#look at my dog-cat (rat ??) thing !! :D
keeps-ache · 11 months
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!! Freak Shock !!
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pastel-rights · 8 days
Assign your friends/moots an Animal that reminds you of them!
... hehehhehehehhe animals. love it when my mutuals.
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Yuu is a raven, yeah. the main raven, a bad bitch, classic bird. Nerissa is ALSO a raven so, maybe it's the duo energy.
Tae is a dinosaur because I named a plush dinosaur after her but... hmm... okay, actually, we're changing the person here. Rui? Rui is a bunny. Why? Well, Kasumi HATES cats with a passion, but, he loves bunny rabbits. And he loves his brother. So, Rui is a bunny.
Beth is giving... hmm... beth's giving a puppy dog... golden retriever energy. I'd trust Beth with my life, she's just a walking bag of sunshine.
I named a cow I bought earlier this year "Satoru" so I think, legally speaking I think he has to be a mini cow. Look at him. isn't he such a little cutie. yes. yes he is.
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clown is a... probably a dragon, but specifically a dragon with a jesters hat that taunts the king with their non-binary dragon swag.
emma and al are both a snake but specifically those like, really stupid looking noodle looking snakes with the big bug eyes and the :D face and goofy vibes. you might know the ones but. they're so SILLLLLY.
orange is a cat, but specifically a tabby cat. they're SPECIFICALLY my friend's orange tabby cat who kept knocking dishes off the counter and then acting innocent like they didn't just knock off dishes onto the floor. Criminal cat, but funny.
Rina is a shark, but specifically a hammerhead shark. they look so dumb and goofy but they're so silly and loving and lovely and they're just. derpy. And Rina is a derpy person /pos
Four is a moray eel. Enough said.
Klai... Klai is a vulture, jumping their ocs and just ATTACKING the poor things. Death, angry, destrucTIONNNNNNNN (self inflicted)
fifi's a rat. enough said (part two)
Saturday is... probably also a raven tbh. Yuu and Sat can fight for the shinies. /j
Pins is a bat. Enough said (part three)
Navi gives like... those really fancy and refined grey cats with the fluffy fur. Fancy detective cat.
I'm missing some people, I know I am but I know a lot of people so (sobs)
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puddin-dear · 9 months
The Old Barn
The thoughts of a therian, by Tapioca
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Every time I think back to my life as a barn cat, one singular memory plays in my head. I leap off the old fence, which I can never recall what exactly was the color of the thing. I bound into a grassy field, did it have hay or flowers? Only the old me knows. I pad into the even older barn, which I believe was a dull red. I can’t exactly make out what the entire scene looks like, but I can imagine what my past must’ve held.
I imagine theres a house next to the barn, where the old farmer must live in. Was it a guy? I think it was. I find myself calling him the old farmer, it seems the entire place was decades old.
I enter the barn, the interior’s layout I cannot fully recall. I wonder if there were other animals with me. Perhaps horses? Sheep? Goat? Cattle? Pigs? Chickens? Did my farmer grow crops or raise livestock? Only he and the old me know.
I wonder if there was a herding dog that worked alongside me, a coworker, a companion, a friend. If there was, I think they’d be a collie. A black border collie at that. I’m sure the herder would be the old farrmers best friend when off duty, sleeping in the mans old run down house while I settled on the hay of the barn.
I have no hard feelings for this theoretical dog, I prefer my hay bales over their dog bed. My freshly caught prey over their kibble.
I wonder what prey I caught, whatever I was put on this barn for. What population was I set to control? Mice? Of what kind? Rats? Squirrel? Chipmunks? Moles? What rodents plagued the old farms crops, or livestock?
I wonder what kind of bugs scattered across the barn walls and floors. Centipedes? Roaches? Beatles? Ladybugs? Moths? Flies? Were there spiderwebs in the corners? Did I swat at them as they tried to run by?
How many kits did I have? Did the old farmer let me keep them? Did he give them collars? Did he give them names? What was my name? I hope it wasn’t some glamorized spanish name like “Luna” or “Sol”.
Did my farmer speak english? Spanish? Japanese? French? What race was he? Was he a colored man? Or was he a white man?
Did this man have a wife? a partner? a husband? Did he have friends? Did I ever meet these possible companions of his?
I wonder if I had any companions, perhaps the barn was large enough to need two barn cats? I’d imagine there’d be an orange cat with a blue collar named something like “Sparky”. I’m sure this Sparky would be a hyper cat. We’d probably get along well.
Who even was the other cat involved with my kits? Not that it mattered, they’d never be allowed around my precious kittens anyways.
I wonder how my kits are now? They’re probably dead, I won't lie. I wonder if any of my kits had kittens? Did my bloodline continue? Is there a descendant of mine somewhere out there?
I wonder if this descendant of mine is also a barn cat? Or a street cat maybe? A softer house cat? Do they know how to hunt anymore? I hope this possible kin of mine still knows how to catch the swiftest of birds and the cleverest of mice.
I have so many questions one will never be able to answer for me. Questions only me, the old farmer, his dog, my kits and Sparky will ever know. Perhaps its better to keep it that way. To forever be left wondering on my life once was.
Even with that thought though, I still find myself longing to return to the old barn with the old fence. Wishing I can run up to the old farmer and rub my fur against his legs as he greets me with a warm smile and a gentle headrub.
I long to run alongside the herding dog as they work, hoping to cause a little bit of playful chaos.
I long to catch prey alongside Sparky, before taking the rest of the day to feed my kittens and teach them what I know.
Maybe spend some time with the livestock, just for a little bit.
But for now, i’ll rest in my human nest. I’ll eat my human food and attend my school classes. I’ll speak to my human friends and play my human video games.
I’ve accepted my humanity, i’ll admit. But that doesn’t change the ache in my heart as I long to touch the grass with my paws once more.
Thanks for reading, I wrote this earlier as I was thinking of my past as this barn cat, the same questions that constantly repeat in my mind and so on.
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blackfairy312 · 4 months
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Snuppeteer Post 🐍🎭
INFODUMP BELOW just talking about these characters and their dynamic with themselves and the other characters in this AU
🍷 posting right now heehh
okay, so. Vincent Pietro Allard and Komi Tchaikovsky. this Five Nights at Candy's AU. let's talk about it.
so the Puppeteer's name in this AU is Vincent Pietro Allard. he met a guy in college and the two of them decided to start a theater together. they confounded the Rat & Cat Theater and hired some actors. Vincent wanted to use the theater to get a start on his acting career, to put his name out there so he'd be discovered by some actung scouts and whatever. his partner was more invested in the business opportunities of the place. Vincent's partner and fellow co-founder is currently unnamed, so Founder 2 (F2) is what we'll call him. he's involved in the franchise after the Puppeteer quits to star in Psychopath. F2 eventually makes the Candy and Cindy stuff... F2 is involved with Robotics Corp in this AU.
