#lord styx au
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Crack Imagine: All the various Lords from various AUs gathering at an inter-dimensional meeting table and just discussing random lordly things like ‘how do I take care of a sick subject? Nobody’s been sick in my dimension in like seven decades’ or ‘who has the most powerful star again?’ Just the shenanigans of various Lords discussing various completely unrelated topics with other Lords and trying to aid in solving each other’s issues in their own worlds.
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chronosdawn · 2 months
A little drabble based on the Hades!Wriothesley x Persephone!Reader idea I mentioned.
GN!Reader, warnings for discussions of kidnapping and imprisonment (but I feel like that comes with the territory with this AU ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) and mild descriptions of gore.
Word count: 1.5k
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The lord of the underworld stood before you in all his imposing might, the heavy sole of his boot tapping slowly against the stone floor as he cast his gaze over you. It couldn't have made for a terribly pretty sight. You sat sour-faced, trying to ignore the way the cold metal of your chair was seeping through your thin robes. The soft peach fabric—the only bright colour in this cursed place save for the sliver of red on your captor's clothes—now marred with sprays of dark ichor from your ill planned venture.
"I thought I told you to stay away from the lower levels?" Wriothesley said finally, his eyes narrowed—twin shards of ice freezing you in place.
You refused to meet his eyes. "I don't see why I should have to listen to someone who kidnapped me."
He let out a heavy sigh, like you'd already had this argument a hundred times and he was tired of it—probably because you had and he was. "Well, you'd better start to learn. This isn't the sunny fields you're used to; this is the underworld, it's dangerous. I might have brought you here but I have no intention of hurting you, although that relies on you sticking to the rules. You're lucky I had Cerberus keeping watch down there."
You flinched at the mention of the three-headed beast that had jumped out of the shadows the moment the first of the wraiths had reached you. For a few brief seconds you'd wondered if that was the end, whether Wriothesley would come looking for you only to find your blood running down the dark stone steps and into the Styx, but then the beast had leapt over you and the bone white hand was ripped away, it's claw-like nails a hair’s breadth from grazing your leg.
It had been complete carnage after that, skeletal limbs with sagging skin ripped from emaciated torsos one after the other as more wraiths clawed their way towards you, scrabbling over each other to reach the sole living thing in the room. It was only when they'd sensed Wriothesley's impended arrival—trails of frost creeping along the floor as he approached—that they'd finally stopped coming out of the water, the few with limbs still attached dragging themselves back down the steps.
"Maybe if you'd actually told me what was down there, I might have taken the warning a bit more seriously."
"Oh? So, if I gave you a description of everything gruesome thing the underworld has to offer, then you might be more inclined to listen to me? That's a long list, sweetheart."
You scowled at him, folding one leg over the other as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. "You don't have to be a dick about it."
"Because playing nice with you has worked so well thus far?" His lips started to twist into a sardonic smile but froze as his gaze narrowed in on where your robe had shifted with your movement, revealing a couple of extra inches of skin. Before you could think to move away, he was kneeling on the floor in front of you, his large hand curled around your calf as he scrutinised the exposed part of your leg.
"Hey, what are you doing?" You tried to bat his hand away but his arm might as well have been made of marble for all the good it did.
"Were you going to mention you got injured, or had you not even noticed?" Wriothesley's tone was oddly flat as he spoke, his eyes narrowed accusingly.
"What?" You leaned forward to see what he was talking about and caught sight of set of scratches running across your skin, the blood seeping from the wound shimmering in the light of the wall sconces. “When did—ow!” Reaching down to probe at the injury, you couldn’t help but wince as your finger grazed the edge of the torn flesh, pain flaring up your leg.
Wriothesley let out a deep breath and you suddenly became aware of how your current position had brought you far closer to the ruler of the underworld than you usually allowed, how from this distance you could pick out the individual strands of grey in his hair, the light scruff on his chin.
“It doesn’t look like it’s too deep at least. You got lucky, a serious wound from a wraith will scar even a god.” He kept his gaze on your injury, a faintly faraway look on his face and, not for the first time, you found yourself thinking of what could scar someone like Wriothesley. Whether it’d been a wraith that had carved its claws down his throat or something else—something worse. Maybe you should start paying more attention to the areas he said were off limits to you.
“Does it hurt?” You went to shake your head only to reconsider. It hadn’t hurt, or at least not enough that you’d noticed, but now as you focused on it, you became aware of dull but persistent throb in the area around the wound.
“It didn’t earlier but it’s starting to now. It’s not because the wraiths are um—poisonous or anything, right?” It was an effort to keep the panic out of your voice and you didn’t think you managed it entirely but Wriothesley simply chuckled at you.
“No, they’re not. You probably just didn’t notice the pain earlier because of the shock.” He ran his thumb down the side of your leg and though his touch was gentle, you still grimaced as it sent a flare of pain up your shin. “Healing magic isn’t really my forte so I’ll send for someone more qualified to come and take a look. In the meantime, this should help with the pain.”
A gasp escaped your lips as frost blossomed over your skin, an intense cold spreading over the area around the bloody scratches before being replaced by a heavy numbness such that you could only barely feel a faint pressure where Wriothesley’s fingers were still curled around your calf. You couldn’t feel the injury at all.
“That’s um…”
“What? Not even a thank you for acting as your rescuer and tending to your wounds?” He looked up at you from beneath dark lashes and you felt the words sitting heavy on your tongue. You’d thought before about how easy it would be to give in. Putting aside how you came to reside in the underworld, Wriothesley had never tried to force anything from you even if there had been a teasing comment here and there. You knew what he wanted though, could see the loneliness that clung to him like the fur-lined coat he favoured, that drove him to commit the act of stealing away a god, and no matter the temptation, you refused to give it to him.
“Considering that it was your beasts I needed saving from, I’m not sure a thank you is truly owed,” you replied instead, the words dripping from your lips like poison.
He dropped your leg as though you’d burned him. “My beasts, huh? Yeah, I guess it’d seem that way to you.” There was a faint trace of humour in his voice, though his wasn’t the tone of someone telling a joke, but rather the sort you used when you were the punchline.
“You can wait in your rooms,” he said, standing and turning to walk towards the towering marble arch that served as the entrance to the room. “I’ll tell our resident healer to come and find you. But seriously,” he paused on the threshold, turning back to look at you over his shoulder, the lower half of his face hidden by the collar of his coat, “keep away from the lower levels. If you want to act out at me for bringing you here, throwing your life away to the things that call that place a home is not the way to do it, and I can’t always be around to keep an eye on you. Not that I imagine you’d want me to either.”
He left without waiting for you to reply, and you watched his form disappear into the gloom that seemed to seep from the walls of the underworld, leaving the room feeling oddly empty. You looked down at your leg, frost still curled around your wound. Sometimes you wished Wriothesley was as terrible as the stories you’d heard about him on the surface claimed—wished he was a little easier to hate. Because you couldn’t give him what he wanted, not if it meant being stuck here more than you already were; a land that had never seen the sun and where every flower you’d tried to grow withered before it could bloom. You needed to find a way out of here and soon, you thought, the feeling of Wriothesley’s hand still fresh in your mind, before you were tempted into something that would ensure you could never leave at all.  
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supercap2319 · 8 months
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Ikaris x male reader (Greek Mythology Au)
You knew about Ikaris, son of Apollo, by your mistress, Hecate. He was a famous Demigod. Maybe not as famous as Heracles or Achilles, but still famous nonetheless. While other heroes had super strength or invincibility thanks to the Styx, Ikaris had the power to shoot the sun from his eyes.
Hecate said it was a rare gift and if he used it well, Ikaris could prove to be a force for good to Gods, or their enemy. You hoped it was the former. Would be a shame if someone as handsome and as powerful as he would turn out to be an enemy to all of Greece.
You stayed with mistress Hecate in order to control this magic that you possessed that she called ‘the ability to manipulate reality as you wished.’ You didn't care to manipulate reality. This was the job of the Gods, but you did long for love and companionship. Little did you know that you were going to get exactly what you wished for on the night Hecate left to tend to matters elsewhere.
On the night of her leave you had remained in her temple, keeping the hearth warm as you heard the sounds of footsteps of someone. He was dressed in a blue and gold garment that was draped over his chest, but you could still see a trail of hair on his muscular chest. He was even more handsome than you imagined he'd be.
“Forgive my late night intrusion, but I must seek counsel with mistress Hecate.” Ikaris said.
“And why do you seek counsel with my mistress, noble warrior?” You asked.
“I seek her advice on how to defeat a monster that cannot be hurt by the weapons of man. I need her wisdom on what path I should take.”
You walked towards him and away from the hearth as you motioned him to join you in sitting down as you offered him a goblet of wine to drink. “My mistress is the Goddess of crossroads, but she can't tell you which road to take, Lord Ikaris. That is a path you must discover for yourself.”
Ikaris took a drink of the wine and nodded his head. “I suppose you're right. This is the first time that I've felt at a loss. This creature, this lion, is unbeatable.” Ikaris said.
“Have you not tried your power of the sun?” You asked. “It is a very powerful gift. I'm surprised that you had to ask for such guidance.”
“I suppose I just wanted someone to talk to. To believe in me when others have not.”
“Well, for what it's worth my Lord, I do believe in you.” You smiled at him.
Ikaris smiled back. “You are too kind.” He reached out and took your hand into his and kissed it. “Thank you. I shall take my leave now, but I shall return within a day's time.”
“I look forward to it.” You said.
You watched him go underneath the shine of the moon and stars.
Within a day's time, Ikaris returned covered in dirt and blood, but he wore a smile on his face and he wore the golden pelt of the lion on his shoulders. He walked towards you and bowed. “I owe you a debt of gratitude. For I could never have defeated the lion without your guidance. Tell me, what is your name?”
“Y/N.” You say.
“Well, Y/N. These are for your mistress.” He reached into his chiton and revealed the claws of the lion. “And this… is for you.” He slowly walked towards you and pulled you close before kissing you on the lips.
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doodle-girl · 5 months
The Monsters of Eastridge: DOAI Playlist
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Description: At this point, might as well make a playlist for everything. Welcome to my own personal demon-filled hell, this is mostly based on lyrics, vibes, or both 🎃 (Edit: Due to recent fixations, this now also includes some Sitcom AU stuff.)
(Yeah this is made mostly for @spookmuth but also just anyone else who’s interested in my music taste/how my thoughts work. Will update the post whenever the playlist updates, have fun! Also footnotes will be in brackets because I like footnotes)
Edit: Now on spotify! Courtesy of @witheredallium <3
“Happy Face” by Jagwar Twin [I have had an animatic for this jangling around my brain for actual several months oh my god]
“Turn the Lights Off” by Tally Hall
“A1 - It’s just a burning memory” by The Caretaker [Yeah idk how well this actually fits since it’s based on a song from like. The 30s. But I think it’s obligatory for any analog horror ever lol]
"I Can't Decide" by The Scissor Sisters [This one I got inspo from havoc-bloom's playlist/clip of Pastra finding it. A few of these are, actually, lol] [Edit: I have now realized just how well this fits Clyde in the sitcom au and I am once again plagued by art ideas 👀]
"I'M Sane" by Axie [Me when I torture the innocent with horrid monsters and become one myself. but I'm a little silly about it teehee~ 😜]
"The Circus" by Toby Fox [This popped up on shuffle when I was drawing Clyde once and my brain refused to let go of the vibes™ ever since]
"Animal Cannibal (Possibly in Michigan)" by Buckshot Princess [I would've put the one by Karen Skladany but it's not on apple music 😔 sad. This cover's really nice tho]
"The Dismemberment Song" by Blue Kid [Same reasoning as "I'M Sane," nyehehe. Also this song really feels like it's ripped out of a musical number. If you told me it was I'd believe you.]
