#loona vivi fanfic
sinswithpleasure · 2 years
忘情水 (ft. 本月少女:黄珈熙)
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This fic would have fit better in Mandarin, but I lack the skill to write it well enough to even try. 
This is for me.
Wong Kahei opens the back door to Within Reach, the bar she calls her workplace. The bar is almost full: 8:30pm—prime drinking hours—and the live band on stage right now plays something slow, romantic. Vivi has to bite back a sigh—working on Valentine's Day sucks when she'd rather be home, sleeping already. Her bills don't pay themselves, and here she is, out of necessity rather than choice.
It is with a heavy heart that Kahei heads to her dressing room to the back. She sighs when she reaches her room, the name of the bar engraved across the wood, her name beneath it. 
She's no longer within reach.
Kahei sets her guitar down, and she walks back out front. She smiles when she sees Choerry out at the bar, mixing up another one of her wonderful cocktails. 
"One scotch, on the rocks please."
Ka-hei is grateful for Choerry's bright smile. The world needs someone like her, someone exuberantly positive, someone as pure and bright as her who loves without question. Without people like Choerry, the world would be worse off. 
When Choerry hands her the glass of scotch, she downs it in one go. 
"You seem down, unnie."
"My depressed mug gave it away, didn't it?"
"Well… that, and you're usually never this gloomy."
Kahei thins her lips and nods.
"Another one, Yerimmie."
"Not too much, unnie. You still have your slot up at nine."
"I know."
Kahei sighs when Choerry pours her the second glass.
"Is this about Haseul-unnie?"
Choerry gives Kahei a sad smile. She knows how much her Vivi-unnie hurts inside. Valentine's Day used to hold so much hope for her at one point, but… 
"I'll enjoy your performance later, unnie. Gotta get back to work."
"Go on." Kahei smiles at her favorite bartender. The younger girl has been much of a sister to her for years, and Kahei loves her as one would an actual sibling. 
Now, left alone with her thoughts, Kahei ruminates.
I don't like you that way, Kahei. I'm sorry.
Kahei swallows thickly at the words in her mind, the wound still just as fresh as it was a year ago. Wistfully, Kahei pulls out her phone and stares at the wallpaper on her lockscreen. Most of their little group's gone and scattered now—Heejin's a famous artist now, Jinsoul's a producer for one of the biggest labels in Korea, Choerry's bartending right in front of her, and Haseul…
Kahei's heart breaks again when she sees that pretty smile of hers on her screen. She knows she should change it, remove every trace, but she just can't bring herself to.
Slowly, Kahei nurses her drink. She's got fifteen more minutes to spare before her set comes on, and she takes in the atmosphere of the bar. She runs her gaze across the establishment—there are many couples around, as expected on Valentine's, but she notes that there are just as many patrons, if not more, who're probably just like her—lonely, heartbroken, alone. 
Sometimes, Cupid just isn't kind.
Kahei downs her drink and heads for her dressing room. Another ten minutes to her slot, and she has to get ready.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next act, Vivi Wong!"
A gentle wave of applause rolls across the bar as Vivi steps up to the stage with her guitar. She thanks the previous act for introducing her, and they return the pleasantries. Once her guitar's plugged in, she takes her seat in front of the mic and smiles as the cheers quieten. 
"Good evening, everyone. My name's Vivi, and I'll be your entertainment for the next hour. Please take care of me."
With a nod to her colleagues behind her, she begins her set.
Kahei begins with a few upbeat, romantic songs first. After all, most people do celebrate Valentine's Day instead of hating it like she does. She slows down the set later into the night when she approaches the last song of the set, when most of the couples have cleared out. 
"To all of the patrons who're feeling lonely, heartbroken, or sad tonight, I've not forgotten you all, because I've also been one of you too."
She's still one of them. 
"This song is in my native language of Chinese, titled '忘情水', which roughly translates to 'forget love water'. I hope all of you enjoy it."
She smiles when one of the AV staff flashes up the lyrics of her next song. Kahei's painstakingly done up a slideshow with translations just for tonight—no point singing the song if no one's going to understand it.
Kahei nods to the keyboardist, and she begins the opening notes to the song. She takes a breath as she takes a trip back through the swirl of memories that envelop her being, to the one name that she can never forget—Cho Haseul.
Kahei takes herself back to the first time she meets Haseul. She was new to Korea, having moved here when her dad took up a job here. She'd been so nervous on her first day at school, but when the teacher directs her to the only empty seat near the back of the class, she raises her head to meet a bright eye smile and a dainty hand reaching out to her. 
"Hi! My name's Cho Haseul, what's yours?"
She starts.
(I chased dreams when I was young
My heart only thought to fly
I've walked through mountains and streams,
my path cannot be reversed)
Haseul's pretty. So, so pretty. 
At first, Haseul's just a friend. A pretty friend that Kahei spends all her time around, because they're seatmates who live in the same neighborhood. Every minute of every day is spent close to Haseul, and Kahei learns about a whole new culture, country, and language with Haseul by her side.
A year and a half ago, Kahei met Haseul. A year and a half later, both girls have graduated, and are getting ready to move on into the next stage of their lives—college. However, they have a long break ahead of them before college starts, and that's more than enough time for Kahei.
A year and a half ago, Haseul was a pretty stranger. A year and a half later, Haseul is the pretty girl Kahei's fallen for.
"Kahei, what do you think about dyeing your hair with me?
"Come on, wasn't it what we discussed? Our shared sapphic dream to dye our hair stupid colours to get cute girls to look at us in college?"
Kahei already knows who's the girl she wants to look at her.
(Suddenly, when I look back, [I realize that] the romance is already far away—I can't see you over the horizon,
From there I understand—in love, hate, feelings, or resentment—regret causes the worst pain.)
Kahei doesn't know when she started loving Haseul. If you asked her, she'd tell you she doesn't know. One day, she just woke up and realized she did, and it terrified her. 
However, there was a sense of comfort in knowing that it was Cho Haseul—pretty, bubbly, cute, fluffy Cho Haseul. The girl who's been Kahei's rock for so long. They were a package deal, a married-pair thing. Surely Haseul liked her just as much, right? 
Haseul, who was very physically affectionate with Kahei. Haseul, who was always the first and last person Kahei thought of when she woke and slept. Haseul, the girl that Kahei still spent day and night with. Haseul. Just… beautiful Cho Haseul.
And Kahei was going to make Haseul her girl on Valentine's Day.
當我眼中有淚 別問我是為誰
(If you've been heartbroken,
you'll never understand my pain.
