#lord selene au
Crack Imagine: All the various Lords from various AUs gathering at an inter-dimensional meeting table and just discussing random lordly things like ‘how do I take care of a sick subject? Nobody’s been sick in my dimension in like seven decades’ or ‘who has the most powerful star again?’ Just the shenanigans of various Lords discussing various completely unrelated topics with other Lords and trying to aid in solving each other’s issues in their own worlds.
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goldleaf-blog · 8 months
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Inktober Day 15: Dagger
Day 14 - Day 16
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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LOTR AU tag here! // set directly after this more light-hearted drabble by @drinkyoursoupbitch​ // referencing Gwendolyn “Wendy” Gordon and Selene and Artemis Clair de Lune @twins-born-in-a-new-moon
The Fellowship set off for the Pass of Caradhras with a very business-like affect. They had a mission to fulfill, so they approached it seriously, as one would think they should. But because of this, it took a little while before anyone really noticed just how little Carewyn had looked Orion in the face, since they’d left Rivendell. 
Orion noticed, though. He noticed it from the start, however much he didn’t bring it up to anyone. 
It was only once the rest of the Fellowship had devolved into leisurely, amiable conversation that Orion tried to reach out to Carewyn, putting down the stick he’d been using to poke the fire and getting up so as to help her untie the kettle she’d tied to her pony’s saddle. 
“May I?” he asked. 
Carewyn was taken aback. Then, abruptly, she grabbed the ropes herself, right out of Orion’s hands.
“Oh -- no,” she said very quietly. “I’ve got it.”
She finished untying the kettle and bustled back over to the fire, just as quickly setting about peeling some potatoes. Orion watched her go, his frown deepening that bit further. Then he slowly walked back over to the fire, settling down on the stone beside her as she worked.
“May I help you peel those?” he offered. “Two sets of hands could do the job faster.”
Carewyn looked up, startled. 
“Yes, but...I can more than manage,” she said quickly, as she once again averted her eyes back down to the vegetables she was cutting up. “Thank you.”
Orion tilted his head to try to look at her better. “Then...how best can I offer you some assistance?”
Carewyn determinedly didn’t look at him. 
“You can sit down and let me feed you, so that you can keep up your strength,” she said at last, her voice oddly forceful. 
Orion's frown twitched. Before he could say anything, however, Charlie brought an amiable arm around his neck, giving him something of an awkward headlock.
“Aw, don’t take it personally, Orion!” Charlie said with a cheeky grin. “Carey’s just stubborn as a mule -- ”
“In the time I’ve known her, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Carewyn accept help from anyone,” said Selene with a wry smile. “At least, not without stubbornly refusing it multiple times beforehand...”
“She’s always been like that,” said Ben, as he shot a slightly pointed, cooler smile Carewyn’s way. 
“Always,” Bill agreed.
The tallest of the Hobbits’ lips spread into a slightly fonder, but still very wry smile as he glanced at Carewyn out the side of his eye. 
“I remember her mum, Lane Cromwell-Took, telling stories about Carey when she was little,” he said mischievously. “How she used to insist on riding a pony all by herself, even back when she was still a wee faunt...”
Gandalf chuckled. “That was true. And the pony stood a good two feet above our little she-Hobbit.”
The rest of the Fellowship couldn’t help but laugh at the adorable image painted for them. Even Cedric was snorting with laughter behind his hand despite his best efforts. 
“Aw, really, Carey?” he said, charmed. “I didn’t try riding a pony until I was nearly ten...”
Charlie laughed. “Better than me! Bill and I didn’t properly learn to ride until we set off with Carey for the Misty Mountains.”
“Couldn’t exactly afford lessons,” Bill added in explanation. 
“Well, I’d say Carewyn was just the right age to learn how to ride a proper pony!” said Rowan with a broad smile around his beard. 
“I agree,” said Wendy. “The Rohirrim learn to ride right alongside walking...and our horses are way bigger than the ponies you lot ride. I reckon even you learned how to ride pretty young, right, Orion?”
“Rather young, yes,” Orion granted. 
He glanced at Carewyn, but she once again avoided his eye. Instead she brought herself up to full height, her expression very cool as she focused on her cooking.
“I merely wish to make myself useful,” she said primly. “I was not chosen to accompany Cedric to Rivendell at the start, nor am I any sort of warrior who can protect him or the Ring from harm, as Prince Rowan or Amari can.” 
Her use of Orion’s Ranger name was pointed. No one else had called him that since the Council of Elrond, when his true name was revealed. An envoy from Gondor, a dark-haired man called Felix, had questioned Orion’s presence at the council, demanding what a “mere Ranger” would understand about the One Ring and the might of Sauron. Both Wendy and Selene had been offended by the man’s rudeness, but Carewyn had managed to lay him out first --
“He is a Man, just as you are, is he not? Therefore it’s just as much his world, and his life, that are under threat from Sauron.”
Felix had pretty quickly turned his disdain down upon Carewyn. “Must I repeat my previous sentiment as well, for the halfling?”
Before Ben could fully get up out of his seat and unsheathe his sword (something both Artemis and Wendy were quick to prevent), Carewyn hopped up onto the top of her seat so as to better look Felix in the eye and verbally tore into him --
“I may be half your stature, sir -- but my moral standards clearly are head over heels above yours, for I don’t presume that my blood ancestry makes me inherently superior to anyone else!”
It was only Elrond that quelled the argument, by making it clear that both Carewyn and Orion had plenty of reason to be at the Council -- Carewyn because her brother had disappeared while seeking out the One Ring and had been the one to discover it had ended up back in the Shire, and Orion because of his relation to Isildur, the last doomed King of Gondor who had failed to destroy the One Ring himself so many years ago. And it was indeed this moment when Orion had noticed Carewyn’s eyes had changed somewhat in how she looked upon him, before she’d stopped looking at him altogether.
Orion’s black eyes rippled with something a bit more troubled as he shifted a bit closer to Carewyn.
“You do not need to prove your worth to us, Ms. Took,” he said very softly. 
Something in Carewyn’s eyes darkened. She turned fully away, and then immediately got up and started serving stew to the people around the fire. 
“Eat up now, all of you -- we may have to eat and travel light, but to do that, you’ll need proper nourishment.”
As the Fellowship all prepared to go to sleep, Orion tried once again to approach Carewyn. This time he managed to catch her alone while she tended to the Fellowships’ horses.
“Ms. Took.”
Carewyn stiffened a bit at the sound of Orion’s voice. She didn’t turn around even as the Ranger slowly approached her. He watched her for a moment, considering his next move carefully -- then he tentatively brought a hand up to smooth out his own horse’s mane, which Carewyn had been brushing. 
“Have I offended you, Amari?” she asked softly.
Orion gave a double blink worthy of a trained animal receiving confusing instructions. “Offended me?”
Carewyn frowned deeply. “Well, yes. I told you that I only care to have strangers refer to me as ‘Ms. Took.’”
Orion blinked again, much more slowly. Then, his eyes welling up with compassion, he got down on Carewyn’s level so as to look her in the eye better.
“...It seems I’ve made a great error. I thought that I had offended you, and in trying to make amends, I’ve ended up offending you further.”
Carewyn looked up at him, her eyebrows high with surprise. 
“What? Why would you think that? You did nothing wrong! I merely...”
She looked down.
“...I merely...didn’t know how best to address you.”
Orion tilted his head, frowning slightly. 
“I wished to address you like before -- as Amari,” she explained. “It is the name you introduced yourself with, to me, and it’s clearly the name you feel most comfortable being called. I want you to remain comfortable with me. But...even if I did refer to you that way -- by the name you gave me, rather than the one Lord Elrond calls you...I didn’t want you to think that...well, that I don’t respect who you truly are. Sure, perhaps your family hasn’t held the throne of Gondor in generations, but you’re still descended from great kings. From brave Chieftains and wise elves. And as much as you don’t follow in their footsteps, you’ve clearly learned so much from them -- how to nurture and protect...how to lead. And well...I’m just a Hobbit who happened to get thrown into this whole quest while trying to find my brother. The One Ring doesn’t have the history for me that it does for you. This mission’s success is so much more important for you than it could ever be for me.”
Orion’s expression softened. He quietly considered her for a long moment, before he reached out a hand and rested it on his horse’s flank, just over Carewyn’s. 
“...Lord Elrond doesn’t call me Orion,” he said at last. “At least, aside from when he introduces me formally.”
Carewyn blinked in surprise. 
“In my youth, my name was Estel,” said Orion, as his lips curled up in a small smile. “I was a Man raised with all the education and guidance of an elf, with no knowledge of my true parentage. It was only when I had turned twenty that Lord Elrond told me the name my mother had given me...and it was not long after that that I took on the name Amari, in the wilderness...”
His gaze flitted down to Carewyn’s hand, the small fingers of which his were merely inches away from. 
“It’s a name I took due to the danger my real name posed to me, and to the people around me,” he said lowly. “It was for that name -- Orion Elessar II -- that both my father and mother lost their lives...and it is that name that prompts nothing but distrust and verbal poison from the Men of Gondor.”
“That’s nonsense.”
Orion looked at Carewyn. Her eyebrows had furrowed with righteous anger and her hands had flown to her hips. 
“No name can prompt such things -- only the actions and choices of weaker, crueler creatures,” Carewyn said fiercely. “Why, Orion’s a very handsome name! The name of a very wise and courageous Man, I should think, since you’re the second Elessar to bear the name! And for anyone to judge you based on what an ancestor thirty times before our time did? There are few Elves alive that can even remember back that far! And even if they can, you are not Isildur, and his failings are not yours.”
Orion raised his eyebrows, faintly surprised but also faintly touched by the sentiment. Then he quirked one of his eyebrows at her critically. 
“...And yet your opinion of me changed, once you knew of my ancestry,” he pointed out. “More positively than I’m used to -- but still, a change.”
Carewyn flushed, but her expression stayed stubbornly proud. 
“My change in behavior was not because of you being related to royalty -- I already presumed you might have some noble blood when we first met, didn’t I?” she huffed. 
She brushed her bangs out of her eyes. 
“It just...affected what you told me, about your mother. How she died bringing you to Rivendell, to stay with Lord Elrond. I had no idea it was because of who your family was...that you’d never had a real place to think of as ‘home’...all because your family had been exiled from the place they once knew as home, ages before you were born, all because of an ancestor who everyone even now insists on comparing you to.”
Her eyes grew more solemn upon their two hands on the flank of Orion’s horse.
“...Your whole family...you all lost your home. You were all displaced, never to know the true comfort of hearth and home...all because of one horrible mistake, thousands of years ago.”
Her hand finally moved up to take hold of Orion’s. Orion gave the slightest of starts, but recovered quickly, as Carewyn gave his hand a light squeeze.
“Your family deserved better than that,” she said quietly. “You deserve better than that.”
Orion’s black eyes wandered over Carewyn’s face, even as she kept her own gaze on their joined hands. Then, very slowly, he also turned his eyes down to their hands, and gave hers the lightest of squeezes in return. 
“...You have a very large heart, Carewyn Cromwell-Took.”
Carewyn’s cheeks reddened with a light blush as she smiled slightly.
“I suppose...I really should ask properly what you’d like me to call you,” she said bracingly.
Orion considered her. “That really would depend on you.”
Carewyn raised her eyebrows. 
“What do you see when you look at me, Carewyn Cromwell-Took?” he asked. “The orphaned ward of Lord Elrond, raised and taught by the Elves of Rivendell? A Ranger with no country who wanders and adventures every day? Or the heir of a disgraced King who now aims to finish what that King could not?”
Carewyn frowned deeply. 
“What I see is a Man,” she said, “and everything that entails.”
Orion looked curious. 
“All of Men’s great foibles?” he asked amusedly.
“All of Men’s potential,” Carewyn shot back. Her lips spread into a determined, bright red smile. “Yes, perhaps Men do have their foibles. Quite a few of them, really. They can be impatient, and very short-sighted, as their lifespans are so short. They’re not particularly strong, or resilient, or even that fast. They can be as stubborn as dwarves, as arrogant as Elves, and as self-absorbed as Hobbits. And yet...”
Her smile spread into a fuller, gleaming grin -- a truly beautiful expression that made her eyes sparkle. 
“...They can also be none of that, and more. They can be tolerant and accepting, when those of the other races turn up their noses. They can be generous and kind, being loyal companions and comrades-in-arms. They can be modest and wise...willing to discard what could elevate their own status, all in a desire to make deep connections with others.”
Orion’s eyes widened just a bit.
“You truly admire Men,” he said. 
Carewyn crossed her arms, smiling wryly. “Is that so strange?”
“For me, yes,” Orion admitted. 
Lord Elrond was not subtle in his disdain toward the failings of Men -- many elves and dwarves weren’t. Carewyn’s idealism, though, made Orion smile broadly.
“If that is the case,” he said as he inclined his head respectfully to her, “then I should dearly like it if you called me ‘Orion.’”
Carewyn hesitated. “...Are you sure?”
“Yes,” said Orion with a bright white smile. “You yourself said it was a handsome name. And perhaps you can see through those flaws in my name, the same as you have seen through those in Men.”
Carewyn smiled a bit more softly as she withdrew her hand from his at last. 
“I’m certain I can...Orion.”
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borathae · 4 months
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“Being a sorcerer has always been Hoseok’s dream. So when a well-known and powerful sorceress sends out letters informing the young minds of the city of an upcoming position as her apprentice, Hoseok takes fate into his own hands and applies. The only problem is that learning the arts of magic is reserved for women. He is convinced however that hard work and effort can charm the sorceress’ heart and get him the position.”
Pairing: Magic Student!Hoseok x Magic Student!Reader
Genre: Fantasy!AU, Magic School!AU, s2f2potential lovers!AU, Romance
Warnings: lots of plot, 90% of this is written from Hoseok’s POV, Queendom!Tae being the bestest friend, they’re both so adorable, the students are mean to him at first :(, except for reader heheh she is a sweetheart <3, also idk if this is important but i got inspired by Elden Ring as far as some names are concerned istfg best game <3, this will have a second part where reader’s pov plays a bigger part and the romance is gonna be bigger as well <3, for now this story is very magic & Hobi’s journey to magic centered, but also some romantic tension is present as well hngngn, istfg i love this universe
Wordcount: 17.8k of 24.3k
✴ Part One of Two ✴
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Hoseok stumbles into Taehyung’s room without knocking. The young prince startles slightly, gasping in surprise.
“Tae! Tae, I have news!” Hoseok calls out and stumbles to his friend.
“What is it? Are you feeling alright?” Taehyung asks. 
He was in the midst of painting with some tea for sipping on the side, when Hoseok interrupted him. The latter lets himself fall down on the chair next to Taehyung, taking out a flyer from his chest pocket. He slams it on the table, looking at Taehyung excitedly.
Taehyung scans his eyes over his friend first. His long white hair is ruffled as if he ran quite some distance. His chest is heaving up and down quickly and his flushed face carries a thin layer of sweat. So he really must have been running.
Taehyung looks at the flyer next. It is of yellowish paper with purple ink soaking the fibres. The message is rather short. Short, but effective. 
New Apprentices Wanted. Come to Sorceress Selen’s tower if interested.
“Oh? The sorceress seeks an apprentice?” 
“Yes, indeed she does. Do you have an idea what that means?” 
Taehyung furrows his brows in thought.
“Perhaps that there will be a new sorceress soon?” 
“A new sorcerer you mean.”
Taehyung widens his eyes, gawking at Hoseok.
“Yes”, Hoseok says and nods his head excitedly, “I am going to become her apprentice.”
“Are you having a jest with me?” 
“I am not. I will go to her tower and prove to her that I am fitting for a magical student.”
“But…you are a boy. No boy ever learned magic before.”
“This isn’t true. There are sorcerers.”
“Yes, perhaps in faraway lands but not here.”
“Well, then I am going to be the first one from these lands”, Hoseok says and grins. 
Taehyung needs a few moments to regain his thoughts. Such news are of great surprise to him. He knew of Hoseok’s wishes to learn magic, but to truly have him act on them is shocking. No boy has ever tried what he wants to try. Oh, Taehyung is truly flabbergasted by his friend’s plan.
“But what about your life here? At court? As my lord-in-waiting?” Taehyung asks.
Hoseok falters.
“Do you not want to be my lord of court anymore?” Taehyung asks and pouts sadly. 
Hoseok lowers his eyes, “but my dreams”, he whispers.
“Is it your really dream to become a sorcerer?”
“It always has been. You know that it has.”
“You always talked about moving the stars one day. Even when we were just little.” 
“Exactly. Oh Tae”, Hoseok takes Taehyung’s hands, “I know I sound as if I have lost my mind, but I truly think that I could convince her to take me as her apprentice. I want to take this chance, perhaps there won’t ever be another like it.”
“And if you do and she agrees, you won’t forget me, will you?” Taehyung asks with great insecurity on his features.
“Of course I won’t. Oh Tae, why would you even worry about such things? You are my best friend. No, you are more than that. You are my brother and I won’t ever forget you.”
Taehyung smiles shyly, “that is so good to hear. I want you to accomplish your dreams. My dream has always been to paint and write poetry and sing songs and these days, I can do all these things and more. It would be unfair of me to stop you from achieving your dreams. Forgive me for my initial distaste.”
“No do not apologise, I understand your grievances. I will miss my life here. I love being your lord of court.”
“I love it as well. I love our conversations in the orange gardens and sharing chocolates after dinner”, Taehyung says and giggles.
Hoseok giggles as well, nodding his head in agreement.
“And swimming in the lagoons”, he says to which Taehyung agrees with a scrunch of his nose.
Their laughter dies down naturally. Hoseok lets out a loud sigh, sagging his shoulders.
“Maybe nothing will change in the end. Oh Tae, I am terribly nervous. What if the sorceress refuses to even hear me out?”
“I am sure that you will do great. We could practice your speech together.”
“You would really help me? I do not know where to start or what I need.”
“Yes, that is true. Me neither”, Taehyung says and tilts his head to the side. He scratches his chin. Suddenly his eyes light up.
“What did you think of?” Hoseok asks excitedly.
“Shall we look in the library? Perhaps we could ask Mistress Qela if she knows how to write applications”, Taehyung suggests.
“Yes, what a wonderful idea. We should go this instance.”
The two young men leave Taehyung’s recreation room, chatting about the endless possibilities once Hoseok mastered magic. They talk about making flowers with his fingers and giving oranges a sweeter taste. They dream about making pretty shells appear on shore and of Taehyung’s paints never running out again. All the great, revolutionary spells they do not speak for their minds never wandered there.
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Mistress Qela is sitting by her desk, surrounded by scriptures and books and with her silver haired cat keeping her company.
“Mistress Qela?”
The elderly dwarf lifts her head upon being called. She fixes the reading glasses perched atop her nose and places her writing feather aside.
“Young prince Taehyung”, she says, standing up to bow at him.
“Please stay comfortable.”
Despite his words, she finishes her bow before sitting down again. She runs her eyes over the young prince first, then his young servant by his side.
“What brings you here, Sire?”
“Show him the letter, Hoseok.”
Hoseok takes out the flyer and places it on the table. Mistress Qela scoots to the edge of her seat and begins reading with a loud clear of her throat. She is running her fingers through her greying beard as she does, keeping her bushy brows furrowed.
“It seems that the sorceress Selen is seeking new apprentices”, she concludes.
“Yes indeed and Hoseok wants to fill the position, but we do not know how to write an application. Mistress Qela, could you help us?”
The dwarf runs her eyes over the two young men, carrying a stern expression on her face. Seconds pass like this where she stares and they allow her to do so nervously.
“Very well”, she says in the end and slides from her chair, “follow me, young ones. There are books in these halls which will help you”, she says and stomps away. She won’t comment on Hoseok’s dreams for it wasn’t her right to do so. She is aware how possible some impossible dreams are. She herself was called a foolish girl by her tribe for wanting to be become a librarian instead of a miner. She will always offer understanding for the dreams of young people even if others might call them foolish.
The books they seek are on the second floor in a high shelf where a window next to it allows sunlight to enter. Just a few shelves down, there is a desk with chairs and candles for light. It is currently empty.
Mistress Qela points at the shelves which are just out of reach for her.
“You will find what you are looking for here. Do not hesitate to ask me for help however. Have a good read, my young ones”, she says and turns to stomp back to her scriptures.
“Thank you, Mistress Qela!” Hoseok and Taehyung call after her.
Soon the dwarf disappears down the stairs.
“So, where shall we start? Shall we look for books each?” Taehyung suggests.
“Yes, that is a very good idea”, Hoseok agrees.
The young men spend the rest of their day in the library. They read books, scriptures and writings. They compose practice applications and note down new knowledge whenever they stumble upon it. They discuss the important parts and exchange possible phrases to use.
They are so lost in their research, that they do not hear the dinner bell, nor witness when Mistress Qela leaves for her bedchambers. They most definitely would have continued to be lost if Taehyung’s wife, the princess of the Sand Queendom, hadn’t looked for them.
“My darling one?”
Neither Taehyung nor Hoseok hear her and the princess has to try three more times before they finally lift their heads.
“Oh? My darling one”, Taehyung gasps, stumbling from his chair to hurry to her. He takes her hands, guiding them to his lips to kiss her knuckles.
Hoseok is standing as well, bowing his head deeply.
“What are you doing here?” Taehyung asks her.
“I could ask you the same thing. You were missed at dinner and it is way past our bedtime. I was worried.”
“Forgive me, my darling one but I am helping Hoseok with his application”, he says.
He guides her to the desk, showing her what they have been working on. The flyer of the sorceress is also on the desk.
“The sorceress is seeking a new apprentice and Hoseok wants to apply. We spent all day on perfecting his application”, Taehyung explains, “look. What do you think of it?”
The princess looks at Hoseok, ignoring the papers her husband is trying to show her.
“You want to leave your position as lord-in-waiting?” she asks.
“Yes, your highness”, he says, lowering his head in respect, “please forgive the sudden news. I planned on telling you and the Queen tomorrow. Please forgive me.”
“But men are forbidden from learning magic.”
“I know, your highness”, he lowers his head even more, “I thought that I could try. At least. Perhaps it could work.”
“I see”, she says and finally looks at the paper. She sits down where once Taehyung sat and picks up a writing feather, reading through the application. The two men watch her in silence. She nods her head sometimes and fixes mistakes, she also praises some parts whilst correcting others.
“It reads well”, she finishes the letter, “I shall ask mother to write you a letter of recommendation and I believe that with it and this application you will have good chances.”
“What?!” the two man exclaim at the same time.
“You have no problem with his plans?” Taehyung gets out.
“You aren’t angry at me?” Hoseok blurts out.
The princess chuckles, shaking her head.
“Why should I? I know that you dream of being a sorcerer and you are my friend as well. I want to support you”, she says.
“Oh my darling”, Taehyung says and pulls her up just to hug her tightly.
She laughs, accepting it with closed eyes.
“You are truly the most wonderful person”, he says and kisses her cheek.
“You are adorable”, she says.
“Thank you so much, your highness. You do not know how much this means to me”, Hoseok says, bowing so deeply he almost folds himself in half.
“Please do not thank me too soon. We will still have to get you through the part trickiest, which is getting her to even hear you out.”
“But with the Queen’s letter of recommendation it could work, couldn’t it? Oh! I could write one as well. So two people of power speak highly of him. You could write one as well, my darling one.”
“Fine, I shall write one as well. But first, you two need to have your dinner and then get your sleep. You have bodies to nourish besides your research”, she says and begins pushing them away from the desk gently.
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The Queen agrees to the letter without hesitation. She is quite taken by the idea that the first sorcerer of these lands could be one of her servants. She tells the court on the same day and soon talk about Hoseok’s dream is heard in every corner of the castle. Excitement is grande. Young master Hoseok will be the first ever sorcerer and Castle Sandrock will be known as his once loving home. So the people talk. The Queen even lets her trusted dressmakers create a most elegant gown for him so he could look his best and offers one of her carriages for him to take to the tower so he didn’t have to sweat through his new dress. One week later, Hoseok has everything he needs for the most compelling application and the day of his attempt can no longer be postponed.
The courtyard is busy with life on his day of leaving – even if he will return by nightfall again, it is after all just a conversation – and the day has been good till now. There were celebrations in the servant wing during breakfast and good cheers in the court room during lunch. Hoseok accepted it with burning cheeks and constant confessions that he feels unworthy of such support. Nobody acknowledged him and the celebrations continued. The Queen and her husband are standing by the carriage. Taehyung and his wife are beside them.
“I shall pray for your success”, the Queen says.
“I believe that you will be successful”, her husband says.
“Thank you so much, your highness. I do not know how to be worthy of such support”, Hoseok says, bowing deeply.
“Just come home with good news.”
“I will, my Queen. At least, I hope I will.”
The Queen laughs fondly, “I am most certain that you will.”
The princess presses a piece of fresh cake into his hands. It is wrapped in a silken handkerchief and still warm from the stone ovens. The faint smell of butter and vanilla comes with it.
“Fresh pearl cake for you”, she says, “I find its sweet taste calms me down in nervous moments. Perhaps it can aid you as well.”
“Thank you, your highness”, Hoseok says, bowing in gratitude.
“May the goddesses be with you.”
“Thank you, your highness”, Hoseok says, bowing deeper.
Taehyung doesn’t say his goodbyes because he promised to come with Hoseok. The two friends get into the carriage together and accompanied by music and cheers, they leave the courtyard for the tower.
The drive through the city is calm. The day is still young, but life is already busy. The merchants are promoting their fresh goods with loud calls and chants, the seagulls fly high above the painted roofs in search of an easy snack and many people use the sunny morning to get their shopping done. Hoseok doesn’t feel his nerves in the city because he has something to look at and listen to.
