#look at you voting for my fav horse
sandushengshou · 1 year
my brain actually malfuctoined for this to happen
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stop. you're making me love you even more.
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lukkabloom · 8 months
Fun facts abt residents according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 3
Continuing down the line with episodes 8-10!! These are getting longer bc it's getting more and more chaotic and funny
Episode 8: Makki and Morishi in Vincent and Sebas cosplay!!!!
Morishi (referring to Makki’s amazing cosplay) “I can’t destroy the atmosphere of the game (so I have to look good)… well I kinda already did (destroy it) but…” (the 2nd sentences refers to the fact he says weird things in his “I love yu” segment)
Another thing the two did that was cute—Morishi: does driving motion w/his hands Makki: “You don't see taxi drivers so handsome like you. I would be your customer anytime”
Morishi: “Maybe I should become a driver? Haha”
Also!! Makki: “Is Vincent cute?" Morishi: “Yes, Vincent’s cute. Makki’s cute too”
“I love yu” segment coming up!! Sebas starts out by saying “Sigh. Baths are really nice. It’s so nice that I can forget about the fact that I wasn’t nominated in the ever-so popular Ikemen series election (this was during the Ikemen election of 2018)
Also when Vincent enters the bath, Sebas is like “well, well. If it isn’t Master Vincent, whose route was just released and is gaining popularity by the minute.” (This episode celebrated Vincent’s jp route release) and then continues “Congratulations on your route release” to which Vincent’s confused. And then Sebas coughs and says “please don’t mind me”
Vincent likes oden, thanks Sebas for always cooking delicious food
Sebas stops breathing for a sec, then says “Ugh! As expected of a route-released character. So bright!”
Vincent’s worried abt Sebas’s weird attitude, Sebas reassures him that everything’s fine
The two bathe together so much now that it’s almost like a routine
MC is sick in this episode? Sebas brought her okayu (porridge), she happily accepted
Vincent wants to make her porridge as well, asking Sebas if he should put ginger, tabasco, or habanero to warm up her body. Sebas says “she will probably explode if you do that”
Saddened, Vincent proposes to peel apples, Sebas answers “Nononononono. It’s dangerous.”
Vincent: “It’ll be fine. I’ve actually gotten better at cooking. I can make scrambled eggs now”
Theo used to look after Vincent when he’s gotten sick
Sebas gave Vincent chocolates for valentine’s?? It was chocolate in the shape of a sunflower bouquet??? (how is that possible to make???) For Napoleon, Sebas gave him chocolate in a shape of a horse, Leo was given a chocolate in a shape of cigarettes (that’s kinda funny bc in Japan there are these snacks called Choco Cigarettes which are basically that)
Sebas gave Isaac apple-shaped chocolates, who, according to Sebas, made a weird face upon receiving it
Vincent’s in awe, reaffirming his theory that Sebas can do anything
So Sebas confirms that he only gave the gifts to the residents nominated for the Ikemen series popularity poll (Napo, Leo, Isaac, and Vincent—idk who the last person is) and wishes luck to Vincent (Vincent’s just confused but is like “I’ll do my best, I guess?”)
A new segment of the show called “van Gogh and Sebas and sometimes you!!” Where the viewers can vote on the situation they’d like to be in, and Morishi and Makki will act it out as Vincent and Sebas. The chosen situation was “where you are feeling down, and Vincent and Sebas try to make you laugh by doing funny things” and OMG the things they do are FUNNY AS HECK (aka very ooc), they just scream “yeaaaaaahhhhh!!!”
In the script they were given it literally just says “YEAAAAHHHHH!!!” and everything else was adlib
So next up in the “van Gogh’s drawing section” instead of drawing, they made paper-clay dolls of their characters and… well it was interesting to say the least. I recommend just watching the livestream itself for the experience
The two asked the audience if they even wanted the paper-clay dolls, and they were surprised by the “yes”s 
Anyways my fav segment!!! “Can you tell me… your name?” This one was even funnier by the fact that the camera continued to be focused on the Vincent and Sebas clay dolls while the two said their amazing lines. Well, it was supposed to be like that but there were so many voices of laughter and the two VAs couldn’t take it seriously so the camera zoomed out to their faces
Vincent’s line was “The wind here’s a bit too cool, so come here.” Most were serious names, but the last one was “Sebas, the wind here’s a bit too cool, so come here,” and Morishi just entered into the camera frame (it was zoomed into Makki while he was saying his lines)
Sebas’s chosen line was “Woosh! I have seen the inside of your skirt! (しゃっ!スカートの中いただきました)” (idk even know how to translate it, basically Sebas saw your undies from under your skirt when the wind blew too hard) the facial expression Morishi has while saying this line is so funny
There was “Yoshihiko, woosh! I have seen the inside of your skirt!” Makki replies, “I don’t wear one lol”
Episode 9: feat. Leonardo’s VA Tsuda Kenjiro once again once more
Tsuda stumbled on his line when introducing himself. He went “Leonar—aahhhhh” (he was trying to say something like "The voice of Leonardo da Vinci, Tsuda Kenjiro or smth")
They did a poll bc they were curious on the ages of the audience (0.8% were elementary schoolers, 3.3% middle school, 4.6% high, 13.3% college/university, 78% adult/workers) they think the children are watching by themselves, not w/their parents/guardians (they need to make the show available for all ages)
Very random but there’s a segment (that I never talk abt that’s been existing since the 1st episode) called “Motivation! Energy! Suzuki!” (やる気!元気!鈴木!) where a self-proclaimed low-level Cybird employee Suzuki-san introduces events and gachas happening @ the time of the livestream (you can tell why I skip this section. It doesn’t really apply now) Anyways, so she uses her phone during this segment so the VAs can pull on gachas and listen to voice lines in featured cards, and when her phone went back to her lock screen (accidentally) it showed Mozart’s drawing of Vincent from Vincent’s pre-route release and I thought it was neat
So to the thermae skit!!! This is probably one of my fav thermae skit episodes bc it’s so chaotic
Just like usual, Leo and Sebas sing the song whenever they are a part of the thermae episode (the same song from episodes 1 & 3)
Vincent notices that Leo and Sebas are acting a bit weird, the two join Vincent in the bath to talk about it
Leo asks what Vincent thinks of when he says “spring,” Vincent says that spring reminds him of cherry blossoms and he loves them
Leo thinks of the word “farewell” when thinking of spring, then tells Vincent that he has something to inform him
Leo’s planning to leave the mansion, Vincent’s confused asks him if he fought w/Comte
Sebas urges Vincent to be calm and let Leo continue. Leo describes that has a life-long dream of wanting to be a basketball player (I’m not even sure if basketball even exists during this time??)
Vincent is confused, but Leo continues “I know it’s not like me to say that. Besides, no one has ever heard of a basketball player who's a vampire. So I tried to give up. But nothing I do will let me forget about it!” 
Vincent: “Forget about what?”
Leo: “The sound of a basketball bouncing off the floor!” (Sebas: “dun, dun, dun, dun, dun" <- that's the sound of a basketball hitting the floor) Leo: “It’s almost as if god is telling me to not give up on my real dream”  (Sebas: “dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Ando-sensei, I want to play basketball.  [←What reference is this idk] dun, dun, dun, dun, dun")
Leo: “So I’ve finally made up my mind. I’ve decided to leave the mansion and go to the Americas.”
Vincent is confused, and during this time, Sebas starts “I’m sorry to interrupt while you are deep in thought, but I also have something to tell you, Master Vincent”
Vincent: “Wait, you’re not going to say that you’ll be leaving the mansion too, right?”
Sebas: “It’s exactly that.” Vincent: “N-no way.”
(So apparently Sebas has been working in the mansion for 3 years?? I’m guessing MC is here rn so… idk more new info ig)
Sebas: “I’ve been really wondering what it means to come face-to-face with others… And my conclusion has led me to… wrestling.” (Vincent's confused even more)
Sebas: “In the sport called wrestling, you face an opponent without any gear. It is the ultimate definition of coming face-to-face (literally) with other’s bodies.”
Leo: “The two of us, in 2020, desire to compete in the Olympics held in Japan.” Sebas: “I believe my goal is to shoulder the Japanese flag (日の丸).”
Leo & Sebas: “(Master) Vincent. The two of us will be leaving this mansion!”
Vincent: “So… you’ve already made your decision. Then, I can’t stop you. Honestly, I’m a little—no. I’ll miss you a lot. I thought of you two like family.”
Leo & Sebas: “F-family…”
Vincent: “But! I shouldn’t do anything like stopping you from achieving your dreams, right? I-I’ll be watching over the two of—”
Sebas: “Ahhh! Stop!”
Vincent: “... ‘Stop?’”
Sebas: “My chest is hurting so much, I can’t continue doing this! Master Leonardo!”
Leo: “Ooooii, Sebas! Do it properly til the very end....”
Leo reveals that April 1st that’s coming up soon, aka, April Fool’s and everything that they stated previously was a lie. Sebas apologizes, willing to do anything to seek forgiveness from Vincent
Vincent is relieved, saying he can’t be angry at the two bc the happiness he feels from being able to spend more time w/the two overpowers the feeling of anger.
Sebas says phrases like “viewers” and “broadcast” confusing Vincent, but Leo tells him not to worry since it’s Sebas’s usual “meta-fictional expression/breaking the 4th wall”
Afterwards, Vincent says “I forgot to tell you two something. Actually, I’m not a big fan of baths because they’re too hot.”
Leo & Sebas: “EEEEHhhhhhhh!!”
Vincent: “It's a lie. Sorry. I wanted to tell one. Haha. To be honest, I really like baths!”
(I can’t believe I translated almost the whole skit that took so much time. I hope I don’t do that again... I will do it again)
“Can you tell me… your name?” segment comin up!!! Dang Leo’s line “Come here, closer.” his VA has such a good voice I’m swooning
Sebas’s line “Do you want to eat dried squid (atarime)?” Is just so random?? Like usually his lines are funny but at least related to the season or holiday at the time of the broadcast, but you can literally eat dried squid any time of year.
Anyways onto the names being called. There was “Atarime, do you want to eat dried squid?” and “Makki, do you want to eat dried squid?” w/Makki quietly replying “yes, yes.” There was also Tsuda-san and oyaji (dad).
Episode 10: for the first time in this radio the VAs are doing it in front of an audience
(Idk why this link looks a bit weird)
They do this episode in their cosplay which looks amazing as usual
Morishi had Vincent’s Drama CD, and wanted both Vincent and Makki to sign it, addressed to him. Also wanted Makki to draw both Morishi and Makki’s face on it (Makki did all that)
Makki said that Morishi is slowly eating at Sebas's character (basically Sebas turning into Morishi himself)
The return of the “van Gogh and Sebas and something you!!” segment!!! Lmao all the situation descriptions are so long. The chosen situation was “Protecting you from a suddenly-appearing enemy. However, Vincent and Sebas can’t decide who will hold them back, instead arguing against each other” One of the choices was the one they did last time, and Makki was like “pls don’t choose that one” (the one where they try to make you laugh)
Vincent: “We can’t hold them back. Let’s divide the work. One of us will take her (MC) and run away while the other holds back the opponent.”
Sebas: “A very smart decision. In that case, Master Vincent, I’ll leave everything to you here.” takes you away
Vincent: “Eh? Sebas? Isn’t it typically the opposite?”  Sebas: “Eh?”  Vincent: “It looks like we need to have a discussion”
Vincent: “Hey, strong opponent,”  Sebas & Vincent: “wait a moment!”
Vincent’s reasons as to why Sebas should stay is bc Sebas can do anything, so he should be able to hold back the enemy.
Sebas: “Master Vincent, you have more hit points (hp) than me” (since when was this a RPG??)
Vincent: “But above my hp, it says I’m poisoned”   Sebas: “but you only lose 1 health for each poison damage. I’m paralyzed, so—” Vincent: “You’re paralyzed?” Sebas: “and I’m cursed, so I should get away first”
Vincent: “But see, I don’t have any gear equipped.” Sebas: points to Vincent's scarf “But you have your scarf”
Vincent: points to Sebas’s vest “But this jacket here—it gives 100 defense, right?”   Sebas: “I got it. I’ll just take it off” Sebas takes off his outer jacket
Vincent: “Wait, Sebas…”  Sebas: “And then, finally—” Vincent: grabs Sebas's inner jacket “you’re wearing two jackets?”
