#love how you added a small pattern to her clothes too!
yuesya · 10 months
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It’s not the best, but I am procrastinating studying for finals and drew Shiki, so enjoy if you’d like :) don’t know how accurate this is though
Ooh thank you for the fanart! :D It's pretty accurate haha, thus far in the fic Shiki has been described as having long white hair, dark blue eyes, and a penchant for kimonos.
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asidian · 1 month
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Set breakdown time! Next up: Niko's room.
As before, I've circled the points of interest and numbered them to make them easier to talk about. Cool? Cool. Let's do this!
1: Niko's mom's name! This part is her and Niko's surname. The kanji are 佐々木.
佐 – sa, meaning help or aid
々 – an iteration mark. When you see this, basically it means "exactly what the last one said, one more time." So another sa meaning help or aid
木 – ki, meaning tree
It's really neat that they picked a last name for her that doubles down on her role in the narrative. Just like Niko is there to support and help other characters in whatever way they seem to need, her surname hammers it home by including 佐 not once but twice.
2: Riza (リザ) Niko's mother's given name. Somewhat odd here is that it's written in katakana and not kanji. Without getting sidetracked too much (you can pop over here to read more if you're interested) most Japanese people write their names in kanji.
Katakana seems like a bit of a strange choice here, unless a) Niko for some reason doesn't know the kanji for her own mother's name (weird, given that she's in high school) b) her mother is a foreigner (a possibility; foreigners usually write their names in katakana) c) the set designer/whoever prepped the letters didn't know the appropriate kanji for "Riza" (seems unlikely, given how accurate all the rest of this is) or d) some sort of personal habit. An interesting side note is that her letter to Niko also puts Niko's name in katakana.
3: Cutesy stationery, used for marking your place in a document or book
4: A cute blue purse!
5: Watermelon! Judging by the shiny material and placement near the other bag, I'm going to guess this is another purse
6: Niko's clothes :>
7: Pink luggage
8: Lots of instant noodles
9: A rice cooker
10: Rice vinegar
11: This girl LOVES her some plants
12: Probably food items…? The one on the right looks like it might be a five-pound bag of rice, but I don't recognize the brand
13: Lots of unwashed dishes
14: A toaster oven
15: Chopsticks
16: A cute octopus pillow. I think I saw someone mention that it's from Ikea :>
17: She often leaves dirty dishes sitting on the bedside table
18: A painting of what seems to be a skyscape
19: Brightly colored pillows
20: Metal art in the shape of a moon
21: A decorative window hanging
22: More plants :)
23: Candles
24: Her tv
25: Cute pens with pompoms on the end
26: Regular tape
27: A cute cat statue
28: Marble Pop Ramune, strawberry flavor. Ramune is a type of soda that's a popular festival drink in Japan. It's sealed with a  glass marble and you have to pop the marble down into the little catch basin before you can drink it.
29: Anime wall décor
30: Fruit jelly cups. In Japan, small gelatin based snacks like this are popular. They're tiny, about an inch tall, and you eat them in just one or two bites.
31: Niko's laptop. She has stickers on it
32: Washi tape! It's decorative Japanese tape, often with bright colors and patterns, used for crafting.
33: A lot of cute magnets, including the bunny one, which serves double-duty as a kitchen timer
34: Niko's grocery list. The only thing on here that's here because she wants it is strawberry ice cream. The rest of the items, licorice tea, manuka honey, and Epsom salts, are all natural remedies. She's been trouble-shooting how to get rid of the effects of the sprites. She knows she's sick, but not why
35: Cutesy craft supplies! Sequins, glitter, and pompoms
36: More washi tape!
37: Niko's manga collection. She is that particular brand of organizational mess that does not put her numbered volumes in order. She has made an exception for the series that makes a complete picture when you line them up, though
38: More plants :)
39: Manga posters! Issho is one of the series that she has on her shelf
40: A decorative jar
41: Little metal bird sculptures
42: What seems to be the only framed picture in her room. The angle is wrong to see what the photo is, but it's interesting that they added just one in here. Maybe it's her family…?
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fandom-geek17 · 1 year
Destined For More
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Neteyam x Omatikaya!Reader
Synopsis: Being a close family friend of the Sully's, and Kiri's best friend, it was hard to be around Neteyam and not fall in love with him. Supressing those feelings were even harder, especially when his parents start pressuring him about finding a mate...
Rating: E MINORS DNI🔞🔞
Tags: Friends to lovers! Eventual smut! Semi public smut! P in V smut, Reader has a name, no use of Y/N
Vocabulary: Nantang (Viperwolf), Marui (Pods/tents), Skxawng (Moron), Tanhì (Bioluminescent freckles/stars)
Ages: Neteyam (21), reader (20), Kiri (20), Lo'ak (19), Tuk (13)
Can also be read on AO3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
“There child” Mo’at told you gently, standing over your shoulder as you crushed the herbs in the mortar. “Perfect.” You smiled to yourself. You were a decent healer, but hearing it from her directly meant everything. Kiri had always been the best healer, always would be, but you enjoyed the profession. Feeling like you could contribute with something else other than making clothes.
Alongside you and Kiri, there were two other healers in training, and everyone was currently busy helping a hunting party that had been attacked by a group of Nantang. None had been seriously injured, but there were a lot of bites and scratches to clean and bandage. They were lucky, it could have been worse. But since there were suddenly so many patients, the supply of medicines ran low. As Kiri and the other two worked on the patients, you were happy to sit in the corner, making more healing paste as fast as you could. The patients were an important part of being a healer, but the thing that had always interested you most was the science behind it. Discovering how new plants could optimize healing, which ones soothed pain, which ones killed bacteria. You had recently discovered that alternating the weaving pattern of the bandages caused more air to flow through without exposing the wounds to the elements. That way, it lessened the chance of infection.
“Emmy, can you pass me those?” Kiri asked, pointing to a pile of leaves next to you. She smiled in thanks as you gave them to her. Your real name was Emreyìte, meaning surviving daughter. It was a bit on the nose, but you liked it. You mother had labored for over two days to bring you into the world, and you nearly didn’t make it. The name was supposed to convey the strength you had already displayed coming into this world.
When you finished crushing the herbs, you put them in the water stewing above the fire. Stirring slowly, and evenly, the water slowly changed color. But it needed to steep for a little while longer. This particular mixture of herbs soothed pain very efficiently when boiled into a tea. But the taste wasn’t particularly pleasant, so you always added some sweetness in the hopes of counteracting the bitter taste. All the hunters were given a cup of the liquid to drink. They all grimaced badly, making you smile a little. It was terrible, but you were still experimenting with the recipe.
You all worked in quiet unison until all the hunters had been treated. It was well past the start of the communal dinner by then, evening setting in slowly. The other two healers went to get something to eat whilst Kiri helped Mo’at to her marui. You stayed behind to clean up. And also take inventory of how much of the supplies had been used. Hunger rumbled in your belly, but it would have to wait.
“Knock, knock” a voice murmured. A voice you knew all too well. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as your breath hitched.
You turned around and indeed. “Neteyam” you breathed. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, watching you with a small smile from under his eyelashes. “I saw all the other healers join the dinner, but not you. I figured you’d be here, too wrapped up in your research to eat again.” He held out a steaming bowl in front of you. “So I brought you this.”
The smell of Yerik stew filled your nostrils, making your stomach rumble again. Neteyam smirked, proving his point. “Thank you” you said, accepting his gift. But it was only when he stepped inside the hut properly that you noticed the wound on his shoulder, making you gasp slightly. “Neteyam, what happened to your shoulder?”
“Nothing! It’s fine, don’t worry about it” he assured you, but not very convincingly.
“That needs to be cleaned” you stated, setting the bowl aside. “What happened?” You looked at his expectantly until he finally caved, quirking his brow in your direction.
“I caught a tree branch during fighting practice” he admitted with a nonchalant tone. “It’s fine.”
“Did you clean it, at least?” you asked, observing the wound. You already knew the answer.
“Yes” Neteyam said.
“Well, not well enough. Sit! Does it hurt?”
You quirked at eyebrow at him, your tail swishing impatiently.
“A bit.” Neteyam’s ears flicked as his eyes flitted between you and the bowl of Yerik stew. “Can you at least eat first? Waiting a couple of more minutes won’t kill me.” He smiled at you playfully. He was normally very reserved, the smiling Neteyam was usually saved for his family.
But you only huffed, filling a cup with the last of the tea from earlier. “Here, drink this while I eat.” As you sat down with your bowl of stew, Neteyam took a small gulp of the liquid in his cup. His brows furrowed but other than that, he did an okay job of hiding his disgust. But having known him since you were kids, you could tell when he hid the truth. “You can grimace, you know” you giggled over the bowl. “It won’t hurt my feelings. I know it’s disgusting.”
Neteyam hummed, only making a small grimace after his next sip. “It’s not the best” he admitted with a sheepish smile. “But it’s effective. And a lot better than the last time. You’re getting very good at this, experimenting with medicine.” You couldn’t help but blush at his praise.
But you had also just stuffed your mouth full of food, so the only answer he got was that damned blush you wished would go away. As soon as you finished the bowl, you go to work on his shoulder.
Your hand trembled slightly as it made contact with Neteyam’s warm skin, holding him steady while the other hand cleaned his wound with a cloth. Your hand rose and fell with each of his breaths, and you leaned in to see properly in the firelight. Eywa, he smelled so good. Always had. It was intoxicating, and also the reason why you never got too close to him.
Your family and the Sully family had been friends since forever, you and your brother grew up together with the Sully’s, but as your brother made lots of other friends, your only real friend was Kiri. Of course, Kiri came with Lo’ak, Spider and Tuk and they were great, like additional siblings. But they weren’t Neteyam. With his broad shoulders, gentle voice, infectious smile, kind heart and protective older brother demeanor, it was impossible to not gain a crush on him. That crush had lasted on and on since you were fourteen. At seventeen, even you had to admit to yourself that you had fallen in love with him. And how could you not? He was everything, had everything. He was the handsome son of the Olo'eyktan that all the women gazed after, giggled around and tried to flirt with. He was the dream you could never have. It had been clear over the years that he only saw you as a friend, as Kiri’s best friend. So you had become very good at dreaming in silence and later suppressing your feelings for the man sitting before you.
Dreams of exploring with him, laughing with him, him confessing his undying love for you and making you his mate. And also not so innocent dreams, dreams of being with him. Of him kissing you, running his hands all over your body, his mouth following suit, him pushing his cock deep into your pussy, joining his kuru with yours, finally creating that everlasting bond…
A hiss from the man in question broke you out of your train of thought. “Sorry” you whispered, your mouth and throat suddenly very dry.
“It’s okay” Neteyam whispered back. You could have sworn that his voice was deeper, throatier, but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. “It just stings a little.”
You nodded quietly and swallowed, desperately trying to regain some moisture in your mouth so you could get your voice back. Standing up, you took a deep breath that you hoped was subtle and went to get the Yalna bark mixture. This was exactly why you tried to avoid being too close to him. Every time those big golden orbs watched you intently or his smell surrounded you, thought and memories of your illicit fantasies caught up with you and you had to remember that Neteyam was destined for so much more than a healer who was more interested in playing with plants than helping her patients.
He was watching you right now, you could tell. His gaze burned at the back of your neck, but when you turned back around, he thankfully looked away. You had to say something, quickly. The longer you stayed quiet, more memories of last night flooded your brain. Those fantasies of him wrapping your legs around his neck before he-
“Why didn’t you come here before?” you blurt out, desperately avoiding eye contact, trying to calm the erratic beating of your heart.
Neteyam shrugged with his good shoulder, his eyes following the movement of you fingers as you dipped them in the mixture. “There were so many wounded hunters, thought you should prioritize them.”
You huffed at his stubbornness. “Skxawng” you muttered, trying to not take in how defined the muscles around his shoulder area were. “I al- we always have time for you” you corrected quickly. Please Eywa, don’t let him catch that slip up!
You dared a quick glance at his eyes, but you couldn’t read the expression there. He opened his mouth and closed it several times before speaking. “I’ll remember that” he breathed.
Quickly, you looked back down at his wound and shuffled closer to be able to apply the ointment. Too late you noticed that this position practically placed you between his legs. His knees rubbed against your waist as you leaned forward. Again, you placed one hand on his chest for support before rubbing your coated fingers over his wound.
A small groan left his lips. A groan that caused you to close your eyes and legs tighter together. Thank Eywa that your braids covered your face as you worked, if he saw the deep violet of your cheeks or your eyes that were more black than yellow, he’d probably bolt out and you’d have to dig yourself into a hole of embarrassment and stay there forever. There was nothing sexual about that groan! He was in pain, you reminded yourself. Still, all you could feel was the beating of your heart and the lightning bolts of pleasure going from your stomach to your core.
This was exactly why you needed to keep a safe distance from him! When there were other people around or you kept yourself at a respectable distance, it was easier to remember that all you would ever be was his friend. It made it easier to suppress everything.
As soon as you could, you bolted from your position as if you had just been burnt. Clearing your throat, you look away, letting your braids hide your face again. “Okay, you’re all set” you murmured under the guise of putting everything back at its rightful place.
You could hear Neteyam standing up behind you, shuffling about a little. “Thank you, Emreyìtre. I appreciate it.” It was so rare for someone to call you by your full name. It caused a flutter of your heart that made you feel both happy and sad at the same time. “Are you staying here long?”
Why did he want to know? Did it matter what you did? “Probably not” you answered slowly, finally turning around to face him. “We used up a lot of Mo’at’s supply today. I was going to forage some more for her so we can all start fresh tomorrow.”
“Now?” he questioned, gesturing to the setting sun outside of the tent. “It will be dark soon.”
You crossed your arms, tail swishing slightly. “So? I’m not afraid of the dark.”
Neteyam’s ears flicked upwards along with his tail. “I know” he smiled. “But I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
You sighed… You wanted to say something derogatory to distract him from the real reason you didn’t want him accompanying you. It’s not like you could tell him you wanted the alone time to cool off and maybe shoot a couple of arrows in between gathering. But when you looked into those hopeful, determined eyes of his, you couldn’t lie. Damn him! “Fine. As long as you remember that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself then you can make yourself useful and help me carry everything.”
You thrusted a satchel bag into his hands. Neteyam snorted and slung it over his shoulder before accepting the large pile of smaller containers that you had woven for this very purpose. You gathered the same equipment for yourself before also armoring yourself with your daggers and bow and arrow.
As you walked, you tried to stay a couple of paces ahead of him, both to show him the way but also to give yourself some space to think. As eclipse slowly set in, his tanhì would illuminate more and more, creating that perfect canvas of speckled light. He had always been so beautiful in the dark, his features somehow more prominent than during the day. Over the years, you had spent many evenings around a campfire with him and his family. Carefully watching him out of the corner of your eye, you had decided that nighttime was his best look.
But you couldn’t think of that right now! If this was going to work, having him accompany you, then it couldn’t be awkward. You had to treat him the same way as you would anyone else helping you. And that meant no ogling! Hence why you were walking ahead of him.
Neteyam walked diligently behind you, not saying much, just following in your footsteps. Eventually you stopped in front of a clearing.
“Here” you pointed towards a patch of green. “See those plants with the rounded leaves?” He nodded, stepping closer to you to observe the plants. “Dig up the roots, clean them and put them in one container. As many as you can fit.”
“What do they do?” he asked curiously as he sunk down to his knees.
“They calm anxiousness” you answered immediately. “They can also help people sleep if prepared properly.”
As Neteyam worked on the roots, you used your knife to gather the same herbs you had boiled earlier today. Neteyam proved to excel at this, like everything else. He quickly filled the woven bag with roots and immediately asked for a new task. You set him to work as much as you could, both to get the work done faster and because you secretly wanted to see that pleased smile whenever he showed you his collection of plants. He was like one of those yellow canines Jake had showed you on a computer once. The ones that existed on earth. He had that same eagerness to please and do well.
It warmed your heart that he genuinely wanted to help. Yet you also had to remind yourself that this eagerness was not singled out for you. He probably wanted to help everyone with the same fervor. He was the next Olo’eyktan, after all. If the people were supposed to follow him, then he had to show he would be there for them with the same loyalty.
But as the evening went on, Neteyam followed you more and more, asking you to tell him about each and every plant you collected. And it was nice to have something to talk about. Something that you could sink into without feeling self-conscious. So, you happily shared your knowledge.
“See this one?” you sat down in front of a plant with thick, pointy stems and sharp edges. “Kiri and I discovered the use of it a while ago. It soothes burns, produces a cooling sensation.” You broke off a piece of the stem and cut it in half. A clear, gel-like liquid oozed out. You collected some on your fingers and you could swear you heard your foraging partner swallow. But before you had time to process whether he did, you reached for his arm to stroke some on it. “Feel that?” you smiled up at him.
“Yeah” he murmured before looking up at you. “That’s incredible.”
“I’m experimenting with it, to see if I can make turn it into an ointment somehow.”
Neteyam looked at you with hooded eyes. “If anyone can, it’s you.”
A blush spread across your cheeks. He had given you so many compliments tonight, it was hard to believe that this wasn’t one of your daydreams. Even harder when you observed the way his tanhì glowed in the moonlight, the way his braids fell to perfectly frame his face, his gentle smile, his golden eyes looking up at you from under his eyelashes again. The urge to be closer to him was overwhelming. Every fibre of your being longed for him, to feel his lips against yours. But you had to stay strong. He was forbidden territory. Kiri’s brother, the future clan leader, and most importantly; he wasn’t interested. And making any kind of move would ruin whatever it was that you two had.
So you cleared your throat and stood up. “After we get some of these, we should be set to head back” you said quietly, turning away from him.
The two of you quickly gathered the last plant and began walking back. But before you had gotten far you stumbled upon some of your favorite materials for making clothing. A small squeal of happiness left your lips as you bent down to scoop up some of the pebbles.
