#look at me getting this done before 11pm
soobnny · 1 year
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request. you falling asleep on skz’s chest and telling them you love them for the first time in your sleep
sorry it took me so long, anon! but here is the request u sent me
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— it would be a little late in the night when you finally fall asleep, maybe around 11pm. it’s one of the rare days chan doesn’t allow himself to fall prisoner to another all-nighter (not that it ever bothered you, but chan’s been making effort in spending more time with you in the present instead of in his head)
— he definitely sleeps better with you, how could he not? with your head on his chest and your cheek a little mushed and your lips in a small pout and your ear to his heart. it’s perfect circumstances to sleep and your breathing is such a lullaby to him, and a reminder to ground himself in the present more to enjoy moments like these. you guys don’t get to cuddle often so it’s nice to take everything in when he can
— chan’s just on the verge of falling asleep when you say it and i think he wouldn’t be able to believe it first (talk about an instant alarm ?). he’d just blink down at you for a moment before the sweetest smile plasters on his face, the crinkled eyes until they almost disappear and lip biting type to stop himself from smiling too much
— his heart would just expand tenfold because you really are the person he sees himself with in the future and to hear those three words he’s almost told you a million times before leave your lips is just so reassuring and so beautiful to him; that you love him back, and he can’t wait to tell you in the morning
— when he’s finally processed it, he’d lean down to kiss you .. just every part of your face. but like, he’s so careful about it so you don’t wake up
— he falls asleep maybe half an hour later because all his life his mind has been running and running and running but with you in his arms, and those three words, he feels so safe that he allows his mind to rest. sometimes, it’s enough to just let his heart beat and love
❝ i love you. god, i love you too. i’ve been wanting to say it for so long now. ❞
— i think lee know’s def the type to know he’s in love first because it’s such a drastic difference to suddenly consider you in everything when he used to never do it before and he’s not oblivious to his feelings. like he’s the same but also so different ? little gestures of love would build up to his light bulb moment that he is so in love with you and he wants nothing more than to tell you but he doesn’t want to scare you off
— you stay over at his house when it happens. doing schoolwork? cramming for a paper? somewhere along those lines. you never notice the time when you’re with him and suddenly seconds turn into hours and it’s too late for you to commute home and lee know’s mom used their car so he can’t drive you home either. just proposes you stay over bc it’s not like you haven’t done it before
— you two always spend silence in comfort so he doesn’t know you’re asleep at first when you say those three words to him and the way you say it is so faint that he almost misses it. but he doesn’t. he hears it loud and clear
— his heart swells even more when he looks down to see your eyes closed and your mouth slightly parted and his response is just the fondest expression on his face. the most endearing smile and a finger brushing over your features because wow, this is the girl that snuck her way into his heart and unknowingly stole every part of him
— would brush your hair out of your face to see you properly before finally whispering that he loves you too. he’d say the three words the next morning.
— years later, he’d always brag he was the first to tell you that he loved you but you’d never know it was you. it’s a little secret he keeps to himself, and the moment is so intimate that it’s his only
❝ ah, (name). you’re all i’ve ever wanted, did you know? ❞
— for changbin, i truly believe there is no moment of sudden realization. he’s well acquainted with love like i think he’s most in touch with that emotion. he feels so deeply and i think he learned most of that from his mother. he wouldn’t be afraid to embarrass himself in the name of love. in fact, he thinks it’s the greatest feeling on earth and it’s something you shouldn’t ever take for granted (i’m sorry, i’m a softie changbin enthusiast)
— everything is steady with him. loves you more day by day by day but he’s always known he’s been in love with you and nothing is ever overwhelming with him like it’s always so safe
— when you say it, he feels his heart beat 98383 times faster because what do you mean the person he’s so in love with loves him back ? like i feel like it just doesn’t cross his mind honestly. like he loves you and that’s that and he’s satisfied with loving you but suddenly his whole world just stops when he hears those words
— changbin would try to keep his position still though, even though he feels like jumping around and spinning you around in his arms but he just doesn’t want to shake you awake from your sleep
— spends the rest of the night thinking about you saying that you love him. there’s nothing more beautiful than the reciprocation of a feeling of love so great
❝ i love you, and that’s always been enough for me, but god does it feel so great to hear it from you. ❞
— he loves like in movies, in books, in art. despite being such a hopeless romantic though, everything is actually so new to him. it’s only with you that he experiences that shortness of breath, that jumble of words, that all-nighter because you can’t stop thinking about the person you love the most, and those damn butterflies
— even the first time you fall asleep on his chest, he freaks out. and he freaks out even after the 9183th time but who can blame him? he may look like such an expert, such a poet, such a man of love, but he’s nothing more than a boy who’s falling in love for the first time
— so, it is the 9184th time you’re asleep on his chest and he has a hand running through your hair when you mumble it in your sleep
— FREEZES. for maybe a good 5 mins? honestly it feels like forever because he really is frozen. and then, that music plays. the music when the love interest shows up on the screen in movies. it plays in his head and his heart is pouncing like crazy and it’s just such a moment to be in love
— pulls you closer when he finally recomposes himself and has the most lovesick smile on his face for maybe an hour before he allows himself to fall asleep because this is all he’s ever dreamed of
❝ you’re someone straight out of my dreams. ❞
— to me, jisung feels a little reckless when he loves. but like, not in a bad way. it’s more like, he’s been careful his whole life and keeping on a guard because he values his silence and his comfort over everything else but god, when he loves? he jumps straight in. he jumps even without the guarantee of anyone catching him. when he loves, there is no doubt, no second guessing. he simply dives head first
— he’s falling again, falling and falling, it’s never ending. even as you fall asleep on his chest one afternoon after watching a movie together
— he JERKS the moment he hears you say it like actually just jerks from his place and accidentally wakes you up from your slumber
— you freak when you wake up thinking that something must’ve happened because he’s staring at you with wide eyes but at the same time, he’s also apologizing for accidentally waking you up. you’re just in the process of asking him about it when he cuts you off by kissing you
— when you kiss him back, there is nothing in his head but “wow, so this must be the feeling of being caught” because he’s finally landed safely in your arms after all that falling
— don’t be mistaken though, he’d fall over and over again because the feeling of having you catch him is so addicting
❝ (name), is this real? ❞
— oh felix, the sweetest boy who falls in love in the sweetest way. definitely is the type to see colors brighter and hear music louder and just have all his feelings amplify because of you. stars come together when you look at him and he feels himself revolving around you like he’s just !!! there is no explaining how deep this boy loves. it’ll be like fireworks, like earthquakes, like thunderstorms but it’ll also feel like breathing and the quiet patter of rain. you get every variant of love with him because he’s so adamant on showing you every part of him
— you two cuddle up to each other all the time. he loves skinship, he loves physical touch, he loves holding you and being held and kissing you and hugging you and everything that makes it feel like you’re close to him so he doesn’t question when you fall asleep on his chest
— he’s on his phone, probably taking a picture or video of you when you suddenly say it. there’s just instant tears in his eyes the moment the words leave your mouth. he cries because he’s overwhelmed that you feel the same way about him and he’s scolding himself for being so dramatic over it but also he seriously cannot stop crying like what have you done to him?
— smiles and cries and laughs and leans down to kiss your head over and over and over and you can only ask why his eyes are so red and puffed when you wake up and he wastes no time to tell you that he loves you. drops it immediately. he’s been waiting forever to say it anyway (actually, he’s said it quite a few times but only when he thinks you can’t hear)
— won’t stop saying it anymore like every hour is a good opportunity to tell you that he loves you
❝ i can’t get over how beautiful it is to love and it’s all thanks to you. ❞
— the peak best friends to lovers story. seungmin isn’t the type to throw the feeling of love around. he isn’t the type to fall in love quickly either. he falls in love in moments you spend as friends, but it also kind of takes him such a long time to admit it because he’s always rejected the idea of romance and the gentle emotions that come with it. he’s so used to teasing and tough love that he suddenly can’t function properly when he realizes he’s growing softer because of you
— seungmin holds out from saying ‘i love you’, mostly because it’s hard to rid the stubbornness he’s carried all his life, but don’t get me wrong. there are so many times when he’s almost said it but stopped himself before he could. maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to startle you either. it’s a scary feeling after all, and being his best friend, you know about all his flaws. how could you choose to love him despite it all?
— even so, he is still powerless to love. no one can ever go above the feeling no matter how hard he tries. when you say it in your sleep, he finally lets go of whatever he’s been holding on for so long. he’s ready to willingly admit he’s in love with you and has been for such a long time
— he runs a hand through your hair, just thinking of how comforting it is to be with you, of how you make him smile without even having to be there with him. just the thought of you makes him so happy and it’s infuriating because why does losing to love feel so much like winning instead? is it because it’s you he’s falling in love with?
— would ask you if you’re sure because he’s someone that values sureness, honesty, and just Purpose. he loves on purpose and he wants to make sure you love him by your own choice too. he’s always chosen to take every step closer to you all his life
❝ do you really mean that? please mean it. ❞
— time always slows when you’re with him. he also gives me romance between friends because like seungmin, he’s not the type to take love lightly. he only ever says the three words in important moments. he never wants to just throw those words around because romance is so important to him, and he’s always been the one to seek for it because it’s so beautiful
— when he meets you, he just thinks, so this is what love is. he understands now why people tell stories about it, why it’s subject to so many songs. he understands when he looks in your eyes
— it’s an afternoon of teasing where your eyes meet and you just double in laughter because whatever the hell you’re talking about is so funny to only the two of you. the boys will never understand the language you’ve crafted for yourselves
— you fall asleep after having played games and ran around and teased each other all afternoon and it’s in his arms while the two of you are watching a movie
— when you say it, he falls silent. he closes his eyes and crosses his fingers and prays he isn’t just dreaming this up, might pinch himself even because it’s just so unreal to him that you love him like he might be the Foolish silly type but when he loves, he really does give it his all
— you wake up at one of the louder scenes of the movies and you’re like ??? why is jeongin staring at you like that so you’re like stop staring .. but he kind of just grins really LOVESICK and you’re like oh my god what is happening. he’s looking at you different and his eyes are softer
— with a yank of your shirt, he kisses you and mumbles how much he loves you against your lips
❝ i love you. and i will choose to love you everytime. ❞
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"What's wrong?" Robin asks, bumping her arm against his as she joins him leaning against the counter, staring out the front door of Family Video.
Steve doesn't bother to lie. Robin would know, she always does. "I'm not sure wrong is the right word, but it's, it's something."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Yeah," he says, taking a quick glance around. It's just after 11pm on Saturday. They've got another hour of work before they can officially close, but Hawkins closes down at 9. The store is empty currently, and since they're facing the door, they'll know if someone comes in. "I just don't know- I don't-"
"Gather your words. Speak when you're ready. I'm not going anywhere," Robin says, and it speaks volumes that she didn't call him dingus. Steve's never upset by the nickname, not really, but sometimes, when the conversation is heavy, he can't deal with nicknames. Especially not ones that are meant teasingly now but started as an insult.
"I feel- I feel ungrateful and, like, selfish, because I'm... I'm not happy with Eddie," Steve says, then immediately frowns because that's not right. It's not wrong, either, but it's. "I'm not unhappy with Eddie. I love him. I love him so much, Robin."
"I know you do. It's disgusting."
"And I got into this relationship knowing what Eddie's like. I love him 'cause of those things, not in spite of-"
"You don't have to convince me you love him."
"Right. Right. It's just. It's like, I thought, I don't know, that I wouldn't have to always be the guy?" Steve says, and it's followed by such a long pause that he looks over. It startles a laugh out of him at how much Robin looks like him right now. Confused, brow furrowed and mouth slightly open. That's his perplexed expression, and it's mirrored on Robin's face now.
Well. Not now because he laughed so she's glaring at him.
"Sorry. It was like looking into a mirror for a moment there."
She wrinkles her nose at him and says, "What do you mean 'always be the guy'?"
He lets out a sigh. "I just mean- Eddie's the first guy I've ever dated. And there was, like, unwritten rules when dating girls. Don't give me that face, I already know the rant about straights and their het-ro-norman-whatever-"
"Yes, that. I know it's bad, working on unlearning it, etcetera, etcetera. Can I just get through this using the words I do have?"
"Yes. Sorry."
He waves off her apology and continues, "So, the unwritten but absolute rules of straight dating. The guy asks. The guy plans the date. He pays, if it's something that requires money. He gets the door, offers his jacket if it's cold, gives the flowers and chocolates on Valentines Day and- sorry. The guy does all that. I do all that. And I just. I want to not, not have to?"
Robin's eyes soften and she gives a sad smile. "Eddie doesn't do those things?"
Steve frowns. "Not- he's done some of those things but it's not... It's never been romantic. Never felt... intentionally romantic. Which is why I feel so ungrateful and selfish. 'Cause Eddie's not a romantic. Not like I am. And I shouldn't expect him to be!"
She frowns. "But you don't expect him to be."
"I mean, yeah. I don't. Which just makes this worse, right? Because Eddie tries. In his own way. And I'm still..."
"What does Eddie do to try?"
"He loans me jackets when I'm cold. And it's- it's like a throwback to the upside down. He'll fold it all nice and then throw it at me full force. Like with the battle vest," Steve smiles at the memory, despite his sour mood.
"That doesn't sound very romantic. That sounds like an inside joke. He could do that same thing while not dating you and it wouldn't be weird."
"Can't an inside joke be romantic?"
Robin nods as she turns, back to the counter so she can hop up on it. "Can be. And I guess if you find get pelted in the face by jackets romantic, that's your kink."
"Why do I talk to you?" Steve groans, and Robin shrugs. "Anyway, I guess I just... I want to be the one taken care of, sometimes, but not just when- God, I'm so selfish, aren't I?" He paces away from the counter, running a hand through his hair.
Eddie's a good boyfriend. He listens when Steve rambles about sports and stats, asking questions and actually engages in conversation. He takes care of Steve when a migraine leaves him all but useless; gets him his meds and water and combs his fingers through Steve's hair softly until it lulls Steve to sleep. Eddie pays attention enough to know the little things about Steve that he doesn't say out loud.
"Not just when?" Robin prompts, and Steve realizes he quit talking.
"Not just when I'm hurt. I want doors held for me, and for him to plan a romantic night, either out or in! And I- I want him to give me his jacket by wrapping it around my shoulders like I do for him."
"I'm going to say something, and you aren't allowed to be upset by it."
Steve nods.
"You have to tell him. Eddie's not gonna know you want these things unless you say so."
He nods again, because he knows that. He does. It's just... "I got with him knowing he wasn't a romantic person. I don't want- I don't know how to say it without making it sound like I want him to change. Or make him feel like he's not enough, or that he's a bad boyfriend for not having done this and-"
"Steve! Jesus, now who's the mirror? It's Eddie. He loves you. He'll listen. Even as you fumble your way through an explanation. A conversation is not the make or break of this relationship."
Steve swallows even though it feels like there's stones piling up in his stomach. A single conversation broke his last relationship, but Eddie's not Nancy.
"Yeah. You're right. I think I'm just... I'm afraid of making Eddie feel that same way Nancy made me feel, when she called us bullshit. I was blinded-sided by it all and I don't, I can't do that to Eddie."
"You won't. 'Cause this situation is different. You love Eddie, and Eddie loves you, and that's real and true. I think it would hurt Eddie more to think there's this whole other category of shit he could be doing for you, but isn't, 'cause he doesn't even know you'd like it, much less want it."
Steve nods as she speaks. It's all true, and he feels less like there are stones in his stomach. "Thanks, Bobbin. I don't- I might give it a few days before I talk to Eddie about it, but I will."
"You better, dingus," she hopes off the counter and looks at the clock, groaning when she sees it's still not midnight. "Think Keith will kill us if we close early?"
"No way. He'd have to cover all our shifts until he can hire replacements. We're too valuable to him to die."
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @skepsiss @afewproblems
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 months
So, for Starters: Book Of Bill Spoilers warning. Another opinion from me below. (Here's my first opinion I shared, if you havent seen it) This new one is about the lost journal pages again, of course.
Originally, I wanted to make a super big crazy essay about all the reasons I think the journal pages in BOB (The Book of Bill’s given name) are fake, and show off my super-cool totally completely sound deductive reasoning techniques in the process.  
Unfortunately, knowing myself I’m not sure I’m actually capable of accomplishing such a feat. You all know how I tend to post things in parts, sometimes out of order, often never finished. However I would like to share something in particular that’s been eating at me that I’ve seen… partially discussed, but only partially. And certainly not the part that I would like to discuss. 
It’s about the rats.
You know, the rats.
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I saw these rats being talked about since before I was even able to have a look at the book myself. 
But before I get further into it all, I would like to start off with a joke: 
Why did dead rats, eggnog, a land orca, shrimp colors, It’s a Small World After All, and an Anti-Cipherite Suit cross the road? 
Well, that’s easy. To get to the other side. 
Of the book, that is. 
If you’re anything like me, you probably skipped right to the journal pages upon contact with the book. And if you’re even MORE like me, you were probably left a little confounded by them. Not only did they seem… wrong somehow. But they also felt random. Full of odd choices of subject that didn’t make a lot of sense. Could these pages really have come from journal 3? If so, why do parts of them feel so… completely out of context? 
And this is where the rats come in. As I mentioned before, I saw many people discussing them. In particular, they were noting their connection to this passage from earlier in the book:
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Many of the related discussions also felt odd to me. Though I lacked the knowledge to be able to articulate why at the time. UNTIL, I read the book for myself from start to finish. That's when I realized something:  This is not the only time something from earlier in the book connects back to the journal pages. In fact, it happens many, many times throughout the earlier passages. (Here is a small collection of them for your perusal.)
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And then it started clicking into place. The reasons the pages felt like they were so abnormally out of context… is because they WERE lacking context!
Now, before you can finish saying “Gin, you’re an idiot.” I would like you to ponder these three questions: 
1) Why, if these pages were taken from Journal 3, should they require context from outside of it to be able to be completely understood?
2) Why is it that this context can be found in what Bill Cipher has been writing in the preceding passages up till now? 
3) If you put food in a mogwai’s mouth at midnight EST but drive it over the CST time zone line back to 11PM before it can swallow, will it still transform into a gremlin? 
Okay, you caught me, that third one is unrelated. But the first two I believe require further thinking. So let’s delve a little further into the idea. Consider this the real third question: 
3) Are we to seriously believe that these, the only pages of J3 still lost to us, just so happen to tie into the new topics from the rest of the Book of Bill over and over like this?  
And since you’ve done so well thinking thus far, I’ll ask a fourth question: 
4) Are you aware of the concepts of Watsonian and Doyalist analysis? 
Assuming you don’t and you won’t google it, I’ll skip to the important part. Watsonian analysis is to analyze a story from within it, as if you yourself were Watson making deductions in a Sherlock Holmes novel.  
Now, from a Watsonian point of view, what happens when we try to answer our earlier questions? Why should it be that the Book of Bill provides so many of these points of reference to the journal pages? 
One possible line of thought could be that Bill wrote the earlier passages of his book *around* the idea of what was contained in the pages, but I think this doesn’t work for a few reasons. For one thing, the purpose of the book is to get the reader to make a deal, not to take a whole novel to set the stage for a 3 day mini Ford adventure. For another, not all of what I described prior is really fit to be called “context”, is it? The rats, the “Small World” cassette, and the Bill-Suit are one thing, but Eggnog? Shrimp colors? Land Orcas? I certainly wouldn’t define them that way. If anything, they’d be better suited to being called “references”. And unlike the more contextual ideas, there’d be no real need for Bill to sneak mere references to the pages into his grand story.  And lastly, there are a great deal of Bill pages that have nothing to do with the content in the journal pages at all.
So what exactly am I trying to say here? 
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If we do intend to think of the callbacks outlined above as references, the only logical conclusion within the story is that the journal pages themselves are referencing back to the Book of Bill, not the other way around.
But… how? And why? Something Ford has written in the 80’s shouldn't be able to reference something Bill is writing post-weirdmageddon certainly. 
That’s because “Ford” isn’t referencing it at all!
And as for why… Well, have you ever noticed when you're writing a story on the fly, things you wrote earlier all come crashing back to you as you try to wrap things up? I believe personally that the journal pages are nothing more than a strange endcap on Bill’s crazy train of thought! And the "references" are just fuel that further the pages creation. Almost as if, to quote someone much more knowledgeable than me on this subject…
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In the end, all I've described above (as well as other aspects of the pages I've not mentioned here) leave me with the impression the pages are not real.
As I stated only a bit earlier, the idea that these pages, the only pages of J3 purported to be lost, should be so connected to the rest of the book is beyond coincidence to me. Not to mention that in order to take these pages as total truth, you must give credence to several other passages of Bill's book as well. And I'm not too keen on having to trust him that much.
To all who have read this far, even to those who may have scoffed at the ideas in here or think I've only written up nonsense. Thank you for reading and considering my thoughts.
