kiraoho · 11 months
So, apparently Smellerbee was a trans icon this whole time, and I just never noticed.
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And I love how Iroh immediately realises his mistake and corrects himself
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And how Longshot is non-verbal, yet Smellerbee understands him perfectly! This is clearly a conversation they've had a thousand times, which indicates an unreal amount of trust between these two
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I would actually die for them
14K notes · View notes
jununy · 6 months
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idk i love them
2K notes · View notes
mugentakeda · 10 months
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more jetko tomfoolery
2K notes · View notes
sofreddie · 2 months
Not Our First Fan
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Summary: Y/N is a friend, but also a fan. Dosing her with a truth serum should reveal if she's a threat, like other fans in the past. But what's revealed surprised them even more.
Characters: Dean x F!Reader, Sam, Castiel, Rowena
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Drugging, First POV/Alternating POV, Smut (Protected Sex, Oral Sex), Mentions of Breeding Kink
WC: 12, 393 (Yikes!)
A/N: Ok, so, over the course of a few months, when I had to take my roommate's kid to speech therapy, I sat in the car in the parking lot and just wrote. A little each time until it grew into this massive and awesome fic, and I am so happy to share it! Feedback is appreciated. : )
My Masterlist
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I sat in stunned silence across the table from Sam and Dean, my eyes flitting between them as I processed what Sam had just said. There was a truth serum in my drink. He had questions and didn’t trust my potential responses.
I hadn’t been with them long, an accident that landed me - a mere fan - in their lives. Although we had become amicable, I never thought they’d use such methods.
“So, what do you want to know?”
I was surprised at my calm tone as I polished off my drink and pushed the glass away. It was already in me; there was no need to be thirsty or sober.
“The truth.”
“Obviously.” I rolled my eyes at Sam before glancing at Dean, who sat silently and watched.
“We have to know; to protect ourselves. Not our first fan.”
I rolled my eyes again. I knew that, too, but it didn’t stop me from feeling offended.
“Is there a question, or…?”
Sam snorted at my attitude. There was no escaping this, so I hoped I could play it like it didn’t scare me or that I had nothing to hide.
“Fine.” He sat up straighter and shook his arms before leaning forward, casually resting his arms on the table as he leveled a heavy gaze at me. “How do you honestly think and feel about me?”
He smirked slightly at my surprised look. I didn’t want to answer, but I could feel the words bubbling up on their own, trying to hold them back, making me sick to my stomach.
“You’re really freakin’ hot. Nice to look at. I would love a night or two to bang you like a screen door in a hurricane. But there’s a lot I don’t like, and I don’t see anything beyond friends because of your issues.”
My eyes widened with every word that fell, and I was mortified when I finished. I couldn’t read Sam, but he seemed equally surprised, smug, and offended. At least it shut him up for a minute. Dean, however, was unchanged and unreadable.
“Well, I guess it’s safe to say it’s working,” Sam huffed humorlessly.  
I wished a hole would open and swallow me up, take me away from this forming shitstorm.
“So,” he leaned forward again, and I already knew what he would ask next. I shook my head, silently begging him not to. “How do you honestly think and feel about Dean?”
God, I fought. My fingers gripped the table, and I shook my head as pained sounds passed through my pressed-shut lips. The word vomit was collecting in the back of my throat to choke me.
"Y/N?" Sam pressed, probably wondering - same as myself - how I was holding back. Dean's shell cracked enough that I could see concern.
“I love and admire him,” I spat, the words painfully and forcefully pulled from me, my heart and mind feeling shredded with each uttered word. “I’m in love with him. I want to show him he is worthy of love and be the one to give it to him. And kids. And the Hunter Pie life. To give him all he ever wanted because he deserves it and more.”
Tears streamed down my face, and I panted to breathe as twin looks of utter shock passed over the brothers.
“Please,” I begged, jumping from my seat. “Please, no more. Don’t do this.”
As they hesitated, I took the opening and ran like hell from the Library to my room. I could hear them shouting as I retreated in horror.
“Don’t. Let her go, Sam.”
I slammed and locked the bedroom door behind me, then slowly fell into bed, hard sobs wracking my body, and my heart shattered until I passed out.
I was determined to forget about it when I woke up. Or, I would do my best to ignore them and continue my usual domestic duties. 
I went to the bathroom and the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast. I liked helping out, and Dean especially seemed appreciative, which only encouraged me. Would that change now? Maybe they’d make me leave because what I said was too awkward.
As I finished cooking, I heard the Bunker door close, meaning Sam must have returned from his morning run and would be heading to the showers. Another door closing alerted me that Dean would be entering the kitchen at any moment seeking coffee.
I sipped from my mug on the island as he shuffled into the room like a half-asleep zombie and poured himself a cup. It took a few gulps before he could open his eyes enough to see me.
“Mornin’,” he spoke gruffly, and I fought back the swoon as usual.
“Mornin’,” I responded. “Uh, there’s breakfast. Help yourself.”
I forced a smile, then grabbed my mug, taking hurried steps desperate to carry me out of the room and away from the man I loved—who now knew I loved him. But that beautiful man was also intelligent and quick and wouldn’t let me get away so quickly.
“Y/N?” He sat down his coffee and stepped closer. “About last night. I’m sorry; that shouldn’t have happened. We… were paranoid and worried it might be like Becky or something all over again, and we just wanted to be sure.”
As he explained, I looked to the ground but nodded to his words. In a way, I got it, but it still didn’t make it okay.
“You never…” he paused and licked his lips. “You never said anything. Never even gave a hint. I mean,” he chuckled, “I really didn’t see that coming.”
“I was never going to say anything,” I admitted, and he looked confused and something else. “I was never going to act on it. It was my secret and my burden. But now it’s all weird, and you probably want me to leave.”
Oh Lord, I couldn’t cry in front of him again!
“Why would I want you to leave?”
His question left me speechless, and I wasn’t sure how best to answer.
“You know,” he moved as he spoke, approaching closer and closer until my back hit the counter, and there was an arm’s length between us. “Women have told me they love me and can picture a life or future with me. But never in this life, never in a hunting life. And none of them, not one, has ever wanted to have my children.”
Okay. Where was he going with this? I was too nervous and scared to move or make a sound. I dared to meet his eyes and instantly regretted it as I felt my heart flutter madly.
“And I have no idea what a Hunter Pie life is,” he chuckled before moving just a few inches before me. “But I’ve been thinking about it all night.”
His words, eyes, and closeness were daring me to do something. But that couldn’t be right. In all my fantasies, I never believed that he would ever entertain the idea. But now… Dean groaned as his phone rang in his pocket, and I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“Jody, hey," Dean answered, stepping a few feet away to focus on the call. “Yeah, Okay. Sam and I can be there in a couple of hours. All right, see you soon.”
He hung up and sighed, returning to me as Sam entered the room. We all glanced at each other before Dean cleared his throat.
“Jody and the girls,” Dean tucked his phone back in his pocket. “Got a case, and they need our help. Ready in ten?”
Sam huffed but nodded, giving the food a yearning glance before rushing to pack. Dean lingered, running a hand down his face and flashing a tight smile before heading off to get ready. I wasn’t sure if I was grateful or sad, but I was certainly confused.
I rushed through the kitchen, packing up breakfast and some other food for them to take with them. I always tried to give them premade meals in thermal coolers that they could refrigerate or microwave. They seemed to appreciate having home-cooked food while away.
As the brothers loaded their bags, I carried the cooler and a paper bag of immediate consumables to the car. I placed the cooler on the back floorboard before handing Dean the paper bag.
“Thanks,” he grinned, passing the bag to Sam, who immediately started digging through it. I expected him just to climb in and leave, but he paused while fidgeting with his keys.
“Please don’t leave while we’re gone.”
I wasn’t expecting that, but the idea was one of many emotionally driven bad decisions I had been considering.
“We’ll talk,” he promised with a nod. “I’ll text and call, and we’ll talk.”
I nodded and gave the same tight-lipped smile he’d given before. Then, I let out a sigh of relief as they drove away.
Dean POV
God, this hunt came at the shittiest possible time. I didn’t want to go. Leaving felt like closing the door on this thing I just discovered. But I didn’t have a choice.
Jody and Claire stumbled on a vamp nest that was the biggest they’d ever seen. It was a giant damn hive. Though she’d called Donna and a few others, it was an ‘all hands on deck’ situation. It didn’t mean I wanted to leave. Something was brewing, changing between Y/N and me. I was terrified it would disappear if I couldn’t tend to it. But if she genuinely meant what she said, then I supposed this could be a test of that. Or maybe even a way to feel it out over text. Face-to-face always made shit complicated and awkward. I was less likely to fuck anything up this way, but still fully capable.
“So,” Sam broke the silence, and my grip tightened on the wheel. “We gonna talk about what happened last night?”
“Sam, I told you to leave it.”
“No, Dean!”
