#looks like a cinnamon roll fluffball
quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, these are my practices of the sheep, I think I’ve got it down by now
So I drew Cream sheep, Cotton Candy sheep, Cream Cotton sheep, and some sheep I found from concept art in the artbook
So the Cream sheep and Cotton Candy sheep seem to look the most similar to me, at least in terms of anatomy, with the biggest differences being the fact that cream sheep seem to be the only ones (of the three we’ve seen in game) with no tufts of hair on their head, and I believe the dollops of cream representing horns, as well as the fact that the Cotton Candy ones have sprinkles. Also it’s kind of weird how only the Cream sheep have horns, considering most sheep in real life have them. I noticed that by contrast, the Cream Cotton sheep look pretty different, at least in terms of facial features and just generally that they’re made of cotton, but given how they’re from a completely different area on Earthbread, I suppose it could make sense
Then there’s the ones from the artbook. Admittedly they aren’t shown to have ears or tufts of hair on their heads, I just felt like adding those. Also they’re from the Vanilla Kingdom artwork, so I imagine they’re closer to Cream sheep, though the difference is they have gold/yellow wool and horns that look more like cinnamon rolls. Considering we see the Vanillians with them, as well as the ones Pure Vanilla having in the artbook most closely resembling them, could they be some sort of older breed of sheep?
I’m curious as to what a “black sheep” for these species would look like. For the Cotton Candy ones, considering cotton candy doesn’t seem to really be a dark colored thing, and how most of them are pink, I’d imagine the “black sheep” to be blue instead. The Cream Cotton ones could be brown, since apparently cotton can grow brown instead of just white. Not sure about the Cream ones though, since cream doesn’t seem to be blue in general. Maybe chocolate flavored
For the purposes of the whole Pure Vanilla flock, most likely he’d have Cream sheep, given they seem to be native to the area he’s from, but I’ll still add the little Cream Cotton sheep. Or maybe I should pick the artbook ones? I’m not sure
Anyways, I think I’m over analyzing these sheep, just enjoy the pictures of the fluffballs
Oh yeah, and I’ll put my sheep references (the ones from CRK I mean) here
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imsailorpluto · 2 years
Oh nooo, I'm disliking where this is going. Just as I wanted to make appreciation post about the world's greatest bestie, Su-jin, she goes and starts turning against Ju-kyung. Backstabbing her, being more fake than Ju-kyung's face covered in make up.
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Girl you were my favourite, I was sincerity thinking how your friends are so lucky to have you as a friend. I literally wanted to quote Ju-kyung when she said she'd be happy to have a bf like you. Whyyyy, why did you turn into a snake? And why is this series so relatable, I'm not even in highschool (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
It's as if Seo-jun's spirit possessed her. Consequently, he goes through major change of character as well. He starts respecting Ju-kyung's choice and her feelings for Su-ho. He even tells her to get off work and make up with him. He decides to cover for the shift. And the balance is restored in such a lousy way and not at all. Seo-jun is now much more sincere than her bestie who's had her back since the beginning. In which universe does that happen? In this universe, and all too often, unfortunately...
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They switched their inner demons for real. Gosh, they simply could have paired Su-jin and Seo-jun before all of this mess and call it even. I mean, even their names look good together.
But this dynamics of both Ju-kyung and Su-ho going through the exact same challenges, friends-wise. His ex bestie is after his gf. And her (soon ex) bestie is after her bf. The phuck. Seriously.
God, I knew there'd be a point Su-jin starts turning into the cinnamon roll. I knew I'd regret typing such a long post (rant) about him. Ok, I don't regret it. He was a real jerk before. No excuses for that.
If all this isn't already enough, our main girlie is breaking up with Su-ho. Like no! no! No!!!!!!!
Honestly, I feel so sorry for Su-ho in all of this. He didn't even get a sorry for those stupid photos all over the school. Fine, she isn't the one who put them up there but still. Why would a gf not tell her bf for a professional photo shooting in the first place? I'd brag to my bf first thing. I'd want him to know everything. But then...we're all different. And the fact that he doesn't even want to talk to that fake bestie is everythiiiing. He probably knows about her feelings and he doesn't want to give her any false hope. He's being really cautious and loyal. And then gets blamed. I guess it will also be his fault that Su-jin turned her back on her own friend and fell for a taken guy?? Give this socially awkward fluffball a break already!
Then that song release?? Seriously??? I bet that Leo guy is Su-ho. And he hears the real truth about what triggered his dear friend to end his life. But that is not all. Of course that is not all.
Then this happens.
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Of all things, WHY?!
Both of these guys have been through enough. Every character in this story has been through so much, can't they just give us a comedy and a happy ending. I'm emotionally exhausted. Really.
I've had enough of plot twists, Sailor Pluto is signing off
Bye. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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lokislytherin · 3 years
wake up!
mysta: luca is the reason i wake up in the morning
vox: why?
luca, in the mornings over discord: *banging pots and pans* WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP
shu: coward
ike: the real ones survive on energy drinks and small naps every now and then
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septicmelon · 5 years
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This little fluffball is the literal definition of ' looks like a cinnamon roll but is actually Satan' ,,
I will delete this later I just had to share this sunshine 🥺
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 5.12: Outsiders
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Uh-oh. Flashbacks to Steve... this is worrying. But also? Hoff? That usually means my cinnamon roll is going to appear.
Yas queen! It’s the cinnamon roll.
ohmygod... McKay is adorable when he’s grumpy... kinda reminds me of my cat Jasper. Sweet little fluffball of grump and snark.
I’m probably going to call my next cat Rodney.
Mom agrees on the Rodney is a human-shaped cat thought.
ohmygod... the Wraith is bargaining. What? 0-0
John looks ready to do something stupid. Carson is beginning to look pissed off. Don’t piss off the Cinnamon roll. Do not.
jfc this plague is shitty. even if you survive it, you’re still gonna die bc of pissy wraith.
ugh. Jervis is a dickhead. 
#Rebellion #Suckitbitches #THIS IS MADNESS -> #THISISSPARTA
ffs... this is stupid. somebody just shoot this guy already. violence is not always the answer, but goddamn it can help you find one.
holy crap. Carson is in full on bitch mode... in his adorkable scottish accent. be still my heart... waith, pls dont, then i really would need a dr.
#screechingwithrage #killallthewraith #wowimagressivetonight
“and they brought us to the hive... great”
he’s bossing the wraith drones around. omg.
he can boss me around all he likes
*incoherent panicked screaming*
carson you sneak. forget rodney, it’s you thats #mentallyunstablelikeafox
“we’ve got a plan” lol. that never ends well.
#Dramaticcloaks #ffs #cannotdealwiththisbullshit #thesepplpissmeoff 
dramtic gun fight is dramatic
hoo boy
“you can’t fit in there” “yes i can. shove over”
is it just me or is that a fake wall... wait. dumb question. it’s a tv set.
haha. you thought you could outfox the foxy col. sheppard.
#Boom #Doublecrossed
“Rodney, you’re a genius!”
now thats what i call puddle jumping. 
“shut it.”
“ You're a terrible liar, Doctor McKay! Tell me, tell me, tell me!”
Carson Becket is my Spirit Animal
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Almost all the cat asks lmao: 1. Name?2. Fur color?6. Nicknames?7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?8. Length of fluff?53. Worst thing they’ve destroyed?54. Give them a head kiss.69. Chaotic neutral? 71. Are you their favorite human?72. Do they like tv?73. Favorite noise to make?74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be?
