#look at those squishy cheeks!!!
golden-girl-daisy · 1 month
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gallaghersgal · 1 month
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he looked so silly here. i wanna kiss his cute little face :((
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kittyb1tz · 1 year
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theyellowhue · 2 years
im gonna bite his cheeks!!!
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stellawish · 3 months
the sweetest thing
i’m just obsessed with dad!gojo :> genre: fluff, domestic life pairing: dad!gojo x mom!reader
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"...3, 4, 5. Here are our little fingers! Om-nom-nom!" You hear your son giggled. Seeing his reaction, Satoru continued, "Mmm so delicious! Ah, those cheeks! I’m gonna eat them now" He poked the baby's cheeks and began to smooch them. In response, the little boy was covered with another wave of giggles.
Satoru heard you enter the bedroom and turned with a gentle smile. You climbed onto the large bed and lay down on your stomach, right next to them. You gently stroked the soft white hair on your son's head while Satoru continued to shower his plump belly with kisses and tickling. The kid saw you and pulled his chubby little hands in your direction. In his eyes, you saw a plea, help me mommy!
You giggled and touched Satoru's shoulder. He raised his head and looked at you with his rosy cheeks. His lips folded into a smile. He looked absolutely beautiful.
You couldn't resist and reached out to him for a kiss. He met you halfway. Your lips gently touched. The kiss expressed gratitude for the gift of happiness and love. Your hand lightly stroked his shoulder.
In the background your baby cooed, and you briefly separated. You pecked his lips once more and then turned your attention to your little boy. His long white eyelashes fluttered a couple of times, and he smiled toothlessly at you, exposing his dimples.
You poked his chubby cheek with your finger and cooed, "Aren't you the cutest baby in the whole world?" He caught your finger in his little palm and squealed. Satoru lightly tickled his exposed tummy, and the baby giggled
"Satoru, stop pestering him! My poor baby," you exclaimed.
He whined back, "But babe, I can't! Look at him! Our baby is so cute and so squishy I wanna eat him." To prove his words, Gojo bit the little boy's chubby thigh. Your baby squeaked.
Maybe it's biased, but you do think that your baby is the most precious baby you've ever seen.
You cooed while kissing his little hand. "You look so much like Daddy! I carried you in my tummy for 9 months, but even shape of your nails are exactly like his." You feigned resentment and pouted.
Satoru wrapped his right arm around you and continued to whine."But baby, is it so bad that he looks like me? Look." He moved his face closer to his son’s and said,
"Look, aren’t we the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life?" His eyebrows expressed sadness, but you could see mischief in his blue eyes.
He batted his white eyelashes a couple of times, and his pink lips twitched and stretched into a wide smile; his dimples became even more noticeable. To his left, the exact same smiling eyes, thin nose, and dimples looked at you.
Of course, it was the sweetest thing you've ever seen.
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more dad!gojo HERE
hey guys! this is my first work here so please be nice) English isn’t my first language so there could be some grammar errors etc.
dividers by 2. @enchanthings
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
TW: yandere, obsessive behaviour/thoughts, implied stalking, manipulation
gn reader
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Thinking about those yanderes who play the good guy – those yanderes who play it slow and safe – who take their sweet time gaining their your trust…
That calculative yandere who views you as not something to own but to earn – like a sweet-deserved prize he can taste on his tongue right before barreling over the finish line – all eager thrill and heart-blown triumph and such sweet bliss once he's crossed it, out of breath and forgetting everything else in the world.
Oh, and he's been so good – so fucking perfect these last months – the best – all according to plan – and now he’s finally going to get a taste, that victorious taste – allowed to bask in it, to roll it around his tongue, run it through his teeth – finally feel it between his hands, rake and dig his fingers into it and never let it go. 
He’s been sweet and soft and kind – so well-behaved – so boyfriendly – acting like the two of you were slowly getting to know each other even when he already knows you better than you know yourself. You’re so cute – every single squishy detail about you is just so cute.
He can barely hold it together, nearly shaking in vigor as you position yourself on his lap when the credits to the movie you’d been watching started rolling – soft music playing sweetly in the background – black screen throwing the room into an intimate dark, one that calls for certain things you do in the night, and hopefully dark enough to hide what positively red rouge tinted his cheeks as he felt you press down on where something was sleeping beneath the layers of his clothes.
He was beyond ready, beyond starving – hands so very frigid yet still with a practiced touch remained steady and deceptively calm as he placed them on your hips, grabbing onto the ample soft skin found at your waist – suppressing the urge to squeeze and settling for slowly messaging in careful meandering strokes instead. 
Even though he felt like attacking – like pouncing and trapping, like ripping clothes off – he knew that wasn't the way to win. No, he couldn’t let the mask slip – needs to keep playing the role.
His hand stirred again, ascending, perhaps too wantonly – but you didn't seem to mind as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear – feeling his labored finger-pads trace your jaw, swiping over your lips, cupping your chin, pressing into the plump squishy flesh of your cheeks, making you pout. 
He couldn't hold back the impulse that sent his tongue to swipe over his lips but quickly found a way to save himself. Asking, “Are you ready?” as though actually giving you a choice – voice as calm as he could muster, trying to withhold the strained timber of hormones that fought so badly to be satiated.
“I’m ready.” You say weakly – head bowed to look at him with eyes big and glorious.
He tilted his head to the side, pulling you in with a gracious touch when leaning forward to kill the space between your lips – smoothly brushing his stiff lips against your pillowy-soft ones – slightly parting to receive another greeting, and again and again with more and more pressure for every meeting, quite like the increasing drumming of your pulse. 
He pulled away to search your eyes, suddenly realizing his hand had slipped to wrap around your neck – but all that stared back at him were eyes full of trust – a look he couldn't help but want to devour. You’re so cute, so cute, so cute, cute, cute…
He pushed his lips back onto yours, kissing you more earnestly and desperately than before. 
The arm kept around your waist moved, also in favor of rising to head level, gently cupping your cheek as he deepened the kiss. Letting out a rugged groan when prying your mouth open.
You leaned away from the sudden boyish hunger, but his tongue slipped inside your mouth and tangled with yours anyway – making you go still as a statue until you let slip a tiny meager whimper. 
He gently rubbed your cheek at the sound – still holding you close with his words hotly purred on your lips, “Shh, Pumpkin – I won’t bite.” 
There was a look in his eyes you didn’t recognize – pooling with a predatory heat that caused a surprisingly pleasant shiver to slide up your spine, though not withholding the squeal of panic as he spun the two of you around and dropping you carefully on your back.
Now looming above you, with tenfold more control of what he had earlier.
His index finger stroked your chin before raising it for you to look up at him... or maybe for him to look down at you – enjoying the sight of you in all your flushed and bashful glory. 
It’s a different feeling than seeing you smile and laugh, different from looking at you in the hope you’d look back at him – no longer chasing but having his prey caught, ready to sink his teeth in. 
His other hand stroked a wisp of hair behind your ear as the locks had gone wild in the tumble, yet again groping your face as he leaned in closer. 
He pressed his lips against yours again – and though surprised and with a heart beating like a hummingbird, you slid your own hand around his waist, the other tangled in the short hairs at the back of his neck, legs climbing up his back, hooking over his hips and pulling him closer.
You felt his lips curl up into a smirk – before he drew his mouth from yours in favor of kissing a trail of pecks down your jaw, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, drooling with such suppressed lust, he groaned into the dip between your shoulder and neck – unsure if he could hold back once he started feeling the blood rush and pump, causing something to fatten in his slacks – unsure if you were ready to take all that he wanted to give you – unsure if you were willing to give all he wanted to take.
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BNHA – Bakugou, Shoto, Shinso, Dabi, Hawks
JJK – Geto, Gojo, Choso, Yuji, Megumi, Yuuta
HQ – Tsukishima, Kuro, Oikawa, Sakusa, Miya twins
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dadsbongos · 3 months
local adventurers get body swapped and fuck sloppy style
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2.5 K words / warnings - unprotected pinv sex, fem body for reader, oral (m+f receiving), slight choking, pwp, not super proofread
summary - something something marcille and senshi need medicinal herbs… its not important. you and chilchuck and laios get it on in each other's bodies
“Laios, I don’t know if you should touch those…”
“He definitely shouldn’t!”
Laios touches the vibrant orange flower petals, grazing his fingertips from the outer curl towards the neon yellow stigma, “I think if I press right here, then…”
“Laios!” Chilchuck shrieks at the same time you gasp, “No!”
A yellow powder spews from the now gaping stigma, clogging Laios’ entire head. In your shared panic to rescue the man, you and Chilchuck also inhale traces of the pollen. It tastes unexpectedly sweet, like ripe apples fresh from their tree -- it’s also incredibly disorienting. Head spinning and throat tight, you’re forced to clench your eyes while stumbling for either of the familiar bodies you’d arrived with.
You find one -- cold metal flattening your palm, though it’s strange -- what you’re touching is only the waist of Laios’ cuirass, but you’re reaching up. Your fingers just barely graze the lip of his arm opening.
Certain you’re not kneeling, and now uncertain that you’re sane, you open your eyes to gaze into the beaming reflection of… yourself. But this version of you has her hands skimming down her sides, nails biting the pouch over your tummy.
Glancing up, you find brown fingerless gloves covering your hand. You also find that you have to really stretch your neck to look up at Laios, who is staring down at you with a disturbed flinch.
It's your own voice that heeds, “Yeah?”
Slowly, you swing your(?) head to face yourself, eyes wide, “Laios?”
With an uncertain, shivery hand, you point up at the armored blonde, “Chilchuck…?”
Laios’ voice whispers back your name before gently pleading, “Get out of my body…”
“I don’t know how!” you wail, tugging on brown hair just to feel the sting that confirms this isn’t some horrible nightmare, “Laios, what’d you do?!”
“If you squeeze this flower right, then it goes into self-defense mode and releases a pollen-like substance that switches people’s souls and bodies. Pretty neat, right?” his excitement with the flower is interrupted by a more carnal curiosity, “Can I feel?” he hovers your own hands over your chest and makes a squeezing motion, “I wonder if they’re as squishy as they look?”
“Yay,” he murmurs, immediately latching to your chest, “Your breasts are so soft, and warm.”
“Thanks,” your naturally gentle tonation sounds odd, dissonant with Chilchuck’s agitated and shrill voice.
