#lookism jihan kwak
unreleasedwrites · 10 months
Baking Shenanigans
“Told you!”
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summary: You and your boyfriend are just at your place. It’s 2 in the morning, the both of you couldn’t fall asleep and were craving some cookies— you guys came across some random five star recipe online and decided to bake cookies together— an activity you haven’t tried with him until this very moment.
character(s) included: Kwak Jihan x fem!reader
cw: pet names/nicknames, kissing on neck, lips, forehead, you and Jihan have been in a relationship for a good while, sort of sarcastic reader, reader is shorter by like a head compared to Jihan, idk a lot about baking because i’m usually an assistant, idk any recipes so i just clicked the first 5 star one i saw, a bunch of teasing, other than that, it’s just fluff & me coping with whats happening in lookism 1a, and reader is addressed as “you” here cs idk? thaz how i write
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unwrapped on: Saturday Night, August 20 2023
wrapped up on: Wednesday Morning, August 23 2023
published on: Wednesday Morning, August 23 2023 (at arnd 10 AM)
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“The first two ingredients we need is a whole bunch of softened butter and even more sugar” You said as you looked over at Jihan.
“Whats the difference between the brown and white sugar?”
“No idea!” You said as you clapped once and walked away.
You left Jihan up to the decision of which sugar should be used while you grabbed the big bowl with 2 sticks of butter in it. Which you guys had just placed in the microwave for a few seconds so that it’d soften up in no time, but not to the point that it’d melt.
“How much sugar do you think we need?”
“I don’t know, the recipe doesn’t have specific measurements..” You told your boyfriend all the while checking the recipe you guys found.
You simply placed the big bowl in front of your boyfriend cause you weren’t looking for the perfect outcome, you were just hungry and happy that you were taking up baking with him.
“Put er’ there!” You playfully said.
Jihan just stared at you.
“Are you mocking my fake country accent..?” Jihan said, obviously trying to hold in his laughter all the while scratching his head.
You just smiled, a bit embarrassed as you looked away from his gaze.
After a period of awkward silence with an occasional wheeze, your boyfriend finally bursted out laughing, completely loosing it.
“Shut up!! Its two in the morning and I didn’t know what else to say..”
You got a mixer from one of the kitchen closets & started assembling it as it was still in the box. While you were doing that, Jihan gave up & just poured the entire bags of both sugars into the bowl of butter. Luckily, they were only about 1 cup each from both sugars, so it wasn’t something either of you found to be alarming.
You brought the assembled mixer to the counter Jihan was at and stood beside him right after you plugged the mixer in.
“Mix away, cowboy”
“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you, little cowgirl?”
“How the hell am I a cowgirl?” You rose a brow as you watched him turn on the mixer.
“Cause your mine, and if im a cowboy, you’ll be my cowgirl.” Jihan said as he chuckled.
“Sounds just about right to me” You laughed as well.
“Do you think this has the right texture?” He glanced over at you as he turned the mixer off.
“Looks good to me”
“Then could you get whatever we need next, please?” He asked.
“Alright-y! I got 2 eggs and some vanilla extract.”
“Atta’ girl”
You then got a measuring cup and poured some vanilla extract in to it while Jihan cracked the two eggs into the bowl with the mixture.
“How’d ya manage to get that much egg shells into the mixture? That’s gotta be some sort of achievement.” You said sarcastically all the while applauding.
“It’s not my fault, its definitely the eggs in your fridge, they ought to be deranged’.” He said as he was taking the egg shells out & throwing them into the garbage bin nearby, only to come back and stand by your side once he finished.
“What a unique excuse.” You ridiculed and laughed at the irony.
“Oh hush, c’mere you.” He then held his free hand around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Then he kissed you on the forehead.
“That’s what you get” He added.
“Hmph” You started blushing uncontrollably.
