#louwoda kliron too !
popchoc · 3 months
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Fandom: The 100
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa i.e. Alicia Clark
Summary: A new planet brings new enemies, but help is just around the corner. “I told you I’ll always be with you.”
A The 100  / FTWD / TWD crossover, following two long lost lovers - together with their friends and foes - in their search for freedom.
Tags: Adventure | Romance | Friends | Family | Conflict | Loss | Hurt & Comfort | Plot Twists | Canon until feb 2019 | What if they never landed on Sanctum? | Probably too much fluff for a zombie apocalypse | And yes most likely some adult cuddling too ;-)
Not willing to go inside yet, I plop myself down on the steps of our veranda. The soft autumn sun warms my exposed skin. It's nice, but not enough to help me relax and leave this day behind me. I inhale, hold for as long as possible, then loudly let go again. "Tough day?" Startled by the sudden voice, I look over my shoulder. It's Alicia, slumping down on the porch swing. Was she there all along? "Teens," I sigh by way of answer, drawing an amused laugh from her. She tilts her chin. "Any in particular?" "Yes," I answer truthfully, "Madi." "Madi?" Squinting her eyes, Alicia frowns deeply. "What did she do?" I turn towards her, immediately missing the sunrays on my face. "She got distracted all the time, disturbed me, and the rest of the—" "Come on, give her some slack," Alicia cries out before I can finish, "She's never been in school, she's got no clue how it works." "No," I tell her wrong, "That's not it. She's challenging me." As I start to rummage through my bag, Alicia sits up. "What makes you think that?" "I gave them an assignment, to write down their own story. Their personal history. So that they can share that with each other and learn from it." Finally finding what I was looking for, I pull out a somewhat wrinkled sheet of paper. "This is what Madi wrote - and bear with me for having no idea how to pronounce any of this." I clear my throat, then start to read: "Ai laik Madi kom Louwoda Kliron Kru. Ai nomon en nontu don wan op kos Praimfaya." I look up at Alicia again. "She wrote a page full of this jibber-jabber! Now you tell me this isn't her way of testing me?" Alicia shakes her head. "It's not. And it's not jibber-jabber. It's Trig." She gets up, makes her way over to me and takes the essay from my hand. "My name is Madi from the Shallow Valley clan. My mother and father were killed by the Death Wave," she translates out loud, or so it seems. I raise my brows. "You're telling me you can read this?" "Yes," she shrugs, handing the piece of paper back to me. "It's in our language." Their language. Here we go again. I stare down at Madi's writing. None of the words make sense to me, except for some names I now recognize here and there, albeit in different spelling then I imagined. I spot my own name too, towards the end, which—I have to admit—does make me curious. "How do I know this isn't part of your... your..." "Our what? Our scam?" Alicia says mockingly. "I don't know. I honestly have no idea what to say to help you, to make you see differently." She drops back onto the swing, pulls her knees up to her chin and nods towards the piece of paper in my hands. "But maybe Madi can?"
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talktomeinclexa · 2 years
On the Ground All Can Hear You Scream
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Canon Violence, Blood and Injury
Status: WIP
Summary: Novitiate Lexa is captured by reapers and wakes up locked in a cage, not knowing that the blonde who finds her there will change her destiny. Unless this enemy turns out to be who Fate had in store for her?
Chapter 10: Life Hangs by a Thread
Reflected by the houses and trees around Doah — Louwoda Kliron’s main village — the sound of drums and flutes rose into the night sky in a joyous crescendo. The female singer began the second verse, soon followed by the musicians and several villagers. Those too shy to sing beat time on the table or with their foot, encouraging the children dancing in the middle.
From her throne, Lexa observed the farandole, the shadow of a smile hanging on her lips. Although the party would last until the early hours of the morning, making it difficult for her troop to get up early and ride all day, she loved to see her people happy.
The ambassadors, the messengers, and her spies often reported how the clans fared well under the relative peace. But there was something about seeing well-fed goufa and their parents relaxed and laughing that warmed her heart. A sense of accomplishment that softened the sacrifices she made. The scars on her body. The seven circles tattooed on her back…
Fynbar, the leader of Louwoda Kliron, tilted a jug above her cup. “Another glass, Heda?”
The mulled wine, rich in spices and flavors, had grown popular among the clans over the previous years. Even before joining the Coalition, Louwoda Kliron traded it with its allies in exchange for the ore they lacked, and they guarded its recipe with their lives. Its fruity, light taste perfectly matched the celebrations and helped gona relax. Unfortunately, it also loosened the tongues and lowered inhibitions, and Lexa already had two glasses. One more and she might have agreed to dance with the old man.
“I have had enough for one evening. Mochof.”
“Heda is serious beyond her years.” Fynbar chuckled and turned around toward the man sitting on the other side of him. “Another glass, Marcus? You will not find better in the whole Kongeda.”
“I really shouldn’t,” Marcus said as he approached his empty cup. “Mochof. This wine is delicious. We produce a few bottles every year in Mount Weather for big occasions, but nothing that compares.”
Lexa watched Fynbar refill the Maunon ambassador’s cup for the fourth time with discreet amusement. The sweet wine hid its strength well, and Marcus might come to regret his indulgence.
The Trikru, Trishanakru, and Louwoda Kliron gona cheered around them as the music changed and another popular tune started.
“It is good to see our people celebrate together.”
Lexa hummed at Fynbar’s comment, her eyes not moving from the children waving colorful ribbons in the air. To have three clans sharing dinner, eight meeting in a few days… The Coalition grew, and with it, the promise of peace. If the Spirit willed it, she would see it before her death.
“I did not think I would see it in this life,” Fynbar said, echoing Lexa’s thoughts. “We were blessed the day the Spirit chose you, Heda.”
The light of the bonfires flickered, projecting dancing shadows on the visages around. To Lexa’s relief, in the absence of her warpaint, they hid her blush from her companion’s kind gaze.
Titus, not one for exuberant compliments, had taught her the three pillars of the Commander: wisdom, compassion, and strength. Qualities Anya had nurtured in her with a firm yet fair hand. But if it were up to Lexa, she would add patience to the list. And enough backbone to withstand, alone, critics. Whispered behind closed doors or spit at her face by defiant clan leaders, ambassadors, unhappy gona… She had faced her share of those since Titus placed the Flame in her neck, sometimes warranted, often not. Praises, on the other hand, were a rarity. Especially genuine ones delivered without a hidden agenda.
“Leaders like you made this dream possible.”
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okmcintyre · 5 years
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Clarke, I'm not a baby anymore. I know. Which is why people are more likely to notice how special you are. And that's why you're going to suck today. You're not going to stand out in any way: no one can think that you'd make a good Commander. Not Gaia, and especially not Octavia. Clarke, I understand.
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kepleia · 5 years
me : adds grounder naming culture to my growing list of metas to write
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TROPED Choice: Conclave Fics!
We received nine (9!!) Fics for The 100’s TROPED Choice: Conclave Event! This Choice event had one round of a Choose Your Own Tropes Challenge, but with a Canonverse theme! Writers had to select a Clan/Location in the 100 World, a Character, optional additional Theme, and set of Tropes that were different from everyone else. Only one writer could use each trope, clan, character, and theme! Check out what they created below:
Please try to read as many fics as you can! Take some notes, leave some kudos/comments for the authors, and help us vote on the winners!
Voting will be open until May 28th at 11:59pm EST! Vote here:
i've been asleep so long (wasting away) - Second Dawn!Harper in Azgeda! (Rated M) [Harper/Roan]
Summary: Peaskepa is a legend, a woman older than time that shows up to peacefully resolve conflicts, a woman who cannot die, who does not age.
Harper is that legend, and she's spent most of the last four hundred years alone, avoiding the people she keeps alive when there's nothing to save them from.
Until she finds herself hanging upside down from a tree, caught in the trap of a banished Azgedan prince.
Here There Be Dragons - Ark!Anya on Planet Gamma! (Rated M) [Anya/Raven]
Summary: The Eligius IV sent down a reconnaissance team to determine whether the survivors from Earth can make a home on Planet Gamma. All indications are that there are communities already thriving on the unique planet. Anya Dollinger, the last surviving security officer of the Ark, and her team find themselves in trouble right from the beginning. However, the solution is more unusual than they could have dreamed.
blessed - Jacapo Sinclair in Podakru! (Rated M) [Sinclair/Indra]
Summary: The grieving Jacapo Sinclair managed to survive the years underground in the Bunker. Once it opened, he joined Podakru to help restore their community. A surprise visit changes everything he thought he knew about the past, the present and perhaps even his future.
the miracle of the sea - Floukru!Echo in Floukru! (Rated M) [Echo/Luna]
Summary: A long, low, loud horn sounded, reaching every corner of the rig. The brunette lifted her head from where she had been hunched over, sharpening a fishing spear. It was the sound of the fishermen returning. She rose to her feet, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, a light breeze rustling her hair and bringing with it the brisk scent of the sea, a scent that had surrounded her for as long as she could remember. She let the breeze brush against her, envelope her, comfort her. This was home, would always be home.
Until it wasn't.
dreams become reality become dreams - Costia in the Deadzone! (Rated T) [Costia & Emori]
Summary: You were in love.
It was an indescribable, unendable love. You knew that your love could span across eons, across universes. Your love felt like a dream, a dream that you never wanted to wake up from.
But no one dreams forever.
- or where Costia is banished from Trikru and meets Emori in the Deadzone. Cue hostilities, insults, sarcasm, and eventually, friendship
this is me swallowing my pride - Bryan in Wonkru! (Rated T) [Bryan/Miller]
Summary: When Bryan realizes that he and Miller have differing ideas about Wonkru, he puts an end to their relationship before things get messy. When he starts exchanging secret messages with someone, though, he begins to wonder if he acted too quickly.
don't need to question the reason (i'm yours) - Bardo!Reese on Skyring/Penance! (Rated T) [Octavia/Reese]
Summary: Our story starts with the abduction of a young Bardoan on a routine prisoner pickup from Penance. The young man's father, however, was Bill - yes, that Bill - so the plan was to ransom him off. But when the three kidnappers and their prisoner get lost in one of the many forests of Penance, they spend the night in an abandoned barn, and our story changes from one of danger to one of love.
this is the life that we choose (this is the life that we bleed) - Madi in Louwoda Kliron! (Rated T) [Lexa & Madi]
Summary: Madi kom Louwoda Kliron was hidden from the Flamekeeper’s scouts by her mother. But Heda Lexa kom Louwoda Kliron found her -- and trained her in secret. Madi was never supposed to become the Commander, unless something went terribly wrong and there was no other option.
But, of course, something went terribly wrong.
You're All I Have - Eligius IV!Levitt on Bardo! (Rated T) [Levitt & OC]
Summary: "It was nights when the sky was dark and the moon shone full that Levitt liked the best. He, Jerom and Lupe would climb up to the roof of Jerom’s apartment building and howl at the moon like wolves. Fitting, as both Lupe and Levitt’s name meant wolf. With their matching dark brown hair and eyes, it was like they were perfect grey wolves in the night. Jerom’s blond hair and blue eyes didn’t really fit with the wolf vibe, but he was an honorary member. They made their own pack and Levitt wouldn’t change it for the world."
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queen-swagzilla · 4 years
Ruthlessly Alive - Chapter 10
Rated: M
Summary: Everything is going wrong. Clarke is at her wits end and so is her co-leader, Nathan Miller. The two of them and their mini-council—Wells, Raven, Finn, Monty, Jasper, and Syl—keep trying to find solutions, but nothing is helping them stay alive. When the dropship carrying her mother crashes, they come to a decision. They have to surrender, and ask for help.It just so happens that the price for help is Unity. But it means something much different on the ground than on the Ark.
Chapter summary: Raven's got some misplaced anger. Bellamy's got a stab wound. Clarke's got paper and charcoal. Syl's got grounder braids. Miller has very little patience for bullshit.