Thank you for the ask! I love my little fluffballs. I’ll show a pic first - they love to snuggle together!
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1. Name - I have two cats, Zoë and Odie. Odie only has one eye and was therefore named after the one-eyed Norse god Odin.
2. Fur color- Zoë is gray/white and Odie is orange.
6. Nicknames - I sometimes call Zoë Zo Zo, and she’s bit slow so sometimes I call her Stoopie if she’s being a bit dumb. Odie I will occasionally call Bubby.
7. Zoë is a cinnamon roll and Odie is a problematic fave haha
8. Length of fluff? - they’re both shorthairs
53. Worst thing they’ve destroyed? - Zoë has done some clawing at our wooden dining room chairs in the past, and Odie (though we only got him a month or so ago) is a lot more chaotic, he hasn’t done a lot of permanent damage yet but his claw put a run in my curtain and he tries to chew on cords a lot. 
54. I give them head kisses all the time! Odie can be skittish but sometimes he tolerates it, and Zoë is so used to me mauling her that she actually kisses back or will initiate it by putting her face against mine while I’m in bed.
69. Chaotic neutral? Odie is 100%, but Zoë is always confused and slow so she isn’t really.
71. Yep, I’m their favorite human. They’re officially my cats so I would hope so.
72. I haven’t seen either of them take an interest in TV, unless they hear a dog or cat from the show and then they just sort of perk their ears up and look confused.
73. Noises they make - Odie always has a high-pitched meow that makes it sound like he’s distressed but really he just wants attention or food. Zoë rarely meows,  but she does a lot of sniffling, snoring, and sneezing because she’s constantly congested.
74. Memento if they were a Neko Atsume cat - Hmmm. Odie would probably leave some kind of bug because he likes playing with the odd ones he finds in our house. Zoë would maybe leave a string because she loves her mouse-on-a-string toy.
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kpopbandscenarios · 6 years
Introduction To SHINee
So I have a very good friend who is starting to get into Kpop so I decided that I am gonna make some introductions to some of my favourite bands so he can like get a feel for each of them and get to know the members. I just wanna apologize for the mess I’ve created, so yea.  Hope you all enjoy even if you already know the band! :)
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So first off, this band is insane
im not even kidding
its 5 guys just havin fun
while being insane
they’ve been together 10 years
heres to 10 more :) :,)
lets get onto member profiles
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Real name Lee Jinki
hes 28
hes the leader of the group (dubu leader onew)
is basically looking after 4 children
i feel for him
he loves chicken
like give him chicken and he will love you for life
and hes so clumsy
but its so cute
have you seen his smile
hes like the most fluffy human
but hes also hella hot
hes just a softie 
so please take care of him
Jonghyun (Rest in Peace Angel)
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his real name is Kim Jonghyun
he’s a literal angel (Rest In Peace baby)
he passed away on the 18 of December 2017
hes 27 (turning 28 in 2 days - 8th of April 2018)
he was such a fluffy human being
like look at him waving in the gif
so cute
he was also SO RUDE
boy knew how to look daddy hot af
but he was still a goddam cinnamon roll
who Shawols always protected
he was so sweet
like he just was
you need to watch compilations of him being a savage tho
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first things first
savage king
thats literally key
his real name is Kim Kibum
his instagram is @bumkeyk 
check it out
its pretty cool
hes 26
hes hella talented
like the boy can rap
he can sing
he can act
hes savage
hes also a soft squish
like hes so cute
just hes an amazing human being
pls love him as well
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real name Choi Minho
first off this guy is seriously a headass
like i cant explain it
he just is
i promise i love him tho im calling him that lovingly
his nickname is flaming charisma
thats because hes so goddamn competitive
like he got mad when Taemin beat him at a video game
its kinda funny
but kinda not
hes super competitive 
but hes also just a fluffball
like hes so cute
and soft
and hes so sweet
all of SHINee is really
but hes just a cinnamon roll
but hes a cinnamon roll that could kill you if he wanted
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time for the maknae of SHINee
real name Lee Taemin
this guy
is so cute
but so hot
i had to do two gifs to show his two sides
no regrets
hes 24
hes nicknamed handy taemin
thats because this fluff loses everything
im not even kidding like
he lost his phone
guess where it was
again im not kidding
this kid is so sweet
i could literally write essays on him
hes a shy lil bean
pls take care of him
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thefmcdatul-blog · 7 years
It is the same day,
But then I looked at you guys,
It is the same day, but not the usual.
I am sitting like a Maria Clara on the table (shy kasi ako eh :<) and observed you guys. 
I couldn’t help to stare at laughing Micah, Ysabelle and Zach. I always treasure you three. Thank you for lifting me up this Grade 10. I hope for more laughs, rants and photoshoot with you guys.
Then my eyes darted to Chastine (sana okay na tiyan mo hehehe) who is actually reviewing (wow teh). But I’m still serious about this, whenever you are not good or fine or okay at all, I, the most amazing person ever, am here for you.
Right beside you is Erica, NAKAGOSURF KA NANAMAN SIGUROO!!! I know that you are a quiet person like me (ehem) but I know there’s a lot going on in you too (like me hehe). Keep fighting!
Cyril, the greatest model of all (bayad ko!) started rambling things with Nicole. I don’t know what they are arguing about but you guys made me smile for 3 seconds. To you Cyril, USL ka at magpakabait ka na. More singing “singing sessions” with you! Stay fab! And Nicole, more arguments and corny joke with you neng!
A cap and face mask, ALLAANN!! I know that we are not that close and actually hated each other back then but I’m still grateful for all the jokes and “knowledge” about “ano things”. Stay intelligent!
Then rocking her pink watch, Queenalynn! How could I forget you! I know that sometimes we are not in good terms lalo na every periodic sa English. Thank you for the memories (good or bad) and I hope we will be able to laugh about them someday.
There’s you, Angie! You are busy reviewing (ang sipag mo na huhu) and it actually made me happy to think that you are there since Grade 8 and you actually may know things about myself more than me. Galingan natin sa SHS! Love you!
Janina!! You are my classmate since Grade 7 and I saw transformation in you. Until know I don’t know if USL k aba or hindi (laughs). Math tests are “not hard” because of you.
Aby, I don’t know why you are sitting in front… I think nawalan ka yata ng upuan hahahaha but I remember Grade 7 life with you. You are one of the “kalog” girls I know. Stay funny!
I jumped out of the table and walked in front of the mirror to check myself. Then there you are Cambri (sanay kami sa last name mo hehehe). Half  of the mirror is consumed sa ulo mo hahahaha. You are so tall! Thank you for the “load” ehem and funny jokes. See you around sa SHS because you are actually going to St. Paul.
I roamed my eyes then I saw you Kemi (?) and Daniella. You guys are also busy reviewing (naks naman, you two!). I still remember Grade 8 with you two hahahaha and also your bangs hehehehee. Stay diligent and smart.
Zoned out ka yata Kuya JB! You are quietly sitting at the back. Lately I’ve been reading your GMs. Tell us about that! Stay tall!
Aira, you and your earphones hahahaha. We make good chemistry pala ehem. I still can’t fathom you at all. Continue with your poems and may sadness be you motivation to be strong. Accept mo na kiss ko!
