vomiting immediately put the lilac haired man on edge. What could be causing this? She didn’t feel feverish.
“Have you considered going to a doctor?” He asked, rolling out of bed to gently scoop his girlfriend’s hair out of the way as she heaved. They hadn’t eaten yet, so mercifully this spell of sickness would be brief.
It seemed like she was getting sick more and more often lately. Buccellati had to stop ordering shellfish because the smell made her sick.
“I already considered that, appointment’s this afternoon. I figured that if it was something important I’d tell you after.” Nina admitted, standing on shaky legs and flushing the toilet before going to clean her mouth out.
“Do that.” Abbacchio hummed, watching as she brushed her teeth with an expression softer that what people would expect out of a man like him.
It was hard not to feel soft, not to look at her with such complete adoration. After all, he’d never have anticipated finding himself in such perfect domesticity. It made this bout of illness all the more concerning for him. He hopped to hear nothing but good news from the doctor soon.
 Month 3
Well, as it turns out, it was news alright.
“What do you want to do about this?” The unsure waver in Nina’s voice made his heart clench.
She was pregnant, and unless there was something else going on it was his. According to the blood work, and the imaging she’d gone in for, she was about twelve weeks in, or approaching the end of the first trimester. There was time, theoretically, to end things before they became a real problem. Kids were never in the picture. In their line of work it was far too dangerous, and what’s more to have him as a father. To come into this world in the shadow of a failure such as himself. To grow up knowing your dad was not only a criminal but a coward and a disgrace as well; wasn’t that just too cruel?
What was he supposed to do? On one hand it would be easier to tell the kid everything from the start, to not allow them to idolize their father and grow up with the false notion that he was a man worthy of their admiration. If they were going to hate him anyway, why would he prolong the inevitable. Was it not cruel to allow the kid to build up a version of him in their head only to have it torn down as soon as they were able to investigate their father’s name?
Of course, this was assuming there would be a child at all.
“We should-“
“I want to keep them.” Nina’s voice prevailed over Abbacchio’s reluctant admission.
It startled him into silence.
“Why would-“ Why was he getting choked up. “It’s a bad idea, with our lives. They’ll be in constant danger.”
“We’re strong enough to protect them. Leone-“ Oh god, there she went. Using his first name. Even after all this time, he still felt his heart skip a beat when she said his name with such a reverent, adoring tone. “I want this. Us. Our family.”
Who was he to say no when she looked up at him like that. Eyes dewy, expression both hopeful and unsure. If he really wanted to, he could probably talk her out of it. But then for a brief second he pictured it. A little boy with her eyes and his nose, chubby and healthy in his mother’s arms. And he wanted it so much, it caused him to ache.
And although he was still wildly unsure… he found himself nodding.
“Our family.” He agreed, closing the distance between them with a quick step and leaning down to capture her lips with his.
He couldn’t tell if the salt he tasted was from her tears of his.
 Month 4
Emotional announcement aside, Abbacchio still had his doubts about the whole pregnancy thing. Morning sickness was killer, and he couldn’t do much to fight off the mounting guilt when he awoke in the morning to his girlfriend hunched over the toilet heaving on an empty stomach. He did this to her after all.
But as though she could read his mind, Nina was always there to reassure him. And soon, he started to warm up to the idea of being a dad. Even as the cravings started to kick in and he found himself up at odd hours of the night, Leone Abbacchio couldn’t remember ever feeling happier. They had decided to keep it their little secret for as long as they could.
Their friends were good people, but they were loud people. And, something about the quiet domesticity the two of them shared together; the beginning of their own little family, something about that was just too nice to give up quite yet.
Although it was only a matter of time before someone found out.
 Month 5
“Nina, did you want any wine with your meal?” Bruno’s good natured question caused the woman to pause, and for Abbacchio to tense up.
“Oh no, no thank you. Not this time.” Her response was just a touch nervous, and Bruno honed in on that like a blood hound. Sometimes his ability to read people was a curse to all of them.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, softly. A question that was quickly overshadowed by Narancia’s boisterous proclamation.
“You haven’t been drinking much either Abbacchio, what gives? Finally going back on the wagon?” The young man adjusted his bandana as he looked up from his homework. “Can’t manage without your little girlfriend?”
The smug smile on the teenager’s face immediately put Abbacchio in a bad mood, but instead of retaliating he simply reached for his glass of water. They had been told to try and reduce stress on Nina as much as possible, it wasn’t good for the baby. And Abbacchio snapping at people did little to relieve stress.
“None of your business.” He settled on that, which only seemed to fuel the fire.
“What, you pregnant or something Abbacchio?” It was meant as a joke obviously, but the silver haired man almost choked on his water; sputtering as he tried to catch his breath.
“Shit man I’m kidding! I didn’t think it’d get you that bad!” Mista was quick to offer his apologies, and a napkin.
“Abbacchio?” Bruno’s soft, but pointed question, left little room for the silverette to worm his way out of things.
Thankfully, Nina stepped in before he could mutter something under his breath.
“They’re due in December.”
And with that, all hell broke loose.
 Month 6
Between the obnoxious ribbing from Narancia and Mista, there was a genuine happiness that filled the small private room in the back of their favorite restaurant. It wouldn’t be easy of course, raising a family in this kind of life. But with an army of over protective uncles it seemed like the kid would have a good start as any.
Nina was starting to really show now, as the doctor had warned them. Once the second trimester reached its end things would progress much faster than they had before. Nina had been removed from active duty because of her condition, something she protested greatly about. But Bruno would be hearing none of it. She had a child to nurture, he chided, she couldn’t be putting her life at risk anymore. Neither of them could. Soon, they would have someone very precious relying on them.
So both Nina and Abbacchio found themselves on ‘light duty’ so to speak. Abbacchio rarely rent on any dangerous jobs anymore. Bruno had taken to using Mista as his back up in Abbacchio’s place. Which, he supposed, was fine. Despite being dense, the gunslinger had a good head on his shoulders, and he was dependable. And, as much as the former police officer and his partner hated being left out of things it certainly wasn’t the case that they had nothing to do.
“I don’t have any fucking idea how this works. This is stupid, they won’t even remember the damned nursery why does it have to be so complicated? Just put them in a fucking box or something and be done with it.” He’d been working at this crib for over an hour now, and frankly Abbacchio was starting to lose his patience.
“Leone. If you imply our child deserves to sleep in a cardboard box in front of me one more time, you’ll be the one sleeping on a box.” Nina sat happily in a rocking chair (the first of many gifts from Godfather Bruno) munching on some plantain chips.
“Do you want to help then?” He asked, pulling back to adjust the bun he’d thrown his hair into.
“Hmm… no. I’m good thanks. I’m busy growing a foot.” Nina’s grin split wider at the exasperated expression on her partner’s face. “Besides, if you really hate the crib we can always co-sleep.”
The crib was finished later that evening.
 Month 7
“So you don’t want to know the gender? Why not? It’d be a pain in the ass to buy all these new clothes if it turned out you had the wrong one.” Narancia asked, watching as Nina opened his gift.
Somehow he’d managed to get a baby onsie emblazoned with ‘All Eyez On Me’ album cover. Very much a little boy outfit. Complete with the sneakers and a hat.
“You fucking moron, this is why I told you to find something gender neutral. I knew I should have bought your present for you.” Fugo grumbled, shoving his present towards Nina next.
“Oh yeah, a strawberry outfit is totally gender neutral. What little boy would be caught dead in that?” Narancia snapped back, and Fugo jumped from his chair. The clattering sound made Nina wince.
“You spoiled my gift before she could open it you cretin! I’m going to end your whole bloodline you filthy fucking-“ And there he went, Fugo was pissed again.
“Oi! If you’re going to fight take it outside!” This, thought Abbacchio, was why they had tried to keep it a secret for so long.
Thankfully though, that seemed enough to stop any further altercations and Fugo muttered an apology before fixing his chair.
“You sound like a dad.” Mista joked, already on his second slice of cake.
“That’s because he is one. Thank you Narancia, Fugo, they’ll love the clothes.” Nina spoke, admiring the cute strawberry printed onsie (and lamenting the fact that it was mostly white, that wouldn’t last long) before putting it carefully with the other gifts.
Mista had given them blankets, five of them (a good number! He claimed) and had even taken the time to show Abbacchio how to swaddle a wine bottle in them. Apparently, Mista was quite good with kids. He never talked much about his former life, but he admitted to having several younger siblings. The ex cop found himself impressed. Although the thought of asking the gunslinger for any help made his stomach coil. Nina on the other hand, seemed to have none of those qualms.
“Mine’s a bit big. I’ll help you get it back to your apartment, but please open it here. I’d like to see what you think.” Bruno spoke up last, offering up a box larger than the others they’d seen before.
“You already bought most of the nursery furniture, Capo. You really didn’t have to get another gift!” It was true, as Nina had said. Bruno had taken it upon himself to furnish the nursery. They should be saving their money, he said, and he wanted to make sure his godchild had appropriate furniture.
“It’s the last one, I promise.” Abbacchio had the feeling it wasn’t the case, but as he helped Nina cut the tape off the box, those thoughts faded.
It was a mobile, with fish and boats and other aquatic creatures carefully hand crafted from wood with sea glass safely secured and dangling from fishing wire. It looked lovingly made and Abbacchio had to do a double take.
It wasn’t until after the party that he had the chance to ask Bruno what the deal was.
“Did you buy that yourself? The mobile. Its beautiful but, you didn’t have to go out of the way for that. The brat won’t remember it anyway.” He asked, taking one last cig break before he and Nina returned to their apartment.
“It was mine.” That gave the taller man pause. “My father held on to it. I found it in the attic a few years ago, and didn’t have the heart to throw it away. I’m happy to know it’ll get good use again. It deserves to be hung up, instead of collecting dust.”
