#lorelei x quinn
eddysocs · 1 year
Opportunity Doesn’t Knock (Quinn King x OC)
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Summary: Lorelei has finally flown too close to the sun and she’s awaiting the burn, but a new possibility arises instead.
Word Count: 433
Warnings: Implied/vaguely referenced sexual content, some light manipulation
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"Do you recognize this," Rachel accused, pushing her way into Lorelei's bedroom. Already pissed off at the intrusion, Lorelei had every reason to tell her off for just barging in the way she had, but the sight of what Rachel had in her hand stopped her cold.
"I can explain," Lorelei started, her eyes never leaving the white, lace bra that hung from Rachel's finger.
"Please do. I would love to hear you talk your way out of this one. Let’s start with where I found this, shall we?"
Lorelei floundered. There really would be no talking her way out of this. She’d been playing with fire far too long and now she was finally going to burn. Her whole life was about to turn to ashes. "I fucked up, okay?"
Rachel scoffed, at last flinging the garment off her finger and onto Lorelei's bed. "No shit," she said. "But I am not letting this fuck up ruin our whole season. It’s too late to back out now."
The look on Rachel's face scared her. "What are you going to do?"
"That all depends on you. You clearly don’t want to be here, as you’ve been fighting us tooth and nail the whole way, so what do you want? Is it Quinn?" Silence once again on Lorelei's end. "I’m going to need an answer."
"Yes! Fuck. Yes, I want Quinn. So what?"
"So what if I help you get her?"
Lorelei raised an eyebrow. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Rachel couldn’t possibly be serious, nor, frankly, did she think she’d be able to pull such a feat off if she were serious. It was insane, impossible…and she wanted in.
"I know Quinn better than anyone. I confront her with that," she paused to point to the bra, "and blow up at her for sleeping with you, she’ll only want to do it more. You’ll have to be the one to win her over though. I can’t help you there, but do it by the finale and we'll have a ratings bonanza at the twist of you proposing to Quinn over either of the final two."
"You want me to propose to Quinn at the end of the show? What if she says no?"
"I still get my ratings either way. We get renewed for at least three more seasons and you get the only real chance you’ll ever have at Quinn King. Maybe you’ll get lucky."
Rachel held Lorelei's eyes, as if daring her to refuse the opportunity. "Do it," Lorelei told her. Rachel nodded. The plan was in motion.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @bossyladies, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
Oh Baby — Quinn Hughes
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Summary: In which you go into labor in another state unsure if your husband will be there to meet your daughter with you
Content Warnings; Labor, Cussing, Needles
Pairing; Husband! Quinn Hughes x Fem Reader
“I’m gonna kill him! Jack, I swear to god I’m gonna kill your brother!” Jack rubbed your back reassuringly, “I know honey. But you can wait to kill him until after my perfect niece is here, right?” You gripped the sleeve of your brother in law’s t-shirt, “If you don’t stop talking Jack, I’ll you first!” A plethora of pain coursed through your body as another contraction ripped through you. Jack gritted his teeth as you clawed his hand.
Jack had always been the one of your two brothers in law that you were closer to, majority of that being the closeness in your ages comparatively to you and Luke. You were 3 years older than Jack and 5 years older than Luke. So you and Jack were closer friends. So when your water broke as you were meeting a realtor for a potential new location for your chain of restaurants, you called Jack knowing he was less than 3 hours away in Washington while Quinn was on his way back from Boston. You had checked into the hospital and gotten situated by the time Jack got to the hospital.
He rushed in holding your hospital bag for the baby, a bag for yourself and another bag of stuff for Quinn. He had called Quinn and reassured his older brother that you were okay, although Quinn could hear you cussing at your ob as she gave you an epidural block. Quinn assured his younger brother that he would be back in time to meet his daughter with you. As time progressed you began to lose hope.
You were in hysterics as you were finally pushing, “Jack I’m scared. What if I’m not cut out to be a mom? I mean I’m only 25 and we just got married. I’m scared that me and Quinn won’t work out.” Jack held your hand somehow tighter, “You are the most amazing person I know, you always know what to say Y/N, you are going to be a perfect mom. And you and Quinn are like a damn rom-com movie. You will be okay, the minute you see your baby girl you will know.” You sobbed as you forced another push, “Thank you.”
The door opened and Quinn rushed in, “I’m here! I may have a ticket but I’m here.” You looked up at your husband, “You made it.” Quinn pressed a soft kiss against your lips, “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Your OBGYN smiled, “Hey Mr Hughes, you made it just in time. Give me one more push and you’ll have your perfect girl.” You clutched Quinn’s hand, unaware of Jack who had taken out a digital camcorder and had started to record you and Quinn’s faces as you let out a groan and clutched Quinn’s hand as you pushed.
You collapsed back when you heard it, your newborn daughter’s cries. You felt your heart clench as the OBGYN spoke, “So dad, do you wanna do the honors?” Quinn’s eyes welled with happy tears as he nodded, “Your damn right I do.” Quinn took the scissors and cut the umbilical cord. With the doctors okay, Quinn held your daughter oh so carefully and placed her on your chest. You reached your finger out and your heart shattered and somehow felt more filled as your daughter’s tiny hand wrapped around your finger, “She’s perfect. Look at her Quinn. That’s all us.”
Quinn melted into you, “She might be the girl I love most in the world now.” Jack smiled with teary eyes, “So what’s my new best friends name?” You smiled at your daughter, “Lorelei Jacqueline Hughes. After my mom and my girls alleged best uncle.” Jack grinned at his newborn niece, “Rory Jackie Hughes. You are so perfect, and you lucked out in the parent department. You have the best mommy ever. Your daddy is alright.”
You smiled weakly at your husband, “I have never loved two people this much. This is the best and most fulfilling experience of my life. I love you Quinn Hughes, with all I am.” Quinn kissed you softly, “I love you too Y/N Hughes, will everything in my heart.”
