#love seeing max and jake hanging out
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i-thirsty-boi · 1 year
Plationic Yandere-ish (Protective) Sully Family X Human Child Reader
~A/N: I haven't even watched the new Avatar movie, but I AM OBSESSED!!! It's mildly yandere, but I'm still including that just in case. Reader is mostly gender neutral, but implied female. Very few details talk about features other than you being tiny!
Part 1 , Part 2
CW: Protective Sully Family, mild kidnapping, obsessive behavior, protective behavior
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-You came to Pandora with your Aunt when you were five. Very interested to see and explore a new place.
-You mostly interacted with Norm and Max because none of the other scientists tolerated your questions while they were working. But Norm and Max were very happy that you were so interested in the world they fell in love with.
-You hated wearing the mask and asked around for how you could not wear it anymore. They didn’t want to do it, but you insisted they help you with it. They did some experiments and eventually found a way to change your lungs enough to be able to breathe the air on Pandora. It was a slightly painful process, but you were just happy to get rid of the annoying mask. 
(Don’t ask details, I just don’t wanna write in the oxygen mask)
-Of course because you were so close with those two, you had met Jake at some point.
-He loved being around you. You were such a cute and curious kid. Plus, you were younger than all of his kids were.
-He made an effort to introduce you to Neytiri. She was wary of you at first, but quickly warmed up to you. She saw that you were just a kid. So curious about the world around you, and saw how in love with Pandora you were.
Neytiri was taking you out of the lab for a walk through the forest, to keep you entertained. She was holding you in her arms like a baby while watching how amazed you were with the beauty of the nature around you.
“Hey, Tiri? What’s that?” You were asking while looking at a rustling bush. 
Neytiri looked over and just sighed while looking at her children trying and failing to hide behind a bush and spy on her. “Nothing, baby. Those are just my children. Who should be at home!” She said very loudly to let them know that they were caught. 
With that said, they all came towards them from behind the bush. 
-Once they all came out, you were looking at all of them with wide eyes. You gripped Neytiri’s top from the nerves you had meeting so many new people at once.
-Neytiri noticed your nerves and cradled you a bit closer to her, but didn’t stop her kids from coming closer. She just slightly smiled at them while subtly moving you to face them better.
-She nudged you to talk to them when they got to be right in front of you. You quietly told them your name once you gained a bit of courage. They all smiled at how cute you were.
-One by one they all introduced themselves to you, also talking a bit quieter to not startle you more. By the end you weren’t as tense and were smiling a bit. Though you were surprised that the youngest was so big while only being three years older than you.
-They saw how you were probably more willing to talk, so Kiri asked you how old you were. They each were surprised that you were five, being so tiny.
-They asked if you wanted to come hang out with them for the day. And you said yes!
Neytiri wasn’t happy that they were cutting her time with you so short, but couldn’t deny them the joy of being with you. She did want to talk with Jake about having you stay with them though. She really wanted you to be part of their family now that all of her children had met you and clearly liked you. 
So, with a sigh, she handed you over to Neteyam and walked off to find her husband.
Neteyam was so happy he got chosen to hold you. You felt like nothing in his arms, smaller than the newborns he had seen. He just smiled down at you while cradling you. The group of siblings just walked to their favorite part of the stream and started splashing around together.
You saw this and started squirming to get down so you could play too. Neteyam didn’t want to, but set you down anyway. You immediately ran, more like quickly waddled, to the stream and went into the water. It was only to their calves, but it went up to your hips. They started splashing you as well, which made you giggle and splash them back.
-They had been playing for almost an hour before you started getting tired. You were yawning while wading through the water and tripped on a rock on the bottom. You fell forward and got completely submerged in the cool water. You also scraped your forehead on a rock. You immediately stood back up and started rubbing your head.
-All of the siblings ran to you and were looking you over for injuries. When they saw the scrape on your forehead, Kiri immediately snatched you up and started sprinting back to their home, with the rest of the group following you two.
-She burst into their home and immediately got to work cleaning and bandaging the scrape. Jake and Neytiri heard the commotion and ran in to check on what was happening. They gasped when they saw what was wrong.
-The went to you and frantically checked if you were okay. You told them what happened and assured them you were fine. Right after you stopped talking, you let out a huge yawn. Everyone internally cooed at the sight.
Jake had then picked you up and laid down with you on his chest. “I think you need a nap baby.” He had whispered once you settled down. You just groaned, but snuggled further into him anyway. He motioned his wife to grab a blanket for him to put over you. She went and got one of the human blankets that you liked, that she had stored in an out of the way place in their home. Once she had it, she walked over to Jake and covered you with it. 
She laid down next to Jake to look over you while you slept. And slowly, the rest of the family sat around Jake and watched you sleep as well. Eventually, after about half an hour, Neytiri shooed them away to help her make lunch for everyone. This left You sleeping on Jake’s chest until lunch was made.
-Once he noticed the food was ready, Jake gently woke you from your nap. He knew you would still be groggy, so he carried you over to where the food was and sat with his family.
-He sat with you in his lap as the food was served. He made you a plate with a tiny, to him and his family, portion of food on it for you. However, he knew you really couldn’t eat anymore than what he put on it.
-His children side eyed him when he finished putting food on your plate, but didn’t question him. You had started to fully wake up when you smelled the food in front of you. You had eaten with Jake and Neytiri before, so you were excited for more of the food they make. You sat up straighter and reached to take the plate from Jake.
-He smiled and held it away from you to watch you pout at him. You ‘yelled’ at him, “Jake-Jake, give it!” He just chuckled and kissed your head then handed it to you. You smiled and started to eat.
-You got done with what was on your plate when everyone else was almost done with theirs. Neteyam asked if you wanted any more food and you just shook your head. He said okay, and side eyed you while you sat back against his dad. He and the rest of the family were kind of jealous of him for it.
-From then on you had slowly started to spend more and more time with the Sullys. Not because you asked to, but because they just took you with them to do stuff everyday.
~mini timeskip~ 
-You had been worried because of how many times you had to stay with Mo’at while the Sullys were fighting with humans. You really didn’t like any humans besides your Aunt, Norm, and Max at this point.
You were still with Mo’at in the healers tent when Kiri came in and picked you up to hand you to Neytiri. As she walked to the Sullys’ home you saw Jake, Neteyam, and Lo’ak looking really beat up. This made you really worried. You looked up at Neytiri and asked, “Hey Tiri? Are the boys okay?” She looked down at you and gave a strained smile while telling you that they would be fine. 
She sat with you and Tuk in their home, with you in her lap and stroking Tuk’s hair to keep you two calm. The rest of the family came in a few hours later, Kiri annoyed and tired, and all of the boys bandaged up. You were concerned, but stayed where you were because you knew that Neytiri was also upset about this and that having you and Tuk near her was helping keep her calm. 
You were present for dinner with them before Jake took you back to the lab for the night, which was odd for him now. 
-Jake took the walk back home to discuss taking you with their family to the Metkayina. Neytiri didn’t want to leave the forest, but knew going would keep their family safer, including you.
-They both agreed to get you and your stuff the next day so you could make the move with them. Whether you wanted to or not. You were part of their family. 
-They let their kids know the plan when they made it home. None of the kids were excited, but were happy that you would be going with them
-They had all packed all the stuff they could so they could leave as soon as they got you. They knew it would be better to just tell Mo’at and get you and your stuff as soon as Norm and Max got to work so they couldn’t be questioned for where they were taking you. 
-As morning came, they loaded their stuff onto their Ikrans. Tuk would be riding with Neytiri and you would be riding with Jake. They came to the lab, and had you talk to Tuk while they packed your stuff and brought it out to the Ikrans. Jake got a blanket to wrap around you before he strapped you to him so you didn’t get cold during the flight over to the reefs. 
-The flight took until the next day and you were getting tired of not being able to move around when you were awake. Though you slept for a lot of the ride because of the soothing motions of flying. 
You could see that you were almost there, and were squirming in excitement. You were frustrated with being swaddled for so long. Once the Ikrans landed you were moved to be strapped on Jake’s back, which you whined about. At least they took away the blanket so you wouldn’t get overheated. 
You were peeking over his shoulder to look at the new place and navi people. Two of them came to the front of the group, so you knew that they must be important. You looked at Jake from your strange angle as they greeted him and copied him by bowing your head as well. 
The rest of the family saw this and smiled at you. This also made Ronal notice you and glare at Jake while saying he brought a demon here. Jake immediately defended you by saying you were just a child and part of their family. You smiled at his words. But still squirmed to get down. Jake sighed and untied you from him to set you down on the dock. 
You were happy to stand on your own, but still stuck to Jake and gripped his leg. You looked up at the two navi and shyly waved your hand at them and bowed your head again. This made the man’s eyes soften at you, so you slightly smiled at him. He introduced himself and his wife, “I am Tonowari, and this is my mate Ronal. Why have you come here?”
Jake explained that they were seeking something called ‘uturu’ to protect their family from the bad humans. This just made Ronal angry and accused him of bringing war there. He denied it and said he just wanted his family to be safe. Tonowari caved and allowed them to stay, as long as they learned the Metkayina’s ways. 
You smiled and said thank you to them for allowing you to stay. This finally made Ronal soften. She stopped glaring at you and gave you a fond look. This just made Neytiri glare at her from behind you. And with that, you got picked up again and got brought to the ‘marui’ by the pretty navi that was the two metkayina’s daughter.
-The kids were gonna be taught something by the chief’s kids and you wanted to go with them. It had been a while since you got to swim. You asked Neytiri to help you into a swimsuit so you could go with them. 
-She helped you with it and told you to be careful before kissing your forehead and having you go while holding Kiri’s hand. That got hard for you so she carried you with them. 
-You were excited to swim even if you wouldn’t be able to keep up with the Sully siblings. You went into the shallow water to wade around and look for shells while the chief’s children made their way over.
-They introduced themself again and you finally caught their names. Tsireya and Aonung. You told her she had a pretty name and got a large smile in return. Afterwards she asked if you wanted to try to learn the lesson as well. The Sullys weren’t happy, but you said you would try anyway. 
-Tsireya was happy to have you join them, but didn’t expect much from you. She motioned you to follow them to the deeper water, so you started to slowly swim over to them. She was impressed at your ability to swim, but thought that you wouldn’t be able to do much else.
-She gave instructions for the forest navi on how to hold their breath properly to dive deep, and Kiri got it right away but the others were struggling a little bit. It only took the others a few more tries to get the hang of it. She then went over to you, who she found just floating on your back with your eyes closed and a smile on your face. This made her very happy for some reason.
-She pushed water towards you to get your attention. Once you looked at her while treading water, she asked if you wanted to learn the breathing lesson with her help. You smiled at her and nodded.
Tsireya gently took your hand and dragged you closer to her in the water. You were so tiny compared to her, she found it adorable. She re-explained the lesson while you intently listened to her. You nodded after she was done talking and took a breath how you thought she explained it before diving under the water. 
She dove right after you to watch over you and saw you looking around under the water with wide eyes and a big smile. She followed you under the water, surprised at how well you were holding your breath for such a tiny human. You only lasted a few minutes before going back to the surface. She came up at the same time as you and held you up as you gushed to her about how beautiful it was. 
She giggled as you went on about how amazing it was. Neteyam and Lo’ak were silently fuming watching you talk with Tsireya. They made eye contact before making their way over to you. They grabbed you to drag you with them. You giggled as they tickled you once you came over to the group of Sullys. Tuk and Kiri resurfaced when they noticed you with their brothers. Tuk came up beside your tiny group and started gushing with you about the beauty of the reef. Kiri decided to startle you by grabbing your ankle as she came back up. 
You shrieked when your ankle was grabbed, but just pouted when Kiri started laughing once she was at the surface again. You shouted, “Not funny Riri!” Everyone just laughed at that, which made you pout more. You then huffed and dragged Kiri with you to go look at shells in the shallows. 
You were pretty slow, so Kiri started dragging you with her as she swam to the shallows. Once you were able to stand in the water you went to the place where you could see shells before and called Kiri over to you. Tsireya ended up coming over to you two to ask what you were doing. You excitedly told her you were looking for pretty pink shells to take back to the marui to have Neytiri help make into a top for you. 
-She said she would help you find all the pink shells you wanted, happy to see you so excited about it. You continued telling her about how pretty you thought the shell and pearl tops were that you had seen earlier. She giggled at your excitement. 
-Aonung was watching his sister in confusion. He did see how cute you were, but didn’t understand his sister’s fascination with you. Their parents had told them to behave with the Sullys and especially the tiny one. He agreed, because he recognized how fragile you could be.
-He continued helping the siblings learn to dive while watching his sister with the girl and child. He just furrowed his brows at how happy she looked just finding shells with a random child she just met.
-He huffed and turned back to the other siblings to find them also looking at you. Which they always seem to be doing. He huffed and decided to end their lesson for the day.
-They all then swam over to you to help with finding more shells.They all had smiles on their faces while searching for shells with you. He just didn’t quite understand them and their borderline obsession with you.
-Tsireya went to get a small basket to put all your shells in. Once you decided you had enough shells, you took the basket and ran to find Neytiri. 
-You found her in a tent with Ronal. You walked up to her and held up your basket to her. “Tiri, can you help me make a top with these?” You asked her very sweetly. She looked at your basket of shells and smiled while nodding at you. You looked at Ronal and asked if she wanted to help make you make a shell top too. 
-Ronal went over, looked into your basket full of pink shells, and nodded at you with a fond look in her eyes. You told her all about how pretty you thought the shell and pearl tops metkayina women were wearing in the crowd of people. She just patted your head before getting some string to start weaving your top with.
You beamed at Neytiri as you described how you wanted the top to look like. With the shells dangling a little so they would jingle as you moved. She smiled and kissed your head before Ronal came back in with a good amount of string. 
The two older women got started on making your top as you talked to them. You talked about how pretty the shells were, and how gorgeous the reefs were. When it was time to start making dinner, the top was finished and you had Neytiri help you put it on. You were beaming at the both of them because of how pretty you thought it was. You thanked both of them before running to find the Sully siblings or Jake. 
You ran into Jake first. He was on a big thing with wings in the water with Tonowari with him. You got his attention by calling his name. He looked over at you and smiled while being confused at your new shirt. You began excitedly telling him about your day. About swimming and diving with Tsireya, looking for shells with her and the siblings, and having Neytiri and Ronal help make the top for you. He smiled and went over to you to pick you up and kiss your cheek. Tonowari was smiling at you too. He thought you were such a cute and kind child. 
When you finished your rant, you looked at the creature in the water and asked what it was. Tonowari told you it was called a skimwing. You said that it was a cool name and looked harder at the creature. Tonowari smiled and asked if you wanted to get a closer look at it. You just nodded and Jake brought you closer to it. You made eye contact with the creature before reaching towards it. Both men were extremely surprised that it sat still and allowed you to pet it. It still puts a smile on Tonowari’s face though. It proved to him that you were such a sweet child even a skimwing could see it.
Seeing how it reacted, he made eye contact with Tonowari before they both nodded and he gently set you on its back. They let go of it and it swam in gentle circles with you, which made you smile and giggle. It got bored after a while and gently went under the water so you could swim off of it and away. You slowly swam back to Jake and he picked you up again.
You rested your head on his chest and yawned. He smiled and started walking back to the shore so you could take a nap before the communal dinner. You fell asleep on him while he was walking over to his children that were still with Tsireya and Aonung in the shallow water. He motioned to you before handing you to, surprisingly, Tsireya, who was the one that reached for you first. She nodded at him before he walked back to Tonowari to continue his own lessons before dinner.
-The Sully siblings were glaring at Tsireya while she was holding you to her. They had wanted to be the ones to hold you, she just happened to be closer to where Jake stood when walking over. 
-She saw the glares and just smiled while looking down at you. She walked a little further into the water and swayed while holding you to her chest. You snuggled further into her when she did this. Her heart melted from how sweet of a child you were. 
-She walked back to the siblings to ask how old you were. They told her you five. She was surprised that this was how tiny human children were at that age. 
-She was holding you for about 40 minutes before their mothers came to tell them the communal dinner was ready. She sighed as Neytiri took you from her to bring you to where the Sullys would be eating. 
-Tsireya went to her family and watched you sit in Neytiri’s lap while Jake made you a plate. Her whole family periodically looked over at you. It seems you had left an impression with all of them. 
-Her and her parents had been frowning at how little food is put in the bowl meant for you. But if the Sullys found it fine, it must be okay. They ate on their own as the other family made conversation while they were all eating. You finished before the rest of the family and leaned back into Neytiri. Lo’ak asked if you wanted any more food, but you just shook your head.
-The other family just seemed content that you got enough food. They figured that it made sense with how tiny you were. You probably couldn't eat much at once. 
-After dinner you went back to the shallows with the siblings and the chief’s children. There are no more lessons for the day, you just splashed in the shallows with the siblings. You started floating again as everyone else swam further in. 