anyway, Vincent is obsessed with being successful as an actor. so much so that he basically always has to act. Vinnie, his puppet, is a bad-mouthed rude character that plays off of Vincent ("Puppeteer" as his character) who teaches Vinnie to be nice. cause Vinnie is 😠🙁 and the Puppeteer is 😀🙂. like the drama 🎭 masks. or something. i'm a little high typing all of this so i really hope my thoughts are coming across properly. basically, Vincent thinks too deeply about things. he put so much effort into his and Vinnie's characters, and he feels like he deserves praise and appreciation. he doesn't know WHY the kids are so scared of Vinnie, and he doesn't know why they don't like his thought provoking shows. he doesn't understand why the kids like the campy and comical Rat & Cat Show. why doesn't anyone like the Puppeteer & Vinnie Show?
a little inside joke with my circle is that the Puppeteer is a pervert. do you guys know that scene in Helluva Boss where Moxxie points at the mascot and says "i KNOW you're a pervert under there!" and the mascot goes "...yeah." that's it. you guys know Robbie and Rex from Victorious? yeah. so Vincent likes to approach single parents and will use Vinnie to flirt with them. he plays it off like the puppet is doing it and Vincent will go, "Oh, I'm sorry. Vinnie, be respectful!!" and it's just weird and uncomfortable. he's just playing it off like he needs to project through the puppet, there are so many layers as to WHY he's committed to playing a character all the time. do you guys know that image of the tindr conversation where the guys sends three dog emojis and texts "come here boy! leave that beautiful lady alone!" yeah that's Vincent. that's the kind of pervert he is.
with that out of the way, we can smoothly transition into Komi's section. i am now talking about myself in the third person. Komi picked her last name out for a reference. after her last two ventures (Marvel and DC back to back), and the previous four before those, Komi has finally decided that she needs a break from all this 'end of the world' nonsense. she goes back to the FNAFverse at a different point in time, to purposefully avoid being there during the Afton storyline. she settles into her 'human' life and picks up a job flier for a pianist, or just someone who knows how to play piano. Komi hasn't even allowed herself to do one of her hobbies is so long, and she immediately takes the flier home and dials the number.
then she meets Vincent, and she can immediately tell that he's weird. but it's kind of endearing to her, in a way. this woman has been in relationships with so many overly cartoony villains that nothing really phases her too much at this point. i mean, she dated Albert Wesker and almost married him until some asshole named Chris Redfield decided he HATES love and blew the guy up in a volcano 😒 the only thing about Vincent that unnerves Komi is Vinnie. just the way that the puppet looks unsettles her, like some uncanny valley. Komi was a doll in one of her previous lives (and a snake in the other one, it's a long story), so of course she's feeling uncanny valley from Vinnie. he has a puppet face with HUMAN EYES. you'll never see any of us draw in-game Vinnie unless it's Monster Vinnie or for comedic effect. the Vinnie design we draw is specifically for our AU.
at work, Komi likes to spend time with the children. some kids may be scared of the Rat and Cat costumes, so Komi provides activities for them to do. in this AU, Komi sets up an area for the kids to color and draw in books and with paper. an Arts & Crafts area. Vincent almost opposed to this because he has a huge ego and is a control freak and cannot stand the thought of someone making a decision without his permission or knowledge... but because it has good outcomes (parents happy, kids happy, actors get fanart), he allows it. the kids call Komi "Snake Lady" because of her eyes.
during shows, Komi has a small piano set up on the stage so she can play music, of course. i forget the specific theater terms for the stage setup, but backstage but not BACKstage. Komi also likes to help the Rat and Cat actors (Antonio and Richard in this AU) with practicing for the shows. they write scripts for every show and rehearse them all. a LOT of work goes into this place now that i think about it. i was in theater once. what a nightmare.
i have actually lost my entite train of thought. i'm going to put random Snuppeteer scenarios for the rest of the post.
Vincent thinks Komi is really pretty. But instead of telling her that, he says something about how she looks like she just crawled out of bed and didn't even bother looking in the mirror. this is somewhat true. Komi is depressed and she doesn't really have the energy to play a role.
Komi has a stoic expression most of the time and only ever really shows emotion when's she under the influence of something. she's affectionate and attentive when she's high. sometimes when she's stressed out, she'll get high and hang out with Vincent at his apartment, and he'll put on a movie and talk over the entire thing while she listens to him. Vincent is a cinema geek, he gets so passionate about movies (especially horror ones) and has so much to say, and Komi finds that so endearing. she loves his voice and she enjoys listening to how passionate he is about something he cares about. oh that's so sappy! and this is when they're dating! they were so awkward before that, you know? Vincent being weird towards her and Komi being a little curt back towards him. you'd think that she HATED him! but unfortunately Komi likes him BECAUSE he is a freak. did i mention she dated Jonathan Crane? very specifically our DC AU version who is similar to Danny Johnson Ghostface where he SEEKS fear and purposefully carries incriminating evidence on him to satiate his fear of getting caught. Komi dated THAT KIND OF GUY. she's a freak too. don't let that face fool you.
they're like James Sunderland and Maria. Vincent can't take responsibility for his crime and Komi thinks he's lame and pathetic. that means Vinnie is like Pyramid Head. because that fucking puppet probably HAUNTS him now after the incident. why do you think they never reused that character in the Candy's Burgers and Fries joints?
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if you managed to read this entire thing, i'm sorry. i live in absolute delusion. cringe is not a concept to me. i have overwhelming confidence, and crippling insecurity. let me live in my palace of dreams.
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oogalaboogalabich · 5 months
Posting my current list of things i wanna draw cause honestly, id much rather see someone elses take on a lot of them.
Most of these are labeled under "degenerate art ideas" so take from that what you will.
Please feel free to use any one of these.
- The Kiss from fallout. If you know you know. Bane and bhaal with a dead durge and gortash.
-Comic: Astarion in trouble and drizzt comes out of nowhere all heroic and saves him and hes all doe eyed n shit.
-Halsin and mr meadhoney. "Do you have a particular fondness for large and...heavily armed men, mr. Meadhoney?"
-Lucretious the necromancer and astarion dancing the tango together with the skellies in the back playing music."The dead are always such superb dancers."
-Comic: Lucretious topping astarion, bent over the stages edge. "What if we put you in my show darling. Im sure we could find something for a star like you...something youd love as much as the crowd."
"Youd make a spectacle of me?"
"In front of THOUSANDS who come just to see the most perfect beauty in all of the planes."
"Oh yes i quite like the thought of that."
-Comic: "Orin: you suck up the tyrants vapors like a babe sucks milk."
"Durge: tch fuckin yeah i do."
"Astarion: D:<!!?"
"Orin: *quinten terantino scowl that she does*"
-Vellioth as the "i yearn for the urn" tiktok
- astarion amputee doodles (thank you godey for that idea)
-3 musketeers quote "i love that in a man." "What. Passion?" "Violence" but ghoap or durge. Maybe make a version of both?
-when (doodly dude) hit me real hard that one night and my jaw rattled in my skull all nasty, but make it durgestarion hehehehehehe
-Astarion licking blood from durge in one of the pools of blood (idea from mignon scene)
-Durgetash comic of demon slayer masochism abridged thing with the lady man demon
- bg3 crew bein a bunch of rly cute parrots doin dumb cute things.
-same idea but theyre all shoebill storks.