Like the story? Consider buying me a coffee!
Don’t know what’s going on? Read it all on Ao3!
Bellamy remained under Clarke and Diggs' watchful eyes for two days. After he’d woken up, Irene had pulled Clarke aside and tied the red ribbon around her wrist.
“But I didn’t finish the ritual.” Clarke objected.
“Didn’t you?” She asked. “At the very least, you’ve proven that you have the ability to care for him. The rest of your people, however, I am beginning to distrust.”
Clarke looked away. She couldn’t exactly fault her for that. She had trouble imagining Finn poisoning a knife, especially since peace was a real possibility. Unfortunately, she didn’t really see who else it could be.
They’d searched the Art Supply Store, to no avail. It was devoid of any poisons or suspicious substances. Finn had come back the next day saying he’d gone exploring, and they’d no reason to hold him prisoner except for their collective suspicion. That simply wasn’t enough.
“Raven?” Clarke had asked, flanked by Miller and Syl. Raven narrowed her eyes. She wasn’t exactly pleased that Finn had been detained upon his return. It felt too much like the first time he’d been arrested. “I need a favor.”
“Yes, your majesty?”
Clarke winced but plowed forward. “Look, I’m not sure if Finn did anything. I can’t find anything to indicate that he did, but he’s the most vocal opponent to the terms of our alliance. We need this, and you know it. I need you to keep an eye on him and tell someone—not necessarily me—if he starts to act suspiciously. If it was him and he does it again, he won’t just be imprisoned, he’ll get all of us killed.”
It left a bitter taste in Raven’s mouth to know that Clarke was right. That she was just doing her best with the information she had. Why couldn’t she be wrong and unreasonable so that Raven could resent her for just a minute? “Fine. Is that all?”
Clarke looked saddened (and it killed Raven that it bothered her) but nodded and turned, leaving the tent with Syl in tow. Miller stayed behind. “She is going to be queen, you know. That means making tough decisions and giving orders that we'll have to follow.”
“Do you have a point?”
“You can’t hold it against her like that. She hates the idea already. She doesn’t want any of this to be happening, and you know it. Sure, she’s pretty into her fiancé, but the idea of being queen gets to her. Don’t make it worse by throwing it in her face when she makes a decision you don’t like. We’re under a monarchy now. There are always going to be decisions we don’t like. What matters is that we trust our leaders to ultimately make a decision that benefits us, and that’s all she’s been doing since we landed. She made the right call, and you know it.”
Raven glared at Miller. “My relationship with Clarke is none of your business. I agreed to watch him, didn’t I?”
“That’s not the point, and you know it.” He snapped. “She needs you, Raven. Stop taking your frustration out on her and refocus it on the person who actually deserves it.”
He didn’t wait for her to reply, pushing out of the tent to go looking for Clarke. Raven tamped down the urge to go after him and blow up in his face. Because god damn it, he had a point. Unfortunately, she didn’t really have the time to sit and think. Today was the day they’d begin taking the Dropship to scrap.
Without power tools.
Anyone who wasn’t working with Raven and Monty on the Dropship or in Medical with Clarke fixing their inevitable injuries was directed to Octavia and Lincoln for training. Syl had found herself directly under Octavia’s thumb, struggling through seemingly endless pushups.
While everyone seemed to be occupied, Murphy stood guard over Bellamy in his tent. He’d complained for hours when both Clarke and Diggs had insisted he remain on bed rest and outright whined when Octavia had demanded that he be guarded until he was up and about. Now, though, he found himself grateful for the quiet. A drawback of being King was that he was constantly swarmed—truly quiet moments were few and far between.
“Have you sent word to the Commander yet?” Murphy asked.
Bellamy shot him an annoyed look. “Of course I have.” He grunted.
“Has she said anything back? She could refuse to acknowledge it, couldn’t she? Turn us out of the coalition?”
Bellamy grimaced. “She could, but she won’t. She’d risk losing her hold on Trigedakru.” He replied, wincing. “Turning us out means putting them at risk of fighting a war on our border for territory. Sure, the rest of the coalition could come to their aid, but Azgeda would opt to sit it out. Emboldened by Azgeda’s refusal, the rest would refuse to put their warriors at risk for a border dispute, and the coalition would unravel. She won’t risk that.”
Murphy eyed him thoughtfully. “How long have you had that figured out?”
“Since Sterling first told us about their situation.” He admitted. “I knew this was a possibility. I wasn’t going to take this on without considering the risks.”
Murphy smiled wryly. “Yet you had no qualms about letting a stranger stab and poison you. Look where that got you.”
“I was in good hands.” He defended both himself and Clarke. “It could have been much worse.”
“Yes, it’s a good thing she likes you.” Murphy teased. “Or she’d have let you die.” There was a note of caution in Murphy’s voice. Bellamy frowned at him.
“Not with her people at risk, and definitely not with you and Octavia watching over her shoulder.”
Murphy raised an eyebrow. “If she thought it was right, Clarke would slit your throat without even blinking. Apparently she was seen doing the same for one of her people caught in the Fog.”
“Then it would have been out of mercy.”
“You think that calculated ability to kill doesn’t extend to her sense of justice? To her need to protect her people? Don’t be naive, Bellamy. She’s a good person, but you can smell it on her. The moment she needs to be, she’ll be ruthless. You had better hope that she’ll be on your side when that day comes, too.”
Bellamy barely even blinked. “She will be. I won’t give her a reason not to be. You know I don’t do things by halves, Murph. Her people and my people will be the same.”
“And what are you going to do when they discover who actually poisoned you?” He demanded.
Bellamy paused. His instinct, of course, was to have them executed. Not only for treason but also for violating a sacred rite and the grounds of a peace treaty. That, however, would not be in her people’s best interest. There were so few of them, and she’d feel each loss keenly. “I would leave their punishment to her.” He decided. “Our treaty is still in its fledgling stages, and they aren’t required to follow our laws. It’s encouraged, but they’re still separate. Until they officially join Trishanakru, we’ll allow them to govern themselves.”
“They poisoned you. The offense was against you, so your laws should govern the punishment.”
“Not if we want them to trust us.”
“They won’t trust us if you allow them to flout our laws without punishment. They’ll just do it again. There has to be some form of punishment from us. Maybe you can negotiate the punishment with Clarke and her advisors. Find a punishment that you’ll both deliver.”
Bellamy had to admit, that did sound better. “I can do that.” He agreed. He laid back docilely, and Murphy regarded him with a healthy amount of suspicion.
“That felt too easy.”
“Maybe you’re paranoid.”
Murphy snorted. “Yeah, maybe."
Things seemed to settle into a busy but peaceful rhythm. For three whole days, they took the Dropship apart, got drilled by Octavia and Lincoln, and started workshopping ideas with Wells, Monty, and Syl. Bellamy was recovering under Diggs’ (and sometimes Clarke’s) watch, and Clarke had taken over all diplomatic duties with Murphy whispering instructions in her ear at Bellamy’s request. So far, they had been visited by a representative from Yujledakru and Louwoda Kliron Kru, who were both staying in camps just outside the gate. She’d accepted their gifts—tokens to celebrate their impending marriage—and fed them. Then, she’d introduced them to the camp’s leaders and asked if they had concerns.
So far, the trust she seemed to have fostered in Bellamy, Octavia, and Murphy was enough to keep them calm. She was immensely grateful for that.
Syl seemed to be taking to Grounder culture like gas to a fire. Someone had clearly been teaching her the language because even with Murphy translating, she seemed to be getting the gist of each conversation.
Someone had done her hair, too. Every morning, Syl arrived at their status meeting with intricate braids that pulled her hair back from her face to unveil her sharp cheekbones and glittering black eyes. Clarke was a little jealous.
Raven, on the other hand, seemed to be shrinking from it. On that end, Clarke was concerned. At first, Raven had been more than ready to learn and grow into Grounder culture, but since the ritual, her enthusiasm seemed to have petered off. Not to mention, she was sour at Clarke, furious that she’d implicated Finn without hard evidence.
“What’s eating you, Princess?” Syl asked, sliding up to Clarke with Miller in tow.
Miller rolled his eyes. “So you’re glaring at Mbege for no reason?”
She realized that she had, indeed, been glaring at Mbege, who now looked extremely skittish—eyes darting from the task before him to Clarke and back in rapid succession. She offered him a sheepish smile and he seemed to deflate with relief. “Oops.”
“So? What’s the matter?” Syl prodded. She was fiddling with something—a bullet, Clarke realized—as she spoke.
“I’m so jammed up with meeting people and being a good host that I’m not learning anything.” She muttered. “I want to learn the language, you know? I just don’t really have the time.”
“You’ll have plenty of time to learn the language after all this diplomatic crap is over.” Miller replied soothingly.
“I know.” She sighed. “It just feels like everything is moving so fast. We only have three weeks left to get everything ready, and finish the courtship rituals. I haven’t even had time to get started on my gift for Bellamy.”
Syl gave her a once over. “Well, what are you doing right now?”
“Right now?” Clarke asked, frowning. “Nothing. Basically just waiting for someone to hurt themselves.”
“Well,” she drawled. “Why don’t you get started on it now?” Clarke flushed. Octavia had gotten her paper and charcoal the same day she’d asked for it, and Lincoln had offered to show her how to bind a book when she was ready.
“I can do that.” She admitted. Syl chuckled, taking her by the arm and guiding her back to her tent, Miller trailing behind him.
“You need to stop waiting for bad things to happen. Trust me, if they’re happening, they’ll find you. You gotta live in the meantime.” Syl insisted. Miller grunted his agreement. “We’re at peace. Your only duties right now are diplomacy and medical. If you’re not being sought out, you can take time to make your extra-special engagement gift, or train, or learn the language.”
“I need to make sure—“
“Then we’ll give you status reports, Clarke.” Miller interrupted her, successfully predicting her train of thought. “Syl’s right. You don’t need to be everywhere at once. Focus on what you need to get done or want to learn. Whatever. We’ll step up. I am your co-leader, remember? At least for the time being, I can keep the ship running while you plan out your engagement and wedding crap. And hey, learning the language is important for diplomacy right? You have a good reason to makethat a priority. You can get Grounder Jr. here to help you out.”
Clarke blinked at him. It might have been the most Miller had said at one time in ten years. “Are…you frustrated with me?” She demanded. He raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Why?”
“Because I’m pretty sure one of the conditions for me being okay with this alliance was that you’d take care of yourself. Trying to manage everything in camp and your own marriage is not taking care of yourself, it’s burning yourself out.” He scolded. She never thought she’d see the day when Miller scolded her.
“I’m just trying to make sure this goes smoothly! Survival is the very foundation of my self-care!”
“No, Clarkey. You’re trying to micromanage a hundred juvenile delinquents even though your survival is guaranteed as long as you stick to the terms of the alliance. And you have at least six people who are willing to lend you a hand.” Syl reminded her, a little exasperated but mostly amused. “I promise we’ll come to get you if there’s an emergency, but we’re more than capable of handling the nitty-gritty. That’s what we’re here for.”
“Yeah, didn’t you say we were your advisors or something? Isn’t that what our literal jobs are now?” Miller grunted. “Your job is to keep it together and lead us. Our job is to help you do that. Let us help you and take a fucking chill pill, Griffin."
They were in Clarke’s tent now and away from prying eyes, she allowed herself overflow a little. The affection and gratitude she felt couldn’t really be contained, but she doubted Miller would forgive her for going soft on him in public. So here, in the tent, she threw her arms around his neck in a nearly vicious hug.
“You guys are adorable.” Clarke dropped Miller immediately and whirled to face whoever had just entered the tent. It was just Wells and Monty (it was Wells who’d spoken, but Monty was snickering), but Miller flushed anyways.
