#lopez is construction
oorevitcejda · 1 year
i wish toh was one of those shows that went on for like 10 years and spawnned hundreds of aus and are ala adventure time and ppl made their own witchesonas/demonsonas and palisman bc ive only seen a little bit of au-ifying and loved every bit, but theres not like... a whole bunch
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krispenelopebacon · 11 months
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She gives, he takes...
Give Gifts, Give Life
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1st-worldsaver · 5 months
*Reading German Pomares testimony*
Me: I will not insult the gesture of Pancasan. I will not insult the gesture of Pancasan. I will not-
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mauratron · 2 years
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Side Yard - Midcentury Deck
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architectureofdoom · 2 years
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Cité des Poètes, Gian Paolo Minelli.
The Cité des Poètes is a housing complex of some 900 homes within the suburbs of the town of Pierrefitte-sur-Seine in the Seine-Saint-Denis region near Paris.  Part of the complex, the Georges-Brassens social centre and the Robert-Desnos apartment buildings, were designed by the architects Yves and Luc Euvremer, Jean Renaudie and Mila and Geronimo Padron-Lopez. The Robert-Desnos buildings are comprised of a series of blocks with intricate, extremely varied plan-forms and staggered sections which created tiered apartments many of which had their own cultivatable terraces. On the perimeter of the complex, the Georges-Brassens social center sheltered the blocks from the adjacent motorway.
The construction of the complex was subject to multiple delays, with construction onsite suspended for a year before 1981 and final completion not achieved until 1994. The complex suffered from maintenance issues and deterioration even before completion and was the subject of not a little controversy and adverse publicity. The planned social mix of tenants was never realised and the suggestions of several rehabilitation studies were never acted upon. Authorities considered partial demolition  less than a decade after the project was completed.
In 2004 residents expressed their protest against the prospect of demolition, through a petition signed by 811 tenants. Architects also joined the chorus of protest; a coalition, including the French branch of Docomomo, drew up plans to demonstrate the economic advantage of renovation. But by 2010 the legal wrangles culminated in a court order to allow the proposed demolition work to proceed.
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agentbuckshot · 11 months
rvb headcanon but the red team has a clip chart, there’s five section, at the top, there’s sarge, and only sarge’s clip is there, below that is great! And it always got Lopez on it, and most of the time Simmons, and then there’s average performance, with Donut, and then there’s warning, (it’s a big deal whenever Simmons has to move his clip down to the warning zone) and below the warning zone is a piece of orange construction paper with GRIF written on it, and guess who’s clip is there
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I'm not gonna ask how you are, because I know how you are. At least, I think I do. I don't know if I want myself to be true.
When you...left...I'm not sure whether left is the right word, actually. The horror of what happened...the horror of what you did to me...is something that can't be described with words. My soul was ripped apart. My heart shattered into a million pieces. My soul was wounded. My life ended when you went away from me.
And...even after all of that...I hope you're okay, my love. I really do. You...I don't think you could help it. If only we talked to each other. If only we worked things out before IT happened...maybe this wouldn't've been such a bad thing.
At any rate, I want to tell you something. Something that I never told you before, and now definitely won't ever get the chance to.
I loved you. When you would smile the way you did in the sun and we would sneak off together to do things we should'nt've been doing, I loved you. When you would marvel at little things like flowers and hummingbirds and nightingales, I loved you. I've always loved you, from the moment I met you.
I love you. I love you, even now that you're gone, even now that I'm nothing but a pile of broken pieces and memories. I love you, even though they all dragged you away from me, so that I could never embrace you again, and never have the chance to call you mind. Even after all that, I still love you.
I will always love you. Even though I'll never see you again--not for a long while, at the least--I will always love you. There doesn't seem to be anybody else for me, because my heart was yours the moment I set eyes on you. It's always you, my love. Always you...
And lastly, I will miss you. I will miss the way you were a fucking diva all the time. I'll miss the way you were so rude to anyone who crossed you. I'll miss your smiles, the way you saw the world, the way...the way you looked when you were happy, or sad, or anything really. You're fucking beautiful, sweetheart.
This letter can be read from 3 perspectives:
Crowley to Aziraphale after Good Omens season 2.
John Watson to Sherlock Holmes after Sherlock season 2. 🧐
Blade Ranger to Nick Loopin' Lopez after the crash.
