#longgg ramble lol
bidokja · 1 year
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you know, i didn't realize/appreciate this the first time i read overgeared, but chapter one already gives you a really good look at the multiple facets of Greed's character and complexes.
if you're just barely starting the series, you may think his personality is anjoying, and that greed praising himself for having patience and tenacity is an empty brag or a joke. but it really isn't. those traits are genuinely his best virtues, proven time and time again. even just in chapter one, we learn he's not exactly a high leveled player. he's an average nobody who sucks at most parts of the game. he had the insane luck to land an s-ranked quest that was FAR beyond his capabilities, and instead of running from it he gave it all he had. unlike most other munchkin series...this does not miraculously end well. it is disastrous from beginning to end. he dies a ton of times (and dying comes with penalties in this game), he breaks a lot of gear, and wastes a lot of money, and spirals further and further into his identity as an "embarrassment" and "failure". he still doesn't give up through all of that. most people would have. and thus, literally through sheer persistence, he actually does it. the madlad finds the objective of the quest. so he has every right to call himself patient and tenacious. it's these exact qualities that got him this far.
but in the end, this comes to ruin due to another of greed's personality traits. his vices rather than his virtues: his lack of self worth, his feelings of inferiority, and his greed for any means to change his situation. in the end he can't even complete the quest (despite technically achieving the objective) because the earl notices greed coveting the book, and decides to kill him (aside: I'm with greed on this one. it was a dick move on the earl's part, but that's a rant for another post).
still, even amidst him shouting about what is clearly his insecurities, notice how his first concern isn't how people view him specifically. it's how his failures have impacted his loved ones. it's not just that he wants bragging rights. greed is aware of how his previous failures have impacted his family - both financially and emotionally - and he wants to set things right For Their Sakes. he doesn't want to burden his family, and be a cause for embarrassment to them. this aspect is what he first thinks of, and can be seen as his priority rathrr than soothing his own feelings of infrriority. that isnt to say his inferiority complex doesnt come into play. in the very same paragraph we see him wanting to rise above others and show off any success he has. really stick it to em. but even this isn't pronounced in a malicious sense. he doesn't want to bring others down, he wants to raise his own standing.
and finally, the part I think is just as important if not most important: his reputation with the NPCs
we only really learn this in subsequent chapters, but the NPCs in the game are extremely advanced. functionally, they act no differently than real people. you don't max out reputation with an entire entire city through luck or coincidence. there's no preset dialogue options, there's no plus and minus popups, and there's no way to simply butter up to everyone in the same way. to get close and be trusted by an NPC in this game, you must go about it like you would for a real person. you have to talk with them, learn how best to help each person, and follow through with it. essentially, through this one line, we get a peek at a Major aspect of greeds personality: unlike most players, he treats NPCs like people. and he treats them well. he's a genuine guy who - at his core - likes people and doesn't want others to suffer. real life hardships and mistakes have simply not given him the circumstances to do so freely, but in-game this is different. we first see the good in greed's character thanks to his actions in game. and it's also through the game that greed himself grows and realizes his not some horrible perpetual fuckup that can't do anything right. it's through the game that he realizes his potential to help and support others, and grows to become responsible and capable enough to follow it all through, and carry that on into real life.
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saturnskyline · 2 years
okay i'll shut up about this eventually lol but it really is so amazing that people are reading a thing that i wrote and LIKING it??!?? not only am i a whore for external validation but the fact that a little story for the sad mafia gays that i wrote in my free time resonates with anyone at all... wowowow
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galactic-magick · 3 months
the Chappell Roan effect is getting too real because suddenly I have an insatiable urge to wear sparkly make up and dye my hair red again even thought I had to spend so much time and money getting my hair color corrected last time 😂
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starrierknight · 1 year
yk i almost feel a little bad for inflicting the most agonising predicaments on already tragic characters... not! lmaoo trust me to create a new health condition and give it to gojo satoru; as if that man needs anything else to deal with pahahaha
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em-prentiss · 1 month
I MISS YOUR FICS🥺 do you have anything planned next?
I miss posting and interacting with lovely people like you!!! I haven’t had the time lately because I’ve been trying to soak up what’s left of my vacation, but I think around next week I’ll be back to posting regularly 🩷 (do I even have a schedule? anyway) I’m so glad you asked! Here’s a few I’m working on, because I can never work on just one fic at a time:
1- I’ve got this 5+1 that I’m almost halfway through. I don’t know how it’s going to go, though, I usually plan ahead and flesh out the scenes a little bit but for this one I’m seeing how it flows as I go on :D
2- Letters that Emily writes to Aaron (and the team) when she’s in Paris. I have 1k down for this and it’s mostly stuff I’ve written down sporadically, I still don’t know the full plot or which direction it’s going to take but it’s supposed to be something short and quite angsty (possible happy ending? who knows honestly)
3- Emily getting drunk at a bar after a bad case and calling Aaron (she meant to call JJ) to come pick her up and going home with him! Post Doyle so you know it’s gonna have some angsty bits ;) I’ve actually gotten most of this written down a longgg time ago but recently I went back and changed a lot of it to make it closer to canon. I’m almost done with it, it’s the fic that’s closest to being finished so far!
Went on a bit of a ramble here because I haven’t been writing too much and I don’t know if these’ll be done soon but I’m excited to talk about them lol. Thanks so much for sending me this btw! Messages like this make me very happy, and it’s so awesome to know that somebody misses my fics when I don’t post 🩷 Love you!