“Do these have a medical purpose?” Neteyam asked you curiously and picked some up himself.
“No” you admitted bashfully, placing the small white pebbles in your bag. “I use them to make beads and other decorations for my chest coverings.”
“Oh…” Neteyam’s eyes flitted downwards for a moment before he bent down to scoop some more pebbles into his hand to examine them further. “Is it hard to make beads out of them?”
“No” you shrugged. “Just time consuming.” Neteyam nodded slowly.
The two of you walked the rest of the way in silence. It had been such a nice evening and you desperately tried to remember that it was simply an outing between friends. You couldn’t get your hopes up over this one thing. He just came along to make sure you didn’t get lost out there…
“Hey” Neteyam stopped you with a hand on your elbow when the village appeared ahead. “Thank you for letting me come with you. I really needed to clear my head for a bit.”
Your ears perked in interest. “Oh?” His mood seemed to have dampened somewhat, judging by the way his eyes suddenly had darkened and his tail swished slightly when he looked at his family’s marui. “Can I ask why?” you probed gently. “Or is it too personal?” Whatever it was, a part of you really wanted, needed, to know.
Neteyam rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Mom and dad have been trying to have a conversation with me for a couple of days. A conversation I don’t really want to have.” He looked at his home, his cheeks a bit more violet than usual. You nodded gently for him to continue. He cleared his throat and refused to meet your gaze. “They want me to start looking for a mate.”
And just like that, you could feel cracks appearing in your heart. “Oh…” you whispered, now avoiding his gaze, as well. You had always known this day would come, but mentally preparing and being slapped in the face with it were two entirely different things.
“And it’s not that I don’t want a mate” he added hurriedly. “I do. I just don’t want to be rushed into any big decisions. Whoever I mate with will have to burden a lot of responsibility and I don’t want to force that on anyone. I know what’s like to have so much responsibility thrust upon you that you didn’t ask for.”
You nodded slowly, blinking furiously. Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes, but they had to stay away! You would not cry over the news that a friend was supposed to celebrate. Be supportive! “I’m sure whoever it will be will make a great tsahìk one day” you murmured, clutching your bag closer to your chest. “Since we’re here, I can take the bags to the healing hut.”
“I can help you with that!” Neteyam offered immediately, making you want to cry even more. But not now, not yet!
“No, no I’ll be fine” you lied, your voice a lot shakier than you would have liked. “Go home, Neteyam. I’m sure your parents are wondering where you are.” He reluctantly handed you the bag he was carrying. You gave him a forced smile. “Goodbye.”
You started to walk away before he could answer, desperate to get away. He called after you. “Goodbye Emmy!”
The tears finally spilled over. It felt like a ‘goodbye’ in more ways than one…
Let me know what you think!!!
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emkayewrites · 15 days
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Lukola fanfiction from Luke's POV- Luke and Nicola are filming the carriage scene but both of them secretly like each other - and both of them are unavailable.
(Excerpt taken from my fanfiction 'Curtain Fall')
5th November 2022 – London (UK)
It was a surreal experience to be on a soundstage, even though he had been on dozens of them by this point in his career.
The Bridgerton production did soundstages like nowhere else.  Everything was huge, and everything was opulent.  He stood in front of a dark blue, four-wheeled carriage.  It was elegant with an exterior adorned with intricate gold-leaf patterns and lacquered wood that contrasted sharply with its’ gleaming brass fittings.  It stood looking rather out of place in front of a giant green screen, in the middle of the chasmic space that was Soundstage 12. 
He was dressed in the finest formalwear that the Regency Period had to offer, and he was covered in what he approximated to be about twelve layers of make-up and two entire cans of hairspray. 
He usually felt a mixture of nerves and excitement before filming a scene as crucial as the one they were about to film.  Today, he was just plain nervous.
He was hardly able to take note of the other people on the soundstage.  At one far end, there were several chairs and tables surrounded by a small group of the hair and make-up team.  At another end, there were a handful of crew members working with cables, rigging and lighting fixtures.  Usually, he would be approaching them all, making small talk, trying to ease his own racing mind but he felt too unsettled to make conversation.
He knew that the way he was feeling was not just about the nature of the scene they were about to film.  It was about her.  She stood several feet away from him with Erika and John adding touches to her make-up and clothes.  She was resplendent in a shimmering baby blue gown that was cinched in a way that flattered both her waist and her ample breasts. 
Breasts he would have to touch again. 
All he wanted to do was to touch her again.
He felt nauseous.
At the same time, he knew that was the very last thing he should do.
He sensed there was something different in her since that night in his trailer too.  She appeared to keep more of a distance, the bantering dialogue they usually had was reduced to a few quips.  He could not be sure, but he felt some sort of frustration emanating from her.  As if she wanted to say something but could not.  He could also be imagining it. He did a lot of that recently.  Imagining conversations with her.  Imagining being with her.  He then got angry at himself.  Then he felt the inevitable anxiety that always came when he realised that he was having strong feelings for the woman he would now have to act like he was having strong feelings for. 
His fathers’ advice echoed in his mind: Keep the work as work, and don’t neglect your real life.  How could he do that when the real life was becoming his work, and the work was becoming his real life? 
Six burly-looking men of various ages approached the carriage.  Andrew trailed behind them, a headset wrapped around his neck and clipboard in hand.  Andrew, their director, was a slight man in his earlier forties with a refined yet approachable air about him.  He gestured for both Luke and Nicola to come towards him.
“Guys, guys… you both look incredible.” Andrew’s eyes beamed with enthusiasm. “Wow!”
In that moment, Luke felt thankful that it was Andrew who was going to be taking them through these scenes.  There was nothing like having a director that not only led you through your scenes, but also lifted you up and empowered you throughout the process. 
“Right, so the way we’ll do this is – the camera will be in the carriage with you guys, we’ll be back over here with the monitors to give that added illusion of intimacy in there.” Andrew explained, pointing to the monitor setup a few feet away.
“And these lovely men…” Andrew motioned to the guys standing by the carriage. “They will be our carriage hydraulics!  We can’t have the carriage attached to real horses for a scene like this, so this was Netflix’s next best offer.”
“Well, we’ll try not to make it too long of a shoot day for you guys.” Luke found himself saying with a nervous chuckle. 
“Right, so we’ll get you guys up into position…” Andrew nodded towards the carriage. 
Luke felt the instinct to go to Nicola, to take her by the hand and guide her up onto the carriage, but one of the carriage men beat him to it.
They stepped into the luxurious interior and seated themselves opposite one another as the script requested.  Andrew looked in through the window at them.
“So, we’ll be on the monitors and the camera will follow you from there…” He motioned to the other side of the carriage, where a camera was positioned, looking in at them through the window.
Luke watched Nicola orient herself, taking note of the cues Andrew was outlining.  He was taken aback by how intimate it all felt now that he was inside the carriage.  It was just going to be them and one camera.  
“That looking good to you, Luke?” Andrew interrupted his thoughts.  Luke was not sure he had taken everything in, but he felt compelled to nod. 
“Alright, so we’ve got this mixture of anger and hurt – but there is a tension running underneath it all.”  Andrew’s eyes lit up again. “It’s the tension of longing.  And that tension finally breaks to give us – the carriage scene!”
“Let’s do this!” Nicola high-fived Andrew, matching his excitement.
He could not ignore how she lit up when she smiled.  He thought about how it did not help that she was made up to resemble an actual Goddess on earth.
“Alright, great! On my cue, guys.” Andrew pulled the headset over his head and moved away from them.  They heard his echoing footsteps recede as the entire soundstage became eerily silent.  The lighting around them dimmed.  Suddenly, the carriage started to move in an undulating way. 
Luke’s eyes met Nicola’s and for a second, they both stifled a giggle at the ridiculousness of it all. 
They heard Andrew’s shout: “ACTION!”
Then their masks came down.
Nicola vanished, and the misty-eyed Penelope sat before him, a look of anger etched on her face.
He fixed her with a stoic look as he spoke: “You cannot marry that man. He will leave you, and he is too particular.”
He watched her watching him, her face getting angrier.
“And he is – he is just not right for you, Pen.” He continued, part-insisting, part-pleading.
She shook her head furiously at him. “He did not propose.”
He stared at her, stunned. 
“In fact, he rejected me because of you.” She practically spat the words out.  “Because the scene you caused led him to believe you have feelings for me.  An idea so preposterous, I do not know what to do besides laugh.”
There were times when she was acting that he found himself lost in what she was doing.  The way she conveyed emotions with so much power and grace.  He watched her with awe.
She continued, through gritted teeth: “Now, will you please leave me alone and let us ride home in silence?”
His heart was racing and there were tears in his eyes as he leaned forward.
“I cannot.” His tone was defiant.
“Please!” She snapped at him, near tears herself.
“I cannot!” He found himself snapping back, a hot, angry tear rolling down his cheek.  He could no longer tell if they were acting tears, or tears of real frustration. 
“Because…” He swallowed, as if mustering up his courage. “What if I did have feelings for you?”
He felt the nausea again. He wanted to remind himself that this was acting, that he should not be having such a visceral reaction to those words but at the same time, he knew it was helping his performance. 
“What?” She blinked at him, still frowning.
He moved so that he was closer to her and then knelt before her.  He was aware he was shaking.  His breath was laboured.
“I have spent so long trying to feel less, trying to be the kind of man society expects me to be.”  He reached forward for her hands, his nerves increasing as he was aware she was surely able to feel the sweat on his palms and feel how much he was shaking.  He found himself squeezing her hands tightly, as if to anchor himself.
“And for a moment, I thought I had succeeded.” He continued. “But these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings.”
Where did Colin end and he begin?  He thought to himself.  He felt himself getting choked up.  He felt the weeks of frustration and conflicting emotions rising inside him. 
“Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. About that kiss.”
She reacted to his words with a small gasp.
“Feelings like dreaming of you when I’m asleep.  And in fact, preferring sleep because that is where I might find you.  A feeling that is like torture.”
Speaking these words felt terrifying, electrifying and cathartic all at once. Another tear rolled down his cheek.
“One which I cannot… do not… and will not give up.” He spoke emphatically.
“Please. Do not say things you do not mean.” She shook her head at him, disbelieving.
“But I do mean it.  It is everything I have wanted to say to you… for weeks.”
An expression of confusion and pain appeared on her face.
“But… Colin, we are friends.”
Even though the rejection was merely playacting, it still stung.
“Yes, but we…” He spoke with hurt in his voice.  He wanted to say more but swallowed back his words and recomposed himself. He moved back to his seat. “Forgive me. I do not know what I was thinking.”
“But I’d very much like to be more than friends.” 
He stared at her with a mixture of amazement and desire.
“So much more.” She added, a look of longing in her eyes.
He moved closer to her, and for a moment, their faces met, and they took each other in, both breathing heavily.  All he wanted to do was to kiss her, but he was also terrified of what that would do to him.  Then, their mouths met in a passionate kiss.
He found his mind and body travel back… back to the inside of his trailer… back with his hands all over her.  Her mouth and body responded to his with a willingness and desire equal to his own.
He felt the stickiness of her lipstick smearing around the corners of his mouth, her hands in his hair – neither of them having any thought for their hair or make-up.
And then suddenly, he heard it as she did because they found themselves springing away from one another at the same time.
A bright light exploded in their faces as the spotlight above them came back to life.  Andrew and Liam, the cinematographer, were stood by the window next to the camera.  Andrew surveyed their messy faces and hair with wide eyes.
“Woah, you guys were really into that.”
Luke instinctively wiped at his lips with the back of his hand as Nicola smoothed out the front of her dress.
“We’ve been yelling cut for over a minute while you did the kiss – we even timed it!” He laughed.
“Don’t say we don’t give you one hundred and ten percent.” Nicola joked.  Despite her humour, Luke sensed that she seemed unsettled.
“That’s for sure!” Andrew agreed. “Alright, let’s get hair and make-up in here and then we can get the next angle.”
Andrew and Liam moved away from the carriage.  Luke could hear the rest of the crew outside the carriage also dispersing as the normal noises of set life resumed. 
He watched Nicola as she touched gently at her own hair, assessing it for damage.
“You look beautiful.” He found himself saying out loud.
She stared him with a look he did not recognise.  She did not reply.
Quick little authors note: I watched the many interviews Nicola and Luke gave about the carriage scene, about how intense it was, and about how in one instance, they were so caught up filming that they did not hear ‘cut’ being called by the director. It inspired me to write a short story where Nicola and Luke really like each other, but don't know how the other feels, and have to hide it on set. In my mind, that was the only logical reason that this scene was so intense for them. It couldn’t possibly be that they are just such great actors ;) Anyway, that short chapter became the fanfiction I'm STILL writing about these two! So I hope you enjoyed what was actually the very first chapter of this story that I ever wrote -I built the rest of the story around it!
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hongcherry · 9 months
pretty please (be a perfect night) || c.sc
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You and Seungcheol celebrate your one-month anniversary; however, a guest from the past makes an unexpected appearance.
💞 Pairing: boyfriend!Seungcheol x Reader (f)
💞 Rating/Genres/AUs: NC-17; Fluff, tad of angst; Established relationship, Pretty Please Couple
💞 Warnings: Name-calling not in bed (bitch), pet names (Cherry, baby, babe), referred to as girl, reader has she/her pronouns, some suggestive content, mentions of sleeping around and family troubles, reader wears cheol's clothes and has "fancy" nails
💞 Word Count: 3.7k
💞 Timeline: Between "(stay with me)" and "(rid your worries)"; Mostly can be read as a standalone but does have some vague references to past parts
💞 Author's Note: Based on this ask! Thank you for the idea. I love seeing people enjoy reading this couple ^-^ Apologies for the long wait! I wrote this a few days later, but then I kept editing and adding more stuff so it ended up being longer than planned fkjbgfdk starting off the new year with this couple feels right 💖
pretty please masterpost | seventeen masterlist | main masterlist
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Seungcheol’s hand rests on your thigh, drawing random shapes on your exposed skin. Dim street lights pass by, and you get lost in the repetition.
You had never thought you were a person to celebrate the smaller couple anniversaries, but here you are.
It’s been one month since you and Seungcheol decided to be a couple. A month of affection and care you’re not used to, but it’s a nice change. You insisted you were fine doing something less extravagant for your one-month anniversary, however, Seungcheol refused. He made a dinner reservation at one of the fancier restaurants in town and didn’t give you a chance to decline.
Despite not wanting a formal celebration, you’re glad Seungcheol cares about what you two have so wholeheartedly.
When Seungcheol pulls into a parking spot, you finally turn to him.
He’s already looking at you with a handsome smile. His hair is styled to show the middle of his forehead while strands of his hair frame his face. You can’t believe you ever thought his looks were mediocre.
“You ready to go, Cherry?” he asks.
You nod, reaching for the door, but Seungcheol squeezes your thigh to stop you. You peer at him in confusion.
“You know better,” he says with a small frown.
“Babe,” you sigh, recalling how he likes to open the door for you. Sometimes he’ll let you do it without a fight, but tonight is not one of those times.
“This is a proper date. I want to get the door for you,” he explains.
Relenting, you drop your hand into your lap. “Okay.”
He smiles, then makes his way to your side of the vehicle. He opens the door and holds out a hand. You take it, carefully stepping out and double-checking you have your purse.
“You look incredible, baby,” he murmurs as he stares at you.
You tuck your head down with a smile wide in appreciation. “Thanks.”
He chuckles at your bashfulness. After shutting and locking the door, he leads you to the entrance.
As you near, you say, “You look really nice, too, Cheol. Is this a new suit?”
You pause in your trek to raise a hand to his chest, fingers grazing the material in wonder.
Seungcheol glances at his attire. It’s an all-black suit paired with a checkered-pattern tie. On the left lapel is a Chanel broach.
“No, but I rarely wear this,” he explains. “I had to wear the best for you.”
“Well, I’m honored,” you smile.
Seungcheol covers your hand that’s on his chest with his, giving it a squeeze while he leans in to kiss your head.
As expected, he holds the front doors open for you and takes care of checking you both in. He keeps one hand on you as you follow the waiter to your table. When you arrive, he pulls the chair out and helps you get situated.
You’re a little shy about being treated in such a way, but you know it makes Seungcheol happy.
“You know what I’ve noticed?” he asks while taking his own seat.
You pick up the menu and hum in response.
Seungcheol lowers your menu, so you’re looking at him.
“You get nice when you’re nervous,” he chuckles softly.
You roll your eyes and wiggle the menu from his hold.
“I’m not nervous,” you protest.
Seungcheol smiles. “It’s okay that you are. I’m a little nervous too.”
Your eyes meet his. He leans back in his chair and opens his own menu. His gaze is wandering over the courses with no sign of jitters in sight.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
Seungcheol looks at you. “You don’t believe me, Cherry?”
A shake of your head.
“I’ve taken the prettiest girl I know on a date; she’s dressed so beautifully that it’s hard not to stare. And she’s looking at me with these eyes that make my heart do weird things,” he speaks slowly and earnestly, sitting straighter.
“I want this night to go well, so yes, I’m nervous.”
“C-Cheol,” you say in a whisper.
He just smiles, showing off his dimples and making your heart rate spike.
Seungcheol doesn’t normally say these things unless he’s teasing you.
You want to tell him he makes you feel as though you’re his number one. As if he’ll run a thousand miles just to get to you. You want to say he’s treating you so well that you’re falling harder for him. He’s put so much thought and effort, not only in the planning but his appearance, that you don’t want to mess it up somehow.
The way he’s gone all out for this date is making you feel both cherished and guilty. Cherished because none of your other boyfriends ever took the relationship so seriously, and guilty because you don’t feel you deserve it.
“Order whatever you want, babe,” he finally breaks the silence. There’s a small smile on his lips as if he’s proud to have rendered you speechless. He’s not upset you haven’t said anything, nor did he expect you to. The look on your face tells him enough. He understands your affection comes in the form of actions. Granted, so does his most of the time, but tonight, he wants you to know how he really feels.
