#lol this sucks
getvalentined · 3 months
Going in for a job interview. My personal Try To Not Cry Challenge.
EDIT: And I'm done! Home safe, very tired. I feel like it went well but I will have to wait and see if it went well enough to mean anything.
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t4tails · 6 months
authentic teenager in the 2010s dialogue writing. hey porn stars
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squipy-shippy · 1 year
As long as you need me
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Ship: morgen x adagio dazzle
Warnings: autistic meltdown,thunder and lighting,first person pov
A/n: you know what sucks I swear people who write these "imagine your f/o comforting you during a thunder storm" one shots don't have Astraphobia so fuck it I'm doing it myself!!! Granted this is based off how I act so maybe it's different than you expesally sense I have autism and I'm 90% sure that these are meltdowns so yeah whatever enjoy my bad writing!!
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I covered myself deeper in the blankets shaking and shivering not Daring to look out the window at the storm. My eyes darted around the dark room trying to keep myself distracted why did thunder have to be so loud and scary! I squeaked and shivered curling myself into a ball as another flash of lighting made its way across the room lighting it up for a brief moment. Tears streamed down my round face as I hid before hearing the door open...
I noticed a taller woman entered the room her hair puffy and round her magenta eyes scanning the dark room for what I can assume she was looking for me as she softly lifted the blankets to see me gosh I probably look pathetic to her I thought to myself as she just looked at me without saying a word...but then she smiled she got up seemingly going to grab something I sighed thinking she was probably going to tease me for being such a lo-
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a pair of over hear headphones appeared over my head I was in such a panic I hadn't even thought to grab them. I noticed adagio look down and smile "am I okay to hug you* she asked softly to which I gave her a nod unable to really form words at the moment.
She slid into the bed beside me before pulling me into her lap and wrapping her arms around me placing her head on my shoulder. I relaxed a bit still shaken by the storm however the headphones helped a lot plus I was glad I had my love holding me her touch felt so warm and calm compared to the roaring lightning and thunder outside. I squeaked as another flash made its way across my face before adagio spoke again "when you think lighting might appear darling I want you to look at me okay.." she said softly
I wanted to say that she's probably just going to use her siren magic on me which was one of the first boundaries I set with adagio but that's a story for anointing day. Right now I nodded and turned to face her to which she just smiled brushing my long blonde hair with her hand her eyes tracing me with no evil just care and worry but most importantly love. I heard another thing of thunder crash which caused me to jolt and push her down onto the bed which somehow caused me to speak for the first time all night "i-i s-s-sorry I umm d-didnt I didn't I I" I was shushed by adagio petting my hair with a smile "it's okay dear... don't aplogize don't force yourself to speak I'll be here as long as you need me.." she said with a smile
And with that I managed to feel safe enough to drift off laying on top of her like a cat the headphones still wrapped around my head and two arms wrapped around my body.
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enha-cafe · 2 years
out of all the people to show up on my fyp it just had to be my ex
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gothy-froggy · 2 years
Hello, just checking how you're doing.
Well I just had panic attack so uh, not so great
Earlier I would've been fine but uh yeah. I'm not doing very well right now sadly. My crush did check up on me and was looking out for me
What made me feel better is the fact that my mom is crying about a fly infestation with fat flies coming out of the kitchen sink. It's disgusting but I cracked a few laughs
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phayz · 1 year
learning that self deprecation isnt cool and just makes the people around you uncomfortable unironically improved my mental health a lot. like if you just stop saying negative shit about yourself you will genuinely like yourself more and other people wont be repulsed by your attitude and you will have more friends. it's true.
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trainwreckgenerator · 8 months
op of continent poll is a swiftie
im gonna be real this is probably the funniest warning ive received in any context. like damn i had no idea i guess we should execute them in the streets
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a-moss-covered-heart · 6 months
Have you ever been so sick with want that you're able to jack off to the idea of a really nice date or is it just me?
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ashterblaster · 7 months
Me, liking something: hey this thing is neat
Someone else innocently stating their dislike for it: Me, trying to remember that everyone has opinions and they're literally not even aimed at ME PERSONALLY: but then just say you hate me lol
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lilislegacy · 7 months
zeus: ok, you broke the pact. what’s done is done. just tell me which abilities you gave him, so at least i know what we’re dealing with
poseidon: ...all of them
zeus: ok but from which of your roles? sea god, stormbringer, or earthshaker?
poseidon: ...all of them
zeus: you’re not serisouly telling me he has domain over air and land and the sea?
poseidon: er, actually, it’s not just the sea. any water, really. lakes, rivers, ice, plumbing,...potentially bodily fluids...
zeus: you- WHY DID- WHAT WERE YOU-
zeus: *takes a deep breath*
zeus: anything else?
poseidon: *looks at list*
poseidon: er, yes. he immediately heals when he touches water.
zeus: what?
poseidon: well, you know, i figured with all the danger he’ll face, potential child of the prophecy and all, he should be able to automatically regenerate
zeus: that- that’s not even a thing!
poseidon: well...it is now!
poseidon: he can also speak to horses
zeus: *throws lightning bolt at the wall*
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alnilaem · 1 month
*heavy sigh* ……. Price
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tropicalcryptid · 2 months
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koboldfactory · 10 months
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Least favorite phenomenon
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bixels · 7 months
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I watched Starship Troopers tonight.
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wakanai · 1 year
someone needs to bring me an anti anxiety pony like pls.
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manicpunk98 · 8 months
No one mentions how academically intelligent Halsin is, specifically to do with biology.
My man was leading the druids in teaching about it. Nettie specifically says she couldn't tell you more about the tadpole because Halsin was the one studying it, and he would understand it better.
This being the first time he'd ever studied anything Ilithid, and him figuring out it was altered by magic? He's the first one to tell you what's so different about it. He may not have been able to cure you, but he knew more than anyone from the get-go just by looking at one tadpole. Not talking to any true souls, not having met you yet.
Halsin is incredibly smart, I wish we had some kind of interaction with him that we could tell him that. He deserves more credit than being "the big bear man".
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