“You should save it for your own kids.” Abbacchio spoke, before taking another drag and offering it to Bruno, who declined with a wave of his hand.
“It’s better put to use now, don’t you think?” Bruno’s expression was far off, and Abbacchio couldn’t read it. So instead of responding is simply shrugged, exhaling his final drag and putting the smoke out with his foot before returning to the restaurant to collect his pregnant partner.
Bruno followed and helped them load everything into the car. The unreadable expression gone from his face.
 Month 8
It was getting close. Braxton Hicks contractions were starting to appear. They had scared the shit out of the two of them the first time it happened. It was far too early and they had panicked, rushing to the hospital despite having been told what to expect this late into the pregnancy.
Nervous energy was abound between the two of them. Nina was officially on bedrest. She had been getting weaker and the doctors erred on the side of caution. There was little to worry about, they assured, they just decided to be safer rather than sorry. Leone couldn’t disagree with that, although he was glad that the whole pregnancy thing was almost done. Nina looked like she would kill someone if she had to remain cooped up in their bedroom for too much longer.
It was late, and while Leone had stopped drinking in solidarity with Nina he couldn’t help but want a sip to calm his nerves. Instead though, he walked around the apartment (trying to mind his feet so he didn’t wake his sleeping partner, the pregnancy made her a light sleeper) and took stock of their little home. Their life together.
It was new, better than the one bedroom they’d shared. Bruno helped them get into a neighborhood with a good school. Their rent was affordable, and their neighbors were friendly. IT was all so domestic, it felt like a dream. Or a cruel prank. He half expected to wake up on the couch hungover but that had yet to happen.
He paused, looking into the nursery. Bruno’s mobile was strung up over the crib. The room was simple, white furniture with light blue walls. With the mobile they added a few more ‘nautical’ things into the décor. Striped sheets in the cribs, some bubble decals on the wall, but over all it was a simple and calming room. The shelves were lined with books and blocks and other baby toys, and the stuffed animals they had been gifted were safely tucked away out of the crib. In less than a month there would be someone living here.
Leone took a seat in the rocking chair and observed, not even noticing as he nodded off to sleep.
In the morning he awoke with a blanket covering him, and he got up. Nina had no business being on her feet covering up her idiot partner. Ah, partner. That needed to change soon. Husband sounded better. But that was for later. Once the kid was born, then Abbacchio could worry about making his girlfriend his wife. Some would say it was out of order.
Abbacchio hoped to encounter them one day so they could say it to his face. See how well that worked out for them.
 Month 9
How did it come to this? How had he allowed it to come to this? Abbacchio knew the kind of man he was, the kind who took the cowards way out of things. The kind who would rather turn to underhanded bribes than admit the futility of his work. The kind of man who allowed an innocent man to die for his mistakes. The kind of man who fucked up everything he touched. It only stood to reason that someday, eventually, he would ruin this as well.
He should have put an end to this when the problem first reared its head. Instead here he was, taking a drag from a rancid cig he bummed off a nurse to try and take the edge off of things. It was snowing, almost Christmas. This would have been their first Christmas.
Everything was wrong.
It all happened so fast. Things were going fine, labor was long but not unnaturally so. It was about five hours in when the baby’s heart beat started dropping. Emergency c-section. She seemed fine. The baby came, a girl, shockingly enough. And then Nina started slurring her words. It all happened so fast, he was being rushed out of the room by a nurse and the last thing he heard was the slowing of a heart monitor.
Twenty minutes later a doctor came to offer his apologies, and a child. Abbacchio had turned and left then, unable to handle the weight of what just happened. Shoving past Bruno (the only one allowed to be there for the birth) he ran from the hospital; coward that he was. And here he found himself, smoking to try and… what? Numb something? He was already numb. The cold helped with that. Perhaps if he stayed out here long enough, he’d risk hypothermia. He’d be doing everyone a favor right, freezing to death outside the hospital. It was abundantly clear to Abbacchio that he ruined every good thing that had the misfortune of encountering him.
Perhaps it would be best if he vanished from this kid’s life before he had the chance to infect that too. Or perhaps he’d doomed the kid of a life full of hardship by virtue of being the son of a bitch that fathered it. Her. It was a her. They had a name picked out. It was-
“Are you going to keep the name Sophia?” The only person capable of piercing through Abbacchio’s haze of self-depreciation had come outside to meet him.
How Bruno managed to get the baby out of the hospital so soon after it was born, who knows. Or perhaps he just became numb to the passage of time along with the cold. How long had it been already? Who knows? Who cared. But there she was, bundled up tightly in her hospital blankets and Bruno’s own coat for good measure.
“I’m not keeping anything.” Abbacchio huffed a long drag from his cigarette, having the decency to at least blow away from his friend and the child he held.
His friend’s normally gentle face was furrowed into an expression of distaste. Always so righteous, of course Bruno would take issue with his decision. He still clung to the belief that Abbacchio was worth something, a dangerous notion considering that now there was a child in the mix. Bruno was a smart man, but perhaps their friendship had blinded him to the reality of the situation-
“She loved you and Sophia very much, you of all people should know that.” Bruno tried, only for Leone to take another drag from the smoke.
“A horrible choice on her part.”
“What, Bruno? What do you want?” That was it, Bruno had found Leone’s breaking point and fuck, if he wanted a reaction out of him so bad, he had it. “Do you want me to be on my knees bawling in the hospital room? Should I be clinging to her hand, shaking her body, begging for her to wake up? What kind of reaction would please you Bruno?”
He threw the cigarette down and stomped it into the slush.
“What am I supposed to do?” Abbacchio could hear his voice crack, knees hitting the cold snow as his legs gave out.
It was amazing, how quickly rage could turn to sadness. Nina had borne witness plenty of times, as had Bruno. This was nothing new for either man, but there was a certain weight to it now. Nina was gone. She wasn’t coming back. If she were here she would be on her knees with him. She’d hold him close, let him scream into her shoulder and cling to her hard enough to bruise (something he always felt horrible for after). And in the end, she’d be there to fix his makeup. Sometimes they’d both need to touch things up; she wound up crying with him.
He’d have her sit on the bathroom counter as he fixed the delicate wing of her eyeliner. They’d tease each other over their puffy eyes and still runny nose. It was like a ritual between them almost, doing each other’s makeup. It wouldn’t happen again though, and the realization washed over him like a cold wave. He missed the numbness then, as he choked out an undignified sob. It was so much easier to be numb.
“Leone.” He could hear the crunch of slushy snow in front of him as Bruno knelt, careful not to jostle the child too much. She was already getting fussy from her father’s loud outburst. “I can’t help you. You need to help yourself. But I can be there for you, and for Sophia.”
“I’ll fuck that up too.” Abbacchio managed, unable to lift his eyes from the ground to look at the child beginning to fuss in Bruno’s arms. She already hated him it seemed. The sound of his voice was enough to make her squirm in discontent. He couldn’t blame Sophia.
“Sophia doesn’t seem to think so.” Bruno’s soothing voice did little to calm the infant, but it began to work on Abbacchio. The tears had yet to dry, but a feeble hiccup signaled the end of his sobbing.
“She’s trying to get away from me.” As if on cue the baby squirmed more, turning her head from her father.
“I think she’s just scared.” Bruno corrected, shifting the baby in his arms. “Leone, try holding her.”
“What?” That caused Leone to snap to attention. “You can’t be serious.”
He had very little time to react though, as Bruno deposited the infant into his arms. Abbacchio had to fumble a bit to support the head, but once things were in order it felt almost… natural.
He stood then, trying to dry what wsa left of his tears off on his shoulder. The kid looked kinda like both parents. She had some wispy pale hairs. Were those from him? Or would she grow dark hair like her mother? Sophia was still fussy, a spirited little thing it seemed, and although her eyes were mostly shut against the cold he could see the tiniest little sliver of purple and gold. She had his eyes.
She had. His eyes.
It was a simple realization, nothing remarkable. It didn’t do anything to quell the ache growing more and more apparent in the place in his heart Nina had occupied. It didn’t lead to any grand epiphany of how he was going to handle the future without her at his side. Nina had been his rock, his confidant, the person he loved most in the world and the one person capable of making Abbacchio see through the haze of self-loathing to imagine a better future. And she was gone. There was nothing that could replace her, and he didn’t want anything to replace her. If he hurt, it meant that she had been there once, right? The fact that her passing left such gaping hole was proof, in its own way, that she had really loved him. And that he, the failure Leone Abbacchio, had been capable to returning that love. Worthy of accepting that love.
And the physical proof was here in his arms. A mixture of Nina and himself. A gift that she had lavished so much time and love on, and had worked so hard to bring into the world. And what a job she did. Sophia was healthy, and energetic if the way she squirmed was any indication. Nina would have been so proud, so happy to have been her mother. Sophia couldn’t replace Nina. She couldn’t do anything to fill the voice her mother left behind. But it was strange, there was a new spot now. A new hole, but instead of emptiness it overflowed. He had to take a shaky breath to try and steady himself. It was overwhelming, the feelings of grief and loss and love mixing together. He could feel himself crying again, although for a new reason.
“Leone?” Bruno asked, having gotten up out of the slush himself.
“I’ll try.” It was all Abbacchio could manage as he again used his shoulders to try and dry his face. It was enough though, and as the new father began to bounce his daughter to try and soothe her, the two men headed back into the hospital together.
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keigoaizawaslut · 6 years
~I hate that I love you~
Loki x avenger reader
summary: tired of Loki being a cocky little shit the reader finally decides to take it into her on hands.