-comic: "Mighty sanctum" bit, then durge pulls astarion into his lap and kisses him. "Fairly certain you would castrate me if i tried to fuck you right here like i want...im still not sure if thats a deterrent or temptation" but ya know...better written.
"bloody degenerate...unhand me."
"Let go of my neck then."
"Well then...")
-Mungojerrie from cats and astarion both comolimenting each others pearls and casually holding something they swiped from the other. Riumpleteaser and durge are snickering and sharing a look, while RT has swiped something of durges, durge is pulling out his/her dagger
- Durge/Tav painting astarion in gold, and feeding him blood in a hedonism date night. he thinks the gold paint is just for tav. But he keeps saying "i just want you to see yourself as i see you." And stuch things.
He leads him to a giant ass mirror and lo and behold, there he is. In the flesh. The colors arent there of course. Hes looks like a statue, but its still...its more than the statue, its more than a portrait.
-Lyrical comic of durgetash ritual by ghost
-comic: Astarion is walking with the gang. He looks up to see something and narrows his eyes. He suddenly bursts into bats, flies up onto the space he was trying to peer at and reappears in a panic. Somethin like....
"I was eight bats...how...fuck...gods how am i supposed to even process that!?
Astarion are you alri
-comic- Volothamp talking to tav about a rat exodus from "a mysterious "red castle" " where their bretheren kept going missing. So they gave up the territory and moved to a "red cave" just beneath it, where blood flows even more freely.
Astsrion recognizes the palace, and remembers a time where rats were in such short supply that cazador had simply switched to insects for a while. Well with astarion he had, the rest had been treated to cats and dogs, in order to lessen the threat against the local rat population. Durge in the meantime, has an odd memory about commanding rats to find reconnisance if they wish to find safety with (fuzzy writing that doesnt quite translate to words)
-Astarions ascension but its happy with evil hugs.
-Durge reacting to the gnoll birth holy hells that was funny.
-Durge eviscerating astarion while he arches off the ground as if in ecstacy rather than pain. Theyre both laughing in wild, crying hysterics and theres those timasks spores everywhere.
-Comic: A -Astarion in the mirror frowning and looking distressed, even a little pissed in a mini panel, as he pinches a small amount of belly fat. Hes a very healthy weight but like 200 years o trauma dawg. Next pannel he looks thoughtful (considering that hes never had enough to eat before to warrant gaining rather than steadily losing weight), third panel he looks up in a catlike manner and fingertip taps his stomach near his hip. Very silly smug cat face meme feels here
-Chaste kiss canon durgestarion/tash vs nasty canon durgestarion/tash
-Comic of vellioth uncovering mummystarion from crypt.
-Comic of astarion fucking posessed n bound durge in the shar library.
-An archer in general doing leg archery. Maybe two goofballs doin it at each other with silly faces. I can see any combo of minsc and lazel and astarion doing this weirdly enough.
-spit/ blood exchange between s/a astarions.
-That moment when astarion is blissed out in the sauce under durge in the grove. Maybe a pov where theres drops of blood mid fall, and theres two hands smearing it all over his chest.
-A astarion sitting on bhaals altar while durge and gortash dogfight.
-Gortash with his hand inside a lasceration in durges belly, squeezing himself off all slowlike inside durge. bloody handprints everywhere, though some have turned to black sooted handprints. Theyre kissing all disgustin
-Slayer and a predator Shilouetted gwtw style
-Astarion getting railed by a Predator.
-Lazel getting railed by a Predator.
-Honestly just put everyone in every fandom with a predator at some point like fu c ks sake
-Comic of the superimposed cazador murder/thunderstorm blood frenzy xex scene from that one fic i never finished
-The king E x Ragnar bath scene but nasty. (Also durgetash?)
-Astarion with floorlength hair and dripping with pearls, looking a little emaciated, or perhaps just extra slender themes to the art
Two smaller panels where vellioth h it away and carefully styles it while figaros corpse lays in the corner. Vellioth should look younger but less pretty.
-Durge slips his hands into astarions back pockets (in this comic he has invented ass pockets) "butt"
He goes "no, butt." And walks away. Durge looks down at his hands that are still right there where his butt was. And he squeezes the air with a smile
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cathy-plus-e · 10 months
Who is your favourite OC?
Can you describe them? 🤭♥️
I have a lot but I'll separate them in categories or whatever it is spelled
Bungou Stray Dogs
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Makoto Dazai
Makoto Dazai is 8 months younger than Osamu Dazai
Being Ougai Mori's bodyguard, Makoto is in the Port Mafia even after what happened with Oda, he has always and will always stay on Mori's side. His ability makes him able to control rats
Makoto is a trans boy, autistic and blind, also Ougai Mori's height. Osamu is obsessed with him in a way that he overprotects his younger brother
Hiroki Maruyama
Covering his right eye because someone took that eye, Hiroki Maruyama is a 28 years old who shares Chuuya's height
Grumpy former trainer in a yakuza, nowadays works in a brothel but in an AU he's a teacher in a school. He's disabled not only because he sees through one eye that makes his life difficult, he has issues walking and is always using a cane
2 meters tall man looks scary but is actually extremely soft
Former trainer in a yakuza, now takes care of the daughter of the boss who died. He's a bodyguard, has always been a bodyguard and is in charge of giving the numbers to the people of his (previous) criminal organization
From 0 to 1.000.000, the closest it is to the 0, the stronger the person is with their ability/skill
Bungou Stray Dogs Beast
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Gabriel García Márquez
Inspired in the author of the same name, he's from BSD Beast
He owns a restaurant (cat cafe) with his cousin Ángela Vicario and her husband Bayardo San Román. His ability is inspired in the book Chronicle Of A Death Foretold, he's the same age as Hirotsu
M. M.
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Max Gómez
Protagonist of the first part of my original story. Max Multiverse
He's a grumpy teenager in that picture, and uh it's hard to explain his world but I hope the multiverse-thing give you an idea
He's 25% a OC self-insert, I started doing his story when I was literally 4 years old lol
Kid is the vessel of a powerful demon, mother abusive, doesn't know his biological dad is the brother of his dad, has an older brother... Max ended up in an asylum after burning his house with his family in, ended up doing a deal with the strongest demon of them all and bla bla bla
B. A. D.
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Jack 4
That draw is old as fuck but he's the Jack of universe 4, from the second part of my original story, Black And Demons
Jacks are demons that are the personifications of traumas in humans, the reason why they are traumas rather than the feeling of fear
Jack 4 is in charge of a place called «The Prison/Jail» where powerful and dangerous being are sent so the multiverse won't be destroyed. Oh and his right hand? Oh it's connected to the place he's also locked in and can't scape
BSD OCs inspired in authors excluding Gabriel García Márquez
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Egon Wolff
He's a homeless person inspired of two characters by Egon Wolff. El Merluza in Paper Flowers and China in The Invaders
Ranpo doesn't trust him and is afraid of him
Obey Me!