When I have tears in my eyes, don't ask who it is for,
just let me forget all this!)
"Haseul, can we talk?"
"Mm, what's up?"
Now's the moment! Kahei's so excited, because Haseul's finally going to be hers!
Haseul waits patiently for Kahei. She always has. 
"Cho Haseul, I like you! I've liked you for a very long time! Please go out with me!"
Kahei bares her heart to Haseul, her hopes and dreams soaring in the sky. She knows Haseul loves her back too, there's no way she doesn't—
"I'm sorry, Kahei."
"I don't like you that way, Kahei. I'm so sorry."
(Oh~ Give me a drink to forget,
Let my nights be tearless night,
All of my feelings lasted through the weather,
I can't take back the love I gave.)
Kahei's a pathetic mess. 
The heartbreak that follows drives her to do things she'd never do if she was thinking straight. She begs, cries, screams for Haseul to love her back. She even visits Haseul's house multiple times and tries to talk, but Haseul drives her away more and more in fear each time. Kahei gets increasingly more desperate—sending more texts, attempting more visits, and trying to intercept Haseul. It ends with Haseul blocking Kahei on every social media platform she can find, and her presence not welcome on the Cho family's residence any more.
(Future… well, present Kahei regrets the decisions she made then. She became a creep, and she still can't exactly forgive herself for that.)
Kahei is devastated when a letter without a return address comes one day. There's no need for one anyway.
I thank you for your feelings for me, but there is no way I can reciprocate them. Not even if you beg and cry and scream. We need time away from each other.
By the time you're reading this text, I should be on my plane to the United States for college. I'm sure you knew that. 
I hope to see you in the future, when you're feeling better.
(Oh~ Give me a drink to forget,
Let me live without the pain,
Even if I get drunk, even if my heart breaks,
At least you won't see me cry.)
As Kahei carries on singing the song, she's deep in her head.
Kahei feels stupid. Very stupid. A year has passed, and she's still hung up on… well… Haseul, sort of. She's not sure if it's her, or it's the regret that she became a creep. She's still not sure. 
Many nights Kahei has spent thinking about herself. She thinks about how she could've done better, should've done better. She should've stopped at Haseul's 'No' and let sleeping dogs lie, instead of trying to fix something that wasn't broken. Instead, she now leaves behind a broken friendship, and loose ends that may never end up tied. Kahei wishes for closure, for a chance to apologize, but there's no more chance for that now, is there?
Maybe she doesn't even deserve that much…
As the closing notes to the song float away, Kahei notes how wet her cheeks are. She takes a moment before she realizes she's crying, and she hurriedly attempts to wipe her face with her sleeves. As the bar patrons slowly clap, Kahei can feel how awkward she's made things. 
"Thank you all, and have a great night."
Kahei hurriedly exits the stage, and she leaves for her dressing room to compose herself. 
When Kahei returns home that night, she still beats herself up for being hung up over Haseul, who's long gone from her life. 
Kahei wishes to forget. 
(Kahei wishes for closure. Kahei wishes to repent. Even if she doesn't deserve it.)
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yniutas · 1 month
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⋆ GAROTA DE AQUÁRIO, capa de treino.
contar para vocês que essa capa é um grande “sei lá”, começou pelo trocadilho de aquário também ser o signo da jungeun e deu no que deu. confesso que não gostei muito, mas a mamãe aqui ainda é uma NÃO capista iniciante, então não há muito o que se fazer.
porém, entretanto e todavia, resolvi postar para ir moldando certas coisas e melhorar gradativamente. recomendo abrir as imagens para melhor resolução. 💭
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mahgi · 5 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𖣠 ICONS VIVI (120X120) . • °
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Like ou reblog se usar! Créditos não são obrigatórios, mas sempre apreciados.
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bearwry · 11 months
oioi! eu lembrei que eu tinha duas capas de uma doação de halloween antiga, e decidi juntar com umas capas que fiz para uma doação futura, já que elas estavam paradas aqui mesmo, trouxe para doar no mês medo 🌙
antes de tudo, algumas REGRAS:
1. adote apenas se você tem certeza de que vai usar a capa!
2. responda o formulário com atenção, preenchendo tudo.
3. apenas UMA capa por pessoa.
4. eu vou escolher quem leva a capa.
5. prazo de 4 meses para uso, ao final do prazo, se não tiver usado a capa e não entrar em contato comigo, a capa voltará para doação.
6. não mudo o título, apenas adiciono o user.
7. certifique-se de que a história está dentro das regras do spirit.
8. após preencher o formulário, eu vou entregar a capa por mp do spirit, e então a contagem do prazo se inicia!
☆ formulário ☆
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1 - poemas rabiscados de um vampiro apaixonado (jay & jungwon, enhypen) | indisponível
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2 - docinho de abóbora (vivi & haseul, loona)
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3 - choose your card (daejong & sua, pixy) | indisponível
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4 - skeletons (soobin & beomgyu, txt | música: skeletons - keshi) | indisponível
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5 - sussurros do outro lado (isa & seeun, stayc)
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port-sever · 7 months
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capa de fanfic: love & live (viseul)
que tal minha capinha estilo coquette galerinha, gostaram????? confesso que foi bem desafiador kkkkk eu não tenho costume de fazer capas em tons pasteis e toda hora que eu olhava demais sentia vontade de desistir pq não tava gostando 🤡👌 ah, por último e não menos importante: que saudades do meu loona mds bbc vc me paga 😭😭😭 caso se inspirar, me credite!
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jisoopaint · 2 years
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★ — ⩇⩇:⩇⩇ ʿʿ ֶָ֢ Vivi icons
𖥻 like or reblog if you save / use;
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
Don’t Let Go
Vivi x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None :)
Word Count: 600
Buy Me A Coffee :)
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A tired sigh slipped past Kahei���s lips as she trudged down the hall, keys jingling in her hand. Her body felt heavy with exhaustion, aching in protest with each step she took. Grumbling in annoyance as she reached the door, she struggled to jam the key in the lock, feeling her frustration build. Before she could even twist the key, the door swung open, Kahei’s features instantly softening upon catching a sight of your welcoming smile. You opened your arms in anticipation, the older woman immediately rushing forwards, slamming into your body that gravitated to hers like a magnet. You stumbled back with a chuckle, snaking your arms around her neck with a grin.
Kahei nuzzled her face into your neck, inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume that brought her instant comfort. Her eyes fluttered shut as she basked in the moment, tightening her grip on your waist. “I missed you so much,” she whispered in your ear, voice conveying a sense of urgency as she refused to let you go. “I missed you too,” you mumbled, reaching behind her to push the door shut. “I’m happy you’re home,” you sighed blissfully, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Humming in response, Kahei nudged her nose against your neck, bringing herself impossibly closer to you. “Do you need food?” You questioned, having previously prepared her favourite meal in anticipation of her arrival. 