The discussion was going nowhere, so they decided to end with rock-paper-scissors. Sebas won against Vincent. Vincent: “Sebas escaped, but I’ll do anything for her.” (he says this thrice, showing how salty he is)
Makki said this happens in a parallel world, different from the typical ikevamp period
Thermae episode coming up!! Aka they become idols!!
MC looked tired recently, from overworking and stress, so Sebas came up with an ultimate plan named “I want to make her happy! So we will become idols!”
Vincent doesn’t know what an idol is, Sebas describes it as someone who can sing and dance and make others happy. Vincent’s not sure if they can be something as amazing as that
Sebas: “With your pretty face, dignified personality, and angelic smile, you have all the attributes of an idol”
Vincent: “Sebas too, works hard all the time, and both your personality and appearance is very cool.” Sebas: “thank you for the compliment. Recently, I’ve been feeling that one of my charm points, my coolness, has been challenged.” (It's prob bc you're so weird in these skits, Sebas!!)
Sebas creates rules to become an idol. “Rule #1: an idol’s introduction must be catchy!” Vincent can’t think of one on the spot, so Sebas pre-made one for him. 
Sebas: “Hii! I come from Japan. I’m known as Sebas, aka Sebastian. My job as a butler is always done in a relaxed manner—” Vincent: “Relaxed!” Sebas: “controlling everyone with a cool stare—” Vincent: “Control!” Sebas: “I always understand my position. I keep my emotions in check—” Vincent: “Check!” (Vincent’s chanting Sebas’s words btw) Sebas: “But for tonight, I can express my feelings.”
Anyways it’s Vincent’s turn. Vincent: "Hai! From Groot Zundert, I’m everyone’s angel, Vincent! My hair texture is fluffy!” Sebas: “fluffy!” (Sebas is chanting now) Vincent: “My mood is fluffy!”   Sebas: “fluffy!”  Vincent: “I want to surround you fluffily (?), help you relax with my angelic aura! But… (he suddenly gets serious) don’t forget that I’m actually a man.”
(Both Sebas & Vincent’s lines are supposed to rhyme but my tiny brain doesn’t form great words to do that so you’ll get the literal translation here :PP)
Vincent says he’s embarrassed from doing that, and feels his face getting hot. Sebas says they should get going to the next page of the idol adventure
Vincent’s like “We’re striving to be idols, right? By the time we get there, I feel like she will have recovered…” Sebas: “...” Vincent: “You didn’t realize that, Sebas? You must really like her…” Sebas: “It seems like it…”
They decide to visit her instead after the bath to make her feel better and help her improve
Also I really wasn’t expecting so many ppl to be interested in this??? Anyways I finished all the episodes so as I promised the next parts will be coming out in the next two days :))
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 27 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad (more to come either here or on wattpad its kinda exam season (I really should be studying))
west coast VS east coast (gc)
Imma need to know what y’all are feeding chris
What did I do??
Ik what this is ab
Say it bro
Your tiktok chris
This one
You’re so
That’s it christopher
That’s her sentence
And how do we know what’s coming after?
You don’t
You don’t
Figure it out
Ik the others understand
The switch up is insane tho
2 days ago i’m the one being complimented and now it’s chris
Which brother are you after
Tbh I’m after nick
If only I could😔
But you look like him so I have to settle for the copies
I’m flattered but yeah sorry you have to go for the look alike
Can’t have the real deal
Such a shame
Back to what matthew said
I’ve never seen lily complimenting you🤨
I can see that only christopher deserves public comments lmao
That was in a private convo
Glad to know i’m more worthy
It’s less embarrassing to publicly admit that i’m the better looking
Calm your horses tho
I see y’all the same
Don’t worry, we know
It’s the first time we had this convo so how would you
I have literal proof
You’re very funny in our comments lily
Especially under matt’s
Forgot ab those
She never lied tho
And y’all should see me under my fav singers’ posts also
Which comments?
Think I missed a chap
Nate hi<3
Hi lily!
Lemme find them
I thank matt for noticing, it was hilarious to read some of them on old posts
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We never understood what you said on the last one btw
She called him handsome in french
That’s the truth so
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And those from the group acc
It reminds me of what nate comments sometimes
Thanks, I take that as a compliment
And I take that as a compliment
Nate my bestie now fr
After you ofc
Matt bro where did you go
Are y’all not together?
Ye like you’re in the same house right?
Yes, but each in our own room
Makes sense
While Alex, Chris, Nick and Nate kept talking on their groupchat about how thousands of miles were separating them since the triplets went back to Los Angeles, Lily was thinking about Matt. He had disappeared from the conversation as quick as he had appeared and she couldn’t help but worry. Therefore, she decided to switch to their private texts and send him a message.
Hey, everything good?
We miss you in the gc
All good don’t worry!
I was just organising some stuff so I left my phone for a while
Ok ok
Thought the convo was annoying you
Sorry if my comments are weird
Stop worrying about things like that lily
Nick is right, it was funny when I first saw it on my latest post
And you decided to explore every other one😭
Technically nick did
I had just sent them the one you wrote ab switching teams and they ran with it
Glad I make THE sturniolo triplets laugh
 We don’t need much tbh
I truly hope it’s no problem tho
It’s not, get that idea out of your mind
And like alex said, it’s all true so I acc appreciate it
Cool cool cool
Also enjoy your concert tomorrow
Hope y’all have fun
Thank you :)
I’ll text you later
Yepp, ok :))
Although Matt was nothing but reassuring towards her, Lily was an overthinker at her core. She knew that she shouldn’t analyse their texts when they looked absolutely normal, but Lily couldn’t help but feel insecure. She decided that she’d see how it goes the next time Matt posts and she comments, so that she could be sure that her being a bit bold on his account was definitely not a problem. It was definitely not a problem as Matt did appreciate the compliments and found it funny how Lily seemed to dramatise them – she didn’t, she meant every single word and would keep thinking that about him.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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lavender-annd-lilac · 2 years
👻 Fics as Halloween Costumes 👻
YOU know how furniture moves and talks to each other behind our backs when we aren’t looking?
Well, fics do that too, so let’s see what costumes a random person (me) might make them wear for Halloween!
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First up, we have.. this:
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You and I Were Forever Wild - @the-iceni-bitch​
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2 person horse costume: this fic is loosely about sports, and Sports are loosely about how teamwork makes the dream work!  And the dream here is apparently to look like a sinister facsimile of a horse. You will looove this if you are into the tough love thing I think. OH DID I MENTION MY COMMENTS FOR THIS STORY INCLUDE A FAKE AMAZON REVIEW? 
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 Meeting Bryce at a Charity Event - @the-iceni-bitch​
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Rich Strike: ya, it’s another horse costume, is it too much? Neeiiiggggh!! This fic has an underdog spirit just like its costume namesake. It was actually voted least likely to win the Kentucky Derby, and also least likely to then bite another horse and its owner
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Call me Ransom - @cherienymphe​
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A punny costume! Example: French kiss - This fic has some twists and turns so I mean... are ready for this big brain stuff? 
Is that why you’ve been so kind to me? So your family would think we’re sleeping together…just to make it easier for us to actually sleep together?” 
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High Value Hero (completed series) - @rustytricycle​
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 Former President - just like ol’ 45 this fic plays by its own rules/laws. So better start saving up that Cheeto dust to achieve the perfect presidential tan.
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Cat and the Mouse (completed series) - @st3rgirl​
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 Big Bad Wolf - this purge AU will get you so full of adrenaline and fear you’ll huff and you’ll puff and you’ll blow all your money on home security
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Show Me - @thenhewaswrongaboutme​
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 Internet sleuth - get out your bubble pipe and sweatpants! Or just stay in your sweatpants and continue smoking (?) that bubble pipe because it’s time to solve a crime*!! 
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Honey Trap - @runa-falls​
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 Napoleon - this fic is short n sweet, just like everyone’s fav mille-feuille pastry! Teeheehee
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 All Heaven in a Rage (completed series) - @jtargaryen18​
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Budget bedsheet Ghost - honestly, it’s all you will be able to afford after paying for the therapy you will need after reading this tbh. Maybe we’ll see each other in group therapy bestie! 
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Choosing Not to Lose Him - @kinanabinks​
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 Construction worker bc you will need to rebuild your life piece by piece after reading. Hope you’ve got those zoning permits ready??
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Jake - @charnelhouse​
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 A Humble Waiter: this fic is out there doing honest work, just waiting for you to notice it hovering around your table, asking if the food is ok and if you need a refill for your glasses of just ice (no water) and extra ketchup or mustard.
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Tell Me I’m Yours - @luxeavenger​
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 An Icicle - because just like an icicle, this fic can probably be used to commit murder and then bamboozle the cops when they can’t find the murder weapon. No smoking gun for you officers!!! 
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Undercover Sneak - @makeyoumine69​
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 No costume ahaha, but if you plan to commit a murder and then hit up a few parties covered in blood before heading home - no costume is the perfect non costume costume for not getting arrested
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Rotten Game - @junipermuses​
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 Monopoly Man - just like how the original game ruined thousands of lives, this fic will sneak into your life and then leave you hanging like you are Mufasa on that cliff. Better not have skipped arm day at the gym! 
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(Spoilers lol)
*And by crime, I mean the like a clue style murder mystery except with conditioner: Who is the culprit? It was the super soldier in the shower with the conditioner!!
dividers by @firefly-graphics​ :) 
Dancing ghost divider by@fuckyeah-pixels​ :) 
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clavi-crossing · 2 years
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) You already know who it is!!! Stiesel my beloved!! He's.... just a little guy, I still think about him sometimes and go " :) " my main twitter is still called Minigolf Lackey because of him.
Skrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) I uuuhhh uhm... well uhhhh.. I don't think I have such a type of character? At least not that I can think of... I call everyone cute and adorable so I could put Stiesel again but... maybe I got someone? Frank. And by god I hope this isn't because he has the same name as a character from my current fandom obsession. I just think he's a well meaning little guy, I see him, I go "awww..." whether that is because I'm sad for knowing what happens to him or because of his polite little pose. I also find it so funny when Gerret breaks his voice calling for him.
Scrimblo Bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) I mean... Stiesel again sdfdshjf Bold of you to assume my favs are even close to the main cast!! But I like more characters than just Stiesel I promise... Maybe I'll vote Freeman into this position.
Glup Shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) "Guten Tag :)" "AAAAAAUUUUGH" At some point I got weirdly attached to the nervous passenger in the room just before the laundry lift and never told anyone about it somehow!? He doesn't even speak words but looks like he has to pee constantly.. poor guy, someone get him away from the controller.
Poor little Meow Meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) .....smh this is just all the characters I listed so far!!! Stiesel, Frank, Freeman, Panic Passenger... They just fall under so many categories, even tho they might be more pathetic than controversial... and obviously unpopular but you know me, this is a given 😩 People don't usually mention these when talking about problematic faves. Their ignorance is my bliss I suppose...
Horse Plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) When I start liking a character at some point I will torment them, there is no way around it... Even little Frankie, sorry!!!! Every time Pa by Doe Maar comes on I think of Stiesel and his daddy issues.
Eeby Deeby (character I would send to superhell) Other than Dr. Marcel because he is AWFUL and everything else that you already mentioned in your version of this ask.. I would say the Keymaster. (booing from the fandom ensues) I'M RIGHT COME ON!!! HE IS AWFUL AND PEOPLE KEEP YASSIFYING HIM!!! I know he's everyone's favourite I Can Fix Him - I even used to fave him when I was in school - but then I got cursed and got attached to The Fanartless.
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nakamina · 5 years
What is Produce 101 Japan? + Fav members
Hello again! Today, I’m here with another long blog post NOT about Yuzuru Hanyu or anime but............ PRODUCE 101 JAPAN!! Because there are just not enough posts about it on Tumblr. AGH! WHY!? So here we go...
What is Produce 101 Japan?
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Produce 101 Japan is a 2019 Japanese reality competition show and a spin-off of the South Korean television series Produce 101 . The show follows 101 trainees with the intention of producing an 11-member boy band. The members, group name, and concepts are selected by viewers, referred to as "national producers." The series was first announced in April 2019 as a co-production between Yoshimoto Kogyo and CJ E&M and premiered on September 25, 2019, with the first and final episodes airing on TBS while the full series will be streamed on GyaO! beginning September 26, 2019. - Totally not copied and pasted from wiki lol 
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So yes, if you are familiar with the Korean Produce 101 franchise then you get the gist; if not, it is basically a Japanese idol show where the viewers get to vote and decide who will debut in the end as part of a 11-member boy band. Almost each week the ranking is released to the public online. This ranking resets every 3-4 weeks, so every trainee has the opportunity to redeem themselves as well as drop down in rank. Currently 9 out of 12 episodes have aired. The final episode is set to air on December 11, 2019. 