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understandingbimbos · 7 months
Bimbo Types, or Neapolitan Bimbo
(This is something I've previously gone over in my My Little Pony post but wanted to reiterate here.)
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Bimbo can most easily be divided into three distinct archetypes. The Clown, The Innocent, and The Debutante. These archetypes are not absolute, they come in many variations and their traits can and will overlap.
The Clown, also known as The Free Spirit or The Wildcard, usually shows up as the comedic relief. They can be loud, showy, excessive, and obnoxious. Their sexuality is very self-assured, self-aware, and playful. The Clown's main concern (if any) is having or spreading fun, "fun" in this context being completely up to their individual style and personality. To give a very stereotypical example, a goth clown may have the most fun watching very violent horror movies or playing with spiders. Another clown could have the most fun (Incidentally) causing a ruckus or being mischievous, it's all about perspective, the possibilities are pretty much endless.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Jeannie (IDOJ), Pinkie Pie (MLP:FIM), Harley Quinn (BTAS), Synclaire James (Living Single), Jayne Mansfield (films and public persona), Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
The Innocent, also known as The Ingenue, is just as the name suggests. Not only helpless but often unaware and wholly out of her depth. Her inexperience and or meekness makes her prone to being taken advantage of. Despite this, she (usually) remains positive, kind, and happy to help. Unlike The Clown, The Innocent's sexuality is typically portrayed as natural, uncomplicated, and unintended.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Marilyn Monroe (films and public persona), Weena (The Time Machine), Lorelei Lee (in the novel), Elissa Megan Powers (Empowered)
The Debutante, who could also be called The Alpha Bitch, is probably the most popular in the modern era and who you're most likely to come across in real life or on social media. Her sexuality is mainly a means of control. She puts a lot of time, work, and effort into her appearance because beauty is both her business and capital. While she may, at times, enjoy and indulge in carnal pleasure it's far from her main concern. Being the most or unattainably desirable is how she knows she's better than others, how she's able to acquire and maintain control. The Debutante values social standing above all else, to her it's a matter of life or death, she would die without overwhelmingly positive attention.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Regina George (Mean Girls), Heather Chandler (Heathers), Courtney Shayne (Jawbreaker), Heather (Total Drama Island), Cleopatra Smith (Clone High), Jeannie II (IDOJ), Emma Frost (X-Men), Panty Anarchy (PSG), Ginger (Gilligan's Island), Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany's), Kim Kardashian, Rarity (MLP:FIM)
These archetypes are combined, remixed, and subverted so often it's hard to find pure examples (I tried my best, and even then this is just reducing them to their base archetypes and do not accurately describe every single one of these characters), but this is a good thing. It leads to nuance and diversity, and many of the most popular bimbo characters are mixed or subversions. Chrissy Snow (Three's Company) is a Clown and an Innocent. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) arguably includes elements of all three. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion follows two clownish Innocents who realize they were bullied by debutantes. As far as I know, all bimbos exist somewhere along these lines (or perhaps on an axis) but we shouldn't view this as limiting, when you think about it the combinations are really seemingly endless, and I didn't even cover sub-archetypes! Many Debutantes are mean but they don't have to be. Innocents don't have to be completely pliable, you can do (or be) whatever you like, even moving from one archetype to another.
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A mostly ( but probably not totally exhaustive) list of the fictional ships and familialesque bonds you will see on this tumblr
Character ships I LOVE
Elliot x Olivia ( SVU)
Picard x Crusher (ST: TNG)
Janeway x Chakotay (ST: VOY)
Odo x Kira (ST: DS9)
Michaela x Sully ( Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman)
Booth x Bones ( Bones)
Maria x Georg ( Sound Of Music)
Turnadette ( Call The Midwife)
Han x Leía ( Star Wars)
Pongo and Perdita ( Disney)
George x Doris ( Same Time Next Year)
Character ships I really like
Mulder x Scully ( X-Files)
Janine x Gregory ( Abbott Elementary
Ted x Rebecca ( Ted Lasso)
Riker x Troi ( ST: TNG
Diana x Matthew ( Discovery Of Witches
Ariel x Eric ( Disney)
Lady x Tramp (Disney)
Mary x Burt (Disney)
Character ships I am really happy about but not fic level invested in
Luke x Lorelei (Gilmore Girls)
Castle x Beckett ( Castle)
Olitz ( Scandal)
Jed x Abby ( The West Wing)
CJ x Danny ( The West Wing)
Mary Margaret x David (OUAT)
SwanQueen (OUAT)
Brittany x Santana ( Glee)
Josh x Donna ( The West Wing)
Raffi x Seven ( ST: P
Dana x Kevin ( Kindred)
Kurt x Blaine ( Glee)
Roslin x Adama ( Battlestar Galactica)
Fictional family/ familialesque bonds I LOVE
Shelagh and Sister Julienne aka Shulienne ( Call The Midwife)
The Golden Girls ( The Golden Girls)
Maria and the Children ( Sound Of Music)
Mando and Grogu ( The Mandolorian)
The TNG crew: ( ST: TNG)
Fictional family/ familialesque bonds I really like
Hank Sr and Booth ( Bones)
Rory and Lorelei (Gilmore Girls)
Max and Bones ( Bones)
Mr. Feeny and Eric and Cory ( Boy Meets World)
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eddiemunscns · 3 years
WBW for Rory
Full name: Lorelei Genevieve Grimes
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She/her
Family: Mother- Katherine Grimes Father- Michael Grimes Brother- Jesse Grimes
Birthplace: San Francisco, California
Job: Former lawyer, current vigilante
Phobias: Spiders
Guilty Pleasures: Regency romances, french fries
Morality Alignment: Chaotic good
Sins: Wrath, lust, pride
Virtues: Justice, compassion, loyalty
Introvert or extrovert
Organized or disorganized
Close minded or open minded
Calm or anxious
Disagreeable or agreeable
Cautious or reckless
Patient or impatient
Outspoken or reserved
Leader or follower
Empathetic or unempathetic
Optimistic or pessimistic
Hard working or lazy
Otp: Lorelei x Adrian, Lorelei x Dick, Lorelei x Nick
Ot3: Lorelei x Adrian x Chris
Brotp: Lorelei x Jason, Lorelei x Chris, Lorelei x Leota, Lorelei x Quinn
Notp: Lorelei x Rachel, Lorelei x Gar, Lorelei x Jason, Lorelei x Conner, Lorelei x Quinn
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reaction2whatever · 3 years
Agents of SHIELD S1E13-S1E17 reaction
I have some questions up until this point that I hope the writers will address later on.