I am not saying anyone must agree with me on this. I know some people have found the pages to be important and meaningful to them, and I do not wish to give the impression that I think my view is the end all be all correct one, or that I think lesser of those who believe in them. I only want to share my own opinions. And to anyone else who found the pages to feel "off" somehow, possibly validate their feelings too.
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ironskyfinder · 7 months
Goonettes are one of god’s gifts to man.
Naive, doe-eyed, innocent girls who get exposure to the right kinds of filth at the right time end up as self-addicted pleasure dolls, chasing the next edge, the next rush. The only problem - for them, not for anyone else - is that often they rub themselves so dumb they can’t be trusted to edge without making mistakes and giving into pleasure, and they get to be so brainless that they need instructions on how best to corrupt themselves. 
As I said, not a problem for anyone else.
Emily had still been a feminist, when she started following me - not much of one, but she still had moments where she'd go back to thinking she was equal, that she should go to college and have a career and make something of her life outside the kitchen and bedroom - and she hated it.
She mentioned, in one of her messages, that she had always wished she could make her breasts more sensitive - at a 38GG, I liked to remind her she had 'udders' - so, one of the times she asked for me to make her brain worse, I took her on an edge she still thanks me for even today.
ironskymaker [10:58PM] I wrote instructions for an edge for you, but this is a much more directed edge than just sending you gooning fuel and some degrading messages, so you’ll need to be able to narrow your attention to this so that you can respond when prompted. Understood?
ironskymaker [10:58PM] I'm not going to ask you to focus, I know you can't do that, not really.
goonette4everr [11:00PM] yes
ironskymaker [11:02PM] You’ll need to follow along closely, okay? I’m going to have you hump a pillow - I think you should use the pillow you sleep on - over and over and over, and I’m going to try and break your brain even more than usual. Ready?
goonette4everr [11:03PM] yessir
ironskymaker [11:04PM] As always, you should be naked when you edge. Take a selfie, once you are - think of it as the ‘before’ photo, so we can compare how you look once I’m done with you.
goonette4everr [11:05PM] you assume right. selfie taken.
ironskymaker [11:05PM] Face the mirror and start humping, nice and slow. Be gentle enough it’s frustrating, like I’m teasing you by holding your hips, slowing you down - just enough pressure that your clit begs for more, not enough to start you grinding mindlessly.
goonette4everr [11:07PM] ok...ok thas gonna drive me nuts
ironskymaker [11:08PM] That’s exactly the point. Light, little motions at first, enough to make you want to grumble and moan and swear because it's such a teasing sensation.
goonette4everr [11:08PM] fuck
ironskymaker [11:10PM] Good goonette, keep going. Little by little, faster and harder. Hips rocking back and forth, little by little pressing more against the pillow with those little motions. Watch yourself in the mirror, teased and frustrated but still grinding away like you’re told.
goonette4everr [11:10PM] hmmmnnn
ironskymaker [11:11PM] You’ve been craving this all week. Let yourself relax into it. You need this, turning your brain off and letting your clit think for you, edging for hours and hours until it’s all a blur. Keep humping, a little faster, a little harder  - you should be starting to feel it now. 
ironskymaker [11:13PM] How does your edge taste?
goonette4everr [11:13PM] goood, so wet
ironskymaker [11:14PM] Start grinding and humping faster, little by little. Every time you hump your pillow, you grind the littlest bit faster. 
goonette4everr [11:15PM] hunh...feelin it now
goonette4everr [11:15PM] fuck!
ironskymaker [11:16PM] Less and less gently, keep your hips moving, faster and faster. Let the motions grow, the harder the edge gets the more you move.
ironskymaker [11:17PM] Keep going, a little harder every time you hump. Make the motions bigger, gradually starting to grind with a little more pressure each time. Harder, faster, keep grinding on your pillow. Look at yourself in the mirror and make an ahegao face, grinding extra hard and extra slow while you let your tongue hang out until the drool hits your tits. 
goonette4everr [11:19PM] hnnnnnn oh ffuuuuuck
ironskymaker [11:19PM] Don’t forget to tug on your nipples a little to make them hard, if they weren’t already; don’t stop humping. 
goonette4everr [11:20PM] theyr hard, mmmm god
ironskymaker [11:21PM] Pinch and pull on your teats, grind on your pillow more. Reach back and tease your asshole a little.
ironskymaker [11:21PM] Remember, all your useful parts deserve to be part of your edge - speaking of your mouth, test your gag reflex as you start humping faster and harder.
goonette4everr [11:22PM] hkkkkkkkkk
ironskymaker [11:22PM] How are you feeling, lil goonette?
goonette4everr [11:23PM] goodsogood! fukkk
goonette4everr [11:23PM] i look so dum so horni
goonette4everr [11:24PM] fuck!!
ironskymaker [11:25PM] Good! But I want you extra desperate and broken, so I’m giving you a break.
ironskymaker [11:25PM] Sit up off your pillow, so your drippy clit is nowhere near anything that might stimulate it - then hump the air, bouncing a little.
ironskymaker [11:27PM] Understood?
goonette4everr [11:27PM] whait noo 
goonette4everr [11:28PM] nnnnnooo oh ok, ok, i will i will
ironskymaker [11:28PM] I know, it's hard to have self-control - but you don't need to! I'll have your self-control instead, just relax and obey.
goonette4everr [11:30PM] obeyying...is...goood....thanku sir
ironskymaker [11:30PM] Keep humping. Feel your tits swing as you bounce, feel how they want to pull you down, back onto the pillow. Grab one, suck on your nipple. Hump and grind and bounce. Grab the other and suck on both your nipples at once, then let them drop from your mouth. Hump the air a little more, bounce and let your udders drop, feel them pulling all the thoughts out of your brain.
goonette4everr [11:32PM] hnnnnnn
ironskymaker [11:32PM] Bounce and hump the air until your tits pull all the thoughts from your brain, until they pull you back down to humping your pillow.
ironskymaker [11:33PM] Doesn’t your edge feel better already?
goonette4everr [11:33PM] yyyyeesss
ironskymaker [11:34PM] Again, humping and grinding like a good girl, faster and harder. Grind your clit into your pillow as you reduce yourself to obedient holes for a stranger on the internet, like a real feminist traitor. 
goonette4everr [11:35PM] i feel so slutty an stupid
goonette4everr [11:36PM] itsh shooo gooood!!!
ironskymaker [11:37PM] Look in the mirror - do you like the slut you see?
ironskymaker [11:37PM] Hump and bounce and whisper to yourself that your holes and tits are all that matter, they give you value and purpose and a reason for men to find you useful. 
goonette4everr [11:39PM] i lov bein a traitor!! i luv lookin at myshelf bein a whoooore
goonette4everr [11:39PM] yessss hnnnn
ironskymaker [11:41PM] Grind even faster, even harder. You can really feel it now - you’re pressing harder, humping faster, hips moving more so you bounce - and when you bounce, your udders swing. When your udders swing, you feel your brain drain and you’re closer to just being tits and holes. Holes keep being drippy, tits keep bouncing.
ironskymaker [11:42PM] Now how does your edge taste, lil goonette?
goonette4everr [11:42PM] tassts like dspration
ironskymaker [11:43PM] Good. Keep going. Hump and bounce, letting the haze of the edge and the pull of your tits wash your mind away. 
ironskymaker [11:44PM] Harder, faster, humping and grinding, leaking all over your pillow - pause for a moment, to bury your face in the wet spot you’re making, take a deep breath. Then get back on your pillow and keep humping. The smell and taste of your edge everywhere, rewiring your brain to tie that to the overwhelming pleasure you’re feeling.
goonette4everr [11:45PM] hhhnnnnn
goonette4everr [11:45PM] so dirrty
ironskymaker [11:46PM] You liked that too much not to do it again. Put your face into the pillow, rub it into the wet spot. You love how the sensation corrupts you, how it makes your edge so much stronger. Don’t you?
goonette4everr [11:48PM] fuck pleas yess
ironskymaker [11:49PM] Edging makes you feel so good, your brain can barely take it - but that’s fine, you don’t need it anyway, you don’t need to think.
ironskymaker [11:49PM] The instructions become your actions.
ironskymaker [11:50PM] Your clit isn’t there to handle big thoughts, your udders aren’t made for thinking, but you were made to obey. Keep humping and grinding, edging and bouncing, faster and harder. 
goonette4everr [11:52PM] hmmm...yesh yeh no thnk...jus...edge
ironskymaker [11:53PM] The more you edge, the more you’re just drooling holes and bouncing udders. Wipe the slick juices running down your thighs all over your face and imagine tasting it on a thick cock filling your throat. Don’t stop grinding, don’t stop bouncing, keep your hips moving.
goonette4everr [11:54PM] bounc
ironskymaker [11:54PM] Wipe the slick mess from your cunt onto your nipples, pinch and pull on your teats. Keep one of your teats in your mouth, massage and milk the other. Hump and bounce and grind, let your brain go blank, then let your udder drop and suck your other nipple clean. Are you enjoying yourself?
goonette4everr [11:56PM] iy am...iam!!!
goonette4everr [11:57PM] i tayst so gud
ironskymaker [11:57PM] Does the girl looking back at you from the mirror seem like she’s having fun too?
goonette4everr [11:59PM] she dos, she looks sho happi, so blank
ironskymaker [11:59PM] I bet she looks like a porndoll. Her eyes all unfocused, sweaty, shaking, needy, her desperate clit soaking her pillow. 
goonette4everr [12:00AM] mmmhmmm...such a needyslut
goonette4everr [12:00AM] shooo dum
ironskymaker [12:01AM] Time for another break.
goonette4everr [12:01AM] hnnnnnnnn!!!!
ironskymaker [12:02AM] I know you don’t want to, but - stop edging, sit up so you can hump the air like the desperate fuckmeat you are.
goonette4everr [12:03AM] yeshyesytes!
ironskymaker [12:04AM] I know you’re horny, I know you’re needy, just let your hips move against the nothing and let the ache drain your thoughts away.
ironskymaker [12:04AM] And, while you do - pick up your tits, play with them, squeeze and massage them, hold them out and then drop them.
goonette4everr [12:05AM] mmm...
ironskymaker [12:05AM] Feel that pull make you dumber. Let the things you used to call ‘important’ wash away as you start bouncing in the air, as your udders pull your thoughts out of your mind
ironskymaker [12:06AM] Did you have work today, did you have plans after, were there errands that need doing? Pick up your tits, play with them, then drop them as you bounce, and all of it is gone.
goonette4everr [12:07AM] hmmm...gone. 
goonette4everr [12:07AM] allgone
ironskymaker [12:09AM] Bounce, drop. Take another selfie, see what you look like after I’ve played with your brain for less than an hour, and imagine how much more I’ll do.
goonette4everr [12:09AM] hheeehee she looksh crazi
goonette4everr [12:10AM] sush a mess!
ironskymaker [12:10AM] Hump, grind, bounce, drop. Tits don’t have plans. Holes don’t run errands.
goonette4everr [12:11AM] mmmmmm
ironskymaker [12:11AM] There’s only obedience, only edging and doing what you’re told. Bounce, drop, hump, grind.
goonette4everr [12:12AM] only
goonette4everr [12:12AM] please 
ironskymaker [12:12AM] How does your edge taste now?
goonette4everr [12:14AM] sssssgud
goonette4everr [12:14AM] ssssssnice
goonette4everr [12:14AM] fuckk
ironskymaker [12:15AM] Bounce, drop. More thoughts gone, brain all drained. Hump, grind, bounce, drop. 
ironskymaker [12:16AM] Bounce, drop. Take another selfie, see what you look like after I’ve played with your brain for less than an hour, and imagine how much more I’ll do tomorrow.
ironskymaker [12:17AM] The girl in the mirror just wants to keep edging and bouncing and dropping forever, and so do you. Bounce, drop.
goonette4everr [12:17AM] please ruinmy brain mroe
goonette4everr [12:18AM] hheeehee she looksh crazi
goonette4everr [12:18AM] sush a mess!
ironskymaker [12:19AM] And how are you feeling now, lil goonette?
goonette4everr [12:21AM] alll edged out, reallly hazy
ironskymaker [12:22AM] Good goonette. Bedtime, then, and no touching until the morning.
goonette4everr [12:23AM] ohh fuck  yessir please tomorrow 
goonette4everr [12:23AM] i can’t wait
823 notes · View notes
storiesfromafan · 7 months
Dance Class 101
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A/N: I come baring more fruits of my labor haha. Or rather this was a silly story I started a new nights ago after 11pm. It just spiraled from there.
Might do a part two. See what happens.
Also, forgive some of the informal wording. I blame being Australian lol.
Pairing: Mattheo x Slytherin Fem!Reader (more pining?)
They say school is meant to be a fun experience, learning new and usually useful things. And in any other House in Hogwarts, that would be the case. Unfortunately, for Slytherin fun was not a word Professor Snape knew, or rather despised, squashing all light in any room he was in. Currently in The Great Hall, during the Slytherin’s scheduled time for dance practise for the upcoming Yule Ball.
All attending students in Hogwarts were expected to participate in dance classes. So here you were, with your group of misfits. As your house all took seats around Professor Snape, who looked to be out of his comfort zone, you couldn’t miss those around you whispering to each other. Which was shortly lived when Snape ordered silence. Of course, everyone shut their mouths and sat up straight.
“Firstly, I detest that I have to teach you all to dance” Snape began, his voice sharp with authority. “But you all need to have some sort of formal etiquette for a ball. So, I am…forced to instruct you”. Ah, how that must have hurt to say.
There were sniggers and giggles at Snape’s words, which he called for silence again and got it quick smart.
“Secondly, I will remind each and every one of you that you will be representing Slytherin at The Yule Ball. So, I do not wish to hear of any of you acting in any way to lower our House” Snape stood proudly and rolled his sharp gaze over every student. “You are Slytherin. We are a proud house, do not sully it”.
Mattheo, Theodore and Lorenzo; whom were all sitting before you, started to snicker. Which you stopped with a slap to each of the back of their heads, just like any mother. Mattheo turned back with a glare, to which you smiled at before gesturing for him to turn back around and focusing on Snape.
Back to the lesson at hand; dancing 101. The girls rather giddy, the boys wanting to run from the room. Snape uncomfortable. And the female Professor being his dance partner wishing she had done something better with her career. All in all, this was to be some kind of afternoon. Starting off with two Professor’s stiffly demonstrating The Waltz. How the student population bearing witness to the scene before them kept themselves in check was a mystery. Alright, not entirely a mystery but more not wanting to cop Snape’s wrath for laughing. Plain and simple.
Finally, it came time for the observers to move to practical. Reluctantly all students rose from their seats, shuffling about and pairing up awkwardly. You stood looking around the room trying to pick out a dance partner. You didn’t want anyone who was handsy or flirty, nor did you want someone who has two left feet.
“Looking for me?” asked an all too familiar cocky voice behind you.
Turning around you found Mattheo standing there confidently. Oh, you will enjoy knocking him down a peg.
“Oh no” you replied off handedly, “I’m looking for a less pompous ass to dance with”.
He shot you a glare.
“Then you must be looking for me?” Questioned Theodore stepping up and slapping Mattheo on the shoulder. “Sorry mate”.
You looked to Theodore with a blank look. “Sorry, nor am I looking for his partner in pompousness either”.
Mattheo laughed shoving Theodore. “Tough luck, mate”.
Theodore shot his friend a dark look. “Hey, at least I didn’t get rejected first”.
That sobered Mattheo, and both boys glared at the other before turning back to you.
Thankfully that was the moment Lorenzo stepped in and swept you away. “Sorry lads, she was waiting for me”.
You laughed as Lorenzo twirled you both around. Alright, he won. “To be clear I wasn’t waiting for Lorenzo, but with that save, he has earned his place as my dance partner. Sorry”.
Lorenzo laughed as both Mattheo and Theodore shoved the other before shuffling off to find other partners. Which wouldn’t be hard. Every girl in this school would give their soul to get close to Mattheo, he was the Slytherin heart throb after all. And Theodore had his own club of fans too. So, they would be fine.
But a part of you regretted rejecting Mattheo. Blame the two-year crush on the curly mop head, who had just partnered up with Daphne Greengrass. The way she smiled at him as she placed her hand on his shoulder while he stepped closer, it made you sick to your stomach. Not to mention your blood boiling when she laughed at something Mattheo said.
“What are you growling at?” Questioned Lorenzo, before turning you both to see what held your attention. “Ah, I see”.
“Ah, I see? You see nothing” you retorted defiantly, turning away from the nauseating and infuriating scene.
Lorenzo shot you a knowing look. “Please (Y/N/N), I’m not stupid. I’ve known about your affections probably before you even came to terms with them” he chuckled, while you pouted.
“I repeat, you see nothing. End of story”.
Lorenzo spun you around, making you see the pair across from you both, before turning you away again. “It’s alright, I am not offended I’m not the eye of your desire” he poked your side. “But Theodore owes me a butterbeer”.
You swatted Lorenzo’s shoulder. “Don’t you dare say a word! Ah, of nothing that isn’t true” you sputtered, attempting to deny your crush.
Lorenzo brought you close. “Your secret is safe with me (Y/N/N). Mum’s the word”.
You one hundred and ten percent believed Lorenzo. Out of the three, he was more the voice of reason. While Mattheo and Theodore were Dumb and Dumber. But to be clear, you did not think them dumb, far from it for they could be evil geniuses if they applied themselves. They were goof balls that didn’t always read a person before opening their mouths.
Once everyone was paired up, Snape called for attention once more. Taking the proper stance with the female Professor, Snape instructed all students to do the same. Lorenzo stood comically tall, with a snooty look on his face while holding out his left hand out to you. Following his lead, you mirrored his stance and look, before dramatically placing your right hand in his. He then placed his right hand on your waist, pulling you closer forcefully. You couldn’t help it; a snigger came from your lips as you placed your left hand on his shoulder. Yes, Lorenzo was the smart choice. Laughter was the best way to forget about Mattheo and Daphne.
While you were having fun in Snape’s dreary presence, Mattheo was watching every moment just now. A wave of jealousy washing over him as Lorenzo pulled you close and received a snigger. Sure, he could see you were both goofing off. But he hated it wasn’t him you were having fun with.
Mattheo acted aloof, and teased you, but it was to hide the feelings the boy had for you. Out of all the girls in the school, you were the first one to become his friend. Never flirting or going shy. Being your unapologetic self through and through.
The friendship he had with you was what made it hard to have feelings for you. Your friendship was something he treasured, and he didn’t want to ruin it. For if he lost you, Mattheo would be devastated. But he also disliked seeing his two mates’ taking your attention away from him and having fun without him.
“Hey, Snape’s talking” Daphne whispered, drawing Mattheo’s attention from you and Lorenzo.
Snape proceeded to instruct and show you all the basic steps for The Waltz.
“Male’s lead. Starting with your left foot, you are going to step forward” Snape began. “Females follow. Starting with your right foot, you are going to step back”.
All students followed Snape’s instruction. This is where many partners learned that the person, they paired up with couldn’t tell left from right, forward and backwards. Which lead to some soft laughter and angry comments.
You and Lorenzo didn’t need to worry. Both of you were coordinated. Comically, but smooth, you did as instructed. As well was Mattheo and Daphne.
“Next” Snape commanded, silence fell once more. “Males, bring you right foot forward and to the right, then close your left foot next to your right. Females, bring your left foot back and to the left, then close with right foot next to your left”. Snape of course demonstrated this movement for everyone.
Once again, coordination was a flower that didn’t grow in many gardens. While you and Lorenzo were flawless. Along with Mattheo and Daphne. Finally, everyone was at the same step.
“Male’s, step back with your right foot. Females, step forward with your left foot” Snape instructed doing as he said. “Males, bring your left foot back and to the left, then close your right foot next to your left. Females, step forward with your right foot and to the right, then close your left foot next to your right”.
Once more everyone followed the instruction and demonstration. Happy to report, this time there were more coordinated students. You followed Lorenzo’s lead, and once more you were both flawless in your movements, prompting you both to smile at the other. Mattheo and Daphne not far behind you both, just as flawless.
Snape pulled away from the female Professor, like he was slightly burned by a flame. “That is the basic steps for The Waltz. I will now give you time to practice the steps together before music is introduced, and we work on timing to tempo”.
Both you and Lorenzo chuckled at Snape, before getting back to the task at hand. Taking position, you both did the step’s Snape had instructed. Once the first square was done, you both continued. Eventually feeling comfortable with the steps, the snooty comical sides came back. Dramatically doing the steps. And soon you had a small audience of the students around you. They laughed and softly cheered. With the final steps to close off the square, Lorenzo spun you out and you both theatrically bowed and curtsied.
“(Y/L/N) and Berkshire!” Called Snape. “Knock off the nonsense”.
