#love you anon 😘 hope you’re having a good day
ladylooch · 2 days
Surprises in Seattle - [Liv X Luca]
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A/N: The way this took me forever to come up with an idea for... and then I wrote it in an hour and it was suddenly over 2k words... Writing is wild man. WILD! Thank you 🇧🇷 anon for the request. Sorry for how long this took.......... yikes!
Original Request: I would love for a small thing of Liv and Father in law Kev interacting, I think there's has to be funny moments between those two that will leave him laughing wildly and she getting soooo embarrassed!!!! 😂😂😂 - 🇧🇷
Word Count: 2.2k
Have fun tonight, baby. I’m so proud of you 😘
Liv reads off the text quickly while she finishes out the last curl of her hair. Once it’s set, she rips the plug out of the wall and hastily rushes out of the bathroom to grab her purse and jacket.
I wish you were here, babe. Good luck tonight! And be safe
Liv responds as she walks out of her hotel room. She double checks she has what she needs- key, purse, jacket, phone- then let’s the door close softly behind her. 
Tonight is a long anticipated night for Liv. It’s the first day of her second book tour. She’s doing a book signing at the cute, local bookshop across the street. This book tour is so much more chaotic for her because she self-published her second book. After all the issues she had with her previous team not seeing the same vision for the book, Liv quietly walked away from them. Truthfully, they let her go easily, not seeing much of a reason to fight her wishes. Fine with her. She knows what she is capable of. Never again is a board room full of people going to tell her what to do with her art.
She has Ryder to thank for that. Without his fierce belief in her years ago, she wouldn’t be where she is now. She’s thankful now that the past is in the past and they’ve all been able to move forward, especially with Ryder’s recent trade to the Kings. 
Liv’s black heels clack against the tile of the hotel lobby. She makes her way out the door, then falters slightly when she sees the line outside the bookstore. She bites her lip then quickly takes a picture to send to her fiancé. 
Baby, you’re so popular 😏,  he immediately texts back
You better not be texting and driving.
Oops. Love you! 
Liv rolls her eyes at her man’s worst habit. Then with confidence in her step, she crosses the street to the bookstore hosting her event. The crowd sees her step onto the sidewalk and they begin to clap for her. Liv gives them a huge smile, dimples out and proud, along with an enthusiastic wave.
“Thank you all for coming! I can’t wait to meet you!” She calls back to them, then slides into the bookstore. The owner, Lillianne, ushers her to a makeshift curtain room where she can sit in privacy until the event begins.
“Are you still okay with doing the Q&A before the signing?”
“Of course!” Liv confirms. She hopes there aren’t any awkward silences with fans not having anything to ask her. Otherwise, this long anticipated night is going to end quickly.
In another few minutes, the crowd is allowed into the store, bring noise into the normally quiet space. Liv does a few breathing exercises to settle the nervous butterflies fluttering in her stomach. As a writer, she knows this is part of the job, but she still worried that her fans won’t like her. She would never want someone to come away from an interaction with her and be disappointed. 
From behind the curtain, Liv watches as people being to filter into the seating area. She wishes she had someone in the crowd for her today, but this is the only stop on her tour where she won’t be able to meet someone after. She has five more stops after this. Savannah is meeting her in Atlanta, her parents in NYC, Luca in L.A., Mack in Chicago, and Luca’s little sister, Lena, in Phoenix.
But tonight in Seattle, it’s only supposed to be her. 
Yet, when she steps onto the stage, the first person her eyes land on is Kevin Fiala in the front row. Her steps almost falter, but then she waves and continues forward. He cheers excitedly for her appearance and Liv can’t help but grin wider. 
Kevin’s presence helps ground her in confidence as she beings the Q&A. The thoughtfulness of their questions has Liv buzzing with excitement. They wonder about the main characters, her writing style, how this process was different from her first book. There are also questions about what it is like to date a professional athlete, how her and Luca have found a balance with their successful careers and of course, what is in the future.
“I think our biggest focus right now is this book tour for me. Then it’s back to hockeyland before we get married this coming summer.”
“Will you change your name!?” Someone shouts out without the microphone.
“Yeah, I think Livia Fiala has a great ring to it.” She grins. “But I’m not sure if I will change my pen name yet. It’s an ongoing discussion.” 
With that, the Q&A is finished and Liv begins to head off to the signing table, but not before a quick, rushed hug to Kevin.
“You’re here?!” She greets him.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” He smiles. Liv gives him a grateful smile, then heads back behind the table. The next interaction she has with him is cheeky and adorable.
He proudly displays her cover to her in both hands, then taps her name at the bottom.
“Fiala will look much better than this.”
“I’ll be sure to tell my fiancé that. He will appreciate the support.” She chuckles. Kevin slides the book across the table to her. Liv blushes at how sweet it is of him to be here to support her AND buy a book he could easily get for free. “Should I make this out to anyone?”
“Yes, my son, Luca. L-U-C-A.” He jokingly spells out as Liv chomps down on her bottom lip to stop from laughing. She concentrates on the letters of her fiancé’s name. “He’s a huge fan of your work.” Liv’s mind immediately goes to how appreciative of her work Luca was before he took her to the airport this morning. Her giggle escapes and she looks back at Kevin brightly.
“Anything in particular you want me to say to him?”
“Please write: Your dad was my favorite Swiss hockey player growing up.”
“No.” Liv laughs immediately. “My dad would be crushed! And probably my uncle too…”
“Okay, okay.” Kevin concedes. “Hm, what would you want it to say?” He asks, quieter, more reflective. Liv contemplates then tilts down to write: 
I can’t wait to get home to you. I love you! XOXO Livy.
Liv finishes off with a heart after her name, then gently closes the book. She hands it to Kevin.
“He will love that.” He murmurs. “
“I think so.”
“Can I take you to dinner to celebrate?”
“I would really love that. Thank you.” Liv smiles at her future father-in-law. “I think your son would probably love a picture.”
“He would. Otherwise he is gonna think his mom signed this for him.” Liv belly laughs. She stands up next to Kevin, pointing and looking surprised for their selfie as Kevin grins next to her.
“Nice to meet you Ms. Fiala- Uh Meier.” He stutters. “Sorry, Fiala just sounds so natural for you.” Then he saunters away, leaving Liv giggling in his wake. 
Liv continues signing and engaging with fans. From the corner of her eye, she can see people divert to Kevin for a picture or autograph. He tentatively comes over to interrupt and asks if it is okay with her before he signs anything.
“Yes! Go for it!” She assures, but is truly touched that he wants to be sure the attention stays on her. 
Although he engages in some hockey talk, Liv can hear Kevin bring the conversation away from him and back to her work time and time again. He enthusiastically talks about her new book and characters, even speaking about his favorite scene towards the end. Liv is touched that he read it, and also a little embarrassed considering there is a smutty hot tub scene in the middle chapters. Her neck flushes as she thinks about the real life scenario with his son that inspired that. 
It is after 8pm by the time all the fans have been greeted and books signed. Liv reunites with Kevin for dinner. She requests they go to a bar to find the Kings game, knowing it’s a nationally televised game. 
“Luca scored the first goal.” Kevin fills in for her as she squints at the score. The Kings are up on the Flyers 2-1.
“Nice!” Liv murmurs, then drops her eyes to the menu. They both order and watch the game in relative silence, outside a comment or so about the game. It’s comfortable and appreciated after Liv just did so much conversing. Her energy is zapped.
“Did Luca put you up to this?” Liv finally asks after they have finished dinner. 
“No. He doesn’t know I’m here.” Kevin tells her. “But we were talking to him earlier this week and he did mention you were nervous about being here alone.” He takes a sip of water. “Your our daughter, Livy. If any of our kids were worried about something like this, Sam and I would be there to support them. So here I am. If Sam wasn’t sick, she would be here too.” Liv knows that. She bites her lip for a moment, feeling overcome with the emotions of the whole day. 
“Thank you. I’m really lucky.” She murmurs. 
“You also look very tired.”
“Yeah.” She starts to laugh.
Kevin grabs the bill from the waiter and pays it before Liv can get her hands on it.
“No kid of mine pays for dinner either.” He insists when she balks. 
“A lot of rules to being your kid. Somehow more than Timo Meier…” Liv teases. Kevin laughs. 
“You are lucky Emma is your mom. The Hischier in her balances everything out.” Liv nods. This is true.
“Are you leaving early tomorrow?” Liv asks as they step back out onto the street.
“I am here until noon.” 
“Great, then I’ll take you to breakfast before the airport.”
“Sure, but you’re not paying.” Kevin points a scolding finger at her, lowering his eyebrows.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Liv affirms. 
As she snuggles into her hotel bed for the night, she sends a text to Luca seeing if he is home yet. His response is a FaceTime call.
“Hellooooo!” Luca cheers. “Oh! She’s in bed!” He grins. “Is this a sexy FaceTime?”
“No.” She says through a yawn. “I just called to say goodnight. I’m dead. And I have to meet your dad for breakfast tomorrow.”
“My dad?” He questions.
“Yeah, he showed up tonight. Bought a book and everything. Let me send you the picture.” She hears the ding and adores the instant smile when he looks it over on his screen.
“Wow, he’s so cool. I wanna be like him when I grow up.” Luca laughs as he takes something out of the microwave. “Pasta.” He shows her the bowl, then spoons a huge, steaming forkful into his mouth. “Hawt.” He huffs out. Liv can only shake her head. “That’s awesome that he came tho. I didn’t expect that. Was mom with him?”
“No, she is sick.” 
“Oh, damn. I bet that killed her not being able to come. Still cool that dad came alone though.” 
“Your dad called me his kid like all night. This one sweet older man came up to him and complimented him on raising me.” 
“I hope he corrected that.” Luca gives her a knowing look.
“He made sure to tell the man that he was the dad I always deserved but didn’t have growing up.” Luca barks out a laugh.
“You know he is going to text your dad that later.”
“Oh I’m sure he already has.” Liv chuckles. “But yeah, it was really nice. The night.. hearing that… having him show up for me. I feel really lucky to share your family with you.”
“My family loves you, baby. But nowhere near as much as I do.” He says softly. “I’m glad you had a good night. You deserve this success.” Liv lets his words soak into her skin. Before, she would have blushed and brushed that off, but Luca is right. She does deserve this. She’s worked and fought her ass off to get here. 
“Thank you. I miss you though. I wish there weren’t so many days before we see each other again.” She huffs. While Liv is going back to L.A. for the weekend, Luca will be heading out of town on a road trip. 
“I know, baby. I miss you too.” He murmurs, pushing his empty bowl across the counter. They stare at each other and as he always does, Luca knows her thoughts before she can fully think them. “We are okay.” He fills the silent worry she has that distance will stretch them too far again. “Two weeks is nothing for us.” He reminds her. She nods in assurance. 
He is right. Liv bites her bottom lip, then looks up at him with dewy eyes. Luca perks up from his slouch.
“This is a sexy FaceTime!!!!” He yells as he runs out of the kitchen, heading towards their bedroom. 
Liv smirks. 
He’s been so good to her, supportive and unwavering, he deserves a little bedtime show.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
my own good news: uhhhhh i got to talk with friends today and it made me smile and the weather is nice and my hair is nice and uhhh yeah 🥰
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sutorus · 1 year
Hello! Can you do jjk men reaction when y/n said their safe word during sex? Only if you're not busy! Thank you! 😘
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FEATURED: gojo, geto, toji
WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI. fem reader, afab terms, use of safe word, descriptions of anxiety. please mind individual tws for each scene. proceed with caution and don’t read if it’ll make you feel bad! take care bbs
A/N: my first request i hate it but i hope you love it anon!!! 😊 also sorry i couldn’t do nanami or choso if i’m inspired another time i’ll add em to this LMAO
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warnings: reader is blindfolded and bound (wrists), use of safe word, unprotected sex, crying, descriptions of anxiety
you’ve done it a ton but it still makes you nervous. 
one sense is kind of a lot to lose when you only have five of them, as a non sorcerer. but the relinquishing of control, entrusting your safety and pleasure and entire body to someone else… it turns you on beyond belief. 
so here you are, tonight, blindfold tight over your eyes and hands bound behind your back as satoru fucks you, pace languid, fingers running all over your body. 
any other day, it would be just what you needed to relax. any other day you’d be squirming in pleasure, hips bucking wildly against him as your nails claw at your own palms. 
but today, for whatever reason, it’s uncomfortable. maybe you’ve had too much caffeine, maybe it’s the stress of his most recent mission, the first one to ever have you worrying your lip all night long thinking, maybe he’s not coming back this time. 
his wandering hands feel foreign, the pleasured moans coming from his mouth sounding distant and wrong. your arms tingle from the position you’re in, your sweaty skin itches and you can’t reach to scratch at it. 
you furrow your brows. 