“Don’t let him fondle you!” Chilchuck, bizarrely, sounds natural in Laios’ body. Loud and resolute, “That’s so inappropriate!”
“I don’t mind, Chilchuck, really.”
“And don’t say my name with my own voice!”
“I wonder how you feel inside.”
Disturbed, you and Chilchuck’s heads turn toward where Laios continues to grope your (his?) chest -- his breaths shortening to gasps and lip sucked between his teeth.
“What’d you just say?” Chilchuck points a shaky finger at Laios.
If Laios finds looking himself in the face strange, he makes no indication. Merely beaming at Chilchuck in his body and shrugging while squeezing your boobs, “Isn’t it so cool that just pollen can swap us so perfectly? Why wouldn’t we try to explore each other’s bodies in a situation like this?”
Chilchuck’s embarrassment makes Laios’ cheeks flare red hot, an annoyed huff spiking past his clenched teeth, “It’ll only make things worse for the party in the long run! Inter-party romance is a terrible idea!”
“It’s not romance, just investigation.”
Before a punch can be thrown from the flustered Chilchuck, you lay a lithe hand on either man’s shoulder (pushing into the back of your mind how strange it is to call a hand smaller than your own yours), “Laios, you have to see how strange that sounds to people not as… curious as you.”
“But I’ve always wanted to know how your bodies work,” Laios frowns, “I get that we’re all humans, so it's basically the same thing and not as interesting, but when it comes to you two I just can’t help it. I want to know how soft your mouths are and how your joints roll in action,” he then peers specifically at Chilchuck, batting your lashes pathetically, “Especially your body, Chil, since I rarely see you do more than deactivate traps.”
“That’s because that’s my job! I don’t fight!”
“Chilchuck, he’s not judging you,” you move the hand on his shoulder down to his hand, Laios’ large palm massively overwhelming Chilchuck’s -- you’re captivated by the difference, “If Laios had a problem with you not fighting, I’m sure you wouldn’t still be in the party.”
“I just want to know how you both feel,” you could cringe at the sound of your voice saying something so naughty, but for the sake of Laios’ feelings you don’t, “Inside and out.”
“Did you consider how that’d be for us? Having to look our own faces in their face during something like that.”
“Like what? I just want to poke,” Laios stretches your fingers with a wiggle, “Maybe some fingering.”
That’d be more believable if Laios wasn’t such a terrible liar, his tells making your back straightening impossibly and knees buckling. Laios starkly dodges both yours and Chilchuck’s scrutinizing stares.
“We know you better than that. You’ll wanna go all out,” despite your inclination to give Laios the benefit of doubt, you’re forced to nod alongside Chilchuck’s accusation.
“Is that so bad?”
Is it?
You’re not as anatomically intrigued as Laios (at least pretends to be), but you can’t lie to yourself and say the men aren’t attractive. Laios is beefy yet kind, piercing amber eyes and soft blonde hair -- his arms look perfect for holding you down as he impales you with his cock. Chilchuck is slight and nimble, big brown eyes with thick lashes and silver hairs sprinkled through brown locks -- his dominable frame would be easy to ride until he’s got tears in his eyes and pleas flowing from his fussy lips.
“I don’t think so,” you move, stepping over to Laios’ side, “I think it could be worth a try.”
“No way!” Chilchuck glares at you for your betrayal, “There is no chance I’d ever do something so depraved!”
“This is so weird…” Chilchuck whines from Laios’ throat, throwing an arm over his eyes to block out the sight before him.
You, in Chilchuck’s own body, knelt beside Laios occupying your body as you both lick over his flushed erection. Laios seems to show no shyness, eagerly teasing your soft lips across his skin until he’s tonguing the underside. Meanwhile, you’ve got the smoldering head twitching on your tongue -- suckling softly before releasing your lips with a pop and laving the side with attention. Eventually, Laios bores of kitten licks and lowers towards the balls, giving you room to suck his penis into your mouth fully.
Chilchuck winds a hand, larger than he’s used to controlling, through your hair, peeking under his spare arm to watch Laios abuse your likeness. Blinking sweetly and humming while warming his own nuts with gurgled saliva. With advanced hearing, you can make out even the minute sound of Laios’ inferior gag reflex choking on his own balls.
You can also make out the deep rumble of Chilchuck panting and swallowing around his own arousal, lodged in his throat. Hoping to coax out the desire, you relax your gullet and bury your nose against flaxen pubes, making Chilchuck shudder and buck further into your throat.
“Oh, fuck,” he sighs, squeezing tighter around brown hair and shaking out your head before wrenching you back, “Wanna fuck your face.”
If you didn’t want him to as well, you’d be busy pointing out how your face is really his.
Instead, you moan eagerly and let your mouth hang open. Digging blunt nails into the handles on his hips for leverage as Chilchuck snaps into your gaping, velvety mouth. Spit gurgles past the rim of your lips, your sudden super hearing picking up every soft, throaty groan that spills from his chest. Despite his every effort to drown the sounds in kisses with Laios, you hear it -- you even hear how their lips mesh above your head.
Silky moans let out by your own voice, it’s startling. And arousing. Which makes it even more startling.
Chilchuck gasps and huffs abruptly, pulling you back to beat his cock against your puffy, raw lips. His whole body scrunches as broken, spotty moans dribble through him, shooting cum down your throat -- though having to bury his face into Laios’ neck (technically your neck) to avoid seeing his own face swallowing his seed.
With your own voice, heady and ragged with lust, Laios sprawls to the ground with spread legs, “I’m so hot,” he brainlessly bucks up against his roaming hand, eyes snapping to you, “How do you live like this?”
“I’m not horny all the time, Laios!”
Completely bypassing your protest, as per usual, Laios whimpers and undoes your trousers -- tickling a trembling finger down his (your) slit, “I need someone in me, please, please?”
You and Chilchuck stare at each other for a short while, silently debating who would be the one -- with newfound stamina in Laios’ body, Chilchuck could theoretically do it if he felt so greedy. Thankfully, he does not, and reclines beside Laios before pressing kisses into his neck while yanking you over by the belt. With eyes closed, he expertly undoes the pants to pull your brand new cock out.
Calloused, yet warm, hands stroke along your shaft in slow pumps before feeding your (his) tip into Laios.
Yours and Laios’ inexperience at the shared sensation is abundant in how you’re both gasping, sweat-slick messes. Laios wiggles further onto your cock, keening and back arching at the intrusion, while your hands are clammy and shaking on his hips. Your eyes can only stray as high as the breasts before things feel… weird… so you choose instead to obsess over the sight of your cock sliding in and out of a soaked cunt. Messy slick glinting in the sunlight, face melting with need, and all rational thought sucked into the tight clench of Laios.
Whining and leisurely thrusting into Laios, you close your eyes to fully absorb the sensations around you. Still, your heightened hearing can pick up the downright obscene gush of your sloppy, wet cunt being fucked open.
Chilchuck lays beside Laios, making you flinch at the unseen act of tracing his fingers around your cock in Laios to gather the splashing wetness before swirling the sodden pads into Laios’ clit.
“Ah!” your voice spikes, Laios grabbing Chilchuck’s wrist as if he could use your dwindling might to bat off his own strength. Chilchuck grins despite himself and continues abusing the bundle of nerves as desperation makes your drilling speed up. Laios wails and bunts eager hips to meet your thrusts, “Ah, ah, ah, ah- so good! This feels amazing!”
Laios presses the hand not clutching Chilchuck’s against your tummy, fingers prodding where cock batters his insides. Huffy little fuck, fuck, oh fucks leaving pouty, raw-bitten lips.
“Does it feel good?” Chilchuck laughs at you both, his sarcasm only being met with varied, broken ‘uh-huh’ responses. A thought brews in his following silence before he reaches up with a spare hand, “How about this, then?”
Suddenly, Laios’ large hand is wrapped around your neck, pressuring the sides to make your head spin.
Oh that shouldn’t feel as good as it does.
Sudden restricted air pushes your hammering hips into overdrive, gut fizzling and tightening until you’re certain you’ll combust from the inside. You squeeze bruises into your own hips as you slam into Laios’ pliant body.
“Oh my God,” he suddenly wails from your mouth, “I think I’m- fuck! - am I?” his breath hitches, eyes wide and thighs cinching around your pumping hips, “Oh my God, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it, then,” Chilchuck snides with lips still pressed to Laios’ neck, rudely pinching his clit, “Cum for us.”
“I’m cumming,” he babbles, throwing his head back, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”
Laios’ complete lack of will obliterates your own, the intense milking of his orgasm around you practically pulling cum from your cock. You gasp under Chilchuck’s choking while stuffing Laios full.
As soon as you’ve pulled Chilchuck’s softening cock out, Laios darts a hand down to finger your abused cunt. Puffy lips parting around curious fingers, thighs twitching at the unwelcomed overstimulation. Mixed cum leaks onto his digits before he accidentally brushes a thumb over his own clit, sending his thighs clenching around his hand as he forces another orgasm from your body.
You blink, suddenly much drowsier than before, and when you open your eyes you’re on the ground. With twitching, aching thighs and a hand between your legs.
Before you can acclimate to the realization you’re returned to your proper body, large hands are spreading your thighs again. Laios dives in, much too excited, and licks along your slit with a seedy groan and pinched brows. As if he’s deriving pure pleasure from sucking your combined release out of your pussy. If anything, the unadulterated oddity and grossness confirms that Laios is, in fact, back in his own body.
“I remember you were needing a little something, big guy,” Chilchuck tiredly slumps against Laios’ side, reaching below the belt to tug Laios’ hardening cock, “Guess you do have a lot of stamina.”
“I wanted to taste it on my fingers before we switched back, but now I can have it on my real tongue,” Laios deliriously giggles, “How lucky is that?”
You’re given no pause to respond before he’s returning to tongue-fucking your spasming hole.
Chilchuck presses lazy kissing along Laios’ flushed skin, jostled slightly when Laios abruptly sits straight, bucking his hips into Chilchuck’s fist as he asks, “Can I cum on you? I want to taste us all together. I need to know- !”
“Fine!” you’re borderline shrieking, sniveling and sobbing in the overstimulation, “Yes, yes, cum on my cunt, Laios. Do whatever you want!”