“Did something happen?” Clarke asked, immediately on alert despite the conversation they’d just had. Syl flicked her on the forehead.
Wells eyed them oddly, noting the disciplinary action but taking it in stride. “No. We just wanted to let you know that the Dropship interior is completely stripped. We’re going to work on cataloging and packing it before we start working on the actual structure.”
“We got together with Octavia and agreed that the core group of scientists should hold off on training until the dropship is done. That way they’ll have the energy to actually do the work.” Monty added.
“The hunting party is back, too. They’ve got three deer and pulled in a bunch of rabbits and squirrels from snares. They think it’s a good idea to dry and store two of the deer and use the rest fresh over the next couple of days. They wanted your opinion, though. Well, they wanted Murphy’s opinion, but they’re kinda afraid of him, so they want Syl to ask him.”
Miller gave her a smug smirk, and she rolled her eyes. “See?”
“Fine. Okay? Fine! You were right. I’ll ‘chill out’.”
Syl snorted. “Yeah, unlikely. Just…don't preemptively panic. Do what you gotta do, and trust us to keep you in the loop. We’ve got this, Princess.”
They left Clarke in the tent, pulling out the piles of paper and charcoal she’d been given along with the copy of the Iliad that Octavia had gotten for her. She assumed it was Bellamy’s copy, so she handled it like it was made of glass.
Before she knew it, she was completely lost in her task—relaxing into the lines and shading as she brought the ancient story back to life. The last time she’d had uninterrupted time to draw was when she was in the Sky Box, and it was relaxing then, too. It took her mind off the endless vacuum of space. Here, it took her mind all of the things that could go wrong, and she was grateful for the time to decompress.
Soon, her hands were covered in coal and her body was completely unclenched. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, just that she had a tidy stack of perfect drawings and it was getting dark inside the tent. “Clarke? You coming for dinner?” Jasper poked his head through the tent flap. “Syl wanted to get you for lunch, but Miller and Wells didn’t want to break your stride if you actually managed to chill out enough to stay put.”
She blinked up at him, only now realizing how late it was and how long she’d been sitting in one place. “I’ve been in here all day. I’ve been in here all day?! I need to check on Bellamy! Were there any injuries in camp?”
“Hey! Hey, relax. You can check on Bellamy after dinner. He’s been sleeping all day, and Diggs has been taking care of him, along with all the other minor scrapes that have come in. We need to learn to trust them, right? It’s good that we’ve been having our people go to him. It’s actually kinda important.” Jasper reminded her, alarmed at how quickly she’d panicked. “We didn’t just let you have the day. If we’d needed you, we’d have gotten you.”
“Right. Right, sorry. I’m just…”
“Not used to being fine? I know the feeling. Spear, remember?” He chuckled. “C’mon. Come have dinner with us then go check on your boooooyyyfriend.” He teased. She threw the charcoal stub at him, and it smacked him in the cheek.
“You’re terrible.” She muttered. “I’ll join you in a minute, I just need to go wash my hands.”
“Roger that, boss. We’ll save you some stew.” He grinned, saluting her jauntily.
As she walked through the camp, she was pleased with how little disarray there was. If she’d left camp for a whole day when they’d first landed, there would be broken fingers and collapsed structures in every direction. Now there were some murmurs as friends prodded each other’s blisters or scrapes, but it looked like everything was running smoothly.
Probably because they had a collective goal with a big fat scary deadline.
But hey, no matter the reason, as long as no one was dying or pissing off Grounder diplomats, she wasn’t going to complain.
Miller and Wells had come to him that morning to tell him that Clarke would be out of medical on other projects all day, and he couldn’t lie—he was disappointed. If he was bedridden, he was at least hoping for company other than Murphy (who hated talking, even to people he liked) and Diggs (who always had some gross new observation about the human body to share).
There were a few other delinquents who stopped by for their own cuts and bruises, and they talked while Diggs patched them up. He was quite fond of Harper, who talked his ear off about how limited his appreciation for classic literature was if he was stuck in ancient Greek epics. “Maybe someday,” she said wistfully. “We’ll find a way to reconnect to the Ark mainframe and be able to download the library.” He quite liked the sound of that.
Miller came to keep him company for a while and asked about politics and war on the ground. He seemed pleased that Bellamy was fascinated by history and therefore could give detailed accounts of the clan wars that had taken place before the coalition, as well as the skirmishes that had taken place since.
Other than that, he’d been bored. His philosophy had always been “if there’s nothing to do today, sleep while you have the time”, so he’d essentially napped his way through the entire day and felt lethargic as hell when he woke.
Murphy shoved a bowl at him when he opened his eyes. “Eat.” He grunted.
“Everything going alright out there?” He asked as he complied.
“Everything’s fine.” Murphy dismissed him. “Actually, without you and Clarke breathing down our necks, I think this has been their most productive day yet.” He continued, unsheathing his knife to clean under his fingernails.
“I heard that.” Clarke declared, sliding into the dropship with her hands on her hips. “And that is yet to be determined. I’m getting status reports after I check on Bellamy.” She paused. “Wow. They really did strip it bare.”
Anything that they didn’t need for immediate medical procedures had been disassembled and stacked in a corner—seating and seatbelts, wiring, and the video components had all been scrapped.
“I think we were both hoping it would take longer so that Bellamy would have someone to talk to all day.” Murphy drawled.
Clarke frowned. “Weren’t you here all day?”
Bellamy snorted. “Yes, ten hours with the surliest bastard south of Azgeda.” He shot Murphy a fond smile. “I slept most of the day.”
She chuckled. “Well, I hope it was restful.” She was leaning over him now, unwinding his bandage to examine his stab wound. She was pleased that it wasn’t infected and already seemed to be knitting together. “How are you feeling?
“Hmm. Like I was poisoned by someone other than my wife and put on bed rest.” He replied. “But better than I felt during the ceremony. I’ll feel better once I can get up and move.”
“Well, I’d feel more comfortable if you relaxed for a couple more days, but we treated you quickly and you do seem okay aside from the stab wound. Just don’t push it. Besides, we don’t know who poisoned the knife, so even if you’re not on bed rest I’d feel better if you had Murphy or Octavia with you.”
He groaned.
“See? Clarke agrees with us. Now you have to listen.” Murphy cried. “He doesn’t think he needs protection once he’s healed enough to move around.”
She frowned at him. “I know you’re an impressive fighter, but there’s no harm in having a second set of eyes. You’re being targeted. There’s no need to tempt fate. Besides, you’re a king. What would happen to your people if you just let yourself get assassinated?” She prodded him in the chest. “Be responsible, Bellamy.”
“Our people have a line of succession. We’d prefer not to use it, but still. It's your people you should worry about. There’s no guarantee a new alliance could be reached if Bellamy died.” Murphy reminded her.
She glared at him. “Yes, obviously, I know that. I just figured that was obvious. It’s obvious, right? We’re screwed without you. Besides, I’m getting pretty attached to you. I’d be very upset if you died because you decided to throw logic out the window."
He grumbled, but his pout told her that she’d won the argument. Sensing that Bellamy’s sulking wasn’t going to be short-lived, Murphy decided to sweeten the pot. “Maybe if you spent…half the day in here tomorrow keeping him company, he’d be a little more ready to follow your instructions.” He suggested.
Clarke couldn’t find anything wrong with that plan, so she agreed. “Maybe while we’re in here you can teach me some Trigedasleng.” She smiled, sitting by the cot and taking his hand. “Syl’s a natural. I need to keep up or she’ll never let me live it down.”
“Miller and Wells are, too.” Murphy supplied, unhelpfully. “They just don’t talk as much, so you haven’t noticed.”
“See?” She whined, tugging his fingers petulantly. “They’ll tease me forever if I don’t learn faster.”
He smiled at her mischievously. “Can’t say I blame them. I have a feeling I’ll have fun riling you up in the future.”
“Only if there is a future.” She scolded. “So for the love of God, please don’t get murdered.”
“Alright, princess.” He chuckled. “I’ll be careful.”
Raven was waiting for her in her tent when she returned and immediately she was on edge. Then she was sad that she was on edge because it was Raven. “I’m sorry, did you need something? I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.”
“Oh, no,” Raven assured her, standing. “I uh…well. I finished a few radios. I know you’re working on your gift for Bellamy, so I made enough for you, me, Wells, and Miller. I’ll have a couple more soon, but this way you can get status reports without having to run around.” She explained, holding out Clarke’s radio to her.
“Thanks, Raven.” She smiled, taking the scrappy tech. Raven didn’t really have a poker face, and she was grateful for that. Right now, her tone was soft and sincere, and her body language was open—if a little skittish. “Really, I appreciate it. I know you were going to make them anyway, but it’ll be nice to know what’s going on without having to drop what I’m doing.”
“I wasn’t going to make them yet.” She admitted. “I made a few when Monty told me what you were up to today. I realized you hadn’t started yet because you didn’t want to miss anything. This way you won’t have to.” She rubbed at the back of her neck. “Look, I’m not happy about the Finn thing.”
Clarke sighed, shoulders drooping. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s hard to imagine it’s him, and I don’t know if I think it is, but we have to—“
“Be sure. I know. You’re doing the right thing here. I don’t like it, but I can’t really deny that it’s what needs to happen. Besides, blaming you isn’t going to get us anywhere, you didn’t poison Bellamy, and it’s not like you’re locking him up before you’ve proved him guilty.” She admitted. “It just stings. He’s always been the person I trusted the most, and now he’s taking stances I don’t agree with and there are people I trust more than him. It’s all new.”
Clarke stayed quiet. She couldn’t imagine how Raven felt, so there was nothing she could really say to make it better. She could listen, though. She was good at that.
“I know what happened between you two before I landed. I don’t blame you, so don’t even.” She held up a hand when Clarke (predictably) opened her mouth to apologize. “He seems to feel like he has a hand in your decisions just because you’ve slept together, and that’s really stupid, but I don’t know if it’s the kind of stupid that would lead to him poisoning a warlord during a sacred engagement ceremony. That seems beyond him. I don’t think it would even occur to him. So while I’m not ruling it out, I am begging you to keep an open mind on this. He’s more likely to ruin this by opening his fat mouth to the wrong people.”
Clarke had to admit, she had a point there. “You’re probably right.” She agreed. Raven looked a little startled by the admission, but her eyes focused in like a laser. “At the time, he was the only person that we noticed was missing, and he’s been the most vocal opponent to the terms of the alliance. That’s why I wanted to look at him first, not because I thought that he’d definitely done it. I just wanted to be sure.”
“And the verdict?”
She grimaced. “Still not sure, but it’s not xi. That’s why I wanted you to watch him. No one would know if he’s acting out of character better than you.” She shrugged. “Aside from that, I would rather focus on keeping Bellamy safe than watching potential suspects. I don’t want it to be one of us. Granted, I don’t know who else it could be, but it would be a nightmare if it was one of us.”
Raven nodded but looked horribly guilty. “I’m really sorry.” She said quietly. “About how I’ve been acting for the past few days? I get tunnel vision when it comes to Finn, sometimes. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I know you’re just trying to do what’s best.”
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m new to this leading thing. You wouldn’t be one of my advisors if you weren’t comfortable pointing out where I’m going wrong.” Clarke assured her.
“That’s my point. You didn’t do anything wrong. I just let my emotions get in the way.” Raven insisted. “And I can’t promise I won’t do it again, so if I’m going to be one of your advisors, you need to tell me when I’m lacking perspective. This is all hard enough, we don’t need to make it worse by not communicating. That means you can’t just take it on the chin. We’re putting a lot on your shoulders here, so if you want us to count on you, you can’t set yourself on fire just to keep us warm.”
Clarke smiled self-deprecatingly. “That’s not the first time I’ve gotten that lecture today.”
