#looking forward to the end of the semester
16-pennies · 2 days
a personal update
I don't usually share much about myself on this blog, but it seems that writing Silver has changed the trajectory of my life in a way I never foresaw and it feels appropriate to mark that here somehow.
read more because this ended up longer than I intended but
tl;dr I got a visa to move across an ocean and live with one of my readers
In November of last year, while in the throes of finishing my longest story ever, I got a kind ask from @starsoforionwrites. Without going into it too much, I did not have much going for me at the time. I'd just quit my master's degree after only a semester, had to move back in with my parents, couldn't get a job, etc. I wasn't doing well.
But then I got this friendly message! And as I was sitting there at my local cafe, trying to escape my chaotic family and wracking up more credit card debt paying for a chai I couldn't afford, I decided to reach out.
So we started chatting. At first it was about fandom and our stories, but fragments of real life began to slip in. And starsoforion is just so much fun to talk to. I started looking forward to the time of day when they would finish work and we could talk, staying up until ridiculous hours because we just didn't want to stop. Learning morsels of information about who they are, piecing together all the bits and pieces into this person I liked so much.
By mid-December, we'd gone from joking about meeting to buying airfares. I finally got to hug them for the first time at the international arrivals door at the airport at the end of January.
We spent a wonderful 10 days together and by the end of it, we decided we were going to try to be together.
Which, as far as immigration goes, is (thankfully and surprisingly!) not terribly difficult for us, given our particular combination of citizenships and residencies.
So I doubled down and got a job to start saving as we made plans for our future. After six months apart working hard, we saw each other again, this time with me visiting them just to make sure I could see myself living in the UK before I dropped money on the visa application.
And then... everything's worked out. I got the visa. I'm in the midst of packing up my things and leaving my job to move overseas before the end of the year.
I can't believe how writing fanfiction has brought this special person into my life and given me this incredible opportunity, or how different my future looks from just one year ago. I'm doing so well, I'm so proud of myself, and so happy.
so there you go, kids. follow your dreams. comment on your fav fics. date the authors! who knows what could happen 💕
if you're interested in the logistical/immigration side of this story, I have been blogging about it at @bels-adventures
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munadyke · 2 years
girls when they finally finish derry girls s3
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waitineedaname · 11 months
what if I scrap my current research ideas and instead to a linguistic study of the French profanity I hear while my housemate gets extremely angry at video games
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 months
GIRLLL ARE YOU OKAY??? I follow you for a while and I don't remember you being off for SO LONG 😭 Wanted to send you a message but since I don't interact that much with people here I thought that would be weird....Anyway come back PLEASE I miss your fics very much you're like the Queen of jalice fandom 😭😭😭
Oh Anon, this was so sweet of you.
I'm alive, and I'm okay! Long story short: ongoing health issues that flaired up, and I took two classes this semester thinking that I could balance everything. And I could not. My focus had to be on my classes.
I promise I'm coming back. I've got three chapters nearly done, I've got more ficlets for posting, I have a week and a half until our final projects are due, and then I will be doing nothing but writing fic until the end of July.
I promise that I haven't quit writing my fic or left fandom or am trapped in a well. We're optimistic that next semester will have a better balance.
And as an apology and a peace offering, have a snippet.
She looks at him and it’s like he sees the moment she decides. That the heartbreak and terror leave her gaze in a blink, and he’s left staring at the cold, dead eyes of a stranger. Even her emotions change, like someone has flipped a switch - just grey acceptance filling her like smoke.
He’s never known this version of her, and he is terrified. He wants to grab her and shake her and bring her back to life. He wants her to go back to holding onto his arm and begging him not to make her go alone.
(He would rather her sobbing in his arms than this blank-faced stranger, and he hates himself for that.)
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loopsisloops · 5 months
✨ time for my favorite game ✨ reblog 172 posts back to back then disappear again for an unforeseeable amount of time :D
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callixton · 4 months
i would like to say for the record if that boy posting increases in the next few days it is bc kit put the idea of me playing macbeth across from his macduff in the fight to the death scene and it is NOT 🚫 my fault
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etdraconis · 2 months
( the summer semester is almost over I could honestly cry tears of joy right now i swear )
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bittershins · 6 months
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these guys are still very much in progress but I am having quite a lot of fun with them. I want to make another giant bug painting for my wall tho - need to go dumpster diving for giant sheets of cardboard
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dreamerlynx · 9 months
ooo u know what else I need to do after my secret vault? I made a totem statue ages ago (which is actually where the ‘secret’ entrance to the vault is!) as a reference to foosh bc he’s my favorite, but I rly need to build something for dream!
i could always find a spot to build a dream blob but idk, I’m not sure I can build a cute one. maybe I can fit in a dream smile on the ceiling or floor in my vault somewhere? the rooms r circular so as long as I make it white it’ll be like the dream mask :)
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mango-fizz · 6 months
How have you been feeling lately?
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nyaruelle-art · 6 months
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atomicradiogirl · 9 months
i just think it’s so rude how i have to go back to school in a week 3 weeks of winter break is NOT enough
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cozy-the-overlord · 1 year
So when my laptop’s hard drive died, I lost a lot of other things besides my thesis— I lost basically all of my fanfic wips from 2020 to now, which is incredibly depressing. I’m hoping to rewrite all of the stuff I lost, but I was wondering which ones people would be most interested me completing just based on what I’ve been calling them. So ….
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pepprs · 1 year
if i could just get like 3 more hours of sleep every night. maybe even 2. i would be so powerful
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thegoblinwitch · 1 year
two hours later, and i've barely reached the halfway mark. 😭 this is gonna take me for ever. and even with the music to distract me, there are works going on outside so it's a constant hammering of pick breaker or whatever they're called, interspaced with the loud clanging of freight or passenger trains passing through the station just in front of where i'm at. and i can't close the window, it's just too warm and they haven't switched off central heating so i really need that fucking window open if i don't wanna get a fucking headache. urgh. not a good mood now.
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suispiria · 2 years
have I mentioned I’m graduating in a month
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