#losing my mind over season 1 episode 12
marenwithanm · 2 years
Akito showed up to their school, and the facE YUKI MADE OH MY GOSH 😭😭😭 AKITO WHY MY POOR BOY
also, sidenote, Kyo seems like he also has some kind of personal issue with Akito based on the face he made, but that hasn't been revealed to me yet so I wonder what it is?
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running-in-the-dark · 10 months
I want to be someone who has smart and interesting things to say about shows/movies that I like - like when I tried to convince my friends that they really need to watch Leverage. that would have been useful! instead I'm just like 'it's sooo good I like it so much I love all the characters they're all so awesome 🥰'
my thoughts are generally just like.
ooh he soo prettyyy. I want to braid his hair. hehe he punched someone. look at his lil face 🥰 baby boi. pretty smile his mouth is so nice I like his teeth. chest hair. hands! arms arms arms 🤤 his eyes are so pretty. oooh blood on his face, blood on his face! he's growling. annd his voice is all raspy again. I wonder [many many redacted thoughts]. ooh now he's in danger oh noo 😏
there's a bunch of 'she's so pretty' and 'I love her' somewhere in between all that too but mostly it's just. very, very stupid
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newtonsheffield · 3 months
Apparently most reviewers agree with you that the season/writing is just awful. And a LOT of people are furious over losing Michael. Did the writers not read that book? All Franny ever wanted was a quiet life and children. You cut her story at the knees if you make her love interest a woman. She can't have a child in the 1800s without a husband. What are they going to say she had IVF? 🤦‍♀️ I agree they get an extended season next year for Benedict and Eloise combined (10-12 episodes) and then its over. They only were renewed one more year anyway and Netflix (which cancels everything) isn't going to be happy with a new season every two years.
Okay here’s the thing now that I’ve had time to organize my thoughts about Michaela Stirling being introduced.
I’m not opposed to her. Initially when they introduced her immediately after Eloise asking to go to Scotland I was like “Ohhhh Eloise is going to fall in love with Michaela and Francesca and John will ride off into the sunset (sit quietly and not talk)”
But I think Francesca’s reaction to Michaela, and her reaction when she kissed John at their wedding makes that unlikely.
So to my mind there’s two ways this goes now.
1) John dies. Michaela and Francesca grow closer. Etc etc. the exact storyline just with a woman instead of a man. They end up adopting children because Francesca still yearns for a baby. Sweet. I even like it. Michaela being a woman does introduce difficulty in the fact that were John to die there would be another Earl of Kilmartin who is not her. And so we cannot assume that this Earl would allow Francesca so many liberties. Michael did because he was in love with her. This new Earl likely won’t. But the show will likely… conveniently send them to India
2) John does not die but senses the attraction between his cousin and wife and allows them to be together while staying married to Francesca. Their marriage basically becoming a beard. This makes me a little sad to think of because I think there was power in the subtlety of Francesca and John’s relationship. That’s what he all thought was sweet the first time round. To have her so thunderstruck by Michaela I think makes it seem a little that Francesca mistook the companionship she felt with John for with love.
My issue with Michaela Stirling is mostly that, and I’ve said numerous times that this was a story I was concerned about the show tackling, I don’t think the show is capable of portraying the subtlety a story like this deserves. I would love to be wrong though.
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Things I love about Season 2 of Rings of Power So Far – in no particular order
1. The entire beginning of episode 1
a. Love Sauron in his fair form off his game and a little shaken
b. Love Adar growing increasingly fed up with Sauron’s bullshit
c. Love the Ides of March moment
d. Love goo Sauron – love his little sigh. That’s me every morning when I wake up
2. Love that Sauron was always a shit and stole the badge instead of saving that guy
3. Love the Elrond-Galadriel brother-sister dynamic and poor Gil-galad caught in the middle
4. Love the Ahhh! Gil-Galad lets out when hearing that Sauron is back
5. Love Elrond jumping off the cliff. Worked for Mom (kinda) should work for me
6. I really want whatever the hell Cirdan is on
a. Also Ben Daniels is AMAZING!
7. Love that Gil-Galad gets to shine more as the grumpy, sassy, weary elf-king this season. Also love that no one is letting Galadriel get away with her bullshit from last season (and I loved Galadriel last season). Actions has consequences, even for elves.
9. Why does no one ever listen to Elrond?
10. Sam Hazeldine is doing an amazing job with a tough job. I will always love Joseph Mawle’s take on Adar and he’ll always be MY Adar, but Sam is going an amazing job taking all the groundwork laid by Mawle and then adding his own spin
11. I know the internet is losing its mind over Orc families, but I LOVE the complication these writers are adding to the Orc lore (as well as Sauron’s arc). Even in Return of the King, the Orcs were shown to have their own personalities and weren’t exactly excited about attacking Gondor again. Even in Two Towers, we see the different personalities of Uruk-hai and the Morder Orcs, so it only makes sense to flesh that out further. It adds such an amazing dimension to Adar’s character and the Orcs he cares for and makes us realize that nothing in Tolkien’s world is black and white.
a. Also, also, I love that these writers embrace the fact that Elves are not impartial and they’re hypocritical bastards haha. Of course, they say dwarves and men are covetous and can’t be trusted. Of course, Orcs are irredeemable. To suggest otherwise would jeopardize their own world view. And the Elves have never been covetous or committed genocide for stupid gems. Nope, not ever.
b. Also, also, also love the idea that the Orcs are doomed because they’re convinced Eru will never forgive them, even if they were to ask for it. Such an interesting dilemma to add to the lore. I mean even Sauron considered asking for forgiveness but didn’t because of his pride. If the Valar forgave Morgoth once, and potentially considered pardoning Sauron, who says they wouldn’t forgive the creatures he and Morgoth twisted/corrupted/made?
12. Love Sauron “befriending” the warg. See even the Dark Lord likes dog.
13. Goodbye Waldreg, no one will miss you.
14. Who knew Benjamin Walker had such a nice voice?
15. I’m so surprised Elrond didn’t just completely lose it and go all rabid animal when Cirdan brought back the rings.
16. It’s so funny that this version of Galadriel gets a ring of power. Out of all the Elves to get one, she’s on the bottom of my list. At least make sure she’s Sauron free first.
18. LOVE the dwarves.
19. “You don’t have to make this harder than it already is” YES I DO BITCH BECAUSE YOU’RE BEING A STUBBORN GOAT
20. Love that Disa can call out both her father-in-liaw (and king) and her husband for being jackasses
21. Also Durin III stop being a jackass and go apologize to your son, right now
22. Resonating is still so fucking awesome
23. Love the agricultural in Khazad dum
24. I know I was the odd man out because I didn’t mind the Harfoots last season, but I really adore the Stranger’s relationship with Nori.
25. I REALLY hope the Stranger is a blue wizard, but either way I love how Daniel Weyman plays a wizard. And it’s nice he can talk this season and we get a sense of his humor and sass.
26. “Further, Nori” *sigh of exasperation*
27. I have no idea who the hell this evil wizard is nor who the hell his moth minions are, but I love them. They’re so weird.
28. This guy better NOT be Saruman. -_-
29. Poppy! My lesbian Harfoots are reunited!
30. Celebrimbor *sigh* oh, Celebrimbor
31. Elrond “sand the anger away, Sand the anger away.”
32. LOVE the look Galadriel gives Elrond when he calls her out about NOT being manipulated. “He gave you everything you wanted”. True, but also damn, haha.
33. Seriously, I NEED whatever drug Cirdan is smoking.
34. Also love how in this show “yeah, let’s give the rings a try. What’s the worst that can happen” and in LOTR it’s “NO! DO NOT TRUTST THE RING! DESTROY IT ASAP”
35. I can’t believe Halbrand made it rain just so he can look more like a pathetic cat
36. Ok, that umbrella is ridiculous and super impractical.
37. Celebrimbor, honey, the whole “I won’t stay where I’m not wanted” is the oldest trick in the manipulator’s handbook.
38. I love the rollercoaster Celebrimbor goes on as Halbrand “confesses” that he’s not really a man. The utter confusion but also concern, like “my god is this man having a mental breakdown in my forge? And right when I was about to open a bottle of first age wine. Where’s Galadriel when I need her? She should be taking care of her pet human, not me.”
40. I LOVE the reveal of Annatar. It was so over the time and beautiful and so religious. No notes. Absolutely perfect.
41. I was never on team silvergifting, but this show has converted me.
42. Also Charlie Vickers and Charles Edwards are giving their ALL in these scenes
43. Love that Celebrimbor is like “ew, no, we can’t give men rings” but when Annatar tells him that Gil-Galad “doesn’t trust the dwarves” Celebrimbor takes it so personally. Like I think it’s because he’s annoyed with Gil-Galad and he wants to control his own forge, but it also sounds like he’s offended that Gil-Galad would insult his new dwarf buddies (who helped him build the new forge to begin with).
44. Durin proving himself the wisest of all peoples (not just dwarves) when he calls Annatar out on his bullshit
45. “Elrond would never say such nice things about me.”
46. Also love all the clever insults and phrases the dwarves have.
47. I’m still very angry with Durin III but I felt that line, “Miner’s punches hurt” “Just wait until your children grow up.”
48. ALSO, Durin III you bastard, your son tells you he DOESN’T trust the rings and you decide, “yeah, let me try out these rings” -_-
a. Also, yes, Celebrimbor and Annatar fucked before, during, and after making the dwarven rings.
49. Oh, Isildur, you disaster child.
a. Again, I might be in the minority here, but I LOVE what they’re doing with Isildur’s character – the perpetual screw-up, the one who tries so hard but can’t do anything right, the character who’s constantly trying to prove himself in a family that is already overly impressive. Makes his final fate just that more tragic.