-You peacefully floated while looking up at the sky. After a while the sun started setting and you continued looking up at the beautiful colors going across the sky. You heard the water moving close to you and you looked around to find Neteyam coming over to you. You stood up and walked onto the shore with him
Neteyam called his other siblings over as well as he picked you up and brought you back to the marui with him. He went in to see that his mom had brought Tuk with her. He nodded at her while she went to put Tuk into the family bed. He had changed you into some of your night clothes while his mom went to call the others into the marui. 
When everyone was in and dried off, they all got ready to sleep as well. They had all laid down before bundling your blanket around you and setting you on top of their sleep pile. They all fell asleep fast from all of the excitement of the day. 
-They had all gotten used to living there and had gotten you to think of them as your family. You eventually called Jake and Neytiri ‘Dad’ and ‘Mama’, and the siblings your brothers and sisters. 
-This made them all very happy, and they had started smothering you with affection because of it.
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inlovewithpandora · 10 months
- One Of Them -
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Pairing: Sully Family x fem!human!reader || Kiri x twin!sister!reader
Request: [ @avatar4eva ] Hello, I was wondering if I could request a Sully Family x Kiri’s Human Twin Sister, where the reader is being raised by the scientists along with Spider. And as she gets older, she starts being jealous of Kiri because she has a family while she doesn’t. One day she overhears Neytiri talking to Jake about her saying that she rather the reader stays away from them while she hangs out with her sister and the Sully children. So, the reader gets upset and runs off into the forest and gets violently attacked by a thanator. The ending is to you if she lives or dies.🤭 Thank you for all the amazing work that you have made, much love to you🫶🏾🫶🏾
Synopsis: You were slightly envious of your sister Kiri because she had the life you wanted, a loving family. Neytiri was a mother figure to you but that all shattered when you heard the hateful things she said about you.
Content: Full angst, Hurt w/ no comfort, reader attacked by thanator (descriptive), mention of injuries/wounds, mention of blood, crying, emotional read
Author’s Note: thank you for requesting! I’m sorry it took so long to complete but it’s here! This is my first Sully Family work so I was excited to write it (especially since I like angst). I hope it meets your expectations and that you enjoy🩷!
Word Count: 1.7k
Glossary: Palulukan - Thanator || Yerik - Hexapede
Extra: Requests are open! Please read rules before requesting! || Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated🩷!
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Being raised by the scientists with Spider wasn’t your idle choice. It’s not that you didn’t like Spider, Norm, or Max because you do, but you wish you could’ve been raised with your sister and her family. Every time you see Kiri and her family bonding or doing normal domestic things, you feel a little envious because you wish you had a family like hers, just people who are blood relatives and look similar to you. Yes, Kiri is your blood sister, but she’s Na’vi, a hybrid. And some nights, you wished you would’ve been born a hybrid too so you could live out the luxuries she has.
You so love when Kiri and her siblings invite you and Spider to their marui to hang out with them. It’s always fun to be around them because in addition to Kiri, the rest of her siblings treat you as if you are their sister as well. They would look out for you, protect you if anyone ever tries to bully you, and most of all love you.
As of this moment you are frolicking in the forest, taking a break from being in the biolab all day. As you see the Sully family marui from a distance, you wonder if they’re home so you and the Sully kids could hang out. As you walk to the entrance, about to lift open the flap, you hear Neytiri raising her voice, which makes you retreat your hand and listen to what she is saying.
“I do not want that demon in my home, Jake. She is not one of us!” She hisses, her tail thrashing in the air as she tells Jake how she feels about your presence in her home.
“‘tiri, we can’t just not let her come over. She’s Kiri’s sister and the rest of the kids see her as one.”
“I do not care! She is not Na’vi, she is one of them.” As you listen to the rest of Neytiri’s rant, she talks about how much she dislikes you and that she feels like you could infect her children with your “demon ways”. Hearing her talk so poorly about you makes you feel like stones are sinking deep in your heart. Your head is spinning, filled with all Neytiri’s harsh words. Instead of walking in and telling her and Jake how you feel about what you just heard, you run into the forest at full speed with tears freely flowing down your cheeks.
You run, and run, and run. The forest is never ending, you always find a different path to turn to. You just can’t have any idea that this path would cause you a worse traumatic experience than what you just heard. As you run, the sound of bushes being shaken echoes in the forest. You turn your head and within a split second, your life flashes before your eyes. An angry Palulukan jumps out of its hiding place and pounces on your small, frail body.
You scream and cry out in pain as it attacks you, praying to Eywa that someone hears your loud piercing cry or your screams of pure terror. The Palulukan digs its claws in your skin, scratching every place they have access to, all but the one action that makes your body shut down completely.
As Neytiri walks through the forest, bow in hand trying to find a Yerik to cook her family for dinner, she sees droplets of blood along the grass. She tracks the trail, the blood splatters grow larger which makes her think it’s just a random animal that got dragged along the ground once it was killed, but that idea was busted once she saw your lifeless looking body sprawled across the forest floor.
“Y/N!” She immediately drops her bow and runs over to you. When she lays your body in her lap, she watches your chest slowly rise, indicating the flicker of life you still got, but your shallow breathing worries her. Your body is covered in numerous wounds and you are losing ample amounts of blood by every passing second. She frantically picks you up and runs into the village to get you some help.
“Jake! Ma’Jake!” Neytiri knows Jake is somewhere in the village because today is the day he usually does his rounds to make sure everything is running smoothly. When he finally hears her, he runs up with a worried expression, which turns to terror upon seeing your current state.
“What the hell happened?!”
“I found her like this in the forest. It looks like she got attacked by an animal.”
“We need to get her to the lab now! If she doesn’t get there soon she will die!” Jake scoops you out of Neytiri’s arms and runs you to the bio lab, hoping that Norm and Max would be able to save you.
When Jake brought you to the lab, the scientists immediately went to work, doing everything they could to keep you in the land of the living. They rushed you into surgery and it took hours, they didn’t know if you were going to survive due to all the blood you lost and how severe your injuries were, but by the grace of Eywa, you pulled through.
When the Sully Family hear the news that you are going to be okay, a sense of relief and joy washes over them. When it is okay for you to have visitors, all of them swarm by your bedside.
“Sister, I’m so glad you’re okay.” Kiri is so happy that Eywa spared your life, she didn’t know what she would do without you. The rest of the Sully kids and even Jake shows how much they missed you and that they are glad you made it through. Your body is still pretty banged up. Lots of bruises and gashes, but they’ll heal eventually, which you were happy about because you don’t want to be bed-ridden for too long.
You talk to them for almost two hours, laughing and talking about fun memories you’ve all had together. As you laugh at something Lo’ak said, the door to your room opens. When you see Neytiri walk inside, your whole demeanor changes. No more laughs or smiles, just Neytiri words playing over and over in your head about how much of a nuisance you are.
Neytiri comes by your bed, asking you how you feel, but you don’t respond. Instead you look in the opposite direction, not wanting to look at her pretend she cares about you. As everyone watches the interaction between you and Neytiri they get confused as to why you are acting cold towards her because you’ve always been happy to see and talk to Neytiri.
“y/n, I just wanted to see if you were okay.” She genuinely wants to know how you are doing because seeing how brutally injured you were made a feeling of concern rise within her.
You scoff at her words and roll your eyes. You don't want to hear anything she has to say and her talking to you as if she never called you a demon makes you upset. “Neytiri, I don’t want you here.” Before Neytiri can respond, you add another sentence to your previous statement. “I heard everything you said today. If you feel so strongly about me, I don’t want you standing here as if you care for me.” Neytiri and Jake's eyes widen as they realize you heard their conversation.
Neytiri feels her heart drop to the pit of her stomach knowing that you heard her harsh words. It took this experience to happen and for her to see how much the rest of her family loves you to try and come around to the idea of you being around them, but now it’s too late. The seed of her hatred has already been planted.
“y/n, I did not mean-”
“Stop, Neytiri, okay?! Just stop! You meant everything you said. Saying that I’m a demon, that I could infect your children with my wicked ways, not one thing you said about me was good.” When the kids hear that, you can hear gasps from around the room. They didn’t know their mother said those things or felt that way about you.
“You know Neytiri, I’ve looked up to you for years. I saw you as a mother figure, so to hear you talk so poorly of me hurts to the core. The hurt I feel can’t be fixed and you’re the one who inflicted it upon me. I couldn’t believe you would say those things about me, sometimes I thought you saw me as a daughter like how you see Kiri but I was wrong.” Whenever Neytiri had duties within the village or doing an activity at home like weaving, cooking, or cleaning, you were right by her side watching her as if she was the most perfect woman on Pandora. Neytiri gave you a sense of motherly nurturing that you couldn’t get from the scientists which made you glued to her.
Neytiri never knew you felt this way and she didn’t know the impact she had on your life until now. As you talk, your tone is cold and sharp, your words twisting knives into her heart. She wishes she could take back each word she said about you, but that’s not the way things work. The words were already out in the atmosphere and have resonated with you.
The whole room is silent. There are so many things said and everyone is trying to get a grasp of the situation. Neytiri tells you that she is sorry and that she finally sees you for who you are: a sweet soul who is a part of their family, but you don’t want to hear that, at least not now. A few days ago, if you would’ve heard that, you would’ve been ecstatic, but now her words mean nothing.
“Leave. I don’t want to see you anymore.” You turn your back to Neytiri and close your eyes, not wanting to cry in front of her and show how much emotional pain you are in from her words.
Neytiri is going to say something, but Jake comes behind her and places his hand on her shoulder, telling her that you need space.
When she looks at her children, each one of them gives her mean glares, highly upset about how she treated you. Neytiri sighs before leaving the room and walking back to her marui. And as she walks back, she prays that you and her children would forgive her, but only Eywa knows if your forgiveness should be given.
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I hope you enjoyed🩷!
Previous Fic
Editor - @justmemyselfandthemoon
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Taglist: @teyamsbitch @kasai-https @neteyamyawne @hc-geralt-23 @yetanotherattemptatanaccount @myh3artttt @savagemickey03 @number1gal @headsincloud9 @buble787635 @normspellmann @em-x0 @sliqeramx @eywas-heir
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lola-bunn1 · 1 year
Hi could you please do a Neteyam x human reader where the reader needs glasses to see and Neteyam is very confused about them.
Thank you
Are you blind?
❥ a/n: this one’s a little short sorry babes!
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When you were born, you didn’t expect to be in a foreign planet with blue cat people who were twice your size
Now to you, it wasn’t really weird since you were born on this planet. So you didn’t exactly know what was normal compared to earth
Nonetheless, you loved being in that planet. The Sully’s were close friends to Norm who was your caretaker, and you spent a lot of time with Jake’s kids.
You all grew up together and you grew rather fond of the oldest, you didn’t know how he truly felt about you. But you knew that you enjoyed his company, and felt something a little more friendly towards him
You’d hang out with Neteyam the most, he’d show you his village and you’d show him how things in the lab worked, he grew fascinated of you and how the humans worked
You’d be hanging out with Neteyam or anyone else, and you wouldn’t notice how Norm was observing you
One day, he managed to get you checked by Max who confirmed that the reason why things looked a little blurry, making you squint a lot was not because of anything unusual.
You just needed glasses.
Luckily, the scientists were smart enough to make a pair of glasses that matched you nicely
When you wore them, things looked way clearer and better. You seemed to like them, but couldn’t help but wonder if everyone else liked them too
When you first left the lab with them on, you went to visit Neteyam and he just furrowed his eyebrows at the sight
At first he didn’t say anything, thinking it was some decorative thing humans wore, but he didn’t seem to see anyone else other than Max wearing them
As you were talking, he was just quietly looking at you
“Neteyam, are you even listening?” You said, noticing his unusual look
“Why do you…have that?” He asked
“Have what?” You asked
“This thing” He said, tapping on your oxygen mask, pointing right at your glasses
“Oh, I need them to see” You casually responded, forgetting he doesn’t really get human things
“To see?” He gasped, his eyes widening, “Are you blind!?” He yelled in a worried tone
“What—no, idiot!” You said
“Oh…how then?”
“I can see—just not that clearly, you know? So these help me see better” You explained
His lips parted, nodding to himself as he was processing your words
“Do you…do you not like them?” You asked, your insecurities climbing out
“What?” He turned to you, “No no, they’re nice. I was just wondering why you have them”
“Oh” You said, nodding, not really believing him
But he knew you
“I think they’re cute, I want one!” He exclaimed, his heart warming up at the sight of you smiling
After that, when you’d be at the lab with him, he’d use the advantage of you not wearing a mask and stealing your glasses and teasing you
He was also very protective of you, when anyone would make fun of you, he wouldn’t hesitate to put them in their place
Cause he was the only one who could make fun of you. It was a special thing between you two, none of you would take it personally.
But if anyone else dared to say anything, hell yeah it was personal now
After all, he was falling in love with you, and wouldn’t let anyone mess with what’s his
ok this sucked love u bye
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tonowarii · 1 year
Honey Blue
Pairing: Tsireya x Fem! Human! Reader
Summary: Once you landed in Awa'atlu with your siblings, Tsireya was immediately fascinated by you, not just because you were human and she's never seen anybody quite like you before, but it's because of the one feature that stood out from the rest of you. Your eyes.
Reader has heterochromia and could breathe Pandora's air, no longer needing an exopack.
Word count: 4.1k
Warning/s: ATWOW spoilers, violence, swearing, bullying
Note: I'm in love w Tsireya nobody touch me. Likes, reblogs, and feedbacks are appreciated! Let me know what you think and let me know if you want to be tagged in part two!
Tag-list: @laurensmabel1
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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The Sully family had taken you in and you were forever grateful for it.
Ever since you were a baby— with Max and Norm not having enough time since they’ve been dealing with keeping things in check, you busied yourself going to the Sully family along with Spider. You grew up alongside Kiri, Lo’ak, Spider, and Neteyam acting like your older brother.
Neytiri, funny enough, had also taken a liking to you, except for Spider. Soon after Jake noticed, and with how he often hears Norm and Max scolding you for messing with the accessories and wirings in the shack if he doesn’t allow you to go outside; a bulb lit up atop his head and he took you in.
Of course, he consulted with Neytiri first, well, it didn’t take a lot of convincing as Jake was talking to her, she could see you getting along with her own children very well.
Although Jake also bought up the equation of them also taking Spider in, but she refused with a hiss, saying how he was laced with the blood of the man she had loathed all her life, even if she had killed him already.
She watched as all of you, including Spider played with each other. Neteyam was chasing Kiri and Spider around, when she spotted how you were comforting Lo’ak, showing him that there was nothing wrong with having four fingers as a Na’vi.
Neytiri agreed to take you in.
Years had passed and all of you grew, your body changed, you grew taller, and then there was the very noticeable feature about you.
“Your eyes are so cool, (Y/N)!” Tuk praises while she plays with your hair. You tilt your head. “Do you think so? Tuk tuk?” You giggle at the nickname you give her. “Yeah! They’re like the— the, what do you call it again?” Tuk knitted her brows in thought.
“Tuk, come here, stop bothering your sister.” Neytiri calls out to her, you smile and stood up, taking Tuk to Neytiri.
“Hello, Sa’nok (mother).” You greet, leaning your head against her cheek to which Neytiri smiles and closes her eyes, nudging her cheek towards you.
“What are you doing, mom?” Tuk asked, moving to sit on Neytiri’s lap. You smile and leave the two, joining the others.
You’ve seen yourself in reflections, and you’ve noticed that your eyes had two different colors. One was hazel, almost like the color of the sun, and the other was a striking blue, as if it had taken the color straight from the oceans of Pandora itself. You’ve never really made it a big deal, but you still get conscious every time the other Na’vi stare at you for too long.
You were cut off with your thoughts as you heard Lo’ak’s voice calling to you.
“Hey (Y/N) come with us, we’re going out!”
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You laughed as you ran with Kiri, Lo’ak, Spider, and Tuk into the forest.
“Tuk, keep up!” Lo’ak turns to her as you all jogged. “Okay, okay!” She spoke.
“Bro why’d you bring her anyway?” Spider said while you nudged him.
“Cause she’s such a crybaby!” Lo’ak said, turning to face us.
“I’m telling, you’re not supposed to go to the battlefield- I’ll tell mom if you don’t let me come.” Lo’ak said in a high-pitched voice and exaggerated movements. You laughed as Tuk shot her tongue out at him.
“Don’t pick on her.” Kiri says.
You explored some more, seeing an RDA Samson hanging by the vines, completely overrun by nature.
“Kiri!” You called out alongside Tuk and Lo’ak, wondering where the girl could’ve gone. “We have to get back!” You spoke.
On your way back, you were all chatting about what happened and what all of you saw. You were in the middle of making fun of Spider when Lo’ak halted, hopping off the branch and crouching down on the ground. “What is it?” You asked.
