#lov found family
cremateyourlife · 23 days
"All For One, give Shigaraki back. His friends are waiting for him"
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whywouldisayprinter · 18 days
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Sleepover time
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
The first time pro hero Hawks experiences jealousy is within the base of the infamous league of villains, a one room apartment falling down on itself. He ignores the tiny room that barely fits all eight of them, the caved in ceiling that would be dripping wet whenever it rains, or even the paper thin walls. Instead he focuses on how Mr. Compress is forcing a grumbling Dabi to finish his food. He sees Shigaraki lying down on Twice's thigh - ignoring everyone around him, contoller in hand, yet making a noise whenever Twice moves away - as said man is chatting with Toga as he fixes her hair. He hears Kurogiri and Spinner whispering somewhere behind him about pretty red eyes and how to get noticed by villainous leaders.
Hawks stands in the middle of this shitty apartment, thinking about his clean and fully furnished penthouse, not an object out of place(because no one stays long enough to make a mess). He thinks about his late night dinners with more food he could ever hope to finish(yet no one to share it with). He remembers all the love and adoration he gets from all his fans around the world, but the neverending emptiness is still there.
Keigo has never felt more alone even with the endless chatter of the people he is supposed to betray near. But when Dabi walks his way while complaining about all the vegetables he was made to eat and a Toga tugging at his hero uniform - showing off the glittering nails Twice painted on her - Keigo thinks that maybe, just maybe he could have a home here too.
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lgbtlunaverse · 8 months
A group of misfits outside of society
So I saw this post the other day talking about how toga is never truly treated as "the girl one" in the league despite, after Magne died, being the only female member. And it got me thinking about how no matter how endearing the protective found family dynamics in fics are, she's never actually treated like the baby of the group either. After mustard is arrested in basically their first mission, she is the youngest member by several years and the only one who's still a teenager.
But if you look purely at the league's interactions, you wouldn't really be able to tell? No one tells her to stay home for dangerous missions, no one babies her, she's never dismissed based on still being a child either.
This becomes especially obvious in her friendship with twice. Twice is only like a year apart from aizawa in age, and toga is in the age range of a highschool sutdent, but if you compare the relationship the UA kids have with aizawa to the one toga has with twice, they could not possibly be more different.
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Jin and Himiko are not a mentor-student dynamic. These are two people finding understanding in each other when they've never gotten it anywhere else. Jin looks out for her not because she's under his care, but because they're friends. And Himiko does exactly the same.
Objectively it's... obviously kind of a bad idea to let a 17 year old go out into life threatening battles without even the minimum protection the hero students are offered, but the league is a supervillain group. They're committing murder and doing domestic terrorism. None of these people should be here, this isnt't safe for any of them. What this highlight is just what the league is for all the people in it: a place away from society. Not just from stigma around their quirks or from hero-worship, but ALL societal norms. Including ideas about gender and mental illness and about what teenager should or shouldn't be doing. That's why it attracted people like Magne, Twice, and Himiko.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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(OLD OC SKETCHES) Meet Sunnabelle Von Sunnoviche, final daughter of the Sunnoviche family. Peeking from behind a window, she witnessed a wizards final spell, one that reduced the world to a wasteland. Her noble blood damned her to [HELL], but unwanting to suffer with her family, she made a deal with the devil. She now hunts in his name. The top of her head was taken by the blast on that day. The fires of her spirit have boiled her blood into a super-heated plasma.
#luckys original content#GRAAHH MY OCS OCS IM SORRY MY OCS I NEVER FUCKIN DRAWW YYAALLL#i was cleanin stuff on my pc again n found a buncha stray doodles of her that i made like. 1 or 2 yrs ago. so i cooked em into smth edible#shes a gunslinger rogue i think! mechanically aasimar bc plasma blood#played her once for a very teeny tiny improved oneshot me n some buddies did forever ago#would love to play as her again... someday a cowboy themed game will find me.. n she will live again...#SUNNABELLE VON SUNNOVICHE! the last name was sposed to sound like 'son of a bitch' ehehehe#bc she is ONE HELL ofa son ofa bitch. shes mean shes short tempered she takes NO SHIT#and she loses her mmIIIIND when she meets a delightfully stupid pretty person#i didnt play her for long so her personality hasnt evolved that far. thats the fun thing abt playing characters! u meet them when u play em#SUNNABELLE FUNFACTS: she is the 6th child of 11 siblings. middlest a middle child can be. bc o this she was often overlooked or ignored#she grew up in a family of obnoxiously rich nobles. all the other siblings were trained and focused on to be the best a sunnoviche can be#meanwhile. sunnabelle often stuck to herself. drawing and creating little fantasy worlds. was always a fan of wild wests n cowboys n guns#she was the only one that saw the WIZARD coming. she was peering over a window when the blast went off. taking the top of her head#GUHH IM ACTULY SO PROUDA HER DESIGN SHE LOOKS SO COOL.. LIKE WHATS WITH THE PLASMA HOW DID I DRAW THAT SO WELL. IM SO PROUD.#I lov all the sun symbolism.. its so fun.. what a fun character ive made.. hell yeah.... anyway hope u guys like her too.#if u got questions ive got ANSWERS!!! my askbox is always open. im pretty sure.
