#love y'all wonderful people
at-weeb96 · 1 year
Hey everyone, I'm going through some hard times at the moment, so please send me some feel good vibes, sketches, anything really. I'd appreciate it so much, especially my current comfort tumblrites @squeempus @lobster-lover @teethcritter @loffican ❤
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Shout out to the podficcers of fandom holy cow!!!! I am overwhelmed. Y'all create such incredible labors of love it's lowkey unreal.
I especially wanna shout out Wilfriede who has created so many podfics for the supergirl fandom, including ones of my own fics. What a cool thing it is to take a work you love and bring it into an entirely different form of existence, to make it more accessible. I am delighted and honored every time I get a notification of a podfic coming into existence. Thank you SO much for the work you do. Everybody needs to go support their whole team because holy cow are they creating cool things Y'all check out the incredible podfics Wilfriede has done of my work:
I hope you're happy! (Look at her, she's wicked!)
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2. you gotta keep your head up
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3. Only a matter of mime
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dashing-through-ecto · 9 months
The difference one and a half years can make
My first comic
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My latest comic
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It's been absolutely staggering to see the differences even though these panels have the same vibes.
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elitadream · 7 months
Heyy it’s been a minute since I’ve showed up in your ask box. Thought I’d just pop in and remind you how much you are loved and admired, and that I hope you’re having a wonderful week!💕✨
Aww how sweet!! Thank you so much, dear. 🥺💖 The kindness and support really means a lot!
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
There is something deeply funny to me about the fact that, of people who pray the rosary (at least in the United States); the Catholics tend to be super conservative, and the Episcopalians/Anglicans tend to be gay.
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foxglovedforest · 3 months
y'all are out here losing it about wildflower and barley but bitch what about Empire Now?? what about a song gently inviting you to imagine a kinder world at the end of the empire a hundred years from now?? The comfort of a future so bright it's burning? Of knowing a better world is in the grasp of our hands and its coming? Idk about y'all but I needed to hear that
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sylladextrous · 7 months
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I love my girlfriends 💖💖💖
@as-you-think @perfect-puppy
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alectoperdita · 6 months
JouKai ask: Favorite sleeping positions for them?
Jounouchi is shown sleeping on his side on several occasions.
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Look at him, perfect angel (unreliable narrator).
So not a stretch of the imagination to say he's also a spooner when sharing a bed with someone. Kaiba, never in his life, knew he needed to be a little spoon but holy shit, it fixes him. (I mean not really, but kinda sorta.) It's equal opportunity though, eventually, Kaiba tries out spooning on a night when Jou unfathomably flops onto his side with his back toward Kaiba. Being the big spoon also feels great, even if he feels sappy burying his nose in Jou's hair. That too fixes him.
Alone, Kaiba is probably one of those people that sleep flat on his back (freak). So another favorite position of theirs is just Jou tucked against his side, Jou's head pillowed on his shoulder/upper arm, while Jou's arm is thrown over his stomach. I also love the imagery of intertwined legs, because you just want to be close with the other person in every possible way. 🥺
But watch out Kaiba! Jounouchi can and does sleeptalk/kick. 😂 Okay, we only need to lean into that for comedic effect. I'd rather they just hardcore cuddle the night away.
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romanticatheartt · 4 months
I can't believe there are people in this fandom who say Mor lied about what happened at Autumn Court and led Azriel on for centuries. We have people say Gwyn, an SA survivor, has manipulate everyone with her lightsinger power and she wasn't actually SA'ed and undermine her strength in Blood Rite. We have people say Feyre overreacted and minimise her trauma and depression to nothing after UTM and calling her ungrateful...
All of these over another man's action...
While Eris didn't try to help her, y'all make a hero out of him for not touching her. I know why he did it but the fact that you all try to find an excuse for his actions and go as far as calling Mor a liar. (don't forget he slut shamed her in front of all the high lords...)
While Azriel is the one who's been panting after Mor for centuries while Mor couldn't be more obvious about how she doesn't want to do anything with him and you didn't even consider how she might not trust him enough to tell him the truth but somehow... Mor is at fault. Somehow Azriel, not even trying to talk to her once and discuss their situation and create a safe space for her and try to be her real friend instead of trying to be in a relationship with her and waiting for a mate bond to snap, is the victim here... you all don't find his actions creepy at all because he's a "shadow daddy". While Azriel still couldn't say he's over Mor to Rhysand and at the same time tried to fck Elain without thinking anything more about her (no future whatsoever), but somehow... somehow is Gwyn's fault, who used her lightsinger power to prevent it to happen and manipulate Azriel all the same... all of this is being said because of Azriel's own actions and you don't want to blame him and hold him accountable for his doings, so you find (create) these disgusting excuses.