"The Mind Electric" by Miracle Musical
"Horror Show" by K-Modo [You ever just. Think about why Lankmann does the things he did? Like what's his game here?]
"Dance of Corpse (feat. Hatsune Miku)" by Kikuo [this might also spiral into an animatic lol. Anyway do me a solid and go look up the music video, turn on the official english subtitles and come back to me.]
"The Nowhere King" by The Centaurworld Cast
"Nothing Changes" by Jewelle Blackman, Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer, and Kay Trinidad [this musical makes me feel. so many things. And I just think the vibes/lyrics of "why try when you'll only end in misery" might fall into the category of vibes here idk idk]
"Murders" by Miracle Musical
"Kitchen Fork" by Jack Conte [I don't remember exactly why I put this here rn but I just know this is an Alex song. It's so beautifully haunting and passionate stg] [Edit: yeah definitely an Alex song]
"Meet Me in the Woods" by Lord Huron ['kay I know the vibes are probably off but look at the lyrics and tell me it shouldn't go here]
"A Crow's Trial" by Vane Lily [Look man I can’t explain this one exactly but just trust me on it]
"You're F****d" by Ylvis [Yeah I put this one here as a joke song. Every single character in here is SO doomed by the narrative, I'm sorry Alex but it's true. teehee~]
"UNCANNY / ft. KAFU" by kian [I actually couldn't find this one on apple music but galactinqq was right about this being an Alex song and I'm putting it on the post]
"Raising the Dead!" by Jessica Law [Styx, you madlad, this is SUCH a Lankmann song oh my god]
“Hymn for a Scarecrow” by Tally Hall [“Simon isn’t even in the series yet, though” My guy it’s called Hymn for a Scarecrow and it’s Tally Hall what else do you want me to do. I love Simon so much I miss him already <3]
“Break My Mind” by DAGames
“In the Mood” by Glenn Miller [this one was in Vol 1! So I found it and I’m putting it here <3]
“Pictures” by Kyle Allen Music [I mean technically the series is videos but whatever. This song fits sue me]
“Ruler of Everything” by Tally Hall [I saw the words “mechanical hands” on a DOAI fanart once and it jumpstarted an idea that refuses to leave me. Turns out it fits VERY well holy crap]
"I'll Be There for You (Theme from Friends)" by The Rembrandts [shoutout to froggydrawz's own sitcom AU playlist for more material for me eheheheh ✌️ I'll be putting a few of those here]
"I'm Still Standing" by Taron Egerton [sitcom exclusive because canon Alex is fucking dead /lh]
"Digital Silence" by Peter McPoland
"How Far We've Come" by Matchbox Twenty [another sitcom one nyehehehe. This AU has me by a chokehold unlike any other AU I've been into istg]
"Who is She (Reprise)" by Kimiko Glenn [I apologize for those who came here for a normie-ass DOAI playlist, I promise it started out that way but y'know that's fixations for ya. Anyways I added this one on a whim because it gave off veldigun!Alex AU vibes. Might fit with other stuff idk do with that what you will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]
"Soft Bitch" by Rio Romeo [pretty sure it was spookmuth that made a sitcom AU art inspired by this song and I love it]
"Runaway" by AURORA [secret-spirit if you see this at all just know this was your doing (/pos). This is like, my favorite AURORA song and seeing you do an Alex art in the whiteboard to this song sparked a primal "holy shit" moment in me]
"Lose Control" by Teddy Swims [I was doodling in the DOAI whiteboard when my mamá started playing this in the other room and my brain immediately went "oh my god what if Clyde and Winfrey"]
"Soft Apocalypse" by Charming Disaster [Once again, everybody give it up for Styx's music taste, this is making my brainworms go mad with art ideas 👏👏👏 sitcom AU song, btw]
Side note, might hit a word limit here? So Imma have to continue this list in a reblog, just look through those for more if ya want✌️
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hamsterclaw · 2 years
Lord Namjoon commands the dragon riders of Mount Halji, he's authoritative and respected, a fearless warrior, celebrated for his prowess on the battlefield. So why aren't you afraid of him, damnit?
Pairing: Namjoon x F! reader
Genre: Fantasy AU, smut, a spin-off from the Royal Pain AU
Rating: 18+
Word count: 7.3k
Warnings: Sex, Namjoon mounting everything in sight
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Namjoon’s watching from across the room as she greets guests at the banquet. She’s striking, not only because she’s beautiful, with her dark hair and lovely eyes, but also because of her bearing. There’s pride in the way she holds up her head.
When it’s his turn to greet her, he bows, low, and kisses the hand she offers to him.
‘Good evening, your highness,’ he says. 
He can feel her eyes on him, his black armour, the mark on his hand signifying his status as a dragon rider.
‘Lord Namjoon,’ she murmurs. The way her tongue flicks over her full bottom lip, the spark in her eyes, makes his blood warm.
Then she’s letting go of his hand, stepping away gracefully to greet the next person, and Namjoon’s left with the faintest scent of lavender, tantalising and sweet.
When she reaches the end of the line, she looks straight at him, like she’d known he’d be watching.
She inclines her head just slightly, but it’s enough.
Blood hot, lust thrumming through his veins, Namjoon follows her out of the banquet hall.
Namjoon’s tired from his night with the beautiful and lusty princess of Ijil, and it takes him longer than it should to realise that his armour is missing.
Even worse, his sword is gone.
He storms out of his chambers, looking for Jimin and Taehyung. He’s heading for the stables when he sees you.
His first impression is of softness, which is ironic given you’re staggering under the weight of his armour. His sword swings from your hip, he doesn’t even know how you managed to attach it you.
‘Stop,’ he commands.
You glance around, looking for where his voice came from. 
Namjoon doesn’t know how you could possibly miss him. He’s always been tall, and of recent years, his build has filled out, a byproduct of wrangling Styx, his bonded dragon.
He still feels a thrill of pride when he thinks about her. Styx, with her midnight black scales, her wingspan wider than any others in her clan. She’s a magnificent beast, fiercely loyal, with the instincts of the finest warrior in battle. 
He snaps out of his reverie when he realises you’re limping away, dragging his armour with you.
‘Stop!’ he commands again. 
He catches up to you easily. ‘Where are you taking my armour and my sword?’ he demands.
‘Didn’t Jimin tell you? I’m your new squire,’ you tell him, like it’s a done deal.
Namjoon’s flabbergasted.
‘I’m a dragon rider, not one of those fanciful royal knights,’ he scowls. ‘I have no need for a squire.’
‘The dullness of your armour tells a different story,’ you have the audacity to say.
‘It’s black!’ protests Namjoon, not sure why he’s arguing with you but unable to stop himself.
‘You’re a disgrace to Styx,’ you mutter.
Namjoon realises he’s walked with you all the way to the stables.
Cursing, he lifts his armour off you, and you sigh, relieved.
‘It’s very heavy,’ you remark. ‘No wonder you’re so muscular.’
Namjoon stares at his sword, hung carelessly around your shoulder.
‘How are you supposed to be my squire if you can’t lift my armour and sword?’ he mutters, more to himself.
You’re already gesturing to a small area you have set up with a scrubbing brush and a bucket, a polishing cloth and a tin of oil.
‘Leave it with me,’ you say airily.
You frown at his sword. ‘Sweet mother of Jaesu, how old is this blood? It’s caked on.’
Namjoon scowls. ‘I’ll be back in an hour to collect it for a sparring session.’
You wave an arm at him, muttering something that sounds awfully like ‘Lord Jimin’s armour is pristine.’
Namjoon decides to pretend he hasn’t heard you.
When Namjoon returns, Taehyung’s leaning against the wall, chatting to you.
‘Did you know about our new squire?’ Namjoon asks.
‘I’m right here,’ you announce, bright, chirpy.
Namjoon ignores you.
‘She’s very good at mending clothes as well,’ Taehyung replies, smiling at you.
Namjoon’s forced to turn to you when you push his armour into his arms.
‘I only do mending for selected people,’ you say, haughty, like he’d shown any inclination to ask.
He’s about to snap a retort when the Princess of Ijil arrives.
Namjoon bows deeply.
You drop into a surprisingly graceful curtsy.
She eyes you.
Namjoon’s already stepping in front of you when you say, ‘I’m the squire to the dragon riders of Mount Halji, your highness.’
‘Charmed, I’m sure,’ she says, dismissive.
She turns back to Namjoon.
‘Do you have time for a quick catch up in my chambers before you set off back home?’ 
‘Of course,’ Namjoon replies, admiring the way her skin glows in the late morning sun.
She flicks her gaze over his shoulders, gaze meaningful.
‘I can help you mend that rip in the seam of your tunic,’ you say, helpfully, calling everyone’s attention to it. 
Namjoon narrows his eyes at you, then turns back to the princess.
She’s already walking away.
‘Oof,’ you remark, holding up Namjoon’s tunic. ‘What’s this stain?’
Namjoon’s gaze flies to you.
‘Just kidding,’ you say, chuckling gleefully. 
‘Are you ever quiet?’ Namjoon asks, exasperated. ‘Being a squire is a serious task.’
‘She’s a very good squire,’ Jimin says, emerging from the stables with their horses in tow.
‘Thanks, my lord,’ you say cheerfully.
‘You don’t call me my lord,’ Namjoon observes, tetchy.
‘I’ll call you it, if you can tell me my name,’ you say, smiling at him.
Namjoon realises he doesn’t know your name.
‘You didn’t tell me your name,’ he complains.
‘You didn’t ask,’ you shoot back, merrily.
‘Is everything a joke to you?’ snaps Namjoon.
‘Ignore our grumpy commander,’ Jimin says, giving Namjoon a quelling look. ‘He gets cranky when he’s tired.’
Jimin hands you the reins to your horse. ‘Need anything before we set off?’ he asks, offering you his knee to help you mount.
You shake your head, seating yourself. ‘Thank you,’ you tell him.
Namjoon mounts his steed and sets off, nudging his stallion into a brisk canter.
He doesn’t look back to check on you. 
The first hint of trouble is a rustling in the trees overhead.
Then, firebolts rain down.
Namjoon’s about to urge his steed into a gallop when your horse, spooked and less battle-worn than all the others, rears up.
You land in an ungraceful heap on the forest floor and immediately get up, dazed.
A firebolt grazes your foot, and you lift an arm up over your head in an attempt to protect yourself.
Taehyung and Jimin are up ahead, turning back to help, but Namjoon’s the closest to you. 
‘Get your horses away!’ shouts Namjoon. ‘It’s fire demons!’
He turns his steed, Thunder, and speeds towards you.
You watch him approach with wide eyes.
Namjoon reaches down and plucks you off the ground.
You land, hard, on the front of his saddle, face planted in the breastplate of his armour. 
‘Hold on,’ grunts Namjoon. He leads Thunder towards a clearing he noticed earlier, to another route that will take you both to the edge of the forest, away from the fire demons.
For once, you appear to have no snappy remark at the ready. 
You wind your arms around his waist, holding on tight, and Namjoon’s stomach flips unexpectedly when you press your face into his chest.
He leans forward on Thunder, urging him on, you soft and pliant between his thighs, and gets you both the hell out of there.
It’s late afternoon, the sun filtering through the trees, and you’ve yet to catch up to Taehyung and Jimin.
Namjoon stops by a brook to allow Thunder to drink and dismounts.
He lifts his arms to help you down.
You place your hands on his shoulders trustingly, and Namjoon’s stomach does another curious flip.
He wonders if he drank too much arabica before leaving Ijil.
