#love : modest by default
malkahpariyz · 1 year
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modest fashion | luxury | feminism | elegance | softgirl
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lets inspire each other to be and feel beautiful, extraordinary, confident, and creative with our modest fashion…
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Paris Dior has coined the phrase as Modest Chic and has coined the term: Modest Modifications. You heard it here first.
This blog is Paris Dior’s take on modern modesty in her own fashion style she has called Modest Chic.
- The Modest Blog
Update 2024:
I am launching my modest wear collection soon! Go check it out on my website and Instagram.
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We are going to have so much fashion fun together my fellow malkahs. One love 🤎
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mybackiskillingmebb · 4 months
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[find modest by default's entire discography for download for free here or on bandcamp (name your price)]
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On streaming and cancellation
Wanted to get a bit off my chest about the Dead Boy Detectives cancellation and the state of television today, so this is going to be a bit of a ramble/rant.
I know that Dead Boy Detectives cannot have been the cheapest or least challenging show to film in the Netflix Originals lineup. I am very grateful that Netflix picked it up in the first place, because the alternative seems to have been that it would have quietly moldered after having been dropped by HBO.
And I know that the realities and financials of the business of television are very different now than they have been in the past. I’m pretty sure they’re a black box to most people now, because Netflix sure isn’t sharing the fine details of how they are making those financial decisions, and their only real important metric seems to be “subscription number goes up.”
But I’m so exhausted by this current model, which seems to launch fans into the “bargaining” mode of grieving by default, even before the show gets cancelled.
As a fan, I should not be worried about whether I found and started watching the show quickly enough, or whether I should have watched more of it sooner. (I think my first watch-through ended just within that first month).
As a fan, I should not be worried about whether I posted enough, or did enough to evangelize about the show. (I like talking about stuff that I like, but I am personally uncomfortable with evangelizing about anything.)
As a fan, it is not my job to be an influencer, or the unpaid wing of Netflix’s marketing department. (And if I was going to be, oh, I have so many ideas about improvements they could make… but those improvements would probably exceed their modest in-house marketing budget. And again, not my job.)
As a fan, my only job is to love the show, and I do, and I did. So, so much. (I made it through nearly six complete rewatches; I was halfway through episode six again when I heard the news — and that’s not me putting on the show in the background, that’s actively watching each time — and they should know that from the number of times I rewound certain scenes. I had to stop putting it on while I was cooking because I kept missing parts I wanted to see more closely.)
And I know that as much as I loved this show, there are so many other fans out there who loved it that much more.
So it’s disheartening to hear that the show supposedly didn’t have the numbers or the engagement, but it’s also disheartening to see fans feel like this is something we could have prevented. Because I’m pretty sure we couldn’t.
Netflix doesn’t want to see that the show is critically acclaimed (it is!), or that people who like it really like it (they do!). The fact that it’s really good is great, but at the end of the day they’re not that interested.
They want to know that it’s something that will gain them subscribers. They want to see that it’s a sure thing that will make them back their money. (And this sentiment is not exclusive to Netflix, of course; any streamer, any studio has the same concerns at this point.)
And Season Two would probably cost more than Season One. Honestly, if we had gotten a Season Two I would have wanted them to give a bit more time and money to Season Two than Season One, because as great as it was, I feel like I could see places where the show was held back from being even better.
There’s nothing that I can do, as a fan, to let Netflix know that Dead Boy Detectives Season Two would have been a sure thing that would absolutely make them back their money. All I could have done is to go on loving the show, and telling other people about how much I love the show, and I think in time it absolutely would have found a wider audience of people who loved it.
Netflix used to be one of those companies that thrived (or at least, claimed to thrive) on the long tail, on people discovering the things that they loved and spoke specifically to them (maybe long after they were made), over and over and over again. It’s not that anymore. And I’m not even sure that the execs have ever thought of the Netflix Originals in that context.
And that’s sad for us, but it’s also sad for them, because here’s the thing:
We’re now in a climate where all of the major streamers are raising rates while also trying to maintain their user base. And that makes sense, from a certain point of view — content, licensed or in-house — is ultimately expensive. At the same time, everyone wants subscriber counts to go up, even as they start to reach saturation.
So then we start hearing streamers bemoaning churn — people signing up for a few months and then cancelling, and then coming back months or a year later to sign up for a few months again. That’s not steady or reliable income. And every time you lose someone to a cancellation, there’s a chance that they might find something else to occupy their time (could be another streaming service, could be their DVD collection, or woodworking), and they might take longer the next time to come back. Or they might not come back at all.
And to me, if you want a steady user base, then you want people that want to rewatch your content. You want people to find their comfort shows. You want people to find things that they don’t just like, but love, and especially to have confidence that you can offer them those things, and that you will help them find them.
But that’s just me, and I’m feeling old and tired now. I’m one of those people who can’t afford to spend more on streaming and who doesn’t like ads, and is eyeing my subscription change at the end of the month now that Basic is going away.
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
Curtis Parents hcs let’s goooooo
I don’t know why. But Mrs. Curtis was definitely a spring or summer baby.
Her name was Carolina but she went by Lina! Or CC. Me. Curtis called her CC when they got married
I like to think she was kind of a petite woman-she had the thickest hair imaginable. She was seriously beautiful (I mean…look at her kids)
She had this waist length, wavy, golden hair and these bright green eyes. She definitely had a more doe like look.
She used to love eye makeup. Mr Curtis used to call her Bambi because she looked so deer like sometimes with her eyes lol
She loved sundresses and bright colors and often wore a white dress with yellow flower prints on them. That was Pony’s favorite af least.
Mr. Curtis was definitely a load taller than her
He canonically looks like Darry-I’m imagining him to have these grey eyes-or maybe brown! Maybe even heterochromia honestly! One brown eye and one grey eye.
He used to be a shop class teacher at the high school! He had Darry in his class actually. He taught Darry how to start woodworking and the tips and tricks, hence why he roofs homes now. He feels like he’s with his father when we’ve he goes
He was definitely bigger in build and looked SO scary but he was the goofiest man ever
Take Soda, put him on steroids and you have Mr. Curtis. He was def a favorite teacher and the school mourned when he died.
The two met on a blind date! Mrs. Curtis wore her yellow dress and that’s how they ended up finding each other
They’re interfaith! Mrs. Curtis was Jewish and Mr. Curtis was Catholic.
Their first date was to a fair and out for dinner. They go to fairs a lot, and they had their first kiss at the top of a ferris wheel I’m calling it
Mr. Curtis had a LOT of pet names for her.
He’d call her Daffodil a lot because she had one in her hair when they first met 😭🙏
Bless his heart
Neither of them had big families-Mrs. Curtis was raised in a modest house-she didn’t have much growing up but it taught her to be a hard worker
Mr Curtis was honestly the same-except he had it a lot worse
He didn’t get to eat often so whenever his family was eating he would say his stomach hurt at dinner all the time and would wait for everyone else to have their fill before saying he would “try to eat” (this was a plot to make sure everyone was fed before him)
Darry learned this from him tbh
Their wedding was suuuuuper fun tho-they both have big extended families and they were able to throw a really big ceremony for them
Mr. Curtis BAWLED when she walked down the aisle
She even had a daffodil in her hair
Nrs. Curtis got pregnant with Darey on their honeymoon. They were pretty young when they had him-they’d canonically be at least in their early 20s
They were so confused when Darry popped out with blue eyes 😭
It was her idea to name him Darrel too. She thought he looked just like him, even as a baby
Aftee him they wanted another baby (Mrs. Curtis got HORRID baby fever) and they had one-but unfortunately that baby didn’t make it.