Kaycel, my one and only seh. You are sitting quietly not seeing me and my efforts for you seh. Joke lang! You are havey and kalog na huhu so proud of you. Love you and your jokes hihhihihi. Stay pretty!
I looked at the three boys sitting together and honestly, I don’t have any ide what you three are doing…. Heheheehe (sorry na). But Alexis, Naiza and I talked about you smart brain, you are smart. Aivan, pakopya sa Maaathhh! You have one of the best skills in Mathematics! Keep pushing forward! Suyu you are actually funny for me without doing anything, I think it is because of you and you actions hahaha. Agahan mo na din gaya ko! Dapat bibo ka!
I ran at Jaber who is holding a plastic full of quail eggs. Hingi ako!!! I smiled at the thought that your hands are so big unlike mine. You are holding a plastic that is so small compared to your palm. I don’t have many things to say to you but galingan mo sa SHS!!
I started eating my 2nd hinging-itlog-pugo and about to throw away the shells and I saw these two people, Alpo and Jelai, who are not even finished peeling the shells of their first one. (ilang mins na silang nagbabalat huhuhu). I laughed at them especially Jelai. You are always the cute and huggable one. And let me say this, your secrets are safe with me *winks 10x* and that, I’m here no matter what. Looking forward to more dramas, chikas and jokes with you!
Alpo, who just finished peeling hahahaha. I can’t say all things about you here but I’m very thankful for the comfort and warmth (ewan ko din bakit warmth). You are cute and cool naman kahit di mo na sabihin. You are still my master no matter what. And you are stronger than what you think. Stay cool master!
It is quite unusual but Gadds is sitting and watching quietly. I still don’t know why I had a crush on you back then…. Wala ako sa tamang pag-iisip. But here’s my message: Let’s be serious! Lalong lalo na sa SHS! Stay strong to you and Janine. Looking forward to more jokes!
Adrian, the mood maker. Silver isn’t the same without you. I know that we are not that close even if we are classmates back in elementary but I know one thing: you are smart. I still remember all of your stories about science. Keep it up!
I can’t help but to notice Lester who is very noisy. I don’t actually know how we two got close. You are a good friend and a Kuya after all. Looking forward to more news about you and Y and also, more tricycle rides!
I don’t know if it is unusual but Gaci is quietly watching. We knew Gaci as an “out of ordinary” guy but I know that there’s a lot going on in you too and we can’t fathom that either. But I hope for your genuine happiness!
There’s someone missing and I almost forgot. AIAAN! You weren’t in the room that time hehehe but know that you are busy processing you certifs and all. Even if we don’t share the same humor, secrets and inside jokes, I am very happy to become part of your high school life.
Danica and Joriza, how could I not notice you two. You guys bloomed your friendship since I-don’t-know when but I’m grateful to find people like you. Danica, I saw your passion in science more than anything and I hope you will continue that. Joriza, even if nasa phone ka lagi (kahit sa science time hehe) I know that you are good at English, verbally and all. Keep shining you two!
Jansen babe! I don’t know when we started calling each other babe kahit madami ka naang babe. I adore how you actually laugh at my jokes and sinasakyan mo all of my craziness. Let’s continue our “long walk” story neng!
Eds, you became addicted to Kpop and it is quite unexpected. We aren’t that much close but you always had that laugh whenever I joke. I’m still wondering why you don’t have any blemishes or visible pores on your face (inggit kami ni jelai huhu). Stay beautiful!
I looked beside Eds and smiled at Clare. This cute little fluffball! HAHAHAHA. I’m your most loyal customer and I haven’t changed at all (alam mo na yan). Looking forward to us dancing Bboom Bboom perfectly!
Leaning against the window, hahahaha si Raquel to. I still want you height more than ever. Let’s be real, you should eat more! And you may be an introvert but once you bloom, you will shine!
Then the first row of cute cinnamon roll hehehehe. Angeline, you are “maldita” sometimes and may be savage but I see kindness in you. Punta pa rin kami every fiesta ha?
I tried to run to have some kikiam from Biccan who is holding a cup-full. I can’t help to notice how you cutely turned you back against me (alam mo yata na hihingi ako hahaha). But seriously, thank you for all the foods ha? Nabusog ako!
Krisha, hehehe, you are sitting beside Gelli talking about I don’t know. I think that you two are busy reviewing. But Krisha, I know that you are one of the savages in you group and sometimes I wonder what have I done to deserve all of the “pambabara” from you but I know that we jokingly say those things. Hanap ka lang ng oppa!
Gelli, the tall one, I know that back then we are not always in good terms but I’m happy to see you change and joke with me. I still remember singing “oshiete oshiete” then you sang along because you also knew that song. Keep fangirling!
I was about to snap some pics of you guys but a quick James posed and stole the scene. A quick, “joke lang sensei” came out from his mouth. I almost forgot you, seriously hehehe. But I hope that we won’t lose our “alipin-sensei” bond. Stay strong sa inyo ng bebe mo!
They say high school life is the best years of your life,
And I looked at you all,
They are true.
And silver,
How could we grow so much in the past 2 years?
I tried to make my messages simple and easy to read
And you are worth every word, letters and tears.
And since I’m a chicken,
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quietasides · 7 years
One of my kids is about to celebrate her sixth passionate month of being a K-pop fan, and she’s keeping these lists (among many others). Relevant to more than a few other fandoms.
Things I like about the [K-pop] fandom:
How most of the fandom loves and supports the whole group, not just their bias
How the most cheerful member is called the sunshine of the group
The whole “looks like a cinnamon roll” thing
The memes, the relatable memes
Those text post things
“the signs as”
How serious about their OTP some of the fandom is
Calling idols fluffballs
Fan chants
How supportive it is
Group member nicknames inside the fandom
Compilations of sweet/funny/extra/perverted moments
Hype for comebacks
Things I don’t like about the [K-pop] fandom
Fan wars
When one group’s fandom puts down another
One fandom flooding the comments for another group’s mv
Any kind of messing with other fandoms
Putting down other kinds of music/saying that only K-pop is good (different from saying “I only like K-pop” / “I don’t really like other music”)
Insults—be it to other groups/fandoms/music/idols/or anything else
Not supporting all of the group
“You’re only a REAL fan if you’ve been with them from the start”
Bragging about your group to make other groups look bad
obsessions with views
“(insert fandom) here supporting (insert group that isn’t that fandom)!”
Saying that only your favorite groups have good music, and that all other K-pop is bad.
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rainbowunibird · 7 years
Ikemen Sengoku Tag Meme
Tagged by @nyktoon-ikemenlove
Answer the 10 questions then tag other people!
1. Your Top 3 favorite warlords (in order)
Ahahaha, this is really hard...
Ieyasu (all the cat/porcupine comparisons between this snarky fluffball just really get me)
Hideyoshi (the “mom” of the group haha, I can relate)
Mitsunari (the sweet cinnamon roll child, how is he so pure)
2. Favorite moment in the game so far
I really enjoyed Nobunaga’s dramatic route when the MC is pushed into the wormhole back to her original time and loses her memory. Mostly this is because I live for the “forgetting and remembering important people/events” trope but just the way it was handled in game really made it enjoyable.
3. Who has the best hair?
Kenshin, it just LOOKS so silky in his sprite! Like teach me how you care for it because I want hair like that.