You stay for a moment like that, pressed against him, arms up, face tilted to his.
‘Thanks for saving me,’ you say. 
‘You’re one of mine,’ Namjoon says. He doesn’t think he’s saying anything but the truth, but you look pleased about it just the same.
He looks around. ‘It’ll be dark soon. We should set up camp around here.’
Namjoon lets out a sigh.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asks, barely concealed impatience in his voice.
‘It’s cold,’ you complain, even though he can barely see you under the mound of blankets you’ve stolen, including his own.
Namjoon rolls his eyes. ‘Live with it,’ he says, unsympathetic.
‘They say body heat is good,’ you suggest.
Namjoon scoffs. ‘Is that an attempt to get into bed with me?’
You’re quiet, he almost thinks you’ve fallen asleep when you say, ‘we’re not technically in beds.’
Namjoon thinks it’s dark enough that he doesn’t have to hide his smile. 
‘Come here then,’ he says, gruffly.
‘No thanks,’ you say rudely.
Namjoon reaches over and yanks you into his arms, blankets and all.
‘Just shut up and sleep,’ he advises, when you open your mouth.
Your mouth closes and you nod.
You’re asleep in seconds. 
When he wakes, too hot, you’re already up. For some reason you’ve wrapped him in blankets, even though he runs hot all the time, a byproduct of his bond with Styx.
Namjoon fights his way out of the blankets and rises, stretching and yawning, rolling the stiffness out of his muscles.
Footsteps make him straighten up and turn around.
You’re bright and freshfaced, holding out a mug to him. 
‘Made you arabica,’ you chirrup.
‘Thanks,’ he grunts, accepting.
Your eyes fall to his bare forearm. 
‘You’re burned!’ you say, sounding genuinely worried.
‘It’s nothing,’ Namjoon says, amused by your concern over the tiny burn. You should see the scar on his side from the last dragon battle.
You’re rustling through the leather bag you carry near your hip.
‘Let me put some salve on it,’ you say.
Namjoon sits and drinks his arabica whilst you fuss over his arm.
‘You’re aware I’m a dragon rider,’ he can’t resist teasing you, but he lets you rub salve into his arm anyway.
He can’t deny it feels soothing. 
He realises you’re looking at the dragon rider mark on his hand.
‘Pretty,’ you say. Your thumb rubs over it, a quick smooth swipe, and then your hands leave his skin.
Namjoon doesn’t think anyone’s ever called him pretty before.
Big, yes. Tall, certainly. Ruthless. 
Not pretty.
To hide his discomfiture, he stands. ‘We should get going,’ he says, brisk.
You’re already heading to Thunder. 
You stop in front of his enormous steed and look to him for a leg up, as though you’re expecting him to kneel before you like Jimin did.
Namjoon mounts Thunder, then holds out his arms for you.
You reach up, trusting like you were yesterday, and Namjoon’s stomach flips again. 
It’s definitely the arabica, he tells himself as Thunder falls into an easy canter.
Namjoon says, grumpily, ‘stop wriggling.’
‘It’s just, the hilt of your sword keeps poking me,’ you complain, wriggling more, another smooth movement that makes him grit his teeth.
You look back at him just in time to catch him clenching his jaw.
‘It’s not my sword,’ Namjoon growls.
Your hand on his thigh makes his muscles jump.
‘Something in your breeches —-‘ you trail off abruptly.
‘It’s just the friction,’ Namjoon says, as your whole body stiffens between his legs, against his chest.
You don’t say a word.
‘You’re my squire. I don’t think of you lustfully,’ Namjoon continues.
You’re still silent, ramrod straight against him.
‘I prefer women who are —-‘
‘Beautiful and curvaceous,’ you fill in for him, describing the princess of Ijil.
‘Less annoying,’ finishes Namjoon.
You suggest, ‘I can ride behind you, if my ass is too tempting.’
Namjoon snorts a laugh. ‘And press those pretty breasts into my back?’
You look down at your chest thoughtfully.
Then you quip, barely stifling your laughter, ‘want me to polish your sword, my lord?’
‘Silence, wench,’ growls Namjoon.
Your laughter is equal parts infuriating and infectious.
You both catch up to Taehyung and Jimin at the gates guarding the dragon rider enclave on Mount Halji.
Namjoon takes a moment to savour the familiarity of it. He was born to be a dragon rider, the latest progeny of a long line of Eosulian warriors. 
He was fourteen when he bonded with Styx, a lanky, graceless teenager with no idea what the hell he was doing. There was more than one surprised reaction at the unlikely combination of the studious teenaged Namjoon and the most fearsome dragon in the clan.
It’s been a while since anyone’s looked at him and Styx with any incredulity.
These days, Namjoon leans into his powerful build, his broad shoulders and chest, the lean muscles of his thighs. 
Underneath he’s never stopped studying, learning, trying to better himself.
You nudge his chest with your shoulder, and he realises you’re talking.
He’s quite pleased with how he’s managed to tune you out.
You’re much more easy to tolerate when you’re on mute.
Namjoon allows himself a moment to admire your piquant little face.
He’s almost smiling when your voice manages to break through. 
‘Plain?’ you ask.
Namjoon frowns, and obligingly, you repeat yourself. ‘Heading to the plain?’
He nods. He’d automatically guided Thunder in the direction of the plain, where he knows Styx will be waiting for him.
Namjoon stops and dismounts, instinctively reaching up to help you down. 
It’s funny how he’s got used to doing that so quickly.
He faces North, and within moments, there’s a change in the air.
Styx lands noiselessly before him, sleek and so beautiful his skin thrums at her proximity.
Namjoon bows, and her massive head dips low to the ground in response. In two steps he’s mounted her, feeling at home in the way he never did in the vast Royal Palace of Ijil.
Something makes him look towards you.
You’re watching him and Styx, unmoving, hands clasped.
Namjoon doesn’t realise what he’s going to say until the words leave his mouth. He’s never invited anyone else to ride with him on one of these journeys before.
‘We’re reacquainting for the bond,’ he tells you. ‘You can come, if you want.’
He can sense Styx’s assent, but she lowers her head again, as if to show you, too.
You approach tentatively. 
Namjoon holds out his arms to pick you up, and you say, ‘wait. Would you prefer tits or ass?’
Namjoon, to his surprise, can sense Styx’s mirth.
‘Just get on, and be quiet,’ he grumbles. He lifts you in front of him, locks his thighs around yours and pulls you tight against his chest, and then you’re off, gliding through the mountains of South Eosul.
Namjoon looks up as you enter the courtyard where he and the other dragon riders are combat training.
You march past everyone and head straight for him.
‘I need your muscles,’ you announce, without context.
Namjoon mops sweat off his brow and waits.
‘I’ll help you,’ Taehyung volunteers. 
Namjoon stops him with a look. 
‘What do you need help with, squire? And why is it so important that you’re interrupting our training?’ 
You frown. ‘The merchant down by the market is a swindler and a scoundrel,’ you tell him.
‘A swindler, and a scoundrel,’ Namjoon teases, amused by your vehemence.
You stare at him. He can almost see the smoke coming out of your ears, the way you’re vibrating with rage.
‘Fine!’ you burst out. You stomp away. ‘I will take care of him myself.’
You’re walking so fast you’re most of the way to the market before Namjoon catches up with you, even with his longer stride.
‘I’m sorry I teased you,’ he tells you.
‘I’m sorry I interrupted combat practice,’ you reply immediately.
You sigh. ‘I needed cloth for your jackets for the Harvest banquet next month. This merchant’s got the best supplies, but all the cloth he’s delivered is less than what we bargained for. Less than what I paid for.’
You’re getting worked up again, indignant. ‘How dare he try to swindle us?!’
Namjoon falls into step beside you. ‘It could be a genuine mistake,’ he says, trying to be reasonable.
You snort in disbelief.
Namjoon accompanies you to the stall, a little worried about how you’re going to approach this.
The merchant bows as you both approach. 
‘Can I interest you in the new silk taffeta I’ve imported from Seldinia?’
‘No, but you can interest me in the remainder of the order I put in last week, of which only half has been delivered,’ you say, firmly.
The merchant eyes you narrowly. ‘Which order is that? I’m afraid I’ve completed all the orders from last week.’
You’re apoplectic. ‘Surely you have a ledger!’
You step around the table displaying his wares as he sighs and opens a worn ledger.
‘There!’ you say triumphantly, pointing to an entry that takes up half a page.
The merchant elbows you away from the ledger, making you step back. 
Namjoon’s not sure how it happens, all he knows is one second he’s watching you and the next he’s got his forearm to the merchant’s neck, holding him up against the pillar.
The merchant’s looking at his dragon rider mark, spilling apologies.
Namjoon takes a moment, letting the rage recede. 
You’re unharmed, you hadn’t even flinched when the merchant pushed you.
So why is he so goddamn incensed that that asshole had the audacity to touch you?
You can hold your own.
So why does Namjoon want to grind this man to a pulp?
He grunts, lets the man down, and he scuttles to do your bidding.
You wait until you’re both walking away, cloth tucked in a basket over your arm, before you turn to him.
‘What?’ snaps Namjoon.
You put your hand on his arm. ‘Thanks for ——‘
You pause, searching for the right phrase. 
Namjoon lifts the basket off your arm.
‘Thanks for helping,’ you say carefully.
You seem to not know what to do with your arms now that he’s taken the basket, so you clasp your hands demurely in front of your chest. 
‘No problem,’ Namjoon replies. 
You keep sneaking glances at him as you walk, until Namjoon sighs. 
‘You look quite dashing when you’re angry,’ you tell him.
‘Is that why you’re always vexing me?’
You nod. ‘That jaw clench you do.’
Namjoon glowers at you. 
‘You’re doing it right now!’ you point out, delighted, skipping alongside him.
Namjoon says, ‘Quiet, or I’ll make you carry this,’ nodding to your basket.
‘Pfft,’ you scoff. ‘It’s nothing.’
You give him a sideways look. ‘Especially after I’ve got used to carrying your sword .’
You waggle your eyebrows meaningfully and nudge him between the ribs, like he wouldn’t get the innuendo otherwise.
Namjoon turns away so you can’t see him biting back his smile.
Namjoon answers the knock at his chamber door with a brisk, ‘come in.’
You take two steps into his chamber, eyes fixed on his chest. 
‘My lord,’ you say, bowing. ‘You look very well indeed. That material suits you.’
Namjoon finds he’s distracted by your own appearance.
Has your body always been this lovely shape? And surely you’ve done something to your hair, too. 
‘My eyes are here, my lord,’ you say, but you sound more amused than vexed.
‘You look beautiful,’ he tells you.
‘Thank you. Did you call me in here to seduce me with your sweet words and broad chest?’ 
Namjoon rolls his eyes.
‘I have something for you.’
You look suspiciously at the black bangle in his outstretched palm.
Namjoon says, ‘hold out your wrist.’
You hold out your hand, palm up, and Namjoon fastens the slim black band around your wrist, securing it with a tiny key.
You lift your arm, admiring the way the onyx gleams in the light as Namjoon threads the key along the silver chain he always wears around his neck.
When you speak, there’s a softness in your voice Namjoon’s only heard a handful of times.
‘What’s this for, my lord?’
‘The merchant at the marketplace,’ says Namjoon. ‘He changed his tune when he realised I was a dragon rider.’
He shrugs. ‘You don’t have a dragon rider mark, but I want people who deal with you to know that you have our protection.’
You’re standing so close to him he can feel the warmth of you, smell the fresh scent of your hair.
You look up at him, and he braces for whatever smart retort you’ve thought of.
Instead, you say, very sweetly, ‘thank you, my lord, that’s very thoughtful of you.’