“satoru…” you whine softly, still unsure of what to ask for. 
“mmm?,” he grips your waist, his strokes deep and precise. “my pretty baby looks so good like this. so mine.”
you whine, wriggling in search for comfort. satoru must mistake that for pleasure because he fucks you just a little bit harder, puffing out hot breaths into the crook of your neck. 
“kiss me,” you ask, hoping it’ll make it better, but it does nothing to calm you down. with no stimuli but touch, your brain starts to go into overdrive, and you feel tears begin to trickle down your face.
satoru notices, but not in the right way. 
“is it that good?” he teases, like he always does, but today it sends a chill down your spine. “i could do anything i wanted to you right now and you wouldn’t even know. wouldn’t be able to stop me.”
that does it for you, a wrecked sob leaving your lips along with your safe word. 
satoru stills immediately. you can feel him softening inside you and for some reason that only makes you cry harder. 
gently, he reaches behind your head to unhook the blindfold, his worried gaze searching your face for answers. 
he lifts your back and unties your wrists, rubbing them to soothe the friction from the ropes. 
“baby…” his tone is careful and guilty. “sweetheart, is everything okay? did i do something, what did i do?”
you sniff. the first words that come out of your mouth are, “i’m sorry.”
you’ve never had him so doting, so tense, all that confidence vanishing and it makes you chuckle, this big lanky man handling every limb of yours like they’re made out of snowflakes. 
“satoru, i’m okay. i just…” you inhale deeply. “i just got overwhelmed, is all.”
he lays down beside you, visibly unsure about touching you. you grip his hand firmly in yours, offering him a wavering smile. 
“i’m okay, i promise. you’re good,” you lean over to peck his lips.
satoru looks regretful, but he relaxes at the gesture, caressing the side of your face softly. 
“i love you so much. i’m sorry if i, like, went too far or something—“
“you did nothing wrong,” you assure him. “i think i’m just having a bad day. just wanted to see your face to feel better.”
at that, he smirks. he kisses you slowly, adoringly, unspoken apologies every time your lips touch. 
“i am sorry, by the way,” you say. satoru looks back at you with a confused expression on his face. you continue sheepishly, “for having to use the word.”
“huh?” he exclaims, his incredulity so earnest that it rips a hearty laugh from you. “nah, hell no. thank you for saying it, actually.”
“yeah? you’re not upset?”
“of course not. i completely understand,” he traces a line down your body. “not being able to see my handsome face would make anyone cry.”
you slap his hand away playfully and he pulls you into his chest, cuddling you.
you stay like that until you fall asleep, reassured that the most powerful sorcerer in the world is indeed fit to take care of you; heart, body and soul. 
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warnings: overstim, degradation/humiliation and dirty talk, use of safe word, reader’s discomfort is brief but descriptive
you don’t know how long it’s been. 
maybe ten minutes. maybe twenty. maybe ninety. 
you don’t know how many times you came. 
your entire body is covered in sweat, the top of your thighs and the bottom of your ass soaked in your own arousal. 
suguru holds the wand to your clit almost disinterestedly, eyes glazed over and locked on your cunt. 
he fucking loves it, making you cum over and over again, thrash against his body, make a mess on his sheets. and you love it just the same. 
the undivided attention, the devotion, the seconds right after when the stimulation doesn’t stop and it hurts so bad before it gets mind-numbingly good again. 
“hahh,” you breathe out, voice cracking. “i—i’m gonna—“
“oh, you’re gonna?” suguru mocks you. “shocking.”
you moan at his words, his tone. by now, your body barely has any energy left to react. all you can feel is the release of an unbelievable pressure in your core as wetness gushes out of you uncontrollably when you cum. 
your puffy clit is throbbing, thoroughly abused, your spread legs quivering in pleasure. you sigh in anticipatory relief at the incoming break suguru is bound to give you after your orgasm. 
except this time, the break doesn’t come. 
“ahh!” you scream — honest to god yell — as the buzzing continues, suguru pressing the wand down hard on your pussy. 
he chuckles, playing with the toy, lifting it up just slightly before bringing it back down on you, over and over again. 
“can’t—i can’t, suguru, i can’t cum right now—“
“of course you can, baby,” he says in a sickeningly sweet voice, getting off on your desperation. 
usually you’re just as much into it as he is, but this time it’s for real. it’s painful and not in the nice way, you’ve hit your limit but you can hardly talk, can’t do much more than try to wiggle away from your boyfriend’s ministrations. 
“how can you say that when you have such a slutty pussy?” he runs his fingers through your slick folds, and every clench of your cunt makes it hurt even more. “so greedy…”
you’re clawing at his hands, but he’s so much stronger than you, his forearms and thighs holding you down, leaving you entirely to his mercy — of which he has none. 
“please please fuck please no more—“
it’s something he’s heard you say a thousand times, in a thousand different scenarios, and never truly mean it, which is why you even have a safe word in the first place. 
oh right. the safe word. 
you pull it out from the depths of your fucked out, mushed up brain and blurt it, digging your heels into the mattress. 
it all happens so fast, after that.
suguru all but tosses the wand to the side, switching to lightly stroking your pussy. it makes you jolt; even a gush of air right now could probably make you cry in overstimulation. 
“oh fuck, shit,” he removes his hand and you whine. “what do you need baby, what can i do?”
“s-suguru…” you’re still trying to catch your breath, your legs spasming erratically. 
“i’m here, i’m here,” suguru starts to move towards you but stops halfway. “do you want me to be here?”
you let out a croaky laugh, opening your arms because you’re too far gone to use words. 
hesitantly, he lays his head on your chest. when he feels how fast your heart is beating, his own sinks to his stomach. 
“i’m so sorry honey. i thought you were into it.”
you swallow, taking a few beats to regain your composure. 
“i was, it was just… a lot, all of a sudden.” 
suguru turns his head to look up at you. 
“i get it,” he wipes away a stray tear you hadn’t even noticed you’d shed. “i’m sorry. i love you, i'm so sorry—”
“it’s okay,” you offer him a weak smile. “it’s what the word is for, right?”
“right…” he sounds unsure. that makes you frown. 
you two lay there for a while, until your breathing has evened out, until your thighs have stopped shaking. 
you can practically hear the hear the cogs in his brain turning, certain that his brain chastising himself.
“hey, suguru?” your voice rips him right out of his thoughts.
“can you promise me something?”
he sits up in attention, instinctively reaching for your hand. “of course.”
“promise me you’re never gonna stop fucking me like that," he gulps, audibly, visibly relaxing. "and i promise to always let you know if i need to stop.”
it takes a beat, but suguru finally loosens up, pressing his smile into your lips over and over again and mumbling all sorts of promises of his own against them.
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warnings: knifeplay, cnc (sort of), roleplaying, pretty graphic descriptions of anxiety and panic, oral (m! receiving)
“what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doin’ here this late at night?”
you roll your eyes to yourself before putting on your best innocent look to turn around and face the man. 
he’s smirking down at you, the streetlight lamps casting dark shadows on his features. 
if you were being honest with yourself, you’d never really been interested in roleplaying in your previous relationships. it was always so awkward and you never truly felt any incentive to stick to the script no matter how much the scenario excited you. 
until you met toji, that is. 
he was always so into it, played his parts convincingly well, which should probably worry you considering he would always opt to play the sleazy delivery guy, the pervy doctor, the horny stranger in a bar. 
as for you, acting the part of the ditzy student or the clumsy maid or whatever the fuck toji wanted you to be that particular day… yeah, that was embarrassingly hot too. 
tonight, he’s playing creepy guy in a dark alleyway. he’d texted you in advance, a very romantic meet me in that alley between the tracks and the highway. dress slutty. 
“i was just looking for the station and got lost…” you mumble, looking up at him through your eyelashes. he pouts in a fake display of pity, twirling something inside his jacket pocket. 
“oh, what a coincidence! i was just on my way there. care to accompany me?”
you smile sweetly, linking arms with him. 
soon enough, you find yourself being shoved past toji’s apartment door, his pocketknife prodding at the small of your back. 
you have to contain your giggles to stay in character, letting him toss you onto his bed. you also have to fight your anger when he slashes through your top, a sleazy smile on his face as he breaks character to say he’ll get you a new one. 
he’s so goddamn hard that it should concern you, holding your jaw open while he feeds you his cock. 
“god—shit, that’s right, such a slutty little mouth,” you moan around his length, hands resting primly on top of your thighs. “you were just begging for it, weren’t you, slut?”
you bob your head up and down, putting on a fake grimace while squeezing your legs together at the same time. 
you hear something click in the distance, the sound barely registering in your brain as you get lost in the scent of him. he’s beginning to push into your throat now, laughing like a maniac when you choke on it. 
“c’mon now, open up that throat for me, girl,” you inhale in preparation. but your breath gets caught in your throat when you feel something cold and sharp poke you. “or maybe i’ll just to do it for ya with this.”
toji’s pressing his switchblade to your neck, grazing it delicately up and down. 
he’s not going to hurt you. you know that.
the blade is probably too dull to pierce skin even if he tried, but he would never, you know this, you know he won’t. 
and yet despite that, your heart is jackhammering in your ribcage, uncontrolled and wild as your eyes widen around tears. 
toji takes your inaction as a sign to just start fucking your mouth a little more, but your attention is zeroed in on that pocketknife. 
suddenly colors are sharper, like it’s bright as day inside his dimly lit bedroom. a headache begins to bloom and you start choking in earnest now, not because toji’s going too hard but because you can’t coordinate your breaths. 
he starts tracing your throat with the blade. “feel me right here sweetheart? fuck.”
you’re clearly struggling but it’s hard to distinguish your real reactions to the character you’re supposed to be playing. that only serves to make you panic even further, hands coming up to push on toji’s thighs. 
“hands to yourself, whore,” he grunts, pressing the knife a little too hard, a little too close for comfort, and you hit your breaking point.
you start garbling wildly around his dick, repeating your safe word over and over again until a very confused toji finally makes out what you’re saying. 
he rips himself out of your mouth, instantly dropping to his knees and grabbing your chin in his hand. 
“oh fuck, did i cut ya sweetheart?” he moves your face from side to side, examining you. 
you swallow around the lump in your throat, willing your heart to calm down. 
“uh, n-no. just got a bit too real there, for a moment.”
he sighs, partially relieved, reassessing the situation. you’re gulping in air, blowing it out of your mouth in calculated puffs. 
toji waits until you're visibly calmer before he gets up. 
“wait here,” he orders. 
you sit down on the floor, hands wrapped around your knees and mentally repeating to yourself that you’re okay, it wasn’t real, you’re not in danger. 
toji returns with a glass of water, sitting down in front of you and waiting until you’ve drank most of it. 
“you okay?” he asks. 
you take a beat before you can honestly say you are. you nod. 
“that knife on your throat was a bit too far, huh, babe?”
“yeah,” you garble out, tracing circles on his knees. “could’ve warned me of that particular detail. asshole.”
he laughs but his body language isn't nearly as carefree. 
there’s a long drag of silence before he speaks again. 
“i’m sorry, honey. really.”
and toji, as amazing as he can be, is usually way too prideful to admit guilt. so the fact that he apologizes is what finally gets you to fully relax, knowing he does realize the situation you were in and feels bad about it. 
“honestly we can stop with all the roleplaying bullshit, it’s getting kinda old anyways. you know i don't need you playing a slut to get you acting like one on my co—“
“toji,” you hiss, and he puts his hands up in mock surrender. “it’s fine. i think i have a better idea, anyway.”
that seems to spark his interest. he rises his eyebrows, prompting you to go on. 