50. Spider babies. Spider babies. Spider babies.
a. Reminded me of the facehugger birthing scenes from the Aliens franchise for some reason.
51. Super Berek! Here to save the day
52. So, I guess all the men in Aragorn’s bloodline were saved by their horses at least once. Good to know.
53. LOVE the entire ridiculous exchange between Isildur and Estrid.
54. God damn it, Isildur, don’t go to the funeral, save Berek!
55. ☹ Poor Arondir. RIP Bronwyn.
56. Fucking Theo
57. God damn it Arondir, maybe look around next time before telling one kid his family will be reunited in front of the one kid who’s lost his entire family XD
58. “Men can’t build things like that” ☹
59. So, Theo is going to be Isildur’s right hand man and/or will be a ringwraith, right?
60. Operation rescue Berek!
61. Ents? Are those Ents?
63. My brother and I when that woman slapped Miriel: “OFF TO JAIL WITH YOU!”
64. Fucking Earien. Kemen is soooo not worth it
65. Fucking Pharazon.
a. ALSO, love how the writers captured men’s creepy behavior around women in power, especially if they’re “not perfect”. Like when Miriel’s father was alive Pharazon was somewhat respectful around her, but my god that scene in her bedroom? So disgusting and creepy. AND fucking Kemen, “she was blinded while fighting Orcs and surviving a massive eruption. She can’t be queen now” Bitch you couldn’t even sabotage a handful of boats by yourself.
66. Also, also, I know everyone loves Haladriel, but can we talk about the other idiotic couple pining over each other: Elendil and Miriel? Love their dynamic sooooo much.
67. Ok Miriel’s coronation dress is GORGEOUS!
68. That poor eagle was so fucking confused. Like I came here for Miriel, not sure what you all are doing. Ok, this is awkward, I’m flying away now.
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im-out-of-it · 3 months
I just have some thoughts since I’ve watched the first three episodes now. some things I’m glad the show did and also the things that irritated the fuck out of me so let’s go 👏🏼
1. aging the characters up. I think this is smart to do and there’s more you can do with the rest of them if they’re in their early twenties instead of being teenagers. sorry not sorry but I’m not interested in seeing teenagers being chased by grown adults
2. Clary is still beyond annoying. I know she’s traumatized by losing her mom and not understanding this new world but literally coming in “I don’t care about the clave, about your rules, I just want to find my mom.” yeah ok we get that but there are still rules that need to be followed. you’re out here almost getting people killed and it’s all in the name of your mom. and I’m not saying the clave is trustworthy because they’re massive dicks but you can’t go around running and doing whatever you want lmao
3. please give Alec a raise or a year vacation. the amount of shit he deals with having to be jaces parabatai is too much. honestly, Alec deserves better. Jace takes advantage of Alec and I would have loved to see Alec have another parabatai, one that cares for him. I know you can only have one BUT CUT THE FUCKING CORD PLEASE
4. Magnus is fucking perfection
5. Izzy is perfection too 🔥 I do not blame Simon losing his tongue over her. my bisexual mind was like OOOOO ALEC NO MAGNUS NO IZZY NO RAPHAEL NO MAIA!!!!!!! NO ALL OF THEM
6. Clary and Jace are very cringe and I’m not sure if that’s on the acting or the writing but it makes it hard to believe they’re “in love.” I felt more connection with Alec and Magnus meeting for a second than I did with jace and clary in three episodes. even Alec and jace have a bit more chemistry than he does with clary. and that is something I DO NOT ship
Jace: I would die for you
Clary: but jace we just met
Jace: I don’t care if I throw all my friends and family away clary. we’re destined to be together
7. superb acting from Matthew Daddario. he’s absolutely wonderful and he really captured Alec’s angst in my opinion. you can see why he’s on guard not only because he likes jace (ew my man Alec WHY) and because he’s worried about the safety of his people. I feel like Matt captures the emotion without saying a thing so well. as does Harry. I think they’re both great at this
8. “This would be bad for clary.”- (talking about the cup and valentine) Simon “it would be bad for all of us”-Izzy. of course in Simon and clary world, everything is all about clary. I get simon is worried about his bff but this affects EVERYONE
9. if Simon was my bff and someone as jace talked to my friend that way, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. she doesn’t really say much, she’s all like “we’re a package deal.” honestly clary and jace belong together because they both take advantage of their friends. they’re both so self centered so let them run away as far as possible together
10. Alec is big sad now but you will have better, just you wait. also want to add, I enjoy season one for the build up Alec and Magnus but man do I hate Alec pinning after jace 🤢 but if there isn’t any incest, it’s not a proper CC story
11. Im just here for the Malec content. stuff that show did well: Alec and Izzy’s sibling relationship. I love these two so much. Clary actually being nice to izzy and being her friend, and not being mean to her cause she’s jealous. Magnus’s whole attire. I love this bi king so much. I love magnus, I love his sass, his makeup, his clothes. I LOVE HIM. I wish they would’ve changed his hair and makeup more in the last two seasons. kinda feel like they thought oh he has mascara on, that’s good enough. that pink hair is truly one of my favorite Magnus looks.
12. last thing to add that I like what the show did. I love that Alec actually knows how to fight. it never made sense in the books that he’s never killed a demon, especially since he’s a Lightwood. never made sense to me. I’m glad they allowed in the show for Alec to actually be able to fight 🏹
that is all for now until I watch actually one of the best episodes of season one. Magnus and Alec meeting 🥰
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oneatlatime · 7 months
Just read your opinions on The Painted Lady (which were really interesting, especially since I last saw it when I was...12? Ish? And still had that kid perspective.) and now I'm curious: do you think the fact that you're watching these in a relatively short span of time is affecting your reaction to them? Because the show was originally broadcast over 4 years, so I wondered if this shorter watch would affect your reaction to the way some stuff is shown - especially re: your remarks about Imprisoned and The Spirit World, Part 1. (I agree, by the way, but you said stuff had originally been established - but for a kid watching at the time, it would have been at least two years ago, so I was wondering if you thought you'd see things differently if you'd watched it over a longer time.)
Have a good day! I love your analyses :)
Both the fact that I'm watching these close together and the fact that I'm an adult are definitely granting me a higher-than-planned-for-by-the-writers detail retention rate. It's absolutely possible that this episode was so similar to Imprisoned on purpose, to remind kids of certain aspects of Katara's character that they were introduced to two-ish years ago (which is like 40 years in kid years). We'll know if that's the case or not if this facet of her character has any pay off later in the season - if there was a reason the audience needed reminding that she was like this.
It's one of the few ways that Avatar is solidly a product of its time. No one could have anticipated streaming or bingeing, and although home media was definitely around, the show was made for weekly broadcast on tv. Frankly, had avatar been made with bingeing in mind, I think it would have been worse.
On the other hand, season 2 didn't start with multiple episodes of season 1 being reenacted badly. So what changed? Did the writers lose confidence in their audience? Did they get audience feedback that season 2 was too confusing? Was there a larger time between broadcasting s2 & s3 than between s1 & s2? Did the writers anticipate a huge group of new watchers for season 3 who had to be introduced to the characters?
On the other other hand, kids aren't stupid. Anecdotally, if a kid chooses to be invested in a story, they absolutely will remember verbatim an episode from two years ago. I have never in my life (so far) met a child capable of casual investment.
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majachee · 26 days
I am typing this at 12:30 am after being out for 7 hours walking and standing nonstop so I apologize if my tappings make no sense
anyways I think chris would’ve given the team some alien steroids, since they’re humans, and weak. like try dropping them from 30 feet high, or put them against an alien with 500 years of experience, they’re so fragile. but then he realized he gave alien steroids to *teenagers*, not just regular old plain human adults. cue to duncan holding a fucking bus over his head going on an absolute power trip, he’s having the time of his life
I also personally think that they deserve to get dna from their animals as a treat. just, y’know, some minor mutations that would help them out in battle but become massive nuisances outside of battle. courtney should become a kibby as a treat. they’re full of alien drugs, animal dna and puberty hormones. do you see it
-mmpr anon
Okay "alien steroids" is a bit of an exaggeration, but I do believe there's some sort of power-up happening there. My Power Rangers knowledge in general is rusty, I watched one of the many TV shows sporadically as a kid (ie whenever it was on the lobby TV at my sister's karate dojo) so like... Lol.
But I've recently watched the episode in season 1 of MMPR where Tommy/The Green Ranger loses his powers cuz Rita put a spell on a candle, and like... Dude mentions physically getting weaker and feeling drained without his powers, so there's SOMETHING THERE. Tommy Green Ranger come back I miss you
I'll likely not include the candle-thing in the AU, cuz that was kind of silly and also the Green Ranger is... kind of my favorite in this show, so I ain't getting rid of him that easily. 😈 Will have fun with the Island of Illusions plot, though.
In the AU, I'd imagine this is how Noah gets enough upper-body strength to hold ranged weapons. Also yes, Duncan would throw a bus at someone. He will DO THAT !!!!
As for the minor mutations thing...? Nodding, nodding. First thing that came to mind were the mutations from the MMPRxTMNT comics which IS NOT WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT BUT—
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Harold made them fursonas, I guess.
I'm not sure if I can do the minor mutations thing, but I'll try to toss in some nods to their zord-buddies in their designs, regardless. 😈
I've also been thinking about Bulk and Skull, and what I'd do with them in this AU. In the show, they're meant to be seen as bullies, but to me? They're losers, first and foremost. Above all else, they are losers. Losers trying to overcompensate by trying to be intimidating bullies. So I've given the role of bumbling loser to Cody—
Also let's be so heckin real right now, these guys would NOT get bullied. They are the bullies.