There are 3 more lines to add as well for each:
He let out a sigh laden with a thousand years' worth of exhaustion and
took a look around the bookshop--his bookshop now, that Aziraphale had found it in him to abandon it. He didn't know why he stayed, given the pain it caused him, but leaving would somehow make it worse. Sinking low into the cushions of the couch, he took a swig from his bottle.
sank back into the chair, facing the other one that should've been filled with a lanky man and his stupid curly hair and stupid angelic face. His vision blurred in and out of focus from the lack of sleep--he knew that if he gave in now he would only wake up to the words, "Goodbye, John" ringing in his ears.
sank low onto his landing gear, staring at the picture of his one-- and it seemed only--love. It didn't matter how many years it had been since the accident; a part Blade was and would always belong to Nick. Looking around at the scene of the base, he headed back to his cliff, parking a little ways from the edge to keep watch over the park for lightning storms. He fought fires now. He saved lives for real. After all, that's all he could do at this point, wasn't it?
So sorry if the ending seems rushed on any of them but constructive criticism would be appreciated! Thank you for reading this!
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Thank you Hank Leiter for this amazing shot of our Thursday evening concert at Naga and the Captainess. :: [Black Rock Philharmonic]
* * * *
Rebecca Solnit
“We will disrupt through witness, remembrance, and the courtship of the imagination. We will escort children past the darkest warrens of the forest. We will construct kites that stay aloft in the rain. We will champion what is beautiful, and so finally make our opponents irrelevant."
– Owen Daniels in "Apocalypse” from the book Resistance by Barry Lopez
[alive on all channels]
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triviareads · 28 days
ARC Review of Give It To Me (Anthology) by Angelina M. Lopez
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Rating: 4.5/5 Heat Level: 4.5/5 Publication Date: September 10th
My review:
Super sexy, gorgeously emotional, and centering Latinx love, Give It To Me has fourteen high-heat short stories and something for everyone— slice-of-life moments between long-term partners, first (and last) encounters, and a few cameos from your favorite Filthy Rich and Milagro Street characters.
First, my favorite: "Twelve Drummers" is, on it's face, about jewel thief Anna accidentally getting caught up in a magical Aztec (Mexica) orgy summoned by the beat of a teponaztli drum, joined by Juan Carlos, a museum guard she has a crush on. But it's so much more; Angelina wove in all these beautiful cultural details like the traditional attire and music of the Mexica. There is nothing fetishistic about this orgy; it's a celebration of the solstice, and on an emotional level, it's the first time Anna, a solitary jewel thief and one of the "unseen" all-Latina cleaning staff, is truly seen by someone.
"In the Stacks" also deserves a shoutout; a construction worker catches PhD student Rosalia getting herself off in a corner of the library, and he coaxes her to lean into the situation and let him watch (and more) by way of a very filthy-sweet mouth. It feels like recent contemporary romances are afraid to veer off the beaten path when it comes to dirty talk, so it just felt joyful and freeing to read a man with ZERO filter who just goes for it.
If you're a fan of Angelina's Lush Money and the following books in the Filthy Rich series, there are a few short stories that expand on that universe with romances for side characters AND we get The Vineyard Bang That Was Promised with Roxanne and Mateo, which was every bit as feral as I knew it would be.
If you enjoyed the Milagro Street series, there is a post-After Hours on Milagro Street scene that once again reminded me that Professor Jeremiah Post is a nice guy without being a Nice Guy, that nice guys can secretly be animals in the sack, and sometimes, a gal just wants to be tossed around like a sack of potatoes. And if you've read Full Moon Over Freedom, you'll remember how the summer after her freshman year of college, Gillian asked asked Nicky for sex lessons, but it was only ever alluded to in the books. Well, we finally get that scene here!
For the people saying romances aren't political, they haven't read Angelina M. Lopez. The fourteen short stories felt as empowering and timely as they were sexy, which is no mean feat. I'd absolutely recommend this to any contemporary romance reader.
Also, here are the preorder links because look at that cover?? I'm definitely getting a paperback copy for myself.