“I just want to stay like this,” Kahei muttered, a content smile adorning her lips. Nodding your head with a chuckle, you brought your hand up to comb your fingers through her hair. “Wanna move to the couch?” You asked, Kahei nodding in agreement but making no move to remove herself from your hold. With your arms still wrapped tightly around one another you began to awkwardly shuffle towards the couch, falling down on it with a thump. Side by side, your faces mere inches apart as you stared into her warm chocolate orbs. “I love you,” you said for the first time in weeks that wasn’t over a rushed phone call. A wide grin spread across her face as she melted at the words that rolled off your tongue.
She took her time to say it back, having no pressure to run off to an awaiting stage. Her eyes travelled your face as if trying to commit every feature to memory, bringing her hand up to caress each feature with her fingertip. Shifting forwards, you brushed your nose against her with a timid smile, cheeks dusted pink. “I love you too,” she finally said, pressing kisses all over your face for each word. Your eyes crinkled into crescents as her lips lingered at your forehead, the pad of her thumbs caressing your dimpled cheeks. Meeting your gaze, her eyes swirled with nothing but pure happiness, all signs of tension leaving her body.
Inching forwards at a teasingly slow pace, she brushed her lips against your experimentally. Unable to resist the smile that fought its way onto her face, she sighed blissfully. It’d been far too long since she’d had the pleasure of capturing your soft pink lips in a sweet kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut as you kissed back fervently, eager to convey weeks of unsaid words with a passionate kiss. Pulled back with a pleased grin, Kahei snuggled back into your embrace, bodies moulding together like puzzle pieces. “This is perfect,” she hummed contentedly, voice muffled by your shoulder. “Everything with you is perfect,” she completed, tugging you impossibly closer. The rest of the night was spent making up for all the lost time after a painfully long few weeks of being forced apart.
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wonik1ss · 1 year
record girl — vi.v
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pairing : vivi loona x reader
song rec : fall in love again - stacey ryan
Today was the day.. You were finally going to ask out the cute record store girl. For the best 3 weeks you’ve just gone ‘window shopping’. But really you just went to get small glances at the girl.
As you approached the store flowers in your hand chocolates in the other. You took one big breath before you were sure you would enter the store facing your fate with this record girl.
“ Hi welcome to the 5th ave record shop what would you like “. The shorter girl beamed at you. Just like you she had been waiting and watching you on her shifts everytime you came.
You smiled and said.
“ I’m not going to buy anything today… I wanted to ask you a question “. You said breaking the shorter girl out of her daydreams. Flowers and chocolates moving into her view you finally asked.
“ .. would you go out with me record girl “. Just as your sentence ended you faced palmed yourself and she put her hand up to hide her giggle.
“ My names Vivi.. and yes I would love to let me just close up the shop and we can go “. You started to blush like crazy noticing she was just closing the shop for you since it was 11 and it usually closed at 6.
“ Come on let’s go Y/n “. She said as she grabbed your hand dragging you into the street.
“ No where to? “. She said putting her hand up pretending she was a pirate searching for gold. You laughed she smiled ; and now you were the one dragging her to the out doors movie you both would watch.
As her eyes were glued to the screen your were glued to her face.
“ If you keep staring your going to burn holes into my face “. She said giggling again as she turned to face you.
“ Then maybe you shouldn’t be so pretty and I wouldn’t need to stare “. You said shrugging your shoulders as you turned to the movie; and left the girl this time blushing.
“ AAHH Y/N STOP “. Vivi yelled. Just after the movie at 3 in the afternoon you brought her to the water fountain where; occasionally water would sports up from the floor around the fountain.
“ Sorry I can’t here you !! “. You said as you continued to have a water fight with the girl. Later resulting in you wasting some extra money to buy the two of you towels
“ I could have bought them Y/n “. Vivi said slightly frowning as you laughed and said.
“ It’s fine I asked you on the date not the other way around “. You smiled and walked a head of her not realizing she had stopped and continued to frown.
As you both ate the chocolates you bought Vivi you both swing on the really rusted ; swings bear your house.
“ I had a lot of fun today.. kinda sad it’s 6 now.. “. You said knowing she usually closed at six but always left finally at 6:30.
“ Ya.. Y/n I actually have something to say “. Vivi took her eyes of the ground and looked at you as you nodded at her to speak.
“ I was actually going to ask you on a date.. maybe in the past 3 weeks “. You giggled and her eyes darted up to see what was so funny. You actually laughed to hard; you fell of you swing onto the wood chips underneath you. Vivi got of her swing as well and punched your right arm asking.
“ Why are you laughing “.
“ Nothing.. It’s just I kinda was trying to ask you out for the last 3 weeks two “. As you said that Vivi toppled down and also started laughing.
You both then turned to your sides and in the heat of the moment you kissed her head. Then laughed after seeing her face scrunched up waiting for a kiss on the lips. Which totally because you pitied her you did to. As you two kissed her hands went to your hair yours to her waist.
After you both detached from eachother Vivi said.
“ Thank god I’m a record girl then “. You both smiled and giggled.
You finally got a date with the record girl..
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yunlyps · 1 year
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# VIVIKHVV ! Não é obrigatório dar créditos ao usar, de sugestões para outros icons.
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pissfarmsblog · 1 year
i remember when i was talking to another kpop fan abt fanfiction and i was like “i stopped reading fanfiction because i couldn’t learn the members real names” and she was like “but you use real names in fanfiction instead of stage names that’s just how you do”
but like she was a stray kids fan and there’s like two members who have a stage name most of them use their real names BUT I?? IM AN ORBIT?? I LEARNED TWELVE NAMES ONLY TO REALIZE THAT IF I WANTED TO READ FANFICTION I HAD TO LEARN LIKE EIGHT MORE???
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masterfvck · 1 year
Introduction post
Who am I?
I don't know either if I'm being honest... Okay okay. My name is Sharpie, and I'm a Kpop NSFW writer. I mostly write smut, yes, but I also write fluff and angst and all other kinds of stuff. I pretty much only write GxG stuff, but I do write G!P!! Often. I occasionally write for NCT(all units) but I am quite new to them 😅 it's the only BG I will write... For now.
I use She/Her pronouns and I am a big dumb useless Sapphic. I love women.
Am I open to requests? Yeah. All the time!!