Namjoon opens his mouth to speak, but you’re already speaking again.
‘Thank you for my shackle.’
Namjoon stares at you, speechless.
‘Shackle?’ he splutters, incredulous.
‘It goes round my wrist, it fastens with a key that you wear around your neck. It’s a shackle,’ you say, nodding.
Namjoon glares at you.
‘Aaaaa there’s that sexy jaw tick,’ you say, beaming at him.
Namjoon sets his jaw and ushers you out of his chamber.
‘Ooh, you look like you’re about to turn me over your lap and paddle my bottom,’ you say, chuckling merrily.
‘Maybe I will one day,’ Namjoon threatens.
‘I’ll look forward to it,’ you say, looking positively thrilled at the prospect.
Namjoon slams his door in your really rather pretty face.
Namjoon’s near the end of his speech to open the Harvest Banquet when the doors to the Great Hall open.
‘The Princess of Ijil,’ announces the herald.
Namjoon remains standing as she crosses the room, beautiful and resplendent in a gold gown that matches the brocade embroidery of his jacket.
She raises a hand, and Namjoon automatically leans down to kiss it.
She smiles at him, skin burnished gold in the candlelight, eyes full of promise, and Namjoon feels that familiar heat pool low in his groin.
She takes the seat next to his like she belongs there, and on any other day, Namjoon would be proud and honoured to have her by his side.
Today, though, his attention is divided by you, sitting in between Jimin and another dragon rider, Mingyu.
You’re chatting to them merrily, more than a little tipsy, judging by your bright eyes and the way you’re letting Mingyu lean against you.
Namjoon doesn’t realise he’s glowering at you until the Princess says, coyly, ‘I’ve come all this way, and you haven’t so much as complimented my gown, Lord Namjoon.’
He turns reluctantly from you. ‘How remiss of me,’ he says, politely. ‘You are very beautiful, as always, your highness, and we are privileged to have you in our midst.’
A burst of laughter and a round of applause erupts from your end of the table as Jimin leaps up, gracefully, to catch a tray of mead on the verge of tipping over.
Namjoon watches as Jimin deposits the tray safely on the banquet table and twirls you around triumphantly.
Jimin is his second in command, and has saved Namjoon’s ass more times than he can count. He’s a gifted fighter, instinctive and merciless when he has to be. 
It’s also vaguely annoying that he has the face of an angel and a physique sculpted by the gods. 
Namjoon tears his eyes away from you in Jimin’s arms.
He turns back to the princess.
Namjoon’s heading to his chamber after dinner, wondering where you are and why he cares. 
If you’re with Jimin, you’re in safe hands. 
Jimin likes you more than he does.
Namjoon stops in front of the looking-glass by his bed, staring at his reflection. 
Does Jimin like you more than he does?
He slips his jacket off, starts unbuttoning the white silk shirt underneath. 
There’s a knock on his door. 
Namjoon cracks it open, an odd burst of warmth blooming in his chest when he realises it’s you. 
You hiccup and reach out, curling your fingers into the open placket of his shirt.
The tips of your fingers are cold, and Namjoon realises just how much he wants to warm you up.
He’s reaching for your arm to pull you into his chamber when you both hear approaching footsteps, an entourage.
The Princess of Ijil.
Namjoon’s distracted for an instant, and when he looks back at you, you’re giving him a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
His hand closes around nothing.
The Princess of Ijil reaches his chamber door.
And you?
You’re gone.
Namjoon has to admit, you’re quick.
By the time he’s made his excuses to the princess and tried to follow you, there’s not a trace of where you might have gone.
It’s only when he passes the stables and hears Thunder whickering and stamping his feet that he finds you, sitting on a groomsman’s stool in a corner of Thunder’s stall.
You give Thunder an accusing look that makes Namjoon bite back his smile.
Namjoon looks at you, at the petulant way your lower lip is pushed out, the bottle of potent mead in your hand, and says, gently, ‘want to go for a ride?’
Before you can come up with whatever terrible innuendo he knows you’re capable of, he’s saddled and mounted Thunder, and is holding out his arms for you.
You give him a curious look but it doesn’t stop you from letting him lift you up into the saddle in front of him.
You settle back into his arms, between his thighs, against his chest, like you belong there. 
Namjoon leans forward, urging Thunder into a gallop. 
The cool night air is like a balm on his brow, and for the first time Namjoon decides to let himself enjoy how you feel in his arms.
He thinks you’re trying to say something to him, but it’s lost in the wind as the fields of Mount Halji speed past.
He’ll ask you later.
Namjoon beds Thunder down in the small barn and heads to the tiny farmhouse.
He finds you standing by the door where he left you, waiting for him.
He lights a lamp, holds his arm out to you. 
You say, ‘wait.’
You set the mead down on the wooden table and step up to him, hand on his chest, going on tiptoe.
Namjoon stays perfectly still as you press your lips to his.
It’s sweet, chaste, and yet it makes him want to push you against a wall and take you right here.
You pull away. 
‘Just wanted to check if you’re a good kisser,’ you say, breathlessly.
Namjoon raises an eyebrow at you, tilts his chin. 
‘Am I?’ he asks, like he doesn’t care what you think.
‘Yeah,’ you say. 
‘I’m good at a lot of things,’ he tells you.
‘Stop showing off,’ you chastise. 
You squeal as he chases you into the bedroom.
Namjoon’s trying to take it slowly but you’re writhing under him, rubbing against him in all the places that he likes, and god, he’s so hard he can’t imagine there’s any blood going to the rest of his body. 
He can’t think . 
You’re kissing his neck, tongue flicking against his skin, and Namjoon groans at the pleasure of it. 
‘I didn’t know you were so sensitive, here,’ you note, a purr to your voice that makes his eyes close. 
You grind your hips against his, arms splayed around him. 
Namjoon’s got no idea how you managed to get on top of him but Jaesu, he loves the view. He already knows he’ll never get tired of taking the weight of you. 
Namjoon raises his head, trying to kiss you as you’re pulling away, and you press your hand to his lips. 
‘Look at you, my big dragon rider,’ you taunt. You roll your hips against his cock, still covered in the dress pants he put on for the Banquet, pulling another grunt from him. 
‘You like being under me?’ you ask. 
‘I’d rather be in you,’ Namjoon tells you, honestly. 
He runs a hand down his torso, cups his length. ‘Get these off and I’ll show you.’ 
Your eyes meet, and the heat in his gaze makes you visibly shiver. 
Then you’re undoing his pants. 
Namjoon lifts his hips to help you slide them down. 
His cock brushes your parted lips, and quick as a cat, you open your mouth and take him in. 
Namjoon’s fist clenches in the silk of your dress as you take him deeper, tongue flat against the underside of his cock. 
‘You unman me,’ he utters. 
You look up at him, mouth full, eyes wide, and he groans at the sight of you. 
‘Do you like this?’ you ask, pulling back, lips swollen, stained with the stickiness of his seed. 
Namjoon reaches down to cup your cheek. ‘I want you on top of me, love,’ he tells you. 
He never knows if you’re going to do what he says, but to his relief, you wriggle up to sit on his chest. 
He reaches out, undoes the ties fastening your gown carelessly, enjoying the way it falls open under his hands. 
He tugs it up over your head, leaving you in a chemise so gossamer thin he can see the outlines of your pretty breasts, your hardened nipples imprinted against the fabric. 
Past the length of your torso he can see between your legs, and, he realises he can feel the dampness of your arousal on his own stomach. 
You’ve wetted through his shirt, and Namjoon doesn’t think he’s ever been more aroused. 
Your mouth opens, and Namjoon shakes his head. 
‘Look what you’ve done,’ he tsks, his voice husky, low. 
You open your mouth again, and again, he shakes his head. 
‘You and your smart mouth,’ he says. ‘You’re so wet you’ve ruined my shirt, and I’m so hard I hurt.’ 
He hisses as you roll your hips over him. ‘What are you going to do about it, my love?’ 
You’re moaning at him, and he laughs harshly. ‘You want my cock? Do it yourself.’ 
‘Or do you just like talking with that smart mouth,’ he taunts. ‘Can’t follow through?’ 
Your eyes flash at him, and then you’re bracing against his chest, taking him in hand, lining him up. 
Your eyes flick to his, and Namjoon stares you down. ‘Shy?’ he asks, voice mocking. 
‘No,’ you gasp, as you lower your hips onto his pelvis, taking him in increments. 
Your hand tightens on his arm. ‘Too big,’ you murmur, breathless. 
Namjoon has to take a breath when he’s in all the way. You’re wet, and warm, and he can already feel his pleasure starting to coil out from his shaft, sending tingles across his groin, making his balls tighten. 
You’re moving on him, thighs flexing as you ride him. Namjoon has the loose thought that the definition in your thighs is probably from carrying his armour around for months, because he’s never seen you do any other form of exercise, then you’re leaning forward on his chest, murmuring in his ear, and his thoughts evacuate his head again. 
Fuck, you’re beautiful when you come. 
You cry his name, and Namjoon cups your ass, helping you move on top of him, wringing every last bit of pleasure out of you until you’re limp on top of him. 
He waits, hard and throbbing inside you, until you look up at his face. 
‘Did you think we were finished?’ he asks. 
There’s a spark of something in your eyes at his challenge. 
‘I did, actually,’ you say haughtily. 
You make as if to move off of him, and as always, Namjoon’s amused and outraged by your audacity. 
He grips your thigh, admiring the mark his fingers leave when he lets go. 
You’re watching him carefully. 
‘Should have known you’d like that,’ you remark. 
‘You know,’ Namjoon says thoughtfully, pulling you underneath him, thrusting once, experimentally. 
You wait for what he has to say. 
‘I like you better when you’re not talking,’ he says. 
Your squawk of outrage turns into a moan as he starts to move, his cock sliding in your slickened cunt. 
‘Yeah,’ he says, as you moan. ‘This is better.’ 
He seals his lips against your own and fucks you until you’re crying out and coming on his cock. 
Namjoon’s awakened by a pounding on the door. 
He stumbles to the entrance of the tiny farmhouse and is greeted by Jimin, dressed in full battle gear, thrusting his armour at him. 
‘Halians,’ Jimin says grimly. ‘They’re en route to the Hold.’ He pauses, meaningfully. ‘The Princess of Ijil is still within our Gates.’ 
Namjoon’s pulling on his armour, methodical. ‘The dragons?’ he asks. 
‘They’re all in formation,’ Jimin says.
He looks up as you walk into the room, dressed in Namjoon’s shirt from last night. 
‘Ah,’ says Jimin, unsurprised. ‘Tell me later if I need to defend your honour to your brother.’ 
You laugh. ‘Seokjin can’t talk,’ you say, and Jimin grins. 
‘Don’t I know it,’ he agrees. 
Namjoon doesn’t have time to unpick this conversation right now. 
He tightens his sword and says to Jimin, ‘Let’s go.’ 
‘Wait,’ you say. 
You step forward and pull him down into a kiss. 
‘Stay safe,’ you say. 
Namjoon casts a look at your pretty face, wishing he had the time to appreciate how good you look in his shirt. 
You’re already stepping back. 
‘Look after him, Jimin,’ you say. 
Jimin nods. ‘I always do.’ 
The laugh you both share at his expense makes Namjoon scowl. 
Jimin grew up with Namjoon, and he’s been analytical, an overthinker, for as long as he’s known him.
Namjoon was the friend who always used to get caught when they played dragons and wizards, the kid who was busy trying to strategise when what he needed to do was run.
He made up for it by becoming quicker, stronger than anyone else. So then he didn’t just win at games, he annihilated his opponents.