You both quickly moved back into position and went back to dancing properly. Neither wanting to face the wrath of Snape. But flashing each other a smile, you enjoyed the silliness.
“Real smooth, getting on Snape’s radar” Theodore commented, moving closer to you both. “Best to stop the shenanigans”.
“Oh? Jealous Nott?” Lorenzo asked with a smirk.
Theodore laughed. “Far from it mate. I don’t want Snape on my case”.
He was right. No one ever wants to be on Snape’s bad side. So silently you and Lorenza agree to pull back on the silliness and take it all a bit more seriously. But it was so hard when this type of dance was boring, and so would the music.
After some time, Snape brought attention back to him, and proceeded to teach the next part. And let’s just say you thought many of the students lacked coordination before, it was ten times worse when music was introduced. Yet in yours and Lorenzo’s case, you both weren’t too bad. At first there was some miss timed steps and even stepping on his foot, but after the first square, you both got smoother and flowed nicely. Even getting praise from Snape.
Unfortunately for Mattheo, his partner took longer to grasp timing with music. And not to mention the amount of times Daphne stepped on his feet. Yes, she managed to step on both multiple times. Eventually she got better, but not quick enough before Snape called an end to dance class. Many students sighed and silently thanked who ever had been listening to their pleas.
Walking out of The Great Hall, you and the three boys headed for the nearby courtyard to relax after an eventful dance lesson. Lounging around under a tree you all recalled moments of the class, from the good, the bad and the tragic.
“I don’t know how that woman could have danced with Snape” mused Theodore. “He’s so wound tight”, he proceeded to sit up stiffly, making you all laugh.
“Bet she’s rethinking her career choice” mused Lorenzo, again making you all laugh.
“I gotta know, what was it like dancing with Daphne?” Questioned Theodore lighting a cigarette. “No doubt you made her day, as she has the biggest crush on you”.
You tensed at the question, and Lorenzo saw it. He gave you a soft look, showing his concern. But you just gave him a small, sad smile.
“It was alright, I guess” replied Mattheo, not noting your silent conversation with your friend. “She’s not that graceful, my feet are witnesses to that”. He laughed shaking his head. “But she wasn’t bad to be with”.
You all joined him in laughter, only yours not as strong as your companions. That last sentence he spoke hit you. Could Mattheo like Daphne? Surely not, she was lack-lustre compared to other girls.
“You going to ask her to The Yule Ball?” Lorenzo asked, side glancing you to gauge your reaction. He wasn’t doing it to hurt you, he wanted you to know if you should get your hopes up or not.
Mattheo snatched the cigarette from Theodore while thinking over the question. Did he want to ask Daphne to The Yule Ball? No. Did he want to ask you? Yes. But the two parts of him were at war. He wanted to ask you, take you because your company was all he needed. But then, the other part of him said you probably wouldn’t go with him, you’d want to go with someone else. Someone you fancied.
“Maybe…” Mattheo thought taking a drag of the cigarette. “See what happens”.
Theodore laughed. “Don’t wait too long to ask her, or any girl really”.
Now it was you who laughed. “Oh please Theo. Any girl who is asked by either of you would say yes. They would even dump their date to go with any of you”.
It was true. You knew from all the gossiping girls; they have all said it at some point. They would dump their date, even their boyfriend for any of your three friends. And you had a front row seat to watch Mattheo with some other girl. You wish you could say it didn’t bother you, but that would be lying. For every flirtation, every flavour of the month killed you to bear witness too.
Theodore scoffed. “You sound jealous my dear (Y/N/N)”.
You laughed dryly. “Oh please. Me? Jealous of you lot? Ah, no”.
  “I think you are” retorted Theodore sitting up straight. “Jealous we’ll have hot dates, while you will end up with someone lower on the food chain, or no date at all”.
Both Theodore and Mattheo laughed, though Mattheo’s was forced and to hide his true feelings. Which was his dislike for his friends’ words.
You felt anger rise in you from Theodore’s words, your cheeks flushing in annoyance. Deciding it was best to remove yourself, you got up from your spot and straightened out your uniform.
“I find your words to be hurtful and callous. So, what if my date end’s up being less than any of you? Does that diminish their worth? What makes you an excellent judge on that?” you retorted with slight venom. “And if I was to go dateless, what about it? It’s not mandatory to have a date”.
Theodore looked up to you, a smirk on his face. “No, it is not mandatory. But people would look at you like you’re pathetic, practically a leper. Am I right Mattheo?”
Your nostrils flared from Theodore’s brazen words, before your heated gaze was on the mentioned boy. You watched Mattheo closely, silently hoping he would disagree with Theodore. That he would stand up for you.
Mattheo swallowed. He knew this was it. “Sorry (Y/N/N), Theo’s got a point”.
As the words rolled off his tongue, each word scorching the appendage, did Mattheo regret those words. He hated himself. And the hurt look you gave him just about killed him. He was about to correct himself before you said your goodbyes and took off.
“Good job idiots” Lorenzo sighed throwing a rock at both his friends, before taking off after you.
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disgustingtwitches · 2 months
"The closest to heaven we'll ever get"
Saw a lot of stuff about Simon helping out a s*x worker. Anyways, it reminded me of a personal experience I had so... Here I am 😃
5.5k words
*This is kind of Simon needing company and being a weirdo who needs constant validation.
Not gonna lie, it gets blasphemous at the end!
I always played around with the idea of being an escort. I was offered to do things while working in the strip club, but I always turned it down. I was spending every dollar I made because I could always make more, right? But when I broke up with my ex and realized I didn't have the credit or rental history to get my own place, I started panicking. The only option was to put down at least three months rent cash upfront, to even be considered. Suddenly, money was drying up at the club for me, my regulars were being whisked away by girls who would do more for less. I couldn't really get mad, it's just a part of the game really. So I knew what needed to be done.
I hit up one of my girlfriends and told her that I needed the extra cash and what I was willing to do for it. She helped me set up a website, took professional photos of me, made me business cards. The whole nine yards. Now all I had to do was wait. About a week in, I finally get my first client. It was awkward and surprisingly, both of our first times in this situation. I was sent back home in a black car and a few hundred bucks richer for just 30 minutes of my time. I felt a rush I never felt before.
As the months rolled by, the money came. Luxury was the new standard for me. Designer everything, nice dinners, even nicer dates. To my surprise a majority of my clientele were, at most, 10 years older than me, and even more surprisingly, good looking. Finance bros, guys with daddy's money, or just men who had the money to spare. They always talked about how it was more fun and less work to hire me than get a girlfriend. To get a pretty girl in their arm to parade around that wouldn't bicker and give them a hard time at the end of the night. No feelings attached, just company and good sex.
So here I am Saturday night. Instead of going out to the club like a normal woman my age in Manhattan should be doing. I am in my hotel. Waiting for a call or text from someone. Anybody. My hair in rollers, makeup half done. Just waiting. My phone lights up, a text coming in:
Hi, Gia. Was interested in spending an hour with you tonight, 11pm.
I smiled to myself. Finally, someone who reads my ad properly. Follows the instructions on what to text to me. Straight to the point.
Wonderful, just need a picture of your ID or passport.
I reply. Always a rule my girlfriend drilled into my head. Safety first. If they don't do it, then what could they be planning? Anything goes bad and all you have is a name that couldn't even be real. Any client worth your time understands your safety is a priority. So this was my way of feeling safer. A moment passes before my phone dings again.
A picture of a passport, full name and age. Along with a picture. He's cute. A little older than what I usually get but I'm not complaining. I quickly look him up, nothing out of the ordinary. Good.
Great. Thank you, Simon. I'll send an address for you to send a car at 10:20. Reach out to you then❤️
Before I start to get ready he texts,
Wear something casual.
Not an odd request. Actually most clients prefer it. Want more of a girlfriend vibe rather than an escort. I finished getting ready, helping myself to a glass of wine. Playing my usual bad bitch songs, it helped me turn into the woman I needed to be- from me to Gia.
10:25 rolls around. I get a screenshot of the Uber from him. 5 minutes out. I grab my purse and strut out of my hotel, to a nearby park. Never give your real address. Always make sure you're not being followed.
A black SUV pulls up, I slide in. Exchange pleasantries with the driver and I'm off. Headed to midtown. I share my location with a friend and how long I should be gone. My phone goes off.
Walk into the building and head to the elevators on the left. 36th floor. Apt. 4A.
I nod to myself before shooting a text of confirmation.
Got it. See you soon ;)
I pull up to the building, it's huge. Nicer than most places I've been. He must have some serious cash. I walk into the building and follow the directions he gave me. A little adrenaline rushes through me as I walk up to the door, always did when meeting someone new. I knock. He almost immediately opens the door, as if he was standing in front of it. Waiting.
I say with a wide smile. He steps aside as I walk in, looking around. Nice place. Really nice place. Ceiling to floor windows, minimalist decor, the lovely smell of something masculine and expensive. He looks me up and down as I turn to him.
You look just like your pictures.
His voice is deep, alluring, unreadable. Sends a chill up my thighs that shoots straight to my core.
You do too.
I reply playfully. A small twitch plays at the corner of his mouth before disappearing. His face inscrutable. I shimmy off my coat before he takes it, hanging it up in a closet near the entrance. I wait for him to move. He stands, hands in his pockets, studying me. An awkward minute passes before he walks to the living room. I follow.
Really nice place you got here.
I try to make the moment more comfortable.
He responds. He wasn't like the other men I've seen before. They are sociable, or at least try to be. I take a seat on the couch next to him, our knees barely touching.
Money's there.
He gestures to an envelope on the table. I nod, grabbing it.
Do you mind if I...?
I ask, opening it up. He nods and stands to pour himself a drink. My eyes widen. This is more than my usual rate. Much more. I'm quiet, trying not to show my shock.
Was hoping to do an overnight, if that's alright.
It was less of a question and more of a statement from him. It was more than enough for a night. I nodded.
Of course, I do wish you would've told me; I would've packed a bag.
I smiled, putting the envelope down on the table. I grab my phone and update my friend on how long I'd be gone for. I put away the phone quickly and look up at him. God, was he hot. And the way he carried himself made him even hotter, so nonchalant. He shrugged, sipping his drink before sitting next to me again, some space between us.
How long you been doing this?
He stares at me, gaze so intense I squirm a little.
Just a few months.
We're quiet again. Usually I try to carry a conversation if the other party can't hold one, but he makes me nervous. I talk again, asking mundane questions. It's like pulling teeth trying to have small talk with him. Maybe he's just not much of a talker.
I scoot closer to him, our knees barely touching. He puts his drink down, and rests his arms on the back of the couch. I lean in closer to him, resting my hand on his thigh before kissing his lips. He kisses back softly. We exchange light, almost timid kisses for awhile. He finally moves. A hand reaching up to grab at my hair, gently pulling. I moan faintly and that seems to set him off. He grabs me by the throat, not hard, just enough to stand me up and guide me to his bedroom; our kisses getting more intense. We strip each other of our clothes. I unbuckle his pants and pull them down, it feels like I'm opening a gift on Christmas. He's big. I smile up at him. He just looks down vacantly. I pull down his boxers and his erection springs up, tip drooling. He opens a drawer next to the bed, pulling out a condom and rolling it on himself.
Lay back.
He commands. I obey, opening my legs. I've done this so many times before, but this time it's different. As unceremoniously as he's treating this, I can't be more excited. His body is amazing, tattoos and scars just adding to the mysterious aura. His natural scent drives me wild. I look up to him as he crawls over me, lining himself up with me. He gives a couple lazy slaps on my slick. I take a sharp breath. He watches as he slides himself in, I tense up. Most guys are well... average. And he's well... much more than that.
He huffs. Sliding himself in more, not giving me any time to adjust. I grip the bedsheets, clenching my jaw. I stare up at him, he doesn't even look at me. His face emotionless as he watches himself slide in and out. I try to unclench, opening myself up more to him.
He grunts. My nipples harden at his voice. I moan as he slams into my cervix repeatedly. It makes him shoot his eyes up at me, glaring into mine. His eyes dark pools, intense. He roughly hooks his arms under my knees, pushing them up to my chest. He digs even deeper into me as I whimper. He takes quick, shallow breaths.
You're so deep.
I say panting, the breath getting knocked out of me. I reach out to touch his muscular arms. He grunts and pounds harder into me. I throw my head back, whining. Trying to not wince in pain. He slows for a moment, pulling back, keeping my legs on his shoulders as he slides in and out. My breasts bounce up and down with each thrust.
You're hot.
A hint of emotion in his voice, he reaches down to knead my chest. My face gets hot. I tighten around him.
He makes a sound that almost resembles a moan. I smile up at him, almost proud of making him show any emotion. He looks down at me, a flicker in his eyes, a small smirk on his face that leaves as quickly as it came. He parts my legs and rubs at my clit in rough circles. I squirm under him.
Say my name.
He orders. His strokes picking up as I get used to him.
As soon as his name leaves my lips, a deep rumble from his chest fills my ears. He leans over me, arms on either side of my head. I reach up to run my hands up and down the back of his neck.
Say you love me.
His request takes me aback. I pull him closer, my lips just under his ear.
I love you~
He immediately tenses up and takes a heavy breath. I could feel him twitch inside me as he finishes. He pulls away quickly, going to the bathroom to throw out the condom and clean up. He brings back a wet towel, wiping me down.
What's your name?
His tone as flat as ever.
I responded. I know what he's actually asking me. Never, ever tell a trick your real name. Hell, he shouldn't even know your real age.
You know what I mean.
He glares at me. I shift awkwardly. Don't do it. He doesn't say a word, just stares in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Why should he know your real name anyways? I tell him my name. Stupid. Fucking dumbass. I kick myself. He nods and slides into some sweats, throwing me his shirt.
Let's watch something.
I throw on his shirt. Now this is what I'm used to. Being a temporary girlfriend. Pretending to be affectionate. Giving much needed companionship. He splays out on the couch as I lay on top of him. He turns on the TV, resting a hand on my ass and squeezing it. Maybe this is why he hires girls. Because of how distant he is. The man can't even hold a conversation. He flicks on some show he was in the middle of, a business dramedy that I couldn't care less about. I rest my head on his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair. We're like this for a while, quiet.
Tell me you love me.
He says dryly, looking down at me. I look up and kiss him.
I love you, Simon.
He gets hard immediately, rubbing himself on me. He gets up, lifting me up effortlessly, and throws me on the bed. He lays on top of me, pinning me down onto the bed. Kissing me much more passionately this time, like he was trying to taste every inch of my mouth.
Keep saying it.
His voice gruff. He moves his kisses down to my neck, pawing at my bust.
I love you, Simon.
I moan. I wanted him so badly. I don't care how I got him, I just wanted to take him. Something about him made me go crazy, deep inside. He yanks up the shirt I was wearing, moving his kisses more and more south.
You fuck other people raw?
I shake my head. I might've been a whore, but I wasn't reckless.
He nods.
Can I eat you out?
I look down at him. Something about seeing him between my legs makes me wanna say yes. The way his eyes looks almost as if he's pleading, desperate. No way. Never do that.
I allow him to keep going. What the fuck am I doing? Why am I allowing this? Before I can think more, he plunges his tongue between my lips. Lapping up desperately, burying his face into me. I roll my eyes back, running my fingers through his hair.
I love you, Simon.
I gasp. It's the only thing he wanted me to say. I saw something in him, the way he reacted when I said that, it made me want to stay in his place forever. To never leave. Make him happy. It's just the good head talking, you'll snap back to your senses afterwards. He moans so quietly I can barely hear it. Barely. My legs on his shoulders, his arms wrapped around my thighs. Digging fingers into the soft flesh. He sucks on my nub repeatedly. It's a tortuously delicious feeling. I grip his hair a little.
I love you, Simon.
I look down at him, watching him devour me. He looks up at me, his eyes showing an emotion I can't decipher. He moves one hand down to slide two fingers into me.
I love you, Simon.
I moan, throwing my head back and smiling.
He mumbled into my heat. Pumping in and out before bending his fingers in a way that presses against my sweet spot. I hiss, pleasure flashing through me like a strobe light. I'm dripping wet. He pulls his fingers out and plunges his tongue into my entrance, trying to suck out every drop of my juices.
You taste good.
Voice as flat as ever, as if he isn't lost in between my folds. He drags his tongue up between my lips, from my entrance to my nub again. He slips his fingers in again, pressing up against my sweet spot repeatedly. I get lost in the feeling. God I could stay like this forever. He looks up at me, like he's looking for validation.
I love you, Simon~
I slip out between heavy breaths. He picks up the pace of his fingers and tongue. My face gets hot as I get closer, grip his hair a little harder. He goes even faster, harder, almost feverant. I roll my eyes back, panting. I whimper before crying out, tightening around his fingers in a vice grip.
I love you, Simon~
I force the words from my throat as I spasm under him. He continues, seemingly determined to draw another climax out of me. I mewled, trying to push his head away. He was unmoving for an unbearable moment. The only sounds were my pants and his slurping.
I love you, Simon.
I wailed, almost hoping it'll make him stop. He does thankfully. He pulls away, tearing off his sweats, beating off himself. Staring at me, his gaze is intense as ever. He grabs me by the thighs and drags me into his lap. He continues to stroke himself, staring into my wet core as if he was hypnotized by it.
Can I...
He starts, almost knowing he shouldn't ask the question.
Can I fuck you raw?
His voice is uncharacteristically soft and unsure. I blink at him, mind racing. ABORT! ABORT! THIS IS LIKE RULE #1 IN HOE-ING!!! He looked so delicious from this angle, his eyes still glued on my wetness. ARE YOU INSANE?? NO!! His throbbing, beautiful dick is twitching.
I nod. You're the dumbest person on the planet. I insult myself a million different ways in my head. A brief moment of regret is replaced with pleasure as he slides his tip teasingly in and out of me. His jaw clenches, chest rising and falling faster. His voice cracks as a moan escapes him, his eyebrows furrow.
I love you, Simon.
I stare at him, eyes half lidded. The smallest smile spreads across his face, still looking at himself entering me. He inches his way in. Pulling in and out, going deeper each time. I squeeze him, make him bite his lip.
That's good.
He stated, voice quavering. He clears his throat before grabbing one leg and lifting it to my chest, digging deep into me. I take a sharp breath in. He hovers over me, arms on either side of my head again. He slides in and out, slowly at first then picking up to a punishing pace. I whimper and wiggle under him. He grabs my face, forcing me to look into his eyes that bore into mine.
I love you, Simon.
I stare right back at him, passion shooting right out of my eyes. His eyes flutter for a moment before blinking back into his cold, unnerving self. He continues to dig himself into me, slamming and grinding himself into the deepest parts of me. It's a painfully addicting feeling. I take his hand and press it up against my lower stomach so he can feel how much he fills me. He clenches his jaw so hard, it looks like his head could pop.
I love you, Simon.
I whisper. He drops down on top of me, snaking his arms around and behind my back to grab my ass. His mouth right next to my ear, I can hear his fast and shallow breaths. Little groans that slip out every now and then. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him tighter.
I love you, Simon.
I hear him groan under me as I said it again. He goes faster than before, pretty much jackhammering me into the mattress. My mouth is agape and head thrown back. Only grunts escape my throat as I get fucked senseless.
Mhm...like that?
His words bounce around in my empty head. I replay it in my head over and over until I clench around him, he doesn't stop though. It only seems to spur him on even more. His warm breath tickling my ear as it gets more ragged.
Keep saying it.
He demands through gritted teeth.
Fuck... I love you, Simon.
I squeak out the words. He huffs and continues to rampage my body.
Can I come inside you?
He asks- No, begs. No use in turning back now. Just the thought made me close again.
I nod and he breathes harder and harder until he pleads in a strained voice,
Say it.
I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside me.
I love you, Simon~
He spills inside me. His stammered breaths and moans driving me crazy. The feeling of him pumping into me driving me over the edge. I pull him closer, practically squeezing him.
I love you, Simon.
I tenderly kiss the top of his head as he nuzzles into my neck.
How often do you do this?
My head clears, a wave of regret coming over me.
Never. I never even hired anyone before you.
He says in a way so sincere I honestly believe him. How do you know when a trick is lying? Their mouth is open. Rules. Rules to live by, to be able to survive doing what I do. Rules. They all meant nothing as soon as I laid eyes on him. Somehow saw this coming a mile away in the back of my head. He pulled away from my grasp, disappointment flooded me. He leaned back, opening my legs: watching both of our cum dripping out of me.
Say it.
His eyes so focused, as if he were trying to take a picture with his mind; so he would never forget this moment.
I love you, Simon.
I say with a tender smile. His dick jumps. Good lord is this man insatiable. He stands up and does the same routine as before, cleaning himself up and then me. He hands me his shirt:
I throw it on and he leads me to the bathroom, grabbing me by the shoulders and making me face the mirror. He gently pushes my back, I lean my elbows on the countertop. I stand on the balls of my feet, trying to get my hips to meet his. As I look in the mirror, his face looks almost tender watching me sway my hips.