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silversynaesthesia · 11 months
Toga: I love that take out can mean food, dating, or murder
Mr Compress: If you're a praying mantis, it can be all three at once
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I think they deserve some vacations
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twyz · 1 year
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Hello my hero fandom, I've returned after a decade <3
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derpymidnight · 2 years
No but Dabi and Tomura had sisters too!!! Just imagine Toga warming up to them so quickly wanting an older brother and Dabi immediately and subconsciously seeing her as such but Tomura just trying to push Toga away.
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gradelstuff · 1 year
Holiday Story - Mr. Compress's Day Off
Finally recording the rest of these Here is Compress's trust story in MHUI, featuring his amazing pickpocketing skills!
Favorite part:
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cowardlybean · 5 months
does anyone want a little drabble that no longer fits into the fic it was supposed to be for :3
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thesakuragarnet · 7 months
Birthday (LOV Found Family Vibes)
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'Twice: Hey, Dabi, why are you drinking so much on a Monday afternoon?' 
'Dabi: I'm trying to forget tomorrow is my birthday.'
Tags: slight DabiHawks, implied sexual content, swearing, found family, some blood (see GIF), hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, drinking
Word Count: 1,767 words
AO3 link
The sounds of party horns jolt Dabi out of his alcohol-induced slumber, making his hangover headache infinitely worse. 
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screams as he jerks upright, sitting straight up on the couch as Toga and Twice jump around him with the obnoxious noisemakers while Hawks and Spinner pop confetti cannons. 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DABI!" Toga shrieks at the top of her lungs, and Toya puts his head in his hands, palming his forehead aggressively as he remembers the conversation from the night before. 
'Twice: Hey, Dabi, why are you drinking so much on a Monday afternoon?' 
'Dabi: I'm trying to forget tomorrow is my birthday.'
Granted, he was already a bottle and a half in at that point, which is why he'd let it slip. Regretfully, his Quirk made it impossible to get alcohol poisoning; his body processed it too fast to fuel his flames, meaning he sobered up almost as quickly as he became intoxicated. 
Twice and Toga continue to chant and sing, jumping up and down as Dabi blinks, taking in the scene. There's an obnoxious "Happy Birthday" banner that looks like it was dragged out of a trash can and an obscene amount of balloons in the corner (which is an extreme fire hazard).
"HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Toga and Twice scream in unison, dancing with one another.
"Come on, make a wish!" Hawks' voice is suddenly in his ear, and Dabi turns his head to see a sorry excuse for a cake with a crude "24" in the center written in icing. The candles are unlit. Between the racing adrenaline from being scared awake, the overwhelming noise of the dynamic duo, and all of the bright colors, it tips Dabi over the edge. Smoke curls out of the side of his mouth as he grits his teeth, glaring up at his boyfriend. 
He shoves the cake into Hawks' face, and Toga and Twice stop singing while Spinner's party horn comically trails off in a melancholy note. 
"WHAT PART OF I WAS DRINKING TO FORGET MY BIRTHDAY DID YOU IDIOTS NOT UNDERSTAND?! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" He screams angrily before getting up and storming to his room, slamming the door behind him. 
"I knew it was a bad idea!" Shigaraki calls from the bar, too busy playing his Nintendo to bother with the festivities. Hawks sends his feathers to grab a towel and slowly rubs the cake off his face. 
"I told you go with blue icing but nooooo," Spinner mutters sarcastically, waving his hands as if that's the real reason Dabi got pissed. Hawks rolls his eyes, throwing the remains of the cake away before he walks toward Dabi's bedroom. 
Knock. Knock. Knock. 