He’s fought alongside Namjoon in countless battles against the Halian army, and there’s no doubt that Namjoon’s brilliant strategising has saved their asses many a time. 
It’s just that, Namjoon’s so damned serious all the time. He wears his responsibility as commander on his shoulders, bears the weight without complaint. 
When he started sleeping with the Princess of Ijil, Jimin had realised he was in real danger of losing his friend to a life of power seeking and political manoeuvring. 
That’s where you came in.
Jimin’s known you for years, he’s friends with Seokjin, your brother who’s currently making a name for himself in the vast plains of Daljeon.
He’s always liked your sense of humour. Like Seokjin, you cloak your inner steeliness in jovial banter. Also like Seokjin, you’ve been blessed with a face as pretty as Jimin’s own. 
You’d been at a loose end when Seokjin left, and Jimin had quickly realised that your personality was the perfect foil for Namjoon’s seriousness.
He’d watched in amusement as you ran circles around Namjoon with your quick wit, and had relaxed after he’d seen the way Namjoon had consistently chosen to laugh with you rather than flatten you. 
Today, though, Namjoon’s not laughing.
They’d returned from a skirmish with a Halian sub unit at the border of Eosul to find the farm cottage empty. 
A search of the Hold has so far, not revealed your location.
Namjoon looks up as the doors of the Great Hall open and a messenger comes in carrying a package.
Namjoon tears it open and stops dead as pieces of onyx fall out.
He looks at Jimin, jaw set. ‘It’s hers. I gave it to her the night of the Banquet.’
Jimin’s already grasped the messenger. ‘Where is she?’ he demands.
‘It’s from General Dei of the Halian army,’ splutters the messenger. ‘That’s all I know.’
Namjoon moves so quickly the messenger’s against the flagstone wall before he finishes his sentence.
‘Tell me where she is and I’ll spare your life,’ he utters, voice low and deadly.
One move of Namjoon’s hand toward the hilt of his sword yields the information they need.
Then Namjoon’s running, heading for Styx on the plain.
Namjoon glances over at Jimin as they approach the caves where you’re being held. 
‘I’m worried, Jimin,’ he confesses. 
Jimin places his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder, drawn taut with worry. 
‘She’s the only bargaining item they have, even the Halians wouldn’t be stupid enough to harm her knowing you’re on your way.’ 
Namjoon’s gaze is dark. ‘I’m more worried about what this is going to cost them,’ he tells Jimin. ‘I’m angry.’ 
His fists clench. ‘I’m really fucking angry right now.’ 
Jimin says, carefully, ‘This isn’t a reason to start a war.’ 
Namjoon laughs, short, humourless. ‘I don’t want a war,’ he agrees. 
He sets his jaw as they reach the entrance. ‘I want a massacre.’ 
You’re against the back wall of the cave, flanked by Halian guards. 
General Dei’s standing by. ‘Lord Namjoon,’ he says, inclining his head in greeting. 
Namjoon, imposing in his battle armour, gives the General a look that has the guards behind him shifting nervously. 
‘I know you wanted a negotiation, General,’ Namjoon says, ‘but I don’t negotiate when one of my own hangs in the balance.’ 
He draws his sword. ‘Release my squire.’ 
In the clamour of battle, Namjoon has a direct line of sight to you, and sees the moment you flatten yourself against the wall to avoid a wayward strike. 
He’s by your side in moments, cutting you loose, pushing you behind him. 
‘It took you a while,’ you point out. He can’t see your face but he can hear the smile in your voice. 
‘I’m sorry I left you,’ he says, tucking you under his arm, cutting down two Halian guards in a swift movement. 
He heads for the entrance of the cave, where Styx is waiting to dispense with any Halian guards who manage to get past Taehyung and Mingyu. 
Jimin emerges a moment later, sheathing his sword, breathing hard from exertion.
He draws you into his arms, raises an eyebrow when Namjoon doesn’t let go of his hold on you.
‘I’m taking her back to the Hold,’ Namjoon says.
Jimin murmurs, ‘and the rest?’
Namjoon helps you onto Styx, jaw tightening as he takes in the rope marks around your wrists and ankles. 
He can find no mercy in his heart for anyone who’s tried to hurt you. 
Honestly, he can’t even trouble himself to look.
He turns to Jimin. 
‘Let them burn.’ 
You awaken so quietly Namjoon’s got no idea how long you’ve been watching him sit by the window.
You clear your throat. 
‘You’re beautiful,’ you say, the words heartfelt.
Namjoon looks at you, at your skin coloured in the hues of the rising sun, at the sincerity shining in your eyes, and thinks that you’re the beautiful one.
He comes to sit on the bed next to you.
You clamber into his lap, face close to his, legs either side of his waist.
‘Thank you for coming to get me,’ you say.
‘I’m sorry I let you get taken in the first place,’ he replies. ‘Did you get hurt, my love?’
He’s looking at the mark on your wrist, where your bangle was.
You catch the direction of his gaze.
‘It didn’t hurt apart from that I didn’t have anything to show I belonged to you,’ you tell him.
Namjoon lifts your wrist to his lips, kisses over the bruise marking your skin.
‘I can take care of that,’ he says.
He moves his mouth further up your arm, sucks your warm skin, laves the new mark he’s left with his tongue.
You’re breathing faster now, watching him intently.
Namjoon tugs the shirt he put on you apart, presses his lips to the warm curve of your left breast, and sucks.
You make a pretty sound, and he does it again, suctions his lips over your softness, admires the lurid colour of the mark he’s made.
You’re shifting your hips slightly, moving over his thigh.
Namjoon flexes his thigh between your legs, and you whimper.
He dips his head again, this time to your other breast, coaxing your nipple out from under his shirt. He licks over your nipple, and to his pleasure, you let out another pretty moan.
You’re still moving your hips over his thigh, more boldly now, grinding harder with each pass.
Namjoon keeps up a steady pace laving your nipples with his tongue. He takes your breast into his mouth, lifts a hand to tweak your other nipple, and you gasp.
He can feel your wetness on his thigh.
His free hand lands on your thigh.
‘Ride me,’ he utters.
‘Namjoon,’ you gasp.
Namjoon can tell by the raggedness of your breathing that you’re close to your release.
He flexes his thigh again, helps you drag your hips along, laps at your nipples, and with a cry of his name you come.
Namjoon pulls you onto the bed, slides his hand onto your bare hip under his shirt and admires the view.
Your breasts look so pretty covered in the marks his lips have made, nipples taut and slick with his saliva.
There’s wet between your thighs, your cunt glistens with your release, and Namjoon’s never seen anything prettier.
His cock, already hard and aching, swells even more as you pull him down to you.
‘I want you, Namjoon,’ you plead.
‘You have me,’ he replies.
He settles himself between your spread legs and pushes into you.
Your back arches as he slides in, slow, giving you time to adjust.
He can feel your hands on his back, one near his shoulder blade, one low on his hips, urging him on, and Namjoon doesn’t want to hold back anymore.
He sheathes the rest of his manhood within you with another push of his hips, groaning at the pleasure of it.
He can feel the walls of your cunt fluttering around his hardness, the rush of slickness from you coating him.
You’re so wet, so warm Namjoon finds himself without words.
He starts to move, and you cry his name so loudly he stops, worried he’s hurt you.
‘Don’t stop,’ you reassure him, teeth on his earlobe. ‘Jaesu, don’t stop.’
Namjoon drags his cock from you and enters you again and again, going deep with every thrust, hard the way you seem to like.
He rolls his thumb over the swollen bud between your legs, and you buck your hips against his, chasing your pleasure.
You’re tightening deliciously around him now, clamping down on him like a vice, and Namjoon’s close himself, leaking into you with every thrust.
He strokes between your legs, dips his head to lap at your nipple, and then you’re coming again, gasping his name.
Your pleasure drags him over his own edge, Namjoon manages another thrust before he’s coming, spilling his seed into you with an intensity that robs him of his breath.
You’re pulling him down onto you now, arms around him. Namjoon has just enough awareness to move slightly so you’re not taking his full weight as he collapses onto the bed, tangled up with you.
When he stirs, you’re up already, but thankfully not any more dressed than you were.
You’re looking at him in the looking glass by his bed.
‘I like these marks you made on me,’ you announce, nonchalant.
‘I’ll make more,’ Namjoon says. 
He rises from the bed, drops to his knee before you.
‘On my legs?’ you ask, looking down at him quizzically.
‘If you want.’
Namjoon reaches for your hand, looks up at your face seriously. 
‘I vow fealty to you, in this kingdom and beyond,’ he promises you. ‘I will protect you to my last breath.’
‘Well,’ you drawl, with the familiar quirk to your lips he’s grown to love, ‘we’d better make sure you live a very long life then.’
©hamsterclaw 2023
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tiredtxmblrvet · 7 months
Fic Rec Friday
Thanks again to @mediumgayitalian for the idea!
Below are 5 fics I've enjoyed this past week/recently.
IT'S A SCREAM, BABY! by @rosyredlipstick
It’s June 1984, Prince is at the top of the charts, and Nico di Angelo has spent the last three weeks scratching at mosquito bites and herding around a group of elementary school kids—and somehow it’s been the best summer of his life. - “Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake!” Jason yelled over, ever-polite.
Okay I'm back with another Rosy rec. When I tell you this story literally captured me within the first paragraph and held me in a vice grip the entire time. I literally started the beginning and went "now this is how you start a story" and then couldn't put it down. This is a horror/slasher AU, but none of the major characters die! It's a love letter to a lot of horror films, so if you're in to that sort of thing, I'd totally recommend. Or if you're like me and don't really watch horror, I'd still recommend because it's that good. Also once again Will and Nico's dynamic is top tier in this fic, and I really love Will's POV.
The Other "Heroes" by SirOliverSurface
Percy Jackson had seen weird before. Swimming in the River Styx to gain invincibility to fight the Titan lord of time was "weird". Getting your memory wiped by the goddess of marriage and family in a gambit to unite Greek and Roman demigods was "weird". Having a spiritual attachment to blue food was... well... completely understandable, no matter how much Leo joked about it. But this? This is "weird".
When a battle goes wrong, and magic goes wild, the son of Poseidon and Hero of Olympus finds himself dumped in a world that seems strangely familiar. The Greek Gods are still around, the old myths were really true, all seems well. But one thing has changed: the people he's come to love. And it doesn't take long for him to figure out that these new faces all miss someone else, too; Hero of Olympus, and daughter of Poseidon, Percie Jackson.
This is Percabeth centric, with Solangelo as a side ship, but this story is so good. Granted, I'm only about 150k in, but the writing has captivated me, and the adventure our heroes go on is fascinating to me. Plus I just love the "other" versions of all the heroes. Will I ever be able to finish it? Maybe in 2 years, but hey! It's my go-to fall back on fic when I'm running out of things to read. (It's 1.2 million words!)
August by CordeliaRose
Somehow, Nico's life only gets more confusing after he defeats a primordial Goddess.
Will Solace accounts for about 90% of that confusion.
(A journey through August, and all its ups and downs.)
I just had to rec this story, as I am about to re-read it only a couple of weeks after finishing it the first time because it's just that good. This follows the rest of August after the end of BoO, and the way Will and Nico's relationship develops is just absolutely stunning. Also Nico and Will are autistic coded in this story and it just makes me beyond happy.
peach tea by ghosttotheparty
He sits up after a moment, but Nico doesn’t let go of his fingers, so he lifts the arm that’s awkward between them and sets it behind Nico, leaning back to rest on it. Nico just looks at the tapestry.
Will brushes his thumb over the side of Nico’s hand gently. His skin is soft. Nico’s fingers tighten on Will’s. It kind of feels like neither of them wants to move. Will doesn’t mind.
or; Will falls in love with the new kid.