“Guys we’re supposed to be home by eclipse!” Tuk reminded.
You watched as Lo’ak carefully inspected the footprint. “That’s way too big for a human…”
“Avatars?” Spider suggested. “Maybe.” Replied Lo’ak.
He began walking which prompted all of you to follow him. “What are you doing?” Kiri asked. “Shh, I’m tracking.”
“I think this is a bad idea…” You mumbled, still following your brother.
“Shh, sis. Besides we could warn father early if we knew what’s out there.” He reasoned.
“Not if we get killed, or captured, or worse—”
“We’re not going to get captured.” Lo’ak confirmed.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
You crouched as you watched Avatars wearing military outfits approach the old, abandoned shack.
“We were never supposed to come here…” Kiri whispers as you crouched beside her. “Lo’ak.. I think we should… Dad’s going to kill us-“
“Shh, stop.” Lo’ak hushed you, you rolled your eyes.
“Bro, we’ve got to check this out.” Lo’ak nudged Spider as they crouched closer to the site.
After a few moments, Lo’ak decided to warn Jake.
“I got eyes on some guys, they look like Avatars… but they’re in full camo and gears and ARs..”
After a few seconds, Lo’ak gulped. “… We’re in the old shack.”
“Who’s we?” You heard Jake say through the comms.
He sighs “Me, Spider, Kiri, (Y/N)… and Tuk.”
With that, Tuk moved a little closer to you and Kiri.
“Yes sir, we’re moving out.” Lo’ak whispered, waving his arms to pull back.
Now you were running away, hoping you’d get back to the village in time.
“You’re in so much trouble.” You speak. “(Y/N) not you too. Stop it.” He replied.
“It’s almost eclipse, come on!” Tuk ushered.
Then everything happened too fast.
One of the avatars in camo popped out, grabbing Tuk as she screamed.
“TUK!” You shout out, looking around you to see them circling around you. You pulled out your dagger as Spider drew his bow as Lo’ak did the same. You hissed at them, glancing around frantically to see their guns pointed straight at you.
“Put them down, put them down!” One commanded.
“Kesatyn (Put those down).” Lo’ak says.
You grunted but obeyed, throwing your dagger down. You were immediately grabbed by the hair and tugged towards someone. You whine in pain as your other siblings were grabbed.
“Kiri, (Y/N)!” Tuk pleaded. Kiri comforted her, telling her to calm down. You were about to speak as well when your hair was tugged again.
You looked around the avatars with gears, mean looking, looked like they were ready to kill with their intimidating guns.
You were held beside Kiri who you could hear praying for safety.
Sighing and closing your eyes, you also thought of a silent prayer.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
It seems both you and Kiri’s prayer were answered as your adopted mother, Neytiri, came to your rescue.
Now you were all running with your hands bound as shots could be heard from around you.
“Go, go!” Lo’ak said, supporting you as he gave you a push to go faster as you ran through vines and branches. Your body felt like it wanted to give up already, but you didn’t. From a distance you could hear Kiri screaming. “Spider!”
You and Lo’ak took a glance at each other, knowing that something had possibly happened to him. Your heart began to race even faster, your only human friend your age, who you also considered as a brother- something happened. You could feel it in yourself that it wasn’t good.
But you couldn’t stop. You kept running.
“Let’s go!” You hear Lo’ak shout to both you and Tuk, swinging from vines you landed on the ground, but it wasn’t far from over as new figures met you in the middle, Tuk screaming again.
You were about to attack when you realized it was the figures of your family, your father, mother, sister, and your older brother.
“Hey, hey, woah. Are you guys okay? You good?” Jake asked, meeting every pair of eyes including yours. “Are you hurt? Tuk!” Jake asked, tugging Tuk close to him to inspect her before enclosing her in a hug while Tuk sobbed.
“Are you alright?” You hear Neteyam ask both you and Lo’ak. You nod, you couldn’t really tell if you were hurt, your mind was still racing. “We’re good bro, I think.” Lo’ak said, looking at you before back at Neteyam.
You watched, hidden from them as you saw them depart with their bright flashing lights. Your heart still pounding as you faced one another as Jake approached.
“Okay we’re clear. Everyone okay?” You saw how Neytiri went to hug Tuk as she clung to her arms.
“You boys? It’s good, we’re good.” Jake says, embracing two of his sons, letting out a sigh of relief. “It’s okay.”
“Ma (Y/N), are you hurt?” Neytiri turns her attention to you, using her hand to pull you towards her, inspecting your little face with her huge hands. “I- I think I’m fine, ma.” You say. Neytiri then pulls you, Tuk, and Kiri into a big hug as she said her thanks. “Oh, Great Mother, thank you, thank you.”
You nudged closer to them, fearing that they’ll be gone at any second. Then you heard Lo’ak.
“Where’s Spider?”
Pulling away from your mother’s touch, you looked around, before looking at Kiri, seeing how her expression turned into pain. “They took him. They took him.” She said, her voice breaking as she started to sob. Your mouth went agape, going over to Kiri and hugging her, knowing how much Spider meant to you and her.
Jake stood, watching her daughters cry, holding one another for comfort. He frowns, approaching the two of you as he hugged you both. “It’s okay, hey, look at me.” Jake said, you and Kiri looking up at him with tear-stained eyes that pained Jake’s heart. “He’s gonna make it alright? He’s a tough kid.”
That made you two cry out, burying both your faces in your dad’s shoulder. “Shh, shh, he’s gonna be okay.”
You could feel Jake’s hand hold your head delicately, softly stroking. “We’re all going to be okay.”
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
A few days had passed since that event.
You felt a little bit better, except for your sore muscles.
You were hanging out with Neteyam and Lo’ak, on your way home with your usual playful banter with one another.
“I can catch a fish faster than you bozos.” You mused, a smile on your face.
“Oh yeah, you’re like the size of that fish.” Neteyam said which sent Lo’ak laughing “Good one, bro!”
“Hey! Not fair, dickhead.” You said while Neteyam laughed at your attempt to chase him.
Finally nearing the tent, you could spot Kiri and Tuk kneeling down, seemed to be listening to something, you listened in as Neteyam and Lo’ak were still talking.
Then the three of you met Kiri’s eyes as she raised her hand up before placing the back of her hand to her mouth. ‘Be quiet’ You thought it meant.
You three looked at each other before quietly making your way beside them, kneeling down as you listened.
“You cannot ask this.” You could now hear your mother say clearly. “I cannot leave my people— I will not.”
“He’s hunting us.” Jake said, then he spoke again. “He’s targeting our family-“
“You cannot ask this!” Neytiri shouted making all of you flinch. “The children, everything they’ve ever known- the forest! This is our home!”
“What are they...”
“Shh!” You say to Lo’ak.
“They had our children. He had them under his knife.” Jake hissed. “My father gave me this bow, as he lay dying, and he said protect the people,” You could hear Neytiri’s voice break. “You’re Toruk Makto!”
“This will protect the people!” Jake answered. “Quaritch has Spider, and that kid knows everything!”
“He knows our whole operations!” At the mention of Spider’s name, all of you looked at each other again as you frowned, being reminded again that Spider was gone. Neteyam offered a hand on your shoulder as you looked up at him.
“If the people harbor us, they will die, do you understand?”
You sat back down, looking at the ground.
All of you didn’t know what was about to happen until it did.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
You watched as Mo’at transferred the vest of the Olo’eyktan to Tarsem. Every second you watched felt like it wasn’t happening.
Turning your head quickly once Tarsem landed his blade on Jake, you felt your mother, Neytiri’s hand on your arm. He was no longer the Olo’eyktan. Toruk Makto had gone.
You watched as you left the Tree of Souls, every Omaticaya you have known looking at you with great sorrow. You were one of the few humans they had accepted, and now they were seeing you go.
Once you’ve reached the ikrans, you carried your bags with you.
“(Y/N), here, you’ll ride with me, alright?” Jake said, walking over to you and picking your bags, placing them in the pockets of his ikran’s saddle. You nod as you watched your siblings mount on theirs.
Taking a one last glance at the forest, you felt your lip quiver. You were human, you weren’t even supposed to be born in this place yet it was the place you grew up in, made friends with, found your own family when yours had gone.
“Come on, let’s go.” Jake whispers to you.
You mount his ikran, Bob. Before Jake does, shielding your body protectively as you held onto Bob’s antenna.
Then you were flying.
You didn’t know how long you were travelling for, you encountered windy places, sunny ones, and now there was a heavy rain.
You shielded yourself with the much larger coat wrapped around you, almost shivering from the cold as you held onto Bob’s antenna.
“Hey, you alright? Hold on, okay?” Jake said from behind you as you nodded, shielding your face once another huge wave hits.
Then you finally reached the vast ocean. The clear waters making you see every creature that swam underneath it. You kept your eyes peeled as you neared the village. You could already spot some of its people you passed.
Then their horn sounded.
Once the ikran’s feet landed with a thud, Jake tapped you on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”
Nervousness filled ever fiber of your being as Jake supported you as you landed on the sand, still covering yourself with your coat.
“On me.” Jake said, stepping up front as you stayed behind, in the middle of Neteyam and Lo’ak, where you feel protected.
You then saw two of them approaching you and your brothers, circling them.
“What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?” One of them said, patting the other on the arm as he laughed. “No, yo look is that…” You met eye contact with the one who made fun of their tails, making the other also look at you.
“Sky people, they have bought demons here.” The other said, now making people’s head turn to you.
Neteyam protectively shields his body from you, eyeing the other two down as Lo’ak did the same.
You kept your composure, already hearing whispers amongst the crowd.
Then you saw her.
Your eyes caught on a curly headed Metkayina, who seems to also be around your age, dismount from a creature, diving in the ocean before emerging once again, walking towards the shore as she flipped her hair.
“Why did they bring one of the sky people here?” The other said. They both take a look at you as you glanced at them. “Woah, did you see her eyes-!”
“Do not! Rotxo, Ao’nung.” She spat, slapping the other on the arm to stop their teasing.
She then meets your eye.
Then you saw it, you saw bright big eyes slightly widen as her head tilted at you. ‘Great, she must think I’m a demon too…’ You thought.
But maybe she doesn’t.
You give her a small nod and an audible “Hi”, in which she returns with the same curious look on her face, yet there was now a smile as she nodded back at you in greeting.
Maybe being here isn’t going to be so bad at all.
Then the Olo’eyktan and the Tsahik came.
You knew you were fucked.
That thought came true when the Tsahik suddenly yanked your coat after inspecting the rests of your siblings and leaving an uncalled-for commentary.
As your coat was thrown, it revealed your human body to everyone, them letting out a comical gasp.
“You dare bring their kind here?! One of the sky people! A demon!” She spoke out loud, staring you down in which you wanted to just crawl into a hole and die as you felt the familiar lump in your throat as you were met with everybody’s eyes. “And this demon,” She inches her face to yours with a snarl, staring you right in the eye. “Is different, but still a demon.”  You knew what she was referring to. Grabbing your arm.
“Hey, hey! Look! She’s part of our family, there’s nothing you can do about it. She’s not with the Sky People, she grew up here in Pandora, with my children.” Jake said.
“She is our daughter.” Neytiri confirmed through gritted teeth at the Tsahik.
She still stared you down, ears flicking upon hearing Neytiri. Somehow, she could sense it was true and let you go, letting your arm drop as you cradled it, her touch was surely to bruise. You were embarrassed enough already as she walked away.
Your older brother, Neteyam, kindly picked your coat back up, ridding the sand off it before wrapping it around you again, noticing the others staring at you for too long, making him glare at them before looking down to you. “You okay?”
But you didn’t look at him as your eyes came in contact again with the girl from earlier as she was frowning, seeming to offer sympathy to you. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.”
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Once they had granted your family uturu, you were now carrying your bags towards your own marui. You couldn’t help but still feel conscious, feeling their stare on you as the others still whispered.
You looked to the side to see a Metkayina kid approaching you with a curious look on their face, when their mother followed, stopping their child as she pulls them, looking at you with a devious glare.
Shaking your head, you moved forward.
Then you finally reached your destination.
“This is for you, your new home.” You heard the girl from earlier speak, and my god you swore her voice was the softest thing you’ve ever known. “This is great. This is nice, right?” Jake said. You inspected the inside, then you heard a thud and a sigh, making you look at your mother to see she had dropped her stuff. Yikes.
They had let you rest for the day as you were tired from the hours of flight you just had endured to get here.
Settling in, it wasn’t easy as you thought. Well, it really wasn’t, considering you were still human who had different colored eyes. It made all of the Metkayina stare at you when they just spot you outside exploring with your siblings.
This morning, you arranged your stuff as you claimed your spot inside the marui. You also had the change of clothes offered by the chief’s daughter, who’s name you learned was Tsireya. A name you think you could get used to saying. She offered them to your sisters and you, to better suit the ocean and the climate.
For now, you had decided to explore the area again with your siblings.
“Tuk, careful, you might fall!” You warn your little sibling as she jumped and jumped over the platform, making ‘boing, boing, boing’ noises with her mouth.
“Careful, Tuk.” Neteyam followed behind you. You were still wary of the place, wondering how things ran around here when your eyes scanned the areas. Still, you’ve been already half-accustomed to the half of the Awa’atlu village staring at you, some already got over it, while others gave you weird looks.
You were in mid thought when Tuk lets out an ‘Oumph’ making you perk your head up.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Then came the soft voice, holding Tuk steady. Tuk shyly giggles “Sorry!”
“Tuk.” Lo’ak called for his little sister, making Tuk turn and head towards Lo’ak. Now you were met face to face with Tsireya.
It only dawned on you how she was taller than you by a foot, you guessed, her big blue eyes looking down on you with that look of curiosity. You feel yourself shy under her gaze. “Sorry for that.” You apologize.
“No, no, it is alright, it is important for you guys to feel welcomed here.” She says to you.
Lo’ak and Neteyam could only snicker in the background as they witnessed you completely be a nervous wreck in front of the chief’s daughter, with poor Tuk not knowing what was going on. “Why are you guys laughing?”
“Yes, we- we feel welcomed.” You answer, although you sounded like you weren’t. Tsireya caught onto that but didn’t say anything, however, she was very much interested in looking at you, and knowing more about you, your kind, and of course, you in general. She had never seen a ‘Sky People’ before and… were they really this small? And did every ‘Sky People’ had the same eyes as you?
You were now really feeling shy as she inspected you, so you looked everywhere, breaking eye contact with her, making her realize what she was doing as she shakes her head, a slight dark tint to teal-green round cheeks.
“That is good, I can’t wait to start teaching you guys tomorrow.” She said with enthusiasm, looking at Neteyam, Lo’ak and Tuk, who returned her smile and nodded, then she looked at you.
You finally smile, and Tsireya almost chirped at how you looked. Cute
You were about to speak again when somebody called out to her, making her turn her head.
“Oh, it looks like I am needed…” She turns back. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow?”
“You bet.” You reply out of thought, immediately cringing at your tone with a scrunch of your nose, however you hear Tsireya giggle and wave at you goodbye as she jogged away.
You turn around and you were met with the playful looks from your siblings, mainly Neteyam and Lo’ak. You still cringed as you approached them, smacking their arms as they let out an ‘Ow’
“Let’s go.” You speak and Tuk clings to you as you start walking back.
“Oooh, someone’s in love.” Lo’ak started. “Oh, wonder who it could be brother, hm?” Neteyam joined him in his mischief. “I think it’s our sister, maybe? I’m not sure.” Lo’ak followed.
“I will literally drown you guys in acid if you keep this up.” You threatened.
“No, (Y/N) don’t do that!” Tuk pleaded, making your brothers laugh out loud.
Walking back to your pod, you saw your father. The moment he spots you he nods “Okay, Sully’s fall in.”
“Didn’t know we had a family meeting.” You said, Jake gives you a look before all of you sat or kneeled.
“First off, I need you kids on your best behaviour,” Jake started, hand outstretched as if he was blessing us to be good. “I mean it. Learn fast, pull your weight.” He spoke. “Don’t cause trouble, got it?”
“Yes sir.” Lo’ak replied. You and Neteyam look at Lo’ak in the middle of you two with a smirk. Neteyam playfully places a hand on Lo’ak’s shoulder, yet Lo’ak was having none of it as he hissed at Neteyam, making the two of you laugh.
“I want to go home.” Tuk suddenly says, a frown etched on her face as you pursed your lips, placing a comforting hand on her arm as she wiped her tears with her other hand. “Aw, Tuk.” Neytiri says, frowning as well.
“Tuk,” Jake said in a whisper “This is our home now.”
He grabs Tuk’s hand before looking at all of you. “We’re gonna get through this. We’re going to get through this if we have each other’s backs. Right?”
“What does your father always say?” Neytiri inquired.