I can write blurbs, whole fanfics, small or big oneshots, headcanons... Anything.
Just ask me 😋 Don't be afraid to be specific, I love when it's specific 🙏🙏
Blacklisted things
I will not write smut about minors in any way. Keep in mind, these are real people.
No !nc3st. Again, real people. It's weird. Also I have bad experiences with this concept, so it makes me ick
No watersports or scat, just not my thing yk?
Main pairings
Okay so main pairings are the ones who I mostly write for. I will not do minor x adult unless there's like only a 1/2/3 year age gap. But no smut!!
I will write about other ships as well, so you can request other things obviously 😀 I also can do Idol/Reader 🙏
What's Nayeon and Sana's ship name...
Note: I only write smut for Hanni and Minji
What's the name for Haerin/Hyein 😢
Danielle/Minji. I know only Catnipz, Bbangsaz and Kittyz for names 💔
Lipsoul(Jinsoul/Kim Lip)
NCT(all units included)
Crossover ships
Jenzuha(Jennie/Kazuha(BP, LSRF))
Chaejeong?? Winwon??(Chaewon/Winter(AESPA, IZ/LSRF)
Ryurina(Ryujin/Karina(ITZY, AESPA))
Ryuwinrina(Ryujin/Karina/Winter(ITZY, AESPA))
I'll use some tags for this account when I talk about different things.
Sharpie Puppyverse:
Ship tags. Ofc
Sharpie fics: for my FICS posted on here!!
Sharpiespa: Aespa fics
Two sharpies: TWICE fics
Itz Sharpie: ITZY fics
Le Sharpie: Le sserafim fics
New Sharpies: Newjeans fics
(sharpie) idle: Gidle fics
Mama sharpie: Mamamoo fics
Stan Sharpie: LOONA fics
NCpie: NCT FICS(all units)
Sharpie pink: Blackpink fics
Sharpive: IVE fics
Sharpiz*one: Iz*one fics
SharpieC: StayC fics
NSharpieFW: smut/NSFW
SharpieFW: Sfw(fluff, angst ect)
Sharpie on drugs: just me talking and shit posting 😜 being silly and stuff
Taken anons: 🥭
(anon rules: no slurs plz that's all 🥺 feel free to ask for an anon anytime!! Don't be shy plsplsplsplspls!!!!)
Okay bye. That's all I have to say
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mobiused · 2 years
MOBIIIII I've decided there's a real question I wanted to ask u ! everyone has their own interpretations of the loona lore of course, but is there one u see as a misunderstanding? a theory that just bothers u a lil? mine is vivi's alleged death LOL. I'd love to hear ur answer !!
Vivi's "death" is an event I hate, there's nothing to suggest she ever "died", and the facts people do use (such as a wolf killing a deer appearing in Egoist - go frame by frame it's literally not there) are just completely false. I prefer to call what they mean by this her "transformation". It's definitely true that Vivi underwent a transformation that turned her from the girl we seen in EDILY to the girl we see in Love&Live. (Just for fun: In her subsequent appearances, it actually remains unclear as to whether it's android!Vivi or human!Vivi who appears in the music videos, which I think is interesting. The one time that Vivi's neckport would have been shown if she was android!Vivi (So What), it's obscured by a scarf.)
Broadly I really really dislike theories that come from a place of "what if?". Theories ought to link information that exists and come up with a plausible explanation for why they exist and what the common theme linking them is, with a clear thread of logic and rational thought. Imagination is cool, (and helpful for coming up with those abstract rational links!) but filling in the gaps with imagination that is completely out of touch with reality is just not helpful. Theories shouldn't be fanfic that is only popular because it's dramatic and a 'good story', and more than anything shouldn't spread misinformation in the process. Honestly, the idea of Olivia being somehow manipulated into murdering Vivi is genuinely a really interesting story that would be kind of awesome and messed up to see. But that's just simply not the story being told in the lore.
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trancyzp · 2 years
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ʚ fios laranjas pintados à mão ɞ
・21/07/22・pedido para thewizarrding [loonamoon]
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port-sever · 2 years
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capa de fanfic: boo! (vivi + jungkook)
insp.: @jmsoup
capa feita para o desafio “stars of the galaxy 2.0" da @stellaruniversestaff 4. CONSTELAÇÕES: O halloween está por vir, utilize elementos que remetam a esta data em sua capa. p.s.:  esta capa estará disponível para doação em breve ❤ caso se inspirar, me credite! p.s.2: as capas que irei postar referentes a esse desafio aqui no meu perfil são da competição interna que está rolando entre capistas que são do projeto, portanto, para quem quiser ver o desafio de capistas (para quem é de fora do projeto) postado no tumblr e quiser participar é só clicar aqui 😊😊
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sinswithpleasure · 3 years
Santa's Gift
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Genres: Vanilla (generally), pretty dirty talk at the end.
A self-indulgent Vivi piece from me. Merry Christmas, all! :)
Christmas Day, one of the most joyous celebrations of the year. To many, it serves as a time for families to come together and give gifts to each other. However, for you, it is just another day—you appreciate the holiday, but since you freelance as a writer, it definitely is just another workday for you. You yawn as you reach for your coffee cup, then raise it to your lips, and… ah, it's empty. You sigh. Another coffee run it is.
"Funny how our dreams come true~" You sing as you wander over to the kitchen. When you enter your living room, a flash of movement catches your eye. You turn your head to catch a glimpse of the prettiest woman you've ever seen climbing through the window of your house.
"What the—"
You scan the woman from head to toe. Bright orange hair with a cute Santa hat hairpin resting within her locks, small face, huge doe eyes, high cheekbones, and round cheeks. A red form-fitting dress with white fluff around the ends wraps her body, ending above her knees, and she finishes the look with red gloves that have the same fluff around the top, as well as a pair of white heeled boots. You blush when your eyes run over the curve of her chest—the dress definitely was form-fitting.
"Wait. Don't panic. Please don't panic. Shit. This is not what it looks like, I swear!"
"You—who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
The woman brings her right leg over the windowsill, and you rush to help stabilize her while she brings her other leg through your window. Even if she was an intruder, you kind of felt like you needed to help. It definitely was stupid—what if she was armed? But then again, which robber would do their work in a Santa dress?
"T-thank you." She swipes her hair behind her ear, a blush across her face. She smiles sheepishly, and for a moment, you lose yourself in it. Fuck, she's pretty. Maybe the prettiest in the world.
"Ah… You're welcome."
Both of you stand in awkward silence, and she looks up, a bright grin on her face. She stretches out a hand.