4. Which voice do you like the most?
Hideyoshi’s, without a doubt. (Once again personal bias (this time for his voice actor haha) but I also feel his voice really captures his personality and presentation as the ‘most eligible bachelor of Azuchi’)
5. Who do you think you’re more compatible with?
Probably Shingen or Nobunaga so we can all go candy-raiding and sweets-binging together.
6. Which warlord appeals to your aesthetics?
Masamune. Call me tacky but I really like his armor sprite with the crescent moon detailing on his shoulder. Also that eyepatch with all that gold detail/lines. 7. Which relationship between the warlords is your favorite?
I really like all the of warlord-warlord interactions but I have to say, the Yukimura-Shingen dynamic definitely takes the cake. Shingen’s general dad-lines about how he “didn’t raise Yukimura like this...” really crack me up
8. Which warlord makes you the most frustrated?
Dammit Mitsuhide, shut up and let people help you without slithering around for once in your life!
Okay, rant over. I didn’t really like his character at first but the recent routes have really warmed me up to him and just seeing how he brings himself down and always acts alone just really frustrates me.
9. Who would you swear loyalty to;  the Oda forces, the Uesugi-Takeda forces, or Third Party forces?
I would have to say the Oda forces because Azuchi seems like it would be a great place to live.
10. Do you prefer Romantic or Dramatic routes?
Dramatic. As much a fan I am of tooth-rottingly sweet romance I just happen to prefer getting my cavities with an added touch of angst thrown in. 11. (added by tagger) Which warlord’s values do you align with the most?
Nobunaga probably although I don’t agree with his methods I do admire his ambition especially in the time period he lives in as well as understand how he came to do what he does the way he does it. He has a clear vision of the future he wants and sees that he needs to be the one to act for that future and to carve out his goals himself
I won’t be tagging anyone because I frankly don’t know many people who also play ikesen >.<
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kingminie · 7 years
blazing arrows | pt. 5
❝The majority calls me Cupid, but, you can call me Jimin—I believe I owe you some debts for a mistake now long overdue.❞
⌲ genre: fluff, angst, future smut, & supernatural, au.
⌲ member: jimin feat. jungkookie
⌲ word count: 7.2 k
⌲ warnings: future mature content & shit tons of swearing.
↠ description: Stuck in what seemed to be unrequited relationship with Jeon Jungkook who just so happens to be in committed relationship with someone else as well, your heart was fragmented beyond any repair. So what exactly happens when you enter your room at 3 in the morning to find the culprit of your hellish misery, counting his gold-tipped arrows on the foot of your bed—wings outstretched and all?
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ongoing
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a month later.
"You look happy."
If Min Yoongi's looks could kill, there was no doubt Kim Taehyung would've been dead on the spot. Face planted on his damned two packet Splenda, two quarter teaspoon vanilla, and three spoons of cinnamon induced complicated ass coffee, you hoped to yourself as you stared incredulously at the boy across you, wondering how preposterous his previous remark was, no doubt a meme-worthy expression plastered on your face, own mug stopping midair.
"Well, I didn't exactly spend my time moping and crying myself to sleep, Tae, for your information," you rolled your eyes, putting down the glass on the table, Where the hell was Park Jimin?
"I just thought—y'know, it's been like a month since—"
"Shut the fuck up, Taehyung," Yoongi groaned, "Doesn't mean she got her heart broken she has to deal with that shit, crying and isolating herself from the rest of the human race, which, if I'm not mistaken, something you did when that girl from your university who you claimed to be your girlfriend asked who the fuck you were."
Taehyung pouted, scooting himself closer to the window to distance himself from Yoongi who was rolling his eyes, the younger one protesting all his might to defend his close-to-none dignity. Throwing your head back, you were left with nothing to do but laugh at Yoongi's mock expression to Taehyung who was muttering incoherently about how he ended up with friends that has a rock for a heart and another with a solid fucking ice.
What Taehyung said after all hit you. If the circumstances would have been different and whatever happened with Jungkook, well, happened, you would've been miserable as miserable could ever get—you wouldn't have been happy and probably soothing your heartache away with nothing but series marathons that would probably run for three days without the word "sleep" in your vocabulary, enveloped in a sea of trash of junk foods and several tubs of ice creams, along the undoubtedly snot-filled tissues you would have thrown wherever and the long list of missed calls and gazillion unread messages from friends and family that wondered if you had disappeared from the face of the Earth.
And it really would've been like that if it weren't for a certain sweet fluffball named Park Jimin.
Days ensuing that one shitty day, Jimin had tirelessly made sure that not even a drop nor a faint trace of sadness was made known to your haze-filled brain; cooking you breakfast every morning—despite your fervent request for him not to after finding the numerous stack of burnt pancakes on the garbage bin and how the kitchen was absolutely and utterly trashed—but you were really grateful for the mini pancakes that had whipped cream on top, shaped into miniature eyes and lips that smiled at you every morning, taking home take-out coffee from your favorite coffee shop that was not even remotely close to your neighborhood after his so-called "jog" that has fallen into his tight routine now, along the bag of chocolate cookies that was sold on the other end of town from where the cafe was, little notes attached at the bag with Jimin's adorable scribble of a handwriting and the tiny animations he never forgets to put in the corner.
As much you deemed it corny and a little bit cliched, you can't deny that the numerous random little notes that Jimin leaves every where in the house—may it be in the corner of the milk carton inside the fridge—the little notes now had their own little space in the corner of your dresser box.
"Have you ever talked to him? You know, since then," Yoongi asked, biting on to his brownie.
"Twice," you shrugged, "The last one was last night actually. He asked me about our Christmas party tonight. The little fuck actually asked if I was fine with him being around, like shit, we've always celebrated Christmas together, like hell would I let out little falling apart break that. And, this is where it gets interesting. He asked me about you two shitheads. Have you been ignoring him?"
"I'm not," Yoongi was quick to answer, hands raising in defense, "I'm genuinely busy to answer to his invitations for a quick dinner with Namjoon and the two geese. That question must be directed to Taehyung alone, not me."
You knew Taehyung was about to protest but sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat, "Yeah."
"Kim Taehyung—"
"Before you lecture me about that, let me explain myself," he gulped down the rest of his drink, slightly choking in the process. Typical, "I really can't face him, (Y/N). I can't hangout with him because all I'd see is you breaking down all over again because of him. And despite what you think of me being the tender, little Taehyung who can't pack a punch, I'll do a number on his face if I ever see him without me confirming that you were like okay okay."
Touched was an understatement because hell, you were moved by Kim fucking Taehyung, "Tae, he's your best friend too and it's not really his fault, you know."
"I know. But you're four years more of a best friend before I met him," he shrugged, "Despite the fact that I always nag you, you're basically my sister—so call it a brotherly instinct, if you must."
"Who knew you're such a mush?" Yoongi groaned beside him, overcoming the surprise you didn't miss earlier, "But yeah, the kid's right somehow. I'm closer to you than I am to Jungkook, so even though I'm trying not to be biased, I hate it. I don't hate Jungkook, obviously, but I do hate your feelings for him because well, they hurt you."
"And you talk about me being a mush."
"Suck my ass."
"I've heard enough shit coming from your mouth, so no, thank you."
"Screw you."
"You want to?" Taehyung had the boxy smile on his face, amusement rolling off of him as he saw how much Yoongi was getting riled up.