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the-eeveekins · 11 months
So last month I started watching I'm in Love with the Villainess.
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I'll be honest, I wasn’t too sure about this show going into it. I ultimately didn't like the last Yuri Isekai series I watched (The Magical Revolution), and I've gotten fatigued over yuri adaptations never being finished after getting a one season anime adaptation.
I won't lie that I enjoyed it right away. I do not like the opening music (I skip the OP every episode, which is incredibly rare for me) and I was initially put off by Rae & Claire's actions in episode 1. But I stuck with it, was really surprised by episode 3 directly addressing Rae being a lesbian and touching on the struggles of being queer and dealing with homophobia, and by episode 5 I was so impatient to learn what happened next that I bought the 1st Light Novel.
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Well, it took me about a week to burn through the first 2 volumes of the LN and the Revolution storyline and honestly I was blown away. It touched on topics I never would've expected when I started the show last month. The depictions of the struggles faced by queer people were already hitting close to home, but then the 2nd volume blindsided me by touching on gender dysphoria and there were moments that brought me to tears.
Since I assume the anime is only going to be 12-13 episodes, I sincerely hope that Wataoshi gets a 2nd season to adapt the entirely of the Revolution Arc, but I won't get my hopes up. Like I said earlier, most Yuri adaptations never get more than a season, and I would be shocked if a 2nd season was greenlit that would tackle the queer issues present in the 2nd volume of the light novel.
(Seriously, if angry hets and bigots were freaking out over the conversation about Rae being a lesbian in episode 3, they will lose their fucking minds over some of the stuff later on in the series.)
If they do make a 2nd season and adapt it without punting on the queer issues, I could definitely see I'm in Love with the Villainess being among my favorite anime. I wasn't expecting the first 2 volumes to be a self-contained story, and since I was so satisfied with the ending, I'm not in a hurry to start reading the 3rd volume (and I've heard mixed things about the 2nd part of the story).
In the meantime I've started reading the manga adaptation and I'm rewatching episodes of the anime to catch foreshadowing I missed. My wife is officially complaining that I'm almost as obsessed with it as I was G-Witch 😅
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ryn80 · 7 months
Stiles Stilinski Angst List
SPOILERS AHEAD (Up to The End of Season 5, TBC)
S1 Ep.1 (Pushed into a wall by Scott bc Scott doesn’t understand how strong he is lol)
S1 Ep. 10 (Stiles stops his dad from drinking too much)
S1 Ep. 12 (Kidnapped and threatened by Peter)
S2 Ep. 4 (paralyzed by kanima and watches repairman get killed, worried dad, holding up Derek in pool, tired)
S2 Ep. 9 (Hallucination about his dad telling him it was his fault for her death)
S2 Ep. 10 (Stiles is held hostage in a police station where he is paralyzed)
S2 Ep. 11 (Stiles gets kidnapped and beaten up)
S3 Ep. 3 (Stiles sees the dead body of his childhood friend)
S3 Ep. 7 (“I can’t lose both my parents”)
S3 Ep. 9 (Stiles dad gets taken/stabbed at the end of the episode)
S3 Ep. 10 (Cries about his dad)
S3 Ep. 11 (Panic attack and ice bath death)
S3 Ep. 12 (Car accident)
S3 Ep. 13 (Nightmares, starts not being able to read, when is a door not a door)
S3 Ep. 14 (Forced to stand in front of the whole class and read but instead has a panic attack; can’t tell the difference between dreams and reality)
S3 Ep. 17 (Goes to the hospital and Melissa takes care of him; “thanks mom”)
S3 Ep. 18 (Stiles goes missing, thinks a bear trap is on his leg, and he has hypothermia)
S3 Ep. 19 (Everyone is worried but he is poisoned at the end of the episode)
S3 Ep. 20 (In a mental institution, abused by guards, tries to stay awake, lets void into his mind)
S3 Ep. 22 (Slices stomach open, mouth taped shut, and throws up himself)
S3 Ep. 23 (wakes up screaming)
S3 Ep. 24 (blames himself for Allison and wants to die, ends up almost killing himself)
S4 Ep. 4 (Talks about his time as void)
S4 Ep. 7 (Stiles almost passes out because he is infected, gets threatened with a gun, blood splatters all over his face)
S4 Ep. 8 (Kinda hallucinates Malia, honestly he just misses his girlfriend and is sad about it)
S4 Ep. 9 (Heart to heart with his dad about money issues after his dad got shot, gets electrocuted again, scared by, tormented by, tied down, and hit in the face by the director at Eichen House)
S5 Ep. 1 (Worried that h will lose his friends after high school; briefly seen in a car accident laying unconscious)
S5 Ep. 2 (Gets upset with Scott and hits his hand against the jeep, Scott heals it)
S5 Ep. 3 (Gets paralyzed and hit in the face by a Kanima)
S5 Ep. 4 (Gets attacked by Donovan at the end of the episode)
S5 Ep. 5 (Gets attacked by Donovan, anxiety about killing him, still has a hurt shoulder, sees Donovan and other hallucinations)
S5 Ep. 6 (Major hallucinating in the hospital as well as anxiety about killing him, shoulder still hurts, gets attacked by Josh)
S5 Ep. 7 (his car is flipped upside down while he’s in it, seen unconscious with head bleeding, saved by Theo)
S5 Ep. 9 (emotional whump with Scott not believing him)
S5 Ep. 10 (Theo manipulation)
S5 Ep. 11 (dad in the hospital whump, head hits the stairs and makes him blackout, Scott whump, gets slammed against a wall and blacks out, “there’s void stiles!”)
S5 Ep. 12 (paralyzed by a kanima)
S5 Ep. 16 (person thrown at him, tries to break the door down to save Lydia, rushes to her side, sad but sweet stydia moments practically the whole episode, lydia predicts his death (ish), bleeds from his ear)
S5 Ep. 20 (Gets thrown against a wall, falls on glass, huge shard of it in his chest)
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toastingpencils37 · 5 months
Predicting S2 Part 2's release given the leaks about a teaser today because I was losing my mind over it last night
Ok. I don't know if a teaser has released yet (if it is), or the clock has started ticking, but I'm not checking until posting this so that I don't possibly spoil myself for predicting.
However, I am going to try to predict the US release, using the leak that apparently a trailer is leaking today, May 2nd, and patterns from different first teaser releases and the actual episode releases.
To start, let's see the difference in time between the first teaser drop and the episode drop for each season part so far:
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The first teaser for S1 P1 released on April 1st 2023, and the episode drop June 1st 2023. A difference of 2 months
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S1P2's first trailer was August 30 2023, and episodes dropped October 12 2023. Difference of 1 month and 12 days. Expected the difference to be larger, at least two months, but we'll still use this because it's important.
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S2P1's first trailer was January 31 2024, and episode drop April 4 2024. Difference of 63 days (about 2 months and 3 days, but February a weird ass month so I'm not really messing with that)
Anyways, onto the estimation predictions. this is just to see the general area we will land. This doesn't mean that the amount of time between this teaser and the actual release will be the exact same as the differences above, as they seem to vary a lot.
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So here are the estimates. But I do want to note that none of them land on Thursday, which all of the previous episode drops have. However, we can still estimate from here.
So the possible Thursdays, based on the weeks these estimates land on are June 13 and July 4.
But another pattern I also want to note is the fact that currently at least, all the episode drops all have a number to do with 4, whether they're a factor, multiple of, or are 4 itself.
Meaning that July 4th is more likely.
And given the possible "Finland episode releases in July 1st", possibly a bit more likely. Though, since it won't be exactly a day before like it was last time, Finland may be having a random premiere. Or Netflix is throwing random dates at everyone for shits and giggles.
So, likely prediction:
July 4th
But what if these leaks are wrong? There are two other possible Thursdays during the summer following day patterns (if not teaser and release difference patterns). These are:
Thursday, June 20th
Thursday August 8th
Plus, if Part 2 wants to wait longer to be released, a possible fall day, being Thursday September 12th. Though that feels a lot less likely.
Or Part 2 of season 2 is going to break multiple of these patterns and prove all of these predictions wrong. But it was worth a shot
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sevensoulmates · 5 months
See I both love this and hate it. Love it because it’s very well thought out. And this so many details. But I hate it because realistically I just don’t see the show going to a 10th season so if they don’t actually get together until 9b, assuming the show stays at its 18 episode count, we’d get 9 episodes of them together and that’s it. And after all these years of waiting that is just… not enough time and would start to feel to much like a oh well it was the end of the show so what do we have to lose here ya go.
Maybe I would've agreed with you just after season 6 ended and the announcement of a shift to ABC. I might've thought then they don't have many seasons left but I've changed my mind about that over the last few months since they started heavily promoting season 7. ABC said that they want to keep 911 going as long as they can, and they even said they want to continue making spin-offs like Lonestar (hopefully better than Lonestar) in different cities in the U.S. That doesn't sound like a network that wants to cut 9-1-1 off after season 9.
I'm sorry but a network that approved Grey's Anatomy to have 20+ seasons is ABSOLUTELY gonna approve 9-1-1, their number one money maker right now, to have 10+ seasons. I'm fully expecting to get to AT LEAST season 12, and I'm being so fucking serious.
ESPECIALLY if 9-1-1 actually follows through with the groundwork they're setting up right now with Buck and Eddie. I'm not kidding when I say, if you feed your fanbase they'll keep coming back for more for the rest of time like a feral cat to your house after you feed them. Once people catch wind that buddie went canon, they're gonna be throwing money at ABC so fast that ABC just might approve an additional 3 seasons right then and there.