I love you, Simon~
I sing softly. He bites his lip, entering me again. God, I never get used to the feeling. He grabs my hips and pulls me onto him, he bottoms me out. Groaning louder this time, he pulls my hair back so I'm looking directly at the mirror, locking eyes with him.
S'it, pretty girl...
A corner of his mouth upturned just enough to know he's enjoying himself. His words make me flutter around him. He groans and starts to pound into me. The bathroom is filled with the duet of our breaths and groans. He pulls my hair so my back is pressed against his chest. He rests a hand on my throat, squeezing just enough. Moves his lips to my neck, still sliding in and out of me.
You love me? Huh?
He grunts, warm breath on the pulse of my neck.
I love you. So much.
I moaned. I repeated the phrase so many times, it started coming out of my mouth naturally. He moved his hand from my hair to my lower stomach, pressing against it so he could feel himself hitting my walls.
You love this dick, yeah? Say it.
His voice getting more demanding and urgent. I nod and look at him through the mirror, smiling.
I love it, I love this dick so much, Simon~
He nips at my neck as he continues to fuck me. His nips turn into bites. Bites that definitely leave marks. I didn't care, that didn't matter right now.
You're never fucking leaving, you know that?
A threat that sounded like heaven to me. He could keep me chained to the bed and I wouldn't care, just as long as he kept fucking me like this. I giggled with excitement.
You like that, hm?
He smiles against my skin before continuing to lick and bite my neck.
I love it~
I truly did. It felt heavenly. Better than anyone I've ever had. Ever. Something felt so familiar about his touch. As if I belonged there.
I love you, Simon~
At this point I feel like I'm reciting a prayer, the words flowing out of me like a stream. I was melting in his arms.
Turn around, wanna see that pretty face.
I did so eagerly as he lifted me up on the counter and slid inside me. I smirked up at him. He, as always, was watching himself impale me.
Looks so pretty...
He seemingly mumbled to himself. He leaned down and pressed our foreheads together, a firm hand on the back of my head. Hitting a spot so deep inside me I never knew I had. We were like this for a long minute, sloppy sounds of our sex bouncing off the walls.
I love you, Simon.
I stared into his eyes. They seem to soften for a moment before he tightened the grip on the back of my neck. A huff, and then he came undone. He stayed inside me until he was soft. He pulls out and pushes his fingers into my cunt, stuffing his seed back into me.
He grunts in a way that sounds like approval before helping me off the counter. He leads me to bed and slips under the covers.
In my arms.
Commanding as he usually does. I press my head against his chest, his heart beating hard and fast. He wraps an arm around me, his touch much gentler than before. I fall asleep. Not too sure if he does too.
Morning comes and I'm woken up by the sun shining in my face. Sitting up, I'm in his bed, still wearing his shirt. Alone. I walk out to the living room and see him setting up breakfast on the coffee table.
You made this?
I question, surprised.
Ordered it. Good morning.
He turns to me, shoving his hands in his pockets. He looks at me expectantly. I blink at him.
Good morning.
I say. He looks at me as if he was anticipating something else. I think for a moment before suddenly remembering.
I love you, Simon.
He steps to the side, inviting me to sit on the couch. I help myself to a seat and look at the plate in front of me. It's simple, French toast and eggs. I help myself.
Are you gonna eat anything?
I look at him quizzically. He shakes his head, staring like always. We're silent as I finish my plate. I grab my phone and check the time. Almost time for me to leave.
Can I book you for longer?
His voice is gruff. An underlying tone, pleading?
It'll be expensive.
I didn't want to say that. Wanted to say I'll stay as long as he likes. But I already made too many mistakes. Gotta get back on track.
I don't care.
Of course he didn't. He could probably buy me out for the rest of my life if he wanted to. He pulled out his phone, asking for my personal number so he could send the money straight to my bank account. Hesitantly I gave it to him. He probably could find out that stuff if he wanted to anyways. My phone dings, I check my bank app. My eyes pop out of my head. I look up at him bewildered.
How long would that get me?
He asks, as if he didn't send me an ungodly amount of money.
It's enough for a whole week...
Shock still overwhelming me.
You wanna stay that long?
He doesn't really ask. He knows I'll say yes. Doesn't even wait for my answer.
I'll let you get your things.
He throws some of his clothes my way and sends me back in a car to the hotel. I grab my bags and checkout. Is this really happening? A call from my girlfriend. I tell her about his extension. She says something about making sure he's not a serial killer. We laugh, tells me to have fun, don't fall in love. I scoff as if that was the stupidest idea I've heard. As soon as I know it I'm back at his place, he's grabbing bags from me, setting them to the side. Turning to me and running a hand up the side of my waist.
I love you, Simon.
We spend the whole week tangled up in each other. Taking a break before I say those four words and he has me pinned against a wall or over a dresser or kitchen counter. Any flat surface, really.
It's Saturday night and we're showering, cleaning off sweat and other bodily fluids from each other. His touch is so gentle, handling me like I was a piece of china. He liked me. It was obvious. Seemed like the only way he knew how to show it was by fucking me, though. I liked him too. Maybe not to the extent he did.
Seemed like he found something he needed for a long time. He was hungry. Famished. He couldn't just let go of me. He's not satiated yet. Don't know if he'll ever be. It was a looming feeling. Dark and heavy. A little scary. But it made me feel more desired than I've ever been before. And not just a carnal desire. It made me feel coveted.
We're laid up on his couch. Watching the show I didn't care for before, a little more invested. My phone lights up, buzzing. The name of a regular of mine across the screen in big bold letters. This is usually the time of the month he calls to set up a date. A reminder that this is all temporary. I let it go to voicemail. He tenses up. Jealousy and disappointment radiating off him.
How much for the whole month?
He doesn't even let me think of an answer before speaking again.
How much to make you quit for good?
I'm a little shook, sure I've heard it a dozen times before. Always said in jest. But he's serious. The few words he said, he always seemed to mean. No need to waste his breath beating around the bush. My heart races. I can feel his pound against mine. A number doesn't come to my head.
Let's just see how this goes.
He doesn't like that answer. He wants something solid. A promise that I'll never leave. More than a promise. But that's as good as he can get right now. There's a tense silence between us.
I love you, Simon.
The only thing I can think of saying right now. He takes hold of me, climbing into the bed and sits me in his lap. His back against the headboard.
C'mon love.
He says frigid. An underlying tone of disappointment and hurt. I slide myself down on him, a little more adjusted to his size now. He wraps strong arms around my waist, pulling me so close it seems like he wants to coalesce into my very being.
Give me a number.
A demand that seems more like a plea. We hold each other. Unmoving as he is still buried deep inside me.
Maybe it is a little toxic to spiral into the addiction to fast money. Maybe I'm a little sick of pretending to be the perfect woman. Maybe it is a little exhausting to be a fantasy and nothing more. Maybe it is a little lonely when it's just me lying in bed, when I have to comfort others. Where's my comfort in all of this? Where's my happiness in all of this? No more fake smiles. No more fake orgasms. No more fake feelings. I don't care if he's lying. I want to indulge in delusion. Even for a moment.
I give in. He leans over, placing me on my back before adjusting himself on top of me. Touches my face, his showing an emotion that is genuine and staggering. Devotion? It feels like it.
I could almost cry, the way he takes me like I'm his. The way he talks to me like I'm not someone he hired. That didn't matter anymore. I wasn't an escort to him. I was his girl. The sex was different. Transcendant. Divine. Did I know I wanted to be saved? Of course I didn't know; for the life of sin and suffering is simply a thing to toil in until you are shown salvation. Every time he came, he baptized me. I was born again in his eyes, I was perfect and clean. Absolved of my sins.
He looked at me with so much adoration. I looked up at him, much in the same way Magdalene did to her Redeemer. He had turned a prostitute into a Saint. The unshakeable feeling of deliverance washed over as he touched me, no longer a leper. I was saved by him. His body. His sweat. His seed. Akin to taking Communion. The closest to heaven we'll ever get.
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wannabelife · 9 months
fantasize – csc
pairing: seungcheol x fem reader
genre: smut
synopsis: your friend hurt his ankle in his dance class and needs you to help him to do the basic things. what you didn't know it's that you gonna need to give more than just a hand.
warnings: long ass built-up, i think that's the longest smut i've ever done, nursing student yn, sub cheol, dom service reader, cheol from the last live type of image, unproctect sex (be safe y'all!!! that's just fiction), oral m receiving, fingering, handjob, voyeurism, praise and use of the word slut
a/n: last one of the year!!! planning some things for 2024, and lmk if you have any requests :))) happy holidays guys and a beautiful new year to y'all <3
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you were dozing off in front of your school books when your phone starts to ring, startling you. the number "never answer" popped up on your screen, and contrary to what it says, you click on the green button accepting the call.
"hello my bestest best friend"
"what do you need now, jeonghan?"
"my god, not even a 'how are you?' 'how's your day?' nothing?"
"go on, jeonghan, i do not have the patience"
all you can hear is his breathy laugh on the other side before he finally goes to the point. it seems harsh of you, but that's normal in your friendship, none of you minding this kind of treatment, knowing it's just how it is with you.
"okay... actually two things" you roll your eyes as he speaks, and thanks god he is not seeing you, because he would whine about that.
"cheolie got his ankle injured in the dance class yesterday, im taking care of him, but he keeps sighing in pain, and i dont know what to do"
"did the doctor not prescripted any painkillers?"
"i lost the recipe on the way back home from the hospital"
"well, that's seungcheol's fault for trusting you" you take a breath "ice and a generic painkiller won't be a problem if the pain aint going away"
"and the other thing?" you ask.
"so, saturday..."
"no! no, i cant."
"let me finish it, at least!" you sigh and he goes on "saturday i have something to do during the day. dont you have like three or four hours of your day just to check on him... make sure he has something to eat, takes shower, his medicine and everything... the man can't even leave his bed"
"hmm alright. that's ok with me."
"why were you so reluctant to give in that easily?"
"oh come on, hannie... you know you. that's, by far, the easiest thing you've ever asked from me. its quite cute, actually."
"i told seungcheol to ask someone, but you know... he can be stubborn sometimes... he keeps saying he'll be ok by himself"
"what if he really wants to be alone... i wont go if he is not comfortable with it"
"he can't barely walk, yn. he needs some assistance"
"ok... just make sure he knows im going"
"i will. thank you so much, that's a huge help, really. you are the best!"
"i know"
saturday comes, and you decide to go to cheol's around 11pm. you will probably buy some takeout to make sure he eats. you've texted him a few times during the week to ask how's the recovering, and it seems its getting better. it feels like your help will just really need to be an assistance.
getting at his place, you disk the pass code on the front that jeonghan texted you beforehand. you slowly come in, letting your shoes by the door. you've been here a few times, but it's not like you are used to it.
"hello? cheol? im here" you exclaim in a way he can possibly hear wherever he is around the house, but no answer comes.
you let your things on the living room, walking carefully further down his place "seungcheol?" you say, looking around shyly.
you get near to his bedroom door that is closed. what gets your attention is the whinning coming from inside it. your eyes getting big with worry, remembering jeonghan saying how he does it when in pain.
another whine comes, a bit louder, with a groan after it "cheol? can you hear me? are you ok?" you get closer to the door, not wanting to open before he says you can. you are really worried, what if he's trying to get up alone, or even worse, if he fell down while trying it... another groan "seungcheol, can i come in? are you fine?" you try again and nothing.
you hear a gasp this time, and you just decide to go in, what if something happened? he is not answering. you open the door of his room lightly, a little squeaky leaving your month in surprise.
"yn!? fuck!" seungcheol exclaims when he catches your presence, but you close the door fast enough to cut his words. there aint no way you just saw seungcheol half naked on his bed, hand on his hard cock for your eyes to see, a vein popping up while he strokes his length. he wasn't reacting from pain, but quite the opposite.
you walk fast to the living room, not knowing what you should do, until you hear him from his room "yn, wait! wait, please!" he grunts, trying to get his body up from the bed, his pants already in place as he tries to stand up.
you hear the metal of his crutch clicking, and you run over to his door again "no, no, seungcheol, are you standing up? stay there!" your voice gets a bit higher from usual so he gets the point.
you are standing outside the closed door like a coward, your ears touching the wooden material of it, so you can hear whatever he's trying to say from inside.
"i wanna talk to you" he says "i can walk"
"no! stay there, im serious!" you exclaim again, worried that he might fall or hurt if he gets up. you hear a breathy laugh from the other side.
"are you going to stay outside or are you coming in to talk?" he says "if you dont, im getting up"
"are you dressed?" you ask and he scoffs, laughing a bit again.
"of course im dressed, yn. come in, please"
"well, you weren't before" you say it quietly for yourself before finally opening the door.
he is sitting on the edge of the bed, the crutch hanging on his side. he looks at you at his door, he cant help the look he gives you up and down, you feel your cheeks getting flushed from his stare as you glup dryly.
this happens just for a few seconds before he looks down his feet and say "im sorry, i didn't know you were coming. that shouldn't have happened"
that can just be jeonghan's fault, and you wanna roll your eyes again because of him. he told you he would make sure seungcheol was ok with it.
"so, i am sorry then. jeonghan said you were fine with me coming. i can go if you wanna be alone"
"you can stay. its not like i didn't want you here, i'd just finally have some time alone" you understand him, he is on that bed for days and jeonghan is probably not leaving his side for days. he is happy he has a friend like him but he is only human and also like his alone time too.
"i am really sorry for earlier" he says again
"lets leave that there, right? its ok" you say to him and he gives you a subtle smile "i brought you lunch" you state.
"thank you" he smiles again "i just need a shower first, then we can eat"
"alright. take your time" you say, getting on your back to walk out the room.
"hm... yn, i-" he starts but stop it quite shyly. you look back at him.
"what?" you encourage him to keep going.
"i need help to get on the bathroom" you panicked, and you hate that you let it so unworn that he immediately realizes it "no! you wont see anything! just help me walk there" you nod, relieved, going his way to help him.
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you grunt tossing over your bed again, stretching your arm to the table beside it so you can reach your phone to check the time. 2:43am. you cant sleep, you've been in bed since midnight and that's stressing you out.
you sit, laying on the heardboard, your hands going to your face, another grunt leaves in frustration. why the fuck seungcheol have to have such a beautiful cock? its literally making you lose your sleep. and its not like you have completely seen it, he was half covered with the blanket and you peak only a few seconds, but the prominent vein and perfect length can't be possibly forgotten.
the real question is, why are you even losing sleep because of some dick? you are starting to get annoyed. so you play a random podcast on your phone, hoping it will help you fall asleep. you lay again, the speakers not too loud as you close your eyes, getting comfy on the sheets.
the nice and soothing voice of all those podcast speakers sounding like lullaby to your ears. you feel your body relaxing by seconds.
a hand reaching to your thighs, caressing the naked flesh. slowly getting closer to your core until the fingers slightly crossed over your closed clit, your breath is getting stuck to your throat, "do you need help, yn?" seungcheol's voice says causing goosebumps on your skin.
"wh- what are you doing here?"
"couldn't sleep thinking about you either" he says sliding his hand under your panties "oh, you're wet already"
all you do is whine as he starts to slide his finger up and down your center. seungcheol is getting closer, his mouth setting a delicate kiss to your neck as your breath gets heavier.
"does it feel good?" he whispers on your ear when he starts to massage your clit. you're moaning, your cheeks red, not knowing how did this started at first place.
he slips a finger inside and you become a moaning mess, his name like a prey on your tongue. he kisses harder and sucks on your skin, making you clench around him. he adds another finger and you feel yourself closer to the edge.
"are you close, baby?" the nickname makes you moan his name again "then, wake up"
your clock start ringing, your eyes opening fast, startled by the sound "fuck!" you groan. you fell asleep without noticing, and it couldn't get worse than having a wet dream with him.
you hit the clock beside you, silencing its ring tone, before getting up to work, and also to clean the wet mess between your legs.
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you were able to get on campus on time for your first class of the day. you completed ignore the fact that you just met seungcheol outside in a wheelchair, chatting with jeonghan and joshua when you arrived. all the nervousness gathering around your stomach, remembering the shameless dream you had. you made it short with them, running over to your class soon.
right now, you are done for the day, at your living room table, books spread all over it, a way too common scenery for you. at least today is friday and you can have a much needed rest.
you close the notebook in front of you, resting your head on the back of the sofa, closing your eyes for a bit. you're interrupted by your phone ringing, you come closer, your eyes peaking to try seeing who it is calling.
with your phone on your hands now, your eyes get big as you look to the screen lighting with cheol's name on it. if you wait too long, the call is going to end, so you rush to answer.
"hello?" you sound unsure for some reason.
"hi, y/n? are you busy right now?"
"hmmm... not really, why?"
"you sure? dont want to bother if you are"
you wanna say yes but you are nervous, you dont know what is going to be the next words.
"i finished rehab just now and the way back is around your house, so i thought about calling. do you want to meet up?"
there it is. he wants to meet up, oh lord.
"sounds good. im a bit tired, tho. do you mind coming over?"
"it'd be the best anyways. im on my way"
"okay, bye!" you hang up, a smile on your lips. then it hits you... he is coming here. right now.
you rush to stow all your material. putting some things in place too, which wasnt hard, your house its pretty neat. you also take a quick shower, already hearing the doorbell once you come out.
as you open the door, it feels like the time stopped for a second. seungcheol is in casual clothes, baggy black jeans and shirt, a hoodie hugging his upper body, the cap of it on his head as his now long hair matches his beauty perfectly. his body is steady by the crutch on his both sides. his dimples make its way on his cheeks as he smiles to you by the door.
"come in" you say and he does, living his shoes beside yours on his way inside.
"i brought some takeout" he says as you rush to take it from his hands, leaving the plastic bag at the kitchen island.
you ask him if he wants anything to drink as he sets himself at the table. you eat it out with the beer he asked you. time going by as you chat with each other comfortably.
its kind of a new situation for you two. you first met because of jeonghan, but you've never gotten this close until now. you go out together with your other friends in common and have a nice relationship, but its the first time you two do something alone.
"i wonder why jeonghan called you to go check on me that day" he says cutting your thoughts.
"was it bad?" you laugh breathy, surprised by the sudden statement.
"no, no! its just because we have our group of friends as you know, you are in it. i was just surprised you were his choice between them"
"probably because i work on the healthy system" you say, knowing people are aware of you finishing your last year of nursing school.
"oh! you're right." he exclaims, it now hitting him.
you smile, staring at how cute his pouty lips look when he is thinking. you admire his plump lips and suddenly remember the dream you had just tonight, and then his coc- FUCK! stop! you think to yourself, that's not the time.
the silence takes the room after so much conversation and you decide to clean the table, hoping it cleans your mind too. you take the empty bags to the trash and when you go back to catch the stools left, cheol is jumping his way to the couch. hanging the crutch on the side as he signs after he sits. you laugh a bit, finding cute the way he jumped his way there to get faster, but getting worried once he sighs.
"is it hurting?" you ask, taking the cups and plates to the kitchen.
"its affordable" he laughs it out "it hurts a bit sometimes but its getting less constant" you pout even tho that's a good sign. you feel bad for him.
"is there anything i can do to help?" you say coming back from the kitchen. the table all cleaned up now.
"not really, just come sit here" is all he says, a smile playing on his face. oh my god, why is your tummy getting twisted.
you make your way to him, sitting kinda shy beside him, even tho that's your own familiar house. you stare at each other, not saying anything, you play an awkward grin to him and he smiles endearing. what's happening? you think in your head.
you coff slightly, breaking the silence "do you want a bag of ice for your ankles? is it still hurting?"
you both look down his ankles, his little stitch showing from the cirurgy he had, you grimace in empathy thinking about it and how it must hurt.
"not really"
"can i take a look?" you ask looking at him now.
"why?" he says. oh god, jeonghan is so right, he is kinda stubborn.
"im a nurse, you know..." you fight back lightly.
"not yet. you said you are on your last year still" he smirks and you roll your eyes.
"oh my god, seungcheol. are you scared or something? im not gonna hurt you" you say getting up from his side to go take a look. making his eyes turn big that you cant help but laugh "you are scared, um" you contest.
"no, i am not" he say it in a defensive tone and you laugh again. what a big baby.
in order to look at his ankle, you have to knee yourself in between his legs, as you are taking your position, you realize what a big mistake you did. you glup, going down. he's looking at you, his breath getting stuck when you moved, but he tried not to show his surprise.
you take his foot on your hands, taking care not to hurt him "is this ok?" you ask not spearing a glance.
you look closer, seeing it slightly red, you press your thumb around it until you get on a place that makes him react, so you know where it's sore.
"hm, its not inflamed, just sore, i dont think you need ice, maybe a painkiller if it doesn't go away" you do your final words and he nods. but you cant see, so you look up at him with the lack of response and you see his adam's apple going up and down "what's the problem?" you ask.