He then took a swift step backwards and used his hand on your waist to gently pull you in front of him into a position where he was kind of hugging you from behind. You two have about a head worth of height difference, so he easily put his head on top of yours. He proceeded to free his occupied hand which had just removed the bowl of mixture from the mixer, then placing it on the counter right in front of you as he handed you a whisk.
“Whisk away, cowgirl” He spoke into your ear, which immediately gave you goosebumps.
You then proceeded to whisk as Jihan held the bowl down so you wouldn’t have to worry your pretty little head about that.
You’ve been whisking for a some time (considering it wasn’t easy to get through to the texture), and your boyfriend has been humming some melodies into your ear down to your neck the entire time while swaying you left and right using his left hand that was on your waist.
“I’ll go get the flour” Your boyfriend’s grip on your waist loosened as he went to go get the flour you guys measured in advance earlier.
You just hummed in approval and left the whisk to open the bag of chocolate chips.
Jihan came back and stood beside you while he poured all the flour, and you started pouring tiny chocolate chips all around the mixture. You guys then switched on the mixer one last time to get it ready.
After mixing, you guys washed your hands (arguing over the sink), and then started rolling the cookie dough into different shapes.
“Look, Jihan— I made a heart, and guess who its for!” You exclaimed while holding cookie dough in the shape of a heart in your two hands pressed together.
“Hmmm..” Jihan added, “Well, whoever its for— do they get a kiss with that?”
“Depends, if they play their cards right, then I don’t see why not!” You happily teased.
“Hmmmmmm…..mmm…~” Jihan dragged his hum out before he spoke again, “Could it possibly be.. for me?” He smirked.
“Correct!” You then went on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Not to be greedy or anythin’ but I was hoping it’s be on the lips” He pouted as he looked at you.
“Sorry, but unfortunately for you, you took too long to guess, so the reward has been downgraded to only your cheek.” You teased.
“Is that so?”
“What can I do to change your mind?”
“Absolutely nothing! Tough Luck!”
“I’m gonna get back at you later, when my hands aren’t smothered in cookie dough— so you best be ready.”
You just smiled back at him.
After you guys finished shaping and rolling the cookie dough into all sorts of shapes (in ball form lol), you guys then put it on an oiled tray with parchment paper and popped it into the oven.
Once you closed the oven door shut, Jihan immediately started kissing you from behind all over.
“You’re kinda missing the target, don’t ya think?” You said trying your best to hold in your laughter as he kept placing pecks on your neck, which started to feel ticklish.
Then he swung you right around and gave you a kiss on the lips.
While waiting for the cookies to finish, you guys just went back to your shared bedroom and cuddled while you spoke to one another.
You two only came out when you two heard a ding coming from the kitchen.
You then opened the oven to let the heat out.
“You think it went well??” You asked as you looked over at your boyfriend who got a pair of mittens.
“Dunno, lets check.”
Jihan used the mittens to take the tray out of the oven and place it on the counter.
“Looks like it did go well!”
“How about the taste?”
“Well we gotta wait for it to cool down.”
After a good while of some more teasing, the cookies finally seemed to cool down so you guys decided to finally try it.
“It tastes really good!” Jihan said.
“Are you exaggerating or something?”
“What? No, here— taste it.”
He then gave you a cookie and you bit into it, surprisingly it did taste really good. He saw your reaction and smirked.
“Told you!”
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notes: I’m thinking of making this like a series, where i make a fic abt female reader baking w a lookism character, but idk? The end is quite rushed because i didnt know what to put anymore— 😭😭 Although I hope it isn’t too bad and I hope it isnt cringey either lmao I tried my best though (plez request) I was planning on typing more stuff in this notes but i forgot them so might update later (sorry for the mistakes) I might do goo next w same title but yall like baking smth elseee
- With or without proper credits, please don’t try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs, as this is my third ever post on this blog.
Once again, I hope this isn’t too bad for my third ever post, and i’ll probably be doing more characters in lookism 🫶🫶
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Lookism boys text reacting to reader being followed
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ventivente · 3 months
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which one is your favourite?