Hawks waits patiently for Dabi to open the door, but the villain doesn't hear him knocking. Instead, Toya's staring up at his ceiling with his earbuds in his ears, blaring his typical angsty emo music to drown out everything around him. He hated his birthday. Growing up, he didn't really have friends. No one ever showed up to the birthday parties, no matter how many invitations he handed out to his classmates or how many emails his mom sent. Thus, Toya's birthdays were strictly family affairs. Ever since his accident, after he came home to find his death wasn't enough to change his father, family was a bad taste in his mouth. It didn't help that Shoto's birthday was a week before his; it hung over his head like an impending raincloud of doom, reminding him of what was coming...and what was missing. He used to have fun on his birthday, spending time with Natsuo and Fuyumi; hell, even with his mom and his dad...before Shoto came along. Then, everything changed. Every birthday he'd had since was incredibly shitty and always left him feeling more empty and forgotten. In fact, this was the first time anyone had wished him happy birthday in ten years. 
Flit. Flit. Flit. 
Dabi takes out his earbuds when he sees a red feather twirling up above his head, twisting and pointing toward the door. The scarred man exhales dramatically through his nose as he stalks toward the door, unlocking it and opening it.
"What do you want," He snaps, making Hawks flinch.
"To...uh...I don't know," Hawks trails off, twiddling his thumbs in defeat. Dabi sighs and jerks his head back, gesturing for Hawks to come in as he steps to the side. He closes the door behind his boyfriend, who awkwardly sits on the edge of the bed. 
"So...wanna tell me what all that was about?" Hawks offers hesitantly. Dabi's clenched jaw and stone-cold expression don't change. 
Hawks' wings droop; he should've anticipated that answer, but it wasn't the one he was hoping for. Dabi walks over to the singular window before he leans up against the wall, staring at the sunrise through the fire escape. 
"There anything I can do?" Hawks asks eagerly, deciding to try a different approach. 
"No," Dabi repeats monotonously. Hawks' eyes narrow, and he scrunches up his face in thought before his expression softens. Dabi's attention shifts from the color-changing sky to his boyfriend as he suddenly feels hands unbuckling his belt. 
"You sure?" Hawks murmurs seductively as he starts to unzip Dabi's pants. 
"GET OFF ME!" Dabi seethes, eyes flashing in irritation as he roughly shoves Hawks before zipping his fly back up and fixing his belt. The Pro lands on his wings, grimacing in pain and frowning in confusion.
"WHAT PART OF LEAVE ME ALONE DIDN'T YOU GET? YOU'RE A FUCKING PRO HERO! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND BASIC SOCIAL CUES!" The villain shouts, anxiously pulling at his hair before stomping out and slamming the door behind him. 
"Can't even get fucking peace in my own space," Dabi mutters bitterly as he crosses his arms, feeling his chest tighten from all the stress and pent-up emotions. He was so used to spending birthdays alone. He opens the door to the hallway bathroom and locks it, slowly sinking to the floor up against the door. He nervously chews his scarred bottom lip, trying to repress memories from when he was actually happy, but to no avail. Blood seeps beneath his eye scars, and his shattered breathing is barely audible. This is the only way he can cry. 
While Dabi spent all day locked in the bathroom, the League held an emergency meeting.
"We can't just let him feel so shitty on his birthday!" Toga pouts, putting her head down on the table. 
"I concur! Why not!" Twice shakes his head in agreement, and Spinner groans. 
"I think we should just leave the guy alone. We've clearly fucked up. Let's not make it any worse," The lizard points out, but Toga and Twice protest. 
"We're family! Plus, do we all really want him to stay mad at us? You know how much of a vengeful bitch he can be," Toga adds.
"We don't know the first thing about the burnt bastard. Where do we even start?" Shigaraki grumbles, putting up his Switch to enter the conversation. Kurogiri, who sits at the head of the table, turns to Hawks, who is staring off into space. 
"Ahem," The wispy man grunts, jarring the Pro out of his daydreams. 
"Yeah?" Hawks mutters as if waiting for instructions. 
"Well, you're his partner, or...whatever. Do you know what he likes?" Compress offers, gesturing to Hawks. 
A smile plays at the hero's lips.
"As a matter of fact. I do."
Dabi jolts awake, still propped up against the bathroom door, and immediately gets to his feet. 
"WHAT DID I SAY ABOU-" His angry tirade stops short as he yanks open the door to find no one on the other side. He raises his eyebrow, poking his head out into the hallway, but there's no sign of life. It's pitch-black outside all of the windows. 