Who are MY top 11 members? 
So my favourite part of this blog has come! I will now show case my top/favourite 11 members of Produce 101 Japan. So obviously these are the members that I hope will make it into the final 11 to debut as a group. I will first list their age, prefecture, current rank (as of 27th Nov 2019), audition group (as some members entered this show as a group), position/persona (made up by me) and a short blurb about what I like about them. FYI this is not in any particular order......except for maybe no.1 hehe. 
1. Shiroiwa Ruki
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Tokyo, Japan Current rank: 4th  Audition group: Hangyaku no Prince  Position/persona: A prince on the outside, a dork on the inside
Ruki is by far my favourite trainee and my 1-pick. He is a total visual, an all rounder and the dark horse of this show. His rank has been steadily improving and just last week he jumped from 13th place to 4th place! So far he has been the centre for all of the group battle performances. He is known for his “Prince” persona, and yes on stage he is indeed like a prince from a Shojo-manga; however, as some other trainees have confessed he is actually quite dorky and down to earth. I mean, in his 60-second PR video he sang while nonchalantly playing a guitar that was clearly out of tune (face palm). Furthermore, he talks to his dorm mates on and on until 4am only because he gets lonely and doesn’t want to be the last one to fall asleep. This young fella just yearns for some company haha. With all jokes aside though, I think he honestly has the potential to challenge the current top three members and be chosen as the final centre. 
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2. Komatsu Koshin
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Age: 18 Prefecture: Hyogo, Japan Current rank: 28th Audition group: Puchi-men  Position/persona: Small boy with a big heart 
Komatsu-kun is a 18 year old high schooler that has captured the hearts of many with his cute face and personality. Ruki may be my 1-pick, but Komatsu-kun was the first trainee I had my eyes on. He is very underrated IMHO as he just does not get enough screen time. But you can tell from the few scenes that he is featured in that he is so polite, cares a lot about his fellow peers and can always lift up the the entire mood within the team. He also has a stable vocal and solid dance skills. He may be small (165cm), but he has a heart of a giant. 
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3. Uehara Jun 
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Age: 23 Prefecture: Tokyo, Japan Current rank: 5th Audition group: n/a Position/persona: King of Rap 
Where do I even begin with Uehara Jun!? He was actually in Produce X (4th season of the Produce franchise in Korea) but as he could not make the final cut there, he has now committed to this second opportunity in Japan to make his debut as an idol. Jun has many amazing qualities, one of the obvious ones being his skills as a rapper. Honestly, he is in a league of his own when it comes to rap. I’m no rap pro, but when he raps it just sounds so GOOD! When he first started off I think a lot of viewers were hesitant to vote for him as he had the tendency to succumb to pressure and self-guilt, but as the weeks went by he really redeemed himself and gained a lot more confidence. I mean...the fact that he moved from one season to another without second thought just shows he really wants this, and I genuinely hope he will make it into the final 11. He deserves it and the group will suffer without a top-quality rapper like him. 
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4. Kono Junki
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Age: 21 Prefecture: Nara, Japan Current rank: 11th  Audition group: Six Packs Position/persona: Kpop ready vocals and visual 
Junki is a very handsome trainee with a beautiful voice. Despite having little to no experience with singing or dancing prior to this show, he has really demonstrated the ability to adapt and deliver. Also his face and voice is so Kpop worthy it’s crazy. If I saw him walking down the street with no prior knowledge of who he is and someone told me he is a Kpop idol I will be convinced. He has also been voted by the other trainees as one of the top visuals. Oh and did I mention he has amazing muscles? I mean he did audition as part of a group called “Six Packs” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). 
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5. Yonashiro Sho 
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Age: 24 Prefecture: Okinawa, Japan   Current rank: 8th Audition group: Six Packs Position/persona: 50 Shades of Yonashiro 
Ah yes... Yonashiro, the Christian Grey of Produce 101 Japan. I say this because many viewers find his face, body and most of all his VOICE to be very sensual. He is a member of Six Packs, the same group as Kono Junki, so of course he has muscles and is also an amazing vocalist. His deep liquid gold voice has just added so much spice to every group performance that he has been a part of, and is now regarded as one of the  best vocalists of all the trainees. You may think that he is this know-it-all arrogant narcissist because of his looks, but he is actually very kind, considerate of others and has genuine passion for singing. 
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6. Kim Heecheon 
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Age: 25 Prefecture: South Korean  Current rank: 14th  Audition group: Hello Again  Position/persona: Ready to lead a country 
Heecheon was a former member of the Kpop group Halo. As they disbanded, he decided to join this show alongside two other former members of Halo (Younghoon & Youndong). Due to their experience Halo is really on a league of their own in many ways. Their dance, vocals, performance and professionalism as an idol are just top notch and SO stable. Heecheon particularly has a voice of an angel. He can really hit those high notes and it sounds so tranquil. One of the vocal trainers even praised him for it in one of the first episodes. He has also demonstrated great leadership skills. He has the ability to gain everyone’s trust and respect, while not being afraid to give constructive criticism and call out on those who are not being professional within the team. He is so level-headed, but that is not to say he isn’t fun. He is actually so funny and I am just impressed how well he understands Japanese sense of humour despite being Korean. Heecheon for president anyone?? 
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7. Jeong Younghoon
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Age: 26 Prefecture: South Korea Current rank: 6th  Audition group: Hello Again  Position/persona: Embodiment of Kindness 
Look up “kindness” in your dictionary and you are sure to find his name. Younghoon, the eldest member of the Halo trio, is such a kind-hearted individual. One of the younger trainees even said that he wants Younghoon in his group during one of the group battles because he is kind (uwu). He has actually been judged quite harshly by the trainers despite being a former Kpop idol, and was even placed in group C (3rd lowest group) at one point. Even with these challenges he never showed the slightest bit of annoyance towards the trainers and accepted to improve on the flaws the he was criticised for. Like Heecheon, he has also gained a lot of trust and admiration from the other trainees.
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8. Kim Youndong
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Age: 24 Prefecture: South Korea Current rank: 10  Audition group: Hello Again  Position/persona: Little Mr Sunshine 
Youndong, also a former member of Halo, is such a sunshine of the show. He is absolutely a pleasure to watch both on and off stage and is always smiling. He is probably the least fluent in Japanese out of the Halo trio, but that in itself is what makes him so charming. His personality is so likeable I think it is impossible for anyone to hate him. Not to mention his stunning presence while performing. 
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9. Kawanishi Takumi 
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Age: 20 Prefecture: Hyogo, Japan Current rank: 12th  Audition group: KSIX Position/persona: Princess
I think Takumi is a must needed member for the final 11. He really is a talented individual. He apparently has no experience with dancing or singing but for some reason he manages to always pull off complicated choreos and is also working steadily on his vocals right now. He may be ranked 12th at the moment, but he was previously ranked no.1, so I’m sure his one-pickers will place him back up high in the ranking again soon enough. He is also labelled as the “Princess” of Produce 101 Japan due to his picture perfect looks. Unsurprisingly he was also voted as the no.1 visual by the trainees. I mean just look at him, those eyes just so striking and and full of hope! 
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10. Kawashiri Ren 
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Fukuoka, Japan Current rank: 2nd Audition group: UN Backers  Position/persona: Mr Perfect 
Now Ren is a special one. He is a very experienced dancer and is one of, if not the best dancer of all the trainees. He has worked as a back dancer for many Kpop and Jpop groups such as FT Island, WannaOne, Pentagon and SMAP. Of course he is not the only experienced dancer in the show, but every move of his is so effortless and clean. He was voted as the very first centre of Produce 101 Japan, and maintained this position throughout the first half of the season. His rank has now dropped down to 2nd, but he still maintains an incredible amount of following. He has so much aura and has garnered a lot of respect from the other trainees. I think it’s safe to say that he will make it into the final 11 and will undoubtedly be one of the top contenders for the final centre position. 
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11. Tsurubo Shion 
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Age: 18 Prefecture: Shiga, Japan Current rank: 3rd  Audition group: n/a  Position/persona: Bad boy gone sweet
I think Shion is a type that really pulls the ladies’ heart strings. Similar to Uehara Jun, Shion also sees Produce 101 as his second chance to accomplish his dream as an idol, as he has had a history of failing an audition....an audition which he even dropped out of high school for. There was some negativity around his reputation at the start as the trainers addressed his “rude” attitude in the first episode (By rude, he talked over some of the trainers and hosts, and was not using proper formal language). This was only for the first episode and was most likely due to nerves of being on screen as as the weeks went by we saw him break out of his shell and show a very sweet side of him. I mean just look at his pure smile in the GIF below! 
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Honourable mentions
Now I am going to cheat a bit and show case three other trainees that could not make it into MY top 11 but deserves a mention. 
Ando Tomoaki 
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Fukuoka, Japan Current rank: 7th Audition group: Six Packs Position/persona: Michelangelo’s Ando
The third member of Six Packs. I say he’s “Michelangelo’s” Ando because he has such deep set eyes and western facial features. One trainee said that he’s like one of the statues you’d find in the Louvre lol. Ando may very well be the most talented vocalist in Six Packs. It would be very sad to not see all of the three Six Packs members make it into the final 11, so thats why I have placed him here. 
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Honda Kosuke 
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Age: 24  Prefecture: Fukushima, Japan Current rank: 15th Audition group: Hangyaku no Prince  Position/persona: Big bro Honda 
Honda is so big bro-material. Even Kawajiri Ren, one of the most respected trainees comes to him for moral support. I actually would be really happy if he makes it into the final 11 with Ruki because they are from the same group and have such a strong bond (cries). So much drama happened around him during one of the group battles, and he is such a great dancer and choreographer. 
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Urano Shuta
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Kanagawa, Japan Current rank: 34th Audition group: Hangyaku no Prince  Position/persona: Mood maker 
Urano Shuta, also a member of Hangyaku no Prince, is someone that very recently caught my attention. He has a great voice and great sense of humour. Honestly, every scene he is featured in just cracks me up because he is always pulling off jokes. Let’s give him a bonus GIF for his loveable humour. 
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In Summary 
Produce 101 Japan is such an entertaining, dramatic and inspiring show. I am usually not into idols at all (Kpop or Jpop), so I am honestly surprised just how invested I have become. I’ve only showcased 14 trainees today, but no joke each one of them has something to offer and you just have to watch it to understand the greatness of this show. Unfortunately you are only able to vote if you live in Japan (as it requires to have a Japanese cell phone number). Since I don’t live in Japan I thought this blog post is the least I could do to help promote the trainees. If you are able to please check this show out! You can use a VPN to watch all the episodes on Gyao. Otherwise, they have an official youtube channel and many fans have uploaded videos of Produce 101 Japan as well online. 
Thanks so much if you made it to the end of this blog! And I’m sorry if this is not the kind of content you expected from me. Do not fret though, plenty of Yuzuru Hanyu content will still be coming from me. 
Adios until my next blog post!! 
20 notes · View notes
stone-man-warrior · 5 years
January 20, 2020: 7:55 pm:
I just now returned from another socio-terrific shopping experience in Dystopia, Grants Pass Oregon, where all of the current citizens are fake, and are Canadians who are using the name of an American that was killed by the SDA terror army. The conditions are best described as living in the aftermath of a slaughter and depopulation of the citizens who lived in the county twenty years ago, where the original population was all brutally killed, and the new, replacement population is implanted from Canada, mostly Quebec, and are commanded as an army by Screen Actor Guild leaders in Hollywood California. SAG gets their orders from the British Throne, Royal Family, and House of Lords British Parliament.
It’s all fucked up.
The current fake impostor population is instructed by SAG leadership to vote in specific ways, as the leadership commands the individual soldiers to vote. The US Election Ballots are filled with Screen Actor Guild Member Shill Candidates, who also take their commands from the SAG leadership in Hollywood CA.
The Josephine County Oregon population is composed of a mixture of Screen Actor Guild members, who are instructed to create a social atmosphere for cover, to make the county appear as a normal county does. The others are Seventh Day Adventist Christian religious cult, and are an army, armed with swords and Nitrous Oxide airborne gas. They use the gas to kill any outsiders who come the the county. SAG arranges replacement look-a-likes to take the place of the murdered victims. The army is supplies with vehicles, housing, food, clothing for free, all of their needs are supplied as any army is supplied by it’s leadership.