His persistence pissed me off. I didn’t want to get into it with him, but he was on a mission.
“Look, we agreed to give her the serum and question her. We wanted to see what she knew and if she was a threat, like Becky. I thought asking those questions first might be awkward but clear the air. I wasn’t expecting…that.”
“She’s not a threat, Sam.”
“Well, we don’t know that because we didn’t get to ask her anything.”
“What’s really got you so worked up, huh? You mad she’s just not that into you?”
My brother’s annoyed bitchface was satisfying enough to make me smirk. At least he shut up for half a second.
“Don’t you get it?” Sam growled through clenched teeth. “She could be YOUR Becky, Dean. Who knows what she might do if she thinks she loves you.”
My hands wrung the wheel a little harder as I resisted the urge to hit him. I’m unsure why I felt so protective of her then, but I knew she wasn’t like Becky. She wasn’t like any of them, but I couldn’t prove it to him.
“Sam, let me handle this. Please.”
His stunned silence made me glance over to see him gaping like a fish and over-analyzing.
“Yeah. Okay.” He huffed, turning his gaze to the window. I rolled my eyes so hard my head went with it.
“Don’t say ‘Yeah. Okay.’ like…Yeah. Okay.”
“Yeah,” He shrugged, pretending to lose interest in the conversation. “Okay.”
I pressed the pedal harder. Maybe this hunt came at the perfect time. I really needed something to kill.
It was a bloodbath: so many vamps and beheadings, so many injured hunters, so many dead or turned victims. Though we cleared the nest with no casualties to our team, it didn’t feel like much of a victory. No one was saved.
There was still celebration and rivalry to be had as we patched each other up and cheered over the mass amount of bloodsucking bastards we killed and future victims we spared.
It was just what I needed to get the itching energy and simmering anger at my brother out of my system. Now buzzed and beat, I only wanted one thing at that moment. As everyone, including my overgrown baby brother, went to bed, I grabbed my beer and quietly wandered outside. I found myself sitting on Baby’s hood and appreciating the quiet and still night. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Y/N. It was late, and she might be asleep, but I needed to hear her voice. 
I’d kept my word, and we’d been texting, but it was mostly to keep her apprised of the hunt. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it or her since those seemingly fateful words tumbled from her lips. As her sleepy voice answered, I felt a flutter in my heart, making me feel like a kid again.
“Dean?” she yawned. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Hunt’s done. Was a ton of them bastards.” I tried to laugh but knew she’d see through it
“Is everyone alright?”
“Little banged up, but we’re all good. No vics to save, though.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It was a mess,” I sighed, and a comfortable silence fell between us. I needed a distraction. “You never did tell me about this Hunter Pie life of yours.” I chuckled for real this time, maybe some of it nerves, as I hoped she’d talk to me and open up without a serum. When she giggled, I felt the flutters again.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Just…tell me how it looks. In your mind, how does it go?”
“Wow,” she huffed and chuckled again before clearing her throat. “Um, okay.”
The silence drew out again, and I wondered if she was backing out, but then she continued.
“Okay. Well, I guess I always thought it would be like it is now, you know? Like me cooking and domestic and stuff at the Bunker.”
She ‘always’ thought? I pinned a note in that for later, but I hoped she had more. I hummed to let her know I was listening. She just didn’t know I was hanging on to her every word.
“Family meals where you and Sam tell the kids and me about the hunt. Giving them a normal life and home base while keeping them informed and trained. Hide and seek in the Bunker with Nerf guns and call it a hunt.”
She was laughing, and I could hear her smile as she spoke, mine growing with her tales.
“There are so many scenarios where you could play games with the kids that’s still training. Or just spending time doing normal things.”
It sounded amazing, though I wasn’t entirely convinced it was possible. But hearing and picturing it made me feel infinitely better, among other things.
“And what about us?” I knew I was crossing a line into new territory. Begging her to tell me all this, I knew, was giving her hope—and much-needed hope for me.
“Us?” She echoed, and I grinned at her surprised tone. “I just want to take care of you. To show you that you are worthy and deserve it all and more. To be lucky enough to be in your arms. To give you whatever you need and want. To hold you, listen, patch you up, and watch movies in bed while eating junk food.”
We laughed together, and I had to wipe away a tear. I could see it so clearly. I wished I was there to wrap her in my arms like she described. The WANT that simmered within me was something I’d never felt before.
When she yawned, I felt like an ass, having woken her just to make myself feel better. But it did exactly what I’d hoped.
“I’m sorry; I’m gonna let you get back to bed. It’s late.”
“You sure?” 
She seemed disappointed, and I was, too. But we both needed sleep and the sooner I got that, the quicker I’d return to her.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Sooner I sleep, the sooner I can get home.”
I hadn’t meant to say that, but her soft chuckle made it worthwhile.
“I’ll be waiting.”
We said our goodnights and hung up. She’d be waiting for me, for us to begin. I just needed a couple of hours of sleep, and then I’d push Baby to her limits to get back home as quickly as possible.
What the fuck was that? What just happened? I tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes but couldn’t fight the tiredness pulling me back under.
When I woke up again, I felt good and refreshed. Then I remembered the call from the night before. I dove for my phone on the nightstand to find a text from Dean.
Dean: Heading out soon. See you in a few hours. ;)
It had already been nearly two hours since he’d sent the text. I jumped out of bed in a panic, knowing there wasn’t much time before they’d return. Did he even sleep?
I rushed to shower and dress before going to the kitchen and making coffee. I wasn’t sure how much time I had, but I knew Sam and Dean would be hungry.
I tried to focus on cooking, but I kept replaying our conversation from the night before. And what was with the winky face? Did last night mean something, or did he need comfort after a lousy hunt? The things I said—how could I look him in the eye?
When the roar of the Impala entering the garage sounded through the Bunker, I fought the urge to run and hide. Just…act NORMAL.
“Damn, it smells good in here.”
I turned to see Sam and Dean entering the kitchen with big smiles. However, they both looked like they’d had their asses handed to them on that hunt. 
“We’re fine,” Dean answered, my concern written on my face. This was gonna be harder than I thought.
“I figured y’all would probably be hungry.”
“He’s always hungry,” Sam teased as he made a plate. I was glad he seemed to ease the tension I was choking on.
“Just glad that’s all over,” Dean responded, joining Sam at the table.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay,” I told them before slinking to my room to hide like a coward.
Just as I thought, I couldn’t look either of them in the eye. What if they talked about it, about me? Of course, they did. Were things just going to be unbearably awkward now? How long could I pretend and hide?
Turns out, not long at all.
“Hey, Y/N?”
Dean knocked on the partially open door before opening it and stepping inside the room.
“Hey, Dean. Need something?”
Yeah, just keep it cool—really chill.
“Yeah,” he grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. Wait, was he nervous? “I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie in my room or something.”
This really was happening.
“Netflix and chill?” I teased and laughed, watching his tension ease. “That’s your play?”
“Well, you’re the one who mentioned it in our planned future,” he teased back, and my confidence faltered for a minute.
“I thought you might want to get some sleep. It didn’t seem you got much between our call and that text.”
“Then we’ll watch and nap,” he shrugged, taking my hand and guiding me to his room. And, of course, I went willingly, following him in a trance and soaking up the warmth of his touch.
Once in his room, he released my hand to set up something on the TV. I sat on the end of the bed, hands in my lap as I awkwardly tried to figure out what to do and how to act. He kicked off his shoes and flannel, leaving him in jeans and a t-shirt before dramatically flopping onto the bed, leaning back against the headboard.
“Come here?” he asked as he patted the space beside him.
“‘Kay,” I grinned and eagerly slid beside him, smiling harder as his arm settled around my shoulders, tucking me into his side.
I had dreamed and fantasized about this moment - as simple and innocent as it may be - so many times, and now it was a reality. I was more than surprised that his reaction to my truth was desire. But if he genuinely gave me a chance, I was determined to give him everything I said and more. Whatever he wanted, I was prepared to give.
Dean POV
It had been years since I’d done something as simple as cuddling and watching a movie. It felt intimate and special. As she quoted a line from the film, eating some junk food I’d laid out, I wondered if it was a djinn dream or a spell.
I wasn’t a blind fool, much as Sam tried to insist I was. I knew she was a fan, and we didn’t know much about her, which was why I agreed to the serum to begin with.
But I’d observed her plenty in her time with us. She was kind and helpful and an artist in the kitchen. She was a natural caregiver. She was funny and charming. She was super bright, too, with how she spoke, things she knew, and how easily she took to research - which she also happened to be great at. It didn’t hurt she was hot as fuck, but she had no clue.
Then, learning she was in love with me sent my mind reeling. I wasn’t a total idiot - letting this, her, pass me by would be the dumbest thing ever. I had to try, take a chance, or regret it forever.