Soda was a rainbow baby by default-they told him and he thought that meant he was born rainbow
She did NOT wanna name him Sodapop but Mr. Curtis was very persuasive
By the time Ponyboy came along she gave up and let him name him Ponyboy 😭
Mrs. Curtis worked as a kindergarten teacher! The kids called her Miss Sunshine a lot because of her hair and the bright colors she wore
She was super good at music! She used to do club performances when her and Mr. Curtis were dating (just singing and playing piano) and Mr. Curtis immediately fell in love with her
She taught Darry and Pony how to sing and play piano. Soda had n interest lol
She also loved nature! Mr. Curtis did too-he was like a big puppy who just constantly needed attention and to be outside lol
They went brid watching a lot too!
Mrs. Curtis had a super sweet and soft voice and Mr. Curtis had the thickest accent ever 😭
Mr. Curtis was a lot like Bandit from Bluey. That’s the best comparison I can make-he was super goofy and fun loving but he was always putting his kids before anything else
When the Curtis brothers buried their parents they put daffodils on both their graves. They can’t look at daffodils anymore without tearing up or crying
That’s all for now! Should I do a pt. 2?
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adhd-merlin · 4 months
in all ways but one
Relationships: Arthur/Lancelot; background Arthur/Gwen Rating: Gen Length: 2,500 words Summary: The homosexual side of the classic Arthurian love triangle, featuring jealousy, repressed bisexuals, and Unresolved Sexual Tension. Literally just this:
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It's all easy enough to ignore, at first. A lingering glance here, a fond smile there – things easy to brush off and hard to notice, unless someone were looking for the signs. Arthur notices.
"In all ways but one, Lancelot was a man of honour." — Arthur in episode 4x09 (Lancelot Du Lac)
After Lancelot gets knighted for the third time, and for the first time properly, there is still a certain awkwardness between him and Gwen. From the sidelines, Arthur watches them soldier on and ignore it for the sake of courtly manners, and probably for his sake, too. That which resolve has started, time finishes, slowly wearing away the thin layer of stiff formality between them.
Given he loves them both, Arthur should be glad of their rediscovered friendship. Sometimes he is. Other times, he has to remind himself to be.
It's all easy enough to ignore, at first. A lingering glance here, a fond smile there – things easy to brush off and hard to notice, unless someone were looking for the signs. Arthur notices.
He trusts them both with his life, which is why he says nothing. Gwen acts with the ease that only a guilt-free conscience can grant, and Arthur is almost as sure of Lancelot's love as he is of Gwen's. Neither of them would ever cross the line.
And yet.
And yet, it's difficult for Arthur to keep his jealousy at bay when he knows, deep down, that he won that initial fight for Gwen’s heart not by his own strength, but by default. He has tried not to wonder whose side Gwen would be sitting at if Lancelot had not left, but sometimes he falls into temptation. He’s come up with different answers at different times.
For Gwen’s first anniversary as queen, Arthur arranges a great feast and a tournament. Not very original, according to Merlin, but Gwen seems pleased. Even more so when Lancelot kneels at her feet and humbly begs her to allow him to fight in her honour. She accepts.
The next day, Arthur fights Lancelot at training. His blows, perhaps, land a bit harder than usual, and he might throw Lancelot on the ground with more force than strictly necessary. Lancelot says nothing. Arthur's right arm is so bruised afterwards that it hurts to lift anything heavier than a goblet of wine for an entire day.
The day of the tournament, Arthur plasters on a smile as he watches Gwen tie her monogrammed silk handkerchief around Lancelot's arm. He thinks of the much humbler favour she gave him, years ago, right before he kissed her for the first time. As they sit on the royal dais, watching the tournament, Arthur has to endure every one of Gwen's soft gasps and sighs of relief as Lancelot works his way through his opponents with single-minded efficiency. He wins the tournament, of course. Arthur wasn't expecting any less.
He will not humiliate himself or wrong them by asking them to stop.
And to stop doing what, exactly? They haven't breached any law of propriety, unless perhaps in spirit, in the privacy of their own hearts, which Arthur prefers to remain ignorant about.
At times, Arthur thinks it would be easier to bear it if he did not care for Lancelot as much as he does. He still feels indebted to him for stepping aside, with his customary grace, when it was clear that Gwen’s affections did not lie where Arthur had hoped.
And he understands entirely what drew Gwen to Lancelot – he might not have been a prince, and he's not a king, but he's as valiant a knight as Arthur ever was, true-hearted, chivalrous, and with a spirit noble enough to make up for his humble origins.
He's a few more things besides, things Arthur could never aspire to be – patient, sensitive, modest. Lancelot would not throw his goblet at his servant in a fit of anger, not even one as disrespectful as Merlin. He would not brag about his fighting skills, even though he's the best swordsman Arthur has ever met. If he were to find out Lancelot reads poetry in his free time, Arthur wouldn't be surprised.
Lancelot is, in short, perfect in every way – with the singular exception of being in love with his king's wife, and even this he does with such selflessness that it is almost enough to wipe away the stain of blame. Almost.
Be it as it may, Arthur can hardly fault the man for loving Gwen. He, of all people, knows very well how hard it is not to.
Despite Arthur’s best intentions, his worry and irritation start to show. They manifest in mean and petty ways, unbecoming of a friend, let alone a king – picking Lancelot for the most unpleasant rounds of patrol, ignoring him in council meetings, being liberal with criticism and stingy with praise on the training field.
Lancelot accepts it all with resigned obedience, which makes Arthur feel even worse.
One afternoon, Lancelot knocks on the door of Arthur's chambers. Gwen isn't there, having left to go explore the market stalls in the lower town. Sometimes, she asks Lancelot to accompany her – not today, it seems.
“Have I displeased you in some way, sire?” Lancelot asks, cutting straight to the point.
Arthur doesn't even lift his eyes from the letter he was writing. “What makes you think so?”
“Your attitude, sire,” Lancelot says, levelly, but with uncharacteristic bluntness. Arthur lifts his eyes then, arching his eyebrows at him. Lancelot meets his gaze, undaunted. “Forgive me, but I must speak the truth. You have always shown me extraordinary kindness, and you have been most gracious in accepting me amongst your knights, despite… what happened in the past–”
“I do not care about your little ruse, Lancelot, I told you,” Arthur interrupts him, jamming his quill in the inkwell. “It's forgiven.”
After a moment’s hesitation, Lancelot looks at Arthur with the same determined expression he wears on the training field, when he's squaring up to an opponent. It is clear he won't be dancing around the obvious any longer. “That isn't what I meant, sire. I do not wish to come between you and the queen.”
Arthur snorts. “Don't be presumptuous. What goes on between Guinevere and me does not concern you.”
“But what goes on between her and me concerns you,” Lancelot says. The withering look Arthur shoots him is not enough to stop him from taking a step forward. “I can see it, sire. I know that Gwen's heart belongs to you entirely, but I fear that my presence here is giving you cause to doubt it, and I do not wish to trouble your peace.” He stands straighter before announcing: “That is why I decided to leave Camelot.”
Panic pierces Arthur’s chest, as sharp and unexpected as a strike from a friend’s sword. “Don't be absurd,” he sneers, trying to mask his agitation with arrogance.
Lancelot maintains his composure. “I'm sorry, sire,” he simply says, and he genuinely looks it.
Arthur springs to his feet so abruptly his chair topples to the floor. Neither of them flinches. He walks around his desk, coming to stand in front of Lancelot. He cannot explain the anger that sweeps through him at Lancelot’s cool resolve.