"Stop," you laughed, feeling your stomach starting to hurt from the amount of laughter you have been doing for the past two hours you've been with the two dorks.
Your friendship with Yoongi and Taehyung had always been like this since day one; snarky comments thrown back and forth, curses soaring towards each other like heavy bullets, and the never ending sarcastic exchanges that seemed to be on a loop once it starts—but despite how they can be too much of an asshole and prank-loving jerks, they've always got your back no matter what and you couldn't be anymore thankful for having been given a Min Yoongi and a Kim Taehyung in your life.
"Aren't we supposed to go gift shopping?" Taehyung whined, "What are we still doing here?"
"I will not in a million years go shopping with you again," you snorted, "Yoongi will go with you."
"Oh, such a privilege." Yoongi rolled his eyes before picking up his phone, "We'll leave once Jimin arrives. Where is he anyway?"
"I don't know, he texted me that he was near though. Had to drop by at home for something."
In a second, Taehyung was gasping—really, he just looked like an alien (which he really is) gasping for whatever shit he was breathing for on Earth—looking at you as if you had set all his Gucci products on fire, "He has a phone? The jerk actually has a phone?"
"Calm your Gucci clad ass. He just got it last week," you chuckled, "and for the record, he sent you a text which you never bother to reply to, by the way."
Taehyung had his eyebrows furrowed as he scrolled through his phone, "No, he didn't. I didn't receive anything from that—oh."
"Yeah," you rolled your eyes, "Oh."
"You're still living together?" Yoongi smirked, that damned knowing smirk of his you wanted nothing but to slap out his face.
"He's a company worth keeping," you shrugged, "So don't expect him to disappear for a long while."
After a hundred more snappy comebacks, you resorted to scroll through your social media, keeping your asshole comments to yourself because you were really trying to be a good person lately. You really just had to scoff at that thought. Feeling a little bit unsatisfied at how the new cafe's coffee tasted—it was somewhat good but not that good (for you, anyway) that you felt like actually crossing the street, order a Dunkin' coffee, and enter back to satisfy your coffee-claimed heart.
Shopping in mind, you thought how today's going to be a long, long day since you haven't even bought a single flipping present for tonight before turning to Taehyung who was playing with the straw, "I hope you know that I wouldn't be buying you any more present after the one I gave you on your birthday. I nearly went broke with that one, mind you."
"It's okay," Taehyung grinned, almost depicting a small child, "Yoongi—"
"Oh no, you shit, don't start with me. I wouldn't be buying you any thing worth more than a dollar."
"Ah, I'm sorry I'm late," you weren't even surprised to say the least when Jimin popped out out of nowhere, plopping down on the seat beside you before handing you a cup of coffee. If it was possible to smile even bigger after seeing Jimin, you did.
Jimin gave a complicated handshake both to Yoongi and Taehyung in greeting—which you find yourself laughing to because since when did the three become so close they had a handshake? You opened the lid of large plastic cup, inhaling the familiar scent of coffee you've always loved and practically inhaled the coffee.
"Shall we go?" You looked up, eyebrows raised as you sloshed the cup around.
"You better buy me a good gift."
"After you suck Yoongi's ass, I will."
His eyes never left yours as laughter passed your lips as the wind breezed past his face, invigorating and gelid as it settled upon his skin, the amount of adrenaline bobbling through his veins in rushing waves as you swung him higher and higher with every forceful push wielded on the rattling chains behind, his hair inlacing in a complex tangled mess, soaring along the soft caress of the blowing wind that surrounded the both of you, but he didn't care—he was having fun. He was in his happiest with you.
Gesturing towards the broad unoccupied space on the swing set beside him, you stare at the idle camera in Jungkook's hands before sitting on the swing yourself, complaining as the unmistakable flash caught you by surprise. He held it away from his face for a few seconds, staring at the miniature screen with his wide grin before practically shoving the whole thing in your face, "Kookie! Delete that, I look like shit."
"How dare you," Jungkook scoffed, "My camera has no space for shitty portraits."
"Exactly!" You stressed, throwing yours hands in the air but the unmistakable trace of laughter still lacing your tone nonetheless, "All you have in your fancy camera are beautifully taken photos of beautiful scenery and beautiful little objects so please, delete my pho—"
"If so, you deserve to be here then," Jungkook mumbled, looking through his photos which was indeed filled with portraits of nothing else but the sunsets and unbelievable structures of the different places he has been to, your picture being the only one of the candid portrait on his camera.
Jungkook missed the way your blood spread all over your face, how your body suddenly felt hot despite the fact that it was in the middle of Winter. You suddenly stood up from the swings, going behind him and suddenly pushing his own swing forcefully that he nearly fell off at how high he was.
As soon as he had both his feet on the ground, he wasted no time and chased you, laughing his ass off when you tripped by yourself and got a mouthful of snow in return. Still chuckling to himself, he jogged over to where you were, unmoving and motionless as you tried to decipher why you had an asshole for a best friend, offering his hand for you to grip on.
When you were steady on both feet, you were immediately pulled into a playful headlock by a rabbit—yes, Jungkook—leaving you to struggle to grip whatever you can from him. Jungkook snorted, noting how pathetic you look as you tried to reach his hair before finally letting you go and ruffling your hair, "Merry Christmas, you dork."
Jungkook stared at the portrait pinned on his photo board, the only photo in his wall that contained a person in it—hell, not even his girlfriend had a spot on that wall—letting out a small smile at how adorable his best friend had looked, hair spewed everywhere as little dusts of snowflakes fell all over you. Letting out a sigh, he unpinned the photo from the board before just simply staring at it and glancing towards his phone in doubt—the urge to call you surging through his systems in rash torrents, "Merry Christmas, you dork."
He relished on the silence for a while, just staring on the portrait on his hands until he heard his door creak open after three consecutive knocks, his girlfriend's head poking through the small gap with a toothy grin. Laughing, Jungkook plopped down on the foot of his bed after pinning the photo back up, waiting for her to fully enter his room.
Ji Eun adorably jumped from the hallway to his room, hands thrown in the air with a bright smile as she modeled her bright red reindeer sweater—Jungkook knew no doubt that another pair was hidden somewhere in her somewhat magical purse that seemed to be bottomless—with a few bags on her arms.
"Tada!" she chuckled before launching herself to Jungkook who was laughing as he wrapped his arms around her, "Merry Christmas, Jungkookie."
"Merry Christmas to you too, crazy," he ruffled her hair as she made herself comfortable on his chest, "I love you."
"And I you, baby," she tightened her hold on him for a while before finally pushing herself off of him, "Since you've given me my present yesterday even though we said strictly no presents, I think it's just fair if I give you mine now. I know you'll really love it since I'm sure you told me he was your favorite."
Jungkook sat up on the edge of his bed, watching his girlfriend as she lifted the huge wrapped box from his floor, holding it out to him with an excited grin which mirrored Jungkook's own as he too was elated to know what was inside the box, a clear idea of what was inside already making its way through his head as he shook the box.
If this is the Iron Man limited set I've been talking about for the past months, then shit, Im ready to marry this girl, he thought to himself as he slowly ripped the blue wrapper, the familiar Marvel label immediately waving at his face and he nearly burst into unending tears.