What happened to May to cause a character change? Why was baby Skye covered in blood and hunted? Why is Skye a 084? Who's Clairvoyant?
Alrighty I'm ready to binge a few more episodes and hopefully, they have adequate answers to my questions
Agents of SHIELD S1E13
-I love May's glam look! she's so hot
-Ward's so shocked when May told him that Coulson knew about them lol Power move, May
-Skye's Scottish accent is soooo hilarious
-Simmons is so dramatic lmao I love her so much
-Ward and Coulson struggling with the hologram table is sooo funny lmao
-May is seriously badass in this episode holy fuck I'm a fangirl of May now
-Jemma saving Fitz and Skye is so heroic and brave
-Babygirl didn't know it was dendrotoxin but held the enemy anyways
-Jemma is so precious
-I don't understand why evil bad guys just use night night gun
-I thought they were evil bad guys, they could have just killed everyone right?
-Oh no Skye, going in alone is a bad idea
-Somebody please tell Skye that going in alone is a bad idea?
-Skye you are barely trained
-But holy shit she's pretty good now, dropping bad guys
-I'm so nervous for Skye ahhhh
-So the purchase is Mike and his fake leg huh
-Mike is under that eye thing's control this is looking bad for Skye
-oh fuck
-holy fuck I squealed when he shot Skye
-Quinn you bastard
-She's not gonna die right????
-He shot her in the belly two times???
-poor girl omfg
-The actress who plays Skye, she's good
-oh my god the way I bought her performance
-They are very lucky that chamber for Mike is so close
-why are they on the plane though? get her to a hospital?? I'm sure there are hospitals in Italy??
-Simmons crying for her friend and Fitz hugging her awwww
-Skye is not going to die, right? there is no way
Agents of SHIELD S1E14
-Seeing Skye intubated is soo sad
-"We are her family" this shit hit hard
-Oh how good does it feel to see May punch the shit out of Quinn
-May really does care a lot more for Skye than she showed
-I know I said I don't care for Coulson being brought back to life from the dead plot but now I care, like a lot
-Whatever they do they need to save my baby Skye
-Oh but does that mean Skye have to go through that trauma of Coulson screaming "let me die"
-Coulson risked the big evil knowing the way he was brought back to life to save Skye
-That's love, man
-Maybe not romantic love, but I have no doubt Coulson cares a lot about Skye
-I buy that connection
-Simmons describes Skye as "Can't imagine your life without her" That is romantic man
-I am simultaneously shipping Skye with Simmons and Simmons with Triplett
-I'm so glad they've got the drug and Skye didn't die
-Simmons saying "I was losing her anyways"
-Also Simmons caressing Skye's head
-I want to see more scenes with Skye and Simmons
-So the drug is alien, yeah I guess that makes sense
-How is Skye on a hospital bed still so pretty
Agents of SHIELD S1E15
-This scene between Skye and Simmons is sooo precious
-I love this stubborn patient Skye x pokey doctor Simmons ship, is there fanfic on this?
-The Ward Skye interaction is also kinda cute. Even though Ward is sleeping with May I still think Skye and Ward could be a thing?
-I can understand Simmons' objectives cause if I'm a doctor imma research the hell out of this magical drug
-Lady Sif is in the show blindspot! Never knew she was in marvel. She's so handsome in warrior clothing
-Lorelei is so gorgeous omfg I know she's supposed to be the villain but she's so gorgeous. I don't know why does her power only work on men though, I'm a raging lesbian I could be affected too?
-Ward is under mind control lol that's so predictable
-That Lorelei and Ward sex scene was pretty hot
-So was Lorelei implying that Ward had feelings for Skye instead of May?
-May is so cool and collected I admire her so much
-I'm looking forward to AC and Skye teaming up
-holy shit May has been spying on them huh
-Honestly I don't really care about those Lorelei plots but I'm loving all the characters
-I hope May isn't really betraying the team
Agents of SHIELD S1E16
-So shield is finally cracking Clairvoyant guy
-ohhhhh a badge for Skye I'm sooo proud of my girlllll
-So she's agent Skye now right?
-I'm so happy for her
-Fitz and his monkey obsession lol so cute
-I still like Hand. She's pretty and bossy
-FitzSimmons calling each other Watson is pretty cute
-Mike is like a half-robot now it's so creepy
-Oh come on Mike is a supersoldier, no way a bunch of normal humans can take him down, right?
-So Clairvoyant is just a crippled old vegetable man paralyzed?
-This is very anti-climatic because I don't buy it
-a paralyzed man in a vegetable state is the biggest evil? like how?
-What is it with Skye that not only she is a 084 but also the Clairvoyant wants her too like why? She's just a regular girl?
-Holy fuck did Ward just shoot him? a vegetable man?
-That's so unnecessary
-Do they even know that the voice definitely comes from vegetable man? What if Ward just shot a vegetable with audio playing around him?