Thank you to Angelina M. Lopez for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
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laiqualaurelote · 2 months
F for the fanfic ask game 😊 You're great at getting character's voices down!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Thank you! this is from Beard's section in the Lasso's Eleven chapter of they will see us waving from such great heists:
“Did you know that in Athens, they call the vehicles of mass transportation metaphorai?” he says to Ted on the District Line.  “So we’re riding a metaphor now?”  “Yeah. The train is a metaphor.” “I like that,” says Ted. “I find it moving.” They rattle on towards Kew Gardens. “It’s funny how they call it the Tube,” says Ted. He pronounces it as an exaggerated “choob”.  “It’s because of the method of construction. The early lines were built using cut-and-cover, but after that they went deeper and started using tube tunnels.” “Tubes everywhere,” says Ted reflectively. “If you think about it, the human body is a tube.” “A torus. Topologically speaking.” “Pretty sure I’m a Libra.” “Torus, like a doughnut. We’re all doughnuts. Just long holes encased in flesh.” “Tubes on the Tube,” declares Ted. “Metaphorically and literally.” They get off at Richmond and walk to the green. “So what’s it to be?” Ted goes on. “Trick play?” “Kansas City Shuffle,” says Beard. “They look right, we go left.” “Old school. I like it.” Ted nods. “Think I might throw in a Lasso Special, spice things up a bit.” “You’re going to use the Lasso Special for this?” Beard eyeballs him. “You’ve been sitting on that one for years.” “I feel it’s time,” says Ted, stroking his moustache with relish, like the supervillain he totally isn’t. “Now or never, Andrew Lloyd Webber.” “Your call, chief.” They stop at the top of the ridge. “Gosh darn, but it is a pretty how town,” says Ted admiringly. “Kansas City bore me, Richmond and Kew undid me.” “Weialala, baby.” Beard peers into the distance. “They say you can see Windsor Castle from here.” “You know what Windsor Castle looks like?” Beard shrugs. “Think it’s kinda round on the top. You thought about crew?” “This is a big ‘un. We gotta have the basics - a Keanu, a Travolta, a Mick Taylor. I’m thinking a Charlie Bird, too. You want we should go for a Leo or a JLo?” “JLo. Keeps things fresh. Lasso Special needs a Tom Hardy.” “Add that to the list. Rebecca says she’s got a Denzel in mind. And we should get a Stath, to be on the safe side.” “Huh. Are we expecting trouble?” “We should,” says Ted. “Let’s hope trouble ain’t expecting us.” Beard counts on his fingers. “Plus us, that’s eleven.” Ted nudges him, jocular. “It’s like we’re a football team.”
This is probably the dialogue scene that went through the most number of rewrites in any of my fics - it is extremely difficult to nail the flavour of Ted and Beard's banter, and I went through several versions before I was satisfied. I wanted this to sound like the way Danny and Rusty communicate in Ocean's Eleven, but with Ted and Beard's particular brand of psychic entanglement.
This conversation contains three things I love: 1) Tube facts (I am very nerdy about the London Underground); 2) e e cummings and T. S. Eliot poem references (in a single line, too!); and 3) that trope in heist movies where they only refer to things by their codenames, which the audience has to work out themselves. This is the full code index (which I made up).
Keanu => The Matrix => hacker Travolta => Grease => greaseman Mick Taylor => Rolling Stones guitarist on Sticky Fingers => pickpocket Charlie Bird => saxophonist Charlie "Bird" Parker => blow => demolitions Leo => Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can => male grifter JLo => Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers => female grifter Tom Hardy => Eames in Inception => forger Denzel => Denzel Washington => Inside Man Stath => Jason Statham => hitter
Thank you for playing this fic ask game!
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Team Starkid Does Into the Woods
Narrator: Lauren Walker
She's the iconic narrator Molag in Firebringer, if I want anything narrated, I'm calling her.
The Baker: Corey Dorris
I've been on the Give Corey Dorris A Lead Role train for a while (even though I'm very new to Tumblr) so this was easy for me. Also, is "A father who's not the best person but is trying his goddamn best" describing The Baker or Bill from TGWDLM?
The Baker's Wife: Bryce Charles
I'm so hyped for her to be the star of Team Starkid's next show, and I need to hear her sing Moments in the Woods.
Cinderella: Lauren Lopez
I don't feel like I need to explain this one? The vibes are just correct.
Jack: James Tolbert
I've only seen him in Black Friday and like 2 seconds of NPMD but he has such a sincere earnestness to his performance, I think he would be a great Jack.
Jack's Mother: Rachel Soglin
She's my favourite exhausted mother in Trail to Oregon, this is the same part but meaner and without an idiot husband falsettoing in a wagon with a floor window.
Cinderella's Stepmother: Mary Kate Wiles
(She's in Working Boys so she counts as Team Starkid) She has a wonderfully dry delivery and while in Spies Are Forever, she uses it for a Jaded Hero character, I want to see her use it for a truly cruel character.
Florinda and Lucinda: Angela Giarratana and Jaime Burns
Both wonderful comedic actresses who would definitely make these relatively small parts very memorable.