WARNINGS- it takes a mintue to get there but I promise its worth it lol SMUTTTT, kinky sex, rough sex, NASTY THINGS😏
Song inspo- Bruno Mars -Gorillas
I reallyy suggest you give it a listen when getting to the smut parts😉
The God of Mischief, everything about the idiot made you want to choke him. His tall intimidating height and marvelously sculpted body. His beautiful soft long black hair that you wanted to tangle your fingers in along with piercing green-blue eyes and sharp dominant facial features that decorated his stupidly handsome face. Everything about Loki made you extremely hot and bothered in all the best and worst ways. You hated his guts but you so desperately wanted him in yours.
One minute you want jump him and fuck the god so hard he forgets his name but other times you want to pick him up and throw him over the Stark Tower its like you hated that you loved the god so much. To make matters worst the cocky little shit knew the affect he had on you. Though you would never admit that he actually had an affect on you he knew somehow and you hated it. The teasing was nonstop and he knew just how to get under your skin. The light touches and hot unholy whispers in your ear nearly drove you insane. Loki took pride in making you suffering knowing that you'd never do anything about it...or so he thought.
After a few bottles of liquid encouragement you had convinced yourself it was time to put a stop to his stupidity and came up with the most perfect idea your drunk mind could think of. You decided to fight fire with fire and you so desperately wanted to be burnt. You were going to seduce the Mischievous god and see just how much he could handle what he put you through. A taste of his own medicine.
The next morning you started planning. Quickly getting dressed and making your way to the living room only to run into Natasha. "Where are you off to so quickly Y/N?" she asked giving u a suspicious look. Knowing you could never lie to the assassin you told her your plan and made her swear on her life to not tell anyone else especially Thor. He a nice lovable guy but damn the man can gossip and if it gets to him the whole world would know.
"Well thank god your finally doing something about it. Bout time you do something about all your pent up sexual frustration" she says as she laughs as you glare at her and quickly grab some keys and head out the door.
Sighing as you make your way into the small lingerie shop you go in before you could change your mind about the plan. Walking through the store you quickly find the little number you're looking for. With a devious and proud smile you make your way to the counter to buy your items spotting a pair of handcuffs behind the counter. "Could you throw those in too" you shyly ask the store clerk who stares at you for a bit but happily grabs them and scans your remaining items.
After finishing your small shopping trip you quickly shot Nat a text to make sure Loki's not home. When she confirmed he was out on a mission with Thor and wouldn't be back till around midnight you smiled and quickly made your way back home the plan going perfectly.
Making your through the house as discreetly as you could with the bags you were carrying you hastily made your way to Loki's room picking the look with magic and entered the clean and pristine room. You'd been in there a few times before but never really took in all the details. His room was huge, dark green walls were decorated with books and large king size bed with the most delicate of black silk sheets and and nightstand on either side. His large windows were covered with green and black curtains blocking out the moonlight with a large desk right by it. You had guessed it was for this research and reading. It was truly something fit for a prince.
Looking at your watch seeing it was already around 9 you got to work. Grabbing your bag you emptyed all its belongings onto the bed. Picking up the steel handcuffs you placed them on the headboard knowing they were going to be a fun tool you would use later. Next you laid out the little number you got from the shop smirking knowing your were going to drive the god crazy with it. The green and black set would surely get all of his undivided attention with a long black silk to finishing off the look. Laying it all out on the bed you took out a box of condoms and a few other small things. Grabbing the set you quickly head to the gods bathroom to shower and prep for a night you've honestly been waiting for.
Getting out of the shower after shaving and exfoliating you quickly dried off and started on your hair but in the end you decided to leave it down in it natural curls and settled for a tad bit of lip gloss and mascara. Getting dressed and hastily putting your robe on you looked at your phone to see it was 11:50. Getting a little excited as Loki should be here any minute you exited the bathroom and after spraying a tad of prefume laid in the king size bed waiting for the prince to enter.
Loki knew something was slightly off. Looking for you to pick with and tease only to realized you weren't here. Sighing a bit sadly he made his way to his room. Though he wouldnt admit it Loki knew had falling for you but he didnt have to nerve to tell you worried of scaring you away so he just acted like a asshole to push you away from him instead.
Unlocking his door and entering his dark room he automatically knew he wasn't alone. Pulling out a dagger he felt around his room to find the light switch only to be blown completely away but what he saw when they turnt on.
"Hi Loki" you say seductively as you sat on the edge of bed legs wide open for him to see. "I-um..Y/N" he says still in shock but quickly trying to regain his dominant and confident persona. "What's wrong love? what happened to that sliver tongue of yours hmm?" you questioned confidently standing from the bed and making your way over to him. Running a finger down his strong chest you looked up at the god knowing completely what you were doing to him by the bulge in his pants. " Y/N if you continue with your actions I will have no choice but to ravish you on every piece of furniture in this room" he says in such a deep voice you can feel your panties getting wetter as every word slips from his lips.
" That was the plan my king" you purr seductively into his ear as you watch his eyes darken with lust. Smirking he says "I did not know you had it in you kitten I'm impressed" Pulling you into a rough but passionate kiss Loki's hands roamed all down your body caressing each and every curve along the way. Roughly grabbing your ass making you moan in the process allowing Loki's tongue to enter your mouth easily over powering yours. As your hands tangle in his soft hair you slowly break off the kiss but not before nipping at the gods bottom lip. Grabbing his hand and leading him to the king size bed you pushed him onto the bed and slowly and seductively crawled on top.
Sitting in the gods lap making you both groan as his leather covered bugle got harder underneath your dripping sex. You kissed him again slowly but just as rough as the first while your hands made quick work of his amour and shirt throwing it across the room. " Lay down" you say dominantly taking the god off guard but he complied slowly laying his head against the soft pillows. Grabbing his hands one by one you cuffed them to each side of the headborad the mischievous god too turned on to protest so he let you eager to see what you had in store for him.
Getting off of him you walked to the center of the room knowing Loki was watching you added a tad bit more sway to your hips. Turning around you slowly let your robe drop from your shoulders letting the god see completely what you had to offer him. Loki groaned loud as he took you in completely eyes slowly raking down your whole body making you hotter by the minute.
“Stop the torture love, Come and sit on my face” He said in such a deep lustful voice you almost came undone right then and there. Not needing to be told twice you quickly made your way over to the bed climbing on top of the god making your way to hover just above his face. Moving your panties aside for the god he got right to work sucking harshly on you clit and tasting everything you had to offer. His groans sending vibrations through you heated core making you legs shake a bit moaning loudly knowing you werent going to last long. Feeling strong arms around your hips holding you in place you gasp. Realizing Loki broke the cuffs but to far gone in ecstasy to care anymore. "Ahh Loki...please" you pleaded feeling a all too familiar coil in your stomach. "Please what love" Loki asked in between small slow licks on your dripping wet core pushing you closer to the edge with lick of his tongue. " ohh make me cum Loki..please" before you even finished your sentences completely you were on your back Loki's head still in between your slighty shaky legs. Gasping as he went back to work while entering two long fingers inside of you his tongue expertly drawing figured 8's on you clit. You were seeing stars as your hands worked there way into Loki's hair slightly tugging and pulling here and there. Feeling his fingers pick up pace you couldn't take it anymore finally letting go as Loki lapped up all your juices not missing a drop. " By the Gods darling you taste even better then you look" Loki said as he made his way back up your body lips connecting instantly.
Loki stood from the bed not breaking the kiss grabbing by the thighs to pick up your legs immediately wrapping around his waist moan as you feel his cock press against your sensitive core. He walked you over to his desk and letting you down carefully. "Turn around" he said not asking but telling you but you didnt mind as you did as you were told. Bending you over the desk Loki pressed himself flush against you. "You see what you've caused love. You did this to me and now we're going to take care of it" his words doing nothing but making your wet cunt quake with excitement and you couldn't do anything but just moan in response. Hearing his belt unbuckle and pants fall to the ground you bit your lip in anticipation.
Gripping your hair not enough to hurt you but enough to make you know he was in charge Loki pressed his now bare cock between your pantie covered folds teasing you relentlessly. " I am going to ruin you for any other man Y/N. In fact there'll never be another man. You are mines" Loki whispers hotly into your ear making your hips move involuntarily grinding into his cock. Laying you back down on the desk Loki slowly makes work of your panties and bra getting rid of both throwing them somewhere. "God you're a work of art" Loki groans as he kisses down your back hand leading his throbbing cock towards your core.
Roughly and quickly Loki was fully inside of you in a instant. Pushing your hips back letting him know to move he pulled almost completely out before slamming back into your pussy setting a ungodly pace. Gripping the desk as he pounded into you so vigorously you gasp and moaned as you felt and stinging on your ass cheek. " You like that dont you kitten? You like when I'm being rough with you? fucking you so hard that you can barely speak?" Loki groaned gripping your hair giving your ass another smack. "ahhh.....Yes Lokii" you felt that coil again knowing you were about to cum.
".Fuck.. Loki" you moaned loudly surely everyone in the house heard but honestly you didn't give a damn. "Thats right love scream my name. Let everyone know who makes you feel this good. Who your body desires at night. Who fucks you like no other man ever will. Say it." he groans loudly thrusting into at a crucial pace. "You Loki....ahh..nobody else but you" you say as your legs start to shake .
"Im gonna cum" for the second time tonight you feel you cunt tighten ready to release again. "Cum for me darling. cum for Your King" Loki said as his hand found their way to your breast gripping them and slowly rolling your nipples between his fingers finishing you off as you came hard tighten around his cock triggering Loki's orgasm to follow right behind yours sending thick hot ropes of cum into your core.
Picking you up and carrying you to bed Loki went into the bathroon getting a warm towel to clean you both off and slide into bed next to you."Hey" you smiled brightly at the god next to you. "Hello love" he replied causing you both to laugh a bit. "You know I meant what I said about you being mines. I dont want to share you with with anyone else Y/N" Loki spoke lightly almost shy."I wouldn't have it any other way my love" you smiled brightly at him giving him a small kiss. Wrapping his strong arms around you, sleep fell upon you both quickly for it was the first time you both went to sleep truly happy in a long time.