“because there’s a few roleplays we haven’t tried yet. and if you genuinely feel so bad—“ he says your name sternly but just you ignore him, “then i know the perfect thing you can do to make it up to me.”
“babe…” he bemoans like a chastised child, with a hint of resignation at what awaits him. 
when he sees that you’re beaming he just takes a deep breath, running a hand through his hair defeatedly. 
“when?” is all he asks. 
impossibly, your smile grows even wider. 
“i already ordered the costume! and the cat ears should be here next week,” you kiss his forehead, propping yourself on his shoulders to stand up. 
you hear him groan in the distance as you skip to the bathroom, turning on the faucet. 
he stalks after you almost immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist and honest to god pouting at you in the mirror. 
“are ya really going to do this to me now?”
you grin. 
“don’t you mean meow, kitty?”
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a/n: yayyy my first somewhat wholesome post i am so bad at this but i hope it was readable! bye now!
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cieloclercs · 1 year
congrats on your 1K you deserve it‼️‼️
when you have the time could you write for lewis hamilton + nepo!reader ( male or female ) who is an actress / actor?
king of my heart — lewis hamilton
pairing. lewis hamilton x nepo baby!actress!reader
genre. social media au
face claim. gigi hadid
warnings. mentions of age gap, swearing, some online hate, lewis and reader are literally the hottest couple ever, daniel lowkey trolling lando, sex jokes ??, mixed up met gala years sorryyyy, some inaccuracies with race outcomes shshsh
author’s note. hello anon! thank you for being my first request for my 1k event 🥰 i wasn’t sure if you wanted an imagine style thing or not so i’ve gone for a social media au. hope that’s ok ! if not just let me know and i can redo this for you <3
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liked by kaiagerber and 4,739,725 others
yourusername when he takes you on a romantic getaway to a private beach island after being away for a month 🥹🥹 lewishamilton i love u bby 💕
view all comments…
lewishamilton Only the best for my Queen 🤍
yourusername 😘😘
username stopppp they’re so adorable 😭😭
danielricciardo get yourself a man who’ll spoil you even though you literally have a higher net worth than him 🤩🤩🤩
yourusername i highly recommend it x
username danielricciardo you looking for a sugar daddy? 👀
danielricciardo why you offering? 😏
username DANNY WTF 😭
landonorris me and who? 👀
danielricciardo your right hand
landonorris wow
username what is in the air in australia today 😭
username sis is winning at life 😔
username wdym lewis is the one who should count himself lucky 🤷‍♀️
username bc his girlfriend’s a nepo baby who’s never worked a day in her life? don’t think so but ok 😂😂
username you come for y/n you’ll have to get through ME FIRST BITCH 🔪🔪🔪
username girlie woke up and chose violence yeesh
username you did not just claim an OSCAR WINNING ACTRESS have never worked a day in her life oh my god 😭
*lewishamilton liked this comment
username embarrassing 😳
*lewishamilton liked this comment
username lewis out here defending y/n from the haters 🥹 where can i find a man like that??
zendaya the cutest couple 😍
yourusername thank you my love 😘
tomholland2013 ?? 🤨
yourusername 😐🖕
username team y/ndaya button >>>
*zendaya, yourusername and 5,736 others liked this comment
lilymhe oooh la laaa 😍😍
yourusername my girl 😚
username imagine being able to say you’re dating THE y/n y/l/n i’d never fucking shut up about it
username it’s a good job lewis doesn’t shut up about it then 😭
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liked by yourusername and 59,136 others
themetgalaofficial This year’s hottest couple, award-winning actress Y/N Y/L/N and seven-time Formula 1 World Champion, Sir Lewis Hamilton, grace the Met Gala red carpet 🤍
username she’s everything. he’s just ken.
username you did not just call LEWIS HAMILTON ‘just ken’ 😭
username she doesn’t deserve him 🤢🤢
username seriously what does he see in her?? she’s completely talentless. the only reason she’s managed to land ANY acting job is because of her father. she’s a fucking fraud. 🙄
username no need for the negativity honey, lewis still isn’t going to fuck you x
*yourusername liked this comment
username omg y/n looks like a goddess 😍 and lewis is there too i guess…
username fucking nepo baby. fuck off and blow daddy’s money somewhere else u whore 🖕🖕
username i smell jealousy…
username 😂😂 what’s there to be jealous of?
username maybe the fact that y/n is a thousand times richer and more successful than you will ever be OF HER OWN MERIT…oh and the fact she’s fucking lewis hamilton every night, which you so clearly want to do from the BLATANT jealousy your comments reek of 😘
username ma’am, you dropped this 👑
username oh, y/n’s stylist has outdone herself with this one 🤩
username MOM AND DAD
username they’re so 😩😩😩
username i want them both so bad 🫠
username who’s the arm candy in this relationship? 🤔
username i’d say y/n because she’s prettiest…but lewis. it’s definitely lewis.
*yourusername liked this comment
username somehow i just know she walks him like a DOG
yourusername thank you for having us ☺️🤍
themetgalaofficial It’s our pleasure 🤩
username yourusername HEY QUEEN
username even the met gala is an y/n fan
*themetgalaofficial liked this comment
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tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton The happiest 4 years with my Queen 🤍 Here’s to forever x
view all comments…
yourusername the last picture was uncalled for 🥲
yourusername but i love you with everything that i have to give, my champion ❤️
lewishamilton I’m the luckiest man on earth to call you mine 😘
landonorris this is the sappiest shit i’ve ever read.
yourusername stay salty, lando 😚
danielricciardo landonorris it’s ok, mate, we know you’re doomed to be single for life. here if you ever want to talk x
yourusername danny 😭
landonorris ouch.
username they’re so in love it makes my heart hurt
username the third picture is proof Y/N WALKS HIM LIKE FUCKING ROSCOE 😭😭
username ok but WHENS THE PROPOSAL COMING???
username lewishamilton WHEN??
mercedesamgf1 Happy anniversary to our golden couple 🤩
yourusername thank you admin! 🤍 can’t wait to see you in singapore x
mercedesamgf1 We’re looking forward to it 🫶
username i still don’t like y/n but…this is kind of cute
username now that’s character development 👏
username glad you’ve finally realised !!
zendaya happy anniversary, my loves 😍
yourusername thank you sweetie 😘 come visit soon !
sebastianvettel Happy anniversary! 🤍
lewishamilton ❤️
username omg seb interacting on instagram? what is this parallel universe 🫨
username yourusername lewishamilton YOU GUYS LOOKING FOR A DOG BC I CAN BARK
username girl wtf 😭
username when they have kids they’re gonna be the ultimate milf and dilf 🤩
username STOP i need dilf lewis rn 😭
username it literally feels like yesterday that they first got together 😭
username i knowwww how has it been four years already?
username i want what they have 🥹🫶
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liked by lewishamilton and 10,256,947 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername king of my heart 👑
lewishamilton 🤍🤍
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yujinnieswifeu · 2 months
hi baby!!
i know life's busy for you hun, but I've been thinking about gp dom wonyoung with kinda sexy but also fluffy girl reader!!
i hope nothing is traffic for you, your such a lovely soul and so gorgeous. don't rush yourself or force yourself to do it, thank you so much!!
i love you and have a beautiful day, evening and night this week!! 😘❤️
pairings: sub!fem reader x g!p dom Wonyoung
warnings: smut, deepthroating, wony has a dickk, reader calling wing mommy (cause we all know i have a mommy kink🤓)
a/n: hi sweetss, thank you for your kind thoughts, and thank you also for telling me to not rush cause i feel bad at times when i see the amount of requests i have and the wait i put you anons go through :( please do forgive me >.<, and hope you’re having a good day as well!! I won’t yap anymore haha, enjoy this short drabble anonn~~
You were Wonyoung’s precious girl. Well, that was to Wonyoung. She loved teasing you, calling you her precious girl and watch your face turn from all confused to bashful within seconds, it always never fails to make Wonyoung giggle at your state, her smile spreading to her eyes.
So imagine when you, the most adorable and innocent looking girl in Wonyoung’s eyes decides to wear a skimpy outfit. Oh, it has Wonyoung gripping the edge of the desk rather tightly, her eyes trained on the exposed part of your skin, her thoughts running wild. “I…wanted to wear something a bit more..revealing Wony baby..since we’re going to that party..i decided i needed to dress up more!” You shyly expressed, the red tint on your cheeks now obvious as you look anywhere but at Wonyoung, too shy to even look at her.
“Come here..” her voice was deeper than usual now, it never fails to make you weak in the knees, you knew this was going to turn into something else when really you two were running late to the party. You knew you shouldn’t listen to her, to the thoughts in your head, but then your legs moved, and the next thing you knew you were on her lap. The feeling of something poking against you when you sat down makes you yelp a little, knowing she was hard because of you makes you throb instantly.
And you were having an effect on her alright. Sure, in Wonyoung’s eyes, you were not only adorable and innocent looking, but oh she has seen that side of you. When you two were alone, those eyes, the teasing touches you leave on her, you were not in the least innocent, rather the opposite. You were her naughty, sexy girl too. The way you would stride up to her during the times you teased her, the way your hips would sway side to side, oh…she wanted to show the whole world how lucky she was at that moment.
And now here you were, whimpering in her ear about how much you need her, moving yourself over her thighs, your knee pressing against her bulge that was wanting to be freed so bad. “Mmm baby, tell me what you want from mommy hm?” She stops your movements, her hands gripping firmly at your ass which makes you mewl, pouting cutely at her. “Want to see mommy’s cock..” You were being so good, telling her what she wanted to hear, the red on your cheeks spreading to your ears, feeling so shy and aroused at the same time.
Within seconds, you could hear her undo her black leather jeans, your eyes trains down to where her cock had sprung out. You held back a moan, she was always so big and girthy, it just looks so hot, and you could feel yourself salivating at the sight. “Eyes up here baby.” She rasps out, making you whimper as you lock eyes with her instead. She smirks, guiding her cock along your folds, lubricating her shaft in the process while her hand goes to palm at your covered breasts, making you gasp.
“We need to make this quick.” She whispers against your ear, slipping her hard-on inside of you which makes you moan loudly. “Oh…m-mommy…!” You cry out, your back arches slightly, your mouth agape as you lost yourself in pleasure.
“So pretty for m-me ahh—“ Wonyoung moans, her hands clumsily drags the top of your dress off your shoulders, she thanked god that your dress had paddings, it was so much easier to access where she wanted, her fingers circling your hardened nipples, watching you move desperately in her lap, masturbating yourself on her cock.
“M-mommy ahh..!” You were a moaning mess, hands gripping against her shoulders as you bounce on her cock. Wonyoung takes in your view for a second, before diving her head lower to latch a nipple between her lips, she hums against it, which sends bolts of electricity through your body. “So close mommy!” You say desperately, you were trembling above her now, squeezing around her cock which makes her draw closer to her own orgasm.
“F-fuck…you’re taking me so well precious.” She curses, her hands finding purchase on your asscheeks as she squeezes them harshly in her palms, causing a red print to form on your ass which would last a few days. “M-mommy please!” She cooes, bringing her lips on yours as she control your movements over her cock, her hands moving you up and down on her. You moan against her lips, the feeling was too much and you cum around her, your body shuddering.
Wonyoung feels the tightness when you cum over her cock, it only hightens her pleasure, and she pulls away from the kiss. “So tight…on your knees baby.” You didn’t have to be told twice, going down on your knees, your lips parts and she downs her cock inside of your warm walls. Wonyoung eyes rolls to the back, moving your head up and down on her cock, her fingers tangled in your hair. “F-fuck mm yes good girl..mommy’s going to cum inside of y-your mouth okay?” She says through moans, and you hum around her cock. She could feel the vibrations when you did so, which makes her cum instantly, she lets out strings of curses, holding your head down as she forces you to take all of her load which you gladly did.
Pulling you back, Wonyoung touches your cheek gently, she loved you like this. Messy hair, ruined makeup, and a fucked out expression. “My good girl…open your mouth hm.” She orders, and you do so, letting her see that you indeed swallowed all of her cum. She bites her bottom lip, before bringing you over the bed instead. “Change of plans baby, no party today okay?” And who were you to deny her? Needless to say, she fucks you throughout the night, reminding you occasionally that you were her good girl.