When the waiter comes back, you order your drinks and meals. You’re surprised to see Seungcheol ordering a lot of food, some you figure is for you since you didn’t order much—not because you didn’t like any of the options but because a lot of it is expensive.
“I have a gift for you,” Seungcheol announces once the waiter leaves.
You’re sipping your drink and nearly choke on it from shock. The guilt grows in your chest when you realize you didn’t buy him anything. You didn’t even think to get a gift.
“You didn’t need to get me anything,” you say.
“I know,” he replies and retrieves something from his suit pocket.
It’s a black rectangular box. He places it on your end of the table, staring at you expectedly.
You grab the box and open it carefully. Inside is a rhinestone necklace with several cherries dangling from it. For some, all the bling might be gaudy. To you, it’s stunning.
“Wow,” you say and graze your fingers over the accessory.
“Is it too much?” Seungcheol asks, worry in his voice.
You shake your head.
“It’s so pretty. Thank you, Cheol,” you smile and look at him.
“I know you already have one on, but do you wanna,” he trails off.
You touch the necklace you’re already wearing as if to confirm he’s right. “Oh,” you murmur.
When you dress, you ensure every part of your fit matches perfectly. From the shoes to the layers to the accessories, you’re particular with how you style. So, when Seungcheol asks if you want to exchange jewelry, your first reaction is to be hesitant.
The necklace is beautiful, but you’re nervous about switching it when you haven’t tried everything together.
Seungcheol’s shoulders sag ever so slightly at your silence.
“No worries,” he forces a smile. “Forget I asked.”
He averts his gaze to glance around the restaurant.
You frown upon seeing his sad expression. He’s doing a good job hiding his disappointment, but you’re watching him so attentively that you can see it.
“Baby,” you call out softly.
“Hm?” he hums, glancing at you briefly.
You reach a hand across the table to cover his. “Will you help me put it on?”
Seungcheol gives a small smile, lips pressed together. “You don’t—”
“I can’t put it on because of my nails,” you explain. “So, will you help me?”
Seungcheol eyes you for a moment. He gets a feeling you don’t really want to wear it.
With a silent sigh, you remove your hand from his and reach behind your neck to unlatch your necklace. You struggle to unclasp the hook, fingers slipping from the clasp too quickly for you to slide the connecting end away.
Seungcheol stands, makes his way behind you, then replaces your hands with his.
He’s silent as he takes off the jewelry and sets it on the table gently. He grabs the cherry necklace, wrapping it around your neck carefully and securing the ends. The cold metal makes you shiver for a second. You didn’t realize it would fit more like a choker, but it’s nice to have variety in your wardrobe.
Seungcheol’s fingers linger on your skin before he sits back down.
“How does it look?” you wonder with a smile.
“Beautiful. You look beautiful,” he says without a doubt.
You glance in your lap and then look at him again. “I’m sorry.”
Seungcheol tilts his head. “What for?”
“For hesitating.”
He smiles, the same closed-mouth one, but it looks more genuine now.
“I shouldn’t have put you on the spot. Do you want me to take it off?”
“No,” you answer quickly. “I want to keep it on.”
He nods. “I think it suits you well, Cherry.”
“I think so too,” you reply.
Although you haven’t seen yourself fully with it on, it should be fine paired with your simple yet elegant dress.
Soon the tension dissipates, and you both fall into a casual conversation.
The waiter comes back and informs you that it’s taking longer than usual for your meals. Seungcheol doesn’t look pleased momentarily, but he puts on a friendly appearance soon after.
As an apology, the waiter comes back with a complimentary bottle of champagne.
“This just means I get to spend more time with you dressed up,” you say as Seungcheol pours you both a glass.
He peeks at you and sighs. “That’s a good way of putting it.”
“This doesn’t ruin anything,” you reassure, knowing he’s upset that there’s a hiccup in what he hoped would be a perfect date.
Seungcheol nods and hands you your filled glass.
“To being happy,” he says, raising his glass.
You grin at his small toast. It’s nice to know you make him as happy as he makes you.
“To being happy,” you repeat, then clink glasses.
You watch Seungcheol over the rim of your glass as you take a sip, smiling as you make eye contact.
“Good?” he asks.
You nod and place the drink down.
“I’ll be right back. I need to use the restroom,” you inform and slide your chair back.
“Okay,” he says.
Seungcheol watches as you leave, eyes a little more focused than necessary to make sure you get to the restrooms safely. It’s only when you round the corner that he tears his gaze away.
He pulls his phone out and starts scrolling through social media to bypass the time.
“Seungcheol?” a hesitant voice calls in front of him a minute later.
He snaps his gaze up, something about the voice ringing familiarity.
A woman dressed in a long dress stands across the table. Her hair is neatly pulled from her face and a small handbag is in one of her hands. She looks different from the last time he’s seen her.
“Hajun?” Seungcheol asks, shocked.
She grins widely.
“It is you,” she breathes out a sigh of relief. “Not that you look much different, but I thought I was seeing things.”
He hums, an uneasy feeling in his chest.
The last time he spoke to her was at your senior fashion show. Numerous calls and texts from her went ignored; especially, when he found out what she had said to you outside that bathroom on campus. Even now, he can’t stop thinking about her words. The very untrue, and vile words.
“Can I sit real quick? I feel bad with how things ended between us.”
Seungcheol glances behind her. He doesn’t see you and hopes you take your time. He’s sure she’s the last person you want to see.
“Yeah,” he replies.
She nods and takes a seat.
“Look, I’m sorry for how I acted in college. I know it hasn’t been long, but a lot can change in a month.”
“Like?” he ponders.
“For starters, remember that company I really wanted to work for? I got hired there!” she beams. “There are some really nice people helping me improve my skills.”
“That sounds great, Hajun,” Seungcheol congratulates.
“It is,” she smiles. “So, are you doing a business deal or something? I saw you work for Attacca now.”
“I do, but that’s not why I’m here tonight,” he replies.
“Oh,” she says, a little surprised. “Then, why are you dressed up so nicely? You used to only dress like this when we had presentations or something of the sort.”
Her gaze flickers across his body, taking in his nice suit.
“I’m on a date,” he answers plainly, not having any desire to disclose with whom.
Her eyes widen. “Really? Me too!”
This time, it’s Seungcheol’s turn to look shocked.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” she laughs. “I’m not totally undesirable.”
Seungcheol shakes his head. “It’s not that, I just…”
Hajun smiles. “I’m just messing with you. Like old times, remember?”
Seungcheol hums. Although Hajun was never nice to you, she always treated him kindly. Sure, she was a gossiper, but nothing came out of it. Not until you came along. Perhaps he just never saw her with the people the gossip was about.
“So, if you’re on a date, does this mean you got over Yn?” she wonders. He gets the impression that she always assumed his liking toward you was temporary. As if Hajun was just waiting for his “phrase” to pass.
Seungcheol’s hands close in fists beneath the table. The conversation was bearable until now. Now, he dreads to hear what Hajun has to say. He doesn’t want a repeat of what happened months ago.
“You’re still thinking of her?” he asks, trying to divert the question.
She shrugs. “Not really, but seeing you reminded me how infatuated you were. I mean, you did ditch me for her.”
She laughs, but it feels forced as if she’s trying to hide how upset she is.
Seungcheol purses his lips. “You know why I ditched you, Hajun.”
“I told you I was just looking out for you, Cheollie,” she exasperates. “All I ever wanted was for you not to get hurt. And can you blame me for worrying? She was known to sleep around and be noncommittal. All her exes said—”
“They were exes for a reason. It seems they were all insecure and needed to start rumors to heal their egos.”
Seungcheol can feel his body heat as the anger begins to rise. It always did when she spoke about you, but now it’s intensified.
“Maybe the reason was because she wasn’t all she made herself out to be,” Hajun argues.
It suddenly feels like he’s in college again, surrounded by the study room walls with his so-called friends. At least he always had Vernon to lean on for reason.
“I think people put labels on her and just went with it,” Seungcheol says.
Hajun scoffs. “Oh, come on, Cheollie. She always acted like she was above everyone else. Perfect grades, perfect family… Yeah, right. I heard her father is a dead-beat and her sister is a—”
“You don’t know shit, Hajun,” he snaps finally. “You never did.”
She frowns, seemingly offended at his words. “You can’t seriously still like her,” she says, flabbergasted.
“Why not?” he challenges.
“You’re better than her!” she huffs. “You’re caring, you’re loyal, you’re smart. She’s none of that. You can reach levels of success she never can. She’s not that talented, and she’s probably not even good in bed.”
“She’s amazing, actually.” He smirks.
Hajun chokes, eyes wide in horror. “W-What?”
Seungcheol leans on the table. He narrows his eyes at her, more serious than ever.
“You haven’t changed, Hajun. You’re still jealous of her and all your shit-talking shows it. Had I never tolerated all your badmouthing, I would’ve been much happier the last few months.”
Hajun blinks; her mouth is slightly ajar as she processes what he said.
“So, you are on a date with her,” Hajun says in realization. There’s disgust evident in her voice that fuels Seungcheol’s irritation. He’s been so engrossed by her that he hasn’t seen you standing behind Hajun. He jumps as if his hand is caught in the cookie jar.
“Why, of course,” you laugh mockingly sweetly. “You still think he’ll give you the time of day?”
Seungcheol’s heart races at seeing you. You don’t look as pissed as he thought you would be, but that doesn’t mean you’re not hiding it.
He’s prepared to tell you Hajun’s just leaving, but he’s interrupted before he can get a syllable out.
“You’re still the bitch you were in college,” Hajun growls, a glare in her eyes.
You smile. “Takes one to know one.”
Hajun’s eyes narrow.
“I see your fashion has improved,” you observe. “Did you learn something from me?”
Hajun reaches for the glass of champagne on the table, fully prepared to drench you with it, but Seungcheol grabs her arm swiftly. Some of it swishes over the lip and spills on the table.
“It’s time for you to go, Hajun. I’m sure your date is wondering where you are,” Seungcheol speaks firmly.
Hajun turns to face him and slowly relaxes in his grip. “You don’t see what she’s doing to you?”
Her voice is softer now; she sounds sad.
“She’s making me happier,” he replies, hand still wrapped around her wrist in case she changes her mind.
“She’s making you a dick,” Hajun corrects. “You’re not the Seungcheol I knew a few months ago.”
“No, Hajun. I’ve just gotten better at standing up for people I care about,” Seungcheol replies. He almost sounds a little defeated by her lack of sense.
Hajun’s stare lingers on his. He watches her search his eyes for what he’s guessing is his past self, but she doesn’t understand he never left. It’s just clearer to him to see who’s worth fighting for.
“Enjoy your night, Hajun,” Seungcheol dismisses.
Hajun inhales deeply before releasing a breath. She eases her grip on the glass and stands from the seat. She gives you one last snarl with her back turned to Seungcheol, then walks to the other end of the restaurant.
As she’s walking away, you shuffle to Seungcheol’s side and call her name.
She turns, already annoyed with whatever you’re about to say.
You give her a small smile before you tilt Seungcheol’s face toward yours and kiss him. Seungcheol nips at your lip at your childish behavior but doesn’t resist.
When you pull away, you see she’s rolling her eyes and giving you the finger.
You’re tempted to reciprocate the gesture, but she turns around before you can lift a hand.
“That was immature,” Seungcheol murmurs, although he doesn’t sound upset.
“So is she,” you argue.
Seungcheol rubs his lips together, not disagreeing with your comment.
“So, what did you hear?” he asks as you sit down.
“That you think I’m amazing in bed,” you grin, crossing your legs and leaning back in your seat.
Seungcheol seems embarrassed for a few seconds, but then he’s smirking and grazing one of your legs with his under the table.
“I’m sure you’ll be amazing in my car too,” he replies.
Your mouth drops slightly. “Seungcheol!”
He cocks an eyebrow up briefly—a habit of his that you’ve started to find more attractive than annoying.
“We can get a to-go,” he offers.
You shake your head and nudge at his leg with yours. “You wanted to eat here, so we’re eating here. Behave yourself.”
Seungcheol’s eyes flicker down at your body, sighing.
“But you make it so hard,” he groans lowly.
You know he’s talking about not being able to behave, but you get the hint he’s also referring to something else.
You resist the urge to glance down, knowing you won’t be able to see what you’re looking for anyway.
“I’m sure I do,” you smile mischievously.
The corner of his lips dips down.
Thankfully, your food arrives before he can reply, and the conversation transitions into something more appropriate.
With the night winding down and a belly filled with delicious food, you begin to get sleepy. Seungcheol pays for the meal and then helps you get into the car. His hand holds yours, and he can’t stop the grin on his face when he feels your grip ease as you fall asleep.
You look so sweet that he doesn’t wake you when he arrives at his apartment. He’s careful to pick you up and carry you to his front door, then to his bedroom.
“Babe,” he finally speaks.
“Hm?” you mumble in his arms.
“We’re at my place, you wanna change for bed?” he asks softly.
Your eyes peel open, glancing around to confirm your whereabouts.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you mumble.
“It’s no problem, baby,” he says and eases you onto the bed.
“Your clothes or mine?” he asks, opening his closet to get you something more comfortable.
“Yours,” you answer tiredly.
Seungcheol’s not surprised by your answer, yet his heart still skips a beat. He likes that you enjoy his clothes even if they’re not the most stylish. Granted, some are well-known brands, but they’re still just plain.
He hands you a spare shirt and shorts and then changes into his own nightwear. When he looks at you, you’re already tucked under his covers, shorts forgotten at the foot of the bed.
“That sleepy huh?” he chuckles and puts away the unwanted shorts.
“Very,” you sigh.
Seungcheol climbs into bed after turning off the light, immediately getting hugged by you. He wiggles a bit to get comfortable.
“You have a good night, Cherry?” he asks.
You nod, eyes peering up to his. “The best.”
“I’m glad,” he murmurs. “Thank you for letting me take you out to dinner.”
You smile. Despite wanting to keep things small, you’re glad he took you out in the end. It was nice going on a proper date since it’s been a while. Not by choice, but aligning schedules hasn’t been as easy nowadays. You’ve both been busy with your new jobs.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you answer teasingly.
Seungcheol chuckles. “Not really.”
It’s quiet for a moment until Seungcheol begins to speak. 
“I lo—”
“Happy one-month anniversary, Cheol,” you say nearly at the same time; however, you don’t inquire on what he was going to say afterward.
Seungcheol pauses as he contemplates continuing his sentence. He decides against it.
“Happy one month, baby,” he echos instead, leaning down to kiss you sweetly—a faint smile on his lips.
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A/N: If anyone is curious, this is how I imagined the necklace/choker to look like.
For my “shy/silent” readers, I’ve created a feedback form where you can share your thoughts on my fics in a more anonymous and private way. ^-^
taglist: @musingsofananxiouspotato, @christinewithluv, @lockburn-castle, @iammisstora, @maknae00, @morklee02, @kittyhui, @cheolcherries, @oncloudvii23*, @mystikha*, @lithelust, @doom-fics, @ellllsia (im debating on only tagging those who specified for the pretty please couple just bc some parts may not make sense if you haven't read the series, but lmk if you have a preference!)
©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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serxinns · 2 months
can you please do yandere class 1a x reader that loves making jackets based on their quirks and hero names please my heart is burning ❤️‍🔥for this please!!!
Hmmm this is actually one of the kind!! Thank you for the ask
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Sewing was your hobby and comfort, you learned it at a very young age from your grandmother and ever since you got your quirk,
your quirk is needles, this gives you the ability to shoot needles off your fingertips and hands, and can even make weapons with them, the drawback of the quirk is your hands will get cut up and sliced if you produce so many needles which results in blood loss.
You started small by making napkins and fabric coasters at a young age then started developing into making more stuff like Scrunchies and small blankets in now making clothes! Thanks to your grandmother who was a former Fashion designer
but your favorite creation was clothes! 50 percent of your clothes were handmade and decorated by you! You always have an area for your yarn with each color and pattern!
When you got accepted to Ua you were a bit of an introvert since all you wanted to do was continue with your hobby without any interruption but life had other plans,
your classmates were all so interested in your personality that they were determined to want to know everything about you you were able to befriend everyone in class but were good friends with Tokoyami and everyone in the class despise it
Tokoyami would smirk whenever you talking unaware that your classmates would glare in jealousy while Tokoyami felt victory having your attention and being your "favorite" Here, one day It was snowing hard outside you, takoyaki and Jirou the 3 of you were heading your way to the cafe which got some very good warm drinks during the winter,
Jirou was complaining about how her earphones were cold and tried to cover them up with her scarf but they kept poking out of her scarf "Ugh these stupid ear pieces" she grumbled trying to stuff them back in her ears again, you noticed and decided to give her your earmuffs "aw y/n you don't have to I'll be fine" "nah it's cool I have plenty in my dorm room anyway"
"Plenty?" She asked a bit confused grabbing Tokoyami and Dark Shadow's attention "Yeah I make them I sew stuff like clothes, pockets and even jackets it's nothing" Jirou and Dark Shadow's eyes shined with amazement they before you can speak Dark shadow immediately went up to yout face "YOU CAN MAKE JACKETS CAN I HAVE ONE PRETTY PLEASE!!"
"D-dark shadow!!" Tokoyami pulled him back face turning red in embarrassment You chuckled "no no it's fine! I'm happy to make you a jacket if you'd like! You too Jiro!" Jirou eyes started to swell and almost made you fell when she hugged you "your such a sweet person y/n sometimes we think we don't deserve you!"
When you got back with some hot drinks you measured both takoyaki and jirou and waved them goobye promising thr hackets will be done tomorrow, you got to work making the jackets you made sure they were comfortable and fitting for them even adding some accessories that fit their quirk after 6 long hours it was finally done,
safe to say you were very proud of your work especially the accessories!