The tower of the sorceress is in a calmer area of the city, passed the two inner most walls and at the end of a steep road. It is walled in, but its gates are always open, and consists of not only the high tower but two buildings as well, which are used as housing for magical students and work rooms, as well as a shop which sells magical goods made by the students. Behind the high walls, a luscious garden offers everything the eyes and nose desire. Fruit trees and vegetable beds are always rich with their bearings, offering nourishment to people who might struggle with hunger. Flowers are always in bloom, filling the air with their sweet scents. Old trees offer shade to anyone who might need it and the big fountains offer clear water, which never runs out.
The carriage comes to a stop. Big formations of purple crystal sticks out from the ground, glimmering in the light and on the shop porch cats are napping in the warmth. Glimmering clouds of purple magic traverse the air, giving everyone who might walk through such a cloud a sensation of clarity. 
“It seems that we have arrived”, Taehyung says, studying the tower with wondrous eyes. Magic keeps the garden healthy and rich despite the hot weather and rainless days. The roof and window frames are coated with golden paint, reflecting the light and in the high above chambers purple curtains sway in the breeze.
“This looks beautiful”, he says, “you have windows here as well. Oh and they are so big.”
Hoseok can barely hear his friend’s excited words for he is too occupied with gawking at the stream of excited girls and young women flooding the tower gates with dreams of a brighter future. So many people came today.
Hoseok closes the curtain and gulps.
Taehyung reaches over to pat his knee.
“Nervous?” he asks.
“Frightened. Have you seen all these people? How should I even stand a chance?”
“You stand a chance because you are you and you deserve it.”
“Shall we turn around again? Let us turn around again.”
“No”, Taehyung shakes his head vigorously, “no, you have worked so hard for this. At least try. If it fails, you can say that you tried your best, otherwise you will already have failed.”
Hoseok gives in with a sigh, “you are right. Oh Taehyung, I am so nervous.”
“Don’t be, you will do wonderful in there”, Taehyung assures him and stands up to hug his best friend, “if you get too scared, think of me. I will wait right here outside these walls and think positive things about you.”
Hoseok smiles, “thank you. This makes me feel better.”
“Now go in there and show everyone why you deserve to study magic”, Taehyung says and smiles.
Hoseok frowns in dedication, “I will show everyone, yes I will.”
“That is the spirit! I am cheering for you”, Taehyung says and stays by the carriage while Hoseok leaves for the gates. He waves his friend until the masses swallow him. He releases a sigh of contentment, turning to his guard, “what say you? I saw a small shop filled with art down this road. Do you believe that we have time to visit it?”
“I believe we do, my lord.”
“Very well, then I want to go there.”
“Yes, my lord.”
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Hoseok clutches his bag with both hands, trying not the look left and right in fear of seeing the judgemental eyes of others. He can feel them surround him, shrinking him more and more the closer to the tower he gets. He is aware that he is wrong here, but it still hurts to feel it so obviously. Most of the people are too busy with their own nervousness to care however. 
“Leave me alone, you old hag!”
A loud voice calls Hoseok’s attention. An old, clearly weak woman tried to seek support on an arm of one of the women storming into the castle. The latter is slapping her hands away, calling her an “old hag” once again.
Hoseok stops in his steps. None else does. He watches for a few more moments to see if the situation resolves itself. The young woman storms off with her friends, leaving the old woman stranded by the wall. She looks helpless, trying so very hard to pick up herself up, but failing miserably as her own age betrays her. People pass her, but nobody helps.
Hoseok furrows his brows and runs to her.
“Forgive me, do you need help?” he asks, stretching out his hands to her.
The old woman lifts her head slowly, squinting her eyes to see better.
“Oh? Young boy, you come at my lowest times. I walked along these walls before I felt the sugar in my blood sink and now I have also dropped my bags. I cannot get up. Oh, these aren’t good times to see me, young boy.”
Hoseok squats down beside her
“Please, worry not”, he assures her, “may I place my hand on you to support you?”
“Yes, young boy.”
Hoseok does it gently and carefully, rubbing her arm slowly.
“Worry not, we will just sit here for a while until the drowsiness passes”, he says and offers her his waterskin, “please drink something. Clear water, collected just this morning.”
“Oh? Oh goddesses be pleased, thank you”, she accepts it.
Hoseok helps her drink from it. Next he offers her all his pearl cake.
“I couldn’t.”
“Pearl cake. It contains sugars. I wouldn’t want you to lose consciousness.”
“Are you certain, young boy? I have already robbed you of your water, I do not want to steal your food as well.”
“I wish to give this to you. You need it more than I do”, he says and smiles. When she still hesitates, he breaks off a small piece, offering it to her.
“Oh, young boy. You are too good to me”, she says and accepts it. She eats it, chewing it with the little amount of teeth she still has left, “oh it is wonderful. So sweet and very delicate on my teeth”, she says and smiles to show off her gums.
Hoseok laughs fondly, “you have a bright smile.”
“It was brighter in my youth”, she jokes, making him snicker.
“I am sure it was.”
“Thank you, young boy. You can go now if you wish to. I can manage on my own.”
Hoseok however dismisses her with a shake of his head, “I would feel terrible if I left you like this.”
“Oh, young boy you are too good to me.”
Hoseok and the old woman chat until she has finished the pearl cake and water. She tells him how she is on her way home from the market and that she bought all her food for the week. She looks ashamed when she tells him that she began to feel weak, but Hoseok assured her that there was no shame in it and that the days have been exhaustingly hot lately. She agreed with a nod of her head and a curse to the heavens for heating up the earth so much. Then she drifts off and begins telling stories from when she felt better and that she has a barely studied disease the doctors call diabetes. Hoseok asked for more information, but all she could tell him is that she can’t eat too many sweets as this could be dangerous, but also not too little as this would make her faint. He didn’t quite understand it, but she assured him that the doctors didn’t either yet. Then she asks if Hoseok had somewhere to be.
Hoseok looks over his shoulder. The roads are empty. His heart skips a panicked beat. How much time has passed? He looks back at the old woman and her innocent curiosity in her eyes.
“The sorceress’ tower”, he says and sighs in defeat, “I want to apply as her apprentice, but I do not know if this is even a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Because I am a boy.”
“Well, you should still try.”
“You believe so?”
“Yes I really do”, she says and begins standing up with grunts.
“Wait! Let me help”, Hoseok says, stumbling to his feet hastily so he could support her.
“Oh, thank you young boy, thank you. Oh, my old bones aren’t what they used to be. Oh, aging is a curse”, she says and then tries to reach for her bags.
“Please, allow me”, he says, picking them up instead, “where is your home?”
“No, no I couldn’t. You need to go to the tower, not help an old woman carry her food.”
“I couldn’t leave you alone like this. What if the sugar in your blood sinks again?”
“Would you truly do this for an old hag?”
“You aren’t a hag. I wish to help you. Life is easier this way”, he says and offers her his arm to hold on to.
She takes it gladly, pointing west.
“My house is this way. It isn’t big, but it keeps the heat out. I couldn’t ask for more.”
“Then we shall walk there together. If you need to take a break, please let me know.”
They leave the tower gate behind in slow steps. Time still passes, but Hoseok can’t think about it right now. He really wants to help this woman, he doesn’t care how long it will take.
“Do you live close by as well, young man?”
“I live in this city, but I’m not from here.”
“You aren’t?”
“No, I come from the Snow Isles.”
“The Snow Isles? Oh this is so far away. What brings you so, so far away from home?”
“My best friend married a woman from here and I followed him.”
“A woman you say?”
“Yes, he was promised to her and I…” Hoseok falters. He doesn’t like to tell people who he really is because most people begin to feel inferior once they do. He doesn’t want people to feel as if they were less than him and so he lies, “…I came with him because he was scared to leave home. He is one year younger than me and we have been best friends since he was only eight months of age.”
“Eight months of age you say? And how old are you now?”
“I am twenty and three of age. He is still twenty and two. We have been here for more than two years now.”
“Oh, then you have known each other for a long time.”
“Yes, we have. He feels like a brother to me. He is still a little naïve sometimes, but his heart is at the right place. He supports me in my dream even if it is foolish.”
“And why is it foolish?”
“Because no boy was ever allowed in this school. We aren’t meant to learn magic.”
“Well, times can change. Don’t you think?”
“Yes, I do agree, but it is also a foolish thing to think.”
“No it isn’t. I do not know you, but I believe in you.”
“Thank you, this means a very lot to me.”
The woman lives quite far from the school. Hoseok doesn’t complain, supporting her until she is sitting safely in her own home. She talks about dizziness again and so Hoseok offers to cook something for her which will raise the sugar in her blood again. She refuses more times than not, talking about how she already stole too much of his time. But he didn’t care. He helped her. He put the food she bought aside and cooked a healthy meal for her. He stayed with her until she ate and then helped her relax her swollen feet. He would have also helped her in setting up her bed, but she managed to send him away before that, stuffing money into his hands for all he did.
“I couldn’t”, he refuses, shaking his head vigorously.
“Take it, please I insist.”
“But, this is your money. I couldn’t take it.”
“I wish to give this to you. The only thing I need from you is your name so I can include you in my prayers from now on.”
“Hoseok. My name is Hoseok, but please keep your money.”
“Hoseok”, she smiles, “I shall remember your name, Hoseok”, she says and pulls her hands away so he can’t attempt to place the money back into them.
Hoseok gives up with a sigh, bowing deeply.
“Thank you, I will spend the money well”, he lies, “perhaps we will see each other again. I will pray for your health as well.”
“Yes, I believe that we will see each other again”, she says and looks at him with a knowing glint in her eyes. Perhaps the light deceived him, but they looked purple for just a second. He shakes away the funny feeling and bows one last time.
Then he leaves, letting her think that he took the money. He slips it and one of his rings back under the door once he closed it, leaving before she could notice. He feels good about helping her until the hall of prayer close by reminds him of the time with loud calls of bells. Two hours. He spent two hours with this woman. The applications only last another hour.
Hoseok jumps into a full sprint, running back to the school even if the distance is grande. He has to be punctual! He has to get there in time! If he loses his chance because he didn’t run fast enough, he will forever blame himself! Quick! Run! Quick, quick, quick!
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He arrives, heaving and panting. His clothes are soaked in his sweat, his head is just a little dizzy. The sun has never felt more punishing than it does right now.
He comes to a stop in a stumble, supporting himself by leaning his hands on his knees.
“What brings you here?” the guards ask him.
“I…am…here…for…the…appli…cations”, he is heaving out his words, barely managing to breathe.
“The doors are closed.”
“What?” he gasps, “no”, he shakes his head, “no, please allow me to enter. Please.”
The guards exchange an annoyed look.
“The doors are closed.”
Hoseok feels like crying. He came too late.
“Please”, he begs, “please I promise to be quiet, please.”
“Leave, boy. The doors are closed.”
Is it because he is a boy? Is that the reason?
“Is it because I am a boy?”
She curls her lips in distaste. The glimmer in her eyes lets him know that it truly was because he was a boy.
“No. You simply came too late.”
“Leave before we make you”, she warns, flashing her eyes purple.
Hoseok takes a cautious step back. Anger, frustration, sadness, helplessness. He feels all of it. He is going to fail not because he came too late or didn’t impress the sorceress enough, but because the guards are cruel sexists.
“No. You-”
“Wait! Please wait!”, a girl stumbles next to Hoseok, coming to a stop with a squeak. She must have been running as well because sweat pearls have collected on her forehead, “forgive me, oh forgive me I arrived too late. Are the doors still open?”
The guards grind their teeth in annoyance. Hoseok stifles his victorious smile.
“Yes”, they press out and step aside.
“Thank you, oh thank you”, she says and hurries inside.
Hoseok follows her, looking over his shoulder to send the guards the smile he was hiding. He did it. Now nothing can stand in his way anymore.
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There aren’t many people left in the waiting room. They all look at him as he passes the threshold. Whispers begin instantly, but Hoseok doesn’t care. He is too busy with recovering from the intense run. So much for taking a carriage so he wouldn’t ruin his new clothes. He looks as if he took a dive in the ocean. He reaches for his waterskin. Empty. He grunts, dropping his head against the wall in exhaustion. He is going to die in these halls.
Three other girls enter and leave the hearing room until Hoseok finally somehow recovers from his run. He scoots up the seats with the remaining girls, finally feeling ready to look around. They are staring at him. The girl which also arrived too late is missing. She must have already left.
One of them scrunches her nose at him in distaste.
“Why are you here?” she asks.
“The same as you”, he answers her snappishly because he recognises her. She was the one who abandoned the old woman.
“You aren’t allowed to be here.”
“Yes, I am.”
“No you’re not. This place is for girls only.”
“No, it is not.”
She scoffs in distaste. Others are chuckling quietly. Hoseok stands his ground, staring her down. She curls her lips.
“You are sweating, it’s revolting”, she says.
“That is because I just ran quite the distance and it is hot outside.”
“Well, I don’t like it. You look ugly.”
“Not as ugly as you.”
She gasps. The others around her do as well.
“Excuse me?” she hisses.
“I watched you abandon the old woman outside the walls. Your ugly soul makes you the ugliest here”, he says and turns his head away.
“How dare you! You come in here and insult me? Who do you think you are?”
Hoseok ignores her.
“I’m talking to you”, she hisses and reaches over to slap his arm harshly, “I said, I’m talking to you.”
Hoseok sends her a deathly glare and stands up to walk closer to the door.
“What’s your problem, why are you ignoring me?” she spits and jumps up to attack him again.
The door opens. The girl, who was just inside, stares as the scene unfolding. The guard by the door does as well and far in the back the sorceress is watching it happen. The rude woman with the ugly soul stops her attack on Hoseok and presses herself past the girl coming outside.
“It was about time, I was wait…” the door falls closed and silences her.
Hoseok finally releases the nervous breath he was holding in, rubbing the spot the rude girl hit multiple times. It hurts.
“Are you hurt?”
Hoseok looks at the girl who just came out of the hearing room. She was the one who also running late.
“I am fine. How did it go inside?” he asks her.
“Oh, I do not know. I felt so nervous that I kept messing up my words.”
“I understand you so well. I feel so nervous as well.”
“So you are also here to learn?”
“I am.”
“But you are a boy. Are boys allowed here?”
“I want to be the first sorcerer in this school.”
“Oh? I see. You must be so nervous then.”
“I am. I really am.”
“I can see that. You look very hot. Are you sure that you are fine?”
“I am. I ran and have no water left to drink”, he says and chuckles nervously, “I hope that my throat doesn’t constrict inside.”
“Do you want some of my water? I already drank from it, but if you don’t mind.”
“Would you really? I hate to beg, but I ran so far.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t mind. Please”, she says and offers her waterskin.
Hoseok accepts it with a deep bow, drinking from it almost greedily. Oh it feels so good to drink. He felt so close to his end.
He tries not to drink all of it, handing it back to the girl.
“I bless you. This truly saved me.”
“I am just glad that I could help”, she says and smiles, “I wish you luck. Maybe if you succeed, my brother could too one day.”
Hoseok feels warm in his chest. He is already inspiring people. He nods his head vigorously.
“Yes, yes indeed. I believe that he will.”
She bows her head at him, “perhaps we will see each other again at school.”
He bows his head at her, “perhaps we will.”
She leaves then, looking over her shoulder one last time before she crosses the corner.
Hoseok takes a deep breath. Now that he finally had some water to drink, his head feels clearer. He needs to prepare. He takes out his application from his bag and begins reading.
He doesn’t notice when the rude girl comes back out, neither does he notice her poisonous glances until she talks to him.
“You are still here”, she spits, making herself big in front of him.
Hoseok lowers his papers, looking down at her.
“I wasn’t in the hearing room yet, so yes I am.”
“You should leave now. You won’t ever stand a chance.”
“We will see about that.”
She scoffs and slaps the papers out of his hands.
She turns and stomps away.
Hoseok squats down, picking up his papers with shaking hands. This hurt him. He is already nervous beyond recovery and now he was treated like garbage. He is too emotionally vulnerable to be bullied this way. The papers are out of order. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Everything is going wrong. His application is a mess.
Hoseok lifts his head.
“You’re next.”
“I, I haven’t sorted my papers yet.”
“You can do it inside. Time’s ticking”, the guard says.
Hoseok feels dizzy, scrambling to pick up his papers.
“Hurry up.”
“I am, please.”
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The sorceress Selen lifts her head at the noises by the door. Her guard is talking to one of the potential students. Like always, she has a harsh tone going on. Whoever she is rushing, seems to be quite upset about it. Second later he stumbles into the room. The sorceress Selen widens her eyes in surprise. A boy? This is new.
Said boy is busy with sorting papers. So busy in fact that he doesn’t even notice her presence until she greets him.
He lifts his head, “oh? Oh, heavens. Please fo-forgive me”, he bows deeply, dropping his papers again, “no! Oh no, my application! Not again!” he exclaims and falls to his knees to sort it out.
She stands up so she could see past her desk. His hands are trembling uncontrollably as he is picking up the papers.
“Are you alright?”
“Pl-please forgive me. I, I am sorry. I d-dropped my application. I- please forgive me, please”, he stutters, working hastily to fix it, “foolish Hoseok. You are foolish.”
He seems to be talking to himself. Poor boy.
With pity in her heart, she rounds the table to help him.
“No please you, you do not have to help I, I- oh god.”
“Don’t worry. I wish to help you. Life is easier this way.”
Hoseok falters. The words seem familiar to him, but he cannot remember where and if he heard them before. He lowers his head after meeting the sorceress’ purple eyes.
“Thank you. I-I am not usually that clumsy.”
“Worry not”, she assures him and hands him the finished papers, “there you go.”
“I thank you. My deepest gratitude, truly.”
She stands back up and rounds the table. She sits down, waiting until the young man sat down as well. He sits as straight as possible, holding his head high even if he can barely keep up eye contact. He looks very obviously hot. As if he ran quite the distance. She studies the papers he is clutching, then looks back into his eyes.
“Are you feeling alright? You look quite hot.”
“I had to run quite far.”
He shakes his head vigorously, “no, my lady sorceress, I have been awake with the first ray of sunlight, preparing for today.”
He nods his head.
“So why were you running?”
“I…” Hoseok could tell her about what he did, but he doesn’t want to come off as if he was boasting. He didn’t help this old woman because he wanted to boast, he helped her because he wanted to be kind. He decides against telling her, “…I had something important to do, which took me quite far from this school. So I had to run back again in order not to miss the hearing.”
“Mhm, something important you say. Very well then. Now, your name is Hoseok?”
“Yes, indeed. I am Hoseok.”
“And why are you here, Hoseok?”
“I want to become one of your students”, he says and slides over the papers, “I know I am not your usual candidate, but I am a hard worker and a diligent learner. I wrote an application and, and there are also letters of recommendation.”
“You wrote an application?” she asks, lifting up the papers with the help of magic.
“I did yes. I, I had no idea how to, so I spent all day reading books about it and practicing until it was as perfect as it could be.”
“You researched how to write applications?”
Hoseok’s cheeks light up, “I, I meant- I didn’t- I mean I did, but I- I wanted it to be perfect.”
“I see”, she says and looks into the papers. She skims her eyes over them, but does not begin reading them yet, “I shall read through them later”, she says and fixes the heap into one neat stack.
Hoseok gulps nervously, ogling the papers. He does not know what this means meant. Oh, his heart might give up in his chest.
“I thank you for coming here. You will hear from me soon.”
“You have no questions for me?” he gasps.
“I have everything I need to know.”
“But”, Hoseok stops his lower lip from trembling, “I truly want this position.”
“I am certain that you do. So do many other young women however.”
“I, I dreamt of being a sorcerer ever since I could think and, and I know that I-I am a man and that it, it isn’t tradition in these lands for boys to learn magic, but I know that I could do it. I, I want it and I will work so very hard for it. I will work so, so hard until my fingers are sore and my mind foggy. Please. You could count on me, my lady sorceress. I work hard and well and I do not break under pressure. I am also very cleanly and punctual and I fulfill each task to perfection. I, I can also read and write and I enjoy studying. Please my lady sorceress Selen, give me a chance. Please, I wouldn’t disappoint you.”
The sorceress Selen listened to his nervous babbling with a tinge of fondness in her heart. The passion burned in his eyes and the love for his dream was obvious in his voice.
“Thank you young master Hoseok, for your passionate words. I shall consider them.”
Hoseok panics. He said too much, came off as rude and obtrusive. He stands up quickly to apologise with a bow. He bows so vigorously that he hits his head on the desk. It is loud, forcing a squeak out of Hoseok as well. He stumbles back, touching his aching forehead.
“Oh! By Razula!” the sorceress exclaims, jumping up in shock, “are you hurt?” she gasps, reaching for him to hold him by his shoulders in case he loses his consciousness.
Yes, it hurts. He feels dizzy and his skull is pulsing, but nothing hurts more than the shame Hoseok feels. He made a fool of himself. Now the sorceress won’t ever consider him.
“I, I am not hurt”, he stutters, bowing again because the shame sits too deep, “please forgive me. I, I took too much of your time. Please forgive me.”
His face literally feels as if flames were melting off his skin. He is so ashamed that he wishes for the gates of Helva to swallow him whole. He feels tears in his eyes.
“Please forgive me, please”, he pleads and turns to run away.
“You-”, the sorceress does not get to finish her sentence because Hoseok left the room before that, slamming the door accidentally.
She allows the situation to sink in with her mouth open in shock and her body stiff in surprise. This was the most peculiar situation which has happened to her in a long time.
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Hoseok almost throws himself into the carriage, falling around Taehyung’s neck before the young prince could even say his first word. He drops his sweet ice cream from the impact, grunting.
“Oh? Did it go so well?” he asks, hugging his best friend back.
Hoseok sobs heartbreakingly just as the carriage begins to move.
“Hoseok”, Taehyung gasps, tightening the hug, “what happened?”
“I made a fool of myself”, Hoseok chokes out and wails painfully.
“Why? What happened?”
Hoseok tells Taehyung how the sorceress didn’t even read his applications nor ask him questions and how he acted obtrusive only to completely embarrass himself by hitting his head on her table. He barely gets the words out as he cries as if he just lost every person dear to him. And Taehyung listens to him, trying to comfort him without any sign of success.
The castle welcomes him back with music and cheers, but that soon dies down when Hoseok leaves the carriage and runs straight to his chambers. Taehyung tells everyone what happened and no one truly knows how to behave once they know. A deep grieving is shared however.
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Hoseok doesn’t leave his chambers for days. Taehyung is the one to make sure that he eats and drinks, but Hoseok never allows him to enter. The young prince has to put the tray of food in front of his door and come collect the empty one, hours later. He tries to talk to him, but the only thing he gets are mumbled “leave me alone”s or “go away”s. Hoseok is grieving, there is no denying that.
Taehyung huffs out air in frustration. He was painting in the orange gardens when he thought of his best friend again. He looks at his window. The curtains are drawn closed. Another huff of air shows how helpless Taehyung feels. He doesn’t know what to do to make Hoseok feel better again. His heart got shattered and Taehyung has no idea how he could glue it back together.
“Young prince Taehyung?”
Taehyung looks at his servant.
“The letters of today.”
“Letters?” Taehyung stands up to get the heap of letters from the silver platter. The servant bows his head at him, watching the young prince sort through them.
Most are of royal duty, some are from his family back home and some are merchants attempting to advertise their expensive goods. Taehyung will read through them later. He reaches the end of the heap, widening his eyes.
A purple envelope with golden lettering spelling Hoseok’s name. The sorceress’ wax sigil keeps the letter closed. It is a dark purple colour.
“Is this…” his servant asks.
“It is”, Taehyung confirms, exchanging a shocked look with him.
“Your highness, did he do it?”
“Perhaps? Come, we have to give it to him.”
The young prince and his servant leave the orange garden, running to Hoseok’s chambers.
Taehyung doesn’t bother to knock, entering Hoseok’s room by calling his name.
The latter is lying in bed, lifting his tired head. He is squinting his eyes. His silver hair is messy. The air smells old.
“Hoseok! Hoseok, I have news!”
“I am not interested, just leave me alone”, Hoseok grumbles and buries his face in the pillow.
“You will want to know these news”, Taehyung says and jumps onto Hoseok’s bed, “Namgil, please open the curtains.”
“Yes, your highness.”
“No. No light. Just leave me alone”, Hoseok whines and pulls the blanket over his head.
Taehyung drags the blanket away. Hoseok fights him weakly, whining his name.
“Look. Hoseok, look”, Taehyung insists, waving the purple envelope in front of Hoseok’s face.
The heartbroken man peels his eyes open groggily.
Hoseok shoots up instantly, ripping the letter out of Taehyung’s hand. He moves it closer to his face, squinting his eyes to make sure that they aren’t deceiving him.
“What?” he presses out.
“It arrived earlier. Look, this is the sorceress’ sigil and, and this is your name”, Taehyung says, bouncing on the mattress as he points at them. He is so excited that he can barely contain himself.
“This can’t be”, Hoseok whispers and rips the sigil to unfold the latter.
Namgil sits down next to him, trying to steal a glance. He is just as excited as Taehyung.
“And? What does it say?” Taehyung stresses, “tell us please. We are dying in curiosity. What does it say?”
Hoseok lowers the letter, staring at Taehyung.
“What is it? Did you get the position?”
“I did”
“You did?!”
Hoseok nods his head.
“Yes! You did! Hoseok, you did!” Taehyung screams in excitement and falls around his best friend’s neck.