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He's a demon and the personification of fear, inspired in the creepypasta of the same name, Zalgo
He covers his eyes because when people outside his dimension of chaos stare at him, start crying and shaking in fear extremely traumatized
He gets along with Diavolo, met his dad, Barbatos is his best friend and Lucifer doesn't trust him at all
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Kiyoshi Hira
Yes the same picture of my profile picture without the cat ears is a JJK OC
Masamichi Yaga's best friend, Kiyoshi isn't a sorcerer or part of the Jujutsu world because he doesn't get along with the people in charge
Kiyoshi hates Gakuganji, Gojo is afraid of him, Kiyoshi had a wife but died because of Gauganji. Yamato is the name of Kiyoshi's only son
His cursed technique makes him able to control cursed energy just by talking, murmuring and screaming. He can extract cursed energy, absorb it, make it part of other living things, and can communicate with cursed spirits and all of it– Uh he almost destroyed the world one time but can't see in one eye and half of his body is paralyzed because of an accident
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aerinkate · 1 year
Isolation becomes viscous once days roll into weeks. 
The dog and I had spent the first mornings poised toward the front door, as though at any moment the handle would tug down and there you’d be — smiling through a soaked hood, shaking off your umbrella before stamping your boots on the mat, “Well, that took a little longer than I expected.”
I wanted it to be homely for your return. The over-anxious welcome of the dog scratching at your shins. The comforting kiss from your wife after a long day.
But there were no late callers. 
You left no instruction on dealing with the chills that accompany each morning. No instruction on how to handle the dishes when life littered with all other excesses. Nothing on how to keep the dog out of the nursery, or to stop her from knocking the empty chardonnays from the coffee table. You had mentioned how the house’s silence would drape around your shoulders, but left no instruction on coping with its persistent muttering in your ear. 
Perhaps the dogs orchestrated tantrums were her way of keeping me sane.
Through my months of hibernation, I ignored the roll-in of nature through the back door. The lock is still rusted beyond any use, and I find various creatures have scuttered in on the days I manage to get downstairs. Some days, it’s birds being hounded back to open air, on others it’ll be the odd cat or squirrel. Perhaps your least favourite, the pregnant rat that the dog has yet to set her sights on.
The fridge sputters, the bulb flickering its last dregs of life. Another task abandoned to my to-do list.
Her Highness trots into the kitchen upon hearing porcelain bump the countertop. The meat beats purple, fresh from the butchers. He’d given it to me as a gesture of goodwill, I’d forgotten my purse and he knows I come in each week. 
I comfort myself in the image of your frown at his kindness.
She paws at me. I embrace her desperation, slicing slower into the meat as she whines and whines… Instinct overcomes her. She jumps at my leg, only to be met with the harsh jolt of my own casting her away.
I drop the meat onto the tiles, the knife into my pocket.
Did you know that pig hearts are compatible with people? They’d managed it on a cripple with heart disease, once the pig had been modified beyond anything divine would conduct. The man lasted a few months longer, a nasty shred of hope for those waiting on transplants.
If I’d needed your heart instead, would you have shared it? 
With her, I assume so. In between your moments of peace and rib-cracking ecstasy, would there still be no room left for me? 
Blood drips through my fingers and the dog lurches.
I haul back, but—
She bites. What else can I do?
I curse you every day I’m stuck with this creature.
I kiss my teeth upon finding the rat's nest in the cupboard and slam the door, swearing at the dog for being beneath my feet.
The rat's fat body springs from the shelf, smacking against the tiles before fleeting through the open door, the dog slipping out behind it. A choir of artless contest ensnares as the pair wrestle in the garden, I offer no help separating them as the dog, equalled in size, catapults the rat across the patio.
For your sake, I seize the match by the collar.
“Leave it!” 
She whines against me, the rat now spine curled and dark hair pointing on end. With each tug my fingers protest her strength, trapped between fleece and collar — this tiny thing, how can she cause so much pain?
Fatigue throbs through my hand, clenched too long.
She breaks her chase to look up at me. Quivering lips peel back to reveal a gruesome smile, teeth pressing through her lips like thorns from a briar. She releases another mewl and my grasp loosens, just as her contender pounces toward her—
She escapes me.
Have you ever watched joy slip through your fingers? And no matter how much you tighten your grip to save it, it keeps going?
That’s kind of what it felt like to love you in the end. 
My hands are still aching.
I plan to spend the rest of the day peeling back the layers of dirt from the house. By chance I spot the rat sliver back inside, hind legs dragging. 
I empty bottles of booze into the recycling, wincing at the echo of glass breaking — as piercing as the twist of your mother's lip upon hearing that we wouldn’t be having children.
“Giving up so soon?” 
I doubt you’ve ever felt the weakness that accompanies having to look a self-appointed god in the eye and tell them you can no longer worship them without stuttering. 
“We’ve no luck for months.” Everything about me apologises.
I hadn’t realised I’d been crying until you pulled me in. You took my face between your palms and tried to suck the nonsense right from my lips. I had forgotten how you had me chained to the rhythm of my natural countdown.
“It’s not too late,” you’d said.
Beneath the sink, the nest births the purest of wars; life versus life, or death, I can’t really tell. The rat, too worn down from the labours of motherhood, seems unable to discern that her body is being torn apart by her children. They bite and claw into her flesh, blood gushing from the wound as though tipped from a jug. 
Her demise has me caught.
Life against life, life against death… 
A mother, against her daughter.
I find that I’m pressing myself into the floor, its coolness as comforting as that day you found me collapsed.
Do you remember?
The blood filled the gaps between the tiles like grout. You slapped my hand away as though I’d drowned them right there in the sink.
The following week, when your mother tapped on the door with the dog in hand, you were all smiles. I saw more from you that day than I’ve ever found in our wedding photos.
The pup quaked on the kitchen tiles, your mother beaming. Pried from her own mother just that morning, you thrust the pup onto me as though to mean something more than a marker of my own failings.
“She’s yours,” you’d said, cradling us as though by cribside, “she belongs to you.”
And at the moment I held her in my arms I knew that she did belong to me, as I belong to my shame.
I knew I would fail her, too.
Aches from the long winter pull me upstairs, naming me bedbound. I barricade myself beneath the sheets and drift off to lullabies from the gutter, creaking with the weight of last summer's foliage.
Inside of sleep, I battle reels from a shocked-white mind — images of an infant’s body breaking their father’s heart and the mother, if she could even call herself that, dragged into the wolf’s den…
Did she hear weeping at the bedside?
My eyes open and she’s watching me from the doorway.
Beady and blackened beyond anything earth-born, her gaze bites. You’d said there was nothing wrong with her look, that that’s how all dogs marvel at their owners. I still disagree.
Her tongue juts through the flaps of her mouth. Placing one paw ahead of the other, she steps into our room.
A rare occurrence, she doesn’t come upstairs without you there.
And then she hops onto our bed, her movements, as ever, soaked in silence. I resist an instinct to reach out to her.
She nestles into the duvet, her contemptuous side-eye doing little to mask how her feeble little body shivers in the cold. I tuck some of the sheets around her, and she jerks as though she’s heard you come in through the front door, as though our house has flooded with warmth...
The knife pokes into my thigh like melted butter. I take it out and press it into the scruff of her neck, wondering if the moment reminded her of her mother.
Eventually, she stops squirming.
I miss the southern breeze that left with you.