Hi guys I know it been forever since I posted a story. I'm kinda rusty so I hope you guys dont hate it too bad lol love you guys😩💛. Comment and Reblog plz😊
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professor-hiddles · 5 years
Bets and Darts (Thor x reader)
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a/n: hiiiii! sorry i’ve been away for so long, school and writers block have been kicking my ass! there are so many fics i’ve started and haven’t finished and its soooo stressful. i originally wanted this to be a bucky x reader, but it kinda turned into thor x reader and i’m not mad about it in the slightest lol enjoy
also, happy easter to those who celebrate!
word count: 1.7k
warnings: drinking, some swearing, a lil teensy bit steamy
You sank further into the leather couch, clutching the pillow to your side as you watched Bucky dance with another woman. It always hurt, seeing him with other people.
Sure, you hadn’t shared you feelings with him, so how could he have known? But you couldn’t help the slight pang of jealousy every time he spent time with women other than you.
Whenever you would go out with him, Steve, and Thor, it seemed as though all the women in the club would flock to him, with his stupid brown hair and his stupid blue eyes. Not to mention the metal arm, that was always the selling point, especially if someone was on the fence about hanging out with him.
You swirled your drink around in the small glass, aching for him to throw you a smile, or even a glance for that matter. You downed what remained in the glass, the burn of the alcohol not even comparing to the burning jealousy that seared through you.
The couch sank down next to you, signaling that someone has taken the space next to you. Your head turned to meet the bright eyes of Thor, holding out another drink to you.
“Perhaps some liquid courage to lift the lady’s spirits?” Thor said, shooting you a small grin. You took the glass, offering him a small smile before taking a rather large sip. Immediately, this drink felt different than others.
The bastard gave you asgardian liquor! Damn Thor and his bottomless flask!
“Jesus, Thor, a little warning next time, maybe? Thats some strong shit, man,” you joked, watching him take a large sip of his own drink.
Thor let out a hearty laugh, clearly enjoying the fact that you were dying just a bit. “I forget how sensitive you humans are. If you cant handle it, I can take it back, you know.”
His hand reaches out to grab the glass, but you hold it away, glaring. “I can handle my liquor just fine, thank you very much! I was just surprised, its not everyday you sneak asgardian liquor to a bar.”
You down the rest of the drink, falling into a comfortable silence. Your focus is elsewhere, floating from random decorations back to Bucky’s figure. Thor’s gaze moves between you and Bucky, finally putting two and two together.
“Ah, Lady Y/N, I think I understand what your plight is. You’ve fallen for him, you feel as if he’ll never notice you, but let me say you deserve better—“ you slap his arm before he can finish, shushing him before he can expose anymore.
Did he say you deserve better? Like who?
Your face warms, and you silently thank everything that the bar is too dark for anyone to notice you. “Thor! You cant just go saying those things out loud! Especially with your booming voice, they’ll hear you on the other side of the world!”
Thor chuckles, and stands up, holding a hand out to you. “Lets grab his attention another way, then, shall we?” You hesitantly grab his hand, and he leads you to the dartboard. You feel him standing behind you, close enough to feel the warmth radiating from his body.
“Follow my lead, alright? He’ll be swooning over you in no time, though truthfully I can’t see how he wasn’t already,” he places his hands on your hips to adjust your stance, still standing very, very close.
After you’ve adjusted, his hands linger on you, sending sparks throughout your body. One hand stays on your hip, keeping your stance correct, and the other floats up to your waist, resting there comfortably.
You feel a warmth creep up your neck again, wondering if its the liquor making you warm, or the god’s hands. You shake your head lightly, chuckling.
“Alright, lets do this thing. Get ready to have your ass kicked, my godly companion,” you quip, making Thor laugh. You feel his chest move behind you, and it just then hits you how good it feels in his arms.
In this moment, you start to question if its really it’s Bucky you want. Here, you have this actual god, whose never been anything but good to you, and you’ve been completely oblivious! There’s always been chemistry between you and Thor, yet here you are pining after someone who couldn’t care less about you.
“Show me what you’ve got, small fry.”
You pick up a dart, lining up your shot. It goes wide, landing in the double ring. You groan, but don’t give up hope. Thor takes his turn, hitting the outer bullseye ring. Not to mention, he takes his shot with his arm still around your waist.
“You know, you don’t have to go easy on me. If you were gonna let me win, don’t even think about it. I want you to play fair and square, alright?” you say, turning to look at him. His eyes sparkle, a playful glint residing in them.
“What do you say we up the ante a bit? If you win, i’ll do everything in my power to get Bucky’s attention on you. But if I win, you have to let me take you on a date. A real one, just the two of us. I merely want to see what this could be if things don’t work out with him,” his eyes bore into yours, a small smile lining his face.
You nod, “Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal. Now, are we gonna stand here chatting all night or get some action going?”
He laughs and nods, handing you your second dart. You line it up, but just as you throw it, Thor’s voice is low in your ear.
“He’s watching you.”
The dart leaves your hand before you can recompose yourself, and you turn around to swat his arm. “That’s cheating! Was he even looking? Or did you do that for your own amusement?”
A smile crosses his features, “A bit of both, my dear. He didn’t look too happy about my standing here with you, but he didn’t do anything about it. Also, I wanted to see you sweat a little.”
You cross your arms, “So you want to play dirty then, huh? Two can play at that game, bud.”
Thor picks up his next dart, lining it up perfectly. Just before he throws, you start swaying your hips ever so slightly, pressing yourself into him, just to break his focus a little. You hear his breath hitch, and his chest starts to heave a little faster. His shot goes nowhere near where he wanted it to, and you chuckle to yourself.
His arm around you tightens a bit, and the hand resting on your hip begins to rub up and down, very gently, but its more than enough to get your attention elsewhere. At this point, you could really care less about the score.
Your focus isn’t fazed, though. Not this time. Your dart hits the bullseye, and it barely registers before you jump up and down and throw your arms around Thor.
“I did it! I actually hit the bullseye!” you exclaimed, smiling widely. He smiles as well, gently placing a kiss on your temple. You turn back to the board, hoping he cant see your flustered expression.
“I had no doubt in my mind that you could,” he says, setting up for his final shot. You turn in his arms, analyzing his face while he focuses.
The way the dim light bounces off his face gives him an almost angelic glow, and you cant help but feel drawn to it. You find yourself bringing your face closer to his own, close enough that all he would have to do is turn his head to kiss you.
You stay like this for a moment, long enough for Thor to win your little tournament. His face turns, his eyes gazing into your own. “I think I won, Y/N.”
“I don't care about the bet, Thor. I’m stating to realize that I’ve been after the wrong man, for all this time,” you reply softly, placing a hand on his chest. You feel the soft thump of his heartbeat under your palm, picking up a little bit as you move closer to him.
“I’m glad you’ve finally come to that realization, Y/N,” Thor murmured, his strong arms coming around your waist.
Your eyes meet for a long moment, and the world around you melts away. He lifts a hand to brush away a stray piece of hair, his touch lingering on your cheek. Your arms come up to circle around his neck, pulling him down to your level.
His eyes are burning with desire, waiting for you to signal that it’s ok. You nod slightly, and its as if a dam breaks within him.
He pulls your body flush against his, his lips capturing yours with a softness you’ve never seen in him before.
The hand that was on your cheek moves to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. You lose yourself for a moment, the feeling of his mouth on yours is comparable to breathing for the first time. You run your fingers through his hair as his hand presses into the small of your back, keeping you as close as possible.
His lips leave yours for a moment, moving down to your jaw, your neck, your collarbone, and working their way back up. The softest of moans leave your lips, and you feel him smile against you. Every bit of his touch against your skin leaves a trail of fire, and he’s got you damn near begging for more.
Reluctantly, he pulls away from you, a soft smile on his face. He looks so at ease, even more-so than you’ve ever seen him.
“I think this might be a good place to stop, Y/N. As much as I don’t want to, if I heard another moan come from you, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stop myself. So, to protect your modesty, and frankly, my welcomeness in this bar, promise me we’ll pick this up sometime very soon,” his finger was crooked under your chin, his eyes locked onto your own.
You manage a small nod, too breathless for words. You reach up and kiss him one more time, not wanting the moment to end. You step away, straightening yourself out.
“Honestly, this wasn’t at all what I imagined this night would be, but let me say, thank god you made me play darts.”
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sugarcoated-pain · 6 years
Heavy Rotation Part 4
Hey guys! I’m excited to share this next part with you! Let me know what you think! As always, big thanks to @sublimehood for making sure this shit is actually worth posting! haha
Warnings: Mild drug (just pot) and alcohol usage, cussing.. that’s about it. lol.
Best Friends to Lovers- original character + Ashton
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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As is to be expected, I slept for most of New Year’s Day. Things were pretty quiet, so I assume the others did the same thing. I lay awake in bed that afternoon staring at the ceiling, dreading leaving my room after what had happened. Would things between Ashton and I be awkward now? Would he be mad at me? Would he pretend nothing happened? My brain analyzed every possible scenario over and over again. I eventually decided that I couldn’t hide in my room all day and would have to greet the day, whatever it may bring.
Georgia and Calum were watching TV on the couch when I entered the living room.
“Good morning sunshine.” Calum’s tone is dry and unenthusiastic. He is clearly also suffering from the night before.
“Hey guys,” I grumble, taking a seat on the other sofa. “Where’s everybody else?”
“Mikey is hung over as fuck and went back to bed. Luke disappeared halfway through the night, and never came back. We think he left with some girl at some point.” Georgia answers, “but since I know you’re actually referring to Ashton, he went over to Camille’s to tell her the truth about what happened last night.”
My eyes go wide and I glare at Georgia, looking quickly to Calum and then back to Georgia.
“Relax. He already knows.” she responds.