“Sully’s stick together.” Neteyam was the first one to respond in a hushed voice. “That’s right, Sully’s stick together… Now this time with some feeling.” Jake requested.
“Sully’s stick together.” You all said simultaneously.  
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byunpum · 1 year
Hello, if request are open, is it okay to asked what would it be liked to be Kiri twin sister ( who is down to earth, bit stubborn, and have a natural curiosity around them and the sky people as she tends to question alot )
Just something pletonic between them in general and with the Sully family
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Pair: Kiri x Reader twin sister
Warning: None, cute moments.
Note: I hope this is what you have asked for. And sorry for the late reply. I really enjoy write about family moments with sully's.
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"How do sky people reproduce?" you ask, causing jake and neytiri to choke on a piece of food. And your sister to give you a punch in the arm. Your victim was in front of you, spider. The little guy has always been a victim of your questions and curiosities. It wasn't that it bothered him, you and Kiri were very close to Spider. You were literally with him all day long, but while kiri treated him like a navi. You bombarded him with questions 24/7. Kiri would say you were annoying, but spider would defend you and say it was okay, it didn't bother him. The guy enjoyed spending time with you. Like the time you wanted to experiment how much pain spider could bring.
"Do I have to jump?" spider looks at you with wide eyes. "Yes" you say coldly, waiting for the boy to jump off the mountain. "Y/N are you crazy!!? He's going to die" says kiri, hugging spider. You pull spider by the arm and carry him to the edge of the cliff. "Don't worry…I'm here and if something happens I'll come and get you with the ikran" you smile at him, spider couldn't say no, besides this was exciting. And boom…he jumped. Or like the time you prepared an exclusive dish for spider, to see if he wouldn't throw up. "According to max, you won't be able to hold your vomit for 3 minutes. Let's try when you can hold it down with this meat" you offer him the food. "Are you trying to kill him?" asks neteyam, your brother is next to you brushing a piece of your hair. Kiri was at his side, and again tried to stop him from doing something stupid.
And now you had asked a rather complicated question. Kiri, spider and you were in the family hut, playing and hanging out. While Jake and Neytiri were in a corner somewhere cutting some fruit. Neytiri didn't enjoy spider's company very much, but she could see the bond her daughters had with the sky boy. The three of them were very close, so in a way she accepted it. "I… I don't know," says spider, raising his arms. You were next to him making several stripes on his skin with blue paint and kiri was brushing his hair. You pinch it, making the boy jump. "What do you mean you don't know? you're supposed to know" you complain.
"And what do you want to know?" asks Kiri. Jake and neytiri were listening…they didn't want to interrupt they wanted to see how the conversation was going. "Lo'ak said that our mother did 'stuff' with some and" you start talking, until jake knocks and interrupts the conversation by approaching you. You were still young, he was sure you knew some things and out of curiosity had talked about it, but not his girls. "Ok…time for me to explain to the three of you?" jake sat down next to you. He watched as the three kids gave him their undivided attention.
"Navi and humans reproduce the same, the genitals are the same, but with some differences. But…" jake tries to explain everything, but he can't put the words together well. "Navi just like humans mate through sexual intercourse, and there they reproduce and show their love" says neytiri, shouting a little and not taking her eyes off her work. They all looked at neytiri and then at jake. " That…that" says jake. Y/N gets quiet and then laughs a little. "Well…so kiri and rotxo" you joke, making spider laugh. "Nooo…gross" kiri gives you a smack, and you continue to laugh with spider. "So how about you and spider?" says kiri. Everyone gets quiet, spider and you look at each other start laughing again. Falling to the floor and making fun of kiri. The girl was upset. "Stop it!!!" Kiri yells. Jake stands up and leaves the group of friends laughing and fighting stupidly.
"Kiri…relax. Your secret is safe with us" says spider laughing. You can't hold back the tears. Your sister is so furious, only you and spider knew about her crush on rotxo. "Stop…stop bothering me" says kiri, sitting up and crossing her arms. You walk up to your sister and hug her tightly. "ok…sorry" you speak, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Kiri sticks her tongue out at you and pushes you away. You knew she wasn't mad at you, so you settle down to stand next to spider. "And I'll keep your secret," Kiri says softly, looking knowingly at spider and you. You two blush and you throw a paint-soaked handkerchief at your sister. "You wouldn't dare" you speak up. "You're daring me" kiri says, you're about to launch into a fight with her, but spider holds your arm. " Now…don't fight" says spider, while kiri gives you back the handkerchief. Kiri laughs, now it was her time to make fun of you.
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cloveroctobers · 3 months
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A/N: This will probably flop since it’s basically a ghost town in this tag but here I am! Plus it was also requested for me to write for Bode (again) lol which I don’t have a problem with, we love that guy over here. They’re wrong for going on break after giving us what they gave us! I also just want to say that I really miss Max’s curls but here it goes!!
PROMPT IS FROM HERE + I’m using: 18.  “Damn, I hate pollen.” + 8.  “IT’S A DEER!” “Yeah, and?” “I CAN SEE IT!”
<- read my previous anthology prompt here.
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Eve was lucky you loved her.
Being up this early on your first day back in Edgewater to give her a ride to Three Rock (her car was in the shop) was a lot to ask! Not really! but what kind of friend would you be if you didn’t complain a good portion about it on the ride up to camp?
“If I get you an iced coffee, would you love me again?” Eve pinched the space in between her brows, elbow resting against the car door.
You hummed while using one hand to tap on your chin, “Add in a Mozzarella, Pesto, and tomato bagel then we’ll talk.”
Eve twisted her lips upwards, “…that’s a thing? Whatever happened to a simple cream cheese with eggs and avocado?”
“You’re lucky I’m not asking for a soft boiled egg stuffed with caviar.” You respond as you reduce your speed once you cross the bridge, spying the familiar deli spot up ahead.
Eve scoffed as she side eyed you, “oh yeah, Switzerland done made you bougie.”
Which earned a laugh from you as you pulled the Toyota 4Runner into the small parking lot. If you weren’t a bundle of nerves you would have got out of the car with Eve to see what changed about the deli you spent many afternoons in with your old friends. However you let your mind wander a bit as you stared out into edgewater’s view.
You were home…except your childhood home was just a memory now that your divorced parents no longer resided in Edgewater. So you crashed at Eve’s although you were completely fine staying in a hotel since Jake talked you out of an air bnb after watching some movie called, “Barbarian,” and you were tired of hearing the statistics and other real life horror stories he pulled out of his ass. Eve was your number one best friend and she was more than willing to open up her place for a friend like you.
As you took up a interest in archery and later turned into a professional Archer, you were inspired to see what the world had in store so the sooner you got out of Edgewater, the better it was for you. Some just didn’t get it (your parents mainly, with your mother being an orthopedic surgeon and your father a fire chief before his MS took over) and expected you to start your own roots here. It was kind of a thing here in this small town, that you were to begin again and build your own legacy. However you were in the tiny group of odd’s that wanted more than the expectations hanging over your head.
Which is why you were proud to say that you’ve been participating in the Olympics every few years because of your passion for archery. Of course you had people down your neck all throughout your career but you still stood as tall as you could.
Now you were back home in the place that was full of doubts but the tightness in your chest wasn’t as noticeable the closer you got to camp.
“Thanks for dropping me off, I appreciate it.” Eve starts as she spots a few inmates hanging around on the yard already, “If you stick around for a minute I’ll even do you a solid and send Bode your way. Since I know it’ll be difficult otherwise.”
Taking a deep inhale you say, “I still can’t believe he’s here.”
“Yeah well…if he stays on the right track this time he’ll be out even sooner.” Eve tells, “He’s still a big pain in all of our asses but I think it would do him some good to see you…you did come all this way.”
It’s been years since you last saw each other but you came back for Riley’s funeral and you reached out to Bode when he moved away to a few towns over and changed his last name. You tried to be there even being ocean’s apart but when Bode felt low, it always felt like he wanted to take the world on his shoulder’s and find a way to make it spin again. Yet that landed him in prison and Eve had no problem filling you in on everything in between.
Would he even want to see you? It’s not like your relationship turned sour or anything…it’s just been awhile being in contact with each other. You weren’t nearly this anxious seeing Eve and doubted you would be when you had lunch with Jake and Cara—which was still weird to you—But being near Bode was different from everybody else and you knew that.
“I did…didn’t I?” You loll your head to face Eve, who studies it for a moment before dipping her head.
She tapped her hand against the outside of the door, whispering into the spring air, “it’ll be fine. He’s in a much better headspace and you’re still family no matter where you disappear off to, you got that?”
A watery smile goes Eve’s way before she leaves you to collect yourself. You’re pulling your mirror down from the sun visor, patting underneath your eyes and beginning to second guess yourself. You were here for two weeks and there was no way that you planned on not seeing Bode. You ran into his parents just last night at the bar, craving some wings before heading to Eve’s, just to be received with warm arms and classic banter from the Leone’s.
They were the parents you could talk to more than your own. If you weren’t crashing at Eve’s then you would definitely be at the Leone’s but then Bode and Cara happened so that’s when some of the distance was created. They didn’t last, like most teenage relationships but out of respect you felt like it was the right thing to do.
It felt right being back, even if it was only temporary.
Maybe that’s just how you had to view Bode’s situation. He wasn’t a temporary kind of friend although you couldn’t socialize as much but you tried to be hopeful. Even climbed out of the car pacing back and forth, not paying much attention to anyone around until you spotted the green dust decorating the navy car.
Scowling in disgust, you swiped the arm of your jacket around the hood of your car before cringing at the greenery you wiped on your sweatpants afterwards.
“Damn, I hate pollen.” A voice comes from behind, which makes you slowly stand up straight and glance over your shoulder.
There he was.
Bode Leone, standing in the flesh, hands deep in his jacket pockets, and a small smile on his lips.
You fully turn to face him and tilt your head to the side, “Didn’t I tell you once before that Orange isn’t your color?”
Bode lifts his shoulders with humor in his blue-green eyes as he motions towards the spot on you, “yeah, well maybe green isn’t yours either.”
You scoff as you motion to your outfit, “what? You don’t think I’m pulling it off?”
The blond chuckles as he takes a step towards you, “As long as you don’t start itching then sure, whatever you say.”
“Oh,” you scratch at the back of your hand and shoot a glare at the man who’s got crinkles by his eyes now, “why did you have to go and say that Bode! Now I’m doing it!”
“Sorry! It’s just that I sorta remembered that you were sensitive to almost everything including air.” He says to you, teasing somewhat, now standing face to face with you.
Rolling your eyes you couldn’t help but to smile at that. You didn’t know what it was growing up in high school, you were highly allergic to almost everything which landed you in the nurses office a lot but it seemed to relax as you reached your twenties and moved away. You always joked that maybe it was Edgewater that was making you sick. Yet the longer you stood in this town and interacted with not only Eve but Bode, you knew that wasn’t completely true.
“It’s good to see you, Bo.” You lightly shove his shoulder back while he nods in agreement, “can I give you a hug?”
Bode blinks the furrow of his brows away as if you were being ridiculous, “of course you can.”
And you’re cradling the back of his head while his fingers are at your spine, swaying from side to side in a firm but gentle squeeze. Then he’s burying his nose into your shoulder and the feel of the embrace tells you that this was meant to be.
When your eyes open, you realize that you could live just fine in Bode’s arms. You remember your final kiss goodbye in Drayscott, one month before you left the country and one month before Bode attempted to pull off a robbery—it was the sweetest thing—the kiss obviously! because it should have been happened. It didn’t come out of nowhere, it was full of intention, full of wonder and love but you were aware that it wasn’t the right time to be something more.
Maybe some day it could be.
Little did you know, Bode kept that memory not far away. He was kicking himself for the what if’s but when he manages to pull himself out of the blue, he thinks about the best possibility being you.
The both of you could be good together, could see the world together and he wasn’t sure how it all looked but he was willing to imagine.
A gasp makes Bode pull away, alarmed.
“IT’S A DEER!” You point, over Bode’s shoulder.
He glances over his shoulder to in fact see the said brown animal, peering at the two of you, “Yeah, and?”
“I CAN SEE IT!” You attempt to lower your voice but the excitement got the best of you as you almost bounce on your toes.
Bode’s still lightly has a hand resting on your waist now, as they watch the beautiful creature sniff at the grass and carried on deeper and away into the woods.
“Are you telling me they don’t have deer out in Switzerland?” There’s amusement in Bode’s voice as he peeks back at you.
“I’ve been in the city mainly but it’s been awhile since I’ve really been one with nature, you know? Which reminds me, I’ll have to make time to go off roading with this baby one of these days. Or hiking.” You jam a thumb back at the car.
Bode nods, “you’ll be careful won’t you? Don’t get so easily impressed with animals, not all of them will have the best intentions.”
You were an animal lover back in the day, so much to the point you wouldn’t dissect a frog sophomore year, which landed you in the principal’s office.
“What?” You blow a raspberry, “I’m like freaking Princess Aurora. Animals love me.”
Bode squints his eyes, “…didn’t you get bit by a goat when we were like what? Fourteen?”
“You’re really killing my vibe man and I don’t like that.” You yank on the end of Bode’s hair who laughs again.
He raises his hands in surrender and grips your wrist from his head, “alright, alright. My bad but if it makes you feel better, I still have that scar after that horse kicked the shit out of me when we had too many drinks partying at Tamsin Kadoka’s farm.”
Bode nods, “yeah, right on my lower back and it’s shaped like Utah.”
You meet each other’s gaze before bursting out laughing in unison at yet another memory. He’s gripping your shoulder again while he’s got your attention, “just promise me when you’re out there in those woods that you’re careful. I’d hate it if something happened to you.”
“Well the feeling is mutual, Bo.” You state, “you just had to go on and choose firefighting huh?”
Bode shrugs, “Must be in the Leone blood.”
“Yeah, must be.” You murmur, staring at him like there’s stars getting ready to rise in your eyes and Bode can’t help but to lean forward to place a lingering kiss on your forehead.
His facial hair pricks you but you don’t mind.
“Leone!” A guard calls out, which means your time is up for now.
You hold his hand, interlocking your fingers, which he squeezes with a smile to match, eyes wandering all over your features, almost as if to tell himself that you are in fact really here.
“Until next time?” He questions.
You smile, “See you soon, Bode.”
And he grins at you, those crinkles by his eyes returning before he slips his hand from yours.
This was brief but sweet and you’re mentally kicking yourself for thinking that this could go wrong.
You’re watching Bode walk away from you and he can’t help but to jog backwards to get another look at you. Almost as if you would disappear again and you would never see him again. When he turns back around, heading to the guard on shift who announces the inmates need to get ready for line ups inside at the bunks, he meets up with Cole on his way.
“Who was that?” Cole nudges his chin in your direction.
You’re seated in the driver’s seat, window down, leaning on your arm as you watch the men in Orange make their way back inside.
Catching Bode’s eye, you wave before rolling your window almost all the way up and pull away from the camp site.
“Someone i would like to give the world and more to once im out of here.”
Cole is smirking but appreciates the honesty as he claps Bode on his shoulder, already knowing what that look is for. “Then let’s make it happen, Leone! Nothing sweeter than having something on the outside to fight for, you know?”
“I agree.” Bode pulls his gaze from your retreating car, finding himself standing up straighter as they awaited for Eve to start their day.
When Eve’s brown eyes set on Bode’s, he just barely tips in his head in thanks, which the woman echo’s as she carries on along the line.
Bode already can’t wait for the next day he can get reconnected with you in person again so, he bites his smile away.
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Continue with my spring anthology prompts here.
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rorynn · 1 year
A strange little human but brave.
Authors note: i had this on drafts. This what your reading was called "Lo'ak needs more comfront" but changed it because the meeting is taking to long. By the way you as the reader have siblings and is training to protect your siblings.
•My boy he litterly needs to be heard out. Ones he ran away from his home so he can cool himself after being yelled from his parents.
•Especially from Jake.
•He went somewhere deep into the bushes to a unknown cliff.
•The same cliff where he met you. It was a bit awkward.
•He hang out with Spider without his parents knowing when he heard someone laughing.
•He got closer to see only a little girl probalby his age laughing with another girl who is a bit tallet than her.
•Then he heard you calling her sister in Na'vi, tsmuke.
•You were talking Na'vi so did your sister.
•He and Spider thoat that there is no human kids left in Pandora only Spider.
•The Na'vi and a human boy wanted to leave but the same time Lo'ak wanted to meet you, know you.
•But Spider warned him that Jake will be mad if he figures out he left with no telling.
•Then you appeared out of nowhere. Telling them what are they doing here or you will beat their ass if they are here to hurt you and your sister. In Na'vi.
•Then your sister stopped you and said to look at na'vi boy's fingers. And for Spider who is also a human boy left in Pandora.
•Then you asked curiously who they are.
•Lo'ak then said hus name and that he is the third child off Toruk Makto. The son of Jake Sully.