Little Red Riding Hood: Mariah Rose Faith Casillas
Is this just an excuse for a (albeit not as direct) third "Corey is Mariah's Father" casting? Yeah, kinda. But also Mariah is amazing in pretty much any part.
The Witch: Jaime Lynn Beatty
This feels so obvious. Her physical acting, character work and amazing belt are MADE to play the Witch. I am always open to constructive criticism except for this one.
Cinderella's Mother: Brittany Coleman
According to the Team Starkid Wiki, she's played this part in the Baltimore Centre Stage production, so she not only would obviously slay this part, she HAS already slayed this part.
Wolf/Cinderella's Prince: Joey Richter
Hmm, who do I get to play two parts, one who's supposed to be creepy and one who's supposed to be irresistibly sexy? I dunno. Anyway, Joey Richter has such amazing range, he plays skeevy villains like Mcdoon (the bandit king) in Trail to Oregon and Wiley in Black Friday , but also is so hot and charming as Ethan in Nightmare time and as Owen in Spies are Forever. Don't know why I bring that up now.
Rapunzel: Kim Whalen
Soprano Queen, actual princess. Also, I want her and Curt to play an actual couple
Rapunzel's Prince: Curt Mega
Not to fall into the Internet Wife Guy Trap but Curt seems so in love with his wife and I think he would be so good as the prince who would do anything to be with her (God please don't pull a Ned Fulmer Curt I swear to God). Also, if you haven't seen him and Joey do Agony for Shitty Broadway, please go watch it, it's amazing.
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In a week when parts of the state are getting triple-digit temperatures and weather officials urge Texans to stay cool and hydrated, Gov. Greg Abbott gave final approval to a law that will eliminate local rules mandating water breaks for construction workers.
House Bill 2127 was passed by the Texas Legislature during this year’s regular legislative session. Abbott signed it Tuesday. It will go into effect on Sept. 1.
Supporters of the law have said it will eliminate a patchwork of local ordinances across the state that bog down businesses. The law’s scope is broad but ordinances that establish minimum breaks in the workplace are one of the explicit targets. The law will nullify ordinances enacted by Austin in 2010 and Dallas in 2015 that established 10-minute breaks every four hours so that construction workers can drink water and protect themselves from the sun. It also prevents other cities from passing such rules in the future. San Antonio has been considering a similar ordinance.
Texas is the state where the most workers die from high temperatures, government data shows. At least 42 workers died in Texas between 2011 and 2021 from environmental heat exposure, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Workers’ unions claim this data doesn’t fully reflect the magnitude of the problem because heat-related deaths are often recorded under a different primary cause of injury.
This problem particularly affects Latinos because they represent six out of every 10 construction workers, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Unions expect heat-related deaths to go up if mandated water breaks go away.
“Construction is a deadly industry. Whatever the minimum protection is, it can save a life. We are talking about a human right,” said Ana Gonzalez, deputy director of policy and politics at the Texas AFL-CIO. “We will see more deaths, especially in Texas’ high temperatures.”
The National Weather Service is forecasting highs over 100 degrees in several Texas cities for at least the next seven days.
Heat waves are extreme weather events, often more dangerous than tornadoes, severe thunderstorms or floods. High temperatures kill people, and not just in the workplace. Last year, there were 279 heat-related deaths in Texas, based on data analysis by The Texas Tribune.
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In 2022, Texas saw its second-hottest summer on record, and an extreme drought swept the state. This summer is not expected to be as hot as the weather pattern known as La Niña eases, which typically brings dry conditions to Texas, state climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon said.
Still, climate change amplifies the effects of heat waves, said Hosmay Lopez, an oceanographer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who studies heat waves. Climate change causes heat waves to stretch for longer periods of time, reach higher temperatures and occur more often than they would otherwise. The problem is especially pronounced in dry areas of the Southwest due to a lack of vegetation and soil moisture, which in wetter regions produces a cooling effect through evaporation.
At the same time, he added, increased urbanization across the U.S. — especially in places like Texas where cities are expanding — makes more people vulnerable to health dangers from extreme heat due to the “urban island” effect. Essentially, the combination of concrete and buildings, plus a lack of green spaces causes ground-level heat to radiate, increasing the temperature in cities.
“The impact of climate change on extreme heat is not only enhanced [by weather events] but also enhanced through social dynamics as well,” Lopez said.