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xaloncat · 6 months
Hello there I am xalon, your friendly neighborhood certified silly dude and father to around 110 people
Here's some info you might wanna know bout me
Starting off with basics
I am a minor! [Won't be specific on age but let's say somewhere around 13-16] I have AUDHD and severe anxiety (and suspected to have some kinda personality disorder) I'm Transmasc, Pansexual, on the ace spectrum (cupiosexual). Currently in a queer platonic relationship!! I use He/They so please no feminine pronouns, Also I tend to use parentheses, tag tones and end my posts with some form of 'lol'. Just a habit of mine idk-
Policy on ~communications~
If you are my mutual, feel free to reach out! I get anxious about starting conversations but I'm happy to receive dms, asks ect from mutuals :)
I'm also fine with getting asks from non mutuals, but if you aren't my mutual, please do not dm me. That's my boundary and I hope you can respect that.
I also do not mind if you vent when talking to me. My entire branding is being my followers' father, and it spawned from me wanting to just be there and comfort some of my younger friends! If you need to vent I don't mind if it's to me, though I will say I'd prefer if only or mostly mutuals did so as I struggle with interacting with people I don't know well.
DNI LIST! [oh boy this is gonna be longgg]
Queer/LGBTphobic people (homophobic, transphobic aphobic ect) || Zoophiles|| Proshippers || Solar-Moon Shippers || Abelists || Right Wingers || Racists + Xenophobes || Anti Furs || Anti Alterhuman || Anti-CBC ||
On the contrary, this is a safe place for almost everyone not included (almost cuz I might have forgot some stuff) but especially LGBTQ+ People, Therians, Furries and people on the autism spectrum and other forms of neurodivergency :)
- TSAMS/The Sun And Moon Show
- Starter Squad
- Lego Monkey Kid
- Welcome To Dreamworld
- Lego Ninjago (first hyperfixation check)
- KinitoPet
- Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss
- Percy Jackson
- Warrior Cats
- Wings Of Fire
- Dragon Adventures on roblox, I'm only a little obsessed (<-- me when I lie)
- Roblox Pressure
Follower Count - 29 (rookie numbers I know)
Birthday - May 9th :D
Art Requests? - Open on my sideblog (@xalons-emote-shop)
Art trades - Open!
Commissions - OPEN!! (please comission)
Fanart policy - Always feel free to! Mutual or not I adore fanart. No NSFW or suggestive art please but otherwise, art Refs are on my unvale, go ahead and draw my blorbos :D
My mutuals :3
Gonna start doing blog spesific tags, here they are :D
Art Tag - #Xalons Art
Reblog Tag - #Bowtie Reblogs
Ref Sheet Tag - #Xalon Art Refs
Ask Tag - #Ask Jumpscare
Fanart Tag - #Hehe Fanart :3
Text Only Posts Tag - #Xalon Rambles
Vent Tag- #Xalon venting
Posts Past midnight Tag - #Xalon Get Some Sleep
(Warning - tags don't work at the moment, trying to fix them)
Other Links!
Youtube (I post animatics and timelapses here!)
Cardd (Extra Info :D)
Unvale (OC info WIP adding all characters)
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kosmicpowers · 3 months
In an actual au where they do realize that they’re the bad guys I do think Geum would take the LONGEST to realize, because he cares about Flower Hill the MOST
Jul loves Flower Hill ofc, but he cares more about the people IN flower hill than the place itself
Same with Bamsaegi, the only reason he joins the military is because he feels guilty (which Geum helps perpetuate) he was having a great time being a scientist and thought everything was over and wanted to relax which of course doesn’t boast well with Flower Hill “you can’t relax the enemy is always near” mindset
Geum alongside not having as much empathy as the rest is like clearly VERY traumatized by the first ep with Uncle Bear, you see it then but hes completely different in that first ep, nicer, trusting and more emotional the moment he joins the military is the moment he loses that and you see how much it affects him by the way he interacts with others ESPECIALLY Bamsaegi, hes the one who tells him that he shouldn’t relax that the enemy is always near. He is the POSTER child of Flower Hill
So throwing that away and trying to realize the fact that not only is Flower Hill bad but he is also bad in association is something he wouldn’t want to admit
Idk I think its interesting sorry for the longgg ramble sushjsjsj
You're right... When I wrote it was before I really thought about the characters and just wanted them to defect lol. But now that I think about it I want to rewrite the Darami fight with Juldarami since he's definitely the one who's more empathetic.
I think Geumsaegi would go along with it since he deep down wants his little brother and partner to be safe. But would always have doubts even after he runs off. I think he'd get particularly touchy if outsiders start badmouthing Flower Hill since he's so patriotic and idk if anything will truly fully take that away from him... at one point he might've even snapped and accuse Juldarami of being brainwashed or a spy...
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bestie i need some advice 👀 how do you decide if you make a series out of an idea or just condense it into a one shot?
because yes im already neglecting my responsibilities to write a part two to my fic lol, and i have ideasss but i don’t know if it should be a longgg one shot or a good sized part 2 + some blurbs of the smaller ideas i can’t really connect to the main story
i hope this makes sense 🫣
Ohhh hard one.