“GREAT. Thanks G.” I retort sarcastically.
“Actually, Ashton told me.” Cal replies.
“WAIT WHAT?!” my eyes go wide again. “What did he say?!?!”
“NOPE. Not playing that game.”
Before I can respond, the front door opens and Ashton walks through. He looks like HELL. I mean, let’s be real, even at his worst, he looks better than anyone else I’ve ever seen, but this might be his WORST. His appearance is disheveled and he’s clearly hung over, but there is something else there. His eyes are red and puffy, and he has a pained look on his face that I never wanted to see.
“Hey Ash… everything okay?” I ask, concerned. He plops down on the couch next to me and buries his face in his hands. I exchange a quick worried look with Georgia and turn back to Ashton.
He’s quiet for a few moments, and then without lifting his head, says “I went over to talk to Camille… and there was another guy there.”
The other three of us gasp. “Are you fucking kidding me??” Calum says angrily.
“Nope” Ashton answers as he sits up and leans back on the couch. “Apparently she’s been seeing him behind my back for about six months now..”
I sit up straight, “Georgia, let’s go. We’re beating this bitch’s ass right now.”
As I begin standing up, Ashton puts his hand on my arm to stop me and gently pushes me back onto the couch.
Georgia ignores me and watches him sympathetically. “Ash, I’m so sorry. That is so shitty.”
He sighs. “I should have known. I’m so stupid.”
“You’re not stupid.” I answer quickly. “She’s a horrible bitch and I really hate her now.”
“You always hated her..” he comments..
“I strongly disliked her before but now I HATE her for doing this to you.” I’m in best friend mode right now. Last night is completely out the window at this point. I rest my hand gently on his shoulder supportively. He looks up at me, those perfect eyes filled with pain, and my heart shatters. How could anyone do this to him? How could this bitch not realize what she had?
“What did I do, Em? What did I do wrong to deserve this?” he asks me quietly, leaning his head on my shoulder.
Georgia, clearly coming to the conclusion that this is not the time for an audience, suggests, “hey Cal, why don’t we go grab some food or something to cheer Ash up?”
Picking up on the cue, “yeah okay. Your favorite pizza and beer, sound good buddy?” Calum adds. Ashton shrugs, and the two of them get up to leave.
Once they’re gone, I turn to Ashton.”Wanna go up to the roof?”
“Sure.” He shrugs again.
“Okay. I’ll meet you up there. I gotta grab something.” I reply and stand up to head to my bedroom. When I get there, I pack the last of my pot into Ashton's favorite pipe. After that, I reach under my bed and pull out a small shopping bag. I grab my acoustic guitar and lighter along with everything else and climb out my window onto the fire escape.
Ashton is waiting for me when I get up to the roof. I hand him the pipe and lighter and sit down next to him, setting my guitar on my other side.
“I got you something. It reminded me of you so I got it for your birthday, but I don't want to wait that long and I think you could use it now.” I say as I hand him the bag before he can light the pipe. With a questioning look at me, he reaches into the bag and pulls out a dark red, ornate journal with a matching pen. “This kind is my favorite for writing music in, and this one made me think of you for some reason.”
He spends a few moments examining the journal, then turns to me with a look of mild disbelief, followed by a smile. “Thanks, Em.”
“I write when I'm going through some shit, and I know you're the same way, so I figured you could use it now.” I add with a shrug.
After looking it over for a little while longer, he sets it down and lights the pipe, handing it to me after taking a hit. “Hey… about last night..” he starts.
“Don't. We don't have to talk about it now.. or ever. I messed up.” I answer quickly.
“No. I mean… I just don't want things to be weird between us.. especially now. I could really use my best friend right about now…”
“Calum?”I ask with a smirk and take a hit off the pipe.
“No, dork. I mean you.”
“I can handle that role.” I reply, passing the pipe back to him.
“Or maybe even .. best friends with benefits?” I can’t tell if he’s joking or not.
“Suggest that again when you’re not so vulnerable..” I say with a short laugh, half hoping he’s not joking. I pick up my guitar to prevent myself from looking as awkward as I feel right now and start lightly strumming. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see that he has started writing in the journal. We sit like this for a while in comfortable silence.  Eventually, I ask, “Do you wanna talk about the Camille thing or would you rather just chill?”
“I think I’d rather just chill for now.” he lets out a sigh and leans back, staring out at the city ahead. “What’s that you’re playing?” he asks.
“Eh, just a little something I’ve been working on lately…”
“You wrote that? Are there lyrics yet?”  
“Yeah.. it’s basically done. I haven’t played it for anybody yet…”
“Can I hear it?”
I stop strumming and turn to look at him. The look on his face is one of genuine interest. “You sure? I don’t really know how good it is..”
“I’ll tell you if it’s good or not, just let me hear it.”
I sigh. “Alright.” I begin playing the riff he had just heard, only louder and more deliberate now. After a few seconds, I start singing along. I don’t know why I’m nervous, I’ve sang for Ashton dozens of times. Maybe it’s because of what happened last night. Maybe it’s the fact that this is an extremely personal song that means a lot to me. I glance over at him every now and then, and every time, he is watching me intently. I can feel my cheeks getting red. Why am I being so weird about this? I finish the song and look over at him expectantly.
His expression is impossible to read. After a few seconds, he starts to stand up. “C’mon. I have an idea.” he says, reaching his hand down to help me up as well.
“What? Where are we going?”
“Just follow me.” He heads back down the fire escape in the direction of his room, then climbs through the window. I follow behind him. I’ve only been in his room a couple times and I try to take in as much as I can every time. It smells like him. It’s a little messy, but not gross. There’s band posters on the walls and random musical instruments all over the place. Ashton grabs his keys off his dresser then pulls me by my hand out of the room. He continues out of the apartment, down the stairs. The record store and studio are closed for the holiday, so it’s dark downstairs when he unlocks the back door to the store. Once we are through the purple curtains, he flips the lights on in the recording studio.
“Ash.. what are we……” I start to ask, completely confused.
“That song was incredible and I want you to record it.”
“What the hell? Are we even allowed to be in here?”
“I’m vulnerable right now, remember? I can do whatever I want. And I want to help you record a demo using that song you just played for me.”
My brain can’t process what he is telling me, so I just stare at him in disbelief. He turns the rest of the lights on and starts to turn on the machines. “Go on, get in the booth.” He motions for me to enter.
“You’re insane.. Are you serious right now?”
“YES. I just got my heart broken and this is a damn good distraction now get your ass in the booth and sing for me.”
I feel like I could cry. A mix of every possible emotion rushes through my body, and I’m eventually able to convince my legs to carry me into the recording booth. I sit on the stool that’s already in the room and position my guitar. Watching Ashton through the glass, I wait for his signal. When he gives me the thumbs up, I take a deep breath, and start to play. My song flows out of me. I know if I think too much, I’ll fuck it up, so I allow the music to take over. I’m not paying attention to anything but this song- not the fact that my life long dream might finally be coming true, not the gorgeous man on the other side of the glass making it a reality-nothing but the song. Approximately two and a half minutes later, it’s over. I’m shaking from head to toe, I’m almost hysterical. I set my guitar down and run out of the booth. Ashton is grinning from ear to ear. I practically jump into his arms to hug him.
“That felt so amazing. Oh my god I can’t believe I just did that!” The hug lasts a little longer than it should, and take one awkward little step back from him, still beaming though.
“You sounded fantastic. I’m really fucking proud of you right now.”
If I wasn’t blushing before, I definitely am now.
“There you guys are! We’ve been looking everywhere!” Calum and Georgia push through the heavy curtain. “We’ve got pizza and beer upstairs… what’re you guys doing down here?”
“Emma wrote a kick ass song and I just helped her record it for a demo.” Ashton says, beaming down at me with pride.
Georgia turns to me excitedly, and bounce over to her and jump up and down while squealing. It’s real cute, I promise. The rest of the evening involves the four of us eating pizza, drinking beer, talking about music and watching movies, and never once mentioning that bitch Camille’s name.
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
taglist: @cheyenne-in-wonderland @drummerboy794 @harrysgucciclothes @emmamarshmellow
let me know if you’d like to be added to the list for future parts! Also, if you’re enjoying this series, I’d love it if you could reblog so others can see it too! THANKS! <3 
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sibillascribbles08 · 5 years
Well I’m writing something at least lol
More clone verse stuff, in which Toby confronts Max and it really doesn’t go well
Toby woke to the sensation of cold knuckles trailing across his forehead. He began to open his eyes but they fell shut again from the drowsiness.
“Toby,” Cryptor whispered. “Come on now, I know you don’t want to sleep in too late.”
That was probably true, but Toby groaned and shifted around in the bed. He tried once more to open his eyes, managing it this time. He glanced at Cryptor who was already in his full uniform.
Toby frowned. “Aw, you put your clothes back on.”
Cryptor rolled his eye. “I’m already late for work. You’re lucky I can set my own hours.” He tapped Toby on the nose.  “Come on, I at least want to make sure you’re properly awake before leaving.”
Toby groaned again. “Too early.”
“It’s almost ten.”
“Too early.” He repeated. “And I don’t want you to leave.”
Cryptor sighed. “I don’t entirely want to leave either, but we both know you need to talk to Max, and it’s better if I occupy my time.” His hands cupped Toby’s cheeks before he leaned over and kissed him. It lingered, and Toby hummed from the contact, but before he could deepen it, Cryptor pulled away.
“Didn’t have a lot of baking ingredients.” Cryptor whispered, his face still hovering close. “But I made you some cinnamon honey toast and sausage for breakfast. Coffee’s still in the pot too.”
The sound of food made Toby very tempted to get up, but he wasn’t going to give in just yet. “You’re too good to me.” He managed to slip a hand behind Cryptor’s neck, tugging him back down so their foreheads touched. 