— A. K. D
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
💫About The Creator💫
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Name: Tac-the-Unseen (Tac)
Age: 18
Gender: Non-Binary (They, Them, Theirs)
Sexuality: AroAce 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
Nationality: 'Merica 🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🎸🎸
Religion: Born and Raised Pagan 🪄🕯️🔮
Time writing: 9 years total
Star signs: 🌞 Pisces, 🌝 Capricorn, ⬆️ Pisces
More specific:
Favorite type of Music: Mostly Metal and early 00's-00's pop
Favorite genre of movie: Definitely Horror, no contest
Favorite song: Take a Look Around - Limp Bizkit
Favorite Movie(s): I know i just said my favorite genre is horror, but my favorite movie is 1951's Alice in wonderland
Favorite Characters: Cheshire Cat (AIW), David (TLB), Marceline/Marshall Lee (AT), Bill Cipher (GF), Elvira (E:MOTD), Severus Snape (HP), The Hex Girls (SD), I got more but that's a long list
Favorite Band/Artist: Limp Bizkit, SlipKnot, Korn, Type O Negative, Rammstein, Sleep Token, Ghost, Ayesha Erotica, MSI, In this Moment, Lamb of God, Murder dolls, Seether, HELLYEAH, JinJer, + more (I take music seriously lmao)
Favorite Animals: Stingrays, Sharks, Cats, Any Reptile, Skunks, Jaguars, Leopards, probably more
Backstory Stuff:
(I'll just highlight the general Ideas)
I started writing as a Child and just didn't stop. I loved making short stories and yapping about them to my (Poor) Teachers (I'm so sorry😞).
It was the one thing I wasn't being made fun of, so that just filled me with determination. (A few bullies stopped being mean to me after reading my Stories in the 5th grade.) (We weren't friends but they just said sorry and moved on)
Anyway at 12 I started Posting my works (that username is going to hell with me 🔪🩸). My first ever book currently has 17k views.
Now I'm here, Looking to widen my Audience!
Random Trivia:
• On my AO3 account, my most popular book has 24k views :D
• Counting both ears, I have 9 piercings
• I have 4 cats, 2 Dogs, 3 Rats, and a bearded dragon
• I Love Clowns (It's an obsession)
• My Favorite Book is 'Every You, Every Me' by David Leviathan, And it has zero fandom 😭😭😭 (seriously the only thing online about it is reviews) (plz read it 🙏)
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I'll update this time to time, maybe ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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tcfactory · 9 months
hampster, fieldmouse, rat, all of these are valid interps for sqh animal. but i think we should start considering things such as the humble stoat, weasel, and marten. mostly because i think the idea of people noticing weasel sqh's fur is always a little wintery. a genetic thing, of course, or perhaps due to being atop a mountain when he originally comes from somewhere hotter. (also in chinese myths a weasel can steal and replace souls and i think thats funny)
So, I think if SQQ had to pick a mammal to liken SQH to then it would be some kind of rodent - probably some kind of dormouse or a rat - because he underestimates SQH.
If this were an AU where everyone had like animal traits, an animal form or just a critter to represent them, then my hc for him before was a stoat, but now you made me seriously consider the weasel as the most fitting. :D
MBJ is a snow leopard, Shen Jiu was just made to be a fox (meanwhile Shen Yuan is a spoiled indoor cat which would lead to a bunch of confusion and immediately give him away in the scenario where the transmigration happens), but I'm not quite sure about Yue Qi. (I love capybara energy YQY, but let's be honest, capybaras are just way too harmless for someone who can go fight a heavenly demon) Chow Chow could be a good animal for him I guess, because that dog just looks so damn cuddly and sweet, but as far as I could find they were used to hunt wolves and leopards, which is fitting for our super-powerful sect leader.
Liu Qingge is a clouded leopard. TLJ s a wolf, LBH is a wolf hybrid. Snake nephew is still a snake. SXY was a hunting dog of sorts.
...You know, in this scenario MQF could be the resident capybara. WQW is a pangolin, obviously. I'm all out of ideas about the others thought. XD
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coffee-in-veins · 10 months
Reynauld: 🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? 💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.) 🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
For Dismas: 🗺️ - What languages do they speak? 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? 🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
And for the Heiress :D 🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
Thank you for the ask! And such an interesting one at that ^^
Sorry I couldn't answer earlier, IRL was rather hectic oTL not to mention that i got sick like a dog and could barely sit up...
Reynauld: 🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
He would never understand how and why people can have anything against horses. Horses are amazing! They are big, they're warm, they can carry you into the heat of battle, they're great for trampling people... what's not to love? He had been kicked by a horse but still feels like they are completely harmless, and Dis had to suffer more time sitting through Rey passionately describing a horse's chest than he has booze to make it any tolerable.
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
This one made me check all my notes and all my writing, and it looks like, for once, he doesn't have such a thing. But he has a particular verbal tick where he switches to ye old english with thy and thus and thee when he's particularly angry or irritated. However, I think "Light" or "Light above" with different expressions can fit that bill. Rey uses it constantly, where it fits and sometimes where it doesnt.
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
Being a formerly noble man, Rey knows a plethora of languages with various degree of mileage in each one. He mostly forgot those he doesn't use, but he had learned English, French, German, Italian and Latin. He also knows some Arabic and some Greek but those are very surface level knowledge, and this in addition makes him wince when he hears Alhazred.
Currently, by the order of usage and fluency, he knows English, Latin, German and French.
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
This one is pure headcanon, be warned, but: English and Ukrainian because I headcanon him as a sorta immigrant to... wherever the hell Hamlet is. Would explain why no one knows who he is or where he came from, only what he did.
Also buzzing of bloodsuckers and a few brigand slangs, if those count.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Dismas has a crippling zoophobia. Doesn't matter if it's a mouse or an elephant, if it's an animal, it scares him. He tries his best to hide it so he wouldn't be mocked, and most of the time his fear is masked by hatred and anger - but yeah, if a house cat were to sleep on his lap, he'd have a fear-induced heart attack.
Obviously, that doesn't bode well with the image of "tough as nails" brigand he is trying to keep up, so he is embarrassed of it.
Also he likes to rhyme and read, but again, it clashes with his "tough rogue" image, so very few people know about it. Surprisingly, Alhazred knows he likes to read (and had to swear to keep silent about it with a knife to his throat, but those are details).
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Dis is so unbelivably skilled in caring for other creatures that he'd end up with a dead pet rock if he tried to have one. The best he managed so far is a pet rat skull. So... yeah...
If he were to settle down, he'd genuinely try to learn caring about vegetation (because food, duh), but this would be through sheer questionable determination, tenacity and gritted teeth. He has an anti-gift but he will make it work, goddamnit, because he likes to cook and wants to eat something decent.
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
Oh, this one took me by surprise, thank you for remembering her! ^^
She has a few, both of which are hinted in the fics she is in. Firstly, she likes to make bets with the Heart of Darkness about the current run of the estate (this is how I envision "achievements" in-universe). She makes bets on some heroes surviving or some things done, and this is her and the Ancestor's way to spend their shared cursed eternity together.
