#love this crew right here
thatsrightice · 11 months
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I love this picture because I can just imagine Nick sitting on the floor of Tom and Bill’s room at the Naval Academy just messing with his camera because it’s like 12-dark-thirty and they’ve gotten nowhere on this advanced thermodynamics assignment. Tom and Bill are laying on the floor with papers and notebooks and textbooks scattered all around them still hard at work on this stupid assignment that even Tom, the guy who’s been at the top of every class he’s ever taken, was struggling to understand. And Ron is laying upside down on Tom’s bed throwing a ball and catching it having given up a while ago with the promise that if Tom figured it out he would make sure that he ends up with an actually cool callsign.
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
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the easy grip on the knife. the leg over the seat. the hand over the other seat. the sassy "come get it" move. you know the bitch is smiling behind that mask even as he said the line.
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arsenicflame · 1 year
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izzy getting adopted by them is EVERYTHING to me. fuck you youre part of our found family now, whether you like it or not. we have claimed you.
bonus: the way jim defends him here. theyre So mad:
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ganondoodle · 10 months
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so, inspired by the warm welcome the captain received with that rough doodle i posted, i made an updated design for Ki'ita as well (basic and with clothes)
i removed the piercings she had bc considering that they spend the majority of their time in arctic waters i think having metal directly in your skin is a bad idea, no matter how thick your blubber is; i also gave her typical white markings a green hue bc ... i liked how it looked and makes them stand out a little more
(i will not repeat what i wrote on the post about the captain but wanted to add a bit of more info about Ki'ita herself)
(i dont have ALL of their backstory done yet but) the captain and Ki'ita worked together in another organization, one in which the father of the captains child also worked at, before being betrayed and barely managing to escape, after which the both of them founded their pirate crew (possible name is the Solar Pirates bc of their solar powered boat stuff); since the captain had her daughter shortly afterwards Ki'ita managed most of the organisational matters at first, including the construction of their base on an abandoned island they had initially fled to
over the years they invented the solar powered ships that allowed them to gain control over a large part of an important trade route, leaving normal ships (mostly) alone but attacking those of hunters and similar, rescuing demons and mutants, even some humans from them, most of which also join the crew and it quickly lead to them becoming their own little community
Ki'ita does not like to spend alot of time among large groups of people, no matter how much she cares about them, and her originally being from norther lands gave her the idea to explore, and if viable, do underground missions in those norther areas to disrupt the infrastructure the hunters had built in recent years and overall keep the crew informed about things that may otherwise stay hidden; with each of their travels her time absent from the base increased but the patience of the captain is wearing thin so its likely a serious talk is underway on Ki'itas third solo mission she nearly died due to entanglement in abandoned nets made by hunters from an unknown material that she could not break, the massive scars on her tail especially come from that, only surviving bc the date they were supposed to return to the crew had passed and the captain grew to worried about her and made the entire crew rush into an emergency search, including the captain herself and her toddler, who were not suited for the cold climate just like the rest of crew, taking a huge risk that Ki'ita still feels ashamed of for causing; they stayed within the base for a whole year afterwards, not just to recover but also as a silent apology, taking time preparing herself to ensure theyd not get into a situation like that again
(before departing on their next mission the captain gifted her a sword with the blade made from the material of the net, a wooden handle, bc of the cold, and a blue wrap around it reminiscent of the captains striking blue teeth; a reminder of what had happened, a means to defend herself when their strength and teeth are not enough, and also a promise to always return again)
the oldest members of the crew know Ki'ita well and treat her like an old friend, among the newer members she has more of a .. cryptic status, the mysteriously absent vice-captain who only appears every few months or so out of thin air, throws a big party, sleeps for a few days and then vanishes again, the only hint to when they will return soon again being the captain getting noticably grumpier
(OC art, Ki'ita, she/they)
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moonchild-nissa · 2 months
Usopp and Nami are ✨ bff ✨
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t1meslayer · 8 months
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The whole Scarlet/Violet DLC epilogue rules, but one of my favorite bits of characterization is Penny puffing out her chest and pretending to be above all those horror movies she definitely hasn’t watched, only to immediately start freaking out when things get spooky.