Suddenly he’s a young prince again, watching the best knight he’s ever met slip through his fingers, and powerless to stop it – an unbearable feeling for a king who’s since grown used to having things go his way. 
“You swore an oath to me and Camelot,” Arthur says, trying to keep his anger from his voice. “To protect us both, and to serve me. Is your word really of so little worth?” A strange leap of association leads him to think of Gwen, left broken-hearted and tearful without so much as a goodbye after a narrow escape from a harrowing ordeal. With a few years’ delay, he feels outraged on her behalf. “Of course, that's your solution to all problems, isn't it, Lancelot? Running away. Guinevere won't be surprised to hear it – you did it once before, after all.”
He can see in Lancelot’s eyes that his words have wounded him, as he intended.
“I did it for you, sire, as much as her,” Lancelot says, quietly. “And it's for the love I bear you both that I beseech you now to release me from my oath.”
Even with a mind clouded by anger, Arthur hears what Lancelot is not saying. “You don't believe she would have chosen me.”
For the first time since he entered Arthur’s chambers, Lancelot's assuredness wavers. “I cannot presume to know what was in her heart,” he replies, but he lowers his eyes as he says it.
“And yet you left.”
“I didn't want to put her in the position of having to make a choice,” Lancelot says, because of course he would be the better man and think of others first, when Arthur was only thinking about himself. “When she confessed her feelings for me, she thought she might not live long enough to see you again.”
Arthur scoffs. “So it didn't count?”
“I only meant that she might not have been as forthright if we had met again under different circumstances.”
“But you don't doubt the truth of what she said,” Arthur insists, like a dog with a bone, not knowing himself what mad urge is driving him to drag the truth out of Lancelot when he's been trying to ignore it for so long.
Lancelot takes a moment to reply. “I believe she meant what she said, at the time,” he says, carefully, “and that she still holds me in esteem, despite what happened. That is all I can hope for. That is more than enough for me.”
“It’s not, though,” Arthur says, shaking his head. “You love her.”
The truth, now bare and undeniable, stands between them. Some emotion, which Arthur cannot name, flits across Lancelot's face at that accusation, like a ripple on the surface of a pond.
“I love her, sire, as much as I love you,” Lancelot says, his eyes as earnest and guileless as they were years ago, when, in a damp and dingy cell, he pleaded Arthur to let him ride at his side on a suicidal mission.
Arthur lets out a single burst of bitter laughter. “No, you don't.”
As he says this, Arthur’s anger evaporates, leaving only hurt in its place. He's not sure what pains him more – that Lancelot's love for Gwen surpasses his commitment to him, or that he would lie to Arthur's face about it.
“But I do, Arthur,” Lancelot protests. “I do.” He looks and sounds distressed, as if Arthur were doing him wrong by not believing him.
Lancelot's eyes search Arthur's face, hoping to find some trace of understanding. There is too much in those eyes – too much trembling honesty, despite his lies; too much devotion, for a man who was threatening to leave a mere moment ago – something too naked, too telling, so much so that Arthur feels the need to avert his eyes, as he did once, years ago, in that dingy cell. When he does so, Lancelot places his hand on Arthur’s face, turning it towards him again – and then, before Arthur can react, he presses his lips to his mouth.
It's a frantic gesture; a last resort. Arthur can tell from the way Lancelot's hand trembles on his cheek, from the desperation with which he pushes his mouth against his, all passion and no grace. Even so, the kiss lasts right up to the point of endurance, as if Lancelot needed Arthur to believe him. Perhaps he does – he is a man of honour; Arthur is certain he hates to be taken for a liar almost as much as he hates to lie.
Arthur doesn’t pull back, but he does not respond, either. He stands still and stiff, merely closing his eyes as he submits to Lancelot's tender assault out of confusion.
At last, the kiss ends. Lancelot takes his hand away and steps back, his eyes downcast, his face pale. Arthur just looks at him, with his mouth slightly open, too shocked to speak.
“Forgive me,” Lancelot says, his eyes fixed on Arthur’s boots. “I… I must go.”
He makes for the door, but Arthur’s hand, moving with no input from his mind, grabs Lancelot's wrist and pulls him back.
“No,” Arthur says, almost choking on the word. “Please. Stay.”
He's not entirely sure what he's asking, if he means ‘don't leave this chamber’ or ‘don't leave Camelot’; he only knows that he means: ‘don't leave me’, that the thought of Lancelot leaving is unbearable, just as it was the first time he did it, when Arthur had to watch the best man he ever met – the first man who ever truly understood what it meant to be a knight, perhaps better than Arthur himself – walk out of his life, leaving him with a feeling of loss he couldn't fully understand.
But Lancelot pulls his hand out of Arthur's grasp. “I'm sorry,” he says. There is genuine sorrow in his eyes.
Lancelot turns and leaves, and Arthur lets him go.
That night, Arthur seeks comfort in Gwen's body with an urgency that leads her to ask him what is wrong.
“Nothing,” Arthur lies, with a kiss between her breasts, because he can't very well tell her, ‘Lancelot is leaving us, and it is all my fault.’
Gwen looks unconvinced, but she pries no further.
The next morning, Arthur wakes with a feeling of dread, surprised that he's slept at all. He goes through his usual morning rituals with impressive stoicism – he eats his breakfast, reads the patrol report, and has Merlin prepare him for his training session, all the while listening to Merlin's mindless prattle, and never once throwing something heavy at his head.
He walks onto the training field much earlier than usual, expecting to find no one – but someone is already there, practising with a sword on a straw dummy. The distance is too great to make out much of him, but the precision and the swiftness of his movements are enough for Arthur to recognise the man at a glance. He starts walking faster.
“Lancelot,” Arthur breathes out when he's but a few steps away from him.
Lancelot turns. He doesn't bow to Arthur, as he normally would; instead, he wipes his sweaty brow with the back of his hand and looks at him warily. “Sire,” he says. He shifts his grip on the hilt of his sword.
“You're still here,” Arthur blurts out – an observation worthy of Merlin's wit, but the obvious relief in his voice seems to put Lancelot at ease.
Lancelot sheathes his sword. “You were right, sire. I took an oath to serve you and Camelot, so I'll endeavour to do so.” He pauses and adds, hesitantly: “That is, if you'll still have me.”
Arthur smiles at him without even meaning to. “I wouldn't wish you to be anywhere else.”
Lancelot's face clears up. “Then I remain your loyal servant,” he says, with feeling, and he bows.
Of course he is, just as he ever was, and Arthur was a fool to doubt it. The realisation hits him with staggering force, and it's all he can do not to embrace Lancelot.
He claps his hand on Lancelot's shoulder and squeezes it, instead. “Think you can beat me today?” he asks.
“I'll do my best,” Lancelot promises, almost solemnly.
Of course. “You always do, Lancelot,” Arthur says with warmth through the odd tightness in his throat. He backs a few steps and draws his sword, adjusting his grip with a twirl of his wrist. “Come on, then.”
With a happy smile, Lancelot unsheathes his sword.
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windcarvedlyre · 2 months
I'm gonna turn that meme around on you: Venti and Jean? :>
(ask meme)
Ty :D
Honestly my answers will sort of be an inversion of yours: Jean as someone I really appreciate but I'm not actively into and Venti as unhealthy obsession and fandom bicycle. (Thanks for introducing me to that term, lol.)
How I feel about her: I don't brainrot over her for her own sake, but as my de facto main in co-op, the permanent healer in my overworld team, and one of Mondstadt's most important characters I'm very fond of her. She deserves more breaks. So so much.