I love the way ghosttotheparty writes intimacy, just, warm, soft, fragile moments that have such a wonderful air to them. I'm not usually one for high school AU's, but I love their characterization of Will and Nico so much that I just had to try this story, and I'm so glad I did. There's a particular scene where Will helps Nico down from a panic attack, and it just made me want to cry it was so well done. Just a lovely story.
Safe (better keep that thought to yourself) by @buoyantsaturn
Nico figured he was probably overprepared, but it was better to be safe than sorry, especially when leaving his child with some guy he barely knew and a kid he’d never met.
God, he hoped Will wasn’t some kind of psychopath. 
I'm back again with another one of CJ's lovely works. I'd been looking for a cute Parent!Nico and Parent!Will kidfic, and this story absolutely delivers. The way that both Will and Nico stumble around each other is so endearing in this story, and their kids are JUST the cutest!! I absolutely recommend this story.
Okay that's all! I'll probably keep doing this until I run out of fics to recommend. Have a good friday lovelies!
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my-pjo-stuff · 29 days
LMAO OKOKOKOKOKOK, SO- I don't think it needs to be said that there would be MAJOR outrage at the wish. I mean not only did Annabeth just demand Artemis' lieutenant but she also straight up wanted to bring someone back from the underworld. And Luke no less! Thalia would certainly not react well either. I mean, just imagine being her and standing in that room for a moment. You just fought a war and lost a LOT of people, not even mentioning all the hurt and the drama coming from your ex-best friend turned enemy turned titan lord turned hero (???). And now think about how she must feel hearing the girl who she views as a sister not only demanding for Luke to be revived- but also for her to not only be kicked from the Hunters of Artemis but for her memories to be erased.
Do I even need to say that Thalia isn't taking that well? She's just straight up asking Annabeth what she thinks she is doing. What she thinks gives her the right to demand something like that.
Annabeth just looks her dead in the eyes and says that they belong to her. They are her family, they promised to be her family. She's only demanding the promise to be fulfilled. They'll be more happy like that anyway. I mean, getting to camp was the original plan to begin with, right? Luke was happy before Kronos got to him, and she only joined the hunters to avoid the prophecy anyway. It wouldn't matter anymore for Thalia and Luke to be at camp with her. Luke fulfilled his role in the prophecy, and Thalia no longer is part of it. Annabeth, like Percy, was smart enough to let the gods swear on the styx to fulfill her wish. So even despite all protest from Thalia and other gods, they are forced to give Annabeth what she wants.
And she's overjoyed to have it. She's the happiest she's ever been. Her and Percy return to camp after making their wish, which has both the 17 y/o Luke and Thalia mysteriously appear on it's border unconscious.
Annabeth wastes no time explaining to everyone what happened and telling everyone that they are forbidden from telling the two what truly happened.
Instead both Thalia and Luke are fed a fake story. They are told about the second Titan War, but instead of being told how it truly happened, they are told an altered version of it. Luke fought on the gods' side during the battle and did so bravely. Unfortunately though he was hit with some sort of magical attack that deaged him back to 17. After the battle Annabeth was granted a wish by the gods, which she used to bring Thalia back from being a tree. And that's how the two of them ended up like that.
No one can really correct the story based on the gods', but that doesn't mean they they aren't weirded out by a 17 y/o Luke walking around camp. Luke chalks it up to them being weirded out by him being "deaged"- which, yeah it isn't wrong. But it certainly isn't the main reason for the weird behavior. Pretty much everyone is walking around on eggshells around the three of them at all times. Not that Annabeth really cares, she's got her family back and that's all that matters to her so far. Luke and Thalia both were reasonably weirded out and a bit unsettled at first from "waking up in the future", but they settled well enough after a while. They're happy, and they are together. Just like Annabeth wanted.
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
If you could say something to all TSAMS characters, what would you say?
Sun: They could never make me hate you Moon: Go to fucking therapy and stay there Nexus: Let's go take a walk and some deep breaths Monty: Go to fucking therapy and stay there OG Computer: You're an asshole Spaniard: I like you Eclipse (Original): So how did being evil work out for you? Eclipse (Back Up): Man that whole star thing really just didn't go as planned, did it? Eclipse (Copy): Yes yes, you're evil and bad and blah blah blah. Have a cookie and relax my guy. Also, could you fill out this questionnaire? It's for science. Don't worry about the kind of science. Lunar: You're kind of a freak Bloodmoon: You're also kind of a freak but you're dead Bloodmoon (Copy): R.I.P. bozo. L + Ratio Killcode: Yeah, lying to someone that you care about them and you love them, and then disowning them when they're pissed off wasn't a good idea, was it buddy? It's alright, I still like you, but holy fuck dude. What were you thinking? Solar Flare: Your hands look heavy, can I hold them for you? Earth: You need to go sit in the corner and think about why defending Monty's actions is bad for your and everyone else's mental health Ruin: Oh, I have so many questions for you buddy let me tear apart your psyche under a microscope pretty please. The Creator: You know they'll kill you one day, right?
Trashcan Man: You deserved better anyways Gemini: You are really bad about this feelings business Nebula: I don't even know you but slay queen Frank: So what's your opinion on dresses? Puppet: I don't even know where to start, so just keep girlbossing ig. Foxy: I've always liked you Miku: I like you. I shouldn't like you. But I like you. Stitch Wraith: You. Are a fascinating little specimen. Golden Freddy: So. . . the pumpkin. Was it worth it?
Solar (Nice Eclipse): R.I.P. bozo. Hope limbo is fun Helios (Dark Sun): Mind if I steal your pet for a few hours? I'll bring him back, I promise. Nyx (Evil Lunar): A game? I'd love to play a game. Kronos (Lord Eclipse): Would you like a hug? Bro? You're a real fucking mess ain't ya? Styx (Lord Lunar): Does it ever get lonely being just the two of you? Moros (Servant Eclipse): You're a terrible actor
And yeah there are more canon AUs but blegh my brain can only come up with so many things to say to people.
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helenadurazzo · 8 months
The Lord of the Underworld And His Lady Of Spring Part 2
In this continuation of ‘The Lord Of The Underworld And His Lady Of Spring,’ a part of me and @princess-of-pearls-and-stars HPHM x Twisted Wonderland AU, the guys and Asteria all come together in the Headmage’s office only to make more discoveries, but still no answers on how to resolve the issues of the invaders. As always, Helena belongs to me and Asteria belongs to @princess-of-pearls-and-stars
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Everyone who seemed to be coming finished with Malleus and Lilia teleporting into the Headmage’s office. Asteria had to note Fae magic was quite interesting and they seemed to perform these teleportations just like apparations, albeit with much less stress.
“I hope we didn’t keep you waiting.” Malleus apologized.
“Malleus! Lilia!” Kalim cheered, “You made it!”
“Hmm…” Lilia mumbled to himself in a barely audible tone, “Seems like I was correct about who was abducted for the most part.”
For the most part!? Asteria thought to herself. What was that supposed to mean? She knew Malleus and Lilia were full of secrets yet some bothered and caused more speculation than others.
Trey cleared his throat, “I was just baking some cookies in the dorm when I got word that Riddle had been kidnapped. Then I heard Ace and Deuce were injured and went straight to the infirmary. It was all so sudden it’s hard to wrap my head around it.”
“The stables where Riddle was taken is like a war zone.” Cater added. “Even the grass was burnt to a crisp. What in the world is going on?”
“That’s what I want to know!” Ruggie exclaimed. “Leona surrendered unconditionally, yeah I know, Leona of all people. Then he said ‘Ruggie, you’re in charge of Savanaclaw until I get back, Then again, I can’t be sure I’ll come back at all…’ He was dead serious too!”
“As we understand it.” Jade began smoothly, “Azul was taken during a club meeting.”
“The board game club guys say he left with them peacefully.” Floyd continued for his brother. “And Firefly Squid and Lil’ Clione went along too. I don’t know though, it doesn’t sound like Azul.”
“Asteria’s group and I were originally with Vil and Jamil back at Ramshackle.” Kalim revealed what Asteria knew all too well.
Rook elaborated further, “We tried to fight the intruders with magic, but it had no effect on them. They took Vil and Jamil, along with Grim and Helena.”
Jade pondered for a moment, “There must be a reason then that Leona and Azul didn’t fight back.”
“Yeah…” Ruggie realized, “Now that I think about it, Leona seemed to know what their deal was…”
“…hm” was the only audible sound that escaped Malleus’ lips before more words were spoken at long last, glancing at Lilia. “Kingscholar is from an old royal house. It would stand to reason he has heard of them…”
Asteria raised an eyebrow, “What are you talking about?”
“I’ll field that question.” Asteria heard the familiar voice of Professor Trein as he entered the room.
“Oh hello Trein.” Lilia spoke casually at the somewhat unexpected visitor, “Where is the headmage?”
“Styx took him into custody as well.” Professor Trein enlightened them. “I’m in charge while he is away.”
“Maybe it’s good the Headmage is gone.” Asteria muttered to herself, “Perhaps we can actually get answers.”
“Hold up what’s Styx?” Floyd asked the Professor with a puzzled look.
Professor Trein folded his arms, “An organization that operates independently of any nation or government. It is an arcane institute that conducts research on blot. They have done so for many years.” A revelation that brought shock to nearly everyone, except the Diasomnia Housewarden and Vice Housewarden.
“They study blot?” Jade broke the silence that was formed.
“I get it now…” Floyd added.
“Get what?” Kalim raised an eyebrow.
“Think about who they took.” Jade pointed out.
“It was Riddle, Leona, Azul, and Jamil.” Cater reminded the group, “So they abducted Jamil, who is a Vice Housewarden, and left Kalim alone. But they didn’t take Rook who is also a Vice Housewarden. So they aren’t targeting just Housewardens or just Vice Housewardens.”
“It’s people who’ve overblotted!” Kalim exclaimed.
“Wait a few questions, one when did Vil overblot!?” Ruggie looked at Rook and Kalim and only received silent nods in response. “And two that doesn’t explain why they targeting Grim and Helena.”
“Nor the fact that Riddle and the others received proper medical treatment.” Trey pointed out. “They have all made a complete recovery. Why would this come up now?”
“Hmm…” Malleus pondered, “There is someone who probably knows their reasons, the Watchman of the Island of Woe.”
“The what?” Asteria was still just as confused as she was before.
“Ah” Rook seemed to have more knowledge of the subject than she did, “I’ve seen mention of them here and there in old history books. Are you acquainted with this dreadful isle and its Watchman, Roi des Dragons?”
Malleus had a confused look on his face, “Are you that clueless Hunt? You are acquainted with him as well.”
“I am?” Rook seemed to regain confusion.
“And not just Rook.” Lilia reminded Malleus, “We all are acquainted with him to some extent at the very least.”
Rook folded his arms, “Are you suggesting what I think you are that Idia is this so called Watchman?”
“Well it’s more of a family title.” Malleus explained, “I believe the current head is…Aidne Shroud?” Looking over at Lilia for confirmation.
Lilia shook is head, “No, she passed away, now it is Aidne’s son, Idia’s father.”
“Human generations pass by so quickly.” Malleus quietly realized.
“True but Styx is a rather recent development.” Lilia reminded him. “Perhaps only a century or so?”
“Wait slow down.” Ruggie pleaded, “I am still confused. Leona mentioned Idia’s family is apart of some megacorp but that’s just a cover for the whole Styx and Watchman of Island of Woe thing!?”
“While the Watchman has become sort of an urban legend now.” Lilia explained. “You see back in the old days, when mages were called witches and wizards, they were feared across the land. People believed the Island of Woe would punish anyone who abandoned their principles and went mad with power.”