As if waiting permission, once those words are uttered, Laios spurts across your heated groin. He wastes no time basking in his euphoria before drunkenly lapping up his cum dribbling across your pussy and into yours and Chilchuck’s juices.
“Feral,” Chilchuck notes, smearing the excess sperm across Laios’ thigh and collapsing by your side.
Quicker and more violent than you’d like, another orgasm swells from your tummy to your hips. Thighs clapping against Laios’ ears as his tongue lulls out to sap up your cum. Your nails scrape Laios’ scalp as you wrangle him back when you notice him trying to sink in for more.
“Laios, please!” you tiredly protest.
“Off,” Chilchuck says it short and curt, like training a puppy, as he bats Laios’ head.
Laios lifts his head and drops beside you as well, turning onto his side to stare at you both -- hands curled towards his chest for comfort, “That was fun. We should do it again, but with our normal bodies.”
Unbeknownst to Laios, both you and Chilchuck are passed out and tangled around on another. And unknown to all three of you, Marcille and Senshi are coughing and hacking out a plan to crawl out and search for your group on the hunt for medicinal herbs.
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 3 months
When They're Drunk|Hyungline
Warnings: Mentioning of alcohol, Complete and utter shanagigans and tomfoolery
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“Hehe.” You snapped your head back, looking for the owner of the noise that just blessed your ears. When you couldn’t find the perpetrator you turned back to cutting up vegetables for the soup you were making.
You turn around again. Surely you couldn’t have imagined that. You sighed, shaking your head. Am I going crazy?
Not even a minute passed and you heard it once more.
“Hehe.” This time when you turned you felt your foot hit something soft and squishy.
Chris just side eyed the foot that just kicked his dimpled cheeks and then trailed those same beautiful brown eyes up to you.
“Christopher Bahng get up from the floor, that's nasty!” 
“Hehehehehe.” He continuously giggled as you stared down at him, not even trying to help him get up because you were confident in your inability to do so.
Instead you set aside the knife for your vegetables and slouched down on the floor as well.
“Whats so funny?”
You deadpanned at the Aussie in front of you and it sparked another fit of uncontrollable “hehe”’’s.
“Love, what on earth is so funny about carrots?”
His lips shot out into a kissy face as he shook his head. “You don- hehhehe - undertan-heheheh-the- jo-hehehe.”
You sighed as you watched him try- but fail in explaining what he thought was so funny about the crunchy orange vegetable.
“Chris, I think tonight is the last time you should ever drink alcohol, baby.”
Your boyfriend - fiance - looked at you, his dimples showing even more as the giggles kept coming out of him.
“But I had to celebrate!” He pulled your hand from off the ground and put it close to his face. He outlined the ring he had given you. “See? This is a cause for celebration.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched the man in front you look at your ring as if he was staring at his laptop screen - with complete 100% undivided attention.
“Chris, you knew I was going to say yes to marrying you, baby. Who in their right mind wouldn’t say yes?”
“Mmmm…a lot of people. Hehe.” 
You got up from the ground, this time Chris coming up with you.
At this point, anyone would have been annoyed with this amount of giggling from a drunk person. But his giggle was so heartbreakingly adorable you couldn’t help but turn around and kiss the lips it was escaping from.
His eyes widened and he cocked his head. “Why…”
“Why did I kiss you?”
“Y-hehe.” He started laughing, his giggles becoming nearly uncontrollable to the point he started coughing- then gagging - then straight up heaving onto the kitchen counter.
Onto the vegetables you had been cutting up for dinner.
You let out an exasperated breath, all while keeping a smile on you face as Chris stared at you wide eyed.
“I didn’t mean to!” He whined, a small hiccup accompanying the sad gesture.
“I know you didn't, baby. You just giggled too much.” You said as you took a damp cloth and began wiping at his face - taking the opportunity to poke his dimple.
“I’m sorry…” His lip poked out in a pout.
“Don’t be. It mighttttt have been one of the reasons I fell for you so hard in the first place.
He smiled and looked out you lovingly as you continued to wipe his face.
This time you were the one to let out the giggle.
Minho was extremely drunk. You didn’t know how he got so carried away with his drinks. He usually was very careful with the amount of alcohol he ingested, just in case things were to potentially get out of hand and get leaked to the press. 
But even if it did get leaked- you know nothing bad would come of it. Because Minho was not an extreme drunk.
Unless he was extremely caring.
“Baby, you have to put a jacket on or else you’ll get cold.” Minho said as he stripped himself of his jacket and placed it over your shoulders. You chuckled as you took off the jacket, because you were sitting in the guys' dorms, and it was rather warm in there. 
Minho huffed and put his jacket over you again.
“Yah! Baby. You need to put my jacket on or else you’ll be cold.” He said his voice turned more stern in the slightest.
“Its hot in here though…”
“Thats just all the alc…ac..al…acl- thats because you drank too much, love.” His head was shaking as he gave a few tsk tsk sounds. “You had too much fun.”
You sure it was me who had too much fun?
When he turned away to walk to the kitchen you slipped off your cardigan so you’d be slightly less warm, and to make Minho happy by wearing his cologne stained jacket. You inhaled as you always did. His scent bringing every single thought of him to mind.
You smiled as Minho walked back into the living room on wobbly feet with Advil and water. 
“Baby take these. It will help when you’re hungover tomorrow.”
“I’m completely sober, love.” You say, laughter coating your voice. 
Minho groaned and hit his head like a frustrated toddler. “YA! Baby! You’ll be hungover tomorrow if you don’t take your medicine! Here. Here.” He said pushing the medicine into your hands. You tried handing them back but he just groaned. “You’re so stubborn when you’re drunk. I’m never letting you eat again” 
“Drink I mean drink.” He said, looking up as if he was thinking. “Yeah, drink.” He poured out a few more advil but then the entire bottle fell and the medicine scattered across the floor.
“I can’t have my baby’s head hurt.” He said, shaking his own. He picked up a few medicine tablets of the ground and blew on them. Then he pat your head and shot up onto wobbly feet once more, making a beeline for the fridge to get you a snack, forgetting to hand you the medicine he intended to give you.
He came back with a tub of icecream and a spoon. “Here!” He pushed the tub into your hands, the warmth of his own contrasting with the frigid feel of the container.
As Minho placed both his hands on his knees as he knelt down in front of you, making sure you eat and take your advil, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of love for your husband..
“Minho, can you take it first?” You stuck out your lip and gave your best pleading face. “I don’t like it but if you take it first I promise I will.” You said raising your hand.
Without question he swallowed a couple of pills, downing a good bit of the water.
“Anything for my babyyyyy.” He laid his chin in your lap and opened his mouth, waiting for you to spoon feed him. 
His lips wrapped around the spoon in a small “O” but pulled back with a big smile.
“Baby.” He said poking your leg. “And baby.” He said poking your tummy.
“And baby.” You said poking his nose. 
He gave a quick nod and opened his mouth again, as you pet his hair. Except this time he pulled back with a frown.
“Baby! Why are you drinking so much! YA YOU’RE PREGNANT YOU CAN’T DRINK.” He pulled his head off of your lap and was about to scold you again, but instead rushed up to get to the bathroom but made it as far as the kitchen sink before he let out the contents of his celebratory night.
He looked up after giving a long sigh, the exhaustion for the night hitting him almost immediately.
He whimpered and went to go hug you, putting his head on your shoulder. 
“I think I’m drunk…” He whined.
“And I think I’m pregnant.”
“YAH!! WHY ARE YOU LOOOKING AT MY PARTNER?!” You had to hold Binnie back as he kicked his tiny little legs trying to get to the poor guy who had only glanced in your general direction.
The angry little gym rat turned to you and pouted. “He looked at you.”
“Be so for real Bin.”
“I am. His eyes landed on you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Changbin deadpanned at you, and the guy quickly scurried away.
“Changbin you won’t bite, but you’ll sure as hell bark.”
“I will bite.”
“Really, now?”
Changbin nodded with determination. “Watch and learn.” He waddled up to his hyung and latched his teeth onto Christopher’s shoulder.
“HOLY SHIT-” Chris pulled away quickly and Changbin smiled a you. “I told you I bite!” He said as he mimicked the nerd and finger emoji combination.
Seungmin and Minho were laughing their asses off as Chris looked at your boyfriend horrified. The at you with a look of utter betrayal.
“Y/N… how could you even suggest that.” He said his eyes wide.
“I didn’t think he’d actually bite to be honest…”
Changbin waddled back over to you and latched his arm by your side. Looking around intently.
“What are you looking for baby?”
“Enemies. If another dares to look at my preciou- hnnnghh - Y/N I’ll rip their - hnnnghgh - face off.”
You all paused in the middle of the street, allowing Changbin a few minutes of fresh air and even breathing until his nausea passed.
“He gets really feisty when drunk, huh?” Felix asked as you guys all sat on the sidewalk, Minho patting the younger’s back while he bent over closer to the ground - even though with his height he was basically at the ground. 
“Yeah haha… I knew he was possessive but I didn’t expect him to be this possessive.”
Changbin looked up to a see a woman and her child walking and he yelled out again. “ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY PRECIOUS Y/N-IE???”
The woman looked at Changbin as if he was a psycho and ushered herself and her child off quickly.
Felix began to laugh which sparked a fit of laughter from all of the people. 
“He really does want to pick a fight with every single person that walks by.” Hyunjin commented as he shot a look towards a group of young kids walking towards you guys.
They saw a drunk man bent over and like the smart kids they were crossed the street.
“He’s a handful.” You groan as you lay back on the sidewalk. Not even considering the amount of germs on it. “But he’s my handful.”
“Quite literally too. Because he is about as small as Bangchan is old,  and Hyunjin is dramatic.” Seungmin commented without so much as a smile. You couldn’t help but laugh at how serious he was.
“YAH SEUNGMINNNNNNN!! WHY ARE YOU MAKING Y- HNNHNDKFH-” Before he could finish his sentence Changbin was throwing up and you got up to go help him.
“Y/N…I don’t feel good.” 
“I know baby, I know.” You said. 
“Why do people keep looking at you? I only want to look at you.” He said as you guys all continued that last final stretch to the dorm.
“I don’t know. Maybe because I’m pretty?”
“No. You’re beautiful theres a difference.”
You smiled and opened your mouth to ask what exactly about you was beautiful, but Changbin ripped himself from your arms and started rushing towards a middle aged man who was stepping out of a restaurant with his wife.