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
Read recently your post about yandere Jichang (why did he have to die 😭) so can you also do yandere Jihan Kwak ?
Sure :) And I know, I get down in the dumps every time I think about Jichang's death, WHY is the world so cruel? 😭
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I simp for him too lol and god DAMN...I'll die from a nosebleed at some point because of how good looking so many of the Lookism characters look and cue my unholy screeching and psychotic giggling
You were visiting your grandparents for the summer vacation as you got down the bus and you sighed as you shouldered your backpack. You were too used to city life, you weren't sure how you'd fare in a quiet countryside but you did have to admit it looked peaceful. You pulled out your phone from your pocket to contact your grandparents when you realized the universe was playing a colossal joke on you since your phone battery was dead you grumbled under your breath. It's been a while since you'd visited your grandparents so you couldn't remember how their house looked like so you decided to ask someone along the way, hoping they'd know the location to their house. You were unaware of a certain pair of calculating eyes watching your every movement, surveying your features till you were approached by a guy who looked almost similar to your age and had a friendly polite smile on his face. "You seem to be lost there sweetheart...anything I can help you with?" he asked you politely as you smiled and explained your situation to him. The guy introduced himself as Jihan Kwak as the two of you headed to your grandparents house
As he kept talking to you, he couldn't help but feel more...attracted and drawn to you. You were a city dweller and yet you weren't so obnoxious and loud or had an ego complex, you had a genuine and nice personality. He kept looking at you from the corner of his eye, his cheeks heating slightly every time he saw you smile and talk about something you liked like your favorite book or your favorite movie and such, mentally noting down whatever you were telling him for future purposes when he'd meet you next time. Of course he'd be meeting you next time, and plenty more times after your first encounter, you've managed to make him intrigued and charmed him with your personality, you remind him of a fragile little doll to be honest, his savior and protector complex would get activated whenever he sees you, you're just too adorable for him, he can't take you seriously sometimes. He wonders how you've managed to survive this long but not to worry, he's here for you now
He'll pop by your grandparent's house every day and he'll have a good impression on them to get more closer to you. He usually wasn't someone who really gave love that much of a thought before he met you, he loved how soft your hands were, how kind and caring you were to those around you, how adorable you looked whenever you had that gleam of passion in your eyes when you spoke about things, how mesmerizing your eyes are and how he feels like he's getting lost in the beauty of your eyes... he loves everything about you. He isn't delusional, he knows his feelings for you are going out of control and he tries to suppress them only for something more darker, sinister and twisted to emerge as a form of love for you
He's aware his feelings for you are unnatural but he just can't help it. He just can't seem to get enough of you. He won't spill his heart out to yet since he doesn't want you to think he's weird but at the same time he doesn't have any qualms of being clingy to you and stalking you wherever you go. You're new to the countryside, you probably wouldn't be aware of the dangers but you don't need to worry, he's there for you to protect you and keep you safe. Of course, it kind of goes without saying, since he's also the brother of Jichang who's an officer, the people around would gladly keep an eye out for you to make sure you don't get yourself into any kind of trouble
His brothers would eventually find out about his immense feelings of love for you after Jichang catches his brother stalking you in the night as he simply glared at his brother which made it a bit awkward for a few seconds till they went back home and Jichang, Jibeom and Jihan sat down for a family discussion where he'll eventually be forced to spill his guts and heart regarding his feelings for you. Of course, they'd be happy for him and they don't really see anything wrong with how twisted his concept of love had become for you and Jichang would do whatever research necessary to find out more information regarding you by pulling a few strings here and there and would get rid of someone posing a threat to yours and Jihan's relationship. He wants his little brother to be happy after all, law be damned, plus they're eager to welcome you into their fold