“Yes well, the things one does when they’re in love.” Cryptor gave him one more kiss before standing up. “I need to go. Try and get up soon, will you?”
Toby wanted to keep protesting, but he didn’t. “Yeah, yeah, talk to you soon, okay? Love you.”
Cryptor gave him a soft smile. “I love you too.”
Toby made himself sit up so he could watch Cryptor leave. He slouched a bit, ignoring the temptation to flop back onto the pillow. He shouldn’t sleep in. If he was gone too long Max would definitely ask extra questions.
What was Toby even supposed to say? He didn’t want to fight Max in any sense of the word but he couldn’t allow this to happen. Even if nothing drastic happened–though he suspected something had by how much Cryptor was hesitating as he spoke–Max still threatened his best friend.
No, his boyfriend.
Toby wasn’t sure how to approach that topic either. No sense in keeping it quiet by now. He planned on being perfectly clear about how much the nindroid meant to him.
Toby tossed the sheets off before glancing around the floor. Just where had his clothes gone? They didn’t seem to be anywhere in sight, but the confusion left him when he saw a fresh pair folded at the foot of the bed.
Toby knew that nindroids didn’t sleep much but he swore Cryptor did too much. Somehow he felt more pampered than he did with his dads.
He only threw on his pants before going to eat. He’d finish getting dressed later.
Then he had to go find Max.
Max was thankfully still where Toby left him. A nearby village they hadn’t done a lot of repairs to, but thankfully a few of the houses were still well intact. Not that it mattered much. Toby was slowly learning how much Max was capable of, and fixing up a house was something he did overnight.
Right now Max was outside the house, next to a fire pit he also built. He was roasting something over the flame, although sticking his hand in to do so. It didn’t seem to burn him, so Toby tried to ignore his concern. 
“You know there’s no need for that.” Toby smiled as he held up a plastic bag. “I can always grab food.”
“Oh, are those more of those donuts?” Max pulled his hand out of the flame. His eye seemed to glitter with excitement, maybe it actually was. “Those were amazing.”
Toby laughed as he walked over, setting down the bag on one of the stumps Max had put around the fire. “There’s a lot of food you have to try. You haven’t lived until you’ve had some mochi.”
“Mochi?” Max was already aiming for the bag. Whatever he’d been cooking seemingly vanished. Toby still had no idea how he did that. “What is that?”
“Ice cream in rice dough.”
Max squinted as he bit into one of the doughnuts. “Ice cream? Rice dough? You already lost me.”
Toby shook his head, trying to keep a light attitude despite how sad it sounded that Max never got to try these things. “Don’t worry about it, we can try it later.”
“Not sure why we can’t do it now.” Max was already on his second doughnut.
Toby’s smile faltered before it completely dropped. He kept his left arm at his side. “Actually I wanted to talk to you for a bit.”
Max blinked, eye wide, clueless, as if nothing had happened. “About what?”
Toby stared at the fire. How did he start a conversation like this? There wasn’t really a light way to go about it, was there.
Might as well get to the point.
His gaze flicked back over to Max. “Why did you threaten Cryptor?”
Max’s chewing stopped. He stared, a bit surprised. The only sound to be heard was the light crackle of the fire.
He finished off his doughnut before shaking his head. “What are you talking about?”
Toby sighed. “Please don’t play dumb. Cryptor told me what happened.”
Max smiled. “Told you what happened? It wasn’t that big of a deal.” He turned and wandered back around the fire. “He’s probably just paranoid, or has a stick up his ass.”
Toby tapped his golden nails together, keeping his temper under control. “He told me that you told him to stay away from me... or else.”
Max scoffed. “And you believe him, huh?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Toby hardened his tone. “I understand why you have trouble accepting it Max, but he’s my friend, and I trust him.”
A log in the fire snapped as it surged up. Max spun around, his eye burning like the flame next to him.
“How the hell can you trust him?” He stomped over. “After what he did to us?”
“It’s in the past.” Toby emphasized each word, refusing to back down even with Max towering over him. “We’ve already talked about this. I know things didn’t turn out this way for you, but in this universe we’ve moved on.”
“Yeah, that’s easy for you to say, isn’t it.” Max’s hair seemed to move. Bits of gold slid across his skin, over his cheek and down to his jaw. He turned away from Toby and stalked around the fire again. “You were still so damn young. You didn’t get to experience the joys of being the oldest kid in the building.”
Toby felt his stomach twist. “Max–”
“Did the me from this universe ever tell you?” Max twisted his head to look back at him. “Or was he also determined to keep all of that a secret.”
He had been, but Toby wasn’t clueless, even at that age. Max would often go missing for hours at a time, come back with even more scars. Of course when he kids asked he would just laugh it off like none of it was a big deal.
“I was the oldest.” Max turned toward him again. “The longest lasting kid they had, so of course they wanted to figure out why.”
“Don’t.” Toby warned. He wasn’t in a position to listen to this right now.
“Why not?” He growled. “Too afraid to deal with the reality of what all your so-called nindroid friends did?”
“I know the reality.” Toby’s voice boomed. The energy slipped from his arm, causing a ripple over the area. The grass and the flame shifted from the force. “I’ve been through that entire building a dozen times. I went through the files. I saw all the rooms, all the data. Just because I didn’t live it doesn’t mean I’m oblivious.” He clenched his fist. “And you do not have the right to drag me into the dark pit you carved for yourself.”
Max blinked, stepping back for a moment as his eye went wide. Then his anger returned. “And you don’t have the right to stand there and ignore all the blood on their hands just so you can pretend this universe is a safe one.”
Toby shook his head. “That’s your paranoia talking, Max, not reality. This universe is safe because I was determined to make it so, and I succeeded. I’m sorry that you have trouble accepting that, but it doesn’t give you the right to threaten my boyfriend.”
He snapped his jaw shut when he realized what he just said. He expected more rage, but Max just looked confused again.
“Boy friend? What is that supposed to mean. I already know he considers himself a guy.” Max tilted a head.
Toby took a deep breath. No point in making up excuses. “Boyfriend is one word, Max. Its a term people use to refer to someone they’re dating... it’s a romantic term.”
Confusion, realization, shock, then back to anger. The emotions moved so fast on Max’s face Toby almost missed it.
“You’re dating him?” Max’s voice shook the ground. “Of all those damned robots you’re dating him? He would have killed you once!”
Toby gritted his teeth. “And yet now he’s risked his life for mine countless times. If he wanted me dead, Max, he’s had plenty of chances to let that happen.”
Max glared at him, teeth showing, were those fangs? Toby sighed again and shook his head. This conversation was getting nowhere.
“Look,” Toby lowered his voice. “I don’t want to fight you, but I can’t just let you threaten my friends. If you need some time to think I get it.” He turned away, planning to walk back. “We can continue this later.”
Sharp static ran up his left arm. Right as he turned he heard a familiar voice screaming his name. Something solid slammed into his side, knocking him on the ground. He heard the crunch of metal, the pop of static. He glanced to his side to see Cryptor hit the ground. A golden spider limb hovered nearby, and Toby followed it to where Max was standing, his gaze cold.
“Huh,” Max raised an eyebrow as the limb retreated towards him. Two more sprouted from his back. “Guess you were right at least. He really does risk his life for yours.”
Toby’s heart stopped. He scrambled over to Cryptor, rolling the nindroid on his back. He groaned, obviously still conscious. The hit at least seemed to miss his power source, but now there was nothing but an open hole close to his shoulder, static spitting from the open wires.
“Cryp?” Toby’s hands slid over the nindroid’s cheeks. “Are you okay? What the hell are you even doing here?”
Cryptor blinked a few times, the light in his eye flashing on and off before it steadied itself. “Had a bad feeling. Seems I was right.”
“You shouldn’t be here.” Toby hissed, trying to assess the damage the best he could.
Cryptor snorted. “Yes, well, the things one does when they’re in love.”
Toby would have repeated the sentiment, but the growing static on his arm reminded him that they weren’t alone. He glanced back at Max, four of those spider limbs behind him. His teeth had gone gold, sharp, that deep purple of dark matter shrouding his eye before he took off his eye patch. This one was gold. The metal seemed to drip into his skin, drawing lines along it down to one of his purple scars.
Cryptor gripped his arm. “Toby, you need to get out of here.”
“No.” Toby didn’t move his gaze as he tugged Cryptor closer. “I can’t leave things like this.”
“He’s dangerous.”
“So am I.”
He put his left hand on the ground, feeling the earth and the air around him until it all came to a focus on where Max was standing. He at least had a better understanding of what Cryptor meant now. Max’s precense didn’t feel like any other person’s, or a nindroid’s for that matter. It was dense, unbelievably so, and yet somehow still fluid.
“Max,” Toby figured he’d try at least one more time to keep this from turning into a fight. “Don’t do this.”
“Don’t do what?” His friend’s voice was distorting. It sounded layered, as if more than one voice was speaking. “That isn’t even half of what they did to us Toby. They deserve every bit of it.”
“I don’t care.” Toby dug his nails into the dirt. “I won’t stand here and let you hurt people I care about.”
“You think you can stop me?” The fire was swirling again, reaching out and curling around Max’s leg without burning him. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
“I could say the same for you.”
Toby didn’t give a warning. There was no need. He leaned forward so he teleported behind Max. His friend reacted fast, but not fast enough. Toby thrust his hand into the ground below Max, tearing open a portal. The dirt vanished, Max did as well but those spider limbs tried to cling to the outside. The dirt wasn’t solid enough. Eventually they slipped in as well, vanishing into the space below. Toby moved away from the portal’s grip before teleporting back over to Cryptor.
“Can you stand?” Toby asked, but was already pulling the nindroid up. Cryptor’s legs did seem to still function, although his arm hung limp at his side.
“Where did he go?” Cryptor stared at the portal. “Why aren’t you closing it.”