"nothing" he says more in a whisper "can you get up now, please?"
that's when you realize, you look around and at your position in between his legs, eyes on his, and now you get it. you get up in one motion "hm- i- sorry" you say.
"for what? thank you for checking" he tries to collect himself and you have no choice but do the same.
you make your way beside him again, and when you look back at him, he has one of your cushion in his lap, you try to suppress the smirk that is threatening to show but he notices it.
"are you seriously hard right now?" you shamelessly say and he glups "all i have to do is get on my knees? that easy?"
"yn, dont do this." he says sharply.
"what am i doing?"
"y'know im trying to end a boner right now. i could fuck but wanna do it when i can make you feel good"
what did he just say right now? "what makes you think i'll let you fuck me?" you press.
you knew what you are doing, but you are surprised that he seems to want it just as much as you do.
"you can pay back later" you say slowly getting closer, placing your hand on the cushion, looking at him for some kind of permission.
he lets his arms off of it, and you take the cushion out of the way. he really has a boner, suddenly the image of his cock coming to your mind again as you breath deeply.
he takes his hand to your face making you look up at him now, taking your hair out of the way, he places his hand on your neck. you two getting closer by seconds, your nose slightly touching before he finally kisses you.
he has the softest lips you've ever kissed. it starts slow like you dont want to lose your breath, but it feels so good that it gets intense fast. you stay some minutes making out before he finishes it biting your lower lip.
"why dont you get on the position you were before?" he says looking at you as you waste no time in getting between his legs again.
he is looking down at you, his lips in between his teeth as his hips bulk forward. you slowly get your hand on his growing bulge, that makes you eager to make him feel good.
you tuck your hand under his shirt, caressing his torso, feeling it hardening at your touch. he takes the opportunity to take his shirt off of him "take yours too, leave the bra on" he demands and you do, throwing it somewhere behind you.
he stares at your breast and feels it tightening in his jeans. you place your hand back, slowly undoing his jeans. he helps you sliding it off as well as his underwear, leaving a gasp when his half hard cock gets free. you stare at the kind of familiar view, even prettier up close. you salivate gulping down, making seungcheol's member throb at your action. you smirk and massage his tighs, not getting where he needs you the most yet.
"fucking get on my cock" he groans and you get a bit surprised by his tone so you immediately do as he says "good girl" he praises and you moan, you fucking moan. never in your life you thought you could moan by just a man's words, he's not even touching you. you press your core seeking for relief.
as you are handing his dick, you collect the pre cum, spreading it out in your hand and at his member. you start pumping it until he gets fully erect.
he gets foward on his seat and you look up at him as he gives you a cheap grin while collecting your hair. you know what he's doing and you let him. once your hair is in a ponytail in his hands, he brings his other to your chin to look at him.
"open up" he demans caressing his thumb on your lip. you open it wide, sticking your tongue out, making him laugh "you know it well, hm?" he says and you nod dumbly.
he gets your hand out, the one that has been working on his cock until now, he looked at it messy with his juices and after to you "clean it"
you're not so sure if that's what he wants but you start to lick your palm, getting the first tastes of him, licking your indicator first and them finishing it with both middle fingers as you suck it dry, humming at it. he nods, approving what you did.
"now, lace your fingers together for me" you do it and he press them on your chest, not putting any pressure, just keeping in place "if it gets too much you tap my wrist, got it?" you nod "i need you to use words"
"yes" you answer.
"good. now show me how you will do it" he says and you undo your fingers, tapping at the side of his wrist "very good" he praises again and you gasp "calm down, you will get what you need now" he says as he pulls you upper on your knees "open up again for me" you do "now suck my cock, little slut" he demands and you dont excitate to put your lips around his head.
he moans, laying on the back of the sofa again "you're so obedient, arent you?" you hum as you work your tongue around it before sucking it, finishing with a pop.
he throws his head back and you finally start to fully suck him off. he presses your scalp, starting to make some pressure needing more of you to feel good. you relax on him, letting him take control, as he fucks your mouth harshly.
you're getting out breath, tears falling down your cheeks as you moan around him "fuck" he reacts, slightly throbbing on your tongue. he looks at you as your eyes roll back at his cock reaching the back of your throat.
he pushes you off of him, a line of spit connecting your lips to his head. your chest going up and down, "get up" he demands once again, freeing you from his hands.
you're up in front of him as he reaches to your shorts, starting to unbutton it "im the only one who gets to get naked, so unfair" he says, tugging your shorts down your legs as he hands your waist making you turn around with easy, you yelp in surprise "lay your back" he says and you go down, reaching for the table in front of you. before you can see it happening, he rips your thong from you.
"seungcheol!" you exclaim and he doesn't say much, looking at the wet spot you left on it "its all wet, you ruined it, it hadn't much use anyways" he defends and you scoff. again, before you can see it, he is slapping you on your left butt cheek, you yelp as your eyes close, feeling the pain turning into heat "behave" he says and you just reply with a weak "ok".
he lets his fingers go up and down your slick as you sigh at his touch "oh my god, did you get this wet just from sucking me? such a cock slut"
he brings his wet fingers to his mouth, cleaning it dry, humming at your taste "you taste so good, i could eat you out for hours if i wasnt so desesparate to fuck you" he gets his hand back to your core, drawing circles at your sensitive clit now. your hips go up, opening space for him, melting at the feeling of his fingers on you. you moan his name, almost whispering it as you throw your head back, the pleasure getting more intense as the time goes by.
he slides a finger inside and you're already clenching on his finger. he fucks you slowly, eventually adding a second finger to scratch you out. he speeds up, curling it slightly as he reaches your spot, you moan loudly. that's better than in your dreams.
"cheol... i- please" you say breathlessly, sounding dizzy because you felt like you were.
"what's that?" he askes slidding his fingers off of you as you cry out.
"fuck me, please! i- i need you" you say it getting your hips down on him, slightly touching his bare cock with your core as he groans.
"ok, needy" for the first time, he sounds not so composed.
one hand in your hips, another one in his cock, he angles it to your entrance. you start to sit on it until you bottoms up. you relax on him, both of you sighing, adjusting yourselves at the pressure.
he undo your bra so it slides down your arms before handing your waist again, keeping you in place as he starts to fuck you. your hands getting back on the table for some stability as you hear the sound of your skins meeting. his hands leaving marks on you as you moan.
suddenly, you feel his thrusts haunting as he groans, sitting back on the sofa. his head resting and he whimpers in frustration, feeling you throbbing around him, asking for more, from the lack of stimulation.
"im sorry" you say.
"dont be sorry" he reassures you.
"what's wrong?" you ask slidding it off of you, he gasps from the loss and you turn around to look at him.
firstly, he whimpers again, looking at your bare titties for the first time. you follow his line of view, noticing him staring immediately as he's hoping to suck all of it, leaving marks there is all he wants right now.
he collects himself, meeting your eyes "my ankle is hurting from that position" he says, frustrated.
you get closer, caressing his hair back "that's ok. im sorry it hurts" you pout. he's looking up but you are so close right now, that he is trying so hard not to stare at your breast again.
"sit down on me" he says.
"will it not going to hurt you still?" you ask concerned.
"i dont know, im hoping not. i've never fuck anyone while injured before" he contests and you smile at his remark "come on, sit here" he demands again, tapping his thighs to you. how can you say no?
you do as he says, sitting on his lap, taking care not to crash with your weight in it.
"relax, baby" he says again pressing you down on him so you get his point.
you sit there, and he starts to caress your thighs, going up to your sides and back, making goosebumps appear all over your body, your core gathering your juices again. you hand his neck, bringing him to a kiss. he sneakily reaches your breast, caressing his fingers at your nipple. you whimper in between the kiss, encouraging him to do the same on the other one.
his hands are everywhere and he breaks the kiss to work his lips on your neck, it feels like the foreplay all over again and you're aching for some friction. as if he reads your mind, his hands are back on your ass, spreading it open and foward, the motion making you slide on his cock as both of you gasp, "keep going" he whispers on your ear, getting back to kiss there as you start to move your hips on him, feeling the prominent vein that you've only seen before.
he keeps going down to the valley between your tits until he greases his teeth on the left nipple, you arches your back moaning, and he does the same to the other one, taking his time on it. when he's done, he stares at his work, your nipples sensitive and red from all the sucking and licking.
"go on, ride me" he says looking now back at you.
you push your body up a little as you hand his cock back to your entrance, sliding it in easily now. you dont waste time on starting to move up and down on him. you throw your head back from the pleasure, as he admires your figure, collarbones and breast moving as you do on him, his eyes meet at where your bodies are connecting and he cant help put touch your clit.
"oh fuck" you moan it out as he works his fingers on your clit. you're throbbing around him "im so close, it feels so good, cheol" you say whimpering and he grunts, encouraging you to keep going as his high is close too.
you throw yourself on him, your face getting buried on his shoulders now, your thrusts haunting with your cum approaching. he senses it, handing your waist once again, applying force to help you with it.
"fuck, im gonna cum" you announce, slightly biting his skin, that's the ending point for him as he feels his high coming.
"where can i cum?" he askes you beforehand as you desesparate repeat inside as an answer "are you sure? oh- fuck" he's holding in, but he needs to make sure.
"please, please, cum inside" you whine and thats enough for him to let it go, he's cumming before you with a intense gasp after a low moan.
you whimper feeling him filling you up, making you cum right after him. you fight to keep thrusting, just to keep a bit of the friction to ride off your highs. your thighs all messy with both of your cums and so is his lap.
you stop once you're done and cant take it no more, you slide off of him, throwing yourself beside seungcheol on the sofa. eyes closed, your heads resting at the headboard, both of you panting out of breath still.
"im on the pill" you suddenly deliver those words, realizing you didn't say it before.
"fuck, i swear when im all good im gonna fuck you senseless" he spits it out, his mind wherelse. your sore pussy clench, even tho you've just got fucked by him, i guess you too are not satisfied yet. you can't wait for him to get all healed.
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: tyler owens x male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: years ago, you broke up with him for his reckless lifestyle. now, when he's come back without changing a bit, you don't know why you let him back into your life.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.65k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: angst, death is mentioned and tyler gets close to it not explicitly, kissing, swearing, baby as a nickname for your lover, lot of made up family members + names
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: cowboy slang vocabulary, yes it's 11pm, yes I wrote this in a day, yes I'm in bed, yes Glen Powells is hot
Tyler Owens likes to live what others might call a dangerous life, although he much preferred to call it a life of thrill.
He started it off as a bull rider for a rodeo, and though by the end of it he was regarded as the star bull rider and sometimes even the star of the show, there was a big learning curve that ended him with a couple (something closer to four dozen, really) kicks on the ol' noggin. Luckily, none of it sprouted within him either physical or mental problems by the time he decided he wanted to move on; his mother always said he had a thick skull, anyway.
After the less dangerous, still excruciating years in university, he came out with a meteorologist degree. And what did he do with it? He became a storm chaser.
A peculiar fact that came with it was that even after landing a more dangerous job, he sustained less injuries than bull riding by a substantial amount. Suppose the thing is that the moment he gets his first serious one, he's likely done for.
You've been through it all.
You met him before he even started this life, in high school; your first kiss was at his bedside after a particularly harsh fall and kick, you persisted through the busier university schedule, and you supported his dreams to be a storm chaser.
But at the height of it all, after the first scare when the anchor mechanism on that old truck of his failed to stop the car from turning onto its side, you decided you two were over.
It was definitely selfish. You didn't want to be close to him when, and you said when, he died. You decided it would be a lot less grief on your end, and you know what? He understood you.
For years, you've been grateful for him. As much as you've been his anchor, he's been yours...but he'd have made you a widower, even if you were married or not, and you just couldn't take that possibility.
If you're caught in the disastrous thunderstorm he'll leave behind, you're not sure you'll ever make it out.
You hope you'll never find out.
"Get your ten commandments out of my soup!"
So why did you let him walk back into your life?
"I'm sorry! Hey, don't hit me with that ladle!"
You're not sure.
You point the utensil at him as threateningly as possible, although it's practically the same thing as pointing a spoon at him. "I don't need you for a taste-tester, Owens, you best take note of that."
"Yeah, yeah," Tyler's body is shaking with laughs, even as he lifts his hands up in surrender. "yes, sir."
You roll your eyes, bedrugingly turning your back to him to keep chopping vegetables. Tonight, you'll be sharing this soup with the whole family, and you're currently trying your damnedest to make it good. That means avoiding whatever seasoning boiled Tornado Wrangler digits will bring.
Tyler leans back to admire you, no he's not looking at your ass, work away. It feels oddly domestic, even if he's sitting down like a useless husband watching TV on his recliner.
That feeling of domesticity is piled on further when he hears the sound of innocent laughing outside.
"You sure that kid's not mine?" Tyler suggests for the second time, gesturing out the back door with his head.
"Haha." You laugh sarcastically, not even giving him the satisfaction of turning his way. "No, my sister just so happened to marry a blonde. Even if she was somehow ours, I would've never kept you from her."
Of course you wouldn't have. You're too good for that.
The kid outside is your niece, a twelve year old girl shipped out of bustling New York City to the backdoor of America for being "too addicted to her phone", as your sister says. Despite her self-proclaimed hatred for the outdoors, she's actually having a lot of fun with the ranch dogs, who indulge her when they're not working.
Even though he's in no way related to the kid, and even if you and him could never biologically create anything together, he swears she looks just like if the two of you had a love child, which makes his heart swell all the more when she sees her.
"If we could've had one," Tyler begins, standing up to begin a slow, silent walk towards you. "would you have rather they be a boy or a girl?"
"Don't ask me that." You say with a laugh, meaning you're refusing to answer only because you don't want to have prejudice.
"Okay, fine, then." He settles behind you, pressing his chest to your back. "Huh."
"Huh, what, cowpoke?"
His hands are settled on the edge of the counter on either side of you, trapping you in. "I thought you'd flinch."
"I learned to expected the unexpected around you, Tyler Owens. Never a day went by that you didn't surprise me, so I decided I'd simply never be surprised."
Tyler sputters out a laugh. "Oh, hobble your lip!"
"It's true." You reply, offhandedly, fully concentrated on chopping some carrots, and Tyler hates that because you're not giving him attention.
So he opts to do something you'll obviously never expect and prove you wrong. He leans down to press his nose against your neck, and you think he's only going to kiss it, but instead...
"Ew, Tyler, you did not!" It's a miracle you have the self-restraint to put the knife down, let alone only push him away and not slap him on the face. You clutch the spot where he just blew a raspberry and instantly regret it, recoiling away from the feel of his saliva like it's acid.
Tyler laughs. Despite your best efforts to push him away again as he approaches, he only dodges your hands and traps you against the counter again. His plan is accomplished, as he now has you facing him.
"You asshole." You snarl.
Tyler only smiles. "Yours, all the same."
He leans down to kiss right where he'd blown that raspberry, collecting most of his own spit on his lips and saving you the trouble of cleaning it himself.
Even when you wipe off the rest of the spit you'd previously touched on his sleeve, he laughs.
"What am I going to do with you?" You sigh, cupping his cheek and tilting his gaze towards yours.
He's a damn bastard, having the audacity to grin at you as if he's won some kind of victory. "Kiss me."
So he's a puppy, then. Licking you like it's a way of kissing and expecting a proper kiss back. "No, you don't deserve that."
He rolls his eyes, though his eyes find yours immediately after. "Yes I do. Kiss me."
You don't know why you let Tyler Owens walk back into your life like nothing happened. You don't know how you let him kiss your neck, or how you let him even ask to kiss you, or how you're even being friendly with him.
Scratch that, actually. You don't know why he kissed your neck, why he wants to kiss you, or why he's being friendly with you.
You walked out of his life, for God's sake. You walked out of his life because you feared dealing with the aftermath of his death.
He's a tornado. Tyler Owens, the tornado wrangling cowboy, is a tornado. He's a fire twister, even, the worst of the worst, a category F5. The damage he'll leave once he dies out won't be devastating, it'll be incredible.
That's what you're trying to avoid.
"What's wrong?" Tyler's smile has faded, his expression sobered up. Of course he can still tell when you're lost in your own thoughts.
"Nothing." You shake your head, wipe your nose to hide your sniffle and thus let go of his face. "Hey, how about you go check up on Sophie? My sister would kill me if she got hurt."
"Right, sure." He can sense something's wrong, but he withdraws anyway, respecting your decisions. He always does that, and you hate him for it, because he's so good.
You watch him head out the back door, and even as he closes it, you watch on.
He's too good for you.
When the distant sound of the boiling soup catches your ear, you inevitably tear your eyes away.
Right, let's make the best soup there ever was.
Tyler had unknowingly picked the right time to show up at your front door when he did.
"Aww, come on, you didn't have to make such a big fuss," Your great uncle speaks with those sloppy dentures of his, but even with the wet sound of his gums and lips, he sounds entirely endearing. "Tyler's back! This party should've been his."
Tyler's always been the life of the party ever since you brought him home for that first Thanksgiving (his "trial", so to speak), and that apparently hasn't changed.
"Oh, no, no, you're kiddin' grandpa!" Tyler only raises his glass from where he's leaning against the punch table. "It's your birthday! Hell, I didn't even bring a gift!"
"Your fine ass is all you needed to bring." Your famously single aunt grins and sends a wink, holding a glass full of wine she snuck in despite all the children around.
Tyler directs his own glass towards her to thank her, his smile never waning. "Oh shush, aunt Delilah."
As Tyler greets the family one by one, all of which clearly miss him, you're in the corner of the room pointing out each of them to your niece.
"Those are your cousins...I think. They're your mom's cousin's kids, and well...whatever, they're Jonas' kids. Becky, Jake, Bean–"
"Sorry, his name's Nick, we just call him Bean 'cause one time as a toddler we found him sitting on a sack of raw beans, shovelling them into his mouth."
"That's crazy."
Even after you've named every face in the room and sent Sophie away with a pat on the head to mingle with her...cousins, Tyler's still talking to everyone.
Your heart burns like you've had some of uncle Dick's famous dripping fried chicken at the sight of it because nobody's ever like this when it's just you.
It's not even about the fact you're forgotten, it's a big family and you have your own close group of cousins in the middle of all of them, it's the fact that they missed him.
While you're distracted, your mom pulls you down to sit beside her on the couch, where your dad is telling another story of his. Many of your aunts and uncles and distant cousins are gathered around him, listening intently, but as you actually hear the contents of his speech, your attention fades away. It's one of those stories he always tells, about how the crop cycle was ruined until he had this eureka idea.
Distantly, you hear Tyler droning on about his whole tornado wrangling cowboy thing, explaining his latest feat like it's nothing but a regular Tuesday. He's got a lot more people gathered around him than your dad; not to discredit your dad, as he's doing his best trying to compete against Tyler in storytelling, but you know how that will end.
You kiss your mother on the cheek and stand up to find your more amicable cousins, only to be interrupted by your aunt Sissy, Delilah's sister.
"Hey, darling! How've you been?" She calls you over and immediately slings an arm around your neck, holding you close and rubbing your cheeks together in greeting.
"Good, good." You say immediately, an instinctual white lie as you wipe her transferred makeup off your cheek.
She doesn't even notice you're lying to her, maybe doesn't care enough to notice, before she's nodding her head towards Tyler and his crowd. "I'm so happy you're back together with Tyler, he must have so many new stories to tell."
"Um, actually, auntie," You try to correct her, then bite your lip, pausing suddenly to think. It'd probably be a lot better if you let her believe you were back together, but you've already dug yourself into saying actually. "we're–"
"Hey, auntie Sissy!" Tyler suddenly appears beside you like he wasn't just across the room, leaning down to gracefully accept the cheek kisses in greeting. He somehow comes out of it without getting stained. "How have things been? The old cat still slinking around the neighbors' yards?"
The two of them exchange a few words before he's slinging an arm around your shoulder, "Can I borrow this one real quick? It'll just be a sec."
"Sure, sure!" Whether an insult to your presence or a compliment to his coercion tactics, she's more than happy to let the two of you go. "Don't let me hold up your fun."
You're grateful for him steering you away from the party and out onto the front porch, but you're also dreading being alone with him after the whole thing in the kitchen.
Tyler doesn't seem too far off.
"Whew, I did not miss being around your family." He breaths out, leaning against the porch's railing.
The whole dread fades into confusion as he says that, and you lean against the spot beside him. "You didn't?"
"No...well," He shakes his head, "I missed hanging out with them. I did not miss having to tell them every single detail about where I've been since I've last seen them."
"I thought you liked telling them stories." You hummed, turning your gaze from the scenery ahead to him.
"Eh...I much prefer intimate crowds." He sends a wink. You flush and try to turn away, but he catches your cheek and stops you.
Tyler knows something is wrong, has known since you discreetly pushed him away earlier today in the kitchen. Looking into your eyes only further convinces him.