•Then your sister squealed and told him that you and her heard about his dad. He was a great warrior.
•Then you asked who the other boy is. He said that his name is Spider Soccoro. A friend of Lo'ak.
•Until Lo'ak said Spider is Quaritch's son.
•That shocked you and your sister. Causing Spider to be upset and galred at Lo'ak for bringing that up.
•Until you said that he looks nothing like him.
•Spider seemed less upset.
•Then you asked if they would like to play with you and your sister but your sister told you she can't and that she has homework that the scientist give her about Earth.
•And you didn't, you were only 6. It's like your in the first grade in First Day of school so you didn't have.
•So you played with them.
•Talked about your lives.
•Lo'ak told you he has 3 siblings. Neteyam "the perfect little soilder". Kiri his adopted sister. His dad's friend's daughter who died. And Tuktirey who is bon just a few weeks ago.
•You awed and asked about is Tuktirey adorible and he said yes.
•Then you asked Spider about his family. He said he doesn't have one. He only had Max and Norm and the other scientist that stayed in Pandora. His mom and dad died in the war. And Lo'ak, Kiri and Neteyam.
•You felt bad about him. Even though he's the the son of the same species as yours. He didn't seem like him at all you remind him that is not one to be blamed for what his dad did.
•You then thoat of somthing to make him less upset and told a stories that was told in Earth. Some of them are from Disneys and some from Drwamworkers.
•They both loved it.
•You two were even distracted that you forgot it was eclipse.
•As you saw that it's getting dark.
•You told them that it's time to go home.
•Lo'ak started panicking that his dad is going to kill him.
•You confroted him that his dad won't, he will be a little mad.
•Until a large blue female figure appeared in front of Lo'ak, hissing fiercely at you. At the same time, another large blue male figure leaped in front of left side. Glaring at you.
•You emedeatly backed away looking confused and angry but immediately bared your teeth at them. You trying to protect youself by not fearing them. A little.
•Then the female threaded you who you are and what are you doing near her son?
•Now that you know she is his mom and the male one is his dad Lo'ak tried to say somthing til you interrupted him saying that you just palying with him and his friend.
Then she turned to her mate saying that you needs to leave and that you are a harm. A Sky Demon.
Then the the male on came closer to you.
Looking down at your high.
He was staring at you. Then called Neytiri saying that your just a little kid and a little messy.
That angered you at told them that your not little kid and hissed at them.
Wich shocked the boys acept Neytiri, she felt disrespected.
Then Jake looked at you and said that you are and asked where you come from and are there some humans left in Pandora.
You said nothing. You told him that your sister said not to talk to strangers.
Then Jake said "You were talking with my son, you two are strangers, kid"
You angerly said "because he's harmless he and he is not a creepy grown up nor his friend. And stop calling me a kid"
Jake was ataken a back.
You don’t seem scared of him. You talked back to them. You bared your teeth at them like then mistuke you for someone.
Then you asked can you go? Wich Lo'ak gasped a little and asked if is your home far away you should have done that earlier because the wild animals hunt at midnight.
Then you said camly that you shouldn't be worry about you and that your home isn't that far:)
Then Neytiri inurapted and said that you should go your cousing trouble.
Lo'ak is trying to defend you saying that you are harmless.
Neytiri shushed him and said that you coused enough trouble.
This angred you even more. You said that it wasn't his fault for coming it here in the first place and that you three were having fun and didn't relise it was late till it was eclipse.
It was a loud silent Jake looked at Neytiri, Neytiri did the same and looked at you then Lo'ak. He then said that your his friend.
It shocked you that you actually having friends right now.
You didn't have friends you had only your big sister and a baby brother.
Then you heard someone calling your name from. It souned like your sister. You can see then a couple of humans and a Avatar appiering.
"Coming sister!"
•Then Spider said "I think you should go home, your sister is probably worried."
Then you said "Yeah I can see that. It was knowing you and Lo'ak tho" they looked at Jake "and stop calling me a kid". "Y/N!"
•"I'm coming!"
You reluctantly returns to her before you could say another word though you scold "S/N! How many times do I have to tell ya, don't bother me when I'm trying to defend my friends!!" to which your sister replies "gee, Sorry".
Did that stop you from seing them.
Pt. 2
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vanfleeter · 11 months
Patience Is A Virtue // JTK
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Warnings: Nothing but fluff and an angry Jake. I love me some angry Jake.
Three hours. He's been waiting for three hours, sitting on a bench with his foot tapping and his hand resting on his hip. He pulls out his phone and rereads your text.
Just a few more minutes and then I'll be done. That was thirty minutes ago. The trip to the mall was only supposed to be a quick one. Get in to pick up a pair of shoes Jake had ordered--the only store in Nashville to still have them in stock--and then to get out. But somehow he finds himself parked on the bench while you run in and out of stores. Bags piling up at his feet. There's not a doubt in his mind that his credit card will be maxed out by the end of the day.
Taking his phone out again, he calls you. His foot still taps away at the tiled flooring as he waits for you to answer. He can see you from he's sitting--watching you as you look at different shirts.
"Yes baby?" You answer.
"Are you almost done?"
"Just about."
"You said that thirty minutes ago." You giggle which only angers him more. "I can see you, you know. Hurry up."
"Be patient."
"My patience is running thin."
"Well since you can see me, you can help." You say turning in his direction. As your eyes lay upon him, you could just imagine the look he's giving underneath his sunglasses. His jaw is tightened, leg still bouncing with his hand on his hip as his foot begins to--now--angrily tap the floor.
"Help you with what?" He says through clenched teeth.
"Which shirt do you like better?" You say holding up a couple shirts that look somewhat different, but to him they look the same.
"They look the same."
"No, they don't. They're different."
"(Y/N).. You're really getting on my last nerve. We were supposed to be out of here three hours ago."
"Am I really getting on your last nerve?"
You watch him as he inhales deeply before exhaling. You can hear every breath through the phone pressed to your ear.
"Watch it." He warns. "Pick a shirt and let's go."
You give him a cheeky smile and hang up the phone. Taking both shirts with you, you head up the counter to pay for your items before heading back out to Jake in the court.
"You did not just buy both." He says as he stands up.
"I did. I couldn't decide which one I liked better and you certainly were no help."
"They looked the same."
"They were completely different."
Jake groans as he drops his head. "Can we please now?"
"I don't know, can we?" He glances up at you from behind his sunglasses. You giggle and brush an escaped strand of hair behind his ear. "You're so cute when you're mad."
"You won't think I'm cute when we get home." He says as he gathers up the bags from the floor and nudges you forward. "Start walking."
"O-o-o-o, shiver me timbers," You say, mimicking a pirate accent. "I'm quaking in me boots." You could see him fighting back a smile but his chest shakes as he stifles his laughter. "Ope, I think I got him boys." You announce to no one in particular. "You can't stay mad at me for long." You reach up to kiss his cheek and his smile disappears.
"Don't even try it."
"Aw but Jakey, you know you love me."
"I'm debating it." You playfully shove him, just enough to make him stumble but not hard enough to knock him over. "Get in the car."
"Yes, sir." You say saluting him before pulling open the passenger side door.
He uses his foot to activate the motion sensor that opens the trunk door. Dumping the--what feels like a million--bags into the trunk, he closes it and walks around to driver door and climbs inside. Immediately he spots a rubber duck sitting on the dashboard with a wide brim hat on it's head and sunglasses on its eyes. He pauses with the key stuck in the ignition and slowly turns his head to look at you. You smile at him and he rolls his eyes.
"Come on, it's cute!" You exclaim. "And it looks just like you!"
He shakes his head and starts the engine. He is so over today.
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areislol · 1 year
Please do more Avatar x Reader!!! I really loved your headcanons😭 Maybe even one where reader gets their own avatar? Like Jake
ft. neteyam, lo'ak, ao'nung
warnings. nothing really, just them being protective and sweet <3 gn. human! reader at first, can be seen as platonic/romantic! kinda short i'm sorry :(
a/n. so sorry for holding this off for a while! i wanted to get a few requests out while still focusing on my series so.. yeah.. enjoy this! // headcanons
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neteyam x human - avatar! reader
oooo he's so excited!! he's waiting outside the lab every single day just to see your avatar making in progress
both norm and max had to kick him out multiple times since he (more like his tail) kept on dropping and whacking all the necessary equipment, but he didn't mean it, he's just too tall and his tail is just too.. whippy
he's like extremely protective of you already since you are a human, small, fragile and weak, in Pandora.
so when you're in your avatar he's 100x more protective of you! since you are still getting the hang of your body
literally BEGS max to let you out for a few hours, he just wants to spend some time with you <3
(max refused multiple times)
when you not in your avatar form he's protective of you, like what i said earlier, he's always in front of you when he hears a twig snapping or the rustle of leaves.
and he STILL does that even when you're in your avatar form. you are still learning how to control your body!!
neteyam will teach you how to walk like a na'vi and show you the little small tricks that the na'vi body can do that the humans cant.
he will hold your arms and your waist when you're taking your first baby steps <33
speaking of that, he will literally be in the same room with you when you're being transferred into your avatar body. and boy is he anxious, his leg is bobbing up and down when he sits and sometimes stands up just to look over at your avatar in the tube.
neteyam is ecstatic when he sees your avatars' eye open, he has a bright and big smile on his face and absolutely nothing can wipe it off.
he will be patient and easy with you, telling you to lay down and to slowly get up. his hand is on your back as he helps you sit up, his eyes scanning your face to see any signs of discomfort and pain.
he will refuse to let you walk on your own, eat on your own, stand up on your own or do anything by yourself.
he will SIT you down when you try to get up, there's no point in arguing with him because he will always win no matter what.
(if he has the permission to) he shows and teaches you how to hunt, how to track animal footprints, how to spot the homes of animals, the weak spots, how to eat, the manners, literally everything.
neteyam is the absolute happiest when you hum in delight after eating one of the specialties during a gathering.
will fight anybody who insults you. doesn't care about his father scolding him, will just fight them straight up LMAO
like he won't take shit
most days, he will literally lay down beside you, admiring your face as you sleep peacefully on the prickly grass
since he's so used to seeing your human features, it's a bit odd seeing you as a na'vi. his favourite thing is how he can still tell that you're you, even when you're in a different body.
your bioluminescent freckles that glow brightly in the night sky, that make it look like you are blending in one with nature, or Eywas' creation, should i say make you look absolutely ethereal.
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lo'ak x human - avatar! reader
just like his brother he is VERY excited. he will bother you and the scientists that are helping you make your very own avatar
"when will you be able to see it?" "when can I see it?" "when will you be able to you know.. get.. into it..?"
you have to literally shush the boy millions of times cause he just won't shut up about it!! but he's just excited, that's all!
lo'ak hangs around with you in your room, joins you in watching them do whatever they're doing with your avatar, sticking a needle in your arm with your blood and what not.
his tail hits you so many times when doing this. "lo'ak! will you stop that!" "stop what?" "your tail, it keeps on hitting me!"
you may even have to grab onto it.
when you finally transfer your consciousness into your avatar, lo'ak (and maybe his siblings as well) is there to witness it and god, is he nervous.
fidgeting, constantly asking them when it'll be done and if you're okay, checks your heart monitor wayyy too much
smiles like a madman when he sees you awake in your avatar form and runs to hug you but is stopped by the scientists
literally side eyes the scientist or gives them a dirty look.
lo'ak squeezes the living life out of you, and you're just... there..
he slowly gets you out of the bed and walks with you but when your knees wobble and collapse he's quick to catch you and he's like 'damn i gotta help you now'
he's stumbling as well LOL
he can not contain his happiness like, at all.
his tail is whipping side to side and that smile is plastered on his face the entire week day
helps you walk and get use to your body, shows you every single fruit there is and tells you to eat up like bae this is my second time in my avatar form.
lo'ak will try to impress you, he already tried and did when you were still human but now that you're na'vi, it makes a slight different, like it's a new you (it is) meaning, new attempts of showing off his skills :)
although his father may not allow him to teach you their ways, he will still do it when he's not around.
"psst- y/n! come here... wanna show you how to catch some big fish >:))"
he may be a tease but he WILL help you, make sure that you're comfortable and will not hesitate to punch people in their face if they talk abt you
like when he hears someone mention your name he's on alert and eavesdrop, he wants to make sure that he's not hearing what he thinks he's hearing and if his suspicious are correct you best believe he's gonna get a real good scolding.
also!! he can now play-fight with you, without needing to think about hurting you! since you are much taller and bigger now, he won't need to worry about you being hurt <333
although he is still careful with you, lets you win sometimes if he's feeling nice.
+ you guys are the like chaotic duo and he's LIVING for it, he can finally have someone that he ACTUALLY likes (no hate to kiri/tuk) and matches his energy
kiri doesn't have the time for his 'master schemes' and tuk is just to sweet.. no way he can bring her onto adventures without being scolded.
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ao'nung x human - avatar! reader
babes tries to hide his excitement but fails so hard. rolls his eyes and is like 'uhhmmm no why would i care for that🙄🙄"
like u do, admit it.
he wouldn't be there, really, but he would be like a few feet away from where the lab is and just tries to hide himself from your view but you and the other scientists can literally see him.
he keeps an eye on your avatar from afar, trying to make sure that nothing happens and if something did then he'd know who did it or what happened (if he can make sense of it)
so many people notice him side eyeing you when you're around, mindlessly drawing shapes on the sand before frowning when the wave washes it away.
he's not there to see you transferring to your avatar sadly, but when you don't come to visit him or the sully family he gets worried and just paces back and fourth, waiting for you to come.
and what he doesn't expect is you to be in your avatar form and do you look so... well all he could say is 'nice'.
takes a BIG gulp of nothing and acts like everything's normal. and sometimes he looks down instinctively but he remembers that you aren't as small.
you're maybe a head shorter than him, but as a human you were like 2-3 heads shorter, or more.
he can't really make fun of you being small now
he will NEVER say this and will drag it with him in his graze, but he misses your human form.
ao'nung thinks your absolutely good looking in your avatar form, yes, he still misses your human form, your funny looking features that he always admires when the golden sun shines on your skin.
but he's not complaining!
depending on your avatar choice, whether you are a metkayina or omaticaya he will teach you the ways.
how to swim, catch fish for food, taming and riding your Ilu, giving you tips and tricks and so on
and he's oddly nice to you.. ish..
ao'nung pays more attention when it comes to you, and his hands linger on your body for way too long.. but you don't notice, you never do.
rotxo and everybody knows what's up 😏
he's absolutely smitten for you, trying to impress you with pretty shells and teases you less.. just wants to show you how cool he is
likes seeing you bond with the children or people of the metkayina, especially his sister or his family.
like when you two braid each others hair <3 he might even take lessons on how to braid hair which makes people raise their brows at him and smirk.
he's not thaaaaatttt protective of you... okay that is a lie...
but he doesn't need to protect you much since everybody knows not to mess with ao'nung.. (and his gang or whatnot)
he will TRY to go the pacifist route but if it doesn't work out then you know how it ends...
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy &lt;3
taglist: @tomansimp, @howlandhaku, @luciphyls, @vizkiz869, @aonungobsession, @pandorainmymind, @luvlykrispy, idk if there was more so if i forgot you im sorry!!​​
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: this was so short so uhm, not so proud of it but hey! i wrote this in like 2-3 hours? tell me tell me t-t--t-t-t-t-tell me
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lousymoonwalker · 1 year
Why you (probably) didn't like Spider from Avatar TWOW
Social media is ruining the film industry in so many ways I couldn't begin to cover them all. I don't think this is a profound statement, but I want to explore my point in the context of Avatar The Way of Water, specifically with the character, Spider.
A few things that is becoming more apparent, due to social media:
1) General audiences can't tolerate cliff-hangers anymore. They're referred to as "plot holes" now. (Yes, I know lots of movies include actual plot holes, but actual cliff-hangers are getting called plot holes when they're two different things) (and sometimes, the writer of a story will specifically include unanswered questions, because our imaginations can be more intriguing and allows us to play "detective" and discuss, unanswered questions are not inherently bad, sometimes they're quite interesting). This leads to people wanting answers now, right now. We have a question, we search it and can get an answer basically immediately. When we can't find the answer immediately, we get upset.
2) Cancel Culture. - need I say more? (no, but I will anyway). This leads to one giant problem within the context of how social media is changing the film industry. People are actively trying to "cancel" characters, fictional characters or the authors of those characters for not aligning themselves as either a "good" or a "bad" character. Cancel culture is actively morphing our brains to think that if you make a mistake, you can never come back from it. That if you did something wrong, you are "toxic" and irredeemable. I can rant all day about cancel culture, but for now, just think about how it is shaping our tolerance of people. (Also, keep in mind that within the world of literature, film, art, etc. this topic comes up all the time about "morally grey characters" and is never something that is condemned, the only time this is a problem is when it makes its way onto social media sites)
So looking at these two points, we see that audiences don't like unanswered questions and they don't like morally grey characters.