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only-luce-the-goose · 4 months
Hiii pookie 🫶🥹
it's me again the same anon from Arthur's long fic 😂 i thought it would be nice to thank you again for fulfilling the request, they were all absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed them a lot✨,now proclaimed you one of my favorite Arthur writers ✨🥹🫶
i used to want an Arthur in my life now I NEED him 😭
Also today my mood was so bad but reading the fic distracted me a little from everyday things, thank you once again i send you a hug and kisses 🫶😚🫂💗💗
I hope you have the best days, always and forever !!!🙂‍↕️love ya boo💗
(if you didn't get enough of me, I promise that if I have any more ideas I will let you know so you can use them with your writings about other pilots)
A Bit Off
A/N: Hi Anon!!!!!
I’m so, so happy you enjoyed them and I feel privileged to be your favourite Arthur writer 🥰🥰. I’m thinking I might start writing for other drivers as well.
I swear I need an Arthur in my life too 😫. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling too well today, I’m glad my writing was able to help you feel better! 😘
And I will never get enough of you, message as much as you want!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I’ve currently got another Arthur fic and an Ollie Bearman fic in the works. I just wanted to write this little one as thank you for your kind words and requests. It’s also kind of based off how you felt today, enjoy ☺️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: After a bad day, Arthur just wants to make you feel all better
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(He’s such a cute, lil smiley boyyyyy 😍)
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you felt down and depressed all day for no reason. Unfortunately, Arthur wasn’t around and wouldn’t be back for another 3 days. All you wanted to do was cuddle up and watch movies with him.
You stayed on the couch, drowning in your favourite hoodie of Arthur’s, watching your comfort tv show. You heard the door at the front of the apartment unlock, keys jangling as the door was pushed open. You pulled the baseball bat out from under the couch and crept over to the wall next to the hallway.
You heard shoes being toed off, sock padded feet slowly walking down the hallways. You waited for the footsteps to come closer before you stepped out from the wall. You swung the bat.
“OHHH HOLY SHIT BABY ITS ME” Arthur screamed in his Monegasque accent. You immediately dropped the bat, “oh my god, Arty! You’re not suppose to be here for 3 days!” Arthur smirked when he said “I know. I wanted to surprise you, gorgeous”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you buried yourself in your boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your nose pressing against his jugular as you deeply inhaled his cologne. Arthur’s hands firmly wrapped around your waist, he kissed your temple and leaned his head against yours.
He felt teardrops on his collarbone, prompting him to let go for a second. He found you with wet eyes, teardrop stains down your cheeks. “Bèbè, what’s wrong?” Arthur pouted. He raised his hand and wiped your tears. You made eye contact with him and the flood gates opened.
You weren’t sad about anything in particular, you just started babbling about anything and everything. Arthur guided you to the couch and sat down, pulling you on top of him and he laid down. Your legs ended up in either side of his body, your chin rested on his chest, your noses nearly bumping.
Arthur let you get it all out, contently listening. After you finished, Arthur extended his neck and pecked your lips. “It’s ok to feel like this, love” you kissed him again “thank you Arty” you had cried yourself to exhaustion, he could see your eyes started to droop. He pulled the couch blanket over you both as he watched you fall asleep.
“Good night, my love” he said as he kissed your nose, “I love you, bad day or good day, I don’t care.” You lazily smile and confessed “I love you” back to him, drifting off to sleep. Arthur followed you not long after.
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
okay hi i’m new here and i was wondering if 1.) i could be 🍧 anon. and 2.) i was hoping to request yandere!jing yuan with a fem!reader who and yes this goes back to another rq you did of jing who kept spamming and calling reader to do the naughty, becomes super fed up with his shit and starts avoiding him irl. as like, she’s avoiding him and what have you, the texts- calls- and pictures all get progressively more frequent, until you’re basically waking up to pictures of him laying in bed w/o a shirt or, a pic of him after he gets ready- asking if you like his outfit and think he looks good.
but like reader becomes so annoyed that she tries blocking him, changing her number, avoiding him, and he only takes it as motivation to keep up his antics because he KNOWS how flustered it makes you, and he isn’t going to stop. but now he’s becoming slowly more creepy to the point he calls you and says “oh hey bby i’m on my way over 😘 leave the door unlocked for me”
anyways— thanks if you get the chance to do this request! i love ur work and can’t wait to see more from you!
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related content: yan! jing yuan keeps spamming you and calling you
thanks for your encouragement! sure u can be 🍧 anon! visiting your house is really creepy lmaooo is there any way to stop him?
TW: yandere, non-con, harassment, looks like delusional but he's not delusional, somehow super lucid
Oh this is going to happen someday, you have all the desperate attempts to stop Jing Yuan- block him, keep changing numbers, check yourself on the street if you are being followed, and walk into the crowd. What you get are messages from [new number] praising your stunts (for avoiding him) and telling you that he really wants you to bend over if it's not in public. There's even something like "[photos 2], [photos 9], [voice message 2:16]". A large number of explicit texts and photos to lure your desire.
You look for a button to turn off message notifications, but somehow there's no way, just like you can't hang up those calls. You believe that your mobile phone has been hacked, but that is the power of Xianzhou technology, what ability do you have to refuse…?
Today's a weird but good day - you didn't see [new messages 42], nor were you distracted by morning and late-night phone calls leading you to surreptitiously watch porn. You're at home enjoying the peace of mind while sipping your favorite drink and watching space TV. However, halfway through the show, you receive a call from the general.
"Huh?" You were a little numb.
"Oh hey baby I'm on my way over!" There was a cheerful voice over there, which brought a bit of sunshine compared to the previous low voice. "Remember to leave the door unlocked for me-" You didn't hold it steady for a few seconds, and the drink in your hand spilled out - what does it mean? Jing Yuan on the way to your house?
"Wait… what?!" The call was over. You opened the chat history with your trembling fingertips, there was indeed a message last night saying "Baby here has a surprise for you tomorrow so we can have a good time (♡˙︶˙♡)"
What follows is your choice, but with the same consequences. You can leave the house temporarily, or stay in the house but lock the door and put a stick or something on the door handle. Leaving the house will only be caught by him like a kitten and brought home under the shocked eyes of everyone. And the option to lock the door, you're so naive, aren't you? Jing Yuan rings the door bell first and tells you "baby your dear boyfriend is here". After getting no response, the general murmured that he was lucky to have your spare key, and you who eavesdropped behind the door covered your mouth to suppress the screaming - how could he have your house key? Seeing that the door handle was stuck, Jing Yuan casually smashed the door handle with a relaxed smile on his face.
It's like a surreal nightmare for you now with an immersive live-action experience.
"Baby, I'm home. Are you eager?" He put his hands around your waist and lifted you off the ground. This is the first thing Jing Yuan does after entering your home. No matter how flustered and annoyed you are, asking him to put you down, the general will hold your waist tightly, feeling your breath contentedly. It takes a full minute before you get back to the ground.
Jing Yuan tries to act like a thoughtful boyfriend, cuddling with you on the couch watching a show (ignoring your struggle in a huff, stroking your boobs), giving you teahouse's popular drink (and throwing the original drink). There's a raised tent rubbing your butt, and you writhe in embarrassment.
General's plan for you is a sweet date at home, and… a sex marathon! He already told you how to pamper you, right? He started holding your cheek and kissing you affectionately and slowly, even as you whined with your eyes closed and pushed his chest with tears. He shudders as the cock buries into your warm and tight walls. It was better than he'd ever imagined in any call. You whimper "no", "this is too big", "I don't want to…" Jing Yuan shushes you, tells you you are adorable, stretches you unhurriedly with his dick.
Even though your house is small for him, Jing Yuan sees this as a lovely bird house. He starts fucking you all over the house, from bumping you on the dining table to overstimulating you and forcing you to squirt on the bed. If you have a balcony or a garden, Jing Yuan even considers taking you out to tease you a little. Of all the furniture, his favorite is your little bathtub. After being exhausted, Jing Yuan puts you in a bathtub filled with warm water and bubbles for you to relax, just like a responsible boyfriend would do. After taking a bath, he knew that you might not be able to walk by yourself now, so he carried you to the bed. He changes you into a pajamas patterned with furry animals. He loves doing these sweet things for you!
General pats you on the back, gently wiping away your tears. Your screaming isn't getting any help. You can only whine, sob, and sniff - until... you hyperventilate and fall asleep. He knows it's a packed schedule for a first date, so it's understandable that you'd be overwhelmed.
He took a picture of your sleeping face, clasped his fingers with you, and fell asleep together. There will be more sweet dates in the future. You will get used to it, right?
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sansaorgana · 6 months
Hi! It's anon from the period thoughts hehe! I think you're spot on with all of that! Thank you :) Any chance you can do a fic with it?
Gale w/a girlfriend or wife that's having awful period cramps/day?
hiii 😘 guess who started her period today? ME 🤣 when I realised this request is next in the line to be written I laughed 😛 because it's something I'm going through at the moment, I got a bit carried away and it's quite long for a cute little fic like that haha 🥰
I have about 10 MOTA requests to write in my inbox 😅 so please, go easy with them for a while 👉🏻👈🏻 especially that requests for Feyd are open now, too 🤩
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You were laying on the couch under a blanket, mindlessly watching the TV with your eyes hazy from the painkiller you had taken. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working for the pain but it was making you feel even more dazed out.
When you heard the front door opening, you sensed the feeling of guilt forming a knot in your stomach. Buck was coming back home after work and not only his house hadn’t been cleaned but also there was no dinner waiting for him on the table. You hoped he’d survive on the sandwiches but you felt bad for him.
“I’m back!” He announced his arrival but you didn’t move. You simply couldn’t.
You heard him undressing and taking his shoes off before peeking into the living room and looking at the TV.
“You’re watching this?” He asked surprised. Well, the program was stupid as hell and you were aware of it.
“I don’t want to but I can’t move to turn it off,” you admitted in a raspy, tired voice.
“Are you okay?” Buck furrowed his brows and approached the TV. He crouched down and turned it off.
“Thank you, it was starting to give me a migraine,” you admitted with a sigh.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He turned around to face you. 
“I’m sorry, I have those days,” you explained.
“What days, love?”
“Ugh…” You winced at one of the cramps. “Code red, Gale. Those days,” you specified.
“Oh,” he straightened himself and put his hands on his hips, getting visibly awkward. “What can I do for you? Does it hurt a lot?”
“Yes, it does. Just leave me here alone…” You mumbled. “And don’t get angry at me because I haven’t done anything around the house. Haven’t cooked anything either,” you lowered your voice, a little scared of his reaction.
You didn’t expect your husband to be angry about such a thing. He was not like most men. But he still could get a little frustrated and irritated. You wouldn’t blame him for that but it would still feel awful to disappoint him like that.
“Hey, you don’t feel good, it’s fine,” Buck only said. “I can make myself sandwiches,” he shrugged his arms. “Have you eaten anything?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Not really, no,” you answered. “I took a painkiller but it’s not helping. It made me hazy, though.”
Buck stood there in silence for a while, looking as if he was thinking intensely about something.
“I have an idea,” he said finally. “Are you allowed to take baths in your state?” He asked and you laughed at him.
“Jesus, Gale, can you imagine not being allowed to take a bath when you’re bleeding for a few days straight?” You asked and he blushed adorably. It was quite cute how he was feeling uncomfortable with the subject of periods and how little he did know about them… yet, he still tried to help.
“Let’s run you a bath then,” he nodded.
“Gale, please…” You sighed. “Baby, you’re tired after work. Just make yourself sandwiches and get some rest, too,” you tried to stop him.
“I’m fine,” he assured you. “Come,” he approached you and picked you up bridal style with the blanket still around you. You squeezed it in your fist so it wouldn’t fall down and let him carry you to the bathroom upstairs.
Buck sat you carefully on the closed toilet seat and turned the faucet on to fill the bathtub with the warm water. He opened one of the drawers of your bathroom cabinet and hummed to himself.
“What kind of bath do you want?” He asked, unsurely.
“What do you mean by that?” You leaned back, resting your head on the cold bathroom tiles.
“You have all sorts of things here… Rose, lavender, vanilla…” He read the words on the bottles of your bath oils.
“Lavender helps,” you told him and Buck nodded his head.