Hoseok is stiff and silent at first. The shock sits too deep. But as Taehyung’s laughs and sobs and cheers continue, the realisation of his situation begins to seep in. It isn’t long until Hoseok is sobbing and laughing as well, hugging Taehyung as if his life depended on it.
“I did it!”
“You did it! Hoseok, you did it!” Taehyung says and pulls Hoseok to his feet so they could jump on the bed together. Namgil joins as well. The three men hold hands and cheer loudly, so loudly in fact that soon guards peek inside the room asking if everything was fine.
“Tell everyone that Hoseok managed to get into the school”, Taehyung tells her with sparkling eyes.
“Oh! By the goddesses! Congratulation, Hoseok! I will tell everyone!” she exclaims and hurries away to spread the news in the castle.
The celebrations about Hoseok’s success last until the early morning hours. Dance is plenty, food delicious and wine most intoxicating. Hoseok, Lord of Court of Sandrock Castle will be the first sorcerer of these lands! Oh the news couldn’t be any sweeter.
But where sweetness lies, bitterness follows and only two days later, the moment of his goodbye has come. The court is excited for his future and yet terribly sad to part ways. His fellow servants already said their goodbyes to him with tears and a basket of fruits they saved up for together. The Queen and her husband said goodbye with white dresses he could wear at school and the promise that he will always be welcome at the castle. The princess is holding her husband, who has been sad ever since the morning.
The carriage is packed. There is no reason for Hoseok to stay any longer.
“So, I believe it is time for me to go”, Hoseok says.
“We wish you luck”, the Queen says.
“Thank you, your highness. Not only for your kind words, but also for your support. I am but a mere servant and you didn’t have to be so kind to me. So thank you”, Hoseok says, bowing until his chest touched his own thighs.
“We are all equal. You may have served my son in law, but you are also his dearest friend and his lord-in-waiting. Do not thank me for my kindness, I am happy to give it to you.”
“Thank you, your highness”, Hoseok says and straightens up. He looks at the princess, “you will have to take care of him for me.”
She laughs, “I will gladly do so. Good blessings, dear Hoseok.”
“Thank you, your highness”, Hoseok bows his head, then looks at Taehyung.
The latter pouts sadly, throwing himself around his neck in a tight hug.
“Please promise to write as often as you can”, he murmurs into him.
“I will. I hope that you write as well.”
Taehyung steps back, nodding his head vigorously.
“I will. Oh, you will get tired of me. I will write so many letters.”
The two men giggle, holding hands.
“And you have to visit on the weekends. Please, we need to talk in the orange gardens and swim in the blue lagoons.”
Hoseok nods his head vigorously, “I will visit whenever I can. I promise.”
“Good”, Taehyung says and falls around his neck, “I will miss you so much.”
“I will miss you too”, Hoseok says, closing his eyes as he enjoys his best friend’s hug before he can’t feel it for quite some time.
“Please be happy and successful. I will think of you each night.”
“Me too. Be happy as well and never stop painting.”
Taehyung laughs, but it sounds just a little like a sob. The two men hug each other tighter, laughing eventhough they are secretly crying.
“I won’t.”
“Good. That is good.”
The goodbye is bittersweet. The life they once knew and grew up with ends and a new one begins. It hurts. But they will each follow their dreams and will only be apart an hour by foot. It lessens the pain and gives both of them happiness. They will be apart, but still close. They won’t live their old lives anymore, but will finally follow their dreams. The goodbye is bittersweet. It truly is.
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The streets in front of the school are calm today, which allows the carriage to drive all the way to the front steps of the student housing.
Hoseok steps out of the carriage, thanking the royal guard for helping him. He is conversing with her, blind to the shocked looks the magical guards send him. They are aware what the sigil on their armour meant and the realisation of who they were rude to just weeks ago sits heavy in their stomachs. And while Hoseok is talking to the guard, the servants he once commanded, carry his luggage to the student housing. They ask the guards where they must go and the latter tell them with nervousness in their voices.
“I wish you good blessings”, the guard says.
“Thank you Nepheli, I wish you good blessings as well”, Hoseok says, looking over his shoulder, “did Namgil disappear with the cases already?”
“It appears so.”
“Oh, well I see”, Hoseok gives Nepheli a smile, “we will see each other again.”
She bows her head, “most definitely we will.”
Once Namgil and two other servants return from Hoseok’s new chambers, it is time for the carriage to return to the castle. Hoseok waves to them until they disappear outside the walls. He lowers his arms and takes a deep breath. His heart is racing, but it isn’t for an uncomfortable reason.
He is excited.
His new life lies behind these doors.
He will finally study the arts of magic.
Hoseok contains the dance of happiness he wants to do and turns around. His eyes meet those of the guards. The judgment of once is gone. Nervousness replaced it.
They bow their heads at him, “my lord, I see that you were successful.”
Hoseok blinks his eyes in confusion. Why are they bowing their heads?
“May we help you with anything?”
“No, uh”, he clears his throat, “well, uh, where do I have to go?”
“Please, follow me, my lord.”
“Very well?” Hoseok follows her confusedly.
They have walked quite some time when he finally talks.
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, my lord?”
“Why are you calling me this way?”
“Well, are you not from the royal court?”
“Oh”, now he understands. They must have seen the royal crest and thought that he was of royal blood. Hoseok touches the side of his neck, flustering slightly, “some could say that I am.”
“My lord”, she bows her head, “I hope that our behaviour last time carries no consequences. You must know, we only followed our duties.”
Hoseok doesn’t like to feel superior. Again, he never tells people what his profession once was. But he also likes the sense of victory their apology gives him. They weren’t following duties last time, they were being sexist. Hoseok decides to let them boil in their misunderstanding a while longer.
“I understand. I had already feared that this school was guarded by a bunch of sexists.”
She laughs awkwardly, “no, my lord. Of course not. Everyone is welcome here.”
“Good. I hope it stays this way.”
“Yes, my lord”, she bows, then points at an open door, “the first lecture is here, my lord.”
“Thank you”, Hoseok says and walks off without bowing. His heart might actually fall out of his ribcage. He never felt more nervous before than he did right now. This was the first time he left a conversation without having to bow. Oh he is such a liar. This will have consequences for sure.
And while Hoseok thinks of his own actions, he scans his eyes over the classroom. It is high up in the tower with windows on six of the eight walls. Only the wall with the teaching board and the door have no windows. Two of the windows are facing into the hallways while the other four show the outside world. It is a sunny day, so the class room is flooded with natural light. Big chunks of purple crystal reflect the rays and on most wooden desks, young women were sitting. Small groups of chatting women have already formed. Their conversations die down when Hoseok enters the classroom. Whispers, which aren’t very secret, run through the room. Questions if “this” was a boy, wonders why he was here and rude comments about how he is wrong here all meet Hoseok’s ears.
He swallows down his nerves and lifts his hand to wave at the group of judging women.
“Good day, I am Hoseok. How are you all doing?”
All their heads turn away in sync and Hoseok is left without getting an answer. It stings, as much as it embarrasses him. He probably would have felt like crying when a sweet voice hadn’t called his name. He turns his head.
It is her. The girl, who also came too late and who saved his future back then. She is sitting with two other girls, waving her hand at him.
Hoseok jogs to her with a smile on his lips.
“You made it”, she says.
“You made it as well”, he says.
“I did. Oh, I am so happy to see you. Not only because I know nobody here, but because you made it.”
“I know nobody either. My name is Hoseok”, he says.
“I know, I heard. My name is ___.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, ___.”
“The pleasure is all mine”, you say and continues with a shy gleam in your eyes, “do you want to sit together?”
“Yes, I would like that”, Hoseok says and sits down by the desk next to yours. His heart is fluttering. He is making friends. He doesn’t have to spend his entire academic career as an outsider. He turns his knees to you and gives you a smile.
You retort it.
“How are you doing?”
“Excited. I couldn’t sleep at all because I knew what today would bring. You?”
“Excited as well. And nervous”, Hoseok confesses, “I don’t think that I am very welcome here.”
You scan your eyes over the room. The conversations have become significantly quieter ever since Hoseok is in the room. Confused and judgemental looks meet his direction every now and then.
“It is the first time that a boy is learning magic. I believe that they are all just very confused.”
“I want to believe this as well”, Hoseok agrees and shifts his eyes to the two girls behind you, “nice to meet you.”
One of them has hair as red as fire, while the other has silver hair just like Hoseok. They both looked surprised to be addressed.
“Oh? Oh, uhm. Nice to meet you”, the silver haired girl says, “I’m Becca.”
“I’m Ash, nice to meet you”, the fire-haired girl says.
“Are you three friends?” Hoseok asks.
“No, we have only met today”, you say.
“I see, so we are all in the same boat.”
“We are”, Becca says, “are you really a boy?”
Hoseok nods his head.
“Are you actually allowed here?”
Hoseok shrugs his shoulders, “I managed to get in, so I must be”, he grins, “I am going to become the first sorcerer of these lands.”
“Woah”, Ash gasps, exchanging a look with Becca, “are you allowed to do that?” she is whispering the question as if it was a forbidden secret.
“I decided to rather ask for forgiveness than permission”, Hoseok whispers as well, making the girl snicker and hide their mouths behind their hands. A sense of excited glee washes over their faces. As if they are now part of a secret plan to change the world.
Hoseok smiles proudly, relaxing back into his seat. He feels relieved to know that he won’t be such an outsider here. That was truly his greatest fear.
Hoseok would have continued to chat with his new friends, hadn’t sorceress Selen entered the room, announcing herself with a clear of her throat. The classroom grows silent instantly.
A plethora of sorceresses enter the room behind her, lining up along the front of the classroom.
“Good morning, class”, sorceress Selen says loudly.
“Good morning, sorceress Selen”, the class answers back.
“As you all may know, you are the very few lucky ones who have impressed me. Some more than others”, she says, meeting Hoseok’s eyes long enough that the rest of the class notices. The jealous looks are instant. Hoseok feels hot under them, sinking deeper into his chair in hopes of hiding away.
Sorceress Selen breaks eye contact, scanning her eyes over the class as she talks.
“Remember that there has been a first for anything on earth. Someone had to take the first swim, the first run, someone had to taste sugar for the first time and someone had to have the first hangover. There will never stop being firsts and I ask of you to show the respect I see in every single one of you. Understood?”
It is obvious to all that she meant Hoseok’s presence in these halls. This is a first. Never before was there a boy studying magic in this school. 
“Yes, Sorceress Selen”, the class answers hesitantly.
“Very good. Now, my name is, as you all know, Sorceress Selen. I am the headmistress of this school and I will also be your teacher of glintstone magic”, she says and steps back to allow another sorceress the spotlight.
“My name is Sorceress Zenith. I will be your teacher of magical potions.”
The next sorceress calls herself Ceva, introducing herself as the class’ teacher of magical literature.
Sorceress Ciri will be the teacher of magical history and Sorceress Cintra will teach the ways of magical transformation. The first year will only have five courses, but they promise that the students will have a lot of work to do and that five are very much enough.
“Now that we introduced ourselves, we would like you to do the same. Go on, stand up and introduce yourselves to the class. Be kind, you will spend a lot of time with each other.”
One by one the students stand up and introduce themselves. Hoseok listens intently to all of them, trying his hardest to memorise their names. The class is a good mixture of all social stands, races and nationalities. Hoseok is surprised at how many girls from other queendoms come to this school to learn. He likes it however. It makes his Snow Isles heart feel less alone in being so far from home. He feels his pulse increase the closer to his turn the introductions come and by the time it is finally his turn, his cheeks have started to heat up.
He stands up, looking around the room. All eyes are on him.
“My name is Hoseok, I come from the Snow Isles and I am here to learn magic just like all of you are, I believe, hah”, he says and laughs.
Nobody else laughs. Some even look at him angrily.
He clears his throat nervously, straightening his back.
“I know that you all must be very confused why I am here. A boy here in the school of magic, I know you must want to curse me and call me wrong. I do not blame you, but I want to say that if you need help, I am always willing to help”, he says and smiles, “I want all your very bests”, he says and bows, “thank you”, he says and sits back down.
The eyes linger on him just a little longer before you steal the attention by standing up loudly.
“I am ___. I was born and raised here and I live by the docks with my family. I am here to learn magic just like Hoseok already said”, you say, sending him a playful look, “that is all. Thank you.”
You sit back down, leaning closer to Hoseok to whisper. He leans in as well so he could listen better.
“You stole my joke”, you say and snicker.
“Forgive me, I panicked.”
“It’s alright. It was a good joke.”
Hoseok grins, agreeing with a nod of his head.
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The students have free time for the rest of the day. Most use it to move into their chambers. Hoseok does as well. The chambers consist of one small shared room and two connecting bed chambers with a small washing chamber connecting as well. Hoseok arrives last at his shared room.
“Oh, it is you.”
Hoseok is greeted by you, Ash and Becca.
“Are you my new chamber mates?”
“Indeed we are. We were already wondering who might be our fourth chamber mate. Are all of these things yours?”
Hoseok looks at the heap of packages in the middle of the room. He wasn’t even aware of how much he packed.
Hoseok blushes shyly, “yes, they might be mine.”
“Forgive me for asking, but are you a prince?”
“A prince? Me?” Hoseok laughs, shaking his head, “oh goddesses no, I am no prince. I…” he stops himself. He almost exposed that he served Taehyung, prince of the Snow Isles and future queen consort of the Sand Queendom.
“But these are golden hinges. Only those of royalty can afford golden hinges on their travel cases.”
“Well”, Hoseok touches the side of his neck shyly, “I might have served a prince before coming here.”
“A prince?!” his chamber mates all gasp in unison, inching closer as excitement overtakes them.
“Who did you serve?”
“Do we know him?”
“Where is he now?”
“Who is it?”
“We can keep secrets.”
They bombard him with questions. Ash even grasps his lower arm to shake it in excitement.
Hoseok takes a careful step back, lifting his hands in defeat.
“Very well, very well I will tell you”, he gives in.
“Oh this is exciting.”
“I want to know everything.”
“Tell us, please.”
They babble and chat, sitting down on the shared seating to listen to Hoseok. He sits down as well, blushing heavily when they all gather around him with minimal space between their bodies. Their excited eyes are glued to his face.
He clears his throat, “I left the Snow Isles as a servant. The prince I served was promised to a princess and as his lord in waiting it was my duty to follow him and serve him in his new home.”
“But…when you served a prince and he was promised to a princess from these lands, that means…” Becca’s eyes widen as realisation sets in, “that means you are serving prince Taehyung! You were a servant at Queen Ranni’s court!”
They gasp loudly, throwing their hands over their mouths.
“Is it true?”
“Did you truly?”
Hoseok nods his head hesitantly, lowering his eyes shyly.
“By Frenya!”
“This can’t be!”
“Oh this is mindruining!”
You take his lower arm and shake it excitedly, “how is it living at court? Is the Queen as kind as it says she is? Is the princess truly beautiful beyond compare? And prince Taehyung, is he truly such a wonderful soul as everyone says?”
“Yes. Yes, I would say that all of these things are true. The Queen and her daughter supported me in my dream of becoming a sorcerer. They didn’t have to do so and yet they did. And Taehyung”, Hoseok smiles fondly, “Taehyung is my best friend. He didn’t have to support my silly dreams, but he was the first to dream with me. He is the kindest soul you will meet. He truly is.”
“So the sayings are true. The royal family is kind hearted.”
“Yes, they are. They are kind people”, Hoseok says and smiles, “that brings me to something to give me”, he says and stands up, “the princess insisted that I bring presents for my new chamber mates. She must have feared that I would be hated here, so she gave me something to bribe your hearts”, Hoseok explains, making his chamber mates laugh.
He feels good about it. People only laugh at jokes when they like the person telling it. The princess’ worries were useless. He still wants to give them their presents however.
“It isn’t much, but I hope that you will enjoy it nonetheless”, Hoseok says and hands each of his chamber mates a hand woven basket filled with oranges from the castle garden, chocolate from the castle’s kitchen and sweet wine from the royal vineyards.
“These are expensive things. I couldn’t take them”, you refuse, shaking your head.
“No please, the princess insisted that you each get something. It will rot otherwise, so please enjoy it.”
They each accept the gift with shy gleams in their eyes.
“And what about you? What have you done before coming here?” Hoseok asks.
“I worked in the mountains”, Ash says, “I never thought of coming here, but then I discovered my magic by accidentally lifting a stone and my mother encouraged me to seek education so that perhaps one day I can return to the village as a sorceress.”
“I also discovered my magic by sheer luck”, Becca says, “I live by the sea not far from here. One day I helped a fish come to life again. That is when I knew I had to seek help from sorceress Selen and now I am here.”
“Oh your stories are both wonderful, I discovered my magic through stubbornness”, you say with a chuckle on your lips, “each day after waking up, I tried to move my candle until one day I finally did. I told my family and days later sorceress Selen’s letter arrived. I knew I had to take the chance and here I am.”
The girls giggle, but Hoseok can’t find it in himself to laugh. They all know how to do magic already? He believed that all of them are like him, that this school is supposed to awake the magical powers within them.
“What about you? How did you discover your magic?” you ask him.
Hoseok gulps nervously, “I…uh….”
“You have discovered it, haven’t you?”
“You haven’t”, you gasp, exchanging a shocked look with Becca and Ash.
“But how do you know if you even have powers inside you?” Becca asks.
Hoseok touches the side of his neck in soothing. He never thought of that.
“What if you aren’t meant for magic? Not everyone is”, Ash gasps.
Hoseok feels his stomach twist. He never thought of that either. He believed that everyone can learn magic through hard work. He believed that magic slumbers in every person and that through hard work and proper education, they will awake.
“I thought that”, he begins, gulping down the nervous lump in his throat, “I thought that…that it would awake once I am at this school.”
“But how did you get through the application process?”
“What do you speak?”
“How did you manage to perform the spell without magic?”
“What spell?”
“The spell we had to perform to prove that we have magical abilities.”
“I, I didn’t have to perform a spell”, Hoseok stutters.
“So how did you get in?”
“M-maybe she saw something in me?” Hoseok says shyly.
“Alright”, Becca says and scrunches her nose.
Hoseok can see it in her eyes, her once friendly nature is gone. She looks at Ash and you. Ash’s face is cold as well.
“Shall we see if we can meet other people?” Becca asks.
“Yes we shall”, Ash says and stands up.
“That sounds like a good idea”, Hoseok says and stands up as well.
“Not you”, Becca says and drags Ash away from him.
“Oh”, Hoseok stops, feeling his chest sting.
They leave the room without looking back.
Hoseok lowers his head sadly, feeling a deep, deep pain in his heart.
“Well, that was just mean.”
Hoseok turns, studying you. You are frowning at the closed door.
“Are you feeling fine?” you ask him.
Hoseok shrugs his shoulders, pouting sadly.
“I am sorry they treated you this way. I’ve also only met them today, so this surprised me quite a lot.”
“You don’t have to be friendly with me if you don’t want to. I know I’m wrong here and that it seems as if sorceress Selen made a mistake.”
You furrow your brows, “but I want to be kind to you.”
You pat the spot next to you. Hoseok hesitates at first, but takes it in the end. You turn your knees to him, giving him a sweet smile.
“The trick with magic is that you have to visualise it”, you say and lift one of the oranges Hoseok gifted you, “take this orange for example. Visualise how it floats from my palm”, you explain and demonstrate.
Hoseok gasps, staring at the floating orange in awe.
“It is floating”, he says, meeting your eyes. They changed to a purple colour, “your eyes”, he gasps.
“That means that I am using my magic”, you explain and drop the orange again. The purple glow fades away, revealing your natural eye colour.
“The glow stopped”, Hoseok says, “how did you do this?”
“I practiced a lot. I didn’t always have my magic either, so don’t beat yourself up too much. Not everyone discovers their magic as easily.”
“But how did you manage to discover it? You made an orange float, that is beyond impressive.”
You laugh softly, “it is barely a proper spell.”
“Well, it is more than I can do”, Hoseok says and huffs out air in impatience.
“Try it. Visualise how the orange floats.”
“Alright, alright I will try”, Hoseok says and focuses on the orange in your hand. He tries so very hard. He really, really does but the orange stays unmoving. He gives up after a few tries, sagging his shoulders in defeat, “I cannot do it.”
“Don’t give up already, practice each morning until it finally works”, you encourage him and peel the orange, “come, let us eat oranges for now. I have always wondered how royal oranges taste.”
You break it in the middle as best as possible, handing him the second half. You bite into your own half as if it was an apple, spilling juice down your hands. You slurp it up, humming loudly at the sweet taste.
“So sweet”, you exclaim, giving him a smile, “I love oranges so much. My mother grows an orange tree in our garden. I would like to argue that our oranges taste just as sweet.”
Hoseok feels good in his chest upon receiving your smile. It feels genuine.
“Do you like oranges?”
“Yes”, he says and finally bites into his orange as well, “I love them as well. We don’t have them on the Snow Isles.”
“I can imagine. Your home must be so cold.”
“It is, but I must confess that I miss it a lot.”
“Oh, I can imagine that as well. It must be hard to leave your home and your family.”
“Taehyung is my family, so it wasn’t that hard”, Hoseok says and sighs sadly, “I did leave him now however. I hope he is fine.”
“I am sure that he is. He is the prince, he must have everything that he wishes.”
“Yes, I do believe you are right”, Hoseok says and smiles, “thank you for being so kind to me.”
“Please, don’t thank me for that. Here, do you want to share the chocolate as well?”
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The next day starts early, but Hoseok doesn’t mind. He is used to waking up earlier than other people. Work at the castle was always endless and it is the servants’ duties to prepare breakfast before the royal family wakes. Hoseok is used to early mornings, enjoying the calm morning hours. He washes himself in the washing chambers, then uses the hours before class to practice on an orange. Becca and Ash come out of their rooms as he practices.
“Why are you here?” Becca asks.
“Because this is my room as much as it is yours, so we can either make this comfortable for all of us by being grown-up enough to attempt to get along or make it uncomfortable by being childishly hostile. I know what I want to choose”, Hoseok throws back.
She doesn’t know what to say to that and so she drags Ash away to the washing chamber. Hoseok concentrates back on his orange. Visualise it. Visualise it. Come now Hoseok, visualise it.
Becca and Ash leave for breakfast soon, paying Hoseok no mind. Good. Complete neutrality to each other’s existence works for him as well.
“Good morrow.”
Hoseok looks over his shoulder, bowing his head at you.
“Good morrow.”
“You are practicing already? Oh, it is too early”, you grumble and drag your sleepy feet to the washing chambers.
Hoseok concentrates on his orange again, but with no results. You come out of the washing chambers before he could make it float.
“I have been practicing for so long, but nothing”, Hoseok says, sighing defeated, “I think it won’t work today.”
“Then you will try again tomorrow”, you say and point at the door, “shall we leave for class?”
“Ah yes, the class”, Hoseok’s eyes light up, “can you believe that we will be taught magic?”
“No, it sounds surreal.”
“It truly does.��
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Hoseok and you take the seats you took yesterday. Becca and Ash aren’t by their seats, spreading gossip with some girls in the front. Their chatter dies down when Hoseok enters the classroom and soon one of them walks up to him.
Hoseok lifts his head to look at her.
“I heard that you haven’t found your magic yet”, she says.
Hoseok sends a glare to Becca and Ash. They don’t dare to meet it, seeming oh so innocently shy all of a sudden. Gossiping wenches, Hoseok thinks and looks back at the girl in front of him. It is her. The rude girl from the application day.
“And if I haven’t?” he challenges her.
“Then you are wrong here.”
“Settle down, will you?” you warn, but the girl doesn’t listen.
“This is a school for women who know how to do magic, not spoiled boys who had the queen buy his way into it.”
Hoseok is a peaceful person and a slightly nervous person who doesn’t enjoy confrontation. Which is why it is quite surprising that he also cannot stand to be disrespected. He gets up from his chair, stepping closer to the rude girl until he towers over her.
“How about you tell me your name first before you go around insulting me for no reason whatsoever”, he hisses.
“Caria”, she says with confidence in her eyes.
“Caria”, Hoseok repeats calmly, “thank you, I will make sure to include it in my next letter to the Queen.”
Caria falters, “w-wait.”
“I jest”, Hoseok says and shows her an icy smile, “go back to your seat. Caria.”
Caria scurries off with panic in her eyes. Hoseok sends Becca and Ash a glare until they understand what he is implying, then sits back down again.
This is starting to properly anger him. He knows that he is the first boy attempting to learn magic, but these jealous girls are going too far.
“Don’t let them bring you down”, you whisper to him.
“I am not”, Hoseok says and shifts his eyes to the movement by the door.
He straightens up in shock, gawking at her with widened eyes. It is her. The old woman he helped outside the tower walls.
“Good morrow, class”, she says, dragging her old feet to the middle of the room, “go to your seats now, hop hop.”
Confused chatter goes through the room. Some seem to recognise the woman, while others are asking themselves who she could be. Hoseok is confused as well. Why is the old woman here? Why is she acting as if she was the one to teach?
She scans her eyes over the class, lingering on Hoseok just a little longer. She gives him a nod of her head and a knowing smile. It speaks to him, “I told you that we would see each other again.”
Hoseok feels himself bowing his head at her.
“Now very well, you are all seated”, she says, “how have you accommodated in your chambers? Is all well?”
Hesitant nods let her know the answer.
“That is good to hear. Ah yes, that is good”, she says and touches her lower back, “oh my old bones. Can one of you be so kind and get me a chair?”
Hoseok stands up instantly and hurries to get an empty chair. He carries it to her, helping her sit down by holding her hand gently.