Jihan likes being affectionate with you, deep down he's slightly insecure you might find someone else better than him which makes him even more clingier to you than usual till he starts developing the fear and paranoia of you leaving him. One day when you told him you'd be going back to your parents house since the summer vacation was over, he just looked at you in complete shock. For a moment he forgot you were on summer vacation and you were just visiting, he'll swallow the bitter lump forming in his throat as he wishes you all the very best and would invite you over for his house for dinner to which you'd agree. Then he'll formulate a plan to ensure you'd stay with him since he just can't afford to lose you, you mean so much to him. He'd feel empty without you and there needs to be someone by your side to take care of you, he's more than willing to be that man for you
Jichang would assist him in procuring some sedative to make you fall asleep after you've finished consuming the food which would make you black out in less than five seconds. Deep down Jihan feels slightly guilty he's slipping sedatives in your food but his fear of losing you overrides his sense of rationality which would compel him to slip the sedatives in your dish while telling himself that it's for your own good and he can't lose you. You're all smiles as you greet his brothers and they're really impressed with your courteous behavior and politeness. Jibeom would nudge Jihan in the chest and smirk at him and whisper what a good choice his brother made as Jihan grows slightly flustered and drinks some water. After you've finished eating your food, before you're about to bade them farewell, you lost your consciousness and you ended up blacking out in Jihan's arms as he carried you to a room and placed a blanket over you and caressed your head lovingly. You woke up after a few hours when the sedatives finally wore off as you looked around, confused as to what was going on when you were supposed to be at your grandparents house, packing for going back to your parent's house in 2 days
Jihan will enter the room and hand you a glass of water as he explains what he did and you'd stare at him in shock. He'd be hurt if you scream or insult him but he understands, he understands how you feel. It's a new concept for you and you can have all the time in the world to adjust, he doesn't mind. If you cry, he'll feel really bad and he feels an ache in his heart from seeing you cry as tears are streaming down your face. He wanted to ensure your happiness all the time, he didn't like seeing you sad so he'd just hold you in a comforting embrace and pat your head gently, telling you how much you mean to him. He isn't unreasonable, he knows you might be mad at him but deep down he'll be hurt and have the expression of a kicked puppy if you ignore him. Nonetheless he'll never raise his voice or hands at you, he can't bring himself to hurt you. That thought wouldn't occur to him even in his worst nightmare. With the kindness and love he's treating you with, you'll end up getting Stockholm Syndrome faster than Zack always screaming for Mira
You actually might have a shot at escaping from him since he does tend to take you out on dates outside to make sure you don't die from boredom from being at home all the time but if you do end up escaping, it'll be Jichang who'll find you and just bring you back to Jihan. Jihan would be worried about you and check you for injuries and then he'd tell you in a very serious tone how he'd never let you attempt something like this again since he loves you too much so now you'll have to earn his trust back before you're allowed to go out. If it's someone trying to take you from him then it's a completely different story. He might be kind and loving to you but his personality is like a snake, cunning and crafty as he analyzes how to get rid of the pest to meddle in between the both of you. Don't forget about his fighting skills, he's learnt from the very best himself and will not hesitate to snap the person's bones like a twig if he has to for your sake and the person would disappear off the face of the planet the next day who may or may not be buried 6 feet under the ground or probably fed to the wild dogs they have, but you don't need to stress your pretty head about that. Just leave all the violence and brutal things to him all right?
His love for you has no bounds which is mixed with possessiveness. Don't even try resisting his affection for you, he'll just hold you tighter to him and cuddle with you. He loves seeing you cooking, having a cute little apron on your frame as he envelopes you into a hug from the back and he kisses the nape of your neck and nuzzles your cheek with his. He truly does love you, just make him happy by being with him please, he'd be crushed if he loses you. Overall, a great yandere to have and he'd seriously be a blessing to have compared to the other messed up characters...
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yessvlo · 17 days
ptj where are these fine men at (ik sinu is like retired?? but no update on him ? 🤕)
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why is charles choi just walking around ?? where is my man gyeol ⁉️
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Just imagine him fucking you with his long and thick cock and when you're about to reach your orgasm, he pulls out and teases the fuck out of you. He totally loves it when you whine and protest when he doesn't make you cum before leaning into your lips.