I think Spider from Avatar TWOW is the most perfect example of a morally grey character out of the entire series. At least up to this point.
Everyone, even in the first movie ranges somewhere from either "Good" or "Bad" but, none of them are directly in the middle. I could argue that Mo'at, Norm, Neytiri, and Max are very good. Their intentions are always to be good. Quaritch and Selfridge are very bad. Their intentions are always to be bad. Jake is the most "grey" of all the characters in the original because of his internal conflict between wanting to fit in with the military again by spying on the Na'vi and slowly realizing he loves Pandora and the people and wants to help them. Even though he actively tries to help Quaritch in the beginning, I'd argue that his intentions are always "alright" I don't think he is ever on the "bad" side of the spectrum, although he starts off close to it, by the end, he solidifies himself as "good".
Then we have Spider.
My boy Spider is at the butt of everyone's jokes, all over TikTok and Instagram. The comments section is full of people just absolutely bashing him, hating him, making fun of him calling him a "Tarzan wannabe" and saying that he probably "sheds and smells like a wet dog". People have no sympathy for him, even some of those comments saying how they'll "never forgive him" or simply "hate him".
Spider is introduced as this lone human kid on Pandora, who hangs out with Jake and Neytiri's kids and has grown up with them. However, Neytiri has never accepted him. (A lot of people are mad at her about this because they say that he's just like Jake, which I would argue is not entirely correct because Neytiri was going to kill Jake (because she hates and distrusts humans) but Eywa chooses him for some reason and she's compelled to save him).
Spider is absolutely enthralled with the Na'vi culture. He speaks the language perfectly and paints himself with blue stripes. He genuinely loves and cares for the Na'vi despite being human.
Then, he gets captured and meets his dad, Quaritch. While it isn't entirely Quaritch, it is kind of his dad and he only agrees to leave with them on their mission because he doesn't want to be actively tortured by the scientists anymore. (I think that decision is understandable). Then, he gets to be the cultural ambassador of the Na'vi, translator, teacher, and guide as he spends more and more time with the military avatars and gets to be important to them. Then when all hell breaks loose, and he has to translate to a Metkayina village asking for Jake, he is visibly scared and desperately trying to help them and begs for Quaritch to stop terrorizing them. Then they burn down the village and take Spider with them, against his will.
Later, he gets the chance to fight and help in the end battle and he helps to wreck the ship, runs away like twice (?) before being successful thanks to Neteyam. Then is used as a pawn by Neytiri who threatens to kill him if Quaritch doesn't release Kiri. (This whole time, Spider is begging Quaritch to let Kiri go and to not hurt her).
But, for many viewers the nail in the coffin was when he saves Quaritch from drowning. He has seen the destruction caused by Quaritch, even if he doesn't know Quaritch's full history, he knows he burned down villages, staged the killing of a Tulkun, was willing to kill Lo'ak, Tuk, and Kiri all in an effort to hunt down and kill Jake.
But, I think the key moment was during the stand-off between Quaritch and Neytiri. For the first time in Spider's entire life (keep in mind he's like 16), an adult (a parental figure) stood up for him and showed genuine concern for him. Whether you like it or not, Neytiri has never liked him and Jake has never went out of his way to make him feel welcome. But now, in the heat of the moment, Quaritch, this big bad military man, stops what he's doing for fear of Spider's well-being.
Between the wreckage, Spider and Lo'ak were trying to find Jake. But, Spider happens upon Quaritch, who is at the edge of death. Then this, sixteen-year-old kid, sees this man just went out of his way to save Spider's life a few minutes before and now this man is about to die. Spider had to make a split-second decision and he made it. He saved Quaritch from drowning, then immediately leaves him and joins the Sully's.
I think Spider's intentions change from "I love the Na'vi, I basically am Na'vi" to "This father figure isn't too bad" to "I get to be helpful and important to someone" "oh no, what are you doing?" to "you saved my life, I'll save yours"
I CANNOT, overstate how much I love morally grey characters, they are so much fun to analyze and there's nothing worse than a plain "static" character. Give me a dynamic character with conflicting motivations. The reason I think Jake never went into the "bad" intentions side was because he genuinely was blind to the Na'vi at the beginning, but the more he learns, the more his actions reflect the newfound love and respect. Whereas Spider knows all about the Na'vi, and he loves and looks up to them, he was basically raised by the Sully family. I'm sure he is smart enough to understand that the humans and military avatars are "bad" with bad intentions. So when he starts to give into that side those intentions start to shift and his character becomes more and more grey.
And people on social media simply cannot compute. Cancel him! people cry. Screw him! He's the worst character ever! I can smell him through the screen!
People don't like that he did some bad things so the masses cry out, "bad! Bad! He's a bad character"
I'm not saying that I absolutely loved him, but I did like his character and I think he'll play a bigger role in the next film. He's a conflicted 16 year old, dynamic, character. I'm excited to see where his character goes from here.
But please, stop letting social media trick you into thinking that people are "good" or "bad". Not a single person on this planet can be accurately described as simply "good" or "bad". People are dynamic.
And for the love of everything, just because you don't have all the answers handed to you on a little silver plate, doesn't mean that the story had plot holes and is objectively bad. Unanswered questions and cliff-hangers can be very effective if done well.
People are fighting to not have to think on their own and form their own thoughts and opinions, because what if my opinion isn't a popular one or is the wrong one????
We don't know what is going to happen with Spider, but now, we can theorize and discuss until the next film comes out.
Anyways, I won't tolerate Spider slander anymore unless you can formulate an actual genuine reason to not like him besides, "he's bad", "he sucks", or "I bet he stinks".
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juicefield · 1 year
Meyp Skxawng Neteyam X Avatar!Reader: Part 1
A/N: I included the epilogue in this post so I could just delete the last post. Neteyam is 20 in this and there will be no NSFW content in this fic. It is not set in the far future as I reference bits of culture from the 2000s (mostly because this fic is essentially about culture, Na'vi and human and how they clash with each other and unfortunately I don't know about human culture in 2170 so I just used stuff from our time). Also this is set in high camp. I love the Metkayina, but I've always loved the forests of Pandora since I was young.
Although the writing in this fanfiction is my own, I do not claim any ownership of Avatar, Avatar: The Way of Water, or any of the subsequent medias. All rights go to James Cameron and the producers.
You can find the other parts here:
Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Synopsis: Today is your twentieth birthday on Pandora. You look back on your life in reflection as you think about the future and your place on her.
Neteyam X Fem!Avatar!Reader 6.6k 1st person POV
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The Na'vi say that every person is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among The People... forever.
A tired yet youthful Jake Sully, now known as Jake Tsyeyk te Suli  or the mighty Toruk Makto, droned on from the blue tinted computer screen staring back at me. Once again, I found myself watching the videos he left behind. I know I shouldn't torture myself, that this fantasy I've had since I was a child was nothing but that... just a fantasy. I could never get the second chance he got all those years ago. I’ve spent years living vicariously through him and his video logs; imagining that I had become one with The People like him. I knew it was childish, but that certainly didn't stop me from dreaming about it. 
The more I watched his videos, and Grace's videos, the more I longed to see this world that I find myself stuck in. That mystical magical world that was closed off from me, just outside, so close yet so far. However, I couldn't be like Spider, my strange adopted "semi-sibling" and run around like a chicken with its head cut off (this was a line straight from Norm, as I have never even eaten chicken let alone seen one), awkward and slow next to the lithe natives. I fiddled with a small puzzle Norm had brought from the old world as I listened to Jake's voice. It was a rare treat and one of the things I had as a child that was almost like a toy. Of course at this point I knew how to solve it faster than I could blink practically. As I sit there and continuously slide the locking mechanism in and out I become briefly distracted from the monitor as I feel the ridges of the plastic puzzle. It felt weird to have the thought that Spider was my brother. He certainly never acted like he cared about me much, always opting to hang with the Sullys. However, I know that he feels a certain camaraderie with me due to our similar afflictions. The affliction in question being our shared blood, vrrtep reypay, or "demom blood" flows through both of us. Unlike Spider, however, there was something that afflicted me and me alone in this new world.
The sickness. Norm and Max weren’t sure what it was, but they knew for certain it was some sort of genetic thing. Some thing that my parents had carried in both of them. "Thing". It was easier to call it a thing, easier for me to compartmentalize that way. Easier to tuck away the pain and suffering in a neat corner of my mind. It affected me in different ways. From my joints to my stomach to my legs, my body was simply weak. Back when I was willing to try reaching out to the other children, Na'vi children, I would always get made fun of for being a weak human, so once my legs started to give out on me at the age of 8 I officially swore off having "friends".
"Meyp skxawng."  A little girl muttered under her breath after my legs gave out while splashing in a pool in the cave system. Her name was Txeyu. She was one of the Na'vi that lived the closest to the labs in the back of the cave system, also about one of three friends that I had besides Norm and Max. She was one of the only Na'vi children that would hang around me, but as my legs worsened I could feel her getting agitated everytime I couldn’t keep up as we played. 
"Sorry,"  The apology that exited my mouth was out before I could even stop to think what I actually did wrong. Pulling myself up from the awkward position I was in after I had slipped and fallen to the floor I continued. "Sometimes my legs don't work so well… I mean, even for a human." The last word came out strained like if I said it loudly then everyone would suddenly realize I was an alien and demand to throw me out of camp. I knew of course that humans had the protection of Jake Sully. Realistically that could never happen, but many of the Na'vi were not accepting of our place in the clan. It had been long ago that I learned shame for being human but I remember this memory as the time I learned to be ashamed of being disabled. When I looked up there was this distinct look on the Na'vi's face. A strange mix of pity and disgust that left a pit in my stomach. The slope of her eyes and the curl of her lip are often in my dreams, haunting me. I will never forget them from that day. With tears stinging my eyes I politely excused myself and threw myself into Norm’s arms as soon as I found him. Even though I hadn't known what the words at the time meant I knew exactly what her face had meant. I was a blubbering mess and after that I wasn't allowed to play with Txeyu (or at least Norm had told me that, for my peace of mind so I wouldn’t seek her out) and I swore that I didn't need friends. 
To be fair to Txeyu, I was a weak moron. Confirmed by not only my weak body, but also my inability to stop watching the videos that the two most revered sky people had left behind. Grace was my source of entertainment since I was a child because  the humans were not concerned with bringing old world media with them to Pandora. Mostly because coming to Pandora they had not thought of babies being born in the new world, had not thought of the culture left behind. Had not thought of the difficulty these children would have with their identity, knowing almost nothing of the new world or the old. Many people had brought things with them but most cultural items had been taken by the sky people when they left. And yes, Norm and Max told me all about Earth and about movies and music and art along with the small amount of stuff they could recover from the old lab but it was nothing, nothing, compared to the real thing. To have a sense of community with people who have shared experiences, to have people that you belong to. The very thing that makes people human, or maybe not human, but the thing that is important to all life that holds empathy. 
Empathy. That, I thought, was the similarity humans had with the Na'vi. They both had empathy. What separated them, however, was more important... greed, yes, the humans were greedy despite their sympathy. I had learned as a girl that the two were not exclusive. I knew it was true in the way I wished to be Jake, in the way I longed for a world I didn't belong to. Knew that even I, a human that can hardly be called human, is not spared from this defining characteristic of greed. Unfortunately I would never get a second chance, another body, like Jake did.
I accepted this fact when I was a mere twelve years old, a particularly hard year for me. I started my menstruation cycle with only Norm and Max to comfort me. There were other women at the base, but none close enough to me for me to celebrate in the joy of womanhood. I would have turned to Kiri, but luckily for her she doesn’t have an aunt flow, like all Na'vi. What a lucky bitch. I had started bleeding and had been in the bathroom panic stricken because my first thought was that the sickness was getting worse, that the pain I felt was finally going to bleed me out and kill me. As I silently wept I accidentally knocked over the trash bin in my room. Norm had come to the door, knocking softly thrice he announced himself.
"Hey... you good in there? You've been in there a while and I heard something fall." Hot tears were stinging my eyes and I was breathing heavily, like there was a giant boulder on my chest. Hey, maybe this was one of those panic attacks I read about in the encyclopedias of Medicine and Psychology I had read? I had always been a curious child, learning as much as I could to stave off boredom. There had been a few precious fiction books left behind by the scientists before I. Please dear Eywa (I had felt embarrassed at the time to ask Eywa for help), please help me remember that boring book I prayed all while frantically trying to calm down enough for the memory to surface. Breathe. I had to breathe in and out. I've got this, I mean I'm totally dying, but I've definitely got a handle on this. Compartmentalize. Yes, I distinctly remember the book talking about breathing and slow breaths from the diaphragm, for sure, definitely... Just as I finally started to get a grip and calm down Norm knocked again.
"Come on, seriously you're freaking me out here." Well shit. I didn't get it together fast enough. I gathered myself as best I could, focusing on the cool steel below my fingertips.
"Norm, I think I might be dying." I said trying to project my tired and scared voice through the bathroom door. 
"WHAT? OH MY GOD. Shit... shit! What's wrong? What do you mean? Let me in. Please, open the door." I could hear the panic laced in his voice. The handle on the door rattled as Norm tried to enter the bathroom. 
"Stop!" I commanded "Hold on. I'm-I'm bleeding."
"Oh sweet Jesus open the door." Norm said and the door handle rattled so hard that I thought the lanky scientist might break it.
"It's... coming from down there. Don't come in, it's embarrassing!" I lamented. The quiver in my voice made Norm immediately understand.
"Oh... sweetheart that's not... um, you're, uh, not going to die. Just... clean yourself up in the bath. I'll get you clothes and then me and Max need to have a talk with you." I tilted my head at that, a million questions running through my mind. Did he know what was going on? Why did he seem so relieved? This was horrible! But, I did as was told and waited outside, fidgeting nervously.
And that my friends, is the story of my very first lesson from Norm and Max about the wonders of womanhood. Oh what a joy it was. Of course, they had been severely awkward with it. Max was slightly better, mostly because he had had sisters back on Earth so he actually knew how to use a pad. Ah pads, I think wistfully. I remember them. They were absolutely wonderful. Of course they all ran out by the time I was fifteen. Nowadays I use reusable cotton pads. Not bad, but they were a pain in the ass to make and I always seemed to lose them in the wash. Luckily, Norm is a softie, so I often convince him to help me make them with the promise of my special pancakes made from wheat bread ration. Of course, I'd always been able to get Norm to practically do anything. Partly because of my sickness and the fact that I was his little girl helped. All I had to do was say I was having a bad day and give him the eyes and bingo, my lovely full day of pad making was now cut in half. Success! Max, however, is not as easily swayed; he had always been the more logical and sensible one. I later asked them why they hadn't warned me in advance about periods. I remember laughing when Norm bashfully rubbed his neck and admitted that they simply hadn't thought about it before now.
That was how it has always been. Max was the voice of reason, the one who reminds me to eat when I need to and reminds Norm that I am stronger than I look. I appreciate him more than I even thought possible. Norm was more of the doting type, almost motherly in his spoiling of me. Always letting me a little further, a little longer than necessary in the few times that I was able to take an oxygen mask and run around by the cave as a young kid. Between the two of them I was in good hands. My mother wouldn't have left me with them when she died if they weren't worthy. And so I became their daughter. I don't call either of them dad or father or anything like that but I know that they’re my parents. I love them so, so dearly. Even when Norm ate the last chocolate bar when I was eight. Incidentally this was not long after the Txeyu situation, eight was a hard year too! A portal to hell opened in the lab that day; my sobbing was louder than the banshees on the Hallelujah mountains.
I sigh and sit the puzzle down on my desk. This was my reality lately. All I seemed to be able to do was think about the past. Perhaps because I finally realized I have no future here. There was nothing for me here, nothing except Max and Norm (and Jake, I suppose, but his visits were few and far between and he always seemed a little uncomfortable around me). When they're gone I would have nothing, be nothing. I mean sure I had friends, two to be exact, and one very annoying close acquaintance. Kiri and Tuk were the former and Lo'ak was the latter. He had recently been demoted from best friend status after breaking one of my only CDs (of course jazz CDs were some of the only music to be left behind when everyone left), even after I had told him to be careful with it when putting it in the player. 
The Suli children were the only link I had to the outside world at this point. They had become my friends purely by accident. It happened when Jake was coming to visit Norm and Max to discuss a raid. Lo'ak and Kiri had followed him, no doubt a scheme cooked up by Lo'ak and of course Kiri went along with it. They had been curious where their father ran off to every few weeks despite their mother looking irritated every time he left, promising her that it wouldn’t be long and that he'd be home before dinner. Neteyam had tried to stop them but they lost him by the retired elders hut, slipping away when he wasn't paying them express attention and was answering a question about his training posed by a well-respected elder.