Look at how offended she is at Arven outing her.
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forbiddentaako · 2 months
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more monochrome practice I suppose
#tumblr getting this version of this drawing bc i dont want to get in trouble for drawing them nakey#so its date night vibes instead of like eden vibes#i have such complicated feelings about this ship in part bc we havent really met lilith so dont know what shes about yet#but i know in my heart there was a time they loved each other so much and so this is that#honestly would love so much to get backstory on the eden crew and the happenings there even just like a flashback in an episode or somethin#but lowkey im on the 'hoping they get divorced but deeply care about one another and are a part of each others lives' train#bc thats kind of more interesting to me than them getting back together bc i think the crux of it is how much theyve changed and a part of#their relationship getting to the point where lilith disappeared maybe being them both trying to desperately to salvage it and in doing so#making it worse bc they felt like they ruined their lives to be together and so what was the point of it all if they weren't anymore?? but#like theyre immortal so of course theyre going to change and of course theres a chance that the relationship doesnt work even if they deepl#love one another and always will and i just like the closure of that and admitting they arent right for each other in that way anymore but#they still love and care about each other and will never lose that#this is rambling and doesnt make as much sense as when i was typing it on a different post i am wondering now if theres a limit on how many#tags i can put here bc im just yapping at this point whoops#anyway i need to buck up and actually finish/post that draft i have about my very long and complicated hazbin ship opinions#lucilith#hazbin hotel#lilith morningstar#lilith hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel lilith#lucifer hazbin hotel#hazbin lucifer#hazbin hotel lucifer#lucifer morningstar#hazbin lilith
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to-the-all-blue · 11 months
A curse turns the crew against Sanji a short time after Wano. It's subtle at first. Subtle enough that he chalks their weird behavior up to WCI. In his mind, he's sure the crew probably just feels uncomfortable around him after he betrayed them. So it doesn't matter that Usopp said something unusually cruel or that Nami threw a glass at him because, well, he understands that he fucked up. And they're his crew, right? He can bear it if that's what they need. Not to mention they're in the middle of the ocean, so it's not like he can leave and give them space.
Then it escalates. Then he's getting hurt. And he starts to realize this is something more. He tries to research it, but the crew won't let him. They gang up on him, making him work nonstop: taking every watch and cooking and repairing the ship and not being allowed to sleep and, and...It doesn't end. If he falters, they punish him. After only a couple weeks of this, he's left exhausted and in pain.
One day it comes to a head. Harsh words turn into a fight which turns into the crew ganging up on him as if he's an enemy combatant and he just can't. He sees them crowd him and he remembers his brothers and he stumbles. He's too exhausted to dodge, too scared of hurting them to fight back. So they get him pinned and are about to finish him off when...
They all wake up, suddenly. The curse is broken and Sanji is nearly dead on the ground between them and they remember.
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elliart7 · 1 year
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*rabidly converts all of my favorite things into 19th century fairy tale novels*
(click to see book texture 😁)
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
During the show the tightrope breaks and Thena falls. Luckily Gil catches her but gets injured. The whole crew protects both of them when kro is very angry that Gil touches Thena. Some drama for the circus one
It felt as if it happened in slow motion. Thena was in the middle of the routine as usual, and things were going well. She and Angus were both strong and ready for the show.
But something wasn't right. Gil had watched as Thena froze on the tightrope, her whole body locking up on the spot. He had looked to where her eyes were anchored, running out from behind the scenes. Something was wrong with the joint where the line was attached.
Then it snapped.
"Thena!" He ran as fast as he could. There were no nets, as per a certain ringleader's demand (because it didn't instill the right excitement in the crowds). There was no protecting Thena from a bone shattering fall.
He plowed into her, just barely managing to catch her as they both rolled and skidded from his momentum. He somehow managed to keep a hold of her within his arms. His shoulder was most certainly jostled from where it was supposed to be, and he wouldn't be surprised if he had a number of bruises along his ribs and arms.