Secondly, she likes to optimise things. Her idea of fun are spreadsheets and calculations, penning down pages upon pages upon pages of number crunching and trying to shave off a few more coins here and there, or a week off the run. In one of her scenes, she's petting her ledger, as if it was alive. Because to her, it is one of the closest entities she has. Depressing as it is.
Lastly, she has a way of entertaining herself in the way of Wishes, which were mentioned in the RRR. Basically, she offers a hero who did something outstanding (like slaying a boss or bringing back some rare trinket) a wish: something they want either to have or to do, or to not do. And it amuses her to see how petty or how selfless heroes can be. She keeps a long list of comparisons of every wish her hired muscles ever made, and it entertains her to see if there are any patterns in them.
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menyria · 1 year
100 Questions to get to know me - I was bored ok
1. Are you a morning or night person? Morning. 2. Are you afraid of the dark? Nah, depends on the situation. 3. Are you an extrovert or introvert? Mostly extrovert. 4. Are you double jointed? Nope. 5. Are you left or right handed? Right! 6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? A little of both! More messy I believe! 7. Are you on time or always late? I was always late to school, but now I’m tend to be in time mostly! 8. Are you ticklish? On some part of my body :l 9. Can you curl your tongue? Yaaaaas 10. Can you ice skate? A little, was better when I was younger! 11. Can you wiggle your ears? Yeah ;D 12. Coffee or tea? Both! 13. Cookies, cake or donuts? Cookies!!! 14. Did you ever participate in a talent show? I believe so, like once? 15. Did you go to prom? Yes, it was kinda boring though. 16. Did you like school? I loved High school due to my amazing class! 17. Do you believe in ghosts? Sometimes. 18. Do you bite your nails? Nope. 19. Do you consider yourself a good cook? Yeah sure haha 20. Do you enjoy dancing? Love dancing ;u; 21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? Yeah, but I do not craft things that often! 22. Do you forgive easily? Hum, depends on the situation. 23. Do you have a nickname? Aye! Moon moon, moon, Tea and Menyria! 24. Do you have any allergies? A little towards wasps! 25. Do you have any phobias? Hights :O 26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Earings and a yin and yang tattoo! 27. Do you have children? Nope! 28. Do you have pets? Two cats named Link and Zelda! 29. Do you have siblings? Little and bigger brother! 30. Do you prefer dogs or cats? Both are nice! 31. Do you prefer Mac or PC? PC! 32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Mountains. 33. Do you prefer to bath or shower? Bath!!! 34. Do you sing in the shower? Yes ofc! 35. Do you smoke? Nope! 36. Do you speak any different languages? Eh, only Swedish and English. 37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? I have 3 left. 38. Do you still watch cartoons? Ofc I do :o 39. Do you/have you played any sports? Yeh, Kung Fu, circus and dance. 40. Does your name have a special meaning? Altea means “The healer” 41. Have you ever been hospitalized? Nope! 42. Have you ever been on a diet? Not specificly, but I have been eating less sugar at some points. 43. Have you ever been to a concert? Yeah my first one was this year 3023 lmao! 51. If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? Trip to Hobbiton :o 52. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Still in Sweden I think XD 53. Were you ever a scout or a brownie? Noo 54. What city were you born in? Västerås! 55. What did you last eat? A left over hamburger 56. What did you want to be when you were younger? A vet 57. What do you do on a typical Friday night? Meet friends, watch some show, game, write, play dnd I guess. 58. What is one food that you refuse to eat? Olives. 59. What is one item on your bucket list? Be a naked modell at some point huh 60. What is one item you can’t live without? Phone 61. What is your shoe size? 39 EU 62. What movie have you watched repeatedly? How to train your dragon 1 63. What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? Android 64. What should you be doing right now? Maybe the dishes... 65. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? Get into the school I wana go to! 66. What’s one of your pet peeves? WHen Something I’m looking forward to gets cancelled the last second. 67. What’s the last song you’ve listened to? K/DA - popstars 68. What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? My ish-renessance dress. 69. What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? Phone. 70. What’s your best physical feature? Eyes and butt UwU 71. What’s your Chinese sign? RAT!!! IIIAHH 72. What’s your current obsession? My crush idgghhhjjjjkk I need to stop, cringeeeeeeeeee 73. What’s your dream car? Like a pickup with a lot of space and four wheel driven.  74. What’s your favourite animal? WOOOOOLF YAO 75. What’s your favourite book? Eragon or Acotar 76. What’s your favourite colour? Purple 77. What’s your favourite dessert? Vanilla hearts 78. What’s your favourite drink? Chai latte 79. What’s your favourite food? Something with cheese 80. What’s your favourite foreign food? Idk bro 81. What’s your favourite gadget? My penguin D20 dice 82. What’s your favourite hobby? Drawing 83. What’s your favourite movie? Narnia 84. What’s your favourite restaurant? Idk brooo 85. What’s your favourite sandwich? Something with cheese 86. What’s your favourite season? FALL!!!!! 87. What’s your favourite series? Avatar the last airbender. 88. What’s your favourite snack? Chocolate 89. What’s your favourite sport to watch? I do not have one lmao 90. What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? Pancakes ;3
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
For the wild card... what was your least favorite question out of all of these to answer?
 Do you have freckles?  i think? Yeah? Only like a few tho
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it?  hohoooo your gonna regret asking me this question >:3 For Tea I have a very specific tea brand I always buy and it’s the Arizona Green Tea Diet and then yknow occasional Peace Tea and on some occasions tea leaves. For Coffee when it’s at Starbucks I get one Grande size Vanilla Iced (Gay) Latte with 2 Splendas and almond milk! At home though I just brew up some coffee and put creamer and vanilla unsweetened almond milk with a 1:3 ratioish and a spoonful of Splenda.
What was the last song you listened to?  The entire Nimona album lol
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?  Back or Side because I rotate but never directly on the stomach
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?  Yes. The amount changes tho. But rn I have a stuffed animal called Rat Cat and then my dog 🐶
Do you prefer drawing or writing?  they equally suck
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?  i always always always have to sleep with a very specific blanket for my anxiety and that’s really all I need
What’s your favorite band/artist?  errrrr Lovejoy or Lemon Demon or Mother Mother?
When is your birthday? Not sharing that but my fake one is March 7th
How tall are you? Like 5’2”
What color are your eyes? Very dark brown (boring Ik)
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? My Irl friends and my sister
Fears? Bugs, Spiders, T h e D a r k
What’s your favorite color? Purple obvs 💜
What’s your favorite season? Fall, because depending on where you are it’s so wonderful and the weather is perfect and everything is so pretty and also it’s SPOOKY SEASON 🎃
Want any tattoos? What of? Many. Idk how many but my basics are a sibling tattoo with my sister, a matching tattoo with my mom that I’ve already designed, a star, sun, and moon tattoo with my sister and my mom, a snake or two somewhere, some flowers maybe, a semicolon, etc
Want any piercings? Where? YES. Lots of places! I want to deck out my ears, probably get some nose piercings, lip piercings, eyebrow piercings, and then idk from there
Who is the last person you texted? My friend
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? I used to but not anymore
What/who do you miss? My sister
How was your day today? Well I woke up like 2 minutes ago
How much sleep did you get last night? Idk man I just pass out whenever
Do you believe in aliens? Idk theirs probably smth else besides us on this dingy space rock
When was the last time you cried? Why? When I sneezed 6 times in a row a minute ago
What’s your favorite decade? Hmmmmm. Idk. Early 2000’s maybe, 60’s-80’s seem cool
What are some seemingly childish things you like? Stuffed animals, ‘kids’ shows, wanting to play on swing sets
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? Uhhh Idk if this is my favorite but I really really like the book series called Strange The Dreamer!