"Just a little more baby, you're going to be a good girl/boy if you wanna get what you want right?"
SAMUEL SEO, JAKE KIM, PARK JONGGUN, KIM JOONGOO, JAMES LEE/DG, Yoojin, Eli Jang, Warren Chae, Johan Seong, Kwak Jihan, Gapryong Kim, Taesoo Ma, Jinyong Park, Jichang Kwak, Gongseob Ji, Seokdu Wang
Edited!: Add in Kuroda Ryuhei, Vin Jin, and Olly Wang lol
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squishyneet · 2 months
Whatever you do don’t think about how Jihan and Jibeom were probably asleep when Jichang died
Or how they probably thought they would have breakfast with him the next morning
Or how they spoke to him for the last time and didn’t know it
Or how they didn’t get to say goodbye
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mobumiesworld · 1 year
Jihan’s Interview
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boyinatown · 11 months
Can I request Dg, Kwak jihan and Baek Hangyul reacting to the reader sending them a pic of them wearing a lingerie?
Pairing: dg, kwak & Baek x f! Reader 💗
Summary: Where they receive the picture and what they’d do with it.
Warning: sexual theme, masturbating & fingering
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It’s no secret, your a very daring person. Always sending risky texts to your boyfriend even when he’s in a live stream.
Taking it up a notch sending him your newest lingerie he ordered for you: a pink one, with petal flowers printed on the bra, lacy panties and a choker with his idol mark. Sending 2 separate ones of you spread on the bed and one with just boob pictures.
Dg was now currently live-streaming and you were watching his live, a ping gets heard through the stream. He checks it quickly noticing it’s you and opens it, his eyes widen only for a second before he clears his throat.
You send him a small : “ see you soon dg 💗” in the live chat, as he’s reading it you catch his smirk for a second. Ofcourse the other streamers with him ask why all of a sudden his ears are red and he’s gripping the pen tightly almost breaking it.
You were such a tease and he loved it, oh how he did. He excuses his self from the live stream saying it’s urgent before he dissapears.
You get up quickly knowing he’ll be here in a few seconds, and as you guessed it the door flings open to dg standing there.
“Come here you, that’s not nice you know..”
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Kwak was talking to the elder man, about something you didn’t care much about. Growing impatient and feeling needy, you went to the bathroom excusing yourself.
Snapping him a picture of your lingerie underneath your clothing saying you’ll be in the bathroom when he’s done, what you didn’t expect is him to break open the door.
“Kwak? Here already, what about Elder-“
He sits down on the toilet’s top cover, taking off his belt and patting his lap. Hinting for you to come closer and so you do.
He rips off your clothing after you dressed back into them, eyeing your black lingerie licking your stomach up to your breasts. Leaving small hickeys on them, then forcing you to lay your stomach on his thighs plunging his fingers deep inside your hole without warning and closing your mouth by placing his palm on it.
Making a shush motion with his lips and finger, winking at you before moving his fingers deeper inside.
“Be quiet now, you don’t want them to find out do you? Ah , no I bet you do dirty woman..”
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Dating this busy surgeon didn’t make it better whenever you were horny and frustrated. So how would you make him still think of you?
You guessed it, snap him a dirty picture of your fingers in your panties and All while in your lingerie: a white one that had a small ribbon attached to the bra.
after receiving your dirty pictures, hangyul clenched his jaw and told Eugene he had urging matters to attend to easing Eugene worries that it wasn’t a sudden intruder at workers. Instead a very stubborn patient that needed some attention.
Going to the bathroom, his hands sneak down his pants and into his boxers, closing his eyes and stroking his self. He imagines how your fingers would not please you at the very least.
Increasing his speed and a few whimpers spill from his lips and he bites his lower one. His head thrown back and glasses falling off his face onto the floor.