As for the second part of your question, no. I don't think the show would just throw buddie at us at the end to "throw us a bone" once the show's slated to end for real. If they didn't do that at Fox when they had a real chance of wrapping it up for good, they're not gonna do that with ABC. "What do we have to lose" doesn't feel like the right mindset here. If that was the case, they never would've had Buck come out in early season 7. That was their riskiest first step, and it paid off, and now they have proof that they have SO MUCH to gain if they actually explore these stories organically with enough time to feel satisfied. So, no, I don't think we're just gonna get them shoved into the end with no development.
And I also just think that this fandom and casual viewers/journalists too, vastly underestimate how much these writers care about these characters and the story they're telling here. Yes, I do think that some of the writers have shown biases (KR) and have made some missteps in handling storylines, but again, they're beholden to a whole chain of bosses and external circumstances. BUT I think at the core, this show WOULD NOT EVER have been so beloved by many if the writers did not CARE about these characters deeply. So no, I don't think the writers would just "throw" anything at these characters just to placate viewers unless they really think it's necessary or works for the character arc. Yes, that includes things like Marisol and Natalia or "Shoehorned in" plots. I think the writers do their best to do right by these characters to the best of their ability. And I think that's so INCREDIBLY rare both in the past and currently.
So yeah, sometimes the writers make mistakes or don't handle plots the best in certain circumstances but when it comes to the bigger picture I never once questioned that they care and want to give these characters the best they're capable of.
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justinewt · 7 months
The Two-Horned Beast - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Twenty-Five
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Summary: Raven was saved but the group wasn't out of the woods just yet. They still had to find a way to really put an end to Alie. Thanks to a book written by the hand of the woman that made the AI, they found a new lead, a Grounder named Luna, who might be the key to all this.
Words: 4.8k
Warnings: The 100 season 3 spoilers (episode 12 "Demons"), fluff, some romance, guns, knives, blood, stabbing, attempted & actual murder
The sun had risen in the sky as they drove full speed across a field. They drove all night really, with Bellamy at the wheels. Clarke was at the front with him, and Michelle was sitting at the back with the others as they all began to plan out their next moves to stop Alie and her army of zombies. They had saved Raven from her grip, but the latter was far from being the only one that was being mind controlled. Michelle looked through the windshield, listening to the conversation with one ear, leaning forward on her lap. She was wondering about the situation in Polis. Her father was there, and she hoped he was safe. For the time being, they were headed for Arkadia. It was probably fine to return since Alie and her minions were trying to find them and they were far from the trading post already. 
“Becca’s journal is amazing.” Raven exclaimed, carefully flipping the pages of the old notebook. “At 26, she found a pathway to access a human mind. That same year, she had to lock up Alie, because her answer for what was wrong with the world was “too many people”. She was 27 when it launched the bombs.”
“What did she write about the Flame?” Clarke twisted on her seat, turning towards them.
“Alie 2.0. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind, but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out, because it would be one of us. She put it in herself first. Altered her genes so her body wouldn’t reject the implant.”
“Bekka Pramheda, the first Commander.” Michelle glanced at Clarke. She nodded to herself before looking at the others, crossing the gaze of her best friend before she focused back on Raven. “The gene therapy made her blood black, didn’t it?”
“Yeah.” She said quietly, surprised that she knew this detail without having read the diary. She wasn’t the only one that was surprised.
“How did you know that?” Octavia enquired.
“Nightblood. That’s where it came from. Somehow it became hereditary. Luna has it. That’s why we have to find her. If she can access Alie-2…”
“She can tell us how to stop Alie-1.” Octavia said, concluding Clarke’s statement.
“Get back to the mind pathway.” Monty spoke, taking a closer look at the Flame. “If Alie uses it to upload our minds to the City of Light, then there’s a chance my mo’s still alive.”
“That depends on your definition of “alive”.” Raven’s words must have shattered his hopes, but he shot his mother. The woman’s body wasn’t alive anymore and whatever was left of her in the City of Light, wasn’t her. Seeing him like this made Michelle quite sad and it made her think how if her father happened to take the chip, she wasn’t sure she would have the guts to shoot if he put someone in danger. She hoped she would never have to kill him to save someone else because if her father, her only remaining parent, died by her own hand, she would never survivre it. Losing her mother broke her and she didn’t even see her pass away, so it would be the last straw. She would never recover from it.
“Eyes sharp. Weapons hot. We’re almost home.” Bellamy spoke up as they approached Arkadia’s grounds. He called for Harper and Miller over the radio, telling them they were a couple minutes away from camp, but no one replied. It wasn’t a good sign. Michelle straightened up, stretching her, craning forward to look through the windshield. She couldn’t see Arkadia just yet. They were still too far but once they saw it in the distance, and noticed the gates were wide open and there was no one in sight, they stopped the vehicle. Some of them got out with their weapons, walking alongside the car, Jasper standing up at the back, sticking out through the roof opening and Bellamy had left the wheel to Michelle. She wouldn't have minded coming outside with him, Clarke, Octavia, and Sinclair; she was a pretty good shot, but he had insisted that she stay inside the Rover. Her assumption turned out to be correct though, Alie and her minions had deserted the place, probably since last night. From inside the car, she couldn’t really hear what the others were saying but she heard Jasper note that no one was there to fix the gate. It was like a ghost town as they slowly progressed inside the camp.
“Maybe they saw the open gate and went in for Lincoln’s book.” Jasper added, talking about Miller and Harper. Bellamy was still trying to get a hold of them, but no one was responding. When she looked in the mirrors and saw her peers stopping in their tracks, she slowed the car and turned her head to Raven, sitting in the front seat next to her. She met her gaze and she understood they had stopped by the pool of blood that must have soaked the grounds ever since Lincoln was shot by Pike. She gulped and they continued on their way to get the grounder’s book. It was supposed to guide them to other Grounders that could help them to stop Alie, with all that nightblood stuff. As they approached the hangar, the doors opened and she drove in, opening the window and popping her head through, to hear what Bellamy was saying. He looked at her after telling Jasper to close the roof.
“Turn the Rover around. We may need to get outta here quickly.” She nodded and sat back into the driver’s seat, waiting for the others to get out from around the vehicle to turn the car around. The doors of the hangar closed shut behind them with a thud. As the group looked around the large room, she did as Bellamy asked and then jumped out of the car. Climbing up the small flight of stairs, she, Raven, and Monty joined the others around the table where a bunch of stuff was scattered, decks of cards, half-empty plates and drinks, as if people just got up and walked away, leaving everything behind to rot, without a second thought. “We’re in and out. Pack as much gear as you can into the Rover.”
“I’ll get the map.” Octavia left almost as quickly as she spoke. Jasper went along with her. As she watched them walk away, Michelle was reminded of the fact that her precious jacket was still lying somewhere in Bellamy’s room, and she wanted to get it back before they left camp again. She was about to mention it to Bellamy, parting her lips, turned towards him, when Raven came from behind her and spoke up.
“What’s the rush? They won’t be coming back.”
“How do you know?” Clarke asked.
“Alie’s mission is to chip everyone. It wouldn’t make sense to return to a place she already took.”
“It might make sense if there was someone in that place, you, who could tell us stuff like that.” Raven agreed with Sinclair’s point, and they all went in different directions. Only Michelle went after Bellamy and he looked over his shoulder, hearing her footsteps. She still wanted her jacket, even if she was wearing her father’s ever since the group parted ways with him, Pike, and the Grounders. He nodded at her request, and they walked through the door towards the inside of the Ring, heading for Bellamy’s room. The two of them walked inside the room and Michelle kind of looked around while Bellamy opened a wardrobe next to his bed. He let his gun hang to his side as he took the jacket from a hanger. She took off the large, black guards’ jacket that her father gave her so she wouldn’t be cold and put it down on the desk while he handed her vest to her.
“Thank you.” She said as she took and put it on, one sleeve after the other. Then, she picked up her father’s and put it back on. She noticed Bellamy watching her as she got dressed and she looked at him with a chuckle, the corner of her lip stretching into a smirk. “What?”
“Nothing.” He shook his head, looking away, and she took a step towards him, taking his hand, intertwining their fingers as they locked eyes. His eyes went down to her mouth for half a second and he cupped her face in his free hand, pressing his lips against hers. Their kiss grew more passionate as time went on and he let go of her hand to slip his fingers in her hair, at the back of her head. Her whole body felt like it was lit on fire when they broke their embrace, resting his forehead against her cheekbone. She was catching her breath, as if she had forgotten how to breathe properly and she heard Bellamy chuckle. She smiled, telling him not to laugh, playfully pushing him away, shaking her head and he caught her arms, pulling her back towards him into a hug and she wrapped her arms around him, warm under his jacket. She could feel him breathing in her hair while she rested her chin on his shoulder, closing her eyes. It was the first, real intimate moment that they had shared in many months and damn, how she had missed it. The words I love you, would take a little longer to be spoken out loud though.
“All right let’s go look around. We don’t know know how much time we have right now.” She broke the embrace and he nodded. They left together, exiting the Ring through the front door. She didn’t have a gun, so she remained behind Bellamy as he kicked open the door to the armory, holding his gun up in case he came face-to-face with someone. It was empty. She stepped in after him as he opened a mesh cupboard inside which they could see a bunch of automatic shotguns lined up. He checked the content of the boxes stored underneath. They were filled to the brim with bullets. He grabbed the radio at his belt and contacted the rest of the group still inside the hangar. 
“Everyone finish what you’re doing and meet us at the armory.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Clarke was the one to respond.