Happiness seemed to danced all over his blood as he slowly ripped the wrapper all the way down, his heart threatening to burst through his chest, making him mentally scoff at himself at how exactly a twenty-something-year-old man could be so excited over a toy. But to Jungkook, Iron Man wasn't just a fucking toy.
Although, at the next second, similar to the amount of happiness that singed his skin was the very same amount—if not, more—of disappointment that washed all over him like he was being suddenly rubbed with ice personally shipped from Antarctica, as he stared at the print on the box.
Captain America.
Fucking Captain America.
His girlfriend got him a Captain America set despite the fact that he had whined fucking Iron Man repetitively when they were together.
And if wasn't obvious with the figurines and stuffed toys decorating my room, then fuck me, he thought to himself as he stared at the blue toy set before his glance roamed all over his room that was basically overflowing with Iron Man stuff; all he needed to do was to change his room wallpaper into a portrait of the character and his room could be considered a museum for Iron Man.
"This is...wow, thank you, babe," Jungkook stared at his girlfriend's face that was full of apprehension and hope that he couldn't find it in himself to show his disappointment. I was needing a bit of blue in the sea of red, I guess, he thought to himself.
"You like it?"
"I love it," Jungkook grinned, pulling his girlfriend into a hug before plopping down on his back, still tangled with Ji Eun, "Are the rest of the presents for tonight?"
"Yeah," Her voice was muffled as she pressed light kisses unto Jungkook's neck before pulling back so that she could properly see his face, "I hope (Y/N) likes what I bought for her, though, since that dork really doesn't like receiving anything extravagant and it's the only thing I know for sure she'll love."
"Hm, really?"Jungkook swept a strand of hair from her forehead, "What is it?"
"Iron Man."
I'm the one who likes him, Jungkook bit his inside cheeks, She's the one who likes Captain America.
Before he could utter anything, his phone chimed from the nightstand, Ji Eun rolling on the bed before closing her eyes as she settled on the pillows.
He didn't seem to believe that you texted him as he stared down on his phone, counting down the zero messages you have dropped him for the past couple weeks and maybe the two phone calls you actually gave him that lasted barely a minute. So, knowing that, a miracle was what it was when your contact name appeared on his home screen, along the notification that you had sent a message.
[2:26 P.M.] my loser: Hey Jungkook! Just letting you guys know that the party will start earlier than usual. Make sure to be by my house at 7. See you.
[2:27 P.M.] my loser: Don't be late! Hah.
[2:27 P.M.] my loser: :)
Seeing your message, Jungkook thought that it would've been actually better if you hadn't. How you formally constructed the message—which you never use with him—shown through your text; proper capitalization, punctuation, and all that shit. Along with the fucking smiley he knew you really forgot and just added just so that he wouldn't think anything else of it, and what the fuck was a "hah"—if it was supposed to be laughter then screw that crap because the period at the end ruined it.
He knew it was immature and stupid to notice the littlest things like this but then again, how could he help it?
[2:30 P.M.] Jungkook: wouldn't even dream of it :)
He lost track of time on how long he stayed standing in front of his bedside table, absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the screen of his phone as he waited for a reply, forgetting that his girlfriend was inside his room, leaving her to stare after his back as he sighed that his hopes were let down once again—not by you but by himself.
[3:01 P.M.] Jungkook: Merry Christmas, loser.
Sighing once again, he was literally close to throwing his phone when sixteen minutes had passed, yes, he actually counted.
"Babe, are you okay?"
Jungkook turned around, flashing Ji Eun what supposed to be a reassuring smile, "Yeah, don't wo—"
He was cut off with the sudden vibration of his phone, his eagerness surprising both him and Ji Eun.
[3:18 P.M.] my loser: merry christmas, dork.
Sixteen minutes was worth it.
"Aye, love, the wise men followed the star—"
Laughter bubbled from the pits of your chest as you stared at Jimin who was grinning wildly as he bounced around the living room, leaving you to wonder how such a small fluffball can have so much energy, his freaking infectious damn smile seemed to reach the heavens as belted out the lyrics along the loud music emitted by the speakers, your round hair brush gripped tightly on his hand as he seemed to have his own concert—and quite frankly, if it was one, you'd probably sell your own house and buy a ticket because Park Jimin has a voice, that type of singing voice that'll sing the song you hated the most but you'd gladly let him sing it just so you could listen to his voice forever.
You couldn't help but stare after him as he pranced around, a smile you did not know was there finding its way in your face as you leaned your head on the banister while you sat on the very last step of the stairs, sipping your own eggnog.
"The way I followed my heart," Jimin shook his eyebrows teasingly as he gave you a pointed look, taking slow steps that was in sync with the beat of the music before gently gripping your wrist to pull you up.
"And it led me to a miracle."
Jimin gently tapped the tip of your nose, leaving you quite breathless and stunned as both his hands reached up to casually clasp your neck, just underneath your jaw, his thumbs slowly pushing your head back that you would be able to look into his face. You bit your lip in apprehension as he stared you down, a smile taunting his lips but you knew he was holding it back.
"What are you doing?"
"Aren't you my miracle then?" Jimin teased, his familiar chuckle making its way out.
You raised an eyebrow, slightly pushing on his chest to let you go, feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the almost non-existent distance between your bodies, along the flipping warm touch of Park Jimin that warmed your body more than the crackling fire beside you did, "You followed where your arrow took you, idiot, and I don't exactly see you as one of the wise men."
"You're mean," Jimin pouted, immediately laughing right after he tangled the microphone, hairbrush rather, on your hair, mercilessly rolling it around until your hair was basically ripped out.
"Jimin," you whined, pulling on the end of the brush, "Everybody's on their way and I really won't be surprised if someone would burst through the doors in two seconds and you just have to go and do this. Ow, what the hell."
He was full-on laughing by then, bent over and clutching his belly as his eyes turned into tiny moon crescents carved on his face, high-pitched breathy laughter escaping his mouth that instead of you getting angry, you unintentionally let out a snort, laughter knocking on the doors of your trembling lips.
"Come here you," your eyes widened when he straightened up, standing so close that the tip of his shoes firmly touched the edge of yours, pulling your raised elbows as you tried to untangle the knots in your head, losing your balance at his unexpected action and all of the sudden, all you could hear was the blood rushing altogether on your face and the heavy pounding of your heart against your chest as you stayed frozen on the spot, forehead basically fucking glued to his chest, the only thought running through your head was that Park Jimin smells fucking heavenly.
And that his chest was practically rock that you feel a bump coming on your head.
And that you probably look stupid with your arms awkwardly raised midair.
And the deadly-flipping-fact that Park Jimin's hand were on your fucking waist, holy shit.
Your hands, which seemed to have a mind of their own—let's just say that for the preservation of your pride and dignity, falling down to grip the sides of his sweater, tightly gripping it that you were sure little holes would be present if you removed your hand, "You bastard, get your hands off me." I'll die if you don't.
You felt his chest and shoulders shake, clearly knowing that the jerk was laughing.
"Stay that way," Jimin surprisingly exclaimed when you made a move to lift your head—which still had the brush violently attached to it, "I'll remove it—do not move your fingers further."
Your eyes narrowed on the floor as you stopped wiggling your fingers on his sides, slightly digging it into his skin, feeling him stiffen underneath and you grinned, "Are you ticklish, Chim?"