The next day you gifted them the jackets and they were amazed jirou almost died of happiness wanting to lift you and take you away Ina. Wedding gown but kept her composer "These look amazing y/n!" She spinner around with the jacket a bit while you smiled "And it fits perfectly too"
Takoyami formed a small smile "I'm glad you both like it!" The 3 of you started complimenting each other's jackets forming ideas for your next clothing unaware that some of your classmates were watching you
Wn you got to class you were started when a bunch of your classmates bombarded you with questions and complicments
"Did you actually made those jackets!? Super cute!"
"I want a manly jacket"
"Why didn't your dumbass tell us that you can make jackets!?"
"Ignore these pest y/n of you run out of materials you can ask me I can create it right away for you!"
"C-can you perhaps teach me y/n! I'll like to make a blanket for my pet rabbit!"
Every classmate was crowding around your desk either begging you to make a jacket or to help you "Oh shit.." you thought this was gonna be a long day "Fine but on one condition..you owe me a lot for this!" You narrowed your eyes while everyone else was nodding eagerly
For the next 2 weeks you started making everyone else their jackets each based on their quirks and personalities momo was a big help by creating materials to make the jackets and Ochako and Sato were also a big help in encouraging you and baking you sweets
And by the next day, you gifted everyone their jackets, and let's say they went wild Mina and Hakagure were squealing and thanking you repeatedly while Iida promised you gift you something back for this generously, "Hey bakugo they all put on your jacket!" Kirishima said as he was currently wearing the jacket a tinted blush forming "It's good I guess.." sero and Denki protested demanding the blonde to give them a proper compliment
You watched how everyone was either bragging, showing off, or just In love with your creations you were glad things went well
by the end of the day, you were exhausted just wanting to crash in your bed and sleep as you slowly opened the door you were met with 100s of gifts from each of your classmates showing their gratuities you smiled even brighter as they watched from behind glad to make you happy as much as you did and will cherish the jackets forever
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nightlyrequiem · 6 days
Hello dere :3
small request b4 they close ‼️‼️ could we have some Valeria x designer reader? I think it would be tooth-rottingly sweet for Valeria to reluctantly try on everything her girlfriend makes -- from ballgowns to suits.
And designer reader fucking adores her, and constantly makes her fancy clothes, with colours perfectly, primmly picked out to match Valerias skintone, eyecolour, manicure, tattoos, and all.
Hello hello hello :3 Valeria would definitely try on whatever thing Reader has made at her request. She's this strong, brute of a woman but with you? Oh, she's just so soft. It helps that your designs are so well done too.
Also, much apologies for the wait 🫂
Designer!Reader x Valeria
Out of the two of you, you're definitely the more fashionable one. You can take one look at someone and already know what colour or style would suit them best. Valeria doesn't care all that much about matching patterns and colours and what goes best with her undertone. You do though. Valeria is your favourite person in the world and such a good model too.
You've made a few designs inspired by her. Pieces with little scorpion inspired details. Snake details. Any animal you can vaguely associate with her. You make Valeria try on every single one.
You like to make pieces based off of animals in general. Foxes, cats, moths, peacocks, swans. Those are Valeria's favourite to model for you. The peacock one in particular. There's something so special about seeing your eyes light up as you see your ideas in the flesh. Or rather, on flesh.
She acts like she doesn't like doing it, but secretly she enjoys how much you hype her up. She struts down the hallway of your shared home in elegant gowns and dresses and suits that she'd otherwise never wear. A part of her wishes she had more time or the safety to dress up but in her line of work she has to stay lowkey. The less attention the better.
I've heard bigger chested girls have a harder time finding dresses and tops that fit them properly. (I wouldn't know because I'm not even pushing a B cup. 👎) Now, it's no secret that Valeria's chest is on the bigger side. She's found quite a few tops and dresses that she loved in her size, only issue was, they didn't fit her chest right. So, you being her loving girlfriend with the ability to sew, tailors her clothes.
You tailor her pants too. Adding on extra pockets for her and secret sheathes for her weapons.
Back to designing. In your expert opinion, Valeria suits dark red and green the best. Most of the pieces you've made for her specifically heavily features those colours. Some are pink though, to pay respect to her favourite colour.
Valeria has let you dedicate an entire room to your hobby. Mannequins, shelves full of all kinds of fabrics, needles and pins, a sewing machine, an iron and ironing board. Valeria partially regrets that decision for the sheer amount of time you spend in it. Although it's great when she's too busy to be with you.
Valeria has one suit that you made her that she wears for every formal occasion. Never during a cartel meeting, because she simply doesn't respect anyone enough to dress up, but for dates or events. Dark red and tailored to perfection, severe lines to match her sharp attitude. You wish she'd wear some of the other things you've made but you can't bring yourself to complain when she looks that good. It's like she was born to wear that suit.
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sio-writes · 2 months
Sacrifice Chapter 10
<Chapter 9
<<Chapter 1
Tags: NSFW - PIV sex
Given Aurelius' size, I'd assumed Dachaigh would've provided a bigger tub, but she's not only made it smaller, it's now free-standing and in the middle of the room. Gone is the wooden tub where I could think or plan or cry, replaced by a large stone basin made of white stone.
"Ugly," I murmur under my breath as I frown. I'm temporarily caught out by my own callousness, my ungrateful impression of what possibly took a great deal of energy and magic to make.
Behind me, Aurelius chuckles to himself. "Dachaigh, why did you shrink the bath?"
One of the shutters on the window shuts suddenly, making me jump but making Aurelius laugh. "Aha! I knew it. She says it's meant to be snug."
I roll my eyes, but I'm smiling. "Snug?"
"Comfortably arranged," he starts, resting his large hands on my shoulders. He bends down and warm air ghosts over my cheek as he says, "Closer together."
I shrug him off, feeling indignant. "I know what 'snug' means. I'm not that uneducated."
"You're not uneducated at all, dearest, you simply know things differently."
Know things differently, huh. I hadn't thought of my knowledge as useful, I'd just been keeping a habit that I'd had since childhood. Aurelius even sounded impressed. Does he think I'm smart?
Dachaigh also added a large window of colored glass on the far wall in a pattern of shapes, the light from outside making it dance over the smooth white tub. As I walk closer I make out the image of a flower, a rose I think. The change in tub makes sense, now.
"I believe she's sending us hints," Aurelius says.
A pang of guilt makes my skin go cold, but I press it down as I begin to unlace the side of my dress. I must push past this guilt, but I'm not sure how he wants me to react. I take too long to respond and it causes him to sigh heavily, and the guilt weighing on my shoulders tropes in weight.
Aurelius gets in the tub as I undress. He's only adorned by the shadows that usually surround him to make whatever form of clothing he feels like wearing that day. He rolls his shoulders to dismiss the shadows, and they creep across the floor to join the patch of shade in the far corner of the room, a sight I've never seen, but thinking on it, makes perfect sense.
Aurelius looks strange without the cloak of shadows on his frame. His body is tall and strong and his limbs are long, not unnaturally so, but enough to make one turn their head should they catch a glimpse. I see a fluffy wolf-like tail that swishes when he tests the water. That's new.
He's still made of the shadows, but in the light coming through the colored glass, he absorbs it all, a void of nothing in the center of the room. His stance and the slant of his shoulders speak of the strength I've seen before. The vision sends a shiver up my spine, first the cold shock of fear, then the warm caress of arousal behind it.
The tub is clearly too small for him. When he sits, he's barely covered up to his chest.
In a handful of minutes all my clothes are on the floor, and then I'm very ungracefully stepping into the heated water. Any minor embarrassment aside, it's lovely to recline into Aurelius' warmth, to smile at his legs breaching the waterline.
The water smells of chamomile, and the feel of it is slick like oil's been added. It's the perfect temperature, a word I learned the other day, and I groan outright as I'm submerged up to my neck. It's relaxing. The quiet feels like a blanket, a safe haven from the world outside.
He waits until I'm comfortably submerged, then laces his fingers over my belly and rests his head on top of mine. My belly is full of knots, and I search for a reason to make noise.
"Does Dachaigh, um…Watch us all the time?"
Aurelius thinks before answering, "She is aware of what goes on, but doesn't have eyes to see."
"She hears us?"
"In a way. Is that not to your liking?"
"It's…It's like being watched by my grandmother, and I certainly don't want her watching us fuck."
He hums, thoughtful. "It's more akin to your grandmother standing in another room-- yes, I'll stop," he ends with a laugh at the glare I throw over my shoulder. "Are our plans for intimacy dropped, then?"
I pull my wet hair over one shoulder and run my hands over it. Out with it, already. "You…still want to? Even after I used it against you?"
"I'm not sure what you mean."
I do my best to explain it to him, from my planning to the seduction and eventually chickening out when we started to argue. He doesn't interrupt or correct anything, only drags his thumbs over my skin in encouragement anytime I pause or lose my words. When I'm done, he shifts in the water to pull me closer, then he sighs heavily.
"You speak as if I've never manipulated you through sex either."
I turn to him with a quizzical look, and he reaches up with one hand to rub the back of his neck. "That time after the market, when I forced you, it was for my benefit only."
Oh, I hadn't thought that he felt guilty for that. I hadn't thought he could feel guilt at all, and truth be told I'd enjoyed it, hadn't thought once that he'd forced me into anything. Then again, he listened to me when I tried to run, and he's listening to me now. Shortly after that incident he'd hid away and avoided me-- was it because he felt guilty? Was he doing the same thing that I've been doing this whole time?
I snort, the stupidity of our situation suddenly turning funny in my mind. I can't help the laughter that slips through my lips, turning into a full-on fit in a matter of moments.
"I don't think this is very funny," Aurelius says, his tone offended, but I can't stop as more and more pieces of his strange behavior suddenly make sense. The hiding away, the long trips, the random things he'd find for me. My hand goes to the locket at my throat, to the beautiful ruby in the center. Had he stolen this from a human woman for me? I'm warming up to the idea that he did. "You thought you raped me so you gave me a necklace?"
He huffs indignantly. "It's more than mere decoration, the chain is made of iron to protect you."
"Aurelius…" And I turn my body fully, and see that there's an imprint of marks on his shadowy skin where I was laying against him. I'd been hurting him without realizing it-- something I've probably been doing for a while, what we've been doing to each other.
But he gave me the means to protect myself, even if it was from himself. It's touching, in that odd, familiar, Aurelius-like way.
I sigh as I unclasp the necklace and toss it so it lands on top of my clothes and not on Dachaigh. In the time it takes me to do so, I notice the marks on Aurelius beginning to fade. At least I can free my mind of hurting him, now.
I turn within his arms and splash water all over the floor, yet the tub remains full and heated. The smooth stone digs into my knees as I brace them on the inside of Aurelius' legs.
Smoothing my hand over his head, tracing a line of silver, I smile down at him. "We're not very good at this, are we?"
He chuckles as his hands rest lightly on my hips. "No, we're not." He pulls me in closer, nuzzling my side with his snout. "You know I want to be better. Can I ask you to be better, too?"
My smile widens. "I think I can do that. But we need to be spending more time together."
"Like today?"
"Like today," I say, bending forward to kiss the top of his head. "I'd like more of today."
"I know something we're good at," he continues, one hand moving to cup my ass. His meaning is clear and a shock of affection moves through me. He still wants me.
He reaches down between us to cup my cunt in one large hand. A single finger runs between my folds, and I bite my lower lip at the sensuality behind it.
"Is this okay?" he asks quietly. I swear he sounds unsure.
"Yes," I say immediately, and he adds another finger to slowly drag up the center of me to my clit. I brace a hand on his shoulder as his other hand gently massages the swell of my ass. I let out a small noise of pleasure as he explores with his fingers, gently at first then firmer the more I respond to it. There's no hurry to it, no pattern, like he's feeling just to wring responses from me.
Arousal drips down through my pelvis, spreading over my body. I'm done keeping things to myself, it's only ever gotten me in trouble, so I moan aloud as I see fit. I grip Aurelius' shoulders with both hands, moving my hips in opposition to his hands to get the most of the pleasure he's offering. I watch his member grow to full hardness and bob in the water between us.
I open easily to his fingers, two to start, thrusting with lazy confidence inside me. My breath catches on a sensitive spot, and he chuckles.
"I've missed you, dearest," he says, voice low.
I've missed this too. A few weeks without and I turned into a snapping mess. I press a kiss to his snout and bring my hand up to the opposite side. "I'm here now, I'm here."
He groans in my ear and his hips thrust up uselessly. It's quick work to prep myself before I sink down onto his waiting cock. It's still just barely too big, and I feel the stretch before I'm fully seated and welcome it like an old friend. The connection is back, I feel it behind my chest. It's a comforting feeling.
Aurelius allows me a few moments to adjust to his size, cupping hot water and spilling it over my shoulders so I don't catch a chill. It's sweet, the attention he gives me.
I start slowly, so we won't splash too much water over the floor. The texture over the top of his shaft moves deliciously against my insides the same way his fingers did. I'm happy to keep this pace until I come, but Aurelius has other ideas. He grabs me roughly by the hips and forces me up and down on his cock, each downstroke pushing the air from my lungs. Water splashes over the sides of the tub and lands on the floor, yet the level stays the same within.
I love feeling used, like the only reason he keeps me around is a warm ching to bury himself into. Images pop up in my mind like bubbles, fantasies of being fucked so throughly I can't walk for a week.
Aurelius grips me tighter. The small bruising points of pain add to the heat in my hips, and in nearly no time at all my pleasure is brought to a peak and I'm coming. My nails dig into his shoulders as every muscle clenches up in ecstacy and I release a moan. He's quick to follow, moving my body over his until he seizes up and he's wrapping his arms over my back.
The water sloshes around us, spilling onto the floor, slowly settling into stillness the longer we take to catch our breaths. We remain there, suspended as we collect ourselves. He slips out of me, allowing me to lean forward and tuck my head into the crook of his neck.
He smooths a hand over my head. "Thank you," he murmurs.
"Of course," I reply sleepily.
I find stability, both in my body and in my mind. I belong here, with Aurelius holding me.
"I have a lesson for you today," he says, brushing a lock of my hair over my ear.
My mind goes to the first place it can think of, and I snort. "A sex lesson?"
He hums, sounding thoughtful. "No, but I'll think on that for a later outing. No, I have a magic lesson in mind. You're going to learn how to grow."
Aurelius leads me through a maze of doors and rooms until Dachaigh eventually spits us out into a greenhouse-- another word I picked up, a place just for growing plants. It's a large circular room, the walls and ceiling are all glass to let as much sunlight and warmth in as possible. I feel like I'm standing inside a hollow diamond that's filled to bursting with plants. I'm glad to see we're right-side up in this room, I'm not sure what I'd do if we were tilted sideways again.
I see many of the plants we'd once spotted on our walk through the forest to get here. The memory of being led away so easily by those fae, almost to my death, has me stepping closer to Aurelius without meaning to. He did come and rescue me, back then. I saw that horrifying form when I tried to leave, but not a glimpse of it since. He was angry, that much is clear, but I've seen him angry before too, and he didn't change forms then. I have every reason to fear him, he could crush me like a bug, but I don't. I don't think I ever have, truly.
"Don't worry," he says, breaking my thoughts. "This is an easy lesson, something I know you can already do."
My nose wrinkles. "How do you know?"
The fucker looks down at me, and I swear he's smug. There's no way to know his exact expressions, but I'm starting to pick up on his aura-- how he feels, at least. I can read the shifting stars in his eyes like I would read my mother's scrawl: carefully and with much patience.
He shifts to that human-sized form with the rabbit skull and takes my hand, leading me to a table lining the wall, and leaving the pile of goop that was his previous form on the floor.
He's set out several clay pots the size of a bucket, one next to the other, all filled to the brim with dark dirt.
"You're going to grow these," he says, sweeping his free arm over them.
He writes a rune in the dirty of the pot, and waves his hands over it. Not a moment later, a sprout bursts from the ground, growing quickly into a small tomato plant with two small green starter bulbs. I notice that one of the main branches of Aurelius' antlers has fallen away.
I look at the two empty pots. "What am I to give up this time? My eyebrows?"
"No," he says, amused. "Magic isn't so direct. The trade is something of value to the caster, not the other way around."
I frown. I have the dress that Aurelius met me in, but that's the only item I have remaining of my life in the human realm. It's folded and resting in a corner of the library. I suppose I could offer the dress on me now, although that would leave me without clothing for the day, as my other dresses are drying from the wash. I can't imagine Aurelius complaining about that particular detail, but I don't want to be wandering around naked for the better part of the day.
It's fiddling with the button on my sleeve that strikes me with the idea, and I hold up my arm to show him the shiny thing. "I sewed this on myself, took a total of five minutes. I'm very proud of myself for doing so. Is that enough?"
Aurelius considers it for a moment before leaning forward to inspect the button. It's made of brass and stamped with a seal of mysterious meaning, something he'd brought me in one of the many baskets he left by my bedside. "It should be sufficient. Here."
With the snip of one of his claws the button snaps off and I place it on the table. From his vest he produces a small square of paper folded several times and hands it to me. Inside he's drawn a list of runes, some I've seen before, others not.
He's says, "That's every known symbol for using magic that you'll need to memorize."
There must be at least a baker's dozen of them that he's written down, all with short descriptions on the type of magic it produces. Some look identical, others so complex I can barely make out a symbol at all, they look like smudges of ink.
I look up from the page, a grimace slowly stretching my lips, and Aurelius laughs.
"You don't need them memorized now, but some spells are based on timing and the whole ritual can be undone if you wait too long, so it's best to have them all prepared."
"Ah," I say, only half understanding what he means. I'm sure he'll explain the rest in time, he's good at offering information when it's not about himself.
He continues, "To cast, write the rune, and set an intent: what you want from the magic. This spell only requires one, but more complex spells will need multiple runes, and if even one is incorrect, nothing will take."