He took the bottle out and you watched him carefully tilting it above the bathtub… only to pour half of it inside the water. You gasped.
“What?” He turned his head around, startled by the sound leaving your mouth.
“You’re supposed to add a few drops…” You sighed, too tired to get annoyed. Also, getting annoyed when he was trying so hard to help you would be simply unfair.
“I’m sorry… Should I run another bath now?” He asked.
“Don’t be crazy. You’ve no idea how much money you’ve just poured down there,” you let out a tired chuckle.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Buck closed the lid and put the bottle back in the drawer. “But is it safe to bathe in it now?”
“Only one way to find out, is it?” You shrugged your arms.
Buck approached you to help you stand up but you shook your head.
“No, no,” you stood up by yourself on shaky legs. “I don’t… I don’t want you to see…” You explained shyly.
“It’s just some blood, I can handle it, baby,” he assured you but he was blushing again.
“Please, just leave me here and go downstairs to eat something,” you told him. “I’ll be fine.”
“Actually, I’ll go to the store,” he stated. “I’ll buy us some proper dinner and I’ll be back in twenty minutes. You won’t drown in the meantime, will you?”
“Don’t be daft, I’m not a baby,” you smiled at him and he nodded.
Buck left the bathroom and when you were left alone there, you allowed the blanket to fall down on the floor. Then you got rid of the rest of the clothes and went inside the bathtub, sighing out of relief at the feeling of the warm water.
You were sitting there for so long that the water turned cold, however you felt too comfortable to leave. It was Buck’s soft knocking upon the door that made you finally move.
“I’m back. Are you alive there?” He asked through the door.
“Yes, I’m about to leave now,” you answered.
“Alright. I have chicken,” he told you. “Do you want tea?”
“Yes, please.”
You heard his footsteps going downstairs as you watched the water go down the drain before you stood up, grabbed a towel and dried yourself before putting dark underwear, a black nightgown and a robe that you had in the bathroom cabinet. You put the dress and underwear you had been wearing earlier to the laundry bin and picked up the blanket to fold it and take it with you downstairs to put it back in the living room.
You felt so much better after your bath, you had to admit it. Your hair was wet but you didn’t bother with drying it. It was around six in the evening and you already looked like you were about to go to sleep but you knew that Buck wouldn’t mind that at all.
And indeed, when you walked inside the kitchen, he didn’t even ask about it nor furrowed his brows at your nighttime attire. There was a chicken with mashed potatoes and a salad on the table already, alongside the tea he had made for you.
“I bought more of that lavender oil so you don’t run out of it,” Buck pointed at the unpacked groceries on the kitchen counter. “And something sweet for you,” he added. “The lady at the store was nosy, she asked me why I was buying chicken for dinner and was my wife sick so I told her the truth and she told me women like sweets when they have… those days,” his cheeks turned pink as he moved the chair for you and you sat down with a smile.
“She was right,” you told him. 
“Oh, good, for a while I was scared she just wanted to swindle me to spend more money,” Buck chuckled and took a seat in front of you. “So, after all, she was helpful.”
“Yeah, I know what nosy lady you’re talking about,” you nodded at him. “She’s annoying but she’s also sweet. Hard to explain,” you giggled.
“And how do you feel now?”
“I feel much better, thank you,” you nodded and reached your hand out to caress his and give it a light squeeze before you both started to eat the chicken.
Buck was telling you about his day at work and you were listening with a slight smile. You would usually comment and ask questions or gasp at some things, demanding to know more gossip. But today you were just nodding your head and smiling, still listening but less attentively.
“I’m sorry, perhaps you’d rather eat in silence. You’ve mentioned getting a migraine before,” Buck shut his mouth suddenly.
“I would have told you if I wanted you to be quiet, baby. It’s fine,” you assured him. “And the migraine is gone now. The bath really helped me.”
“Well… I think I’ve already said everything anyway,” he laughed and stood up to get the empty plates from the table to put them in the sink. “I will wash them and you go upstairs and lay in bed. I’ll bring you the dessert when I’m done.”
“You’re absolutely the sweetest, you know that?” You asked him. 
“I’m only taking care of you, darling. Like husbands do. You take care of me, too. Every day,” he looked like he didn’t understand why you were so grateful and it was making him even more special.
And he didn’t even know.
You wondered if his heart was truly so pure that he had no idea how other men could treat their wives. Whenever someone would mention some dreadful story of this sort, Buck would always widen his eyes as if he found it hard to believe. Perhaps he was truly that innocent and oblivious. Or he just couldn’t imagine being so cruel. Either way, he was a gem.
“I just love you so much,” you whispered, getting emotional. Most likely from the hormones.
“I love you, too,” he answered, a bit surprised. “Go upstairs, baby. Do you want me to carry you?”
“No, I will manage,” you stood up and kissed his cheek before leaving the kitchen.
In fact, you’d love him to carry you. But you didn’t want to bother him too much. So you just went to the bedroom and then you sighed at the sight of the freshly put white sheets. You had changed them in the morning, stupidly forgetting about your period coming soon.
With a grunt, you started to take them off. Your moves were slow and when Buck joined you upstairs, you were almost done.
“What are you doing?” He widened his eyes and put the tray he had been holding in his hands down on the vanity table.
“I put them on this morning but I have to change them now. I don’t want to stain them with blood,” you explained.
“You should have waited for me, I’ll do that,” Buck approached you and took the sheets from your hands. “Give that to me.”
“Buck, you’re a sweetheart, but I’m not dying or sick. I can do that, really,” you tried to assure him. “It’s not like it’s my first time having those days,” you explained, carefully avoiding the word period around him because you could only imagine how uncomfortable it would make him feel.
“You can help,” he agreed. “Give me the sheets you want me to put on,” he pointed to the wardrobe with his chin and you rolled your eyes before opening it and handing him the dark navy blue sheets. He gave you back the white ones and you folded them before putting them back.
When the bed was made, you sat under the cover and rested on the pillow. Your husband placed the tray in front of you and you smiled at the sight of a cake and some ice cream.
“Is it alright?” Buck asked.
“Yes, yes, it is,” you nodded with a smile and started to eat.
“By the way, I’m totally getting you a dishwasher,” he sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed and caressed your wet hair.
“Are you crazy? They're expensive!” You protested.
“But it’s going to make your life easier,” Buck pinched your cheek playfully. “You can’t say no, by the way, I’ve already made my decision.”
You didn’t say anything then and just finished eating as he watched you with admiration in his eyes. You offered him a few bites and he agreed to take them but most of the dessert was yours to eat on your own. When you were finished, you laid down, ready to take a nap. Buck took the tray from the bed and leaned in to place a kiss upon your forehead.
“Sweet dreams, baby,” he whispered softly.
“Well, then, my dreams better be of you,” you smiled at him lovingly, “if you want them to be sweet.”
Buck winked at you and went back downstairs to take the tray down. You were starting to fall asleep by the time he was back to lay down next to you and hold you close, making you feel loved and taken care of.
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ilwonuu · 6 months
Hello! I’m the same anon that requested the Lee Know fic you ended up writing. I wanted to request something else!
Today is my birthday, March 27th, so can I maybe ask for a birthday smut with Felix?
(It doesn’t matter when I get it! You can take your time.)
im happy you’re requesting something else<33 happy late birthday ml!!!! 😘 i wrote this with all the love and care u deserve!!! i hope u had a great birthday and i hope you enjoy this 💖💖
₊˚⊹♡ sweet birthday ₊˚⊹♡
↬ lee felix
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꧁ pairing- nonidol!felix x fem!reader, softdom!felix x sub!reader, established relationship, they’re in love bleh bleh<3
꧁ warnings- pussydrunk felix<3, dirty talk, oral sex (f receiving), cum eating, cringe love, multiple sex scenes(just 2), kissing, lingerie(idk if i should warn this but im doing it anyways), seungmin and changbin mentioned, lmk what i missed????
꧁ a/n- i loved writing this<3 i feel like felix is such a cutie and i miss him now enjoy this :(
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your birthday was felix’s favorite because it just give him more of an excuse to touch you. or so he says. waking you up with soft kisses against your temple.
you shifting slightly in your sleep, hearing your boyfriend’s soft morning voice. “i’m sorry angel- didn’t mean to wake you up. happy birthday my love.” he says rubbing your hair back.
“it’s ok lix. thank you i love you.” he’s pulling you to cuddle against his chest as he plants a kiss against your head. “can i give you, your first present of the day?” he says with an innocent smile across his lips.
“mm and what would that be lix?” he moves from beside you to between your legs. “this okay my love?” he asks looking up at you from between your legs. felix tended to eat you out every morning like it’s his routine. of course he’s going to on your birthday.
him claiming “you have to have the sweetest birthday right?” you love how much he loves and appreciates your body. he wants you to feel good and beautiful all the time.
“yeah lix- i want you.” he leans up again to kiss your lips one last time before dipping back down between your legs. “you’re so beautiful.” he kisses down your legs before changing his direction back up them.
he slowly makes his way towards your panties, helping you out of them. “my perfect birthday girl. look at you, so pretty for me.” he starts kissing against your thighs softly.
“lix please- hurry.” you almost cut yourself off. your boyfriend looks so pretty. his tired eyes and messy hair. his loose t-shirt against his perfect chest.
you could never get bored of looking at your boyfriend. he licks against your thigh looking up at you as he licks against your slit.
him humming at the taste, diving into your pussy for more. he looks up at you as he watches you get lost in the feeling. he sucks on your clit hard as he pushes one finger inside you.
“lix- fuck feels so good.” you start to grind against his finger as you look down at him. felix is humping your bed as he sucks you harder.
you feel him push a second finger inside you, curling it as he takes his mouth away from you. “taste so good- im gonna cum angel.” he starts to grind harder against the bed as licks up and down your slit.
“me too lix- fuck please don’t stop.” he just watches you as your legs start to shake at the thrusts and curling of his finger.
his groaning going through your pussy as he sloppily licks at your cunt. you watch as his hips start to quicken and his groans get louder.
you fall apart on his tongue as you watch cum. you coming shortly after him. “lix- fuck-“ you look down at your boyfriend with blissful face, watching in shock as he pulls his fingers out of you.
he brings the up to his mouth sucking on them momentarily. pulling them out of his mouth so he can eat your cum out of you.
he sloppily licks against you again as moans into your clit. he pulls away after a couple more licks, pulling himself up to kiss your lips. after making out with you for a couple minutes your phone ringing startles him, pulling him away.
he leans over you to grab it with a annoyed look on his face. you laugh subconsciously at that. “it’s kim seungmin.” he groans again answering the call.
“what?” he says to the boy. felix puts the phone speaker. “what? don’t what me. me and changbin are fucking here. for the birthday breakfast? that you’re hosting asshole. happy birthday by the way y/n.” you smile at his words.
”thank you seungmin. very sweet of you.” your boyfriend curses at the boys words. “shit it’s already 11:30? all right come up.” your boyfriend says quickly hanging up. he gets up running to your closet.
“lix why are you running?” you roll your eyes playfully at your cute boyfriend. “because i fucking came in my pants and our friends are here.” you just laugh grabbing your underwear and pajama pants.
—⋆·˚ ༘ *
felix loved spending your birthday with you. he had roses for you after your breakfast. a beautiful bouquet delivered with your favorite flowers.
him of course, saying he had another surprise for you. you seated on your bed as your boyfriend grabs your gift from under the bed.
“i got this because i think you’ll look beautiful in it. but no pressure if you don’t like it or anything!” he says with a smile as he hands you the box.
“i will love it lix.” you smile before opening the box pulling out a sage green floral lingerie. “i love it- oh my gosh it is so beautiful.” you say excitedly as he leans down to peck your lips.
“i’m so happy you like it- do you want to put it on? so i can give you your final present.” he grabs your hand rubbing it gently. “yes i’ll put it on- how many presents do you have?” you say with a laugh.
“as many as you want angel.” he smiles as he watches you grab the gift and walk away to the bathroom. “i gotta surprise you.” you say with a smirk as you make your way into the bathroom.
leaving your boyfriend to smirk to himself. you quickly change into the lingerie, taking a quick look at yourself. you love the way it hugs your body perfectly. you smile to yourself making your way back into your bedroom with felix.