-It all doesn't make any sense. If Clairvoyant wants Skye why would he ask Quinn to shoot her?
-yes exactly Coulson, Coulson understands me! How can they be sure Vege man is the really big bad boss?
-ohhhhh what? so shield has a mole???
-the mole is MAY????
-Couldn't the Clairvoyant just hack into the files of shield making them paranoid with each other? I mean Skye hacked shield pretty easily?
-I don't think it's anybody in the team, because shield is a pretty big organization isn't it? there could be another person in shield that was the mole who had clearance?
-annnnd the last scene says Hand is the real Clairvoyant????
-Man, I am confused
-I just said Hand was pretty at the beginning damn it
Agents of SHIELD S1E17
-I am beyond confused.
-I just wish everyone on the team is clean
-I only trust Skye and Coulson now
-Shield attacking Garrett too? what's going on
-wow did Coulson just shoot May
-What's Hydra? I thought they were after the Clairvoyant?
-So Hydra is also a big bad? It's about the movies again isn't it
-Honestly it must have been a thrill for movie fans but I do not understand. Imma just pretend Hydra is also very very evil and inside shield for a long time
-Everyone in the hub is attacking the bus because Hand said so right?
-oh wow Hand just admitted to being Hydra? I'm very disappointed in her
-I thought she was cool
-Oh it's a test....
-The way this show plays my emotions
-I'm so very glad that Hand is cool
-why in hell would Hand think Coulson is Hydra?
-lmao Skye knows about Ward and May this whole time huh
-So finally we get a Skye and Ward kiss
-It's been long enough
-The way Ward beat 12 men all by himself. That was hot af
-Oh fuck Garrett is the mole?
-It makes so much sense!
-Garrett was there right after Skye was shot
-Gotta admit I did not see it coming
-But Triplett was there with Garrett after Skye was shot too? Does that mean Triplett was a mole too? I thought Triplett passed Hand's test?
-Oh so Garrett really was the Clairvoyant
-I got played with this Garrett twist, did not see it coming at all
-Triplett was so angry at the end seeing Garrett being arrested. Good for him
-I was right! for liking Hand! (really I just liked her red hair but I'm so glad she's not evil lol
-So the whole Hydra infiltrate shield thing happened in Captain America huh.
-wtf did I just see? Ward is Hydra. I was JUST cheering for him to kiss Skye in this episode
-what the fuck just happened Ward just shot Hand
-Holy fucking hell Ward is full-on evil villain
-Oh and he just cold-blooded murdered three agents on this plane including Hand
-It makes so much sense now why he would shoot vegetable man
-Fucking hell Ward is evil I did NOT see it coming
-This episode fucked with my mind imma have to admit this is the best episode of this season so far
-WHAT did I just witness
-Ward man, I was rooting for you to get the girl and now I don't think you deserve Skye
-There is no way Ward can be redeemed, right? not after what, 4 murders in 2 episodes
-Holy fuck this news of Ward being the traitor will fuck up the team for sure
-Please let there be no more traitors inside the team I can't take this anymore
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buckyandsteeb · 4 years
Help me add to this list of my ships. Who am I forgetting?
A x D
Aziraphale x Crowley
A x M
Venom x Eddie (Tom Hardy's version)
Elena x Syd
M x M
Steve x Bucky
Kurt x Blaine
Remus x Sirius
David x Patrick
Kirk x Spock
Joe x Nicky
Dean x Castiel
Charles x Erik
Raymond Holt x Kevin Cozner
Scott x Luis
Ian x Mickey
Nick x Charlie
F x M
Leslie x Ben
Ann x Chris
April x Andy
Monica x Chandler
James x Lily
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Hermione
Barney x Robin
Sam x Mercedes
T'Challa x Nakia
Bob x Linda
Jake × Amy
Alexis x Ted
Eric x Donna
Peter x MJ/Michelle (Also Peter x Mary Jane Watson)
Thor x Jane
Luke x Lorelei
Scott x Hope
Cory x Topanga
Emma x Killian/Hook
Mary Margaret/Snow x David/Charming
Regina x Robin
Sue Heck × Shawn Donahue
Chidi x Eleanor
Seeley Booth x Temperance Brennan
Mia Thermopolis x Michael Moscovitz
Devi x Ben
Erin x James
Janine x Gregory
Elle x Tao
Percy x Annabeth
Colin x Penelope
Rahne x Dani
Dani x Santana
Quinn x Santana
Quinn x Rachel (unrequited)
Santana x Rachel
Carol x Maria
Harley x Ivy
Alice/Tilly x Robin/Margot
Kate x Emaline
Tara x Darcy
Nina x Maggie
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sofrpc · 6 years
in honor of returning to the rpc, i have created a masterlist of 400 unique and underused female names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
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aliyah, acacia, adabelle, adair, adelie, adelina, adley, adrienne, ainsley, alana, alaska, alessia, alfie, allora, amanita, amara, ambrosia, amelie, ambrosia, analia, anastasia, andrea, aneka, angelica, ana-marie, ana-sofia, anthea, ariel, arielle, arizona, asteria, astrid, atlanta, auburn, audrey, aurelia, aurora, autumn, avalee, avanelle, avery, aviana, axa
baila, bailey, baize, bambi, bardot, barry, beatrix, bee, benilde, bethia, beverly, bexley, billie, bindi, birdie, blake, blanche, blaze, blossom, blue, bonita, bonnie, braelyn, brielle, brinley, brinx, brona, bronte, brooke, bryce
cailin, calla, camila, camille, carmen, catalina, cecilia, celine, celestia, chanel, chantelle, chelsea, cheryl, claire, clara, claudia, clea, cleo, colette, corine, courtney, cynthia
dahlia, dakota, darlene, darodah, dawn, deidra, delaney, delilah, denise, desiree, destiny, dinah, dove, dylan
