#lolol gotcha!
fernrye · 2 years
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part 2 omar moment!!! except its stuff from commisions/art trades
2nd-seaz , , ¿#5143
4th- me hahahehahhghhaha
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I find it interesting that only when WOMEN create their single sex spaces/events like video games or chess tournaments that we see tras coming out giggling "so you think women are bad at chess/video games?? Omg terfs are such misogynists!! Lolol".
Like it doesn't happen with other groups. When transwomen create their book clubs or publishing houses no one is saying "omg so you think that transwomen can't read?? Or write good books?! Transphobes!". When ethnic minorities create associations and forums for entrepreneurs of their community, no one is saying "omg so you think that black/asian/whatever people are bad at doing business?? Gotcha racists !!". When transmen created their own football team, I didn't see ANY TRA saying "so they think that transmen are bad at kicking balls?!". Suddenly it was clear for everyone why a group would create opportunities for themselves.
No, YOU are the one to think that the only reason women and girls create female-only spaces and events because we suck. No other reason is possible. Fucking MRAs.
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infamous-if · 1 year
Are the two parts going to be released very far apart from each other or not really?
i cant answer that really! im not good at guestimates :/
i do want to make it clear though that part 1 doesn't end at like,,, a cliffhanger or the middle of a scene lolol it's its own part, and it can be its own chapter really if i wanted to do that, but i kind of like both parts it as its own chapter (or maybe ill change it who knows)
if your fear is that there's some sort of gotcha! at the end and i just cut it off there, dont worry lol it feels very completed (at least in my eyes).
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With half the Veilguard having adrenaline rush (If Rook has it too)...
What I'm hearing is that they're gym rats hyped on pre-workout 🤣👍
My kind of people lolol ok, gotcha!
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luna-n-mocha · 1 month
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everyone say happy gotcha day to mocha and luna!!!!
as of today, august 11th 2024, i have had the joy of being able to care for mocha and luna for FIVE years! since i got them when they were kittens, i consider today to be their birthday as well lolol
i cant believe its been five years since i was given two tiny furballs as a 17th birthday present. here i am, now moved out at 22, with two of the best things that have ever happened to me still within kissing and petting range.
i love them so much and i hope to be able to love them for years and years to come
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fivekrystalpetals · 7 months
For the ship(s) of your choice:
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
7. Who's clumsier?
10. Who is always reminding the other not to forget important documents/general things before leaving out the door?
Thank you @frankenjoly for the ship ask! ships of my choice"" is hard to pick (I have so many!) but I decided to go with ramposano cuz I don't talk about them as much as I want to on here XD (and these questions fit them perfectly ghjfk)
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
For Ranpo, it's def crime series/documentary! He prob calls out the criminal within two seconds of the "murder" and if the murderer turns out to be a red herring planted (for sake of a deliberate plot twist or smth) he would list out all the reasons why it's impossible for them to have committed the murder lol (ofc, Yosano is in agreement but she won't admit it out loud lolol) Yosano might whine to switch to something else but secretly she loves watching crime thrillers with Ranpo, mainly bc he gets so excited about them and his excitement is contagious ghfjk
As for Yosano, I think she'd like watching something slice-of-life-y or light romcom just to de-stress; sometimes, she might watch more cheesy sentimental movies for a good cathartic cry. Ranpo hates them but joins her anyway (bc it's fun to see her expressions more than the movie lmao) honestly he doesn't understand why they are creating unnecesssary misunderstandings/situations and why the plot reveal wasn't obvious right from the beginning. Neither why Yosano is crying for the characters but he would let her cry and console (re:teasing consoling) her in whatever way he can. later, they will dip into a big tub of ice-cream too!
7. Who's clumsier?
Ranpo, but a drunk Yosano is def clumsier than a sober Ranpo. Honestly, they are both somewhere on the clumsy scale-> Ranpo with his clothes, belongings, getting lost etc., while Yosano might trip over her heels if she is lost in thoughts but walk up and leave like nothing lmao (doesn't make her any less clumsy and Ranpo definitely noticed asa she entered the room haha)
10. Who is always reminding the other not to forget important documents/general things before leaving out the door?
Yosano! But at times, Ranpo points out, as casually as he can, something he knew/figured out she had forgotten, so she gets caught off-guard (and Ranpo gets his gotcha moment lol)
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asknarashikari · 16 days
today marks the 2nd anniversary of Geats... and what I did was listened to Chemy X Story Gotcha version on loop. lolol. It's a shake Atropos didn't sing.
It's ok not to give two fucks about Fox Jesus when you're busy rocking out to the superior Jesus, Chemmy Jesus
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
Joe Burrow. Hockey Game.
My Sport is hockey, I'm an avid watcher, will find any excuse.
I'm also loud as fuck.
He'd be so scared of being recognized watching his person yell and cuss people out
Shouting "cookie jar that motherfucker!" And him having no idea what you mean, until they score. "Thank you, was that so goddamn hard?"
"I have no idea what that means." And you look over and he's so defeated.
"Where does mom hide the cookie jar?" He looks even more confused, "momma hides the cookie jar on the top shelf."
He looks like he doesn't understand that either, "top part of the net."
And he makes a face of realization and just goes "ah, gotcha" and turns back to the game.
Hes so willing to learn and understand, it'd be so cute
I love this bc as a hockey enjoyed myself (clearly lolol)
He’d be so confused but like once he understood it all, hed be joining in with you yelling at players and refs.
“Why are we saying the ref sucks again?”
“Bad call J.”