“wow- you absolutely stunning my love.” your boyfriend’s hands reaching for you, pulling you into him by your waist.
“it’s so pretty lix. it’s fits perfect i love it! thank you love.” you smile at him. “yea? i’m happy you love it. you look better than i could’ve possibly ever imagined. you’re so beautiful angel.” he plants a couple of kisses against your neck.
“you’re too sweet lix.” you melt into his touch until he suddenly pulls away. he moves your gift box out of the way, laying you back against the bed.
“you deserve everything sweet. you’re the sweetest ever to me.” he kisses your neck some more sucking against it harshly. “lix please- fuck me i need you.” you start to grind your hips up against his causing him to let a moan slip.
“shit you sure angel? i won’t hurt you?” he says rubbing softly against your arm. you nod your head quickly. “i need you please. you won’t hurt me.” he nods kissing your head. he starts to unbuckle his belt on his jeans.
you watch as you slide the panties of the lingerie down. your blood is racing with anticipation as you watch your boyfriend pull his cock out. you moan at the sight.
“fuck- you look so gorgeous come here.” he pulls you closer to him as he kisses you. the kiss is desperate but gentle. you gasp as you feel his tip start to rub against your cunt.
“lix- don’t tease! n-need you so bad.” you practically cry out for him. he brings you into a gentle kiss as he pushes inside of you. he softly kisses you as he bottoms out, before he pulls out.
“you okay?” he looks at you with a soft loving look. you nod as you watch him pull his shirt over his head. he groans at how perfect breasts look in the lingerie. “you can move.” he nods before moving his hips softly.
“f-fuck lix- i might cum already.” your eyes shut tight as your boyfriend rocks his hips against yours. “yea? my pretty girl. you look f-fuck- so pretty when you cum.” his eyes are on your cunt, your arousal dripping down your thighs.
“i love you- fuck so much.” his hips speed up as he pulls you into a sloppy kiss. your kiss back as you moan into it. “lix i’m gonn- mmm-“ your moan cuts you off as felix rolls his hips into you, the angle hitting deeper.
“i’m gonna cum angel- where do you want it?” he asks as he tries to stop his hips from stuttering. “i-inside lix.” you moan out as his hips speed up again. “f-fuck okay.” he puts his head against yours as he rubs your clit.
“you’re so pretty- fuck.” his hips stutter a couple times before his load is filling you. “s-shit.” his warm cum sending over the edge. the feeling overwhelming you in the best way.
“lix- o-oh fuck fuck-“ he fucks you slowly through your high as you come back to reality. “happy birthday angel.” he says before pulling you into a loving kiss.
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Howdy Charlie 🤠 l have been enjoying these new fic releases from you. You’re amazing and I love reading your work at the end of the day to unwind.
I’m not in a hurry as I’ve read you’re taking a break but if you do get inspired to write again, can I please request
❛ you are losing my interest, and that’s very dangerous. ❜ & ❛ promise me you’ll still be here when i wake up. ❜
Pre-outbreak where reader does something that causes a huge fight with Joel and they ignore each other for days then reader thinks it’s the end of their relationship so she packs her bag to leave without a word but Joel comes home earlier than expected and stops her and they get into another fight before reconciling and he shows his sweeter side to make up to her . Can you make it EXTREMELY angsty and a lil fluffy in the end.
Thank you! 😘
Anon, when I say that I've had this fic sitting in my drafts FOR WEEKS I'm not even lying. I absolutely loved this prompt but idk I couldn't make it seem right... I've done my best, I really hope you enjoy it! I'm just on my Joel Miller bullshit atm, don't judge me.
Pairing | Pre-Outbreak Joel Miller x Female Reader
Word Count | 3k
Warnings | Some angst, some fluff, mentions of alcohol, mean!Joel at one point, SMUT - oral (f receiving) no use of y/n and I think that's it.
Main Masterlist
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There was something about Joel Miller that had you smitten from the start. Maybe it was the fact that he was so different to the stupid college boys you’d been wasting your time with, or maybe it was the fact that he was devastatingly handsome, or the fact that whenever you were together, he would make it his mission to make you come enough times that you forgot your name before he even thought about taking pleasure for himself. Whatever it was he was different, and you were pretty sure you loved him. 
He'd barreled into your life headfirst a few months ago. Your car had given up the ghost on a small country road and you had no cell service to call a recovery. There had been a moment of dread when his truck had pulled up behind yours, this is how so many girls died in those documentaries you’d watched, but when he stepped out of his truck and that Southern drawl had hit your ears, you thought that even if he was going to murder you and leave you in a ditch, you wouldn’t mind all that much. Got you out of finishing your thesis if nothing else. 
“You stranded, sugar?” He’d called out, keeping his distance enough to reassure you he wasn’t going to try anything stupid. 
“Yeah,” You called back, “I have no idea what’s wrong with it and there’s no cell service.”
“You want me to take a look?” 
“You a mechanic?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Not exactly, but I’m good with my hands.” 
The innuendo isn’t lost on either of you, you smirk but give him a signal to look at your car. He pops the hood and takes a few minutes to look around, “Was it steaming when you pulled over?” He asks. 
“Yeah.” You admit. 
“Looks like it’s just overheated, sugar,” He muses, “Not much to do but sit and wait for it to cool down a little,” You pull a face at the thought of having to sit in your car without the air con, “I don’t got anywhere to be so you can sit in my truck with me for a bit?” He offers, “The air-con is on.” He adds, sweetening the deal. 
So you do. You sit with him for an hour, talking about your master’s programme and how stressed you are with your thesis. He talks about his work, bailing his brother out of jail for the second time that week and his daughter Sarah. When the sun starts to set, he jumps out of his truck to inspect your engine again, deeming it safe to drive. 
“Well, thanks,” You say as you sit in the driver’s seat and start the engine up, “Literally don’t know what I’d have done if it weren’t for you.” 
“You’d have let it sit, tried turning the key a little while later and been fine,” He chuckles, “But you’re welcome, it was nice meetin’ you.” 
“Joel-” You call as he tries to walk away, “Can I maybe buy you a drink to say thank you?” 
He turns around and smirks at you, “You askin’ me on a date?” 
“Would you say yes if I was?” You arch an eyebrow at him. 
“I’d be a fool not to, sugar.” 
It’s cliché for you to say but the rest really was history. You’d bought him a drink to say thank you a few days later, he’d bought you more because he liked your company. You’d snuck him into your room a few hours after that, managing to dash past the kitchen where your housemates were having dinner, where he’d spent an hour knelt between your legs, lapping at your pussy and then fucked you better than anyone had ever done in your life. 
It was summer break now. Sarah was away at camp for a few weeks, your thesis finally done and submitted. Joel had suggested that you stay with him, he’d mumbled something about it being nice not having to sneak around to see each other and you had to admit he was right. Waking up next to him with streams of sunlight illuminating his face, that was priceless. Making him breakfast before he went to work, domesticated but you loved it. 
It had been two weeks of that, with another one still to come before Sarah came home and you had to go back to the small room in your shared apartment. One of your friends had invited you out on Saturday night – a way for you all to celebrate being done with studies. You’d planned to go back to Joel’s that night, he’d even given you money for the cab ride home – but one too many tequila shots and a dead cell phone later, you’d been led back to your apartment by your friends, plugged your phone in to charge and promptly fallen asleep. 
When you’d woken up the next morning there was dread in your stomach, reading through the texts from Joel last night. Ten missed calls and texts that read where r u and please let me know ur safe. 
You dressed as quickly as you could, grabbing your phone and keys before you called a cab to pick you up. You knew you’d fucked up. You wanted to call him, let him know you were okay, but this was something you’d have to do face to face. It took far longer to get to Joel’s, Sunday morning traffic proving a challenge as you left the city and headed for the suburbs. You took a deep breath as you fit his spare key into the door and opened it. 
“Where the fucking hell have you been?” He asks when you shut the door and put your keys on the side table, “I’ve been worried sick about you all night.” 
“I’m sorry Joel,” You mumble, you really were, “We got carried away and then my phone died, and my housemates just dragged me back to my apartment, I was just going to charge my phone a little and then come back here but I must have fallen asleep.” 
“You didn’t think to use that landline’a yours?” He was sat on the couch, but he’d turned his body towards you in the doorway, he was pissed. 
“I’m sorry Joel, okay, it was a stupid mistake, what more do you want me to say?” 
“I gave you money to get home, told you to tell someone to remind you that’s where you were going, what were you thinking goin’ out and gettin’ so drunk you couldn’t remember where you were going home?!” 
“Don’t you dare make this out like I was outta control!” You counter, “I was safe Joel, I was with my friends, I’m not fucking stupid.” 
“Doesn’t seem that way to me.” He’s standing now, taking steps towards you. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“Should’a fuckin’ known,” He says, mostly to himself, “Don’t think about anyone but yourself, silly little girl.” 
His words cut through you like a knife. He’d never once made you feel like this. Despite the ten-year age gap you’d always seemed like his equal. Not now, now you felt small and insignificant. 
“You are losing my interest and that’s very dangerous.” Is all he says next.
“Fuck you Joel Miller,” You spit at him, reaching for your keys, “You think you’re doing me a favour? Letting me stay in your nice big house playing families? All you wanted was a fucking maid the way you’ve been behaving.” 
You’re out of the door, slamming it behind you and pulling your car out of his driveway in record time. You make it to the end of the round and a little way around the corner before you have to pull over and sob into your hands. 
Four days. Four miserable fucking days and he hadn’t even bothered to text you. You’d moped around in your room for the first twenty-four hours. Then your housemate had practically forced herself in because she thought you’d died. You’d cried to her about how unfair it was, then she’d made you sit on the couch, drink too much wine and watch shitty reruns. 
If it had been four days and he hadn't bothered to message, then it really must be over, right? You led in bed that morning running through all the things you’d left at his house that you really did need back. You still had the spare key, and you knew he’d be at work until later this evening, so you push yourself out of the tangle of sheets, get dressed and make the drive over. 
Thankfully when you arrive his truck is nowhere to be seen. Definitely at work then. You open the front door, closing it behind you softly. You take a moment when you step in to remember all the times you’d been happy here. The time you’d helped him make Sarah’s birthday cake, or the time you’d snuggled up under the blanket together on the sofa and fallen asleep watching a movie. The time he’d hoisted you up onto the kitchen counter and eaten you out like it was his last meal. Or the time you’d not made it up the stairs and he’d fucked you from behind halfway up the steps. Tears pricked at your eyes. Foolish. Silly Little Girl, thinking he might be the one, just like he’d said. 
You wiped angrily at your eyes and made your way up the stairs to his room, trying to block out the shiver down your spine as you thought of the long nights and lazy mornings you’d spent wrapped up in his bed. You find your duffle bag in the bottom of his wardrobe, you set it on the bed and start pulling clothes from his drawers, shoving them as quickly as you can into the bag. 
You’re setting a bottle of perfume into it when you hear a key in the door. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Of all the days he could come home for lunch, it had to be this one. 
“Sugar?” You hear him tentatively call from downstairs. 
He won’t get the satisfaction, you think, you won't talk to him, just get your things and leave. You hurry to gather the last of your belongings, hoping you can just leave, when you hear his work boots on the stairs.
You’re fighting with the zip on the bag when the door creaks behind you, “Hey, I was calling you.” 
“I heard.” You reply. 
“What are you doing?” He asks. 
You groan in frustration when the zip catches and refuses to move, “What does it look like, Joel?” You hiss, “I’m packing my stuff so I can be outta your hair like you want.” 
“I don’t want that.” Is all he says. 
“Well you’re doing a fucking good impression of it,” You turn to him, “You don’t call me, you don’t message me, you call me a silly little girl, but you want to keep me around?!” 
“Sugar, listen to me,” He’s walking forward, gripping your arms in his hands, “I was angry, and I handled it badly, I’m just-” He falters, “I’m not used to any of this, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I didn’t mean what I said.” 
You look at him and you don’t think you’ve ever seen his eyes plead with you like they are now. It breaks your heart a little. 
“But you called me a silly little girl Joel,” You whimper, trying hard not to cry, “Everything you said to me hurt.” 