On that fateful day I had actually been outside the caves for once, with Norm watching me from afar to make sure my mask was on and I was walking well enough on my own. I remember looking up at Jake, smiling, and saying hello to the friendly giant (hey, he was friendly to me). He greeted me in english then headed for the door. Behind the bushes near the cave entrance were two meddlesome ten year olds with their jaws practically on the floor. They had never seen a sky person that was so small except Spider, they guessed I must be a child too!
"Lo'ak look! I didn't know that any sky people children live here besides Spider." Kiri said, pointing to my small figure that was about fifteen meters away from them, oblivious to the eyes watching me as I picked a small bouquet of wild flowers to put in my room. 
"Yeah. But, what the hell is wrong with her legs??" Lo'ak said loudly before Kiri elbowed him in the gut. I had heard his voice that time, strange and in a language I didn't understand yet so I stood quickly as panic set in. 
"Hello? Who is there? Jake Sully is here, so you can't hurt me! He's Toruk Makto and he'll protect me!" I called out to them as the flower I was holding fell down at my side. Kiri and Lo'ak simply looked at each other, astonished that I was speaking at all, but especially since I knew their father’s title.
"Hello." I heard a deeply accented voice respond back to me in english. My eyebrows shot up when I heard it. I knew right away that it was coming from a Na'vi child. The accent was unmistakably inhuman. Not to say it was bad sounding, in fact I had always found the native accent to be beautiful. It was just different than the way humans spoke.
"Um.... who are you? Can you come out now? You're scaring me." I said to the bush that was now in front of me. I made my way over to them while they argued about whether it was a good idea to come out or not. I watched as a blue head popped out from behind the bush. I couldn't help the gasp that came out of my mouth at the sight of a little boy around my age.
"I am Kiri and this is Lo'ak." Kiri responded to me as she came fully out of the bush from behind Lo’ak, a hand wrapped around Lo'ak's forearm pulling him along. "Jake Suli is our father." My eyes widened in surprise as I suddenly felt embarrassed to have used Jake as a threat. I made my way over to them slowly, wincing when my ankle twisted slightly to the right. 
"Oh... uh-hi. My name is (Y/N). Mr. Sully told me about you... I met Kiri before but we were both babies, right after she came out of Grace… so I don't remember, I'm sorry!" I was completely unsure of what to say. Goddamnit why did I have to mention Grace? The only company I ever kept were Norm and Max with the occasional visit from the other sky people and the scarily limited friends I had as a toddler and young child. I knew, of course, through Grace's videos and Norms education of the Na'vi (specifically the Omaticayans) to be respectful in my language and not to use figures of speech. 
"The Na'vi have an extraordinary understanding of the English language already. They learn faster than my team can seem to teach them. Fortunately for them, our pronunciation is a lot less important than their language. Unfortunately for us that means a lot more of them understand us then the other way around. The only way to talk in secret around them is to use figures of speech. Unfortunately they may find this rather offensive if they call you out on it, especially when you accidentally call one of the clans best a brown noser. God, I had a hell of a time explaining that one to them."  I remember that video log with great fondness. I had only watched it a week prior for the first time after Norm finally gave approval for me to watch some of the video logs that were more personal to Grace, rather than the usual educational ones (also the ones in which she was drunk). The new blue people in front of me just stared at me with wide eyes. They could not believe I was being so bold for such a tiny thing. Finally the girl shifted and flicked her brother with her tail, breaking him out of the trance he was in. 
"Well... do you wanna play with us?" Was the only thing Lo'ak could think of to say. I shifted nervously. I hadn't played with any Na’vi since the incident with Txeyu. As I picked nervously at the dirt under my nails I let out a short sigh.
"I'm not allowed to play with you guys I think?" It came out as more of a question than a statement. These were Jake's kids, so maybe Norm would be fine with it? Plus, I noticed as they both deflated and started fidgeting with their jewelry and hair that they have hands like Norms avatar body, so that means they're like me! They also have demon blood, so they could understand me, maybe. Just as they turned around to leave after waving goodbye I called out to them. 
"Actually, I think Max and Norm would be okay. If it's Jake's kids. He's a good guy so you guys must be too!" I cringe remembering my naivety. Luckily I was correct, they were "good guys"... and we have been good friends for years now… except when they break my things! I sighed and walked over to the mangled remains of my precious jazz CD. I had already tried gluing the pieces back together. CDs really didn't work that way though, so I tried recording myself singing the songs but I could never sing the way the woman on the CD did so eventually I just gave up. Luckily this gave me the genius idea to record all the remaining CDs I had in case another unfortunate alien boy decided to jam a damn disk into the computer halfway before closing it and breaking it in half!
As I flopped down onto the chair beside my desk I played Beethoven's String Quartet no. 14, 1st Movement to try to quiet my mind. I know from Norm and Max that classical music was one of the least popular genres from Earth but I always had a fascination with it. Not that there was really a choice when I had 5 CDs to my name. Crap. 4 CDs to my name. Beethoven's greatest symphonies, Etta James's At Last (previously, Rest In Peace Etta), Metallica's Black album or 5th album (I wasn't as much of a fan now, but I had some really cathartic times with that album when I was an angsty 13 year old), a burned CD titled "2005 Car Mix" with a variety of pop songs, and a guided sleep meditation music CD (I had never gotten bored enough to actually sit down and attempt to meditate with it) were the musical companions in my life. 
The only exception were occasions when the clan had a large festival or feast and I could hear the sounds of the Omaticayans singing and chanting. Those were always my favorite nights. I would often sit and weave something while I listened to hundreds of voices commune with Eywa, to celebrate a new life or one just ending. That’s one of the only past times I have that I really enjoy. Sometimes I even hum along, pretending that I was a member of the clan. I could almost smell the earthen musk that always clung to every Na'vi. Like they were really one with the forest, as if they were born of the forest. They were so natural in it, just as natural as a fish in the water. As I hum I feel the tickle of a tail brushing against my back and the heat radiating from the thighs of the two Na'vi on either side of me. A brief peace floods into my body, relaxing my muscles one by one before I remember who I am and where I am. I remember again that I was born a human on Pandora, and the dream is broken. That fantasy is not me, no matter how much I wish it so. 
I should really stop torturing myself like this. The only thing fantasizing does is fester and ferment into anger. Anger at my mother, maybe? I mean she did pass on the thing to me. Maybe at Eywa? Do I even believe in Eywa? Sometimes I swear I feel her all around me, in the plants waving in the winds or the sounds of the cave. In the dripping water and wind rushing past the mouth of the cave, dancing through the hallelujah mountains. I hear her in the banshees shrill cries at dawn, and the thanators mighty roar at twilight. Do I even have the right to believe in her? To be angry at the hand dealt to me? By being born on Pandora, does that mean that Eywa is in control of my destiny like her Na'vi children? Am I one of her children?
I ponder this as I weave on the loom that Kiri gave to me last year for my nineteenth birthday. She brings me plenty of string and teaches me new techniques every moon cycle on our ritual ‘girls night’. Although honestly she might get in trouble if anyone finds out about that. A lot of Na'vi wouldn't appreciate a sky person knowing cultural weaving techniques that have been passed down for generations through the Omaticayans: who are known as great craftsmen. My girl Kiri is a total badass though, so she still teaches me anyway. 
Kiri, Tuk, Lo'ak are the only reasons I haven't gone verifiably insane yet as I waste away on this planet. As much as I love Max and Norm, their company doesn't ever change much. There's never anything new going on with human settlement. Always the same issues that we discuss over dry, flavorless ration food. The problems of growing food in the Pandoran soil, which may be lush and fertile for the home plant species, but is absolutely terrible for Earth plants. Always some new trouble that Spider had gotten into with Lo’ak. We are always having trouble with having enough batteries for the tanks to furnish all the humans with oxygen. Yet another reason why I don't go outside. I'm a waste of resources and while Max and Norm can't admit that, I can. I know I'm useless, honestly I wish that I could be of help in even the science realm but hello, there's no school on Pandora and both Max and Norm are horrible teachers. I mean I'm smart but I cannot figure out fucking geometry on my own?! Plus the other humans didn't leave behind any lesson plans for children when they left so I'm pretty much S.O.L. 
I’m pulling a soft blue, almost feathery string through another row on the loom when I hear Max and Norm talking outside of my room in the main lab. I strain my ears but I cannot make much sense of the words I can hear.
"Jake doesn't know.... yeah... ready... think... okay jeez, Max." Eh, nothing to really worry about, I decide. Probably the same old shit in a different toilet. I tune out their talking and focus on the crescendo of one of Mozart's greatest hits before almost dropping the loom when I hear a sharp knock on the door. I get up and turn to press the pause button on the CD player before opening the door. Standing there is a very excited looking Max and a very nervous looking Norm. 
"Oh my God, what is it this time?" I said recollecting a time when I had opened the very same door to them looking very similar to this moment and they had practically accused me of having a crush on Lo'ak. As if! I would never have a crush on Lo'ak. He's like an annoying little brother to me and he's always hiding my stuff just to irritate me or pulling a single hair out one at a time till I yell at him to stop. But I think that may be the reason that we get along so well, he doesn’t see me as different like everyone else does. He has always teased and roughhoused with me like he would Kiri or Spider, albeit a bit gentler.
"Hey kiddo, we just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. We know you're finally 20! You're a grown woman now..." Norm trailed off looking wistful. Max took up after Norm, who was reminiscing like a parent would on their child’s birthday. 
"And we have something to show you! Something we have been working on for a long time now." He threw an arm around Norm to emphasize the we.
"Did you get the Rewon Tanhì that I asked for?" I asked excitedly. I had been asking them to find me a morning star flower on their expeditions and missions since I heard of them a few months ago. Kiri told me they glow in the dark even after being cut from the bush, an indigo bioluminescent glow that never fades. They're fairly rare so Max said they would keep an eye out but to not count on them finding one. I planned on an open air terrarium to use as a night light if they ever happened upon one while they were out doing research. I just wanted to bring a little of Pandora's beautiful bioluminescent night flora to me since I can’t go outside to see them myself.
"It's something a bit more exciting than that. Come on, follow us, kiddo." Max said before grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward toward the back of the lab. He seemed a little too excited and I almost tripped forward with the force of his pulling. I laughed and told him to slow down a little bit. 
"Sorry, it's just been really difficult to keep this under wraps. You have no idea how many times I almost told you. Honestly, I'm surprised Norm hasn't." Max said, chuckling as Norm exclaimed an indignant "Hey!" while shaking his head fondly.
We reached the back door of the lab that went to the actual laboratory, of which I am typically not allowed into. I'm generally very clumsy because of my issues and Max is always doing some sort of dangerous chemistry experiment that would cause some serious damage if I knocked it over. Maybe even an explosion if the right compounds are left laying around. While that might bring me some much needed excitement to my life, I still opt to just leave the lab alone. 
"It's in the chem lab?" I asked, entirely confused as to what I could possibly want to see in there. It was the most boring room in the whole building.
"Yes. And you need to close your eyes. I want it to be a complete surprise." Norm said, looking over at Max while wiggling his eyebrows like a total goof.
"Okaaaay...." I said, finding their strange demeanor highly suspicious. I closed my eyes and felt Max's large hand on my shoulder, guiding me. I could feel the warmth of it seeping into my skin as Norm, presumably, opened the door to the chem lab. The shrill shriek of ungreased steel grinding on steel was heard in the chem lab and the rustle of thick canvas-like fabric made me shift my weight to my other foot anxiously.
"Okay... come on in guys." Norm says as Max guides me in the room, making sure I don't trip as I step over the raised door frame. I was taken about 10 feet into the lab before Norm told me I could open my eyes. I blinked slowly as my eyes adjusted to the sterile white lab lights. I could only cock an eyebrow, unimpressed as my eyes land on what looks like a large tube covered in a large brown tarp of some sort. The tube had to be at least ten feet long. I looked over at Norm expectantly and a flash of recognition came on his face as he stumbled forward to pull off the tarp.
"Sorry..." he mumbled while lifting the heavy fabric off the large tube. Inside the tube is a female Na'vi. No actually, I count 5 fingers, so it’s an avatar. She was jerking and I could see her nose twitch, like she had smelled the acrid dung of a viperwolf. I realized it bared a strong resemblance to my own as I reached out to touch the glass. When I did she curled forward slightly toward my touch, almost as if she was reaching out to me as well. As she stretched out of the fetal position I saw her whole face and my world stopped. 
"No... there's no way. You guys said there was no way." I whispered looking over at Max and Norm. I couldn't allow myself to believe it until they told me through their own mouths. I had gotten my hopes crushed too many times as a child to allow myself to believe this so easily.
"Well, remember when Grace's Avatar started deteriorating when you were thirteen? And then when you were fourteen we laid her to rest? Well using her chamber and some supplies we found at an abandoned outpost we were actually able to incubate an avatar for you. That's you sweetheart." Norm said, grinning at me and gesturing to the body. 
I feel my knees tremble and buckle as a litany of emotions surges through me, falling forward slightly before Max caught me and helped me up. All I could do was bury my head in his shoulder and cry. These men, who loved me and raised me, have given me the gift of life again. I couldn't breathe so I just squeezed him and shook as the emotions and fears flew through me. I could vaguely register Norm coming up behind me to hug both of us. After a good cathartic cry we all released each other from our group hug. 
"I... I don't know how... I can't... thank you, both of you." Was all I could manage to get out as my voice trembled with emotion. Hesitantly I walked over to the avatar. "She's... beautiful." I reached out to touch the warm glass, tracing my fingers over her face. Well, I guess my face? I guess it will feel more like my face after the consciousness transfer. Her blue skin looks so radiant and soft. Unlike the Na'vi I know she looks so untouched. Almost like a child. She is free of the scarring that comes with growing up in the dangerous Pandoran forests. I admire the markings on her face, taking in all the details and tanhì, or bioluminescent freckles that spray across her face and body. Her hair floats in the blue solution cascading in waves down the gentle slope of her back all the way to her tail.
"We know. Trust me, we know how much you need this. How much you've needed this since you were a kid... and yes she really is beautiful." Norm compliments, squeezing my shoulder. 
"Now, I have to say this before you get your hopes up. We have great hope that the consciousness transfer will work, but kiddo, there's a small possibility that it might not and I need to prepare you for that." Max says solemnly from my right side. That was just like him, always ruining a sentimental moment with his warnings. 
"I know, Max. But still, the fact that you wasted all these resources on me means a lot." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"It's not a waste. Don't… don’t say that, (Y/N). We would both do anything to make you happy." Max replies, looking over at Norm as he nods to me.
"So when can I go in?" I said as I finally let the excitement fill me. It was so strong that my stomach feels queasy; to the point that I feel I might throw up my wheat ration pancakes. 
"Well," Norm piped up, "we were thinking about doing a test run tomorrow. Kiri and Lo'ak are supposed to come anyway for movie night. We thought you'd like to surprise them." I nodded excitedly while smiling at them. I truly loved these two men. They were the closest things I had to parents and I'm so grateful that mom left me in their care. My chest feels so warm as I give both of them another short hug that I think it might explode out of me in a spray of rainbows and sugar. Honestly, all this lovey dovey shit was getting sickening. 
"Now let's go have some birthday food." Norm suggests while he unfolds the tarp to cover it up again. We went and ate our traditional birthday barbecue (not really because it's not cooked on a grill but we have lots of blow torches for sciencey reasons that we use to cook it). It's a decadent meal that could only be spared a few times a year, and one of my absolute favorites. After that they sang me Happy Birthday, and all-mighty Eywa was it super off-key. Soon after that I bid them a goodnight so that I can go to bed early so tomorrow will come a little faster. As I lie in bed all I can think of is tomorrow morning and the possibility of being unable to establish a neural link. 
Due to my anxiety-induced insomnia morning approaches slower than I thought physically possible. Did the suns somehow get delayed rising? Because I swear I've been in bed for two days tossing and turning. Just as I'm about to flip my pillow to the cool side for the fortieth time I hear a gentle knock on my door. 
"Hey, kiddo, it's time to get up. Figured you wouldn't mind an early start today." Max called through the door from the other side. Exhausted, I roll over and heave myself off the bed to get dressed. It takes me a little more time than usual but I finally put on some clothes and bumble out of my bedroom door. 
"Wow. So, no sleep huh?" Norm teases as he looks up from cooking breakfast. 
"Yeah, no. Too excited." I respond, rolling my eyes at him dramatically. I keep glancing at the chem lab door while I impatiently watch him cook and Max notices.
"You have to eat first. It's not ideal that you're tired for your first transfer but it would honestly be way worse if you were hungry too. So. Eat." Max demands pointedly. I sigh as Norm puts a plate down in front of me. I feel my skin buzzing while I eat the breakfast I have thousands of times faster than I ever have before. I almost choke shoveling down the eggs and veggies.