“Yeah you suck!” He’d shout
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snowlilys-wife · 10 months
LOL, if you wanna hear Wyvern mounted classes are stupidly overpowered in nearly every Fire Emblem game ever made!
The older games only "balanced" the class by not giving you access to a couple later the game.
Armored Knights and Archers tend to be underpowered, the former particularly in recent games!
Ohh gotcha! Yeah, from what I can tell, wyvern riders always seem to be super OP, which is good when you want a tank that kills everything pretty easily. But if it’s a character I don’t really care about, I end up not using them nearly as much, unless I’m just trying to get their supports. I think the only wyvern rider I actually like and use regularly is Gerome tbh.
Also I do agree about knights and other armored units being super underpowered too, but all my archers are pretty strong tbh. I rely on them a lot lolol
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halforcdad · 2 years
Totally agree with you about Lucy! Tbh it’s been here since s1 but this fandom (especially on Twitter) have a Kate bias and treat Lucy awfully when they get the chance. And they were simply waiting for the shoe to drop so they could finally say oh she’s SO wrong for this since none of them seem to treat her like her own person with her own feelings. ESP with that scene from s1 that you said they’re comparing this too. So many people hated her for that and thought kacy was dead in a ditch afterward. I really don’t get it. But it’s also obvious with the way they advocate for more things about Kate (like back story, relationship/scenes with Jane, etc) but hardly ever say oh I wanna know about Lucy (when arguably lucy is more of a main since she’s the one on NCIS) . We all know why this is too even if people don’t wanna say it. Kate is the white one and Lucy is brown they will always villainize her actions first even when Kate was the one in the wrong (in s1). Anyways this ep is definitely ending with better communication for them so I am not sweating it. Twitter overanalyzes in the worst way like they always do
I do get the sense that some people were waiting with bated breath for the chance to point at Lucy and call her a hypocrite like some sort of gotcha! moment the minute she slipped up and didn't tell Kate something. Which is weird because you're a fan of this ship shouldn't you be rooting for both of the characters? 💀
The Kate bias is a very real thing. I feel like when 1x11 happened I mostly saw people blaming bad writing and giving Kate a pass for being a dumbass and saying it was out of character for her (when we'd only seen her...briefly for 7 ep at most so what's ooc and what's not at that point). But when Lucy isn't perfect, she doesn't get the same excuses or defense, the mistakes are all on Lucy and not on 'bad writing'. There doesn't seem to be a lot of 'putting yourself in her shoes' type sympathy for a lot of what Lucy was dealing with in S1 (like if I had to see my ex who hurt me badly everyday at work I would be in a state lol).
And God I felt like I was in the trenches after 1x20, both on twitter and on here because the reactions were wild Gonna try to be brief because I feel like I've spent a lifetime talking about it (because it's the best episode of s1 lolol), but that entire episode was about Lucy and her trying to move on, but being unable to because Kate still had such a huge effect on her (bc she loved her!) and still all the fandom focus was on Kate and how sympathetic she was! I think even if Kate showed up with a clean bill of health, she still would've been babied immensely because Lucy made her cry (even though they were both crying). The treatment Lucy got after that was truly disheartening. Like there was no room for nuance. As a poc, seeing everyone baby the white woman (and getting to ready to fight for her because she cried) even though she's the one who fucked up is very, hm, realistic lol. Lucy deserves way better.
You bring up a good point. The fandom goes crazy over Kate and Noah, but Lucy's family doesn't get the same level of speculation and fanfare. And we only got like 2 mentions of Noah in S1 vs. all the tidbits Lucy's dropped about her family. And of course I want to see Kate interact more with Pearl Team and develop friendships, but like we don't even know anything substantial about Lucy and Jesse's relationship or with her and Tennant for that matter. Those should probably take priority. The shows called NCIS: Hawai`i not FBI: Hawai`i lol.
If there really was a season to sweat over Kacy's relationship, it wouldn't be the season where they've been actively showing them working on themselves and being better with each other. It's like we didn't get an entire Whistler/Kacy love fest episode in 2x03 or something. Some people are quick to think the worst and go, 'ugh miscommunication is such a kacy thing'. We probably haven't been watching the same show this season then because they're clearly taking steps to fix that in just the first 5 episodes.
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diaryofellen · 2 years
hiya it's the person who accidentally started running gartic, gonna have to go when this round's over so you might have to make a new link
thanks for hosting it btw (:
gotcha!!! thank you so much also for running it when i accidentally clicked out lolol
ill maybe make a new link and run an extra round or two, maybe on animation mode since thats fun!
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hrina · 6 months
Lolol totally understandable! But yeah I’d say the picture of him on the cover is pretty accurately based on the description that’s given in the book. Although if it helps he’s a bloodborn vampire so that’s why he’s kinda…. Scary looking
ohhhhh gotcha!!! ty for explaining it ❤️ who knows i may decide to read it eventually hehe
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daemour · 10 months
Gotcha! So, would you say you are more of a fluff reader with light angst? Like heavy angst would be too much? Also, what is your favorite trope? -Your Kpop Secret Santa, Candy 🍬
Ooh i do love heavy angst but i only really read it if there's a happy ending lolol i got a weak heart 😂 my favourite trope is e2l or s2l hehe
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throwbacktears · 1 year
idk if u care since u posted about it a while ago, but i think "the little trashmaid" is referencing a webcomic by sos2 about the life of a mermaid living in a polluted ocean
ohhhhhhhh gotcha. thanks anon, i had no idea!! i thought it was a hate tag for the new tlm 🫠 glad to know it isnt lolol
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ghoulsister1 · 5 years
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