“I know sugar, I know.” He breaths, pulling you into his chest, “I thought if I gave you some time, we’d be able to talk, but I don’t want you to leave,” His lips brush the top of your head in a kiss, “Never want you to leave.” 
You tilt your head and press a kiss to his jawline; it had always felt like home when you were wrapped in his arms. 
“Let me make it up t’ya, sugar.” His hands are roaming down your spine and you can’t resist him anymore. 
You soften into his body, and he takes it as a yes, he tilts your chin up with one of his hands and presses a kiss to your lips. It’s soft and you let out a sigh as you wrap your arms around his neck to mold yourself closer to him. His hands are gripping at the meat of your ass as he’s walking you back towards the bed. Before he lets you fall, he grabs the forgotten bag of your belongings and tosses it to the floor, settling you to sit on the edge of the bed whilst he drops to his knees. 
His hands are pushing the skirt of your dress up to gather at your hips, his mouth leaving trails of hot kisses up one thigh and down the other. Your head drops back, and you let out a sigh when his big hands come to rest on your hips, “Can I take them off, sugar?” He asks, fingers hooking into the waistband of your panties. 
You look down at him and smirk, “If you want to make it up to me, I’d say it’s pretty essential.” 
He copies your smirk, “Lift up then.” 
You push down on your hands to lift your ass off the bed just enough for him to pull the lace off your skin and down your legs. You set yourself back down on the sheets but opt to stay in your sitting position, shifting your backside as close to the edge as you can without risking falling off, widening your open legs for Joel to see you. 
“God, you have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen, sugar.” He groans, leaning down to press kisses over your mound, but never once dipping low enough to give you relief. 
He knows what you want, your hips are chasing his mouth as they move around to press kisses to everywhere but your pussy. You grumble in frustration when he moves away from you, “You want my mouth on your pussy, sugar?” He asked, looking up at you like the cat that got the cream. 
“I’d have thought that was pretty obvious by now.” 
“I gotta hear you say it, sugar.” 
“Joel-” You moan, reaching out to grab a fistful of his hair, “Please put your mouth on me.”
He responds with a grin from between your legs before he licks one long stripe up the seam of your pussy, tongue dipping ever so slightly through your folds to tease your clit before he’s pulling away, “See what happens when you ask nicely?” 
You’re about to respond with something smart when he uses his fingers to spread your lips to reveal your clit, and then he’s running soft circles on it with the tip of his tongue. A guttural moan drops from your lips and your hips are bucking into his face as he continues his teasing touches with his tongue. His hands are gripping the meat of your thighs and God you want more. 
“Joel-” You moan, gripping his hair again, “Fuck, God alive I need more.” 
He pulls away from your pussy just enough to say, “What do you need, sugar?” Before he’s back to work. 
“Fu-fuck, Joel,” You’re grinding your hips into his mouth, “Fingers, please, I need your fingers.” 
You swear you can feel him smile against you, but one of his hands moves from your thighs and you feel him slip one inside of you. You’re so wet that it’s easy for him, he pulls out and when he’s pushing his fingers back into you, there’s a second, “Oh my god yes just like that.” Is all you can managed to get out. 
He’s being more forceful with his tongue now, switching between the soft teases from the tip of his tongue to full licks with the flat of it and it’s got you on the edge already. When you look down at him it’s like heaven. You can see his tongue teasing your clit and the movement of his shoulder as he pumps his fingers into you. It’s a depraved sight but one that you never want to forget. 
“Can feel you gettin’ tight around my fingers sugar,” He mumbles into your pussy, “You gonna come for me like a good girl?” 
“Yes!” You’re crying out as his fingers curl inside you into just the right spot to have spots clouding your vision, “ohmygod Joel, I’m so fucking close.” 
He knows exactly what to do from here. He’s learnt how to play your body like a fucking fiddle, and he knows it. He’s pressing his fingers so deep into your pussy, curling them to hit that sweet spot inside of you. Then he wraps his lips over your clit and sucks whilst his tongue is still flicking tight little circles over you, and you’re gone. 
Your head is thrown back and you’re screaming his name. Your pussy is clenching around his fingers and your whole body is convulsing as it washes over you. Joel pulls his fingers from you, and you look down to watch him lick your slick off them before he’s dipping his tongue lower and literally drinking from you. Wide stripes from his tongue from your aching entrance as he cleans up what you’ve given him. 
He pressed kisses to the inside of your thigh, and you can feel your slick on the scratch of his beard, “I really am sorry, sugar.” He says and you laugh. 
“Get up here.” You say, pulling at the neck of his t-shirt. 
He obliges, standing up briefly to kick off his work boots, before he’s gathering you up and placing your head against the pillows. He’s kissing you; you can taste yourself on his tongue as it molds into your own. 
He flops down on the bed next to you and you curl into his side, running your hands down his chest to rest on the bulge of his jeans before a yawn falls from your mouth, “Tired, sugar?” 
You nod, burying your face into his chest, “Not been sleeping.” Is all you offer in explanation. 
He presses a kiss to your temple, “Take a nap.” Is what he says, taking hold of your hand on his groin, wrapping your fingers together to rest on his stomach, “I can wait.” 
“Promise me you’ll still be here when I wake up?” You ask, looking up to meet his eyes. 
“I got nowhere else on earth I’d rather be, sugar.” 
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Oh mu god heyyyyy😍I came across your blog while searching for rusty nail x reader things and oh wow in love to say the least!. I was wondering if you could write about rusty and how he met his future s/o🥴....you are free to ignore it if you ain't interested love ❤️have a great week 😘
A/n: sorry I didn’t see this til thank you! college has been kicking my ass lots and lots of mental break downs. But my dearest anon I hope you’ll like this!
Warnings!dark..blood mentioned, toxic boyfriend, death, name calling, Rusty being in love.
Rusty nail x (they/them)reader
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•You were definitely on the road travelling. Either with friends and boyfriend . You’re so called friends and boyfriend stopped at a diner and being the dipshits they are decided to slap Rusty’s hat off as they walk by
•You immediately apologise for their behaviour saying that they just need a kick in the ass one of these days. You inform him they always act like that…little did he know you didn’t even wanna go on this trip.
You were the cutest thing he’s ever seen from your eyes to your hair…yeah he decided then and their that you were his. He’s about to asked you your name but…
•You’re pulled away by one of the boys he can hear him say “can you stop being a skank” Rusty’s eyebrow twitches gripping the knife he was using to cut his food.
•Ah..your boyfriend it must be. Hell get rid of him.
•He’s immediately interested in you..you’re so polite and agh cute….sweet young things like you shouldn’t be near assholes.
•Cut to you staying in a hotel room with your boyfriend saying he’s headed to a bar he saw on the way. You finally get time to yourself.
• While you’re sitting in your hotel room reading and laying down your boyfriend and his friends are running through a field…Rusty counts down everytime he finds and kills one..he’s saving your boyfriend for last.
•“Where y’all hiding at..I don’t got the patience for you little shits”
•When he’s finally gotten all of them he stand over your boyfriend…holding a sledgehammer.
•“So…that cute lil thing that was with ya….whats their name?”
•Your boyfriend immediately gives it up, he raises his hands to shield himself. Rusty grins repeating your name to himself. “I saw you mistreating them?”
•Your boyfriend immediately shakes his head lying through his teeth. “No..they just…a…”
•Rusty doesn’t even let him finish before he raises the sledge hammer hitting him over the skull. Rusty watches as your boyfriend to crawl away before delivering another blow. He sighs cursing ass he got blood on his good shirt. He sighs before kicking the corpse walking back to his truck
•When you wake up…you don’t see your boyfriend or his car anywhere…they left you..? You try calling only to receive nothing. You know you weren’t perfect but did they have to leave you…your mind fills with reasons why it’s your fault.
•Walking to a diner near by you ask if there’s a taxi service running…your expression falls when they shake their head.
•Sitting in the booth you lay your head in your arms..suddenly a tap on the table has you sitting up. “Heard you needed a lift sweetheart? names rusty.” It’s the man your now ex-boyfriend and friends messed with.
•“Oh my goodness that would be amazing!” He grins before showing you to his truck. He picks up your bag for you and puts it in the truck.
•As you buckle yourself in he looks over at you “so where to y/n?”
•You just realized…you never gave him your name…
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eli0004 · 7 months
Heyoo, previous anon who asked about Pieck, I'm so sorry I should've asked you if you were up to date in the anime or manga. 😭 I hope you (& your partner) will enjoy the rest. 😊
If possible, I wanted to know if instead I can request you a pillow princess headcanons for Nami ?
Have a nice day/night. ❤️
Great idea Anon, i think i’ll write it! 😘
Pairing: Nami x gn!reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: fingering, mentions of masturbation, cunnilingus, thigh slapping
Anyone who’s ever seen One Piece could probably put this together, but in bed, Nami is THE Brat ™.
She’s your fiery little redhead and she LOVES to rile you up on purpose. Whether it be subtle touching or not-so-subtly whispering in your ear exactly what she imagined you doing to her as she fingered her cunt the night before.
She’ll come and find you in the kitchen, slide up onto the counter in her oversized sleep shirt, and initiate a bit of kissing, only to grab ahold of your hand, bringing it down as she parts her legs to reveal herself to you, bare and dripping.
Nami loves a good finger fucking almost as much as she loves laying back and whimpering out in ecstasy as you go down on her. She’ll grab your hair and yank hard as you tongue slow circles on her swollen clit, yelping when you slap her thigh for touching without permission.
But Nami knows you won’t punish her. She knows you love getting her off too much, how you could watch her cum on your tongue over and over again.
You’re not a pushover by any means, it’s just that Nami is too good of a performer. It’s impossible to focus on your own pleasure when she looks this good feeling hers.
Post orgasmic bliss looks so good on your girl, all lazy smiles and leg twitches, and if you’re reaaaally lucky, she just might return the favor.
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sapphicslvtt · 4 days
hiyaa it’s anon 27 again and i want all of those but i especially like the idea of your fingers knuckle deep in me while i hold on to your forearm anddd everytime i say i’m close you bite down into my neck and tell me not to cum(xhxbdnfi)
alsoo can i be 🌻 anon? I love sunflowers so so much
andd i hope your day is going great! Mwah mwah mwah!
mm sweetheart, i can just imagine how beautiful your neck would look all decorated with my pretty bite marks whilst you’re whiny about not being able to cum and from the lovely pain of my bite marks. with my fingers knuckle deep inside of you baby, and my other hand rubbing your incredibly swollen clit, i doubt you’d be able to last long. would you be a good pet and hold back your orgasm for mommy baby? let mommy have her fun with you and then i’ll let you cum and make the prettiest mess over mommy’s fingers 😘
of course you can be the sunflower anon sweetheart. my day is going fabulous what about you baby? sending you so so many hugs and kisses 🫂💋🫂
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literatureloverx · 28 days
HIII<3 How have you been doing rn? Are you eating and drinking right? Getting a good sleep? (If not then please do🙏🙏, if you have a hard time to do them then try and make a schedule or a reminder to do it, it's helpful❤️❤️)
The MBTI post was something (in an amazing way obv🤩🤩) Like seriously the amount of work you did just to write them??? Augh truly you are god sent(=^^=). You're so smart, kind and pretty😍😍 that I can't help to turn into dazai and get on my knees and beg you to never ever dissappear. Speaking of that everyday I see myself in your blog re reading everything patiently waiting for the next post(this might come off as desperate I'm sorry😭) you've become a regular part of my life. Okay okay we've lost track I'm sorry, while reading the MBTI post I couldn't help but giggle and stuff cause I'm an INFP which is fyodor type. I'm so in love it's crazy. Istg if I didn't control myself I would've been broke from buying everything about this man.(currently reading white night and why do i find it so funny for some reason🤭🤭 maybe it's cause it's fyodor) and you are so right why is this man not real? How are we not right besides him drinking tea, reading or just simply doing anything? I love him and you😘❤️❤️
Also my baby ryunosuke akutagawa is there too🥺🥺 I can't wait to see more of him🤗🤗he deserves lots of love😔🥺
That chuuya nsfw post🤭🤭 seriously that was so nice to read. The way that this man is so other worldly handsome(... Yk his fictional... ). Of course that's not the only thing I like about him. His very smart mostly street smart which is something I don't really have. I admire his humanity . The way his back story was made and everything else about him??? Love it. He's a lot like my oc who i adore alot and I can't help but be sad over the way they're treated in their respective world. I just wanna dote on my babies🥺🥺😔 but alas.