My mind wanders back to our first meeting. "Will I learn to write them in the air like you did?"
"Perhaps, but that requires a high level of control. For now, focus on this rune here-- draw it in the soil of each pot. Good. The rune will channel the magic that's already in the world through you, and you're helping guide it to the seed."
I turn back to the pot of dirt and frown at it. Concentrate. Imagine.
It's hot in this greenhouse, and sweat rolls down my temple as I stare at the dirt with no changes.
Aurelius repeats, "Imagine it growing. Put your energy into the seed."
I imagine the seed, in the ground, with magic flowing around it like water. The seed breaks open, sending roots below and a stem above, growing, growing, through the dirt. I feel a sensation like water over my skin, cool and fresh, starting at my feet and running through my veins and into the seed.
My eyes pop open. In the center of the first pot sits a tiny green stem with two equally tiny leaves. I jump at least half my height in the air and shriek, "Yes! Yes, I did it!"
It looks good, it looks healthy, and I did it all myself!
"Excellent," Aurelius says, squeezing my shoulder. "Now the other two."
It's not his words that take the wind from my sails, but I feel a wave of tiredness sink into my bones. I sway a bit, and have to grab the table for balance.
Aurelius rests a gentle hand on my lower back that I gratefully lean against. "Casting magic also takes energy."
I snort. "You don't say." I sweep my eyes over the table. The button from my sleeve has rusted over and is starting to crack. I reach out to touch it, and it crumbles like sand under my fingers. "Woah."
Aurelius presses his hand into my back in encouragement. "That's part of the exchange. Once more."
He swipes another button from the same sleeve, and sets it on the table. This time is harder, more sweat collects on my face and I feel it rolling down my back as I try to repeat the same image in my mind.
It's as if thousands of seconds pass in a moment, and the small plant pushes through the dirt just like the first.
"Yes!" I exclaim, throwing my arms in the air. But I'm hit by another wave of exhaustion that has me heaving breath like I just ran a race.
Aurelius examines the two plants, humming his approval at each of them. A burst of pride goes through me at each, and again when he says, "Very good, you're a quick study."
"What else can I do?"
"Today? Nothing, you're done for now."
I stick my lower lip out in a pout, and Aurelius laughs.
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spdrvyn · 9 months
Hello, dear. I hope you are doing well. Might I make a Miguel x fem!reader request?
So, for context.
I had this idea today when I was sketching out someone's spidersona to practice anatomy and I couldn't find any good references for the poses I wanted to do. I just so happen to also be an aerialist so I immediately changed into some work out clothes and hung up my aerial silks onto my rig.
I was able to film myself doing the exact poses I wanted to draw on the silks to use as a reference.
This all kinda made me realize how similar aerial silks is to web swinging. And it gave me this juicy idea.
Scenario where the reader is the charismatic, flirtatious, and quippy owner of a popular, high-class nightclub in universe 2099. She is a bit more hands on than normal owners because she actually performs at her own club. The theme for the night is "superhero nite". She is the final performer of the night and is in a skin tight feminized outfit of Miguel's spiderman costume. She gives a sultry aerial silks performance on stage that includes both aerial silks and interacting with the audience (think Jessica Rabbit). Taking photos, walking across tables, giving men a run for their money. Paired with displays of extreme strength and flexibility as she weaves between the fabric silks effortlessly and gracefully.
It also just so happens that Miguel himself is there for that performance either scouting out the location or tracing a lead on a series of crimes that seem to center around this night club. So he gets to personally witness this hedonistic performance in his image. Idk I just think his reaction to it all would be juicy 🤣. Especially if the reader spots him in the crowd mid performance or after the fact and decides to approach and make a spectacle out of it.
Thank you for your time! You're really good at keeping Miguel in character and I really appreciate it.
sacred silk — MIGUEL O'HARA
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☆ you're a quaint little owner on your own little stage, unfortunately your club has drawn some attention from nueva york's #1 vigilante.
tension packed. romantic. miguel is miguel. i loved this request sm! i added my own little spin to it so i hope that's okay ^_^ dividers by @/cafekitsune
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Kingpin's lackeys have been scattered all around the city, not much of a problem for Miguel. The only issue being that they're planted in the most densely packed areas, markets, malls, sometimes churches when you thought he couldn't get any worse. It caused Miguel's frustrations to deepen with every single case.
At least, there was some sort of pattern in the locations of these agents. All up until this very night where Miguel found himself crouching over the glass roof of a tranquil night club.
His sharp eyes wandered over what he could find. The crowd looked young, nobody over the age of 27 in sight, there was a bartender hastily serving drinks, but the most eyecatching of them all was a rather suspicious looking old man enjoying himself a martini.
It looked... almost pathetic at this rate, however his suspicioums grew higher. This was too easy for a catch, there had to be something that he was missing in this.
"Lyla," Miguel muttered, holding his watch up close to his mouth. "What is this place exactly?"
"Can't find any records on it, I don't think that it's a registered establishment. How fun!"
Not fun. Not fun at all! The small crowd, the shady guy sitting alone at that table, the fact that this building wasn't even registered in the first place?! Crime bells were ringing in Miguel's ears.
He skittered along the edges of the roof, making sure that he isn't noticeable despite the dim lights. Soon enough, he's able to find an open panel to slip into. He digs his talons into one of the ceiling beams, which what even is the point of having a glass roof if the view is going to be obscured by these things anyway.
Miguel keeps his weight steady atop the structure, his gaze locks onto the creepy gentleman before he's blinded by the sudden flicker of the stage lights. What in the world?
When he thought that events couldn't get any weirder, you come flying down from a secret compartment in the ceiling, silk stringing your body up as you manuever and fly across the stage and club. The crowd cheers and livens up, raising their hands to which you respond by high fiving as many people as you can.
That's when he noticed something familiar about what you were wearing. The sharp geometric shapes carefully stitched into your suit, that recognizable navy blue, that straining bright red. You were wearing his colors, designed in his suit.
It's only when your feet hit the floor of stage with a resounding thud does Miguel remember why he's here in the first place, he's gotten used to seeing his face (well, his masked one) on all different kinds of merchandise. From regular to disgusting, but he's never seen something of this caliber before. He couldn't deny that he wasn't at all intrigued by your display of talent and costume.
"Thank you all for coming tonight," the breathlessness in your voice is prominent, a sign of your draining yet enamoring performance. "Do any of you want to guess who I'm dressed as?"
The crowd rallies and cheers.
"Spider-Man! Obviously!"
"Is there anyone stupid enough to not get it?"
"It's Spider-Man!"
Miguel rolls his eyes, don't get him wrong, he does want to appreciate the praise but everyone sounds like an overenthusiatic toddler. Depsite that, you feed into their firey spirits. Not before shushing them with a slight raise of your hand.
"I know you're all thinking why I decided to dress up as our beloved spider tonight," you reach for one of the silks hanging from the ceiling, resting your body atop it as you're slowly lifted from the stage again.
"Well, it's simple really. He's the hero of our city, the face of crime fighting, the face of justice." the crowd's heads follow your hanging body, your arm droops down to brush against the many hands that wish to touch yours. "He's made so many sacrifices for us, the least we could do is put on a show. All for him."
Miguel freezes for the nearly the entire duration of your heartfelt speech, he's overheard a lot of those whether it's a drunkard's rambling as he's swinging back home or on a podium and recited by a government official.
From the corner of his eye, the man that he was slowly inching towards rises from his seat and begins to slyly move through the crowd, bumping and slipping past people. When he enters through the backstage doors, all kinds of red flags are waving through the air.
The sudden blast of music nearly deafens him, but gives him a good distraction as he crawls with more fervor across the ceiling beam. He notices the small crevice to an entrance in the ceiling, presumably the one that you entered through.
It's dark and a little dusty, Miguel has to fight back a sneeze before finding yet another latch to enter through and behold, he's successfully infiltrated the backstage area!
"Lyla," he huffs. "Scan."
Bright yellow lights emerge in his vision, behind each room there's a bountiful amount of props and some people chatting with a drink in hand, it seemed like you weren't the only performer in this establishment. The thermal energy spikes when he catches sight of a man hunched behind one of the doors, supposedly with a crowbar in hand. Miguel rolls his eyes, "How dumb does he think I am?"
"Want me to run an IQ test?"
"I was being— ugh, nevermind."
Miguel shies over right next to the door, the blades hidden in his suit release with an audible shing. It cuts into the drywall without a struggle, Miguel can hear the man fall back onto the floor with a thud and a scream. He kicks his way into the room, before pouncing onto him and knocking him out cold.
"That was fast," Lyla chimes, illuminating the darkness. Miguel digs through the pockets of his coat, there's no sign of an ID, but he was carrying a shiv and a small revolver. How was this guy let in?
Miguel ties him up and makes a swift exit, before anyone could notice. This mission felt a little too easy for his liking, like a twist was going to sneak up on him at any minute now, but he wasn't going to complain about having an easy target this time.
His never ending train of thought brings him towards a building's edge later on, even deeper into the night. Waiting, thinking, contemplating. Miguel had no such thing as a spider sense, but he did have a gut and it was practically screaming at him that something was wrong.
He doesn't get any more time to let that thought marinate any further when his ears pick up on the latch of the door to the roof clicking, his head turns immediately he thinks he might strain it until he sees—
Just you.
Though, you weren't wearing the same get-up when you had your show. No, you were in simply nightwear along with a flimsy pair of slippers and fuzzy socks to complete the look. That nonchalant attitude that you held during the show faded for a split second, before a small smile creeps onto your features as you raise a brow.
"Spider-Man? On my roofdeck?"
"I'll leave–"
"No!" you say it a little too loudly, reaching a hand out to him but never actually touching. You scold yourself internally for being too abrupt, before clearing your throat. "No, it's okay. Please stay."
Miguel sighs, as usual, he's going to make a decision that's going to kick him in the ass later. He gives in and decides to indulge your need for company, but the look on his face tells you to keep a distance.
You slowly walk over to the ledge that he's sitting on, leaning your body on the railing but still far enough to be comfortable.
Silence stretches out the distance between the two of you, that for once Miguel feels compelled to say something.
"There was someone suspicious at your club," he explains bluntly. "I took them out. You're welcome."
"Ah, yeah, I could tell from the webs and you know..."
Now, it's back to silence.
Miguel normally isn't disturbed by it, but this just made him uncomfortable. He thought that maybe you'd carry some bravado even outside your profession as a stage performer, he couldn't imagine that he'd end up talking that was so timid.
"I liked your performance," it's soft-spoken, his words fast and deliberate. "Your costume, too. It was... nice."
Even if the praise sounds like a 5th grader complimenting a painting, you found your face red and heart beating fast. Your grin returned with a "thank you". It's hard to tell exactly what Miguel's thinking under that mask, you can't even read his facial expression, but you hope that now it's less awkward.
It falls to silence again, the only difference being that there's no obligation for conversation. You and Miguel stare at the overhead view of the city from your penthouse, it gets so quiet that you swear you can hear him breathing.
He has to leave soon enough, he wished he could've stayed with you for longer because believe it or not, that's the only taste of peace he's had in a while. Your goodbyes are bittersweet, you don't know if you'll ever see him again.
When you're back on the stage again a few days later, hopping off of the platform and holding onto your silks, you're more than happy to that faint red glow coming from the glass panes on your roof.
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shadowdaddies · 6 months
Lidia being Mommy:
Reader is being a brat and maybe there is spanking involved?
I love her so much you don't even know😮‍💨💜
Lidia Cervos x Reader smut
warnings: smut without plot, oral f!receiving, light bondage, mommy kink
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Cheeks flushed as you read the sensual scene before you, the characters in the book you were reading finally acting on their desires after so many chapters of tension. 
You felt the need within yourself, the insatiable desire for release that you had craved since Lidia left for the Depth Charger building in your core. Wetness pooled between your thighs as you rubbed them together, breath coming short as you imagined the pleasure you sought. 
One hand held the book open, the other sliding down your stomach to the apex between your thighs in a desperate attempt to alleviate the arousal building there. 
“Lidia,” you moaned, eyes rolled back as you arched into your own touch. Thumb swiping over your clit, you ran a finger along the slick growing between your folds while you imagined her own hands there. 
Your finger prodded at your entrance, teasing as you dropped the book to writhe against the sheets. Small gasps left your lips, covering the soft sound of your girlfriend’s boots as she walked down the hallway, stopping to watch you from the doorframe. 
Clicking her tongue, Lidia drew your attention towards where she stood, your hand stilling beneath the waistband of your lacy panties. 
“What are you doing, pet?” Lidia purred, stalking towards you with a preternatural grace that sent your heart racing. 
“I...” you paused, blood heating at the sight before you as Lidia discarded her clothes. Arching an eyebrow at you, she flashed an amused smile.
“Yes, pet?” she continued, unfazed at your arousal emanating through the room as she dropped her lingerie, leaving her full breasts heavy and bare before you. Your hand was still awkwardly at the waistband of your own undergarments, your motions frozen as you lay stunned like a deer in the headlights.
“I, I missed you... Mommy,” you mumbled, adding the title in hopes that you would be forgiven for breaking the rules. You were never supposed to touch yourself without Lidia present, directing you how to do it.
Your girlfriend hummed, golden eyes glowing with mischief as she leaned over the edge of the bed, arms straddling your ankles. “I missed you too, pet. But we both know the rules, and what happens when you break the rules. Isn’t that right?” she cooed, overly soft as one hand found your leg, stroking softly up and down the sensitive skin there.
“Please, Lid... Mommy,” you corrected quickly, heart beating fast as wild eyes found her own. She smirked down at you, the prey caught in her snare. 
“It seems you need a reminder of the rules,” Lidia quipped, her casual tone at odds with your tumultuous feelings as she spun one finger, a silent indication for you to turn around over her legs.
You obeyed, hands clutching the sheets beneath as you leaned over her toned thighs, ass in the air while you awaited your punishment. Instead, you felt spit land on your ass, Lidia’s soft hands soothing the skin there, moisturizing the tender flesh as your arousal grew.
Hips ground against her touch, eager for more. “Please, mommy. I’m sorry,” you pleaded, voice a pathetic whine that was drowned out by the wet slapping of flesh. Lidia’s hand hit hard upon your sensitive skin, a lewd moan leaving your lips at the redness that you could feel darkening your ass.
“Count for me, Love,” Lidia cooed, nails raking over your back before continuing her assault. The combination of pain and pleasure was electric, your body cringing and craving more of her, lips mindlessly thanking her for more with each hit.
Lidia finally stopped, hand stilling as her thumb stroked soft patterns on your reddened skin. “I’m not finished with you,” she warned. “Lay down, pet.”
Biting your lip, you scrambled up the bed as you watched Lidia disappear into the other room. She returned with a gleam in her eye and hands full of silk ribbons as she crawled over your exposed frame.
Grabbing your wrists, she pressed a soft kiss to each one before joining them and tying them to the frame. “Since you can’t refrain from touching yourself, I’ll have to help you,” she teased, tilting your chin while she pressed a kiss to your lips.
Hips rolled against the soft sheets, needy for her touch while Lidia turned above you. Her pussy hovered over your face, slick with her own desire that left you pulling against the restraints in need of more. “Please, mommy, please,” you begged tongue reaching out in attempt to taste her.
With a dark laugh, Lidia settled her cunt on your face, wet pussy suffocating your nose as you took the opportunity to suck her clit into your mouth. Tongue flicked out against the bud, sucking hard as you bucked against her hips, nudging your nose into her hole.
“Fuck,” Lidia moaned, head dipping to blow hot air over your core. “Good girl.”
The feeling of Lidia’s tongue on your clit nearly sent you over the edge, the wet muscle massaging you exactly how you had been craving. She pinned your hips down, holding you still to work you how she liked as you desperately worked against her core, licking and sucking whatever she would allow you.
“Good girl, right there,” she moaned from above as you nibbled on her clit, tongue curving and sucking the swollen bud as she tightened above you. 
Moaning your name loudly, Lidia convulsed, slick gushing over your mouth and chin as she came. The feel and scent of her arousal sent you over the edge, her lips puckered around your clit as you hit your orgasm. 
You mumbled incoherently as she cleaned up your folds, working you through your high. 
“How are you feeling?” Lidia asked, voice soft as she turned to make sure you were okay. 
“I’m good, Mommy,” you promised, dizzy with satisfaction as you lay trapped beneath her.
Lidia smirked at you, turning to open the drawer her nightstand to pull out a vibrator, and her strap. “Good, because I’m not done with you,” she murmured, reaching for the vibrator as her warm thighs settled on each side of your head, muffling your moans as her weight settled over you, the only sound in the room the vibrator clicking on as it hovered over your abused clit.
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acradelius · 13 days
please do a pajamei skin mei X M Reader morning smut with Reader who LOVES Mei's thighs
"-A Large Side Of Thighs, Please"
Fandom: Overwatch / Overwatch 2
Pairing: Mei-Ling Zhou ("Mei") x Male! Reader
Rating: Lemon [🟡] - (NSFW!)
Warnings / Mention Ofs: Minors Do Not Interact With (MDNI), Implied Established Relationship, PajaMei! Mei, Male! Reader, He/Him Pronouns Used For Reader, Somnophilia - (Not Exactly Sure If This Pertains To This Specific Piece, Moreso Just Adding It For Safety), Grinding, Humping, Thick Body / Thick Figure Enthusiast / Lover! Reader, Mentions of Stretch Marks And Dark Spots Upon Thighs, Thigh Job - Receiving! Reader, Cum Mess
Word Count: 855 Words
Taglist: @masterofpuns
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It didn’t necessarily matter that the articles of clothing didn’t really match each other besides some common colors. The tank top was a common, low-cut blue tank top. Next, the white, long sleeve sweater that had the logo of the Summer Games- which (Y/N) wasn’t completely interested in and could only describe it being like the Olympics in such a way- that was worn over the tank top. Then there’s those soft, blue fleece pajama pants that were adorned with the small, cartoon style polar bears across the fabric. Wrapping the whole sleep outfit together were those fluffy slippers that were designed to look like a Yeti. (Y/N) couldn’t understand how Mei managed to make the mix-matched outfit look so damn good, but you wouldn’t find him complaining, especially not whenever Mei was waking him up by rubbing her thick thighs against his now raging morning wood. 