I kind always start my fics as one shots with the main structure of where I'm starting and a point I want to get at and then I develop the rest around those two points. (It can be an event, a reaction or even a dialogue)
With some stories it's pretty straight forward and I'll cut it if it feels like I'm telling more than one thing too fast. So like with the She's here series, I'm always focusing on one event at a chapter so I can go a bit deeper into them.
Now, some others I separate the chapters following the pacing to the story telling. In Not just a pretty face, the part 1 I wanted to set the tone of what they were to each other but still in that not really knowing where they're going and not really caring for the result, part 2 it picked up speed a bit to show the turmoil Y/n was starting to experience and then part 3 was full on speed with a thousand things happening at once to match y/n's life doing a 180 in a day. (The bonus part slowed down to match how her life also calmed down)
My Invisible String Theory though, that one had a life of it's own. I started with snippets (like how he met her, how they met, how they she knew he was the one) and then built from those. Seriously, that one had 0 planning.
So, I'd say hold onto those ideas you're having and develop them into snippets (and don't delete the ones you don't use now, you might use them latter). And then maybe play around with them, see if you can combine them and write them together, if you could use one to deepen the other.
Also, make sure you're writing a story in the style you like to read stories. That was something a friend told me and I still go back to it for some things, bc I personally like to build on a characters (hence why I rely on dialogues so heavily most of the time and learn about different moments that have made them who they are. Some people like to see themselves into a specific scene, so they set the scenario really well.
I rambled but I hope my ramble helped? You know you can always come to my asks or messages, so if I can help with anything else just shout ❤️
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demiesworld · 1 year
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this is word vomit, me rambling, and basically just saying shit!! at the end i am thanking my followers for helping me reach 1k!!
i started this side-blog back in late april to early may just thinking that this was just going to be a fluke. originally i had only planned to just post more random shit on here, reblog some anime stuff, and just do whatever i wanted. there were times where i was like "im going to delete this blog", "im losing my interest", "this ain't getting me nowhere", just pessimistic thoughts.
that all changed when i started writing for anime. my very first post was a stupid "toman as stupid shit i did in my life" post which garnered some good attention. ppl liked it. then a little bit later i decided to write "tokyo revengers reaction to how you fight" and ppl LOVED IT lol i was so happy reading through the feedback about how the reader was depicted as being badass and strong.
later i got myself more involved into the anime fandom. i started watching demon slayer after a previous co-worker of mine mentioned to me that i should watch it bc it was a good anime. and it is!! demon slayer is one of the most popular animes out there imo. so when i began watching demon slayer i wanted to write content for the demon slayer fandom as well. now originally i wanted to write my first demon slayer fanfic with tengen x reader, but i was already hooked onto season 4 with the hantengu clones and had more motivation to write about them. the hantengu clones x demon!reader thing i wrote, i literally did not expect for it to get any attention. bc i haven't wrote smut like that in FOREVER. literally i thought it would go to shit but i was fucking excited to see it gain over 2.5k notes!!!
now before i got into demon slayer i was watching jjk. but i just never thought of writing for them since i had only ever watched the jjk 0 movie, and season 1. i didn't familiarize myself with the characters and just went with how the fandom portrayed them as. though as soon as season 2 came out with the gojo's past arc i wanted to write some content for them as well.
then... i got lured into the miguel o'hara stan. now i was already a marvel nerd BEFORE i rejoined the anime fandom. i was only watching the marvel films and the tv shows like daredevil, punisher, and loki. when i saw miguel o'hara on the big screen I FELL IN LOVE. not only that but he is voiced by OSCAR FUCKING ISAAC. god i want for this man to yell at me- ANYWAYS LOL UM we're getting off track here!! i went to reading some miguel o'hara fics, watching tiktok edits of this man, looking at fanarts of him, and then i sort of got the inspiration to write some content about him. and i do notice that there is not a LOT of miguel o'hara with a black reader or at the very least with a latin/hispanic reader. so i want to spice things up and contribute to writing things for him.
now mind you all i write my fics with a black reader in my mind!! but i never describe their skin color, their eye color, their weight, i don't describe what they look like bc i want for the reader to feel included!!! i want for the reader to feel as if they are in the story. unless it is stated in my notes that the reader is black, chubby, skinny, etc. then i write as that. but if you read most of my fics there's not really an indication of the reader's race.
so with this blog and through my writing i want to show all writers that you don't have to describe what the reader looks like. that there are ways to avoid describing the reader and to have the reader feel included. inclusivity is my goal here on this site. as someone who is multifandom, i want to bring something to the table and maybe make a change.
to end this all off bc damn this is getting TOO DAMN LONGGG i want to say to all of my followers thank you so much for following me. times have been hard for me, but you know seeing that i have ppl who love my content and my writing makes me happy. honestly it is getting me motivated to get back to writing more again. i hope to give you guys more content, and better up my writing skills in the future. please stick around for more! again thank you babes! i love you all so much!!
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♡ with love, demie !
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not-xpr-art · 11 months
Art deep dive #3 - How important are the "rules" of art?
So it's been a longgg time since I did one of these, but I've recently noticed something in the way people talk about art online today, especially the idea of 'art rules', that I've found interesting so... let's talk about it!