“You’ll see when you get there. We just got lucky.” While she told them they were on their way, Bellamy picked up a gun, filled a charger with bullets and gave it to Michelle. The latter started walking back and forth outside the door, looking around the camp, alert, and turned to Bellamy while they waited for the others to join them. Her mind was really making her do comparisons between what she now had with Bellamy and what she once had with Murphy. She didn’t want to keep thinking about both the relationships she had ever had but her conclusion was that the two were diametrically opposed. Maybe it was because she had grown since they first landed on the ground, and because Bellamy was a few years older, but their relationship had a much more mature feeling to it. The nature of their feelings for each other was very different from when she was with Murphy. When he left, she realized, even if he did love and care for her, she most likely loved him more than he did. She mentally shrugged, thinking it would have ended at some point but the fact that he just got up and left, with Jaha, it still bothered her. She shook the thought away when Clarke’s voice reached their ears. She was calling out their names weakly, panting and Bellamy caught her before she fell, giving her support so she could stand. “What is it? What’s going on?”
“Emerson.” It was just one word, well a name really, but the three of them were very much aware of what it meant. The guy from Mount Weather, who they thought they had gotten rid of already, was back, harder to kill than a cockroach. The trio then walked into the ring, with Bellamy and Michelle walking in front of Clarke, their heads tilted, eyes glued to the viewfinder lens, guns up, flashlights on.
“Where’s Monty?” Bellamy enquired.
“Emerson took him. Why?” She frowned, trying to understand what Emerson’s motivation was. He grabbed his radio and tried to make contact with his sister, stopping in their tracks.
“Octavia, can you hear me? Come in.”
“Jasper was with her.”
“Jasper, are you there? Say something.” The only answer they got was a static sound crackling on the other end.
“Maybe Emerson got them too.” Michelle said quietly. Clarke looked down, frowning, shaking her head.
“Miller, Harper, Bryan… This is all my fault. I let Emerson live.”
“What are you talking about?” Bellamy looked at Clarke, blinking in confusion before exchanging a glance with Michelle. She had no idea what she was talking about either, but their friend seemed preoccupied. Her eyes went from one to the other.
“In Polis. I had a chance to kill him, but I let him go.”
“Bellamy, what’s wrong?” Raven’s voice came over the radio, interrupting their conversation.
“Raven, are you okay? Where are you?” He immidietaly asked.
“Still in engineering. We’re fine.”
“Raven, listen to me. Emerson is here. Are the others with you?” Clarke spoke up, taking the radio after Bellamy handed it to her. Raven replied in the negative. She was alone with Sinclair. Clarke then gave them instructions to lock down the hangar bay and to not let anybody in but the three of them. They had yet to find their other friends, who were probably held somewhere by Emerson. They ran there but when they came at the door, shouting out the mechanic’s name, banging on the door, no one answered, and the hangar was plunged in the dark. They left, running around the ring to get to the other door. When they reached the large door from the outside, it was just opened slightly, leaving a thin thread of light penetrate inside. Slipping through the opening one after the other, the two childhoos best friends kneeled next to the lifeless body of Sinclair, lying on the ground, a large stain of blood on his t-shirt, and blood running down his mouth. His dead eyes stared right back at them, frozen, and empty. Clarke still went to check his pulse, but it was obviously too late. He was already gone. She closed his eyes. Michelle sighed and got up, her hands on the gun hanging across her shoulders, glancing around the hangar. Raven was nowhere to be seen.
“He took Raven.”
“We’re too late.” Bellamy added, but Clarke somehow disagreed. She turned her head to them.
“He didn’t kill Monty or Raven. He would’ve left their bodies. Michelle is right, he took them somewhere.”
“If you’re right, Octavia and the others are there, too. Where would he be taking them? They could be anywhere. How does he even know his way around?”
“He was here. You were in Mount Weather.” As she talked, Clarke was already thinking, and she came to the conclusion that the man that had them running around the compound looking for their friends, had taken them to the very airlock in which he had been detained before. It only made sense that he would lock them up in there. She snatched the radio from Bellamy’s belt. “Emerson. I know you’re listening. We need to talk.”
“I don’t need to do anything.” They heard grunts in the background, confirming that he did have their friends with him. Clarke had their back to them, facing the hangar’s door and Michelle and Bellamy looked at each other. “You should have killed me when you had the chance.”
“And now you’re here to kill me, is that it?”
“Something like that.”
“Then let my friends go.” She tried to bargain with him, offering to give herself over if he did what she asked. Of course, neither Michelle nor Bellamy wanted this to happen. She turned to them. “I know what I’m doing.” Michelle gave her a firm nod, trusting her, though this whole ordeal worried her.
“Come to the airlock. No weapons. Right now.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Bellamy stopped her as she walked away with a determined step. She was set on saving their friends and they didn’t disagree with this but neither of them wanted her to sacrifice herself.
“Look, when it’s over, take this to Luna. Promise me.” She took the Flame out of her pocket and handed it over to him. Her eyes went to Michelle who didn’t like the way she was talking about all this, as if she was going to die going to the airlock and there was nothing to do about it. She didn’t the decisiveness of this moment. Bellamy slightly squinted his eyes, shaking his head.
“No. You’re outta your mind your mind if you think we’re letting you do this alone.” Though she stayed quiet, used to go along with the flow of whatever Clarke wanted to do, Bellamy didn’t even think about it and included her in his statement, knowing that she was as much against this as he was. And in other circumstances, she would have sketched a smile, because he was right. Clarke glanced at Michelle before putting her gaze back on him.
“This is my fault. I’m not letting anyone else die for my mistake, okay? So take it!” She didn’t raise her voice, but her tone and gesture were strong and direct, urging him to take the flame from her hand.
“Are you through? I don’t know what happened between you and Emerson in Polis. But I do know that letting him kill you here today is a stupid plan.”
“You got a better one?” He pinched his lips and shrugged; his smirk tinged with sadness.
“You distract him, we shoot him.” Clarke let go of her original plan to just surrender herself to the mountain man and nodded to Bellamy’s proposition. She looked down at the flame while Bellamy stepped away. Now, they had to put the plan into motion, and hope it would go smoothly but what Emerson would do, and his reactions were out of their control. Clarke walked a few feet ahead of them, with Bellamy and Michelle with their guns right behind. They stood behind the corner, hidden in the shadows while she held up her hands and approached the airlock.
“I held up my part of the deal. Your turn. Let my friends go.”
“Tell Bellamy to show themselves first.” He must have seen Bellamy’s shadow, or he simply knew the girl would never actually come alone but they were both reminded that even though Michelle knew the man’s name and who he was, he probably didn’t even remember her, other than being that one Asian girl who was Clarke’s friend. She wasn’t even sure he remembered that she was one of those who basically got her thigh drilled into and almost died, if it weren’t for Clarke opened all exits of Mount Weather. The two gunsmen glanced at each other.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about...” She tried to lie, and he knew it. He grunted and Octavia let out a scream, prompting Bellamy to come out of hiding, telling Michelle to stay back with his eyes. She gave him a nod, standing her back to the wall to conceal herself better. He kept his gun ready to fire as he stepped into the hallway.
“Good. Now, take out the clip, throw it down the hall, put the gun down and get inside.”
“Please, you wanted me.” She tried to talk with him, but he wasn’t here to listen to her pleading. Surrending herself in exchange for her friends’ lives being spared, but something was off. He really wanted Bellamy to come into the airlock. The latter gave in, telling him to stop. Michelle didn’t know what Emerson was doing but she guessed that he must have been holding Octavia at gunpoint or something like that, for the young man to be this nervous. He did as order, took out the clip and kneeled, putting down his gun, along with the rest of his weapons, which included the two knives he had. He threw them away, making them slide down the hall and their course stopped right in front of Michelle. If it came down to it and using her gun was too dangerous, she would pick up one of the blades and use it against Emerson. It was clear that Bellamy took advantage of the fact the man was clueless about a third person being there. He then put his hands up in the air and walked towards the airlock, disappearing from Michelle's sight. She heard Emerson’s voice addressing Bellamy followed by Octavia grunting. Michelle was practically glued to the wall, taking deep, quiet breath, ready to step in. She clenched her jaw, hating the fact that she was blind to what was now happening, right around the corner. She listened to Emerson giving orders to Clarke, telling her to get down on her knees and put her hand behind her head. There were footsteps, certainly Emerson, followed by a beeping sound and the airlock door closing.
“No- You can do anything you want with me. Okay? Just let them go.” Hearing him grunt, Michelle peeked. Emerson was his back to her, holding Clarke the collar of her coat and pushing her towards the closed space. He put his arm around her neck, his handgun against her head, pressing her against the glass. Michelle then thought, using her gun would put Clarke’s life at risk, while using a much sneakier weapon such as Bellamy’s knives, would give her a bigger chance of neutralizing Emerson. She let go of her shotgun, letting it hang to her side and picked up both blades to her feet, holding the handles tightly. And she waited for the right opportunity to come out. Not knowing if he had his finger on the trigger didn’t help her determine when to act either and she couldn’t risk Emerson seeing her, it would fuck the whole plan up as well.
“You murdered 381 people. You took the lives of my children, my brother, my friends. Did you really think that I would be happy with just one life in return?” When she heard him step back, dragging Clarke with him, she took another look. The gun was now aimed towards the ceiling. He put his arm back around Clarke, right across her chest and used his free hand to uncover a glowing red button. She came out of hiding as he pressed it. A voice over PA announced that the airlock was being emptied of its oxygen. He looked to asphyxiate their friends. She took advantage of the loud, dull noise covering her steps and she rushed towards him, driving the blades of the daggers right into his skull with a grunt. A gunshot went off as he collapsed, dragging Clarke with him. She broke free from his grip and rushed to the airlock control panel to open the door. Michelle just then processed what she did and though she didn’t feel bad about it, she couldn’t help but stare at Emerson’s face, his empty eyes staring back at her. She realized her fingers were trembling, so she closed her hands into fists. The two knives looking like horns that had grown on the sides of his head. Clarke got up, stretching out her arms to reopen the airlock. Their friends inside weren’t exactly passed out but a little lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, breathing heavily, while the two were getting rid of Emerson. Michelle stepped over the man’s body, helped Clarke up. As she freed one of them, they helped free each other. Michelle went to untie Bellamy from the wall and frowned in frustration since her hands were still a bit shaky. She felt his gaze upon her.