Malleus continued, “One of my family’s history books even claims that the group is so ancient they date back to the age of the Gods. Back then, the relationship between magic and blot wasn’t realized. Instead, people believed, overblots were disasters that occurred without warning. The Jupiter Family sealed those disasters away on the Island of Woe to bring peace. And the Watchman is in place to protect the land from those disasters plaguing everyone once more. The first was one of the Shroud family’s ancestors.”
“Sounds more like a myth than history.” Cater remarked.
Lilia picked up where Malleus left off, “Mind you, humans never stopped researching magic, eager students that they were. Time marched on and eventually magic became safe to practice, with witches and wizards becoming known as mages. In the present, mage licenses are international and are globally recognized for the betterment they bring society. And there have been many laws and acts to help with the necessary discipline and overtime the Watchman began to fade from the history books. But regardless the group continued their research on the disasters, and that is what Styx is.”
“I see.” Professor Trein continued, “We were aware that Idia was the son of the Shroud family. But this is the first I have heard of a connection between his family and Styx. I haven’t even seen any of this discussed and I have read just about every book and work on magical history.”
“Ah but you see you are limited to the texts that survive among humankind.” Lilia pointed out. “Humans and Fae stopped intermingling long ago, and not every truth is written down.”
Trein cleared his throat, “This makes me wonder if the headmage was aware of any of this. And if he was does that mean he was unable to work with the Shroud family to prevent this?”
Malleus only shrugged, “Who can say really. Even if he had known he wouldn’t have been able to stop them.”
“So does that enlighten anyone about the plan they have for the ones who were abducted.” Trey wondered out loud.
Jade spoke strangely casually, “If they are lucky they will only be examined. If they are unlucky they will become test subjects. And if they are REALLY UNLUCKY they-“
“Let’s not finish that sentence.” Kalim requested with a freaked out look.
“But those goons rolled up and blasted half of campus.” Floyd reminded everyone, “There are ton’s of witnesses right? At least someone had to have gotten them on video. Doesn’t seem very sneaky or secretive to me.”
“Perhaps they have a reliable way of clearing the mess they make up?” Jade suggested.
Professor Trein sighed, “Look, we don’t know where the Island of Woe is which means we can’t pursue those who were abducted. I want all of you to return to your dorms and do a roll call, check for any injured students and report back to me.”
“Yes sir!” The remaining housewardens and vice housewardens said in unison except for Rook who had an ever growing scowl on his face.
Around the same time as it would turn out, those who were captured would arrive at the mysterious Island of Woe. More specifically, Styx’s headquarters. The four housewardens and vice housewarden looked at their surroundings, yet soon enough, they spotted a familiar face with hair made of fiery blue flames.
“Uhh hey everyone, welcome to the dark and gloomy Island of Woe.” Idia awkwardly greeted them, “And Styx headquarters.”
“It’s you…” Vil breathed furiously.
“Yep Idia Shroud acting director of Styx.” He added as he was joined by Ortho Shroud, Helena Othonos, and one of the intruders from earlier.
“How did Helena get here before us.” Leona grunted, “Must have gotten special treatment.”
“That’s the only thing that comes to your minds?” Idia raised an eyebrow, “No ‘Say What!!!’ Or ‘No Way!!!’”
Azul sighed, “I’m so shocked I’m actually calm.”
“Granted we already assumed there was some connection.” Vil pointed out. “But you’re the acting director? That’s not some tangential link!”
“Less Chit Chat more answers Radish Sprout.” Leona glared at Idia, “Why did you bring us here and I can’t believe I am saying this, but why does Helena act and look more like a robot with those new glasses and uniform of hers than Ortho? You did jam us in cargo and didn’t bother even giving us an economy seat.”
“Yikes those are some scary fangs.” Idia jumped as Leona growled. “Just cool your jets and this will all be over and we can have a good time.”
Jamil was simply furious, “You attack our school and abduct us. And clearly have done something to Helena as she hasn’t even said a word of recognition. And you still want us to ‘cool our jets’ you are lucky her sister isn’t here or you would already be dead as a doornail.”
“Do you want to lose your head!?” Riddle exclaimed.
The previous intruder starts speaking in a robotic tone, “Detecting a buildup of magic in Subject A. Readying stun-“
“Woah woah!” Idia called out, “Pause that.” He then looked over at the others, “And Helena’s perfectly fine since unlike you all she hasn’t forgotten one itty bitty detail that’s very crucial.
“Huh?” The boys exclaimed in unison, equally confused.
Idia grinned deviously, “Where are you again? And who am I again? I’m the BOSS” words that seemed to frighten the five guys. “Don’t hurt us we won’t hurt you. It’s as simple as that.”
“Injury will decrease by 57% as long as you follow my brother’s instructions.” Ortho gleefully predicted.
“Very well.” Vil sighed, “There aren’t any better options regardless. I’ll comply and behave.” After a bit of silence, Vil’s tone turned more assertive, “Well? Are forcibly detaining us, I trust you at least have the decency to serve us some tea? Surely your girlfriend isn’t the only one who will be treated like a normal person.”
Idia mumbled, “The way you’re acting doesn’t remotely suggest compliance or good behavior… but whatever. Come on everybody follow me.” He then turned to Helena, “Would you mind preparing the tea?”
“Not at all.” Helena mindlessly smiled.
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marshmallowloves · 1 year
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I already have a self insert goddess for Hades but I'm kind of in love with this new human AU...thing I've been thinking of, very loosely inspired by a fic I read - which is, what if Cici frickin' died and was a shade. and just kinda rolls up into the House of Hades like (Dan Avidan in the "mark zuckerberg" bit voice) "I'm very tired" gkshfkg. I dunno if her name will actually be Cici, but that's what I'll call her right now for the sake of simplicity.
so here's the story I have for her so far (read: kinda bullshitting it as I go fjshf) sorry it's long -u-;;
TL;DR: tired mortal girl is visited regularly by Hypnos in her dreams to help her sleep, and becomes his favorite. Dies young in her sleep, reunites with him in the House of Hades as a shade, strings get pulled by Zagreus and now (bill wurtz voice) that's just where she lives.
In life, she was an all around normal but very nice human. She spent a lot of time doing things for others around her so they were happy and content, even in the dead of night - so much that she eventually started to neglect her own wellbeing without realizing it.
During one such sleepless night, where she's so exhausted but fighting to stay awake that she slips in and out of consciousness, she's visited by the god of sleep himself. He sees that she's deserving of a good rest for once, and chats away with her in her semi-conscious state for a brief time, before lulling her into a deep and peaceful sleep.
It becomes kind of a Thing™ between them, where Hypnos visits and spends the night with her when she struggles to sleep. (and it gives reason as to why he's sometimes absent from the main hall in-game 👀) He never learns her name, but for some reason he can't figure out, this mortal is just so interesting to him that he keeps coming back. She fights to stay awake, but loves his visits and revels in the rest that he gives her, she's so kind and she looks so cute when she sleeps... altogether it's a series of pleasant visits for the both of them.
One night in her dreams, she feels...strange, and weaker. When Hypnos visits, he solemnly explains that she has died in her sleep. He's here to give her one more night of peaceful rest and pleasant company in the mortal realm before his brother comes to guide her away. Hypnos tells her that of the few living mortals he's ever gotten to visit, she was his favorite.
When she emerges from the Pool of Styx, she's quite confused. But she's ushered into line, where she recognizes her companion in the night keeping track of the shades like her. She asks him what happened, and he reads her name off his list. Says there that she neglected her health in life, and died in her sleep from the complications it caused - and quite early in her short human life, to boot, what a shame...
He doesn't seem to recognize her as he explains this...which is weird, because he's usually aware of people who die in their sleep - it's the closest thing he gets to spending time with his brother, after all. But she says they do know each other - he used to visit her and help her sleep, lending her the comfort of his plush robe and their gentle chats.
And then, after a moment, he recognizes the color of her sleep clothes, and those soft blue eyes...his favorite human was here again, and it's all he can do to keep from sweeping her up in his arms again - Lord Hades is right there watching, after all - and neither of them want to leave each other's side again just yet.
This is where I kinda start reaching, but I figure at this point Zagreus has gotten pretty close to everyone in the house, maybe it's even post-Persephone so things are less tense overall? And I imagine he pulls some strings to let Cici stay in the house, as a favor to Hypnos. I dunno what kind of deal gets struck... I thought about her being hired to work with the contractor, but she's the one who does the more simple decorative stuff like the rugs and floral arrangements?
I dunno but either way she kinda stays under Hypnos' watch, stays in his room most of the time (...I like to think he has a room there fksjg) but sometimes gets to hang out in the lounge or interact with Zagreus.
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@pitchdarkhook asked:
18. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not? / for any of your OCs and as many of them as you want !
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
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R what pandora's box have you opened--
I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT MY MONSTER HUNTER OCS who i promise I will write bios/draw refs for... eventually..... OTL
I need to provide some context for these two, since I don't have the lore post for them up yet! So, the lore they come with is heavily AU and initially spawned from my general love for hybrids and gijinkas. Their AU is called Monster Touched -- the same as the species they are. Touched are hybrids between humans or Wyverians and monsters, and these crossbloods can be thought of as the earliest form of Wyverians as well, since the Wyverians are humanoids said to have the blood of wyverns in their veins. The biggest difference is that Touched have much more obvious features from their monster ancestry, in the sense that a classic hybrid does: humanoid bodies with wings, tails, claws, teeth, etc.
Vaara and Quinn are such Touched, being the offspring of a human and Vaal Hazak and a Wyverian and Valstrax, respectively. They are both known as Elder Touched, as them sharing the blood of Elder Dragons makes them more powerful and grants them a much higher status in the Touched pecking order.
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Hi hello future Willow here this got way longer than I expected so uhhh read about my guys under the cut wHOOPS
Quinn first because he's my son boy and I love him:
Quinn, as I mentioned, is a hybrid child of a Wyverian woman and a Crimson Glow Valstrax! He was primarily raised by his mother, a blacksmith, and never knew his father as he was killed by a group of Hunters. As a result, Quinn had no one to really teach him what it meant to be a Valstrax; his mother does not have wings, after all, let alone the specialized wings that allow Valstrax to break the sound barrier with minimal effort. He, along with his mother and younger brother, live on the Heaven's Mount; a peculiar location for a Valstrax Touched and even a Wyverian, but one that has offered him a valuable place to grow and figure out his wings himself under the relative safety of his mother's smithing contract with the resident Elder Touched: A Shagaru Magala hybrid by the name of Hades (played by my friend who also writes Quinn's mother!).
Quinn's not someone who really talks much, a trait that's both inherent and learned, as Hades and his partner Styx (played by my friend's wife) also are not the talkative kind. He's a wanderer at heart, as the desire to roam high above the clouds is one that runs in his veins from his Valstrax father, and his father before him. He's a very funny character to me, in that he's not funny at all. He's rather stoic and has little social awareness and he also does not care about social customs and etiquette whatsoever, which leads to some very awkward and hilarious situations where his default response is to just stare blankly at someone and not say a word. He's terrible about communicating, it's great.
