#lopez la pesado
RvB Friendship Fray- Round One, Part One, Poll Thirteen
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
speaking of federal ducklings tho. i never planned to make them for all the reds and blues with the feds just sarge but. ow that chi made some for wash and donut were stuck on what lopez’s would be. because, like, they already DID the “younger version of self” thing with dos point oh. if we were to make a lopez duckling he would literally just be dos. like i COULD give him a grumpy human mechanic but what the fuck would that do for lopez’s story. absolutely nothing for his arc.
so anyway if anyone has any ideas feel free to send them. the basic premise we use for making ducklings is that they act like a younger, more naive version of their captains with a character flaw of the captain being a huge part of their characters and making the captains reflect on themself (or i guess in donut’s case adamantly refuse to reflect on himself). they should not be JUST reflections of the captains tho (this is not a b&rs situation) they should be able to stand on their own as unique characters that could hold up their own story. actually i wanna make a post about this.
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razmerry · 2 years
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This one isn’t quite as personable as my previous entries, but it’s hard to make computer consoles look friendly!! It was still pretty fun to trace out all those little symbols on the screen. 
Here’s my thoughts about these two robotic friends: 
- I messed with the canon of both series pretty heavily for Lopez and Sheila. On the Trek side, these computers are much more sentient than they normally are. Maybe they’ve been given extra personalities by the Director to engage the Reds and Blues more. And on the RVB side, they’re much more similar than they are in canon, and Lopez is pushed closer to Sheila’s characterization. He’s also not in a body until the equivalent of around Season 7, instead being onboard the Scarlet. 
- Exocomps are fun little designs, and I felt it was both a good translation of the gag with Lopez only having his head for a lot of the seasons, and it was one of the only recognizable “robot-y” Star Trek designs without straight up making him an android. I wanted to separate him from AIs like Church and Tex. 
- Like in canon, at the end of the Season 5 equivalent Sheila is destroyed in an explosion inside of the Cobalt. Lopez would then have been transferred out of the Scarlet by Sarge and into the exocomp. 
- The “R” and “B” in the FILSS acronym are pretty simple; they just stand for Red and Blue. I guess this implies that there are Lopezes and Sheilas in every single Red and Blue ship in this universe, which is interesting. But our Reds and Blues are surely unique. 
I also included my little sketchy designs for the ships. I feel it would be silly for unqualified soldiers like the Reds and Blues to get access to big, Enterprise-class ships, but runabouts are the perfect size for a realistic living space, but still small and inexpensive. It’s like living in a submarine. These are the little details I translated into Trek:
- The spray paint decals are referencing the design things that they had on their armor at some point. For whatever reason I just could not find a picture of it, but I swear I’m not crazy and that was a thing. So I just did it from memory. 
- “NCC-24110″ is a reference to 2-4-1-10 from the song Contact. 
- The Red’s Warthog has been translated into a detachable shuttlecraft (I imagine the Blue’s command shuttle has been fused into the main body and can’t detach), and the extra ammo is referencing the ammo jokes. 
- The Blue’s tank is translated into photonic cannons that their computer, Sheila, operates. 
Gosh, that was more than I expected I’d have to say! I’ll have to trim it down for Instagram. Anyways, next is Tex!
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tiodalimpeza · 8 months
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Alto, quem vem lá? Oh, só podia ser THIERRY VALOIS, o PRESTADOR DE SERVIÇOS GERAIS de 37 anos que veio de LA ROCHELLE. Você quase se atrasou hoje, hein? Eu sei que você é normalmente SIMPÁTICO E PRESTATIVO, mas também sei bem que é INTROMETIDO E PREGUIÇOSO, então nem tente me enganar. Ande, estão te esperando; entre pela porta de trás.
— Básico
NOME: Thierry Henry Valois
ALINHAMENTO: Chaotic Neutral
ANIVERSÁRIO: 04 de Outubro
SIGNO: Libra com ascendente em Leão
DEFEITOS: Ressentido, cínico, teimoso, cara de pau, preguiçoso
QUALIDADES: Leal, criativo, compassivo, gentil, atencioso, espirituoso
CICATRIZES: Sobrancelha esquerda por conta de um acidente de infância.