(just fyi this is a series where I ramble about art-y things and pretend I know what I'm talking about lol)
How important are the "rules" of art? ~
If you're an artist you've probably heard some version of the phrase 'you need to learn the rules in art in order to break them'. Effectively this refers to learning the basics of art like anatomy, colour theory or perspective before you completely do away with them to create something stylised, deconstructive or even abstract! Even beyond this particular idea, I hear so many artists online (as well as in school) talk about the importance of learning the 'art rules'.
And to some extent, I agree with this sentiment! I think you need to have some understanding of how to draw things, and more specifically knowing why we draw things certain ways. An example of this is the 'don't use black in shadows' rule, which is referring to the fact that there are no true black shadows in nature, and using other colours as shadows can keep your work from looking too 'flat'. And despite me knowing this, I have definitely used black as shadows in my work, especially when I want to create some intense chiaroscuro or drama! But I know that when I want to create something realistic, using black in the shadows would probably be a bad idea lol!
But the thing is... What do I actually mean when I say 'art rules'?
Who decides what rules make up the way things should be drawn/painted/sculpted/etc and why should we follow them in the first place?
There's certainly a set of rules for how to draw things in particular styles (as in, if you want realism you probably need to follow some specific proportions lol), but those don't apply to all forms of art! Similarly when it comes to something like colour theory, there are colours that will help you create a harmonious work, but that isn't always relevant!
Abstract and conceptual art (amongst others) are forms that don't necessarily require a sense of balance or even artistic integrity. Much of the last century of art history was specifically about throwing away the old ideas of how art 'should' look and be made. The Dadaists and works like the 'Ready Mades' of people like Duchamp challenged the idea of 'art rules', and as chagrin as I am to agree with anything Duchamp has ever done, it WAS effective in completely reshaping the art world.
So we know that much of art doesn't have to rely on art rules. However, when I look at the online art community, and even my own experiences within art education, there seems to be a return to the idea of 'learn the rules first, break them later'. Those rules being the things I mentioned earlier (proportions, anatomy, perspective, colour theory, etc), things that make up the basic art education that's been taught in art schools for hundreds of years.
Except... I haven't really answered the who or why have I lol?
There's obviously no one individual guy who one day was like 'I'm gonna make up some art rules for people to follow until the end of time!', but rather the things we now consider the 'basics' of art can mostly be traced back to Antiquity (as in Ancient Greece). And I do consider it integral to say that the things that are globally seen as 'art rules' are things that have specific origins in Western countries of Art History.
It's no great secret that the History of Art has a racism problem, and the fact that the majority of artists considered part of the 'canon', and the ones who were venerated and taught as part of art education for many years are white men from western and central Europe...
Art from other continents don't always have the same ideas of 'art rules', and when these were first introduced to Europe, they were written off as 'naïve' and 'primitive' because they didn't conform to the European idea of 'art'. And in a way I think that this (obviously) racist ideology has fed into our current concept of 'art rules' pretty much entirely revolving around Western standards of art (which usually positions realism above all else, with the significance and symbolism of art become less important).
Let's next tackle the 'why' of art rules. I've already mentioned why you would follow rules in a practical sense, but beyond that is there any reason for following these 'art rules'? I think fundamentally it all comes down to what we consider the purpose of a particular work of art. If your goal with a piece is specifically about creating a realistic work, then it definitely makes sense that you would follow them. But art that is more instinctual or personal, or art that is abstract, or even art that is pattern/purely aesthetic based, all have very different intentions for their creation.
So why, in 2023, do so many artists (and art schools) still push this idea that art has a rigid set of rules that you have to learn, and only once you've learnt them can you then completely disregard them? Rules that we know stem from European art history and also only apply to a certain sort of art. I think in a way it all comes down to a way to quantify what 'good' and 'bad' art looks like. If there are really no rules, and you don't need to have basic understandings of anatomy or perspective in order to be an artist, then I think to some people it means that can no longer say that in order to be an artist you need to put in a certain amount of 'effort'.
In conclusion... Is there even a conclusion to this lol?
Personally, I think that there's definitely value in learning the Western ideas of art rules that we consider the 'basics' (things like anatomy, perspective, etc) if you want to improve your realistic drawing skills, but don't think you need to learn everything about art rules in order to become some accomplished or 'real' artist lol
Art is first and foremost about creativity and expression, so really just have fun with it!
I hope you enjoyed this mini (informal) essay! I actually haven't written one of these deep dives for over 2 years lol!
Btw, let me know your thoughts on this and whether you agree with it lol!
If you liked this feel free to check out those other one, or my art advice tag (where I attempt to give advice to beginner artists lol...)
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hello!!! hope you are well!!!!! asking all the dndads folks this .. what are your hopes / predictions for next episode
Hi you!!! Hope you’re doing well too :]
Hopes and predictions huh? Hmmm…
Haven’t put too much thought into the realm of actual predictions for this one, truthfully! I’m *hoping* it’ll be a pretty Linc-centric episode (well, Linc and Grant!), which feels reasonable enough to expect?