You groaned and rushed after your little angry toddler - vowing to never let him get this drunk again.
Hyunjin sat across from you at the sports bar you guys were at. Seungmin had dragged you all along to watch the world series with him; and since you guys were in America you thought the Kids thought it would be a fun experience to experience an American sports bar.
Hyunjin had long since drunk his fair share of alcohol.
“Its not like in Korea…” He had said before he went down the rabbit hole of different beverages.
Chan had been glancing over in concern, but relaxed a little when he noticed how well you were taking care of your boyfriend.
You popped an onion ring in your mouth and Hyunjin was staring at the basket of fried goodness in front of you.“Do you like onions? Would you like one?”
Hyunjin shook his head- yet proceeded to grab one and place it on your ring finger, then placing one on his.
“See Jagiya? We’re married now.” He mumbled, his cheeks flushed, a beautiful but slightly concerning pink.
“Baby, I think its time we get you back to the hotel.” You informed Chris that you would be taking Hyunjin back.
“Are you sure thats safe? I can send another one of the guys with you-” You shook your head. “Okay. Just call me if you need anything?” 
“Of course Christopher. And don’t worry. I grew up in this city so I know my way around.” You say giving a friendly wink and helping Hyunjin up from his chair.
The night breeze was cool, and you figured it would help Hyunjin sober up slightly.
Which you were correct about, since about ¾ of the way back to the hotel he was coherent enough to make normal conversation - albeit his response time was somewhat slow and his answers slightly slurred.
You noticed a small group of girls lock eyes with you and widen them simultaneously.
“Jinnie. I think you have some fans.” You said, a smile appearing on your face as they slowly made their way over. You helped them get over their hesitation as you waved them over.
“We won’t bite!” You giggled.
They came up to you and seemed to struck to speak.
“I-Is that…you and Hyunjin?”
You chuckled. “Yeah we were going to go public soon, but they were trying to figure out how to break the news that Hyunjin was dating a staff member…but I assume a lot of you have peeped something out. Especially since we’ve been together over a year now. The only reason why we’ve decided to disclose at all is because you guys are so intuitive. Stay should the new FBI.” You joked. The girls immediately eased up and Hyunjin bowed to them, giving a slightly sloppy smile. 
“Can we get a picture?” One of the girls asked, you looked at Hyunjin but the girl corrected herself. “We meant like..with… both of you? You guys are adorable together!” You felt your heart almost burst at your first supporting fans of you and Jinnie’s relationship.
“Baby are you good to take a picture?”
He nodded- in a seeming state of almost complete soberness and posed happily for a few pictures with you and the stays.
“Are we allowed to post this?” One of them asked meekly.
“I would wait until JYP releases an official announcement of our relationship. But after that of course.” You dig in your purse and pull out a few photocards. “Here…I think Chris and…Seungmin signed these ones. And this one is… Binnie!” You said handing them the cards. “Baby…can you sign the cards too?”
Hyunjin nodded and signed the cards, and you heard one of the girls gasp in surprise.
Hyunjin still had the onion ring on his finger.
“Jinnie! Why the fuck-frick do you still have the onion ring on your finger?!” You asked in complete shock, correcting yourself in front of the girls.
“Because we’re married? Duh.” He said in complete seriousness. He bowed to the girls politely and then came up with force. “Remember when you post to caption Y/N as my wife. I’ll even let you take a picture with the rings too.” He nudged your shoulder, provoking you to stick out your hand as well, and the girls looking at each other with slight giggles as they all snapped pictures of your and Hyunjin’s hands.
Once they were finished they waved goodbye they scurried off in the opposite direction.
You let out a big guffaw. “I really hope you remember this Jinnie.”
“Y/N? Why is there a picture of my hand with an onion ring going viral on social media?”
`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha @iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric @panbish-1209
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castellansdarling · 6 months
Smile for the camera…
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Luke absolutely loves taking pictures of you right after sex. He wouldn’t say it’s his favorite part of the experience, but it’s definitely important. It’s like a reward to him, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
He loves the sight of you all sweaty and fucked out, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath, those pretty lips of yours parted as you whimper. Your lip gloss is smudged, cheeks tearstained, but you look gorgeous to him because he knows you look like this because he made you feel good.
The look on his face is soft, an expression reserved only for you, and he trails his fingertips over your belly, up to your chest, and finally your jaw.
“Never wanna forget this moment,” he murmurs, and you giggle breathlessly, joking that he says that nearly every time you two do this. He laughs too, his other hand moving to give your chubby belly a gentle squeeze, leaning in to press his lips to yours.
You sigh contentedly, cupping his face, enjoying the feeling of his stubble against the palms of your hands.
He breaks the kiss and sits up a bit, his hands slipping to your hips, gently rubbing them with the pads of his thumbs. “Wanna take some pictures,” he tells you, but he doesn’t reach for his camera yet, waiting for you to give the okay.
“Hmm?” You ask, a little too out of it to have processed the question the first time.
He smiles, kissing the edge of your mouth. “Pictures. Can I take some of you right now, baby?”
You kiss him softly, telling him that yes, of course he can.
The old you would have refused immediately, would’ve frozen up or freaked out at the idea of someone taking a picture of you at your most vulnerable. When you’re most exposed.
Luckily, you are not that girl anymore. With Luke’s help, you’ve come to feel more confident, more at home in your own body, and Luke does everything he can to make sure you keep feeling that way.
As soon as you give consent he starts thanking you, kissing you all over your pretty face before pulling away and grabbing his little digital camera from the bedside table. He sits on his heels between your legs, excited, like always. He keeps you laying down like that, all spread out, curves on full display as he snaps a few photos. He reaches out to grab your boob, getting a video of his hand squeezing and groping at you.
He’s groaning at the sight, grinding his hips into yours, his dick hard again and pressing against your plump belly. He makes sure to get a picture of that as well before instructing you to get on your knees.
“Play with your tits, baby, please?” He requests, free hand cupping your cheek as the other holds up his camera. You oblige, of course, pinching your pert nipples and gently tugging on them, biting your lip to hold in your whimpers. He’s not even taking pictures anymore, it’s just one long video of you playing with yourself.
He pulls his hand away from your face, fisting his cock, hips jerking every time a soft whine escapes your pretty mouth. “Fuck, you look gorgeous, princess,” he groans. “So pretty.” He looks pretty too, lips parted, eyes fluttering as he fights to keep them on you, his other hand shaking even as he tries to keep the camera still. You look too good right now, plump tits all squishy, the rolls on your belly more prominent as you sit like that.
You giggle softly, letting go of your boobs and grabbing the camera from him, smile brightening at the look of confusion he gives you when you turn it on him.
After all, he looks so pretty fucking his fist like that, so why not take a few pictures of your own?
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satorhime · 2 years
front row seat + gojo satoru ── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞
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── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ content : minors do not interact, f!reader, explicit smut, pussy drunk!gojo, hentai tropes ( internal view / satoru uses his six eyes ), messy sex, squirting, mating press. w.c ˓˓ 2k ˓˓
── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ synopsis : sometimes you forget that your boyfriend sees everything.
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“h-honey, i ever tell you how pretty this pussy is?” 
he has, multiple times, because satoru is obsessed with watching you while he fucks you. 
in a way, you don’t blame him. the two of you are beautiful together and on the days when your boyfriend is merciful enough not to fuck you flat into his mattress, you love lifting your gooey head up to watch the pretty bounce of your tits, the squishy sink of satoru’s cock disappearing into your pussy and how the taut muscles in his abdomen twitches, tensing up whenever you suck him in with a widowmaking squeeze,
but tonight satoru is … tonight, something has him frenzied. 
his quicksilver blue eyes refuse to close down, and no matter how good he feels inside you, he refuses to throw his head back in ecstasy. it’s like he’s watching the performance of the century, one such cinematic masterpiece that he can’t afford to miss and you’re the pretty young starlet acting centerstage.  
his gaze trails all over every inch of your plush body, from the way he leaves his fingerprints in the soft dimples of your hips, the tousel of your hair as you thrash against the pillows underneath him, and now his new personal favorite— a sight only his six eyes are allowed to see. 
a sweet treat he’s never thought to indulge in before now, the fact that if he drags his gaze down to your body and let the six eyes focus a little further, past your soft belly until it becomes a translucent screen to him, he can see everything. it feels perverse, being able to watch the raw way he fucks into you but it’s so intoxicating, maddening and white hot, how heavenly you look spread out underneath him with your cunt laid bare to his eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist it if he tried–
so he watches, milky lashes fanning out over petal-pink cheeks as his lidded eyes focus below your hips, right between the jiggle of your thighs. “g-god,” he moans out through gritted teeth, lilting baritone low and shaky. he’s sitting back on his heels, chin tucked to his chest and lip bitten raw. sweat drips from his brows onto your belly in rivulets and he’s attempting to rally the last bit of self-control he has in order not to absolutely wreck you as he watches himself fuck his cock deep into your weeping pussy. “wish you could see how easy this little lady’s opening up f’me, angel.” 
“nnngh, i can’t see-!” you squeal, and you don’t know if it’s because of the sticky tears blurring your big doe eyes or because it’s one of those nights where he fucks you flat, where the weight of his cock leaves you writhing and unable to move properly. where the only thing you can do is toss your head back against the pillows and take what he gives.
how such an innocent night ended up like this so suddenly, you don’t know. your head had been on satoru’s strong chest, cocooned in his infinity while his arm was curled behind his own head, scrolling aimlessly through a shady porn website on your phone with the intention of finding a cheesy hentai episode for the two of you to watch and dissect for jokes, a tradition in your relationship when you were in between streaming shows. satoru ended up choosing one from your recently watched, and as the two of you watched the exaggerated, almost comical movements of the animated couple fucking on the screen, you had expected his boyish jokes to begin and make you giggle, but he’d been silent— eyes darkening with something worse than lust at the sight of the x-ray view of the male character’s engorged cock sinking deep into the female character’s pussy while she wailed and babbled incoherently.
this what gets you hot ‘n’ bothered when i’m not around, angel? 
the rest is hazy, lost in the way you’re splayed out on the sheets now, knees bent to your shoulders and fingers desperately digging into the backs of your trembling thighs to hold them in the air for gojo. the position is uncomfortable and you’re not flexible like that, joints in your poor hips aching but you don’t care, not when he’s got your breasts bouncing lewdly with each repeated, dirty slam of the tip of his cock right up against your womb until you can practically feel him in your throat, stealing the desperate screams right from your vocal cords. 