Her design fascinates me too; if you use the alt version of her default outfit it looks very modest and like everything's covered when she's standing still, only for more skin to be exposed on her upper torso when you run or otherwise move around. It feels like a visual reflection of how she hides/suppresses the more human, emotional parts of herself to perform her role.
Romantic ships: I'm not actively into any but Jean/Lisa just makes sense to me. Lisa is such a fun character to bounce off her. You've got me intrigued about Jean/Eula and Jean/Kaeya as well, and I should look into Jean/Diluc too.
I s2g her voice lines make her sound like she's starting to have a crush on Traveller too. That could be really wholesome; they could periodically show up in Mond, speedrun solving a ton of citizens' problems, and whisk her off to beautiful corners of Teyvat she'd never dream of having time to visit otherwise. And they both have sibling issues... I'm selling myself on this as I type it, dear lord.
Platonic OTPs: All of the above are also wonderful platonically. Also Jean and Venti!! God!!! I neeeed more interactions between them; it's a massive shame the game never showed us Jean or Diluc processing the Venti-Barbatos reveal and the religious crisis that would definitely cause. Especially for Jean! I wish this oneshot was a longer multichapter so badly.
I'm fascinated by the idea of them having a lot in common under the surface, especially if we compare Jean to how Venti may have been in Mond's cultivation period. Even their outfits have a lot of design elements in common!
Additionally, considering her parallels with/idolisation of Vennessa, I love the idea of Venti having unresolved guilt/unprocessed trauma about whatever happened to Vennessa in the end + maybe her overworking herself for Mondstadt until her death, and him screaming internally watching Jean go down the same path. I can't get enough of fics where he helps her relax for once. The two of them should go on some long field trip where they coax each other into acknowledging they're people that feel things.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure I have any! I'm not familiar with general fandom opinions about her but I'd be surprised if I saw someone severely mischaracterising her, tbh. She doesn't feel like a difficult character to grasp. Maybe my perception's skewed since I tend to obsess over human dumpster fires, though.
Something I wish would happen: mainly (gestures at the platonic section), but seconding you that we need her to make progress with Barbara too. I'd love to see her be dragged into more shenanigans with Diluc as well, though I'm biased as a combined-Diluc-and-Jean main.
How I feel about him: I probably need help with the amount I think about this goddamn character. I didn't truly understand the term 'comfort character' until I started obsessing over him. I project onto him a bit too much and I want to emotionally smash him to bits and scrape him together again.
Even without the brainrot, he's just fascinating; he's clearly a significant character that will almost certainly be tied to massive lore drops later on, and the vague hints about him having time powers mean that even the way he fundamentally experiences reality can be theorised about with wildly different ideas being equally valid.
He has me freezing up at every damn mention of wind and/or time and/or music in this god-forsaken game. And there are a lot of them.
Romantic ships: as I said, he's the fandom bicycle for me. Everyone gets a ride. I especially love zhongven in multiple permutations, and their longevity means fanworks for other Venti ships can easily slot in past zhongven as well. Otherwise I really like kaeven, I used to be more into diluven but kaeven has completely eclipsed it for me, and I'm really intrigued about the potential of furiven as well (though I usually approach that platonically).
Non-romantic OTPs: any of the above if not being done romantically, plus Venti+Jean and Venti+Vennessa (see Jean's section lmao) and Venti+everyone in old mond- especially NB and RHW. And I really really want to see him interact with Furina. There are so many people he either has a fascinating relationship with already or has potential to.
While it's not a ship, I find the idea that he's slept with the Tsaritsa at least once pre-fallout very funny.
Edit: Venti having a non-reciprocated crush on Vennessa is interesting as well.
Unpopular opinions: I'm not sure I have any in a tumblr fandom context? Maybe that any ships between him and a mortal who's grown up worshipping him (like diluc/venti, jean/venti, etc) would be a lot more of an emotional minefield for both parties than people tend to explore, with the mortal having to go through a religious crisis while Venti clearly just wants to be treated like a person + could be paranoid as hell about whether their consent to anything is genuine.
That's not a criticism of those ships, though! The opposite, actually. I'd love to see a long fic that really digs into that.
Something I wish would happen: ...there are so many things I could put here. The main ones are a) a Venti-is-Barbatos reveal (and maybe a reveal of his darker secrets, like any abyss ties) to all of Mondstadt, forcing him to stop avoiding his problems for once, and b) for Venti to be pushed into a corner and/or go apeshit and reveal just how much he was lying about his power level.
I need a Vennessa-Venti reunion as well. Please please please.
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princessjojo-x · 11 months
PiscesVenus ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
💝 romantically, he’s very elusive, turbulent & mysterious. he changes his mind frequently abt what he wants, causing him to randomly contradict himself & act distant towards his partner, only to return like it never happened. sometimes he’s hard to read, other times he’s easy to read. the benefit of this is, unlike other water venus signs, pisces venus is not possessive.
💝 he tends to play around with multiple women at once due to his love of romance. however, he will be confused if this behaviour upsets & offends any of these women. his affection for others is innocent bc infinite love is his default nature. even if he loves you very much, he can love someone else the same way. he’s just following his heart, if it leads him into the arms of multiple women, so be it. however, once his heart is set on someone, he is is not going anywhere.
💝 his deep need for comfort & fear of loneliness can often triumph over his partners obvious red flags. this causes him to wear rose coloured glasses & avoid confronting rxship problems. he can be overly forgiving & easily manipulated. consequently, his rxships often start well but end dramatically with an emotional life lesson.
💝 however, he idolises his partner & takes her granted simultaneously. he expects his tendency to avoid red flags to be reciprocated. he wants his partner to forgive & tolerate all his behaviour.
💝 men with pisces placements will try to get you alone & have lil one-on-one time with you to ‘vibe’ & ‘connect’. they’re always trying to make your rxship seem deeper than it is quite quickly. you had one ‘deep’ convo with them & now they think you’re twin flames; eg they’ll say things like: “crazy how you were in my dream last night”.
💝 he spends too much time dreaming of his perfect woman whilst not even working on himself to become someone that woman would even want.
💝 he tends to attract partners that project their guilt, misery & insecurities onto him.
Turn On’s & Off’s:
💝 he values emotional depth, compassionate bonds & intimate moments. he wants to emotionally connected & cherished with a partner. it’s important she is in tune with her emotions bc he loves talking abt feelings. he may be attracted to those who seem helpless, fragile, soft & need a lot of emotional support (tell him a sob story). he wants a woman who’s feelings he can read & who can understand him without words (someone who will feel bad for him).
💝 he dislikes you making him feel left out & unwanted. for example, being too busy to see him, ghosting & ignoring him, refusing to take his feelings into account. (same for all water venus)
💝 to impress him, wear cooler or light colours, especially light blues & sea-foam greens bc pisces is ruled by neptune which is ruled by the sea. dress romantic, sweet, delicate (lace, satin, flowy fabric). dress somewhat modest as pisces is a very imaginative sign.
💝 he’s extremely imaginitive & he gets lost in his imagination so it’s hard to turn him off. but you will lose him if if you consistently confirm that what he imagines abt you is not the reality.
💝 he dislikes rude, loud, bitchy, frigid, temperamental, detached, hostile, close minded & indifferent women. being hyper critical, especially telling him he’s sensitive & over reacting.
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josnhoes · 1 year
Self Aware Legend of Zelda (botw & totk timeline) some ideas of it.
NOTE: Self Aware AUs are Yandere by default! Please be aware of that.