She noticed when I glanced at her, turning her head to meet my eyes. Letting the moment sweep me away, I leaned in, pleasantly surprised when she slowly met me in the middle. My eyes fluttered, and I hummed at the sweet little spark that tingled my lips. I tilted my head, kissing her a little harder, more sure. She responded in kind, and that spark shot down my spine.
Cupping her jaw, I titled her head as I ran my tongue along the seam of her lips, begging her to open to me. I needed to taste her as much as I needed my next breath.
When she parted her lips, a gentle moan spilled forth. When my tongue slipped past her lips and tasted her soft, warm tongue, a responding moan was ripped from my chest. She tasted divine. Her tongue chased after my own, but I could feel her restraint. She was holding back; I knew it was because she was unsure, not in her feelings or wanting me. Instead, she didn’t know what I was after, too afraid to push forward and break the spell.
I pulled back, intent on breaching the topic, but a knock at my door broke the trance. Stupid Sam and his lousy timing. Another firm series of knocks had me rolling my eyes and groaning. Reluctantly, I released Y/N and opened the door; Sam was surprised to see her on the bed behind me.
“Hey, do you have a minute?” he asked, casting her a wary glance. I stepped into the hallway and shut the door behind me, following him a few feet down the hall.
“What, Sam?”
I wanted to talk to Dean about Y/N and this whole situation. I wasn’t expecting to find her in Dean’s bed with flushed cheeks. This whole thing was quickly spinning out of control.
“Het, got a minute?”
I didn’t want to have this conversation with Y/N around. Luckily, Dean closed the door and followed me down the hall.
“What, Sam?”
“What are you doing?”
“Sam, I told you-”
“No, Dean. We don’t know what her game is. She could have done a spell or made a deal. And you’re in there feeding her little fantasy.”
My older brother was incredibly defensive. He stood tall and stubborn with his arms crossed, but I could see in his eyes that he wanted to hit me.
“Look,” Maybe changing tactics would get him to see reason. I didn’t want to see him taken advantage of for the sake of some crazy fanatics’ whims. “All I’m saying is let’s look into her and this more. Talk to Cas, maybe Crowley or Rowena. Just…make sure it’s, you know, legit.”
As Dean slightly relaxed, I saw I was finally getting through to him. Y/N was nice to have around, but my paranoia wouldn’t rest until I was confident she wouldn’t cause us harm.
“Fine,” Dean agreed in a huff, his arms dropping to his sides. “Call Cas or whatever, do your research. Meanwhile, I’m going back to her and enjoying what I KNOW is real.”
Neither of us expected to see Y/N standing in the open doorway. I wasn’t sure how much she’d heard, but she looked hurt and determined.
“I’m gonna go to my room. Let you all figure this out.”
“It’s okay, Dean. Sam’s right; you can’t be sure, and I want you to be sure.”
She left the hall and went to her room. I was relieved and also incredibly guilty. That could be part of her plan. But as Dean turned back to face me, I again worried he’d throw a punch.
“You get what you wanted,” Dean spat through gritted teeth.
“Dean, I’m just looking out for you. You did the same thing with Becky, and it was for the best.”
He nodded but silently returned to his room, slamming the door loud enough to make me jump. I’d call Cas and Rowena to get to the bottom of this.
I stood in the Bunker’s library two days later with Y/N, Dean, Castiel, and Rowena. Except, all eyes were pointed at me with varying expressions.
While Dean was against it, Y/N allowed Cas and Rowena to poke, prod, and pry at her and her mind, searching for anything unusual. But there was nothing. According to Cas and Rowena - who both looked at me with pained sympathy - her love for Dean was pure and true, the real deal and soul-deep.
Dean looked at me with smugness and contempt. I knew he was feeling so damn righteous. But Y/N - she looked defeated and heartbroken. I knew I was an ass, but I couldn’t help feeling something was still off. If she knew all the horrible details of our lives and the many things we’d done - why the hell would she love either of us? Especially my love-em-and-leave-em brother?
“Are we done?” Y/N spoke, standing tall, but I could see the tears in her eyes and the waver in her voice. “Can I go?”
After two whole days of being ripped open and exposed, working to prove myself in ways I never intended, I was more than done. I wanted to be thrilled at meeting the angel and the witch, but the circumstances left me feeling violated in many ways.
“Are we done? Can I go?”
I didn’t wait for a response, turning and heading for my room before the tears fell. I couldn’t bear it anymore. I didn’t even leave the library before a hand grabbed my arm.
“Y/N, wait,” Dean pleaded. I turned to him, and a single tear escaped to stream down my face.
“I just want to go. To forget any of this ever happened.”
“You could do that?” Dean asked, and my heart clenched at the hurt on his face. “Forget it?”
“No, but I have to,” I pulled slowly from his touch, already missing it.
“We can do this; we can make it work,” he insisted, and I shook my head and laughed, though it was without humor.
“THIS wouldn’t have happened if you two hadn’t snuck a truth serum in my drink. Sam questioned me, ripping my secrets from me, doubting me entirely. And you…you did nothing. Sam is the most important person in your life. If he’s not on board, it will never work.”
He didn’t say anything, but my words struck a chord. He didn’t try to stop me when I retreated a second time. While I was grateful, it also hurt. At least nothing more than a kiss happened. It might be easier to recover.
Dean POV
Hurt and anger were all I could feel. I understood Y/N’s position somewhat, though it hurt that she’d turn away. I turned to face my brother, all my anger directed at him.
“Are you happy now?” I shouted at him, and he dared to appear surprised. “This is your fault.”
“Dean, I’m just-”
“Looking out for me? Yeah, I know. But why does it feel like you’re jealous?”
“Whoa, I’m not-”
“You’re both daft fools,” Rowena spoke as she busied herself with tidying the items on the table.
“Excuse me?” Sam and I spoke at the same time.
“You two have put that poor lass through hell trying to find the truth. A truth that’s pure love. And while you act like you want it, you’ve done nothing. You let Sam question and doubt her. And she’s right; it’ll never work if Sam doesn’t support it because you two are so grossly intertwined. And you, Samuel,” she turned her fiery attention to Sam, and I felt a little scared for him. “You’re so busy thinking her love is undeserved that you must find a reason it can’t be real.”
“Undeserved?” I looked at my brother; his silent shame told me all I needed. “That’s it, right?”
“Dean, come on. How could someone know everything we’ve done and still love us—love you? I mean, love and relationships aren’t your thing. Don’t you think maybe someone or something is behind this?”
“Sam,” Castiel chimed in to chastise my brother.
I couldn’t look at him any longer, or I would kick his ass. I took off to my room. I wanted to go after Y/N, to beg for forgiveness, but I knew I couldn’t go to her as angry as I was, and she needed space, too. As I realized I may have genuinely lost this before I even got to glimpse it, I felt my lips tingle with the phantom press of her lips to mine. I’d just have to wait to let her come to me. I hoped she still wanted to and that Sam would get his head out of his ass.
Several weeks had passed since this whole truth serum mess with Y/N, and I was left feeling like a complete dick.
After Cas and Rowena checked her over, we all went our separate ways. Things in the Bunker seemed to go back to how they were, except no one talked to each other outside of pleasantries or necessity.
My brother would glare at me or make a snide remark to ensure I knew he was pissed. He felt I ruined everything, and maybe he was right. Y/N still cooked and cleaned and helped with research. But she didn’t make eye contact or small talk or linger. She didn’t eat with us or stay in the room for long. It made Dean more bitter every day.
I knew I had let my paranoia and fear get the better of me, and maybe I was a little bit jealous. Out of the two of us, I was the one who was only worth a good time? But as I reflected on her time with us and her interactions with Dean, I realized how much they had in common and enjoyed each other's company—even without romance mixed in.
I had to figure out how to make this right for both of them. I just had to convince Y/N I was sorry and wrong and that she and Dean should try to be together. Then Dean would forgive me, and all would be right again.
Dean POV
Sam had tried talking to me and apologized. I was grateful but still pissed. He swore he’d try to make things right, but I asked him not to. She hadn’t made eye contact or spoken any friendly words since Sam - no, since WE - had Cas and Rowena check her.
Sam was right; I didn’t deserve her. And I was heartbroken at her distance, her change in demeanor. I knew she was deeply hurt. As pissed as I was at Sam, I was even more so at myself. I did nothing to stand up for or defend her against the tests. I was just as guilty.
She would never have said anything. I never would have known had we not drugged her. I wanted to be mad about that, too, and was to a degree. Was this all some test, or were Sam and I destined to destroy everyone who crosses our path and dares to care about us?
The point may be to fight. But if I really wanted it, why wasn’t I trying harder?
I overheard the two of them in the kitchen the other night. However, it was mostly Sam, as she still didn’t seem to be in a chatty mood. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, and maybe I should have let them know I was there, but curiosity got the better of me.
Just like with me, he was apologizing to her. But he was also practically BEGGING her to give me another chance. He swore he was on board and supported it - hell, he was full-on dreaming for it to happen now. She thanked him for his apology and said no more.