You started to repetitively poke on his flesh, feeling him stiffen even more if that was possible, sliding your hands just a little bit further up before harshly poking, a loud grunt emitted from Jimin and you laughed, "Okay, I'll stop—who am I kidding? I'm not stopping until you admit—"
"Fine, yes, I have a funny spot there, geez, you're so annoying," Jimin huffed, gently pulling on your hair once again.
"Now, that's more like it," you grinned, satisfied. You finally decided to wrap your hands around his waist, intertwining your fingers behind him. Why? You didn't know either.
"We might need a scissors for thi—"
"Fuck no," you nearly cried at the thought of him snipping your locks alone, "I will cut your wings in your sleep, Jimin, I'm not even kidding."
He laughed, patting the top of your head, feeling no more pain from where the brush was, "I don't think we have another choice for this, (Y/N)," He then made a move to walk towards the kitchen but you tightened your grip around him, and there's no explanation nor description to what you were doing because you were straight up hugging him by now, eyes shut tightly on his chest that you missed how he bit the insides of his cheek to stop the grin pulling at the corners of his lips.
Jimin leaned back, amusement pooling his eyes as he stared at the top of your head, "Wow, I didn't you know liked me that mu—"
His stupid remark was once again cut off—this time, though, it was not by you much to your horror—by the front door suddenly hitting the wall as it burst open, a chorus of definitely not just one person echoing throughout the living room.
"Merry Christma—oh, whoa whoa." Fucking Kim Taehyung.
"Well, hi there." Fucking Kim Seokjin.
"Having fun, you two?" Fucking Kim Namjoon.
"Eh heh hey!" Fucking Jung Hoseok.
"Oh." Fucking Jeon Jungkook.
Your grip on Jimin loosened the next second, jumping apart from him like he was suddenly on fire and he suddenly retracted to his shell, smiling shyly towards your clearly amused guest before rolling your eyes, "It's not what you think it was. Come in you bastards—oh, hello, Ji Eun, it's a surprise seeing you tonight."
You could feel several eyes on your skin, actually, you could feel all their eyes on you as you greeted the latter with a genuine smile, "Yeah, it's quite a surprise for Jungkook and I too, my parents are still stuck on their business trip so I'm left alone to fend for myself this Christmas but your best friend became Superman all of a sudden. I hope you don't mind?"
It has been tradition for you and the rest of the boys to spend the actual Christmas day after spending it with the individual's family the day before, and for the past years, Ji Eun had always spent it with her family since they were traveling businesspersons and Christmas holidays were only one of the rare days they would be complete inside the house.
But not this year, I guess, you thought to yourself.
"I really don't," you laughed, shaking your head, "You're more than welcome here, you know that."
"Thank you," she smiled back before noticing some of the presents on her hand, "Where should I..."
"Oh, it's okay, I'll—"
You were cut off by Jimin suddenly appearing on your side, "I got it."
He placed the presents underneath the Christmas tree, along with the presents of the rest of the boys, arranging it in order with the help of Namjoon who was on his knees, passing around the boxes to arrange on the red reindeer mat.
Despite your protests, Ji Eun assured you that it really was okay, so, defeated, you watch her walked towards the boys who were arranging the presents before squatting down herself and asking Namjoon what help she could offer. Jeez, could she be any more of an angel?
"Now, mind telling what was that back there with Jiminie?" Taehyung was suddenly on your side, eyebrows raised and a smirk grazing his face.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing, Taehyung," you rolled your eyes—remembering so suddenly that the hair brush was still stuck to your head and you nearly slapped yourself, "As you can see, a hairbrush is stuck to my head. He was just helping me out but to no avail, it's still stuck."
Taehyung's gaze moved to your head and his eyebrows furrowed, "But it's not even—"
To your surprise, Jungkook moved forward from where he was somewhere behind Taehyung since he had entered, hands reaching out to your hair before the brush was detached from your head in one swift pull, and honestly, you expected to feel the sting of the somewhat harsh pull of the brush—even a slight sting—but there was nothing. Jungkook stuck his hand out with the brush, your hands slowly reaching out for it, a small nod sent your way before he brushed past you.
"Jimin was playing with your hair when we entered, you stupid," Taehyung laughed before running towards the dining room.
Your gaze landed on Jimin who had stilled his movements, hands midair above the bright red sleigh-print wrapped box, and despite the fact that he was turned away from you, you could see from the reflection on the television screen that his cheeks were raised and that he was fucking smiling and you nearly fainted right then and there.
The little cheeky shit.
Under normal circumstances, you would've surely hit Seokjin who suddenly held you in a headlock but the fact that you were so consumed in your own pool of thoughts, you didn't bother which made him look at you in curiosity, "Dinner is served, everyone! You lot better finish the one I cooked. I poured my blood, sweat, and tears in making that legendary dish."
"Well, that made it disgusting," you pushed him off.
"You know what I mean," Jin rolled his eyes, pinching your cheeks.
Right then, Taehyung came through from the kitchen like a raged bull, "Hurry up eating! I want to open presents!"
"Why do I associate with these idiots again?
Because you're one too, that's what.
Realizing you had left your own bunch of presents in Jimin's bedroom, you had excused yourself from the buzzing group who were left downstairs to retrieve them, declining any form of help they had offered since you knew you could handle it anyway; taking notice of the tinge of pink that dusted their pale skins, which of course is the doing of the one and only Kim Namjoon who had managed to sneak in some alcohol—which you turned a blind eye to considering the fact that a bottle was also clasped in your right hand.
You entered Jimin's room unknowingly, not expecting Jimin himself to be there, spread eagle in the middle of his bed with his legs hanging down from the edge, a half-empty beer bottle on his right hand and his phone on the other—raised above his face, the full light from the screen illuminating his skin which accentuated the small smile that grazed his lips.
Narrowing your eyes with a playful smile of your own, you jumped on the bed, landing perfectly on his side before sitting up in a cross-legged position, pouting as soon he turned the phone off swiftly and let it plop down on the mattress, placing his hand behind his head before taking a long chug from the bottle, eyes piercing through you as if there was no tomorrow.
In the passing months you had been spending with Jimin, you concluded that the flipping kid literally had two versions of himself since his personality changes from time to time like a damn switch that turns off and on rapidly that you felt like having a whiplash every single time he switched from one version of him to another.
And all night long you and the rest of the group had been seeing and talking to Chim—as what you'd like to call the first version of him—the shy, cheeky, and aloof little fluffball you had first seen in your bedroom at three in the freaking morning months back; the one who could barely give you any eye contact the first few weeks but then transformed to what seemed to be a reincarnated two-year-old in Cupid's body after a while.
But now? This was fucking Park Jimin.
Jimin panty-dropping Park who was a straight up god damned walking sex on legs—he's named Eros, the handsome and irresistible one somewhere else in the world for crying out loud—that makes you mentally drop to your knees, hands clasping together in prayer in enormous gratitude to the heavens above your roof that someone like Jimin actually existed in reality.
Fucking Cupid, why did he have to be this fine?
"You're going to stare at me the whole night? Or..." He casually threw his head back, his throat moving along as he swallowed the liquid, and with the rate your eyes followed every single move of his muscle, you could practically see the alcohol running down his throat behind his skin. Holy mothershitter.