OCUPAÇÃO: Auxiliar de Serviços Gerais ou Faz-Tudo
—  Inspirações
The Janitor (Scrubs), Carl Reed (The Breakfast Club), Jim Halpert (The Office), Santana Lopez (Glee), Chicó (O Auto da Compadecida) Jeffrey (Ordem Paranormal: Quarentena), Antônio "Balu" Pontevedra (Ordem Paranormal: Calamidade), Fionna Gallagher (Shameless), Fionna Campbell (Adventure Time With Fionna and Cake), Lin Ford (Shataram)
—  Personalidade
Se ser invisível fosse uma arte, Thierry seria o pior artista do mundo nesse quesito. A sua sorte é que ele é muito bom no que faz, e não costuma reclamar do serviço pesado. Ele é bastante descontraído, muito porque, segundo suas palavras, já viu de tudo um pouco nessa vida, sendo difícil de saber se suas histórias são verdadeiras ou apenas anedotas que ouviu por aí. Thierry é o funcionário do palácio que você procura quando precisa de alguma do lado de fora, desde que seja dentro da lei, é só dar um dinherinho que ele dá o jeito dele de trazer. O funcionário é bastante discreto, apesar de ser um pouco intrometido e algumas vezes inconveniente, mas trabalhando há cinco anos palácio, ele sabe bem quando se calar e obedecer ordens, por apenas querer terminar o expediente vivo e empregado.
—  Resumo
Thierry é um dos inúmeros auxiliares de serviço gerais do palácio
É de La Rochelle. É solteiro, mas tem uma família enorme com uma mãe e 8 irmãos que ele ajudou a criar quando o pai saiu pra pescar e nunca mais voltou.
Já passou por todo tipo de emprego e em quase todas as províncias do país, sempre indo aonde tinha trabalho pra poder mandar o dinheiro para seus irmãos
Ser um guarda nunca foi uma opção porque ele tem uma perna 20mm menor que a outra. Apesar disso, ele é muito bom com ferramentas e em trabalhos manuais.
É alfabetizado pra ler, escrever e aos 4 operações matemáticas e só. Mas isso não quer dizer que ele é ignorante, o que ele não tem de estudo, compensa na inteligência.
Está no palácio há cinco anos por indicação de alguma família da nobreza. Ele trabalhou para várias delas desde quando chegou a Fontenay.
Aceita qualquer tipo de trabalho sem reclamar.
Não acredita na rebelião, porque acha que não vai mudar muita coisa, só o nome do governante
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Creo que ver a MARKY RAMONE en sala BUT es HARD LUCK tras verlo en sala LOPEZ de ZARA_GOZA en junio 2023[una semana antes de su gran tormenta que dejó aislada sobre el techo de un coche a una tal MARIA que salió de Compras] y la nochebuena 06 en sala MOBY DICK donde un forzado pesado delante de su novia quiso echarme un pulso en la barra y perdió.. i BELIVE IN MIRACLES Or I WANNA BE SEDEATED O SEDADO jaja
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correctrvbquotes · 1 month
Cut to the real world. Tucker standing on Sheilajust outside red base
Tucker: Goddammit! This isn't going very well at all. You okay Lopez?
Lopez approaches
Lopez: López el Pesado es invulnerable a la lesión. [Lopez the Heavy is impervious to injury.]
Tucker: Whatever you big showoff. How about you Sheila, you still online?
Sheila: Affirmative.
Tucker: Okay, we should be close enough to hack into their radio frequency. Lopez get inside Sheila and do your business.
Sheila: What?!
Lopez: ¡Estoy poniéndome muy sudoroso! [I'm getting very sweaty!]
Tucker: Oh my God. Remind me to hose you two off when we get back to base.
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ivanreydereyes · 6 months
Lo único bueno que tiene este SISTEMA PERVERSO Y PERVERTIDO..es q TODOS VAMOS a LA RUINA=ROAD TO RUIN =LP de RAMONES en el q entro MARKY RAMONE q se fotografió con FELIPE VI en final de COPA DEL REY de 2012 en el ESTADIO del MANZANA+eRES y al que vi la NOCHEBUENA de 2006 en el MOBY DICK cuando un Forzudo que se puso muy pesado me echo un pulso en la barra junto a su NOVIA y perdió como el forzudo monitor_gerente del Gym EMBAJADA [cuyo dueño Juanjo era el hijo del dueño del explosionado restaurant EL DESCANSO q es traspaso un yankee de la base aérea de torreón muriendo decenas y ellos yendo al hospital achacandolo a la promesa incumplida de no entrar en la OTAN o una represalia YIHADISTA..fundando de sus escombros la cadena RIBS donde me encontré en el frente al ARTURO SORIA PLAZA a Maria=virgen BARRANCO=precipicio..divorciada de IMANOL URIBE nacido en EL SALVADOR y director de HORAS CONTADAS donde un fotógrafo se pasa x TERRORISTA y enamora a una mujer casada que se deja fotografiar desnuda en una bañera mientras fuma siendo interpretada x Ruth GABRIEL nombre q le puso URIBE por el ANGEL de la ANUNCIACION..mientras q se follaba a MARIA BARRANCO q debuto en TU NOVIA ESTA LOCA=canción de SEMEN UP o grupo de Alberto COMESAÑA q luego fundó AMISTADES PELIGROSAS con su ex_novia publicando cd LA ULTIMA TENTACION y cd NUEVA ERA.. y en EL ELEGIDO]..y al q también vi este 2023 en sala LOPEZ de ZARAGOZA días antes de su gran TORMENTA q dejo a una tal MARIA Aislada en el techo de un Coche ante la RIADA después de haber salido de COMPRAS