"Hey slow down. Can't have you dying on us before you can actually try." Max says jokingly. Norm pushes him with his arm. 
"Max, don't say that. That's not funny." Norm huffs, giving Max the stink eye. 
"Yeah, yeah." Max replies and I drift away from their bickering as I wait for them to finish breakfast. After we all finish Max goes through a few rules for the transfer and Norm helps me into one of the weird jelly beds used for transfers. He places the wire caging around me and turns away before I grab his shirt and tug on it through the holes of the cage.
"Norm.. Max... I'm scared." I admit.
"I know. But, you have to be brave. I know you can do it." Max said and Norm added a "Yeah, me too." I released his shirt slowly and sighed.
"I know... okay I'm ready." I say and try to relax. As I hear Max flip a few switches and Norm closes the lid I could cuss myself out. Why didn't I try that meditation CD last night?! I think as I try to steady my breathing like Max told me to. As I breathe in I see the flashes of light from the machine. Okay, ‘breathe and count backwards from 20 if you need help’ is what Max advised at breakfast.
In. Twenty.
Out. Nineteen.
In. Eighteen.
Out. Seventeen.
In. Sixteen.
Out. Fifteen.
In. Fourteen.
Just as I am about to call out to Max that it's not working I completely black out. I'm not exactly sure how to describe the experience of a consciousness transfer, how it feels or looks. I think that it feels like dying in a way. It feels like a complete separation from your body, like you are floating out of it, then next thing you know you are blinking at a blinding light ahead of you.
If you have any suggestions or feedback please comment down below or message me! This is my first fanfic in a while, so please excuse my poor grammar. And thank you for reading! Neteyam and the reader will be meeting next chapter.
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kryptonitejelly · 1 year
KJ i miss seeing you around and it's nice to see you here!!!! coming w headcannon: i hate seeing flyboy!jake w reader in a fight but for headcannon sake, if they were in a fight, who do you think will say sorry/relent first and how are they going to resolve it? (I'm thinking it more like when they're already in a relationship)
- 🍑
hi!! i miss seeing you guys around as well.
wow this is a tough one - if flyboy!jake and reader were in a fight - i think it really depends on what fight / what mood they are both in.
i can see reader being the one to relent first at times because Jake is a hot head. but at others, i can see jake relenting first because he just can’t stand being ignored by reader - it makes him sooo uncomfortable, especially if he knows its more him or his anger has dissipated.
but they won’t have prolonged fights / cold wars, usually a day or day and a half max, because they both would much rather talk it out (even if they are mad) because fighting does no one any good.
blurb below because i could not help myself..
You stood among the crowd, eyes focused on the stream of passengers trickling out from the arrival gates, your stomach flipping in your stomach, heart contracting in your chest, limbs tingling. The feeling was always the same when Jake came back to you - a mixture of giddy excitement and longing; but this time, well this, there was something else - a tinge of something heavy, nervous. You had both gotten into an argument the day before he had left for his stint away - you couldn’t really remember what it had been about at this point because it had been something so insignificant; the result of a build up of tensions and irritation that he was being sent away (albeit, and thankfully for 6 weeks only this time) so soon after the last, more than it had actually been about anything.
He had called you while in the waiting area of the airport, waiting for a plane to connect him to somewhere else (you didn’t know where), the first words out of his mouth being sorry, i love you, and you had flowed back into normal, natural conversation after apologies and whatnots, but it hadn’t rested easy with you the past 6 weeks. The only thing that had comforted you was that this deployment was for a training exercise, and not for an actual life or death mission.
You spot him the moment he ducks out of the arrival passageway, dressed plainly in a white t and grey sweats, the massive backpack he had left with hanging over one shoulder. He was, as you had expected, more tan than when he had left. Jake zeros in on you immediately and his face breaks out in a smile.
Relief sags through your body, and your legs begin to move automatically, weaving you through the crowd as Jake’s easy strides begin to quicken. You don’t allow him a chance, barrelling straight into his arms which open to catch you, your cling laced with a slight desperation.
“I’m sorry, I love you,” you breathe out into his shirt as you wind your arms tight around his body. You had apologised 6 weeks ago, but it wasn’t quite the same.
“Never before a deployment again.” Jake’s voice is his normal, easy drawl into your hair, but he grips you tighter.
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mach-speed-spin · 1 month
in case this is still open
bakuten shoot: mystel
mfb: reiji
beywheelz: jake
burst: ben
you don't have to do all of them ofc !!
How I feel about them: He's alright. There's nothing about him I dislike, but the things I like are all very superficial (cool design and bey). He feels like a filler character added in just because BEGA needed an extra blader
Something I find interesting: his 4-eyed mask design. Someone had to make the deliberate decision to give it extra eyes and I love purposeful impracticality in character designs
Something I think could've been done better: He's just there and doesn't really have a dynamic with the rest of his team nor with his opponents. Giving him a meaningful rivalry with Ray or friendship with Garland would've gone a long way
Headcanon: He likes to hang out on rooftops. No one knows or questions how he gets to them
Thoughts on his bit-beast: I like it. Personally I think later beys would pull off the Poseidon/Neptune theme better but Mystel's was pretty solid
Miscellaneous thoughts: I don't really have any. He's almost a recurring extra with how little we get to see of him. At least his battle with Max was fun
How I feel about them: Short-lived secondary antagonists can be hard to pull off, but Reiji does it really well. He had 4 battles in total but every single one of them is memorable. If he was around for longer, I'm sure he'd be universally considered one of mfb's greatest villains
Something I find interesting: Reiji apparently feels physical pain when his opponent resists his fear tactics. This raises some really interesting questions that, like a lot of things in Beyblade, can only be explained via headcanon
Something I think could've been done better: His breakdown was really cathartic but it also didn't answer any of the questions I had. I wish we could've seen his breakdown more in-depth to better understand what's going on in his mind
Headcanon: Since he has a dark move, Reiji has some of the dark power (albeit less than Ryuga and Tsubasa), which causes him pain when he has to use more of it
Thoughts on his bit-beast: A snake that is revealed to be a single strand of Medusa's hair. I love it. Hell, the first time he uses his dark move and we see that his bey has multiple snakes was a massive "oh shit" moment
Miscellaneous thoughts: His VA was clearly having a lot of fun recording but I can only imagine the sore throat that resulted from it. Poison Serpent being one of the worst beys irl is kinda funny considering he's easily one of the top bladers in Fusion
How I feel about them: I'm not a huge fan of Beywheelz but I love Jake. I wish more villains were like him in that he's simultaneously comedic and threatening
Something I find interesting: The shots that imply he sends his bey at the opponent's eyes, combined with the fact that one of his eyes is always covered, seems to imply something that wasn't explicitly shown, but was purposely implied
Something I think could've been done better: He was underused. Beywheelz in general suffered from cramming too much story in too little time. If Beywheelz was longer we could've gotten more of Jake
Headcanon: About the eye thing, my headcanon is that it was injured in some form (probably from a bey). I'm undecided if he wears an eyepatch or if it's "merely" a Shu-style scar
Thoughts on his bit-beast: A less cool version of Reiji's Serpent. Still not bad, just overshadowed
Miscellaneous thoughts: His personality is the opposite of Reiji's while still being very similar. I prefer Reiji as a serious villain, but Jake is so fun to watch
How I feel about them: He doesn't do much in the story besides being a tournament opponent, but damn is he good at it. In season 1, I found that I looked forward to Ben's battles more than anyone else's (including Lui) just for the energy he brings
Something I find interesting: He seems like a feral child but his hair says otherwise. There's a level of metafiction that goes on, where nothing about Ben's character indicates he wouldn't take care of his hair other than audience assumptions, and I love it
Something I think could've been done better: Like many characters, he was underused. He fought Lui, clearly that affected him, but we never delve into the details
Headcanon: He and Ranzo buy sorts from the same brand. Just look at them
Thoughts on his bit-beast: It's cool, but most pre-Turbo avatars are overshadowed by the later ones. It's one of my favorite s1 avatars, but not really remarkable in the grand scheme of Burst
Miscellaneous thoughts: Before Blindt, Ben's Beast Hold was probably the weirdest looking special move in Burst. I wish Ben vs Lui was shown in full in the flashback
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for the nights and days of life by @mochalottie longass notes for chapter nineee:
-Beard! Jake is such a funny image. It’s long and flowing, maybe he braids it Omaticaya style.
-Baby Spider’s return!! God I missed him and Jake’s little lab bonding time. It's such a clear image in my head, same as their little hammock is to me. I always love when a scene is so tangible for me.
-Me and Jake holding hands and never forgetting what Tsantu did. We will never get over it and we will never forgive him.
-You’ve got metaphors on top of similes in this chapter, babe. How many ways to describe Jake’s eyes bingo. I'd cut some. I tend to go harsher with my edits for Andrei, but I've never done that for you so idk let me know if that's not your vibe! I think I had one person ask for harsher long notes and it's on my docket, but it was not you!
-HAHA Kiri and the other kids constantly reminding Jake about how cool every scar they have is while he goes into cardiac arrest.
-I adore the Max and Norm cameo it is flawless, I hope they keep sending each other shit. I am unclear as to what they mean by can they use some of it. Do they mean as evidence against the RDA? That’s my best guess.
-Neteyam: yay what a great day to finally hang out alone with my best friend and brother!
Spider: let’s go into this scary area.
Neteyam: oh.
-Lol of course Spider found hIS MOMS dead body and ship because he is literally Eywa’s favorite and least favorite. He’s the main character. All the shit happens to him. You know that funny saying, God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, that's Jake comforting Neytiri and Spider. "Eywa gives her toughest battles to her strongest soldiers."
-The fear of having a disabled child, or even just a chronically ill child balanced with letting them live their own lives? It’s such a great concept to explore in Spider, and I love Neytiri doing it. Jake was human, he’s used to them, but Neytiri would have never seen a kid break an arm or an ankle or dislocate a shoulder or anything like that. It's horrible and scary for any person to see happen to their kid, but yet you know the kid will be fine. For Neytiri there is none of that background knowledge and comfort. It’s such a painful but interesting concept I adore it every time I see it.
-I also like audibly cooed at her making Jake foods he likes all the time because she wants to make up for food on Earth being shit all the time. That is the sweetest thing I've ever read gOD I love jeytiri.
-Jake snorting himself awake has me dEAD, simply cACKING, but also it’s so sweet because you kNOW his ass never slept deeply after the war, or before on Earth. He only sleeps deeply in the cuddle pile and I’ll cry. Him and Neteyam both, Neteyam will wake up at the slightest sound uNLESS he's in the family cuddle pile.
-Neteyam and Spider are the twins that came to literally like, stab Jake in the heart occasionally by reminding him of Tommy. You kNOW sometimes they cuddle or run off together and he can’t breathe for a second because they look like two different kids of a different species.
-You fucked up, potter is the british version of putter. I’m laughing when the British or Irish slang slips in. I only mention it because of your authors note saying you were trying to catch them all lol.
-Oh my god Neytiri going to say goodbye and reassure Paz that she has Spider taken care of? That has my entire heart and soul.
-Hilarious of Neytiri to specifically call human technology stupid names. That’s so funny. She’s like “Jake, someone is calling you on the stupid dumbass square.”
-Jake and Neytiri now must keep up the ruse of science being a swear for years to come. Norm says science on a call one time and they all gASP and cover Spider's ears.
-Norm and Max better come back with the RDA, like they sneak aboard and come to apologize to Jake and fuck shit up in person. I know that isn't the point but I miss them deeply.
-Neytiri at all times just lowkey at defcon 1 just like, always on the fucking razors edge. She is so full of unhealed and unchecked trauma and PTSD it's almost hilarious.
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And this is just a bonus one I thought of but Grace and 24 Capitalism 👁️👁️
Story is also posted on ao3!
(tw capitalism, mentions of colonialism, mentions of racism/speciesism, trauma, mentions of cigarettes/alcohol, addiction, grief, past canonical character death, identity issues, implied dehumanization, hallucinations, unreality)
It's not as if they have a problem with expense. Fuck no, of course not. They can find the cash for their fucking war machines, their stupid goddamn spaceships, their love children born on a planet where they'll never be able to breathe the air. The cash for their guns and explosives, for their dozers rolling over the ground, for pressed suits and cheery propaganda vids and everything single one of the politicians in their pockets.
And oh, they've got the money for her as well, Grace knows all about it, a special set of funds to keep their little labcoat safely in line. The killing ground school, the botany book with a Na'vi face on the cover cause it's all just wildlife, doc, remember that, the cigarettes to keep her strung out and numb, the alcohol when that's not enough.
Never enough, not for them, sure as shit not for her. Her hands shake, she's fiddling, muttering, things slipping through her hands. Focus, Augustine, fucking focus. She's only got so many cigarettes, the 3D printers only work so well (as well as they're supposed to, heh). If Max is hiding them again she's going to fucking--
Cash. Right. Money, profit, power. Expense. They'll make a body, grow it in a tank like a promise, but if shit goes down, a bloody murder on a planet she can barely remember, happening six years and a million lightyears and last week ago--well, they can't take the fucking loss, oh no, they're going to stuff in some random jackass marine, pulled off one conveyor belt and shoved onto another.
Like it's that simple. Like it's all just meat, isn't it, they all are, deep blue company logos hanging heavy over her skin, sinking into her bones until she feels it even when she's physically out of the link. Jake Sully shrugging into his brother's skin and grinning at her, Jake Sully with Quaritch's brand stamped onto his soul, Jake fucking Sully coming out of the Soul Drive upload room with jagged, defiant eyes.
There are some things that cannot be bought, Mo'at says, her hand wrapped around Grace's throat. Not enough to choke, not enough to hurt, just enough to make the point, to prove that tonight, Grace was not worth the suffocation. I had thought you learned this, if nothing else.
In a way, the rejection had been a relief. No need to try and twist everything into a knot trying to justify the application into a knot, no excuse to get shot in the head months down the line for trying to grow a rogue body on company resources. None of Sylwanin's DNA, so no watching her grow in the tank that would be Sully's, no waiting to see whatever would be left if you hooked an empty Avatar into the Tree of Souls, if you'd get something like a return or nothing, nothing, nothing...
No breath. No life. No meat, or at least not enough of it to go around, not enough bodies to go around. Just cold, hard cash and an ache in the pit of her stomach as she scratches meaninglessly, thoughtlessly, because where the hell are her cigarettes. Where the hell are her--
A hand on her shoulder and she yelps, something undoubtedly expensive slipping through her fingers and clattering to the floor.
"Jesus, Marine," she snaps, because it's Sully, of course it's Sully, standing there with a stupid look on his face and hair slipping out of his braid. Grace shoves him off with a huff. "Personal space, remember?"
She turns back to her work, eyes narrowed. A stack of bundles...shells? Grace frowns. When had she been collecting shells?
"I don't suppose you know what happened to my cigarettes," she mutters, glancing up at Sully. He's still standing there, stiller than she's ever seen him, wearing an expression she can't quite read.
"Marine?" Grace waves her hand in front of his face, but he doesn't respond. "You read me?"
He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything there's another voice, young, feminine. "Kiri?"
Grace turns her head, frowning. There's a Reef Na'vi girl walking towards them, wearing Metkayina garb–Metkayina? When had the Metkayina been visiting the Omatikaya?
"Kiri?" the girl asks, looking worried--looking at Grace. She takes a step forward and Grace automatically takes a step back, feeling something skid under her foot (sand, not soil, where's the soil, where's the ground) and she falls with a curse, Sully yelping as he lunges to catch her.
"Easy," he says, but his hands are shaking. "Easy. Fuck. Okay." She can feel his pulse pounding, she can feel his panic gathering, she can feel the world moving and shuddering around her, she can feel everything, and she knows that--she knows--
"Reya, go get my mom and dad," Sully says, his voice taut, and there's the slap of feet against sand as the Metkayina girl runs. The slap of feet, and the thudding of waves, the howling of wind in the trees. Blood grubbing as Sylwanin heaves for air, as Tom Sully chokes out, as Neteyam--
Not enough bodies to go around. Not enough bodies, too expensive to look back, too much.
"Kiri." Sully's got his hands on her face, cool against her skin. Five fingers, strong and callused, resting lightly around the corners of her eyes. "You gotta breathe, Kir."
She can't. She's choking, she's choking on her first cigarette, she's choking on her own blood, she's choking on every lie she's ever swallowed with eyes sewn shut. She's choking on Sully's hand wrapped around her throat like a bad dream, like a memory.
"I've got you," he whispers, pulling her close. "You're not leaving us, Kir."
Kir. Kiri. Little atokirina. Little miracle, little secret, little liar, little ghost…
Over his shoulder she can see Tom Sully and Sylwanin (only it's not them, she knows this, she knows this just enough to wish she didn't) running her way. They're shadows, running, looking for the blood stolen from their veins; they're shadows, running, come to make sure she pays every single of her debts.
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