"What is it?"
His eyes narrow. His stupidly beautiful blue-green eyes narrow at you, and you know you can't lie anymore...but you can deflect.
"Did you know your eyes are blue and green?" You ask, lightly tapping his hand that sits on the railing.
"Blue rim. Green...center? No, that's not the word, the inner? God, I don't know." You shake your head, and despite the movement, his hand doesn't leave your cheek.
"They remind me of the classic scenery." You hold a pointer finger out. "Blue sky, green lawn, right? Or the Windows default wallpaper. Both are iconic."
His other hand leaves the railing and takes your other cheek. "Baby, look at me."
Baby. You used to hate it when he called you that, you weren't some baby, but now...now, how you've missed it.
You sigh, closing your eyes momentarily to collect yourself. No more deflecting and no more lies. You actually had to talk about your feelings now.
It had taken a lot of courage the first time, telling him: yes, I still love you, I'm just selfish and think that if you die, you'll take me down with you; no, I know you won't actually kill me, but you'll take my soul with you, and that's practically the same thing, isn't it?
"You don't have to tell me anything." Tyler speaks up before you do, beckoning your eyes open. "You just have to tell me to go away again, if that's what you want."
"No," You instinctively say.
"No," You say immediately.
No. No, how could you? You did once, and you're not sure how.
"Stay." You say, because you want it, you want him to stay.
"Okay." He says it easily, and his hands fall to his sides. He's willing to take that, just that, because...you don't know, maybe he still loves you. You're not willing to admit that.
You're not willing to accept that he still loves you after you told him you wanted to break up.
You take his hand before he can walk back into the party. "Why'd you come back?"
"I..." Tyler almost shrinks back, but you intertwine your fingers, and now you're the angler reeling him back in. "My car got flipped onto it's roof."
"Baby." You breathe out, pulling him in, pulling him closer to you, almost like he's not living flesh in front of you and you need to make sure he's breathing by feeling his chest heave against you.
"I was in the hospital for a little while...just some cuts." He assures first, to not worry you. He grabs both your hands, presses his nose to the knuckles, inhales the scent of their sweat like it's that of an apple pie, and it's weird but he needs it. "The glass broke, obviously, all of it, and some of my equipment, and, well, fuck, it was worse than a couple cuts."
"I'm okay, you see? Not scarred. I'm tough." He lets go of your hands momentarily to do a little twirl for you. He looks just the same as you left him.
"You almost died." You say anyway.
"Yeah." He doesn't deny it, he can't lie, because he can see through your lies as well as you can see through his. "I wanted to see you again, because...I wanted to see you in case the next time I got into an accident, I actually died. And you know what? I feel selfish for it."
"What? No." You shake your head, step closer. You're about to say more, but he starts first.
"You told me to stay away, but I came back into your life and I acted like nothing happened. You know, the life you're living? It's kind of what I wanted for us. A little ranch, some cows, some dogs, a farm. We get our own milk, our own eggs, grow our own food, and it's just the two of us..." His fingers climb up your arm like a little spider, and his gaze follows it absentmindedly. "Until we decide to adopt a little girl. You drive her to school, I drive her back home. We're happy, raising her. We teach her not to be like us, and she still turns out an exact replica of us, anyway. She's our princess."
He sniffles. You tear your hand away from his only to cup both of his cheeks with your hands. "I'm so sorry, Tyler."
"No, I–"
"No, shut up." Despite the severity, you laugh, and he does too, until you're speaking again. "I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed right there with you. I'd have been right at your bedside, you know? I'd have kissed you like the first time. Remember what I said?"
He laughs again, "That my breath tastes like cow shit?"
"Yeah, that." You grin at him, and he loves to see you grin like that again. "I was selfish."
"I understood you completely, though. I thought I was saving you the grief." That's why he let you leave so easily, and you realize it now, looking into his eyes. "You were right. You always are."
"I'm not, Tyler. I was wrong." You shake your head, "I thought it worked. Weeks went by when I didn't think about you, because I fought the memories of you back. A year after, it settled in that I wouldn't be seeing you, so I thought I wouldn't even think about you anymore, but...the memory of you, your smile, your kisses, your warmth resurfaces every month, and god, I missed you. And missing you without the possibility of having you is just grieving you."
"...and now I'm here." He leans a bit further away, and you see all of him. You see the way his blue-green eyes are glassed over, and you've no doubt yours are the same; you see the familiar way his hat is perched above his head and how he still wears the top two buttons of his shirt undone and how his smile is just the same.
"And now you're here." You nod.
He places his hands over your wrists, holds them, presses his nose against yours. "I missed you too."
"Mhm?" You hum. Your breaths mingle with his, pressed this close together.
"And I love you, too. Still do."
"Fuck." You laugh, a teary little thing, but it's real and genuine and not a figment of his imagination. "I love you too."
And then you kiss, and he's missed it so much, and you've missed it so much, the two of you. You're slotted together, like pieces of a puzzle. You're not you without him and he's not him without you.
When you part, you wipe a couple stray tears off his cheeks, and he does the same for you.
"Should we..." He chokes a little on his words, then shakes the nerves off. He has you back, and his smile returns. "head back?"
"Yeah. Yeah, we should." You find yourself leaning back in, anyway.
You share another kiss, maybe two. If he'd brought a friend or three along, he'd have signalled them to light the fireworks in his truck to add a little magic to it, even if it already feels like fireworks are going off between your lips.
You could spend eternity like this.
When you've had enough of each other for the moment and finally head back in, your great uncle raises his spoon at you and laughs. "There you are! This soup is amazing, kid!"
Or at least that's what he would've said, had his dentures not gotten stuck in a hard carrot and splashed right back into his bowl.
One of the carrots which you added last, thanks to Tyler's distraction earlier today.
The tornado wrangler of a boyfriend you've regained is laughing his ass off beside you, while you cringe. So much for the perfect soup.
"Come on, (Y/N)." Tyler wraps an arm around you, pulling you close, and you're so happy he can do it casually again.
"Let's get us a bowl."
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stress relief - itzy yeji
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-word count: 3245 words (longest to date :D)
-the yeji fic from many weeks ago. i finally finished it. i have something special that's nearly done. (i promise this time. it was a collection of spare time over a few months)
-dom!yeji, aggresive blowjob, riding, doggystyle, sweaty sweaty sweaty, facial
The stale stench of the air conditioned office clung onto you as you entered the bar.
Being in the bar was the last place you’re supposed to be this month. After just receiving a promotion at your workplace, the workload placed on you gradually kept snowballing to a point of no return. But you couldn’t just give up. Well, first of all, you really needed this job. It paid well, now that you had the promotion. Furthermore, times are changing, there really isn’t very good job stability now and getting fired and being “free” was not to be an option. 
You should’ve been at home, working and completing the reports due next Monday and getting ready for the presentation on Wednesday. Then taking note of all the shipments and settling the deal with the customer from Italy. But eh, it was a Friday, one night wouldn’t hurt right ? 
Or so you thought.
Three quarters through your drink, at around what was probably 11pm, a show begins.
The lights were cut for a brief moment, before spotlights focused onto the pole in the middle of the room. And out comes 5 gorgeous vixen clad in jet black costumes. Then, the music cues. 
Guess who loves you, naya na.
It’s a really, really catchy song and it made the atmosphere super stiff, as if all five of the women were demanding attention and silence as they performed. 
Do I show you? Noya-no.
Okay, this is actually really good music. And good lord those women are gorgeous. 
Ajik time-i anya nan
Jom deo gakkai jom deo gakkai geureoda gapjagi ssak
The choreography too, jesus christ.
But in particular, one of the women is catching your eye. The way her luscious firey orange hair, jewelry embedded within, moves in perfect tandem with her body, which by the way, is absolutely killing it. Every single dance move, to the smallest body pop, is quite literally perfect. Flawless. She’s wearing a sleeveless top and it’s really turning you on. Her arms are so gracious, and you’d love to feel them all over your body. Her collarbones and neck, they’d look so much better with your lovemarks on them. And the little bit of breast peeking out from the top. It’s more than enough to get your heart racing, and you take another sip of your icy cold drink to properly brace yourself for whatever they have left in store.
Imma steal it mameul humcheo
You are gonna love me.
That’s absolutely incorrect. You’re more than loving them, you’re fucking captivated by them.
Gyeoljeongjeogil ttae ippareul deureonaeneun type 
And suddenly, the orangehead takes the stage. 
The lyrics become an absolute blur to your ears as all your mind is fixated on is the absolutely stunning woman. God, she fucking looks like a cat too. Those damn fucking eyes are so… succubus like. And after twirling her fingers in your direction, she suddenly does a slut drop, squatting while spreading her legs apart. Now your eyes are staring at her milky thighs that are on full display under the spotlight. A million things are running through your mind right now, and none of them was related to your work life in any sort of way.
You’ll never know.
Her left thigh moves,snapping you out of your momentary hypnosis and your eyes quickly dart back up and you see her staring at you, a smirk dashed across her face. 
The rest of the song plays on but your mind is now playing that same slut drop moment over and over again. Eventually, the song ends and all 5 of the women are panting, sweat starting to collect at their foreheads. They retreat behind the stage quickly and the rest of the club goes on like the performance of their lives didn’t just happen. 
Give or take 10 minutes, you are on the way back from a toilet trip. At your table, you are greeted with a very much welcome surprise. The same fiery haired girl is sitting in the seat opposite of yours, watching you make your way back to your seat. 
“Hey there oppa.” Her voice is a knife full of confidence, laced with venom. 
“H-hey. Nice performance out there.” You grab your drink again, needing a punch of ice to hide your nervousness. But it’s so hard to maintain composure, especially when your eyes are looking at everything but her own cat eyes. 
“I know. You clearly enjoyed it. Or rather, you enjoyed me.”
“Was I really that obvious?” That was definitely the alcohol talking. You would have said something like “Sorry” or “I didn’t mean to.”, but no, you were playing the fool, like an absolutely rizzless bastard.
“My group has 5 members, yet every time I moved position, your gaze was glued onto me.”
“Well, you are really, really hot.”
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”
Bring the glass to your mouth again, shit. It’s fucking empty.
“So, what’s a young office worker doing in our bar?” She asks, elbows on the table, her head supported by her cupped hands as she leans in. 
“Well, to be fair, I walked in thinking it was a regular bar. I just needed a drink to take my mind off of work.”
“Are we not a regular bar? Anything special about this bar?” She asks, clearly trying to poke at you, like a cat playing with a ball of yarn.
You take another awkward sip of your drink, which was just melting ice at this point.
The conversation continues hazily and you guys chat for what must be hours until the distance between both your faces was probably the size of your drink.
“Can't imagine how stressed you must be.” Her right hand falls into your left, fingers tracing your forearm as she whispers. “Want to get out of here? I’ll get rid of all your stress for you…”
Ah, an offer you couldn't refuse. Now that’s some business I don't mind getting done right now.
“Say less… Um, I didn't catch your name?”
“Name’s Yeji. Don't worry oppa, you're gonna be moaning my name all night.”
And in a flash, you're both out of the club and in your car. You don't waste a single second. Foot on the pedal and you're on the streets of Seoul, zipping past the buildings of the city. 
Yeji, in the meantime, has other plans.
She takes your hand, and places it on her thigh. You can feel her gaze, waiting to see what your next move is. Were you gonna retract your hand and focus on getting home quick and safely? Or were you gonna start the study of Yeji’s body right then and there?
Obviously the latter.
Your hand roams around the silky smooth skin of hers. Pinky occasionally dipping into the gaps in her pants and rubbing against her inner thigh. You hear Yeji suck in a deep breath, the horniness evidently getting to her.
Fuck, fucking red light!
You seize the opportunity to look at Yeji, she’s now grinding against your exploring hand and you can't help but sneak a finger into her pussy. 
Green light. And your foot is back on the pedal. Finally, you reach the last turn into your apartment.
As soon as you get out of the car and into the elevator, Yeji pounces on you. Your hands catch onto her thighs for stability. Your lips crash against one another, her teeth biting your lower lips. 
Ding. Elevator door opens.
Door. Open. Bedroom. Bed.
No time to even register a logical sequence of actions. You toss her against your bed. Yeji is now a panting sweaty mess, but it doesn't matter. She looks even more gorgeous with the thin layer of sweat across her skin. Collarbones, arms and armpits glistening with sweat. You pin her hands above her head and nibble on her neck. Then, tongue out, you start collecting the sweat, from her armpit, across her chest and then from the middle of her neck to behind her ear, where you whisper, “You taste fucking amazing.”
“I know.”
You reach behind and pull down the zipper leading right to her tailbone, then help the foxy girl out of the one piece top. You pause for a moment to take in the sight before you. A smoking hot dancer is lying on your bed in nothing but a strapless bra and a thin black thong and some knee high boots. Yeji’s body is fucking picture perfect. Tight midriff, perky breasts, juicy thighs, not to mention her pretty face.
“Let me put on a show oppa. Just for you.”
She gets off the bed and you take her spot on the edge of the bed. Yeji turns around and takes off the bra, placing it on the ground next to her. Then, she bends over, putting her perky ass on display for you as she pulls off the lacy thong from her slender toned legs.
“You know, I should charge extra for this performance.”
You wouldn’t mind paying any amount to see this performance if you were being honest. 
“Boots on or off oppa ?”
Yeji then smiles, tosses her thong onto your face, allowing you to grab a deep whiff of her sex. In front of you, Yeji is back in her slut drop position, but this time it’s even more erotic because she’s wearing nothing but the boots. Her pussy is on full display as she spreads her legs open, with just a little bit of hair going down the middle.
“Fuck, Yeji…” Your cock was throbbing within the confines of your pants with her tiny little strip show.
“Told you you’d be moaning my name.”
Yeji then straddles your lap, looks into your eyes while unbuttoning your shirt. 
“Let’s get all that stress out of your body, oppa. Think about nothing but me, okay?”
“You don’t even need to ask Yeji-ah.”
You pepper her neck with kisses as she peels your shirt off. She then lowers herself, hands grazing across your body, down to your pants which she pulls down. Finally free, Yeji purrs when she sees your length. 
“Wow, it's huge, oppa. Can’t wait for it to be deep inside my pussy.”
She gathers some spit on her hand and uses that same hand to stroke your cock, taking a cold fingertip across your sensitive tip each time she reaches your head. Each swipe across sent you nine realms ahead. It wasn’t clear if it was the alcohol or Yeji’s pure skill at this, but all you could hear was the loud hammering of your heartbeat. Or maybe that was the lewd sound of her saliva being spread over your length. Then, after spontaneously deciding that your cock was ready for the onslaught that was to come, Yeji pushes both your legs off the ground and onto her shoulders and lets the front portion of your cock rest in her mouth. Your balance is shifted. You’re now staring at the ceiling, stimulation after stimulation speeding down your nerves from your cock to your brain. You feel her mouth bobbing up and down on your length, her skillful tongue working its way across its veiny landscape. You try to will yourself to get up to watch the spectacle happening before your eyes but the pleasure drags you the fuck back down and all you can do in response is let out weary breaths and sinful moans while your toes curl and leg muscles spasm. 
And your cock isn’t even all the way through.
Yeji plunges her head down like a vulture diving into the carcass of a dead buffalo, and you feel that sharp nose of hers bump into your pelvis. The sudden action takes you by surprise and, from god knows where this submissiveness came from, you arch your back and let out a sound that you swear to never to make again. You feel saliva coating your nutsack now but when Yeji slowly removes her mouth from your cock, letting the cool wind graze your cock, all you want to do is beg Yeji to put your cock back inside her mouth. But that need not be done, because as you have a brief moment to register the influx of sensations, she hungrily goes back down onto you. Her prey. You would kill to see her eyes right now, staring straight into your own as she watches you submit to her. But then again, from the amount of noise you were making, it was pretty evident that she had you in the palm of her hand. It was just twice. Just twice that the whole length of your cock was engulfed by her mouth, but it drived you to the absolute edge and you felt like your first load was about to come.
“Fuck, Yeji. I- I- I’m gonna fucking…”
Maybe you shouldn’t have given her the verbal cue. Because just as you feel the gates of heaven about to open, she quickly withdraws. The feeling of the climax fading away throughout your crotch. You look at her with a face of discontent, displeasure and anger.
“Can’t have you busting so soon,” she says, chuckling to herself as she climbs over your vulnerable naked body after kicking off her boots, rubbing circles on her slickening pussy. “I'll let you cum deep down my throat some other time.” 
She climbs over you and hovers above your crotch. Grabbing your stimulated, twitching cock in one hand, she lines it up with the folds of her pussy and in one fell swoop, with no prior warning that she was going to go all the way down in one shot, she sits on your pelvis, practically impaling her pussy with your cock. 
“Anggh! Fuck!” A sharp, shrill moan of pleasure erupts from her mouth as her ass rests on your pelvis. Your hands wondrously find their way to her toned sweaty thighs, grazing the muscle on it in pure wonder and amazement. 
“You’re so fucking hot Yeji ah, and so freaking tight!” The fiery redhead doesn’t say a word, but she continues the ride. Hands on your pectoral muscles, Yeji displays her body isolation skills learned from dance. Her gaze fixes onto yours once again as she moves her hips up and down and you can only imagine what her ass looks like as it does this motion. But imagination always becomes reality when Yeji is around. The sexual chemistry between the two of you is just perfect, or maybe Yeji just knows what you so desperately want but is too shy to voice out. She turns around, her hands resting on your legs this time as she does the same vertical wave motion with her hips once again. Her beautiful butt is like a hypnotic pendulum, your eyes fixed on the gorgeous peach in front of you, it’s just irresistible to slap. And so you do. 
“Angh!” Crimson locks of hair get flung up into the air as Yeji throws her head back in response.
You bring a palm down on the flesh and watch how it ripples in response, a red handprint faintly appearing at the spot that was struck. Such a goddamn vixen. Is the only thought that runs through your mind, perhaps the only thought that has been running through your mind the entire night as soon as you laid your eyes on the foxy woman. Her pulsing butthole intrigues you as her hips work their magic, and you can’t help but take your index finger, and slowly slide it into her puckered hole. As your finger snakes its way in, her anal walls clamp down on it until your whole finger up till your knuckle has been engulfed. 
“Holy shit! Just like that oppa! Stuff both my holes up!” 
You withdraw your finger and this time, using both your index and middle finger, you embark on yet another tight fit into her anal cavity. Yeji’s hips start to slow down as she reaches the pinnacle of her stimulation. 
“Fuck-ah! Cumming!”
Her body convulses violently and you feel her muscles contract around your submerged fingers and your cock. You give her alluring buttcheeks another firm slap that echoes throughout the darkness of the night and watch as she slowly climbs off of you.
“You haven’t cum yet oppa…”, she whines, still in her lustful trance. “And my pussy is still yearning for a good pounding.” She wiggles her hindparts in front of you in a doggy position, spreading her pussy lips for you to see. You line yourself up behind her, give that gorgeous ass of hers another firm slap before sending your cock back into its rightful embrace. 
“Oh fuck…” Your cock’s reentering of Yeji’s tight pussy is like getting back into the swimming pool after being exposed to the cool air for too long. Warm. Wet. Refreshing. Her vaginal muscles are still so full of vigor despite having just came, almost as if they were desperately trying to wring you dry. Her scarlet nails dug into the bedsheets as you picked up a steady pace of thrusting your hips. From the back, you bunched up her fiery hair into a makeshift ponytail while your other hand rested nicely on her hip.
“That’s it! Fuck me harder! Use me as your fucking stress relief toy oppa!” That entire dialogue was more than a green light to you. Tightening your core to its limits, you picked up the pace, slamming your hips ever so desperately, with Yeji letting out a raspy moan with every smack that reverberated throughout the night. 
“Holy- Angh! FUCK! I’m gonna cum oppa! I’m gonna fucking cum!” Yeji cries out. Her pussy constricts around your cock for the second time of the night, this time an erotic geyser of squirt ensues, covering your thighs in her slick. Your own orgasm starts to surface. Pulling out of her pussy, you flip Yeji onto her back and climb over her. You point your cock at her and aggressively jerk yourself off to the finish line. 
“That's it. Cum for me. Cover me in your cum oppa. Paint your slut in-”
Yeji is interrupted by streaks and streaks of cum erupting from your cock in what must be your biggest orgasm to date, painting her sharp features, her chin, nose and eyes. The sweaty, panting mess sticks out her sharp tongue in an attempt to collect some food samples. 
“Oh, fuck… Yeji ah.” is all you manage to squeeze out as the last drops of your semen land on her face. 
“Gosh, you sure came a lot.” 
You collapse beside her, both of you sweaty messes. “What can I say? I had a lot of stress pent up inside me.”
Yeji gets up, and walks away from the bed. You still lay there, utterly spent, watching her hypnotizing body sway from left to right.
“Where are you going?”
“To the shower you dummy.”