“Oh thank you, dear Hoseok. Thank you.”
More whispering. He knows her? How does she know his name? She notices the whispers as well.
“I see that there is great confusion present in this room”, she says, “some may wonder where they have seen me before, some may wonder why I am here and some may wonder why I have addressed one of our worthy students by their name.”
She straightens her back. She seems healthier by the second.
“The secret is dear students, not all is always as the eyes tell us.”
Her spindly fingers age backwards, her once grey hair gains dark colour again.
“Not every person is simply a person one meets.”
Her once wrinkled face smoothes out. Her clothes, once of poor condition, change into that of obvious wealth.
“And not every test of worth is always based on skill.”
The once old, weak woman has morphed into sorceress Selen. Strong, healthy and with magical youth surrounding her. The girls, who noticed the old woman outside the castle walls gasp in horrid realisation that the old woman had been a test they all failed to pass. The girls, who didn’t notice her, gasp at the wonder of transformation unfolding in front of him. Hoseok doesn’t gasp. Hoseok gawks with widened eyes, unable to accept that this truly happened. This is why sorceress Selen’s words were familiar to him. It is because she said the words back to him he told her mere hours before as he helped her in her disguise. That is why the old woman’s eyes gleamed purple for but a moment. That is why he is here and why she didn’t ask him any questions. He had already passed the test without knowing that there was a test to pass.
“Now that the truth is out there, I assume that it is obvious to all why I kept you waiting for so long during the applications”, she chuckles mischievously, “I must apologise dear students, but I had to wait for the person worthy to pass my test and that person, my dear students, was Hoseok”, she says, pointing at him.
Hoseok gulps under the attention, feeling his cheeks heat up. 
“Congratulations, Hoseok”, she says and gives him a nod of her head.
He bows his head shyly, keeping his eyes lowered because otherwise his cheeks would have been red as cherries.
“And as I have gathered from some of your shocked whispers”, she continues, “some have not passed my test. Caria, Becca, Heva and Toph I ask of you to go back to your chambers and pack your belongings.”
“Yes you have heard me. This was but a lesson for you. A lesson in kindness for I do not accept cruelty in my school.”
“But…what does this mean?”
“It means that you are not worthy of this school.”
“So why did we get in? Why did you send us this joke of a letter?”
“Why I told you. This was but a lesson for you”, sorceress Selene says, “take from it that you need to grow and work on yourselves. As for the rest of my students, take from it that your position in this school is not set in stone. Many have the potential to harbour magic, but not many are worthy of having it. And that this worth is not solely based on skill. Remember this, my young apprentices.”
“So why is Hoseok here? He doesn’t even know if he has magic inside”, Caria spits, making his heart race in panic.
Sorceress Selen’s features darken.
“Have you no functioning ears to listen? I just told you that worth is not only based on skill. Oh you disappoint me, child.”
Caria closes her mouth.
Sorceress Selen clears her throat and continues, “I get the feeling that Hoseok isn’t the only one who still needs to discover his magic. A barking dog often intimidates those more timid to silence”, she says and she looks at a few girls who seem incredibly shy all of a sudden. Almost as if they were scared to be found out that they neither know how to access their magic. Sorceress Selene looks at Caria and Becca, “wouldn’t you agree?”
“Sorceress Selene, I would like to apologise”, Becca says.
“Oh there is no need. Come back again once you are worthy”, Sorceress Selene says and with a snap of her fingers, makes the four girls she called out disappear.
Loud uproar goes through the room.
“Have no fear, they are just fine. I merely helped them with returning to their rooms. They will have all the time in the world to pack their belongings”, she says and stands up from the chair, “now let us truly begin the lesson. Who of you hasn’t mastered their access to magic yet?”
Hoseok lifts his hand, looking around the room. He is the only one. A deep pit of despair begins to open in his stomach until suddenly, very timidly a girl lifts her hand as well. Ash. She lied in fear of being found out. Another soon lifts her hand after her. Then a third and a fourth until six people including Hoseok and Ash have their hands raised.
“As I have figured”, Sorceress Selene says, “well done, my dear students. Honesty will bring you further than deception. Now, can any of you tell me what gives us our magical abilities?”
“The planets?”
“That is a good answer. Any other ideas?”
“The ocean?”
“Oh most definitely. The ocean can be a powerful source.”
“So many things can be used as a source?”
“Now you are asking the right questions. Indeed they can. However there is one thing which combines them all, which infuses them with magic so we could harbour it”, she says and lifts a purple crystal.
Whispering again.
“Yes, yes indeed. You recognise these crystals, they grow all over these grounds and are often found on our beaches. Glintstone. It is found all over this continent and has been here long before we came.”
You lift your hand.
“Yes dear ___?”
“Where does it come from? Did time form it?”
“Oh no. No, time merely preserved it and allowed the magic in it to become more potent. Long before the age of life, there were the dragons. Not dragons as we know these days, but dragons as big as entire continents. They were beings outside time and created the lands we walk on today. One of these dragons, Razula, was sick. While other dragons breathed ice, fire and molten earth, she breathed glintstone. With each breath she passed, new crystals formed and allowed her magical essence to crystallise. Her illness killed her in the end as the glintstone solidified her flesh. She died where, these days, our Glass Mountains range.”
Ash raises her hand.
“Yes, dear Ash?”
“Does this mean that the Glass Mountains are made out of her corpse?”
“Yes, indeed it does.”
Shared gasps of wonder go through the room.
“She must have been so big.”
“Indeed she was. Our very own mountain, the one catching the ocean and holding this very city secure is part of Razula. The very end of her tail to be more exact.”
Another round of shared gasps.
Hoseok lifts his hand.
“Yes, dear Hoseok?”
“Does that mean that the glintstone she breathed soaked our continent with magic, so we could harbour different elements for magic these days?”
“Very good, indeed it does.”
“So why can we harbour the planets?”
“That is a very good question. You see, our planet isn’t the only one formed by the dragons. Many more are children of them, which is why we have access to their powers.”
“So there were more dragons like Razula?”
“Why would you wonder this?”
“Because glintstone is what gives a source its magic. There must have been more dragons like Razula, otherwise we couldn’t harbour the planets.”
Sorceress Selen smiles proudly. She nods her head.
“It is not with certain proof, but yes it is said that there were more dragons like Razula, who infused the planets with their glintstone and who made it possible so that we can harbour them these days.”
You ask the next question, “why is it not with certain proof?”
“Because travelling between planets or even universes has not been achieved yet.”
Agreeable nods go through the room. This answer sounds logical to all. Sorceress Ciri, the teacher for magical history, enters the room then. She carries a flat wooden box.
“Oh, Ciri! The perfect time! Now dear students, I have a small present for each of you”, sorceress Selen says as sorceress Ciri begins handing out small glintstones, “your very own glintstone. Take great care of it, practice with it and feel its magical properties. That is my task for you.”
Ash lifts her hand.
“Yes, dear Ash?”
“How do we feel its magical property?”
“Oh that is a complicated question. How does one feel anything? Feelings must be felt, they cannot be conceptualised. But very well, to make it easier for you, my young students, magic gives the very tips of your fingers a warm tingle to it. Try to find this tingle and you will have taken yet another step into the right direction.”
A warm tingle. Hoseok looks down at the purple glintstone in his palm. He closes his finger around it. A warm tingle. That is what he needs to look out for. A warm tingle and then he will finally feel worthy of being here.
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The weeks are spent practicing with the glintstone sorceress Selen gave each student. During the early hours, the students learn about magic, its history and what can be achieved with it and during the later hours, the students are meant to practice and study in the grande library. Hoseok enjoys his time. He wakes up excited each day, he pays utter attention in the lessons and practices until late into the night. The other students stopped avoiding him now that Caria and Becca weren’t present anymore. Ash and two other students even practice with him each day, exchanging frustrations when the warm tingle never comes.
Hoseok lifts his head upon hearing yet another cheerful exclaim of one his fellow students.
“Sorceress Selen! It is floating!”
“Very good, dear Ainar. Continue this connection”, the sorceress praises and continues her rounds through the classroom.
Hoseok looks at his fellow students. Ainar was one of the people who always practiced with him. Three other people also already learned how to connect to their inner magic. Only he and Ash are still struggling.
“Sorceress Selen! I am doing it!”
Hoseok looks at Ash and the floating glintstone before her.
“Very good, dear Ash. Keep practicing.”
“Good job Ash, you’re finally doing it”, Ainar encourages her with excitement in her eyes.
“You’re doing so well”, Hoseok tells her, earning himself a proud grin.
“Thank you, oh look at me.”
“You are like a proper sorceress now.”
“Yes, yes I am”, Ash giggles.
Hoseok breaks his eyes away from her, trying to hide his disappointment. He is happy for his fellow students for finally finding their powers, but he also can’t deny that he feels like an utter failure himself.
He lifts his head upon being called, meeting sorceress Selen’s eyes.
“Why are you not practicing?”
“Forgive me, I just took a quick break”, he says and looks at the stone.
“Don’t give up. Yes?”
Hoseok nods his head and takes a deep breath, lifting his hands to continue practicing. He will not be able to lift the stone during the lesson.
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They have the weekend free this week and most students use it to finally visit their homes again. Hoseok does as well. He leaves in the early hours of the morning, cradling the glintstone in his pocket and with an orange from the tower gardens to give him energy. He feels happy at the thought of finally seeing Taehyung again, but also a sense of tread because he won’t return as a sorcerer already. He feels like a failure. Why is it so easy for anyone but him to find their magic? Was Caria right? Is he truly not meant to be a sorcerer?
He stops in front the tower walls upon being called, looking over his shoulder. You are running to him, waving your hands.
“Wait up!”
He does. He waits until you reach his side.
“Are you visiting prince Taehyung?”
“I am. Are you visiting your family?”
“Indeed I am”, you say and point at the road, “do you have to walk this way as well?”
“I do.”
“Do you want to walk together?”
“Yes, I would like that”, he says and gives you a smile.
One you retort.
So you and he wander down the road side by side. You pull out two oranges from your pocket.
“I have oranges. Do you want one?”
“Oh?” Hoseok pulls out his own orange, “me too.”
“Oh? Look at us”, you say, having to laugh.
Hoseok laughs as well.
“These oranges are just too delicious.”
“Indeed they are.”
“Ah”, you sigh happily, lifting your head to look at the golden roofs above your head. The sun reflects off the colourful houses and paints the streets in lively colours. It will be a very hot day today, the air smells of it.
“I think I might swim in the ocean later”, you say.
“Yes, that sounds like a good time”, Hoseok says.
“And you? Are you going to practice even during your free time?”
“I am.”
“Oh, Hoseok you work too hard.”
“I am not. You have it easy, you even found your worth in magic already. I still haven’t found my connection to it. I am two steps behind”, Hoseok says and sighs in defeat.
“It will come one day. I promise.”
“Maybe”, he says and sighs again, “can we talk about something else?”
“Of course. What are your favourite beaches to go to?”
“The blue lagoons by the castle.”
“I should have figured. They must very beautiful.”
“They indeed are.”
“You know my brother really likes to swim.”
“Yes, I am most certain that he will ask me the moment I come home. We always go swimming together.”
“That sounds like a special time for you and your brother.” 
“Oh yes it is. He is already ten and three of age, but knows how to swim since only three of age.
“Yes, I was the one who taught him. I was the age he is now when I taught him. I think that is why it is such a special time for us these days.”
“It sounds very special. I am glad that you have such a deep connection with your brother. I could never form such a deep bond with my sister.”
“You have a sister?” 
“Yes, she is older than me by ten years. Just like you and your brother”, Hoseok says with a grin.
You retort it.
“We played a lot when we were younger but when she grew of marriage age, she wanted to spend her time socialising, instead of playing with her childish brother. She is already married and has children these days and I am happy for her. We write a lot of letters to each other, but I never had such special moments with my sister when I was in adolescence. Thank you for being such an older sister to your brother, he might not show it all the time, but those moments mean the world to him.” 
“Thank you for saying this”, you say, feeling incredibly warm in your chest, “I truly love my brother. You know, he dreams of being a sorcerer.”
“I know.” 
“How do you know?” 
“You told me.” 
“I did?” 
Hoseok nods his head, “the day of the applications. You witnessed Caria slap my arm and then asked if I was hurt. You offered me your water skin and told me about your brother and his dreams.” 
“I did, now I remember again. You remembered all this time?” 
“I did. If I may be blunt, I remember you quite vividly from this day. You ran late as well and were sweating just as much as I did.”
You laugh. 
“It is because of you that the guards even allowed me entrance.” 
“Yes, they refused at first because I am a boy.” 
“No. Truly?” 
“Yes, sadly.”
"Oh, how rude. This wasn’t their right to do.” 
“Worry not, I already paid them back.” 
“You did?” 
“I pretended to be royalty on the first day because they saw the royal carriage I came in.” 
“And they believed you?.” 
“They even apologised.”
“Oh”, you let out and laugh loudly. 
Hoseok laughs with you. 
“Serves them right. Nobody should be refused access just because they are a boy.”
“Yes, I agree.” 
You and Hoseok converse until the conjuncture where you have to go your separate ways.
“I have to go this way”, you tell him.
“I have to go this way”, Hoseok says and points in the opposite direction.
“So I believe that this is where we have to say our goodbyes.”
“Yes, I believe so.”
“Do you want to come with me for a bit? I would love to introduce you to my family.”
“I feel beyond honoured, but I truly have to go. Knowing Taehyung, he is already waiting impatiently.”
“I see”, you sag your shoulders in defeat but shake it off quickly, giving him a smile, “there will be a next time.” 
“I believe so. I will bring chocolates then.”
“Oh, they would love them so much”, you say with sparkling eyes. 
“Very well then. I will see you again next week”, Hoseok bows his head at you, “have a good weekend.”
“You too. See you soon”, you say and leave with a wave of your hand.
Hoseok watches you skip down the street. You turn when some distance is between you and him, searching for him. Your face lights up when you see him. You lift your arm to wave at him one last time, doing so until Hoseok finally waves back. You turn with a big smile on your face, skipping happily until the crowd swallows you and Hoseok cannot see you anymore. He smiles to himself and turns to take on the road to the castle. It isn’t far anymore.
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Taehyung is waiting by the gates, jumping into a sprint the moment he notices Hoseok. He calls his best friend’s name, falling around his neck with such vigour that Hoseok stumbles from the impact. He even wraps his legs around his waist, knocking a belting laugh out of Hoseok, who is destined to carry his weight.
“You are such a rascal”, he laughs.
“I missed you. I missed you terribly!” Taehyung tells him in excited yelps.
“I missed you as well”, Hoseok says and drops him gently. He hugs him back as tightly as he can, “I was so excited for today.”
“Me too, oh me too.”
They hug for some time, breaking apart only because hugging for an entire day is rather frowned upon by the public for a prince and his servant to do. 
“How have you been?”
“Good. You?”
“Good, just so incredibly bored without you. I keep rereading the letters you sent me and everything you describe sounds so interesting”, Taehyung babbles as the two men walk to Taehyung’s leisure room. 
“The school is wonderful. I keep finding myself pinching my own skin because I cannot believe that it is real.”
“I can imagine. Is it really true that there is glintstone everywhere?” 
“Yes, it is everywhere. Look”, Hoseok says and shows Taehyung the small glintstone. 
Taehyung gasps, widening his eyes in curiosity. 
“Sorceress Selen gave each of us a glintstone to practice magic on. It grows everywhere.”
“Is it true that it makes the faintest sound when you brush your hand against it?”
“It does. Even air makes it sing.”
“How wonderful”, Taehyung gasps, “can I touch it? Please?” 
“Yes, once we are sitting down. I do not want to lose it.”
“I understand. It must be very precious, mustn’t it?” 
“Yes. It is supposed to help me find my connection to magic.” 
Taehyung and Hoseok have reached his room, sitting down by Taehyung’s painting table.
“Are still having troubles with it?”
“Sadly I do”, Hoseok says, “I do not know why it is so terribly hard for me, but it is.”
“Do not lose hope yet. I am certain that it will come to you very soon.”
Hoseok gives him a smile before lifting the stone into his vision.
“Do you want to hold the stone now?”
“Yes. May I truly?” 
“Yes. Open your palm.”
Taehyung rests his hand palm side up on the table, watching with curious eyes as Hoseok places the stone into his palm carefully.
“It is cold.”
“It is. I have been carrying it in my pocket all day.”
“How is that possible? You should have warmed it.”
“Indeed, but glintstone never warms up unless its magic is channeled. Isn’t it wonderful? It stays cold no matter how much you warm it.” 
“This is remarkable”, Taehyung whispers, caressing it gently, “and it is truly a dragon’s breath?” 
“Yes. Razula. She existed long before our time with the other dragons.”
“I know. Her body makes up the Glass Mountains these days. Oh Hoseok, you have no idea how often I reread your letters. I learn so much about this continent because of you. It is so fascinating. We are walking on the creation of dragons. Dragons so big they form entire mountain ranges and countries. I cannot believe it, yet it is true.”
“It is beyond fascinating, isn’t it?” 
“Yes. I feel so excited each time a new letter arrives. Your chamber mates sound so wonderful as well.”
“They are. We didn’t get along at first because they were weary of me because I am a boy, but we talk a lot these days.”
“That is so wonderful to hear. The girl you share a chamber with sounds very kind.”
“Yes ___, she is the kindest person. She paid me company when nobody else did. She is very kind”, Hoseok says and blinks his eyes dreamily.
“Beautiful as well?”
“Oh yes, quite beautiful actually”, Hoseok says. He sees no weirdness in Taehyung’s question as the young prince calls many people beautiful. He is an artist after all and sees beauty in all shapes and forms.
“Do I sense a hint of affection in your voice?” Taehyung asks, sending sudden nervousness to Hoseok’s chest. The mischief in Taehyung’s eyes only strengthen Hoseok’s coyness.
“What? No, not like this. Oh, I would never disrespect her in such ways”, Hoseok insists with flushed cheeks.
“You keep mentioning her in your letters.”
“Yes, well. Well, that is because…Taehyung no, I would never. She shows no signs of interest. How disrespectful would it be of me to see her in such a light? She is merely a very good friend.”
Taehyung grins knowingly, “very well, if you say so.”
Hoseok clears his throat loudly, wishing for his pulse to slow down again. 
Taehyung places the glintstone on the table and scoots closer to Hoseok.
“Do you have more stories to tell? I want to know everything you learn and experience”, he ask.
“Mhm”, Hoseok thinks for a moment, “I do”, he exclaims.
“Tell me. I want to know”, Taehyung is practically sitting on the edge of his seat in utter curiosity.
“Long ago there was a sorcerer at this school.”
“A sorcerer? So boys can learn magic?”
“Yes, well”, Hoseok hesitates for a moment, “forget it. I just remembered that this is a rather sad story to tell.”
“No please. Now you must tell me. What happened to the sorcerer?”
“Well”, Hoseok begins with a saddened sigh, “we have entrance to a system of caves. The caves are filled with glintstone, their songs always fill the air.”
“Oh how wonderful.”
“The sorcerer always practiced his spells in these caves and because he was surrounded by their potent magic, his powers grew more and more each day.”
“Oh no, this doesn’t sound good. Did he hurt someone?”
Hoseok shakes his head, “do you know that the glintstone breath was Razula’s curse?”
Taehyung nods his head, “yes, it was a sickness which killed her in the end. She turned to glintstone and died this way.”
“The sorcerer suffered the same fate.”
Taehyung gasps.
“One day, the magic grew too powerful for him and turned him into glintstone. His crystallised body is still in the caves until this day.”
“Oh this terrible. I feel so sad for him”, Taehyung gasps, “what a gruesome way to die.”
“Indeed”, Hoseok agrees.
They share a moment of silence in respect of the cursed sorcerer.
“He is the reason why there aren’t boys allowed at school.”
“What say you?!”
“Yes”, Hoseok nods his head, “Sorceress Ciri, she teaches magical history, told us that because of him, the school decided not to take boys as students. She said that his greed for power would show in other boys as well and they did not want to risk it.”
“This is terribly unjust. This sorcerer was greedy, but it wasn’t because he was a boy.”
“Indeed. Some of my fellow students said the same thing. I felt very welcome when they said it.”
Taehyung smiles, “I think it is very good that they spoke up”, he caresses his friend’s arm, “and that you managed to get in.”
“Yes, me too. Now all I have to do is find my connection to magic. Oh Taehyung, I feel so helpless. Everyone in my class has already found their connection. Some even found their worth already, while still I haven’t found my connection yet.”
“Their worth?” Taehyung asks, tilting his head to the side in question.
“There is magic all around us and everyone can find a connection to it. However, only a few are worthy to truly wield magic. The worthy people are marked by the magic. Some grow purple markings on their skin, for some their eyes change into a purple shade and for others, their hair turns purple. It is a visual sign that the magic deemed this person worthy. It isn’t just enough to connect to it, the magic must accept the person.”
“So it isn’t truly the person’s decision to learn magic, but that of magic itself?”
“Yes”, Hoseok says and sighs in defeat, “and I even struggle to connect to it. How should it ever see me worthy?”
“Well”, Taehyung begins, “Sorceress Selen thinks you worthy and I believe that this must mean something.”
“What if she was wrong about me?”
“I truly do not think that she was. I also think that you are worthy.”
“I know. Thank you. At least one of us needs to believe.”
“Yes, I will continue to believe. I will believe with such passion that it will be enough for both of us.”
Hoseok smiles fondly at his best friend.
“You are truly such a light, Tae”, he says and reaches out to caress his hand, “I am grateful to have you as my best friend.”
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
My official list of the names I have gifted to canon TSAMS AUs because there are just so many of them and we can't keep calling them all sun and moon and eclipse jafsk;ljfd. Posted here for @artyheartz
Main Reality: Duh this one's self-explanatory
Solar's Reality: Crescent - Moon Angel - Sun
Eclipse Won AU Kronos - Lord!Eclipse Crius - Servant!Sun
Lord Lunar AU Styx - Lord!Lunar Moros - Servant!Eclipse
Swapped AU Solstice - Eclipse Selene - Lunar Space - Earth (duh) Dawn - Sun Equinox - Moon
Misc AUs Helios - Dark!Sun Nyx - Evil!Lunar Sobek - Evil!Monty Gaia - President!Earth Icarus - StarHolder!Freddy
This should help in the future as well when I start dropping names and everyone's looking at me confused. Will probably update if we get more or if I missed some.
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romerona · 1 year
War Of Hearts
⇢ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʙᴜᴛ ʙᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ. ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪ’ᴍ ᴏᴠᴇʀᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀʀ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ
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Selene Maltheon never thought of herself to be a puppet, she thought she'll live her life free and happy, there was no denying that she was a big dreamer and hopelessly naive. Selene thought she'll grow up to live one of those happily ever after lives like the ones from the books she reads so much... however, the inevitable happened, she grew up and came to the realization she was yet just another pawn in the big game.
Jacaerys Velaryon x Oc // Aemond Targaryen x Oc.
A/N: A bit of an AU. Rhaenyra and her sons are still in Kingslanding but they (The greens and The blacks) still hate each other.
1 - 2 -
Prince Jacaerys isn't someone to flush easily, not out of something as mundane as seeing a beautiful girl. He sees pretty ladies every day, the court is full of them after all and some are also rather salacious whenever he speaks to them but the point still stands, Jace is constantly around them and accustomed to them. He was actually rather a 'smooth talker' as Daemon likes to tell him when it comes to women, whoever they are, ladies, maids, common women, whores, Jace was never one to flush at the sight of even the prettiest of them, so, he couldn't for the life of him understand why he always freezes at the sight of Selene Maltheon.
Selene was the only lady of House Maltheon, the most powerful house in New Valyria. She, her father, Lord Alexios and older brother, Lord Crater arrived a couple of months ago at the call of his grandfather, King Viserys. The King was appointing Lord Alexios as his new hand --Jace doesn't know the details as to why Lord Otto Hightower is no longer his hand but honestly, he didn't care, he, his daughter, Queen Alicent and her sons, Aegon and Aemond always look for a moment to strike action against his family-- And since the Lord of House Maltheon and his family arrived to Red Keep, Jacaerys found himself smitten by the Lord's daughter.
Anyone with working eyes could see just how beautiful the girl was, it was the type of beauty you could never find anywhere in the realm, not even if you go knocking door by door, woman-to-woman would you ever come across such beauty in all of the seven kingdoms and sure, her beauty was the first thing he noticed about her but he's been observing her -- because he does that instead of having a normal conversation -- and Jacaerys has noticed that the beauty outside reflects the beauty within. Lady Selene is quite generous to everyone around her, maids, guards, children, lords and ladies, no matter how disdainful some tend to be, hell, even the common folks in her short time of residing in Kings Landing know about her kind nature. Jacaerys is also aware Lady Selene must have a rather brilliant mind for when she is not charming the realm with her smile, she is often found sitting somewhere with her nose stuck in a book... just like right now.
She was sitting on a bench in the garden, the sun of the late afternoon shining over her, she was surrounded by hundreds of flowers, some still flourishing others at the peak of their beauty, she looked like a living painting.
"Are going to keep staring like a madman or are you going to speak to her, Jace?" Baela's voice snapped him out of whatever trance Selene usually puts him on.
Jacaerys turns his head to her, Baela had a borderline teasing smile on her face while leaning against a long pillar, he clears his throat and shrugs. "I do not know what you speak of,"
"Of course, you don't," Baela's teasing smile become more evident, her eyes were glimmering with amusement. "Anyways, I was here because your mother ask me to remind you about your Valyrian studies with the Maester."