Very excited for whatever Matt is gonna bring to the table more generally, really. Aside from Lincoln just being the bestest fucking boy, I think Matt more than all the other players (granted Beth excels here as well) just does a phenomenal job at remembering the core themes of the show (“Family!!!” I scream from the rooftops, “This is a show about family!”) and accordingly pays a lot of attention not just to the arc of his own character but to that of Grant as well (and of course all the intricate ways in which the two are intertwined)- a fact that I think is obvious just by looking at how many of Matt’s dad and teen facts revolve around Grant actually! But that’s another post lol. But yeah, even in last week’s teen talk he stated:
“I’m sure Scary won’t be happy with Grant but like, I think, the thing I’m more concerned [with] is obviously Grant- is gonna be how Grant feels about himself. Him screaming “no” after he did it is like, that’s rough”
Which is just- ugh it’s everything to me. That to say, I’m really pumped for what’s to come on that front, since I have a lot of faith in Matt to steer things in a direction that is narratively satisfying for both Lincoln and Grant. Also, it’s such a small thing relative to all that’s going on but, I really do hope that Anthony remembers that Grant hasn’t heard Lincoln’s new voice yet lol, I don’t want that to go unaddressed! Ugh I almost wanna go and relisten to “The Staircase” just thinking about all of this- I’ve been waiting for Grant and Linc to confront each other for *SO LONGGG* hahaha. As a final note on Grant, cause if not I could go on forever, in the teen talk Anthony stated:
“(…) I’ve already had some thoughts as to what he [Willy] wrote onto Grant’s collar”
Which seems to imply that the kiddads don’t all have the same thing written on their collars, which is very interesting! Makes me wonder about Lark and Sparrow as well (<- this got me thinking: “what if Lark and Sparrow’s collars had things written on them that forced them to be apart from each other” or something to that effect OUGH that’d be so rad anyways anyways total tangent loool).
*Otherwise*, FUCK ANTHONY BETTER REMEMBER NICKY. Lmaooo he better parachute in at some point in this episode or else!!! I’d love to see him have to confront Terry’s death, I’d LOOOVE to see him confront/interact with Grant, and I really hope that his reactions to either of those things isn’t just “fuck this shit I’m out” and then he poofs away as he is one to do. Especially now that Anthony decided for convenience’ sake that Nicky can’t make portals anymore- at least keep that consistent lmao. If he *did* try to just dip though, my hope would be that Taylor steps in and actually confronts his dad about that trend of his. Because really, ever since Waterdeep when you think about it we’ve seen that Nick has this bad habit of running away from his problems rather than confronting them (granted his behavior is I think pretty understandable in a good chunk of those cases) and so… Well I guess now that Taylor has become more attached to his dad I would like to see him actually call Nicky out on those behaviors and how it affects him as his son and let his dad know that, well, he doesn’t want Nick to walk out of his life again, y’know?
Hopefully that makes some sense haha, didn’t mean for this ramble to be so long! But yeah, I guess those are the main things running through my head atm (I’ve also been thinking about Scary and Terry and how all that shit is gonna play out ofc, but nothing concrete to say on the matter as it stands).
:3 Wbu???
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2smolbeans · 7 months
Bit of a ramble of how I adore writers/fanfic writers:
With the amount of brain fog, school work, and mostly just a lack of motivation to do anything. I honestly don't know how most writers are able to write LONGGG (or hell even short) chapters of scenes in their stories without immediately burning out or dying (or maybe they do idk lol). But basically what I'm saying is- I have a lot of respect for the writers out there that are able to put out chapters, requests, and a bunch of stuff because I can understand how draining it can be when it comes to articulating words, having motivation, or even remembering what your writing about!
Like hell finishing a story takes a lot of effort and brain power! Currently right now im struggling to finish a short story of mine..Not sure if I'm making sense since currently I'm brain fried- but ever since I started actually writing on this account- whether it's just your typical cringe fanfic headcanons, oneshots, or world building ideas, I have gained a lot of respect for people who write stuff. Like my god I don't know how yall do it, you guys are like heros or smth.
Anyways I'm gonna catch up on like 6 overdue assignments and then pass out lmao-
Peaceee 😎✌️
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aviangrian · 7 months
ahhh i just wanted to say i love starboy SOOO much!!!! i did not/still dont know anything about f1 but the way you write it is so easy to follow along with and read!!! i love how you write the characters, especially scar/grian/joel/lizzie, you write them so so sooo flawlessly... i love how it seems like were there with scar in the moment of everything going on and how you describe everything from his perspective. i also LOVE how you write scar and grian especially because they both seem just so *real* and *raw* and i usually never see that from fics. the way you write is just so in detail that it really allows the reader to imagine everything thats happening and i LOVEEE that!!! i also love how you write grian and mumbos friendship, like they obviously care about each other so muchhh and i love how the readers able to see that even through scars perspective!!!!! esp the scene after grian fell asleep watching topgun and mumbo helping him lay down into a more comfortable position,,, and how they hugged when grian finally got p1 😭😭❤️ NOT TO MENTION THE LATEST CHAPTERRRR AND SCAR AND GRIANS FIRST KISS????? THAT WHOLE CHAPTER WAS GOLDDDD i loved that chapter so much,,, so much happened between grian and scar???? that scene of them in the club??? scar (and us) finally getting some insight to what happened in grians past from grian himself??? grian being comfortable enough with scar to actually open up to him??? AND THEM CONFESSINGGG??? ☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️ might be my fav chapter if im being honest
i also just wanted to ask a few questions while i was here though;
first, do you have a set upload schedule? or is it like a whenever you have time to work on it thing?
second, do you think youll be posting more content abt this au after starboy is finished? like a grians pov or something? ive become so interested in this au because i can tell so much work has been put into it and id love to see more it!!