“Aha , y/n ,y/n fuck fuck..! Just wait till I get back home..”
He sends you a picture of his hand leaking with cum and the title is: “ here’s a little thank you, I better find you spread on the bed when I come back.”
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sscarletvenus · 9 months
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Can i request for Kwak jihan dating hc or oneshot?
like the reader is just the most adorable, lovable and the cutest human to ever exist and a non-fighter. She can't kick asses and is jihan's classmate who fell in love with him from the moment she saw him and has been annoying and chasing after him ever since. Soaon he soften ups to her cause she is just adorable.
He saved her from bullies/assaulters and admitted that he cares for her and they began going out! He is really protective of her as well
And bonus point if his brothers get protective of his s/o after he introduced them and maybe the grandpa too, maybe he gets threats from them often as well? Who knows.
Thank you for your precious time and effort writer-nim❣️
Thanks for the ask 🐇! Fun fact, I'm actually super allergic to rabbits irl. And I feel so pathetic cos they ARE SO CUTE
Anyway, I have a confession to make. I didn't actually care for the Kwaks too much until ch440. Jichang is cool, but I was just too hyped with Allied and the fight scenes lol sorry don't come at me 😭😭 slight change with my HC and I... I don't know what the below is lol so sorry in advance
Kwak Jihan X Reader: Strangers to Lovers hc
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Moving to this podunk town really pissed Jihan off. There was nothing to do, nothing to keep his interest
Jibeom already did all the dirty work to capture the area
Why work harder when you can work smarter. After defeating Jibeom, Jihan became No.1 in no time at all
So yep, this place is boring as shit. Until he met you
You're pretty cute but above all else, annoying. He figures for some reason, you've taken him under your wing as the new kid at school and now he can't get any peace
You follow him like a shadow, making sure he's ok with settling in, with classes and lunch. You expressed your worry over Jihan's lack of friends but he was unconcerned
The first and only time you attempted to see what he was doing after class without asking, you saw him and his brother bathing in questionable tubs of snakes and herbs, all scarred and frankly covered in blood.
You screamed and gave him some distance after that
You're good and straight laced. And maybe a little naive too. You don't get mixed up with that sort of stuff no matter how much you found yourself drawn to Jihan
And he definitely didn't need the aggro of dealing with you
But the days just felt a bit lonelier for him, the silence a little too loud until one day he saw some guys harassing you outside of school
No hesitation, Jihan saves you by beating them up. He's not one for words, he prefers action
You definitely prefer words though, and after seeing how shaken you are by the whole ordeal, he apologises for scaring you and promises to be a little bit calmer around you
True to his word, he was a little nicer
Over time, things between you began to change. Jihan seeks you out as much as you seek him out
You still teased him for his obnoxious manspreading, and he just called you annoying
Everytime you nagged him about schoolwork, he would ruffle your hair
Whenever you moaned about him being conceited, he would flick your forehead
Imagine then, your surprise when Jihan invites you to properly meet his brothers and Jichang and Jibeom refer to you as his girlfriend
Jihan doesn't refute them. You just sit there with your eyes wide trying to process what they said
When it's finally the two of you on your own, you needed to set the story straight
"Why did your brother's call me your girlfriend?"
"Do you not want to be?"
That wasn't the response you expected, but you see the sly grin on his face. He likes to take the path of least resistance and this was no exception
Why makes things harder for himself?