eden, effie, eileen, eiza, electra, elena, elise, ellie, elodie, eloise, elora, ember, emerson, esme, estelle, evelyn, evolee
farah, farren, faye, felicity, fern, finley, fleur, florence, frankie, freya, frieda
gaia, galiena, genie, gia, gianna, gigi, gisela, giselle, genesis, grecia, greer, greta, gwendolyn
hadlee, harlow, harlee, harlyn, harper, hayden, hazel, helena, heidi, holland
ida, ileana, imogen, indianna, indie, inessa, ingrid, inna, iris, irene, isabel, isadora, isla, ivana, ivory, ivy
jacinta, jadelyn, jamie, jamilla, jaylah, jenna, jersey, jocelyn, jodie, jolene, jordyn, juliana, july, juniper, juno
kaia, kalina, kalani, karina, katherine, kaya, kaylee, keegan, kelby, kelsey, kendall, kendra, kenna, kiara, kimberly, kinsley, kristina, kyra
lara, laurel, layla, leia, leighton, leilani, lena, lesley, leona, leticia, liberty, liliane, lilo, loraine, lorelei, lori, london, lorena, lucia, luisa, lumi, luna, lynn
maeve, maize, malia, marcella, mariana, marissa, margot, marisol, marjorie, marlene, matilde, mavis, mazikeen, melodie, merlia, micah, mikaela, mila, milena, miriam, mirielle, mona, myrsina
nadia, nadine, naomi, naressa, nathalia, naya, neila, neo, nicola, nikita, noelle, nora, nova, nur, nyla, nyx
octavia, odelia, odina, olena, olita, olive, olivia, olympia, opal, ophelia, oriana, orion, orla, orlena
paige, paislee, pandora, pearle, penelope, pepper, perrie, petra, peyton, phoebe, pilar, pip, piper, pippa, priscilla, priya, prudence
queenie, quella, quinn, quinta
raffa, rana, raven, regina, remi, rhea, rhiannon, river, robin, rome, rosabelle, rosalie, rosalyn, rosette, rowan
sable, sadie, sage, sahar, salem, samira, saoirse, saskia, savannah, scout, selina, serafin, seraphina, shani, shenae, sia, siobhan, sloane, solene, solstice, sonya, summer, suri, sydney, sylvia
tamara, tana, tasmin, tasha, tatiana, teagan, tessa, thalia, thea, tilda, toni, tove, tricia, trixie, tuesday
udelle, ulani, uri, urma, ursa
valerie, valentina, valentine, venus, vera, verona, vivian
weslyn, whitney, willa, willow, winnie, wynona, wynter
xahlia, xana, xandra, xanthi, xena, xylia
yara, yasmine, yana, yani, ysabel, yvette, yvonne
zada, zahara, zara, zariah, zaylee, zeina, zelda, zelena, zeriah, zoelle, zuri
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A blip about Revolver Records and its summer tour. 
I’ve been posting for a while about the bands that are currently on Revolver Records but never really explained what that is. Jeremy Valois (Donovan) and Scott Christopher are the bassists and lead singer, respectfully, of an old 80s/early 90s rock band called Static. Static toured throughout most of the mid-to-late 80s and were a recording band until about 1997 when they broke up for what was supposed to be a permanent break. Scott was a heavy drug user and Jeremy suffered a heart attack and an issue with his liver that caused their tour in ‘97 to rather epically fail. During the last show their guitarist, Thomas Kincaid fell off the stage and fractured his spine and after that, the band was pretty much done. There was a lot of in-fighting with them all as well so for a while it was best for them all to go to the separate corners, figuratively speaking. The final nail in the proverbial coffin was the announcement that Static’s drummer, Cray, was silently battling HIV and lost the battle in December ‘98. 
In 2002, after multiple stints in rehab for both Jeremy and Scott (Thomas is still a heavy drug addict, his crutch seems to be his cocaine and Vicodin) the two came together again and started throwing around an idea that all of them had in the late 80s when they discovered they were not the owners of their own music. Together, in 2004, after two years of discussing and planning, Revolver Records was born. Backed by several silent partners, including Funny Farm studios (Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue) and Nothing Records (Trent Reznor), Revolver’s main goal was to be a company for musicians made by musicians. Jeremy suggested to Scott that they bring on Quinn Talbot, a freelance photojournalist who had worked with the band several times in the late 90s and was close to Jeremy in particular. 
Revolver’s slogan was originally “Will hire anyone” though, after a first failed lineup on the record involved music to make your ears bleed, it was changed to “By musicians, for musicians”. The first band to be signed was actually Static itself, as with the release of a music video at 9am on TRL (remember when that was a thing?!) they announced that there was going to be a final, official album and tour to kick off the creation of their new record label. The next was a band called Spyral, headed up by heroin addict Eric Stryker (just called Stryker). After that, Revolver blew up with Jeremy and Scott both having their hands firmly on the project seeking out the best they could find and wanted to showcase as much as they could. 
Revolver is very diverse in what it has signed to it, ranging from country music acts like Lorelei and Ford Knox to pop queen Star (who is also Jeremy’s wife), and even a few rappers. Their contracts are highly appealing to most musicians as they allow the musician to maintain their original tracks and have full control over what they do with it. Should someone decide to leave Revolver, the files are held for 1 year and then everything is released to the musician and Revolver only receives a small cut of royalty checks from the distribution/media sharing of the previous music but has NO attachment to anything that may follow. 