HB 2127, introduced by state Rep. Dustin Burrows, R-Lubbock, is perhaps Texas Republicans’ most aggressive attempt to curb progressive policies in the state’s largest, liberal-leaning cities. Under the new law, local governments would be unable to create rules that go beyond what state law dictates in broad areas like labor, agriculture, business and natural resources.
Beyond eliminating mandated water breaks for construction workers, opponents of the legislation argue that it will also make it more difficult for cities and counties to protect tenants facing eviction or to combat predatory lending, excessive noise and invasive species. Labor unions and workers’ rights advocates opposed the law, while business organizations supported it, including the National Federation of Independent Business, a lobbying group with more than 20,000 members in Texas. Abbott said it would “provide a new hope to Texas businesses struggling under burdensome local regulations.”
Supporters of HB 2127 say that local regulations on breaks for construction workers are unnecessary because the right to a safe labor environment is already guaranteed through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Water breaks are better solved by OSHA controls, argued Geoffrey Tahuahua, president of Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas. Tahuahua believes local rules impose a rigid scheme that, unlike OSHA guidelines, does not allow the flexibility needed to tailor breaks to individual job site conditions.
“They try to make one size fits all, and that is not how it should work,” he said. “These ordinances just add confusion and encourage people to do the minimum instead of doing the right thing.”
David Michaels, who was head of OSHA from 2009 to 2017, disagreed with the approach of HB 2127 proponents.
“Under OSHA law, it is employers who are responsible to make sure workers are safe,” said Michaels, now a professor at the George Washington University School of Public Health. “And we have compelling evidence that they are doing a very poor job because many workers are injured on the job, especially in Texas.”
Michaels pointed out that OSHA does not have a national standard for heat-related illnesses and issues citations only for over-exposure to heat after an injury or death, but not before that occurs.
“The better solution would be to have a national standard, but since we do not, local ordinances are very important for saving lives,” he said. “Prohibiting these local laws will result in workers being severely hurt or killed.”
Gonzalez, from the Texas AFL-CIO, disagrees with the idea that local regulations hurt businesses.
Mandated water breaks “were passed in 2010 in Austin and construction is still growing, especially in the state’s largest cities,” Gonzalez said. “It is simply false, an excuse to limit local governments’ power and an intrusion into democracy.”
HB 2127 does not impede the enactment of a state law establishing mandatory breaks for construction workers, and during the regular session, two bills were filed to that effect.
House Bill 495, authored by Rep. Thresa Meza, D-Irving, sought to establish 10-minute mandatory breaks every four hours for contractors working for a governmental entity. House Bill 4673, by Rep. Maria Luisa Flores, D-Austin, would have created a statewide advisory board responsible for establishing standards to prevent heat illness in Texas workplaces and set penalties for employers who do not comply with them.
Neither bill made it through the legislative process.
Daniela Hernandez, state legislative coordinator for the Workers Defense Project, said she hopes legislators will push for a state law mandating water breaks for workers. She added that she would not discard the possibility that cities sue to try to keep their water break ordinances.
“Without an ordinance or a law, there is no safeguard. There is no guarantee that the worker will have those water breaks,” he said. “We will keep fighting.”
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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1000-Year-Old Maya Tomb Unearthed in Mexico
Mexican archaeologists unearthed a richly adorned human body in a grave that could be more than 1,000 years old, in an area where workers were finishing construction on a major tourist rail project, the country's national antiquities institute INAH said on Monday.
The discovery took place this month during archaeological salvage work carried out in tandem with building a multibillion-dollar tourist train in southern Mexico designed in large part to draw tourists to southern Mexico's many ancient Maya sites, as well as nearby top beach resorts like Cancun and Tulum.
The rail project, known as the Maya Train, is a top economic development priority of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. It employs teams of relatively well-funded archaeologists who have rushed to complete excavations so the construction work will not be delayed. Digs elsewhere in the country have suffered budget cuts.
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The latest burial discovery took place during work on the construction of a hotel near the major Maya ruins of Palenque in Chiapas state, once home to one of the ancient civilization's largest and most sophisticated urban centers.
The skeletal remains were found some 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the city's center, home to towering temples and a sprawling palace compound, in a stone box. They likely pertain to an elite resident of the city, known by the ancient Maya as Lakamha'.
The box also held three ceramic vessels, ear flares and a pair of greenstone beads.
INAH also noted that the individual was buried face up, his head facing north, adding that further testes are needed to determine the individual's exact age and other characteristics.
Scholars credit the ancient Maya with major human achievements in art, architecture, astronomy and writing.
Palenque, like dozens of other ancient cities clustered around southern Mexico and parts of Central America, thrived from around 300-900 AD.