“Good. Because I’m apologizing here, but this is also a serious teachable moment. You totally let me slam you with that ‘your majesty’ comment earlier. I know you’re not super into a monarchy, but damn Clarke, you’re about to be a queen. The correct response to my statement would have been ‘if you don’t want to follow my orders, find a new fucking clan.’ I would have been pissy for a few more hours, but it’s not like I’m gonna leave. Jesus.”
Clarke raised her eyebrows. “I would literally never say that.”
“Then I’ll have to follow you around and say it for you.” She snarked. “Because those puppy-dog eyes were lame. We’re a warrior nation now, not a warm-fuzzy cuddle puddle.” She stepped up to give Clarke a quick hug before heading for the tent flap. “Now go to bed! Your eye-bags look like they could hold ten days’ rations.”
Her jaw dropped, affronted. “They do not! You take that back!"
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kloxbian · 5 years
You’re my Little Secret Chapter Five
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The 100 Series - Kass Morgan
Relationship: Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Octavia Blake, Bellamy Blake, Anya (The 100), Mountain Men (The 100)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Forbidden Love, Secret Relationship, Grounder Clarke Griffin, Sort Of, Opposite of slowburn, More tags to be added
Language: English
Chapters (as of 1/28/2020): 5/?
Previous Chapter: “You have no muscle.”
“I lived in a metal box my entire life.”
“Yes, you did.” Lexa met her eyes once more. “We need to fix that. Try and keep up.”
Clarke’s legs were going to hurt like hell when this was over.
When Clarke banished Murphy, she’d never expected to see him again.
Much less being pushed along with Lexa’s fist wrapped around the back of his shirt.
Clarke was stunned as Lexa tossed Murphy to the ground. Murphy looked up at her with a confused look on his face, his eyes flitting between her and Lexa. Lexa rapped him on the bad of the head. “He yours?”
“... yes.” Clarke narrowed her eyes at him. “We banished him.”
She nodded. “I’d seen him wandering. What did he do?”
Clarke scowled. “Murdered someone.”
Murphy rolled his eyes. “Jaha Junior deserved it.”
“Like hell he did.”
Lexa grabbed his hair, yanking his head up. “Don’t speak, ripa, or I will gag you.” She looked at Clarke. “Mind if I have him?”
She shrugged. “Do what you want with him. We don’t want him.”
Murphy actually looked shocked. “You know this savage?”
Lexa snarled and backhanded him across the face. “Silence, banau. I will not feel guilt over harming a murderer.”
Clarke approached Murphy. “You are more of a savage than she is. You deserve whatever they do to you.” She nodded to Lexa, who heaved him to his feet. She raised a hand into the air and two other people dropped from the trees, each taking an arm and dragging him off.
Clarke tried to brush off her surprise. “Friends of yours?”
“Guards. They’ve been watching the camp along with me, though they are there more to make sure they stay in line rather than gather information. I am the one who is collecting the information.”
“So is that your job? To spy?”
Lexa cocked her head thoughtfully. “I do many things. This is just another task to complete.”
A vague answer. But then again, all of Lexa’s answers were.
“Okay.” Clarke shifted her weight, pulling out her dagger. “What now?”
“Put the knife away. Your throwing skills are fine.”
Clarke groaned. She knew what that meant.
Luckily enough, days at camp were getting better. Clarke was learning to bring in more food herself rather than just have Lexa provide it for her, and a few others around camp seemed to be getting a feel for it as well. Most days, everyone ate something, even if it was only a small slice of rabbit meat.
They were beginning to organize a working system. The hunting party went out at dawn. As people woke, some would start a couple of fires, as a cold chill was beginning to set in, a time of year old-world had called ‘autumn.’ Some people would collect water from a small stream they had found trickling by about a mile or so east. Tents had been set up from the supplies in the dropship, usually five or more per tent, and many still slept in the dropship, Clarke included. As more and more people accepted that they needed to work to survive, more was able to be accomplished. Firewood was gathered and stored. Logs were set up around the fire pits. All in all, things were finally starting to smooth out.
Clarke continued to meet Lexa, not daily, but often. She honed her throwing skills and had, according to Lexa, gotten much better at keeping quiet in the brush, though was still far from perfect. She was confident that she would soon be able to reveal to her people the existence of the clans.
Not yet, though. Not when Bellamy still largely held control over the camp.
Clarke was more respected, definitely. People listened to her. They did as she asked. But they would much rather listen to Bellamy than to her. Clarke was a daughter of the council. They thought that if they gave up control to her, she would seize it much like her mother had.
It was still too much of a risk.
It had been four days since she’d last seen Lexa, a fairly long period compared to their normal meetings. Though many people still lazed around camp all day having fun, Clarke was working herself to exhaustion. She hadn’t had the time to see Lexa.
So Lexa came to see her.
“Clarke.” She felt a light shake on her shoulder, rousing her from her slumber. Clarke growled lightly from her throat, her eyes still heavy with exhaustion. “Clarke, wake.”
That voice.
Her eyes cracked open and then went wide at Lexa, hovering by her side. In the dropship. Surrounded by other delinquents.
“What the hell are you doing?” Clarke hissed quietly, sitting up and looking around to make sure no one was awake. “You shouldn’t be here!”
“They will not wake. Your people sleep heavy, including you. I am a hunter. I will not wake them.”
Lexa was right. Nobody even stirred.
“Okay, point proven. Now, why did you come here in the first place?”
Lexa smirked. “You’ll see.”
“What? What does that mean?” Lexa stood, slipping out of the dropship. Clarke followed as quietly as she could. Lexa was waiting outside. “What are you doing?”
“Come,” was all she said, darting off into the woods past the single dying embers of a fire.
Clarke had two choices: stay back at camp or follow Lexa into the unknown. 
She went with Lexa.
Lexa moved swiftly, heading north in the direction of the mountain. She glanced over her shoulder occasionally, never long enough for Clarke to see her face, only to check that she was following. Lexa led her a fair distance before stopping. “We are just shy of it.”
Clarke looked around. “I’ve been through here before. There isn’t anything special about it.”
“In the daylight, no. During the night- you shall see.”
“What could be so special about the forest at night? It’s still just a bunch of-” a gasp broke her words as Lexa parted the foliage in front of them. It was a familiar clearing, but the only difference was that the moss that covered the trees and the ground all glowed a blue hue. Butterflies flitted around above them, glowing just as brightly, looking like stars in the night. She could feel a wide grin stretching over her face.
“Do you like it?” Lexa asked, walking up from behind close enough for their shoulders to brush. 
“Like it? Are you kidding, this is amazing!” Clarke couldn’t help the laugh that broke out of her, her once drowsy body thrumming with excitement. “What is this stuff?”
Lexa shrugged, dragging her through it and leaving a dark stripe that quickly regained its glow. “I do not know. If anyone would know, it would be our healers, for they are familiar with herbs, but a healer I am not.”
Clarke absentmindedly traced her finger in the moss. “Not that I’m not grateful, but why did you show me this?”
Lexa shrugged. “I wanted to. I knew you would enjoy it, and it is not something you can see anytime you want. Though I suppose I do want to escape my guards for a bit. They do not leave me alone.”
“The price we pay for safety, I guess.”
Lexa scoffed. “I can defend myself.”
“I have no doubt you can.”
Lexa’s lips twitched into a smile. “Sit with me, Clarke.”
Clarke sat next to Lexa in the moss, curling her feet up beneath her. “So?”
“Tell me about you.”
Clarke raised an eyebrow. “If I do, I expect you to return the favor.”
Lexa hesitated, but as much as she knew she shouldn’t, she had started to trust this skai girl over the last couple weeks. Never once has she suspected Clarke of having ulterior motives or even something as small as telling a lie. She truly believed the Clarke she saw before her was genuine. Not a facade like Heda. Clarke had nothing of the sort. She and skaiheda were one and the same. Lexa could not say that about herself. In all truthfulness, she was more herself around Clarke than she was around any of her people. Everyone back home saw her as Heda. To Clarke, she was only Lexa.
And so Lexa found herself agreeing.
Clarke’s smile made it worth it.
“Tell me about where you live.”
Lexa clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, considering. “I live, officially, in Polis, the capitol. It is many days from here on horseback, so I am currently staying at the capitol of this clan’s territory, Tondisi. Or, I will be, once my mission is finished.”
Clarke was leaning forward, eager to hear more about this mysterious population and their customs. “What clan are we in?” “The clan we are currently in is called the Trigedakru, or Trikru for short. To the north is Azgeda and Sankru. East is Floukru. South is Louwoda Kliron and Yujleda. West is Ouskejon Kru. I am from the Trikru, though I only lived here for the first three years of my life until I was moved to Polis.”
“What clan is Polis in?”
“Polis also resides in Trikru Territory. It was one of the only old-world cities to have even a single building still upright. That single building is the commander’s tower.” Lexa’s eyes shone as she began to speak about Polis. “The tower is the best part of the city. It is over a hundred stories high, though not many have access to the upper levels. The top is where the eternal flame burns. The city itself would take hours to cross on foot it is so large. I would guess at least thirty thousand reside within the city, not including the constant flow of travelers. People from all clans come to Polis, so trade is very diverse.”
Clarke’s eyes widened. “Thirty thousand? How many people are in all twelve of the clans?”
Lexa shrugged. “Trikru has around thirty, forty thousand people total, and it is one of the most populated clans. I would estimate at least a couple hundred thousand people inhabit all twelve territories.”
“Hundred thousand,” Clarke mumbled. “That’s… incredible. How big are the territories?”
“On horseback, it would take months to cross from Trikru to Ingranrona Kru.”
“Holy shit.” Clarke leaned back heavily against the tree, sighing loudly. “That’s… a lot.”
“Indeed. We have become good at staying alive.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” Clarke sighed again. “The Ark only has about two, three thousand people. You could crush them.”
“Not everyone is a warrior like myself,” Lexa said, pulling out her dagger. “Many are, though. Especially in clans like Trikru and Azgeda. At least half of the population, if not more.”
“That’s still over a hundred thousand. I can’t believe your commander actually decided to give us a chance when you could have easily wiped us out and went on with your lives.”
Lexa was amused. Little did she know.
“The commander is just, at least whenever justice is an option. She has spared your lives for now.”
“I’m glad she did.” Clarke looked around at the bioluminescence. “Even if she hadn’t, I’m glad we came down here. It’s hard, but it’s so… free.”
Lexa smiled. “I could not imagine living how you did. I don’t think I could have dealt with such restraints. You are strong in that aspect, Klark.”
Clarke smiled back, leaning over and bumping their shoulders. “Maybe so, but you’d still put me on my ass in seconds if I tried to beat you.”
Lexa chuckled quietly. “You have a strong mind. In a battle of wits, I’m sure we would at least tie.”
The two laughed again, but a voice interrupted their bubble of peace. “Clarke?”
Clarke knew that voice. “Shit,” she hissed. “You have to leave.”
“Who is that?” Lexa asked, rising to her feet easily and helping Clarke up. “Why do they want you?”
“He must have noticed I was gone,” Clarke said. “And that would be Finn.”
Finn. Lexa knew of the boy. He was always ogling at Clarke, always trying to gain her favor. It made her sick. He was pitiful and didn’t realize that Clarke had no such interest in him. She felt the urge to punch him in the face, to watch the blood run from his broken nose, whenever she saw him staring at Clarke like she was some sort of goddess. It made her insides boil.
Clarke saw Lexa’s scowl. “You don’t like him. Doesn’t surprise me. You can tell him how much you hate him later. Right now, you need to leave.” Lexa hesitated but heard the crunch of the skai boy’s feet on the earth. She nodded and gracefully scaled one of the trees, peering out from behind the thick trunk. She caught Clarke’s eye one last time before the shaggy-haired boy stepped into the clearing.
“Holy shit…” he looked around at the glow but lost interest in it when he saw Clarke walking slowly toward him. “Clarke! There you are!”