Commerce is all faked with false record keeping and the commerce itself, is used as a means of identifying and then marking, and killing those who attempt to make any kind of purchase, anywhere, for anything. Since the army is supplied for free, anyone who makes a purchase is marked as an outsider by virtue of the transaction of making a debit, credit, or cash purchase.
I went to:
6th Street Market
As I was leaving my driveway, members of the Clyde Baum terror cell at 333 “Mystreet” were hovering around the front of my home in Clyde’s Red GMC Pick-up truck. Then, a member of the Monroe terror cell also passed by, and lingered at the mailboxes in front of my home. Monroe was driving a small black Crossover style vehicle, a Nissan “Versa”, Oregon License 976 FAV (976 is questionable, not certain)
I left on my way, members of the Google sponsored terror cell at the corner of Russell Road an Three Pines Road, the “Bad Guy Auto” terror cell, were inside the garage with the door open watching as I left on my way. They alerted the people at 6th Street Market of my location and possible ETA at the store.
A large white pick-up truck with a large white horse trailer came around the blind corner near Oxyoke, “Dead Man’s Curve” with all of it’s driver side wheels in my lane. Had I been near the double yellow line as I went around the corner, there would have been a head-on collision at that time. Fortunately, I am aware of the reasons that corner is called “Dead Man’s Corner“, it’s a popular place that terrorists arrange that victims will be taken there. Hollywood provides the professional Stunt Men for such activities.
I arrived at 6th Street Market. I had to park where the terrorists had arranged that I park. An “L” shaped parking arrangement there is a useful tool to take victims. A man waits in his large truck in a parking spot that is perpendictualr to the one that the victim is parked in, such that the two rear bumper’s of the vehicles are close to one another, and he exits that parking spot just as the victim is also exiting, causing a “T-Bone” in reverse. That allows that the driver of the truck will have a reason to engage with the victim close up and verbally. Victims are exposed to Nitrous gas at that time, and carted away. I avoided the “T-Bone” on the way out, but not by much.
Inside the store, each time I go, the clerk signals for two assassins to come in, sometimes three. Then, she creates some kind of distraction with the debit machine as the two enter the store behind me. Today, the distraction was simply to delay the debit machine, with the indicator that reads, “please do not remove card“ for an extended time after the transaction is otherwise complete. I just stare at  the machine waiting for my card to be released from it. That’s when the assassins shoot the victim in the back. The .25 they use does not pierce my coat, and the bullet bounces away, and the clerk always steps aside right then.
So that happened. I heard the “SnaP! sound the gun makes. I lit my lighter, and one of the two terror assassins launched out the front door, and disappeared somewhere at the empty Christmas Tree sales yard across the street. One of the two store clerks, a large red headed woman about 28 years old, followed the launched terror soldier out the door, and began to use her smart phone to communicate with others about what had happened. She was standing by the drivers side door of my car as I exited the store. Also, whenever I go to 6th Street Market, part of the assassination attempt includes that two young people are entering the store as I am leaving. They are always at the entrence at the exact time that I am going through the door on my way out. Those two are not always the same people, but there are always two, to cart the murdered victim away, and they are summoned and come from the barber shop that is also in that shopping strip mall, Village Center, on 6th Street, across from Lithia Dodge Dealer.
So, at least one dead terrorist at 6th Street Market.
Also, I learned while I was there that one of the three bozo’s that attacked me last week while claiming to be Secret Service, US Army, and FBI, was a man by the name of Rick Manning, of the Medical Democrat Terror cell at 598 “MyStreet”. The one that said he was Secret Service, the oldest of the three, who told me he was “Strong” from 3747 Russell Road, the Strong Family “SAG House” terror cell, was Rick Manning. I cut Rick Manning’s throat and his eyes in defense that day, as well as the other two. Apparently, Rick Manning was BOTH “Strong”, from 3747 Russell, AND Rick Manning from 598 “MyStreet”, playing the role of both men. Rick Manning drives a odd, red Honda Station Wagon, about a 1986 model. They did not make very many of those, and it is easily mistaken for a Ford Taurus Station Wagon.
The other two bozo’s said they were reporters from Los Angeles Times Newspaper after the fighting that day. One of them, the one that said he was FBI, and I described as Italian looking, may have been a member of the Google sponsored cell at “Bad Guy Auto”. I have met Rick Manning once, he used two snarling pit bulls to attack me one day. But I thought I killed him that day. Although the man looked similar to Rick Manning, I am not prepared to agree with what the clerk at 6th Street Market said tonight, that the man was Rick Manning. I have never met “Strong”, so I cannot comment about what “Strong” looks like up close, other than he looks like Manning, from about 500 feet away.
So, what I learned is inconclusive, with exception that Manning was NOT Secret Service, and is NOT LIKELY to be a Los Angeles Times Reporter. I did not learn anything new about the one that said his name was “Dan” and was from “US Army”.
Ok, back to the shopping experience:
I went to Walmart. I saw what looked like Juseph Myers white Crossover style vehicle parked in a driveway at the corner of “A Street”, and Beacon Street, at the South East house of the corner. There is a truck in my yard that belongs to a man that once lived at that house, Zachery White, so, that could be a Confusion Service sort of activity done my Juseph Myers, who is part of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police terror cells.
At the Walmart, the parking was not very full, plenty of parking. The store was not very active. The presence of terror soldiers was such that it was obvious that the people in the store were mostly Screen Actor Guild variety of “Bubble Service” terror activity. The Seventh Day Adventist terrorists were in very small number, SAG was in high number.
Nitrous Fogger soldiers were not obvious, there were only very few following me around. I decided to ask about Smart Phones from a store clerk, to learn about the payment, contract, and other things associated with owning a Smart Phone. The young man the helped me was friendly, knowledgeable,  and courteous. He was not wearing a Walmart Vest. He was wearing a black shirt with name tag. I learned something important.
The Apple iPhone is available for only one penny. If you agree to use US Cellular Service Provider, at $75 per month, for two years, the phone only costs one penny. That’s $0.01 for a iPhone. There IS NO PENALTY to CANCEL YOUR CONTRACT with US Cellular, and you can keep the phone. That is where and how the terror army is obtaining some of the iPhone’s that the scouts use without service contract, and only use connectivity of Blu-Tooth networked to all of the other terror cell members such that the Blu-Tooth technology is creating a Blu-Tooth Grid, where each phone behaves the same way as a cellular tower does. There are so many terror soldiers, that they are always connected to one another, and can communicate without a service contract.
I think one terror soldier was ignited shortly after I arrived at the Walmart, and launched away from the shampoo, deodorant, first aid area. “Evac” was announced on the store PA system.
When I was checking out at the self checkout, the debit machine malfunctioned. That was supposed to be opportunity to make a hit attempt on me at that time. Something must have gone wrong, because there was no hit attempt at the time that the clerk came to reset the debit machine. Or, it was done to make it appear as if my debit card is no good, to fool someone who may be investigating terror in Oregon.
As I was leaving, I noticed that there are ZERO motor homes in the parking lot where there are always motor homes and buses. No cars, no buses, no motor homes there. Those buses and motor homes serve as nitrous tank refill area, first aid for injured terrorists, and for torture area’s when victims are taken in the parking lot.
They were all gone tonight.
Upon returning to “MyStreet”, I saw a vehicle come from Sparacino’s terror cell and go to 598 Manning, Medical Democrat (Med-Dems) terror cell. I did not see what kind of vehicle, but it was not a large truck.
That’s all for now.
end terror reporting: 9:42 pm.
8 notes · View notes
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This week in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
No place like home. 💖 Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
Maia's spot on. Stream #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and Hulu. 
Luke always knows just what to say. Stream your favorite #ShadowhuntersSeason3 moments now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and Hulu.
Simon can protect himself. #Shadowhunters
Us realizing it's Saturday tomorrow. #Shadowhunters 
Current mood. #Shadowhunters Photo via @EmeraudeToubia 
And #Malec is adorable always. #Shadowhunters 
We still like you Simon. Stream the first half of #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and @hulu. 
Bow 101. #Parabatai behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. [2]
Truly spectacular ceilings, Alec. Stream the first half of #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and @Hulu. 
That smile.  #Shadowhunters // @willtudor1 
Lilith went out with a bang. Watch the first half of #ShadowhuntersSeason3 streaming on @Hulu, http://Freeform.com , and On Demand.
We see you, Izzy.   Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. // @EmeraudeToubia 
Fierce Fray. #Shadowhunters 
Ollie isn’t afraid of a little heat, but she should be. #Shadowhunters
First Simon & Jordan fist bump.  #Shadowhunters #TBT // @arosende  & @ch8i 
Who are you in this photo? Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 8. #fbf 
Cheers to the weekend. #Shadowhunters [1]
Maia’s positivity is infectious. #Shadowhunters 
We were hoping it would. See the (brief) return of Valentine in #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and @hulu. 
PSA: Don't mess with Maia. #Shadowhunters 
Lounging. Behind the scenes of #ShadowhuntersSeason3. // @Kat_McNamara 
Maryse knows love when she sees it. #Shadowhunters 
Alec Lightwood = Inspiration.  #Shadowhunters
Shadowhunters In The News
MTV (video):  .@Kat_McNamara's fans leave the SWEETEST comments on her Instagram photos
International Business Times (article):  Katherine McNamara Praises ‘Shadowhunters’ Fandom For Trying To Save Canceled Show
TVFanatic (article):  13 Canceled Shows That Deserve a Proper Ending
TVInsider (article):  8 TV Couples Costumes for a Spooktacular Halloween
Entertainment Tonight (article):  'Shadowhunters' Star Katherine McNamara Teases 'Kick-Ass' 'Arrow' Season 7 Arc (Exclusive)
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweeted a photo:  A little piece of @ShadowhuntersTV on my mantel.  Thanks to @johnrakich for sending me one of Clary’s stunt steles. Maybe I’ll bring it out with me on Halloween. I hear it’s a big night for demonic activity...
Ed Tommasi (Freeform Creative Director) tweeted a photo:  Loved working with these amazingly talented talents! Thanks for making my job easy @madisoniseman @Kat_McNamara @DomSherwood1
Kat (Clary) tweeted a video ad for Freeform’s 31 Nights of Halloween:  Tis the season for frights and delights with #Goosebumps2Movie in theaters October 12. And keep watching @31nightsofhalloween on @FreeformTV while you wait for @Shadowhunterstv to return this Spring! #ad @DomSherwood1 @madisoniseman 
Nicola Correia-Damude tweeted a video:  Measure Your Power, Not Your Dress Size.Challenge yourself. Add some weight, a band, an interval or just get out and walk. Whatever the next challenge is, conquer it today! #selflove @ShadowhuntersTV #Shadowhunters #saveshadowhunters #malecsmama #malec #lightwoods #bodyimage
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  A fan has to eat. I haven’t seen trailer but I’ve seen season. Word trailer: Prague, Paris, Brother Z, Crepes, The Dance, Aldertree, Catarina, Helen & Aline #andmore #shadowhunters
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  Right. @AmandaMRow directs and @NappyThoughtz writes for what many will their all time favorite scene of series #malec #thedance #shadowhunters
Aisha Porter Christie (writer) tweeted:  I remember when @bryanQmiller first pitched this scene in the writers room. And I slid off my chair, overcome with “the feels” . I love this episode for so so many reasons.  #Shadowhunters
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) tweeted about attending Steamposium:  Hi Seattle friends! Can't wait to meet you and visit your beautiful city! I've never been but I'm the biggest #Frasier fan in the world so this is extremely exciting for me. #Shadowhunters #Defiance #TheExpanse #Arrow #steamposium
KLZ Events announced a new Shadowhunters convention in Brussels, November 23-24, 2019.
Harry (Magnus) shared a video of himself as Magnus on Instagram:  Insta-filters IRL. #filteredconfidence
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo: That time we went wandering in Paris for an hour before we got to the restaurant! [3]
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  There is a very good chance #goatbaby #waitforit #outtakes #shadowhunters
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  It was conceived to bring in new viewers, like if you'd never seen show before it would be easy entry point. Has a season one vibe in a good way. Wish it could have aired this month #ohwell #happyhalloween #youllenjoyitanyway #shadowhunters
Kat (Clary) shared a bts photo from 3B:  A lil #FrayFriday #fbf from @shadowhunterstv 3b for you angels...  #shadowhunterslegacy
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted: I do. Channel ur frustration about cancellation & delayed air dates into positive energy & cherish the knowledge that 12 epis await you & oh yeah rewatch ur fave moments #shadowhunterslegacy #shadowhunters 
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted a photo:  3B #hellojonathan #shadowhunters [4]
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets that Clary will create new runes in 3B and Malec growing as a couple is an “understatement”.