"Nice to meet you! No one usually catches me, so congratulations! My name's Kahei, though most people know me as Vivi."
"Hi. It's nice to meet you too. My name's Minjun." You shake her hand, and she only smiles wider. However, you can't help but remain suspicious. "What're you doing climbing through my window?"
"O-oh." Her smile falters, and now you feel bad for asking, though you need to know. "Don't laugh at me, please. You won't believe me, but please don't laugh."
"Okay. Try me."
"I'm Santa."
You're dumbfounded. What? Giggles start to erupt from your lips.
"Hehe—snrk! Sor—hehe, sorry, hehe, wh-what?"
"I already said not to laugh!" Vivi stomps a foot on the ground and pouts, folding her arms. "I'm not lying to you!"
Vivi gestures to a red sack sitting outside of your window. She snaps her fingers, and gifts start floating out of the sack, before they float back down into it.. "I told you, I'm not lying!"
"Oh, oh damn. Shit, Santa's real?"
"You're damn right I'm real." She smiles. "I came to drop off your present."
You can't help but get confused. Since when was Santa a beautiful woman, and when did Santa deliver to adults?
"Hey, Santa doesn't discriminate, you know?"
Vivi turns around with a gift, a small wrapped box. She presents it to you, and you take it from her hands. The wrapping around the slender box is immaculate, and you can't help but appreciate the work that went into wrapping it and tying the bow around it.
"Go ahead, open it."
"Thank you, Vivi." You walk over to the couch, and you freeze. "Oh, fuck. I have a guest and I didn't prepare anything, or invite you for a seat."
The giggles that erupt from Vivi's lips are adorable. Especially paired with the sight of her hands covering her mouth, her bare shoulders shaking with laughter when she walks over to the same couch.
"Don't mind if I do, then. Anything's fine."
Vivi sips on her hot chocolate while you unwrap the present with care. You don't want to ruin the paper at all, and even though the anticipation that sits in your heart tempts you to rip through the present, you force yourself to remain patient.
The wait is definitely worth the payoff. You pull the sleek black box out of the wrapping paper, and you gasp. You refuse to believe it—no way is it what you think it is. A Montblanc Great Characters Miles Davis Limited Edition 1926 Rollerball? The pen of your dreams?
"Go on, open it." Vivi gives you a slight grin, and you follow her instructions. Indeed, the silver pen shines under the light, and your jaw gapes in shock. You stare at Vivi, and she just smiles at your overjoyed visage. "Merry Christmas!"
"Thank you so much!" You barrel into her for a bear hug, and she yelps, before she wraps her arms around you. You can hear her smile next to your ear.
"It was all you, Minjun. You did lots of nice things, and you deserve the treat. Write well, okay?"
"Okay." You tighten the hug, and Vivi tightens her arms in return.
"Ah, yes." Vivi breaks the hug and grabs your hands. "Promise me one thing. Tell no one about me, okay?"
"You have my word, Vivi."
"Great." She clasps her hands behind her back. "Since you've been such a good boy, I'll let you in on a secret. The pen never runs out, so make sure you make good use of it."
"Oh my God, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Oh, I'm not done." Vivi takes a step closer, and she takes hold of your arms. "I have one more present."
"You've spoiled me enough, Vivi."
"No, I haven't." She takes a breath, and then her lips curve up into a gentle smile. "You've been such a good boy all these years. I've seen all that you've done: donate to charity; cook for your elderly neighbours regularly; help out at the orphanage, and all that. I quite like you, so I think I'm going to give you one more present."
She leans in close.
"I saw the way you looked at me when I came in."
Oh, fuck.
"Prettiest woman in the world? I'm flattered." The gentle smile never leaves Vivi's face, but there's a teasing lilt in her voice. "It helps that you're one of my favourites to give gifts to every year."
Vivi wraps her arms around your neck. She's just centimetres away from your face, her warm breath sending chills across your body when she speaks.
"I'll give you a kiss, okay?"
You nod dumbly—she smells of pine and cinnamon, and it doesn't help that her beauty envelops your sight. You give in to the temptation.
Vivi leans into you, her soft lips pushing into yours. Her hands reach for the back of your head, and she pulls you into the kiss as you wrap your arms around her waist. You can feel her chest press against yours, and you can't help the flash of heat rushing across your body. When you break the kiss for air, the both of you are flushed red, panting softly for air. You want more, a lot more, but you keep quiet. Vivi only said "a kiss" anyway.
"You're such a good kisser, Minjun."
"Th-thank you."
The both of you never let go of the other.
"Do you want another?" This time, Vivi's question is devoid of emotion.
"Yes," you answer with no hesitation.
Vivi pulls you into another soft kiss. This time, you feel her lips move with a bit of desperation, and she kisses you a little urgently. Her hands remain where they are, as does yours, no matter how much you want to touch more of her. Vivi kisses you hard, and you return her kiss with the same intensity. This time, Vivi breaks the kiss for air, and her next question only stokes your flames of lust that burn for her.
"Do you want me?" Vivi's intense gaze into your eyes holds a certain degree of restrained lust, and you would be lying if you didn't.
"I do."
"Good, because I want you too."
This time, there are no restraints. You crash your lips against Vivi's, and you pull her tight against your body. Her clothed hands begin to roam the expanse of your back, as yours grips her hips. When Vivi doesn't protest, you move them down to her ass, and you begin to play with her ass, kneading the soft flesh and running circles over it with your palm. Her soft moans send pleasure shooting straight between your legs, and you strain against your pants.
Vivi's gasp of pleasure presents a chance for you to deepen the kiss even more. Your tongue slithers against her open lips, and she meets you in the middle with hers. Vivi moans as you give a particularly hard knead to her ass, and you groan when she removes one of the hands on the back of your head to rub your erection over your shorts. Both of your tongues duel, your soft moans mixing together.
"Bedroom, now—eep!"
You lift Vivi into your arms, your hands under her butt. She wraps her legs around your waist, and you bring her into your bedroom. You take a seat on your bed, and Vivi crashes her lips against yours once more, your tongues meeting in the middle. This time, you run your hands across Vivi's back, and Vivi pushes you onto the soft mattress. She strokes your cheeks as the both of you enjoy a torrid kiss.
Both you and Vivi pant for air when you break the kiss. The now unrestrained lust on Vivi's features prompts you to tug at your shirt, pulling it up above your head. Vivi helps you with your shirt, and she flings it aside, her eyes raking itself over your body.
"Help me?" Vivi tugs at her dress, and you get up from the bed immediately. "Get the zipper from the back."