I didn’t know what to do. But I knew Sam was okay with us, and I wanted to find out what ‘us’ even looked like.
Sam had been giving me whiplash. One day, he was utterly suspicious of me, then he ignored me, and now he’s practically begging me to give Dean a chance—as if I’d been the one rejecting him. I didn’t know what to do.
While I was glad they’d both apologized, I was still hurt. I tried my best to see things from their side: how this might all seem a rational way to go about things or why they were so paranoid. But my pain and embarrassment kept me quiet, just trying to make it day by day while focusing on business as usual. Maybe we’d all move on and put this whole thing behind us.
Until then, I had to do my best to maintain a sense of routine in the Bunker for their sakes. And I wasn’t going to hide away in my room moping either.
This is how I found myself in the library, reading a book as Sam sat on the opposite side with his laptop. I didn’t know if he was researching or looking for a case, but I did know I was pretty irritated that, with many other tables and chairs, he chose to sit across from me.
I tried to focus on the book but scanned the words more than I read them. I was aware of Sam constantly looking at me as if he had something to say before hastily looking back at his screen. I pretended not to notice until I stiffened at the sound of Dean’s approach.
I wanted to run and hide every time he entered the room, afraid he’d catch my longing looks or hear how fast my heart beat when he passed close enough to touch and smell. I could still feel his kiss and the warmth of his hand on my cheek as he held me sweetly. I tried to control it, but now that he knew, I felt so exposed, as if he could sense my every thought. It was a bit unnerving.
I tried to focus on my book as Dean concentrated on his brother, who leaned back in his chair to give him his attention.
“Garth needs backup on a hunt,” Dean announced, and I relaxed, knowing they’d likely leave soon.
“Okay,” Sam stood from his chair, gathering his laptop. “Meet at the car in ten?”
Sam began walking away before Dean’s voice made him stop.
“Uh, actually,” Dean rubbed the back of his neck and smirked at his brother. “You and Garth should be able to handle it. Baby needs some maintenance anyway.”
Sam - to his credit and that annoying silent communication of theirs - paused only a moment before seeming to decide.
“Yeah, okay,” he responded quickly and eagerly, making me look at him directly.
He flashed me a smile before continuing his retreat from the room. The quiet, along with being alone with Dean, was sending my anxiety through the roof. He turned to face me, and - Lord, help me - I couldn’t even pretend to care about the book as our eyes met for the first time in what felt like ages.
“So,” he grinned as he slid into the seat Sam had just vacated, refusing to break the locked gaze. “Are you hungry? We could order pizza or go to a place in town or something.”
Okay, so he was waving a white flag. I could get behind that, and I was definitely hungry.
Dean POV
“You hungry? We could order pizza or go to a place in town or something?”
She relaxed, but I could see she was still apprehensive. I hated this awkward silence and distance, which hung like a dark cloud over everything. She had confessed her love, both with the serum and without. She spoke about our potential lives, which left me craving. But I hadn’t done much to show my want, to fight for it like she had done.
When Garth called about a case, I saw an opportunity. I would put on my A-game and fight for this, for us.
“Uh, okay. Yeah, sure,” she forced a smile, but I met it with a genuine one.
“Great,” I answered, standing from my seat and gesturing for her to follow. I was only slightly surprised that she did.
“What are you in the mood for?”
“Whatever you want is fine.”
Whatever I want? I grinned and fought back the chuckle as she followed me to Baby in the garage.
“I thought Baby needed work?”
I did laugh then as we settled in the front seat of my car.
“Yeah, I sort of wanted an excuse to be alone with you.”
She blushed and bashfully looked away. I bit my lip and started the car, driving us into town. If she didn’t care where we went, I knew a place on the edge of town with great burgers, cheap beer, good music, and pool tables. I’d be in my element and could pull my best moves. I was intent on wooing her, and this was usually how I succeeded with others. 
She was not anything like the others at all. She was so much more, from her looks to her body to her mind and heart. As we parked outside the roadhouse, I wondered if this place was the best idea.
Her soft smile was encouraging. As we went inside, my hand hovered over her lower back, guiding her through the crowd to an empty table in the middle of the room. It allowed me to watch everything, and I felt even more on guard than usual with her there.
I watched tentatively as she sat across from me, her eyes scanning the surroundings before landing back on me with a shy smile.
“I hope this is okay. We can go somewhere else if you’re uncomfortable.”
“No, this is great!”
She seemed genuinely happy to be there, and I relaxed. The waitress came and took our orders, and I was pleased to hear Y/N talk more than she had been recently. I guess now was a good time to speak with her about what’s been on my mind.
“Look, Y/N…I want you to know that I am so damn sorry.”
She met my eyes then, and I swallowed hard.
“I’m sorry for everything that happened, that I let happen. We shouldn’t have pried. I’m so sorry you got hurt and exposed and that I didn’t stand up for you.”
She dropped her gaze to the table, tensing up again, and it felt like that beautiful door of opportunity was closing. I needed her to interact with me. Anything was better than the distance and empty pleasantries. At this point, I didn’t care if she flirted or screamed at me.
The waitress returned our order, and I thanked her. Y/N was focused on her food.
“I’m not sorry that I know. In fact, I’m a little pissed you were never gonna tell me.”
I took a bite from my burger and was waiting for her reaction. She stared at me with narrowed eyes before clearing her throat.
“What, I’m just supposed to come out and say it? Even though there was barely a friendship between us?”
She scoffed and returned to eating. But I was frozen, caught up in her choice of words.
“What do you mean ‘was’?”
Had she given up? Has she decided we weren’t worth it? That I wasn’t worth it?
“What do you mean ‘was’?”
The pain in his tone made my heart clench. I didn’t mean to imply we weren’t anymore, but it didn’t feel like we were.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
He accepted it, and we ate in comfortable silence. When the waitress returned to clear the table, Dean settled the bill but asked to start a tab for drinks. When a whiskey shot was set before me, I clanked with Dean’s and knocked it back, taking it for the peace offering it was.
“Thank you for apologizing. I can understand why you two felt you needed to do those things. I just wish you would’ve asked.”
“So if Sam asked how you felt about me, without the serum, what would you have said?”
“I would have said I respect and admire you.”
“But not that you love me? Why?”
I had a feeling he’d ask that at some point. I huffed a breath and chewed my lip as I chose my words.
“Because I’m not worthy. If I never say anything, I never have to face your rejection, which would hurt, and it’d hurt you to see me hurt ‘cause you just care that much.”
I guess I didn’t need a serum. The big secret was out, and I told Dean all about our fantasy lives. At least if I kept truthing, I’d know if he truly accepted me.
“But I didn’t reject you, Y/N.”
I met Dean’s eyes, seeing how open he was, letting me see his truth. The intensity I found there made me gasp a little.
“I did hurt you, and seeing that hurt me,” he continued. Reaching across the table, he held one of my hands. “But I didn’t reject you. In fact,” his grip tightened, and a flirty smirk adorned his luscious lips. “I can’t stop thinking about you. About our future. About that damn kiss.” He laughed, and I nodded my agreement because I felt the same.
“Hey folks, can I get you another round?”
The waitress returned, and I jumped. Dean held my hand, which was firm but gentle, and smiled at her.
“Yes, please. Two shots, two beers. Thanks,” he said, placing a nice tip on her tray, and she left with a smile. It always warmed me how he could be so charming, even without a trace of flirting. His keeping ahold of my hand sent my heart into a frenzy. Maybe I wasn’t reading enough into all of this, which had me chuckling aloud just as our next round arrived.
“What should we drink to?” Dean asked as we held our shots.
I put on my best flirty smirk and clinked my glass with his.
“To second chances?” I suggested, hoping he’d pick up and accept my insinuations.
“I’ll drink to that!”
We threw back our shots and spent moments looking at each other and smiling.
Dean POV
It felt almost like making a deal, but one I’d gladly make again and again. I’d never experienced this feeling. It was as if I was embarking on an exciting adventure, eager to learn everything about this person and savor and enjoy every morsel of her being that she was willing to feed me.
I did my best to shut out the dark voice in my mind, telling me it couldn’t last. Either I’ll fuck it up, or she’ll leave, or - God forbid - she dies. That tiny black hole within me was itching to devour all the happiness around me.
But in her presence, it grew quieter and easier to manage. Even before her confessions, I witnessed how kind and caring she was, her compassion providing comfort. She was nurturing, even in the way I imagined a loving mother would be. I don’t remember. But she was like soft candlelight shining amidst the pitch black within my mind.
“How about a game of pool?” I suggested, seeing some open tables. I could show off a little and maybe get a chance to get close to help her line up a shot.
“Okay,” she agreed, taking my hand when I offered it.
I was reluctant to let her go, but I had to set up a game. Basic eight-ball was fine with me and didn’t take much thought.