He looks down to find a note under his boot with an arrow pointing to the left and the words "FOLLOW ME" scrawled in Twice's messy handwriting. Dabi's curiosity gets the best of him; besides, what are the odds that this is something important? Dabi walks down the hallway and finds a suspicious bottle of Captain Morgan sitting at the foot of the stairs, along with another arrow pointing up the winding staircase with the words "THIS WAY" in Toga's pink cursive. 
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," He sighs, shaking his head as he snatches the bottle and makes the long trek up and up and up until, finally, he reaches the door that leads to the rooftop. In front of the door is a little cardboard box and on the door is another sheet of paper that says: "OPEN" in big letters and "the box and the door" in small letters, presumably Spinner's. 
"This is stupid," The villain gripes as he rips open the small box. Inside is a laminated card that reads "No one will bother you until sunrise" in Kurogiri's calligraphy. A content smirk plays at Dabi's lips as he shoves the card in his pocket before he roughly shoves the door open. 
Toya's breath is taken away. He'd never been to the rooftop at night, and he was vehemently regretting that he hadn't. In the dead of night, because they live in the shadier part of town, the night sky is visibly filled with glittering stars. In the center of the rooftop, a hammock rests between two steel posts. Beside the hammock sits a foldable table with a singular piece of cake on a paper plate; a candle burns brightly in the center of the dessert. Dabi is trying so hard not to smile, but he feels an achingly familiar feeling in his chest that he thought would never spark again. He walks over to the table and sees one last sheet of paper, folded up beneath the plate like a card. He opens it. 
Our shitty family isn't complete without you. Hope this makes up for fucking up so bad.
- Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, Mister Compress, Kurogiri, Spinner, & Hawks
The fact that they all willingly did this. Maybe it wasn't so bad. Truthfully, this morning had been terrible. It was obnoxious, excruciating, and all around too much. But this. This was what he appreciated because it was tailored specifically to him. Lowkey, subtle, yet meaningful. He knew Hawks had a large part in this. He's the only person that he ever told about his love of stargazing. Maybe he'd burn him later for spilling a guarded secret, but, for now, he was...happy.
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whywouldisayprinter · 18 days
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Sleepover time
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
kiss day w/ platonic lov (ft. dbhwks tgch)
From the moment Hawks had arrived on the league base, he had seen everyone shower their youngest member with kisses. A kiss on the cheek from Twice, making her giggle with all his contradictions, with an awkward Spinner sneakily pecking her other cheek. Mr. Compress w/ all his theatrics going as far as to go on one knee just to kiss their princess on the back of her hand. A sleep rumpled Shigaraki giving her a kiss on the forehead without a second thought, as if it's just an everyday occurrence for the villains. Even his grumpy boyfriend, who's like a rabid wet cat on a good day, just sighed in defeat and placed a silent kiss on her temple, making the small girl shriek with joy.
Hawks was smiling to himself seeing the tiny affection that the big, bad villains harbor for their youngest that he was completely blindsided when a pair of golden eyes swiveled to him. It was only after a few minutes of Toga watching him expectantly that he got the memo, making him almost tear up to be included in such a intimate tradition. Smiling shakily, he pressed his lips on the tips of her nose, making her face scrunch up. Ignoring Dabi's taunts of him pecking like a chicken is all worth it for the absolute gummy wide smile that accompanied the teen the whole day.
Ochako had seen all her classmates celebrate kiss day in different ways, from the bakusquad teasingly kissing an exploding bakugo to momo making a very hyperrealistic pair of lips that she presented to everyone with a smile. Don't get her wrong, she enjoyed her day, but the longing for something for herself would always be there. Imagine her surprise when she's about to go to bed and finds a handkerchief with a kissmark, tied around a rose. Blood red rose. Blush tinted kiss mark. It was no question who it was from. Maybe in the future her villainous admirer would have the guts to actually kiss her in person, but for now, Ochako would hold her gifts close in the darkness of the night.
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doctorweebmd · 6 days
Do you guys even know how hype I am
Do you realize
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Why are toga and touya such an excellent duo actually? together with twice they truly were a group of no thoughts just vibes and i think that's lovely there is a lot of fanfiction opportunities there 😭
they're quite fun indeed. I didn't realize this at first but I tend to make Dabi gravitate around those two in my fics too. It's really entertaining to have two oddballs interact with Dabi because he's so emotionally constipated and aloof while they're everything but. I like that take on their dynamic where he, like... doesn't realize they are his friends until Toga is chewing on his ankle and Twice is hugging his middle and Dabi feels only mildly murderous but mostly just Done with every choice in his life that led to that specific situation
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