You turn Vivi around, and you lean down to kiss her neck and shoulders when you draw the zipper down. Vivi's shaky breaths make you smile, and you draw the string around her neck over her head, taking special care to ensure that her hair doesn't get tangled around the string. You peel the dress off her body, and it falls to the floor with a shimmy of her hips, pooling around her feet. She turns around, her hairpin clasped between her fingers. She drops it on the dresser next to your bed, and she turns back to you, then giggles at your expression.
"Like what you see?"
You dumbly nod. Vivi isn't entirely indecent—a red strapless bra and panties set fits snugly on her body. You stare at the perfect S-line she has, and you marvel at her full thighs. Vivi pulls her gloves off her hands, dropping them on the floor, then she takes another step over to you. With a push beneath your chin, she closes your mouth, and she wraps her arms around your neck again. She plants a soft kiss on your lips.
"You're so cute, you know that? Come on, strip me."
You definitely don't need to be told twice. When Vivi turns around, you start to work on the hooks that hold her bra up. With a soft "Click!", Vivi pulls the garment off her body, and you flip her around, picking her up and dropping her onto the mattress. Her squeal of surprise turns into a whine when you tug her bra out of her hands, and then you freeze. The sight of her porcelain skin causes you to take a breath, and when you look up at Vivi, flushed red, hints of desperation across her face, you can't help but feel yourself get harder for the woman beneath you.
With a tentative touch, you wrap your palm around Vivi's left breast. When she grabs your hand and pushes you into her flesh, you begin to knead and squeeze her, and she moans under your touch. You grin and lean in for a soft kiss, your tongues once again swirling around the other's. Vivi releases a sharp whine when you pinch her nipple, and you smile into the kiss, breaking it in favour of exploring her body. Your lips travel down to her collarbone, and you decide to pepper her with kisses there. Slowly, your lips trail over to her right breast, and you lay kisses all over the soft flesh, but not where she wants it the most.
"Ngh~, please, Minjun, please~"
You smile at the neediness in her tone. You see no reason to deny her the pleasure she wants, so you wrap your lips around her taut nipple. A gentle suckle and rolling of both her nipples draws a low raspy groan from her throat, and she arches her back into your touch. Her thighs rub together to alleviate the fire burning between her legs, and you smile at the sound of her whines and moans with every flick of your tongue, every kiss, every touch. Her body is divine, and you definitely want to spend as much time as you can worshipping her body.
You spend a lot of time peppering kisses all over Vivi's body. Mentally, you keep track of how you trail over Vivi's body—you've laid kisses all over her chest, then her tummy, then her thighs, and now, you plant a kiss right over the dark wet spot right in the middle of her panties. The sinful moan you coax from Vivi's lips shoots pleasure straight to your cock. Your briefs are definitely stained with your pre-cum.
"I'll take this off."
With a soft declaration, you draw her panties off her hips, flinging them behind you. Finally, you get to enjoy the unfettered view of Vivi's body. Vivi pants under your lustful gaze, and her pussy clenches, slick dripping down her skin, onto your sheets. You've at the end of your tether—the impatience finally wears you down. With a harsh tug, you pull both your shorts and briefs off, your erection springing out of the cloth prison.
Vivi only smiles when she sees your arousal, and she spreads her legs wide open. The glistening flesh greets your sight, and you twitch at the thought of finally taking Vivi's body. Not long ago it was a question of if. Now, it is a matter of when.
With two fingers, Vivi splays her nether lips open, her dripping hole on display for your viewing pleasure. Her other hand raises into a "come hither" motion, beckoning you to come forth.
"I don't want to wait any longer. Come fuck me."
You leap onto the bed, and you crash your lips into Vivi's. She gives your shaft a few strokes, and then she breaks the kiss, adjusting herself to line you up with her pussy. You grip your shaft at the base, and you run your length along her labia, coating yourself in her wetness, then with an almost animalistic grunt, you part her entrance with your tip. With a slow thrust of your hips, you penetrate her pussy inch by inch, sharp curses escaping your lips at the tight squeeze of Vivi's walls. Vivi's unfiltered moans next to your ear almost cause you to blow your load, but you magically manage to hold on as you hilt deep within her.
"Fuck, so fucking tight!"
"Oh my God, you're so big and so warm, oh!"
Vivi pulls you in for a torrid kiss. This kiss is sloppy—tongues duel, and both of your lips crash against the other's again and again. Vivi pushes herself into the kiss, and you reach for her wrists, pinning them to the mattress. You begin to thrust slowly, pulling your shaft out until only the tip remains in her, then you push yourself back in until you hilt in her once more.
"Shit! Shit!"
"Oh, f-fuck~!"
Vivi wraps her legs around your waist, and she locks them together. The delicious pleasure courses through your veins with every bit of friction, and you want something, anything to serve as an outlet for that pleasure. You nibble on Vivi's neck as you slowly fuck her pussy, and the broken moan next to your ear brings chills all over your skin. Vivi has her eyes squeezed shut with every thrust, and the slow claps of your hips meeting her crotch as well as the wet squelches of your cock parting her walls again and again mix with your ragged breaths.
"H-harder, faster, fuck!"
Vivi's pussy is tight. So fucking tight, so fucking wet. Slick coats your shaft from tip to hilt, and you bet it glistens under the light of the LED bulbs installed on your ceiling. Not that you'd know, you've been on top of Vivi the entire way, and you're well on the way to leaving a second love bite on her neck. When you release Vivi's wrists from your grip, you stand back up and grab Vivi's legs when she releases you from her lock. With this new position, you oblige to her request—hips snap, and you bury yourself from tip to hilt deep into Vivi's cunt. You grunt with every snap of your hips, and you begin to experiment with angles and force, hoping to find that sweet spot. Vivi plays with her nipples, pinching the turgid nubs with your every thrust. One hand snakes between her legs to rub her clit, masturbating herself as you fuck her pussy.
"Fuck, Vivi, you look so fucking hot like that, shit."
"As I should—ah! I look great, and—mmf~, I feel fucking great."
A few more thrusts...
"Oh, fuck, there, right there!"
Found it.
You double your efforts in fucking Vivi. You want, no, need to empty your balls into her womb, paint her walls white with your cum. You want to cum deep into her, plug her hole with semen, claim her as yours. Vivi releases a string of wordless moans when you fuck her harder and faster. Only half your cock makes it out before you slam yourself back into her. Your balls slap against her with every thrust, and you can feel yourself getting closer to orgasm.
"Where do you want—"
"Inside. I need your cum in my pussy."
Vivi's words spur you to fuck her even harder. You rock her world with your thrusts, the headboard slamming against the wall with every thrust you send into Vivi's cunt.