“Finn.” Her voice had a hint of anger and frustration, something Finn didn’t seem to notice. “Why were you looking for me?”
“I saw that you were gone and I was worried,” he said, once again looking at Clarke like she was vital to his existence.
“I can take care of myself. I don’t need you to protect me.” His face fell a bit and Lexa smirked. “Stop treating me like I’m a child. Go back to camp, Finn.”
Finn looked broken. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t need you to,” she snapped. “Leave.”
“I can’t leave you out here by yourself!”
Clarke groaned. “Fine. I’ll come back with you. Don’t do this again,” she warned. Finn nodded, happy Clarke had accepted his ‘help.’ Clarke sent an apologetic look to Lexa, mouthing ‘sorry’ before Finn took her wrist and dragged her away.
Lexa could feel herself seething. How dare that insolent boy treat Clarke like she was some branwada goufa who needed a caretaker. It was blatant disrespect, and Lexa had to restrain the urge to knock him in the head to see if it would put some sense into his brain.
Lexa began her return to her own camp, pondering over what it was about the skai girl that made her feel such emotions.
Chapters 1-5 up on ao3 here.
First chapter on Tumblr here.
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justauthoring · 6 years
Feigning The Connection (32/?)
Tumblr media
Prompt: You seem so invincible. But just touch you and you’ll wince. You have secrets and trust no one. You’re the perfect example of betrayal. Because anyone you’ve ever trusted broke you. Thrust into a new world, will you be able to stay alone, or will Bellamy work his way in?
A/N: Another Saturday, another part!
I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. It doesn’t have to be long, I appreciate every single comment I receive and telling me just helps inspire me to write it more frequently.
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Pairing: Bellamy x Reader
Based off of: The 100 05x07, 05x08 and 05x09
Warnings: spoilers.
Tag’s List: @super-river-walker - @deathofthethrones - @dontstopxx - @chebz - @isabellaskyliner - @jeppthatsme - @sarita-villa - @jedibookmasterofnorta - @hoesugh - @wsternhaikus - @doctorwhoandrory - @claudsgodz - @multi-fandom-dumpster - @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked - @stonesandskeletonbones - @morgannope @kaelyn-lobrutto24 - @jodiereedus22 - @lovelynerdytraveler - @savannah0111 want to be featured on my tag’s list? message me letting me know.
With a heavy sigh, you set your head in your hands. The constant feeling of worry never seemed to leave you ever since that conversations with your father.
He is in danger.
What did that even mean? What was wrong? And how much could Octavia have truly changed? 
Staying with Raven was starting to feel like a mistake, and you felt yourself anxious. You needed to get out of here, and fast. If Bellamy truly was in danger like your father said, and you didn’t doubt your father’s word, then you were of no use here. But, what were you meant to do with a shock collar around your neck that would electrify you the moment you stepped out of the room?
You were pulled out of your thoughts the moment you felt the bed dip in weight. Turning, you saw Raven take a seat next to you, and was pleasantly surprised when you saw Echo walk in behind her. “Hey, Spacewalker,” she grinned, before her eyes fell on you. “Y/N.”
You nodded at her, a small smile lighting up your features at the sight of a familiar friend.
“Finally,” Raven chuckled, relieved, “tell me this is a rescue op.”
“It won’t be anything if we can’t get out of this church.” Echo took a piece of bread from Raven’s plate, taking a bite out of it as she surveyed the area around you. “I’m betting, by now, my girl’s figured out how to slip her collar.”
You felt your smile fall at Echo’s words, turning to Raven who shook her head, glum.
Echo frowned, eyes narrowing slightly as she looked at a point past Raven’s shoulders. “They’re watching us,” she announced, “but there’s something I need you to see. The both of you,” you turned to her as she stressed her point, “let’s go get some water.”
You followed without fault, but you couldn’t help but feel yourself practically itch to ask if Bellamy was okay. You kept your mouth shut though, biting your tongue, as you knew that now was not the time.
Once you were secluded from the others, and away from the prying eyes of Diyoza’s men, Echo pulled out a small flash drive, setting it on the dish where the water usually resided. “Monty said I need to insert it into any console connected to the transport ship’s primary server,” Echo explained, pouring herself a glass of water.
Echo turned away, as you and Raven turned to the table. You peered past Raven’s shoulder as she picked up the small flash drive.
“It’s essentially a key-logger,” she begun, “auto-installs and opens a back door to their surveillance system that only Monty can see. Heh. It’s brilliant.” You bit your lip, turning away as to not seem too suspicious. “Too bad we can’t get to the bridge without our heads exploding.”
“What about Kane? Maybe he--”
“He’s with Diyoza,” you frowned, eyes narrowing slightly. “I don’t know what happened to him in that bunker, but he’s different.”
“You haven’t seen them,” Echo spoke, and you felt your heart plummet. You knew instantly of who she meant. “They’re all different.” Your frowned deepened, your worry increasing tenfold. “Murphy said you had someone inside their camp.”
Raven nodded, gesturing to Shaw.
“Can we trust him?”
“I hope so,” Raven mumbled, “he’s our only shot.”
Raven stepped away then, heading over to Shaw. You took this as your chance. “Echo,” you called, turning to her. “Bellamy?”
She bit her lip, eyes narrowing. “It’s not good.”
You opened your mouth to say more, but Echo’s attention was pulled elsewhere. Following her line of vision, you frowned when you saw Shaw step past Raven, as if she was nothing. Raven turned to the both of you then, chest rising and falling with a deep sigh as she turned back to her bed. Your attention was then pulled past her, watching as Kane walked into the room.
“I have some unfortunate news,” your father announced, coming to a stop before everyone. “Karina’s dead. She was Louwoda Kliron Kru, so the rites will be performed this afternoon. Together, we can make sure that her death will not be in vain.”
You stepped forward, intent on talking with your father, but he only turned, heading out of the room. You paused, hands falling by your side with disappointment. He certainly had changed.
Shaking your head, you walked up so you were beside Raven, stopping just beside her when Shaw threw a blanket at her. She looked at you, before slowly peeling back the blanket, revealing a note. You eyed her, curious as you both turned to read the note.
Don’t go to the funeral.
Your eye lit up with realization, this was your opportunity. “Raven,” you called, setting your hand on her shoulder. “I need to get out of here.”
“What?” She questioned, attention being pulled from the note to you as her eyes widened. “We can’t get out of here without these collars off, and you know that I do-”
“Bellamy’s in danger, Raven,” you explained, shoulders tensing. Taking a step towards the girl, you leaned in, whispering. “I need to get to him and I think I know who can help me.”
Raven’s eyes lit with realization, and then she frowned; “that’s if he even goes for i-”
“Raven,” you whispered, voce desperate. “Please.”
Raven sighed, shoulders dropping; “i’ll talk to him.”
“We have to be quick.”
Glancing around, you made sure no one was looking, turning to Shaw with a quick nod. “I know,” you assured, “you take the collar off, then we leave, and you get me out.”
“It’s a shitty plan,” he sighed, shaking his head. “There’s no guarantee this works, and if it doesn’t, I can’t promise Diyoza won’t-”
Setting your hand on the boy’s shoulders, you interrupted his nervous rambling. “Thank you,” you whispered, meeting his eyes with a nod. Pulling a gentle smile on your lips, you squeezed his shoulders. “Seriously, you’re doing a lot more than I can rightly ask for. And I cannot thank you enough.”
“It’s fine,” he dismissed, shaking his head. “Let’s just do this. We’re running out of time.”
You nodded, making sure to remain silent. Shaw needed to focus if he was to get your collar off without triggering the shock, which you really didn’t want him to do. 
It took some convincing, but miraculously enough, Raven had managed to convince Shaw to help you. You knew that, as Shaw had said, it was a shitty plan. There was no guarantee you’d make it out, and the possibility of being caught was ten to one. And then, if you did even manage to make it out, you had a long walk ahead of yourself. Shaw was only able to scrounge up some food and water, but the rations would only last so long.
There was no guarantee you’d even survive the walk back to Polis. But you were determined.
You’d do anything for Bellamy.
“Keep still,” Shaw ordered gruffly and you felt your body freeze in response.
Still, as you stood there, waiting for Shaw to get the collar off, you felt your fists clench tightly. You were sure your knuckles had turned white in response, and you felt your heart pound erratically against your chest. The stakes of this escape mission were high, and you hated leaving Raven and Echo behind - especially in the hands of your enemy.
But your hand had been forced. You could only guess, truly, what was happening to Bellamy. And maybe Octavia wasn’t all that bad, and you were overreacting. But you had not only heard it from your father, but Shaw and Echo themselves. 
It seemed a lot had happened in the bunker that you didn’t quite understand. But you knew Bellamy, and you knew how he was. If Octavia was anything like you’d been told, Bellamy was in danger.
That much you knew.
“Almost there,” Shaw mumbled, brows drawn in in focus. You only hummed in response, nervously sliding your eyes across the room, afraid that one of Diyoza’s men would come walking in. Or maybe even Diyoza herself.
Then, “there,” Shaw exclaimed, and you felt the tightness around your neck loosen. Shaw leaned back, and the collar went with him. Your hand instinctively went to your own throat, rubbing it as Shaw nodded up at you.
“Okay,” he begun, turning, “we need to go.”
You followed behind him, stopping when he peered around the corner, making sure no one was near. “We have to stay in the shadows,” he explained, turning to you. “The moment we are outside, stay low, don’t get caught.”
You once again nodded, wordless as Shaw moved to walk out of the church. On the count of three, he moved, and you were quick to follow. Almost immediately, you crouched, tucking into yourself so as not to be seen. Shaw led you through the trees, making sure to remain covered at all times.
The walk was silent, but you had expected as much. You were constantly looking around, making sure that no one had seen either of you, and with each step, you grew closer to Bellamy.
“You can go out through the woods,” Shaw whispered, voice raspy as to remain silent. “I can only go so far, and then you’ll have to go on your own.”
Shaw and you continued to walk for a few more minutes, before he paused, turning to you. His eyes once again slid across the area, making sure you hadn’t been caught before his eyes fell on you. “Okay,” he grunted, “just go out here.” he pointed to his left, “and keep walking straight. Eventually, you’ll hit dry-land.”
“Okay,” you replied, glancing past his shoulder. You moved to step forward, before pausing, “Shaw, than-”
You were interrupted by an alarm blaring. Almost instantly your eyes widened, panic flooding your entire being. You turned to Shaw for help and for guidance, and you noticed his entire body tense in response, lips parting.
“They know you escaped,” he grumbled, shaking his head. Stepping forward, he peered past a tree, watching as everyone in the Valley fell into a fit of panic. Then, he turned to you; “you need to go,” he urged, “now.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be caught,” he dismissed, shaking his head, “just go.”
“You need to go, or else you’ll be caught too.”
You bit your lip, feeling your heart pound erratically against your chest. This was your one chance at getting to Bellamy, but it didn’t settle right within you to just leave the boy who’d risked his life for you in the first place. What would happen to him if he did get caught?
Sighing, you nodding, shuffling forward, still crouched. Just before you moved to stand and start running, you turned back to Shaw. “Take care of Raven for me.”
Shaw’s lips parted, and glancing back at you, he slowly nodded.
Each step felt like it weighed the world.
You felt a hand fall on your neck, brushing back your hair before lips pressed against the skin. You instantly knew who it was, and without question, a small smile fell on your lips in response.
You turned your body, so you were laying on your back rather then your side. You smiled up at Bellamy, your hand curling around his neck and pulling him closer as you pressed your lips against his own. It was a short but sweet kiss, your lips against his own only for moment before he was pulling back, grinning down at you.
Then, his smile faltered somewhat, and his thumb stroked your cheek, concern befalling his expression. “Everything okay?”