While Tamlin only sat there for 3 months and didn't even try to help Feyre and y'all excuse his lack of action for protecting, but he could get her alone right before the night of her last trial... While he sat there begged on his knees and didn't even try to stop Amarantha, and in the main time each bones in Feyre's body was breaking. And you still find an excuse for him locking Feyre and not listening to her about how she's suffering, how she's drowning, for him being "traumatised"... but Feyre died for him and saved his court and people and the whole Prythian and destroyed herself in the process but you all don't even see it... and go as far as calling Feyre a coward for hesitating to kill those faeries...
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whomeidontknowthem · 1 month
There is something very amusing in discovering the word whump, learning just how much it describes your interests, and then in the next review of your memories just tagging parts of your life 'whump' with a delighted giggle.
Like yep. Yep. That's a scenario I'm seeing described as a fantasy of some person on this wonderful site, and guess what! It happened to me in my life! (It sucked in the moment but the memory of it somehow is simultaneously traumatizing and makes me feel the same giddy satisfaction fictional sufferings do.)
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fisheito · 4 months
really enjoy seeing the comments whenever i post sopping yakumo the reactions are immediate like all the yakumo enjoyers wriggle out of the dirt and experience Emotion together , loudly the chorus of AUUWWGHHHGHGHHH we are one
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berenicetheiv · 2 years
Don't steal, don't repost 👿🔪.
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I've noticed that they tend to be really self-critical. The definition of "my worst enemy is my self" because their number one critique (borderline hater) is themselves and it's sad to see because y'all are awesome. The sweetest people to those who they care about. They're so friendly and kind to those who treat them nicely and is sarcastic in a subtle way or just plain ignores those that aren't treating them well (unless pushed because they're mature and only acts if absolutely necessary).
They really pick apart every single thing about themselves and judge it. But probably the worst thing they are so self-conscious about is their education, smartness and career. Even more so than their appearance though they get so negative of that aspect of themselves as well. Most times when it comes to their education, from childhood and up they compare their level of intelligence to others and make all these conclusions that lead to them just writing off themselves as dumb for making simple mistakes.
If it takes them slower to understand some topics, they just jump and think they're stupid and get so embarrassed because "everyone got this faster than me, why not me." They just have to understand something before anyone else and if not, oh boy. And if they don't get rid of this mindset asap it carries on to adulthood and their career. They judge themselves so much when their careers aren't like high end.
But the thing is, outsiders wouldn't be able to tell all this. Their exterior is really poised that you'll think they got their shit together, have no problems and all that. And they likely do got their shit together but still somehow find imperfections about themselves and their life. And only the most important people in their life might know what's going on in there- but even that is up to these cap moons who will decide who they purposely show this side of themselves. It tend to just be sneak peeks, too. Like their closest ones will probably not suspect all that turmoil if they don't directly show it to them.
Anyways, capricorn moons are complicated. They likely had a complicated life or went through something that just made them so critical and melancholic. They're not cold. They're not heartless. They can get really ambitious, wanting to accomplish a lot. And like other Capricorn placements, they can be workaholic. They're independent, don't really need anyone and they're just minding their own business. And they need to stop being critical of themselves because the way they're kind to others should be how they're treating themselves first.
Lastly, those with their Cap moon in the 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th and 12th house (and/or if it's being aspected by Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Chiron or negatively aspecting the Ascendant, MC, Jupiter, Neptune)- their self-criticism is likely worse. Try checking the moon persona chart and persona charts of those aspecting the moon as well.
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That's all for now. Thank you so much for reading 🌹.
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hylianengineer · 16 hours
I have been smacked in the face with the realization that I now have more tumblr friends than I have ever had any friends in my entire life. I'll be talking to my family, mention I have a friend who's an aerospace engineer, or a computer expert, or has food intolerances/allergies or chronic pain similar to mine, and then I realize. I have so many friends now. Holy shit, I have so many friends now.
Because of the internet. Because of you crazy, incredible people who are the same kinds of weird as me. Because I apparently have enough social skills to actually make friends now. I have... at least twice as many friends as I have ever had at any previous point in my life. Sure, I don't know most of your legal names or locations or faces, but you're still my friends. You understand me and love me like very few people ever have before. That's... I can't put in words how happy that makes me. I have never felt so loved as I have by my online friends.
God bless the fucking internet. Seriously.
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torchickentacos · 1 month
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mel-loly · 1 year
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-Happy Trans Day of Visibility!🏳️‍⚧️
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sga-owns-my-soul · 8 months
i'm DRUNK and SAPPY and i fucking LOVE THIS SITE
i love this fandom
i love these people
i love this show
y'all are so wonderful
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