SpoilerTV invited fans to submit questions for the Shadowhunters panel at MCM Comic Con. 
Kat (Clary) teases about Clary’s new runes in 3B.
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) announced on Instagram that she will be at Armageddon Expo in New Zealand.
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo:  Memories of Paris and the Crazy Horse show!
New York Comic Con
Kat (Clary) made a surprise appearance at New York Comic Con to encourage People’s Choice Awards voting and fans were out in full force! You can find major highlights here, but check out our New York Comic Con roundup for complete coverage later this week.
In the News:
Basic Stuff Magazine (article): #SaveShadowhunters takes over NYCC!
Guilty Eats (article):  E! Food Truck brings free food to New York Comic-Con 2018
The Series Regulars (article): #SaveShadowhunters Update: New York Comic Con Takeover
Matt Carter (article):  How Shadowhunters is working to take over New York Comic-Con (without a panel)
Matt Carter (article):  Shadowhunters star Katherine McNamara surprises fans at New York Comic-Con
Just Jared Jr. (article): Katherine McNamara Surprises Hungry Fans at NYCC with Donuts, In Exchange For People's Choice Awards Votes 
E!News (article):  Katherine McNamara Gives Shadowhunters Fans a Big Surprise at the PCAs Food Truck: Watch It Now
E!News (video):  Katherine McNamara Rallies PCAs Votes for "Shadowhunters"
Kat (Clary) and the People’s Choice Awards shared a video of Kat’s NYCC visit.
Freeform Halloween House
Harry (Magnus), Kat (Clary), and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) visited Freeform’s Halloween House on October 3rd.
A video of Kat (Clary) and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern): Look who we found - @Kat_McNamara & @LukeBaines.
We’re here at the #FreeformHalloweenHouse preview night, celebrating @31Nights of Halloween. Enter if you dare.
Kat (Clary) and Luke (Jonathan) goofing around: #Shadowhunters x #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas.
.@HarryShumJr joined the #FreeformHalloweenHouse fun.
.@HarryShumJr or Magnus Bane?
Any room on your broom?
Dr. Finkelstein who? Dr. Rabara at your service.
This is how you celebrate the 25th anniversaries of #HocusPocus and Tim Burton’s #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas. Check out some highlights from @31Nights of Halloween’s #FreeformHalloweenHouse.
“We’re simply meant to be.”
Kat (Clary) tweeted a photo: Witchy as Hell. @lukebaines #31nightsofhalloween #FreeformHalloweenHouse #nofilter...seriously
Jim Halterman shared photos on Instagram: Much fun at the @freeform spooky event celebrating #31daysofhalloween! Even spied some #shadowhunters folks...and won #hollywoodbowl tix on the Wheel of Misfortune! More pics to come! #halloween #hocuspocus #freeform @shadowhunterstv #boo
Harry (Magnus) shared a photo on Instagram:  This just reminded me that it’s October 😱😨
Kat (Clary) tweeted a photo: We ran amok...Amok! Amok! Amok!  @harryshumjr @Shelby_Rabara @lukebaines.
Disney posted some photos of Harry, Kat, and Luke on the official press site.
Just Jared Jr. (article): Katherine McNamara & Harry Shum Jr Enjoy a Spooky Night at Freeform's Halloween House
Lindsay MacDonald tweeted a photo of Harry (Magnus):  And here we spot a wild @HarryShumJr in its natural habitat... #Shadowhunters
#SaveShadowhunters (continued)
On June 4th, it was announced that Freeform wouldn’t be continuing on with a fourth season of Shadowhunters. Here are a few major highlights. (Our full roundup for #SaveShadowhunters can be found here.)
Matt Carter posted a video thanking the fans for gifts he received in thanks for his support of Shadowhunters and an article about the same.
People’s Choice Awards
Shadowhunters is a finalist in three People’s Choice Awards categories, #TheSciFiFantasyShow, #TheBingeworthyShow, and #TheShow. Kat McNamara (Clary) is a finalist for #TheFemaleTVStar and Harry Shum Jr. is a finalist for #TheMaleTVStar. Voting on the People’s Choice Awards website can be done here.
Cast and Crew Reactions:
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  Hey angels, I just watched the amazing #ThePeopleHaveSpoken videos you've made for the show, Harry, and myself. Such an amazing fam-dom we have.
Kat (Clary) tweeted: Hey angels, between Oct 4th and Oct 8th all votes count as two votes.  :) So go vote for your favs for @PeoplesChoice #PCAs.
Kat (Clary) and Harry (Magnus) shared a fun video thanking fans for the People’s Choice nominations.
Kat (Clary) tweeted: Last week to vote for your faves for #PCAs, angels!  @peopleschoice
ShadowhuntersTV posted on Twitter and Instagram:  
Have you heard the great news? #KatherineMcNamara has been nominated. RT to vote her as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
.@HarryShumJr’s performances are truly inspiring. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as @peopleschoice’s #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
The power is in the palm of your hand. RT to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheShow. #PCAs
Yes. #Shadowhunters has been nominated. RT to vote us as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
Want #Shadowhunters to win #TheSciFiFantasyShow? RT to cast your vote in the #PCAs.
#TheShow that gave us #Malec. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
“Too much” voting is only when you do it over 25 times a day. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
We need you. Yes you. RT to help #Shadowhunters win #TheBingeworthyShow in #PCAs.
Luke is right. That’s why we’re retweeting to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Think #Shadowhunters is #TheShow of 2018? Retweet to vote for us in the #PCAs.
Call everyone you know. #Shadowhunters is up for #TheSciFiFantasyShow. Retweet to vote for us in the #PCAs.
Binging #Shadowhunters is already how we spend every Saturday. Retweet to vote for us as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
She acts with strength and passion. RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar. #PCAs
Hold our drink. It’s time to vote for #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. Retweet to cast your vote for him in the #PCAs.
It is true. #Shadowhunters is nominated as #TheShow in the @peopleschoice awards. Retweet to vote for us. #PCAs
Have you voted for #HarryShumJr for #TheMaleTVStar yet? Retweet to vote for him in the #PCAs.
It’s no secret. The news is out. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
The @peopleschoice awards can’t read minds. Make sure you retweet to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs.
She’s special to us too. Retweet to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
If not, get to a computer and retweet to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
Us when we heard #HarryShumJr is a finalist in the @peopleschoice awards. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Yes, every vote counts twice today. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
#TheSciFiFantasyShow with the legendary Mark of Cain. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
Clary’s got the power, and so do you. RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
The #Shadowhunters family needs you. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
We want you to vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow. RT to vote us in the #PCAs.
Clary’s not one to give up, and neither are we. RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Izzy’s looking to you to help #Shadowhunters win #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs. RT to vote for us.
And it’s lovely to see #HarryShumJr nominated in the @peopleschoice awards. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
You’re invited. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Luke’s looking at you to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs. RT to vote us as #TheBingeworthyShow.
No, but you definitely look like a potential award winner. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
#TheSciFiFantasyShow that’s always fun? Obviously #Shadowhunters. RT to vote for us in the #PCAs.
Us when someone says they haven’t voted #KatherineMcNamara for #TheFemaleTVStar yet. Retweet to vote for her in the #PCAs.
It feels good to be nominated. RT to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow. #PCAs
Except for #Shadowhunters to win at the #PCAs. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheSciFiFantasyShow.
Retweeting isn’t too big of a job. We promise. RT to cast your vote for #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
She’s probably off voting for #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the @peopleschoice awards. RT to vote for us today. #PCAs
Work your retweeting magic. RT to vote for #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
#Shadowhunters is full of talent. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
We could watch Clary all day long. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
#TheSciFiFantasyShow that leaves us speechless. RT to vote #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
Wait, have you voted for #KatherineMcNamara today? RT to vote her as #TheFemaleTVStar. #PCAs
The man’s got moves. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
Izzy’s feeling great, because #Shadowhunters is nominated as #TheShow in the #PCAs. RT to cast your vote.
#TheBingeworthyShow that always hits the mark. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
#Shadowhunters is always ready to take you on another adventure. RT to cast your vote for #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs.
Take the leap and vote for #KatherineMcNamara 25 times today. RT to vote for her as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs. https://eonli.ne/2ORDw2p
#HarryShumJr has made us feel so many amazing things. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
Don’t worry Simon, no sacrifice needed to vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the #PCAs. Just give this a RT.
We could watch Jace train all day long. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow. #PCAs
And #HarryShumJr has unlocked something in us. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
Don’t mess with Clary, but do RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar. #PCAs
Are you up to the test? RT to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheSciFiFantasyShow. #PCAs
#TheShow that gave us these perfect Parabatai. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
#Shadowhunters is a binge-everyday kinda show. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
How could you not vote for this badass? RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
#Shadowhunters always wows. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs.
Turning to you for help. RT to vote the talented #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs 
Other News
Harry (Magnus) wished his wife, Shelby, a happy birthday.
Harry (Magnus) showed us how to look cool eating a cookie ice cream sandwich.
Kat (Clary) shared a photo:  Overall, it’s been a good week... ;) #SundayPunday
Harry (Magnus) and Shelby attended the 9th Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic.
Harry (Magnus) shared a photo from his time filming an episode of TBS’ Drop The Mic.
Huffington Post (article):  Awkwafina’s ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Co-Stars Had A Viewing Party For Her ‘SNL’ Night
Veuve Clicquot tweeted a video:  Caught in the act: @harryshumjr and @shelby_rabara at #VCPoloClassic.
Girl Up tweeted:  Girl Up Champion @Kat_McNamara is at the #GirlHeroAwards! Follow our Insta story for more from the #girlhero red carpet!
Kat (Clary) tweeted photos from the Girl Hero Awards:  It’s an open and shut case... you can never go wrong with a suit. @GirlUp #GirlHeroAwards @ralphlauren​
Steve Byers is painting for charity:  Bid on a painting...maybe even this one.. and support a great cause! #BrushOfHope #Slasher #Shadowhunters #FarCry5
13 notes · View notes
sammyhale · 7 years
J2 TorCon 2017 Main Panel
J2 jump onstage!
Jensen: Do you know what week it is?? We premiere this Thursday. 
Jensen is also talking about Jared being on Jimmy Kimmel this Thursday as well :)
“My dear friend Mr. Jared Padalecki will be on Jimmy Kimmel Thursday Oct 12th so tune in” - Jensen promoting Jared. Jared: Ackles warmed him up for me...so tune in guys, we’re gonna have some fun. Jensen: Yeah, it’ll be a big night. We’re very excited about it. 
What memory would Sam and Dean stick to if they died (like Bobby with his memory of the boys)? Jared mentions the flashbacks in Swan Song and the “I’m proud of us” moment. Jensen says a collection of good moments (bros reuniting, stuff with John, Mary, Bobby, Cas) but also those moments of killing big bads. 
What story would you extend/elaborate on? Jared says Demon!Dean and Soulless!Sam. Jensen: Dean in Purgatory. 
Fan mentions her Russian blue cat named Winchester. Jensen: It’s a blue cat from Russia. That’s all you need to know. 
Boys go off on accents and jokes. At one point, Jared says: “If there was a place in Toronto that served Vladimir Poutine I would totally go and take Winchester with me.” Jensen and the audience crack up. Jensen: That dude’s got a blue cat. And he’s eating poutine. 
Who would you vote as the most ditchable prom date of the cast? Jensen: Cas. Jared: Story-wise, probably Sam. This is gonna sound the wrong way, but, Sam probably should’ve ditched Ruby. Jared got the better end of the deal lol. 
Young fan says her name is Lilith. J2 very quickly back up and Jared knocks over his chair lol. She asks their favorite monster. Jared: I’m gonna say Lilith. Jensen: Me too, because if they’re all as cute as you, they’re my favorite. She says her fav monster is a ghost. J2 tell her that if she ever meets one, she should call her friends Sam and Dean. 
Fav childhood memory? Jensen: Very happy childhood, lots of good memories. For his fourth birthday he got to ride a horse for the first time. Wore his cowboy vest. Jared: He still has it. 
Jared: Now I feel weird about my answer! Broke his arm when he was seven and was in the hospital for a week, got spoiled in the hospital, getting candy, baseball cards...At the time, there was a rare card available where a player had written bad words on the bottom of his bat and the card company only realized it appeared in the image halfway through printing, so everyone was searching for the rare versions that had been printed. Jared’s dad would bring him a pack of baseball cards every day. 