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly.
“You’re the one that’s restrained. I’m fine.” He grabbed her hand and glanced over his shoulder at Emerson. She huffed, following his eyes, and stared at the dead body. The knives sticking out of his heads, a pool of blood all over the floor and trickles having flowed across his face. His eyeballs were hidden, covered with a red layer. It wasn’t the first she had had a deadly weapon in her hands, but it was the very first time that she stabbed someone this violently, in the head, and not just with one knife, but two at that. She didn’t have such a hard time shooting at people with a gun but using bladed weapons did shake her up a little. She didn’t even think, she just did it to save Clarke. Seeing that she was staring at Emerson, he stepped aside, blocking her view, making her look at him.
“You did it to save Clarke.”
“Yes, I know why I did it.” She pinched her lips, not reacting the way she would have wanted to. She answered abruptly when he was only trying to help her. But he understood and only looked at her with concern for her on his face. She locked eyes with Clarke and Octavia, who noticed them holding hands and the latter were surprised to say the least. They obviously didn’t expect to see their siblings together. The group then eventually walked outside, dragging Emerson’s body away. At nightfall, while they were putting things away, they saw Bellamy walk through the gate, carrying a large body wrapped in a body bag, in his arms.  Because of the weight of the body, his gait was a bit slowed down, and his steps were heavy, sinking into the mud. He put it on the ground and took a step back while Octavia fell to her knees. She raised her hand to uncover the head and hesitated for a moment before finally doing so. It was Lincoln.
Octavia's sobbing turned into hearbreaking wailing. The rest of them were all silently standing there. Michelle felt her pain, though it was not over the death of the same type of love, she had cried just as hard over her mother. It made her want to cry and she felt a tear had run down her cheek. She swiftly wiped it away. They built a pyre and put both Sinclair and Lincoln’s bodies on it. Raven went forth, saying her goodbyes to her former mentor and stepped back while Octavia lit the pyre, pronouncing words in trigedasleng. Your fight is over. They all repeated those words in unison. While Michelle said it for their two peers, her eyes rose to the starry night sky and her thoughts went to her mother and she stared at the fire, losing her gaze in the dance of flames until Octavia's voice rises above the loud crackling.
“It’s time to go. I’ll get the map.” Bellamy watched her walk away, swallowing harshly. As he turned back towards the fire, he felt a hand hold his and his eyes went down to his hand and then up to Michelle’s face before they both observed the fire for a moment. After a while, they all went to the hangar to put their things into the rover and get ready to leave. Clarke was putting the flame back in its box and Bellamy was carrying boxes of weapons into the back of the car. Michelle was next to her childhood friend. The three exchanged a nod as he walked past them.
“Hey, we’re leaving. Why aren’t you ready?” Bellamy asked Raven and Monty as the two approached.
“We’re not going with you.” She then said, being helped down by Monty. “I can barely walk, and my shoulder is killing me. But my brain’s all kinds of awesome.”
“She remembered that Alie downloaded herself into the Ark mainframe. If the code is still there, we might be able to find a back door.” Monty added.
“I’m guessing once you connect Alie-2 to Luna, we’ll need to access Alie-1 to take her down.”
“Miller.” Bellamy called to the young man in the background, with his boyfriend and Harper. He motioned towards the other two.
“I’ll keep ‘em safe.”
“I’ll keep them safe.” Harper said, repeating his words with a smile.
“How about you? It’s gonna be dangerous.” Bellamy turned his head to Jasper.
“You know me well. I’m in.” On his words, Bellamy walked off while Clarke and Michelle said goodbye to their friends. Octavia went directly inside the car. Clarke went to the front with Bellamy and Michelle joined Octavia, followed by Jasper. The humming noise of the engine starting sounded in the hangar as Raven shut the backdoor and they drove away. Next step was finding this Luna and find a way to get rid of Alie once and for all.
[To be continued…]  
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Published (02/24/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64 @mirellef2001
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burnwater13 · 18 days
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Concept art by Christian Alzmann from The Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 1, Stranger in a Strange Land. Image depicts Fett trying to climb out of the sand near the Sarlacc pit on Tatooine. Jabba's sail barge is shown crashed and burned to cinders in the background.
Din Djarin sighed. He knew better than to let Fennec have unsupervised time with Grogu. She was both too predictable and too unpredictable. She would tell Grogu a story that would keep him up all night because he couldn’t believe it and then the kid had to verify every detail with his dad. Did Stormtroopers really only drink their food? Had someone designed their helmets with the vision and siting systems impaired on purpose? Had Bo-Katan really betrayed her sister and caused all the problems on Mandalore?
Then Djarin would spend the rest of the night explaining the details as he knew them, help Grogu find accurate accounts of what had really happened if it was even possible, and then explain that there was never a time that Mandalore wasn’t a complicated society. Sometimes Grogu believed him and sometime his son waited until the next day to quiz Fennec on the details that still didn’t jibe. 
Often on those occasions the Daimyo’s chief administrator would act innocent and explain very gently to Grogu that history changed based on who related it to you. The best you could do was know what you had been doing at any time and not worry about everyone else. Then she would cackle and ask Grogu to help her move something around the palace that the Daimyo needed done sooner rather than later. 
Grogu always came back from those small tasks much happier and usually didn’t ask more questions about whatever the topic had been earlier that had gotten him so upset to begin with. It was frustrating that no matter what he said, Grogu considered Fennec Shand to be the arbiter of the truth. That was not the Way.
Now she was right back at it. Brining up the whole thing with Luke and his friend Solo. Din Djarin didn’t need Grogu to get caught up in that sort of wild tauntaun chase. He’d finished the task the Daimyo had asked him to address to their mutual benefit and now he wanted to get off Tatooine and away from the silliness that Fennec brought into their lives. 
“Hey, Mando, if you don’t want to collect the puck on Solo, do you mind if I borrow your apprentice? I hear he has a soft spot for kids and an easy credit. The way I figure it, the kid and I could have him stitched up in less than 12 parsecs.”
Then Fennec chuckled to herself as she waited for his answer.
“He’s my apprentice Fennec. How about this, I’ll take Grogu to Ossus and talk to Luke to see if he knows where Solo is, while you find out if any of those pucks are still active. It’s been a while since the Empire surrendered. The New Republic should have taken care of that by now.”
Fennec snorted.
“The same New Republic that managed to lose control of Gideon, Pershing, and a half dozen other ex-Imperials? Those guys? They don’t even know how to find the privies on Coruscant.”
“Fine. I’ll have Karga call in a favor with the Bounty Guild and see what they say.”
“You’d be better off going to Nal Hutta. Jabba’s family probably knows if anyone still cares about Solo.”
Fennec looked pleased with herself and that annoyed the Mandalorian.  She was always pleased with herself and usually at his or Grogu’s expense. 
“Okay. How about this…”
He was about to propose that they both go to Nal Hutta when Grogu chirped at them both. As they turned to look at him, Peli Motto came into the workroom with the Majordomo in tow. 
“Hey there! Kiddo! I was lookin’ all over for ya! Tall and handsome here told me you were down here making’ yer’self useful. I just got in a new consignment of flash frozen froglettes and I wanted yer’ dad to have first crack at them.”
“Do other people really need a crack at those?” Fennec asked Grogu’s diminutive curly haired friend.
“You’d be surprised. Takes all kinds as my dad used to say. Any who, ya want them or not?”
Djarin laughed softly. Trust Peli to be all business. 
“Sure. Have half them shipped here and the other half shipped to Nevarro. Grogu and I are heading out to Nal Hutta and I don’t have room for them.”
“Nal Hutta? Why in the name of the Force would you want to go to that worm hole?”
Peli walked over to Grogu and picked him up and began to ask him who had hit his dad on the head lately. 
“To check on the bounty pucks they put out on one of the Jedi’s friends. A guy named Han Solo.”
“Han who? Never heard of him.” Peli made a face at Grogu and the two of them laughed. Apparently she was describing Djarin to his own son. Uff.
“If you’ll permit me, Master Mandalorian, I may have information to share with you regarding that aspect of the Hutt’s activities and it may help you determine…”
“Just spit it out. He’s a friend, not the mayor of Mos Eisley.”
Fennec snapped as the Majordomo had begun one of his customary drones.
“Very good. Very good. The Hutts retracted all of the bounties they had on Captain Solo and his Wookiee companion Chewbacca in the hopes of avoiding trouble with the New Republic. So far it has worked, or so I’m told.”
The Mandalorian sighed again. Despite how happy Grogu was to be with Peli, he was suddenly deflated and looked like he was going to cry. Djarin hated when that happened. It would be several days before Grogu was just his happy, curious self, and during that time the Mandalorian would have to buy him all manner of sweets just to keep the kid from scuffing his feet everywhere they went. Maybe they should take a quick trip to Mandalore and see if the new sweets shop was open. 
“Thanks. I guess that’s it buddy. We’ll have to go to Corellia and pick up fire stacks at that noodle shop you like so much.”