Toby pressed his lips together, making sure Cryptor was steady before letting go. “I’m going after him.”
“What?” Cryptor shouted. “You’re what? Toby you can’t be serious.”
“What choice do I have?” He argued back. “He still has a realm crystal. It’s only a matter of time before he finds his way back here and I can’t let that happen. Even if I have the power to fight him just how much collateral damage would there be?” He shook his head. “I won’t let that happen. I can’t. I’m going after him.”
Cryptor’s good hand shot out to grab his wrist. “Toby, I know you’re strong but so is he. What if it’s too much for you?”
Toby stared at their hands for a moment. His chest felt tight. Everything about this situation was terrible, from having to fight his friend, to Cryptor getting hurt, and now this.
But there wasn’t another option.
“Cryptor, listen to me.” Toby pulled out of his grip so he could reach up and hold Cryptor’s face. “When I go through that portal I want you to put the city under a security alert. Get everyone somewhere safe. Hide underground if you must. Skylor still has those networks open for emergencies. And do not call that alert off until I come back.”
Cryptor looked nothing short of horrified, like he was about to reel back if Toby didn’t have a grip on him. “No... Toby don’t say something like that.”
“Listen to me.” He repeated. “Keep everyone safe until I get back.”
“And what if you don’t?” Cryptor’s voice distorted, taking on high tones.
Toby held his gaze for a moment. “Then that either means I lost or we destroyed each other. In which case give it at least a month, but stay alert.”
“Don’t go.” Cryptor reached up and held his wrist again. “Don’t run into a situation like that. Especially not one where I can’t...”
He was shaking, Toby could feel it. He ran his thumb over Cryptor’s cheek before tugging him closer, pressing their foreheads together.
“Listen to me,” he said a third time. “I promise I’ll do everything in my power to get back to you. No matter how the situation turns out, I will do everything I can to come back to you.”
Cryptor clearly still didn’t like the idea, but his eye closed as he leaned into the contact.
“I love you.” Toby whispered before giving him a light kiss. He forced himself to let go, only for Cryptor to snatch his collar and tug him into a much firmer kiss.
“I love you too.” Cryptor said. “But you should work on your ‘I might not come back alive’ kisses.”
Toby actually gave a light chuckle at that. “It’s not something I should make a habit of, now is it.”
Cryptor didn’t laugh at that. His gaze darted to the ground before coming back up. “Go. I will protect them until you get back.”
If I come back. Toby kept the thought to himself. Cryptor trusted that he would, and as far as he was concerned he wanted to live up to that trust.
Even if it meant fighting Max.
Toby pulled out of his grip once more, letting his gaze linger before he turned and ran to the portal, jumping inside.
Cryptor stood there, numb. He wanted to blame the injury in his shoulder but he knew that wasn’t the case.
The field was so damn quiet now, as if nothing had even happened. All there was to show for it was the gentle crater Toby’s portal had left in the ground.
A portal he may never come out of.
He shoved his fear aside, the anxiety, the dread. He couldn’t do this right now. He had to trust Toby, and do everything he could in the meantime.
With the distance it took a few moments, but thankfully he was still close enough to the city to get a signal. He immediately opened a line with Pixal.
“Pixal.” He spoke in his head as he turned to start walking back.
“What is it?” She replied.
“I need you to initiate a security lock down. Start evacuating citizens into the underground networks.”
There was silence for a moment. “I’m sorry? What’s going on?”
“I can explain in more detail when I get back, but we need to start now. Also, if you could, arrange for a nindroid medic to meet me at the outskirts of the city.”
He could practically feel her fear and curiosity over the line, but after another pause she simply replied with, “right away,” and the line dropped.
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blznbaby · 5 years
Book: TRR
Pairing: Liam and Marcella (MC)
Rating: R (some dirty deeds). Hide yo kids! LOL
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixleberry Studios. I’m just borrowing :)
Tag list: @museofbooks @callmetippytumbles @cocomaxley @hopefulmoonobject @pixieferry @i-choose-liam @zaffrenotes @brightpinkpeppercorn @blackcoffee85 @dcbbw
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The applause died down, and the orchestra in the cavernous ballroom began to play as Liam and Marcella stood in front of the raised dais. The official greeting line was about to commence so they could welcome their guests. "You look beautiful," Liam exclaimed to his wife with a panty dropping grin. "And might I add, sexy as hell," he added in a whisper for only her to hear. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." Liam looked more than fine in his black suit.
Her husband looked great in anything, of course, but she loved the way his broad shoulders filled out his tailored jacket and how his ass looked in his slacks. All she wanted was his royal hotness all over her. Naked. Groaning. Sweating. She focused her attention on the guests that were either in lively conversation or joining the line. She took a deep breath. This wasn't her first rodeo, but after the palace attacks, she still got nervous at these affairs. "Everything will be fine, my love. Just relax." He assured her before leaning in closer, his lips brushing her ear. "And just think of all the things I'm going to do to you later," he husked. "Take off your panties before we sit for dinner." The heat rose to her cheeks and radiated from her body. She looked around, thankful that no one was privy to their private conversation. "Omigod, Liam. No. All eyes are on us now. Someone might notice." Just the thought of doing something so naughty was causing wetness to pool between her thighs. And thanks to Madeleine her dress wasn't exactly one that covered everything effectively. She was actually surprised when she picked the little black dress with the high slit. It didn't seem conservative enough for the party, but Madeleine assured her she could pull it off. At first, she thought it was a setup. The devil woman probably wanted her to flash her lady bits for all of Cordonia to see. It would likely result in her being kicked out of the palace or worse, which was probably the goal. She didn't trust Madeleine as far as she could throw her, especially around Liam. She was as cunning as they come. "Screw everyone else. Take. Them. Off," he ordered.
Her body ached with need anticipating what Liam would do with his magical fingers. He could play her like a piano, and it would be the most satisfying night of her life. She couldn't argue now that the order was issued. A royal decree from His Majesty himself. Oh, how she loved it when he issued a command. Liam went straight into greeting the first guest, giving her no time to recover from his sexy promise. She took another deep breath, willing her body to calm down so that she could think with her brain and not her pulsing lady parts. She needed all her wits about her tonight. The receiving line seemed endless and Liam being Liam knew everyone, greeting them all by name. He sent a wink or knowing grin Marcella's way every chance he got, obviously thinking about what he was going to do to her. This did absolutely nothing for her nerves; all it did was make her horny and think of all the possibilities that would come later that evening. After a while, Marcella slipped away to follow Liam's royal order. As she walked back into the ballroom, her pulse raced in anticipation of what was to come. She also couldn't help but wonder if anyone would notice that their queen had gone commando.
It was finally time for dinner, and Liam escorted Marcella to the head of the long table before pulling out her chair; a perfect gentleman as always.nThe air was jovial and light as everyone started on the first course. The food was divine, and the company was pleasant. Marcella couldn't complain. She'd had her fill of food and barely had enough room left for the chocolate cake that was placed in front of them as the speeches commenced. It was then Marcella felt Liam's hand inching and squeezing up her thigh before finally finding the slit in her dress to gain access. He pushed on her leg and on cue she parted them slightly granting him access. Her breath hitched in her throat, ready to obey his every command. Her right mind told her to slap his hand away and tell him no, but she couldn't find it in her to tell him to stop. She was a slave to her desires and mentally kicking herself for telling him to let go of his unremarkable restraint with that damn lantern a few months ago. She was regretting those words now...almost. She loved it when his hands were on her, and she didn't give a damn where, or how inappropriate it was or that they could easily be caught. All that mattered was his touch, the feeling he was giving her, and the heavy tablecloth covering his naughty roaming. Thank God for tablecloths. His touch was gentle and teasing as his nimble fingers brushed over her clit and she moved her legs as far as they could go within the confines of her dress, a silent plea for Liam to give her more. He pushed his fingers against her mound and rubbed circles with the perfect amount of pressure knowing that the friction would drive her wild. Just a little bit longer and she was going to burst into a million stars and colors. Liam had kept the foreplay going all night, and by the shit eating grin on his face, he knew exactly what he had done. She looked over at him, trying like hell to control her breathing and keep her expression neutral. If anyone had seen or had any idea of what he was doing to her, she'd be mortified. It would be a scandal of biblical proportions. Liam smirked, looking so innocent as if he was sitting there doing nothing. How could he be so calm when every part of her was about to fall apart?
Everyone listened intently to the speeches; all the speakers singing Liam's praises while his hand was tantalizing her pussy. She swallowed the moan brought on by his thick finger that was now gliding slowly in and out of her. She was so wet, so fucking ready. She refused to believe he was about to make her cum this fast, this quickly, and he'd barely even touched her. She was just so damned worked up, and he looked so fucking good. She wanted nothing more than to run her fingers through his thick black hair, and grip tightly at the root, as he finger-fucked her closer to orgasm. Instead, she clasped her hands together on the table, needing something, anything to hold onto for Liam's wild ride as she tried her damnedest not to rock her hips to his rhythm and maintain her composure which was verging on the line of impossible. Another digit delved inside her, and she bit her lip, loving the way he was filling her. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to hide it once she reached her climax. She couldn't moan in pleasure or cry out Liam's name when the time came. Not here. The deep spasms began in her belly. She was a damn ticking time bomb ready to detonate. Her hips began to move on their own ever so slightly, just barely enough to move the tablecloth. She much preferred sitting on his cock, but this would have to do for now. She was about to shatter into pieces in the middle of a crowded room. A fire inside her so needy and intense that no amount of water could extinguish it. She wanted to beg him for it; to be put out of her misery, but all she could do was bite her lips together to keep quiet. She needed to appear cool, calm and collected. Liam ground his palm into her clit. The pressure so intense taking her to the point of no return. She was falling, clenching and unclenching around his fingers. The orgasm spread through her body like wildfire, rocking her from her hair follicles to her toenails. She was utterly grateful for her melanin and the fabulous job it was doing hiding the beet red flush that would have otherwise shown on her face from trying to hold herself together. It was her saving grace.