That was a lot of yapping😭😭Anyway I hope you have or had a good day dear<3
You’re so adorable, 🧛🏻‍♀️🫀-anon!❤️
It’s so interesting that every single dominant Fi user seems to develop an obsession with me. I’m definitely sensing a pattern. I wonder why that is? Lmao.
Jokes aside, how did I not guess it? A vampire and a heart emoji (very Gothic Lolita-coded, if you ask me), the use of many emojis, the excitement in your tone, the sense of humor, the way you express yourself…it all makes so much more sense now. ♥️
And omg, the way you praise me is just 😍. I might actually faint. The most amazing compliment for me is being called smart/intelligent, so… I’m on my knees!
I could put my name on everything you said about Chuuya, and especially for Fyodor. That man is simply ethereal.
There are no words that wouldn’t fail to express and depict his greatness. He makes me talk like Shakespeare in a very obsessive and impulsive manner (which is not like me at all), and it’s not even funny anymore (I’m so in love).
This is me looking at Fyodor:
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
This is actually my first time ever commenting without being anon …. And I thought I would do that to wish you the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS!!! I hope you took the time to enjoy the day before your inbox gets flooded from your newest chapter. I’m currently holding off reading it to write you and read the posts from the previous chapter to prepare. When I tell you I have been refreshing your account religiously, awaiting any and all updates….it was looking a little embarrassing for me there. So glad you’re back again so let’s get into it.
-I saw a comment on how your story is better than the show in a sense. 1000% agree. You have a way of writing all the right things to get us attached (and even a little heart broken)to the characters and storyline while giving us hope that good things can and should still be able to happen for them. Regardless of how they see themselves and the situation(we love an unreliable narrator). Idk if this would make sense to anyone but me, but in my mind this story is a Shakespeare sonnet to the show’s Greek tragedy. Sometimes I think about things that I would have liked to see different in stories I read. Didn’t happen once in any of your chapters so far. Everything seems so perfectly balanced.
-I also pretend Tony is just off screen in the show. Don’t worry guys. She’s just on another job. Girls gotta pay rent😭
- I love the relationship between Tony and Syd omg. Peak female friendship between these two, but wouldn’t be mad if it was more than that…we are severely lacking in Syd stories across all platforms. Enough has been said in other comments about Tony’s relationship with Carmy, but this dynamic with Syd really made me think. Do I want to be her or do I want to be with her?? 👀Mhm mhm I’m gonna let that one simmer on the back burner for a bit. Moving on…
- Speaking of relationships. Tony and Richie. Wow. Just wow. I think the scene of him being a bit protective with the gross chef and him thinking Carmy would be all over it if he would just listen to why Richie thought he was a creep, shows how protective he can be. Our boy did not want to let that behavior slide. Then the heart to heart in the parking lot. I was in tears. Full on ugly sobbing. I had to pause and put the phone down….then read it over to really process it. It hit so close to home for me and truly gave me chills. It was such powerful writing in the way it felt so real to both of them and so accurate to how they would feel. If only one relationship can survive, I petition it to be these two. Friends (cousins) for life.
- You’re the closest we’re getting to justice for the Uncle Lee shit and i love you for it. It felt therapeutic 😌
-Also, LOVED the small character of Union Guy who shouted when people got annoyed at the bar staff getting a break. Very much made me think of that Saul Goodman video “Did you know you have rights? Well the constitution says you do.” It truly is the little pieces of comedic writing that make this story incredible.😭
- Obviously, the main event is Tony and Carmy. I love their dynamic and the way they flow so organically with each other in the story. I look forward to these two every week. It truly feels like before when everyone had cable and you waited all week to sit down and watch an episode of your favorite show. Nothing I say can do justice to your writing of these characters. Chefs kiss😘🤌
With all that being said, I’m sorry this was sooo long. I truly could talk about this story for hours. It can be very difficult for me to stay engaged in stories, but you’re easily one of my favorite writers I’ve ever read. I can’t wait to go read the next chapter and see what you do next. And again Happy Birthday!
THAT MEANS THE WORLD THAT YOU’D COME OFF ANON, WHAT A SWEETIE!! My actual birthday was pretty Mid, alas, jobs. But the weekend was delightful, so thank you!! The chapter I dropped on my birthday was Two Steps Back, right? I can’t remember the concept of time anymore. Regardless, I don’t remember seeing you in my inbox about it, I would LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT!! No pressure though, also you fully may well be in my inbox and have already yapped about it— I’m terrible at reading. 
Ah, what a fuckin knife to the heart (in a good way, yknow? Like a sordid French romance knife to the heart). Greek Tragedy v Shakespeare Sonnet— That honestly helps my brain so much, because everytime I think about S3 I go FUCK I DIDN’T PREDICT RIGHT— And that’s just cause they wanted to go down the alley of We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Dig Even Lower and that’s the tragedy— And I went for We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Desperately Try To Claw Out and that’s the tragedy. 
Neither of them are bad ways of writing!!! So thank you for reminding me of that. Do I kinda prefer my way? Yeaahhhh… No one tell Matty!! No one tell, okay!!! Unless it means you can get me a job then yeah tell Matty!! I want an Emmy, baby, get me in that Writer’s Room!! Anyways, thank you for saying so— The balance comes from going to school to write and also from being a freak— Here, let me show you:
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Ignore the birthday list i had a picnic and a beyblade tournament it was really fun also i lost neverTHELESS!! My notes app looks like this. There’s more but they’re for Chapter 14/15 so I cannot show, but yeah basically if you think I’m balanced, it’s because I’m. wired in a weird way. constantly re-reading and editing and revising and dying. call me carmen's menu cause baby i'm FUCKIN CHAOS
TONY’S JUST AT THE VIP BAR IN S3 GUYS OKAY SHE’S JUST OFF SCREEEENNN— Sigh, I really do hope Syd gets a good fuckin girlfriend (platonic or romantic) next season she is just,, she needs someone other than this fuckin’ family because they are making my poor baby TWEAK out here. I’m still noodling with how I will do a quick lil SquidInk spinoff. I feel like I can’t just do alternate timeline series, because it would be a lot of the same happening just with Syd and no familial trauma, but like,,, a cute little one off, I do have an idea for. So we shall leave it on the back burner for neeeoww. 
UGLY SOBBING??!?!?! FOR MMEEEE??!?!?!? ooooOOHFDGH— Thank you and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry but also thank you— Yknow? 
With all the growth Richie’s had, with his light bit of misogyny from S1, I knew the one thing that he absolutely carried with them from point A to B was be protective, be a gentleman— And so to see Carmen not act like he did— Bro became full girl dad. FULL girl dad moment. 
Can I also take a moment to admit something? I have been waiting a long time to do the parking lot scene, but I had pictured the parking lot scene way long ago, when I was considering writing a Richie fic! I did not think it was going to end up here until like chapter 3? 
The reason Richie and Chip became such close characters was truly born out of me not wanting to write Y/N, and so I wrote in Cousin and gave Richie the history of knowing the nickname Chip— Because originally, I’d thought Chip and Mikey would be very separate from the Beef. But I wanted cousin!! So their closeness was born, and now they’re literally my favourite dynamic in the series. Funny how that works.
I had to beat uncle lee’s ass on camera. I really cannot STAND that motherfucker and it is also SO FUNNY that in the immediate next note to reference Saul Goodman who is Uncle Lee— But yes that is absolutely what i was going for. That union scene in my head was originally going to be so much longer for literally no reason, and because there was no reason for it I cut it down, but it’s those MOMENTS THAT I LOVE TO WRITTEE BABBYYY
THANK YOU FOR SITTIN DOWN AND READING EVERY WEEK AWWEE— I wish The Bear was a weekly release honestly, I feel like it’d be so much fun that way cause what, right now we’d still be yelling about episode seven or eight by now? Ah. Love love love. My hopes are that I can get Ch 14’s draft done today and hopefully have something up in the middle of this week, but we will fucking SEE WON’T WE?
It was SUCH a pleasure to read your thoughts, and it really does mean the world to hear you’re so engaged and fuckin NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR GOING LONG!! It’s MY job to be brief (and I’m bad at it), you yap all you want. As a little gift, here is a tentative meme that I made in advance for the next chapter. The title is still pending changes, but right now Chapter 14 is called The Cat. Will this change? Probably, we’ll see. Everyone tell me if you hate The Cat.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Could I get some NSFW headcanon for dazai , chuya and ranpo please 🙏 💋💋
( lov u 😘)
Of course you can, my lovely anon! I love you too and hope you’re having a great day, that you’ve eaten and slept well! Thanks so much for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Okay, but please sit on this man’s face. He wants you too; he needs you too. He lives for this, honestly. And while he’s skilled with his words, his tongue definitely has other uses as he’s more than capable of turning a partner into a quivering, orgasmic mess with just his tongue alone, though he never leaves it at just that, using his mouth and his fingers and any toys that are handy. He could honestly be very happy just eating his partner out for quite a while, at least until their knees are weak and their thighs are shaking.
Dazai does dirty talk like nobody else. He’s always had the gift of gab and honeyed words drip off his tongue without shame in even the most innocent of circumstances. Is it any surprise that during foreplay and penetrative sex, he’s equally vocal and complimentary? Other than dirty talk, which can be either praise, orders, or degrading, depending on what his partner prefers or is in the mood for, Dazai is actual pretty silent when it comes to noises he’ll make during sex, other than a slightly raspy, almost muffled half gasp, half groan he makes just as he’s cumming.
He’s very much into toys. He finds them fun to play with, both for himself and his partner. There are so many varieties out there that it would be a shame not to explore. However, for masturbating by himself, he doesn’t really incorporate toys, preferring to explore that world with his partner.
I really feel like this man is pretty above average when it comes to his penis. And the fact that he’s really slim and small in his body stature makes it look even bigger. It’s a really solid, above-average seven inches in length (and don’t let some of the Tumblr headcanons fool you; that is definitely big), but it’s pretty girthy as well, nice and fat. There’s not a lot going on for thick veining and he’s circumcised. It’s thick and he gets really shaky when being given hand jobs or blowjobs. His cock tends to twitch a lot during those times, and it slightly embarrasses him.
He’s a vocal lover. He probably initially tries to be quieter and not make a lot of noise early on in the sexual relationship, worried it might put his lover off or seem unmanly if he was to let loose vocally. As he gets more and more comfortable though and doesn’t worry as much about his partner’s reaction, he gets increasingly vocal, starting with sounds. Gasps, moans, grunts…then comes the vocal encouragement. He’s definitely more than willing to let his partner know how good they feel, how tight and warm and perfect they feel around him, or how they should keep using their tongue just like that because fuck, baby, it feels so good.
Chuuya is not into PDA. It’s a huge turn-off for him if his partner is into risky or public sex or exhibitionism of any kind. Other than that, he’s willing to at least try most kinks, if only to see what his partner enjoys so much about it.
Okay, but have you heard of the term pillow princess? Well, Ranpo is definitely a pillow prince. He really does love taking it easy, laying back and letting his partner do most of the work. He wants to be pampered sexually and made to feel so good.
Ranpo has a long refractory period, but he makes up for it in other ways. Once he’s been made to cum, he actually really enjoys the half-pain, half incredibly, indescribably amazing feeling of being overstimulated. If they’re having penetrative sex, he’ll stay hard during that overstimulation period and fully encourages his partner to just use him after he’s cum in them. He wants to experience that feeling while watching his partner’s body and face as they focus solely on their own pleasure and on getting off. He especially likes demanding that they look at him right as they’re cumming. He does think it’s only fair, this arrangement – he expects to be made to cum, so it’s only fair for his partner to use him to get off as well.
Ranpo won’t have much, if any, sexual experience. He’s very green going into his first sexual relationship but he more than makes up for lost time, having an incredibly high libido once he does experience sex. A day without sex will be an incredibly bad day in his opinion and it’s enough to make him almost unbearable to be around because of his crankiness if he goes more than a couple days without the chance to have his cock somewhere inside his partner.
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