"Ah yes, of course, I haven't forgotten, thank you Bae-"
"But that can wait, today is quite a lovely day, isn't it? How you fancy a stroll through the gardens, huh?" Baela put her arm around his and started to make her way down the stairs towards the rich greens and blooming flowers but before she could go any further into it, Jace holds into his ground.
"Wait, Baela" Jacaerys pulls her back, he sends a quick glance to where Selene is sitting, still very much into her book. "I don't feel like going for a walk at the moment,"
"Oh, pray tell? Baela questions tilting her head, her hand clasped in front of her giving her a look of innocence, but Jace knew better than to fall for it, the glint in her eyes told him as much.
Jacaerys narrows his eyes at his cousin, she was always delighted to tease him in any way she could, "I don't think it's wise for me to miss my studies... my high valyrian is rather terrible if you hadn't noticed."
"Oh, we all have, Jace," Baela smirks ignoring Jacaerys sending her a glare, she fakes a sigh "But since when have you ever cared about missing your studies? Today seems like a wonderful day to be out in the sun, I don't really see a reason for you not to want to go for a quick walk... Unless there's something keeping you from it or someone?"
Jacaerys huffs, rolling his eyes, "This is not amusing, Baela."
"Oh, I think it rather is," She took hold of his arm again, and pull him with her, "Is not every day a lady manages to capture Prince Jacaerys Velaryon's attention."
Jace kept silent, he knew better than to lie to her or evade the subject with her, not to mention Baela’s words are true, he was infatuated with lady Selene and there was no denying it. "So, what? Half of Red Keep is taken with her as well."
"But you aren't like half the castle, are you?" Baela told him, stopping to pull a lilie out of the ground. She sniffed it and handed it to Jace."You are a prince, Rhaenyra's son and future heir to the throne"
Jace took it and also sniffed it, the sweet scent evolving him. "Sure but that's until my mother passes and that won't happen for a long while"
"You still a prince, are you not?" Baela rolls her eyes at his temporary incompetence. "Put that Velaryon courage to work and talk to her, for the seven's sake. Seriously, I have never seen you act shy before, it is unsettling."
"Baela..." Jacaerys sighed, he tried to come up with a plausible reason as to why he hasn't spoken with her other than his uncharacteristically fear of performance, for lack of better words but came up with nothing.
Baela stops, she turns to him and places both hands on his shoulders, to make him look at him, "You are a prince, you have a dragon, and you will be sitting on the iron throne one day, what are you so frightened about?"
"Nothing," Jace scoffs, his jaw set with light annoyance at the thought his cousin thought he was scared of talking to a girl, he wasn't he is simply... Not ready yet.
"Well, good, because you are about to talk to her right now,"
Jacaerys frowns in confusion and wariness, he glances to the side, finally noticing Baela took him on an alternative route but with the same destiny. He quickly turn to his cousin who unsurprisingly was grinning like mad. "Baela, don't you dare-"
Baela pushed him in Lady Selena's direction.
Jacaerys froze again, she hadn't noticed him yet but the fact that she was just a few paces away was enough to make him cease any movement. His heart beats fast and hard as it usually does when he's anxious, it is a miracle she hasn't heard it.
Jace turns to leave but catches Baela's eyes, she mouthed "Go on"
Jacaerys clutches his jaw but sighs before turning. Baela was right, of what he was so afraid of? She was just another lady, how different can it be? And honesty, all that freezing and gazing was getting a little pathetic.
Jacaerys took a few steps forward, hoping by then she finally gave him her attention so he can casually start a conversation but much to his dismay, she never look up from her book.
He awkwardly clears his throat but not even then she looks up, Jacaerys stands awkwardly for a second or two before clearing his throat a bit louder. "Lady Selene, I presume?"
Selene finally looks up at him, she seems startled at his sudden appearance, which actually wasn't sudden at all but to her, it might have been. Her eyes widen for a second when she took notice of who was speaking to her. She instantly stood up.
"Oh, Prince Jacaerys, you gave me a fright." Selene softly chuckles, trying to bring lightness into the situation.
He smiles at her, ignoring his beating heart. "I apologize, I didn't mean to. And please, just call me Jace."
"Oh, no I could never--
"Please, my lady, the prince thing is just for show in front of older nobles." Jace was quick to assure her. He thought it sounded way too formal from her. Way too polite.
"Vey well," Selene nods, and she sends him a smile. "However, I believe it's only fair that if I get to call you only by name you ought to call me just Selene."
Jacaerys felt the muscles of his cheek had already moved the way he wanted them to before even realizing it. "Selene, then."
There was a second of uncomfortable silence. Jacaerys noticed it was his fault after she looked away from him. He hadn't stopped smiling (and staring) Jace clears his throat "Anyways, I noticed you reading earlier, and you look like you wanted to be alone, so, I figured I'll come and ruin it." Jace jokes, hoping to get rid of the small tension and if he's lucky, to get a smile out of her as well. Even from afar, he had enjoyed watching her eyes when she laughed. The way her eyes widen, the way her smile looks on her face... It was absolutely captivating.
"Oh, nonsense, I was just hoping to avoid my brother. He's a dread to be around." Selene chuckles, looking down at the book she was holding, a finger in between pages to keep her from losing the page. "And uhm, it's just a silly book about two lovers from the north."
"Ah," Jacaerys nods with amused acknowledgement, he grins at her, once again struck by how beautiful she was as the late afternoon light reflects off of her green eyes. They look like emeralds. "I'm assuming it's a tragic love tale? The north is not very well known for a warm heart after all."
Jace was not much of a reader if he was honest, but when he did read he usually enjoys more historical Westorian tales and the wars people ack then face rather than romance.
Selene sighs and nods looking down at the book. 'The Lover and the Road' "Sadly, the main character's lover was forced to marry another and couldn't take the pain of losing her, tragic really."
Jacaerys frowns a little when he notices the slight change in her poise. He wanted her to look at him but she continues to stare at the book. "Are you all right? You seem a bit doleful."
"Oh, yes, of course," Selene snaps her eyes back at Jacaerys, however, they were not as bright as he would have hoped.
"What is it?"
Selene purses her lips as if she was hesitant to talk to him, much to Jace's dismay. It took her a second and a nod of encouragement from Jace for her to speak. "It's just that... that kind of situation tends to happen more often than not in real life, wouldn't you say?"
Jace sighs, "Indeed, it does. Sometimes I wish everyone could marry for love. But that's nothing more than a childish hope, I suppose." He shrugs and smiles at her.
"It's not childish to hope for love, Jace, It's in our human nature to desire to love and be loved." Selene smiles warmly at him and Jace felt his face heat up. He looked away to keep her from noticing it, and he quickly clears his throat. "Tell me, Selene, if you weren't constrained by duty, what would you be doing?"
Selene's hair was with the light breeze, she had to move it out of her face, "I would be..." she thought for a moment before letting out a chuckle, shaking her head. "I would like to travel to the citadel and learn with the Maesters, but that's just a feeble dream, a woman in this society can only do so much, you know?" Selene sounded slightly sour at that last comment, and if it hadden for how close they were standing, Jacaerys would have missed the light sneer on her lips.
He hums and nods, his eyes still fixed on her. "What would you study at the citadel? I'd assume history, but perhaps theology? Or even some old text they have there?" Jace smiles, thinking about how much more she would be allowed if her gender wasn't a limitation. "There might be a way you could study, even as a woman. You do seem to have a rather clever mind."
"I would love to become a healer. Make people feel better." Selene sighs, she walks to a nearby railing where the view of the city and its citizens could be admired and lean on it. "And yes, I suppose there could be a way for me to study but it still wouldn't change the fact that people would look down on me for trying to be something they don't deem as ladylike. My father certainly would... "She lightly rolls her eyes, looking at the city below. "He believes there's no room for cleverness in a woman, that we ought to sit there, keep silent, look pretty and make babies."
Jacaerys listens intently, his eyebrows furrowing as Selene speaks, feeling apologetic for her. He already knows how much his mother has to deal with it and Jace could tell from the little they have talked about that she was such a bright person and for her to have to suffer through such nonsense because she was a woman was unacceptable to him.
"What if there was a way to get around that?" Jacaerys takes the view in with her as he speaks carefully." There certainly are people that would take to teaching you. It might not change the fact that your father disagrees, but you wouldn't be alone." He turns to her, with sincere eyes "There are many that wouldn't be so quick to judge solely because you are a woman."
Selene chuckles and turns to him with a fond smile, one he hadn't seen on her. "You have a good heart, Jace. If only more people thought like that... what a dream that would be."
Jace smiles back, looking away from her and back to the city hoping she hadn't noticed the blush that he was sure covered most of his face. "Do you think it is impossible to archive? To have those in power think more like myself? To make a world where anyone can be anything, no matter what they were born as?" He looks into her green eyes with determination, as if he was making a promise to not only Selene but himself too. "Because if it is, then I'm going to work my damndest to make it possible."
Selene tilts her head, a smile of admiration painting her face but it didn't reach her eyes. "As admirable as your intentions are, Jace, one cannot build a new world alongside men who are loyal to the old one."
Jacaerys expression sours, his smile fading from his face. "What do you think the best course of action is? Surely there must be some path forward, no? I can't stand for them telling you that you are a lesser person because you are a woman. It's absurd and I won't let it stand."
By the time he was done, Jacaerys felt his shackles rising. Mad at society in itself, at the old kings, at the people in power...
"Perhaps... Once your mother becomes queen? She can certainly create a new order of things, I mean her being the queen of the seven kingdoms is already incredible in itself, that alone changes many things." A hopeful smile made its way to Selene's face. "I have faith your mother, Jace, would be a brilliant queen,"
Jacaerys smiled back, glad to see that Selene believes in his mother as the future queen of Westeros, despite all the opposition. "My mother would be a great queen, yes, but she'd still be constrained by all the rules put upon those of us with the blood of the dragon." He notices the way her smile faded and quickly added. "There must be something we can do, there has got to be some way to change it." Jace takes a deep breath, thinking, and then he suddenly gets an idea. He snaps his head towards her with a large smile which causes Selene to mirror it. "Maybe we can write a book, as an argument of why things should change. It's certainly worth a shot, I'd say."
"A book?" Selene giggles, just as she was about to give her opinion on said book another voice cut through the conversation.
"Selene, here you are." Both, Jacaerys and Selene, turn to face the person who interrupted their chat. It was Lord Crater, Selene's older brother. Lord Crater was a tall, bulky man, similar to what an elite knight was supposed to look, his features were assuredly similar to Lords Alexios however the only thing he resembled of Selene was his eyes. Crater's gaze turns to Jacaerys, he was surprised for a moment to see him there but quickly recovered. He did a small polite courtesy. "Prince Jacaerys, what a surprise to see you here."
Jacaerys couldn't help but sigh inwardly, realizing that he'd gotten so caught up with Selene and their conversation that he had stopped watching his surroundings. He straightens up, his royal prince mantel on. "Lord Maltheon, the feeling is mutual. May I ask what brings you to seek your sister out?" He flashes Selene a smile, hoping that she can still see the sincerity in his eyes before turning back to her brother. "Perhaps you could join us? I find your sister to be a particularly engaging conversationalist."
Selene threw him a shy smile, chuckling a little.
"You say that now, your highness, but then you won't get her to shut up." Crater chuckles, there was a patronizing tone in his laugh. Selene purses her lips and settles her gaze downward, clearly not enjoying the subtle insult towards her.
Jacaerys could recognize the slander behind the 'joke' towards Selene and felt a twinge in his chest. Though, in the position he is in, all Jace could do was smile, and fake a chuckle alongside Crater. He only hopes Selene doesn't takes it to heart. "That seems only to make her more appealing to me, my lord, to be so talkative." His eyes glance towards Selene, making sure she knows the lightness of the situation.
However, Selene had a cold look in her eyes as she looks away, from him and back to the floor. She evidently didn't enjoy the exchange between the Prince and her brother.
Jace's heart drops as he takes in her demeanour and knows that he messed up.
Lord Crater laughs again with the same condescending chuckle. "Well, you'll be a saint for it then, my dearest sister is nothing but a bother most of the time."
Jacaerys tries to lighten the situation by making a joke. "Well, I am the prince of Dragonstone, I am not as pure as some may think." He chuckles slightly awkwardly, hoping that it isn't as noticeable as he continues. "And if I have to be a saint, so be it, for a woman as kind and as brilliant as Selene."
"Brilliant?" Crater chuckles. He looks back at Selene, his eyes shining with amusement, "What lies have you been feeding the Prince, Selne?" He shakes his head before his eyes widen as he remembered something "Oh, Father is summoning you, sister, he needs to speak about some important matters to you."
Selene spares Jacaerys a glance, she purses her lips before turning to her older brother. "Where is father?"
The Prince watches as Selene exchanges words with Lord Crater, his heart sinking further at the tension in the voice and face. He tries his best to stay relaxed but it doesn't seem to help as he feels the guilt in his stomach reach his chest. He sighs, knowing that his attempts to make the situation lighter have been failing and speaks up. "Is this matter important? I wouldn't want you to have to leave if it isn't absolutely necessary." Jace tried his best to sound convincing, wanting nothing more than have Selene stay, to make sure he can make things right. Things were going so well until her brother interrupted.
"Unfortunately, my prince, it does seem to be a rather important issue my father wishes to discuss with Selene." It was Crater who answer his question, Selene only turned in Jacaerys direction ever so slightly but did not meet his eyes.
He sighs, trying not to let his disappointment show. "Very well, I understand. Then I wish you a good day, Selene. I hope your father doesn't keep you long and perhaps we will get to converse again soon?" Jace bows his head to his lady, he was asking in hopes she accepts his request.
Selene finally raises her green eyes to meet his, she did a courtesy "It was an honour to speak with you, your highness but I must take my leave now." When Selene said his title it made Jacaerys stomach turn inside out.
He sighs as he hears the formality in her voice, knowing that he has failed. His eyes linger on her, trying to make up for what he did. His heart breaks as he watches her walk away. He gives one final bow, then makes his way up to his room... He sits alone for a few minutes, trying to calm himself down before he gets a knock on his door. He opens it, and there stood his mother, her face looking angry...
Part 2????
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yzeltia · 1 year
Handed Down from Stone
Chapter 18: Etched in Sapphire Characters: Y'zel Tia, Leonnioux Ouraux, @erickgage 's Erick Gage, @autumnslance 's Dark Autumn, and Tataru Taru Rating: T for Tipsy Notes: Thanks @autumnslance and @driftward for helping me with punctuation, and all three tagged for letting me borrow characters!
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-Ishgard 1556-
The masked hero fluttered his ears as he crept along a high wall, pink tail twitching to keep his balance. His young Elezen target, unaware of his pursuit, soon headed down an alley, taking a shortcut to get to the Brume. Once well secluded, he hopped up on an overlooking bridge and looked down at the young man.
"Halt evil doer," he bellowed, blue cape flapping behind him, "Halone has judged you and you've been found wanting, Lord Ouraux! In the name of the Fury, I've come to punish you!"
Leonnioux looked up, visoring his brow and giving a little squint, "Y'zel?"
"No! I'm the Wooly Warrior!"
"Sardine shuriken," the boy called out, tossing six frozen fish at the other.
"Augh! Are these fish!? What the heck Y'zel!"
"Had enough, evil doer!?"
"I don't understand what's even going on! Come down here now!"
"Not until you repent for your crimes against my da- I mean Au Ra everywhere! Ice Spike," the masked Miqo'te called out before raising his hands over his head.
Leonnioux looked down, finding himself standing in a pool of ice that just barely lifted little points up into his boots. Clenching his fists, he yanked each foot free then squatted down before launching himself upward and into the Wooly Warrior, tackling him against the plank bridge before sitting up and huffing in annoyance. 
"Gotcha, er, Wooly Warrior! The uh… Azure Avenger won't be stopped by your parlor tricks," the Elezen boy fumbled before starting to tickle the young hero's sides.
The poor masked Miqo'te rolled around in agony, trying to kick away before tanking the other's ankle with his tail to disrupt his balance. Crawling away, he hopped up and started whipping his tail at his frenemy, "Tail Screw!!"
Leonnioux recoiled, shielding himself from the fluffy pink appendage before finding the other hightailing it away. Blinking, the Elezen tilted his head then stood up to dust himself off.
"I'll get you next time," the Wooly Warrior called out before disappearing into the street, leaving Leon confused and slightly annoyed.
-Gage Acquisitions Headquarters, Present -
A hush had fallen over the Goblet. It had been an uneventful evening, save for a Scion popping in to have a meeting with the directors of Gage Acquisitions with the intention of discussing future trade propositions as she expanded her brand. All-in-all, it should have been uneventful…but in the wake of Zoissette Vauban's sabbatical and being booted from the lawyer's office, Y'zel Tia had a bit too much free time on his hands…
Leonnioux had thought a touch of Green Selene would calm the Miqo'te's nerves, the green liquor putting many out after a few shots. Unfortunately, the well intentioned Elezen had not been apprised of just how lightweight his love was. The shot was downed and then a second…and shortly after Y'zel had mentioned something about getting justice and was gone.
Sometime after the halls echoed with the sounds of footsteps, someone running down the hall accompanied by something that slapped loudly each time its feet hit the ground. Peaking out of the bar, Leonnioux went pale, seeing a blue-masked Miqo'te round the corner and hurry upstairs toward the office, Alpaku at his side. 
"Erick Gage! The hero of -hic- justice is here," Y'zel's voice boomed through the halls.
A mix of laughter sounded followed by the boss screaming "What on Thal's name are you wearing Y'zel!?"
Leonnioux hurried down the hall, hissing as he felt pain shoot up his legs, starting to hop a little. Bracing himself on the stairway, he looked up groaning as Y'zel continued his stupor.
"I don't know this Y'zel you speak of! But I'm sure he was…is…a fine lawyer! I'm the Wooly Warrior, and this is my sidekick, the Raging Ram! We're defenders of justice and -hic- we're here to deliver!"
Leonnioux clamored up the stairs as he felt Y'zel's cool aether start to flow down from above. The mixed laughter continued.
"I was wondering what he was going to use that outfit for," Tartaru Taru's voice mused.
"Y'zel, please come down before you hurt yourself," Dark Autumn's voice sounded stern but with lingering amusement.
"Get off the damn table-"
Erick's voice was interrupted as a loud wet slap sounded out through the halls followed by Tataru and Dark's laughter.
"D-Did you just throw a swiven tuna at me!? On my new suit!? That's it! I'm sending you back to whatever alley Ioh plucked you from, cat!"
Arriving at the door, Leonnioux found Y'zel swaying on the table while Erick held the large flopping tuna out in front of him in disgust.
"By the Fury! I am so sorry, Mister Gage. I just gave him a little Green Selene-"
"The green-fairy!? Has everyone lost their damn minds," the boss shouted, tossing the tuna to Dark before scruffing Y'zel by his costume's collar.
With a fling, he chucked Y'zel into Leonnioux's arms, the Elezen silently praying that Halone would smite him and the Miqo'te where they stood. "This is my fault…I'll bear the responsibility. Y'zel was just a bit down about his shortcomings as a lawyer and I thought I might treat him to something top shelf."
Erick pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a loud sigh. "Well, then he shouldn't have come looking for a job in law in the first place."
"Well, actually, Y'zel was employed as a researcher given his education and ties with the Gubal Restoration Effort. Zoissette just happened to be in need of a paralegal at the time," Dark corrected, moving to the aquarium in the hall to put the tuna into.
"Wait. Really," Erick asked.
"Yes. Our Wooly Warrior here has helped the Scions authenticate certain documents from time to time," Tataru agreed.
"I do remember a point when we were young where Zel had stumbled upon a forgery hanging in the Vault. He typically had his head in some sort of art or history book…I think they witch-dropped the fellow below that procured it. Something about smuggling the original," Leonnioux mused, moving a passed out Y'zel over his shoulder.
"Well, regardless-," Erick started.
"His extended family has forum members among them if I remember correctly. Ones that have floated us a few contracts," Dark added.
"Where there's Gil, there's a way. Sober him up and have him come to my office in the morning to start appraising our collection," Erick said, holding out his arms and looking down at the water stains on his jacket, "Throwing a damn fish. Does he want the building to be overrun by stray cats? This is how you get overrun by stray cats!"
Leonnioux exhaled as he turned, holding Y'zel's limp body against him, getting a little reassuring pat from Dark as he passed. Returning below with the Alpaku, he put Y'zel in the bath and let him rest with the bird. Costume hung up, he smiled, taking it to his own quarters to fold up and put in a box along with the knife Y'zel had given him for Starlight years before.
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liviusofpella · 2 years
ONE SHOT: Princeling
Pairing: Tyril x (MC) Selene AU
Word count: 2800
Warnings: It's a smut, ok? Minors pls dni
A/n: Kinda enemies to lovers to enemies, kinda the result of a kinky thought at 2am. Fantasy politics. Don't read too much into it. Embrace the horny.
Tag list: @cashweasel @brycesgirl @watatsumi-island @sophie-summer @lilyoffandoms (if I forgot about someone I'm really sorry, keeping my taglist up-to-date proved to be impossible with my goldfish memory and the belief that "I'LL REMEMBER I DON'T HAVE TO WRITE IT DOWN) @choicesficwriterscreations
He tapped his fingers on the desk nervously, glancing at the clock every few seconds. She was running late. She was never late. His heart pounded at the very thought that the guards caught her, but he immediately reassured himself, thinking that she was a master charmer and a family member of the King's advisor—nobody should question her presence in the palace. Selene knew how to manipulate like nobody else.
Unable to stay in one place, Tyril opened the balcony door, trying to get as much fresh air into the room as possible despite the high humidity. The palace was located in the Valley of the Rhine, overgrown with ever blooming greenery, which only added to the feeble air circulation caused by the tropical climate of the kingdom. He ran a hand through his long hair, wet at the base, and took a deep breath. No use, the air outside was just as still as inside. 
Tyril, with his back against the balcony’s pillar, rubbed his tired eyes. He was being ridiculous. 
"Long day, Prince?"
His head perked up at the sound of her voice.
"Yes. However, we finally got to the pleasurable part," he responded, trying his best to contain the smile that tried to bloom on his face at her sight. “You’re late.”
Selene locked the door, taking her time with the answer, trying to determine the prince’s mood. Having grown up learning his behaviour, two words were enough to decipher what was happening in his mind. He was tired and perhaps still sore after the morning's sword fighting training which, according to a rumour, ended rather badly for the prince. 
She made her way towards him, slowly, gracefully, never breaking eye contact. It was a game, a contest with no particular goal, one that originated almost a decade earlier when she was first officially introduced at the palace as the daughter of Lord Vinsant, a respected and esteemed royal advisor who has been performing his duty for over thirty years. Selene vividly remembered the young prince, standing next to the King, as stiff as a board but smiling impudently, holding her gaze as if looking away equalled death. 
She wrapped her arms around his stomach, veiled by a silk robe. "Mal held me back."
Tyril nodded imperceptibly. 
"Did he ask you to hurry up and give him an answer already?"
"Don't spoil the mood."
The corner of his lips raised slightly, against his will and to hide his discomfort, his palm cupped Selene's face. "You look decent tonight."
She raised her eyebrows, surprised. "Decent? Decent is all I get for standing in the fitting room for three hours?"
"You know no humility."
"I know I deserve more than what you give me."
Tyril swallowed, his gaze slipping to her lips in a futile attempt to end the conversation. Although she meant it in a different context, she was right. She deserved more from him. 
Selene shook her head, changing the subject. 
"Let me take care of you, prince Tyril," she whispered, her lips brushing against his as she spoke. A barely audible "please" left his lips, just seconds before her tongue slid across his lower lip. 
Tyril would never admit what Selene's been aware of for years, the fact that she had him wrapped around her finger. She knew how to press his buttons, how to please him, how to make him believe her wishes and intentions were his own. The day he realised how she's played him, he gave her the best sex of her life. For the next week he was insufferable, bitter and twisted, making everyone's life unbearable, but it was worth it. 
"That must've been painful," mumbling into his lips, she outlined the black bruise on his hip when his pants fell to the ground. Tyril ignored the remark, focusing on undoing the most intricate clasp he'd ever seen. 
"You did that on purpose," he mumbled.
"I like to watch you struggle."
Exasperated, Tyril wasted no time once the dress pooled at their feet—holding her firmly, he lifted her up and slid inside her when her back touched the cold wall. She bit back a moan, and Tyril cursed under his breath. He's waited almost a month to hear a moan coming out of her mouth.
"I'm glad there's still a way to make you stop talking," he panted into her mouth, and his grip on her thighs tightened, making sure to leave a mark. "But that's the wrong moment."
"Let me be the judge of that."
"I won't move until those pretty lips make the sound I want to hear."
"Can you last that long?"
"Can you?"
His hand wandered around her stomach to finally land in the place she wanted him the most, pressing and stroking the swollen nub. Having lost her resolve within seconds, Selene moaned, ready to beg and promise sweet nothings just to make him move.
He smiled defiantly. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" 
His hand, the one that rested between her legs, moved to cup her chin, but she intercepted it, guiding it back there. "It's staying there."
Being a frequent presence at the royal court, Selene knew all the gossip and news, which was made her a dangerous enemy. There was one rumour going around, though, that she could confirm—the royal dick was exquisite, and she found herself lucky to be the only one to have tasted it. 
She felt him leaving a love mark on hear collarbone but at that moment she could not care less, not when his hips did its wonders. The worrying could come later.
"Imagine the scandal if we were spotted," he gasped into her mouth, holding her tight against the wall, buried deep inside her warm core. Despite her best efforts to snap back, tease, anything really, all that left her throat were quiet whimpers. "You're trouble, my darling."