How are you, really? Idk
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? I’m extremely indecisive
What are you looking forward to in the near future? Doing some musicals/plays, Halloween, seeing my sister again, going to a con
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? Moving lol, hopefully finding a partner
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? My home state Colorado
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? Who- who sleeps with it open? Ew. Closed.
What’s your favorite flower? I don’t have one 🤷🏼‍♀️
Do you currently have a squish?  😎 🤏🤨🕶️🤏 a what. Okay after a quick google search this looks like a QPR. I used to but not rn
Do you like your middle name? I love it! It holds a lot of meaning to it and it’s actually the name I choose after realizing I’m trans (and also I generally hated my first name)
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Im allergic to cats so I have to say dogs but I love cats. But snakes are number one 🐍
Do you have any phobias? Arachnophobia
Do you stay up late? Well let’s just say im daggers friend from two days ago
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? Hate the beach. Clouds all the way. Mountains are THE BEST
What’s your favorite cartoon? The Owl House 🦉
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs @bloodied-dagger @el-fandom-birb @haystarlight@imhumanguysiswear@stars-and-birds@threegoblinart@childlikegoblinqueen@artkittycatty@tardismama@fandomsandflyingstingrays@rosy-tickles@ALL OF MY MUTUALS
Do you have siblings? How many? Uh I have two blood related sisters, two step brothers, and one brother in law
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? My dog probably. Other than that my mom
Is there anyone you would die for? My sister, my dog, my friends, my parents
What do you need when you’re sad? Happiness lol. Naw in all seriousness my dog
Have you memorized your phone number? If you haven’t I hope you like dying
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? My sister 
What does your last text say? “Oh”
My least favorite question was all of them because I woke up 6 minutes ago why am I doing this
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pvtchurch · 1 year
doing this bc I saw @mickschumachergf & @pink-car do it xx
1. were you named after anyone: I'm not sure a goddess (irl name) or a book character (online name) count as a real person. so no (also I just say that I am named for a goddess when in reality it was my mom looking at a list of indian names that could be used for a girl and didnt end in A)
2. when was the last time you cried: at my graduation ceremony the other day. just teared up for a minute, you know
3. do you have kids: ha, no
4. do you use sarcasm a lot: yes in fact it's starting to get annoying because people always assume I'm being sarcastic/mean when I say genuine things :')
5. what sports do you play/have you played: had a stint as an endurance runner for a good few months until I got ✨injured✨
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people: not a clue sorry
7. scary movies or happy endings: SCARY MOVIES MY BELOVED!!!
8. any special talents: being a blogger on the internet
9. where were you born: montréal baby (so if you see me hating on the leafs, that's just my blood talking. also any english mistakes I make can be excused)
10. what are your hobbies: drawing reading writing... SINGING... music :D also I have an osu addiction which is worth noting
11. do you have any pets: a dog a cat and soon I'm gonna get 2 rats :3
12. how tall are you: 160 cm 😭
13. favorite subject: I hate all of them equally
14. dream job: well if I could start by finally making a commission sheet that would help... but idk, wish I didnt have to work, but we live in a society, so. I'm pretty excited about what I'm going in for college (web design/graphic design/editing)
15. eye color: brown baby!!
once again not tagging anybody but feel free to tag me if you do it 😁
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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The Drinky Crow Show #1: “Mermaid” | May 13, 2007 - 11:45PM | S00E01
Well, fuck me. It’s The Drinky Crow Show.
The Drinky Crow Show (or The Drinky Crow Show, as some people call it) debuted during the Night of 1000 Pilots. Based on the comic strip Maakies by Tony Millionaire. I like Maakies! I got some of them books! I just reached up and grabbed one and read a few random ones in the middle, it was nice. Unfortunately for anyone who happened to tune in for The Drinky Crow Show, they were treated to a mild approximation of it using sub-par animation. It’s so bad that I couldn't even tell you if the writing’s good or not. 
This uses 3-D modeled animation that is meant to resemble a hand-drawn look. It doesn’t. It looks like shit. It will be the main focus of this review: this show looks like shit. It hurts my eyes. I hate it!
Drinky Crow is voiced by Dino Stamatopoulos, and he’s good. Uncle Gabby is voiced by David Herman, and his voice is maybe a tad too cartoony for me. I don’t know, I like my cartoon voices to be somewhat grounded in reality. He sounds too much like Dog from Cat Dog for my liking. There’s other characters, like the captain. Drinky and Uncle Gabby seem to be shipmates with a sea captain and their job seems to be that of deckhands, though sometimes they become the first line of defense when the French alligators attack the ship. The captain has a sexy daughter that is the object of Uncle Gabby’s affection. They seem to have a sorta-secret relationship going.
There’s violent flourishes on this show that exist as sort of a throwback to early cartoons. Maakies takes place in a vaguely “timeless” world, which to most people seems to mean the turn of the 20th Century. But it could also be current-day, taking place in an alternate reality where nothing aesthetically advanced beyond the early 20th century. So the cartoons back then were more cartoony. In this episode several fatal actions take place only to be brushed aside. Drinky Crow blows his brains out in front of us, forlorn because of a newly dissolved romantic relationship. His head is blown to bits, but then in the next show he’s suddenly in-tact. 
It’s important to note that back when cartoons were new, they were almost always presented as “moving drawings”. The earliest animated films were often depicted in live-action, with cartoons being shown to exist on an artist’s easel. Cartoons slowly became more immersive, and jokes involving, say, an artist’s pencil coming into the scene and erasing some prison bars for our hero or drawing a weapon to help a character fight back against a villain weren’t so much a boundary-breaking meta gag or non-sequitur as much as they were just a little nod to their roots. Jokes like this weren’t that subversive; they were almost customary.
Silent cinema was also more expressive as a function of the technological limitations. Cartoons were like Newspaper cartoons, but moving, and visual gags would happen that would represent a more grounded emotion. Let’s say a character is depressed, but it’s the era of talkies. That character can go up to another character and tell them “I am depressed”. Mickey Mouse would rather pull a gun out and put it in his mouth and pull the trigger to let you know this. 
The terrible 3D modeled computer animation is so at odds with this ethos, that you get a sense that the real reason this cartoon wound up how it did was because there was a budget, but Tony Millionaire wanted to put in a Hot Tub at his house, and he realized that he’d have to grease some palms at city hall to shove the permits through so he can start breaking ground sooner than later. So instead of making the show look good, which is a SIGNATURE THING ABOUT HIS COMIC STRIP IS THAT IT IS DRAWN VERY WELL, he decided to allocate most of the show’s budget towards the tub. It’s the only reasonable explanation I can think of. 
This was the second-most-voted pilot. Can you imagine!