"I... I guess I wouldn't mind being your girlfriend,"
"Thought so"
You're beet red, but Jihan is unruffled as ever
"Fuck why are you so cute," he pulls you close, and gives you another flick on the forehead
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unreleasedwrites · 3 months
drabbling about lookism characters’ first date w you
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pov: lookism characters’ first date with you; how, when, and where they take you on your guys’ special day
character(s) included: multiple; Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Johan Seong, Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, Baek Hangyeol, Baek Gyeol, Diego Kang/DG, Seongji Yook
cw: my opinion, purposely repeated a bunch of characters, reader is very close to the character ok!! (btw female reader but if ur a male js change the words in ur mindddd) 😭😭
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unwrapped on: Friday Night, December 22 2023
wrapped up on: Saturday Morning, March 30 2024
published on: Saturday Morning, March 30 2024
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“Stereotypical-First” Type of Guy
This man is an absolute sucker for romance. It’s obvious that he actually cares and that first date won’t certainly be the last. It all started off as jokes & teasing, until you two developed feelings. So, now you’re sitting with him on a picnic blanket in a secluded part of the beach and it’s around 6 in the evening. He got you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, an item you really like [books, art materials, etc.], and prepared the scene the two of you were sat at. Theres a picnic basket on the blanket, various seashells you two collected all around you two, some petals he placed in advance to set the scene— It was straight out of a movie. He lit up a candle with one of the scents you’ve mentioned was your favorite and it’s safe to say his efforts paid off. Eventually, you two went on a stroll after having a little dinner. You went around the beach and reached the ocean shore— which escalated in an innocent water fight. You guys splashed one another with water and laughed. This guy has good aim so you were really soaked while he was still mostly dry… So he made it an opportunity to give you his jacket/coat, since you were wearing a not so thick dress and got soaked in cold water.
Zack Lee, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, All of big deal… Daniel Park, Euntae Lee/Vasco, Johan Seong (yall went on that stroll because you ran out of food..)
“You’re the only girl i’ve ever brought to this place” Type of Guy
You’ve known this guy for years, maybe even a decade. Which is why he brought you to a place he holds close to his heart, some place he wouldn’t take anyone else whose just a fling or doesn’t matter to him to that extent. He informs the owner of the place in advance of the special someone he’s bringing to have dinner. Even the owner is shocked, as he became close friends over the years with this person— and knowing him almost as well as you do (to a certain extent), the thought of him bringing someone over, especially a girl, never would have crossed his mind in his entire life. Which is why he made sure to make everything extra special that night, not wanting to disappoint you and this guy. This guy specifically tells you that this is his favorite place, and he’s brought a very close guy friend of his or two, but has never even mentioned it to a girl. This small and cozy place is hidden in a secluded area, so you two had a romantic night. It ended with him taking you back to your place and a good night kiss. It felt surreal considering you’ve been just friends for so long who has actually had feelings for each other but never admitted until just recently, which led to this first date.
Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Warren Chae, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, DG, Baek Gyeol (where this psycho gon take you??), Kwak Jichang, Seongji Yook
“Simple & Sincere Since The Beginning” Type of Guy
This guy is simple and you stayed for that. Ever since you first met him, it was already made clear that he wasn’t the type of guy to be so outgoing and extra. He likes simple and innocent activities that you two do because it puts a smile on your face, and anything that makes you happy, makes him even happier. And knowing how much you love movies, he decided he’d go ahead and prepare the movie you’ve been dying to see for so long, so that the two of you could watch it at his place. It was just you and him, nobody else, sat down together with various snacks that he noticed you love. It didn’t matter to him what movie it was— comedy, adventure, horror, or even romance, what mattered to him was your enjoyment that night. From sneaking his arm around your waist to cuddling without you even noticing, this guy is smooth and he made good use of it. Your first date lasted for hours because you fell asleep in his arms, to which he didn’t wake you—instead, slept along with you. Some would say that it’s weird to already cuddle and fall asleep together on the first date, but you’ve been so close to this guy for so long that it’s almost as if its just another day.
Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Johan Seong (he ate most of the food and even though yall got more, he devoured that too..), Kwak Jihan, Kwak Jibeom, Eli Jang, Baek Hangyeol (😭😭), Jake Kim, Sinu Han
“Flaunt You With His Money” Type of Guy
This guy is rich, he’s filthy rich. As expected from these kinds of guys, your first date is at a classy restaurant that you can’t even pronounce the name of. He picks you up from your house in one of his cars, which he made sure to choose your favorite color & the car you seemed most comfortable in. But he also made sure to choose something flashy, so that you wouldn’t be thinking of any of the other cars he owns. He’s dressed up in a suit, and this guy has plenty of them. His hair is fixed for the occasion and his fragrance is one you can’t forget because of how good it smells, but it isn’t too strong so that it won’t get to your head. He picks you up in the evening, around five. He goes up to your doorstep with a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and chocolates he knows are your favorites. He patiently waited at your door while you were putting the flowers in a vase with water, and the gifts in the refrigerator / on the counter, (because chocolates wasn’t the only gift he brought you). He made sure to be even more of a gentleman than he already is to you, opening the door for you, pulling the chair for you to sit on. And because you’re wearing a dress with little to no sleeves, he gave you his coat.
Jay Hong, Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, DG/Diego Kang, Baek Gyeol
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notes: i don’t remember any of my thoughts while writing this.. except that this has been in my drafts for so long and i’ve been coming back once in a while to work on it and disappear again..
The more I assigned the characters, the more I realized I haven’t seen most of them in WEEKS. I miss them sm
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
I really hope you guys like this!! so sorry for being so inactive 😭 I’m really busy and I have a bunch of drafts and requests I badly wanna work on..
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vvmylove · 3 months
Lookism 492 Spoilers
I'll be honest with you. I hated the chapter cuz idgaf about James Lee- BUT PTJ DID MAKE UP FOR IT WITHIN THE LAST FEW PANELS SO HERE WE GO (paragraph at the end)
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Ptj finally did something right by bringing the first generation. I was getting so sick and tired of seeing James. Notice how everyone's background is connected somehow? What if the first generation were also like that- like how gun is in every backstory/ how the first generations sons coke all together. I feel like ptj is trying to find a way to connect everyone's lives but I believe he could do it differently somehow. I'm sick of the same ideas plus I do miss the slice of life part of lookism.
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yukkuo · 4 months
Hi , i hope you okay ! I wanted to ask if you could please maybe do a fluff strory with jihan from lookism , if it doesn't bother you ?
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Kwak Jihan x gn!reader
Warnings— bugs, swearing
Yes, you were from the city. You weren't used to the country side— not that you had anything against it. You just have never been familiar with it. The air was clean, wind was nice at times.
But when you went to visit your friend whom you've known for a while. There was a few things you hated when being there.
"Jihan. I swear to GOD if you dont get that thing from my sight I will cry."
And those things were bugs.
"C'mon they're not that bad!"
Just as he had enough teasing you with the bug, a sudden gust of wind blew the bug away from his hand. And much to his Jihans disappointment it was most likely not going to come back.
You let out a sigh of relief, getting down from the boxes. As soon as you got down you were ready to give Jihan the biggest smack of his life to which he had feared and was ready to shrink in his spot.
Yes he could dodge it, was he going to?
Even if he dodged your palm that held the revenge you had from him holding a bug so close to you, he was certain you would catch him off guard one day and smack his ass so hard that he could not sit down for the next two weeks (he's being dramatic).
Just as you were about to smack the back of his head while he awaited his divine punishment, another small breeze past by you guys. Of course it wasn't anything to worry about.
A random bug landed in between your eyes.
One.. Two.. Three..
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anticapitalistclown · 5 months
Clowniiiie can we get a Jihan x Reader visuals please? 👀🧡
Jihan x fem! reader, visuals
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emojellyace08 · 10 months
Your presence alone radiates comfort. You're like the sun that he has been reaching for warmth even when times you're like the winter who's giving him shivers because of how closeted and blunt you are at times.
But your voice makes him calm and in peace. Your soft hands that ruffles his hair and pats his head makes him a bit sleepy. It shows that even you are somehow distant, you're like a burning fire who's willing to make in ease even in the most stressful times.
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