The Revolver Summer Tour is a massive showcasing of all the bands on the Revolver label, starting in mid-April and continuing through late November, ending right before Thanksgiving. The tour is set up like a festival in each town and allows a more interactive experience for fans of the musicians. For each show, special pre-sales become available for what is known as the Ultimate Revolver VIP package: this includes a selection of either a specialized merchandise pack containing items from one band OR a selection of random items from each bands’ merchandising, VIP tickets to the show and the opportunity to have meet and greets with four selected bands. There are also meet and greet packages available for specific bands but only about 25 to 30 meet and greets are sold at a time so there are not too many people all at once. This also means the bands can spend a bit more time with their fans and interact with them. 
Following several more addictive pitfalls, both for Scott and Robin Morelli of Triple X, the tour becomes a dry tour, meaning no alcohol or drugs of any kind. Some of the bands on the label include: 
Gothic Demolition, Raven’s Fall, Static, Spyral, Lucky Starr, Tiger Daniels, Memento Mori, Triple X, Silex, Classical Disaster, appearances by Star Knight-Valois, Sixx AM (These guys actually tour with the band but they aren’t directly signed onto Revolver, sort of like how NIN goes on tour with them for a few shows but remain a separate entity), Tiana, and many others. 
Revolver Records’ office is in the heart of downtown Manhattan in NYC
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soldier-requests · 2 years
hi! if it’s alright could i please rq names for izuku midoriya from bnha? i don’t mind gendered names, and i generally like cute sounding ones? apologies if that’s not enough detail, but thank you in advance!
hello! :O of course! i think you're the first name and also the first BNHA req i've gotten! congratumalations 😍 /silly.
i'll put the names under the cut :]. i hope you find some you like!!
they're in A to Z order, and i made sure there were at least two names on each one, so i apologize if it's a lot 😅. i tried to not just do american / english names, too! hopefully it worked XD.
azami, archie
basil, bear, bonnie, bee
cash / cashmere, colt, caves
danika / danica, dakota, diya
emmett, emilio, elsie, ember
fox, flor / florence, fletcher, frances
gable, giovanna, gloria
heath, hezekiah, harmony
indy, isaias, imani, indiana
juniper, june, josh / joshua, juno, julie / julien
kimora, kolton, kirby
lorelei, lucille
milo, michio, miki, maple, molly
nishi, natalia, nikola
omari, olive
pam / pamela, perla
quinn, quincy
ramon, rocco
samara, santino, sanaa
truett, tucker, tiger
ulla, ushi
valentina / valentino, vivica, venturo
wednesday, webb / webby / webber, waterlilly
xanti, xiola, xue
yasmin, yaffa, yimmi, yusha
zabuza, zamzam, zaven
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pumpkin-toast · 4 years
Some OC Questions
This is gonna be long so I finally figured out how to properly use tumblr formatting to add a read more section
1. Your first OC ever?
My best guess is a little fellow called Scribbles
2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs?
Three actually - Gretchen, Flooken, and Quasar. All small and precious, all very overpowered.
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3. Have you ever adopted a character?
Yes actually, several times. A Cuphead OC named Jess and a few fantrolls.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I rarely talk about half of my characters because I have so many but I feel like talking about Blinkey. He’s an aquaphobic Enderman who wears a little grassblock themed raincoat in case it rains
5. If you could only make one of your OCs popular, who would it be?
I think it would have to be Pindle. I feel like she could make it big.
6. Two of your OCs that look alike despite not being related?
Icicle and Noelle, although I heavily based Noelle’s appearance off Icicle. And then there’s Spindler, Spindle, and Pindle, who all have basically the exact same name.
7. Are your OCs part of any story of stories?
I have a looot of stories. Too many, actually, which is why most of them are on the backburner and I’m trying to focus on just one of them for now. Here, take some concept art for it:
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8. Do you RP as any of your OCs?
Yes, I have RP blogs which interact with a small circle of other RP blogs. Specifically I RP as Flooken, Kamyx, and Remund.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
Only if I didn’t have a personal connection to them, which I do for a crap ton of my characters. I’ve only given away one character and that was because I didn’t have that connection. Somebody like, say, Flooken? I would never consider giving him up.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I don’t really have any tbh. The whole point of my style is to be simplistic.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Yes, Purity! She’s innocent, a bit naive, and a total extrovert.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
A female serial killer character made by my friend.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
The Suits. All five of them. Oh, and also Note, and Hanret.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
There’s too many to choose from
15. Do you like to talking about your OCs with other people?
16. Which one of your OCs would be best at biology?
Sophie, because she kind of is a biologist.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Graalu x Qiospe, Hana x Seven, Ragdoll x Dollface, Drobyme x Remund, Kayla x Camilla
18. Any OC crackships?
Spindler x Duplin, Entity x Spindle
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you
So hey, this is Gretchen. I really like her.
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20. Do any of your OCs sing?
Lots of them sing. The first one that comes to mind is Kamyx, she usually only sings when she’s alone and my voice of choice for her would be Bryana Salaz.
21. Your most artistic OC
The only one that I can think of right now is Drobyme.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize?
I can’t really think of any, so I guess no
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would look like?
Almost all of my fantrolls. Because I recently redesigned them into humans for a non-homestuck related story
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24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Flooken, so I could hug him and tell him everything’s going to be alright and buy him 2001 chicken nuggets
25. The OC that resembles you the most
Coffee or Cupcake, because Coffee was based off all the craps I don’t give and Cupcake is my optimism.
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26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Yes, this is a funny story actually. So I had been adopting several fantrolls off a person on Amino because I needed fantrolls for a fansession and I was going creatively bankrupt at the time. But it turns out there had been a mixup and one of the trolls I adopted was actually adopted by someone else first, so I had to give her up. And then I just adopted another troll and gave her the same name.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
I’ve had backstories that I’ve fleshed out a bit more using songs, but I don’t think I have any characters that were inspired by a specific song.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
It’s a tie between Kamyx and Reaper
29. Which one of your OCs would investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
There’s no doubt in my mind it would 100% be Gabby.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Quinn, Pindle, Ivisd, or Cressida.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain their Tumblr blog layout.