"Yes, yes, that's it, fuck my pussy like that, right there, yes, fucking cum in me, fucking make me cum!"
You spread Vivi's legs straight open as you lunge for her lips. You both crash your lips together in a ferocious kiss, and Vivi squeals as she goes rigid, her body convulsing. Vivi's release triggers yours almost instantaneously, and the both of you grunt and moan into your respective orgasms. Her walls tighten painfully around your shaft, then they pulsate, clenching and unclenching around your orgasming shaft. At the same time, white explodes across your vision as the first thick shot of semen violently erupts deep into Vivi's cunt. Both of your hips buck into the other's, and the pleasure overtakes both of your bodies—Vivi's pussy only gets wetter and tighter, and you fire seemingly endless shots of semen with every thrust, fucking your load deep into Vivi's womb.
With a loud "Plop!", you withdraw from Vivi's cunt. Immediately, a deluge of white cum leaks out of her freshly-fucked hole, and your cock twitches at the sight. Vivi runs two fingers over her pussy, and she scoops your cum into her mouth, her tongue deftly licking her fingers clean. You stare at her, the flames of lust reigniting at the display in front of your eyes.
"You're a really good lover as well, Minjun." Vivi rises from the bed, standing in front of you. She glances at your erection, and she grins. "I see you're not done with me tonight."
She pulls you into another torrid kiss.
"Do you wanna know what I wanna do to you right now?"
You shake your head no, and Vivi smiles.
"I wanna lie you down on the bed and get on top of you. I wanna sink myself down on this cock, and ride you until I fucking cum all over your cock and you've pumped my pussy full of your cum one more time."
You nearly choke at how vulgar she is.
"I can't wait to feel that cock twitch as your cum shoots deep into my pussy, into my womb. I can't wait until my pussy drips slick all over your cock, until I lose myself fucking your cock. The gifts can wait, because I sure as fuck can't wait to cover that cock in my cum."
You're surprised to find yourself lying on the bed. Throughout Vivi's monologue, she corners you against the bed, and with a shove, you fall onto the soft mattress. Vivi crawls on top of you, and she grabs your shaft, lining it up with her pussy. With a loud moan, she impales herself on your shaft, and without waiting, she begins to grind down on your cock, her hands on your chest.
"Oh fuck, so good, fuck!"
"Shit, shit, shit, shit!"
Vivi is unrelenting. She takes control from you instantly, bouncing herself on your erection again and again. All you can do is to help her along, thrusting upwards when she slams herself down on you. You tap on Vivi's lap, and she stops, looking at you with concern.
"I wanna sit as you fuck me. Let me taste you as we fuck."
Both you and Vivi reposition. You lean against the headrest of the bed and Vivi impales herself on your cock again. You look up to see Vivi leaning over you, pulling you in for yet another torrid kiss. She makes up for lost time by fucking herself hard on your cock. Both of you are extremely sensitive after your orgasms earlier, and the relentless pace that Vivi sets is definitely going to bring this sex session to a close sooner rather than later.
"Shit, that's it, right there, fuck, you're fucking me so well, yes, yes!"
You can only moan at the delicious friction of Vivi's pussy against your cock, and the sight of her naked body bouncing. Your eyes lock onto her chest, and Vivi takes notice of your gaze.
"Go on, suck on my fucking tits."
Your tongue darts out to lick the skin of Vivi's chest. You can taste the salt of her sweat, but nothing compares to the sound of pleasure Vivi makes when you suck on her right nipple. She pinches her left nipple in time with your sucks, and the dirty talk she spews brings you to the edge.
"That's it, fuck, my nipples feel so good between your lips, and your cock feels so fucking good in my pussy like that. That's it, fuck me harder, make me cum so fucking hard on your cock, make this a night we both remember."
You groan as you nearly blow your load, and you nibble the nub between your lips. The sinful moan Vivi releases brings you even closer to the edge, but Vivi slows right as you're about to cum.
Vivi holds a finger to your lips. She grinds against you slowly, enough for you to feel pleasure, but not enough for you to cum.
"I want you to watch me as I fucking cum all over your cock."
Immediately, Vivi impales herself harshly on your cock. She takes herself to your tip, and then drops herself until you hilt in her, again and again and again. She cradles your head in her hands, her lips centimetres from yours, but never touching.
"Watch me, watch me as I fucking cum, watch me as I fucking cum all over your fucking cock, watch me as you fucking fill my body with cum!"
With a scream, Vivi falls apart on top of you. She loses her rhythm as she collapses against you, still fighting to bounce herself up and down on your cock. Her walls clench and unclench painfully around your shaft as copious amounts of slick leak between the gaps of your hot connection. Simultaneously, spurts of semen leak out of the same gaps as you never stop fucking up into Vivi's orgasming pussy, even when burst after burst of semen fires deep into Vivi's body, deep into her womb. The both of you never stop fucking the other, not until both your orgasms subside.
Vivi collapses to the side. Both of you are spent after the intense sex session you shared. Minutes, hours, maybe even days pass—both of you are exhausted. Vivi is the first to get up, and she pulls you up as well, her soft grin never leaving her face as she pulls you into the shower.
The shower goes by without anything happening—you're both too tired to think of enjoying any more hanky-panky. Now, Vivi exits your house through the front door, and she gives you a goodbye kiss as she exits.
"Wait! Will… Will I see you again?" You don't want the night to end.
"Oh, definitely." Vivi giggles. "This won't be the last time I'll fuck you, if you can make me cum like that."
You blush.
"See you around, Minjun. Maybe next time, I won't come alone."
Link to Part 2 [in the future…]
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
hiii i was wondering if you could do a fluffy heejin x fem! reader where heejin wants to introduce the reader to the rest of the loona members? 🍓
It was a little rushed, but I hope it's still somewhat enjoyable!
Meet The Family
Heejin x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Anxiousness, Doubts,
Word Count: 1.38k
Buy me a coffee :)
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Your shoulders were tense as you trailed behind Heejin, nervously running your hands through your hair. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip you reached out to slip your hand into your girlfriend, pulling her back before she could enter the building. She turned to you, smiling brightly as she tilted her head inquisitively. “Are you sure about this?” You said, voice quiet as you began to second guess the idea of meeting her members for the first time.
“I mean, what if they don’t like me? Maybe we should just go,” you began to ramble endlessly, nerves taking over. Heejin watched you with a fond gaze, squeezing your hand in hopes of bringing you back to reality. “You’ll be fine, jagiya,” she insisted, pulling you into the building, ignoring your protests. “I’m sure they’ll love you, I mean you managed to charm me after all.” You looked at her with raised eyebrows, huffing incredulously.