lastly, is this going to be an eventual mumscarian fic??? i think its obvious Somethings going on/has happened between grian and mumbo but i just dont know What... like that one scene with them all at the dinner??? or the car scene with grian standing up through the sunroof???
i cant wait to read more chapters!!! but im also scared As Hell because SO much has happened already and its only been 6 chapters. we still have 5 more longgg chapters left and im so scared but also excited for how things are going to go... i hope youre having a good day, i cant wait to see what you have in store for this story!!! 🫶🫶 sawrry that this was a lot of rambling though,,, 😭😭❤️
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anon i’m crying?? 😭 thank you so much.
the goal of the fic is real and raw! it’s an unusual setting (maybe not for me considering this is my second racing centric fic) but everything that happens is a product of the environment! the wins from his own team left scar feeling bitter at times, but watching grian win had him so proud he knew he’d get in trouble w his own team if he showed it lol. it’s all about where they are and it makes me sooo happy (like you would not believe) when people who aren’t f1/sports fan still enjoy the fic!
last ch was a lot and contained a lot of really vital stuff that i couldn’t wait to see the reactions of. grian finally opening up is so important to me and scar letting it happen in its own time is a huge part of why grian begins letting him in, which is evidently not something he’s used to at all. mans has been through it in this universe
as for the questions: i don’t have an upload schedule but i try to churn out the chs when i have time. it fits that valentine’s was right before midterms season for me so i got to get something out before i get swamped by all that 🥲 i don’t like to let a full month go by without posting but we’ll see how my semester keeps going lol
and i’ve been thinking of content once i’ve finished starboy. i’ve had ideas of grian’s pov hitting all the major plot points or even a jimmy spin-off one shot but nothing is planned for now. definitely floating around in my mind
mumscarian is not the endgame but the mystery behind grian and mumbo will be revealed! grian is mysterious and mumbo being mumbo goes along w it, but it does come full circle eventually!
i didn’t even realize there’s already only 5 chs left! that’s crazy, considering how much of the story i have left!
thank you again anon, this is all very much appreciated. i love your rambling because it allowed me to ramble too haha
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
I'm 5"9, with shoulder length curly hair, I have white skin and blue eyes. I am born in June and a Cancer. I'm a little on the chubbier side and very insecure about it.
For personality stuff I am the responsible, mom friend who everybody seeks advice from. I'm quiet and reserved towards people whom I don't yet know and can tend to be shy, but once I get to know that person I can be quite the loyal and passionate friend. My love language is a mixture between acts of service and physical touch.
For things I like I am VERY passionate about reading and writing. I also can get quite hyperfixated on things that interest me in the slightest. So if a person is willing to listen, I could go on for ages, rambling about anything and everything that coincides within that topic. I guess another thing to add on is I like learning languages. I'm currently learning French and had an attempt at Ukranian and Japanese in the past few years.
I'm sorry, but it's hard coming up with things about me, so I hope this is enough 🥺🥺
Thanks in advance <333
Thank you for your request sweetheart! 🩵
I ship you with…
Eugene Roe!
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Song recommendation: Cornelia Street - Taylor Swift
- Okay, so I think you and him would have SUCH great chemistry together, like you and him just have this natural romantic energy towards each other and it’s great
- When he first met you he would look at you like you are the best thing he’s ever seen, you’d see him staring at you and you’d just be like “is he okay?” LOOOL
- He thinks it’s so cute when he comes up to you and you get a little shy, I mean he would never admit it to you, but he thinks it’s adorable whenever you get shy around him
- Through out the night he could tell you were getting more and more comfortable with you and he would feel so happy with you getting closer to him omg
- Hed end up asking you out for dinner by the end of the night, he hasn’t felt that good talking to someone in a longgg time, and even just meeting you and seeing how beautiful you are inside and out, he just has to ask you
- He would be so sweet planning out a date for you guys, like asking you what all your favorite things are, food, hobbies, sports, whatever you like doing, and that day he will make sure you guys do all of the stuff you like doing! He’s so thoughtful when it comes to date nights
- Both of you are the responsible couple for sureee, like you guys are the parents of the friend group and can always calm a group down when they get a little too crazy LOL
- I think he’d definitely be interested in the things you are really into if you tell him about it, he’s always got an open mind when it comes to learning about new things, so if you ever want to talk to someone about something you’ve gotten fixated on please tell him bc he is happy to hear 🤣
- He enjoys seeing you on how passionate you are for reading and writing, like he thinks it’s so fascinating how you can sit and write down 1000 words in just one sitting, it’s honestly super impressive to him
- And you know multiple languages? You honestly can’t get any cooler to him, if you ever start speaking around the house, or he sees you practicing, he will come up to you so quick and ask you how to say a word in that language, or just watch you study on it quietly, trying to learn some of it too! If anything just tell him all of the sweet pet names and cuss words in the language too and he’ll be fine 🤣
- He hates when you ever get insecure about your weight or your body in general, he will remind you over and over and over again how gorgeous you are to him and how much he loves you AND your curves. Like he can’t get enough of them tbh
- He loves seeing how passionate you can get for the people you love, like it literally makes his heart beat for you so much faster, and he just loves you so much omg, both of you have that same passion for loved ones and that’s also a reason why I think you guys would be so good together
- He thinks your blue eyes are so beautiful, like he could stare into them for hours if he wanted to, you are just so gorgeous to him in general
- Both of your love languages are acts of service so I think you guys would be so loving and caring in a relationship with each other, like helping the other out when they need it, and just being a good help to the other person, but y’all are just a good healthy couple fr
- When any couple needs some sort of advice, or if any of your friends or his need some type of relationship advice they definitely come to you guys, like y’all would be the OG couple in a friend group for sure and people would think of y’all when they think of a great relationship
- Ugh let me tell you how he loves playing with your curly hair (only if you let him ofc) But if he does, just stroking his fingers through your hair he will get so sleepy so quick, it’s just so calming and relaxing for him to do
- He can also be a big sucker for physical touch too, holding and snuggling up to you once the days over, one thing you’ll notice is that he gets extra touchy and cuddly when he’s sad or he’s had a bad day, he gets so soft around you 🥹
- Overall you guys would be the perfect significant other to one another. Like y’all just blend out so well together you can’t really explain it, both of you enjoy being with each other so much and he can’t wait to spend so much more time with you.