"I wasn't staring at you, you vain lord," you muttered despite his snort and before he could catch you shamelessly staring once again, you turn your attention on his discarded phone, picking it up to stick your nose into whatever business he was doing before you went inside, only to be barred with freaking password, "This annoyi—what the hell, you kept this wallpaper?"
Jimin cracked one eye open, training it on the screen before chuckling, "Don't even think of changing it."
"I couldn't even if I wanted to," you grumbled, staring at the photo.
It was a photo of you—a very shitty one at that—he had snapped when he was just trying out his phone for the first time after he had bought it. You had been in an animal onesie and you had been in the middle of ceaselessly stuffing food into your mouth when he suddenly called your name and the next thing you knew, a bright light nearly blinded you and Jimin was laughing on the floor the next second.
"I look like chipmunk caught in the middle of stealing something here, Jimin."
"You did steal something though," Jimin laughed.
"Excuse me?" your jaw dropped in disbelief, "Mind telling me what exactly? Seems like you know more than I do."
"What are you doing here anyway?"
"Oh shit," your eyes widened, finding the presents on the corner, "We have to be down like right now."
Jimin let out a laugh as he followed suit, helping you drag your presents downstairs, only to be greeted with several amused and knowing—along with one passive—expressions. You placed the bag along the pile of presents neatly displayed beside the Christmas tree before turning to the rest, "Should I go get the eggnogs?"
"You should!" Taehyung gave you boxy grin as you glared at him before going to the kitchen nonetheless.
The steaming mugs were placed into several separate trays and there were still some left on the microwave since Taehyung would undoubtedly ask for a second and a third mug, bowls of popcorn placed on the side since you would be having a Disney marathon probably until seven in the morning and you lot still won't stop, large bags of enormous sized chips hanging on both your hands as you once again entered the living room, distributing the drinks and just letting the food down on the table before joining Jimin who stood behind the couch Namjoon was sitting on.
Taehyung and Seokjin seemed to eye the both of you with mischief, making you raise an eyebrow and had you backing away once Taehyung started walking towards the both you like a lion ready to pounce before he stopped right in front of you, all eyes turning to him at the moment and everyone else seemed to be in on an inside joke once they landed on you.
Taehyung placed a hand on your shoulder and the other on Jimin's, "Ah, you two."
"The fuck is with you?" you chuckled nervously before he really pushed both you and Jimin back five steps backwards that your butt nearly became glued on the window, "Tae, what the hell?"
Taehyung looked up before he exaggeratedly gasped, "Uh oh."
Confused, you threw your head back to see what all the fuss was all about and you nearly blushed your head off.
Because there, hanging and swinging happily as if to say 'it's your motherfucking chance, bitches', was a mistletoe.
Frankly speaking you had no exact reason as to why you did what you did next; it wasn't the alcohol trudging through your system the very moment that made you do something that was somewhat too out of character for you to do, or the motivational and just downright excited cheers your friends made in the background, nor the fact that Jimin looked especially inviting when he ran his hands nervously through his ash hair and the way he puffed out his cheeks as pink dusted his skin—okay, shit, it was exactly all that—so gently pulling on Jimin's sleeve, you stood on your tiptoes and then your lips swiftly landed on his cheek for a very quick second before you pull away, hiding your grin at the fact that Jimin remained stoic and unmoving—eyes wide and face flushing crimson red, his hand slowly reaching up to the spot you just kissed him.
Kissed him.
Kissed him.
Kissed him.
Well damn, does that sound good, you thought to yourself before regaining your composure. You turned towards Taehyung, raising an eyebrow, "Are you satisfied?"
Tae shrugged, "Hm, okay."
You were about to throw back yet another retort when you felt the ends of your sweater being pulled back and the next thing you fucking know was that you were a literal hair circumference away from Jimin, the contents of you mug slightly sloshing out and unto the floor as it seemed to be your turn to remain wide-eyed as you stared at the little snowman detail on Jimin's sweater, not having enough courage to look up nor turn your head even just a fraction because the tip of his nose was brushing against the top of your forehead.
String of curses flew around your head in an extremely fast rate that Flash' speed would be put to shame, just as your heartbeat was doing. You doubt Jimin hadn't really felt the raging thunder you call a heartbeat.
"Taehyung might say that but you know what? I..." His whisper was more than enough for your brain to go haywire that you couldn't even remember what the alphabets were, much less the damned, thrilling pause he had to do, "...might need just a little, little bit more."
Then his lips were on yours.
It wasn't the teeth-clashing, saliva-all-over, lets-makeout-like-there-is-no-tomorrow-my-tongue-is-falling-off kind off kiss but fuck was this way better.
Slow, gentle, and just a touch of fucking everything you needed and wanted.
Screw forgetting the alphabets and numbers and words because as his free hand intertwined with your cold ones, your brain blanched and just straight up short circuited, you didn't even know how to fucking function anymore.
Jimin was the first to pull away, a low chuckle escaping his lips before quickly ducking down once again to press his lips quickly just like you had when you had kissed him on the cheek.
Now you were convinced you were in heaven.
But then again, this was you—the girl who never fails to have at least one Friday-the-13th-esque mishap in a day, the girl who has the worst of luck that happiness just seemed to stay for a few minutes before jumping out the window and disappearing midair. So of course, just when things were going on the right track, the inevitable comes and fucking sweeps the joy right under your nose; just in a snap of a finger.
It happened too fast—so damn fast that you hadn't comprehend the shocked choke of Ji Eun when Jungkook stood up before turning around on his seat, jaw clenched so tight that you became afraid he was going to smash his teeth together.
Unlike the overrated movies, everything else didn't move in slow motion just like you were desperately praying for when Jungkook's fist made brutal contact with Jimin's, the latter who was not expecting the blow staggered on his feet as he clutched his now-bruising pale skin, eyes staying glued on the floor as the shock registered upon him.
"Jungkook!" Complete and utter horror was written all over Ji Eun's face as she stood up from her seat before completely blocking Jungkook's vision of Jimin, pushing her boyfriend's chest harshly that you even flinched but you doubted Jungkook even felt it with the way he was so concentrated on looking at Jimin, "What the fuck are you doing?"
Everyone else was completely silent—mouths hanging open in shock and disbelief at what the fuck just happened; Taehyung nearly had the whole bottle shoved down his throat as he stared, Jin had the alcohol running down his chin as his mouth hung open, and Yoongi being Yoongi tried to look shocked but the slight twitch of his lips said otherwise, Namjoon and Hoseok being the only ones not stupefied as they pulled away Ji Eun who was close to hysterics.
And you? Well, you certainly didn't have the time to tend to Jimin because as the latter's hold on the beer bottle loosened and hit the floor with a loud crash as the bottle shattered into little piece and you knew the night was doomed.
Because the next thing you know, Jeon Jungkook was on the ground, sporting a bleeding lip before pulling back his arm to try and land a hit on Jimin.
Now as you run towards the two in horror, you couldn't help but conclude that on this year's Christmas Eve, seems like the angels weren't the ones that blessed the corners of your house because you were fairly certain it was the demon who came to entertain himself out of your situation.
A situation that seemed to just become more and more fucked up all because of a certain Jeon Jungkook who had his feelings jumbled all over the place and a certain Park Jimin who, despite of telling himself not to, started to sprout feelings for someone he just wanted to help—not expecting for his dormant strings to attach themselves yet once again.
i am so so so so sorry for the long wait (。•́︿•̀。)
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