Liam stopped his beautiful torture, his hand still cupping her soaking wet core, his face so relaxed and composed like he didn’t just make her cum. She was an absolute mess, while he sat there smiling in satisfaction and she wanted to wipe that smug look off his stupid, beautiful, perfect face. He was going to pay for this. She took deep breaths to calm herself as the pleasure swept over her in waves, each one calmer than the last -- thank fuck. She was soaking wet and knew she was going to have to clean up fast or else her juices would go running down her leg. Liam always made her this way, and she was convinced the man knew her anatomy better than she did. He always knew just what to do to make her body sing. Once the waves died down, she sat up straight and unclasped her hands so that the blood could return to her fingers. She knew Liam was rock hard at this point and reached for him under the table, unable to help herself. After all, his cock was a thing of beauty and worthy of being admired. Liam discreetly shook his head. A warning that he could touch her, but she couldn't touch him. Partly because it was about her pleasure only and because he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it together once she got hold of him. They'd most certainly be caught then, or he'd be dragging her somewhere to finish the job.
"You seem flush, my love," he whispered. "Is everything all right?" He tickled over her sensitive bud, and it nearly sent her into another tailspin. She clamped her legs together, stilling his hand. "Everything's perfect, My King. Just overwhelmed with my love for you," she breathed, giving something people could overhear without disgracing them both. Liam took his hand away, and she slipped him a napkin to wipe away the traces of their dirty doings. Once cleaned up he brought his hand back up above the table as if that hand hadn't just rocked her world. He reached for his spoon and took a hunk of the chocolate cake that sat before him, slowly placing it between his lips. He locked eyes with Marcella and slowly eased the spoon out of his mouth. "Mmmm...," he paused, mischief in his eyes as he subtly licked the spoon. "Delicious.”
Damn him. And Marcella quaked a bit more.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 180: Deku VS Gentle ~Conclusion~
Previously on BnHA: The U.A. cultural festival kicked off. Gentle and Deku continued to duke it out. Gentle was still powered up with La Brava’s love quirk, but it wasn’t enough to really give him an edge; the two of them were pretty much going toe to toe and not dealing any real damage. Gentle tried to squish Deku under some stretchy air, but Deku unleashed his inner hobbit and fucking burrowed his way free. There was a lot of other ridiculous stuff like jacket-pulling and a lot of rough and tumble nonsense, and then Gentle had a tragic flashback. Basically he wanted to be a hero back in high school, but was something of a disaster, and was eventually expelled after a botched rescue attempt. Four years later he ran into an old classmate who had become a successful hero himself. Said classmate had no idea who Gentle was. The sting of this incident gave Gentle the motivation to study and train until he mastered his quirk, tired of being a failure. Back in the present, Deku’s attempts at trying to talk sense into him fell on deaf ears, and we were promised a conclusion in the next chapter. Which is this chapter! So bring it on!
Today on BnHA: Gentle and Deku stare at each other angrily while gripping each other’s hands and kind of pushing each other back and forth aggressively. It’s pretty intense but also ridiculous. Meanwhile La Brava flees into the woods with her laptop, desperate to hack U.A.’s security and complete Gentle’s mission. Gentle is all “I have to finish this quickly!” and starts bouncing around not really doing anything. Finally, Deku finishes him off with a shoot style roundhouse kick. He sportingly tells Gentle it was a difficult fight (which is a straight up lie but Deku is a nice person okay), right as La Brava comes running back and realizes Gentle has lost. She starts cutely beating Deku with her fists while crying, and Gentle realizes the situation he’s put her in, and that his failure means that she’ll be arrested as well. So he flings Deku away, attempting to make it look like the battle never occurred, and then he hugs La Brava, and then the pros arrive and he surrenders.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 206 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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wtf is happening to him
Deku’s struggling to hold him off, and he seems to be losing his damn mind
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fucking look at this limbo champ right here. how the fuck is he still on his feet
now Gentle is asking Deku why he aspires to be a hero
funny that you should ask that, Gentle! because the thing is, Deku doesn’t actually care about recognition at all. he just wants to be a hero so that he can help others. imagine that
not that there’s anything wrong with wanting recognition. but if that’s the only thing you want, and you’re unable to be satisfied by anything else, you might want to prepare yourself for a lot of disappointment in life. and for the inevitable crisis you’ll have if and when you do ever finally achieve it, only to realize that it doesn’t really change anything and that you’ll still feel hollow inside until you finally realize that what you really wanted was ~love~
which you already have, apparently. so that’s great, dude. (again, just so long as it’s platonic??) I just wish you’d fucking figure it out already
maybe Deku can help him out. Deku?
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okay, first of all, HOW DARE YOU with that shot of Nighteye. I DON’T NEED THIS
but on the other hand, having All Might and Inko side by side is A++. like, he genuinely thinks of them as his mom and dad. those are his parents. this is great. All Might, your proposal had better be real classy. don’t try any of that cheesy surprise proposal in public in front of dozens of other people bullshit. she will get super shy and embarrassed. what you should do is take her on a romantic nighttime walk on Dagobah Beach, and tell her this is where you trained with Izuku before giving him OFA, and you’re so grateful that the two of them came into your life, and you can’t imagine it without them. and then you drop down on one knee and you whip out the ring and that’s when you pop the question, bro
anyways I got swept up in my fantasies, but Deku is still continuing his speech here
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very nice callback to that “you can be a hero” moment. you know what, I haven’t listened to the OST in a while. I’m gonna put that on
and Gentle seems to be smiling and he’s all “the same, huh”
and now he’s fucking flinging Deku into a nearby tree. rude
wow, La Brava is still committed to the plan and telling herself that Gentle will definitely win, and she’s actually setting up her fucking laptop in the middle of the woods and trying to connect to U.A.’s wireless network
but apparently she is “just barely” out of range
holy shit how far does U.A.’s network extend. is there a reason they need wifi all the way out in the middle of the damn woods? probably so the teachers can dick around on their phones while the students do survival exercises
so she’s picking up the laptop and running!
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oh my god lol I almost said “you can do it!!” out loud and then I remembered that I’m supposed to be rooting against her lol
Gentle’s calling after her not to go and that it’s too dangerous on her own
that’s right, there is a werewolf prowling these here woods, don’t forget
anyway, so now Gentle is all “I have to finish this quickly!”
and yes, you do! because Deku has a fucking concert to get to!!
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lol. yeah he’s a right pain in the ass, this one, isn’t he
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I was going to be all sarcastic and like “yes, nothing says respect like trying to beat the shit out of someone.” but then I remembered that this is shounen and that actually is how people show respect, like, all the time. so okay, yeah, that’s fair
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sorry my cute lil bean, looks like the jig is up
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holy shit I keep looking at it and cracking the fuck up. his face. HIS DRAMATIC HAND GESTURES. DEKU OUT HERE LOSING HIS GD MIND AND I’M LIVING FOR IT
anyway, so it’s about time he fired an air gun with his left hand! yeesh
and now he’s finally finishing him off!!
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this is a total Katsuki move. rotating in midair. and then finishing with an Iida move. I like this. I like this a lot
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Deku there’s no need to try and spare his feelings. why you lyin bro. “of all the battles I’ve fought till now, this was... one of them”
(ETA: but seriously though. this has to be the first fight he’s ever been in where he didn’t even need any patching up afterwards. this was not even remotely a challenge for him. this was more like a Disney Channel Original Movie fight where he was more concerned about finishing up in time for the big dance competition)
nooooo now La Brava is running back out of the woods and she’s all like “GENTLE THE HEROES ARE COMING--”
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ah so there is a limit. as I thought
and yes, run away La Brava! you’re still so young! you have your whole life ahead of you, don’t throw it all away for this sad old man who flunked out of school 50 years ago and is now trying to be famous. he could have escaped, after all. he’s the one who decided he had to do this for some inexplicable reason
ffff she’s sobbing and telling Deku to “knock it off” and let him go
do you think he’s just going to shrug his shoulders and be like, “oh, sure thing, my bad”
oh my god
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definitely one of them. one of the battles. but uh. most difficult? nahhh
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listen kid. sometimes people try really hard and they still fail. it happens. maybe next time don’t pour your heart and soul into an assault on a school if you want people to feel bad when you fail
she’s saying Gentle is everything to her and her only light
okay I really want La Brava to make some nicer, more age-appropriate friends who don’t commit as many crimes
(ETA: well okay, the age thing is apparently not an issue, so that’s good. hopefully the two of them have learned their lesson and will be good citizens after they’ve done their time. maybe they’ll let them off with community service)
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this is like fucking Zabuza and Haku in the fucking Wave Arc. holy shit. how many years ago was that
(ETA: 19. 19 fucking years ago. holy shit. that is a whole generation)
and now Gentle is belatedly realizing that even though La Brava is innocent (I guess “innocent” here is a relative term), if she gets caught now then she’ll be charged as an accomplice
why didn’t you fucking think about stuff like this before you made a teenage girl your evil sidekick
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did he just fucking yeet Deku into the air behind his back
and Deku landed in another one of those elastic air pockets it looks like
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so what, you tried to make it look like you didn’t fight Deku and you just somehow happened to end up in the woods outside U.A. all beat up? lol okay then
that was pretty dumb but also hilarious. at any rate, I guess we get to go onto the festival now! BRING ME MY BAND AU AND MY HAPPY ERI’S SMILING FACE
no bonus, but look, Deku survived a 1-on-1 villain fight with no lasting damage, the villain learned a valuable lesson about love and friendship, class A is about to slay the entire U.A. campus with their sound, and All Might is proposing to Inko on the beach. basically life is pretty good.
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