If you could create an episode, what would it be. Jared: The world’s most boring episode. The boys doing their laundry. Wants to see Sam and Dean doing behind the scenes stuff. 
Jensen talks about a movie “Sliding Doors.” One choice that creates two split timelines and following both. Thinks that would be cool.
Advice for Sam and Dean in s13: Jensen: Knowing what I know, I would tell Dean not to jump to conclusions...talk amongst yourselves! Jared laughs. 
 Jared is trying so hard not to spoil anything: “I would say...not to get too attached. TALK AMONGST YOURSELVES.” 
Jared is doing accents. Jensen: Keep going you’re killing it. 
Fav part about working together? Jared: Days off. Jensen: Then we’re not working together. Both: TALK AMONGST YOURSELVES lmao. 
Jensen: There are a lot of things, but one of the best is that we laugh so much. In case you couldn’t tell. 
Jared talks about how it doesn’t feel like work, especially with the Sam and Dean scenes. 
J2 have spiraled into Coffee Talk impressions.
Any spoilers? Jensen: Prepare yourselves...for some interesting characters this season. Jared laughs and pretends to be shocked: I can’t believe you said that! Jared: New characters and you’ll see some fan favorites come back. 
If Sam and Dean could bring back one character? Crowd starts shouting names. Jensen: Did someone just say Jon Snow?  
Jensen: Would love to bring back Azazel...so I could kill him again. 
Jared chose Charlie, because she brings out a different side of the boys. Jensen adds Benny to the list, Jared also mentions Sully. 
Fan: Do you think Ruby will come back, mentions wanting Danneel on the show. Jared jokes that he would have to watch the kids and do the real work. Gen was able to come back for French Mistake but not sure if she’d be able to now. Jared agrees that he wants to see Danneel on the show, too. Jensen: She’s rockin’ three kids, too!
Jensen says that those decisions aren’t up to him. Says if they were the show would have been canceled a long time ago. Jared jokes about how if it was up to J2 they would just cast all of their friends. “Who’s that guy?”
Jared: What character would Danneel play? Audience shouts, Baby! Jensen: That could complicate things. Boys want to make a dirty joke but they cut themselves off lol. 
Someone in the audience is yelling out Garth. Boys can’t understand what they’re saying. Bunch of fans start yelling Garth, boys finally get it. Jared laughs and says it reminds him of Finding Nemo when the seagulls are saying “mine, mine, mine” over and over. He looked into the crowd and just saw a bunch of people going, “Garth, Garth, Garth” lmao. 
Jensen: If Danneel came on the show would you want her to be good or bad? Fan: Good. Jensen: But she plays bad so well. Jared nods. Jensen nods, goes to make a comment and cuts himself off lol. 
Fan: How does it feel to have fans like this? Jensen talks about how it took him awhile to really get it. Used to be more in his shell. Now he says it’s fuel for him seeing this kind of devotion. 
Jared is amazed at a fan’s incredible SPN body art. Boys are complimenting her on the amazing body art. 
Jared says don’t ever think that they think we’re “weird” for being too dedicated to the show. Because they are just as weird as us. Jared: If you’re crazy for spending 24 hours (on fan’s body art) then we’re crazy for spending 13 years. 
Fan: Was there a real Trickster, or was the lore about Gabriel? Jared thinks there was no Trickster, that it was just Gabriel hiding. 
Jared pronounced gif like jif. Jensen does not approve. Apologizes on his behalf for being silly lol. 
Any sport/activity you’ve always wanted to try? Jared mentions cricket, stunt driving courses...Jensen: Stunt driving is not a sport. Jared also mentions motocross. Doesn’t want to get himself hurt. Jensen: Kite surfing. Jensen says it needs to be a place without sharks. Fans: Great Lakes! Jensen: I don’t believe that. They’re in there. Just deep.
Funniest moment to film? Jensen: There are moments on a daily basis that make it impossible to film because they’re laughing. They mention the Chupacabra bit. 
Apparently Alex (who plays Jack) is like Misha 2.0 in terms of the boys messing with him lol :P J2M messed with Alex so bad the director, Nina Lopez-Corrado, actually kicked them off set. 
Jensen once told Jared to not speak in a scene so he didn’t mess around. Jared didn’t say a word and Jensen did his lines alone lol. 
Jensen says Jared can never get through telling a whole joke without busting out laughing before the punchline :P
Jared tries to make Jensen break during a scene, makes himself laugh and ruins the take even if Jensen is fine. 
Fan proposes Dark Angel crossover. Jensen thinks it would be neat, would want to recruit X5s to be on their side. 
If you had to live out a season of the show for a year, which season. Jared: Six, maybe?? At least I didn’t care, I was soulless. Also says season 9, maybe 10? Jensen: Season 4. Jared: What’d you do in four? Jensen: Nothing, that’s why I said four. 
Jensen is playing the keyboard for the last question. 
The fan is very flustered, it’s her first convention. Jared is comforting her. Jensen has been playing dramatic piano music all throughout the poor fan trying to get our the last question lol. The entire room is laughing and Jensen has not broken. The girl is overwhelmed and when Jared cuddles her to comfort her she pulled him into a hug aww lol. 
Question is about Adam’s whereabouts. She was a big fan of Adam’s and read a fan theory that maybe he got out of the cage. Jared: Now, to the cool stylings of Jensen Ackles...I think he’s in the cage. Fan joking around: Our half-brother’s in hell, let’s forget about him. Jared: Ehhh, yeah, it’s kinda true. But we do love Jake. 
Jared asks for Jensen’s opinion. Jensen, still playing: oooohh, yeaaaaahhhh.
Jensen snuck in a lower-back grab/pat on Jared as they headed offstage :)
Boys say thanks to the fans before taking off. 
Info via: Fangasm, Ally, Lysa, Tricia,  Sil’s livetweet list
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We’ve reached 1k+!!!!!! Ahhhh I’m so grateful for all of you lovely darlings and as a way of showing my thanks I’m going to let you guys decide which one of my (many) unposted WIPs I should work on first! All you have to do is leave a comment with your favorite fic idea from the fics that will be described below and on February 1st of 2018 I’ll announce the top pick based on your feedback <3 
1) Sterek Mermaid AU- Mermaid Stiles doesn’t understand why some of his shark friends have these weird alien machines attached to them and makes sure to take them off of them. THOSE THINGS DON’T LOOK COMFORTABLE AT ALL! Meanwhile Derek is a very confused marine biologist wondering why his shark tags keep coming off the sharks after just an hour. (Featuring wildlife photographer Boyd, an alive Hale family that love all things oceans, and a pod of mermaids that just don’t understand human technology)
2) Sterek Fashion AU- Stiles has a YouTube channel where he does cool high fashion make up tutorials and Talia Hale, CEO of the world’s most recognized supernatural modeling agency wants him on her cosmetics team. All goes well until the newest hot fashion designer, Lydia Martin wants Stiles to model her new male underwear collection. That would’ve been fine had this not required Stiles to be practically naked with the world’s hottest damn photographer ever.
3) Sterek Hogwarts AU (mini series)- A collection of short ficlets about Hufflepuff Derek trying to end his stupid crush on Slytherin Stiles once and for all while dealing with this annoying but completely adorable arctic fox kit that follows his around every night when Derek just wants some fresh air and a little piece and quiet. (AKA what happens if Stiles is an unregistered animagus that’s crushing on Derek and doesn't know what sleep is)
4) Sterek College AU (with a superntaural twist)- Stiles is just trying to survive grad school without anyone finding out that he’s not as human as he seems. Even in a world where humans and supernatural creatures live in harmony being a demon isn’t exactly something you want people to know. So he makes sure his tattoos are always covered and that he keeps his eyes from flashing their natural gray. Now if only getting over his crush on a certain alpha werewolf was that easy.
5) Sterek Camp Half Blood AU- Stiles finds out he’s a son of Hecate and that Ares made one beautiful son who’s scowl should not be that sexy
6) Sterek Tribal AU- In which Stiles’ village holds a ceremony whenever a member of their tribe turns 18 that reveals the individual’s spirit guide as a tattoo like marking appears on the person’s body depicting said spirit guide. On Stiles’ 18th birthday a large wolf appears on his back but before anything can be said about his mark the tribe is attacked and Stiles runs until he is forced to stop from fatigue. Little did he know that just on the other side of the river a pack of wolves larger than horses were watching him.
7) De-aged Derek AU- Derek is de-aged into a teen and can’t help falling for the hot spastic human that apparently his older self can’t stand.
8) Sterek High School AU- Stiles has a stutter which is really annoying when your mouth just won’t. stop. talking. so he tries to keep his mouth shut despite absolutely hating it to avoid getting teased by his peers. Good thing the internet is a thing and Stiles is very happy that he has a place to express all his thoughts about all things comic books without taking 20 minutes just to get his point across. Then AlphaKryptonian pops into his life and Stiles finally has a friend who is just as obsessed with the comic universe as he is! Too bad not even his new friend can cure Stiles’ massive crush on the king of all jocks, Derek Hale.
Now go on and vote for your fav on the comments my lovelies!!! (yes, I have a huge weakness for mutual pining. Sue me.)
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sytycdfeelz · 7 years
S14, Top 4
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how ansolutely perfect Cat looks tonight in the cold open. Perfect hair, perfect makeup, perfect dress, PERFECT HOST.
I was wondering how the opening number had such high energy and swagger level, and then Cat said that Nappy Tabs choreographed it, and it all made sense. Miss them on this show a lot.
Top 4 Group routine - This may be an unpopular opinion, but I didn’t really like this. It didn’t feel like Travis or like Christopher Scott, and in my opinion, it also didn’t seem like a collab. I see why the beginning parts were necessary, but they also read like cheesy solos to me. Or maybe it was the overly “epic” music choice? I don’t know, but I just wasn’t that impressed.
Taylor and Kiki, Cha Cha (Anya) - Anyone else get dizzy from the camera work and ridiculous lighting? Just me? That being said, I think they actually danced it really well. Taylor kept up with Kiki, which isn’t easy to do when he’s in his style. There were a lot of distractions around this routine that I didn’t love, but the actual routine itself was pretty good.
Koine and Lex, Broadway (Al Blackstone) - Well if that wasn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!! Wow, I liked that a lot more than I thought I was going to. It had the potential to go the cheesy route, but with the actual good dancing and real choreography, I actually found it quite impressive. Their chemistry was fantastic, and you could tell how much fun they were having. Plus, it included a tuxedo tee, so that was just the cherry on top. Loved it!
Kiki’s fav was Mandy’s contemporary. Interesting choice, seeing as though he barely danced in it. I definitely like him a lot more than this started, but I’m not quite on the tear train that Jenna and all the judges are on tonight.
Lex solo - No idea how this guy continues to amaze me with his moves. Like...how???
Koine’s fav was also one of my favorites of hers from this season. It was so different and so dynamic, and I’m not sure any other dancers could have pulled this off like she and Marko did.
Kiki solo - Another good one from from this guy.
All star routine by Keone and Mari Madrid - This was really good, but all I could thing was that Jasmine was severely underutilized in it!
Koine and Taylor, Jazz (Mandy Moore) - Well, the girls came in HOT. It’s interesting to see them both in this, because they are both clearly competition dancers. To me, Koine is the better performer, but it’s almost impossible to ignore Taylor’s damn legs. They absolutely nailed the tricky turn sequence, and really the whole darn thing. Great job, girls!
Lex and Kiki, Hip Hop (Luther Brown) - Lex is just better in hip hop than Kiki. Seeing them side by side, there’s just no comparison. I think it’s silly and kind of a cop out when people just throw ballroom steps in everything for Kiki. Make him do the damn style! That being said, he has definitely improved a TON, and I have to commend him for that. Lex is just awesome at all of it. Chosen One, indeed.
Taylor’s favorite was Travis’ contemporary piece from the first week, which is no surprise. It was stunning and probably played a big role in carrying her this far. This time was even more gorgeous than the first.
Koine solo - I just love her spirit. She’s so lovely.
Lex’s favorite was tap, which is freaking adorable! It’s just so far from what he does best, and he’s still incredible at it. I know he gets a lot of inflated praise, but this routine just proves how talented he really is.
Taylor solo - Another gorgeous solo from Taylor. I can’t say they don’t all look the same, but the same could be said about most contemporary solos...
Koine and Kiki, Contemporary (Travis Wall) - I think this was choreographed and danced very well, but I’m not sure I bought the chemistry between Koine and Kiki. The beginning was light and floaty and beautiful, but the “disintegrated” part of it felt pretty typical to me. I still liked it, but it wasn’t my favorite.