“that’s a real shame, princess,” he coos, an egoistic smirk on his lips but it falters when you squeeze ‘round him just right, sore cunt twitching against the hard swell of his cock. his ocean blues dim, fingernails scratching against your squishy sides for leverage not to fuck deeper but to push you away because while he’s practiced, you feel too fucking good and he needs a minute, damn it, he’ll cum too fucking fast and ruin the perfect view of your cunt and it’ll be all your fault—
“wah-why did you stop-... please, miss your cock so much,” you simper, needy.
but he ignores your sweet little cries, drawing his hips back until his cock slips out of you and he lays it flat against your seam, greedily drinking down how fucking pretty you look beneath him like this, so good for him in the way you struggle to hold those sweet thighs up so he can have easy access to an even sweeter cunt. he wraps one hand around the root of his sticky girth, can’t help himself when he slaps the tip hard against the hood of your clit, just to earn that cute little yelp you make. “you’re so good for me always, sugar. such a good girl, huh? but i’m not sure of that anymore after tonight. you’ve been holding out on me.” 
“w… wh- i am a good girl-”
“but that’s okay,” he cuts you off. “i’ve got a front row seat now. know why?” 
he loves watching the pretty picture that confusion paints on a fucked out expression like yours. you fumble for the answer like a teacher’s pet, even though you’re distracted by grinding your clit against the tip of gojo’s cock for desperate, greedy friction. you’re too drunk on him to understand the true meaning behind those slurred out words and he knows it. head always caught up in the pleasure simmering in your belly that you forget the man fucking you is considered the strongest sorcerer in the world for a reason and oh … oh, there it is.
sometimes you forget that he views the world differently than normal men. the x-ray porn you secretly like may be an unrealistic act seen only in hentai, but gojo satoru wouldn’t be the strongest sorcerer if he couldn’t bring fiction into reality.
“y-you can see inside me,” you whisper, a little awed, and the thought of it is so fucking hot. you squeeze around emptiness when he nods, wanting to suck his tip right back into your tight pussy and you can practically feel the slick dripping out of you as he flashes a devastating, heartbreaker smile at you. “the six eyes. y-you can see how much i want you to fuck me again.”
“smart girl,” his praise warms your veins until your blood feels honeyed, running through you thick and slow. gojo flicks the tip against your clit one last time for the road before he reaches down, spreading one side of your folds open so he can nudge at the creamy ring to your cunt. “i can see everything.” 
“i can see how this little cunt is stubborn, how she never wants to stretch properly f’ me, the way she twitches when i hit it just right. i can see everything,” and he can, his technique zeroing in on his girth sinking in and stretching you wide, his answering whine almost louder than yours, eyes threatening to clamp shut as he feeds you the long stretch of his cock once more. the air in the bedroom of his penthouse makes your bodies slippery with sweat while you squirm underneath him on hot sheets, your breath wheezing out of your lungs until you can’t breathe. “look at that.” 
“i- hng, can’t-!”
it’s a hotter fuck like this, knowing those pretty blue eyes can see every rib and ridge of the inside of your pussy. that satoru knows the exact way your gummy walls, pretty pink against the white of his cock, look when you swell and squeeze for the stinging stretch, smeared in his precum. it makes you feel delirious— expression cracked wide open with pleasure, tongue lolling out of your pretty mouth, gaze fluttering releasing desperate whines as gojo fucks too fast, cockhead bullying your g-spot into overstimulation so that you can’t even fight it when you gush, the lewd sound of slick squelching out of you burning heat into your cheeks.
“look at you, squirtin’ all over me, angel,” gojo groans, stamping down the fast approach of his orgasm as arousal streams down the curve of your ass, wetting his expensive sheets. watching the way your swollen, puffy pussy spasms and tries to force him out but it only makes him drive deeper, his pace brutal— his hips rouged red from the friction of your bodies slapping together. “prettiest pussy in the whole world. you know that?” 
“y'r gonna cum inside me, right 'toru? s-so i'll look even prettier?” you simper under the praise, big doe eyes staring up at him behind a dreamy haze.
“shouldn't have said that, sweet girl. ooooh, f-fuck. you shouldn't. have. said. that. fuck fuck fuck, i'm gonna put my cum right here, ” he babbles desperately, a big hand splaying out on your belly, pressing down hard as his thumb dips low, circling your sticky clit almost desperately. the words punctuated by the heavy slap of his balls against your ass, headboard knocking violently into the wall. his spine tenses, orgasm building in the pit of his gut and he can’t wait to see it, the sight of his cum painting against your pretty walls. “and you're gonna take care of it f’ me, aren’t you? promise ‘toru you won't spill a drop?”
“i promise-! i promise i promise i promise, give me your cum- ‘toru- pleas-”
“shut up, angel face. you’re about to make me miss the best part of the movie.”
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golden-girl-daisy · 8 months
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I love you so much, please throw the toy
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sttoru · 1 year
boob obsessed!gojo please!!
oh absolutelyyyy !
tags. gojo satoru x female reader. breast play, teasing, semi-public, satoru’s v touchy, uhh cum play, mention of blow job, boob job.
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satoru , who you have labelled as one of the most shameless people you have ever dated. you’ve known the guy had a thing for your tits the moment the two of you had gotten intimate.
his big hands were all over the swell of your breasts, long fingers kneading and squeezing the flesh. you can always spot the way his pupils dilate whenever he gets the chance of touching them. if you squint well enough, you might even see him drooling a bit whenever he notices the flesh of your breasts and how it bulges when the two are pressed together. and if it isn’t his hands touching those beautiful tits? it’s his tongue.
“mm, god—need ‘m in my mouth. need to taste those tits of yours, princess. c’mon. lemme suck on those nipples.”
satoru , who’s favourite position to cuddle is when he’s laying on your chest. his head will rest between your breasts, one cheek squished against the flesh and fingers usually tracing the shapes of your tits. if you’re not wearing a bra of some kind, he’ll definitely take the opportunity to tease you and circle one of your nipples through the fabric. he just loves the feeling of making you shiver due to his touches.
also, always finds a way to tell you how he ‘loves how squishy and soft they are’. claims they’re even softer than any plushies you own as well.
satoru , who you’ve caught many times staring down at your breasts whenever you’re wearing something skintight or revealing. he can’t help it, it’s his favourite part of your body. somebody needs to save that man, because he’ll literally get lost in thought and won’t even realise he’s ogling your tits.
if it’s not you catching him staring and playfully scolding him for it, it’s his students (who’d probably be disgusted by their teacher’s behaviour in front of their poor eyes). and yes—even in public, satoru’s a complete fool for you and your figure.
satoru , who loves to suck on your tits one way or another. whenever he’s fucking you, he always prefers a position where your chest is facing him. that way, he can see, touch, squeeze and suck on those breasts of yours. he doesn’t waste a single second and immediately latches onto your nipples, wet tongue gliding over your areola, eyes closed and throat making whiny noises.
one thing that never fails to make him rock hard is when you’re walking around the house without a bra on. for you it’s a simple decision; your bra sometimes gets too suffocating on your body. for satoru on the other hand, it’s impossible to ignore the urges in him once his eyes fall on the shape of your nipples that poke through the fabric of your clothes.
that’s also how you end up with his hands all over you every time. one day it’ll be his hands gliding under your shirt to grope your tits, the other day he’ll be more direct and yank your shirt off, put you on the counter and suck on them like there’s no tomorrow.
“nhhh, stay still— ah, shit.. so fuckin’ good. these things were just beggin’ to get sucked on. hm? ‘sensitive’ you say? even better.”
satoru , who enjoys the way your tits glisten when he’s cumming all over them. he loves to see the white liquid drizzle down the curves, over your nipples down to your stomach. if you’re giving him a blowjob, he’ll probably tap your head softly to signal that he’s about to reach his climax. that way you know that he wants to cum over your tits instead of down your throat.
probably instantly gets hard again at the sight of you covered in his sticky cum.
“mm, look at you, sitting there on your knees with my cum all over those pretty tits. aht aht, don’t move now, need to take a picture of the sight for future use.”
satoru , who turns into a trembling and moaning mess whenever you offer to give him a boob job. he’ll let shaky curse words escape the back of his throat, his hands clutching onto whatever he can find, his head thrown back a little but enough for his eyes to still be able to gaze down at you. he gets so turned on and will probably lose the ability to speak whenever he looks at how his cock is engulfed by your tits.
“jus’ like that, baby— oh fuck! look at those fuckin’ tits, mmh, makes me wanna cover ‘m with my cum so bad— shit, can i? may i?”
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2-dsimp · 6 months
《The smutty hitman chronicles》
→【The Hacker: Milkies?】
Cw: 🔞NSFW MDNI🔞Fem reader! throatpie, deep throating, praise, overstimulation, mention of lactation, breeding, and impregnation.
『Yandere! Hacker that’s always spontaneous in everything he does. Whether it be from wrecking enemy databases or just casually trolling people online to pass the time. His unpredictable nature shines true in any setting he’s in.』
『Yandere! Hacker who’s the definition of an orange cat boyfriend. Always unhinged and in general an overly affectionate bundle of jittery joy when it comes to his loving darling.』
『Yandere! Hacker who loves everything about you from head to toe and is fascinated time and time again by your body anatomy. Reason why he’s got his hands on you 24/7 and due to his boundless obsession and curiosity. As to how you function on a daily basis being so soft and squishy compared to his lithe and hardened form. Regardless, You’re always kept on your toes whenever you’re in close quarters with the clingy fiend.』
“Yujin, honey, are you alright? You’re spacing out again.”
『You hummed in an amused tone as you looked from beneath your lashes. To see your hacker boyfriend eyeing you with an intense glint in his sharp feline eyes that were up to no good. You jolted slightly when you felt him abruptly shove his hands down your crop top to greedily cup both of your jiggling boobs. Giving them a good hard knead.』
“Yeah, uh huh I’m fine babes it’s just—Wow! Your tits are so heavy and perky! So perfect to suck on…”
『Yujin drawled, dumbly in pure admiration as he went on to pinch and tweak at both of your nipples like they were joysticks. All the while his fleshy tip lightly dragged against your lips and chin smearing precum all over your face. As you were on your knees fondling his hairless balls and jerking off his pulsating shaft.』
“I read somewhere that mentioned how woman could lactate. Is that true? Of so, can you make that happen like right now, pretty please? I really wanna start milking you plus I’m thirsty.”