You furrowed your brows in response, baffled by the question. “Yeah,” you assured, nodding your head. “Why?”
Bellamy bit his lip, maneuvering his body until he was sat by you on your shared bed. You pushed yourself up, so you were leaning against the bed board and facing Bellamy. Setting your hands in your lap, you patiently waited for Bellamy to explain himself.
“Raven told me...” His words trailed, obviously unable to find the courage to finish his sentence. But he didn’t need to you -- you were all too aware of what he was speaking off.
“Oh,” you mumbled, realization flooding you. “She told you about earlier? When I had my panic attack?”
Bellamy nodded.
With a soft smile, you leaned forward, sliding Bellamy’s hand in your own. “I’m fine,” you reassured, nodding at him. “It’s just sort of happened.”
“Your father?”
Your lips parted, surprised for a moment. Bellamy knew you too well, it was almost a little scary. Of course, you didn’t truly mind. So with a soft nod, you squeezed his hand, confirming his thoughts. “Yeah,” you whispered, “i’m just worried that i’ll never see him again.”
“You will,” Bellamy spoke, surprising you once again.
Pulling your eyes on him, Bellamy smiled at you; “I promise you, you’ll see your father again.
Your throat felt raw - the growing need for water becoming unbearable.
“The girl who lived under the floor?”
Bellamy nodded, a solemn expression on his face as he looked out the window. You bit your lip in thought, narrowing your eyes quizzically. It was all too obvious who he was speaking about. “Octavia, right?” You questioned, turning to him once again.
Bellamy’s lips parted, almost as if to argue, before a small smile fell on his lips and he nodded.
“How’d you know?”
Leaning into Bellamy’s embrace when he wrapped an arm around your waist, you let your head fall on his shoulder. After a year of being up on the Ark, you felt content right this moment. Of course there were days worse than others, and things didn’t always run smoothly. But in this moment, right now, by Bellamy’s side with no one else around, you felt content.
“You forget that my father was apart of the council,” you explained, shrugging your shoulders. “Plus, the girl under the floor was a popular topic in the Ark.”
Bellamy nodded, his eyes lighting up with an almost wistful expression. So much had changed, and it was hard to believe that you two had once been criminals sent down to the earth to test it. Nothing more the lab rats, willing to be disposed of for the better of the good citizens.
Look at you now.
All you saw was desert. No green, no life.
“The day can wait.”
“Y/N,” Bellamy sighed, but couldn’t help the smile that fell on his lips as he gazed down at you. You were currently sprawled out on the bed, peering up at Bellamy with a goofy smile as you held fast to his hand, desperate for him to not leave. “There’s work to be done. You should be getting up too.”
“You work hard every day,” you sighed, pushing yourself up so you were sat before Bellamy. He stood tall before you, and you had to strain your neck to look up at him. But you didn’t mind all that much, considering the view you got. “We both work hard every day. Can’t we just sleep in for once?”
You interrupted whatever Bellamy had been about to say by sliding your hands up his legs, purposely missing you-know-what, before letting your hands slide under his shirt. You followed your hands, pushing yourself up until you were sat on your knees, grinning up at Bellamy mischievously as you let your hand wander across his chest teasingly.
“Are you sure we can’t just sleep in a little?”
Bellamy looked like he wanted to argue. His head turned, and his eyes fell on the door to your bedroom, debating. But all it took was for you to grab the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his chest before smirking up at him. It also didn’t help, mind you, that you only had a bra on and your shorts.
You looked too tempting to pass up.
“Fine,” Bellamy huffed, leaning into your hands as you cupped his cheeks. “But only for an hour. The others will be wondering where we are.”
“I knew I could convince you,” you teased, smirking up at him.
“Oh, shut up.”
Your knees felt weak, as if you’d fall over any moment.
“Do you ever think about them?”
You turned, letting your eyes fall on Bellamy as he kept his gaze straightforward. You didn’t have to ask to know who he was talking about, and with a sigh, you nodded. “All the time.”
“About her?”
You frowned, eyes falling on your lap where you fiddled with your hands. It was obvious that he was referring to Clarke, and you couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness burn within you. While you and Clarke had never been particularly close, she’d sacrificed her life so that you got to live.
There was no greater act of bravery then that.
“Yes,” you nodded, looking up once again. “I think about how she must have died content knowing that we made it. That we got to live. And that she never felt lonely, because she knew that she’d saved her friends lives.”
You met Bellamy’s eyes then, nodding at him reassuringly. Bellamy blinked, smiling softly and somewhat hesitantly in return, moving his hand so he could slip it into your own.
You knew that he felt guilty. That he hadn’t himself for leaving Clarke behind. But you also knew, that no matter how simple your words had been, that you had been able to help ease his mind - if only just a little bit.
“She risked her life for us, Bell,” you whispered, squeezing his hand, “don’t waste it.”
You were so close, but it felt as if you were miles away.
You groaned, your vision dotting at the corners as you tried to keep yourself straight up. It was taking strenuous effort just to pick up one foot at the time, and you felt your body screaming at you to fall asleep.
But you knew that was the last thing you could do. You may not know much about the human body, and how to heal someone when injured, but you did know that when you had a bump on the head (or in your case, something worse), falling asleep was about the worst thing you could do.
You leant heavily against Raven and Emori as they helped lead back you inside. Their desperate calls for help and Bellamy’s name rung throughout your head, as if it echoed in your very mind. Your vision blurred, and suddenly, with one blink, Bellamy was before you, grabbing your arms.
“What happened?” You heard him ask, voice laced with worry. You couldn’t quite pick out his face, but you knew it must have been covered with concern. 
Bellamy pulled you from Raven and Emori’s hands, a hand falling on your lower back and one grabbing ahold of your hand as he led you over to the bench you usually ate at. Once you were sat, Raven left your side as Bellamy crouched before you, and Emori remained stood beside you. By now, the others had gathered, even Murphy had joined, mainly in concern, as you groaned out in pain.
Raven returned with a cloth, handing it to Bellamy who gently patted it against your bleeding forehead.
“Raven,” you heard Bellamy call, voice gruff. “What the hell happened?”
“It was an accident,” Raven sighed, shaking her head. “She slipped and everything came tumbling onto her. Truthfully, she’s lucky she didn’t break a bone.”
“Sure feels like I did,” you groaned, shifting uncomfortably.
Bellamy only frowned, finding your comment more worrisome then funny. Leaning forward, he pulled back the cloth, biting his lip in thought. “It looks serious,” he mumbled, turning back to the others with panicked eyes. “You’ll have to rest for the next little while.”
You hated the thought of that. You already felt useless enough, not really having a set job here on the Ark - being in recommission really didn’t help.
“Come on,” Bellamy whispered, wrapping an arm around you to help guide you to your feet. “I’ll get you to bed.”
Everything seemed to grow darker.
“Come on,” Bellamy sighed, taking a seat on the bed next to you. “It’s just a minor bump in the road.”
You didn’t reply. Rather, you remained laid on your side, back facing Bellamy as you stared at the wall adjacent to you. You knew you were being a baby, sulking like this just because you’d hurt yourself and now had to rest for the next few days. But something that had always bothered you, was being unable to help. Feeling useless.
And that’s exactly how you felt now.
“Y/N,” Bellamy urged, moving to grab your hand. You pulled your hand away before he could grasp your own, feeling guilt flood you at the gasp you received in response.
You felt like a child. Pouting and pulling away from Bellamy who was only just trying to help. You just couldn’t help yourself. And truly, you were in no rush to change the way things were.
“Well,” Bellamy mumbled, and you felt the bed shift, no doubt him moving to stand up. “I’ll come back to check in later.”
You once again remained silent, not even moving your body at bit as you listened closely to Bellamy’s footsteps grow farther and farther away from you. Then, just as he reached the door, you heard him pause, no doubt gazing back at you pleadingly.
You felt your heart tighten in response, anticipating his words.
“You know,” he begun, voice soft, “no one blames you.”
Biting your lip, you let your eyes fall shut.
“Accidents happen.”
But why did they always seem to happen to you? If it wasn’t your damn panic attacks, it was your lack of knowledge. And if it wasn’t that, it was your lack of talent. There was nothing you excelled in, unlike Raven or Monty, and even Emori who was learning from the best. 
You just seemed to stay put. Useless as always.
“That doesn’t make you useless.”
You gasped, eyes snapping open.
“You’re more help then you think, Y/N. And when you’re ready, I think you’ll understand that.”
The door shut then, announcing Bellamy’s exit. You finally moved, turning around to stare at the door he’d just walked through.
Maybe he was right.
So close. Just a little bit more.
“When did you learn how to do this?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you bit back your smile. “I had a lot of free time,” you teased, eyes remaining focused on Bellamy’s arm that you were bandaging.
“I thought you were suppose to be resting.”
“I was,” you huffed, half-glaring up at the boy. “But there was no point laying in bed all day.”
“You’re quite good,” Bellamy complimented, smiling at you as he pulled away his fully bandaged arm. Eyeing it for a moment, he pulled his gaze from his arm to you, smiling lovingly your way. “I’m impressed.”
“We don’t have Clarke anymore,” you mumbled, dampening the mood somewhat. “Or Abby. It’s just us up here, and we don’t have any medicine either. I was lucky something worse hadn’t happened,” you frowned, touching your forehead slightly. “So I decided that i’m gonna learn the best I can about bandaging injuries and the such, and that way, if something does go wrong, we’re not all completely helpless.”
Biting his lip, Bellamy slipped his hand in your own, squeezing it. “I told you,” he teased, smirking lightly. “You’d find your way.”
With a soft blush on your cheeks, you shrugged your shoulders, chuckling softly.
“Not that you weren’t any help before,” Bellamy assured.
“I know,” you nodded, then paused, “or at least I do now. Thanks to you.” Bellamy nodded, he’d do anything to make you happy or content. And he was speaking the truth. You were more help then you thought you were, and Bellamy wouldn’t be where he was now without you.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
The moment you saw it, you let yourself go.
You heard the distant calls of voices, all mixed together, screaming that there was an intruder. That something was happening. Part of you realized that your own people could very well shoot you right there and then, but your exhaustion over-rid your rational thinking.
You could barely walk on your own two feet anymore.
So, pushing yourself just that last little bit, you let yourself fall. You collapsed to your knees first, and then face first into the sand, chest rising and falling rapidly.
You heard footsteps heading your way, along with the calls of many different voices. “Intruder!”
“What’s she doing?”
“Is she okay?”
“What do we do?”
You barely registered the fact that a group of them had surrounded you, weapons pointed at your head if you made one sudden movement. “Should we kill her?”
“Bloodreina will want to see her first, i’m sure.”
“She’s the enemy. We shou-”
The voice seemed familiar, but you felt no strength within you to pick up your head and see exactly who was speaking. It was silent for a moment longer, a pair of footsteps headed your way before once again pausing before you. Then, there was a hand on your shoulder, gently pushing you until you were on your back. And through your heavy lids and the hot sun beating down on your back, you saw Miller.
You wanted to respond. Say something. But you found barely any sound left your lips when you moved them, and your vision was darkening at the corners.
All you managed to whisper before you finally fell unconscious was; “Bellamy...”
Part 33?
Let me know what you thought?
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dedalvs · 6 years
Trigedasleng Dialogue, Episode 506
Most of this dialogue got flipped to English, which is a bummer (including my “Bye, Felicia” line!). But here it is!
OCTAVIA From the ashes we will rise. Kom folau oso na gyon op.
OCTAVIA EVERYONE get to the bunker! EN OGEDA gyon au gon trap!
ECHO Doesn’t matter. Plenty of food where I’m going. Eintheing. Loda dina weron ai’s soujon daun, you.
GROUNDER WOMAN Death is too good for you. Wamplei ste wei pyo seintaim gon yu.