The crowd was up on its feet, women and children screaming. Kro was already trying to assure them and tell them there was no need to panic (no need to ask for their money back).
He opened his eyes, scared to look at what happened. But he grunted as Thena leaned over him, her hair pooling on his chest as he lay on his back. Her hand trailed over his cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Oh Gil," she whispered, her hand sliding down his cheek and neck and over his chest.
Gil looked around them. It was chaos, and this was definitely a worst case scenario. At least Thena wasn't hurt, but the repercussions would ripple through the whole crew. They had to check the equipment, they would have a meeting with everyone from every department. And Kro would be furious.
Gil saw from somewhat upside down as Kro caught sight of them. He didn't know why the guy was anywhere but by his wife's side, but he was too tired to think about that now. He watched as Kro began the process of storming over to them.
"Get your filthy hands off of her!"
Oh, he was talking to him. Gil blinked, feeling as if he were hearing everything underwater, and his head hurt something fierce. But Thena was unharmed, that was all that mattered to him.
"Gil," Thena whispered to him. There was a flurry of motion around them, the crew rushing to talk to Kro about what to do about the broken highwire. They would serve as a barricade for them. "Can you see me?"
He could only ever see her. He nodded, groaning as he tried to sit up.
"It's okay, easy," she cooed to him as she helped pull him up. "We're going to get you some help."
Gil tried to hold himself up, but damn it felt hard. He didn't think he was really this heavy, but he couldn't keep his feet straight. He was like a newborn colt trying to walk for the first time.
"Come on, big fella," some of his friends from the crew got on either side of him. Of course Thena couldn't be the one to help try to walk him to the medical tent. But she smelled nicer than these guys.
"Gil," she called to him again, dragging his eyes up to hers. "Just look at me. You can't fall asleep."
Why not? He was dead tired and he felt like he'd been wrestling with the elephants.
"Just keep looking at me," she whispered, leading him with the sweet lyricism of her voice. Like a damn angel, that woman.
Gil sighed as they finally got him to the medical tent and seated on a bale of hay. He really was ready to lie down, but he let Thena drag his head upright again. Although he did whine a little as she shined some kinda light in his eyes.
"You can't sleep like this," she sighed, and then put something cold on the top of his head. His eyes naturally rolled upward, not that he could see whatever it was. She smiled, "it's just from the icebox. We have to keep the swelling down."
Oh, it was his head. That made sense why his ears were ringing, at least. "Are you okay?"
Thena looked at him in a way that made his heart melt. She sat beside him, even letting her knees in her sparkly stockings brush against his in his regular, ratty old trousers. "Thanks to you."
Gil looked at her, now that the chaos from the main tent was behind them. She did look fine, which was a relief. "Couldn't just let you fall."
It was almost not within his control, that was to say. But Thena took his hand in hers. "I know you couldn't. But I owe my life to you, all the same."
His mind was a few steps behind his mouth as he blurted out, "where's your husband?"
Normally he wouldn't bring him up, even just so as to not upset the lady.
But Thena didn't even blink, rubbing her thumb against his, "don't worry about him, for now."
"I wish you didn't have to worry about him," Gil mumbled out. He really was saying whatever was on his mind, huh?
Thena sighed, though, looking at him with those stunning green eyes. "I know. I wish so, too."
Gil closed his eyes as she adjusted the cloth bundle of ice on top of his head. It did feel nice, but it also gave him the chills. "He's gonna blow his top if we can't get the highwire restrung."
"That man would blow his top at the sky if it were the only thing around."
Gil chuckled, although it made his head hurt something awful. He groaned.
"Sorry." Thena brushed the backs of her knuckles over his temple, soothing the ache from the outside in.
Gil looked at the cloth walls of the tent. It was just some canvas, and it was far from impenetrable. But he looked at Thena, feeling like he really did have this moment to keep just to themselves. "Thena...if he ever hurts you, I swear-"
His eyes slid closed as she leaned forward to kiss him. Her lips were as soft as the light of first dawn. If he never believed in heaven before, maybe he did now.