“I know how to play, but I’m not very good,” she admitted. I bit my lip to contain my excitement about helping her.
“No worries. It's just a fun game. No pressure. But I could show you some things if you want.”
“Eager to bend me over the table, huh?” She laughed, and I was initially shocked. But if she was ready to ‘play,’ then game on, Babygirl.
As we started the game, she was focused, analyzing angles and trying her best. I, however, was focused on her. The way she moved, thought, and bent like a dancer to take her shots, Her whole body was lithe and curvy, stretching like a cat. I noticed, too, that she was ambidextrous. With some practice and pointers, she’d be outstanding. She had a natural skill but wasn’t used to playing.
I went back to admiring her as her plump ass was on display as she bent for a shot and missed. The pout that followed made me want to kiss it away. She was effortlessly sexy, and she had no fucking clue.
“You ready to head back?” I asked after finishing a game. I was ready to be alone with her again, if only to kiss her senseless.
“Sure,” she grinned, placing her hand in mine before I could reach for her.
I grinned like a fool as I paid our tab and led her outside. But we were stopped by a storm, with rain falling thick and fast.
“Race you to the car?” she grinned before dashing into the downpour to the Impala at the back corner of the lot. She was crazy but beautiful.
Grinning again, I ran into the rain to take her hand as we ran to the car together, laughing the whole way.
I dashed out into the rain, feeling giddy and playful. I was high on the night I was having. I had been entirely aware of Dean’s eyes on me - and quite a few other’s eyes - but I tried not to think about it and just be normal.
With my spirits high and being a bit drunk, I felt brave.
“Race you to the car?”
I took off, half expecting him to chastise me. But when he took my hand and ran with me, laughing the whole way, my heart soared. I felt free, alive, and blessed to share it with Dean, the man I loved.
Dean released my hand to get his keys and open the door as we got to the car. I was mesmerized by watching his hand and fingers work, wet from the rain.
“Get in,” he gestured, and I quickly moved, sliding across the bench to the passenger’s side.
“We’re gonna have to wait ‘til it calms down a little. I can’t see much in this.”
I didn’t think about that when running through the downpour. Dean turned on the car only to turn on the heat, and the radio was low on some classic rock station. I couldn’t help but look at him and admire how handsome he was and how that was accentuated by being drenched. It was giving me wicked thoughts, and with my inhibitions lowered, I knew I wasn’t hiding it well.
I shamelessly ogled him as he shed his jacket and overshirt, leaving him in a t-shirt. He tossed the wet clothes in the backseat before looking at me to find me attentively watching his every move. His eyes trailed slowly down my body and back up again. My breathing picked up as my heart raced. He licked his lower lip into his mouth and released it. I think I moaned a little.
Dean broke the silence, the rain still pounding hard outside. We leaned towards each other, and his hand cupped my cheek as our lips met. It was just as good as before, though I wondered if I’d imagined it.
His tongue ran gently across my lip, and I felt a flutter between my legs. I opened for him and melted as his tongue met mine. I let him lead, knowing he was used to this, but I hadn’t been with anyone in a while and hadn’t made a habit of hooking up or even taking chances. I was worried I might be out of practice, but I felt encouraged by his sounds and actions.
He pulled back, ending the kiss far too soon for my liking, and I may have whined a little. He chuckled, and I pouted. He leaned in with a groan, sucking my lower lip before kissing me soundly.
I felt like I was in trouble, but in a very sexy way. It was a little confusing. But I was quickly sobering as I realized where this was heading. At least, I hoped.
Dean POV
Goddamn, this woman would surely kill me - but what a way to go. I was ready to make her mine here and now, and I was almost sure she’d let me. But she deserved better than that. As sappy as it may be, I wanted our first time together in a bed - specifically MY bed - so I could take my time and make it memorable. Special.
If things go the way I hope, it will be our last first time. I had more than a good feeling about this, and I was ready to do whatever was necessary to have her in my life.
How did I get so damn lucky, so fortunate to have this woman in love with me?
The rain was still coming down, but it had lessened enough that I was confident in getting us home safely. And I NEEDED her home, even if it was only to make out all night.
“Let me get you home,” I whispered, stealing another kiss.
“Well, you’ll have to stop kissing me to do that.”
I kissed her again, and she chuckled as I began to drive. I wanted her closer, tucked into my side, but I knew I needed to focus on the road. The sooner I got her home, the sooner I could touch and kiss her again.
I somehow managed to pull safely into the Bunker’s garage despite Y/N’s gaze devouring me the whole ride. As my cock swelled painfully against my zipper, I prayed to God we were on the same page. I’d be fine if she wasn’t ready. But I was about to burst at just the thought of her.
As soon as I parked the car, I turned to her. She grinned and leaned in to kiss me again. I grabbed at her, holding her close to me as I poured myself into the kiss, letting her taste my desire. 
She straddled my lap with little encouragement, and I wrapped my arms around her to press our bodies together, our hungry kisses unbroken. I grabbed a handful of her hair and gently tugged her head back as my kisses moved along her jaw. When I reached behind her ear, I gave a little kitten lick. Her body jerked and ground against my lap, making me hiss as the zipper pressed against my painfully hard cock.
I could feel how hard he was, his hands as hungry as his mouth. I felt bold knowing there was no rejection waiting, only want. I pulled from the kiss and held his face in my hands.
“Dean, take me to bed?”
I was practically sober now, and so was he. I looked him in the eye, letting him know I meant it.
“Are you sure?” He asked, which surprised me. “I don’t want to rush you or make you feel like I expect anything. If you’re not ready, that’s okay. I can wait. You’re worth waiting for.”
I felt like I would cry, but the patience and understanding he exhibited made me even more sure. I kissed him slow and deep, pulling back to meet his eyes again.
“Take me to bed, Dean.” I realized how that might sound, even if my tone was soft. “Please.”
That seemed to spur him to action. As he devoured my mouth again, I filed it as a note for later. He set me back on the seat and climbed out of the car, offering his hand, which I accepted.
He smoothly pulled me from the car, closed the door, and pressed me against it in what felt like one move. The desire and hunger I saw in his eyes were almost intimidating. He kissed me senseless, his hands on my hips as he pressed his weight into me. He was so strong and capable that it only turned me on more.
“Your room or mine?” I asked, feeling confident enough to be sultry.
“Oh, Baby,” he grinned, unable to go long without kissing me. “I want you in my bed so bad.”
I chuckled and nodded, letting him lead me through the halls to his room.  Once the door shut, he pressed me against it like in the garage. I could hardly believe this was happening, but I was so damn eager for it. His hands pushed my shirt up, and I let him remove it. He made quick work of my bra, and the cool air had my nipples hardening. He dove in with a hum, taking a nipple in his mouth and flicking with his tongue. My knees buckled, and I was grateful for his firm grip on my hips.
He moved to my other nipple and repeated his actions, ripping a loud moan from me as my hips bucked in his hold.
“You’re so sensitive and responsive,” he praised as he removed his t-shirt.
Dean POV
She was so beautiful, and her sounds were the sweetest music. She was so desperate and needy, her body reaching into my every touch, even if she wasn’t fully aware.
I felt frenzied, eager to take, feel, and claim. I had to force myself to calm down. I wanted to savor this, to drag it out, and make it as good as possible for both of us.
I reluctantly pulled back, just enough to kick off my shoes and remove the rest of my clothes. She looked at me with pure lust, panting as she mimicked my actions. My hands rushed as she became revealed to me.
As soon as we were both bare, she was pressed against me, seeking another kiss, which I was too happy to provide. Our hands were gentle and cautious as we explored every line, curve, and dip of each other, our lips and tongues dancing together. While I was no doubt aroused - my cock throbbing and pinned between us - her warmth and softness calmed me in a way I hadn’t felt in years.
I started walking backward, bringing her with me. I sat on the edge of the bed, intent on pulling her into my lap, wanting her close, but she seemed to have other ideas.
She slowly lowered to her knees, cupping my cheek with one hand, the other wrapping around my cock as she kissed me passionately, more dirty than any other before. She stroked me firm but slow, and when she ran her thumb over the head, I moaned into her mouth.
She pulled back with a grin and gently pushed me back with a hand on my chest until I was propped on my elbows, unwilling to take my eyes off her. She seemed just as intent as me to slow down, drag it out, as she kissed and locked along my lower stomach and hips, nipping lightly here and there, making me jump and groan.
“Not the only one sensitive and responsive,” she teased back at me, nosing along the crease of my thigh, turning her head to nip at the tender inner flesh of my thigh.
It was half shock, half desperate arousal. She was driving me insane. She gave in, licking from the base of my cock to the head, tonguing around the rim. My head dropped back, and that was the moment she took me in her warm, wet mouth with a tight suction that already had me embarrassingly close to coming.
She pulled off to tease me some more, and I seized the opportunity, sitting up and swiftly pulling her to straddle my lap. Before she could catch her breath, I turned and lifted her, smoothly laying her back on the bed, her legs wrapped around me, holding me close.