『He begged needily as he was completely fixated on your enticing mounds. Which had him utterly whipped at the thought of seeing milk dribble out those puffy areolas. That Yujin adored and revered to be the cutest thing of all. All the while he let out a throaty purr from how you started to lavish your wet tongue on his cockhead coaxing his salty sweet pre straight from the tap』
“Jin, listen I’d have to get pregnant in order to lactate. I can’t just do it at will on my own. It doesn't really work that way hon”
『You explained gently from how oblivious the 20 year old lynx hybrid sounded. Remembering how Yujin admitted that he didn’t have any definitive knowledge on the birds in the bees. Since he was raised in a very sheltered environment for most of his upbringing by strict caregivers.』
“Oh really? Well that's an easy fix! I could easily knock you up if that's what it takes baby cakes! All I gotta do is make sure to cram my spunk in every cute little hole you've got right?”
『Yujin chimed with a fanged lopsided grin and before you could even correct him with the right terminology. He suddenly thrusted his hips, forcing his thick cock deep into your mouth with each drawback of his pelvis.』
“Now that I think about it, I guess creaming your lovely throat would be good for starters~ you’d love that huh baby? I can just tell from from the way that sweet pussy is dripping all over the carpet~”
『He cooed lovingly, staring down at you while meanly squeezing your cheeks to get a close up at his dick. That was stretching open those plump lips that he fantasized kissing for all eternity. You were gripping his thighs for life support trying not to choke』
『As Yujin became Hellbent on pumping your throat full of his jizz to help fulfill his agenda. Of turning you into his lovely milk dispenser so that he’d be able to suckle on your swollen breasts. And admire his litter growing inside of your tummy for hours on end whenever he's slaving away in his room full of monitors and PCs.』
“Oh fuck, I think imma cum soon! You’re doing so good for me, so fucking good! just like I knew my pretty girl would. I swear Imma take the best care of you, make sure that my mate never goes in need of anything”
『He babbled, drooling from the tightness of your esophagus closing in on his throbbing meat. In tandem with how you squeezed his family jewels that were bloated with semen ready to make its home inside of you. And It doesn’t take long before Yujin goes completely ridgid tangling his clawed fingers in your scalp to further plant his crotch right against your face.』
『You could only process a deep hiss escaping your lover as your mouth was filled with nothing but his thick warm seed. He held your head in place and forcing you to savor every last drop of his cum that marinated your tastebuds. Yujin whined softly in protest at the thought of pulling away too soon.』
『The Hacker almost didn’t wanna pull out of your heavenly jaws at all but he still had his quota to fill. So with great reluctance he pulled out and look down at you with satisfaction. Brandishing a smile full of childlike chagrin as he sent you clutching for your pearls with his daunting words. Which hinted at the fact that you weren’t getting any sleep tonight.』
“Welp that’s one hole down baby only two more to go~ but this time I’mma fill ya up more than once since I gotta make sure that it all sticks mkay?”
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mikgreo · 4 months
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BLLK BOYS! + “tits, boobs, or thighs?”
18+ slight nsfw, fluff.
ft. isagi, sae, aiku, reo, nagi, shidou.
a/n: im having blue lock brainrot and i cant escape them. YES, i had to write each one individually😊 kinda biased on reo.. hes my fav<3
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➩ YOICHI ISAGI thighs.
he likes to think of himself as a gentleman, so he fears that staring at your ass or tits would make you uncomfortable. but from past experiences and from what hes seen, hes picked up that girls love having hands on their thighs. he loves resting his hands on your thighs and giving them an occasional squeeze. he doesnt care if your skinny, chubby, or overweight, he loves them, as much as he loves you.
“huh? honey, why are you asking me that, haha.” he scratches the back of his head, “if i had to be honest, i’d say your thighs, i love how squishy they are.”
he says as he kissed your cheek and hugged you tight, “i love you no matter what, baby <3.”
sae loves buying you expensive dresses, he likes bringing you to the fancy dinners or parties his co-workers invite him to. he loves the way the tight dresses he buys you complement your body and curves. he has you close by at all times and is very possessive of you, he finds himself holding you under his “wing” and putting his hands on your waist. he knows what he has and isnt scared to show it off, but he also knows youll be facing him the whole time, so he likes to show off his girl.
“hm. probably yer ass.” he said having the same nonchalant look on his face. “i like having those old geezers have something, they wish they could get, to look at. makes em reaal jealous. makes me the best for having such a beauty by my side.”
“i like showing off my trophies.”
aiku has a guilty pleasure of sucking on your boobs, he denies having a mommy kink, but he thinks it would be so fucking hot getting you pregnant and sucking milk out of your tits. hes not picky, but he prefers bigger boobs, he likes laying his head on them also, while fondling them.
“i hate to admit, but i fuckin’ love your tits, babe.” he looks up at you while he has his head on your chest.
“they’re jus so damn squishy and round, they sit so pretty, luv.”
➩ MIKAGE REO thighs.
growing up around money and wealthy people, the rich women he would encounter had always had some sort of plastic surgery/ procedure done, which he hated. he wanted a woman who had natural beauty, and a naturally beautiful personality to go with that. so when he met you, he fell in love, of course he couldn’t immediately act on it, not only fearing his parents disapprovement but he was scared that you would only like him for his money. but you guys hit it off just fine (a/n: i will prob write a fic ab this later, teehee.) present time, he is so inlove with you, he likes that you have natural features, of course paying no mind that you wear makeup or not, he loves you for you. he likes your thighs because its the only thing he knows a woman cant change about herself, he likes the naturalness that comes with them.
“Well, i love your thighs baby.. probably because i love laying on them, and i love how warm they are. so comfy too.” he kisses the top of your head.
“.. and cus i know thats the only thing you cant change about yourself so they’re mine forever<3.”
why? cus he likes the erocticness of them. (a/n: is that a word??) hes seen many video games with big busted women, so he’s always found them attractive, nagi also thinks its too much of a hassle to focus on anything else on the body, naturally boobs are the most prominent feature on a girls body, they easily stand out. so he just went with that. he personally likes to lay on them, alot. nagi would prefer smaller chested girls, mainly because he thinks theyre adorable, he would definitely belittle you because of it, since he is so used to seeing women with big boobs, he thinks small ones are less overwhelming, but cute.
“mm, probs yer boobs. i like the way they feel, like stress balls, i like that theyre not big, but not too small. theyre just right for me. theyre cute.”
he definitely was confused on why you were blushing but also mad at him. no girl wants her boyfriend to tell her she has a small chest!!!
shidou loves slapping your ass. in public? hes gripping it. private? cupping it. around his friends? slapping it. there will never be a time where hes not doing something with your butt. this man is a sucker for doggy, and backshots, o how he loves them. he definitely makes u do reverse cowgirl as well. definitely unironically says “gyat” to you..
will eat ur butt. will do anal. hes that freaky..
“you seriously asking me dis? obviously yer fucking butt dude i love it, i could go onnn and on about how soft and jiggly it is. level 5 gyat mama.” he winked at you turning around, crouching down to get something from the fridge. you sprinted over to him just to slap his butt for revenge.. he did not like that. lets just say u wont he walking anytime soon!!
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hargreeves-duncan · 1 month
Hello!! Could you write a Diego x reader fic that’s a little sweet and a little smutty? Diego def had dom vibes but I’d love to see his squishy sweet side :) thank you!!
a/n: hi!! thank you for your request. we’re taking it back to s2 for this one because i’m still not over diego’s long hair… anyways! i hope you love it, this is my first time writing smut so please let me know if it is ass🙏
summary: you look so gorgeous in your dress. what kind of boyfriend would diego be if he didn’t show you how pretty he thought you looked?
warnings: this is SMUT so 17+ for this one, soft!dom!Diego, back-scratches, fingering, p in v, mentions of oral, swearing
word count: 2.3k
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Today you had to attend a gala at the Mexican Consulate. Why? To find Reginald Hargreeves and finally get some answers. You had dressed in a deep cyan dress, made of a shiny material that pulled in at the waist and flew out to your thighs. Despite the tight fit, it was both surprisingly comforting and flattering. You stood in from of the bedroom mirror, painting your lips a perky pink - since the apocalypse you’d had little reason to dress up, so maybe you were taking advantage of it now.
A sly smile spread across Diego’s lips as he strolled over. He whistled, leaning against the doorframe, “Look at you…” He says, gaze trailing over your body appreciatively.
You laugh softly and as you get closer, he slips his hand around your waist, squeezing at the blue fabric gathered around your hip, “This is very pretty.” He coos, pecking your cheek.
He looked more than good himself, in a navy-blue suit and a tie that was practically begging you to tug on. The suit was just tight enough that you could see the indents of his muscular biceps. You bit your lip, smiling shyly, “Thank you.”
You leaned up to peck Diego’s lips and he grinned, pulling you closer. Five clapped his hands as he entered the room, stepping between you and putting an instantaneous end to whatever might’ve come from your mutual advances, “Alright… Let’s go, shall we?”
He prompted the two of you with a less-than-impressed smile. With a reluctant sigh, Diego squeezed your hip once more before he let you go. He punched Five in the gut as he walked past, muttering ‘cockblock’ under his breath.
You snorted as you stepped past Five, now doubled over. He grumbled under his breath, glaring at Diego and begrudgingly following after you both. You couldn’t help but smile at the interaction, as childish as it was. Five beckoned you both closer.
He sighed, brushing his sleeve away to read his watch, “Fantastic, we’re already late.” He held his hands out to both you and Diego, which you took, and then blinked the three of you inside of the building.
You wound up in a quieter corridor, somewhere upstairs, and Five shook out his shoulders, looking at both of you, “All we have to do is find Dad and get him to talk. Do you think that you two morons can manage that without screwing it up?”
He raised an eyebrow as he looked between the two of you. Diego pulled you closer, shaking his head as he smiled cockily, “We’re not morons, we know how to handle ourselves. So, just… relax for a second, alright?”
