#love him vm
Don't call me, don't message me, don't even look for me on the horizon.
Full warning: I will not answer.
I will be merged with my pc for the next few days starting edit: tonight.
My loved ones are bracing themselves.
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volatilemask · 1 year
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so much to see
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bonus doodle that didnt fit with the rest but i still thought was cute
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quillname · 1 year
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Third time's the charm! Here's the Bell's Hells mini-portraits! :D
Other mini-portraits: Vox Machina The Mighty Nein
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devils-yui · 2 years
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He's so happy to talk about his contraptions and about the trap, I adore him when he starts to talk about his expertise
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crithaus · 2 years
Been seeing so many tweets abt it and I wanna get back on yonder soap box for a second cuz I have my own musings
I had always wondered if Vax would show up when Vex was drowning in Dalen's Closet and then when he didn't I wondered why and mused that barring the above table reasons of this being a game with set rules and Matt can't just deus ex machina their way outta all their scraps, that below table the Deal Vax had already made with RQ for Vex's safety was all the flexing she would allow him to do and then voila Vex comes back anyhow, and I think it's important to note that as Vex was dying Liam slipped out of Derrig's character, something he doesn't do much, and into Vaxbrain ("We had a deal, Matt.") to Express how unhappy he was that Vex was drowning and the deal he'd made was being routed and I think that's proof enough that Vax would if allowed absolutely come down there and rescue his family from any and all scrapes if he was able to,
Now with this latest episode, We saw Otohan bedecked Paragon's Call with RQ's symbols, we know Otohan has the poison that prevents you from being rezzed which is an affront to RQ's domain and position if I've ever heard one, we know the attack on Kiki was on purpose and possibly to get RQ's attention, get her looking and all, and this whole situation with Ludinus is the biggest threat yet faced to all the gods and all their domains,
And that's why she let Vax through the gates this time, just in time to wrest that permadeath dagger away from the heart of the love of his life. I don't think Vax could have been there without the requisite chips falling where they did, without RQ letting him, I think the thought that he busted through all of those gates unprompted and w/o permission is a little disingenuous because Vax would want to do that for any and every one of his family members every day all the time forever, but it makes perfect sense that as the Raven Queen's champion he would be sent down to stop Ludinus from freeing Predathos and it makes perfect sense for Vax to veer off from his official business, to shirk his responsibility and use the opportunity given to go to her, to do such a grand and meaningful gesture for his one true love, and tl sound so unclouded and present while doing so, I mean
This is Vax we're talking about. The guy who looked death (death herself both times y'know, Otohan and her dagger and RQ, two sides of a coin or something) right in the eye, twice, clutching his girls to him and telling that nigh all powerful entity to fuck right off cuz they can't have these girls he loves more than life? Peak Vax behavior. To know he's been watching Keyleth for so long finally seized his moment to help her, and did so with gusto? True love. The purest kind, the Vax-iest kind. Not even death can stop his love for her, for Vex, for Vox Machina.
And I think after this all is over they need to renegotiate the terms of Vax's service so he can stay back past the gates with the rest of his family cuz RQ is a stingy bitch and should have been MUCH laxer with gate-crossing privileges, I mean Vax has more than earned it now
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zaliaslapasz · 2 years
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screencap redraw :,)
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lornemalvo · 3 months
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
The desire to write a 200-page-long dissertation on Percival de Rolo’s journey and the deep importance of how trauma presents itself and isn’t easily healed and on the meaning of vengeance and the trials and crushing guilt that manifests which one must fight through to truly forgive themselves and learn to live again baked into his story Vs. my biological requirement of sleep to be a functioning human being: FIGHT
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stupidsexpotflanders · 5 months
Me whenever I remember the hardcore environmental subject,taught by one of the toughest professors at uni,then remember how RT made Logan an "environmentalist"
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How the fuck one (1) guy riding a bicycle is going to do anything against air pollution? And considering how intelligent and well-educated Logan has always been(yes,always. He had plenty of problems at school,but none of them were with grades,AFAIK),he'd have realized it was merely an empty virtue signaling gesture. One would think Logan could help clean beaches and other places in Neptune(small scale,but still something with real results - making the city prettier and healthier),petition for proper disposal and treatment of residues(in all scales,not only in the industrial one),be invested in basic sanitation and water supply(those affect the poor disproportionally - see,Noir-relevant),engage in environmental education(bonus points if he gets to mentor troubled youth and take them under his wing - just like the professor did with him). Young!Logan might have plenty of flaws,but he got shit done.
Logan Echolls became what he hated the most - a virtue-signalling shithead who half-asses good deeds to stroke his own ego. Also,a State-Sanctioned Mercenary. Not very different from the vapid Hollywood he hated so much. I know the Doylist explanation was simply incompetence from RT,but can anyone think of an Watsonian one?
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blackraged · 2 years
Sova's Voice Mail
What he says:
"Commander, please accept my sincerest apologies. In my zealousness, I may have set the Danger Room to...slightly above the recommended safety limit. As a result, I have received a non-life-threatening injury, which I can assure you, will not interrupt my duties. I am on the way to medical, as we speak. Once I'm treated, I will ensure that the blood on the floor is cleaned. It is a slipping hazard. And for this, again, I apologize. Speak to you soon."
What he actually means:
"Commander, I fucked up. I was trying to prove to you and everyone else, that I'm still worthy, so I set the Danger Room to the highest level possible, to see if I can beat it on my own. Turns out, I cannot. But, despite my 7 broken ribs, the blood trail that I'm leaving behind and the big open wound across my stomach, I am still good to go. I'm currently crawling to medical in pain, but I don't want you or anyone to know that, so don't worry about me. Please do not check out the danger room before I cleaned it, because I lost a lot of fucking blood, and people might slip on it. Again, I am really sorry and I swear I am still useful. Please don't kick me out."
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Scanlan (trying to get his friends out of jail): "I'm Burt Reynolds, Esquire. I'm an attorney at large. I represent all manner of escaped mental patients."
*holds up a finger to his face resembling a mustache*
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rask · 1 year
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bos @ car – mar 26, 2023
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volatilemask · 2 years
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fern my poor boy
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devils-yui · 2 years
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Percival is too "refined" for beer/ale that he's just so lost on whether to drink it or not fhfjgjsg
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lovecolibri · 1 year
I know I talked about a "near the dock" cruise ship disaster would be a great opening because the firefam could help with the rescue and run into Bobby and Athena but also, I kinda think a ship crash/lost at sea story could be fun to have everyone THINKING Bobby is dead so we get some MCD angst from the mains but we see him and a few survivors together and eventually getting rescued. I just think it would be delicious and after this season said Bobby is Buck's dad and then did fuck all with it after that, it would be nice to have Buck just absolutely lost and I would love to see Athena lose it a little bit too and them supporting each other, and then finding Bobby and giving us more momemts like when Bobby was exposed to radiation and Buck was worried about him but dialed up to 10.
Bonus points if his gf *tries* to help but we already know she's got zero empathy about death and Buck realizes it's not what he wants and we never have to think about that again.
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lily-blade · 1 year
BTW idk if I mentioned this or not but I finished the Vox Machina series on Amazon Prime and I'm SOOO obsessed with it.
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