Thena leaned back, her thumbs on his cheeks, "don't worry about me, Gil."
But he did. Every second of every day, he thought of her.
He was painfully in love with someone else's wife. "But-"
She kissed him again, more softly, and more chastely too, leaning back even quicker. "No buts, just try to rest. I can handle Kro."
Gil tried to protest again but Thena stood, leaving him alone on his little hay bale island. He blinked as she exited the tent, the warm glow inside contrasting the cold, blue light outside.
"Is he in there?"
"He's resting. Leave him be, Kro."
"Like hell I will. Bastard thinks he can put his hands on my wife?!"
Gil tried to get to his feet, stumbling to his knees at first. He tried again as the crack of a palm against a cheek sliced through the air. "Th-Thena?"
"He saved my life! More than you've ever done, and if I see you bothering him, I'll give the crowd something that will really scare them away and right out of your greedy hands."
He had never heard Thena raise her voice. He had seen her stand her ground with Kro, and he had no doubt she was as tough as a lady got, even with that brute of a husband. Maybe because of that brute of a husband.
"Ungrateful little whore."
"Call me whatever you want. Gilgamesh is not to leave his own sleeper car until he's healed."
She only ever called him Gil when they were alone.
"Fine, but the show goes on, even if the vet starts bleeding from the eyes."
Gil tried to stand again. He had to say that he would be fine. He couldn't let Thena be left alone with that devil. He groaned, managing to stand and take a few steps.
He only made it out of the tent in time to see Kro all but dragging Thena away, probably to berate her for talking back to him in front of the crew like that. But she turned and waved to him, assuring him of her well being.
Gil stood there, watching the woman he loved get dragged away by her husband. He couldn't make out any of the words his fellow crewmen and friends were chattering at him. All he was thinking about was how Thena had kissed him, and in such a way that could only mean that she loved him too.
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
What was the beta s2 villain design? I haven’t heard or seen abt that one n im curious
,,,,Bombshell my bbygirl,.
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#she is So fucking cute & as a standalone design i love her but#for WOYS2's main villain.. for WOY's MAIN CAST........ bro absolutely not this is literally just 'hrjfdf woman hot' villan and nothing else#swapping this out for manic hot topic gremlin bastard lesbian was where they struck gold like. ty god hrjbhsdjgfbng#not that the way they used dominator was /perfect/ by any means#bc believe you me there's a few things in the show that were ehghhghhh at best & stuff from the crew that pisst me AWFF at worst but#overall dom was really solid. the purpose her character served and the writing & character building choices for her were all *chef's kiss*#there was a lot about her whole vibe that was communicated REALLY WELL through her design alone imo#(and a lot about her personality and motivations that you could gleam from JUST her first out-of-suit appearance on its own#i just really wish they'd given WAY fewer fucks about her being pewtty or conventionally attractive or Whatever bRO IT'S HOLDING YOU BACK!!#i dont think Any of that stuff was prioritized when brainstorming for bombshell here 😭 maybe they hadn't fleshed out those ideas yet#bc with Bombshell? the only things her design communicate are that she's hot & apparently that's Important + she has a bug theme going on#& i GUESS that she's ostentatious & goes for v loud clothing. those pauldrons command a room#so you can get ''commandeering'' and MAYBE even ''powerful'' from that#but for a MAIN VILLAIN meant to majorly challenge the main cast & shake up the show‚ THat is extremely milquetoast!!!!!!#again there's rlly nothing here to take away from her design overall other than that she's sexy. why define her that way for being a her#it's such a big ''nah man''#it's tired it's been done to death#the read you get on her from Overall Vibes alone are very bland!!!#i have to wonder at what point they really started to get the ball rolling in the right direction w/ their S2 big bad to end up w dominator#wondering if maybe it was when they figured they should make her a punk to contrast wander being a hippie?#do you think maybe they just got input from women#grateful every day for the absolute bastard supreme we ended up with#finalhaunts
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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liam o'brien on liam o'brien violence
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technicalknockout · 2 months
i accidentally stumbled onto an old ok ko forum thing and it feels like im navigating an abandoned mine with conversations on walls and the occasional buried treasures
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mariocki · 3 months
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The Ape Man (1943)
"Six months ago, we made an astounding discovery. It was so far in advance of anything that's been done to date, but... Jim decided to be the guinea pig for this experiment himself. I tried to talk him out of it, but you know how stubborn he is when he gets an idea in his head. We made the experiment and... unfortunately it was a great success. So great, in fact, that we've been unable to counteract the results."