A brief moment of silence follows as you are unsure of how to reply. Do you join her? Maybe she’s tired and doesn’t want round two.
But your thoughts get interrupted as she makes the choice for you.
“Oppa, are you not joining me?”
Suddenly, your body is full of vigor once more as you imagine the two of you soaped up together in the shower, feeling each other and exploring more of each other’s body. You excitedly hop off the bed and scurry to the shower. It was going to be a long, long night.
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be-my-sunrise · 11 months
Late Night Grind || p.js
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pairings: idol bf!jisung x fem!reader
genre: smut, minors pls dni
word count: 3,261
warnings: use of a sex toy, oral (f receiving), fingering, use of pet names (baby and princess), use of derogatory terms (reader being called a slut once), unprotected sex, choking, dacryphilia, multiple orgasms, creampie. let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: hii! this is my first time sharing my work here and i'm kinda nervous. jisung has been living in my head rent-free 24/7😩 plus i found this sex toy on tiktok and it inspired me to write for jisung. also, thank you @jenoslutie for encouraging me to start a writing blog and share my own work<3 it started from these asks and now i'm here to share the full version hehe i hope you enjoy it!
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You're snuggling in a blanket on bed, scrolling through tiktok on your phone while waiting for Jisung to come home. Letting out a sigh as you plop the hand holding your phone down on the bed. You've been home all day since it's a Saturday and you're starting to get bored.
"I should be back home before 10, baby. I'll text you when I arrive, okay? See you soon!" He said earlier before leaving for practice. 
You glance at the time on your phone to see that it's now 11pm and Jisung is still not home. You were about to text him when you hear keys fumbling outside, and then you hear Jisung call out your name as he enters your shared apartment. 
"Baby, I'm home!" 
You open the bedroom door and smile when you see Jisung standing at the small entryway to take his shoes off, his face lit up when he sees you. You cross the room slightly running to hug Jisung, burying your face in his chest as he wraps his arms around you. 
"Hi princess," he says while stroking your hair gently.
"What took you so long? I missed you." You pout, voice muffled by Jisung's chest. 
"I know, baby, I'm sorry. We had lots to prepare today, so practice went a bit longer than usual," he says as he rests his chin comfortably on the top of your head. He pulls away after a while and notices that you're only wearing his favorite black Adidas jacket, which falls perfectly on the middle of your thighs. 
"Hey, you found my jacket! I looked for it everywhere this morning, where did you find it?" 
You looked down at the jacket and smiled. "Well.. It was on my side of the closet, so I guess it's mine now." Jisung raises his eyebrows as he pulls you closer to wrap his arms around your waist. 
"Oh, is that so?" he says playfully. 
"Mhmm," you giggle. You put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to kiss him. Jisung breaks the kiss to say, "It looks better on you anyway," before connecting his lips on yours once again. 
As the kiss deepens, he slowly pushes you until your back hits the wall. His hands roaming freely, sneaking inside the jacket to feel the curves of your body before giving your ass a squeeze, earning a yelp from you. A minute passed and both of you pulled away to catch your breath. Jisung rests his forehead against yours, hands never leaving your body. 
"Feeling a bit handsy, hm?" you ask teasingly as you play with the hair on his nape. 
"Can't help it. I have a surprise for you, baby. But, I have to clean it before we can use it, just to be safe," he said. 
Your tilt your head to the side, looking up at him, "Oohh what kind of surprise?" Jisung smirks, "Go wait for me on the couch, I'll be right back." 
He gives you a peck on the lips before letting you go, slapping your ass playfully as you walk. You sit on the couch, excited for the surprise Jisung has for you. Not long after, you hear Jisung's footsteps getting closer. 
"All done! Before I show you, can you please just close your eyes for me?" 
You close your eyes and you hear Jisung walking around the couch. He suddenly lifts you up with ease, making you squeal in surprise. He sits both of you on the couch with you sitting on top of his left thigh, slightly flinching at the strange object poking the inside of your thighs. 
"Okay, you can take a look now!" You open your eyes and look down to see a very strange looking pad strapped on his thigh.
"Ji, what is this?" You run your fingers over the tentacles. 
"I saw this on tiktok the other day and I know how much you love to grind on my thigh, so I bought it to try with you," he explains enthusiastically. You smile and bite your lower lip, stomach fluttering from the excitement and at his thoughtfulness.
"Let's not wait any longer then," you say before leaning in for a kiss. 
Jisung's hands grips your ass, slowly massaging the cheeks with his palms, making you hum into the kiss. You can feel him tugging on your panties impatiently. He was about to rip it off, but you were quick to stop him. Quickly pulling away and getting up from his lap.
"Wait, no! This is one of my most comfy pairs!" You hook your fingers on the waistband of your panties to pull it down. Jisung laughs in disbelief, leaving soft kisses along your thighs as he helps you.
"Sorry, I've been thinking about this the entire day. The package arrived not long after I left and I couldn't wait to try it," he says, grinning as he looks up to see you.
You giggle at his story, "Ohh, Jisung, you're so cute when you're all impatient." 
"Giggle all you want, I was literally so close to ditching practice and run back home." Jisung unclasped the strap to turn on the vibration switch and strapped it back to his thigh. He grabbed the bottle of lube next to him and poured it all over the toy evenly.
"Well, then. I think we should make up for lost time."
You grab onto Jisung's shoulder as you position yourself on his thigh again, letting out a soft sigh of relief when you feel the vibration from the toy. You bite back a moan as you start to slowly grind against the tentacles. 
"Don't hold back, baby. I want to hear your pretty moans."
He slightly lifts up the jacket and holds it on your waist to have a clear view of your pussy, swearing under his breath as you start to pick up the pace. You moan out from the stimulation, hands gripping Jisung's shoulders. Jisung leans in to leave kisses on your neck trailing down to your chest before unzipping the jacket completely. He smirks when he sees that you're not wearing any bra underneath.
You let out a loud gasp when you feel Jisung's plump lips around one of your nipples and rolling the other one between his fingers. His tongue flicking back and forth against the hardened bud before doing the same with the other, the sudden cold air sends shivers down your spine. 
"S-shit, it feels so good," you say with a shaky voice. 
Jisung leans his head against the backrest, the vibration from the toy is enough to make him dizzy from the sensation. He's so hard he can feel his cock twitching in his pants, especially with the view in front of him. Jaw dropping with moans spilling from your mouth, eyes closing as you grind on his thigh, wearing nothing but his jacket, which hangs loosely from your figure. Fuck, the sight itself could make him cum untouched. He would flutter his eyes close every time your knee brushes against his bulge. His breath gets shallow as he becomes more and more aroused. You move your hips faster as you start to feel the familiar knot in your stomach.
"Fuck, baby. You look so pretty like this. Riding my thigh so desperately like a little slut," he paused. "I can't stop thinking about you, I kept getting in trouble for not focusing during practice."
He notices that your moves start to get sloppy, so he puts his hands on your hips to help guide you, while pushing your hips down as well to apply more pressure to your clit. 
"Oh my- fuck, I'm so close."
"That's it, baby, cum for me." 
You moan loudly as you reach your climax, dropping your body on top of Jisung. Digging your nails on his shoulder as you ride out your high, making him hiss in pain. Once you come down from your high, you lift your hips weakly to sit on Jisung's thigh that is not covered with the pad, leaving a wet patch on his pants from your release. He rubs your back as he waits for you to catch your breath. When you start to calm down, you lift your head to kiss Jisung.
"That was intense," you giggle. Jisung smiles, "you have no idea how hard you make me just from watching you." You push yourself up to look at his situation. Jisung let out a loud moan when your knees bump against his cock, the prominent bulge almost looks painful. 
"My turn now."
Jisung grabs your waist and pushes you down gently on the couch while getting down on his knees as well. A soft moan falls from your lips at the sight of his toned body as he pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it somewhere across the room. He leaves kisses on the inside of your thigh, inching closer to your center. You suck in a sharp breath when he suddenly licks a stripe up your slit, collecting your release on his tongue. He groans from the taste of you. 
You lift your head to see him looking up at you and you swear you see his eyes darken. He smirks before flattening his tongue, your hips jerking up as his tongue brushes against your clit. You try to wiggle away as you're still sensitive from your previous orgasm. Jisung clicked his tongue in annoyance before hooking his arms around your thighs to pull you closer, holding you in place as he pressed his tongue on your clit again. You whimper, pulling on his hair to push him away, but he did not budge at all.
"Don't even think about stopping me, baby." He says lowly, his deep voice laced with warning. 
He closed his lips on your clit and sucked the sensitive bud, making your legs tremble from the overstimulation as he continued. Slowly, your whimpers turn to moans, and the hand pulling on his hair is now pushing his head closer. Jisung hums in satisfaction around your clit, the vibration making you moan loudly. He looks up at you through his lashes, palms moving up to grip your tits. Just as you start to feel close, he suddenly stops and pulls his lips away from your clit. Hips humping the air at the sudden loss, making you whimper.
"No, don't stop! Please, I'm so close," you begged, tears pricking in your eyes. 
"Get up." He says as he stands up and pulls you along with him. Your legs felt like jelly, causing you to almost fall over if Jisung hadn't caught you. Once he's sure he got a nice hold on you, he bends down slightly to take off the strap from his thigh and places it on the edge of the couch backrest. 
"Go straddle the couch and I want your ass facing me," he says, dominance can be heard from his tone.
You turn to face your back against him and straddle the couch. You position yourself on top of the pad and bend over to give Jisung a clear view of your soaking pussy, your arms supporting your upper body. As you lower yourself on the pad, you feel Jisung's index finger running over your slit while you move your hips against the tentacles.
You let out a surprised yelp as he pushed two fingers inside you, the sudden stretch making you dizzy. He starts to pump his fingers in and out of you while his other hand goes to stroke his bulging cock, biting down on his lower lip from the slightest stimulation.
"Shit, I'm gonna cum again, baby." Jisung adds one more finger inside you when he felt you clench around his fingers, determined on making you cum one more time before fucking you dumb.
A loud moan left your lips when you reach your second climax, hips jerking uncontrollably as you ride out your high. Jisung pumps his fingers a few more times before pulling out. You turn your head back to look at him just as he was taking off his boxers, where traces of arousal can be seen. Your pussy clenched when his cock slapped against his lower abdomen. The sight of his thick veiny cock making your mouth water. You can feel yourself getting aroused again, even though you had just come down from your second orgasm of the night. 
"Like what you see?" Jisung smirked as he pumped his cock with the hand that was inside of you, rubbing the arousal all over his cock while his other hand massages your ass cheek.
"You know I always do, baby." You bite your lip and press your clit against the pad, moaning from the stimulation. Jisung positions himself behind you, pressing the tip of his cock up and down against your slit, using your wetness as a lubricant. 
"Baby, please. Stop teasing me," you whine. 
He leans down to whisper in your ear, "Patience, princess." He kisses your shoulder and leaves a trail of it along your back. 
"I want to take my time with you," he says in a low voice. 
You whine in protest as you feel your pussy throb with need, feeling the tip of his cock teasing your entrance. "Please, I need you so bad."
"Will you be a good girl for me?" he asks teasingly. 
"Jisungie, please! I'll be so good for you, I promise," you cry out in frustration. He finally pushes his cock inside of you, making both of you moan in relief, his huge cock stretching you deliciously. Jisung hisses at the warm sensation around his cock. 
"Fuck, always so tight for me." 
He drops his head on your shoulder as he bottoms out fully, giving you time to adjust to his big size. No matter how many times you've had sex with Jisung, you can never get used to how big he is. Once you've adjusted, you move your hips slightly as a signal to Jisung. He almost pulled out completely before slamming his cock back in, thrusting roughly. Your body jerks forward from the impact and you moan out loudly.
His hands gripping your sides, pulling your hips to meet his thrusts. Only the sound of skin slapping, your broken moans, and Jisung's heavy breathing can be heard in the living room, along with the soft buzz from the vibrator. 
You swear under your breath as Jisung's hands reach down to play with your tits, toying with the nipple before pulling your upper body to hold you close to him. You lay your head against his shoulder, your left hand reaches around Jisung's head to pull on his hair and your other hand grips his arm. Jisung lets out a deep growl when he feels you clenching around his cock, signaling that you're close. 
"Are you close, baby?" 
You answer with a nod, unable to think properly. He clicked his tongue at your response, "use your words, or you're not coming at all." His thrust slows down waiting for your response, making you cry in frustration. 
"No, Jisung please, don't slow down. I'm so close!" 
You feel the air getting knocked out of you as Jisung slams his hips against you to pick up the pace. With him hitting your sweet spot each thrust, the vibrating tentacles rubbing against your swollen clit, and Jisung toying with your nipples, it doesn't take long until you feel the familiar knot in your stomach. 
"Baby, I'm gonna cum," you say weakly to Jisung. 
"Please, I can't-" Jisung cuts you off as he puts one of his hands around your throat, putting enough pressure to block your airways. 
"Yes, you can. Hold on a bit longer for me, baby, I'm close too." 
You can feel Jisung's thrust getting sloppier as he is reaching his climax. Your grip on his hair tightens as a choked sob falls from your lips, unable to deny your orgasm any longer. Jisung lets out a breathy laugh at the sight of you crying.
"Look at you, so pretty crying over my cock. Does my cock make you feel good, hm? You like it when I fuck you dumb like this?" You clench around his cock as a response, a deep growl falls from his lips. 
"Cum for me, princess. You've been such a good girl," he says as he releases the grip on your throat. 
You scream from the intense climax, body convulsing in pleasure as you clench tightly around Jisung once again, triggering his own release. Jisung shoots his cum deep inside you, groaning loudly as he thrusts slowly to ride out both of your highs. 
He holds your body close to him and kisses your forehead before letting you go. Your upper body falls forward onto the couch backrest, giving Jisung access to dig his fingers under the silicone pad and turn off the vibration switch. You suck in a sharp breath when Jisung pulls out, flinching from overstimulation. He lets out a groan at the sight of your releases mixing together and dripping onto the pad.  Your hips jerked as he collects the releases in his fingers and pushed it back inside of you.
You can barely keep your eyes open as Jisung helps you down from the couch and carries you in his arms to the bedroom. He lays you down gently on the bed and throws a blanket over you to keep you warm as he runs you a bath. He also went back to the living room to grab the discarded clothes and the grinder pad to clean later. 
Once the bath is ready, he carries you in first before going in as well. He pulls your body close to him, so you can lean against his chest. You let out a sigh as the warm water relaxes your muscles. Both of you bathe quietly before Jisung breaks the silence. 
"So, what do you think of your surprise?" 
You turn to face him and smile, "I loved it, baby. Thank you." Jisung returns your smile and leans in for a sweet kiss. 
"Was I too rough earlier?" he asks carefully. 
"Nothing I can't handle, don't worry." 
He smiles before kissing you again. You stay in the bath a little bit longer before drying off. Jisung goes to the closet to grab pajamas for both of you, while you sit on the bed waiting for him. He hands you your pajamas and a fresh pair of underwear before putting on his own.
After you're both done, Jisung switches the lights off before climbing into bed. You snuggle against Jisung, laying your head on his chest as he holds you close. He pulls the comforter over the two of you. You were about to drift off to sleep when you heard Jisung call your name. 
"You wanna know something?" he asks quietly. 
"Tell me." 
Jisung bites back a smile before answering, "I wasn't lying when I said you look so pretty crying over my cock." 
You open your eyes and gasp, tilting your head to look at him, "Hey!" 
Jisung laughs at your reaction, "It's true! You should've seen yourself." 
You roll your eyes, trying to hold back the smile. "Shut up and go to sleep, Jisung." You say as you lay your head back on his chest and close your eyes. 
"I'm definitely fucking you in front of a mirror next time," he whispers under his breath, which earns him a slap on the chest from you.
"Ow! Okay, okay, I'll stop!"
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thanks for reading! any kind of feedback would be much appreciated<3333
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huexuri · 9 months
: how it's done (softdom!kai x fem!reader)
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(warnings: somnophilia (w consent ofc), softdom!kai , sub!reader, mutual masturbation, praise, dirty talk, tell me if there's more!)
note: didn't realize how much of a dirty talk kink i have .. ehm ehm tmi!!!! also ending was so rushed im sorry😔 i might do a second part lol
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it's 2am and you've been scrolling on your phone for the past 3 hours. you promised yourself to sleep by 11pm and said goodnight to kai then. but ... just like last night, this night and probably the night after, you'll fuck up your sleep schedule more and more because you just can't seem to listen to yourself....
you'd think kai would be asleep by now because when he says goodnight, the next second he'd snooze off. so.... what better idea than to secretly snuggle with him to fall asleep? was what you thought to yourself as you dragged your sleep deprived ass to kai's room which was just the one across the hall from yours.
quietly entering his room, you slowly shut the door to not wake him up. the sight of kai fast asleep on his bed in that hoodie that you always stole from him and the same adidas sweatpants that he never seems to take off has you smiling like an idiot. the mountain of plushies on his bed, he looked so snuggled up, so comfortable, so adorable.
discreetly, you crawled on the bed beside him and snuggled yourself in his embrace, making him spoon you. shuffling around to find a comfortable position, you wrapped your legs around his and wrapped his arm around you. you think you probably woke him up because you felt him pull you in tighter, but you weren't complaining, and as you expected.. you fell asleep before you knew it.
that doesn't last long though, as you woke up about 5 hours later to the feeling of kai right behind you with.... well, his erection that's poking against your ass with slow, light irregular thrusts. definitely not the first thing that you thought would greet you in the morning... you assumed he probably had a wet dream because when you turned around to look at him, he was fast asleep, his eyes beautifully shut. you tried your hardest not to move, because the feeling of his hard on rubbing against your clothed core has you aroused as hell and you didn't want it to stop. your panties were wet before you even realized it, not to mention the little moans that unconsciously rolled off his tongue. it was enough for your clit to be swollen even when he isn't touching you..
but like the needy girl you are for kai, his thrusts weren't enough,,, so you lightly grabbed his hand, veiny and giant, and guided it down to beneath your panties. the touch of his cold fingers on your raw, aching clit had you basically throbbing for more. it even had your nipples perk up. guiding his long fingers up and down.. the wet squelching sounds that echoed throughout his quiet room filling the white noise... you thrusted one of his fingers in you, and you couldn't help the soft moans that you occasionally let out. still, you hoped he wouldn't wake up to you in such a desperate position like this. so fucking needy and horny, only for kai.
of course he would realize that you're using him to fuck yourself. you noticed that, when his thrusts become more and more controlled and he starts to finger you by himself. that's when you know that you fucked up, he saw how embarrassingly wanting you are just so he could touch you.. couldn't even wait until he woke up, huh?
"k-kai..?" you breathed out.
he didn't answer, all you felt was a grin against your ear and his fingers seemingly having a mind of it's own, rubbing you up and down, thrusting in and out of you. you didn't even have to guide him anymore. you even stopped helping eventually because you were focused on gripping the sheets to suppress your longing moans just so you wouldn't embarrass yourself further.
"couldn't wait, baby?" kai murmured, his erection getting harder and pressing up your clit as his eyes fluttered open.
"kai... i-i'm really sorry... i couldn't resist when you started thrusting against me... mmh—"
kai doesn't answer again, as he pulled his fingers out and pried open your mouth with the same fingers full of your slick. you sucked his long fingers clean, tasting yourself on him.
"don't worry, love.. it's okay, but i'll still have to make you make up for it, isn't that right?" kai whispered with a grin in your ear, his hot breath fanning over your face and his deep morning voice clearly apparent.
you could only mutter out a "mhm.." along with some moans in agreement to his words as his long fingers were still taking up all the space in your mouth. it didn't help that he was still rubbing against your clothed clit, making it hard to even mumble out any words. he nodded to your attempt at words and slid his fingers out out of you and licked it clean before stopping his thrusting, straddling over you and starting to kiss you all over.
he tugged at your waistband and slowly slid it off. you looked at him with a slightly concerned look because even if you knew he wouldn't be mad, you were still scared he would be. but immediately your worries calmed down when he gave you a reassuring smile and nod, confirming that he wouldn't do anything to remotely hurt you.
"it's cute to see how desperate you are when i do anything close to touching you... but you know you have to earn that touch, right?" kai said with a grin, full of lust in his eyes. with a tilt of his head, he lifted up your chin to look at you as he expected an answer.
"of course.. i should've asked you." you embarrassingly looked away as you exclaimed.
just when you thought kai was about to kiss you, he let go of your chin and stopped straddling you, instead sitting beside you on the bed and motioning you to sit up. you slowly pushed yourself up, and looked at him with confusion.
"i want to see you fuck yourself. if you can make yourself cum infront of me, you'll get the reward you deserve." kai said in the most lustful tone with an innocent smile on his face.. how the fuck does he even manage to... do that?? it was scary how fast you obeyed him and immediately took your panties off and threw it across the bed along with your shorts that he tugged off.