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
Ok so I came up with an idea. Definitely can tell I'm still trying to figure out a good flow for me with getting my reading done since I've been working, cause I'm all over the damn place still... 😆🙈
I'm gonna tag all my people that I read their work on a regular basis. So you guys know too, why I'm only using tags and not reblogging normal, and using my wonky account I made.. 😆 ( I'll tag at the end of my ramble. Also, if you'd like updates with me but don't necessarily wanna follow, I have a tag " lil life updates 💞 " I put the 💞 so it could just be my posts, and won't get mixed in with other peoples posts, lol. 😊)
So I'm gonna use my account thats linked up with this one.. Since it's just sitting there, lol.
I'm gonna use it as kind of a bookmark blog. Yes I know I could do it on here, I see lots of people do it. 💞 but since I made that account, I figured I'd use it for something instead of leaving it alone. And since I post/reblog random stuff on here.. Kinda give me some santy of what I need to read.. 🤣
And of course to help boost you're guy's work double time.. Not just me reblogging normal on here. 💞
I'll bookmark the ones I get tagged in too, not just the non ones... Cause I wanna show love still and my goofiness.. Because ya know I'm gonna end up being a dork... 😆😆 And just to say heyyy I see you sharing a masterpiece!! 👀🤗
I will make a master post of what each tag I use means in the next few days. Example-- tbr, currently reading, new find.. Stuff like that.
I think I'll start doing this tonight or tomorrow... I have not decided yet. I got some tagged things I need to read that I'm super excited aboutttt.. Then I'm gonna start tackling the non ones.. Probably will go through everyone's page after I get the tagged ones out of the way, so I can have an idea of what everyone has beautifully created. 🤗💞
I love you guyssss so much!! I apologize for being all over the place and rambling on so much about what I wanna do... But it gives me ease sharing my ideas with the people I care about and interact with. And I know I'm not the only one that has a job and a huge tbr list.. But before I got a job I was highlyyy active on everything, and I've just fallen off the face of the earth pretty much.. 😆
Anyway!! After my rambleeee about nonsense... 🤣 I hope you all are doing well. Always sending infinite love your way. 😘 And be aware for my attacking of reblogging for my bookmarks.. 😆💞 And reading in general, cause I can't waitttt!!
And I feel like it's nice to give updates for the reason I'm gone cause I care about all the people on here I interact with ( I call you all my friends/family) on here and when y'all give updates it makes me smile seeing ya after being away for whatever you need. The mom in me always wants to come check in but I know I'm not super duper close with a lot of you, so I don't wanna bother ya. So getting updates is always nice. And always always take you're time when you need it, having breaks from doing things is so so important.💞 ( and not pressuring you guys into doing them.. Just making a comment that it's nice.. Never have to do them if ya don't want to. 💞😘 )
How this idea even same about was I was scrolling through my feed on here.. Yes I had time to read, but I was not in a quiet enough place to do so... So my longgg list of my tagged tbr was just sitting there.. So I figured I'd do this so ya guys know I'm not ignoring you and such. 💞
Taglist that I was talking about:
( don't have to interact with this at all or my other account.. Completely up to you if ya want to. 💞 )
@guess-my-next-obsession @supernaturalgirl20 @grogusmum @stxrrylunatic @prolix-yuy @astroboots @mandoblowmybackout @ezrasbirdie @fuckyeahdindjarin @light-yaers @icanbeyourjedi-writes @kteague
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I. Would like to ask for a (romantic) match-up if that's okay 👁 because I've been into mystic messenger since I was...God, 15? Way back when it first came out. I'm in my early 20's now and once again replaying. These characters will forever hold my heart, I swear.
Okay. I'm not so sure where to start with this? I'm a college student, studying alternative medicine. Wanting to become a business owner in the future. (Herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, etc.) I started this all because I watched a show one time where the girl was an herbalist, and I was like "wow I wish that was a real job." BUT THEN 5 MIN OF RESEARCH AND IT WAS I WAS MINDBLOWN, anyways so I've been at it for a couple of years, very passionate about it. I love to give my friends and family Herbal remedies to try and stuff, it makes me happy. On top of this, I love crystal healing (like reiki!) And I've been learning a lot of stuff like tarot and palm readings!