#the ape man#1943#american cinema#horror film#william beaudine#karl brown#barney a. sarecky#bela lugosi#louise currie#wallace ford#henry hall#minerva urecal#emil van horn#j. farrell macdonald#wheeler oakman#ralph littlefield#jack mulhall#charles jordan#ernest morrison#sam katzman#sought this out as my diet of video nasties and modern splatter films was starting to make my soul sickly and i wanted to rekindle my#love of universal style classic horrors (this isn't a universal film but features a lot of the same cast and crew that were working for#them). alas... it just isn't very good. the sight of Lugosi with a furry face and a bad case of 'kind of ape like' was presumably meant to#inspire terror in an audience but it just made me feel a little sorry for him (a decade earlier he'd been a legitimate sex symbol)#he's still giving his all‚ stooped over and muttering menacingly‚ but it's all a little too shabby and a little too silly to have any real#kind of impact. a truly bizarre element of the film is the inclusion of a sort of all knowing audience cypher who routinely pops up to#point the heroes in the right direction (and whose identity is a nutso twist i won't spoil) but that aside there's little fresh or#original going on here. there's also a gorilla‚ played by a man in a bad gorilla suit‚ but that's all so charmingly badly done that#i honestly don't mark the film down for it; it's a weirdly endearing bit of cinematic incompetence that actually adds to the film's#(very limited) appeal
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icharchivist · 9 months
Sandalphon and Belial are so right, actually
If someone looking like Lucifer or Lucilius looked at me I too would go insane trying to get their attention and keep it
this is the one thing that really makes wmtsb honestly
like wmtsb is all about people going insane over Lucifer or Lucilius. And then you see them and it's like, yknow what, point taken.
that's why everyone is so relatable in it. None of us are immune to the Luci faces.
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hylianane · 8 months
every time i think about that fucking Oye Primos disney channel show i shake with rage like i hope it never sees the light of day i hate gringos with latino grandparents so fucking bad
#those showrunners can eat my ass they LOVELOVELOVE TO PRETEND THEYRE LATINO ACTUALLY but cant be fucked to learn their family’s own language#theyre making a show to represent latinos ❤️ with the only lines in spanish in the intro being grammatically incoherent ❤️#and one of the character’s name literally meaning vagina (AND penis! Such a meaningful word) ❤️ like that stuff is in la RAE bro#if your show for latinos would need to change a characters name for the latin spanish dub like theyre huey dewey and louie-#-because itd be actively offensive to multiple regions then maybe its not for latinos!#if no one in your crew caught those mistakes then its probably not made BY latinos either right#but you knew that dont you? No show runner gets on instagram to ‘clap back’ to the people correcting you by saying that#actually the language we speak isnt even ours and it was enforced on us by the colonizers so really its anti-latino to defend it#Theres no way you can speak such disgusting shit like that and not be self aware right?#The show isnt for latinos its for white people whove never set foot in latam and refuse to learn the language of their grandparents#who LOVE to slap that label on themselves to feel special and oppressed#que coman mierda todo ellos#aquellos que se burlarían cruelmente de un latino hablando con acento y solo hablar de como la inmigración y los mariguanos-#-se están robando sus empleos o yo no sé que mierdas#Me dan ganas de ranchar pensar que disney mando a hacer un programa solo para aquellos hijueputas#en vez de para los niños que viven en latinoamerica#Ooh but look guys heres a latina princess isnt she lovely? She doesn’t live in latam either tho ptff are you kidding thats stupid#princesses dont live in 3rd world countries yuck. She lives in fantasy land obviously#Mátense
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