Okay, let’s go with Baxter.
He’s got the default blog layout, burgundy background with black text. His icon is a purple eye and his header image is just a black fill. He posts about the weird crap he and his friends get up to, reblogs a lot of witchcraft, lots of divination and tarot cards. And also demons, he’s into demons. And then he has a more innocent side blog where he posts about baking.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Seven, because he’s a big scaredy cat but would probably be able to go through a horror game scenario if he had the proper motivation.
33. Your shyest OC.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Totally. Kefi and Lypi, Noiche and Blanr, Blue and Pink, Quinn and Harriet. I even have a set of quintuplets.
35. Any sibling characters?
Yes, but if I listed them all we’d be here all week and this post is already too long.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else?
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Most of my OCs aren’t human actually but uh I’ll go with Seven
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He’s the one on the left. No one really knows what he is but he looks human, although his eyes are a bit weird (he’s also blind). He’s pathokinetic, always wears a yellow raincoat, and his LI is a tsundere. He’s not exactly shy but he’s a scaredy cat and always very very fretful
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
I’ve thought long and hard about this. And it has to be Lyric.
39. Introduce any character you want.
*ahem* I’m gonna do two
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Aight so this is Entity (left) and Censor (right) and they’re my protagonist duo in my story. Censor is overly pessimistic and Entity is overly optimistic and they’re pretty much stuck with each other. They’re also both fugitives.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters?
I remember playing Splatoon as some of my OCs and having lots of fun being terrible with their weapons.
41. Has anyone ever drawn fanart of yours OCs?
Qerri, Murck, Flooken, Flooken again, and Lyric
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
Lorelei, because she’s a god herself.
43. Do you have any certain types when you create OCs?
I tend to lean more towards making badass girls and fretful boys. I don’t know why it just happens more often than not. But I’ve been trying to push past it as of late.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general.
I just love them all. I view them all as my children and I love them.
45. A character you no longer use?
There are a few from stories I’ve scrapped and abandoned, but I still keep them around in case I need another cast member for another story. They’re just like understudies!
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Yes and I do. I may love them but it’s tough love.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
My baby boy Flooken, the best boy of them all
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes?
Entity, that little shit
50. Freebie!
Oh a freebie?
So I’ve got this google doc. I talk about it sometimes but I’ve never actually showed it to anyone outside of a very small group of individuals, but it does exist. I call it Ramager’s OC-Palooza of Epic Proportions and Broken Dreams. It lists every single one of my countless characters, all organized into sections based on what story or universe each character belongs to. In fact it was lagging so much that I had to make a second doc (Titled ‘(P2) Ramager’s OC-Palooza of Epic Proportion and Broken Dreams’). Collectively the two docs have a total of 207 pages. These docs are where I store every bit of information about my characters, including pictures, themes, voice claims, and more. I have been working on it since October of 2019. I’m still adding to it everyday. It terrifies me greatly.
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reginaking · 7 years
for the send me a show ask game: BTVS, Gilmore Girls, Dexter, PLL, and TVD.
I woke up to this amazingness, so thanks anon!!!!!!
Buffy the Vampire Slayermy favoritie male character: Xandermy favorite female character: Buffymy otp: Bangelmy notp: Xander x Willowmy other ships: Willow/Tara, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordelia, Xander/Anya, Buffy/Spike, Faith/Wood, Buffy/Willowmy least favorite character: Wesleymy favorite season/episode: Season 2who i would date off the show: Willow
Gilmore Girlsmy favoritie male character: Lukemy favorite female character: Emilymy otp: Rory x Loganmy notp: Lorelei x Christophermy other ships: Lorelei/Luke, Richard/Emily, Rory/Jess, Lane/Zack, Suki/Jacksonmy least favorite character: Taylormy favorite season/episode: Season 3who i would date off the show: Luke
Dextermy favoritie male character: Dextermy favorite female character: Debmy otp: n/amy notp: Dexter x Deb (NOOOO)my other ships: Deb/Lundy, Deb/Anton, Deb/Quinn, Angel/Mariamy least favorite character: Lilamy favorite season/episode: Season 4who i would date off the show: nobody 
Pretty Little Liarsmy favoritie male character: Tobymy favorite female character: Ariamy otp: The Liarsmy notp: Aria x Noelmy other ships: Aria/Ezra, Spencer/Toby, Emily/Maya, Hannah/Calebmy least favorite character: Detective Wildenmy favorite season/episode: 1who i would date off the show: Hannah
The Vampire Diariesmy favoritie male character: Damonmy favorite female character: Bonniemy otp: Delenamy notp: nada i shipped everything tbhmy other ships: Stelena, Bolena, Beremy, Klaroline, Forwood, Bonnie/Matt (why the hell this never became canon idk)my least favorite character: Enzo!!!!my favorite season/episode: Season 2who i would date off the show: Bonnie