“Handling yourselves is not what I’m worried about.” Five sighs, features curling with distaste as he eyed Diego’s hand on your waist. Diego scoffed at his brother.
“Relax. We got this.” He grins and the mischievous glint in his eye only makes Five’s concerned frown deepen.
He shakes his head as he walks past both of you. “Jesus… You know what? Do what you want, just don’t get caught. There is more at stake here than the two of you.” He says, pointing at you.
With those parting words, Five disappears around the corner. Diego watches until he leaves and then he’s walking you backwards into the nearest room.
“Diego!” You laugh, pressing both hands against his chest in protest. He simply intertwines your fingers, grinning.
“What?” He teases, his voice mocking yours as he closes the door behind him with his foot. He spins you around and you come face to face with your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Your cheeks are flushed and your eyes are already blown out with lust.
Diego slips his arms around your waist again, leaning down to peck your neck. “You look so beautiful.” He praises and you inhale sharply, hands sliding down your body to rest over the top of his.
He smirks against your neck as his lips travel down to your collarbone, which he nips. “Diego.” You say again, already feeling yourself grow breathless and recognising the growing heat in the pit of your stomach.
His grins like the devil as he watches your each and every reaction, “Oh, does that feels good?” He says, biting down on your neck again.
You shiver and bite your lip. You shouldn’t be doing this now, not here, there are more pressing matters at hand. Five had not so subtly reminded the two of you just moments ago but how were you supposed to say no to him when he was riled up like this?
“God, Diego, we shouldn’t…” You sigh blissfully, feeling your thighs clench as Diego presses up against you from behind.
“We’ll be quick, I promise.” He smiles, pecking your shoulder affectionately, “I just wanna show my girl some attention, that’s all.”
My girl. God, it should be crime for him to use those words with how easily it makes your resolve crumble. You groaned, shifting restlessly, “Babe…”
“What, baby? What do you expect me to do?” He croons, with mock sympathy. His hands slide over your body, up to your chest.
He rubs his fingers over you through the fabric of your dress as he mumbles into the crook of your neck, “How am I supposed to act when you’re standing here looking so good for me, hm?”
Your back arches up against him and he smiles, hands travelling down, over the expanse over your stomach and you watch in the reflection of the mirror in front of you as his hands disappear out of view. You feel them though.
He kneads your ass between his fingers and gently bites at your shoulder, “Come on, baby.”
Your will is broken and you sigh, one hand reaching out to tug at his tie. You pull him around by it so that he’s facing you. Despite the shock on his face, Diego is more than happy with this new development. You smirk and pull him down to kiss your lips.
He reciprocates it hungrily, his hands cupping your face, pulling you closer and closer. He hums happily against your lips, and your hands slip up into his long curls. You pull at the strands, releasing a guttural moan from Diego.
He pulls back and bites his lip, brushing your hair back from your face, “God, you’re so fucking pretty, you know that?”
He repeats for the hundredth time today, yet it doesn’t stop the warmth from blossoming in your cheeks or your lower belly, “Thank you.”Y ou say obediently.
And, just as he does every time, he reassures you with a kiss to your lips saying, “You don’t have to thank me for the truth, baby.”
With that, his hands slip around the backs of your thighs, propping you up onto the counter. He looks up at you like he’s entirely unworthy of you. Like he would worship you.
He bites his lip, muttering a pleased ‘fuck’ to himself as he goes in to kiss you again. You smile against his lips, arms going around his neck and pulling him impossibly closer.
His hands wander from your waist, around your back, to your dress’s zipper. He tugs it down, pulling away from your lips and slowly peppering kisses down your neck, all the way to the centre of your breasts.
He looks up and you, eyes hooded, and the sight is enough to make you moan. Your hand comes up to the back of his head then, encouraging him as his lips slide over your sensitive nipple. His tongue swirls around it, until he feels it grow hard. He sucks gently on it, and pulls away with a gentle pop.
Simultaneously, his free hand works to stimulate your other nipple, fingers rolling the bud between his fingers and massaging your breast. Your hips shift and he smiles, pecking your cheek, “So impatient.”
“No…” You reply, breathlessly, sitting up straighter, “Just time conscious.”
He laughs, hiking your dress up over your hips, “Oh? Is that what they’re calling it now?”
“It is, yeah.” You smile, cupping his face and gently pecking his lips. He rolls his eyes, smiling as his fingers toy with your waistband.
“Brat.” He taunts, tugging the slim string of your panties down, over the smooth fat of your thighs, and letting it fall to your ankles. You feel the air brush over your inner thighs and your sensitive bud, already slick with your wetness.
“Shit…” Diego says, growing breathless himself as he takes in the sight of your glistening pussy. He brushes his fingers over your folds for a moment, before slipping two of them inside of you.
He watches, entirely mesmerised by the motion of you taking his thick fingers. You huff, back arching and fingers curling as you fail to find something to keep you steady. He takes your hand, guiding it to his shoulder instead.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you furiously and you whine, clinging to his other forearm, “I know, baby girl, but I have to prep you first. Just come for me, come for me and then I’ll fill you up, I promise.”
He coos, slipping a third finger in, despite the resistance. You gasp, burying your face in the crook of his neck as your hips spasm, coating his fingers with your slick in record time, “Good girl.” He praises, pecking your cheek.
“You’re making me wish I had the time to taste you.” He huffs frustratedly, watching your hips buck as he removes his fingers from you, chasing the fullness he’d left you without.
“Yeah?” You ask breathlessly, tilting your head to the side.
“Yeah.” He smiled. He took his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean, and groaned. He kisses you again and tasting the remnants of yourself on his tongue only serves to make you want him more, “But… since I don’t…”
You watch eagerly as he pulls back slightly, his fingers unbuckling his belt with practised ease. And, God, your head feels so hazy right now, that even that is turning you on.
He smirks and kisses your lips as he strips down, letting you see all of him, “You’re so quiet tonight, baby.”
He gives his cock a few tugs and then he kisses your lips again. He smiles, “I want you to try and be louder for me. Want to hear those pretty moans of yours. Think you can do that for me?”
“Mm… yeah.” You nod.
He kisses you again, sliding his hand over your waist as he brings you closer, “Good.”
“Oh, fuck.” You gasp, hands grasping at his shoulders like a lifeline as he pressed his tip against your entrance, gently pushing in.
You felt yourself swallow him and you both let out a collective sigh, pressing your foreheads against one another. You didn’t think you would ever get over how good it felt to be so effortlessly full up by him.
“That’s it.” He cooed softly, rubbing your hip with his thumb as he pushed himself deeper, “Doing so good, baby, taking me so well…” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he bottomed out inside of you. You felt him twitch, and he groaned as he adjusted to the feeling of your perfect grip on him.
“Shit, baby…” He hissed through his teeth, beginning to move. The thump of the counter hitting the wall as he started to fuck you against it made you clench around him.
After letting you adjust to him, he started moving faster, causing your breath to hiccup slightly as you moaned, “Yeah? Is that good? Does that feel good?”
Your nails scraped over his back, trying to pull him ever closer. Your hands drove through his skin in time with his thrusts, leaving glaring red marks down his toned back. He groaned, biting his tongue. The sight of them only made your eyes roll back, as well as your head.
He caught his breath and chuckled, tongue in his cheek as he thrust harder, hands gripping at your love handles, “You like seeing the marks you’re leaving on me, baby?”
All you could do was nod as you looked up at him, hair tousled and lips puffy from your kiss. Your breath was made up of nothing but desperate, little whines as he pushed himself deeper.
He grinned slyly, tilting your head up and pressing his thumb to your bottom lip, forcing your mouth open, “Come on, I know you know the answer. Tell me, baby. Tell me how much you like leaving marks on me.”
“Mmph… I love it, love leaving marks on you.” You whine, head lolling back again.
“Yeah, I know you do.” He cups your face, keeping your head up and your eyes on him. He shifts his hips, his strokes delving deeper. Your eyes flutter shut and he practically growls at the sight of you - all pretty and fucked out, just for him. His girl.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” You whine, writhing in his arms as you feel him bury his cock inside of you, deeper and deeper. His hand skims over your stomach and down to your clit, rubbing circles over it as he kisses along your neck.
“You close?” He asks, knowing the tell-tale signals of your body as you begin to clench around him. You nod, moaning and arching your back, grinding your hips down against him harder.
“Shit, yes…” You gasp, eyes fluttering shut as you roll your hips, desperately seeking release. Your hand clutches his bicep and you moan instinctively as your fingers struggle to wrap around it fully.
He grunts, trying desperately to keep his composure for a little bit longer, when you both know that he’s so fucking close to bursting. You moan, practically limp in his arms at these point as he fucks up into you, “Shit, yes, Diego, fuck…”
The only words out of your mouth at this point are incoherent babbling and Diego groans, pulling you back in for a messy kiss, “Fuck, come for me. Come for me, baby, I know you want to. Fucking come for me.”
And you do.
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wandasfavv · 2 months
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Wanda x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’re embarrassingly told to do something out of the ordinary for Wanda as she watches.
AN: was supposed to be like a 100 word drabble to fend you horny mfs off but I got carried away and became the horny one instead</3 so sorry if it seems a little rushed !!
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Mommy!WandaxFem!Reader, dom/sub, stuffie humping??(r receiving), breast and nipple play, mostly soft Wanda, kinda very really super need this
Below by the small crack between the bottom of bedroom door and the wood floors shined a gleam of soft orange light from the hallway against the darkness you laid in. You remained in your shared room for about an hour so, lying mindlessly and sleepily until the gentle racket of the door handle was heard. Your head perked up at the sound as you’d already foreseen the sight of Wanda coming in. The door opened slowly with a subtle creak, more light spreading inside and hitting your face before her head poked through and casted a shadow over the bed.
She was careful to be quiet as her eyes searched for your closed ones until she was met with just the laziness of them. “Still awake?” She questioned softly, further pushing the door with a little more force once she saw your conscious state only tucked in. The entrance behind her closed with a small sound. Although the room was plunged into darkness, some of the light from the street lamps outside came through the parted curtains in front of the window, allowing Wanda to find her way to the side of the bed where you heard a click of the lamp turning on before light hit your eyes again blindly. Blinking repeatedly to get rid of the blur, you see a clearer image a loving smile plastered on her while she leaned over with both hands holding herself up against the bed to kiss your exposed forehead.