TARIK Please. We just want to talk. I am Tarik. This is my wife, Karina. Beja. Osir gaf chich yu op noumou. Ai laik Torik. Dison laik ai houmon, Korina.
KARINA We saw Blodreina cast you out... Where will you go? Osir don sin in ha Blodreina don flish yu klin... Weron yu na gyon au?
ECHO Where do you think--? She’s given me no choice but Shallow Valley. Weron yo vout in--? Em don ron ai op nou sadon sef Louwoda Kliron.
ECHO You’re going, too... Yo’s soujon ouder seintaim...
TARIK If we had the courage, we would have left with Kane... But now we have a second chance to go home. Taim osir don gada jova in, taim osir don bants ogeda kom Kein... Ba nau osir don hon op seken sadon na soujon hou.
ECHO You’re Shallow Valley Clan... Yo laik Louwoda Kliron Kru...
ECHO I can’t promise we’ll be safe there--Diyoza could be lying. And if Octavia catches you, she’ll kill you both. (beat) You’re better off here in Polis. Ai nou na swega klin bilaik oso na ste klir ouder--mebi Diyouza ste tromp raun, nami? En taim Okteivia dig yo au, taim e’na rip yo klin ogeda. (beat) Yo bes kamp hir raun Polis.
KARINA You don’t know what she made us do... Yu nou get in chit em don teik osir du daun...
ECHO ...tell me. ...tel ai op.
TARIK We must leave this place, whatever the risk. Better to die with a soul, than live without it. Osir souda bants kom hir, komblayoda. Mou beda na wan op ogeda kom keryon, na kik raun thau em.
KARINA There are others who will join us: Trikru, Azgeda, all of us can start over together... But only if we can get past Blodreina. Bilaik moun na glong oso op: Trikru, Azgeda, oso na stot klin ogeda... Ba taim osir na mwon kom Blodreina noumou.
ECHO Leave that to me. ...sen daunde daun gon ai.
BELLAMY ...you haven’t left me yet. ...yu nou don hos of kom ai kom nau.
TARIK The ship is coming... We’re almost free. Skaifloudon-de ste kom op... Oso ste mous prad.
ECHO It’s time. We need to head for the wasteland--now. Taim kom op. Oso gaf gyon au gon trashsaka--nau.
TARIK She’s not coming... We have to go. We’re almost free. Em nou ste komba raun... Yumi souda bants. ‘So ste mous prad.
TARIK For our child. Gon oso yongon.
OCTAVIA Is it done? En’s odon?
Requested later:
Oso jus ste seim. "Our blood is the same." Oso jus laik won jus. "Our blood is one blood." Nau oso tai so op kom won jus. "Now we bind ourselves in one blood." Yo laik Wonkru. "You are Wonkru."
(Note on this last one: Didn’t know she was talking to one person!)
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groundedtm-blog · 6 years
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          logan was born into misfortune :  her mother died during childbirth.   her father died in a freak accident when she was seven ,  so she grew up in the orphanage on the ark ,  in and out a few times.  logan rarely caused problems ,  though it always seemed that problems would find her ;  some misfortune would befall her new family ,  and she’d be forced to return to the orphanage .   she always did her best to keep a smile on her face for the other kids ,  some kind of proof that it would all get better.  and she was always determined to get out for good ,  support herself ,  maybe a kid herself one day .           one of her foster fathers was a member of the guard on the ark ,  and they remained close even after she returned to the orphanage.   he managed to get her into the academy where she absolutely shined.   she listened without question ,  learned quick ,  and rose to the top of her class.  she loved the sense of purpose ,  the authority that came with being a guard since she’d never known any agency herself.  the guard became her home ,  her family ,  and she would die to protect them .           though her faith in marcus was shaken after the culling ,  she knew she would still follow his command all the way to the ground .   but as in line with her history ,  misfortune would strike soon after crash landing .   on a scouting mission ,   her group was attacked by a mutated bear .  in protecting her friends ,  she was left to die .   the bear grabbed her by the ankle and swung her into a tree ,  giving her a concussion .  coming to after the bear had long since wandered off ,  logan attempted to get back to camp ,  but she was confused and seriously disoriented .   it was a miracle she wandered from trikru to ousekjon to louwoda kliron terrirtory without encountering any clansmen or other dangers.   but she wasn’t in shallow valley long before her fall ;  tumbling down a small ravine ,  she was impaled through her stomach by the branch of a fallen tree .   unable to move ,  logan was on the verge of death before a clanswoman found her and nursed her back to health . pre series / season one   she’s on the ark ,  doesn’t have much contact with the delinquents ;  she does with kane ,  abby ,  and others not in the skybox . season two   she and her group leave for their scouting mission about halfway through the season ,  so she misses most of the mountain men drama .  she spends that time nearly dying and being nursed back ,  learning the culture of louwoda kliron and other clans ,  their style of fighting ,  and as much as she can keep tabs on skaikru . season three   logan returns not long after the mountain men are defeated ,  about right after ice nation destroys mt. weather .   though she knows azgeda to be ruthless ,  she doesn’t support pike and falls back in line with kane without question .  though she keeps it lowkey ,  offering to be a spy for kane’s cause .   she stays far away from jaha and his preachings ,  too involved with helping kane and the others .  but when kane takes the chip ,  logan follows .
season four   logan makes herself as useful as possible ,  distracting herself from the horrors of a.l.i.e. and making sure kane stays alive .   her devotion to kane and ability to pick up new skills quicker than most see her a spot inside the bunker .   alternately ,  she goes to rescue clarke and ends up on the go - sci ring ,  if you’d like to write that . season five   ( still watching )  logan is still resolutely following kane ,  though she recognizes octavia as the leader of wonkru .   she listens ,  but her loyalty is still to kane .   when they are freed from the bunker ,  logan busies herself again to forget the horrors she’s committed to survive ,  channeling her anger and energy into saving eden .
      logan is still a bright soul ,  despite what she’s been through .   she’s survived more than she ever thought she could ,  through pure grit and stubbornness .  logan’s a firecracker ,  but she’s well good at talking her way out of a fight .   that’s not to say she’ll shy from one .       she definitely has a welsh accent ,  nothing too heavy though ,  and often mistaken for an english accent ;  she’ll get a little feisty about it ,  she’s very proud of her heritage .        she traveled between polis and arkadia often ;  a good asset complete with her knowledge of the clans and loyalty to kane .
main  allison miller
    EXCELLENT MARKSMANSHIP    /    top of her graduating guard class and simulations of long - range assault    COMBAT     /     better at skaikru style than grounder style ,  but she’s learned and conquered both .   she’s more likely to use long range weapons like a gun or bow ,  but she won’t shy away from brute force      EARTH SKILLS    /     hunting ,  foraging ,  shelter ,  fishing ;  not quite as good as clarke ,  but she’s up there ;  besides ,  she doesn’t quite know how to die    LAUGNAGE   /   she speaks english , welsh ,  and trigedasleng fluently      CLIMBING     /     rocks ,  trees ,  treacherous ladders .   name it ,  she can probably climb it .
 MBTI enfp 
HOUSE gryffindor MARKINGS  tattoo of the constellation orion on her right shoulder blade ;  seven inch scar a couple inches above her hip bone ( front and back ) from being impaled as so ( the injury causes her to limp sometimes ) ;  faint scar on her left temple from smacking into a tree ;  bite mark on her left ankle from the bear  ( punctured her achilles ,  crushed a few bones still limps from this as well when it rains )
FAMILY  n / a . LEADER  marcus kane . ALLIES tba .
pinterest .     a song that reminds me of her .
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popchoc · 5 years
R-E-B-O-R-N | Chapter 20: Madi
"My mom died too. My real mom, I mean. Just like my dad."
Lexa's eyes light up. "You remember them?"
"I do," I whisper, hardly audible as I'm biting my lips.
She rests her hand on mine. "You wanna tell me about them?"
I stare at her hand on top of mine. Light as a feather and yet giving me exactly what I need: the strength to go on. Which I do.
"My family is originally from Louwoda Kliron," I start to tell, my eyes now fixated on my lap, "but we left the Valley shortly after I was born." I peek up at her through my lashes. "Ironically to get away from you." Relieved that my parents’ disobedience doesn't seem to upset her in any way I exhale and sit up more straight. Closing my eyes for a second I allow the stored images from a far past back into my mind.
"When my parents found out I was a Natblinda they decided to hide me from the world, as that was the only way to protect me. So we lived far away, deep in the woods, just the three of us. I remember our life as very simple, yet full of love. But it wasn't always safe out there, or easy, which is why my parents made sure to teach me as many survival skills as they could, even when I could barely walk." I look at her again. "In the end it wasn't your army that came for us, nor the wild animals that lived in our backyard. It was the Death Wave. It killed them, as it killed everyone else. Except me."
"And Clarke," she smiles, raising her brows.
I can't help but mirror her smile. "Yes, and Clarke. But we didn't meet till months later. And I'm sure that would never have happened at all if it wasn't for those skills. I would not have survived on my own if these two people had not been my parents."
[full chapter on ao3]
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grieforged · 6 years
could you post info on your t100 verse?
ye ye im dreadfully slow and lame when it comes to putting up actual info?? so here’s a couple of Fun Facts for you ok  (  i’ve  only  seen  like  the  first  two  seasons  rip  me  )
so  from  what  i  remember,  since  Sadie  has  two  siblings  she’d  kind  of  have  to  be  from  either  mt.  weather  or  a  grounder.  here’s  a  couple  of  things  from  each  of  those  ideas.  they  can  be  altered/plotted  with  however  as  well  :))
option  one:  mt.  weather  origins.
basically  sadie’s  family  lived  in  the  bunker  their  entire  lives,  and  after  canon  events,  Matt  dies  because  he’s  young  and  weak. their  mother  also  dies  and  eventually  it’s  just  Theo  and  Sadie.  perhaps  it’s  sheer  luck  or  the  ‘treatment’  ( irrc  )  that  saves  them,  but  yeah  –  rough  going  they’re  not  too  good  at  surviving.
option  two:  grounder  origins.
she  and  her  family  were  either  from  Louwoda Kliron  or  Floukru.  their  family  had  succumbed  to  the  radiation  sickness  from  a  batch  of  fish.  Matthew  was  one  of  the  first  to  fall  ill,  followed  by  their  mother  and  father.  but  Theo  and  Sadie  didn’t  eat  the  fish,  it  had  been  a  last  minute  decision  (  and  totally  deus  machina  i  know  )
Sadie  is  possible  nightblood  but  don’t  quote  me
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AUTHOR REVEAL of TROPED Choice: Conclave Fics!
i've been asleep so long (wasting away) - Second Dawn!Harper in Azgeda! (Rated M) [Harper/Roan] by @probably-voldemort
Summary: Peaskepa is a legend, a woman older than time that shows up to peacefully resolve conflicts, a woman who cannot die, who does not age.
Harper is that legend, and she's spent most of the last four hundred years alone, avoiding the people she keeps alive when there's nothing to save them from.
Until she finds herself hanging upside down from a tree, caught in the trap of a banished Azgedan prince.
Here There Be Dragons - Ark!Anya on Planet Gamma! (Rated M) [Anya/Raven] by @northernxstories
Summary: The Eligius IV sent down a reconnaissance team to determine whether the survivors from Earth can make a home on Planet Gamma. All indications are that there are communities already thriving on the unique planet. Anya Dollinger, the last surviving security officer of the Ark, and her team find themselves in trouble right from the beginning. However, the solution is more unusual than they could have dreamed.
blessed - Jacapo Sinclair in Podakru! (Rated M) [Sinclair/Indra] by @northernxstories
Summary: The grieving Jacapo Sinclair managed to survive the years underground in the Bunker. Once it opened, he joined Podakru to help restore their community. A surprise visit changes everything he thought he knew about the past, the present and perhaps even his future.
the miracle of the sea - Floukru!Echo (Rated M) [Echo/Luna] by @spacekrulesbians
Summary: A long, low, loud horn sounded, reaching every corner of the rig. The brunette lifted her head from where she had been hunched over, sharpening a fishing spear. It was the sound of the fishermen returning. She rose to her feet, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, a light breeze rustling her hair and bringing with it the brisk scent of the sea, a scent that had surrounded her for as long as she could remember. She let the breeze brush against her, envelope her, comfort her. This was home, would always be home.