Taylor and Lex, Contemporary (Mia Michaels) - Well, their instagram posts definitely led me to believe they were dating, but I guess it’s official. Lex and Taylor are in love! They must really want one of them to win, because they fave them Mia and a Sara Bareilles song, and it was beautiful. Personally, I liked their broadway piece better, but damn that was cute!
Well, that’s it..that’s the competition. The results are in the hands of those of you that vote. Good luck! Personally, I’d be fine with any of them winning. I think it’ll be Lex, but it seems to be drifting in Kiki’s direction after tonight. Will we finally have a ballroom winner? Will the brunette dark horse win the day? Guess we’ll find out next week on @danceonfox!
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Eurovision 2017: Initial Thoughts (3/13)
Now that the songs for all the participating countries are announced, here are my initial impressions of each piece. The stand-out entries (so far) are in in bold, and the ones in italics are ones I’m keeping my eyes on in the coming weeks but didn’t quite make the mark. 
In alphabetical order:
ALBANIA - Lindita “World” - On first listen, I liked it, but it didn’t really leave a lasting impression on me. Above average Eurovision ballad, but nothing more.
ARMENIA - Artsvik “Fly With Me” -  Okay song, forgettable.
AUSTRALIA -  Isaiah Firebrace “Don’t come easy” - Australia brings it again! 3 for 3 from down under since they joined Eurovision. Only heard the music video version though so I’m curious how he will do in live performance. It definitely didn’t impress me nearly as much as Dami Im’s did last year, but I was sold on her live performance last year, not the recorded version.
AUSTRIA -  Nathan Trent “Running on air” - Thoroughly average pop ballad with good energy and beat, but it’s been growing on me. A LOT. I blame it on the gorgeous Austrian mountain backdrop in the music video. Austria should definitely keep that up in the live staging if they know what’s good for them. I can’t be the only one sold on the scenery porn.
AZERBAIJAN -  DiHaj “Skeletons” - Good, but didn’t make much of an impact on me. Withholding further commentary until I listen to it more.
BELARUS - NaviBand “Historyja Majho Zyccia” - A charming little piece, bonus points for not singing in English. I don’t see it winning Eurovision, but it’s absolutely delightful to listen to.
BELGIUM -  Blanche “City lights” - Love it! Though not as much as a lot of other people seem to. It’s unique and ethereal and showcases her voice very well, but it’s a bit one-tone and kind of resembles dozens of other songs in the same style. Not to mention that it will fit right in among the Skins soundtrack. That said, I see it doing very well and it’ll be a much-welcomed breath of fresh air after listening to generic eurovision ballad after generic eurovision ballad.
BULGARIA - Kristian Kostov “Beautiful mess” - A lot better than I expected, but to be entirely honest my expectations were very low going in. It will depend on his live performance I expect.
CROATIA -  Jacques Houdek “My friend” - Nice, but boring.
CYPRUS - Hovig “Gravity” - Powerful, energetic song that can do extremely well with the right staging, (like Russia 2016 or Sweden 2015, though this one is definitely more along the veins of the former rather than later. That might be my fondness for Mans talking though). 
CZECH REPUBLIC -  Martina Bárta “My turn” - Um, no. Not feeling it at all. I don’t know if anything can fix this one. 
DENMARK - Anja “Where I Am” - I like her voice, I like her performance, I like everything except this boring snoozefest of a song. There are those ballads of yesteryear that were propelled to high rankings by a phenomenal performance, but this one is just too average for that to happen. It might carry her past the semis on a good night but I won’t hold my breath for anything more than that.
ESTONIA - Koit Toome & Laura  “Verona” - Sounds a bit retro, but not in a bad way. Laura’s facial expression during the chorus bothers me a bit though.
FINLAND -  Norma John “Blackbird” - I love Finland for always taking a risk. Doesn’t always work but I appreciate the effort even if the song crashes and burns spectacularly. Wonderfully dark and definitely something I would listen to normally but I’m not sure if it will keep my attention sufficiently enough during a lengthy (Semi-)final. 
FRANCE - Alma “Requiem” - One of my personal favs this year. Fell in love with the tune from the start. Would I had preferred it if they stuck with the original version? Hell yes. Do I think version with English added is as horrendous as everybody says, not really but everything will depend on the live performance I think. I’m 100% behind another song but I’ll be hoping and praying that she does well in the final.  
GEORGIA -  Tako Gachechiladze “Keep the faith” - This song annoys me greatly. 
GERMANY - Levina “Perfect life” - I have to stop forgiving otherwise-generic pop tunes for having lyrics that tick my fancy despite everything. That said, it could have been worse.
GREECE - Demy “This is love” - Good but a bit too generic. 
HUNGARY -  Joci Pápai “Origo” - Not exactly my cup of tea at first listen, but it’s rapidly growing on me, to the point that it’s squeezing past other entries to be one of my favs before I knew it. Can do without the rap; it’s extremely jarring. That chorus though. SUPERB.
ICELAND - Svala “Paper” - I quite like it, but don’t exactly love it (yet?). Need to give it a few more listens but I can see it growing on me a lot more in the coming weeks.
IRELAND -  Brendan Murray “Dying to try” - It’s growing on me. Mostly because of his voice. The song itself is a bit forgettable but not so disastrously average that it can’t be salvaged by a live performance that knocks it out of the park. But even so the left side of the final voting table might be a bit of a stretch.
ISRAEL -  Imri Ziv “I feel alive” - It’s okay but doesn’t stay in your memory for long.
ITALY -  Francesco Gabbani “Occidentali’s Karma” - Remember what I said about being 100% behind one song? WELL THIS IS IT! I was already sold by the joyous, fun, and all-around spectacular performance at San Remo, but then I read the lyrics. AND I AM BLOWN AWAY. This man is a genius. This is Italian pop at its very best even without understanding the lyrics, complete with a staging that can do very well in Kyiv. But with the lyrics? Such a clever critique of Western appropriation and commercialization of Eastern philosophies disguised as a perfect explosion of effervescent joy. My only worries: he needs to do some major cutting to make it fit within the time limit, and there won’t be a live orchestra in Kyiv for the “ale!” moment with raised bows, so I’m crossing my fingers that everything will come together perfectly even with these restraints, and that there will be improvements in the staging that help carry the messages in the lyrics across to a non-Italian-speaking audience. (and the length of this alone is a testament of how much more I love this one above all other entries. Italy2018 please!)
LATVIA - Triana Park “Line” - Latvia’s been on a roll since Aminata! It’s not quite on the level of the last two years imho, but great song nonetheless.
LITHUANIA -  Fusedmarc “Rain of revolution” - ...Aaaaaand right from my most favorite to least. No. Just, no. 
MACEDONIA -  Jana Burčeska “Dance alone” - I won’t cringe if it comes on while I’m partying at a club, but I won’t love the DJ for putting it on either.
MALTA -  Claudia Faniello “Breathlessly” - Another boring ballad stuck in the dead zone between “not bad” and “not great.”
MOLDOVA -  SunStroke Project “Hey, Mamma!” - Oh this is fun! I can dance to this one. Not masterpiece material but it doesn’t aspire to be one either. It brings the party, and that’s all it needs to do for a job well-done, I’d say.
MONTENEGRO -  Slavko Kalezić “Space” - I would rather spend the time staring into blank space. No thanks. 
THE NETHERLANDS -  OG3NE “Lights and shadows” - Like Estonia’s entry, this one is also a bit retro, with a dash of Glee thrown in as well. I know I definitely want them to qualify, and probably even end up on the left side of the chart during the finals, but something about the song just doesn’t quite do it for me.
NORWAY - JOWST “Grab the moment” - It’s growing on me. A lot of Norway’s songs tend to be growers for me. I don’t think it will quite get there though. 
POLAND - Kasia Moś “Flashlight” - This can either be a dark horse or a disaster depending on how she performs live and the staging. I fell in love with the music video version but the live version from the national final left me a bit flat. We’ll wait and see I suppose. 
PORTUGAL -  Salvador Sobral “Amar Pelos Dois” - Marvellously quaint, reminiscent of one’s best dreams under the Mediterranean sky, best enjoyed with headphones and your eyes closed...WAIT. “Your eyes closed?” Yeah, that’s my main worry with this song. Someone please get that boy a good stylist so that he doesn’t look like a library-dwelling classics major pulled on-stage last minute after a week of all-nighters. And add some better staging too. But, yeah, best wishes for a top-five finish Portugal!
ROMANIA -  Ilinca feat. Alex Florea “Yodel it!” - I am reminded of how much I came to love “My Slowanie” from Poland. It never pretends to be anything deep or profound, but Ilinca just sells it so well. 
RUSSIA -  Yulia Samoylova “Flame is burning” - Funny that Russia chose a song with this title... Politics and transparent appeal for sympathy points to counteract booing and flaming aside, it’s an okay song and she’s not necessarily a bad singer, but by GOD if you can’t even fake passable English by hiring any half-way decent diction coach then stick to Russian!
SAN MARINO -  Valentina Monetta & Jimmie Wilson “Spirit of the night” - It’s fine, I guess. Just heard it again in the last hour but already forgot how it went.
SERBIA -  Tijana Bogićević “In too deep” - See last comment.
SLOVENIA -  Omar Naber “On my way” - *Facepalm*. Enough said.
SPAIN -  Manel Navarro “Do it for your lover” - Makes the last one I commented on sound decent, if not good, by comparison.
SWEDEN -  Robin Bengtsson “I can’t go on” - What happened Sweden? You’ve been going downhill since Mans in 2015. I always want to vote for Sweden because they host it so well but this definitely sound like they are trying their hardest to avoid Sweden2018. Not even my everlasting love for Petra (+Mans) as the host will make this less cringeworthy. 
SWITZERLAND -  Timebelle “Apollo” - I quite like it. Despite myself. The red dress she wore during live performance certainly doesn’t hurt. 
UKRAINE -  O.Torvald “Time” - Definitely refreshing, and mad points to Ukraine for the second entry in a row that’s different from the Eurovision norm, but this isn’t exactly good rock is it? 
UNITED KINGDOM -  Lucie Jones “Never give up on you” - Good showing for UK. In general? Not so much. Kind of like Denmark this year, really, with a combination of good vocalist and subpar song, but this song is a step (or two. or three) down from Denmark’s. 
Top 3 Picks:
Italy - “Occidentali’s Karma,” Francesco Gabbani
France - “Requiem,” Alma
Portugal - “Amar Pelos Dois,” Salvador Sobral
(I’m noticing a theme for my top picks...)
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Top 30 Most Stunning Photos From The National Geographic Instagram Photography Contest
New Post has been published on https://photographyguideto.com/must-see/top-30-most-stunning-photos-from-the-national-geographic-instagram-photography-contest/
Top 30 Most Stunning Photos From The National Geographic Instagram Photography Contest
National Geographic has made a name for themselves with their earth-shattering photographs, so it was no surprise that they made Instagram history as the first brand to reach 100 million followers (those are almost Kim Kardashian numbers). To celebrate in true Nat Geo fashion, they opened up a photography contest across the photo-sharing platform – using the hashtag #natgeo100contest. In the 24-hour contest window, the magazine received more than 94,000 photograph submissions. The photo editors and photographers at Nat Geo went through the entries and narrowed them down to the top 10 most stunning images and then let their 10 million followers vote on who would be the grand prize winner. Below you can view the contest winning photo, the top finalists along with some other gorgeous entries that didn’t make the cut but are still just as mind-blowing. Voting for #natgeo100contest may be over but don’t forget to upvote your favs for Bored Panda!
#1 André Musgrove
Looking down from above, like a satellite orbiting around the earth, my camera’s view finder presses against my mask, this is one of the most memorable views from My World. Pushing through the strong currents, low visibility and rough waves this day was most definitely worth it. 
For the grand prize, winner Ketan Khambhatta, won Nat Geo photo safari to Tanzania. While the other top 10 finalists received National Geographic photo books signed by their photographers along with having their winning images posted to @NatGeo throughout the week.
#2 Grand Prize Winner Ketan Khambhatta
In the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, zebras search for crocodiles while wildebeest run across the river. Photographer Muhammed Muheisen: The image is so dynamic, with a powerful depth that keeps me looking. A moment well captured.