There’s a soft, husky chuckle that leaves his lips, his eyes briefly opening but are quickly to close them again while scooting closer to her. “Good mornin’ to ya’ too, babe~” Partially chapped lips plant soft kisses amongst the exposed skin of Mei’s shoulder, hand brushing across her clothed hip down to her outer thigh. (Y/N)’s fingers brush aimless patterns amongst her clothed thigh, occasionally groaning due to the sensation of her thighs and lower ass pressed firmly against his erect cock, shifting her hips to rub against him. It wasn’t necessarily often that the two of them had the ability to wake up like this, whether it was due to Mei’s erratic work schedule or that the need to urinate was much stronger and couldn’t wait much longer than the next five minutes, therefore getting to wake up next to a gorgeous woman and in an intimate manner was definitely an experience to wake up to. 
Those polar bear decorated pajama pants are eventually taken off of Mei and discarded aimlessly onto the floor, her panties following not too long later. “-Lemme show ya’ how much I love ya’~ Lemme show ya’ how much I love ya’ thick body, especially these thick thighs of ya’~” (Y/N)’s lips brush against the skin of Mei’s inner thighs, leaving a trail of wet, open mouth kisses that have warm, lingering sensations. It didn’t matter that skin upon her thighs had a variety of stretch marks and dark spots, that there was much more flesh to her than just a couple of handfuls. He allows his lips to brush amongst every square inch, lips lingering just a tad longer more at every imperfection that Mei would occasionally complain about. (Y/N) couldn’t deny that he was completely in love with her, especially those small things that she considered imperfections that were kept hidden until it was just them, like receiving an extra, special gift amongst the holidays. 
“(Y-Y/N)!~” It’s a soft whine of his name that escapes past Mei’s lips, her brown eyes peering up at him through those eyelashes of hers, her voice just barely being heard between the chorus of skin slapping against skin and (Y/N)’s grunting. “There’s no need-” Her words get interrupted by the soft whine that he manages to withdraw from her lips, chuckling softly as he once again guides the tip of his cock to drag along her swollen, sensitive clit. “-to be so rough!~ To tease me, s-so much!~” Hands briefly move from their resting positions on her outer thighs to realign his cock to be nestled within the plush, sticky warmth of her thighs, settling right on top of her wet, needy cunt. “Being too rough?~ Being too much of a tease?~ Why, I think you’re trying to make some false accusations, Mei~ I’m simply just loving my favorite woman in a very energized way~” 
It’s almost overwhelming, the sensation of as if his nerves are on fire, causing a sheer layer of sweat to cover his body. There’s a shudder that courses throughout (Y/N)’s body while he proceeds to slam her hips against Mei’s thighs, using her thighs enveloped around his cock as a practical pocket pussy, but he wasn’t being too selfish, having a thumb slip through her squished folds to rub her clit in vigorous circles. It’s almost too warm for him, it’s almost too wet for him, but he can’t help but want more. How the rhythm of his thrusts begin to become erratic and sloppy, his words just turning into primal grunts. A loud, guttural groan leaves (Y/N) as he hunches over while the grip upon Mei’s thighs tighten, hips sputtering in a few final thrusts as (Y/N)’s orgasm finally reaches him. His cum smeared within the enclosed space between Mei’s thighs and against the top of her cunt. Despite trying to catch his breath, (Y/N) couldn’t help the grin that stretches across his lips. Spreading Mei’s thighs apart he looks down at the mess that they’ve created, what a beautiful sight. “Give me a couple of minutes to recoup and then I’ll make sure to give you a proper fucking, alright, babe?~"
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Day Nine: Anonymous Sex - Din D'jarin
Kinktober22 List
WC: 2k Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. Smut. Unprotected PIV. Brothels + Prostitution. Blindfolds. Dark rooms. Pining. Angst with a Fluffy ending. AN: I could not resist writing a happy ending, my ansgty feelings weren't strong enough lmao. I hope you enjoy, my loves.
Exchanging credits like it was making a deal with the devil, Mando sighs under his breath as the woman behind the counter tells him to head upstairs and enter his usual room. Which he does, but hides his anticipation to receive his end of the bargain for three thousand credits. 
It’s a pricey amount for a lady of the night, but Mando would pay double that and more for the lady he chose. He doesn’t know her name, nor what she really looks like, but that’s all part of the confidentiality agreement in which he agreed upon.
In the last two months, he has visited this brothel countless times and buried himself in her burning heat, releasing all his built up tensions and stress via climax, after climax, after climax. Din thinks that the lady of his choice was made for him specifically, simply because of her ability to make him fall apart multiple times and still come back, yearning for more.
More than once now, he has caught himself thinking with his heart and not his dick. That’s the unspoken rules of brothels, you don’t fall in love with the workers inside, however Mando doesn’t know how many more times he will visit the woman before he realises that he’s falling quickly and hard. 
It’s an addiction; Mando is addicted to her and not just her pussy either, but addicted to her silky touch, her sweet voice that works as a siren's call, her natural perfume, the supple skin around her hips, thighs or ass that are just made for his hands to grab. Everything about her is perfect, even her delicate laugh to his ears, the smile in her voice when she talks to him, the beauty in her soul. 
The unspoken rule was broken by Mando, but he doesn’t care anymore, he will gladly pay three thousand credits to have that connection with his lady of the night time and time again until she says otherwise. No one else, not even himself, can stop him from coming here - only her, if that be her wish. 
As he walks down the hallway, dead silence ringing in his ears, he reaches the room he is familiar with and enters with haste. These rooms are small, dark and cushioned for comfort, and they’re also sound-proofed, hence why he couldn’t hear any of the other customers in the other rooms in the hallway just now. 
It’s a nice feature, he likes not being able to hear other people fucking because it makes this transaction in which he is about to receive feel more like a beautiful experience for both parties. Though Mando often hears those little doubts in the back of his mind, he truly believes that she yearns for him too. 
Balling his gloved fists tightly upon hearing someone on the other side of the door, he fought the urge to slide it open and yank her inside. Din knows that she is there and the only reason she hasn’t entered yet is because she is covering her eyes securely before entering. The clothing she wears is already very concealing to begin with, hiding her own identity as much as Mando is, but he asked for an extra piece added to her outfit. A blindfold over her eyes. 
Each and every time he visits her, she is sporting a similar style of clothing, it’s always black and always covering most of her body, and when the door finally opens, he gulps at the sight of her through his visor. His lady of the night wore a flower patterned black veil, covering the entirety of her head and shoulders, which is held in place with a blindfold over eyes. And as well as that, she wore a long sleeved black silk robe, parted down the middle, but tied around the stomach with a wide belt, embellished with gold jewels. 
“Hello again.” She whispers, her tone carrying joy. Stepping into the room and sliding the door shut, she waits for him to lock it as her lack of eyesight stops her from doing it herself. “It’s been a little while… I worried that you might have finally gotten bored of me.” She says while shuffling on her feet as if she were nervous. It made Din smirk as he could still hear the joyous tone in her voice. She’s teasing him, but is using her tone to deflect that it’s a genuine worry. The rise in her heart rate displayed in his visor tells him as much. 
“How could I, cyar’ika?” Mando stands slowly with that question, the room being so small that he was an inch away from her now. The man’s composure weakens when he reaches out for the latch on the door and a small gasp slips past her lips, her heart rate rising again from his proximity getting closer and closer. “Boredom never crosses my mind when I think of you.” He whispers deeply. 
“Oh?” She tilts her head to the side, giggling. “So what crosses your mind instead of boredom? Enlighten me, Mando.” 
“A dream, mesh’la.” He breathes a sigh. Leaning in and pressing his helmet to her forehead, his hands slip around her waist with a bruising grip as he repeats. “A dream crosses my mind when I think of you.” 
“A good dream, I hope?” She gulps, and Mando could see her licking her lips behind the veil, as if she wanted a kiss from him. He nods, relaying to her quietly that it is indeed a really good dream, before lifting his hand and cupping the side of her face. She then moans under his touch, tilting her head to the side with a plea. “Mando please, kiss me the way I like it - the way you always do.” 
Holding back the grunt stuck in his throat, he slowly begins lifting his helmet and as soon as he does, those features of hers that he could see were cloaked in darkness. With only the naked eye, he could just make out the shape of her body and not much else, however hearing her beg for a kiss broke him. He couldn’t say no, even if he wanted to just so he could keep looking at her beautiful features showing through the fabric, he just couldn’t find it within himself to deny her request. 
After bunching up the veil, he held it in his hands and cupped her cheeks. Her breath came out hot and heavy across his face, speaking with pure desire and need. “Beautiful girl.” He finally releases the groan he was holding onto before moving in and kissing her fervently, moving his lips with her together and in almost perfect sync.  
Then, she kissed him back harder, slipping her tongue in his mouth and swirling it around. Mando groaned again, this time louder and deeper, needier, and she not so gently began pushing him backwards to sit down. Clearly picking up his desperation as she, too, was equally, if not more, desperate,  her legs swung around Mando as she sat on his crotch, the action drawing out an obscene grunt from him that he can tell she loves by the way she smiles against his lips. 
“Fuck.” She breaks off to cry. Pulling her hands away and reaching around her back, Din feels her robe and belt falling to the floor then instantly ducks his head down to inflict his bruising kisses on her breasts. He takes her stiff nipple into his mouth, suckling harshly before holding the bud between his teeth and flicking his tongue left and right. Her elegant whines filled the room and it felt like fine silk to the man's ears, though it only gave him a taste of her sweet noises. He wanted more. 
“Krif! (fuck!)” Mando releases her nipple, cursing. He couldn’t help himself, she brought it out of him, made him feel desperate. Impatiently opening his slacks to free himself, she felt his hurried actions and helped while whimpering pathetically. “I know, mesh'la, I know.” He croaks a reassurance in reply, kissing her breasts while she free his cock from the confines of his clothes. 
Once she lined him up at her entrance, Mando took grip of her sides and held on tightly as she sank down, ever so slowly. They each moan together, savouring every inch being buried inside until there was no more. She dug her nails into the skin on his shoulders, clenching around his length that felt so big and full, while Din breathed broken gasps across her face, looking up to what he assumed would be her eyes. 
“Cyar’ika…” He groans. She rolled her hips with skill, whining his name, the name that everyone calls him and the man couldn’t stop himself before the words slipped from his lips. “Din. Call me, Din.” 
“Din?” She whispers in question, as if testing how it sounds, then upon feeling and hearing his reaction, she pauses briefly before wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her forehead to his. “Y/N. My name is Y/N.” 
After Din hears her name for the very first time, he then takes over - the primal needs inside of him takes over. Slipping his hands around the back of her neck, he held Y/N in place and pulled the veil off, along with her blindfold. It was still too dark, but he felt safe with her. Their lips connecting in a searing kiss, she begins to rock her hips back and forth, drawing out all the prettiest, dirtiest noises that he could provide until he reaches his peak with a roar of her name. “Y/N!”
“Din!” She mewls in return, feeling the peak of her own climax taking over. Carefully and very subtly rotating her hips to draw out every ounce of pleasure and drop of seed that he could give, the song she sings in Mando’s face weakens him in the knees. She sounded so beautiful falling apart on his cock and he wanted that again, and again, and again. He wanted to hear her giggles, her delicate voice in conversation, the silky touches of her fingers massaging through his scalp. He wanted all of that and more, day after day, night after night. But he can’t.   
It’s the unspoken rule of brothels; don’t fall in love with the workers, think with your dick and not your heart, but Mando couldn’t stop it if he really tried and gave it all he got. The warmth he feels in his chest speaks clearly in his mind. He’s fallen in love and he’s a hopeless idiot for thinking she would too. 
A few final kisses were exchanged before she grabbed her veil and he put his helmet back on. Y/N swiftly exited the room as Mando reached for her. Sex isn’t always the transaction he receives, they chat for hours before and after, but this time he had royally fucked it up by breaking the agreement in which he agreed upon. No faces, names or personal information. 
He broke it, and Y/N didn’t. It felt like a knife had been stabbed through his heart, shame hung heavy over his head as he cleaned himself up and exited the room, but still, like the hopeless romantic that he was right now, he hoped that she’d stop him on his way out. She didn’t, and the rejection hurt even more than the first time. 
The woman behind the desk called out, holding an envelope in her hands and Mando nearly ignored her, feeling too ashamed to be here for a second longer, until she mentioned it was his money. Confused, he walked over to the desk and took the envelope. It was indeed his money. All three thousand returned, not a credit less or more, but there was a little note. Handwriting swirled elegantly, a perfect match for his lady of the night, stating her gratitude for all that Din has provided and her home address. 
She, too, had broken the unspoken rule.
Perma Taglist (Everything): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed @joelmillerscoffee @joelsrifle @swtaura @alexxavicry @boliv-jenta @dragonsondragons @practicalghost @janebby @faceache111 @sleepylunarwolf @tusk89
All Mandalorian Content: @pale-gingerale @mandalorian-dindjarin @michele131 @chxpsi @burninggracesandbridges @wordsfromshona @lavenderbxnny
All Pedro Pascal Character Content: @joelsflannel @mswarriorbabe80 @readsalot73 @allthe-ships @avengersftspn @hb8301 @scorpio-marionette @squidwell @sunnshineeexoxo @trickstersp8 @graciexmarvel @tanzthompson @bbyanarchist 
Kinktober Tag: @scorpio-marionette
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yonpote · 6 months
this is my keep or yeet livepost w my onions on whether phil should keep or yeet
THE GHOST SHIRT yeet bc its haunted by... another youtuber who's worn it. BUT dan pointing out that its small on him just makes it hotter cuz like... tight fitting clothes on this man is,..... hoo boy
aladdin for me is a yeet but im not the biggest aladdin fan personally? so i think keep for phil is fine and BLACK SHIRTS ON PHIL UGHHHHHH LOVe
red nasa shirt 😭😭😭 i would keep it for sentiment tbh ;;
shoe shirt? its so random. yeet. WAIT IT HAS TEXTURES NVM KEEP
oh god wtf is that{?!? OH HE DYED THE ICONIC SHIRT LMAOO yeah this is a yeet but i relate so much to trying to dye something a cool color but just making it look kinda dirty 😭
oh brother not another opera spon... use firefox everyone, its got tab containers too and if you use ublock origin u can put in a specific list thing for youtube ads so you dont get the adblock block thing look it up on reddit its so good, if u need chrome for mandatory work thing sure but firefox doesnt harvest everything you type so
a millennial gay can never have too many flowery button ups imo, keep
corgi!!!! cute!!
crusty bottom and clean top..... dont make me say it.........
OOO keep the splatter print shirt its very lesbian!!!
gatorland shirt i like a good comfy tourist shirt
marvel shirt YEEEEET
uhhhh random gray rectangle shirt.. yeet unless he wants to do the short sleeve over long sleeve e boy look
ooo semi-varsity jacket... i think if it was baggier on him and it looked more like the embroidered ones ppl wear in japan it would be a keep but for me its yeet
nasa jacket keeeeep
stranger yeet.
beetle... i voted yeet on ig
friends t shirt i would say keep for phil cuz listen. millennials need their sitcom attachment and i love a big comfy shirt. also oops edit flub? they didnt say whether it was kept or yet o7
minesweeper shirt KEEP just bc charlie plays so much minesweeper like my fav part of her streams is just watching her play minesweeper very intensely
keeeeep the plaid windbreaker its sooooo hot on phil. "it smells like a man whos not me" "philip where have you been." jealous dan returns
pokemon hoodie ummmm im kinda 50/50 on this one i love pokemoncore shit but fsr this pattern looks a bit weird? but overall a keep
tokyo i think i voted keep cuz i thought it was newer than it is lol idk i dont think its the worst
furby shirt keep 100% THE OLD FURBY
i think phil shoudl keep all his shorts but him them like 3 inches shorter or just cut the length off. i think its so funny how cis men are like "omg im so slutty for wearing 7 inch inseam shorts" like girl get the daisy dukes out. i wanna see the thighs please.
oof skinny shorts?? yeet (but no hate on skinny jeans in general... i only have one pair of jeans and theyre mega ripped skiinny jeans they just dont look skinny on me cuz im short and chubby) "if emo comes back" girl emos been back
corduroy shorts mehhh oh but texture phil needs texture so keep
HELLO??? ummm godzilla shorts are.... if the print were on a shirt i would keep but on shorts?
brown shorts yeet, flower sweater keep, basically i agree w them
ooh another black graphic longsleeve lol. I THINK THIS ONES A KEEP AND THE BEETLES A YEET SORRY
oh funky hoodie. i like it i would wear it keep but idk if i like it on phil
if this fleece jacket thing didnt have such a stupid back design on it i would say keep
keep comfy buffalo checker sweater!!! i would keep
"manchester hoodie" oh.... everyone who voted yeet go die katamari hoodie is perfect
fuzzy denim keeeep hes so hot
spotty blue shirt i LOVE but. its so tatinof ykwim and phils in his new era
oooh stripey blue shirt keep!
i bought a sweater that was inspired by this blue and pink checker thing LOL i think it looked better when he had jet black hair lol
omg wait nooo not the red bomber!!! its cute!!!!!! im too attached to his clothes bro.... i like the red one more than the blue one tbh WHY DID HE BUY SO MANY VERSIONS
Nasa sweater!! keep
blue button up is too like. corporate lol. brother you dont have an office job you dont need boring tops
tiger jumper keep!!!! i like it!!!!! fuck u MEAN fast fashion
good vibes keeeep for the vibes
oh the brown flower pattern on this doesnt work on phil
great wave keep!
glittery zebra is so tied to 2017 in my brain but not in a good way tbh yeet but he is hot in it. "you bought this for me dan" omfg shut UP
i think i voted keep on chess but. on second look its a yeet tbh...
ok thats it yippee that was fun theyre gay im gonna die
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vilandel · 22 days
Silver Cats & Black Roses
Chapter 26 – Preparations
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A/N In which Charlotte and Vanessa finally learn about each other's relationship 💙💜 I also described their ball gowns in this chapter and I'm rather proud of those descriptions^^
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“Here is the masterpiece made especially for you, lady Charlotte.”