She gasped and laughed, making me chuckle along with her. God, this was a beautiful moment.
“I’ve never been manhandled like that. Surprised me,” she admitted shyly.
I laughed again and kissed her soundly.
“A night of firsts then,” I teased, kissing her deep and rutting my aching cock through her surprisingly damp folds. I was happy to know she was just as aroused as me.
As we drowned in kissing, I trailed my hand down her body and between her legs. I ran a finger over her clit before circling her entrance and sliding inside.
“So damn wet already,” I spoke against her lips, eager to swallow down her moans. “Bet I could just slide right in.”
Fuck, I couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t thinking, only feeling as I adjusted my hips, grabbing my cock and sliding inside her. She was so tight and warm, and I could feel how deep I was. I had to stay still and catch my breath, or it’d all be over too soon. She was trembling around me, and I just wanted to make her come over and over.
Dean was inside me, buried deep and nestled against my cervix. It was delicious, and I was hyper-aware of our every connection: our underbelly brushing, his hips against my inner thighs, chest-to-chest, and panted breaths shared from barely grazing mouths.
He pulled back slowly and slid in again, smooth and gentle. I felt like my heart would explode or I might burst into tears. He increased his speed only a little, kissing along my neck and chest. I marveled at feeling him, so long and thick and impossibly hard, fucking into me gently but with purpose.
Then, my rational mind began to speak up, reminding me he was bare inside me. I clenched and moaned, fighting back my breeding kink.
“Dean, wait,” I pushed gently at his shoulders, and he went still.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I promised, pecking his lips to reassure him. “But we need a condom. I’m not on birth control.”
He seemed to pause and think before nodding and slowly pulling out. As he moved from the bed to retrieve a condom, I wondered if I’d upset him. He sheathed himself and crawled back on the bed, and I opened my legs to welcome him. But he didn’t go for it right away.
His hand slid along my thigh, up my side, and cupped my cheek, his eyes searching mine.
“What had you clenching and moaning so hard?”
I could feel the heat in my cheeks. I also knew he was intelligent and experienced and had probably figured it out.
“My…my breeding kink.”
I mumbled the words in embarrassment but felt compelled to be honest. His pupils dilated, and he captured my lips hungrily as he slid within me again, with no hesitation and no resistance. He was so thick I could still feel every bit of him through the condom, his girth stretching me deliciously, making me wriggle my hips impatiently.
Dean POV
Fuck, hearing her say the words ‘breeding kink’ might have been the sexiest thing I ever heard. That’s something I’d be chewing on for a while.
I slid back inside her, and she let a sigh. I felt relief at being connected again, too. I could still feel her walls squeezing around me, but I wished I could feel her bare again. The primal side of me awakened, wanting to make her mine and breed her full.
Instead, I focused on her face and her reactions as I moved. I kept our bodies close, nearly all of us touching, which was way more intimate than I was used to. It only added to the many moments that made this an extraordinary connection. I had to remind myself it was only the start, the first time of what I hoped to be countless others.
As I picked up my pace, I could tell she was getting close. My thumb found her clit, and I rubbed tight circles in time with my thrusts. Her breathing sped up, and I could tell she was holding back.
“Wanna feel you come,” I told her, leaning in to kiss her ear and whispering as I kept moving within her. “Imagine me bare inside you, ready to fuck you full.”
I felt her clench hard before she moaned out her release, her hands digging into my ass as she held me deep. I did my best to grind against her and ride out her high. She was fucking gorgeous, and I was nowhere near done with her.
In another practiced move, I rolled to my back, taking her with me, my cock never leaving her tight and drenched pussy. Still coming down from her high, she kissed me sloppy before sitting up straight. My cock slid deeper, and we moaned together as I held her hips and encouraged her to ride me.
My head was light, my body tingling from the incredible orgasm. I usually stopped at one, but the feel of Dean was too good to give up. He wanted more from me, and I wanted to give it.
I sat up straight, my hands on his abs for leverage. He was so deep it was almost too much. When I began to move my hips, I was intent on giving as good as I got. But it was so incredible it quickly became about me: what I wanted to feel and how. Luckily, he was enjoying it just fine.
I was about to lean down and kiss him, but he sat up, wrapping his arms around me. I held his gaze as I rode him, slowly and intentionally clenching my walls to massage his shaft.
He snarled and kissed me hard, his thumb rubbing my clit again. I was surprised how quickly my second orgasm was creeping up on me, but I was hungry for it, and so was he.
I couldn’t help but shout for him - at him - I wasn’t sure. A second later, I was coming, riding him hard through my high as he focused his attention on my breasts.
God, I was drained and sweaty, barely able to catch my breath, my body spasaming and pussy throbbing. I didn’t even notice he’d sat forward, laying me back on the bed, still hard and inside me as he lavished my breasts and nipples with teeth and tongue.
I knew he hadn’t come yet and was starting to get concerned. Maybe I couldn’t keep up with him? Maybe it wasn’t as good for him? I thought it was the best I’d ever had, but he was more experienced. But I couldn’t get my brain to form words.
I ran my hands through his hair and over his back, and he hummed at the touch. I wiggled my hips, reminding us both that he hadn’t come yet and was hard as a rock.
“Dean?” I urged him from my chest and met his eyes. “Wanna feel you come.”
I wiggled my hips again as much as I could in this position: my ass on his lap and back lightly bowed.
“M’close,” he spoke against my lips. “How do you want it?”
God, that was so sexy. But I was determined to make this good for him, too.
“Whatever you want. Anything!”
Dean POV
She felt so goddamn good. I wasn’t sure how I’d been able to hold back coming all this time. I wanted to make her feel good, but I also wanted to impress and show her that I could care for her. More importantly, I wanted to show her that I wanted her.
As she floated down from her high, I took the time to worship her, licking the sweat from her skin and riling her up for more.
Her soft voice calling my name so sweetly had me pausing to look at her.
“Wanna feel you come.”
My cock twitched, more than ready, but I fought to hold back, desperate to please.
“M’close,” I admitted, pecking her lips. “How do you want it?”
She moaned, her legs widening, making me sink a little deeper.
“Whatever you want. Anything!”
“So fucking perfect.”
I couldn’t help but praise her and was pleased when she swooned. I grinned and kissed her again, the feel of it already becoming second nature. I ran my hands up her arms and pulled her hands above her head, urging her to grab onto the edge of the mattress.
We smiled warmly at each other as I sat back on my heels, draping her legs over my arms as I gripped her hips. Her back was arched, legs wide.
I pulled back and swiftly thrust back inside, starting a brutal pace that rocked her body and had her screaming. She gripped the bed tight as I let go, fucking her like I wanted to. I was sure it was equal parts pain and pleasure, but she took every inch of me again and again.
She was chanting my name over and over, her pussy spasming wildly around my cock. I was going to come any second, but I needed to feel her one more time. To have her pull me over the edge with her.
I held her tight, sure there’d be bruises I’d kiss later, giving her all I had. She screamed even louder before her pussy fluttered and gushed all over me.
I lost it, falling forward and groaning as I came hard, the condom swelling with my seed. I huffed hard, my head falling into the crook of her neck. I couldn’t have imagined our first time together being any better than what we shared.
I tried to make myself move, worried I was crushing her. But she wrapped her arms around me and shook her head.
“No. Don’t move. Please.”
I laughed and dropped my head back to her neck. I was good with that.
Fuck, I couldn’t move. Dean tried, but my oversensitive body couldn’t handle it, so I begged him to stay still. He seemed content to remain there for the time being.
“That was hands down the best sex I’ve ever had.” I chuckled at my honesty and still quite cum-drunk.
“Mmm,” he hummed, kissing my neck and pulling out. “You squirted.”
“I did?!” I had to lift my head and look, a big, wet mess all over us, the sheets beneath me wet. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know I could do that.”
“Fuck, don’t apologize.” He tossed the condom and grabbed a towel to clean us up. I sighed and lay there, letting him. “It was so fucking hot, Baby.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, tossing the towel and moving us under the blankets. I went willingly, completely spent.
“Sleep?” I asked, desperately needing to recover.
“Sleep,” he agreed, pecking my lips before moving to spoon me, his arms wrapped around me securely.
When I woke later, I smelled coffee and gentle kisses on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and propped on my elbows, having shifted to my stomach at some point.
Dean was right there beside me, his smile warm. My heart melted all over again.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” he teased with a chuckle. He shifted to sit back against the headboard, sipping at a mug.
I forced myself to sit up, adjusting the blankets to cover myself as I leaned next to him, noticing he was shirtless, but the bedding covered his lap.
He handed me the mug, and I smiled bashfully as I drank the warm and delicious coffee inside. I returned it, and he set it on the nightstand, turning his attention back on me.