#3 Sebastien Nagy
Always prefer the focus on a single tower but yes… there is another one right next
#4 Anuroop Krishnan
A giraffe family at sunrise
#5 Chaitanya Deshpande
‘Here Comes The Sun’
#6 Finalist Adam Kiefer
National Park Ranger Matthieu Shamavu embraces Matabishi, an orphaned juvenile mountain gorilla, at the Senkwekwe Center, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Senkwekwe is the only rehabilitation center for mountain gorillas in the world. Photographer Ami Vitale: The image is sublime because we immediately understand that it’s a metaphor for unspeakable brutality but also great tenderness. This image illustrates our complex bond with the natural world.
#7 Brent Stirton
I was totally privileged to spend time with the world’s best pangolin care-givers at the Tikki Hywood Trust for an upcoming natgeo magazine story. I witnessed an extraordinary relationship unfold as these men helped rescued, traumatized pangolin to find ants and termites to eat and kept them safe from predators and poachers. Pangolins are the world’s most trafficked animal in the illegal wildlife trade and are extraordinarily endangered. The Tikki Hywood Trust undertakes public awareness campaigns, trains law enforcement and judiciary personnel, conducts research, and rehabilitates pangolins that have been confiscated from the illegal trade. They operate with partners across Africa and advise in Asia. A recently opened extension Tikki Hywood Trust Foundation cameroon is doing great work in the epicenter of the illegal pangolin world. Founder Lisa Hywood is seen as a global expert on how to care for Pangolins in captivity and along with partner Ellen Connelly, they represent an extraordinary example of how to care for animals. The trust also engages with other organizations and governments throughout Africa to highlight the plight of pangolins, raising awareness of their conservation status and educating them as to the need for conserving pangolins, as well as implementing conservation actions. Many of their activities are not covered by research grants and they rely on sponsors and donations to continue their work. It is estimated that over a million pangolin have been lost in the last ten years, this is from a population that we have never counted, we have no idea how many remain, and we know it is not possible to breed these animals in captivity. We are losing these extraordinary animals so quickly to the illegal Asian market that they may disappear before we can truly appreciate them
#8 Yuri Choufour
Sashimi anyone?
Black bears enjoy a varied diet, but these omnivores greatly depend on protein rich salmon to build up reserves as they prepare to hibernate in winter.
#9 Finalist Frank Haluska
Great Egrets appear serene and still in wetlands, but they are also vicious hunters, who eat anything they can catch—including this bullfrog, who appears to be fighting hard for survival. Photographer Cory Richards: This moment is so bizarre and confusing that I had to zoom in to make sure another animal’s foot wasn’t sticking straight out of the water to block the distressed frog from certain death.
#10 Finalist Sandra Cattaneo Adorno
On a day when the sea was unusually rough and the undertow dangerously strong, bathers on Ipanema beach, in Rio de Janeiro, appear hesitant to take the plunge. Photographer Michaela Skovranova: A surreal scene—this image highlights an eclectic mix of light, human impact, and the power of the environment. It’s as if the heat of the Earth and the humans is radiating off the sand, creating their own micro climate.
#11 Maxime Israel Collier
Look at those eyes
#12 Nicholas Parker
Following one of the worst winter storms in Hawaii’s recent history, large swells wiped out the beaches of western Maui. The next day, large pieces of coral were scattered throughout the beach.. I picked through the most colorful and beautiful pieces and found this composition of the island of Moloka’i. The wave action reminds me of fingers from the sea coming to reclaim the coral back 
#13 Finalist Matt Potenski
Whale sharks have personalities. This one was bold and curious, approaching the boat anytime we came near. Whale sharks are huge, so large they resemble living reefs. No other terrestrial animal can match their size, power, and grace. Photographer Cristina Mittermeier: I have done a lot of swimming with whale sharks, and you never get to see an absolutely beautiful moment like this that exemplifies the abundance of healthy oceans.
#14 Devon Fox
Can you see the sea horse? This photo was taken in Page, AZ during our last road trip. Strange shapes start to appear in the layers carved into these slot canyons
#15 Sebastian Scheichl
Starting my pictures from the Faroes with a sheep, probably the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about these islands
#16 Majed Sultan Alza’abi
Drinking time
#17 Nicholas Parker
The weather here lately is snow joke. Another day in single digits with howling wind
#18 Finalist Francisco J. Perez
A summer thunderstorm rolls over the Grand Canyon. This image is a combination of three consecutive long exposure photos of the storm. Photographer Charlie Hamilton James: This is an exceptional image of lightning striking the Grand Canyon. It is muddy, dramatic and demonstrates excellent technical ability.
#19 Jacintha Verdegaal
I still have a lot of Thailand photos to share, but this – spending the day with 4 rescued elephants – was definitely one of the highlights of 2019 so far
#20 Finalist Chris O’bryan
Galahs, a species of cockatoo, scour the parched Outback for water in Western Australia. Here, waterholes are the vital source of life. Photographer Wayne Lawrence: Of all of the images of wildlife, this one seems less clichéd and stood out because of the masterly use of color and composition.
#21 Juan Quinteros
One from the “sharks in the sandstorm” series
#22 Finalist Khatia Nikabadze
A pair of lambs stare out a car window at a livestock market in Marneuli, Georgia. Photographer David Guttenfelder: This photograph wasn’t made in the wild, yet the picture, in one moment, tells the seemingly bittersweet story of the young lambs.
#23 Finalist Sara Stein
This image depicts the frantic momentum of wildebeest crossing the Mara River in Tanzania. Photographer Tasneem Alsultan: I enjoy photos that aren’t that obvious. Is it wasps of hair? Or shards of wood? The mass of horns rushing my way seem lethal, and yet the photographer made us see the image from an artistic view.
#24 Andri Laukas
Always looking for new perspectives at these famous places
#25 Ulla Lohmann
Another one of my all time favorite images: Munganau walks home. The erupting Tavurvur volcano has destroyed beautiful Rabaul town. The people showed amazing resilience against the odds of nature and stayed with the hope, that their paradise will one day return. Fingers crossed that the volcano stays quiet! .
#26 Shivam
Madness is somewhere between chaos and having a dream.
#27 Caine Delacy
This is probably my most favorite shot
#28 Ken Geiger
it’s time for breakfast! Backlit by the early morning sun a southern yellow-billed hornbill snags a grasshopper for a snack.
#29 Arvind Patwal
“NAGA “. Believes that the twinkle in her eye may be the reflection off her lost marbles.
#30 Finalist Felice Simon
Families glide on an ice rink in Brooklyn, New York’s Prospect Park on an unseasonably warm January day. Photographer Maggie Steber: This photograph of skaters large and small somehow reminds me of a memory from childhood. The way the pristine light shoots across the ice creating long shadows feels symbolic of how we have to stay the challenging course of raising our children, always being there to catch them if they fall.
Read more: http://www.boredpanda.com/
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icemaninvestments · 7 years
The Long Game, Seasons End
Ok it's been a while since the last Betting and Anti-Fascist update and a hell of a lot has happened. Will review another successful and profitable football season in a moment but first need to take a deep breath and catch up on some recent events...
Forces of Darkness attacked the great cities of London and Manchester caused death and injury to many ordinary people who were going about their daily lives. These were  not the first attacks of this nature and sadly they are unlikely to be the last. Fascists and supremacists of all colours and creeds will do their worse in an effort to sow division and intolerance. Gladly to date our communities have responded with tolerance and defiant messages of Hope.
Vigilance is essential and we can never be complacent. There is a vocal fringe element determined to take advantage of any future incidents in order to advance their gospel of Hate. These voices of Hate should be confronted and everyone has a part to play in this, you don't need to be marching in the streets as the struggle for hearts and minds will be fought every single day in the workplace, in the Pub, the bus stop and the supermarket queue. Unlike the recreational betting of IceMan the stakes in the Hope versus Hate game are huge and it is not a spectator sport. 
Ok now the football and end of season Football update. Once again the IceMan philosophy of getting on early to relative conservative (small c) single positions with no multiples means no weekly coupons , no top ups when winning or chasing when losing. Put the money down and let it play out.  
To pick up from last post we had a few football bets in the mix as we moved to business end of the season and glad to confirm 'Collecting Money' Ha'way the Lads' Fog on the Tyne and all that as the Geordie Boys of Newcastle deliver promotion to Premier League at 8/11.  
League one and despite my concerns the Lions were roaring when it mattered and Millwall  secured promotion  via the play offs at a nice 7/2 ' Collecting Money .
Scottish Premier and Aberdeen land an 8/11 bet for us by finishing best of the rest behind the Invincible Celtic and the amusingly rubbish Rangers . In fact I missed a trick here as unusually for a Celtic fan I underestimated how Shite Rangers are and could have got better odds by just doing Aberdeen to come second to Celtic. Still ' Collecting Money '  
Great year in Scotland for both the Glasgow and Edinburgh Irish with Celtic romping away with the Premiership whilst Hibernian easily win the Championship at 5/4 which means ' Collecting Money '  
A good season could have been a great season had Merseysides other club Tranmere won their National League play off final . Sadly they had two influential players injured on the big day so fell at the last hurdle depriving of us a lucrative  7/2 promotion win.
By way of full disclosure I must revisit my worse tip ever and there have been are a few contenders down the years but this is a standout. At start of last season I backed Leyton Orient for promotion from league 2. This division been a graveyard for me in recent seasons as my promotion hopefuls often end up flirting with relegation. Well this year East London's finest managed to finish anchored to rock bottom having had 5 different managers during a season that provided  more drama than any episode of your actual Eastenders, Total shocker.
The final start of season ante post bet was Alloa to win Scottish league 1 at 11/4 they finished runners up albeit a country mile behind runaway winners Livingston.
Still all in all we were well ahead and could absorb a bad Champions League run-in where light touches on the ever under achieving Arsenal 28/1 (at least can't make that mistake again this year), the disappointing Dortmund 22/1 who bowed out in the Quarter finals and the real let down Seville who I fancied to go deep in the tournament at 66/1. They had a great first half of the season but then fizzled out being eliminated by a very beatable Leicester City in the last 16.
Got some ongoing World Cup 2018 interest with a nice IcePrice of 150/1 for Poland now trading at a general 66/1 but incredibly 80/1 is still out there . They are 6 points clear at top of qualifying group and I could trade out of this position before actual tournament starts as bound to reduce to around 40/1 or less  
Feel more optimistic about other pick Argentina 9/1  who in response to a moderate qualifying campaign have appointed a new manager Jorge Sampiola ( ironically ex Seville )  who I hope can lift them on the run -in to ensure automatic qualification .
Tidying up from last time on the Horse racing front. The Cheltenham long shot at  25/1 let us down but that did not leave as bad as taste as the Grand National debacle with Don poli backed at 25/1 and off the back a decent run and what looked like a ' fair ' weight he was made 14/1 favourite . However his Irish  owner Michael O'Leary of Ryanair fame had a tantrum about the weight the British handicapper had allocated him. He then pulled the horse from the race depriving me of what I considered to be a guaranteed first four finish. Thank you Mr O'Leary you Bollix.
One outstanding Tennis trade is Elena Svitlova 80/1 for US Open now general 16/1 ( IcePrice ) that tournament is August placed bet in January
Only new stuff is the annual 'Keeping it Irish ' tilt at Gaelic Football and Hurling . Mixed fortunes here as Galway backed 4/1 now 2/1 favs for Hurling (IcePrice ) but Monaghan 40/1 are  still in Football  competition but have been so unimpressive they have drifted to 50/1 ( ShitePrice)  
In the last post I did put up Emmanuel Macron at 8/1 for French President and 'Collecting Money' was a double whammy as making a profit off the defeat of the Fascist Le pen was doubly sweet. Elsewhere looks like peak far right wing triumphalism post Brexit vote and Trump is on the retreat following setbacks in Austria, Holland, France and likely Germany. General Election here was fun as well. I have many doubts about Comrade Corbyn and still resent his lacklustre brexit performance but I enjoy him pissing all over the chips of the Daily Fail, Sun, Express and the Torygraph.
Finally as always Solidarity to Rojava. The pathetic IS caliphate of Hate is falling. Nobody has done more to rollback the IslamoFash in Syria than the YPG from withstanding the siege of Kobane they are now leading the multi-ethnic SDF attack on Raqqa. Just concerned that they don't get stitched up later by Trump and Turkey.
So that is us all caught up. Will post again soon with Football for 2017/18 season once I have followed the markets and pre -season friendly results . Shout out to IceMan Jnr and his wife who are keeping it Anti - Trump stateside and fighting the good fight for universal health care in the USA
IceMan Investment Portfolio -  Life's A punt - So Get in Front
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