Reader is the originator, the highest diety above even Hylia. They gave their life to create the goddesses and allow lives to be born. Your name is lost to time, but all know of you. Even the monsters and dark beings revered you. You didn't care of good nor evil. You found love to give to both. You stood for balance; life and death, the beginning and the end, eternity and nothingness. You were beyond reach of even the goddess.
Each race of Hyrule viewed you differently, all positive but they showed their love in different ways.
The Zora had a shrine deep underwater where they leave gems and jewelry. They pray for your continued love and promise that should the day comes you return that they will welcome you with open arms.
The Rito do not have a shrine nor do they leave offerings. Their form of offerings is in song and words. They preach of legends of your return. Of the love of the people reviving you to walk amongst them again.
The Goron have what is the largest most ornate shrine. Carefully crafted and carved, offerings of rock roast and spices things the Goron treasure. They often make plans on things to do with you ways to show off their strength.
The Gerudo have a modest shrine in size but it is made of various gems and gold. They leave offerings of practical things. Clothing, food, water, and weapons. They promise you protection when you return.
The Zonai are gone but they had believed you their ancestor. They made constructs in what they assumed was your image. Made promises of showing you the wonders they made.
You are just you. One of millions who played the games, who loved the characters and world deeply. You were no diety or magical being. But sometimes things happen and in your case you are pulled into the game. Your blood no longer red but golden ichor. Powers you never conceived growing and building inside of you.
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quinloki · 3 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: Bogard Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Government Mandated Marriage AU Prompt: The Hat Rule Gift Giver: @i-am-vita
Summary: As part of the Match Program in this new government controlled world, you find yourself matched with Garp's right-hand man.
Content Notes: lots of build up, not, technically, NSFW, but it was getting long and I had to stop XD
Additional Note: Thanks and Love to @lyndsyh24 who has done phenomenal world building for this AU in her Closure series. The foundation of this world is what Some Direction and Hey Doll exist upon and I would have written neither without Lyn's friendship and permission ^_^ So give her your thanks if you like those stories XD
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
He hadn’t expected to be omitted from the Match Program, but he’d still been surprised to receive a Matchbook. He’d met you through the book itself, and then met you face to face, supported by his boss, Monkey D. Garp.
Bogard had no other family to speak of, and while Garp was hardly his family, he was someone he trusted, and so thus it had gone.
You were small, but maybe that was just his perspective. Quiet, well-mannered, and self-sufficient. A solid match for someone like him, who spent a lot of time traveling for work. He was Garp’s right hand, and the Captain did not stay in one place for long.
There was simply too much to be done.
The wedding had been modest and small. Neither of you were interested in a large ceremony, and you both agreed to what was effectively the minimum allowed by the government. Ceremony and celebration were part of the process, so it was almost impossible to not have some sort of affair, but you kept it as concise as possible.
It had taken a bit of time, but the first thing he noticed was your smile and how he’d miss it on late nights. The warmth of it after a long day was enough to have him wanting to rush home more than he’d expected. Home had never really been a warm place, just somewhere to sleep when a bed wasn’t provided by virtue of his assignment.
In only one thing were you awkward, and that was intimacy. You flushed deeply at even the softest peck on your cheek, and had almost had a panic attack on the night of the wedding. Apologies had spilled from your lips as tears had slipped down your cheeks, and he reassured you again and again that it was okay.
Bogard knew his default expression appeared frustrated, or even grumpy, though he was rarely ever in a negative emotional state. It made him intimidating, and maybe intimidation was why he’d fallen into the habit. So he had offered you a compromise.
He always wore the frown, and the hat. When you were ready for something more from him, then you could simply remove the hat from his head. Whenever. Wherever. You alone had that right, and he would take care of things after that.
If it took you longer than the time-line set forth by the government guidelines, then he’d do everything needed to obtain extensions until you were ready. It was the least he should be able to do, and considering his job kept him away for long stretches sometimes he was sure it wouldn’t be an issue.
The relief of pressure helped a lot. Bogard had been infinitely patient with you from the beginning. Despite his stony appearance, he was a kind man at heart, and a good person for sure. There was no one else better for you to have paired with, but all the rules and regulations of the match program had weighed on you and made it difficult.
A few weeks after he’d made the offer, you’d taken him up on it.
He’d gotten home at a decent hour, and had a good day. After dinner you collected the plates, lifting his hat off his head and placing it on your own as you walked into the kitchen with the dishes.
There was a silence that followed, and once you’d set the dishes down you could feel him behind you. You hadn’t heard the chair move, or any other sound to indicate he’d gotten up, and you were reminded that he was certainly a skilled member of the marines.
One gloved hand rested on the counter on either side of you, warmth against your back.
“You can tell me to stop,” he says quietly, hand moving your hair aside and tilting your neck. "But if you don’t.” Warm words wash over your skin as he leans down and kisses the crook of your neck. “I promise you’ll enjoy this.”
A shivering breath escapes you at the words, and he presses against you, trapping you gently between himself and the counter. Kisses continue along your neck as his hands rest easily against your hips. He moves you effortlessly, almost like a dance, turning you to face him while moving you away from the counter.
The permanent frown on his face softens, the scowl nearly the beginning of a smile. Twirling you he takes his hat off your head and sets it on the counter, hand back on your hip as he sways a little with you, the dancing steps moving you both further from the kitchen.
Being led in a loose dance by Bogard, who was moving with such ease you were certain he enjoyed dancing, was the beginning of all the tension between the two of you dissolving. You knew he was warm despite the constant scowl, but you were beginning to think you’d underestimated how deep that passion ran.
Slowly, his eyes on yours, he pulls your dress up, gathering the material in his fingers and bringing it up bit by bit. You could feel anticipation swelling up inside you as the fabric raised higher and higher, and when it got to your thighs you couldn’t continue to meet his gaze. Leaning into his chest, he lets you hide your face, pulling the skirt of the dress up enough to hook his thumbs under the band of your panties.
Sliding them down, he sinks down as well, until he’s kneeling before you. There’s no where left to hide your face, so you put the back of your hand up to your mouth, sparing yourself from the look of adoration in his eyes.
He helps you step carefully out of your undergarment, before his hands move up your legs, this time hiking the skirt up from below. You gasp, stepping back and finding purchase behind yourself, moved so neatly into position as you had been. You don’t ask him to stop, the sounds shivering from your lips were hot with desire, eyes pleading for him to continue before you lost your nerve.
With a tender smile he lifts the skirt of your dress up enough to shield himself from your sight. The warm kiss on your thigh nearly buckles your legs, but he holds you steady, putting one of your legs over his shoulder as his kisses move up the inside of your leg.
Strong hands brace you firmly as his tongue licks heavy against your slit. Your body bucks, hands gripping the material of your dress, steadied against his head. Pleasure shatters your thoughts and nothing makes it past your lips but exulted cries as the stoic marine’s tongue speaks his needs and desires into your quavering pussy.
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thewisecheerio · 11 months
Crow Behavior in BG3
One of the delights of BG3 is all of the random items we can collect for no other reason than that it makes us happy; it allows us to indulge in crow behavior, collecting every little knick-knack for our nest. So here are the things I've collected just because I imagine it makes the various companions happy.
Karlach: The plushie collection is currently at 22 teddy bears and 2 owl bear stuffies, and growing. Clive, her original teddy bear, deserves some friends and we're here to find them for her. Additionally, every firework we can find in the game belongs to her, because she deserves to set things on fire and launch them at people. Also, I think she would find the sparkly colors enchanting.
Karlach also has multiple types of beer on hand in her camp space, so any beer we find is saved for her so that she can enjoy herself at mealtimes. If there were a distillery with tasting in the game, we'd take her to visit it.