Grogu launched himself out of Peli’s arms, clearly counting on the Mandalorian catching him. No one needed to worry about that working out. The Force was always with Grogu when it counted.
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Season 2 Rewatch Drabbles--2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke (Bonus)
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 2 of Once Upon a Time as an attempt to finally jump    start the muse again.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a    “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.     Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an    emphasis on the very beginnings of Captain Swan’s epic love story, as    soon as a certain dashing pirate makes his appearance.  
Word Count: 439
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21-22) (22)
Note: I had two ideas for this week’s rewatch drabble and I couldn’t decide which one I wanted to go with, so surprise! You get a bonus chapter this week!  As I watched this week’s episode, I couldn’t shake the thought that Graham deserved better.  So much better.  He didn’t fully realize it until Emma showed up, but I can’t help but believe he had moments even before when he sensed that something just wasn’t quite right.
He’d dreamt of the wolf again.
The dream was incomplete, no more than a jumble of images, a feeling of freedom, but the wolf was always there, his guide and companion.
It was such an odd dream.  As the sheriff of a small town in Maine, he’d seen the woods, of course, but he’d never seen a wolf, and certainly not one with a bright red eye like the one in his dream.
Graham knew in his head that he had a good life.  He had a satisfying job, a girlfriend, a sleepy little town full of residents he liked.
But every now and again, he couldn’t shake the sense that he wasn’t truly happy.  Something was wrong, and he didn’t know what.  It was like that nagging feeling when you know there’s something you should remember–something important–just at the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t access it.
Yesterday had been one such day.
He’d been going about his normal routine, reading the paper as he sipped his morning tea, when he’d had the strongest urge to go to find the newcomer–Kurt Flynn–and detain him for drunk driving.
He’d tracked the man to Regina’s office and had just started to take the ranting and raving man into custody when suddenly the man shoved something off of Regina’s desk and Graham had felt a sudden, intense pain in his chest, a pain so strong it dropped him to his knees.
For a moment, for just one single moment, he’d been confused, suddenly wondering what he was doing.  This man wasn’t drunk driving; he wasn’t even driving.  Why was he so compelled to arrest him for a crime he obviously wasn’t committing?  He didn’t want to do this; it wasn’t his choice.  How many other times had he been compelled to do things that he didn’t truly want to do?  Why was this happening?  Was he losing his mind?
But then Regina had retrieved the small wooden box and returned to it some sort of red, glowing object that Graham hadn’t gotten a full glimpse of, and his mind cleared once again.
He had a job to do.  He had to detain Kurt Flynn for drunk driving and keep his son Owen from leaving, no matter what it took.
He got to his feet and gave chase.
Now, this morning, he puzzled over the entire affair for another moment as he laid upon his bed trying to fully wake. 
But then his mind went once again blank.  He suddenly somehow knew that Regina wanted him to make a stop at her house before work.  He best get to it.
                                                                                    NEXT CHAPTER-->
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thelediz · 5 months
Episode 12: Come out wherever you are
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
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The plot (for want of a better word): It’s debutante season! Sonia has been invited to her debutante, where she would normally have been presented to society. But it’s all a trap. Can Sonia attend her dream ball without losing everything in the process?
Heeeeey a Bartleby episode! Aleena’s voiceover is not impressed with Bartleby, and you shouldn’t be either.
Okay, before we get started, a quick explanation of what a debutante is and why it’s interesting. A debutante, which is something mostly only done in American and Latin countries these days, usually with a different name, was originally about introducing girls to society at large, and releasing them onto the marriage market. These days it’s more recognised as a coming of age thing, which is why many people think of it as a ‘Sweet 16’ and not what it actually is. In Sonic Underground, it’s about girls being introduced as part of adult society. I find it interesting because it’s building on the unspoken maths of the Mobodoon episode which means the triplets are either 12 or 16, AND Sonia is the only one acknowledged by society here. I absolutely low-key call this out in my fic by having only Sonia go by her actual name formally.
World building wise, I love it because again, it’s the kind of thing a real-world dictator would allow to still happen among the aristocrats. Now, in this case it’s obviously a trap, but the fact that the other aristocrats are just having a great party and don’t even blink until Sonia disrupts the whole thing is just… chef’s kiss, love it!
Sonia’s in love with Bartleby +1
So the boys find out about the debutante because Sonia’s acting distracted, and they don’t get it, as they wouldn’t, because debutantes are high society nonsense even in the real world. This is, however, treated like they’re just being stinky boys. To his credit, Sonic at least is supportive of his sister getting to play princess just this once, in his own way.
Woo, Cyrus! Proving he’s committed to Resistance spy work. We love him.
Robotnik’s growing brains. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, looking sideways at Gerald Robotnik. Putting the brain in a living body. Cool, creepy, slightly more weirded out by how fine the characters are with hearing about this. Cool, cool, cool, this is all very disturbing if we think about it too much.
Luckily, we’re not focussing on it, we’re focussing on the living ship’s mission.
Cyrus and Sonic niggling at each other, I love it.
And Cyrus has built a zombie tool, which takes over brains for control purposes. Cool, cool, cool, this is not a distressing plotpoint at all, let’s not think about how the Resistance is into brainwashing, okay…
Ahhh Sonia getting distracted on a mission daydreaming about the debutante… forcing Sonic to shift the plan to save her.
And then Sonia gets captured again, this time because Sleet and Dingo were prepared.
Side note, I do enjoy how Dingo often gets used as a spy and just how MUCH of his screentime is devoted to proving he spends hours just… hanging around as a sidecart or something, waiting for something to happen. He shouldn’t be a dingo, he should be some kind of venus fly trap or eel or something, because that’s what he actually is.
Sonic’s tense-grammar is terrible in Sonic Underground and it really annoys me because it’s not world building. If it was, it would be a Manic thing. It’s just a thing he does. It riles my grammar-nazi tendencies something chronic.
Yes I make too much of it in my fic.
Okay, Manic, if you knew Sonic was going to suck at talking to Sonia about what was going on, maybe you should’ve handled it? I know it’s because the writers only let you really get involved when it’s one of your episodes, but could you please show SOME proactivity?
Mind you, it means we get Sonic/Bartleby interactions, and you know I love me some bitchy banter, so bring it on.
Ah, I love Bartleby. He just wants his girl to be happy, and he’s trying to achieve it the only way he can… by being a lousy two-faced dandy. He sees right through Sonic’s nonsense to the soft heart beneath. It’s great.
And Robotnik sees right through Bartleby. But lets him get away with it because having a two-faced dandy on hand is legitimately so useful.
The song: Society Girl. Another Sonia lead, and Cindy Lauper is again given the side-eye.
But sadly, Sonia of course proves herself the best at everything, and so is the preferred pilot for the plan, which is on the same night as the debutante, of course. Forgive my rolled eyes.
And as I mentioned, and making up for last episode, all the aristocrats are appropriately scandalised that Sonia interrupts their party. Gimme that world building you terrible trashfire, you know it feeds me!
Aleena steps in (with power that looks remarkably similar to Sonic’s guitar) to let her daughter get away. Would’ve been nice if she got a dance, but at least she was introduced. It’s sweet, kind of.
Manic’s in drag… to steal stuff and distract the party goers. Interesting choice, but sure. He looks better this time. Maybe he’s just more girly!fem than sexy!fem?
Ah, Sonic’s also in drag to distract the SWATbots at the party. No comment on his looks this time, just a joke about how they all wore the same dress. Sure. Sonia, however, should not find that funny because that literally would have been distressing at a real debutante. But she’s only concerned with these things when it would be funny, so sure, stop overthinking the cheesy punchline.
And it all wraps up with… no comment, basically. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, still thinking about the brain thing, cool…
I gotta say, these two episodes together kind of feel like the writers’ room was given a brief to write a Sonia-focus episode about her having to choose between her cushy life and the resistance and then split into two rooms, and we got two scripts. It’s so weird. I don’t think they were supposed to air this close together.
The counters:
Sonic implying less than 100% American heterosexuality: 4
Sonia in love with Bartleby: 2/37
Sonia in love with someone who is not Bartleby: 1/37
Sonia’s got super strength: 3
Manic’s thieving Is A Problem: 2
Come back tomorrow if you're interested for more!
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feuqueerfire · 5 months
Utsukushii Kare (S1, S2, Movie) Live Blogging
I can't believe I'm finally, finally, finally getting around to watching Season 2 and the movie (+ rewatching season 1).
I knew I liked this show well enough and the characters have stayed with me since watching it in 2022 but I didn't realize that Utsukushii Kare is pretty special because it's actually the very first live blogging post I did on this blog. It was February 2022 and now it's 2+ years later March 2024. Before then, I'd maybe tweet a thread of me watching but the tweets would be sparse because I didn't wanna spam people. I think I got the idea because I was writing so many Bad Buddy thoughts (also in Jan-Feb 2022) on my show tracking spreadsheet and that wasn't sustainable lol
Anyway, looking at these is making me remember that I'd been looking forward to season 2 from when I finished watching (from my live blogging ending thoughts) and had anticipated the release of it for months and months. Even more ridiculously, in my show tracking spreadsheet, the only thing I wrote for this show was a link to my live blogging and "If there was a sequel, I'd watch" bruh that's all I had to say and yet I'm finally watching the sequel 2 years later (while the sequel has been out for a year).
Anyway, enough chatter, I think I'm just delaying watching this show because I like season 1 and the characters so much and I'm just... nervous about my expectations.
Utsukushii Kare: Season 1
Probably won't be writing much because I already did the whole live blogging for this.