"Even if the news of our affair had spread, you wouldn't have suffered any consequences, Princeling."
"It's a bad fame all the same," he rasped before a particularly deep thrust. "The monarchy cannot be perceived as weak," another thrust. A quiet moan escaped his lips, and his left hand clasped around the base of Selene's throat, applying some pressure. "Do you understand?"
In a pathetic act of desperation, she tightened the grip of her legs around the Prince's waist, forcing him to step even closer, get even deeper. Mewling and squirming, writhing in his embrace, she would agree to anything. He allowed her to try and regain control, with parted, swollen lips and a flush on his cheeks, graciously allowed her to think she had him in her grasp. Feeling the familiar clenching of her muscles around him, Tyril tightened the grasp on her throat, lifting her head with his index finger, forcing her to look him in the eye. 
"I said, do you understand?" 
She nodded profusely, wrapping a hand around his.
"You will not be the fall of me."
"What makes you think I'd do that?"
"I know you, Lady Vinsant, you and your vindictive nature. Don't you dare try to destroy my legacy," he snapped. He felt her nails dig so deep into the skin of his back to draw blood. 
"Your entire legacy is the foundation of an elite whorehouse, Prince Starfury. I'd be afraid to catch the clap by touching the door handle," she stuttered out, panting. "Rest assured, I won't come close."
"You're forgetting your place."
"You're talking too much."
Seizing the opportunity, Selene guided his hand from her throat to her chest, to the part of her that always made his anger evaporate, his favourite toys, or rather stress balls. Having spent so much time with them, he learned to treat them with expert care and what to do to make it the most pleasurable experience for the owner. 
She allowed herself to rest, to let him do all the work, as her head rested against the wall and her embrace weakened slightly. For Tyril it was a sign that she was close, and thank heavens, because he's been trying his best to get her to finish first which was a massive fucking undertaking after a three-week-long abstinence. 
He relished those sinful sounds she made. At that moment, he'd swear those were the best piece of music to have ever been produced. Sober, he'd admitted to himself that the best thing he's ever heard was "You make me feel funny things." She was drunk, and that sentence was the culmination of a long speech about her growing up thinking he was the enemy, in which she implied over and over that she had feelings for him. They never discussed it as she didn't remember, and he wouldn't dare bring it up, but it's been often on his mind.
He did love to make her look like utter mess. A panting, sweaty, flushed mess, begging him to do things no lady should ever say out loud. That he did admit to her. And she took his words to heart.
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"That's new," Selene hummed, softly dragging her finger across a long, red scar on his abdomen. Tyril watched her with his head resting against the headboard, calmly taking in the sight of her pink cheeks and the slightly turned-up nose. Having reached over to the night stand, he handed her a glass jar with salve, which she took wordlessly. As she busied herself with applying the cold, sticky mixture on the angry looking skin, Tyril wrapped a streak of her blonde hair around his finger, the only curled one due to high humidity in the valley. 
"A close encounter with a harpy."
"Why do you do that? Why go out into the unknown when you have an army ready to grub up the entire greenery surrounding the castle?"
"For the thrill, I suppose. The castle becomes dull after a while, let alone after almost thirty years," he responded with a shrug, letting go of her hair and taking a look around the spacious chamber. 
Selene raised an eyebrow. "Is that why you let Círdan defeat you this morning?"
"Why do you find it so hard to believe I simply lost this time? Círdan is the teacher, after all—he is supposed to be better than me. Otherwise, he would have nothing to teach me."
Selene snorted. She leaned over him, placing the jar on the night stand, her knee accidentally touching his crotch. 
An innocent smiled stretched on her lips as she saw him clench his jaw. "A harpy wasn't able to defeat you, but Círdan was?"
"Stop talking," he growled. 
She knew. Perhaps she'd known for a long time, and it was him who was oblivious to the obvious. He put himself in dangerous positions just to get a boost of adrenaline, a dangerous tactic, especially practised by an overconfident and stuck up prince. 
"Make me."
There was no foreplay in their case ever. They kept teasing each other, yes, but simply because that's how they preferred to get the deed done. That's why Tyril pushed her legs apart and placed himself between them, almost without a word. "I can go all night, love, but by midnight you'd lose your voice."
"I'm glad you still know your place, prince."
The way this man knew exactly how to please her made question his truthfulness—he swore she was his first, but his skills made him seem to be very much experienced, thus, he was either lying or just that talented. Whichever option it was, Selene was just glad she got to experience that before she died—she doubted anyone would ever make her feel that good again. 
When his hands reached over towards her chest, she knew it was over for her, it always went down the exact same way. His tongue worked relentlessly and excellently, the affirmation of that could probably be heard even by the guards passing by that side of the palace. Infuriatingly enough, he made it a point of honour not to use his fingers, so Selene instructed him to at least be a bit rougher with her breasts. She held a spark of hope when suddenly her legs began to tremble and his hands went back to keep them from strangling him—yet the prince remained ignorant of her shameless pleas. 
The climax was much more intense than they'd both expected, but as Selene lied spent in utter bliss, Tyril couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He left several wet kisses on the inside of her thighs and lazily rolled out of the embrace of her warmest part to lie next to her.
"The match has been made," Tyril spoke up once his breath evened out. Selene hummed against his neck, encouraging him to elaborate, as she took deep breaths, trying to calm down her pounding heart. 
"It's your friend, Lady Ade—"
"Who made that call?"
He swallowed, rapidly thinking of all the possible outcomes of this conversation. Perhaps he made a mistake by bringing up that subject.
"The King."
She nodded. The most important task now was to convince herself it was better that way.
"What about you? Have you made the decision yet? You can't keep them waiting, Selene, unless your plan is for them to give you up," he murmured, tenderly stroking her back. "You have to accept a suitor."
"I'm good."
He sighed. Tyril knew she waited for him to take matters into his own hands and choose her, to stand up to his father, to rule the land in a way that would bring prosperity and calmness. Meanwhile, she was right, his only achievement was founding a high quality house of ill repute. 
"I can't give you what you desire, my darling."
She propped her head on one hand, the other she rested on his cheek, stroking it tenderly. A smile stretched on her lips at the similarity of his eyes to the ocean she's seen recently. Calm, peaceful, yet hiding unbounded amounts of power, rage, and destruction. Instead of saying, "I know," she licked her lower lip and kissed him, slowly and tenderly, relishing in the feeling of his tongue against hers. "Be good to her, Tyril," she whispered instead, and untangled herself from his embrace. 
Tyril suddenly felt overwhelmed by the spreading panic as he watched her dress herself and approach the door. 
"It pains me to think of you with someone else, but it has to be done. You were never mine, I don't have the right to ask you to stay."
"I was yours over and over again," she mumbled. "All you had to do was speak up–"
"It wouldn't have changed anything, Selene. Your knowledge of the power relations in the palace is faulty. As long as the King reigns, no one in his family has the right to decide for themselves."
"And Adeline, of all people," she continued, fighting with the zip of her dress. Murmuring to herself, she collected her belongings, careful not to forget anything since she was probably never coming back there. She halted her actions when she'd realised Tyril became quiet a while ago. Suspiciously quiet. She came closer to him, searching for an answer in his profile. For the first time, he didn't dare look her in the eye, and that very fact made her feel a pit in her stomach. Thinking of all their encounters, of her audiences with the Royal Family, balls and trainings, she couldn't come up with the reason for his behaviour. 
"Her father is a very influential man–"
"No," she snapped. "Don't you dare lie to me now. Look at me."
It was unusual to see the prince so uncomfortable. In a different situation, she'd gloat. Now she had to stop herself from clenching her hand on his jaw and crushing that spoilt pretty face. 
"It was a decade ago. It was her mother who spread the rumours about you," he said low, his gaze dropping to her clenched jaw. "You've been out of the competition since then. That was the cost of your father retaining his position. A marriage with you would weaken us."
His hand itched to wipe the tear that rolled down her rosy cheek. 
"You used me," she hissed through gritted teeth. "I've come here every week for a year. We've known each other since we were children," she blinked, trying to get rid of the tears gathering in her eyes. She felt her body shaking with rage and desperation. He betrayed her. "You've known and didn't think of telling me. Instead, you watched me abase myself before you and–"
"Don't pretend that you didn't come here out of your own volition to get properly fucked–”
Slap. Tyril snorted.
"I've never regretted not having a knife in my hand as much as I do right now."
"If you want to make me the villain, go ahead. You're in no position to actually hurt me."
Selene shook his head in disbelief. Was it a game for game since the very beginning? It certainly didn't feel so at the moment, but perhaps he was just that good of a manipulator. More than at him, she was angry with herself for actually believing he was different from what everyone around her said.
"Watch your back, Princeling."
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The next time there’s a meeting for the lords, lord infero and lord night bring Blacky and just try to explain in a not overly descriptive way, yet enough to sort of. Like, “yes this is Blacky. He’s a very traumatized me that dealt with centuries of solitary confinement and regresses when stressed. He can’t handle being alone so we brought him and his comfort plushy with. Please be gentle.”
Lord Hypernova just immediately gives him a paci. He carries endless pacis and comfort objects in his nether (aka his Star, he can reach into his and just pluck things out like a pocket dimension). Whatever Blacky could ask for, Lord Hypernova will immediately give him.
The other Lords will mostly just go about the meeting as per usual. Except Lord Selene, who will hug Blacky and assure him he’s very cute and Selene would love him to visit if he wants.
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fairrryprose · 1 year
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Hi!! Today I'm pleased to be hosting a stop on the tour for THE SWORD OF WRATH AND MERCY, a (grim)dark adult fantasy novel by NC KOUSSIS, with ESCAPIST BOOK TOURS. I'll be sharing my thoughts on the book so far and some gorgeous artwork.
I'm about a third of the way through the book so far, and its gripping lore/worldbuilding, intriguing and badass characters -- such as Selene, our one-armed warrior whom we go through a every emotional high and low with, whom we are taken on a training journey with, root for, feel for, be awed by -- and the relationships between the characters (as well as the character arcs I can see them having) have me flipping the pages. And of course, being grimdark, there is no shortage of gore, violence, everything that comes with it (see list of CW/TWs below). As we flip between Selene's and Tristain's (the biological child of Selene's warden) POVs and their individual journeys to kill or be killed and the struggles and betrayals they have to contend with, the vengeance they seek, we are sure to have nonstop action and breathless excitement.
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About the Book:
The Sword of Mercy and Wrath by NC Koussis Series: The Swords of Dominion Series Genre: Dark Fantasy/Grimdark Intended Age Group: Adult Pages: 400 Published: March 20, 2023 Publisher: Self Published
Interested? Here's where you can find the book ->
Book Links:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTPQF7ZY 
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BTPQF7ZY 
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BTPQF7ZY 
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/80272063-the-sword-of-mercy-and-wrath
Content/Trigger Warnings:
Shown on Page (things clearly told to the reader): 
Animal death (off-screen)
Blood (gore)
Body horror
Bones (human)
Domestic abuse (physical, verbal)
Drinking (heavy and recreational)
Forced captivity
Graphic sex
Medical procedures
Murder (committed and attempted)
Serious injury
Alluded to (things only mentioned in passing or hinted at):
About the Author:
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NC Koussis was born in Perth in 1993 to Greek and Gamilaroi ancestry. He has moved all around Australia, settling in Newcastle for the moment, where he lives with his wife, son, and staffy dog, Nala. He’s been writing fantasy books since he was a little boy, after falling in love with Lord of the Rings, Realm of the Elderlings, and Deltora Quest. He decided to publish a book in 2019, and it only took him three years. The Pyres of Vengeance is his upcoming novel. He considers himself an enthusiastic amateur of medieval history, historical battles and tactics, and food. When he’s not writing, he’s making sourdough bread and working on a PhD in neuroscience.
Webite: https://nikitaskoussis.com 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NCKoussis 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nckoussis/ 
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nckoussis  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NCKoussis
Check out other stops on the tour!
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lorata · 2 years
what kind of games does selene get in the combo divergence au? she's a kinslayer, right?
oh lord i don't even remember, is that the one where she's one short of a full house (i.e. she kills every career except one) and gets REALLY mad when claudius points it out? i think that might be
there is definitely A universe where that happens, it's a very dark/tasteless joke that she and claudius only make in the safety of the village because the other districts would NOT find it funny. but as they like to say, they're friends BECAUSE they aren't 'nice', so ...
(or is that the quadrangle?????? dagnabit I forget)
anyway re: Arenas, I didn't write any of the early stuff for this AU because it's basically Claudius canon + Selene canon folded together. so essentially it's the Happy-Dark AU until the Quarter Quell, at which point it switches over to canon divergence, but with Selene instead of Petra. at which point of course everything goes haywire.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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I guess this is my “happy end” for Carewyn and Orion for that LOTR AU (once again started by @drinkyoursoupbitch​​ and @no-moon-nor-stars​)! Pictured are the newly crowned king of Gondor, Orion II Elessar, and his love, the current Steward and future Queen of Gondor, Carewyn Cromwell-Took! (Previous part here!)
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When Orion, Ben, Wendy, Charlie, and their allies from Gondor and Rohan charged to the gates of Mordor, there was almost no hope of success. As the final battle raged on, however, wave after wave of reinforcements arrived -- Treebeard and the Ents Carewyn had befriended in the Forest of Fangorn; an army of men led by Barnaby Lee and an army of elves from Mirkwood, who came to support Fellowship members Selene and Artemis Clair de Lune; a battalion of dwarves led by the new King Duncan Stonehelm of Erebor; a militia of men from Dale led by Carewyn’s friend, Lord Andre; the eagles, ridden by both Gandalf and Carewyn’s long-lost brother, Jacob Cromwell-Took, who brought along some white magic of his own to blind and beat back the Orc advance; and Selene and Artemis themselves, who -- after smuggling Smeagol, Bill, and Cedric inside Mordor -- infiltrated the wall over the dark city and attacked Sauron’s dark army from above. Then the final blow was dealt against Sauron -- the Ring was destroyed, and with the destruction of Sauron also came the annihilation of Mordor. The day was won.
The triumphant army returned to the stronghold of Minas Tirith as heroes. As happy as Carewyn was to see Ben, Wendy, Charlie, and Orion safe, however, she was overwhelmed beyond words by who else greeted her at the gates of the capital.
Carewyn flung her arms out wide, rushing to Charlie and throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“You did it!” she said, her wide ruby red smile echoing in every word. “You all did it!”
Charlie squeezed his old friend tightly. “We did it. We couldn’t have done it without you, Carey -- if you hadn’t sent for reinforcements -- ”
“Carewyn Cromwell-Took.”
Carewyn looked up. Standing before her was Duncan, his lips spread into a mischievous grin through his now much-thicker brown beard. He’d had his thick arms crossed, but when Carewyn swept over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a huge hug, they fell lax at his sides.
“It’s good to see you, Duncan,” murmured Carewyn.
The young King of Erebor’s expression faltered somewhat, betraying genuine affection despite himself, as he brought his arms around her in return and held her like a dear younger sister he hadn’t seen in years.
Andre came up as well, opening his arms wide to ensnare Carewyn in a hug of his own.
“Look at you, Carewyn!” he said, looking over her new Steward attire and grinning. “One would hardly recognize you as the hobbit who escaped a band of orcs and wargs by floating yourself and your friends down the river in barrels...”
Carewyn bit back a laugh. “Not my most glamorous moment.”
“Artemis! Selene!”
Ben’s voice caught Carewyn’s attention. Riding in on fresh horses were their elfin friends, both looking very tired and beaten down, but with smiling, alight faces at the sight of them. Artemis made a beeline for Ben, leaping off his horse so as to throw both of his arms around him. Once Selene had embraced Wendy, she bend down to hug Carewyn as well.
“It’s felt so long, since we saw you last,” said Selene, “longer than I even know how to express. I think I now know why people with mortal lives act like they have no time at all...”
“I know -- it’s felt like years, somehow,” agreed Wendy.
A loud cry overhead signaled the arrival of the eagles. Carewyn beamed when she caught sight of Gandalf’s white robes -- but she was taken aback by the sound of a familiar, hoarse voice.
It was Bill. He rode the eagle behind Gandalf and looked even more exhausted and worn than the Clair de Lune twins, but his freckled face was just as bright and his eyes were flooding with tears.
Both Carewyn and Charlie barreled over. Bill didn’t even wait for his eagle to fully land, instead launching him off of its back and hobbling with difficulty over to them, throwing his slightly longer legs backward and forward in precarious, reckless strides until he’d reached them. The three red-haired hobbits all threw themselves forward, seizing onto each other’s shirts and arms and squeezing each other’s shoulders in a vice grip.
“Charlie -- ” Bill choked through his flood of tears, “Carey -- ”
“Oh, Bill,” whispered Carewyn. “You did it -- you and Cedric -- ”
“I knew you could do it,” Charlie murmured proudly, clutching at his older brother’s back. “I always knew -- ”
Carewyn blinked back the traces of tears in her eyes, turning her gaze to the rest of the eagles landing. Her eyes softened in relief seeing Gandalf carrying a sleeping Cedric under his arm. Then she caught sight of the rider disembarking the eagle just behind Gandalf, and all trace of a smile vanished.
The final rider was a hobbit about a head shorter than Bill, dressed in worn gray robes one would be more likely to associate with a wizard. His black-brown curls had grown as long as a dwarf’s, sweeping down his back, and his eyes had been hollowed out like a skull’s, but they still sparkled the same shade of blue as Carewyn’s. His face was very white and weakly smiling, almost anxious, as he faced her.
“Wyn,” breathed Jacob.
All dignity forgotten, Carewyn flung herself out of both Weasley brothers’ arms. She tripped over the long skirt of her dress several times, but she didn’t care -- she would’ve tripped a thousand times more over, just to --
The two Cromwell-Tooks clung onto each other so tightly that it was like they never wanted to let each other go again. Jacob anchored a trembling hand on the back of his little sister’s head as he struggled not to completely break down.
“Oh Wyn -- my little Wyn -- ”
He pulled away at last, running his thumbs over her cheeks as his tear-filled blue eyes scanned her face.
“Look at you -- you’re a real lady! Shining like the Lady of Lothlorian herself...”
“You’re alive,” choked Carewyn. “I can’t believe you’re alive -- ”
The two Cromwell-Tooks looked up as Duncan rushed forward, his eyes very wide and his face very pale under his dark beard.
Jacob’s blue eyes sparkled. “...Hello, Ashy.”
Carewyn had expected Duncan to perhaps run forward and hug Jacob too -- instead, when he reached Jacob, he immediately grabbed hold of his pointed ear and yanked hard.
“Owowowow -- !”
“You blasted IDIOT!” swore Duncan. “Disappearing like that -- let me guess, you got in over your head again, as per usual? How can you be so smart and yet so bloody daft!?”
“Owwww! Let go, will you?!”
Carewyn brought a hand up to wipe away the tear forming in her right eye as she looked up at Gandalf, who was smiling warmly.
“It seems your brother, like me, had battles to fight in fire and shadows,” he said. “Fortunately, like me...he also found his way back. He’s become quite a talented magician, for a hobbit -- I suspect he’ll be able to conjure up quite enough fireworks, for the next party in the Shire...”
“Thank you for bringing him back to me, Gandalf,” said Carewyn softly.
She then turned to the soldiers and courtiers who had escorted her to the city wall.
“Come -- let’s get Cedric a bed and proper medical attention. And prepare a hearty meal, in the main hall -- our King and his friends need it.”
Soon after was Orion’s coronation at the white Citadel of Minas Tirith. Representatives from many kingdoms -- Man, Dwarf, and Elf alike -- all came for the celebration. Once he was crowned, Orion bestowed honors onto all of his companions in the Fellowship of the Ring and all of the allies who had fought with them when things were at their most desperate. He vowed to the citizens of Gondor that he would do everything in his power to rule with patience, tenacity, loyalty, and fire and bring peace and balance to their world.
The coronation party afterwards was full of singing, dancing, and a great feast, where the Fellowship reconvened merely as friends, rather than soldiers. At one point, when Carewyn got up to speak with Merula, the new Captain of Gondor’s Guard, Cedric noticed something he hadn’t before.
“...Say, you all,” the youngest hobbit said with a frown, “who did Carewyn promise her heart to?”
Everyone in the Fellowship went stock still. Ben and Charlie immediately moved as if to hush Cedric, but it was too late.
“What?!” yelped Bill.
Carewyn’s best friend whirled on both Ben and Charlie, looking both beside himself and absolutely incredulous.
“You knew about this?”
Orion had gone very pale, his eyes darting around at each of the hobbits and Ben as he tried to make sense of what he was hearing. Artemis and Selene both looked at each other with a frown.
“‘Promise her heart?’“ said Artemis, bewildered.
Selene glanced at Carewyn and then gave an “oh!”
“Her left ring finger,” said the female elf. “If Hobbit tradition is anything like ours...Carewyn is engaged!”
“When did THIS happen?” Bill was still interrogating Ben and Charlie -- despite him only being about two heads taller than Charlie and much shorter than Ben, both men looked equally taken aback by his volume and level of passion. “What happened?”
“It’s not what it looks like!” said Charlie hastily. “That is -- well, yeah, she put it there, but -- I mean -- ”
Orion was barely taking in much of what anyone was saying -- his mind was moving too quickly.
Carewyn...was engaged? If she’d promised her heart, was that...like a betrothal? When had this happened? Had she been proposed to while she was in Gondor alone, while he was away? Had she always been betrothed, since before they’d met? To who?
Orion found himself clutching his own hands as he closed his eyes and tried in vain to stabilize his breathing. His thoughts were always way too loud and way too fast, when he was anxious...
He was startled out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder. It was Wendy.
“Come on,” said the dark-haired shieldmaiden under her breath with a smile, “let’s go for a walk -- it’s getting too loud in here.”
And so Wendy steered the new King out of the hall and out onto one of the balconies of the White Tower. It didn’t take long for Carewyn to notice Wendy leaving with Orion and, noticing how very ill and upset he suddenly looked, she quickly ended her conversation with Merula and left the hall after them. She found the two talking at the balcony -- Wendy noticed as soon as Carewyn arrived and rather quickly excused herself with a pat to Orion’s shoulder and a smile at Carewyn.
“Carey, would you please tend to His Majesty?” said Wendy, a wry twinkle in her eye. “You seem to have a special touch with him."
Carewyn watched her go with a swish of her long dark hair, frowning in confusion. Rather than dwell on it, however, she immediately turned her focus back to Orion. He looked so pale...
She reached out a hand to him.
“Is everything all right?” she asked, her blue eyes very concerned.
When she’d reached out to him, Orion’s gaze had flown immediately down to her hand and to the ring on her finger.
His eyes widened.
It was his ring. The Ring of Barahir he had given her, before she’d first left for Gondor with Gandalf. Naturally, it being made by Elves, it had enough magic to shrink or grow to the proper size, so it fit her finger just as well as it had his.
The ring that Cedric had thought represented some sort of romantic promise...was his ring.
It took a moment for Orion to catch his breath again. Once he’d managed to compose himself enough, he bent down so as to properly look Carewyn in the eye. He took her hand, trailing his thumb over the ring on her finger, as he led her closer to him. Although he managed to keep his voice level somehow, his lightly tanned face was still very white and his hand holding hers was trembling.
"...Carewyn...” he murmured, “the way you wear my ring...is there...a meaning to it?"
Carewyn blinked in surprise. Then her face relaxed, and she offered a small smile even as her cheeks darkened with a flush and her eyes rested on his shoulder and not his face.
 "...Yes. For hobbits, it represents a promise of one's heart -- one stronger than time, life, or death.”
Her eyes drifted down to their joined hands.
“...It was that promise...that was in my heart when I pledged my fealty to Gondor. When Denethor heard me pledge myself to 'my lord', ‘til he release me or death take me..."
She smiled wryly.
"...he was unaware that, in my own mind at least, I already had a lord to be loyal to."
Orion’s eyes widened. Carewyn raised her head at last, her face much more solemn despite the softness in her eyes.
"Even if just as your friend,” she said very seriously, “my heart is yours, my king."
She lifted their hands, adjusted them so that Orion’s was on top, and placed a feather-light kiss to the back of his hand.
For a moment, all Orion could do was stare. His dark eyes trailed over Carewyn’s face, lingering on her eyes and her ruby red lips -- then, his pale face flushing with a kind of emotion Carewyn had never seen before, he swept forward. His hands found her cheeks, cupping them gently as he leaned in and placed a tender, lingering kiss to her forehead.
“My lady,” he breathed, his eyes half-lidded and shining upon hers, “you are far...far more than a friend to me. And I hope that you’ll consent to be far more, as well...for among both Men and Elves...”
His eyes flickered down to her lips and then back to her eyes, in a move that almost suggested shyness.
“...the place you wear my ring...could also be seen as the mark of an engagement...were it to host a different band."
Carewyn stared at Orion.
“You...you’d want to marry a hobbit?” she asked, her voice very soft and stunned.
Orion’s eyes softened with some amusement despite himself. “I would like to marry you. If you’ll have me.”
“If I’ll -- ?”
Carewyn looked flabbergasted.
“Orion...I’m just a halfling -- you’re a king. More importantly, you’re...you. You’re gentle, and noble, and wise...”
“And you are warm and resourceful...and braver than anyone I’ve ever known in my life,” Orion cut her off gently.
His gaze flickered down to her lips again self-consciously. For all of his confidence as a Ranger, a warrior, a general, and even a king, Orion found himself oddly fretful and uncertain, in that moment -- as if he was standing on the edge of a cliff and would either fall to his death or soar up into the clouds, were he to jump.