But what I find most important about his personality, and surprisingly what he does too, is his love for his family. He's a mama's boy! He's very deeply attached to his mom and very grateful for all her hard work in raising him (being surrounded by other Touched and knowing that she is not has made him deeply appreciative of the stark contrasts between them and how much harder it is for her to do things compared to them), and in time he's become very attached to his lord Hades and Styx as well, who he sees as an older brother figure. His younger brother, too, is someone he's very affectionate for and protective of, and part of his motivation to learn how to properly fly and hunt and be a Valstrax Touched was so he could pass what he taught himself on to his brother as well. Despite his wanderlust, he's very much a family-oriented person, which is not a trait typically seen in Valstrax; it's entirely due to his upbringing. When he flies and travels the world, he always collects trinkets and creatures he thinks his family would enjoy and brings them back home as gifts. Actions speak much louder than words for Quinn, and he loves his family so much. o|<
Now, onto Vaara:
Vaara is scary. I need to open up with that. Vaara is an entity that not only welcomes death, but actively governs it, in a sense, being the current overseer of an actively rotting graveyard for monsters (and Hunters alike, if they're stupid enough to set foot in the Rotten Vale). Vaara is very dedicated to maintaining the balance and order of the Vale, as the Vale is directly responsible for releasing nutrients back into the rest of the ecosystem within the New World. They're a very spooky character!!! Friendly upon first impression, if not incredibly unnerving with the skull they wear to conceal their face, hooked claws and tail, and the echoing hiss of their voice that seems to permeate through every nook and cranny of the Vale. They're not aggressive, thankfully! But that's not necessarily a good thing; the reason Vaara is not aggressive is because they feel no need to chase and hunt down individuals, when death will catch them anyway. And as the one who governs death, what rush do they have? The dying will fall into their embrace one way or another, eventually. All it comes down to is a matter of time.
The aspect they find most important is in fact their responsibility to maintaining the decaying garden that is their home. Vaara tends to not be someone who takes many things seriously, as most things are not of major consequence to them, but this is. Vaara is a very reliable individual, for better or for worse, and always keeps their promises -- though they do not make promises without proper exchange.
What I love the most about their personality, though, is their absolute spookiness. They are a very inviting character, which is such a unique contrast to the hostile environment that is their home. They will welcome you with open arms, invite you to rest in the Vale (whether you survive or not is entirely up to your own level of preparation), and even offer ancient lore that they have gathered over the years, collected in the history of bones and rotting corpses that make up the maze-like caverns of the Vale. They have near invaluable knowledge, and they will be kind to those they cross paths with, because death is not something you can escape. It is coming, will come regardless of what you do, and they are in no hurry to quicken your death. They will tempt you with the few precious things that can be found in the Vale: all manner of rare fruits, dangerously addictive with the narcotics they contain; precious fossils found in no other areas; mushrooms whose alchemical potential provides great explosive power. And if you find yourself growing drowsy and numb, if you find it hard to breathe, it is because Vaara has decided it is your time to rest in the Vale, and they will lure you to sleep in their arms for all eternity.
Death is inevitable, after all, and those who step foot in the Graveyard of Dragons are destined to die in it.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Lord Artemis: Twin?
Lord Styx: TWIN!
Nyx: Does your Lord usually act so friendly?
Telesto; Yes, absolutely. Artemis is very friendly. Is your Lord bad to you?
Nyx: My Lord loves me! That’s why Lord Styx has me work so hard and lets me sleep on the end of his bed sometimes!
Telesto: Hold on, just gonna go scream at Styx for a moment.
Nyx, completely oblivious: Okay!
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illithiddreams · 11 months
@wackyinflatablearmtubeman - Small Sign spinner who is just trying his best to hold down a job despite having horrible luck doing so.
@king-vortigern-pendragon - Legend Of The Sword Rp blog for Vortigern Pendragon
@somanydumbwaystodie - Airheaded idiot cop who is cursed to die in horrible ways and can never find peace.
@brain-over-brawn - Tiny Alien Brain who is trying to disguise as a human to study them and learn how to take over the world with his boss.
@running-on-co2 - Once turned science experiment now the worlds greatest robotic assassin.
@chalk-it-up-to-fate - Well known Artist who traps people in a fake world of his own creation due to envy of the people in the human / real world.
@in-heaven-everything-is-fine - Eraserhead baby Au blog from the movie Eraserhead.
@absorbing-misfortune - Evil demonic entity that feeds off of misfortune and misery and his cousin that feeds off of love and attention as well as other random ocs.
@heartbrokenwhispers - Yandere muse blog for a man trying to find love but who keeps having horrible luck doing so.
@the-dukes-archives - Dark souls Rp blog for Seath the scaleless and other muses from that fandom.
@ceaseless-chaos - Prince of Chaos who is cursed to be in pain all his life and only find comfort in his own siblings corpse that he thinks still watches him.
@the-monster-of-scotland - NESSIE!
@lordseekerlucius - Lucius Corin blog / Envy from Dragon Age Inquisition.
@you-reap-what-you-sow - Harold blog from Scary Stories to tell in the Dark series.
@run-run-as-fast-as-u-can - Smol tiny baker trying his best with a cursed magic oven that can make baked goods come to life.
@rise-up-like-glitter-and-gold- Elden Ring Multi Muse blog for my tarnished and my OC Rune.
@the-galaxy-is-on-orions-belt - Small Alien Prince tasked with keeping the world safe from destruction.
@bee-my-queen - Bumblebee OC that made a human appearance hive to go out and try to date and find a new queen.
@deathisjustthebeginning - Elden Ring OC for a man who was once human now cursed to spread death after he tried to cheat it and became a horrible disfigured monster in the process now having to hide behind a fake human mask of his own design.
@the-king-of-villains - King of all villains who learned to steal powers from other villains to become stronger
@ill-met-by-m00nlight - WEREWOLF SWEET BABY :D
@atlas-jericho-carmichael - Atlas Carmichael blog from UA
@squirming-evil - Oogie from TNBC
@bright-and-clever-no-matter-watt - OC blog for the smartest inventor ever.
@bloodline-rewritten - intravenous System OC Muse
@klaus-the-hessian - Dullahan muse
@pastor-of-vows - Miriel from Elden Ring
@all-the-kings-horses-and-men - Soldier that was sent 200 years in the future due to being in a coma after getting injured.
@let-your-dreams-flood-in - Sloth Demon from DAO
@wooden-lies- Pinocchio Au / OC blog
@lord-jab-desilijic-tiure - Jabba the hutt muse
@let-your-evil-shine - Grigori Rasputin from Anastasia blog
@who-can-take-the-sunrise - Literal Chocolatier
@dont-trust-a-thing - Alien shapeshifter :D
@villainsthatliveinmyhead- Gabriel / Madison blog from Malignant
@lord-of-the-dead-aidoneus - Hades from Disney's Hercules
@ruler-of-artisans - Toasty from Spyro
@the-first-murderer - Cain aka the first murderer
@hit-me-one-time-hit-me-twice - Hexxus from Ferngully
@culex-headquarters - Group of assassins that track people Via blood.
@within-a-sea-of-stars - Sea Star OC
@worlds-greatest-criminal-mind - Professor Ratigan
@freddys-daycare-attendant - Sunny / Moon from FNAF
@ferryman-of-the-river-styx - Charon
@legend-of-the-iron-fist - Pot husband 8D
@swimming-in-arrows-of-love - Q (Cupid)
@only-hanging-on-by-a-thread - Worm on a string OC
@designed-for-danger - Rick from Portal
@notjustamoron - Wheats from Portal
@its-not-always-black-and-white - Fandomless OC
@just-a-normal-man-norman - Norman / Jeff from Gravity Falls
@stuck-in-a-sticky-situation - Demon Oc blog
@william-cecil-clayton - Clayton from Tarzan
@naturalbornofthevoid - Fallen Star bug baby
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jeanpalfroix · 2 years
Summary: Imagining if your characters life was a movie, what songs would you pick for those moments in their life. Imagine what it would be like, if they were to go the way they wanted them too or they were to go bad. Even the painful bits. Imagine it like a movie, and how it would play out. (AU OR CANON).
Opening Credits: Gangsta’s Paradise - Coolio
Waking Up Scene: Believer – Imagine Dragons
Average Day Scene: This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race – Fall Out Boy
Buddy/Sidekick Scene: Victorious – Panic! At the Disco
First Date Scene: I Don’t Wanna Live Forever – Zayn, Taylor Swift
Falling In Love Scene: Addicted – Saving Abel
Love Scene: Bedroom Hymns – Florence + the Machine
Fight Scene: Monster-Skillet
Breaking Up Scene: Thnks fr the Mmrs – Fall Out Boy
Getting Back Together Scene: Die Young - Kesha
Secret Love Scene: Temporary Bliss – The Cab
Life’s Okay Scene: Green Light - Lorde
Mental Breakdown Scene: Breath of Life – Florence + the Machine
Driving A Car Scene: In the Air Tonight – Phil Collins
Learning A Lesson Scene: Renegade - Styx
Deep Thought Scene: Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde
Flashback Scene: Game of Survival -Ruelle
Partying Scene: She Keeps Me Up - Nickelback
Happy Dance Scene: Moves Like Jagger – Maroon Five
Getting Shitfaced Scene: The Hills – The Wknd
Regretfulness Scene: Numb – Linkin Park
Hitting Bottom Scene: Bring Me to Life – Evanescence
Long Night Alone Scene: Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Green Day
Closing Credits: Bad Moon Rising – Mourning Ritual, Peter Dreimanis
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obscurushydrae · 5 months
V: Astrodia
Timeline: Variable
Makaria Polyditos, Princess of the House of Hecate, Lady of the Liminal, Queen of the Crossroads-- yadda, yadda yadda. Kar (as she prefers to be called) is an interesting child. Her mother didn't spoil her, per se but she wasn't denied wishes either. A studious child, she was tutored by the shades of greatest thinkers and inventors, a well rounded education in arts, sciences, and of course combat.
While her home was a palace along the River Styx, Hecate and by virtue, free to travel between the domains of mortal, god, and everywhere in between, it is no surprise Kar could be seen frequently elsewhere in the cosmos, fascinated by, well, everything.
Mortals were no exception, often wandering around in mortal form to enjoy what the day had to offer.
As the goddess of the blessed dead, she is the psychopomp to heroes and the most worthy, leaving them to their fate at the Styx, only to later greet them in Elysium, interceding in the minor affairs of the shades there on the behalf of her much overworked Uncle.
She is more modern-minded than some of her colleagues, enjoying the ingenuity of mortals. Easy-going with a bit of snarky streak, it is hard to believe is far more formidable than she lets on...
Arranged Alliance AU: The House of Hades is an old, prestigious family, and the niece of Lord Hades is a very eligible suitor on the marriage market. Intelligent, resourceful, and proven by her uncle to be capable member of the House, she will provide wealth, prestige, and a tie to the Hadean Domains.
This alliance can be a "only in name" where our muses do at the very least tolerate/friendly with each other, and just co with it because "why not", It can be a pre-planned romantic love match, or a starts off as platonic-ish and they grow to love each other. (Or if discussed an enemies to lovers trope works.)
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Hades and Persephone/Greek Mythology AU but make it MHA 🤔
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Touya Todoroki “tricked” by his younger brother Shoto into a life of seclusion in the underworld while he ruled at Olympus. Even their brother Natsuo—a lesser god with unimpressive abilities—was granted the sea and sunshine. Shrines were built in their honor and reverence for them spanned through the land while Touya was regarded as vile and dangerous. Shoto had deceived him, said that there’d be great honor in governing the land below while guarding his father, Endeavor, and the other titans that fought alongside him—when there was nothing but desolate waste and bleak emptiness. The cunning King of the Underworld that only received prayers of mercy when souls boarded the ferry, begging that “oh great Lord ‘Dabi’” would grant them passage to beyond lest they be damned to float in the River Styx for eternity. He understood their desperation.
Eternity is a long time indeed. Doomed to wander aimlessly with no hope of light. Until one day a foolish girl with a bright smile bites off more than she can chew 🖤
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