Send me a show :)
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outxfthemind · 6 years
//Also here’s a post for the muse list! (warning: it is very long)
(The ones with an x have an about ready)
Rags (Raymond Garcia) (x)
Dimitri Tchorbev
Yuri Maximov
Nicolai Khiev
Claus Faustus (x)
Truxton Jack
Apex Blaze (x)
Damian Levias (x)
Seamus Elliot (x)
Miles Valentine (x)
Andre Jackson (x)
Donovan Bastille (x)
Sean Carr (x)
Bruno Vega (x)
Claude Stewart (x)
Jorik Tyrsson (x)
(Zeke) Ezekiel Manuel (x)
Sadik Hakan (x)
Lucci Francesco
Bruce Wyatt (x)
Liev Kochenko (x)
Micah Warren (x)
Ichino (Ryu) Ryuzaki (x)
Alejandro Rojas (x)
Shay Ignatov (x)
Derek Pierce (x)
Samuel Wesson
Celestine Hannibal
Holly Hannibal
Simon Rockaby
Jack Hannibal
Oscar Sampson
Jay (Jayden) Wicks
Kujo Jacks
Shirosaki Tora
Mikail Dansk
Lorelei Dansk
Chevin Dansk
Johann Reiker
Jackie (Jackson) Wilde
Toshimaki Yusuke
Vincent Reyes
Ish (Ishmael) Jones
Zeb (Zachariah) Johnson
Yang Xi (x)
Rosco Ryder (x)
Hoss Bradley
Lukas Emilsson
Chet Madison
Dane Dukes
Jax Lepori
Joss Lepori
M.J. (Magnus Jamison)
William Oikoro
Antonio Veelas
David Ofxord
James Newman
Ian Newman
Bentley Granger
Hidetoki Kuro
Daniel Howard
Bastet Saluja
Dayton Myers (x)
Jake Monroe (x)
Tobias Ramirez
Marcus Ramirez
Ace Bixlow
Psy Wolfe
Dante Coleman
King (Kingsley) Addams
Solomon Way (x)
Balthazar Pierce
Juke Orion (x)
Tanner Davis
Ronin Drake
Durango Drake
Tatum Rodgers
Chase Rodgers
Tayir Ibn Al Asud
Laura Smith
Jack Williams
Remington Jamison
Codi Wicks
Ripp Baxter
Bellamy Quinn
Clayton Wesson
Lyon Albisser
Hoss Bradley
Gabriel Brady
Sullivan Matthews
Jude Wilkins
Anderson Newman
Jace Lepori
Chance Edwards
Alexander Reiker
Thanatos Draen
Jeremiah Tyler
Max Turner
Baptiste Burgess
Wesley Jackson
Jason Bradley
Yun Tien-Soon
Kane Logan
Truth Riddley
Raphael Vasquez
Brody Hale
Sergei Khiev
Seth Reid
Riley Connor
Levi Smith
Ilya Praskovya
Bernard Stulsson
Hannibal Burgess
Dorian Bellerose
Kwale Afolayan
Lance Graves
Noah Graves
Tyson Graves
Allistar Walker
Diego Reyes
Shane Teague
Shaun Taylor
Howard Wright
Mark Oikoro
Michael Santiago
Dominick West
Jack Anderson
Cain Redstone
Matthew LeStrange
Nathaniel Sabbot
Austin Jones
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all the ships. bye.
Since today is Christmas, send me one of our ships and my muse will give yours a gift.
Aiden x Lorelei
Anders x Mallory
James x Quinn
Demetrius x Joanna
Darcy x Dante
Selene x Gregori
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welovedaisyjohnson · 4 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. requests
by SavageDemonDog
request a aos request here!
Words: 44, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Philip Coulson, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Mack Mackenzie, Yoyo Rodriguez, Antoine Triplett, Grant Ward, Maria Hill, Victoria Hand, Lady Sif, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Nick Fury, Robbie Reyes, Camilla Reyes, General Talbot - Character, Jiaying - Character, Jasper Sitwell, Lorelei, Raina, Sinara - Character, Sunil Bakshi, Mike Peterson, Joey Gutierrez, Will Daniels, Kasius, Billy Koenig, Isabelle Hartley, Aida, Holden Radcliffe, Lola, Rosalind Price, Miles Lydon, Felix Blake, Ian Quinn, Lian May, HIVE - Character, Christian Ward, Robin Hinton, Agent Piper, Agent Davis, Gideon Malick, Donnie Gill, Gordon, Lincoln Campbell, Eli Morrow, Alistair Fitz, Sam Koenig, Eric Koenig, Callie Hannigan, Flint, Buddy, Milton, Idaho - Character, Hope Mackenzie, Franklin Hall, Daniel Whitehall, Streiten, William May
Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie/Elena “YoYo” Rodriguez, Skye | Daisy Johnson/Grant Ward, Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Robbie Reyes/Skye | Daisy Johnson, any ship you can come up with except ships in season 7
Additional Tags: I Haven’t Watched Season 7 Yet!, Requests, no season 7
Read this at https://ift.tt/2EB1z5C Ao3 works tagged 'Daisy x Lincoln'
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welovedaisyjohnson · 4 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. requests
by SavageDemonDog
request a aos request here!
Words: 44, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Philip Coulson, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Mack Mackenzie, Yoyo Rodriguez, Antoine Triplett, Grant Ward, Maria Hill, Victoria Hand, Lady Sif, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Nick Fury, Robbie Reyes, Camilla Reyes, General Talbot - Character, Jiaying - Character, Jasper Sitwell, Lorelei, Raina, Sinara - Character, Sunil Bakshi, Mike Peterson, Joey Gutierrez, Will Daniels, Kasius, Billy Koenig, Isabelle Hartley, Aida, Holden Radcliffe, Lola, Rosalind Price, Miles Lydon, Felix Blake, Ian Quinn, Lian May, HIVE - Character, Christian Ward, Robin Hinton, Agent Piper, Agent Davis, Gideon Malick, Donnie Gill, Gordon, Lincoln Campbell, Eli Morrow, Alistair Fitz, Sam Koenig, Eric Koenig, Callie Hannigan, Flint, Buddy, Milton, Idaho - Character, Hope Mackenzie, Franklin Hall, Daniel Whitehall, Streiten, William May
Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie/Elena “YoYo” Rodriguez, Skye | Daisy Johnson/Grant Ward, Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Robbie Reyes/Skye | Daisy Johnson, any ship you can come up with except ships in season 7
Additional Tags: I Haven’t Watched Season 7 Yet!, Requests, no season 7
Read this at https://ift.tt/2EB1z5C Ao3 works tagged 'Daisy x Robbie Reyes'
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