Soie Velours smiled at her before taking the blanket away from the dressmaker dummy, revealing her ball gown.
Charlotte was not much into fashion in general, but in this case, she was taken aback by work made by Soie Velours, her nephew and her workers.
“As you can see, the finest black silk was chosen, making the shine of the skirt really exceptional in every light you can imagine. Your shoulder and arms are free, only a small ringlet of a black and golden sleeve on your upper arms. Black is the main colour, but as you can see, there a few golden patterns on the fabric. Not much, which makes all the gold even more special and truly standing out of the black, without taking away the purpose of the main colour. Please admire those golden embroideries left and right on the bodice, leaving the front and the back just black, which will underline your fine waist. The same embroideries are found at the bottom, going up more or less to the height of your knees in a rather irregular way. Observe how those golden embroideries have the shape of golden leaves and golden vines with thorns, waved into each other, accenting the theme of the rose. Speaking of, you may have noticed those little black roses on the golden patterns, on the bodice and down the skirt. Those roses are made out of silk as well, for the shine of this particular fabric. We also took the liberty to add some subtle golden threads within those roses as well, to give them a small golden glow. And the cream of the cream, it is a wide skirt that will turn around you like a big black rose, the golden patterns are going to look like golden dew.“
“That last part was my idea,” Lin Velours timidly added, but his eyes were shining with pride.
“It’s a wonderful idea,” Charlotte whispered, slowly reaching her hand to touch her dress. The silk was incredibly soft under her fingers. She really hadn’t imagined concretely how her ball gown would look like, but this expected all of her expectations by far.
She could only hope that Yami would at least like this beautiful dress as well.
Somehow, Charlotte was glad that she came alone to Soie Velours’ shop today, without anyone from her girls and more importantly, no one from her family. Of course, she would have loved if her mother would have accompany her. But today, Orchidea had decided to give herself a mission and find some proper ball clothes for Asta, Magna and Luck.
Still, having no one with her in the private salon of the Roseleis, it made this moment really special for Charlotte.
“I… I have not enough words to say how happy and grateful I am.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, lady Charlotte,” the dressmaker replied, flicking her hand. “Your happiness is our biggest thanks. Besides, it’s better than the nitpicking, scared and stupid worries of some noble ladies who are only satisfied after a whole ocean of flattery.”
Charlotte could imagine that. A lot of nobles were actually more insecure than anyone would thought at first.
“Would you like to try your dress on, lady Charlotte?” Lin asked timidly.
Charlotte thought about refusing first, but she hold back. She had some free time and she knew that it was one thing to see a ball gown on a dummy, but something else entirely to wear it herself, looking in the mirror.
Besides, Lin Velours was way too cute to say no to him.
“Oh, gladly. But you don’t need to call one of your workers, I can put it on by myself.”
“This kind of dress is pretty easy to put on and you can go behind this paravent. It’s a bit heavy since it’s silk, but I believe this won’t be a problem for you, as a Magic Knight and a strong squad captain.“
Soie Velours handed Charlotte the black gown and the captain of the Blue Roses disappeared behind the paravent covered with pink clouds and dark green birds.
The dress was indeed easy to put on, but Charlotte still took her sweet time. Just enough to run her fingers over the silk, the golden embroideries, the silky little black roses.
Charlotte wondered again how Yami would feel seeing her wearing such a beautiful dress. Would he say again that she must being cold wearing it? Or would he actually subtly compliment her?
After all, it wasn’t like Yami cared if she was dressed elegantly or not. Sometimes, when lust clouded their minds, it happened that he ripped her clothes of her in the heat of the moment. Not something she appreciated, clothes weren’t always cheap and there were not eternally repairable. But at least he was trying to hold himself back and not destroy her clothes.
Most of the time.
Still, as surprising as it sounded, Yami had some art knowledge. He just didn’t care most of the time. But maybe he would see that this dress was a true work of art. And that it suited her. Hopefully.
When Charlotte finally put her ball gown on, she realized that it fit her perfectly. The bodice lied perfectly on her, but without feeling suffocating, underlining her frame perfectly. As for the skirt, it really flowed around her practically like a giant rose and the dress didn’t felt as heavy as when she hold in her arms, compared to wearing it.
Soie Velours and Lin had the most admirative glances when she finally appeared from behind the paravent.
The modiste said with a knowing smile, “That dress, which I decide to call Black Rose, is truly a masterpiece. But if I’m being honest, lady Charlotte… I think it’s actually you who accentuate this dress and not the other way around. It wouldn’t have the same effect on someone else. Well, of course not, it was made especially for you, after all.”
“You look like a true princess.”
Lins little awe compliment made Charlotte blush and she offered him her brightest smile. This was after all true admiration and not superficial flattery.
But before she could even reply, a little bell was heard. A little system Charlotte came to know during the days she was on duty here. When a new customer entered, even those who were in the atelier, in one of the offices or working in one of the private salons could hear it. Very practical when it happened that no one was in the shop, which apparently already happened before.
“Lin, my dear boy, would you please go see who it is and maybe, help poor Camilla and Iris if it’s a terrible noble lady? Thank you. And lady Charlotte, if you wanna get a better look at yourself, there’s a mirror behind you.“
While Lin left the private Salon of the Roseleis immediately, Charlotte turned around to take a look in the mirror, probably the largest mirror she ever saw.
Usually when she had to wear something elegant because of reasons, Charlotte usually didn’t recognized herself when she looked in a mirror. But in this case and despite her non-existent sense of fashion, she had no difficulties to see herself. And the dress was not even blue, her most usual colour.
She wondered if it was because it was the first time she wear a dress from Soie Velours, a modiste who built her reputation upon the fact of knowing exactly what people should wear to be look at her best.
Or is it because for the first time, she didn’t wear blue, but decided to wear the colours of the man she loved?
She turned again and now, she even see better in the reflection how much it looked like a big black rose with golden dew.
“You truly breath taking, lady Charlotte. You’re certainly going to be one of the true stars of this upcoming ball.”
Oh, yes. The ball…
She actually forgot it for a moment, given the how the dress amazed her. But this ball was also the reason why she got that dress in the first place.
And given what this ball was implying… Oh, she wished she could forget this again, but Charlotte just couldn’t. Not with everything that’s going to play that night.
The nearer the ball way, the more upsetting aunt Rosamund became and her endless talks about that betrothal with lord Reginald Évantail. It was now such a pain that Charlotte really wondered if Rosamund had something else in mind than just marry of her niece, the most eligible member of house Roselei, to someone who already had been married five times before.
But if there was indeed some conspiracy between Rosamund and Reginald, for what reason? What was the goal? Should she trust her feelings or her guts, like Yami said? Or was she just imagining things? It was true that with this ball and her secret relationship with Yami, she might get a bit worried more than she should. She would fight for him, to be with him and she was also scared to lose him in any way possible.
Charlotte remembered the coded letter they had found during their mission in the Common Realm, with Sol, Asta and Finral. She really hoped it was something that could help them put a hold on whoever was behind those thievery acts. As if the kingdom didn’t had enough to deal with since two years.
Charlotte found it frustrating because it was such a mystery still. They had no idea about the reasons, who could be behind it and assuming things in precipitation rarely lead to the right conclusions.
Not to mention this whole ball. How was it related to the thievery in the Common Realm? Was it really related? Charlotte was not sure, maybe it was only a coincidence. But given how nobility demanded it soon after the thievery acts started and given that in the background, that ball was that specific ball to trap innocent people into some betrothal behind their backs. In the past, it had been obvious, now it’s more subtle.
Which was somewhat worse.
“Miss Velours?”
“Yes, lady Charlotte?”
“Do… do you actually know… what this ball is implying?”
“Oh, that it’s basically a trap for trappy engagements? Yes, I do know that.”
Charlotte turned towards Soie Velours, very surprised by how casually she said those words. But the modiste just shrugged. “I learned about the Three Leaves Glory ball through history books, not the so-called official ones. I was a still a young apprentice back then and since I had to deal with nobles for this kind of business, I had to learn how nobility was ticking. History books, observations while making myself invisible, that kind of stuff. If you want to be successful in your business, you have to know how you customers tick in any, really any way possible, individually and in general. Why do you think I became this successful as a modiste? I had a lot to deal with, to came where I am today. Trust me, it wasn’t easy, even more so since I’m a commoner working in the Noble Realm.”
“So… you know-“
“That there’s something fishy with this ball, yes. I’m not an idiot and that fishy is something I really despise, trust me. But I’m also a business woman, responsible for many workers and indirectly also of their families and even more, I’m also responsible for my nephew. If I refuse to sold and sew dresses every time something fishy or an occurrence I don’t like shows up, all I can do is closing my business. As a business woman, I have learned to compromise in order to achieve all of this. To achieve my dream. Compromises aren’t so bad if they’re done right.”
Soie Velours sighed, looking more serious in a personal way than she ever was. “This atelier, this shop, creating dresses in any way possible… It was my dream since I was a little girl. It’s now also my nephews dream and I choose my workers not only for their craftmanship on this domain, but also because of how much they love what they do, what they create, what they’re realizing. No matter of their backgrounds, I’m also ready to welcome some nobles if they want to work here. I don’t want to give up on that. And besides,” a smug glimmer appeared in Soies green eyes, “in a way, I can also fight against unfairness in society with my shop and my dresses, even though I’m not a Magic Knight. I’m worthless against devils or terrorist groups, of course. But against bigot nobles who want to have more what they deserve, I’m weak to think that I’m rather an expert.“
Charlotte had come to appreciate Soie Velours during the mission for her. But after that speech, she came to respect her deeply.
Soie Velours might not be a Magic Knight, but that didn’t make her less a warrior in her own ways. A strong and independent woman with a business, which in a way was more to just to create pretty dresses.
“Thank you, Miss Velours.”
“Oh, no need to thank me, lady Charlotte. I’m sure you also one of those who need to be cautious during this ball of traps, given the odious rumours I heard about your future marriage.”
“Indeed, especially since I have a secret-“
Charlotte immediately put her hand on her mouth, afraid to have already said too much. She still didn’t want that her relationship with Yami would spread like wildfire in every circle. At least, not before the ball.
But Soie just smiled smugly and kindly. “Oh, you also have a secret lover who isn’t a noble, am I right? Goodness, is this a trend these days, to fall truly in love with someone from not the same circle? Well, if it is, I hope this trend never goes away.”
Charlotte frowned at those strange words. But before she could ask, Lin entered the private Salon again.
“Auntie, it’s lord Nozels secret lover, miss V… Oh, oopsie daisy.“
Lin Velours immediately put both his hands on his mouth, as he realized that Charlotte was still here.
His aunt gave him an affectionate scolding glance, but Charlotte understood immediately what all of this was implying.
So, Nozel had a secret lover as well. Someone who was neither a noble nor another royal. Charlotte smiled. He who was always so strict and loved discipline, allowed himself finally some happiness.
And if she understood correctly, Nozels beloved didn’t had any private salon to have some calm to try her dress. But was she able to afford such a ball gown?
Maybe she was another Magic Knight. Or maybe Nozel would pay for her, maybe he even opened an account here for his beloved.
“Miss Velours?”
“Yes, lady Charlotte?”
“You can tell Nozels beloved that she can use the Roseleis private Salon to try her dress on. Given that I’m in a similar situation, I won’t spill her secret in any way and I would love to support her.“
“You have a really noble heart, lady Charlotte. Come, Lin, let’s tell lord Nozels girlfriend to follow us here.“
As aunt and nephew left the room, Charlotte turned back to the mirror, but not really to admire her dress again. Her thoughts were now focused on who Nozel fell in love with.
Nozel wasn’t the easiest person to be around. But as a captain, he had some qualities that would be also welcomed as a lover. He was loyal, true to his words and even though it was only subtle in appearance, deep down he was also a very caring man. His beloved certainly was lucky to be with him.
Maybe he was more open with her, whoever she was? Lin almost spilled her name, starting with a V. Veronique, Virginia, Valérie, Valentina, Victoria, Vivian, Violet, Venus, Verena, Valencia, Verona, Verity? There were a lot of possibilities of names with V. It reminded her of her dolls when she was a very little girl and searching for the most rare names for them.
Her train of thoughts was interrupted when the door opened again, revealing Soie Velours, her nephew and…
“Oh, hello captain Charlotte. Thanks a lot for letting me use your private Salon. Oh my gosh, that dress looks dashing. I didn’t know that black was as much your colour as blue, it really suits you!”
“Wait… you… you’re…”
“You’re Nozels secret lover?”
Vanessa immediately stopped to be in awe of captain Charlottes gorgeous black dress, as surprise and shock washed over her.
How did the captain of the Blue Roses know? Well, not really know, since her exclamation was definitely a question. But did she know that Nozel was secretly in love with someone out of his circles. Captain Charlotte was clever and not as dense as captain Yami. She might have saw some things and conclude others.
“Forgive my nephew, Vanessa,” Soie said with a sorry smile. “He half spilled the beans not even five minutes ago.”
Lin stood behind his aunt, timidly poking his two fingers against one another. Oh, he was so adorable and he certainly didn’t mean it bad.
His aunt continued, “But lady Charlotte is a kind hearted person, so she offered you private Salon of the Roseleis. And if we spilled some beans already, she also did it as a fellow who also has a secret lover.”
Wait, what?
“So, Lin and I will bring you your ball gown. We’ll be back in a minute.”
Aunt and nephew left, leaving Vanessa alone with the captain of the Blue Roses. A few seconds, there was some awkward silence between the two women.
Until Charlotte actually moved, taking Vanessas hand and leading to the couch, for her to sit down.
Vanessa was grateful for the gesture, because a lot of thoughts were currently racing in her mind. Captain Charlotte just learned about her and Nozel. And Vanessa understood Soie Velours’ words correctly, it would also mean that…
“Are you and captain Yami finally together?”
“My goodness, is it so obvious that we have to be a thing?”
“To be perfectly honest… yes. Only idiots and dense people would be unable to see the signs. And… I was right next to you when you confessed to captain Yami back in Spade, remember?”
“Oh, Heavens… I haven’t thought about that confession for a while,” Charlotte moaned, hiding her face behind her hands.
Well, Vanessa hasn’t thought about it for quite some time as well. The thing that first came to her mind every time she remembered Spade, was her very first talk with Nozel.
How everything between them started then…
But captain Charlottes confession to captain Yami in Spade also had somehow an impact on herself. Vanessa remembered that by hearing this desperate I love you, she finally realized and admitted that she had never been in love with her captain. That her lost duckling crush on Yami had actually disappeared a very long time ago.
She had a lot of thinking to do back then, which was why she had searched for a quiet place to think peacefully about her new realizations. To think, to decide to take her love life in a new direction, without delusions of a crush that she shouldn’t had cling into it in the first place.
And then, Nozel came to her spot.
Without his cold mask, looking more vulnerable and human to her, like she never dared to imagine before.
And probably without realizing it, Vanessas decision to take her love life onto a new path was already put into motion that day.
Looking at captain Charlotte, who still hiding her face with her hands, Vanessa believed that back in Spade, it was not only the start of what was between her and Nozel. But also between Charlotte and Yami.
What a small world…
“Since when are you and captain Yami a thing?”
“A thing? For a bit more than one month at this point.”
“Oh, same here for Nozel and me. And you kept the secret, even to us Bulls?”
“Yes. I’m sorry, but we wanted some peace before telling anyone. And with everything going on the kingdom… the ball, the boldness of nobles and everything that implied all those things… Yami and I thought it was better to keep it a secret at first.”
“Does anyone know?”
“Except you? Puli and Églantine, two of my knights, and Luck. But those three find out due to… reasons that I rather not explain further.”
Vanessa grinned. Given the deep blush on captain Charlottes face, Luck and the two Blue Roses must have surprised the two captains in a very sensual position. Kinda reminded Vanessa on how Noelle find out about Nozel and her, not so long ago.
“Oh, and my mother knows as well. She even gave us our blessing already.”
Ha, Vanessa always knew that auntie Dea was one of the best nobles in the whole kingdom of Clover!
“And does someone know about you and Nozel?” Charlotte asked, after taking a bit of her blush under control.
“Océane Vermillion knows, Nozels aunt. And besides Soie Velours and her nephew, it’s only Noelle. But in her case, she stumbled on us while we were… in a very sensual position and it took her some time to calm down from the shock.”
“Poor girl.”
Vanessa smiled, but it didn’t last long, as a more serious topic came to her mind. “We kept it a secret for similar reasons than you and captain Yami. Nobles are very determined to marry one of their own to Nozel. And learned recently that some noble ladies called Prudence Évantail and Athénaïs Vitrail are considered the top candidates for his future wife.”
Charlotte made a face at the sound of those names, which made Vanessa grin for a second.
“And… his father seems very determined to marry him of. He was the one who spread those rumours about Nozel wanting to get engaged during this ball and getting married shortly after. It’s not true, of course. But Nozel and I… we want to fight to be together, that goes without doubts. But there are heavy hurdles on this way.”