Artwork by @paranoodle: https://paranoodle.tumblr.com/post/729302166910779392
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Astarion: Astarion tells us that he enjoys petty vanity, and yet he has one (1) set of clothes just like everyone else when he shows up. Reading the description of his default clothing lets us know that Cazador largely did not afford nice things--including basic changes of clothing--for the spawn, as his clothes have been repaired repeatedly rather than being replaced. And Astarion struggles with owning his own body and bodily autonomy, part of which is possibly entwined with feeling right in his own skin.
So the man deserves as many nice clothes as he wants now. We got delicately embroidered clothes, clothes of expensive silks, slutty clothes, modest clothes, silly clothes, serious clothes, every change of clothes we can possibly buy or steal to allow the man to engage in some vanity while he re-learns to love himself.
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Gale: I have a collection of over 650 books, and it's all for him. He and Astarion (the other one reading all day at camp) surely have a book club, and Gale maintains the collection they choose from. Also, the extensive scroll collection that I refuse to sell regardless of the fact that 75% of them won't get used is for him, because he deserves as many magical tomes as we can get our hands on.
Gale has a crystal ball and telescope in his camp, suggesting that magical and scientific paraphernalia would interest him. So we loot every crystal ball, every scale, every hourglass, every conical flask and separatory funnel, and every slightly-dangerous-yet-intellectually-intriguing potion we can find so that the man can nerd out on a whim.
Finally, Gale has a little space for Tara in his camp consisting of a pillow, a bowl, and a ball; when we find toys and supplies for animals, we keep them around in case he wants them for Tara.
Artwork by Konbu: https://konbu.artstation.com/projects/39Dzmv
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Lae'zel: Weapons and armor, in comical quantities. Lae'zel spends all day grinding weapons at camp, so she deserves some nice greatswords and axes to grind (hah hah). We've also sourced every variety of armor we can possibly find in the game, just to allow her to play with and admire the workmanship of different types of craft. As someone with a strong interest in warfare, it seems only fair to give her new toys in the form of a wide variety of finely-crafted armor. Nevermind that we won't use the majority of them; that's not the point. The point is to make the lizard lady happy.
Lae'zel's camp has a bunch of stuffed hunting trophies. So if we could loot the stuffed heads we find or make some out of our various enemy encounters, we would. She deserves a hunting trophy collection larger than Gaston's. Screenshot by @arrenkae: https://arrenkae.tumblr.com/post/724752445632282624/companions-and-their-tents
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Wyll: The man deserves access to the finest of wines. He's normally sipping something at camp from a fine-looking goblet, and we're here to provide the finest of drinks. The drinking horns you can find are for him, just to spice things up so that he's not using the same goblet every time.
We also loot every type of food. Yes, we could buy boring camp supply sacks from various merchants, but then how is he supposed to make appropriate pairings with his wine? No, friends: we collect as large a collection of treats as possible so that he can make a charcuterie board of delights whenever he wants.
Wyll's camp includes a quill and ink set, which suggests he likes to write or draw. So those quill and ink sets we find all over Faerun are for him. (On that note, he's probably also the one making the occasional portrait of the vain elf, since Astarion can't see himself in mirrors and would probably love a picture of what he looks like instead.) It's likely that if the inking set is for writing, he's sharing the books in Gale's collection as inspiration for his own writing. He might even join the book club.
And finally, the Blade of Frontiers deserves a nice rapier collection. Maybe Lae'zel even helps him maintain them in top shape.
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Shadowheart: Shadowheart tells us that she likes a particular flower, and you have the option of bringing one to her. So we keep some un-extracted flowers around, just for ambience for her. She also spends all day praying at camp, so we loot some clean towels when we find them so that she has something soft to kneel on in place of a prayer rug.
Shadowheart's camp includes a collection of incense and candles. Whenever we find nice incense supplies and tapers, we save them for her to relax and/or pray with.
Artwork by @astrariem: https://www.tumblr.com/astrariem/728597416023080960
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Halsin: Halsin tells us that he likes to whittle, and especially whittling animals. Any time we find a finely carved or manufactured object, we loot it for him as inspiration. The toad teapots in Ethels' cottage? A gift for the artistic druid man. The finely carved idols? For him. The delicately crafted music boxes? For Halsin. The slightly-suspicious-yet-well-made Whispering Masks? Also for him.
Halsin's lab is filled with all sorts of strangely preserved curiosities. So whenever we loot bottled blooms and anomalous coral and various seashells, it's so that he can have a curiosity collection away from home. The large bottles we collect en masse are so that he has the option of bottling his own curiosities. His camp has a mortar and pestle, so we take different iterations of those, too, to help with his preservation endeavors. He deserves to have access to a regular one and a silver one and a gold one, just for variety's sake. Artwork by Jackomoria: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16arqzc/halsin_and_his_ducks/ or https://www.artstation.com/artwork/PXBAwn
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Jaheira: All the jewelry is for her. When we enter her hideout in Act 3, we find a beautiful necklace left by her partner, which suggests that she enjoys jewelry (or someone who knew her well thinks she does). She's even wearing a big ol' necklace in her default outfit. So the rings and the necklaces in number too many to use are all for her. The other thing of note we find in her hideout is a collection of stunning scimitars, which are her chosen weapon. So among the weapon collection that Lae'zel maintains are an extensive number of scimitars, which otherwise belong exclusively to Jaheira. Jaheira's camp has a bunch of "parent-ware", by which I mean she has stuff for cooking and cleaning and generally taking care of others. She also has a thousand children. Given how exhausting it is taking care of others, I think she deserves some time to herself. We take her to the perfume shop in Rivington, and we loot fine soaps and linens for her to relax with. The jewelry is also part of allowing her to spoil herself a bit.
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Minsc: Minsc's camp site is pretty barren; as a ranger, he's likely accustomed to a fairly Spartan existence on the road. Boo seems to be his only (regular) companion. So the animal companions in camp are for him and him alone. Boo needs some friends, and so does Minsc. Scratch and the owlbear cub probably sleep at the foot of his bed regularly; in Elfsong, the owlbear sets themself up directly across from Minsc and I refuse to believe that is on accident.
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Minthara: I haven't recruited her, so feel free to make suggestions. ;) But from pictures of her camp tent alone, I would think some things she might miss from the Underdark would be welcome. A few varieties of mushrooms and crystalline formations to remind her of home probably wouldn't go amiss.
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The Dark Urge: Skulls. We have a collection of over 75 emotional support skulls in a variety of shapes and sizes for this precious little Bhaal-babe.
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marc--chilton · 21 days
(mgv) it is very easy to incorrectly assume that giselle doesn't care outside of herself, particularly when she's small. kids are jerks sometimes, they think they're the only person to matter, that's just how it is and even house accepted that his kid's probably gonna get some asshole behavior from him anyway and doesn't make excuses for her. "of course she's selfish, she's three." etc
and it's not like she's particularly expressive. her default expression is analytical, she's utterly content by herself with a modest little assortment of toys she decides are Today's Toys while the rest are ignored + her little whiteboard that never leaves her side when in the diagnostics office.
then there's a bad pain day. house is at his desk, craving vicodin that he's starting to think he may always struggle with (he's an addict, obviously. but now that he has a pup, he's starting to reassess his stance on him having a problem, too) and giselle is sat at his feet, leaning against his good leg. he pages kutner to collect her -- thirteen and chase are busy doing their jobs and wilson is in a meeting -- and make him play funny babysitter so his kid doesn't have to watch one of her parents deteriorate waiting for his not-good-enough drugs to kick in.
but when kutner reaches for her, she bites him. not a corrective nip like she has before but an actual growl and bite. it's more startling than anything. and while kutner and house are both reeling, giselle scrambles to sit securely between house's legs, back straight, her little baby growls as steadfast as she can manage it, and dark eyes narrowed up at kutner in challenge. he figures out what's up with the sudden behavioral change before house does, mostly because the pain is making it hard for him to think so all he was really doing was blinking down at her in abject wonder anyway.