Por cierto..MARIA BARRANCO se acostaba en la serie LA SOPA BOBA con malogrado Alex CASADEMUNT q se salio de FORMULA ABIERTA antes del cd LA VERDAD y entre liarse con VERONICA ROMERO [q debuto con cd LA FUERZA DEL SOL y cd LLUVIA..con la q empeze 2023 en sala MOROCCO] y MERCHE [q debuto con MI SUEÑO y de nadie más.. seguida de AUTENTICA] a la q han hecho directiva de la SGAE junto a VIRGINIA MAESTRO como únicas mujeres..mientras ALEX CASADEMUNT se lanzaba con cd INQUIETUDES q incluye SOLO DIOS SABE y GENTE [donde dice que EL DESTINO APOSTO PORQUE YO ME FUERA]..volviendo a FORMULA ABIERTA tras 15 años con single SIN CONEXION [sobre q hay muchas RRSS y POSTUREO pero poco FOLLETEO]..cuyo video se rodó en disco sevillana DEJA VU [=sensacion de haber vivido algo antes]=1er single del cd FUERZA NATURAL de malogrado CERATI q contó con STERLING CAMPBELL el negro batería de Durán Durán y SOUL ASYLUM [entró a la mitad de grabación de cd GRAVE DANCERS UNION cuando era novio de marta Sánchez para lanzarse en el mercado anglosajón con cd MUJER tras dejar al malogrado batería de OLE OLE Juan TARADO q la dio la oportunidad de sustituir a VICTORIA LARRAZ q toco en VILLARREAL tras AMISTADES PELIGROSAS Y OBK aunque no la vi xq ni queria beber más y menos mal xq luego me paro LA GUARDIA CIVIL para SOPLAR]..autores del cd CHANGE OF FORTUNE en cuya portada sale un mono sumergido hasta el CUELLO viendo un MOVIL
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
A los PUTOS ROCKNROLEROS SATANICOS o del ANTICRISTO FELIPE VI q nos llevan CAMINO A LA RUINA [=lp de RAMONES en el q entro MARKY RAMONE al q vi la NOCHEBUENA de 2006 en sala MOBY DICK echándome un PESADO un PULSO en la BARRA delante de su NOVIA y perdió.. y el cual se fotografió con FELIPE VI en el ESTADIO del MANZANA+eRES en FINAL COPA DEL REY]..les digo que YO SOY SU RUINA
X cierto.. Marky RAMONE actúa en la sala LOPEZ [zaragoza] el 26 junio x lo q recuerdo q fui allí tras ver a EVA MARIA AMARAL en la PLAZA DEL PILAR víspera día NACIONAL de 2019 q el PARACA POZO se estrelló contra una FAROLA frente al BERNABEU con la bandera de Puta ESPAÑA..luego fui a disco OASIS donde le dio infarto al bajista de TIERRA SANTA cuyo cantante ANGEL SAN JUAN me dio su pua aunque era de ADRIAN de KOATZION..al día siguiente [12_10_19] fui a LA CASA DEL LOCO x un tributo a SPRINGSTEEN y los baños tenían en las PUERTAS a EVA Y LA SERPIENTE en el de las chicas y a Adan en el de los chicos
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agentpooks · 2 years
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"That's right. The Reds aren't friends...we're a family. You don't turn your back on family." - Quincy, at some point
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bobauthorman · 2 years
Church’s aim
In Red Vs Blue Season 1, Church possesses the body of Lopez, the Red Team’s robot, after his first gets killed by Caboose.
In Season 2, Church is able to shoot Caboose, a Blue, in the foot. Later in the season, Sarge builds Church a robot body for his own use.
In Season 6, Church cannot shoot a man at point-blank range.
Many would say Church’s aim got worse. I say, why would Sarge give a dirty Blue a body that could do anything.
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RvB Friendship Fray- Round One, Part One, Poll Three
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palenoface · 3 years
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“rvb seasons that didn’t happen” memes feat. a batch of donuts, a doofenschmirtzian villain who’s also phil’s ex-husband, and his mad scientist toddler.
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agent-murica · 3 years
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My own take on a fake rvb season, because this trend has been on my mind for days. I wanted to go the route of a tie lose ends arc lmao 
Credits to @jaxbeetle and @texas-hates-taxes-too for starting the trend!
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aint-thata-bitch · 4 years
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I still think it would be so funny if Lopez spent all these years complaining about not having anyone else who spoke Spanish in the group and then as soon as Locus joins the group, he's tells Lopez that his Spanish is shit
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bitsby · 4 years
De Tuercas Y Tornillos, in which Lopez tries his hand at song-writing, and Donut is gracious enough to translate for him.
finally animated one of my song things. :^) I’ll post an audio-only version with lyrics in a lil bit
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