He grinned, leaning in and cupping my cheek as he kissed me sweetly. His hand trailed down my neck to my chest before thumbing at my nipple. The kiss turned heated in an instant as he made his intentions known.
He pulled back the covers, and I let him, though I whined that he pulled his lips away, too. He was just as naked as me and half-hard. But as his shoulders settled between my thighs, my mind went blank, simply eager for what he was about to do.
Dean POV
When I woke, I had to wipe drool from my chin after the incredible dream I had of feasting on Y/N’s sweet cunt. I sat up and wiped the sleep from my face before noticing Y/N was asleep beside me.
She was on her stomach, her hair a wild mess, her mouth hung open as she breathed heavy and deep. Remembering what happened earlier, a grin spread on my face as I realized it wasn’t all part of my dreams. I leaned down and gently kissed her shoulder, but she didn’t move.
I decided to rush to the bathroom and grab some coffee, trying to hurry because I wanted to be there when she woke up. Ideally, I could wake her sweetly, and then maybe she’d let me eat her out because that part was a dream, and I was aiming to rectify that for both of us.
I climbed back in bed, not having bothered with clothes since we were alone in the Bunker, at least for now. I set the cup aside and kissed her shoulder and back again. Featherlight and worshipful, I brought her to wakefulness.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” I greeted as her eyes opened.
I sat back, sipping coffee. She sat up next to me with a soft greeting and accepted the mug when offered. She had moved the blankets to keep herself covered, but I could see over her neck and chest where I’d marked her good. I hadn’t meant to; I didn’t even realize I was doing it. But seeing them in different shades and sizes only turned me on.
She returned the cup to me, and I mindlessly put it on the nightstand. I kissed her, eager to show how happy I was, to reinforce that it was real and reciprocated.
Pulling the covers back to expose us, I thumbed at her nipples, finding them already hard. I ignored the throbbing of my cock, and I lowered myself between her thighs. She was already a little wet, and I was desperate to have her slick coat my tongue. I wasted no time as I dove in, making out with her pussy, tasting every bit of her, mapping and testing her creases and folds.
Her hands ran through my hair, and her thighs clamped around my head. Her moans and pleas had me impossibly hard. I rutted against the bed as I slid two fingers inside her, sucking her clit hard between my lips. Her voice hitched, and her body tensed, so I doubled my efforts. She shattered, and I removed my fingers to delve my tongue deep inside, gulping down her release and savoring her tangy flavor.
I came onto the sheets with a muffled grunt as I wrung every ounce of her orgasm from her. When she relaxed with a sigh, I kissed up her body, elated and aroused as she kissed me deep and sucked at my tongue.
I pulled back to look at her - at this incredible woman who loved me and was willing to give herself to me. She ran her hand from my brow to my jaw, her eyes following the touch, a soft smile on her lips as she met my eyes. It felt incredibly intimate, and I laid my head on her chest, my body pressing into her. I was hiding from the onslaught of emotions she was creating inside me.
Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, and one hand moved to run her nails over my scalp softly. I sighed and relaxed, taking the much-needed comfort she offered.
This was the part I always missed out on. It's always awkward mornings or quick goodbyes. With Y/N, I could stay, linger, and accept the peace and comfort I was always denied. I may have dozed off lying on her, but she never moved, her hands and nails soothing and relaxing me. 
God, I hoped it would always be like this. To be safe and loved in someone’s arms.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
"Well it's not like you can just TELL the non-Water Tribe characters are poc too,you'd have to pay extra attention!"Aang is a buddhist monk,Ty Lee is named Ty Lee and Zuko literally has monolids
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ffverr · 1 month
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thivell · 5 months
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woah hey! I’m glad people liked the lil comic I drew! 💕💕 have some doodles for more tookaverse!
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"I'm Jet. These are my freedom fighters: Smellerbee, Longshot, and Lee."
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chellsartblog · 2 months
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more wacky time lord outfit designs, this time ft. historical fashion influence 🔥🔥 (and also actual chapter colors)
left to right: prydonian chapter + early 18th century suit, cerulean chapter + 14th century armor, patrex chapter + 1890s dress, & arcalian chapter + early 16th century dress
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jununy · 6 months
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autumnalfallingleaves · 4 months
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Wanted to do a landscape, ended up adding Ghost. Background Ghosts are Trapper, Gearshift, and Longshot. Might make this my new header but I can't decide lmao.
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
Genuinely can't decide if I want to make this my new header.
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herebutnotpresent · 1 year
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click for better quality
Brainwashed Jetko au where both Jet and Zuko get taken by the Dai Li and are displaced in the big city.
Jet and Li find each other anyways.
(That luck however did not extend to their family and friends)
Its all good...then it catches up to them :D
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vertigoartgore · 1 year
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A Uncanny X-Men #225 panel by Marc Silvestri and Dan Green.
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azulasmommyissues · 6 months
ATLA sexuality headcanons, part 1, Aang's era:
-unlabelled or pansexual, also incredibly gnc. he/they methinks
-he never questioned it, he never thought about it. the air nomads were chill with everything, so he was too.
-he simply loves people, and he loves them deeply. he's the sort of person who says "i love you" very fast. and he doesn't have a specific type, either. he simply connects with people.
-he definitely had a bit of a thing for kuzon back in the day. kuzon taught him all the fire nation dances he knows, and bumi cheered them on.
-he also kinda digged teo, the mechanist's son, but by that point he already had his heart set on katara.
-as for girls, he DID like on-ji. in different circumstances, they would might have dated for a short while. but with katara it was love at first sight. the sort that makes you giddy and stupid.
-he's a lot worse at rizzing up katara because he is just THAT into her and he keeps fumbling
-growing up, she never really questioned it. she knew she definitely liked boys and never had feelings for another girl.
-she's certainly fully cisgender. happily says “she/her/hers” when asked for her pronouns
-on the contrary, she was somewhat attracted to haru and jet both—and might've even considered zuko in different circumstances. like she definitely felt something akin to attraction in the crossroads of destiny.
-she fell in love with aang, because he gave her hope, he gave her joy, he gave her balance. she already felt SOMETHING in the cave of two lovers, but she was deeply confused and her feelings didn't clear until after the war.
-she always thought of herself as straight but said that, if she had the chance, she would be willing to kiss a girl—as an experiment. she just sort of always admired pretty girls, in the sense of "do i wanna BE her or DATE her,"
-and she's really passionate about feminism, obviously
-she always prefers getting compliments from other women because "they're worth mOre"
-eventually she meets jiang who's such a butch lesbian and questions EVERYTHING
-is that a girl? is that a boy? idk but why are they kinda...
-niyok and nutha both give homoerotic friendship vibes with her (all comic specific characters have the combined personality of one person hence why I'm including both)
-since she was dating aang she didn't explore her sexuality, but she discussed it with him and he supported her
-she considered identifying as bi but didn't feel like she qualified, since she'd never actually dated a girl. aang told her it's okay eifher way.
-at the end she decides to keep it all behind closed doors as per water tribe tradition. she's happy with aang, some girls are hot, it's nobody's business but her own.
-i also completely fw the reading of her as a straight cis girl, but you know
-bisexual, female lean, and maybe even poly.
-he fell for yue, he fell for suki. he definitely found like, ty lee attractive, but he didn't LIKE her. He was involved with suki, and they hadn't had any conversation about the exact status of their relationship so he wasn't about to fumble it.
-suki and him are both bi. and if yue were alive they'd BOTH be dating her. at the same time.
-zuko was sokka's bi awakening. seeing zuko and suki run around in the boiling rock absolutely changed his brain chemistry.
-he had a hard time accepting it, because of how the water tribes roll. he had a preconceived notion of manhood that he obviously had to challenge alongside his initial sexism.
-but then he realised that 1) his dad had been in a secret poly relationship with kya and bato, and then with bato and malina-- 2) his grandma had a fling with hama--3) master piandao and jeong jeongwere a thing--and 4) his girlfriend herself, suki, was bi. so bro had nothing to worry about.
-his identity became clear to him with suki's and his father's help. unlike katara, he was a bit more open and public with it. being poly, him and suki had many opportunities to explore it, always respecting each other's boundaries.
-sometimes suki does his makeup and he grows to enjoy it. he experiments with gender expression until he becomes totally chill with it.
-big part of his character is learning that he doesn't have to be a “man” in the way that patriarchy imposed on him his whole life
-so like, cisn't
-toph has crushes on boys: sokka, zuko, the duke, satoru, sun, kanto. but i think non of them are really legit.
-toph would also flirt with girls, like, yaling
-had a 'not like other girls' phase
-she/they/he vibes, has a very complicated relationship with gender
-because she was made fun off by other girls as a child, it was harder for her to blend in and talk with them
-she was also raised sheltered within the walls of aristocracy which contributed to her not thinking about it
-she avoided commitment and serious relationships like the plague
-so she's unlabelled and perhaps in the aro spectrum. like, demisexual. but being both demi (aka needing to like someone as a person and getting to know them before feeling attracted to them) AND having commitment issues and a bunch of failed relationships is like, a DEADLY combo.