"i think she's...... trying to protect you."
on instinct, house trills down at her as if to ask if that's true or not, but giselle has tuned them out. now he can see, though, that in moving, she's put herself between kutner and house's bad leg. it throws his hindbrain off, too, since... he's the parent. he's supposed to protect her, not the other way around. not like he can hide the fact that he's very much physically disabled and is constantly in pain, but still he feels like he's failed her if he inspires her instincts enough to put herself in theoretical danger for him.
and kutner proves once again to be smarter than house gives him credit for, because he goes on. "that's not really a bad thing. she loves you and is still too young to realize she's not invincible so if she sees you're having a hard time, it's totally reasonable for her to fend off any perceived threat. like someone outside of the realm of 'family' or 'pack'."
"what were you doing when i paged you?" house asks after letting that perspective Sink In for a second.
"clinic duty?"
"yeah, go back to doing that."
"you sure? 'cuz i don't mind the biting, she didn't even break the skin--"
one of the hands house had been using to grasp at his thigh starts combing through giselle's curls, idly noting in the back of his mind that she's due for a trim soon. she relaxes a bit, back to silence now that kutner's gone again. he pretends the tears trying to roll down his cheeks are of relief now that his leg pain miraculously dampens to a manageable level. "protect me, huh?" she doesn't respond, only leans into his hand like a cat. "you... really are your abba's daughter, aren't you?"
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malkahpariyz · 3 months
Beware of people who brag and boast about their holiness. Often they are not which they claim to be… (also, don’t let anyone beat you into forgetting who you really are, just because they can’t see OR don’t want you to see, when they really do know)
See, I never proclaimed anything. I never had to announce who I am. Because the people who are truly on my level I will not have to announce myself to, they will recognize me. They will recognize what they actually possess themselves as well. In other words: real recognizes real, and there is a real reason you cannot see me. Because I know who I am in this universe and so does my God, in fact, it is He who informed me of who I am and constantly reminds me when the world wants me to forget. So if you or anyone actually be of higher holier being, you should and will recognize me as that. For even those who are not on my level but truly move with God, will recognize me. And if you claim to be higher than me, and to move with God, but yet, cannot recognize me? Then what you have claimed simply cannot be true.
There are people who claim to be higher holier beings but yet, cannot see me. Yet God Himself has spoken up on behalf of who I am.
These people who falsely claim to be higher, cannot see unless I explicitly say who I am, (because they are not spiritually equipped to see me and recognize me immediately, they are not using their spiritual eyes or ears… yet claim to be?). I am who I am and they cannot see unless I physically tell them, but yet I refuse to. Because with me being of actual higher holiness I do not brag or boast or self proclaim my righteousness. Unless instructed by God to do so, so that people know who I come in the name of and they know who I am. But I only have to announce this to people who are not on my level and would need to be informed of who I am, instead of people who are on my level or have access to God TRUE discernment, who would recognize me immediately, even if I’m dead silent sitting in the corner of a crowded room. The truly chosen and truly higher holier beings will recognize me, and never seek to denounce who I am because they would know that, that denouncing is also a lie, and sin on top of sin. No one working for God would try to belittle or denounce someone else’s spiritual stature that God set in place, when that someone is truly of higher holier being and it’s written all over them.
Only an enemy, or someone far lower than you, who cannot see and are spiritually blind, would ever do such a thing.
See, there are these people who cannot see me for the higher holier being that I truly am, and they denounce the truth of which that I truly am and try to exalt themselves in self proclamation. Saying they are of higher spiritual level and I am not of high enough spiritual level. But the fact that they throw around “rank” is what confirms for me the truth that I am actually a higher and holier being than they are. Because here I am a higher holier being, feeling no need to proclaim it or ensure you know that, because I actually am that and do not have a single thing to prove to a human. You cannot see me, because I possess a higher holiness and a higher rank than you possess as of yet, and you cannot fully recognize what you do not posses yourself.
Yet they are trying to exalt themselves above me. And it tells me they are lower than me. Because people who are truly on the higher holier level, like that of which I am on, do not do such things. Because it is sin to brag and boast of your righteousness. And the only time you speak on your righteousness is to give lessons (like the one I’m giving now) not to denounce other’s status, or exalt yourself above others.
I have remained humble and silent. Feeling no need to inform you of who I am, but merely just be that and exude that, and allow your feeble mind to see what you may see, and it is clear that you cannot see the truth of who I am, and that I am truly of higher holier being, and the fact you cannot see actually means that I am higher than you… and you cannot humble yourself enough to see the truth. Yet proclaiming your own highness, while the truly high person has said nothing in convincing of who they are, because they don’t actually need to, because whether people know it or not, they are who they are to God YAHUAH.. and that person that you are clearly blind to and that is so much higher, holier, and more humble than you, is the main one you are ignorantly trying to denounce and the one you are too blind to see in truth, and it is feverishly telling of just how low you actually are.
Beware of people that tear others down, and try to exalt themselves over others with derogatory speech and slurs, bragging, boastful, judgmental, lacking in humility verbiage.. and don’t let them assassinate your character once you are forced to put them in their place and remind them, that “God said do not touch His anointed and that He has anointed me.”. Only when instructed by God to correct someone is when I release the information that directly tells these people I am of higher holier being and favored and anointed by God.. because God instructs me to get them back in line in that moment and take them to school. Beware of these people who are so quick to think they know someone else’s spiritual stature and then actively try to drag that person down and denounce or discredit their true spiritual stature. Those people that do and say those things to others are of self proclaimed righteousness and not true righteousness.
The ignorance is real.
Do not be fooled or manipulated by clever speech.
Do not be fooled by self-righteousness being disguised as righteousness.
- Paris Dior | The Modest Blog
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kostudies · 1 year
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23rd september 2023 : These days, I've been feeling bad and unmotivated. I feel guilty 'cause this studyblr is like an act of commitment towards myself and I do not take it seriously enough to my taste. The beginning of classes has been... empty. I'm not really interested in what we see right now. But I think it is because I'm still not in the flow, you know.
Yesterday has been nerve-wrecking ; I ruminated on a trauma I have and cried all day. I managed to record myself explaining why I felt like this, and sent it to a friend. I'm relieved I did so. For the first time since I quitted my dance classes, I danced in front of loved ones. For a few seconds, yes - but I cherish them.
take a long walk in downtown.
take notes on articles for research paper.
one unit of spanish and portuguese on duolingo.
read my friend's story and give him a feedback.
read before going to sleep (and please finish it damn).
prepare my to-do list for tomorrow.