“I realize that hobbits...rarely marry outside their own kind...especially to Men -- but just as I could see no one else as my Steward...I can’t think of anyone else I would ever ask to be my Queen.”
Her face flushed and her eyes sparkling like stars, Carewyn brought a hand up to rest on his cheek. She cradled his face with her hand as she bent her head just enough to rest her forehead against the king’s.
“Orion...I could not think of a single greater gift or treasure in this world than to be yours.”
Orion felt as though a weight he’d been carrying for ages had suddenly been lifted off of his chest. He exhaled, his eyes fluttering closed absently as he leaned lightly back against her hand on his face.
One hand sank into the shoulder of her red and white velvet dress, while the other trailed affectionately along her cheek. Carewyn closed her own eyes, smiling fondly.
“I love you,” she whispered, a mere breath away from his lips.
She kissed the side of his temple, and then his nose and his lips. Without opening his eyes, Orion found himself mirroring her, littering her face with kisses as he trailed his hand along her cheek and through her hair. Several times their lips met, sometimes chastely, sometimes deeply, but always through the gentlest, warmest, happiest smile -- as though their hearts were both fit to burst from happiness.
A week later, Carewyn was crowned queen of Gondor, to the delight of her new people. Regardless of her heritage, the people of Gondor had not forgotten her courage and leadership in the midst of the War Against Sauron, and over the years, their affection for their “little queen” only grew. (This didn’t mean that she ever became very well-regarded in the Shire -- truthfully, someone that worldly and strong-willed would never really have belonged there. Most Shire folk didn’t dislike her, of course, but it was still a little uncomfortable to be associated with someone so thoroughly unlike the traditional image of a hobbit. The clear exception to this rule, however, was any hobbit with the last name “Weasley,” who were all always welcome in the kingdom of Gondor.)
One looking back on the reign of King Orion II Elessar and Queen Carewyn Dilthenrís could almost wonder if their romance -- however peculiar it was -- was written in the stars. After all...one translation for the name “Carewyn” is “white tower” -- like the fabled tower of the Citadel at Minas Tirith where she first inspired her future King’s people.
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romerona · 1 year
War Of Hearts
⤑ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʙᴜᴛ ʙᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ. ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪ’ᴍ ᴏᴠᴇʀᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀʀ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ
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Selene Maltheon never thought of herself to be a puppet, she thought she'll live her life free and happy, there was no denying that she was a big dreamer and hopelessly naive. Selene thought she'll grow up to live one of those happily ever after lives like the ones from the books she reads so much... however, the inevitable happened, she grew up and came to the realization she was yet just another pawn in the big game.
Jacaerys Velaryon x Oc // Aemond Targaryen x Oc.
A/N: A bit of an AU. Rhaenyra and her sons are still in Kingslanding but they (The greens and The blacks) still hate each other. And some other changes.
1 - 2 - 3 -
Since she was a little girl Selene would read and read about the world around her, she would ramble about it to whoever was near and willing, which was usually her brother. Selene would marvel at the stories about old times and new tales. Her father despised it when she stayed late reading those tales, he used to say it was useless for her to read so much if she was going to be tired throughout the day but her mother, she would defend her against her father and let Selene indulge in her desires to open a new book each week. She was the one to support her little escapees to the library and listen when she would ramble about the new tale she read if no one else did.
As she grew up, her taste change a bit; from romance to fantasy, from fantasy to history, from history to families, from families to houses from houses to plants and from plants to healing… quite the odd turn but she was forced to care about plants and their properties.
It started when her mother died out of an allergic reaction to a particular flower, Aconitum, it was brought to her by a merchant from a distant land. Her father said her mother deserved such a beautiful flower, and indeed it was the most beautiful flower Selene has ever seen… but the beauty of the flora turned out to be as deadly as a sword to the heart.
Selene remembers clear as day that at first, no one knew what was the cause of Lady Maltheon's sudden illnesses, she was poisoned was what they thought was the answer to her sickness, however, just before her mother's last hours of life, when a Maester from the citadel came to visit per her father's desperate request, he was quick to point out the flower. He told the Maltheons that such a flower was not only deadly to most animals but to some people as well, the Maester did his best but failed to cure her.
Selene remembers watching him experiment with several treatments, teas, potions, milks but nothing worked, back then watching the old man work was the only alleviation she had, even if no one knew, the Maester hope in own his treatments was the only thing Selene felt like it kept her grounded.
After Mother's death, things changed around her home; the Maltheon’s men become a far cry from the ones they used to be and the last lady of the house was shut out completely leaving her with her books about plants, a new secret dream and longing for what once was…
And moments like this, moments like the one she is currently living in, that’s when she missed the days in the sun the most;
"I know it's not the happiest of announcements, but it must be done, my dear." Lord Alexios' voice was stern, his expression stoic and cold. He didn't understand the feelings of his daughter at all and had little desire to try. Instead, his cold demeanour made it seem as if he viewed this as nothing more than the cold hard fact of life.
“Father… I-I-” Selene still too stunned and horrified to put her thoughts in order just enough to make up a sentence, a word, a syllable.
"Speak plainly, my daughter." He looks at her with stern eyes, and he does not let the coldness in his voice soften "Do you have questions?" His voice is still cold, but it seems he will at least allow her to make an argument, or ask anything that she feels she needs to ask.
“Why me?” Selene shakes her head, still not understanding, she looks up at her father frowning in confusion “Prince Aemond could marry however he wishes. Why do we need this alliance with the Targaryens? I don't understand?”
Lord Alexios sighs, annoyed that his daughter would question his authority "Because it is necessary for our future, my daughter. A marriage alliance means our family will be bonded to the royal bloodline for generations, with any of your children potentially being in line for the Iron Throne..." Alexios glances at the unfolded letter on his table, he mumbles to her "As well as a chance for our own bloodline to sit upon the throne." There is a hint of pride in his voice as he speaks, hoping that his daughter might gain a small bit of the fire that he has in his heart.
Selene caught his small gazing moment, uneasiness settling in her bowels at what he implied. Selene knew her father and she knows he has strong opinions about how the crown handled things but could never- he wouldn't be a traitor to the king's word, right? He was appointed the hand of the king, he wouldn't be plotting against his appointed heir...
"Princess Rhaenyra is the heir to the throne, father, not Prince Aemond, he is the third-born son of the king. This marriage would be futile… " Selene said carefully, she shakes her head, her frown deepening, and that uneasiness she was feeling was starting to transform into annoyance at the moronic logic behind this betrothal.
"My daughter... what are you implying?" Lord Alexios turns to Selene where she stands with a look of disdain painting her features, and his stern demeanour has now given way to confusion. His confusion is quickly replaced by anger, a small vein in his face popping out as he speaks. "I shall not allow the honour of my house to be insulted in such a way, let alone by my own flesh and blood!"
Alexios advances toward Selene. In the blink of an eye, he is now standing inches away from her, and his voice becomes even more stern. Selene flinches a little at the close proximity, but she stands her ground. She looks into his green eyes, similar to her own shade, she frowns as she takes his hand, pleadingly. "Father… you… you simply can’t. Please. Please, don't do this."
Selene was ready to kneel and plead with him to stop this betrothal. She didn't wish to marry, at least not now.
At this point, her father is fuming. It is obvious that his anger is growing by the second, and his voice is as cold and sharp as steel as he rips his hand from her grasp "I won't be told what to do by my own daughter!" His eyes seem to burn through her with anger, and he reaches out a hand, seemingly to smack Selene as punishment, but at the last second, he stops. He pulls his hand back quickly, but it's clear that he nearly followed his impulse "You stupid girl, why can't you understand that I'm doing this for your benefit as well?"
"My benefit? You are selling me like a bloody mare, father, and in exchange for what? Power for our house? It’s inhumane." Selene looks pleadingly at her father again who didn’t seem affected by her pleas or any less angry "I’m your only daughter…"
"I'm not selling you like a mare," Her father says with contempt in his voice "I am making a wise decision for the future of our household and our position. How dare you speak to me this way?!" His voice is louder as he continues to talk, his anger evident "Do you know how many lords of the realm would be willing to marry any of their daughters to a Targaryen? They are the ones with the dragons! Their power is unrivalled! And yet you are so quick to question me?" He huffs, his anger growing again
Selene pursed her lips, she was annoyed and frightened. Marriage with the third born of King Viserys, Prince Aemond, was not something she had planned for herself. "Rheanyra will be Queen, Father, I- I don't know what you are planning but please I must implore you to keep me out of it."
"All I am doing is for the sake of the realm and our house," Alexios said with quiet anger, his face turning red. "The King and I already discuss your betrothal. It is done."
"Mother would have hated you for- "Selene was cut off by the sharp pain that came from her father's hand and her own gasp.
It took her a moment to understand what had happened. He slapped her.
Orion's slap knocks the wind out of Selene, and she could see that for just a brief moment he allows the satisfaction of striking her cross his face. He looks at Selene, cold anger evident in his eyes, his voice still cold and sharp. "You are the only lady of House Maltheon and you have a duty to it. Are you going to allow your duties to go unfulfilled? or will you do as you are told?" He says, his words sounding more like demands rather than questions.
Selene stares at him with nothing but resentment as she holds her reddening cheek. After a moment of silent glares, Selene drops her hand, her father's blazing eyes glancing at her cheek. "Is there anything else you wish to demand of me, Father?" Selene said in a calm voice but there was a sharpness to it.
The calmness of her voice seems to only make Alexios more mad. He wanted to strike her once again, Selene did flinch back this time, however, the strike never came. He probably knew he couldn't just beat her into obedience. So, instead, he simply spoke to her in just the same tone "You will obey me, it is your duty and my right as your father to marry you off if I wish. Now go to your chambers." His eyes were burning with anger, and his voice was nothing but ice "I want no more of your insolence or arguments."
Selene pursed he lips in indignation but kept her mouth shut. She only nodded and turned to leave her father's quarters with a ringing in her ears and resentment in her heart that refuse to leave her.
Alexios watches Selene leave, and his rage is replaced by pride. He finally feels like he has put her in her place. That girl would not be allowed to continue arguing like that for much longer. He turns around and starts walking toward his work table. "Hmph. She'll have to learn, one way or another." He walks the remaining few steps into his study and sits at his desk, he takes the important letter with the Hightower stamp on it and opens it, as he reads a grin begins to form on his face.
'We shall establish the third dragon as the heir but you first must do your part'
Alexios burns the letter, watching as pieces of it turn to ash. They all knew between the king's children who was the better fit for the iron throne, it was only a matter of time and the pull of a few strings to make the lords of the realm figured that out as well. "Selene better learns sooner rather than later, for the affairs are beginning..."
Part 4???
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selenelavellan · 6 years
Finding You
Raised by Uthvir AU
Mana’din, Selene’s family (mentioned), and Dirthamen are @feynites
It is a short conversation with the disguised spirit.
Apparently she is being asked to Lord Dirthamens lands, though when she asks for what purpose they are particularly vague in details.
They assure her she will be gone no longer than three days.
It means three days away from her posts, but if she is being summoned, then surely her absence has already been cleared with her Lady Mana'din.
She leaves a note for her family to keep them from fretting, complete with a doodle of her sword beside her name so that they know she is not leaving unarmed.
She clasps her favorite cape to her shoulder guards, hooks her sheath to her hip, and follows the spirit through the crossroads without hesitation.
Selene has never been to Lord Dirthamens lands before. Has only been to cities under Mana'dins protections, and her one trip to Arlathan.
It is very exciting to be so far from home, she thinks.
The spirit is quiet for much of the journey. They remain a bird, flying a few feet ahead of her and opening the necessary eluvians, until they finally arrive nearest to their destination.
She is expecting a meeting hall somewhere. Perhaps someone's home, or place of business. But the spirit leads her through the gates, and into the castle of Lord Dirthamen himself.
Whoever has summoned her must be very high ranking here, she realizes.
She glances back up at the spirit; a raven, still. Nearly identical to the one she had found in the garden in Arlathan, that had been so close to her mysterious dancing partner.
She wonders....hm.
There is very little time to ponder the possibilities, before she hears the music. Low, and slow, and nearly muted through the heavy stone walls. It becomes louder and clearer as she continues behind the spirit, a grin spreading over her face as realization dawns on her and she picks up her pace, sure of her situation before the 'surprise' is revealed. Two large doors are pulled open by Lord Dirthamens sentries, revealing a man standing inside of a large ballroom. It has been decorated in a similar manner to the one they had met in, back in Arlathan, and she wonders for a moment if he has actually gone and borrowed some of the decorations for re-use. There are musicians arranged by the back wall, and her dancing partner is staring back at her through his mask. The same one he had worn that night.
I'd have brought mine if I had known, she muses internally as she steps towards him, no longer needing the spirit to show her where to go.
She can't stop her smile from spreading as she moves towards him, sweeping her cape back in a flourish as she moves into a deep bow before he might make yet another grand gesture of his own. He has had enough upper hands for the day, she thinks.
She extends one hand towards him, palm upturned.
He places his own in hers, still gloved as a palpable feeling of relief emanates from him.
“You found me,” She grins as the orchestra strikes up a new song for them.
“When I asked you if I might, you did offer permission,” He points out, following her lead as she glides them through one of the classical steps.
“Still. Sounds like an awful lot of work for a dance,” She teases as she spins him out before pulling him back towards her.
“It was a very memorable dance.”
Selene hums in agreement, moving them into a more complicated step. His own cloak billows behind him as they twirl across the dance floor, feathers fluttering across his neck and shoulders. If she had known why she were being summoned, she might've worn something more aesthetically pleasing for the occasion. Her armor is meant to cling close to her, to keep from making shadows move in the wind and giving away positions, to be silent during patrols so that her quarry won't know she is approaching. It is white and stark in contrast to the dark of his gown, the crimson of her cape a brilliant burst of color around them as he briefly changes their position to spin her himself, switching quickly back into the following role as Selene turns back to him with a laugh.
“Why did you summon me?” She finally asks as the song comes to an end, her hands resting on his waist, his own settled onto her shoulder and hip.
“I wanted to see you again,” He admits.
Selene laughs again, shaking her head fondly. “You could have come yourself, if you knew where I was. Why didn't you?”
He hesitates, and she frowns as doubt starts to rise in her gut at the silence.
Her eyes dart across his face, and she moves one of her hands up.
“May I see you without the mask?”
He hesitates again, but gives her a slow nod before she can become too uncomfortable.
Her fingers carefully tuck beneath his chin, pressing gently between the smooth material of his mask and the skin beneath. The mask falls from his face and lands in her palm. There are four slate blue eyes looking back at her nervously from dark skin that reflects the multicolored lights of the room beautifully. Selene licks her lips anxiously, not in any way off put by the extra features, but concerned about the absence of any kind of markings.
“You don't have any vallaslin,” She says. Not that he probably needs to be notified of it, surely he knows already.
“That is true,” He nods.
“...I do not suppose that is because you are so young that you haven't gained them yet?” Not that that would be a better situation. It might even be worse, really. But they are alone, in a ballroom, with a private orchestra, and he is very finely dressed. There is an obvious answer as to why he wouldn't have any markings, even if he were very very old.
...and he would indeed, she realizes, be significantly older than herself, if it's true.
“It is not,” He admits.
Selene nods slowly.
For a very long time.
Much longer than she means to.
���You're Lord Dirthamen, then.” She finally says.
She nods a bit faster, now, anxiety starting to override her usual confidence.
“That's great! Congratulations,” She blurts, unsure of how she's supposed to act. She's met Mana'din on more than one occasion, but she's also been assured that the way Mana'din interacts with her people is far from the norm of most of the Evanuris. Selene has never been very good at stopping her mouth when her nerves overtake her though, and they've never overtaken her quite so suddenly before, either. Her voice begins to rise in pitch as she continues, “And you were Lord Dirthamen back in Arlathan then, too. When the spirit of Deceit was your spirit of Deceit. Which means I...called you a spy. Did I ever apologize for that? I didn't mean any offense or anything, some of my best friends are spies you know-”
“I found it very endearing,” he assures her as her voice starts to crack. “You do not have anything to fear from me.”
“Good, that's-that's great! Fantastic. Awesome, really. Not that I was afraid of you. You're not scary or anything like that-unless you want to be scary?”
“No, not particularly.”
“Good,” Selene repeats. “Because I don't think you are.”
“What do you think I am?” He asks with a slight tilt of his head and a note of curiousity.
This time it is Selene who hesitates.
“...I think you're very pretty,” She says honestly. “I think you are a very good dancer, and very romantic, and I like serving your daughter so I think you might not be so terrible, really.”
The skin around his cheeks and ears darkens, as his lips quirk up in a small smile. “Thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
Silence pervades for a moment, before the orchestra decides to break it and begins a soft tune around them.
“Would you like to dance again?” He asks. “If you are hungry, or would like to see more of my home, we could do that instead. You are my guest, during your stay here. Most everything is available to you.”
Selene glances back at the orchestra, takes a deep breath, and resolves herself. Just because she knows his name now (and what a name it turned out to be) doesn't change things. He's still the same man with the beautiful laugh she met in the garden and spoke with at the party. He seems to like the way she's been behaving around him so far, so...probably there's really not any danger here.
“I'd love another dance,” She admits, moving back to a starting position with him. “Thank you.”
She doesn't expect it to be comfortable.
It's surprising when it is.
When he has food carried in for them, when they discuss current events like old friends, when he lifts her off the ground during one of their dances and she makes an embarrassing squeak at the motion and he only laughs again and radiates more affection around them.
He shows her to one of his gardens, and the two decide to rest together beneath a tree that is probably older than she is, a small stream passing near them that carries all the way down to the river near the base of the mountains.
“Is your job dangerous?” he asks as his shoulder brushes against her own and he readjusts his position slightly against the tree trunk. His mask has been re-affixed to his face since they left the ballroom, but it does not seem to impede their conversation in any way.
“Not really,” Selene shrugs. “It can be, certainly, but I'm not usually sent on the more dangerous excursions. I mostly stick to a patrol around my lady Mana'dins council chambers and various locations in and around the palace. Most of my job is just shooing people away from places they shouldn't be.”
“And you enjoy it?”
Selene shifts awkwardly, eyes drifting upwards to leaves above them. “S'okay.”
His head tilts, and she glances down to see him staring back up at her. 
“You are lying.”
“It's a good job,” She asserts, because it is, and her Nanae had been very pleased when she had gotten it. “It's not, perhaps, what I would like to spend eternity doing. But it is a very honorable position that allows me the freedoms to pursue my hobbies in my off time. The land there is still trying to repair itself; we're in need of people who can do physical and applicable jobs. There is less of a need for...theoretical positions right now. But one day things will be better, and maybe if I have come up with a real, quantifiable hypothesis by then, I could present it to my lady. And perhaps if it is good enough, she will permit me to do real research on it.”
Dirthamen rumbles slightly beside her, perked up by her admissions. “Do you have a topic in mind?”
Selene flushes slightly. “Ideally? Yes. Quite a few. I have several journals filled with them, though most will only make minor changes, if any noticeable ones at all. I've dropped a few off with those who could use them; equations for magical inputs to help promote growth and necessary erosion in the soil, or to better distribute some of our limited resources. A few were even implemented, which was very gratifying! But change on a large scale takes time, no matter what. And when your basic principles are faulty...”she drifts off, biting down on her bottom lip.
“Which principles?” Dirthamen pushes.
“It would be treasonous to say,” Selene sighs. “Even to you.”
“I am very good at keeping secrets,” he notes.
Selene gives him a wry grin.
“You will almost certainly have to keep this one, if I tell it to you.”
He nods, suddenly serious as he raises a privacy barrier around them.
She rubs slightly at the back of her neck, the ends of her hair tickling her knuckles as she does. “Elvhen and spiritual sacrifices are a poor energy source,” She says quietly. “It is wasteful, and cruel. There are better options out there, if only we could be given the option to find them.”
Blue eyes blink from beneath the mask at her, as the air goes suddenly somber. “You truly believe that?”
“I do.”
“Do you have any evidence, to such a claim?”
Her nails scratch at the skin on her neck “...I do. There was a dwarven woman I met once, during a patrol. I was still young, and new, and I had never killed someone before. Nor did I wish to. So I...spoke to her, instead. The dwarves do not sacrifice people and spirits the way we do, but still their cities are powered from deep beneath the earth. They are doing it somehow, without bloodshed or shattering, which is proof in itself that there is another way. There are other sources of power, of magic. Perhaps they are even more efficient! There is so much run off from shattered spirits, it is...it is wasteful, and it leaves so many scars....”
“Oftentimes, that runoff finds its way into the dreaming,” Dirthamen explains. “New spirits can be born from it.”
“I am aware. However, many of the spirits in my home have been touched by death. Even if they do not always realize it...” she shakes her head. “The experience lingers. Even as new life sprouts, and new experiences overwrite the old, it does not make them vanish. Those spirits are more likely to succumb to corruption, sprouting from the scars left in the spaces where they pulled themselves back together.”
“They are a risk, then.”
Selenes face scrunches in distaste and tension. “No! It is still a very small percentage that corrupts. Not nearly enough to draw attention to it, unless you are looking for the pattern. There is no reason to give them such a dangerous label. It would only sow panic, and distrust. I only meant it as one possible positive outcome of solving the issue.”
Dirthamen blinks beneath the mask. “I did not mean to offend you. My apologies.”
She lets out a breath, and leans back against the tree. “I forgive you,” She says. “You promised to keep this a secret though, remember.”
He nods in agreement, and the privacy barrier falls away from them.
Selene takes a moment to allow herself to be bold,in the aftermath of her admission, and carefully places her hand over his.
“Your home is very beautiful,” She tells him, looking out over the mountain range, the expanse of soft greens beneath their feet, and the river where the two lands meet. “I can see why you wouldn't want to leave it.”
He stills for a moment, before his fingers find their way between hers, and his head leans against her shoulder.
“I am glad you enjoy it.”
After her admission in the garden, Dirthamen decides that Selene might enjoy seeing one of his libraries.
He is not wrong.
The sun sets and rises while they pour through the aisles together, pointing out their favorites and discussing various subjects as they arise. She is making a mental list of authors and articles to search for when she returns, even knowing this library is far larger than any near her own home.
They are debating over the merits of an old eluvian security measure when Selene lets out a long, rather loud, yawn.
“Ah, I forgot to show you to bed,” Dirthamen realizes, glancing up at the afternoon sunlight coming through the windows. “That was inconsiderate of me.”
“It's fine,” Selene says, covering her mouth as yet another yawn tries to escape. “I'm fine.”
“You should sleep,” He frowns.
“I'll sleep tonight,” She assures him.
Dirthamen seems dubious, but does not push the issue. Instead much of their day is spent doing activities that permit her to sit for long periods of time (although she will concede that some of them are necessary responsibilities of his). He shares a very large dinner with her before escorting her to his rooms for the night. His rooms.
Selene is no stranger to sex. She is very familiar with it in a theoretical, anecdotal, read-several-stories-about-it, sort of way.
She's just never quite gotten around to the act herself before.
As she walks out of his (private) baths, one of his robes pulled tightly to her body, she feels like this is something she should probably tell him.
So she clears her throat and does just that.
He blinks.
“...not even with a spirit?”
“There was a desire spirit I almost tried with once,” she admits “But we were too similar, and then time passed and I just...never got around to it.”
“But you are very popular,” He blurts.
Selene raises an eyebrow at him. “What?”
“The...When I was looking for you. I was told you were a 'heart-throb'. I understand that to mean you are very popular in manners such as this, yes?”
“Oh. Oh! That's-no. I've been courted a few times, and there have been a few dates, but I've never done sexual activities with a partner before.”
“Oh,” Dirthamen notes, and she's glad to see there's no judgment or disappointment at her admission, that he seems to simply be filing away this new information like any other. “We do not have to have any tonight either, if you do not want to.”
“You're not going to be upset?” she checks.
His eyebrows crease in concern as he places his mask down on a small table beside the bed. “I did not bring you here for sexual purposes. I only wished to dance, and to speak with you again. We have done both of those things, extensively. There is very little you could do to upset me, I think.”
“Good to know,” She grins, her grip on the robe relaxing slightly as she crawls into the bed beside him.
She falls asleep flat on her back, her sword within arms reach as it leans against the side of the headboard.
When she wakes, she is curled almost entirely around Lord Dirthamen. 
His back is pressed tightly to her chest, her legs tangled up with his and one arm laying over his hip, and the arm she can no longer feel because it somehow made its way beneath him is being tenderly held between his own hands.
It might be embarrassing, if it were not quite so comfortable.
Instead she nuzzles her head gently against the back of his neck, shifts to a more comfortable angle, and falls back asleep to the soft snores of Lord Dirthamen.
On the third day, he arranges a picnic in the garden for them. She is wearing an outfit he gifted her, made of silk and starlight and feathers, her armor safely stowed away in a new leather pack as well. Her legs are bared, and she thinks her Nanae might disapprove of the vulnerability, but it is very comfortable, and he has not shown himself to be untrustworthy.
“I had a very nice time with you,” She smiles as he finishes off a small sandwich. “Thank you for finding me.”
“You could stay, if you'd like,” He offers slowly. “I could send a messenger to your family, tell them your summons has been extended...”
Selene snorts at the mental image of some poor messenger having to tell her Nanae that their daughter is staying an unspecified amount of time longer in Dirthamens lands when they have likely already been fretting since they found her note. Probably they would return full of holes with much of their past dug up and an angry, buzzing Nanae in their full armor behind them demanding to see her and verify that she is still alive and unharmed.