In response, you groggily answered, “Mhm, I was waiting for you.”
Her smile widened and she took a seat at the edge of the comfortable and plush surface. With the sight of your eyelids barely lifted she sensed that maybe tonight wasn’t a time for anything more than cuddling. After all, Wanda took a longer time in her home office finishing up left over papers than she expected whilst you waited patiently. She stared down at you adoringly and took in how your tired self was holding up for her sake. “That’s sweet, baby.”
You shifted under the covers a bit, turning your body to lay on its side, facing her. But in the process, the thick blanket on top moved down from your shoulders to more so below your chest, revealing the adorable scene of you clinging onto the stuffed bunny Wanda gifted you all those months ago. Her head quirked to a tilt. “What’s this? My replacement?” She playfully remarked, gazing down at half of the animal’s head peeking out.
Your tired expression contorted into a matching grin at her words, only holding onto the squishy object slightly tighter within the crook of your arm. “Uh huh.”
Wanda a feigned a scoff, moving and getting under the comforter with you. A sigh of satisfaction left her from the warmth of you once arms twisted around your waist and gently tugged you towards her. However, the fluffed animal stayed in between both your bodies like a wall separating you two. She stared down at it, a faux frown playing on her pink lips before words slipped through them. “I don’t know if I like this little thing.”
“What do you mean? You got it for me.”
“Yeah and now it’s just… in the way.”
You gave her somewhat of a deadpan look at the unserious response until you decided to please her and prise it out from the crevice, onto the empty side of the bed behind you. “Better?”
Wanda confirmed with a nod and a smile returning. With nothing there blocking her, she pulled you in again, this time flush against her front as your cheek was flattened by the area below her collarbone. And like usual, she was snuggling with you while whispered affirmations left her mouth which gently pressed against your head from time to time.
For a moment, one kiss lasted longer as her nose was in your hair. She muttered more sweetness in your ear with a rasp. “You smell so good.” Nails then dragged carefully on your lower back, a soothing feeling that would usually lull you to sleep.
Yet, unlike most nights, you suddenly couldn’t feel the drowsiness take over. There was a lingering and sensual tingle from Wanda’s gentle touches. Every brush of her fingers against your body was for some reason taunting you despite being innocent and with no intent. You were already so pliant and focused on her without much effort. It was strange, but you guessed that it was the fact that she left you for so long the whole day.
Shifting within Wanda’s small embrace, a noticeable change in your breathing caught her hearing. Her head tilted down to you as she saw your eyes already looking up, and she was met with a knowing roused and pleading cloud in them. So different from your earlier expression. A huff of a small laugh broke out before she could’ve contained it. “What, sweetie?”
You didn’t respond, but instead let your hand find hers to drag it down between your thighs. She let you with no protest, if anything encouraging it as her fingers willingly pressed up against your center. The tips of them teasingly went back and forth against you, only thin cotton separating her as you didn’t wear anything over your underwear.
You bit inside your lip, trapping a moan from the pressure before she let her hand slip away purposely. A rush of disappointment took the place of the previous satisfaction. Your hands came to the hem of her shirt, fingers clinging onto the cloth before tugging on it eagerly but lightly.
“Mommy, please…” your muttered begging was typical, but of course still so so pretty for Wanda. She didn’t think you’d be needy from just a normal routine and especially from how late it was getting, yet the heat emitting from you proved otherwise. A part of her wanted to give into your pleading without a second thought, but there was an underlying idea that pushed itself in front.
You watched her with only a single thing in mind, your body just itching under the few clothing that stuck on loosely. As she suddenly but slowly moved and sat up her gaze fell on the forgotten fuzzy toy. Extending one arm, she reached over your body and took one of the bunny’s legs to bring it to herself. She looked at it carefully while it sat in her lap, her eyes then flickering over to your confused face. Maybe you were unpredictable, but so was she.
“Use this.”
Wanda looked down at you as she gestured the stuffed animal, lifting and gradually swinging it over in your direction before it just dangled in her hold. Your brows furrowed, not knowing how to reply or even take in her soft demand. Her face read nothing for you to study, and that heightened your uncertainty. But with silence fuming from you, she took the lead and signaled a hand motion before grasping the covers and pulling it off you. “Cmon, get up for me.”
The rush of cold air against your skin caused little bumps to appear while you took your time sitting up like Wanda said, still unsure about what she was wanting from you. For a short moment you stayed still once her hand came up to your head, patting down some of the strands of hair that frizzed and stuck out. Her touch was so gentle, so comforting. Like her voice, despite the lingering control and dominance it held.
“Get on your knees,” she continued, watching you do just that without any complaints in the mean time. With your knees slightly parted as you obediently sat on your legs, Wanda instantly took her chance to lightly shove and position the plushie in between, having it pressed up against your core. Though, with your panties still on, your wetness didn’t make evidence on the toy yet.
As your eyes trailed back up to her blank expression, you weren’t sure of what or how you should go about it. Just the thought of pleasing yourself without her touch as she watched was enough to make your body shudder. But of course, it was also completely embarrassing. You’ve had this gift taken care of since you received it, yet now the woman who gave it to you was making you do something so dirty with it.
“Mommy…” you quietly whined, your hands fisting the sheets at your sides in a subtle frustrated manner. You only wanted her to make you feel good.
“You agreed that it was replacing me, right?” Wanda quipped with a small pull of her brows together, making up a look you’ve familiarized.
“But I didn’t mean it like that-“
“Shh, just do as mommy says,” her interruption shushed you up quickly, leaving your pathetic refusal to shrivel. You cowered looking down at the soft bunny again, seeing it squished between your thighs while trying to avoid the look on Wanda’s now smug face. And her gaze on you left you even more sheepish than merely doing the impure action she went on to announce. “Go on, move your hips and use it to get off.”
You sighed lowly as your center partially moved against it, starting off slow to see how much you could get out of it. And to no surprise, it didn’t feel as good as you wanted. Your stiff movements were viewed through Wanda’s eyes, them roaming all around from your pursed lip in frustration to then your lower half that tried to speed up in search of more pleasure. Although the friction was enough for you to feel heat course through, it didn’t match the unforgettable feeling of her fingers, mouth— anything of hers.
You continued to look down, shifting every once in a while as you wanted to discover some sort of special spot you haven’t felt yet. Your attempts were futile though, only prompting Wanda to smile as she bit down her bottom lip in amusement. “Uh huh, just like that, baby.” She noticed the way you nervously fumbled with the ears of the plush, focusing solely on that while you let out small huffs.
At some point you gave up on the goal of an orgasm, seeing how useless it was despite the evident growing arousal. You were soaking more than just your underwear now. As Wanda saw your hips halt after slowing down, she was tempted to tut at you to make the previous pace return. Although, once you raised your head back up to look at her, the sight of your pleading and glossy eyes pushed her over.
“Fuck… you make it so hard not to touch you,” she muttered with an exhale. Internally she wanted to yell at her own defiance, but you were acting so good for her. How could she help herself.
You responded with another beg, not caring about how desperate you sounded. “Please- please mommy I need it.”
“Aw do you? My little girl needs mommy’s help?” she asked, speaking to you more belittling but also lovingly. With the return of your nodding head forcefully shaking nothing but thoughts of her inside, she moved behind you in leniency and imitated your kneeling stance.
Her hands grasped the end of your shirt, urging you to lift your arms up so she could pull it off for full access. The moment it was just your bare skin exposed, the feeling of her hands gliding all over made you want to lean back into her body. But they came downwards to your hips, a gentle push from her to coax you into grinding again.
“Mhm, there you go princess. Keep humping your little stuffie for mommy. You can do it.”
The sound of Wanda’s pleasant voice in your ear and the feeling of her breath left you to heat up, making you jerk in response as a large warmth spread throughout you. You started up a pace again, looking back down still shyly all while you felt your rear push back against Wanda in the process every time you moved. And louder moans came out from your lips, filling the semi illuminated space. It was nerve wracking having her watch from afar before, but now that she was up close and touching you, there was really nothing to hide.
“You sound so pretty, you know that?” The continuous tone and husk in Wanda’s words work you up impossibly more. She pecked behind your ear before making her way down to your neck, kissing it gently until her mouth attached and pulled at it. Her gaze fell down to the stuffed bunny trapped under the weight and pressure of you moving helplessly against it. Your pussy left a damp area on it, making an overlapping mess. It was like the feeling of her on you just amplified the sensitivity of everything, considering how your clit was more stimulated from the fluffed toy even through your panties.
And just as you thought this would be it to bring you over the edge, Wanda’s hands smoothly made their way up your torso. To your hips to your waist and to your chest— you were surrounded by her. You closed your eyes shut as you felt lost in it all, sensing her fingers brush over the perky buds that begged for attention. Her hands fondled your breasts until a certain rougher grope made you utter her name again.
She played with them shortly until fingers came in contact with your nipples again, pinching lightly as your hips stuttered. “Mhm, cum for me just like this. Make mommy proud, come on sweetheart.” Her mumbled words of encouragement took your movements further, your head thrown back on her shoulder while she continued to nip at your neck.
The bubbling sensation inched closer every time you gasped, signaling a close high. Part of the stuffed animal that you clung onto was scrunched harder in your hands, knuckles becoming more apparent with a lighter shade. It was even more difficult to ignore the increasing soreness of your lower half as well from the force and weight of the repeated motions, but it felt so good that you couldn’t stop. Then finally the continuous bend of the feeling inside your lower portion snapped, leaving your movements out of pattern and shaky. Wanda’s hands moved back down to your sides again to support you, leaving your nipples still tingly from the slight pain but pleasure she caused.
“There you go, see? I knew you could it. So good for mommy,” Wanda praised you once you settled back and heavily into her. Feeling limp and out of breath by the effort you put in, you didn’t bother to pull the stuffie out under you. Eyelids lifted back up as you caught her stare again, only adoration swimming in the green that shimmered slightly from the light. Your body was lifted upward for a second as she removed the plush between your legs.
And like Wanda expected, the lower half of it was damp with a subtle darker area. The corners of her lips tugged upward once again, tilting her head back down to where she saw you looking flushed because of the wet object presented. A tiny snicker escaped her before she leaned down, placing a short kiss on top of your head from that uncontrollable love for you.
“I’ll put it in the washer for you in the morning.”
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