“I get that,” Charlotte said softly, before taking Vanessas hand again. It was a very comforting touch. “Lac Silva… Is not someone to take lightly, no matter how much you despise him. I don’t know the story between him and the Silva siblings, but I understand that there’s a big shift between them. And… I can’t say the details, it’s not my secret specifically and it’s very disgusting to think about. But Lac Silva had insulted my mother in way that I just can’t have any respect for him.”
Gosh, what did that jerk of Lac Silva did to auntie Dea? Vanessa was very close to ask, but given Charlottes stiff glance in her eyes, she preferred to hold back.
Besides, captain Charlotte continued, “As for Nozels situation with the kinds of lady Prudence and lady Athénaïs, I also can relate. You have to know, somehow I ended up being the most eligible match of house Roselei, despite my curse. The members of my house are trying very hard to find a suitable fiancé for me. Especially my aunt Rosamund.”
“The one who is more shambolic than me? Auntie Dea told me about her during her first visit at the Hideout.”
“If only she could be as shambolic by trying to marry me of. But sadly, Rosamund is stubborn and determined to a point that even being sick with the highest temperature can’t stop her for trying to get what she wants. And for some reason I still ignore, she seems to have only one specific lord in mind to be my future husband. But… lord Reginald is old enough to be either my father or my grandfather and he has been married five times before. He has children from each on his marriages and still wants to find a wife number 6. Which shall be me, according to Rosamund.”
“That’s sounds fucked up.”
“I wouldn’t choose such a crude word, but it’s fitting, I admit. Not to mention that lord Reginald is also the father of lady Prudence. But I don’t remember anymore if she’s a daughter from his first wife or from the second one.”
“Another Évantail?”
“Their family tree is pretty chaotic. Sometimes nephews and nieces happened to be older than their uncles and aunts, for example.“
Vanessa hold her snicker back. This was just so ridiculous. And this were JUST the legitimized Évantails. If they would add Grenadine and any other potential bastard to the bunch, it would surely be more complicated than it already was.
Nobles were for the most part really either complicated, stupid or arrogant, if not a mix of those three words and others.
Thank goodness there exceptions like Finesse, auntie Dea and Océane, Nozels adorable Vermillion aunt.
Speaking of…
“Do you and captain Yami have some plans to avoid the traps during the ball?”
“You mean except holding Yami and probably also myself back to beat up any of my suitors, because this would have consequences and it wouldn’t really help us in the end?”
“Oh, I can relate to that,” Vanessa chuckled, remembering how close she had been to slap Prudence Évantail and Athénaïs Vitrail because of how they talked about Nozel. But maybe it was also good that she didn’t slapped them. Yet.
Charlotte smiled, before continuing with a serious voice, “Honestly, I’m quite unsure. Even Yami isn’t that laidback about this whole ordeal. But he’s still more laidback than I am. My mother told me to avoid any of my suitors as much as I can and to listen between the lines, in case they invite me for that betrothal waltz.”
“Auntie Dea is right, this is already something to do. Nozels auntie, Océane Vermillion, also suggested us to only dance with each other, not with anyone else. Not only would it avoid any hidden betrothal with other nobles but at the same time, giving a clear message to the nobles and especially Lac Silva. Probably also to Prudence Évantail and Athénaïs Vitrail.”
“So… you want to come out of secrecy?”
“More or less, it won’t such a big announcement with trumpets and all the drama. But Nozel is sick of secrets of any kind and the more we are together, the more I see that he doesn’t want to hide me. It’s not like we were extra cautious before, but we were still pretty secretive. And given everything I learned about him since Spade… I understand that. And… I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I don’t know if I can fit into this life, of being a royal. It seems rather scary. But I can’t let insecurities be stronger than what I feel for Nozel.”
“I understand, Vanessa. Yami and I would love to come out of secrecy as well. We just… Well, we quite enjoy the peace we have now, but once we’re out in the open, the storm will 
come onto us. And I’m not talking about nobility only, but also about you Black Bulls. No offense.”
“None taken. You’re right, after all. We Black Bulls are nice people, but we tend to get a bit to wild, it doesn’t matter if we feel insulted or if we’re excited. Especially since my comrades are going to be overprotective over you against our captain, most certainly. Gosh, I haven’t thought how the Bulls are going to react to Nozel and me!”
She indeed hasn’t thought about that. At least, barely. The Black Bulls would indeed have the shock of their lives. Vanessa liked to think that at least half of them wouldn’t make too much of a drama. But the other half… and given Noelles past… Oh shoot, not only the Black Bulls would be shocked, but Nebra and Solid as well! Okay, with how she was today, Nebra might take it kinda good. But Solid maybe not so much.
Nozel might rubbed off on her, because now she almost started to overthink just like him.
“I’m actually glad that Noelle already knows about Nozel and me. She’s a bit like our biggest supporter today.”
“That’s good to know.”
Both women went silent, each of them lost in their thoughts.
Vanessa observed Charlotte. She wondered if the colour of her dress was a way to honour Yami. Black with some trimmer of gold, it was practically the colours of the Black Bulls. A bit like she choose Silva typical colours for her dress.
That dress truly suited her. Her porcelain skin was practically radiant against the black silk. Vanessa really hoped that captain Yami would at least be in awe once he would see captain Charlotte and that he would SHOW it for once. In her own case, Vanessa knew already that Nozel would show his appreciation. Hopefully he would love the dress.
Suddenly, an idea popped in her head.
“Wanna make a deal, captain Charlotte?”
“What? What kind of deal do you mean?”
“Just to support each other and our boyfriends during the ball, in any way possible. We’re kinda in the same boat with our love lives. So, why not support each other? Both our couples are going to need every help they can get in this situation, don’t you think?”
Charlotte hesitated just for not even one second before a bright smile appeared on her lips. “Agree, let’s help each other.”
“Pinky oath?”
“Pinky oath, if you insist.”
Soie Velours and her little nephew entered the private salon just when Vanessa and Charlotte let go of their pinky fingers.
“Sorry for the wait, lady Adelheid Sandler made a real fuss about one little embroidery on her Winter Apple dress,” Soie laughed, before opening a box right in front of Vanessa. “And here, lady witch of the Black Bull squad, is the masterpiece created especially for you.”
A purple dress came out of the box, professionally hold by both aunt and nephew. Vanessa was immediately amazed by her new dress.
“For this particular gown, we have opted for a sheath shape, which will not only accenting your gorgeous frame, but will also flow freely and gracefully around you. Unusual for the sheath, the shoulders are free with just a small, flowing ringlet of fabric around your upper arms, which you won’t even notice. We choose satin as the fabric, for its particular shine, as you can see here. Please notice how the satin slowly becomes more transparent starting from the knees. The transparency will not be fully, only subtle, but enough to show your legs in a small, timidly naughty way. Adding a bit of transparency is not an easy task with satin, since it’s not a fabric used for this kind of work, unlike chiffon, fine silk or georgette. But it is possible for my nephew and me, since we have fabric magic and learned how to do the most impossible things in our craftmanship with our magic. As you ordered, the main colour is a bright and metallic purple, adding more to the shine of the satin. Observe also those silver embroidery which delicately go around the bodice and the skirt, starting from your right shoulder and ending at the bottom left of your dress, without covering them and hiding the beautiful metallic purple. Those embroideries have the form of vines, covered with frost thanks to the silver threads. You may have noticed all those little rose blossoms scattered on the silver vine embroideries. Some in an immaculate white, the others in the palest pink possible. A bit of silver had been added on them as well, to give a subtle illusion of frost and winter. My dear nephew gave this dress the name of Rose In Winter, as a little delicacy. You certainly want to try it on, Vanessa dear, you can go behind the paravent.”
“This is the most beautiful dress I ever saw,” Vanessa whispered in awe, while taking her ball gown delicately from Soie and Lin. “I have no words, I… It definitely will inspire me for my own future needlework!”
“And this is the kind of compliment a dressmaker always loves to hear,” Soie Velours said with pride while Vanessa disappeared behind the paravent.
It was not difficult to put the dress on. In fact, it was pretty easy. But Vanessa had to stop every ten second to admire the shine of the satin, the subtle transparency, the white and pale pink roses, the silver embroidery, the softness of the fabric, just everything…
When Vanessa finally appeared from behind the paravent wearing her flowy dress, Lin Velours looked at her in awe, while Charlotte smiled with admiration, still wearing her own ball gown, and Soie Velours nodded with pride.
“Another masterpiece, indeed. Please, Vanessa, come admire you in the mirror.”
Seeing herself in the mirror was something else indeed. Vanessa was amazed how perfectly this dress fitted her and she couldn’t wait to see Nozels reaction seeing her like this, like a true princess.
Despite the fact that this ball was all bad news, there were still some things for Vanessa to look forward to. And that was somehow comforting.
After a while of silent admiration, Soie Velours spoke up again, “Ah, before I forgot, there is something else for you, for the upcoming ball.”
And from behind her back, she handed both Charlotte and Vanessa two little boxes. It looked like jewellery boxes or something, but Vanessa didn’t know enough about jewellery of nobles and royals to call herself an expert.
Charlotte took a closer look at hers, frowning. “But… I can’t remember to have ordered-“
“Oh, it’s not from you, lady Charlotte. Even though it is for you. But your mother, lady Orchidea, brought it to us earlier today. I think she had it ordered by one of the finest jewellers in the kingdom the moment she learned what you wanted for your dress.”
Vanessa couldn’t help but smile. Auntie Dea was definitely more than a good mother for Charlotte.
The captain of the Blue Roses still frowned, but opened the box still.
A diadem was in it. A golden diadem in the shape of thorny vines, with black gems, probably obsidians. Even better, those obsidians were formed in a way to look like roses. A black rose to the fullest.
“Oh… it’s… I…”
“Can I put it on your head, lady Charlotte?” Lin timidly asked. “It would be like to crown you.”
“Well, then crown me, little one.”
With a smile, Charlotte went softly on her knees to let Lin put the diadem on her head, doing it even like a professional.
Vanessa smiled at this adorable image – Charlotte Roselei would do a good mother as well, just like auntie Dea – before she focused on her box and opened it.
There was also a diadem, a small but also a very ancient one. Only that it was silver and the shape looked like leaves and water drops. The gemstones were probably crystals, in the palest shades of purple, pink and blue, also white.
Silver, purple, pink, blue, white… Some typical Silva colours.
The gems were also formed into flowers, but strangely enough not like roses, but like water lilies. The favourite flowers of lady Acier…
Vanessas eyes widened. Could this be a Silva diadem that once belonged to Acier Silva?
There was a little letter in the box and Vanessa quickly to took it read.
Dearest future niece-in-law
I suppose that miss Soie Velours gave this box to you once you have your surely breath taking ball gown. I wanna see Nozels face once you wear it.
This diadem belonged to my late sister, lady Acier Silva. I’m sure my dear nephew told you once that those were her favourite flowers. She wore that diadem on her wedding and when there was an occasion, she put it on her head again. It was her favourite jewellery and she didn’t lots of those. In her will, she stated that Nozel should have it until he gets married and gave it to his beloved.
I know you and Nozel aren’t married yet, but at this point it’s only a matter of time. Still, my nephew wanted you to have it now, not only for the ball, and I agree with him. You deserve to have it and from now on, this diadem is yours. Consider this as a gift from Nozel and from my dear sister, who would have loved you. It might not fit entirely with your dress, but I think this doesn’t matter, given the symbolism of this diadem.
Océane Vermillion, né Océane Silva.
Tears of joy filled Vanessas eyes. Nozel actually gifted her something that belonged to his mother, something of great emotional value. This was worth more than the silver and gems.
When Vanessa put the diadem on her head, she had the feeling for a second that it was Acier Silva who placed it delicately, as if she was giving Nozel and Vanessa her blessing from the afterlife.
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BLEACH: The Thousand Year Blood War Ep 18 & 19 Reactions and Thoughts
Overall reaction:
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First up, I didn't write anything for episode 18 last week because when I sat down to do it, all I could think to talk about was Renji's bankai reveal, which was epic, but didn't have much more to say beyond that. I loved the whole thing though, they made Renji look like such a badass throughout. And the reveal itself was *chef's kiss*
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As for this week...WOW. JUST WOW. INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, WOW. There's one main highlight and you all know what it is. Just...look at her:
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This is one of the most stunning things I've ever seen coming out of this show, that includes the original series. Hell, this is one of the most stunning bits of animation I've ever seen. How did they make her bankai more pretty and elegant than it already was in the manga?! I just love that her collar and sleeves are transparent, and the little details like the snowflake pattern that constantly moves over her clothes.
The visuals for this episode were so amazing, and as you can tell, I can't reblogging gifs of it. I loved every second from a visual standpoint, everything was beautifully drawn and coloured, whether it was make Rukia look fierce or terrified or beautiful, or to make As Nodt more creepy and hellish than he already is. I mean, just look at this creep:
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I loved this design in the manga, and I am LOVING it here now! Paired with church bells and music, this was a fantastic reveal.
As this adaption continues to show, when it comes to the fights of this arc, it's 10/10. Whether it's added content, hearing these characters say the lines, or just finally seeing these panels animated, it's reminding me of why I was so desperate to see this arc adapted into an anime. The moment I saw As Nodt's hand graze Rukia's, and she flinches and tries to find him, I got hyped. The moment he transformed into his Vollstandig, I was screaming. And then Rukia unleashes her bankai, and I was rolling in my chair. If As Nodt vs Rukia doesn't go down as one of the best anime fights from this year, I'll be shocked.
For one, while it goes without saying at this point, I cannot emphasis enough how GOOD the animation is:
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I also loved the call back to decaying characters and the flies and how they were used for Rukia's greatest fear. It's a connection to Byakuya, an experience they can say they've both shared now, and it adds to the scenes that come next when he tells her he's proud of her and he helps her defrost.
Speaking of that scene, it was already a great moment in the manga, but see it not only animated but voiced, I teared up a little. I looked forward to seeing the dub version of the scene too, I have no doubt Michelle Ruff and Dan Woren will do great here. It's a small, emotional moment for the two them, and it's more or less a conclusion their brother-sister arc. We've come a long way since the beginning, huh?
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While we're on voice acting, can we give As Nodt actor absolute praise. He made him so gosh dark creepy throughout. This is the kind of voice I would hear while reading the manga, and the way he was able to morph his voice from quiet monotony to raging growls was just amazing. He was a standout in the episode for me honestly.
If I had two nit-picks about the animation, one is that As Nodt's eyeball monsters looked a little weird and out of place, but it's so small it didn't take away from the fight for me. The other is the weird video filter they used over Rukia's flashbacks; not sure why they used that filter? Is it trying to say the original show is that old now? Were they trying to be creative? Regardless, it jarred me a little, but again, it's a nit pick in what is otherwise a fantastic episode.
Overall, it was an amazing episode that will likely be in my top fifteen of the arc of the show. Next week, I'm preparing for two shikai reveals and maybe a few tears ;_;
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Beep Beep, trying a new sona out...
So... It's weird. I LOVE skunks. They are cute, dapper, curious little critters that have a reputation. I love they're little faces, I love the patterning of their fur, and I love just literally everything about them... Hell, Belle is a skunk for all of these reasons!
So... It made sense that maybe my fursona should be a skunk, right? I've done a whole comic about turning into one, and I absolutely adore them.
But... It just doesn't feel right. Belle served as my sona for a LONG time now, but since I've kind of come out as plural, and we've decided that she's her own person... It kinda took my sona away. So I thought "That's alright, I'll just make another skunk sona that's me!" But... it really wasn't. There's something off, or missing from it.
So the other day, as I was thinking about it, and trying to figure out where I was going with my Skunk HRT comic, I was thinking about WHAT I wanted to do... I've had some ideas, but none stuck out to me, except this idea. This is what I wanted to sketch yesterday (but had no time to do so, actually)
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So the top is just a Mewtwo off of reference. I wanted to get the reference out because I wanted to be sure I could figure out how to draw a believable Mewtwo that I could then modify and push to fit what I was hoping to get. The bottom is modified with a small vision I have of... Maybe myself? I'm not sure, but I wanted to keep the skunk patterning, but get more of the form of Mewtwo in there. There are still some things that I think I'll tool around with, like maybe hair. Also adding clothing and the like.
But... Why Mewtwo? Well... It's my favorite legendary. It may be a basic "gen one-er" fave, but it's true. I've always had more of an affinity for the psychic type pokemon in general, my favorite gym leader is Sabrina (Flannery a close second, but just because she's hot), Abra was a small obsession of mine, and Mewtwo is just kinda rad.
Plus, with how powerful Mewtwo is? That gives me the freedom to really live out a few other fantasies that being a skunk wouldn't allow. Like, flying, and breathing underwater/in space. Even Transform into different things! (Since Mewtwo is based off the DNA of Mew, and Mew can transform, I don't see why not) These are things that I could feasibly see Mewtwo doing, and things that I wish I could do.
Plus, immense psychic power to help defend people? The ability to be places instantly? Be... Kind of a Superman-like character. That sounds nice too.
Anyway. A little more about the sketch. I LOVE how the angle of the head turned out. It's not perfect, but getting the underside of a head, and figuring out how necks connect and stuff is something I tend to have difficulty with, so I'm glad that it actually looks like it turned out better. Also, trying to find a way to feminize the form while not turning it NSFW is a small challenge. Not the hardest, but there is a bit of "how much can I push it before it becomes too much?" And while I know it's rather unnecessary, there's still a euphoria I get myself seeing me depicted a lot more feminine physically, and I do want to depict that. As I said, I may try adding hair, which is a major deviation from Mewtwo, but it's another euphoric thing about myself that I want to depict, but I'm not sure how it'll look, so it's possible it won't make the cut.
But yea, if you read all that. Thanks! It's weird not having a fursona, honestly. Belle has been that for so long, but now it feels weird to say that about her. So it'll be interesting to actually continue figuring stuff like this out about myself, seeing where I want to go. I have some other ideas that I might sketch out, just to see how they feel as well, but as I said, this was the most prominent one.
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