Until it wasn't.
dreams become reality become dreams - Costia in the Deadzone! (Rated T) [Costia & Emori] by @lovelessdyke
Summary: You were in love.
It was an indescribable, unendable love. You knew that your love could span across eons, across universes. Your love felt like a dream, a dream that you never wanted to wake up from.
But no one dreams forever.
- or where Costia is banished from Trikru and meets Emori in the Deadzone. Cue hostilities, insults, sarcasm, and eventually, friendship
this is me swallowing my pride - Bryan in Wonkru! (Rated T) [Bryan/Miller] by @spacekrulesbians
Summary: When Bryan realizes that he and Miller have differing ideas about Wonkru, he puts an end to their relationship before things get messy. When he starts exchanging secret messages with someone, though, he begins to wonder if he acted too quickly.
don't need to question the reason (i'm yours) - Bardo!Reese on Skyring/Penance! (Rated T) [Octavia/Reese] by @probably-voldemort
Summary: Our story starts with the abduction of a young Bardoan on a routine prisoner pickup from Penance. The young man's father, however, was Bill - yes, that Bill - so the plan was to ransom him off. But when the three kidnappers and their prisoner get lost in one of the many forests of Penance, they spend the night in an abandoned barn, and our story changes from one of danger to one of love.
this is the life that we choose (this is the life that we bleed) - Madi in Louwoda Kliron! (Rated T) [Lexa & Madi] by @loveislarryislove
Summary: Madi kom Louwoda Kliron was hidden from the Flamekeeper’s scouts by her mother. But Heda Lexa kom Louwoda Kliron found her -- and trained her in secret. Madi was never supposed to become the Commander, unless something went terribly wrong and there was no other option.
But, of course, something went terribly wrong.
You're All I Have - Eligius IV!Levitt on Bardo! (Rated T) [Levitt & OC] by @thedefinitionofendgame
Summary: "It was nights when the sky was dark and the moon shone full that Levitt liked the best. He, Jerom and Lupe would climb up to the roof of Jerom’s apartment building and howl at the moon like wolves. Fitting, as both Lupe and Levitt’s name meant wolf. With their matching dark brown hair and eyes, it was like they were perfect grey wolves in the night. Jerom’s blond hair and blue eyes didn’t really fit with the wolf vibe, but he was an honorary member. They made their own pack and Levitt wouldn’t change it for the world.
All the Winners can be found here.
We hope you enjoy these Canonverse fics from our talented authors! Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show them some love! And don’t forget, if you missed the initial deadline you can still submit your Conclave fics to our Non-Anon Collection at any time!
Thanks so much for participating in this challenge, Tropesters! Now that winners and authors have been revealed, feel free to post about your fic, and don’t forget to tag us! See you this Summer for TROPED VISUAL!!!!!
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codenamewitcher · 8 years
Heda Y/N kom Podakru Pt 2 || J. Murphy
Part One
John Murphy x Reader
Requested by @aya-fay
Louwoda Kliron - Shadow Valley
Boudalan - Rock Line
1628 Words
Hand to hand combat has always been a weakness of mine, so because of that, I trained in hand to hand combat twice a day.
I stared my component in the eyes, waiting for him to make the first move, I had my fist in front of my face, arms lowered to protect my chest, and right in front of my left, feet shoulder width apart.
I had a big crowd around me, wanting to see their new Commander fight. One person stood out in the crowd, John. My eyes flickered over to him, but before I could get a good look at him, my opponent was charging at me.
He went to throw a punch to my side, but I grabbed his fist, moving it to my side, and spinning to kick his legs out from under him. As he fell down to the ground, I was quick to twist his arm behind him, and shove his face into the dirt with my foot.
I shoved his arm down, lifting my foot off his skull, pissed that there was no challenge. I turned around and walked to John, a smirk on his face.
"I didn't know you were such a good fighter." He said.
"Well I have to, you know being Commander and all." He laughed.
"So how's Commander life treating you and all?"
"Its not as glorious as it seems, trust me." I speak quietly so only he hears me.
"Well, want to spend the day Commander free?" I looked at him in disbelief.
"I can't do that John, simply stop being Commander for the day."
"That's not what I meant and you know it." I sighed, looking away from his deep blue eyes that reminded me of home.
"People will still treat me like Commander." I looked back at him.
"Who said we were going to be in public?" We shared a look and cracked smiles.
"Okay, well before we do that, why don't you show me that wooden horse that brought you in my path?" I held out my hand, his smile turned into a smirk.
"Alright," he grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowd to the bender.
We walked up to a table, a lady sitting behind craving another figurine with nibble fingers.
"May I?" John asked the bender pointing at a carefully carven horse, she had a hint of hesitation, but seen me, and nodded going but to her work. "This is it," he said, carefully picking up the horse as if it was a thin piece of glass, and showed it to me, eyes wide like a child's; my heart swelled.
"It's beautiful," I said, taking the wooden horse from his hands, looking at how carefully and delicately it was craven. I hand it back to John and dig through my bag, look for something to trade for the horse.
I found a roll of bread and hand it to the lady, she nodded a thank you, and we left.
"You didn't have to do that."
"I know, but I wanted to." I answered as we left Polis and into the forest.
"Because we wouldn't have met if it wasn't for it, you were into it, and I just flat out wanted to." As I said those words, he stated at me for the longest time. "What?" I asked, looking back at him.
"You barely know me and you're being so nice." He said in disbelief.
"Why is it so hard to believe? Have you been treated that badly?" I asked lightly laying my hand on his arm, he looked down at my hand.
"Yeah, I have." He admitted, I squeezed his arm in comfort.
"Well, if I have anything to do with it, you won't be, as long as you don't do something stupid where I have to kill you." I said jokingly, he chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry John, I don't know what happened, but I can guarantee that you didn't deserve it."
"How do you know that?"
"Because no one should go through the pain of loneliness and self hate." By now we'd stopped in the middle of the forest, I cupped his face. "And if you ever need to talk about any of it or anything else, I'm here."
"Thank you," he said, sadness shining in his deep blue eyes, it broke my heart.
"Any time," I dropped my hand from his cheek. "Now, how about that Commander free day?" I asked, tilting my head and smiling.
"Alright," he smirked, taking my hand and leading me deeper into the forest. We came up to a clearing filled with radioactive flowers, I could only imagine what it looked like at night.
"It's beautiful," I whispered, letting go of his hand, and walking to the center, looking up at the tree canopy, and inspecting the ruins of old civilizations that vegetation grew on.
"Have you never seen something like this before?" John asked, taking a step closer to me.
"No," I breathe. "Well yes, but just glimpse, never like this. I grew up by a lake, there wasn't old buildings or ruins where I lived, but trees, flowers, water, grass, and so on. All of this is new to me, in a way."
"What was it like growing up there?" John asked, sitting down on the clobber stone path that was covered and broken apart by weeds and grass, I sit with him.
"I was raised like any other grounder, but our skills involved blending in with the water, hiding underneath, blending in with our surroundings. Each Clan has its own specialty like Louwoda Kliron, the Shadow Valley people, they hide in the shadows, hunt in the night, they pretty much live in the dark. Boudalan live in the rocks, in canons, they know how to live, and fight there. All grounder clans are raised to fight, but we are raised to fight in our surroundings, it's our strong suit."
"Did they know you where a Nightblood?" His eyes wide with wonder.
"My Clan? No, not until I got into a fight a week ago and my blood got spilt." I said, looking down at my crossed ankles.
"What about your parents, did they know?"
"Yes, but they didn't want me to be raised that way. My mother was Nightblood and raised the same way, her mother faked a miscarriage, sent my mother off with her father, and she was killed that week in the Conclave. My grandparents didn't want that life for their child and neither did my mother, but here I am."
"Well if this helps any, I think you'll make an excellent leader." John said, grabbing my hand, squeezing it.
"Thank you," I look back up into his eyes. "What about you, how are Skaikru raised?"
He let out a humorless laugh and looked down in his lap, then back up into my eyes. "Kinda how you were raised, minus the fighting. We lived in sectors, the sector you lived in determined your class, job, and rationings. We had schooling, like Earth Skills and Earth History, boring classes like they had before the war. And if you broke a law, you were floated, because they seen it as if someone isn't going to listen, then why should they be breathing air that can be used for someone else." He said the words with pain.
"I'm sorry," I reached over and hugged him, it took him a moment to react, but he finally wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away, looking into his tear filled eyes, I wiped away the tears with my thumbs, and tilted his head up.
I scoot closer to him, our faces inches apart. "May I?" I asked in reference to kissing him, he nodded his head. My eyelids flutter shut as our lips connected.
It was slow, both of us in pain, not wanting to hunt the other more than they already were. I snaked my arms around his neck, bringing our lips closer, if possible, as John speed up the kiss, no longer scared. He cupped my cheek with one hand and wrapped his other arm around my waist, pulling me into his lap.
We broke apart for air, our chest rising up and down, wild looks in our eyes. His finger tips lightly graze my forehead and cheek as he moved a piece of hair out of my face.
"You're so beautiful." He breathed, in a daze by my quote on quote 'beauty'.
"Thank you?" My voice questioned, not knowing how to respond, we both brust out in laughter.
"No problem," A smirk was prominent on his features. I looked up at the darkening sky, surprised at how fast the day went by, and back down at John. "I should be going back."
"I promised a Commander free day, not yet."
"They need their Commander."
"They went without one for a week, they can live a full day without you." I stared in his dark blue eyes for the longest time, debating on whether I should give in or go back.
"Okay," he cracked a huge smile and laid me down on the ground, he all his weight on his knees and hands as he stood over me, looking me in the eyes.
In a quick movement, he pecked my lips, and laid down besides me before I could kiss back, laughing.
"I'm glad you decided to stay." He spoke up once his laughter died down.
I turn into his side, cuddling into him. "I am too."
And we laid there, in the same spot, for the rest of the night. Silence between us, not minding it, because we were in each other company as we slowly fell asleep in the forest glowing bright with radioactivity.
A/N: I made up how the grounders grew up, and how the different clans are portrayed, because there wasn't a lot of information on them so I went off how I thought it'd be like. And again I got my translations and clan names from The 100 Wikia.
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
the 100  tags  
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sometimesrosy · 8 years
Where do you think the other clans are from? Skaikru is space, Trikru is the trees/forest, Azgeda is snow/ice, Flokru is water/ocean, idk the other clan names right now, but do you have any ideas of where they originate?
Trikru or Trigeda (Forest People)
Azgeda (Ice Nation)
Floukru (Boat People)
Sankru (Desert People)
Yujleda (Broadleaf Clan)
Ouskejon Kru (Blue Cliff)
Delfikru (Delphi)
Trishana Kru (Bright Forest)
Podakru (Lake People)
Ingranrona Kru (Riders of the Plains)
Boudalan Kru (People of the Rocks)
Louwoda Kliron (Shallow Valley)
Head over here for the symbols to go with them
you know, I’ve seen maps for where people think all the tribes are and it’s usually spread out over the whole eastern half of the united states, and none of them make sense to me, simply because it would take far too long for everyone to travel. They don’t have cars or trains or planes, and they barely have boats. So they really should only be allying with tribes that are relatively near, where they can trade and or even fight with. I feel like it should be a much smaller geographical area than people imply. They should be limited by the distance they can travel on horse back or foot. 
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