"aren't you going to... help?" you asked kai, as he usually would since his fingers are twice the length yours are... but you soon realize what he's demanding you to do after he rejects you.
"no, baby. that's why i wanna see you... i wanna see how you look when you masturbate. when i'm not around to help." he pointed towards your cunt with his chin, motioning you to go on with an expectant look.
"show me how it's done."
you nodded. your fingers started to find it's way towards your clit and soon enough, you were exposing your whole body to kai, toying with your nipple and groping your own breast with one hand and fingering yourself with the other. you were imagining how he'd fuck you breathless just like how you always did to get off whenever he wasn't around. you whimpered and moaned softly, moaning his name occasionally when you were desperate.
"don't you see h-how... good i'm.. fucking myself?.. a-all... ngh—all pretty for you.... the best girl j-just... for you.." was what you could moan out in hopes of driving him crazy.
seeing the look on kai's face when he stroked himself under his sweats from the words that left your lips... it totally worked. you truly know what you're doing to him.. and he loves it.
"k-kai.. i...i'm... s-shit—i'm gonna—" your hips started to stutter with your fingers inside you, you gripping your breast so hard it left a red mark, the knot in your stomach that slowly felt like unraveling, the feeling like all eyes were on you when it was only kai, you were close, so close, so fucking c—
everything flashed white for a second, and it felt like something inside you exploded, and then your squirt was all over kai, his bedsheets, his shirt, his face....
before you even came to your senses, you could feel kai's arms wrap around you. he pulled away and started to pull down his sweats, leaving you to the sight of his dangling cock, tip blushing red and leaking with precum...
straddling you again, all he managed to mutter out..."that's my good girl... that's my good fucking girl. my god ... do you even know what you do to me? i'm gonna fuck you breathless, you don't even understand."
and you know he wasn't lying when he said that.
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
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Laundry day
Pairing: Peter B. Parker x Top Male Reader
Synopsis: In which Peter discovers some unusual perks with laundry day
Content tags: Peter in panties that’s it that’s the plot
A/N: wrote this at like 11pm so pls excuse any mistakes
“Cant believe you’re wearing this” it had only been a couple of minutes since you stumbled upon Peter in your shared bedroom, dressed in your white button down and nothing else while folding laundry.
When asked about it he had said that he’d just came out the shower and that it was the only clean thing laying around in the closet.
And hey you weren’t complaining as you stood there propped against the wall, arms folded across your chest with a smirk plastered on your face.
However the smile had quickly fallen from your face when you caught the sight of something red flashing between his legs.
You walked up to him, cornered him between the closet door and the bedroom wall where he’d been folding laundry.
His body tensed, and a a nervous look made its way on his face as you hooked a finger towards the bottom of the button down and rolled it up to his abdomen.
Turns out he wasn’t naked under there. Instead he’d been wearing red lace panties, fabric so sheer you could basically see his cock as it strained against the fabric and with strings so thin they clung to the pudge on his hips and within an instant you had him pinned to the bed muttering the same words from earlier.
“Cant believe you’re wearing this” you say as you undo the first couple of buttons on his shirt, chest now bare and easily accessible, trailing hands up his side, tugging and taunting at dusted pink nipples till they’re hard as pebbles, blunt nails dragging along his happy trail down to the spot where the base of his cock is but never once touching it.
“Ah - fuck “ he whines out, eyes glassy, mouth agape and face sporting the same shade as his underwear.
“So so so pretty baby” you praise, watching the way his cock twitches at your compliment. “Did you wear this for me, hm?”
“I told you it was the only clean thing laying around-“ he explains but it quickly turns into a squeak as your hand creeps under the lace, fingers wrapping around the base of his dick and gently stroking him til he’s fully hard in your grip.
“Please fuck me” he whines out as he arches nto your touch.
And how can you say no to that?
You don't even bother to take his panties off as you make quick work of finding the lube laying on night stand and prepping him with your fingers. By the time he’s ready for your cock fat tears are rolling down his cheeks, bottom lip wobbling as an endless string of pleas escape his lips“please please I need it- need it now”
That’s all it takes for you to line your cock up with his hole, hips gently rolling forward before setting a proper tempo.
At some point he’ll get so loud you’ll have to take the panties off of him and shove them into his mouth to quiet him down.
You can’t help but admire the sight of drool dripping down his chin, the suckling sound mixing with the needy noises escaping him, the way you can barely distinguish red fabric from his puffy red lips and the way his cock bouncing against his stomach with every thrust of your hips.
Once it’s over and done you somehow convince him to keep the panties on, watching the way your cum trickles down his thighs and soils the bottoms even more as he continues folding clothes. You had him promise he’d keep them on till he’s completely done.
“Looks like you’ll have to do another load” you say once again propped against the bedroom wall, arms folded across your chest and a smirk plastered on your face.
Your comment only earns you a smack to your chest.
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wqnwoos · 1 year
by the the time seokmin gets home, you’re almost done with dinner.
you’d actually hoped to be finished by the time he gets home, but you’re still cooking when the sound of keys jingles by the door, and your boyfriend’s regular “i’m home~” sings through the house.
you call back to him (“the kitchen!”) because you really can’t leave the stove right now — he appears behind you with drawn features and a tired smile, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. “you cooked my favourite,” he observes quietly, gratefulness underlining his tone and punctuating it with a soft kiss dropped on the side of your face.
you smile at him slightly, before pressing a returning kiss to his cheek and motioning for him to sit down.
seokmin frowns. “you don’t need help?”
you shake your head. “just sit down and look pretty. that’ll help.”
he smiles then, a real one that curves his lips wider than you’ve seen them all day. despite it, he still tries again; “really, baby, i can — ”
you whip back around, pointing your wooden spoon at him like a weapon. “nope! just sit! be pretty!”
your boyfriend sighs — whether in defeat or relief or a mix of both, you’re not quite sure.
“how was your day?” you question.
seokmin lets out a non-committal grunt. “tiring,” he admits, which isn’t new knowledge to you. you’d texted him around lunchtime reminding him to eat and asking how his schedule was going, and his reply was just so tired ㅠㅠ.
it’s when you start humming that seokmin realises you’re listening to his betelgeuse cover; and, despite the cold of outside and the tiredness seeping into his bones, his heart fills with indescribable warmth. he hasn’t eaten yet, but he feels completely and totally full.
the feeling doesn’t dissipate for the rest of the night. (even when the playlist switches randomly and suddenly fire by the hip hop team is blasting in the kitchen and it’s 11pm and you’re trying ecstatically to rap along with them and he’s watching and laughing and all he can think is that he must be the luckiest guy on earth.)
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an / requested by @dulce-pjm. i am SO fucking sorry it took me like 363736 years to complete this!!!
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oliverstarksbae · 9 months
Picked up pieces
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♡ hi, this is my first ever one shot, so this might be bad, but I hope you enjoy 😉
♡ summary: in which they realize they are made to pick each other pieces
Evan buckley was a player but that was before he met (y/n) she very much was the complete opposite "the ray of sunshine type of girl" So why did she fall in love with him beacuse behind the bad boy act was someone who was hurt and needed some one .
Now it was a normal Saturday he was at work she was at home doing some house work at there shared home made some food read a book and catch up on her favorite show
It had now hit 11pm Evans shift does not finish till 2 so she went to the living room and saw the news.
When she click channel 8 she heard "this is a live broadcast of a horrific hotel fire so far many firefighters are having a though time helping." said a red hair woman
(Y/n's) mind spiraled of what she heard but then took a worried breath beacus the first thing the she thought was ok maybe this is a different firehouse in the 118 area beacuse they were busy
She tried and tried to belive that but then she saw the 118 written on the firetruck that's when she panicked and started to pace around the house with her mind full of worry but it was still not his time to get off so she decided to look at her phone every 5 seconds for the time he gets off.
Evan buckley was stressed to say the least first he was trapped where there was a huge fire which he got out of beacuse he thought of who he cause the most for and how if he did not get out how many people would have been devastated
Then he was not able to save someone today which hurt worst then he thought it would.
He went on his phone and called (y/n) by pressing the contact lover girl <3 ❤️
Then the first thing he heard was, "OH MY GOD EVAN ARE YOU OK I WAS SO WORRIED I SAW ON THE NEW-"
"I'm fine" he replied with not so nice but not that serious tone still in shock on what happen
"Ok let me know when you get home E I love you" said (y/n)
" Yeah see you bye" he said not realizing that he did not say I love you back
(Y/n) on the other hand was confused but decided not to think much beacuse maybe he was tired?
*A few minutes later *
A knock sounded on the door she rushed up to it and ran to evan the give him a hug
"Oh my god, evan, I was so worried. I'm so glad you're ok." she pulled him into a hug, but then he started shaking, and it lok like he was going to cry?
"Evan are you ok? Ok-i-I- need you to calm down fallow my breathing ok?" He agreed while shaking and tears slowing coming down his face
"Baby, I need you to tell me why you are crying. Are you hurt-" he gulped and said, "No-no im-not"
"Ok did something happen?" She asked
"Yes-yes-some-thing-did," he said
"Ok, what happened? I need you to tell me when you're ready, ok?"
"I w-as g-etting some-one an-d we put h-Im on the gurny and in the amb-ul-an-ce he cod-ed" he said it while it replaying in his mind what happened
" E oh my God it's ok you did the best you can and you saved many people ok I love you I want you to know that"
"B-ut I didn't save them I ki-lled hi-m"
"Evan buckley do not think that way you did the best you can and your ability to risk your life every day for strangers now I think you should go take a shower and get ready for bed"
He replied with a happy gentle smile
After everyone was done they both hopped
Onto bad a cuddled she being to big spoon
And slowly he fell asleep but before he said.
"I love you so much and thank you for being there for me"
"Of course I am there for you now I'm tried so goodnight"
"Good night"
Before she fell asleep she thought about what she said and she knew he was hurt plot but she really didn't think it was bad enough for this to happen but she realizedThey were made for each to pick up the pieces other people broke
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Rigor Mortis (prologue)
College roommate Miguel O'Hara x reader
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(AO3 Mirror) (Wattpad) Series Masterlist, Main Masterlist,
Part 1
summary: Relationships end. People die. You move on, and Miguel does too.  (roommate! Miguel O'Hara x reader, college-ish au). 
warnings: no warnings, just angsty asf
a/n: this is the culmination of lots and lots of planning and me writing non-stop for a good few weeks. the next part will be much longer, and updates will be wednesdays until further notice. thank you for all your support! If you'd like to be tagged, see this post.
Thank you to my beta readers, @tianyhi and @urgonnaneedabiggership (they also write Miguel fics, I highly recommend! my favourite is this series), I couldn't have done it without you guys :D
Join my taglists here <3
wc: 1.1k
rigor mortis,
You're sitting at a diner, the one on 57th. At almost 11pm, it's… quiet. The gentle bustle of a waitress behind the counter, coffee mugs and sizzling pans. To your side, a little old woman tucked into the booth. Bright red lipstick and bold eyeliner against tan skin, wrists heavy with bangles against the counter. It's animated: feather boa, green leather jacket - and you think you spy the padding of some slippers from underneath the table. She clinks and clanks, and it makes you smile in spite of yourself. Peeling walls, cramped booths. Warm. Steady. Pam's Diner, on the corner, but you've got to use the side entrance, 'cuz the front's been bolted shut since the 50s. Don't ask questions.
"Mags, honey… I just want to… can you get your mom for me?" She's squinting into her phone now, nose pressed to the screen. You can only imagine the view from there; a facetime call with a smudge of eyebrow taking up most of the little box. 
It's odd, but you like to sit near the door. Some pancakes, a milkshake, or a bitter cup of coffee now that you're older: people watching, as you've always called it. Okay, maybe it's more than odd . Maybe even serial killer adjacent - people-watching, like the night stalkers in cheesy slashers. But it's fun, looking for a story in everyone that walks in. 
In your hometown, you had your first date in a booth just like this one. Back pressed against once-bright cushions, tight skirt digging into your back, and at 15 you had sat and waited with wide eyes. Waited, and watched. The woman with a blue hair-tie at the counter: a new mom, definitely. She looks tired, a mystery stain on the cotton of her joggers and deep rims around her eyes. A jitter in her hands, and she's probably got a piece of shit boyfriend on the couch; wringing his hands at looking after the little one, at being a fucking dad, for once, and… oh. The bell of the front entrance rings, and another woman walks in, and catches the eye of Blue Hair Tie. A warm smile, a tight arm around her waist. You watch as she takes up the other's jittery hand in her own. Partner? Fling? You know now; it doesn't matter, not really. Hands still, the shaking slows, and they are loved. 
Your date had been late, of course. But  what had been your first in a line of disappointing men is long forgotten in the haze of adulthood. 
"I know, sweetheart-" the older woman in the booth next to you almost shouts, making you jump. "...those are very pretty shoes… but, could you… Hand the phone over to mom, okay?“
Someone answers with cooing and soft babbling, and then there's raspy laughter from the woman near you. It rings off the tiles: sonorous and full-bodied, wraps around you like a warm hug. It makes you feel a little less lonely, for now. 
As of exactly 9.42pm, you are single. A four year relationship, over in the space of less than 20 minutes. A cup of watery decaf, and it's all over before you can finish it. I'll stay at my sister's, and you move out by the end of the month. No theatrics, not a trace of tears. You had wanted to cry, to kick and scream and beg, but more than anything, you were numb. Crystalline and still with shock, at how clinical it all felt. Sitting in your favourite diner, the humdrum of the city just past the glass; it still felt… lonely. And when he left; placed money on the counter, took his copy of keys off the table, and didn't look back ; it was cold. 
You remember what he had said so many nights ago, God, years back, when he was studying for undergrad, and would crack open anatomy textbooks on the little desk in your dorm. He'd trace the lines of your arm, poke the flesh as you'd giggle and recite his notes into your skin. 
that… tickles! what are y-you… ohh my God-
Stay still! This is.. important… 
… I swear, I'll start screaming if you-
Pallidity, cooling, stiffness-
that's it, I'm screaming… I'm gonna do it-
It's not gonna learn itself, baby. Pallor, algor… 
and rigor, right? 
I listen. Sometimes. 
…rigor, livor mortis and decay. The stages of death. 
I thought you wanted to be a surgeon, baby, not the grim reaper. 
Very funny. It's still important to know about these things, no? 
I guess? But if you're gonna be saving lives…
That's not how it works. I'm not God. I make mistakes, people die. I do everything right-
People die. 
Right. Above all, I'm in the business of people. Whilst they're alive and when they're gone, what they leave behind…
…but that's not really your job, is it? And don't give me all that, it's a vocation crap-
I don't know what to tell you. It is. It's bigger than me. 
…it's long and hard and killing you slowly. 
Shit. Jamie, I didn't mean to-
Rigor mortis. Post-mortem 'stiffness' or rigidity, which occurs one to two hours after death.
I'm sorry, I wasn't th- 
The summation of unraveling: a temporary stasis, which could be described as 'frozen' in time or place, often mirroring the cause of death- 
Jesus, I'm not trying to fight- 
..where a body becomes a dead body. Colloquially, referred to as Alius Mortem, or; another death. 
The phrase stuck, acting as a cruel count for the eventual decay of your relationship. Resentment, on both ends, had burned out that flame long before the breakup. Jamie was cruel, in some ways. You were cruel in others. 
"Alice! Just wanted to say hi, cupcake; missed your voice… oh yeah… mhmm… she's just like you, can talk for the trees…" With the rasp of laughter in the booth next to you, it spreads the kind of warmth that stings. 
There's a spark of self awareness at the back of your throat; the bitter taste of realisation. It's not meant to feel like this, is it? The end of almost a half-decade of your life, an era, the culmination of decisions good and bad and gray that have led you up to this moment. There should be… passion. Fighting, maybe. Tears. Instead of a supernova, you find yourself floating in the empty vacuum of space: an acrid taste left in your mouth. 
"Oh God, have you and the girls been eating well? Let me come over tomorrow, drop you off some stuff…I don't trust half the crap in that cupboard of yours-" There is love and light in her voice, despite groans from the tinny speakers of her phone. Your chest is hot; something leaden and heavy that sits in the crook of ribcage. Bittersweet, like rotting fruit in the cradle of a tree trunk. 
Maybe it's the coffee. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Over the past few years, a thousand cuts. And now, in the yellow lights of the little diner on the corner of 57th; another death. 
Rigor Mortis Taglist: @bunnyrose01 @lavenderslemonade @tsukkie-daisuke @malxoxo @thekidscallmebosss @vvitcxen @theyoutubedork @doublevirgogirl @jnghs @taleiak @noblesavagex @cumikering @rebeccawinters @evanpetersrightbigtoe @saucypeanuttt @pix-stuff @maliarenee @truthuntolddd @honeycovered-bandaids @aiyaaayei @aeeliy @amplsblog @sikrettt @opuffmango @spear-bitch @maddielikesmoths @lemonpepsi @sweet-strawberryhoney @lacedinweb22 @bubbsby @jing5uan @ellaandorersoct @hibarbiesblog @valentxi @kittym1ka @delulu-dia @melovetitties @yohoe-hoe @acollectionofcells1 @froggi-mushroom @thund3rthighs
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madlittlecriminal · 8 months
[INTRO] Secret Ingredient⥓ Mafia!Miguel O'Hara × Female!Baker!Reader
Warnings: mention of robbery, mention of Miguel missing breakfast, mention of Miguel being used for homework
series masterlist | miguel o'hara masterlist
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To say his day was rough, was an understatement.
He felt as though no one paid attention to him for the simple fact that every little thing had gone wrong. It was worse when he got told one of his clubs got robbed by none other than Osbron's little crew.
If Miguel was being honest, he needed a damn drink. Unfortunately, he had a meeting with his Alchemax team in about an hour, so drinking was out of the question; he'd have to wait until after to have a drink, but he didn't really mind it as much.
He stepped out of the club after reviewing the damage, relieved that no one was hurt and that his rule was followed: give them the money as a life means more than cash. Plus, they robbed him on a slow night, so he lost about three grand in total from his bartenders' tips and the money from drinks. He simply reimbursed them and told them he makes more than that in an hour, so he didn't care.
He fixed his ruby colored sunglasses as his eyes traveled to the bakery across the street from his club. He tilted his head to the side, confused as to how he's never seen it before. "Is that bakery new?"He asked one of the bartenders at his club who shook her head with a grin.
"Depends on what your definition of new is, boss. It's been there since you hired me, and I've been working here for three years." Miguel's brows furrowed as she explained it to him.
"How am I just now noticing it?"
"Easy. You come to the club at 12 am. The bakery closes at 11pm."
"Why so late?"
"Because the ovens are cold by then. We're her last customers. Remember that concha Lyla gave you?" He nods. "It's from there. She does desserts from all over the world. She's talented." With that, the bartender takes her leave. Miguel tilts his head to the side before heading across the street and into the bakery. His nose is hit with the delicious scent of baked goods, some bringing him back to his childhood when his mother would bake for him and his brother Gabriel.
"I'll be with you in a sec!" You called out from where he believed was the kitchen. He doesn't respond, too focused on the orejas and the many pan finos you had. He took note of the flan, apple pies, banana bread, muffins, macarons, and more. His stomach growled, remembering he missed breakfast.
Then you appeared, flour on your cheeks and on your burgundy apron. You gave him a kind smile and he took off his sunglasses, putting them away and getting a better look at you from the natural sunlight that broke through from the window of your bakery. Were you real?
"How can I help you, sir?" His heart raced as his breathing hitched slightly. His palms were clammy with sweat, and he wasn't sure if it was because of the rush of nerves that entered his body or the heat from the bakery. Wait, was it hot in here?
"Uh...hi. C-can I get a piece of..." Miguel didn't trust himself to finish the sentence as he resorted to pointing at the stack of conchas. The last time he remembered being this nervous around a girl was back in high school when the cheerleader asked him for his help on biology homework. Unfortunately, he also remembers that she only flirted with him to get her homework done. He was glad they didn't have science together after that as he went to AP Chemistry the following year.
You smiled and nodded. "Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?"
Once again, he didn't trust his voice so only pointed at the chocolate one.
"How many?"
He held up two fingers and you nodded. "Alright. Your total is $4.25. Cash or card?" You put the conchas in a bag as you waited for a response.
"Cash." He handed you a 20-dollar bill and took the bag. "Keep the change. Don't need a receipt." He quickly rushed out of the bakery without another word.
You stood there with the 20 bucks in hand, blinking down at the register in confusion. You put the cash in the register and put the receipt down. "Well, that wasn't weird at all." You mumble to yourself before heading back to the kitchen to check on the rasgulla you had cooling down.
@deputy-videogamer @barbiecrocs @deepinballs @faimmm @wakeupr41 @bubblegumfanfics @smartyren @kimmis-stuff @latenightcravingz @youcantseem3 @corpsebridenightamare @thedevax
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