Also, it's weird that I haven't rewatched this? Why do I remember it so vividly if I haven't rewatched? I occasionally watch a bunch of tiktoks for the show and sometimes people mention it in podcasts, so maybe that's why? I was thinking maybe I'd watched reaction videos but nah, apparently I'd only watched that for 1 account back in April 2022. Once again, I continue to ramble instead of pressing play
Ep 1 (Mar 23)
Watched like 12 minutes before falling asleep
Ah, the fondness is coming back
Ep 2 (Mar 23)
Oh, the group going to Hira's house and the bike riding scene is here? in my head it was later
And the bike riding continues to be an incredible scene
Ep 3 (Apr 17)
Uhhh, I'm back after almost a month lol I think I wanted something much easier without complex dynamics at the time, so I'd watched Destiny Seeker instead
Oh, I'd forgotten about this tense scene after the contest
ahh the masturbation thing lolol
It bothers me that Kiyoi was nice again to those bully boys like why make good with them again? And when you're graduating no less?
that sudden kiss + pushing him hard enough that he falls to the ground + saying "see you again" before leaving really is just terrible and confusing lol
Ah, Hira really was always putting himself down and putting Kiyoi in a pedastal in these episodes + I remembered when somebody pointed out that in Hira's POV, there are many shots where Kiyoi is on elevated ground or taller/higher than Hira, so I noticed a lot of that in this ep
Ep 4 (Apr 17)
ack, the immediate 'stalker' to someone who ppl think is his fan is so T.T
"I want to kneel down at your feet right now" kills me every time
Koyoi's inability to communicate and Hira's idealized view of him are both so just . insane
ahh Kiyoi's POV from next ep
the episode starting with Hira saying "For several insipid years, all I did was grow up." while Kiyoi ends the episode with the same sentence
Ep 5 (Apr 17)
seeing Kiyoi lose his mind over Hira is so cathartic
ough, i forgot this hug that Kiyoi sees
I disliked the other guy more when I first watched it than I do now
Ep 6 (Apr 18)
Oops, went almost the whole day without watching anything
finger sucking scene
the conversation at the school is just so good man, like ouch but hopeful
hehe cute biking
Ahh, idek why I wasn't Gripped by this rewatch, like I like the characters and dynamics but it wasn't keeping my attention as much, maybe because it's a rewatch? Maybe my original rating of 6.5 was correct and I shouldn't have bumped it up to 7 but who knows, maybe I'll be reintroduced to the brainworms after watching Season 2 because I found ep 6 really engaging and was into it and S2 + movie will have new, unfamiliar stories for me.
Season 2
Ep 1 (Apr 18)
How soon after S1 is this season starting?
akkkk "Are you angry?" "Why?" "Last night I was too persistent" alkdjfasd;lkf
It's weird to realize that like... I'm older than them. I was several years older than them when they were in high school and now I'm probably 1-2 years older than them because Hira said graduation is approaching but it's weird still idk
not Mr. Suspicious lmfaoo
Hira kneeling and crawling around really is just a lot
it's so funny how Hira trembles in Kiyoi's presence because he's apparently standing too close, meanwhile we know for a fact that they canonically fuck
Hira's persistent fear that Kiyoi might die ?!
they're both so constipated in different ways, I'm dying like Hira's extreme lack of confidence about his looks and sense of self vs Kiyoi obviously being in love with him and wanting to reassure him but also not being able to compliment him truthfully and sincerely
Kiyoi's every sentence is a trap lmfao
omg I was so distracted by her, she's gorgeous and I love the outfit and jewelry
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Kiyoi seething with jealousy ahh
lolol "today we're gonna do it"
oh my goddd what a good episode, I was giggling and dying and so engaged, I'm glad I love it so far because I was kinda nervous after not being as enamoured by S1
Ep 2 (Apr 19)
ah, i'm clutching my heart, flashback to the scene of when Hira taught Kiyoi about the tea olives or whatever and Kiyoi just desperately wanted Hira to say he likes him
return of Suspicious-kun plss
Is the other guy who's there for Anna gonna be significant? Either as an Anna s/o as well or as a Kiyoi hater maybe?
does Kiyoi want their love life to be more exciting?
aksldfj why are each of them so annoying like Koyoma's being like yeah Hira doesn't shut the fuck up about you and your drama at school while Kiyoi's like "Is Koyoma saying he sees a side of Hira I don't see? Is he trying to assert dominance?" like girl both hira and him are just dumbasses god bless
Koyoma on Kiyoi's ass for freeloading off of Hira and letting Hira do all the housework while he just pursues his acting or whatever ohh
pls Hira treating this shitty food as if it's from Olympus
Ah, Hira joining the photography competition at Kiyoi's encouragement (though the pressure would make me buckle)
Ep 3 (Apr 19)
Hira not making it to the next round of the competition but Kiyoi still being supportive, I needed to see this rn tbh
oh my god this is so sad man, they're literally always just on different lines of thinking because Kiyoi wants to be treated as an equal in the relationship while Hira thinks it would be an insult to think of himself as ever reaching Kiyoi's status
but it's so sad the way Kiyoi wants to obviously be known as Hira's bf (even though they can't) and the way he's hurting knowing that Hira wants Kiyoi and his parents to be completely separate owwww
omg? Hira saying I don't want to understand you? fucked up fr
Their relationship is often somewhat tragic because of their dynamic and how they see themselves and the fact that what they want from the relationship is different but this ep is so sad man
Ep 4 (Apr 19)
ah, good thing Kiyoi came back because they only have 1 episode of 23 mins left and i don't want the ending to be rushed lol
sorry accidentally got the ick when Kiyoi came and ordered Hira to get ginger ale in front of everybody even though ik it's like Dynamics but still why in front of dumbass bullies smhh
Hira not liking Kiyoi saying it's fine if he doesn't get a job after uni bc he can take care of them makes sense but then smiling happily when Kiyoi says "fine, then work like a workhorse and if you mess anything up for me I'll throw you away" is sooooo
huh? Why Hira didn't submit anything?
oh it's a different thing that Hira didn't submit for? Because he did indeed submit for the contest
woah, gasped at the fact that Hira is kneeling but at eye-level/slight higher than Kiyoi instead of lowering himself as much as possible
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Hira being fed chocolate by Kiyoi, ah
great, delightful
This season is about Hira and Kiyoi's relationship. They didn't become boring after getting together, they didn't magically end up being a perfect happy well-adjusted couple after getting together, nor were there random issues thrown just because; the struggles and hurdles are true to their characters and dynamics.
I was a bit afraid that I'd be meh about it because I was like fine but not Hooked on the S1 rewatch but the S2 was great, for real. I liked the themes and dynamics it explored and their character + relationship development and progression. I also smiled a lot and lost my mind a little at certain moments.
Strong writing, strong characters, strong acting, what a relief.
Rating: 7/10
Movie: Eternal
No clue what the movie is about actually, though there are a few gifsets/moments that I've seen that didn't appear in the series, so much be from here. + I saw one comment saying that Anna and Noguchi are supposed to be there more in the movie. oh also actually?? a kidnapping plot?? i heard it mentioned in a podcast i think
omg they're each recounting how they met the other to their own mentors
not the shrine ?!?! omg
I really don't know how to feel about Anna's fan like do we need to kill him or what?
what does Hira mean by him and Kiyoi drifting apart?
hah the divorce thing is here, I loved the gifset when I saw it and have had it in my likes for Months, gonna finally be able to reblog it
i think i saw a gifset or clip in this bathtub scene and I'm a great enjoyer of people discussing their desire for dubcon/cnc roleplay
Idk if I hate that I keep skipping all their makeouts/allusion to sex scenes like aghhh
I've also seen this part about hira apologizing for not having same free time as Kiyoi and Kiyoi grabbing his face in his hand to say stop apologizing, you've tried your best. i like it a lot
wait are Anna and Noguchi dating? I wanna know who the person Anna was talking about who has her heart but they can rarely meet because they're in the same industry. and it'd have the parallel of Hira wanting to photograph Kiyoi while Noguchi gets to photograph Anna
Noguchi used to be a scenario photographer?
ah, Hira didn't show up to the shoot with Noguchi and Kiyoi
pls why are they both obsessed with this award, he doesn't even have regular professional photography experience c'mon girls
oh, Anna's bf is some random actor from another company.
her fan is being... fine for now.
Aw, Anna
dang, they're bringing Anna to live with Hira's cousin
So does the aunt know that Hira and Kiyoi are like a thing or does she still think their fan/friend lol
Hira saying only Kiyoi is allowed to call him creepy and such because he's special + Kiyoi being like "he's creepy right?" Anna: "yeah" Kiyoi: Hey!
Ouch, yeah Hira saying he doesn't know what to shoot is crazy
Oof, Hira and Anna dating scandal
It must be so funny if you're watching this without knowing about EA celebrity dating culture (though even in SK, actors can date) and being like ? why is this a scandal ?
but i'm unexpectedly getting a celebrity-centric BL without seeking it out, which is great, esp bc when I seek it out I don't tend to find too many which actually give me what I want
random het sob story in the middle of my Utsukushii Kare but I like Anna so I'll allow it for like... 2 minutes
Ah, the kidnapping lol
oh it really is the Anna fan fuckhead aghhh how terrible, he's been off since the start
pls saviour Hira
Hira gets to photograph Kiyoi professionally yay
deciding to have one subject as your photo subject is crazy if you wanna be a professional but alright I'll buy into it
ah, conversation about beauty and age
gorgeous ending
Great, fun, though not as emotionally invested as Season 2 because they're in a better place in their relationship in this movie (even if it's not necessarily Perfect). It was interesting to have new people in their lives like Anna and Noguchi and how their stories influenced them. I'm happy with where we're leaving off the characters after ~6h of show/movie.
Rating: 6.5/10
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