-i don't know. she is chaotic and not at all skilled with romance so she always fumbles it.
-but i also think she might just be 1000% aromantic whether or not she understands it fully
-i think that's very plausible
-bisexual with a female lean and maybe poly
-big she/they vibes
-she's got endless autistic rizz like girl seduced sokka at light speed.
-in kyoshi island they called the bisexuals 'children of kyoshi' and the lesbians 'children of rangi'
-kyoshi island is basically lesbos if you didn't know /hj
-had her first kiss with mingxia before they decided that "ew, never again, i see you like a sister". she was super happy to meet meilin, mingxia's girlfriend
-DEFINITELY liked biyu and they might have been a thing in different circumstances. Aka if biyu hadn't betrayed her.
-would've dated both sokka and yue if yue was alive. like she would have loved yue. both of them having never left their respective homelands. both of them caring about community and having a duty to their people, a leadership position,,,
-but suki being so badass, liberated, free—and yue needing to sacrifice herself to BE free from her oppressive environment,,, like yue would also admire suki so much?? they would love exploring the world together and it'd put sokka out of a very awkward spot-
-demiromantic, bisexual. like this boy is SOMEWHERE im the ace spectrum but he's also bi. I'd say with a male lean.
-had internalised homophobia growing up, because, duh, fire nation
-he definitely thought that everyone feels like that when he was a child until his mother told him that this was very much NOT the case
-the gaang made him realise that it's totally okay and since they are all so queer he felt very safe with them
-made gay marriage legal in the fire nation
-made pride a thing in the fire nation inspired by the rainbow fire because i said so
-definitely felt attracted to both jet and sokka in the guy department.
-now, when it cames to girls, mai was his childhood crush.
-he definitely found song attractive but he was NOT in that headspace obviously
-same thing with jin although he was in a better headspace then. he introduced jin and song to each other post-war and they dated each other.
-never got the chance to figure out how much girlypop liked women
-i could so easily claim she's a femme lesbian and that sokka was comphet, and I could even CONVINCE ya'll, because he is SO comphet coded, but I really love yue's storyline as it is and the lasting affect it has on sokka,,,,
-i can also imagine her on the ace spectrum
-she's so sapphic she's so queer bro is literally the moON?? what's more sapphic than the moon
-so, whatever, I'll say she's bi with a STRONG female lean. if she'd survived and joined the gaang she would have dated both sokka and suki and i truly believe that
-she would've loved suki and i just KNOW it
-love her so much let my girl be free of her arranged marriage
ty lee
-lesbian or pansexual. was ready to risk it all for mai. also completely down to be in a polycule
-she simply enjoyed male validation and attention due to her unmet childhood emotional needs. the dudes at the beach as well as sokka were giving massive comphet energy.
-i do also accept the possibility of her being pan, that'd be pretty great, but yknow, we do need more lesbians.
-despite being a fire nation citizen i think she'd be pretty open and liberated when it comes to her identity, at least wherever it's safe
-because her own ideology and philosophy is like. pseudo air nomad philosophy so i think she simply doesn't give a shit
-she is really into pride events. she LOVES the parade.
-i think she did have feelings for azula, at least as a child. then it all became really unhealthy,
-still, she felt sad about how things ended with azulw. she genuinely wishes it were different
-she does also give comphet lesbian vibes BUT the "i love zuko more than I fear you" line SLAPS so I'm going to say bisexual with a female lean. she's also definitely asexual—and also demiromantic.
-ADORED ty lee, she just always assumed ty lee would choose azula
-it takes mai a long time to develop feelings for anyone, but when she falls she falls hard
-she's really not a big pride person, but she grows to enjoy it eventually. she goes with zuko and ty lee.
-she's not super vocal about her sexuality, but she also doesn't hide it. she doesn't give a shit. it's her business.
-azula is a lesbian. not debatable like the others, to me.
-her feelings towards ty lee and mai are very reminiscent of sozin's feelings for roku i believe. like iykyk.
-she couldn't remember which of the boys was the one she was supposed to "like," but she remembered perfectly which bikini ty lee and mai were wearing. she picked chan like lesbians pick a random boy to crush on in middle school.
-and then she instesd remembered one of thr gusy who were flirting with either mai or ty lee. bestie was jealous.
-she had comphet, so much comphet. she wanted to be loved.
-so much internalised homophobia.
-she has a type, and it's brunette non benders of similar build. by which i mean ty lee and suki
-the ill will she holds towards mai in her comic for ruining their group over a stUpid BOY-
-it's comical,,
-i love her.
-all the freedom fighters are queer
-jet is probably pansexual or bisexual. and also he/they
-he had a thing for katara but he sure as hell also had a thing for zuko
-he punches homophobes in the face
-i never liked jet when i was a kid because he was a jerk and i hated him with katara, but i grew to really enjoy his character and his arc
-this boy wants to eat the rich
-he doesn't want gay marriage, he wants to abolish marriage
-transfem ICON, she/her, though generally gender non conforming.
-and she's also also aromantic and asexual.
-queer platonic relationship with longshot, because of how deeply they love and understand and support each other
-if you misgender her on purpose the whole group will gang up on you and by the end of it you'll have four broken limbs and they'll be arrested for aggravated assault
-he's aromantic and asexual but he's got unmatched non-verbal autistic rizz
-as i said, QPR with smellerbee
-but all the freedom fighters plan to keep living together forever,, they're found family
-him and smellerbee just have a particularly special bond
the duke
-the duke is pansexual, i think
-i think he had a crush on toph
-also he/they
-and that's about all I've got
-pipsqueak's literally his chosen name, nothing cisgender about that,
-transmasc, he/they, potentially genderfluid
-dating kori who is bi
-bisexual, female lean
-he/they, potentially genderfluid
-gay, crush on aang
jin and song
-jin is pansexual, would definitely date song who is a lesbian
-zuko introduces them!!
uncle iroh
-straight ally. women are great! big womaniser back in his day.
-loves gay people
-huge support for zuko coming out
-that being said, he wasn't ALWAYS an ally. like he wasn't homophobic either, but he didn't support queer people before lu ten came out to him. then he accepted it, because he loved his son. finally, travelling the world and studying different philosophies led him to be a great ally.
-then he became the biggest ally ever amd a huge advocate for queer rights
-on a similar note, lu ten was gay. ozai was straight. zhao was straight and azulon was probably also straight. just getting them out of the wAy.
-gay gay gay. likes men.
-him and jeong jeong as a salty judgmental old couple is so real
-also everyone knows about it but nobody dares to give him shit for it
-he just glares and you immediately get off his back
-he could get himself a husband and nobody in the fire nation would do anything to stop him because they literally cannot arrest him
-he'll just shut the door on their face
jeong jeong
-also gay. big gay.
-tons of internalised homophobia, bless him
-tons of self hatred
-like, the way he sees his firebending as a curse of destruction and hatred and hates himself for it—instead of seeing all the colours of the dragons' rainbow fire, like zuko and aang, who symbolise the new generation
-it can work so well as a queer self-acceptance metaphor
-he definitely ends up with piandao, as i said before. begrudgingly in love.
-lesbian. privately, as per water tribe tradition.
-nobody in the south gives her shit for it.
-she definitely had a relationship with kanna.
-when she lived in the fire nation, things were different. living as her authentic self was impossible—even secretly, it became near-impossible.
-hama's life is one big tragedy.
-straight. initially homophobic as per water tribe conservatism. the sort of, "just don't shove it in my face" homophobia
-but upon realising that like, both his friend group and his wife are incredibly queer, he gets over it
-iroh helps with educating him
-it's also canon that zuko gives the southern water tribe custody of hama after the war which i find incredibly sweet
-but since hama and kanna were... tight, I find myself incredibly entertained imagining possible interactions between pakku and hama
kanna (gran gran)
-kanna was bisexual.
-in the time she spent traveling from the north to the south she slept with a bunch of people
-fire nation pirates, sand bender bandits, earth kingdom soldiers... hakoda's father is a mystery. a mama mia situation.
-other flings include the herbalist, probably, (all old people know each other)
-even madame wu, why not?
-like it entertains me to think that kanna was unhinged the moment she left the Northern Water Tribe
-and being a non bender she used all tools at her disposal to reach the south if you know what i mean
-that being said, she also learned to fight a bit. probably. just to spite pakku.
-when she reached the south, she had a thing with hama. i say this because of the kataang parallel when hama was taken away.
hakoda and bato
-hakoda is bi, bato is gay
-hakoda loved kya, bato loved him secretly and never told him
-after kya died, bato was his only comfort, they fell in love
-once malina enters the situation too, it eventually ends up being a polycule
-note that i strongly dislike malina and those comics
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oxavierart · 7 months
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In an art slump; Quick TGAA Sketch 💠
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