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Maakies: “The Mermaid Rat” (Saturday Night Live segment, October 3, 2007)
I forgot to say anything about the real plot of The Drinky Crow Show. It involves a mermaid. This does too, sorta. The Drinky Crow Show is in fact the second (that I know of) adaptation of Maakies. The First were a pair of cartoons that were created for Saturday Night Live in the late 90s. Andy Richter is the voice of Drinky Crow in these. I was going to track down the airdates for the others, but EH! Somebody else can do it!!
Apparently they made more than what aired on SNL, and all of the produced cartoons are some compilation called God Hates Cartoons. Did not know that! NEAT! Anyway, these are crappier than I remembered, but I still like them better.
I should have answered this immediately after this post
actually i think they got the idea from "it wasn't me" by shaggy and not some old people movie. duh!
Hey! Come on!
Sorry. I should have also thought of an actual response.
superjail, the rare show with TWO good theme songs that arent just a riff on the original. can you think of any others?
I’m gonna go with The Drew Carey Show only because they had like 9 theme songs and I’m guessing at least two of them were good. Probably none of them were good, actually.
Uh, how about MONK lol
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
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I posted 24,431 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#first of its bees schnees so that knocks off a bunch of views then yang has a d even more gone then its also smut by now ive got three peop
My Top Posts in 2022:
That fox is clearly to skinny and has mange you need to call animal control and not post about it promoting false ideas that that's a healthy fox
Oh wow. Okay it's fine, it's a teaching moment, let's talk about foxes.
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So anon here is talking about this fox I caught on a trail cam in my yard. It's a red fox, a very pretty one too, but is it too skinny? Well first thing first, this fox has it's summer coat, not it's winter coat which leaves them looking much bigger than they are
See the full post
427 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
I zoomed in so you could see the hilarity of this toad walking through the leaf litter. I love him so much.
446 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
In honor of Friday the 13th, I think we deserve some black cat facts!
(it also gives me a chance to show off my kit😅)
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We've all heard the myths and ledgends of how black cats are bad luck, but how did that come to be? To understand that, we need to see how it all started.
Of course, one of the earliest connections between cats and humans is ancient Egypt, cats often being seen as divine symbols. There was even an Egyptian goddess, Bastet, who had the head of a cat and a slender female body. She was the goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health.
But how did they fall from divinity to being bad luck?
Well, they appear in Greek mythology, specifically related to Hecate, who is the goddess of magic, sorcery, the moon and witchcraft. Hecate was described as having a cat as both a pet and a familiar. (Y'know, the thing witches have in European folklore)
You can probably guess where it's going from here, but why did Europe end up hating them so much?
Well, it was the church (Shocking I know). The church insisted black cats were the incarnation of Satan.
It's also heavily linked to paganism which, as the church grew in power, pagans were considered direct threats to the church and thus accused of being witches.
My personal favorite quote is "Cats, like the women accused of witchcraft, tend to exhibit a healthy disrespect of authority" "They don't fawn, like dogs, upon even the unworthy. In the church, neither independent women, nor independent animals, were to be tolerated."
Of course we know Europe did more than that, but what else was there?
Well for one, they blamed the cats for the bubonic plague and started killing them on sight. Unfortunately we now know it wasn't the cats but the fleas on the rats and with very few cats to kill the rats, the plague spread like wild fire.
That superstition of a black cat crossing your path? Yeah that was also the church. It was supposed that if a black cat crossed your path it could have been a witch sending it's familiar to harm you. Similarly they believed it could have been the devil themself. So these peasants would run to the nearest church to ask for blessings. Naturally the church used this, encouraged it, and endorsed these 'bad omens'
These beliefs were of course brought over to America causing the Salem witch trials and countless more deaths of both people and black cats.
See the full post
514 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Pyrrha had to die before Ironwood became a 'bad guy' because she would absolutely destroy him thanks to her semblance
529 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Actually I think that we should stop questioning other people's sexuality based on how they present, and I mean everyone. This includes straight cis people. If a straight woman wants to dress more masc she should be able to! If a straight cis man wants to dress more feminine he should be able to! You shouldn't automatically assume someone's sexuality because of how they dress and act.
3,995 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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mcrmadness · 2 years
Between everything you enjoy (drawing, writing, music bands, animals, etc.) what is the thing you care most about, and why?
Owwww, now you asked a really difficult question! I like a nice balance between them all, but I think the two strongest ones are: animals and drawing/arts/creativity.
I don't know if I can put them in order tho, as they are so different from each other and both are things I have grown up with, and without which I would not be able to live.
More under the cut:
Basically I like other animals more than I like humans. Especially cats. You can always, always trust them in being honest. They rarely fake anything, but what's more important is that they will be honest about how they are feeling and they will show if they care about you and they are never just pretending to like you. They also show it if they don't like you, and animals are great at sensing which people are not that friendly with animals. Our late dog was super good at spotting people like these, she had never really met my cousin's boyfriend's dad but when she did, she just disliked him and did not want to go near him at all - and he did not really like animals and isn't the nicest around them despite also having a dog. And our late dog generally liked all people, and she had only a few (usually men) that she seemed to be afraid of right from the first second of seeing them. And she never ever liked those men.
And then the arts. Like, I have been drawing ever since I was able to hold a pen. There are papers in a folder my mom collected about me for the first 3,5 years of my life before my younger siblings were born, and occasionally I had been drawing things too. Nothing particular since I was a toddler, but some of them look eerily like faces. And I had some phase where everything I was drawing was either ghosts or boogeymen or similar monsters but looks like I was rather liking those than being afraid of them. I don't even know where I picked those up, unless it was from the Moomin tv series, even tho the Groke was very scary :D (The Groke's Finnish name, Mörkö, is also the Finnish word for "boogeyman"!)
So like. Drawing and arts have obviously has always been very important hobby to me and still continue to be that. It's a way of expressing myself, and to feel good about myself. Especially nowadays after I got over the teenage-perfectionism and understood that the process of making art is not just going uphill, but it's series of uphills and downhills and you're always going uphill eventually. Sure it comes with the problem of "do I have the audience and if not, will I ever find my audience?" People keep telling me that I will find my audience, but when it just doesn't happen, you start to lose hope and start to look for errors not only in your art, but also in yourself. You can always turn it around and think "well I'm just different and have different taste", but it will always keep coming back to you questioning yourself and wondering if it could actually be that there's just something wrong with you instead of you just being quirky and unique. So, it's an isolating feeling at its worst. Constant rollercoaster between these two ends.
Anyway, because of what I just said, I think I'm gonna answer to this: animals. Working with horses was the best kind of therapy I have ever had. Cats make me laugh and happy. Dogs are nice too even tho I'm more of a cat person (and no dog is like how our late dog was, still missing her every day <3). Horses are amazing. Rats are fun too. I like all animals really. I just like existing in the same room with them, watching them and maybe communicating with them. I wish to see elephants some day. I already saw giraffes in Berlin zoo which was amazing - we were there too late so we did not see the elephants, but at least the giraffe house was still open! So yeah. Animals. They're so much better than humans and have never betrayed me.
Thanks for the ask! ^^ /gen
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