“I do not think that would go over well,” She admits without further detail. 
Dirthamen does not push the matter, and she stretches and lays out in his lap instead. His fingers card carefully through the strands of her hair, and she lets her eyes close in contentment at the motion.
“I would still like to see you again,” Dirthamen muses.
“You could come visit me,” She offers.
“I cannot leave for long periods of time. In truth, I do not usually have as much free time as I have given you these last few days. I had to reschedule several tedious but necessary appointments.”
“Well, thank you for making the time for me anyways. It was very sweet.”
“I would do it again, if I could.”
“I don't doubt that,” She grins.
Deceit arrives in the late afternoon to escort her back through the crossroads, to ensure she makes it back to Mana'dins lands safely.
Selene stands, slinging her pack over her shoulder and verifying her sword at her hip and turning around to see Dirthamen one last time. The look he is giving her makes her ache; like he is missing someone who hasn't even left yet, and she will blame that, she thinks, on what she does next.
Her fingers slip beneath his mask and pull it away from his face, as she presses a kiss to the soft skin of his cheek. She watches in pride as the skin begins to flush and one of his hands darts up to touch the space.
“Come find me again sometime pretty boy,” She hums, carefully placing the mask back on and straightening. “I could always use a dance partner like you.”
He nods, his exposed throat bobbing as he swallows down his nerves. She strides off behind Deceit, a bit more sway in her hips than usual.
It was a very good trip.
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
A past lover, in the present day
Pairings; Zhongli x Vampire!Reader
Warning(s); angst, pushing away, lost love, unrequited love, lovers to strangers
Summary; Anon suggested- zhongli x gn reader where zhongli pushed reader away cause he thought they were a mortal but then he sees them years later and their still alive, look exactly the same but moved on. basically reader ends up being immortal and zhongli regrets pushing them away? sorry for such a specific request 🙁
Words; 1,043
Notes; omg vampire au from months ago is making a comeback for this, writing a request or two to prove that I don't just write for Ara and Selene /lh
Keep reading under the cut!
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The breakup was hard, and you didn't understand it much. Zhongli didn't really hide the fact he was the geo archon, and you really didn't hide the fact you are a Vampire. It was one of those unspoken things that you presumed you both just knew.
'I have to think about the long term' he told you 'What's best for me' it's not like you could argue about that. Vampire/God relations were horrifically tense to begin with anyway so... it's understandable that the mighty Morax would eventually have to cut it off.
But, alas you were more hurt than you would ever admit to anyone. You whisked yourself away in your castle for centuries. Initially because you were hurt but, as time passed you found passion in rallying your fellow vampires who survived the last siege on your castle and building everything a new, including a new love.
The thing that bought you away from the castle and towards the harbour in the first place was the talk of Rex Lapis' death. You were concerned, even despite the terms you had left on.
The day is cloudy, which to humans may seem like bad weather and an omen of rain. But for a vampire of your status? It means you can wonder about without needing your parasol up.
While you're finding yourself listening into the chatter of the public you find your attention pulled towards a kiosk selling trinkets, you look down to the trinkets looking for anything interesting... maybe your partner might appreciate something.
Somebody bumps into you and they apologise. They continue talking but you're too engrossed at looking at the treasures at the kiosk. You frown lightly as you pick up a long lost brooch of the previous Vampire Clan. You pass it over to the cashier who starts packaging it.
"That's from a Vampire Coven from what I believe. Though I can't say I truly believe in them, their existence is only rumoured but it's alleged that there is a castle that they live in somewhere in Liyue... but there's no knowledge of a castle anywhere in the country" the voice speaks up again, you count out your mora before passing it over
"That's because the Vampires hide from the human and gods eyes alike. Their castle is hidden, so much so that it's only been laid to siege once in its life. They say not even the Lord of Geo has been able to locate the coven" you rebute taking the wrapped trinket and placing it into your bag "And just because Rex Lapis hasn't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist" you add, you outstretch your hand to shake "The names-"
"I thought you died already" the voice interrupts you, you look up and raise your brows. Ah so Rex Lapis isn't really dead
"And whatever gave you that idea?" you huff "I don't die easily you know" Zhongli takes a step back raising his hands
"Why don't we have some tea? I believe we have some things to catch up on" Zhongli offers and you nod, agreeing
The two of you sit down to the table and order some tea
"Why are you... alive?" Zhongli asks taking a sip of tea, you wave your hand chuckling lightly
"Come on Zhongli, you already know why" you tell him, but he shakes his head causing you to frown "Really? I dropped hints the entire time together... like you dropped hints about being Morax..." you tell him with a little too much exaggeration
"You know about that?" he asks frowning himself "While it was true I was dropping hints you never spoke about it so I presumed you didn't know..." he trails off taking another sip of tea, you huff lightly
"Zhongli, it's not something we could have said aloud. You're aware how mortals, gods, and celestia look at my kind. It was an unspoken trust we had of not speaking about it" you argue before taking an angry sip of tea
"And what is your kind exactly?" he asks, his brows furrowed, "That's something you have failed to tell me"
"Archons help me," you pinch your nose in almost disbelief that you have to spell it out for him "I'm a vampire, I was the leader of my previous coven before it was destroyed" you sigh "I was dropping hints everywhere. I can't go outside on a sunny day how did you not-" you cut yourself off not wanting to get too angry. Zhongli takes a few moments to take your words in. You can tell he's brewing and thinking as he silently takes sips of his tea.
"I hated myself for leaving you... I thought it would help me in the longrun..." he confesses "I wouldn't have to see you die then... because at least if I never saw you die then you would still be alive in my memories... I had seen previous lovers die, I didn't think I could do it with a lifetime of a humans" he explains looking into the tea-cup. You stand
"That's on you. I had been as clear to you as you had been to me" you tell him, you place the mora on the table for your tea "I wish you the best Mr Zhongli" you turn and start to walk away, you hear the scraping of his chair and sigh preparing yourself for whatever is coming next
"Would you want to try us again?" he asks taking a step forwards "With clearer communication perhaps? Get things like that told first and foremost." he suggests, you shake your head
"It took me centuries to get over you" you confess, Zhongli takes another step forwards "But I didn't mope about. I have a life, and a partner... my clan is thriving once more. Because I don't actually need you. And if anything the years I spent with you I could have been rebuilding and yet I chased my heart" you add "I don't let myself make that mistake again, my allegiance is with my people. Now, have a good day Mr Zhongli. And don't come after me" you finish before walking out the teahouse without even gaze back at the defeated looking Zhongli.
The audacity of the Geo Archon
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kiridarling · 3 years
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request | Can I have royalty au (soon to be king bakugou) (and soon to be queen reader) , katsuki and reader are supposed to be getting married (not to eachother) but they end up sneaking around and doing IT with eachother so top!kats , exhibition , begging , dumbification and spanking THANK YOU💞💞
this lovely request was submitted for the kissing booth event (the rest of the drabbles come out soon, ahem :)) so, if this was your request, um...hAHA whoops.
katsuki bakugou | f!reader, royalty!au, infidelity, nondescript!fiancés, angst (gasp), fingering, exhibitionism, dumbification + more! minors dni!
— 3.7k words
“C'mon, princess...can I make you feel good once last time?
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You're getting married.
No more ignorance is bliss, no more I didn't know any better—this is when you put all your childish antics to the side and fucking woman up, now in charge of the safety of your kingdom and its inhabitants and whatnot. So yes, you must snuff all your adolescent tendencies, and that includes sleeping with the Crowned Prince of the neighboring kingdom behind your fiancé's backs.
But, boys are stubborn. And stupid.
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Ding ding ding!
"Excuse me, Everyone!" Your fiancé announces to the crowd in your dining room as he stumbles to his feet, spoon clinking against his glass. He nearly trips, but no one sees except yourself. "I would like to make a toast."
You frown. This wasn't a part of the rehearsal dinner.
"First of all, I would like to thank you all for being able to be with us tonight," he says, shoving the glass higher in the air. As red wine splashes over the rim, you think to remind him that isn't a toast, it's the beginning of a speech, but your comments have rarely deterred the man in the past. "As you’re all aware, this marriage is vital. Not only for our kingdom, but for the neighboring kingdom as well."
Your fiancé regards the Bakugou’s with a lift of his chalice. In the coming weeks, two arranged marriages will melt the four most influential kingdoms into two, and your fiancé and his family had the genius to throw a massive Gala to celebrate it. You wouldn’t be surprised if they got off to the idea of stretching themselves so thin their hair falls out at age thirty; they won’t even allow you to choose the type of dress for your wedding.
"I would also like to thank my lovely, lovely wife, for just being so... lovely.” Your fiancé chuckles, accompanied by an uncomfortable massage to your shoulder. The guests find amusement in how whipped he is as he gazes your way expectantly, conceivably wishing to see you swoon at the compliment. All you give him is a blank face. His elation falters.
"You know, when I first met this woman, I knew she was going to be the love of my life," your fiancé shakes your glare off. You purposely block out the rest of his story in favor of folding and unfolding your napkin again, puffing under your breath at the cheesy comment.
"Sap," you grunt to yourself, obviously. You don't expect anyone to hear, but there's a snort to your right. Your eyes lift from your lap—and straight into Katsuki's smug blood red ones. He winks at you from across the table and your eyes roll at that, though there's a small smile playing on your face that's impossible to hide.
"Isn't that right [Y/N]!...[Y/N]?"
You blink yourself back to life, eyes reluctantly leaving Katuski's hypnotic ones for the pair that make you nauseous, "Oh—u-um, yep!"
The place bursts in laughter and there's even a little smile dancing on Katsuki's face. He catches you staring so your eyes divert to your lap, but his remain a physical force against you for the rest of the night.
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*selene — the greek goddess of the moon
The balcony is much nicer than the ballroom.
For one, it's the farthest place you could have gone from the commotion, all the way on the opposite side of the castle. It's a solid five-minute walk when you aren't in heels and a heavy petticoat, but it provides a lovely view of your front yard, subjecting you to watch the early-sleepers leave in their carriages to call it a night. Meanwhile, *Selene watches you from her telescope the moon with a sigh and a sad smile, because she's the only one who knows how completely and utterly alone you will be.
You glare at her—the goddess doesn't waver.
It's no secret that Gala’s like these get overwhelming—especially when you're the center of attention. You see Lord Shinsou (Earl) stuff the eager Lord Kaminari (Baron) into his silver-plated carriage before looking around to ensure no one saw, and blanche upon seeing your figure stood on the balcony. You salute so he knows his secret is safe with you, and relief washes over his face before he too hops into the carriage. What a scandal, you giggle.
Plenty of couples resign home after that; it makes you uneasy. You're unsure as to why, but you have the ever-increasing urge to nip at your fingernails until you don't have them anymore, and jamming the sharpest point of your heel into the concrete seems like the only proper way to release enough kinetic energy before you explode.
"He loves me."
He does, embarrassingly so—so what's the issue?
There isn't an issue; there shouldn't be. He reminds you how pretty you are and you compliment his influence. Neither of you are marrying down. You look good together. The kingdom's future power couple if you will, where you two supposedly mold the great future in your peculiarly young hands. There isn't an issue. You're the one for him, and he's the one for you.
The balcony door whines open. You don't turn around, praying whoever it is will see that it's occupied and turn the other cheek. Yet, the stomp of whoever's boots only grow louder until you’re adjacent to a shadow of a being, his chin lifted towards the stars. You catch a glimpse of blond hair, though dyed a pale white by the silver moon, and you two stand in a strangely comfortable silence, watching carriages roll out of your driveway.
The silence doesn’t last for long, though. It never does.
"D’ya always go disappearing like that?"
You frown. "What?"
"I don't fuckin' know," Katsuki grumbles—he has yet to look at you. Seems like Selene captures more than one person's attention tonight. "Blinked and you were gone."
Your frown only deepens, and you return your attention to the courtyard. "I didn't know you were paying attention."
The ash-blond presses his forearms against the railing for support. "I wasn't. He was."
"Said he wants you to come back, so," Katsuki clicks his tongue, carmine red eyes finally flicking your way through the darkness. You don’t dare look at him. “You run off often, or what?"
"Tell him I'll come back in a second," you sigh, balancing your face in your hand. Katsuki says nothing, but he doesn't leave, and you hate that you don't mind.
Until he points towards a couple crossing the lawn and says, "Oi, that's the Duke from my fiancé's kingdom. Fucker tried to poison my dad for the throne—straightened him out real quick.”
"Why are you talking to me?" You snap like a cornered animal. Katsuki lifts an eyebrow.
"What? I can't have a goddamn conversation?"
"I—" your chest rises and falls with a reason to why he can't, but you can only come up with one—and you don't want to think about it.
"Listen. I don't like these things either, alright?" He huffs defensively, so defensively that you have to take a step back. "If I have the opportunity to get some fresh air, I'm gonna fuckin' take it."
You shrug, supposing it makes you one and the same. The wind blows, not harsh, but harsh enough to ruffle your gown, and make the gold jewelry decorating Katsuki's tunic jingle.
“So. I guess this is it, ain’t it?”
You sigh, “Katsuki, you know we—“
"Yeah yeah, that's all you fuckin' say," he growls bitterly, and you blink in a poor attempt to find where the animosity came from. His face twists in an ugly way as he sits his hands on his hips, nose scrunched to mockingly pitch his voice that doesn't sound like yours at all. "We can't, we shouldn't—"
"Because we shouldn't!" You nearly shout, and Katsuki jumps from how quickly you raise your voice. "Because—because if we get caught, we're fucked. And I can't go to sleep terrified that I'll wake up to an exposé tomorrow morning and get beheaded by the afternoon. So...please. Just stop."
Katsuki clicks his tongue.
"You don't love that asshole."
Your throat feels tight—much too tight to be comfortable, and your chest rises and falls with disbelief as you search for the words before you can talk again, eyes never dropping from the stars. You've had this conversation, fuck, you have it too often; often enough to know that he would say those exact words, and enough to know precisely what you'll say in response.
"I love him, Katsuki."
"No, no you fuckin' don't," the ash-blond chucks a laugh and it's nothing short of acrid, his words eating away at your skin more than you'd like them to. You sigh, resting your forearms on the railing too.
"I'm not having this conversation with you."
"Always gotta be so goddamn emotionally unavailable, huh?" He growls, glare set on the mountains presented in front of you. You feel his suit jacket hit your freezing shoulders, unaware of the cool temperatures until you feel the cloth brush against goosebumps. It’s your turn to laugh bitterly.
“Careful. People might think we’re getting married to each other.”
“One day you’ll let me fuckin’ live,” he grunts, and your eyes meet for the first time. His usual red is dyed a deep purple by the moonlight, their usual hardness traded for something much softer. “Can’t even give you a jacket when you’re shivering like a goddamn leaf in the wind.”
You give him a look of utter exhaustion because you’re tired—tired of all this running around and hiding, the secrecy. It eats at your insides like a caterpillar does a leaf, knowing that you go to sleep every night to a man who’ll barely touch you, but at the same time, feeling guilty that you don’t need nor want him to.
“Why are you here?”
Katsuki clicks his tongue. His warm body settles behind yours, close enough to feel the warmth but not close enough to feel him. “You looked lonely.”
“I thought my fiancé told you to get me?” You ask, raising a suspicious eyebrow. Katsuki rolls his eyes, his arms settling on both sides of yours.
“He did. But I didn’t refuse the damn request either.”
“You saw my loneliness all the way from the ballroom. What an eyesight,” you scoff. Katsuki’s eyes narrow, but it’s clear he’s fighting a grin because you’re a little shit who loves giving him a hard time. The ash-blond’s chest rises and falls, and he bites the inside of his cheek.
“You know what I mean.”
You snort, tilting your head to the right. You suppose you do.
“And I’m marrying a bitch,” he adds to his list of grievances, his hands finding yours to gently play with your fingers. You nod in agreement. A bitch she is.
“And...I’m really going to fuckin’ miss you.”
It might as well pass for nothing but a breath, eyes trained on your held hands. His chest suspends like he has more to say, but his teeth tear at the inside of his cheek before he can. “I—fuck, I get it, okay? I’m a selfish asshole—“
“This doesn’t have to do wit—“
“And I really, really need to get my fuckin’ priorities straight. I mean, they are, just not in the way they should be.”
“Hey,” you chastise, shaking his hands for his attention. “You can’t control who you love, okay?"
Katsuki grumbles at that but you refuse, turning around to look him in the eyes.
"And neither can I.”
You let go of his hands in favor of pulling him down via his cheeks and giving him a big fat kiss on the lips. It’s peckish and brief, but it’s sweet and gets your point across. It's comfortable.
“The hell was that for?” Katsuki asks once you pull away. Though you see him struggle to hide a grin, eyes squinting more than they should.
“Easy,” you say, stepping forwards (as if there’s any space for that), “You looked lonely.”
Katsuki snorts, dropping his head, “Bastard.”
“And I’m being married off to an asshole,” you lament, pulling his face so close to the point you’re sure the strain on his back has got to be anything but sexy. He accommodates anyways—Katsuki always has; and night seems to suspend along with his baited breath as he waits for the next line, eyes shining with a painful hope you’re about to confirm.
“And I’m really, really going to miss you,” you say, shaking your head at how utterly true that statement is. Fuck.
The vulnerability slowly fades from his eyes at that, and Katsuki hums, clammy hands finding their rightful place around your hips.
“You shouldn’t call him an asshole, you know,” he says, face inching so close you can smell the champagne on his breath. “He means well.”
“I didn’t know you cared,” you quip back, raising an eyebrow. Katsuki shrugs, and you don’t realize he’s backing you up until your back kisses the cool railing.
“Well. I can’t help but feel a little bad,” he says cheekily as he inches closer, “‘Cause I make you feel so good, don’t I, Princess? Last time I checked, better than he ever could.”
You scoff at his audacity though it’s all good-natured, eyes preferring the moon over his heated gaze as he turns you around to face the courtyard.
“Ah, ah,” he tuts, redirecting your attention using a finger on your jaw, “Eyes on me, Princess. You look really fuckin’ pretty under the stars, y’know.”
You snort at the compliment, rolling your eyes.
“‘M serious. A fuckin’ goddess,” he growls, leaving wet kisses up the column of your neck. Your breath hitches as he reaches your sweet spot and sucks, and you’re swatting him away before he can leave a mark.
“I sai—“
“One last time, Princess,” he bargains lowly as his hot hands slide their way from your waist to your breasts, taking their sweet time. Katsuki hooks his chin on your shoulder. “Lemme—Can I make you feel good one last time?”
You’re nodding with a whimper before you can berate yourself for being so fucking easy, the thought of not being able to indulge yourself with this, with him, any longer tosses any and all resistance out the window.
“Good,” Katsuki hums, tweaking your nipples through the bodice. “‘M gonna pay you back for being so good to me, yeah? For puttin' up with all my shit."
You scoff, mouth dropping to tell him you weren't putting up with his shit, but then a warm hand lands on your thigh—somehow, he's found a way under your dress. The hand slides up inner thigh and you feel Katsuki's chest shudder against your back as he finally reaches where you need him most.
"Shhh, you don't want them to hear us, do you?" He grunts, pulling your panties to the side. You shiver from the change in temperature, watching another Duke and Duchess of half-drunkenly stumble into their carriages for the night, before there's a crack of a whip and hooves beat towards the exit. It's only a reminder of how painfully exposed you two are—one glance towards the balcony and any onlooker would know exactly what's happening. You hate it.
You hate that you don't.
"Atta girl," Katsuki purrs, groaning as he inserts a finger. You shiver, the weight of his being practically trapping you against the railing. "Always so fuckin' tight. I swear that asshole never fucks you right."
Katsuki's never been an impatient man and fills you with a second finger awfully fast, chuckling when you bite into the meat of your palm to hold back a whimper. His hips start to grind against the puff of your dress and he groans as quietly as he can, carelessly shoving down the sleeve of his suit jacket to bite into your shoulder.
You let out a broken moan much too loud for this time of night and it prompts Katsuki's free hand to stuff an equal amount of fingers into your mouth. "Y'know, something tells me you wanna get caught. You want the whole world to know how much you fuckin' hate that bastard, huh?"
You choke as Katsuki slides in a third digit next to the second, the slap of his palm against your pussy becoming nothing but obscene as your slick accentuates the sound. His hips speed up against your ass and that's enough friction to have the ash-blond groaning, along with the spit that drips down his forearm.
"So dirty for me, Princess," his hips stutter when you push back, tongue laving over the bite mark you'll probably have to conceal in the morning. Asshole. "You wanna cum like this, don't you? You're gonna cum all over my fingers in front of the entire royal court. Dumb little girl, can't even keep her mouth shut to keep us from gettin' caught."
You jam your heel into the balcony concrete so hard you positive it cracks before you're coming all over Katsuki's fingers, nearly choking on the ones in your mouth as you release the loudest broken moan you have that night. Katsuki's hips stutter against you and you're positive he's filling his boxers from the airy moan that follows, and his hand goes limp in your mouth before it slides out completely.
Your chests balloon in unison, his body draped over yours, and as you two catch your breath under the moonlight, you can’t help but think how much you’re going to miss this.
"Run away with me."
"I—" he does this. He always does this. He makes you feel on top of the world, acting like everything's fine, and then he pulls this shit on you. You look everywhere but him, nearly scoffing in disbelief. "Katsuki—"
"C'mon, Princess," Katsuki scrambles to flip you by the waist until your back is flush against the railing again and he’s cradling both your hands in his semi-damp ones. There’s a look in his eyes you don’t like, and it makes your chest burn. "Across the sea, people are movin’ over there and I—I know someone there, okay? Someone we could stay with, maybe help us get back on our feet an-and I found a fuckin’ ferry guy to take us across, and I can even pay him a little extra, o-or you, or—"
"Katsuki," you give him a sad smile, squeezing his hands tight. There's hope, too much hope in his eyes and it's fucking blinding. "Running away? I—this is—we have an obligation, we can't jus—"
"It'll be fine," he insists, stepping forwards and squeezing you back twice as hard. You sigh."I—the two kingdoms can merge or whatever the fuck they wanna do and then we'll be—"
"I—fuck Princess, I don't beg but goddammit, I'll do whatever you fuckin' want, get on my knees, I ca—"
"You really want to know what I want?"
Katsuki freezes. It's the first time you've ever seen some semblance of emotion in him that isn't anger or lust, with carmine red irises swimming in unshed tears—and fuck, you hate the sight. You want to shoot yourself in the fucking foot for what you’re about to do, but it’s for the best. It always is.
"Love her."
Katsuki looks at you, and his face drops, chest shuddering.
"I can't."
You drop his hands in favor of holding his face, thumbing at the hot tears running as they fall. God, Katsuki’s pretty—too pretty for his own good and he doesn’t even know it. His unsteady hands find themselves massaging your ribs and your foreheads knock together. "You need to try. Love her as much as you love me, yeah?"
"'S fuckin' impossible," Katsuki says with a wet snort, shaking his head with eyebrows raised. You giggle, throat impossibly tight.
"Almost, then? For me."
Katsuki’s red eyes stare at you through the darkness. You have half a mind to look the other way, but you figure you owe him this if nothing else, and as he lovingly absorbs your being under the moonlight for the last time, you really wish you could take your words back.
"I'll...fuck. Fine. I'll try." Katsuki resigns with a shrug, shaking his head. You two sniffle in unison and you suppress the strange urge to pinch him. "'M not gonna try to get over you, though. Sorry, not sorry."
You roll your eyes at that but it's all good-natured, followed by a choke you struggle to hide as his arms coil around your waist, "Then I won't either."
A genuine grin spreads across his face, and it’s borderline giddy—and a stark contrast against the waterworks. "She finally fuckin' admits it."
"Figured it was about time," you give him a wobbly smile before your eyes flicker to his, red blurring from being so close. Selene looks upon both of you with a reminiscent sigh.
"I love you, Katsuki Bakugou."
Katsuki sniffs before he laughs; it's wet, and near bitter, and he pulls you so close your face nearly shoves into his chest. "Fuck. Fuck, you're an asshole, you know that?"
"This is when you say it back," you bargain, squishing his cheeks. Katsuki presses his forehead deeper into yours.
"I love you too, Asshole."
He speaks with a softness you've never heard and it's like a gunshot to the heart, and as his lips inch closer to yours as your hands slide to thumb at his ears. One last kiss wouldn't hurt, would it?
Until there's a whistle and the click of footsteps. You and Katsuki jump a mile apart.
"Oh, [Y/N]! You're still out here in the cold?" Your fiancé asks with a raised eyebrow, but it seems like that's only an afterthought as he turns to Katsuki to say, "Your wife’s found the alcohol."
"Great," the ash-blond groans, understanding the translation—your fiancé is piss drunk in the ballroom.
"I do recommend you take her home. She's making quite a mess of the eclairs. And her face."
Katsuki heads inside without giving you a second glance, and your fiancé gives him a solid pat on the way in before turning to you halfway through the doorway, "Are you coming inside, Darling?"
"In a moment," you say with a smile. Your hand never leaves the railing. "Just getting some fresh air."
"Alrighty, then. I'll be in the bedroom. Waiting~" he winks, and with that, he's spinning on his heel, and you're alone with the moon again.
You watch Katsuki guide his inebriated fiancé into the carriage lovingly, with a smile on his face that isn't quite the one he wears with you but close enough, whispering whatever pleases her at the time with a chaste kiss on the cheek. You feel comfort in knowing that he has someone to love and someone to be loved by. He doesn't look your way—not once.
It's not until they drive away that you realize you still have his suit jacket draped over your shoulders. You don't doubt he did that on purpose, either.
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