Reporting by Carolina Pulice; Editing by David Alire Garcia and David Gregorio.
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arctic-hands · 1 year
Environmental and humanitarian organizations swiftly criticized the Biden administration’s move to proceed with more border wall construction in southern Texas. “You’re walling off not only people from the river, but wildlife, trying to get away from the river when there’s a flood or getting to the water,” said Jim Chapman, the president of Friends of the Wildlife Corridor, an environmental non-profit in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. “That’s basically the only water there is. It’s basically horrible.” Laiken Jordahl of the Center for Biological Diversity similarly noted that the national corridor along the Rio Grande River, especially in the National Wildlife Refuge, is “the last ribbon of habitat for a lot of species.” “Bulldozing a border wall through the heart of that habitat is absolutely devastating,” Jordahl said. “There’s not a lot of nature left in South Texas.” Roberto Lopez, an advocate with the Beyond Borders program at the Texas Civil Rights Project, drew parallels between the Biden administration’s announcement and the president’s predecessors. “President Obama built Bush’s wall and now Biden is building Trump’s,” Lopez said. “In the Rio Grande Valley, it’s been consistent that the federal government has been building border wall over the last several years, and this is just a continuation of those policies.” “I’m from South Texas. I’m from these areas. It feels like a slap in the face," he added. "It feels like bollards are going up, when infrastructure in these communities is struggling.”
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the-wolfspider · 9 months
Introduction :)
The Name’s Atticus Bowe-Lopez, or Bowe for short!
I’m from Earth-1312, I’m a southern spider!
feel free to ask any questions you got for me! Be seeing y’all! Adios!
(ooc under the cut)
Down here are the my rambles out of character. So Hi! I’m Mark! (He/Him) (I’m 19, the character is 26 for clarity—) I’ll be running this blog on the side, for fun! Art May be included if I have the motivation!!
please don’t send any hate this way it’s just silly fun for my spare time since I made this character when the movie came out! (That doesn’t mean constructive criticism. Cause this is still a character that has a story that could be tweaked to be better!)
I do mess up sometimes with interpretations, please be patient, I’m autistic.
this is a lgbt friendly blog! So DNI if you aren’t! Especially for Bowe cause he is a member of the community.
forgive me if I don’t know everything about what he would completely know, he’s from the 90s.
but boy do I got story for him under my belt that just needs to put out into the ether!!
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nitewrighter · 9 months
I'm curious, you mentioned one of the things you'd like to get asks about is DC - anything specific you'd like to talk about or just DC in general?
(I'm assuming this is DC comics, not the District of Columbia)
(also, first thing that came to mind: which DC hero/villain powerset would you most want to have and why?)
I'm pretty broad spectrum. I've been reading a lot of the 90's and Silver Age Superman comics (a lot of the runs that were written with being compiled into Graphic novels in mind, such as Kryptonite and a Superman for All Seasons), and slowly tackling big in-universe events chunk by chunk. I've also taken a more writer/artist focused approach than really particular hero approach--I've read the first three volumes of Saga of the Swamp Thing and a compilation of Alan Moore's shorter DC work, and I feel like I've read a solid amount of Tom King at this point--and obviously I've been snapping up any work by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Jamal Campbell that I can get my hands on.
I also have some familiarity with the Young Animal imprint, Sandman and to a lesser extent Hellblazer.
I'm also open to recs for certain runs--If you're going crazy about a certain run and would like to talk about it, I'd be willing to try and track it down.
Also if I had to pick a powerset, I love psychic powers but I think I'd pick a Green Lantern ring just for sheer versatility. Flight, constructs of virtually anything, an aura for surviving the vacuum of space, universal translator, access to a massive database... they're just really useful! I also think it's funny that it's like "Okay, yeah, there's a natural limit on the ring that keeps you from dealing lethal blows with the ring, however, if there's a pile of missiles lying around, technically, the ring can't stop you from using it to hurl those missiles at someone." It's got a solid limit on itself, it demands creativity and quick-thinking from its user, but also because it's dependent on the user's creativity, there are these loopholes and workarounds on its limits. Also it's something that can leech off of your own physical and mental strength in a pinch, but also it's something independent of you--I think that's kind of an important aspect, to be able to break with the power if the power itself becomes corrupted.
I also think it's funny when it's like
Superhero with super-strength: *is using super strength to lift a thing, grunting and straining*
Green Lantern: *is standing off to the side projecting a giant scissor jack construct to help lift the thing* :)
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