I have essentially two sides, pinky where I am my melody in the flesh, and then my kuromi side where I wear more HARDCORE fits (the hard-core in question: dark purple and black sweaters and black mini skirts lol). So just overall very girly. I'd say my main aesthetics are Cottagecore (currently redoing my room in all mushroom and strawberry themes!), fairycore, and then a whole lot of sanrio.
My humor? Awful. Bad. "Unfunny" except I'm actually hilarious. I tend to have a bit of darker humor, and I make a lot of dirty jokes. My friends say I have the humor of a 12 year old boy JAOSKEJDJD SO THERE IS THAT. I'm pretty energetic too!
I'm a writer in my free time, and though I say I like to read, I mainly just read fanfiction. I tend to get these characters I really like and obsess over them extremely for a long time. I get merch of them, I write about them, I stay up for longgg periods of time reading about them. Yeah it's bad, and even when I do one day date someone I ain't giving up my fictional men so they gotta deal, hahaha.
I struggle with explaining and showing my emotions. I grew up in a family where communication was not much of a thing, we either got mad and blew up at each other or gave each other the silent treatment. And I never liked this. Even when I'd cry they would get angry about it, and don't get me wrong they're great parents and I love them dearly, but communication and feelings have just always been hard with them, and therfor awful for me. I try my best though, I really do. And that's why in a relationship I desperately need someone patient and at least decent at communicating. Even when I'm bad. I mean I struggle to hug people and tell them how much I care about them a lot because of how I grew up, but I try so hard!!! I wanna break this cycle and have a healthy relationship!!!
I will add though I do somehow enjoy deep conversations. Like we could be talking about stupid stuff one second and then switch to a talk about our deepest life regrets or talk about just how we think the universe works. I like learning about how others think.
I let people walk all over me, I struggle to say no and I take on a lot more than I can handle sometimes to please other people. Anddd then inevitably burn out and isolate for a while. It's my toxic trait that I also need to work on lol.
But overall I'd say I'm fairly outgoing? I love love to talk and ramble about stuff. I'm not sure how much of this media you know but in case it helps my highest kins are Taiga (from Toradora), and then Hu Tao and Ganyu from genshin HOW I KIN BOTH OF THEM IDK I got two sides. My outside personality: Hu Tao vibe, my inside personality: Ganyu. And then Taiga is just actually so me ive never related to a character so hard. Ignore this part if you don't know the media :3
My love language is gift giving, I love to give people things and make people baked goods and write them things and aaa I just love it. Problem is I hate when people give things to me in return which they often feel like they have to. It just makes me feel bad and awkward to recieve gifts, it's another thing I need to work on. Receiving wise I'd love someone who's love language is....actually?? I'm not so sure?? I'd appreciate any, but I feel like quality time is the most important to me.
I'm a bit adventurous, while I like spending days at home I also like to go places and just explore and have fun. Being cooped up inside too much usually puts me in a depression, as I extremely found out during covid. I like to enjoy places with pretty scenery and nature over cities however, crowds do stress me out and I'm a teensy bit of a germaphobic (I say teensy but it's actually kind of not teensy. An awful habit I have is scrubbing my hands raw so they are always dry and in pain. Ironic for someone studying alt. medicine, huh? WORKING TO OVERCOME THOUGH)
I like to watch anime and play games like honkai impact and genshin impact. I love to cosplay pretty characters and go to conventions, I do tend to dress not so modestly however. Cosplays especially I wear revealing ones. My latest cosplan is Elysia from Honkai, her herrscher outfit specifically. I'm just decently confident(-ish) with my body and I like to show it off sometimes.
I fear this is becoming long so I wrap it up. In a relationship I DO NOT want kids. I do however want and value marriage. I need someone patient with me and understanding, and ideally affectionate? I love to dote on people and be doted on in return. And yeah! That's about all I got! I'm excited to see who my Kait assigned soulmate is, hehe. Whoever you pick I am 1000% gonna redo the route of. (Unless they're routeless, in which case fanfic time.)
I match you with...
Hear me out, that might sound wild given that he might not share all of your values on a surface level. But, you have a lot more in common than you think, and you can learn and grow with each other in a way I imagine would be fruitful. You're the kind of person who wants to do something for the world. You want to see some change in a way that can do more than you'd be doing if you were just another part of the machine. You want people to heal in a way that's right for them, not just physically, but emotionally, as well. You see the value in trying to reach someone from all angles.
That kind of out-of-the-box thinking is what works for Jumin. Do you think he acts in the guise of knowing something? He doesn't. He will travel to new avenues and look for better answers when something is not working anymore. He loves to listen, talk, and designate the best way to make changes for customers and employees. The two of you are best described as problem solvers who need to see something in this world move for the better. That's why you can talk for hours and hours about anything with Jumin. You both value discussion in a way that nobody else understands.
But, what you get with Jumin is someone who really won't push you around. Not just in conversation, but in life. He wants to see you grow to a point where you can say "no". He wants you to look everyone in the eyes and say what you mean. You deserve to be heard. Your voice is valuable. He won't let anyone step on you, not even himself. Sure, he will kick himself for the way he treated you during his route, but he learns, listens, and grows to be the kind of man you deserve.
All and all, your life is Jumin is about the two of you. Your family is the RFA and that's all you need. You both love to take care of each other! It's sweet that you'll have a race to see who can make breakfast first just to surprise the other... races to the kitchen aren't unheard but... let me tell you, Elizabeth beats the two of you there every time. She has the zoomies.
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