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♡₊˚ 🎧 ; modest by default - kisses 'cause it's my vibe right now
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boyfridged · 11 months
I miss precrisis Bruce... like what the fuck happened to him at today's era and why he is characterize as an abusive asshole?
this is an interesting question because i don't actually think he is consistently characterized as an abusive asshole, especially not in the last couple of years. it happens, of course, and it brings in a lot of attention specifically because it's controversial– like gotham war, or king's iteration, or lobdell's whump– but there are plenty of writers who are quite persistent in their propagation of bruce as a loving & caring character – this is for example what zdarsky was so liked for before the current event (the famous "lollipop scene"), what tynion was set on during his run, and what williamson seems to want to achieve in batman and robin (or at least this is my impression from what i've seen, as i haven't read it yet). and it's not like there were not similar attempts to bring in some of pre-crisis-esque personality back.
the reason for which pre-crisis bruce is pre-crisis bruce is not just his personality; it's not that he is strangely modest for the circumstances or sweet to people around him as a rule or even gregarious by default. it's because he is portrayed in a very human, ordinary way. and the reason for which he is human is his civilian life and the civilian cast. we get to see bruce as a friend, as a lover, as a socialite, and as a father because his civilian persona is actually real. pre-crisis bruce does not have a social life just to gather "intel." it's not an undercover "brucie" mission. it is his life. and it's nowhere as grand as what contemporary comics make it to be, btw (@roobylavender has recently written a great post about how bruce's fame became more and more exaggerated).
but post-crisis, things around bruce change in many ways, and gotham is nowhere as cosy when it comes to the portrayal of its communities. bruce is also not really a father anymore (and in my opinion he never truly is one again at all). and in place of the vigilante lifestyle that was much slower, emergencies that were usually much more local, we have a major crisis after a major crisis. this is nowhere compatible with who bruce used to be.
in other words, pre-crisis bruce simply cannot exist in post-crisis; because the world is wider, because he's barely a civilian anymore, because the part of him that is a civilian is also just another mask. and part of it is just bad writing that i do not appreciate. but, i am not gonna lie, i do believe some of it also makes sense.
personally, i would not like to see bruce coming back to his pre-crisis personality all of a sudden, because it's horror material rather than a retcon that could be achieved seamlessly. and i think this is one of the reasons why batman of the last couple of years fails to bring back these qualities even though at times it seems they want to. the editorial wants bruce to be an ordinary man again but they also cannot compromise and by necessity keep all the edge and grandiose of the current era. they also fail to understand that it does not matter if bruce is not a 1% anymore if he still has no real civilian cast around. and finally, after all the tragedies, it would be disturbing to see bruce unchanged. so all i ask is just acknowledgment that he used to be different. i always talk about it but dc retconning their timelines to preserve the same characterisation is one of their biggest mistakes. let the characters be dynamic. let there be development, for better or worse.
sorry, this got away from me! i do miss pre-crisis bruce. i do. but i don't think he's coming back, nevermind bruce being asshole or not (and he also was not always an angel pre-crisis. obv. he could be an asshole too if he felt like it.)
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
OC questionnaire
Thanks to @elsie-writes here, @mysticstarlightduck here, @riverkaplan here, and @somethingclevermahogony here!
My previous questionnaires:
Robbie, Gwen, Maddie, Noelle, Jedi, and Kelsey here.
Carmen, George, Akash, Sam, Lexi, and Ash here.
Gabriel, Carla, Parker, Rose, Alex, and Ewan here.
Liam, Hye-Jin, Wendy, Wade, Issa, and CJ here.
Below the cut I will do: Teo, Niri, Jazlyn, Anathi!
#1- Teo
Do you believe in the paranormal?
“Sis, my boyfriend literally can heal a broken arm in seconds. You would not believe the shit I've seen Parker do just because Wade can heal him. Oh yeah, and Parker literally is an airbender. How can I not? If a vampire walked into the school I wouldn't blink.”
What oddly-specific T-shirt would you wear?
“This shirt that says ‘born to shit, forced to wipe,’ I want it so much you don't understand.”
Do you usually cry at sad moments or happy moments or both?
“Definitely sad moments. I mean, I would not put it past me to cry when happy, but I can't make it through sad movies, man. Not at all.”
#2- Niri
Where is your favorite place in the world?
“I have an easy answer to this. Carla and George have a quiet room in their house. I can go there if I feel too overwhelmed or if I want to be alone for a bit. The room also has good lighting. I like it if someone joins me, though usually just a few people at the same time. Otherwise my reason for going into the room is ruined. [He smiles slightly.] I like everyone in the Aequales. Although there is a lot of people.”
What food do you hate the most?
“I dislike pasta. Pasta is not bad. It tastes good. But the texture really bothers me. I cannot eat spaghetti.”
Do you like watching sunsets or sunrises?
“Yes. I 100-percent love sunsets and sunrises. I am an artist. Maybe that's the reason. I feel inspired. New day, too.”
#3- Jazlyn
If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
“I would wear a tank top and shorts, easily. Why? Well, I think it would be fun, definitely make me stick out among the modest Utahns I'm forced to interact with. But also they show off how good of shape I'm in. And girl, I'm in good shape. It's hard to find pants for me, since I'm mostly legs. So why not show them off? I'd probably wear cute sandals, the necklace Ewan gave me, and my gorgeous hoop earrings.”
Who's the person you trust more than anyone else in the world?
“Obviously, Ewan. He is the kindest person I know. He would never do anything wrong.”
What's your dream job?
“I would actually find sales fun. I plan to get a marketing degree when I go to college next year. It seems fun to convince people what to buy.”
More Jazlyn: OC interview
#4- Anathi
Who in this world do you trust most, and why?
“... I guess Tyler. Kinda by default. He actually listens to me. Always kept promises, too. I relied on him for many reasons.”
What was your favorite place in the world when you were young
“The park. Where I could hang out with other kids. Before my powers kicked in.”
What is your favorite memory?
“When Tyler and I first met, we talked for hours. I would like to experience that feeling again.”
I haven't written for Anathi yet so this was probably only okay. Shorter responses are intentional tho
Your questions:
Tagging @writernopal @aziz-reads @mk-writes-stuff @romances-not-tragedies @little-peril-stories
@evilgabe29 @maggiekwest @chauceryfairytales @pluppsauthor @willtheweaver
@winterandwords @melpomene-grey @i-can-even-burn-salad @mysticstarlightduck @talesofsorrowandofruin
How do you make decisions? Long deliberation, or impulse? Logic or emotions?
What is the best thing that could happen within five minutes after waking up? Does it signal that the entire day will be good?
Is there anything that you find difficult that you feel should be easy?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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pi-ying-xi · 6 months
In Blossom left us with an unnecessary last scene hook for a season 2 that feels unlikely to be commissioned.
(I'm really not a fan of this kind of marvel movie end credits scene thing that sets up a sequel. Finish the drama you have properly! Not with a couple who've finally got together but feel compelled to mouth preachy platitudes at each other about looking ahead! And definitely not with *that scene*!!)
There was also a fair amount of handwavium re getting the evidence of the ledgers to the empress.
Finally, Ju Jingyi sadly lacks range for this role.
The cringe I cringed when she did that signature silly hehehe (and a couple of other moves that need screenshots, so I might edit this post later) in the middle of being made to accompany He daren at the brothel, while she's actually trying to find out more about the mastermind... This is an extremely dangerous situation. Lives, including hers, lie in the balance. And she's acting like she's a modest young lady who's received fulsome praise while entertaining a slightly inebriated uncle.
All in all not bad. I loved that they gave us Pan Yue kneeling in the rain. It's not snow, but I'll take it - he looked deliciously miserable and determined.
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And I live for the umbrella appearing and protecting a loved one.
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So full marks for that, and in fact for the whole father son relationship.
The drama could have been better, but it was enjoyable for what it was.
Eta 6 April: Since I said I'd edit this if I got around to finding that scene of Ju Jingyi defaulting to her 4-5 expressions, even in the middle of what is possibly a very dangerous situation, here it is:
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(I have better things to do. I should do them. )
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