“Heejin, I literally spilled coffee on you when we first met!” You exclaimed, only to receive a smile in response. “I know, but then you took me on an apology coffee date after,” she smiled brightly at you, the elevator dinging. “Only because I felt bad and you suggested it as a way to make up for your stained shirt.” You recalled your first date with her, making your girlfriend hum. “And aren’t you glad I did?” She swiftly changed the topic, to which you shot her a pointed glare.
“Too late, we're here anyways,” Heejin beamed. Much to your surprise, you found yourself being tugged inside her dorm, not even realising you’d followed her all the way there. The first thing you noticed being the overwhelming amount of noise coming from every direction, shouts resounding around the apartment. You jumped back in shock as someone zipped past you at the speed of light, screaming bloody Mary as another body followed closely behind.
You looked at your girlfriend like a deer in headlights, met with her sheepish smile as she shrugged her shoulders. You stood frozen in the doorway, Heejin by your side as chaos ensued all around you. The sound of a gunshot making you flinch as your eyes landed on the source, a TV in what you assumed was the lounge. “I win!” A blonde who you recognised as Jungeun yelled out, throwing her arms up in celebration. “No you didn’t, you died unnie,” a dark haired girl deadpanned. ‘Hyejoo?’ You thought to yourself.
Eyes flickering briefly to the kitchen, you caught sight of a seemingly calmer and quieter girl. Her gaze was focused on the stove, shaking her head in amusement at the others while brushing a stray strand of pink from her face. “Hey Heejin, who’s your friend?” Yet another blonde came into your line of sight, a greasy grin on her lips. “This is Y/n, and Y/n, this is Jinsoul unnie,” your girlfriend introduced. You gave a tight lipped smile to the older girl, bowling respectfully.
“She’s pretty Heejin-ah,” a tall brunette lingered behind Jinsoul, sending you a wink. “She has a name Sooyoung,” another girl popped out of thin air, pushing the older two away. “Sorry about them, they don’t get out much. I’m Haseul, nice to finally meet you,” she spoke elegantly, ignoring the complaints from behind her as she sent you a warm smile. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the others,” your girlfriend dragged you further into the dorms.
A high-pitched squeal caught you off guard as a hand wrapped around your torso in a tight hug. “You must be Y/n!!!” She shouted in your ear, although surprised, you found her welcoming actions calming. “Let the poor girl breathe Jiwoo unnie,” a crunchy voice spoke, the older reluctantly releasing her iron grip on you with one final squeeze. “I’m Chaewon, and this is Yerim,” she pointed to the purple haired girl who was jumping around excitedly.
“I’ve heard so much about you!” Yerim exclaimed, giving you a quicker hug in comparison to Jiwoo. “Yeah, we were starting to wonder if you were real or not,” a dark haired girl chimed in, earning a scowl from Heejin. “Hyunjin or Aeong,” she introduced, suddenly meowing like a cat. You looked at your girlfriend in confusion, but she only shrugged her shoulders. Looking back at the cat-like girl you smiled in amusement, taking a liking to her somehow charming strangeness.
“Come meet Kahei unnie,” Heejin stared at you away from Hyunjin, unsure of how to explain the meowing. Entering the kitchen, you noticed the familiar pink haired girl from earlier, a smaller girl now standing by her side. “Is this your girlfriend?” The older girl asked, a soft smile gracing her lips. “Hello, I’m Y/n,” you bowed, waving shyly at the two new faces. “No need for formalities, you’re part of the family now,” Kahei approved of your relationship.
“Hi,” the younger girl waved, instantly striking up conversation. “I’m Yeojin by the way, I’m sure we’ll be good friends.” She stated confidently, to which you nodded, already feeling comfortable in her presence. “Last stop, Hyejoo and Jungeun unnie,” Heejin linked her arm with yours as you headed for the lounge trying to get through everyone as fast as possible. 
You cowered at the harsh gazes that burned holes in your head, using your girlfriend’s body as a shield. “Guys this is my girlfriend Y/n,” Heejin announced nonchalantly, although you could tell she was just putting up a confident front. When in reality she was shaking with fear, desperate to gain the approval of all her members, knowing that the two resting lazily on the couch would be hardest to win over. 
“What are your motives?” Jungeun asked with raised brow, leaning forward inquisitively. Your eyes widened slightly at the question, wanting to prove yourself to them, but the intimidating stares were sending you into a spiral of panic.“I-I uh, I just really care-” You were cut off by a loud burst of laughter, confusion flooding your thoughts as you looked at Jungeun curiously. “I’m just messing with you, she's cute Heejin,” she said. Still unsure of the current situation you turned to your girlfriend, seeing her sigh in relief at the acceptance of your relationship. 
“If you hurt her I will break you,” Hyejoo threatened with a smirk, still not having quite warmed up to you.You audibly gulped at her statement, blinking rapidly, you felt Heejin’s hand slip into yours. She rubbed soothing circles on your knuckles, pulling you down onto the couch. You shuffled away from Hyejoo anxiously, not wanting to find out what she was capable of, the death stare she was giving you was enough to scare you off. Jungeun chuckled, smacking the younger girl on the shoulder, rolling her eyes at the bizarre antics of her member.
“How did you manage to get yourself such a pretty one?” Sooyoung pestered Heejin, talking about you as if you weren’t right beside her. Your girlfriend looked at you, grinning toothily as she reminisced about your fateful meeting for the second time that day. “I just got lucky,” she responded, a blush coating your cheeks. Heejin was far too entranced by you to even hear the scoff that slipped past Sooyoung’s lips or the teasing that came from Jinsoul and Chaewon.
You found yourself being swept into their world of chaos, a smile tugging on Heejin’s lips as she watched Yerim and Yeojin drag you to play some game with them. Jiwoo follows closely behind, asking you questions at lightning speed as she lets her interest in you take over. Haseul yelled at her from a distance, warning her not to scare you off before they even got to know you.  You gazed over your shoulder for a brief moment, catching your girlfriend staring, you sent her a joyful smile. She mirrored your expression, heart filled with happiness at the sight of you interacting with her members.
“She fits in well,” Haseul said fondly, slipping into the seat beside Heejin. “You think so?” Your girlfriend asked hopefully. “Definitely, I’m glad you’re happy Heejin-ah,” the leader smiled. “Thanks unnie,” she mumbled, all her fears about them not supporting the relationship disappearing at Haseul’s comforting words. “But you should probably go save her from the hyper children before anything happens.”
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